9/11 and American Exceptionalism (Take Two)

by Servando Gonzalez

April 15, 2022

Jingoism is the first refuge of the scoundrel.

Of lately, I have noticed an enormous increase in the frequency 9/11 is mentioned. Key members of both branches of the Repucratic Party in the government and the mainstream media repeat it over and over like a Buddhist mantra. Currently, there is almost no article written or a comment spoken by a dyed-in-the-wool Republican that doesn’t mention 9/11. This is strange. Why this sudden mention of a past event when we are not approaching its anniversary or nothing similar has happened recently? Well, I have a theory.

According to the explanation offered by our beloved politicians, who never lie unless they open their mouths or belong to the opposing faction of the Repucratic Party, on September 11, 2001, a group of rag tag Muslims who could not fly a Piper Cub hijacked four jet airline planes, expertly flew two of them to crash against the World Trade Center towers, another one against one of the most protected buildings in the world, the U.S. Pentagon, and crashed a fourth in Pennsylvania, apparently after the passengers had gained control over it.

Nevertheless, in the case of the 9/11 events, the evidence shows that, first, never before or after 9/11/2001, has a skyscraper with a steel structure collapsed due to a fire. Secondly, never before or after 9/11/2001, a skyscraper has collapsed on its own footprint except as the result of controlled demolition. This is why companies who do controlled demolition are paid large amounts of money to do their job.

If buildings, particularly buildings with a steel structure, could usually fall on their own footprint when demolished, these companies would be superfluous — but they are not. But CFR agents in the U.S. Government want us to believe that, exceptionally, on September 11 2001, not one, or two, but three skyscrapers with steel structure collapsed on their own footprint as the result of fires. Therefore, extrapolating from other verifiable information, any serious intelligence analyst would conclude that the accuracy of the information itself provided by CFR agents in the U.S. Government could be fairly qualified as improbable.

Consequently, an intelligence appraisal of the 9/11 events will produce something like this: source not usually reliable, accuracy of the information improbable. For the same reasons, based on the evaluation of the information about the 9/11 events provided by the CFR agents in the U.S. Government, any intelligence service in the world can easily decode it as a sloppy, disingenuous attempt to pass disinformation disguised as true intelligence.

The fact that the 9/11 events served as a God-given pretext to carry out policies decided way in advance is a true index that perhaps it actually was not a God-given but a CFR-given one. As some conspirators’ agents have shamelessly declared, never let a good crisis go to waste —particularly an artificially-created crisis.

Moreover, in the case of the 9/11 events, the evidence shows that never before, nor 20 years after 9/11/2001, a skyscraper with a steel-framed structure has collapsed due to a fire, however severe, much less on it own footprint.

Examples abound:

July 28, 1945: A B-25 bomber crashed against the Empire State Building in Manhattan, destroying most of the 79th floor. Flames consumed most of three floors down to the 75th. But the building, the tallest New York skyscraper at the time, did not collapse.

August 5, 1970: 1 New York Plaza, a 50-story office tower, suffered a severe fire and explosion. But it didn’t collapse.

October 26, 1986: 15-story Alexis Hihon Plaza, Montreal, Canada. After an 18 hour fire only the 11th floor partially collapsed.

May 4, 1988: The First Interstate Bank Building is a 62-story skyscraper in Los Angeles that suffered the worst high-rise fire in the city’s history. But the building didn’t collapse.

February 23, 1991: One Meridian Plaza, a 38-floor skyscraper in Philadelphia, suffered a severe fire. Philadelphia officials later described it as “the most significant fire in this century.” But the building did not collapse.

October 17, 2004: The tallest skyscraper in Caracas, Venezuela experienced a severe fire. The building did not collapse.

February 12, 2005: A violent fire started in the Windsor building in Madrid, Spain, a 32-story tower. At its peak, the fire, which burned for almost a day, completely engulfed the upper ten stories of the building. During the night the building shredded large pieces, which crashed to the ground, but the building did not collapse.

February 9, 2009: a fire destroyed the nearly completed structure of the Beijing Mandarin Oriental Hotel. But, despite the fact that the fire extended across all of the floors for a period of time and burned out of control for hours, no large portion of the 520-foot-tall building collapsed.

November, 2010: An apartment building in Shanghai caught fire and 53 people died. It burned for more than four hours. The building did not collapse.

April 2, 2112: A violent fire engulfed the still under construction Russian Federation tower, the tallest- to-be building in Moscow. After many hours, the firefighters extinguished it. The building did not collapse.

April 3, 2013: A 40-story skyscraper in Grozny, Chechnya caught fire. Flames engulfed the building for many hours, but it didn’t collapse.

February 20, 2015: A fire ripped through the 86-floor Torch tower in Dubai — one of the tallest residential buildings in the world. The building did not collapse.

July 30, 2017: The Grenfell Tower, a 47-floor skyscraper in London caught fire. The fire burned for 12 hours, about four times longer than the WTC towers and was totally destroyed, but the building didn’t collapse.

Even more difficult to explain is the mysterious collapse of World Trade Center Building 7, because no plane had crashed against it. But the building collapsed as the result of what looked like a typical example of a controlled demolition. [See the DVD The Anatomy of a Great Deception]

Also, on September 11, 2001, United Airlines Flight 93, one of the allegedly highjacked planes, crashed into an open field in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, killing all passengers and crew members. According to the official information, the crash was so violent that everything was pulverized into a thin dust. Not a single part of the plane was found. Not even the plane’s engines, which had some titanium parts, were found. This is something exceptionally unique in the history of aviation.

Moreover, it tells much about who really is in power in America, the fact that, adding insult to outrage, the conspirators ordered their puppet George W. Bush to appoint Henry Kissinger as head of the commission to investigate the 9/11 events. On the other hand, however, perhaps Kissinger was the right choice for the job. The whitewash to cover one of the greatest criminal actions committed by the CFR conspirators against the American people before the Covid psyop, which made the 9/11 psyop looked small in comparison, undoubtedly required the help of one of the conspirators’ greatest criminal mind.

All the initial information the American people received about the 9/11 events came from a single source: the American government. With the single exception of Congresswoman Cynthia MacKinney, who since the very beginning questioned the U.S. Government’s version of the events,[1] nobody in the two branches of the Repucratic Party questioned it. The American mainstream media as a whole accepted the Government’s version of the events and became an obedient mouthpiece parroting it over and over ad nauseam. Actually, the only dissenting source of information about 9/11 has been the Internet and books published by minor independent presses.[2]

If one is to believe he U.S. Government’s narrative about the 9/11 events (which I never bought), the CIA, the NSA and the rest of alphabet soup of intelligence agencies failed miserably to alert us about the attacks. Surprisingly, however, nobody at the CIA, the NSA, the FBI or any of the agencies whose main job is protect us from such events was demoted, much less fired[3] as the result of such catastrophic failure to accomplish their mission for which We the People pay billions of dollars every year.

Most patriotic Americans believe in America’s exceptionalism, which I think is a great thing. For many years, the freedom Americans enjoyed was something truly exceptional. Nevertheless, I don’t think that the exceptional 9/11 events are something to be proud of. As Ben Franklin once said: “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”

The current American version of patriotism seemingly has become never to question the lies pushed by members of any of the two factions of the Repucratic Party. That’s why Democrats never question the 9/11 psyop and, as a way of payment, Republicans don’t question the Covid psyop. Actually, 9/11 paved the way for Covid. Without 9/11 the American sheeple would not have accepted the Covid “mandates” as they happily did.

Thanks to the 9/11 psyop we have three generations of Americans who cannot even conceive boarding a plane without taking their shoes off. How many attempted plane hijackings taking your shoes off has frustrated? Let me guess … none! And we currently have a new generation of Americans who cannot conceive getting out of their homes without covering their faces with a mask. How many Covid cases wearing a face mask has avoided? Let me guess … none! So, when do the TSA will stop forcing people to take off their shoes to board a plane? Never! When do the face mask enforcers will allow people to stop covering their faces with a mask? Never! Do you want to know why?

Mask will never disappear because they are a symbol of slavery and our globalist masters want to make us know at every moment that we are their slaves. Masks have nothing to do with protecting our health. [Read my latest book: “Coronavirus For Dunces

Actually, the mask is not a sign of healthy practices. Far from it, it is a symbol of submission to the globalist conspirators’ New World Order. This explains why the brainwashed American sheeple do not complain and are so proud of wearing masks.

Since early times, masks have played a role in the history of mankind. The very powerful have forced people to wear mask to torture them, to enslave them, to imprison them, to humiliate them. But the New World Order eugenicist conspirators have found new, innovative use for masks: to brainwash the sheeple into voluntarily accepting the NWO neo-slavery while allowing them to feel morally and intellectually superior by turning mask usage into a politically correct statement.

Now, the question remains: Why this sudden increase in the mentions of the 9/11 events? As I mentioned above, I have a theory: the same globalist conspirators who planned and carried out the 9/11 and the Covid psyops are currently planning something similar but of a higher magnitude, and have launched a campaign to mentally condition the sheeple to accept it at face value the same way they accepted the 9/11 and Covid lies.[4] I fear that the globalist conspirators are planning the creation of a new, improved version of the 9/11 events to justify a devastating war with the new enemy they hate so much: Russia.

I hope I am wrong, because the new Russia is not the old Soviet Union created by the globalist conspirators[5] that David Rockefeller controlled, to the point that he ordered his secret agents in the Kremlin to overthrow its leader Nikita Khrushchev. Why? Because the Soviet leader, with this doctrine of Peaceful Coexistence, wanted to end the highly lucrative Cold War. Big mistake!

So, we should not discard the possibility that the mad globalist conspirators are currently planning to provoke Russia into killing 80 million innocent Americans and Russians as a first step to fulfill their dream of eliminating 85 percent of the global population while they enjoy the show from their deep holes in New Zealand and the Patagonia. That may be the true Great Reset they have been talking about.

© 2022 Servando Gonzales – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Servando Gonzales: servandoglez05@yahoo.com


  1. The only person who initially questioned the veracity of the explanation of 9/11 offered by the government was representative Cynthia McKinney, a Democrat, and the first African American woman elected to represent Georgia in the House. But she was strongly criticized by members of both factions of the Repucratic Party and kicked out of the House in the next election. See Juliet Eilperin, “Democrat Implies Sept. 11 Administration Plot,” The Washington Post, April 22, 2002.
  2. Probably the best source of reliable information provided by experts about the impossibility of the 9/11 events according to the U.S. government’s narrative is in Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, https://www.ae911truth.org/
  3. Actually, just one person was fired. Orlando airport immigration officer Jose Melendez-Perez, credited with denying entry to the 20th hijacker, was harassed and eventually fired.
  4. For a detailed examination of the Covid pseudopandemic psyop see Alt. Link – Richplanet TV.
  5. See Servando Gonzalez, “Another War, Another Buck: The Destruction of Russia and the Creation of the Soviet Union,” NewsWithViews, https://newswithviews.com/another-war-another-buck-part-2/

How Much More ‘Sex Ed’ Will People Tolerate?

By Lee Duigon

April 14, 2022

We’ve been warning you for years and years that public education’s not your friend, it undermines your family, and it’s poison for your children.

Most people didn’t listen. It was always so convenient just to pack Johnny off to school every weekday and forget about it. That’s what too many of us did.

Mixing children and sex got to be a thing for “educators.” They can’t let it alone. There’s always got to be more. And we ignored it—until King COVID came along, closed the schools, subjected the kids to “remote learning” via their computers… and parents finally saw and heard what these schools were, um, “teaching” their children. The result was a fourfold increase in homeschooling. Nowhere near enough, but you have to start somewhere.

The people of New Jersey are public schooling’s latest victims. They were shocked last week when the state Board of Education suddenly announced a new “comprehensive sex education” curriculum, to go into effect this fall, featuring the usual potpourri of gender identity, sex-change, “gay” relationships, all seasoned with gender-neutral pronouns. Distracted by COVID news, the curriculum changes—by “changes” we mean “making it even more intrusive than it was”—caught the people napping.

Now they’re demanding public hearings and at least a postponement of the launch date. New Jersey Congressman Jeff Van Drew has introduced a bill called “My Child, My Choice” to protect parents’ right to raise their children as they see fit. Gov. Murphy, who was re-elected by a whisker when he expected to win easily, has suggested that he might “entertain” changes to the curriculum if enough parents object.

But we know what they do with our objections, don’t we?

When all is said and done, and all the bullschiff swept away, what is this about but “grooming” children for sexual activity? I see an ideology here: “Abort as many of ‘em as we can—and those who get born anyway, indoctrinate ‘em into transgender!” And the human race skips merrily into self-administered extinction.

They are so hot to trot with this. Parents don’t like it—but my stars, we gave them this power! We’ve let them get away with it for years. They’ve gone way past just getting the camel’s nose into the tent; now they’re pushing the hump and hindquarters.

Do you really, truly, want your 7-year-olds learning all about sex—from strangers trained by Far Left teachers’ unions? Because if that’s what you want… you’re getting it.

There’s always talk about reforming the schools, the school boards, the teachers’ colleges, the curriculum, etc., etc. It’s nothing more than talk. The most we ever get is insincere promises to tone it down. Every benign change we try to make is bitterly contested by the teachers’ unions and the Democrat Party. Any number of state governors and legislatures are trying to drag the schools back to sanity—for which we give them thanks, we do appreciate it—but the public education establishment is rotten to the core. It can’t be fixed. The only way to protect children from indoctrination by the groomers is to pull them out of public school.

Ours is the costliest education system ever in world history. And we who pay for it don’t own it! How unjust is that? When Terry McAuliffe ran for governor of Virginia last year, he said, publicly, that the parents of the students should just butt out—what goes on in the schools, he said, is none of their business. Those comments played a major role in his losing the election; but that he thought he could get away with them shows how profoundly arrogant the educational establishment is. They despise us.

Unionized teachers, with their Far Left Crazy ideology, belong in empty classrooms.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, http://leeduigon.com/ . Click the link and drop in for a visit… while it’s still allowed. My articles can also be found at www.chalcedon.edu/ .

© 2022 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon: leeduigon@verizon.net

Green Energy: What It Really Costs You

By Frosty Wooldridge

April 14, 2022

Bartender AOC screams “Green Energy” from her high perch in Washington DC. Like a third grader, she doesn’t possess a clue about what she’s screeching to all of us. At 79, Joe Biden ramps up his own call to push America for Green Energy, but In reality, he doesn’t possess a clue, either. The pundits on mainstream media jabber about more windmills and solar panels.

They fail to educate the American public that wind turbines currently chop-up 500,000 birds annually. If we double, triple and quadruple wind turbines, they will kill millions of birds annually. They speak about the fact that wind turbines and solar panels possess a maximum capacity of 20 percent of our energy. Worse, we’re running out of resources to manufacture solar panels.

Oh yes, let’s all drive electric vehicles to save the world. Except electric cars cost a fortune and they must always be charged by fossil fuel burning or nuclear power. Thus, we humans paint ourselves into a corner.

But the biggie that no one ever tells you, nor the senators, governors or mainstream media stems from the harsh reality that America remains on course to add 100,000,000 more people, net gain within 28 years. Ain’t that a kick in the pants!

For your sobering educational understanding, investigative energy expert Doug Jackson addressed the realities in a recent report:

“How many of my friends drive electric cars? I only know of a few. Don’t get me wrong, I think they are cool, but don’t kid yourself about them being environmentally friendly. They are not.

“I’m not against EVs, but I also understand their true cost.

“Why is a battery? I think Tesla said it best when he called it an Energy Storage System. That’s important.

“Batteries do not make electricity – they store electricity produced elsewhere, primarily by coal, uranium, natural gas-powered plants, or diesel-fueled generators. So, to say an electric vehicle (EV) is a zero-emission vehicle is not at all valid.

“Since forty percent of the electricity generated in the U.S. is from coal-fired plants, it follows that forty percent of the EVs on the road are coal-powered.

“It takes the same amount of energy to move a five-thousand-pound gasoline-driven automobile a mile as it does an electric one. The only question again is what produces the power? To reiterate, it does not come from the battery; the battery is only the storage device, like a gas tank in a car.

“There are two orders of batteries, rechargeable, and single-use. The most common single use batteries are A, AA, AAA, C, D. 9V, and lantern types. Those dry cell species use zinc, manganese, lithium, silver oxide, or zinc and carbon to store electricity chemically. Please note they all contain toxic, heavy metals.

“Rechargeable batteries only differ in their internal materials, usually lithium-ion, nickel-metal oxide, and nickel-cadmium. The United States uses three billion of these two battery types a year, and most are not recycled; they end up in landfills. California is the only state which requires all batteries to be recycled. If you throw your small, used batteries in the trash, here is what happens to them.

“All batteries are self-discharging. That means that even when not in use, they leak tiny amounts of energy. You have likely ruined a flashlight or two from an old, ruptured battery. When a battery runs down and can no longer power a toy or light, you think of it as dead; well, it is not. It continues to leak small amounts of electricity. As the chemicals inside it run out, pressure builds inside the battery’s metal casing, and eventually, it cracks. The metals left inside then ooze out. The ooze in your ruined flashlight is toxic, and so is the ooze that will inevitably leak from every battery in a landfill. All batteries eventually rupture; it just takes rechargeable batteries longer to end up in the landfill.

“That is not half of it. For those of you excited about electric cars and a green revolution, I want you to take a closer look at batteries and windmills, and solar panels. These three technologies share what we call environmentally destructive embedded costs.

“Everything manufactured has two costs associated with it, embedded costs and operating costs. I will explain embedded costs using a can of baked beans as my subject.

“This scenario, baked beans are on sale, so you jump in your car and head for the grocery store. Sure enough, there they are on the shelf for $1.75 a can. As you head to the checkout, you begin to think about the embedded costs in the can of beans.

“The first cost is the diesel fuel the farmer used to plow the field, till the ground, harvest the beans, and transport them to the food processor. Not only is his diesel fuel an embedded cost, so are the costs to build the tractors, combines, and trucks. In addition, the farmer might use a nitrogen fertilizer made from natural gas.

“Next are the energy costs of cooking the beans, heating the building, transporting the workers, and paying for the vast amounts of electricity used to run the plant. The steel can holding the beans is also an embedded cost. Making the steel can requires mining taconite, shipping it by boat, extracting the iron, placing it in a coal-fired blast furnace, and adding carbon. Then it’s back on another truck to take the beans to the grocery store. Finally, add in the cost of the gasoline for your car.

“A typical EV battery weighs one thousand pounds, about the size of a travel trunk. It contains twenty-five pounds of lithium, sixty pounds of nickel, 44 pounds of manganese, 30 pounds of cobalt, 200 pounds of copper, and 400 pounds of aluminum, steel, and plastic. Inside are over 6,000 individual lithium-ion cells.

“It should concern you that all those toxic components come from mining. For instance, to manufacture each EV auto battery, you must process 25,000 pounds of brine for the lithium, 30,000 pounds of ore for the cobalt, 5,000 pounds of ore for the nickel, and 25,000 pounds of ore for copper. All told, you dig up 500,000 pounds of the earth’s crust for just one battery.

“Sixty-eight percent of the world’s cobalt, a significant part of a battery, comes from the Congo. Their mines have no pollution controls, and they employ children who die from handling this toxic material. Should we factor in these diseased kids as part of the cost of driving an electric car?

“I’d like to leave you with these thoughts. California is building the largest battery in the world near San Francisco, and they intend to power it from solar panels and windmills. They claim this is the ultimate in being ‘green,’ but it is not! This construction project is creating an environmental disaster. Let me tell you why.

“The main problem with solar arrays is the chemicals needed to process silicate into the silicon used in the panels. To make pure enough silicon requires processing it with hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, nitric acid, hydrogen fluoride, trichloroethane, and acetone. In addition, they also need gallium, arsenide, copper-indium-gallium-diselenide, and cadmium-telluride, which also are highly toxic. Silicone dust is a hazard to the workers, and the panels cannot be recycled.

“Windmills are the ultimate in embedded costs and environmental destruction. Each weighs 1688 tons (the equivalent of 23 houses) and contains 1300 tons of concrete, 295 tons of steel, 48 tons of iron, 24 tons of fiberglass, and the hard to extract rare earths neodymium, praseodymium, and dysprosium. Each blade weighs 81,000 pounds and will last 15 to 20 years, at which time it must be replaced. We cannot recycle used blades. Sadly, both solar arrays and windmills kill birds, bats, sea life, and migratory insects.

“There may be a place for these technologies, but you must look beyond the myth of zero emissions. I predict EVs and windmills will be abandoned once the embedded environmental costs of making and replacing them become apparent.

“Going Green” may sound like the Utopian ideal and are easily espoused, catchy buzzwords, but when you look at the hidden and embedded costs realistically with an open mind, you can see that Going Green is more destructive to the Earth’s environment than meets the eye.”

In a few words, America and Americans are in a world of hurt. As I stated at the beginning of this report, you won’t hear any of these facts from our leaders or mainstream media. The entrenched “swamp people” in DC won’t prepare us for what’s coming, and the media won’t educate us. We’re on course to jump from 335 million to 440 million. So how will we provide energy for another 100,000,000 million people by 2050? Answer: we won’t! It’s anybody’s guess as to what will be the final result, but I’m guessing it won’t be pretty.

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

Homeland Security Defines Law Abiding Americans as Potential Terrorists (Video)

By Bradlee Dean

April 13, 2022

“Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear.” -President Harry Truman, Special Message to the Congress on the Internal Security of the United States, August 8, 1950

Recently the unconstitutional agency known as Homeland Security (Psalm 94:20) posted a warning about the rising concern of what and who may be a threat to our homeland.

It seems that, and according to the Homeland Security, law-abiding Americans are the responsible party when it comes to those who may be a threat to the homeland (Isaiah 5:20).

It’s not the Muslims, mind you, that the mainstream media has been highlighting as the responsible party for the attacks on September 11, 2001, and this for over 18 years.

Again, and according to Homeland Security, potential terrorists fall to that of the American people who hold to the Word of God and the U.S. Constitution!

[Rumble Video]

© 2022 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Freedom of Religion Under Attack in Washington State

By Paul Engel

April 13, 2022

  • Do governments have the legal authority to dictate employment decisions to private organizations, especially religious ones?
  • Does the Supreme Court of Washington have the power to ignore the law and dictate to a gospel mission who they have to employ?
  • Why did the Supreme Court of the United States refuse to hear this case?

Imagine your rights are under attack. You seek assistance from those who have sworn to protect you, only to be attacked again. You reach out to what you think is your last hope, only to be rebuffed. Now consider how that must feel: To be abandoned by those who have sworn to protect you.

This is the situation Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission finds itself in. Their freedom of religion is under attack, not by the laws of the State of Washington, but by a disgruntled job applicant. The Supreme Court of Washington placed their political preferences above their oath to support the Constitution of the State of Washington. Then, when the Mission seeks redress from the Supreme Court of the United States, they are rebuffed. Their cold consolation is the statement by two justices: That the court may have to deal with this infringement in the future. I’ve asked this before and I’ll ask it again: Do you truly have Freedom of Religion when those who have sworn or affirmed to protect it fail to do so?


This story starts with a gospel mission in Seattle Washington.

Petitioner Seattles Union Gospel Mission (Mission) was founded in 1932 to care for those suffering from the economic hardships attending the Great Depression. … The Mission is a tax-exempt community categorized as a church equivalent by the Internal Revenue Service under 26 U. S. C. §170(b)(1)(A)(i). It requires its paid staff to affirm its statement of faith, which declares the Bible is the inspired, infallible, authoritative Word of God.” … Its employee handbook also requires staff to abide by the Missions understanding of the Bible by refraining from [a]cts or language which are considered immoral or indecent according to traditional biblical standards,” including extra-marital affairs, sex outside of marriage, [and] homosexual behavior.” …


By any reasonable definition, the Union Gospel Mission in Seattle is a religious based organization. They require all paid staff to affirm their statement of faith, and their employee handbook’s standards of conduct was quite clearly biblically based. Enter Matthew Woods.

In 2016, respondent Matthew Woods, a former summer intern and volunteer for the Mission, saw a job posting for a staff attorney position in the Missions legal aid clinic. He disclosed to the legal aid clinics staff that he identified as bisexual and was in a same-sex relationship, and he asked whether that would pose an obstacle to employment with the Mission. … The clinics director quoted the employee handbook and explained that Woods was not able to apply,” but the director wished him well and later sent Woods a secular legal aid clinics job posting. …

Woods nevertheless applied for the Missions staff attorney position to protest” the Missions employment policy. … His application also disclosed that Woods was not an active member of a local church and could not provide a pastors name and contact information, as the application requested. Woodss cover letter asked the Mission to change” its religious practices. …

After he applied, the clinics director met Woods for lunch and confirmed that the Mission could not change its theology. … He explained that Woodss employment application was not viable because he did not comply with the Missions religious lifestyle requirements, did not actively attend church, and did not exhibit a passion for helping clients develop a personal relationship with Jesus. The Mission hired a co-religionist candidate instead.


There is a lot here, so let us unpack it point by point. First, the Mission clearly did not discriminate against Mr. Woods in general, since he was allowed to volunteer. The Mission, as a religious organization, has certain standards when it comes to paid staff. They did not hide this, neither did they change their position after Mr. Woods applied. In fact, the clinic’s director went so far as to find another legal aid clinic job posting that would appear to be a better fit for Mr. Woods.

Second, Mr. Woods applied for a position that he knew he was unqualified for, specifically as a protest against the Mission’s employment policy. In other words, he was not simply seeking employment, neither was he invested in advancing the Mission’s stated purpose. Rather, he was mad at being denied a job because of his sexual preferences and wanted to get back at them. In other words, Mr. Woods, by specifically asking the Mission to change there religious practices to accommodate him, was attempting to coerce the Mission and to deny them their religious freedom.

In 2017, Woods filed suit against the Mission in the Superior Court of King County. He alleged that the Mission violated Washingtons Law Against Discrimination (WLAD), which forbids discrimination against sexual orientation in employment decisions. The Mission answered that entertaining the suit would violate the First Amendments Religion Clauses. The Mission also argued that it fell into an express statutory exemption from the WLAD, which excludes any religious or sectarian organization not organized for private profit” from its definition of employer.” … The Washington state trial court agreed, noting that the Mission put applicants on notice” that employees must accept the Missions Statement of Faith” and that the staff attorneys duties would extend beyond legal advice to include spiritual guidance and praying with the clients.” … The trial court thus dismissed the suit based on the WLADs statutory exemption.


By filing suit against the Mission, Mr. Woods not only wishes to deny them their freedom of religion, but his coercion rises to the level of extortion. He is effectively saying, “Comply with my wishes, or else.” Mr. Woods claims that the Missions employment practices violate Washington State’s law against discrimination, which states:

This chapter shall be known as the law against discrimination.” It is an exercise of the police power of the state for the protection of the public welfare, health, and peace of the people of this state, and in fulfillment of the provisions of the Constitution of this state concerning civil rights. The legislature hereby finds and declares that practices of discrimination against any of its inhabitants because of race, creed, color, national origin, citizenship or immigration status, families with children, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, … are a matter of state concern, that such discrimination threatens not only the rights and proper privileges of its inhabitants but menaces the institutions and foundation of a free democratic state. A state agency is herein created with powers with respect to elimination and prevention of discrimination in employment, …

Revised Code of Washington §49.60.010

Yes, the Revised Code of Washington does list sexual orientation as a protected class, and that the state has created an agency to eliminate and prevent discrimination in, among other things, employment. Therefore, it’s illegitimate for a person to exercise their rights to deprive the rights of another. Which is why the Washington law against discrimination includes this language.

Employer” includes any person acting in the interest of an employer, directly or indirectly, who employs eight or more persons, and does not include any religious or sectarian organization not organized for private profit.

Revised Code of Washington §49.60.040 (11)

Remember, Mr. Woods does not have a right to a specific job. What he is doing is attempting to use his freedom of sexual preferences to infringe on the freedom of religion of those who run the Mission. This is not a discussion of whether or not Washington’s law against discrimination is legitimate or not, and it is unfortunate these types of laws are frequently used to deny the rights of religious organizations around the country. Since it clearly states that religious non-profit organizations are not considered employers under this law, it seems pretty clear that the Washington Legislature wished to protect the religious freedom of these entities. The Superior Court of King County agree, noting that the Mission was quite up-front and straight-forward with their standards for paid staff. Sadly, Mr. Woods decided not to leave it there.

The Washington Supreme Court granted Woodss petition for direct review and reversed. The court held that as applied to Woodss lawsuit, the WLADs religious exemption would violate protections for sexual orientation and same-sex marriage implicit in the Washington Constitutions Privileges and Immunities Clause, Art. I, §12, unless the court narrowed the scope of the WLAD religious exemption. It thus reasoned that the State Constitution would not be offended if WLADs exception for religious organizations is applied concerning the claims of a ministeras defined by Our Lady of Guadalupe and Hosanna-Tabor.


Notice what the Washington Supreme Court did: They effectively rewrote the law, removing from the definition of employer the exemption for religious organizations and applying it solely to religious ministers. They found that Washington’s law, as applied to this case, would violate Article I, Section 12 of the Washington Constitution:

No law shall be passed granting to any citizen, class of citizens, or corporation other than municipal, privileges or immunities which upon the same terms shall not equally belong to all citizens, or corporations.

Washington Constitution, Article I, Section 12

It is, in fact, Washington’s law against discrimination that singles out classes of citizens for privileges or immunities. Furthermore, by placing sexual orientation above religious belief, the Washington Supreme Court has further granted special privileges to a class of citizen. If any corporation has been granted immunities by this law, it’s only to comply with Article I, Section 11, which the court seems to have completely ignored:

Absolute freedom of conscience in all matters of religious sentiment, belief and worship, shall be guaranteed to every individual, and no one shall be molested or disturbed in person or property on account of religion; but the liberty of conscience hereby secured shall not be so construed as to excuse acts of licentiousness or justify practices inconsistent with the peace and safety of the state. …

Washington Constitution, Article I, Section 12

Here, the court effectively declared that religious organizations that require staff to follow their religious teachings is either licentious or inconsistent with the peace and safety of the state. Only those holding offices that the state considered religious would be protected for their beliefs.


The Supreme Court of the United States denied the Mission the opportunity to have them hear this case. Justice Alito did release a statement, which Justice Thomas joined:

The First Amendment gives special solicitude to the rights of religious organizations” to operate according to their faith without government interference. Hosanna-Tabor Evangelical Lutheran Church and School v. EEOC, … In certain contexts, this autonomy requires courts to stay out of employment disputes involving those holding certain important positions with churches and other religious institutions.”… Consistent with this constitutional principle, Congress has long exempted religious employers from federal employment laws that would otherwise interfere with their ability to define and carry out their religious missions” by imposing potential liability” for hiring practices that favor co-religionists. Because of such federal statutory exemptions and their state analogs, we have yet to confront whether freedom for religious employers to hire their co-religionists is constitutionally required, though the courts of appeals have generally protected the autonomy of religious organization to hire personnel who share their beliefs.


Justice Alito notes that while the Supreme Court has yet to weigh in on the hiring practices, state and federal law, along with the courts of appeals, have. These entities have protected the autonomy of religious organizations to hire only those who share their beliefs. Yet even though the Washington Supreme Court has not protected that autonomy, Justices Alito and Thomas both agree with denying to hear this case. The reason why is interesting, but before we get there, let’s look at what these two justices believe is at stake..

The Washington Supreme Courts reasoning presumes that the guarantee of church autonomy in the Constitutions Religion Clauses protects only a religious organizations employment decisions regarding formal ministers. But our precedents suggest that the guarantee of church autonomy is not so narrowly confined. As early as 1872, our church-autonomy cases explained that civil courts exercise no jurisdiction” over matters involving theological controversy, church discipline, ecclesiastical government, or the conformity of the members of the church to the standard of morals required of them.” … That is so because the Constitution protects religious organizations from secular control or manipulation.” … The religious organizations protected include churches, religious schools, and religious organizations engaged in charitable practices, like operating homeless shelters, hospitals, soup kitchens, and religious legal-aid clinics similar to the Missions—among many others.


While Justice Alito references the Constitution of the United States, which protects our freedom of religion from federal intervention (“Congress shall make no law…” First Amendment), the standard of religious freedom he notes is correct. If the state is allowed to limit their protection of religious liberty to only certain classes of people, that would not only destroy church autonomy, but place the state in a position to determine who is and is not a member of the class they are willing to protect. Justice Alito went on:

To force religious organizations to hire messengers and other personnel who do not share their religious views would undermine not only the autonomy of many religious organizations but also their continued viability. If States could compel religious organizations to hire employees who fundamentally disagree with them, many religious non-profits would be extinguished from participation in public life—perhaps by those who disagree with their theological views most vigorously. Driving such organizations from the public square would not just infringe on their rights to freely exercise religion but would greatly impoverish our Nations civic and religious life.


How can you have freedom of religion if governments can force you to exercise your faith in a way they endorse? When Thomas Jefferson coined the term “wall of separation between church and state”, he meant that the church would be protected from state interference. Once again, we see a court breaking down that wall while claiming to be reinforcing it.

With all of this at stake, why did Justices Alito and Thomas agree to deny the request for the court to review this case?

This case illustrates that serious risk [of forcing religious organizations to hire people who do not share their beliefs]. Woods applied for a position with the Mission not to embrace and further its religious views but to protest and fundamentally change them. The Washington Legislature sought to prevent its employment laws from being used in such a way by exempting any religious or sectarian organization not organized for private profit” from its definition of a covered employer.” … The Washington Supreme Courts decision to narrowly construe that religious exemption to avoid conflict with the Washington Constitution may, however, have created a conflict with the Federal Constitution.

The Washington Supreme Courts decision may warrant our review in the future, but threshold issues would make it difficult for us to review this case in this posture. The state court did not address whether applying state employment law to require the Mission to hire someone who is not a co-religionist would infringe the First Amendment. Further, respondent claims that the Washington Supreme Courts decision is not a final judgment because of its interlocutory nature, …, while petitioner contends that we have jurisdiction under Cox Broadcasting Corp. v. Cohn, … Given respondents admission that there is no prospect that this Court would be precluded from reviewing” these First Amendment questions once there is a final state judgment,” Brief in Opposition 21–22, I concur in the denial of certiorari.


Not surprisingly, everyone seems to be focused on the First Amendment, even though it does not apply. (Remember, “Congress shall make no law…”) Instead, this case appears to violate the Fourteenth Amendments prohibition against states depriving people of the equal protection of the law.

… nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

U.S. Constitution, Amendment XIV

Washington law clearly states that religious non-profit organizations are not considered employers. By limiting that clause to only ministers, the Washington Supreme Court has deprived the Mission of the equal protection of the law. Furthermore, by depriving the Mission control of their own staffing standards, the Washington Supreme Court has deprived the Mission of both liberty and property without due process of law, which is an established course for judicial proceedings or other governmental activities designed to safeguard the legal rights of the individual (The Free Legal Dictionary).


So why did Justices Alito and Thomas “punt” on this case? I believe there are three reasons. One, it appears the state courts did not consider the Constitution of the United States. Since it appears obvious the justices’ consider this a First Amendment issue, I believe that they wanted state courts to consider that first. Two, the Washington Supreme Court did not issue final judgment. Rather, they returned the case to the lower courts to reconsider. Thirdly, Mr. Woods, as the respondent, recognizes that there is nothing to prevent the Supreme Court of the United States from reviewing this case in the future.

I am not a legal scholar, so the rightness of denying certiorari is a little vague in my eyes. Yes, the case has not finished making its way through the state court system. The question of whether or not the Washington Supreme Court violated the Fourteenth Amendment by reinterpreting state law and violating both the laws and constitution of the State of Washington was not considered. That means more pain, effort, and expense for the Mission. All of which could be better used for their mission to help the poor and needy in Seattle rather than lining the pockets of the attorneys. This should be one more reason for We the People to look closely at our state and local government rather than focusing all of our attention on Washington, D.C.

© 2022 Paul Engel – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Paul Engel: paul@constitutionstudy.com

Dissecting the Beast ERIC Laid Open

By Kat Stansell

April 13, 2022

Last month, I wrote on ERIC, the 30-state membership organization created with Soros Money in 2012, ostensibly for voter roll maintenance. The article was titled, “ERIC, the Backbone of the Steal”, because the very structure of the organization gives rise to huge potential for voter fraud. The article appeared on https://www.americanpolicy.org, if you would like to refresh or add to your understanding of the subject.

Since the first piece came out, I have been struggling to write more on election fraud, but was overwhelmed daily by the sheer volume of information/evidence that has come out. I tossed the first five drafts and tried to pare this one down to the basics – which has still left me with a LOT of information to unpack. Bear with me, please. Understanding the inner workings of the Electronic registration Information Center is essential if we are to be effective against it in the months ahead. And, we cannot say it enough, if we cannot secure the ballot for this upcoming November, 2022, midterm we will have lost our republic and the freedoms we cherish. There will be no second chances. HONEST ELECTIONS, WITH SECURE BALLOTS ARE THE LIFEBLOOD OF OUR FUTURE AS A FREE NATION. Yes, all caps equates to yelling, and that’s what I’m doing.

It IS that important!

Let’s face the facts. Election fraud has been going on for decades and we have known about it, but we have ignored it. Didn’t seem to be important, really, that some state had more voters than residents in several counties, or that ballots for the elderly were filled out and returned, without their knowledge.

We brushed off all the research from Judicial watch, Real Clear Politics, the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) and others – until the night of Nov. 3-4, 2020, when what we saw in real time finally make election FRAUD become FACT in front of our own eyes. On our TV screens, we watched vote tallies move backwards or register in fractional votes. We heard odd reports of pizza boxes covering windows and broken water mains in counting centers. People slowly began to awaken.

Experts came out of the woodwork to dissect the happenings of that night, and held court for weeks, as affidavits and videos of irregularities poured in. Most of the focus at the time was on the Dominion machines and their world-wide connectivity. With what I have learned since, I now believe that the ERIC system was part of the coup; hardly anyone, myself included, had heard of ERIC then. Now, teams of investigators have unearthed reams of evidence, of irrefutable proof of irregularities, of dark money, of hired ballot runners and poll workers, of thousands of cartons of ballots brought in from ineligible sources, et. al. A LOT of the highest profile cheating occurred in ERIC member states.

All of this has created blow back from those states. This begs the question, of course, that, if not involved with the fraud, then why bother to complain about those who are writing about it? The responses from state election officials and Secretaries of State ranged from the emotional to the calculated. One Secretary of State begged an underling to “make this nightmare (of investigation into ERIC) go away”. Several denied the Soros connection (and that disproves fraud how?) and several more just said we were “misinformed” or just plain “wrong”. The response of an honest user of the ERIC databases would have been to show with the number of ineligible voters that their state had cleaned off of their rolls, as is the law. So simple! Those numbers were only posted on the website of one state election group that I could find, out of the thirty members who use the system.

Instead, this group of election officials, posturing against any and all who dared question their system, made themselves look bad. All their blather just made me want to look harder. So I did, and I present this to you today.

If some of the member states do not actually understand the fraud potential in the ERIC constructs, as J. Christian Adams of PLIF thinks possible,then they need to demand answers form their ERIC board, or withdraw their state from membership. But, only Louisiana has actually quit their ERIC membership. This, as the result of a suit brought against their Secretary of State, Kyle Ardoin.

On Jan. 27, 2022, the Secretary of State of Louisiana, Kyle Ardoin, put out a carefully crafted news release, saying that his action (of suspending membership in ERIC) “comes amid concerns raised by citizens, government watchdog organizations and media reports about potential questionable funding sources and that possible partisan actors may have access to ERIC network data for political purposes, potentially undermining voter confidence.”

“While Louisiana joined ERIC under my predecessor,” Ardoin went on, “we did so under the impression that it would enhance the accuracy of our voter rolls and strengthen Louisiana’s election integrity. After reading about these allegations and speaking with election attorneys and experts, I have determined that it may no longer be in Louisiana’s best interests to participate in this organization…My job is to ensure that the data (which ) the voters entrust to my office is protected. I look forward to ERIC’s swift response to these allegations.”

The cause of Louisiana’s resignation, as I said, was a lawsuit brought against Ardoin by the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF), for “failure to permit inspection of voter list maintenance records, including data the state received from the Electronic Registration Information Center, ERIC.” The case cites the provisions of the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) of 1993, in which provision of these records to the public is required upon request.

Personally, I would like to see states take the same hard look as Ardoin has been forced to take, without legal action to force the issue. Here is where the citizens can make it happen.

Now, I want to turn back to ERIC and its constructs, and just how they have incredible potential for fraud in our voting process. In addressing these, I have quoted heavily from their own website, https://www.ericstates.org.

I want to add a postscript, up front, for a change.

The national attention began to turn to ERIC with the Louisiana lawsuit, and the following series of four articles by the Gateway Pundit, late January – February, 2022. I bring this up because at least part of the ERIC website had a rewrite as recently as Feb. 8, 2022. Number 15 on their FAQ list directly addresses the culling of the rolls, and references an article published in the media, Jan. 23, 2022 – by title. Easy to look up. Prior to that, neither I nor anyone else looking closely into the subject, could find any specific requirements to cull ineligible voters from the lists. This #15 seemed to be in response to such accusations, but even then said that The member states who were subject the NVRA law were required to cull. I saw no direct requirement coming from ERIC, even here.

So, what is actually mandated of ERIC members? Again, from their website:

  1. ”Within 60 days of (joining) and at least every sixty days thereafter, the Member shall transmit all inactive and active voter files (excluding those “confidential” ones) AND all licensing records of the state’s motor vehicle department – which would necessarily include green card holders and id card recipients! Green card holders are permanent NON-CITIZEN residents, and id cards have been being given to illegals, and under-aged residents nationwide for years. So, now we have lists being constantly submitted containing citizens and non-citizens alike, eligible and non-eligible voters as well. Taking all of this mangled information, ERIC’s computers add USPS and Social Security data, and provide four lists back to the states: those who have moved in-state; those who have moved to other ERIC states; those with duplicate registrations instate; and those who are deceased.

The important thing to note is that ALL of these names are mixed together: citizens, non-citizens, living, dead, and non-residents. The ERIC mandates only ask that a state “must request at least one of these reports at a minimum of once a year. NO mandate to do anything else.

2) ”At least every two years member states are required to send voter registration information to potentially eligible residents who are not registered to vote.” If they use the mangled batches of data, how is a state supposed to now who is ppotentially eligible? Better just send it to all, I suppose. Invite every name on the list to register. It is stated that “Prior to conducting the mailings, states review the data to remove any known ineligible individuals.” No mandate that they MUST do so, just a statement saying that they do. But, as grandma used to say, “saying so don’t make it so.”

All of the mandates of the Eric organization seem to revolve around registration, not maintenance. But there is one more thing that sets off alarms for crooked doings.

Beneath all of the constructs of ERIC, is David Becker, who helped the Pew Charitable Trust with the Soros grant, to organize and found ERIC, in 2012. Becker has been termed a “hard-core leftist who couldn’t stand conservatives”, and “very unethical and unprofessional by by those who worked with him at the DOJ in the early 2000’s. Please go to https://www.influencewatch.org to see the story behind Becker’s unethical dealings as a trial attorney in the DOJ Civil Rights Division, and the comments by Hans van Spakowsky and Brad Scholzman, acting head of the division at the time, who worked with Becker then. Personally, I wouldn’t trust Becker to do anything where it involved honesty, let alone control the voter rolls of 30 states.

Becker never denied any of the claims against him, which caused his firing in 2005. He said only that no charges had been brought. Which, to me, only means that another liberal got out of a crime with no penalty, which has been more and more the case to this day.

Becker still sits on the ERIC Board of Directors to this day. Just sayin’.

In the next few weeks, I will talk about the fraud that is surfacing and being proven in each ERIC state:


If you have been following the breaking news, there is quite a LOT to unpack, so stay tuned. If you are a resident of any of these states, my very next article will be how to secure the vote in your states by organizing and acting on a local level. However you have ever voted, fraud invalidates your choices. Know that, please, and work together. I believe that after years of being divided, we can still come together on this one fundamental of maintaining our freedom.

© 2022 Kat Stansell – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kat Stansell: contact@americanpolicy.org

Starting Over (and Finding Hope)

Steven Yates

April 12, 2022

“ … in any given society the Remnant are always so largely an unknown quantity. You do not know, and will never know, more than two things about them. You can be sure of those—dead sure, as our phrase is—but you will never be able to make even a respectable guess at anything else. You do not know, and will never know, who the Remnant are, nor where they are, nor how many of them there are, nor what they are doing or will do. Two things you know, and no more: first, that they exist; second, that they will find you. Except for these two certainties, working for the Remnant means working in impenetrable darkness; and this, I should say, is just the condition calculated most effectively to pique the interest of any prophet who is properly gifted with the imagination, insight, and intellectual curiosity necessary to a successful pursuit of his trade.” —Albert Jay Nock, “Isaiah’s Job” (1937)

Every so often something happens to give me encouragement — hope, that even if the America I grew up in is gone, all is not lost!

A recent missive by Tom Woods, libertarian educator, historian and author who sends out a daily email (it is worth getting on his list, trust me), reports how a university freshman tore a veteran CNN anchor up one side and down the other with a few simple questions.

The setting was a conference with a typical Regime title: “Disinformation and the Erosion of Democracy,” April 6–8, sponsored by the Establishment Atlantic Monthly and the University of Chicago Center for Politics.

The conference theme, obviously, was narrative control — by those who know that outside the big cities and mass media centers they do not control the narrative. Naturally CNN was present.

During the Q&A the young man rose and addressed Brian Seltzer (3:42:10):

“My name is Christopher Phillips. I’m a first-year at the college. My question is for Mr. Seltzer.

“You’ve all spoken extensively about FOX News being a purveyor of disinformation. But CNN is right up there with them. They pushed the Russian collusion hoax, they pushed the Jussie Smollett hoax, they smeared Justice Kavanaugh as a rapist, and they also smeared Nick Sandmann as a white supremacist. And yes, they dismissed the Hunter Biden laptop affair as pure Russian disinformation.

“With mainstream corporate journalists becoming little more than apologists and cheerleaders for the regime, is it time to finally declare that the canon of journalistic ethics is dead or no longer operative?

“All the mistakes of the mainstream media, and CNN in particular, seem to magically all go in one direction. Are we expected to believe that this is all just some sort of random coincidence, or is there something else behind it?”

Tom Woods: “BOOM! I wouldn’t change a single word of that.”

I wouldn’t either. I would only sum up: five items and Corporate Media, which CNN exemplifies, either got all five spectacularly wrong by accident, or brazenly lied about them. Which do you think it was?

Seltzer’s nonresponse response began with a quip: “Too bad it’s time for lunch!”

When he got around to attempting a serious reply, it was embarrassing: “I think you’re describing a different channel than the one I watch. But I understand that that is a popular right-wing narrative about CNN.”

He then went off on a word-salad tangent on how journalists don’t always get things right, how hard it is to get things right, and how we all need to work together because people want to know what is true.

The student’s point stood unrefuted.

I guess we weren’t supposed to notice.

Journalistic“ethics” is not only dead, but has been dead for a very long time if it ever existed at all.

Would the Brian Seltzers of protected Corporate Media enclaves like CNN know the truth if it walked up and bit them?

In previous articles I listed the things Corporate Media has lied about going back to the 1950s (and it is possible to go back further). You cannot undertake any serious study of how these institutions work without reaching the conclusion that in so-called “democratic” societies lying to control the narrative is the rule, not the exception.

The Internet disrupted corporate de facto monopolization. Hence the massive censorship now in evidence on all the Big Tech platforms, passed off as “fact-checking,”fighting “disinformation,” etc., with conferences such as the above now a dime a dozen.

Surely it is the height of naiveteto expect CNN to report honestly about the origins of covid, the 2020 election, what happened on January 6, 2021, adverse effects of the mRNA gene-therapy shots (or their real purpose which probably has nothing to do with public health), and why Putin went to war in Ukraine.

What Mr. Phillips’s being in that place and speaking up tells me, though, is that there are people out there — some of them Gen Zers — who have a clue. They have figured out that they’ve been lied to and are courageous enough to call it out.

I am unconvinced that there are enough such people. Unlike most other writers on this site, I tend to think it too late to “save America.” I would be happy to be proven wrong. But the means of “saving America” have been readily available for a very long time now.Few will do what it takes, and few others will listen.

Dr. Ron Paul’s career in Congress proves this decisively.

Corporations large and small are too materialistic and busy enriching themselves, often at the expense of others and the country. The masses are too busy following celebrities, so that when one brainless celebrity slaps another brainless celebrity onstage, it makes headlines.

Aldous Huxley warned that the perfect dictatorship would be one in which the dictators allowed enough mass consumption and mindless entertainment that the masses loved their slavery.

Early last year I penned a series I keep coming back to, recommending that conservatives prepare to separate themselves from a corrupt and controlled mainstream society and form autonomous communities. And while unanticipated problems might come up — an increasing absence of available farmland, for example, as Bill Gates buys it up, or a false flag cyberattack (blamed on Russia) shuts down communications while globalists reconfigure the Internet — separation seems to me to have a better long term chance of success than trying,somehow,to retake the centers of power.

Haven’t conservatives been yapping about “taking our country back” for over 30 years now? What do we have to show for it?

Not zilch, but nowhere near what it takes.

We have a substantial homeschooling movement. There is visible dissent against official covid narratives. There are even a few people willing to talk about how the NATO / CIA axis has been poking and provoking the Russian bear in Ukraine for the past eight years.

The Establishment is terrified of another Trump victory in 2024. Hence my prediction that its denizens will do whatever it takes to keep that from happening! And I do mean whatever it takes!

I have little trouble envisioning alternatives to public schools demonized and shut down, just as I have little trouble envisioning a cyberattack that shuts off alternative media.

So it’s time to think in terms of starting over, and not just with “parallel institutions” but outside the doomed, GloboCorp-controlled mainstream altogether.

There is plenty of information on every aspect of what needs to be done, be it farming and food preservation, educating, or restoring localist economic activity based on trust, and embodying genuine free enterprise. Genuine free enterprise, like honest major media, has not existed on a large scale for so many decades you might as well stop counting. It does not mean corporations can do as they please without accountability because they are, well, “private companies.”

Getting a four-year degree is no longer a necessity. A learner can get better  information on any number of websites for a tiny fraction of the price of a university education, and without all the gender-bending foolishness. There is a ton of educational content available on YouTube for free! Yes, yes, YouTube is Big Tech owned, but as long as it allows free access, make use of it!

But the question remains (I sometimes get this from readers): given my own admission that too few people are reading, or are likely to do anything likely to make much of a difference, is this all just whistling in the dark?

Whenever I find myself wondering if there is any point to writing these articles, I dig out my hard copy of “Isaiah’s Job” by early twentieth century iconoclastic author Albert Jay Nock. I close my laptop, grab an apple or something healthy to snack on, go outside and breathe the fresh air, find a shady tree to sit under, and read the words of someone wiser than I will ever be.

Paraphrasing the core message of this phenomenal essay (based on Isaiah 1:1-9):

God calls the Old Testament prophet to preach, to tell the masses how lost they are, how decadent they have become, that the Lord their God is more than merely annoyed, and that this is their last chance to clean up their act. The Lord then tells Isaiah, as if He’d had an afterthought: the masses won’t listen, and the Establishment will see him as a threat. It will demonize him and try to destroy him (sound familiar?). He will be lucky to get out of town with his hide intact.

“In that case,” one can almost hear Isaiah asking the Lord, “what’s the point?”

“The point,” Jehovah tells him, “is that there is a remnant out there you don’t know about. They are men and women of character, all plugging along as best they can, and are not subject to the cultural trance. They are steadfast and consistently do their best at whatever work they do even if the rewards are paltry. They are honest in their business dealings. They struggle to be kind to people even if they don’t receive kindness in return. They do all that they do not for mere personal gain but because it is right.

“And though they are invisible now, my Isaiah,” Jehovah continues, “when things go completely to pieces, as they will in a few years, the remnant’s work ethic, their resilience, their honesty and basic decency, and above all, their vision of a better future,will propel them into positions of leadership. They will then be the ones to build up a new civilization.

“You are preaching to the remnant,” God concludes. “Taking care of the remnant — encouraging them, shoring them up, giving them hope, is an honest job. So stop complaining,get about it, and stop wasting time.”

The remainder of Nock’s piece admonishes: don’t try to find the remnant. Don’t advertise to them. If you are impeccable with your words and deeds, they will find you. And they will be encouraged and hopeful, knowing they are not alone.

So attract them with your vision of a better world — a world not run by power-hungry plutocrats/technocrats, but one where people deal with one another, teach one another, and care for one another freely instead of through coercion, through peace and not violence, via relationships built on consistent honesty and trust.

Conservatives need a grand vision, and it has to be something more than make America great again. It can’t be Utopian, because conservatives are by nature non-Utopian. It can draw on great documents such as the Declaration of Independence and Federalist 51, among others. It must appeal to what is best in us, and thus attract the interest of the remnant.

We should stress that this is not a movement of “aging white guys.” Is Christopher Phillips old? No, he’s probably Gen Z. This generation (who started to be born right around the time of 9/11 and has gone through times of crisis) is starting to look interesting!

There are plenty of conservative women firebrands of all ages, moreover.

Many Hispanics will come on board. Officially, a record number of Hispanics voted for Trump in 2020 (and who knows what the actual count was?).

Engaging African-Americans will be more challenging since so many have been so brainwashed to fixate on slavery and other mistakes of the past, about which we can do nothing except resolve not to make those mistakes ever again. Sadly, many black Americans have given up. They lack a vision. They lack real leadership. The phrase Black Lives Matter rings with desperation — born of fear that their lives don’t matter (and GloboCorp couldn’t care less how many black children die by gunfire in south side Chicago). Even worse, a few now violently attack Asians as fiercely as whites. They could learn from Asians, some of whom came to America’s shores with nothing but what they could carry and unable to speak English. If they didn’t build businesses, their children did.

All of us — white, black, Hispanic, etc.; males, female, or gender-confused; rebels who identify with the right and voted for Trump or who identify with the left and voted for Bernie Sanders — have a common enemy: GloboCorp! Elsewhere I outlined how I use this term:

Who or what is GloboCorp? Is there really such an entity? You’re kidding me, right? GloboCorp (short for globalist corporatism, for anyone who’s spent the last 50 years in a cave) consists of the 300 – 400 extended families who run the world. The ownership class, in other words, owning/controlling well over half the world’s wealth, beginning with leviathan investment banks and central banks; the CIA, other spook agencies; defense contractors and the war machine generally; “think tanks” such as the Atlantic Council, the Trilateral Commission, etc.; corporate media; Big Pharma; Big Tech. Then there are the several thousand administrators and technocrats under those top families, with thousands more functionaries including bought political classes, Ivy League academics, and presstitutes as Paul Craig Roberts calls them. GloboCorp’s hubs are in obvious places: Wall Street, Silicon Valley, the City of London, Basel and Davos, Tel Aviv, Brussels, Dubai, Singapore, probably Beijing, etc. I could name names, but it would take too long. 

These people, I repeat, do not care what race/ethnicity you are, what religion you adhere to (if any), what political party you are in, or how you self-identify ideologically.

Nor do they care who you have sex with or what “gender” you claim to be — but your “fluidity” amidst the circus like atmosphere in present-day academia is a useful distraction, as is celebrity culture.

GloboCorp is our common enemy, and a formidable one!

We should oppose GloboCorp’s technocracy, “transhumanism,” and its other forms of materialism with our Christian humanity; its desire for power with our passion for freedom; its fundamental destructiveness with our creativity and enterprises of various sorts; and its hatred of common humanity with our caring and yes, love, for one another and even for those who hate us and everything we stand for.

Can this defeat GloboCorp? I don’t know. There are no guarantees. That doesn’t mean the fight is not worth fighting, that lies told and hoaxes undertaken are not worth exposing. My reading of Revelation suggests that a demonic world regime will eventually seize power. We may then be tested as never before! But if we believe Scripture, we know how the story ends and where our true reward lies. For:

“These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off were assured of them, embraced them and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth. For those who say such things declare plainly that the seek a homeland. And truly if they had called to mind that country from which they had come out, they would have had the opportunity to return. But now they desire a better, that is, a heavenly country. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for He has prepared a city for them.” 

Hebrews 11:13-16, with our ultimate source of hope.

Steven Yates’s new book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory (Wipf and Stock, 2021) is available here and here.

Do you wish me to continue? Please consider supporting my work on Patreon.com.

© 2022 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

Russia’s Geopolitical Game Plan

By Cliff Kincaid

April 11, 2022

[DISCLAIMER: The opinions of those who write for NewsWithViews are theirs and do not necessarily reflect the values and opinions of NWVs, it’s owners, employee, other contributing writers and advertisers. Free speech – next to our Second Amendment – is the bedrock of our free nation. One can agree or disagree with a writer but if NWVs starts censoring content they or even one bot doesn’t like, NWVs would become no different than CNN, MSNBC, SPOTIFY, FACEBOOK, TWITTER and all the other Fascist America hating corporations Americans continue to support when there are so many other alternatives. You read, you decide. Thank you.]

Roger Aronoff, Executive Director and Editor of the Citizens Commission on National Security, observes, “Between the U.S. and the EU [European Union], Russia has sold more than $30 billion worth of oil and gas since the start of the war, while their combined military aid to Ukraine is less than $5 billion.” It sounds like some forces in the West want the former Soviet republic to lose its war with Russia.

At the same time, in another political initiative, Russia has forged ties to some “far-right” political parties in Europe, such as Marine Le Pen of the French National Front, who received funding from the Kremlin in a previous race. She has failed in the past to win the French presidency but ran strong in the first round of this year’s French Presidential election. Some speculate that a “red-black coalition,” with Le Pen and the communists, led by Jean-Luc Mélenchon, could eventually take power.

Some European so-called “far-right” groups and personalities, including Orban in Hungary, spout pro-Christian views and see in Vladimir Putin, the former KGB spy, the model of a strong, conservative leader who defends traditional values and opposes the decadent West. This is a major Kremlin deception, but Orban, who opposes sanctions on Russia for invading Ukraine, has his supporters in the West, such as Tucker Carlson of Fox News.

An American conservative can oppose Orban without embracing his avowed nemesis, financier George Soros.

Here, the effort by Steve Bannon and his collaborators on such programs as “War Room” and Mike Lindell’s “Frank Speech” platforms is to transform the Republican Party into one of these populist or nationalist-type parties sympathetic to the Russians. Hence, Tucker Carlson contends the war on Ukraine happened because Putin was legitimately concerned about his own borders.

Rather than encourage the U.S. to supply the weapons Ukraine needs to win the war, such as fighter aircraft, these conservatives urge Biden to be even more cautious about offending Putin.

“Stop defending Putin’s lies” was one of the demands made by Ukrainian-Americans outside a church in California where Carlson recently spoke.

Those lies threaten to taint the conservative movement, as critical elections approach, making elements of the Republican Party look soft on war crimes and genocide.

The Russian game plan is simple: destroy Ukraine as a functioning independent nation and disrupt the Western economies at the same time, while using its dupes in the West to confuse the public about what’s at stake in Ukraine.

Some conservatives complain that Ukraine President Zelensky, like Trump, participated in meetings of the World Economic Forum, (WEF), led by Klaus Schab. They think this somehow makes Zelensky a pawn of the globalists. But this is what Putin told the WEF in 2021:

“I have been to Davos many times, attending the events organized by Mr. Schwab, even back in the 1990s. Klaus just recalled that we met in 1992. Indeed, during my time in St. Petersburg, I visited this important forum many times. I would like to thank you for this opportunity today to convey my point of view to the expert community that gathers at this world-renowned platform thanks to the efforts of Mr. Schwab.”

According to an official press release, the WEF said that Russia would be taking “a leading role in shaping the trajectory of the Fourth Industrial Revolution,” with the WEF co-sponsoring a Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Russia that was focusing on Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things, 5G technologies, blockchain and other “crypto-mechanisms” to develop digital currencies.

In short, the WEF was working hand-in-glove with Putin, with Klaus playing the role of Putin puppet.

Using the “climate crisis” and coming food shortages as an excuse, we can anticipate that Europe will go “green,” like the United States under China Joe. That gives Russia AND China more influence in the world as the West pretends that wind and solar can power a modern industrial economy on unreliable batteries that lose their charge.

To understand all of this, I am recommending our report from five years ago on Soviet/Russian deceptions in the global warming-climate change scam. The alleged Western withdrawal from Russian sources of energy is being used to impose Russia’s “green” agenda in the West.

Russia wins either way, reaping the benefits of taking Ukraine, or another part of it, and becoming a gas station for international communism, led by China.

This constitutes “geopolitical Eurasianism,” a revival of the Russian empire that includes Islamic Iran and was proposed by an adviser to Putin’s United Russia Party, Alexander Dugin.

So Putin takes Ukraine, or most of it, and then sells his oil, gas, and coal to other customers. Since China Joe doesn’t want America to exploit its own natural resources to make up the difference on a permanent basis, Putin wins even when he supposedly loses various European nations as customers.

Meanwhile, Europe and America go green, weakening their own economies in the face of this geopolitical challenge.

In her 1998 article on “Enviro-Communism,” the basis for our own report, analyst Natalie Grantexplained in detail how the Soviet deception campaign, using the climate as an organizing tool, was developed. It was launched after the so-called collapse of the Soviet state, when Mikhail Gorbachev, the last Soviet president, embarked on an environmental crusade, using the United Nations and other international organizations.

Once Europe gets mostly on board with cutting off purchases of coal, oil and gas from Russia, a fresh new “green” push will be underway. Forget the fact that going green got us into this mess in the first place.

Remember that German Chancellor Angela Merkel, a suspected Russian agent, had made Germany more dependent on Russian oil, gas, and coal by terminating Germany’s nuclear energy program.

The new German government is greener, with German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, a member of the Green Party,proposing that Germany should discontinue all fossil energy imports from Russia. That sounds like it’s tough on Russia, except for the fact that Russia will sell its resources elsewhere.

Grant had predicted, “Protection of the environment may be used as a pretext to adopt a series of measures designed to undermine the industrial base of developed nations.”

This is America’s future, as we face higher gas prices, not to mention rising interest rates and inflation, causing an economic slowdown if not a recession.

Meanwhile, Russia will make a “peace deal” with the “world community,” the United Nations and the European Union, that will include taking more of Ukraine. This is the “diplomatic solution” urged by Glenn Greenwald, the far-left commentator who appears frequently on Tucker Carlson’s Fox show.

Russia wins. Ukraine and America lose.

© 2022 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid: kincaid@comcast.net

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc. www.usasurvival.org

Biden to Open Border to All – Constitutional Militia to Be Called Up

By: Devvy

April 11, 2022

I don’t do an audio column very often but there is a clear and imminent danger to our constitutional republic looming. I hope you’ll pass this column to your email lists, all social media or just copy the audio to all the electronic gadgets available and listen to it while driving to work or whatever you’re doing. Or, if you prefer, the text is also included below.

This audio is being made so Americans – especially your state reps, senators, the four border governors and sheriffs in California, New Mexico, Arizona and my state of Texas act now as time is our enemy. This has nothing to do with which political party you belong to, it’s about the continuing destruction of our country with the blessing of Joe Biden’s handlers.

This audio is not for those I refer to as The Unreachables. Those would be people in this country who refuse to see the truth, know little to nothing about the issues destroying this republic and please remember: These united states of America is not and has never been a democracy. The Founding Fathers hated democracy as a form of government because it always destroys a nation.

We are a constitutional republic and about to lose our freedom given to us with rivers of blood by colonials so long ago.

Devvy Kidd · Devvy


Hi, this is Devvy. I’ve been in the trenches for over 30 years trying to save our republic. I’ve been writing for NewsWithViews since 2002 and other web sites over the decades. The easiest way to find my columns, go to www.devvy.com. On the right side it says Articles. Click and it takes you to my archives.

First is a little history or refresher if you will on the issue of illegal aliens which is not about race or ethnic origin. Regardless of what country, any illegal alien regardless of age must be deported. They are not undocumented migrants; that is just Madison Ave selling a more acceptable description of those smuggling themselves across the border in violation of our immigration laws.

My grandparents were immigrants. My father’s parents came from Munich. My mother’s parents from Palermo, Sicily. They waited their turn – for years. Before they could get on the ship, they had to pass an English proficiency test and have a TB (tuberculosis) certification from a doctor less than 30 days old. They were told when they applied to immigrate to America there was no welfare. You worked or you didn’t eat.

We have the right to stop any and all immigration into this country, who can and cannot enter for the safety and welfare of all Americans, natural born or naturalized. It’s amazing to me we haven’t had another 9/11 but it’s just a matter of time with terrorists crossing the border.

A country with no borders is no country and that’s what the globalists want for their new world order. A world government where these united States of America become nothing but a new region combined with Mexico and Canada.

President Donald Trump hammered on the illegals issue – a big one that helped him get elected in 2016 by Americans of all races and ethnic backgrounds. Build that wall and he fought like a warrior to get funding. Resistance came from both Democrats and Republicans. Ask Angel moms and dads whose children have been killed by illegal drunk drivers or murdered by illegals during commission of a crime how it feels to see one Congress after another ignore the solution to this on-going human invasion responsible for the death of their child. Human trafficking, massive amounts of killer drugs like fentanyl, heroin, rapists, killers – the scum of the earth coming across the border doesn’t seem to bother but a handful of members of Congress from both parties.

Members of Congress who claimed to be supporters of stopping the massive human invasion of free-loaders who come here to steal jobs that belong to Americans bringing diseases long ago eradicated from this country have simply ignored the solution since 1993.

Heinous crimes, draining our resources, bankrupting hospitals, flooding public schools cheating your child of a decent education, clogging the courts – all the result of your incumbent and mine in Congress ignoring the solution. You’ve seen and read about it since Ronald Reagan opened the flood gates in 1986. Reagan called that so-called immigration reform bill the last one that would end the human invasion. Proud as a peacock, Reagan sold us out.

At that time there were approximately 2.3 million illegals in this country. Today, the number is closer to 40 million who have no right to be on U.S. soil, period. Yet, YOU pay for their “free” medical, dental, attorney fees to game the system using legal avenues like asylum. Domestic violence was never meant to be covered under asylum. But for years, illegals with the assistance of America hating attorneys have instructed illegals how to beat the system twenty which ways until Sunday and today, domestic violence is being accepted as a way to get into this country to steal jobs, lower wages and commit crimes.

Headline: Mayorkas’ Leaked Title 42 Plan: Ensure Migrants Get ‘Any’ Way to Stay. (Mayorkas, head of the joke called Homeland Security is for open borders “But he says nothing about economic opportunities for the almost 20 million American men who have been pushed out of the labor market by the federal government’s cheap labor policies.”

Mayorkas cares nothing for our immigration laws. Only get as many illegals as possible into this country so they can vote for Democrats. We know illegals have been voting in our elections for decades and yet, despite all the BULL manure out of the mouths of incumbents or challengers for political slots to clean up voting rolls, it continues to this day.

You see, under President Trump, tons of job opportunities and his sincere caring about Americans regardless of the color of their skin was highly successful and that was/is a threat to the Democrat/Communist Party USA who want to keep black Americans as well as other minority categories on the plantation and dependent on mother government. Well, Americans of all colors and backgrounds came out by the millions to re-elect Trump. One of the main reasons for the big steal denying Trump his lawful second term.

Since Biden the Usurper took office illegally, the Democrat/Communist Party USA has been bleeding voter registration to Republicans which is why the Democrats want open borders; flood the US with minority classes and get their votes. They could give a tinker’s damn about the individual. It’s all about promising a free ride for votes paid for by your labor while your family goes without.

The massive destruction to this country can’t be covered in this audio, but below is the link to Frosty Wooldridge’s archives which month in and month out, year in and year out gives you the horrifying truth about the human invasion that’s been destroying this country for decades. I’ve also included ALIPAC who also work so hard in trying to get the truth to the American people about the continuing destruction caused by the massive hordes of illegals.

In 2014, I spent a considerable amount of time sending the SOLUTION to members of the U.S. House and Senate: Re-introduce (now deceased crook senator from Nevada) Dirty Harry Reid’s anti-illegals bill. 76-pages it’s the strongest most anti-illegal bill ever written and introduced in Congress. Of course, after a licking in the wood shed, Reid became an open border cheerleader.

READ (Find in my archives or use a search engine: A Bill: Stop All Public Welfare in Any Form for Illegal Aliens, August 24, 2014
Not a single response back from Sen. Ted Cruz, Rep. Louis Gohmert and a dozen more who claim to be fighting against the illegals invasion.

Headline: Our Federal Wallet Stretched To Limit By Illegal Aliens Getting Welfare’ “Even worse, Americans have seen heinous crimes committed by individuals who are here illegally.” – Senator Dirty Harry Reid, Democratic/Communist Party USA. He also said that the U.S. open door policy is being abused at the expense of honest, working citizens. August 5, 1993, Dirty Harry’s office issued the following:

“In response to increased terrorism and abuse of social programs by aliens, Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) Today introduced the first and only comprehensive immigration reform bill in Congress. Currently, an alien living illegally in the United States often pays no taxes but receives unemployment, welfare, free medical care and other federal benefits. Recent terrorist acts, including the World Trade Center bombing, have underscored the need to keep violent criminals out of the country.

“Our borders have overflowed with illegal immigrants placing tremendous burdens on our criminal justice system, schools and social programs. The Immigration and Naturalization Service needs the ability to step up enforcement. Our federal wallet is stretched to the limit by illegal aliens getting welfare, food stamps, medical care, and other benefits often without paying any taxes.”

“Safeguards like welfare and free medical care are in place to boost Americans in need of short-term assistance. These programs were not meant to entice freeloaders and scam artists from around the world. Even worse, Americans have seen heinous crimes committed by individuals who are here illegally.”

His statements were to announce the bill he introduced back then titled the Immigration Stabilization Act [S.1351]. I’m betting it was not written by Dirty Harry, but by Democrat lawyers who knew what they’re doing and the sure to come legal challenges. It covers the whole gambit of turning off the trillions of dollars we had to borrow spent over the past 28 years since Reagan sold us out. One section I want to highlight: TITLE X–CITIZENSHIP


“In the exercise of its powers under section 5 of the Fourteenth Article of Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, the Congress has determined and hereby declares that any person born after the date of enactment of this title to a mother who is neither a citizen of the United States nor admitted to the United States as a lawful permanent resident, and which person is a national or citizen of another country of which either of his or her natural parents is a national or citizen, or is entitled upon application to become a national or citizen of such country, shall be considered as born subject to the jurisdiction of that foreign country and not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States within the meaning of section 1 of such Article and shall therefore not be a citizen of the United States or of any State solely by reason of physical presence within the United States at the moment of birth.”

Dirty Harry was speaking about the fiction called ‘anchor babies’ – something I have been very vocal about for decades. There’s been many lawsuits over this with liberal judges who should have been impeached but our Congress has been full of cowards and globalists for decades. Babies born just across the border are NOT U.S. citizens. So many outstanding, experienced lawyers have written articles explaining why they are not but then partisan judges just shoot them down.

And by the way, YOU pay for their medical bills, food, clothing, the works. Out in California you can call (which I did in my research) their welfare programs help line and get a whopping 19 categories of how to get “free” cash, food, housing – all paid for by the labor of working Californians. Yet those same hard-working Californians continue to reelect the same human trash to their state legislature that passes all those laws to give illegals everything for “Free” while they and their families go without. It’s the reason my late husband and I left California in June 2006. It is truly madness but we also have to add vote fraud, an issue I have been on since 1993.

Three months after Trump was sworn into office, I sent him a letter with the name of Reid’s bill and number and explained this bill is the permanent solution – no jobs and no welfare. I sent the same letter to his strong anti-illegals Senior Adviser, Stephen Miller and all those GOP House Reps and Senators. Not a single response. I waited three more months and did the same thing. Not a single response. Trump is so well insulated unless you’re someone, he doesn’t listen to the people like me who’ve been in the trenches over 30 years nearly seven days a week.

Reid’s bill will end ALL forms of welfare for illegal aliens. They have no right to be on U.S. soil, never mind raping us in higher taxes to pay for their life styles. It IS the way to self-deport millions of illegals. Back then with a Republican majority in Congress and Trump in office for president that bill should have sailed through, but they did nothing.

In 2016 the Republicans establishment said give us the WH, the House & Senate and we’ll fix the problems! They had 17 months to END once and for all the human hordes flooding our borders but here we are today facing a severe national security event coming at us like a ballistic missile. Did it happen? No, despite so many hammering on their GOP reps and senators about Reid’s bill.

Some parts of the fence got finished but still today 18 months later, MILLIONS of dollars in materials are just laying around as the Democrat/Communist Party USA with Biden leading the way demanded all work on the wall stop. The contractors still had to be paid with borrowed money; those favored hot spots for sneaking into the country remain open.

Since this illegitimate president was sworn into office more than 1.2 MILLION illegals have crossed our border creating massive havoc. You’ve seen it on the Internet in videos. I doubt one has seen even a smidgen of the truth about the real disaster on Texas’ border on the stupid tube. I haven’t owned a TV for over 5 years so I don’t know, but friends tell me any coverage of the invasion has been fluff by the major networks.

Most Americans have no idea what it’s been like for decades for U.S. farmers, ranchers and families along the border. Tons and tons of garbage left behind along with dead bodies (women raped and killed by coyotes paid to smuggle them across the border). How you would like to have to take your gun to walk from your house to the mail box because of the danger of illegals and coyotes breaking into homes? Yeah, that’s the hell our fellow Americans continue to live with every day.

I’ve been to the border twice. The first time in 2007 with a retiring U.S. Border Agent who gave me the tour and in April 2006: My Visit to the Minutemen HQ in Arizona. It’s even worse today with our brave U.S. Border Patrol agents risking their lives every day only to see the same criminals cross back over, get released, get deported and come right back across the border.

There was little to no vetting of nearly 80,000 Afghan’s nor is there any for Ukrainians trying to sneak across our southern border. Anyone who doesn’t believe terrorists are crossing over are out of touch with reality and damn fools.

Now we are but a few weeks away from the biggest invasion at our southern border that will simply drown us in unskilled free loaders coming with the clothes on their backs using $500 smart phones along the route. One very disturbing thing noted the past couple of years is most of them are males between the ages of 18-30, just the right age for soldiers.

Remember last September in Del Rio Texas where 13,000 illegal aliens were all camped out under a bridge after walking across the border begging to be caught so they can claim asylum? My God, what a horrible mess that was and where are those illegals now? Not even the courts know because the majority never show up for their court hearings.

Headline: WARNING: 170,000 Illegals Amass on US Southern Border Ready to STORM ACROSS When Biden Ends Trump’s COVID Rules — DHS Puts Out Call for Volunteers (VIDEO)

The greatest assault on America is waiting on the southern side of the US border in Mexico starting on May 23, 2022.

Over 170,000 illegal aliens are waiting, just waiting, for Joe Biden to end President Trump’s Title 42 COVID-era policies that allowed immediate expulsions of illegal aliens during a public health emergency.  This massive group of illegals is waiting for Biden to end Trump’s COVID policies so they can storm the border bringing God knows how many diseases with them.  The invasion is a little over a month away.

Reports from brave reporters (not Americans) down in Mexico are trying to warn Americans that starting on May 23rd, there is no longer a border between the US & Mexico. Various press and news organizations are spreading the propaganda: “President Biden” welcomes all to simply come across the border and you will be taken care of”. Hordes from Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico and God only knows how many from Muslim countries are forming those caravans. Over the years Border Patrol agents have rounded up illegal aliens from Iran, Pakistan and more than 100 other countries.

Headline: The Department of Homeland Security put out a call for volunteers to assist with the invasion, March 18, 2022 – “Why it matters: Border officials have used Title 42 more than 1 million times to rapidly expel migrants at the southern border without hearing asylum claims. But the Trump-era order wasn’t set up to be permanent.” Why the Hell not? If Harry Reid’s old bill had been passed by the Republican majority in 2018 and signed into law by Trump, this would not be happening.

Biden admin will officially end Covid restriction at border on May 23 – “The controversial public health rule known as Title 42 has blocked more than 1.7 million attempts to cross the border.”

Article 4, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution: “The United States shall guarantee to every state in this union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion;

The Second Amendment’s true meaning ignored by the NRA who make their bread and butter off the right to own a gun to protect yourself and your family (which is a true God-given right), but they forget the first 13 words as I speculate at least 90% of gun owners know nothing about and neither did I until 2005. Guns are for hunting and self-protection!

Second Amendment: A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

The first thirteen words is the true meaning of the Second Amendment: A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state ties right in with Art. 4, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution – the U.S. government shall protect each state against invasion.

Of course, just the opposite has been going on for decades. Instead of a U.S. President telling Mexico’s president to stop the hordes from crossing over into the U.S. illegally, we will now stop the invasion by force so you get the message.

Our governor here in Texas has depended on DPS and U.S. Border Patrol agents but it’s not enough and never has been. Forget New Mexico. Their governor, Governor Lujan Grisham, has been choking that state to death over the COVID Plandemic; I get email all the time from people who either live there or have left for Texas or Arizona because of her.

And, of course, political royalty and one of the most corrupt governors ever, Gavin Newsom of California has and is doing everything possible to keep illegals flooding my home state with the blessing of their state legislature which has been controlled (both reps and senators) by the Democrat/Communist Party USA for about 40 years.

Here’s a quote from one of my columns in 2011 – I attended that rally in California: “If anyone’s going to be deported, it’s going to be you! … Get out! We are the future. You’re old and tired. Go on. We have beaten you – leave like beaten rats. You old white people, it is your duty to die. Right now, we’re already controlling those elections, whether it’s by violence or nonviolence. Through love of having children we’re going to take over.” Augustin Cebada, information minister of Brown Berets, militant para-military soldiers of Aztlan shouting at U.S. citizens at an Independence Day rally in Los Angeles.”

Former Arizona governor, Jan Brewer – another major gateway state for illegals smuggling themselves across the border as well as human trafficking and drugs – signed a worthless militia bill in 2011. My dear friend, Dr. Edwin Vieira, and hands down the most accurate expert ever (besides Patrick Henry) in this country on the Second Amendment gave his time freely to have several phone discussions about the true meaning of the Second Amendment and the constitutional militia – not the private ones scattered throughout the country.

A couple of years ago, a well-meaning man who was part of a private militia was out near the border here in Texas. He was armed to the teeth and almost got shot by, I forget if it was the local sheriff or DPS. He was arrested because private militias have no legal authority.

Those private groups who have zero legal authority train for natural disasters (hurricanes, tornadoes) so they can help out their communities in times of need, which is good. Some, fed up with the U.S. government refusing to uphold the Constitution and stop the illegals invasion are well armed and ready. But, they are not the well-regulated militia as mandated in the Second Amendment.

Anyway, after hours of Dr. Vieira’s wasted time with several members of the AZ senate, Brewer signed a new toothless ‘state militia’ law that had no funding nor a cohesive well planned unit as in training and logistics. Liberals in the state went bonkers with all kinds of predictions that anyone with brown skin would be a target. Of course, it was just more fake news.

Headline April 6, 2022: Texas Based Border Zones See 70 Percent of all Illegal Migrants

“Texas-based Border Patrol sectors are saddled with nearly 70 percent of the 172,011 migrants apprehended at the U.S. southern border, according to Breitbart.

“At a summit in Del Rio, Texas, Governor Greg Abbott announced sweeping new border security and law enforcement measures late last week to deal with the crisis.

“The influx across the border is out of control, and the Biden Administration has shown that is not going to step up and do its job,” the governor stated in a one-on-one interview with Breitbart Texas shortly before the kickoff of the governor’s border security summit on June 10.”

From 2011 to 2021, nearly 400,000 crimes have been committed by illegal aliens in my state. Not your daughter, son, grandma wife or even a 6-month old infant raped by an illegal. Not your house robbed, your car jacked, your business robbed by an illegal – yet.

Gov. Abbott is using Band Aids to treat a patient on the operating table with a gut shot. Personnel in the agencies here in Texas have/are been giving it all, but come My 23rd, the big invasion will start and it will NOT stop unless Abbott takes drastic action to stop illegals before they put one foot on U.S. soil.

Headline, Greg Abbott Says Texas Will Send Migrants To Washington DC Because Joe Biden Is Ending Title 42, April 6, 2022 – “Abbott said Texas and especially our border towns cannot handle the massive invasion coming so Abbott is going to send all those illegals to Washington, DC and let them deal with it.”

Sounds good until you get past the flashy headlines and then you’ll see it’s just another political stunt to make Abbott look good for the November election, and I quote from the Texas Tribune:

“At a press conference, he said state troopers in riot gear will meet migrants at the border and bus them straight to the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., where the Biden administration “will be able to more immediately address the needs of the people that they are allowing to come across our border.”

“But following his initial public statements, Abbott clarified, saying the program would be voluntary for migrants and take place only after they had been processed and released by the Department of Homeland Security. Abbott also ordered the state to charter flights to transport migrants to Washington. In order to board the transportation, migrants would have to show documentation that they had been processed by DHS.”

It costs a ton of money to use charter flights from Texas to DC – a lot of money which will be stolen from we Texans so that illegal aliens, not migrants, get a choice as to whether or not they want to go to DC.

Biden to Open Border to All – Constitutional Milita to Be Called Up

Oh, wait! There is no constitutional militia in the 50 states as mandated by the Second Amendment to call up for the security of a free state.

The minute cheater China Joe was illegally sworn into office, Abbott should have put armed National Guard across the border with Mexico. The swimmers crossing the Rio Grande: Turn around because you will not set foot on U.S. soil. We are prepared to use force if necessary. Outgoing AZ governor, Ducey didn’t have the guts and so the invasion there flourishes.

Oh, but the children. Yeah, children sent by their parents from South American countries and Mexico either to drown in the Rio Grande, simply abandoned on a beach or out in the desert hoping someone will find them or picked up by traffickers and sold. Abbott did essentially nothing out of the ordinary until the mess at the Del Rio bridge.

I’m sick of hearing about how “they just want a better life”. Yeah, by sneaking into our country, stealing jobs that belong to Americans, overloading our schools, hospitals – you name it. California is in a severe drought situation and here in Texas we’re also in trouble. How much water do you think approximately 10 million illegals in those two states use everyday for showers, baths, cooking, laundry, watering yards? They have no right to be on U.S. soil and yet they think nothing of stealing from us:

From my column in Dec. 2006Courts let illegals off the hook for stealing your identity. And what did this illegal have to say?

During a segment on CNN (Communist News Network) it focused on illegals stealing YOUR social security number to gain access to jobs that belong to Americans, this is what one man said during a live interview:

“Hector Angel, Relative of Swift Employee: Everybody has to do what they have to do to make a living. I agree with that, that it’s wrong. But at the same time, it’s not, because, you know, we are human beings.”

So, even though it’s wrong to steal the identity of an American, it’s not really because “we’re all human beings.” It’s okay to smuggle yourself across the border, steal someone else’s identity and credit history because, after all, “we’re just human beings.” It’s okay to smuggle yourself across the border and take a job that lawfully belongs to an American because, golly, warm, fuzzy – “we’re just human beings.” This is how these criminals think: they know they’re breaking the law, but any politically correct excuse will be used to justify their actions.

Kari Lake is running for governor of AZ to replace the wimp they have now, little Gov. Ducey. This is what she has to say about the invasion, headline March 31, 2022: ‘THINK I’M BLUFFING?’: AZ Gov Candidate Lake Says, ‘I’m Declaring an Invasion and Finishing Trump’s Wall’

“We can protect our own border —the Constitution allows that. Of course Article 4, Section 4 of the Constitution, the guarantee clause, requires that the federal government protect us from invasion. But they are not doing that. It’s a dereliction of duty on Joe Biden’s part….So we’re going to take it into our own hands.”

“We’re going to finish President Trump’s wall. On day one, I will issue a declaration of invasion. We’re going to send our troops down to the border —the Arizona National Guard Troops —we’re going to arm them and allow them to arrest and detain people until we process them and send them back over the border.”

Of course, the first thing that will happen is the American Communist Lawyers Union (ACLU) and the dozens and dozens of law firms who protect illegals will immediately file lawsuits. I hope Lake is elected and the first thing she also needs to do is cite the Second Amendment, get her legislature to pass the necessary legislation and implement the real well regulated militia which IS the Second Amendment for the security of a free state.

The incompetent fool we have as U.S. Secretary of State, Tony Blanken, should already have been on the phone with the president of Mexico and told him exactly what the U.S. is going to do because we will not tolerate this invasion any longer.

The governor of Mexico also needs to get the message: You put your troops on your side of the border because this invasion is a real threat to our national security and Americans. We will not hesitate to use force to stop it.

It’s long past time to get tough in stopping illegals before they put one foot on U.S. soil- and that includes boats coming on shore up and down the coast of California which I personally know is happening. The hordes are being shipped to what’s called red states during the night like thieves to hide what’s really going on.

Headline: How Eisenhower Dealt With America’s First Illegal Immigrant Crisis

“Ike’ took quick and decisive action. He used 1,075 Border Patrol Agents to seal the border. In doing so, he achieved a task our government today deems impossible with a force that is 10% larger. Once the border was sealed, Eisenhower went about the process of removing the millions of illegal aliens.

“In June of 1954, he appointed retired General Joseph “Jumpin’ Joe” Swing to head UP THE sweep which sent local and federal officials on sweeps of Mexican neighborhoods looking for illegals.

“Within one month 50,000 illegals had been captured and deported, while nearly half a million more fled the country to avoid arrest. By September 80,000 more illegals had been removed from the state of Texas alone, and between 500,000-700,000 more had fled the country.”

Reid’s bill cuts off ALL welfare in any form for illegal aliens so pack your stuff and go back to where you came from whether it’s Ireland, Mexico, El Salvador, Uganda or where ever. Apply to legally come to the U.S. like my grandparents and wait your turn.

Now we’re dealing with nearly 40 million, probably half of them children. The real fault lies not only with employers willing to hire cheap labor but a sitting president and Congress. Harry Reid’s 1993 bill is the guaranteed long-term solution. It will never pass with the Democrat/Communist Party USA in control right now and the puppet in the White House. But, if the Republicans take both the house and senate this year, they can pass the bill, Biden or whoever is squatting in the WH by then can veto the bill and Congress can override it with a 2/3rds majority of both parties. By then it should be so bad even Democrats will cave. Yes, it can and has happened when millions of Americans make it happen after they’re bled dry with these new hundreds of thousands of illegals and all the crime and diseases they bring with them.

America: Do you understand if we have no border we have no country which is exactly the goal of globalists pushing forward with their plans for a one world government? I covered this issue in great depth in my last book, Taking Politics Out of Solutions because that’s exactly what this is all about: Power, money and a world government.

What can you do? For one thing, all those Texas and AZ border town sheriffs need to start deputizing and training individuals because with 170,000 free loaders, gang members and criminals gathering to come at us starting May 23rd, they are at grave risk.

For now, everyone needs to keep flooding Texas Greg Abbott’s office and tell him to get the constitutional militia organized and on the border in rotations now. Don’t wait until 170,000 of them rush the border starting May 23, 2022 because it won’t stop on just that one day.

If the line is busy, keep trying – everyone regardless of what state you live in because illegals are being shipped all over the country, primarily to red states – everyone keep calling or sending emails.

(512) 463-1782 – Information and Referral and Opinion Hotline – (for Austin, Texas and out-of-state callers). For Texans: (512) 463-2000 – Office of the Governor Main Switchboard

Or, a million or so emails should also get his attention: https://www.gregabbott.com/contact-us/

AZ Gov. Ducey, email. Apparently, he doesn’t want people calling his office.

It’s now up to us and thank you for listening to the truth. *End audio*

These columns are a must read. Most, not if all, governors have no idea what the Second Amendment means. Below is a link to Dr. Edwin Vieira’s archives filled with dozens of columns on the constitutional militia and why it is absolutely necessary for states to enforce it through the Second Amendment which is one of the reasons Democrats hate the Second Amendment.

Dr. Vieira’s Archives here. His September 3, 2021, column should be read by every adult American, sheriff, members of every state legislature, every red state governor every Republican in Congress. I’ve printed out a copy and am sending it to Gov. Abbott today. If we do nothing, nothing will get done. NO ONE in this country knows more about this than Edwin: How the States Can Suppress Illegal Immigration

You want the raw truth about what this human invasion by illegals has done to this country over the past 30 years and what will happen if it isn’t stopped? Here’s Frosty Wooldridge’s archives that gives you the facts, not more lies to support an agenda. Just two examples of the horror show we’re living in every day.

The Dramatically Devolving and Changing Face of America

“Each day, Joe Biden and Congress import an average of 10,000 legal and illegal third world immigrants into our country.  They can’t speak English.  They lack any educational background.  They carry corrosive cultural practices.  They head toward the welfare and food stamp offices of each city where Biden flies them.”

Joe Biden Smuggling Illegal Aliens, Drugs, And Terrorists Into America: Against Every Law On The Books

“Let’s face the facts: The president of our country—Joe Biden invited-allowed-encouraged 2,000,000 illegal alien migrants to violate our borders in 2021.  Our U.S. Border Patrol documented that fact. That’s 2.0 million people who unlawfully jumped our borders.  They arrived from 160 countries.”

Illegal aliens are destroying our way of life and it will only get worse if the hordes are not stopped on May 23, 2022. Abbott needs to put armed military (in rotation) stationed at the hot spot crossings and Harry Reid’s anti-illegal alien bill gets passed and signed into law. It’s 76 pages and cuts off all welfare including colleges and universities tax payers who struggle to send their own child to college end up footing the bill.

This is a 1982 supreme court opinion that Texas should challenge now. Justices Rule States Must Pay to Educate Illegal Alien Pupils, where the court said children of illegal alien parents are entitled to equal protection under the law for a free education paid for by you and me. BS. Kids can blame their parents for smuggling them across the border but they are NOT citizens of the United States so how is it they get equal protection when they have no right to be on U.S. soil? Texas has approximately 400,000 illegal alien minors in our schools and We the People keep getting our property taxes raised for education because in so many school districts in this state the schools are loaded with illegal minors while their parent(s) are working illegally, unusually under the table paying no taxes.

Two part column (mine), this from part 2: “Alabama Wins in Ruling on Its Immigration Law

“Today Judge Blackburn upheld the majority of our law,” Gov. Robert Bentley said in a brief statement he delivered outside the State Capitol in Montgomery. “With those parts that were upheld, we have the strongest immigration law in the country.” The judge did issue a preliminary injunction against several sections of the law, agreeing with the government’s case that they pre-empted federal law. She blocked a broad provision that outlawed the harboring or transporting of illegal immigrants and another that barred illegal immigrants from enrolling in or attending public universities.”

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions. [Order two books and save $10.00. Give one to a friend or relative]

© 2022 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy: devvyk@npn.net

Shown Here:
Introduced in Senate (08/04/1993)
[Congressional Bills 103th Congress]
[From the U.S. Government Printing Office]
[S. 1351 Introduced in Senate (IS)]
103d CONGRESS, 1st Session
S. 1351

To curb criminal activity by aliens, to defend against acts of international terrorism, to protect American workers from unfair labor competition, and to relieve pressure on public services by strengthening border security and stabilizing immigration into the United States.



August 4 (legislative day, June 30), 1993

Mr. Reid introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary

We must close the border and stop all immigration for at least five years to get those who refuse to self-deport, get the criminals into prison and throw away the key. https://www.alipac.us/

Exclusive: Packed buses drop migrants off in Texas – Fox News’ Bill Melugin reports from Brownsville, Texas as buses drop off large groups of migrants, including single men, to be flown to other US cities.

Texas mayor: I am forced to use local taxpayer dollars to deal with Biden’s border crisis – Texas Mayor Don McLaughlin blasted the Biden administration for creating a humanitarian and public safety crisis due to its immigration policies.

Growing Old In Your Own Country You No Longer Recognize

By Frosty Wooldridge

April 11, 2022

Being a baby boomer, and being an old farm boy who milked cows, baled a lot of hay, slopped the hogs and fed the chickens, I am drawn to the the simpler times of 1950’s America. I remember living in slower times, more united times and more rational times.

Today, we’ve got city kids who shoot one another in schools. We’ve got students who don’t do their homework calling “mathematics” racist. We’ve got biological male swimmers competing in female swimming events as if it’s normal. Over 100,000 emotionally unbalanced Americans died last year from opioid drug overdoses…yet no one sneezed or did anything to prevent more deaths. In fact, the president invited more drug cartels across the border to bring in even more drugs for our youth.

All of it is totally, unequivocally, astoundingly: NUTS!

In the past 50 years, I’ve seen our country devolve from that “Shinning Light on the Hill” to economic, racial, educational, woke, and transgender mayhem.

In an interview, Patrick Crabtree gave his take on what’s happened to America:

Those of us who were part of the Baby Boom generation, now in our 60s and 70s, I no longer recognize the nation in which we grew up. We are strangers in a land that gets stranger by the day.

We believed in the American dream. We worked hard, paid our taxes and obeyed the law —even laws we thought were idiotic.

We married and had children. We struggled to raise families. Some of us went to war, like our fathers and grandfathers before us. We thought that when we grew old, there would be more for us – more than alienation.

Most of us don’t recognize Biden’s America. Patriotism has become passe. Our military is led by men who are social workers and politically correct hacks. They can’t fight, but they’re great at getting soldiers to use preferred pronouns and combating imaginary racism in the ranks.

Giant corporations have replaced individual enterprise, which – in many cases – has been taxed and regulated out of existence. Government bureaucrats and corporate executives are like the pigs and men at the end of Orwell’s “Animal Farm.”

We look in vain for a Ronald Reagan, a Lincoln or Teddy Roosevelt. Instead, we find corrupt clowns like wizened Nancy Pelosi, Commissar Ocasio-Cortez (the Cuban pinup girl selling socialist snake oil) and our president – a cranky septuagenarian slipping noisily into senility.

If we’re white, we’re told that we are responsible for every problem that plagues people of color. That’s right, we’re to blame for the roughly 70% of black children born out of wedlock (we forced their parents to behave irresponsibly), just as cops are to blame for the deaths of thugs who threaten their lives.

Savages who burn down cities are hailed as heroes and celebrated as warriors for social justice.

Mayors take down statues of Washington and Columbus and commission murals of George Floyd.

If you’re white, you’re also responsible for slavery, segregation, the Wounded Knee massacre and Japanese Americans interned during World War II. Racism is in our blood, they tell us. Remember, throughout the course of human history, racism has never existed anywhere but here.

By “despoiling the earth,” we’re also responsible for climate change. If we end up paying $7-a-gallon for gas – well, it’s our own fault.

Forget racial minorities. Now, we’re told that there are “sexual minorities” — that people who used to be considered odd are in fact oppressed. And that a man who thinks he’s a woman in fact is a woman – and is entitled to use the ladies’ room with our granddaughters. And if we refuse to accept this bizarre fantasy, we are hateful!

What passes for entertainment is sickening – all blood and gore, sadistic killers, aliens who pop out of people’s stomachs and monsters in various guises. We search in vain for contemporary movies with characters we can admire or at least care about. So, we retreat to cinema of the 40s and 50s on TCM.

On top of living in a country that’s unrecognizable, we can’t even afford to live here anymore. You need a second mortgage to buy a steak. A hamburger and fries at McDonald’s are a gourmet feast.

Filling up the tank is agonizing. Inflation is at a 40-year high and accelerating, and politicians tell us it’s because government isn’t spending enough.

Our parents could retire at 65, in the mortgage-free home they bought in their 30s. We’re still working at 75. Retirement is a distant dream. We’re working to provide benefits for illegal aliens, addicts and loons who camp out and defecate on the streets and steal from the corner store at will.

Many of us are the grandchildren of immigrants, a fact of which we are proud. Our people helped to build this country. But we witness with unalloyed horror the tide flowing across our southern border unimpeded. The middle class view them as criminals, gang members and mooches. The Democratic party sees them as voters. We can’t defend our own borders, but are expected to defend those of distant lands.

This used to be an English-speaking country. Now it’s ballots in 20 languages, court interpreters and press one for Spanish.

Our feeble president (who’s been sucking on the federal teat for half-a-century) is unable to perform his Constitutional duties, but has successfully waged war on domestic energy production. We went from energy independence to beggars with a gas can in a matter of months. The corpse that walks says climate change is the biggest threat to our national security – along with transphobia.

Washington sputters about Putin’s war on Ukraine, but imports 670,000 barrels of Russian oil a month. While he lets pipelines rust and our oil, coal and natural gas remain in the ground, Biden pleads with the Saudis to pump more – and is thinking about imports from the Marxists of Venezuela and the jihadists of Iran, both Russian allies. Apparently, oil from anywhere outside the U.S. doesn’t pollute.

Officeholders for life treat us like mentally-challenged children. They snicker at those who pay their exorbitant salaries.

So, we limp along into old age, too proud to go on the dole and too stubborn to just give up.

I agree with Patrick Crabtree’s summation with another two dozen points from my pen and perspectives. You might ask the question: how do we change course? How do we get back on track? How do we “right” ourselves?

If we continue on this current path, we will reach a point of no return to the America where I grew up: with personal accountability, personal pride, personal involvement, educational excellence and personal joy in being an American.

Wouldn’t you agree that we all possess a stake in seeing America become America again?

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

Will America Be Hit With Food Shortages?

By Roger Anghis

April 10, 2022

America is at a time that no one alive, I believe, has ever witnessed.  We have an illegal administration that is completely ignoring the responsibilities of the federal government concerning protecting our borders.  We had a system in place that was very effective but all of the precautions established by the last administration were abandoned.  Now, the illegitimate president tells us he doesn’t know how the chaos at the border happened.

We were also energy independent the day the illegitimate president took office and now he’s begging our enemies, Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, and others to sell us oil.  Why are we sending our money to people that hate us for oil that is right under our feet?  The Democrats are not aware I guess that the resources of the United States belong to the people, not the government and it is their job to see that we have access to those resources.

This present administration has placed so many restrictions on businesses that it makes it very difficult to do business and stay afloat.  California has put such restrictions on truckers that the majority of truckers cannot legally operate in California.  This has caused a major problem in unloading cargo ships.  We simply don’t have enough truckers that can qualify for California’s insane vehicle requirements to unload the cargo ships. This has created a major supply chain problem for retailers, farmers, auto manufacturers, and parts supply houses. That in turn has created a supply chain problem for grocery stores. When people can’t get food there will be unrest like this nation has never seen.

Inflation is at a forty-year high. I remember the inflation during the Carter years,  We had 21% interest rates and 18% inflation. Carter’s inability to understand an economy was the reason for these figures but what is happening now isn’t from economic ignorance it is from a contrives plan to bring the United States down to a third world level so that they can do the great economic reset.

We have the world’s elite that are wanting to take control of every man, woman, and child on the planet. It is about control. That is what the vaccines are all about. No vaccine in the past was continued after even a small number of people had adverse reactions. In the military more have died from the vaccine than of COVID yet the mandate is still in place. In a speech to the WHO Council on Eugenics, on February 25, 2009, Henry Kissinger stated: “Once the herd accepts mandatory vaccinations, it’s game over.  They will accept anything – forcible blood or organ donation – “for the greater good”.  We can genetically modify children and sterilize them — “for the greater good”.  Control sheep minds and you control the herd.  Vaccine makers stand to make billions. And many of you in this room are investors. It’s a big win-win.  We thin out the herd and the herd pays us for extermination services”.

Anyone that wants to control a people must control the food supply.  Kissinger also stated: “Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.” US strategy deliberately destroyed family farming in the US and abroad and led to 95% of all grain reserves in the world being under the control of six multinational agribusiness corporations. I, personally, have never seen so many empty shelves in a grocery store as I have in the last six months and it seems to be getting worse.

Biden is blaming literally everything wrong in America on the fact that Putin invaded Ukraine. Our border problem is 100% Biden’s fault. Our historic high gas prices are 100% Biden’s fault. Unemployment increases are Biden’s fault. Inflation is Biden’s fault. It all stems from the liberal’s desire to turn America into a third-world hell hole. That’s why they are allowing so many illegals to cross the southern border. It is their attempt to ‘diversify’ our population.  Liberals believe that Americans think they are privileged and deserve the rewards of the works of our hands.  They believe that everybody must be equal and that they must take from those that prosper and give it to those that refuse to work. All their ideology does is create equal suffering. The elites like the Rockefellers,  Rothchilds, Bilderbergers, Kissingers, and the rest, deserve to live high on the hog because they are much smarter than the average Joe.

There are signs that the shortages have already begun.  I also believe that they can be averted by simple common sense, something the Democrats know little to nothing about.  California grows a major portion of our food but over the last few years, they have been seriously restricted because of drought. Adding insult to injury environmentalists, aka group of people that have exhibited no common sense at all, have demanded that several dams in California that supply farmers with water have been scheduled for demolition because of migratory salmon.[1] Yes, the salmon need to be accommodated and a ‘ladder’ could be devised to allow them to migrate as has been done in countless other locations where salmon migrate upstream.  I have a firm belief that a human life is more valuable than a fish. That should be the top priority. They do what they can to address the salmons ability to go upstream without destroying the dams.

A lot of people are opposed to these dames being removed. The lose of 45-billion gallons of water for cities and towns,  farmlands and orchards, and for fighting fires is insanity on steroids. At the same time we have a drought, the Guv is using tax dollars to demolish three dams in California and one in Oregon.  While we have massive forest fires, Newsom is limiting the water available to fight the fires, feed the people and provide water for families.

“A shell corporation going by the name of the ‘Klamath River Renewal Corporation’ (KRRC) wants to remove the dams on the Klamath River that hold 45-billion gallons of fresh water. ‘Beneficial Use’: CAL-FIRE drafted over one-million gallons of water from Iron Gate Lake to battle the 38,000 acre Klamathon Wildfire that was stopped before it incinerated the Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument and Ashland OR:

These two lakes are formed by two of the 4-dams on the Klamath River.

Draining the 45-Billion gallons of water from Copco and Iron Gate Lakes and destroying structurally sound water-storage dams during a water crises that is combined with catastrophic wildfires is just insane.” [2]

Everything that Governor Newsome is doing is exacerbating the problem of food production in California. Being the nephew of Nancy Pelosi explains the idiocy of his actions. But there is a lot more that we need to address and we’ll do that next week.

© 2022 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis: roger@buildingthetruth.org


  1. https://pythagotrong.com/plan-to-remove-four-dams-in-california-has-cleared-a-major-barrier-updated/
  2. Klamath river dams krrc says drain 45 billion gallons of fresh water from lakes during extreme drought & wildfires

Don’t Procrastinate: Get Right With God, Right Now

By Rob Pue

April 10, 2022

Life has been very strange the past few years.  It’s like we’re all in a theatrical performance or a movie of some kind.  But the movie genre keeps changing.  Are we in a “drama?”  A “suspense” or “thriller?”  A “mystery?”  A “science fiction” tale?  It’s been a mixture of all these things, but as the scenes continue to change, we’re quickly moving into a real life horror movie.

Did you ever think that you’d live in the generation that would see the Lord’s return?  The LAST of the last days?  I believe we’re very near that Day.  But first, we must endure some perilous times.  As Paul wrote to Timothy, “There will be terrible times in the last days.  People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God; having a form of godliness but denying its power.”  This describes our modern culture and society very accurately.  In other areas of Scripture we read how people in these last days will be liars, full of deceit, following false gods and worshiping the earth rather than the Creator.  We read of sorcery, which is translated “pharmakea,” meaning out-of-control use of mind-altering drugs and poisonous “jabs” — to kill, destroy and steal peoples’ minds.

Not to mention “a day’s wages for a loaf of bread.”  I can’t say for sure whether or not the seals of Revelation 6 have been opened, but they certainly seem to be, as world events are moving so rapidly now, and falling right into place with biblical prophecy.  Yet those who hate God continue on in their wickedness and rebellion and disbelief.  Indeed the New World Order Globalists believe they ARE God.  But one day, every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is LORD.  As we read in Revelation 6, starting at verse 15, “And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains, and said to the mountains and rocks, ‘Fall on us, and hide us from the face of Him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb.’”

I think of all those so-called “Elite,” who’ve prepared private, luxurious underground bunkers for themselves far beneath the earth and deep inside mountains.  They think they’ve devised a plan to escape the coming apocalypse that THEY are creating purposely here on earth, but when that Great and Terrible Day of the Lord arrives, the Bible tells us in Revelation 9 that they will seek death, they will long to die, they’ll beg God to kill them, but they won’t be able to die.

The “preqel” to this movie began long ago.  America has been governed and run by wicked, deceitful and demonic people for over a century now.  Meanwhile, our Christian heritage and deeply-held faith has been steadily eroded, AIDED by so-called “pastors” and “shepherds” who have been steadily growing more cowardly and obedient to the whims of unsaved sinners, and servants of the Almighty State, rather than Almighty God.  Professing Christians in America are, for the most part, living carnal and hedonistic lives, viewing their “faith” as nothing more than a “get-out-of-hell-free-card” — but that “card” is as worthless as the paper money in their wallets.  And the blame for this can be laid squarely at the feet of those cowardly shepherds, fearful of losing their popularity among the people, should they dare learn about and then speak the truth.  They prefer to remain ignorant and they prefer their people don’t ask any tough questions.

The “prequel” to this movie we’re living in is long and detailed.  It includes many things I have no time to mention here.  But it includes the illegitimate “income tax,” and the creation of the “Federal Reserve;” it includes the perpetual desire of Globalist power brokers to rebuild the tower of Babel; it includes an agenda to “depopulate” the earth of those who refuse to obey; it includes the removal of the Bible and prayer in our public schools; the “legalization” of the murder of babies in the womb; countless wars, bloodshed of the innocent and meddling in the affairs of other nations, by which our “public servants” become filthy rich — not to mention unscrupulous and deadly medical experimentation on the helpless and the ignorant — for the benefit of the wealthy elite; the deliberate dumbing down of our children — and our adults — through the public schools and mockingbird media propaganda machine; the meteoric rise of homosexuality and transgenderism — purposely orchestrated by these same demons, ultimately culminating in the persecution of all those who refuse to celebrate these perversions and teach them to their children.  It includes fake political “elections” which have been going on for years.  It includes much more.

The main feature of the movie we’re currently in began in October of 2019 when the New World Order elites conducted a practice run for what they were about to unleash upon the unsuspecting world.  That was Event 201, held openly in New York City.  One need only look at the players in that “event” to understand that COVID was a scam from the start, and anyone with eyes to see can clearly understand the goal was to inject every human being on the planet — to kill them — quickly or slowly, and to “mark” the survivors with interactive tracking devices linking all who are left to the “internet of things.”

This has all gone very smoothly for the Globalists.  Most of the world obediently complied.  If you’re one who didn’t, you should know you’ve already been targeted for elimination.  Currently, 25 federal agencies are compiling lists of all those who sought a religious exemption from the jab.  I understand, that for centuries many have looked at world events around them and wondered if Christ’s return was imminent.  But this is the first time in the history of the world that the demonic “elite” have been able to subdue and deceive the WHOLE WORLD with their sorceries.

Let us not forget the burning, looting, rioting and killing that took place two years ago, which we were told were merely  “peaceful protests,” the blatantly fraudulent election that year, the outright lies of government and health agencies, the censorship of all dissent on social media outlets, the fact that “health agencies” banned the use of effective medications in the midst of a so-called “pandemic,” and de-platformed anyone who dared to speak of natural immunity or the use of Vitamins and other supplements to boost one’s own immune system.  The fact that a deadly drug — Remdesivir — was the ONLY drug hospitals were allowed to use for COVID patients… a drug first tested in Africa but abruptly stopped during it’s development because so many people died from it.

But here in America, it was the only treatment doctors were allowed to use.  In fact, they were FORCED to use it nationwide.  This drug causes massive, cascading organ failure and it only takes about five days for it to kill people.  Hospitals were given massive financial bonuses for using it, and of course, one of the largest stakeholders in the Remdesivir patent is Anthony Fauci.

Today, we’re getting mixed signals on the COVID lockdowns.  “Lockdowns” — a term normally reserved for high security prisons.  While restrictions may seem to be loosening, it’s only for a time.  We’re also hearing how China has locked it’s citizens down once more, more strictly than ever.  What happened here in 2020 will be starting all over again soon.  If we’re not placed on “house arrest” or into a concentration camp (for our own good, of course), because of COVID, the pretense may be something else.

Now as the truth is being revealed about the insidious corruption of Hunter Biden and the entire Biden crime family, deeply embedded with China, Russia and Ukraine, the truth is also being revealed about the Deep State players including the FBI, the CIA, the World Health Organization, the CDC, Fauci, Gates, Trudeau, Zuckerberg and certainly Klous Schwab and the World Economic Forum.  So they needed a war with 24/7 coverage in the mockingbird media to draw our attention away from the truth.  Today we have a majority of Americans siding with Ukraine — because the media TELLS them to.  Few understand that even according to Wikipedia, the government of Ukraine is the 3rd most corrupt in the world.  And WE, the US, are taking THEIR side.  That ought to tell you something.

As the movie continues, I believe the next big scene will be the end of the US dollar, which has been backed by NOTHING since FDR took us off the Gold Standard in 1933.  Citizens were required by law to turn in all their gold for a set price of $20.67 an ounce.  Those who refused were fined $10,000 and/or spent ten years in jail. In 1934, the government price of gold was increased to $35 an ounce, thereby increasing the gold on the Federal Reserve’s balance sheets by 69%.  In 1971, Richard Nixon announced the US would no longer covert dollars to gold at a fixed value, thereby completely abandoning the gold standard.  And it was illegal for Americans to possess more than $100 worth of gold until 1974.

Understand that the inflation we saw in the 1970s and ‘80s was caused by uncontrolled government printing — and spending — of money.  But the inflation then was nothing compared to today.  Today the national debt is staggering.  You can see it rise in real time at the website: USDebtClock.org.  As I write this message, each and every American taxpayer owes $242,500 in debt.  We’re now bankrupt, financially and morally.

The end-game in all this is a digital, One-World currency.  That should concern you.  Because in order to achieve this, the US dollar must be crushed.  Russia has already abandoned the US dollar — and other world currencies — as Putin is attempting to back the ruble with gold.  India has also abandoned the dollar.  Other nations will soon follow.

This is a giant leap forward for the Great Reset.  Imagine waking up one day and finding that every dollar you had was simply GONE overnight.  All of your accounts have been zeroed out.  Your 401K, your IRA, your savings account, checking account, your pension.  ATMs don’t work.  Banks are closed, with armed guards at the doors.  Those of you who’ve saved up cash in case of emergency face the new reality that all that paper money is now only useful to start a fire to keep warm with.

Your only option is government handouts, but those will only be short-lived, only available until the Great Reset officially begins with a digital currency, available to you easily and conveniently with a simple injection or “mark” embedded in your right hand.  Along with this you’ll receive a “Universal Basic Income” which you MAY be able to subsist upon. — IF you’re a good, obedient peasant.  Otherwise, they can turn off your “credits” with a flip of a switch.  Of course, you’ll lose everything, because while all your bank accounts were zeroed out, your debt was not.  Once again, you’ll be depending on the good graces of the Globalists to survive.

This is what’s coming, folks.  These are not MY words — these are THEIR plans, and they’ve told us all plainly what they intend to do.  When?  Perhaps this summer.  Meanwhile, we’re facing a world-wide famine.  Millions of acres of US farmland will NOT be planted this year.  The government is paying farmers NOT to plant, shutting down access to American energy sources, spending even more money, and creating hyper-inflation on purpose.  And as things heat up with Russia, Ukraine and China, it wouldn’t surprise me if yet another “false flag” attack took place here in the US very soon.  Perhaps a localized nuclear explosion, a “dirty bomb” or a cyber attack to take down our power grid, our banking system, our communications or transportation.  It will likely be blamed on Russia.  But when something happens, don’t believe those same liars who’ve been lying to you for years now.  Understand, this is the PLAN and take steps now to prepare.

More people in America are now more dependent on government handouts than ever before.  Homelessness is a real epidemic now.  We’re being invaded at our southern border with more than a million illegals entering and happily taking US handouts in just the last year alone.  Lawlessness abounds.   And in a country where we’re so sensitive now about gender and race, Biden’s only litmus test for a new Supreme Court Justice is that it must be a BLACK FEMALE.  I thought we were supposed to be fighting racism.  Oh, I forgot…only WHITE people are racist.  I thought there was no such thing as “male” and “female” anymore.  But that’s ok, since Biden’s pick doesn’t know whether or not she’s a female and can’t define the word “Woman.”  This is all by design — but the plans of the wicked will be thwarted by God.  If I were you, I’d get right with God, right now.

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email Rob@WisconsinChristianNews.com.  Ask for message number 355.

© 2022 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue: Rob@WisconsinChristianNews.com

Why Biden Wants Ukraine to Lose

By Cliff Kincaid

April 8, 2022

Without any objection to how the war is being conducted on the American side, General Mark Milley has it will last “at least years for sure.” That’s because Biden doesn’t want Ukraine to win. Milley and his comrades are content to keep the war going, costing thousands of lives, as long as they don’t provoke Vladimir Putin.

Putin seems to have a mysterious hold over members of the Biden Administration.

Almost every day we see another story about political figures, Democrats and Republicans, wondering why the Biden Administration is so timid when it comes to providing weapons to Ukraine to win the war against Russia.

The typical term is “slow-walking” weapons to Ukraine.

Putting it another way, there is some substance to the claim by Marxist scholar Noam Chomsky that current U.S. policy is to “fight to the last Ukrainian” while “offering no way to save Ukraine from further tragedy.”

However, saving Ukraine — and the world — from further tragedy is not to give in to Russia but rather to develop a strategy of victory over communism.

Recognizing the no-win nature of the war, when it comes to the United Nations, Ukraine President Zelensky said the world body wasn’t doing anything to support Ukraine because Russia is a permanent member and has veto power. He noted, correctly, “We are dealing with a state that turns the right of veto in the UN Security Council into a right to kill.”

Biden, a great backer of the U.N. who once wrote about his love for a New World Order, understands what Russia is doing and either doesn’t care or has another agenda, set in motion by his handlers, that will be implemented at the same time.

I think we can figure this one out.

Zelensky asked, “…where is the security that the Security Council must guarantee? There is no security. Although there is a Security Council, as if nothing happened.”

His other points were:

  • So where is the peace that the United Nations was created to guarantee?
  • It is obvious that the key institution of the world, which must ensure the coercion of any aggressors to peace, simply cannot work effectively.
  • I would like to remind you of the first article of the first chapter of the UN Charter. What is the purpose of our organization? To maintain peace. And to force to peace. Now the UN Charter is being violated literally from the first article. And if so, what is the point of all other articles?
  • It is now clear that the goals set in San Francisco in 1945 during the creation of a global international security organization have not been achieved.

Zelensky’s conclusion was that “we must do everything in our power to pass on to the next generations an effective UN with the ability to respond preventively to security challenges and thus guarantee peace.”

Needless to say, that won’t do anything to stop Russia or save Ukraine. And it seems practically impossible since Russia and China have permanent seats on the Security Council.

However, this presents an opportunity for various U.N. “reformers” on the left side of the political spectrum who want the U.N. to be a world government. Some of these proposals could be pursued depending on what happens in Ukraine and the Middle East.

For example, the Institute for Public Accuracy,  a pro-U.N. group, just happened to send out a release on “Ukraine and International Law,” arguing that Ukraine must accept Russia’s terms for “peace,” to go along with certain reforms of the United Nations, to make the world body more “effective.”

Regarding the latter, we are informed in another press release that the UN Human Rights Council, which included Russia, created the mandate of the Independent Expert on the Promotion of a Democratic and Equitable International Order.   The first mandate-holder, Dr. Alfred de Zayas, has written, Building a Just World Order, proposing “disarmament for development.”

We know what all of this means. In the Middle East, this will be a deal for a “nuclear-free zone” in the Middle East that will put United Nations pressure on Israel to abandon its nuclear deterrent.

In Europe, the problem with this approach is that the 1994 Budapest Memorandum, signed by the Russian government, was supposed to guarantee Ukraine’s territorial integrity, in exchange for giving its Soviet nuclear weapons back to Moscow. Russia violated the agreement in a blatant fashion when it invaded Ukraine in 2014.

Hence, any new “peace treaty” will have to put trust into a regime in Russia that has already violated its commitments. But since Biden is trusting Russia as a player in negotiations for a new Iran nuclear agreement, the odds are likely that Biden will trust Russia again on Ukraine. That means agreeing to “peace” in Ukraine on Russian terms, perhaps enforced through the presence of U.N. “peacekeepers.”

This could be one of the building blocks of Biden’s New World Order, one of his long-time goals. The reputation of the U.N. will be enhanced and the Russian regime will be welcomed back into the family of nations, perhaps with Putin officially stepping down from power after his victory over Ukraine.

The bottom line: Biden can’t afford to have Ukraine win the war. It’s not part of the game plan. He intends to get Russian approval for the Iran deal and wants Ukraine to make a deal with Russia as well.

Of course, another explanation for this turn of events could be old-fashioned financial corruption, as former President Trump notes evidence that the Moscow mayor’s wife gave US$3.5 million to Hunter Biden in a bid to curry favor with his father, the former vice president and now president.

“That’s a lot of money,” Trump said on the Real America’s Voice “Just the News” show. “She gave him US $3.5 million so now I would think Putin would know the answer to that. I think he should release it.”

“I think we should know that answer,” he added.

It turns out that, in the end, Biden may be officially unmasked as the real Russian agent. But we don’t need to wait for a trial of Hunter Biden to get that answer.

© 2022 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid: kincaid@comcast.net

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc www.usasurvival.org

Repucrats for the New World Order

by Servando Gonzalez

April 8, 2022

As the saying goes, every dark cloud has a silver lining. The present jingoist frenzy unleashed by the Russian attack on the Ukraine, a country of corrupt politicians  —some people even believe that they are more corrupt than ours, which if true may be a great feat— and fascists who joined the Nazis during WWII, has nothing to do with the Ukraine, a country most public school “educated” Americans ignored its existence until very recently. Actually, it is a disguised effort to force Russia into accepting the globalist conspirators’ beloved New World Order.

The true reason the globalist traitors in ours midst hate Russia so much is not because the Russians have suddenly turned back to the communist totalitarianism the globalist conspirators imposed upon them at the beginning of the past century,[1] as some “conservative” Republicans and “progressive” Democrats —I call them “Repucrats”—[2] want us to believe. The true reason why the globalist conspirators and their followers hate the Russians is not because they invaded the Ukraine, as most brainwashed idiot now believe, but because they have not opened their borders to a veritable invasion of illegal aliens. Moreover, the Russians not only have not teared down the monuments honoring their patriots but are not erecting monuments honoring Lucifer and Baphomet, as we are currently doing in America. Even more offensive, the Russians not only are not accepting Satanism but most of them are devout Christians.

To make it worse, Russian teachers still teach what teachers are supposed to teach —math, history, geography, biology— and, contrary to American teachers, they are not fully devoted indoctrinate children in the hatred for their country and their love for morally destructive ideas. Moreover, currently the Russian government is encouraging the love for the family as a key social unit and the respect for their country’s history and traditions. Also, Russian leaders do not think that the world is overpopulated and it is necessary to kill no less than 85 percent of  “useless eaters” to save Gaia.

Actually, the true reason why both “progressive” Democrats and “conservative” Republicans as well as the globalist conspirators who control them hate the Russian from the bottom of their hearts has nothing to do with the Ukraine, but because they are setting a dangerous example they fear. Unfortunately, the present third generation of brainwashed, forever face mask-wearing American sheeple have fully joined the anti-Russian hysteria.

If tomorrow the Russian leaders declare that they love the New World Order and authorize parades of alphabet soup minority groups proudly flying multicolored  flags, the globalist conspirators would surely encourage them to invade Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic and East Germany, exactly as Roosevelt and Churchill encouraged Stalin to do at the end of WWII. Nothing new under the sun.

But we all know that, according to most dyed in the wool Repucrats, contrary to America, the land of freedom, Russia is still a totalitarian communist country, where dissidents are persecuted, harassed, and send to jail without trial, something would never happen in America … unless you are a “terrorist” who joined a bunch of idiots having a good time in Washington D.C.

But some alleged “unpatriotic” Americans —some Republicans have already called them traitors—, such as Alex Jones, Tucker Carlson and Ron Paul, are not repeating the official narrative about the Russian’s actions in the Ukraine. Obviously, some Republicans who still claim they support the First Amendment, believe that this treasonous, anti-American behavior should gain them a free trip to Guantanamo.

But that’s nothing new. Jones, Carlson and Paul are the same guys who joined some conspiracy theorists who were convinced that the Coronavirus actually was a eugenicist warfare operation waged by the globalist conspirators to reduce the loo-large number of useless eaters in this planet. No wonder some “conservative” Republicans and “progressive” Democrats are so angry and hate them so much.

A Personal Note:

A few days ago I got an email from Amazon.com, informing me that my publishing account had been terminated, and all my books will no longer be available for sale. When I asked why, they answered it was because of some “content violations” of the publishing agreement. They never specified which content rule I have violated.

Nevertheless, I was not surprised. I am sure I have violated most of Amazon’s content rules, and I am proud of it. A good friend of mine once told me I was an “equal opportunity offender.” If you read my articles you may have noticed he was right. Anyway, Amazon has the right to cancel a publishing account at any time and for any reason.

What I am not pleased about is that they not only closed my account, but erased my books and the hundreds of reviews my readers have posted during the years. So, they have not only stopped selling my books but erased the proof that they have ever existed. Suddenly, I have become a sort of author that never was.

In his dystopian classic 1984, George Orwell depicted a totalitarian world where the censors throw through a “memory hole” the censored printed works. Today is a lot easier. Just by pushing a button all your works go down the digital memory hole.

So, if you want to know the true reason why Amazon banned my books, I advise you to buy the remaining few copies of my books at NewsWithViews. I suggest you get your copy of I Dare Call It Treason and Psychological Warfare and the New World Order, and do it fast. If I don’t find another publisher, my books very soon will become collector items, very expensive and difficult to find.

© 2022 Servando Gonzales – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Servando Gonzales: servandoglez05@yahoo.com


  1. Servando Gonzalez. “Another War, Another Buck- Part 2,” NewsWithViews, March 5, 2022, https://newswithviews.com/another-war-another-buck-part-2/
  2. In the mid-sixties, Alabama’s Governor George Wallace said: “There’s not a dime’s worth of difference between the Democrat and Republican parties.” Today, there is not a penny worth of difference between the two factions of the Repucratic Party.

The Reptilian Brains of Terri’s Executioners

By Joan Swirsky

April 8, 2022

For decades, neuroscientists have recognized that the brain has three distinct systems. One is derived from primitive reptiles that were adept at survival strategies. Another includes the limbic system––often called the “seat of emotions.” The third includes the neocortex and prefrontal lobes (comprising the right and left hemispheres of the brain) that account for thinking, verbal abilities, and other “higher” functions.

My theory is that Terri’s putative husband Michael, his attorney George J. Felos, and Judge George Greer–who ruled for years against Terri’s right to life–have highly developed reptilian brains and prefrontal lobes, but that they are sorely lacking in anything resembling a normal limbic system.

What exactly is the limbic system? Located just below the neocortex, it is the part of the brain that governs––among other emotions––affection, feelings, and most of all, empathy.

What is empathy? Simply, it is the ability to feel what others are feeling. It is not sympathy, which is feeling sorry for someone or that something happened. Empathy, on the other hand, is the ability to put oneself in the place of another person and actually experience the feelings they are experiencing––be they joy, anxiety, fear or pain.

Persuasive research over the past several decades, conducted by the most prestigious science institutions both in America and abroad, has relied on PET and more recently fMRI scans (the “f” stands for functional) that visualize brain activity to demonstrate that structural and functional abnormalities in several brain regions (the limbic system, the amygdala, the hippocampus, et al) account for a lack of empathy.

People who lack empathy are called sociopaths, a euphemistic version of what was once called psychopaths. Like all cold-blooded killers, they are literally incapable of feeling what another person feels. While they may be expert at affecting what amounts to a parody of normality and integrity, charm, and intellect, underneath their guises is a total inability to “feel your pain.”


You can call it bad character, or you can say, as liberals and retro psychotherapists do, that the unfeeling person––like the terrorists who murdered nearly 3,000 innocent Americans on September 11, 2001––are “victims” of their upbringings or circumstances.

I say that no matter the source of the behavior, people lacking the kind of empathy that allows them to kill without remorse––for instance, to starve a healthy woman to death––are no different than other 21st Century terrorists and deserve the same consequences: indictment, conviction, and imprisonment.

While antidepressant, anti-anxiety and anti-psychotic drugs have successfully treated millions of people with biologically driven mental illnesses––there is NO CURE for sociopaths!

Does this describe the likes of Michael Schiavo, Felos and Greer? You decide.

From what I observed, all of them are reptilian in their icy coldness, and malevolent fakers when they use the “higher centers” of their brains to dissemble and pretend that they “feel” what they clearly don’t feel at all.

They all knew exactly what starvation would entail for Terri, who at the time of her court-ordered death sentence was vibrantly healthy, save for her limited mental function. To name but a few horrifying symptoms that she probably experienced were:

  • Skin rashes that they knew she couldn’t scratch as well as irritation of all her tissues, particularly of the tongue, mouth, and vagina,
  • Shrinking of her vital organs like the heart and lungs,
  • Uncontrollable diarrhea and/or painful contractions of her intestines,
  • Frightening weakness that she never felt before,
  • Swelling from fluid under her skin,
  • Immune deficiency,
  • Psychotic thinking.

And these merchants of death were also aware that the dehydration they ordered––depriving Terri of water––would entail:

  • Unbearable, unquenchable thirst,
  • Muscle weakness and therefore painful cramps,
  • Nausea and vomiting,
  • Deep rapid breathing and/or, to Terri, a frightening increased heart rate,
  • Dried out skin in her nose as well as the pain of cracked lips,
  • The shutdown of her kidneys,
  • Loss of consciousness.


Ostensibly unmoved by her plight were a triumvirate of reptiles: Terri’s money-hungry husband had already collected a million dollars in a malpractice settlement about his claim that doctors failed to diagnose her so-called but still-undocumented bulimia, and he also stood to receive $1.2 million as the heir to the remainder of the that judgment; his seemingly euthanasia-infatuated attorney; and the idealogue judge.

All of them were unmoved by Terri’s agonizingly slow death because they claimed she would have chosen that fate for herself. Never mind the absence of a signed Living Will or videotape of her wishes.

During the nearly two weeks that Terri suffered after her feeding tube was removed, empathic people throughout the world had a heightened awareness of their own hunger pangs and thirst, and the merciful availability of the food and drink at their fingertips. But the reptiles didn’t.

When Michael Schiavo––who had obviously been busy following the money––decided that “for better or worse, through sickness and health, ‘til death do us part” were inconvenient elements of the marital oath he swore before God and chose not to divorce Terri nor to seek an annulment of their marriage but opted instead for bigamy and to father two children.

And the normal empathy that develops when people become parents didn’t appear to happen to Michael. Instead of “feeling” the pain that Terri’s parents experienced and identifying with their determination to care for their daughter “in sickness and in health,” he seemed to feel––as all reptiles do––nothing.

And in what federalist.com called “the final act of selfish cruelty, [he] arrived only minutes before her death [and] denied the request of her parents, Mary and Bob Schindler, to remain with Terri for her final breath.”


The website’s commentary went on to cite the words of Pope John Paul II, whose empathy for humanity and evolved morality provided stark contrast to the reptilian natures of Michael Schiavo and company. Last year, the Pope––on a feeding tube himself in his final days–– effectively declared his `living will’ in a speech to doctors and ethicists,” saying: “The administration of water and food, even when provided by artificial means, always represents a natural means of preserving life, not a medical act.” He described the denial of such care “euthanasia by omission.”

As far back as 1950, Five Star General Omar Bradley stated what could be aptly applied to the Terri Schiavo case: “We have grasped the mystery of the atom and rejected the Sermon on the Mount…the world has achieved brilliance without conscience. Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants.”

“What can we expect?” asks Christopher Flickinger in an article in www.therant.us. “For those citizens with handicaps or disabilities, you are forewarned – someone may have his eye on you. If you’re blind, deaf, mute, in a wheelchair, on crutches, use a walker or a cane, walk with a limp or have an appendage missing, you better mind your P’s and Q’s. One little slip-up, just one, and someone could deem your life unfit for living, take away your wheelchair, put you in a Hospice center and starve you to death. [The] excuse would be, “Well, they’re worthless shells of a human. Those cripples have been draining my pocketbook for years – all those ramps and elevators and special parking spots. Forget about legislation in order to fix Social Security. I’ll fix it myself by lightening our load… With this new precedent of social Darwinism sweeping the nation, there’s no end to the possibilities. In a way, we’ll pick-up were Hitler failed. Forget about a master race. We’re more interest in preserving the lives of those who can win the race. And as for everyone else, Pandora’s box is now wide open.”

In Schiavo’s case, criminal proceedings may yet ensue. According to NewsMax.com, Florida’s Department of Children and Families had received 89 allegations that Schiavo had abused his wife – but Judge Greer (surprise!) ruled that DCF summaries of those allegations must remain secret to everyone except (surprise!) Michael Schiavo himself. However, The St. Petersburg Times and the Tampa Tribune have now filed lawsuits for the release of the abuse summaries.

It’s too late for Terri––and the millions of babies who were the victims of infanticide through abortion since her death––but it’s not too late for American citizens to take careful note of those elected officials––overwhelmingly liberals––who through their support of abortion and now euthanasia are responsible for what has become a “culture of death” in our country, and to boot them out of office or make sure they are never elected or reelected.

© 2022 Joan Swirsky – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Joan Swirsky: joanswirsky@gmail.com

Website: http://www.joanswirsky.com

Do We Still Need the Consent of the Governed?

By Lee Duigon

April 7, 2022

Has “consent of the governed” become a mere luxury, no longer required to keep a regime in power?

Has public support for party, policy, and candidates become completely unnecessary? How about public approval? Is that now irrelevant, too?

Democrats are acting like the answer to those questions is Yes.

Here’s a scenario that’s being increasingly bandied about.

SloJo Biden has become radioactive. He’s polling around 38-40% approval, and I suspect it’s worse than that. Democrats have every right to expect to be slaughtered in this year’s midterm elections, and it’s widely perceived to be his fault. Well, they have to blame it on somebody, don’t they?

So Joe must go—and that means President Kamala Whatsername, whose polls are even worse than his. Democrats don’t seem to care about that. Who needs public approval anymore? Maybe they can coax Joe into retirement with a boxcar-load of money and blanket pardons for his whole family. Failing that, maybe he can expire peacefully in his sleep, having accidentally smothered himself under a pillow.

President Kamala then appoints two-time loser Hillary Clinton, the most corrupt woman in the world, vice president. The next step is to persuade Kamala to resign—maybe appoint her to the Supreme Court, where she can mindlessly cackle for the rest of her life. However they manage it, Kamala’s gone. And Hillary becomes our president, side-stepping election altogether. After the voting public has already rejected her twice.

As long ago as 2017, Rob “Meat-head” Reiner and some other Hollywood jidrools were yammering about the need to “invalidate” the election of Donald Trump and “install Hillary” so she can “take over.” They seemed to think they were living in Bolivia or some other Third World shambles.

They did it, though—got rid of Trump. And that was their green light to cut the Keystone Pipeline and destroy our country’s energy independence, rupture our southern border, appoint men who say they’re women to high public office, and spend the country into an inflationary spiral that just might finish off our economy once and for all. Can this much damage by caused by mere incompetence, or is it purposeful? Oh! And don’t forget that fiasco in Afghanistan. If any of this fallen world’s bad actors are still afraid of us after that, they need assertiveness training. Vladimir Putin picked up on it right away.

In all of this, the Democrat Party behaves as if public support for its policies has become utterly irrelevant. It’s as if they think they just don’t need it anymore. Is this just hubris, or have they got some cunning plan that we’ll only know about after it’s too late?

Meanwhile, they’ve criminalized the FBI, put babbling morons in charge of our military, further corrupted an already depraved nooze media (I really didn’t think that was possible, but I was wrong—it was), and obliged corrupt school boards by spying on and branding as “domestic terrorists” any parent who speaks out against what the teachers’ unions are doing to our children. Is there any villainy they haven’t yet stooped to?

But you can do all these things and more, once you’re convinced you no longer need the consent of the governed. “Peasants you are, and peasants you shall be—shut up and pay your taxes! And you’d better be nice, or we’ll lay another lockdown on you.”

This is very weird politics, unprecedented in American history.

Well, we’ll know the game is on as soon as our Free & Independent Nooze Media Inc. suddenly begin to discover hidden depths of wisdom in Kamala. When that happens, we’ll know we’re in the crosshairs.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, http://leeduigon.com/ . Click the link and visit before they cancel us all. My articles can also be found at www.chalcedon.edu/ .

© 2022 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon: leeduigon@verizon.net

Just Doin’ My Job – Following Orders

By Dave Daubenmire

April 7, 2022

It is hard to find a more poignant dialogue than the brief give-and-take between Luke and the prison guard in the old classic movie Cool Hand Luke.

Luke, played by Paul Newman, had just spent a hot afternoon working on a chain gain in the sweltering heat.  As he was heading to the bunk house for supper and recovery, one of the guards softly called out his name.


Cool Hand Luke stopped in his tracks, gave a weary sigh, and slowly turned to face the guard who had just uttered his name.

“Night in the Box.” The guard sheepishly spoke.

Luke dejectedly turned, rolled his eyes, and followed the guard into the “box” which served as solitary confinement for those inmates who had violated protocol.

The clearly conflicted guard opened the wooden door, sat a metal pot on the floor that served as a toilet, and ashamedly said:

“Sorry Luke.  Just doin’ my job.”

Ah Boss.”  Luke retorted.  “Calling it your job don’t make it right.”

Cool Hand Luke could never have uttered more appropriate words for the times in which we now find ourselves living.

That’s what the Nuremburg Trials were all about.  Obedient soldiers were held accountable for simply following orders.  But the Judges ruling over the trials determined that “calling it one’s job” did not make something right.  In fact, one had a DUTY to disobey an illegal order.

Before he was chosen as the First President of our Country, already elbow deep in civil disobedience, George Washington once quipped that Rebellion to Tyrants is Obedience to God. He knew of which he spoke as he bravely and boldly stared down the most powerful military force in the world.

His buddy, Patrick Henry, brazenly stated in a session of Congress, “Give me liberty, or give me death.”

Both men meant what they said.  Both men followed the rough road of rebellion against tyranny.  Both men chose to do the right thing in the face of authoritarian wrong.

No matter how often men may try and justify their actions there is never a right way to do wrong. The Constitution grants no inalienable right to do the wrong thing.

Our leadership has let us down.  They couldn’t even understand the basic premise that Cool Hand Luke so clearly explained.  Blaming immoral actions on the false virtue that somehow following tyrannical orders was “the right thing to do” is how the conscience of man is enticed away from the un-written moral code stamped in the heart.

There is no moral right nor obligation to do wrong.

Many years from now as historians endeavor to catalogue and explain the blind obedience to tyrants so readily exhibited by those whom Almighty God charged with opposing evil, our posterity will gasp in amazement at the ease with which Godly men capitulated to the forced surrender of individual Liberty.

It’s for the common good” will be the curtain behind which cowardly and confused men will justify their obedience to those who slapped chains over the shoulders of them and their posterity.  Cowardice has consequences.  Cowards die a thousand deaths.

Samuel Adams, the firebrand of The Revolution stated:

If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”

I wonder if Mr. Adams would have complied with Dr Fauci and his band of Luciferians?

As I look over my shoulder at the events of the last two years, I can’t help but search my own soul as to my own compliance with the illegal edicts of unrighteous government.

Bonhoeffer famously stated, “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak.  Not to act is to act.”

In the face of tyranny, cowardice often masquerades as virtue.  Fear is hidden in blind acquiescence.  Cowardly compliance is no virtue.  Obedience is no excuse.

Perilous days lie ahead for America.  The chains will not hang lightly.  Our children and grandchildren will pay a terrible cost.  The children of the Greatest Generation have gone down without a whimper.

Pastors, Teachers, Doctors, Lawyers, Clergymen, Parents, and Policemen have let us down in the most critical of hours. Adherence to fear is nothing more than subtle suicide.  The death of a million dreams occurred while we huddled in fear.  God cannot be pleased.  Fear is the fuel of compromised capitulation.

“Just doing my job,” will ring hollow in the annals of history. “I hear tell the road to hell is paved with good intentions.”

“Calling it your job” will pave our road to serfdom.

© 2022 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire: ptsalt@gmail.com

Thanks To Congress: What America Will Look Like In 2050—Cultural Disintegration

By Frosty Wooldridge

April 7, 2022

Part 5: Cultural disintegration

As a reminder validating the reason for this series: demographic experts project the United States adding 100 million immigrants to this country by 2050—a scant 28 years from now.  All totaled, since we reached 335 million in 2021, we will add 100 million people by 2050 to total 435 million people—enough to duplicate 20 of our top cities’ populations to our country.  The Pew Research Center, U.S. Population Projections by Fogel/Martin and the U.S. Census Bureau document those demographic facts.

If you’re not in tears or feel a shot of fear up your spine when you read the facts, you might be brain dead.  Your children will inherit this demographic nightmare.  My latest book describes their coming ordeal: America’s Overpopulation Predicament—Blindsiding Future Generations.  (free electronic copy at the end of this column)

In other words, we expect to add 33 million immigrants within 10 years by 2030. (Source: Roy Beck at www.NumbersUSA.org) Those numbers accelerate from there with immigrant birth rates, chain migration, diversity Visas and continued illegal migration from a desperate world that adds 83 million people net gain annually—or, 1 billion desperate people every 12 years.

But as you can imagine, the folks coming to our country lack the ability to speak English, arrive without any needed skills and throb with their own distinct cultures.

They arrive from warn-torn Somali, Sudan, Ethiopia, Congo (rape capitol of the world outside of Chicago), Iraq, Afghanistan, Kurdistan, India, China, Indonesia and just about every overpopulated God-forsaken country on the planet.  Are the members of  Congress completely out of their minds or what?

They continue changing the culture of America from one cohesive American Culture to a polyglot of poverty-stricken, educationally-wanting and religiously-incompatible mismatches.  Few of them hold anything in common with Americans.  Further, they don’t want to have anything in common with Americans.  They want their culture manifested within the United States. This quote in 1991 by James Walsh cannot be stressed enough:

“Immigrants devoted to their own cultures and religions are not influenced by the secular politically correct façade that dominates academia, news-media, entertainment, education, religious and political thinking today,” said James Walsh, former Associate General Counsel of the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service. “They claim the right not to assimilate, and the day is coming when the question will be how can the United States regulate the defiantly unassimilated cultures, religions and mores of foreign lands?  Such immigrants say their traditions trump the U.S. legal system.  Balkanization of the United States has begun.”

We already see separation in Detroit, Michigan with Muslim immigrants practicing female genital mutilation on their children, multiple wives, arranged marriages and honor killings.  We see women draped into non-beingness by wearing black Burkas that cover women totally into a black shadow.  Also, in Philadelphia, Houston, Dallas, Chicago, LA and other cities where Muslim enclaves congregate.

We see Mexican immigrants forcing Spanish onto hundreds of our schools. Additionally, they force us to pay for their medical, educational, food and housing bills.  They force their language onto retail stores across the nation.  You must press “1” for Spanish and “2” for English. In Detroit, Michigan, you must press “1” for Arabic, “2” for Spanish and “3” for English.

As you can see, the “melting pot” of becoming an American no longer applies.

Cultural clashes within America

As we no longer hold onto one culture, we become endless cultures that hold no compatibility of likeness for one another.  Such multiculturalism grows like a cancer inside host countries from America to Canada to Europe to Australia.

Samuel Huntington, author of Clash of Civilizations, wrote: “It is my hypothesis that the fundamental source of conflict in this new world will not be primarily ideological or primarily economic. The great divisions among humankind and the dominating source of conflict will be cultural. Nation states will remain the most powerful actors in world affairs, but the principal conflicts of global politics will occur between nations and groups of different civilizations. The clash of civilizations will dominate global politics. The fault lines between civilizations will be the battle lines of the future.”

In other words, we set ourselves up for endless internal conflict of clashing cultures from Mexico, Africa, Asia and the Middle East.  Ironically, we scoff at all the violence in the Middle East and the poverty of Mexico.  But we continue importing the violence with millions of Muslims that adhered to violence for the past 1,400 years. We import Mexican poverty as if we can magically solve it.

Poverty originates with culture and no one can solve cultural propensities by moving the poor cultures of the world into America. They will duplicate themselves in our own country. They multiply at this moment:  38 million people in America subsist on food stamps.  It costs more to educate their children, but the vast majority of them become high school dropouts: over 42 million Americans cannot read, write or perform simple math.

As a civilization, we will not survive this Human Katrina, this endless migration, this onslaught of cultures wreaking havoc inside our country.

Is anyone in America thinking about these questions?  Are we not galloping into America’s twilight years?

If you would like a free electronic copy of this book, please email me with your email address and I will send it to you.  Every American with children or any American who will live in this country in 2050, needs to understand what they face. frostyw@juno.com

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121.

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

This video will scare the daylights out of every American as to what’s coming to our country, US Citizenship Act 2021 by Joe Biden.

If you want to see two documentaries that give visual proof of my book’s contents, go to Netflix, and type in “Cowspiracy” that shows you the damage to the air, land and water.  Watch “Seaspiracy” to see how humans are destroying the oceans.

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck. This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”  www.NumbersUSA.org

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

Genocide and the Next Red Line

By Cliff Kincaid

April 6, 2022

How does it feel to watch the discovery of mass graves in Europe? This is something new for millions of Americans. But this is how world wars begin.

Once and for all, this Russian war on Ukraine, which began on February 24, demonstrates the complete ineffective nature of the United Nations, whose Security Council is powerless in the face of Russian membership and a Russian veto. It’s finally time to defund the U.N.

Meanwhile, the West’s “sweeping sanctions” on Russia, an effort to force it to withdraw its forces, have failed. Even without Kyiv, Russia has already captured significant new parts of Ukraine.

But instead of paying attention to Europe, some Americans drawn to an isolationist attitude prefer to watch hundreds of thousands of desperate people coming through our southern border and then wonder why Joe Biden’s administration doesn’t want to do something about that.  Perhaps we ought to grasp the connection between what’s happening in Europe and south of the border.

The United States is encouraging Ukrainians to continue fighting, but they are not being given enough weapons to win. Major parts of their country are in ruins and dead bodies litter the streets. The massacre of civilians in the Ukrainian city of Bucha is the latest example.

To make matters worse, some so-called “conservatives” are siding with Putin and his “special military operation” against an alleged Nazi regime in Kyiv.

Any American who assisted the Russians in word or deed will have to answer for these crimes.  And that includes Hillary Clinton, whose Russian re-set occurred when she was Secretary of State under Obama/Biden. Putin followed that with his first invasion of Ukraine in 2014. He was advertising the future, which we captured in our book, Back from the Dead: The Return of the Evil Empire.

Ukraine President Zelensky calls it “genocide,” a sensational charge but based in fact and attributed to Putin’s so-called brain, the Russian philosopher Alexander Dugin.

The late anti-communist Brazilian writer and philosopher, Olavo de Carvalho, who debated Dugin, once commented that Dugin was the brains behind Putin’s geopolitical strategy and that he “advocated the systematic killing of Ukrainians — a people who, according to him, do not belong to the human species.” This is the textbook definition of genocide.

We know what Putin’s strategy is, and we understand the propaganda and disinformation that attempts to portray the people of Ukraine as non-humans, even Nazis. This is propaganda once associated with Soviet Russia whose pact with Hitler started World War II. It turned out the Soviets were like the Nazis in many ways.

The Ukrainians are being treated like those brave Cuban freedom fighters who tried to overthrow the Castro regime after Castro had seized power under false pretenses, claiming he was a non-communist reformer. Castro was a communist all along and was assisted in his power grab by Herbert Matthews of the New York Times, who whitewashed his communism, and the “fourth floor” of the U.S. State Department, as Ambassador Earl E.T. Smith once described the traitors in one part of the U.S. Government who brought communism to the Western hemisphere.

At the last minute, U.S. air power was pulled back, leading to a slaughter of some anti-communist Cubans and imprisonment for others.

Ukraine is Biden’s Bay of Pigs. It is slow-motion acquiescence to the genocide of Ukraine.

Ukraine’s version of Herbert Mathews was Walter Duranty, who covered-up one Ukrainian genocide undertaken by the Russian that is now in the process of being repeated. Today, Tucker Carlson is playing the role of Duranty.

Ukrainians are fleeing the country, with some destined to be the new “boat people,” a term applied to the South Vietnamese who escaped from the Vietnamese communists backed at the time by the military might of the Red Chinese and Soviet Russia. They had to flee because the communists had achieved their goal – the complete takeover of the country as the Americans abandoned the capital, Saigon, in the wake of a complete cut-off of weapons and supplies to the anti-communist resistance.

It was a scene repeated under Biden in Afghanistan, as Americans fled in a badly staged pull-out, leaving behind Afghans and Americans. It was a lesson for Putin. He can win if he just hangs on long enough.

Is there anybody who believes the Ukrainians will end up any differently? Accept it as a given that more refugees will be coming, this time from Eastern Europe, and this fact alone makes what Biden is doing on the southern border relevant to the ongoing genocide in Europe.

We hear constant talk about how Ukraine will win, but Zelensky keeps pleading for weapons and wondering out loud, during a Fox News interview, whether Biden is playing “games” with his country’s future. It’s as if Biden wants Ukraine to continue fighting but not hard enough to win enough battles to actually defeat the Russians. Zelensky understands the “mind” of the U.S. President. It is a mind-set that we have seen in the past, at the end of the wars in Vietnam and Afghanistan. In Biden’s case, the mind is a terrible thing to waste, and wasted it is.

Our leaders, including top generals, don’t even want to win.

Gen. Tod D. Wolters, head of U.S. European Command, opposes giving Ukraine the planes its needs, saying, “…the intelligence community assesses the transfer of MiG-29s to Ukraine may be mistaken as escalatory and could result in Russian escalation with NATO…producing a high-risk scenario.”

Translation: the Deep State is on Russia’s side.

We are witnessing brave resistance to this genocide but Biden gives Ukraine just enough support to continue but not enough to really make a difference.

At some point, another wave of refugees will enter the United States, this time from Europe. Another red line will be drawn somewhere else, perhaps in Asia against Red China, and another no-win war will commence. These are the consequences of a no-win strategy against America’s enemies.

The only real solution is protecting borders here and abroad and eliminating corrupt regimes, criminal organizations, and foreign ideologies such as communism and revolutionary Islam that thrive on the basis of conflict and chaos. Of course, it goes without saying that a lunatic Washington regime based in Cultural Marxism that favors boys in girls’ sports will have to be taken down as well.

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc. www.usasurvival.org

© 2022 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid: kincaid@comcast.net


By Lex Greene

April 6, 2022

Sometimes the truth hurts, but it’s still truth alone, that can set us free.

Women once held the most important position on earth, the job of raising the next generation of decent Citizens capable and deserving of freedom, liberty, and self-governance. Safely carrying an infant to full term and giving birth to a healthy child is where the job begins. I’m not sure the job really ever ends after that. Once a mother, always a mother.

But coming out of WWII, when many mothers left home to work outside the home, as many fathers were sent away to war, the USA changed and as the fruit from that tree has proven since, not for the better. For the past few generations, many children have been left to raise themselves, or left to the “village” for raising, as more and more kids became latchkey kids, often raised by an electronic babysitter, the TV, video games and social media.

The result is what we see in cities across the USA today, drug addiction, school shootings, vandalism, looting, arson, gang violence and increasing suicide. Especially after the past two years of COVID scams and fatal medical mandates, younger generations are struggling to see anything positive in their futures.

Roe v. Wade (1973) has taught every child since, that human life has no value. The life of a human being is easily discarded for mere convenience of the mother. Over 70-million innocent defenseless Natural Born Americans have been murdered in the womb since.

Although the taking of an innocent life of another human being (not in self-defense) is the definition of “murder,” somehow, this particular form of murder has been widely accepted as “a mother’s right.” That child in the womb belongs to the father as much as the mother. But this is not what most women have been misled to believe.

I used to believe that women were much smarter than men, until they decided they wanted to be men. I used to believe that women were much better than men, until I saw millions of women murdering their own children in the womb.

LET THIS SINK IN…American women have killed more innocent American children since 1973 than people killed by American men in all wars combined since 1776!

Somewhere along the way, women bought into the false notion that their value is only based upon their level of formal education and the career choices they make. Full-time mothers have been looked down upon for many years now, as if their contribution to society has little or no value, when in fact, there is no more important job on earth than that of a mother.

Of course, taxation reaching and surpassing the 50% of income mark has a lot to do with households needing two incomes to survive. Still, the greatest value any woman could ever hold is the value of a mother, responsible for raising the next generation of decent human beings. Without this person, there will be no decent human beings, no decent society, and sooner or later, that will cause the breakup of the traditional family and the total collapse of any free society.

In short, as goes motherhood, so goes the nation! No generation will ever be any better than the mothers who raised them.

Women make up approximately 52% of the USA population, men 48%. As that translates in elections, women have consistently had a higher voter turnout rate than men in recent elections, approximately 63% female voter turnout as compared to 59% voter turnout among men.

Women have a 4% voter advantage over men just based upon population share alone. But because they also tend to have a higher voter turnout than men, they can largely control the outcome of pretty much every election.

Making matters even worse for the USA, women have voted overwhelmingly “democratic socialist” for years now, largely due to their support of “abortion privileges.” It’s NOT a “right.” No one has a right to extinguish the innocent life of another human being for mere personal convenience.

Recent voting trends by gender show that 50% of men tend to vote Republican, and 42% Democratic Socialist. But women tend to vote 56% Democratic Socialist and only 38% Republican. (Source)

In all three election categories, women are largely in control of the future of America.

  • 52% of the USA population
  • A higher voter turnout rate, 63% female, 59% male
  • Overwhelming democratic socialist trend, 56% of women voters, with only 38% voting for freedom and liberty, Republican

Women have tended to vote heavily democratic socialist ever since Roe v. Wade, almost as if it’s the only issue on the ballot in every election. Women won’t like being blamed for the ongoing utter demise of our country, but they are in control.

Women voters put Bill Clinton in office for two terms, despite all of the criminality, sexual misconduct, and impeachment. Women voters put Barack Obama (from Kenya) in office for two terms, despite fake birth records and a totally blank resume. Women voters almost put Hillary Clinton in office in 2016 and put Joe Biden in office in 2020.

All three, Clinton, Obama and Biden have nearly totally destroyed the USA and none of them would have ever been in office if not for the female vote.

Now, today the USA is on fire, and so is most of the world. Klaus Schwab (WEF), the UN, NATO, IMF, WHO and Biden administration have set our country on course for total collapse. The COVID19 Global Marxist Reset is well underway, and millions of Americans are trying to figure out what they can do about it, before there is nothing, they can do about it.

To save this country, freedom, liberty, sovereignty, security, and a promising future for our young, peacefully…we will have to win the November 2022 elections by vast margins. To do that, it will require women voters to wise up real fast!

  • We will have to find a way to STOP the kinds of election fraud that happened in 2020.
  • But even then, if we have an honest and transparent election process, we will still lose this country unless women voters wise up fast.

I’m a male, which means what I have to say to women doesn’t mean much. To get women to wake up and wise up in time to save freedom for all, women who are already awake and wise must speak up and reach out to women who need to be shaken awake.

Only women can cause other women to wise up today. The truth hurts, but it’s the only way to save this country and we are fast running out of time and opportunity to do it.

God Bless the GREAT mothers of this country, who fight harder to protect their young than most neutered men will today. It’s these women who must enlist the help of all other women, or this country is doomed to fall.

By the way, Roe v. Wade didn’t “legalize abortion.” First, the case wasn’t about a mothers right to kill her offspring, it was about a wife’s autonomy relative her husband. Second, courts can’t make laws, only Congress can do that.

Corrupt leftist courts have only “interpreted” Roe v. Wade to “legalize abortion” as a mothers alleged right. It’s still murder according to any laws passed by Congress.

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lex Greene: NWVLexGreene@gmail.com

US Government Paid Mainstream Media $1 Billion in Tax Dollars To Falsify Covid-19 “Vaccine” Narrative

By Bradlee Dean

April 6, 2022

“Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me!”

How many times does the mainstream media need to be exposed for their fraud, their lies and their propaganda?

This ministry has been faithful to expose the MSM’s corruption at every given turn (Ephesians 5:11), only to have the corrupt to fill up their cup with a new deception (Ephesians 4:14).

The American people know all the while that there is no truth in them (John 8:44) and they allow them to set the next narrative without an ounce of truth in it, and the people love to have it so (Jeremiah 5:31)!

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Libertyloft.com  just posted:

The US government paid the mainstream media $1 billion in tax dollars to falsely push Covid-19 vaccines
In response to a Freedom of Material Act (FOIA) request, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) provided information to The Blaze.

According to the material, the federal government spent $1 billion on advertising as part of a media push to boost public confidence in the Covid-19 vaccination.
The program is being described as a “national effort” by the Department of Health and Human Services.
The US government paid the mainstream media $1 billion in tax dollars to falsely push Covid-19 vaccines.

In response to a Freedom of Material Act (FOIA) request, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) provided information to The Blaze. According to the material, the federal government spent $1 billion on advertising as part of a media push to boost public confidence in the Covid-19 vaccination.

The campaign is being branded as a “national push to improve public trust in, and uptake of, COVID-19 vaccines while promoting basic preventative strategies such as mask-wearing and social distance,” according to the Department of Health and Human Services. Although the data does not support these claims, the media effort was most likely concealing something more nefarious.

Anyone who has spent time reading the news or watching news coverage on television can attest to this

Virtually every one of the news organizations paid by HHS, including ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, The Washington Post, Los Angeles Times and the New York Post, covered stories about the vaccines and did not disclose they had accepted taxpayer dollars to support the vaccine effort.

Because it is normal practice for editorial teams to work independently from advertising departments, it appears that the organizations did not see the need to reveal their funding.
The ads included a humorous social media campaign starring Elton John and Michael Caine, fear-based ads presenting survivor stories, and clear factual ads supporting the safety and efficacy of the current COVID-19 mRNA injectable.

The Washington Post’s vice president of communications, Shani George, issued a comment about the federal government’s financing for media advertising, saying:

“Advertisers pay for space to share their messages, as was the case here, and those ads are clearly labeled as such. The newsroom is completely independent from the advertising department.”

A funny social media campaign starring Elton John and Michael Caine, fear-based commercials including survivor stories, and straightforward factual ads confirming the safety and efficacy of the current COVID-19 mRNA injection were among the advertisements.

Shani George, vice president of communications at the Washington Post, commented on the federal government’s funding of media advertising, saying:
In an October BuzzFeed post, health agency specialists such as CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky, HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra, and epidemiologist Dr. George Rutherford provided “important facts” about vaccine eligibility and skewed, pro-vaccine views.

All of this in spite of…

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© 2022 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

The Descent of Western Man

By Sidney Secular

April 5, 2022

The descent is demonstrated in that the decent are disappearing

The New World “Orderlies” constantly change our perceptions to align with their ever changing deceptions. History becomes history in favor of the current political flavors with hysterics and gaslighting used to gas up the deceptions. Thus, the themes in the increasingly pertinent and popular novel “1984” by George Orwell are novel no more. With the deranged deluge of fake news coming from the pens and mouths of establishment mouthpieces spewing forth rivers of sputum, it is critical to critically review and analyze recent events before they recede in our memories to make way for more deluges of daily drivel. We must stop the daily drama of merely reacting and defending ourselves, and we must take the time to fully develop our perspectives rooted in reality, and then to act on them.

Backing up a bit to the onset of the fabricated pandemic, we can easily see with a bit of hindsight that it was a charade using doctored statistics endorsed by ersatz doctors, some of whom have never performed a day of actual “doctoring,” like Dr. Fauci and Brix. Testing of supposed vaccines was highly inadequate or non-existent. It involved media and deep state coordinated fear mongering, nursing home stuffing with near stiffs with one foot in the grave, emphasis on those testing positive with manipulated statics showing huge, unrealistic numbers of deaths there from where as in reality the recovery rate was over 99%, coercion by the medical/pharmaceutical complex to conform to an unbending one-way protocol which meant it was their way or the highway. It was a conspiracy to make the situation appear far worse than it was – doubling down on fear to incessantly drive up vaccination and booster numbers and set the stage for the Great Reset to play out.

First responders, police, firemen, doctors, nurses and paramedics were heroes of the moment one moment and then a moment later were fired for properly rejecting the jab, suddenly becoming non-essential with no one to replace them. Meanwhile, we watched the sheeple floundering around with fear expressed in their eyes of a fearful death while they mumbled indistinctly through their worthless Halloween-like masks, lining up for free inoculations sometimes abetted with free hamburgers or other trifling inducements, complying without a second thought with vaccine mandates, happily staying cooped up like caged chickens, avoiding one another as if radioactive, ostracizing and severely berating or even threatening the unvaxxed, and willing to turn on and turn in their neighbors for non-compliance. Stockholm Syndrome, willful ignorance, cognitive dissonance, and mass psychosis formation infected a goodly portion of the populace. Discernment fell away as insouciance ruled the day. Many Americans now believe life will somehow return to normal whereas the first steps of the “new normal” have been established. What we experienced was merely the opening salvo of the globalist “great reset”. “You ain’t seen nuthin’ yet” as the song says. As history has shown, the Left will tighten the screws much more next time around as they push towards their ultimate objectives. It is just another Hegelian-style application of their “one step back, three steps ahead” methodology.

We can safely say there is no grand plan to restore the Historical American Nation to its halcyon days, and any modest plans will meet with steamroller-type opposition. The revolutionary spirit has long since departed the body politic. The remaining patriots, who are few and far between, still would rather fight than switch to one another’s position for the sake of unity. We are reduced nibbling at the edges to weed out some vulnerable RINOs or induce them to prematurely retire when they see the handwriting on the wall telling them they will likely lose their next political contest. A good number of Dems, normally complete dunces, aren’t dumb when it comes to questions of power and control. There is no groundswell to impeach Biden or his major loony lackeys for their multiple treasonous offenses, or to harass or hound Biden out of office for being offensive to the American spirit since the media will defend him phalanx-like as they are his most important supporters, apologists, and accomplices.

It’s too late to overturn the 2020 election since many of those who would be instrumental in making it happen are either cowardly or have become instruments of the deep state, following the lead of “putzy” former VP Pence. We can peck away at our computers in complaint and exasperation but we wind up preaching to the choir who are also tired of hearing and singing the same song. The rest are “hard of hearing” or are tough nuts to crack, made more resistant to cracking by the constant mainstream media messaging.

The corruption of the deep state runs deeper than any of us may have imagined and it doesn’t run silently anymore. Yesterday’s “conspiracy theories” have become today’s truths but the falsehoods continue unabashed even though harshly bashed now. The controllers continue to get away with the illusion of a competitive two-party system although both parties are party to that deception. We actually have only one “two-faced” party, but the sheeple still lap up the political slop that is dished out to them. Third parties are shunted aside by unnecessarily difficult requirements to meet to get on ballots in order to exclude them from serious consideration. We are marred by the unholy polygamous marriage of the Deep State to Big pharma, Big tech, big corporations, Communist agents, leftist foundations, ersatz leaders, and “quackademia” all conducting the bidding of the Left.

Important issues are shunted aside and left unaddressed for fear of the leftist Jews and the people of color who now color all our considerations and conversations. The ignoramus performers in the entertainment and sports spheres who are treated like gods throw in their millions and their intellectual “two cents” into all the important issues of the day about which they know little, but their vapid opinions are treated as revelations from the intellectually gifted. Those whose job it is to deliberate and decide on important issues are “out to lunch” and the deep staters will “eat their lunch” on these issues. The big “apes” in the major sports leagues bend their knees to the new zeitgeist by grunting their disgruntlement with Western values and “taking the knee” at every showy opportunity despite being privileged characters within the West they despise. Big tech neutralizes opposing opinion by neutering the ability of patriotic entities to raise funds and conduct business and canceling any expressions not in accord with the current “thinking” by claiming that they are contrary to imaginary or imagined “community standards.”

The FedGov presents a facade of clean hands but devotes billions to bullying foreign countries into do its bidding through black budgets available to bad actors such as the CIA to foment “color revolutions” and promote “globohomo” practices such as transgenderism and transhumanism all over the globe. Similarly, the FedGov uses a coterie of creeps to carry out its cultural crusades — these include NGOs, power brokers, UN agencies, deep state drones, new world orderlies, third party actors, conflict actors and false flag narratives. It is impossible to untangle the web of relationships, corruption, contracts, payoffs, money laundering, corrupted courts, and criminal and treasonous activity going on behind the scenes. By propping up its puppets in decision making positions in the courts, corporations, academic cadres, unions and the like, unpopular policies are perpetuated, justice pushed aside, untruths popularized, and dissenting views cancelled.

Appeals to “democracy” are trotted out to cover up or camouflage demonic and disturbing practices: think SCOTUS packing, fraudulent elections, and voter fraud. A blind eye is turned to riots, drug proliferation, black depredation, depraved rap crap, routine urban unrest and wrongdoing, and misdeeds of any nature committed by the approved groups! A clear example of this situation is the reality that whereas the claim (and group), Black Lives Matter, is sacrosanct, but the same type of claim such as WHITE lives or, in fact, ALL lives matter, is treated as outright hate speech.

Speaking of elections, the scale of evidence proving hugely massive election fraud is overwhelming, persuasive AND ONGOING! Shenanigans of every description were used to deceive and create the preconceived results. State legislatures, where a few dogged patriots are pushing to peel away the veils of deceit and criminality are ongoing but patchy and piecemeal, as are the necessary reforms, and so no one can legitimately claim that the 2022 elections will be, in fact, legitimate! If the scale of the 2020 fraud continues in 2022, we are finished as a historical experiment in freedom.

Energy independence has been shown to be viable. Energy dependence creates a fragile future fraught with uncertainty in every area of life. The ripple effect of rising inflation spearheaded by rising energy costs will touch every American and every American business enterprise. Replacing fossil fuels with solar and wind is wishful thinking – if it can even be called “thinking.” They are too intermittent and uncertain to be relied upon and cannot support the large scale needs of a major Western economy. Furthermore, it has been proven that the USE of these “alternate” fuels is only possible through the use of technology based upon the very fossil fuels they are supposed to replace! It takes gas to run the generator that will charge your electric car!

The climate change and global warming malarkey will be exposed soon enough as they are based on falsified data and a misunderstanding of the causes of the alternating periods of warming and cooling in the climate. All leftist schemes cannot be sustained for too long for they are impractical and foolish and do not work not to mention the fact that they are based on agreed-upon lies. Infusions of cash or grants from governments to front line “woker” entities to sustain the impractical only prolong the agony, drain our pockets, and the further the feelings of malaise.

Geopolitically, the Chinese and not the Russians are our real “enemies.” (Actually, we are our own worst enemies.) They are creating alliances and working relationships with countries around the globe (The Belt and Road projects) to outflank us and slowly but surely out-rank us economically; and this doesn’t even take into account that they already own most of our farming land and our government. When CCP doctrine states its goal is to replace the US as the leading superpower economically and militarily by 2030, we should take them seriously. They are much more racially/ethnically conscious than Hitler ever was and that gives them the impetus and motivation to avoid getting complacent like the “multiculture” West that has nothing but greed to motivate it internationally. The Chinese prognostications are actual projections/extrapolations of current realities whereas the UN Agenda 2030 is just wishy-washy wish-list utopianism and a flight of fancy for fancy socialites. Our controllers and New World Orderlies are not so secretly “in bed” with the Chinese since they go with the flow and they see the Chinese dream flowering. They see the handwriting on the wall and it is in Mandarin Chinese!

And then there is the years ongoing effort by our Deep State to make Russia into the “monster of choice” in the West. The efforts to use that nation to destroy Trump should have made that clear back in the run up to the 2016 election! Neither is Putin the monster the Deep State and its media minions are working around the clock to create. His “expansionist” actions in Ukraine are not as nefarious as the implacably anti-Russian establishment would like us to believe. US funded bio-labs in the Ukraine, which number in the 30’s or 40s depending on who one chooses to believe, are an astronomical number in reality. In the US, we know of only one lab creating biological weapons, Fort Detrick in Maryland. The Ukrainian labs represent a real threat to Russia and to the rest of the world as sources of Covid-like creations – and worse! Being encircled by NATO is something Putin warned in the past he would not accept, but we for years we went ahead anyway on that project anyway. No Russian nuclear confrontation with the West is in the cards as Putin holds a winning hand and can bring us to our knees economically without saber rattling, as will be shown in the next article in this newsletter.

Let’s hope there is a seed for future germination of the Western spirit somewhere out there that can be nurtured into fruition though with so many “legitimate” people and agencies in the United States pushing these bio-weapons on ourselves and our children, that future is quickly dimming into blackness.

© 2022 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Sidney Secular: Success_Express@yahoo.com

Limitations on Foreclosure

By Paul Engel

April 5, 2022

  • Can governments, or those who work for them, make money from foreclosures on people’s homes?
  • What are the fiduciary responsibilities of public servants in cases of foreclosure?
  • Eight citizens in Oakland County Michigan are suing to answer just those questions.

We all recognize that property can be foreclosed on for failure to pay a tax debt. What happens when the value of the foreclosure is greater than the debt owed? A case out of Michigan, recently appealed to the Sixth Circuit, seeks redress for just such situations. Eight citizens of Oakland County Michigan are suing the county for, among other things, taking property worth far more than the tax debt owed, then not reimbursing them the difference. Is this an illegal taking, or a deprivation of property without due process? Or could it simply be a scheme to defraud both the homeowners and taxpayers of Oakland County?

Something appears rotten in the city of Southfield and the county of Oakland in the State of Michigan. In the case of Tawanda Hall, et al., v. Andrew Meisner, Oakland County Treasurer, et al., some truly disturbing facts have come to light. Before I get into the details of the case, a little background is required.

Foreclosure Scam

Though not the issue before the court, I was shocked not only by the actions of several county officials, but by the fact that no one seems to be investigating apparent embezzlement by those officials.

When the Homeowners in this case failed to pay their property taxes on time, the County foreclosed. The homes were not sold at auction but transferred through a series of transactions to a company managed by City officials, the Southfield Neighborhood Revitalization Initiative, LLC (Company), for a payment of the tax debt plus $1 each.

Tawanda Hall, et al., v. Andrew Meisner et al.

While foreclosure for an unpaid debt is a terrible situation to be in, what the city of Southfield and Oakland county did next is unconscionable.

None of the Homeowners were paid for what was taken from them because a state statute purported to authorize cities to purchase for a public purpose” tax-foreclosed property by paying the County the accrued tax debt. Mich. Comp. Laws § 211.78m (2017).

The asserted public purpose, according to a resolution adopted by the City Council, was to revitalize and stabilize neighborhoods” and rehabilitate and renovate these homes and then return them to productive use and purchase by individuals and families seeking housing opportunities within the City of Southfield.” City Resolution, R.44-5, PageID #1254. City Council members also said at another meeting that conveyance of the property from the County through the City to the Company would attract residents with more income.

Tawanda Hall, et al., v. Andrew Meisner et al.

Both the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States and Article 10, Section 2, of the Michigan Constitution state “private property be taken for public use, without just compensation”. This brings up a constitutional issue since these properties were not being taken by the city for public use. We can thank the Supreme Court in the case Kelo v. City of New London, where the court found taking private property to sell to a private entity was “public use” because it would lead to “public improvement”, specifically revitalizing a “blighted” neighborhood. Now we have the city counsel of Southfield, MI using the same logic to “purchase” these properties to increase their tax base. But the malfeasance doesn’t stop there.

With the City Councils authority, Mayor Kenson Siver signed a contract with the Southfield Non-Profit Housing Corporation (Non- Profit), which owns the Company, to execute the arrangement.

The Non-Profit and Company are both controlled by City officials. Mayor Siver is president of the Non-Profit and signed the paperwork creating the Company. Order, R.66, PageID #2278. City Manager Fred Zorn is a board member and Vice-President of the Non-Profit, and the manager” and registered agent for the Company.

Tawanda Hall, et al., v. Andrew Meisner et al.

To say that the mayor and city manager of Southfield have a conflict of interest is an understatement. The mayor of Southfield, with the City Council’s permission, has contracted with a non-profit that he controls, to do business with a company the non-profit owns and is managed by the City Manager. If that were all, it certainly would be worth investigation, but how these entities deal with the foreclosures is truly criminal in my mind. Let’s look at the example of Tawanda Hall.

Tawanda Hall owned a home with her now-deceased husband at 24650 Martha Washington Dr., Southfield, MI 48075, in 2010. Id. at 5. On February 14, 2018, the County foreclosed and took title to the property to collect $22,642 in property taxes, interest, penalties, and fees. … Without notice, on June 29, 2018, the County Treasurer deeded the property to the City, which paid the tax debt with funds from the Non-Profit. Id. at #36. On October 23, 2018, the City gave the property to the Company for $1. The Company later sold the Hallshome for its fair market value of $308,000—$285,000 more than Ms. Halls total tax debt—and kept all the proceeds.

Tawanda Hall, et al., v. Andrew Meisner et al.

There are question as to whether the county followed Michigan law regarding the foreclosure, but that is not what I’m focusing on here today. Just over four months after foreclosing on the property, the County Treasurer deeded the property to the city, who paid the tax debt with money from Southfield Non-Profit Housing Corporation, which is run by the city mayor. Now the city owns a piece of property worth $308,000 for the low, low cost of just $22,642 paid by someone else. In other words, the city received that property for free. The city then sells the property to Southfield Neighborhood Revitalization Initiative, LLC, a for profit corporation which is managed by the Southfield City Manager, for the low, low price of just $1. Ms. Hall is only one of the eight people seeking a redress of this grievance.

The Court Case

In August 2020, these eight Homeowners filed this federal lawsuit against the parties involved in the confiscation of their properties: the County, City, public officials, the Company, the Non-Profit, and the managers of the Company. At issue in this appeal, the Homeowners alleged that all the Appellees took their private property without just compensation; the City, County, and public officials imposed excessive fines; the County and its treasurer violated procedural due process; and the Company, Non-Profit, City and its officials were liable to return the windfall received at the Homeownersexpense under the doctrine of unjust enrichment.

Tawanda Hall, et al., v. Andrew Meisner et al.

While there are several issues in this lawsuit, this appeal only focuses on a few. Did the county, city, et al., take private property without just compensation, impose excessive fines, and violate due process? Let’s take a look at them individually.

Takings Clause

… nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation

U.S. Constitution, Amendment V

As I mentioned previously, this property was not the for public use. First, it was foreclosed upon by the county for failure to pay taxes, then it was transferred to the city in exchange for the tax debt. The alleged “public purpose” was to enlarge the tax base of the city, not for the property to be used by the public. That means this is not a Takings Clause issue. However, under Michigan common law:

The Michigan Supreme Court has held that government effects an uncompensated taking or is liable for unjust enrichment when government takes more than it is owed during property tax collection. Rafaeli, LLC v. Oakland County, 505 Mich. 429, 468–71 (2020).

Tawanda Hall, et al., v. Andrew Meisner et al.

Excessive Fines

The practice of municipal governments gaining a windfall after foreclosing on property is nothing new. The question is, is it legal? This would seem to revolve around the definition of a fine.

What is FINE

  1. To impose a pecuniary [financial] punishment or mulct [punishment].

Fine: The Law Dictionary

In English, a fine is a punishment that’s evaluated in monetary terms. The tax these people owed was not a fine, it was a tax. When they failed to pay their taxes on time, they accrued both interest and fines, monetary punishment for their failure to make timely payment. The question is, when the county foreclosed, were they imposing a fine? Since the property that was forfeit was used to pay off both the debts and fines, it could certainly be considered a fine, a monetary punishment. This is important, because the Eighth Amendment states:

… nor excessive fines imposed …

U.S. Constitution, Amendment VIII

Is a $308,000 fine imposed on a $22,642 debt excessive? I would certainly say a fine more than thirteen times the debt is excessive. If you borrowed money from someone and they demanded you pay back thirteen times more than you borrowed, we’d call that person a “loan shark”! So, yes, this certainly seems to be a case of excessive fines.

Due Process

nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;

U.S. Constitution, Amendment V

We often hear it talked about, but what is this “due process of law”?

Law in its regular course of administration through courts of justice. 3 Story, Const.264, 661. Due process of law in each particular case means such an exercise of the powers of the government as the settled maxims of law permit and sanction, and under such safeguards for the protection of individual rights as those maxims prescribe for the class of cases to which the one in question belongs.” Cooley, Const. Lira. 441. 

Due Process: The Law Dictionary

The Law Dictionary provides two senses of due process that apply to this case. First, it’s the administration of law through the courts. Second, it’s the exercise of governmental powers under the safeguards for the protection of individual rights. As it pertains to this case, was the property taken following the protection of the rights of the individual? I would say the answer here is no.

With the appeal, the appellants claim that the county did not provide them with adequate notice that they were disposing of their property. Many complained that the county either violated the terms of their payment agreement, or fraudulently advised them on how to respond to legal notices. That certainly would appear to violate due process. Furthermore, since the debt owed to the county was a fraction of the value of the property seized, due process and Michigan common law requires the government keep only what it its owed:

In Rafaeli, the Michigan Supreme Court held that where government takes private property to satisfy a tax debt and sells it to the highest bidder at a public auction, the government is only entitled to keep as much as it is owed from the proceeds of the sale.Id. at 749. Any surplus remaining after paying the taxes, penalties, interest, and fees belongs to the former owner, even where state law purports to give that money to the government.

Tawanda Hall, et al., v. Andrew Meisner et al.

By allowing the city to purchase the property for an amount only equal to the debt, rather than selling the property at auction, the county denied the homeowners the remaining value in their home. This appears to be a clear example of depriving someone of the property they have in the value of their home without following the law or due process.


The case was first heard by District Court For the Eastern District of Michigan:

The district court dismissed the takings claims against all Appellees for failure to state a claim, misconstruing Rafaeli as holding that a plaintiffs only property interestsurviving a tax-foreclosure is not in the real property itself, but only in the surplus proceeds resulting from the tax-foreclosure sale, if any . . . .”

Tawanda Hall, et al., v. Andrew Meisner et al.

When property is taken, what value is it given? More importantly, who decides what that value is? Since the county did not sell the property, there was no opportunity for the collection of surplus proceeds. This either deprived the homeowners of their rightful property, the proceeds of the sale of their real property, or it deprived the taxpayers of the windfall from the sale of the foreclosure.

The court dismissed the procedural due process claim against the County and its treasurer for failure to state a claim, holding that notice was constitutionally adequate because the payment plans themselves warned the Homeowners that they would lose their property if they missed a payment.

Tawanda Hall, et al., v. Andrew Meisner et al.

Were the homeowners notified that they would lose not only their property, but the equity they had that property? Were they notified that the county would not auction off their property, thereby allowing them to retrieve the equity they had in it?

The court dismissed the excessive fines claim brought against the County and the City, holding that the alleged actions here were not punitive and therefore there are no fines involved.

Tawanda Hall, et al., v. Andrew Meisner et al.

I would direct the district court judge to The Law Dictionary definition of punitive:

Relating to punishment; having the character of punishment or penalty ; inflicting punishment or a penalty.

The Law Dictionary

How can losing $308,000 to satisfy a $22,642 fine not be considered punitive?

I am reviewing the appeal, not the district court’s decision. From what I’ve seen though, it was a pretty bad decision. The question is, will the Appeals Court give these homeowners redress for their grievance?

I also wonder what the people of the city of Southfield and the county of Oakland think about this land grab? Do they think it is right for the county to sell property they have foreclosed on for a small fraction of what it is worth? Are the citizens of Southfield okay with their mayor and city manager running a scheme to get cheap property? And just what is being done with that property and who is benefiting financially from it?

I think this is a case worth watching. What are the limits placed on governments when they foreclose on property? Do those in office have a fiduciary responsibility to both the homeowner and the taxpayers in how they dispose of the property? Are the accusations being made in this case something that could be going on around the country? This is just another reason why it is important that the American people not simply focus on Washington, D.C. and their state house, but on their county and city governments as well.

© 2022 Paul Engel – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Paul Engel: paul@constitutionstudy.com

Nothing Hidden That Will Not Be Revealed

By Rob Pue

April 5, 2022

In case you missed the REAL news recently, here are a few stories that you should know about.  As we’ve warned for months, despite skepticism and derision from many, as it turns out, we were right about the serious dangers of the COVID jabs.  Doctors around the world are now reporting they’re seeing a shocking increase in the number of AIDS patients who’ve been double- and triple-jabbed.

Dr. Elizabeth Eads has been treating patients who’ve been seriously injured by the jabs and has now come out and stated that the COVID injections are actually injecting people with AIDS.  Quote: “That is exactly what I am telling you.  That is what the Spike Protein Lentivirus is.  It is made up of HIV and AIDS along with SARS and MERS.  That’s why the vaccinated and boosted are so sick.  That’s why they dominate the hospitalizations regarding COVID  illness as well.”  Further, because the immune system is depleted after taking the jabs, many kinds of disease, such as cancer, can spread like wildfire.  Another physician, Dr. Ryan Cole,  says he’s seeing cancer up as much as 2,000% — from the vaccines.

We’re also now hearing that the official sickness and death rates put out by health officials and the mainstream media were massively inflated.  Of course, we all knew this all along, but now, they’re finally letting the truth out.  In England, the Daily Mail reported that health chiefs have admitted the numbers they put out were only an approximation, and the PCR tests on which “cases” were based have been proven to be inaccurate.  Here in the US, the CDC has admitted that only about 6% of the recorded COVID deaths were actually from COVID.  And in Italy, a study found only 2.9% of the people with ‘COVID 19’ on their death certificates had no underlying conditions which caused their deaths.

Now a Wall Street analyst is saying that the experimental COVID shots are the “greatest fraud in history.”  Edward Dowd discovered that the Millennial generation has suffered a ‘Vietnam War event’ with more than 61,000 excess deaths due to the jab between March 2021 and February of this year.

Meanwhile, the mandatory COVID jabs are devastating our military.  Seth Harp, a writer for, of all things, Rolling Stone magazine, reported in January that in just the first six months of the jab rollout, 83 soldiers at Fort Bragg were found dead in their bunks, from “unknown causes.”  The latest information on this is from June of 2021; since then the Army is no longer talking.

The COVID planned-demic and the subsequent jab mandates have now been revealed to be pure fake propaganda, and now we know the Biden administration paid the mainstream media $1 Billion dollars to push the COVID jab.  In response to a Freedom Of Information Act request, Biden’s Health and Human Services department revealed that it purchased advertising from all the major news networks to promote “vaccine” propaganda.  These outlets, including ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, the New York Post, the Los Angeles Times, the Washington Post, Buzzfeed, Newsmax and hundreds of local newspapers and TV stations were also secretly ordered to publish a steady stream of articles and video segments promoting the jab.  Now we know.  And as I’ve stated before, there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed.

Clarion News reported that in California, “Governor Gavin Newson’s abortion council dropped a legislative bombshell. The group of policy makers intend not only to codify the killing of unborn children throughout all nine months of pregnancy but to decriminalize killing newborns days or weeks after birth.

“New language added to AB 2223…revealed the disturbing intent. The proposed legislation would shield a mother from civil and criminal charges for any ‘actions or omissions’ related to her pregnancy, ‘including miscarriage, stillbirth, or abortion, or perinatal death.’  Although definitions of ‘perinatal death’ vary, all of them include the demise of newborns seven days or more after birth.”

Infanticide is not just a dream of California lawmakers.  Democrat Senator William Smith proposed new legislation in Maryland that would legalize so-called “abortion” up to 28 days AFTER a baby is born.  Senate Bill 669, also called the “Pregnant Person’s Freedom Act of 2022” proposes that a newborn baby can be left to die for up to a month after being born in the event that the “mother” decides she no longer wants to keep it.  The mainstream media will not report on this.  But there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed.

And we’ve all known how “woke” the Disney corporation has become but hopefully this next bit of information will wake up many “Christians” who still think Disney is nothing but pure, wholesome family entertainment.  The Polk County Sheriff’s office recently arrested 108 Disney employees and others with close ties to Disney on human trafficking, prostitution, child pornography and child sex trafficking charges.  Disney Corporation has a long history of pushing the sodomite agenda, adding homosexual characters to their movies, celebrating “Pride Month,” and opening up their parks exclusively for homosexuals on special days.  The mainstream media will not report on this.  But there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed.

Including, FINALLY, the truth behind the Hunter Biden laptop.  In April of 2019, Hunter Biden took his water-damaged laptop in to a Delaware repair shop, and then forgot about it.  The computer repairman was able to restore the computer and retrieve the data from it.  When he saw the shocking materials the laptop contained, he turned it over to the FBI, which did NOTHING with it, except actively suppress the information…until now.  Indeed, when news of the laptop surfaced shortly before the 2020 election, the Biden’s and mainstream media claimed it was a “conspiracy theory,” a product of “Russian Disinformation,” and an attempt to derail Joe Biden’s presidential campaign.  It was summarily dismissed as a hoax by so-called “fact checkers” who knew better.  Now, irrefutable evidence has shown the laptop and it’s hard-drive contents to be absolutely legitimate, and the contents of the computer are damning.

In addition to a 12-minute video showing Hunter Biden smoking crack while engaged in raunchy sex with an unidentified woman, there are many other sexually-explicit photos, photos of Biden smoking crack, passed out in a drug-induced stupor, as well as emails and text messages showing the younger Biden used his father’s credit card to pay thousands of dollars for prostitutes.  Not to mention PROOF of Hunter receiving nearly $100,000 a month from a Ukrainian energy company, with 10% of that given to his father.  There were also archived communications found showing Joe Biden had threatened to withhold $1 billion dollars from the Ukrainian government, when he was Vice President under Obama,  if Ukraine did not immediately fire a Ukrainian prosecutor.  The laptop also holds proof of multiple instances of Joe Biden (under Obama) selling special access to the White House to corrupt, communist leaders for millions of dollars — and that went on for years.

Time will tell if justice will be served to the Biden Crime Family, but currently, a significant amount of Hunter’s financial records — including his domestic and international dealings with Ukraine, Russia and China — have been turned over to federal investigators for the FBI and IRS.  Attorneys have stated they expect Hunter Biden to be indicted — for at least tax fraud.  Peter Schweizer, author of ‘Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win’ has stated, regarding the current occupants of the White House, “…it’s very clear that when it comes to the issues related to the tax evasion and money laundering and the other issues wrapped up with it, they are extremely concerned Hunter Biden’s going to be indicted.”  Nothing hidden that will not be revealed.

But for two years now, the whole world has been mesmerized by the COVID-19 scam.  As I’ve explained many times before, COVID has been the biggest hoax ever perpetrated in the history of the world.  I’ve also explained how the JAB was NOT made for COVID, but rather COVID was made for the jab — a means to an end;  the end being a perpetual cash-cow for the globalist elites and Big Pharma, a method by which to do away with national sovereignty, usher in a global digital currency as well as a totalitarian One-World, New-World Order, known as The Great Reset.

Lately, as the truth has started to emerge about all these things and the fact that the Global Elites, Big Pharma, the Healthcare Industrial Complex, the Mainstream Media and countless useful idiots have been lying to us for years, their veil of lies has been wearing thin.  And as Saul Alinsky stated in his book, “Rules For Radicals,” rule number 7 is, “A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.”  And so we’re now seeing the pressure valve of COVID open a little — COVID has seemingly taken a back seat to the next tactic.  But make no mistake, it’s never going away.  While the tyrants may seem to be loosening their grip a tiny bit right now, they’ll soon clamp down on us again, harder than ever.  Two steps forward, one step back.  As we speak, at least 23 states are quietly implementing COVID passport systems.  And more American states are gearing up for this every day, in preparation for the coming “cashless society,” where cash becomes worthless, gold and silver become illegal, and all our finances become digital — AND able to be switched on and off at the whims of the tyrants who seek total control of all us peasants.

Currently, the “big news” is Russia and Ukraine.  Many have asked me my opinion on this situation.  I admit I don’t know all the details and doing research has become an exercise in futility, because it’s impossible to know which, if any, news sources can be trusted.  However, here’s what I DO know:  any time the ENTIRE mainstream media, ALL of social media, AND our US government are all parroting the same message, you can be 99% certain it’s fake propaganda.

Everywhere we turn, we hear “Russia BAD, Ukraine GOOD.”  The new “virtue signaling” has been unilateral, unlimited support for Ukraine, a supposed innocent victim of the big bully Russia.  While I’m saddened to hear of anyone suffering the ravages of war, I’m certainly not going to fall for lies propagated by the same people who have lied to us BLATANTLY for the past two years and covertly for who-knows-how-long.  We do know that the Ukrainian government is a cesspool of corruption, and that the New World Order Globalists are up to their eyeballs in corruption, with Ukraine at the center of it all.  We also know that the US — and other countries — have funded and operated bio-weapons labs in Ukraine for several years, and many of these have been destroyed by Russia.

I’m not necessarily saying that Putin is the good guy in all this.  But I AM saying that as usual, what we’re being allowed to see by the media and our government, we’re being allowed to see for a purpose, and it’s definitely NOT truthful or accurate.  Once again, I believe we’re being purposely lied to by nefarious forces with a planned agenda.

Of course, the Globalists will certainly never let a good crisis go to waste, and this includes the Russia/Ukraine situation.  Already, Biden has used Russia as an excuse for the skyrocketing cost of gas and oil — even though that’s been a direct result of his cancelling of American energy independence, which began long before the current conflict.  But I believe something even worse may soon be taking place here in America — and Russia will be blamed for it.

Biden has already stated we should be vigilant of a Russian cyber attack.  And FEMA has published guidance as to what we should do in case of a nuclear explosion (go to our basements, wear our masks and practice social distancing while we’re down there).  Nothing is off the table for these lunatics.  But should such a disaster take place and Russia is blamed, don’t be too quick to go along with the official narrative.  Our own government has deliberately harmed — and killed — American citizens many times before, to facilitate their agenda.  They certainly wouldn’t think twice about doing so again, and a cyber attack, a nuclear blast or dirty bomb, blamed on Russia, might be just the thing they need to fast-track their planned new MANDATORY digital currency.  The fact is, only God knows what’s coming next.  But time will tell…because there’s nothing hidden that will not be revealed.

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email Rob@WisconsinChristianNews.com.  Ask for message number 354.

© 2022 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue: Rob@WisconsinChristianNews.com

Are the Good Times Really Over?

By JB Williams

April 4, 2022

Yes, I’m old enough to remember when country star Merle Haggard released the famous song of this title back in 1977. I remember thinking at the time as a young man, that Haggard must have seen something I wasn’t quite yet seeing.

The lyrics…

I wish a buck was still silver
It was back when the country was strong
Back before Elvis, before Vietnam war came along
Before the Beatles and yesterday
When a man could still work and still would
Is the best of the free life behind us now
And are the good times really over for good?

And are we rolling downhill like a snowball headed for hell
With no kinda chance for the flag or the liberty bell?
Wish a Ford and a Chevy
Would still last ten years like they should
Is the best of the free life behind us now
And are the good times really over for good?

I wish coke was still cola
And a joint was a bad place to be
It was back before Nixon lied to us all on T.V.
Before microwave ovens when a girl could still cook, and still would
Is the best of the free life behind us now
Are the good times really over for good?

Are we rolling downhill like a snowball headed for hell
With no kinda chance for the flag or the liberty bell
Wish a Ford and a Chevy
Would still last ten years like they should
Is the best of the free life behind us now
And are the good times really over for good?

Stop rolling downhill like a snowball headed for hell
Stand up for the flag and let’s all ring the liberty bell
Let’s make a Ford and a Chevy
That would still last ten years like they should
Cause the best of the free life is still yet to come
And the good times ain’t over for good

Whether or not you are a country music fan or have ever heard this song, or of Merle Haggard, this song certainly takes on new meaning today. In the first two choruses, Haggard poses the question. But in the last chorus, he issues a call to action for Americans to not let the good times be over for good.

Was art imitating life 45-years ago when Haggard released that song, or is life now imitating art from 45-years ago? Or…did Haggard see our country rolling down hill like a snowball headed for hell 45-years ago, and try to wake Americans up when there was plenty of time and opportunity to change the direction of our country?

The fact is, Americans have been warned countless ways for many years now. I have personally been warning for almost 30-years. But most Americans have had it so good for so long that they didn’t much notice that their country was being systematically destroyed right under their noses. Most still think someone in the totally corrupted system our Founders gave us, will somehow stop being corrupt and save our country.

No one in the USA is actually in charge of the USA at this moment. We only have hand-picked surrogates for the international cabal that is really running our country at present.

The people who are supposed to be in charge of our country, “we the people,” haven’t been paying attention for decades. They have largely been asleep at the wheel for more than a hundred years now. Only when something hits them up close and personal, do they wake up for a few minutes, long enough to focus on themselves, then back to sleep.

Voting exists to avoid the need for weapons as a means of resolving political problems. Although most today don’t know it, “the people” could never just vote and go home for another two or four years. They had to be “forever vigilant” every day of their lives, before, during and after elections for voting to work.

Now that elections are also totally corrupted, and no one seems willing to do anything about it, “the people’s” ability to make significant changes through peaceful constitutional processes like voting, are all but gone. Everyone knows that 2020 was the most criminally fraudulent election cycle in human history, but more than a year later, no one is serious about addressing it, which guarantees more fraudulent elections in the future.

It’s clear that electronic voting via a few corporate owned voting systems like Dominion, ES&S and Smartmatic makes it very easy to steal elections by simply manipulating voting results in the counting and certification process. But if you think no one was able to steal elections when there was nothing but paper ballots, you’re wrong. Read the story of The Battle of Athens in August of 1946.

How many fraudulent paper ballots were dumped into the 2020 elections in the dark of night, in places like Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Nevada and North Carolina? In reality, election fraud happened in all fifty states in 2020, although the focus has been largely on the “swing states.”

Paper ballots, software, machines don’t cheat…people do. No matter what system you use for elections, that system is subject to fraud and cheating. Only when there are heavy consequences for fraud and cheating, no matter the methods, can we secure the integrity of our elections. So long as there are no consequences for fraud and cheating, it is the new norm in our elections.

EXAMPLE: It’s now confirmed that the Hillary Clinton campaign hired a group to fabricate the “Russian Collusion” lie designed to destroy the election bid of Donald J. Trump in the 2016 elections. That lie was used all the way through the 2020 elections and some media leftists still insist the lie was true even today.

That event was an overt act of fraud and treason, an open coup against a sitting President of the United States in 2020, based entirely upon fabricated lies created and paid for by Hillary Clinton and the Democrat Party. THE CONSEQUENCES OF THEIR ACTIONS? The Hillary Clinton Campaign was fined $8000, and the DNC was fined $105,000 by the Federal Election Commission. Our federal government spent over $40-million in taxpayer funds to investigate Trump. Years later, Trump was vindicated, and Hillary Clinton and the DNC were identified as the source of that fake news. But overt treason by Clinton and the DNC against Trump and the USA resulted in just $113,000 in fines that amount to less than a slap on the wrist. (The bipartisan election commission also dismissed a complaint against Christopher Steele, the author of the dossier that caused a firestorm of allegations and investigations that shook the early months of Trump’s presidency.) SOURCE

In other words, there are no real consequences for anything, even treason. Without consequences, the American people have accepted fraud and treason as an acceptable form forfuture elections. Who is going to hold anyone accountable for anything? If not YOU, then the answer is NO ONE! Your SILENCE IS your CONSENT!

The difference between Athens Tennessee 1946 and the USA 2020 is, in 1946 Americans would get up and solve problems like this themselves, real fast…within 48-hours in Athens 1946. Today, very few Americans have the backbone to solve problems like this. Half see no problem with the fraud, the end justifying the means. The other half hope, wish and pray that someone else is going to do something.

The USA is “rolling down hill like a snowball headed for hell,” gaining speed every minute of every day.

Stop rolling downhill like a snowball headed for hell
Stand up for the flag and let’s all ring the liberty bell
Let’s make a Ford and a Chevy
That would still last ten years like they should
‘Cause the best of the free life is still yet to come
And the good times ain’t over for good

The last chorus in the Haggard tune could be true, but only if the people would finally stand together against the evil gripping our country and hold people responsible for it fully accountable. Short of that, there is no hope for the flag or the liberty bell, or anything else.

© 2022 JB Williams – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JB Williams: jb.tnalc@gmail.com

New Latino-Hispanic Majority US Population Demographic By 2042

By Frosty Wooldridge

April 4, 2022

Part 4:  Our new demographic caused by Congress

In 1965, the United States demographic consisted of 90 percent European-Americans, 7 percent African-Americans and 3 percent Latino-Hispanic-Americans.

At that time, everyone considered themselves “Americans” in the “Melting Pot” of the great American experiment of a constitutional republic.

As with every mixed racial and ethnic country in the world—racism, discrimination and prejudice flourished.  Racial issues command front-page stories in 2022 with “Black Lives Matter” forming and attacking white Americans.  A Latino-American killed a black American in Florida that caused tremendous unrest and demonstrations against “white” racism. (Trayvon Martin vs George Zimmerman)  Mexican immigrants push African-Americans out of Los Angeles.  “White flight” from rapidly advancing minority populations provides TV talking heads with endless fodder for their take on racism and inequality in America.

White liberals with bumper stickers “Celebrate Diversity and Multiculturalism” cart their kids away from inner city schools with 20 different languages in Boulder, Colorado to all white charter schools.

Not mentioned in the USA media: racism flourishes all over the world where different racial groups co-exist.  Mexico supports entrenched racism. Japan manifests racism by its non-immigration stance and sense of superiority over most other races.  Racism abounds in the Middle East.  Same in South America!

In the final analysis, racism stems from tribal-racial-cultural differences. It’s more biological than most people realize.  It flourishes in highly educated societies and expands in uneducated countries.

While unpleasant for decades, racism and racial inequality stand front and center in the political-public eye in America.  We cannot stamp out racism no matter how many laws, forced integration, bussing, quotas, affirmative action and the like.

Something dramatic happened to America after 1965 with Senator Teddy Kennedy’s Immigration Reform Act.  That single act dramatically changed America’s future from a dominant European tribe to a new majority that will become the new dominant ethnic group by 2042: Mexican-Latino-Hispanic.

Within a 50-year span, Latino-Americans jumped from three percent of the population to 35 percent of the population on their way to 51 percent of the American population by 2042.  They will dominate in the four southern Border States.  They will make enormous ethnic, religious and cultural impact in all of America.

Today, virtually every business phone answering service offers: press “1” for Spanish, press “2” for English.  Another language expects to make its presence known as millions upon millions of Muslims enter America and force their language upon the landscape. Press “3” for Arabic. It’s already a reality in Detroit, Michigan also known as “Dearbornistan.”

“Islam’s borders are bloody and so are its innards. The fundamental problem for the West is not Islamic fundamentalism. It is Islam, a different civilization whose people are convinced of the superiority of their culture and are obsessed with the inferiority of their power.” ― Samuel P. Huntington

In other words, Americans allowed themselves to be transformed into another culture, language and ethos. Or, with the next 100 million immigrants arriving by 2050—a polyglot society.

“The West won the world not by the superiority of its ideas or values or religion […] but rather by its superiority in applying organized violence. Westerners often forget this fact; non-Westerners never do.”  Samuel P. HuntingtonThe Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order

Because conquered people don’t forget, the Mexicans now migrating into America at well over 15 million in 2013, expect to enforce their language and customs onto the American landscape.  They succeed daily.  Classrooms in California feature Spanish as the only spoken language.

As this phenomenon advances, European-Americans flee areas that become dominated by minorities.  Reverse racism advances into the workplace dominated by Mexican-Americans.  If you can’t speak Spanish, you cannot secure a job.  Where Mexican-Americans dominate in America in 2022, flunkout/dropout rates skyrocket.  Why?  Average Mexican citizens quit school by the 6th grade.  In America, their minds quit even if they must attend school to age 16.

Arnold Toynbee observed that all great civilizations rise and fall, and that, “An autopsy of history would show that all great nations commit suicide.”

We stand by while our country disintegrates before our eyes

Former Colorado Governor Richard D. Lamm spelled out in his famous speech—How to Destroy America: “Here is how they destroyed their countries.  First, turn America into a bilingual or multilingual and bicultural country.  History shows that no nation can survive the tension, conflict and antagonism of two or more competing languages and cultures.  It is a blessing for an individual to be bilingual; however, it is a curse for a society to be bilingual.  The historical scholar Seymour Lipset put it this way, “The histories of bilingual and bicultural societies that do not assimilate are histories of turmoil, tension and tragedy.  Canada, Belgium, Malaysia, Lebanon—all face crises of national existence in which minorities press for autonomy, if not independence. Pakistan and Cyprus have divided. Nigeria suppressed an ethnic rebellion. France faces difficulties with Basques, Bretons and Corsicans.”

As America launches on changing its ethnic identity, culture and language—does anyone understand the new reverse racism and how it will affect blacks and whites in America?

Does anyone understand the ramifications of adding 100 million immigrants in three decades?   Does anyone understand what it will take to keep this civilization running with accelerating illiteracy from the new Latino-Mexican dominating tribe?  Is anyone asking how we plan to water, feed and house that 100 million new immigrants that land on America?

Finally, are we ready for a complete change in language to many languages?  Are we ready to see America become a polyglot nation that fails on multiple levels today in endless countries around the world as witnessed in Governor Lamm’s speech?

“It is my hypothesis that the fundamental source of conflict in this new world will not be primarily ideological or primarily economic. The great divisions among humankind and the dominating source of conflict will be cultural. Nation-states will remain the most powerful actors in world affairs, but the principal conflicts of global politics will occur between nations and groups of different civilizations. The clash of civilizations will dominate global politics. The fault lines between civilizations will be the battle lines of the future.” ― Samuel P. Huntington

We remain on course to prove historian Arnold Toynbee correct, “I have observed that all great civilizations rise and fall, and that, an autopsy of history would show that all great nations commit suicide.”

© 2022 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

WARNING: Why Is Anyone Shocked China Joe Said This? – Part 1


March 28, 2022

On March 21, 2022, Cheating China Joe Biden playing president stunned those Americans who know the real agenda being carried out globally with the U.S. as the big prize when he opened the pie hole in his face and out came the truth for a change.

Joe Biden Meets with Top CEOs: Global Catastrophes Present ‘Opportunities’ to Lead ‘New World Order’, March 21, 2022

“President Joe Biden expressed Monday his desire to lead a “new world order” during a conversation with business leaders, noting the coronavirus pandemic and the Russian invasion of Ukraine would help reset the status quo…

“Since then, we’ve established a liberal world order, and that hadn’t happened in a long while,” Biden said. “A lot of people dying but nowhere near the chaos.”  Biden explained he thought the world was going through a similar situation.

“Now is the time when things are shifting, there’s going to be a new world order out there, we’ve got to lead it, and we’ve got to unite the rest of the free world while doing it,” he concluded.”

Biden Says the Quiet Part Out Loud: “There’s Going to be a New World Order Out There and We’ve Gotta Lead It” (VIDEO), March 21, 2022, “Biden mumbled through remarks and casually said that Russia is planning a “cyberattack” against the United States.  “The magnitude of Russia’s cyber capacity is fairly consequential and it’s coming,” he continued.”  He then went on to mumble how the U.S. is going to lead this “new world order”.

Those who control Washington District of Criminals through use money and bestow massive power over Americans by cooperative members of the U.S. Congress and cabinets.  The Biden family is just one on the long list of life time criminals because they play the game within a game.  Just another marionette who lies every time he opens his mouth – lies fed to him by his handlers.

During his failed miserable term, former president George H.W. Bush promoted a ‘new world order’ in his own words 162 times while president.  Hussein Obama, another lying, cheater who usurped the office of president through fraud and cheating is also a firm supporter of ending the U.S. as a sovereign nation and sucking us into a world government.

Obama’s New World Order, May 29, 2010, “It should come as no surprise. During the campaign, he told us he was a “citizen of the world.”   Last week, he told the cadets at West Point, and the rest of the world, just what his vision of a new world order is.

“Obama wants a new international order that can “resolve the challenges of our times.”  That’s what Woodrow Wilson wanted when he and his cronies created the League of Nations.  That’s what socialist Franklin Roosevelt wanted when he and his cronies created the United Nations.  Fortunately, conservative Senators prevented the United States from surrendering its sovereignty to Wilson’s vision of a New World Order.  Roosevelt steamrolled what few conservatives there were in 1945, and the United Nations was created to “resolve the challenges” of his time.

“One of the fundamental flaws in the vision of these three globalists – and the New World Order crowd – is the idea that the United States must submit its sovereignty to an ultimate power greater than our own.Absolutely not, and never!” Rest at link above.

Back in 1918 the behind the curtain globalist players wanted the U.S. to join the League of Nations. What was the purpose of the League of Nations?  If there’s a squabble between countries, it become all the members responsibility to get involved.  Of course, the evil doers used the usual propaganda to convince the American people being isolationists was a bad thing.  There’s a difference between being an isolationist and remaining a sovereign nation who choose not to get involved in wars that do not affect them.” Rest at link, March 21, 2022.

I wrote a column about this back in 2006.  On June 29, 1992, Biden gave a speech on the senate floor titled: On the Threshold of a New World Order, An American Agenda for the New World Order, Fulfilling the Wilsonian Vision. In his treasonous speech, Biden said:

“Although President Bush (Sr.) called the New World Order a “big idea” one may surmise that the President did not follow through with the concept of a New World Order because he had not thought it through (in Iraq, 1991)…Instead, I shall urge that we revive the concept of a New World Order, rescue the phrase from cynicism and invest in it a vision that should become the organizing principle of American foreign policy in the 1990s and into the next century.”

Biden’s 56-page anti-American speech can be read in full here and should be by all adult Americans.  Creating an “environmental crisis” has been part of the Communist International’s plans since the 1930’s; the “crisis” to destroy capitalism.  I’ve also written about that diabolical hoax for years.

Of course, Biden describes Woodrow Wilson as the Second Coming conveniently forgetting Wilson turned over the wealth of the U.S. by signing the Federal Reserve Banking Act of 1913.  A dastardly, well- planned tool to fund the government through RENTING/BORROWING OUR OWN MONEY via the federal income tax.

Biden whined and couldn’t understand why our Congress refused the other wet dream of becoming part of the League of Nations which was really a precursor to decades later birthing the communist controlled United Nothing, the UN.

Biden said Truman was going to be the one to continue formulating this one world government in which the U.S. would no longer be a sovereign nation with OUR Constitution.  While in Washington, DC in September 1993, I happened to see a book at the Library of Congress in their book store.  I purchased:  The Smithsonian Treasury – The Presidents by Frederick S. Voss.  Page 72, “When Franklin Roosevelt died during the closing days of World War II, it fell to Truman to end the war and formulate policies for a new world order.”

The arrogant dirty traitors thought Satan’s Pimp, Hildebeast Clinton, was a guaranteed winner against Donald Trump so there was no need to steal the election.  While President-Elect Trump made many mistakes as a neophyte in the dirty world of dirty, corrupt, filthy politics (trusting the wrong advisers for both legislation and cabinet picks), I do believe his heart has been in the right place and his love of America and Americans is genuine.

Americans Shocked, Angered: Trump’s Latest GMO Executive Order, July 8, 2019 (mine) among several other bills he signed into law.  And, the biggest, worst action was his ‘Operation Warp Speed’ to get dangerous experimental gene editing injections falsely called vaccines shot into every American.  I have no doubt Trump had no idea about those injections other than what he was told by career criminal, Anthony Fauci and just how corrupt the FDA (Federal Death Administration) and CDC (Center for Disease Creation) are and how their collusion with Pfizer, Moderna, J & J should put a whole pack of them in federal prison.  Much is happening on that front for a future column.

The United Nothing (UN) has never kept peace anywhere in this world.  It is an evil organization (not a government) serving a very important role in destroying our sovereignty and being a major player in a one world government.  Many efforts have been made to get us out of that unconstitutional treaty, almost longer than I’ve been alive.

All have failed because not enough Americans have any knowledge of what’s really been going on and because not only ignorance by members of Congress decade after decade, but a large number support what the globalists tell them to support or they get kicked out of the lucrative and powerful sand box.

Congressman Introduces Bill to Get the U.S. Out of the UN, January 18, 2019 (Read)  – “As outrage over the United Nations continues to grow, legislation to restore American sovereignty by withdrawing from the scandal-plagued UN was introduced in Congress this month. In addition to getting the U.S. government out of the UN and evicting the global outfit’s headquarters from U.S. soil, the bill would end American involvement in the full panoply of UN agreements and agencies. It would also prohibit putting of U.S. troops under UN command.

“The legislation has been introduced in Congress for decades. However, the current president’s publicly expressed hostility to globalism and his oft-stated support for U.S. sovereignty make the issue especially salient right now. In Congress and in the administration, as well as among everyday Americans, anti-UN sentiment is surging. Even some Democrats are fed up with the UN’s criticism of Israel. Advocates of the measure are urging Americans to contact their representatives, senators, and the White House in support.

“The American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2019 (H.R. 204) was introduced by Congressman Mike Rogers (R-Ala.) right as the new Congress was getting started. “One of my first priorities in this new Congress was to make sure this bill was reintroduced,” said Rogers, who serves as the ranking member of the House Committee on Homeland Security. “The United Nations is a disaster and our country bankrolls over 20 percent of its annual budget.”

And how convenient COVID-19 comes along and the world was brought to its knees.  The bill had a whopping three co-sponsors:  Rep. Andy Biggs [R-AZ), Rep. Thomas Massie, [R-KY] and Rep. Matt Gaetz [R-Fl}.  Like all the other bills to save this republic, it died.  Ten Reasons why the US should get out of the UN.  Since 1945 We the People have been RAPED in hundreds of billions of BORROWED dollars to pay for our own destruction.

All these cabals, the CFR, Tri-Lateral Commission, UN and so many more are criminals of the worst kind.  Most Americans have ZERO knowledge on these issues and quite frankly, too many of them who’ve had their minds washed through decades of brain washing in the government indoctrination centers they call schools and the boob tube, aren’t interested, think it’s all conspiracy theories, are too busy to fight for their freedom or are profiting from the destruction of our republic.

The shadow government is no longer in the shadows.  Please read Part II for the rest of this part of the nightmare currently underway.

Part II


I’ve linked these before, but if you haven’t had time or missed them, it’s quite important for the American people to actually read history and how the destruction was being implemented. Getting Serious About Getting About Getting Out of the UN, mine, January 25, 2000.  It also contains this section:  Judge J.J. Boesel on The Unconstitutional UN Treaty

None is So Blind as He Who Will Not See – Congressional Record. House of Representatives January 15, 1962 Page 215

The Illuminati’s 7-Part Plan Towards the Creation of a New Order, December 15, 2014

Solutions ignored by both parties.  At the time I wrote the column below we had a Republican president, Donald Trump, who likely knew nothing about the bills – with the exception of NAFTA which was replaced with the worst most anti-American, sovereign killing Agreement, USMCA. The USMCA “Trade Agreement” Violates Our Constitution And Sets Up Global Government, January 15, 2019

Republicans held the majority in both chambers of Congress and a whole lot of them sure as hell have known about those issues but never did a damn thing to cure the cancers:

H.R. 156: To provide for the withdrawal of the United States from the North American Free Trade Agreement

NAFTA (No American Factories Taking Applications) according to Soviet traitor, CFR/Trilaterialst, Henry Kissinger: “What Congress will have before it is not a conventional trade agreement but the architecture of a new international system…a first step toward a new world order.” July 18, 1993

NAFTA was the first in a long line of unconstitutional treaties/agreements destroying nearly 10 million good paying jobs; career, steady employment destroyed in furtherance of world government. H.R.156 was introduced January 4, 2013.

H.R. 75: American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2013 – To end membership of the United States in the United Nations. Bill introduced January 3, 2013.

Every penny in UN “dues” is borrowed money – more unpayable debt with the interest slapped on our backs.For what? In 1971, Rep. John Rarick attempted to get us out of that evil body; I highly encourage you read the information here. Besides Rarick’s bill, you’ll find an action that might surprise many. Agenda 21 is a key tool to destroy personal property rights and much more. See The House That Evil Built. The diabolical “sustainable development” was birthed by the United Nothing; it must be killed once and for all.

H.R.129 – Latest Title: Return to Prudent Banking Act of 2013. Restore Glass-Stegall – House Committee on Financial Services. Bill introduced January 3, 2013.

H.R.3894 – Senior Citizens Tax Elimination Act to do away with federal income taxes on social security. Introduced by Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.), January 15, 2014. Referred to House Committee on Ways & Means. Another re-introduction because no one in the Outlaw Congress was interested in helping senior citizens by stopping double taxation. Social Security is a tax. That tax goes to paying you benefits at retirement. Then, they tax you again on those benefits when you retire – double taxation. The bill had a whopping two cosponsors.  Why after so many tries by Rep. Massie doesn’t AARP support that bill?

  1. Rep. Massie Introduces Bill to Abolish Federal Department of Education

WASHINGTON, D.C. —” Today, Representative Thomas Massie introduced H.R. 899, a bill to abolish the federal Department of Education. The bill, which is one sentence long, states, “The Department of Education shall terminate on December 31, 2018.” On the day of Betsy DeVos’ scheduled Senate confirmation for Secretary of Education, Massie said, “Neither Congress nor the President, through his appointees, has the constitutional authority to dictate how and what our children must learn.”

“Massie added, “Unelected bureaucrats in Washington, D.C. should not be in charge of our children’s intellectual and moral development. States and local communities are best positioned to shape curricula that meet the needs of their students. Schools should be accountable. Parents have the right to choose the most appropriate educational opportunity for their children, including home school, public school, or private school.”

“For years, I have advocated returning education policy to where it belongs – the state and local level,” said Rep. Walter Jones, an original co-sponsor. “D.C. bureaucrats cannot begin to understand the needs of schools and its students on an individual basis. It is time that we get the feds out of the classroom, and terminate the Department of Education…

“The Department of Education began operating in 1980. On September 24, 1981 in his Address to the Nation on the Program for Economic Recovery, President Ronald Reagan said, “As a third step, we propose to dismantle two Cabinet Departments, Energy and Education. Both Secretaries are wholly in accord with this.”

H.R. 899 is still rotting in the House Committee on Education and Labor. 16 Cosponsors, all Republicans.  Since the Federal Dept. of Dumbing Down is unconstitutional, it should have passed years ago.  I covered that issue in detail in chapter 11 of my book, Taking Politics Out of Solutions

In 2010, 111 Republican Incumbents and Candidates pledged they were going to get rid of the unconstitutional Federal Department Of Education.  Of course, nothing was done as Reagan simply ignored his campaign promises, those 111 incumbents and challengers all lied through their teeth and today we still have the rotten, corrupt unconstitutional Federal Department of Education. For part 2, click the link below.

Now let’s get to the disaster in Russia & Ukraine, Part 2.

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions. [Order two books and save $10.00. Give one to a friend or relative]

© 2022 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy: devvyk@npn.net

American Deceit

By Karen Schoen

April 3, 2022

Time is like a river. You cannot touch the same water twice, because the flow that has passed will never pass again. Will the Freedom America offered ever be offered again? Prayers go out to the citizens of Ukraine and the other eastern European nations.

I am borrowing a few words from Franklin Graham. Franklin Graham was speaking at the First Baptist Church in Jacksonville, Florida in January, 2015, when he said America will not come back.

He wrote:

“The American dream ended on November 6th, 2012 in Ohio. The second term of Barack Obama has been the final nail in the coffin for the legacy of the white Christian males who discovered, explored, pioneered, settled and developed the greatest republic in the history of mankind.” The goal of feminists were to emasculate the males.

Memorize: Everything is connected; nothing is random; there are no coincidences; everything has a plan and all plans are based on lies.

Did you hear Victoria Nuland, Under Secretary for Political Affairs say that Russians spread propaganda. Then she blamed you for things they have done.  This is a globalist trick and the D’s have been doing it to the R’s for years often making the R’s cower.  It is a technique called Projection. If you project enough, the issue will be accepted as truth and your opponent will catch most of the blame.

The Globalists (Communists/Fascists/Democrats/RINO’S/Islamists) are allowing Ukraine’s war to continue because DEPOPULATION is a GOAL of Sustainability. War helps depopulate.  Now you have to say, what else are they doing. Check out the $1.5 Trill earmark, gun restricting bill Globalist Democrats and RINO’S passed in the middle of the night. America will be destroyed from within.

As RACE becomes the dividing factor, there is nothing for whites to be ashamed of in America. Americans did more to help humanity than any other people in history. Contrary to popular belief, civilization didn’t always have cell phones and computers. For the majority of our short time on earth manual labor was all there was.  It doesn’t matter what country, what region, or what cause, there is always a conqueror and always the conquered. The conquered regardless of color always lose all possessions and freedom. They became slaves.  They are often tortured and murdered. It is the way it was and will be.

History has become so distorted the sad part is that the blacks who built America along with the European whites – have had the American Black history replaced with victimhood and hatred. I asked my friend why blacks didn’t see any advancement in America from slavery until today.  His answer was, “Because our leaders know that racism sells and they make lots of money selling.”

Will we let a small coalition of blacks, Latinos, feminists, gays, government workers, union members, environmental extremists, the media, Hollywood, uninformed young people, the “forever needy,” the chronically-unemployed, illegal aliens, and miscellaneous fellow-travelers…End the Constitutional Republic of America? There are more of us than them. Why are we giving them the power? We must fight back. Stop being intimidated. All they have is empty words. Remember “sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never ham me.” Don’t buy into their meaningless name calling.

I listen to the Democrat lies as they reveal themselves. They are so smug. But it appears as though Americans have had enough. Wait until everyone understands the new banking system under the Great Reset.  Due to the new scoring method risk scoring which used to be based on your ability to pay back, is now designed to keep you in line with the government message, America is racist. It’s your white fault, if you disagree you are a domestic terrorist.  We will have Social Credits for humans and ESG, (Environmental, Social [Justice], Governance) for business. Try to get a loan for your not-woke business. Try to get a mortgage if you are MAGA. This NWO crowd is tightening the noose. You will own nothing and be happy is their message.

Watch and listen to candidates. Check their actions. Are they CRT? Do they believe in Diversity, Inclusion, Equity (DIE)?  Did they spew MORE HATRED, aimed to make victims of every minority group imaginable…except for whites, of course. I can not imagine why any white person would vote for a candidate who LIES, calls them names, vote for bills they haven’t read, pushes the White Guilt Complex; and demands MORE MONEY to fix things. Of course they never discuss that their policies created the mess in the first place. I am embarrassed that I once was a Democrat.

To the lefties of America: You do NOT have a RIGHT to tangible objects or material things. GOD gave you the ability to succeed. No one but you is standing in the way of your success. It has nothing to do with the color of your skin. Success has to do with your ability. BUT it is not up to ME to pay for YOUR STUFF. That is YOUR job. How come I don’t hear anyone saying that?

In America, God grants our Rights. (Our Founders recognized this!) The Constitution protects those Rights. If you think life will be better somewhere else, please leave!  Rights are not different for different people under the Constitution. Time to elect new people and go after the criminals.

“We The People.” does not say WE the White people, Black people, Christian people or Jewish people! There are NO divisions in America’s Constitution. The only division comes from those who wish to destroy American headed by America hating globalists like Obama and a regime of globalists, seeking to force on us – their New World Order. Obama TOLD US: “We will fundamentally transform American.” In order to transform, you must first DESTROY. Michelle said: ‘we’ll change History.” And so they have. The JoeBama regime is just a continuation of the Obama regime set out to DESTROY America.

That destruction is well under way. Obama was not the initiator. All our Presidents starting with Bush 41 were Globalists. As far back as Eisenhower, the dream was a world organization headed by the global elite with a merging of Russian/American culture.

The following link is from Roscoe Drummond, Herald Tribune, on an article regarding the U.S., Governors’ visit to the Soviet Union after Pres. Eisenhower signed the initial agreement with Soviet Union (Khrushchev) in 1958:  The Eisenhower-Khrushchev agreement covered planned U.S.-USSR activities in ALL areas. President Reagan followed up in 1985, with the USA-USSR cultural exchange agreement which also contained agreement to merge U.S. and Soviet education systems, currently implemented today under EDUCATION RESTRUCTURING aka NCLB, Common Core, ESEA School to work, Workforce training. Massive documentation regarding the Reagan-Gorbachev agreement can be found here and at the Deliberate Dumbing Down of America (FREE) download.

All the programs are the same they just have new names. Money Power Control is all Globalists care about. These people are the enemy of freedom. It is important that you know, understand and can name the enemy. Don’t view Democrats, RINOS as Americans, they are not. Globalists want to rule the world under a New World Order headed by the United Nations. Don’t try to make sense of anything they do or say. They are only trying to confuse you. Look to see what they are doing like passing bills late at night to take away our rights.  Globalists think they are elite.  They want to destroy the middle class and America. They hate Americans. They hate the US Constitution. Leveling the playing field means bring America in line with other third world countries.  They will not be happy until they own everything and you work for them.

This 2022 election is the last for our republic and if we lose, we will never again out-vote these people. The Globalists have arranged for 300000 illegals to invade America monthly.  Why have the states not closed their borders? Do those governors really think this is a good idea? It will take individual acts of defiance and massive displays of civil disobedience to get back the Rights we have allowed them to take away. It will take zealots, not shy moderates, not reach-across-the-aisle RINOs  to right this ship and restore our beloved country to its former status.

The Biden regime of globalists are dedicated to the collapse of America. Their policies are designed to inflict the most damage to the greatest amount of people. Less people, less problems. They are bleeding America by 1000 cuts. An uneducated society driven by emotion and hatred can not successfully run a country. Open borders,  funding our enemies by buying their oil and other commodities, high inflation, printing more money, out of control spending, CRT, Drugs, trafficking, treaties that call for the merging of America, Canada and Mexico is the plan. Wake up America; they hate us.  They tell us all the time. But we don’t listen and we continue to fund them. Their main goal is MONEY, POWER, CONTROL! Not America. When we buy their stuff, we are doing exactly what Biden is doing buying Globalist oil from communist dictators.   Facebook, Twitter, etc all of their social media sites insure that your gas prices will continue to go up. They own you. You are now the slave; working with big tech, answering questions, providing data for nothing. By sending our kids to public school, buying their stuff,  and using their platforms we are feeding the beast. The only thing they think about is money. Stop giving it to them.

Being an American comes with a JOB. The Founders intended it that way! Being an AMERICAN comes with RESPONSIBILITY. If taught properly in school, students would know the way their government works, understand the Rule of Law, and realize the law does not change for different GROUPS of people. All GROUPS have the same rights under the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. This is the framework that our Founders put in place. That is why in America, we have EQUAL JUSTICE under the Law.

Social Justice was created by the communists, in order to rally the groups around victimhood while collecting donations. Social Justice creates justice for a specific group, a protected group status. THINK: Would it not follow that if YOU are not part of that SPECIFIC group, you do NOT HAVE PROTECTION under the LAW? Breaking up into groups is necessary to divide the people. Divided people are easier to CONTROL.

When today’s illegal immigrants come HERE, they are not required to learn our language, or assimilate into our culture! They are used by the left to create a sub culture voting block. They are separated from the existing population and culture. Coming from countries giving minimal free stuff, they can not believe the amount of free stuff they now get from America. They will vote for the group giving the most free stuff. By continuing multi-culturalism, dare I say it? DIVERSITY! – We continue to promote the GROUP or HERD mentality insuring the demise of America’s individualism.

Americans have the power to stop the destruction. Will they, is the question. We must vote in all elections but the primary is key to eliminating RINOS. Don’t let the RINOS split the vote in primaries. If you have one incumbent and many newbees, get behind the top newbee and have the others drop out.  The primary is about winning, not about egos. Do not vote for a D or a RINO. Those criminals just passed a $1.5 Trillion spending bill that no one read. Inflation is being done on purpose.  Pay close attention to local elections. Be prepared. Get protection and food and don’t tell anyone. Today buy anything you think you will need for the next year. We are in for rough times.

Is this how you want to live? Is America worth saving? Now is the time. If not you then who?

© 2022 Karen Schoen – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Karen Schoen: kbschoen@bellsouth.net

Biolabs – What Is the Government Hiding?

By Roger Anghis

April 3, 2022

There is so much about these Biolabs that our government is not telling us it makes you wonder what aren’t they telling us about other things?  First, we were told we don’t have Biolabs in Ukraine and then we find that there were at least eight and maybe more. We are also hearing that Hunter Biden’s investment fund helped raise money for these labs.  Russia’s assertion that President Biden’s son Hunter was “financing . . . biological laboratories in Ukraine” was based in truth, according to e-mails reviewed by The Post.

A trove of e-mails on Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop — the existence of which was exclusively reported by The Post in October 2020 — found that he played a role in helping a California defense contractor analyze killer diseases and bioweapons in Ukraine.

Moscow has claimed that secret American biological-warfare labs in Ukraine were a justification for its unprovoked invasion of the neighboring country last month. It doubled down on the accusations Thursday, claiming the labs produced biochemical weapons at the Biden family’s behest.

“US President Joe Biden himself is involved in the creation of biolaboratories in Ukraine,” Russia’s State Duma speaker, Vyacheslav Volodin said, according to state media.[1]

On the ‘Laptop from Hell’ Jack Maxey has discovered a lot of information that I am sure the Biden crime family doesn’t want out there. Former War Room Pandemic host Jack Maxey, who is now in Switzerland releasing the entire contents of the Hunter Biden ‘laptop from Hell’ on a private server for the world to see, has declared that evidence on the computer shows the Department of Defense, along with the Biden Crime Family, and Ukrainian organized crime, were running ‘secret biological projects’ in Ukraine.

According to Maxey, the projects were run by a company called Metabiota, of which several bad actors had investment stakes.

CDMedia has been discussing the issue with Maxey at length for the last several months.

Maxey details that emails on the device show how Hunter Biden, and the head of the infamous Ukrainian gas company Burisma owner Mykola Zlochevsky, had stakes in the biological projects, and had been promised a 5x return in three months by those involved.

“They privatized the work of our biological labs at Fort Detrick in the United States and were running the development of these projects in Ukraine,” declared Maxey.[2]

There has been a lot of talk about Putin going into Ukraine for any other reason than to neutralize these Biolabs which many are co-run and funded by Fauci’s Eco-Health Alliance.  US Embassy just removed all their Ukraine Bioweapon lab documents from the website. These labs are co-run by Fauci’s EcoHealth Alliance and rumor is Russia’s entire military operation right now is unofficially to either secure and/or destroy these labs and gather evidence.

U.S. Embassy in Ukraine Biological Threat Reduction Program

The U.S. Department of Defense’s Biological Threat Reduction Program collaborates with partner countries to counter the threat of outbreaks

Yep, and you can read all about it via the links.  I believe this is only part of the Russian movement there, but the US does not have clean hands in any of this especially, considering that Biden and his family got millions from Russia by betraying the American people.[3]

So now we’ve learned several things, the government lied to us about the Biolabs in the first place, the Biden Crime Family has been involved with them for a long time and through emails, we find that Joe knew everything about the business dealings of Hunter when he told Americans that he knew nothing of Hunters business deals: An email originally obtained by the New York Post in October 2020 suggested that Joe Biden met with Hunter Biden and a top Burisma executive in 2015.

The State Department and White House didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment from the Daily Caller News Foundation.[4]

We knew very well that Obama was the most corrupt administration America ever had, Benghazi, Uranium One, Operation Fast and Furious, Solyndra, Obamacare, IRS Scandal, NSA Spying, just to name a few. Not to mention the most ungodly man to ever sit in the White House.  Now Biden is on track to make Obama look like Mother Tresa. I came across a DOD site that listed eleven Biolabs that were funded by the Pentagon but that page has mysteriously disappeared. Imagine that.  But here is a list from that page:

Biolabs in Ukraine:

Kiev Lab $2,109,375.23 USD
Dnipropetrovsk Lab #1 $1,810,547 USD
Dnipropetrovsk Lab #2 $1,935,557 USD
Lviv Lab #1 $1,734,971 USD
Lviv Lab #2 $1,927,158 USD
Zakarpartska Lab $1,920,432 USD
Ternopil Lab $1,755,786 USD
Kherson Lab $1,728,822 USD
Vinnytsia Lab $1,504,840 USD
Luhansk Lab $1,746,312 USD
Kharkiv Lab $1,638,375 USD

I was able to find a site that archived that information.  You can see the page here.[5]

Our nation is being threatened from within. That is really the only way America can fall. We have one party that demands we embrace full-blown communism and another party that doesn’t seem to have the guts to stop them.  Too many have forgotten that we are a nation that has a government of the people, by the people, for the people and we are allowing a few self-appointed elites to take away our rights and freedoms ‘for the good of the nation’. Once these rights are forfeited, we will never get them back. You can vote in communism but you have to shoot your way out of it.

I, for one, will not stand still and let a handful of elites take my country. Seventy members of the Democrats in Congress belong to the Democrat Socialists of America.  You can see what they have been allowed to do. Senator Joseph McCarthy was mocked for trying to identify communists with our society. You see what has happened when they are allowed into positions of authority.  Where’s the McCarthy’s today?  They’ve self-identified themselves so all we have to do is vote them out.  If we don’t, we’ll be another Venezuela.

© 2022 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis: roger@buildingthetruth.org

Foot Notes

  1. Hunter Biden played role in funding US bio labs contractor in Ukraine e-mails
  2. Breaking: Jack Maxey declares Hunter Biden laptop shows secret biological projects in Ukraine
  3. 1 day after reporting on US biolabs in Ukraine US embassy scrubs all Ukraine bioweaon lab docs from website video
  4. The Biden admins ties to Ukraine go deeper than Hunter and Burisma
  5. US D.O.D. funds Ukraine biolabs

Do We Still Have Freedom of Religion?

By Paul Engel

April 2, 2022

  • How do you know if freedom of religion still exists in America?
  • What protects our freedom of religion?
  • Do courts have the authority to interpret a church’s own rule to them?

How can you tell if you have freedom of religion? Is it because of the First Amendment? Does freedom of religion exist because people say so? Does freedom of religion exist if government can decide whether you are properly following the tenants of your religion? A recent case before the Supreme Court asked that very question. Sadly, the court decided not to consider answering it.

Our desire to worship as we please was not only one of the driving factors in the creation of the colonies in America, it’s a foundational freedom in this country. The very first freedom listed in the very first amendment in the Bill of Rights to be ratified was your freedom of religion. Specifically:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

U.S. Constitution, Amendment I

All of our states and the federal government recognize the importance of freedom of religion. Or do they? The laws of our states and of the United States provide religious organizations tax exempt status. Under 26 USC §501(d), religious associations or corporations are exempt from federal taxation. In the Commonwealth of Virginia, not only are religious organizations exempt from taxation, but property owned and used by the organization are also tax exempt.

Enter the case of Trustees of the New Life in Christ Church v. City of Fredericksburg, Virginia (New Life Church v. Fredericksburg).

This case began when the New Life in Christ Church in Fredericksburg, Virginia, claimed a tax exemption for a residence occupied by Josh and Anacari Storms. …

The city of Fredericksburg (City) sought to deny the churchs tax exemption. Years of litigation ensued.

New Life Church v. Fredericksburg (Certiorari dissent)

This case seems simple enough at first. The New Life in Christ Church claimed a tax exemption for the residence of their youth ministers, Josh and Aracari Storms, which the city of Fredericksburg denied, leading to this case. The case was heard in Virginia Circuit Court, which found for the City of Fredericksburg. After the Virginia Supreme Court declined to review the opinion, the church appealed to the Supreme Court of the United States for redress.

The process for having a case heard by the Supreme Court involves a petition for a writ of certiorari (Latin for “To be informed of”), ordering that a lower court produce records for the superior court’s review. In their petition, New Life Church posed two questions. First, did the city violate the First Amendment by interpreting church doctrine? And second, did the City of Fredericksburg refuse to extend tax exempt status to the church’s property without a compelling reason and thereby violate Virginia law?

If you’ve followed The Constitution Study for any length of time, you probably recognize that this cannot be a First Amendment violation, since neither Congress nor the federal government had any part in this situation. While federal courts have conveniently ignored that fact for decades, I do want to look at this in the context of the Constitution and laws of of Virginia. While this may not be a violation of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, it very well may be a violation of the Fourteenth Amendment.

State Interpretation of Church Doctrine

Virginia law provides an exemption from property taxes for [r]eal property and personal property owned by churches or religious bodies * * * and exclusively occupied or used * * * for the residence of the minister of any church or religious body.” Va. Code § 58.1- 3606(A)(2). When the New Life In Christ Church claimed the property tax exemption for a residence occupied by two of its ministers, the City of Fredericksburg conducted an independent inquiry into the Presbyterian Church in Americas Book of Church Order to determine whether the ministers actually are ministers” under church doctrine. The City never challenged the sincerity of the Churchs belief that the ministers are, in fact, ministers. Instead, the City denied the exemption because it read the Book of Church Order to confer that designation only on ordained church officials with specific leadership roles.

New Life Church v. Fredericksburg (Petition for Certiorari)

State law provides that property owned by religious bodies for the residence of ministers are exempt from property taxes. The issue that the church wanted to court to weigh in on was, does the city have the authority to determine who is or is not a minister for a church?

So how has the City sought to justify denying the tax exemption? Primarily, the City has argued that the church is not entitled to a tax credit because it misunderstands who qualifies as minister” in its own faith tradition. …

The church tried to explain that the City misunderstood its traditions and practices.

New Life Church v. Fredericksburg (Certiorari dissent)

Who decides who qualifies as a minister of a church? Is it the church or the government?

In sum, the Stormses perform essential religious functions” within the Church. … Indeed, there is no dispute among the parties that they are doing religious work.”

New Life Church v. Fredericksburg (Petition for Certiorari)

This is a clear case of a government entity establishing the standards for ministers of a church. The City of Fredericksburg not only claimed the authority to interpret the Presbyterian Church in America’s Book of Church Order to the New Life Church, which is a member of that denomination, but to override the church’s interpretation of that book:

The City filed a motion for summary judgment. … In support, it relied on the Presbyterian Church in Americas Book of Church Order, which governs the Church, to argue that the Stormses are not ministers as understood by the Church. … It then proceeded to argue that [t]he Book of Church Order utilizes the term ministerin contexts that make it clear that the term refers to a duly ordained person with specific leadership duties.” …

In response, the Church argued that the City had misinterpreted the Book of Church Order. In particular, the Church explained that [w]hile it is true that in order to deliver sermons to the congregation a person doing so must be an ordainedminister, there is nothing in the Book of Church Order that prohibits a particular church from hiring ministers to serve as messengers and teachers of the faith.” … On the contrary, Section 12 of the Book of Church Order provides each church rather broad authority to govern its own affairs, which would include the ability to hire ministers to cater to specialized groups, such as youth.”

New Life Church v. Fredericksburg (Petition for Certiorari)

Isn’t the city not only establishing a religious test for church ministers, but by interpreting their governing convention, establishing oversight of the church itself? Since the question of tax exempt status is a state matter, such a test would be in violation Article I, Section 16 of the Constitution of Virginia:

And the General Assembly shall not prescribe any religious test whatever, or confer any peculiar privileges or advantages on any sect or denomination

Constitution of Virginia, Article I, Section 16

Furthermore, by determining who qualifies as a minister, the City of Fredericksburg further violated Article I, Section 16:

but all men shall be free to profess and by argument to maintain their opinions in matters of religion, and the same shall in nowise diminish, enlarge, or affect their civil capacities. … but it shall be left free to every person to select his religious instructor,

Constitution of Virginia, Article I, Section 16

Even in its opposition to the church’s appeal, the Virginia Supreme Court said:

The City conceded that the statute providing a limited exemption from taxation of real estate says to churches or religious bodies, you tell us who your leader is, and if they reside in church-owned property, [and] we will exempt that specific property from taxation.’”

New Life Church v. Fredericksburg (Petition for Certiorari)

However, the Circuit Court could not recognize this violation, not only of the laws and the constitution of Virginia, but the idea of freedom of religion. And since the the Supreme Court of Virginia was unwilling to hear the case, we find ourselves at the Supreme Court of the United States.

Supreme Court Certiorari

I do not know why the Supreme Court decided not to grant certiorari in this case. Yes, the First Amendment claim fails based on the plain language of the document, but that has not stopped this court before. There can be any number of reasons why four of the nine justices were unwilling to hear the case. Since only Justice Gorsuch was willing to publish his opinion, we will never know the whys. In his dissent, Justice Gorsuch does give us a a sense of the travesty of justice the court has delivered to the church.

I would grant the petition and summarily reverse. The First Amendment does not permit bureaucrats or judges to subject” religious beliefs to verification.” About this, the Court has spoken plainly and consistently for many years. …

The Framers of our Constitution were acutely aware how governments in Europe had sought to control and manipulate religious practices and churches. They resolved that America would be different. In this country, we would not subscribe to the arrogant pretension” that secular officials may serve as competent Judge[s] of Religious truth.” … Instead, religious persons would enjoy the right to decide for themselves, free from state interference, matters of . . . faith and doctrine.”

New Life Church v. Fredericksburg (Certiorari dissent)

Since the City of Fredericksburg refused to abide by the laws of Virginia, and deny the New Life Church the equal protection of the laws of the Commonwealth, I believe there is sufficient evidence to claim a violation of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. Sadly, just has the courts of Virginia have acted as accessories to this crime, the Supreme Court has allowed this injustice to proceed. I can only hope that Justice Gorsuch’s conclusion is correct:

This case may be a small one, and one can hope that the error here is so obvious it is unlikely to be repeated anytime soon. But I would correct it. Bureaucratic efforts to subject” religious beliefs to verification” have no place in a free country.

New Life Church v. Fredericksburg (Certiorari dissent)


So, let us return my opening question. How can you tell if you have freedom of religion? Neither the words in the Constitution of the United States nor those of Virginia’s, were sufficient to protect the freedom of religion for the New Life in Christ Church. Does this mean we only have the rights our governments will allow? Is the only protection for our most precious freedoms a judicial system corrupted by politics and self-importance?

Those in the city of Fredericksburg, who have denied this church their rights, work for the citizens of that city. The governor who executes the laws of the Commonwealth work for the people. If they are unwilling to follow the laws created by the representatives of the people, they should be removed. If the people of the Commonwealth of Virginia are unwilling to hold their elected officials accountable, they have no one to blame except themselves. If we want freedom of religion, then We the People must defend it. Otherwise, we resign ourselves to be subjects of those we hired to protect our rights.

© 2022 Paul Engel – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Paul Engel: paul@constitutionstudy.com

Our Lying Corporate Media III: Is Putin “One of Them”?

By Steven Yates

April 2, 2022

“All warfare is based on deception. Hence when able to attack, we must seem unable; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near. Hold out baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder, and crush him. If he is secure at all points, be prepared for him. If he is in superior strength, evade him. If your opponent is of choleric temper, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant. If he is taking his ease, give him no rest. If his forces are united, separate them. Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected. These military devices, leading to victory, must not be divulged beforehand.” —Sun Tzu, The Art of War


Summarizing ground covered so far: just about everything Western corporate media has said about Putin’s incursion into Ukraine is false or at least highly misleading. But this is true of just about everything Western corporate media has said about every major event of the past century.Why would Ukraine be different?

Some allege, though,that Putin is “one of them”: a closet globalist.For that to be true, he would have to be playing us all. Does any evidence support this?

Start with the suspicious timing of the incursion. Putin moved just as the covid narrative was disintegrating, evidence was accumulating that the mRNA gene therapy injections are anything but “safe and effective,” and that with trucker-led freedom convoys and other protests around the world, we were looking at a potential worldwide mass revolt against the rising technocratic tyranny.

How better to get covid off the 24/7 hysteria-induction-box, at least temporarily, then with a war?!And with all the Hate-Russia/Hate-Putin conditioning actually predating the Russian-collusion fabrication of 2016, what better way to distract the public than with an incursion into Ukraine?

Note the parallels here to what the covid narrative accomplished. All the efforts by Democrats (and Establishment Republicans) to get Trump out of office were going down in flames. The impeachment effort that began in 2019, ironically involving Ukraine, showed little promise from the get-go, and went up in smoke in January 2020. With the economy roaring by all the official measures and unemployment at record lows including among minorities, Trump was looking at a re-election landslide! GloboCorp couldn’t have that!

So that month, the words coronavirus and covid-19 entered our vocabularies. Two months later, the GloboCorp-controlled WHO declared a global emergency.

Now, the globalists are positioning themselves to further a strategy for “living with covid”: technocratic bio security in which vaccine passports will only be a start. James Corbett believes this is what is happening, that the globalists are working from a timeline.

Could Putin be cooperating with this agenda while conducting a theater war in Ukraine?!

It’s an impolite question, perhaps, but I can’t quite get it out of my mind.

Brandon Smith again:

Vladimir Putin is a long time associate of numerous globalists. His friendship with New World Order ghoul Henry Kissinger started decades ago and they continue to meet for regular lunches as Kissinger acts as an adviser to multiple branches of the Kremlin. Putin has also maintained a steady relationship to the WEF, and Russia even joined Klaus Schwab’s Fourth Industrial Revolution Network just last year. The claim the Putin is anti-globalist is a lie, he is deeply involved in the globalist system and always has been.

The globalists are playing BOTH SIDES of the Ukraine conflict. This is reality. It’s very important to understand and accept this fact, otherwise you will not be able to grasp the events that happen next.

Putin recently threatened western governments with a reprisal the likes of which they have never seen before if they try to interfere in Ukraine. The problem is that many in the mainstream and alternative media automatically assumed this was a threat of nuclear war. I don’t think this is what Putin was referring to.

What I suggested a couple weeks back, following Smith’s ensuing discussion: an imminent cyber attack, likely blamed on Russia and — if this is the scenario that plays out — Russia could indeed be culpable though it will not be Putin but a globalist in the shadows behind him who pulls the trigger.

Quoting (this merits careful reading!):

Moscow, Russia, 13 October 2021 – Russia will take a leading role in shaping the trajectory of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Today, leaders from the Russian Federation and the World Economic Forum announced the Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Russia.

Part of the Forum’s global Network, the new Centre will bring together leading businesses, policy makers and members of civil society to co-design and pilot innovative approaches to technology governance.

Over the past five years, the World Economic Forum Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Network has expanded to 15 countries. Project teams worked across public and private sectors to built[sic.] new policies for drones and commercial aircraft to fly in the same airspace, government procurement of artificial intelligence and accelerated responsible blockchain deployment across the global supply chain.

The Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Russia will be hosted by ANO Digital Economy in Moscow. It will work across the global network to maximize the benefits of technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things, while minimizing its risks.

The President of the World Economic Forum, Børge Brende, and the Deputy Prime Minister of Russia, Dmitry Chernyshenko, on behalf of the Russian government, signed the agreement today in Moscow.

“Rapid technological discovery is disrupting our economic and social systems. Coordinated, impact-orientated action is needed to manage this change,” says Børge Brende, President of the World Economic Forum. “The new Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Moscow will be an important part of the Forum’s global network. It is important we work across borders to shape a future that leaves no one behind.”

“Today, Russia is building digital economy actively in industrial and social spheres as well as in public administration,” said Dmitry Chernyshenko, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. “We are now witnessing an unprecedented breakthrough development. The main purpose of the Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Moscow is to grow awareness of Russia’s role as part of the global expert community. This is an opportunity to share experience and expertise gained by the World Economic Forum and its partners around the world.”

Chernyshenko continued, “There are plans of launching pilot projects on legal protocols, AI and IoT together with the Forum at the Centre. The first projects will be launched before the end of this year and will include self-driving cars, drones, medicine, and data processing. Russia has been actively implementing AI technologies over the past few years. Today there are more than 800 such solutions and some of them are already visible on international markets. In general, cooperation with the Forum will be carried out in various areas such as data policy, smart cities, export support and promotion of Russian IT technologies to foreign markets.”

“We are glad to join the global network of Centers for the Fourth Industrial Revolution,” said General Director of ANO “Digital economy” Evgeny Kovnir. “Our organization brings together leading Russian technology companies. We will work together with leaders from these companies and across the network to explore and implement the best international AI, IoT, and data policy solutions. We will bring Russia’s advancements in these areas to the global network and help to shape global progress in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.”

Fourth Industrial Revolution is just another name for the Great Reset, of course: building a global technocratic grid into which every nation on the planet is to be pulled via the digital economy, incorporating total surveillance and digital currencies, on top of AI-controlled driverless vehicles, in “smart cities,” the “green new deal,” etc. You will own nothing, have no privacy,and be happy. I presume the beatings will continue until morale improves, and all that.

There is also this, on Off-Guardian, a website you owe it to yourself to check out (not to be confused with the leftist, elite-controlled The Guardian).

Summarizing Ryan Matters’ observations:

First, as Brandon Smith observed, Putin has been close to arch-globalist and Trilateral Commission cofounder Henry Kissinger and accepted his counsel for years.

Second, Matters claims Klaus Schwab placed Putin among his “Young Global Leaders” alongside Tony Blair (U.K.), Angela Merkel (Germany), Emmanuel Macron (France), Justin Trudeau (Canada), Jacinda Ardern (New Zealand), Bill Gates (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation), Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook), and others.

There’s a problem here. Putin is 69, making him the oldest person on that list. I was unable to find documentation for Matters’ claim. But never mind. His case will survive without it.

Third, when covid happened and the WHO issued its declaration, Russia issued lockdowns no less than any other nation. Moscow locked down as recent as October 2021 and ordered unvaccinated Russians over 60 to stay home for four months! In other words, the Kremlin went along with the covid-19(84) narrative as slavishly as anyone else.

Fourth, from the get-go Russia was moving full speed ahead with its own gene therapy injections—different from those of Pfizer, AstraZeneca, etc., but serving the same purpose and conceivably having the same long-term problems.

Fifth, Russian corporations worked with Big Pharma in developing the Sputnik V injections, even attempting to combine them at one point!

Sixth, Russia has embraced mandatory vaccine passports containing scannable QR codes—legislating them because of public skepticism. Sound familiar?

Seventh, Putin (alongside the Chinese Communist Party) has offered general support for globalization (i.e., economic globalism), Agenda 21 (now Agenda 2030) and the UN’s sustainable development agenda, and other trappings of globalism now being pitched as “pandemic control.”

Eighth, the Bank of Russia is developing a central bank digital currency (CBDC) not essentially different from what other central bankers are developing. A CBDC in whatever form will enable technocratic surveillance of all transactions,especially once cash has been eliminated: demonized through repeated association with drug and sex traffickers, then criminalized.

Ninth, the war in Ukraine is accelerating CBDC efforts, the justification being a perceived need to track transactions by Russians operating outside Russia — but as we just noted, CBDCs can be used to track us all. (See this.) The idea has the full support of Larry Fink, CEO of the $10 trillion investment leviathan BlackRock, also deeply in bed with WEF globalists and their Great Reset.

And tenth, summarizing all the above and more: central to the globalist agenda is the gradual destruction of all local, national, and regional economies and, from this, all national autonomy and meaningful sovereignty. Globalists figured out long ago that real power is attained through economic control, not military might. Once populations are reduced to pennilessness and political classes are brought to their knees through fomented civil unrest, globalists can move in with their Great Reset, providing CBDCsas relief.No one fires a shot.

The worldwide price inflation we are seeing — resulting from years of money printing keeping an unsustainable (in the original sense of that term) corporatist economy afloat as it funnels wealth and power to the top — is surely part of this agenda, another means of keeping the masses distracted and preoccupied while they are stripped of control over their lives. This is just as true of the projected food shortages, supply-line disruptions, and the rolling blackouts that would result from cyberattacks small or large.

What are we to make of all this? I don’t think Putin has a direct hand in day-to-day operations of the Centre in Moscow, but surely it wouldn’t have happened without his consent and cooperation.

So did he cut a behind-the-scenes deal with GloboCorp years ago? Is he playing us, we Western “right-wingers,” knowing that his being demonized in Western corporate media is theater and was never intended to be anything else? Is he putting up with some discomfort as he awaits his place at the conference table of the coming corporate-controlled world government, his reward for cooperating with the Henry Kissingers and Klaus Schwabs of the world?

Or is he “playing 3D chess” with the globalists, hoping he can defeat them in the long run, at least where Russia is concerned?

Doubtless there’s a Russian edition of Sun Tzu’s The Art of War, and I’d be very surprised if Putin hasn’t studied it with great care.

If he really is a Russian nationalist and as smart as I suspect he is, he doubtless figured out long ago how powerful GloboCorp is. To oppose these psychopaths openly is to play a very dangerous game. So that just isn’t an option.

This puts the Ukraine incursion in a different light. With Ukraine, Western political elites — the Biden Crime Family (think of Hunter’s infamous laptop), Nancy Pelosi, John Kerry, others — have had multimillion dollar dealings with what is clearly one of the most corrupt corporate states in the world. I doubt GloboCorp wants all the back-room dealings exposed as at least part of the evidence trail leads to their doorstep.

Not to mention the biolabs that could be used to genetically engineer bugs able to cause future plandemics!

So conceivably Putin has turned on them and is playing his own game, cooperating to the extent he believes it will benefit Mother Russia. Again, it should be clear: however one looks at this, Russia and Ukraine have been on collision course since the CIA-backed coup of 2014 in the latter instilled a NATO-friendly (i.e., globalist-friendly) regime, which openly persecuted ethnic Russians in what became the eastern breakaway regions. Putin, long concerned about Russians stranded outside Russia when the Soviet Union collapsed, may just have gotten fed up with such provocations and decided the time had come to put a stop to them.

Still … the timing….

Sometimes, the best response to conflicting narratives is an honest I don’t know, and I’m awaiting the information that would enable me to decide. As I said last week, I am not inside Vladimir Putin’s head. I’ll leave that dubious art to his demonizers in America’s lying corporate media, who are being played like fiddles in either case. These idiots think the Great Reset is a “conspiracy theory” after all. What can one say? I can have more productive conversations with my cat.

Steven Yates’s new book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory (Wipf and Stock, 2021) is available here and here.

Do you wish me to continue? Please consider supporting my work on Patreon.com.

© 2022 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

The Hidden Depths of the Deep State, Part 2

By JW Bryan

April 2, 2022

In Part One of this series presenting the development of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) into the Deep State, I referenced the 1953 introduction of the Bricker Amendment in Congress which stipulated that no treaty signed by the U.S. could override the Constitution or infringe on the rights guaranteed Americans. It was born out of painful retrospect of Yalta and the U.N. Charter.  According to James Perloff, Author of “Shadows of Power,” Foreign Affairs, the official publication of the CFR, ran a 19-page denunciation of the Bricker Amendment as its lead article in October 1953.

In view of this, the defeat of the amendment had to be considered by the CFR/Deep State as very important for its official publication to use 19-pages in denunciation of it. And as we have observed and experienced, its defeat set the stage for the circumstances we are currently embroiled in. If our Congress and Senate of that time had been made up with most loyal Americans, the Bricker Amendment would have passed which would have prevented Mr. Eisenhower and all Presidents following him from making deals with other countries which incrementally placed our national sovereignty and liberty of our people at risk.  As you can see from the above picture, Senate Minority Leader, Lyndon Baines Johnson, and Secretary of State, John Foster Dulles.

John Foster Dulles was a partner at Sullivan and Cromwell law firm and they floated bonds for Krupp AG, the German arms manufacturer, and managed the finances of IG Farben, the German chemical conglomerate that manufactured Zyklon B, the gas that would be used to kill millions of European Jews.  In addition to his law practice, his brother Allen Dulles, who also worked for Sullivan and Cromwell, was elected in 1927 as the first president of the Council on Foreign Relations, an organization of high-ranking government officials, wealthy industrialists, and prominent bankers.  The purpose of the CFR was to engineer a US foreign policy of interventionism in order to “make the world safe for democracy.”  His ties to this organization would have a profound effect on the undertakings of Operation Gladio, Paul L. Williams book by the same name.

I am presenting all this to demonstrate how the CFR, through getting its members/operatives into high positions in government, business and anything which has a strong influence on people throughout the country. This would include entities such as Tax-free Foundations, the academics, all institutions of learning, and more. All these judges who refused to consider any evidence of voter fraud in the stealing of the 2020 Presidential election didn’t just happen to be in the right place at the right time.

CFR’s magazine, Foreign Affairs, was not for general readership of the public. It was published to keep CFR members on track along with its satellites, those who supported the CFR goals; the Trotskyites (slow Marxists), the upper crust of Neo-cons and others of left-leaning persuasion.

In addition, it was used very successfully in aiding other publications in disseminating propaganda favorable to the U.N. agenda.

One thing that was circulated throughout the country by the opposition to the amendment was, words to the effect, that it would damage or restrict the President’s power in treaty making.  This should have been a red flag to Congress. In other words, it would restrict the President in making deals, such as trade agreements that would diminish or violate our sovereignty or the rights of the individual.

Why shouldn’t we restrict the President in his treaty making power? It is only self-defense. But no! “It would damage or restrict the President in his treaty making.” This is the charge of the opposition to the amendment.

However, our President of the time, Dwight D. Eisenhower, was all for the amendment being defeated. He towed the CFR line calling the Amendments’ backers “nuts and crackpots.” According to Biographer Ambrose, “Eisenhower used all his persuasive powers – at stag dinners, at meetings, in private, in correspondence, even on the golf course, to kill the amendment. And killed it was.”

At this point the question arises: why was Eisenhower so adamantly opposed to the Bricker Amendment? Why would he not be for protecting our Constitution, our sovereignty, the unalienable rights of our people?  Joseph McCarthy’s book, America’s Retreat From Victory: The Story of George Catlett Marshall, tells the story of Eisenhower’s lack of concern regarding Marshall’s leniency towards communism.

Mr. Eisenhower was not what he was said to be – that he was the absolute antithesis of what he was supposed to be. This is backed up by evidence revealed by Norman Dodd, Director of research for the Reese Committee. In the fall of 1953, he was invited to the headquarters of the Ford Foundation by its president, a Mr. H. Rowan Gaither (CFR), at which time, according to Dodd, Gaither told him, “Mr. Dodd, all of us here at the policy making-level have had experience, either in the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) (the forerunner of the CIA) or the European Economic Administration, with directives from the White House. We operate under those directives here, which the substance of them is that we shall use our grant-making power to alter our life in the United States that we can comfortably be merged with the Soviet Union.”

Additional information from the Reese Committee revealed that most, or maybe all, other Foundations were/are operating under those same directions from the White House.

In addition, the main thing I had against him, at the time, was a suggestion he made during the combining of all the services, Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines. He thought the Marines should be changed to labor battalions to be used wherever needed. I have wondered many times since then if his thoughts were out of ignorance or if he maybe thought it would way to get rid of the Marine Corps, which of course, it certainly would have. No one would join the Marines to be placed in a labor battalion.

That, however, is something trivial compared to what we are witnessing today in how the CFR continues to remain invisible in all its manipulation of events throughout the world which are designed to incrementally result in the fruition of Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset.

For the CFR to be able to accomplish Its goal of increasing the acceptance of vaccination for the Covid-19 virus, the utilization of satellites comes into play, such as all the various communication entities of “fake news.”

According to countless alternative media, the Federal government paid hundreds of media companies to advertise the covid-19 vaccines while those same outlets provided positive coverage for the vaccines.

In response to a FOIA request filed by The Blaze, Health and Human Services (HHS) revealed that it purchased advertising from major news networks including ABC, CBS, and NBC, as well as cable T V news stations Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC, Legacy media publications including the New York Post, the Los Angeles Times, and the Washington Post, digital media companies like BuzzFeed News and Newsmax, and hundreds of local newspapers and TV stations. These outlets were collectively responsible for publishing countless articles and video segments regarding the vaccine which was uniformly positive about the vaccine in terms of both its efficacy and safety.

As to the safety of the vaccine – please see my article, “Millions of Children Targeted by FDA”, and listen to the video featuring an interview of Dr. Richard L. Fleming, PhD, M.D., J.D., with Mike Adams of Brighteon Conversations. Dr. Fleming relates how he contacted the FDA concerning the safety and efficacy of the Covid “vaccine” and was assured by them, in words to the effect, “that it was everything a vaccine should be– very pristine.”

However, since he wanted to confirm the FDAs claim, he and his team tested it and found…well, I’ll let him reveal the results of the test. It is very interesting.

Now, in view of the foregoing, is it reasonable to suppose that these hundreds of media outlets are not uninformed about what the vaccines really are, that they are lauding and applauding and recommending, in glowing terms to stop the ‘Pandemic.” Yet, we must consider the remote possibility that there could be some who are uninformed.

However, we must conclude that many of them know what is really going on – that the vaccine, according to all reports, other than those from individuals and entities connected to the CFR/Deep State – is a concoction that is designed to either kill or seriously injure those who are vaxed to incrementally reduce the world’s population from seven billion down to one half of a billion. Bill Gates has been reported as saying that with vaccines, he could reduce it lower than a half billion.

This poses the question, “What kind of character do the people possess who make up these hundreds of news organizations who were paid by the federal government to advertise the jabs as a part of a “comprehensive media campaign?” According to the documents TheBlaze and others obtained from HHS,the Biden administration purchased ads on TV, radio, in print, and on social media to build vaccine confidence.

There is much more in the many articles on our tax dollars being used in this fraudulent and unconstitutional way which reveals important information regarding what the government is probably planning to implement going forward.

Despite the countless life-threatening side effects and the many deaths from the COVID jabs, our own government pushed these experimental pharmaceutical inoculations via their “owned” media who willingly took a billion in taxpayer dollars to do so.  This is the most unconstitutional media action by the feds.

Just what was the objective of the experiment? Esoterically, the reader is supposed to perceive that the experiment is to develop a vaccine that will be successful in preventing the COVID-19 virus.  But it was not and none of the boosters were either. We find that the experiments’ objective was to come up with a concoction called a “vaccine” that was/is designed to either kill or seriously injure those injected with it.

Ostensibly, the United Nation’s agenda/goals are all about developing world peace. We are prone to perceive this in the way we think of peace, however, that is not its way of seeing or thinking about peace. Peace to the UN means when it has complete control over the peoples of the world to the extent that opposition to its/their agenda doesn’t exist.

A more recent article from the WND News Center, by Bob Unruh reveals much more about what the prior article covered. It Is a must read and exposes what the public is kept from knowing. For example, embedded in the coverage is an item about Chris Ruddy’s Newsmax. Some people are going to be shocked to learn that it isn’t as conservative as thought and never has been.

According to Liberty Council, Emerald Robinson, an independent journalist who used to be the chief White House correspondent for Newsmax and One American News, reported she was contacted by a whistleblower inside Newsmax who confirmed that Newsmax executives agreed to take money from Biden’s HHS to push only positive coverage of the new COVID shots.

Liberty Council reported “Robinson was also contacted by top Newsmax executives in 2021 and told to stop any negative coverage of the COVID shots. Newsmax told her, “It was problematic,” and she was warned many times by multiple executives. She was also contacted by public relations experts who worked with Newsmax and was told that, “medical expert and doctors who might say negative things about the injections would not be booked as guests.”

There’s much more to all this that reveals how the CFR/Deep State continues to remain hidden while at the same time is in command of all that is happening.

The Deep State needs to be fully exposed…please share this article.

© 2022 JW Bryan – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail J.W. Bryan: alliejwbryan@gmail.com

Deja Vu All Over Again, Part 1

by Dennis Cuddy, Ph.D.

April 1, 2022

New York Yankees catcher Yogi Berra was known for his “Yogiisms,” such as saying “It’s deja vu all over again” (a redundancy). Well, that’s what’s happening in the Ukraine, but most Americans have been so dumbed down that they are oblivious to it. In 1997, Power Elite agent and adviser to Presidents Carter, Clinton and Obama, Zbigniew Brzezinski (ZB) authored THE GRAND CHESSBOARD in which he laid out the plan for the future. In this book, ZB referred to “ruling national elites” and said “Eurasia is the chessboard on which the struggle for global primacy continues to be played, and that struggle involves geostrategy—the geostrategic management of geopolitical interests…and geostrategically dynamic states (nations)….How the United States both manipulates and accommodates the principal geostrategic players on the Eurasian chessboard and how it manages Eurasia’s geopolitical pivots will be critical to the longevity and stability of America’s global primacy.”

However, in my September 22, 2008 NewsWithViews article, “Threats Used for Coercive Compliance” (which nobody remembers), I also quoted ZB as remarking in THE GRAND CHESSBOARD that “it follows that America’s primary interest is to help ensure that no single power comes to control this geopolitical space….” This is most revealing because “no single power” would include the United States! Although this may surprise many, one should keep in mind that in ZB’s 1970 book, BETWEEN TWO AGES, he praised Marxism, saying: “Marxism represents a further vital and creative stage in the maturing of man’s universal vision. Marxism is simultaneously a victory of the external, active man over the inner, passive man and a victory of reason over belief….” Because of what ZB said in this book, Power Elite member David Rockefeller made ZB director of Rockefeller’s newly formed Trilateral Commission in 1973 and National Security Adviser to Rockefeller’s puppet Jimmy Carter from 1977 to 1980.

In the 1980s, I had already written articles in THE HOUSTON POST and ARIZONA REPUBLIC (which nobody remembers because people have been conditioned to be temperocentric) explaining how Khrushchev had actually suckered President Kennedy in the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962, but nobody knows this either. Khrushchev’s supposed goal was to gain the removal of nuclear weapons from NATO member Turkey in exchange for his removal of Soviet missiles from Cuba.

Today, Vladimir Putin’s main concern was the Ukraine drawing closer to the European Union and possible membership in NATO, allowing nuclear missiles to hypothetically be based on the border with Russia. Are you getting the picture? Joe Biden is being set up. In my NewsWithViews column, “Threats Used for Coercive Compliance,” I also wrote: “Another pipeline from Baku (Azerbaijan) through Georgia and then Turkey to the Mediterranean Sea also resulted in another ‘spontaneous’ revolution for independence by South Ossetia within Georgia. This time, the ‘spontaneous’ revolutionaries were allied with Russia. This gave the U.S.-funded and trained Georgians the threat they needed to react militarily, killing about 2000 South Ossetian civilians and sending another 40,000 refugees into Russia. This, in turn, gave the Russians the threat they needed to crush the Georgians militarily. In June 2008, long before military action, Power Elite agent ZB warned of ‘cases of possible threats to Russia, directed at Georgia with the intention of taking control over the Baku-Ceyhan pipeline.’ Power Elite agent Vladimir Putin could count on NATO’s non-response because he could easily once again cut off Germany’s, Poland’s, etc. natural gas pipeline from Russia.”

Because the news media today is not informing the public about any of these events from the past, I thought it would be useful to excerpt ZB from an interview he had with Nathan Gardels published on September 10, 2008. Gardels asked ZB. “What is the world to make of Russia’s invasion of Georgia?” ZB replied: “Fundamentally at stake is what kind of role Russia will play in the new international system. Unfortunately, Putin is putting Russia on a course that is ominously similar to Stalin’s and Hitler’s in the late 1930s.”

At this point, let me interject that I have written articles about the secret Nazi plan (thus the reference to Hitler) and the secret Communist plan (thus the reference to Stalin) coming to fulfillment today, and through a dialectical process the result will be a World Socialist Government. Hitler had said he was invading Czechoslovakia to “free” the Sudetan Deutsch. Putin invaded Georgia to “save” the Russians in South Ossetia. In 2014, Putin invaded that part of the Ukraine known as the self-proclaimed Republic of Crimea to support their “independence.” And recently, he invaded the Ukraine in support of the “independence” of breakaway republics of Donetsk and Lubansk.

ZB in 2008 had said: “Even more ominous is the analogy of what Putin is doing vis-a-vis Georgia to what Stalin did vis-a-vis Finland: subverting by use of force the sovereignty of a small democratic neighbor. In effect, morally and strategically, Georgia is the Finland of our day. The question the international community now confronts is how to respond to a Russia that engages in the blatant use of force with large imperial designs in mind: to reintegrate the former Soviet space under the Kremlin’s control….” At this point, let me interject that Putin sees himself as his hero, Peter the Great, who attained his “greatness” by taking over countries adjacent to Russia, resulting in what came to be known as the Soviet Union.

© 2022 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dennis Cuddy: recordsrevealed@yahoo.com

Cesar Chavez Was No Hero

By Tom DeWeese

April 1, 2022

March 31st is celebrated annually as a holiday in ten U.S. States to honor United Farm Workers Union founder Cesar Chavez as an American hero. I beg to differ!

Cesar Chavez is portrayed to the American public as a champion of poor Hispanic migrant workers who were paid mere pennies to work in the grape and lettuce fields of California. According to the tale, the farmers got rich off the backs of the migrant labor, selling the lettuce and making expensive wines from the grapes. Meanwhile the poor, misused migrants carried meager belongings on their backs and traveled from farm to farm, hoping to find work, perhaps a meal, and a place to sleep. Even little children were forced to work in the fields – just to keep the family alive. So goes the tale.

Into the breach of this John Steinbeck vision of misery steps one of the workers who braved the wrath of the “MAN.” Cesar Chaves, so the tale continues, stood bravely against threats of bodily harm, maybe even death, to help bring the poor migrant workers a decent wage and stable working conditions. He organized the United Farm Workers Union (UFW), organized protests and set up picket lines, staged fasts to get the media’s attention. His minions took on the battle cry “Huelga” (strike) and called on all Americans to boycott “non-union” lettuce and wines.

The 1960s and ‘70s was an era of unrest and college protests. That’s when students across the nation took up the UFW battle cry and participated in the boycotts. It became fashionable for liberal leaders to stand with Chavez. California Governor Jerry Brown (the first term) joined Chavez and all the usual Hollywood celebrities in protest marches in Sacramento. Bobby Kennedy flew in to embrace Chavez for the cameras during one of his famous fasting protests.

Chavez was hailed a hero to the oppressed poor. Streets and schools all over the state of California are named after him. Children wear tee shirts with his name and image emblazoned across the front. There was even a movie produced to reconstruct his heroic memory. However, labeling Cesar Chavez an American hero is akin to labeling Lenin, Stalin and Trotsky as Russian heroes.

Here are facts about Cesar Chavez that you will never read in a school text book, current history book, or see in the film.

♦ There is no evidence that Cesar Chavez ever worked in a farm field in his life. He was a pool room thug selected and hand picket by radical communist organizer Saul Alinsky to create unrest among farm workers.
♦ Chavez was well trained in the Alinsky propaganda and organizing techniques that are, still today, recognized as the most effective tools to misdirect and force radical ideas into the general population.
♦ Cesar Chavez never tried to organize real migrant workers – those who had no real home, who carried their belongings on their backs and were basically nomads on the road.

For the most part, the workers Chavez picked on lived in nice homes, in stable neighborhoods and made a decent wage. The only migration they did was to move from farm to farm in their area to harvest the crops. It provided them steady work with farmers who regularly employed them. At night, they slept in their own beds.

♦ Chavez never organized “non-union” workers. They were already members of the Teamster’s Union. What Chavez sold to the nation as a fight against “non-union” lettuce and grapes was really a jurisdictional fight against the Teamsters. Pretty hard to call the Teamsters “non-union.”

And so, for more than ten years, Cesar Chavez used the media, politicians, Hollywood, and college students to change the buying habits of the nation and paint a picture of big business oppressing the poor.

In 1974, when I served as Ohio Chairman of Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) I was also running for a seat in the Ohio state legislature. My district was a small slice of Columbus that included the Ohio State University. My opponent was a dedicated left wing radical. Our district contained no farm land other than the agriculture department of the university. Yet, the main issue of our campaign became the debate over Cesar Chavez and the United Farm Workers.

In March of that year, Chavez came to the OSU campus. My opponent in the legislative race, Mike Stinziano, was seated next to Chavez on the stage. I was out front of the auditorium manning a picket line and protest. Eventually, as Chavez prepared to speak, My picketers and I marched inside the auditorium, straight down the aisle and sat on the edge of the stage to continue our protest. Stinziano and I eyed each other in this strange setting for a political campaign.

Chavez began to speak to the wide-eyed college students, teaching them organizing songs and getting them to shout “Huelga.” Then Chavez began to spin a tale of the terrible conditions of the non-union workers in the fields. Paul Bunyon would have been impressed. He told the students that to reduce payments to his union members, the farmers had developed a mechanical devise to pick the grapes. He said it was a huge vacuum designed to suck the grapes off the vine. But, said Chavez in a hushed tone, the machine also sucked up spiders, snakes and rabbits, all to be processed into the wine As the crowd began to stir and make faces at the thought of it, Chavez quickly added, “so, if you won’t boycott Boonesfarm wine for our cause, at least do it for your own health.” That was Cesar for you… always concerned about the well being of others!

Two months later, I was invited to Toledo University by the local YAF chapter there to provide rebuttal to a separate appearance by Delores Huerta, Vice President of the United Farm Workers Union.

She taught the students the same organizing songs, peppered with the chants of “Huelga.” Then she proceeded to tell the same story of the great machine. Only this time she described it, not as a great vacuum cleaner, but as a picker with huge fingers that plucked the grapes along with the snakes, rabbits and spiders. I pointed out to the audience that if the UFW was going to fan out across the country to tell lies, they should at least be consistent lies.

Huerta proceeded to call for a boycott of all “non union” lettuce and grapes. I again pointed out that many of the farm workers picking the grapes were, in fact, members of the Teamsters Union and had been so for many years. I asked when the Teamsters became non union and the only response offered was that I was a Teamster lackey! Sigh…

Huerta went on with her well rehearsed tale of the terrible lives of the non-union farm workers, and demonstrating the success and power of the UFW by claiming that 200,000 farm workers had now joined their union. An interesting trick, since there weren’t 200,000 farm workers in the state.

What both Chavez and Hureta both failed to tell their audiences was:

♦ How the UFW formed “goon squads” designed to intimidate the non-UFW workers in the fields by threatening them with physical harm if they continued to work.
♦ How the UFW used Catholic priests to intimidate the deeply religious workers by calling them scabs.
♦ How the majority of those on the UFW picket lines were actually college students bussed in from across the country.
♦ How UFW negotiations actually resulted in less pay for farm workers.

If this is the kind of America we have become, where a pool room thug, trained by a Marxist, can be officially honored by as many as ten states, as a hero, then there truly has been a silent American revolution and truth, justice and the American way has lost.

The farm workers in California, in the 1970s, knew what a threat Chavez was to them and they hated him. They tried to tell America then, but the media, Hollywood, and liberal politicians had their own agenda to promote. Does that sound familiar? So, puffed up on their own “compassion” and in the name of their version of justice for the poor, they sacrificed the very people they claimed to help… all for the “cause.”

In a truly moral and honest society, Cesar Chavez would be relegated to the trash heap where he belongs. It’s time to push back.

© 2022 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese: Contact Tom DeWeese

Beware Of the Sorcerer’s Medicine

By Gregory Ciola

April 1, 2022

If pharmaceutical medications were truly the answer to all medical maladies, then why would a patient have to remain on them for the rest of their life? Once a person begins a drug regimen, it usually leads to them being put on more and more pills. Where are the success stories of pharmaceutical medications curing all these ills where a person can get off their drugs and live a long, healthy, vibrant life?  The sad truth is modern drug based medical treatments for “symptoms” has completely failed the American people.

Instead of all the wonderful success stories, we hear more horror stories of medical mal-practice, overdosing, debilitating side effects and in a variety of cases even death.  Just take a walk into any hospital or nursing home and see for yourself what this “so-called” medical panacea has done.  Many of the people in these places are drugged up zombies. Could it be that there is a darker side to pharmaceutical medicine?  Could it be that the pharmaceutical industry represents an ancient priesthood that practices sorcery and witchcraft on an unwitting populace?  The evidence is quite convincing if you take some time to do research about it.

When I delved into it further, I discovered some shocking evidence that I felt compelled to share. My first revelation came from the word “Sorcery” found in the 18th chapter of the book of Revelation. Verse 23 says: “For by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.”

I thought to myself, that’s an interesting statement.  What is this passage trying to say?

I then took out my Strong’s Concordance and looked up the derivation of the word sorcery.  Much to my surprise it originates from the Greek word Pharmakeia. The definition the concordance gives for this Greek word is medication, magic, sorcery, witchcraft.  The very next word in the Greek is Pharmakeus derived from Pharmakon.  This word means (a drug, i.e., spell-giving potion); a druggist (“pharmacist”) or poisoner, i.e., a magician: – sorcerer.  

I couldn’t believe my eyes.  The English words pharmaceutical and pharmacy are both derived from these ancient Greek words.  Here we have one of the largest industries in the world and the very name of it is derived from Greek words that mean sorcery, magic, witchcraft, spell-giving potion and poisoner. 

Then I continued and read the very next verse in Revelation and my understanding of these scriptures took on a whole new meaning once I knew the correct interpretation of the word sorcery.

“And in her (mystery Babylon) was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon earth.” (Rev. 18:24)

Is there a connection to these slain and the sorceries (pharmaceuticals)?  Could these passages be God’s way of warning His people of the potential dangers of pharmaceutical medicine?  It’s hard to draw any other conclusion.

The Bible warns us to be watchful because Satan comes disguised as an angel of light.  Is it possible that pharmaceutical medicine has been disguised as a great benefit and blessing to mankind when it may be a poisonous spell-giving potion created through sorcery that has the potential to be harmful, and in a number of cases, even fatal?

I’m not trying to make a statement that all drugs are bad and that there isn’t a temporary benefit with many different drugs when there is a crisis. I’m just trying to wake people up to question everything. Most people have turned to pharmaceutical companies as though they have the only answer to every problem facing the world. The Bible gives us all kinds of scriptures about foods to eat along with herbs and trees that all have benefits. I will write more articles about the wide variety of options God has given us to take proper care of our bodies. My main purpose with this article is to shed light on the wicked medical front of the devil and how he is using it to deceive the world.

All throughout history medicine and mind-altering drugs have been an integral part of black magic, witchcraft, and sorcery.  Apparently through drugs and medicine the mind and body can be opened to demonic influence and even possession.  Under the right spells cast by witches, magicians, and sorcerers with the use of drugs the wall of division between these two paradigms can be broken down.  This may explain why a large majority of elderly people on high doses of pharmaceutical medication claim to see things and hear voices.  Have Satan’s hoard of demons been released from the pit of hell to inflict death and carnage on the world by possessing people’s minds and bodies with pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines?   Many of the people responsible for committing brutal mass murders in recent years were on powerful anti-depressants and a cocktail of pharmaceutical drugs.

Ancient Witchcraft and Modern Pharmaceuticals

It’s interesting to note that in the Middle Ages witchcraft was almost exclusively practiced by women.  In Europe, the sick often consulted witches who would brew up special potions of various herbs and drugs for their maladies.  A great resource and reference book by Barbara Walker titled “The Woman’s Encyclopedia Of Myths And Secrets” covers this past history in more detail.  In the section on witchcraft Walker says:

“Up until the 15th century, women’s ‘charms and spells’ were virtually the only repository of practical medicine.  Churchmen avoided doctoring, on the ground that all sickness came from demonic possession, and the only permissible cure was exorcism…In pre-Christian Gaul and Scandinavia, medicine was entirely in the hands of women.  Even in the Christian era, the village wise womenwas still every peasant’s family doctor.  Paracelsus said witches taught him everything he knew about healing.  Dr. Lambe, the Duke of Buckingham’s famous ‘devil’, was said to have learned the secrets of medicine by consorting with witches… It wasn’t unusual for the witches’ healing charms to be preferred to those of the church, or for the two to be regarded as identical in essence… What the distinction between sorcery and witchcraft boiled down to was that men could practice magic, women couldn’t.” [i]

Beware Of the Viper’s Brood

In the New Testament Jesus made it quite clear that a generation of wicked people were linked to the snake.  Every time he addressed them it was with swift and precise condemnation for their actions.  The most powerful passage occurs in the gospel of Matthew.

“Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?” (Matthew 23:33)

Don’t you find it rather intriguing that the symbol of the snake has been linked with the pharmaceutical and medical industry?  Look at the symbol of the World Health Organization that now controls every country. It is a snake wrapped around a pole and placed over the world map.

Is this just another clue that God has left for us to identify the adversary?  It is very interesting that of all the symbols they could have adopted, the snake happens to be the one they’ve chosen.

There are two different medical symbols that use the serpent.  One is called the Caduceus which is a staff surmounted by two wings and entwined with two snakes.  This symbol is used by the medical profession and the pharmaceutical industry.

The other symbol is called the Star of Life. It consists of a serpent wrapped around a pole and encompassed in a hexagonal star and is identified with emergency medical services.

Both symbols date back thousands of years with deep roots in the occult and ancient paganism further linking sorcery, witchcraft and magic to the medical establishment.

Among the Greeks the caduceus was carried by heralds and ambassadors as a badge of office and a mark of personal inviolability because it was the symbol of Hermes, the messenger of the gods.  In another book by Barbara Walker, “The Woman’s Dictionary of Symbols And Sacred Objects”, she discusses the caduceus.

“Classical Greek writers claimed that Hermes inherited the caduceus in his character of Conductor of Souls; it was said that his magic staff had enough healing power to raise even the dead from Hades and bring them back to the light of day.”  In Roman mythology the symbol was associated with the god Mercury.

The snake and the staff in the center of the Star of Life portray the staff of Asclepius who, according to Greek mythology, was the son of Apollo, the god of light, truth, and prophesy.  According to legend, Zeus killed Asclepius with a thunderbolt because he feared with Asclepius’ knowledge men might be rendered immortal.  In death, it was rumored that Asclepius affected cures of prescribed remedies to the sick during their dreams.

There are some who will say that these medical symbols come from the Bible and that they are good.  It appears that the snake wrapped around a pole has some connection to the Bible, but it is quite a stretch to justify its use today to mean what it did back then.  When the nation of Israel was wandering through the desert, the people became angry for lack of food and water and spoke out against God and Moses.  They said to Moses:

“Wherefore have ye brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness?  For there is no bread, neither is there any water; and our soul loatheth this light bread.  And the LORD sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people; and much people of Israel died.  Therefore the people came to Moses, and said, We have sinned, for we have spoken against the LORD, and against thee; pray unto the LORD, that he take away the serpents from us.  And Moses prayed for the people.  And the LORD said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live.  And Moses made a serpent of brass, and put it upon a pole, and it came to pass, that if a serpent had bitten any man, when he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived.” (Numbers 21:5-9)

The Bible indicates that this symbol was only meant for this instance.  After the Israelites reached the Promised Land, it became a form of idolatry and cause of great sin.  Under the reforms of King Hezekiah, it was destroyed.  The Bible records this event as such:

“He (Hezekiah) removed the high places, and brake the images, and cut down the groves, and brake in pieces the brazen serpent that Moses had made: for unto those days the children of Israel did burn incense to it: and he called it Nehushtan.” (II Kings 18:4)

Just about every other place in the Bible where the serpent appears it is linked with Satan.  This fact alone should be enough convincing evidence to know who is behind medicine and pharmaceuticals.  The most indicting passage appears in the book of Revelation.

“And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: He was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” (Revelation 12:9)

I ask anyone reading, why has the medical community decided to adopt a symbol that is blatantly identified with Satan, witchcraft, sorcery, and the worship of foreign gods?  The fact that the word pharmaceutical means sorcery, magic and witchcraft only proves that the industry is under the influence of dark forces.

“But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings:” (Malachi 4:2)


The primary purpose of this story has been to educate you further about the occult roots of the pharmaceutical industry and to expose the demonic forces behind the drastic increase of pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines. This story offers no medical advice other than a warning to readers to “Beware of The Sorcerer’s Medicine”.  I hope that this story prompts you to take a closer look at the pharmaceutical industry and question their drugs and vaccines from a spiritual perspective before blindly allowing yourself to be duped without understanding that it could be a trap from the enemy to destroy you. Be sure to read my book: “The Battle for Health is Over pH; Alkaline vs. Acid, Life & Death Hangs in the Balance

© 2022 Gregory Ciola – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Gregory Ciola: crossingjordan77@gmail.com

Website: www.crossingjordan.com


[i] https://www.biblio.com/the-womans-encyclopedia-by-walker-barbara-g/work/33259

‘Educating’ Ourselves to Death

by Lee Duigon

March 31, 2022

“Our education system sucks” used to be one of those things you just said, not quite meaning it—usually adding, “Yeah, but our schools are still okay!”

But now it’s a thing that’s literally true, and dangerous. You can’t spend billions and billions of dollars, year after year after year, pumping children’s heads full of garbage—can’t do that without winding up with a garbage country. That’s what we’re doing; and not just us, but countries all over the world.

I used to say you could report on a new “education” outrage every day. But there are whole websites devoted to reporting them (Campus Reform, College Fix, et al), one example after another filling up the page: it’s more than one a day.

Here are a couple of examples.

First, from New Zealand (we are not alone): a celebrated Queer Fat Studies professor recently died at 42. Her mission in life, as she put it, was “tearing down white supremacy with my fat fingers.” She herself was white, of course. It’s always white leftids who say this. She described herself as a “fatlicious feminist” dedicated to “glorifying obesity.” The world’s “educators” are always glorifying aberrant, self-destructive behaviors. Eventually they’ll get around to glorifying smoking.

How much tuition money do you have to pay to get a degree in Queer Fat Studies? What doors will that open for you? How will your work in this field—I can hardly believe I wrote that—benefit society?

Second, here at home in Austin, Texas—don’t be thinking your schools are okay because you live in a Red state—a public school held a “Pride Week,” complete with a “pride march” held indoors so people wouldn’t see it. This instruction was given to four-year-olds—along with admonitions not to tell their parents. What you hear in the classroom, kiddies, stays in the classroom. Your parents mustn’t know.

Can you believe they got away with that, even in Austin? “Don’t let your parents find out what we’re teaching you!”

Complete the sentence in 25 words or less and win a tin foil hat: “I let my children be ‘taught’ by these wastes of space because _____.” We’d all love to see the answers.

Third, from Colorado: the Cherry Creek school district has decided to do away with valedictorian honors… because “learning is not a competition”. Heaven forbid that they should reward excellence, or even acknowledge it. Class rank will also be abolished. This will prepare students for an adult world in which everyone is absolutely equal, there is no competition anywhere, for anything, and everybody gets the same reward. Now all they have to do is find such a world.

We could do this all day and not run out of examples. I won’t even discuss the intramural punch-out staged by the Flint, Michigan, school board over who would get to control $150 million (!?) in “COVID aid” doled out to the school district by the government. If you can’t make it to tonight’s pro wrestling matches, try the school board meeting. But it would be depressing to wade into that.

Why, why, why do we continue to send our children to the public schools? We’ve got homeschooling, neighborhood teaching co-ops, Christian schools—what alternative isn’t better than the public schools? And the colleges and looniversities are even worse.

People forget that public education wasn’t even invented until well into the 19th century. How did we get by without it? But we did, though, didn’t we?

We can surely do it again. And we had better. There’s only so much folly a civilization can tolerate before it falls.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, http://leeduigon.com/ . Click the link and drop in for a visit, just to annoy progressives. My articles can also be found at www.chalcedon.edu/ .

© 2022 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon: leeduigon@verizon.net

America’s Downward Spiral: It’s The Little Things That Add UP

By Frosty Wooldridge

March 31, 2022

Part 3:  It’s the little things that add up

If you have traveled to America’s southern border with Mexico—like I have six times in the past 20 years—you would be appalled at the sheer numbers of 25 million migrants who have jumped them illegally.  You would be witness to endless thousands of tons of trash along that 1,952-mile border.  Each illegal sheds an average of 8 to 10 pounds in gullies, rivers, streams, culverts and more. Think 25 million X’s 8 pounds!  Busses, trucks and planes pick them up, and we are left picking up their trash.

No, it’s not the parroted 11 million you hear from the mainstream media that you listen to on “Meet the Press”, “Face the Nation”, or CNN, or NPR, or “60 Minutes.” They get paid to omit the facts, overlook the realities, and simply conger up a smoke screen to blind you to what’s really happening at the border.

In truth, both democrats and republicans have purposefully kept the borders open from 1986 to 2022.  They haven’t secured that border nor will they close that border. Why? Because a whole boatload of cash flows into Washington DC from construction firms, roofing firms, hotels, restaurants, chicken factories, beef factories and endless employers of illegal alien 21st century slave labor.  Keep them off the books, no taxes, no FICA, no records…all cash.

Why?  Profits, more profits and bigger profits…and, endless profits.  Remember Lord Acton’s pronouncement! You gotta’ love unethical, reckless and unchecked capitalism!

So, what you’re seeing across the American landscape remains corruption by the elites. They don’t mind you paying for illegal alien kids’ K-12 at $8,000.00 a year each child,  free breakfasts and lunches, ESL courses at $2,000.00 per child per year, and medical care.  They don’t mind you paying for 300,000 anchor babies annually, and their mothers, and their housing.  It’s a sweet deal for them, but you pay the bills.

Notice there is ZERO internal enforcement. US Code 8, Section 1324 is a severe law against hiring, housing or transporting illegals. But neither the democrats nor the republicans enforce it.  And Biden, well, he’s openly breaking all our laws!  Why? Again, money, money, money.

A Thousand Cuts Bleeding The American Taxpayer

One of the best lessons that I learned in my world travels:  the rich don’t care about anything but themselves. They don’t care about God, country, other citizens or ethics.  If you visit Mexico City with 21 million souls, you’ll notice millions living in un-godly poverty.  Will the top leaders do something to change the situation toward human dignity?

Why not ask Nancy Pelosi about those 100,000 homeless in her state of California?

One note: I’ve got to admit that the USA stands light years ahead of third world countries.  In India, 60 percent of the people lack access to a toilet or shower…as well as clean water.  It’s a nightmare daily for Indians. Virtually 90 percent of Africans lack access to a toilet.  As you can imagine, it gets ugly trying to eat and drink a clean glass of water.  That’s why millions die of Aids, starvation and other horrors.

Do you remember Detroit’s fall?  Did you know that 1.2 million people fled that nasty, ugly, corrupt and defiled city?  It all started with Coleman Young and his band of gangsters.

Look at Chicago, LA, Miami, NYC, St. Louis: they are all on the same path as Detroit.

As we talked about what began killing the USA in the first part of this series, it’s all about importing illiteracy, poverty, incompatible world views, antagonistic languages and religions.  The more of them we import, the faster we grow our “third world ghettoes.”  It’s very possible, if not probable, that America could very well become a “third world cesspool.”

Is there a cure for any of it?  Just take a look at Haiti, Bangladesh, India, Mexico and so many others.  Can they be improved?  Answer: if they could have, they would have, but they can’t.

That’s what’s coming to America every year we allow another two to four million more third world immigrants…legal or illegal…it doesn’t matter.

Part 4: Financial systems falling and failing!

Is anyone in America thinking about these questions?  Are we not galloping into America’s twilight years?

If you would like a free electronic copy of this book, please email me with your email address and I will send it to you.  Every American with children or any American who will live in this country in 2050, needs to understand what they face. frostyw@juno.com

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121.

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

This video will scare the daylights out of every American as to what’s coming to our country, US Citizenship Act 2021 by Joe Biden.

If you want to see two documentaries that give visual proof of my book’s contents, go to Netflix, and type in “Cowspiracy” that shows you the damage to the air, land and water.  Watch “Seaspiracy” to see how humans are destroying the oceans.

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”  www.NumbersUSA.org

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

Cesar Chavez Holiday—Honoring An American Hero

By Rees Lloyd

March 31, 2022

I am convinced that the truest act of courage, the strongest act of manliness, is to sacrifice for others in a totally nonviolent struggle for justice. To be a man is to suffer for others. God help us to be men!” — Cesar Chavez

“Cesar Chavez Day” is an official State holiday in California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas, and is observed in several other States (including Colorado, Michigan, Nevada, Utah, Washington, and Wisconsin)  on the anniversary of his birth on March 31, 1927, of an extraordinary American — Cesar Estrada Chavez, the late co-founder and president of the United Farm Workers of America who became a legend in his own time in the civil rights era.

In his honor, his headquarters for the UFW, which he named “La Paz” (“The Peace”), in the Tehachapi Mountains in Keene, CA, on Highway 58 between Bakersfield and Tehachapi, is now officially the U.S. Cesar Chavez National Monument, established by the federal government.

The U.S. Navy, of which he was a WWII veteran, has named a ship for him.

He was posthumously awarded the the highest civilian award for service to America, the Medal of Freedom, which was accepted by his widow, Helen Chavez.

Many States, counties, cities, towns, villages, have named streets, schools, libraries and other public buildings in his honor.

But there are many Americans today who are unaware that  there is a Cesar Chavez Day  (the major media ignore it), or why there should be a holiday honoring him.

There are also  malicious myths tainting the life and the memory of Cesar Chavez that need to be repudiated, most particularly the lies that he was  not an American but a Mexican national, and that he was a “Communist,” both of which were first promulgated by the John Birch Society. They are utterly false.

I had the honor of working with Cesar Chavez for some twenty years, starting in 1973, when I was a young long haul trucker participating in a nationwide strike of some 100,000 independent truckers in protest against escalating fuel costs in the so-called “Arab Oil Embargo.”

I was helping coordinate the truckers’ “Shutdown” at the Triple T Truck stop in Tucson, AZ, as a member of the steering committee of the “Truckers For Justice.”

Cesar Chavez mentored  me in that strike, which remained non-violent because of his demands in mentoring me that there should be no violence. Rees, if there is violence, it is your fault,” Cesar Chavez admonished me, insisting: “Violence is a failure of creative intelligence; violence is failure of creative intelligence.

After that strike was broken, an alliance between the Truckers For Justice and the United Farm Workers of America was established. During that work, in which we refused to haul non-union (“scab”) lettuce and grapes, Cesar told me I needed to go to law school as I could do more good as a lawyer. His recommendation got me into law school.

I worked with UFW lawyers while in law school, and after graduating and passing the California Bar in 1979, I became one of Cesar Chavez’ lawyers until the day of his death on April 23, 1993, and for the UFW thereafter as called upon. I have remained to this day exclusively a civil rights, workers rights, veterans rights attorney. (I have written in more detail about experiences with Cesar Chavez in an earlier tribute, available here.)

I can attest based on that long “up close and personal” experience that Cesar Chavez was, in his own way, a true American hero;  that there are valuable lessons to be learned from his honorable life; and that he is deserving of recognition by all Americans for his service and sacrifice for others, no matter their race, color, or creed.

However, in order to understand that, it is necessary, first, to overcome the lies and myths which continue to distort the truth of who and what Cesar Chavez was.

These are myths by those who hated and maligned him for their own political purposes; and by those who want to exploit who and what he was in order to appropriate him based on race, ethnicity, or nationality for their own political ends.

The most malicious of those myths are, as stated above, first, that he was not an American but a “Mexican” national; and, second, that he was a “Communist.”

These malicious myths were first promulgated, utterly falsely and politically deliberately, by the John Birch Society in the 1960’s. over sixty years later, they are repeated to this day.

First, as to nationality, the truth is that Cesar Chavez was a native-born American, not a “Mexican.” While proud of his Mexican-American heritage, he was a third-generation American, born on his grandfather’s small ranch in Arizona in the Yuma area.  No matter the indisputability of those facts, Wikipedia, for example, on which many students and others rely, informed: “Chavez was born on the Mexico Texas border and therefore has dual citizenship.” Utterly false.

Second, Cesar Chavez was no “communist.” He was a devoted Catholic Christian. He was attempting, humbly,  to live his Christian faith as faithfully as he was able by sacrifice and service for others as taught and exemplified by Jesus the Christ, not Marx the Communist.

Perhaps the best proof, although none should be needed, that Cesar Chavez was not a Communist  but a devoted Catholic Christian living his faith, is the fact that the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), in its U.S. Catholic Catechism for Adults, which is taught to all adults seeking to become members of the Catholic Church, chose as the exemplar of living a  “life in Christ” and “the principles of the Christian moral life”—Cesar E. Chavez. (See, USCCB Catholic Catechism for Adults, Chapter 24, “Life In Christ-Part Two,” pages 233-234).

Moreover, almost never mentioned by those who hate  Cesar Chavez  and define him as a “communist” and a “Mexican” rather than an American, is that Cesar Chavez, in 1944 at the age of 17, enlisted in the U.S. Navy in WWII and served for the duration of the war in the Pacific in defense of the country of his birth, the United States of America.

Ironically, those who claim to love Cesar Chavez make themselves accomplices of those who hate him (and them)  by obscuring  Cesar Chavez’ American birth — and  by almost never mentioning that he was an American veteran of WWII.  They do this not to honor Cesar, but in order to appropriate Cesar Chavez on race or ethnic grounds as a “Mexican,” “Chicano,” or “Raza” race-based civil rights movement leader rather than as an American hero who should be honored by all Americans — as an American hero.

In regard to that, Cesar Chavez, while proud of his ancestral heritage, always identified himself as a “labor” or “union leader,” not as a civil rights leader of Mexican-Americans, Chicanos, Latinos, Hispanics, or La Raza.

In fact, in the some twenty years I worked with him,  Cesar never defined himself as a “Mexican,” or “Chicano,” “Latino,” etc., and, regarding the identification “La Raza” (“The Race”) he told me he didn’t use it because he considered it racialist.

Thus, those who condemn him as a “Mexican” and “Communist,” and those who claim a possessory interest him as  a leader of a race-based “Chicano” or “La Raza” civil rights movement, are both wrong: He defined himself as, and acted as, what he was—a “trade union leader,” and most importantly, a devout Catholic Christian living his faith.

In truth, Cesar Chavez, as he lived his Catholic Christian faith,  was the inspiring moral heart of the American labor movement.

He built the first viable farm workers union in American history, the United Farm Workers of America. As president of the UFW, Cesar Chavez represented all farm workers, whatever their race, ethnicity, or nationality.

One example which refutes the myths of both those who hate Chavez and those who appropriate him based on race, and shows the willingness of both to corrupt historical truth to suit their political ends, is Chavez’ acts regarding illegal immigration, which was then and remains now  at the center of national controversy and division.

In 1969, Cesar Chavez famously led a march from Indio, CA, to the border. It is portrayed today as primarily a march in protest against discrimination by racist growers oppressing Mexican and other Hispanic farmworkers. That is false historical revisionism.

The primary purpose of the 1969 march to the Mexican border was a protest against the federal government’s failure to secure the border from importation of illegal immigrants who were being used to keep wages and working conditions down and to break strikes and the farmworkers union entirely. Indeed, as UFW members set up picket lines waving “Huelga” (“Strike”) flags, buses would arrive from Mexico to unload strike breakers.

In short, Cesar Chavez’ 1969 march to the Mexican border was for the same purpose that the Minutemen later went to the border in the 70’s and 80’s— to secure the border and demand that the government stop illegal immigration. (It should be noted that the Minutemen were widely condemned as  “racists” for doing just what Cesar Chavez did. Was Cesar Chavez a racist? )

In the 1970’s, Cesar Chavez fell out of favor with race-based civil rights groups, white liberals, Leftists including open Socialist and Communist organizations, and liberal media. He was criticized because he adopted the position of calling upon and aiding the then-Immigration And Naturalization Service (INS) to deport strikebreakers illegally in the country.

Among other things, Cesar Chavez testified before Congress about immigration. He testified that illegal immigration had to be stopped, and the border secured, as illegal immigrants were used to hold wages and working conditions down, and to break strikes, defeating efforts of farmworkers to build a union to improve their wages, hours, working conditions, and lives.

Today, Cesar Chavez’ 1969 march from Indio to the border is historically revised to be a protest against racist growers and his Congressional testimony is rarely cited, to satisfy the political ends of race-based la raza groups and non-raza liberals who want to transform him from what he was, i.e., a leader of a labor movement to improve the lives of all farmworkers,  to what they want him to be, i.e., a race-based political leader.

Meanwhile, many conservatives continue the original wrong and error of the John Birch Society when it falsely slandered and branded Cesar Chavez as a non-American and a “communist.” That continually repeated malicious lie has alienated not only many Americans, including many Mexican-American and other Hispanics for whom Cesar Chavez is, rightly,  a hero, as he should be for all Americans.

In his lifetime, although he became nationally and internationally renown, Cesar Chavez never sought personal fame, wealth, or celebrity. It was all about “La Causa,”the cause, not about him.

Indeed, Cesar Chavez  turned down millions of dollars offered for the rights to make a movie of his life,  Similarly, he rejected all offers to write an autobiography or for the right to produce an “authorized” biography. All that he would authorize was the “Autobiography of La Causa,” by Jaques Levy, who didn’t “buy” the right but earned it by working with Chavez in la causa for some ten years.

Cesar Chavez’ achievement is monumental. Farmworkers, and domestic workers, were exempted from the right to organize into unions provided to all other workers by the National Labor Relations Act. There were no State laws creating a right of farmworkers to support unionization. They could be and were fired and “blacklisted” with impunity by employers who suspected them of supporting a union. Farmworkers were also migrant, moving from employer to employer on the migrant trail during harvesting seasons.

There were more than a hundred attempts to organize migrant farmworkers by major international unions with money, members, and paid full time organizers. All failed. It was thought impossible to organize migrant farmworkers.

Then came Cesar Chavez. He had nothing. No money, no members, no paid staff. Nothing but the belief that the only way to help farmworkers was to build a union in which they could themselves achieve better working conditions — and dignity.  He succeeded by touching the hearts of Americans by his non-violent “boycotts” and exposure of the miserable working conditions of farm workers.

He, himself,  had become a migrant farmworker at the age of ten when the ranch of his grandfather on which he was born was lost on foreclosure in the Depression and taken over by the Bruce Church Corp., largest lettuce grower in Arizona. He had little education, attending some fifty different elementary schools as his family followed the migrant farmworker trail. After his service in the U.S. Navy, he went back to working in the fields. He married his sweetheart, Helen, also a farm worker,  in Delano, CA. Together they worked the fields, ultimately having had eight kids.

The story has been told now in many articles, books, documentaries, and a relatively recent movie of how Cesar Chavez, while working as an organizer in Los Angeles, became convinced a union for farmworkers had to be created if working conditions were to be improved. He quit his job. He and Helen loaded up their old station wagon with the kids and a mimeograph machine, and headed to Delano. There, they rented a house, set up the mimeograph machine, and sent out a flyer calling for a house meeting, the first step in creating what would become the United Farm Workers of America.

How did Cesar Chavez succeed where all others had failed? By touching the hearts of Americans and the conscience of the nation by exposing the true working conditions of migrant farmworkers through creative, non-violent acts and actions, including  his fasts and boycotts, and by his manifest personal selfless service and sacrifice.

Cesar Chavez did not merely say:  “I am convinced that the truest act of courage, the strongest act of manliness, is to sacrifice for others in a totally nonviolent struggle for justice. To be a man is to suffer for others. God help us to be men!”

He lived it.  By doing so, he succeeded where so many others failed. He achieved what was thought impossible. He inspired and taught by his example, humbly serving and sacrificing for others, and thereby has enriched the lives not only of farmworkers, but the lives of millions of Americans, of all races, all colors, all creeds, including my own life.

It was Jesus Christ whom Cesar Chavez worshipped, followed, and humbly attempted to emulate by service to others through living his Catholic Christian faith. I have little doubt that in the fullness of time, Cesar Chavez will one day become one of the Blessed of his Catholic faith, if not canonized.

I am greatly indebted to Cesar Chavez, especially for the example of his humble, selfless life in service for others. I will always walk in his shadow. May the God he so faithfully served bless and keep him. May the country he so faithfully served, always remember and honor him.


At Press Conference during truckers strike in Tucson, AZ, in 1973, announcing alliance of Truckers For Justice and United Farm Workers of America (UFWA)

© 2022 Rees Lloyd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rees Lloyd: ReesLloydLaw@gmail.com

Ponder Prepperism, Part 2

By Sidney Secular

March 30, 2022

In our previous introductory discussion on what to do when law and order collapse and the Historical American Nation itself becomes history while the New World “Orderlies” have a field day destroying what remains of civilization in general, we briefly touched upon Second Amendment issues. We intend to keep you up-to-date on that subject with periodic articles of interest as you can see in this issue in an article entitled, “Arms Rights Round-Up.” For we are being overcome by an unholy alliance of swamp dwellers that include “affirmative actors,” psychopathic power-driven perps, unassimilated invaders and unassimilable third world troglodytes all supported by those with an interest in keeping decent Americans completely under their control. These bullies are having a field day acting out their malevolent fantasies and bossing us around with senseless and brutal directives grounded in an illusory scamdemic all wrapped up in benevolent sounding virtue-signaling frequently delivered via gaslighting techniques. Their intentions need only another viral outbreak of Covidiocy or a variant thereof to finish the job of completely disrupting the nation’s supply chains already presently in a state of irredeemable disarray. Such another “event” would leave us with a completely dysfunctional national logistics system.

We have advised you to have at least six months’ worth of cash on hand as well as to create a cache where a significant collection of gold and silver coins and bars can be stashed. These personal reserves would be used for everyday expenses and for barter transactions which will become increasingly de rigueur once “the effluvia hits the fan.” In cases of widespread economic or social disruptions, you can expect diminished access to vital resources coming from national or regional distribution centers. These include food, water, fuel, medicines, etc. Whatever the nature of the disaster or disasters, access to key resources if not immediate, could be cut off completely. It is very important for you to get a feel for what’s available locally before there is a disruption of “normal” life. Locate the resources nearby in order to start utilizing them so that when the time comes you are already “plugged into” the system.

Get to know your local farmers. Even if you live in a big city, you probably won’t have to drive for more than an hour to reach a nearby farming area. These “agrarians” can be a lifesaver during difficult times. When grocery store shelves are lean or picked clean – something for which you got a taste or foretaste during the now waning two-year Covidiocy, local farmers will still very likely have fresh eggs, milk, fresh produce and fruits and fresh meat that they would be willing to sell or barter, especially if you have already developed a relationship with them. Buying food straight from local farmers will also likely get you better food at a better price than is otherwise obtainable. Frequenting your local farmers’ markets and “chatting up” the sellers is a good way to start your food prepper program right now. Check out buying in bulk from local sources and establishing a large larder of food reserves which will come in most handy when things get really tough. Obtaining an ample(several months or even years – depending on the item) supply of dried or freeze-dried staple foods now via mail order sources could be an important component of your food prepper program as well. One largely unknown and thus sadly underutilized resource are community canning centers. Take your homegrown produce that you picked or produce purchased from your local farmers to your county or community canning center – always assuming that such exists. These facilities make it easy for you to preserve a variety of foods without having to invest in canning equipment or supplies. Alternatively, you can easily learn canning techniques and do the canning yourself. Canning supplies are inexpensive but beware! When government policies begin to look problematic, such self-help products tend to disappear! Uncle Sam doesn’t care for independent peons.

Develop a strong social network in your neighborhood. Put aside your political polemics in this effort because you and your neighbors will be in the same boat when it comes to staying afloat in emergency situations. Your most important local resource may be your own neighborhood. Take the time and effort to get to know your neighbors. You may already know some of them as libbers but get to know them personally as people. The more you can pull together with the people physically closest to you, the more comfortable you will feel now and the more secure you will be in an emergency. Join local civic associations and sign up with local “list serves”(email networks) that will facilitate your efforts and enhance neighborliness. Attend neighborhood meetings regularly with the intent to socialize – even with the socialists – rather than criticize.

Work with what you already have. The resources you have on hand will make a big difference in an emergency. Your yard or balcony can double as a garden – make it so. Your laundry room and pantry can be adapted to serve as an extended food reserve. Modify your bathroom or utility closet to create an organized first-aid and pharmaceutical/herbal stock reserve. However, given the current social scene, try to remain below the radar because as things are shaking out today, people of our political persuasion make great targets for the forces of Big Brother and those who serve him!

Take advantage of training resources. Your local Red Cross chapter offers low fee or free workshops in Individual Skills Preparedness that help you become self-reliant for extended periods of time. The workshops may only cover basic topics, but they will give you a framework you can build on for more advanced prepping. Your local “outdoor” stores may also offer training classes in camping, hunting, fishing, recognizing and utilizing edible plants, and basic first aid. Community colleges and adult education classes are another possible source for preparedness training — there you can expect more in-depth coverage of survival and preparedness subjects.

Then there is indoor survival gardening. Most of what you need in a survival garden can actually be grown indoors, except for plants that are too tall or require too much ground such as corn or melons. However, you must employ the best space-saving measures to obtain maximum energy efficiency and utilize the most economical growing techniques. Many vegetables, herbs and fruits can be grown indoors all year long including green onions, cherry tomatoes, sweet potatoes, and carrots. Indoor-grown crops are immune to the vicissitudes of bad weather and limited growing seasons as well as light-fingered neighbors. Since there is no “off-season” for indoor gardening, you can always be harvesting, and you can bring forth much more produce per square foot than is possible outdoors. There are innovative vertical shelf gardening systems and water-saving techniques that can be employed. You will have no problems with varmints stuffing themselves indoors but you will most likely need plant lights to supplement your window sunlight. Indoor gardening will also reduce or eliminate outdoor airborne pollution. You will have no problem with insects contaminating your crops by carrying pesticide residue from “dirty” flowers to your garden or, in the alternative, eating them.

As well, indoor gardening will provide privacy and security as desperate, hungry people and worse should not be permitted to discover what they are seeking as such information can lead to far worse crimes than theft! With kale, lettuce, herbs, and greens grown from seeds, you do not have to worry about pollination issues. For crops requiring pollination, you must hand pollinate, which you can do with a toothbrush, an artist’s paintbrush or a Q-tip. See instructional videos on “hand pollination” or “manual pollination.” Use only certified organic or heirloom seeds and do not use soil contaminated with herbicides or pesticides. Do an internet search for “heirloom-organic seeds.” Investigate how best to utilize basement or attic space for gardening. Optimize use of windowsills, garage footage, and indoor floors. For maximum yields, layer plant containers on metal shelving units. Investigate both hydroponics and aquaponics along with various soil-based growing techniques. Fully investigate and utilize counter-top and shelf sprouting – you can produce prolific crops of herbs and nutritious salad ingredients within three days. Besides the perennially popular mung bean and alfalfa sprouts, good candidates include clover, lentil, sunflower, and wheat seeds often called “wheat berries.” Keep these plants going by intelligent harvesting; that is, do not remove the whole green parts from the roots but leave enough for the plant to regrow. Mushrooms are a popular item to grow indoors. Lots of resources exist on that topic including actual mushroom “growing kits.”

There are massive amounts of free videos, blogs, and other resources on the subject of indoor gardening available to a beginner. Start by performing an internet search on “indoor gardening” before the Deep State realizes that such information is a danger to their complete control of We the People! Start your indoor gardening projects now – the subject will grow on you.

© 2022 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Sidney Secular: Success_Express@yahoo.com

Media Cover-up Continues as US Soldiers Die In Their Bunks

By Bradlee Dean

March 30, 2022

“83 soldiers died at Fort Bragg in the 18 months ending June 2021. Only 11 of those deaths were from natural causes. Fort Bragg hasn’t announced any fatalities since then. They’re still happening, but the base has gone dark.”

Friends, most are now awake to the fact that the government in this country has now gone rogue.  They have been deceiving the people on a daily basis (Proverbs 19:9) and murdering its own citizens in the light of day since at least 1973 (Proverbs 6:17). It is no secret.

One thing I have said to my radio listeners, year after year, is that if the American people roll over in the face of a government that advocates the murders of innocent babies, how long do you suppose it will be before it is you for whom they will be coming (Galatians 6:7)?

Call me what you will, but it is exactly what is happening today through the latest of created crises that have been contrived by the corrupt (John 10:10).

Then again, American have seen the history that led up to the last 3 years concerning this plandemic (Jeremiah 11:9).

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Recently, Wayne Depree took the time to make Americans aware of the realities which are before our very eyes and ears today. Wayne shared the following:

There’s A Lot of Young, Healthy Servicemen Suddenly Dying in Their Bunks, and The Military Won’t Talk About It

There is something very odd going on at Fort Bragg.

So, incredibly odd, that an investigative reporter and the contributing editor of Rolling Stone Magazine wants to know what the heck is going on.

His name is Seth Harp, and he’s been following a disturbing story out of North Carolina, involving A LOT of servicemen who are turning up dead in their bunks at Fort Bragg.

Here’s what Seth said in a tweet from February 9th, 2022,

“83 soldiers died at Fort Bragg in the 18 months ending June 2021. Only 11 of those deaths were from natural causes. Fort Bragg hasn’t announced any fatalities since then. They’re still happening, but the base has gone dark.”

Back in January 2022, Seth wrote about this for Rolling Stone. In that piece, he discusses the MANY mysterious deaths occurring at Ft. Bragg since early 2020.

He writes: meanwhile, Fort Bragg soldiers have been turning up “unresponsive” in their barracks on a disturbingly regular basis since the beginning of 2020, including Caleb Smither, Terrance Salazar, Jamie Boger, Joshua Diamond, Matthew Disney, Mikel Rubino, Michael Hamilton, and numerous others who have not been named. Drugs may have been involved in the cases of Diamond and Disney, who were found dead on the same day in June 2021, just two weeks after an airborne master sergeant named Martin Acevedo III was charged with trafficking cocaine. Otherwise, there has been absolutely no explanation from the Army for how these apparently healthy young men died.

How long do you suppose Americans are going to continue with their eyes and ears closed to the obvious? That is up to you (Psalm 94:16)!

© 2022 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Please Slap Me in the Face

By Cliff Kincaid

March 29, 2022

Will Smith slapped Chris Rock for insulting his wife. China Joe is insulting America on a daily basis, contradicting himself and then getting angry. His erratic conduct is dangerous for America and the world.

Despite disasters at home and abroad, including a foreign war, record debt levels, soaring shipping costs, rising crime, surging inflation, and an educated idiot Supreme Court nominee, at least 40 percent of the American people support Brain Dead Biden. No wonder books for dummies are so popular with Americans.

The latest example of Biden’s cognitive impairment came when he said Putin “cannot remain in power” in Russia and quickly said he wasn’t advocating regime change.

The Biden regime then lied about what Biden said, claiming he was against Putin exercising power over other countries. Then Biden declared he wasn’t backing down.

In my view, neither Putin nor Biden should remain in power.

A Wall Street Journal writer said Biden’s original statement could spark a nuclear war, and Russia has more nukes than us. Why? Because liberals have agreed to bad “arms control” agreements with the Russians. Biden is speaking from a position of weakness.

Speaking of bad arms control agreements, Biden, who once wrote an article about how he loved the New World Order, is so brain dead that he continues to pursue a nuclear deal with Iran after it launched 12 ballistic missiles at the American consulate at Erbil, Iraq.

Israel seems prepared to sell out its sovereignty, accepting Biden Secretary of State Blinken’s claim that Biden will “never” allow Iran to acquire a nuclear weapon.

At the same time, notes Congressman Brian Mast, “North Korea tested its massive intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), sending them into the maritime borders of Japan for the first time in five years. Not only does this pose a huge threat to our allies, Japan and South Korea, but the ICBMs are designed to attack targets on the other side of the globe, including the United States.”

As a result, the United Nations has done nothing, with Russia and China arguing that North Korean sanctions should be eased.

To make matters worse, in terms of the Islamic terrorist threat, Biden’s Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson worked on behalf of suspected al Qaeda and Taliban members imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay. She knows what a terrorist is. She just can’t define “woman.”

Senator Blackburn then asked her:

“Just last week, an entire generation of young girls watched as our taxpayer funded institutions permitted a biological man to compete and beat a biological woman in the NCAA swimming championship. What message do you think this sends to girls who aspire to compete and win sports at the highest levels?’

Jackson replied, “Senator, I’m not sure what message that sends.”

This woman is as brain dead as China Joe.

Judicial Action Group President Phillip L. Jauregui commented, “The fact that Judge Jackson either does not know or is too afraid of the radical left to say what we all know to be true is very concerning.”

Her record is also noteworthy for soft treatment of child pornographers.

Ignoring all of this, the MoveOn group is urging the impeachment of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas because his wife, Ginni Thomas, urged the Trump White House to expose the fraudulent vote schemes that put China Joe in the White House.

The House’s “bipartisan” January 6th Select Committee says it has a “good faith” belief that Trump probably broke the law when he protested Biden’s “win.” The former president had every right to protest the results. What’s more, many of his supporters believe he should have stayed in the White House.

One of Biden’s latest disasters, the Harvard-trained Jackson, said that, if confirmed, she will recuse herself from a high-profile affirmative action case involving Harvard. She can’t be believed. The Judicial Discipline Reform project notes evidence that 131 judges broke the law by deciding cases where they had a financial interest.

Communists say questions about her credentials constitute “racist right-wing attacks” when she was unable to answer basic matters about human biology.

Meanwhile, as we anticipate a “Build Back Better” green future, a rich American rock star just died in Colombia, on tour with his band, and Colombia’s Attorney General said toxicological tests found 10 types of substances, including the mind-altering ingredient THC from marijuana.

While his fans mourn his passing, a “Who’s Who” of “leaders in the cannabis and psychedelics industries” is appearing in Miami at a conference devoted to “social equity” in the mind-altering drug business. That means giving minorities jobs through quotas, set-asides, and affirmative action.

One of the speakers is former heavyweight boxing champ Mike Tyson, who is using cannabis ‘to reach new heights” by selling ear-shaped cannabis-infused edibles called “Mike Bites.” He once bit a piece off a boxing opponent’s ear.

This comes as the Democratic Party-controlled House is on the verge of passing a bill legalizing marijuana.

Just what we need in this country – more potheads and stoners.

Is Biden sober enough to stop this?

Please slap me in the face so I can wake up from this nightmare.

© 2022 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid: kincaid@comcast.net

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc. www.usasurvival.org

The Genesis of Our Divisions

By JB Williams

March 29, 2022

It’s glaringly obvious to every living being that our American society is more deeply divided against itself than ever before in history. The unity that once gave birth to the greatest free people ever known to mankind some 246-years ago, is quite clearly gone for now. It’s also well-known, though not well considered today, that a “house divided against itself, cannot stand.”

But everything on earth has a beginning, a genesis, and an end, including these many divisions in society. It’s a fundamental law of nature that what goes up, will eventually come down. It’s also true that the bigger they are, the harder they fall…and the higher you fly, the more brutal the impact upon landing. Our country is no exception…

Before our many divisions destroy us all entirely, along with any hope for freedom and liberty in the future, I want to discuss the sources of those divisions, the genesis or root cause of those divisions, and what each of us can and must do about that in order to become One Nation Under God once again, while we still have this opportunity.

Contrary to what you may think, prosperity, wealth and long-standing freedom do not cause unity, though they most certainly should. If true history passed from generation to generation, they most certainly would, because “liberty once lost, is lost forever.” For liberty to exist, tyranny cannot.

Instead, long-standing freedom and liberty will tend to cause abundance, followed by selfishness, complacency and eventually, total apathy. Of course, an apathetic society will soon fall into dependence upon their government, followed by a total collapse back into bondage, as proven again and again throughout all recorded human history.

18th Century Scottish historian Alexander Fraser Tytler was most famous for his accounting of history regarding the repeated fall of democracies, usually within 200-years from their birth. Of course, this is in part why the USA was never intended to be a “democracy,” as all democracies fail, due to the factor discussed by Tytler almost 300-years ago.

“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage.” ―Alexander Fraser Tytler

The U.S. Constitution guarantees every State of the Union and every Citizen, a “Republican form of government.” That’s because our founders knew something that most Americans don’t know today.

“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government.” Alexander Fraser Tytler

Despite being indoctrinated into believing the USA is merely a “democracy” over many years, doomed to fail, the reality is the Constitution establishes a “Republican form of government” and the Constitution makes it possible for the American people to enforce this, if they understand how critical it is to their future.

At the birth of our nation, our founding generations were united on one fundamental cornerstone belief…that freedom and liberty are of utmost importance, and they are non-negotiable. It’s the one thing everyone agreed upon back then. Such is the case at the genesis of freedom and liberty, for all those escaping tyranny and bondage.

But 246-years later, most Americans have never experienced the kinds of tyranny, squaller, and bondage that most around the world live in every day. This makes it very hard for them to place a proper value on the freedom and liberty they have always known, which most take for granted every day of their lives.

Without a firm focus and reverence for freedom and liberty, it’s easy to become divided over a plethora of issues far less important. When our own government works around the clock to create and promote those divisions, it’s almost impossible to imagine how the country could ever be united again. Yet, sooner or later, one way or another, it will be. Everything on earth has a beginning and an end…

There is no shortage of people to blame for our current deep divisions. But two groups in particular are most responsible for all of those divisions…our government, and the government controlled mass media, be it news, entertainment, or social media, especially now that all three are leading a “cancel culture.”

Most people believe whatever they are told to believe, by their government, mass media, and social media. After all, no one can know what they don’t know. All we know is what we are allowed to know, and that depends upon which sources of information we choose to pay attention to.

In this regard, it’s important to understand that information comes in only three forms… Truth, half-truth, and whole lies. Every division in our country today is created and controlled by mass media mechanisms, almost entirely controlled by our Federal government today. In other words, what we see on TV and hear on the radio, or on social media, controls public perceptions.

Just as darkness is nothing more than the absence of light, lies and half-truths are the absence of whole truth.

EXAMPLE: You have most likely been told your entire life that the USA is a “democracy.” That my dear friends, is a “whole lie.” But it is often sold as a half-truth, in the sense that those who make that claim often refer to a “republican form of government” as merely a form of “democracy.” Only if you know the critical difference between a “democracy” and a “republican form of government,” can you see that the two are not at all synonymous. Similarities between the two ends at step one…they are both allegedly “of, by, and for the people.”

However, the question is, what people? In essence, a “republican form of government” is not for any class or race of people, but rather every individual person, regardless of gender, race, creed, or color. It’s based upon equal protections for each individual, rather than any partisan group. No group has the right to run over any other group, just because they might be a larger or more powerful group.

In stark contrast, Karl Marx said it best when he said, “democracy is the road to socialism,” which is why our government wants you to believe that we are a democracy. They are on their way to global socialism and so are we if we allow them to lead us there by way of corrupted democratic process.

In a democracy, a simple majority group can reign over all other minority groups by basic democratic processes.

EXAMPLE: In a democracy, the people vote on all major governmental policies by referendum. As of 2021 government figures, Whites make up 60.1% of the U.S. population, a simple majority. Hispanics are 18.5%, Blacks are 12.2%, bi-racial Americans are 8%, Asians are 5.6%, Native Americans .7%.

In a democracy, whites that make up 60.1% of the U.S. population could simply rule over everyone else if they simply voted in unison. But in a Representative Constitutional Republican form of government, they cannot. Rights belong to each individual, not to any specific class, race, creed, color, or majority voting bloc.

The importance of this critical distinction is this…

Only in a “democracy” can the government buy the votes with gifts from the treasury, necessary for the government to gain total control over the people. This is why modern democrat (socialist) politicians seek to end constitutional protections like the Electoral College. Only in a “democracy” can Citizens be divided and pitted against one another, for the empowerment of government.

Once convinced that we are a “democracy” instead of the “republican form of government” we are guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution, Citizens can be purchased with gifts from the treasury, used to vote themselves and everyone else back into bondage.

Our divisions are entirely based upon our sources of information.

EXAMPLE: Despite hard proof that masking, social distancing, self-imposed isolation, and all related vaccines have done nothing to stop COVID infection, transmission, illness, and death, those who rely only upon approved narratives in the mainstream media for their information, still believe in these things, even though all of these things have failed miserably.

But people who instead rely upon their life experiences, fact-based research, historical data, daily results, common sense, real science, and their innate survival instincts, never bought the approved narrative in the media and instead, used common sense life measures to protect themselves and their loved ones. The result is that today, it’s almost exclusively the “vaxxed” who are sick, dying, or dead.

The deep divisions over COVID measures continue to be caused by opposing sources of information. Those who believe their government and media, continue to follow their directives, despite all of the available information to the contrary. Those who know better than to trust those sources, remain committed to ignoring the false narratives as a fundamental method of self-preservation, along with all unlawful and unconstitutional so-called “mandates.”

EXAMPLE: It’s no secret that human beings are born into one of only two natural genders, male or female, any physical birth defects aside. Genetically, every human being is either male or female at birth. But those who rely upon public sentiments and opinions for their facts, believe that there are more than a dozen different genders today. They stick to the sources of information that support that view and reject all sources of information to the contrary, even though the subject isn’t even open for honest debate.

In short, people largely believe what they want to believe, truth often not even being part of the equation. The best way to con any person is to simply tell them what they think they want to hear.

People who have gay tendencies only want to accept information from sources that support the gay agenda. Women who want the “right to abort” will only accept information from sources that support abortion rights. People who want to see a hero in Ukraine’s fake (actor) President see one, when our media presents made-for-TV propaganda idolizing the comedian. If you try to tell them any different, they will accuse you of being a communist Putin supporter, even though you don’t care for Putin either.

As long as people will only seek and accept information on the basis of what they hope is true, without any regard for whether or not it is true, there is no way to end our divisions and unite on any issue, including our own survival.

United in the cause of freedom and liberty, the USA can stand against any enemy on earth. One day, sooner or later, one way or another, the USA will be united in the cause of freedom and liberty again. The only open question is whether that day will come before or after we lose it all.

“…all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.”Declaration of Independence

Unfortunately, Americans have become accustomed to many things they never should have, including the many divisions our government and media have created and promoted for years. For freedom and liberty to live, these divisions must cease to exist.

It would be unreasonable and unrealistic for me to expect people to drop their many programmed divisions entirely today. So instead, I will suggest that we all lay them aside for the time being, long enough to unite on freedom and liberty alone, until we resecure both for our future generations. In the end, we won’t have any choice but to do so.

Divided, this house too, shall fall. Every American must decide if any of their pet issues are worth losing everything! And…they must decide right now!

© 2022 JB Williams – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JB Williams: jb.tnalc@gmail.com

What Can YOU Do for Your Country? – Part II

By: Devvy

March 28, 2022

Back on October 15, 2021, I wrote a column with the title above.  I was trying to urge constitutional attorneys to run for judges as we badly, desperately need constitutionally grounded attorneys with the courage to stand for either your state or the U.S. Constitution.

By design and big money from dirty traitor, George Soros, dozens and dozens of district attorneys have gotten elected (along with the stealing of our elections using all the latest high-tech tools) who care nothing  for the law, only their political agendas.

George Soros has bankrolled DA’s in cities with HIGHEST crime rates, Dec. 3, 2021

This is very important as it relates to sitting judges – and by that,I mean dirty partisan DA’s in front of just as partisan judges.

God bless those Americans who’ve become fed up with dirty, rotten elected officials across this country and are giving up their time and in many cases making financial sacrifices to get rid of the vermin:

Recall Campaign Announced Against Soros-Backed LA County District Attorney George Gascón, March 1, 2021 – Crime victims and law enforcement officials seeking to oust ‘reformer’ Gascón

“Crime victims and law enforcement officials announced Saturday they are launching a recall campaign against Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón, whose 2020 campaign was funded by billionaire oligarch George Soros, with more than $2.5 million. Gascón ran for District Attorney on a promise of turning the court system upside down, and eliminating cash bail.”

Effort To Recall Los Angeles DA George Gascón Is Officially Underway, May 23, 2021 – ILING ON: Area cities of Azusa, Santa Fe Springs pass votes of ‘no confidence’ in Gascón.  “At the end of January, Legal Insurrection reported that ultra-progressive Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón’s “reforms” were putting the region’s criminal justice system in “free fall.” For example, Gascón forced his prosecutors to read statements in court impugning the state’s “three strikes” law and ending specific penalties.

“The situation was so bad that the Association of Deputy District Attorneys for Los Angeles County argue in a lawsuit that deputy district attorneys cannot follow the directives without violating the state penal code. A judge subsequently blocked Gascón’s efforts to impose his reform directives.”

Of course, Gascón[D] blamed the recall on FOX News and Trump supporters.  Really? It’s nice to know LA has become Trump country.  But, uh, oh:  Recall of Soros DA Gascon Wins Support of Hollywood Liberals, Feb. 6, 2022 – “The spin that Gascón has used effectively before, that it’s all Trump supporters, is not going to work this time,” says Irene Medavoy, who with her husband helped raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for the Obamas and other prominent Democrats. A major studio executive told Los Angeles, “People can be liberal in ideology but they don’t want crime in their city.”  How odd since I didn’t see the same outrage over the burning, killing and destruction of cities with Democrat mayors like Portland, Seattle, Denver and other cities by their beloved Black Lies Movement and Fascist ANTIFA.

But then again, you can make good money if you participate in riots:  Denver BLM Protesters Awarded $14 Million in Damages By Federal Jury Over Injuries During Violent Riots, March 27, 2022

Round 2:  Second Recall Petition Against LA DA George Gascon Begins, Dec. 7, 2021.  If successful, the recall will be on the ballot by November 2022.  One can only hope voters out there oust his corrupt backside but again everything depends on “who counts the votes”.

The same thing happened in the effort to recall another dirty political “royalty” POS, California Gov. Gavin Newsom – all the COVID restrictions made it damn near impossible to collect the required number of signatures. COVID has been a very valuable tool for the shadow government in so many ways.

And, once again- this is the Newsom recall effort:  Very Concerning Evidence of Vote Fraud in California Recall Election, Sept. 14, 2021.  I can tell you as someone who paid very close to that recall effort, Newsom ruined the lives of tens of millions of Californians over COVID and his Marxist agenda.  Californians from all walks of life wanted him gone.  To believe Newsom beat the recall is to believe our governor, Greg Abbott, took 68% of the primary vote earlier this month.  Bull.

If you think I’m just blowing smoke, my brother’s lived here in Big Spring, TX where I live since August 2019.  He got the recall ballot to vote to oust Newsom – not to mention the full ballot for the Nov. 3, 2020 elections.  California solicited vote fraud by sending my brother the 2020 ballot and then the recall ballot. My brother no longer lives in California but they keep sending him ballots to vote in that state.

I sent all of this to our Lt Gov. Dan Patrick and Attorney General Ken Paxton (both who just allegedly won their primaries a few weeks ago) and they’ve done nothing.  Hey, no problem for someone in Texas to vote in California elections and a recall election.  Both Patrick and Paxton allegedly won their primaries earlier this month, each by a land slide.  Bull. We already have too many instances of shenanigans for the primary earlier this month.

(Our Attorney General Ken Paxton was indicted by a grand jury in 2015 for securities fraud and other felonies – 7 years ago.  Even a couple of his most experienced lawyers quit last year rather than continue working for Paxton.  Wonder why the grand jury wasted the time out of their lives to hand down an indictment that appears to mean nothing?)

Way back in 2003 when I lived in California, we were determined to recall then governor, Democrat Gray Davis.  Thousands of volunteers like me collected signatures at events like the California State Fair (no fun in 100-degree temperatures) and any other place we could and we won.  Gray Davis was only the second governor in U.S. history to be recalled.  Unfortunately, the GOP decision makers shoved a blithering idiot down our throats as Davis’ replacement:  Arnold Schwarzenegger. Davis wasn’t the first.

“The first was Lynn Frazier in 1921. He was in the middle of his third term as North Dakota’s governor when he was successfully recalled and removed from office, according to the State Historical Society of North Dakota. Rutgers University’s Eagleton Center on the American Governor said Frazier was recalled “following a dispute about state-owned industries.” Frazier would go on to represent North Dakota in the United States Senate from 1923 to 1941.” (Frazier was a Republican.)

How amazing.  The people of North Dakota recall a crooked governor only to put him in the U.S. Senate! Back in 2014, the mayor of Washington District of Criminals Marion Barry [D] was mayor.  In January 1990, he was videotaped during an FBI drug sting operation.  Barry was filmed smoking crack cocaine; the FBI arrested the city’s most famous doper.  Old Barry was then convicted and sent to prison for six months in a federal cage, released and then reelected as mayor, again!  That guy was a real piece of human junk but the voters didn’t seem to care.  Ever been to DC?  Some parts no same person would walk even during the day; drugs and crime through the roof.

Alcee Hastings [D] was a judge in Florida in 1979.  His “Honor” was scooped up in an FBI sting operation and charged with soliciting a bribe.  The judge got his day in court, a criminal trial and was acquitted, but was then impeached for bribery and perjury by the U.S. House and then convicted by the U.S. Senate.

But his conviction by the U.S. Senate didn’t bar his “Honor” from holding office again and, act surprised:He was elected to the U.S. House in Florida’s 23rd Congressional District.  Yep, another ex-con gets elected to Congress.

BREAKING: GOP Rep. Fortenberry Resigns From Congress After Being Convicted of Lying to FBI About Foreign Campaign Contribution, March 26, 2022

Not all recalls are successful but one of the California state reps we tried to recall (can’t remember his name as this was like 25+ years ago) was short enough votes, but his political career was ruined and he was gone  That in itself was worth all the time and effort.

The rot and corruption in this country both morally and politically is like never ending lava flowing from a giant volcano.  We have millions of completely uninformed voters who vote only by race, one issue or vote for every “freebee” a candidate promises for their vote.  And no matter how corrupt (think Hildebeast Clinton, Hussein Obama, Cheater China Joe) or how big the lies are they tell, ignorant, stupid Americans vote for them anyway.

Richard Blumenthal [another member of the Democrat/Communist Party USA, Connecticut] is one of the biggest liars in Congress next to Adam Schiff and Chuckie Schumer.  When he ran for the senate, he bragged about his perilous tours in Viet Nam (sounds like another POS, John Kerry).  FACT:  Blumenthal received FIVE deferments and never served in Viet Nam.  The commies blamed his lies on the Republicans!  Act surprised:  Blumenthal was allegedly elected by voters who condone lying to the U.S. Senate where he remains today as another toady destroying this country.

Military service – “Blumenthal received at least five draft deferments during the Vietnam War before enlisting.[10] He served in United States Marine Corps Reserve units in Washington, D.C. and Connecticut from 1970 to 1976.[11][12] He attained the rank of sergeant and received an honorable discharge at the end of his enlistment.[13]

They all start at the local level and work their way up the political ladder.  Or, they (many are attorneys and quite wealthy) join either part’s county and organization.  I belong to the Howard County GOP Club.  We aren’t just dealing with local issues.  The GOP has chapters (clubs) in every county in this country and both parties have their county conventions then off to their state convention.

Ours was March 26, 2022.  I signed up to be a delegate at the State Convention in Houston beginning June 16th.  Yes, on my limited budget as a widow it’s going to hurt but it’s critically important, WE GET CONSTITUTIONALISTS to replace the “old” corrupt GOP party.

None of the Framers of the Constitution or the early states or after Congress was created stayed in office 10, 20 or 30 years.  It’s dangerous because the party’s power becomes far more important than upholding their oath of office and the majority become corrupt like the Biden and Clinton gang just to name two. 

It’s fine to call yourself a conservative but we need Americans (and wonderfully we’re seeing more stand up to school boards and county commissioners) who believe in the original constitution and are willing to defend it.  Honest Americans with integrity, decency and a hunger for freedom.  As our daily lives continue to be destroyed by the power brokers in both parties, Americans are getting angrier and filled with rage.

As the COVID plandemic scheme started really falling apart with all the lies being exposed about masks, the nonsense called social distancing and teacher’s unions calling the shots, boy, oh boy, have we seen some very angry parents -most of them women taking on the school boards.  Don’t fool around with my children with your lies because we aren’t going to take it anymore.

America was birthed as an independent nation of self-sufficient, self-reliant individuals.  Sadly, tragically, tens and tens of millions of Americans now DEMAND Congress take care of them.  “Our job is to take care of the American people”.  No. Your job if a U.S. House member is to vote ONLY for bills limiting the size of government under Art. 1, Sec. 8 of the U.S. Constitution and the safety & security of the states.  Prior to the law that doesn’t exist (the Seventeenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was two states short of ratification; it’s fraud), U.S. Senators were chosen by their state legislatures and under the Constitution limited to what they could and could not do – and please at some time read this:  What Does the Senate Do?

Both parties are responsible for the massive $30 TRILLION plus dollars in debt because the U.S. Constitution means nothing to them.  We need to tell them in no uncertain terms this is no longer acceptable.  With the exception of a handful, the U.S. Congress and your state legislatures are stealing every penny they can from your labor to fund all the special interest groups who loaded them up with campaign cash, foreign dictators and billions of borrowed dollars for the IMF, BIS and World Bank.

If we’re going to clean house, WE have to get out the disinfectant and as I said earlier, it all starts locally.  AND, becoming part of the solution and that is (1) Educating our fellow Americans who want the truth and how they can become the solution.  In my last book I  covered THE biggest cancers killing this country and the constitutional solutions.  If people don’t get the facts and how it affects their lives, we cannot unite our nation to fight back.

(2)  GOP (and you don’t have to belong to the party, you can be an independent – tens of millions of whom voted for President-Elect Trump) county conventions are being held all over the country.  YOU need to sign up as a delegate for your state convention (some require a vote for a person if there’s too many who sign up as each county is limited by, I believe, number of registered voters).  A lot of what goes on has a direct impact on the November elections.  Here’s where YOUR voice can be heard.

Yes, we’re all tired.  We’re exhausted.  Our domestic enemies are wearing us down and only we can stop it. I’ve written about our state legislatures over and over and over and the power of nullification but it’s up to us to make it happen.  I still have a couple of game plans in upcoming columns but time is our enemy.  One lady at our county convention wanted to sign up as a delegate but she’s a caregiver for a 97-year old lady and can’t leave for 3-4 days.  I do understand but even if you have to give up a couple days of vacation time to get to the state convention as a delegate, we’re talking about the very real collapse of this republic if drastic change doesn’t come soon.

I used to have fun but I’ve been at this 31 years nearly 7 days a week. There’s no vacations or fun time.  Yeah, that’s me taking a survival course in GA, long, long ago; training with a Black Knight Compound bow.  That’s me in the middle with the 20# plus salmon I caught out of Balls Ferry Resort (yes, real name on the Sacramento River) and another shot of me fishing (you know, sitting while waiting for the bite); besides reading, my favorite thing to do.  Water Skiier, snow skiing.  All the fun while all the time evil individuals in this world AND in our Congress were working towards their goal to destroy our free, independent, sovereign nation.

But, at age 40 when I started researching this “new world order”, the unconstitutional, privately owned “Federal” Reserve and the carefully planned destruction of our republic (not a democracy), I gave up my career and paycheck.  Truly I was horrified and scared at the same time.  How could this be happening right under our noses?  Well, we would go to the polls every two years, elect people from county commissioners to president and go back to the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness.

We put our trust in people who lied every time they opened their mouth.  Say one thing and do just the opposite after being sworn in.  Many claim to be Christians who went to church on Sunday and went back to screwing us on Monday.

I discussed everything with my late husband who kinda thought at the time, nah, can’t be true.  Of course, down the line, he came to realize the Machiavellian, diabolical plans these cabals of elites had in store for We the People was very real and underway.

So, I urge you to become part of the solution.  If you don’t know who heads up your county GOP chapter/club, call your county clerk.  He/she can give you the information you need.  Call and find out if there’s a county convention coming up and if at all possible, sign up to become a state delegate; I hope to meet many of you there.  We can take back the power of the People but it takes numbers.  One person can’t do it alone but one person can energize a thousand.

If funds are a problem, talk with the GOP leadership, friends and family and see if people can chip in a few bucks to cover your costs.  There is strength in numbers and America needs you.  Good times won’t be much good if your children and grand children are forced to live under a single world government and make no mistake:  The evil doers with their “Great Reset” are just about to the finish line.

My column, May 11, 2013:  Hon. Marjorie S. Holt of Maryland, In the House of Representatives, January 19, 1976, Congressional Record, page 240

“Mrs. Holt. Mr. Speaker, many of us recently received a letter from the World Affairs Council of Philadelphia, inviting Members of Congress to participate in a ceremonial signing of “A Declaration of Interdependence” on January 30 in Congress Hall, adjacent to Independence Hall in Philadelphia. A number of Members of Congress have been invited to sign this document, lending their prestige to its theme, but I want the record to show my strong opposition to this declaration.

“It calls for surrender of our national sovereignty to international organizations. It declares that our economy should be regulated by international authorities. It proposes that we enter a “new world order” that would redistribute the wealth created by the American people. Mr. Speaker, this is an obscenity that defiles our Declaration of Independence, signed 200 years ago in Philadelphia. We fought a great Revolution for independence and individual liberty, but now it proposed that we participate in a world socialist order.

“Are we a proud and free people, or are we a carcass to be picked by the jackals of the world, who want to destroy us? When one cuts through the high-flown rhetoric of this “Declaration of Interdependence,” one finds key phrases that tell the story. For example, it states:

“The economy of all nations is a seamless web, and that no one nation can any longer effectively maintain its processes of production and monetary systems without recognizing the necessity for collaborative regulation by international authorities.”

“How do you like the idea of “international authorities” controlling our production and monetary system, Mr. Speaker? How could any American dedicated to our national independence and freedom tolerate such an idea? The declaration goes on to urge a strengthening of the United Nations and a broadening of the jurisdiction of the World Court, “that these may preside over a reign of law that will not only end wars but end as well the mindless violence which terrorizes our society even in times of peace. Examine this closely. It suggests that world government will somehow cure the problems of crime and terrorism, not just the problem of war. Quite obviously, the sponsors of this declaration have lost all contact with reality.

“Mr. Speaker, we have lately witnessed the United Nations organization in full cry against America and her allies of the Free World. We have watched the UN become an instrument of the Soviet Union and its shabby following of despots, large and small. America should never subject her fate to decisions by such an assembly, unless we long for national suicide. Instead, we have independence and freedom.”

NY Times, April 15, 1994: “1944. Bretton Woods: The IMF and the World Bank. 1945. San Francisco: The United Nations. 1994, Marrakech: The World Trade Organization. History knows where it’s going. The final act of the Uruguay Round….to the WTO, the third pillar of the New World Order, along with the UN and the IMF.” *End*

In 1947, the New World’s Super Secret Constitution already written was actually covered by the media.  Is this what you want for your life, your children and grandchildren or do you want them to live free from government totalitarianism?  COVID should be a huge wake-up call as to just how brutal and uncaring elected and unelected egomaniac bureau-rats can destroy your life.

Attend those bi-monthly or monthly GOP chapters/clubs and help kill the cancers in your county.  All politics are local.  Be vigilant because we know Democrats are having their fools infiltrate local GOP chapters/clubs to see what’s going on.  DO NOT UNDER ESTIMATE THE DEMOCRAT/COMMUNIST PARTY USA. Illegitimate president Hussein Obama was part of the highly successful, corrupt, Marxist operation ACORN nick-named “community organizing”.  They are a well-oiled machine in this country funded with dirty money from filthy traitors like George Soros. President-Elect Trump used to say in his campaign ads is the only thing standing between them and us is him.  Well, now it’s just us. 

Help educate your friends, neighbors and people you work with.  Americans are scared right now.  Diesel gas here in town is $5.05 a gallon; gas through the roof – here in the Permian (oil) Basin with oil for the next 200 years.  We are still faced with the stealing of our elections through sophisticated technology but there’s also a solution there for another column.

Some of the most active people I know are in their early 80’s doing what they can.  I will be 73 in June with not many years left.  But, when I take my last breath I will know I did everything I could to help save a country birthed with the blessings of Almighty God.  Please, don’t let all the blood that was spilled be for nothing.

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions. [Order two books and save $10.00. Give one to a friend or relative]

© 2022 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy: devvyk@npn.net


Learn More About The Congressional Term Limits Caucus – At least my congressman signed on but so few Americans know anything about it so basically dead in the water.  However, it can be revived by millions of Americans hammering on their congress critter.  More on this later as I haven’t had a chance to call the clerk of the U.S. House., but I’ll find out the status of the caucus.  Some reps are gone like Ron DeSantis who is now governor of Florida.  Nut case Beto O’Rourke is once again running [D] for governor here in Texas.

Down the road but should have been done decades ago:  This is a Constitutional Amendment We Must Fight For, Dec. 19, 2016 – Lot of valuable information in my column.

America’s Downward Spiral: Why Is Congress Doing It To Us?

By Frosty Wooldridge

March 28, 2022

Part 2: More causes of America’s downfall by U.S. Congress

European Lord Acton back in 1890, said, “Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

Described as “the magistrate of history,” Lord Acton was one of the great personalities of the nineteenth century and is universally considered to be one of the most learned Englishmen of his time. He made the history of liberty his life’s work; indeed, he considered political liberty the essential condition and guardian of religious liberty.

More than that, he witnessed the “Divine right of kings” as to the opulence of King Louis XIV with his incredible expenditures on Versailles and other incredible castles.  While the French swept the streets, starved and ate dirt, his royal majesty ate cake with jewels hanging around his neck.  He broke the French people.

If you’ve ever visited Versailles, it’s beyond astounding in its decadence, massive murals that fill the rooms, the ornate tapestries and sheer elegance of every unending hall that leads you through the palace.

So, what does that have to do with America in 2022?  Simple!  We’ve got Senators and House members who have illegally acquired millions upon millions of dollars while “serving” America in many elected capacities.

While House Speaker Nancy Pelosi continues her power over the House, she’s illegally amassed in excess of $124 million. She lives in a multimillion dollar mansion in California.  She flies home on weekends on military jets at your taxpayer expense.  She’s worse than King Louis ever was when it comes to corruption and vanity.

At the same time, in excess of 100,000 homeless Californians she represents, live with drugs, poverty, alcohol, and futility.  She hasn’t, won’t and refuses to help them.  They constitute the wretched masses that can eat dirt while she shows off her $20.00 pints of ice cream at her mansion.  Not only that, she allows America’s borders to be illegally be invaded by millions of migrants that cost the rest of us our life savings.

Nancy Pelosi is as crooked as Lombard Street in San Francisco…but she will never get caught and there is no way to straighten her out.

Now, just imagine an endless number of Senators and House members who are just as corrupt as Pelosi.  Again, remember Lord Acton’s decree about “corruption.”

Why does it hold true in a Constitutional Republic that should prevent such endless and mass corruption?  Answer: the founders did not include “term limits.”    They did after FDR carried four terms as president, but they simply did not extend that new law to those 535 little scoundrels that have been creating bogus wars for our kids to fight, and made off with the “insider trading” on defense contracts for the past 50 years.

Actually, you could watch past programs with Jesse Watters On FOX NEWS where he exposed over a dozen DC lawmakers who bought stocks on defense contracts after they sat on the committees that “okayed” those contracts.  We’re talking “deep” corruption.  It’s almost like each senator and House member teaches the new ones how to scam the system.

Yes, Washington DC continues as a Swamp with an endless number of crooked Swamp creatures sucking off you, the American taxpayer.

Why did we see Iraq and Afghanistan last for 20 years?  Answer: a whole bunch of ugly, old, rich men made a lot of crisp, green, abundant cash off your taxpaying back.  Same with Vietnam! And it will be the same when the Military Industrial Complex cooks up another long-term war.  I can see it coming as clearly as the coming of the dawn.

The mystery remains: why do American voters keep voting these criminals back into office?  Why year after year?  Even decade after decade?   Good grief…we know Pelosi, Maxine waters, and dozens if not hundreds of them over the past 50 years have ripped us off.

Why haven’t any of them over the past 50 years introduced “term limits?”

Answer:  Lord Acton said, “Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

Part 3:  It’s all the little things that add up as to corruption

Is anyone in America thinking about these questions?  Are we not galloping into America’s twilight years?

If you would like a free electronic copy of this book, please email me with your email address and I will send it to you.  Every American with children or any American who will live in this country in 2050, needs to understand what they face. frostyw@juno.com

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121.

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

This video will scare the daylights out of every American as to what’s coming to our country, US Citizenship Act 2021 by Joe Biden.

If you want to see two documentaries that give visual proof of my book’s contents, go to Netflix, and type in “Cowspiracy” that shows you the damage to the air, land and water.  Watch “Seaspiracy” to see how humans are destroying the oceans.

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”  www.NumbersUSA.org

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

Organized Crime Controls The Votes In NH

By Gerard Beloin For US Senate

March 18, 2022

President Trump and I have forced the election fraudsters to show their teeth. Me in 2008, 2009 and 2010. (See my website) Because of my success at exposing voter fraud I was told to shut up or get shot. The left ALWAYS resorts to violence when they can’t win in the courts. In court, under oath, I am undefeated.

Trump in 2020, 2021, and 2022 did the same. His success in exposing voter fraud has lead to ridicule and the attempted assassination of his political career. Mike Lindell’s Absolute Truth – ELECTION FRAUD EXPOSED! is an excellent piece of work. I highly recommend it but is tedious to watch. It is more for the tech minded voters. Dinesh D’Souza’s 2000 mules is amazing. It is more hard hitting and proves Trump was and is right! Both build on what we exposed in 2008, 9, and10 when the alternative media had not yet found it’s feet.

Without free and fair elections, nothing else matters. When the elite political class can install which ever compliant politician they believe will tow the line of unending corruption, all else is moot. When no one gets arrested for obvious voter fraud, nothing will change.

None of my US Senate opponents believe in exposing voter fraud in NH. They are either part of the solution or part of the problem. As of this date, they are all part of the problem.

Kelly Ayotte was and is a RINO. You will see her prominently mentioned in my book “Menace To Society.” Her talking points in her campaign that got her elected in 2010 are my talking points for my campaign in 2022. “Obey the constitution. Enforce the laws. Control the borders. Stop the spending. Cut the taxes.” After she won on those campaign promises, she voted to disregard the constitution, ignore the laws, open the boarders, jacked up the spending and the taxes went up. She voted 70% of the time with the Obama agenda. She got an F rating from Conservative Review. The abandonment of her campaign promises were so bold, brazen and blatant that she could not wave to her constituents when walking in 4th of July parades because her middle fingers would not go down. Her credibility as a conservative was soooo badly damaged by her votes and my book that she has disappeared from NH politics. Now she is on the board of directors for Fox News Corp????

With the extent of the corruption I have exposed in NH politics, we can return control of the US Senate to the Republicans yesterday. All of the movers and shakers in the NH GOP know this and their silence is deafening. If they can get Gov. Cuomo to resign for what he did, we need to bring handcuffs to the US Senate to remove both Democrat US Senators Queen Shaheen and Princess Hassan. The Shaheens sued to have these recordings destroyed. That lawsuit is an admission that the Shaheens are associated with these heinous crimes. Why else would they sue to have these recordings destroyed and acquiesce to these predators?

I’m running for the US Senate in NH and both parties want me to disappear. One admitted mobster, a lawyer and Assistant Hillsborough County Attorney, told me that I would “disappear like Jimmy Hoffa.”

The Manchester Union Leader is owned and controlled by the Scagliotti and Tomasco families. Here is an article describing the US Senate Race in NH. Do you see someone missing from the list?

Another NH mobster went into detail as to how I would disappear on the order of NH politicians.

Another witness went into detail as to how “These Guys” gassed a duly elected Goffstown, NH School Board Chairman, Dr. Craig Hieber. Dr. Hieber was an honest liberal Democrat. He was friends with this honest conservative Republican. We can all disagree on policy but honest people can all agree that whatever funds are eventually appropriated must not be grifted by organized crime?! We exposed “The Scam.” He told me that it would not happen on his watch and he was right. He dropped dead just before the money started flowing on the Goffstown High School Renovation Project. Kerry “The Killer” Steckowych took over as school board chairman. I did not name him that. That is his mob name.

FBI Special agent Warren “COOTS” Bamford?? Nothing.

US Attorney For The State of NH, Thomas “The Game Warden” Coluntuono?? Nothing.
NH Attorney General Kelly “The Mute” Ayotte??? Nothing

NH State Police Major Crimes Unit Sergeant Kathy “Know Knothing” Kimbal (abbreviation KKKK). Refused to interview me. She is now an investigator for the NH AGs Office.

NH Attorney Generals Office Chief Investigator Mike “The Ghost” Bahan is on tape praising Kerry “The Killer” Steckowych. After I subpoenaed him for one of my numerous kangaroo court trials, he disappeared. The number of dead, disappeared and threatened witnesses tied to these recordings is embarrassingly long.

The corruption goes on and on and on and on. Politicians of both parties are on tape wishing me dead and describing every which way I could possibly go. Numerous fake taxpayer watchdog groups designed to discourage and obfuscate the real and successful taxpayer watchdogs like me were run by admitted mobsters. The motive. The theft of Billions in NH education funding money grifted under the watchful eye of my US Senate primary opponent Senator Chuck Morse. That is Billions with a B. Hundreds of Billions more nationwide. My efforts in NH have effected the changing of bidding laws in states across the country. In NH, those tasked with changing the bidding laws attempted to put me in jail for life.

My story is not believable. When I realized who the criminals were, I decided to write a book to document the corruption. You can get it here from my campaign website in pdf format. Everyone who has read it says that they can’t put it down. One Dr. told me he stayed up until 3:00am reading it. Another, an escapee from communist Yugoslavia, wrote a glowing testimonial. She understands.

The bottom line is that the vote in NH is being sold to the highest bidder by LHS Associates. The Chairman and CEO of LHS Associates is John “The Cat” Silvestro. A man “known to authorities” in Massachusetts. Both parties know this and both are OK with it. This is not new. We reported on it in 2008, 2009 and 2010. Now President Trump, Mike Lindell, Dinesh D’Sousa and others are all screaming as if this were new and more power to them. It is may be new to them but not to me or the dead and disappeared witnesses associated with the voter fraud.

All of my US Senate opponents are using the NH GOP talking points. None of those talking points include prosecuting “These Guys” for the admitted political assassination of Dr. Hieber or getting rid of John “The Cat” Silvestro who has chain of custody of nearly 90% of the votes in NH.

Following is an metaphore of how your vote is being counted in NH.

If you go to your bank to cash a $1,000 check and ask the teller for 50, $20 bills. It is counted out in front of you and put in an envelope. But before handing it to you, it is handed to a 3rd party, someone in a small darkened room with blacked out windows. You question the teller and she says, “They do the final accounting of your money. Please go outside and your money will arrive in a tube.” You do as asked and find out that you are $20.00 short. You re-enter the bank to address the missing $20.00 and the teller says “Sorry. They are the final counters of your money.” How many seconds would it take before you closed your account at that bank?

That is exactly how your vote is counted in NH. The shady and secretive John “The Cat” Silvestro owns all of the vote counting machines in NH. He has chain of custody of your ballot. He transfers the ballot count to a computer chip delivered to the NH Secretary of State. The corrupt Secretary of State accepts the vote count without question from a company with ties to the Mob! Then the votes are posted for the news reporters. If the votes are questioned, the stall goes into effect to run the candidate in circles for months or years. Sound familiar? Dinesh D’Souza exposes 2000 mules stealing your vote. In NH there is only one mule. He is actually a cat, John “The Cat” Silvestro. There are reports of truckloads of ballots being delivered in the middle of the night to all of the population centers in Southern NH on election night to be counted by John “The Cat” and his vote counting machines in order to cover the spread. And……Both parties are OK with that?? No investigations?? What Dinesh D’Sousa has uncovered in the 2020 vote we uncovered in 2008! Because of that, I was threatened with getting shot.

In Florida, there is a new bill designed to prosecute voter fraud. It passed on a strictly party line vote. I was surprised! No law against wide spread voter fraud In Florida? In Florida the Democrats are the party of voter fraud.

In NH, both parties are OK with voter fraud. There are no consequences if you are caught rigging the vote. It is all out in the open and both parties are complicit. In NH…….. wide spread voter fraud is legal. Just don’t do it locally. Vote twice in NH and you get arrested and prosecuted. Produce thousands and thousands of fraudulent votes on a computer chip from a computerized vote counting machine that a 12 year old can hack and you are rewarded with a new contract to do it again in the next election cycle.

Despite undisputed proof of consistent and persistent voter fraud in NH, none of my US Senate opponents are making an issue of it. They are all talking around the big cat in the room with a suit and tie as if he did not exist.

Until these fraudsters get arrested, prosecuted and convicted for their crimes of voter fraud, nothing will change and I will not win. Isn’t that their goal??

Gerard Beloin for US Senate 2022

© 2022 Gerard Beloin – All Rights Reserved

You can reach Mr. Beloin here: gerardbeloin@gbforussenate.com

[BIO: Gerard Beloin is a manufacture, distributor and installer of high performance commercial roofing systems. He turned TaxPayer Watchdog for the roofing industry and uncovered a rats nest of corruption in 2005 related to voter fraud. In 2008, 09 and 10 the crap hit the fan. He wrote a book exposing organized crime in NH politics. The bodies of 11 dead subpoenaed witnesses have piled up and more are coming. Since no-one in NH politics is doing anything about it…….. he decided to run for the US Senate to help effect change in the voter laws in NH. Like the NYC District Attorneys allowing criminals to run free, the NH Attorney Generals Office has allowed John “The Cat” Silvestro to run wild in NH since 1985!!]

Our Lying Corporate Media II: Demonizing Putin

By Steven Yates

March 27, 2022

“Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.”  —Walter Scott, Marmion: A Tale of Flodden Field (standard text dated 1833)

“I want the truth!” “You can’t handle the truth!” —Lt. Daniel Kaffee (Tom Cruise) and Col. Nathan R. Jessup (Jack Nicholson), A Few Good Men (1992).

It is probably fair to say that Russian President Vladimir Putin is the most demonized man on the planet right now.More so than Kim Jong-Un, even when North Korea’s psychotic tyrant is having family members killed and conducting sadistic public executions. These range from firing squads with family members forced to watch, to anti-aircraft missiles that blow the condemned to bloody pieces in front of thousands of traumatized people.

Real crimes against humanity never get attention from our lying corporate media because North Korea has nothing GloboCorp wants. Maybe this is true of Yemen as well….

Casual brutalities aside, I find it amazing how many people seem able to get inside Vladimir Putin’s head. I’ve heard each of the following:

  • Putin is an autocratic dictator who wants to rebuild the Soviet Union and plunder Eastern Europe all over again.
  • Putin is insane, crazy, loco.
  • Putin is evil.
  • Putin is a thug and a war criminal (sayeth “Joe Biden,”e., a Bidenista handler).

Very rarely I’ve heard:

  • Putin is “one of them,” i.e., a closet globalist.

I almost never hear:

  • Putin is a Russian nationalist.

In the case of (1): he cut his teeth as a KGB agent. That was well over thirty years ago. (Incidentally, he will be 70 this year.)

I don’t know how to evaluate (2) since I’m not inside the man’s head, but I’ll venture to say, I don’t think so. We’ll see why below. Regarding those who believe (3) or (4), I would recommend a little less Netflix.

(5) and (6) alone are credible. One can hope that (5) is false, but mere hoping doesn’t affect the truth. Just in case, can we handle the truth? I’ll come back to this at the end, and in Part Two (to appear next week).

In the meantime, Putin is sure talking like a Russian nationalist, and that favors (6).

Corporate media typically blacks out English translations of his exact words.

He recently addressed an entourage of regional leaders in the Russian Federation and discussed the economic warfare being waged against Russia. He also spoke directly to the Russian people and to the world at large, including Americans.

To see how Western corporate media works, all you have to do is compare what Putin actually said to the demonic images conjured up. Actually reading the speech might prove helpful! That’s if access hasn’t been blocked by the time this is posted!

What we learn: the gaslighting and fomented hysterics that worked so well to paralyze the masses during the plandemic have been transferred directly to Russia and Ukraine.

We stand with Ukraine is now as much a virtue-signaling mantra as Follow the Science.

Everything to do with Putin’s objections to NATO showing up on Russia’s borders is down the memory hole, just like the information about our immune systems, vaccines, and public health disappeared early last year to make room for the experimental mRNA injections.

Yahoo! News serves up what can be taken as typical. One headline reads (see for yourself): “Putin echoes Stalin in ‘very, very scary’ speech.”

The first line reads:

The speech that Russian President Vladimir Putin made on Wednesday bore the hallmarks of unapologetic authoritarianism, Russia experts and observers said.

Which “experts” and “observers”?

The late Nikita Khrushchev’s granddaughter, for one, whom one would expect to be a credible source. But Nina Khrushcheva is an academic, ensconced in the (hard-leftist, globalist) New School for Social Research in New York City, where she is a professor of international relations. She is only quoted as saying, “We are well past 1934,” that being the year Stalin took power. No evidence is offered of her actually connecting anything Putin said to Stalin.

Following up, an Olga Lautman, identified as a senior fellow at the (globalist) Center for European Policy Analysis, was quoted: “Putin really wants to take Russia back to Stalin days…. He has always admired Stalin, and this speech is definitely angrier and stronger than previous speeches.” We’ll find out below if this is credible or not.

It was Bill Browder, identified as an investor (not a historian or authority on Russia), who used the epithet very, very scary. This he does on that renowned repository of international affairs expertise, the University of Twitter. He cites another Twitter verse denizen named Michael Elgort who invites us “to see what a speech of true fascism looks like.”

I have to wonder if these Establishment-anointed “experts” and other Twitterati read the same speech I did. I saw no references to Stalin. Maybe I just missed them. Should we wonder if this really is just another psyop: another concerted GloboCorp effort against a nationalist blocking their path to total global domination?

I can’t vouch for the translation as I don’t read Russian, but I’ve edited very little (I’ve even stuck with the translator’s British spellings). You be the judge. Putin:

We are meeting in a complicated period as our Armed Forces are conducting a special military operation in Ukraine and Donbass. I would like to remind you that at the beginning, on the morning of February 24, I publicly announced the reasons for and the main goal of Russia’s actions. It is to help our people in Donbass, who have been subjected to real genocide for nearly eight years in the most barbarous ways, that is, through blockade, large-scale punitive operations, terrorist attacks and constant artillery raids. Their only guilt was that they demanded basic human rights: to live according to their forefathers’ laws and traditions, to speak their native language, and to bring up their children as they want.

During these years, the Kiev authorities have ignored and sabotaged the implementation of the Minsk Package of Measures for a peaceful settlement of the crisis and ultimately late last year openly refused to implement it.

They also started to implement plans to join NATO. Moreover, the Kiev authorities also announced their intention to have nuclear weapons and delivery vehicles. This was a real threat. With foreign technical support, the pro-Nazi Kiev regime would have obtained weapons of mass destruction in the foreseeable future and, of course, would have targeted them against Russia.

In my last article I reviewed how the U.S./NATO axis has violated every agreement it made not to expand NATO eastward eventually ending up on Russia’s borders. I compared Russian sentiment to how Americans would view a Russian international network expanding into Mexico and building military bases — and God knows what else — practically on America’s southern border.

Putin is just leading up to his contention that the U.S. was overseeing bioweapons facilities with the cooperation of the bought Kiev regime, instilled back in 2014 through the CIA-backed coup:

There was a network of dozens of laboratories in Ukraine, where military biological programmes were conducted under the guidance and with the financial support of the Pentagon, including experiments with coronavirus strains, anthrax, cholera, African swine fever and other deadly diseases. Frantic attempts are being made to conceal traces of these secret programmes. However, we have grounds to assume that components of biological weapons were being created in direct proximity to Russia on the territory of Ukraine.

For this, Western media accused Putin of promoting “coronavirus conspiracies.” I am sure he was as impressed as we are. After all, none other than arch-globalist Victoria Nuland has confessed that these biological laboratories are (or were) real. Continuing:

Our numerous warnings that such developments posed a direct threat to the security of Russia were rejected with open and cynical arrogance by Ukraine and its US and NATO patrons.

In other words, all our diplomatic efforts were fully in vain. We have been left with no peaceful alternative to settle the problems that developed through no fault of ours. In this situation, we were forced to begin this special military operation.

Putin denies wanting to assimilate Ukraine into the Russian Federation except for the two breakaway regions that are mostly ethnic Russian. He charges the government in Kiev with carrying on ethnic cleansing in those regions, alleging further that eventually Kiev would move on Crimea which joined the Russian Federation in 2014 after a democratic vote:

I must note that, encouraged by the United States and other Western countries, Ukraine was purposefully preparing for a scenario of force, a massacre and an ethnic cleansing in Donbass. A massive onslaught on Donbass and later Crimea was just a matter of time. However, our Armed Forces have shattered these plans.

Kiev was not just preparing for war, for aggression against Russia – it was conducting it. There were endless attempts to stage acts of subversion and organise a terrorist underground in Crimea. Hostilities in Donbass and the shelling of peaceful residential areas have continued all these years. Almost 14,000 civilians, including children have been killed over this time.

As you know, there was a missile strike at the centre of Donetsk on March 14. This was an overt bloody act of terror that took over 20 lives.

Needless to say this went unreported in Western media, as Putin goes on to note. Zelenskyy has been portrayed as a saint, and his government depicted as under siege. This last might be true, but for entirely different reasons than are reported.

Continuing with a few more highlights:

Clearly, Kiev’s Western patrons are just pushing them to continue the bloodshed. They incessantly supply Kiev with weapons and intelligence, as well as other types of assistance, including military advisers and mercenaries.

They are using economic, financial, trade and other sanctions against Russia as weapons, but these sanctions have backfired in Europe and in the United States where prices of gasoline, energy and food have shot up, and jobs in the industries associated with the Russian market have been cut. So, do not shift the blame on us and do not accuse our country of everything that goes wrong in your countries.

I don’t think Putin has this quite right. The U.S. does not import much Russian oil. Price inflation is a result of Federal Reserve money printing that had been going full blast ever since the meltdown of 2008. But that’s a different article.

Speaking of the problems in our hemisphere, here is where things really get interesting:

I want ordinary Western people to hear me, too. You are being persistently told that your current difficulties are the result of Russia’s hostile actions and that you have to pay for the efforts to counter the alleged Russian threat from your own pockets. All of that is a lie.

The truth is that the problems faced by millions of people in the West are the result of many years of actions by the ruling elite of your respective countries, their mistakes, and short-sighted policies and ambitions. This elite is not thinking about how to improve the lives of their citizens in Western countries. They are obsessed with their own self-serving interests and super profits.

This can be seen in the data provided by international organisations, which clearly show that social problems, even in the leading Western countries, have exacerbated in recent years, that inequality and the gap between the rich and the poor is widening, and racial and ethnic conflicts are making themselves felt. The myth of the Western welfare society, the so-called golden billion, is crumbling.

To reiterate, the whole planet is now paying for the West’s ambitions and the West’s attempts to maintain its dominance by any means possible.

Holy conflagration, Batman! Small wonder GloboCorp’s bought “experts” find Putin scary!

It sounds here like he has their number, and doesn’t care who knows it, even if this means playing a very dangerous game!

In other words:

Corporate media is feeding us lies, and not just about Russia! As I noted in my previous article, both government and corporate media have lied about nearly every significant event going back so many decades you might as well stop counting!

Visible political classes serve the American Deep State which in turn serves GloboCorp—the super elite, call them what you will; Putin’s term is “the ruling elite.” Our lying corporate media is owned by the super elite frequently working through such entities as the Atlantic Council and the CIA. Goes without saying, they do not seek to improve the lives of ordinary people because, as I also observed, to them we peasants are the moral equivalent of cattle: to be bred, or not (depopulated with fake vaccines?), subjected to political-economic forces we never voted for, and otherwise moved about like chess pieces.

Refuseniks can expect economic warfare. As Robert Kadlec, military physician and one of the godfathers of bioweapons research wrote back in 1998:

“[T]he twenty-first century will be a century of economic warfare…. [The] emergence of economic competition … raises the possibility of a new form of warfare. This includes the development and use of biological warfare (BW) against economic targets.”

This guy was a prime mover of Operation Warp Speed back in 2020!

Returning to Putin:

…We must clearly understand that a new package of sanctions and restrictions would have been imposed on us no matter what…. For the West, our military operation in Ukraine is just a pretext for imposing more sanctions on us…. In the same way, the West used the referendum in Crimea as a pretext, which, by the way, took place on March 16, 2014, eight years ago today, when the residents of Crimea and Sevastopol made the free choice to be one with their historical homeland.

… The policy of containing and weakening Russia, including through economic isolation, a blockade, is a premeditated, long-term strategy. Western leaders are no longer hiding the fact that the sanctions are not directed against individuals or companies. Their goal is to deliver a blow to our entire economy, our social and cultural sphere, every family, and every Russian citizen.

In fact, the steps designed to make the lives of millions of people worse have all the attributes of an aggression, a war by economic, political, and informational means, and it is of a comprehensive and blatant nature. Again, the West’s top political circles do not even hesitate to talk about it openly.

Again: there was no “Russian invasion” of Crimea in 2014 outside Western corporate media fabrications. Globalists — based primarily, after all, in the Anglo-European world (New York City; the City of London; Brussels; Basle and Davos in Switzerland) — seem to wish to destroy Russia no less than they wish an end to American Constitutionalism.

Read on for more clues:

I want to be as direct as possible: hostile geopolitical designs lie behind the hypocritical talk and recent actions by the so-called collective West. They have no use – simply no use – for a strong and sovereign Russia, and they will not forgive us for our independent policy or for standing up for our national interests….

Yes … they will back the so-called fifth column, national traitors – those who make money here in our country but live over there, and “live” not in the geographical sense of the word but in their minds, in their servile mentality…

I do not in the least condemn those who have villas in Miami or the French Riviera, who cannot make do without foie gras, oysters or gender freedom as they call it. That is not the problem, not at all. The problem, again, is that many of these people are, essentially, over there in their minds and not here with our people and with Russia. In their opinion – in their opinion! – it is a sign of belonging to the superior caste, the superior race. People like this would sell their own mothers just to be allowed to sit on the entry bench of the superior caste. They want to be just like them and imitate them in everything. But they forget or just completely fail to see that even if this so-called superior caste needs them, it needs them as expendable raw material to inflict maximum damage on our people.

The collective West is trying to divide our society using, to its own advantage, combat losses and the socioeconomic consequences of the sanctions, and to provoke civil unrest in Russia and use its fifth column in an attempt to achieve this goal. As I mentioned earlier, their goal is to destroy Russia.

But any nation, and even more so the Russian people, will always be able to distinguish true patriots from scum and traitors and will simply spit them out like an insect in their mouth, spit them onto the pavement. I am convinced that a natural and necessary self-detoxification of society like this would strengthen our country, our solidarity and cohesion and our readiness to respond to any challenge.

The so-called collective West and its fifth column are accustomed to measuring everything and everyone by their own standards. They believe that everything is for sale and everything can be bought, and therefore they think we will break down and back off. But they do not know our history and our people well enough.

This is the bottom line, is it not?

Do we not see here condemnation of an Empire crumbling under the weight not just of its imperial ambitions but the corruption of its markets from its materialism? The prevailing faith in Russia these days is Orthodoxy.

Authoritarianism? Where?

Stalinism? Where?

“Very, very, scary”?

The only ones I see running in fear are those scared that their media fabrications might be exposed, or that their biolabs will be exposed to the disinfectant of daylight once the Russians get finished in Ukraine.

This all portrays Putin as a Russian nationalist, and since part of the GloboCorp-controlled Establishment playbook is to demonize nationalists as proto-fascists, Putin’s demonizing all across Western media follows. It has nothing to do with “authoritarianism.” As we see from the Kim Jong-Un example, the globalists couldn’t care less what a really bloodthirsty tyrant does!

Likewise, the carnage in Yemen receives no Western media coverage whatsoever!

But is there more to this story than meets the eye?

There is concern that Ukraine is just the next chapter in preparing the world’s masses for the Great Reset (see, e.g., this). I looked into these concerns, and the seem to me valid.

For what if this idea, that Putin is a Russian nationalist,turns out to be untrue?

But Yates (you ask), given the above speech, how could it be untrue?

One answer is that skilled actors give involved and sincere-sounding speeches in fiction films all the time.

Brandon Smith believes (5) above, that Putin is “one of them.” I’ve cited him before. He’s no fool. He’s an extremely meticulous observer and researcher. Many of his predictions over the years have been on target.

If it’s any help, Putin is no fool either!

Oh what tangled webs we weave….


Steven Yates’s new book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory (Wipf and Stock, 2021) is available here and here.

Do you wish me to continue? Please consider supporting my work on Patreon.com.

© 2022 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

Why Are The Biolabs Important

By Roger Anghis

March 27, 2022

We are seeing the continued exposure of the corruption of the Deep State with the exposure of the Biolabs in Ukraine. As soon as they were exposed the Biden administration began to deny their existence. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki did not directly address questions about the U.S.-funded “Biological Threat Reduction” biolaboratories in Ukraine.  On Thursday, however, she took to Twitter to blast the media for reporting on Russia-and China-backed “conspiracy theories.”  We took note of Russia’s false claims about alleged U.S. biological weapons labs and chemical weapons development in Ukraine.” Jen Psaki said on Twitter. “We’ve also seen Chinese officials echo these conspiracy theories” [1]

It has been rumored that these BioLabs may have been helping China with the Corna virus that was unleashed on the world in 2020. Victoria Nuland, Under Secretary for Political Affairs, admitted, while in testimony at a Senate Committee hearing, that there were Biolabs in Ukraine.  She was sly about the admission of the existence of the BioLabs by referring to them as “biological research facilities”.[2] Putin, I don’t think wants to destroy these labs for the obvious reason that blowing them up could possibly release whatever virus or contaminate they may be working on. Ukraine is on the Russian border and he doesn’t want that kind of threat to his nation to be on his border. I am not a supporter of Putin but I don’t blame him at all. We didn’t want Russian missiles sitting in Cuba 90 miles from our coast.

We need to look at the history of Victoria Nuland to understand why she is in the position that she is in and the damage that can cause. From 2003 to 2005 Victoria Nuland was THE principal foreign policy advisor to VP  Dick Cheney who in fact helped to both plan and manage the war to overthrow Saddam Hussein. Nuland was advising and assisting the Bush administration’s case for a preemptive military strike against Iraq for what they alleged were weapons of mass destruction. She argued that removing Saddam Hussein and installing a US “ally” would be simple and secure the Middle East – WRONG!. Nuland was also for the occupation of both Iraq and Afghanistan. Both were to be a strategic acquisition for her neocon agenda.

During the spring of 2011, Victoria Nuland became State Department spokesperson under Hillary Clinton. It was Nuland who pushed for “regime change” to also overthrow Moammar Ghaddafi of Libya. UN Security Council resolution 1973 authorized a “No Fly Zone” for the protection of civilians so she claimed. Then Nuland turned to try to do the same in Syria. Instead of looking at how dangerous Nuland was becoming to world peace, the Clintons retained Nuland for she argued to overthrow Ghaddafi who they always paint as the devil just as she did with Saddam.  Demonizing these heads of state, Nuland turned the same strategy on Assad of Syria. She has always demonized her opponent to justify sending in arms to insurgents seeking to overthrow this time the Syrian government. In January 2012, Nuland claimed that the US is “on the side of those wanting peaceful change in Syria.” She has lied to the people every time to support her neocon agenda that people of the United States are never allowed to vote on. While professing she wanted a peaceful overthrow of the regime, she was supplying weapons for the violent overthrow. This was confirmed in secret DOD documents which state:

“During the immediate aftermath of, and following the uncertainty caused by, the downfall of the [Qaddafi] regime in October 2011 and up until early September of 2012, weapons from the former Libya military stockpiles located in Benghazi, Libya were shipped from the port of Benghazi, Libya to the ports of Banias and the Port of Borj Islam, Syria.” [3]

Nuland, John McCain, and Lindsy Graham were all involved in the regime change in Ukraine in 2014. Nuland herself handpicked the new regime. Nuland worked hard to push for the overthrow of Yanukovich and I can confirm that the people were being told to accept the replacement government selected with the approval of Nuland or they would lose the support of the West. It was in early February 2014 when an audio recording of Nuland talking to the US Ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt, was leaked to the public. The conversation showed the world just how ruthless Nuland truly is for she then said “F**k the EU.” It is always her neocon agenda which neither Congress nor the people are ever informed even exists.[4]

The Biden administration originally denied there were Biolabs in Ukraine then they stated that they were Ukraine’s Biolabs and now reports are coming in that our Pentagon heavily funded these labs that were launched by then-Senator Barack Obama: The Russian Defense Department has presented documents allegedly proving US-Ukrainian bio-research was conducted with the Ukrainian military. Gateway Pundit has the receipts.

The Pentagon acknowledges that the US has spent $200 million on programs in 46 biolabs in Ukraine since launched by young Senator Barack Obama in 2005.

US officials have so far insisted the funding went solely to the Ukrainian Ministry of Health for civilian purposes. Allegedly the program was designed to dispose of Soviet-era bioweapons materials. This does not explain why it is necessary to open dozens of new biolabs costing $200 million.

“There are no U.S. military-run labs in Ukraine,” said Andy Weber, a member of the Arms Control Association Board of Directors and a former Assistant Secretary of Defense for nuclear, chemical, and biological defense programs, according to PolitiFact. “Rather, the U.S. Department of Defense Cooperative Threat Reduction Program has provided technical support to the Ukrainian Ministry of Health since 2005 to improve public health laboratories, whose mission is analogous to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,” Weber said, according to PolitiFact.

“There are no Ukrainian biological weapons laboratories supported by the United States — not near Russia’s border or anywhere”, stated U.S. Representative to the United Nations  Linda Thomas-Greenfield on Friday, March 18.

Speaking to the UN Security Council on Friday, Russian representative Vassily Nebenzia asserted “documents signed by the head of the DTRA (Defense Threat Reduction Agency) office at the US Embassy in Kiev Joanna Wintrol” prove the Pentagon’s DTRA was working directly with the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense on bioresearch (Gateway reported).

Today, Gateway Pundit presents these documents.[5]

Note that these labs were initiated by the Democrats, funded by the Democrats, then denied by the Democrats, but are now fully exposed as Democrat operations.  There aren’t the six or eight that Nuland suggested but forty-six.  Just what are the Democrats working on?

We will only get to a point where we can trust our government again when we replace our so-called representatives with god-fearing, honest men and women that believe in the principles our nation was founded on.

© 2022 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis: roger@buildingthetruth.org

Foot Notes

  1. Jen Psaki lashes out at media for reporting on pentagon funded Ukraine biolabs
  2. Senator Rubio questions undersecretary Nuland biolabs Ukraine
  3. Martin Armstrong/The US its secret biological weapons labs
  4. Martin Armstrong/The US its secret biological weapons labs
  5. Russian accusations pentagon reportedly spent 200 million bioresearch Ukraine numerous facilities

YOU are Non-Essential and Unsustainable

By Lex Greene

March 26, 2022

Not according to me of course, but according to the new leaders of the One World Order, Klaus Schwab (WEF), Bill Gates, George Soros, Anthony Fauci, Mark Zuckerberg, and all of their installed COVID19 GLOBAL RESET partners, Barack Obama (USA), PM Justin Trudeau (Canada), French President Macron, the WEF, IMF, UN, NATO, EU, hundreds of international corporations, including Pfizer, Moderna and J&J, and so many more.

This is exactly how Marxism, Socialism and Communism work. No one has any human or natural Rights. It’s all about the “greater common good.” Of course, it’s always about the greater common good of the ruling class elites, not you. Guess who gets to decide if YOU are essential and sustainable…and on what basis?

To them, YOU have never been “essential” in their world. In fact, you are mostly just a problem, an “eater,” someone who brings little or nothing to the grand table, and is merely a “taker” in society, a “liability,”…or… a non-compliant producer constantly causing trouble for the elites in their pursuit of total power over everyone and everything.

In their world, there are only three classes of people…only two of them“essential”

  1. The elite Ruling Class (them)
  2. The “eaters,” those who offer the world little or nothing of value (half of you)
  3. The “producers,” those who keep the world spinning through personal productivity and pay all of the bills (the other half of you)

Class #1 (them) is the most important class. Everyone else is expendable in the protection and sustainability of “them,” the ruling class elites.

Class #2 (the eaters) has temporary value. They can be easily manipulated and used to vote everyone into bondage under Class #1 rule, due to their unquenchable lust for “free gifts” paid for by Class #3, the “producers.” But once everyone is voted into bondage, Class #2 no longer has any value to Class #1.They are not only entirely expendable, but they must also be eliminated as they “eat” everything Class #1 is trying to possess for themselves.

Class #3 (the producers) are necessary, but only if they can be totally controlled. Class #1 needs “producers” to keep the elite in the lifestyles of the rich and famous that they are accustomed to. Anyone in Class #3 who cannot be totally controlled is the biggest problem of all, and therefore, they must be eliminated first. ALL of Class #2 will be eliminated when the “reset” is complete.

That will leave only two classes, the Ruling elites who make up Class #1, and producers in Class #3 that were willing to surrender their freedom and liberty, go-along to get-along, in order to remain necessary and desirable to Class #1.

Once Class #2 helps Class #1 gain complete power over everyone and everything, in their quest for free stuff, no one will need Class #2 at all anymore. They will be entirely eliminated, as in, that class will no longer exist. Why would they? They take everything and provide absolutely nothing.

Sadly, atop the list of mere “eaters” according to the ruling class is the elderly, those who worked and paid taxes their entire lives, but are now just a financial liability for Class #1. They don’t work, earn, and pay taxes anymore, and no one needs government benefits from Social Security and Medicare more than they do. No matter how much of a producer they might have been earlier in their lives, they are just “eaters” now. They have to go in the Marxist reset!

Troublemakers have to go at the same time…People who refuse to comply with Class #1 “mandates” due to some silly notion that they are a free people in a free country, protected by outdated founding documents no one really cares about anymore, and a constant headache for Class #1. They are totally “non-essential and unsustainable.”

I’m not sure why so many are upset about this new world view at this point…we’ve been killing millions of Natural Born American Citizens for decades, ever since Roe v Wade. It never bothered most Americans, especially a majority of women who vote almost exclusively on their so-called “right” to kill millions more. Some states are proposing legislation that will allow women to kill their kids even outside the womb now.

Killing the “non-essential and unsustainable” is nothing new in the USA. We’ve been doing it for years. After all, no infant is “essential or sustainable” on their own. They are just another class of “eaters.” But I guess when YOU become the next target, suddenly, life has value… right?

There are many methods of eliminating the “non-essential and unsustainable” which have already been accepted or tolerated by the majority of U.S. Citizens.

  • Infanticide – the intentional killing of an infant.
  • Genocide – The systematic and widespread extermination or attempted extermination of a national, racial, religious, or ethnic group, by a government or governing body.
  • Suicide – the act or an instance of taking one’s own life voluntarily and intentionally, often promoted by misguided social circumstances. (any cancel culture)
  • Lethal injection – a method of human execution.
  • Execution – the carrying out or putting into effect of a plan, order, or course of action.
  • Many more…

Convinced by Class #1 that the world will cease to exist if we don’t eliminate up to 2/3 of the current world population, so-called “Climate Change” which is very easily proven to be false on its face, provides the needed moral justification for killing off billions of people worldwide.

Believing that they are “saving the planet” by murdering billions of people allows the average idiot to feel morally justified in so doing. They can sleep well at night after a few hits from their vape pen, knowing that they are “saving the world,” or at least allowing Class #1 to save the world by killing billions of innocent people. They are told they are heroes…

Little do they (Class #2) know that they are the most non-essential and unsustainable humans on earth, once the global reset is complete.

As for Class #3 Citizens, in the USA specifically. They have been so concerned with holding on to their careers, their assets, their earnings, and lifestyles that they couldn’t be bothered with stopping the commie reset from ever happening at all.

The go-along to get-along plan they hold so dear, will guarantee they will lose everything in the end, and become mere servants of the global reset cabal. As Klaus Schwab stated so clearly, in the end, YOU will own nothing and be happy. I’m sure that statement is half true, the own nothing part.

While Class #3 waits for someone else to do something, they ignore the reality that there is no one else to do it. Who’s going to do it, Class #1, or Class #2 folks? Will the swamp drain itself? Will the eaters rise up to defend freedom and liberty?

There isn’t a second civil war on the way in the USA. We are under a global “color revolution” right now and someday, way down the line, by some generation not yet born, there will have to be another bloody freedom revolution. The current generations allowed freedom and liberty to die in the USA, which means freedom and liberty will exist nowhere on earth.

Until one day, far off in the future, humans will rise for the sake of freedom once again. It all could have been avoided, but it wasn’t. Americans simply forgot what was really most important in our lives. Without freedom and liberty, we will have nothing but misery in common.

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lex Greene: NWVLexGreene@gmail.com

Educated Idiots All Around Us

By Cliff Kincaid

March 26, 2022

When even the communists say Putin is giving communism a bad name, you know the Russians are in trouble. Writing in the People’s World, a top American communist says Putin, the veteran communist and KGB spy, has got to go. Putin, he claims, has gone capitalist and “nationalist” and is threatening communist plans for “collective security” through the United Nations.

The communists, apparently, are calling in their chips on Ukraine because they are about to capture a seat on the Supreme Court and don’t want a foreign war as a distraction. Cultural Marxism, which includes DNA denial, is now front and center.  Biden’s Supreme Court nominee, picked because she is a black woman, refused to define the word “woman” on the grounds that “I’m not a biologist.”

With the Harvard-educated Ketanji Brown Jackson on the court, “I Am Woman,” a song by Helen Reddy, could be banned, as could Shania Twain’s song, “Man! I Feel Like A Woman.”

During the midst of Women’s History Month, there are no women.

Jackson also claimed there is a “right” to abortion in the Constitution, when no such right exists.

It should be clear we are surrounded by educated idiots who obscure the basic meaning of terms for ideological purposes.

The other amazing disclosure in the Jackson hearing was that she gave lenient sentences to child pornographers because it is so easy to obtain and distribute child pornography through the Internet.

Feminist icon Ruth Bader Ginsburg knew what a woman was, but she was so pro-abortion that even during her confirmation hearings she refused to recognize the humanity of the unborn. For that reason, Senator Jesse Helms called her “callous.” But he was one of only three Senators to vote against her.

Helms, from North Carolina, was not a member of the club.

The late Justice Antonin Scalia blew the whistle on the nature of their club.

In the same-sex marriage case Obergefell v. Hodges, Scalia (a Catholic) wrote that the Court was “strikingly unrepresentative” of America.

Scalia wrote, “Take, for example, this Court, which consists of only nine men and women, all of them successful lawyers who studied at Harvard or Yale Law School. Four of the nine are natives of New York City. Eight of them grew up in east- and west-coast States. Only one hails from the vast expanse in-between. Not a single Southwesterner or even, to tell the truth, a genuine Westerner (California does not count). Not a single evangelical Christian (a group that comprises about one quarter of Americans19), or even a Protestant of any denomination.”

Unfortunately, the author of that gay marriage decision, Anthony Kennedy, will go down in history as “the first gay justice” for his bizarre rulings in favor of homosexual rights. He also upheld Roe v. Wade, which has led to 60 million abortions.

The DNA deniers like Kennedy and Jackson have undermined traditional families – a stated goal of Karl Marx.

A communist writer backing Jackson notes that she may be the court’s “first former journalist,” as her disclosure form to the Senate Judiciary Committee shows that in 1992-93, concurrent with getting her undergraduate degree from Harvard and entering Harvard Law School, her first job was as a Time magazine reporter.

She should be questioned as to whether the term “journalist” can be defined.

By the way, the term “women” appears 27 times in her disclosure report, such as participation in an “Empowering Women of Color” event and the “Women’s Bar Association of the District of Columbia.”

In order to understand Cultural Marxism, which denies women are women, note that the founder of the modern gay rights movement, Harry Hay, was a member of the Communist Party who wore a dress and promoted the North American Man-Boy Love Association and the occult. He divorced his wife, after being diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease, before heading off on his perverted journey, finally declaring himself to be a Fairy.

A psychiatric report on the Harvard-educated Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski, said his mental state had deteriorated to the point where he had “fantasies of being a female” and “became convinced that he should undergo sex change surgery.” This modern-day Luddite staged an 18-year bombing campaign that killed three people and injured many more before his capture by the FBI in 1996.

Today, such bizarre thoughts are apparently considered completely normal by the Democratic Party and their nominees to the High Court.

© 2022 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid: kincaid@comcast.net

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc. www.usasurvival.org

America First Political Action Committee (afpac) 2022 Conference

By Sidney Secular

March 25, 2022

Your publisher took a short “sort of” sabbatical to trek to Orlando, Florida on February 25th to attend – and report – on the one-day conference of AFPAC. This is the third of these (hopefully) annual events that are bringing together many of the leading voices of true traditional conservatism to lead the charge for a renewal of the American spirit and the patriotism that goes with it.

AFPAC conferences shine a light on the diametric differences between itself and the conferences of the Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC) held at the same time and in approximately the same geographical venue. CPAC represents the existing, if tiresome program of the old school and RINO “wings” of the Republican Party that, though becoming anachronisms, still dominate the definition of conservatism, the GOP and what both are supposed to represent. For that very reason, far too many people remained deceived by CPAC’s deluded approach to the American political scene.

On the other hand, AFPAC is fighting for a renewal of the Historic American Nation against the forces of corruption and decadence threatening to wash over us like a red tsunami. The America First Foundation is a 501(c) (4) nonprofit that provides support for America First projects in its mission to be the organization that will advocate, promote, and educate people on conservative values based on the principles of American Nationalism, Christianity and Traditionalism. Anyone who is interested and involved in the issues of the day must visit the website AmericaFirstFoundation.org.

The President and Founder of AFPAC is Nick Fuentes, the 23 year-old “veteran” of the fight against the forces of degradation which include the RINOs, the Demonrats and all the rest of the New World “orderlies.” Fuentes is host of the immensely popular and successful live-stream show America First, he has hosted since February of 2017. He initiated the pro-Trump “Groyper” movement and is pushing fake, lukewarm “shamservatives” like Charlie Kirk and Ben Shapiro to take harder stances on central issues such as immigration, big tech and the depredations of the American empire. In 2020, Fuentes led many peaceful demonstrations against the massive voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election and later traveled all over the country to rally Americans against the criminal vaccine mandates. For these efforts, his assets were seized by the Feds and he was unjustly placed on the Federal No-Fly list despite not being charged with any crime. Banned from nearly the entire internet, Fuentes has created his own censorship-proof streaming platform site that is pioneering the blossoming of free thought and expression online and from the look of things, if he is successful, his might be the only platform of free speech and expression that remains in the “Land of the Unfree and the Home of the Frightened.”

The impressive gathering of some 1,200 shouting, foot-stomping, knowledgeable enthusiasts at the AFPAC convention were treated to speeches by the emerging national leader Marjorie Taylor Greene; the dynamic Vince James, founder of “The Red Elephants,”(www.TheRedElephants.com), pastor Jesse Lee Peterson;  radio host Stew Peters; Paul Gosar, on one of the leading conservative voices in Congress(who appeared via video); Andrew Torba, founder of Gab.com, the leading free speech social media network; Wendy Rogers, an outspoken Arizona State Senator; Joe Arpaio, America’s toughest sheriff who, as did Donald Trump, had his office stolen; Thomas Homan, former Director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement(ICE), and Janice McGeachin, Lt. Governor of Idaho. There were surprising but well deserved kudos to Jared Taylor, the indomitable voice of American Renaissance and White renewal for the past 30+ years; Michelle Malkin, the highly popular author and lecturer, and Peter Brimelow, the president of VDARE, a leading voice on immigration and America first issues as well as being author of the highly esteemed book, “Alien Nation”.

One impressive aspect of AFPAC is its out front, explicit Christian orientation. The attendees were nearly all in their 20s and 30s, with a goodly number of the fair sex present – a necessity for the stabilization and growth of any conservative movement. Liberal women have never learned that their strength as women was not to be found in pretending to be men, but in being women of the type of the late Phyllis Schlafly and others of whom it was once said, “The hand the rocks the cradle rules the world!” Unfortunately, the dearth of the middle aged and seniors was notable. Maybe these groups are not plugged into the internet sufficiently to know of the aforementioned websites, or maybe these older warriors have tired of fighting repeated, and sometimes bruising battles with the libs only to have to retreat from their reasonable positions and give way to the sway of the emotion laden appeals made to the masses that always seem to always carry the day – especially when your “conservative” politicians who pleaded for your vote to institute your agenda, immediately surrendered upon entering into their office! If so, the transfusion of new blood into the “movement” could provide the necessary rejuvenation to save the Historic American Nation. Still, it must be considered how many of these “youthful warriors” had as their inspiration, mothers and fathers who fought the good fight in their day!

Although not featured in the presentations, important literature from the group, “Republicans For National Renewal” was available. This is the group that could wrest control of the Republican Party from the RINOs and neo-cons. Please contact me for information on this organization. We are close to – but not yet at – the point at which our political system becomes irrelevant so we must be open to everything and anything that will help overcome our adversaries while there still is a functional political system!

© 2022 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Sidney Secular: Success_Express@yahoo.com

Living in a Dystopian Reality

by Servando Gonzalez

March 25, 2022

Treason doth never prosper; what’s the reason? For if it prosper, none dare call it treason. — Sir John Harrington

In The Truman Show, a film directed by Peter Weir, Truman Burbank, interpreted by Jim Carrey, lives in a wonderful world. He ignores, however, that this world is actually an illusion, artificially created in the form of a gigantic studio set, and his life is a nonstop TV show.

The Truman Show actually began airing when his mother was pregnant, and she gave birth to her son when the program was on-air. So, Truman has been immersed his whole life in this make-believe reality and he has no frame of reference to check the true value of this artificial world surrounding him.

He lives what he considers a normal, happy, average life in his home town, which a local newspaper calls “The best place on earth.”

Truman has a loving wife, a nice home, a good friend, a sort of boring, but stable job. He watches TV (not his own show, of course), reads mainstream news- papers and magazines, and votes every four years for the presidential candidate of one of the two contending parties. But, at the very bottom of his mind, Truman has this diffuse suspicion that there is something wrong with his life, though he has never been able to put a finger on it.

Then, one morning, while he is leaving his home on his way to work, some- thing unusual happens: a strange object drops from the “sky” (which is actually the studio ceiling) and, to his utter surprise, he realizes that it is a studio lamp. This event acts as a sort of epiphany that transforms his uneventful life. Unable to put aside this strange occurrence, he begins looking at things more carefully, and discovers that most events in his life follow a prearranged pattern, as if somebody behind the curtains is manipulating them.

In another scene of the film, one of the actresses, disgusted with her unethical role, confronts the program director and complains that everything in the show is a lie: “You’re a liar and a manipulator. What you’ve done to Truman is sick. Don’t you ever feel guilty?”

The director’s reply is highly revealing: “While the world he inhabits is in some aspects counterfeited, there’s nothing fake about Truman himself.” Another actor fully agrees with the director: “It’s all true. It’s all real. Nothing here is faked. Nothing you see in the show is faked. It’s merely controlled.”

Like Truman Burbank, I had suspected for many years that the world I was living in was manipulated, though I had been unable to get proof of it. It worked on my behalf, though, that, unlike Truman, I stopped watching TV and reading the mainstream media more than 30 years ago. But the studio lamp that dropped from the ceiling and gave me the first direct, irrefutable proof that things were not what they seemed, happened in Cuba, my native country, in the mid-Sixties.

One evening, I was visiting some friends in the Vedado section of Havana, where I was residing at the time and, as usual, the conversation diverted to politics. Immediately, all of those present began criticizing the Castro government. As expected, most of us put the blame of all the bad things going on in the country on Castro. And the reason for this, we believed, was because Castro was a Communist.

Then, another friend arrived, and he produced a book he had brought for us to see. It was an autobiography of Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi Minister of Propaganda. He opened the book and began reading a page in which Goebbels mentions how, in the trial for the failed coup d’état of 1924, Adolf Hitler took on his own defense and, after accusing the government in the strongest terms, he ended his speech with the phrase: “You may pronounce me guilty, but the eternal court of History will absolve me.”

I couldn’t believe my ears. I took the book in my hands, and checked its publication date. It was a Spanish translation, published in Argentina in the mid-fifties, of the original German edition. So it could not be a fake. I was astonished.

Now, you may be asking yourself why was I was so surprised. Well, when I tell you, I am sure you will be as surprised as I was.

In 1953 Fidel Castro tried to take power in Cuba through a coup d’état by an armed assault on an army garrison, the Moncada Barracks, in Santiago de Cuba, in the eastern part of the island, not far from the Guantánamo base. But the attack was a failure, and most of the attackers were killed by the army.

Castro abandoned his men and managed to escape, but soon after was apprehended. During the trial for the failed coup, he assumed his own defense and, after accusing the government in the strongest terms, he ended his speech with the phrase: “Condemn me, never mind. History will absolve me.” His defense speech has been published many times under the title “History Will Absolve Me,” and became an important symbol of his “revolution.”

But don’t take my word for it: go to Yahoo or Google or any Web search engine, and try this search: “Castro” & “Hitler” & “history will absolve me.” You will verify the fact by yourself.

The shocking fact that Castro, who most people had been brainwashed to believe was a Communist, had copied Hitler’s words verbatim, was a sort of epiphany that sent me on a long research on Castro’s fascist roots. In my research, I discovered that Castro was not only a fascist, but also that he was a CIA asset and, soon after he grabbed power in Cuba, became a Rockefeller agent. This research of more than thirty years culminated in my 2001 book The Secret Fidel Castro: Deconstructing the Symbol.

The world we live in today, which more and more is turning into a totalitarian nightmare very similar to Castro’s Cuba, is just the beginning of the implementation of what the Council on Foreign Relations conspirators call the New World Order. It is the result of more than a century of manipulation by the conspirators behind the curtains.

Most of what today we take for granted and perfectly natural —the destruction of the family,  women working outside the home and bringing their children to schools where they are brainwashed, a growing majority of children born out of wedlock, the extensive practice of abortion, the promotion of different styles of sexuality, the growing violence in society, the diminishing value of human life, the extensive use of drugs (both illegal and prescription), the militarization of police and the implementation of a police state, the loss of individual freedom under the pretext of protecting our health from a virus that most-likely didn’t exist, just to mention a few— is not the result of random natural forces or chance, it has been carefully planned this way.

But the most amazing thing is that, while most of the people in the world were publicly and strongly protesting against these draconian measures, most Americans, allegedly living in the land of the free, home of the brave, have accepted this new dystopian reality without complaints. Like obedient sheeple, most of them keep wearing their useless face masks all the time, maintain the stupid “social distance,” wash all surfaces they touch with a liquid that doesn’t kill any virus and obediently got shots of a “vaccine” that does not protect them because it is not a vaccine at all.

While Canadian truckers were ready to drive their trucks across the border to the U.S. in protest for the draconian measures, what do the patriots in the land of the free, home of the brave were doing? They were paying lot of money to watch a bunch of millionaires kick a ball after having disrespected the American flag.

What a shame! What a big shame!

[Be sure to read my book: “Psychological Warfare and the New World Order: The Secret War Against the American People.”]

© 2022 Servando Gonzales – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Servando Gonzales: servandoglez05@yahoo.com

A New Low: A Substitute Teacher Masturbating in Front of Class

by Lee Duigon

March 24, 2022

I encountered two nooze stories last week that practically knocked me out of my chair.

Our culture is in trouble.

The first bomb came from Nutley, New Jersey, a high-end town—or so we thought. A substitute teacher was arrested for masturbating in front of a high school class. Hard to imagine, isn’t it? But actually it gets harder.

This was his second offense! He was already being “investigated” for having done the same thing, a month and a half before, in a middle school classroom. One wonders how difficult this must have been to “investigate,” given a whole classroom full of witnesses. But thanks to politically powerful teachers’ unions, it’s almost impossible to fire a teacher… even if it’s only a sub, apparently. So while the “investigation” was going on, the school district gave this kook another teaching gig. This time he had to be arrested.

True, the standards aren’t high. If you can fog a mirror, you can substitute-teach—as long as the police aren’t already chasing you. But it’s really, really hard to imagine something like this really happening. Well, heck—Jeffrey Toobin did it on the air. In front of a camera.

As if it weren’t already bad enough that public schools have teachers teaching Critical Race Theory and transgender propaganda, they had to throw this into the mix? Why do parents still send their kids to public schools? Search me.

Then there was the other incident, this one from Portland, Oregon. We should probably expect this kind of thing from Portland; but we don’t.

Here a children’s hospital is teaching little boys to “tuck”—that is, “moving the penis, testicles, or both out of the way” to make the genital area look flat. They’re concentrating on little boys, but “people of all genders can tuck.” All genders—as if there were any more than two.

They grant you that taping one’s organs “out of the way” can leave you open to some pain when you peel the tape off to go to the bathroom. But they have other ways of meeting your “tucking needs.” (Okay, I’m sorry for these grotesque descriptions. But they’re the hospital administration’s words, not mine.)

I have never known anyone who had “tucking needs.” If you’re a child who’s so alienated from your own body parts that you have to pretend you don’t have them, you need heavy-duty help. You don’t need medical personnel teaching you how to cater to your delusion. Is this drag queen stuff, or what? Why are they doing this?

What do they have to do, to wake us up? Eat the children? How many would they have to consume in a week before the American people got rid of public education?

Because, you see, there’s no saving it. It’s too far gone. Every day there’s a new outrage. Oh, we could mobilize and elect a lot of sane and decent people to our boards of education; but that wouldn’t stop the teachers’ colleges from turning out weirdos; nor would it deter the state’s professional “education” theorists from brewing crackbrained schemes to use the schools to fundamentally transform America into a socialist hell-hole. I remember when school boards used to represent their communities and did it as best as they knew how. But now they sic the FBI on you and label you a domestic terrorist if you complain about their cooking.

There are many alternatives now to public schooling—homeschool, Christian school, neighborhood homeschooling co-ops—and they’re all better and safer than the public schools.

And if your little boy has tucking needs, you probably need help, too.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, http://leeduigon.com/ . Click the link and visit, while it’s still allowed. My articles can also be found at www.chalcedon.edu/ .

© 2022 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon: leeduigon@verizon.net

Where are the Papa Bears?

By Coach Dave Daubenmire

March 24, 2022

Christian influence in the world, especially in America, is waning.  The “land of the free and the home of the brave” is no longer free or brave.  Somewhere along the road to destruction the Body of Christ made the decision to stop “contending for the faith.”

According to the dictionary, contend is a strong, active verb.  It conjures up such synonyms as battle, compete, face off, fight, race, rival, vie.  When was the last time you heard a sermon from the six-foot popsicle standing in the pulpit that conjured up the competitive spirit in the heart of the pew sitters?

Perhaps that is why male testosterone is in such short supply in the world today.   You can check whatever version of the Bible you choose to use today and you will be hard-pressed to find the word “nice” when describing any of the characters that we classify today as “heroes” in the Faith Hall of Fame.

Sorry Charlie, but nice is not descriptive of those who laid down their lives that this nation might live.

Oh, they may have been nice…but that was not a prerequisite of Christian virtue as lived out through the history of Christianity.  Nice is a universal value.  Even pagans and God-haters can be nice.  The question is not are Christians nice, but does the Bible teach us to ALWAYS be nice?  Is there ever a time when it is permissible for Christians to “kick butts and take names?”  Is it un-Christian for Believers to fight?

Was Jesus a pacifist?  Did Jesus ever get angry?  Did He teach pacifism to His disciples?  Don’t you find it a bit ironic that when the Prince of Peace returns that He will be riding a white stallion and in “righteousness He will judge and make war?”

Jesus will judge?  Jesus will make war?  Are you flipping kidding me?  The Prince of Peace will return to even the score?  I thought we weren’t supposed to judge.  I thought we weren’t supposed to get angry. I thought we were only supposed to “pray” for our enemies.  You mean the Prince of Peace will return in vengeance to make war on the forces of darkness?

I wonder what He thinks of the passive, non-confrontational gospel emanating out of America’s pulpits today?  I wonder what He thinks of social distancing, mask wearing, non-essential churches, and tyrannical government?  I wonder, if He were in Congress today, if the Prince of Peace would spend all of His time compromising and reaching across the aisle to find common ground with the enemies of the cross?

Would Jesus be for homo-marriage, abortion, Critical Race Theory, Climate change legislation and the teaching of evolution to America’s children?  I wonder what He would have to say about “the separation of church and state?”  I wonder if they would let Him pray before a football game?

There are a lot of things I wonder about.  I wonder if some of the men in America’s pulpits are only telling me part of the story.  I wonder if sitting passively on the pew, if hiding in my “prayer closet” is really all that My Savior expects of me.  What does it mean to be a Christian?  How would I recognize one?  What does it mean to be Saved?

I know what I am “saved” FROM but have you ever asked what you were saved FOR?  Is there something we are supposed to DO once we are saved?

Biblical scholars will tell us that the book of Jude was written by the half-brother of Jesus Christ.  I would assume it is safe to believe that Jude knew his brother pretty well and it is in his letter that we are exhorted to “earnestly contend for the faith.”

What would that look like today…contending?  Would it mean to stay away from politics?  Would it mean to remain silent in the face of evil?  Would it mean to look the other way when the foundations of the faith are being destroyed?  Is that what Paul did?  Or Peter?  How about those found in the Faith Hall of Fame in Hebrews 11 which the Scriptures tell us that “the world was not worthy” of them?

How did Christianity become so passive in the face of the onslaught of evil?  Who taught us to blend in…not make waves…go along to get along…submit to the rule of the “unfruitful works of darkness?”

The Scriptures actually teach us just the opposite.  “Have nothing to do with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them?”  Expose them to who?  Expose them for what?

I have been watching a strange phenomenon over the past couple of years and that is the emergence of the “momma bears” at local school board meetings fighting for the cubs.  These passion filled mommas are “contending” against the forces of darkness that have their sights set on the destruction of their progeny.  Every time I watch these brave women step to the plate in defense of America’s children, I find myself asking the same question:


The Bible tell us that “the righteous are as bold as lions and evil men flee when no one pursues.”  I can only imagine how fast they would flee if in fact righteous men DID pursue them!

Where are the men?  The Scriptures teach us that “the wicked walk on every side when the vilest of men are exalted.”

Look at who is being exalted in America?  Look at what is walking on every side?  Christianity is a contact sport.  I’m tired of watching women play men’s sports.

It is time for us to put on our big boy pants.  Where are the Christian men?

© 2022 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire: ptsalt@gmail.com

Church Leadership & U.S. Congress: 100 Percent Responsible for America’s Downward Spiral

By Frosty Wooldridge

March 24, 2022

Part 1:  Causes of America’s downfall

When you look out over the American landscape, you see a litany of problems manifesting in our major cities.  You see our financial systems being choked.  You see our cities being gridlocked with enormous traffic congestion.  You see our inner cities raging with crime, murders and failing schools.  You see our $30 trillion national debt.  You watched two useless/meaningless/deadly twenty-year wars that broke our taxpayer backs with a $6 trillion dollar price tag.  How did that happen?  The corporates at the Military Industrial Complex forced those wars and profited by them, and so did a lot of members of  our U.S. Congress.  It’s called “insider trading” on defense contracts.

Call up House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and ask her how she’s worth $124 million?

Now, you see republicans and democrats at each other’s throats to such a degree…that none of them compromise to solve anything.  It’s astounding that those 535 elected officials snarl at each other, blame each other…and yet, watch the United States spiral into the toilet.

Let’s look at how we arrived at this living nightmare in 2022:  first, the history books will show that the 1965 Immigration Reform Act launched us into our own demise.  Truly, Senator Teddy Kennedy and his band of stooges passed this act with no inspection of its ultimate consequences.

It simply brought over 100 million people from 196 countries from around the world, that possessed not an inkling of affinity to American citizens, and stuffed them down our throats. Our cities became enclaves for cultural and linguistic strangers.

Since 1965, we’ve got people imported into our country that never used a toilet, never educated, or could be educated, and today, have created their own enclaves in Detroit, Minneapolis, Miami, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and dozens of other cities. They, in turn brought their failed cultures, world views and un-American biases.  They brought over 800 languages that they choose to speak rather than English.

That single act in 1965 caused us to catapult from a manageable 194 million people to our present 335 million, and onward to 440 million within the next 28 years.  And, along the way, our U.S. Congress hasn’t examined the horrible impacts of inviting the third world into our country by the endless millions.  They even started the 50,000-person annual “diversity visa” to give the poorest and most illiterate people in the world a free ride on our taxpayer backs.

Douglas Murry, author of The Strange Death of Europe, said, “When you import the people of the world, you import the problems of the world.”

Boy, did we! Look at Chicago, St. Louis, Detroit, LA and the rest!

Back in 1965, we enjoyed, virtually all of us, a sense of being Americans.  Blacks, Whites and Hispanics felt good about being Americans.  MLK gave greater meaning to equality and participation. Yes, big riots and anger, but we worked on bettering the nation.

However, do you think we’re going to work out what’s happening in 2022?  Can we solve this legal and illegal immigration nightmare?  It’s doubtful because Congress won’t stop it.  They just keep opening up the spigot to let more migrants into our midst.

Thus, over the past five decades, we’ve paid out trillions of dollars for this gargantuan welfare state.  Do you wonder why we’re $30 trillion in national debt?  Do you wonder why Congress doesn’t examine this fiasco and close it down?

Last year and to repeat itself in 2022, Joe Biden invited 2,000,000 illegal aliens to invade our borders.  Who pays?  You!  They have birthed anchor babies by the millions over the past 30 years.  It’s their foothold into our welfare systems.

Can we or will we survive another 2,000,000 illegals in 2022 and beyond?  Who will pay for their housing, food, energy, and transportation needs?

But along with that, Biden invited billions of dollars in drugs that are being distributed all over America to your kids.  Over 100,000 opioid deaths last year!  Do you think one single Senator or House member has or will stop the flood of barbiturates, ecstasy, fentanyl, and heroin?

Answer: NO!  Who suffers?  You and your kids.

The fact remains: Congress could shut down the borders with the U.S. military in a month.  Just station 10,000 or 50,000 troops along the Southern Border just like South Korea.  Shut down the illegals crossing. Shut down the drugs crossing.  Shut down the invasion!  They could do it.  But they won’t!  Somebody with enormous power makes certain the invasion continues.

Who are those elected officials?  Your two senators and House member.  They haven’t done squat to secure our borders.  And, since they haven’t done anything in the past, they won’t do anything in the future.  My two senators, John Hickenlooper and Michael Bennet support open borders, and flat-out assist illegals with sanctuary status in the State of Colorado.  They are in violation of their sworn oath to defend our Country.  They in fact are committing treason.

Whether it’s Nancy Pelosi, Charles Schumer, Sheila Jackson, Maxine Waters—all liberals…or Marco Rubio, Lindsay Graham—all conservatives—it matters little. They aren’t doing their jobs to protect and defend our Constitution.

So, what will we do with the projected 100,000,000 (million) more immigrants added to this country from all over the world?  Will we survive their numbers?  Will we survive their cultures? Will we survive their languages?  Will we survive their incompatible world views?

For example: have you traveled to Detroit, Michigan’s entire 300,000 Muslims that live on complete welfare?  Do you have any affinity or anything in common with them?  What about 125,000 Somalians in Minneapolis?  Would you like to have them over for dinner?  What would you talk about?  What about another 10 million Haitians invited into our country?  What about another 10 million illegal Mexicans?

How many more we take and how will we survive?

P.S. It saddens me to write this eulogy for our country.  All of us face huge consequences as to overpopulation, cultural dislocation, linguistic chaos, fractured anti-American views of our country by women like Joy Reid or Joy Behar or Brian Stetler or Jake Tapper or Anderson Cooper or Charles Barkley who personally condemns us as a “racist” society, and the list grows. Even Oprah Winfrey condemns America. She stated that, “Old white people need to die to stop racism.”  When you see so many “leaders” condemn their own country to such a degree, it’s picked up by the younger generation.  If enough young people hate their own country, we and they are in really big trouble.

Part 2: More factors of our spiraling downward country.

Is anyone in America thinking about these questions?  Are we not galloping into America’s twilight years?

If you would like a free electronic copy of this book, please email me with your email address and I will send it to you.  Every American with children or any American who will live in this country in 2050, needs to understand what they face. frostyw@juno.com

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121.

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

This video will scare the daylights out of every American as to what’s coming to our country, US Citizenship Act 2021 by Joe Biden.

If you want to see two documentaries that give visual proof of my book’s contents, go to Netflix, and type in “Cowspiracy” that shows you the damage to the air, land and water.  Watch “Seaspiracy” to see how humans are destroying the oceans.

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”  www.NumbersUSA.org

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

Want to “Throw the Bums Out”??

By Kat Stansell

March 23, 2022

Then, Don’t Replace them with more Bums!
There ARE good guys out there.

Why does America keep electing the same dysfunctional representatives year after year, term after term?  Now more than ever, a majority of voters are ready to turn over the entire House and Senate in Washington, DC.  Over 75% of voters agree that it is time to change the guard, to get rid of the scum that covers the DC swamp, to bring in some new people who will get us back to the Constitution.  Clean House!  And Senate.  We are desperate for honesty and integrity, and responsiveness to the electorate.  It is my contention that those candidates who can help to redirect and heal America, DO exist, around this country, but that they are buried in process and systemic grid lock.  A few may be in Congress today but are “backbenched” by the cabal.  The others, who are the subject of this article, are out there shaking hands, giving speeches, getting home for a few hours’ rest, only start over again.  They are trying to be what America – yes, ALL of America – needs.  First, however, these candidates need our help because their local parties seem to invest in the “bright shiny object” types, rather than true strong Constitutional Conservatives.

It is common “wisdom” that the voters will chose a name they already know over a newcomer, unless lots of money is spent on promoting someone unfamiliar to the public.  It has happened repeatedly, with candidates for district attorneys and judgeships, whose campaign coffers were filled by dark money from Soros’ organizations.  They bought enough TV time  to familiarize the voters with their names, and they were elected. If you think about the results of those current office holders whose names are already known, then  you will understand why we MUST change this pattern, and do it NOW, this election cycle.  The judiciary is now legislating instead of enforcing laws made by the legislators.  The legislators are tightly wrapped around the money pots and see green (both the fake environmentalists, AND the dollars) before they see us.  We the American people cannot waste another election fighting the good old boy’s network instead of the real enemies of our country.  America cannot stand the harsh results of trying to live on lethal swamp gas any longer.  To reelect the bums – OR their party’s chosen substitutes – is suicide for American citizens, and sure demise for our treasured Republic and the freedoms is provides.  Let’s get with some REAL wisdom.

Securing our ballots must be the first step, of course, but that alone is insufficient to bring about the change we need in our government today.  If we cannot elect true patriots, rock solid honest people who have real support for our Republic, to take the places of the current Congress critters, we might as well not bother to vote.  My stomach turns to have to even say that, but it’s true.  Those in Washington today are NOT the solution; they are the problem, and we need to send them away.

How do we reverse this?  How to we reclaim the people’s government for the people?  We must locate and support pro- American candidates, not just in our own, but in OTHER STATES as well.  A Pelosi or a Schumer or a Feinstein doesn’t just affect you if you live in California or NY.  We have become so accustomed to thinking of our “own” representatives for whom we vote, that we forget about the damage done by radical anti-Americans in all states.  Thus, it is our duty to support the good guys no matter where they live.  It’s easier to do than you might imagine, and I’ll tell you how in a moment.

For this article, I interviewed six current and former candidates who have experienced this frustration that is so costly to the soul and the wallet, and asked they why they thought it happens.  I also picked the brain of a state party chair to understand this from the establishment viewpoint, and ask what they thought they might do to help.  The candidates with whom I spoke are from Virginia, Tennessee, and Mississippi, and were chosen because they represent what we need.  I am also listing websites of those with whom I was unable to talk, but who were recommended by trusted associates who know them well.  These are not the only ones, for  sure, but they serve as great examples of what America needs in DC.  The websites of those running this year are listed at the close of this article, so that you  may see who they are and what they have to offer.

Each present or former candidate spoke of the need to define themselves as Constitutional Conservatives rather than “Republican”.  As we are all learning, there can be a HUGE difference.   These American candidates believe in our founding principles, and vow to work to return them to our daily life.  This is THE major divide in our political world today. Voters today have only a choice between the Constitution or communism, not “R” or “D”.  Party labels have been rendered meaningless by the packs of swamp creatures swimming together.  The  men and women who need our support in their races for office, support our Constitution and its body of law.  Period.  If we do not choose wisely, we will lose the right to ever choose again.  The November, 2022, election may be our last, if we allow the wrong people to populate our government and/or allow another election to be stolen. If I could find a thousand more ways to say it, I would.  It’s that important to our future as a free country.

Not coincidentally, most of the attractive candidates are former military who put their commitment to their country on the line and backed it with their lives.  Each reminded me that they take that oath for life.  All with whom I spoke felt that this military association actually played against them with party regulars who are far more comfortable dealing with malleable rather than committed souls.  Let THAT sink in.  Those who have taken the oath to protect and defend, and have offered up their lives to prove it are almost scary to those who slither through the shifting sands of “morality” – situational ethics as it were –  in our nation’s capitol today.  As I looked over the list of those around the country who are offering fresh faces and approaches, regardless of their ages,  are most ALL former military, eager to take up that pledge again.

Next, they spoke of the difficulty of getting “out there”, with media coverage.  Somehow even the conservative media outlets take the lead of the local party bosses, and close their platforms to all but the “chosen” candidates.  One candidate spoke of the inaccurate and slanted media coverage he’d received, because reporters didn’t bother to listen.  He wasn’t considered “important enough” I guess.  Also, voters tend to mark ballots for candidates they’ve “heard of”, so instead of learning about ALL  who are running for an office, they just pick the most familiar name.  In today’s world, the “familiar names” are the ones that may be in the news for all the wrong things, but they will get thousands of votes from the uninformed voters who mark ballots for no other reason than name familiarity.  When last did you see in-depth and repeated  coverage for a good Constitutional Conservative working for his constituents?  You don’t, and that omission can be laid squarely at the feet of all media.  The most formidable power of the media is the power to omit.

One candidate still works in the medical profession.  You can only imagine what he has to say about the pandemic.

Money, though,  is really the sine qua non of waging a successful campaign.  It goes to media exposure, messaging, obtaining donor lists, and campaign organizational strategies from the professionals, as well as to everyday expenses like travel and appearances, and events.  NO one – except perhaps a truck driver in NJ – can win with no money.  Hats off to Ed Durr, who had never been a candidate before, for this feat!

The state party chair to whom I spoke says that they recognize this need for aid and exposure,  and are planning on restructuring their organization to include in-house help for officially declared candidates, which would include the the sponsorship of structured public forums to give exposure to all primary candidates and their ideas. Sounds good, if it happens in time.  If not, it won’t matter.

It is easy to reach out and help candidates in other states than your own.  The websites listed below direct you to candidates running in 2022.  Go to their websites and read the information.  If you like what you see, contact them and see what they could use most.  Often, of course, the answer will be, money.  But donations are far from the only thing you can do to help.  You can also post support on social media, even create a page for out-of-state supporters.  Share with your friends what you believe is good about them and how you believe they will help the country.  Write letters to editors of publications asking others to get involved with them. Start out-of-state fan clubs and hold “friendraisers”.

These, and other underexposed candidates are hidden treasure in the agenda to save America, and they will make a huge difference when elected to govern.  Do some research on your own.  Go to https://www.ballotopedia.org.  It is an excellent site for nationwide election information.  Learn who is running in the primaries this year, for the US House and Senate.  Read their websites.  Donate to them if you agree with what you see.  Contact them to give more help if you want/can.

Here are the candidates with whom I had contact, who are currently running, in alphabetical order:

Gary Adkins,  https://www.garyadkinsforcongress.com
U.S. House of Representatives candidate, VA7

Jarome Bell, https://www.jaromebellforcongress.com
U.S. House of Representatives candidate, VA2

Ron Eller, https://www.voteroneller.com
U.S. House of Represeentatives candidate, MS 2

Todd McKinley, https://www.toddmckinley.com
Sullivan County Commission candidate, District 6 TN

Dean Poirrier, https://www.poirrier4congress.com
U.S. House of Representatives, NH2

America has gone from super power to laughingstock.  We can’t wait one more election cycle to get a real grip on the situation.  WE are going to have to BE THE CHANGE.  The same old “pol’s” with the same ol’ pals have nearly destroyed us, and only WE can put a stop to it.  I submit that, if we are lucky enough to be able to vote in secure elections in Nov., 2022, we must choose new leaders, who are not owing to anyone but their electorate.

© 2022 Kat Stansell – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kat Stansell: contact@americanpolicy.org

[BIO: Kat Stansell is the Grassroots Outreach Director for the American Policy Center. A native of Cincinnati Ohio, and graduate of Denison University, Kat served the Village of Mettawa, IL, as treasurer and chair of the Planning Commission, where she got a good look at the process of civic vs. corporate interaction. She has been a local activist, working for several candidates and organizations. She has also written for newspapers and websites, and organized events highlighting issues of the day.]

Actor, Comedian: Meet The Man That The Mainstream Media Failed To Introduce

By Bradlee Dean

March 23, 2022

“Presidents are not elected, they are selected.” -President Franklin D. Roosevelt

How many times have the American people have been pulled right back into a cycle of no change (Ephesians 4:14)?

They are given two options to pick from when there happens to be over one thousand different options to choose from for the next president, and for the next 1 and 1/2 years they fight over the two that have been hand-picked and delivered up. Insanity.

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The ones that are delivered up as options are corrupt.  They are extorted and allied with the agenda that they are pushing forward (Isaiah 28:18). All clowns are actors in the circus of politics and the world seems to be their stage (Proverbs 27:6).

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If it is happening in America, one must come to terms with the fact that it is happening all over the world. After all, the powers that are tolerated are trying to create a new world order (Revelation 17:17).

One such comedian, who plays the piano with his genitals, is actor and homosexual Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Let me introduce you to the man that the mainstream media somehow forgot to introduce.

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Conclusion: Just think, the mainstream media, under the control of the CIA, wants you to support such a person (Romans 1:24).

[Rumble Video]

© 2022 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

The True Tragedy of Biden’s Border Treason

By Sidney Secular

March 22, 2022

The demented Biden’s disastrous border treason is ballooning to the point at which it is nearly boundless. This moronic, psychopathic mental midget is completely transforming the Historic American Nation into a nation of illegal invaders, Third World troglodytes and political “sickophants.” A critical mass of unknown numbers of illegals have congregated in the southern Mexican town of Tapachula since late in 2021. The globalists in the UN ended any quandary suffered by the Mexican government on how to handle the situation by offering to fully pay both the migrants’ way and the cost of transportation to the US border.

This undifferentiated mass of third worlders – and not just Latinos – were herded into buses and taken through Mexico towards the US border ending up God alone knows where! It is even possible that at least some of them were driven through the border at some thinly guarded point as nothing further has been available on the matter after the buses set out. This, by the way, was the caravan designed by Biden to blow by the border that was recently exposed. Unfortunately, as of now, we have heard no more about it as the media has become silent. Usually, such a dearth of reporting indicates a successful mission by our enemies.

The total US immigrant population, both legal and illegal, reached 46.6 million in January, the highest ever recorded. After a brief slowdown in illegal border crossings due to Covid-related restrictions, the non-citizen population rebounded dramatically with the Biden coup. As a result, an unknown number of “newcomers” have moved in, many of whom have been transported to locations around the country in the dead of night where they blend in nicely with the “people of color” population, insuring ever greater numbers of this usually anti-American, hate-whitey demographic. These people need no identification papers (indeed, many times these documents have been deliberately destroyed!) or, in the alternative, they have counterfeit ones created to allow them to leech off Uncle Sap together with our own native parasites. Officially, there has been a 1.6 million increase in the foreign-born just over the last year but that figure is doubtless much higher given the ballooning number of anchor babies and the family reunification program going ahead full “farce.”

As the illegal flow at the border has ballooned, the deportation at the border and from the interior has collapsed like a punctured balloon as a result of Biden’s orders. The Department of Homeland Obscurity is only too happy to comply instead of resisting what liberals consider Trump’s revolting directives. The spigot has been opened all the way regarding not only Mexicans and Central Americans but to people from over 100 nations worldwide, including every possible category of criminal, leech and undesirable, all hoping to get into the land of “white privilege” where “people of color” receive all the goodies possible from that same stupid white population.

The drug inflow of highly toxic fentanyl is enough to kill the population of the US seven times over, were it all consumed. Parenthetically, that great American hero, George Floyd actually died of an overdose of fentanyl and not a cop’s knee on his neck. But what does truth matter after all! Methamphetamine and opioid inflow have also ballooned enough to drown us in a sea of misery. The components for the drug compounds all too often come from China and are manufactured in labs in Mexico so they can more easily be transported and distributed among Americans. The recent explosion in the numbers of homeless can be attributed to people consuming the aforesaid sudden surplus of imported illicit and dangerous drugs eating up their meager moolah and leaving them unable to pay for food and lodging. Indeed, studies have shown that the “homeless” problem is actually, an “addiction” problem!

Biden and the “presstitutes” of the mainstream media are in on the population makeover of the nation since not one question was asked about immigration or border issues at a presidential “press conference” in mid-January. That subject historically has never elicited any questions at presidential news conferences under past presidents, with the exception of those directed to President Trump about how he could be so mean to the children being held at the border! Now, however, that matter is easily solved by turning these innocents over to the sex traffickers who are in good standing with the present Administration. The issue of “immigration” – that is, “invasion!” – is Biden’s weakest issue with the thinking public among a virtual plethora of other unmitigated disasters and tragedies he has unleashed, but the unhappiness of Americans has not altered any aspect of the “great reset” the Deep State is programming us to accept.

As a reflection of this public-be-damned attitude, the Biden Maladministration has issued 296 Executive Orders or other directives on the subject of immigration alone during the faux President’s first year in the “offal office” among the most significant of which were giving work permits to hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens, abandoning the rule designed to deny green cards to welfare users and canceling the Safe Third Country agreements negotiated with several Central American countries. These agreements specified that asylum seekers or refugees were to be settled in or processed by the first country in which they arrived after they leave their home countries rather than these countries merely being “stop-overs” on the way to their final destination, the United States.

Basically, there are two reasons given for the promotion and acceptance of the illegal invasion. The first is that the elites, multinationals, chamber of commerce types et al. obtain unlimited, cheap, disposable labor without worrying about fringe benefits, bureaucratic red tape, strikes, tax issues and union formation. In the past, this was mostly framed as a necessity for employers because the unskilled and semi-skilled workers would be performing the jobs that native Americans won’t do. Actually, that was never true. Americans were always willing to do these jobs if the proper incentives are offered to them. Because the average American has had to muddle through life with ever increasing financial burdens and taxes over the last fifty years, and given the moral condition of the culture, frequently necessity “trumps” his otherwise worthy ethical scruples! And who can blame him? Furthermore, nothing John Q. Public is able to do seems to overcome the use of illegals to do unpleasant chores either “under the table” or at rates which remove the average American from the competition for a job. For years, these considerations have prevented any outcry by ordinary Americans of those who work “off the books.” Of course, those who were willing to look the other way never understood that they were digging their own economic graves!

The other and infinitely more important reason for the encouragement of the “come one, come all – including criminals” invasion is the Demonrat strategy to retain power even as we lose the nation that nourishes both us and them! For they expect the illegals to remember their largesse when election day rolls around, especially as they are increasingly gaining the franchise whether legally or otherwise! But the main reason that Biden is bidding them enter, is because his “handlers,” the globalists and communists don’t want borders at all! The New World Order will be sans such parochial considerations as nation-states, religion, liberty, etc. etc. etc. How much easier it will be for the Great Reset – a/k/a the establishment of the New World Order – if all those nasty borders were no more! “Come one, come all, even criminals!” is his motto because it is the motto of his Masters. And as he believes that they must succeed at this point in time, Joe Biden feels his worldly fame is assured even though the nation he was to lead and protect will flame out and he will be condemned as the traitor that he is when (if?) the sheeple, and maybe even the wokesters wake up.

However, actually, one would think from all of this border disorder, Biden’s leftist and Libertrian friends and collaborators would be thrilled with his “accomplishments,” but they’re actually peeved that his Maladministration hasn’t done more to open the borders! They complain that Sleepy Joe has maintained Trump’s most restrictionist, inhumane and (possibly) illegal border policies.” You cannot make this stuff up! Yes, it’s going to be a long, hard, unbearable three more years folks, and in the end, there may be nothing left to defend!

© 2022 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Sidney Secular: Success_Express@yahoo.com

Recommended sources:

(1) The Center For Immigration Studies. https://cis.org
(2) Whistleblower Magazine, February 2022 issue. A publication of World Net Daily
(3) NumbersUSA. https://numbersusa.org
(4) VDARE.com – https://vdare.us, America’s Immigration Voice

Biden’s Bay of Pigs

By Cliff Kincaid
March 22, 2022

Brain Dead Joe sent them into battle, failing to provide the weapons they needed for victory. It’s Biden’s Bay of Pigs.

The humanitarian group Razom notes Ukraine doesn’t even have the air power and air support to protect the sky so that rescuers can dig out the survivors stranded under the rubble of the Drama Theater of Mariupol.

The White House refused to let anti-communist Poland Warsaw send fighter jets to Ukraine.

The brains at Foreign Affairs, the leading establishment journal, are starting to wake up — too late, as usual. Their article, “What If Russia Wins? A Kremlin-Controlled Ukraine Would Transform Europe.” Well, wake up — the Russians have won.

Foreign Affairs is published by the CFR, which boasted Alger Hiss as a member.

Don’t believe the TV generals about Russian getting “bogged down.” And yes, Ukraine President Zelensky may speak like Churchill, but he’s not getting the support Churchill received.

Biden won’t give Ukraine the weapons they need for victory. Putin is crushing them.

The article by Liana Fix and Michael Kimmage in Foreign Affairs is subtitled, “A Kremlin-Controlled Ukraine Would Transform Europe.”

While denouncing Russia’s war as a massacre, Pope Francis is moving in the wrong direction, seemingly approving Russia’s terms for a Ukraine settlement. This will be another victory for Putin. As the writers at Foreign Affairs point out:

“When Russia joined the ongoing civil war in Syria, in the summer of 2015, it shocked the United States and its partners. Out of frustration, then President Barack Obama claimed that Syria would become a “quagmire” for Russia and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Syria would be Russia’s Vietnam or Putin’s Afghanistan, a grievous mistake that would eventually rebound against Russian interests.

“Syria did not end up as a quagmire for Putin. Russia changed the course of the war, saving Syrian President Bashar al-Assad from impending defeat, and then translated military force into diplomatic leverage.”

Ukraine is NOT Russia’s Vietnam.

Russia is totally in command, dictating to Biden the cost of a new Iranian nuclear agreement. That cost is losing Ukraine to Russia.

Ukraine may continue to exist in name only, as a small piece of territory in Europe. But Russia will be in control.

All of those “conservatives” who praised Putin as a great Christian leader have blood on their hands.

We warned America about the Russian infiltration of the conservative movement.

Those who ignored our warnings in Back from the Dead: The Return of the Evil Empire are responsible for the death and destruction as well.

A writer for a Jewish publication, Gerard Filitti of The Lawfare Project, says:

  • For Putin, there is no Ukraine. There is no Ukrainian language, history, or culture — no independence or right of self-determination. There is no democracy, no nation, and no people. For Putin, there is only Russia.

It’s fitting that Putin’s Russia backs Iran and makes possible its nuclear weapons program. Biden will sacrifice Ukraine on the altar of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, brokered by Russia. Russia is using the revival of the Iran Deal to evade economic sanctions for its invasion of Ukraine.

Israel is next after Ukraine.

How sad that so many fail to recognize what is happening right before their eyes.

Ukraine has paid the price. Thousands are dead. Millions are refugees.

Shame on those who turned their heads away from the truth.

Don’t say we didn’t warn you.

Others issued warnings as well. Geert Wilders, a critic of radical Islam who wrote the book, Marked for Death, noted, “…although defeated Nazi Germany was subject to de-Nazification, there was no de-Marxification after the fall of communism… And without the public accounting of a trial, people tend to forget how evil communism was.”

This is why Putin, using Soviet-style propaganda tactics, speaks of the “de-Nazification” of Ukraine, ignoring the Hitler-Stalin pact that started World War II. One of my old friends, the late Jim Giurard, always use to say about Hitler and Stalin that they came to blows not because they were different but because they were so much alike.

In fact, it was Putin’s brain, a Russian “thinker” named Aleksandr Dugin, who was photographed meeting with former American Ku Klux Klan leader and neo-Nazi David Duke in Russia. Duke argues, like many Russian nationalists, that communism was imposed on Russia by a Jewish banker conspiracy.

Former KGB officer Konstantin Preobrazhensky says Dugin’s philosophy of Eurasianism was actually developed by Soviet intelligence in the 1920s, and later popularized by Dugin after the Soviet collapse. In the 1990s, he said, Dugin held seminars which were attended by the high-positioned Russian intelligence officer, Sergei Ivanov, who was later the Russian Minister of Defense and became the chief of staff to President Putin.

This kind of thinking led to the creation of the Russian-Iranian axis in the Middle East.

For these Russians, Jews are the enemy. Interestingly,  Israel is now admitting thousands of Ukrainians into the tiny country.

In this context, it is worth noting that Satanist Aleister Crowley, who visited Russia twice (in 1898 and in 1913), helped the Communists in Russia and his philosophy played a role in the subsequent rise of the Nazis in Germany. His associates included Walter Duranty, the correspondent for The New York Times who achieved notoriety — and a Pulitzer Prize — for helping cover up the crimes of Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin, such as his murder of millions of Ukrainians, known as the Holodomor. (Another campaign to revoke Duranty’s Pulitzer is underway.)

History repeats itself, except another massacre is now happening in full public view and another Bay of Pigs is underway.

© 2022 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid: kincaid@comcast.net

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc. www.usasurvival.org

The Homicidal Killing Fields of America’s Medical System

By Kelleigh Nelson

March 22, 2022

I knew there was a variety of treatments that we could use [yet] we were using nothing.  Doctors were even told to not use anticoagulants, even though blood clotting was “through the roof” in many patients. You could draw blood and actually see the blood clotting very quickly in the tubes.   —Dr. Pierre Kory

We didn’t have a single academic institution come up with a single protocol,” said Dr. McCullough. “They didn’t even try. Harvard, Johns Hopkins, Duke, you name it. Not a single medical center set up even a tent to try to treat patients and prevent hospitalization and death. There wasn’t an ounce of original research coming out of America available to fight COVID—other than vaccines.  —Dr. Peter McCullough

Even with corrupt data collection, it became harder and harder to find enough dead people to fuel the ongoing fear pandemic, so the media pivoted and replaced daily death and hospitalization trackers with a new statistical category: “Case Numbers.” —Mark McDonald, United States of Fear: How America Fell Victim to a Mass Delusional Psychosis

It is no longer controversial to acknowledge that drug makers rigorously control medical publishing and that The Lancet, NEJM, and JAMA are utterly corrupted instruments of Pharma.  —Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

The body pushing The Great Reset happens to be the World Economic Forum (WEF) and its charismatic lizard-like German leader Klaus Schwab who is calling for a return to Marxist principles, claiming that capitalism has empirically failed.  Schwab claims that, “The COVID-19 crisis has shown us that our old systems are not fit anymore for the 21st century.”

The Marxist principles Schwab endorses are stained with blood.  Yet WEF says that capitalism as we know it needs to be reformed. Or did Schwab mean destroyed? We already have a good start…forty-six percent of middle class businesses died when $3.8 trillion dollars were shifted from small businesses to the very rich via lockdowns.  And Schwab spews his Marxist propaganda on YouTube, where truth is censored.

Not only does Marxism demand a slave mentality of the unwashed masses ruled by the elite, but the bourgeoisie desire a smaller number of proletariats to dominate and rule.  Mass annihilation of the elderly occurred in our hospitals and nursing homes with the hellish protocols for C-19.  Oxygen, expensive Remdesivir, ventilators and ultimately death, but never any repurposed drugs which would have saved hundreds of thousands of lives.

What does the WEF have to do with COVID care and vaccines?  Everything! And now we’re being distracted by the Ukrainian money-laundering hub of the New World Order and the drums of war, with fools like Lindsey Graham calling for the insane and unconstitutional assassination of another country’s leader.

In March, 2022, Ukraine’s Zelensky silently implemented the WEF’s ‘Great Reset’ by setting up a social credit application combining universal basic income (UBI), a digital identity and a vaccine passport all within their Diia app.  And journalist Daniel Greenfield exposed Zelensky’s Holocaust denial and abuse of Israel, which should be a warning for our Jewish brethren.  Neo-Nazis are now joining the fight with Ukraine as an opportunity to kill Jews. And it should be of no surprise that before Schwab’s family migrated from Germany to become neutral Swiss, young Klaus was a member of the Nazi youth.  Birds of a feather…

Puppet Joseph Biden and his administration are moving toward the same Great Reset goals, but our medical industry must first be fully government controlled.

America’s Medical System

By 1906, the American Medical Association (AMA) was inspecting medical schools and classifying them as acceptable, doubtful, or unacceptable, based on conformity to the AMA’s beliefs and teachings.  In 1910, a report funded by the Carnegie Foundation (a progressive and abhorrent demonic mutation) and supported by the AMA, outlined new uniform standards for medical schools, thus giving the medical industry the same familiar “one size fits all” feature common to everything else being “standardized” by industrialists in the U.S.

The stated goals of the Socialists and Communists as recorded in the minutes of some of their meetings held in and around New York City during the early 1900s have included abolishing all U.S. conspiracy laws that stand in the way of their desired monopolies, destroying the Constitution, creating an unconstitutional and historically illegal income tax on Americans’ labor, gaining control of the government and media from the inside and establishing a compulsory public school system through which children will be indoctrinated to communist propaganda.They even established barbaric eugenics programs in the U.S., the likes of which the rest of the world has yet to duplicate, although Hitler tried.

Today we are forced to turn our hard-earned wages over to gigantic insurance companies who will decide (without medical experience) just what you are allowed to have and how much the physician/surgeon shall receive.  We’ve paid into Social Security and Medicare all the years of employment, but we are not allowed to receive Social Security benefits unless we also take government healthcare via Medicare.

That, my friends, is communism.

Although the price for “healthcare” has skyrocketed, the actual “health” of Americans has continued to plummet as a result of the entire nation being first seated at the table of Big Pharma, and then sent to Big Pharma to be treated for the anticipated resulting symptoms. Link

In a December 2021 article, I urged everyone to read Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s book, The Real Anthony Fauci.  Kennedy stated, “When Dr. Fauci took office in 1984, America was still ranked among the world’s healthiest populations. An August 2021 study by the Commonwealth Fund ranked America’s health care system dead last among industrialized nations, with the highest infant mortality and the lowest life expectancy.  ‘If health care were an Olympic sport, the US might not qualify in a competition with other high-income nations,’ laments the study’s lead author, Eric Schneider, who serves as Senior Vice President for Policy and Research at the Commonwealth Fund.”

The commies and fascists are winning.

Yes, we’re now dead last, our hospitals are not trustworthy, and Big Pharma is shooting DNA changing vaxes into the arms of our dumbed down and propagandized American citizens.Former Blackrock portfolio manager and Pfizer and Moderna whistleblower, Edward Dowd, tells us that per CDC data, “The Millennial age group, 25-44, experienced an 84% increase in excess mortality. It’s the worst-ever excess mortality, I think, in history.” Dowd believes Pfizer and Moderna are the new Enron.

Communist Infiltration

Although some folks still don’t believe it, there is documented evidence that European communists immigrated to the U.S. in 1848; they’re called the 48ers.  Thirteen of them were high ranking officers in the Union Army during the Northern War of Aggression and the Southern War for Secession.  By the 1950s they were heavily ensconced in every faction of federal and state governments. Hollywood and America’s higher education was also infiltrated.  Today, communism is in every facet of our society.

In 1963, 45 of the communist goals were read into the Congressional Record, and most have been accomplished.

In a previous article about our medical system, I mentioned Dr. Richard Day, Professor of Pediatrics at Mt. Sinai Medical School in New York who in March 1969 gave a chilling lecture about the “New World System.” Previously he had served as Medical Director of Planned Parenthood Federation of America.  He told of future plans, whether as a forewarning or to unburden himself.  He spoke as though he had colluded with the blueprint designers.

His warnings for the future were uncannily accurate.  He lectured on over 50 topics, but here are the eight medical topics, most already accomplished.

  • Euthanasia and the “Demise Pill”
  • Limiting Access to Affordable Medical
  • Planning the Control over Medicine
  • Elimination of Private Doctors
  • New Difficult to Diagnose and Untreatable Diseases
  • Suppressing Cancer Cures as a Means of Population Control
  • Tax Funded Abortion as Population Control

What did Marx say about healthcare?  The Health System ensures a healthy workforce which in turn ensures more profit for the ruling classes as workers don’t take time off sick! Marxists believe that doctors hide the real social causes of illness (poverty, class inequality etc.) by focusing on the individual and their physical symptoms albeit personal individual care is becoming a thing of the past.  But physicians are no longer taught to think of the individual patient or “outside of the box.”

There you have it…a healthy workforce must ensure a healthy proletariat to serve the bourgeoisie.  Unhealthy humanity is eliminated as they don’t support the elite.

Planned and Executed

The COVID crisis was planned, executed, propagandized and utilized to kill, not only with deadly hospital protocols and antiviral medications like Remdesivir that destroyed the kidneys, but with money making COVID jabs, now on their fourth booster.  Pfizer CEO, Albert Bourla, claims the fourth Covid jab is “necessary.”

The elderly, referred to by Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel and others as “useless eaters,” were the main targets; for them, our hospitals became homicidal medical centers.

The slow-motion collapse of the American healthcare system is a complexity that is killing thousands on a daily basis for The Great Reset, or as George H.W. Bush called it numerous times, the New World Order.

All of this was accelerated with the improper FDA, CDC and NIH protocols given to hospitals and physician groups for COVID-19 and daily spewed via our propaganda media by Dr. Anthony Fauci.  Millions died needlessly and alone.  VP Pence and the people he hired…Fauci, Birx and Redfield, ran the Deep State show.  Had Trump listened to Dr. Scott Atlas and Peter Navarro, perhaps the outcome would have been different.

Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” inoculations have put far too many in their graves, more probably than COVID, but it was the unelected councils of these government organizations, who never treated COVID patients and intentionally disallowed any repurposed drugs to be used.

Repurposed Drugs

Repurposed drugs were demolished by three once highly respected journals, Lancet, the New England Journal of Medicine and the Journal of American Medical Association. Despite Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin being decades old and on the World Health Organizations’ list of safest drugs, the journals claimed the drugs were dangerous.

Even Pfizer documented in their clinical trials that Ivermectin was listed as a current COVID therapy and an excellent prophylactic, but there was no money to be made there.  Repurposed drugs saved lives, but Pfizer was more interested in their bottom line and cared nothing about the needless loss of life.

There’s even more…Dr. Andrew Hill was called on to perform an evaluation of Ivermectin and no one would call his competence into question. But, as we have seen throughout the COVID pandemic, competence is no substitute for character. Or for courage.

Hill seemed eminently qualified for his assigned task. A senior visiting Research Fellow in the Pharmacology Department at Liverpool University, he had been researching viruses and their treatments for 30 years. He was also, not incidentally, an advisor to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation as well as the Clinton Foundation. That alone should give a big “uh-oh” to everyone…who could guess the outcome.

As Hill assembled his data, he was more and more impressed by what he found. He made a presentation to the NIH with other advocates of Ivermectin and spoke in favor of its use. On December 29, 2020, he wrote on Twitter that “Ivermectin is showing effects on viral clearance, hospitalization and survival across a wide range of randomized trials in different countries.” He even admitted that if his 58-year-old brother got COVID, he would give him Ivermectin.  He told NIH and America’s Frontline Doctors and then he dropped the ball and backed off.

Hill knew as everyone else did that Ivermectin was the drug for COVID, but he punted and said it needed randomized trials.  There had to be a threat or a payoff.

Ivermectin is even being studied in cancer treatments and with reported success, but the drug is cheap and Big Pharma and their buddies wouldn’t make a dime.

The Jabs

The COVID jabs have been proven to alter DNA.  Dr. Peter McCullough has discussed this numerous times via interviews.  In a process called reverse transcription, a hepatic (related to the liver) cell line calls for the DNA code of at least part of the spike protein found inside the human nucleus and changes it in as fast as six hours after the “vaccine” injection.

(Related: Studies confirm spike protein mRNA in COVID vaccines alters human DNA within hours after injection.)

(Related: Bombshell study: Pfizer’s covid jab contents enter the liver, alter human chromosomes and rewrite DNA.)

We all know the numerous COVID jabs made beaucoup bucks for Big Pharma and the NIH, CDC and FDA, whereas the repurposed drugs that would have saved countless lives are inexpensive, were purposely discarded and saving lives be damned.

The medical and pharmaceutical fraud and corruption are massive.  Recently the CDC removed 24% of the child COVID deaths and thousands of others from their statistics.

Biden has tapped a pro-BLM advocate of vax passports for the new spot of White House COVID Response Chief.

American lives mean nothing to Big Pharma and government entities.


Ukraine has replaced COVID.  It is a country of corruption.

Vladimir Putin is no Zelensky.  Before Alexandre Solzhenitsyn died, Putin met with him and Solzhenitsyn told Putin what needed to be changed.  The Russian leader listened. Solzhenitsyn died on August 3, 2008; a few months short of his 90th birthday. Only two weeks later, it was announced that Moscow’s Great Communist Street (ulitsa Bolshaya Kommunisticheskaya) was to be re-named “Alexander Solzhenitsyn Street,” an honour bestowed by a personal decree from President Putin.

Joseph Pearce writes the following in his article Solzhenitsyn and Putin:

In October 2010, it was announced that The Gulag Archipelago would become required reading for all Russian high school students. In a meeting with Solzhenitsyn’s widow, Putin described The Gulag Archipelago as “essential reading.” “Without the knowledge of that book, we would lack a full understanding of our country and it would be difficult for us to think about the future.”

What more need be said? In Vladimir Putin’s Russia, the greatest classic of anti-communist literature is now compulsory reading in all the high schools of the nation. If the same could be said of the high schools of the United States, we would not have the endemic historical and political ignorance that has led to the widespread sympathy for communism among young Americans. In the light of this, and in the light of Putin’s evident admiration for Solzhenitsyn, let’s not try to pretend that Russia is a communist nation. We don’t need to like Vladimir Putin. We don’t need to admire him. But we do need to acknowledge that Russia has moved on from the evils of socialism, even as we are in danger of embracing those very same evils.

© 2022 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: proverbs133@bellsouth.net

How Much History of Russia, Ukraine & NATO Do Americans Really Understand?

By: Devvy

March 21, 2022

Week four begins with no doubt more horrible pictures and videos coming out of Ukraine will continue to dominate the prostitute media.  Yet another heart-breaking, gut-wrenching round of killing both civilians and military.  Some of what I’ve seen looks staged, much of what I’ve read has been a re-hash of the same theme of a hundred articles or news items.

Caring people around the world have opened their wallets which is fine.  The Hollywood cabal are always quick to jump onto the band wagon.  Mila Kunis, Ashton Kutcher raise over $30M for Ukraine, aim for new goal: ‘Please don’t stop donating’

It’s their money to give although most have no idea where those donations are going because when you’re talking tens of millions of dollars, corruption has a way of siphoning off what well-meaning people have given.  The tens of millions of dollars donated for the Black LIES Movement birthed by trained Marxists should be examined down to the last penny.

Boston BLM Activist and Husband Indicted on Federal Fraud Charges, March 16, 2022: “A Black Lives Matter activist and her husband are facing federal fraud and conspiracy charges after allegedly using a nonprofit they founded to scam at least $185,000 from donors, federal authorities announced Tuesday.

“Monica Cannon-Grant and her husband, Clark Grant, allegedly used money from their nonprofit, Violence in Boston, to pay for rent, shopping sprees, hotels, car rentals, auto repairs, meal deliveries, and a summer vacation trip to Maryland, the U.S. attorney’s office said in a statement.”

Marxist BLM leader buys $1.4 million home in ritzy LA enclave,  April 10, 2021 // BLM transferred millions to Canadian charity to buy mansion formerly owned by Communist Party, April 29, 2022

So tell me how all the riots, killings and using race to blackmail corporations into giving millions have benefited black Americans across America?  The only ones who’ve benefited are the ones controlling the moola.

How the Clinton’s robbed and destroyed Haiti, Feb. 18, 2020; “It has been speculated some of the money that came through the commission found its way towards sponsoring Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign which she lost to the incumbent Donald Trump in 2016 but this is an area she has always been evasive about when probed. They become allegations without proof but to Haitians the more she dodges the question, the more she becomes suspicious and pernicious to the interests of Haitians.

“It is estimated that the IHRC collected over $5.3 billion over two years and $9.9 billion in three years but Haitians still find themselves mired in abject poverty. A US Government Accountability Office report circumvented the issue by deciding not to find any iota of wrongdoing, but the gravity of the failure made them mention that the plans by the IHRC, co-chaired by Bill Clinton, “did not align with the Haitian priorities.”

“The failure by the IHRC to rebuild Haiti is still haunting Haiti. The failed agricultural policies by the US made sure Haiti, a country that produced its own rice, would be reliant on US food to the extent that Haiti imports food from the US. Foreign aid is continuously pumped into Haiti, and no plan is made to bolster the country’s own capacity to rebuild and produce.

“Haiti is still run on which business finds favor with the US, and while the Clinton’s were in charge of the US, they presided over all these failed policies. It is high time the onus to build Haiti shifts back to the government.”  If you have time, read the rest of the article; not too long.”

Most certainly there are reputable organizations who do get the needed food, water, medicine and help escaping to neighboring countries.  But, before you donate, do investigate who you’re giving your money to.


There is so much deliberate lying out there about what’s going on right now but thanks to so many intrepid writers who actually do in-depth research, the truth about Russia & Ukraine both past and present, is getting to the people of the world.  Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries on the planet.  I didn’t say the average everyday Ukrainian Joe, but the oligarchs and their ever-changing governments.  How much do Americans really know about Ukraine’s president Zelenskyy? Volodymyr Zelenskyy Biography, March 22, 2022:  Do at least read the section about 2014.

Let me be very clear:  I am not ‘choosing sides’.  Below in Related are several columns and articles (out of the countless number I’ve read and videos I’ve watched) which I believe will most benefit all of us to read.  It seems I’m not the only one of this opinion:

Think You Really Know An Incumbent or Challenger?, February 28, 2022, (Mine) “If you’ve never watched the movie, Wag the Dog starring Dustin Hoffman, believe me, it’s well worth your time.  The story is about a “spin doctor” (In politics that’s whores who work in media who get paid to lie while smiling.) and a well- known producer who decide to concoct a ‘ghost’ war over in Albania based on fake news as a distraction over a breaking sex scandal involving the US president. It’s free on line (full screen) and most streaming networks.

“Normally it takes at least six months to as long as a year to film, edit, do re-writes and all that before a movie is released; indies are a bit different and welcome category.  Wag the Dog was a wrap in 90 days and released one month before America found out Bill Slut Clinton was wagging his little whistle into the mouth of a young and very naïve intern named Monica Lewinsky.I don’t bring up that movie to make light of all the deaths from the weaponized flu known as COVID-19, but because the American people need to understand how they’ve been played for fools, again, using fear and optics to sell their lies.

Here’s Your ‘Red Pill’ Moment for the Russia-Ukraine War by Wayne Allen Root, March 6, 2022, “It’s time for your red pill. Something smells rotten in Ukraine. The story is rotten, rancid, hinky; the story just doesn’t add up.

“President Joe Biden and the media desperately want you to believe Russia is the bad guy and Ukraine is a little angel. They want you to fall in love with underdog Ukraine. They want you to support America getting involved on behalf of Ukraine.

“To get your support, they need the media to sell you a bill of goods. But it just doesn’t add up. First, Biden is the one who funded Russia’s invasion. Biden killed our pipelines, killed coal and banned drilling, which made us dependent on Russian oil — which made Russia filthy rich and arrogant. Biden paid for this war.

“Second, if Russian President Vladimir Putin is the “bad guy,” if Russia is evil, why is Biden continuing to buy billions of dollars of oil from Russia every day? Does this make sense?Unless it’s pure “commie theatre.”

“No. 2: This is pure “wag-the-dog” theatre to save Biden from the worst polls in modern history. Instead of hating Biden, they want you to hate Putin.

“No. 3: This is all part of Soros and Klaus Schwab’s “Great Reset.” They want to make us all obedient serfs and slaves. They need World War III as a distraction while they destroy America and capitalism and take your freedoms away.”

I few days ago a caller to, I forget if it was Clay & Buck’s show or Hannity but the caller brought up the same ‘wag the dog’ theme.  One thing we MUST remember is dementia addled China Joe isn’t calling the shots.

How many of us remember the 2014 fight over there?  Even yours truly who does a lot of research, well, I’ve been out of high school for 55 years and like tens of millions of Americans, Russia & Ukraine are thousands of miles away. So, when that round between Russia & Ukraine, back to doing historical research.  The Real Reason Russia Invaded Ukraine, March 14, 2014

“The Russian Invasion of Ukraine, March 2, 2014, “Second, as Admiral James Stavridis counsels, NATO should be put on high alert and be prepared to assist Kyiv with intelligence and logistics, particularly in the event of a full-scale Russian invasion into mainland Ukraine.[8] As an added measure, NATO should also reinforce its regular Baltic Air Sovereignty mission with additional, frontline fighters such as the F-22 or Eurofighter Typhoon. This would at once reassure our Baltic allies while broadcasting Alliance resolve to defend its members.

“Third, NATO should begin immediate preparations to bring Georgia into NATO.[9] While involving Georgia may not at first appear to be an especially meaningful response to events in Ukraine, beginning the process of Georgian accession would send a clear message to Moscow that it cannot use its military forces as a de facto veto over its neighbors’ foreign policy choices. Georgia is a strong friend to the West: it is among the largest contributors to the Afghanistan mission, its well-regarded forces have recently agreed to join the EU military mission in Central African Republic, and it has already begun integrating into NATO’s rapid reaction force. By just about any measure, Georgia is ready to join the Atlantic alliance. It’s past time to make that happen, particularly in light of Russia’s aggressive moves in Ukraine.[10]

Back in 1918 the behind the curtain globalist players wanted the U.S. to join the League of Nations.  What was the purpose of the League of Nations?  If there’s a squabble between countries, it become all the members responsibility to get involved.  Of course, the evil doers used the usual propaganda to convince the American people being isolationists was a bad thing.  There’s a difference between being an isolationist and remaining a sovereign nation who chooses not to get involved in wars that do not affect them.

Why did the United States refused to join the League of Nations?,  June 20, 2020, “Why did the United States refused to join the League of Nations?Upon arriving back in Washington, D.C., Wilson had a stroke. Congress did not ratify the treaty, and the United States refused to take part in the League of Nations. Isolationists in Congress feared it would draw the United Sates into international affairs unnecessarily…
Why did America reject the 14 points?

“The people of the USA rejected the 14 point peace plan because they were so used to being a isolationism country and Woodrow’s fourteen point plan threatened that. The Republicans wanted to return to Isolationism – being an independent country and not involving itself in other countries affairs.”

President George Herbert Walker Bush, addressing the General Assembly of the United Nations, Feb. 1, 1992 said: “It is the sacred principles enshrined in the United Nations charter to which the American people will henceforth pledge their allegiance.” I have never given my allegiance to the communist UN nor will I ever surrender one of my rights to that body of evil doers. I do not support or donate to any organization even remotely affiliated with this group who seek to destroy the sovereignty of all nations and bring them under a one world government totalitarian fist.

But those America haters who connived and planned for our destruction didn’t give up and tragically in 1945, the U.S. joined the corrupt United Nothing (UN) who’ve never kept peace anywhere on this planet.  Felix Frankfurter, who was a Justice of the Supreme Court (1939-1962), said:  “The real rulers in Washington are invisible and exercise power from behind the scenes.”

I wrote this piece April 4, 2002, Americans Committing National Suicide, “Congressional Record. House of Representatives January 15, 1962 Page 215 – Mr. Utt: Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to address the House for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks.

Mr. Speaker: Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from California? There was no objection.

Mr. Utt: “Mr. Speaker, on the opening day of the 2nd session of the 87th Congress, I introduced H.R. 9567, a bill to rescind and revoke membership of the United States in the United Nations and the specialized agencies thereof and to repeal the Immunities Act relative thereto.

“I introduced this resolution because it is my firm conviction that this Nation cannot survive as a Republic as long as we are shackled to an international organization by a treaty which supersedes our Constitution….You can expect to see a one world government, Communist controlled, under the United Nations. You will see the United Nations run up astronomical debts which we, under the terms of the treaty, are bound to pay.” Rest at link.  It is lengthy but a critically important explanation (all of which has happened) and warning about our membership in the United Nothing.  Serious details everyone needs to know about that treaty.

This one is also a must read:  Getting Serious About Getting Out of the UN, Devvy Kidd, January 25, 2000

“Efforts to get America out of the communist controlled United Nothing [Nations] have been steadily escalating….Our sovereignty and our God given rights are being ripped away from us in the most heinous fashion. Ron Paul has introduced the appropriate legislation to remove America from this un-holy alliance as did Congressman John Rarick in 1971:

House of Representatives
To Rescind and Revoke Membership of the United States in the United Nations
by John Rarick, U.S. Representative, 6th Congressional District

HOUSE RESOLUTION 2632: – Rest at link.

H.R. 75: American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2013 – To end membership of the United States in the United Nations. Bill introduced January 3, 2013.Every penny in UN “dues” is borrowed money – more unpayable debt with the interest slapped on our backs. For what? In 1971, Rep. John Rarick attempted to get us out of that evil collection of war mongers and egotistical evil doers.  I highly encourage you read the information here. Besides Rarick’s bill, you’ll find an action that might surprise many. Agenda 21 is a key tool to destroy personal property rights and much more. See The House That Evil Built. The diabolical “sustainable development” was birthed by the United Nothing; it must be killed once and for all.

It is imperative we get out of the UN but the gutless Republicans when they’ve had the majority have refused.  Even with a Democrat/Communist president they can override a veto.  A golden opportunity was squandered in 2019.  Congressman Introduces Bill to Get the U.S. Out of the UN, Jan. 18, 2019

Back in 1969, Ezra Taft Benson, former Secretary of Agriculture said in his outstanding book, An Enemy Hath Done This published in 1992, pg 155:

“Already, I can hear the chorus chanting “Isolationism, isolationism, he’s turning back the clock to isolationism.” How many use that word without having the slightest idea of what it really means! The so-called isolationism of the United States in past decades is a pure myth.

“What is isolationism? Long before the current trend of revoking our Declaration of Independence under the guise of international cooperation, American influence and trade was felt in every region of the globe. Individuals and private groups spread knowledge, business, prosperity, religion, good will and, above all, respect throughout every foreign continent. It was not necessary then for America to give up her independence to have contact and influence with other countries. It is not necessary now.

“Yet, many Americans have been led to believe that our country is so strong that it can defend, feed and subsidize half the world, while at the same time believing that we are weak and “interdependent” that we cannot survive without pooling our resources and sovereignty with those we subsidize. If wanting no part of this kind of “logic” is isolationism, then it’s time we brought it back into vogue.”

Everything Benson predicted in his book has come to fruition which brings me to NATO, Putin and Ukrainian president, Zelenskyy.  Ukraine is not a member of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) and neither is Russia.  This is a short history of what the globalists sold the world with their usual clever word smithing.  “Fortunately, by then the United States had turned its back on its traditional policy of diplomatic isolationism. Aid provided through the US-funded Marshall Plan (also known as the European Recovery Program) and other means fostered a degree of economic stabilisation.”  Yeah, from the Russians funded by American industrialists and We the People. 

Americans were warned centuries ago about meddling in squabbles, tribal disputes and discord between countries over in Europe.  How much American blood been spilled because war is big business with tens of billions in profits for those who peddle war equipment from grenades to tanks, missiles, private contractors and members of Congress?

For what?  To spread democracy?  To chase down terrorists for 20 years in Afghanistan while allowing them to come across our southern border? Afghanistan makes ten complete and total failures at the cost of precious American blood, never mind astronomical debt.  YOU and I will be paying interest – never mind anything on the principle – on the $85 BILLION dollars in war equipment, not to mention abandoned bases all funded with borrowed money from the candy store called the Fed.

Now there’s this mess with Russia & Ukraine.  Pelosi wanted to give Ukraine $10 BILLION BORROWED dollars but China’s other bitch, Mitch McConnell, said that’s not enough, let’s make it $14 BILLION BORROWED.  Somehow, $200 million has already gone missing over there.  Nothing in the U.S. Constitution authorizes we the people to be raped to fund foreign countries fighting with each other or humanitarian aid.  OUR purse is $30 TRILLION dollars overdrawn, so exactly where is this $14 BILLION or more going to come from?  Higher federal income taxes from YOU paid to the “Fed” towards the interest on the borrowed amount while you figure out how to put gas in your vehicle, food on the table and heat your home or apartment.

I believe and I think billions of others on this planet are sick and tired of all these wars.  The LAST LEGAL war the U.S. engaged in was WWII by a formal declaration of Congress.  Oh, but as a member of NATO, we just have to get in there with sending war planes and materials to other NATO allies to get to Ukraine – so screeches Sean Hannity whose worth about $90 million bux.

In 1994, Ted Galen Carpenter wrote a book published by the CATO Institute: Beyond NATO Staying Out of Europe’s Wars.  The CATO Institute is considered one of the premiere influential think tanks in the world.  Yeah, well, they don’t get my support.  However, there’s an old saying:  Don’t throw out the baby with the bath water.  Actually, I’m surprised the CATO Institute would even publish the book.  It is well worth the time to read.  It’s available for free on line here or Amazon.  On the left side, click on the back of the book to read reviews.

Should America have even become a member of NATO?  My answer is a firm NO which brings me to the real history message Americans must reacquaint themselves with and demand America – not become isolationists – but not participants in any European (or idle Eastern) wars (unless they attack us) , squabbles or any reason to fight with each other.

The Monroe Doctrine – America’s Warning to the World – This is an important read; a re-fresher if you will.

I’m not made of stone or heartless after seeing all the photos of dead children, old people and soldiers on both sides.  One video clip was an injured Russian solider who looked straight at the camera and said, “Why are we killing each other?  We’re all brothers.”  Of course, that comment goes way back to the history of the Crimea and Russia.

I pray Zelenskyy and Putin can end their madness any minute.  Putin doesn’t want to be surrounded by NATO countries for their national security. The current Ukranian president wants to join NATO for obvious reasons but their fighting is not our fight.  That horrible situation has nothing to do with our national security – the biggest propaganda tool rubbed in America’s face at every opportunity.

Zelenskyy says ‘a war wouldn’t have started’ if Ukraine were a NATO member, March 20, 2022 – Sure, that way American blood and money would flow in even bigger rivers for “his side”.  We the People over the past century have been bled dry by becoming involved in other countries squabbles and wars. It must stop so think about that before you sign up for a “free” education with a branch of the military and decide if getting killed at 21 or 30 years pldis worth it.More Than One-Third Of Americans Would Risk Nuclear War Over Ukraine – Okay, go get signed up over there and see how that works out for youNo, not OUR military because Congress must make a formal declaration of war (at least that’s what the Constitution says).  Do those fools in that poll have any idea what happens when you drop a nuclear weapon on a city?

All these think tank organization’s experts one sees on CNN, FOX, etc., all think We the People are stupid and don’t understand what’s really going on with world geo-politics and who are the big guns running the show.  They are so wrong.  There isn’t any reason – except money & power why countries on this earth can’t actually work out their problems without all the killing.  Want to build a new pipeline, let’s talk about it.  Want to trade this for that mineral, let’s talk about it instead of killing each other.

This is a ten-minute video interview:  The Intrepid Ace Reporter Lara Logan Goes Off the Fox News Reservation and Speaks Truth to Power Concerning the Ukraine/Russia Conflict, March 18, 2022. I hope it goes viral.  And please do pass this column along to your email lists and social media.  Perhaps it will calm down some of the hysteria.  As for all the headlines about using nuclear weapons, even that nitwit who runs North Korea understands mutually assured destruction.  Not to say it won’t happen, but America get down on your knees and pray to God it doesn’t.

This full-length documentary is also worth the time to watch‘Ukraine on Fire’ (2016) Documentary by Oliver Stone

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions. [Order two books and save $10.00. Give one to a friend or relative]

© 2022 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy: devvyk@npn.net


Who’s Responsible For Russia’s Invasion?, March 3, 2022

Prime minister: Hungary will not be dragged into “cruel, lengthy and bloody war”, March 17, 2022

Putin’s Peace Offer in Ukraine, March 19, 2022

Cold War II – Part 1, March 19, 2022

Vladimir Putin: Russia’s Trump?, March 7, 2022

Putin FULL SPEECH. [Eng Subtitle] March 18th 2022, Moscow – Very important that he says Russia is multinational. The banner says “For a world without Nazism”.It’s meant as a contrast to Ukraine – where there are ethnic cleansing attempts to make it an ethno-nationalist state.

WATCH: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s Full Speech To Congress

Ukraine, It Was All Written in the Rand Corp Plan, March 16, 2022

South Africa’s president blames NATO for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine: ‘war could have been avoided’, March 17, 2022

Pushing a Major Country to the Corner’ – China Blames NATO Expansion for Ukraine War, March 19, 2022

The Praetorian Guard (Mine), July 31, 2004:  “America didn’t always engage in these endless “peacekeeping” missions or invading countries like Kosovo. Over the past six decades, the mind changers have been manipulating the American people through a constant barrage of propaganda and have done a fine job convincing Americans that we should give up our freedoms for the “common good” of the world. This has been done to get the American people to sacrifice their own lives and fortune for the benefit of the world masters orchestrating a one world government. It’s called slave making and the transformation is almost complete.

In his book, The Praetorian Guard by John Stockwell, Americans get a stark, raw accounting of exactly what we the people have been forced to fund, not only with money robbed from the people’s treasury, but with the blood of our precious military. Stockwell, Director of the CIA’s Angola Task force in the 1970s, is the highest ranking officer ever to quit the agency and expose the truth of its operations to Congressional investigators.

“In his book, he addresses serious questions about a “new world order” that began emerging post Cold War. Stockwell explains how and why he believes that the U.S. policy of supporting “secret wars” in every corner of the globe will continue, even as the alliance between the United States and the Soviet Union, inconceivable not so long ago, continues to merge. Did the tinder-box in the Persian Gulf give the U.S. military-intelligence complex a new lease on life? Is “national security” just a cynical cover for the brutal fact that the United States has become the worlds’ toughest cop, exporting military might to the highest bidder as liberty and prosperity disappear at home? Read The Praetorian Guard.”  Unfortunately, since I wrote that piece, finding copies of his book is a chore but know this:  Our tax dollars funding the CIA have killed tens of innocent people around the world.

The CIA May Be Breeding Nazi Terror in Ukraine, Jan. 15, 2022

The Marxist Influence (Mine, Feb. 18, 2005) “From SECRET by David Price:

“David Mark Price has produced one of the most intense research documents that I have ever seen on any subject matter. In this instance, Price has concentrated on the Institute for Policy Studies [IPS]. His manual is explicit, incredibly detailed and one that should he examined by every member of the U.S. Congress for further investigation. His logical and documented link between the IPS and Bill & Hillary Clinton is extraordinary.

“Price dedicates this research to Richard S. Welch, American CIA Chief-Agent who was assassinated in front of his family, Christmas 1975, due to collaborations between Soviet KGB operatives and the Marxist-terrorist IPS group. The same group Bill Clinton’s close friend and advisor, Derek Shearcr, then held membership in, which Hillary Clinton later funded and praised, and from which Bill Clinton chose several appointees.

“Price stresses throughout his work that the purpose in the research that he and his colleagues perform, is strictly in the pursuit of objective truth and not for any political agenda. This manual, as well as his other on the FBI’s investigation into the un-American activities of the Council on Foreign Relations, are almost out of print. I want to quote some of the material out of this IPS manual because I feel this information is vital. The American people deserve to know the truth about the President of the United States and his spouse. They have never gotten it from the establishment, controlled media.”

Greatest Practical Joke In America:  Will “Lia” Thomas—A Guy In a Girl’s Swimsuit

By Frosty Wooldridge

March 21, 2022

Isn’t it amazing that transgender Will Thomas, a guy wearing a girl’s bathing suit captured several NCAA women’s crowns this past weekend—but everyone dismisses the fact that he’s carrying a pair of gonads between his loins?  That means he carries bigger muscles, bigger lungs, bigger heart and massive amounts of testosterone.

Every muscle cell, blood cell, organ and body part remain DNA male.  The fact that he’s actually competing and being allowed to compete in women’s NCAA swimming MUST be the greatest practical joke of 21st century America. The “woke” crowd that supports him present us with the same idiotic arguments that math is “racist”.  That means water, wind, snow, dirt, rain, mountains, streams and oceans must be “racist” too!

How a DNA male swimmer can put on a girl’s one-piece bathing suit and compete with girls must be senseless, most misogynistic, and REALLY creepy, if not emotionally warped choice in this day in age.

As a man, and he is a man, he’s humiliating the rest of male America.  He’s a fraud both emotionally, and in fact, when this nightmare plays out, he will confound all the therapists as to how he pulled it off.  And, why he pulled it off!

Okay, for all the “trans” people out there, good for you, but to push yourselves destructively into other peoples’ lives as to athletics out of your gender—that proves unacceptable and idiotic behavior.

Let’s take the greatest NBA three-point shooter in history, Stephen Curry, and, let’s say he now pronounces himself a “trans female basketball player.”  He jumps into the Women’s National Basketball Association. He takes home 10 championships.  Let’s say he brings along another 7 foot “trans” player.  No one can touch them!  They are real, honest to God DNA males pretending to be females.  It’s a load of horse-feathers larger than the Titanic could carry.

My bet? The fans would revolt.  The players would revolt.  The entire WNBA would ban further participation of trans male players.

This kind of insanity could morph into women’s track, women’s hockey, women’s wrestling, women’s gymnastics and just about all athletics where women need to compete against women.

No matter what a DNA males does to “trans” himself, he carries XY chromosomes.  No operation, hormone treatment, topical or otherwise will ever make him a DNA female.  All he can do is “pretend.”

Can you imagine the world’s top tennis players Nadal or Novak Djokovic or Roger Federer becoming trans female players and beating the snot out of Serena Williams?  Everyone in the stands would “boo” them out of the stadium.  The tennis association would immediately ban the absolute absurdity of trans athletes in tennis.

So why are the NCAA top brass bending to this mental lunacy?  Why haven’t they stopped it?   Why haven’t rational minds taken over and simply banned DNA trans swimmers, et al., and returned sports to a level and reasonable playing field for women and men.

Give those trans athletes their own category to compete against each other. My bet?  Nobody would watch. Nobody would attend.  Nobody would applaud.  No endorsements.  Nothing.  The pretend women like “Lia” Will Thomas would fade into oblivion.

Whether this trans phenomenon is a mentally disturbed condition, a joke on all of us, or simply really unbalanced men trying to act out and gain attention, all of us with rational and logical minds need to weigh in across this country.  Write the NCAA, hit social media, write LTE’s to your local paper, speak up at your high school or college.

“Evil and stupidity triumph when good men and women remain silent.” (Edmund Burke) This is no time to let the Will Thomas’ of the world ruin competitive sports in America because they want to be “pretend females.”

Your daughters, your wives, and your mothers deserve better.  Let’s face it, Susan B. Anthony triumphed as well as Eleanor Roosevelt, Whitney Houston, Condoleezza Rice, and Sally Ride.  Let’s not allow our country to bend to wholesale “woke” thinking.  Why? Because it’s illogical, delusional, really inane and we should not allow the inmates to take over asylum. We’ve already done that with Congress in Washington DC.

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

Are We Witnessing a Southern Invasion?

By Paul Engel

March 21, 2022

  • Does an influx of illegal aliens constitute an invasion?
  • If this is an invasion, what does the Constitution require the federal government to do?
  • What are the consequences of referring to the masses of illegal aliens as invaders?

A reader sent me an email about the influx of illegal aliens on our southern border. The question of whether or not this constituted an invasion and thereby requires a response by the federal government under Article IV, Section 4, is one which is worth our taking a closer look. Not only the question of does this constitute an invasion, but what are the consequences of such a point of view?


Under Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution, the United States is required to guarantee to the states certain things, including the protection against invasion.

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence. 

U.S. Constitution, Article IV, Section 4 (emphasis added)

The first thing we need to determine is, does the influx of a large number of illegal aliens constitute an invasion? We start by defining an invasion:


  1. A hostile entrance into the possessions of another; particularly, the entrance of a hostile army into a country for the purpose of conquest or plunder, or the attack of a military force. The north of England and south of Scotland were for centuries subject to invasioneach from the other. The invasion of England by William the Norman, was in 1066.

Invasion: Websters 1828 Dictionary

Are the people illegally crossing our border hostile? Some of them are, but the vast majority don’t appear to be so.

HOSTILE, adjective

  1. Belonging to a public enemy; designating enmity, particularly public enmity, or a state of war; inimical; as a hostile band or army; a hostile force;hostile intentions.

Hostile: Websters 1828 Dictionary

While their presence is problematic, that does not make them a public enemy.

ENEMY, noun [Latin inimicus.]

  1. A foe; an adversary. A private enemy is one who hates another and wishes him injury, or attempts to do him injury to gratify his own malice or ill will. A public enemy or foe, is one who belongs to a nation or party, at war with another.

Enemy: Websters 1828 Dictionary

The vast majority do not belong to a nation or party that is at war with the United States, neither do most of them make up a hostile band or army. Regardless of their size, these people do not constitute an invasion as our Founding Fathers defined it when they wrote the Constitution. Neither, by the way, do they meet the legal definition of an invasion:

INVASION. The entry of a country by a public enemy, making war.

Invasion: The Free Legal Dictionary 

So if this dramatic influx of illegal aliens doesn’t meet either the Constitutional or legal definition of an invasion, what is it?


Let’s start at the beginning, constitutionally speaking. Article I, Section 8, Clause 4 gives Congress the power:

To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;

U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8, Clause 4

Notice, Congress has the power to set rules for naturalization (the act of becoming a citizen), but not for immigration or visitation. Immigration is becoming a permanent residence, while visitation is a temporary one. This means that according to the Tenth Amendment, the power to regulate immigration or visitation is retained by the states. Therefore, this should be primarily a state issue. However, decades ago, the states allowed the United States to usurp their control over immigration into their states. Which leads us to the next point on our journey.

Since the states now expect the United States to regulate immigration, Congress has passed numerous laws to do so. Why is this important? Because each and every member of Congress has been hired by the American people to represent them, either in the House of Representatives or for their state in the Senate. Whether you like our country’s immigration laws or not, they were created by employees of the people, who represent them and exercise their sovereign power in the peoples’ name. Congress, though, is not the only branch of the federal government responsible for this mess.

While Congress is tasked with making the laws of the United States, the President is required to faithfully execute those laws. Since the state legislatures have decided to allow their citizens to determine who their state should vote for in the Presidential election based on their political party affiliation, the men who have held the office of President in the last several decades got there by the will of the American people.

So, there are two branches of the federal government that are part of this mess: Congress for the laws they have passed and the Presidents who have failed to execute those laws. The fact that millions of people have violated those laws without consequence is not their fault. Yes, the illegal alien is responsible for the laws they have broken, but Congress is responsible for the bureaucratic nightmare that anyone who wishes to come here legally must go through. Also, the President is responsible for the incentive many of these aliens see, since there are effectively few consequences for breaking American law.

Our current border crisis should be a surprise to no one. History is replete with examples of what happens when laws are not enforced. The rate of illegal aliens entering our country is directly correlated to the leniency shown by the Presidential administration in office at the time. You would think after over 50 years of observing this correlation, the American people would have figured it out. Apparently not, even though this cause and effect has been readily observed throughout the United States. Currently, there are two district attorneys in California facing recall because their failure to prosecute crime has led to an intolerable increase in those crimes. Business in these cities are closing because of the level of theft they are forced to endure without any redress, because prosecutors have decided to be derelict in their duties, and not prosecute crimes they don’t think are worth it. While many in California, and in fact America as a whole, are rightly angered by the current state of what is laughably called our “justice system”, there is one point they seem to have missed.


Neither of the District Attorneys currently facing recall in California made any secret of their stance on prosecuting what they often referred to as “petty crimes”. President Biden campaigned on the idea of allowing people into the country illegally, then dealing with them after the fact. He promised to suspend deportations, end detention of migrant families, and reduce room for “immigrant detention”. So why is anyone surprised that millions are taking advantage of the promises to be lax on enforcement of U.S. law? Before you start pointing your finger at President Biden and his administration, there is one very important point you need to consider.

Knowing what President Biden planned to do when he entered office, tens of millions of Americans voted for him. The current state of our border crises is a direct result of the choices made by the American people. In other words, both President Biden and our alleged “invasion” are our fault.


I believe there are two primary reasons behind this call to declare what is happening on our southern border an invasion.

First, there are those who want to use the term “invasion” to prod the federal government to act under Article VI, Section 4. I have seen some go “dictionary shopping” to find a definition that will promote their cause, ignoring the fact the the sense of the word they are basing their claim on in not its primary sense, even in the dictionaries they quote. I expect this approach to be an utter failure, since it is basically trying to shame the the President into doing what he’s already said he would not do. If the President won’t enforce current immigration law, what makes you think he’s going to do so because you call it an invasion? He has paid no political price for his position, so why should he change just because you altered the language?

Second, and of even more concern to me, is this attempt to define the surge of illegal border crossings as an invasion is an unconscious attempt to redirect the blame onto someone else. If this truly were an invasion, those entering the country would be considered hostile. There are many in this country that would use such a designation as an excuse to blame the alien for all of their problems. This is already the case in many locations. The lack of jobs, overflowing of our schools, hospitals, and medical clinics are blamed on the influx of illegal aliens. While in many cases that may be true, it’s rather like blaming the Titanic itself for its sinking rather than its crew. Most Americans drive faster than the speed limit because they know there is little chance of actually getting pulled over. If you knew there was very little risk that you would actually be punished, how many of you would turn down the chance to rob a bank, cheat on your taxes, or even assault that idiot who cut of off in traffic and gave you the finger? Or what if you could earn 10, 20, even 30 times more than you do today, and all you had to do was cross a border without permission or consequence, would you do it? Yet there are some Americans eager to blame the illegal alien not just for violating our laws, but for the fact those laws are not being enforced.

A law that is not enforced is a waste of time and energy. So who is ultimately responsible for the fact that our border crossing laws are not being enforced? Is it the alien who breaks those laws? Is it the criminal who takes advantage of the lax enforcement of those laws? Or is it the federal agent on the border? No, there are only two groups of people responsible for the fact that our border laws are not being enforced. The first group is the politicians, both in Washington, D.C. and in our state houses, who are either refusing to fulfill their duties to enforce the laws of the United States or are willing to stand by and do nothing while it happens. The second is the American people who put them there. President James A. Garfield said:

[N]ow more than ever before, the people are responsible for the character of their Congress. If that body be ignorant, reckless and corrupt, it is because the people tolerate ignorance, recklessness and corruption. If it be intelligent, brave and pure, it is because the people demand these high qualities to represent them in the national legislature

James A. Garfield, A Century of Congress

What was true of Congress in the 19th century is also true of all of our state elected officers today: We are responsible for their character. That means we are responsible for how we respond to their actions as well. We have chosen Presidents who tried to enforce our border laws and others who did not. We chose the Representatives and Senators that not only wrote those laws, but funded their enforcement. And when those in the judicial branch acted badly by illegally meddling with the enforcement of the Constitution and laws of the United States, it was the responsibility of those we placed in Congress to deal with their bad behavior.

So if you’re looking for someone to blame for the current state of our border, look no farther than your mirror. Rather than blaming the alien who broke the law, take responsibility for your choices that led to the fact that those laws aren’t being enforced in the first place.

© 2022 Paul Engel – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Paul Engel: paul@constitutionstudy.com

Democrats Itching To Control Your Income

By Roger Anghis

March 20, 2022

I may be wrong, but probably not, but I firmly believe that Biden’s handlers are grasping at straws in an attempt to force America into the New Green Deal.  Typical of Democrats, they are not capable of thinking into the future and assessing the results of the idiocy of their policies. Biden wants all government vehicles to be electric by 2030 because he/his handlers are convinced of ‘climate change’.  They have no plan in place that can replace fossil fuels. None. This transition from fossil fuels to green energy is going to cost more money than there is in the world, but they don’t see that. They just keep on shoving us in that direction and when it fails, which it will with catastrophic results, they’ll just blame somebody else>  Like they’ve done with the vaccines. The person that got the vaccines still gets covid because of the person who didn’t get the vaccine and doesn’t have covid. Not sure how that works but their base is dumb enough to believe it.

We have to remember that Democrats are about control. Control of everything you do. Can’t work unless you have the jab.  Can’t go to a sporting event unless you have the jab. Can’t fly unless you have the jab.  Can’t go to church at all.  You can go to the liquor store, go to a strip joint because those places are essential. That was an obvious sign that it wasn’t about the virus but it was about control.

These signs are popping up everywhere concerning the Democrats and the RINOs.  Every time you turn around they are putting limits on what we can do, where we can go, what we drive, and what we can eat.  Real meat is out. They want us to eat plant-based meat that is loaded with chemicals. Even our bank accounts are under attack.  Biden wants the IRS to be able to access our bank accounts at will without our knowledge.  Banks are pushing back against a proposal from the Biden administration that could force them to turn over customers’ account information to the Internal Revenue Service.

Under the plan, banks and other financial institutions would be required to annually report customers’ account inflows and outflows of $600 or more to the IRS. The White House has estimated the policy, which would apply to bank, loan and investment accounts, could generate about $463 billion in additional revenue over the next decade.

The measure, if Congress approves it to fund Biden’s sweeping $3.5 trillion family and climate change plan, would give the IRS an enormous amount of new information that it would have to learn how to manage and use.

Banks banks say the plan would increase compliance costs and add to the already existing burden the industry faces in turning over information to the government.

In a letter addressed to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, more than 40 banks urged lawmakers to vote against such a proposal, warning it could create a “tremendous liability” for all involved by requiring the collection of financial information for the majority of Americans “without proper explanation of how the IRS will store, protect, and use this enormous trove of personal financial information.”

“This proposal would create significant operational and reputational challenges for financial institutions, increase tax preparation costs for individuals and small businesses, and create serious financial privacy concerns,” they wrote. “We urge members to oppose any efforts to advance this ill-advised new reporting regime.” [1]

It has become commonplace anymore for a bank to ask you why you are withdrawing anything of a certain amount Like it’s any of their business.  I have even heard that some banks won’t give you your own money if you won’t tell them what you are going to use it for.  They say it is an IRS regulation. I’d like to see in the Constitution where they even think they have the right to withhold your funds for any reason.  The real reason is control.

I brought up in a previous article how Biden is working on legislation to pull all retirement accounts into Social Security which means you will never see your retirement funds again.  They will start with taxing your retirement account, IRA, 401K, and other accounts annually when they’re not supposed to be taxed until you withdraw the funds.  But Biden is going one step further and is looking a nationalizing all savings accounts. If taxing your retirement accounts isn’t enough, there is talk of Nationalizing savings accounts.

October 5th, TheStreet.com (talking about you) reported, “their retirement account nest eggs could make them sitting ducks for sneak attacks by cash-hungry bureaucrats. Democrats in Congress have floated the idea of taxing retirement account balances above a certain level, forcing retirement accounts to hold government bonds, and even merging IRAs and 401(k)s into the Social Security system. Your Individual Retirement Account could become a Government Bailout Account.” What happens to all your money, stocks, bonds, other retirement assets like deeds, mortgages, and other paper commodities if they fold them over into Social Security?

Well, everything you’ve spent a lifetime working for, legislated away, “confiscated” at the push of a button on the keyboard.

Just look at Venezuela. Fox News reported, “Venezuela was once the wealthiest country in South America, but in recent years millions have fled the country amid mass starvation and violence after socialist policies were enacted and government seized private industries.”

Socialists believe they have a right to your savings. When those we choose to represent us in Washington feel comfortable discussing taking what is not theirs publicly, it’s time to take protective action![2]

Most people would prefer being able to save as much as they can for their retirement and I remember a time when you could do that but we are in a different time.  Now the government is limiting how much you can save for retirement. They have stepped into an area where the federal government has absolutely no jurisdiction.  Just like they did with healthcare. The main problem is the Republicans do nothing to stop this massive overreach by the feds.  The so-called “mega-backdoor Roth” strategy uses a principle similar to that of the backdoor Roth.

The strategy lets high earners save up to $58,000 in a 401(k) plan — more than the traditional $19,500 contribution limit — using a type of after-tax 401(k) bucket. Savers then convert that savings to a Roth account, once again yielding the benefit of tax-free investment growth.

Democrats’ legislation would end the mega-backdoor Roth by prohibiting all after-tax contributions in workplace plans and prohibiting after-tax IRA contributions from being converted to a Roth account.

This policy would apply for everyone, regardless of income level.

Accredited investors

Democrats’ legislation would disallow IRA investments that require the owner to have a minimum level of assets or income, or to have completed a minimum level of education or obtained a specific license or credential.

This would apply, for example, to accredited investors seeking to buy a private investment.

IRAs with these investments would lose their IRA status — meaning they’d lose their tax benefits. [3]

There has to come a time when We the People stand up and say enough. Our Constitution is no longer followed by either party and we are heading down the path towards socialism.  We don’t vet our candidates and neither do we pay attention to what they do when they get in office. We need to take responsibility for our actions and remove the anti-American factions that have permeated our government. Elect people that will follow the Constitution and truly represent the people.  If not for ourselves but for our children and grandchildren. Our parents handed us a nation that was better than what we have now. We cannot allow this to stand or our grandchildren will never know the freedoms we used to have.

© 2022 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis: roger@buildingthetruth.org

Foot Notes

  1. Biden IRS bank account proposal opposition
  2. Individual retirement account Biden Democrats spending plan
  3. House Democrats propose new retirement plan rules

Resisting Negative Suggestions

By Roy Masters

March 20, 2022

Inasmuch as we all enter the world as products of original sin, we tend to put our faith in the people we find around us, and as a result, we wind up misled, betrayed, and disillusioned.

If you look at this situation from a philosophical point of view, however, you will see that it does little harm. If you have the right spirit, negative experiences will tend to wake you up and teach you something about your failing.

For one thing, they can tell you that faith is a precious thing, and that people nearly always betray it.

If you look very carefully, you will see that you were never meant to place your faith in anyone other than the Deity Himself. You have been giving your confidence to the wrong people out of a compulsive need to make gods out of them.

It all started in the garden, when man, seeking to be God (an impossibility), put his trust in a lie. That same pride has come down to us, bringing with it a lie-believing, lie-based nature that is causing all our problems to this very day.

Liars are people who can, by their very presence, exude a supportive feeling that your ego needs and must consequently trust for the sake of that need.

You exchange trust for some mysterious promise of fulfillment that is inherent in such trust. You have “faith” in yourself because others have faith in you.

“You cannot go through life believing a lie one moment and accepting the Truth the next”

You have faith in others to cause them to have faith in you.

You cannot go through life believing a lie one moment and accepting the Truth the next. A man cannot be a confusion of lies and truths any more than a woman can be a little bit pregnant.

Nothing can be just a little bit sterile. It is one or the other. Had it not been for his fall to pride, man might have known perfection; but now that corruption has been introduced, man’s soul is polluted.

As a result, the only way he sees that he can be more is through more pollution; but of course his corruption does not seem like corruption to him at all.

On the contrary, he sees it as a sign that he is really living and growing. Once corruption is introduced, the stuff of corruption continues to grow up inside the soul that has made a home for it.

Had the soul remained pure, it would have grown in purity. Even so, a chicken will grow in an egg that has not been cracked, but a cracked egg will breed only maggots.

In the same way, your nature must trust in something greater than itself in order for it to exist. If it fails to recognize the truth, it is bound into a life of deception.

© FHU.Com

Never Compromise With Evil

By Rob Pue

March 20, 2022

“For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?” (2nd Corinthians 6).  There can be NO compromise with evil.  None.

Unfortunately, in today’s politically-correct America, that’s all we have, is compromise.  Compromise with evil.  “Go along to get along,” “Don’t make waves,” “See something, say nothing.”  Of course, this is all fear-generated.  We’re fearful of losing our lives of luxury and ease, we’re fearful to getting in trouble with the “law,” we’re fearful of offending the ignorant and therefore we’re fearful of speaking the truth.  But as Christians, we have not been given a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind.  Do you understand that?  As followers of Christ, with the Holy Spirit dwelling inside us, WE are the ones who have power.  We are the ones who have love.  We are the ones with sound minds.

While the rest of the world wallows and writhes in fear, doubt and confusion, driven to the brink of insanity, we don’t have to join them in their despair.  In fact, it’s a sin if we do; a direct rejection of God’s Word.  Power and love and a sound mind.  That should be us.  For WAY too many, it’s not.

It should be evident to all by now, that America has become a wicked, evil nation, with a wicked, evil government, and streets filled with God-hating, self-centered, fearful and wicked people.  For nearly fifty years now, Americans — including CHRISTIAN Americans — have looked the other way while 70 million babies have been murdered through the savage act of abortion.  Perhaps fifty years ago, we may have had an excuse, because of our ignorance. We can no longer claim that excuse. There can be no doubt anymore: life begins at conception, the baby in the womb is the most innocent and most helpless of all people.  Yet, as Christians, we offer nothing but lip service to a “pro-life” movement that has failed in every regard at ending this holocaust in our nation.  The judgment of God that has now fallen on our nation is due, in part, because our streets have become rivers of the blood of the innocent, and we have not demanded an abrupt end to this.  Instead, we’ve compromised.  We’ve compromised with evil.  And we are without excuse.

Most Americans — including most Christians AND their pastors — are oblivious to the thousands upon thousands of women and children who are victims of human trafficking and worse.  What’s happening though the floodgates of illegal immigration in our country is much more than just rendering humanitarian aid.  It seems to me that if we were interested in rendering humanitarian aid to people, we would start first with securing the well-being of our own homeless children, our senior citizens and military veterans.  ANY country with a heart for its own people would see to that…as well as the security of its borders.  But the millions of illegals entering this country are useful for the so-called “Elites” — they’re useful as sex-slaves and playthings.  They’re useful as new, dedicated Leftist voters.  They’re useful as “useful idiots.”  Some DO know what’s going on regarding human trafficking and illegal immigration, but have chosen to ignore it.  More compromise.  But no excuses.

When the Supreme Court rendered the abomination of so-called “legalized same-sex marriage,” we heard not a peep from our pastors, and today, 73% of professing “Christians” now believe that sodomy — which used to be rightly determined to be a mental disorder, and same-sex “marriage” was unthinkable because it was such an abomination, even to non-Christians — today, 73% of professions “CHRISTIANS” agree this is a constitutional right and simply another alternative lifestyle, wholly equal to traditional marriage between one man and one woman… just a different “choice.”  More compromise.  But still no excuses.

I’m so frustrated at the lack of courage and conviction among Americans, and especially among church-goers and their pastors.  Even though we know our public schools and colleges are actively and deliberately indoctrinating our children with anti-Christ demonic lies, pushing for perverted sex education from the youngest of ages, encouraging our kids to try sodomy for themselves, because it just might be “right for them,” and not to mention the “transgender” agenda, “drag queen story time,” and “Critical Race Theorgy.”  And now even as they’re telling parents they have no right to know what their kids are being taught, still almost nobody shows up at school board meetings to voice their opposition — because if they dare speak any truth, they’re shouted down by everyone else in the room, ostracized by the community and labeled as “domestic terrorists.”  More compromise, at the expense of the souls of our own children.  There’s no excuse for that.

We also allowed our last presidential election to be clearly and blatantly stolen by Leftist lunatics bent on the dismantling of our economy, our food supply, our energy sources, our banking system, our healthcare system…pretty much everything.  Even though, in state after state after state, evidence was clear and obvious of the most fraudulent election in our history, nothing has been done about it.  Yes, we had a million people show up in DC on January 6th of ‘21 to present a redress of grievances.  Grievous grievances.  But that turned out to be a trap and hundreds of patriots were caught in that trap and now our capital is surrounded by tall fences and barbed wire — to keep the people OUT of the house they pay for.  Now the patriots have gone home, too afraid to return, lest they, too, end up in the Gulag.  So we just accept that this is the way things are now.  But there’s no excuse for that.

The COVID plandemic exposed so much. The “pharmakea” (sorcery) of Big Pharma; the evil schemes of the World so-called “elite,” bent on world domination and subjegation of the ALL the world’s people; the insanity of forced mask-wearing, forced “social distancing,” the forced closure and destruction of stores and churches, and worst of all, the forced jabs of  experimental DNA-altering gene therapy.  We now understand this was all just dramatic theater, designed to make people fearful and keep them fearful, so that they would comply.  We also know that despite untold thousands of injuries and deaths from these jabs, governments and health officials world-wide refused to stop REQUIRING them for everyone.  They’re now pushing to inject even newborn babies.  Every soul on planet earth is the goal, and they’re well on their way.

Big businesses compromised and cooperated in this scheme — even though they never had to — and it became “no jab, no job.”  A staggering number of people have died as a result of all this.  Our supply chain has also been deliberately sabotaged.  A couple months ago, I predicted oil would soon hit $100 a barrel and I was ridiculed by so many, who told me  this would never happen.  “How ridiculous and irresponsible,” of me, they said.  Well, today, oil is at $126 a barrel and gas at the pump is $4.89 a gallon where I live — and moving higher.

There’s much more I could mention, but you get the idea.  There can be no compromise with evil. God’s Word is clear in Ephesians 5, “Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience…try to discern what is pleasing to the Lord. Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.”   But you know what?  Living on the side of righteousness and standing for what is good, and exposing the unfruitful works of darkness is going to cost you something, as the Canadian truckers found out.

The Canadian Freedom Convoy made an impact on the whole world because those people fearlessly stood up to the tyrant — and that inspired others to do so too.  It caused a shockwave among the Globalist New World Order crowd, and now, as you see, you don’t hear a whole lot about COVID anymore.  Now, we’re being trained to fear World War 3 with Russia and Ukraine.  I’m not down-playing the seriousness of that situation, but mark my words, none of us understands all that’s going on there.  But one thing I do know, it makes a very convenient distraction to keep us in fear, while the next chess piece is moved into place and the shackles tighten a little bit more around each of our ankles.

When the People’s Convoy here in America was announced, I predicted that it would not have anywhere near the impact as what we saw in Canada.  Because Americans, for the most part, have been kept ignorant and dumb.  Sorry, but it’s true.  Ignorant and dumb makes for compliant and numb.  Apathy.  And I don’t want to rain on anybody’s truck parade, but I knew, as plans were announced for the Convoy here in the States, that it would end up as a waste of time.  Organizers stated up front that they were not going to enter DC or go near the Capital; they WERE going to work with local police and make sure they didn’t impede traffic or cause any commotion.  In short, they were going to hold a “protest” but they were going to compromise and make sure nobody was inconvenienced in any way.

But that’s not how you effect any sort of change.  For a couple weeks now, the People’s Convoy has held patriotic rallies, and driven around the DC beltline, but that’s pretty much it.  I’ve tried hard to find anything of significance from this convoy in the news.  But there is nothing — not even in the reliable, alternative media I often rely on.  This event is still going on, but having NO impact, no effect.  They haven’t had any impact on Congress or the illegitimate administration or the mandates and rules they’ve sought to put an end to.

They can wave as many flags as they like and hold all the rallies they like — on private property, away from public view.  But nothing will change because they’ve decided to compromise, break no “laws,” no matter how toothless or unlawful those “laws” may be.  I suspect it will all be over soon, going out with a whimper, when they can no longer afford the price of diesel.  Because while the Canadian movement was able to raise $10 million dollars TWICE, this movement has not even been able to raise $2 million.  Because it’s been wholly ineffective.  Because of compromise.

You see, in order to be effective in fighting wickedness, evil and darkness, you have to be willing to give something up.  You have to be in it to win it.  You have to be “all in.”  There can be no compromise with evil.  In Acts 5, we read about Jesus’ disciples being arrested and confronted by the religious leaders.  Here’s what happened: “And when they had brought them, they set them before the council. And the high priest questioned them, saying, ‘We strictly charged you not to teach in this Name, (Jesus’ name) yet here you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching, and you intend to bring this Man’s blood upon us.’   But Peter and the apostles answered, ‘We must obey God rather than men.’”

When we stand for righteousness, we also need to be ready for persecution.  1 Peter 4:12, “Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you.”  No, we should expect persecution.  Not run from it, and certainly not compromise with evil to avoid it.  And we need to be ready to give up the fleshly desires and luxuries of this world.  James 4:4, “Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God?  Whosoever, therefore, will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.”

And Psalam 119, “Joyful are people of integrity, who follow the instructions of the Lord.  Joyful are those who obey His laws and search for Him with all their hearts.  They do not compromise with evil, and they walk only in His paths.”

I do not SEEK persecution, but I know that if I’m going to have any impact for truth and righteousness and if I’m going to be of any use to God in this life at all, I’m not going to be well liked and popular.  If we belong to Jesus, He’s assigned each of us a cross to carry.  Cross-carrying isn’t fun.  But compromise is not an option.

When we compromise with evil, when we go along to get along, when we are politically correct, biting our tongues in order to be “non-offensive” to those who are ignorant, dumb, deceived or part of the wicked world system, we cease to be salt and light and until we gather the courage to “love not our own lives, even unto death,” we will always remain utterly useless to God.  “Let the dead bury the dead.”   There can be no compromise with evil.

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email Rob@WisconsinChristianNews.com.  Ask for message number 353.

© 2022 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue: Rob@WisconsinChristianNews.com

Cold War II – Part 1

By George Lujack

March 19, 2022

Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022 in what has been called the largest conventional military attack in Europe since World War II. The Russian military incursion into Ukraine has been roundly condemned by most Western politicians and mainstream media outlets. Russian President Vladimir Putin has been called a killer and has been compared to Adolph Hitler. Cold War II has begun.

Fox News host Sean Hannity recently suggested that Russian President Vladimir Putin should be assassinated and called for NATO to bomb the Russians and their convoys in Ukraine. Hannity stated, “You cut the head of the snake off and you kill the snake. And right now the snake is Vladimir Putin. Anyone who invades a sovereign country (even one with a history of corruption like Ukraine), and kills innocent men, women, and children like Putin has, they forfeit their right to lead a country, and they deserve to be taken out by any means necessary.”

To believe that Putin is acting unilaterally, without the support of other Russian leaders in the Kremlin and the support of most Russians, is beyond ignorance and naivety. The latest Russian polling shows that 70 percent of the Russian population is firmly behind Vladamir Putin.

Killing Putin would not stop Russia. Ironically, Russia believes, or will come to believe, that the best way to kill the NATO beast will be to cut off the head of the NATO beast and you will kill the NATO beast. That will be discussed in part 2 of this article, at a later date, for those who agree to take the red pill.

MATTHEW 7:3-5:
Why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me remove the speck from your eye’; and look, a plank is in your own eye? Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

Before we remove Putin from power, we should first remove our unelected usurper president, Joe Biden from power. Before we commit to helping Ukraine protect its border, we should first protect our Mexican border from illegal immigrants flooding into America. Before we lecture Russia on how wrong they are for invading a sovereign nation, America needs to stop invading sovereign nations (Vietnam, Beirut, Grenada, Panama, Iraq, Somalia, Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria) and establishing military bases all over the world. Before we state that Russia cannot reacquire its former Soviet Bloc nations, the united States should first recognize the Confederate States of America.

Are we awakened Americans suddenly supposed to forget this post-republic country we find ourselves living in, wave Ukrainian flags, and patriotically support Joe Biden and oppose Russia? Are we supposed to forget how often and frequent our politicians and media continually lie to us about things such as Covid, the need for lockdowns, Covid hospital death camp protocols via ventilators, “safe and effective” vaccines, and the world being on the brink of catastrophe due to global warming? Joseph Goebbels would be in awe of America’s propaganda machine.

This may sound un-American and controversial, but Ukraine is the second most corrupt nation in the world, behind only the United States, which is the most corrupt. Which is more corrupt, the strong nation (America), who bribes the weaker nation with a billion dollars of grant money or the weaker nation who accepts the grant money with strings attached? Strings such as firing a prosecutor investigating Joe Biden’s son Hunter, who received an $83,000-per-month salary in kickbacks, ahem I mean “worked” on behalf of Ukrainian energy company Burisma, as part of the deal for the billion dollars being granted.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is the poster boy of a propped up Western puppet leader, as far as Russia is concerned. Due to Western aid, primarily American, Ukraine has become a base for further NATO encroachment upon Russia’s borders. To believe that Russia invaded Ukraine solely as an act of Russian aggression for global conquest on the whim of a dictator is ignoring history. As Putin has stated, “The U.S. is parking missiles on the porch of our house [in Ukraine, aimed at Russian cities].”

“Do not judge a man [nation] until you have walked a mile in his shoes.” -American Proverb

Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941 with 3.8 million troops, the largest invasion force in the history of warfare at the time. Nazi German forces seized Ukraine, which was part of the Soviet Union, and were eventually driven out of Ukraine by Russian forces. WWII is referred to by Russia as the Great Patriotic War. Thus, when Vladimir Putin proclaims that Russia and Ukraine share a history together, he is not lying. When Putin explains that the West is using its historical ally, Ukraine, as a launching pad for NATO missiles aimed at Russian cities, he is not lying. Russia, having been attacked by Nazi German Europe in its past, has every reason to be concerned about NATO aggression at its border.

The Cuban Missile Crisis was a 1-month, 4-day confrontation between the United States and the Russian-led Soviet Union that lasted from October 16 through November 20 1962. In order to counter American missiles deployed in Italy and Turkey (aimed at Russia, of course), the Soviet Union deployed similar ballistic missiles to Cuba that were aimed at American cities. After the American-funded failed Bay of Pigs invasion in Cuba, a sovereign nation, Cuban Prime Minister Fidel Castro requested that the Soviet Union install missile launch facilities in Cuba to deter a future invasion of Cuba. The Soviet Union agreed to Castro’s request and construction of missile launch facilities in Cuba began in July 1962. An American naval blockade of Cuba ensued, which stopped the Soviets from further construction of the missile launch facilities in Cuba. Negotiations afterward took place and it was agreed upon that the Soviet Union would dismantle their missiles in Cuba and return them to the Soviet Union and the United States agreed to not invade Cuba again and would dismantle their missile systems deployed in Turkey and Italy against the Soviet Union. While today’s U.S. and NATO leaders believe that they have the right to place their missiles in any sovereign nation near Russia’s borders, the United States nearly went to nuclear war against the Soviet Union when they attempted to place their missiles near America’s border.

A large segment of Ukraine is Russian, the Russian and Ukrainian languages are similar Slavic languages and use slightly different versions of the Cyrillic alphabet.

Build Back Better was a United Nations concept program introduced in 2015. The slogan was afterward adopted by the Biden administration as a talking point for the rebuilding of America after the widespread property destruction, encouraged by the Democrat Party, in the wake of racial unrest of 2020. American-led NATO follows a similar pattern of Build Back Better. NATO’s methodology is to topple regimes and nation build.

Russia views NATO as liars, who perpetually promise security, then continue to approach the border of Russia. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was more of a defensive act to use Ukraine as a buffer zone against NATO encroachment than it was an act of a nation aggressively seeking to overtake and conquer another nation. Russia will never accept Ukraine joining NATO.

Is the Russian Federation supposed to sit idly by as the U.S. funds 25-30 biolabs in Ukraine? Is Russia expected to trust the same American government who has funded the Wuhan lab in China and all but certainly took part in the greatest unleashing of a virus upon humanity in the history of the world? Who knows what evils the Deep State have planned for Russia. While U.S. “fact” checkers are claiming that there are no U.S. bioweapons labs in Ukraine, but only biological “research” facilities, after being lied to repeatedly over Covid and a whole host of other political issues, U.S. politicians and the mainstream media have lost all credibility. As a matter of “fact,” it should now be expected that the U.S. government and mainstream media will perpetually and pathologically lie to us.

Russia’s President Putin, using sound reasoning, is making Western media reporters look like deer caught in headlights every time they interview him. Whether the topic is Ukraine, Russian aggression, homosexual rights in Russia, Donald Trump, or alleged interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, Putin has outwitted the Western narrative with plain, straight talk answers. Not since President Donald Trump has there been a politician as able to clearly expose the agenda, bias, corruption, dishonesty, and fakeness of Western leaders and their mainstream media lapdogs as Russian President Putin has been able to do on the world stage.

We now know that despite all 17 U.S. “intelligence” (propaganda) agencies reporting that Russia interfered with the 2016 presidential election, they didn’t. After being accused of doing so, Putin asked reporter Megan Kelly to provide some example or some actual evidence showing specifically exactly what Russia did to interfere with the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Kelly’s answer was, in sum and substance, “Well, we all know you did.” Our mainstream media and Deep State U.S. government are full of pathological liars!

Western media has tried to trap President Putin with accusations that Russia is anti-homosexual and Putin calmly explains that it is not illegal to be gay in Russia, there is no death penalty for gays in Russia, and if Elton John wants to do a concert in Russia he is welcomed. What is illegal in Russia is the promotion and propagandizing of homosexuality and child abuse (which includes pedophilia and gender mutilation surgery), practices which the Western nations have recently adopted or are in the process of adopting.

The greatest benefactor of the Russian occupation of Ukraine is none other than Hillary Clinton. The Durham report shows that Hillary Clinton spied on both candidate and President Donald Trump and attempted to manufacture fake evidence tying President Trump to Russia. The mainstream media did its best to cover for Killary and they did, with only conservative outlets Fox News, Newsmax, and One America News covering the story. After the Russian incursion into Ukraine, the news cycle shifted and Hillary Clinton got away with treason, again.

The Commander-in-Thief of the United States, Joe Biden, is either completely incompetent or is purposely implementing policies that are intended to harm the citizens of the United States and bring down the country. BIDEN DOES NOT KNOW WHAT HE IS DOING! If Biden actually does know what he is doing, it is even more ominous for Americans. In order to save the environment, which didn’t need saving, Biden ordered a halt on the construction of the Keystone Pipeline and has now imposed sanctions on Russian oil, because of their Ukraine invasion, which has and will continue to drive up gasoline prices at the pump. Americans can now rely on our friends, the Saudis, to step up oil production to fill America’s petroleum needs. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg urged Americans to just go out and purchase new electric vehicles to avoid paying high gas prices.

Poking the bear… American citizens have been programmed over the years to believe everything Russian is evil. From popular movies such as Rocky IV, Creed II, The Hunt for Red October, and Firefox, the Russians are always portrayed as evil dumb brutes who are always defeated and outwitted by the good Americans.

It is not until hundreds of years into the future, in Star Trek, is a Russian viewed in a positive light, albeit a Russian who speaks English with a heavy Russian accent.

The last State of the Union Address featured a crooked senile thief, standing in front of a dimwitted whore, and a bat-shit crazed woman. With immoral, incompetent leaders such as this, as well as the aforementioned homosexual transportation secretary and many other immoral leaders, America will not remain a blessed nation for very much longer. Which leads to the second part of the article to be released soon.

Who is pushing the narrative on Russia? The global and cultural elites that have made many Americans believe that Russia is an inherently evil nation. The very same people who have spent the last two years trying to enslave every person on the planet through their Covid pandemic narrative. Russia has finally said enough and has begun drawing their own red lines. Cold War II is upon us.

© 2022 George Lujack – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail George Lujack: georgelujack@gmail.com

Putin’s Peace Offer in Ukraine

By Lex Greene

March 19, 2022

Before I discuss Putin’s current offer for peace to Ukraine, you need to know that I am not at all interested in convincing you that Putin is a “good guy.” I have no interest in convincing you that the Ukraine government is any better than the Russian government either, because they may in fact be worse. As far as I’m concerned, there are plenty of people to blame for the conflict in Ukraine, beginning with the Biden administration, Obama, the Clintons, Klaus Schwab, the WEF, IMF, NATO, and the UN.

I’m only interested in showing you the facts and letting you decide what to make of those facts on your own.

It’s being reported by numerous foreign news outlets that peace talks between Russia and Ukraine have taken place a few times now. It has also been reported that Putin has put four conditions for peace on the table with Ukraine in those sessions. Here they are…

Condition #1 – Russia will cease fire and lay down their weapons if Ukraine will cease fire and lay down their weapons at the same time. This is a common condition for peace in every effort to end hostilities between nations…a perfectly reasonable and appropriate condition for peace.

Condition #2–Russia took over Crimea during the Obama-Biden administration in February and March of 2014, and it barely made any headlines at all at the time. Crimea voted to rejoin Russia and Russia annexed Crimea as part of Russia in 2014. A condition for peace with Ukraine is that Crimea will remain part of Russian, and Ukraine must formally recognize Crimea as part of Russia.

Condition #3–Ukraine must amend its Constitution to guarantee its independent statehood and global neutrality as an independent nation. This confirms that Putin and Russia are not attempting to take over Ukraine and annex it as part of Russia, or rebuild the Soviet Empire, in stark contrast to what Americans have been continuously told by the Biden Administration and the U.S. news media 24/7 every day. The point to this condition for Russia, is preventing Ukraine from being annexed into the World Economic Forum “Global Communist Reset” which would put NATO on the border of Russia.

Condition #4–Ukraine must allow the two pro-Russian breakaway republics in eastern Ukraine (Donetsk and Luhanskto) to obtain independent statehood and formally recognize them as such. These two breakaway republics have been trying to establish independence from Ukraine since the fall of the Soviet Union in December 1991. Russia is not demanding the two become part of Russia. Instead, Russia is simply supporting the two republics desire for independence from Ukraine.

In the third peace talks with Ukraine on March 7th, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said unequivocally that if the Ukraine government would agree to these four conditions, hostilities between the two countries would end and “Ukraine will remain an independent state that will live as it wants.” This again publicly commits Russia to allowing Ukraine to remain an independent sovereign state.

Now, of the four conditions put on the table by Putin and Russia, three of the four are somewhat easy for the Ukraine government to agree to in their stated desire to end the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Incidentally, these are the same four conditions Russia has demanded for at least fifteen years in their effort to avoid the need for hostilities between the two countries.

Only one of the four demands is very difficult for the Ukraine government to agree to…Condition #3.

Although it is Putin and Russia who stands accused of attempting to conquer territory in Ukraine, it’s actually someone else who has been conquering territory all over Europe for years now. This is what forced Putin into a corner, making Putin believe that he had no choice but to confront NATO Partners in Ukraine before Ukraine became an enemy touching the Russian border.

The history behind current circumstances in Ukraine are pretty well documented.

NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and a private global trade group, was originally formed in 1949 after WWII with the stated purpose and intent of rebuilding European countries torn apart literally and economically during the war. Their secondary purpose was to provide a common defense of the European countries against the Soviet Union, which fell in December 1991.

Of the thirty NATO countries today, twenty-eight are European countries, with only the USA and Canada as member states from the west.

Since then, the USA, UN, NATO and now the WEF, has been conquering territories all around the globe. They had totally conquered all of Europe and were moving east to the border of Russia in Ukraine. It isn’t Putin or Russia who has been conquering territory over the past few decades, it’s the GREAT GLOBAL RESET countries, financed by international WEF corporations, that have been very busy conquering nations.

Putin isn’t at war with the people of Ukraine, many of whom are Russian. He is at conflict with corrupt neo-Nazis in western Ukraine and the Obama-Biden puppet regime installed in Kyiv in 2014. The process of turning Ukraine into the 5th most corrupt country in the world started all the way back in 2005, when a new U.S. Senator from Illinois infiltrated the Ukraine government and started to take control of the country. His name is Barack Obama.

In reality, Putin has been fighting this problem in his neighboring country ever since.

As a result, the one condition tough for Ukraine to agree to is Condition #3. Ukraine is trapped in a classic turf war between NATO countries and the WEF Global Reset in control of Europe on their western border, and Putin’s Russia on their eastern border.

The WEF Global Reset is designed to end all sovereignty and security for every nation on earth and mold them all into a global commune governed by Klaus Schwab and his global partner network embedded in governments and corporations all over the globe.

Like Donald Trump, Putin is a nationalist. It’s the only thing the two had in common, the love and protection of their own countries and a firm desire to remain sovereign independent nations, never becoming part of any communist global group under the WEF or anyone else.

However, the Global Reset cabal already holds complete control over their puppet government in Ukraine. After all, they installed the current puppet regime and have used Ukraine to launder money, run drugs, prostitution, and human trafficking through Ukraine, since at least 2014. Just follow the money…

The Ukraine regime is between a rock and a hard place on Condition #3. Putin is pressuring the regime from the east, and Klaus Schwab and NATO are pressuring them from the west. It’s a no win situation for the current regime in power in Ukraine.

Meanwhile, the entire Global Reset cabal, including nearly all mainstream news WEF partners, throw gasoline on the turf war in Ukraine by spreading false information about what’s really happening in Ukraine and what the conflict is really all about. Putin is determined to keep Schwab and his NATO forces far from the Russian border, and for good reason.

After watching how easily people were conned all over the world for over two years of the Schwab COVID19: Global Reset scam, we could expect the world to be just as easily conned on events in Ukraine.

But before we allow global criminals to force the entire world into World War 3, it’s time for people everywhere to ask a few appropriate questions and demand some honest answers.

What do you see in that chart above?

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lex Greene: NWVLexGreene@gmail.com

Has Russia Won the War?

By Cliff Kincaid

March 18, 2022

I received an email about an Alaskan cruise. You better go before Putin takes Alaska back for Russia. Biden won’t stop him.

Putin has no soul and Biden has no brain. That’s my position. But Biden’s handlers are smart enough to know that they don’t want to offend Putin by supporting the freedom fighters in Ukraine too vigorously. They go through the motions of providing some weapons to some fighters in some areas of the country under direct Russian assault. 

But planes and a no-fly-zone, which could turn the tide, are off the table. That means Ukraine can’t win. It’s another no-win war.

Ukraine loses more and more territory to Russia and is now engaged in “negotiations” to end the war on Russia’s terms. This means Ukraine will be neutralized and Russia will dominate Europe. Pope Francis has stepped forward, to provide religious cover for Putin’s victory. That’s what the “negotiations” are all about.

Don’t believe the TV generals who say Putin is losing and is in a “desperate” situation because he has lost several thousand soldiers and key generals. Putin doesn’t care about loss of life. He certainly doesn’t care about Ukrainian losses and refugees.

Ukraine is lost. The country has been devastated. What is happening is a continuation of the war against Ukraine that Russia launched in 2014, when Obama was president and Biden was vice-president. They knew what was coming. Our CIA knew what was coming.

They just had to wait until they could get Trump out of office for the war to begin. The Russians accomplished that through the use of their phony dossier, provided to Hillary and the Democrats for political purposes.

In a significant development, Pope Francis just discussed the war with Russian Orthodox leader Patriarch Kirill of Moscow. The Vatican said that “the two leaders agreed on the importance of current negotiations to end the war.”

The Vatican’s dealings with Putin and the Russian Orthodox Church deserve major media attention. David Satter, a former Moscow correspondent, says Patriarch Kirill was exposed by material from the Soviet archives as a KGB agent. “This means he was more than just an informer, of whom there were millions in the Soviet Union. He was an active officer of the organization,” wrote Satter.

Despite what you read and hear, James Pindell of the Boston Globe points out most of the world is on Russia’s side. Most nations won’t enforce sanctions. He notes that “…most of three huge continents — Asia, Africa, and South America — are either still working with Russia or trying to project the image of neutrality.”

Even Biden is on Russia’s side, counting on Putin to make possible another Iran nuclear agreement. No wonder Ukraine is losing. They have to lose to make the Iran agreement possible.

Senator Lindsey Graham has called for Vladimir Putin’s assassination.  Biden won’t authorize that because he knows that Putin can strike directly in the heart of Washington, D.C. Biden has enough of a brain to know that his personal survival is at stake if he goes too far. His people can’t even agree to call Putin a war criminal.

In 2016, in one of the most sensational cases, the Russian creator of the propaganda channel, Russia Today (RT), Mikhail Lesin, was found dead in a Washington D.C. hotel room. The speculation was that Lesin was in Washington, D.C. to cooperate with the FBI, and expose corruption and other misdeeds by the Putin regime.

Former FBI agent John Whiteside, who handled Russian espionage cases, told me in an interview that it wouldn’t surprise him if Putin had engineered the death of Lesin. “Putin is a KGB guy through and through,” he noted. Since the evidence implicates the Putin regime in the murder by poisoning of former KGB agent Alexander Litvinenko, Whiteside found it reasonable to assume that he could do the same in America. He said, “Could Putin reach out to the United States? Absolutely. I wouldn’t doubt it for a minute.”

The Russian government murdered former KGB agent Alexander Litvinenko in London.

In 2013, as he was preparing his first invasion of Ukraine, Putin visited the Vatican and acted like a religious believer. Putin made the sign of the cross, gave the pope a Virgin Mary icon, and bent over to kiss it. The pope followed suit.

There has been talk of collaboration — even a merger — of the Roman Catholic Church and the Russian Orthodox Church in global affairs. Discussions between these churches are already taking place under the rubric of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity.

This is the real danger of a New World Order. It’s a religious New World Order conducted with the collaboration of a Marxist pope and a KGB-controlled Russian Orthodox leader.

To avoid this fate, forget the talk about Biden ordering the assassination of Putin or providing enough weapons to Ukraine to make a difference.

As I argued in a previous column, there is no alternative but to impeach Biden on national security grounds or remove him from office because of cognitive impairment. The war, which is already lost, should not be an excuse for inaction.

In a desperate plea, Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky said, “President Biden, you are the leader of our great nation. I wish you to be the leader of the world. Being the leader of the world means being the leader of peace.”

This emotional plea reflects his knowledge that Biden’s plan is for the peace of the grave for Ukraine. The country is being sacrificed to please Putin. Zelensky understands Biden has sold out his people.

Forcing Biden out leaves Kamala Harris as president. But the Democrats are so embarrassed by her performance they will likely seek to remove her, too.

Anything is preferable to a brain dead president pretending to lead the Free World.

© 2022 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid: kincaid@comcast.net

Arms Rights Round-Up

By Sidney Secular

March 18, 2022

Your “straight shooters” take a shot at bringing you up-to-date on some important recent Second Amendment issues:

“Backdoor” Gun Registry: The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATF) is in the process of creating a massive database via digitization of Form 44738 people fill out when purchasing a firearm. In 2021 alone, ATF processed at least 54 million of these forms, a process that began during the Obama Reign of Error. As an indication of the quantity involved, over one million of these records are sent to the ATF each month and that bureaucracy employs a small army to register them. By law, gun dealers must maintain these records for 20 years. If a dealer retires, sells out or goes out of business, he must send the last 20 years of his records to the BATF. Far from this being just more bureaucratic “make work,” the government through this agency is gunning for a requirement necessitating gun dealers to maintain these forms indefinitely in order to create a practicable firearms registry in preparation for that time at which anti-gun lawmakers are able to criminalize the private transfer of firearms through “universal background check” legislation.

But this is not even an effort to prevent illegal gun sales because, as a practical matter, it takes on average over eight years from the time of the original legal sale of a gun until the time that the weapon may be found at the scene of a crime! And, of course, this does not take into account guns that are stolen and then used in a crime. Most criminals don’t bother to purchase their means of livelihood as they are into “stealing stuff” anyway! The simple fact is that faux “Presidunce” Biden and his leftist cadre want to treat lawful gun ownership as a crime and therefore blame gun store owners for arming criminals, the vast majority of whom are ordinary law-abiding Americans! The simple fact is that all Americans – and especially gun owners – should be suspicious of any FedGov involvement in keeping records of gun sales and ownership!

US Supreme Court Case on the Right to Bear Arms: On November 3, 2021, the Supremes heard oral arguments in the case of NY State Rifle and Pistol Association vs. Bruen, an NRA backed challenge to New York State’s highly restrictive may-issue licensing scheme for “concealed carry”. These licenses are the only way for New Yorkers to carry a gun outside their dwellings for the purpose of self-defense something that is essentialin these days of mass anarchy especially within our cities! Unless a New Yorker lives in a rural area with a pro-gun sheriff or in populated areas if you are not a judge, a former police officer or a celebrity, you can basically forget about getting a gun much less obtaining permission to open carry because the law requires applicants to show a “special need” for “self-defense” that distinguishes you from the general population! For example, Jewish diamond sellers can obtain such a license for obvious reasons! The fact that a pro-criminal “justice system” has made New York’s streets into modern versions of the Alamo, seems not to influence our “leaders” with regard to public safety. Thus, the right to bear arms becomes a special privilege reserved for the few who are “connected” or are special in some other acceptable WOKE way.

Arguing for the petitioners is former US Solicitor Paul Clement, one of the most experienced Supreme Court litigators in the US. He has noted that there are several cities where shall-issue concealed carry is already the norm, and there has not been any surge of violent crime by those with permits. Indeed, it is probable that violent gun crime by those who don’t feel the need to seek such a permit is also down because most criminals are not totally stupid! Believe it or not, the two lefty women on the Court, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan seem to be on the pro-gun side while retiring fossil Justice Stephen Breyer – who believes there is no individual right to own, carry or use a gun under the Second Amendment! – has dealt with the matter by attempting to dismiss the case! The tenor of the proceedings so far is encouraging for the pro-gun side, but the decision will take some time to come and heaven alone knows what the prevailing situation will be once it does come down.

James Bond Misfires: One good thing about the latest James Bond film, “No Time to Die” is that it should be Daniel Craig’s last adventure as “007.” It’s amazing that this supposed model of an armed warrior is not a fan of guns. He has said, “I hate handguns. Handguns are used to shoot people and as long as they are around, people will shoot each other. That’s a simple fact.” Unfortunately, the same can be said for anything that can be used as a weapon from hammers to hatpins! Removing every possible means of doing our fellow man harm would leave us all naked and pray to larger animals with bigger teeth! Of course, fictional “James Bond” goes around in films using handguns to save people from villains but the actor who portrays the “hero” still can’t appreciate the fact that guns can be – and often are – used by law-abiding citizens to protect themselves and other law-abiding citizens from violent criminals!

As with most lefties, Craig lives in an alternate reality where common sense has now become very much “uncommon.” In this latest Bond flick, Director Cary Fukunga has given us a “hero” symbolic of today’s emasculated, insecure man more able to engage in soap opera dialogue than taking confident action. We expect Fleming’s Bond character to be fighting for his life and the lives of those he protects from the film’s beginning to its end, albeit interspersed with some romantic and clever interludes thrown in for variety. Instead, we get a verbose, hesitant capon embarrassed by his own occupation and the tools required to practice it. In the end, the audience is left with what is, in fact, an anti-Bond film! Indeed, nearly all films nowadays that involve white heroes devolve into flimsy, repulsive themes and scenes designed to validate the present culture’s view of whites in general. The only truly “masculine” movies today have non-white “heroes” (or anti-heroes) but no matter the theme, comedy, drama or “action,” almost all celluloid epics are used to promote racial politics, perverted sex, political correctness, and other furtherance of the “WOKE” culture.

Virginia is Again for Second Amendment Lovers: In the last election, pro-gun candidates won up and down the ballot in the Old Dominion. This includes the Virginia House of Delegates which has flipped and will (*should?) have a majority that understands the importance of Second Amendment rights. (*Of course, we must always keep in mind that politicians, like lovers, often promise far more than they deliver!)

Another of Bummer Biden’s Bum Choices, the fibbing, floundering, flunky David Chipman – who had been a special agent for the BATF for twenty-five years – was nominated by Clueless Joe to head that important agency. Fortunately, his gaffes with the media eventually resulted in his name being withdrawn – thank God for small favors! Chipman was a typical chip off the Biden blockhead, a cretin who claims that the “gun industry” profits from gun violence. He declared without any evidence and, indeed, against huge amounts of available evidence, that retailers routinely sell guns without any accountability and implied that they deliberately sell to “criminals and terrorists.” Of course, he may have been thinking of former Attorney General Eric Holder’s strategy to get illegal guns into the hands of Mexican cartels by forcing honest gun dealers in Texas to provide those weapons; this little “strategy” was called Operation Fast and Furious. If that is so, then Chipman was blaming the wrong person for the crime! A background check through the FBI’s National Instant background Check System is required for each and every sale of a gun, and it is illegal to knowingly sell to any person prohibited by law from owning a gun. Chipman’s biggest idiocy – you can hardly call it a lie as lies must have some credibility to be useful! – came when he said that it is easier to buy a gun than a beer. Maybe he lives in a “dry” state?

Defending the Flock: There is an increasingly common and serious problem with regard to violent criminals who target churches. These present peculiar challenges to those confronting the problem because houses of worship strive to be open and inviting, are refuges for the vulnerable and needy, their doors are left unlocked, and strangers are welcomed. These conditions are ripe for any psychopath or terrorist to use as an outlet for violence. In addition, people are usually not permitted to carry guns into a church facility either through local laws or through the rules of the church itself. As a result, crimes against church congregations are all too common. In 2019, the FBI chronicled a wave of thousands of assaults, vandalisms, burglaries, homicides and even kidnappings that occurred in churches. That same year, the FBI recorded 1,715 crimes motivated by anti-religious sentiment, an increase of 7% over previous years and FBI estimates showed a 35% increase in attacks on churches between 2014 and 2018, about 57% of these involved firearms. The problem has drawn national and even international scrutiny.

In 2019, President Donald Trump provided $25 million from the federal government to protect religious sites and churches. The Department of Homeland “Obscurity” and the FBI have each released guidance for mitigating attacks on houses of worship. And while a few states ban guns in houses of worship completely, six require express permission to carry and some states like Florida have recently eased up on church-carry restrictions after some high-profile attacks on local congregations. Of course, the FedGov and the states have no right to disallow firearms on church property although it can be hidden under regulations denying “open carry” permits for firearms. Barring various state and local restrictions, religious institutions have the right to make their own decisions in these matters as it involves the exercise of First Amendment rights to make decisions regarding the Second Amendment.

Across the various Christian denominations as well as non-Christian religions there is little consensus on the issue and many religious leaders are reluctant to take a public stand for fear of seeming “unchristian” or otherwise anti-human. Among some churches who have not yet been fully compromised by leftist pacifistic leanings, some host shooting events and concealed-carry classes to assure that any members who find themselves in a difficult situation are sufficiently proficient to help rather than harm in the matter. To get a conversation started on the issue at one’s local church, interested parishioners should address the problem as a component of public safety. Of course, this is much easier after one of these incidents when the danger about which one warns is obvious for all but the most closed-minded to see. However, one should avoid details on firearms themselves until those involved including the minister have taken the matter to the point at which plans are being considered if not actually made. As well, a “guns-only” approach can be too narrow a response because threats come in many forms and good security protocols have to be both simple enough to carry out and diverse enough to handle any situation
that may arise.

In these matters, anyone who considers bringing the subject up must first contact the minister and such members who represent the lay governing board of the community. Of course, more structured and traditional religious bodies like Roman Catholics, Methodists, Episcopalians and other large groups are a very different matter as these require the “blessing” of a person and/or group outside of the local parish. With small Protestant groups, the perceived “leader” of the program must be prepared to be the facilitator and educator as pastors are usually too busy to get involved in the day to day running of such programs. One can be a pacifist but to ignore the threat of a violent intruder is not pacifism, it is suicide. There are many subjects involved in this type of program such as de-escalation training, nonlethal resistance and lockdown procedures that can also be addressed. Overcoming inertia and resistance takes time, patience, understanding, awareness and, most important pertinent information about the gravity of the situation for today we must also deal with the ongoing fear that is smothering our culture and making a strong response to threats very difficult to create and/or encourage. Initiating and distributing a newsletter about church crime in general can raise awareness. Also, it can demonstrate that people do not need to be “victims” if they have in place a planned response to threatened violence. The subject has been gaining much needed attention around the country as our local governments continue to fail to respond to violent crimes within our cities and neighborhoods thus further putting our churches in danger.

Toxic CDC Focus Treating Gun Ownership As A Disease: There are only two realities with respect to guns. One respects them or one disrespects them – at least in the hands of ordinary citizens. The urban, supposedly urbane bunch in Guvmint just sees people of color shooting each other and extrapolates from that situation that all guns in the hands of blacks are, in a strange way, “good.” Why? Because the ongoing slaughter can be blamed on whites as the culture is basically both violent and white. The hapless and helpless “minorities” are merely “aping” eeeevil whites in their innocent apelike ways. In this factually odd scenario, gun violence is portrayed as a symptom of this “white-caused” “disease” for which no cures are ever found though the phenomenon is studied endlessly. The result is that “crime” – especially minority crime! – is considered and treated by the “criminal justice system” as a public health issue and increasingly “diagnosed” as “white caused!” Of course, the outcome of this “diagnosis” results in minority criminals being released willy-nilly by wokesters within the system before serving any meaningful time – or even any time at all!

As well, minorities having to atone for crime is passé as they say, a leftover from our racist past. This results in the belief that those who use guns as an essential tool for survival rather than crime: self-defense, hunting, sports activities and keeping the dark criminal leviathan at bay, are spreaders of a COVID-type virus; that is, white culture and whites are a deadly pandemic on the body politic. Thus, according to these “cultural doctors,” the use of guns in criminal activities can be lowered by the establishment forcefully maintaining a high level of morals and general ethics promoted by legal directives aimed mainly at whites.

Of course, criminal violence also includes the use of many weapons other than firearms. Knives, fists and other blunt instruments inflict harm far more often than do guns and although firearms were used in about 74% of the homicides committed in 2019, that figure comprises less than 9% of the violent crimes committed in America. Indeed, the vast majority of violent offenses including robberies, rapes and assaults almost always involve either weapons other than guns or no weapons at all. Therefore, “outlawing guns” – that is making a special law to prevent the use of one particular “weapon – is just one more (and worse) encroachment on our liberties. Parenthetically, the actual incidence of the use of guns by whites in criminal activity is not only quite low but it appears uniform in any majority white culture whether it be in the US, Canada or Europe so there is nothing inherently problematic about a country having a white heritage vis a vis gun violence. This means that the “racial aspect” of the matter makes a huge difference in the situation. However, there cannot be special laws covering every facet of human activity. That would result in total slavery! Statistically, from the years 2011 through 2013, gun-related deaths were identified according to race thusly:

Whites: approximately 80% of gun deaths were the result of suicide.
Blacks: over 80% of gun deaths were the result of homicide and that did not
include blacks killed by the police.

Having decided that the best way to deal with guns is by making them into a “pandemic” like COVID, the CDC is hellbent on wasting yet more taxpayer money on new research on “gun violence.” Studies on this subject have already been conducted numerous times with a vast duplication of effort and profligate spending by different sources, none of which resulted in any actionable or definitive solution since they are not only directed at an imaginary problem but contain a desired result that is simply too unbelievable to be put forth for public consumption – even today. For instance, in 2016 media mogul Mike Bloomberg gifted $300 million to the “Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health” to address issues including “gun violence” as a “target category.” In 2015, California established the “Anti-Gun Firearm Violence Research Center” at the University of California using $5 million of public money. In 2019 clueless Governor Newsom added another $3.85 million to this dead-end endeavor, a true example of the liberal belief that an effort is as good as a solution. New Jersey has its own “Gun Violence Research Center” at Rutgers University funded by $2 million. Lawmakers in Hawaii are agitating to create their own anti-gun research center in the Aloha State and in 2020, the CDC issued more than $8 million in funding to cover 18(!) firearms-related research grants, with the quiet understanding that its only implied purpose was the justification of gun control! A $650,000 award to Brown University has been made for a similar purpose. Not to be left out of the leftist largesse, a $600,000 award was made to the University of South Alabama for development of “novel” strategies for introducing gun control measures. A $350,000 award was made to Baylor University in 2019 for a similar purpose. The NIH has joined the spending spree issuing $8.5 million in 2020 and another $14.3 million in 2021 for research on “violence perpetrated with firearms.” Of course, what is understood if not stated is that the “problematic” firearms are in the hands of decent, law-abiding citizens rather than the arsenal held by terrorist groups, drug cartels and liberal-supported “minority organizations.” With no money at all, the average American can easily determine that gun violence and death would shrink to near nil by removing these groups from the culture rather than the guns themselves.

There seems to be an epidemic of establishing anti-gun violence research centers and blowing money on anti-gun research all over the map not to arrive at any useful conclusions but to justify what is unjustifiable: disarming American citizens. It is apparent that all these expenditures have not produced any worthy results, at least so far, as the naughty people of color continue to kill each other and us with handguns at increasing “clips.” But then, that particular “gun violence” was never the problem. The problem was you and me and our refusal to become victims to government gun violence.

The Second Amendment Defines America: A state legistraitor in Texas recently introduced a bill that would require homeowners to to retreat and/or evacuate their homes in the face of an armed home invasion. The reason for this idiocy was, the politician assured us, “so that nobody would be hurt.” This bleeding heart idiot would not have us bleed under any circumstances or, more to the point, it is infinitely more important that the violent criminal not be injured as he might be a protected minority. It’s a bet that Beto O’Rourke must be braying over that. If someone invades their home, they should flee – if that is indeed even possible! – and allow themselves to be fleeced or forced out, says the supposed defender of people’s rights. If such a proposition were raised only 30 years ago, the advocate would be ridden out of town on a rail or thrown out on his tail. With the US succumbing to far left lunacy, such outlandish talk is no longer considered ludicrous. To worry that a criminal invader could be hurt by a resident exercising his second Amendment prerogatives shows more concern for the criminal than the innocent victim.

Unfortunately, Texas seems to be one of “many states” with “retreat to the wall” legislation requiring homeowners to retreat but not necessarily to evacuate their homes in such a scenario. I guess the victims are expected to watch the criminal do his thing and enjoy being robbed and even physically abused. Homeowners in these states might as well not acquire guns or defensive weapons since criminals will take offense at them – and then take them – the guns – to be used in other home invasions. The gun controllers have apparently won the day in these places at least figuratively, without a shot being fired.

Other states “allow” the homeowner to stand his ground and do not require retreating or evacuating – but it is not the place of the state to dictate circumstances in such cases. It is a God-given, constitutionally defended right to protect one’s person and property. Here again, these states allow homeowners to stand and defend using whatever reasonable force might be necessary, but what is “reasonable” when white is always wrong and nonwhite always right?

This is a nebulous concept and one can’t expect homeowners to be legal beagles or to make completely rational decisions when their lives may well be at stake. Let us remember the case in a very, very blue Northwestern state in which a pair of armed Hispanics had “cased” a home containing a working father and his nine year old daughter. These beasts had determined to wait for the father to leave for work before breaking in and doing unspeakable things to the child before killing her and robbing the home. One morning after Dad left, they put their plan into effect. The child heard them break in and retreated upstairs to her bedroom. The men taunted her about what they were going to do to her and advising that she “had no place to run.” With that threat, the girl came out of her room with her rifle – she was a champion skeet shooter! – killed the first man and wounding the second so badly that he died in the street after running from the house he believed would provide him with sexual “jollies” and lots of loot! Of course, had the shooter been an adult white – even a woman – charges might have been made by the loony libs, but a nine year old child – white or not! – was too big a hurdle even for them!

The Second Amendment grew out of the knowledge that an unarmed populace of any race is a target for tyrants. All government pogroms and mass murders were committed on an unarmed populace. One wonders if Australia would have been so willing to attack its own people during the COVID lockdowns had they not been disarmed in 1996! America’s Founders were very much against a disarmed populace. They had seen the results of British tyranny when the people were armed! The libbers are deliberate know-nothings on this and any other important matter when it comes to anything that does not support their agenda. They are also unaware or, more to the point, don’t care that guns save about fifteen times as many lives as they take. They will not be shaken in any way from their unreality by statistics showing the benefits of gun ownership.

However, it is necessary to remember, that liberals are very much in favor of force but that force must be government run. An armed public is a great deterrent to the use of such force. Below are just a very few statements on the matter of armed citizens made by some of our Founders but let’s start with the definition of a “militia.” Many gun-control advocates say that the requisite for a well-armed militia refers to a standing army rather than individual citizens and therefore, there is nothing in the Constitution that requires that individual citizens be armed. This was addressed by one of the founding patriots, George Mason who said: “I ask who are the militia? They consist now of the whole people, except a few public officers.”

In other words, no mention is made here of an established military but of “the whole people,” a definition that requires no further explanation. As to the rest, these are but a very few comments on this all important matter:

“A free people ought not only to be armed, but disciplined…” – Washington

“No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.” – Jefferson

“What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance. Let them take arms.” – Jefferson

“The laws that forbid the carrying of arms . . . disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes . . . Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.” – Jefferson

“The Constitution of most of our states (and of the United States) assert that all power is inherent in the people; that they may exercise it by themselves; that it is their right and duty to be at all times armed.” – Jefferson

“To disarm the people…[i]s the most effectual way to enslave them.”- George Mason

“Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed, as they are in almost every country in Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops.”- Noah Webster

Anglo-Saxon concepts once promoted by civilization’s bards are going by the boards including the concept that a person’s home is his castle, just another casualty of the “new normal.” One also hears other newfangled and purposefully mangled concepts such as: ”property is not worth dying – or killing – for; the saving of a single life is worth any effort; people are more valuable than “things” and other “fatalistic aphorisms” that convey the concept that people should just surrender and let the perps have their way, come what may. Of course, if you get raped, brutalized or killed in these proceedings, so be it! The anti-gun folks don’t mind as most of them have armed guards to protect not only their persons, but their belongings! Yet these passive and pacifistic polemics help fuel the “defund the police” and other anti-gun campaigns because we are supposed to accept whatever comes our way from the Cancel Culture without complaint. As a result, we passively accept that our safety is being compromised by police resigning in droves because they are blamed for not treating blacks, the criminally inclined and habitual perps with the kid gloves and exaggerated deference that they have come to expect.

Law enforcement can be let go for not taking the jab even when they have legitimate medical or religious objections and even when they cannot readily be replaced. Suddenly those who keep us safe are treated as “non-essential” workers and much of the public is apathetic over their loss. In a related if diametric vein, many police forces are underfunded and have antiquated equipment. As a result, they eagerly accept donations of military weaponry whose use results in “overkill” when employed. The true irony arises here when the libbers and anti-gunners say we are supposed to rely on law enforcement and not our own devices while their own actions assure that law enforcement is legally hobbled and can’t properly perform the functions on which we are supposed to depend. Law enforcement personnel can’t – and never could! – be everywhere at once and so we must be able to protect ourselves when the occasion arises that they are not available to assist us.

One of the many benefits of choosing to live in a social setting or “society” is the protection offered by that society! Since the time that man lived with his fellow man in caves so as to provide all with the protection of the many, this has heretofore been a given. Frankly, if all we gain from a “society” are armed enemies against whom we have little or no protection, what is the point of having a society? There really isn’t any and this is where we are today if we allow the critical theory anarchist promoters like Saul Alinsky to have their way. When you take this concept a step further, why protect a nation and the people in it from external enemies when our present far leftist government abandons our legitimate borders and allows anyone and everyone in? When a nation has adopted such madness, it is the end of that nation and paves the way for the New World Order to be fully – and finally – established. Think about it!

© 2022 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Sidney Secular: Success_Express@yahoo.com

What Impacts the Price of Gas?

By Lex Greene

March 17, 2022

In the swampy cesspool of politics, mass propaganda and the blame game are fundamental weapons of the most corrupt trade on earth. No political figure ever wants to take responsibility for what they did wrong, but every politician is quick to take credit for things that in most cases, they had nothing to do with.

The correct issue isn’t really WHO is right or wrong, but rather WHAT is right or wrong. The WHO is a secondary matter. When the price of gas rises, the price of literally everything rises with it. So, it’s no small matter to understand what affects the price of gas at the pump. (All data herein is based upon a gallon of regular gas, for each $1.00 spent at the pump)

On October 5, 2020, the average price of a gallon of gas in the USA was $2.18just ahead of the 2020 elections. The national gas price average was at the cheapest for the month of since 2016, when Donald Trump was elected President. That average was nearly 50 cents cheaper than in 2015. These are simply recorded facts. We’ll decide what to make of these facts at the end of this report.

In contrast, the average price of a gallon of gas was $3.69 at the end of Barack Obama’s first term, as he headed into the November 2012 elections. At the end of Obama’s second term, the average gas price in the USA was $2.23 in October 2016. Did Obama take credit for reducing the price of gas from $3.69 at the end of his first term, to $2.23 at the end of his second term? You bet!

Looking back a little farther, a gallon of gas cost an average of $1.46 in 2001 before the 9/11/01 terror attack, followed by the beginning of the war in Afghanistan, peaking at $3.27 a gallon on the “great real estate recession” of 2007-2008. But by the end of the second George W. Bush term, that price was falling from a high of $3.27 a gallon to $2.35 a gallon as Obama entered office.

Prior to 2021 and the Biden Administration, the highest gas price in history was in 2012 under Obama, at $3.64 per gallon of regular at the pump. Today, this price just hit a new all-time average high at $4.54 a gallon, with prices as high as $8.00 per gallon in several democrat controlled states, California being the worst, of course.

Now fundamentally, the basic cost of gas at the pump is broken down into only four categories. The percentages indicated are based upon each $1.00 spent on a gallon of gas at the pump.

  • The price of crude oil – 65% of the pump price
  • The cost of refining – 14% of the pump price
  • Taxes – 13% of the pump price
  • Distribution – 8% of the pump price

So, distribution of the product at 8%, the companies that make sure there is gas at your local filling station, is the least profitable with the smallest impact on prices at the pump. Taxes are almost double the distribution costs at 13%, followed by refining at 14%.

But clearly, the single biggest factor affecting the price of gas at the pump is the price of crude oil at a whopping 65% of every dollar spent at the pump. To make sure you understand these numbers, for each dollar you spend at the pump, on average, it looks like this in dollars instead of percentages…(if the gas price was $1.00 per gallon)

  • The price of crude oil – $0.65 of the pump price
  • The cost of refining – $0.14 of the pump price
  • Taxes – $0.13 of the pump price
  • Distribution – $0.08 of the pump price.

To understand why our current gas price average is $4.54 per gallon, look no further than the cost of crude oil at any given time in history, first.(65% of that price is the cost of crude oil, or $2.95 per gallon at present)

When Barack Obama took office in 2009, the average price for a barrel of crude oil was $61.95. By the beginning of Obama’s second term in 2013, that price had peaked at $97.98 per barrel, up 58.2% during Obama’s first term.

In contrast, when Trump took office in 2017, that average cost of crude was $50.80 a barrel. By the end of Trump’s first term, the crude price was down to $39.68 a barrel, and America was 100% energy independent for the first time in decades.

Now, since January 20, 2021, and the beginning of the alleged Biden administration, the price of crude has skyrocketed from Trump’s $39.68 a barrel to $98.00 per barrel, projected by Biden to reach more than $103.01 per barrel in 2022,which does not yet consider any adjustment for what’s currently happening in Russia and Ukraine! International crude producers are projecting crude will reach more than $200 a barrel before end of year 2022.

As of today, this is a record increase in crude prices of 131.6% in just the first 12-months of the Biden administration, before any impact from the Russia-Ukraine conflict. During the same time frame, the price of a gallon of gas at the pump has already increased 108.3%, and they are just getting started.

That explains why Biden’s economic advisers are predicting that Biden’s record inflation rate will continue to rise every month for the foreseeable future, because the price of crude drives the price of gasoline, and the price of gasoline drives the price of everything else.

Allow me to bring this into bright focus…


$1.00                                                          $0.65

$2.18                                                          $1.42

$4.54                                                          $2.95

FOUR COST SECTORS at $4.54 per gallon

  • Crude Cost – $2.95 per gallon
  • Refining Cost – $0.63 per gallon
  • Taxes – $0.59 per gallon
  • Distribution – $0.36 per gallon

It’s the price of crude that is most responsible for the price of gas at the pump. So, what causes the price of crude to go up at least 131.6% just since Joe Biden took office on January 20, 2021?

When Trump was president, crude was down at $39.68 a barrel and the price at the pump was $2.18 per gallon. Today, the price of crude is up 131.6% since January 2021, and the price at the pump is an average of $4.54 per gallon as a result. As I write, the price of crude is averaging $98.00 a barrel. It has more than doubled since Biden took office just a year ago, and so has the price at the pump, without entering events in Ukraine into the equation.

Only two things have changed impacting gas prices since January 20, 2021… a) Biden is president now instead of Trump, when gas was much more affordable, and the USA was 100% energy independent. b) Biden’s energy policies are 180-degrees opposite those of Donald Trump.

Before Joe Biden went to bed on the evening of his inauguration, 1/20/21, he signed no less than fifteen “Green New Deal” Executive Orders essentially reversing all of Trump’s policies that brought the cost of crude down to $39.68 a barrel and gas prices at the pump down to $2.18 a gallon.

Between January 2021 and October 2021, crude prices more than doubled from $39 a barrel to $90 a barrel. As a direct result, gas prices skyrocketed from $2.18 per gallon before Biden took office, to break over $3.00 a gallon by May 2021 and is now, $4.54 a gallon just one year after Biden changed the USA energy policies by way of Executive Orders.

In closing, the price of crude has more than doubled as a direct result of Biden’s energy policy that started on 1/20/21, and as a direct result, so have your prices at the pump.

Making matters much worse soon, Biden foreign policies responsible for the war in Ukraine and his suicidal sanctions against Russian oil, which he made the USA dependent upon again in January of 2021, will shorten supply even more, which will drive gas prices up even higher. Soon, truckers may not be able to afford the fuel in their trucks to deliver the fuel to your fueling stations. Citizens won’t be able to afford to put gas in their tanks in order to get to work.

All of your home heating fuel and food costs are skyrocketing too, all as a result of crude prices and intentional supply chain shortages also cause by the Biden administration.

Biden just signed another $1.5 trillion in taxpayer spending, none of which is earmarked to deal with this issue. But the package did include a 21% raise for all members of Congress. All members of Congress were bribed with this raise, to pass the $1.5 trillion spending spree.

Vladimir Putin has nothing to do with the current prices at the pump. Joe Biden and his Green New Deal is 100% responsible for what you are paying at the pump today, and what it will cost you tomorrow. Follow crude prices and they will track entirely to what you pay at the pump. To bring gas prices down, we have no choice but to bring crude prices down, which will require Biden to reinstate Trump energy policies. There is no other fix!

The only question remaining is, what are we going to do about it? Where are we in the cycle below?

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lex Greene: NWVLexGreene@gmail.com

My ‘Bell Mountain’ Books

by Lee Duigon

March 17, 2022

What would happen if a piece of highly advanced technology, still intact, were to fall into the hands of people living a thousand years after the civilization that produced that technology was utterly destroyed?

That’s the question posed in my book, “The Witch Box,” No. 15 in my “Bell Mountain” series, the book which I just finished writing a few days ago. No. 14, “Behold!,” is awaiting publication.

The world’s on fire, and I’m writing fantasy novels? We labor under the chaos of a Biden presidency, and I’m writing these?

Well, yeah.

I do have some readers who say “Enough already! Write something else!” But I also have readers who want more and more of it. Children and adults alike. And I still like writing them, so why not?

I can always turn to the nooze if I want discouragement. I turn to fiction when I want escape. Relief. Whether it’s a J.R.R. Tolkien fantasy, an Agatha Christie mystery, or a historical novel by Sir Walter Scott, novels take me out of Camp COVID and show me something better. I can also find escape in chess, Pogo games on my computer, and movies; but the escape provided by a compelling novel is even better. It’s a more intense experience, with so much more scope for the imagination. And if you say you don’t need escape, I won’t believe you.

Writing fantasy also gives me a way of approaching “big issues” from an entirely new perspective. All sorts of questions can be addressed in a novel. How are we to try to do God’s will? How do we cope with a crisis? What is the role of government? How do ordinary people wind up doing extraordinary things? There’s nothing in real life that can’t be seen and pondered in a novel.

Of course we can have all this by reading history—and hopefully learn from it. We read of things that really happened, and the real people who made them happen, and why other things that should have happened, didn’t. The Bell Mountain books are a history of things that never happened, in an imaginary world. You can also say they’re book-length parables. And parables don’t have to be factual to be true.

Behind all the books in the series is the premise that once upon a time, long ago, the nations of the imaginary world became estranged from God, committed evil acts that earned His wrath, and were destroyed, God having turned them back to where they were a thousand years before. The story itself is set a thousand years after the destruction and tells of a mighty effort, initiated by two children, to repair man’s broken relationship with God—who now shakes the world so that the things that cannot be shaken, remain. And are at long last seen and recognized for what they are.

I can’t do this all in one book. It may be imaginary history, but all the same it never stops: until the very end, there’s always more.

Unlike most fantasies, Bell Mountain does without the services of super-heroes, sorcerers, invincible female warriors who excel at jumpin’, spinnin’ kicks, brawny barbarians with insatiable sexual appetites, etc., etc. The characters are ordinary people, men, women, and children, who must do the best they can in highly extraordinary situations. Sometimes their best is not enough. But sometimes it’s better than they ever dreamed was possible.

So I’m going to keep on writing these for as long as God gives me stuff to write about. As series go, I’m never going to catch up with HerculePoirot, Tarzan, or Inspector Napoleon Bonaparte, Australia’s greatest bush detective. I won’t be here long enough to read everything I want as often as I want. Even as these other authors’ series have delighted and inspired me for years and years, so I hope to do the same.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, http://leeduigon.com/ . Drop in for a visit, and click “Books” for descriptions of all my Bell Mountain books published so far. My work can also be found at www.chalcedon.edu/ .

© 2022 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon: leeduigon@verizon.net

Ethnic Conflict, Racial Conflict, Religious Conflict: Humans Are Deadly

By Frosty Wooldridge

March 17, 2022

On February 16, 2022, Asian-Americans noted the shooting deaths of six women and two others in a spa massacre in Atlanta, Georgia.  In Los Angeles on January 13, a Black man walked into a furniture store and stabbed a White girl to death with his knife and left her to die in her own pool of blood.  On June 15, 2015, White guy Dylan Roof shot nine Blacks in a church service in South Carolina.  A Black lady shoved an Asian woman in front of an oncoming New York City subway train, killing the unsuspecting person, instantly.

Every day in America, men kill three women in domestic violence incidents.  In Muslim lands, annually, men kill 20,000 of their of wives or daughters known as “honor killings” because the women said or did something that displeased the savages of that peaceful and delicate religion.

Right now, Russia’s Putin has killed thousands and created a 3,000,000-refugee crisis that’s starving or freezing to death over a million little children.  And he’s doing it for what?   His reasons are sane? Rational?  Reasonable?  Intelligent?  Does he possess a moral, ethical, religious and/or any other kind of sane reason to commit so much death and destruction?

Over in Iraq and Afghanistan for the past 20 years, we were never told how many “insurgents” we killed, but it was into the tens of thousands.  Notice we never heard the exact numbers.  But we also didn’t know that 114,000 of our U.S. soldiers both active and retired with PTSD, committed suicide in those 20 years.  Yet, the generals and Congressional reps knew the numbers, but kept those two worthless wars going. Why? Because they were making millions from insider trading on defense contracts!

If you look at Pakistan, it separated from India to become a separate nation because the Muslims couldn’t stand the Hindus, Christians, the Buddhists or any other religion.  The Quran mandates, “Convert or kill all non-believers.”   Thank you oh wise and spiritual Mohammed for your kindly commands to cut off heads and hands of those who don’t like your religion.

If you look at the Iraqi Kurds, Sunni and Shite’s, they cut each other’s throats at the drop of a hat even though they are all Muslims.

In Ireland for years, the protestants and the Catholics bombed the crap out of each other.  Both were Christians, but one set followed Martin Luther, and the other set followed the long line of that religion that came down from Constantinople.

If you read about racism in America, it’s always blamed on White people for Black peoples’ downtrodden lives.  But if you travel to Somalia, you discover that it’s Black people who create their own downtrodden lives in their own country where 100 percent are Black. Same with Sudan, Congo, Morocco, Zaire, Kenya, Ethiopia and the rest.

Notice that in India, where there 300 languages and endless different races, they’re all too poor and too miserable to fight because they have nothing and they are mostly starving to death, malnourished and diseased.

If you look across the planet’s accelerating ecological nightmares, we’ve caused catastrophic climate destabilization, tossed 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic into our oceans, caused the Sixth Extinction Session where we wipe out 100 species 24/7, 84,000 chemicals being spewed into air, land and water, 24/7.  Yup, I’d say we are the deadliest species on this planet.

Here in America, if not for that thin blue line of police, we’d be seeing a mini-war a week whether in San Francisco, New York City, Chicago or St. Louis.  Actually, we ARE SEEING a mini-war 24/7 with murder rates and robberies accelerating off the charts, mostly Black people at each other’s throats.

When I graduated in 1970 during Earth Day, I thought we could end racism, overpopulation, Ozone damage, Vietnam War and make everything in the world better.

Instead, 52 years later, everything is worse by a factor of 10.  Wars erupt in a milli-second.  I visited China after Mao had killed millions.  I’ve waded through the misery of India where poverty, disease, overpopulation and filth cannot be imagined in our country.  They are SO completely F***** in India, they cannot solve anything. It simply grows worse, much worse and worse than that for endless millions.

Another thing I discovered in my world travels, racism and ethnic conflict is a given any time you see races or ethnic groups intermingle.  It’s biological and it cannot be solved.  It’s in our human DNA.  You want to see “racism”?  Visit China, Mexico, Japan and Somalia.

Right now, in America, I see some of the same signs that caused Pakistan to separate from India.  I see the same angry people who are democrats vehemently against republicans.  I see the U.S. Constitution being totally abandoned by Joe Biden and his handlers. We are no longer a sovereign nation as millions overrun our borders.  As of this week, Biden said that his wife was Kamala Harris…slip of the tongue or what was it dementia?

There’s a lot of angry and disillusioned people in America. Probably the biggest reason is:  we’ve multiculturalized and diversified ourselves into an incompatible soup of DNA and cultural hostility.  Mixing cultures along with languages, and pretending they will all flow into a bouquet of tranquility must be the dumbest experiment in U.S. history.  It’s going to get rougher for all of us as we run out of room to co-exist in our cities. Worse, as we deplete all our resources!

As our water, energy and resources become exhausted, I can see tremendous conflict coming to our country as to clashing Black Lives Matter, Muslim Lives Matter,  Transgender Lives Matter, Mexican Lives Matter,  Republican Lives Matter,  Democrat Lives Matter…you see where I’m going.

Have I got any answers or solutions?  Yes, I’ve been giving them for 40 years, but no one in Congress listened or acted.  The American people fell asleep at the wheel as they kept voting the same Nancy Pelosi’s and Ilhan Omar’s and Maxine Waters’ into Congress.  Big mistake that will cost us our own country.

At this point, in 2022, I don’t see any solutions.  We’ve ingested the “multiculturalism and diversity pill” within ourselves…and the only solutions will more than likely continue to be violent.  And, at some point, there won’t be enough men or women in that thin blue line to hold the U.S. Constitution in place.

Black, White, Asian, Indian, Chinese, Somalians, etc…we did it to ourselves.  We’re no longer the American people.  We’re a whole different bowel of incompatible soup.

Is anyone in America thinking about these questions?  Are we not galloping into America’s twilight years?

If you would like a free electronic copy of this book, please email me with your email address and I will send it to you.  Every American with children or any American who will live in this country in 2050, needs to understand what they face. frostyw@juno.com

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121.

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

This video will scare the daylights out of every American as to what’s coming to our country, US Citizenship Act 2021 by Joe Biden.

If you want to see two documentaries that give visual proof of my book’s contents, go to Netflix, and type in “Cowspiracy” that shows you the damage to the air, land and water.  Watch “Seaspiracy” to see how humans are destroying the oceans.

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”  www.NumbersUSA.org

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

The Origin of Covid-19—Updated, Part 14

by Dennis Cuddy, Ph.D.

March 16, 2022

Sen. Rand Paul is still questioning Dr. Anthony Fauci regarding NIH/NIAID (headed by Fauci) concerning funding of gain-of-function research. First of all, it should be understood that Fauci has supported that idea of gain-of-function research for a long time. In an opinion column in the December 30, 2011 WASHINGTON POST, Fauci said “much good can come from generating a potentially dangerous virus in the laboratory.” The evidence increasingly looks like Covid-19 leaked from a lab at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Virologist Dr. Robert Redfield, former head of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control who had access to classified information told CNN last March that “the most likely aetiology of this pathogen” is that it “escaped” from a lab in Wuhan.

Andrew Mark Miller’s “Fox News Special Report outlines fresh questions on what Fauci, government knew about COVID origin,” published by Fox News on January 25. Responding to the report on January 26 was knightnblu, who wrote: “There has been nothing, but lies since the early days of COVID. I was working in pathology at a major hospital in Virginia and we suspected the Wuhan lab from the start. We believed it to have been an accidental release, but that was before anyone knew about the gain of function cover-up.” Moneyisatool responded: “What is truly scary is the real possibility that mRNA is actually reducing human natural immune response making everyone who received it more susceptible to diseases.”

On February 1, Fox News published Sen. Rand Paul’s “Fauci’s gain-of-function conspiracy and why I’ll continue to hold him, his allies accountable,” in which the Senator stated: “How ironic that the frantic efforts by Fauci (head of NIAID) and Collins (head of NIH) to label esteemed scientists as ‘fringe’ and ‘conspiracy theorists’ for daring to suggest that COVID came from a lab was actually a sinister conspiracy of their own….(Along with EcoHealth Alliance president Peter Daszak) this triumvirate of gain-of-function research cheerleaders worked with their allies to, in the words of Collins, ‘take down’ scientists from Harvard, Oxford and Stanford for simply considering the merits of a lab leak theory.”

Sen. Paul continued: “The agency Dr. Fauci heads a, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), awarded a grant (Project Number 1R01Al110964-01) with a subcontract to the Wuhan Lab of Virology, where researchers combined a gene from one SARS-related coronavirus with the genetic information of another SARS-related coronavirus and constructed new coronaviruses that infected human cells. That is gain-of-function, and plenty of scientists have called it as such.” If Sen. Paul had looked at the Project Number which was the same as the one above, except with the ending 06 instead of 01, he would have found that in the Abstract, one reads “…SARSr-CoVs, some of which can use human ACE2 to enter cells, infect humanized mouse models causing SARS-like illness, and evade available therapies or vaccines.” This should even be recognized as gain-of-function according to Fauci’s new definition.

Sen. Paul then said that “according to Richard Ebright, a molecular biologist at Rutgers University, a teleconference on February 1, 2020 led by Fauci and Collins made clear to the virologists on the call that talking about the lab leak theory, even if based in credible science, was ‘politically unacceptable and something that had to be blocked.’ Given the power that Fauci and Collins have to deny funding to these scientists, I’m not surprised the majority of them stayed silent.”

Two days after Sen. Paul’s statement, on February 3, Fox News published Benjamin Hall’s report, “The murky world of gain-of-function research,” in which Jamie Metzl of the Atlantic Council told Fox News: “What they were doing at the Wuhan Institute of Virology has widely been suspected as a source of the pandemic.” Hall recounted that Fauci had adamantly declared “the NIH has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute.” According to Hall, this is a matter of semantics, because as Hall states: “Now the NIH defines gain-of-function as ‘research involving enhanced potential pandemic pathogens.’…Almost all experts argue that EcoHealth Alliance’s research clearly comes under the gain-of-function umbrella.” Hall also reported that on February 3, Republican Congressmen called on the 7 scientists who reversed their opinions about lab-leak theory in Wuhan to provide answers under oath after scientists changed their views after speaking with Dr. Fauci and Dr. Francis Collins. Last year, the State Department acknowledged that the Wuhan Institute of Virology had not disclosed gain-of-function research linked to the bat related coronavirus and had engaged in research on behalf of the Chinese military.”

Dr. Fauci has also consistently disparaged the use of hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for Covid-19, ignoring the positive results shown in a study (www.nature.com/articles/nm.3985/) in Michigan at the beginning of the pandemic. When I asked a physician friend in Michigan about authorities threatening to take away the licenses of doctors using hydroxy, he replied: “They did not want people to have an alternative to getting the vaccine—they wanted the jab to be the only approach to the pandemic. So any promising treatment would detract from the need to get the vaccine and therefore became the target of a public health propaganda campaign. And most likely tens of thousands (maybe hundreds of thousands) lost their lives as a result.”

Currently, there is a growing concern about a new subvariant, BA.2, which is being increasingly detected in New York and in American wastewater plants in general. Danish scientists believe it is 1.5 times more transmissible that 6 previous variants. A professor of molecular biology at Warwick University, Lawrence Young, recently told CNBC. Young also noted that Covid-19 “will throw up new variants and these will remain a continual threat even to those countries with high rates of vaccination.” Much of the current outbreak in China is also due to subvariant BA.2, and don’t forget what I predicted earlier. Because China is engaged in genetic profiling, do not be surprised if an upcoming variant will effect Westerners more than Asians!

© 2022 Dennis Cuddy – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dennis Cuddy: recordsrevealed@yahoo.com

“Fake News” Media Outlets Are Never Censored, Just Those That Tell The Truth Are

By Bradlee Dean

March 16, 2022

“If you would know who controls you see who you may not criticize.” -Tacitus

For all of the illegal censorship going on over here at the Sons of Liberty Media from Facebook deleting our public page with 770,000 followers to Google expunging our content, I had to dig into how the mainstream media and their “useful idiots” deal with censorship. Here is the short of it:  They don’t have to deal with it because they work for the same criminals that are doing the censoring (John 8:44)

[Rumble Video]

There have been so many times I have also noticed that those that are a part of the CIA’s Mockingbird Media are in fact the very one’s spewing out fake news. These are the outlets that are pushing forth illegal agenda’s that are in fact subversive to American government (Psalm 94:20).

“We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.” -David Rockefeller, Baden-Baden, Germany 1991

[YouTube Video]

Yet, I have also noticed that there has been NO censorship when it comes to Fox News, no censorship at MSNBC, no censorship at ABC News, no censorship at CBS, no censorship at NBC.  quite telling, is it not?

With all of this, the people in this country that are telling you the truth are being called “fake news” and are being censored illegally at will. In other words, everyone is lying except for them.

The mainstream media’s propaganda outlets are owned by 6 corporations worldwide.

[Rumble Video]


“If you would know who controls you see who you may not criticize.” -Tacitus

Corruption is censoring the speech that exposes them for who they are and for what crimes they are responsible for committing (Luke 12:2).

The mainstream media has a long history in covering for them that are responsible and it must stop. Furthermore, they must be held accountable for their said crimes against American law (Psalm 94:16).

In this way and in this way alone will their subversive agendas be put to an end. Friends, they do not have a right to lie (Proverbs 19:9).

[Rumble Video]

“If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.” — George Washington

© 2022 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Putin Has No Soul, Biden Has No Brain

By Cliff Kincaid

March 15, 2022

Christians and Jews are being killed so fast that the dead of Mariupol, Ukraine are being buried in mass graves. Hospitals are being bombed. Today, it was reported that a pregnant Ukrainian woman died, along with her unborn baby. So sad. Let’s move along.

Niall Ferguson, a leading historian and intellectual, says Ukraine’s resistance will be “crushed” because the Biden Administration is weak and intimidated by Putin.

By any objective standard, President Biden should be impeached on national security grounds. He could also be removed from office because of cognitive impairment.

Amazingly, I am hearing from Ukrainian-Americans who think Biden has helped Ukraine more than any other politician in the world.

Evidence to the contrary includes a Politico story that a Pentagon effort to send more U.S. military trainers to Ukraine was scrapped in December “amid White House fears of provoking Russia.”

Remember that the Democrats accused Trump of being a Russian agent. Democrats said they were pro-Ukraine. They didn’t mean that, either.

Meanwhile, Iranian missiles have hit the U.S. Consulate in the northern Iraqi city of Erbil, while the U.S. special envoy to North Korea, is warning of mounting North Korean nuclear threats. The State Department notes that North Korea lunched ballistic missiles on February 26 and March 4, described as “tests of a new DPRK [North Korea] intercontinental ballistic missile system,” the State Department says.

All of this is possible because of Communist China and Russia.

We are already in the middle of World War III.

The gamble of the West is that while the bodies pile up, financial and economic pressure can strangle Russia. This is a test of what the Marxists call the highest stage of imperialism. It means old-fashioned capitalism is being replaced by monopoly capitalism and the power of what’s called “finance capital.” These forces are formidable.

Whether we like it or not, this is to our advantage. It may be our only hope of victory.

We have a government that produced hundreds of wounded warriors who sacrificed to create a democracy in Afghanistan for Muslims who didn’t understand or appreciate what was called “the foreigner’s gift” in Iraq as well. Thousands of our “boots on the ground” died.

But Christians and Jews in Ukraine are not entitled to our support in the form of “boots on the ground.” This message, seen in the context of Biden’s Afghanistan withdrawal, invited Putin to attack.

In terms of what the Democrats did for Ukraine, here are some key facts:

♦ President Clinton pressured Ukraine to relinquish their nuclear arsenal. That laid the groundwork for the invasion in 2014, under
♦ Obama/Biden. Biden has now refused the Polish aircraft that Ukraine is begging for.

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan, a Muslim, is a member of NATO and understands what it takes to stand up to Russia. “If the whole West and the whole world had raised their voices against the invasion of Crimea in 2014, would we have faced today’s picture?” asked Erdogan. He’s right.

We saw this coming. That’s why we published Back from the Dead: The Return of the Evil Empire in 2014.

That same year, 2014, I interviewed Paweł P. Styrna, born in Zabrze, Poland, to discuss Putin’s Master Plan. One of the topics was a Russian role in the April 10, 2010 Smolensk plane crash involving the deaths of Poland’s president, and almost one hundred members of Poland’s military and political elite.

Anti-communist Poland has always been a target and is now a safe haven for refugees from Ukraine. But Ukraine was always the immediate target.

A Russian BUK missile destroyed Malaysian flight MH17, killing all 283 passengers and 15 crew on board, in Russian-occupied eastern Ukraine on July 17, 2014. The only question is whether the missile was fired by Russian troops or terrorists under Russian control. In any case, Russian President Vladimir Putin, who ordered an invasion of eastern Ukraine, has blood on his hands.

The attack on the airliner has been described as the day Russia became a state sponsor of terrorism.

But I would argue that this day came decades earlier, when the Russian state was born on November 17, 1917, and the Virgin Mary warned in the Fatima revelations that same year that the errors of Russia would continue until the religious and holy consecration of Russia took place. It never has.

Over the decades, the Russian KGB killed JFK and tried to kill the Polish pope. Domestic enemies have been eliminated through poisons like Novichok.

Faced with the current crisis, with no “boots on the ground” in Ukraine, America’s options are limited.

One Ukrainian-American has noted that the U.S. Government assassinated al Qaeda leaders Osama bin Laden and Abdul Hamid al-Matar without compunction. President Donald Trump authorized the killing of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani.

Why not the biggest terrorist of all?

Army Officer Nidal Malik Hasan, a self-described “soldier of Allah” with links to al Qaeda, shot and killed 13 people and injured over 30 others in the Fort Hood mass massacre on November 5, 2009. Al Qaeda leader Anwar Nasser al-Awlaki, who was in contact with Nidal Malik Hasan, was later killed in a U.S. drone strike ordered by none other than Barack Hussein Obama.

“We Have Won!!!” wrote Hasan, after Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan.

America needs a Winston Churchill who will identify all of America’s enemies, including Russia, by name. Mitt Romney did it back in 2012, when he ran against Obama for the presidency, and events proved him right. Then, denied the Secretary of State job under Trump, Romney turned on the president who did more for Ukraine than Obama/Biden.

We are saddled with Biden, Obama’s vice president, who concluded that Putin had no soul after a 2011 meeting at the Kremlin. Biden said Putin “looked back at me, and he smiled, and he said, ‘We understand one another.’”

Putin has no soul. Biden has no brain.

“This is not just a recent trend, as your mental decline and forgetfulness have become more apparent over the past two years,” notes Representative Ronny Jackson, M.D., a former physician to three Presidents of the United States, in a letter to Biden’s handlers. “On the campaign trail, you often forgot the names of states that you were in for campaign rallies. The Alzheimer’s Association points out ‘confusion with time or place’ as another of the ten signs and symptoms of mental decline. In February 2021, you publicly forgot the purpose of your visit to survey the winter storm damage in Texas. In March 2021, you forgot the name of the Pentagon, the Department of Defense, and the Defense Secretary. Lastly, in May 2021, you told a story from your tenure as Vice President in which you stated that you regularly visited your sick mother via Amtrak in 2013, even though she passed away in 2010.

We must get rid of Putin and Biden. But Biden, who once wrote an article about how he loved the New World Order, is so brain dead that he continues to pursue a nuclear deal with Iran after it launched 12 ballistic missiles at the American consulate at Erbil, Iraq.

To make matters worse, Biden Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson worked on behalf of suspected al Qaeda and Taliban members imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay.

Putin has no soul. It turns out that Biden has no brain and no soul. And that’s why Putin is winning.

The Billy Graham organization, Samaritan’s Purse, is on the ground in Ukraine, helping Christians and Jews and others fleeing Vladimir Putin’s war. Get updates here.

© 2022 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid: kincaid@comcast.net

Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc. www.usasurvival.org

What’s YOUR Freedom Really Worth?

By JB Williams

March 15, 2022

I bet if I ask what your home, your car, your bank account, or stock portfolio is worth, you could answer that question pretty quick with a reasonable degree of accuracy. Things seem to have a generally accepted and highly respected value, and most people have some sense of what that is, all the way down to their game station and other useless trinkets.

How much will it all be worth when the dollar isn’t worth a penny?

But can you tell me what your freedom is really worth? Is it really worth more than any of your other possessions? Can you put a value on it at all? Is your freedom worth more than your job? It seems not, since millions of Americans handed over the freedom to even decide what is injected into their bodies, just to keep that job. After all, we have to pay the bills for all that stuff we possess, right?

Some 246-years ago, the Founders of this nation thought freedom was worth more than all of the earthly possession they could ever own. In fact, they thought it was worth more than life itself. But what about you?

Is your freedom worth more than any of your things, or all of them together? If not, then you sold your freedom for those things…you traded your freedom for stuff.

“…for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.”Declaration of Independence

Can you even imagine the average American making such an “extreme” statement today, much less putting everything they have on the line for the mere sake of freedom? I can’t…Maybe the true price of freedom is just too high for the modern American to even consider. Maybe modern Americans have no clue how to value freedom and liberty anymore.

Or, maybe so many Americans are simply more afraid of freedom than they are of bondage. Maybe they think a certain tolerable level of bondage is more predictable and secure than the risky business of freedom and liberty. Maybe most Americans are so focused upon having a government provided socio-economic floor (aka social equity), that they don’t mind having the ceiling that comes with it.

“…all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.”Declaration of Independence

How much do you think the enemies of freedom are willing to spend to take your freedom and liberty from you? They have already spent trillions to do it and they are willing to spend everything they have to defeat freedom and liberty. How can you possibly compete with that?

Here’s the really cool part of it all…the enemies of freedom borrowed the money they are using to destroy you. But they didn’t borrow that money in their names, they borrowed it all in your name, more than $30-trillion worth. In the end, you are funding their destruction of your freedom. How cool is that!

Yet, you think they are the dumb people. We should have thought of that… robbed every global elitist and used it to destroy them. Has their $30T debt helped you, or them? Made the USA stronger or weaker?

Have you come up with a number yet…something in your possession you would trade for your freedom and liberty? You do know that everything on earth costs money, right? The enemy knows it will cost them a ton of money to defeat you. You didn’t know it would cost you a great deal to defeat them? How is that?

Your willingness to go-along to get-along will be the death of you.

Nothing worthwhile is free or even cheap, certainly not your freedom and liberty. Your trinkets are all replaceable, but your freedom and liberty are not replaceable, ever.

“…a Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty, once lost, is lost forever.”John Adams

Since liberty once lost, is lost forever, it can never be repurchased for any price at all. One would think that this alone would place a high premium on the value of freedom…before it’s lost forever.

But best I can tell in recent years, many Americans don’t even care about their freedom anymore, preferring instead, a steady diet of “free stuff” (aka paid for by someone else), while the rest place so little value on it that they would never trade any of their earthly possessions to protect it, with very rare exception, of course.

It’s an individual question that every American will be forced to answer, sooner than later.

As Klaus Schwab (WEF) and his maniacal COVID19 GLOBAL PANDEMIC RESET tightens the choke hold they have on countries around the world and every American Citizen, forcing all nations to surrender their national sovereignty and security to his ONE WORLD ORDER where “you will own nothing and like it,” the clock is running out.

As you try to put a value on your freedom, remember this…it’s not just your freedom.

Your choice will decide the future of freedom for everyone in the world, everyone alive now and everyone yet to be born. If the USA is no longer free, no place on earth will be. There is nowhere for you, your children, grandchildren, or great grandchildren to run, no place to hide.

Most of the world has lived under communist and socialist bondage for decades. They have all depended upon the USA to feed their people and send our young to defend their people from tyrants.

When the USA is gone, FREEDOM is gone.

So, I suggest you give some very serious thought to what your freedom is worth to you, because in the end, you’re not just deciding for yourself. You are deciding for the entire world and all future generations!

Best get this one right! If you think you can keep all of your precious treasures in a world run by the likes of Klaus Schwab, better think again! Nazi tyrants are NEVER kind to their loyal subjects!

© 2022 JB Williams – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JB Williams: jb.tnalc@gmail.com

Thoughts on Russia, Ukraine and Our Lying Corporate Media

By Steven Yates

March 14, 2022

“The vast population of this earth, and indeed nations themselves, may readily be divided into three groups. There are the few who make things happen, the many more who watch things happen, and the overwhelming majority who have no notion of what happens.”  Nicholas Murray Butler (orig. 1931) 

I’ve hesitated to write on Russia and Ukraine. I don’t have boots-on-the-ground sources for events in that part of the world like I did for Charlottesville (for example). Most of what I’ve learned is readily available on alternative media. There are a couple of writers who hail from the region I read regularly, but neither is based in Ukraine.

I wasn’t convinced Russian president Vladimir Putin would invade Ukraine. It was unclear what he had to gain. The place is a basket case, after all. So when corporate media overwhelmed us with hysterical accounts of Russian troops marching in, I was suspicious. Had Russia really invaded, or was this another globalist / corporate media psy-op?

Footage, from multiple sources independent of one another, convinced me the invasion itself was real. I do feel for the 40 million or so Ukrainians. They did not ask for this, and are caught in the middle. As for the government in Kyiv, that’s a whole ‘nother matter!

But footage doesn’t tell us much, and corporate media hasn’t told us much more. A little history lesson might be in order.

Following the breakup of the Soviet Union, the U.S. made one agreement after another that NATO would not creep eastward, eventually showing up on Russia’s border.

Why did Russia think this a bad thing?

Well, what would Americans think about Russia (perhaps allied with China and Iran) forming an international organization that pulled in Central America and moved on Mexico, so that it could put missiles and God knows what else practically on America’s southern border? Especially if the Russian leadership had issued explicit promises that this would not happen.

There were assurances Eastern European countries would not join NATO. They did. Eventually NATO reached Ukraine, and there it met resistance. Both the government and the culture were pro-Russian. Viktor Yanukovych had won the presidency there in the closest thing you’re going to find to a democratic election in that part of the world.

We’re up to 2010, and the Yanukovych government was cutting deals with Russia while turning its back on the (globalist controlled) EU. Protests arose, most likely fomented, and Yanukovych was overthrown in the coup of February 2014 and forced to flee the country. A violent but pro-NATO, pro-U.S. regime came to power, with Petro Poroshenko becoming president in May. He was replaced by Volodymyr Zelenskyy, a former comic-actor, in 2019.

He led the corrupt corporatocracy Putin invaded three weeks ago. One of its billionaire-owned corporations paid Hunter Biden gazillions (just one example; there are others from America’s political overclass). Which has to make one wonder: what was this government hiding that the Bidenistas (among others) do not want the Russians to reveal?

The day before the invasion, Putin recognized the independence of Ukraine’s two eastern breakaway regions, Donetsk and Lugansk. Both have large populations of ethnic Russians whose first language is Russian and spent the past eight years under Kyiv repression, including being forbidden by law to speak their own language in public. Naturally there was unrest in both, some of it violent, and naturally Russia got blamed.

Prior to the invasion I wondered if this was Crimea warmed over. In 2014, a democratic vote overwhelmingly (around 96 percent of Crimeans) approved Crimea’s separating from Ukraine and joining the Russian Federation. This was reported by lying Western corporate media as an invasion, evidence of Russian expansionism.

The first question one must always ask is almost embarrassing: how much of what comes to you over the boob-tube can be believed?

Or, more bluntly put:

When was the last time Anglo-American corporate media told the truth about any major event?

They spent two years hammering us about Russian collusion that never happened, trying to delegitimize the Trump presidency. This narrative kept America’s masses psychologically conditioned for a continued demonizing of everything Russian.

That’s just for starters.

Corporate media has lied consistently about domestic matters such as inflation and unemployment, always under reporting each. They lied about 9/11 and Osama bin Laden (who died of kidney disease a few months after 9/11, not in a hail of gunfire in Pakistan ten years later). Going back to the late 1990s, corporate media would have suppressed the Clinton-Lewinsky affair, had Matt Drudge not put it out over our then-novel Gutenberg press of the present.

Corporate media lied back in the 1960s and 1970s. There is solid evidence that both Kennedy’s and Martin Luther King Jr., were killed by conspirators within the U.S. government.

Small wonder some people believe the moon landings were faked!

The Establishment has lied all along about supporting“democracy.” Democratic elections, or what passes for such,are treated as legitimate as long as (1) Anglo-American moneyed interests are served, and (2) those in office serve the globalists behind moneyed interests. Refuseniks are demonized and eventually overthrown. Ask the Iranians (Mossadegh, 1953). Ask Guatemalans (Arbenz, 1954). Ask Panamanians (Noriega, 1989). Ask the Iraqis (Hussein, 2003). There are others. Many others. The list goes on and on.

So why would anyone in his right mind take for granted anything Establishment media says about Ukraine?

“I stand with Ukraine!” is the virtue-signal of the moment!

Are you sure? You’re standing with one of the most corrupt governments in the world. But I get ahead of myself.

Consider: when corporate media feeds us 24/7 hysteria, incessantly hammering a single narrative, alongside footage and images (e.g., of a scowling, photoshopped Putin) clearly intended to arouse emotions — fear or outrage — something else is going on.

Those who do not realize have learned NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, from the past two years!

It is obvious to those of us with functioning brain cells: the c-virus was made in a lab, even if we don’t know the specifics. Its release was probably deliberate. With the U.S. economy booming by all “official” measures, the Democrat Party in shambles, and Trump on the verge of coasting into a second term? Come on, people, use your heads!

Nor are the gene-therapy injections “safe and effective” whatever the belligerent “fact-checkers” say. The best we can say is that a small handful of lots seem to be the deadliest. As for the rest, who knows? Many might be placebos.Or, everyone who got jabbed may have been turned into a walking, breathing biological time bomb.Some 10.8 billion shots have been administered in over 140 countries. Deaths from blood clots began almost immediately in Europe. An abnormal spike in deaths from a variety of causes has been reported by life insurance companies and mortuaries in the U.S. I don’t know who is keeping track elsewhere.

All we can do is pray we aren’t in the first stage of a crime against humanity beyond all previous imaginings!!

Again: the globalists are psychopaths who see those outside their orbit of three to four hundred extended families as the moral equivalent of cattle.

That includes, of course, the 40 million Ukrainians being used as pawns in this latest escapade!

There is now near certainty that despite predictable hysterical denials from the same Western Establishment voices, bioweapons facilities had been built in various locations around the country. (I posted a map of locations on my Facebook page; the censors almost immediately blacked it out with a False Information stamp. Need I say more?) Russia is emphatic that these facilities exist, and China has backed up Russia on this. Russian troops may have put some out of business. The Establishment reports these as attacks on medical centers, etc.

For more information on the biolab angle, consult Glenn Greenwald, one of the handful of real investigative journalists left. (Substack has become a truth-tellers refuge; Greenwald’s site there is worth subscribing to.) Ron Unz has also explored the matter. Both note how a single powerful globalist neocon, Victoria Nuland, seems to be present like an ominous shadow over all matters related to Ukraine. Lance Johnson, finally, notes how the U.S. Embassy removed all accounts of bioweapons facilities in Ukraine from its website.

All this is quite interesting in light of ongoing claims that the covid virus was made more infectious through Fauci-funded gain-of-function genetic engineering.

Again, the Establishment yarn is that the thing “evolved in a bat.”

If we’ve seen any evidence-free claim in the past two years, it’s that one.

Long and short of it: the official coronavirus / covid-19(84) narrative has disintegrated.

So now what?

One answer so far: Russia versus Ukraine, 24/7.

Same methods to paralyze critical thinking and take the minds of the masses in a desired direction.

Heck, it worked the last time! Mostly.

And we’re also seeing rising exposés on U.S.-Ukrainian biolabs branded as — wait for it! — conspiracy theories!

Heck, that worked the last time, too!


For again, there are just too many people not buying it. Which brings us back to: now what?

What gives me sleepless nights is wondering what the globalists have up their sleeves that we haven’t seen yet.

They will pursue a strategy that (1) benefits them both financially and in terms of establishing Total Information Awareness, total surveillance, and control; (2) harms everyone outside their orbit, using psychological and economic compulsion to get us peasants to give up our remaining freedoms; and (3) preserve the digital infrastructure necessary for total surveillance and control.

Brandon Smith makes a compelling case in a recent article against their triggering nuclear war.

Putin wouldn’t do it despite the accusations he’s threatened to use nukes. Were Putin to fire nukes, the retaliation would be near-instantaneous. Moscow and probably other major Russian cities would be incinerated. He doesn’t want that.

Besides, nuclear war wouldn’t satisfy (3) above. Brandon Smith writes:

The globalists are unlikely to spend the past several decades building up one of the most complex technocratic control grids in history to track and dominate the public only to then annihilate it all in the blink of an eye with nukes. A post-nuke environment would be impossible for them to control. 

I think it safe to say that if we ever see nukes flying, it will be because the globalists have decided they’re going to lose and plan to take as much of the civilized world with them as they can!

What else might they have in their arsenal? A lab-engineered strain of smallpox? The world would go into the severest lock down yet seen — but could the globalists be assured they would avoid being infected? Would they have inoculations they knew worked because they had been tested over time (unlike the covid gene-therapy concoctions they foisted on the public)?

Smith continues: What is more likely, in my view, is a massive cyber-attack that targets the functionality of the internet itself, and it would have to happen relatively soon.

My money is on something like this. He goes on to observe how the Internet is now so integrated into economic activity in advanced nation at every level, that if it went down for just two weeks the result would be an unprecedented shock wave that took down markets and disrupted supply chains everywhere. Rolling blackouts would likely ensue and air travel would cease, as everything connected to, or depending on, an Internet connection, would go offline all at once!

And if you think gas prices are high now…!

During the blackout, GloboCorp’s tech engineers would “redo” Web functionality! They would set up filters and firewalls,and establish protocols, that would disable or render inaccessible all but “approved” government and corporate websites! This would mean the end of alternative media as we’ve come to know it, including this trusted site!

The Internet would be theirs, not ours!

Conditions would be put in place for us peasants to recover access! These could include almost anything GloboCorp wanted? (Statement of intent? National ID? Vax mobility pass?)

All in the name of “Internet security”; or “safety” from those dastardly “Russian hackers,” as doubtless the cyberattack would be blamed on Russia.

Such an attack, Smith observes, would serve the added purpose of hiding the crashing Bidenista-era economy manifested as roaring inflation and financial instability.

Ukraine would be off the radar!

For the attack’s duration and probably for a while after a semblance of Internet access was restored, you would only get emergency communications! The so-called need-to-know basis (and you, peasant, don’t need to know!).

I agree with Smith that the chances of something like this occurring before the end of this year are better than 50-50! It could happen sooner!

We could be wrong. I have been before. I pray we are. Do you want to take the chance?

When I go to the store, I buy two of everything I know we’ll need. One I use; the other I store. I’ve begun doing this for everything: non perishables, vitamins and minerals, cleaners and toiletries, pet supplies, etc. The ideal would be to have several months’ worth of everything in our storage room.

I do not recommend keeping large sums of money in the bank, or in any digital form! Banks stopped serving customers and started serving the Establishment years ago. You might never see your money again!

In a cyberattack, even cryptocurrencies will go poof! Wallets saved offline will still be unusable!

Only approved transactions, after all!

We should have learned from the events of two years ago that circumstances can change extremely rapidly!

I don’t think the grid will be down for more than a few days, because anything longer than that would create a mass panic, and a mass panic again might be difficult to control.

But I could be wrong about that, too, or that the response to such won’t be mass violence by governments against their citizens!

Bottom line: we are at war, but the war that matters is not Russia-versus-Ukraine. The war that matters is the fifth generation war GloboCorp is fighting against the peoples of the world, especially we who want to live free and peaceful lives, serving our God and our fellow humans in a free and decentralized marketplace of goods, services, and information.

What I recommend: tune out I-stand-with-Ukraine rubbish and concentrate on preparing for whatever GloboCorp psychopaths dish out next in their bid for absolute power!

Steven Yates’s new book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory (Wipf and Stock, 2021) is available here and here.

Do you wish me to continue? Please consider supporting my work on Patreon.com.

© 2022 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

Can States Rein in the Federal Government?

By Paul Engel

March 14, 2022

  • Are the states sovereign or vassals of Washington, D.C.?
  • What role do the states and the idea of nullification have in our constitutional republic.
  • Could nullification be the best method to restore the republic?

With all of the unconstitutional laws, executive orders, and regulations coming out of Washington, D.C. lately, people often wonder what can be done. An out of control federal government was nothing new in America. At the end of the 18th century, two of our Founding Fathers wrote about keeping the federal government in check. Let’s look at how these two men expected the states to rein in the federal government.

People who study the Constitution of the United States readily see that the government in Washington, D.C. is out of control. The Tenth Amendment clearly states:

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

U.S. Constitution, Amendment X

It is unfortunate that all three branches of the government of the United States routinely and frequently violate this amendment without any repercussions. Congress passes laws that exercise powers not delegated to the United States by creating executive agencies to execute those illegal powers. They also issue executive orders that violate the rights protected by the Constitution, making the Tenth Amendment among the most frequently abused clauses of the Constitution. Even the Supreme Court has assumed the power to place their opinions above the supreme law of the land. While researching my book, I found a government website, A-Z Index of U.S. Government Departments and Agencies. While reviewing that list of departments and agencies, I found two very disturbing facts. First, of the over 500 agencies listed, I could not find a power delegated to the United States to justify the existence of 90% of them. Second, the federal government listed all of the fifty states as departments or agencies of the United States. Not only does the federal government claim the power to do what is not authorized by the Constitution, but those in the government appear to believe that the states are vassals of Washington, D.C. This dereliction of duty is nothing new.

In July of 1798, Congress passed the Alien and Seditions Acts. In the Alien Act, Congress claimed the power to apprehend and detain as alien enemies any adult man who was a native or citizen of a country the United States was at war with. The Sedition Act claimed that anyone who opposed any measure of the government of the United States or attempted to impede the operation of any law of the United States, could be imprisoned and/or fined. Furthermore, the act claimed that anyone who wrote, printed, or published false, scandalous, or malicious writings against the United States, defamed and brought contempt or disrepute against the Congress or the President. They could be fined and imprisoned. The fact that both of the “laws” of the United States violated multiple clauses of the supreme law of the land apparently didn’t bother Congress one bit.

Does this sound familiar? Has not Congress authorized the permanent detention of aliens merely accused of supporting terrorism? While not calling for imprisonment, the Biden administration did call for social media companies to deplatform anyone who posted what they considered “misinformation”. The City of Washington, D.C., is still holding those who entered the capitol on January 6, 2021, accusing them of disrupting the work of Congress and the House of Representatives. They are holding hearings, claiming those who demonstrated against the 2020 elections were calling for an insurrection.

So how did the states react in 1798? Let’s look at what two of our Founding Fathers did to deal with this conflict.

Virginia Resolutions – Alien and Sedition Acts

Resolved, that the General Assembly of Virginia doth unequivocally express a firm resolution to maintain and defend the constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of this state, against every aggression, either foreign or domestic, and that they will support the government of the United States in all measures, warranted by the former.

Virginia Resolutions

On December 21, 1798, James Madison submitted what became known as the Virginia Resolutions to that state’s House of Delegates. In it he states that Virginia resolves to maintain and defend the Constitution of the United States against every aggression, foreign or domestic. He clearly recognized that not all aggression against the Constitution would come from foreign actors.

That this Assembly most solemnly declares a warm attachment to the Union of the States, to maintain which, it pledges all its powers; and that for this end, it is their duty, to watch over and oppose every infraction of those principles, which constitute the only basis of that union, because a faithful observance of them, can alone secure its existence, and the public happiness.

Virginia Resolutions

According to James Madison, it’s the duty of the governments of the several states to watch over and oppose every infraction of the Constitution. Why? Because having the states oversee the actions of the federal government is the only way we can insure the union’s existence and the public’s happiness. In other words, the Supreme Court is not the ultimate protector of your rights guaranteed under the Constitution; the states are. Mr. Madison goes on:

That this Assembly doth explicitly and peremptorily declare, that it views the powers of the federal government, as resulting from the compact to which the states are parties; as limited by the plain sense and intention of the instrument constituting that compact; as no farther valid than they are authorised by the grants enumerated in that compact, and that in case of a deliberate, palpable and dangerous exercise of other powers not granted by the said compact, the states who are parties there-to have the right, and are in duty bound, to interpose for arresting the progressof the evil, and for maintaining within their respective limits, the authorities, rights and liberties appertaining to them.

Virginia Resolutions

Not only does James Madison state that powers of the federal government are limited by the Constitution, but as parties of the compact that is that document, the states are duty-bound to interpose and stop the progress of any government actions that go beyond it. The states are supposed to maintain the federal government within its limited jurisdiction and to protect the rights and liberties of their citizens from its encroachment.

That the General Assembly doth also express its deep regret that a spirit has in sundry instances, been manifested by the federal government, to enlarge its powers by forced constructions of the constitutional charter which defines them; and that indications have appeared of a design to expound certain general phrases (which having been copied from the very limited grant of powers in the former articles of confederation were the less liable to be misconstrued) so as to destroy the meaning and effect of the particular enumeration, which necessarily explains and limits the general phrases; and so as to consolidate the states by degrees into one sovereignty, the obvious tendency and inevitable consequence of which would be, to transform the present republican system of the United States, into an absolute, or at best a mixed monarchy.

Virginia Resolutions

Deliberate misinterpretation of the Constituiton in an effort to expand the powers of the federal government is nothing new. The General Assembly of Virginia saw those in the federal legislature coming up with twisted and contorted readings of the Constitution to allow them to do what the document plainly forbids. It’s rather like Congress claiming anything that might impact interstate commerce falls under their authority to regulate or that their power to tax for the general welfare of the union can be expanded into anything they can pass.

That the good people of this Commonwealth having ever felt and continuing to feel the most sincere affection for their bretheren of the other states, the truest anxiety for establishing and perpetuating the union of all, and the most scrupulous fidelity to that Constitution which is the pledge of mutual friendship, and the instrument of mutual happiness, the General Assembly doth solemnly appeal to the like dispositions of the other States, in confidence that they will concur with this Commonwealth in declaring, as it does hereby declare, that the acts aforesaid are unconstitutional, and that the necessary and proper measures will be taken by each, for cooperating with this State in maintaining unimpaired the authorities, rights, and liberties, reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

Virginia Resolutions

Notice that while the Commonwealth of Virginia declared that these acts were unconstitutional, they did not attempt to nullify them on their own. The House of Delegates asked other states to cooperate with them in defending the rights and authorities of both their state and their people.

Kentucky Resolution – Alien and Sedition Acts

While there appears to be some debate whether or not Thomas Jefferson authored the Kentucky Resolution, what was approved on December 3, 1799 helps us understand the proper role of the states to restrain the actions of the federal government.

THE representatives of the good people of this commonwealth in general assembly convened, having maturely considered the answers of sundry states in the Union, to their resolutions passed at the last session, respecting certain unconstitutional laws of Congress, commonly called the alien and sedition laws, would be faithless indeed to themselves, and to those they represent, were they silently to acquiesce in principles and doctrines attempted to be maintained in all those answers, that of Virginia only excepted. To again enter the field of argument, and attempt more fully or forcibly to expose the unconstitutionality of those obnoxious laws, would, it is apprehended be as unnecessary as unavailing.

Least however the silence of this commonwealth should be construed into an acquiescence in the doctrines and principles advanced and attempted to be maintained by the said answers, or least those of our fellow citizens throughout the Union, who so widely differ from us on those important subjects, should be deluded by the expectation, that we shall be deterred from what we conceive our duty; or shrink from the principles contained in those resolutions:

Kentucky Resolution – Alien and Sedition Acts

While the resolution does not give specifics, it appears that several of the states, in response to the Virginia Resolutions, were not prepared to support Madison’s position. This however, did not deter Kentucky from entering into the fray.

RESOLVED, That this commonwealth considers the federal union, upon the terms and for the purposes specified in the late compact, as conducive to the liberty and happiness of the several states: That it does now unequivocally declare its attachment to the Union, and to that compact, agreeable to its obvious and real intention, and will be among the last to seek its dissolution: That if those who administer the general government be permitted to transgress the limits fixed by that compact, by a total disregard to the special delegations of power therein contained, annihilation of the state governments, and the erection upon their ruins, of a general consolidated government, will be the inevitable consequence:

Kentucky Resolution – Alien and Sedition Acts

Again we see a state committed to the Constituiton and the union of states. We also see that Kentucky believes that those in Washington, D.C. go too far. If those in the federal government were allowed to exercise powers beyond the limits described in the Constitution, the governments of the states would become meaningless and effectively destroyed. Furthermore, the erection of a consolidated government would be inevitable. The power this government would wield would allow it to run roughshod over not only the states, but the people as well.

That the principle and construction contended for by sundry of the state legislatures, that the general government is the exclusive judge of the extent of the powers delegated to it, stop nothing short of despotism; since the discretion of those who administer the government, and not the constitution, would be the measure of their powers:

Kentucky Resolution – Alien and Sedition Acts

Jefferson calls out the other states for their unwillingness to challenge the federal government. The idea that the federal government was the judge of the limits of its powers is nothing short of despotism. If Congress, the President, and the federal courts, get to decide what their powers are, there is nothing to stop them from doing whatever they want. That’s exactly the state the union is in today.

That the several states who formed that instrument, being sovereign and independent, have the unquestionable right to judge of its infraction; and that a nullification, by those sovereignties, of all unauthorized acts done under colour of that instrument, is the rightful remedy:

Kentucky Resolution – Alien and Sedition Acts

This is a fundamental point in America, or at least it should be. The states are sovereign and independent. The states created the federal government, not the other way around. And the states are the unquestionable and rightful judge of any infraction of the Constitution.

Of course, here is where we find that word that so many in our country are afraid of: Nullification. As parties to the compact that is the Constitution, it’s not only the unquestionable power of the states to judge the unauthorized acts of the federal government, but to nullify them as well. Here we see the true and rightful remedy of an out of control federal government: State governments willing to uphold the Constitution of the United States.

That this commonwealth does upon the most deliberate reconsideration declare, that the said alien and sedition laws, are in their opinion, palpable violations of the said constitution; and however cheerfully it may be disposed to surrender its opinion to a majority of its sister states in matters of ordinary or doubtful policy; yet, in momentous regulations like the present, which so vitally wound the best rights of the citizen, it would consider a silent acquiescence as highly criminal: That although this commonwealth as a party to the federal compact; will bow to the laws of the Union, yet it does at the same time declare, that it will not now, nor ever hereafter, cease to oppose in a constitutional manner, every attempt from what quarter soever offered, to violate that compact: 

Kentucky Resolution – Alien and Sedition Acts

Kentucky declares that the Alien and Sedition Acts unconstitutional. Jefferson makes the point that while disagreements about ordinary or doubtful policies can be tolerated, it would be criminal for the Commonwealth of Kentucky to surrender to the opinions of the rest of the states.


Look at how your state legislators act when the federal government exceeds its just powers. Do they comply, submitting to their creation as if it were their master? Do they complain, but do nothing to stand in the way of federal despotism? Or are they limited to begging the federal government to protect them from itself? This is the weak and submissive actions of most of our state legislators. As Jefferson warned, the state governments are all but annihilated as the federal government claims the authority to regulate every aspect of our lives.

Compare how our states today deal with federal overreach with those of Virginia and Kentucky back in 1798/99. Those who hold office in our states today are pale, anemic, and weak compared to Jefferson and Madison. Sure, most of the other states were willing to submit to these federal power grabs so I guess we shouldn’t be that surprised, but at least the legislators debated the issue. When was the last time a resolution was brought to the floor of your state legislature declaring an act of the federal government unconstitutional? When has your state government stood up to Washington, D.C. and told them they’ve gone too far? And don’t talk to me about suing the federal government in federal court. As I’ve said, that’s nothing more than a vassal state begging their master to protect them from itself. When was the last time your state representatives or senators submitted a resolution denouncing the infringement on the rights of the people they were hired to represent? When was the last time you met with your state legislator and demanded they do so?

If, as Jefferson said, the rightful remedy to the unlawful acts of the federal government is for states to nullify those actions, then it is up to We the People to hold our elected representatives’ feet to the fire. If, as Madison said, it is the duty of the states to watch over and oppose every infraction of the Constitution, if the states are duty bound to interpose themselves between their citizens and an ever growing federal government, and to arrest the progress of that evil, then all fifty states are derelict in their duty.

Since We the People formed those state governments and elected those who hold office, then we are derelict in our duty as well. If freedom and liberty fall in America, if despotism and tyranny are allowed to continue, if this experiment in self government has failed and the sacred fire of liberty should go out, it’s because We the People have been derelict in our duties. When asked asked what type of government the Constitutional Congress had given the people, Benjamin Franklin answered “A republic, if you can keep it.” It appears that the American people were not up to the task.

© 2022 Paul Engel – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Paul Engel: paul@constitutionstudy.com

Non-Assimilating Soup Of Ethnic Diversity

By Frosty Wooldridge

March 14, 2022

May God bless the people of Ukraine, and please God, save all those young men on both sides of that stupidly insane war. As Lennon said, “Give peace a chance.” May Putin rot in hell for eternity.

From my comment about Putin a week ago, several readers responded.

M. said, “Did you know that Russia is the only major country in the world that will not allow a Rothschild, Cabal controlled central bank into their country.  Have you noticed how the MSM has finished with the U. S. and started focusing on Russia?  They don’t even care about the virus anymore!?  They are out to get rid of Russia.  The real last hold out for the One World Order!  Quit drinking their cool-aid man!     The U. S. is done.  We have crumbled to the New World Order!  Now they are working on Russia!

“I sent you a message. I hope you will listen to it and learn what is really going on in Ukraine.  The corrupt government they have was set up by the Bidens.  The Ukrainians that are loyal to that government have been bombing and killing the Ukrainians that have been holding out.  The ones holding out look to the Russian troops as liberators.  The Russians are removing the Biolabs and the corrupt government, set up by the Bidens.  The Bidens have setup 15 Biolabs in Ukraine!  Would you want that close to your border?  Neither does Putin!!!!!  As much as I hate communism, Putin is not the bad guy here!  Biden is!!!!!  And NATO!”

Are those bio-labs what Hunter Biden was doing in Ukraine and being paid $50,000.00 a month for his services as Vice President Joe Biden’s son?  I don’t have a doubt that Joe Biden is as corrupt as any of the presidents before him such as Lyndon Baines Johnson, Bill Clinton and G.W. Bush.

So, who do you believe in 2022?  Reality check: none of us really know what’s going on over in Ukraine, or, really, anywhere else for that matter. I stopped trusting the U.S. Government in 1968 after I discovered the lie of the “Gulf of Tonkin Incident” that launched the Vietnam War.  LBJ, McNamara, Westmoreland, Nixon…all of them a bunch of liars, cheats and thieves.  More followed with G.W. Bush and his “Weapons of Mass Destruction” lie, and Rumsfeld, and now Joe Biden’s lifetime of lying.

We Americans, who pay our taxes, abide by our laws, and live decent lives—cannot get a straight answer out of Washington DC’s corrupt, career, political criminals.  Do you trust House Speaker Nancy Pelosi?  Answer: she’s got to be one of the biggest criminals in DC.

I did some digging:

Victoria Venk, www.seemorerocks.is

23 Apr 2020

She reported:  On April 14, 2020, people’s deputies from “Opposition Platform for Life” wrote the leaders of Ukraine: President Zelensky, Prime Minister Shmygal, Head of the SBU Bakanov, and Minister of Healthcare Stepanov.

In an appeal with reference to Serbian and Bulgarian media, it is reported that the US has more than 400 bacteriological laboratories around the world, including at least 15 in Ukraine.

They are exclusively American ones, and they are financed at the expense of the US Department of Defense. The laboratories are located in Odessa, Vinnytsia, Uzhgorod, Lvov (three), Kiev (three), Kherson, Ternopol, and near Crimea and Lugansk.

People’s deputies note that the functioning of American biolaboratories in Ukraine started during the presidency of Viktor Yushchenko and the premiership of Yuliya Tymoshenko – August 29th, 2005.

What totally warps my mind stems from the fact that our representatives in Congress provided our tax dollars for all these nefarious labs and God only knows how many other secret laboratories. Why would anyone in their right mind support experiments into creating bioweapons that not only kill other people, but kill your own people?

One of the nightmares that I have spoken about over the past 30 years stems from the fact that humans keep crowding closer and closer to one another as we overpopulate the globe. Within 28 years, we’ll see another 2.2 billion humans as “resource competitors” for water, energy and resources around the globe. It can’t help but become horribly nasty.  We’re fighting for resources to live.  At some point, the earth won’t provide the resources of enough water, energy and resources.  That guarantees conflict, really nasty conflict.

What Have The Last Two Years Taught US As To George Floyd? Racial Justice? Racial Conflict? Racial Tranquility?

Where are we as a nation headed with Antifa, Black Lives Matter, endemic racial anger, and now Ukraine’s fight for survival?

My friend Gary Gobel gave his perspective when he said, “What does history actually teach us about ethnic diversity in nations?  I know what the current mantra is, what the current PC story is. There have indeed been examples of extremism in maintaining a cohesive culture and in most cases, extremism is historically bad and to be avoided. That said, what does history actually teach us about ethnic diversity?

“Best example out there right now seems to be Europe. Germans, French, English, Italian, Russian, Scandinavians, etc. Europe has experienced centuries of wars about everything and anything through the ages, and now has formed a European Union of ethnic diversity. There have been coalitions and alliance over and over in Europe……allies have become enemies and borders have been redrawn and kings and warrior emperors have come and gone….but, Europe has always been ethnically diverse…… Is this strong? Does strength lie in ethnic diversity as we are being told today or does strength lie in unity? What does history teach us? Forget the PC and the propaganda, what have we seen of socialism, ethnic diversity, actual human conduct over the centuries?”

For certain, America’s racial conflict continues to play out daily in our major cities where blacks and whites mingle.  It’s painful to watch. It’s ugly on every level.  Worse, racism is a biological condition that cannot find a solution.  Different races, much like in Europe, simply go to war with each other.  Or, like in America, it’s always an uncomfortable situation. You can see that reality play out all over America where different races self-segregate in housing areas, bars and social clubs.

Civilization walks a very thin line of civility when races intermingle.

So, is Putin the Hitler of the 21st century?   Is he wrong?  Did the writer W.M. quoted at the beginning of this column, call it correctly?  Is Biden just as guilty of other treacheries?

Do any of us know what’s really going on with the leaders of different societies? Different races?  Different cultures?  Different realities?

All I know stems from the fact that children, mothers and old people face death daily from an invasion of Ukraine.  Additionally, those young conscripted Russian boys die like flies.  Those young and old Ukrainian men die by the thousands.  Over 2,000,000 refugees flee to surrounding countries. What’s to become of them?  Who is right?  Who is wrong?  Is Putin a hero?  Is he a monster?

History books will sort out the nightmare. In the meantime, I am sad for all humanity here in the spring of 2022.

© 2022 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

People’s Retirement Accounts Are Under Attack

By Roger Anghis

March 13, 2022

For some reason, the majority of Democrats and a few republicans believe that the American taxpayer is supposed to be the sugar daddy for the rest of the world. The way I see it if we have enough to send billions of dollars to 40 or 50 countries then our government is overtaxing the American people. Period.

We need to look at a little history of Social Security to see how it started and how it has been changed as well as decimated over its lifetime.

When Social Security was introduced by Franklin Delano Roosevelt in August of 1935. It was a simple program that he said would help seniors make ends meet when they retire. Participation wasn’t even mandatory at the time.  It was voluntary.[1]  Your entire paycheck wasn’t subject to the Social Security tax. Participants would only have to pay 1% of the first $1,400 of their annual Incomes into the Program.[2]  It is now mandatory that you pay the tax and it is on your entire paycheck. The rate is no longer 1% either.  Social Security taxes in 2022 are 6.2 percent of gross wages [3] up to $147,000.

FDR stated that the funds the ‘participant’ elected to put into the program would be deducted from their income before their income was taxed. These funds are no longer deductible.[4]  The ‘participant’ was also assured that the funds would go into a separate government account and not be used for anything other than paying out social security benefits.  Lyndon Johnson and the Democrats in the sixties couldn’t stand to see all that money not being spent on their pet projects so they moved the Social Security funds into the General Fund and proceeded to spend it into virtual bankruptcy.[5]

FDR had promised that annuity payments to the retirees would never be taxed as income but then came Bill Clinton and his Democrat Congress and we now have up to 85% of our social security taxed.[6]  Here’s another slap in the face to the American worker.  I worked as a stockbroker in the late 1980s and sold some ‘tax-free’ municipal bonds.  They were easy to sell until the government decided to add the income from these bonds to the total gross income and then tax the social security.  Now, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that this made a ‘tax-free’ municipal bond a taxable bond.  I argued with an accountant about this and his response was they aren’t taxing the bond, they’re taxing the social security. How this guy got certified as an accountant I don’t know.

Before Clinton screwed the social security fund Jimmy Carter, Mr. Compassion, decided to start giving our retirement funds to illegal immigrants.[7] They had to be working but these funds weren’t theirs.  It belonged to the American worker!  Now we have Congress giving our retirement funds to illegals and spending our retirement funds depleting the fund at an exponential rate.

I remember when Bush 43 tried to set up personal retirement accounts for the younger workers so they would have something when they retired 30 years from then and the Democrats went nuts. Democrats have made all the changes in the Social Security Fund that has literally decimated it but they blame the Republicans. The amount of money the federal government has borrowed from the Social Security trust fund, the Medicare trust fund and other government agencies just crossed the $5 trillion mark.

Politicians downplay the number, saying it isn’t really debt; it’s money the government “owes itself.” But the bulk of that $5 trillion doesn’t belong to the government. It belongs to current and future retirees. The only way this debt “doesn’t count” is if the government has no intention of paying its obligations to America’s retirees.

That $5 trillion is going to come back to haunt us, and soon. According to the Social Security Board of Trustees, Social Security’s unbroken string of budget surpluses will come to a permanent end in 2020.

From then on, not only will Washington have lost a major source of cheap financing, the money will need to start flowing in the opposite direction.

Long-term, the federal government will need to come up with over half a trillion dollars per year to make good on its promises to our retirees. But it won’t come up with the money. Raising over half a trillion dollars in revenue would require either raising taxes by 30% or doubling the current deficit.[8]

Now Biden and the Democrats are looking to screw the American people again.  Over the years the government has ‘allowed’ the American people to prepare for their later years of retirement. If they get away with what they want to do now it will destroy our senior citizens that did what the government is not able to do, plan for the future.  We have been allowed to establish our own retirement accounts with IRAs and 401Ks.  There is approximately $21 trillion in these funds.  You have to remember that this is personal funds set aside for a person’s own retirement.

Just as food for thought when I was a broker I came across an article in the late 1980s, I believe was in the Wall Street Journal where the author had taken the time to sit down and calculate what a person would have had he taken the same amount of funds that were deducted from his check for Social Security and put it into a simple passbook savings account that he would be able to draw at least ten times monthly what he would get from Social Security.  My mom was on social security at the time and was drawing about $460 a month.  According to this article has she done that simple savings program she could have drawn $4600 a month.  In the late 80s, that was good money.  Democrats don’t want you to be able to do that.  They demand that you stay dependent on the government.

Now that these retirement accounts have amassed 421 trillion dollars Biden wants to put all those funds into the Social Security (FICA) Fund which is in the General Fund, so he can pay for all his Green New Deal garbage.[9]  They are also reviving the limits a person is allowed to save for his future. This again is showing us just how much control the Democrats demand they have over us. We either stand against them or give into them and allow them to take not just your future but your kids’ too.  Remember, with Social Security if you die before you draw anything, your family gets nothing.  With your IRA and 401K if you die before drawing anything, your family gets it all.

How long before the Socialist Democrats devise new retirement laws allowing them to end up with more of your retirement than you. They are working on this legislation as we speak. Midterms are around the corner. Who we put in office from here on out is more important than ever.  Biden has already asked for special bank surveillance measures to allow the IRS access to all your bank records without your approval!

Ronald Reagan said: Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same. We have reached the point where we either fight or surrender socialism.  If we surrender your kids and grandkids will never know the freedom you lived under.

© 2022 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis: roger@buildingthetruth.org


[1]., [2]., A history lesson about your social security card and benefits

[3]. Social Security: questions answers

[4]., [5]., [6]., [7]. A history lesson about your social security card and benefits

[8]. Social Security goes bust in 2020 leaving half a trillion in annual deficit/

[9]. Individual retirement account Biden democrats spending plan

To Pray to God — or Whoever

By 2022 Rob Pue

March 13, 2022

Deuteronomy 6, the words of Moses: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.  And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.”

Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.”

And a warning from Jesus in Matthew 18, “Whoever receives one such child in My name receives Me, but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.”

As our modern American Church continues to descend into apostasy, we are now reaping what we have sown as we can see in the hearts and lives of our young people.  Please understand, I’m not talking about ALL of our young people; I know many who have been raised by Godly parents in the fear and admonition of the Lord, and their lives reflect that.  But these are most definitely the minority today.  For the most part, parents and churches have failed in their duty to disciple the children and protect them from the fleshly enticements of this world and the lies of the enemy of our souls.

This is not a recent development.  We’re now at least two generations past the time when God was truly reverenced in our land, in our families and in our homes.  Today, God is all but forgotten in our modern American culture, and the Church, which was called to be the light of the world and the salt of the earth, has become “good for nothing, except to be thrown out and trampled under the feet of men.” (Matthew 5:13).  In total ignorance of God, our Creator, we now scratch our heads and wonder why so many are afflicted with madness, blindness and mental confusion, why we are oppressed by unjust and evil leaders.  We wonder how it can be that so many people — young and old alike — are hooked on drugs, following false religions, involved in sexual perversions, addicted to pornography, confused about their very genders and committing suicide.

I grew up in the 1970s.  That was still a relatively perverse time in our history, but for many, or even most, there was still a fear of God. We still had our consciences intact, even those who didn’t know the Lord or have the Holy Spirit within them. There was still a fear of God in the atmosphere.  That’s gone now.  I grew up in a conservative, fundamental church, and I remember fiery sermons preached from the pulpit that addressed the vital moral, ethical and yes, even the political issues of the day, right out of the Bible.

The pastor spoke with wisdom and authority.  I remember, more than once, him pounding his fist on the podium to drive home an important point — or to wake up a tired farmer on the brink of dozing off.  The sermons were relevant and instructive.  We learned how to respond to the important current events of the day, biblically.

Sunday School was taken very seriously.  Our teachers were knowledgeable and we learned world history from the Bible.  When service time came, there was no such thing as “children’s church.”  The kids sat with their parents and listened to the same teaching at the same time.  We also sang sacred hymns of the Christian faith, full of biblical, theological wisdom.  The words of those hymns brought conviction — and a true REVERENCE for God Almighty.  That’s gone now.

Recently, Barna Research released a report on the beliefs of millennials.  What Barna discovered is no surprise, considering the atmosphere in which these young people were raised.  Barna found that half of young adults prefer socialism to capitalism.  Also, for them, there’s no such thing as “absolute truth.” That’s been replaced by “moral relativism” as feelings and friends form their worldview.

Nine out of ten young people now choose a mixture of beliefs from different religions as a form of “virtue signaling” trying not to appear “intolerant.”  Being “born again” no longer comes from repentance and faith in Christ’s death, burial and resurrection.  Instead, they believe “born again” means being a “good person” by doing good deeds — and that’s how you earn a place in heaven.

I was surprised to learn that Barna found 28% still believe the Bible is the Word of God, though even among those 28%, almost none have ever read the Bible completely and most have not read any part of it in the last year.

Two out of three millennials believe they’re Christians, but almost none know much at all about Jesus and they certainly don’t follow His teachings.  75% actually believe all religions are equal, that there are MANY paths to “God.” A high percentage identify themselves as “DON’TS” — meaning they don’t know if God exists, and they don’t care.  Only 4% now hold a biblical worldview regarding God, life and morality.

That’s where we’re at today.  Indeed, what Barna discovered about the young people could also be said of their parents as well.  Such is the deception we’ve fallen under and the delusion we live in every day now.  It’s been said that the Church should be “a hospital for sinners, not a museum of saints.”  Many church-goers would agree with that statement, but it’s entirely wrong, because it addresses the situation from a completely flawed starting point.

The Church is SUPPOSED to be a training ground, a spiritual “boot camp” for those who have come to know the Lord. Ephesians 4:12, “…for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the building up of the body of Christ, until we all attain the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God…”  But today, those that attend a church are NOT being equipped for the work of ministry or the building up of the body of Christ.  For the most part, our pastors today preach on how to have a better life, a better marriage, how to be joyful, how great WE art, and of course, how we should all give our tithes ONLY to the church we’re attending.  Perhaps a Bible verse or two is flashed up on the projector screen, but how are these soft-served “sermons” equipping anyone for the work of ministry?

We need to be equipped, always ready to give an answer to anyone who asks for the faith that we have.  Unfortunately, that’s no longer happening in most modern American churches.  Christianity is EXclusive, it is not INclusive.  God’s love is AVAILABLE to all who seek Him in repentance and faith, but we are NOT all God’s children.  Indeed, until we turn to Christ, we remain children of wrath.  The wrath of God ABIDES on us.  We are enemies of God. — until we become His children.  When was the last time you heard THAT in church?

In an effort to be “seeker friendly” and “inclusive,” this essential doctrine has been deleted.  One might say the “cancel culture” we’re seeing in every area of society today actually began in the Church long ago, when the Church “canceled” the preaching of fire and brimstone in favor of lollipops and rainbow unicorns.  Don’t misunderstand: God is not willing that ANY should perish, but the Bible tells us that most WILL perish, as they choose the broad road that leads to destruction, rather than the narrow gate that leads to life.

Church has changed since I was a kid.  Today, “Sunday School” and “Children’s Church” have become little more than play time — led by parents who are only there to babysit unruly and wild kids and make it through the hour until it’s over.  There may be a Bible story or a video played — but these are no longer taught as absolute truth; they’re taught as STORIES.  Where once Sunday School was taken very seriously, and Scripture was taught as HIStory, now we have “story time,” “color a picture time” and “snack time.”

When the kids are old enough to leave “Children’s Church” and join their parents for the regular service, they’re given “feel good” self-help talks.  “Sin” has become a four-letter word, never to be uttered by the pastor who cringes at the thought of appearing intolerant, lest he no longer remain well-liked and popular among the people.

Today, we have churches ordaining homosexual pastors, flying rainbow flags with signs stating “all are welcome.”  Today we have churches that believe God evolves in His thinking and the Bible is out-dated, as our culture devolves into depravity, so all manner of sin and debauchery can now be accepted.  “Come as you are” is the call.”  Unfortunately, even after years upon years of attending weekly services, most continue to be as they always were.  They’ve never learned WHY they need a Savior, they’ve never learned WHAT Christ has done that they might be saved, and they’ve never been trained and equipped for ministry outside the four walls of that place.

So instead of the pastor preaching the whole counsel of God, shepherding his people to draw ever closer to the Savior, the Church being a gathering place for those who are soundly saved and IN the family of God, now we open the doors to any and all and require nothing of them.  And instead of having the courage to call out sin and wickedness for what it is, our pastors allow the unsaved, unrepentant and ignorant to dictate what is spoken of from the pulpit.  Of course, this means he can NEVER speak about current events, he can never speak about abortion, homosexuality, the rampant use of pornography, alcohol and drugs, he can never speak about the lies and propaganda of the COVID scam, the serious dangers of the jab, or the Globalist plans of the “Great Reset.”

So people are left to fend for themselves, and as Barna discovered, they draw their worldviews not from God’s Word, but from their feelings and their friends.  But while cowardly pastors will be held doubly accountable for their lack of leadership, it’s not entirely their fault, because the church-goers actually like things just the way they are.  Paul admonished Timothy as to what ministering to the lost should be.  He said, “Preach the Word, be instant in season and out of season, reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine.  For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.”

The result is found in 2 Thessalonians 2: “Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”  If I could think of any words that most accurately describe most Americans today, I guess it would be “strong delusion.”  The lies of the enemy are evident in every government policy, every health order, every politically-correct diversity program, every elementary school, middle school, high school, college and graduate student classroom.  To those with eyes to see, the lies of the enemy are evident in every mainstream media outlet, every television show, and every commercial and so-called “public service announcement’ on TV.  And the people eat it up.

My wife and I were married at a small chapel many years ago.  It’s very scenic and beautiful there.  You walk across a covered wooden bridge over the Crystal River and come upon the Chapel in the Woods.  We still go back there occasionally, to that place we were married.  It’s also somewhat of a tourist stop, because it’s so beautiful there.  The last time we were there, a small family was there too, taking in the natural beauty of the area.

They had a young son with them, probably 8 or 9 years old. When he saw the Chapel, he asked his mother, “Mom, what’s that place?”  His mother answered, “It’s a Chapel…like a church.”  “What’s a church?” the young boy asked.  And his mother answered, “It’s a place where people go to pray to God — or whoever.”  “To pray to God — or whoever.”  This boy is probably 21 or older by now…and like so many, his eternal soul is hell-bound — UNLESS, somehow, someone somewhere managed to reach him with the actual whole Word of God.  There’s no reason for us to wonder why our country is in the shape it’s in today.  We abandoned God.

© 2022 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue: Rob@WisconsinChristianNews.com

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email Rob@WisconsinChristianNews.com.  Ask for message number 352.

How and Why Our Wonderful Nation Came About and How Do We Keep It

By Wylie Marshall

March 12, 2022

I Have been reading NewsWithView’s articles for a long time. I think NWV’s got my attention back in 2008 ~ 2009 when I began to think we were at the end of this age. I still think we may be at the end of this age, but I have come to believe that it may depend more on us, the people, than I had originally thought.

I had a history teacher in high school that piqued my interest in history, so when I got to college, I decided to minor in history. Everything was fine all the way from the early Egyptians right up to American history. When we got to American history, I noticed that it seemed to be very bias and the things that were important to study were not, and the things that were not important were drilled into our heads, like the date of a certain battle, etc. It was not an overall study of American history like we had been given of other time periods and peoples. It was a microscopic drilling of unimportant events that we were sure to forget! At least, that was my take on American history.

Even in the ancient history I studied, there was a lot missing that I learned later. For instance, we did learn the myth of how Rome was founded by Romulus and Remus. But long before the founding of Rome, there were other nations already in the making. Nation’s that would someday far overshadow the Roman Empire! The sad thing is that not much is known about how these nations came to be or the significance of how that happened.

The history of these nations is found in the book of Genesis, which takes place long before Rome.Gen 12:1 And the LORD said to Abram, “Get out of your country, and from your kindred, and from your father’s house into a land that I will show you. Abram obeyed God and with his wife Sarai and his nephew Lot, they left and went to the land of Canaan.While in Canaan, God made a Covenant with Abram about his seed. Gen 15:13 And He said to Abram, “You must surely know that your seed shall be sojourners in a land that is not theirs, (and shall serve them and they shall afflict them) four hundred years. Abraham’s seed became slaves in Egypt, sojourners for four hundred years!

God appeared to Abram when he was 98 years old, he told Abram to walk before Him and be perfect.Gen 17:5 Neither shall your name any more be called Abram, but your name shall be Abraham; for I have made you a father of many nations. Gen 17:15 And God said to Abraham, “As for Sarai your wife, you shall not call her name Sarai, but her name shall be Sarah.

Gen 17:16 And I will bless her and give you a son also of her. Yes, I will bless her, and she shall be a mother of nations—kings of people shall be from her.”

These are some of the birthright promises God made to Abraham and Sarah because Abraham obeyed the voice of God. These birthright promises were passed from Abraham to Isaac, to Jacob, to Josephs two son’s Ephraim and Manasseh, and that is where we find the beginning of the great nations that will overshadow the Roman Empire!

Jacob (Israel) passed the birthright promises on to Joseph’s two sons Ephraim and Manasseh. Gen 48:5 And now your two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh, who are born to you in the land of Egypt before I came to you in Egypt, are mine. Like Reuben and Simeon, they shall be mine. Gen 48:8 And Israel beheld Joseph’s sons, and said, “Who are these?”

Gen 48:9 And Joseph said to his father, “They are my sons, whom God has given me in this place.” And he said, “Please bring them to me, and I will bless them.”

If you read the story, you will remember that Jacob had been renamed “Israel”. Gen 32:28 And He said, “Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel; for you have striven with God and with men and have prevailed.” So now Israel has asked Joseph to bring his two sons to him so that they can receive the birthright promises. Here is where the story of two great nations began and it is very clear in the scriptures, so I will let the scripture explain.

Gen 48:14 And Israel stretched out his right hand and laid it upon Ephraim’s head, who was the younger, and his left upon Manasseh’s head, crossing his hands, for Manasseh was the firstborn.

Gen 48:15 And he blessed Joseph and said, “May God, before Whom my father’s Abraham and Isaac walked, the God Who fed me all my life to this day,

Gen 48:16 The Angel Who has redeemed me from all evil, bless the lads. And let my name be perpetuated in them, and the name of my father’s Abraham and Isaac, and let them grow into a multitude in the midst of the earth.”

Gen 48:17 And Joseph saw that his father laid his right hand upon the head of Ephraim, and it displeased him. And he held up his father’s hand to remove it from Ephraim’s head to Manasseh’s head.

Gen 48:18 And Joseph said to his father, “Not so, my father, for this is the firstborn. Put your right hand upon his head.”

Gen 48:19 And his father refused and said, “I know it, my son, I know it. He also shall become a people, and he also shall be great, but truly his younger brother shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations.”

Gen 48:20 And he blessed them that day, saying, “In you shall Israel bless, saying, ‘God make you as Ephraim and as Manasseh.’ ” And he put Ephraim before Manasseh.

There were other birthright promises that God made to Abraham that will distinguish these two nations. Gen 22:17 That in blessing I will bless you, and in multiplying I will multiply your seed like the stars of the heavens, and as the sand which is upon the seashore. And your seed shall possess the gate of his enemies.

Gen 22:18And in your seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed,because you have obeyed My voice.’

So, let’s look at the nations that can fill these prophesies. What nation became a multitude of nations? I can only come up with one answer for that one. The British Commonwealth. That nation spread out over the entire world so much so that the sun never set on her possessions!!! Her major holdings were South Africa, India, Hong Kong, Australia, and so many others that it is impossible to name or number. One nation that controlled every major sea gate in the world, the Suez Canal, the Strait of Gibraltar, etc., Ephraim became the British Empire!Can you think of any other nation that has fulfilled that blessing?

So, what about that great nation that Manasseh was prophesied to become? Where is that nation today? Could that nation that fits that promise be the one nation that became the most powerful nation in the world, the one nation that has blessed all the other nations of the world with her wealth and the ability to feed the rest of the world?In my opinion, that nation would have to be The United States of America!

So, what do we have here? We have two nations, one a multitude of nations and one a great nation, that were promised by our Awesome God. He spells out in Deuteronomy 28 exactly what can happen to those nations. They can be examples to the rest of the world,spelled out in the first 15 verses of Deuteronomy 28, of what a nation should be, with all of God’s blessings, or they can be destroyed, spelled out in the remainder of the verses of Deuteronomy 28, and that destruction is not a destruction to be desired! You should read Deuteronomy 28 just to get an idea of where we are right now in our journey. In my opinion, we are somewhere around verse 44, 45. That is way down the road folks,and the world is getting darker each and every day!!!

But I said earlier that I thought it depended more on us, the people, than I had originally thought, and that made me think about the other stories in the Bible. Why did God cause those stories to be saved for us today? Why is the story of Jonah preserved for us today? Jonah was an Israelite that God told to go to the city of Nineveh and preach to them and inform them that if they did not repent of their sins, that God would destroy them in 40 days!! Now Jonah did not want to do God’s bidding because he did not like the Assyrians even a little bit. Jonah wanted God to destroy them, they were a bitter enemy of Israel! So Jonah hopped a boat for parts unknown, thinking he could avoid preaching to the Assyrians, but God knew where he was all the time and after causing Jonah to spend 3 days and 3 nights in the belly of a great fish, Jonah was ready to preach. And you know,they all repented from the King to the very least!

Jon 3:3 And Jonah arose and went to Nineveh, according to the Word of the LORD. And Nineveh was a very great city of three days’ journey across.

Jon 3:4 And Jonah began to enter into the city a day’s journey, and he cried and said, “Yet forty days and Nineveh shall be overthrown!”

Jon 3:5 And the people of Nineveh believed God. And they proclaimed a fast, and put on sackcloth, from the greatest of them even to the least of them, Jon 3:6 For word came to the king of Nineveh, and he arose from his throne. And he laid aside his robe from him, and covered himself with sackcloth, and sat in ashes.

Jon 3:7 And he caused it to be proclaimed and published through Nineveh by the decree of the king and his great ones, saying, “Do not let man or beast, herd or flock taste anything; do not let them feed, nor drink water.

Jon 3:8 But let man and animal be covered with sackcloth, and cry mightily to God. And let them each one turn from his evil way, and from the violence that is in their hands.
Jon 3:9 Who knows? God may repent, and He may have pity and turn away from His fierce anger, so that we do not perish.”

Jon 3:10And God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way. And God repented of the evil that He had said He would do to them, and He did not do it.

Jonah was very angry that God did not destroy Nineveh, but God showed Jonah that his anger was misplaced. God caused a plant to grow and shade Jonah while he watched what would happen to Nineveh and God also caused the plant to wither and die in one night. Then Jonah was angry that the plant died, Jon 4:9 And God said to Jonah, “Is it right for your anger to be kindled over the plant?” And he said, “My anger is rightly kindled, even to death.”

Jon 4:10 And the LORD said, “You have had pity on the plant, for which you had not labored, nor made it grow, which came up overnight, and also perished in a night.

Jon 4:11And should I not spare Nineveh, that great city, in which are more than a hundred and twenty thousand men who do not know between their right and their left hand, besides much livestock?”

Those Ninevites did not know God. They are like this nation now. We have been removed from God for so long that we do not know Him anymore! We no longer know what sin is. The people have no clue that they are sinning every day against God. They threw away God’s law with the Old Testament. And what does the New Testament tell us sin is? 1Jn 3:4 Everyone who practices sin is also practicing lawlessness, for sin is lawlessness. Yes, sin is breaking God’s law! God is not happy with those who practice lawlessness. Mat 7:23 And then I will confess to them, ‘I never knew you. Depart from Me, you who work lawlessness.’

The first five books of the Old Testament contains God’s Law. And if we do not have that as a guide, we go stumbling around as a person trying to find their way in the dark. Our leaders have lost their way.

Job 12:23 He gives greatness to the nations, and destroys them. He enlarges the nations, and leads them away.

Job 12:24 He takes away the heart of the chief of the people of the earth, and causes them to wander in a wilderness where there is no path.

Job 12:25 They grope in the dark without light, and He makes them to stagger like a drunken man.”

Why does God do this? Because our churches have preached smooth things to us because we have itching ears.2Ti 4:3 For there shall come a time when they will not tolerate sound doctrine; but according to their own lusts they shall accumulate to themselves a great number of teachers, having ears itching to hear what satisfies their cravings; 2Ti 4:4 And they shall turn away their own ears from the truth; and they shall be turned aside unto myths. Why do you think there is so much confusion today? Do you really think all those churches could be the true church of God? Jesus asked His Father to keep in His name all those who He gives to Him. Joh 17:11And I am no longer in the world, but these are in the world, and I am coming to You. Holy Father, keep them in Your name, those whom You have given Me, so that they may be one, even as We are one. Look in your bible and find out what the name of the church that Jesus built, is called! It is not hard to find. If you sincerely seek God, He will show you how to repent. He will show you how to study His Word. The Bible is not studied as a regular textbook. God tells us…Isa 28:10 For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, there a little;” Scriptures are searched out and put together to build truth!

In Conclusion:

Where is this nation today? We have turned away from God and lost our way. Do you think that God would repent to do to us, what He lays out in Deuteronomy 28, if we all repent? He did it for Nineveh, and if I had to guess, they knew less about God and His ways than this nation does now, but then I am guessing!

We have so much information telling us all about our problems. Most of the solutions I see on social media are secular. Our problems are spiritual and the only way that I can see to solve them is by spiritual means. We have tried to solve our problems by secular means over and over and over! How is that working out for us? We just keep sliding down that slippery slope with no hope in sight. What we need is a Jonah or a bunch of Jonah’s telling the people that we need to repent of our sins!Are there any Jonah’s in Great Britain? Are these nations committing sins? Well to answer that question, all you must do is pull up the 10 commandments, God’s law.We must turn back to God and ask His forgiveness and ask Him to heal us. We must learn what constitutes sin and stop sinning! We must not be ashamed of our Awesome God any longer!!! WE MUST OBEY HIS VOICE! HE IS THIS NATIONS ONLY HOPE!

Luke9:26 For whoever shall be ashamed of Me and My words, of him shall the Son of man be ashamed when He comes in His own glory, and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels.

© 2022 Wylie Marshall – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Wylie Marshall: sirwylecoyote@yahoo.com

[Bio: W. Marshall has been retired for the past 15 years. Worked as a project estimator for a large chemical co. for 30 years, Batchelor degree from Lamar University in Beaumont, Texas in 72. Love playing music with my sons, love history and do a lot of research on various topics. For the past 37 years I have had a love for the study of God’s word. I have learned that God’s love for all of mankind is without prejudice and as Jesus told Satan, man must live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. We must Obey His voice! The Old and the New Testament’s are God’s holy word. God did not put man on this earth to see how many toys he could accumulate for himself, we were put here to learn of God and His ways, so that one day we could have eternal life in the family of God, as spirit beings!]

Land of the Ignorant, Home of the Cowards?

By Lex Greene

March 12, 2022

The past two years have proven above all else, just how easily conned the average American is today, and how fast you can frighten them into total compliance with even the most insane tyrannical government dictates. No matter how little sense anything makes, Americans are most likely to go-along with excessive government orders believing that it will make it possible for them to get-along with their sworn enemies.

If you’re not yet sick and tired of being sick and tired, scared of the many frightening things thrust upon Citizens over the past few years…it’s because you’re either an idiot, or a coward. Watching the entire country as the people were totally controlled by a fraudulent government running our country into the toilet for the last 14-months, confirms…we are no longer the Land of the Free or Home of the Brave!

I’m here to warn you…until we are the home of the brave again, we will never be the land of the free again! Past generations paid for our freedom, but who is going to pay the price for our future generations.

Ignorance isn’t Bliss!

How many Americans are now angry that they were conned, coerced, threatened, and bankrupted into taking a so-called “vaccine” that hasn’t saved a single life, hasn’t stopped you from getting COVID, hasn’t stopped you from spreading COVID and might indeed be the most lethal injection created by mad scientists in human history?

How many millions of Americans lost family, loved ones, their jobs and careers, their incomes, even their possessions in the past 14-months, just because you went-along to get-along?How many of you attacked those who were smart and brave enough to not take the bioweapon injection or live their life under a filthy useless mask?

Your ignorance of basic human health is astonishing. Never before have we ever quarantined healthy people or sent sick contagious patients into nursing homes to spread the illness to the weakest among us. Every mask manufacturer told you that their mask was not designed for or capable of preventing any airborne virus from passing. Never before has the public been subjected to any “experimental” fake vaccine which to this day, still is not approved for human use by the FDA.

Yet, there you were, and some of you still are, wearing a mask and taking every fake vaccine you’re told to take, as if you have no mind of your own at all.

In this case, your gross ignorance will come at a very high price. You believed people you know you cannot trust, and ignored people close to you that would step in front of a train to save you. You participated in the insane cancel culture, making matters even worse. What the hell is wrong with you?

“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.” – Thomas Jefferson

Home of the Brave?

Millions of you are still afraid to leave your home or even drive your private vehicle without a mask on. The government has you so frightened of life itself, that you’d rather live like a hermit in bondage than risk living like a free person. You’d rather be taken care of by your socialist dictators than risk liberty and your own free will.

It’s easy to scare cowards into total tyrannical compliance…Not so easy to scare the brave into doing anything they don’t want to do. You should have learned on the grade school playground that bullies exist, and that cowards are never free.

Have you figured out why the criminals we call government are not afraid of you yet? Nobody is afraid of a coward! In fact, the bully relies entirely upon your cowardice, your tendency to go-along to get-along.

Have you figured out who the so-called “insurrectionists, racists, white supremacists and extremists” are yet? They are the brave who refuse to comply with tyrannical orders from a totally corrupt government acting well beyond any constitutional authority. This is who the government fears and why they fear them.

But the ignorant are too many today, and the well-informed are far too few. The cowards are plentiful, and the brave are a rare breed in the USA, maybe even a dying breed on the brink of extinction…

As people rise up against tyranny all over the world, most Americans are still focused on going-along to get-along. But they will never be able to go-along enough, to get-along with criminal tyrants! That has never worked anywhere on earth at any time in human history. There is no such thing as peace through weakness, or freedom through cowardice!

Want to be FREE? Well, then you will have to find the courage to become BRAVE!

Not everyone is born brave, and millions have been mentally beaten down to a subservient status. Even at the start of our once great nation, the Revolution for Independence was fought by only a few.

But many have paid the price of freedom and liberty with their own lives and treasure then and since. Those willing to fight for freedom and liberty, do it for all mankind, the strong and the weak. They do it not only to protect themselves from tyranny, but to protect those who cannot protect themselves. They are the true heroes of freedom and liberty for all, now and in the future.

All must give some, while some will in the end, give all. That’s the way it has always been and the way it must always be. Sadly, most Americans today will give nothing at all for the cause of freedom.

“THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.

Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.

What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated.”Thomas Paine

Those who gave birth to the greatest free people ever known to mankind some 246-years ago were fearless in the face of overwhelming odds. God help us if there are no such men alive today!

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lex Greene: NWVLexGreene@gmail.com

Is America is Scared of Russia?

By Cliff Kincaid

March 11, 2022

[DISCLAIMER: The opinions of those who write for NewsWithViews are theirs and do not necessarily reflect the values and opinions of NWVs, it’s owners, employee, other contributing writers and advertisers. Free speech – next to our Second Amendment – is the bedrock of our free nation. One can agree or disagree with a writer but if NWVs starts censoring content they or even one bot doesn’t like, NWVs would become no different than CNN, MSNBC, SPOTIFY, FACEBOOK, TWITTER and all the other Fascist America hating corporations Americans continue to support when there are so many other alternatives. You read, you decide. Thank you.]

America went to war, in Iraq and Afghanistan, on behalf of Muslims, many of whom didn’t want our help. America won’t go to war in Ukraine, on behalf of Christians and Jews, who want our help. As a result, many are fleeing the country, some into Europe and some into Israel. But Israel isn’t safe, either. And neither is America, whose leadership is worse than dumb and dumber. Biden is scared because nuclear-armed Putin is smart and Biden is dumb or worse than dumb, perhaps suffering from dementia.

Biden’s advisers are hoping Putin will be satisfied with occupying Ukraine. He won’t.

Look at the fear around us. America says a no-fly zone over Ukraine would provoke Vladimir Putin and is too risky. America says sending planes from anti-communist Poland to Ukraine would provoke Putin and is too risky.

Biden cuts off Russian oil so America can buy it from other enemies, such as Venezuela and Iran. Equally significant, Biden wants another nuclear agreement with Russia-backed Iran.

Some might say Biden is losing the war in Ukraine deliberately, in order to weaken the West.

Former President Trump has been criticized for being “pro-Putin” because he has pointed out the obvious – that Putin is smart. In fact, he has outsmarted the United States.

Former Trump White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham, who is trying to profit from a book, says, “I think [Trump] feared [Putin]. I think he was afraid of him. I think that the man intimidated him. Because Putin is a scary man, just frankly, I think he was afraid of him.”

Trump understood that Putin is a cold-blooded killer with biological and nuclear weapons.

Yet, under assault by Democrats using KGB disinformation for being a Russian agent, Trump did more for Ukraine than Obama/Biden ever did. He gave them anti-tank weapons and sanctioned Germany’s Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline from Russia. At the same time, Trump urged Ukraine to clean up the government corruption involving the Biden family, earning him impeachment from those same Democrats supposedly concerned about the fate of Ukraine.

As president, Biden went further in appeasing Putin, reversing Trump’s sanctions on Nord Stream 2.

Grisham claimed, “I also think he [Trump] admired him [Putin] greatly. I think he wanted to be able to kill whoever spoke out against him. So I think it was a lot of that. In my experience with him, he loved the dictators, he loved the people who could kill anyone, including the press.”

In fact, Trump understood that Putin’s ability to kill people, including his domestic enemies, made him a vicious enemy. He was not fooled.

Trump understood Putin. But Democrats did Putin’s bidding in impeaching Trump. Putin’s comrades produced the phony Trump dossier.

Many conservatives have been fooled by Putin as well.

In a video I recorded back in 2014, when Russia launched its first invasion of Ukraine, Putin front man Alexey Komov held a news conference at the National Press Club, explaining that the former KGB/FSB agent was committed to traditional Western religious values. Conservatives at the press conference said that they believed Russia was converting to Christianity under Putin.

For his part, Komov insisted that “Russia’s not a communist country anymore” and that Putin and other Russian leaders have not only turned away from their communist past and involvement with the KGB, but are Bible-believing Christians today.

My column about this event at the time noted that although Putin created his own “United Russia” political party, Komov admitted that the Communist Party of Russia is still a significant force in the country and is the second most powerful political party in the Russian Duma. In fact, Putin has identified Communist Party head Gennady Zyuganov as one of Russia’s most influential politicians, and presented him with an early Soviet edition of the Communist Manifesto as a birthday gift.

This is what makes Putin and his backers into ruthless killers, not Christians.

Nobody should be fooled by Putin’s “non-communist” appearance.

So how do we explain the behavior of the “liberals” and “conservatives” who made the holocaust in Ukraine possible?

It’s a scary subject. But Putin is tempted to expand the war because, as one Ukrainian-American told me, our “leaders” are now even afraid to supply planes that will be Ukrainian planes flown by Ukrainian pilots from Ukrainian bases.

That’s because Tucker Carlson and his ilk are constantly warning of “war with Russia” if we do anything to provoke Putin. Many conservatives buy into this line, immobilizing the United States as Russia, China, Iran, North Korea and the rest of America’s enemies threaten the world with more war.

Sooner or later, we will have to decide if there’s anything worth defending anymore. The Biden regime doesn’t want to protect America’s borders or Ukraine’s.

In a positive development, South Korea has elected a conservative president who warned about his country becoming another Ukraine. His solution has to be to bring back American nuclear weapons for the defense of his country. It’s called peace through strength.

© 2022 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid: kincaid@comcast.net

Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc. www.usasurvival.org

New Names for Old S***

by Lee Duigon

March 11, 2022

Leftids get away with all kinds of mischief simply by diddling around with the language. Words like “justice” and “love” and “smart” get twisted around into strange new meanings concealed from the rest of us. They find it necessary to do this as camouflage for outrageous Far Left policies that would otherwise rile the taxpayers.

The Oregon legislature, for instance, is about to enact into law a bill that recasts blatant racism as a “public health crisis”. It would be just plain ugly “racism” if we did anything like this; but when they do it, it’s “public health.”

They want to spend several million dollars on “mobile health units” that would serve “priority populations”—that is, everyone but whites. White people are explicitly excluded—unless, of course, they are LGBT. The units would serve specific populations based solely on race.

You’d think that would plainly violate any number of federal civil rights laws—but who cares about “law” anymore? Law is passe. If you’re running a government and you want to do something, you just do it. Invade another country, hand down a “mandate” that trumps the laws (was I allowed to use that word, “trumps”?), or sign an executive order that’ll stand for years before it makes its way to a court that shoots it down.

We got a taste of this in 2020 when the Thousand Nitwits at the CDC defended widespread rioting as an exercise in “social justice” meant to counter, ahem, “systemic racism,” which they declared a much more pressing problem than any little COVID pandemic. As long as you were part of a riot, you didn’t have to bother with masks and social distancing. Now the state of Oregon wants to make it official: stark racial favoritism.

Then there’s “stakeholder capitalism,” which had another name when Benito Mussolini first invented it. He called it “fascism.” It’s what you get when an authoritarian government picks out a few highly favored corporations and hops into bed with them. Juan Peron in Argentina tweaked it by allowing certain favored unions to join in the fun.

“Stakeholder capitalism,” nee “fascism,” refined into an art form by the Chinese “Communist” Party, is a hot buzzword now among Western globalists. If the Chicoms can get away with rebranded fascism, so can they. (Note: the Chicoms only call themselves communists. They’re really fascists, in the Mussolini mold.) I’m not sure what exactly they mean by “stakeholder.” Is that the stake they mean to pound into our hearts?

And then there’s “equity.” Oh, brother. “Equity” used to mean, roughly, fair play, even-handedness. Now it means whatever leftids want it to mean on any given day.

The public doesn’t like the public schools being used to indoctrinate children into “Critical Race Theory” which teaches racial fear and hatred (all whites are evil racists, all non-whites are “oppressed”—you know the drill by now). CRT is wildly unpopular among sane and decent people.

Here’s where “equity” comes to the rescue. School boards, wanting to keep CRT as a mainstay of their program, but not wanting the public to get wise to it and demand it be chucked out, simply rebrand it. Voila! “Equity education!” Who can be against that? Like, equity’s a good thing—right?

And meanwhile, abortion is rebranded “women’s health.” Somehow pregnancy, and the continuation of the human race, became a disease.

You’ve got to watch these people closely, all the time. The truth is not in them. Every time a leftid tells the truth, about anything, a fairy dies. The very words they use, stolen from the English language and given esoteric pseudo-meanings, are lies in and of themselves.

There are a lot of very bad people running the world these days, corrupting everything they touch. Beware.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, http://leeduigon.com/ . Click the link and drop in for a visit, while it’s still allowed. My articles can also be found at www.chalcedon.edu/ .

© 2022 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon: leeduigon@verizon.net

I Almost Died and Went Bankrupt from Stage 4 Metastatic Melanoma

By Gregory Ciola

March 11, 2022

Here Is What I Endured and How I Survived Financially

I came a hairs breath away from death because of metastatic melanoma in March 2021.

It started as a mole on my shoulder blade in 2016 that came back as melanoma. I was concerned, but it seemed like they caught it in time and I was told there wasn’t anything I needed to worry about. Fast forward two years later, it had spread to my right armpit, and in November 2019, it was diagnosed as Stage III Metastatic Melanoma. I underwent Immunotherapy in January of 2020. After three rounds, it almost destroyed my liver. I had to stop treatments and take prednisone for months.

In April of 2020, the doctors decided to remove the tumor. Thankfully, all the scans only showed the cancer under my armpit and nowhere else. When they surgically removed the tumor, the results came back clear. The report said, “No Viable Evidence of Metastatic Melanoma”. For the second time,I was certain that I won the battle, but that’s not what happened.

I had three PET scans and they were all clear. When I met with my doctor again in October 2020, he wanted me to wait six months for the next scan. That’s where this turned into a near death experience. Thankfully, my wife urged me to move the scan up and not wait six months. Instead of getting scanned in April, it was moved up a month.

The scan revealed a tumor in my brain. I was sent for an emergency MRI the next day, which was a Friday. On Monday, the doctor called and said I had a large hemorrhaging tumor that required immediate surgery. I went to the ICU at Advent hospital the next day. On Tuesday, they ran another MRI, and the tumor had grown twice in size since Friday. It is a miracle I am still alive. If they hadn’t caught this in time it would have killed me. If you would like to hear more about what I have gone through, be sure to watch this video I just released.

Here are a few pictures.

I’m not writing this article to just talk about my cancer battle. I am barely scratching the surface of what I went through. What I really want to share is what happened financially. This metastatic melanoma turned into the biggest financial crisis of my life. Not only did I battle for my life, but I also encountered serious financial troubles. I had to put my real estate business on hold and stop publishing a health newspaper that I had mailed for 18 years.

During one of my cancer treatments, I picked up a cancer magazine and saw a full-page ad from a company that helps people sell their life insurance policy. I had never heard of this!  The company is Life Insurance Buyers located in Kansas City. Greg and Lisa Albers are the owners and they have been helping people who wish to sell their policy since 1995.

When I explained what I was going through with brain cancer, they told me there was a great chance they could help me.  I filled out the application and sent them my health documents. Within a few weeks, they told me they had a buyer.I received over a six-figure amount that saved me from going bankrupt and losing everything. I’m still not out of the woods with cancer. However, I feel compelled to share this story with as many people as possible because there could be millions of people in a similar predicament. Cancer and health problems is the main cause of bankruptcy.

The figure below comes directly from the CDC. Cancer is the second largest killer in America, and many medical experts believe that these numbers are going to rise significantly over the next few years.

I was inspired to start Crossing Jordan Ministries and Cancer Warrior so I could share valuable information with others who are going through a cancer journey.  We all know someone who is going through cancer, and they don’t have to face it alone.

The following is an interview I conducted with Life Insurance Buyers. Please share this information with anyone you know who is diagnosed with cancer and facing financial hardship.  Life Insurance Buyers is a resource who can help.

Q. What is a Viatical Settlement?

A. The sale of an existing life insurance policy by a third-party in which the insured is terminally or chronically ill. Terminally ill is typically defined as 24 months or less and is determined by a third-party life expectancy company. Chronically ill can be as high as 48 months.

Q. I had no idea someone could sell their life insurance policy for cash. Is it legal?

A. Over 90% of the country has never heard of this service, in fact, most insurance agents who sell life insurance products, have never heard of it. Yes, it is very legal to do. In 1911, a U.S. Supreme Court ruled a life insurance policy is considered your personal property (Grigsby vs. Russell), and like any other property, you can sell it, trade it, or give it away.

Q. I see a lot of ads on television about selling a life insurance policy.

A. It’s first important to understand the difference between a Broker vs. a Provider. Companies on TV are licensed to represent investors, not policy owners. They are a Provider, and their objective is to pay the lowest amount possible for a policy without competition. Life Insurance Buyers is a Broker, and their fiduciary obligation is to the policy owner.  A broker, like Life Insurance Buyers, works on behalf of the policy owner and creates a competitive auction process with multiple investors.

Q. Why should I work with a Broker, like Life Insurance Buyers?

A. We strongly recommend working with a licensed viatical settlement broker rather than directly with a buyer (Provider).  Life Insurance Buyers is licensed in all states that regulate viatical settlements. As a broker, we will shop your policy to multiple licensed buyers and provide you with several offers to choose from.  This competitive bidding process means that you will get the most for your policy. And unlike direct buyers (Providers), we can provide you with access to multiple offers and funding choices.Since 1995, Life Insurance Buyers has helped over 3,000 families across the country to secure funds that help them when they need it most. We’ve earned the reputation of a trusted resource in the settlement industry.

Q. Should I work with more than one Broker?

A. To maximize your policy’s value, it’s always best to work with only one broker since buyers tend to avoid policies they have received from multiple brokers. We will never ask you to sign an exclusive agreement with us.  However, since we incur significant costs to underwrite and market your policy, we do ask for your loyalty throughout the process. Think of it as if you were selling your house, you wouldn’t hire 6 realtors to sell your house, you would hire the best one to get the job done.

Q. Are Viatical Settlements regulated?

A. Viatical settlements are currently regulated in most states (42).  Most state insurance departments have regulations in place to protect the consumer/policyholder and to ensure agents/brokers/providers comply to strict standards and ethical practices. Typically, licensing and oversight is handled by a state’s department of insurance.   For more information on how your state regulates viatical settlements, refer to your state department of insurance website or contact us.  We’d be happy to discuss any and all of your questions!

Q. What types of life insurance policies are eligible to be sold?

A. Universal Life, Whole Life, Variable Universal Life, Group Life, FEGLI and Term Life policies issued by U.S. based insurance companies.

Q. How much should the policy’s face value be?

A. Generally, a policy with a face value of $50,000 or higher is eligible for a viatical settlement.

Q. How much is my policy worth?

A. Since individual policy amounts, premiums and life expectancies vary, it is difficult to set a standard amount.   After a brief consultation, we can generally provide you with an estimate range of your policy’s value.

Q. Are there restrictions on how I can spend the proceeds?

A. There are NO restrictions on how the proceeds from a viatical settlement can be used.

Q. Are the proceeds from a viatical settlement taxable?

A. Generally, the proceeds are not taxable. In 1996, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) exempted viatical settlement proceeds from income and capital gains tax.  With that being said, Life Insurance Buyers does not provide tax advice.  So, you should always speak with your tax professional for more information.

Q. What does it cost me to do a viatical settlement?

A. Life Insurance Buyers does not charge any fees to our clients, and there are no hidden fees/up-front costs.  If at any point you aren’t satisfied with the offers we present, you are free to walk away at no obligation or cost to you.  If you accept an offer, our fee will be paid directly by the purchaser through the escrow agent after the transaction closes.

Q. How long will it take me to get the proceeds?

A. Depending on your state’s laws, funds are typically released from escrow within 72 hours of the buyer’s receipt of confirmation of change of ownership and beneficiary rights from the insurance company.

Q. Will I have to pay premiums after my policy is sold?

A. No. Once you receive your proceeds, you will have no future premium obligations whatsoever.

Q. How long does the viatical settlement process take?

A. Life Insurance Buyers can provide a range of potential value with some policy and medical information within a day or two. The entire process takes on average about the same amount of time as selling your house (30-45 days). Life Insurance Buyers is dedicated to working diligently and with a sense of urgency to deliver quick results to all of our clients that we serve.

Q.  How do you suggest anyone reading this interview can learn more?

A.  Call our toll-free number at 1-800-936-5508 and ask for Greg or Lisa Albers. You can also visit our website.

Be sure to check out our website:, and read my book “The Battle for Health is Over pH; Alkaline vs. Acid, Life & Death Hangs in the Balance.”

© 2022 Gregory Ciola – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Gregory Ciola: crossingjordan77@gmail.com

Jamming The Mainstream Media: People Are Starting To Catch On

By Bradlee Dean

March 10, 2022

“You can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all the people all of the time.”

Back in 1989, Romania went through a revolution whereas the 2 dictators that ruled for over 4o years were executed by the up-and-coming generation.

You see, the younger generations had seen what it was that the corrupt had done to their parents, though their parents submitted to them in rebellion towards God (Deuteronomy 1:26), and they took a stand and sent the message loud and clear that they would have none of it (Deuteronomy 1:39).

[YouTube Video]

You see, the state-run media during this time controlled the masses by allowing the people to only feed on the narrative that was contrived by the corrupt in government (Psalm 94:20).  In fact, much of what you see today in and around the world is very similar to that of Romania before its overthrow.

[Rumble Video]

The good news here is that many across the globe today are catching onto this very fact and are not putting up with their propaganda any longer (John 8:44), and are jamming (Shouting down) the conduits.

It was just reported: Big Media Propagandist Reporters Getting Destroyed, No Longer Able To Walk The Streets [VIDEOS]

Just watch this reporter’s face as the people openly mock him for what he does.

The attack on the Freedom Convoy protesters wasn’t just orchestrated by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as he claimed the group was nothing more than a fringe minority. Along with the Prime Minister, the mainstream media in the country also rallied with Trudeau to present the protesters as aggressive and creating illegal blockades. At the same time, it was shown that the protests were accompanied with bouncy castles and hot tubs. But as law enforcement moved to disband the movement, it appeared that the mainstream media became the target of the protesters.

In the video, which is featured below, a Canadian reporter attempted to do a segment on the protests currently taking place and the supposed clash between organizers and law enforcement. It didn’t take long after the reporter started speaking that he was surrounded by protesters not hitting him or being violent. Instead, they mocked his ability to try and showcase them in a negative light.

[Rumble Video]

Conclusion: If the people were to put a stop to the tyrannies on a global basis, it would be for them to bring justice when it comes to the heads of those who are promulgating their lies and propaganda, namely corrupt politicians and the mainstream media (Isaiah 26:9).

© 2022 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

The Night Watchman: How Biden Drove Up Our Gas Prices

By Frosty Wooldridge

March 10, 2022

This is an old story that teaches a lesson. Once upon a time, the government had a vast scrap yard in the middle of a desert.

Congress said, “Someone may steal from it at night.” So, they created a night watchman position and hired a person for the job. Then Congress said, “How does the watchman do his job without instruction?”

So, they created a planning department and hired two people, one person to write the instructions, and one person to do time studies.

Then Congress said, “How will we know the night watchman is doing the tasks correctly?”

So, they created a Quality Control department and hired two people. One was to do the studies and one was to write the reports.

Then Congress said, “How are these people going to get paid?” So, they created two positions: a timekeeper and a payroll officer, then hired two people.

Then Congress said, “Who will be accountable for all of these people?” So, they created an administrative section and hired three people, an Administrative Officer, Assistant Administrative Officer, and a Legal Secretary.

Then Congress said, “We have had this command in operation for one year and we are $918,000 over budget, we must cut back.” So, they laid-off the night watchman.

NOW slowly, let it sink in. Quietly, we go like sheep to the slaughter.

Does anybody remember the reason given for the establishment of the DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY during the Carter administration? Anybody? Anything? Anyone? No?

Bottom line is, we’ve spent several hundred billion dollars in support of an agency, the reason for which very few people who read this can remember! Ready?

It was very simple… and at the time, everybody thought it very appropriate.

The Department of Energy was instituted on 8/04/1977, TO LESSEN OUR DEPENDENCE ON FOREIGN OIL.

Hey, pretty efficient, huh?

And now, it’s 2022, 45 years later, and the budget for this “necessary” department stands at $242 billion annually. It employs 16,000 Federal workers and approximately 100,000 contract employees. Have you noticed what a fine job they have done to provide America with reasonable-costing energy?

This is where you slap your forehead and say, “What were they thinking?” Thirty-four years ago, thirty percent of our oil consumption came from imports.

Today 70% of our oil consumption is imported. That’s seven out of ten barrels of oil, daily.

Good old Federal bureaucracy. Now, we have turned over the banking system, health care and more over to the US Government!

Anybody Home?

Signed… The Night Watchman

Biden killed the Keystone Pipeline…the single dumbest act of his tenure in the White House. He invited 2,000,000 illegal migrants to jump our borders at taxpayer expense. He commanded the greatest military blunder in US history while incompetently withdrawing from Afghanistan. He possessed no idea of what he was doing or what was transpiring. He promised to stop Covid, but in fact, watched helplessly, more deaths in 2021 than in 2020. He’s overseen a crisis a month during his tenure. We are being led by a doddering, senile and incompetent old political blowhard. My prediction? Our nation, for the next three years, will break down and fall apart, much like our 79-year-old, worn out, exhausted and totally inept president.

Is everybody out to lunch?

Signed…This Night Watchman.

While all of the above is quite true, the summation of the DOE leaves out the important fact that during the Trump administration, we were completely independent of foreign oil. And now we once again rely on the Arabs, Russia, Venezuela, Mexico and others, and import a huge percent of our energy needs.

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

The Errors of Russia, the Dupes of Putin, and Another Holocaust

By Cliff Kincaid

March 9, 2022

Russia’s role in world Communist revolution figures prominently in the Fatima revelations about Russia becoming a source of “errors” throughout the world, leading to catastrophic loss of life. The Catholic view is that the Virgin Mary appeared to the children at Fatima, Portugal, in 1917 and requested the consecration of Russia through a special religious ceremony. It never happened.  As a result, some are saying that the assassination of former KGB Colonel Vladimir Putin, the president of Russia, may be the only viable option to save the world and tens of millions of lives.

Putin runs a dictatorship that kills people at home and abroad using poisons and high-tech weapons. Legal analyst Jeffrey Scott Shapiro appeared on my TV show to discuss the verdict in the case of the assassination of Russian FSB agent Alexander Litvinenko, as well as the Russian shoot-down of Malaysian Airline Flight 17, killing 298 people.

Litvinenko was murdered most likely because he exposed KGB training of al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri, who is still alive and running the terror group, which spawned ISIS. He ran al Qaeda’s biological weapons program.

A poison or nerve agent known as Novichok was implicated in the attempted murder of Russian ex-spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia in Britain, and the poisoning of Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny.

Ukraine is Lost

Despite reports of brave resistance, Ukraine is lost.  Geopolitical analyst J.R. Nyquist appeared on my show to discuss Putin’s next moves, including nuclear threats, the neutralization of Germany, destruction of NATO, and the invasion of more ex-Soviet republics. Meanwhile, South Korea is facing an invasion while Israel is vulnerable to a surprise Iranian nuclear attack backed by Russia.

Significantly, Dr. Paul Kengor’s book, A Pope and a President: John Paul II, Ronald Reagan, and the Extraordinary Untold Story of the 20th Century, documents how, on the anniversary of Fatima, the Soviets carried out the May 13, 1981, attempted assassination of anti-communist Pope John Paul II of Poland, an anti-communist country now receiving thousands of refugees from Russia’s war on Ukraine.

Israel is another country receiving Jews and Christians and others fleeing the country.

While the population of Ukraine is overwhelmingly Orthodox, the Orthodox Church of Ukraine and the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church are separate from Moscow’s Russian Orthodox Church, labeled by former KGB officer Konstantin Preobrazhensky as “Putin’s Espionage Church.” He devotes a major portion of his book, KGB/FSB’s New Trojan Horse, to the topic.

Importantly, Ukrainian Catholic Bishops have called for the consecration of Russia, “as requested” by the Fatima revelations.

Sister Lucia, one of the children at Fatima and witness to the miracles, was reportedly asked about the spread of communism, the “errors” of Russia, and replied that it would include America.

Of course, the spread of communism to every nation is self-evident. The issue is how it is spread and by whom, and how to defeat it.

As we battle socialism and communism here at home, even recognizing the spiritual dimensions of this crisis, we also have to recognize its advance abroad, though such regimes as China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, and Cuba.

Targeting Conservatives

Conservatives in particular have been special targets of Russian propaganda for years.

In 2014, on the occasion of the first Russian invasion of Ukraine, one of Putin’s allies, Alexey Komov, made an appearance in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday at a National Press Club news conference and blamed Wall Street bankers for funding the communist Bolshevik revolution in Russia in 1917. The comments echoed incendiary claims on anti-Semitic websites that Jewish bankers were behind Russian communism.

Russia was now turning to God under Vladimir Putin, he claimed.

For his part, Putin has directly blamed the Jews for the Soviet communism that he once served as a KGB officer.

I noted at the time the absurd spectacle that Putin, who is divorced and said to have a mistress, was presenting himself as a defender of the Christian faith and Christian values. He was counting on conservatives to ignore the fact that he was a Soviet KGB officer and ran its successor, the FSB. One of the main specialties of the Soviet/Russian intelligence services is propaganda and disinformation.

Komov at the time was organizing a Moscow conference sponsored by the World Congress of Families, a pro-family coalition that included several high-profile American conservative organizations. In a video I recorded, Komov described the rise of the “Russian Right,” a careful KGB deception that continues to deceive American conservatives to this day.

Russia’s other gamble — that Ukraine would fall into Putin’s grip through subversion – backfired spectacularly.

The “Color Revolution”

Putin’s puppet, Viktor Yanukovych, had won the election as president of Ukraine in 2010 by promising close ties to the West — but he secretly negotiated a deal to bring the former Soviet republic back into Moscow’s sphere of influence. The Maidan Square demonstrators in 2013 forced this Kremlin puppet to flee, and dozens of spontaneous demonstrations around Ukraine knocked down dozens of Lenin statues. This made Ukraine a special Russian target and an example to the world of what a real anti-communist revolution could accomplish.

Yet, American “conservative” commentators such as Steve Bannon portray the overthrow of Yanukovych as something engineered, apparently by the CIA, in a so-called “color revolution.” 

If this was the case, the CIA deserves credit. But, in fact, it was a legitimate people’s revolution that Putin viewed as threatening regime change in Moscow.

In their joint statement at the Chinese-sponsored Olympics, Putin and Chinese dictator Xi issued a statement denouncing “color revolutions.” As the Russian news agency TASS put it, “Russia and China intend to counter the interference of external forces in the internal affairs of other countries and oppose color revolutions…”

This from an axis of evil born in the Russia revolution of 1917!

Fear of regime change in Moscow is the main reason why Russia invaded Ukraine, first in 2014 and now. It has nothing to do with NATO. It has everything to do with salvaging Russian subversion of a major country in Europe, a former Soviet republic.

Contrary to public reports, Putin is not deranged. He is a dedicated communist who is using “conservatives” in the West to make his conquest of Ukraine, a mostly Christian nation with a Jewish president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, easier to swallow.  The effects of this propaganda campaign continue to be felt.

Consider Lauren Witzke, the Delaware GOP’s candidate for Senate in 2020, who attended a recent “America First” conference and says Putin presides over a “Christian nationalist nation.” She explains, “Russia is a Christian nationalist nation. They’re actually Russian Orthodox… I identify more with Putin’s Christian values than I do with Joe Biden.”

While Biden poses as a Catholic and violates Catholic teachings, the Russian Orthodox Church has been dominated by Putin’s old KGB comrades and continues to serve the interests of the Kremlin.

Disinformation on Russia and Ukraine

Despite my best educational efforts, including through publishing the 2014 book on Russia, Back from the Dead: The Return of the Evil Empire, misinformation in the conservative media is still at epidemic proportions. “He (Putin) seemingly is a devoted Christian and, even more important, he doesn’t want Russia to become part of the globalist conspirator’s beloved New World Order,” claims a self-described Cuban-born American writer who reaches a conservative audience.

Similarly, a column by “conservative” Linda Goudsmit insists the conflict between Russia and Ukraine is part of some globalist plot, not understanding that Putin is the real globalist, and that Ukraine was experiencing an anti-communist revolution that challenges not only the Moscow regime but the communist dictatorship in Beijing.

As Tucker Carson admittedly has come under NSA surveillance for his contacts with Russians, John Hanick, an American citizen and former Fox News producer, has now been charged with violations of United States sanctions and false statements in connection with allegedly funding Russian television networks for the Russian Orthodox businessman Konstantin Malofeyev.

Joe Kent, a Republican congressional candidate in Washington State, was on Tucker Carlson’s show to say the U.S. should appease Putin by taking possible NATO membership for Ukraine “off the table.” He claims to have Trump’s endorsement.

Such a stance risks making Republicans look like pawns of the Russian dictator as he engineers what former President Trump calls a “holocaust” in Ukraine. Trump said, “We’re watching a holocaust. We’re watching something that I’ve never seen before.”

© 2022 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid: kincaid@comcast.net

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc. www.usasurvival.org

The Devilish Draw of Tech Devices

By Sidney Secular

March 8, 2022

If you’re caught up in the digital world, you may need to demote your devices since they may be – or become – a device of the devil. Around 2006, the morbid mania of manipulating bytes began to chew away at people’s time and attention spans. That was when the Blackberry began to draw people into “texting,” a means of “communication” that soon became a status symbol among first the nerds and then the herds. You had to “text” or you felt that there was a black mark against you among intelligent people – and even your friends. I also remember, however, a very colorful (and disgusting) photo taken of a fat man who was texting while driving when his car – and himself! – were cut in half by a truck! Very striking indeed and somewhat prophetic!

Nonetheless,possessing a Blackberry made one feel like an ersatz superpower. There was the belief that one had an Alexandrian library in one’s pocket ready at a moment’s notice to look up any fact, settle any dispute, or communicate with anyone! And this hyper-awareness was hyped to the heavens by those who created this marvelous instrument of 21st Century communications wizardry. Some of us in the senior set assumed that the novelty would wear off – eventually – but it never did and people were drawn ever deeper into their illusions and, worse, into their delusions!

The i-phone released in 2007 enabled the user to access Twitter, thus drawing people into becoming what used to be called “twits,” not a compliment by any means at least at that time. Yet, the word became a badge of honor instead of a “put down” and folks spent their time tweeting away instead of being involved in far more productive activity. The result of all of this “technology” was that the time people spent on their phones kept creeping up and up and up, sometimes to 6 or 7 hours (or more) a day! People slept with their phones next to their beds lest they lose some expected (or unexpected) call or otherwise be deprived of time spent on their heady new activities! Being an older person, when the phenomena first appeared, I seriously believed that society was undergoing a plague of the mentally disturbed. When I was young, talking to oneself out loud was not a sign of mental health. Suddenly, wherever one went, one was surrounded by people apparently talking to themselves when, of course, they were conversing on the phone with another addict!

Phone usage crossed the line to the point at which it was definitely dysfunctional in a normal society. Surrounded by people speaking to open space made one feel transported into another reality. In the meantime, “social media” – a type of technology that did not require a phone but could use that appliance, was providing platforms that were making some people anti-social, irritated and angry – especially when they were communicating with those with whom they had political and cultural disagreements. This hostile foundation eventually bled and led into the blue vs. red dichotomy that migrated from individuals to groups and even States and nations. Eventually, as normal human interaction was restricted by technology, attention spans became twitchy and it became bitchy to concentrate on any one thing for any length of time. It also became difficult to read books – even e-books on Kindles and Knooks – watch full length movies unless their violence or technology gave them that “other worldly feel,” or carry on extended conversations with one’s family and friends. Offline life, minus the minute-to-minute changes in information and technology began to seem boring and absent the dynamic, high resolution world always at one’s fingertips. These unhuman devices made people believe that they were expanding awareness, enriching social life, and extending humanity in many new directions.

But, after a while if one were older or not too far gone into the “trans-human” universe, one began realizing that man is the servant of these devices while believing that we are merely using them. Many people also became aware that the ease of the use of this technology opened a gateway to others into our own world of technology. The beeps, tweets and buzzes made it easy to determine anyone’s agenda and the priorities of those interested in that agenda could readily supersede the person using that technology. We have become so enslaved to this “matrix” that even if one is not a millennial or caught up in the digital diversions and delusions, the individual is still likely to check one’s phone or email more often than is necessary – or wise! Meanwhile,it is more than probable that the digital babble causes people to miss life’s important matters because they were scrolling mindlessly through Facebook or Twitter feeds.

Also far too many people identify their value as a person in accordance with Facebook “likes” and public responses to Twitter and TikTok posts along with constantly arriving emails that shunt the user off in new directions almost involuntarily. The algorithms that power platforms like Facebook and YouTube are many times more powerful than the technology that sent man to the moon! They’re the product of billions of dollars of research and development and the expertise of thousands of Ph.D.’s from the top universities of the world and are directed at the human mind rather than more mundane scientific inquiries. These artificial intelligences and artifices were not all that long ago the subject of science fiction. But even so, humans have worried about the degrading psychological effects of man’s interaction with machines for centuries. Adam Smith warned us about it in “The Wealth of Nations”. We have met the enemy and he has mastered our minds and turned us into his robotic followers.

In recent years, sounding the alarm over the negative consequences of smart phone use has become a thriving cottage industry. We now have “screen detox” resorts for adults, screen-time consultants for kids, and “digital sabbath” groups that encourage members to unplug completely for one day a week. Special new phones have been invented to solve the addiction to the “old” phones — like the “Light Phone”, a $250 dumb-phone with a black and white display that can only be used for calling and texting. Such “extreme” correctives may be necessary as “detox” solutions if the addictive toxic practices continue burgeoning out of control. Just being near a smartphone, even if it is turned off seems to emit an attraction that turns us on, rather like an alcoholic looking at a full, unopened bottle of Scotch. Any pleasant stimulus tends to draw us to it whether it is eating chocolate or using the many different aspects of technology. We often become bored and distracted in group settings and yearn to return to cyberspace like a moth to a flame. And there is a reason for this. Person to person contact whether limited to two or involving larger groups requires effort! We have to think about the other person involved. On a phone, we can be totally self-absorbed and no one knows or, frankly, cares as they, too, are on their phone. Yet, if the topic of such a contact is unpleasant or in any way a problem, it is far more difficult to deal with our response behind the shield of technology. Even the passive use of Facebook such as scrolling through “feeds”, watching videos, and absorbing news updates has been shown to increase anxiety and decrease happiness because we are often challenged with problems we cannot solve in our “detached” state. Isolation is bad enough but isolation within the context of a large group of equally isolated people is a formula for psychopathy.

In retrospect, I believe one of the goals of those who instituted the nearly world-wide Covid lockdowns was to isolate people so that they would have no choice but to become more absorbed in their newfound artificial realities created by those digital technologies and tech toys. It is one thing to be able to turn them off and interact with other people, but when you cannot do so, these ingenious devices at least present us with some outside contact!  Being artificially cut off and separated from our fellow humans facilitated the use of Zoom meetings – a poor substitute for face-to-face, personal human interactions which is what the real world is all about. And even with the gradual return to normalcy, Zoom meetings offer a way for people to avoid travel and other inconvenient requirements of personal interaction. Often what is “easy” makes what is “good” somehow “less good.”Meanwhile, the technological “digiverse” deprives us of the opportunities to let our minds wander in order to create. It also cuts off the cross-pollination of ideas and prevents us from getting lost in our imaginations. These are the things that make us human and creative, and without which we might as well be the machines or robots we are being programmed to be.

It’s odd to think of these digital devices as robots. But these advanced phone tablets, laptops, smart watches, PCs, “health indicators” and connected home devices are, in fact, conduits for some of the most advanced forms of artificial intelligence ever created. Companies like Meta (Facebook), Alphabet (Google) and Twitter have built ultra-sophisticated machine-learning algorithms whose main purposes are to generate engagement – which is to say, to short-circuit your brain’s limbic system, divert your attention, and keep you clicking and scrolling for as long as possible – while keeping track of everything you say and do. “Alexa, what shall I do now?”

© 2022 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Sidney Secular: Success_Express@yahoo.com

Military Medical Evisceration of America’s Finest

By Kelleigh Nelson

March 8, 2022

This country has not seen and probably will never know the true level of sacrifice of our veterans”. As a civilian, I owe an unpayable debt to all our military. Going forward let’s not send our servicemen and women off to war or conflict zones unless it is overwhelmingly justifiable and on moral high ground.  —Thomas M. Smith

Urge all of your men to pray, not alone in church, but everywhere. Pray when driving. Pray when fighting. Pray alone. Pray with others. Pray by night and pray by day. Pray for the cessation of immoderate rains, for good weather for Battle.Pray for the defeat of our wicked enemy whose banner is injustice and who’s good is oppression. Pray for victory. Pray for our Army, and Pray for Peace. We must march together, all out for God.  —George S. Patton

If you find yourself in a fair fight, you didn’t plan your mission properly.  —David Hackworth

There is a great deal of talk about loyalty from the bottom to the top. Loyalty from the top down is even more necessary and much less prevalent. One of the most frequently noted characteristics of great men who have remained great is loyalty to their subordinates.  —George S. Patton

Biden’s appointed Surgeon General, Vivek Murthy, sent a formal request for information to major tech companies demanding data on “misinformation” related to the COVID-19 vaccine and the virus itself.  Vivek demanded the companies provide data on “exactly how many users saw or may have been exposed to instances of Covid-19 misinformation,” as well as the particular demographics most affected by misleading information. Murthy also reportedly demanded data on the sources of COVID-19 misinformation, particularly related to discredited treatments for the virus.

Discredited by those who made beaucoup bucks on the C-19 jabs…we know who they are.

Truthful information on C-19 early treatments and the killer jabs are censored. Dissident physicians, scientists and nurses, along with authors, journalists and American citizens are now considered domestic terrorists for freely speaking/writing the truth.

Meanwhile, the federal government appropriated $1 billion of our tax dollars to pay hundreds of media companies to advertise the dangerous COVID inoculations, now on their fourth jab, and to promote positive coverage of same.  The Biden administration purchased ads on TV, radio, in print, and on social media to build vaccine confidence, timing this effort with the increasing availability of the vaccines. So-called conservative media, Fox and Newsmax, also took the money and said nothing to their viewers.

Emerald Robinson wrote, “That is the largest and most comprehensive breach of journalistic ethics that has ever occurred. Almost everybody took the money. Almost everybody lied about the vaccines (knowingly or unknowingly). Almost everybody refused to report anything negative about the vaccines — because they were paid to close their eyes. Almost everybody is implicated.”

The results of this “Operation Warp Speed” jab are terrifying!  Humanity has become one giant petri dish for Big Pharma.

Americans as Guinea Pigs

The American government has never thought of their citizens as anything more than the unwashed masses of people available for their never-ending experiments. Our fighting forces are even more exploited as they are conscripted to the government for their years of service.

The ten-part series, American Citizens as Guinea Pigs, was written in 2010 and 2011.  Part Five discusses the many experiments on our soldiers. Unfortunately, Part One of the series is missing the rest of the series’ links at the bottom of the page, but you can access all of the series here.

WWI gave us mustard gas, WWII gave us plutonium experiments and atomic bomb tests, Vietnam gave us agent orange, and Desert Storm gave us depleted uranium.  For over a century, too many deadly experiments have been performed on America’s finest, far more than the few I’ve mentioned.

Now they face tragic results or death from the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of an experimental inoculation they call a “vaccine,” which destroys the immune system resulting in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and the word is spreading.  Link

One-Third of Soldiers Refuse Vax

More than two-thirds of U.S. service members have opted to receive the COVID-19 jab, but the high rate of troops turning it down has lawmakers voicing grave concerns.  Thank the Lord one-third of them have had the sense to opt out of this deadly injection.

Speaking before the House Armed Services Committee in mid-February, Defense officials, including Air Force Maj. Gens. Jeff Taliaferro, vice director for operations on the Joint Chiefs, and Steven Nordhaus, director of operations with the National Guard Bureau, said the vaccine acceptance rate for troops is, on average, between 66% and 70%.

Navy SEALS who have refused the jab have been denied deployment after all the rigorous and expensive training they’ve gone through to protect our country, but worse than that, an unvaxxed SEAL with traumatic brain injury was denied permission to travel to a treatment center even after he had offered to pay for expenses himself.

Human Events reports, “It is reprehensible that the Navy would deny health care to a Navy SEAL suffering the effects of traumatic brain injury,” Mike Berry, general counsel for First Liberty Institute, said in a statement.

“Despite the Court’s clear order prohibiting this kind of vindictive abuse, the Navy continues to punish and harass these warriors,” he added. “The Navy continues to deny our clients training and deployment opportunities and is assigning these soldiers menial tasks instead of allowing them to defend our country. This religious discrimination must stop.”

Meanwhile, SEALs are also being denied opportunities for training and deployment.

Revenge Against Marines Who Say, “NO”

Admiral David D. Porter, who died in 1891, said, “A ship without Marines is like a garment without buttons.”  There will be plenty of Marines missing from ships and combat in the future.  Marines who were smart enough to claim religious exemptions from this experimental COVID vax and those who learned of the dangers from their families, friends and physicians/scientists resisted the “warp speed” jab for a virus whose recovery is 99.8% for healthy people under age 70.

And just what happens to Marines who turn down this experimental jab?  Following is a personal story a young Marine told his grandmother; she sent the following to me:

I thought you might be interested in this story.

Our grandson, who joined the Marines the day he turned 18 and whose only goal was to be a Marine, made it home from the Marines (a goal he’d been working on and hoping for since he had refused the clot shot) this week!  He did get to come home for the holidays and was expecting to be discharged within a few weeks – definitely before February.  But the Marines were in revenge mode.

They had “special ” discharge protocols for those getting out because they wouldn’t take the shot. And, also, “special” treatment during the time he waited for the discharge.   He realized it was a mind game that he had to endure.

He had to give back his uniforms (that he had purchased).  He gave belts, shoes, etc. to Marines who could use them.  When he handed in the uniforms, he found out they meant he had to hand in “everything,” (remember – he had purchased them).  So, they charged him and withdrew over $1700 from his account to pay them back for the items he’d given away. 

Much earlier they had told him he would not get any of his 401K – not even what he put in. And, because he was in a hurry to save money, he’d been putting in a lot of every check. (Perhaps this was just a threat to make him change his mind, I don’t know how that stands as of now.)

He was made to do nothing but clean toilets for a long time. The last two days, he was made to sit in a Sgt. office but was allowed to eat and go to the toilet. (He didn’t realize how much worse it could have been because he knew nothing about the Jan 6thprisoners.)

He roomed with a “vaccinated” Marine who got Covid and was very sick for almost a week but he never got the least bit sick.  He did ask superiors how they could explain that. 

He did finally get out in March with a “General” discharge and he hopes to get it revised to “Honorable” because his record was impeccable. 

And, he learned some valuable lessons – #1 you may not be rewarded for good behavior and #2, you may be punished for doing what’s right. 

So, the military IS being weakened (physically with the shot) and thinned out with (noncompliant).  Those who would not comply are being discharged, those who intended to re-up did not and some who planned to join have not.

Oh, and he didn’t get his last two pay checks.  It’s anyone’s guess if he’ll get them; he does not expect them.

This miscarriage of justice will unfortunately stand because our military is run by the likes of the Chief of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Mark Milley, a man who would rather consort with his communist Chinese counterparts than obey his Commander in Chief.  I consider him a traitor and everyone else who is demanding these deadly injections be taken by our fighting forces, and that includes the illegitimate President Joseph Biden.

Military Vax Mandates

In January of 1991, a lawsuit against the military by a soldier and his wife, who argued that the unapproved drugs could not be legally administered without the prior “informed consent” of the military personnel, was shot down by US District Judge Stanley Harris.

The FDA had not approved some of the drugs which included formulas designed to counteract the effects of nerve agents and a vaccine to prevent bacterial poisoning during biological warfare.

In rejecting amotion for a preliminary injunction, U.S. District Judge Stanley Harris said, “The court declines to second-guess the Defense Department’s decisions regarding how to equip and prepare the armed forces for the war with Iraq.” (President George H.W. Bush oversaw the Persian Gulf War.)

A Pentagon official said, “We are obviously pleased by the outcome. We believe the request made of the FDA and its subsequent approval of our request was both medically and legally defensible. It appears that the legal process has found that to be the case as well.”

Now the COVID-19 “vaccines” are being forced on the military by the White House, saying they could opt out with religious and medical exemptions.  However, exemption requests have rarely been honored.  The Military’s COVID-19 Vaccination Mandate states that service members previously infected with C-19 are not considered “fully vaccinated” despite natural immunity being much stronger than vax immunity.  Yes, they want every soldier jabbed with this poison.

Cellular DNA and DMED Proof

A new study is out: Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line.What it is saying is: lab studies show that mRNA vaccine DOES integrate itself into human cellular DNA. This means that a shot of the Pfizer vaccine, taken even once, permanently changes the DNA of affected cells.  Read the abstract here.  A follow-up article showed that the changes occurred in the liver and caused a huge uptick in cancers.

Attorney Thomas Renz shocked listeners when he told Senator Ron Johnson what was really happening.  Mr. Renz stated, “In the 9/28/2021, Project Salus Weekly Report, Project Salus is a Defense Department Initiative where they report and they take all this data that doesn’t exist, supposedly, and they give it to the CDC. They’re watching these vaccines. On that date, and around that date, I have numerous instances where Fauci and that entire crew were saying, “It’s a crisis of the unvaxxed; it’s 99% unvaxxed in the hospital.”

In Project Salus, in the weekly report, the DOD document, says specifically, 71% of new cases are in the fully vaxxed and 60% of hospitalizations are in fully vaxxed. This is corruption at the highest level. We need investigations; the Secretary of Defense needs to be investigated; the CDC needs to be investigated…” Here is the power point from Dr. Dreddy proving what Attorney Renz has stated.

In the letter Senator Ron Johnson wrote to Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, he stated:

Based on data from the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED), Renz reported that these whistleblowers found a significant increase in registered diagnoses on DMED for miscarriages, cancer, and many other medical conditions in 2021 compared to a five-year average from 2016-2020.  For example, at the roundtable Renz stated that registered diagnoses for neurological issues increased 10 times from a five-year average of 82,000 to 863,000 in 2021.  There were also increases in registered diagnoses in 2021 for the following medical conditions.

Renz also informed me that some DMED data showing registered diagnoses of myocarditis had been removed from the database.   Following the allegation that DMED data had been doctored, I immediately wrote to you on January 24 requesting that you preserve all records referring, relating, or reported to DMED.   I have yet to hear whether you have complied with this request.

Military Evisceration

In a lawsuit filed in United States District Court for the Northern District of Alabama, attorneys for America’s Frontline Doctors et al v. the United States et al, a supplement to the plaintiff’s brief shows data from the Defense Medical Surveillance System (DMSS) Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) DoD Data – January 2022 with documented increases in diseases and injuries after receiving the COVID-19 injections. Link

The File reveals that prior to the commencement of vaccination within the DOD with the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, the incidence of certain diseases and medical conditions among DOD personnel was predictable and constant at a certain level over a number of years from 2016 to 2020; however, after the commencement of vaccination within the DOD with the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines in 2021, the incidence of these diseases and medical conditions among DOD personnel spiked dramatically.

As the months pass, the percentages of diseases and injuries are rising exponentially.


Our military has lost one-third of our fighting force because they’ve refused the jab.

Some who have received the injections can no longer function in the military, others may have negative effects down the road, but one thing remains clear, our soldiers are being experimented on, injured and sometimes killed by injections that long ago should have been pulled in disgrace from the market for all humanity.

Post Script: Dr. Lee Merritt, 10 years as Navy orthopedic surgeon says, “Soldiers who have not taken the COVID jab need to stay ready.  They may be called to defend our nation.”

© 2022 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Vladimir Putin: Russia’s Trump?

by Cherie Zaslawsky

March 7, 2022

And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars–Matthew 24: 6-8 

The two leaders, Trump and Putin, could not be more different in myriad ways. But they are alike in one important regard: both are nationalists at a time when the international globalist cabal is busily endeavoring to checkmate nation states to bring about its vaunted One World Dystopia—I mean One World Government.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, our indefatigably subversive Big Media is excoriating Putin much as it did Trump when he was in office. Cries of “He’s a madman!” “He’s dangerous!” “He’ll start WWIII!” directed at Putin today were aimed at Trump not long ago.

According to our Media Shills, first Trump was Hitler. Now Putin is Hitler.  Nice try, guys, but pure balderdash. Could it be that our pundits are so quick to cry Hitler because they so closely resemble Goebbels themselves? Just wonderin’.

Putin rose to prominence in Russia with the collapse of the Soviet Union when assorted oligarchs and criminals were greedily plundering Russia. According to strategic economist, commentator, and investment guru Jim Rickards, Putin jailed a few oligarchs and let the rest keep their ill-gotten gains as long as they stayed out of politics and ceased the plunder.  If this is accurate, then Putin cleaning up Russia is reminiscent of America’s Mayor Rudy Giuliani cleaning up New York City back in the day.


War is God’s way of teaching Americans geography. –Ambrose Bierce

In 2014 a Soros-funded regime change operation took place in Ukraine. Orchestrated by Obama’s Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs, Victoria Nuland, this Color Revolution replaced Viktor Yanukovych, the pro-Russian president of Ukraine, with globalist/EU puppets—first Arseniy Yatsenyuk, followed by Petro Poroshenko, and replaced in 2019 by EU/US/NWO shill, Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Why the regime change? Perhaps in part because the globalists had made Ukraine a prime money-laundering paradise of graft, from Hillary’s infamous Uranium One sellout, to Hunter’s Burisma deals for himself and the Big Guy—you know, the one who thinks Kalumny’s the President.

But the far more important rationale would surely have been to neuter Putin and Russia. Putin is their enemy, as Trump was, for remaining a nationalist as the NWO cabal prepares to plunge all of us into hopeless serfdom à la Soylent Green and The Hunger Games. Can’t have any sovereign nations left—that’s not in their Totalitarian/Fascist/Socialist/Communist/Great Reset playbook.

Hence, the globalists’ takeover of Ukraine, now ratcheted up as they pressure Ukraine to join NATO.  Why is this practically a declaration of war against Russia?

Not only does Ukraine possess important access to warm water ports, but some of its territory lies east of Moscow! This means the globalists, including U.S. Deep Staters, who currently more or less “own” Ukraine, have Russia’s capitol surrounded. They can launch nuclear or other weapons directly on Moscow with a mere ten-minute flight time.

Putin absolutely cannot allow this.


Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil –Isaiah 5:20

For once the Dems and Reps agree on something: Putin is evil.

Ahem…let’s define our terms. Better yet, let’s consider a few examples of what most rational people would consider evil.  By now we know what evil leaders look like: Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro—although Justin Trudeau may argue about that last one, as he resembles the Cuban dictator in more ways than one.

I could go on, but let’s just contrast the above with Putin’s response to being backed into a corner, facing the possibility of having NATO states hostile to Russia on his doorstep. Should he sit on his hands and watch the Davos cabal checkmate Russia?

Perhaps unsurprisingly, controlled opposition “Conservative” pundit Mark Levin spins it this way: “This is Putin. He’s a rogue, evil, genocidal maniac.” “…the enemy here is Russia, the enemy here is Putin.” And this:  “Nothing to do with NATO…”. Of course it has everything to do with NATO.

Perhaps Levin, the “Great One” who supports an Article V Convention of the States to undo the Constitution, forgot NATO’s history and mission: NATO stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organization. It was formed in 1949 to provide collective security against the threat posed by the Soviet Union.


In fact, one could argue that with the fall of the Soviet Union, NATO had served its purpose and could be disbanded. The Warsaw Pact, an alliance of the USSR and its satellite states formed to balance power once Germany entered NATO, dissolved in 1991. Instead of following suit, NATO has been slowly but relentlessly expanding both its role and its number of member nations—creeping ominously ever eastward, closer and closer to Russia.

Worse yet, along with the UN and the EU, NATO has become an agency of the One World Government/NWO/Davos/ Reset crowd.  And these guys now control Ukraine.

You want proof?  Kira Rudik, a member of Ukraine’s Parliament recently spilled the beans, declaring on Fox News that: “We not only fight for Ukraine; we fight for this New World Order.” Thanks, Kira, and now watch your back.


Frankly, I’m nonplussed by the virtue-signaling in our media and among our politicians, and even those who should know better, who persist in calling Putin “evil”, as Kurt Schlichter recently did in an article for Townhall: You are supposed to confuse “evil” (which Putin is) with “incompetent” or “crazy.”

Since when is it “evil” to protect your country?  By the way, was it evil for JFK to oppose Soviet missiles in Cuba, a hundred miles from our border?

And if you still think Putin’s the bad guy here, just remember the same pundits and corrupt media that assured us Trump was unhinged, mentally unfit (how ironic when you consider his, um, replacement), and the worst president ever, even as they assured us that Fauci was trustworthy, and Hillary was going to win in 2016—that media—now tells us Putin wants to take over Eastern Europe and bring back Communism. Very odd that he never made such a move in the 22 years he’s been in power, and odder still that he brought back the Russian Orthodox Church which is by definition, antithetical to Communism. But I digress.


Of course, Usurper-in-Chief Biden merely parrots what Valerie Jarret et al. tell him to say. Following the script, Doddering Joe almost gleefully condemned Putin for his “unprovoked and unjustified attack” on Ukraine.

Eager to stay relevant and to promote the globalist agenda while playacting the part of a humanitarian, Hillary had this to say: “The world will hold Russia and Putin accountable for the human suffering and destruction this unjustified and unprovoked war will bring.” [Emphasis mine.] At least the scriptwriters changed the word order.

The irony, which we’re used to by now, is that Obama, Biden, Victoria Nuland, et al. supplied the provocation in 2014 with the overthrow of President Victor Yanukovych and his replacement with “rabidly anti-Russian, and far-right, Arseniy Yatsenyuk,” and have now, under the puppet Zelenskyy, upped the ante to the breaking point, making Putin’s move predictable, necessary and justifiable. And no, I’m not saying Russia should use nukes!


At first glance, it may seem as if the unprecedented sequence of events since 2020 burst upon the scene haphazardly. But as FDR pointed out long ago, “In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.”

And once we take into account the overarching NWO plan looming overhead in our day, suddenly all the separate mind-boggling events line up as sequential moves on a worldwide chessboard. The plan is actually simple: the Davos billionaires’ club and associated globalists, including our own Deep State and America-hating Dems and RINOs—in many cases über-rich malcontents—seek to enslave humanity worldwide in their long dreamed-of totalitarian utopia. That’s utopia for them—as the ruling class that owns the world and everything in it—and dystopia for We the People.

Three major psychological operations, aka psy-ops, have relatively recently unmoored our nation and the world, paving the way for the cabal’s New World Order/One World Government.  The Covid Plandemic, the Color Revolution here in America that resulted in the theft of our 2020 election and President Trump’s ouster, and now the provoking of Russia regarding Ukraine, which could potentially result in WWIII.

Note that all three serve the globalists’ grandiose agenda. Putin, like Trump before him, is in the globalists’ way, so they’re endeavoring to remove him from power as well. Actually, Putin is the real target here. Ukraine, as usual, is being used as a pawn in the globalists’ game.

If in fact we’re seeing another psy-op by the Davos Reset elites to kneecap Russia and move the world closer to their dreamed of Great Reset dystopia, then the last thing we should be doing is demonizing Putin.

Our own hard Left Dems and Deep Staters, backed up by the likes of Soros, Gates, hefty international banksters and other members of the Billionaire-Sociopaths’ Club, had a relatively easy time ousting President Trump, who offered what they likely considered only mild pushback.

That means they took down one of the two remaining nationalist leaders of powerful countries, with only one to go. That one would be Vladimir Putin. And there’s an ominous war-cry against him in the media and political realm now. If you’re still in doubt as to which side is which, maybe a quote from George Soros, kingpin of Color Revolutions and installation of globalist puppets will make it clear: “We must stand with Ukraine, as they stand for us.” That’s advice from Soros, who, we can safely say by now, is evil.


Adding fuel to the fire, many are jumping on the Virtue Signaling Bandwagon, trumpeting their support for Ukraine by boycotting Russia. Among others, we find Google, Microsoft, Apple, Disney, Adidas, Nike, H&M, BMW, Honda, Ford, Exxon Mobil, UPS, and more. Not to be outdone, California lawmakers, quick to get on the wrong side of any issue of importance, seek to force pension funds to divest of Russian assets.  And Germany just stole a Russian fellow’s boat—his 600 million dollar yacht, to be precise. That oughta show Putin a thing or two.

Funny, I don’t recall anyone boycotting our actual enemy, China… Just sayin’.


And here’s something eerie from German Chancellor Olaf Scholz: “We are living through a watershed era. And that means that the world afterwards will no longer be the same as the world before.” Does this sound a bit like the New Normal to you? Me too. And like Biden et al., he condemns Putin for “…an absolutely unjustifiable attack on an independent country, on the peaceful order in Europe and the world.” [Italics mine]

Funny that no one mentions Ukraine was historically part of Russia, or that Zelenskyy, the West’s installed puppet, has made it illegal to speak  Russian in Ukraine, or that there’s a militant segment of avowed neo-Nazis in Ukraine who participated in the coup d’état against Yanukovych. Details, details…

Scholz goes on to say: “It is clear that we must invest much more in the security of our country. In order to protect our freedom and our democracy. This is a major national undertaking. The goal is a powerful, cutting-edge, progressive Bundeswehr [German armed forces] that can be relied upon to protect us. … The 2022 federal budget will provide a one-off sum of 100 billion euros for the fund. We will use this money for necessary investments and armament projects.”

Hmmm… A much stronger, militarized, heavily armed Germany prepared to take on Russia. Does that ring any bells? Wasn’t the EU formed in part to protect the other European countries from the big guy smack in their midst, with a track record of aggression in two world wars? But I digress.


Not wanting to be left behind, the QAnon franchise has chimed in, recycling its hopium for the incurably naïve. For example, Dave of the X22 Report—whose recent broadcast was praised by another Q spokesman, Charlie Ward, in this small, incestuous cyber-world—reassures his listeners that Trump advises Putin behind the scenes. Dave may have forgotten that Trump is no longer President, and/or that if he were, even now as a private citizen, to reach out to Putin, quislings in the NSA would quickly discover and leak such radioactive phone calls to the New York Times and Trump might be facing a third impeachment, since the Dems haven’t read the Constitution, don’t understand or obey the rule of law, and never quit.

In Dave’s wily and self-serving imaginings, Trump and Putin also conspire with…wait for  it…Zelenskyy! You see, they’re all involved in a massive plot to take down the Deep State, but they can’t let on about this because of…optics. In fact, the title of this episode of the X22 Report is: Planned Long Ago, Deep State Stronghold and Bioweapons Destroyed, Trump Never Telegraphs His Moves.  These Q promulgaters sure know how to keep their monetizing going strong.


Our own Deep State, populated with NWO globalists, America-hating subversives and felonious traitors galore, got very busy  on February 27th, sending out a veritable flock of rather alarming tweets calling for “regime change” in Russia.

On Sunday, February 27th,  a member of the Brookings Institution tweeted out: Regime change: Russia, which another member immediately publicly seconded.

That’s not all. On the same day, the head of the snake, I mean of the Council on Foreign Relations, Richard Haass, had this to say: “Just days ago much of the world was focused on the unwanted prospect of regime change in Ukraine. Now the conversation has shifted to include the possibility of desired regime change in Russia. A week can be a long time in politics.”

Notice the manipulative wordplay: Regime change in Ukraine is “unwanted,” while in Russia it’s “desired.” My question in both cases: by whom, Richard?

Nor was this Twitter 2/27th onslaught limited to the US. Swedish diplomat and former Prime Minister of Sweden Carl Bildt also chimed in: “All of us must now face the reality that we will not have peace in Europe until there is regime change in Russia. Then we should seek to welcome a new Russia as a partner for peace.”

And today, March 4th, the feckless RINO Lindsey Graham astonishingly tweeted: “The only way this ends is for somebody in Russia to take this guy out.” Graham was repeating a statement he made on Fox News late Thursday in case you missed it. “You would be doing your country – and the world – a great service.” He even said, “Is there a Brutus in Russia?” Let that sink in. Lindsey’s publicly advocating the overthrow, by assassination, of a superpower’s leader and government for defending their own turf and interests.

By the way, does anyone else remember how these guys ridiculed Donald Trump for using Twitter to communicate directly with the nation? Guess they were  just jealous…


In 1997, renowned American diplomat George Kennan warned: Expanding NATO would be the most fateful error of American policy in the entire post-cold-war era. Such a decision may be expected to inflame the nationalistic, anti-Western and militaristic tendencies in Russian opinion; to have an adverse effect on the development of Russian democracy; to restore the atmosphere of the cold war to East-West relations; and to impel Russian foreign policy in directions decidedly not to our liking.

Tragically, yet again, our leaders ignored this good advice and set out on a treacherous course instead.

A commenter on an Epoch News article had this to say: “From my 20 years traveling eastern/southern Ukraine, living there, in-laws there, kids born there, it’s clear to me the best solution is for Ukraine to be split in half, into a western Ukrainian speaking West Ukraine and a historical Russian speaking east Ukraine. The two countries would be autonomous buffers to Europe on the west and Russia on the east. Then peace could happen. Enough already.”

Here’s my two cents: You want to make sure WWIII doesn’t happen over a country Millennials couldn’t find on a map? Here are two suggestions:

  • Butt out of Putin’s business regarding the legitimate security needs of Russia
  • Ally with Putin against the NWO, recognizing that a US/Russia alliance could protect us from our real enemy, China, and throw a monkey-wrench into the Davos Cabal’s plans

What I have to say to those beating the war drums and clamoring for Putin’s scalp, as well as  those buying the media’s anti-Russia narrative, is this: Be careful what you wish for.

You might one day find yourself agreeing with an online commenter, one of many anti-globalist bloggers, who posted this on a recent Epoch Times article: “Putin is the last hope for the world.”

© 2022 Cherie Zaslawsky – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cherie Zaslawsky: cherzz@sbcglobal.net

War: Death, Destruction, And Human Misery On The Little Guy

By Frosty Wooldridge

March 7, 2022

You remember the names of the Big Men in World War II:  Hitler, Mussolini, Goebbels, Stalin, Rommel, Hirohito, Eisenhower, Patton, Montgomery, Churchill, Doolittle, Nimitz, and more as the military leaders of their respective countries.

Yes, they grabbed the headlines, they were showered with medals, as well as prominent titles in the history books.   Isn’t it ironic that none of them fought or died on the fields of the Battle of the Bulge, Midway, Iwo Jima, Corregidor, Normandy and every nameless town in Europe?

Yes, you saw Tom Hanks save “Private Ryan”, and you got a taste of ugly hand to hand combat in that movie.  A particular goring moment is when the U.S. Army coward sat on the stairs while the German soldier shoved a knife into the chest of coward’s platoon mate.  That’s what war is all about: one man killing another man from a different country.

When you look at Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan, you might recall General Westmoreland, but you won’t be able to remember a single kid who died on those distant battlefields, unless, of course, your child or husband died or a close family member.

Do you know the names of the millions of innocent civilians along with 18-, 19-, and 20-year kids forced into uniform, forced into combat and forced to die miserable deaths?

Every veteran reading this column knows that there are no heroes in wars.  If you lucked out, a bullet didn’t have your name on it. For every guy on the Vietnam Memorial Wall, a bullet, bomb, napalm or shrapnel carried that kid’s name on it.  If that bullet missed you, you’ve enjoyed a long and hopefully, fulfilling life.

One of my best friends in high school joined the Navy Seals during Vietnam.  He wished he would have fled to Canada.  He said, “It’s a banker’s war not to be won or lost…just keep making money for the banksters.”  One of his buddies got blasted right next to him during a firefight and pieces of his body fell all over my friend’s shoulder and face.  After three divorces, and a lifetime of his brain being destroyed by Post Traumatic Syndrome Disorder, he lives with his two dogs. He said to me, “My mind is not right, and it never will be.”

Ukraine Being Invaded by Russia

Yes, Putin is the new Hitler, and Zelensky the new champion for Ukraine, and he may well be assassinated by Russian snipers, but in the end, it’s all those young Russian soldiers who will kill and be killed. It’s all those 17,18-, 19-, 20- and 30-year-old men who will die for Ukraine. It’s all those forgotten civilians fleeing with their children, over 1.5 million thus far, have fled into Poland. Millions more could die from starvation and bitter cold.

For me, it’s particularly painful because I lost friends in the Vietnam War.  I saw kids my age with missing arms, legs, eyes, hands and skin burned away by napalm.  When I walk up to the Vietnam War Memorial Wall, I put my hand on their names, and I weep uncontrollably.  Yes, it’s personal.

I hope that Lyndon Baines Johnson, Richard Nixon and General Westmoreland, and that pack of jackals in the Military Industrial Complex all share a jail cell in hell.  To join them, Dick Cheney, Rumsfeld and the rest of those liars.

One of the most poignant things to happen to me occurred while I bicycled from Nord Kapp, Norway to Athens, Greece in 2005. My friend Gary Hall and I stopped south of the Poe River in Italy to walk among the dead of an American and British graveyard with 500 kids.  Their names and ages were engraved on the gravestones.  Most all of them were 18,19, 20, 21 and more.  Just kids!  They pushed the Germans out of Italy.  They got snippered, bombed, burned and blasted by artillery.  Still, they faced the Germans with iron resolve.

That night, we camped above the cemetery on a ridge.   In the morning, Gary packed up and hit the road before me.  Being more emotional, I read the pages of the dead soldiers on a podium.  Their names, where they were from, and their ages.  Something came over me to invite each one of their spirits to climb out of their graves, mount their bicycles, and ride with me through that valley leading south.

“Okay you boys,” I said. “Let’s share some pedal time together. Let’s ride together. Each of you deserves to ride this road in peace, in the sheer joy and freedom of pedaling a bicycle.”

Sure enough, all 500 of them jumped out of their graves, hopped on their bicycles, and they rode with me for an hour. I heard them “bullsh*tting” to their friends as they rode along.  Some of them cheered and raised their hands to the sky.  That’s what I do when I’m enjoying a bicycle ride anywhere in the world. What they did allowed me to do what I do when I’m riding my bicycle: to enjoy the sheer pleasure of a simple bicycle ride.

After an hour, I stopped, looked back, and waved to them.  “I know you boys have got to return to your resting places…it was an honor to ride with your spirits.  I bid you adieu and God bless you.”

In that moment, all 500 of them waved, turned around, and pedaled back to their final resting place.

Later, Gary and I rode into an old Italian village to see a bunch of Italians eating pizzas in front of a café.  Coming up the street, an 80 year old man hobbled toward us.  When he reached us, he said, “Are you American veterans?”  “Army and Navy,” we replied.

He walked up to us and embraced us with one of the most emotional hugs I have ever encountered.  He said, “Thank you for saving my family in the big war.”  And with that, he hobbled down the street.  But his memory remains with me until my last breath.

And so, to each Russian kid who dies in Ukraine, and to each Ukraine kid who dies defending his country, my heart goes out to the little guy that doesn’t get to grow up, get married, go to work, have a family, ride a bike, play sports, and kiss his sweetheart.

To all the rest of us, I hope each human around the world condemns this insane war, and I hope you are doing everything you can to bring peace to Ukraine.  We need more people to demonstrate against Putin. We need the people of Russia to demonstrate 24/7 around the clock against the war. We need more people in the UN to bring sanctions. We need more people in the streets of every country in Europe, Canada, America, Australia and beyond to march for peace.  We need every country in the world to condemn the conflict.  We need all of us to move toward peace.

God help us and God bless us one and all.

An interview with Andrew Carrying Hitchcock with Frosty Wooldridge, “On War and the Little Guy”, London, England: March 2, 2022

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

State of the First Amendment Survey

By Paul Engel

March 7, 2022

  • How familiar are the American people with what the First Amendment says?
  • What do the American people think about the freedoms guaranteed by the First Amendment?
  • What is the overall state of the First Amendment in American society?

I got the idea for the Constitution Study while listening to a podcast reporting on the 2013 State of the First Amendment Survey. While the First Amendment Center has not issued a survey since 2019, based on what I’ve been seeing lately it’s still worth investigating. Let’s roll back the clock a few years, look at the state of the First Amendment, and then see if it’s healthier in 2022 than it was in 2019.

I first became aware of the State of the First Amendment (SOFA) survey in early 2014. Since then, I’ve reviewed the results every year until 2019, which is the last report on the website. The 2019 survey was conducted for the Freedom Forum Institution by Fors Marsh Group. According to the report, the survey sample was designed to provide nationally representative estimates for adults 18 years of age and older. We’ll start with the participants’ familiarity with the First Amendment.

Familiarity with the First Amendment

As you may know, the First Amendment is part of the U.S. Constitution. Can you name any of the specific rights that are guaranteed by the First Amendment?

Appendix A, State of the First Amendment Survey

The first question participants were asked is the same one that got me started with the Constitution Study: How many rights guaranteed by the First Amendment could they name? While the 2019 responses were better than 2018, they are still not encouraging.

2019 State of the First Amendment Survey

Twenty-Nine percent of those surveyed could not name a single freedom protected by the First Amendment. This is the lowest number since I’ve been following the report, but you may notice that in 2018 that number was 40%, the highest I’ve seen. While a large percentage of respondents correctly named Freedom of Speech, a growing number of incorrect answers were also given.

2019 State of the First Amendment Survey

The 2019 SOFA survey also found statistically significant demographic differences among those who could recall certain freedoms. Education was the most common predictor of recalling a First Amendment right – participants with more education were more likely to recall freedom of speech, religion and assembly.

State of the First Amendment Survey

Another interesting question asked on the survey was if the respondents believed that First Amendment protections go too far? In 2019 the number who agreed with that sentiment was 29%, up from 23% the previous two years.

If a third of respondents can’t name a single freedom protected by the First Amendment, and 29% of them think those protections go too far, what does that mean for those freedoms?

Freedom of Speech

There has been quite a controversy lately regarding cancel culture. What are the responsibilities of social media companies regarding the content posted by their users? Are there any legal liabilities for what their users post? The 2019 SOFA survey asked respondents if they agreed with the statement, “Social media companies violate users’ First Amendment rights when they ban users based on the content of their posts.” Even though they had just had the First Amendment read to them, a significant majority agreed with the statement.

A majority of participants (65%) agreed that social media companies violate usersFirst Amendment rights when they ban social media accounts. There was a measurable partisan split, with a greater percentage of Republicans (71%) than Democrats (62%) agreeing with the statement. Surprisingly, participants who recalled three or more First Amendment freedoms were also more likely to agree (71%) with the statement than participants who recalled two or fewer freedoms (64%). The results suggest confusion about the application of the First Amendment protections on social media platforms.

State of the First Amendment Survey

According to the survey, it appears the majority of Americans not only don’t know what the First Amendment says, but they don’t understand how to apply it. Even 71% of those who could name three or more of the rights protected appear to believe that the words “Congress shall make no law…” means social media companies shall make no rules.

Social media companies are not the only entities for whom the Freedom of Speech seemed to be misapplied. Respondents were also asked if they agreed with the statement, “public institutions should revoke invitations to guest speakers” in different scenarios.

A majority of respondents think a speaker should be disinvited on the mere accusation of sexual harassment, the possibility of protests, or even if someone might be offended. This is commonly referred to as “The Heckler’s Veto.” All it takes for someone’s right to Free Speech to be infringed is for someone to claim they are offended or that it may cause others to act badly. As for the accusation of sexual harassment, notice it was based on the accusation, not the conviction. Anyone can accuse you of anything, but in America you used to be considered innocent until proven guilty. Notice, that in each of these situations, those 18-49 are more likely to infringe on the rights of the speaker than those 50 and older. Now compare this with the statement, “Public school students should be allowed to report on controversial issues in their student newspapers without the approval of school authorities.”

Almost the same number of people who think someone should be disinvited by public institutions for discussing controversial subjects believe students should be allowed to report on them without approval. Even more think that students should be allowed to express their opinions on social media without being punished by their school.

Do you see the hypocrisy? Compare how many people think the students should be allowed to express their opinions with the number who wish to deny speakers their right to do the same.

Freedom of the Press

What about Freedom of the Press. How important do the respondents think that is?

Seventy two percent agreed that, “it is important for our democracy that the news media act as a watchdog on government,” and 48% agreed with the statement that the news media, “tries to report the news accurately and without bias.” Not surprisingly, the reactions to the latter statement differ wildly between the two largest political parties, with 39% of Republicans agreeing compared with 56% of Democrats. This trend continued when respondents were asked if they agreed with the statement, “The spread of fake news and misinformation on the internet is a serious threat to our democracy.” While 77% agreed that fake news was a threat, the split was 84% for Republicans and 77% for Democrats.

Freedom of Religion

The last question asked on the SOFA survey involved Freedom of Religion. Respondents were asked if freedom of religion applied to all groups, “even those that most people would consider extreme or fringe.” Overall, 82% agreed. Even when broken down by the religion of the respondent, the differences were only a few percentage points. Only 5% of respondents strongly disagreed with the statement.


What is the state of the First Amendment? While this report is over two years old, I would say the overall health of the First Amendment is not good at all, but there is good news among the bad. Yes, only could 29% not name a single right protected by the First Amendment, but that was the lowest percentage I’ve seen in the last seven surveys. And while the percentage that could name a single freedom was down a few points, the number that could name two freedoms was up from 12% to 22%. There also seems to be a sentiment that students should be able to express themselves, both in school newspapers and on social media, without reprisals from the schools. Compare that with the sentiments that the First Amendment goes too far and that those with potential controversial opinions should be disinvited from speaking at public institutions. The opinions that social media companies are subject to First Amendment restrictions, even after having it read to them, shows the general lack of understanding. Are things better in 2021 than they were in 2019? I’ve certainly not seen any evidence to that effect.

The good news behind this report is that it shows that many of the issues in our country are based on a lack of understanding of the supreme law of the land. That may not sound like good news, but remember, as Thomas Jefferson said:

I know no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society, but the people themselves: and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their controul with a wholsome discretion, the remedy is, not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by education. this is the true corrective of abuses of constitutional power.

Thomas Jefferson

That is why I started The Constitution Study, so that We the People realize we can educate ourselves and that we must work to educate others if we wish to live free.

Maybe you found this report depressing. Hopefully, rather than wallowing in what is wrong, together we can work to make it right.

© 2022 Paul Engel – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Paul Engel: paul@constitutionstudy.com

Our Only and Last Hope

By Rob Pue

March 6, 2022

The world is still amazed at how brutally the Prime Minister of Canada ended the Freedom Convoy protest in Ottawa, using an Emergency Measures Act that had not yet even been approved by parliament.  The House of Commons did, finally, approve Trudeau’s Emergency Measures — reserved for times of war — on February 22nd by a margin of 185-151, but that was after great damage and harm had already been done several days earlier.

As we saw the video coverage by citizen reporters on the scene, we were shocked at the brutality that police were inflicting on the people who were assembled there — peacefully seeking a redress of grievances with the politicians that supposedly represent them.  But we’ve now learned that many of those “police” were not Canadians at all — they were UN soldiers, who arrived on two airliners in North Bay, Ontario February 19th.  It seems that because the Canadian military refused to participate in attacks on the people they swore an oath to protect, Trudeau brought in the UN.

These soldiers wore no UN markings or symbols, but clearly, they were not Canadian.  They had no badges, no name tags, they were masked, and could not speak English or French.  And their arrival in Ottawa coincided with the arrival of two UN planes in North Bay, just 200 miles away.  This was after the Canadian government had raided the truckers’ GiveSendGo account, harvested the names of all the donors, and then seized the bank accounts of the donors — among them, all the assets of a single Mom who had donated $50 to the truckers’ cause.  A cause she believed in — but apparently, she held “unacceptable views.”

And we’ve all heard what Pastor Art Pawlowski has gone through these past two years in Canada.  But he was arrested again on February 8th, as he attempted to leave his home to go preach to the truckers in Calgary, Alberta.  This time, he’s been denied bail and is being held in solitary confinement.

The judge stated the following: “I have concluded that the Crown’s … grounds (for seeking detention) are substantial and that there is a substantial likelihood that the accused will, if released from custody, continue on offending, or interfering with the administration of justice.

“The accused’s pattern of behavior speaks volumes about his willful commission of offenses and/or violations of court and public health orders. His conduct…has contributed to enormous economic harm to the local, provincial and national economy and substantial community harm to ordinary Canadians.” 

Basically, they know he won’t just obey and remain silent, so he’ll remain in jail, indefinitely now.  His supporters plan to deliver a letter, pleading his case to members of parliament, which has been signed by nearly 10,000 people.  But it’s very doubtful anyone in authority will even look at that letter, much less come to his aid.  Like in this country, there IS no justice in Canada anymore.  Only totalitarian rule.  You either obey, comply and conform or you rot in prison.  “Guilty,” even if proven innocent.

Now, the “People’s Convoy” is coming together here in the US.  With truckers leading the way, people from all walks of life — and driving all types of vehicles — can join the convoy, which is headed to Washington DC.  However, leadership has already stated they won’t actually enter DC but just go as far as the beltline around the area… because they don’t want to become political prisoners or victims of radical Leftist judges there, like those who attended the January 6 rally last year.  Meanwhile, Biden has already stated that his COVID mandates, which were set to expire March 1st, will be extended indefinitely.

We have yet to see how things will end for America’s “People’s Convoy” protest.  But based on what we’ve already seen in countries around the world, where millions have filled the streets to protest the never-ending mandates and ever-increasing restrictions and revocations of basic freedoms and human rights, we’ll likely see similar brutality as we’ve seen in Australia, New Zealand, France, Germany, Austria and now Canada.

This situation is not just happening in one or two isolated areas.  This is a world-wide phenomenon, unlike anything we’ve ever seen before.  It’s not UP to the leaders of individual countries.  This is all being orchestrated and dictated by the New World Order Globalists.  Leading the way is Klous Schwab of the World Economic Forum, who has mentored many of the world leaders currently in office, vetted them to make sure they’ll follow orders obediently, and then made certain they were securely placed in office.  And they’ll remain in office for as long as they’re useful to the cause.  You know, there’s much more to the American election fraud of 2020 than any of us realize.  Why do you think that despite overwhelming proof of an obviously stolen election, not even our so-called “good Republicans” will do anything about it?

Why do you think the burning, looting, destroying and killing we’ve seen the past two years has been drilled into our heads as “peaceful protests” by “legitimate” organizations (including the self-proclaimed Marxist Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA)?  For the Globalist Great Reset to work, America MUST fall, so therefore, it’s perfectly ok for covert government agencies to stockpile loads of bricks and rocks on city streets, ready for throwing through windows of local businesses by the thugs they hire — and then order law enforcement to “stand down” and let everything burn — and as we now see happening, refuse to prosecute the crime of mob looting nation-wide.

Friends, this is all orchestrated.  It’s all been pre-planned.  The scam of the COVID “pandemic” is just the latest  — but the most effective tactic — to bring about an end to national sovereignty and personal freedoms.  Extremely powerful people are behind all this.  The Trudeaus and Bidens of the world are mere puppets to these people.  And they also have the backing of just about every major corporation in the world.  Follow the money, and learn what you can about Klous Schwab, the World Economic Forum and the planned “Great Reset.”

All this is very distressing, but as I mentioned in my last message, all of this could end tomorrow if we would simply understand one thing: this is a SPIRITUAL battle, playing out now in the physical realm.  The angels of God and demons of Satan are at war, as they’ve always been, but Satan has ramped things up, as he knows his time now is short.  Absolutely, I support standing up for truth and freedom and resisting the wickedness of the government mandates, the pharmakea of the “jab” and lies of the media and government officials.

But there’s no political solution to this and never will be.  Our so-called “representatives” are not only NOT going to listen to a word we have to say, no matter how many truck parades we have or how many millions gather in protest — they’re going to laugh at us, even as they’re directing their minions to haul us off to prison for having “unacceptable views.”  They’re not going to relinquish their power over us now that they’ve secured it.  Yes, we must fight and resist, but we will not win a spiritual battle with fleshly tactics.

So what, then, shall we do?  There’s only one solution: repent!  The world has forgotten God, and America, once the missionary to the nations, has led the way in apostasy and rebellion.  So what’s fallen on us now is nothing short of the wrath of God,  but He’s been infinitely patient with us, and many — like myself — have been sounding the warning for years, but all our warnings have fallen on deaf ears.

God made a covenant with us and we broke the deal.  Deuteronomy 28: “Now if you faithfully obey the Lord your God and are careful to follow all His commands I am giving you today, the Lord your God will put you far above all the nations of the earth.  All these blessings will come and overtake you, because you obey the Lord your God: You will be blessed in the city and blessed in the country.  Your descendants will be blessed…You will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out.

“The Lord will cause the enemies who rise up against you to be defeated before you. They will march out against you from one direction but flee from you in seven directions. The Lord will grant you a blessing on your storehouses and on everything you do; He will bless you in the land the Lord your God is giving you…The Lord will make you prosper abundantly with children…The Lord will open for you His abundant storehouse, the sky, to give your land rain in its season and to bless all the work of your hands. You will lend to many nations, but you will not borrow.  The Lord will make you the head and not the tail; you will only move upward and never downward if you listen to the Lord your God’s commands I am giving you today and are careful to follow them. Do not turn aside to the right or the left from all the things I am commanding you today, and do not go after other gods to worship them.”

Deuteronomy 6:  “These words that I am giving you today are to be in your heart.  Repeat them to your children. Talk about them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.  Bind them as a sign on your hand and let them be a symbol on your forehead. Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.”

Our once-Christian nation has tossed God and His Word to the curb long ago.  Even our churches refuse to follow the commands of God, instead coveting the admiration of men.  We’ve come to love our lives of luxury and ease and we’ve sought after the fleshly desires of this world rather than the Holy Spirit of God.  I have news for you: the days of luxury and ease are over.  Welcome to the New Normal.

Deuteronomy 28 explains it all: “…if you do not obey thy Lord your God by carefully following all His commands and statues I am giving you today…you will be cursed in the city and cursed in the country…the Lord will send against you curses, confusion and rebuke in everything you do until you are destroyed and quickly perish, because of the wickedness of your actions in abandoning Me….the Lord will make pestilence cling to you…the Lord will cause you to be defeated before your enemies…the Lord will afflict you with madness, blindness and mental confusion…You will be oppressed and robbed continually and no one will help you…you will be powerless to do anything.  A people you don’t know will eat your land’s produce and everything you have labored for.  You will only be oppressed and crushed continually.  You will be driven mad by what you see.”

How long have I — and so many others — sounded this warning?  Yet still, as a nation, and as the modern American “Church,” we’ve stood by, while 70 million babies have been slaughtered.  Our shepherds refused to even speak of abortion, much less lead the people out to the killing centers to stop the bloodshed of the innocent.  One “pro-life Sunday” a year doesn’t “cut it,” pastor!  Most of our shepherds said nothing at all when the Supreme Court declared sodomite so-called “Marriage” the “law of the land.”  They obediently closed their church doors when told to, as they agreed with the government that they truly were “non-essential.”   And they’ve said nothing about the tyranny of the COVID scam or the deadly jab, leaving their people to just believe the lies.  Indeed, they, themselves have chosen to believe the lies. They dare not bring “politics” into the pulpit for fear of offending people and bringing conviction to seared hearts.

Today, instead of training up disciples to witness and evangelize for Christ, most pastors look upon those who DO witness in public as weirdos and trouble-makers.  Fanatics.

But as I’ve said before, it is time NOW for the Word of God to be boldly proclaimed on every street corner, in every school, college and workplace, calling all who will, to repent and return to God.  Repentance should be the word on every tongue and the action of every heart.  Our ONLY hope now lies in Jesus Christ and His mercy.  Yet so few — even professing believers — will do any more than agree with me.  Many will listen.  Few will DO.  So ashamed, we seem to be, of our Lord.

Everyone knows 2 Chronicles 7:14 but few do more than recite it:  “If My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”  Herein lies our only, and last hope.

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email Rob@WisconsinChristianNews.com.  Ask for message number 351.

© 2022 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue: Rob@WisconsinChristianNews.com

What Happened To The Integrity Of Our Elected Officials, Part 3

By Roger Anghis

March 6, 2022

I have not seen a democrat since JFK worthy of a vote from the American people. Lyndon Baines Johnson was a racist POC and escalated the Viet Nam war for, I believe, his personal benefit. Jimmy Carter hated Israel and was not capable of understanding how an economy works, not that any democrat that I have seen does. Clinton was and is a lowlife womanizer, Obama wasn’t even eligible to be president because both parents have to be citizens at the time of his birth and his father never became a citizen.  This fact was not challenged by the democrats for obvious reasons but the Republicans didn’t challenge it either.

The character of our elected officials has become worse and worse over the last hundred years.  Woodrow Wilson was a racist and re-segregated our military which had been integrated since the Civil War. FDR tried to nationalize everything and kept us in the Great Depression for ten years longer than we should have been because of his ineffective economic policies of tax and spend.  Biden actually believes we can spend our way out of debt.  He stated so during the last economic recession that started in 2008.  That quote has been mysteriously scrubbed for the net.

In the modern era, we have primarily democrats that have exhibited the worst character that I have ever seen.  The former governor of New York during the COVID attack actually put COVID-infected people in nursing homes with the most vulnerable people, the elderly with underlying conditions, and we ended up with massive deaths. To do what Cuomo, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan, Gov. Gavin Newsom, Gov. Phil Murphy of New Jersey, and Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf[1] did should be a crime but because they are Democrats, they got off scot-free.[2] About one-third of all COVID deaths happened in nursing homes.[3] In a nation of laws, this should not happen. In a nation run by a dictator, this is normal.

The vast majority of these infractions are by members of the Democrat Party but there is little to no opposition from Republicans, they are just as guilty.  They have threatened to ‘investigate’ this kind of stuff if they get the majority back in 2022 but they had the majority in 2016 and did nothing about the fake sassier, the deleted 20,000 emails, the foreign funding of Hillary’s campaign, John Kerry’s secret negotiations with Iran in violation of the Logan Act, and they didn’t do squat about Hunter Biden’s dealings with Ukraine, the Communist Chinese Party, and all the other things he’s been involved with.  I have little faith that the present members of the Republican party will do anything about any of this when they get back in power.

The mandates that have been put into place by Biden are not legal.  They violate the Constitution and even override the Nuremberg Code of forcing medical procedures on people without their consent.  Not many Republicans are opposing these overreaches.  Unless we replace the vast majority of the people in Congress, we will not see the action we need to turn all of this around. The Democrats have gone full-blown communist and the Republicans are full of RINOs, Lindsey Graham, Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins, just to name a few and not many of the rest have the backbone to oppose the Democrats.

My only hope is there are a handful of trustworthy prophets that have called the last couple of years to a tee.  And they say that God is going to do a reset, not the Democrats.  His reset will set this nation back on track.  He is not done with America.  They have also declared that those that have worked to steal the election, and it was stolen, will be exposed and brought down. All the corruption that has been exposed will be brought to light and the party behind it will be decimated.

When Trump took out the ISIS leader al-baghdadi Nacy Pelosi had a fit because Trump didn’t notify congressional leadership of the raid. There might have been a real good reason for that like al-baghdadi being tipped off of the raid.  Remember John Kerry’s daughter is married to a muslim.  Well, the fake president Biden takes out a top ISIS leader al-Qurayshi in Syria and it turns out that the top congressional leadership was not informed of that raid either.  I guess we should be expecting an apology from Pelosi real soon.  Don’t hold your breath on that one.

As I mentioned a few paragraphs ago John Kerry’s negotiations with Iran without the approval of Trump was a violation of the Logan Act.  Kerry, in my opinion, has been a traitor to America since the Viet Nam War.  His involvement with the dirtbag George Soros is another indication he’s a traitor. In an article from August of 2015 concerning the Iranian nuclear deal he negotiated we see this:  Kerry’s family connection to Iran is no secret, and in the melting pot that is the United States, it is not entirely surprising. What is significant is that as part of the wedding preparations, Kerry went to a dinner party hosted by George Soros at his Manhattan penthouse. He undoubtedly met the best man Mahdi Zarif, and also met his father, Mohammad Javad Zarif, current Iranian Foreign Minister, who acted as the chief negotiator during nuclear talks, across the table from Kerry. This revelation was made by former Congressman Allen West on his website on July 28.

On Sunday, Iran’s Foreign Ministry “strongly rejected” the claim, calling it a “sheer lie and ‘news fabrication,” as reported by Fars News Agency. “Some media outlets that lack credit [sic] fabricate such news in pursuit of special objectives, including finding more viewer [sic],” the foreign ministry claimed.

Though no formal accusations have been made, neither have any inquiries or investigations been conducted. The accusation and the refutation stand on their own merits. Kerry’s close family connection was not mentioned in his confirmation hearings before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.[4]

It is time we started sending people to Washington who love America not our enemies. 2022 would be a good time to start.

© 2022 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis: roger@buildingthetruth.org


  1. 5 governors besides Cuomo who sent covid positive patients into-nursing homes
  2. Nursing home deaths covid justice department no investigation
  3. Coronavirus nursing homes
  4. Nuclear nepotism hushed up truth Kerry’s personal Iran connection middle east

Another War, Another Buck, Part 2

by Servando Gonzalez

March 5, 2022

Part Two: The Destruction of Russia and the Creation of the Soviet Union

The Soviet Union was not a natural phenomenon. It was the artificial creation of international bankers and oil magnates whose purpose was putting Russia into a freezer —which they did for 60 long years— and curtail Tsar Nicholas II’s intentions of turning the country into a major oil competitor in the free market.

On 13 March 1881, following the assassination of Alexander II, his son, Alexander III became Russia’s Tsar and his grandson Nicholas became Tsarevich (heir). A few years later, in 1890, Alexander III began an ambitious industrialization program, which included the creation of a modern railroad red unifying the country. The result of this effort was the construction of the 5,400 mile-long Trans-Siberian railroad, the most ambitious railroad project at the time, which would transform Russia’s entire economy and change the country into a modern industrial society.

Nicholas took the throne in 1894 at the age of 26 following Alexander III’s unexpected death. On May 14, 1896, Nicholas was formally crowned as Russia’s Tsar. Nicholas II continued his father’s economic policies, particularly the railroad project. The man in charge of the railroad plan was Count Sergei Witte, Russia’s minister of finance.[1] Witte’s efforts soon changed Russia’s role of “breadbasket” provider to British grain-trading houses into a potentially modern industrial nation. As expected, his effort was strongly opposed by the British government.[2] But Witte’s efforts suddenly stopped when Tsar Nicholas II was deposed as a result of the 1905 Russian “revolution.”

The main problem the conspirators had with Russia, however, was not its efforts to become and industrialized nation, but that a large amount of oil had been discovered in Baku, near the Caspian Sea in Azerbaijan. At the time, the Baku oil field was considered the largest known oil deposit in the world. By the early 1880s, Russian crude production reached 10.8 million, almost a third of the U.S. production. [3]

As expected, John D. Rockefeller and his criminal associates of the American International Corporation (AIC), Andrew Mellon, J.P. Morgan and Andrew Carnegie, were deeply alarmed about the Russians challenging their ambitions of controlling the world’s oil supply, and began conspiring to develop a plan to stop the Russians in their tracks.[4] So, they concluded that the only way to achieve their goal was to depose Czar Nicholas II, and the only way to accomplish that was through a “revolution.”

History books, mostly written by unscrupulous CFR-controlled disinformers passing as historians, have painted the Russian revolution as the result of a spontaneous uprising of the Russian exploited proletarian masses against their oppressive government. According to this vision, Russia’s disastrous participation in WWI, which had cost the lives of four million men, created widespread discontent. A growing economic crisis and food scarcities contributed to increase the problems. Demonstrations of people asking for food started in many cities. This chaotic situation created the conditions for the revolt that overthrew the czarist government and eventually changed Russia into the Soviet Union, a new society based on the anti-capitalist, communist principles of Marxism.[5]

This vision, however, is not exactly true.

Thanks to the efforts of scholars like Antony Sutton,[6] G. Edward Griffin[7] and others, now we know that the “spontaneous” Russian “revolution” was actually a covert operation planned and carried out by international bankers and oil magnates. It would have been impossible to succeed without the money supplied by some of the most notable millionaires at that time.

Though initially he favored his father’s autocratic ideas, eventually Tsar Nicholas II had initiated the implementation of a series of reforms directed to change Russia from a medieval into a modern society, which included the emancipation of the serfs, the creation of a Duma —a national assembly—, and rural communes. These reforms would have encouraged the Russian people to think about the possibility of a benign government in which the people would democratically participate.

But some influential Wall Street bankers and oil magnates were not happy with those changes in Russia, and conceived another plan. In order to proceed with their plan, John D. Rockefeller, together with fellow conspirators, like bankers Mellon and Morgan and steel magnate Andrew Carnegie, plus several of America’s robber barons, joined their resources for up to $50 million (an enormous sum at the time), and created the American International Corporation (AIC), a powerful cartel allegedly devoted to stimulate world trade. The truth, however, is that the AIC was created to fund the overthrow of Tsar Nicholas II by a small group of professional revolutionaries: the Bolsheviks.[8]

To this effect, between 1907 and 1910 the conspirators met several times with Russian revolutionary Leon Trotsky, already living in exile in New York, and with Vladimir I. Lenin, another Russian revolutionary living in exile in Zürich. Eventually the arch-capitalists struck a deal with the arch-anti-capitalists: in exchange for financing their “revolution,” the capitalists would be allowed to have a hidden hand in designing the economy of what was soon to become the Soviet Union — allegedly the staunchest anti-capitalist nation in the world.

With the help of the conspirators, Lenin returned to Russia with plenty of gold in his famous “sealed” train, and, soon after Trotsky, under the protection of President Wilson and Colonel House, followed Lenin’s path with more gold. This gold made possible the Russian “revolution.”

But some people knew about Lenin’s activities and who were his true masters. In a speech to the House of Commons on November 5, 1919, Winston Churchill exposed in a few words the whole conspiracy:

“Lenin was sent into Russia . . . in the same way that you might send a vial containing a culture of typhoid or of cholera to be poured into the water supply of a great city, and it worked with amazing accuracy. No sooner did Lenin arrive that he began beckoning a finger here and a finger there to obscure persons in sheltered retreats in New York, Glasgow, in Bern, and other countries, and he gathered together the leading spirits of a formidable sect, the most formidable sect in the world . . . With these spirits around him he set to work with demoniacal ability to tear to pieces every institution on which the Russian State depended.”

What Churchill failed to mention, though, was that the hidden actorts who had disseminated the Communist plague were bankers from England, Europe and the U.S., among them the Rothschilds, Sir George Buchanan and Lord Alfred Milner (members of the Round Table, who had been instrumental in the creation of the CFR), the Warburgs, the Rockefellers and J.P. Morgan. With their investment, the conspirators had created a pseudo-enemy they controlled —to some extent. Soon after, the Soviet Union became the bogeyman the conspirators used for many years as a credible threat to manipulate and control the U.S. and other Western countries. The rest is history.

But the conspirators failed to foresee that Communism and Marxist economy are such total disasters that, since the very beginning, the monster they had created never managed to provide for its own sustenance, and was always teetering on the verge of collapse. So, while ostensibly fighting to destroy it, they had to put all their ingenuity on keeping the Soviet communist monster artificially alive and kicking.

In his massive scholarly work, Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development, and later in his National Suicide: Military Aid to the Soviet Union, and finally in The Best Enemy Money Can Buy,[9] professor Antony Sutton extensively documented how, militarily, the Soviet Union was kept alive thanks to massive technology transfer, mostly from the United States. Moreover, this technology transfer was not the result of the good work of Soviet spies, but of the treachery of CFR agents at the highest levels of the U.S. government.
Probably the two most outstanding accomplishments of the CFR conspirators were giving the Soviets the technology for producing, first, nuclear weapons and, later, for building better intercontinental ballistic missiles.

According to the official story, Soviet spies Ethel and Julius Rosenberg stole and gave the Soviet Union in 1950 the scientific documents necessary to create an atomic bomb. But this is simply not true.[10] The Soviets didn’t have to steal the atomic bomb secrets because CFR secret agents infiltrated into the U.S. government gave them the information in 1943 disguised under the Lend-Lease program.[11]

Actually the Rosenbergs belonged to what Sun Tzu called “expendable agents,”[12] foolish spies actually designed to be caught. One of the uses of expendable agents is to distract the enemy’s attention from the real spies. Obviously, the CFR conspirators at the highest levels of the U.S. government knew that the Rosenbergs were fake spies —which perhaps explains Truman’s rush to destroy the evidence by ordering their unnecessary execution.

Professor Sutton has also documented in detail the second case, the willful transfer of American technology to make Soviet ICBMs more accurate.[13] According to Sutton, without that technology transfer the threat of annihilation of the United States and the West by inter-continental Soviet nuclear missiles would have never existed. Moreover, if President Richard Nixon and National Security adviser Henry Kissinger had heeded warnings in 1970 from its own Department of Defense and outside experts that the Soviets were lagging in missile production technology and required specific technologies from the West to MIRV[14] their fourth generation ICBMs would have never been produced.[15]

Sutton didn’t mention, however, that both Nixon and Kissinger were secret CFR members. They failed to pay attention to the warnings not because they were ignorant or fools, but because the conspirators’ plan precisely consisted in giving this advanced technology to the Soviets.

The Cold War was the conspirators’ tool to justify their imperialist aggressive policies. With the support of the mainstream media they brainwashed and scared the American people into accepting these treasonous and destructive policies. Despite the fact that communism was a total economic disaster, the Soviet Union, thanks mostly to the conspirator’s constant help, unwittingly played for many years its scripted role of artificially created bogeyman. But, after the unexpected fall of the Soviet Union, the Wall Street Mafia moved quickly to surround Russia with unfriendly states as well as to enslave it economically to avoid its rebirth as a world power.

After accomplishing that, some secret CFR agents apparently saw their road to world power free of impediments and began talking openly of a new era of American imperialism —though a “benign” one. According to CFR agent Charles Krauthammer, American imperialism (actually Wall Street imperialism) had come out of the closet. Another CFR agent who joined the new “empire” cacophony was Robert Kagan. But both Krauthammer and Kagan agreed that it was a “benign” empire.

But the time of Wall Street’s unopposed control of the world, which they termed the “unipolar era,” proved to be short-lived. The Russians discovered the ruse, got a second air, managed to get out of the IMF trap, and quickly recovered economically and decided to restore their military power.

Paradoxically, it seems that the Russians currently know more about what is really going on in the U.S. than most Americans. There is an explanation for this: contrary to most Americans who still seem to be living in a dream, the Russian people experienced for 60 years the results of a communo-fascist totalitarian dictatorship in their country.

In April 27, 2009, in an article entitled “American Capitalism Gone With a Whimper,” appeared in his well-read blog Mat Rodina [Motherland] Russian blogger Stanislav Mishin stated:

“It must be said, that like the breaking of a great dam, the American descent into Marxism is happening with breathtaking speed, against the backdrop of a passive, hapless sheeple, excuse me dear reader, I meant people.”

“True, the situation has been well prepared on and off for the past century, especially the past twenty years. The initial testing grounds was conducted upon our Holy Russia and a bloody test it was. But we Russians would not just roll over and give up our freedoms and our souls, no matter how much money Wall Street poured into the fists of the Marxists.”

“Those lessons were taken and used to properly prepare the American populace for the surrender of their freedoms and souls, to the whims of their elites and betters.”

Several years after the implosion of the Soviet Union, Vladimir Putin called it the greatest geopolitical tragedy of the 20th century. He was right, but for the wrong reasons. Actually, the unexpected disappearance of the Soviet Union, the enemy the globalist conspirators invested so much time, effort and money to create, was a true disaster because it deprived them of the justification for their aggressive policies and the huge military budgets benefiting them: the fear of Communism.

Proof of it is that, soon after the disappearance of the USSR, they had to produce the 9/11 events, a makeshift false flag operation whose only goal was the creation a new bogey man: the War on Terror. But, despite so much help, the terrorists never terrorized enough and, a few years later, they had to create a new source of terror: an invisible virus.

Nevertheless, despite all efforts and pressures upon the people and a couple of years of scare tactics and lies, most people began losing their fear of the virus and tried to go back to some sense of normality. Obviously, this was a source of great concern to the globalist conspirators. But, with his war against the Ukraine, Vladimir Putin, has become their best ally in the production of a new terror —the globalist’s best tool to keep the people under control.

This explains why, despite all claims on the contrary, the globalist conspirators love Putin from the bottom of their crooked hearts. Currently, their greatest fear is a victorious Putin and the end of the war in Ukraine. So, they are working hard to avoid this to happen and keep pushing for a new Cold War.

Unfortunately, is seems that the war Putin has in mind will be anything but cold. On the other hand, given the fact that the globalist madmen’s publicly expressed their ultimate goal, which is nothing but the elimination of 85 percent of the people in this planet, maybe Putin unknowingly becomes the right tool for the job. Their only hope, I guess, that Putin don’t get too wise and retarget some of his missiles to the Patagonia.

© 2022 Servando Gonzales – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Servando Gonzales: servandoglez05@yahoo.com


[1]. William Engdahl’s A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order (London: Pluto Press, 2004), p. 32.
[2] Ibid, p. 33.
[3]. Daniel Yergin, The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money and Power, Part I (New York: Pocket Books, 1991), p. 59.
[4]. John Christian Ryter, “The Secret Life of AIC,” NewsWithViews.com, March 31, 2009.
[5]. It seems, however, that Clinton Roosevelt discovered the principles of communism a few years before Marx.
[6]. Antony C. Sutton, Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution (New Rochelle, New York: Arlington House, 1974)
[7]. G Edward Griffin, The Creature From Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve (Appleton, Wisconsin: American Opinion, 1994)
[8]. Ryter, op. cit.
[9]. Antony C. Sutton, The Best Enemy Money Can Buy (Billings, Montana: Liberty House, 1986)
[10]. Most likely the Rosenbergs, true Communist fanatics, ignored that their true role was to disinform the American people by paying with their lives.
[11]. For a detailed account of the treachery see George Racey Jordan, From Major Jordan’s Diaries (Boston: Western Islands, 1965), pp. 72-106. Major Jordan’s accusations seem to have been substantiated many years later in a novel written in 1980 by Franklin Roosevelt’s son James Roosevelt. See, James Roosevelt A Family Matter (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1980)
[12]. Sun Tzu, The Art of War [translated by Samuel B. Griffith] (London: Oxford University Press, 1963), p. 146.
[13]. Sutton, The Best Enemy Money Can Buy, pp. 101-111.
[14]. MIRV, the capability of an intercontinental missile to fire more than a single warhead.
[15]. Sutton, op. cit., p. 101.

Marilyn MacGruder Barnewall: Feb. 2, 1937 – Feb. 25, 2022

By Ms. Smallback

March 4, 2022

Marilyn MacGruder Barnewall born Feb. 2, 1937 died peacefully in her Palisade, Colorado home on February 25, 2022 (from lung cancer) at the age of 85. Barnewall is survived by her son, John (Michelle) and two granddaughters, Cameron and Jordan;  and her daughter, Katherine McCaffery (Kent), and grandsons Duke, Grant, Christopher, John Michael, Thomas, Joseph, Jacob, Andre, Timothy, Basil; and grand daughters Christen, Anna, Catherine, Mary, and Sarah.

Marilyn was a Denver native until her 1995 retirement.  The 1955 Denver South High School graduate led a life that took her from being the wife of a convicted police officer in the Denver police scandal (1961), which cast her into the welfare system during his imprisonment, to one of the highest paid women in America in the 1980s.  Marilyn was named one of the top 100 businesswomen in the nation (What it Takes, Dolphin Doubleday, 1987), and a founding member of the Committee of 200, the official group of America’s most successful businesswomen.

Barnewall’s accomplishments resulted in her being listed in Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who in American Women, Who’s Who in Finance and Business, and Who’s Who in the World.  Since 2008 she wrote for NewsWithViews regularly.  She also wrote for Veterans Today, Canada Free Press, WorldNetDaily, Christian Business Daily, and others.  Her editorial home, however, was NewsWithViews.

Marilyn’s online articles for NewsWithViews can be accessed here.

Known internationally, Barnewall was affectionately dubbed “the Mother of private banking” by Rick Scammel of Washington Trust Bank in Spokane.  Forbes Magazine named her “the Dean of American private banking knowledge” and Town and Country called her the personal banking industry’s “guru”.

Banking Industry Career

Barnewall went to work for United Bank of Denver in 1972 and earned her graduate degree in Banking at Colorado University in 1978.  She was United Bank’s first female vice-president to manage a major credit area for the bank.  Under her leadership, the department became the nation’s first wealth-creation private bank.

Barnewall worked for the passage of the Equal Credit Opportunity Act and in 1978 testified before the Colorado Legislature as to the state of readiness of banks to implement it.

She resigned in 1979 to start her own bank consulting firm in 1980, “The MacGruder Agency, Inc.” and served as President for 15 years.  Her firm implemented private banks in every region of the U.S. and in several foreign countries.

Barnewall’s banking books were published by The American Bankers Association, Lafferty Publications (London/Dublin), and Warren Gorham & LaMont (NY).  Two of her banking books are maintained in the Oxford and Cambridge University libraries in Great Britain.  She wrote seven books about private banking and she tracked the profits at forty banks over a five-year period, publishing the results of that research.

She also dedicated herself to a twenty year research project to determine the psychographic differences between the “active” and “passive” investors which she later determined echoed the personality differences between political liberals and conservatives.  Barnewall coined several terms used by the financial community… starting with “upscale” and continuing to “YUMPIES” (young upwardly mobile professionals in economic stress) from which the word yuppie evolved.

Her bank clients, she liked to say, included the largest and the smallest financial institution in every region of America.  In a full page column in The Business Times in 1996, Barnewall warned of what she believed would be disastrous results from interstate branch banking laws in Colorado.  Her warnings were validated by the near financial collapse of American banks in 2007.  At this time she coined the term “banksters” and “too big to jail” when referencing Wall Street banks.

Barnewall was known in the international banking community and spoke at two National Banking Conferences in Toronto, Canada and Sydney, Australia.  She spoke in London (1988) and Zurich (1989) at International Private Banking Conferences and taught a three day course on private banking in Singapore in 1991.  Barnewall was the U.S. Consulting Editor for Private Banker International (London) from 1988-91.

Writer/Author Career

Besides the seven books she wrote about private banking, she also wrote one about dogs and the people they most like (Cosmic Canines, Ballantine Books 1998).

Her first work of fiction, When the Swan’s Neck Breaks (Xulon Press, 2008), returned her to the world of banking.  This novel was about what she considered harmful policies of the Federal Reserve Bank, whose policies she accurately projected would make it “appear the Fed is trying to nationalize the banking industry”. This book included many of Marilyn’s Colorado experiences, (i.e. being the wife of one of the 52 police officers arrested in the Denver Police scandal of 1961.)  While the book revisits the personal pain she suffered as a result of the Denver police scandal, the primary plot reflects her belief that since the early 1990s policies at America’s Central Bank (so named in the book) have been destructive to the people of America and caused consumers to suffer the penalties of sub-prime mortgage loan losses and the destruction of the nation’s community banks.  The phrase “swan’s neck” from the book references a snow swan which appears on the Grand Mesa near Grand Junction each year.  It is an agricultural community and it is said that planting does not occur until the “swan’s neck breaks” (i.e. the snow melts at its neck).  The book’s setting takes place on the West Slope of Colorado, where she resided after retirement.

Her second book in the Swan Series, Flight of the Black Swan, was published in December 2010.  Calling it “docu-fiction”, Barnewall detailed mortgage and other kinds of fraud she saw within the financial services industry.

In 2013, Marilyn’s next book, WANTA!  Black Swan, White Hat, was published first as Americans Wanta Be Free.  It presents the life story of Lee/Leo Emil Wanta who says that he was a Secret Agent reporting directly to President Ronald Reagan.  Wanta is known internationally as “The $27.5 trillion man.” He was a key figure in bringing down the Cold War … a long term political war that cost American taxpayers $6 trillion.  Marilyn spent two years conducting research and interviews to write this book, including intricate communication with Lee Wanta himself.

Marilyn’s last book was written in 2018, and it was based on twenty years of banking research applied to human tendencies in decision making, from money management to relationships and even politics.  APPS  (The Active Passive Personality Syndrome):  Why Liberals and Conservatives Believe and Behave the Way They Do, incorporated her vast research and experience into cultural and societal tendencies.  It endeavors to bridge the gap between liberals and conservatives and expound upon the cycles of leadership that have moved our country to key points of change.  Marilyn overviews the concepts she discovered here.

Barnewall wrote hundreds of columns for national and international banking journals and was quoted in Time, Forbes, Wall Street Journal and other national publications.  She gave speeches in America, Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, Switzerland and Singapore.  After retirement she wrote business and personal philosophy editorials for the print publications The Denver Post, Business Times of Western Colorado and the Grand Junction Free Press.

Prior to her banking career, Barnewall was a newspaper reporter for the Wyoming Eagle in Cheyenne, WY.  Barnewall also edited The National Peace Officers Magazine, and was Assistant to the Publisher at Bell Publications, Denver.  Her first news story, published in the Denver Postin 1952 when she was 16, was about the (then) Denver Bears.  It received a banner headline on the front page, via Frank Haraway. Barnewall was one of the first women to write sports for a newspaper under a female by-line (Wyoming Eagle 1957).

Sports Activist, Political Activist, Community Activist and other Roles

An inveterate sports fan in her youth, she started the first girls’ baseball league in Denver in 1952.  Until Barnewall took steps to change things, females in their home town were allowed to play softball only.  At age 15, Barnewall wrote a letter to Rocky Mountain News columnist Molly Mayfield requesting females interested in playing baseball to In contact her.  Hundreds of young women responded and Denver’s first female baseball league was born.

Always an activist, when the National Football League Players Union threatened a strike and delayed the 1982 football season, Barnewall started the National Football League Fans Union (NFLFU) and arbitrated with team owners on behalf of football fans all over America.

Barnewall also sat on numerous boards of directors at minority organizations and ran fund raising events for Denver’s Children’s Hospital, Muscular Dystrophy, and the Leukemia Society. She sang with the Air Force Academy Band when the Academy was housed at Lowry AFB (Denver), and was director of public relations at National Camera (Englewood, CO).

In the world of local politics, Marilyn will likely be best remembered for filing a complaint against former County Commissioner Kathy Hall for violation of election statutes and for subpoenaing Daily Sentinel Editor George Orbanek to testify at the hearing.

Marilyn’s life and influence will be sorely missed by countless people across the world.  She will be celebrated as friend, mentor, mother, sister, teacher, writer and a dozen other hats.  She left this world in peace, in the care of her savior Jesus Christ.  Marilyn’s Memorial Service will be officiated by her daughter-in-law, Michelle Barnewall, on March 13th at 3:00 p.m. at Martin Mortuary, 550 North Avenue, Grand Junction, CO.

© 2022 Ms. Smallback – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ms. Smallback: M.Smallback@cox.net


By Kathleen Marquardt

March 3, 2022

There’s sure been a lot of distractions the past couple of years. Yes, distractions that take the mind off other, especially more serious affairs, away from the things that we need to and must be working on. Things that are within our purview, like unelected bodies of regionalism. We can’t do hands-on work with a possible war in Ukraine or discover where Ghislaine Maxwell’s papers are, but we certainly can let our local politicians know what they are looking at and why we are set against it.

Here in Tennessee – along with Arkansas and Mississippi, a bill is up to be heard by the Tennessee House Commerce Committee, responsible for “legislation concerning commerce, insurance, and agriculture. The committee also has jurisdiction over legislation concerning banking and lending institutions; communications; regulation and licensing of occupations; protections of trade and commerce against unlawful restraints and monopolies; corporations; labor and industrial corporations; consumer affairs and consumer protection; and unemployment compensation.” That is a lot of control in many areas by one agency.

But, right now, we are looking at just one area. Of course, Regionalism isn’t listed on their curriculum vitae, but it is designed to put all these areas under unelected boards to control those and many more aspects of our lives. Do you know those on your Commerce Committee? Would you trust them to decide how, where, and if you live and do business?

This bill is: “For the purposes of improving the quality of life, promoting economic development, stimulating economic growth, minimizing unemployment, and promoting the general welfare for the benefit of the citizens of Arkansas, Mississippi, and Tennessee, these states do hereby agree and pledge to each other their faithful cooperation in the future planning and development of the RegionSmart Development District, holding in high trust for its people and the nation the natural advantages thereof. . ..”[i] Yep, it’s going to fix everything that’s gone bad lately. Seriously, folks, Regionalism[ii] is one of the dirtiest of the dirty words coming from government.

Senate Bill 1915 and House Bill 1989, sponsored by two Republicans, Senator Page Walley and Representative Kevin Waughan, would create a quasi-governmental and public entity (Public-Private Partnership)[iii] with the power of “eminent domain and condemnation of any and all rights of property,” in parts of Tennessee, Arkansas, and Mississippi.

This “RegionSmart Development District and Agency of the Greater Memphis Region “will operate virtually autonomously”. That means with no accountability to those who live under their control. You can’t vote them out, but they write it in soothing words to make you think that they’ve thought of that and are taking proper steps to assure you that you are in good hands. “The states recognize that by this Compact they are creating a quasi-governmental and public entity and it is the direction of all of the states that RegionSmart Development be conducted in a transparent and inclusive manner and thereby engender the support of the people and political jurisdictions it is to serve.” Unless you attend all the meetings, you won’t know what they are doing. And even if you did attend them, you have no way of stopping their actions; they are autonomous.

Now the crux of the problem, what they can do (I am not listing all of them, you can read the bill in endnote 1:

(5) Article IV. RegionSmart Development shall have the following powers:

(b) To contract with governmental entities and nongovernmental entities of every kind and nature, as well as individuals, to provide services to such entities and individuals and to have such entities and individuals provide services to RegionSmart Development;

What entities do you expect them to use? The usual suspects are those of Public-Private Partnerships, non-governmental organizations (NGO) connected with the U.N. – these are what they mean by “and nongovernmental entities of every kind and nature”. A very dangerous phrase.

(c) To apply for such grants and funding from governmental and nongovernmental sources to further the purposes of this Compact;

Think about this. They can take grants from World Wildlife Fund, Union of Concerned Scientists, George Soros, as well as Marxist organizations and governments. And we have learned that grants from Departments of Transportation, Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development have strings that cannot be untied. You take their money, you will be eased down the socialism road.

(e) To receive for its lawful activities any contributions or monies appropriated by municipalities, counties, state or other political subdivisions, or agencies, or by the government of the United States or any agency or officer thereof;

What about its unlawful ones?

(f) To receive for its lawful activities contributions of monies from nongovernmental entities or from individuals;

Think Soros, Gates, BlackRock, et al.

(h) To make plans for submission to the communities involved for coordination of streets, highways, parkways, parking areas, terminals, water supply and sewage and disposal works, recreational and conservation facilities and projects, land use pattern, and other matters in which joint or coordinated action of the communities within the areas will be generally beneficial;

That last word is key; beneficial to whom? Not to the people they serve who want their rights protected.

(w) To exercise the powers of eminent domain and condemnation over any and all rights or property, of any kind or character, necessary for the – 11 – 011587 purposes of RegionSmart Development, subject to the provisions of this Compact; provided, however, that: (i) Any decision by RegionSmart Development to exercise its authority under this paragraph shall be specifically approved by the Board of Commissioners with all members of the board in whose state the property is located voting in favor; and (ii) RegionSmart Development shall follow the procedure provided by law for the exercise of eminent domain in the state where such property is located and for the kind of property subject to such exercise;

We have learned from the Kelo case. The U.S. Supreme Court’s “ruling in the Kelo case declared that Americans own nothing. After declaring that all property is subject to the whim of a government official, it’s just a short trip to declaring that government can now confiscate anything we own; anything we create; anything we believe.”

(z) To be a planning organization with an interest in a specific or regionally significant multi-state freight corridor to promote the improved mobility of goods, including, without limitation, identifying projects along the corridor that benefit multiple states, assembling rights-of-way, and performing capital improvements;

This bill will force on us exactly what the Trans-Texas Corridor was set up to do. American Stewards of Liberty explain, “The Trans-Texas Corridor was the primary leg of what became known as the NAFTA Superhighway, a network of multi-modal transportation corridors that connected Mexican Seaports to Canada. The stated purpose of the corridor was to expedite international freight to and through America and Canada. Once the details of the bill were finally made public, Texans began to realize the TTC was a profit vehicle and not sound transportation planning. Included in the details was a non-compete clause, which made it prohibitive for any parallel road to be expanded that was within 10 miles of the toll corridor. Texans knew they had been sold out.”

There is so much more in this bill that screams Agenda 21.

Laura Baigertt, writer for the Tennessee Star gives us some more insight on it:

HB1989 was presented by its sponsor Vaughan to the Business & Utilities Subcommittee of the House Commerce Committee last week, during which he explained to his fellow committee members, “What this tri-state compact will allow us to do is to seek opportunity for funding for projects that affect a multi-state region.”

Getting to the crux of the matter which was related to accessing additional federal funding, Vaughan continued, “The federal government recognizes multi-state compacts particularly in the latest infrastructure bill and in that there were 38 separate pots of money or opportunity funds that an organization like this could secure.”

Vaughan did not say the project would have been eligible for federal funding if this interstate compact were in place, but mentioned the replacement bridge across the Mississippi River which closed a portion of I-40 for about three months during the middle of 2021.

Following Vaughan’s presentation of the bill no questions were asked about the constitutional limit of the General Assembly to delegate powers belonging to the legislative branch, about what happens if one of the two other states that are not as fiscally sound as Tennessee are unable to pay any accrued debt, and whether “the powers of eminent domain and condemnation over any and all property, of any kind of character” extend to historical properties.

Taking only about two minutes and 10 seconds between the presentation of the bill and the customary voice vote in House committees and subcommittees, HB1989 advanced to the full House Commerce Committee calendar for Tuesday, February 22.

The companion SB1915 was scheduled to be taken up by the Senate Government Operations Committee on February 16, but was deferred to March 2.

The fiscal impact of the legislation at the state and local level “cannot be reasonably determined,” due to multiple unknown variables, including “which entities will provide funding, the rate and timing of any fees charged, the amount of any funds to be disbursed, the amount of money to be borrowed, or the timing in which this may become effective,” according to the fiscal note.

If the measure receives approval of the majority of both the Tennessee House and Senate and is signed into law or allowed to go into effect after 10 days by Governor Bill Lee, the compact will go into effect upon passage of similar legislation by either Arkansas or Mississippi.

Now is the time for activists, freedom pods, and patriots to let our elected officials in Tennessee, Arkansas, and Mississippi understand we will not let them roll over us without consequences. They, unlike the members of this globalist project, are up for election. Their jobs are not secure. Let them understand that if they do not protect our property rights, we will vote them out of office. As Tom DeWeese put it so well, we awake and patriotic Americans are “dedicated to the ideals of limited government, free enterprise, and individual liberty. These are the pillars of freedom and in great need of protection in today’s dangerous political atmosphere”. We need to make these known to all our elected officials today.

© 2022 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kathleen Marquardt: koikpm@yahoo.com


[i] https://www.capitol.tn.gov/Bills/112/Bill/SB1915.pdf

[ii] https://americanpolicy.org/2016/12/15/incrementalism-regionalism-and-revolution/

[iii] https://americanpolicy.org/2021/11/05/cancel-culture-reinventing-government/

How Did Biden Give His State Of The Union With A Straight Face?

By Frosty Wooldridge

March 3, 2022

On Tuesday night, March 1, 2022, Joe Biden attempted to paint himself as a raging success as president of the United States.

The miracle is, how did he do it with a straight face?  How could he stand in front of all the members of Congress and a dwindling American audience of only 30 percent approval rating—and tell us what a wonderful job he’s done?

With a straight face, how did he tell the American people and justify that he invited, allowed, transported, fed and housed in excess of 2,000,000 illegal border crossers who have invaded our country—against our laws?  Biden broke many laws in the U.S. Constitution in 2021.  Did he expect to receive a standing ovation for such turpitude, dishonesty, and vulgarity against our country?

Did he expect to receive a chorus of cheers when he allowed endless Mexican drug cartels to transport of methamphetamines, fentanyl, heroin, ecstasy, and other drugs across our borders that killed 100,000 Americans with opioid deaths in 2021?

During Biden’s speech, Colorado House Member Boebert and Georgia House Member Greene shouted out to “build the wall”, and what about the “13 military members who died at Kabul Airport?”

How does a man stand before the American people with a straight face and tell them what a “bang up job” he did as to his deadly loss of 13 military members through sheer incompetence?  What about his leaving $93 billion worth of military hardware in the enemy’s hands?  How did he cover the fact that he illegally carried 124,000 Afghan refugees out of the country without vetting or investigating a single one of them as to terrorism?  How could he justify putting that many people onto the American taxpayer’s bill?

When you look across the American landscape, how in the name of common sense and integrity could Biden tell Americans that it’s okay that gas prices have doubled in the last 14 months since he took office?

How could Biden watch his policies create inflation that hits all Americans in the pocketbook as to heating oil,  gasoline, groceries and mercantile goods?  How did he stand up in front of 535 members of Congress and con them into thinking he was doing a great job?

How could Biden, with a straight face, tell us what a great job he’s done when his own son Hunter is a drug addict, sexual deviant, tax cheat and all-around waste of space?  How could a father, who got his son a $50,000.00 a month stipend, to sit on an illusionary “board of directors” for a Ukrainian oil company—think that is legal, moral or ethical?

How could Biden tell the American people that he’s doing a great job when a documented 580,000 homeless citizens live on the streets without food, jobs, shelter, drug care, medical care or a decent chance for a normal life?  Yet, Biden allowed 2,000,000 border jumpers into our country to siphon off all our welfare benefits?

How many major failures for Biden in the past 14 months?  He failed to “Build Back Better.”  Why? Because it wasn’t designed to build back anything. He failed to cancel student debt. Why? Because it was stupid beyond reason. Did he make Covid better?  Fact: more people died of Covid in 2021 than under Trump in 2020.  Why did he tell us he did a great job when inflation increased more in the past 14 months than in the past 40 years?

What about his insane if not beyond-stupid support of DNA male transgender boys pretending they are girls and given the ability to compete on the athletic field or pool?  It’s ruining NCAA athletics and ruining DNA girl’s lives.

Biden commanded his DOJ staff to call parents at school board meetings, “Domestic Terrorists.”  What a crock of horsesh*t!

His VAX MANDATE was/is purely unconstitutional. Period!

Biden’s gross incompetence could not handle the 100 ships churning around off Los Angeles, and wasting fuel, time and no transport of goods to stores.

Biden did nothing to solve or at least alleviate the Russia-Ukrainian War. He’s simply impotent.

Pretty much, Biden has overseen and/or created a crisis a month during his first 14 months in office.

And, the big question on everyone’s minds grows daily:  is he not suffering from accelerating dementia, also known as Alzheimer’s Disease? Is he capable of fulfilling the office of the presidency?  Does he comprehend what he’s doing? Can he remember what happened last week or even this morning?

Wouldn’t you agree that there should be age limits of 65 years of age in order to run for the presidency of the United States?  At the age of 79, wouldn’t you agree that Biden stands as a daily reminder that he shouldn’t have run or been elected to the White House?

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

“Viva Yo!”

by Lee Duigon

March 3, 2022

There’s a Spanish expression, “Viva yo!”, which means, literally, “Long live me!” But it means a little more than that. “I come first! I’m the king. The rest of you, out of the way!”

There’s a lot of “Viva yo” going around these days.

For instance, there’s a Guardian article about what to feed your pets, especially your dog or cat. “Owners worried about the climate cost [?] of traditional pet food are switching to crickets, mealworms, and black soldier fly larvae…”.

The Masters Of The World are always trying to get us to eat bugs, and occasionally threaten to take away our pets. Because ClimbitChainge. That doesn’t go down too well at all, so they’ve shifted gears: now they want our pets to eat bugs.

Cats will indeed eat insects when they get the chance, but a steady diet of crawlies would not be beneficial. But this is “Viva yo.” It’s not about the cats. It’s about you, parading your obnoxious virtue, your profound commitment to climate justice, blah-blah. It’s a loud prayer in the middle of the marketplace, meant for everybody else to see and hear. And admire. “Oh, wow, there’s somebody who’s really fighting climate breakdown! What a great lifestyle choice!”


Then there’s an actress that I never heard of, Motormouth Somebody, who, when Russian armies invaded Ukraine, hit the Twitter circuit with a poem she’d written to Vladimir Putin, the cold-blooded ex-KGB guy now calling the shots in the Kremlin. This “Viva yo” even nauseated a few liberals. It was all about “If I were your [Putin’s] mother…”

Somebody open a window! Boy howdy, this really is too much. Gooey, syrupy, suffocatingly awful—and on top of it all, this 34-year-old wench has never been a mother! Never had a child. But this is “Viva yo”—“If I were Mr. Putin’s mother, none of this bad stuff would be happening!” Can we have a chorus of “Tiptoe Through the Tulips”?

The war in Ukraine has really brought out the “Viva yo” crowd, big-time. John Kerry, the annoying stick-figure who almost became our president in 2004, now serves as Slojo Biden’s “climate czar” and whines and whinges about a shooting war in Europe “distracting” the public from the all-important, albeit imaginary, “threat” of ClimbitChainge. “Hey! Whatsamatta with you peasants? Look at me, look at me! My issue is the one that matters! Who cares about some stupid little war, when Topeka is going to be underwater by 2015 unless we DO SOMETHING???” Gigantic, impersonal natural processes of the sun and moon and planets have got to be controlled (!) by pygmies in the government. “And that’s a global government, you silly slobs!”

That’s a “Viva yo” on steroids.

Nevertheless, the microbe brain and towering ego of “The Views’s” Joy Behar has a “Viva yo” to match Kerry’s. She’s cheesed off because she wants to go to Italy for a vacation and is afraid that World War III will break out and scuttle her plans. Dammit! “Don’t these people know who I am? How dare they interfere with my vacation plans?”

It’s “Viva yo” all over the world, it seems. Honk if you think The Smartest People In The World are doing a bang-up job of running the show.

Can a civilization survive such an abundance of babbling, self-centered, abject stupidity?

God only know where we’ll be a hundred years from now.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, http://leeduigon.com/ . Click the link and drop in for a visit… before they lock us all up. My articles can also be found at www.chalcedon.edu/ .

© 2022 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon: leeduigon@verizon.net

Ukraine Burns But Resists

By Cliff Kincaid

March 2, 2022

The people of Ukraine are resisting the invasion. They are destroying Russian tanks and helicopters and capturing Russian invaders.

But the communist lunatic and former KGB spy Vladimir Putin, with thousands of nuclear weapons, is threatening to incinerate you, your family and your country.

Yes, this never would have happened with Trump in the White House. But he left the Oval Office, griping about rigged elections, and we are saddled with Joe Biden, our “war-time president.”

Threatening nuclear attacks after initiating his “special military operation,” Vladimir Putin said in his televised speech announcing war: “A couple of words for those who would be tempted to intervene. Russia will respond immediately and you will have consequences that you never have had before in your history.”

He is threatening to obliterate our troops, our friends and allies, and our nation.

Think about that.

Ukraine isn’t the only target.

I am sorry to report that what we predicted back in 2014 is coming to pass. Russia is “Back from the Dead,” in a “Return of the Evil Empire.” Putin has started a war in Europe for “the Fatherland.” He also calls it the “Motherland.”

The world has changed forever. This war will continue for years to come, perhaps in a fight to the finish with Russia AND China. Nuclear war is being threatened by Putin.

This may be Joe Biden’s ticket to re-election. He has no will to win, but the media can help him look presidential.

By contrast, Tucker Carlson makes conservatives look stupid. He said on Wednesday night that Russia had saved the world from the Nazis, without mentioning that the Hitler-Stalin Pact started World War II. No wonder he is admittedly under NSA surveillance. He is acting like a Russian sympathizer and should register as such, in the same way Russia Today TV registered as a foreign agent. No responsible conservative should have anything to do with him or his show.

He reminds me of Axis Sally and Tokyo Rose.

Equally significant, as the number one-rated cable news host, Carlson is setting up conservatives as traitors. His advocacy on behalf of Putin’s Russia provides the predicate for “conservatives” being labeled as foreign agents by the Biden regime. He is making conservatives look bad. This is the one way that Biden can try to re-establish himself as a great leader. Carlson is playing into his hands.

I repeat: conservatives should have nothing to do with him or his show. He is absolute poison.

Then it was the Hitler-Stalin Pact. Now it’s the Putin-Xi pact. Add Germany to the Putin-Xi axis. The Germans, once again, have made a World War possible.

We predicted this as well, in our 2015 book, The Sword of Revolution and the Communist Apocalypse, explaining the nature of Russian-Chinese collaboration. The so-called “Sino-Soviet split” was a Marxist deception.

To repeat, here’s how we got to this point: The Russian regime fooled the West — making itself seem like a new and modern and democratic state — in order to attract Western capital and underwrite subversion and aggression against the West. The Chinese communists conducted the same kind of pretense but kept the Communist Party officially in power, realizing they could get rich and maintain their communist identities, and that the West didn’t care.

If Carlson wanted to perform a public service, he would analyze how American corporate interests, think tanks, and politicians made the Russian Army’s aggression possible. That’s the subject of my article, Putin’s War Machine Was Made in Washington.

Armand Hammer is alive and well in D.C. Equally significant, Putin’s puppet has a spot on America’s most-watched cable channel.

♦ For updates and pictures, go here.

Meanwhile, this is a message from someone with family in Ukraine:

Ukraine is being bombed and Ukrainians, innocent civilians, are being slaughtered by Putin and the Russian army. My family and friends are in Ukraine, including my cousin and her one-year-old son. They are at risk of death, torture, rape, starvation, genocide, extinction.

The aim of genocide and persecution of Ukrainians by the murderous regime of [the] Soviet Union, and its successor, Putin’s Russia, is to exterminate Ukrainians and Ukraine.

Ukrainians are a peace loving nation who desire to live in freedom and democracy, with our families. We don’t want to live under Putin’s regime. For this, Ukrainians are being killed.

Putin and his followers believe that we don’t have a right to exist and should be killed, destroyed and exterminated. They spread videos on YouTube, shoring Ukrainians being killed and tortured, stating Ukrainians are a “lesser nation”, “defective Russians”.

If the world does nothing, millions of Ukrainians, innocent civilians, elderly, women and children, will cease to exist.

© 2022 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc. www.usasurvival.org

Double-Vaccinated 20-Year-Old Model Suffers Heart Attack And Both Legs Amputated

By Bradlee Dean

March 2, 2022

“How many innocent people need to suffer before they awaken to the reality of the horrors that are taking place today?”

The mainstream media, once again, proves the point when they attempt to cover for these big pharma, big government conspirators (Jeremiah 11:9).

[Rumble Video]

[Rumble Video]

Here is the next innocent victim that has fallen into their genocidal trap (Isaiah 59:3).

Health Impact News reported – Claire Bridges: Double-Vaccinated 20-Year-Old Model Develops Myocarditis, Suffers Heart Attack And Has Both Legs Amputated.

A previously healthy model from Florida has been in hospital fighting for her life after suffering a heart attack earlier this month (January 2022).

“Claire Bridges, 20-years-old, was admitted to Tampa General Hospital on January 16th with severe leg pain and was diagnosed with myocarditis, rhabdomyolysis, mild pneumonia, cyanotic and acidosis. A few hours after being admitted, her heart stopped.

Two weeks ago, Claire’s health rapidly deteriorated when her heart and other organs were impacted. She was quickly put in ICU on life support. Her father, Wayne, said about the ordeal:
“She has been through so much with this. The last two weeks have felt like two months.”

Wayne received a call from the ICU doctor saying CPR was being administrated because his daughter’s heart had stopped. Over the span of an hour and a half, the 20-year-old had to be revived two more times. Doctors and surgeons worked together to come up with the next course of action for her heart and other organs.

The next morning, she was placed on a Tandem Heart and additional life support. And only a few hours later, she was placed on continuous dialysis because of her failing kidneys.

While all of this was going on, pressure was building in her legs, not allowing blood to flow. Ultimately, it was decided the damage to her legs was too severe and irreversible — they needed to be amputated. Both her legs were surgically removed on Friday.

[Rumble Video]

© 2022 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Response to Sen. Rick Scott 11-Point Plan

By Lex Greene

March 1, 2022

As democratic socialists in power continue to burn the entire free world to the ground by way of the “COVID19 GREAT RESET,” and we enter yet another election year wherein Republicans hope to gain political power against the most unpopular federal administration since Jimmy Carter, Senator Rick Scott issues his “plan to save America.”

Due to the dire condition that the USA (and world) has been forced into over the past few years, I tend to want to support every effort by someone to turn the tide and “save America,” even when I don’t think the plan has a ghost of a chance.

So, on one hand, I tend to agree with the 11-points Senator Scott lays out. On the other hand, there is nothing new on the list, the same items have been discussed for decades and used as campaign talking points in every election cycle for many years. Unfortunately, none of them have ever been implemented, even when Republicans held complete control of all Federal branches of government.

In my opinion, here’s why they are still campaign season talking points, having been for years, without ever being implemented once the elections were over.

POINT 1 – EDUCATION: “Our kids will say the pledge of allegiance, salute the Flag, learn that America is a great country, and choose the school that best fits them.”

A great idea that has been around ever since Jimmy Carter federalized education over 40-years ago. It isn’t possible to correct public education without closing down the Federal Department of Education, eliminating all Public Sector Labor Unions and firing every Socialist currently teaching in the system. Rick Scott can’t do any of this, and isn’t even planning to…

POINT 2 – COLOR BLIND EQUALITY: “Government will never again ask American citizens to disclose their race, ethnicity, or skin color on any government form.”

As we speak, O’Biden has nominated a poorly qualified Supreme Court judge strictly on the basis of her skin color and gender. More than 90% of all qualified candidates were eliminated from the opportunity, simply because of their skin color and gender. This is a glaring example of why our country will never be color blind, and who is responsible for that. The political power that comes from the continuation of race-baiting is just too profitable for democratic socialists. It won’t change until the people stop being conned on this basis.

POINT 3 – SAFETY AND CRIME: “The soft-on-crime days of coddling criminal behavior will end. We will re-fund and respect the police because they, not the criminals, are the good guys.”

Again, right now democratic socialists in control are responsible for all of the violent crime in the USA. They are responsible for the outright invasion of our country at our borders, backing the BLM and ANTIFA riots, driving divisive wedges between citizens on every possible issue, putting violent criminals back on the streets, targeting law enforcement, defunding law enforcement, advancing Middle Eastern refugee resettlement in the USA, and allowing all National Security, Law Enforcement and even the US Military to be taken over by global reset elites. Unless Scott is going to get rid of all democratic socialists in government, he can’t achieve this stated goal either.

POINT 4 – IMMIGRATION: “We will secure our border, finish building the wall, and name it after President Donald Trump.”

For more than 200-years, the USA didn’t need a wall on our borders to defend the USA from foreign invasion, and we still don’t. The only reason we are experiencing massive foreign invasion in the USA right now is the people in power, both democratic socialists and spineless republicans want to alter the voting demographics of the USA and create chaos in the streets to move America towards membership in the WEF global Marxist commune. Scott will not be able to keep this promise either, by simply stating the goal. While O’Biden is sending billions of taxpayer resources to allegedly protect the border of his corruption partners in Ukraine, our borders remain wide open and under massive foreign invasion.

POINT 5 – GROWTH/ECONOMY: “We will grow America’s economy, starve Washington’s economy, and stop Socialism.”

Grand idea, but not only has our economy been entirely wrecked by COVID19: GREAT RESET mandates for over two years, totally contrary to all known medical science, our economic system is being rapidly destroyed too, by the same people and means. Socialism was seeded in the USA more than a hundred years ago during the Wilson administration. In order to “STOP SOCIALISM” in the USA today, we have to eliminate the WEF, Klaus Schwab, the UN, today’s Socialist Democrat Party, George Soros and all of his Open Society Orgs, BLM, ANTIFA, along with every embedded WEF Young Global Leader currently seated in positions of political and economic power in the USA. We’d have to arrest all of these people, charge them with treason against the USA and seize all of their assets. We’d also have to cut off ALL federal aid to illegal invaders and deport all of them. Is Rick Scott going to do this? If he isn’t, he can’t keep this promise either.

POINT 6 – GOVERNMENT REFORM AND DEBT: “We will eliminate all federal programs that can be done locally, and enact term limits for federal bureaucrats and Congress.”

First, “term limits” will require a “constitutional amendment.” There has NEVER been a worse time in history to open up our Constitution to amendments, which will be constitutionally controlled by the same people you are trying to “term out” of office. As of today, almost 70% of the total annual federal budget is used for “social spending,” aka “socialism.” Does anyone believe that Rick Scott intends to eliminate 70% of total Federal spending to accomplish this lofty goal? Even if he did, how would he ever have the power to do it? How would anyone have that power? Further, not only do we not have a balanced budget since the 1990s, thanks to Newt Gingrich and his Contract with America, we don’t even have a budget and haven’t for years now. The government has been operating on a so-called “continuing resolutions” for years.

POINT 7 – FAIR FRAUD-FREE ELECTIONS: “We will protect the integrity of American Democracy and stop left-wing efforts to rig elections.”

Clearly, everyone including Senator Rick Scott knows that the 2020 elections were rotten to the core with massive left-wing fraud. This item wouldn’t make the list…if that were not the case. But unless someone is going to expose, charge and convict that fraud, the future of all elections is more fraud. Unless Rick Scott has a plan for overturning the 2020 fraud, fraud is our future. Senator Scott is currently in a position to initiate this highly fatal wrong committed by Socialist Democrats with the help of their global reset partners.But he has done nothing at all to right this wrong. Maybe he’ll do it if you just re-elect him a few more times…

POINT 8 – FAMILY:“We will protect, defend, and promote the American Family at all costs.”

No can do…unless you end the murder of infants in the womb and return the USA to a fundamental respect for human life. You would also have to end the socialist charade over multi-genderism. Every human being is born either male or female, including those born with physical deformities. No matter how one chooses to dress, their sexual desires, or how they mutilate the body God gave them via modern science, they were at birth and will always be, male or female. There are no other genders…

POINT 9 – GENDER, LIFE, SCIENCE: “Men are men, women are women, and unborn babies are babies. We believe in science.”

Unfortunately, mass propaganda on this subject seems to have convinced many Americans that there are literally dozens of human genders and that a human baby in the womb is just a cancer to be discarded. Scott’s right, the science is quite clear on this matter. But it isn’t science these folks are following, it’s sexual desires and a search for happiness somewhere beyond who they are at birth. Ask the Roman’s how this turns out in the end. Again, Senator Scott is right in his intent, but how could he ever do it? This ship may have already sailed.

POINT 10 – RELIGIOUS LIBERTY & BIG TECH: “Americans will be free to welcome God into all aspects of our lives, and we will stop all government efforts to deny our religious freedom and freedom of speech.”

Sadly, only about 10% of Americans know that the phrase “Separation of Church and State” does not exist in any of our Charters of Freedom, our founding documents. The rest were taught Federal Education Department lies, by leftist labor union teachers, that this is a “constitutional law.” The exact opposite is true, but as is often the case, perceptions can trump reality, and in the end, become reality. It’s called “winning the hearts and minds of the people” through mass propaganda, which becomes “mass formation” in psych terms. The same freedom once used to create the greatest free nation ever known to mankind, is now used to destroy that nation. Freedom is only suited for a moral society and the USA hasn’t been a moral society for decades.Our country wouldn’t be in hell today…and Trump would still be President if it were.

POINT 11 – AMERICA FIRST: “We are Americans, not globalists.”

Senator Scott may hold this position personally, but it is a position which is in direct opposition to a vast majority of political figures in the USA today, both sides of the political aisle. President Donald J. Trump firmly held this same belief and he worked around the clock for four years to act on his belief and commitment to America First. That’s exactly why the global reset powers had to remove him from the Oval Office, no matter how much fraud was needed in the 2020 elections to do it. Once again, a proper goal, with no means of execution.


I support all 11-points issued by Senator Rick Scott. The eleven agenda items are worthy of broad support from every decent freedom-loving American Citizen. But sadly, Senator Scott is far from the first politician to issue these agenda items over many years and even when Republicans controlled all three branches of the Federal government and most governorships, they failed to execute on any of these items for decades now. In fact, although millions of American citizens would agree with these agenda items, very few would ever lift a finger or spend a penny to carry these agenda items across the finish line. Most can’t even pay attention long enough to start the process, much less finish.

I applaud Senator Scott for at least publicly stating these eleven high-priority foundational items that the USA must indeed do…if Americans care to save their country at this point.

But there is only one group who holds the power to achieve any of these moral goals, and that is the American people themselves. No politician can do it, not even Donald Trump. Most politicians today don’t even want to…and even if Senator Scott set out to, he would meet with the same total destruction that removed from office, the most popular President since Reagan…

So, unless millions of Americans are prepared to do what our Founders did in order to make these agenda items a reality in the USA, we will remain on course for final destruction of everything the USA has ever been or was ever intended to be.

At this late stage of collapse, only the Citizens of this country can save this country and despite the handful we see making attempts lately, the vast majority of Citizens remain too focused elsewhere, to even read this piece.

Although the people could still make our future bright again, they appear to be in no rush to do it. So long as citizens wait for someone else to do it, there’s no one else to do it. Before a free nation can be raped and plundered, it is necessary to first Rape the Mind, aka, “win their hearts and minds.” Before we can free our nation, we must first FREE THE MIND!

We have NEVER had a choice between perfect vs. not perfect at election time. Everyone is less than perfect, including every voter. If you want perfection before getting in this fight, you will never enter this fight. Perfect doesn’t exist here on earth.

Last, I am often asked to explain the difference between Republican Party and Democrat Party, as many think there isn’t any now. My answer is always the same…

One isn’t worth a crap at this moment — and the other is far worse! But if you’re not fighting with one of them, you’re not even in the game!

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lex Greene: NWVLexGreene@gmail.com

America’s Descent Into Darkness

By Kelleigh Nelson

March 1, 2022

A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.  —John F. Kennedy

It is imperative that worldwide administration of the mRNA vaccinations be stopped immediately until further studies are conducted to determine the extent of the potential pathological consequences outlined in this paper.  —Dr. Peter McCullough

Fear kills more people than death.  —George S. Patton

Pay insufficient attention to the frightening scenario of a comprehensive cyber-attack, which would bring a complete halt to the power supply, transportation, hospital services, and our society as a whole. The COVID-19 crisis would be seen in this respect as a small disturbance in comparison to a major cyber-attack.  —World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab

Have the last two years brought it home to Americans just what has happened to our once glorious nation?

One need only open the 38-page document co-authored by Dr. Peter McCullough, entitled, Innate Immune Suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccinations: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes and micro RNAs.Three physicians and one scientist explained the dangers inherent in the COVID-19 jab and what it does to our immune system.  Others including Drs. Sucharit Bhakdi, Vladimir Zelenko and Michael Yeadon, state that Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) results after taking these injections.  After the jabs, your body loses the natural ability to fight off foreign invaders.

Rhodes Scholars, Skull and Bones Society, Council on Foreign Relations, the18 members of the intelligence community, Big Pharma, the HHS ,NIH, CDC, FDA, AMA, the unelected public health officials in each county, the New World Order, the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset and ultimately United Nations Agenda 21/30…all of these consortia are controlled by those who hate America, her people,and her hard fought liberty and freedom.

The countless deaths and adverse effects are most likely the tip of the iceberg of what these evil entities have planned for us, and for the entire world.

Smart Health Cards

Up next…are digital health cards for a virus with a 99.8% recovery.  The goal is total control despite Pravda’s porn fear that it’s, “for your protection.”  Remember, “we’re all in this together.”  Yeah, like hell we are.  Nursing home residents were exterminated for lack of proper care and their families weren’t even allowed to be with them when they were dying.

Our Pravda media is thrilled with the benefits of a new digital health card. A National Vaccine Pass Has Rolled Out Unnoticed Across America – Even in Some Red States.

From Forbes:

While the United States government has not issued a federal digital vaccine pass, a national standard has nevertheless emerged. To date, 21 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico offer accessibility to the SMART Health Card, a verifiable digital proof of vaccination developed through the Vaccination Credential Initiative (VCI), a global coalition of public and private stakeholders including Microsoft, Salesforce, Oracle, the Mayo Clinic and other health and tech heavyweights

And very soon, at least four more states will be rolling out access to SMART Health Cards. “We’ve seen a notable uptick in states that have officially launched public portals where individuals can get verifiable vaccination credentials in the form of SMART Health Cards with a QR code,” says Dr. Brian Anderson, co-founder of the VCI and chief digital health physician at MITRE

Notice that IBM links with Salesforce to offer digital COVID-19 vaccine passports just as they did when IBM Hollerith machines significantly advanced Nazi efforts to exterminate Jewry during WWII.  (IBM and the Holocaust by Edwin Black)

Isn’t that just lovely…everything about your medical history can be on a smart health card for anyone to access every time you visit a healthcare provider or travel. Your papers please!

Thanks, but no thanks.

How long will it be before these cards are obsolete because people have lost them or they’ve been stolen and the government decides a miniature capsule with all your information should be injected in your hand or forehead…. including information used to buy or sell.  Without it, you starve.

And how many times did you have the thermometer aimed at your forehead to read your temperature? Refuse it! Make them use the inside of the wrist which is a more effective reading anyway.

Mask Nazis

How easily our fellow Americans caved to fear, women being the most cataclysmic in failing to understand the mass delusional psychosis.  I heartily suggest everyone purchase and read the 101-page book by Dr. Mark McDonald entitled, United States of Fear: How America Fell Victim to a Mass Delusional Psychosis.  Dr. McDonald is a psychiatrist who treats both children and adults.  He recently wrote a letter to his client’s banning child masking in his office.  Some mothers rebelled.

Throughout the last two years, I have never worn a mask to go anywhere.  If I was refused entrance, I walked away.  When I had to make a doctor’s visit, I would sit in my van until they called for me, don the mask, walk through the lobby and remove the mask once I was in the room.  Only one physician told me to put it back on and I will not see him again.

When I read the chapter in Dr. McDonald’s book about women being so frightened of the virus, and fearful of people who were not covering their faces, it really resonated with me.  Of the five encounters of people angry that I hadn’t covered my face, four of them were women!

My husband and I were in a paint store in a separate room from the main lobby and a woman actually stopped and glared at us because we didn’t have our faces covered. I didn’t realize at first why she was doing so and just smiled at her…I wasn’t used to such overt hostility.

In a favorite high-end grocery, I had a woman scream at me that I was infecting everyone in the store by not covering my face.  I asked her why she was worried about me since she was wearing a mask, but she told me in high octave that I was an inconsiderate human being who didn’t care if other people died.  Oy vey!  I told her to go tell that to the great big tall black man who also had his face open to others.  Bet she didn’t.

Another time in that same store, a woman in front of me in line turned around and said, “They just made an announcement that you have to have a mask on.”  I told her they’d still take my money whether or not my face was covered.  She wasn’t very pleased.

My thrice vaxxed neighbor across the street told me that I needed to wear a mask if I was going out, and said, “Don’t forget, put it on now.”  Yeah right, I’m alone in my car and I’m going to put a mask on my face.  I told her I had natural immunity and didn’t need a mask.  She hasn’t spoken to me since.

As for the chubby middle-aged fellow, I was in another grocery when he screamed across the dairy section that I was murdering my fellow citizens and how could I be so cruel and inconsiderate.  He went so far as to follow me around the store yelling invectives at me.  Finally, I called him a male donkey, and one of the managers heard me, started laughing and had to duck into the back room.  A few days later, the manager saw me and apologized for the rude gentleman.

This used to be unusual behavior for our citizens. Courtesy and kindness were the rule, but now people have become overtly critical of those who are not obeying the dictates and are coloring outside the lines.

Maxine Waters extolled the virtues of getting in the faces of anyone who was a Trump supporter and screaming at them even in public places.  Her hatred for our 45th President was spread far and wide and it created a class of vulgar and ill-mannered individuals.  I’ve had a neighbor my same age utter the most vile things to me because we had Trump signs in our yard.

The factor for all of this is fear, fear of something that the media has propagandized as threatening and evil.  As for the virus, it is less dangerous than seasonal flu!  Every time I am in stores, I’m astonished at the number of lemmings who’ve fallen prey to the lies and have covered their faces with cloths that do absolutely nothing to protect them.

In these same food marts, I’ve spoken to others without masks and many of us think alike.  We are embarrassed that our fellow Americans are so easily led by propaganda that is totally unscientific.  I am tempted to print multiple copies of the 45 years of mask studies proving they are worthless and keep copies in my purse for interactions with others.  Added to those studies is the latest one by Stanford and their conclusion is exactly the same, masks are worthless AND, they are dangerous to your health and well being.  Even some of the leftist media are now reporting masks are worthless and absolutely dangerous on children, after the damage to America’s children has been done.

Our fellow Americans have been lied to about actual science, and they’ve done no research on their own…they’ve bought the propaganda.

Just Facts states the following:  In a terse essay titled “Science and Dictatorship,” Albert Einstein warned that “Science can flourish only in an atmosphere of free speech.” And on his deathbed, Einstein cautioned, “Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted in important affairs.”

With reckless disregard for both of those principles, powerful government officials and big tech executives have corrupted or suppressed the central scientific facts about face masks. The impacts of this extend far beyond the issue of masks and have caused widespread harm and countless deaths.

Female Fear

Dr. McDonald’s book has a chapter on women and fear and another on how newly feminized men have failed their women.  This conundrum is a result of the feminist movement.  He explains how so many mothers of children in his practice have stated what mainstream media has daily regurgitated, and they believe the propaganda of fear.  McDonald states the following:

It is a fair conclusion to state that, essentially, feminist indoctrination has wrecked the bond between men and women, consigning men to a state of perpetual confusion and impotence.  As feminism exults in its triumph over men, both sexes lose.  Authors Suzanne Venker and Phyllis Schlafly describe in The Flipside of Feminism exactly how women have become less happy as they have gained more freedom, more education, and more power.  In this view, feminism at its core is actually an anti-female movement founded on grievance ideology that fuels resentment against men while simultaneously exhorting women to discard their femininity in place of more masculine traits such as aggression, competitiveness, and dominance.

In another part of this chapter Dr. McDonald explains how feminists have created an irrational fear of men and refer to attributes of strong men as “toxic masculinity.”  Statistics claim that one out of four young women have been raped in college.  If this was actually true, why would any parent send their female daughters to universities?!

Feminism seeks to destroy the family as God created it to be and each successive wave has sought to “rewrite the social contract.”  Young women have been taught the virtues of competing with men rather than partnering with them as a single unit, side by side.  As Dr. McDonald states, “Instead of encouraging women to marry and supporting their natural inclination to raise children, feminists have derided marriage, lauded singledom and single motherhood, and fought for abortion on demand.  Where has this taken us?”

I want a man who will protect me, care for me, and open jars for me since I truly am the weaker sex.  The feminists have a negative view of the magnificent male species and as such, have created men without chests.  Today’s males are afraid to be what God created them to be.

In 1944, C.S. Lewis copyrighted, The Abolition of Man.  The pervasive philosophy that was intermingling within the educational systems in those days is just as relevant for today, and now it is right in our faces.

C.S. Lewis looked logically at what happens when faith and tradition are removed from society.  “Men Without Chests” is the curious title of the first chapter of C.S. Lewis’ short booklet.  He explains that the “The Chest” is one of the “indispensable liaison officers between cerebral man and visceral man. It may even be said that it is by this middle element that man is man: for by his intellect, he is mere spirit and by his appetite mere animal.” Without “Chests” we are unable to have confidence that we can grasp objective reality and objective truth.

The result of such chest-less education, as Lewis warns, is a dystopian and totalitarian future. It is also a feminist created society where women have become far more fearful.

One Hope

Most of our friends can no longer find a place of worship where the pastor/rabbi tells the full truth to their parishioners.  True believers often remain at home rather than attending services.  It wasn’t this way in the founding era of America.

“If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land: But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword; for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.” Isaiah I:19-20.

This passage from Isaiah was the text of the sermon given December 14, 1786 as a day of Publick (sic) Thanksgiving by Joseph Lathrop to the Congregational Church in West Springfield, Massachusetts.  Pastor Lathrop opens with the following:

What was spoken by the prophets to the ancient people of God, is written for our use, that we, through the warnings of scripture, might be moved with fear; and through the comforts of scripture, might have hope. 

Our relation to God, as a people redeemed by his hand and preserved by his care, as a people enjoying his oracles and professing obedience to his laws, is so similar to theirs, that we may justly apply to ourselves what was here spoken to them.  I shall therefore consider my text in accommodation to our own case: and shall observe,

  1. That the land, in which we are placed, is a good land: and,
  2. That our enjoyment of the good of the land depends on our obedience to God.

After his opening remarks, he speaks of the recent War for Independence.

If we should ever be so unhappy as to fall under a succession of wicked rulers, we must censure our ill choice. We have still wise and good men among us. If the time should come, when there is not a man to be found, who will execute judgment, and seek the truth, how will God pardon us for this! Nothing, but immediate reformation, can prevent the fatal consequences of such woful (sic) depravity. These follow by a divine establishment, and it is not in the power of human government to guard against them.

Perhaps it will be asked, “Is there no case in which a people may resist government?” Yes, there is one such case; and that is, when rulers usurp a power oppressive to the people, and continue to support it by military force in contempt of every respectful remonstrance. In this case the body of the people have a natural right to unite their strength for the restoration of their own constitutional government.

The full text of this amazing sermon by Pastor Lathrop is available here. His doctrine may be different than yours, but his words ring true to scripture and the times albeit 236 years later.  May it lift your hearts and minds to draw closer to our Creator and to the wonderful delights of knowing Him.  It is a text which extols the virtues of freedom and liberty in this great land, after our success in the Revolutionary War for Independence.


There is but one hope and that hope lies in our nation turning back to God.

Psalm 56:4 In God I will praise his word, in God I have put my trust; I will not fear what flesh can do unto me.

© 2022 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Republican Form of Government

By Paul Engel

February 28, 2022

  • Is American a democracy or a republic?
  • What is the difference between a democracy and a republic?
  • What responsibility does the federal government have to protect our republican form of government?

We keep hearing about threats to America’s democracy. Occasionally, I’ll even hear someone point out that the United States is not a democracy, but a republic. How many Americans know the difference? And just what are the responsibilities of the federal government to protect that republican form of government?

Republic vs Democracy

If you’ve followed The Constitution Study for any length of time, you know that I’m a stickler for definitions. So the first thing we need to do is define some terms.

Government by the people; a form of government, in which the supreme power is lodged in the hands of the people collectively, or in which the people exercise the powers of legislation. Such was the government of Athens.

DEMOCRACY: Websters 1828 Dictionary

  1. A commonwealth; a state in which the exercise of the sovereign power is lodged in representatives elected by the people. In modern usage, it differs from a democracy or democratic state, in which the people exercise the powers of sovereignty in person. Yet the democracies of Greece are often called republics.

REPUBLIC: Websters 1828 Dictionary

The main difference between a democracy and a republic is the election of representation. I’ve met several people who believe this is a difference without a distinction, but it is an important difference. As some of our Founding Fathers put it:

We are now forming a republican government. Real liberty is neither found in despotism or the extremes of democracy, but in moderate governments —

Alexander Hamilton – Federal Convention, June 26, 1787

Democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where 51% of the people may take away the rights of the other 49%.

Thomas Jefferson

Democracy… while it lasts is more bloody than either aristocracy or monarchy. Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There is never a democracy that did not commit suicide.

John Adams

and my personal favorite…

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!

Benjamin Franklin

History has shown that democracies are not the peace, love, and kumbaya environments we’ve been led to believe. All that’s necessary to see the distinction between a democracy and the republic we have here, is to look at the differences between the American and French Revolutions. Sure, we’ve had turmoil in the United States, but we still live under the same Constitution and government that we created in 1787. Compare that with the turmoil in France, with the Reign of Terror which led to the collapse of the “republic” and the introduction of an empire under Napoleon.

The fundamental concept behind a democracy is majority rule. Don’t get me wrong, allowing the majority to decide a course of action is generally a good thing, but there are three major problems running a country that way. First, how do you get 330 million people to vote on legislation, much less take the time and effort necessary to consider the long-term impact? Simply take a look at the ballot proposition amendment processes in California and Florida and you can see what I’m talking about. Somebody gets enough signatures to put something on the ballot, the special interest groups promote or disparage it, and then most of the voters make an emotional decision without reading the amendment, much less considering it in depth. Which leads us to the second major issue.

It’s rarely a majority that actually makes the decision, but a vocal and influential minority that steers the majority in their preferred direction. Look at the social changes over last few years. According to Statista, homosexuals, bi-sexuals, and transgenders, represent only 5.6% of the population, but look at the demands they make over the rest of us. Or consider the influence political parties have used to direct their members’ decisions on numerous topics. Now, with the media, social media, and politicians working hard to restrict your ability to see anything other than the approved narrative, an even smaller group of people are directing the will of the majority.

Lastly, in a democracy, if someone or some group can convince a majority of the people to infringe on your rights, then it becomes law. In a democracy, your right to freedom of religion, speech, and press only exists at the sufferance of the majority. Your right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures, to a trial by an impartial jury, or even to petition the government for a redress of grievance can be taken away by the simple majority vote.

While a republic deals with the voting issue, it does nothing to fix the influence of a minority over the crowd or the protection of rights. Your legislators are just as influenced by vocal minorities as the people are, and in a simple republic a majority vote of the legislature could take away your rights. Which is why America is not merely a Republic, we are a Constitutional Republic.

  1. The established form of government in a state, kingdom or country; a system of fundamental rules, principles and ordinances for the government of a state or nation. In free states, the constitution is paramount to the statutes or laws enacted by the legislature, limiting and controlling its power; and in the United States, the legislature is created, and its powers designated, by the constitution

CONSTITUTION: Websters 1828 Dictionary

By establishing the Constitution not just by custom but by law, being the supreme law of the land means there is a check upon government’s ability to infringe on your rights. Now, neither legislatures or the people can take away your rights by simple vote; only the actions of three-fourths of the states can change the Constitution. As with any other law, it is merely ink on paper, or in this case, ink on parchment. The Constitution itself can do nothing to protect your rights; it is up to We the People to use it to do so. If the American people do not uphold the Constitution, then we will lose the republic.

Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster, and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution, because if the American Constitution should fail, there will be anarchy throughout the world.

Daniel Webster

Duties of the United States

So if the United States is a republic, what about the states themselves? What form of governments do states have, and what role does the federal government have over them?

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence. 

U.S. Constitution, Article IV, Section 4

Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution tasks the United States with thee objectives regarding the states: Insuring they have a republican form of government, protecting them from invasion, and when called upon, to protect them against domestic violence. Let’s look at each of these individually.

Republican Form of Government

Simply put, the United States is to guarantee that each state has a republican form of government. What does that mean? The government of each state was created by its own constitution. In those constitutions, the three branches of each state government are defined, procedures established, and limits imposed. Many, but not all states, have in their constitutions a statement that all power is inherent in the people. This is the sovereign power Noah Webster mentioned in his definition of a republic. Each state constitution establishes a process for electing representatives in the legislature and for electing the state’s chief executive (the governor). Again many, but I don’t believe all states, also elect those who serve in the judicial branch. Congress, when admitting new states to the union under Article VI, Section 3, must insure that they have a republican form of government. Beyond that, what is the role of the United States in the governing of the states?

Some have claimed that the United States has the power to oversee elections in the states under their guarantee of a republican form of government. Others claim the United States has the power to oversee how a state’s apportioned representation is allocated in an effort to guarantee not only a republican form of government, but one that is considered fair by the feds. But does guaranteeing a form of government include regulating the processes of that government or is this just another usurpation of state power by those in Washington, D.C.?

Protecting Against Invasion

The recent influx of illegal aliens, with the tacit approval of the current administration, have led some to declare this an invasion. But does the rhetoric match up with the definition?

INVASION, noun s as z. [Latin invasio, from invado. See Invade.]

  1. A hostile entrance into the possessions of another; particularly, the entrance of a hostile army into a country for the purpose of conquest or plunder, or the attack of a military force.

INVASION: Websters 1828 Dictionary

INVASION. The entry of a country by a public enemy, making war. 

INVASION: The Free Legal Dictionary

So does the illegal entrance into this country constitute an invasion? Does it matter how many are illegally entering the country? According to both Noah Webster and The Free Legal Dictionary, the answer is no. There is no hostile army entering our country, neither is there an attack by a military force. What we have is the natural consequence of the states handing over their power to regulate immigration to another, specifically the United States.

I’m sure many of you are complaining that immigration is a federal issue, but not according to the Constitution. Search all you want, you will not find the power to regulate immigration in the Constitution of the United States. Instead what you will find is Article I, Section 8, Clause 4

To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;

Article I, Section 8, Clause 4

Congress has the power to create uniform rules for becoming a citizen, not for immigration from a foreign country. According to the Tenth Amendment, any powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states. Therefore, the power to regulate immigration is a state power. By asking Washington, D.C. to do what they should do for themselves, these border states have left themselves vulnerable to the whims of Washington, D.C. politics.

Protecting Against Domestic Violence

Does the United States have the authority to deal with domestic violence in the states? Only when the legislature of a state, or its executive when the legislature is not in session, requests it. That is why President Trump did not send in federal forces to quell the violence that shook so many of our major cities in the summer of 2020; the states didn’t ask for it. Yes, President Trump sent in federal agents, but only to protect federal property. This was to fulfill his duty to execute the laws of the United States. Without a request to quell domestic violence from the states, the President had no legal authority to get involved.


After the Constitutional Convention, when asked what type of government they had given us, Benjamin Franklin stated, “A Republic, if you can keep it.” The American people should take that admonition very seriously, because today we are losing the republic. How can we expect the United States to guarantee a republican form of government to the states, when so many in the states don’t realize we are a republic? More and more people either do not know or do not care that we are a republic not a democracy. They are promoting the idea that everything must be democratic and that anything which they can get a majority to acquiesce with must be done. It is unfortunate that some go so far as to claim that the American people are required to acquiesce to whatever the current political dogma demands, whether it contradicts the Constitution or not.

Those who have handed over their responsibility to the federal government are no better. Whether individuals, localities, or states, they further degrade the republic by violating the consent of the governed codified in the Constitution, weakening the sovereignty of the people in favor of political expediency.

The Constitution for the United States of America is the oldest national constitution in the world, and second only to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in age. Two hundred and thirty four years is a good run, but that is no guarantee that it will continue. If we wish to uphold the Constitution and the Republic for which it stands, then it’s up to We the People to work to keep it. Otherwise, our future may look more like Napoleonic France, or worse, the Reign of Terror that proceeded it.

© 2022 Paul Engel – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Paul Engel: paul@constitutionstudy.com

Think You Really Know An Incumbent or Challenger?

By: Devvy

February 28, 2022

The upcoming mid-term primaries are without exaggeration the most important since the founding of this constitutional republic.  As I wrote last month:  Reelect the same incumbents and America will be completely dead by 2024.  If you keep doing the same thing that doesn’t work over and over and over, how can you expect anything to change?

Demonic governors like sexual deviant Kate Brown (Oregon) should not only be defeated in their primary but run out of politics in their state just like ANY governor who bought into the COVID production.  If you’ve never watched the movie, Wag the Dog starring Dustin Hoffman, believe me, it’s well worth your time.  The story is about a “spin doctor” (In politics that’s whores who work in media who get paid to lie while smiling.) and a well- known producer who decide to concoct a ‘ghost’ war over in Albania based on fake news as a distraction over a breaking sex scandal involving the US president. It’s free on line (full screen) and most streaming networks.

Normally it takes at least six months to as long as a year to film, edit, do re-writes and all that before a movie is released; indies are a bit different and welcome category.  Wag the Dog was a wrap in 90 days and released one month before America found out Bill Slut Clinton was wagging his little whistle into the mouth of a young and very naïve intern named Monica Lewinsky.

I don’t bring up that movie to make light of all the deaths from the weaponized flu known as COVID-19, but because the American people need to understand how they’ve been played for fools, again, using fear and optics to sell their lie.  It breaks my heart every time I think back to all the media coverage filled with nothing but lies while families grieved who couldn’t even be with their loved one at the end.

Flashback that we have to keep shoving into the face of our elected officials at the local level.  I’m going to address this soon in a column. The swine flu epidemic that was not as CDC advertised (PODCAST) by a real pro, Sharyl Attisson, February 19, 2020

“When the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) was publicizing a supposed swine epidemic in 2009, I got a tip from two government health insiders.It led me to ask CDC for the actual lab test results for American patients believed to have contracted swine flu.

“CDC declined to provide the information on a timely basis, even though it was at their fingertips and belongs to the public.  So I went to each of the 50 states, which had provided the lab test results to CDC, and obtained the information that way. The results were shocking. Almost none of the “swine flu” patients had swine flu.

Got that? The Center for Disease Creation LIED big time to the American people and got away with it because the corporate controlled media whores censored the truth from you. Their nightly “news” mouth pieces lied right to your face.  They promoted a health hoax in an attempt to scare people into such fear they’d believe anything to “stay safe”.

Trump was crushing all the GOP candidates for the approaching presidential election.  Those who really run and control DC could not allow an outsider like Trump to come in and ruin their plans.  So, the DNC committed the most grotesque breach of public trust by selecting an old man already experiencing dementia; a dimwit totally incapable of being president being used by his wife and handlers.  Someone they could control.  Timing in life is everything and out of the blue along comes this COVID-19 and by March 2020, the big production was underway and so were final plans being put in place to rig the outcome of the election.

Are there ANY members of the U.S. Congress who should be reelected?  A handful of Republicans and please remember I’ve belonged to no party since 1996.  Thomas Massie, Mo Brooks and Andy Biggs at the top of the list.  Might be a few more but believe me, the number is small.

Many years ago, I wrote this column, Uninformed, Disinterested, Brainwashed & Special Interest Voters  5-29-06. “Disinterested, dumbed down voters are killing US. Recently, a young woman who heard me talking to someone about the illegals protesting in Sacramento, chirped in with, “Oh, yeah. I saw something about that on TV. The immigration, thing, huh?” The immigration thing? This “Gen X-er” doesn’t have a clue and is apparently completely detached from the world around her.

“Last week, smarmy, Peter Fenn, who bills himself as a “democratic strategist” said on one of the cable talk programs that the illegals invasion “hasn’t hurt America.” Not to be outdone, Tony Snow, Bush’s new puppet mouthpiece responded to a question recently regarding illegals with this, “If you had a traffic ticket and you paid it, you’re not forever a speeder, are you?” It is beyond outrageous for either of these two party hacks to marginalize the massive destruction to our country because of this invasion by illegals, not to mention how many Americans have been raped and murdered by illegals and illegals who are sexual predators out there trolling for your son or daughter.

“Bush is a lame duck president. He doesn’t care about you or the U.S. Constitution. It’s his job to put the final pieces in place to destroy this republic. As for the November pretend elections, Jerry will vote for Barney Frank, a sodomite congressman out of NY because Jerry is a sodomite. Lesbians will vote for Marxists like Hillary Clinton and Diane Feinstein because they support sexual deviants and support the killing of unborn babies.

“Millions of natural born, naturalized or illegals will vote for any incumbent or candidate with a Spanish surname: “If anyone’s going to be deported, it’s going to be you! … Get out! We are the future. You’re old and tired. Go on. We have beaten you – leave like beaten rats. You old white people, it is your duty to die. Right now, we’re already controlling those elections, whether it’s by violence or nonviolence…. ” Augustin Cebada, information minister of Brown Berets, militant para-military soldiers of Aztlan shouting at U.S. citizens at an Independence Day rally in Los Angeles.”

“Union members will vote for Democrats because they mistakenly believe the Democratic Party stands for the working man. Nothing could be further from the truth as every Democrat in office since 1913 has lied to their members about the federal income tax, have allowed the working class to be plundered via the privately owned “Federal” Reserve and fed them one string of lies after another – the same as the Republican Party has done to its members. Both parties are guilty of withholding the truth from the American people.

“Americans of African descent will vote for an incumbent or candidate only if they are the same race. It is the same with people of Asian descent. Not because that incumbent has a full understanding of the U.S. Constitution, the history and founding of this republic and has served in office by upholding their oath. They vote by race.

“The same applies to religions. Too many Americans will only vote for someone of the Jewish or Christian faith or who isn’t Catholic. Millions of women will only vote for a female incumbent or candidate who promises them “free” child care and a thousand other unconstitutional expenditures from the public treasury. The same goes for seniors who continue to vote for incumbents who promise “free prescription pills” and will save social security!

“The same promise to “Save social security!!!!” incumbents have been selling for 60 years. Then there is corporate America who fund and vote for incumbents who steal from the people’s purse to fund a million unconstitutional pork projects or perks for the wealthy pharmaceutical companies.” Presidential elections in this country have become a putrid, toxic process every four years. Every special interest group in the country demanding this or that from a presidential candidate. Race based politics is nothing new. It continues to plague this country because the herds of cattle in the Democratic Party keep playing such an ugly game.”

Has anything changed?  Oh, a bit here and there. After the predicted 2008 crash, tens of millions of Americans had enough and the ‘Tea Party’ movement was birthed.  Unfortunately, like so many national movements (now it’s the limp Black Lies Movement where the communist founders have become millionaires), a ‘national office’ is created and then comes the corruption and playing millions of genuinely concerned Americans for useful fools.

Over the decades people have asked me why my Project on Winning Economic Reform (when I released the first editions of my booklet, Why A Bankrupt America in 1993)- why I didn’t have a national office in DC and how could they join my organization?  My response:  All politics are local and it’s up to the people in each state to unify to kill the cancers destroying this country.  America doesn’t need yet another tax-exempt “conservative” outfit that never works to kill the cancer because remember:  There’ no money in the cure, only the treatment.

Where is the ‘Tea Party Movement’ today?  There are chapters scattered here and there around the country doing a great job but hundreds of them just gave up and quit after a few years of frustration or were too busy with their weekends.  But, in the next election they voted for same Republicans who continued to loot our purse while constantly pointing the finger at the Democrats because the November elections start with the primaries and if you don’t boot them then, come election day, it’s the same old hold your nose and vote. Sincere, caring Americans continued to believe the every-two years primary staples like, “I’m for smaller government, more money in your pocket, less taxes”, blah, blah, blah.

In 2016 the American people went to the polls in massive numbers to elect Donald Trump as they did in November 2020.  Putting aside the absolute proof that election was stolen, the American people were cheated and look at the destruction to this country since China’s whore, dementia addled Joe Biden was illegally sworn into office.

Start with killing tens of thousands of energy jobs and the indescribable and completely avoidable tuck tail & run out of Afghanistan leaving behind thousands of our own and $85 BILLION dollars in military hardware.  Many family members did not want Biden at the ceremony when the bodies were removed from the plane.

Many are asking why vote after the stolen election in November 2020?  Why?  Because rivers of blood washed this land as thousands died to give us the God-given right to choose those who handle government at all levels.  AND – if every challenger (no, I’m not talking about some of the loons out there) who should have won immediately file to stop certification of the vote and conduct a forensic audit, we would see a different outcome nationwide.

Do you really know the voting record of your incumbent in Congress or your state capitol?  People think Texas is some sort of paradise with Greg Abbott as our governor.  Abbott locked down this state for NO scientific reason (It’s COVID!) and waited many long months to protect workers from being fired for refusing to get one of those deadly COVID experimental injections.  Of course that didn’t help the thousands who had already lost their paychecks.

Make no mistake:  Abbott wants the White House.  He’s owned by the biggest special interest groups in this state and his actions to shut down the border was way too little, too late.  The minute Biden was illegally sworn in, Abbott should have done several things he had the legal authority to do but never did.  Six months later after the flood of illegals got so bad along with poll numbers, he started begging for bux to build the wall.  Make me gag.

What a shame Trump is still listening to the wrong people by endorsing incumbents like Sen. Mike Lee [R-UT] who never met a bill he didn’t love to bring in more foreign workers while perfectly qualified, highly educated Americans for those jobs are working for whatever they can find.  Trump’s endorsement of Greg Abbott makes me sick.  Thankfully polls here show Trump supporters could care less Trump has endorsed Abbott, they want him out.

Personally, I voted (last week) for Don Huffines, a former state senator.  He never took a penny in salary; donated it all.  His voting record as a conservative is a consistent, solid A.  Rare for me, I actually made a donation to his campaign.  I would like to see him as governor for 4 years and then Chad Prather who will someday make a great governor for the State of Texas.

As for Allen West, also running for Texas governor, he is one of the most over-rated blowhards who did NOTHING while in Congress except whine and ride the coat tails of his military service.  West came to Texas and somehow became head of the state GOP party.  IMHO, West not only isn’t very intelligent, he’s a bully to boot.  But, Texans will make up their own mind.  One thing for certain:  We need every vote to force a run off-off.  Abbott has a massive $65 million in his campaign coffers and due to the damn courts and redistricting, our primary is tomorrow, March 1st which gives Abbott a huge advantage. Texas Scorecard on issues.

The other critical office here in Texas is Attorney General Ken Paxton.  Now, being a legal eagle, I’ve paid great attention to what old Ken has been doing over the years.  I’ve never thought he was particularly intelligent but my big question is why has this dragged on for 7 years?  AG Paxton has been under indictment on state securities fraud charges since 2015and investigation by the FBI.  Of course, he’s pleaded not guilty but in October 2020 several high-level assistants in his office who’ve worked for him for years don’t believe he’s innocent so they simply quit.  They accused Paxton of crimes like bribery, abuse of others and a whole long list.  Some say it’s political but I ain’t buying it.

Louis Gohmert is currently a member of Congress [R-TX]; so popular in his district no one ever runs against him.  Like gutless Greg Abbott, Paxton has declined to show up for debates.  There are three candidates running against Paxton.  Too bad Trump has endorsed Paxton, but hopefully it won’t matter to voters who actually do their homework vs President-Elect Trump who gets some list of GOP incumbents the shadow government or the Federalist want to keep in office.

I voted against Paxton last week by voting for Gohmert or as they say, the lesser of two evils. A damn sad situation.

You know, there’s a reason the Founding Fathers put a 2-year limit on U.S. House members.  They don’t get the job done, throw them out of office.  When the Constitution was ratified, states chose their U.S. Senators.  If they didn’t do the job representing the interests of the state, they were recalled and replaced.  Then came the Seventeenth Amendment to the Constitution which was two states short of legal ratification which handed electing senators to the mobs.

This is a two-part series on Congressman Gohmert that gives you his actual voting (or non-voting record).  One has to wonder why voters in his district thinks he walks on water?

Voters have to depend on what challengers promise to do if elected.  If you missed these, I hope you’ll take the time to read them because they make my point today as they did back then:

Re-electing the Band Aid Brigade, May 18, 2010–A very important READ.

Are Americans Really This Stupid? June27, 2012

“In a June 24, 2012, poll finding from Rassmussen: “Only 22% of the nation’s likely voters believe the government today has such consent.”

“In other words, 78% of the American people believe the U.S. Congress is doing whatever the hell they want without any regard to we the people.

“There is a great rage blowing across this country because the thieves in the Outlaw Congress aren’t just spending us into poverty, they are destroying a once great constitutional republic. Well, guess what? People are so dang mad, they’ve gone to the polls and once again voted for their own destruction during the 2012 primary cycle.

“There are still many primaries before the November pretend elections covering the U.S. House of Representatives. Since no one has the legal right to vote for any U.S. Senator, I’ve ignored those numbers. But, let’s take a look at just how angry people are and we’ll remember in November!

“Using two web sites, ballotpedia and the official U.S. house web site, I looked at the primary election results for a handful of states – just the U.S. House. It made me sick.

Alabama – 7 districts – 7 incumbents won
California 53 districts – 44 incumbents won
Illinois 18 districts – 14 incumbents won
Indiana – 9 district – 6 incumbents won
Iowa – five districts – 4 incumbents won
Mississippi – 4 districts – 4 incumbents won
North Carolina – 13 districts – 10 incumbents won
Ohio – 18 districts – 15 incumbents won
Pennsylvania – 19 districts – 16 incumbents won
South Carolina – 7 districts – 6 incumbents won
Texas – 36 districts – 30 incumbents won
Virginia 11 districts – 11 incumbents won

“Some seats were uncontested, either party, so the incumbent will walk right back in come November. New districts were created as a result of the 2010 census based on counting illegal aliens; those seats are up for grabs. Some incumbents are retiring, which you and I will pay for until they leave this earth in retirement and benefits if they served long enough to draw a pension.

The American people in those states are so happy with the destruction of their rights and the fleecing of their wallets by their incumbents, collectively they’re going to send back 167 of the same crooks, cowards and incompetent jackals to finish us off. There is still a pretend election in November where Republican incumbents will square off against a Democrat who won the primary on their party ticket; the same applies just the opposite.

“However, with the average return of incumbents to the Outlaw Congress being 96%, most of those 167 primary winners will win. There are 435 U.S. House seats. With many more primaries to go, those numbers will increase by the hundreds.”And people expected change by reelecting the same employees who’ve ruined your company?

We had a special election November 2, 2021,for eight amendments to our state constitution. Very serious business that affects ALL Texans.  I went down to our election office at the court house to get the turn out numbers.  Voters have TWO WEEKS early voting time to accommodate everyone so there’s no excuse not to vote.  Of all the registered voters for our entire county, guess how many got off their complaining backsides and voted? 8.62%.

Yeah, you read that right.  8.62% cared enough about those amendments, how they would affect their lives and more importantly, their children’s future to go vote. Statewide turn out:  9%.  How disgusting and a slap in the face to all who died to give us a constitutional republic and freedoms no other country has ever had to this day.  I find it beyond sad and reprehensible we have to beg people to get to the polls and vote when poor souls who live under communist rule like China and N. Korea have absolutely no say – you worship communism and the ruling party or off to re-education camps or they simply kill you and your family.

Only YOU know the candidates for all the offices in your district plus federal incumbents and challengers.  And don’t forget this:  Counting of votes for all federal offices end at midnightSCOTUS 9-0 Decision:  Federal Elections Undecided by Midnight are Void

It does take time to research challengers & incumbents vs some 30-second radio commercial.  But, priority vs importance.  These are the very people from county commissioners to school boards who spend your money and make laws that mostly continue to crush our freedom and God-given rights.

Gretchen Whitmer, the Demonic governor of Michigan is a star with the Democrat/Communist Party USA.  Like other communist Democrat governors and too many Republican ones like Abbott, that_itch destroyed the lives and businesses of millions in Michigan over the COVID show smiling for the cameras at every opportunity.  That woman defines dictator and yet polls as of yesterday show her winning over a Republican candidate 73.1% to 26.9%!  I can only ask:  What the Hell?  Have voters out there forgotten what she did to their lives and state over the monstrous COVID plandemic lie?  I can tell you this:  If I lived in Michigan and she gets reelected in November, I swear on the Bible I would be gone from Michigan quicker than a NY second.

The Democrat/Communist Party USA are very well organized and will stop at nothing to cheat their way to keep the U.S. House and Senate starting with the upcoming primaries.  Macomb County Nursing Home Employee Sentenced to Jail for Forging Signatures of Mentally Disabled on Absentee Ballot Applications, Feb. 27, 2022

For the love of God, our country, your children and grandchildren, PLEASE take the time to really look at candidates and let’s boot as many as we can during the primaries.  EVERY vote will count so please do your part in helping friends and family with analyzing every candidate on your ballot during the primaries.  Here are the dates for the 2022 primaries.

One of the best sources for congressional voting records for the past 50 years is the John Birch Society.  They do a fantastic job and can be of enormous help; see here.

Look up their web sites for bills (incumbents for Congress and your state legislators).  For the House:  www.house.gov.  Senate:  www.senate.gov.  For your state use a search engine to find your state legislature, house member and senator.  Click on their page and you’ll get a history of the bills they introduced and you’ll see where they stand on issues.

2022 candidates:  Audit the vote.  File right away to stop certification.  Don’t let vote fraud cheat you, all the people who worked hard for your campaign and who voted for you.

This is a MUST watch for all Americans so please share it.  Americans who identify as Democrats need the truth so they will stop voting for incumbents who are only using them to keep power:  Revealing the Truth About the Democratic Party (7:55)

I also highly recommend you take the time to watch the movie, The Patriot starring Mel Gibson.  It’s free on line and on most streaming networks.  Food for thought.  About ten years ago I sent Christmas gifts to our vets at Walter Reed Hospital in Bethesda, MD.  Two months later and much to my shock, the DVD was returned and stamped “too controversial” on the envelope.  My late husband was a retired Army Colonel who was really PO’d about it.

And by all means, please boycott shadow government turncoat lackey, former AG Bill Barr’s new book, One Damn Thing After AnotherBill Barr’s Book Torches Trump, Blames Him For January 6.  This fits Barr perfectly:  et tu, Brute.

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions. Order two, save ten dollars then give one to a friend.

© 2021 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy: devvyk@npn.net

(Allow me to insert this here as it IS the raw truth.  Many have already seen it but we continue to get new readers every day.  There are a lot of truly constitutional based candidates running against incumbents. Rotten incumbents in both the house and senate who absolutely must be primaried out, but it’s up to US – YOU AND ME. First, though, we have to accept the bitter truth and fight back smart.

“It was in 1966, when Carroll Quigley wrote his massive book Tragedy and Hope, A History of the World in our Time. Tragedy being that so many people have to die, and Hope being the New World Order. He was the official historian for the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and was privileged to study the elites’ plans for the world for nearly two years. Quigley taught at the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University from 1941 to 1976, and was Bill Clinton’s mentor. On page 1247 to 1248 of his book, he wrote this:

“The chief problem of American political life for a long time has been how to make the two Congressional parties more national and international. The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one perhaps, of the right and the other of the left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can “throw the rascals out” at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy.

“The policies that are vital and necessary for America are no longer subjects of significant disagreement, but are disputable only in details of procedure, priority, or method …..Then it should be possible to replace it, every four years if necessary, by the other party, which will be none of these things but will still pursue with new vigor, approximately the same basic policies.

“This is what exists today in America! We have one party with one agenda! This book had its first printing in 1966. The powers that be (Milner, Rhodes, the CFR, etc.) were so horrified that Quigley had exposed their secrets, the book was not reprinted, and Macmillan Publishing destroyed the plates.

“It wasn’t until 1974 that Jack Meserole got permission from Quigley, reprinted the book, and sold it for his cost. Quigley laughed at the elitists because he knew the noose was so tight around the necks of Americans that even with the truth of his book, nothing would change.”)

Putin’s War Against Ukraine: His War Against All Of Us

By Frosty Wooldridge

February 28, 2022

Hitler ran over Poland the same way Putin invaded Ukraine. The Mein Kampf madman that caused millions to die…and now, in the 21st century, another madman causing countless thousands, maybe millions to die! We stand in the 21st Century for heaven sakes. Why wage war?

During the Vietnam War, singer Edwin Starr sang, “War, what is it good for? Absolutely nothing.” And yet, General Westmoreland fed LBJ and Congress a pack of lies that got 58,479 American boys killed and 2.3 million Vietnamese civilians, and kids killed from bombs, bullets, napalm, shelling, Agent Orange and suicides.

During that 10-year war, our country was led by another madman by the name of Lyndon Baines Johnson and the insecure and shallow Richard M. Nixon. They killed millions. They accomplished “absolutely nothing.”

Okay, So Let’s Do It Some More—War

America’s insanity and madness in Iraq and Afghanistan for the past 20 years—is now being repeated in Ukraine. We spent $6 trillion in those wars that accomplished nothing but death, destruction, madness for our troops to the tune of 114,000 U.S. soldier-suicides. (Source: www.stopsoldiersuicide.org) We blew up their entire countries, their homes, their lives, their cultures.

Then we discovered that bin Laden lived in Pakistan. So, we killed him in 2011. Did that end the war in Afghanistan? Nope! We blasted away for another 10 years.

Why am I so depressed and sad over Putin’s insanity? Answer: there will be thousands of young men who lose their arms, legs, sight, minds, bodies and lives on both sides. Young, strong Russian boys will fight and kill because Putin made them. Young, strong Ukrainian boys will lose their lives fighting the other young Russian boys. Is it beyond stupid, insane, idiotic or what?

In the end, what will it accomplish?

As a painful reminder of my youth, I remember doing Basic Training at Fort Benning, Georgia in 1968. All manner of boys returned from Nam with their legs missing, their arms missing, their hands missing, their faces burned away by napalm (jelly gasoline bombs that stuck to their skin via “friendly fire”). Their eyelids were burned off, their lips burned away, and their ears fried.

I was sick to my stomach 24/7. The same at Fort Riley, Kansas. And then, at Brooke Army Hospital at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio, Texas. I figured I was a dead man if I got shipped out to Nam. If not dead, my body would be a depository for bullets or napalm.

What drove the Vietnam War? Answer: lies like the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. Who made out? Bankers, investors, corporate elites, Monsanto with Agent Orange, munitions companies, uniform companies, boot companies, Haliburton, U.S. senators and House members who enjoyed insider trading on defense contracts. Read General Smedley Butler’s book: War is a Racket. Young men die while old men fill their pockets.

Why does Smedley Butler think that war is a racket?

“Butler suggested that the means for war should be “conscripted” before those who would fight the war: It can be smashed effectively only by taking the profit out of war. The only way to smash this racket is to conscript capital and industry and labor before the nation’s manhood can be conscripted.”

What drove Putin to declare war on a sovereign country like Ukraine? Answer: hubris, lies, greed. Who pays? Young men!

But in 2022, all of Canada, America, Europe, Australia and other Western Countries pay a price in the loss of the advancement of humanity. Putin drags us back to our Neanderthal beginnings. He drags us back into the realm of Hitler. Putin proves to be as crazy and amoral as Kim Jung Il, Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini and Mao.

All those men caused the suffering and deaths of millions. At this point, we don’t know how many Russian boys and Ukrainian boys will die or be maimed or PTSD’d into a life of drugs and alcohol. We don’t know how many mothers and children will be homeless and starve to death. We don’t know how many cities will be bombed into submission.

How do the people of the world feel? Well, Saturday Night Live gave a “Prayer for the people of Ukraine.” Over 2,000 Russian people demonstrated against the war in Moscow for the past three nights. Even arresting them could not stop the protests.

“I do not want my pictures in your offices, for the President is not an icon, an idol, or a portrait. Hang your kids’ photos instead, and look at them each time you are making a decision.” Volodymyr Zelensky, President Ukraine.

Facebook account, “War Sucks! Just Sayin’,” said Allen Green.

Facebook account, “The only way to stop Russia now is if enough celebrities record themselves in their mansions singing John Lennon’s ‘Imagine’.”

Facebook account, “Russia should be banned from the World Cup, Olympics, all international athletic events.”

NPR: A Russian warship pulled up to an island in the Black Sea guarded by Ukrainian service members — demanding their surrender “to avoid bloodshed and unnecessary deaths.” After a moment, the Ukrainians had a reply: “Russian warship. Go f*** yourself.”

As for this American, every time I think humanity stands on the brink of advancing with all of us together, visa vie, solving overpopulation, correcting climate change, stopping the Sixth Extinction Session, clearing polluted skies, solving plastic oceans and dozens of other areas we must attend—another madman like Putin atavistic ally tosses us backward.

May God bless the people of Ukraine, and please God, save all those young men on both sides of that stupidly insane war. As Lennon said, “Give peace a chance.” May Putin rot in hell for eternity.

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

When Will We Understand That?

By Rob Pue

February 27, 2022

Things are happening more and more quickly now all across the globe.  The despotism of the tyrants that rule the nations is growing more intense, though you probably haven’t noticed it if you’re the typical American who gets their news in “sound bytes” and Facebook “memes.”  As one of our writers recently noted, this is the age of the “half-read page,” where people can’t be bothered to think for themselves.

The news changes so rapidly that what I write on Monday is often out-of-date by the time it is broadcast or published on Tuesday.  In my previous message I talked about the Freedom Convoy in Canada as they had peacefully held the line, trying to get their political representatives to hear their voices, crying out for basic freedoms and liberties to be restored.  In a movement that spanned about three-weeks’ time, more than 50,000 big-rig trucks traveled across Canada, garnering enthusiastic support from Canadians from all walks of life along the way.

Canadian citizens lined the highways and over-passes in frigid temperatures and blizzards to cheer the truckers on. They held Canadian flags, hand-made signs calling for freedom and liberty and banners with positive messages of support.  Of course, the first thing the Canadian government officials did was to impose a ban on standing in public places — if they were there to support the truckers.  The crowd-funding site GoFundMe seized millions of donated dollars. When the truckers switched to GiveSendGo, the Canadian government seized those funds — and captured the names of all the donors.

The truckers arrived in Canada’s capitol of Ottawa, welcomed by thousands of citizens there, who stood with them.  The Canadian people were simply asking for their voices to be heard by the government officials who are supposed to represent them — after two years of increasing tyranny and illegal government edicts, reminiscent of pre-Nazi Germany, the people had had enough.  It was time to DO something and the truckers led the way.  For two weeks, they held their ground in the city of Ottawa, surrounding the parliament building.  People from all walks of life came to join them, camping out in tents in the frigid cold.  But the atmosphere remained peaceful and patriotic with speeches by notable leaders, veterans, patriots and experts in their fields.  There was singing of patriotic songs, raising of the national flag and a mutual care for one another.

They made quite a splash and had overwhelming support of citizens around the world.  But still Trudeau and Canadian politicians would not listen. In his best attempt to direct the bought-and-paid-for mainstream media to broadcast lies, Trudeau called the protestors “a fringe minority,” that held “unacceptable views.”  Millions of Canadian citizens a “fringe minority?”  “Unacceptagle views?”  Who, I ask you, determines what views are acceptable, and which ones are not?  The Globalist Thought Police, of course.  Then, they made it illegal for fuel stations to sell diesel to the truckers.  When individual citizens began carrying heavy cans of fuel into the staging area to supply the trucks themselves, police arrested them and confiscated the fuel.

Some of the protestors were decorated military veterans.  They held their rallies at a nearby war memorial.  But the government CLOSED that memorial to the public, not allowing veterans to even visit their own memorial.

Early last week, after coming out of hiding, Trudeau imposed the Emergency Measures Act — which, in theory, could not take effect until parliament voted on it.  But Trudeau moved forward unilaterally.  These Emergency Measures are reserved for times of war and extreme national crisis or danger.  The Freedom Convoy protest did not constitute any of these things.  Nothing at all like the situation in Seattle, Washington during the summer of 2020, when the Marxist Black Lives Matters and ANTIFA overtook six square blocks of that city, renaming it “CHAZ,” declaring itself a “sovereign nation,” yet still demanding federal aid.

In that situation, the local police precinct building was violently overtaken by protestors, and during the occupation of the CHAZ area, there were multiple shootings and daily violence.  Our mainstream media, however, portrayed this all as a “festive block party.”  Nevermind the looting, burning and destruction of local businesses, the attacks on police, the extortion of local store owners and the rapes and murders that occurred there.  THAT was considered a “peaceful protest,” which called for the defunding of local police.  I guess that’s not surprising for a city that boasts a statue of Vladimir Lenin as one of it’s most important landmarks.  Even as monuments of real American heroes and historical figures have been constantly removed from public view, steadily for years now, the statue of the Communist Lenin remains the “pride of Seattle.”  But that’s another topic.

Early last week, Ottawa’s police chief resigned, rather than be a part of Trudeau’s brutal crackdown on peaceful citizens. On Thursday last week, I watched a press conference by the Canadian Freedom Convoy leadership, which included several Canadian military veterans.  They stated their case and there was an atmosphere of patriotism and optimism.

Later that day, however, the Deputy Prime Minister announced that bank accounts of donors to the truckers had been frozen — and that online fundraising for the group was being tracked by the government’s anti-money-laundering unit.  Yes — those that dared to support the protest have now had their bank accounts seized by the government.  Those individuals will likely be criminally charged in the coming days.  Even if they never attended a single public event, but only donated to a cause they believed in.

Thursday evening, protest leaders Tamara Lich and Christopher Barber were arrested — they’re expected to be charged with “counseling to commit the offense of mischief.”  And by early the next morning — Friday — Parliament Hill was flooded with police.  They began arresting protestors using brute force.  A meeting in Parliament, in which the proposed Emergency Measures Act was to be debated, was cancelled instead — the very day the first of the violence erupted.  You see, there WAS no violence on the part of the protestors.  Violence only began when the police crackdown began.  In a particularly ironic video, police can be seen attacking an RV camper with an axe while at least eight SWAT team members surrounded the vehicle with machine guns drawn.  A sticker on the camper proclaimed one simple word: “FREEDOM.”

Police also used horses, trampling protestors, including an elderly lady with a walker.  Trudeau’s Emergency Measures also give him the power to limit people from assembling or moving around freely; police can compel other citizens to help them — in this case, conscripting tow truck companies to remove the trucks against their will, many of which have since been seized by the government.  At last count, more than 200 people have been arrested and jailed, but that number will likely grow to the thousands, once officials wade through their list of participants and donors to the cause.

So as this modern-day “Gestapo” has devastated it’s own citizens, stolen their money and seized their assets, assaulted them with rubber bullets, beat them with batons and rifle butts, smashed vehicle windows and hauled people off to prison, it appears the Freedom Convoy has failed in its attempt to procure freedom for the people of Canada.  Canada has fallen to the Communist dictatorship of Justin Trudeau.

But why is Trudeau so intent on jabbing everyone and forcing every citizen to show their “papers” in order to move freely on their way in Canada?  Information has come forth from multiple reputable, credible and respected sources indicating that The Trudeau Foundation holds 40% ownership of Acuitas Therapeutics.  Acuitas is the manufacturer of the lipid nano particles used by Pfizer in their mRNA injections.  So is it any wonder that other treatments, that are actually REALLY safe and effective, have been banned — and getting jabbed and having proper paperwork to prove it is MANDATORY?  Is it any wonder that Trudeau refused to even discuss the matter before imposing war-time measures to defeat and imprison his own people?  Is it any wonder that he order ten times the number of clot-shots as there are Canadian people?  Or that he’s stated that people will need at least 8 booster shots, minimum and that this will continue through 2024?

But the Canadian Freedom Convoy lit a spark that ignited across the globe.  There were similar protests all across European countries.  Citizens of New Zealand also rose up and gathered at their parliament building, setting up tents and camping in city streets around the building — simply in an effort to get someone — ANYONE — from parliament to listen to their concerns as they plead for freedom from radical tyranny.

In response, parliament building loudspeakers would simply blare a pro-jab mandate message every few minutes, but not a single representative of the people would talk with them.  As thousands gathered, very peacefully, they held signs with messages like “Freedom,” “We are not lab rats,” and “Treat us like people.”   These signs were contrary to the New Zealand government’s mantra of “No Jab, No Job.”  Eventually, police there took similar heavy-handed measures as we saw in Canada, and now many are in jail, others have gone home, and nothing has changed.

This week, The People’s Convoy is set to begin in California, and head east toward Washington DC.  Unlike the Freedom Convoy in Canada, this American event is led by truckers, but open to everyone — you can join the convoy in your car, on your motorcycle or whatever.  I have a feeling they’re opening it to everyone because there are not enough American truckers willing to take part.  Canada had a great impact — worldwide — because 50,000 truckers rolling across the country, supported by millions of people is hard to ignore.  But sadly, I have my doubts that Americans have the courage — or even the interest — to resist the tyranny that has been upon us for two years now.

First they closed our small businesses, stating “two weeks to flatten the curve.”  Then they mandated mask-wearing and “social distancing” and most complied, because we were told to “follow the science.”  Then the jab mandates: “no jab, no job.”  Little by little, they’ve taken more of our freedoms away from us here in America, but because it’s been done slowly and incrementally, few have noticed or resisted.

Then they outlawed truth tellers, banned them from social media sites and the internet.  Then they took control of Big Tech, making it nearly impossible to find two sides to this story of the “Planned Demic.”  They slandered and persecuted doctors, scientists and researchers telling the truth.  “Cancel Culture” was in full swing but it didn’t concern most Americans because it didn’t affect them personally.  But MANY have lost their jobs;   Many have been killed by the “mandatory” jabs  — and by the hospitals using the official Fauci protocols.  But most didn’t believe it, or care, because it didn’t affect them.  Especially Christians.  But it affected them right from the start when churches were forced to close their doors and Christians arrested for meeting in church parking lots, but they couldn’t recognize the face of tyranny, even as it beat them over the head.

Soon the clamp down is coming here, just as we’ve seen around the world…Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Europe…  The Globalists’ greatest prize is the destruction of the United States.  They’re well on their way and they’re definitely coming for ALL of our freedoms soon.  I encourage you to wholeheartedly support  The People’s Convoy here in America.  If we do nothing, nothing will change.  But when the tyrants are able to seize all your money, all your assets, everything you have — simply for having “unacceptable thoughts” — I’m not sure we can win.  But we most definitely won’t win if we never try, and this is a fight for our very lives — and those our our grandchildren.

You DO realize, don’t you, that this could all end tomorrow if our nation would simply turn back to God?  There is no political solution.  War is not the answer, though we ARE in the most severe spiritual battle of the age.  As a once-Christian nation, America could lead the world in this.  Turn back to God.  Remember His commandments, beg His forgiveness and cry out for His mercy.  If we were to do this, the tyrants would be crushed and our Lord would heal our land.  But we are a stiff-necked people with hard hearts.  We’ve forgotten our Creator and Sustainer.  The Word of God should be ringing out in our streets, in our schools, our universities, and in our churches — constantly, as we pray without ceasing.  “Repent” should be the word on everyone’s lips and the action of every heart. Yet we refuse.  There is no movement but the movement of God Almighty that will save our nation — or the world now.  WHEN will we understand that?

© 2022 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue: Rob@WisconsinChristianNews.com

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email Rob@WisconsinChristianNews.com.  Ask for message number 350.

What Happened To The Integrity Of Our Elected Officials, Part 2

By Pastor Roger Anghis

February 27, 2022

The biggest problem I see in America today is the elected officials that do everything they can to override the Constitution.  The Democrats have tried to pass laws that would take the right of the States to govern their elections and put it into the hands of the federal government. What this is doing is centralizing all power into Washington.  Thomas Jefferson warned of the results of this when he stated: “When all government, domestic and foreign, in little as in great things, shall be drawn to Washington as the center of all power, it will render powerless the checks provided of one government on another.” We can see that being the result of the Democrat’s voting bill.

I’m not sure that this bill would survive the courts but Democrats don’t pay much attention to courts.  After Biden lost his mandate for federal employees he told the departments to enforce the mandate anyway. These are not just unconstitutional directives from the White House they are forcing a person to choose between his right to determine what goes into his/her body or being able to feed his/her family.  Noah Webster warned the government that we have a constitutional recourse for an action of this nature taken by the government: “The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops that can be, on any pretense, raised in the United States.”  The Founders believed that the individual person had rights that government could not take away.  Under British rule, they had privileges, not rights.  The Crown could do whatever it wanted.

Our modern-day politicians have gotten to the point where they believe we are their subjects, not their employers.  The politicians are supported by the mainstream media.  One MSNBC host, Melissa Harris-Perry, stuck her foot in her mouth and in an attempt to increase spending on education backed up the communist notion Hillary wrote about in It Takes A Village and the is children belong to the state, not their parents. Her comment: “We have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents, or kids belong to their families, and recognize that kids belong to whole communities,” Harris-Perry said in the ad. “Once we recognize it’s everybody’s responsibility and not just the households, then we start making better investments.” [1] Democrats have been running the ‘education system’ for decades, which is why we have indoctrinated children instead of educated children. Our elected officials on both sides of the aisle don’t seem to want to do anything about this problem.  The last available edition of the Nation’s Report Card, released in 2019 prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, showed that only 37% of grade 12 students could be considered proficient readers, according to the Department of Education’s standard.

Now, a teacher at Patterson High School in Baltimore has informed a local news outlet that 77% of students there were reading at an elementary or even kindergarten level, indicating that the nation may see a precipitous drop in the reports for 2020 and 2021.[2]

Baltimore is as blue as you can get but in a very red state, we see a similar problem: A Texas Education Agency assessment for spring 2021 found that 36% of students in fourth grade met grade-level reading standards, while 45% of eighth-grade students met grade-level standards for reading. The agency said the numbers represented a decline from previous years.[3]

California, with some of the worst leadership in the country, suffer even worse: Students in California fared no better. The number of students who were reading above grade standard declined from 26% in 2019 to 21% in 2021, while the percentage of students near grade standards increased from 43% to 56%.[4]

Where are the politicians looking out for the future of our nation by ensuring that we have a well-educated generation? They are paying attention to the needs of their political donors.  Notice all the great stock picks that Nancy Pelosi has had when she controls the legislation of the companies that fund her.

In a letter to Joseph Warren, Samuel Adams warned: “It is not possible that any state should long remain free, where Virtue is not supremely honored.” There is very little virtue in modern politics at the state level and especially in Washington.  There is greed for money and greed for power.  We have to resist these intrusions into our lives and our government.  Ronald Reagan once said: “Recognize that government invasion of public power is eventually an assault upon your own business. If some among you fear taking a stand because you are afraid of reprisals from customers, clients, or even government, recognize that you are just feeding the crocodile hoping he’ll eat you last.” This invasion is exactly what the Democrats are attempting.

We have allowed unscrupulous men and women to take over our government.  We’ve allowed it and it is ‘we’ that must stop it.  We did it with votes and we must undo it with votes. If we don’t it will take much more violent means but our nation is worth it.  The future for our children is worth it.  Thomas Paine made this now-famous comment: “These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.” And he also stated: “If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace.” I want my children and grandchildren to live in the peace I grew up in.  We must do what we must do and with God’s help, we will.

A final quote from Ronald Reagan: Above all, we must realize that no arsenal, or no weapon in the arsenals of the world, is so formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women. It is a weapon our adversaries in today’s world do not have.

© 2022 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis: roger@buildingthetruth.org

Foot Notes

  1. MSNBC host: children belong to the whole communities not their parents
  2. Students at Baltimore high school reading at elementary levels, teacher says
  3. Students at Baltimore high school reading at elementary levels, teacher says
  4. Students at Baltimore high school reading at elementary levels, teacher says

Trudeau’s Police State, Truckers for Freedom, and the Coming Confrontation

By Steven Yates

February 26, 2022

The police attacks on the caravan of peaceful protesters against covid-19(84) vaccine mandates in Ottawa, Canada, illustrate what I said three weeks ago.

Governments, faced with opposition to what clearly ceased to be a public health issue some time ago and became a naked grab for power, have two choices. They can back down. Or they can do what Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau did and go full Nazi. They can establish a de jure (not merely de facto) police state, and respond with intimidation, or with force and brutality.

Trudeau invoked the rarely-used Emergencies Act which gave the Canadian government dictatorial powers, including to plunder private funding sources and even bank accounts. Then he sent in an army of militarized police, some on horseback, to clear out protesters who hadn’t left on their own.

Close to two hundred arrests have been made. Authorities have pledged to track down truckers who left voluntarily, taking a page out of the playbook of the Land of the Free to the south, which spent all of 2021 tracking down and prosecuting/persecuting Jan-6rs.

Creating a new pool of political prisoners.

No discussion was launched of why protesters were in Ottawa in the first place!

Libertarians have a point when they target governments as institutions with a legal monopoly on the use of force and violence to exact their will on unwilling or reluctant populations. This makes them inherently dangerous.

Where Libertarians miss the mark is on locus of political (and economic) control, which (in advanced nations, anyway) is not government.

Trudeau serves the globalist overclass — GloboCorp, if you prefer; the super elite, if you want. He serves them no less than the Bidenistas and most European governments (also governments of Australia, New Zealand, etc.).

Hence it was predictable that he wouldn’t back down.

The Trucker Freedom Convoy faced at least two disadvantages in getting its message across. One is the purposefully induced confusion between the idea just of getting the covid-19(84) injection and choosing to get it.

As I’ve sometimes said: if you want to get the injections, get the injections. If you believe your safety is more important than your freedom, and you also believe the jabs are really protecting you from the deadliest disease since the bubonic plague, then by all means, get them. As a believer in freedom, I’d be the last person to stand in your way.

But respect the right of others to refuse the injections.

This concept of freedom of choice eludes most people (all left-liberals) unless we’re talking about abortion — which isn’t a mere right of choice since it kills another living being with intrinsic value (perfect for a materialist-based death culture).

Then there is the third group that is neither governmental nor freedom-inclined. Probably almost all are vaxxed. They believed “their” government and its health “authorities” would never lie to them. There are lots of terms for this majority, some not especially polite: sheeple, “normies,” blue pill people, or lower-veilers. Most are fundamentally decent, and in Ottawa they got caught in the middle.

Naturally, the globalist-controlled media emphasized their plight: dealing with truck horns all hours of the day and night, not being able to drive freely on city streets, etc.

You can always expect globalist-controlled corporate media to exaggerate whatever makes its enforcers look good and freedom fighters look bad. Naturally, the former celebrated last weekend when Emergencies Act empowered police moved in and forced the truckers out of downtown Ottawa — having rigs towed and sometimes breaking truck windows.

Trudeau’s actions in Canada serve as potential precedent for governments elsewhere to deal with anti-mandate protesters using brute force.

A similar convoy is on its way to the Asylum on the Potomac. I don’t have specifics, although according to Truckers for Freedom, March 2 is a likely start date. It may happen sooner. (Were I helping coordinate such an event, I’d drop as many false and conflicting rabbit trails as I could all over Facebook, Reddit, etc., to confuse the enforcers as much as possible, while using the most heavily encrypted messaging software I could find to communicate with my compatriots. Two or more can play the misdirection game.) You can support this effort here. But be advised: money intended for Canadian truckers was intercepted when elite-controlled GoFundMe cut them off. The same thing could easily happen — probably will happen — in the U.S. if this convoy rolls up onto the infamous Beltway. (Apparently, fences are already going up inside the city.)

And given that a Christian crowdfunding site picked up where GoFundMe left off and was hacked, names and amounts divulged, that could happen again and cause donors problems down the road. Not trying to discourage anyone here, just outlining plausible scenarios.

Early this morning as I write this (it’s Feb 21), the following appeared in my inbox. The anonymous author wrote as follows (and I am sure, given that online bots have invaded even email, the misspelling of vaccine is deliberate):

Canadians’ breaking point came when Justin Trudeau effectively put tens of thousands of Canadian truckers out of work with needless vaxxine mandates that do not serve the interests of Canadians on any level – especially those who supply Canadians with everything they need.

In response, our truckers said they’d had enough and they drove to Ottawa to peacefully tell our political tyrants and morons they’d had enough.

In doing so, they struck a nerve with millions of other Canadians who have now joined them in solidarity against the vaxxine mandates and restrictions the Canadian prime minister has instated.

Consistent with the natural disposition of Canadians, their protest has been peaceful, non-violent and family-friendly as a public gathering.

Furthermore, the protest is comprised of vaxxinated and unvaxxinated Canadians alike. In fact, there are far more vaxxinated protesting than are unvaxxinated ones. Instead of listening to their legitimate grievances, however, Justin Trudeau ran into hiding. First, behind his kids, claiming that they had COVID and then later declaring he had it, too, and so wasn’t able to address their concerns.

What he didn’t realize then and seems not to realize now is that, as a double-jabbed and boosted leader, who actually caught COVID, he completely invalidated his messaging about the efficacy of the vaxxines to the Canadian people.

In fact, by affirming a COVID-positive status, he proved what Canadians have known for a long time: the vaxxines aren’t working. You can still catch and spread COVID, whether you’re vaxxinated or unvaxxinated and this effectively eliminates the distinction between vaxxinated and unvaxxinated people and with that distinction erased, vaxxinated and unvaxxinated Canadians have now joined together to say, ‘Enough!’”

We now know there is no difference between us and we’re all in the same boat together. All Justin Trudeau has really wanted to do is use lies and divisive language to divide Canadians, to cause fissures and fractures between them and to use hate and discord as a form of coercion for his Globalist handlers’ agenda.

And rather than listen to the eminently rational complaints of the millions of Canadians protesting, the Trudeau government responded with what is the equivalent of Martial Law; it has begun to freeze protestors bank accounts, threaten property seizures, arrest, prison, massive fines, the cancellation of insurance and permanent restriction of international travel, especially of truckers and thus, forever restricting their ability to work.

This heavy-handed response and a refusal to listen is the hallmark of a tyrannical leader who cannot be rationally be deemed worthy of holding office any longer.

The same, of course, will apply to the Bidenistas if they mount a similar response to an American convoy.

There are added dangers, such as infiltration by agent provocateurs, e.g., the FBI and Homeland Security. While I doubt many of the latter are able to drive a big rig, if truckers gather on the ground, their vehicles parked, and start mingling on foot, they will no longer have surety that everyone in their midst is one of them. This is a danger in any society of anonymous masses. Tucker Carlson thinks the Jan-6ers might have been infiltrated, and viewing events of that day using three computer windows onto the scene I wondered if a few antifa types were posing as Trump supporters in and around the Capitol that day.

The above writer suggests an alternative protest: work stoppages. Continuing:

So here is what we need you to do, to stand in solidarity with them on February 21, 2022: Those representing the truckers and their families have requested that everyone who wants to stand with them, choose not to go to work for a fixed period of time.

Here’s a specific call to truckers and Canadians:

First, if you’re a trucker of any kind in Canada, on February 21st, 2022, if you want to stand in solidarity with those fighting for your freedom, stop hauling, altogether – not just for a week but until the vaxxine mandates are lifted, Justin Trudeau resigns and/or the Liberal Party appoints a new leader and the invocation of the Emergencies Act is revoked by the Canadian Parliament.

Haul nothing. Park your rig and refuse to haul a single item until Trudeau and the mandates are gone.

If you own a trucking company, encourage your employees and contract-holders to take the same stand, and have them partner with their brothers and sisters in Ottawa.

The government of Canada does not own the people of Canada. In fact, under Section 7 of the Constitution, Canadians have a right of liberty, which means all of us have the right to stay at home.

To our American brothers and sisters in the trucking industry, we would ask this: if you want to stand with us here, in Canada, refuse to haul anything into Canada until the mandates are removed and encourage your fellow haulers to do the same.

While we encourage people to come lawfully to Ottawa, to make their voices heard, if you cannot come, you can still take your stand with those who are there.

This is a peaceful protest that the Emergencies Act has absolutely no authority to override – unless, of course, the government conscripts you by fiat for slave labor.

In fact, it is not rooted in violence or hate but in complete passivity – and actually, in inactivity.

Beyond this, there is this call to the rest of Canadians who support our brave truckers and their families, and that is this: It is absolutely unfair that brave Canadians stand alone and risk everything in Ottawa in freezing temperatures for everyone else. So every Canadian who stands against tyranny needs to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with them.

They’re the ones risking their homes, freedom and livelihood and it is completely unacceptable that Canadians cheering what they’re doing reap the benefit of their courage without also sharing in their sacrifice.

Therefore, we’re asking, that beginning February 21, 2022, no one go to work until the mandates are lifted and Justin Trudeau resigns or is removed as leader of the Party by his party.

Asking that Justin Trudeau be removed as leader of his party is not an attempt to overthrow the government but a reasonable petition to members of Parliament to use the lawful powers imbued to them by their office to remove someone from leadership who is clearly no longer serving the interests of Canadians.

Therefore, make whatever arrangements you need to make for as long as you need to make them to stay at home from work. We recommend to everyone that they stock up on supplies and be prepared for protracted shortages of goods. We also ask that you forward this message to everyone in your network on every platform available to you, not only so that they can stand but so that they can prepare.

As well, we ask you to call your Member of Parliament and demand that they call their Liberal and Conservative and NDP counterparts in Parliament to ensure an end to the mandates and the revocation of the invocation of the Emergencies Act.

If you’re a Member of Parliament, a legislator or the premier of a province and you’ve received this message, it is also time for you to get a backbone. The Canadian people have watched you flip-flop on your position so many times, it is difficult to believe you have any integrity left and we’re sick of it.

It’s time to prove you have a measure of backbone remaining. So take a principled stand and admit that nothing you’ve attempted to implement to deal with COVID has worked. Masks haven’t worked. Distancing hasn’t worked, quarantines haven’t worked and the vaxxines aren’t working. And you know it.

In fact, the data shows that huge numbers of vaxxinated people are now extremely sick and they’re rightly pissed-off. Many of them feel completely duped and actually comprise a large number of the protest groups now amassing.

Near the end of 2020I watched the injections begin to be rolled out—knowing that never in the history of medical science and technology had a legitimate vaccine been developed and proven to be both safe and effective in just a few months!—and immediately wrote that this would be the big fight of the following year. It remains a big fight.

But it is not the biggest fight.

A major confrontation is coming! Numerous reputable scholars (one of the latest is Kees Van Der Pijl, the very astute Dutch political scientist about whom I wrote recently) help us frame it.

It will not be “left” versus “right” as those words are bandied about. I know folks who self-identify as left who agree with me completely about this.

Noris this a clash between “rich” and “poor”; there will be “rich” people who suffer terribly if they earned their wealth honestly and are not on board with The Agenda.

Nor is it about race/ethnicity/religion. African-Americans, Caucasians, Hispanics, Asians; Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, etc., are threatened equally.

Finally, this is not about sex/gender, although so-called gender fluidity has presented a nice distraction, alongside critical race theory, driving groups apart so their focus is nowhere near the real centers of power.

This is about the superelite, the Globalist overclass — GloboCorp — making Fifth Generation Warfare against We the People, and We the People discovering this and fighting back!

GloboCorp consists of power-hungry psychopaths who have been planning world domination for so many decades you might as well stop counting. Having been found out, they are now pulling out all stops to make it happen. Many observers have concluded that this is what SARS-Cov-2 was all about!

They see us as livestock. Literally.

Which may be why their denizens in lab coats concocted something causing rising numbers of deaths from a variety of causes, and may be the central feature of a long-term depopulation agenda.

Culling the herds!

Van Der Pijl names names. So have I, and so have others.

Fauci is almost certainly a psychopath who bears a huge responsibility for destroying the credibility of medical science and public health institutions in America, but he’s hardly alone. He’s just one highly visible figure in a huge network stretching across multiple organizations from federal bureaucracies such as the NIH to the globalist UN (of which the WHO is a division), and myriad private (or mostly private) entities: Gates and Rockefeller among other deep-pocketed tax-exempt foundations, the World Economic Forum, the City of London and its many appendages, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, the Atlantic Council, the Tavistock Institute, the Aspen Institute, the Council on Foreign Relations, and others.

Add Big Pharma to that list (Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, etc.), Big Food, Big Tech, a few war-machine outfits like BlackRock, and you have what I collectively call GloboCorp.

We are talking about a control grid of, at most, three to four hundred extended families, plus several thousand more technocrats, bureaucrats, political-class stoolies (Trudeau fits into this category as does Biden), and probably thousands more functionaries who sold their soul to the devil for a paycheck. Doubtless a very small group of those families (according to some writers the number is thirteen) run the show and assign marching orders to the rest.

There are a lot more of us than there are of them, and they know it — but they also control the bulk of the world’s economic and financial resources, governments, war-capable technology, so-called think tanks and NGOs, moneyed media outlets able to shape public opinion, and increasingly, usable land. They have been able to use “public schools” and the entertainment industry to cultivate populations of short-attention-spanned “normies” who neither know nor care about any of this, and this has worked to their advantage. But we red-pilled types have grown in number and in credibility, and now the situation is nearing a tipping point.

GloboCorp has multiple options, as I’ve discussed. Among them is a controlled demolition of the U.S. economy designed to wipe out the remainder of the middle class, destroy the dollar (opening the door to a digital global currency), conceivably coupled with gold confiscation and criminalizing private transactions using bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

A takedown of the U.S. economy, perhaps via a cyberattack that would be blamed on Russia,it would destabilize all other economies large and small because of the interconnectedness of all the fiat currencies and financial networks. The point here is to take out everybody’s will and capacity to mount effective resistance.

Maybe this won’t happen. Maybe we’ll see another plandemic, something far more virulent than SARS-Cov-2 turned out to be. I don’t know. GloboCorp has its inner circles and back-room sanctums, and I’m nowhere near any of them.

What I would do: read my series on separation and the formation of intentional communities (starting here). Begin stocking/storing extra supplies of everything you need in preparation for more supply-line breakdowns and shortages. I recommend having supplies of all staples— non perishables, vitamins, cleaners, toiletries, first-aid kits, etc.—able to last you six months and preferably longer.

And don’t advertise! If a massive economic shutdown should throw millions out of work (and if work-by-remote options are also gone!), the “normies” who dismissed all this as “conspiracy nuttery” may have few qualms about doing some plundering of their own!

Prepare to be demonized in GloboCorp-controlled mass media, because you will be blamed for whatever chaos ensues once GloboCorp makes its next move. Then be prepared for a long and protracted struggle which could well be a battle to the death, because it is likely to be: us, or them.

Finally, remember the words of the Prophet Habakkuk (1:6-9, 3:17-19):

“ … I am raising up the Chaldeans, a bitter and hasty nation which marches through the breadth of the earth, to possess dwelling places that are not theirs…. They are terrible and dreadful; their judgment and their dignity proceed from themselves…. They all come for violence; their faces are set like the east wind. They gather captives like sand….

“Though the fig tree may not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines; though the labor of the olive may fail, and the fields yield no food; though the flock may be cut off from the fold, and be no heard in the stalls—  Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation. The Lord God is my strength; He will make my feet like deer’s feet, and he will make me walk on my high hills.”

Steven Yates’s new book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory (Wipf and Stock, 2021) is available here and here.

Do you wish me to continue? Please consider supporting my work on Patreon.com.

© 2022 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

God or Government: Who Do You Trust?

By Bud Hancock

Should a Believer Trust The Government?

I find it curious that so many ‘religious people’ still believe, and place their trust in, the fallacy that governments are going to make things better for them and their families.  Ronald Reagan once said: “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help’”.  That old saw has made the rounds many times and still gets a few laughs, but the premise behind it is not laughable.  There are literally thousands of recorded instances of people who relied on the government to help them in certain situations and they were, for the most part, greatly disappointed.  That so many  ‘non-believers’ have bought into the satanic deception that governments can be trusted is not surprising, but a large number of those who claim to be followers of Jesus Christ are also among those who place a great amount of trust in government.

A large number of seriously deluded Americans, both Christians and non-Christians, have the idea that “Uncle Sam”, as the US government has long been called, is a beneficent ‘rich uncle’ who needs only to be asked and he will give you whatever you need.  However, one must examine that idea carefully to avoid being further deceived by such nonsense.

To begin with, the US government manufactures no goods or products, it produces absolutely nothing tangible, and therefore has no inherent monetary wealth with which to be ‘beneficent’ to anyone.  In order for the government to function at any level, it must tax its citizens to get the revenue it uses to exist and function.  It has been thus with all governments since at least the time of Jesus.  When questioned by the Pharisees whether it was lawful to give tribute (taxes) to Caesar, Jesus asked for a coin that was used to pay the tax,  and having verified that the inscription on the coin was that of Caesar, He told His disciples and the evil Pharisees to “render to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God, what is God’s” (Mark 12:17)

I am not, and would not, advocate that any American citizen, especially those who are believers, refuse to pay the taxes levied by any ‘legitimate government’.  Jesus Himself told His disciples to pay the tribute levied by the Roman government.  Failure to do so would be illegal and unwise.  But, though we are to “pay Caesar” (the government) what is owed to them, we do NOT owe them our trust, or our worship.

Did the Founders Trust The Government?

Abraham Lincoln called the United States, “government of the people, by the people, for the people”, and that may have been true when the government was originally formed; at least that’s what was promised to all the citizens of the new country.  However, it was not very long until the words of several of the Founding Fathers rang true.  The Founders may have trusted the idea of a republican form of government, but, with a strong belief in God, and an understanding of human nature, they seemed to have serious doubts about those who administer the government.

For example, Benjamin Franklin injected this note of prophetic insight after writing much of the US Constitution: “I agree to this Constitution … and I believe, further, that this is likely to be well administered for a course of years, and can only end in despotism, as other forms have done before it, when the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic government, being incapable of any other”.  Samuel Adams said: “If ever time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.

These are just a few of the comments made by early American leaders who feared that corruption would turn the ‘grand experiment’ of what should have been a beautiful republic, into a corrupt and despotic democracy.  A large majority of our Founders were God-fearing men who knew that, unless the government remained solidly based on the Judeo-Christian values upon which it was founded, it would soon turn from ‘republicanism’ into a democracy.  The Founding Fathers were, first and foremost, landowners who grew crops, ran businesses and engaged in profitable commerce.  They were NOT politicians.  They understood the difference between a republic and a democracy and desired to establish a true republic.  For a while, their attempts produced a wonderful government experiment that became a real republic.

Unfortunately, we are now living in a country that only faintly resembles the original republic.  Having degenerated into a corrupt, and sometimes chaotic democracy, our nation’s government has been tainted by evil and greed, and an unchecked hunger for power and control, the very definition of being ‘political.

If you actually know the meaning of ‘politics’, this comes as no great surprise.

Per Dictionary.com, this is the definition of ‘politics’: “the use of intrigue* or strategy** in obtaining any position of power^ or control^^, as in business, university, etc.”. 

*The definition of ‘intrigue’ is: “the use of underhanded machinations or deceitful stratagems”.

**Strategy is defined as: a plan, method, or series of maneuvers or stratagems for obtaining a specific goal or result”.  The words ‘power’ and ‘control’ should need no definition.  The desire for power, especially when fulfilled, usually leads to a hunger for more power.  John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton, first Baron Acton (1834–1902) famously said: “Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely”.  We are now seeing and living in a nation that is the result of corruption based on greed for power and money, in other words, a nation whose government cannot be trusted, period.

I contend that of all the names, or entities, a person can place his or her trust in, the United States government is certainly NOT one of them.

Accepting the Lie

Anyone truly interested in knowing what is happening in almost every segment of our society is easily able to educate himself/herself with available data on the level of corruption now rampant in the US government.  Those who claim otherwise are merely allowing themselves to be deceived into believing a lie, or they are a part of the corruption and are therefore complicit in the continuing deception of the American people.

Based on comments made by many college students interviewed on various campuses across America, the vast majority of them seem to have no problem with what is happening to our former republic and have seemingly bought the lie that ‘socialism is a good thing’.  They seem to be in favor of implementing a system that will turn our nation into a third world socialist toilet, as it has in every place it has been tried.  The evil system of socialism itself is based on a lie, as is the claim that socialism is, was, or ever could be a sound system of government.

What is that lie?  That everyone should rely on government to provide for their every need from cradle to grave, and that government can actually be trusted to follow through on the promise to provide those needs.  Current promoters of socialism claim that previous attempts to make socialism succeed were ‘not done right’; they insist that when socialism is allowed to grow and flourish, everyone will be better off because the ‘wealth’ will be distributed ‘more evenly’ throughout society.

Personally, I have worked hard all my life and have been greatly blessed by God with a strong work ethic and blessed by Him in all my endeavors.  I learned at an early age to accept that we live in a cursed world and that the curse pronounced on Adam, and through him, on the earth, has not yet been lifted.  As a result, I have been very successful in most of my endeavors, thanks to God.  The very idea that someone in a government should have the right, or authority, to determine what happens to my assets is totally abhorrent to me.

Wealth redistribution is, and long has been, well-established in our government and is a regular occurrence in the US Congress whereby those who are supposed to be working for the betterment of all their constituents, are instead working on ways to enrich themselves at taxpayer expense.  Nearly all the representatives in both the US House and the US Senate leave Congress much, much wealthier than when they entered it.  Those who so easily and eagerly accept the ‘socialism lie’ fail to understand that the socialists’ plan for wealth redistribution requires that only a certain, small number of people, especially those who feel that, due to what they perceive as their higher ‘level of intelligence’ than all the rest of the lower class of people, will decide how all wealth is distributed.  Because they have accepted the socialists lie, they still display some level of trust in those corrupt people who have been elected to political offices in Congress, or the Presidency.

In 1837, President Andrew Jackson said, “I weep for the liberty of my country when I see at this early day of its successful experiment that corruption has been imputed to many members of the House of Representatives, and the rights of the people have been bartered for promises of office.”  Old Hickory would be horrified if he could see the extent of corruption that is now so much a part of our American political system today.

The members of Congress alluded to by President Jackson, as well as the majority of those who have served there since Jackson’s day, were, and still are, greatly enriched by the ‘backroom’ deals they make, lobbying each other, and FOR each other, to get money from the treasury allocated to their pet special projects, some of which money, amazingly, seems to find its way into their own pockets.  The same corrupt congressional reps are privy to insider trading information and, even though it is illegal, when such information is used, it permits them to become extremely wealthy.  Where did the excessive wealth of congressional veterans originate?  To some extent, it came from the very treasury they were elected to oversee and  safeguard.

This information is public knowledge and is available for anyone who wants to dig for it.  In spite of the availability of the info proving the corruption of government and its officials, many people still have some confidence in those to whom has been entrusted the oversight of the national treasury.  Even worse, with all the corruption that CAN easily be seen through simple research, much more is hidden from our sight.

The Deception of Human Government

While some believers may be deceived into accepting the lie of the world and its governments, the lie that tries to convince us that our trust can, and should, be placed in that government’s benevolence and its ability to care for all its citizen’s needs, others are now seeing the error in that acceptance.  The statement, Government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take everything you have”, should be remembered and memorized by every believer.  Though the identification of the author of it is unverified, this famous statement has been made by many throughout the years; personally, I remember Barry Goldwater saying this in his campaign for President back in 1964.  Regardless of who originally said it, it still rings true today.  It is very easy to make promises, especially during the emotionally charged setting of a presidential campaign.  Following through on such promises is usually a much more difficult matter.  Harry Browne famously stated: “For those looking for security, be forewarned, there is nothing more insecure than a political promise”.  It must be remembered that, since government is not a producer/seller of goods, all the money it promises to one group of people must be taken from a different group of people: “Hello, wealth redistribution!  Hello, Socialism!  Goodbye freedom and prosperity!”

The thought of receiving something that one has neither inherited nor earned, something that can be had with little to no effort on the part of the recipient, is a temptation too strong for most people to resist, and they eagerly buy into the fallacy that ‘they have a right to it’ when in fact, no one has the right to anything that was not earned by ‘the sweat of thy face”, based on the curse pronounced by God on Adam, and thus on the entire human race, in Genesis 3:18.  The lure of things easily obtained thorough a promise made by a politician, if accepted by the recipient, is a destroyer of motivation, a work-ethic killer that has robbed millions of Americans of the joy of working, sometimes very hard, to obtain that which is needed for life and fulfillment.  Those who mistakenly believe that they can have all their ‘things’ simply by putting their trust in human government, will find themselves disappointed, disillusioned and usually desperate at some point in their lives.  Misplaced trust can lead to a state of complete confusion and a lost ability to trust anything or anyone again.

Rahm Emmanuel, a member of the administration of former president Barack Obama once said: “Never let a good crisis go to waste.”  In this time of ‘crisis’, supposedly brought on by a deadly virus that has swept across the world, it is once again apparent that government wants to establish itself as the saviour of man.  Due to the virus, our entire economy has been affected, with many businesses shut down and people told to ‘stay home’.  While these unconstitutional lockdown orders have already destroyed many small businesses, with many others uncertain if they will reopen when ‘the crisis’ is over, government has stepped in with their offer of a ‘stimulus’, basically a government-funded handout to ‘help people’.  Meanwhile our debt-ridden nation has seen another 2+ trillion dollars added to an already unpayable debt.

I research every major national event, especially the crises we face, to try to get the real facts about them, not just what the experts and government leaders tell us.  Now that this crisis has been going on for several months, and after the American public has been spoon-fed many ‘so-called facts’ that have since been proven to be lies, it is time for all of us to ask: “Just what is the truth of this event, and what has actually happened?”

Medical Event or Political Event?

I am certainty not a medical doctor, so I have no factual evidence of the deadliness, or lack thereof, of this virus, but I have enough common sense to know that this event appears to be a carefully planned attempt to see how far the American people can be pushed to obey unconstitutional orders.  It was pushed to us all using fear as the basis, telling us that hundreds of thousands of us, possibly millions of us, would die from this virus.  We all know what a powerful motivator fear can be.  It is one of the main tools Satan has used to destroy people in one way or another and he has become expert in its use.

The latest data I read concerning the total number of cases of the virus and the deaths from it indicate that the death rate is around 0.15 %, certainly much lower than the original estimate of 3-4%, or even higher, as stated by the medical experts that advise our President.  The actual death rate is very close to the average death rate of seasonal influenza that we all contend with year after year.  And we are now learning that the overwhelming number of people who have died as a result of this virus, are those who are elderly and/or have one or more underlying medical issues that cause the virus to be more deadly.  Now, in spite of the facts about the virus, we are being told to keep fearing, that this virus will certainly return this fall to destroy us all again.  Based on what we now know of the true death rate of the virus, we seem to be facing some contradictions.

Ayn Rand, in her colossal and classic novel, “Atlas Shrugged” said, “Contradictions do not exist. Whenever you think that you are facing a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong.”Realizing the nature of contradictions, that they are highly illusory, every person, and especially every believer must ask himself: “What premise have I been using to determine the truth of this ‘crisis’”?  If that premise is that governments can be trusted to speak the truth, then it is certainly time to examine our premises and make some changes in them.

All those who have placed their trust in government, then see how corrupt that government truly is, and how untrustworthy it is, will likely believe they are facing a ‘contradiction’.  However, their original premise, that governments can be trusted, is a ‘wrong premise’.  They CANNOT be trusted.

What to Do, Whom to Trust

If believers ever find themselves confused, confounded, or conflicted by what is happening around them, regarding the level of government corruption, their only recourse is to go back to the basics of God’s Word to determine what a true follower of Jesus should place his or her trust in.

One can easily find Godly direction on trust, in the Psalms: “O Lord my God, in thee do I put my trust: save me from all them that persecute me, and deliver me:” (Psalm 7:1). “In God have I put my trust: I will not be afraid what man can do unto me” (Psalm 56;11).  I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust” (Psalm 91:2).  “Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him” (Proverbs 30:5).  Paul, writing to Timothy said: “Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not high-minded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy” (I Timothy 6:17).  These are just a few of the many scriptures written in God’s Word where we are commanded to ‘trust in God’ and not in the world or any of the riches of this world.

But exactly what does it mean to trust God?  How does one go about it?  Is there a secret formula that can be followed to become a ‘God-truster’?  I go back to my earliest childhood experiences, remembering my father, a common man, poorly-educated, albeit a hard-working man from the south.  Though uneducated, he was raised by a God-fearing mother who always taught her seven children to work hard, love and worship God and to live by His word.  I knew from a very young age that my father and mother loved me and wanted to provide the very best for me, to the extent they were able.  I always knew that Dad and Mom would keep me fed, clothed and healthy though we were quite poor.  I never lacked for the necessities growing up, and I knew it was due to the love of my Dad and Mom for me, and the fact they trusted God for provision.  I learned over a short period of time during my childhood to trust my parents for my needs.  Along with my trust, I learned to love Dad and Mom wholeheartedly.

Therefore, whenever I would approach my Dad to ask for something I really wanted, I knew that, when he said he would do it, he would do it no matter what the cost to him.  There were times when he told me no, either because what I had asked was more than he could afford, or it was not a good thing for me.  But, when he said yes to any request, he never let me down.  I learned to trust his word, and trust HIM through his actions that fulfilled his words.  Trusting God is no different than trusting a human parent; it starts with knowing the words that they have spoken and believing they will put the full force of their authority behind those words.

Jesus taught this same precept to His disciples: “Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone?  Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent?  If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?” (Matthew 7:9-11).

When Jesus disciples’ tried to keep a group of small children away from Him, Jesus taught His disciples how anyone must relate to God in order to please Him: “Then were there brought unto him little children, that he should put his hands on them, and pray: and the disciples rebuked them.  But Jesus said, Suffer(permit) little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 19:13-15).

We must relate to our heavenly Father as we would to our earthly fathers, by developing a simple, child-like faith in the words that God has spoken, by first believing, then knowing, that He will put all His authority behind those words to provide for us when we ask anything according to those words.  Over a period of years, developing such faith will bring us to a place where we can approach the Throne of Grace, boldly and, by simply asking and believing, receive from Him (Hebrews 4:16).  However, just as it took some formative years in my early life to trust my Dad, building a relationship that led to trust, it takes time to build a relationship with God, through His word, to reach that place of loving Him and trusting in Him and His word.


The US government has multiple web sites where they post almost any information they are willing to share.  Supposedly, in those postings, one can learn just what to expect from the government.  But, keep in mind, that doesn’t mean that those words, though posted publicly for all to see, will always be what the government does.  On the contrary. Anyone placing blind trust in any government will soon learn that the people who write all the legislation and the regulations that control so much of our lives, are experts in ‘doublespeak’.  Just as I learned to trust my Dad, then God, through experiencing their ability and their willingness to make good on their words, I have learned that one can only trust a government to the extent it  has proven itself trustworthy.  Since there has never been a successful human government in the nearly 6000 years since Adam was created, it stands to reason that no government has earned that trust. And until Jesus returns to this earth and establishes a righteous kingdom, with Himself on the throne, that will not change.

I realize that, no matter what I write here, there will still be millions of folk, both rich and poor, who will still place all their trust in some government, expecting that, whatever that government has promised, it will bring to pass.  This blind trust will likely keep them in the dark and unwilling to accept that governments are NOT to be trusted, until they experience the doublespeak of government for themselves.  The world is still blindly stumbling along in the darkness and will continue to do so until a light shines in their lives, and dispels that darkness.  Until then, we can only pray that someone already living in the light will share it with them.

However, true believers should not be living in any kind of darkness.  With eyes, both fleshly and spiritual, wide open, they should by now know that all the governments of the world are inherently evil, totally or nearly corrupt and are under the control of Satan (Matthew 4:8-9, Luke 4:5-6) and his evil minions, both demonic and human, who have no other motivation than to steal, kill and destroy.  Somehow, it seems foolish to place any trust in a government that is mostly controlled by the persons who have determined to destroy us all.

In direct opposition to Satan is Jesus, whom God’s word says is the LIGHT, and He has come to bring LIFE (John 10:10).  Only by placing all our trust in Him, in simple childlike faith, will we ever experience true peace, joy and fulfillment.  No earthly government can honestly make this claim, and should not be trusted to fulfill it if they do.

Loving someone and trusting them wholeheartedly go hand in hand.  If you truly love them, you will trust them completely.  In Exodus 20:2-17, you will find listed the ten commandments given to Moses by God on Mount Sanai.  The first is: “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before Me”(Exodus 20:2).  God indicated that He is a jealous God who forbids the worship of any other god, in whatever form it may exist.  Jesus, when asked by a lawyer, “What is the great commandment in the law?”, replied, “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.This is the first and great commandment” (Matthew 22:37-38).  The author of Exodus 20 doesn’t use the words “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind”, but simply says, You shall have no other gods before Me”.   In my mind, since love and trust go hand in hand, the Lord is saying: “the thing that you love, and trust most, has, or will, become the god you worship.”  Knowing that God is indeed a jealous God, we must be extremely careful not to love and place our trust in anything that could come between us and God. If one places all his or her trust in government promises, as though the government were capable of providing a person’s needs, has that person then made the government his god?  That is a question every believer must ask and answer to his own satisfaction, all the while remembering that God will not share His glory with any man or government.

I am reminded of the words reportedly spoken by Nancy Pelosi, who after being elected the first female Speaker of the House of Representatives in 2006, said: “You don’t need God anymore, you have us Democrats”.  The fact that she is, once again, Speaker of the House, is a sobering reminder that anyone, other than God Himself, claiming to have godlike qualities, abilities, and attributes, is a person never to be trusted, EVER.  Every person, whether saved or unsaved, has the right to choose whom to trust; as for me and my house, we will serve, and trust, the Lord.


© 2022 Bud Hancock – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bud Hancock: bud.hancock@twc.com

[BIO: Bud Hancock was born and raised in a small textile town in North Carolina. After graduating from high school, Bud began an apprenticeship with General Motors. Retiring after a 30 year career. Shortly thereafter, he started a new career in the bank security/ATM business, advancing from an entry level technician to one of two North Carolina customer service managers for his employer. At age 75, Bud continues to study God’s word and write articles on Christian living and geopolitical issues from the Biblical end times perspective.]

Putin’s War Machine Was Made in Washington

By Cliff Kincaid

February 25, 2022

The “experts” say Russia is a gas station with an army. Who made this army possible? The answer: politicians and corporate interests in Washington, D.C., and other Western capitals.

In our 2014 book, Back from the Dead: The Return of the Evil Empire, we quoted Michael Birnbaum, the Washington Post’s Moscow bureau chief, as noting that “after Russia’s brief war with neighboring Georgia in 2008, top leaders rethought their old habits. Although Russia ultimately prevailed in that conflict, its soldiers proved ill-equipped and disorganized, struggling with Soviet-era equipment that failed them on numerous occasions. So leaders turned to the West to boost their capabilities.”

In other words, the West decided to make future Russian conquests more easily accomplished by the Kremlin. The French, the Germans, and Italians began providing sophisticated military equipment to Moscow.

These deals with Moscow make the activities of Armand Hammer seem mild by comparison.

Hammer was the chairman of Occidental Petroleum and a champion of East-West trade whose father Julius laundered money to establish the first Soviet espionage networks in the United States. Armand Hammer was himself exposed as a Soviet agent who helped former Vice President Al Gore and his family become rich.

Trade with the USSR served Soviet interests then, and it serves Russian interests today.

President Obama and his then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton engineered a “reset” with Russia, supposedly to improve relations. It only served to bolster the regime of Vladimir Putin.

It was in 2012, after the Russian “reset,” that President Obama pushed Permanent Normal Trade Relations (PNTR) for Russia through the Congress, with the support of the Big Business-dominated Coalition for U.S.-Russia Trade, passing the Senate by 92-4, and the House by 365-43.

Conservative or libertarian groups such as the Heritage Foundation and the Cato Institute supported trade benefits for Moscow.

Two years later, Russia invaded Ukraine.

Going back in time, once again to the Obama/Biden Administration, remember that Barack Hussein Obama mocked Mitt Romney’s statement during the 2012 campaign that Russia was our geopolitical adversary. Obama refused to supply Ukraine, after the invasion of 2014, with heavy weapons to defend themselves and then praised the Russians for their role in the Iran nuclear deal.

Clearly, Russia was exercising some sort of control over the Obama administration.

As a young man in Hawaii, Obama was mentored by a pro-Russian communist, Frank Marshall Davis, who taught him that “Red Russia” was a savior of the world’s oppressed peoples.

We had warned the world abut Obama’s communist sympathies.

The one-time chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, former Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA), preferred to explain U.S. policy by claiming there had been another “intelligence failure.”

He admitted to CNN’s Jake Tapper on April 12, 2016, that the U.S. government has badly “misjudged” the intentions of Putin “for many, many years.” He declared, “The biggest intelligence failure that we have had since 9/11 has been the inability to predict the leadership plans and intentions of the Putin regime in Russia.”

After the Russian invasion of Georgia in 2008, Rep. Nunes noted, the U.S. continued to engage diplomatically with the Russians, and “we continued to talk to the Russians, and then they invaded Eastern Ukraine.” “We missed that,” he said. “And then we completely missed entirely when they put a new base, a new base with aircraft into the Mediterranean, into Syria. We just missed it. We were blind.”

This series of “misses” is just an excuse. Our policy makers and intelligence “experts” were blind to the reality of communism in Russia and China.

Putin, a former KGB spy, never repudiated the Soviet state and, in fact, called the death of Soviet communism a “geopolitical disaster.” His invasion in 2008 of Georgia, the former Soviet Republic, was evidence of his true intentions. He then invaded Ukraine, to put down an anti-communist uprising there. He invades again, as if to clear up any confusion on the subject.

There are many of us who believe this is much worse than blindness. It is treason that has put an ant-communist revolution in Ukraine, one of the great developments of modern times, in jeopardy.

A reckoning should begin with naming the names of those who backed the Obama/Biden Administration into granting trade benefits to Russia.

One Senator, who now postures as tough on Russia, is Senator Chris Coons (D-Del.), who voted to “normalize” trade relations with Russia, saying it would “help create jobs in Delaware by allowing U.S. businesses to take better advantage of the emerging Russian market.” He explained, “With this vote, the Senate agreed that we cannot allow outdated, Soviet-era policies to prevent healthy, robust trade with the fast-growing Russian market.”

I suggest Americans review the Senate and House votes that helped Russia develop its economic power to such an extent that it could help create a modern Army to go along with the use of energy resources to use as blackmail material against Europe and the West.

Putin’s war has literally been made in Washington, D.C.

In effect, Putin’s Russia has been created by the same forces that explained the phenomenon of Armand Hammer and the betrayal of the West. The sad truth is that the Russians used the same trick twice. As a result, the Free World is now at the mercy of a resurgent Russia and a Red China with superpower status.

The future is easy to predict. Ukraine, Taiwan, South Korea, and Israel are all in jeopardy of extinction. Then comes the main enemy.

© 2022 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid: kincaid@comcast.net

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc. www.usasurvival.org

Klaus Schwab’s Young Global Leaders (USA)

By Lex Greene

February 25, 2022

If you don’t know who Klaus Schwab is, it’s high time you do.

Born Klaus Martin Schwab in Ravensburg Germany in 1938, Klaus Schwab is a highly educated and intelligent individual with a doctorate degree in mechanical engineering from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, a doctorate in economics from the University of Fribourg, and a Master of Public Administration degree from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.

Klaus was born and remains a Citizen of Germany, after being denied application for Citizenship in Switzerland, despite living in Switzerland and having two Swiss parents. During the earlier years of his career, he served on a number of company boards, such as The Swatch Group, The Daily Mail Group, and Vontobel Holding. He is also a former member of the steering committee of the Bilderberg Group.

In 1971, Schwab founded the European Management Forum, which in 1987 became the World Economic Forum (WEF) — often referred to simply as “Davos“, the name of the town where the forum is hosted each year. First, he controlled the EU nations and now, he aims to control the world.

For 44-years, Schwab focused all of his resources and energy upon developing a plan for a new form of Global Economics and Governance, all based upon Marxist theories of a One World point of view wherein both shareholders (business investors, owners, operators) and corporate stakeholders (workers) are equal. Schwab could easily be considered the father of “sustainable development” concepts, to include not only his view towards Marxist economic world domination by a small global ruling class elite, other “sustainable development” con games like fake Climate Change, Social Engineering through education and mass media, and genetically modified foods.

He who controls everything, controls everyone!

Meeting with great resistance from sovereign nations and government throughout the world, Schwab developed a viable strategy for implementing his vision for how the entire world should be, again, based upon the economic principles of Karl Marx and Frederick Engle. He had to “win the hearts and minds of the people.” As Marx once said, “Democracy is the road to socialism.”

That’s why the USA was never meant to be a democracy, but rather a Republican form of government, as guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution.

Today, Schwab’s World Economic Forum (WEF) is a who’s who of the richest most powerful people all over the world. Members and Partners of his group have a few things in common…

  • They are all driven by a quest for personal wealth and power
  • Most of them are very wealthy and hold powerful positions
  • They all share a vision for world domination, on their terms
  • Everyone else is expendable in the search for “sustainable development”
  • Marxism is their political philosophy
  • A One World Order is their goal
  • The goal justifies all means of execution

They (WEF) have taken the front position on the plot for global governance worldwide, dwarfing the Rothschilds, the Bilderbergers, the Illuminati, Cecil Rhodes and all who came before them. They are not controlled by the United Nations or NATO, they control both, and much more. The WEF now has six global offices around the world, two of which are in the United States, New York, and San Francisco. The other four are in Switzerland, Beijing, Tokyo, and Mumbai.

In recent years, we have seen much written about UN Agenda 21. Although this plan is entirely aligned with Schwab’s vision for the world, it is not a plan hatched by the UN. It’s just one of many pieces of the Klaus Schwab global puzzle for how to lead (force) all sovereign nations into a global order under the WEF design for “sustainable development.”

As an example, what the world just witnessed in Canada, the gestapo-styled treatment of the most decent and peaceful political protesters in human history in Ottawa, where Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was clearly at war with his own citizens and unwilling to pay them any allegiance whatsoever…is the result of influence from the WEF.

PM Trudeau quite clearly, does NOT work for the people of Canada. But the following members of the Trudeau regime, do all work for Klaus Schwab and his WEF, and that is who Trudeau takes his orders from.

  1. Justin Trudeau
  2. Ailish Campbell
  3. François-Philippe Champagne
  4. Chrystia Freeland
  5. Elissa Golberg
  6. Karina Gould
  7. Jagmeet Singh
  8. Renée Maria Tremblay

Fifteen years ago in 2007, Schwab launched his new WEF global control brainchild, his Young Global Leaders Program. The above list of Canadian political figures are members of Klaus Schwab’s Global Leaders. They were placed in power by the WEF to bring Canada into the group of countries controlled by the WEF. Those were largely “global police” you just saw in Ottawa, robotic, without conscience or any remorse, soulless enforcers with no concern for Canadian Rights at all.

In the USA, Schwab has seated almost 300 of his “global leaders” in positions of power for the same purpose, to bring the United States under the control of the WEF. People whose names you would expect, and others you might not, such as Maria Bartiromo, Peter Buttigieg, Tulsi Gabbard, Garlin Gilchrist II, Joseph P. Kennedy III, Vanessa Kerry, and Mark Zuckerberg. (FULL LIST HERE)

But this is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg…

Hundreds, if not thousands of international corporations are also partners with Klaus Schwab and his maniacal vision of WEF world economic and political domination. Here are just a few you might know…

Bain & Company
Bank of America
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Goldman Sachs
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Johnson & Johnson
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Morgan Stanley
Open Society Foundations
S&P Global
The Coca-Cola Company
Verizon Communications
Western Union

That’s only a small sampling… (FULL LIST HERE)

Every one of the companies on the list is cooperating with, funding, and participating in Klaus Schwab’s world domination via his “COVID19 GLOBAL RESET.” If YOU are doing business with any of these companies, then YOU TOO are funding this insane agenda for world economic and political domination.

Whether you are American, Canadian, European, African, Middle Eastern, or a citizen anywhere else in the world, this is who runs your country today, not any of the people you elected.

NOTE: Trump was the highly unwelcome exception. Not only is Trump not a WEF partner, he also categorically angered every member of the WEF when he spoke briefly at Davos. That’s why he had to go, no matter how much fraud was needed in the 2020 election. He did the same at a UN meeting.

However, these are NOT the most powerful people on earth. Most people just believe they are and that’s how they get away with everything they are doing. They also made sure that whole societies feel entirely helpless, powerless, and hopeless. That’s a very important element in “winning the hearts and minds” of the citizenry. Things are quite easy to predict once you make people think they don’t have a choice, such as, whether or not to wear a mask or take a lethal vaccine.

These are the most powerful people in any country…

  1. Farmers – if they don’t grow, no one eats.
  2. Truckers – if they don’t deliver, no one eats.
  3. Workers – if they don’t work, nothing moves anywhere.

It’s a myth that politicians, lawyers, and global Marxists are the most powerful people, no matter how rich they may be. The richest corporate CEO, market player, politician and lawyer will go broke overnight, if the three above shut it all down.

Like all socialists, Klaus Schwab has decided that no one should be paid high wages or salaries, no one should own anything, and no one should be free to disagree. But he pays himself over a million a year in salary to run WEF and has an unlimited expense account like Biden and Harris with an even better golden parachute.

Does it shock you to see all four lethal vaccine-makers, Pfizer, Moderna, J&J and AstraZeneca partnered with Klaus and his WEF? Do you still wonder why these lethal injections are still being forced upon whole societies, even though they have never saved a single life and have murdered thousands already? Is it science you followed, or Schwab’s maniacal plot?

Schwab’s WEF is behind every evil we are dealing with today, and he has foot soldiers seeded in power all around the globe.

The GRAND PRIZE is the USA, for if the USA is no longer free, sovereign, or secure, no place on earth will be.

Should you stand and fight, or not?

What makes you think you even have a choice?

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lex Greene: NWVLexGreene@gmail.com

Were There Giants in the Bible?

By Coach Dave Daubenmire

February 24, 2022

I have been casually exploring the whole giant thingee recently in my relentless pursuit of Truth.  My research led me to Steve Quayle and his wonderful website where his deep-dive into this controversial subject really caused me and millions of others to question whether we have been getting the full story on the giants and their relationship to the spiritual world.

It is not a subject that many Believers will mention for fear of ridicule from their peers.  But “upon further review” millions of Christians are being enlightened everyday about the “evil spirits in high places” and what the Bible actually teaches about these dark forces.

My interest was particularly peaked when I saw this article pop up on my internet stream.


Giants discovered in China I said to myself.  What the heck is that all about?  So, I took the bait and clicked.  It seems that over 5000 skeletons of giants had been unearthed in China.  Of course, who can believe the Chinese…but it prompted me to do a bit more digging.  My friends Steve Quayle and LA Marzulli would be proud of me.

My internet sleuthing led me to a reputable source Answers in Genesis where I found a fascinating article on “Giants in the Bible.”

Like many of you, I had heard of Goliath, and I was told that he had 4 brothers, but I had no idea how prevalent the mention of giants was in the Scriptures.  Allow me to summarize for you the great research done by the folks at AIG and researcher Tim Chafey.  The following references are from Chafey’s work.

Giants are mentioned in the Bible first in Genesis 6. “There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.”

They were given names…almost like tribes or kinds…Nephilim, Anakim, Rephaim, Amorites, Emim, and Zuzim.

The Amorites are mentioned more than 80 times in Scripture, and early on, some were allied with Abraham (Genesis 14:13).

The Emim had dwelt there in times past, a people as great and numerous and tall as the Anakim. They were also regarded as giants [Hebrew rephaim], like the Anakim, but the Moabites call them Emim (Deuteronomy 2:10–11).

The Zamzummim (almost certainly the same as Zuzim in Genesis 14:5) were also called giants and listed in the same chapter as the Emim.

Rephaim is the most common term used to describe giants in the Bible. (e.g., Deuteronomy 3:11, 13). It may refer to a certain people group, or it may be a term that simply means giants. The singular form, raphah, also appears several times (e.g., 2 Samuel 21:16, 18, 20).

The word Nephilim that is translated as “giants” in Genesis 6 is the Hebrew word and many Bible versions simply transliterate it as such. The Nephilim were mentioned again when the spies returned from their exploratory mission of the land of Canaan.

The Anakim were mentioned in several of these passages. They were perhaps the best known of the giants dwelling in the land of Canaan at the time of the Exodus.

Let’s dig deeper.  Here is a list of the 10 biggest giants mentioned in the Bible.  You will find the link here.

  • Og, the King of Bashan found in Deut. 3:11.
  • Goliath of Gath.  1 Sam. 17:4
  • Ishbibenob, a son of Goliath (2 Sam. 21:16,17)
  • Saph (also called Sippai) (2 Sam. 21:18; 1 Chron. 20:6)
  • Lahmi (2 Sam. 21:20; 1 Chron. 20:6)
  • An unusual anonymous giant. (2 Sam. 21:20)
  • Anak (Josh. 11:22)
  • Anak’s 3 sons Ahiman (See Num. 13:22; Josh. 15:14; Judges 1:10)
  • Talmai and (10) Sheshai.

There is so much we don’t know about the Bible and there is a great unveiling that is taking place today.  Many believe the Nephilim were the mixed seed of fallen angels and human women.  Because the fallen angels were not human, they were immortal and unable to die.  Hence, they became “disembodied spirits” which today roam the invisible spiritual realm looking for a body to occupy.

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers; evil spirits in high places.”

Could those disembodied spirits be the demons that so many struggle against today?

The Bible tells us that “as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of Man.”  What was going on in the days of Noah?  Was DNA being messed with?  Could the modern-day transhumanism movement be a replica of what was happening in Noah’s day?

Never forget, the battle was between the “SEED of the serpent and the SEED of the woman.”

Are we seeing a replay of the Days of Noah?  Are the Devil’s disciples messing with the seed (DNA) of the woman once again?

Check out Steve Quayle’s work.  https://www.gen6giants.com/.  We are warned in the Scriptures that “my people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge.”  Sometimes it is not what you know that matters…it is what you don’t know.

Did you know that giants are mentioned all throughout the Bible?  Why not? Does it matter?

What else hasn’t your Pastor taught you?  What else don’t you know?

© 2022 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire: ptsalt@gmail.com

How Our School Boards Turned Against Us

by Lee Duigon

February 24, 2022

When I was a newspaper reporter in the 1970s, I covered several local boards of education. Board members were ordinary people who wanted to make sure their communities provided a decent education for their children. By and large, it was a calm, peaceful, humdrum process.

There was the occasional controversy. Maybe an old school had to be closed, because it wasn’t worth the money to keep repairing it, and a new one built to replace it. This could lead to some pretty lively public meetings. Or maybe some “expert” down in Trenton would recommend the schools provide sex education curricula. Then the parents would show up to the next meeting and gently persuade the board not even to try doing this; and that would be the end of it.

Two forces rose up to change this—a power-grabbing New Jersey Dept. of Education, founded in 1945 and now feeling its oats, and money-grabbing teacher unions, established in the 1960s.

Bit by bit, the DOE took over the running of New Jersey’s schools. From time to time, the unions would launch a teachers’ strike for higher pay and benefits. With their hired consultants, lock-step unity, and increasingly large war chests, the unions usually won these public relations battles. Children were prompted and coached to go to board meetings and plead, “Oh, please, don’t fire our beloved teachers!” The school boards usually caved.

By the mid-Seventies, the state was dictating to the local boards, which had no power to resist. Whenever the public voted down the school budget, the state almost always restored the cuts. And the unions got richer and richer, allied themselves to the Democrat Party, and began making demands of their own.

And school boards gradually turned into the satraps of a kind of Great King down in Trenton, and began to view the people who elected them not as citizens, but subjects. “Hey! We’re the ones who know what’s best for children! Stuff the parents.” And why not? They were there to do the state’s bidding, they were there to keep the unions happy. Trenton could cancel any decisions they made that weren’t politically correct. And of course we now had a U.S. Dept. of Education that was even more demanding. Remember “Common Core”?

Now we have local school boards whose members meet in secret and, egged on by the unions and the state, routinely plug in such abominations as Critical Race Theory, “comprehensive sex education” (don’t even ask), promotion of “transgender” propaganda, and stocking the school libraries with what can only be described as filth. And parents, the undefended taxpayers who have to fund these orgies of misgovernment and educational malpractice, can’t object without the school boards running to the federal Dept. of Justice and having the parents branded as “potential domestic terrorists.” Some objecting parents have even been arrested on the spot—for questioning their school board.

Vote them out, and you only get more satraps. Any local board that tries to stand up against the state and federal governments, and the unions, usually gets crushed. I should mention that it’s never been hard to get elected to the school board. I knew a man in Union Beach who was elected to the board when five of his friends wrote him in as a prank.

What can we do?

The only thing we can do that will mean anything, that will have any positive effect, is to pull our children out of public school and educate them at home. This year, the number of families homeschooling their children increased four times over, the biggest increase ever.

America needs more homeschooling, not less. Public education has become Far Left Crazy’s favorite indoctrination mill, with the colleges and universities finishing the job. Today we have more alternatives to public schooling than we’ve ever had before. Let’s use them to empty out the classrooms.

Kill public education, and the Far Left in America… dies for lack of nourishment.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, http://leeduigon.com/ . Click the link and visit, while it’s still allowed. My articles can also be found at www.chalcedon.edu/ .

© 2022 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon: leeduigon@verizon.net

America Plunging Into An Endemic Lawless Society

By Frosty Wooldridge

February 24, 2022

One of the most important factors for a successful society: that each citizen respects, honors and participates in the rule of law.

Without personal accountability and personal responsibility, a society plummets into the “Dark Side” of humanity.  Edmund Burke said, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing,”

In the news recently, reporters videotaped hundreds of people jumping the turnstiles in the New York City subway system.  More cheat their fares on the city buses.

As reported, “Nearly 30 percent of New York city bus users and 8 percent of subway users aren’t paying their fare. It costs the city big time….fare beaters are costing the Big Apple more than $300 million a year.”

If enough citizens continue to jump the turnstiles or screw their bus fares, the entire transportation system will collapse into financial ruin.  It serves 15 million along the east coast.

In the last three months of 2021, NYC police issued 28,000 tickets for violations of transit fares being broken.

Major felonies on the New York City subway system were up 75 percent in January 2022, with robberies jumping to 137 percent higher and grand larceny at 111 percent than February of 2021.

Last weekend in NYC subways, riders watched six stabbings and two assaults.  “There are 6.39 felonies on the NYC subways, daily,” reported the New York times.

Across the nation, citizens shoplifted $52 billion in mercantile goods in 2021.  Entire gang units in San Francisco “smashed and grabbed” trains moving through the city. Cars and businesses in downtown San Francisco suffered hundreds of thousands of dollars in thefts.

Ironically, the San Francisco City Council voted to allow at least $950.00 in theft to NOT be prosecuted.  That vote unleashed massive crime in the city.  The same occurred in Los Angeles.

Last summer, such lawlessness visited my family as thieves stole my brother Rex’s Harley-Davidson worth $20,000.00. He worked his butt off for that bike.  They stole $30,000.00 worth of goods out Rex’s garage in little old LeRoy, Michigan, population 500.  While visiting San Francisco in June of 2021, I witnessed a “smash & grab” right across the street from where I parked. The police told me not to leave my car unattended.  We fled the city without seeing it.

Do you remember “The Tragedy of Detroit”, where the city became SO lawless in the 1980’s, that 1.2 million people fled the Motor City?  I worked in Detroit for 20 years to see it right before my eyes.  Graffiti everywhere. Cars stolen at the drop of a hat. Trash everywhere. Carjackings at intersections where thugs waved a gun in your face and told you to get out your car…then, they hopped in and drove off to a chop shop. Schools suffered 80 percent flunkout and dropout rates.  As houses were abandoned, thieves stole copper tubing. Mayor Coleman Young became so corrupt, the city collapsed.  It’s now being propped up by 300,000 immigrants all on welfare.

In 2021, thieves stole 810,400 cars off American streets.  Gun shootings and knife stabbings grew into the thousands. Chicago stands at the forefront of violence.  If you go online, you cannot believe the items being stolen across this country. It’s mind boggling.

The lawlessness rises right up the Joe Biden White House. He invited 2,000,000 lawbreakers into our country in 2021. He’s still in violation of his oath of office in 2022 as he continues to break our laws. If the President of the United States won’t enforce our laws, that’s a pretty good indication that we’re becoming an endemically lawless society.  The same holds true for AG Bragg in NYC, AG Kim Foxx in Chicago and George Gascon in Los Angeles.  All of them encourage lawlessness by releasing criminals back onto the streets with “no bail get out of jail cards.”

What does all this theft, thievery and felonies mean?  Answer: it means that the “Basic Goodness” of the citizens of our country has bled into lawlessness in our youth.  More than a few parents failed to teach their children basic citizenship.  We’ve got 25 million illegal aliens that crashed our borders…that now live with immunity from our laws because of our own law makers.   Additionally, we allowed 46 million foreign born immigrants to breach our country with their propensities for corruption, theft and violence.  We pay for 300,000 mothers of anchor babies that siphon our taxes year after year…all of them illegal.

Are you interested in what’s going to happen to our society when there are many more of them than there are of us?  Do you know why Somalia, Egypt, India, Sudan, Congo, Mexico and other societies live in such rot?  Take a few guesses.

We’re in for a worsening ride as this endemic lawlessness simply overwhelms our national scene.  Once the baby boomers die out, it’s going to be Black Lives Matter, Antifa, AOC, Tlaib, Jackson, Pelosi, Maxine Waters, et al…calling the shots. Dear God, save us from them.

Is anyone in America thinking about these questions?  Are we not galloping into America’s twilight years?

If you would like a free electronic copy of this book, please email me with your email address and I will send it to you.  Every American with children or any American who will live in this country in 2050, needs to understand what they face. frostyw@juno.com

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121.

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

This video will scare the daylights out of every American as to what’s coming to our country, US Citizenship Act 2021 by Joe Biden.

If you want to see two documentaries that give visual proof of my book’s contents, go to Netflix, and type in “Cowspiracy” that shows you the damage to the air, land and water.  Watch “Seaspiracy” to see how humans are destroying the oceans.

We need a total termination of all immigration for the next 20 years. These two organizations are the only ones to advocate for a 20 year moratorium on all immigration. Take action:  www.Balance.org and www.carrycapacitynetwork.org

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”  www.NumbersUSA.org

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

Patriotic Americans Classified as Domestic Terrorists

By Kelleigh Nelson

February 23, 2022

The closer the collapse of an empire, the crazier their laws.  —Marcus Tullius Cicero

Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship.  —George Orwell

I have always been of the opinion that unpopularity earned by doing what is right is not unpopularity at all, but glory.  —Marcus Tullius Cicero

There is no denying that Hitler and Stalin are alive today… they are waiting for us to forget, because this is what makes possible the resurrection of these two monsters.  —Simon Wiesenthal

A warrior knows he could die in battle, he just doesn’t expect the arrows to be from his own government.  Today’s warriors are the doctors, scientists, pathologists, funeral directors, actuaries, conservative journalists and radio hosts who are bringing us the truth.  The floodgates are opened, but we the people must be behind those who are standing for the rest of us.  If the enemies of freedom can eliminate them, we are next.

Today’s censorship is the greatest threat of all. Silence is not golden.  The very right of free speech was so important to our founders that it was placed in our first amendment.

The Lord God Almighty gave us free will to choose whom we shall worship.  Our country was founded on the words of our Declaration of Independence, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

We are again facing what our founders faced with, “a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

When a nation turns its back on the Creator, He lifts His Hand of blessing.  Our Judeo-Christian heritage is all but obliterated from every facet of society.  It is imperative that we turn back to Him.

We are at war, a Revolution to be exact, will we put on the full armor of God and having done all, to Stand?  Will we fight for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness or will we kneel to the despots who claim that we are domestic terrorists?

Domestic Terrorists

Our current President has declared white supremacists to be the “most lethal terrorist threat” to the US today.  There is no evidence to support the belief that white supremacy is a significant problem in America today. Link Neither is there any evidence to support the presence of systemic racism.  Yet, our intelligence communities have decided that white supremacists are the greatest threat in America.

The National School Boards Association (NSBA) sent a letter on September 29, to President Biden warning that school boards face “physical threats” due to opposition to COVID-19 policies and critical race theory. The letter claimed that some unruly parent protests may be “equivalent to a form of domestic terrorism.”  Upon investigation, not one case of a “physical threat” was unearthed. The NSBA issued a letter of apology, but it was too little, too late. Link

Patriotic God-fearing Americans who love their country and our US Constitution are now classified by the federal government and intelligence branches as being domestic terrorists.  Our future does not bode well.  One need only look at what our neighbors to the north are going through.

Trudeau just went full Nazi in Canada and declared the Emergencies Act – and is even sending in armed soldiers on horseback to beat and trample innocent protesters and is arresting any reporter who dares to report on his tyranny. Fifteen days (two lousy weeks) to slow the spread and it turned into two full years.  If you resist in Canada, or protest, they will freeze your bank accounts, take your children and pets, tow your vehicles and toss you in prison.

Is America next?

US Intelligence Community

The US intelligence community consists of 18 organizations, including intelligence elements of the five DoD services; the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, and Space Force.  The two agencies wielding the most political power in today’s environ are the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

The FBI has defined Domestic Terrorists, but does not include Black Lives Matter, Antifa, Islamic “Extremists,” The New Black Panthers, or the Not F’g Around Coalition, to name just a few.

In an article entitled;  The War Comes Home: The Evolution of Domestic Terrorism in the United States, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) states the following:

Some U.S. government agencies have outlined the threat from domestic extremists, though most have not provided recent data about terrorist incidents. In its Homeland Threat Assessment released in October 2020, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security concluded that “racially and ethnically motivated violent extremists—specifically white supremacist extremists (WSEs)—will remain the most persistent and lethal threat in the Homeland.”

The Federal Bureau of Investigation similarly argued that the “top threat we face from domestic violent extremists” is from racially- and ethnically-motivated violent extremists, including white supremacists.

Violence and the threat of violence are important components of terrorism. This analysis divides terrorism into several categories: religious, ethnonationalist, violent-far-right, violent-far-left, and other (which includes terrorism that does not fit neatly into any of the other categories).

There you have it.Whites Americans are the target!

How many times did America’s Pravda media call the 2020 riots and violence by BLM and Antifa “fiery protests, but mostly peaceful?” Mostly peaceful?  Who the hell are they kidding?  The destruction was massive.  Police were told to stand down while stores were damaged and looted, businesses burned, and Portland, Oregon’s federal building has $2.3 million in damages.  These communist thugs damaged federal and private property throughout the country.

Certainly, they are on the FBI and DHS list of domestic terrorists, aren’t they?

Well, No!

The DHS put out a National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin on Feb. 7, 2022, stating that, “The United States remains in a heightened threat environment fueled by several factors, including an online environment filled with false or misleading narratives and conspiracy theories, and other forms of mis- dis- and mal-information (MDM) introduced and/or amplified by foreign and domestic threat actors. These threat actors seek to exacerbate societal friction to sow discord and undermine public trust in government institutions to encourage unrest, which could potentially inspire acts of violence.”

Truth has become the new hate speech.


In the early 1900s, America was bereft of intelligence agencies other than the small staff of the Secret Service.  One issue of the day was anarchism, an often-violent offshoot of Marxism, with its revolutionary call to overthrow capitalism and bring power to the common man. Anarchists took it a step further, they wanted to do away with government entirely.

The prevailing anarchistic creed that government was oppressive and repressive, that it should be overthrown by random attacks on the ruling class (including everyone from police to priests to politicians), was preached by often articulate spokesmen and women around the world. By the end of the nineteenth century, several world leaders were among those who had been assassinated.Anarchists were the first modern day terrorists.

After the assassination of President McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt became the President and named Charles Bonaparte as the Attorney General.  With a need for criminal investigators, Bonaparte kept borrowing Secret Service (SS) men until Congress put a stop to it.  He decided to start his own investigatory agency and hired several of the SS he had borrowed. In 1909, Bonaparte’s successor, Attorney General George W. Wickersham, gave this band of agents their first name—the Bureau of Investigation. It stuck.

During its first 15 years, the Bureau was a shadow of its future self. It was not yet strong enough to withstand the sometimes-corrupting influence of patronage politics on hiring, promotions, and transfers.(Sounds as though it never changed) J. Edgar Hoover was appointed as Director of the Bureau of Investigation and was credited for the founding of the Federal Bureau of Investigation in 1935 and built it into the huge organization it is today. He amassed a great deal of power and was in a position to intimidate and threaten others, including multiple sitting presidents of the United States.  Here is the list of directors who headed the FBI from its inception.

The US Department of Homeland Security is a relatively new member of the intelligence community.  It was founded in 2003, in response to the devastation of the September 11, 2001 attacks.  Its stated missions involve anti-terrorism, border security, immigration and customs, cyber security, and disaster prevention and management. Like the FBI, the DHS is more about leftist politics than doing the job they were formed to do.

Our latest FBI Director, Christopher Wray, was suggested to President Donald Trump by Chris Christie.  His nomination should have been pulled when he testified that he would not take orders from President Trump, but the 45th President let it slide. The FBI Director reports to the Attorney General who is the number one legal advisor to the president.

I’ll never forget the photo of FBI agents kneeling for George Floyd…a known drug addict and felon.

Few FBI Directors have had the public’s interest at heart, most, including Hoover, who spent his career amassing and expanding his power, a power he abused, were political animals.  Hoover never trusted anyone he didn’t have something on.  He was a monumental egotist with an insatiable demand for flattering publicity; he had little respect for American constitutional values. He was above all an aggrandizing bureaucrat, whose reach knew no bounds. He expanded his power and survived through abuses that amounted to little less than blackmail of prominent public officials and private citizens and personal intimidation toward any person or institution daring to question his authority.

Eighty years ago, a brilliant female cryptologist found out exactly what Hoover and the FBI were all about.

A Trip Back in Time

William Friedman and Elizebeth Smith Friedman were American cryptologists who helped decipher enemy codes from World War I to World War II.The book, The Woman Who Smashed Codes, by Jason Fagone tells Elizebeth’s amazing story.

William studied genetics at Cornell University (B.S., 1914). Elizebeth Smith majored in English at Hillsdale (Michigan) College (B.A., 1915). They met at the Riverbank Laboratories (Geneva, Illinois), run by millionaire eccentric, George Fabyan, where they both eventually became involved in cryptology working often for the government in decoding diplomatic messages. In 1917–18 William served in the U.S. Army, partly in France, analyzing German code books.

In the 1930s, Elizebeth became America’s, and the world’s, most famous code breaker.  The evidence she gave in criminal trials describing how she cracked encrypted messages passing between mobsters made her a newspaper sensation. She even had to be protected by security guards.

Throughout World War II Elizebeth used her skills to hunt Nazi spies who were spreading into the West. She broke these Nazi spy codes for the FBI, which would have been lost without her—and then Hoover turned around and painted himself as the big hero. There was nothing she could do, because of secrecy rules.

She also broke coded messages sent on Germany’s Enigma machines. These messages revealed a plot by the Argentinian government to help Germany replace South American governments with Nazis, giving Germany bases from which to attack America. Her discoveries allowed the western allies to thwart the Argentinian and German plans.

While working for the intelligence department of the Coast Guard, Elisebeth discovered there were clandestine Nazi spies in Brazil sending codes.  Hoover’s FBI attacked and captured this group, beat them mercilessly and exposed their code breaking and then thanked the South American police.  His actions ruined the American and UK code breaking efforts.  After this happened, the Coast Guard and Navy purposely bypassed the publicity seeking Hoover, and gave nothing to the FBI.  It took months for them to again break the new codes, and many American’s and allies’ lives were lost because of Hoover’s foolish self-aggrandizing bravado.

Elizebeth Smith Friedman’s wartime code breaking work was so secret that she was forbidden to mention it in public. She died many years before government archives were brought to light showing what she had done. During and after World War II, Hoover and the FBI took the credit for work Elizebeth and her U.S. Coast Guard team had carried out.Those were the early years of Hoover’s nearly half-century reign as FBI Director.

Since those days, we’ve seen dozens of very negative FBI actions.

  • Whitey Bulger was an FBI informant who murdered 19 people while working for the FBI.
  • Cook County State’s Attorney’s office, with just a little bit of help and guidance from the FBI raided the home of Fred Hampton, a prominent Black Panther, and assassinated him while he slept. The immense amount of energy, time and resources the FBI spent subverting Hampton, a noted orator and political strategist, came out over the years and in 1982 his family won a major civil lawsuit.
  • Jack Olsen’s, Last Man Standing: The Tragedy and Triumph of Geronimo Pratt, is the gripping story of Geronimo Pratt, war hero, (two combat tours in Vietnam), and community leader, who was framed by the FBI in one of the greatest travesties of justice in American history.Geronimo Pratt did not commit the murder for which he served twenty-seven nightmarish years. As a UCLA student, though, he had led the Los Angeles Chapter of the Black Panther Party, and became a target of the FBI.Why?  He detested violence.  The FBI willfully and criminally withheld evidence they knew would exonerate Pratt, because they wanted his outspoken voice silenced via prison.  Stu Hanlon and Johnny Cochran proved his innocence and sued the FBI and LAPD and won $5 million.
  • The 1992 siege at Ruby Ridge, FBI sniper kills two innocents. Randy Weaver sues FBI and wins $3.1 million.
  • The 1993 Trade Center building bombing involving the FBI.
  • The 1993 Branch Davidian Waco, TX Siege.
  • The Coverup of the 1995 Murrah Building bombing.
  • The FBI spying on President Trump, the phony Russian collusion, and the set up by two FBI agents to eliminate National Security Advisor, General Michael T. Flynn.

I’ve mentioned only a few of the circumstances where the FBI failed to act or their actions cost lives.  Here is a list of many of their controversies.

Has the FBI had good men and women?  Yes, they have!But most of those agents left or were forced out. John Guandolo and Robyn Gritz (Link) are just two of the wonderful agents who are no longer protecting America. There are far more.


We are facing the most treacherous time in American history and it is apparent that US intelligence communities will “just follow orders.”

Our Judeo-Christian society has long been the object of destruction.  We must pray, fight and stand.  “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Ephesians 6:12

Resistance to tyranny comes with many consequences, but then so does submission.

© 2022 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: proverbs133@bellsouth.net

It’s Only A Question That You Can Answer: Americans Vs. Foreigners

By Bradlee Dean

February 23, 2022

“I should say that full one third were averse to the revolution…. An opposite third… gave themselves up to an enthusiastic gratitude to France. The middle third,… always averse to war, were rather lukewarm both to England and France;….” -President John Adams

John Adams stated: “I should say that full one third were averse to the revolution…. An opposite third… gave themselves up to an enthusiastic gratitude to France. The middle third,… always averse to war, were rather lukewarm both to England and France;….”

It is quite clear what it is that President John Adams has given us here. We have a view of the lay of the land during that particular time.

As a matter of fact, did you know that less than 3% of the population along with 13 colonies and 56 signers were used by the Lord to establish what it is that we now have in the present? We have the longest standing constitution in modern history (Deuteronomy 28:1-15).

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Our forefathers fought, bled and, in many cases, died giving us the freedoms that we have today (John 15:13).

Yet, the question that I have for the modern-day American is why are foreigners that are acting out in defiance towards tyrants seem to look and act more like the posterity of our forefathers than the Americans do (Jeremiah 3:19)?


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The question that every American must answer: Why Do Foreigners In Protest Act More Like Forefathers Than Most Americans Do?

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© 2022 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

What Have We Learned From Ottawa?

By Lex Greene

February 22, 2022

If you pay attention, you will learn something useful every day. If you learn from other’s mistakes, you won’t have to make those same mistakes yourself, repeatedly. You still can, but you don’t have to…

No thanks to the fake news media, who either ignored events altogether, or intentionally misreported the facts on the ground with a clear intent to mislead viewers…we have seen a flood of video content from citizens on the ground via social media posts and live presentations.

Never in the history of mankind has there ever been a more peaceful, respectful, clean, moral, and ethical political protest, anywhere on earth. In stark contrast to all BLM and ANTIFA protests, or frankly every Marxist riot since the 1960s, the trucker’s protest in Ottawa was a shining example of how decent moral people should assemble in public square for redress of their grievances.

For this, I give the great patriots of Canada huge credit, not only for organizing the protest in this manner, but also for maintaining their calm and cool even as government enforcers did not. No matter the outcome, these great Canadians are heroes, and the world is watching!

What have we learned from the Ottawa experience so far?

What started as an effort to end all failed COVID19 mandates, quickly became a war for the future of freedom and liberty in Canada. The effort to convince political leaders to do the right thing and return freedom to the people, was immediately turned away by the government who will never return freedom to the people. The real problem came into vivid focus.

Once you allow your government to disarm the people, peaceful is the only option the people have. Similar in nature to the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, the Canadian Charter of Rights protects the Right of the people to put down government abuse and tyranny. But once disarmed, the people have no means to do it, other than to pray for it, and ultimately, beg for it.

Never give your enemy time to prepare. Unlike the disorganized effort by American truckers to duplicate the Ottawa convoy in the USA, allowing the Biden regime weeks and months to prepare, the good people of Canada rolled into Ottawa largely unannounced, and caught the Trudeau regime by surprise. You never telegraph your plans to the enemy in advance. It’s disastrous.

No modern day law enforcement or military can be trusted to do the right thing. Yes, in both Canada and the USA, every member of the Military and Law Enforcement has sworn a solemn oath to protect and defend the Rights of the People. But as we have seen in Ottawa, and to some degree in the USA, places like New York City and Chicago, most of these folks will NOT keep those oaths. A few of conscience will, at their own peril. But most will simply follow unlawful orders against the people they are sworn to protect, like mindless, soulless robots without any conscience whatsoever. These are NOT law enforcers; they are merely global political policy enforcers. They cannot be trusted at all.

No matter how peaceful and respectful the protesters are, the Global Reset enforcers will NOT be.For more than three weeks, Canadian patriots held peaceful vigil in Ottawa. Not only were they threatening no one, destroying nothing, looting, and burning not a single home or store in the area, they were actually cleaning up the streets and feeding the homeless and hungry citizens of Ottawa. They did it right! But it didn’t matter. The tyrannical global Marxist agenda of PM Justin Trudeau was willing to use any force necessary to end the protest and keep his Marxist boot on the neck of every Canadian citizen. Throughout history, socialists, and communists all over the world have resorted to violence and force to advance their agendas and Ottawa was going to be no exception. As peaceful protesters laid flowers at the feet of the Nazi-style enforcers, those enforcers trampled the protesters under horse’s hoofsand beat the protesters with gestapo-type batons, arresting innocent people and stealing their personal property, including their bank accounts.

The people remain the biggest problem of all. A significant number of Canadians took the side of the Global Reset enforcers, publicly shaming the peaceful protesters while calling upon the enforcers to use even more force and violence to end the demonstration for freedom. Tyrannical dictators are easy to get rid of, so long as the people are united in that cause. But when any society is deeply divided, some willing to die for freedom, others ready to kill for their Marxist utopian fantasy, there is no way for it to end peacefully. Unfortunately, more than Trudeau will have to be defeated before freedom can return to Canada, and the same will be true in the USA.

Coming to America Next…

As American truckers struggle to organize a convoy across the USA, months after freedom-loving people all over the world have been in the streets, the Biden regime is anticipating their every move. They too, are learning from the scenes in Canada and they are preparing in the USA.

Unlike the good people of Canada, freedom-lovers in the USA are NOT disarmed. In fact, American Citizens are the most well-armed society on earth, far outnumbering any law enforcement or military anywhere in the world. Most are also highly trained, with more than 20-million military veterans and former law enforcement officers, in every city, every state.

As opposed to countries where governments were allowed to disarm the people long ago, Citizens of the USA have been stockpiling and “prepping” for this moment in history. Obama and Biden have proven to be the greatest weapons and ammo salesmen in history.

Let me be very clear…the fact that Americans are not yet in the streets, is proof enough that Americans prefer peace. They have patiently tolerated the very worst the U.S. Government has ever attempted to do to its people, and still, Americans are patiently and peacefully seeking nonviolent means to solve the problem. No sane person wants war.

But our enemies do, and that’s why we must question their sanity!

There’s a reason why old sayings are old sayings, “If you want war, prepare for peace. But if you want peace, prepare for war!”

As events and Ottawa have well proven now, no matter how peaceful we are, the people who mean us harm will NOT hesitate to use violence and force against us. No matter how much we want peace, those who mean us harm are prepared to use force. We have already seen small examples of this in the USA, at school board meetings, town hall meetings, BLM and ANTIFA riots, and the recent steady rise in violent crime all across the country.

It matters not, that American Citizens do not want war. War is coming regardless.

The Global Reset authorities are determined to finish off all national sovereignty and security and force every nation into their COVID19 GREAT MARXIST RESET.

In Canada, the following government officials are direct servants of Klaus Schwab, his World Economic Forum and Davos Group, and they were installed into Canadian government power for the sole purpose of leading Canada into total destruction. There are many more underlings, but these are listed by the WEF.

Justin Trudeau
Ailish Campbell
François-Philippe Champagne
Chrystia Freeland
Elissa Golberg
Karina Gould
Jagmeet Singh
Renée Maria Tremblay

But they are seeded in the U.S. as well. Many names you would expect, and others you likely wouldn’t expect, such as Maria Bartiromo, Peter Buttigieg, Tulsi Gabbard, Garlin Gilchrist II, Joseph P. Kennedy III, Vanessa Kerry, and Mark Zuckerberg. In all, there are almost 300 listed as global partners on the WEF site. COMPLETE LIST HERE

If you think that’s bad, read the full list of U.S. international corporations that are directly partnered with Klaus Schwab and his maniacal Marxist Global Reset.Companies like AIG, Amazon, AstraZeneca, Bain & Company, Bank of America, Barclays, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, BlackRock, Chevron, Cisco, Citi, Dow, Goldman Sachs, Google, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, HSBC, IBM, Intel, Johnson & Johnson, JPMorgan Chase & Co.,Mastercard,Meta, Microsoft, Moderna, Morgan Stanley, Nestlé, Open Society Foundations, PayPal, Pfizer, S&P Global, The Coca-Cola Company, UPS, Verizon Communications, Visa, and Western Union.

That’s just a few of the companies that are listed as direct partners with Schwab and his WEF Marxist Global Reset. HERE’S THE COMPLETE LIST

Are you getting the picture clearly yet?

Like the COVID19 scamdemic itself, created and put in play by all of these people and companies for the sole purpose of gaining total control over the entire world population through constant fearmongering, and ushering in Schwab’s maniacal vision for a Marxist Global Order under his command and control, his Global Reset was created to empower only a tiny handful of global elites while enslaving or eliminating everyone else!

There is NO WAY we are getting our freedom and liberty back peacefully. They are certain that THEY are “too big to fail,” and that “WE are too weak to resist!”

If you didn’t know it before, you certainly should know it by now. What we have seen unfold in Ottawa is just the tip of the iceberg for what’s coming next.

If you want peace, freedom, and liberty ever again, then we must prepare for war. We will never get it back any other way…because THEY won’t let us…any other way!

May God watch over all freedom-loving people everywhere. We are in the fight of our lives now. May God grant us the wisdom and strength to defeat this evil, for all mankind.


Ottawa shows exactly how a trucker convoy to a government center of power works. I support all peaceful efforts by patriots to make their case to public servants. However, wisdom indicates a better way forward.

A convoy is a parade, for show. They can and will prepare to put it down, exactly like they did in Ottawa. In the USA, Biden has already had over a month to prepare.

However, 73% of all U.S. commerce across the country moves by way of trucks. If truckers simply shut down and stop hauling, 73% of the nation’s commerce ends in an instant. Take those trucks home and drop anchor. With government forced supply chain shortages already affecting most Americans, it would only take a few days to have everyone’s attention.

This is how the most powerful group in America, the truckers, can have the impact they desire, without fear of counter-measures or reprisals from the rogue government currently in power.

It’s not enough to be tough…you must be wise as well!

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lex Greene: NWVLexGreene@gmail.com