Necessary to the Security of a Free State

By Lex Greene

June 14, 2022

When any government tells its people they don’t need or have any right to keep or bear arms, especially within the USA, or that “our Bill of Rights is not absolute,” they are really telling you that you will soon need every weapon you can lay your hands on…

Contrary to what the idiot in the Oval Office said last week, the 2ndAmendment is indeed “absolute,” just like every other amendment in the Bill of Rights and every word in the Charters of Freedom. As it relates to the 2nd Amendment specifically, it’s the single inalienable natural right of every legal U.S. Citizen to keep and bear arms, that protects everything else in the Bill of Rights and Constitution.

Sadly, too many contemporary Americans have no idea what the Charters of Freedom say or mean. Too many think they are up for discussion and negotiation, easily amended by so-called scholars changing the definition of words, courts issuing opinions at odds with the Supreme Law of the Land, unconstitutional laws from a legislature and unlawful Executive orders.

In reality, the constitutional amendment process is purposefully complex, difficult, expensive, and very time consuming. With clear intent, it’s not at all easy to amend the U.S. Constitution and contrary to the con-game played by Mark Meckler’s Convention of States scam, it cannot be amended by a State’s Convention. But Mark’s scam has been highly profitable, conning money out of unsuspecting believers.

Much better we stick with what already exists and learn how to enforce it…

The Second Amendment Text

“A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

Again, contrary to popular nonsense propaganda on the subject, the 2nd Amendment as stated, exists for one sole purpose and it is NOT hunting. “BEING NECESSARY TO THE SECURITY OF A FREE STATE!” This is the sole purpose of the 2nd Amendment. The type of weapons cannot be limited (regulated), as they must be adequate to protect ourselves and our country from all enemies, be they foreign or domestic.

Under what conditions might necessity require a society to keep and bear arms? The Declaration of Independence answers that question.

“That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.” Declaration of Independence

Words have specific “absolute” meaning. To “keep” means to freely own and possess. To “bear” means to carry. “Shall not be infringed” means, “untouchable” by any governmental body, for any purpose.

Who is guaranteed this inalienable natural Right protected by the 2nd Amendment?

It is “the right of the people;” – all legal law-abiding Citizens of the United States, no matter within which state they reside. No governmental body anywhere in the USA has any legal or constitutional authority whatsoever, to “infringe” upon(aka regulate) this Right of the people.

To “infringe” means to “actively break the terms of (a law, agreement, etc.):” or “act so as to limit or undermine (something); encroach on:” in any fashion.

To “contravene · violate · transgress · break · breach · disobey · defy · flout · fly in the face of · ride roughshod over

One of the things established in the famed legal case Marbury v. Madison, is the fact that any legislation, court opinion or executive order which is repugnant to the Constitution and Bill of Rights is null and void on arrival. Certainly, any effort by any governmental body to infringe upon the 2nd Amendment is indeed, repugnant to the Constitution and a direct violation of the People’s inalienable Right to Keep and Bear arms.

In recent years, anti-gun and anti-freedom so-called scholars, lawyers, and politicians, have set out to debate the meaning of “well-regulated militia” in their effort to disarm all law-abiding legal Citizens of the USA.

However, the true meaning of “well-regulated militia” is quite simple.

In contrast to a Military, a war body in the employment of the Federal or State government, paid by a government with the constitutional intent to “provide for a common defense” of the USA, all member states, and to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States; a “militia” is a volunteer fighting force made up of, by and for the people, as in, the militia that fought the American Revolutionary War to free our country from British rule, creating a free independent sovereign nation governed not by mere politicians, but rather by the Supreme Law of the Land.

“Well-regulated” simply means trained in the proper use of weapons, and somewhat organized as a fighting unit. In today’s cancel culture, when we see the FBI and other federal agencies involved in acts of entrapment and false flag events, organizing a militia in the open is a challenge. All true “patriots” of our country have been falsely labeled “domestic terrorists” and “extremists.” Best not get your name on those lists today.

I think it’s impossible to look at all the many ways American Citizens have been under attack from their own rogue government and not conclude that our current government has become entirely “destructive of freedom, liberty, peace, and tranquility, as well as our national sovereignty and security.” This is the sole reason why the 2nd Amendment exists, and why this Right of the People “shall not be infringed.”

No one has the legal or constitutional authority to “infringe” upon any Rights protected by the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Yet, our current Federal government performs as if completely unrestrained by these protections.

When Americans feel like they need to flee the USA in search of freedom and liberty elsewhere, it’s time to replace the entire government. And when history presents this challenge once again, to free itself from tyrannical governments, we will need every weapon we can lay our hands upon, to protect ourselves and loved ones from tyrants. Any law repugnant to these foundations, is not a law at all.

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Several Flavors Of Stupid Facing The American People

By Frosty Wooldridge

June 13, 2022

What’s going on in America today stands as a hallmark of sheer, pure, utter and complete stupidity.

We’re allowing less than one percent of the country to dictate their criminal way of life on the rest of us.  Take for instance, we’re prosecuting 300 rioters on the U.S. Capitol on January 6th, 2021 for walking into the Capitol with no guns, no firepower, no nothing.  Then, certain politicians and talking heads called it an “insurrection.”

Definition of an insurrection by Webster:  INSURRECTION implies an armed uprising that quickly fails or succeeds.

No one was armed on January 6, 2021.  But when you look back at 2020 with the BLM along with Antifa anarchy, those anarchists set fires to everything, killed people, and caused $2 billion in destruction of our cities. Not one of them was brought to trial.  What color of stupid would you call that?

Last year with Joe Biden, over 2,000,000 illegal alien migrants invaded our borders against our laws and against everything we stand for in the U.S. Constitution.  Where are they now?  Biden bussed, flew and ferried them to cities around America where they live on our welfare dollars that’s costing us BILLIONS.  And will continue costing us billions of our tax dollars.  What price this form of stupid by a stupid U.S. president?

Last week, I spent a lot of time in California in Los Angeles and San Francisco.  I witnessed 66,000 homeless in LA and another 35,000 living in tents and sleeping on cardboard boxes in San Francisco.  Nothing is being done to solve that massive American problem. NOTHING!   In fact, it’s getting worse by the day.  What color of stupid would you pull out of your Crayola box to paint that situation?

We’re paying $5.00 a gallon for gas all over the country in 2022 because of choices in 2021 to shut down the Keystone Pipeline that destroyed our energy independence.  In California on the Big Sur, I paid $8.55 a gallon. I even took a picture of the gas pump.  What form of stupidity would you call that when our leaders are strangling us at the pump?

(Where I filled up on Big Sur, California two weeks ago.) Photography
By Frosty Wooldridge

Last week, two black guys smashed a 60-year-old man in the head, who was walking down the street, minding his own business in NYC, and killed him as his skull fracture on the pavement. They robbed him and casually walked away.  Why? Because DA Bragg, also black, wants to be a kinder and gentler person with the mobs that rule the streets.  What color of stupid would you call that?  How about “African tribal law.”  Perhaps there’s only one color you can assign it.

In the past month, Biden has given $53 billion to Ukraine, a country 10,000 miles away from us. But we’re $31 trillion in national debt as we pay billions in interest rates weekly.  We’re so far in the red that there’s only one color of stupidity that you can call his actions: Bloody, stupid, asinine, ridiculous and ugly RED!

We suffer dozens of gun killings in Chicago, NYC, Detroit, St. Louis, LA and more big cities every week.  Sometimes, the death rates reach over 100 per weekend.  What do the DA’s of those cities do?  They give  “no bail” allowances to hardened criminals who get back out onto the street within hours.  You think Uvalde or Sandy Hook were terrible, but in fact, more people are killed with fists, ball bats, crowbars and knives than guns.  Why don’t we get back to the basics like citizenship, peaceful communication and civility to settle our differences?  What color of stupidity would you choose to call the fact that we haven’t, and we won’t teach personal accountability and personal responsibility?  Why haven’t we put armed security professionals at the doors of all our schools?  What color of stupid is that?

What does it all mean?  It means that our multicultural society fractures more and more by the day.  We’ve got too many cultures that are incompatible with Western Thought and Laws.  We’ve got too many angry inner-city criminals with no other way to express themselves.  We’ve got a “too complicated” society and “too fast” society for anyone to maintain a mental, physical and spiritual balance. We revere TOO much violence on TV, Video Games, and the movies to even expect that anyone would peacefully settle a dispute.

Are there any solutions to the stupidities across the nation? Answer: of course!  We need swift, complete and effective policing in every city. We need to stand by our police.  Then, we need swift, severe and total jail time for all those criminals.  No easy bail, no pat on the back, and effective jail-time to give those criminals 20 years to think about their deeds. I’m happy to pay for their three squares and a cot as long as they’re not out there robbing and killing my friends and family.

Once we reestablish the rule of law, and respect for the law by enforcing our laws, we have a chance to change to a much kinder, simpler and more peaceful society in the coming years.  What color of stupid do you think we’ll finally end up?

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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When Preparation Turns Into Tyranny

By Paul Engel

June 13, 2022

  • Several presidential administrations have created plans to take over the government and the nation in the event of an emergency.
  • While secret, declassified notes from periodic reviews show that the Office of President has plans to overturn the Constitution and your rights if he thinks it’s necessary.
  • While we are aware that these plans exist, not even Congress knows what is contained in many of these plans.

There’s a saying in many training communities, “The body will not go where the mind has not already been.” Another one you may have heard is the Five “P’s”, Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance. The idea is simple; if you do not prepare beforehand for a given situation, you will not be prepared when it happens. But what happens when government preparations move from proper to totalitarian?

Have you heard of “Presidential Emergency Action Documents” (PEADs)? More likely you’ve heard of a President’s “Emergency Powers”. These documents are plans created by various presidential administrations to prepare for various emergencies. Taking the form of exec­ut­ive orders, proclam­a­tions, and messages to Congress, the idea is that these PEADs can be put into effect on a moment’s notice. As with so many things in government, PEADs started as a good idea that has morphed into Sword of Damocles hanging over the rights so many of us cherish.

Presidential Emergency Action Documents

The Eisenhower administration had its own Sword of Damocles hanging over its head: Nuclear war. As part of the plans for the continuation of government in the event of a nuclear attack, President Eisenhower created the first of what became known as Presidential Emergency Action Documents. PEADs are classified as “secret”, and therefore the details are kept secret, not only from the public, but in many cases from Congress as well. However, these documents are periodically reviewed, and several de-classified notes from these reviews give us a hint at what’s inside. Research by The Brennan Center for Justice into previous PEADS gives us a glimpse into what presidents believe their “emergency powers” include.

  • author­ized deten­tion of “alien enemies” and other “danger­ous persons” within the United States;
  • suspen­ded the writ of habeas corpus by pres­id­en­tial order;
  • provided for vari­ous forms of martial law;
  • issued a general warrant permit­ting search and seizure of persons and prop­erty;
  • estab­lished milit­ary areas such as those created during World War II;
  • suspen­ded produc­tion of the Federal Register;
  • declared a State of War; and
  • author­ized censor­ship of news reports.

Let’s take a look at some of these assumed “powers” and where they came from.

President George W. Bush

For those of you who believe that the Republican Party’s goal is to protect your rights and liberty, I present the case of President George W. Bush. In 2004, 2006, and 2008, in the light of the 9/11 attacks, the George W. Bush Administration initiated a holistic review of their current PEADs. In response to a Freedom of Information, the George W. Bush Pres­id­en­tial Library turned over to the Brennan Center for Justice over 500 pages of information generated during the reviews. While the actual PEADs remain classified, the information gathered sheds a light on the disturbing powers a President may claim to have in an emergency.


Upon proclamation by the President that there exists a state or threat of war involving the United States, the President, if he deems it necessary in the interest of the national security and defense, may, during a period ending not later than six months after the termination of such state or threat of war and not later than such earlier date as the Congress by concurrent resolution may designate, (1) suspend or amend the rules and regulations applicable to any or all facilities or stations for wire communication within the jurisdiction of the United States as prescribed by the Commission, (2) cause the closing of any facility or station for wire communication and the removal therefrom of its apparatus and equipment, or (3) authorize the use or control of any such facility or station and its apparatus and equipment by any department of the Government under such regulations as he may prescribe, upon just compensation to the owners.

47 U.S.C. §606(d)

Under Article I, Section 8, Clause 11 of the Constitution of the United States, Congress is authorized to declare war, not the President. Yet here we see Congress once again delegating its power to the Executive Branch. Not only has Congress claimed the power to delegate its authority to another branch, but it claims the power to authorize that branch to violate the Constitution of the United States. The suspension of rules and regulation is one thing, but the closing or takeover of a private facility is a clear violation of the Fifth Amendment:

No person shall … be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;

U.S. Constitution, Amendment V

Should the President unilaterally proclaim that we are at war, or merely that there is a threat of war, your access to information can be shutdown or controlled by government. This law was enacted in 1942, which is why it specifically references “facilities or stations for wire communication”. But would a President today extend such an understanding to include the Internet? After all, at some point all Internet communications passes through “wire”, either copper or fibre-optic. Notes from the review of these documents during the George W. Bush Administration shows that they believed this act grants very broad powers in such an emergency.

Source: George W. Bush Pres­id­en­tial Library

For those of us who make a living by communicating via these facilities, our businesses would suddenly be controlled by Uncle Sam, extending the theft of both liberty and property even farther. Just imagine the dystopian future where an administration already sending examples of “misinformation” to social media companies, have the power to directly control them.


Shortly after the Supreme Court opinion in Boumediene v. Bush that recognized the rights of prisoners in Guantanamo Bay to have their detentions reviewed by a court, an internal memo from the Bush Administration showed that one of the PEADs was being reviewed in light of a recent opinion. While not positive proof, it certainly does imply that the administration had plans to suspend habeas corpus, a power the Constitution leaves in the hands of Congress, since it exists in Article I, where Congress is created. Furthermore, the privilege of Habeas Corpus can only be suspended in cases of rebellion or invasion, not in a “national emergency”.

The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.

U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 9, Clause 2


Did you know there is a law that allows the federal government to restrict travel to certain countries?

Unless authorized by law, a passport may not be designated as restricted for travel to or for use in any country other than a country with which the United States is at war, where armed hostilities are in progress, or where there is imminent danger to the public health or the physical safety of United States travellers.

22 U.S.C. §211a

Notes from the George W. Bush Presidential Library shows not only that they were aware of the law, but they highlighted it during their PEADs review. Doesn’t it make you wonder under what circumstances a President would be prepared to restrict travel? Would it be limited to foreign travel or would a President claim the power to restrict interstate travel as well?

National State of Emergency

Some of you may be thinking “OK, these are serious, but they’re only for national emergencies. We’re OK at the moment.” Wrong. America has been in a persistent state of “national emergency” since 2001.

A national emergency exists by reason of the terrorist attacks at the World Trade Center, New York, New York, and the Pentagon, and the continuing and immediate threat of further attacks on the United States.
Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush,
President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, I hereby declare that the national emergency has existed since September 11, 2001, and, pursuant to the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.), I intend to utilize the following statutes:…

Proclamation 7463—Declaration of National Emergency by Reason of Certain Terrorist Attacks, September 14, 2001

This proclamation has never been rescinded, so we are still in the state of “national emergency” that started with the 9/11 attacks.

A very funny thing happened on the way to this state of national emergency. You see, President George W. Bush proclaimed that, “by virtue of the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, I hereby declare that the national emergency has existed since September 11, 2001”. Yet nothing in the Constitution delegates to the United States, much less its President, the power to declare a national emergency. Since that power is not delegated to the United States, and neither is it prohibited to the states, then that particular power remains with the states. Whether or not it should be a state power, can and should be discussed. Before such sweeping power is simply handed over to Washington, D.C., We the People, through our states, ought to put some restrictions and limitations on that power.


When does a President become a King?

An officer appointed or elected to govern a province or territory, or to administer the government of a nation. 

President, Websters 1828 Dictionary

The difference between a President and a King is more than just an election; after all, there is such a thing as an elected king. The role of the President is to administer the government. In the United States, the President’s power to govern is supposed to be limited by the Constitution and laws of the United States. Compare that to a king:

The chief or sovereign of a nation; a man invested with supreme authority over a nation, tribe or country; a monarch. Kings are absolute monarchs, when they possess the powers of government without control, or the entire sovereignty over a nation;

King, Websters 1828 Dictionary

So when the office of President becomes more than the administrator of government, when the office is invested with supreme authority, that office ceases to be a president and instead becomes a king. And when the office of President assumes absolute control over the government, creating laws and administrative courts, the President becomes an absolute monarch. When the President, with the stoke of a pen, can overrule the Constitution and laws of the United States, he morphs from an absolute monarch into despotic dictator.

America stands on the precipice. Multiple presidential administrations have set in place rules and orders to effectively take over and rule this country. They did this behind closed doors, not even letting Congress know what their plans are. All it would take is the right person and the right conditions, for someone in the office of President to declare a national emergency and activate these despotic powers. George Washington warned us:

The disorders and miseries which result gradually incline the minds of men to seek security and repose in the absolute power of an individual; and sooner or later the chief of some prevailing faction, more able or more fortunate than his competitors, turns this disposition to the purposes of his own elevation, on the ruins of public liberty.

George Washingtons Farewell Address, 1796

They say never let a crisis go to waste. Well, unless the American people wake up and regain control of their government, all it will take for freedom and liberty in America to disappear is the right crisis to present itself.

© 2022 Paul Engel – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Paul Engel:

Is the Biden Administration Riddled With Jew Haters?

By Joan Swirsky

June 12, 2022

King Solomon said, “there is nothing new under the sun” (Ecclesiastes 1:9).

The sun rises, and the sun goes down…all streams run to the sea… what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun.

In his prescience, King Solomon no doubt knew that one of the things that would remain the same was the obdurate persistence––over thousands of years––of maniacal Jew hatred and a fanatical loathing of Israel.

If it weren’t so serious, and deadly, it would be almost comical, considering that the massive, heavily armed, immensely populated, and hugely influential empires that tried to annihilate the Jews—the Babylonians, Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Assyrians, et al––have been extinct for centuries, while the teeny tiny world of Judaism flourishes to this day.

And that is not to omit the Crusades and Inquisition and forced conversions and the 20th century Holocaust in which Hitler’s “willing executioners“––all over Europe––succeeded in mass-murdering a full half of the world’s Jewry. Here is a partial picture of Jewish history and persecution that makes the vibrancy of modern Jewish life even more amazing!

But not so amazing that today, in the putatively evolved 21st century, the historical scourge of viciously rampant Jew hatred not only gallops across the globe but also in hundreds if not thousands of colleges and universities in our own country!

According to The Center for the Study of Contemporary European Jewry, hatred of Jews is on a significant rise. Their 2021 survey reports:

  • In the US, which has the largest Jewish population outside of Israel, the number of anti-Jewish hate crimes recorded in both New York and Los Angeles was almost twice that of the previous year,
  • In France, the number of recorded anti-Semitic incidents increased by nearly 75% compared with 2020,
  • In Canada, a leading Jewish group reported a 40-year record in anti-Semitic physical violence in one month – August,
  • In the UK, the number of recorded physical assaults against Jews increased by 78% compared with 2020,
  • In Germany, anti-Semitic incidents recorded by police were up 29% compared with 2020,
  • In Australia, there was the sharpest rise in recorded anti-Semitic incidents, with 88 in May alone.
  • In Ukraine (Jewish population: 43,000), acts of vandalism against Jews increased 162.5% from 2019.

In fact, according to the Annual Report on Hate Crimes released by the Uniform Crime Reporting Program of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), it is Jews, among the world’s tiniest populations––15 million in a world of nearly eight billion––who experience the most bias, hatred, assaults, blatant racism and hate crimes.

Yet, we Jews continue to thrive not only in our ancestral home in the State of Israel but around the world, contributing disproportionately, as we always have, to the world’s welfare––in science, the arts, medicine, technology, athletics, media, et al. Still, the world’s Jew haters and Israel loathers continue to marinate in their DNA hatred and envy of the Jews who, of course, they should be admiring and emulating. Stupid is forever!


It is inconceivable that in America, a country that welcomes the stranger, strives mightily for equality, and in which minorities have succeeded far beyond even their own expectations, that many of our leaders have been outright racists themselves, with a particularly irrational hatred toward Jews.

Going back to Franklin Delano Roosevelt, whose Jew hatred has been exhaustively documented by professor, columnist and author Rafael Medoff, among others; up to the Ayatollah-infatuated Jimmy Carter who had and continues to have a “special animus” toward Jews and Israel, according to rabbi and author Shmuley Boteach; and not to omit the seething Jew hatred of Barack Obama, as spelled out here and here and here and here, the list has no end.

But who could imagine that in the so-called evolved culture of 2022, that among the most maniacally anti-Semitic people in the world––and among the most powerful––are those in the Biden regime who currently occupy the White House?

Very unfortunately, many of them are apostate Jews…you know, the species that has replaced Judaism with their own fetishistic, cult-like religion of Social Justice––a cult that worships at the altar of political correctness, multiculturalism, moral relativism, and the convoluted and racist construct of intersectionality.

And all of them are Democrats, including a huge number of elected members of the U.S. Congress! We have all witnessed the ferocious Jew hatred and abhorrence of Israel vomited out on a regular basis by the growing number of racist Democrats in the U.S. Congress, aka “the Squad” of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Cori Bush (D-MO), Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), Jamaal Bowman (NY), and Ilhan Omar (D-MN), et al––the list gets longer every day.

Here is their latest  Resolution, which calls the founding of Israel “a catastrophe.” And here, political activist Paul Schnee describes The Treachery of the ‘Squad’.

Of course, if any member of Congress dared to criticize the color, style, or primitive nature of a:

or a:

…all hell would break loose. But vilify, insult, lie about, slander, or proffer a blood libel about Jews, a thunderous silence!


Clearly it is not solely because their parents and grandparents were Democrats, but because they appear to genuinely like high taxes, open borders, a weak military, no-bail laws, the rampant thuggery of Black Lives Matter and Antifa, and especially abortions up to birth (now legal in 29 states) and even infanticide after live births. We know this because this is what they consistently––decade after decade after decade––campaign for, teach their children, contribute money to, and vote for.

But there are other theories. Writer M. B. Mathews says this phenomenon is “hard to fathom.” But a rabbi in New Jersey, he reports, says that Jews vote Democrat because it’s in their DNA.

The late English journalist Malcolm Muggeridge, Mathews writes, said: “I am not certain that college attendance is the only cause of Jewish liberalism, but it is probably the most likely culprit. Many colleges are festering pustules of regressive socialist/Marxist thinking. Our Jewish youngsters are being groomed intellectually to be perversely liberal.”

And editor, writer and conservative political commentator Norman Podhoretz has posited that “To most American Jews . . . liberalism is . . . the very essence of being a Jew…it is a religion in its own right, complete with its own catechism and its own dogmas and, Tertullian-like, obdurately resistant to facts…”


But don’t believe me. Here, in alphabetical order, are the direct quotes and credentials and behavior of some of Joe Biden’s hand-picked Jew-hating and Israel-loathing appointees, which are not limited to the Oval Office, but also include officials in the State Department, the National Security Council, the Defense Department, and U.S. intelligence agencies. It is as if the arch criterion for employment in this regime is a loathing of Jews and detestation of Israel. Otherwise, don’t apply!

I have written about this before, but I repeat it here because I believe that repetition aids learning. Only space limitations prevents me from listing all these miscreants and presenting the entire sordid picture of these career anti-Semitic racists.

I could write a doctoral thesis on Joe Biden’s animus toward Israel, going back decades. Here are just a few headlines, out of thousands.

Biden Is No Friend of Israel
Biden to visit Jerusalem to tell the world: Zion belongs to Muslims
Biden State Dept “Strongly Opposes” New Jewish Homes in Israel
Biden Institutes Rules Forbidding US Soldiers from Non-Official Travel to Israel
Why Is the Biden Administration Determined to Help Terrorist Iran Get a Bomb?

HADY AMR (whose mother is Jewish) is the Deputy Asst. Secretary for Israeli and Palestinian Affairs. Caroline Glick writes that Amr is an anti-Israel activist with “a long record of statements hostile to Israel and supportive of Palestinian terrorists, including Hamas.” Amr said: “I was inspired by the Palestinian intifada” (the terror wars in which Palestinian Arab terrorists murdered or maimed 10,000 Jews).

MAHER BITAR, the “Palestinian” Senior Director for Intelligence of the National Security Council (NSC), supports the Boycott/Divest/Sanction (BDS) movement to strangle Israel economically and has called for the destruction of Israel.

ANTHONY BLINKEN, Secretary of State (who is Jewish), has praised radical anti-Israel J Street as a ‘constructive force,’” and opposed designating the murderous terrorist Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a foreign terror organization.

KRISTEN CLARKE, head of the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice, has a long history of advocating for anti-Semites and spewing anti-Semitic lies,” going back to her heading Harvard’s Black Students Association.

REEMA DODIN, the “Palestinian” Deputy Director of the White House Office of Legislative Affairs, supports the suicide bombings of Jews, was the leader of the Hamas-affiliated Muslim Students Association, and has spread Medieval-style blood libels about Jews.

AVRIL HAINES, Director of National Intelligence (who is Jewish) has been described as rabidly anti-Israel, and was (surprise surprise!) Obama’s deputy national security adviser and is now deputy director of Obama’s anti-Israel Columbia World Project.

KARINE JEAN-PIERRE, White House Press Secretary, former head of far-left, anti-Israel, has praised lawmakers for boycotting pro-Israel groups and accused Israel of “war crimes.”

JOHN KERRY, who has Jewish roots, is Envoy for Climate. With personal family connections to Iran, Kerry, according to Adam Berkowitz, has written that “even the Israeli leftist newspaper Haaretz is appalled by John Kerry’s bungled, counterproductive, utter capitulation to Hamas.”

ALEJANDRO MAYORKAS, who is Jewish, is Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security. He is a board member of HIAS, which partners with terrorism-financier Islamic Relief, and he has undermined Israeli repatriation policies regarding illegal immigrants, among many anti-Israel actions.

DENIS McDONOUGH is Secretary of the Veterans Administration. Obama’s former Chief of Staff, he has spoken at the anti-Israel J Street convention and falsely condemned Israel’s “occupation.” As Obama’s Deputy National Security Advisor, he praised the imam of a Virginia mosque, knowing that the imam was a Muslim Brotherhood leader and VP of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), which directly funds Hamas.

THOMAS NIDES, Obama’s former deputy secretary of state, is Biden’s Israel Ambassador. According to Daniel Greenfield, Nides tells BDS group he wants Jews out of Jerusalem, and also documents that Nides “is the ambassador to the anti-Israel lobby.” Nides also describes Arab terrorists who murder Jews as “martyrs,”

SUSAN RICE is Domestic Policy Advisor (aka Biden’s Valerie Jarrett). The serial liar and inveterate Israel basher was Obama’s senior foreign-policy advisor and John Kerry’s chief foreign-policy adviser when he ran for President. And you know what both those Jew-hating racists stood for!

WENDY SHERMAN, who is Jewish, is Deputy Secretary of State. She negotiated the genocidal-to-Israel Iran deal and has also praised arch-terrorist Yasir Arafat as “the leader of the resistance movement” as well as downplaying the PLO suicide bombings and other terror attacks on innocent Israelis that Arafat engineered; on and on.

Unfortunately, because of space limitations, this is the very veryshort list! But you can see some of Biden’s other Jew-hating, Israel-detesting appointments here.

All of them––I repeat, all of them––are obsessed––to the point of utter capitulation to all the Draconian demands of Iran––to seal the malevolent Iran deal in order to put nuclear weapons into the hands of the one nation on earth that has vowed for the last 50 years literally to destroy every last vestige of the State of Israel, to wipe the only Jewish state in the world and its inhabitants off the map of human history.

I could recite the colossal failures of the current regime, but everyone in America knows and recognizes and “feels” the horrors that a very compromised and diminished Joe Biden and his communist handlers have inflicted on this nation and on their own personal lives.


There are only two solutions to this regime’s rampant racism.

The first is for every sane citizen to write to their representatives in the U.S. Congress and the U.S. Senate EVERY DAY to insist on voter IDs and scrupulously monitored midterm elections.

If these elected officials don’t answer you, or they send a waffling response, know that they are in on “the fix,” no doubt for the hefty payments they’re receiving––paying off their mortgages, financing their children through college, et al––from the left wing billionaires who control all Democrat behavior.

Here’s How to Contact All 535 Members of United States Congress. CALL, EMAIL, TWEET, et al, them every day!  This will take you 10 minutes.

Simply prepare a two-or-three-line message that expresses your ideas, for example: Mr. President…I insist that you mandate Voter ID cards for ALL voters in ALL elections, starting with the midterms in November 2022.

In influencing elected officials, numbers count! Let’s send them an avalanche of phone calls and a Mt. Everest of e-mails!

The second is to vote in the midterms on Tuesday, November 8, 2022. And to encourage everyone you know to cast their vote in this all-important, history-changing, anti-fascist election.

When We the American People put our hearts and minds and efforts into any mission, we can accomplish anything!

© 2022 Joan Swirsky – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Joan Swirsky:


It’s Not Easy Bein’ Green

By Rob Pue

June 12, 2022

Although I guess you could say there have been “earth worshipers” since just about the beginning of time, it was the civil unrest of the 1960s that spawned the radical environmental movement we’re dealing with today.  It was an age of unbridled lust and hedonism, and the effects of communist infiltration into our public schools and college campuses was starting to pay off for a new generation of Leftists in America.  Using their new-found power in movies, television, magazines and mainstream media, the Left was able to co-opt and capitalize on the power of the civil rights, anti-war, anti-capitalist, feminist and homosexual movements.  The Marxist propaganda machine was running at full speed, though few realized it at the time.

In 1970, Kermit the Frog, (the original Muppet), sang a song called “It’s Not Easy Bein’ Green.”  Whether it had to do with the color of their skin or some other perceived difference, the song was ostensibly meant to make young children, who felt a little awkward or different from others, to feel better about themselves.  In the song, at first, Kermit is sad, because he’s green.  But in the end, he comes to love himself as he is.  This may seem charming and innocent to you, as it did to me at the time.  But the brainwashing had begun.  I believe this innocent children’s song had a subliminal message behind it — no matter how you act or what you do, you’re fine just as you are.  “Anything goes,” and “if it feels good, do it.”  That was the message the liberals were pushing at the time, and Kermit helped it along, ever-so-sweetly.

In 1978, Gilbert Baker, an artist, open homosexual and “drag queen,” designed the first rainbow flag, at the urging of Harvey Milk, who was the first openly-homosexual elected official in the US.  He served 11 months as a member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors.  Milk wanted Baker to create a symbol of “pride” for the homosexual community.  And thus, the rainbow was hijacked by the LGBT movement.  Today that flag flies in just about every community, large and small, across the country — especially during the month of June, which has now been designated as “pride” month.

Just one year after the rainbow flag was created for the homosexual movement, “The Muppet Movie” was released, featuring Kermit singing a song called “The Rainbow Connection.”  Maybe I’m making more of this than I should, but I believe there is a connection. Here are some of the lyrics, speaking of the rainbow:  “…All of us under its spell; We know that it’s probably magic.  Have you been half asleep; And have you heard voices?  I’ve heard them calling my name.  Is this the sweet sound that calls the young sailors?  The voice might be one and the same.  I’ve heard it too many times to ignore it; Its something that I’m supposed to be.  Someday we’ll find it, The Rainbow Connection…The lovers, the dreamers and me.”

Sorry, but that seems a little eery to me.  It certainly didn’t at the time, but such was the subtleness of the brainwashing and indoctrination.  In hindsight, one can put the puzzle pieces together and see how it was all orchestrated toward an end goal.  And here we are today.  I’m sure no one dreamed, back then, that one day we’d have men legally marrying other men, cities with a million people gleefully celebrating sodomy in the streets and parents taking their young children to watch those “pride” parades or to a “drag queen story hour.”  Not to mention encouraging children to “transition” to the opposite sex if they experience any awkwardness or discomfort at all during or prior to puberty.

This is how Satan operates.  Sometimes he comes as an angel of light.  Sometimes he comes as a cute little frog, singing a song — to children.  The methods may be subtle and even imperceptible.  But there’s nothing hidden that will not be revealed, eventually.  For the record, “The Muppets” now have openly homosexual characters to entertain your children and grandchildren.

But I’m getting off-topic.  My message today isn’t about the LGBTQP+ movement.  It has to do with the religion of radical environmentalism. It was during the 1960s that two best-selling books were released on the topic: Silent Springand Population Bomb.”  The first “Earth Day” was held in 1970.  In 1972, the UN held its first official Conference on Environmental issues.  Popular news articles and magazines were warning of a quickly-coming global “ice age” if we didn’t clean up the earth immediately.  I remember this propaganda being pushed in just about every “Weekly Reader” I received in elementary school.  It had begun.

In addition to the coming ice age, we were warned of world-wide famine and disease because our uncontrolled human reproduction would soon suck all the earth’s resources dry.  It was also in 1979 that China took the “progressive” step so praised by rabid environmentalists — their infamous “one child” policy.  It stated that each family was to have no more than one child. If a woman were to become pregnant after having her allowed “one child,” the penalty was forced abortion. And since male children were much more highly valued than girls, if a woman became pregnant for her first time, and ultrasound tests showed the baby was a girl, the baby was usually killed, so as to allow this family’s allotted one child to be male.

The Global elites have never stopped pushing for human depopulation.  Consider Bill Gates, and his “lofty” goal of reducing the population through the use of “vaccines.”  Consider the Georgia Guidestones and the never-ending fear-mongering the Globalists have used to push this agenda.  When the “ice age” thing didn’t work, they changed to “Global Warming.”  But the “settled science” of “Global Warming” proved to be a bit embarrassing a few years ago, when scientists traveled to Antarctica to study the “rapidly melting” polar ice cap there — but their ship got stuck in the ice.

So then they came up with a term that would be a little safer:  “Climate Change.”  (That ought to do it!)  We’re told that Climate Change is now the number one crisis in the world.  And the cause of Climate Change is, of course, human beings.  There are many aspects to all this, too many to mention here, but certainly the fear-mongers are working hard to drive home the point that the Earth just has too many people.  People must stop having babies.  And since an unborn baby isn’t really a “person” then abortion is certainly necessary.  Do you see how all this evil and deception is so intertwined?  We’re told that human beings are not made in the image of God — and in fact, we’re told that we’re a plague on the earth.

John Davis, the editor of “Earth First! Journal” wrote, “Human beings, as a species, have no more value than slugs.”  Dave Forman, the Founder of “Earth First!” said, “Phasing out the human race will solve every problem on earth, social and environmental.”

Such is the philosophy of those who would place the Religion of Environmentalism over the sanctity of human life. They view human beings, not as miracles, knit together in our mothers’ wombs, fearfully and wonderfully made by God Himself, but rather as a cancer on the earth, something to be eliminated. Does this not sound like the very words of the devil and his demons?  Yet, so many have bought into these lies.  And Americans are quickly going extinct, as fewer couples are getting married, and even fewer having children.

The call today is for the Green New Deal and more people than you realize have fallen for this charade.  Young people, especially, love this plan.  For now.  They love the idea of “zero emissions” vehicles and industry. Eliminating our so-called “carbon footprint.” But understand, this is an attempt at erecting a One-World Government, with two classes of people: the rulers and the slaves.  Unless you have Klous Schwab or Bill Gates on your speed-dial, you can be pretty sure you’re in the latter class.

You see, “Climate Change” really has nothing to do with it.  Like the scam-demic of “COVID” (and now Monkeypox), “Climate Change” is just another tool in the box to use to keep people fearful and afraid.  That’s how the game is played: create a crisis, use propaganda and brainwashing to instill fear among the people, then provide the ready-made solution to solve the problem, and since they’re already fearful, the people will be eager to obey and comply.

But their lies are becoming more and more difficult to sell.  Because many are now finding out that what the frog said is true: “It’s not easy being green.”  Today, due to the policies of the current administration, we do have multiple crises — but they have nothing to do with “Climate Change.”  In order to slow or completely halt the production of internal combustion engine vehicles, we had a supply chain crisis.  A “chip” shortage.  But it’s interesting that while Ford, GM, Toyota, Honda and other companies couldn’t get computer chips to manufacture new vehicles, the Tesla company didn’t seem to have that problem.  Huh.

America has also halted oil drilling and refining, so we’re now paying the highest prices in history for gas and diesel fuel.  Joe Biden recently boasted about this “big achievement”  of his — creating the highest fuel prices in history.  Meanwhile, we’re begging our enemies to sell us fuel — and they can name their price because they know America is desperate.  But this is only the beginning.

We’re also warned, now, not just of high grocery prices, but a soon-coming famine.  The Green New Deal policies also include crippling the American farming industry.  Farm animals are being destroyed.  Farmers are being paid by the government not to plant their fields.  Fertilizer and seed prices have soared.  And if a farmer does manage to produce a crop or a product, how will they get it to market?  By truck or by train?  Trucks run on diesel fuel.  So do trains.

Many have jumped on the bandwagon to buy fully-electric vehicles but many are finding out there are problems with them — problems right now and even more on the horizon.  Our energy grid cannot possibly handle a nation of electric vehicles.  We’ve already been warned of rolling blackouts across the country this summer, because our power grid can’t handle the load as it is.  What happens when everybody tries to plug in their new electric cars at once?

You may have seen the video online of a reporter who happened upon a motorist stuck on the side of the road.  His Tesla was out of power — and he had a Honda generator in the trunk for just such an emergency.  So this guy was charging his Tesla using a gas-powered generator.  Makes perfect sense, right?

But still, we’re told we must lower our “carbon footprint.”  News flash: the TREES the environmentalists find more valuable than human beings BREATHE CO2.  They produce oxygen.  Human beings breathe oxygen and produce CO2.  Carbon is not a bad thing.  Nor are fossil fuels.  God knew what He was doing when He created the earth and everything in it, including us.  And He instructs us to “be fruitful and multiply,” whereas the Globalists consider us a “plague” and a “cancer” on the earth.

But never let a good crisis go to waste.  They’ve spent decades creating this crisis, and now they’re pulling the trigger on it.  Expect to see the price of everything double, at the very least.  Expect rolling blackouts because our power grid is not up to the task.  Expect shortages of everything.  Expect a personal “carbon tax” and fuel rationing.  I see government food lines and soup kitchens on the horizon.  Prepare yourself for these things now.  Because it’s not easy being green.

But you know what?  Where I live, the climate is, indeed, changing.  It’s called “summer” and I look forward to it every year.  A few months of “global warming” after a cold winter.  I love it.  Friends, we need not fear the schemes and propaganda and brainwashing of those who have a demonic agenda to control and manipulate us.  Recognize the lies and refuse to comply.  Speak up when this topic is raised and don’t be shy about telling people the truth.  If you don’t, who will?

And let’s remember what God said in Genesis:  “As long as the earth endures, seed time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.”  God keeps His promises and never lies.  Quite unlike politicians.

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 362.

© 2022 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

A Case of Mistaken Identity

by Rolaant McKenzie

June 12, 2022

Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr. was born in Louisville, Kentucky, on January 17, 1942. Many today are more familiar with the name Muhammad Ali, who was one of the most famous heavy-weight boxing champions in the world and perhaps one of the greatest sports figures of the twentieth century. For many he was an icon of exceptional athletic skill, braggadocious humor, and civil activism.

During his rise to fame, Cassius Clay became involved with a religious sect called the Nation of Islam, a separatist group of Black American Muslims whose beliefs ran far-afield of orthodox Islam. The adherents of this religious group told him that his ancestors were Muslims and that he would do them honor by abandoning the slave name handed down to him and adopting an Islamic one. Little did he know, what he came to believe to be true was actually a deception, and one of great irony.

Promoter of Freedom?

Muhammed, whose name Clay took, lived from 570 AD to 632 AD in the Arabian Peninsula. When he was around 40 years old, based on his claims of being visited by the angel Gabriel in a cave, he started proclaiming the message that God is One, that submission to God is the right way to live, and that he was God’s prophet or messenger. He called this new religious faith Islam. Starting with a few followers, Muhammed was able to eventually amass a significant number of converts, whom he led on wars of conquest to convert the Arabian Peninsula and beyond to his religion. Muslims began to practice slavery soon after the establishment of their faith, under Muhammed’s guidance. His successors continued this practice, including his fourth successor and nephew, Ali. According to authoritative Islamic sources, both men owned and traded slaves, some of whom were Black. Slavery continues to this day in Islamic countries like Libya, Sudan, and Mauritania.

Promoter of Bondage?

Cassius Marcellus Clay for whom both the boxer and his father were named, was born to one of the wealthiest farming families and slaveholders in Kentucky. He lived from October 19, 1810, to July 22, 1903. Clay was part of a prominent political family, with members of his close and extended family serving in elected office at the state and federal level. He served as a Kentucky state representative and was an early member of the Republican party which was established in large part to end slavery in the United States.

While attending Yale College, Clay heard a lecture given by a prominent abolitionist named William Lloyd Garrison. His speech convinced Clay of the injustice of slavery and inspired him to join the abolitionist movement. Upon the death of his father, he inherited the family plantation and its slaves. In contrast to Muhammed, Clay released the slaves. They were free to go where they wished to live their own lives, and he offered them paid jobs if they wanted to continue working at the plantation.

Though many in Kentucky favored secession and the Confederacy during the Civil War, yet he established an anti-slavery newspaper called The True American, which was the only one of its kind in the state.

During his efforts to abolish slavery, Clay survived several attempts on his life. Throughout it all he remained an ardent abolitionist, and he even served as an advisor to President Abraham Lincoln in composing the text of the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863.

In 1855, Clay donated 10 acres of his own land to John Fee, another prominent abolitionist. Fee used the land to found the town of Berea, Kentucky, and also Berea College, which was the first college in the country open to all races.

What an irony that Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr. abandoned his given name, thinking it represented a history of slavery, and adopted the name of two men who both owned and traded slaves.

The Lure of the Different Way

Just as the later Cassius Clay was truly convinced that his birth name belonged to a legacy of slavery and that Muhammed and Ali were his spiritual ancestors, some of the Christians in the church at Galatia were led to believe that faith in Jesus alone—His death on the cross for the forgiveness of sins, burial, and resurrection on the third day—was not enough for salvation. They were being persuaded by teachers proclaiming a different gospel from the one they had originally received.

These teachers believed in Jesus and that He died for sinners and rose again from the dead. They professed to be part of the body of Christ and fellowshipped with the Galatian believers. They even quoted Scripture with the appearance of godly wisdom to bolster their views. But in the end, they led some of the Galatian believers astray by convincing them that they needed to observe the law along with faith in Jesus.

Will the Real Good News Stand Up?

The gospel Paul preached was the good news that Jesus was the perfect fulfillment of the law in that He never sinned (1 Peter 2:22), and that He canceled the certificate of debt (Colossians 2:14), our sins (1 Peter 3:18), through His death on the cross, burial, and resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:1-4).

Jesus did not abolish the law, but He did come to fulfill it on our behalf (Matthew 5:17-20). Apart from a relationship with Him, the law remains the measure by which people will be judged God. But in Jesus Christ, the law is fulfilled for all who trust in Him for the righteousness needed to be in the presence of a holy God in heaven, righteousness that exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees. The Pharisees were experts at keeping the external commands of the law, but this was insufficient according to Jesus. Thankfully, the Bible teaches that our righteousness comes through faith in Jesus Christ, whose perfect obedience is applied to anyone who trusts in Him alone.

Romans 3:19-28 says:

“Now we know that whatever the Law says, it speaks to those who are under the Law, so that every mouth may be closed and all the world may become accountable to God; because by the works of the Law no flesh will be justified in His sight; for through the Law comes the knowledge of sin. But now apart from the Law the righteousness of God has been manifested, being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets, even the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all those who believe; for there is no distinction; for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, being justified as a gift by His grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus; whom God displayed publicly as a propitiation in His blood through faith. This was to demonstrate His righteousness, because in the forbearance of God He passed over the sins previously committed; for the demonstration, I say, of His righteousness at the present time, so that He would be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus. Where then is boasting? It is excluded. By what kind of law? Of works? No, but by a law of faith. For we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from works of the Law.

This gospel is called “the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes” and receives what Jesus has done on our behalf by faith (Romans 1:16; 5:1). The apostle Paul taught that salvation is by the grace of God alone through faith in Jesus Christ alone (Ephesians 2:8-10; Titus 3:4-7; Romans 4:3-5, 10:5-13). We are to rest in Him (Matthew 11:28) and not seek to achieve or maintain our salvation by our works (Romans 4:1-5).

Paul was uncompromising in his message. He condemned all attempts by others to add anything to it and thereby compromise the plan of salvation. He taught that any gospel that differed from the one preached beforehand to the Galatians was “another gospel” that brought God’s condemnation rather than salvation (Galatians 1:6-9).

The challenges faced by the Galatian Christians are no different than the ones faced by Christians today. There are many different “gospels” in the world that compete with and seek to drown out the real gospel. Some religious organizations believe that to become a Christian, you have to accept Jesus Christ as your Savior and follow the teachings of their latter-day prophet or prophetess, whose writings are in practice considered equal to or greater than Scripture. Or believe in Jesus plus be water-baptized, or speak in tongues, or observe certain days and festivals, or belong to their particular religious organization.

There are some who have been persuaded by groups like these that belief in the simple gospel is false and the truth is a belief that the cross is just a down payment which requires performance of rituals or observance of days and good works to pay the remaining balance. Salvation becomes not truly a free gift, but something like the purchase of a house with a bank loan. Jesus provides the down payment for the home loan, and payments must continue on the remainder of the loan in order to keep the house and prevent it from being lost to the bank. If one assumes that God’s acceptance is based on how one has been living — or any other “and” — that person either did not really understand the gospel or was misled from the true one.

In John 19:30. Jesus said on the cross, “It is finished!” The Greek text uses the word tetelestai, which means “paid in full”, not “here is the down payment”. Jesus did all the works for us without our help. He did not pay for some of our sins and then require us to pay the remaining balance with certain rituals or with good works. He paid for all our sins. Atonement for our sins was done once for all on the cross. God is not a loan company, and His grace is not a loan. His grace is a gift. Jesus did not do an incomplete work and require us to finish it.

There is no “and” in the gospel. Faith in what Christ has done plus nothing else is the good news that saves. The gospel teaches that God’s acceptance of us is not based on anything except what Jesus Christ did in our place. It means that we do not measure our closeness to God by how well we live but in what Christ accomplished for us. Christ’s righteousness in enough!

“… Man is not justified by the works of the Law but through faith in Christ Jesus, even we have believed in Christ Jesus, so that we may be justified by faith in Christ and not by the works of the Law; since by the works of the Law no flesh will be justified.” (Galatians 2:16)

© 2022 Rolaant McKenzie – All Rights Reserved



America’s Food Supply Threatened by Suspicious Fires and Train Wrecks

By Kat Stansell

June 11, 2022

Has war been declared on America BY our Government?

When the main stream “fact chuckers” (those who toss facts in favor of lies) scream “conspiracy theory”, we know we’re onto something big. And they are, yet again, giving us tin foil hats on our reporting of these fires.

On March 24 at the G7 Summit, the Junta propped Biden up enough to announce that there would be worldwide food shortages and they would be “real”. Within weeks, America’s food industry began to experience a string of destructive fires and explosions. Just as we began to notice and take count, the farcical fact checkers (Snopes and the like) began to howl that we were espousing another “conspiracy theory”. As soon as they do that, I am always comforted. We are on the right track, and these fires are far from accidental.

Twenty-five have occurred nationwide since July, 2021. There have been explosions, raging fires set in the middle of the night, and even two plane crashes into buildings, kamakaze style.

Coincidence? I think not.

Here is the list, by date. I sourced this from an excellent article by Michelle Edwards of,

Since Michelle wrote, two MORE fires have occurred, in a Perdue plant in Chesapeake, VA, and at a chicken farm in Jones County MS, which was destroyed. The list even includes two food pantries where supplies were gathered to feed the poor. Please don’t be mistaken that this Marxist government cares about the “little guy”.

There have been several destructive fires at food and fertilizer businesses in other countries as well. Here, though, I’ll stick to our country and the attack on us.


July 30, Tyson River Valley Ingredients Plant, Hanceville, AL Aug. 23, Patak Meat Products, Austell, GA

Nov. 15, Garrard County Food Pantry, Lancaster, KY Nov. 29, Maid-Rite Steak Co., Inc., Scott Township, PA

Dec. 12, West Side Food Processing Plant, San Antonio, TX


Jan. 13, Cargill Nutrena Feed Mill, Lecompte, LA Jan. 31, Weaver Fertilizer, Winston-Salem, NC Feb. 3, Percy Dairy Farms, Stowe, VT

Feb. 16, Louis Dreyfus Co., Claypool, IN Feb. 18, Bess View Farm, St. Albans, VT

Feb. 19, Lincoln Premium Poultry, Fremont, NE Feb. 22, Shearer’s Foods, Hermiston, OR

Feb. 28, Shadow Brook Farm and Dutch Girl Creamery, Lincoln, NE Feb. 28, Nutrien Ag Solutions, Sunnyside, WA

Mar. 14, Wayne Hoover Dairy Farm, Longswamp Township, PA Mar. 16, Nestle Foods, Jonesboro, AR

Mar. 16, Walmart Distribution Center, Plainfield, IN

Mar. 24, Penobscot-McCrum Potato Processing, Belfast, ME Mar. 28, Maricopa Food Pantry, Maricopa AZ

Mar. 31, Rio Fresh, San Juan, TX

Apr. 11. East Conway Beef and Pork, Conway, NH Apr. 13, Taylor Farms, Salinas CA

Apr. 13, Gem State Processing, Heyburn, ID Apr. 18, Azure Standard HQ building, Dufur, OR April 21, General Mills plant, Covington GA

Apr. 30, Perdue soy processing facility, Chesapeake, VA May. 2, Jones Co, MS., chicken farm

May. 23, Canadian Train Wreck That Derailed 43 Cars Carrying Fertilizer

Put each one of these on a calendar. It’s a powerful image that there is something terribly wrong.

The details of each tragedy, as horrid as they are for workers, owners and consumers alike, are NOT the most important thing here. The fact that they have all occurred under the Joe & Co regime is the key. Our food sources are being removed one by one.

It looks very much like the Junta has declared there will be food shortages (“You will have nothing and like it”, Klaus Schwab, WEF) and they begin to happen.

THEN, the Union Pacific RR announced that it will be curtailing shipments of grain and fertilizer – now, in the spring growing season when they are needed the most.

THEN, one of the “brains behind the World Economic Forum has declared that people are “useless eaters” and are just taking up space.

Add it all up. These is little doubt that our nation’s food supply is being actively reduced. Quite likely, on purpose. Most of these fires destroyed entire operations. Owners have said that, because of the high costs and shortages of building materials and workers, (ALSO, Regime-imposed) they may not rebuild. The owner of a burned out Wisconsin meat plant says that the state canceled his business license immediately after the fire, and he had to reapply to begin to rebuild. Apparently, it is easier to vote from the grave than it is to do business in Wisconsin!

The Ukraine War and the evil Putin are being touted as the causes of every problem in America today. We know, however, that is just more lies, from a group of top-level professionals in the game of prevarication, aka BS. The failed Regime needs excuses and a fall-guy, of course. There’s only one problem with lying about this string of food production disasters…so far not one Russian bomber or foreign adversary has been found to be a part of any of the 25 fires. The fires are occurring at a rate of nearly 2/month since the coup, and with increasing frequency since we’ve had Putin to blame it on.

Stay alert, America. War has been declared on us, by our own government.

If you work in a food or fertilizer business be suspicious. Keep your eyes open and stay safe.

If you are working to secure the November elections, work twice as hard. Organize groups in your community to provide 24/7 eyes on the drop boxes, if your state has them. See the film, 2000 Mules, if you have any doubts about what happens there. Retired members of the military are ideal for this job; recruit them from your local VFW. Former military members are among the most incensed at what is happening to the country they risked their lives to defend.

The mid-term election in November – if it is allowed to happen – will be our last chance to save our Republic, and ourselves. I’ve said it and I’ll say it again. The desperation of the failing Left becomes more obvious each day. They are wounded and dangerous. They will stop at nothing. Ministries of Truth, SCOTUS breaches, weapons confiscation, banking failures and a grid crisis or two may all be in our future. Stand guard, stay informed and stay strong. Do what you can, where you can. Work, volunteer, donate, communicate. Whatever you can do, PLEASE GET OFF THE COUCH AND OUT THE DOOR.

We have a country to save, and you must do it from your local communities.

© 2022 Kat Stansell – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kat Stansell:

The Birds, Bees, Fish, and Liars

By Kathleen Marquardt

June 11, 2022

Tom Renz just published an article, “Bees Are Officially Fish Per a Court… Seriously”[1], that explains so much. Similar explanations have been written in the past, but today, instead of a scattering of examples, we are so inundated with Newspeak that we must be vigilant when reading anything. If you start to lower your filter, you can end up accepting the idea that a person with a Y chromosome can birth a child, that a Realburger has meat in it even, that the climate never changed until man began to use crude oil instead of whale oil.

In Renz’s article, he states: Here is a link to a real ruling from a real court in California: Bees are Fish Ruling – Seriously. This is a direct quote from the ruling:

Although the term fish is colloquially and commonly understood to refer to aquatic species, the term of art employed by the Legislature in the definition of fish in section 45 is not so limited.

This ruling has the effect of adding bees to the endangered species list and hinges on the dubious idea that at some point the law protecting fish was amended to include amphibians (this was enumerated in the law) and so somehow that allows the inclusion of bees. Seriously.

Seriously. We’ve known about Newspeak for some time, but do many realize how potent this weapon of asymmetrical warfare is? Do you see that it is turning the rule of law upside down and inside out? It is what “they” the powers-that-be, the global elite determine it is – and they can change the meanings daily, if necessary, to keep us under control.

In the not that distant past, we knew:

A good definition of the rule of law that has near universal acceptance states “…most of the content of the rule of law can be summed up in two points:

(1) that the people (including, one should add, the government) should be ruled by the law and obey it and

(2) that the law should be such that people will be able (and, one should add, willing) to be guided by it.” – Geoffrey de Q. Walker, The rule of law: foundation of constitutional democracy, (1st Ed., 1988).

We’ve read a lot about activism and corruption in the courts – all the way up. This is a perfect example. And, yes, I know, just like us at American Policy Center, you are fighting dozens of battles on as many fronts. This is another one that has been going on for many years and isn’t going to be easy to correct, but get a win every once in a while. We must use every one we get.

I won’t belabor the point, but both the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and the Commerce Clause have been used for reasons that should never have come up in court. Today, we are watching more and more abuses of the meaning of laws that restrict our rights, i.e., Delta Smelt, civil asset forfeiture, and now, eminent domain is becoming a major tool on too many fronts. Noah Webster is rolling over in his grave so rapidly that he may drill his way across the cemetery.

What do we do? What we do for all the other abuses being rained down upon us – take it local. Take back your city and county attorneys, and elect only those people to any office you have verified are willing to stand on and for the Constitution.

Bees are officially fish per a court

© 2022 Kathleen Marquardt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kathleen Marquardt:

Dereliction of Election Duty

By Sidney Secular

June 10, 2022

The predilection of the “powers-that-shouldn’t-be” is to conduct election fraud whenever they feel it is called for (and that is always!) “just in case.” Ballot fraud has been a fact of American life for some time – indeed, we have no idea how long this has been “S.O.P” (standard operating procedure) but I do remember the questionable results of the Presidential election of 1960 at which time Mayor Daily of Chicago delivered Cook County’s votes to JFK together with Lyndon Johnson’s efforts in Texas thus cheating Richard Nixon out of the presidency. Nixon had the good grace not to contest the election fearing that the cold war problems would be exacerbated by any attempt to overturn Kennedy’s “victory.” Of course, history tragically played out this matter for both men, Kennedy in 1963 and Nixon in his second term!

The most recent fraud culminated in a crescendo of every possible connivance under the sun during the run-up to the 2020 Presidential “preconceived selection” election. What was done to deny Donald Trump his second term has not been seriously called out until fairly recently. In a type of gaslighting, the technique that is increasingly popular with our overlords, they told us and are still telling us that there is no evidence of such fraud whereas it was never exactly hidden and what was done was both pronounced and hideous. “Gaslighting” is the means by which an individual or group of individuals is made to question their own reason and the facts upon which that reason is based. It is a strategy used by those in authority to get people to question reality itself, making them feel foolish and senseless because they have accepted that reality. Perhaps you’ve been wondering what efforts have been made since the “coronation” of the “Bidenista” puppet regime to rectify the wreckage of our political system stemming from the ruthless attack upon it by our mortal enemies so that the upcoming mid-terms might somewhat resemble a normal, legitimate election.

Parenthetically, anyone who understands reality knows that short of a purge of all the present Deep State minions including a judicial response to the original crimes, our electoral process is simply dead. Once fraud has been accomplished and accepted, no further truly legitimate election can take place. Even if one manages to have such a thing, no one will believe the results. That is the sad thing that happens once one loses trust in the government; that is, short of the apocalypse, such trust cannot be regained!

Many purported “conservatives” have “gone along to get along” with the dismantling of America as it represents the current and victorious leftist zeitgeist venturing farther into the ideological “left field” with the passage of time. Anyone with any clout seems to be colluding with America’s enemies but whether this is the result of a desire to hold on to power and money or it represents existing ideological communion is not known and neither is it important. What matters is the collusion of those involved, and that includes liberals of all stripes, present minions of the Deep State, conniving neocons who desire an all-powerful government ruled by corporate interests, along with the military and state bureaucracies not yet part of the central Deep State, hi-tech and international corporations and, finally, the social, educational and intellectual establishments up to their knees in “doo-doo” and doing that which satisfies their leftist masters.

Since each state has its own election laws and related regulations and procedures, many have individually and recently enacted some reform measures. These efforts are not coordinated among states or blocs of states, so at least some voting irregularities have been addressed on a piecemeal and parochial basis. Using this methodology, at least some headway is being made here and there against the constant and strong headwinds trying to blow away any and all attempts at reform. The ongoing war with our enemies can be likened to skirmishes along a lengthy battle front where the unified enemy defense forces can be attacked at certain weak points and forced to yield in limited ways, while the enemy can counter-attack at any time such that our positions are never truly secure and any territory gained is temporary at best. The Heritage Foundation has assembled a list of election issues that need to be addressed in each state and the District of Columbia with a scorecard system to rate how each state is faring in their reform efforts on those issues important to them. This project is at least providing a somewhat unifying base among conservatives who as a political force in the past generally go their own separate ways with their own separate agendas. Conservatives can now know that they’re on the same page and as a result are finally getting excited and motivated over the idea that elections must – and can! – be fair and that integrity in the process is crucial especially given how widespread and deep is the conspiracy against honest elections.

The categories for ranking state efforts include voter ID implementation, accuracy of voter registration lists, absentee ballot management, vote harvesting/trafficking restrictions, access of election observers and verification of citizenship. There seems to be little attempt to address the issue of manipulating or monkeying around with the final results of an election via the algorithms that make electronic voting systems subject to the type of widespread fraud that occurred in connection with the election of 2020. The only real solution to that issue is to eliminate electronic voting altogether everywhere. The State of Kentucky appears to be the only one that is set to eliminate electronic voting in the near future but there appears to be no integrated or comprehensive effort at the national level to address voter fraud per se. It would be a good plank in the platform of any third party if one were to ever gain traction before the whole matter becomes moot.

In 2021, Florida, Texas, Iowa, Georgia, Montana, Wyoming, and Arizona created new or firmer voter ID laws. Thirteen states – Texas, North Dakota, Arizona, Louisiana, Kansas, Iowa, Montana, Oklahoma, Idaho, Florida, Alabama, Arizona and Georgia placed restrictions on mail-in voting. New Hampshire, Utah, Montana, Iowa and Texas strengthened voter registration laws. Texas, Kentucky and Arizona are the only states that took or attempted to take action on all the various issues that facilitate vote fraud. Ballot harvesting, or the practice of having individuals or organizations gather and submit completed ballots, and ballot trafficking – that is, the clandestine dumping of thousands of ballots into unsecured drop boxes – were both huge concerns in the 2020 elections. Some states have responded to these concerns by considering legislation that would restrict or prohibit the use of drop boxes but so far without measurable success.

On another issue, Wisconsin has a ballot proposal in November that would prohibit the state and local governments from using private money or equipment in connection with conducting elections. This would prevent tech billionaires such as Mark Zuckerberg from influencing election outcomes, something he already attempted to do in Wisconsin in 2020. Besides changing to paper rather than “digital” ballots in the near future, Kentucky will be soon conducting overnight surveillance of ballots and expanding the number of counties audited. Besides, Kentucky, the Heritage Foundation gives Alabama, Tennessee, Arizona, Texas, Wisconsin and Missouri the highest scores for their efforts at election reform. The lowest scoring states are Utah, New York, Massachusetts, Nebraska, New Jersey, Washington, Vermont, Oregon, California, Nevada and Hawaii. This is not inexplicable as all save Utah and Nebraska are located in heavily “blue” areas.

After the voter fraud issue, the most pressing matter is forcing politicians to address the most serious issues facing the nation while getting the voters involved in these issues and weaning them away from mindlessly re-electing parasitical and worthless incumbents. Americans must look past the endless promises about creating jobs, building the economy, reducing taxes, and that most cruel of jokes, “restoring trust” wherein no serious solutions are proposed by our political Pied Pipers. There is never a serious discussion about how to stop our money from losing value daily or ending unimpeded government spending or the destruction of the public education system by turning it into a communist indoctrination vehicle dominated by leftist unions with dwindling emphasis on the 3 R’s and a never ending emphasis on the “r’s” of “systemic racism” as well as raunchy and repellent sex practices! With these “criteria” in place, the US is 24th in the world in academic “excellence!”  Meanwhile, no representative has elected to address the mushrooming crime situation, the drug abuse crisis, the dissolution of the nuclear family due and owing to the very policies these people have put into place, the burgeoning illegal alien problem, and the rigging of elections that exclude serious consideration of third parties or even a true vote count involving the present two parties!  The average voter feels – correctly! – that the important decisions will be made behind closed doors, so the turnout of voters in the United States is lower than that which takes place in many banana republics. Voters – and especially Trump voters (the vast majority of those who cast a vote in 2020!)– realize that all the judicial challenges to the manipulated results to that election have been dismissed for false and illegitimate reasons while ordinary Americans believe that as socialism is inevitable, why bother to fight for reforms? They see big money poured in by the globalist billionaires determining the outcome of elections as well as the massive cheating and hypocrisy that prevail while despite all the openly stated dissatisfaction, 93% of incumbents are returned to office each year. Furthermore, no matter how many creeps are returned to office – often openly against the stated view of the majority of the “voters,” together with the omnipresent vote fraud, we are told to go out and“exercise our right to vote” happily displaying little stickers that say “I voted” so we can feel good about being suckers yet again.

There is a seemingly simple but effective way to turn things around. Let’s say none of the candidates for a particular election address the issues that concern you or, in the alternative, are otherwise repulsive. A write-in campaign usually won’t help even if that option actually exists! Today with our super-duper technological set-ups, it is normally a very difficult and expensive effort to influence an election outside of the existing list of candidates! Of course, if the candidate favored to win suddenly becomes especially vulnerable and loses your vote, you have no choice but to look further down the ballot to find another choice! Now, let us suppose that anew alternative is offered, that is the concept of, “NONE OF THE ABOVE!”  And let us also suppose that when the votes are tallied, “NONE OF THE ABOVE” gets a majority of votes over any of the candidates listed! Well, of course, that means that “NONE OF THE ABOVE” wins!

Now in turn, that completely nullifies the election results at least in that office! Obviously, it means the office will remain vacant until a special election is held. Of course, such run-offs have happened in the past but using the concept of “NONE OF THE ABOVE,” no candidate presented in the last election was acceptable to the majority of voters and thus, NEW candidates will have to be provided to win the public’s support. Fixing the election process could be that simple as local parties would be forced to provide candidates acceptable to the people and these new candidates would have to address real issues, or face being rejected in turn. In this way, incumbents could not be returned for further consideration meaning that the reign of the power brokers would be broken while special interests could no longer rely on their money to buy elections, or at least it would become far more difficult and awkward for them to do so. In this environment third parties and write-in candidates would receive greater exposure and a greater chance of success.

However, in order to work, “NONE OF THE ABOVE” would have to be binding. It would have to have the power of the law behind it. It would not be just a protest vote but part of the actual electoral process and as such, binding. It would also have to be completely non-partisan and that would mean that there would be less need for massive campaign chests to support such new candidates as “NONE OF THE ABOVE” would produce in that process. Furthermore, the option, once placed on a ballot would remain in any at least state-wide election. To have this work, activists in every state would have to mount a campaign to demand that “NONE OF THE ABOVE” be given a permanent place on state-wide ballots to start. Obviously, it could require a constitutional amendment should the concept reach the national level and all that that requires. Some states have ballot referendum procedures in place that could be used as vehicles for such an effort. It would be difficult and expensive to do, but because of the popularity of the concept – especially as the lawlessness of our present electoral process continues to be revealed – it would have a chance. It would take only a couple of “NONE OF THE ABOVE” victories to get the momentum going nationally on such an effort.

Actually, the concept of “NONE OF THE ABOVE” has been around for a long time.  Over the years, most states have had legislation introduced supporting the concept. Nevada actually has it on the ballot, but it is non-binding and that won’t do. There never has been a serious national drive to promote the idea, so the concept hasn’t been given a chance with the voters yet. However, with the growing dissatisfaction many voters are feeling and with the quality of candidates getting worse with each election, there has never been a better time to start a national discussion of the issue. This will be a long-term effort, and should be primarily aimed at local, state, and Congressional elections to start. Remember, the real power of the concept comes from the ability to reject candidates all across the board everywhere and not for voters to stay home because what they really want is “NONE OF THE ABOVE!”

© 2022 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Sidney Secular:

The Real Makers of Lethal Weapons Are in Our Schools

by Servando Gonzalez

June 10, 2022

In 1999 I wrote an article I titled “The Real Makers of Lethal Weapons Are In Our Schools,” that was published in an Australian newspaper[1] Eight years later WorldNetDaily reproduced it, adding, “Editor’s note: This prophetic commentary was first published in June 1999.[2]

[1]. The New Australian, No. 123 (12-20 June), Sydney, 1999.

[2]. World Net,

What caused today’s culture of violence & death?
First published in June 1999, this article is just as relevant and vital today.

“Guns they’ll never find,
‘cuz my lethal weapon’s my mind.” — Ice-T

Soon after the school shootings at Jonesboro, Arkansas and Springfield, Oregon, were reported, the American media began rounding up the usual suspects: guns and, by implication, the National Rifle Association and the parents who allow their children access to guns. Since then, school killings in the U.S. have become a common occurrence, and both the national media and gun control advocates keep chanting the mantra that access to firearms is the main reason for the killings. The killings, they claim, are a reminder of the terrible price we all pay for the lax gun control laws in our nation.

It is interesting to notice, however, that the self appointed “gun control advocates” are actually “selective gun control advocates.” When they talk about gun control, they don’t have in mind controlling the guns in the hands of the government, only in the hands of private citizens. In a country where, in a growing fascistic trend, extensive use of all types of guns among government agencies is mushrooming — even UC Berkeley proudly announced the creation of its own SWAT team—, none of the gun control advocates seem to care about veritable private armies controlled by the BATF, IRS, INS, FBI and other federal agencies. The purpose for this selective gun control, they claim, is to curb criminality.

But, as history has proved over and over, criminals don’t destroy countries, governments do. Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, Communist China, and Castro’s Cuba, just to mention a few, are countries where stiff gun control laws were enacted. Yet, as soon as the gun control laws were in place, people were witness to thousands of their fellow citizens killed by guns in the hands of government thugs. In fact, the disarmament of its citizens was a precondition for allowing their governments to kill them with total impunity.

The inconsistency of the gun grabbers’ reasoning is amazing. The same ones that now are blaming guns for the schools’ killings are the same people that, faced with increasing teenage sex, decided to provide high school kids with free condoms because, they reasoned, kids were going to continue having sex anyway. These are the same people that, faced with extended drug usage, decided to provide addicts with free hypodermic needles because, they reasoned, addicts were going to continue using drugs anyway. Now, faced with kids killing other kids, I expected from them nothing less than a plan to provide the killers with free guns because, I reason, these kids are going to keep killing people anyway. But no. Because a few kids are killing people with guns, the coercive utopians want to deprive all American citizens from their guns. A very interesting example of convoluted reasoning.

The weak side of the gun control theory is that the famous oxymoron ‘guns don’t kill people; people do,’ is absolutely true. Evidence shows that, though many American citizens keep guns at home, they don’t use them to kill their fellow citizens nor do their kids go to school to shoot at their classmates. On the contrary, most legal gun owners believe that human life is sacred, and have passed this belief on to their children.

Once More: Guns Don’t Kill People

In early 1981, during my first weekend after moving to Zurich, Switzerland, I went with my family to the main railroad station and experienced a cultural shock. Dozens of civilians, carrying powerful rifles and plenty of magazines full of ammo, were getting in and out of the trains and nobody seemed to pay any attention to it. Later, somebody explained to me that they were reservists going to their monthly military training. Then I learned that most able Swiss citizens keep at home a powerful assault rifle and several hundred rounds of ammunition. Curiously, I have never heard of a Swiss schoolboy using his father’s rifle to kill his schoolmates.

The Swiss case is not unique. From 1959 to late-1963 I witnessed a curious phenomenon in Cuba. After the popular victory against the Batista dictatorship, most Cuban citizens were carrying, openly and concealed, all types of weapons, from pistols and revolvers to assault rifles and sub-machine guns. Because most of the people involved in the war against Batista were very young, many of the citizens carrying guns were teenagers. Public schools were doubled as centers for militia training, and they kept at hand all types of guns and ammo. And, surprisingly, those were probably the most peaceful times in Cuba’s recent history. Criminality was at the lowest, and violence involving guns was almost unknown. I never heard of a case of school violence involving guns.

By mid 1963, when Castro felt himself strong in power, people were asked to register their guns. A few months later a law was passed confiscating guns in the hands of private citizens. Soon after, criminal actions involving guns increased considerably, particularly criminal actions committed by the Castro government against Cuban citizens.

The amazing fact is that guns, even guns in the hands of trained soldiers in the battlefield, don’t kill people. While studying the effectiveness of American soldiers during World War II, U.S. Army Brigadier General S. L. A. Marshall discovered the incredible fact that less than 20 to 25 percent actually took part in battle using their weapons. After interviewing thousands of soldiers, even soldiers who had been in close combat with German or Japanese troops, Marshall and his team of researchers found that 75 to 80 percent of riflemen did not fire their weapons at the enemy, even to save their lives and the lives of their friends. Some of them prefer to die rather than kill the enemy. The reason for this was the strong inborn resistance of human beings to kill a fellow man. Further research revealed that the rate of soldiers firing at the enemy during the Civil War was very similar.

As a result of Marshall’s findings, Army psychologists created new training methods and they were applied in the soldier’s training. The results were impressive. During the Korean War the rate of soldiers firing their weapons in combat raised to 55 percent, and it reached 90 to 95 percent during the Vietnam War. What were these methods? Mostly brainwashing the soldiers to believe that what they were killing were not human beings, but pieces of inanimate matter. This was obtained through a process called manufactured contempt, which includes the dehumanizing of the enemy. Another factor that contributed to the high rate of killing in Vietnam was the extended administration of tranquilizing drugs to the soldiers. Does this ring any bells?

A few years ago, when Florida’s Dade County passed a law allowing citizens to carry concealed weapons, the selective gun control advocates predicted mayhem and civil chaos. But their predictions never materialized and criminal activity involving guns actually dropped considerably. In Israel’s kibbutzs assault rifles and submachine guns are always kept fully loaded and at hand. I have never heard of any Israeli child using his parent’s guns to kill classmates.

When somebody uses a car to kill a person nobody blames the car, but the driver. Why, then, when somebody uses a gun to kill a person we always hear the gun control advocates raising their voices? Neither guns nor cars kill people; people do. As the lyrics of a well-known rap song repeats over and over, the most lethal weapon is your mind. Re-searchers at the North Carolina Center for the Prevention of School Violence seem to agree. They believe that the reason for the current epidemic of school violence has to do with a change in the student’s thinking. Now, how did this change in the children’s mind come to be?

Lowering the Violence Threshold

In an extraordinary book, On Killing: The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society, author Dave Grossman takes a look at how conditioning soldiers to overcome the instinctive loathing of killing is the main factor in post-combat stress. He also shows how by lowering the violence threshold contemporary society, especially the media, replicates the army’s conditioning techniques. The result is increased violence in society.

When I was a kid I was told that human life was sacred, because it was a gift given to man by his Creator. The command ‘Thou shall not kill’ included your own life, therefore, suicide was forbidden. Granted, that was a non-scientific fact, just a belief, but it was accepted by most people as normal, civilized human behavior. Even at school, where students were supposed to learn scientific facts, the ones who expressed their belief in the sanctity of human life were not scorned or harassed. But things have changed in America, and not for the better.

Instead of the non-scientific belief that life is a gift, now children are told at public schools the non-scientific belief that life evolved from a piece or inanimated matter. Day after day, over and over, teachers hammer in into their student’s impressionable minds the unscientific belief that, far from being a miracle, life is just an accident of nature.

There is a practical reason for the teachers’ unscientific behavior. The coercive utopians have always seen Judeo-Christian religion as the main obstacle to their plans, so they have been using Darwin’s evolution theory as a handy tool in their battle against religion. Their main goal is to lower the ethical and moral threshold in order to brainwash children to accept their views. But you have to really push down forcefully the moral threshold to have people accept, for example, that shoving one’s fist up other person’s anus, or kissing other person’s anus and eating his feces, is a normal sexual behavior. (If this sounds too gross to you it is only because you have not been attending a public school lately.)

The techniques the brain-washers apply to lower the student’s moral threshold are very sophisticated, some of them closely resembling psychological operations used by intelligence services all around the world. For example, most schools have instituted a ‘pajama day,’ in which students come to school wearing their pajamas. That’s seems pretty inoffensive, and no parent would question it. But the ‘’pajama day’ is just the first step for the creation of the ‘cross-dressing day,’ in which students come to school dressed as members of the opposite sex. The ‘cross-dressing day’ is actually a ‘transvestite day’’ in disguise. Its only purpose is to lower the student’s moral threshold into accepting previously socially unaccepted behavior. After the ‘cross-dressing day’ has been in practice for several years in a school, nobody would object if some day a student decide to come to school every day dressed as a member of the opposite sex. If somebody raises any questions it would be easy to dismiss it by alleging the student’s rights and the fact that everybody does it, at least once a year.

Another common technique they have been successfully applying in some schools is the showing of films like Natural Born Killers, and the use of death and suicide rehearsing, in which student’s write suicide notes, visit mortuaries, and even lay in coffins to feel the experience of death are carefully planned psychological conditioning to lower the moral threshold of the student’s to accept violence and death as natural. Death and suicide have become a common subject in ‘progressive’ school curricula. Sadomasochism is an important part of a sub-culture.

In their ferocious fight against religion the social engineers have been successful in the de facto banning of Judeo-Christian ethics from our public schools, and a cornerstone of Judeo-Christian ethics is the belief in the sanctity of human life. The result, as we now see, is probably not exactly what they had in mind. But don’t let their anti-gun yelling and shouting confuse you. They are not that foolish. They know exactly the real source of the problem, which is not guns or parent’s behavior. But, unable to publicly accept the blame for their mistake, now they are blaming us for the results of their gross miscalculation and, with the help of a corrupt, accomplice media, pulling a victory out of the jaws of defeat.

Granted, the belief in the sacredness of human life is not a scientific fact, but, even from just the practical point of civilized life in this planet, it is a very useful one. Apart from any religious consideration, it is evident that believing in the sacredness of human life has a strong redeeming social value. But kids who came to public schools holding that value are systematically ridiculed and psychologically harassed. Instead of the Judeo-Christian ethics, students in our public schools are spoon-fed with situational ethics: ‘If you feel good doing it, then it is OK. Do it.’ Therefore, if you feel good lying, stealing, having sex, particularly homosexual sex, or taking drugs, then it is OK. Do it. But, in their rush to lower the moral threshold to gain acceptance for their behavior, they forgot the ubiquitous law of unintended consequences. The coercive utopians apparently failed to realize that they were opening a Pandora’s box and we are paying for their mistake.

The fascist social engineers are masters in semantic deception, which in plain English means using a fancy, misleading term to name an activity quite different from the one the name suggests. So, they created outcome-based education, constructivism, block scheduling, site-based management, team teaching, Socratic dialogue, holistic grading, and the rest of the tools that, allegedly, were going to improve our system of education. The reality is that all of these supposedly educational techniques are just tricks created to be used as a smoke screen for covering their actual indoctrination and brainwashing activities. The fact that they have been acting for so many years with total impunity has convinced them of their cleverness and our stupidity.

Using the tricks of their trade, the social engineers entrenched in our public schools have been working hard brainwashing the students behind their parent’s backs. To reach their goal they use techniques that range from proven methods of psychological brainwashing to the administration of psychogenic drugs. You’ll be surprised to know the number of students who are taking drugs administered by the school’s nurses, allegedly because they suffer from ‘attention deficit/hyperactive disorder.’ Prozac and Ritalin, some of the drugs of choice, are known for their wide range of side effects.

The main effort of the social engineers entrenched in our schools is directed at modifying the students’ behavior into accepting, among others, the belief that human beings are just pieces of highly evolved matter. Now, if one of these pieces of evolved matter has some-thing you want, why not destroy it? If some of those pieces of evolved matter hurt your feelings or do something you don’t like, why not get rid of them?

The cardinal principle of situational ethics, as currently taught in our public schools, is that if you feel good doing something, then there’s no reason for not doing it. Creating a high sense of self-esteem, the social engineers claim, is paramount, and doing whatever makes you feel good is the key for reaching a high sense of self-esteem. Some witnesses testify that the students who went on a killing rampage to their schools were feeling real good. I bet that, at least while they were pulling the trigger shooting at unarmed victims, the schoolboys turned into assassins were enjoying a very high feeling of superiority and strong self-esteem.

Authors H. Stream and L. Freeman, in an insightful book called Our Wish to Kill, probed America’s homicidal obsession, examining everything from ‘wilding’ incidents to serial killers. They conclude that actual killings are simply tangible expressions of the hundreds of thousands of murders that are fantasized in our minds but never committed. One of the functions of the Judeo-Christian and other religions, at some time shared by schools, is to raise the threshold of violence, making it morally unacceptable and, therefore, difficult to commit. Lately, however, schools have joined the media in pushing down the violence threshold, making it morally easier and simpler to commit.

After the massacre at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, President Bill Clinton has been busy throwing a smoke screen on the true causes of the killings. According to Clinton, the responsible for the creation of the monsters next door are guns and parents. But Bill Clinton, a natural born liar, knows better. The roots of this recent trend in school violence are to be found in the Arkansas brainwashing labs, whose three main elements, AGATE (Arkansas Gifted and Talented Education), the Arkansas Governor’s School and the Arkansas School of Mathematics and Science, are the aberrant creation of none others than Bill and Hillary Clinton. It was there, and not at the student’s homes, where the seed of violence and death was planted for the first time in the minds of impressionable children. It was there where the brainwashing techniques were first tested and fine tuned for many years. Now, the brain-washers are pushing for its nationwide implementation.

The national media, Hollywood, computer game designers, death metal bands, television and, particularly, ‘progressive’ teachers working hard at brainwashing our children at the public schools, are the true makers of lethal weapons. They are the ones who have created the abominable monsters who unmercifully kill other human beings. Sometimes the monsters use guns, though knives, poison, explosives, baseball bats and rocks have also been used as murder tools. The media, Hollywood, computer game designers, death metal bands, television, teachers, and not the parents and gun makers as some claim, are the ones who are poisoning our children’s brains, turning their minds into lethal weapons. Now, because they have absolutely no decency, the makers of lethal weapons want to use the problem they have created to carry out two of their cherished agendas: taking guns from the citizen’s hands and curtailing parent’s rights even more.

Far from disappearing, school violence in America will keep rising, and this is just the be-ginning. The nationwide implementation through Goals 2,000 and other Federal Government programs of the brainwashing techniques tested in Arkansas and now successfully applied in many public schools will bring momentous consequences to the future of this nation.

Servando Gonzalez is the author of Psychological Warfare and the New World Order. You can buy the book here.

© 2022 Servando Gonzales – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Servando Gonzales:

Suing Your Schools

by Lee Duigon

June 9, 2022

Why sue your local public school district? That’s what the superintendent of schools in Harrisonburg, VA, is wondering. Like, what’s the matter with you people?

Chuck Schumer once said “The government is the only thing we all belong to.” Apparently the superintendent takes that literally. The schools are government schools, therefore the kiddies belong to the school, not the parents.

At issue in Harrisonburg is the schools’ “model policy” for kow-towing to “transgender,” drawn up and rushed into place by the state Dept. of Education just before Democrats got blown out in last year’s election. The schools are supposed to find out what “gender” a child “identifies” as, and what pronouns the child wants to be addressed by—and then enforce that. (Sorry for all those quotation marks. They’re necessary: ordinary English words take on some rather strange meanings when leftids use them.)

That’s bad enough—but wait, there’s more.

The school policy says that school staff are “not permitted to notify parents” when a child opts for gender confusion and delusion. That’s why parents and some objecting teachers are suing the school district.

Gee, what’s the matter with them? Who told these parents they had rights? Not in Harrisonburg they don’t.

There was another nifty lawsuit shaping up in Kiel, Wisconsin. There, “school officials” decided to *Investigate* three eighth-grade boys for committing “sexual harassment” by… wait for it!… “mispronouning.” Calling a he a she when he’s still a he but wants to be called a she. And so on. “School officials” cite Title IX of federal law as the basis for a full-blown “investigation”.

Oh, those “incorrect pronouns”! Break out the guillotine! Or at least build a couple of prison camps. Have these alleged educators nothing better to do?

Update: we are told the school is dropping its *Investigation*, possibly for fear of a messy lawsuit that will force them to defend, publicly, their inane policy on pronouns.

By all means, sue public school districts for stupid “policies” tantamount to fomenting racial hatred by teaching Critical Race Theory, grooming children for weird sex by promoting it in the lessons, etc. Sometimes a lawsuit convinces them to back off—

But only until the heat dies down. Then they’ll be at it again.

Can anybody reasonably expect teachers’ unions, teachers’ colleges, and nut-job school administrators to change? These people are maniacs. They want to change reality itself. And worst of all, they think they have a right to do it!

If they can’t sell the public on these policies, their fallback position is to practice them secretly: parents are not to be notified. “What’s said in this classroom stays in this classroom!” Parents are an obstacle to Fundamental Transformation, to be either run over or circumvented, tricked, lied to, or intimidated by the FBI. Thou shalt not question public educators. A lawsuit might scare them off, but it won’t change them. They can’t be changed, so they have to be defeated.

King COVID moved tens of thousands of families into homeschooling; but there are still millions of kids in public school classrooms for the educators to play with. The only protest they’ll ever understand is to take millions of children out of public schools and educate them at home. Let’s see how long they can keep their scam going when there’s nobody sitting in the classrooms.

Really, it’s the only way to save our country.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and drop in for a visit—if only because the Far Left Crazy won’t like it if you do. My articles can also be found at .

© 2022 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon:

The Suppression of the Truth

By Coach Dave Daubenmire

June 9, 2022

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;”

Webster’s defines “hold” as “to refrain; to stop; to restrain; to withhold. hold your laughter. hold your tongue.”

Suppress is a synonym of “hold” and it is defined as “To retain without disclosure; to conceal; not to tell or reveal; as, to suppress evidence.”

The Message Bible interprets Romans 1:18 as “But God’s angry displeasure erupts as acts of human mistrust and wrongdoing and lying accumulate, as people try to put a shroud over truth.”

So, correct me if I am wrong, but a fair interpretation of the meaning of Romans 1:18 would be that what we are seeing is how ticked off God is with all of the foolishness going on in this country because the TRUTH is being held down, censored, and suppressed.

Notice that it is not the DENIAL of Truth that is the problem, but the SUPPRESSION of the Truth.  We are in this mess because the TRUTH, THE WHOLE TRUTH, AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH, is no longer presented.

It is hidden…covered over…incomplete…politicized.  Picture trying to hold a fully inflated beach ball under water…it takes a lot of effort to hold that ball under the water because the TRUTH keeps trying to come up for air.

The Luciferian Left hates the Truth.  They are “of their father the Devil and the works of their father they will do.”  They suppress the Truth.  That is their job.  That is their only pathway to victory.  They can’t counter the Truth, or argue it away, the can only suppress and hide it.

Did God really say?

The next verse in Romans says, “Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse…”

The Luciferians hate the Truth because it is obvious.  The Truth defends itself.  It is clearly seen…therefore, the must suppress the Truth to keep you from seeing the obvious.  Truth is ALWAYS obvious…

Every one knows what a woman is.  Everyone knows an unborn baby is a human being.  Everyone knows Bruce Jenner is a man.  They only way the foolishness continues to persist is because the Luciferians suppress (hide) the TRUTH,

Does the American Medical Association not know that an unborn baby is alive?  Of course, they do, but their POLITICAL position is pro-choice so they pass the buck to the courts and permit the courts to suppress the TRUTH of the humanity of the pre-born.

What do you think shadow banning on the internet is all about?  What is the position of the Luciferian media in regards to what happened on Jan 6th?  How about the effectiveness of face masks, vaccines, Ivermectin, and hospital protocols?  Are there clear, honest, open discussions about these issues?  Or is free dialogue and opposing views being “suppressed?”

How about election integrity?  Biden’s mental capacity?  The mutilation of “trans-gendered” (as if there were such a thing) children?  Are we having an open dialogue about Ukraine, climate change, medical treatments, education?  Is the media giving us the TRUTH or suppressing the TRUTH?

Remember, only TRUTH can make you free.  Truth can be harsh.  It can be uncomfortable.  It can be frightening, but you can never truly deal with an issue until you have all the information at your disposal.  “Just the TRUTH ma’am…nothing but the TRUTH.”

The suppression of TRUTH leads to confusion.  Confusion leads to false beliefs.  False beliefs lead to bad decisions.  Bad decisions lead to bad actions.  Bad actions lead to bad consequences.  Bad consequences are often irreversible.  (Can you say penis removal?)  Something that is untrue can never make you free.  You merely think you are.

Truth is the domain of Christianity.  No matter how many times Oprah and her acolytes tell us to “seek our OWN Truth” there is no such thing as individual TRUTH.  TRUTH is a person and it is the duty of Christians to defend THE TRUTH in all areas of life.

Christians speak and defend TRUTH.  Luciferians deny and suppress TRUTH.

It really is that simple.

The number 1 suppressors of TRUTH in America are the Government/Media complex.  They could never get away with the lying without the silent submission of Christians.  The 2nd greatest suppressors of TRUTH stand in America’s pulpits “turning the TRUTH of God into a lie and worshipping and serving the creature rather than the Creator…”

Stop reading for a moment and think of all the lies, half-truths, and politicized Truths permeating America today.  Think of the lies being taught in America’s schools.  The propaganda being spread by the medical community.  The disinformation being belched out of the Justice Department, the Judiciary, the Executive branch, and your elected representatives.  Look at the “programming” by our media and “educational” institutions.

The Judgement of God is not coming to America…it is already here.  That is the clear meaning of Romans 1.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer is credited with saying “not to speak is to speak is to speak.  Not to act is to act.” May I add a few more?

Not to act when they are destroying the soul of a child IS TO ACT.  Not to act when they are teaching boys that they can be girls IS TO ACT.  Not to act when they are suppressing the truth IS TO ACT.  Not to act when they are destroying a nation IS TO ACT!

The wrath of God IS being revealed in America today.  “Have nothing to do with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather expose them.”  Silence isn’t golden it is yellow. Show up.  Stand up.  Speak up.

Not to act is to act.

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Uvalde, Texas: A Date That Will Live In Infamy

By Frosty Wooldridge

June 9, 2022

From the history books, December 7, 1941 became the tipping point for the United States to respond to the massacre at Pearl Harbor with the destruction of the Pacific Fleet. The Japanese killed over 3,000 service men and women.  They destroyed 20 big ships and 300 airplanes.  They crippled America’s defense capabilities.  The next day, we entered World War II.

Two years ago, car-jacker, women abuser, felon and porno star George Floyd’s death created a black backlash that saw cities burned, people killed, and $2 billion in damages in metro areas across America.  From the violent summer of 2020, Americans were forced to deal with racial violence, racism and police brutality.  We’re still up to our eyeballs in racial conflict as you watch “The View” or Joy Reid on CNN.  It’s my guess that it hasn’t been solved in the last 50 years, and it’s going to be a mainstay of national news for the next 50 years.  Why haven’t we found solutions? Answer: because there aren’t any.

On May 24, 2022, 19 children and two teachers suffered death at the hands of an AR 15 automatic weapon in the hands of an 18-year-old emotionally deranged youth named Salvador Ramos.  It is a date that will live in infamy for all parents and school children.

Why are the Uvalde killings different than Sandy Hook, Buffalo, New York Tops Grocery Store, Columbine High School, Virginia Tech massacre, Gainesville, Georgia church shootings, University of Texas tower shooting, King Soopers killings by a Muslim immigrant in Boulder, Colorado, and a growing list of extraordinary killings by young people?

Like December 7th, our elected leaders in Washington DC and/or governors in every state must take steps to enact laws that keep, or at least, slow down the availability of automatic weapons and keep such killing machines out of the hands of emotionally disturbed youth.

But no matter how many laws we enact to prevent guns from being sold to just about anyone with a credit card or cash, what about underlying causes of massacres on the streets of America?

Actor Mathew McConaughey gave a compelling speech at a White House press conference on June 6, 2022.  It’s 21 minutes long and well worth watching:


Ironically, if not insanely, McConaughey’s fame on the silver screen came from action-films where he shot, blew up and blasted away at the bad guys.  He killed with dedicated violence.

If you’ve ever watched Criminal Minds on TV, you and your kids watch the most deranged, demented, insanely violent and horrifically monstrous killers in America.  That series must have inspired numerous nutcases to go out into the world to torture innocent people.

By following NCIS in Washington DC or NCIS in Los Angeles or NCIS in New York City, you might note that everything is settled with guns, rifles and grenades. Violence, fistfights, beatings and snipers.

The FBI shows women killing men, killing other bad guys, and blasting away at the terrorists.  The directors show women in very violent roles to give “equity of violence” on the part of women to be equal to men. In real life, you would never see that degree of female violence portrayed on the silver screen.

Look at these shows to give you an idea of what our teens watch 24/7: The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, Boardwalk Empire, Oz, Sons of Anarchy…and the list is endless.  Violence with guns solves everything.

On any given day, a teenager can connect with the “dark side” of sexual violence across the planet! They can access S & M, revolting violence toward women, and never ending streams of sickening human behavior.

If you watch Wide World of Wrestling, you see monster men and really nasty, brutish women—bash, smash, butt heads, slam and literally beat the living hell out of each other every night of the year.  The crowds cheer with a crescendo of screaming, name-calling and total hysteria, demanding more deadly violence to bring their opponents to certain death.

Have you walked into a video arcade at your local mall lately?  Virtually every computer game allows teens to maim, bomb, murder, firebomb, behead, crush into a pile of blood, and shoot automatic weapons that splatter guts all over the screen.  They can do the same with their own computers.  Why are you shocked that Uvalde, Texas Robb Elementary School became the next Sandy Hook or Columbine?

What have our elected leaders done since Sandy Hook to prevent another Uvalde, Texas massacre?  Answer: nothing!

What Are We Doing To Our Children?

On any given weekend in Chicago, 40 to 50 African-Americans shoot one another in the streets, in homes and at parties.  Gangs kill each other for drug turf.  The same thing happens in St. Louis, LA, San Francisco, New York City, Detroit, Denver and Miami.

Why is that?  Is it possible that 7 out of 10 Black children lack fathers and live with their mother on welfare?  Is it possible that their poverty, illiteracy and mutual misery can only be solved by drugs?

As to the Latino youth Salvador Ramos, what type of mental health or sociological unhealth did he exhibit before he massacred those kids?  Who read his social media accounts and said nothing? Was anybody listening to him, watching him, or helping him? Apparently not!

Unfortunately, there are thousands of troubled kids like him.  They lack connection to family, friends and community.   Their emotional plight offers fertile grounds for the next Uvalde massacre.

Last year, 105,000 American youths overdosed on fentanyl, heroin, opioids and other drugs.  Why?  How do you travel such a known route to self-destruction?   Of course, why does the president of the United States facilitate those drugs being poured into our country?  That ongoing nightmare really blows my mind.  Why? Because those same open borders will cause another 105,000 overdose drug deaths in 2022.

Obviously, we’re rearing thousands of lost or troubled minds in America. Some self-medicate and others massacre children or people at a King Soopers grocery store.

In other words, no one addresses the root causes of violence in America.  In fact, you would find total opposition to banning violent movies, violent TV programs, violent video games, violent wrestling, violent pornographic videos, etc.

Do We Love Violence And Will We Continue To Teach Our Kids Violence?

Is Uvalde’s massacre America’s sociological December 7th “A date that will live in infamy”?

Will we change the way we rear our kids by incorporating a loving home and wholesome future?  Do we engage parenting classes for newlyweds to give that child the very best upbringing? Ramos lacked that home. Do we go into the Chicago inner-city (or any city) to build GOOD schools, after school activities, beneficial clubs, solid and fair discipline, positive expectations and wholesome community events?  Are we going to pay the best teachers a decent salary to keep them?  Are we going to clean up and stop the drugs at the border?  Are we going to award disciplined academic success with good jobs, a living wage and decent neighborhoods?

Instead of spending $6 trillion on two—20-year wars in the middle east that accomplished nothing, shouldn’t we care of our country and our jobs, and our families?  What about enacting stiff laws to prevent rampant crime, irresponsible gun sales to youth and solid jail consequences?  Who thinks selling an AR 15 automatic weapon to an 18-year-old makes common sense?

The Uvalde, Texas massacre will live on as a date in infamy. What are your thoughts on stopping the next one?

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Do Mass Murderers Represent Law-Abiding Gun Owners? Why are the Innocent Always Punished?

By Bradlee Dean

June 8, 2022

“To ban guns because the criminals use them is to tell the law-abiding that their rights and liberties depend not on their own conduct, but on the conduct of the guilty and lawless.” -Lysander Spooner

Over and over again, after mass shootings that take place, Americans sit back and watch their said representatives congregate, in direct contrast to what it is that their forefathers established, to further attack their God-given Rights, namely the right to bear arms (Luke 11:21-22; 2nd Amendment of the Bill of Rights).

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There is only one reason a politician would aim to disarm, and for no other:  They want gun control because they want the control (1 Samuel 13:22).  Just look to history.

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The truth of the matter lies in the face of the law.  Not one piece of gun legislation, as they call it, is legal. Again, we have rights, not privileges.

Let me ask the question, does the law breaker represent the law abiders?  They no more represent them than the corrupt politicians represent the law that they are to uphold (Psalm 94:20).

The truth of the matter is that to blame guns for mass murder is like blaming spoons for people being overweight.

I ask, when Cain killed Able, did the Lord blame the weapon used or did He lay the consequences to Cain (Genesis 4:8-13)?

You do not accuse the innocent for which the guilty are responsible (Revelation 12:10).

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Also, take note that those who mean to accuse the innocent by disarming them do so with taxpayer funded armed security detail (Matthew 23:3). Consider who it is that are calling for gun control measures.

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For the politicians who want to go along to get along and undermine our God-given rights, it is time for them to be held accountable for what it is that they are responsible for doing, and that is the death of the innocent in their illegal gun-free zones.

[Rumble Video]

© 2022 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean:

Rejecting the Totalitarian Transgender Movement

by Peter Falkenberg Brown

June 8, 2022

The Emperor Has No Clothes…

~ A woman was raped in a hospital by a transgender man, and the hospital denied it, insisting that “the rape could not have happened” as “there was no male in the hospital.” ~

So now the Emperor walked under his high canopy in the midst of the procession, through the streets of his capital; and all the people standing by, and those at the windows, cried out, “Oh! How beautiful are our Emperor’s new clothes! What a magnificent train there is to the mantle; and how gracefully the scarf hangs!” in short, no one would allow that he could not see these much-admired clothes; because, in doing so, he would have declared himself either a simpleton or unfit for his office. Certainly, none of the Emperor’s various suits, had ever made so great an impression, as these invisible ones.

“But the Emperor has nothing at all on!” said a little child.

“Listen to the voice of innocence!” exclaimed his father; and what the child had said was whispered from one to another.

“But he has nothing at all on!” at last cried out all the people. The Emperor was vexed, for he knew that the people were right; but he thought the procession must go on now! And the lords of the bedchamber took greater pains than ever, to appear holding up a train, although, in reality, there was no train to hold.

Thus ends The Emperor’s New Clothes, a fairy tale written by Hans Christian Andersen, first published in 1837.[1]

It is a strong analogy for the current transgender movement, which has created an environment of totalitarian fear. The new statements of unspoken truth, from the mouths of babes, are:

But he’s a man! But she’s a woman!

However, as The Emperor’s New Clothes illustrates, we feel pressure to go along with the crowd, even when our deeper wisdom tells us that the offered narrative violates logic, truth, and common sense. Our fear of being persecuted for rejecting a narrative can become intense when the supporters of the so-called truth exhibit an aggressive and violent contempt for those who disagree.

When our reputations or jobs are at stake, silence may seem to be the best option. It is exceedingly hard to be brave when the costs are so high. Yet, if no one is brave, what will happen to the world?

Let us, then, do a brief, logic-based dissection of the transgender movement and explore its positions and consequences. The primary questions to ask are:

* Is the transgender narrative true?

* Does the transgender narrative harm anyone?

As a review, what is the transgender narrative? A short summary is:

Transgender individuals believe that their correct gender is not the one “assigned at birth.” The trans view is that everyone’s gender is arbitrarily assigned at birth by a doctor or someone else. They believe that their biological sex is not necessarily relevant to their gender.

Transgender persons may feel that their real gender is their biological opposite or may possibly feel that they are “non-binary.”

Trans-persons may be heterosexual, gay or lesbian, bisexual, asexual, or something else.

Based on the evidence of their impact on society, it’s clear that many transgender activists are working overtime to spread their opinions about sexuality, especially among children, without regard for the views of heterosexual, non-transgender individuals and parents. In other words, it’s not just a “private matter.”

Instead, the trans movement insists that all of society must agree with and celebrate their doctrine, no questions asked.

There are various ways to analyze the transgender narrative. They include science, human experience and observation, the history of humans, religious beliefs, logic, and common sense.

As the fairy tale above so brilliantly expresses, personal motivations, desires, and fears can cloud our perception of truth and influence our decisions and actions. The human tendency to abandon reality and turn a blind eye to falsehoods cannot be discounted.

The Primary Harm of Transgenderism

Let’s start with the primary harm that the transgender movement is inflicting on the world: that of censorship and restriction of all discussion about its conclusions.

When the man Will Thomas decided that he was not a man, but was a woman named Lia Thomas, and switched from the men’s swimming team at the University of Pennsylvania to the women’s team, and then proceeded to win medals and crush the biologically female competition, one might rationally expect the issue to be discussed openly on both sides of the debate.

But with Thomas, as with virtually any male or female who states that they are suddenly a member of the opposite gender, or no gender, or something in between, disagreement is banned and severely chastised. The cancel culture swings into full gear, even against feminists like J. K. Rowling, who is now branded a “TERF”—a “trans-exclusionary radical feminist”[2] because she dared to question the trans narrative.

The totalitarianism of the transgender movement removes any credibility that it might have had if it had simply been willing to discuss the issues without branding opponents as evil transphobes who hardly deserve to live. Doing so demonstrates the weakness of its position. One can only conclude that trans-activists knew that they could not win their debate in the public square and thus decided to make all discussion about it invalid.

This is the transgender movement’s fatal flaw. They share this flaw with all totalitarians.

Unfortunately, the impact on societies around the world has been enormous because of the power of fear. Very few people in the world today are standing up and saying, “Wait! He’s a man! She’s a woman!” At least not yet. On March 17, 2022, a woman in the crowd actually yelled—twice— “He’s a man!” when Will/Lia Thomas won the NCAA Women’s Swimming Championship 500 yard freestyle.[3]

Yes, he’s a man. Even though Thomas states, “I’m a woman,”[4] it does not mean it’s true.

Even though Richard Levine, aged 64, won USA Today’s “Woman of the Year” award in 2022 after deciding that he was a woman in 2011, subsequently to be called “Rachel,” it does not mean that he is a woman.[5] Even though Levine is now the US Assistant Secretary for Health for the US Department of Health and Human Services and is listed as “Admiral Rachel L. Levine, MD,”[6] it does not make him a woman.

The Direct Harms of Transgenderism

Beyond the harm that transgender totalitarianism inflicts on the world’s ability to speak freely, it also directly harms individuals, families, and public institutions. It most certainly harms the careers of the biologically female swimmers, runners, and other sportswomen who struggle to compete against the physically larger and stronger bodies of the so-called trans-women who walk away with stolen trophies that they did not deserve.

Transgenderism harms women and girls in locker rooms and places them in danger, as happened at the Wi Spa in Los Angeles on July 3, 2021, when a man who identified as a woman entered the locker room and exposed his naked genitals to biological females.[7]

The spa ignored the issue because in today’s culture, if a woman responds to an incursion like that and says, “No men allowed,” a “trans-woman” will respond, “But I’m a woman.”

Rapes of women by transgender women (i.e., men) are being ignored because the perpetrators are “not male.” In 2021, a woman was raped in a hospital in Britain by a transgender man, and the act was captured on CCTV. But the hospital denied it, insisting that “the rape could not have happened” as “there was no male in the hospital.” British Reclaim Party leader Laurence Fox condemned the cover-up, stating:

Once society breaks down to such an extent that objective reality means nothing, these vile events will escalate exponentially.[8]

The worst offense of transgenderism is its active and scorched-earth campaign against children. Tolerant, live-and-let-live people might not care whether an adult thinks his sex has changed, but parents have every right to say to the trans movement:

Get your hands off our children!

K-12 school curricula are infected with transgender recruitment materials, including the first-grade book Jacob’s New Dress, which celebrates boys wearing dresses to school.[9] Drag Queen Story Hours[10] are other weapons in the trans arsenal that confuse young children about their sexual identity when they normally wouldn’t even be considering the topic.

Transgender totalitarianism demands that all levels of society not only accept a transgender person’s new sexual identity as valid and true but also insists that everyone must celebrate their new identity. We must celebrate and applaud and accept without question that a man is now a woman and a woman is now a man—and that’s that. Full stop.

If one does not celebrate a trans-person’s new identity, one is branded a transphobe and an unloving and hateful person. This particular accusation is extremely effective, for very few want to be branded as evil.

What About Feelings?

But is it true that rejecting the transgender narrative is hateful? While some individuals might actually hate a trans-person (which is wrong), it does not mean that rejecting the narrative is hateful. Quite the opposite, in fact.

When I see a trans-person, I feel sad for them because I’m convinced that they’re emotionally and spiritually confused. When I see someone who has had their sexual organs chopped off, either male or female, I cannot but feel it is a tragedy—especially if it was done when they were minors.

More and more trans individuals are “detransitioning” back to their original sex (as much as they can). Many of them are not speaking out because of social pressures.[11] Fortunately, more states are banning minors from receiving trans surgeries or hormones.[12]

This brings us back to the first question: Is the transgender narrative true?

To answer this, logic and common sense need to come to the fore. Even when primary and secondary sexual organs are altered with cosmetic surgery, the individual’s DNA and biological sex does not change. The person may believe their gender has changed, but the facts don’t support their belief.

The core argument of the trans movement is that the all-important factor is “how I feel.” If I’m a man who feels like a woman, I am one. If I’m a woman who feels like a man, it’s true. If I feel non-binary, so be it. And no one, not a single, solitary person, can argue with how I feel.

It is, in fact, true that no one can deny how a person feels. But that fact alone does not mean that the person’s feelings are healthy, true, or accurate. People have felt all kinds of things: I can fly, I’m of a different race, I can win at the blackjack table, I’m the Grand Duchess Anastasia of Russia.[13]

Feelings can be manipulated, and the trans movement is barreling ahead, molding the feelings of young people as fast as they can. Abigail Shrier writes of this in her book Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters.[14]

Good people don’t want to be cruel, and it’s important to respectfully acknowledge the feelings of other people—and to love them as God does. But we must remember that it is not only the feelings of a tiny minority of trans individuals that are important.

What about the feelings of non-trans people? Are they as important as the feelings of the minuscule trans community? Not even a bit, if one listens to the trans narrative.

What about the feelings of parents who watch their children being emotionally and spiritually molested with graphically sexual books and a barrage of trans propaganda?

The feelings of a trans-person have their source somewhere. They can’t be denied. But they can be analyzed and dealt with differently than just saying: if you feel it, it’s true.

Gender confusion can come from many sources: normal prepubescent gender confusion that will almost always be outgrown; undue peer pressure as Shrier documents; teacher indoctrination; sexual molestation; or even, as some religious people contend, influence from a spiritual source.

Is the Transgender Narrative True?

So, is the transgender narrative true?

Based on the many thousands of years of biological, evolutionary, religious, and historical realities that the male and female sexes are central to human life, healthy marriages and families, and the development of mature personalities, it makes far more sense and is more logically sound to state that the transgender narrative is false.

It’s relevant here to also examine a religious reason why the transgender narrative is incorrect.

Although biology and the history of the human race provide adequate evidence that the male/female paradigm of healthy families is reason enough to reject transgenderism, the Judeo-Christian religious traditions provide a timeless viewpoint that the Intelligent Creator of the Universe designed the human race to be male and female. This religious view perfectly matches biology and affirms that biology was created by and is managed by God.

A human baby is created from the union of a female egg and a male sperm, and there’s no getting around that scientific fact. A religious view would add that the invisible and eternal spirit of God is meshed with the sperm and egg and imbues the child who is born with the invisible attributes of spirit, heart, and character that make each person unique. A critical factor for this discussion is that each child is also born gloriously and unabashedly male or female, based on God’s blueprint for humanity.

When we look at the phenomenon of human babies, with logical observation and common sense, we can see that the happiest babies and children are those who are loved by two parents: a compassionate father and mother. A great deal of the debate about transgenderism seems to ignore the optimum scenarios of human life.

Yes, emotional damage happens, which is tragic and cannot be discounted. But the optimal pattern of the male/female family structure should not be abandoned because it failed certain individuals. This debate needs a wide and historically deep perspective and needs to acknowledge the needs and sacred rights of babies and children to be loved by a biologically male father and a biologically female mother if they are to grow in a healthy and optimal way.

Thus, for all of these reasons, even though some people may feel that they are of a different gender, three logical conclusions emerge:

* We should not encourage or celebrate their supposed change of gender. We should be kind and sensitive, but we should do our best to bring them back to the reality of the male and female sexual paradigm based on individual biology.

* We must not allow a tiny group of totalitarian transgender activists to destroy society by denying the reality of male / female sexuality. We must not allow them to force people to use their preferred pronouns or trans-names. We must not allow them to force people to actively celebrate transgenderism against their will. These are severe violations of human and civil rights. “Trans rights” must not violate the human rights of others.

* The advance of the transgender movement is an existential, civilization-killing crisis.

In seventy-eight years, it will be the year 2100. Will we be a world of androgynous, pansexual humans (rather than men and women) who hardly know who they are? Or will we enjoy thriving societies of biologically male fathers and biologically female mothers raising healthy children who are clear-eyed and happy about the fact that, yes, they are boys and girls?

Some of the boys might write poetry. Some of the girls might hunt and fish. No problem. That doesn’t change their gender; it just makes them interesting. And when they grow up, they’ll get married and have children and still wonder why so many boys instinctively go out in the back yard and pick up sticks and bang the ground and holler. The answer is simple.

It’s just what boys have always done for well over a million years.

Illustration of “The Emperor’s New Clothes,” by Hans Christian Andersen
Drawing by Vilhelm Pedersen, 1849, Public domain
Modified by article author.

© 2022 Peter Falkenberg Brown – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Peter Falkenberg Brown:



[1] The Emperor’s New Clothes, Hans Christian Andersen, 1837
[2] “J.K. Rowling Writes about Her Reasons for Speaking out on Sex and Gender Issues,” J.K. Rowling, June 10, 2020,
[3] “‘He’s a man!’ Crowd BOOS after biological male wins Women’s 500 Yard freestyle swimming – [VIDEO],” March 17, 2022, The Right Scoop
[4] “Lia Thomas insists ‘I’m a woman,’ eyes 2024 Olympics in Sports Illustrated profile,” Valerie Richardson, The Washington Times, March 3, 2022
[5] “Male doctor wins ‘Woman of the Year’ award,” Christopher Tremoglie, March 16, 2022, Washington Examiner,
[7] “Naked Man in Women’s Spa Locker Room Shows Consequences of Transgender Policies,” Tony Perkins, July 07, 2021, The Daily Signal,
[8] “‘There was No Male In the Hospital’ – UK Hospital Covered Up Rape by Trans Patient,” Nathaniel Charles, March18, 2022, Breitbart,
[9] “‘There was No Male In the Hospital’ – UK Hospital Covered Up Rape by Trans Patient,” Nathaniel Charles, March18, 2022, Breitbart,
[10] “NC School District Fights to Keep Pro-Transgender Message in First-Grade Curriculum,” Dr. Susan Berry, March 27, 2017, Breitbart,
[12] “What Percentage of Transgenders Regret Surgery?” Susan Ciancio, July 7, 2021, Human Life International,
[13] “Here Are The States That Want To Ban Trans Surgeries For Minors,” Mary Margaret Olohan, April 12, 2021, Daily Caller,
[14] “Anastasia: The Mystery Resolved,” Rebecca J. Fowler, October 6, 1994, The Washington Post,
[15] Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters, Abigail Shrier, 2020.

What Are You Thinking?

By Wylie Marshall

June 7, 2022

I watched a movie the other night with my nine-year-old granddaughter, about these twins that had mental telepathy powers. They could tell what other people were thinking and could send their thoughts to the other twin. That would be awesome wouldn’t it to have that kind of power? You could tell what other people we really thinking about you!

I am not so sure it would be all that great to have that ability. Let us take it a step farther and try to imagine all the thoughts coming from the entire world’s population every day. Would they be mostly good thoughts or mostly bad thoughts? And what if you had to hear all those thoughts!

Judging from the condition of the world right now, I would have to say that most of the thoughts emanating from the world’s population would not be good thoughts.

Does God know what we are thinking? Does He know what our thoughts are every minute of the day or night?Let’s find out.

Gen 6:5 And the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. 

That is a good indication that God knows our every thought! When I woke up this morning, I “think” I was dreaming and it came into my mind that I needed to write my next article on what we think, because God knows what we are thinking all the time! That could be very embarrassing at times, because if you are like me, I have a hard time controlling my thoughts, and that is as far as I want to go with that!

This is something we all need to be aware of. We need to realize that God knows what we think, and when we think it! Here is another example.

Psalm94:11 The LORD knows the thoughts of man, that they are vanity.

Or how about this one:

Psalm139:2 You know my sitting down and my rising up; You understand my thoughts afar off. That was inspired to be written by King David, and in Acts 13:22 it is written that David was a man after God’s own heart! If you know anything at all about King David, you will know that David had problems with his thought process too! It cost him a lot!!!! You might want to check out what David lost because of his thoughts!

Have you ever thought about this before? I know it came as a wake-up call to me.I had never given it much thought before, but maybe we should think about it this way. If you developed the blueprints for an invention and it was a big hit and you sold millions of them and became very rich. You had the patent on the invention, you would know its every detail, inside and out. You would know what makes that invention tick or run as the case may be. The point is that you would know everything about your invention and would know if it was working properly or not.

Well, God knows everything about His creation, He even knows what we are thinking!But what does God think about our thinking?

Let us start with some background information about God. We know from the scriptures that Jesus Christ created all things:

Col 1:16 Because by Him were all things created the things in heaven and the things on earth, the visible and the invisible, whether they be thrones, or lordships, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by Him and for Him. 

We also know that Jesus Christ is always the same:

Heb 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, and forever. 

And we know that the Word Who became Jesus Christ is the Spokesman:

Heb 4:12 For the Word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of both soul and spirit, and of both the joints and the marrow, and is able to discern the thoughts and intents of the heart.

We cannot even imagine that kind of power!

And we know that the Old and the New Testaments are the inspired writings of God!

2Ti 3:16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is profitable for doctrine, for conviction, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. 

 We also know Jesus Christ was the God of the Old Testament:

1Co 10:1  Now I do not wish you to be ignorant of this, brethren, that our fathers were all under the cloud, and all passed through the sea. 

1Co 10:2  And all were baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea. 

1Co 10:3  And they all ate the same spiritual meat. 

1Co 10:4  And they all drank of the same spiritual drink; for they drank from the spiritual Rock that followed them. And that Rock was Christ. 

1Co 10:5 But with many of them God was not pleased, for their dead bodies were strewn in the wilderness.

We also know that the Family of God consist of two individual beings at the present time, God the Father and Jesus Christ:

Joh 14:16 And I will ask the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, that it may be with you throughout the age: 

Joh 14:17 Even the Spirit of the truth, which the world cannot receive because it perceives it not, nor knows it; but you know it because it dwells with you, and shall be within you. 

Joh 14:26 But when the Comforter comes, even the Holy Spirit, which the Father will send in My name, that one shall teach you all things, and shall bring to your remembrance everything that I have told you. 

Joh 15:26 But when the Comforter has come, which I will send to you from the Father, even the Spirit of the truth, which proceeds from the Father, that one shall bear witness of Me. 

Joh 16:7 But I am telling you the truth. It is profitable for you that I go away because if I do not go away, the Comforter will not come to you. However, if I go, I will send it to you.

I know that I am going to get a lot of flak about these last scriptures. If you research the Koine Greek, in which the New Testament was written, you will find that all pronouns that reference the Holy Spirit are neuter in gender.

So, let us think a little about what has happened to the people of the earth since Adam and Eve. Satan was angry that God created man, so he, Satan went directly to work to destroy mankind. How did he do that? I mean Adam and Eve were in this beautiful garden, had everything they could ever need, and God was right there with them, but the serpent came into their lives to test them, and they failed the test! God had told them from the very get go that they could eat of every tree in the garden except from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. For in the day that you eat of it, in dying, you shall surely die! Now that is found in Genesis 2:17. And then along came the Devil in the form of a serpent and started right in on Eve. And the serpent said to Eve, “is it true that God has said, ‘You may freely eat of every tree in the garden?’”

Gen 3:2 And the woman said to the serpent, “We may freely eat the fruit of the trees of the garden,

 Gen 3:3 But of the fruit of the tree, which is in the middle of the garden, God has indeed said, ‘You shall not eat of it, neither shall you touch it, lest you die.'” 

Gen 3:4  And the serpent said to the woman, “In dying, you shall not surely die! 

Gen 3:5 For God knows that in the day you eat of it, then your eyes shall be opened, and you shall be like God, deciding good and evil.”

 At this point, if Eve had been created with the ability to read minds, she would have known right off that the Devil was lying to her and maybe she would not have eaten of the forbidden tree and also given to her husband Adam. But she could not, and sin entered the world because they broke God’s commandment!

Well, it went from bad to worse from there and the world became more and more evil to the point that God finally had to start over with Noah! Satan had worked his plan so well that God had to destroy everyone living except Noah and his family. Eight people!!!! Genesis 6: 11 Now the earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.

Why do you think this happened? Well, I would have to guess that instead of having good thoughts and staying close to God, they let themselves become influenced by Satan to the point of destruction!

Does this sound familiar to you? Can you look at the world today and picture it any other way???? So, what happened next?

Gen 6:12  And God looked upon the earth, and behold, it was corrupt—for all flesh had corrupted its way upon the earth. 

Gen 6:13 And God said to Noah, “The end of all flesh has come before Me, for the earth is filled with violence through them. And behold, I will destroy them with the earth.

Satan had succeeded in planting his thoughts into mankind to the point of destroying mankind, he thought! But Noah and his family were saved out of the flood that came upon the earth and God began again to create His family!!! But guess what! Satan never quits, and man forgets about Satan, because Satan likes to work in the background and make man think he is not real. There is that word “think” again. Yes, and after the flood, Satan started over again too! He is a spirit being and never tires. He can work night and day and he transmits his thoughts to us, because he does have the ability to put his thoughts in our mind, but only if we let him! He is always looking to see who he can influence to do his bidding and destroy!

1Pe 5:8 Be sober! Be vigilant! For your adversary the devil is prowling about as a roaring lion, seeking anyone he may devour.

And now look at the world we live in, I cannot imagine it much different from the world God had to destroy with the flood.

Mat 24:38 For as in the days that were before the Flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark. 

So, what do you think God is thinking about what we are thinking about now? Has our thoughts brought us to the brink of destruction again???

Isa 55:8 “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor your ways My ways,” says the LORD.

Pro 12:5 The thoughts of the righteous are right; the counsels of the wicked are deceit. 

Pro 15:26 The thoughts of the wicked are an abomination to the LORD, but the words of the pure are pleasant words.

I just wonder how many today have pure thoughts. Can you imagine the torment that God must go through to have to listen to our thoughts? Have you ever gotten an obscene phone call? Those things were very popular a few years ago and were quiet a novelty! Today I would think that the language of an obscene phone call of a few years ago, is pretty much the norm that is spoken today, judging from our movies and television shows that children, or anyone for that matter, should not watch!But it is not only our thoughts that God knows. He also hears every word we speak, because we will be held accountable for every word that proceeds from out of our mouth!

Mat 12:36 But I say to you, for every idle word that men may speak, they shall be held accountable in the day of judgment.

Did you ever stop and “think” about these things? I had never given it much thought until it hit me to draft this article. The reality of what this is saying, especially if you believe in God, must be something to stop and ponder. And then, question yourself about what you should do about it! Are you just going to continue to have the same thoughts you have been having for most of your life, if so, then you must be one of the few that have pure thoughts! But judging from the condition of the world, I would think that there are very few of those types! The rest of us need to consider what we need to do to improve.

I was having trouble understanding some scriptures a short time ago, so I asked a dear friend if he would help me with my understanding. The scriptures are these.

Isa 28:9  “Whom shall He teach knowledge? And whom shall He make to understand doctrine? Those who are weaned from the milk and drawn from the breasts, 

Isa 28:10  For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, there a little;” 

Isa 28:11  For with stammering lips and foreign tongue He will speak to this people. 

Isa 28:12  To whom He said, “This is the rest He gives to the weary;” and “This is the refreshing,” yet they were not willing to hear. 

Isa 28:13  So then the Word of the LORD was to them precept upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, there a little; that they might go, and fall backward, and be broken and snared and taken. 

My friend explained to me that those who read the word of God and search the scriptures, for precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, there a little. Those are the ones that have been weaned from the milk and drawn from the breast, they have God’s Holy Spirit and understand what they are reading.

But those who have not been weaned from the milk and drawn from the breast can read the same scriptures and will not understand, because they do not have God’s Holy Spirit and they might go, and fall backward, and be broken and snared and taken.

I have given this a lot of thought and have wondered what then can the milk and the breast represent if you must have God’s Holy Spirit to understand His scriptures? What has God given us that does not require the Holy Spirit to understand? Of course, there are a lot of things in the Bible that one can understand without God’s Holy Spirit, but to put together Precept upon Precept, Precept upon Precept; Line upon Line, Line upon Line; Here a little, there a little that can be really understood!!! Only one thing popped out at me, because God gave it! It was the only thing God gave to His people personally by His very mouth! That was the Ten Commandments, given from the top of Mt. Sinai to approximately two million people all at the same time. Scared them so bad that they asked Moses to not let God speak to them anymore lest they die!!! My point is that it does not take God’s Holy Spirit to understand the Ten Commandments so that might be what the Milk and the Breast are!!  You keep the Milk and the Breast; God will teach you knowledge and to understand doctrine, as in John 6: 44 and 45.

Joh 6:44  No one can come to Me unless the Father, Who sent Me, draws him; and I will raise him up at the last day. 

Joh 6:45  It is written in the prophets, ‘And they shall all be taught by God.’ Therefore, everyone who has heard from the Father, and has learned, comes to Me. 

How many people do you know today that keep the Ten Commandments? That is right! Almost none, and if they keep them, they only keep parts of them, the parts they like or the parts that take no effort to keep. But that fourth one, they just shoot themselves in the foot with that one! They want to believe that the Sabbath was changed to Sunday, but it was the Catholic Church that did that, not God! You might want to Read “Rome’s Challenge to the Protestants” written under the authority of Cardinal Gibbons. The Catholic Mirror was the official organ of Cardinal Gibbons and the Papacy in the United States. The article was published in that paper and appeared on September 2, 9, 16, and 23, 1893. You can find the article on the internet.

My article is not to try to convert anyone one way or the other. I want you to “think” about these things. Think about what you think about and what you need to do.

Can “thinking” save this nation? Well maybe if you “think” about the right things. But first, you need to repent of not having thoughts about the right things and ask God’s forgiveness. Our thoughts as we have seen are very powerful. They can be a blessing…or they can be a curse! And I for one believe that this nation is cursed, and we do not have much time left! We have been purposely removed from God by Satan, just as he did before the flood, to the point that we no longer know we are sinning. Just a reminder of what sin is, 1 John 3:4 Everyone who practices sin is also practicing lawlessness, for sin is lawlessness.

Breaking God’s Law is sin. And that is the one thing God gave us that we do not need God’s Holy Spirit to understand. The Ten Commandments!!

And what did Jesus tell us?

Mat 7:23 And then I will confess to them, ‘I never knew you. Depart from Me, you who work lawlessness.’ 

God did not put us here to perish. He gave us a Law that we can understand and keep and if we keep that Law, it can only bring us blessings! He made it as simple as possible for us. He also gave us free moral agency, to see who would keep His Law and who would not! He will not force anyone!!! It is strictly up to us!

But on the other side of that coin is the curse and we have no excuse for bringing the curse on ourselves and on our nation. It is all about stupid pride and stubbornness. That is why the children of Israel went into captivity and lost their identity. Just because they did not want God telling them what to do!!! And we have not changed one bit!!!! Listen up! God created us! He is our Creator! He holds the patent on us!!! He knows what we think and what we say! We have no right to worship anything or anyone other than the one true God! We must Obey His voice! Or……we perish!!!!!!!!!! But it is our choice!

Psalm 46:10 “Be still and know that I am God! I will be exalted among the nations; I will be exalted in the earth.” 

[BIO: Wylie Marshall graduated from the Lamar University in Beaumont, Texas in 1972 with a bachelor’s degree. He was employed for 30 years by a large Chemical Company and worked in the Engineering field as a Project Cost Estimator. After retirement in 2007, he continued to work in the Project Estimating field for several engineering companies and firms in a contracting capacity until 2015. He is a Vietnam veteran and served aboard the USS Richmond K. Turner, DLG-20 which was a “double-ended”guided missile destroyer.He is married to his wonderful wife,he loves playing music with his sons, studying history, and for the last 37 years has had a love for the study of God’s word, and has learned that God’s love is for all of mankind and is without prejudice and man must live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. The Old and the New Testaments are God breathed and God created man on this earth to learn of God and His ways, so that one day we could have eternal life in the family of God as spirit beings.]

© 2022 Wylie Marshall – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Wylie Marshall:

Grave Lessons in Defenseless

By Lex Greene

June 7, 2022

In case you haven’t noticed, our government continues to amend the definition of “mass shooting” and direct all attention to the fact that a gun is an efficient way to kill or injure more than one person at a time. As a result, their news media is reporting “mass shooting” events almost daily now, most of which are actually gang-on-gang shootings or shootings that take place in the commission of another crime.

But the one thing they DO NOT want anyone to focus on is the reality that real “mass shooting” events, such as those in a school building, shopping mall, outside a bar at 2:AM or subway, only take place in “gun free zones” — where the only person armed is the criminal. It’s now a “conspiracy theory” to point out that most gun-related deaths in the USA are acts of suicide, not homicide. It’s an act of “racism” to point out that the vast majority of gun-related homicides in the USA are black on black crimes, usually involving numerous other criminal acts and gang violence in anti-gun rights cities.

The elephant in the room boils down to only three points of grave interest…

  1. Mass shooting events targeting random innocents is new, starting in 1999 at Columbine. Every true mass shooting event since, has taken place in a “gun-free zone.” Mass shooters only target “defenseless targets.” These victims needed a method of defense and didn’t have any. Every time without exception, when seconds counted, the police were only 20-to-60 minutes away.
  2. Despite the reality that it’s best to have a gun and not need one, than to need one and not have one…those who are anti-freedom seek to make all of the USA a “gun-free zone” by disarming law-abiding citizens instead of stopping those who commit these crimes.
  3. No matter the weapon of choice, kids are killing kids at an alarming rate. WHY? Begin with, how many of our freedoms have already been stripped away by our own government, and end with, 70% of the country fears for our future and opposes the current direction of our country under socialist democrat leadership. They see no hope for their future!

The simple truth is…you will never prevent crime by disarming people who don’t commit crimes. The fact is, the most anti-gun cities and states all have the biggest crime problems, and they are also the most anti-police cities and states in the USA, working to disarm citizens and defund the police.

There is no way to look at those two factors and conclude anything other than, the leaders in these cities and states are working to create a defenseless and lawless zone where no one but the criminals are armed and in control. No sane person can conclude anything else.

Honestly, it’s hard to imagine why so many people don’t grasp…criminals don’t follow any laws. So, no law will prevent their criminal behaviors. Long before a mass shooter fires their first shot, they have already broken numerous laws already on the books. One more law won’t change anything on their part.

As a result, disarming law-abiding citizens is the worst possible thing we could do, creating an entire defenseless society.

A CBS News poll released Sunday showed 60% of Americans (allegedly) want gun laws to be more strict — an increase of 6 points since May 22.”  This only proves just how foolish 60% of the USA population is today. Removing weapons from good people or making it more difficult for good people to get them, only empowers bad people. Look no further than the increasing “gun-free zone” events to confirm.

Simply stated to where even an average 3rd grader could understand, defenseless equals a soft target and prime victims. If today’s global Nazi democrats had their way, no citizen would own any firearms, every police department would be defunded, and our Military would be made up of go-along to get-along females, gays, and transgendered war fighters, with only about as many troops as they would need to help process more illegal foreign invaders at our southern border.

In other words, democrats are working to create a totally unsafe environment for every American citizen, making it much easier for them to meld the USA into a “own nothing and be happy” member of Klaus Schwab’s global commune in accordance with his maniacal Nazi COVID19 Global Reset plans.

Every mass shooting in “gun-free zone” after “gun-free zone” is a blatant and grave lesson in defenseless. But millions of Americans no longer possess “uncommon sense” anymore. America’s higher education systems have indoctrinated the common sense, right out of generations. Millions can no longer even get (4) from (2+2).

And then there’s our illustrious (not so free) press. Owned by only a few international corporations and totally controlled by leftists in government, the only approved narratives are the ones that will lead to the ultimate demise of a once free and sovereign nation. Like their leftist cohorts in government, they also seek to weaken the USA into oblivion.

Meanwhile, the USA federal government has ignited what will soon be WWIII with Russia in Ukraine and sold the USA to China.

Yet, nobody seems able to figure out why kids are killing kids all of a sudden, or what to do about it.

Nonsense… The real truth is, government isn’t good at anything, except making a mess of everything.

That’s the good news, under the best of circumstances. The bad news is when governments fall into the hands of global Nazi tyrants, the country is doomed until the people take their country back from those Nazis.

This alone means, the American people can NEVER afford to be disarmed. If they ever are…that’s the end. “You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.” ― Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto

Last, had our earliest settlers not been armed, the USA would have never existed…no one would have ever known American freedom and liberty, as the citizenry would never had been able to defeat the most powerful military on earth at the time, freeing themselves and us, from British rule.

Face it…we will never be able to wake up the brain dead… The rest of us, however, must unite and fight, before there is no time and no means! We must fight back from the State level…because the Federal government has become totally destructive of national sovereignty and security, and individual freedom and liberty. It no longer belongs to us!

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lex Greene:

Inflation: Prelude to Globalist Central Bank Digital Currency?

By Steven Yates

June 7, 2022

“Allow me to issue and control a nation’s money, and I care not who makes the laws.” -Mayer Amschel Rothschild

“Who controls the issuance of money controls the government.” -Nathan M. Rothschild

Inflation is roaring. This is common knowledge. Inflation is not just roaring in the U.S., where gas prices have soared to well over $4.60/gallon and are averaging over $5/gallon in several states. It is roaring worldwide. Both food and gas prices having risen in Chile where we live. I encounter similar stories from elsewhere.

I’ve not seen specific statements on such from the globalist ruling class, at least not yet, but I suspect we are being set up for globalist central bank digital currency (CBDC). This is not to say there aren’t such statements. I’ve not searched exhaustively, and globalists have a penchant for telling us what they plan to do—knowing that few will seek out information that isn’t on CNN, and those who do will be marginalized as conspiracy theorists.

Here, straight from the horse’s mouth, so to speak—from the globalist Atlantic Council — is an accessible account of CBDCs and where they stand.

What we learn: in May 2020 (two months into the plan-demic), 35 countries were looking into CBDCs. Now, 105 countries representing 95 percent of global GDP, are considering them. Fifty have advanced to a development stage, with ten having launched a CBDC. China has piloted a CBDC planned for launch in 2023. The European Central Bank plans to introduce a “digital euro” by mid-decade.

Of G7 countries, the U.K. and the U.S. are the furthest behind. Think Brexit; think Trumpism. These are the places where globalism has received the most pushback. The Bidenistas have responded. “Joe Biden” signed an executive order calling for the “responsible development” of a digital currency.

Nineteen of G20 countries are working on CBDCs, with 16 in development or ready for the pilot stage. Included in this list are South Korea, Japan, India, and Russia.

Finally consider this paragraph:

The financial system may face a significant interoperability problem in the near future. The proliferation of different CBDC models is creating new urgency for international standard setting.

There’s your dog-whistle. What it really says: individual nation-states’ central banks developing their own CBDCs is a transitory step. The goal is to go global via “international standard setting.” With the central banks in the world answering to the Bank for International Settlements, this should not be difficult to accomplish.

And don’t think you will have a choice, peasant, when this begins to affect you: when, that is,major stores begin refusing your cash. Or when, out of nowhere,you confront new hoops to jump through at banks in order to withdraw cash from “your” account.It’s to ensure “your security,” of course.

This move, from roaring inflation to a global CBDC, will be Hegelian dialectic in operation, all around you and right in front of you.

What is Hegelian dialectic?

The phrase derives from the early nineteenth century German philosopher G.W.F. Hegel, the first to put his finger on it. His ideas were greatly amplified by Karl Marx.

Marx was not the only beneficiary of Hegelian thought. Hegel is one of the half dozen or so most influential philosophers of all time.Sometimes his dialectic is written obscurely as: thesis-antithesis-synthesis. Think of it instead as this triad:  crisis-reaction-response.

Here’s how it works in the real world: a crisis is manufactured or allowed to develop (thesis). The crisis provokes a reaction (antithesis: “Somebody do something!!”). Those with the power to make things happen come to the rescue with the response, which is what was wanted all along (synthesis). The pushback the ruling class would have received before the crisis is reduced to the “extremists” and “conspiracy theorists.”

In his magnificent work States of Emergency: Keeping the Global Population in Check (Clarity Press, 2022), Dutch political scientist Kees Van Der Pijl argues convincingly that the entire covid “pandemic” was a concerted effort by the globalist ruling class to bring increasingly restless populations back under control before the global economy melted down and they had a mass revolt on their hands.

First, what he calls the IT Revolution happened (1970s to 2007). In the past I’ve described the Internet as our era’s Gutenberg Press, which got away  from the DARPA elites and threatened to bring actual democracy to the world’s masses, while exposing massive corruption and false narratives.

Then came the meltdown of 2008: most directly a consequence of years of irresponsible practices by banking leviathan,especially with the 1999 repeal of Glass-Steagall which separated commercial banks from investment banks. During the years 1999-2008 we witnessed “bundling” of loans into dangerous financial instruments with confusing names like credit default swaps. Reckless financial behavior spread across swaths of the economy such as the housing market. Remember the housing bubble of the later G.W. Bush years and the subprime lending fiasco of 2007? Remember the houses deemed “underwater” and the people who walked away when they suddenly owed more on their once-overpriced McMansion than it could be sold for?

The amount of money lost awakened even more people — members of the peasantry (in super elite terms) who figured out that the rules they grew up believing in no longer applied, if indeed they ever did.

The Federal Reserve response to the 2008-09 catastrophe, moreover: print money, print money, and then print more money! The Fed created trillions out of thin air! The printing continued, long after the recession had officially passed. This was clearly the only means of keeping an otherwise unsustainable political-economy afloat.Most of the phantom wealth went to Wall Street, which is why, during the Obama years, the markets first soared back to where they had been before the crash, then surpassed their previous highs and just kept on going! This separation of digital wealth from the real economy probably saved us from roaring inflation back then.

But around September 2019, the wheels started to come off again. Think repo. We all know what happened next, and came to fruition in March 2020.

Now, in 2022, the covid narrative has largely collapsed. It has become clear to thinking people that the carefully orchestrated draconian responses were never about public health, but coerced compliance. The narrative surrounding Russia-Ukraine has also convinced only the already-convinced, but the sanctions against Russia have exacerbated supply-line disruptions and shortages that covid lockdowns had already precipitated.

The new monkeypox narrative is being greeted with howls of laughter, at least in my circles. Was I not writing about this very sort of thing a few months back: that releasing another bug might be an option the ruling class was considering? Another option of theirs: a cyber attack that would temporarily shut down an Internet the ruling super elite can’t effectively control, especially with Big Tech censorship having been exposed and efforts such as the Bidenista “disinformation board” being openly ridiculed.

The operand issue is control, of course. The ruling class does not want to provoke a reaction they would have a hard time controlling as its effects rippled across the world. They do not want to precipitate either a mass panic or a peasants’ revolt.

Enter massive inflation. It focuses the peasants on their pocketbooks. They have to tighten their belts just to get to work every day (now that numerous CEOs are saying, “return to a physical office or quit”). They aren’t going to panic en masse, because there is always some shill “economist” telling them “things aren’t as bad as they seem” or will “turn around quickly” or “Look at how low the unemployment rate is!”

Some of these numbskulls say inflation is a good thing. Gas too expensive? Drive less, have a smaller “carbon footprint.”

In other words, peasant, keep doing what you’re told.

The reality is that fiat currencies are collapsing. Too much has been created out of nothing. Money has thus lost its purchasing power. The more of anything, the less value individual units can command. This is Econ 101 stuff (or should be): increase the supply of anything and its price falls. One reason corporations have never, at the highest levels, wanted real competition (as opposed to covert collusion) is that real competition by more economic actors increases supply. This brings prices down and threatens to collapse profits.

Which is why marketing and competition for customers, clients, jobs, etc., are, in the immortal words of Leona Helmsley, “for the little people.”

The point being: the more the peasantry is forced to focus on immediate concerns of putting gas in their vehicles and food on their tables, the less time and energy they have to watch what “their” rulers are doing.

What the latter are doing is preparing to introduce CBDC(s), as part of the effort to force everything and everyone onto the digital grid where their behaviors can be watched—and eventually controlled, as I’ve also noted. Well-placed CEOs in a position to know (because they have been to, or participated in globalist World Economic Forum confabs) anticipate this system to be in place within five years.

Cash transactions will not fit into this “new normal.” Hence the calls we already see for more and more “contactless” (i.e., digital) payments. Hence the Federal Reserve holding discussions on applying digital currency at the level of workaday retail.

Cash can spread the coronavirus, didn’t you know? It is also used by drug-smugglers, sex-traffickers, money-launderers, and other assorted criminals.

Cash is bad will be that official narrative.

Inflation is thus the crisis. If it worsens, as I expect it will, the outcries and demands that something be done about it will be the reaction.

CBDC will be the response, to be sold to a peasantry eager for relief. With significant benefits! All the controlled media need do is elite-splain that those who go along with the “new normal,” the new payment systems, will pay less for everything.

Inflation? Problem solved! The rapidly developing surveillance-and-control grid will be significantly enhanced, probably past the point of no return.

Steven Yates’s new book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory (Wipf and Stock, 2021) is available here and here.

Steven Yates blogs at Lost Generation Philosopher, and has begun writing a philosophy course centered on freedom, its preconditions, and the choices a person must make in order to have it.

Do you wish me to continue? Please consider supporting my work on

© 2022 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

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“Preferred Pronouns” Madness MUST Stop

By: Devvy

June 6, 2022

I will always remember more than two decades ago, Sean Hannity, saying on his radio show he didn’t care what queers did at home behind closed doors.  I thought to myself, you’re Catholic and instead of lovingly condemning what God Almighty called an abomination, you just want to shush it up behind closed doors. Give an inch and they’ll take a mile.  An old saying but so true.

Even way back then so many of us knew what was going to happen to normalize the immoral and dangerous PREFERRED lifestyles of sexual deviants. While the “queer community” uses those exact words, you had better not or be smeared into the next century.

The prime target became schools with corporate America jumping on board throwing tens of millions of dollars to promote sexual deviancy.  These 50+ Brands Are Celebrating Pride by Giving Back to the LGBT Community – Nike, American Eagle and Disney are among the companies celebrating inclusion, equality and love for LGBT Pride month.  (None of them get a penny from me. I’m sorry but I will not spit in God’s face.)

Back in 2012, the morally bankrupt politicians in California passed new laws to make damn sure YOUR child is forced to ignore the beliefs of their parents instilled in their children.  God’s words and commandments:  California Public School Kids Now Required to Study Contributions of LGBT Americans, Jan. 4 2012.

Contributions?  They’ve contributed nothing but lies that sexual deviants are born that way.  A million lawsuits.  That a male having sex in another man’s sh*t is normal and healthy.  That you and another male can use each other’s anus as your sexual playground.  That females slobbering in each other’s vagina and the other proclivities by lesbians is somehow normal and healthy.

LGBTQ People Far More Likely To Suffer From Mental Health Issues, Study Claims

What to know about sexual orientation and mental health in youth – “Young people within LGBTQIA+ communities are more likely to experience challenges with their mental health. This is largely due to the oppression and discrimination they may encounter at school, at home, and in their wider community.

“This article uses the term “queer,” which some members of LGBTQIA+ communities consider offensive, to refer to self-identified participants in studies.  Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and other self-identified queer (LGBTQ) youth have higher rates of mental health issues than people in the general population.”

I have never been one to cast slurs (like faggot) at a person I know is a sexual deviant or any of the other categories of deviancy nor have I ever supported bullying of confused children and adults who claim to be homosexuals, lesbians or any of the other categories. I also refuse to use the marketing technique of using the word gay.  There’s nothing gay about dying from AIDS or the dozens of diseases which plague homosexuals.

I truly feel sorry for all of them for buying into the big lies, peer pressure, forced propaganda in schools and listening to Satan as he steals their soul.  One can only pray they realize they’ve been seduced by propaganda, confusion and the Devil himself.

Didn’t take long and suddenly the latest push was for “trans” people.  Transgenders Mentally Ill & Should Be Treated With Compassion, April 2, 2017.  That is my column and contains very important information, i.e.:

Princeton Prof: Transgenderism Not Scientific, ‘Superstitious Belief’ – Robert P. George, McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence at Princeton.

American College of Pediatricians: Gender Ideology Harms Children

Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist: Transgender is ‘Mental Disorder;’ Sex Change ‘Biologically Impossible’ Very important read.  Suicide rates are tragic.

Then came the massive push to mutilate your body called transgender transition.  Parents forcing their child into believing their son is actually a girl and their daughter is really a boy.  Allowing males who “identify” as female into female restrooms.  VA Judge Finds Transgender Teen Guilty of Sexual Assault in Loudoun County High School Girl’s Bathroom Case, October 26, 2021.  That nightmare became big news and finally parents came out swinging – as they should have been doing for the past 20 years. The use of “identify” is nothing but bullsh*t.

When California passed those new “laws” forcing young children to celebrate sexual deviancy, tens of thousands of parents should have (peacefully) stormed the state capitol and kicked the sexual deviant crowd out at the next election.  In the end, thousands of parents pulled their children out of those taxpayer funded indoctrination centers called public schools.

And yet, teachers unions, school boards, media whores and politicians (for votes) all not only promote it but declare all of the above to be a constitutional right.  I covered this in depth in my May 23, 2016 column, ‘Transgender’ Bathrooms and Jurisdiction.  Never mentioned is how children and teens are being mutilated:  Transgender Docs Warn About Gender-Affirmative Care for Youth or how many have come to regret being pressured into such demonic surgeries.

Detransitioners Open up About How Transgender ‘Medicine’ Left Them Scarred for Life, March 12, 2021  /  Hundreds of transgender youths who had gender reassignment surgery wish they hadn’t and want to transition back, says trans rights champion, Oct. 5, 2019 (Which most can’t afford.)

Doctors Have Failed Them, Say Those Who Regret Transitioning, March 22, 2022/  Regret Isn’t Rare: The Dangerous Lie of Sex Change Surgery’s Success, June 17, 2016  (My comment:  That’s because it doesn’t solve the mental issues.)  /  Transgender woman’s op-ed regretting sex re-assignment surgery draws strong media reaction: ‘Heartbreaking’ – Corinna Cohn warned in the Washington Post against ‘permanently altering your body’, April 12, 2022 /  “There is Nothing Fair About Transgender Woman Lia Thomas Competing for the University of Pennsylvania in NCAA Swimming” – Says US Olympic Champion Who Swam Against Doped Up East Germans

“Nancy Hogshead-Makar says that men should not be able to compete against women in women’s sports, Dec. 25, 2021.  (Biological males should NOT be allowed to participate in biological women’s sports, period.  They are cheaters who can say they “identify” as a female, win metals and then decide to go back to “identifying” as a male.)

30 Transgender Regretters Come Out Of The Closet, Jan. 3, 2019 – “Walt Heyer knows firsthand what it’s like to undergo sex change surgery and then regret it. After living as a woman for nearly a decade, he decided to accept his biological sex and de-transition back to male. By then, Walt had received intensive cognitive therapy that helped him recognize early childhood trauma he had experienced.”

“The trauma resulted in a mental condition known as dissociative identity disorder (DID). In the clarity of that realization, his gender dysphoria simply vanished. His life as a “woman” all amounted to an attempt to escape reality. Sadly, too few people consider the possibility that gender dysphoria can manifest as a byproduct or symptom of other mental conditions, and most certainly of DID. (More on that below.)”

There are dozens more web sites, not by just teens but adults,who later realize they were taken advantage of over confusion about being male or female.  Just do some research.

Is that kind of mental and physical nightmare what you want for your child whose been brainwashed in public schools, “trend setters” on trash platforms like TikTok, Disney movies, disgusting “drag queen” spectacles at your public taxpayer funded library and corporations who continue to promote such evil?

Let’s not forget the delusional preferences of brain washed Americans who claim to be “non-binary”.  When I started researching that, I thought to myself, can this madness get any worse?  Of course, popular rock stars and Hollywood mentally ill nut cases came out of the woodwork proclaiming they are “non-binary”.

What Does Non-Binary Mean? Understanding This LGBTQ Term and Why It’s Important, June 2, 2021:  “Non-binary is a word for people who fall “outside the categories of man and woman,” according to the LGBTQ+ advocacy group GLAAD. Because binary means “two,” if someone doesn’t identify as male or female, they could be non-binary. Non-binary folks may also use terms like “gender nonconforming” because they don’t conform to gender stereotypes. However, not all will.

“The LGBTQ+ community and the terms used to describe people are as unique as each individual. Gender identity is personal, according to Carrie Davis, Chief Community Officer for The Trevor Project, who says gender identity is our internal understanding and experience of our own gender. The question “what does non-binary mean?” is a little different for everyone.”

Planning My Wedding as a Nonbinary Bride – I couldn’t even pick a pronoun. How was I supposed to decide what to wear on the most important day of my life? Not a joke, folks.  What a read. The marriage was over in three years.  Gee, I wonder why?  More so, why did a priest even marry them?

What rubbish.  Yes, it is lunacy:  insanity; mental disorder.  I covered this in depth in my May 23, 2016 column.  Teachers and professors have and are being fired for refusing to use the “preferred pronoun” of a student(s).  Many have sued and won.  This is should NOT be happening in this country. A teacher says he was fired for refusing to use male pronouns for a transgender student, Oct. 2, 2019.  Judge orders reinstatement of teacher who wouldn’t use preferred pronouns, June 8, 2021 (different teacher):  “Byron “Tanner” Cross was suspended and banned from school grounds after he said at a Loudoun County Public Schools meeting last month that he wouldn’t recognize “a biological boy can be a girl and vice versa” because of his Christian faith.”  Stand firm because GOD has said sodomites and lesbians commit an abomination and they will feel his wrath.

Next came the new madness one must call a person by their preferred pronoun(s) which I also covered in one of my columns:  “Naturally the sewers called public schools have jumped on the bandwagon as well as city officials.

Chicago Schools Force Students To Use Transgender Language

“Chicago Public Schools are telling employees – and even students – that they will be punished if they don’t use government-directed language when debating or talking about sex and gender. The new rules have gone all-in to push the “gender identity” ideology and transgender agenda by demanding that everyone in the school system must use the scientifically incorrect pronouns and made-up names preferred by a tiny minority of people who say they prefer to be treated as members of the opposite sex.”

“Christian parents had better stand up and say no, you will NOT brainwash my child with agenda driven propaganda: Third Graders Forced To Read Transgender Book About ‘Boy in Dress’

NYC to Fine Businesses That Don’t Use Correct Gender Pronouns

“Businesses in New York City face fines under a new law that makes it a violation of someone’s human rights not to use their preferred “gender pronoun”. According to the New York City Commission on Human Rights, employees, landlords and businesses who refuse to refer to transgender people as terms such as “ze” and “hir” will be in violation of the New York City Human Rights Law. Violations include, “Intentional or repeated refusal to use an individual’s preferred name, pronoun or title. For example, repeatedly calling a transgender woman “him” or “Mr.” after she has made clear which pronouns and title she uses.”

That’s no joke or satire.  You couldn’t pay me enough money to live in NYC.  I’ve been there twice and enjoyed it very much.  But what a violent, decadent toilet it’s become over the past two decades.

And the people in NYC, all for “tolerance” have put up with such madness for years by reelecting the same maniacs who allow this garbage to continue.  THIS is now happening because Americans for too long have remained silent out of fear of being called the usual labels by the media and disgusting school officials:

Middle schoolers accused of sexual harassment for not using preferred pronouns, parents say, May 15, 2022 – “KIEL, Wis. (WBAY/Gray News) – The parents of three Wisconsin middle school students are asking the school district to stop a sexual harassment investigation into their sons and clear their records of any sort of charges or investigation.

“The parents say that according to the Kiel Area School District, the Kiel Middle School students are under investigation for mispronouncing pronouns when referring to a classmate.

“Last month, the parents of the three eighth-graders were notified their sons were being charged by school district officials with sexual harassment. A section of Title IX prohibits gender-based harassment in the form of name-calling on the basis of sex.

“The district claims the boys were not referring to the student’s requested pronouns of “they” and “them.”

Think about this:  There are only TWO biological sexes, period.  Male & Female.  Now everyone – particularly children – are being forced to call a class mate “they” or “them” or whatever another student has been brainwashed into believing by reading unscientific trash and propaganda on the Internet, watching Disney movies, social media or reading “woke” comic books.

What a shame.  I grew up watching all the wonderful Disney movies as did my daughter now crushed under pressure from lunatics in this country for being this or that.  ‘Gayest kids movie yet’ from Disney unleashed on America – Supporters gush: ‘Gloriously queer-positive’ with ‘not a moment censored’, April 13, 2022.  I know Disney employs a lot of Christian based employees who desperately need their jobs but gradually Disney has become nothing more than a propaganda machine for deviancy and grooming.  Americans can continue enriching them by visiting their theme parks and going to their movies or they can simply say:  No way.  I will NOT spit in God’s face for entertainment.  Stockholders get the message as other public companies have gotten the message: (Always gotta add that worn out “right-wing” smear.)

State Farm Urges Its Florida Agents to Donate Books on Transgenderism to Age 5+ Students, May 24,2022.  That went over like a dirty baby diaper.  Within 24 hours:  State Farm Drops LGBTQ Kids Books Program After Backlash:  “Insurance company State Farm has dropped its support for a program providing LGBTQ-theme children’s books to teachers and libraries after a right-wing uproar. “State Farm’s support of a philanthropic program, GenderCool, has been the subject of news and customer inquiries. This program that included books about gender identity was intended to promote inclusivity,” Victor Terry, State Farm’s chief diversity officer, wrote in an email to staff. “We will no longer support that program,” he said, adding that “conversations about gender and identity should happen at home with parents.”  It’s all about $$ and Americans threatening to find a new insurance company.

Oh, but wait! This one is almost beyond words:  Man Jailed After Not Using His Own Child’s Preferred Pronouns, March 22, 2021.

Children – CHILDREN – who should be having fun, going to school to learn skills so they can lead productive lives are now being investigated for not addressing another student by “their preferred pronouns”?  This is child abuse plain and simple.

This cancer has spread and it must be stopped.  First, where are the churches in this country who allegedly teach the word of God?  The King James Version of the Holy Bible is the only one (and I’m entitled to my own opinion) that is accurate.  These other “new” versions change words in sentences in scriptures.  Words have meanings so you might want to do comparisons.  Is it any wonder that America went from a country where every Sunday churches were full to now half full or have gone to those mega “feel good” churches too scared to lose their 501 (c) (3) tax exempt status to speak out and condemn this madness?

Many parents and grand parents raising their grand children have taken the fight right to school board meetings.  I suggest you copy the expert opinions I cited above on transgenderism and give a list of the articles on the growing number of kids and adults who later regret mutilating their bodies.

Make your voices heard.  If possible, get your children out of public schools that teach such immoral and dangerous rot.  Enroll them in private Christian schools if possible, even if you have to sacrifice buying things to would like to have but can live without.  Is it any wonder home schooling has skyrocketed?  It’s not all about the destruction to America’s children over the masks and COVID, it’s the rot being pounded into their minds every day to promote sexual deviancy.

What is a Woman? reveals the deeper problems with transgenderism, June 4, 2022 – “The title of this new documentary, written by and starring The Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh, is the question he continually asks through the course of ninety minutes. The solution is simple: a woman is an adult human female. Thus, the real crux involves a more complicated matter. If the answer is so obvious, why do otherwise intelligent, capable people fight or flight when confronted with the problem.

“What is a Woman? examines many aspects of the transgender phenomena, illuminating dimensions that are often overlooked or downright censored. Despite cruel and unfair accusations, it is a call for compassion backed by both science and the Catholic faith against a narrative of fear, domination, and pride.”

While I haven’t watched his documentary yet, I plan to this week. It’s received great reviews for even having done it and the content. This author gives him credit but feels he doesn’t go deep enough:  Matt Walsh’s film What is a Woman? is both valuable and incomplete, June 3, 2022

What is a Woman documentary web site.

Push aside and ignore all the screeching about hate speech and the rest of the BS being spewed by those who support sexual deviants and this destructive push called transgenderism and “preferred pronouns”.  It’s about getting scientific facts, mental health and stopping the cruel mutilation of children’s bodies.  It’s also about the words and warnings by the one true GOD and you better believe Him because no one gets out of this life alive.

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions. [Order two books and save $10.00. Give one to a friend or relative]

© 2022 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:  (I simply have to say while I really do appreciate emails, I receive several hundred a day except Christmas and New Year’s Day.  I simply cannot answer all of them asking for advice, please help me with my case and other requests because it’s just me.  I try to work some of the requests and answer questions into my columns but I can only do so much.  I thank you for understanding.)


Most of the columns below are mine and with the history of how we are where we are today with the madness of the LBGTQ+ and another 10 letters.  Those columns have more factual information in them that would fill a book.  And here we are today with the filth and rot being shoved down America’s throats with the target being children.

Like an army facing a quivering opponent, the agenda to destroy America’s moral foundation, destroy the nuclear family and brain wash tens of millions of Americans using Soviet-style propaganda, on they came.  Read one a day and get the truth.

People Are Forgetting the Act, August 11, 2003 – I lived in Colorado while this war was going on when the word preference suddenly became orientation.  Of course, never a whisper from the prostitute media about the long list of diseases suffered by homosexuals with their dirty, filthy preferred lifestyles but they’re listed in my column.

Born Homosexual, Prove It, August 9, 2004

Homosexuals “Born That Way”  –  A Con Job, Part 1 of 3, May 25, 2009 – In part 2 you can see the long list of “lavender diseases” spread by homosexuals.

The Queering of Our Military and God’s Wrath, Dec. 21, 2010

The Queering of America’s Churches, June 14, 2011

Wait Gunny!  I have to change my diaper, September 2, 2011

Queering of the Boy Scouts, April 21, 2013 – “Sexual deviants refer to themselves as queers, but anyone who uses that word is blasted for using “hate speech.” End of my columns.

We’re Queer, We’re here

“Gays” is nothing but a slick marketing word introduced to divert people’s attention away from what sexual deviants do during their sexual encounters.  There is nothing “gay” about dying from AIDS/HIV or suffering from dozens of “lavender” diseases that plague sodomites.

We’re here, we’re queer, and other people are starting to get it – “On Sunday, March 17, Pastor Rob Bell came out in support of marriage equality in San Francisco.”

Boy Scouts of America files for bankruptcy. Hundreds of sexual abuse lawsuits are now on hold, February 18, 2020.  Only a blind fool couldn’t see what was going to happen when the wonderful, clean and moral organization called the Boy Scouts caved under pressure even after being warned it would destroy that once great experience for boys:  Boy Scouts of America Votes to Allow Gay Scout Leaders, July 27, 2015.  In less than five years they’re drowning in sexual abuse cases and bankrupt.  I already knew long before lesbians were quietly operating in the Girl Scouts.

Girl Scouts Exposed: Lessons in Lesbianism

Here’s Why Christians Are Choosing To Leave The Girl Scouts – “At least that’s the charge leveled when conservatives resist liberal policies, such as when the archbishop of Kansas City, Joseph Naumann, announced last week that the Archdiocese had decided to end its relationship with the Girl Scouts of America. As he put it:

“To follow Jesus and his Gospel will often require us to be counter-cultural. With the promotion by Girl Scouts USA (GSUSA) of programs and materials reflective of many of the troubling trends in our secular culture, they are no longer a compatible partner in helping us form young women with the virtues and the values of the Gospel.

“Instead, parishes in the Archdiocese of Kansas City will partner with American Heritage Girls, a Christian organization and a “much better fit for our parishes,” according to the Statement issued by the Archbishop.”

Part 3: Absurdities Of Our Times In America—Unreasonable

By Frosty Wooldridge

June 6, 2022

Part 3: The wall, crime, racial absurdities, term limits, insider trading on defense contracts

This is the third and final submission of this series on “absurdities” occurring within America by our elected leaders.

As to the racial equity push, United Airlines reported that it will have 50 percent “people of color” in the cockpit within two decades. They stated that too many airlines pilots are white.  It begs the question: when did skin color qualify anyone to pilot a 747 jetliner?  How can you get 50 percent minorities into the cockpit when they only stand at 13 percent of the American population?  What happens if they are totally unqualified to fly the big jets or simply don’t aspire to flying in the numbers needed to reach 50 percent? Would you like to be a passenger of a plane flown by an ”affirmative action” graduate?  Absurd?  You betcha’!

How is it that America stands as a first world country where women’s rights are sacrosanct, but Congress continues importing one religion where women have no rights, i.e., Islam.  And, because they’ve imported over 4,000,000 from that neck of the world, we now have 23 to 28 honor killings of women annually within the USA. It’s over 20,000 honor killings annually in Islamic countries where it’s legal to kill your wife or daughter for “dishonoring” the male husband of the household. (Source: United Nations “Honor Killings”)  As reported by Ed O’Callaghan, Assistant District Attorney of the Department of Homeland Security in a White House Press Conference,  “We now have over 500,000 cases of female genital mutilation in America as well as endless honor killings.”

Except, FGM is assault and battery on a small female child! Where are the women’s rights groups? Why aren’t they screaming at the tops of their lungs to stop such barbaric activities within America?  Why did Congress import them to continue their horrific 6th century crimes against women?  Would you not mutter under your breath the absurdity of this situation?

One of my readers, Carolyn gave a few of her own absurdities.

It’s absurd that we can send $40 billion dollars plus another $13 billion to Ukraine to protect their border halfway around the world, but we can’t spend as little as $5 billion to finish our wall and secure our own border!  Let alone enforce our immigration laws!

It’s absurd that we can lockdown our hospitals and nursing homes for Covid, not even allowing people to visit their sick or dying loved ones, but cannot protect our innocent children from being killed by insane monsters who walk into any school in America and shoot to kill! Whether it’s Uvalde, Texas or Chicago this past weekend, for heaven sakes, isn’t it all a bit absurd?

It is absurd that we will lock up patriotic protesters on January 6 for over 18 months and they are political prisoners, with no civil rights, no charges brought, no fast and fair chance at a trial…but we let BLM and Antifa murderers, gangsters, rapists and thieves go free with no bail and no prosecution.

It is absurd that small businesses had to shut completely down, many losing their businesses for good, but Walmart, Target, and big-name stores were allowed to stay open and make huge profits.

It is absurd that churches were forced to close (even for outdoor services) but elected officials could dine at fancy restaurants, go to parties, and thugs could protest in our streets with no restrictions at all.

It is absurd that big cities defunded their police, but homeowners were sent to jail for trying to protect their own property because of thugs who surrounded their homes and police did not respond.

What about “smash and grab” being okay in cities like LA, Chicago and San Francisco? Have you noticed that NONE of the S & G boys, virtually all minorities, have been caught or brought to court?  If they are caught, they are back on the streets within hours with “no bail” laws.

It is absurd that BLM and antifa can tear down our statues, burn cars and businesses, while looting stores to the tune of $2 billion in 2020, but parents standing up to school boards for promoting CRT are declared and investigated as “domestic terrorists!  Attorney General Garland must be pronounced the most absurd AG in American history.

It is absurd that Biden demanded that we all wear masks that don’t work, while he makes speeches without a mask, coughing into his hands, wiping slobbers from his chin, and then mingles with the crowd immediately after, shaking people’s hands!   We saw that happen multiple times!

It is absurd that all the rich and powerful can freely jet all over the world to have multiple meetings, that intend to take away all our freedoms, while shaming us for our carbon footprints.

It is absurd that we might turn over our sovereignty to the World Health Organization and allow them to rule over us and make decisions as to when we should quarantine, shut down, sequester and wear masks… when NONE of them were elected by any of us to do that! You might attribute that absurdity to the ever-growing dementia of Joe Biden.

Why is it that an 18-year-old Latino kid can walk into gun store and buy a machine gun, walk out, and promptly walk into a school to massacre 21 students and teachers as in Uvalde, Texas in the past two weeks?  Instead of doing something in Congress or in State Legislatures, nothing gets done, and the next massacre awaits as surely as the coming of the dawn.  Tell me that’s not absurd!

This last absurdity of this report wrecks my sense of understanding.  We know men and women who have been returned to DC for over three to four decades are corrupt, lying, criminal lawmakers.  We know many of them are intellectually incompetent such as AOC, Maxine Waters, Hank Johnson, Shelia Jackson and dozens of others.  We know that Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are involved in defense contract insider-trading that has made them millionaires. And yet, the stupid people that elected them…keep electing them.  Why haven’t Americans demanded “term limits” of a maximum of 6 to 8 years to wash-out old, decrepit, mentally incompetent, and horribly useless U.S. Senators and House members?   Absurd, right?!  Yes, totally absurd.

And perhaps most of all, it is absurd that our own president makes a speech that blames citizens, and everyone else but himself for all these absurdities!

Finally, this absurdity takes the cake:  The United States is 3rd in murders throughout the world’s countries.  We’re also the third most populated country.

If you remove Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis, Washington DC, and New Orleans from the murder equation…all dominated by minorities, strict “no gun” laws and democrats—the USA becomes 189th out of 196 countries in murder rates.

Is that absurd beyond comprehension or what?

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

320 – Scott & Korematsu – Two Cases That Show the Corruption of the Court

By Paul Engel

June 6, 2022

  • These two cases are examples of a persons rights being denied simply because of their heritage.
  • These cases are examples of courts getting their decisions terribly wrong, with horrendous consequences.
  • They should be a lesson to all Americans. If you place your trust in any branch of government, you may find your rights can disappear in the publishing of a bad opinion.

There are certain Supreme Court cases that are infamous, either for their import or their error. Miranda, Roe v. Wade, and Obergefell are just a few. Two of these cases are known simply as Dred Scott and Korematsu. These cases are not only examples of when the courts get things wrong, but of our nature to treat others as less than human.

In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson gave us this iconic phrase:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal

Declaration of Independence

Sadly, we have yet to live up to Jefferson’s vision. We have a history in America of treating certain people as less than human. We hear a lot about the enslavement of blacks, and some about the treatment of the Indians, but little about how the Chinese, Irish, Italians, Jews and others have been treated. You would hope that, at least before the court, justice would remain blind. The two cases we are looking at today show that injustice before the bench is nothing new.

Dred Scott v. Sandford

Most American’s have at least a passing familiarity with the Dred Scott case. Most of us were taught in school that this is the case where the court found that blacks were not citizens and had no rights.

A free negro of the African race, whose ancestors were brought to this country and sold as slaves, is not a citizen” within the meaning of the Constitution of the United States.

Dred Scott v. Sandford

Are the rights protected by the Constitution limited to citizens of the United States?

The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.

U.S. Constitution, Article IV, Section 2, Clause 1

While there are privileges and immunities, such as voting, that are limited to citizens, other rights protected by the Constitution aren’t.

No person shall … be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;

U.S. Constitution, Amendment V

The issue at hand did not rest solely on Mr. Scott’s race, but on his immigration status.

A State, by its laws passed since the adoption of the Constitution, may put a foreigner or any other description of persons upon a footing with its own citizens as to all the rights and privileges enjoyed by them within its dominion and by its laws. But that will not make him a citizen of the United States, nor entitle him to sue in its courts, nor to any of the privileges and immunities of a citizen in another State.

Dred Scott v. Sandford

Remember, this was 1856, before the 13th and 14th amendments. When Mr. Scott’s ancestors were imported as slaves, they were not granted citizenship. As such, Mr. Scott was not considered a citizen either. He was, however, a person, and should have had his liberty protected under the Fifth Amendment. That was not the case.

This precedent was overturned by the ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment:

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. 

U.S. Constitution, Amendment XIV, Section 1

Korematsu v. United States

Most people I talked to don’t recognize this case, even though they’re aware of Japanese internment during World War II. It all started when President Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066:

Now, therefore, by virtue of the authority vested in me as President of the United States, and Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy, I hereby authorize and direct the Secretary of War, and the Military Commanders whom he may from time to time designate, whenever he or any designated Commander deems such action necessary or desirable, to prescribe military areas in such places and of such extent as he or the appropriate Military Commander may determine, from which any or all persons may be excluded, and with respect to which, the right of any person to enter, remain in, or leave shall be subject to whatever restrictions the Secretary of War or the appropriate Military Commander may impose in his discretion. 

Executive Order No, 9066

Let’s start with the obvious. There is no authority vested in the President of the United States to designate “military areas” within the United States. Article I, Section 8, Clause 17 delegates to Congress legislative power over federal property, including places purchased by the consent of the state’s legislature.

To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings: . . .

U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8, Clause 17

Not only did this executive order claim powers not delegated to the United States, much less the President, it violated both the Fifth and Tenth Amendments to the Constitution.

No person shall … be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;

U.S. Constitution, Amendment V

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

U.S. Constitution, Amendment X

This means that Executive Order 9066 is not only invalid, but void.

There is no position which depends on clearer principles, than that every act of a delegated authority, contrary to the tenor of the commission under which it is exercised, is void.

Alexander Hamilton, Federalist Papers #78

Yet, just like today, that did not stop those in government from treating this illegal order as valid law. In response to President Roosevelt’s order, the Western Defense Command and Fourth Army issued the Civilian Exclusion Order No. 34:

Pursuant to the provisions of Public Proclamations Nos. 1 and 2, this Headquarters, dated March 2, 1942, and March 16, 1942, respectively, it is hereby ordered that from and after 12 oclock noon, P. W. T., of Saturday, May 9, 1942, all persons of Japanese ancestry, both alien and non-alien, be excluded from that portion of Military Area No. 1 described as follows:

Civilian Exclusion Order No. 34

Under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, members of the military are required to follow all lawful orders. Since the President does not have the authority to “designate” areas as under military control, he cannot legally order someone to do so. Furthermore, Lt. General J.I. DeWitt, commander of the Fourth Army, violated both his oath and the law by depriving people of their liberty and property by excluding people of Japanese ancestry from any area. Civilian Exclusion Order 34 also required a member of each family report to a Civil Control Station, again, in violation of the Constitution and laws of the United States.

A responsible member of each family, and each individual living alone, in the above described area will report between the hours of 8:00 A. M. and 5:00 P. M., Monday, May 4, 1942, or during the same hours on Tuesday, to the Civil Control Station located at 920.
“C” Street Hayward, California

Civilian Exclusion Order No. 34

Those who reported and their families would be relocated to internment camps for the duration of the war. Fred Korematsu ignored the order to relocate, was arrested and convicted of violating the order. He sued, arguing that the executive order infringed on his liberty without due process of law and therefore violated his rights protected under the Fifth Amendment. Sadly, the Supreme Court did not see it that way.

We uphold the exclusion order as of the time it was made and when the petitioner violated it.  … In doing so, we are not unmindful of the hardships imposed by it upon a large group of American citizens.  … But hardships are part of war, and war is an aggregation of hardships. All citizens alike, both in and out of uniform, feel the impact of war in greater or lesser measure. Citizenship has its responsibilities, as well as its privileges, and, in time of war, the burden is always heavier. Compulsory exclusion of large groups of citizens from their homes, except under circumstances of direst emergency and peril, is inconsistent with our basic governmental institutions. But when, under conditions of modern warfare, our shores are threatened by hostile forces, the power to protect must be commensurate with the threatened danger.

Korematsu v. United States

According to the Supreme Court, you have no rights except the ones government allows you to keep. The court talks about the hardships of war, but seems to ignore the Constitution of the United States or the concept of unalienable rights. This case is an example of the abuse of so called judicial review. The idea is that the courts can supersede your rights and the Constitution when there’s sufficiently compelling government interest. If the government doesn’t need to follow the supreme law of the land, then what good is it? What were those brave men fighting for, if not to protect the rights this government had denied to people based solely on their heritage? How can you expect your rights to be protected by such a so called ‘justice system’?


What do these two famous, or rather infamous, cases have in common? They denied rights to human beings because of their ancestry. While the precedent set in Scott was overturned by the Fourteenth Amendment, nothing has overturned the opinion in Korematsu. Laws that violated the supreme law of the land were used in both cases, and courts endorsed these travesties of justice.

Santayana said “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” There is nothing we can do to change the past. However, by remembering the past we can learn from it and do whatever we can to prevent similar abuses from happening in the future. Yet here we are, watching while government officials pass repugnant laws and issue illegal executive orders to infringe on the rights of the American people. People are denied their liberty and property for not complying with an illegal government order. People are being denied their right to speak and to the press if they contradict the approved government narrative. Roosevelt’s executive order led to exclusion and internment and Biden’s orders have led to banishment from employment, public transportation, and healthcare. And let us not forget about the internment of those who challenged the validity of the 2020 elections. I wonder if future generations will look back at the laws and cases we’re dealing with today with the same disdain with which we hold these two cases?

© 2022 Paul Engel – All Rights Reserved

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Repent Back to the Simplicity and Purity of Devotion to Christ

By Glynn Adams

June 5, 2022

“But I am afraid lest as the serpent deceived Eye by his craftiness, your minds should be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ.” (2 Corinthians 11:3)

The spiritual responsibility as a minister and watchman that God has given to me by the Holy Spirit is conviction – and not condemnation!!!  Evil has overtaken this nation and is openly manifesting itself in our culture.  Satan rules our nation and not God!!  Think about that and face that reality!!!!  We have a mandate and the authority of God to expand the Kingdom of God (the rule of God) in our nation but our defeated foe Satan rules our nation instead!!  We must not continue going about our daily church business as usual listening to pastors giving us positive messages that all is well when evil is ruling our nation rather than God.  You are deceived if you boast your church is doing well when the culture around you is full of demons and being destroyed.  What happens spiritually in this nation falls on the Body of Christ and we are under the judgment of God and Christians had better wake up and come together as a Body to find out why evil is ruling in this nation and not God!!!

We are in the dangerous perilous times the Apostle Paul warned us about but as Christians we are not discerning the times in which we live?  We are in a war with evil against Christianity, the family, our children, and this Republic but we have deliberately ignored this war rather than showing up at the battlefield as the army of God, dressed in the His full armor.   If we don’t come together and get our spiritual act up to the level that the disciples’ of Christ in the First Century demonstrated to us in the Book of Acts, our current religion will keep us ineffective against evil and we will not survive these perilous times with all these Satanic and demonic attacks coming against this nation.  Evil has a systematic plan to destroy America while Christians in America have poor to horrible leadership, we are divided, apathetic, stubborn, and we have no plans to counter this evil – I mean nothing except our ineffective form of godliness religion and waiting for the rapture.   This is a plan for disaster!!! [SEE: Enemies Within: The Church]

In the Book of Acts in the First Century, Jesus went up, the Holy Spirit came down, and the disciples’ of Christ went out!!  Almost all of the work and ministry by Christians today in free America is done in our comfort zone called the church building.  Only those in this nation that are totally committed to the LORD Jesus Christ go into this nation to proclaim the gospel and only those that are strong and have great courage, take a hard stand against evil in our culture!!  But in the First Century, the disciples did not build a building called the church.  They were the church and ministry in the Name of Jesus in the First Century could get you put in prison or killed.  After ministry, they would meet in homes to fellowship with one another, receive an encouraging word from one another, and to gather strength and courage from the Lord and one another.  Then these Jesus trained disciples went out into a very dangerous and hostile world going door to door in the various towns and villages to do what Jesus trained them to do – to share the gospel of the Kingdom, heal the sick, cast out demons, and take a stand hard against the lies of Satan when men exalt themselves against the Word of God!!.

Church member, what has your pastor trained and equipped you to do outside the church walls?  Can you present the gospel of the Kingdom to some hurting soul and explain the benefits of the “good news of the rule of God” to them?  Can you stand before someone, face to face, and rebuke their lies with the Word of God?  Can you rebuke Satan and command him to leave?   Can you cast a demon out of some poor soul that is in bondage to drugs?  This is what God has called you to do; not sit in some church building waiting for the rapture!!  We are to occupy until He comes and we are to exercise dominion on this earth.  Jesus gave us His authority, His power, His Name, His armor, and His Word to carry out dominion.  If something goes wrong in our nation, we are to fix it using His weapons that He gave to us.  HATH GOD REALLY SAID?  Yes Christian it is in the Word and all of us, including pastors will, at the judgment, give an account to God for what we did with what He has given us!!   Does this help your fear of God?

In Matthew 16:18, Christ said He would build His church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.  But in America, man has built his own modern-day church and the gates of hell are reaping hell on it.  With the help of Pastors, Satan has perverted and corrupted the church in America where it is unrecognizable according to the Biblical standards in the First Century.  While we have been asleep, Satan and his demons have perverted the gospel of the Kingdom, perverted salvation, obedience means nothing, little activity outside the church building, we are divided,  we don’t preach what Jesus preached – the Kingdom of God, we don’t seek first the Kingdom of God, we no longer make disciples of Christ but of our denominations, we are no longer change agents, positive sermons only, absolutely no controversy, and we have hyper grace and many no longer have a Biblical worldview and I could go on and on

 As a result of our blatant disobedience, many of our churches in America are in spiritual decay being invaded by the world and demons and the average pastor and church member does not realize it.  Because of our blindness to the supernatural, “the New Age Movement has returned with full force in our culture taking the west and our churches by storm.   This New Age is an umbrella of many demonic occults just to name a few such as Witchcraft, Mediation, Pantheism, Yoga, Channeling, Divination, Mind science, Reincarnation,  Astral Projection, Angel Boards, tarot cards to communicate with spirits, Karma, and out of body experiences.  It starts out in our children as curious, and innocently they find themselves going deeper unknowingly opening themselves to portals in the spirit world of Satan and his demons.” “Second Coming of the New Age” by Bancarz and Peck.  Today, the children can get tarot cards at McDonalds!!  Parents, you may want to ensure your children do not get them and bring those demon spirits into your home and corrupt it!!   Oh, Brother Adams, you are exaggerating these demons and tarot cards.  My pastor, Dr. So and So says demons can’t bother the Christian!!!

Be careful if your Pastor is one who picks and chooses from the Word of God verses that are pleasing and smooth words to you and ignore Scriptures dealing with controversial subjects such as the supernatural spirit world or what is going on in our culture.   Because the pulpit is weak, we have gotten ourselves in a spiritual mess and our judgment is deliberately bringing crisis after crisis to us.  What will you do when there are shortages or no food, water, gasoline, or electricity?   According to Hebrews 12:26-27, God is going to shake everything that can be shaken to get our attention!!    What will YOU do when God begins to shake everything that can be shaken?   What will YOU do when your false religion and form of godliness fails and your earthly comfort zones become unbearable?  Testing time is heavily upon us but the Body of Christ is stone cold silent and asleep.   Demons are working toward our destruction and we ignore and refuse to resist them!!!   If we continue to ignore the warnings of God, He will simply embolden our enemies to intensify His judgment to get our attention.

On top of all that, Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum and his demonic occult New World Order elites has a plan to capture this nation, to deceive you, and take away your freedoms!!   It is going to take more than a particular teaching or doctrine to see us through all of this.   I’m not trying to scare you but get you to wake up from your slumber and see our reality in America today!!!    It is serious and the Body of Christ in America need to realize how serious it is!!!   We are in grave danger and if we don’t change our religious ways, repent of our rebellion, and get into fellowship with Jesus our Divine Life and keep our eyes on Him and not some pastor or religious structure, so we will come to our senses and resist this evil before us.   We must develop some courage and strength real soon!!!  God has given us plenty of warning that the Spirit will not forever strive with the disobedient, rebellious, self-seeking, and nominal church member and pastor!!

If the Body of Christ in America will get back to the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ and abide in Him, God will restore us.  But Christians must get away from our deceptive idea that going to a church building fulfills our spiritual responsibilities to our LORD.  Christianity is all about obedience.   If we will get out of our religious mindsets and comfort zones and go outside our church buildings into this nation to share the gospel of the Kingdom to expand His Kingdom and make disciples’ of Christ, then God will bless us.   If we will show courage and   take a stand against the evil overtaking and ruling this nation, then God will meet us at the battlefield and give us the victory.  If we will get in the face of those persons or groups that exalt themselves with their lies against the Word of God,  God will show up to give us strength and courage.  If we will take a stand to challenge the lies of Satan flooding our nation through the media and our government and speak the truth, God will give us victory.

Our church holiday is over!!!  Evil is all around us!!!  We must contend for our faith in America and we will be successful if we will repent and embrace the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ!!!   We have much work to do Children of God!!!   God has waited for a long time for His American children to function as He has commanded and for us to demonstrate the authority and power of Jesus Christ to this world.

God bless, I for one, remain His warrior and watchman.

[BIO: Glynn Adams pastored for several years in Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, and Tennessee. For the last twenty years has been involved in local ministries building a coalition to resist the evil overtaking this nation. He is currently a warrior and Watchman on the Wall– crying in the wilderness like John the Baptist for repentance. The church in America must wake up because there is a war going on against Christianity and we have not shown up for it!]

© 2022 Glynn Adams – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Glynn Adams:

The Dangers of American Education, Part 2

By Roger Anghis

June 5, 2022

We have a disintegrating education system that is more of an indoctrination system than anything else.  It is obvious that we are not educating our kids on what they need to be productive members of society. Learning about transgenderism and homosexuality in kindergarten is NOT educating a child, it’s grooming a child into perversion. Let’s look at the results of our ‘education system’ in Baltimore.  The last available edition of the Nation’s Report Card, released in 2019 prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, showed that only 37% of grade 12 students could be considered proficient readers, according to the Department of Education’s standard.

Now, a teacher at Patterson High School in Baltimore has informed a local news outlet that 77% of students there were reading at an elementary or even kindergarten level, indicating that the nation may see a precipitous drop in the reports for 2020 and 2021.

“They’re pushed through [grade levels],” the teacher told WBBF. “They’re not ready for the workforce. They’re not ready for further education.”

WBBF obtained the results of the school’s i-Ready learning assessment, which confirmed the teacher’s claim. Out of 628 students tested, 484 showed a reading level proficiency equal to that of an elementary school student, including 159 who were at a kindergarten or first-grade level.

Data from student assessments in several states have shown that pandemic-related school closures likely contributed to a decline in student achievement.[1]

Looking at another liberal-run state we see that the children in California aren’t doing any better: Students in California fared no better. The number of students who were reading above grade standard declined from 26% in 2019 to 21% in 2021, while the percentage of students near grade standards increased from 43% to 56%.[2]  But it isn’t just the liberals that are failing our kids. Texas has the same problem.  A Texas Education Agency assessment for spring 2021 found that 36% of students in fourth grade met grade-level reading standards, while 45% of eighth-grade students met grade-level standards for reading. The agency said the numbers represented a decline from previous years.[3]  What we have to keep in mind is that the federal government is not constitutionally allowed to be involved in education but as in many other areas it has extended its grasp into that area.  They get away with it by saying that they let the states set the curriculum, which the states do, but the federal government sets the testing standard which effectively sets the curriculum.  They think we’re all as dumb as the Democrat voting base.

These schools are teaching things that are outright lies like global warming, excuse me, climate change.  They changed it to climate change because they couldn’t prove the world was warming.  It has actually cooled for the last 18-20 years.  An article in 2019 actually blame America on the planet cooling.  Colonisation of the Americas at the end of the 15th Century killed so many people, it disturbed Earth’s climate.

That’s the conclusion of scientists from University College London, UK.

The team says the disruption that followed European settlement led to a huge swathe of abandoned agricultural land being reclaimed by fast-growing trees and other vegetation.

This pulled down enough carbon dioxide (CO₂) from the atmosphere to eventually chill the planet.

It’s a cooling period often referred to in the history books as the “Little Ice Age” – a time when winters in Europe would see the Thames in London regularly freeze over.

“The Great Dying of the Indigenous Peoples of the Americas led to the abandonment of enough cleared land that the resulting terrestrial carbon uptake had a detectable impact on both atmospheric CO₂ and global surface air temperatures,” Alexander Koch and colleagues write in their paper published in Quaternary Science Reviews.[4]  This isn’t anything that they’ll teach in the schools, doesn’t fit their narrative.  Man’s production of CO2 is destroying the world.  That is a lie out of the pit of hell.  The rising CO2  is actually helping revive our planet.  A new study shows that Earth’s vegetated lands or surfaces covered in plant life have greened “significantly” over the last 35 years. Using computerized models, scientists theorize that this so-called greening effect is in response to an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide, as well as other, less influential contributors.

Published in the journal Nature Climate Change on April 25, the research concludes that about 25 to 50 percent of Earth’s plant life has experienced a greening effect, increasing the leaves on plants and trees in an area equivalent to two times the continental U.S.

The amount of leaf cover blanketing the planet’s vegetated regions was determined using satellite data from NASA’s Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer instruments.

Carbon dioxide as a plant fertilizer

Previous research suggests that carbon dioxide boosts photosynthesis in plants, and in turn facilitates plant growth.[5]

We used to teach truth and the importance of it but if the lie fits their narrative, they’ll lie.  Tom DeWeese  wrote an article about his two daughters experience in public schools.  One said she’d rather “I would rather just shoot myself in the head because it would be a less painful death that to suffer and die from global warming.”[6]  They’ve learned about Watergate and they fear for the extinction of the polar bears[7], which were put on the extinction list while they were enjoying record numbers.

It has been proven that as a rule a homeschooled student scores higher on SAT tests than a public school student.  Keep in mind that the tests are set by the federal government so the quantity of education has to remain the same but the quality is vastly different.  Homeschooled students score about 72 points higher than the national average on the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). The average American College Test (ACT) score is 21. The average score for homeschoolers is 22.8 out of a possible 36 points. Homeschoolers are at the 77th percentile on the Iowa Test of Basic Skills.

Advocates of homeschooling point to these standardized test results to show that not only does homeschooling work, but it is also superior to public schooling.[8]

Our teachers need to get back to teaching English, history, and math and get out of being psychologists and sexologists. Many teachers in Florida walked off the job when they found out they could indoctrinate students into a perverted lifestyle.  Makes you wonder just how many teachers do that.  It’s too dangerous to find out. Time to remove our kids from public school until the states and the parents control the curriculum.

© 2022 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. 77 of students at Baltimore high school reading at elementary levels teacher says
  2. 77 of students at Baltimore high school reading at elementary levels teacher says
  3. 77 of students at Baltimore high school reading at elementary levels teacher says
  9. Defining America’s Exceptionalism, Roger Anghis (Westbow Press, 2011) pp. 36-37

How Do You Sleep At Night?

By Rob Pue

June 5, 2022

At the end of Matthew 28, Jesus gave His disciples the Great Commission.  He said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me.  Go therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.  And behold, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

In John, Chapter 14, when our Lord was instructing His disciples as to what would soon come, He made another very bold — and very clear — statement: “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in Me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father.  Whatever you ask in My name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.  If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it.”  He then went on to explain how those who love Him will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.  Verse 17 says, of the Holy Spirit, “…whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him.  You know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you.”

Now, I ask you: do we believe these words of Jesus?  Or not?  He said, “ALL authority in heaven and earth has been given to Me.”  If Jesus has ALL authority, how much is left for the devil?  The answer is, none.  Our Lord’s earthly ministry was marked by many miracles, many healings, profound teaching and intense courage.  He was absolutely counter-cultural and He confronted the religious and political leaders in those days with the pure truth of God, and we know He came to destroy the works of the devil.

Of course, Satan and his demons continue to rage against God and His children; they continue to wreak havoc and chaos in this world, as the spiritual warfare that’s been going on since the fall of man will continue until Christ returns to rule and reign.  Jesus put Satan in his place when He walked this earth.  But when He ascended to heaven, He left that job for US — Christians — to do.  And Jesus told us, “…whoever believes in Me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do.”  That’s quite a statement, but I will never doubt the words of Christ.  If He said it is so, then it is, no matter how much doubt the devil may tempt me with.  Because I have the Holy Spirit, I’m able to discern between lies and truth, between good and evil.  Satan is a defeated enemy, but he’s busier than ever these days deceiving the unsaved world — all those who CANNOT receive the Holy Spirit of Truth.  But I know the Spirit lives in me.  If you are one of God’s true children, He lives in you, too.

Now, Jesus also warned us that in this world we will have tribulation, but we should never fear that, because He has overcome the world — and we have too, through our salvation in Him.  Christians have always been some of the most persecuted people in the world and many have given their lives for Christ — a small price to pay for the reward of eternal life in God’s Kingdom after having stood firm ‘til the end.

Unfortunately, though, man has a carnal, fleshly nature as well as a spiritual side.  When we bow to our fleshly nature, rather than follow the counsel of the Holy Spirit, we become easy targets for Satan and we become useless to God.  “Good for nothing, except to be thrown out and trampled under the feet of men,” Jesus said in Matthew 5.  And unfortunately, this seems to be where the modern American Church has been residing for decades now.  So many professing Christians seem to be ashamed of Jesus — too cowardly to let their light shine before men…for fear of being mocked.  Most church-goers are too ashamed of their faith to even pray over a meal in public; many can’t even bring themselves to do that in their own homes with their own families.  This being the situation, how, then, are we ever to impact the world for the Savior we claim to serve?

If we don’t even have the courage to pray — in public or in private, among family and friends, what chance do we have to “turn the world upside down” as the early disciples did?  Read the book of Acts.  Notice it’s called the book of “ACTS” because the disciples took action.  James 1:22 instructs us, “…be doers of the Word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.”  Sadly, many today are grossly deceived.  They may attend services at a church building several times a week, but their religion is in vain, and they’re only deceiving themselves.  “Having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof.”  And the Bible tells us, “…from such, turn away.”

Modern American Christianity has become “Churchianity.”  We have a “form” of godliness, but it’s vain, powerless and irrelevant.  As I recall, the government declared — and most pastors agreed — “Non-essential.”  I really hate to lay so much of the blame for this at the feet of our pastors, but knowing the truth of the matter, I must.  As I asked at the outset: do we believe the words of Jesus, or not?  Because we can draw a direct correlation between the cowardly stance of most pastors and today’s non-essential, ineffective, irrelevant “Church.”

Having studied God’s Word long enough to make a vocation of the pastorate, our preachers should know better.  They should be the most courageous of us all, teaching the whole counsel of God, the “weightier matters of the law,” speaking even the HARD things — and then leading their flock out of the church-house to the streets — to preach the truth in this wicked world of demonic deception and make disciples and save souls.

Jesus called His people not just to be the salt and light of the world but also “fishers of men,” but our modern American churches have become what I call “de-boning facilities.” If, by some chance, a man is invited to church, it seems the first order of business is for that church to remove the poor man’s backbone.  Our churches today are not places where people are  trained and equipped for ministry with courage and conviction.  They’ve become the religious equivalent to the “safe spaces” we now see on our college campuses, where students can hide from the real world, “safe” in their Leftist worldviews, without ever being challenged to think or learn truth.

In 2014, George Barna completed a two-year study that revealed most pastors believe that the Bible addresses the current issues of the day, but few speak about them from the pulpit.  Barna’s organization asked pastors across the country about their beliefs regarding the relevancy of Scripture to societal, moral and political issues — and the content of their sermons in light of their beliefs.  He found that 90% said “yes, the Bible speaks to every one of these issues.”  But less than 10% of pastors would ever speak on them.

Perhaps even more telling is how these same pastors defined a “successful” church.  It turns out they measure success by 1) Attendance, 2) Giving, 3) Number of Programs, 4) Number of Staff, and 5) Square Footage.  Pastor Chuck Baldwin stated, “It has been decades since even a sizeable minority of pastors have bothered to educate and inform their congregations as to the Biblical principles relating to America’s political, cultural and societal lives.”  He went on to say, “America’s malaise is directly due to the deliberate disobedience of America’s pastors — and the willingness of the Christians in the pews to tolerate the disobedience of their pastor.”

Baldwin concluded, “When Paul wrote his own epitaph, it read, ‘I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.’  He didn’t say, ‘I had a large congregation, we had big offerings, we had a lot of programs, I had a large staff and we had large facilities.’  These ministers are not pastors; they are CEOs.  They are not Bible teachers, they are performers.  They are not shepherds; they are hirelings.” [Enemies Within: The Church]

So as I look around at what’s become of our country and at what is now coming upon the whole world, I see the judgment of God on an ungodly people.  If we’re to be honest with ourselves, even those who call themselves “Christians” don’t really qualify to use Jesus’ name.  Pastors have so much power over the works of the devil and over this present darkness we’re living in — the power of Christ Himself, all power in heaven and on earth, through the working of the Holy Spirit that SHOULD be within them.  Jesus promised that if they were faithful, they could do even greater works than He, Himself did.  Yet they cower in fear.  Fear of the opinions of unsaved men and women.  Fear of losing attendance and income.  Fear of being controversial.  Fear of losing popularity.

I have news for you: Jesus was probably the most controversial Man to ever walk the earth.  We were commanded to do as HE did, not be like the religious hypocrites.  Revelation 21:8 speaks of those who will end up in the lake of fire.  First on the list are the “cowardly and unbelieving.”  Jesus ranks the cowardly and unbelieving ahead of the rest those that will suffer the second death: “the abominable, and murderers and whoremongers and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars.”  I wouldn’t want to be on that list.

I’ve long said that Pastors should be preaching from their pulpits with a Bible in one hand and today’s headlines in the other.  Pick your topic:  sodomite so-called “marriage,” the murder of innocent babies in the womb, the lies of politicians, the lies of the government, health officials and Big Pharma, the “unjust weights and measures” we see in every stolen election, the kings of the earth constantly conspiring against the Lord and His anointed, the deliberate twisting of the minds of our little children in public schools, the sexualization of our kids and young people, the lies of “transgenderism.”  The building of the New World Order, the coming One-World digital currency and mark of the beast.  The so-called “Great Reset.”  The deliberate destruction of our economy and every American institution.  The rebuilding of Babylon. [Enemies Within: The Church]

Yes, God’s Word instructs us on all these things, yet our pastors will never speak a word about any of it.  And so the people are left to wander on their own, make up their own minds, do what they feel is right in their own imaginations, following the official narrative of the lying mainstream media and crooked politicians.  And why would that surprise anyone?  The pastors will not speak.  They refuse to teach righteously on these matters.  These are not “political” things.  These are moral things.  It’s their duty, yet they remain cowards.

Hear these words from Ezekiel 34, “Thus says the Lord God to the shepherds: ‘Woe to the shepherds of Israel who feed themselves! Should not the shepherds feed the flocks?  You eat the fat and clothe yourselves with the wool; you slaughter the fatlings, but you do not feed the flock.  The weak you have not strengthened, nor have you healed those who were sick, nor bound up the broken, nor brought back what was driven away, nor sought what was lost; but with force and cruelty you have ruled them.  So they were scattered because there was no shepherd; and they became food for all the beasts of the field when they were scattered.  My sheep wandered through all the mountains, and on every high hill; yes, My flock was scattered over the whole face of the earth, and no one was seeking or searching for them.’”

Yes, the sheep are scattered, wandering, lost, wondering what to do…and they’ve become the victims of evil, wicked, demonic Global Elites bent on their ultimate destruction.  They’ve become food for the devils seeking to control the whole world.  And pastor — YOU have said nothing.  How do you sleep at night?

1 Peter 5:2, “Feed the flock of God which is among you, serving as overseers, not by compulsion but willingly, not for dishonest gain but eagerly.”  Acts 20:28, “Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the Church of God, which He obtained with His own blood.”

Understand, I’m not casting judgment on all pastors.  I know several very good, courageous and diligent ministers who DO preach the whole of God’s Word, who DO raise up and train disciples for the work of the ministry and who DO rightly divide the Word of truth.  But what was perhaps 10% in 2014, I dare say is now closer to 1% or fewer.  Pastors have the very power of God Himself at their disposal, and nothing to fear, yet most continue to live according to the flesh — fearful, cowardly and unbelieving.  And they’re leading millions astray while the world burns.  If only they had an ounce of courage. [Enemies Within: The Church]

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 361.

© 2022 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Will You Submit To The Plandemic Partners, Or Stop Them?

June 4, 2022

The Great Reset is a massive plan to completely reorganize the entire structure of the planet – economically, socially, environmentally, and politically. Nothing will be untouched by the plan. Global Governance is the goal.

Here is a small taste of the background leading up to the Great Reset. The first step was to create a diabolical plan for control that would get us all to fall in line – preferably voluntarily.

Fear. That was to be the weapon. Fear of what? The fear of Environmental Armageddon! “It doesn’t matter how many rights you think you have, if you don’t have a planet to stand on.” Under such a threat, people have been frightened into voluntarily giving up their liberties. Climate Change became the mantra. The weapon to combat such a threat was called Sustainable Development.

The Club of Rome, one of the premier power forces working under the UN tent said in one of its reports, “In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like, would fit the bill. All of these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.”  The goal was set.

Then, in 1992, the UN held the Earth Summit in Rio. 50,000 delegates attended, along with 179 heads of state, including George H.W. Bush. Also included among the diplomats were thousands of independent, private, Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) who brought their own agendas and ideas for fulfilling the goal.

Introduced at that event, and approved by all in attendance, was a document that became known as Agenda 21. The UN described that document as a “Comprehensive Blueprint for the Reorganization of Human Society.” Let that sink in.

As the plan was introduced to the delegates, the Chairman of the Earth Summit, Maurice Strong said: “Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class – involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, air-conditioning, and suburban housing – are not sustainable.” Today, every one of those vital pieces of our society is under attack.

Strong then summed up his address, saying, “Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrial nations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?” Continuing to build on that message, Al Gore said, “We must go through a wrenching transformation to rid us of the horrors of the Twentieth Century’s Industrial Revolution.”

Sustainable Development is the action plan to impose Agenda 21 policies. In reality it is a trigger word designed to get you to voluntarily surrender your liberties.

To fully understand what a massive threat this is to everything in your life, the very best description of Sustainable Development was provided by one of its most powerful opponents — The recently deceased Rosa Kori, of Democrats Against Agenda 21. She said, “UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development is the action plan to inventory and control all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all information, all energy, and all human beings in the world. INVENTORY AND CONTROL!        

Every time you hear the word SUSTAINABLE understand that it has nothing to do with protecting the environment – it’s the actual blueprint to subvert current governments to global control. And so, with Agenda 21, they were on their way toward the goals to reorganize human society.

Next, in 2015, came the second part of the agenda. This time it came with more details. It’s a 15-year plan called Agenda 2030. The preamble to the plan says, “All countries and all stakeholders, acting in collaborative partnership, WILL implement this plan.” It goes on to say, “We are determined to take the bold and transformative steps which are urgently needed to shift the world onto a sustainable and resilient path.”

Christiana Figueres, the Executive Secretary of the UN Framework on Climate Change, and the person in charge of making it all happen, said, “This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reining for at least 150 years, since the industrial revolution.” 

Next, in 2017 came The Green New Deal. While sold as an environmental protection plan, most of its policies have nothing to do with the environment. It deals with jobs, medical care, tuition-free education and housing. Of course, it also calls for redirecting investment into wind and solar, away from fossil fuels, enforce sustainable agriculture and forestry. But most disturbing are its plans to create public-owned banks that function as non-profit utilities.

The first target in changing human society is to cancel our culture. Change the language. Call any thought contrary to the agenda “hate speech.” Control freedom of movement. Erase history and books that present positions contrary to the globally acceptable truth. Force compliance. One economic pot. One sanctioned thought process. 

Enter the Covid Pandemic – followed by the Great Reset. In both 2018 and 2019 Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum took part in two simulations of a national and international pandemic response.

Then the simulated crisis became a reality in 2020. The world was shut down because of a pandemic. How to keep it going? Once again – Fear – push the charge that the pandemic was caused by man’s destruction of the environment. Now there are warnings of annual pandemics – because of climate change and human environmental damage.

In 2020, at the onset of Covid, the media began to spin Sustainable Development as the only means with which to live in a “post” Covid -19 world. The pandemic and its lockdowns were a practice run. The proof of that is in their own words, all written down for us in a bestselling book, written by Schwab. Its title is “Covid -19: The Great Reset.

Schwab has written the updated Blue Print detailing exactly what they have in mind for us all. Schwab breaks down the Great Reset into three parts:

  1. Interdependence
  2. Velocity
  3. Complexity

Interdependence: “An interdependent world is a world of deep systemic connectivity, in which all risks affect each other through a web of complex interactions.”

These include, economics, geopolitical, societal, environmental, and technological. “… Infectious diseases risk is bound to have direct effect on “global governance failure, social instability, unemployment, fiscal crisis, and involuntary migration.”

Velocity: “in today’s world, everything moves faster than before, If just one thing were to be singled out to explain this astonishing increase in velocity, it would undoubtedly be the internet.” “We can see velocity everywhere; whether it’s a crisis, social discontent, technological developments and adoption, geopolitical upheaval, the financial markets and, of course, the manifestation of infectious diseases…”

Complexity: “In its simplest form, complexity can be defined as what we don’t understand or find difficult to understand.” In other words, we need experts from the top to interpret and guide us through all of these fast moving changes.

Now, how do they put all of that into policy to change the world?

Schwab lamented that the massive lockdowns only achieved about an 8% reduction in CO2 emissions. He said, “Considering the severity of the lockdowns, the 8% figure looks rather disappointing. It seems to suggest that small individual actions –(consuming much less, not using our cars and not flying) are of little significance when compared to the size of emissions generated by electricity, agriculture, and industry, the big-ticket emitters.”

This is the warning – even though they managed to lock down the entire economy of the world, according to the global forces, it had no significant effect on their unproven claims that carbon emissions are causing global warming! They insist more must be done!

Schwab defines the Great Reset as a means of addressing the “weaknesses of capitalism” that were purportedly exposed by the COVID pandemic. He wrote, “No industry or business will be spared from the impact of these challenges. Millions of companies risk disappearing and many industries face an uncertain future; a few will thrive.”

Now, how do they grab hold of a powerful free market such as ours? Answer – target Wall Street. Wrote Schwab: “Within a year, 77% of institutional investors intend to stop buying into companies that aren’t, in some way, Sustainable. If it’s not done by following Sustainable rules, it will not be financed.”    

Money managers on Wall Street are now saying climate change is their main concern. This could well be a $120 trillion transformation of investment money, away from oil and gas, to electric vehicles, and even the way we think of car ownership all together.

Will you be allowed to own one? Perhaps you will be forced into public transportation. This new sustainable investment drive will affect the $5 trillion global transportation industry, the $9 trillion healthcare industry, the $850 billion airline industry, the $600 billion exports industry and the $26 billion food delivery industry.

Companies will have to report their climate information to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for a climate risk assessment. Biden has already ordered the SEC to require public trading companies to not only calculate their own greenhouse emissions, but those of their suppliers, customers, and logistics operators. Every company will be affected. In anticipation of this 506 page SEC ruling, accounting firms have been hiring thousands of new employees to prepare for the coming onslaught of climate change financial paperwork to be forced on public companies.

Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch, and Bank of America are already working on these policies.  MasterCard is promoting a carbon-limit credit card that quantifies the CO2 emissions generated from each transaction. The card comes with a monthly CO2 limit and shuts down charges if you exceed it.

Such are examples of how you are being prepared to force your compliance to the Great Reset. And as usual, it’s all hidden under the labels of climate change, environmental correctness, and Sustainable.

Here are a few of the ways the Great Reset is being put into place. We’ve already experienced the affects of Biden shutting down the nations oil supply, in the name of climate change. Next, the Biden Regime issued an executive order to lock away massive a amount of land in the U.S. the plan is called 30×30 – locking away 30% of all the land and resources by the year 2030.

Thousands of acres of privately-owned, food producing farmland in the Midwest Corn Belt have been targeted for a new 1300 mile long pipeline. NOT a pipeline to bring us desperately needed fuel oil. No – the purpose of this one is capture CO2 and transport it under ground! All as an excuse to stop global warming.

Right now, letters are going out to targeted farmers in five state, telling them of the coming Heartland Green Way and asking them to voluntarily give up their valuable land. The letter goes on to inform them that if they don’t join in voluntarily – their land will have to be confiscated by eminent domain.

In addition to taking that land out of food production, the plan also calls for the establishment of 17 million acres of solar farms and 250 million acres of wind farms.

Wind and solar is a joke. It produces next to nothing in the way of energy.  At best it will produce about 4% of the energy we need. What it will do is wipe out birds in the sky and destroy thousands of acres of needed farm land – causing a massive food shortage.

The American beef industry is now forced to comply to the rules of the Global Round Table for Sustainable Beef. These rules force expensive and unnecessary rules for growing beef. As a result, we have lost thousands of beef producers. More attacks on our food supply.

But they are not done. In the cities, a major effort is now underway to eliminate zoning protections for single family neighborhoods. This is part of the Sustainable Smart Growth plan to eliminate private property and put us all in stack and pack high rises, where our energy use and transportation is fully controlled. Sustainable!

How about your personal choices in life? How will they be affected? How will you be forced to toe the line? You’ve witnessed the unrelenting drive for a complete digital lifestyle, where everything about you is on-line, from your bank accounts, to all that you purchase at the grocery, to your posts on social media.

If your buying habits — as recorded on your credit cards and online bank accounts — show that you have purchased a gun or ammunition — that will begin a personal profile of you. Add to that the kind of food you buy – perhaps you purchased beef, but not enough vegetables — that may indicate you are not living a healthy, sustainable lifestyle. How much electricity do you use? Where have you traveled and how did you get there? How many buildings do you own? What kinds of things do you invest in?

Each of these things represents your climate footprint and your dedication to social justice. Are you a proper citizen in this reorganization of human society?

Now, here is how all of this will personally affect you. Each of these things will be regularly entered into your profile and each one will affect your personal credit rating. A low credit rating will prevent you from getting a loan to buy a car, obtaining a mortgage, or even a business loan. This will effectively cut you out of society if you don’t change your habits and personal beliefs.

This is just a sample of what will happen if the Great Reset is allowed to move forward. Eighty-one international banks have joined in partnership with the World Bank, along with the International monetary Fund and the U.S. Federal Reserve — which oversees all U.S. banks, plus our money supply.

Paper money will be replaced with digital currency that can disappear with a single key stroke, should you fail to conform. Universal income will finally make us all equal – equally poor and under control of whatever gang is in charge of the government plantation.

Perhaps you’ve heard this slogan about the Great Reset: No one will own anything and be happy about it. What does that mean? Schwab calls it a Circular Economy. For example: A clothing store sells shirts for profit. The shirts have value because they are needed by society. But in the circular economy, the clothing store will not sell the shirts – they will rent them. Then when you return the shirts, the store will create a new second hand product to continue renting them. The same will go for housing, furniture, appliances, and cars.

Under the Great Reset there will be no independent sovereign nations. That’s the force behind the invasion of our borders with illegals pouring over. There will be no democratic representation. All decisions will be handed down from the top. Appointed regionalism is to be the new representation.

There will be no private property. All housing will be government rental property. This is the reason for the major push to eliminate zoning protection for single family homes. It’s the first step.

Social equity will rule every decision. Universal basic income for everyone – all fair – all equally poor. Corporate Social Responsibility – all companies controlled from above. Beef consumption stopped. Farming practices forced to comply with strict sustainable rules. Netzero requirements will eliminate all sources of energy but wind and solar – which do not work.

The Great Reset is the reinvention of communism. It is the total destruction of our culture, economic system, and personal freedom. The forces behind this care not one whit about you, your future hopes and dreams. It’s about power – their power to enforce an agenda of global control.

The incredible fact every American must understand is that the Great Reset is being enforced through your local city council, county commissioners, state legislature, and federal edict. It can be stopped – but only if you finally stand up and say NO! Your time for decision – to live free or to just submit — has finally come. The choice is yours.

© 2022 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese: Contact Tom DeWeese

Who Will Stand to Save America?

by Peter Falkenberg Brown

June 4, 2022

Who will stand to save America? Will you stand? Will your friends and family stand? Will your neighbors, your pastors, your teachers, your leaders step into the breach? Who will stand?

The men and women who gave their lives to birth and nurture the noblest experiment of freedom in the history of the world are now aghast. They stare down at a country that is pockmarked and diseased with a spiritual plague that has eaten away at America’s founding vision of freedom for all. It was a dream that at one time gave hope to millions of people who are now adrift, unable to trust what once was a shining city on a hill.

Some might say that God has left America, but an omnipresent God cannot—and does not ever want to—leave anyone. The real tragedy is that millions of Americans have forgotten God’s indwelling presence that guided America’s heroes and heroines for hundreds of years. A famous adage is that “America is great because she is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, she will cease to be great.”[1]

How good is America now? America has been described as exceptional because the goodness of her people flourished in the rich soil of her founding. America was created with prayer and faith and an ardent conviction that freedom for all will always be a God-given right. In spite of the imperfections of her citizens, America grew and blessed the world because she was created with a spine of nobility, of compassion, and of righteousness.

That righteousness and spirit of self-sacrifice led three-hundred thousand white men, joined by forty-thousand of their black brothers, to give their lives to end the scourge of slavery and to advance the reality that all humans are created equal. America grew and advanced, until in 1991 the black professor Orlando Patterson, of Harvard University, stated that America “. . . is now the least racist white-majority society in the world.”[2]

But now, America is crippled. Her vision is clouded, and she is crawling, unable to rise, pressed down by accusations from forces that yearn for her death. Her house has been malevolently divided, with too many of her citizens convinced that she has never been good, never great, and is not worth saving.

Her body politic has been attacked with vitriol and propaganda for so many decades that many of her children look upon her with scorn, unaware that those who vilify her seek to replace her with tyranny. The tragedy of America is that good people grew distracted and failed to guard the battlements of their castle. They prospered, worked hard, and served the world but were unaware of the viciousness of the barbarians who lived within their gates.

Vladimir Lenin declared, “Give me four years to teach the children, and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.”[3] America’s children have been taught to hate America for decades, and now too many of them are utterly convinced that America must be fundamentally transformed. The question, of course, is “transformed into what?” The answer to that question has become shockingly clear since 2020, with the rise of totalitarian mandates that few expected.

Where are we now, and where are we headed?

It’s time to go to the mountain top and look down at the world and America with the perspective of the ages. Human history has been bloody and tragic and dark, with most of the world ground down by poverty, disease, ignorance, and constant war. Slavery and tyranny were and are the norm, not the exception. Even now, life is still brutal for millions of people around the world.

Hundreds of thousands of people are enslaved in African countries, from young girls kidnapped into sex slavery by Islamic terror groups like Boko Haram to countries like the Islamic Republic of Mauritania in Northwest Africa, which enslaves around seventeen percent of its citizens, although it will not admit that it does so.[4]

There are slaves, and then there are “slaves in all but name.” Millions are oppressed by dictatorships in Islamic countries like Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and Iran. The Marxist regimes in North Korea, Cuba, and China have created the equivalent of country-wide gulags. Even in the West, free speech is in severe decline, and the Covid pandemic gave governments the excuse to lock their people down.

For billions of people, life is still hell.

When we turn to America, the land of the free and the home of the brave, we see young people living in luxury with cell phones, flat-screen televisions, and food in their stomachs. Yet, those same young people have no real conception of the misery of human beings around the world. Too many of them are pawns, pushed around an enormous chessboard by oligarchs who regard America as a prize to be won.

Consider the “State of the Union” in 2022. Our people have huddled in fear for over two years, jockeyed to and fro by tyrannical health officials, locked down, and masked. Our economy has been severely damaged and may be entirely crushed by nationwide vaccine passports that will prevent half the country from shopping and conducting business. As the conservative radio host Wayne Allyn Root recently wrote:

No more tourists from Texas or Florida, places with millions of unvaccinated citizens, where vaccine mandates are forbidden by law. Just those two states together have 50 million citizens. That’s millions of potential tourists never again coming to NYC, LA, San Fran and New Orleans.[5]

America, the erstwhile beacon of hope for the world, has left Afghanistan in defeat and disgrace, demonstrating to the world that her spine of bravery and righteousness has dissolved into sludge.

Hong Kong was abandoned, and Taiwan may be next. An emboldened China is in a position to win a hot war with America but has an even better chance of dominating America’s leaders and institutions with nothing more than bribes and the hint of violence.

Orthodox Islamic Sharī‘ah law and jihad have flooded into Great Britain and Europe on the backs of millions of Muslim migrants who have no desire to defend Western values. The good-hearted Muslims who do appreciate freedom are vastly outnumbered and afraid for their lives and thus are mostly silent and ineffective. America, the “Great Satan,” is also falling under the influence of Islamic totalitarianism, with the rise of spurious “anti-Islamophobia” propaganda.

The hypocrisy of the American Left is massive in regards to Islam. They care not a whit about the fate of Afghan women enslaved by the Taliban, but at home insist on the separation of church and state, unless it involves Islam, which can never, ever be criticized. Thus, American freedoms are now attacked by a “Red-Green” alliance of the Marxist Left and the Green flag of totalitarian Islam.

Being attacked is painful but not necessarily fatal. Even when it is fatal, and death awaits, as it did for the Spartans at the battle of Thermopylae and the brave defenders of the Alamo, at least one can die with honor. Better yet, we want to win, as declared by General George S. Patton when he told his men:

We are advancing constantly . . . Our basic plan of operation is to advance and to keep on advancing regardless of whether we have to go over, under, or through the enemy.[6]

America is at the edge and possibly at the point of death. The forces attacking her are confident that they have already won and are cheering her demise as they contemptuously enact increasingly tyrannical decrees that oppress the patriots who remain faithful to the vision of freedom created by God.

Some of those patriots languish as political prisoners in Washington while black-clad Antifa terrorists roam free. Thousands of patriots are being deplatformed and censored by Big Tech totalitarians. Half the country is smeared every day, in the media, as evil, hateful, irredeemable white supremacists—even when, as is the case with Candace Owens and Larry Elder, their skin is black.

To counter the illness destroying America, we must be brave, and we must stand. We cannot be silent. We must speak out, speak up, and defend freedom and the ethics of sacred love that produced that freedom. We must push back against falsehood and run forward with the standard of truth. Truth really is on our side.

The best outcome for America is peace—peace that is established by the changing of hearts and minds, by the renewing of our spirits, by the revitalization of our love that is nourished by the spirit of God. Peace is our hope, rather than war, rather than the devastation produced by violent conflict. We must avoid violence, if we can, and do our best to reach our American brothers and sisters and persuade them that the standards of American freedoms are the only hope for the world, for America, and for each of them.

If God did not exist, we might quail in front of the darkness that seeks to overwhelm America. It would seem too hard, too hopeless, too easy to say that all is lost already.

But we cannot quail, for God does indeed exist, and millions upon millions of Americans depend on us. Billions of people around the world depend on us and need a Free America to survive and prosper for centuries to come.

For that cause, for freedom, for love, and for God, we will stand, and we will advance.

Painting: “Washington Crossing the Delaware”
by Emanuel Leutze, 1851, oil on canvas.
Metropolitan Museum of Art. Public Domain. Image has been cropped.

This essay was originally published in 2021 and has been updated.

[BIO: Peter Falkenberg Brown is the Chairman of the Gray Republican Committee in Gray, Maine. He’s a writer, author, and public speaker. He publishes essays and hosts a video/podcast channel called “The FalkenBrown Show” (aka “Love, Freedom, & the World”) at his website:

He’s written three books, with five more on the way. His newest book will be published soon and is called The Living Compass of Kindness and Compassionate Love: Essays on Love, Beauty, and the Mystical Path. He’s written a book called The Mystical Love of God and an abstinence curriculum called The True Love Thing to Do. Email him at:]

© 2022 Peter Falkenberg Brown – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Peter Falkenberg Brown:



  1. America is great because she is good/
  2. Op-ed; Race, Gender and Liberal Fallacies,” by Orlando Patterson, John Cowles Chair in Sociology at Harvard University, Oct. 20, 1991
  1. Give me four years to teach the children
  2. Trump Revoked Trade Benefits For Mauritania Over Slavery — Here’s What Happened After,” by Varun Hukeri, June 30, 2020.
  3. SUICIDE: How Vaccine Passports Will Cause the Economic Collapse of America,” by Wayne Allyn Root, August 27, 2021.
  4. Patton’s D-Day Speech: ‘The Very Idea of Losing is Hateful to an American,’” by Michael W. Chapman, November 11, 2019,

How the Anti-Gun Conspirators Miscalculated

by Servando Gonzalez

June 3, 2022

There is a saying in the military, “Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, three times enemy action.” But intelligence, and particularly counterintelligence officers, leave no room for happenstance or coincidences. To them just once is enemy action, and all coincidences are potentially deceptive.

So, for a counterintelligence officer, it would be highly suspicious that on May 17, just ten days before the National Rifle Association Convention was to take place on May 27-29, in Houston, Texas, there was a mass shooting at a supermarket in Buffalo, New York. He would be even more suspicious that again, on May 24, just three days before the opening of the NRA Convention, there was a similar mass shooting at a school in Uvalde, Texas.[1]

As if on cue, our President, who after several decades of silence surprisingly recalled God during his visit to Catholic Poland, mentioned God again:

“Another massacre. Uvalde, Texas. An elementary school. Beautiful, innocent second, third, fourth graders. And how many scores of little children who witnessed what happened see their friends die as if they’re on a battlefield, for God’s sake. … As a nation, we have to ask: When in God’s name are we going to stand up to the gun lobby? When in God’s name will we do what we all know in our gut needs to be done? … What in God’s name do you need an assault weapon for except to kill someone? … Deer aren’t running through the forest with Kevlar vests on, for God’s sake. It’s just sick. …For God’s sake, we have to have the courage to stand up to the industry. … Where in God’s name is our backbone to have the courage to deal with it and stand up to the lobbies? … May God bless the loss of innocent life on this sad day. And may the Lord be near the brokenhearted and save those crushed in spirit, because they’re going to need a lot of help and a lot of our prayers.”[2]

It its highly revealing that Joe Biden, who has not mentioned the word God in more than 20 years of political activity, now, surprisingly, is mentioning him over and over in a speech. Did he become overnight a religious convert? Is he now a devote Christian? Most likely not.  Actually, I think his speech writer just overdid it to a point that the words he put in Biden’s mouth totally lost credibility.

Moreover, I have the feeling that the God Joe Biden is mentioning is not the same God Christians worship. Forgive me if I am wrong.

Nevertheless, proving again that even the darkest cloud has a silver lining, the shooting at the Uvalde school has evidenced several things we never imagined. The first is that the current militarized policemen will never risk their precious lives to save your life or your children’s lives.

Soon after the shootings, Texas police officer Chris Olivares publicly admitted it on a CNN interview. According to him, the policemen didn’t act because “They could’ve been shot. They could’ve been killed.”[3]  Obviously, the members of the Uvalde police department, who are supposed to protect the citizens. are not willing to risk their lives doing so. Moreover, the fact that a true police officer (Olivares is a Lieutenant) shamelessly recognized it without realizing the enormity of what he was saying indicates that something is very wrong in the current militarized police culture.[4]

Apparently most members of the Uvalde Police Department either forgot or never read the State’s curriculum which specifically says: “First responders to the active shooter scene will usually be required to place themselves in harm’s way and display uncommon acts of courage to save the innocent.”[5]

Seemingly, they were also unaware of what Chris Grollnek, a retired police officer and active shooter prevention expert, tells:

“The first responding officer … goes in and stops the shooter. That’s just part of the job.” … “You’ve got a ballistic vest. You know what the kids have? Crayons. You are duty-bound to do something. If someone is telling you to stay outside, you disobey that order.”[6]

The second thing the Uvalde shooting has shown is that the police see the children’s parents, not the shooters, as their true enemy. Instead of neutralizing the shooter, the police used their full strength and  military weaponry to brutalize parents during the mass shooting.

The case of the heavily armed policeman threatening one of the children’s mother with his taser is highly revealing of this mentality. Bu that was no an isolated case. Videos posted on social media,  recorded outside the school during the shooting, show that policemen drew weapons on parents, hand cuffed some of them and even pinned parents to the ground to prevent them from entering the building in a desperate effort to try to save their children.

An interesting fact that surfaced later was that some members of the police ran early to school to protect their children. Seemingly, by another coincidence, none of their children was in the classroom threatened by the killer.

The police calmly stood around while the ⁣shooter was still in the school. They later confirmed that they had eighty cops outside of the school for at least 43 minutes before they actually entered the school. ⁣Remarkably, 40% of the City of Uvalde’s, (population: 16,122 —2020), is spent in paying the salaries of 39 policemen, which includes a 9-men Swat Team, 2 animal control policemen, and 11 civilian employees of its Police Department.

Now, the main question that comes to mind is: Why in violation of all their training the police didn’t act? Who told them to stand down? Who told them not to shoot at all? Who told them not to storm the classroom? Why did they violate Uvalde’s police active shooter training materials that clearly specifies actions totally opposed to what actually occurred during this massacre?[7]

Did some of them fear that doing their job may eventually jeopardize their careers? If you think this is a farfetched idea I will show you it is not.

Soon after the 9/11 events, it was known that none of the people supposed to protect the American people from such occurrence did their job. Not the CIA, not the NSA, not the FBI, not the Army, not the Air Force, not the Navy. None of them. Surprisingly, none of the people who failed to do their job was reprimanded, penalized, much less fired … with a single exception.

Jose Melendez-Perez, an immigration inspector and Vietnam veteran at Orlando International Airport is credited for saving White House or the U.S. Capitol, because the man he stopped, Mohamed al-Qahtani, would have been the fifth hijacker on Flight 93 which allegedly crashed in Pennsylvania. What happened to him afterwards? Was he praised because he did a good job? No. He was harassed and eventually fired from his job. So, in this new Amerika, you have to be very careful if you try do do your job too well.

Acording to Steven McCraw, director of the Texas Department of Public Safety, “From the benefit of hindsight, where I’m sitting now, of course it was not the right decision,” McCraw said. “It was the wrong decision, period. There’s no excuse for that.” “When it comes to an active shooter, you don’t have to wait on tactical gear, plain and simple,” he added.[8]

A few days later it was known that the person who allegedly made the wrong decision was Uvalde’s chief of police Pedro “Pete” Arredondo. But this is very difficult to understand because in March, Arredondo posted on Facebook that his department was hosting an “Active Shooter Training” at the Uvalde High School in an effort to prepare local law enforcement to respond to “any situation that may arise.” A flyer for the event he posted stated topics covered would include priorities for school-based law enforcement and how to “Stop the Killing.”[9]

According to some analysts,  what helped the 9/11 terrorists to carry out their plans was that the attacks coincided with some simulation exercises about terrorists crashing hijacked planes against buildings  taking place that same day. A few months before 9/11, there was a simulation exercise at the Pentagon about terrorists crashing a hijacked plane against the building. Did some fo the Uvalde’s swat team believe the events were nothing more than another simulation exercise? Apparently nobody has thought about this possibility.

As some angry citizen later expressed it very clearly: “This is probably the worse police action we have seen in modern American history. They quickly took their own kids out of the school and then threatened to arrest the parents who wanted to do as they did. The whole force should be held accountable sued, prosecuted and in prison for this. There is no other way.”

He is absolutely right. The whole Uvalde Police Department, beginning with its Swat Team,  must be fired and the members of the Police Department who acted dishonorably must be penalized.

As expected, soon after the Uvalde events, the anti-gun maniacs began yelling for gun control. According to them, the sure way to avoid the repetition of such mass shooting is taking the guns from the hands of the American citizens. Obviously they don’t know, or rather don’t want to know, the dictum: “Guns don’t kill people. People kill people.”

Nevertheless, the outcome of what happened at the Uvalde school is a typical example of the Law of Intended Consequences in action. The globalist conspirators are using their Frankensteinian agents in the public schools to mess with the student’s minds to change them into the monsters they need for the implementation of the New World Order. Sometimes, they use the very monsters they have created as Manchurian Candidates[10] to advance their agendas, in this case, creating an excuse to justify depriving the citizens of the tools they need to protect themselves, their families and their country: guns.

But the outcome of the Uvalde massacre is not what they had in mind, because the anti-gun agenda backfired.

After these tragic events, most of Uvalde’s residents got the message very clear that nobody will risk their lives to protect them and their loved ones. They realized that they are the last line of defense of their children and their families. So, they did the right thing the American way: went to the gun stores and armed themselves to the teeth.

© 2022 Servando Gonzales – All Rights Reserved

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  1. The similarities were so evident that even some people at the infamous NPR noticed them. See Jaclyn Diaz, “2 mass shootings —1,700 miles apart but bound by startling similarities,” NPR, May 27, 2022.
  2. The White House, “Remarks by President Biden on the School Shooting in Uvalde, Texas,” May 24, 2022,
  3. Lieutenant Chris Olivares,
  4. Natasha Lennard, “Uvalde Police Didn’t Move to Save Lives Because That’s Not What Police Do,” The Intercept, May 27, 2022,
  5. From the “Active Shooter Training Mandate” course curriculum taken by the chief of police Uvalde, TX.
  6. Kevin Rector, Jenny Jarvie, Richard Winton, Molly Hennessy-Fiske,  Los Angeles Times, May 26, 2022. Also, Jake Bleiberg, Jim Vertuno and Elliot Spagat, “Gunman’s final 90 minutes fuel questions about police delays,” APNews, May 26, 2020.
  7. Tommy Christopher, “NY Times Reporter Posts Jaw-Dropping Details of Uvalde Police Active Shooter Training,” May 28th, 2022, 10:48 am.
  8. Joshua Fechter and Reese Oxner, ““The wrong decision”: Texas DPS says local police made crucial error as school shooting continued,” The Texas Tribune, May 27, 2022.
  9. Curt Devine, “Focus turns to Uvalde school police chief’s decision not to send officers inside. Here’s what we know about him, CNN, May 27, 2022.
  1. The term “Manchurian candidate” was introduced by Richard Condon in his 1959 novel The Manchurian Candidate. The typical Manchurian candidate is a person that has been mentally hypno-programmed to commit, against his will, a single crime, usually the assassination of a political leader.

Redeemer of the Helpless

by Rolaant McKenzie

June 3, 2022

Janet Miriam Holland Taylor Caldwell (September 7, 1900–August 30, 1985), who mainly wrote under the name Taylor Caldwell, was a British-born American novelist and author of many books of biographical historical fiction, a sub-genre of literature that deals with real historical figures, places, and times with some artistic license for fictional elements to fill gaps in the story.

Caldwell was born in Manchester, England into a family of Scottish ancestry. At the age of six, she won a medal for an essay on Charles Dickens. When she turned seven, she emigrated with her parents to the United States where,at age twelve,she wrote her first novel, The Romance of Atlantis.

One of her best-known works was the 1965 novel,A Pillar of Iron, which told the story of the famed Roman lawyer, orator, politician, statesman, scholar, and philosopher Marcus Tullius Cicero (January 3, 106 BC–December 7, 43 BC).

Cicero came from a wealthy family in the town of Arpinum, located in central Italy. His extensive philosophical and political writings provide ample insight into his life and times, which included political corruption and instability in Rome, the end of the republic, civil war, and the establishment of dictatorship. After his education in Rome and Greece, he served in the military under General Pompeius Strabo (the father Pompey the Great). His legal career began when he was in his 20s, where he distinguished himself in the courts as a brilliant defense attorney.

In Chapter 16 of A Pillar of Iron, Caldwell depicted Cicero, protégé of the eminent lawyer Scaevola, taking on his first case before the Roman Senate. The Consul was present as magistrate over the proceedings. The aedile, or court officer, announced the next case before the senators, who functioned as the jury.

In the center of the chamber floor was Cicero’s client. Persus, a plebeian and small farmer outside the gates of Rome, stood bound in chains along with his wife Maia, and their two children — a ten-year-old boy and a six-year-old girl. The charge against him was failure to pay the taxes levied by Rome. Persus’ farm and household goods were already seized, yet his debt was less than half paid. He, Maia, and their children were to be sold as slaves to settle the remaining debt.

Persus, his weeping wife, and their frightened and crying children, looked imploringly at Cicero. Their slender and gaunt bodies, their wide and tormented eyes, emphasized their abject suffering and helplessness. Cicero, feeling compassion for his client and his family, went to them and quietly spoke words of comfort and hope to them.

With his hand gently on Persus’ shoulder, Cicero faced the Consul and assembly of senators. With eloquence and passion, he defended his client. He did not question the existence of the tax laws or argue whether Persus owed the taxes or not. He described the increasing tax burden placed upon the average Roman citizen working hard to support their families, and how this too often caused them to fall farther and farther behind, resulting in the situation of his client. Persus battled against mounting debt while caring for his family and lost everything. Cicero directed the senators to the utter helplessness of his client and appealed to them to show mercy.

The Consul then rose from his chair and addressed the senators:

“You have heard. I recommend that this prisoner be set free, and his wife and children with him. As he has lost all, through our command, I order that that which we have taken be restored to him.”

The majority of the senators, moved by Cicero’s defense, concurred with the Consul’s recommendation and granted clemency to Persus and his family. His tax debt was forgiven, their chains removed, and his farm and household goods restored.

The Consul turned to Persus and his family and said,

“Go in peace. Be industrious as always. Implore the gods that they, and your fellow Romans, visit no more affliction upon you.”

Cicero consoled and congratulated Persus and his family, who had fallen to their knees before the Consul with raised hands in tearful adoration. They also wept with gratitude and joy as they kissed Cicero’s hands and garments.

This account of Persusin the story of Cicero reminds me of the way Jesus compared our sins to not only breaking God’s law, but also to a debt owed to God. Consider how Jesus expressed this idea in the renditions of the Lord’s Prayer found in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke:

“Pray, then, in this way: ‘Our Father who is in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.'” (Matthew 6:9-13)

“And He said to them, When you pray, say: ‘Father, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Give us each day our daily bread. And forgive us our sins, for we ourselves also forgive everyone who is indebted to us. And lead us not into temptation.'” (Luke 11:2-4)

Debtors’ prisons of a few centuries ago in Western Europe were places where persons unable to pay off their debts incurred from back taxes or court-ordered judgments would be incarcerated until they had worked it off in hard labor that went towards both the costs of their imprisonment as well as their accrued debt.Our sins are debts to God that we cannot pay, and no amount of labor, tears, guilt, repentance, self-denial, self-flagellation, or law keeping can change this. It is like being sent in chains to debtors’ prison with no way out because no amount of labor will ever pay off the debt owed.

Some, especially those in religions focused on law keeping as a way of being right with God, rigorously follow a set of rules they erroneously think will cause God to owe them His blessing or salvation. Abraham, one of the most righteous men in Scripture, could not cause God to be indebted to him by his good works.His righteousness before God came from believing His word.

“For if Abraham was justified by works, he has something to boast about, but not before God. For what does the Scripture say? ‘ABRAHAM BELIEVED GOD, AND IT WAS CREDITED TO HIM AS RIGHTEOUSNESS.’ Now to the one who works, his wage is not credited as a favor, but as what is due. But to the one who does not work, but believes in Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is credited as righteousness” (Romans 4:2-5)

We might naturally expect God would only justify a godly man, but then we realize that no one is godly enough to merit His justification. We all stand guilty, in an indebted state impossible for us to remedy. But because of what Jesus did on the cross, God can justify the ungodly.He pays in full the debt by His shed blood for anyone who sees their indebted state and trust in Him alone. We bring nothing to the table to bargain with God. We cannot negotiate our debt with God to come to an outcome favorable to us. Instead, we cease our efforts and believe on Him who justifies the ungodly by paying in full our debt (John 6:28-29).

“When you were dead in your transgressions and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He made you alive together with Him, having forgiven us all our transgressions, having canceled out the certificate of debt consisting of decrees against us, which was hostile to us; and He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross.” (Colossians 2:13-14)

The “certificate of debt” from this passage comes from the Greek word cheirographon. It describes a handwritten document of monetary indebtedness, but it can also have a legal meaning. It can be a sheet on which are written the criminal charges against a prisoner. In fact, the expression “paying one’s debt to society”, illustrating the situation where a prisoner has completed his period of incarceration, is derived from this word. Either way, before God, such a document reveals our failings and condemns us.

But as Jesus passes bankrupt criminals from death into life who have faith in Him (John 5:24), He stamps in His blood on the debt certificate, “It is finished!” (John 19:30) (Greek: tetelestai, English: paid in full), and takes it out of the way by nailing it on the cross.

Like the tax collector in Jesus’ parable who recognized his sinful state and sought God’s mercy as he prayed in the temple (Luke 18:9-14), anyone who realizes his sinful indebtedness before God and because of Jesus’ atoning sacrifice appeals to Him for forgiveness will receive full cancellation of his debt and salvation from the eternal debtors’ prison of hell. By faith in Christ alone, you pass out of death into eternal life (John 5:24).

© 2022 Rolaant McKenzie – All Rights Reserved


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Americans Can No Longer Think For Themselves

By Coach Dave Daubenmire

June 2, 2022

I do my best to write a weekly column that gets circulated around the world via the internet.  I am especially thankful to NewsWithViews for faithfully publishing my thoughts without censorship.

There are many things I could write about…all you have to do is stick your head out of the window and you can come up with a topic worthy of discussion.  But getting thoughts on paper in an organized manner is not as easy as it might seem.  The trick to it is writing in such a way that they reader can follow the line of reasoning.

That makes it difficult because Americans are rapidly losing the ability to reason…think logically…rather than simply regurgitating some bilge that they heard someone else spit out.  Thinking for oneself has become a lost art.

Today I would simply like to make YOU think.  Rather than ME telling you WHAT to think, I would like to simply encourage you to think on your own.  That was how Jesus taught.  He simply asked questions.  Rather than telling us what HE thought He chose to engage others in the thought process.  Often one stumbles upon the TRUTH if forced to defend the position that he/she claims to believe.

Teaching others HOW to think is far more useful than teaching them WHAT to think.  I often post them as Memes…or when trying to destroy an argument.  No one wants to look dumb.

So here are some random thoughts to stir the thinking process today.

  • Secular Humanism is a religion. It is the religion of the American government. I thought there was a separation between religion and government?
  • If rape and incest were criminalized would abortions still be necessary?
  • If an unborn baby isn’t alive, why do they have to kill it?
  • If there was a law against telling lies, would lying still be a problem in the world?
  • Would making laws against stealing stop people from stealing?
  • Would making more laws against shooting people with guns stop people from shooting one another?
  • America hasn’t been the same since women were encouraged to act like men and men were encouraged to act like women.
  • On Memorial Day I thought of the heroes at Normandy Beach not George Floyd. Does that make me racist?
  • Does mind control ultimately lead to government control?
  • Is there such a thing as a good education without Biblical morality?
  • “Take their guns” becomes “give them the jab!” Why can’t people connect the dots?
  • I guess it is legal to pray FOR the schools just not IN the schools. Do I have this right? Is it legal for God to HEAR the prayers prayed in government schools?
  • Perhaps gun control could start with not arming the Taliban with American weapons.
  • Over 2200 future school age children died from abortion today. Multiple assassins.
  • Which is more dangerous, a gun or a jab?
  • When JFK was murdered why did no one blame the rifle?
  • Hey pro-aborts. How about tax-funded ADOPTION? Planning parents for unwanted babies. You in?
  • The LEFTIES tell us that we will have abortions even if they are outlawed. Why do they think eliminating guns will end gun violence? Killers gonna kill.
  • What is one human life worth? How much would you sell your life for? How about a child’s…born or unborn? Shouldn’t we ask the child?
  • Inconvenient pregnancy is the most common defense for murder.
  • Abortion is bullying…big folks picking on little folks.
  • Why don’t we demand that allmail-in and early votes be counted BEFORE the election ends…not after?
  • Will Biden’s disinformation board be made up of people who think men can get pregnant?
  • All doctors know when life begins. Why doesn’t the AMA speak up and defend the babies by telling the truth? Let’s follow science not the courts.
  • Don’t ever forget that it is doctors that perform every abortion. Can someone tell me why we are supposed to blindly trust all doctors?
  • How do you explain free money to Ukraine…Free formula to the border…Free crack pipes to Americans?
  • Something is not “legal” just because the government says it is…
  • Government has become organized crime! No different than the mafia. Stealing and buying off their partners.
  • Pardon me, but who hired Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab? Who voted them into office? Who gave them power?
  • $40 BILLION to Ukraine…but we couldn’t afford $10 billion for a wall on the Southern border.
  • If voting got us into this mess, why do we think voting can get us out of it?
  • Why is everything legal in American schools except Christianity? Legalize Jesus.
  • Liberals fear guns while unborn babies fear doctors.
  • If a woman can do what she wants with her own body why is prostitution illegal?
  • The child is IN the mother’s body…not part of her body.
  • Do women really not know how to keep from getting pregnant? I thought that was why they wanted Sex Ed in schools.
  • Being stupid and doing stupid things should hurt.
  • Is it just me or does it seem as if every headache I have is in someway connect to the government?
  • Why are private groups investigating election fraud and the government is not?
  • When was the last war that Americans fought to defend Americans?
  • Those who attended Jan 6 protests deserve jail while those who burned American cities are victims and have a right to riot.
  • The Borders of Ukraine need defended while ours are wide open.
  • Would a committed atheist send his/her child to a Christian school? Why do Christians send their children to Humanistic schools?
  • Why is the church leadership silent on America’s demise?

Have fun pondering those.  More to come later.  Thinking is encouraged.  Comments welcome.

© 2022 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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Public Education: Grade Students Based on Skin Color

by Lee Duigon

June 2, 2022

What are our public “educators” trying to do to us; and why are we letting them do it?

Parents have been protesting crazy school board policies all throughout the country, but as yet that doesn’t seem to have slowed the bandwagon. They’re angry, but maybe they’re not angry enough.

Let’s say it up front: the only protest the educators will understand is the removal, by their parents, of millions of children from the public schools. The system is broken, powerful teachers’ unions will not allow reform, teachers’ colleges are totally committed to these insane policies, and the local school boards no longer represent the defenseless taxpayers who elected them. Other than that, it’s just fine.

Two more public schooling outrages have made the news this week.

In Fairfax County, Virginia, parents have protested their school board’s new “transgender” policies strenuously enough for the policies to be tabled until mid-June. Why mid-June? That’s when most of the kids will be out of school, many families will be on vacation, and maybe the board thinks that if they wait till then, they’ll get away with it. Maybe a lot of people won’t notice until the new policies have been put in place.

The board wants to come down hard on children who are guilty of “misgendering” or “dead-naming” (calling a tranny by his or her real name instead of any “new name” he or she– that’s the only “genders” that actually exist–might have chosen). An assortment of “disciplinary actions” will be made available—including “possible referral to law enforcement.”

Did you get that? They want to call the cops on children. Like police in Fairfax County don’t have enough to do. Must be nice, living in a county where the police have nothing better to do than arrest children for not playing the transgender game.

Moving on to Chicago, we have high school “officials” planning to implement a new “race-based grading system… to account for skin color or ethnicity of its students”. That’s because “the traditional grading practices perpetuate inequities,” dontcha know.

Non-white students will also get a free pass for cutting class, misbehaving in school, and failing to turn in assignments. This is because black students in these suburban high schools have a 77 percent failure rate. But of course this can easily be fixed just by drastically lowering the standards. It’s going to be called “Transformative Education Professional Development and Grading.” Hot dog.

How do you fix failure? Just call it success! Problem solved!

Gee, anyone would think that school officials believe black students just can’t make the grade.

Where does our next Walter Williams, Thomas Sowell, Clarence Thomas, or Ben Carson come from? Honk if your answer is “from the public schools.”

Yeahbut, yeahbut! We’ve got to wipe out racism—with more racism! Racism preached and practiced by “progressives” is so much nicer than any other kind.

These are only two of the countless public school outrages that populate our headlines. By the time you read this, more will have surfaced. We haven’t even mentioned “Critical Race Theory” today. Now they’re all denying that they teach it, but you know how educators lie. All they’ve done is give it new names. “Social and Emotional Learning (SEL),” for one. Hey, it’s “transformative”!

What if we don’t want to be “transformed”? We pay for all this “education,” but we don’t own it. That’s something that very badly needs to be changed.

But the only thing that’ll change it is if we, personally, take responsibility for our children’s education and take it away from Far Left Crazy public schools.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and stop in for a visit… before we all get canceled. My articles can also be found at .

© 2022 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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A Bursting Heart: Dynamic Infusion of Intentions

By Frosty Wooldridge

June 2, 2022

Most teens exit high school without a clue as to what path they might follow on their life journey.  Most grab a job.  Many get married with over half divorcing within ten years.  Others rocket into college with their parents’ wallets by their sides.

(Maggie Doyne with children from her orphanage in Nepal.)

Ironically, most students read, write and perform simple math, but none received any training on how to live their lives, or better yet, how to discover what to do with their lives.

Maggie Doyne, one such high school graduate, finished school in Mendham, New Jersey.  She proved herself an ambitious student: editor of her school yearbook, a varsity athlete, and the class treasurer.  She felt burned out.  Doyne decided to travel the world funded by her babysitting money before she jumped into college.  Her earnings exceeded $7,000.00 from years of saving.  She wanted to try her life out first before making any firm commitments.  Once she figured it all out, she expected to return to earn a college degree in something that interested her.

“I took what’s called a gap year,” Doyne said. “I was about to make this investment in my life, but I didn’t have a strong direction. I wanted to figure that out.”

A month later, she landed in Asia.  She witnessed horrendous poverty, human misery and neglect not mentioned in the textbooks of her high school days.  She befriended a Nepalese girl nearly her age who fled Nepal because of civil war.  Once Doyne arrived, the poverty and displacement of children appalled her.

Doyne created a Nepali board of directors and established an orphanage: Kopila Valley Children’s Project.  She formed an NGO by using her last $5,000.00 to buy a boarding house.  This mind you, at the tender age of 22 years old.

Orphans moved into her house as fast as they could find directions.  She realized her dream by engineering it into existence with the force of her intentions.

“I could see exactly what I wanted,” she said. “I had visited orphanages. I could create a model that works based on how I grew up. I want these kids to raise animals, to take care of each other.”

A few years later, she created the Kopila Valley Primary School in Surkhet where she enrolled 230 students and 14 full-time teachers.  Her children eat nutritious meals and sleep in clean beds.

Having traveled extensively in Nepal, I attest to 50 percent of children suffer malnutrition and it causes 70 percent of deaths among children under five.

Asked why she gave up her life in the United States, she said, “I get a bursting heart.  They share their love. I love their laughing and playing. I love their energies for life. I am truly happy helping these children.”

How did she discover her calling?

Maggie Doyne (look her up on Google).  Women in the World featured her heroic efforts.  She gained a $100,000.00 grant to further her work.   Forbes Magazine celebrated her as well as the Huffington Post crowned her “Person of the Day.”  Check her out on Facebook:  Maggie Doyne.

Doyne engaged dynamic infusion of intentions. Great people self-select great issues to make great changes in the world.  Doyne personifies that high consciousness of creative thought and action.

She believed in herself. She accepted her challenges.  She manifested her ideas by empowering her intentions.  She refused to question any difficulty of the mountain she climbed.

How can you forge your life into such greatness?

  • Believe in yourself without question.
  • Accept and infuse into your being your power to make a difference.
  • Take courage in your choosing great projects to change the world.
  • Care in a way that people say, “She’s/he’s outrageous!”

When you discover what Maggie Doyne found in her life, when people ask why you pursue your outrageous dreams, you can say, “Because my heart is bursting with happiness.”

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Why are Kids Killing Kids?

By Lex Greene

June 1, 2022

While the politicians and their bullhorn (the US News Media) focus everyone on the inanimate object, guns, as they both seek to disarm all law-abiding citizens under the guise of “children’s safety,” the elephant in the room is,why are kids killing kids with increasing regularity?

We all agree, these school shootings must stop. The level of pure evil insanity required to carry out such a heinous act is beyond comprehension. Yet, with a little honest effort, we can find the answer to the most important question concerning these events…why are kids killing kids at an alarming rate…and then put a stop to it.

Consider the following facts related to the deadliest school shootings in U.S. history, according to official FBI reports displayed in a recent FOX 7 report from Austin Texas.

Between 1999 and today, these ten events are the deadliest school shootings in U.S. history, according to official reports. What do these ten events have in common?

  • Seven (7) shooters were under the age of 21, six (6) of them still teenagers between 16 and 19 years old.
  • Every event took place in a “gun free zone.” The shooter was the ONLY person armed.
  • Despite any efforts, law enforcement was unable to prevent any of these events.
  • Each shooter violated numerous laws to carry out their crime.
  • Each shooter was unpopular in society, often with prior treatment for mental illness.
  • Each shooter was from a broken home, with little or no parental influence.
  • Nearly all of the younger shooters were online gamers, violent games their favorite.
  • Every shooter was mad at the world.
  • None of the shooters had any regard at all for human life.
  • Five (5) of the ten (10) events were carried out by shooters of foreign origin.

There are only two anomalies on the list of events above.

  1. 2006 Nickel Mines Amish School where 32 year-old Jewish shooter Charles Carl Roberts IV attacked an Amish school on the basis of race and religion.
  2. 2012 Oikos University where 43 year-old One Goh stated he attacked the school seeking a full refund of tuition, unhappy with life on campus.

In the cases of 2007Virginia Tech, 23 year-old Seung-Hui Cho, and 2015 Umpqua Community College, 26 year-old Christopher Harper-Mercer, both were allegedly triggered by being outcasts on the college campus. Cho was on both Prozac and Paxil at the time of his mass murder. Mercer, who lived with his single mother and had no contact with his father, listed his hobbies and interests as “Internet, killing zombies, movies, music, reading.” He also belonged to an online group titled “Doesn’t Like Organized Religion.”

Even before looking into the background of this special type of killer, it should be obvious to everyone that every mass shooter of this type has a major mental and emotional malfunction. Sane people simply do not do things like this…

Equally obvious is the fact that guns don’t kill, people do. In fact, for every case of gun violence in the USA, there is on average, 2.7 cases where innocent lives were saved because someone decent was armed.

  • Approximately 2/3 of all gun deaths in the USA are acts of suicide, not homicide.
  • Approximately 90% of the gun deaths that are homicide, occur in the middle of another crime, drug running, gang activity, etc.

Criminal profiling is not profiling on the basis of race, creed, or color. Criminal profiling is based upon experience, a collection of facts surrounding certain types of criminal activities. If I use the data presented in this column to offer up a profile of the average school shooter, it will look something like this…

  • Male shooters
  • Between age 15-21
  • From a broken home, raised by a single parent or grandparents
  • Addicted to violent videos and games
  • Loners, few if any friends
  • Failing in school, career, relationships, and life itself
  • Void of any faith-based belief structure
  • Often casual or prescription drug abusers
  • Past indications of mental and/or emotional illness
  • Mad at the world, chronic victimhood mentality
  • Zero regard for the gift of human life itself

A serious conversation needs to begin on why this group of young people are killing with increasing regularity. In the first five months of 2022, a new record has been set with at least 229 mass shooting events in the USA January-May, according to official reports. That puts the nation on track for a record year of such events, projected to be more than 550 such events by year-end.

A few more facts to consider in our joint effort to prevent these types of events in the future.

  • Guns don’t kill just like cars, bats, knives, or any other inanimate object, don’t kill. People do.
  • Mass shootings only happen in “gun free zones” where ONLY the shooter is armed.
  • Law enforcement is incapable of preventing events like this.
  • Every person or building that relies solely on armed law enforcement for their safety, is a “soft target.”
  • Mass shooters only target “unarmed” victims.
  • 99.9% of gunowners never use their weapons to commit a crime of any type.
  • Every politician or TV personality aiming to disarm law-abiding citizens, are protected by armed guards.
  • Most of these shootings were with a handgun, not any alleged “assault rifle.”
  • Uneducated people think the “AR” in AR-15 means “Assault Rifle.” The AR in AR-15 stands for “Armalite Rifle.”It does not stand for “assault rifle” but is instead a semi-automatic rifle that shoots one time per trigger pull. The U.S. Military does NOT carry AR-15s.
  • Disarming 300M law-abiding citizens isn’t even possible, but if it were, it wouldn’t save a single life. In fact, it would cost many more lives.

There’s an old saying that goes something like this, “When seconds count, the police are only minutes away.” Nowhere does that saying ring truer than in these mass shooting events.

Unless you want to turn every school into a prison on total lockdown at all times, or live in a police state, where every citizen is a soft target for armed evildoers, we must stop the lies behind the all-out assault on the U.S. 2nd Amendment immediately and focus on the elephant in the room.

Who is teaching and inspiring these kids to kill kids at an alarming rate? Why do these kids look ahead in life and see no hope? This is the only way to stop what’s happening to our children in the USA today.

Talk about more gun regulations only distracts from the real problem and would leave the entire nation a “soft target” for all sorts of evil. Thankfully, the USA is not Canada or the EU. Americans will never give up their rights.

“Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)

The question isn’t, why do some people use guns to kill? The answer to that is obvious. The right question is, why are young people killing at all?

The question isn’t who has a right to keep and bear arms, that question in answered in the 2nd Amendment. The right question is, who has the right to take them from decent law-abiding Citizens? The answer to that is…NO ONE!

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Another “Gun Free” Zone School Shooting? – Time to Hold Politicians Accountable

By Bradlee Dean

June 1, 2022

“So it came to pass in the day of battle, that there was neither sword nor spear found in the hand of any of the people that were with Saul and Jonathan: but with Saul and with Jonathan his son was there found.” -1 Samuel 13:22

We all know that the best way to ensure the enslavement of men is to disarm them.

“To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them.” -George Mason

Not only does disarmament mean to enslave but it also means to take away one’s ability to protect themselves.

Lt. Col Jeff Cooper said:

“If a violent crime is to be curbed, it is only the intended victim who can do it. The felon does not fear the police, and he fears neither judge nor jury. Therefore what he must be taught to fear is his victim.”

Most recently, there is a report of another school shooting.

The irony here is that, once again, it happened in a “gun free” zone. This is illegal at every given step to disarm any law abiding citizen (Psalm 94:20).

One has to only ask themselves the question, why is it that after mass shootings take place that a majority of them take place in unconstitutional “gun-free zones,” which the mainstream media and their “useful idiots” are always blaming the law-abiding gun owners for the crimes of the assailants? (Hosea 4:6)  The mainstream media is continuously magnifying the crime and omitting the law (Isaiah 59).

Jesus said, “When a strong man armed keepeth his palace, his goods are in peace: But when a stronger than he shall come upon him, and overcome him, he taketh from him all his armour wherein he trusted, and divideth his spoils (Luke 11:21-22).”

The first president of the United States George Washington said:

“The very atmosphere of firearms anywhere and everywhere restrains evil interference.”

The third president of the United States Thomas Jefferson said:

“Laws that forbid the carrying of arms … those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes… Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage rather than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.”

Friends, it is time to hold politicians and agencies legally accountable for their crimes against the innocent (Psalm 94:20).

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© 2022 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

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Georgia On Our Minds: The Devil Went Down to Georgia

By Sidney Secular

May 31, 2022

Governor Brian Kemp of Georgia declared a State of Emergency over supply chain disruptions via Executive Order on April 14, 2022. He decreed that Covid was the cause of all the economic distress. The state was basically locked down for all of 2020 into January of 2021. Of course, it was these unconstitutional lockdowns that should be given the credit for Georgia’s economic woes.

The scope of the executive order was left completely open so that the Governor could (and can) do anything without consultation with the other two branches of the State government if he believes it would help the situation. One particular area of special interest in the Order was a reference to “price gouging”. This area is not defined or delineated and thus provides bureaucrats the opportunity to have a field day in arbitrarily determining where price gouging exists and who is responsible. Frankly, it doesn’t take a genius to know that enemies of those “in charge” are more apt to find themselves guilty of this “sin” than fellow travelers!

And it is not just a matter of “who,” but of “how!” Will shop owners have to show how much they paid to obtain the supplies they are selling or if that price is affected by whether those supplies will continue to be available? Availability always affects price. Even if a can of tuna can be purchased for $2 by the owner, if there are only fifty cans available, the sale price must be affected as the seller cannot know how much the next batch of cans will cost! And then, how much of a profit margin will be allowed before purchase price vs. sale price crosses the line into price gouging? Can price gougers be sent to jail if we’re not in a shooting war? (But then, when aren’t we in a “shooting war?”) That situation is quite possible given the vague and open-ended nature of the order.

The Governor has taken it upon himself to obviate Part 395 of Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations such that a semi-truck driver can be forced to operate his rig around the clock if deemed necessary by the state government. In one of our past newsletters, we examined in great detail all the multi-faceted and interrelated ways and reasons why the supply chain problem is like a Damocles Sword hanging over us and the fact that that the situation is destined to get much worse before it gets better. If there’s nothing to ship, the drivers can’t work anyway. Messing with working hours cannot have any meaningful benefit in improving the supply chain problem as there are so many things – such as weather – that affect the shipment of goods. The aforesaid Executive Order was extended by the Governor on May 10 to run through June 14, 2022. The Order can be extended in 30 day increments thereafter. If this executive order is not challenged in a court of competent jurisdiction sometime soon it will serve as a precedent for adoption by the other – especially blue – states.

Once it sinks in that inflation is a large influence that is sinking the economy and that extended trucker hours are meaningless, what next politically mindless steps will be invoked to “solve”a “crisis” resulting from previous government “solutions?” The possibilities can only give one pause. Will the confiscation of goods from hoarders or preppers be used to feed the fools who have not prepared themselves to handle emergency situations? For one thing, that wouldn’t work! Shortages of the type that will manifest themselves will be so great and affect a population so wide, that no amount of confiscation will do anything more than put us all in the same sinking boat! It is truly akin to the fact that if one took all the money from every million and billionaire in this country, it wouldn’t begin to touch the national debt! That is, such want cannot be addressed by “political solutions” and especially if those solutions destroy freedoms more important than politics.

Will gas rations or price controls come into play while a wartime mentality plays out? What further powers will the Georgia and other like-minded governors grab? The only thing that we can say for a fact is that whatever comes down the pike, Americans will certainly not like it and neither will it do anything but provide a short term band aid for a mortal wound.

It’s somewhat incomprehensible that Governor Kemp just won the Republican primary handily. This comes after former President Trump has continuously excoriated him over his general RINO behavior and his acquiescence in the vote fraud associated with the 2020 elections*. The Governor’s apparent demonstration of “leadership” in the supply chain crisis by issuing the said Executive Order has obviously awed the unthinking sheeple into supporting him for another exhibition of frightful policies. However, more vote manipulation has been uncovered in Georgia in the primary, thus leading us to believe that the 2020 “midterms” are going to be every bit as crooked as the 2020 Presidential contest! Nonetheless, somebody voted for this “Never-Trumper” so it remains obvious that the sheeple all over the country just can’t seem to shake their addiction to electing incumbents, whatever their record of wrecking the American Dream. The ability of politicians to lead them by the nose on display during the Covid caper remains apparent at least in Georgia.

(*Famed attorney Sydney Powell has written an extensive legal brief on election fraud in GA associated with the 2020 elections which has been distributed by The American Free Press newspaper. Call them toll-free on 1-888-699-6397 to see if you can obtain a copy).

© 2022 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Mass Shootings: Manifesting the Nihilism of the West?

By Steven Yates

May 31, 2022

I’d planned an article on Peyton Gendron, the shooter who killed ten people in a Buffalo and injured three others in a Buffalo, N.Y. supermarket on May 14. Then I woke up this morning — it is May 25 as I write this — to learn that Salvador Ramos, also 18, shot and killed 21 in a Texas elementary school, 19 of them children.

I wanted to ponder the Great Replacement, given Gendron’s 180-page manifesto, the fact that the usual suspects demonized the idea as a “baseless racist conspiracy theory,” and the further fact that declining white populations all over the West can be read straight out of the demographics. Because this last is evident to anyone who can read and understand graphs, the only issue up for debate is whether this is a natural development however unlucky for white people, part of yet another long term nefarious scheme by the ruling elites, or just the result of monumental stupidity by the political classes of America and Western Europe who opened their borders and permitted unlimited immigration.

In light of May 24, I scrapped that article. Enough just said. We have bigger fish to fry.

For starters, however much Corporate Media, the Bidenistas, and leftists as a whole demonize white males, not all mass violence is committed by white men.

Not by a long shot!

The guy who drove a vehicle into a Christmas parade late last year was black. The Colorado supermarket shooter was a Muslim. The subway shooter in New York a few weeks back was black. Salvador Ramos is Hispanic. Whatever is going on is not ethnicity-specific, however much pseudo-pundits try to make it so.

But most of these kinds of killings are occurring in the West. The lion’s share are happening in the U.S.

It isn’t simply a ready availability of guns. I’ve yet to hear of a gun that got up and went on a rampage by itself. So-called gun control would never be more than a quick fix for something that would soon show up in other ways. Killers using vehicles as murder weapons, for example.

I don’t think seeking political solutions is going to get us anywhere. Because this is not fundamentally a political problem.

Something much deeper is going on, and the political class is helpless against it.

Some are speaking of a mental health crisis. We’ll probably see a dozen or so analyses probing that theme in the near future. I don’t disagree, not really, but I don’t think such a diagnosis goes deep enough, either.

Let me just state what I think this comes down to. Behind the bulk of our contemporary crises is secular materialism. Secular materialism drives much of Western civilization.

Materialism is a worldview, a thesis about the nature of reality, how we fit in, and what life is or ought to be about.

It is not a product or discovery of any science. As a worldview, it is a starting point, or premise.

Materialism denies that God exists. It asserts that human beings got here through a continuous natural process. From the standpoint of the physical cosmos, the totality of all that is real, there is nothing morally special about us: any of us. Morality is a human creation exclusively.

According to materialism, what can’t be counted, measured, and brought under control, isn’t real. Thus it yields a world based on empirical science (so-called, as its foundational level isn’t empirical at all), technique, commerce, and the myth of progress.

A world in which most of us, even in so-called advanced nations, are destined for slavery to the Almighty Dollar. (Or the Euro or Peso or Ruble or Yuan.)

Unease with this metaphysical ideology goes back at least to the 1800s, with novelists such as Fyodor Dostoevsky suggesting ominously that “if God doesn’t exist then everything is permitted.”

By around 1900, major philosophers such as Bertrand Russell were noting openly that in the universe disclosed by science as he understood it, morally speaking we are on our own. In the hands of anthropologists such as Ruth Benedict (1930s), morality evolved because of its survival value to human populations. It can be studied like any other natural phenomenon.

Different people have responded in different ways to this. Most, of course, turn away from the problem altogether. I get it. We’re all busy: working, or just living our lives.

A loose group of philosophers known as existentialists engaged the matter but granted all of materialism’s premises. French author Albert Camus thus pondered whether the fundamental problem of philosophy was whether life was worth living (see his essay “The Myth of Sisyphus”). He did not conclude that suicide is justifiable. Ultimately he, too, turned from the problem. Live your life. To live “authentically” is to live without the “illusions” of God or immortality or any transcendent source of meaning. Find meaning in your own immediate experiences, “enriching” them as you can.

That was the 1940s. The Beats, in the 1950s, took up this theme enriching their experience with sex and drugs (e.g. “bennies”). Psychedelics arrived in the 1960s. By the 1970s, part of a generation was burned out. Another part simply caved, opting for one of the premises of a materialist life: money is what gives your life value. By the 1980s, greed was good.

Meanwhile, the mass killings had begun, and were starting — very slowly — to accelerate in number.

Life had become meaningless. In society, all but a tiny handful of us (celebrities, those in the political class, and a few billionaires) had become ciphers.

Obviously, lives taken don’t mean anything to the killers. Perhaps because life itself means nothing to them.

Unborn babies — aborted — don’t mean anything to the abortionist, or in most cases to the would-have-been mother.

We are coming dangerously close, in elite circles, to the view that elderly “useless eaters” can be euthanized: “put to sleep” like animals. Especially those with conditions like Alzheimer’s — and why should it stop there? Modern medicine has operated under an unstated materialist ethos for a long time now: people are just bodies, bodies can be drugged up, injected, cut open, and when these fail, put down. Especially if maintaining them is unprofitable.

Nihilism is the philosophical thesis that nothing truly matters (the word derives from the Latin nihil, meaning nothing).

This is where we are, in the West, whether we know it or like it or not.

Most of our philosophy and political-economy, and entire industries, especially entertainment, are efforts to evade this. The first retreated into hyperspecialization. Political-economy has flown into competing ideological delusions. The entertainment industry, finally, reaps windfalls through creating and supplying steady streams of distraction people can use to numb their minds. Others kill their minds with alcohol or drugs — or, the culmination of this process, their bodies with suicide.

A few became purveyors of this or that form of self-actualization, an idea derived from psychologist Abraham Maslow. So we put self on a pedestal. Then what?

The bottom line is that human beings cannot simply exist. We are not mere animals. We cannot flourish without the firm belief that we have some higher purpose for doing so. This purpose cannot be hoked up out of thin air. It is not to be found in a job or career or even becoming a “creative.” Many have thought this and then come up short. Nor is meaning to be found in political activism — which is gradually failing us all.

Some respond to the particularities of their circumstances and respond with rage at the injustice of it all. They become human time bombs.

Fully healthy-minded people believe their lives, and the lives others — those around them and human beings generally — have intrinsic value: value not derived from what’s in their wallet or bank account, their social connections or position, the number of followers they have on Twitter, or anything else temporal and ephemeral. How many people today have this sense?

I’d wager, the number is disconcertingly small!

It surely excludes the person who picks up a firearm and shoots into a classroom of children. Such a person, knowing he could be killed by law enforcement and perhaps even welcoming such a death, clearly places no intrinsic value on his own life.

Some will reply:lives have never had “intrinsic value” outside one’s own tribe.

It is true that materialism is not responsible for moral tribalism.

What was healthiest in Enlightenment thought tried to end moral tribalism by finding criteria for membership in a universal moral community that transcended tribalism of various sorts (nationality, ethnicity, and so on).

It counseled us to adopt the view that all lives have intrinsic worth, and to start building a world that manifested this.

The unhealthy side of the Enlightenment elected to base its efforts on secular materialism. It followed the worldly (secular) turn of the scientific and industrial revolutions, where things could be measured, counted, controlled, made money from, etc. It ceded the transcendent to the poets. It forgot that modern science had a Christian foundation. The first requirement of science, after all, is the idea that the universe we seek to understand is orderly and not chaotic, or prone to sudden, inexplicable change (such changes occur but are explicable). The second is that the order in nature is intelligible to the human mind.

Cultures where such notions were absent did not develop science. Period. They may have developed crafts, such as fortune-telling based on astrology, but crafts are not sciences.

If the world was created by a rational and morally perfect God, and if we were created as finite rational agents able to grasp, at least somewhat, the order in the Creation — the two conditions are satisfied. We also have a basis, if we are willing an able to infer it, to argue from our having been created in God’s image that all human lives have intrinsic value, and elect to further policies that recognize and reflect this commitment.

It seems to me that somewhere in here is the basis for much that liberals once wanted, back when liberalism was sane. I am not comfortable with the sort of conservatism (or libertarianism) which sees us as a bunch of individuals running around. Nor would I promote the idea that, as my late father once said, that “what’s good for Big Business is good for America.” With Big Business have filled up with technocrats, today that is not just false but dangerous!

A healthy conservatism gets comfortable with the ideas of family (extended and not just nuclear), mediating institutions, community, and so on. We live in a world of others, not just self, and one part of a meaningful life is exemplified in using the superpowers God gave us to serve others in order to benefit ourselves — and sometimes without benefit to ourselves.

Yes, there is room to argue that women who have children they would otherwise have aborted should not merely be preached to about how they did the right thing but materially supported within caring families and communities.

Remove God from the picture, and every bit of this disappears. Little by little.

You end up with existentialism. You end up with postmodernism. With escapism of various sorts. You end up with neoliberalism and neoconservatism. The first of these is about capital accumulation as an end in itself. This will breed little socialists when it concentrates wealth in the hands of the elites. The latter is about imposing capital accumulation on as much of the world as possible through military force where necessary. This breeds terrorism and other forms of violent reaction.

At home, we have identity politics: the retribalization of the world. You end up with violent groups and ideologies based on hate, whether of the extreme right (e.g., the KKK) or the extreme left (Antifa, critical race theory).

All part and parcel of a nihilistic civilization which denies its nihilism, but generates walking time bombs. Those not driven to rage by whatever particulars will destroy their lives and the lives of those around them more “peacefully” and hedonistically with illicit sex or porn, by overeating, by abusing drugs, etc.

We end up, at home and abroad, with a global civilization falling increasingly under the sway of that really dangerous minority, billionaire sociopaths who try to satisfy their compulsive craving for meaning by exercising power: GloboCorp, with its cabals of technocratsusing technology to centralize the world under a single surveillance-and-control structure. The only difference between the Great Reset and overt totalitarianism will be the former’s preference for “nudges” based on incentives over guns pointed at people’s heads.

If anyone believes he/she has a solution to this other than revival, rediscovering and recovering the Christian God, inviting Him back into society and into our lives, making His moral imperatives the basis for our families and our communities, I’ll be happy to hear it. For:

“The fool has said in his heart, ‘There is no God.’  -Psalm 14:1

“The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows his handiwork.”  -Psalm 19:1

“Thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘Consider your ways!’”  -Haggai 1:7

“So I turned to the Lord God and pleaded with him in prayer and petition, in fasting, and in sackcloth and ashes. I prayed to the Lord my God and confessed: “Lord, the great and awesome God, who keeps his covenant of love with those who love Him and keep His commandments, we have sinned and done wrong. We have been wicked and have rebelled; we have turned away from your commands and laws. We have not listened to your servants the prophets, who spoke in your name to our kings, our princes and our ancestors, and to all the people of the land. Lord, you are righteous, but this day we are covered with shame—the people of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem and all Israel, both near and far, in all the countries where you have scattered us because of our unfaithfulness to you. We and our kings, our princes and our ancestors are covered with shame, Lord, because we have sinned against you. The Lord our God is merciful and forgiving, even though we have rebelled against Him; we have not obeyed the Lord our God or kept the laws he gave us through his servants the prophets.”  -Daniel 9:3-10.

“For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God … the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” -Romans 3:23, 6:23.

Steven Yates’s new book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory (Wipf and Stock, 2021) is available here and here.

Steven Yates blogs at Lost Generation Philosopher, and has begun writing a philosophy course centered on freedom, its preconditions, and the choices a person must make in order to have it.

Do you wish me to continue? Please consider supporting my work on

© 2022 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

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What We All Must Do to Save our Republic

By: Devvy

May 30, 2022

Today is Memorial Day.  A day made a National Holiday to remember and honor those who sacrificed everything to birth this nation and to all those who have served and died since to keep America free.  But what are we doing to save this country?

My October 15, 2o21, column, What Can YOU Do for Your Country? focused on several issues but highly important:  We desperately needed to elect constitutional attorneys to the bench in every state. (Here in Texas:  Across the state’s appellate and trial courts, there are nine supreme court justices, nine criminal appeals judges, 80 appeals court judges, and 448 district court judges.)

From my column:

“Those not reduced to zombie status know both state and federal judiciaries are rotten and corrupt.  Not every single judge but a large percentage.  For decades judges have become increasingly partisan, ignoring both their state constitutions and the U.S.  Constitution.  What can be done?  Not the same thing over and over and expect different results.

“How many of the 80 million Americans who voted for Trump are lawyers?  How many of them consider themselves very patriotic and are fed up with disgusting rulings by judges in their local area, i.e., county, state, federal?

“Okay.  What we need are all those thousands of lawyers to run for openings on any court in all the states.  Texas is a huge state so we have lots of them.  It differs by state but some judges are appointed.

Selection of state court judges in Texas occurs through partisan elections at each court level. Term lengths vary, but all judges must run for re-election at the end of their terms.  Across the state’s appellate and trial courts, there are nine supreme court justices, nine criminal appeals judges, 80 appeals court judges, and 448 district court judges.”

“Federal judges are confirmed by the U.S. Senate as is the U.S. (Un) Supreme Court.  We can all see how that’s worked out the past few decades.  The bottom line is Congress refuses to impeach rotten federal judges because the American people haven’t demanded Judge Rotten be impeached for trampling the Constitution.

Voters continue to reelect the same incumbents back to Congress who hold worthless judiciary committee hearings that accomplish nothing and so now, the wound has festered to the point of complete rot.”

I am not a news service nor do I have the resources so I can’t tell you how many true constitutional attorneys (or sitting judges in the 50 states who actually understand both the U.S. and their state constitution) have won primaries so far.  I listen to a morning talk show out of Lubbock, TX, 100 miles north of me.  Every judicial district up there had at least 3-6 candidates for judgeships.  One can pray the biased ones were defeated.

And so far in 2022, voters allegedly are voting once again in the primaries for the same rotten, corrupt incumbents destroying their state and this country.  You can start with Georgia, one of the key states with absolute proof President-Elect Trump was cheated out of winning that state as well as two senate seats Jan. 5, 2021.  Who fought against exposing the fraud?  Their current governor, Brian Kemp and their slimy Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger.  And the voters in that state just voted in their primary to put those two back on the ballot in November?  Truly, I am left speechless – if the actual vote count was fair and accurate. 

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp Met With Furious Boos by Trump Supporters at GOP State Convention, June 5, 2021:  “Georgia Governor Brian Kemp was overwhelmingly booed by attendees of the state’s Republican Party convention Saturday, with videos showing people prominently waving signs in support of former President Donald Trump as he took the stage.”

What Can YOU Do for Your Country? – Part II, March 28, 2022, my column which focused on getting involved because saving this country is NOT going to come from professional politicians.  It will ONLY come from We the People rising up and saying no more.  That requires sacrifice of your time and energy.  While there are millions out there with the sincerest of intentions, too many donate money to “conservative” organizations that are only conserving the cancers instead of cutting them out.

Their solution is to elect Republicans!  Give us the majority in the House, Senate and WH and we’ll protect conservative values, lower taxes, smaller government!  The same script I’ve heard all my adult life and I’ll be 73 next month.  And while you’re distracted, Satan’s EVIL minions are working non-stop and now making their final move for the ‘great reset’ with the support of current members of Congress, the Stage One Altzheimer’ individual masquerading as president, Cheater China Joe Biden, governors, mayors and members of state legislatures. If you don’t play in the sandbox dictated by the evil doers you’re out.

My cousin lives in S. Dakota.  She sent out an urgent alert last Friday:  URGENT!! SD passes the CON-CON! URGENT ATTENTION NEEDED!


“We have more amazing news! Hot on the heels of Wisconsin’s historic vote to become the 16th state to pass the Convention of States Resolution, the South Dakota House also passed the resolution.  South Dakota representatives voted 39-30 to pass the Convention of States Resolution (HJR 5001), and now HJR 5001 heads over to the Senate.

“During the debate, no opponents rose to speak against the resolution. Only supporters stood, and one of them delivered such an inspiring speech, he convinced several legislators to vote in favor.

“We can’t sit by and not speak any more,” said Rep. John Mills, one of our resolution’s sponsors. “What happens when government grows? Freedom shrinks. I want my kids to have the freedom that I grew up with, and we’re not going to get there unless we change something.”

Mills is another damn fool but note this from above:  “Only supporters stood, and one of them delivered such an inspiring speech, he convinced several legislators to vote in favor.”  Where were the patriots who understand a Convention of States WILL kill our U.S. Constitution for good?  Well, so many have no idea what’s going on as they try to put food on the table or simply have no coordinated organizations who keep track of when bills will be voted on and what they mean.  As for the Convention of States, here are several columns by retired attorney Publius Huldah that every adult American must read to fully understand how dangerous a Con-con is to this republic.

I know it’s a lot of reading, so just bookmark this column and everyday read one of the links on the commute train, bus or over lunch.  If you live in S. Dakota (or pass this along if you know someone there) you need to get in the face of your state senator NOW because the House bill has now gone over to your state senate.  Here’s the list of them.

The “Compact” Gimmick To Circumvent The Powers Granted To Congress By Article V,  Jan. 26, 2018

Honest Discourse About Article V Convention Needed, May 19, 2018

Article 5 of the US Constitution: What “Convention of States Project” (COS) Isn’t Telling You, Nov. 15, 2019

USMCA “Trade Agreement”, the North American Union, an Article V convention, and Red Flag Laws:  Connecting the Dots, Dec. 10, 2019

The Death Blow: an Article V Convention to Replace Our Constitution, April 23, 2021

This is an audio interview of U.S. Rep.  Andy Biggs on his short but precise book on the extremely dangerous COS:  AZ Senate Pres. Andy Biggs, Author: The Con of the Con Con, Article V

This IS why no state should pass an Article V Convention of States.  Don’t forget how many RINO’s are infested in the Republican Party or hide their true agenda while talking out both sides of their mouth:

Article V Convention of States: Dangerous and Ineffectual, February 19, 2018 by South Carolina Policy Council

“James Madison, regarded as “the father of the Constitution” due to his pivotal role in its creation and adoption, believed that a convention was not the “most convenient or probable channel” for achieving desired change. When asked his opinion on a convention of states movement in 1788, he said:

“If a General Convention were to take place for the avowed and sole purpose of revising the Constitution, it would naturally consider itself as having a greater latitude than the Congress appointed to administer and support as well as to amend the system; it would consequently give greater agitation to the public mind; an election into it would be courted by the most violent partizans [sic] on both sides; it [would] probably consist of the most heterogeneous characters; would be the very focus of that flame which has already too much heated men of all parties; would no doubt contain individuals of insidious views, who under the mask of seeking alterations popular in some parts but inadmissible in other parts of the Union might have a dangerous opportunity of sapping the very foundations of the fabric. Under all these circumstances it seems scarcely to be presumable that the deliberations of the body could be conducted in harmony, or terminate in the general good. Having witnessed the difficulties and dangers experienced by the first Convention…I should tremble for the result of a Second, meeting in the present temper of America and under all the disadvantages I have mentioned.”

From James Madison to George Lee Turberville, 2 November 1788

In a column I wrote a few months ago:  We’re all tired, frustrated and enraged as we watch our beloved Republic and U.S. Constitution get pounded into dust by Congress, the Supreme Court, governors and mayors.  One of our biggest problems is apathy on the part of voters, lack of factual, accurate information and how to organize to stop the destruction.

All politics are local and go up the ladder from there.  I’ve lived and breathed this nightmare going on 31 years darn near seven days a week.  Some of my best and dear friends have been trying to educate the public longer than me.  But, tens of millions of Americans just seem “too busy” to either vote or make the commitment to become a warrior in these dangerous times.

But, how and who?

A little bit of history called the Committees of Safety.  This is a lengthy read but I firmly believe it’s vitally important for Americans to understand the history of this country from the beginning.  The Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution were birthed with rivers of blood while millions of Americans today get panic attacks if their $700 fancy phone isn’t charged. 6 in 10 ‘couldn’t cope’ without smartphone for a day; 1 in 8 suffer anxiety from low battery! –“New survey reveals that more than a quarter of adults rely on smartphone for directions, while 1 in 3 have NEVER used a paper map before!”, Feb. 22, 2022

There are several organizations I’ve become familiar with over the decades who have and are beating back those working so hard to destroy YOUR freedom, liberty and rights.  Liberals (socialists) and progressives (communists) have dressed-up their agendas to hide their Marxist ideology.  NGO’s (non-governmental agencies) are one of the worst cancers.

Ron Ewart wrote for many years for NWVs practically begging Americans to wake up to the dangerous state and federal government efforts to destroy YOUR personal property rights:  “Ron Ewart is a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of his weekly column, “In Defense of Rural America”. For 14 years Ron has been the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (, a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners.”

Ron wrote his last column for NewsWithViews on July 7,2021, Just How Long Are Free Americans Going To Take It?  Sadly, this champion and tireless patriot passed away July 25, 2021 after a battle with cancer.  However, the National Association of Rural Land Owers website is still up and contains a lot of valuable information; see menu on left side of page.

  1. Edward Griffin is an amazing American warrior and author of The Creature from Jekyll Island, World Without Cancer and several other books. His web site, Freedom Force International has a section titled Strategy which is truly one of the great and important reads which will help Americans and the direction we should be going and how. I know it takes time but once freedom is lost, we won’t get it back in a peaceful and lawful manner.

The Collectivist Conspiracy Documentary is a must watch interview.  G.  Edward Griffin, Oct. 3, 2020 – This video interview (watch or listen) truly is a must for your time.  I had the honor and pleasure of meeting Edward in February 2004 at an event in the DC area.  A true gentleman and so very intelligent.  A man whose been trying to educate the American people since 1959.  NOW is the time to listen.

Tom DeWeese who also writes columns for NWVs is someone I became familiar with a couple of decades ago; his bio:  “Tom DeWeese is one of the nation’s leading advocates of individual liberty, free enterprise, private property rights, personal privacy, back-to-basics education and American sovereignty and independence. A native of Ohio, he’s been a candidate for the Ohio Legislature, served as editor of two newspapers, and has owned several businesses since the age of 23. In 1989 Tom led the only privately-funded election-observation team to the Panamanian elections. In 2006 Tom was invited to Cambridge University to debate the issue of the United Nations before the Cambridge Union, a 200 year old debating society. Today he serves as Founder and President of the American Policy Center and editor of The DeWeese Report. For 40 years Tom DeWeese has been a businessman, grassroots activist, writer and publisher. As such, he has always advocated a firm belief in man’s need to keep moving forward while protecting our Constitutionally-guaranteed rights.”

Tom’s organization (like Judicial Watch in the legal arena) actually gets the job done winning many battles with corrupt government bodies.  Judicial Watch Victory: Court Declares Unconstitutional California’s Gender Quota for Corporate Boards, May 16, 2022

Each one of the links below from Tom DeWeese’s web site, American Policy Center is very important:

We just scored a big win! “Those dedicated activists in Tennessee then sent copies of Kathleen’s article to every single member of the Tennessee state legislature. The legislators were shocked. They had no idea how evil this scheme was. Or the dangers it posed to their own ability to legislate the will of those who elected them.”  This is how we can win and stop the complete destruction of our republic.  This is a video of Tom explaining it.

No matter your political affiliation, if Americans don’t come together and work at your local level we’re going to be toast – soon.  Everyone knows 10 people who know ten people who know ten people.  Robert Kennedy, Jr’s book on the rotten corrupt real Dr. Anthony Fauci has sold more than one MILLION copies already.  Americans want the truth.

The on-line premiere of 2000 Mules proving how massive vote fraud was done to deny President-Elect Trump a second term went from premiering in 300 theaters and by popular demand then to 400 theaters.  The disgusting, misleading and outright attack lies by the prostitute media hasn’t stopped Americans who want the truth.  Because it’s been so successful, you can now watch it free on line.  Indie Doc ‘2000 Mules’ Reportedly Snags $10 Million

Word of mouth, email lists and social media made it possible.  The same thing is being done across this country by Tom’s organization which is growing but we need millions of Americans to become part of the plan:

We Can Stop Them – We Just Need The Right Plan Freedom Pods:  “Across the nation, Americans are growing anxious and frustrated by the barrage of government overreach through rules, regulations and taxes. What do we do? How do we fight back and restore our rights and economic freedom?

“One of the main reasons the progressives have been so successful in locking in their agenda on us is because they understand that the local level is the place to enforce them. Our side has ignored it for too long. We simply are not there, in city councils, county commissions, and school boards. The result is that now we have much more government. We can fix that.

“The American Policy Center (APC) is working with activists at the local level, teaching how they can stop Federal overreach right in their community. We call it converting your town into a Freedom Pod. The way to do that is to organize by building a permanent infrastructure of activism, ready to take immediate action every day. The strategy is to focus only on your community, affecting policy and elections. If successful, neighboring communities will follow your plan. That’s why we call it a Freedom Pod – planning seeds of Freedom.

“Well, it’s working. To help explain how to do it, APC held a conversation with the leader of one of the most successful groups that has built such a Freedom Pod.And they are winning. In this video he explains, in his own words, how they did it.

“Please watch this informative video, share it with your friends and neighbors, and then learn more by visiting APCs website Here you will find many tools, including a series of activist training webinars, articles and books explaining the many issues we face, and our new Activist Handbook that contains the details on how you can get started to fight back in your community. (Bold is mine).

“Together, we can take the long neglected actions necessary to restore our Republic. And we can win!”

Join APC’s Local Activist Training Program – Training Handbook – If money is an issue, split the cost with friends.  We fight back using their own words, documents and deeds to crush our enemy – and how to win, not just more talk.

The Agenda 21 Manual

This is another video interview with Tom that should scare everyone:  CO2 Pipeline:  Farmland in Jeopardy?  April 21, 2022

What can you do?  What Tom has been doing for decades which is spreading.  Yes, it requires we give up our “free” time but if you have enough members of your Freedom Pod in your city or town, everyone gets an assignment.  From past experience, I believe your meetings should be in the evening (like 7:00 pm after dinner) or on a Saturday morning at 10:00 am.  That way people can get breakfast and perhaps some early morning chores and then to your meeting place.  If we do nothing, we will surrender our country.

There is no more time to hope the government will save you or our beloved republic.  It truly is up to us to ACT NOW.  Our children and grand children are depending on us to stop the evil covering this country.

In May 2008, I visited the homestead of Nathan Hale in CT.  Nathan Hale was hanged by the British at the age of 21.  Before he was hanged, young master Hale said, “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.”  Just a kid he gave his life for future Americans to be free.

Back then meetings were held in secret so the British wouldn’t find out what the patriots were planning.  Our First Amendment gives us the right to speak and meet openly and freely.  We must come together and fight using proven methods to win.  Will you?

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions. [Order two books and save $10.00. Give one to a friend or relative]

© 2022 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:  (I simply have to say while I really do appreciate emails, I receive several hundred a day except Christmas and New Year’s Day.  I simply cannot answer all of them asking for advice, please help me with my case and other requests because it’s just me.  I try to work some of the requests and answer questions into my columns but I can only do so much.  I thank you for understanding.)


If you haven’t yet taken the time to read this overview of a book (sadly out of print), MASTERS OF SEDUCTION – Beguiling Americans Into Slavery and Self-destruction by Jeri Lynn Ball, it is well worth your time.  She gives a superb writing on collectivism.  The only thing that’s changed are the names of the major players selling us out. Knowledge IS power.

  1. Dakota’s governor, Christie Noem, is considered a conservative hero in many polls. But, it’s always a good idea to listen to the people who actually live in a state regarding any incumbent. Many of these so-called ‘rocket stars’ in both parties have past performances they hope people will forget about:

Can South Dakota voters trust what Kristi Noem says? This blog will chronicle the difference between what Kristi Noem says, and what Kristi Noem does. Unfortunately for South Dakota voters, there’s often a lot of difference between the two.

READRepublican Politicians Who Won’t Stand Up To The Left Are Worthless, April 8, 2021.  Gov. Asa Hutchinson & Christie Noem.

Decoration Day, A Solemn Day of Remembrance

By Kelleigh Nelson

May 30, 2022

“Naturally, the common people don’t want war … but after all it is the leaders of a country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in every country.”  —Hermann Goering-leading member of the Nazi Party

Decoration Day, now Memorial Day is a day of solemn remembrance for those who gave their lives for our country, for all our veterans, and even for our family members who have gone before us.  It is not a weekend of bar-b-ques and the beginning of summer, yet that is what it has become.  As a child, I went with my grandparents to the cemetery with loads of flowers to be planted or put in vases on the graves of our loved ones.  It was a day of remembrance and much planning went into the care and love bestowed on those many graves.

Don’t take that from our true heroes, and now heroines.  This day belongs to them.  Honor them; they deserve it.

The following article was written when Barack Hussein Obama was America’s choice for president.  What I felt then is fitting for today and the illegitimate president who now occupies our White House. For those new readers, there is history within that is of great importance.

There are only two holidays a year that bring me to tears.  The first is Decoration Day (now Memorial Day) and the second is Independence Day, July 4th.  Last July I wrote an article entitled Real Americans.  I told of the loss and heartbreak I felt when I saw the flags waving and heard the firecrackers.  The loss of what we once had and what we have become is overwhelming.  The same feeling is present with Decoration Day.

Decoration Day started with a commemoration to the fallen Union soldiers of the Civil War.  In the south, southern ladies’ groups commemorated the fallen on different days than the holiday of the north.  However, by the 20th century, all American soldiers who had fallen in war were remembered on the last Monday in May, although originally May 30th.  Decoration Day meant placing flowers on the graves of the fallen, but soon became a memorial for all family members who had passed.  Today, those who know the real meaning of the holiday visit the cemeteries not only to decorate the graves of fallen American soldiers, as well as those who served our country, but also to remember our deceased ancestors.

Decoration Day was officially changed to Memorial Day by Federal law in 1967.  On June 28, 1968, the Congress passed the Uniform Holidays Bill, which moved four holidays, including Memorial Day, from their traditional dates to a specified Monday in order to create a convenient three-day weekend. The change moved Memorial Day from its traditional May 30th date to the last Monday in May. The law took effect at the federal level in 1971.  This has no doubt changed the tenor of a day of remembrance into one of a spring-into-summer three-day weekend holiday, which has caused the solemn honor of the original commemoration to be lost.  Japanese Nisei, Daniel Inouye, Hawaii’s former Senator, and a WWII veteran had tried every year to return the holiday to May 30th.

The Memorial Day flag is to be raised briskly to the top of the pole at dawn and then lowered to half mast until noon.  This is done in remembrance.  At noon, the flag is again raised to the top of the pole for the remainder of the day.

Today, this holiday of commemoration has become one of barbeques, picnics, baseball and swimming.  It no longer is a day of solemn remembrance of our nation’s loss.  When I think of all those who have served, I remember those in my own dear family.

My maternal grandfather served in the Army as a cook in WWI.  His two sons, my mother’s older and younger brothers and my uncles, both served in WWII in Europe and in Germany respectively.  I remember my Uncle Bob telling me about how he hitchhiked across Czechoslovakia to see his cousin, Norm, who was also in the Army.

My paternal grandfather graduated from the Presidio (officer’s training) in 1917 with the Army Cavalry.I still have the humorously written program for his graduation dinner.  His degrees were in international law and French.  He married my grandmother that same year and went off to war.  His older brother was also a soldier in WWI.  In a nine-page typewritten letter my Baptist preacher and physician great-grandfather wrote to his former church in Bozeman, Montana, he mentioned how his wife worried and prayed for her two sons in France.

My grandfather remained in the military for many years.  I obtained all his military records through my congressman.  He was retired prior to WWII, but after Pearl Harbor and at the age of 50, he re-enlisted.  He was in charge of a German prisoner- of-war camp for a year or so.  The photos of this camp and the inmates look as though it was a great holiday for the Germans.  These original photos are at the Mazal Holocaust Library in San Antonio, Texas.  At the close of WWII, my grandfather, Colonel George Byron Morse, was in charge of the MPs at Nuremburg.  His Army Cavalry uniform and his boots are also at the Mazal Holocaust Library along with documents and photos.

After the war, my grandparents were very concerned about the second generation Japanese Americans who fought on our side during WWII, the Nisei.  My grandmother was the inspiration for a veteran’s hall for them and the Nisei Veterans’ Memorial Hall was born.  My grandfather brought it to fruition and his picture still hangs prominently in their veteran organization.

The 100th/442nd Regimental Combat Team, composed of approximately 14,000 Japanese American soldiers, became the most decorated unit for its size and length of service in American history. Among their many awards, they earned eight Presidential Citations, over 9000 Purple Hearts, and 21 Medals of Honor.

The 100th/442nd fought many battles. One of the most historic was the Rescue of the Lost Battalion in October 1944, when the unit led a heroic drive through German lines in the Vosges Mountains to rescue 211 surviving soldiers of the 36th Texas Division. For this the governor of Texas named the Nisei soldiers \”Honorary Texans.\” In 1945, the courageous actions of the 100th/442nd were critical in breaking the German Gothic Line. They fought the Germans through intense combat and liberated towns such as Bruyeres, Biffontaine, and Belvedere. They also helped free Holocaust victims from a Dachau concentration camp.

Approximately 6,000 Japanese Americans served in the Pacific Theater in the Military Intelligence Service (MIS) of the US Army. These soldiers utilized their knowledge of the Japanese language and culture to defeat the Japanese military in the Pacific. General Douglas MacArthur’s intelligence chief, Major General Charles A. Willoughby, estimated that these contributions shortened the war by at least two years and saved countless lives in the process. For this, the MIS was awarded a Presidential Unit Citation.

When my retired, aging, California grandparents needed assistance, the Japanese were there to help them in every way.  At their funeral masses, the priests were both Japanese.  The eulogies from these brave Nisei are simply beautiful and showed what great love these Japanese American war heroes had for my paternal grandparents.

Today is a Different Story

The Presidio today is nothing like what my grandfather would envision.  Congress voted in 1989 to end the Presidio’s status as an active military installation and on October 1, 1994, it was transferred to the National Park Service, ending 219 years of military use and beginning its next phase of mixed commercial and public use.  Sadly that use is now part and parcel of the UN Agenda 21 program of destroying national sovereignty and our liberties.  In 1996, the United States Congress created the Presidio Trust to oversee and manage the interior 80% of the park’s lands, with the National Park Service managing the coastal 20%.

In 1993, the Gorbachev Foundation USA was invited to sink roots at the Presidio as part of the post’s conversion from the headquarters of the 6th U.S. Army to a national park.

From the website, Mikhail Gorbachev, Creatively Marketing Global Communism, comes this statement regarding Gorbachev’s State of the World Forum, “Former Soviet Communist Party boss Mikhail Gorbachev, founder of the State of the World Forum six years ago, used a $5,000 per person gathering of the world’s political and business elite to plea for the United Nations to adopt a Soviet-style “central authority” to manage the world’s business and environmental concerns.” 

And this,

The collapse of the Soviet Union as presented in the western media was a fraud. The Soviet Union didn’t collapse and communism didn’t die. They just reorganized. This is Gorby’s goal for the United States… and that’s what the UN program of regionalization is about. The movement is to dissolve the United States as a nation and then to break it up into areas of regional governance under an unelected continental government similar to the European Union.”

If my grandparents on both sides, who fought in WWI and WWII for American freedoms knew of Gorbachev’s group in the Presidio, they would roll over in their graves.  They would never have believed it would happen, nor would they ever have believed we’d be fighting undeclared wars and passing unconstitutional laws.  Think about Obamacare, NDAA, NDRP, Homeland Security, TSA, the Patriot Act, to name just a few of the hundreds of thousands of illegal and unconstitutional laws, acts, and executive orders.  My mother would never have believed it, much less my grandparents.  In fact, my grandparents never even heard of a “Trillion dollar debt.”

Undeclared Wars

How many undeclared wars are we going to allow our young men and women to fight?  How many of our young people are we going to allow to be maimed and die at the hands of politicians who have no concern for human life or Constitutional law?  These wars are not WWI or WWII.

To say it more succinctly, here is a letter my dear friend Ruth wrote in comment of the article, The Price of Freedom, “This Memorial Day, I mourn the lives of the tens of thousands of our troops, who are maimed and disfigured. I mourn the lives of the troops still stuck in the hell holes of Afghanistan and Iraq and those engaged all around the world in illegal interventions and wars of aggression, greed and empire building. I grieve for the returning veterans, whose minds are so broken, upon contemplating the horrors they have witnessed and the true nature of these wars, they are committing suicide in shocking numbers. Those, who gave all, may be the lucky ones. Unfortunately, these brave young men and women are not fighting for our freedom; they know it, and you know it. They are fighting to stay alive. They are mere pawns of the Military Industrial Complex. IT IS TIME TO BRING THEM ALL HOME NOW.


So, I grieve.  I grieve for what we’ve lost, what we were, what we once had, and what we’ve now become.  I grieve for my nation, for her soul, and for her people who are too busy watching Dancing with the Stars and American Idol to see what has happened to our beloved country.  I grieve because we’ve thrown God out of every facet of American society.  I grieve because we think nothing of murdering 60 million babies in the wombs.  I grieve because I see the losses.  I grieve because I know too much, and I grieve because so few are fighting to save her…our once great America and her God-given freedoms.  I grieve, I mourn, and I weep and I’m still fighting to save her.  Unless more Americans stand up for truth, righteousness, liberty and freedom, I’m afraid all is lost.  Dear God in heaven, I grieve.

© 2022 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson:

At What Age Do You Have Rights?

By Paul Engel

May 30, 2022

  • Once you turn 18, you assume you’re an adult, right?
  • California law doesn’t think so, at least when it comes to certain firearms.
  • Believe it or not, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals told California that their restrictions on young adults purchasing center fire semiautomatic rifles was unconstitutional.

As children, we receive protection of our rights through our parents. But have you ever considered at what age you receive protections for your rights directly? Is it the same for all rights, or are there different ages when you receive protections for different rights?

The case Jones v. Bonta asked the question, when do you receive protections for your right to keep and bear arms? The answer out of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals may surprise you.


California law strictly regulates the possession, ownership, and use of firearms in multiple ways. One of these laws requires anyone purchasing a firearm have a “firearm safety certificate” (“FSC”). The law does provide exemptions from the FSC requirement for people with hunting licenses, active and reserve law enforcement, and active or honorably discharged members of the military. California also prohibits the sale of almost all kinds of firearms to young adults (those ages 18-20), with a few exceptions. Long guns (those with barrels generally longer than 18″ and designed to be shot from the shoulder rather than the hand), can only be sold to young adults who have a hunting license, are active law enforcement, or are active or honorably discharged military. California also prohibits the sale of semiautomatic centerfire rifles to young adults except for those in law enforcement or active duty military.

Several young adults, gun shops, and advocacy groups filed suit in federal district court, claiming California’s regulations violated both the Second and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution of the United States.

The district court declined to preliminarily enjoin the laws, holding that Plaintiffs had not shown that they were likely to succeed on the merits, both because the laws did not burden Second Amendment rights and would likely survive intermediate scrutiny. The district court also held that Plaintiffs had not shown irreparable harm and that the balance of interests did not favor enjoining the laws.

Jones v. Bonta – Opinion

The district court noted that other courts found that these laws were both longstanding and do not violate the Second Amendment and are therefore assumed to be constitutional.

The district court then reasoned that [i]ndividuals under the age of 21 were considered minors or infantsfor most of our countrys history without the rights afforded adults” and therefore they are among those believed unfit of responsible firearm possession and use.” … It did address the tradition of militia members who were under 21 years old, but reasoned this tradition actually supported the constitutionality of the laws… In the district courts view, [m]ilitia members were required to possess their own firearms if they complied with accountability and maintenance regulations” and thus the strict rules surrounding militia duty” show that the right to firearm possession came with obligations to ensure public safety.”

Jones v. Bonta – Opinion

Don’t you just love it when courts simply make up their own rules rather than following the law? Yes, for years in our nation’s history people under 21 were not allowed to vote, drink alcohol, or be expected to fight either in the military or the militia, but they were not considered ‘infants’.

  1. A child in the first period of life, beginning at his birth; a young babe. In common usage, a child ceases to be called an infant within the first or second year, but at no definite period. In some cases, authors indulge a greater latitude, and extend the term to include children of several years of age.

Infant – Websters 1828 Dictionary

Since then, the Constitution now protects the right to vote and federal law protects the right to join the military once a person reaches 18 years of age. Also, look at the exemptions listed in the California law. If someone can be expected to safely operate a firearm in the military or law enforcement, why not as a civilian? Does joining one of those organizations suddenly increase a person’s maturity level, but nothing else does? Speaking of the militia, our nation’s history is replete with those under that age of 21 participating in the militia. Most famously would be John Adams’ son, John Quincy, who at the age of 8 performed military drills with the local militia. Yet the district court believes anyone under the age of 21 is “unfit of responsible firearm possession and use” unless they are in law enforcement or the military. The court did note that militia service before one’s 21st birthday was common, but reasoned that the “strict rules surrounding militia duty” were cause enough to show that the “right to firearm possession came with obligations to ensure public safety.” However, the obligations to public safety has nothing to do with militia service. If the issue were truly public safety, then the firearms safety certificate or hunting license, which I believe comes with a safety training requirement, should cover that need.

Second, because it found no burden on Second Amendment rights, the district court did not need to apply any tier of scrutiny. Still, in an abundance of caution,” the district court also determined that intermediate scrutiny applied and that the laws likely survived it. Id.

Jones v. Bonta – Opinion

Since the district court found that infringing on the right of certain people to keep and bear arms somehow did not burden the Second Amendment, they figured they were done. However, in an effort to cover their backside, the court determined that this question should receive intermediate scrutiny. But what is this “scrutiny”?


The legal definition of scrutiny is the level of proof a government or their agent must overcome in order to infringe on your constitutional rights. Basically, it’s how hard government has to work in order to overrule the Constitution. There are three levels of “scrutiny”, rational basis, intermediate, or strict. Rational basis means government only needs to show their actions are rational to a legitimate government interest. Under intermediate scrutiny, it must be shown that the law or policy furthers an important government interest. Under strict scrutiny, the law must be narrowly tailored and the least restrictive means to further a compelling government interest. Notice that all three levels of scrutiny are used to decide if the court will allow an infringement of a right protected by the Constitution, in direct violation of that supreme law.

Third, the district court held that Plaintiffs failed to show irreparable harm. … The district court observed that, after filing their amended complaint, Plaintiffs waited two months before moving for a preliminary injunction. It reasoned that this delay undermined finding irreparable harm. … More importantly,” young adults could still get firearms, either under an exception, through a transfer from family, or by using them at shooting ranges.

Jones v. Bonta – Opinion

So the district court only believes a harm is irreparable if the complaint is immediately followed by a request for injunction? In the court’s eyes, it’s not a question of can the harm be repaired, but how quickly the person files suite that determines if it’s irreparable. Furthermore, the court noted that young adults weren’t prohibited from owning semiautomatic centerfire firearms, only in purchasing them. If that is the case, what is the purpose of the prohibition?

Finally, the district court also held that the balance of interests weighed against enjoining the laws, reasoning that [t]he potential harm of enjoining a duly-enacted law designed to protect public safety outweighs Young Adultsinability to secure the firearm of their choice without proper training.”

Jones v. Bonta – Opinion

A law may be enacted, but if it is repugnant to the Constitution, it is void. At least according the Alexander Hamilton in Federalist Paper #78 and the Supreme Court in that case Marbury v. Madison.

There is no position which depends on clearer principles, than that every act of a delegated authority, contrary to the tenor of the commission under which it is exercised, is void. No legislative act, therefore, contrary to the Constitution, can be valid.

Alexander Hamilton, Federalist Papers #78

Thus, the particular phraseology of the Constitution of the United States confirms and strengthens the principle, supposed to be essential to all written Constitutions, that a law repugnant to the Constitution is void, and that courts, as well as other departments, are bound by that instrument.

Marbury v. Madison Opinion

The irreparable harm the district court is talking about was committed when they failed to enjoin a law that is invalid and void. Also, since not every young adult may have the ability to acquire these types of arms because they do not have an exception or a family member to transfer it to them, there is no way to repair the harm this invalid law causes.

Ultimately, the Second Amendment protects the right of the people to keep and bear arms and refers to the militia. Young adults were part of the militia and were expected to have their own arms. Thus, young adults have Second Amendment protections as persons who are a part of a national community.”

Jones v. Bonta – Opinion

The Second Amendment protects the right of the people to keep and bear arms. The question is, at what age does that protection transfer from the parents to their children? The minimum age of militia services at the time of the adoption of the Second Amendment was 16. The circuit court determined that since young adults could serve in the militia when the amendment was drafted, they were entitled to protection of their right to keep and bear arms, but only if they were, or had been, part of a militia. But that is not what the Second Amendment states.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. 

U.S. Constitution, Amendment II

Yes, militias are necessary to keep our states free, but the right to keep and bear arms belongs to the people, not the “national community”. As the Ninth Circuit Court would note, the Supreme Court’s decision in District of Columbia v. Heller confirmed what had been understood throughout most of our history: That the “Second Amendment right is exercised individually and belongs to all Americans.”


In conclusion, the district court erred by holding that the California laws did not burden Second Amendment rights. It properly applied intermediate scrutiny to the long gun regulation and did not abuse its discretion in finding it likely to survive. But it erred in applying intermediate scrutiny to the semiautomatic rifle ban. And even if intermediate scrutiny applied, the district court abused its discretion in finding the ban likely to survive. Finally, the district court erred in its application of the irreparable harm factor. Thus, as to the long gun regulation, the district courts order is AFFIRMED. And as to the semiautomatic centerfire rifle ban, the district courts order is REVERSED. We REMAND the case to the district court for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.

Jones v. Bonta – Opinion

The Ninth Circuit Court split its decision. Yes, the requirement for a firearm safety certificate or a hunting license to a young person to purchase was, in in their opinion, constitutional, but the prohibition on the sale of semiautomatic centerfire rifles to them was not. I’m not sure why the court found that a person’s right to keep and bear arms deserves strict scrutiny in one instance, but only intermediate scrutiny in another. Maybe because California did not prohibit the purchasing of long guns in general, but only semiautomatic centerfire rifles?

Who knows if California will appeal this decision to the Supreme Court, or if that court would even take the case. This case does bring up three interesting questions I hope you will consider. First, at what age does the Constitution protect a persons rights directly, rather than through the parents? Second, should a persons right to keep and bear arms receive different levels of scrutiny based on how it is being infringed? And lastly, why did the State of California single out young adults and semiautomatic centerfire rifle purchases for this prohibition? It cannot be a safety question, since it was not illegal for young adults to own these arms, only to purchase them. Perhaps, if the people not only of California, but of all the states, can answer those questions, we will have fewer opportunities to worry about the courts allowing governments to infringe on our rights because they think they have a good reason to violate the supreme law of the land.

Why Are The American People Ignoring This Phenomenon?

By Frosty Wooldridge

May 30, 2022

Ever since 1965, this national phenomenon has been working on changing the entire demographic of America from a successful European-dominated Republic to a country racked with violence, racial strife and ultimately, disintegration.

What’s so amazing stems from the fact that few see it and even less will do anything about it.

The symptoms surface daily in the six o’clock news with Norah O’Donnell, David Muir, Wolf Blitzer, Lester Holt, Anderson Cooper, Jesse Waters, NPR and PBS.  But few want to connect the dots. In fact, they make sure NOT to connect the dots for the American people. Or, what’s left of the American people.

What are those dots?  How do you connect them?  What do you do after you connect them?

Right now, we face a growing reality that our country no longer enjoys a dominate culture, language and ethos.  Since 1965, if you count the 45,000,000 foreign born immigrants who migrated out of their war-torn, overpopulated, illiterate and failed countries, the highest immigration onslaught in human history, and you add another 25,000,000 illegal migrants who jumped our borders—you’re looking at 70 million foreign-born people taking our jobs, sucking off our welfare systems, birthing millions of their own babies, overrunning our schools,  fracturing our English language, and simply destroying the fabric of American society.

Many traditional Americans watch in stunning awe at places like Chicago where minorities kill each other at a prolific rate of speed.  One teen white kid shot and killed 10 Black people in Buffalo, New York a week ago.  The press screamed “white supremacy, racism”, but no one connected the dots that 107 African-Americans died at the hands of 107 other African-Americans who shot them dead during that same week.  In fact, Chicago and many other big cities like NYC, Baltimore, Minneapolis, Miami, LA and the like—watch enormous amounts of killings as standard operating procedure.

In other words, instead of a cohesive, dominate European-culture- population of like-minded people, we’ve become a seething mass of multiculturalism where some elements cannot find a civil way to deal with each other…so they simply shoot each other.  Chicago and Detroit provide an example of America’s dilemma.

At the same time, our own leaders in Congress and all the way to the White House, invite this invasion at our southern border.  Joe Biden and his cronies assist it, encourage it, and push for it.  All the while, traditional Americans watch, wait and twiddle their thumbs.  We simply no longer enjoy being a sovereign nation.

We’re losing the very essence that made America a successful civilization—a culturally united and cohesive citizenry.

As Douglas Murray, author of The Strange Death of Europe, said, “When you import the people of the world into your country, you invite the problems of the world into your country.”

One look at 66,000 homeless in Los Angeles provides another symptom. But then, you’ve got 10,000 homeless in Denver.  Another 10,000 homeless in Chicago. Another 35,000 homeless in San Francisco, and dozens more American cities.

In other words, our leaders our devolving our country into a third world cesspool.  How else do you describe it?

At one point before 1965, everyone enjoyed a thorough education.  Back then, everyone enjoyed a good job with a living wage.  At one point, our kids attended school without fear of being shot up.  At an earlier juncture, we enjoyed responsible citizens who entered a store, bought and paid for goods, and walked out.  Today, millions of citizens steal $52,000,000,000.00 (billion) out of mercantile stores annually. We must all pay the difference for such massive shoplifting.

At the same time, our president just signed over $40,000,000,000.00 in military aid to Ukraine when our citizens suffer grave consequences such as 107,000 opioid deaths in 2021, and probably the same in 2022.  Ironically, instead of stopping the drugs at the border, Biden openly encourages drug cartels to inject their drugs into our country. Over 38 million Americans subsist on food stamps. Why aren’t we solving our problems?

How do you reconcile such insanity?  At $31,000,000,000,000.00 (trillion) in national debt, how do we find it reasonable to give $40 billion to another country to secure its borders instead of our own?  Especially with the deadly consequences manifesting daily across America…can you answer that?

Americans Being Displaced At A Rapid Rate By Immigrants And Other Cultures

If you don’t think this is happening very fast, you would be mistaken.  The Pew Research Center projected that the new majority at 51 percent will be Latino-Hispanics-Mexicans by 2042.  Not only do we see 15,000,000 illegal Mexicans already within the USA, but another 10 million of their children born here.

What are the dramatic consequences of this mass migration?  They all arrive from failed societies.  They are reforming such failed societies within our own country.  We traditional Americans can’t keep paying for all of this welfare much longer.  Our systems will simply collapse.

Am I wrong, off or misdirected in this thesis?  Do you see what I see happening?  Is there any chance to change course?  Do we need more Chinese, Indians, Somalians, Sudanese, Ethiopians, Mexicans, Congolese and other immigrants injected into our country?  Can we survive the projected 100 million more that will land on our country by 2050?  Don’t you think we need a national discussion on this accelerating national-suicidal nightmare?

My solution: total shutdown of all immigration, both legal and illegal for 20 years.  Or, allow ingress vs egress immigration. If 50,000 leave America in a year, we can allow 50,000 highly educated and skilled immigrants who speak English with similar cultural ties, to come to our country.  Not what’s happening at the moment!

Oh, and this is what it will look like if we don’t shut the borders. Pass these videos around to your networks.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

How Did Christ Fulfill the Law?

By Wylie Marshall

May 29, 2022

Have you ever wondered about this? How did Christ fulfill the Law? I used to wonder about that a lot! If He did not come to abolish the law, then how did He fulfill the Law? Mat 5:17  Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish, but to fulfill. There are an awful lot of people that think that the Law has been done away with,or that it no longer needs to be kept. When the Law was given to the Israelites from the top of Mt. Sinai, right after the children of Israel had come out of Egypt and passed through the Red Sea, they were given the Ten Commandments by God Himself, from His very mouth. It was a very cut and dried Law with a lot of “thou shall not do this,” and “thou shall do this” in it, and was very easy to understand. It was in-your-face and to the point!

When Christ came, He made it very clear that nothing about the Law would be changed. Mat 5:18  For truly I say to you, until the heaven and the earth shall pass away, one jot or one tittle shall in no way pass from the Law until everything has been fulfilled. And Christ made it very clear Mat 5:19 Therefore, whoever shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever shall practice and teach them, this one shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. But then Christ makes a statement that I know is a puzzlement to many people. Mat 5:20  For I say to you, unless your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, there is no way that you shall enter into the kingdom of heaven. What could this statement mean? The Scribes and Pharisees were the most zealous of all the people in Jerusalem in Christ’s day. They were the ones that set the bar for keeping the commandments. They were so zealous about keeping the Ten Commandments, that they had written an entire book on how to keep the Ten Commandments. Their rule book had hundreds of rules on how to keep the Ten Commandments. Judah had been taken into captivity by Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, and after seventy years had been allowed to return to their homeland and rebuild the temple. By the time of Christ, the Rabbis, the Chief Priest, the Sadducees, the Pharisees and the scribes had developed these rules on how to keep God’s commandments. There was no way they were going into captivity again for breaking God’s Law! The problem wasthese rules were a terrible burden on the people.Their rule book became the LAW! But I digress.

Let us get back to how Christ fulfilled the Ten Commandments without abolishing them. As I said before, the Ten Commandments to the carnal mind were very cut and dried. You don’t do this, and you do that! And that is how you keep them. In other words, You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make for yourself any graven image or any likeness of anything that is in the heavens above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters under the earth. And so on and so forth…. Just do this, don’t do that!

Then Christ came and died for our sins, and some thought that He did everything for us and there was no need to keep those pesky Laws anymore! But that is not what Christ said! He said he did not come to abolish, but to fulfill, so what does fulfill mean? I can tell you that it does not mean that you don’t need to keep them anymore! It means that He came to magnify the Law! Yes, magnify! OK, what does magnify mean? Well, normally if you magnify something, you make it bigger, right? Well, that is exactly what Christ did. He made the Ten Commandments bigger, and explains it for you. Mat 5:21  You have heard that it was said to those in ancient times, ‘You shall not commit murder; but whoever commits murder shall be subject to judgment.’Yes, those who commit murder shall be subject to judgment. But Christ takes it a step further and magnifies it to include even being angry without cause!! Mat 5:22  But I say to you, everyone who is angry with his brother without cause shall be subject to judgment. Now you have heard it said, ‘Whoever shall say to his brother, “Raca,” shall be subject to the judgment of the council.’ But I say to you, whoever shall say, ‘You fool,’ shall be subject to the fire of Gehenna. (Not to get off the subject, but the “fire of Gehenna” represents the Lake of Fire in Revelations 20:10. Gehenna was a Dump outside of Jerusalem where refuge was burned, even the dead bodies of the criminals.) So, Christ magnified the commandment of “Thou Shall not commit murder” to include being angry without cause.

How about the sin of Lust? Mat 5:27  You have heard that it was said to those in ancient times, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’  That is very cut and dried is it not? As long as you don’t go near someone else’s husband or wife, you would be safe on that commandment wouldn’t you? Well, that has been magnified too! Now if you even look upon a woman to lust after her, you have committed adultery with her in your heart! Mat 5:28  But I say to you, everyone who looks upon a woman to lust after her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

So, now you can see how Christ fulfilled the Law. He magnified the Law and brought the spiritual side into view to show us that our thoughts are just as important as what we physically do.We are to control our thoughts, as well as what we do physically, as I described in my article “WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?”

What is our mission here in this life? Why has God gone to the trouble to have everything we need to know written down for us? We really do have a great guide to take us from this life to the next. But there are specific things we are required to learn in this life if we are to make it to the next life! 1 Jn 3:2  Beloved, now we are the children of God, and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be; but we know that when He is manifested, we shall be like Him, because we shall see Him exactly as He is. Now we know that no man can look on the face of God and live. Exo 33:20  And He said, “You cannot see My face, for no man can see Me and live.” So, there will definitely be some changes in us to be able to see Him as He is!How are those changes going to be made and when? That is a tall order for one article! So, let’s take it in small steps. First, God created us as physical beings, but he does not intend for us to remain as such. We are to become Spirit beings, just as God is a Spirit being. For this knowledge we need to look into the book of Revelation. Rev 2:11  The one who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. The one who overcomes shall not be hurt of the second death. Rev 20:6  Blessed and holy is the one who has part in the first resurrection; over these the second death has no power. But they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with Him a thousand years.

This is where “Christianity” jumps the tracks and loses their relative bearings. They get caught up in raptures and the immortal soul and going directly to heaven when you die and all sorts of things that the Bible just does not teach, and because they have not been weaned from the milk and drawn from the breasts (keeping the Ten Commandments), they just cannot understand what it is that God is telling them to do. Therefore, there are thousands of different religions and denominations out there all believing that they are right,but they are in total confusion!

The first resurrection will happen at Christ’s return and is for those that God has called out of the world (BABYLON), and taught, Joh 6:44 No one can come to Me unless the Father, Who sent Me, draws him; and I will raise him up at the last day. 

Joh 6:45 It is written in the prophets, ‘And they shall all be taught by God.’ Therefore, everyone who has heard from the Father, and has learned, comes to Me. 

God has and is training a priesthood of individuals in this era to reign with Jesus Christ as Kings and Priest during the millennium.These are individuals that have heard the call of God the Father and have responded, putting aside their stubbornness and pride and turned aside from what they have been incorrectly taught all of their lives. In many of those cases, it has caused the loss of mates, of jobs, and of friendships, not because God’s truth is hard or burdensome, 1Jn 5:3 For this is the love of God: that we keep His commandments; and His commandments are not burdensome; but, because it goes against Satan’s world. Satan’s world is completely opposite of God’s truth, but Satan is the god of this world at the present time! 2Co 4:4  In whom the god of this age has blinded the minds of those who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, Who is the image of God, should shine unto them. 

This world is Satan’s design, whether you want to believe that or not. Why would God tell us to come out of her? Rev 18:4  And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, “Come out of her, My people, so that you do not take part in her sins, and that you do not receive of her plagues, 

When one accepts God’s calling, the first thing they find out is that it requires that they do not work on God’s Sabbath day. Many have jobs that require that they work on Saturday. When they tell their boss that they can no longer work on Saturday, they lose their job!

Some are called and their mates are not called at the same time. This can cause quite a problem, even if they have not been going to any church and have not been particularly religious. It just goes against the grain for one mate to all of a sudden start attending Sabbath services every Sabbath!

You also lose your friends! You no longer have the same things in common with life long friends that you went out drinking and partying with on Friday night and played golf with on Saturday! God’s Sabbath begins at sunset on Friday and ends at sunset on Saturday. So, a lot of activities you enjoyed with lifelong friends is out the window! And not all of the activities are wrong, they just happen on God’s Sabbath Day. The Day God says to worship Him, and keep Holy!Of course, the true friends will be there and support your decisions and plan for activities on other days, but many will disappear!

In order to become that spirit being that God intends us to become, we must live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. That includes His magnified Law, His statutes and His judgments. Right now, we are physical beings,who can be destroyed in the lake of fire (very mercifully I might add). It would be a very quick death! But what if we were allowed to become a spirit being without the right credentials? What if we were not true to the one true God and we were still in rebellion and lived in sin? Do you not understand that a being already exists with those credentials? God created the angels, and sin was found in one of them, and that one turned one third of the remaining angels against God.Isa 14:13  For you have said in your heart, ‘I will ascend into the heavens, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north.Isa 14:14  I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the Most High.’ Yes, God created Satan. So, He had to find another way to create His family, He found He could not create His family by fiat! He had to make sure that He did not create another Satan! He will not allow for any of us to become a spirit being and rebel against Him as Satan did, because He does not wish for any of us to experience what Satan is going to experience for all eternity. Rev 20:10  And the Devil, who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet had been cast; and they, Satan and the demons, shall be tormented day and night into the ages of eternity.

Now can you understand why our Loving and Merciful God tells us over and over to keep His Law His Statutes and His Judgments? He has to know who will obey Him and who will not! Those who will not, end in the Lake of Fire. Rev 20:15  And if anyone was not found written in the book of life, he was cast into the lake of fire. Those who will, will have eternal life as spirit beings in God’s Family! 1Jn 2:25  And this is the promise that He has promised us: eternal life. Jud 1:21  So that you keep yourselves in the love of God while you are personally awaiting the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.

So, what are we to be doing? We should start by weaning ourselves from the milk and drawing ourselves from the breasts. Those who are still partaking of the milk are still in the starting gate. Heb 5:13  For everyone who is partaking of milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness because he is an infant. Oh, if only they were infants! Have you seen and heard the uproar of over the abortion issue that has gotten pros and cons so stirred up? They are at each other’s throats again over the possibility that Roe vs. Wade might be overturned. The only way of that happening is if the people of this nation began turning back to God and repenting of their sins, of breaking God’s Law! How do we do that? 1Ti 6:11  But you, O man of God, flee these things, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and meekness. 

Once you have weaned yourself from the milk and have been drawn from the breasts, do not turn away from what you have learned. 2Pe 2:21  For it would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness than, after knowing it, to turn back from the holy commandment that was delivered to them.

Yes, God Himself delivered the holy commandment to us, and what did we do with it? We discarded it to the garbage heap! Claimed it was obsolete! And that my friend is why this nation is where it is today! God gave us the very key to eternal life, and we threw it away! We let Satan deceive us out of our inheritance. Are you going to stand for that? Are you not going to fight back? Are you just going to take it on the chin and find yourself staring into the Lake of Fire? Are you really the descendants of an ameba, or were you really created by the one true God of the universe? Which are you?

Are you going to get on your knees and repent of breaking God’s holy commandment He delivered to you? Repentance means to turn around and go the other way. To stop doing what you have been doing and start living God’s way, how He says to live. Look in your bibles and see what God told us to do in Exodus 20 starting in verses one. Start living that way before it is too late. The unpardonable sin is the sin of which you have not repented! Let that sink in! The unpardonable sin is the unrepented of sin!! We need to repent of our sins every day!!! Luke 11:32  The men of Nineveh shall stand up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it, because they repented at Jonah’s proclamation; and behold, a greater than Jonah is here.

Voting cannot save you; the politicians cannot save you. How has that been working for you? Nothing on this earth can save you now. The dark powers have gone too far to be turned back by man. They have a spirit being leading them! Shouldn’t you have the most powerful Spirit Beings in the universe leading you? Only God the Father and Jesus Christ can save us! Get rid of your stubborn pride and your superiority complex.

Jas 4:10  Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will exalt you.

[BIO: Wylie Marshall graduated from the Lamar University in Beaumont, Texas in 1972 with a bachelor’s degree. He was employed for 30 years by a large Chemical Company and worked in the Engineering field as a Project Cost Estimator. After retirement in 2007, he continued to work in the Project Estimating field for several engineering companies and firms in a contracting capacity until 2015. He is a Vietnam veteran and served aboard the USS Richmond K. Turner, DLG-20 which was a “double-ended”guided missile destroyer.He is married to his wonderful wife,he loves playing music with his sons, studying history, and for the last 37 years has had a love for the study of God’s word, and has learned that God’s love is for all of mankind and is without prejudice and man must live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. The Old and the New Testaments are God breathed and God created man on this earth to learn of God and His ways, so that one day we could have eternal life in the family of God as spirit beings.]

© 2022 Wylie Marshall – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Wylie Marshall:

The Dangers of American Education, Part 1

By Roger Anghis

May 29, 2022

America used to have the best education system in the world.  To understand this statement we have to look at the original foundation of our education. Our original educational book was the Bible.  This book was used to teach all aspects of life, business, math, philosophy, as well as how to conduct their personal lives.  The Founders placed such a high importance on education that they enacted laws to ensure that children were educated and they also placed scripture knowledge in the same category.  The arrogant fools of the Supreme Court of 1947 believed that the Bible should not be allowed in schools but the Founders believed different.  The Founders actually placed a premium on biblical knowledge.  In my book ‘Defining American Exceptionalism’, I have a full chapter on education in early America.  There are many documented situations that refute the 1947 decision so I would like to discuss a few of them.  From this, we will see what the Pilgrims and the Founders believed to be the most important aspects of education.  The first laws providing public education for all children were passed in 1642 in Massachusetts and in 1647 in Connecticut and it was called the “Old Deluder Satan Law”.  These colonists believed that the proper protection from civil abuses could only be achieved by eliminating Bible illiteracy.

“It being one chief project of that old deluder, Satan, to keep men from the knowledge of Scriptures, as in former time. . . . It is therefore ordered . .  [that] after the Lord hath increased [the settlement] to the number of fifty householders, [they] shall then forthwith appoint one within their town, to teach all such children as shall resort to him, to write and read. . . . And it is further ordered, that where any town shall increase to the number of one hundred families or householders, they shall set up a grammar school . . . to instruct youths, so far as they may be fitted for the university.”

Note that they put a premium on the ability to understand the Word of God.   Many American literacy laws were directed at the necessity of understanding the Bible.  A Connecticut law in 1690 read:

“This legislature observing that  . . . there are many persons unable to read the English tongue and thereby incapable to read the holy Word of God or the good laws of this colony . . . it is ordered that all parents and masters shall cause their respective children and servants, as they are capable, to be taught to read distinctly the English tongue.” [1]

If you noticed, they placed a premium on a person’s ability to read and understand the Word of God.  Today’s education system refuses to do this.  In fact, it is against the laws to teach scripture in a public school.  You can teach the seven pillars of islam but you can’t teach Christianity, the religion of the Founders,  You didn’t see the schools teaching transgendersim, homosexuality, and the perverted filth that we see in schools today.  They focused on what should be focused on, education.  Reading, writing, arithmetic, and a whole lot of history.  Our schools today won’t teach our history, it’s actually illegal because of so much religion involved.  This is so interesting because it was the pastors that were usually the teachers and almost all of our colleges and universities were started by pastors to raise more pastors.  The 1636 rules for Harvard stated:

“Let every student be plainly instructed and earnestly pressed to consider well the main end of his life and studies and to know God and Jesus Christ which is eternal life. (John 17:3) and therefore to lay Christ in the bottom as the only foundation of all sound knowledge and learning.  And seeing the Lord only giveth wisdom, let everyone seriously set himself in reading the Scriptures twice a day that he shall be ready to give such an account of his proficiency therein.”

Harvard was so dedicated to this goal that their two mottos were: “For the Glory of Christ” and “For Christ and the Church”.[2] William and Mary was founded by Reverend James Blair.  Ten ministers founded Yale.[3]  Dartmouth College was founded by Reverend Eleazar Wheelock.[4]

As our country grew the Northwest Ordinance was established and that ordinance required religion to be taught in any school established in any of the new territories; The next is what we would have to call the most conclusive historical demonstration proving that the Founders never intended what we see today and that is a religion free public arena.  This documented evidence is the passage of the “Northwest Ordinance” the Ordinance which legal texts consider to be one of the four foundational or ‘organic’ laws established the requirements of statehood for prospective territories.  It received House approval on July 21, 1789; Senate approval on August 4, 1789  (this was the same Congress that was simultaneously framing the religious clauses in the First Amendment); and was signed into law by President George Washington on August 7, 1789.

Article III of that Ordinance is the only section to address religion or public education and it comingles them profoundly declaring:

Religion, morality, and knowledge, being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged.[5]

I don’t understand the mentality of moving so far away from what our Founders gave us for an education system.  We are graduating ignorant students.  You can’t blame the students when the system is a complete failure. I firmly believe that kids graduating college would not be able to pass an 8th-grade final exam from 1895.  You can see the exam here;[6]

We have seen the massive pushback from the school boards now that parents are demanding accountability.  Some cities are worse than others but they are all bad.  I have called for the schools to be put back into the hands f the state and the parents with heavy parental involvement.  The time to act is now!

© 2022 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Defining America’s Exceptionalism, Roger Anghis (Westbow Press, 2011) pp. 36-37
  2. Defining America’s Exceptionalism, Roger Anghis (Westbow Press, 2011) p. 38
  3. Defining America’s Exceptionalism, Roger Anghis (Westbow Press, 2011) p. 38
  4. Defining America’s Exceptionalism, Roger Anghis (Westbow Press, 2011) p. 40
  5. Defining America’s Exceptionalism, Roger Anghis (Westbow Press, 2011) p. 41
  6. Examination graduation questions of saline county Kansas

Seven Things God Hates

By Rob Pue

May 29, 2022

God’s Word tells us, in Proverbs Chapter 6, that there are seven things the Lord hates.  In fact, Scripture uses not only the word “hate” but also “abomination.”  Yes, there are things that God hates:  “A proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to evil, a false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.”

There are many, today, who will repeat the only things they’ve ever been taught in church:  “God is love,” “Do not judge.”  Most people today, being biblically illiterate, will also mix cultural ideas with Scripture, believing them to BE Scripture.  Such ideas include “social justice,” the LGBTQP+ slogan, “Love is love,” and “My body, my choice,” to name just a few.  Biblical illiteracy is shamefully prevalent and getting worse.  Hating what God hates is biblical, but our Pastors today will never teach you that.  [See: Enemies Within: The Church]

In fact, new research from Barna shows that only 37% of all Christian pastors hold to a biblical worldview.  Here’s how those numbers break down:  41% (less than half) of Senior Pastors have a biblical worldview; 28% of Associate or Assistant Pastors have a biblical worldview; 13% of Teaching Pastors have a biblical worldview; 12% of Children Ministry Leaders and Youth Pastors have a biblical worldview; and only 4% of Executive Pastors have a biblical worldview.

At one time, the people of our nation honored and revered God as our Creator and Sustainer — and held His Word as the Ultimate Truth, something to be studied intensely and taught to our children and grandchildren.  But today, most Americans don’t even know Who God is,  Children are raised in Godless homes, and all the people do what they feel is right.  Proverbs 14:12, “There is a way which seems right to a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.”  This is what happens when we create a false god and a false religion in our own imaginations.  Understand: God is not here to serve US.  We’re here to serve and obey HIM.

Today, most people still seek some form of religion.  They just don’t know the one true God of heaven, and they don’t want to know Him…because it would cost them something.  And sadly now, even many church-goers don’t have a clue about God’s Word because they’ve rarely ever read even a portion of it.  Most today only attend weekly services if they get an emotional “high” for having done so.  Others attend out of obligation, tradition or guilt.

Psalm 14, “The Lord looks down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there are any who understand, who seek God.  They have all turned aside, they have together become corrupt; There is none who does good, no, not one.”

Today, as we see our nation rotting from the inside out, let’s look again at the things God hates and see how we’re doing.  The first thing listed is “a proud look.”  There’s no doubt that people in America are prideful.  We’re proud of what we should be ashamed of and ashamed of what we should be proud of.  Not all pride is a bad thing, friends.  We can have the pride of satisfaction in a job well done when we work hard and do our best at things, doing everything as unto the Lord.  We can be proud parents, when our children are intelligent, well mannered, respectful and God-honoring.  We can be proud of our Savior, Jesus Christ, eager to share His Gospel with the lost world around us, along with the testimony of how He reached down and saved “a wretch like me.”

But today in America, it’s rare, indeed, to be proud of any of these things.  Instead, we celebrate pride in sodomy, pride in our race (unless we’re white; that’s not allowed), pride in “social justice.”  We’re “proud” to wear our masks and take our shots as we “virtue signal” to the world what wonderful people we are as we obey the agenda of the New World Order and the lies of the media.  We’d do well to remember Proverbs 16:18, “Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall.”  Yes, God hates unrighteous pride.  It’s an abomination to Him.

What about “a lying tongue?”  We have plenty of those around in this country today.  Long ago, it became expected practice for politicians to lie.  The old adage, “if their lips are moving, they’re lying” has never been more true than it is today.  We no longer have “statesmen.”  Now we have career politicians — on both sides of the aisle — engaged in every vile and filthy scheme and backroom deal you can imagine, and they lie to our faces, and they do it pridefully and continually.

But politicians aren’t the only liars.  In John, chapter 8, Jesus confronted the Pharisees — the religious leaders of His day, and the Scribes — the “media” of His day —  and He told them plainly, “You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires.  He was a murderer from the beginning and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him.  When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”  Jesus said this to the Pastors and “Mainstream Media” of His day.  He’d be saying the same thing to most of our modern-day Pastors and reporters as well.  Not very “Christian” of Him, huh?

The fact is, lies swirl all around us.  It takes diligent effort to sort the truth from the lies now, and most people, unfortunately, just can’t be bothered to make the effort.  While pridefulness and lies have been around since the serpent rebelled against God and immediately began lying to Eve, his influence on mankind has expanded exponentially in recent years.  I believe we’re now in the “time of the end” spoken of in Daniel 12, “when many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.” 

We have more technology at our fingertips now than ever before in history.  Things our parents could never have conceived of.  Yet all this high tech comes with strings attached: the lies of the devil, fed to us through mainstream, social and even alternative media; through government and health officials; through “public servants” and even through religious organizations masquerading as “Christian.”  We should take heed of Psalm 101:7, “No one who practices deceit shall dwell in My house.”  And an even stronger warning in Revelation 21:8, “But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”  But of course, we don’t READ the Bible anymore… indeed, most Americans are ashamed to admit they even own one.  Again, we’re ashamed of what we should be proud of and thankful for.

Back to Proverbs 6: “Hands that shed innocent blood.”  Oh, how we are guilty of that one!  The shedding of innocent blood has become so commonplace in America today that parents routinely kill their own unborn babies every day.  Now, they want to the freedom to kill babies even after they’re born.  So-called “doctors” may do the actual killing, but the so-called “parents” are the ones paying for the “service.” The politicians are the ones funding it (with our tax dollars) — and regardless of what side they claim to be on, they’re using abortion to keep the blood money flowing into their political coffers.  And the “Christians” and “Pastors” are the ones ignoring it.  You know I’m telling you the truth.

What about the shedding of innocent blood through the planned scam-demic known as COVID?  How many millions died, needlessly, because of the official hospital protocols?  How many millions have been injured, maimed or killed by the experimental shots?  How much innocent blood has been spilled through all of this in the past three years — by prideful, lying “elitists,” censoring the truth and persecuting truth-tellers, while their personal fortunes increased by the billions?  If we were able to see into the spiritual realm, we’d be horrified by the rivers of blood flowing through the streets of every city in America right now.  And again, the Churchmen have been either silent or complicit.

More from Proverbs 6: “A heart that deviseth wicked imaginations.”  You can pretty much fill-in-the-blank with whatever is in today’s headlines on this one.  Event 201.  The COVID mind control cult.  Every three-letter agency entrusted to protect us and uphold the law, instead conspiring against the American people.  Mask mandates.  Jab mandates.  The stolen election of 2020.  The Biden crime family, up to their eyeballs in corruption in Ukraine, China and Russia; the planned destruction of our economy and the American dollar.  The digital one-world currency now being devised by those wicked imaginations.  The orchestrated supply chain collapse; the planned energy “crisis;” the invasion on our southern border; the burning of food processing plants; the destruction of family farms — all borne from hearts that devise wicked imaginations.

“Feet that be swift in running to evil.”  You may not have noticed, because you’re not really supposed to notice — but seriously violent crime is higher than it’s ever been in this country right now.  “Smash and grab” attacks on businesses are commonplace.  Bullets fly daily in our big cities.  Sexual predators are grooming our children wherever our children can be found.  The political elite line their pockets with the blood, sweat and tears of the people they’re supposed to be serving, even as they intentionally create hyperinflation, homelessness, drug abuse, starvation and an economic collapse for the rest of us.

“A false witness that speaketh lies.”  Earlier in Proverbs 6, Scripture simply mentioned “a lying tongue.”  But this one’s personal.  This refers to lies from a false witness, directed toward an innocent person.  I can’t help but think of the January 6 political prisoners… persecuted for simply attending a rally, seeking a redress of grievances and for the rule of law to be upheld.  What about the many well-respected doctors, nurses, scientists and researchers who tried to tell us the truth during COVID and mandatory jabbing?  What about those now warning of Communist, Marxist, Sodomite and Globalist propaganda being spoon-fed to our children — and becoming the “most dangerous domestic terrorists” in the country for speaking up for their own kids?  Not to mention the gossip and slander of neighbor against neighbor and within families that is so commonplace these days.

And finally from Proverbs 6, “he that soweth discord among brethren.”  This, too, is an abomination to the Lord, and He hates it.  The Leftists here in America have been working hard on this one since the days of Obama.  During that administration we hadn’t seen so much discord among Americans in decades.  Blacks were told to hate whites; the LGBTQP+ mafia became emboldened — and even more prideful — as they were handed new special rights, while the rest of us were forced to bow down to the sodomites.  Now today, it’s the Great Reset Agenda against sovereign citizens.  Today’s “special rights” recipients also include “Transgenders,” hailed as the new “heroes” of society. Biden’s only litmus test for the High Court was that it HAD to be a BLACK FEMALE.  More racial division from those who love to sow discord.  And that black female can’t even define what a “woman” is.

And of course, the intentionally “leaked” Supreme Court opinion hinting at overturning Roe v. Wade.  There’s absolutely NO doubt that information was only handed out to further stoke the flames of rage among the God-haters.  Expect another summer of rioting, burning and killing as the Left’s personal army of fascists take to the streets once again.

God doesn’t hate America, but He most certainly does hate what our nation has become, under cowardly “Christian” leadership, and ignorant, apathetic sheep — who are supposed to be the salt and light of this dark world. [See: Enemies Within: The Church] God does hate those things He calls “abominations” and they will be our ultimate demise, I have no doubt.  We should also hate the things that God hates.  Yet we’ve been trained to remain silent and “tolerant” as our nation burns.  There is a flicker of hope.  But that hope lies in 2 Chronicles 7:14.  Unfortunately, most of those who call themselves by Jesus’ name couldn’t even find that verse without a smart phone and a Bible app.  Such is the state of American “Christianity” today.  Jesus IS returning. When He comes, will He find faith in the earth?

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 360.

© 2022 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

How I Came to Trust God for Healing

Ms. Smallback

May 28, 2022

A new friend in the faith asked me a couple days ago how I got to this point in my faith (of praying, trusting, and believing for my health).  I just want to explain it so I don’t look so superhuman.  I am not.

My background taught me there was no human I could rely on.  My parents were not safe; my siblings were not safe; my friends were not of any depth or substance.  I was seeking something to send roots into because I was tired of being tossed around by all the chaos and turmoil in my life.  God seemed the safest bet.  So in a way, God has been the only sure thing for me, the thing I could say was consistent.  After observing hundreds of lives in the crossroads of my own, I do think not having a solid foundation was the epitome of Romans 8:28 for me.  The void of no one to trust or protect caused me to seek the One who could.

Who made your body?

I think it all began for me in 1995, when I was in a situation I needed to be awake at a certain time and I had no electricity where I was and no way to set an alarm.  I was probably more stressed about it than I should have been, but I was actually praying about it and the Spirit said, “Who made your body?”  [It resonated as the Voice that asked Moses, “Who made man’s mouth?”]  I replied with the obvious, “You did.”  To which God responded, “If I made your body, don’t you think I can wake it?”

When He said it like that I felt pretty silly.  Of course God can wake me.  So I turned that over to Him that evening.  He woke me at the right time to get home, showered and to work like I needed.  That night I was back in my bed (with electricity), and as I reached to set my alarm it seemed silly.  If God could wake me that morning, why couldn’t He wake me every morning?  It seemed going backwards in faith to now set my alarm.  So I didn’t.  And God woke me, as He has done faithfully for 27+ years now.  I have never set an alarm and He has never failed me, regardless of what time I needed to be up.

This set a precedent for me of trusting God.  In a place where I have learned to trust Him, it seems backwards, counterproductive, and failure of faith to return to the systems of the world.  The key here is “in the place where I have learned to trust Him”.  There are still many places I have not learned to trust Him, but I am knocking them out one by one.

I started here first…

So in the case of health and healing, I actually started with my mental health.  After a childhood of dysfunction and abuse, I was quite conflicted with severe issues of anger and rage, insecurity and self-loathing, wrong thinking and fortified defenses, and many other things.  I could not find peace no matter what my intellectual mind did for learning and understanding.  So I sought God.  Without going into that journey, I will highlight one particular point.

A worship song was playing in my home as I went about my chores.  As I crossed the threshold from the dining room to the kitchen, the Lord asked, “Do you trust Me, Michelle?”  What a redundant question, I thought!  As I went to respond with the obvious “of course”, I checked myself and realized I couldn’t say it with complete honesty.  After a pause, I heard myself say, “I don’t think I do.  I want to, but I don’t think I do, God.”

And that was the beginning of my great deliverance – when I realized I didn’t even trust God.  I knew I didn’t trust any human (Bill was close, though).  But I did not realize I had reserves of caution and distrust toward God.

As He spent the next several months exposing mindsets and self-sabotages, I gradually learned to trust Him.  He led me out of the prisons of my heart and mind and I was released from my captivity into the exciting narrow path of walking with Him.  Hinds’ Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard is particularly dear to me for the parallels I could draw.

Some time after that I embarked on a journey of learning to trust Him with my physical needs.

My initial learning process

The precursor for it actually started before my deliverance when a neighbor knocked on our door and said, “I know you’re a praying family.  We have a cousin who’s dying.  Will you pray for her?”  Amy was 32 with a husband and young son, and had something happen to her brain that left her in a coma and they were told she would be dying in a matter of days.  I responded yes and we set a time in a couple days to go pray for her in the evening when Bill got off work.

In the meantime I searched the Scripture and I fasted.  I wrote down every place Jesus healed someone, raised the dead, or otherwise performed a miracle.  I meditated on these things and recalled that Christ said we would do even greater works.  I recalled that our mandate is to heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the leper, cast out demons.  By the time we went to pray for Amy my body was fasted, my faith was solid, and I was convinced God would heal her.  We prayed for hours over her unconscious body and finally left.  I waited to see what God would do.  A few days later Amy died.

This was one of a few crises of faith I had.  This one resulted in me yelling at God, throwing my Bible in a heap on the floor, and walking away.  For two weeks… until I got past the rage, the disappointment, the dismay.  The Lord beckoned me to meet with Him.  I angrily stomped up the stairs and picked up the now bent-up Bible off the floor where I had thrown it two weeks earlier, and I went to sit before Him with one question, “Why?”

He did answer.  He said, “Say Proverbs 3:5-6.”  Man that made me angry!  I retorted something along the lines of that being one of the most basic Scriptures that everyone knew.  He waited.  Finally I angrily and quickly said aloud, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.”  He said, “Say it again.”  I repeated it.  He said, “Say it again.”

This time when I said it…. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding…” He said “STOP.  Repeat that part again.”  I repeated it.  Then He said, “Repeat that last part again.”

“Lean not on your own understanding.”  Say it again, He said.  Lean not on your own understanding.  Say it again, He said again.  Lean not on your own understanding.  Now the tears were streaming down my face.  I did not know then why Amy had to die.  She was so young with a very young son.  But I learned what I needed to learn at that point in my faith walk.  I must not lean on my own understanding.

I studied God’s Word and the life of Jesus.  I applied His truths as I understood them.  I was sure He was going to heal Amy and He didn’t.  My understanding failed; not God.

The health road on my journey

This would be the backdrop that I would frame my healing adventures years later after my trauma healing.  Years later our family embarked on a journey of learning how to pray for healing.  For a decade we did not go to the doctor for an illness.  We prayed until we got our healing.  This is very hard to do with small children.  It’s one thing to suffer in pain until you get the breakthrough; it’s quite another to watch your small child suffer.

It seemed each time we were on the brink of giving in and going to the doctor, we’d have a breakthrough.  I remember a time Isabelle was maybe three or four and had an ear infection, high fever and was crying quite a bit.  I knew four o’clock was the latest I could wait before taking her to our doctor.  I called Bill on his UPS route and arranged to meet him in a parking lot.  I thought maybe we needed stronger prayer agreement and two of us together would help.  I resolved that if it didn’t I would take her to the doctor, but I sought God’s healing fervently.  I parked the car, brought Isabelle to the hood of the car and set her down.  Bill walked up, laid his hand on her forehead and commanded her healing.  She felt a pop in her ear, stopped crying and started talking.  Her fever was gone as well as the pain.

I have dozens of stories like this.  We simply learned how to pray, how to persevere, and how to listen.  I’ve held a woman’s foot in my hand and commanded her leg to grow and watched it grow two inches in my hand.  She had special shoes and had to discard her shoes after that.  I’ve prayed for two people on their death bed who turned around and lived after that.  I’ve also failed to bring instant healing through prayer many times, but watched God bring healing through a process of days, weeks and months.

I haven’t been to a doctor for illness in about twenty three years, (with three exceptions worth their own stories but not enough time here).  I’ve also studied how to walk in health and use natural means for healing, but that’s another story too.

This is my personal journey

I don’t expect anyone else to have the same convictions I do, and I have no judgment for anyone for going to a doctor.  I happen to believe in the concept of personal freedom and sovereignty.  I’d like to follow hard after my God according to my faith and allow others to do the same.

This faith journey I’m on is less about healing and more about trust.  I am learning how to trust God with as much of my life and every aspect of my life that I can.  I didn’t come out of the womb with these convictions; they have grown as my walk with Him has.  Everyone is at their own place in faith (or no place), and to expect another to have the same convictions as I is a religious spirit.  (I have no time for religion.  The opposite of religion is freedom, and it is for freedom Christ has set us free.)  God is personal. He knows His children individually.  While He has a Book of instructions, it is filled with nuances and seeming paradoxes.  As we grow in our relationship with Him, He illuminates understanding and if we are serious about following Him, we submit to His leadership.

This year I’ve had a kidney stone and later appendicitis.  I prayed for my healing, and then I had to walk it out.  It took some time and I suffered for a while.  If at any point God had instructed me to get medical intervention, I would have obeyed Him.  He did not, and so I sought His healing and He healed me.

My personal conviction is God is my God of every aspect of my life.  Maybe I haven’t surrendered every aspect to Him and there are areas that still need revealed to me, but for the ones I am cognizant of, I seek His counsel and place myself under His leadership.

I don’t expect anyone to share my convictions.  This isn’t written to condemn or exhort another to just stand in faith.  This was written to share my account in hopes it will encourage other believers to see the faithfulness of God and His trustworthiness.  God can be trusted.


I remember Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego stood on their convictions which led to being thrown in the fiery furnace.  They said their God was able to save them, but even if He didn’t, they would not bow the knee to the false gods of Babylon.

That always struck me.  God can, but He may not.  Nevertheless my convictions will fall on trusting God and staying true to His supreme sovereignty, and I will accept the fate that comes.  I laid in my bed the night my appendix had been inflamed for twenty hours and counting and the pain was increasing, and I recognized that it may rupture in the night and I may very well die.  The medical community is very clear on that reality.  And I yielded back to my God.  I’d trusted Him with numerous ailments over the years.  Was this going to be the one that I acquiesced to?  Was this the one that was too big for my God?  How could I go from trusting Him to seeking the wisdom and hand of man?  I could not.

I met Henry Gruver in person.  I heard his account of falling and breaking his leg and commanding it to be healed and put back in right order.  I knew he refused to go to the doctor.  For days he dragged his useless leg around, in pain, commanding it to be restored.  I can’t remember if it was five or fifteen days later that it was healed, but it was.

Russell Conwell committed to working sixteen hours every day, eight for his own life and another eight for John Ring’s (who gave his life in the war to save his).  He went on to write, practice law and real estate, become an esteemed national speaker, and found Temple University with those sixteen hour days.

Brother Yun was languishing in a Chinese prison and went an impossible 72 days without food or water, praying for the deliverance of God.  The prison doors were opened (like they were for Paul and Silas) and he walked out to an awaiting taxi, and then went on to strengthen the underground Chinese church.

John Lake refused to accept the inheritance of infirmity that ran through his family.  He labored in prayer and seeking the Word for his healing.  When he got it, he turned his attention on bringing that same healing to all around him.

It seems to me that the systems of the world are devoid of the power of God, and that the average status quo Christian is but a reflection of the world.  We don’t change it by looking like it, or succumbing to its tenets, principles and rules.  We’re not supposed to be a mirror but light and salt.  The radical believers who refuse to adhere to the world’s systems, whether they be medical, political, social, etc. are the ones who bring the changes and demonstrate there is a superior kingdom to the inferior kingdom of earth.

I’d just encourage believers today to trust God for the thing before them.  Whatever the mountain, you can speak to it.  But first, take your eyes off the obstacle and reach the unseen hand of God.  Tell Him you trust Him.  Seek His wisdom and direction for the thing you’re dealing with.  Resist the temptation to resort to the familiar systems you’ve been inundated with in this world, and seek instead God’s ways.  They rarely if ever look like the world.  Make it a matter of trust and then the faith will come.

© 2022 Ms. Smallback – All Rights Reserved

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Memorial Day 2022: Will We Keep America Free?

by Rees Lloyd

May 28, 2022

Memorial Day is a day to remember what should be remembered every day–the  service and sacrifice of the more than 1.3-million American veterans who have given their their lives in war so that we, their posterity, might live as free Americans. (See attached below a chart of casualties in all the wars from the War of Independence to Iraq and Afghanistan.) 

But Memorial Day 2022 differs from past Memorial Day observances. Our nation is more divided on this Memorial Day than perhaps any time since the Civil War. Indeed, the country has been transformed from “one nation under God” into a divided nation without God, resulting in seething, increasingly violent, animus and mutual distrust.

The national motto—“E Pluribus Unum” (“From Many, One”) is scarcely ever referenced, even as a goal, let alone as a reality. Cries of “racist!” fill the air at any disagreement over policy and social interaction,  and riots and the threat thereof  — forms of social “extortion”—replace good faith attempts to seek solutions for the common good.

The goal of the original Civil Rights Movement of a “color-blind society” in which all are treated equally under the law regardless of “color,” has been replaced by a creed of color-consciousness underlying every governmental and social action.

The goal of “equality” under the law, with all being treated equally without regard for race, has been abandoned in favor of all actions being consciously based on race, and “racial preference,” in the name now of “equity” — not “equality.”

Treating Americans differently based upon their race is by definition “racism,” even when postured as “anti-racism” in search of “equity”

The simple, undeniable reality is that all racism is evil—no matter the color of the perpetrator, no matter the color of the victim.

Certain truths endure and must be recognized, perhaps especially on Memorial Day, if the American people are going to continue to live in freedom:

The first enduring truth of our American freedom is that freedom is not free, but has been purchased by the blood of American patriots, over 1.3-million of whom have given their lives in defense of our freedom.

We Americans of this era owe a great debt to those American patriots who came before us, veterans who gave their lives for freedom. We pay that debt to those Americans who came before us by what we are willing to do to preserve freedom for the Americans who will come after us.

The late General Norman (“Stormin’ Norman”) Schwarzkopf, Commander of forces in the Persian Gulf War (“Desert Storm”), succinctly stated an enduring truth: Some things are worth living for. Some things are worth dying for. One of those things is freedom.”

We Americans on this Memorial Day must honor those veterans who gave their lives for our freedom, and we must ask ourselves: Are we Americans still a people willing to die to preserve freedom, as did those 1.3-million Americans who gave their lives, for us?

I attach below data on those who have given their lives for our freedom in all the wars. Each one of them — and their families — should be remembered and honored on Memorial Day, and every day.

Finally, I close by attaching the greatest war poem ever written, Flanders Fields. Although written in 1915 during the Battle of  Ypres in WWI, it  is as relevant, compelling, and moving  today as it was then. This is most especially true of the final lines, which call on us to take up the “torch” of freedom from the falling hands of those dying, and warns: “If ye break faith with us who die/We shall not sleep, though poppies grow/In Flanders fields.”

If we are to remain free, we  Americans must not break faith” with those 1.3-million American veterans who have given their lives for America, for freedom.  May God bless and keep each and all of them; may we Americans never forget, and always honor them. May we have the courage, the integrity, the love of God, family, comrades, and country, to make the choice they did when called upon to make the ultimate sacrifice for freedom.



American Wars: Killed In Action

Revolutionary War………………………….  25,324
War of 1812……………………………..…….     2,260
Mexican War………………………….………  13,283
Civil War……………………………………..  650,000
Spanish American War……………..…….    7,166
World War I…………………………………   116,708
World War II…………………………….…  408,206
Korean War………………………………..…   54,246
Vietnam War…………………………….…..   58,223
Persian Gul War…………………………..……    363
Afghanistan……………………………………     2,215
Iraq………………………………………….…..      4,212

TOTAL KIA:             1,342,206


In Flanders Fields

by [Canadian] Major John McCrae, May 1915

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.

If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields. 

[For the full story on Flanders Fields and the Poppy tradition]

© 2022 Rees Lloyd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rees Lloyd:

I For One Refuse To Comply With Federal Laws That Are Blatantly Unconstitutional!

By Andrew C Wallace

May 27, 2022

What I am reporting in this paper is God’s Truth based on our Constitution, “THE SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND”. I challenge any traitorous politician, bureaucrat, judge, academic, Communist or member of The Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class to attack a single word using Constitutional Facts.

A MAJORITY of all federal departments, agencies and related laws are Unconstitutional and designed to enrich the Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) and their political followers while enslaving The People.

The Constitution reserves ALL powers to the states and to The People, except for the “ENUMERATED POWERS” delegated to the federal establishment for Defense, Foreign Relations, Immigration, Currency, Post Office, Commerce, and some household functions. Federal establishment has these ENUMERATED POWERS ONLY. States are SOVEREIGN governments while the federal administration is but a creation of the states without the required powers of a lawful government created by the People. A created entity cannot possess more power or authority than its creator, and its creator cannot be subservient to its creation! Period.

We have been blessed with the greatest Constitution in history, but its objectives have been eroded over time by the PSRRC and their servants, our greedy and traitorous politicians. Our Founding Fathers knew what they were doing when they wrote our Constitution based on their negative experiences in the hell hole that was Europe, which the United States has now become.

Our Constitution says that laws of the union are to be enforced by The “Militia of the Several States”, so the PSRRC did away with the Militia using the unconstitutional Dick Act. The Militia was replaced by corrupt and incompetent unconstitutional federal agencies that the PSRRC controlled, led by the most corrupt of all, the FBI.

Most people don’t know that the government, the schools, the economy, energy, health, and all things corrupt are controlled with corporate money upon orders from the controlling stockholders (Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class) of our largest corporations.

Almost everything the federal government is doing is unconstitutional for the purpose of enriching the PSRRC at the expense of the people resulting in hunger, poverty, and deprivation of Constitutional Rights. In simple terms, the federal administration has no JURISDICTION whatsoever unless specified by the ENUMERATED POWERS in the Constitution. Translated, this means that a majority of federal departments, agencies and their related “laws” are unconstitutional and lack jurisdiction over the people. All unconstitutional statutes, codes, rules, and “laws” apply only to their federal employees for the administration of their functions. The People are not subject to their private, foreign jurisdiction unless they knowingly and willingly volunteer into “contract” to receive “benefits”, and abrogate their protected Rights.

Patriot writers continue to write about the countless criminal RESULTS of the government’s unconstitutional and unlawful actions. I think we should concentrate on a few major actions that will take away the government’s ability to steal, waste our money, wage wars for profit, and rob us through inflation.

There is a simple way to accomplish much of this: follow the Constitution and return to the gold standard as required by the Constitution (as Russia and China are doing). Fiat money based upon debt is being replaced by commodity based money. Eliminate the unconstitutional PRIVATELY- OWNED Federal Reserve Bank. The PSRRC and politicians will scream like stuck pigs, but the people will prosper without inflation and the government will no longer be able to spend twice as much as it receives in taxes.

Most importantly, you can also refuse to comply with unconstitutional laws, which is a majority of them. The federal government has no authority over education, health, energy, transportation or anything not authorized by the” ENUMERATED POWERS” of the Constitution.

Everything I have reported in this paper is lawful and based upon the Constitution. I defy anyone to prove me wrong with facts from the Constitution.

God Bless Our Constitution!


It is my opinion based on observation, study and history that the PSRRC, politicians, bureaucrats, judges, academics and large corporations are destroying this country and its people. History teaches us that when you take everything away from people and they have nothing to lose, that the people will revolt until only ashes remain. I can find nothing in the Constitution that would support the unconstitutional actions of the usurpers of our Republic. The French Reign of Terror is but one example. Guerilla warfare is the obvious response, and no guerilla force has ever been defeated in the field. I pray that the evil ones with the most to lose will take note.

© 2022 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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Flags Over Boston

By Paul Engel

May 27, 2022

  • When is flying a flag government speech, and when is it personal.
  • Can a government official deny someone a public accommodation simply because it is religious?
  • How can the opinion in this case impact freedom of speech across the nation?

When is flying a flag government speech? That was the question before the Supreme Court in the case of Shurtleff, et al. V. City Of Boston et al. Could the City of Boston refuse to fly a Christian flag? Was the city required to do so? Or did Harold Shurtleff have the right to fly the flag of his choice on public property? What does this mean for other Freedom of Speech cases around the country?


This case all started with a policy the City of Boston adopted in 2005.

Just outside the entrance to Boston City Hall, on City Hall Plaza, stand three flagpoles. Boston flies the American flag from the first pole and the flag of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts from the second. Boston usually flies the citys own flag from the third pole. But Boston has, for years, allowed groups to hold ceremonies on the plaza during which participants may hoist a flag of their choosing on the third pole in place of the citys flag. Between 2005 and 2017, Boston approved the raising of about 50 unique flags for 284 such ceremonies. Most of these flags were other countries, but some were associated with groups or causes, such as the Pride Flag, a banner honoring emergency medical service workers, and others.

Shurtleff, et al. V. City Of Boston et al. Opinion

Sounds like a nice public relations program. Allow groups to hold ceremonies in the plaza and raise a flag on one of the flagpoles. For twelve years, everything was fine.

In 2017, Harold Shurtleff, the director of an organization called Camp Constitution, asked to hold an event on the plaza to celebrate the civic and social contributions of the Christian community; as part of that ceremony, he wished to raise what he described as the Christian flag.”

Shurtleff, et al. V. City Of Boston et al. Opinion

Sure enough, once someone asked to raise that scary Christian flag, the problems started.

The commissioner of Bostons Property Management Department worried that flying a religious flag at City Hall could violate the Establishment Clause and found no past instance of the citys having raised such a flag. He therefore told Shurtleff that the group could hold an event on the plaza but could not raise their flag during it. Shurtleff and Camp Constitution (petitioners) sued, claiming that Bostons refusal to let them raise their flag violated, among other things, the First Amendments Free Speech Clause.

Shurtleff, et al. V. City Of Boston et al. Opinion

Like many in governments from the federal to the local, including the Supreme Court of the United States, Boston’s Property Management Department has a serious misunderstanding not only of the Establishment Clause, but of the First Amendment as a whole.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

U.S. Constitution, Amendment I

Let’s start with the first five words, “Congress shall make no law…”. “Congress” is the proper noun for the national legislature, as established by Article I, Section 1, Clause 1 of the Constitution of the United States:

All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States,

U.S. Constituiton, Article I, Section 1, Clause 1

Since the law allowing the flying of flags over the Boston City Hall Plaza was not created by Congress, and since the City of Boston is not a part of the federal government, it cannot violate the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. What the City of Boston should have been concerned with was Article’s II and XLVI of the Massachusetts Constitution:

It is the right as well as the duty of all men in society, publicly, and at stated seasons to worship the Supreme Being, the great Creator and Preserver of the universe. And no subject shall be hurt, molested, or restrained, in his person, liberty, or estate, for worshiping God in the manner and season most agreeable to the dictates of his own conscience; or for his religious profession or sentiments; provided he doth not disturb the public peace, or obstruct others in their religious worship.

Massachusetts Constitution, Article II

Section 1. No law shall be passed prohibiting the free exercise of religion.

Massachusetts Constitution, Article XLVI

Since Mr. Shurtleff claimed a violation of the Constitution of the United States, his case was heard in federal court.

The District Court held that flying private groupsflags from City Halls third flagpole amounted to government speech, so Boston could refuse petitionersrequest without running afoul of the First Amendment. The First Circuit affirmed.

Shurtleff, et al. V. City Of Boston et al. Opinion

Which brings us to the case we’re reviewing today.

Government Speech

The question the Supreme Court was reviewing is whether or not the District Court was correct. Was flying a flag from City Hall’s flagpole government speech or not? If it was government speech, then the government had the right to control what was being said. If it was not government speech, then the City of Boston had violated Mr. Shurtleff’s rights by denying him his Freedom of Speech.

The boundary between government speech and private expression can blur when, as here, the government invites the people to participate in a program…

Applying this government-speech analysis here, the Court finds that some evidence favors Boston, and other evidence favors Shurtleff. The history of flag flying, particularly at the seat of government, supports Boston…

The question remains whether, on the 20 or so times a year when Boston allowed private groups to raise their own flags, those flags, too, expressed the citys message.

Shurtleff, et al. V. City Of Boston et al. Opinion

In general, when a government fly’s a flag it is expressing a message. For example, flying the flag of another country means a foreign leader is visiting, while flying a flag at half-staff conveys a message of sympathy or somber remembrance. However, what happens when the government is not the one choosing the flag?

The circumstantial evidence of the publics perception does not resolve the issue. The most salient feature of this case is that Boston neither actively controlled these flag raisings nor shaped the messages the flags sent. To be sure, Boston maintained control over an events date and time to avoid conflicts, and it maintained control over the plazas physical premises, presumably to avoid chaos. But the key issue is whether Boston shaped or controlled the flagscontent and meaning; such evidence would tend to show that Boston intended to convey the flagsmessages as its own. And on that issue, Bostons record is thin.

Shurtleff, et al. V. City Of Boston et al. Opinion

Boston had told the public that it sought “to accommodate all applicants”, though apparently that did not extend to religion applicants.

Because the flag-raising program did not express government speech, Bostons refusal to let petitioners fly their flag violated the Free Speech Clause of the First Amendment. When the government does not speak for itself, it may not exclude private speech based on religious viewpoint”; doing so constitutes impermissible viewpoint discrimination.”

Shurtleff, et al. V. City Of Boston et al. Opinion

Since the City of Boston had, among other things, specifically sought to accommodate all applicants, denying one simply because of their religious viewpoint violates the Free Speech Clause. Not of the First Amendment as Justice Breyer claims, but Article LXXVII of the Massachusetts Constitution:

The liberty of the press is essential to the security of freedom in a state: it ought not, therefore, to be restrained in this commonwealth. The right of free speech shall not be abridged.

Massachusetts Constituiton, Article LXXVII


I’m happy for Mr. Shurtleff. He got the correct answer, even if it was based on the wrong law. The City of Boston had violated Mr. Shurtleff’s freedom of speech. It’s just that since it was the City of Boston and not Congress who passed the law, it was a violation of the Constitution of Massachusetts and not the United States that Boston violated.

What does this mean for the rest of the country? Once again, the Supreme Court has substituted their own opinion for the supreme law of the land. While the outcome may have been the correct one, how can we trust that the court will get it right the next time? In the meantime, other government facilities should see that viewpoint discrimination is a violation of a person’s Freedom of Speech. This opinion was focused on the participation of religious viewpoints in public displays. The City of Boston uses flags, but what other public displays could this impact? If a city park can be used by groups to put up displays, can they deny a church the right to put up a nativity scene? Can a public school deny the saying of the Pledge of Allegiance because of the words “One nation under God” or the singing of Christmas carols? If the critical distinction is who controls the display, then the use of public property for religious displays shouldn’t raise a constitutional issue. I only hope that future government actors will recognize this fact.

© 2022 Paul Engel – All Rights Reserved

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Is Socialism a Liberal Idea?

By Lex Greene

May 27, 2022

The answer to that question depends on who you ask. If you ask a young public school or college indoctrinated kid, they will likely tell you yes. But if you ask anyone old enough or properly educated enough to know the truth, the answer is no.

However, I’ll present the facts on the matter, and you can decide for yourself.

As it pertains to political ideology specifically, the word “liberal” means “Free; open; candid; as in, a liberal communication of thoughts,” the total opposite of our current socialist mass censorship agenda, referred to as the “cancel culture.”

The word is taken from the word “liberty,” which means, “Freedom from restraint, in a general sense, and applicable to the body, or to the will or mind. The body is at liberty when not confined; the will or mind is at liberty when not checked or controlled.” For the record, the word “liberalism” didn’t exist in the late 1700s at the time of our nation’s founding, but today, it simply means “the quality or state of being liberal.”

Another important word in this examination is “totalitarian,” which means “of or relating to a political regime based on subordination of the individual to the state and strict control of all aspects of the life and productive capacity of the nation especially by coercive measures (such as censorship and terrorism).”

Clearly, these two political ideas are diametrically opposite one another, with liberal essentially meaning “free” and totalitarian meaning the exact opposite of free, enslaved by government.

A totalitarian form of government comes in many forms by many names, such as communism. According to today’s Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary, modern political ideologies listed as other forms of totalitarian government include the following;

Clearly, none of these political concepts are at all consistent with the basis of liberal or liberty concepts, even though Merriam-Webster currently includes “liberalism” as a form of totalitarianism. That’s only because modern American liberals are not actually liberal, liberty minded. Today’s American liberals are actually socialists, often referring to themselves as democratic socialists. Adding the word “democratic”is intended to hide the true meaning of what they really are, socialists via democratic processes, as taught by Karl Marx.

But in the late 17th century, to be a political liberal meant; “one desiring a maximum degree of liberty.” That idea was represented by the anti-federalist movement led by Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe, Samuel Adams, Patrick Henry, and Richard Henry Lee. This group of Founders believed in a maximum degree of individual liberty, the basis for classic liberalism, which requires a minimum degree of centralized governmental powers over the people.

“In U.S. history, anti-federalists were those who opposed the development of a strong federal government and the ratification of the Constitution in 1788, preferring instead for power to remain in the hands of state and local governments. Federalists wanted a stronger national government and the ratification of the Constitution to help properly manage the debt and tensions following the American Revolution. Formed by Alexander Hamilton, the Federalist Party, which existed from 1792 to 1824, was the culmination of American federalism and the first political party in the United States. John Adams, the second president of the United States, was the first and only Federalist president.” – SOURCE

NOTE: This reality begs the question, why do modern “patriots” study and quote the Federalist Papers instead of the anti-federalist papers?

Fundamentally, a true liberal would believe in the same things the anti-federalists believed, which are opposite the things associated with any form of totalitarian government, including socialism and Marxism. They would be followers of Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe, Samuel Adams, Patrick Henry, and Richard Henry Lee, rather than Karl Marx, Chairman Mao, Lenin, Hitler, and Stalin.

A true liberal is open, free, and giving of themselves. But socialists are closed, seeking to take from others that which they did not earn, and are responsible for today’s cancel culture in the USA. Far left political figures like Bernie Sanders and AOC have been conning young voters for years. They convince young people to vote themselves and everyone else into bondage with false promises of free gifts from the treasury, usually never delivered.

At the adoption of the Constitution, the federalists won the debate, and they created a central government that soon became tyrannical towards those from whom all political power is derived, We the People. But thanks to the anti-federalists, the Constitution would never have been adopted without the Bill of Rights, which prohibits the federal government from most of what it does these days.

The fact is…if you’re a liberal, you can’t be a socialist, or support any other form of totalitarian dictatorship. You can’t support any cancel culture or form of censorship. You can’t believe in collectivism of any kind because that’s mere tyrannical mob rule over individual liberty.

So now you can decide… are you really a liberal? Or are you really just another socialist masquerading as a liberal? Only you know…

But if you walk like a socialist, act like a socialist, talk like a socialist, and support socialists, then guess what…you’re not a liberal!

While I’m on the subject, the word “conservative” means (adjective) “Preservative; having power to preserve in a safe or entire state, or from loss, waste or injury.” In the case of American conservatism, it means to protect and preserve the foundations and principles of freedom, liberty, and justice for all, codified in our Charters of Freedom.

Just maybe, you’re actually a conservative. Throughout human history, freedom once lost, is never regained. The objective of “conserving” the foundations of freedom and liberty is actually a “liberal” idea, based upon the anti-Federalist basis for classic liberalism. Every other political idea is a “totalitarian” idea.

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Trump’s Endorsements Are Inflating the Swamp

By Kelleigh Nelson

May 26, 2022

True discernment means not only distinguishing the right from the wrong; it means distinguishing the primary from the secondary, the essential from the indifferent, and the permanent from the transient. And, yes, it means distinguishing between the good and the better, and even between the better and the best.  —Sinclair B. Ferguson

 Know your HOLY GOD intimately. (When you have seen His glory, His holiness and His love – by drawing close to Him in prayer – then you can usually see through any counterfeits because you know the “real thing” so well). —Andrew Strom

The difference between genius and stupidity is . . .genius has its limits. —Albert Einstein

Trust a politician just as you would trust a rattlesnake: only when he is dead! —Bud Hancock

The latest rage is Dinesh D’Souza’s movie, 2000 Mules.  As with Mike Lindell’s massive voter fraud exposes, mainstream media won’t utter a word, but then neither will Fox News nor Newsmax.  When Fox’s Tucker Carlson interviewed Catherine Englebrecht of True the Vote, Carlson and his team explicitly told her not to mention the movie 2000 Mules.

D’Souza also tweeted that he was booked on Newsmax’s Grant Stinchfield show and then the network cancelled on him.  Why isn’t the movie national news?  The same reason Mike Lindell’s My Pillow advertisements have been eliminated from every conservative news source.  The left’s Pravda media destroys and marginalizes those who speak the truth.

The propaganda mill churns on.  Right now, the only programs speaking the truth are Steve Bannon, One America News Network, and some absolutely amazing radio hosts and journalists.

Vote Fraud is Old News

Vote fraud is nothing new.  In 1948, Lyndon Baines Johnson lost the Texas Senate election to the beloved former Texas Governor Coke Stevenson. Fraud and corruption changed the election to a win for LBJ, and it was sanctioned by Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black.  Yes, the high court wasn’t any better in the 40s than it is today.

In the 2018 election many republicans won, only to see their wins slip away weeks later after recounts.  In 2020, we saw massive fraud throughout the country, especially in the swing states.  Eric Holder traveled the country for two years assuring state attorney generals and legislatures were amenable to changes that would help democrats. Holder was also chairman of the National Democratic Redistricting Committee, using racism, the gender impact of voter suppression, redistricting and the Census. Link

The Democrats work hard to swindle and cheat the American people, while the Republicans sit back and twiddle their thumbs.

Trump Endorsement Advisors

And here we are at the 2022 midterm elections and former President Trump is endorsing the candidates his “advisors” have told him will win.

President Trump has apparently become a full-fledged neo-con politician listening not to his gut and the American people, but to deep state advisors who are telling him to choose winners, not those who love the Republic and want to restore her greatness, but only those who can win. In doing so, he has alienated the masses in order to be able to say, “Look, all my endorsements won, MAGA is still strong.” That is political deep state bull hockey.

Hasn’t President Trump learned by now that electing neo-con Trotskyite Republicans does nothing to save the Republic?  Reps like Romney, Collins, Murkowski and others are not going to stop the left; neither will they support constitutional conservatism.

According to a January 2022 article from NBC, “A small set of advisors, led by longtime counselor Susie Wiles, vets candidates seeking Trump’s endorsement. The group includes Bill Stepien, who managed Trump’s 2020 campaign; Brian Jack, the White House political director under Trump; and Donald Trump Jr., according to people familiar with the process.”

This article, tells us more about Susie Wiles, who is the co-chair of a public affairs firm where she works with a recent Pfizer vice president.  Wiles also recently joined Mercury Public Affairs in February as co-chair, shortly after former Democrat congressman Toby Moffett became a Mercury partner.  Remember California Dem Senator Barbara Boxer?  She and other lefties have also recently worked for Mercury, a subsidiary of the company Omnicom.  The new managing director at Mercury is Robert Jones who spent the previous 19 years serving as senior vice president of government relations and public affairs at Pfizer.

It appears that our former president hasn’t a clue of the evils perpetrated by the pharmaceutical companies over the years, and especially with their Covid jabs. Trump has ignored the fact that FDA’s Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) given to Pfizer, Moderna and J&J has caused countless deaths and adverse effects worldwide.  Here is a website listing all pharmaceutical companies and their horrible histories. The actual statistics are mind boggling and he’s still promoting the inoculations!

Bill Stepien is a U.S. political consultant who has worked for President George W. Bush in 2004, former New Jersey Governor Abu Chris Christie, and former Arizona Senator John McCain. Stepien went on to serve as deputy chief of staff and political adviser to Governor Christie until his removal in January 2014 following the September 2013 Lane closures on the George Washington Bridge.

These are the people choosing who Trump should endorse!

Dr. Mehmet Oz

Numerous Trump endorsements were questioned by his supporters, but the one most talked about was Dr. Mehmet Cengiz Oz, a Turkish Muslim.

Dr. Oz holds dual citizenship in Turkey and the United States.  There appears to be no dispute that Oz voted in the 2018 Turkish election.”  Former Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo warned Pennsylvania voters that Dr. Oz voted in Turkey’s elections, and works for state entities in the country, and that makes Oz a threat to national security.

As attorney and former JAG Corps officer, Joanna Martin wrote, “Oz is an ineligible candidate.  Article I, Sec. 3, clause 3, US Constitution, sets forth the qualifications to be a United States Senator: among other things, one must have been for nine years a Citizen of the US.   A Citizen of the United States doesn’t vote in Turkish elections.”

Dr. Oz has made countless television statements that prove he is not at all conservative, socially or otherwise.

Videos are included in this link where Dr. Oz promotes transgenderism as well as surgery for children.  In 2019, he argued for upholding Roe v. Wade, and back in 2009, he bragged on CNN that he had helped to bring Obamacare to fruition.  (And what a mess our medical system is only 13 years later.)  In another video, Dr. Oz says we should have Red Flag Laws that take people’s firearms away by surveilling their social media posts.  Oz also believes Critical Race Theory should be taught in our government schools inasmuch as he sees racism as a problem.

And, from the Miami Standard, “Dr. Oz was photographed in April of this year with ‘Spirit Cooking’ specialist Marina Abramovic, who infamously appeared in the emails of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign boss John Podesta, who scored an invitation to a ‘Spirit Cooking’ ritual with Abramovic. The occultic symbolism evident in Abramovic’s work has been scrutinized for years. And yet Dr. Oz and Abramovic apparently had a very engrossing conversation with one another. The two mingled closely at the American Turkish Society Gala at New York’s The Plaza on October 26 of the year 2021.

Hatchet Job on Kathy Barnette

There were three top people running for Senate in Pennsylvania, Dr. Mehmet Oz, David McCormick and Kathy Barnette.  The election as of May 22nd is still not decided between Oz and McCormick. Malicious verbal attacks in an attempt to destroy her reputation were launched against Kathy Barnette by conservative hosts, media outlets, and politicians.  As such, the people of Pennsylvania apparently believed the lies and Kathy came in third.

Barnette delivered a powerful pro-life message during the debate with the four other candidates.  She also told both McCormick and Oz that she knew they belonged to the World Economic Forum and were globalists.  Oz is bad enough, and David McCormick isn’t any better. McCormick is pro-China, pro-forever wars and pro-trade deals; he’s just another globalist.

Sadly, America loses again; the end result is between two men who will ultimately vote to destroy even more of our liberties and freedoms.  Perhaps the elite noticed that after the 2020 election, Kathy hit the road in Pennsylvania to alert the citizenry of massive voter fraud in their state.She was loud and outspoken against it.  She drove all over the state repeatedly the past couple of years speaking out against it. She became well known to the grassroots.

Kathy was slandered, libeled and had her reputation bludgeoned prior to the primary vote.  Look familiar?  It’s the same thing the media did to Donald Trump, and he too jumped on the bandwagon to sabotage her campaign.  First up was Ric Grenell, a diplomat who had served as Acting Director of National Intelligence in Trump’s administration.  Sean Hannity took plenty of shots at her, as did Newsmax’s Greg Kelly and neo-conservative Breitbart, all of whom supported Oz.  Kathy doesn’t support BLM or defunding the police, despite the lies told by these neo-cons.

But Dr. Oz went even further. Because of something Barnette said in 2015, Dr. Oz wanted Barnette barred from the race for a thought crime.  Oz claimed she was an Islamophobic and should be barred for not having a positive view of Islam.  Shariah Law and the U.S. Constitution are not compatible.  Judaism and Christianity can be slandered and it’s just fine with our Pravda media, but never ever say a word against George W. Bush’s “Religion of Peace.”

Laura Ingraham revealed that a number of Kathy’s videos were doctored in an attempt to smear her reputation. Steve Bannon had Kathy on his show and let her speak freely.  In fact, Bannon has stopped endorsing the same people President Trump endorses.

Both Jack Posobiec and Colonel Lawrence Sellin (Rtd) checked Kathy’s credentials and they were factual and stellar.  Colonel Sellin stated, “It was all dirty politics by those with more power and money. Oz is a Democrat running as a Republican and a mole for Turkish Islamist dictator Erdogan. Trump made a terrible mistake endorsing Oz. It has permanently changed my view of Trump.”

Ohio Senate – J. D. Vance

Dr. Oz certainly is one of the worst candidates endorsed by Trump, but when he endorsed J.D. Vance in Ohio, I was shocked.  Vance had actually voted for former CIA agent and Never -Trumper Evan McMullen in the 2016 election. He called Trump’s policies immoral to absurd and publicly stated that Trump would become either another Nixon or America’s Hitler.  Of course, Vance back peddled on these statements to gain Trump’s endorsement for his Ohio Senate race.

Arizona Gubernatorial Race – Kari Lake

Former news anchor for Fox 10 in Phoenix, Kari Lake was endorsed by President Trump for the Arizona gubernatorial race.  She is a registered republican, but was a democrat voter in 2008 for Barack Hussein Obama.  She has also been registered as an independent.  She is a constant guest on Fox News, and will likely be the next governor of Arizona.  In 2004, she donated to then candidate, John Kerry, and in 2008 to Obama.  When reporters ask her about this, she gets angry and either trashes the reporter and/or walks off the set.  The very same thing happened when she was asked by Australian reporter, Liam Bartlett, if she agreed with President Trump that the January 6thTrump supporters should be pardoned…she not only trashed the reporter, but his country as well. Link

Unfortunately, Trump should have called Congressman Andy Biggs before endorsing her, because the word is, Kari Lake is another John McCain and is far worse than their present governor, Doug Ducey.

Indiana Congressman Greg Pence

When an Indiana friend told me Trump had endorsed Mike Pence’s brother Greg for his second term in the House, I wondered why he didn’t just keep his mouth shut.  It took him forever to endorse Doug Mastriano for Governor of Pennsylvania, but right out of the box he endorses the brother of his former vice president who not only stabbed Trump in the back, but the Republic in the heart.  (See this three-part expose on Mike Pence.)

What the hell was he thinking?  Oh, I know, Republicans at all costs, and only those who can win will he endorse.  Ultimately, we will end up with a slew of McConnells and McCarthys! Well, thanks Mr. President, but you’re feeding the swamp.


Trump’s choice of unvetted Deep Staters in his administration, his “Operation Warp Speed” death jabs, and now his candidate endorsements, leave me cold.  I agree with Colonel Lawrence Sellin.  All of these things have permanently changed my view of Trump.

© 2022 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

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Part 2: Absurdities Of Our Times In America—Just Irritating

By Frosty Wooldridge

May 26, 2022

Part 2:  It’s the stupid things that make you want to tear your hair out

When you look around America in 2022, especially if you live in rural areas, you can’t help but wonder how and why our cities have become too big, too complex, too violent…well, too much of everything dangerous.  Beyond that, if you’re a rational, reasonable and sensible person, you might wonder “why” don’t the governors, mayors and city council members “fix” their problems.

On any given weekend in Chicago, St. Louis, NYC, LA and other big cities, it’s become a killing zone.  In a gun free city like Chicago, the average of 40 to 50 shootings and a dozen deaths have become the norm.  The inner-city ghettos have become the norm. Poverty has become the norm.  Homelessness has become the norm. Here in America, the richest country in the world, our leaders, academics and politicians cannot and do not solve the problems facing millions of Americans.  How absurd is that?

While, at the same time, leaders of major sports organizations like the NCAA, tell us that a transgender DNA male can pretend to be a female, and compete and beat every DNA female, ruin young women’s lives, and the NCAA pretends that it’s all normal.  Reality check: it’s absurdly abnormal, crazy, stupid, insane, ridiculous…well, you get my drift.  And yet, men like Will “Lia” Thompson get away with it, stand on the podium, and think they are a winner.  When in fact, they are mentally unstable, emotional unbalanced and just plain absurd. They are in greater need of a shrink than a medal.

And now, authorities in Congress testify that men can become pregnant and birth babies.  How friggin’ absurd is that?  It makes you want to bury your head in a pillow and not get up in the morning to listen to the “absurd” news on CNN or any of the rest of the networks.

Notice that we have cancer killing close to 1,000,000 people annually, but we can’t find a cure after 50 years.  But, we allow Monsanto, Bayer, Dow Chemical and Chevron to manufacture 83,000 chemicals to inject onto our crops 24/7.  We allow those goliaths with unlimited money to sell us GMO’s and poisoned foods that cause the cancers.  We’ve got Roundup being sprayed on every lawn in America with glyphosates that sink into the ground water and, in the end, poison our foods.

But, since they grease the palms of the majority of U.S. Congressional critters, they get away with it.  Is that absurd or what?

How about our career, corrupt, criminal Senators and House Reps? Why haven’t we demanded term limits to stop the endemic corruption in Washington DC?  Do you think that Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Hank Johnson, Ilhan Omar or any of the rest of them haven’t broken every law on the books as to insider trading on defense contracts, et al.? As to Ilhan Omar, she married her brother and broke our immigration laws.  She possesses no affinity to America or the U.S. Constitution.  She should be deported back to Somalia.

Why do you think nothing gets done to correct our problems in America? Answer: they are a den of liars, cheats and thieves.  It’s absurd that we don’t have term limits because human nature remains the same as when Lord Acton, a 19th century philosopher, said, “Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”  We are living out the absurdities of his wisdom here in the 21st century.

Did you know that only 30 percent of American recycle their glass, cans, tins, metals and plastics?  Guess what the other 70 percent of Americans are doing?  Answer: landfill or in the woods or along the highways where trillions of pieces of trash are tossed across America.  What about the fact that 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic float and have sunk to the floor of our oceans?  Plastics are destroying our food chain. Micro-plastics are now found in fish and foods being fed to babies.  We’re destroying our oceans, but you won’t see one Senator or House member write a mandatory recycling bill of 50 cents per container to make certain it’s returned and recycled.  How absurd is that?  Answer: totally, completely and fully irresponsibly absurd!  It needs to be an international 50-cent deposit law to stop the destruction of our oceans.

We’ve got a documented 580,000 homeless in America, but the current administration allowed 2,000,000 refugees into our country last year to put them up with housing, food, medical care and education for their children.  Why did Biden and Congress not only allow that invasion, they facilitated it against US Code 8, Section  1324. Also, Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution.  And, we import 1,000,000 legal immigrants annually that compete for jobs against our working poor. We’ve got 38,000,000 people subsisting on food stamps while Biden brings in millions more who are poor, illiterate and unable to contribute to our society.  Is that absurdly nuts or what?

Finally, what are we going to do with our $31,000,000,000,000.00 (trillion) national debt?  Does anyone understand that such massive debt, in the end, will collapse our entire society?  If they  don’t, how stupid are they?  Answer: really, really stupid. Really arrogant. Really absurd beyond comprehension.

Have you noticed the water main breaks in cities across America?  About 1,000 per month. The City of Chicago loses 22 billion gallons annually because of leaky pipes.  Here in Denver, we have countless potholes big enough to swallow your tire and bend your rims. Do they get fixed. Nope!  But, we’re taking in refugees from all over the world to save them from themselves.  We are a sanctuary state where Governor Jared Polis, and Senators Hickenlooper and Bennet just love illegal immigrants, drug runners and MS-13 gangs.  They cheat our laws, our welfare, form ghettos, and break our medical systems, but they get away with it because  of our elected reps.  How absurd is that?

How absurd were 107,000 opioid overdose deaths last year in the USA?  But then, how absurd is it that Biden invites all the drug cartels to invade our open borders with all their drugs.  Biden is a one man drug cartel himself!  And, your kids are paying a severe price.  Absurd?  It’s off the wall absurd.

Can you think of any more absurdities?  Send them to me and I’ll blast them all over the country.  God help deliver us from the absurdities that are tearing America to pieces.

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Big Shots with Lame Excuses

by Lee Duigon

May 26, 2022

When you grow up, you’re supposed to grow out of the habit of offering up lame, ridiculous excuses that no one over five years old would ever believe.

Someone forgot to tell our education bigwigs that.

First we saw it from the National School Boards Assn. You’ll remember that the NSBA raised some hackles last year by sending a now-infamous letter to the White House that got the Justice Dept. and the FBI spying on parents as “domestic terrorists.” Well, as bad as that letter was, it seems there were earlier drafts that were even worse. Some of them have been leaked.

How’s this for a mob of school board characters? They actually asked the government to send troops (!) and MPs… to deal with thoroughly unspecified “threats and acts of violence” against school board members, time and place not mentioned. One conjures up images of Khrushchev’s tanks rolling into Budapest in 1956. Really, who do these people think they are? And where do they think they are?

It seems the soldiers and the MPs were wanted to suppress parents’ objections to their children being “taught” Critical Race Theory (“All white people are born racists”) and force-fed transgender propaganda. How could the NSBA tolerate such insubordination? It’s a peasant revolt! Call out the National Guard!

This did not go over big with the American people, so an excuse was needed—and fast. First they tried “The puppy ate my homework,” but that didn’t fly. Then they came up with a winner: “That guy who wanted troops sent in, he was only an interim CEO, he’s gone now and the whole thing was totally his idea, his bad, and the rest of us, we had no idea what he was up to, we had nothing to do with it,” blah-blah. Honk if you believe this.

The very next day, the State Farm Insurance Co. found itself in need of a pathetic lame excuse. The story had gotten out that State Farm had mobilized hundreds of employees to distribute tranny books to schools, community centers, and libraries… targeting children ages five (!) and up. The public didn’t like that at all. State Farm tried to deny it, but there on their Facebook page was a thank-you note from a school in Tacoma.

In record time, they found a scapegoat. It was some “diversity” schnook in their Florida office, “four levels below,” on the organization chart, the Chief Diversity Jidrool in Indiana—all his fault, we had no idea what he was doing! It seems they got a lot of “customer inquiries”—translation, angry people melted down the switchboards—and so they promised not to deliver any more filth to kindergarten kiddies.

Uh, if Little Mr. Nobody in Florida was four levels below Big Mr. Diversity in Indiana, doesn’t that mean that State Farm has at least five levels of Diversity crapola? And which has what, exactly, to do with providing car insurance?

Public schools have emerged as the most convenient venue for groomers. School boards used to be staffed by normal people, insurance companies used to sell insurance, and no one was required to go along with and “affirm and celebrate” anyone else’s absurd delusion.

And full-fledged adults had no need of paltry lame excuses.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link (I should live so long) and drop in for a visit. My articles can also be found at .

© 2022 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon:

Developing a Data-Driven “Dysphorian” Digital Dystopia

Sidney Secular

May 25, 2022

Electronics have completely reshaped the cultural, scientific and political landscape. Culturally, the Internet created a shift of human interaction from the face-to-face and visceral to the virtual and vapid. Intellectual life has also been moved; that is, it has been removed from the printed page to a glowing field of almost miraculous images found, among other places, in social media. Information technology (IT) is indeed “it” and has been for the past 60 years or so as a career priority. Meanwhile, traditional modes, methods and means of life are being discarded at an accelerating pace in an apparent race to actual rather than virtual oblivion.

Throughout the rapid passage through transitory states, no prospect has inspired as much mystique, critique, and wild speculation as what has now been “christened” artificial intelligence (AI). Theoretically, sensation and complex thought – the reasoning faculties that once defined the human mind – can now be enacted in silicon-based processors as well or better than in our biologically produced neurons. Furthermore, such artificial faculties are not hampered by our “human” emotions and other physical and mental failures hampering the production of these faculties in our imperfect human “machines.” And, as might be expected, pure electronic cognition is far faster, (allegedly) unbiased, and more accurate than the cognition produced by any human brain. It is also immune to human faults and foibles being based solely upon physics and mechanics,the ultimate modern criterion of reality and usefulness that presently defines“science.” Having captured our perpetual gaze, the perp on a screen can now look back and turn us into robots apparently at our own desire.

However, AI is less than useful from the standpoint of the Left’s many “loving concerns” and especially the worship of Gaia – Mother Earth – as found in the Green Movement where concern for “climate change” and “the environment” runs smack into attempts to make use of AI. The extraction of rare-earth minerals, especially lithium, is necessary to operate the massive data and call centers that are causing unattractive urban sprawl all across the landscape. “Carbon neutrality” and “sustainability” promised by big tech oligarchs cannot be sustained by these concrete constructs. Energy intensive operations like natural language processing, cloud computing, and mass data analysis consume ungodly amounts of carbon-based fuels. Google(Alphabet), Amazon, and Microsoft have “carbon footprints” more reminiscent of sauropods such as Brachiosaurus and Diplodocusthan the largest of today’s elephants! Regardless of what one thinks of the climate change creed, “green tech” hypocrisy leads even politics in double standards and double-think. One can also frequently attach double-entendres to whatever libbers are trying to liberate the rest of us from – such as liberty itself.

In the age of AI, data is the new oil that greases the gears as well as the palms of hands looking for handouts. In order for AI systems to attain the necessary nuanced models of the world –and particularly human life – their learning algorithms must perforce consume massive amounts of data. Most of that data comes from the images and texts people freely share across the Internet; that is, endless social media posts, news articles, private messages et al. Among the first “data sets” utilized to launch the digital revolution were the mug shots and information portfolios released to the net by law enforcement agencies and utilized to hone facial recognition software. We have to admit that today most of our faces are online having been recorded via closed-circuit TV and scarfed up to “teach” algorithms the nuances of facial recognition. These AI systems then “learn” to categorize and characterize our personalities and identities to go along with our faces.

Meanwhile, more advanced systems are “trained” to evaluate the emotional states of the subject being studied; that is, to recognize such “emotions” as happy vs. sad and benign vs. threatening. This ongoing unrestrained data extraction culminates in overt as well as de facto social credit scores. In our technocratic and automated society, everyone is considered a detainee of a nation-wide electronic institution and, as such, they are scanned, labelled, herded, and treated by machines according to the whims of those in charge of those machines. Right now, that amoral whimsy escapes the notice of most of its victims by cracking down on people arbitrarily labeled “racists,” “haters,” “antisemites,” “right-wing extremists” and/or “white supremacists” definitions that have been enlarged from a handful of hostile people to include any member of the White population that doesn’t call for his or her own demise at the hands of minorities!On the other hand, terrorists, illegals, and many categories of even violent criminals “slip through cracks” in databases designed to manipulate both the data and the masses they monitor so that those being intentionally “ignored” are not “captured” data-wise or physically.

The mass deployment of AI is not encumbered by serious government regulations or even a basic respect for personal autonomy – also known as human rights. Our private lives are routinely – and intentionally – invaded by design while our responses are increasingly constricted by alien algorithms. (Hmmmm . . . Was that a word created by Al Gore? As it has meaning, one thinks not.) The rapid advance of AI, robotics and the resultant digital saturation has momentum that is being provided by a favorable moment and a strong positive movement within the society. Any actual – that is successful – resistance to our “computerization” would require mass rejection across almost all sectors of society and most probably, state intervention, something that is highly unlikely given the overwhelming desire by the State to put such a system into place everywhere for everyone and at all times.

Commercially, ongoing anti-trust efforts to stop the death of freedom via technology fall far short of any serious interdiction of the world shaking projects underway in Silicon Valley, Tel Aviv, Taiwan, China and elsewhere. Sufficient political consensus is highly unlikely in the diversified and fragmented West just as state intervention would be laughable in the overtly technocratic and despotic East. The only practical and realistic approach at present is to try to incorporate whatever elements of the new dispensation are necessary to carry on a life as close to normal as possible and given the ordinary person’s “romance” with AI and other trendy digital diversions, this becomes less and less likely as older “ordinary” folks die off to be replaced by the present human-android mutants whose personal interactions all proceed from small, hand held electronic devices.

Now let us examine what is possibly the leading technology behemoth increasingly intruding into our lives and shaping it in new ways consonant with the new digital dystopia. This modern monster is known as, a companywhose operations affect nearly every aspect of modern life, radically changing cultural, social and commercial interaction in America and the rest of the world for the worse. The company has both ingratiated and integrated itself fully into American governments at every level – federal, state, and local. Even the US intelligence and security services have been co-opted in order to assist Amazon in its operations.

Amazon’s massive scale, its monopolistic control of America’s retail and data services, its aggressive subversion of the government, albeit with the assistance of that same government, its abuse of its own workers, and its destructive effect on American cities exceed anything Standard Oil and other commercial cabals ever orchestrated. It’s sheer size and monopolistic power should have brought down the hammer of the anti-trust regulators long ago, but one can’t trust today’s government to address any large concentration of power for the simple reason that such a “business” is easier to manipulate – and thus direct, corrupt and rob – than are large numbers of smaller individual corporations.

As for “size,” Amazon brings in almost half a trillion dollars in revenue annually and employs 1.6 million people worldwide including nearly one million who live in the US (my source notably doesn’t call them “Americans” – Sid). They work in over 200 massive delivery complexes and warehouses euphemistically labeled “fulfillment centers.” Over 40% of all e-commerce in the US and 17% of all retail sales (excluding gasoline and vehicle purchases) are transacted through and by Amazon.

But focusing just on retail sales is to miss Amazon’s insidious dominance of internet data services (the Amazon “Cloud”) that handles the majority of the world’s Internet traffic through more than 100 data centers. These massive concrete structures are typically 200,000 square feet in size and house $400 million worth of tech equipment. The biggest cluster of these data centers is in Northern Virginia and covers over 9 million square feet of land! Now notorious Loudoun County, Virginia had over 40 such data centers in 2013 with the ability to reach a total of 80 by 2023. Think of it! Seventy percent of the world’s internet traffic will flow through these data centers!

Loudoun, a county that until quite recently was an exurb and rural retreat for the wealthy residing in Virginia, is geographically close to the Pentagon, the CIA and the National Security Agency, all of whom are – you guessed it! – Amazon Cloud customers. This giant has a $600 million contract to handle the CIA’s data and, with Microsoft, is in a $10 billion joint venture contract with the Pentagon! Each one of these data centers receives government tax credits besides the money received from government contracts themselves. A massive amount of electricity and water is used to cool the servers at the data centers. Each center consumes as much energy as it takes to run 5,000 homes. Isn’t it amazing how little some folk’s “carbon footprint” matters to our Green Movement. Jeff Bezos, Amazon’s President, recently declared that that an uptick in space exploration would soon be necessary to acquire extra-planetary energy sources as there will not enough energy on Earth to power his servers! Parenthetically, one would think that solar energy absorbed by solar panels in orbit would be enough to do the trick but apparently that is not the case. This fact doesn’t say much for the efficiency of solar power.

Despite being the world’s richest or second richest person, depending upon Amazon’s stock price that is hovering around $2,300 a share as of this writing (Bezos contends with Tesla CEO Elon Musk for top honors), Amazon’s King is remarkably parsimonious. The relatively little money he parcels out goes to repulsive or ridiculous causes such as the $2.5 million given to support same-sex legislation in 2012, $350,000 donated to the campaign of ultra-libber Seattle mayor Jenny Durkan who supports the city’s lawless “CHOP’ protest and takeover in 2020 and the recently donated $100 million to the Obama Foundation. Bezos believes the main purpose of a corporation is to enrich those who run it to the exclusion of anything – and everyone! – else. Of course, his money allows him to devote much of his time in wining and dining the elites, keeping the “law makers” personally mollified and legislatively friendly while Amazon spends a stupendous $4 million quarterly on lobbying efforts. Such efforts include securing sweetheart tax credit deals with local governments already primed to bend over backwards to entice the company to build its facilities in their communities. These “sweetheart” deals are consummated in complete privacy absent the participation of local groups and watchdogs who might want to provide input or criticism.

The incentives offered by major metropolitan areas to attract an Amazon facility run to ridiculous extremes. A Kansas City mayor gave 5-Star reviews to 1,000 Amazon products! Now, this doesn’t mean that the products involved were not worth 5 stars, but the rating was given for reasons other than worthiness! Atlanta proposed adding an Amazon-only train car to the city’s subway system to help distribute Amazon shipments around the city. The nearby Atlanta suburb of Stonecrest offered to rename itself “Amazon!” Of course, that would only work if the suburb was a better place to live than the city itself! Taking advantage of all of this municipal affection, the company conducted a “second headquarters” contest in 2018 in which the twenty finalist cities plied Amazon with similar outrageous gift offerings! In the end, the new Bezosville was determined to be Arlington, Virginia both for its fame and its proximity to the Pentagon and the rest of Washington’s bureaucracy.

In 2013, Bezos scored another major coup when he acquired The Washington “Compost” for a pittance of $250 million, thus giving him an amplified media voice to promote Amazon to the paper’s elite and loony leftist readership.

The company segments its work force into three classes and spreads them across the map for “tech” companies take “tech” threats seriously and do not put their valuable eggs all in the same geographic basket. For instance, there are the software and engineering facilities in high-tech oriented towns thus allowing the company to recruit the cream of the techie crop. Then there are the sprawling urban and suburban areas that vie for the massive data centers whose building codes do not interfere with the construction of facilities necessary to house those centers. Then there are the warehouse and delivery bases dubbed fulfillment centers usually located in areas of high unemployment that provide a large supply of dispensable blue collar workers and likewise accommodate the turn-over rate. These facilities are tantamount to old-fashioned sweatshops and are as large (or larger) than anything in use during the era of the robber baron. Each of these contains 14 million items and 14 miles of conveyor belts that run at 600 feet per minute, at which workers assemble 100 packages per minute or 6,000 per hour. These “fulfillment centers” are run at breakneck speed with little time for what are the usually mandated breaks for American employees! But Amazon has little regard for their people’s safety or well-being. Accidents that happen as the result of the violation of work safety rules and standards are swept under the rug with the “blessing” of OSHA. The rate of accidents at Amazon’s warehouses is more than double the national average for the warehouse industry. Again, it is interesting to note that “the party of the Worker” supports and is supported by “Big Capital” such as Amazon.

As well, Amazon engages in ruthless and predatory trade practices. The company entices retailers to join its Marketplace service while demanding a cut of 15% of that company’s profits gained through that relationship. Amazon then uses the data it collects from these retailers to compete directly against them by creating knock-off products of popular items under its own brand name and then putting its former partners – now competitors – out of business. Thus,Amazon has eliminated twice as many jobs as it creates through practices that should be – and probably would be – found illegal with any normal business. This loss is estimated at 76,000 jobs per year.

One of the consequences of Amazon’s monopolistic tactics is the destruction of local businesses leading to the devastation of income for state and local governments normally arising from property taxes. This matter is further compounded by the firm’s success in avoiding paying state and local taxes except in a very few cases. Indeed, Amazon is very successful in its tax policies having paid a 12% effective tax rate between 2010 and 2018 vs. the usual 35% corporate rate applicable to other businesses during that same period. In the matter of tax avoidance, Amazon has surpassed all of its Silicon Valley “co-conspirators” and competitors!

The question then becomes, what is to be done? Unions are certainly not the answer, since they inevitably become corrupted and cease properly representing the interests of their workers in order to concentrate on the welfare of their “leaders,” and that is the reason that however useless, they still collect their dues. They are also hand-in-glove with the socialists (and that means the Democrat Party!) invariably becoming pawns of the Left. Anti-trust action is a better solution as the company is a true monopoly benefitting from exclusive privileges granted by government at the expense of other corporations, workers and, of course, the American people. Amazon represents a far greater danger to the economy and the establishment than did U. S. Steel, Standard Oil or Bell Telephone even at the height of their power. Their data collection and data manipulation capabilities are utilized for nefarious and unethical ends not envisioned even a few short years ago.

The breakup of Amazon into competing regional divisions along the lines of what was done to Bell Telephone would be a good model for a virtuous Congress to follow, if a virtuous Congress was even possible under today’s circumstances (it might be easier to make a virtuous Amazon!). A first step in this direction would be promotion of the proposed bill called The American Innovation and Choice Online Act(S.2992 – 117th Congress) introduced on October 21, 2021 by Senators Kennedy, Klobuchar and Grassley. This piece of legislation would make it illegal for Amazon to create and provide advantages for its own products and services that are then in competition with businesses that rely upon Amazon as a retail platform. It is rather like preventing an executioner from selling the rope he uses to the man he will hang with it! That is, it’s a no brainer! Unfortunately, however, at this time, Washington is just filled with “no brainers.”

© 2022 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Sidney Secular:

God Will Never, Ever Abandon Us

by Rolaant McKenzie

May 25, 2022

Last fall I read an interview of Bishop Athanasius Schneider (LifeSite News, “Interview with Bishop Schneider: COVID rules may be ‘a kind of prefiguration’ of the mark of the Beast”, August 31, 2021) regarding mandates in various countries to take abortion-tainted “vaccines” — that is, those designed, produced, or tested using cell lines from aborted babies — and carry health passes to participate in the most basic activities of society.

Bishop Schneider’s parents were Black Sea Germans from Odessa, Ukraine. After World War II, they were sent by Joseph Stalin to a gulag in Krasnokamsk in the Ural Mountains. After surviving that ordeal, they moved to the Kirghiz SSR of the Soviet Union (present-day Kyrgyzstan) where their son Anton (Athanasius) was born in 1961. Later they moved to Estonia, then after several years escaped to West Germany in 1973. Currently, Bishop Schneider lives and serves in Kazakhstan.

Because of his experience growing up under communism in the Soviet Union and the faith of his parents (and later his own), Bishop Schneider expressed his opposition to both “vaccine” mandates and health passes as highly immoral and a Satanic attempt to enslave and destroy humanity. While he did not believe that health passes — which are increasingly being required to buy, sell, and participate in some of the most fundamental aspects of society — constituted the mark of the beast described in Revelation 13, he did believe that they were a prefiguration of it. He said that this was something that must be resisted by all Christians and people who love liberty, even if it meant living a simpler, financially poorer life, or imprisonment, or death.

The bishop referred to his parents as an example of God’s provision in adversity. Though they were highly educated and could have lived a higher standard of life, they refused to deny Christ by cooperating with the Communist Party. They remembered Jesus’ words regarding the eternal value of temporal suffering being His disciple versus the eternal forfeiture of true life for temporal gain:

“Then Jesus said to His disciples, ‘If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it. For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?'” (Matthew 16:24-26)

They were barred from having a profession and were limited to menial jobs with the lowest of salaries. But they were comforted by the words of David:

“I have been young and now I am old, yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his descendants begging bread.” (Psalm 37:25)

The family lived very simply, but they always had what they needed to live, and they never starved. God never abandoned them. Living with an eternal perspective and trusting in the promises of God strengthened their faith in Him.

While there has ever been trouble of various kinds in the world, there are times when crises encompass more than an immediate area and cause more worldwide concern and fear. In seeking some explanation of the times, many have become interested in end times study and speculation.

There are a variety of perspectives on the end times promoted by many Christian and other religious groups. Regardless of the specific view, within biblical Christianity some purposes of eschatology include helping increase worship of God, bolstering proclamation of the gospel, providing hope in the midst of trouble, and giving a perspective that looks beyond this present world to heaven.

We have the assurance based on Scripture that Jesus will never cease to intercede on our behalf before the Father. He will never leave us during our darkest times.

“The former priests, on the one hand, existed in greater numbers because they were prevented by death from continuing, but Jesus, on the other hand, because He continues forever, holds His priesthood permanently. Therefore He is able also to save forever those who draw near to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them.” (Hebrews 7:23-25)

In fact, when Joshua led the children of Israel into the Promised Land, the Lord encouraged him and strengthened his faith by telling him,

“No man will be able to stand before you all the days of your life. Just as I have been with Moses, I will be with you; I will not fail you or forsake you.” (Joshua 1:5)

God encourages believers in the same way. Persecution, distress, sickness, poverty, or death, none of these things can separate us from His love (Romans 8:35-39). Jesus is always faithful and will never abandon His children. In commissioning His disciples to go to all nations to proclaim the gospel, Jesus knew the struggles and hardships they would face and reminded them that He would always be with them and that He had all authority in heaven and earth to do so.

“And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, ‘All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.'” (Matthew 28:18-20)

This is a promise to be with us in our present circumstances, in the future unseen by us, and at the end of time where the crown of immortality and glory will be granted to us. This promise extends to all who become His disciples by doing the work of God — believing in Jesus (John 6:28-29).

In the early church when many Jewish people were coming to faith in Jesus, they faced ostracism, loss of their jobs, loss of family relationships, imprisonment, and threats to their lives. But they were reminded through their suffering that the Lord would never abandon them.

“Make sure that your character is free from the love of money, being content with what you have; for He Himself has said, ‘I WILL NEVER DESERT YOU, NOR WILL I EVER FORSAKE YOU,’ so that we confidently say, ‘THE LORD IS MY HELPER, I WILL NOT BE AFRAID. WHAT WILL MAN DO TO ME?'” (Hebrews 13:5-6)

Martin Luther, in his commentary on Paul’s epistle to the Galatians, acknowledged the never-ending presence of God through the grace and peace He grants us in Jesus Christ:

“But when the grace and peace of God are in our hearts, then we are strong, so that we can neither be cast down with adversity, nor puffed up with prosperity, but will walk on confidently and will stay on the King’s highway, for we take heart in the victory of Christ’s death, and our confidence in it begins to reign in our conscience over sin and death. Through Him we are assured of the forgiveness of sins, and once we have obtained this, our conscience is at rest and is comforted by the word of grace. If we are comforted and heartened by the grace of God (that is, by the forgiveness of sin and by this peace of conscience), we are able to bear troubles valiantly and to overcome them, even death itself. This peace is not given to the world, because the world never longs for it and does not understand it; it is given to those who believe. And this happens only by the grace of God.” (Chapter 1)

The same God who causes us to be born again always remains with us. He protects us for the inheritance He has reserved for us in heaven.

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to obtain an inheritance which is imperishable and undefiled and will not fade away, reserved in heaven for you, who are protected by the power of God through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.” (1 Peter 1:3-5)

We may not know what challenges we will face tomorrow, or the details of how end times events will unfold, but we know based on His infallible word that Jesus is coming back for His children. Whether He takes us home through death or catches us up when He returns, Jesus will always be with us through our journey on earth. He who by His great mercy has brought us into a living hope will never, ever abandon us!

© 2022 Rolaant McKenzie – All Rights Reserved



Unbiblical and Unconstitutional Welfare State Now Has 59 Million Dependents

By Bradlee Dean

May 25, 2022

“This is not doing unto others as they would have them do unto themselves.”

First off, I would say that by no means am I saying that there are not people that do need our help. There are legitimate poor people in this country, no doubt (Galatians 2:10).

However, the point that I am going to make here is that there are more that are taking advantage of a system that is, in fact, taking advantage of the good intentions of people that are looking out for them, and there are those who are taking advantage of a system that is unbiblical, as well as unconstitutional called welfare (Psalm 94:20).

Let’s start with the welfare system.  We have been looking at a system strategy that was created by two persons that has been titled “Cloward Piven,” which was created to produce  an economic disaster. Prior to Cloward-Piven, the government back in 1935, in the middle of the depression, set up a system of welfare in which the government illegally steals from those who work to give to those that do not work (2 Thessalonians 3:10).

In FY 2022, the total US government spending on welfare — federal, state, and local — is “guesstimated” to be $1,776 billion, including $823 billion for Medicaid, and $953 billion in other welfare.

There are now 59 million government dependents.  For whom do you think those 59 million people will vote?

Some might say, “But they are poor.”

  • 80 percent of the poor in American households have air conditioning. In 1970, only 36 percent of all Americans had it.
  • 92 percent of poor households have a microwave; two-thirds have at least one DVD player and 70 percent of the poor have a VCR.
  • 75 percent of the poor in America have a car or truck; 31 percent of the poor have two to three cars.
  • 80 percent of poor adults and 96 percent of poor children in America were never hungry at any time during the year because they could not afford food.
  • Nearly two-thirds of the poor in America (63.7 percent) have cable or satellite television.
  • Half of the poor in America have a personal computer.
  • More than half of the poor families in America with children have a video game system such as Xbox or PlayStation.
  • Just under half of all of the poor in America have Internet access.
  • One third of the poor in America have a widescreen plasma or LCD TV.
  • One in every four poor people have a digital video recorder such as TiVo.
  • And finally, the average poor person in America has more living space than the average non-poor person in Europe.

So, how poor is America?

This video is of a man who was a committed Marxist, who was raised up in Puerto Rico and came here to help destroy America from within. When he came to America, he converted to America’s ideals and began to expose the enemy within. What he noticed was the victim and entitlement mentality of the “poor” that was destroying this country.

“Blessed poverty, give me more.”

[Rumble Video]

Now, to those who are capitalizing off the goodness of the people in this country…

How often can you see across America on a street corner, under a bridge, on a highway overpass, or in front of a store, a poor person with a sign asking for charity from people who can lend a helping hand in a time of need?  They hold signs stating, “Homeless and Hungry,” “Have no food or money,” etc.

I have also noticed that these poor people, almost without fail, have a cigarette hanging out of their mouths (a pack of cigarettes is $5.95), a bottle of booze (a cheap bottle is around $10) in a little brown paper bag, or lottery tickets in their hands.

Not too long ago, in the state of Minnesota, a news outlet did a piece concerning the poor that were out on the streets and found that these people were making up to $400-$600 dollars a day. Not bad for a poor person’s day of working the sympathies of the American people.

Now, friends, do not get me wrong here. I have, on a personal level, helped those who were broke and homeless on a couple of occasions. I understand from personal experience their plight due to the fact that I was a welfare kid. I hated it so much that I just needed a little push in the right direction in the hopes of having never to return to the slough of despond (Psalm 37:25).

But what is offensive here is that they all the while know what they are doing.

[YouTube Video]

Start at :33

[YouTube Video]

In conclusion: We must be aware of what it is that the government is illegally doing, along with what those are doing that are pulling on the heart strings of the people that work.

Yes, it is more blessed to give than receive (Acts 20:35), but just make sure that to whom you are blessing really needs it.

[Rumble Video]

© 2022 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean:

Pandemic Monkeyshines

By Cherie Zaslawsky

May 24, 2022

While Bill Gates trumpeted his so-called “Decade of Vaccines” in 2010—apparently given a new lease on life with Covid—he’s been understandably quieter about his planned Decade of Pandemics. Of course the two go hand in hand, or perhaps hand in glove, as both are merely tools to further the Davos elites’ two-pronged attack on We the People: genocide and subsequent enslavement of those who survive.

Plandemics and their subsequent mRNA vaccines can maim and kill millions of people, while providing the psychopathic elites with plausible deniability. Here’s Gates’ disingenuous warning: “Also, related to pandemics is something people don’t like to talk about much, which is bioterrorism, that somebody who wants to cause damage could engineer a virus. “ [Italics mine.] Hmmm…now why would anyone want to do that, Bill?

In case you were wondering, Stephen Luby, professor of medicine and senior fellow at Stanford’s Wood Institute for the Environment, informs us that: There will be a Sars-CoV-3.

Not one to be outdone by pundits across the Pond,  Sustainable Prince Charles offers this gem: There will be more and more pandemics, if we don’t do ‘the great reset’ now.

It seems the WHO is planning for ten solid years of pandemics, from 2020 to 2030. How does WHO know what, why and when? Unless, of course, Gates’ minions—the WHO included—are feverishly planning and executing these pandemics. What better way to accurately predict the future than by controlling it?


Among the dwindling numbers of literary classics students are assigned today, one often finds Mary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein. Written when Shelley was only eighteen, it is quite an achievement and brilliant in concept; although, in my view, far from a literary masterpiece and actually a bit of a slog to read. Nevertheless, students love it.

Unfortunately, they miss the point.

Instead of grasping what I consider to be the genius of the novel—its exposition of the truism that when man plays God, disaster inevitably follows—the kids derive the message that you should be kind to monsters. Many of them write essays to the effect that if only people had not rejected the poor monster—if only they had not hurt his feelings—he wouldn’t have gone on a killing rampage, which many students think was justifiable. I kid you not. This is how your children are being trained to think in public schools.

Perhaps their teachers also fail to point out the moral of this story. In fact, if it was clearly recognized and taught as a cautionary tale about hubris in schools today, I’d wager that the Common Core progressives who put together today’s pathetically weakened and subversive curriculum, would quickly remove it from the syllabi. After all, from man made viruses to gene-altering “vaccines” to transhumanism, we’re being besieged by legions of unleashed Dr. Frankensteins.


Of special note among the legions of domestic Frankensteins must be our own Dr. FauxChi, whom one might describe as a modern-day amalgamation of Josef Mengele, the Nazi’s mad scientist who conducted cruel experiments on prisoners, and Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi’s Minister of Propaganda.

The Fauch’s organization NIAID has given millions of dollars to crazed scientists to bioengineer new and deadly GMO viruses and retroviruses that previously apparently did no harm in bats or other creatures, and couldn’t infect humans, but now can cause worldwide pandemics.

This begs the question: Why perform “Gain of Function” research at all, since the function you gain creates a bioweapon?

Here’s the logic: in case those viruses were ever to naturally jump from bats to people, say in a Wuhan wet market, and make people sick, scientists would be able to recognize the pathogens and presumably make vaccines against them for the huge benefit of… patent holders, like Fauci’s NIAID, and Big Pharma.  And if thousands or millions were to die in the process? That’s just collateral damage.

Of course there’s an even more nefarious possibility—dare I say likelihood: that these Frankensteinian viruses and the genetically modified “vaccines” we’re told we must have to combat them, are both designed for genocidal “depopulation” purposes. Pick your poison.


Recently, Senator Rand Paul bravely stood up to Fauci, perhaps to make amends for having stabbed President Trump in the back along with the majority of his feckless fellow Senators on January 6th—but I digress.

Kudos to Rand for pointing out Dr. Fraudster’s lies and collusion with the Wuhan Institute of Virology to fund the dangerous, illegal and immoral viral-lethality-enhancing “research” that led to Sars-CoV-2 and Covid-19.

But Rand’s main concern, like that of so many others, is that these viruses could escape the lab and infect people. Well, accidents do happen.

Except, as FDR told us, in politics, where “…nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.” And for those who refuse to believe Covid-19 was planned—in spite of Event 201 describing the precise scenario of the pandemic and worldwide lockdowns several months prior to the Wuhan outbreak, as well as the perfect timing of the “pandemic” to pull the plug on Trump’s economic miracle and pave the way for flagrant voter fraud through unprecedented national mail-in voting to keep, um, Biden voters “safe”—all I can say is I’m running out of bridges to sell.

Back to the bats.


Here’s the May 2021 cover of Stanford’s Alumni Magazine, illustrations by Catrin Welz-Stein:

The accompanying ghoulish article: Of Viruses & Vectors, by Deni Ellis Béchard, almost reads like a primer on Agenda 21/2030, full of warnings about global warming, climate change and the dangerous “edges where humans and animals come into contact” leading to “human-wild interface with less and less buffer between them.”  Who knows what dire diseases may emerge “…at the edge of human habitats.” Did you realize you live in a “human habitat” instead of a city or suburb or small town?

The passage quoted above obliquely refers to the Davos elites’ Wildlands Project, as they plan to make the “wildlands” as off-limits to us as our Capitol was for months after January 6th, while herding us into crowded high-density “districts” à la The Hunger Games.

In his article, Béchard  kills two bats with one stone: implying we should stay out of forests, etc., and presumably stop raising livestock (animals are “reservoirs” for “vectors” like mosquitos that spread viruses) though people have done this safely for millennia.  So what has changed? The addition of the elite cabal’s phony global warming/climate change psyop, along with their control of the media for propagandizing their mischief.

Referencing climate change and other spurious globalist claims, Béchard blithely assures us we’re in for more pandemics, sooner rather than later, and the next one could stem from the NIPAH virus, with a fatality rate of 75%. Yes, you heard that correctly. Seventy-five percent fatality rate. Compare that to Covid’s measly .1% for all but the frail elderly and those with serious co-morbidities who have a rate from about .2% to 2% or so.

And surprise, surprise, NIPAH is also bat-derived.

What is this fascination with bats?  The 2011 predictive-programming movie Contagion—and here’s your spoiler alert—featured a pandemic almost exactly like the one we’ve just endured, which was discovered to have originated from…you guessed it…a bat!

Here’s another unpleasant surprise for you: Look at the American quarter that came out in 2020, a year which should be rechristened by the Chinese as the Year of the Bat:

What a coincidence!

Perhaps the Globalist Cabal—billionaire Gates and Davos pals who can’t wait to depopulate, I mean vaccinate, the world—with their penchant for the occult and demonic, also had in mind the Mayan’s bat god, Camazotz, associated with death and sacrifice, as in the sacrifice of human beings.  Pretty remarkable that a spooky-looking pair of bats was the best that American Samoa could come up with in the way of an uplifting emblem.

Here’s another creepy picture of our dystopian virus-laden future by Catrin Welz-Stein from the same article Of Viruses & Vectors.


But it looks as if the monkey may have beaten out the bat, as the WHO is reportedly convening an “emergency” meeting on the Monkeypox which it claims is going global. Hmmm… I don’t recall ever hearing about monkeypox, which sounds as if it affects only, well…monkeys. Does that mean the WHO seeks to make monkeys out of us? If so, it won’t be the first time.

After the manner of Hollywood producers who often follow up a mediocre film with a sequel that’s even worse, it seems the Powers-That-Be are following the same template they used for Covid: First they claim to find a few scattered cases of some exotic or “novel” virus but reassure us that we have no cause for alarm…as yet. This way they can slowly build up a crescendo of fear, then suddenly crank it up to full-blown panic with projections of millions of deaths—ultimately terrifying people into getting a brand spankin’ new mRNA Chimp-22 vaccine that will magically be rushed to market to keep us, you know, “safe.”


Once laboratory scientists re-engineer a virus that has never infected people and/or is benign to humans, in order to make it malignant, they’ve engaged in bioterrorism research and development. There’s no polite way to say this—it’s evil.

On the one hand, as Mary Shelley showed us more than a hundred years ago, messing with nature to create new life forms is bound to be catastrophic.  On the other, since Dr. Faustus himself has both funded this kind of “research,” lied about having done so, and presumably gotten his co-conspirators at the Wuhan Institute of Virology to cover for him, we can take this as clear indication that FauxChi knew what he was doing was wrong. And like his fictional predecessor, Dr. Frankenstein, little Tony Fauci will surely pay the price for the hellishness he’s unleashed on the world.

But unfortunately, he’s not alone. Not only have a number of “scientists” been working on Gain-of-MalFunction “research,” some of these geniuses have been laboring to create bizarre new life-forms that have even more in common with Mary Shelley’s infamous doctor and his monstrous creation. In fact, transhumanists are busily remaking man in their own benighted image, as the globalist cabal’s plan is not only to do away with our liberty, economy and quality of life, but also with humanity as we know it. For these hubristic New World Order designers, We the Peons are already being described as “legacy humans.”  This is analogous to the heirloom tomatoes you may find at your local farmers’ market—the rare varieties from the good ol’ days.

The new human species they plan to create will be merged with AI and/or some form of technological machinery—that is, those who are slated to be the “smart ones,” a la Huxley’s Brave New World. The Epsilons—those at the bottom rung of the societal ladder—will be merged with animals as “chimeras.” Alex Jones was evidently right—these experiments have been going on for many years.

And now there’s a team of researchers at Tufts that supposedly successfully created… the first-ever, self-replicating living robots.

Perhaps it was inevitable that as man discovered more and more about the wonders of our universe and of our own bodies, some would trod this path. It seems there’s nothing new under the sun after all.  The Serpent’s promise to Eve in the Garden was if she’d eat the forbidden fruit, she—and her mate—would become “as gods.”

Perhaps the psychopathic Powers-That-Be and their malevolent university-trained cohorts have forgotten the upshot of a devil’s bargain. At the very least, they ought to reread Frankenstein. Either that or the Bible.

© 2022 Cherie Zaslawsky – All Rights Reserved

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Our Fault, Our Fix!

By Kat Stansell

May 24, 2022

We’ve nearly given away our Republic


We’ve allowed ourselves to become dependent on the government by giving them powers that were never meant to be theirs. Our founding documents enumerate certain powers for the federal government. In general, these have to do with taxation, conducting foreign wars, etc. Everything else, including elections, belongs to the states, that is to US!

We have squandered our freedoms by giving over far too much of our lives’ control to Washington, and now we are paying for it. Our beautiful Constitution and Bill of Rights are being torn to shreds, and with it go our freedoms.

In a very brief look backwards, here’s how it happened.

One by one, our government voted themselves power over us, as the Globalists/Marxists laid their plans to destroy America through the decades. Religion, education, health care, even property ownership, all were moved under their control, bit by bit, bill by bill, executive order by secret memo.

The UN Agendas 21 and 2030 are tools installed under our very noses, giving non-government organizations powers and funding without our consent, and a whole new evil meaning to the word

Clinton’s “President’s Council on Sustainable Development”, was formed in 1993 on the heels of our signing onto the UN Agendas. From the Carter White House archives, the council was created to give us “Bold new approaches to achieve our economic, environmental and equity goals.” “Equity”?? Equity is a cornerstone of our Republic – equality of opportunity for all. How did we give the power to impact governance in the freest country in the world, to a non-elected body?

How have we allowed the steady creep of election fraud, which has been known fact for years, to grow so large that we lost our very government?

Like the little frogs in the kettle, we are beginning to notice the rise in the heat. Should we have seen this coming. Sure, but it’s here now, and we have to deal or lose our country. The uncomfortable heat is coming in the form of things we never thought we would face in our America. Shortages of baby formula, fertilizer, fuel and food?? A government that is the laughingstock of the world? That happens only in third world countries. Right? Actually, yes.

We are one.

America is, for all practical purposes, a third world “banana republic”, complete with an unelected government that hides behind barbed wire. Actions against the citizens are planned and executed by secret committees and off-the-record communiques.

The United States of America suffered a coup in Nov., 2020, (followed by the Purge beginning on Jan. 6, 2021) whereby, through massively well orchestrated fraud, our vote – and our government – were stolen from us. Biden told us himself, in October, 2020, just how good his Democrat Party had become at this…

“We have the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in American history…” The fact-chukers of course declared that it didn’t happen.

Ok, whether we want to accept this or not, this is where we are – frightened, angry, disbelieving, confused.

The Globalists powers knew that when it came to times such as we are facing today, Americans would come together in defense of their way of life, if not in agreement on political approaches. So, they had to divide us. Divide and conquer.

Enter Barrack Hussein Obama, the great divider. Nearly every day of his eight (yes, probably stolen) years, he whined about the injustices and inequities of this country. America has done more for more millions of people around the globe than has any other, but Obama hated it all. America was racist, unfair, blah, blah, blah. His partner, Michelle, helped out. Together, they did their Soros-appointed job well. All of a sudden, America was “bad”.

So now, we are frightened, angry, disbelieving, confused and divided We were too busy, too disinterested, too lazy and complacent to go to a school board meeting, or to city council or the County Board meetings. We voted only for candidates whose names we’d heard, without knowing or caring what/who they were. Step by step, bit by bit, the Marxists turned up the heat, and we sat in the kettle, oblivious. Now we are beginning to get very uncomfortable, and are hopping mad.

This is a state which the Marxists created, and in which they expect us to be paralyzed and ineffective.

WE are NOT, and here is what we do to prove it.

* * *

Our Failures, OUR FIX!

Local action is the only way out of this. We’ve said it before, advocated for it, and built groups around the nation who have done some really good things. If you already have a Freedom Pod in your community, you are a step ahead, but, now we must all go much further.

We must build Freedom Rescue Platoons, whose #1 focus is securing the November 2022 Midterms. We must take on securing the ballots AND getting good Constitutional candidates as part of our choices in November. Here’s how.

Step #1: Research.

Know your county election officials, and how your election system is set up. Where is every poll, and how are they set up. Do they have proper ingress/egress in lighted and secure areas? When does early voting begin, and how are the ballots cast? Do you have drop boxes in remote locations, or only outside polling places? Obtain lists of precinct workers, election volunteers, and the rules and regulations that cover voting in your area. What printed materials are allowed to be distributed and by whom? I can provide some non-candidate-specific palm cards for you to copy and use, both at the polls and before, wherever they can be distributed. Learn when are the polls open, how are ballots cast. Is there early or mail-in voting. What rules govern each? Is there a hot-line in place where incidents at the polls and or drop boxes can be addressed in real time. What kind of “electioneering” other than handouts is allowed on site at the polls; get the rules and post them. Most important, how is the chain of custody of each ballot assured? If your county election official cannot answer this last question, you must demand that that process be defined and published.

Step #2: Enlist your foot soldiers

These are the people in your group who will be poll watchers and workers, do the running, between polls and to meetings of the election boards as the midterm approaches.

If there is time, according to your state’s primary dates and rules, continue to canvass areas if you have been able to get your voter rolls. The more fraud you can find, the more you will have to advertise to your elected officials. AND to the public. Remember, elected officials do not want the boat to rock (or the kettle to be spilled freeing the frogs) before an election.

I strongly suggest that, for each county in a state that has drop boxes, a drop box patrol be formed.

These “foot soldiers” for the drop box patrol might be best recruited from real soldiers, retired military who will travel in groups to keep an eye on drop box activity, recording anything that seems out of line. Check D’Sousza’s “2000 Mules” to learn more about this essential task.

Your local VFW will be a good place to recruit. Veterans have pledged to uphold our Constitution, and have done so by offering up their lives. Most will be more than happy to help secure our ballots after they have personally given so much to secure our freedom.


We MUST refill our public offices with those who will serve us. So many big names have failed us, so do NOT, under any circumstances, vote for them again!

You can help your community by really researching the candidates on the ballot. Don’t just read their websites, but find out who they are associated with, where they grew up and went to school, what they have done in private life, etc. Formulate tough questions to ask: e.g., how they would have voted on the Ukranian War funding, or what they would to about the food and fuel shortages, and try to get answers. OR, if a candidate for a local race, challenge them as well, with local issues and how they propose to handle them. Ask them about guaranteeing your property rights, and how they intend to do that.

If your sheriff is up for election, get his pledge that he will uphold his oath of office, to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America. He or she is, after all, the highest Constitutional official in the state, and must be able to be relied upon to do so, if challenged by an illegitimate power in DC or governor in the statehouse.

Ask EVERY candidate to sign a pledge to defend and uphold the Constitution! How can they say no? A dodge is as good an an answer to this. If a candidate – from EITHER PARTY refuses to sign or address the issue, they are NOT a qualified to run for public office in America.

Post the answers you get on social media. If they will not give answers, post that, too! Get your efforts out everywhere you can, on social media, in local papers, or even posters, for maximum coverage.

Search the entire country for good Constitutional candidates! We all know that a bad Congress critter in another state can be as harmful as one from our own. (think Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, AOC and many more, and what they have done to us). If you find one, donate, and talk them up. Start a support group for them on social media, or volunteer to help their campaign with with mailings, which can be done remotely. We need to fill our US Congress with people who support our constitution instead of Communism.

This is a lot of work, as I’ve set it out here. But WE are a lot of very upset frogs who must get the heat under the pot turned down or off. Our precious freedoms are worth every bit of effort we can put in. There won’t be a next try. The enemy is trying to affix the lid to the kettle so we can never fight again.

© 2022 Kat Stansell – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kat Stansell:

The Root of ALL Evil

By Lex Greene

May 23, 2022

“For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.”1 Timothy 6:10

Contrary to modern indoctrination institutions that are responsible for making sure that the average American isn’t even smart enough to tie their own shoes by High School graduation much less vote for their own future, to include many global one world churches today, money itself is NOT the root of all evil. [See: “Enemies Within: The Church]

Money is often used to do good in the world. But it can also be, and often is, used to do evil in the world as well. Like any weapon known to mankind, money itself is an inanimate object. It does neither good nor evil.

People who have accumulated great wealth fall into one of only two categories, a) those who earned their wealth by doing good for the world; b) those who acquired their wealth by doing evil in the world. Those who attained their wealth by doing good, tend to use their wealth to do more good for the world; while those who possess ill-gotten gains through evil deeds, will tend to use that wealth to do even more evil.

It isn’t money that is the root of all evil in this world, it is the “love of money” that is at the root of all evil. Those who place money, wealth, and power above all else in the world, are the evil-doers of this world and every human being on earth is subject to the temptations of evil often associated with great wealth and power. But not all fall to those temptations.

Some 246-years after the inception of the greatest free nation and people ever known to mankind, a vast majority of Americans have indeed erred from their faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows, simply as a result of their love of money. Today, they are eating the rotten fruits of their labor, and living under the evil that they have brought upon themselves.

There can be no doubt that every American Citizen is now living under a blanket of pure evil. Is it an evil perpetrated upon the Citizens by evil-doers in positions of power? Or…are evil-doers in power merelya direct result of the Citizens choosing money over morals, ethics, and faith, the mere victims of their own love of money?

For most American Citizens today, nothing is more important than money, making the love of money the highest priority in their lives, no different or better than those they speak out against in politics. Most Americans vote on the basis of how they believe the outcome of an election will affect their own financial well-being. The poor or barely getting by voters tend to vote on the basis of false utopian ideas like democratic socialism, how they think democratic socialists will save them from themselves via fake promises of “equity” – never to be confused with “equality.”

Those with financial resources, tend to vote on the basis of preventing the government from unlawfully and unconstitutionally seizing the assets they have spent a lifetime earning. They seek lower taxes, less government regulation and interference in their daily lives, and the ability to keep what they earn.

In both cases, it is their financial status, or love of money above all else, that drives their voting trends in every election. Of course, those who merely seek freedom, the ability to keep what they have toiled and earned via their own sacrifices, have a constitutionally protected right to do so. It’s the true basis of freedom, the inalienable Right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness under their own steam, and the Right to their own earnings and property.

Those seeking access to the earnings of others, in the fake name of “equity” (not equality), are true parasites to all humanity, always taking from others that which they have not earned, enslaving the producers of society, while offering nothing of value to society themselves.

One is protected by the Charters of Freedom and Liberty. The other is a plight on society, a cancer eating away at the very fabric of freedom and liberty, knowingly or unwittingly, driven solely by their love of money, by any means necessary. Rather than stealing from others themselves, they seek to empower those who will steal from others on their behalf.

“Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.”

Not long ago, the latter would have been appropriately declared “communist/socialist sympathizers” and removed from our society. Today, the “communist/socialist sympathizers” control most positions of power in the USA, both political and corporate.

Politicians on the right pander to those seeking to protect their earnings, while politicians on the left pander to those seeking access to the earnings of others. In both cases, they are pandering to their audience not for the benefit of their voters, but rather for their own personal wealth benefits.

POLITICIANS stand guilty as charged, almost without any exceptions today. A totally self-serving breed driven by their own love of money and power, at the expense of all others.

JUSTICES and JUDGES at all levels, also stand guilty as charged with nearly no exceptions today. Also, a self-serving breed playing politics rather than keeping their oaths to uphold and enforce the Constitution and Bill of Rights, driven by their love of money and power.

MILITARY and NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCIES are a self-serving bunch today as well, violating their oaths to protect the Constitution and American people against all enemies, foreign and domestic, for the very same reasons, their love of money and power.

BORDER PATROL AGENTS actively operating in direct contradiction to their sole purpose and oaths to prevent foreign invasion of our country at our national borders today, again, choosing their paychecks over their sworn duties, for their love of money.

THE ENTIRE MEDICAL COMMUNITY knowingly killing and maiming millions of Citizens with deadly fake COVID19 protocols and so-called “vaccines” and for what…choosing their pay checks of wealth over the well-being of their patients, in go-along to get-along fashion following Klaus Schwab’s COVID19 Great Reset, ignoring all known science and following the WEF, WHO, CDC, UN and IMF global Marxist agenda by simply protecting their own love of money.

NEWS MEDIA is yet another self-serving group operating strictly on the basis of their love of money and power, spreading blatant lies 24/7 while pushing tabloid entertainment as news to distract the Citizens from seeing just how they are being driven like sheep to slaughter, while watching the Johnny Depp lawsuit trial and UFO hearings in Congress. All major social media platforms, just the same…

Our entire federal government is evil and unconstitutional today. But who is excluded from this laundry list of evil-doers driven strictly by the love of money and power? In case you have not figured it out yet, the USA is no longer our country. We let it go decades ago.

Very few American citizens folded like a cheap lawn chair for the sake of health when they were told to self-isolate, stay home, don’t work, or earn, take federal handouts instead, wear a worthless mask, and even take lethal injections that to this day, the FDA refuses to approve for broad use due to a massive number of VAERS Reports proving the true lethal nature of these JABS. No, instead most folded like a cheap lawn chair because their love of money was threatened. They could lose their job, their wages, their college degree, or service record. They took the JAB for the love of money.

The simple reality is that evil cannot exist where good people put it down on sight. Every second that evil is allowed to exist, it will root deeper and grow stronger, until evil is all that there is…

I ask, is a society which allows the murder of its most innocent and defenseless children of God, a society of good or of evil? Is abortion, the murder of innocence, for mere convenience’s sake, not yet another example of the love of money, an error from faith, piercing the whole of society through with many sorrows? Can a society so callused and evil at its core, ever hope to right itself in any other facet of life?

Our country lives under a blanket of evil today because the people have erred from their faith, piercing themselves through with many sorrows, until the freedom and liberty once endowed by their Creator, can exist no more in a world consumed by evil, all of it driven by the mere love of money.

It’s not God who allows evil to exist, root and grow. It’s man… God gave us the wonderful gift of free will, the power to choose our own path, to control our own future. Just as darkness cannot exist where there is light, evil cannot exist where there is overwhelming good.

“All that is required for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.“ –Attributed to Sir Edmund Burke

For more than a hundred years now, Americans have done little or nothing to prevent the growing spread of evil in our land.

We are the making of our own demise… We have no one to blame for the outcome of our decisions, but ourselves. Allowing evil to exist, is itself an act of evil.

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lex Greene:

Absurdities Of Our Times In America

By Frosty Wooldridge

May 23, 2022

Part 1: The insanities and absurdities of 2022

About the only thing that makes sense in America in 2022 might be the Professional Golf Association’s weekly tournaments with their top golfing professionals.  Who wouldn’t want to see Tiger Woods strut his brilliant stuff around the fairways?  He electrified America for two decades with his brilliant play.  We love Bubba Watson, Rory Mcllroy, Matt Kuchar, Lee Westwood, Rick Fowler, Phil Mickelson, Jordan Spieth, Jon Rahm, and so many more.

What’s the one thing you can count on in golf?  Answer: everyone plays by the rules. No one cheats. Everyone lives or dies by their skills, practice and integrity. No one takes bribes. None of them allow  religion, politics or racial bias to dictate their play.  Whether they play for the women’s professional circuit such as Michelle Wie, Paula Creamer, Melissa Reid and many others, they all play by the rules.

But when you look across the American landscape today, you cannot help but note the absurdities of our times.

Last year, after 20 years of two absurd wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and $6 trillion in costs, our president pulled out without any planning, any reasonable logistical expertise and absolutely no understanding of what he was doing. That includes his highest commander General Milley.  Biden and Milley abandoned $90 billion in military equipment.  They lacked protocols to save 13 military personnel from being killed.  They watched 20 years of our service members die for nothing.  They allowed 114,000 soldier suicides over that period, but they never investigated the “why” of those suicides or change course to prevent them.  They just watched them continue to kill-off our best young Americans.

As we wrestle with racial conflict, note that Jussie Smollett, a bi-racial, gay actor, staged a “beat-down” on himself by two Nigerian immigrants whom he paid to rough him up and place a noose around his neck, but told ABC’s Robin Roberts that it was a “white supremist” motivated attack.  He wanted to create a race war in Chicago and beyond.  He was convicted of lying his head off, but is out on bail in order to use his skin color rather than the content of his character to escape the law.  Absurd?  You betcha!

Eighteen months ago, gasoline cost $1.99 a gallon.  Biden shut down the Keystone Pipeline, crushed further domestic oil production—and now, we’ve got $5.00 and $6.00 a gallon for gas. He’s begging OPEC to pump more oil to fill our nation’s needs.  What kind of a moron, or his handlers, would do such an absurd act?

In the past weeks, millionaire Johnny Depp and his 22 years younger than him wife remain in a hotly contested $50 million vs a $100 million counter suit to prove that one was/is an abuser, or the other is a liar…or they are both abusers and both liars.   It’s so absurd that God must be laughing, crying and vomiting daily at the circus God created on this Earth by inventing humans in the Garden of Eden.  We’ve devolved God’s beautiful planet into a nightmare for us and the other animals.

How about this for a complete absurdity?  Everyone in government cries about “Climate Change.”   You’ve got kids marching in schools. You’ve got organizations protesting oil and fossil fuels. You’ve got dozens of solutions such as wind turbines, solar panels and electric cars to save the planet.  But what you never hear about continues as a secret not to be mentioned by ABC, NBC, CBS, NPR, CNN, FOX, NPR or PBS. What is that secret?  Answer: America remains on course to add 100,000,000 people by 2050—a scant 28 years from now.  Each one of those newcomers will be using energy, heating homes and traveling.  That’s not to mention that the entire planet will see another 2.0 billion more humans doing the same thing. It’s absurd beyond understanding.

The wind turbines chop of 500,000 birds annually.  The solar panels cannot generate equal power to gasoline.  Additionally, humans are exhausting the natural resources to create solar panels, wind turbines and any other manufactured products to save us from “Climate Change.”  How do we ever escape our own absurdities?

In the past week, Biden signed a bill to give $40 billion to Ukraine to protect its borders from invasion. At the same time, he watched 221,000 refugees in March invade America’s border, and another 234,000 again in April jumped our borders.  Projections show another 250,000 in May and over 2.0 million and maybe even 3.0 million border jumpers by the end of the year.  Exactly how do Biden and Congress figure out who will pay for the new housing, food, medical care and schooling those millions of people?   Is there another word for “absurd” in the American lexicon?

On TV, we see multi-millionaire Whoopi Goldberg, (her real name is Karen Johnson), rip America as the most racist country on the planet. Her friend Joy Behar cannot say one word of goodness about America.  We see newcomer Joy Reid call every American a racist to the core.  We’ve got a Georgia lady, Stacey Abrams, who has never run a company, knows nothing about economics, holds no credentials other than being an African-American—running for governor of the State of Georgia.  She advocates that “math is racist” and wants Critical Race Theory taught in Georgia schools.

How far into absurdities can we descend?  If math is racist, then so is a cloud, or lake, or ocean, or an egg.  Why would anyone want to teach our young to be biased and angry at another person for the color of their skin?  Why make one race a villain and the other a victim?  Can you imagine how absurd the outcome of that philosophy?  Just ask Martin Luther King!

What stands as our most absurd moment in American history?  Answer: a purported 51 percent of Americans voted for a senile, old man who has accomplished nothing in his entire life in Congress other than give blow-hard speeches.  And, now, he’s running America into the ground faster than a bullet train.  If that doesn’t give you an example of “maximum absurdity”, what would you propose?

Part 2:  The list grows, absurdities accelerate

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Tax Cuts, Fair Tax Schemes Keep People Herded in the Wrong Direction

By: Devvy

May 23, 2022

This article was originally published on May 14, 2007

My last two columns dealt with the reality of the income tax and traps to replace it called flat tax, fair tax or value added tax. They are just distractions and the wrong discussion. The real issue is the size of government. So few Americans today know that prior to 1913, we didn’t have an income tax to feed the central bank (FED); the first 1040 was issued in 1913. How certain the traitors were at the time that everything would go as planned. There’s no question the events of 1913 were carefully planned and executed: The Sixteenth and Seventeenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution were clearly never ratified by the required number of states; fraud was committed when they were announced ratified. The Federal Reserve Act was passed the same year. A central bank needs a mechanism to syphon off the wealth of the people (a direct personal income tax, the second plank of the communist manifesto) and the states needed to be deprived of their representation in Washington, DC., in order for the long planned world government to proceed step-by-step, one fraud at a time.

For forty years the tax and spend Democrats ruled Washington, DC, looting the people’s treasury for social programs that are clearly outside their authority under the Constitution. LBJ’s great society jump started this insanity and sadly, my parent’s generation bought into their chains of dependency and have passed this mess to my generation. Their addiction was fed by Congress and the state legislatures for votes. In 1994, people said they wanted change! Clever word smithing and a stable full of carefully polished liars emerged, the “Contract with America” and the “Republican Revolution” were born…. and died. It was all smoke and mirrors. The Republicans took control of Congress in January 1995 – those “smaller government” critters who speak with a forked tongue. None of Clinton’s monstrous, unconstitutional programs or executive orders were over turned under this “Republican Revolution.” Not one unconstitutional or unnecessary cabinet was eliminated. Quite the opposite -government exploded in size and cost with the Republicans out spending the Democrats because the American people were demanding more! more! Hello? Weren’t these the same people who said they wanted less government? Yep, then they turned right around and begged for more big spending as jobs continued to disappear overseas.

Again, the people had enough, allegedly, and a “new,” improved and repackaged Congress was “elected” in November 2006. New lies for old. Of course, this was a clever hoax sold by the “mainstream” media, including cable networks. Congress is compromised of 435 members of the House of Representatives. This “new” Congress brought in about 25 new hucksters who know nothing about constitutional restraints; a few “new” faces with “new” ideas and “vision” for a “new America!” Hooray and bring out the flags, boys – Happy Days Are Here Again! The U.S. Senate sits unlawfully, but again, the only thing there was a few chairs rearranged on the deck of the Titanic. In the four months the tax and spent Democrats have been back in “power,” it’s business as usual. Squabbling, battles between big egos and ignorant fools like Rep. Carolyn McCarthy with her unconstitutional gun legislation. The Democrats who claim to be for the working man (another bald faced lie) have simply picked up where they left off in 1994. Most of the “smaller government” Republicans who took “control” in 1995 and out spent the Democrats are still in office. Their arguments regarding taxes are the same: Democrats chant “tax cuts for the rich,” while the Republicans stick to their mantra that “we must stick with President Bush’s tax cuts because they’re working.”

The working man and woman is drowning, millions know the federal income tax does NOT apply to domestic Americans. Out of desperation, ideas are born for replacements to stop this draining of America’s lifeblood: a fair tax, flat tax, value added tax – anything help us!!! These distractions are designed to keep the American people busy promoting their own destruction; it’s called the herding technique. These alternative taxing schemes are just that and will not solve the problem of the Federal Reserve and a fiat currency. These schemes will continue to feed the banking cartel – which is why this poison is being peddled to desperate Americans. Without the Federal Reserve Banking System, these crooks and liars in Congress would not be able to continue spending BILLIONS of “dollars” everyday when there’s no money in the people’s treasury. Of course, a whole lot of these craven crooks and liars performing this magic of spending money that doesn’t exist are the same bunch who kited checks years ago. For those who might be too young to remember, back in the early 1990s, a major scandal broke about members of Congress writing hot checks. It was reported that roughly 355 members of the House of Representatives had overdrawn their accounts with the House Bank; some 110 came clean. So, you see, writing hot checks is nothing new to these scoundrels. The tragedy is that they are dooming your children and grand babies to a life of serfdom. Do you care?

The real and true discussion needs to be a demand that Congress abolish all these unconstitutional and unnecessary agencies, cabinets and spending. I’ll get to constitutional funding in a minute. Let’s take the Federal Department of Education, a massive failure that continues to drain the people’s pocketbook like spaghetti sieve. The federal Department of Education is unconstitutional. Art. 1, Sec. 8 of the U.S. Constitution does not authorize Congress to legislate education within the independent, sovereign states who are themselves a “Republican form of government.” This rancid agency designed to socially indoctrinate your child will eat about $67 BILLION dollars this fiscal year – $67 BILLION dollars that doesn’t even exist while the people’s purse – the treasury – is over drawn almost $9 TRILLION dollars. Prior to this facilitator of communism birthed by Jimmy Carter, America had the finest educational system in the world. That can no longer be said and all the worthless paper (Federal Reserve Notes) in the world won’t make it any better. The only solution is to abolish it and turn education back to the states.

Let’s talk about the Environmental Protection Agency. Another unconstitutional cabinet sucking up money like a camel in the Sahara Desert after a long trek. The EPA is not only unconstitutional, but totally unnecessary. It will eat up over $8 BILLION dollars this year – $8 BILLION dollars that doesn’t exist with the people’s purse empty as counterfeit Senator Patty Murray’s head. Abolish the Department of Homeland Security because it isn’t necessary, it’s nothing but a duplicate of a Soviet style operation headed up by an evil man named Michael Chertoff, who cares nothing for the U.S. Constitution. This year the Department of Fatherland Security will blow $35.6 BILLION dollars that don’t exist – it will have to be borrowed; that interest will be slapped on the back of your children and grand babies. Do you care?

Let’s talk about foreign aid:

February 5, 2007
Bush’s Budget Request Would Continue Increase in Foreign Aid
USAID administrator says U.S. aid has nearly tripled since 2000
By Stephen Kaufman/USINFO Staff Writer

“Washington — U.S. foreign assistance could increase 12 percent in fiscal year 2008 from the enacted 2006 fiscal year levels as part of the $2.9 trillion budget plan President Bush has proposed, said Ambassador Randall Tobias. Tobias is director of U.S. foreign assistance and administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development. In remarks at the State Department February 5, Tobias said the Bush administration is seeking $20.3 billion for the 2008 fiscal year.”

The U.S. Constitution does not authorize Congress to steal from the people’s treasury to fund this monstrous rape called “foreign aid” regardless of what country is the recipient, period. Bush wants Congress to spend $2.9 TRILLION dollars next year when there is no money in the treasury; $20 BILLION of it to fund graft and corruption around the world. A trillion dollars this year to fund a ton of unconstitutional spending, i.e., Department of Health and Human Services, research grants and “studies” for things like frog flatulence. Next comes the big hoax of global warming and the destruction to private enterprise; pillaging of the people’s treasury will be beyond anything you can imagine.

The list goes on, hundreds of pages in the so called “budget.” Of course, this doesn’t sit well with roughly two million Americans employed by the federal government in jobs not authorized under the Constitution, but they should not blame me or you for demanding a return to constitutional government. They should blame the whores they keep electing that continue this insanity. Tragically, the day of reckoning is coming as I have warned for years. I encourage you to read the articles below and this new one by Dr. Edwin Vieira, “….a crisis in “homeland security” will be coming to a neighborhood near you sometime soon, in the form of a meltdown of America’s monetary and banking systems.”

The Federal Department of (dumbing down your children) Education, EPA, foreign welfare and Department of “Homeland” Security will blow a whopping $131 BILLION dollars this year alone. Dollars that don’t even exist, but will be borrowed and slapped on your back, your children and grand babies. All unconstitutional, all unnecessary except to provide jobs Congress has NO authority to do; the federal government is not an employment agency except under communism. Add in the raping of the American people to fund the communist UN, the World Bank, International Monetary Fund and you’re talking hundreds of billions of dollars stolen from we the people to fund the furtherance of a one world being ordered using violence by mad men. Do you care?

How do we fund the necessary and limited functions of a republican form of government? The same as we did before the non ratified Sixteenth Amendment and the Federal Reserve were put in place in 1913. The way James Madison and the others set it up: tariffs, imposts, duties, excise taxes and reasonable corporate taxes. However, you can’t do this as long as the central bank and all these unconstitutional and unnecessary cabinets remain in place. The American people can continue to allow their lifeblood to seep out until we finally expire or we the people can get on track with the right discussion about taxation. Last week the AP put out a news item titled ‘Revenue Collections Hit Record in April.’ To the casual reader, gee, it looks great! It’s all a carefully crafted illusion using creative bookkeeping to fool the peasants. It is imperative that the American people understand the money trail and why an income tax or these other taxing schemes are not necessary to fund the federal government; see below. Medicare and social security must be funded out, but Congress must also tell the American people the truth about these systems.

The American people must begin demanding an end to this bloated Leviathan called the federal government. If it were up to me, I’d boot the whole damn Congress out of office tomorrow except Ron Paul. He should be America’s next president with Dr. Edwin Vieira as Secretary of the Treasury. Anyone who has done any research knows that the ballot box has been hijacked by high technology (electronic machines) and that no matter how many assurances are given by those who profit from these insidious machines, the end result is the same. Constitutionalists can’t get elected; I know from experience. Here and there one or two get elected because of their districts and population, i.e., Constitution Party candidate Rick Jore’s great win in Montana. The voters sent him to the state house. I have written a million words on vote fraud and yes, Irene, the machines make sure those who get in Congress and stay election after election are those who will tow the line with the money masters and do their bidding.

Call into talk radio when the issue is “lower taxes,” “tax cuts for the rich” and start talking eliminating unconstitutional cabinets and expenditures and returning to a limited form of republican government. America prospered without the EPA, foreign welfare, the Federal Department of Dumbing Down and all these other cabinets and agencies. Remember this: Congress is the federal government. It was created to do what the states individually couldn’t do as it relates to uniformity: war, trade, commerce, copyrights, patents and foreign dealings. The states (colonies) would take care of all business that concerned it’s citizens (domestic) and everything else was left to an independent, self-reliant people under the Tenth Amendment. It worked like magnificently and it can work again. The alternative is utter and complete financial annihilation.

Talk to your friends, people at work over the water cooler (instead of Paris Hilton or the latest sports scores) and at group meetings – wherever people congregate: forget the slick slogans and focus on the true solution- abolishing all but the necessary functions of a limited form of republican government. Call your member of Congress and demand he/she make a commitment to abolish these unconstitutional cabinets, stop this war mongering/nation building, bring home our military from around the world and return to constitutional revenues to run the federal government. To continue talking about taxes without addressing the real issue will produce the same results and we will simply continue to slide into poverty. Everyone wants to get rid of the income tax. It is repulsive that Americans have allowed the federal government to snoop into the most intimate details of their lives via the Internal Robbing Service. The IRS must go, but don’t replace it with another money pipeline to the privately owned Federal Reserve. Return to constitutional limitations on government and no direct taxation the way it was, the way of a free nation and the path to financial independence. Become one voice united.

“But what do we mean by the American Revolution? Do we mean the American war? The Revolution was effected before the war commenced. The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations…This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution.” John Adams, letter to H. Niles, February 13, 1818

[Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions. [Order two books and save $10.00]]

© 2007 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:

Important information:

1. Department of Education must be abolished
2. Why the Environmental Protection Agency must be abolished
3. Why An Income Tax is Not Necessary to Fund the Federal Government
4. Creating jobs to hide the coming financial tsunami

5. Beware alternative taxing schemes
6, The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America (Call 800-955-0116 and get $50.00 discount while supply last)
7, Why Are Democrats Upset Over the Elections?
8, Does Congress Get What It Deserves?

They Are Coming After Us!

By Glynn Adams

May 22, 2022

For years now God has been warning the Body of Christ in America that we were to resist the evil overtaking our nation. Time and time again He has sent warnings to us but His Body has blatantly ignored His warnings. I have hundreds of articles in my archive warning the Body of Christ via Facebook about judgment and carnage that is coming but it seems to fall on deaf ears! Never have I heard anyone comment “they” received the revelation and were going to resist evil or organize to resist evil. So evil continues to have its way in America with little to no opposition, especially from the pastors and their organized church in America. At this moment there is too few organizations resisting this evil in our nation and we are thankful for each one but I don’t know of any church that is making headlines today in America because they are involved in the resistance of evil in our nation. I know there are pastors aware of the evil overtaking our nation but their churches refuse to respond to resist evil. Most pastors today are either giving their people smooth words while others are trying to convince God’s people they should be doing something.

So now instead of God ruling America, evil rules America. Evil rules our government, evil rules our culture, evil rules our public education, evil rules most of our media, as a matter of fact, evil rules all facets of American life. Christian, you think about that!!! Satan rules in America!!! What an abomination and an insult to the cross that Jesus Christ died on that gave us the power over our enemies. And we allow evil to rule!!!! Jesus came to earth to establish dominion again and to re-establish the Kingdom of God that was lost in the fall of Adam. The Kingdom of God is the “rule of God.” That rule is established in America when God’s people are doing the will of God on earth as it is done in heaven.

[ See the DVD: “Enemies Within: The Church“]

I think the next question that should be asked: Who is ruling our pastors and churches? The answer is obvious. If evil is ruling in America, God’s Word says we are to resist the evil. But we refuse to resist the evil overtaking this nation. “I did not send these prophets but they ran. I did not speak to them but they prophesied. But if they had stood in My council, then they would have announced My words to My people and would have turn them back from their evil way and from the evil of their deeds.” (Jeremiah 23:21-22) The forces of evil in America are now getting bolder and more brazen in their actions. They are taking away our freedoms regardless what our Founding Documents say with no opposition from the Body of Christ. These are freedoms granted by God and the Body of Christ in America is stone, cold, silent. Jesus resisted evil and so should we. One-third of the ministry of Jesus was dealing with demons and the powers of darkness and we ignore them!!!

Today in America, we are living in a matrix make believe world designed and created, not by God, but by the New World Order demonic occultists and elites in this nation and around this universe. The church Jesus was to build has been taken over by men and women referred to as pastors, church bosses, and unfaithful people and they have made a religious matrix “For My people have committed two evils; they have forsaken Me, the fountain of living waters to hew for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that can hold no water.” (Jeremiah 2:13) This religious system has no power and cannot resist Satan because Satan does not cast out Satan. Our false religious systems in America are almost as bad as what Jesus confronted in the First Century with the religious Scribes and Pharisees.

Our judgment is before us and it will increase the more God sees our disobedience, silence, and apathy. We have lost our society and culture to the ways of Satan and his vile men and women. In 2016, God gave us a President instead of deceptive Hillary. The fruit of this President was that he loved the Christians and Israel by moving our embassy to Jerusalem. I personally believe God gave us President Trump as a stop-gap to clog the wheels of persecution against the Body of Christ in America so we could get our spiritual house in order to obey God. But instead of getting our spiritual house in order, we actually made an idol of President Trump and a cheerleader when the forces of evil turned on him. I will always believe that if we would have put our spiritual house in order and begin to aggressively resist the evil overtaking this nation and taken a hard stand against the lies and those who exalt themselves against the Word of God, the persecution the President suffered would have instead been on us.

Well, like before, we were cowards and doubled down even more on our apathy and false religious ways. So God “who removes kings and establishes kings” (Daniel 2:21), did to America what He did many times to Israel when they were disobedient to God, and removed their good King and give them a wicked king. God allowed the ungodly government we have today and it is clearly a strong judgment against our disobedience to the living God. The average pastor and member of the Body of Christ in America hasn’t a clue that we are under the judgment of God and why? I’ll tell you how bad it is in our churches that refuse to preach the Word of God and expose what is going on in our culture. If you were from Mars and you were dropped directly into an average church service in America today and listen to their “positive” religious services, you would think America does not have a problem and everything is going well!!! And all the time hell is ruling over our churches, culture, and government!!

Speaking of judgment of God, God says in Hosea 4:6, that we are being destroyed because we have rejected knowledge and He has forgotten our children because we have rejected His law. Our God is sovereign and whether we believe it or not, we are to obey the Word of God. Our opinion is not an option, our interpretation is not an option but absolute obedience to the King!!!!! In addition, we are allowing our public school to destroy our children and the Body of Christ in America which should be leading is dead silent in their safe zones. Thank God many parents are now confronting this evil. Only God knows how we are going to save the minds and psyche of our young children from these evil and wicked teachers in our society. We must remember: Whoever causes one of these little ones to stumble….. and, parents who don’t train and teach their children the ways of God; there are serious consequences. We need to fall more now than ever on our face before our Holy God and repent of our sins of disobedience to Him. We have lost our fear of God and what it means to live under a sovereign King. We must have God on our side. We can’t just do “our” own thing in “our” church and expect God’s blessings. We are deceived and in a spiritual mess and I’m not sure we have the wisdom or the will to change our religious ways.

Yes, the Body of Christ must grow some backbone to stand in the face of these evil men and women in our government, states, cities, culture, and school boards, and against everyone who openly exalts themselves against the Word of God and stand on the Word against their lies and deception. Yes, the truth of God is being undermined in our churches because most pastors and those in the pew refuse to stand against the lies that are destroying our children, families, freedoms, churches, and nation. Yes, Satan has little opposition against him in America today and this has to change immediately!! Yes, God will not hold us guiltless but we first have to get this thing of LORDSHIP – “obedience, commitment, faithfulness, submission, and allegiance” to a sovereign King settled and quickly. Just saying and thinking Jesus is your LORD is not enough; that is deception. We don’t need a pep talk. LORDSHIP is “doing” the will of God in obedience to our sovereign LORD and King because what He has done for us.

According to Hebrews 10:26-31, we have trampled underfoot the Son of God, we have regarded as unclean the blood of the covenant and we have insulted the Spirit of Grace. Our sin before a Holy God is we have failed to realize the sacredness of the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross!!!! This sin is worse than rebellion; it is a wounding of the love of Jesus!!! As Hebrews 10 states, “For if we go on sinning willfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins but a certain terrifying expectation of judgment and the fury of a fire which will consume….” HATH GOD REALLY SAID?!!! Oh, God really doesn’t mean that!!! Yes He does, we just read it in the Word.

Because the Body of Christ in America is not honoring Jesus as LORD and the fact that we continue to refuse to resist the evil in this nation, I believe God has turned us over to our devices and to those who we refuse to resist. Our hill is going to get harder and harder to climb and life in America is becoming miserable and dangerous because these elites hate Christianity and their rule over us is about to get mean and unbearable to say the least. Everyone is going to look back and wished a thousand times we would have simply obeyed the LORD Jesus Christ and His Word!! While the doors are closing fast, there yet remains an open door that begins with repentance and a renewed commitment to the LORDSHIP of Jesus and obedience to the Word of God.

We must also forsake these false pastors and this false Babylonian religious system we have created and allow Jesus to build His church and commit to the LORDSHIP of Jesus so we can resist these powers of darkness that are overtaking our nation. Our comfortable religion and our religious games are over. We must get serious in obeying our Sovereign King and His Word of God. We must develop a greater fear of God than of Klaus Schwab and His World Economic Forum and New World Order elites. They are coming after us!!! The ball is in our court and our obedience will determine what happens to once righteous America!!! God Bless, I remain His warrior and watchman, Glynn Adams (Thanks to Daniel Duval and his book “Kingdom Government”, the late D. Stanley Jones and his book, “The Unshakable Kingdom and the Unchanging Person)

“But if you do not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you, then it shall come about that those whom you let remain of them will become as pricks in your eyes and as thorns in your sides, and they shall trouble you in the land in which you live. And it shall come about that as I plan to do to them, so I will do to you.” (Numbers 33:55-56) Two Scriptures, Romans 15:4, 1 Corinthians 10:6-12 are a witness “that what was written in earlier times was written for our instruction.”

[BIO: Glynn Adams pastored for several years in Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, and Tennessee. For the last twenty years has been involved in local ministries building a coalition to resist the evil overtaking this nation. He is currently a warrior and Watchman on the Wall– crying in the wilderness like John the Baptist for repentance. The church in America must wake up because there is a war going on against Christianity and we have not shown up for it!!!]

© 2022 Glynn Adams – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Glynn Adams:

Is The Coming Food Shortage Government Engineered?, Part 2

By Roger Anghis

May 22, 2022

We have seen that the government is playing a big role in the food shortages that they have declared will hit America shortly. If that isn’t bad enough we are also seeing cyber attacks on agricultural cooperatives causing serious problems. These are combined with fires and other disasters that are not uncommon to these facilities but have never happened in the quantities that we are seeing.  Nearly two dozen food facilities in the US have been burned down in the past 5 months, and now we are getting reports it’s occurring overseas too.  Some have speculated that these are actually targeted drone strikes.  However, in the midst of the push for a cashless society via The Great Reset and the planned starvation of the population to control them, we are hypocritically warned by FBI terrorists, and terrorists is what they are, that there may be targeted cyber attacks on food plants.  This is code for there will be targeted attacks.

Zero Hedge has the story.

The FBI’s Cyber Division published a notice this past week warning about increased cyber-attack threats on agricultural cooperatives, which comes at a time when a curious string of fires and explosions damage major food processing plants across the country.

“Ransomware actors may be more likely to attack agricultural cooperatives during critical planting and harvest seasons, disrupting operations, causing financial loss, and negatively impacting the food supply chain,” the notice read, adding 2021 and early 2022 ransomware attacks on farming co-ops could affect the current planting season “by disrupting the supply of seeds and fertilizer.”

The agency warned, “A significant disruption of grain production could impact the entire food chain, since grain is not only consumed by humans but also used for animal feed … In addition, a significant disruption of grain and corn production could impact commodities trading and stocks.”

The most recent incidents were fires at two Oregon-based food processing plants. The first occurred on Monday night when a fire destroyed Azure Standard’s joint headquarters and warehouse facilities. The second was an explosion on Tuesday at a Shearer’s Foods plant.

Internet sleuths pieced together a compilation of headlines showing a spate of fires at food processing plants across the country in the last year or so.[1] What we are seeing, in my opinion, is an attempt by elites to totally control the food supply. Greed has no bounds and it doesn’t care who it hurts to get what it wants.

We are seeing a very large number of food processing plants, fertilizer plants, and related facilities experience devastating fires, planes flying into them, explosions, and a whole series of other disasters that have hit the food processing industry. There have been, at the time this article was written, 22 plants have been affected. Some have been completely destroyed.  These plants are located all across America.  California, Oregon, New Hampshire, Texas, Arkansas, Wisconsin, Illinois, and Maine just to name a few and all of these have occurred this year. Can anyone explain why absolutely massive fires just keep erupting again and again at critical facilities all over America?  The tragic destruction by fire of the headquarters of Azure Standard in Oregon shocked millions of people, and since that news broke quite a few readers have been reaching out to me about the long string of unusual blazes that we have been witnessing from coast to coast in recent months.  I decided to look into this phenomenon for myself, and I am sharing what I have discovered so far in this article.  Dr. Benjamin Braddock and others had already been digging into this, and their research proved quite valuable as I began my investigation.  Some of the incidents that people have reported I was not able to independently verify, and others I felt were too minor to be put on this list. 

Of course, it is not unusual for there to be fires at food industry facilities, and fire departments are accustomed to responding to such fires and putting them out.

But in many of these cases, we are talking about absolutely uncontrollable fires that seemed to erupt very suddenly.

And in many of these cases, the firefighters that responded were not able to save the structures because the fires were so enormous.[2]

Try all you want but you’ll never convince me that these are not planned. There is someone or something behind it. A plan is being executed. This is part of Klaus Schwab’s great reset. I believe that it will fail but they are pushing it as hard as they can because they know their time is very short.  If Republicans retake House and Senate they are dead in the water. We still have to resist with all that we have until then.

The globalists already control the majority of the money, are moving ever so swiftly to convert the energy system over into systems they are all invested in, and have been taking drastic measures to control the food industry while running much of it under the radar. If they control the seeds they control the food, and if they control the food they can use the digital ID to control consumer access to the food. While a rash of fires suddenly destroy food processing, meat, and fertilizer plants, during a time where farmers are hurting and supply chain issues are kicking in, an entire traceable food infrastructure system has already been built in multiple cities and is making its way across the globe.

Imagine a day where farmers’ markets no longer exist, you can’t drive over to your local farmer to buy produce or cuts of meat, and the only food growing outside of the globalist secured indoor vertical farming and lab-grown meat facilities, is in your windowsill, garden, or greenhouse.[2]

Again, we have to follow the money. We can look at a few statistics and realize just why they are making this push: The indoor vertical farming industry was valued at $5.5 billion in 2020 and is projected to reach $19.86 billion by 2026. Urban indoor farming controlled by the globalists is the future of food they have reimagined, and it’s already in thousands of grocery stores without people realizing it. Whereas the U.S. is leading in this industry, this is a global agenda with vertical farms popping up across the globe.

  • For perspective, Bowery Farming’s new facility in Arlington, TX will be able to serve 16 million people in a 200-mile radius. This is only one of the dozens of vertical farming companies with massive facilities across the country, backed by big investors.
  • AeroFarms, who has the largest indoor vertical farming facility in the world, co-developed the first CRISPR-Cas9 gene-edited produce product, now hundreds are following, while National Geographic believes that gene editing is the next food revolution. AeroFarms also worked on an NIH-sponsored trial to produce proteins for the Covid jabs.
  • The University of California is developing a plant-based mRNA vaccine in the hopes that farms can grow edible vaccine heads of lettuce.
  • Monsanto/Bayer is creating gene-edited seeds for vertical farm companies, while Bill Gates, the Rockefeller and Ford Foundations, and the World Bank control 10% of the world’s germplasms and hold some of the world’s largest seed banks. Bayer and BASF, two of the world’s largest suppliers of seed, are both involved with the vertical farm industry.
  • The USDA and FDA have already approved lab-grown meat, genetically modified cattle, and are funding the globalists to research and develop cellular agriculture as well as indoor growers and genetics companies, while they slack on regulations for gene-edited produce.[4]

Now we are looking at a baby formula shortage and the response from the White House is something out of a mental institution:

The reporter pressured Psaki for families to take immediate action amid the formula shortage, to which Psaki said, “call their doctor.”

“We certainly encourage any parent who is concerned about their child’s health or well-being to call their doctor or pediatrician,” Psaki said.[5]

The worst part of this in my opinion, is the fact the Biden administration knew about it in February but did basically nothing to circumvent it. This seems to be the hallmark of the Biden administration, lack of planning and no foresight at all: The Biden administration knew about the baby formula shortage as early as February, the director of the National Economic Council, Brian Deese, told CNN’s “New Day” on Friday morning.

Deese said the administration is working around the clock to tackle the issue from every angle possible, noting the administration is trying to give retailers “more flexibility on the types of formulas that they can sell.” Deese did not provide an estimate of how long the administration anticipates the shortage will last, but urged families to call their healthcare provider if they need help.[6]

[ See the DVD: “Enemies Within: The Church“]

Our government is using Orwell’s 1984 as a guideline and we have to put a stop to it. Elections have always had consequences.  Some have been good and some have been bad.  We need to make sure the next few elections are the good ones.

© 2022 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. FBI:  terrorists warn of targeted cyber attacks on food plants after mysterious fires take down multiple food facilities-video
  2. A list of 16 major fires that have occurred at key food industry facilities in the US since the start of 2022
  3. New controlled food system is now in place and they will stop at nothing to accelerate their control
  4. New controlled food system is now in place and they will stop at nothing to accelerate their control
  5. WH advises worried parents to have their starving babies call their doctor
  6. Biden’s handlers knew in February that baby formula shortage was coming

The Biggest Con the World Has Ever Seen

by Kathleen Marquardt

May 21, 2022

We are at a crucial point right now. I want to say we are at a turning point, but instead, we are approaching the point of no return. For over a century we have been going down the “Fabian Freeway”[i]. The Great Reset, with its concomitant tools of pandemics, scheme of turning over sovereignty to the genuinely evil World Health Organization (WHO), Artificial Intelligence (which stands for artifice intelligence), and dealing with us “useless eater” along with a plethora of other dastardly deeds, is now driving this.,

The Big Con – Agenda 21 (millennial goals, Agenda 2030, Green New Deal, and numerous other re-names) and the Great Reset together truly make up the most monstrous scheme perpetrated in the world – and it’s on the whole world. And we have watched it being designed and executed and we did nothing much to stop it. Those foisting this abomination on humanity have always told us what they were about to do. Few of us were paying attention, but those who were, were highly vocal, trying to wake up, not only the “silent majority”, but anyone with ears willing to hear.

Well before our time, people were exposing the plan to control the entire world like Jo Hindman, [ii] Yuri Bezmenov, [iii] Rose L. Martin author of Fabian Freeway, Edward Cox and the Reece Committee, and even those who were “for” the New World Order (NWO) such as Carroll Quigley in his book Tragedy and Hope, the Council on Foreign Relations and the vested foundations via their published papers. Then there’s H.G. Wells and Aldous Huxley. But it was all too unfathomable to most, so they ignored the signs and even, the blatant writing on the wall via mainstream media. But it is there, all spelled out for even the most superficial reader. For information about the past 100 years of the destruction of America and Christianity, you can go to the American Policy Center website. [iv] My focus is on tools of the asymmetric warfare going on right now while most are watching media and unaware of how close they are to being slaves.

The Big Con encompasses, among other things, the molding of education into an indoctrination machine that not only changes our children’s attitudes, values, and beliefs, but also selects those who will be allowed to function in the New World Order as useful idiots for the power elite or slaves. The leftovers will be all the useless eaters who will be done away with – one way or another; in the meantime, they will be drudges.

You don’t have to take my word for it; here is Yuri Harari, futurist and lead advisor to Klaus Schwab, spelling it out (long but eye-opening):

Again, I think the biggest question in maybe in economics and politics of the coming decades will be what to do with all these useless people?

The problem is more boredom and how what to do with them and how will they find some sense of meaning in life, when they are basically meaningless, worthless?

My best guess, at present is a combination of drugs and computer games as a solution for [most]. It’s already happening. Under different titles, different headings, you see more and more people spending more and more time or solving their inner problems with the drugs and computer games, both legal drugs and illegal drugs.

You look at Japan today, Japan is maybe 20 years ahead of the world in everything. And you see all these new social phenomena of people having relationships with virtual; virtual spouses and you have people who never leave the house and just live through computers.

I think once you’re superfluous, you don’t have power.

Again, we are used to the Age of the Masses, of the 19th and 20th centuries…We saw all these successful massive uprisings; revolutions, revolts. So we got used to thinking about the masses as powerful. But this is basically a 19th century and 20th century phenomenon.

I don’t think that the masses, even if they somehow organize themselves stand much of a chance. We are not in Russia of 1917 or in 19th century Europe.

What we are talking about now is like a second Industrial Revolution but the product this time will not be textiles or machines or vehicles or even weapons. The product this time will be humans, themselves.

We are basically learning to produce bodies and minds. Bodies and minds are going to visit, I think the two main products of the next wave of all these changes.

That is optional. Again, and if you think about it from the viewpoint of the poor, it looks terrible, because throughout history, death was the great equalizer. The big consolation of the poor throughout history was that, “OK, these rich people they have it good but they’re going to die, just like me.”

But think about the world, say in 50 years, 100 years, where the poor people continue to die but the rich people, in addition to all the other things they get, they also get an exemption from death.

Once you really solve a problem like direct brain-computer interface; when brains and computers can interact directly; for example – to take just one example – that’s it, that’s the end of history; that’s the end of biology, as we know it. Nobody has a clue when what will happen once you solve this.

If life can basically break out of the organic realm into the vastness of the inorganic realm, you cannot even begin to imagine what the consequences will be, because your imagination at present is organic.

So, if there is a point of singularity, as it’s often referred to, by definition, we have no way of even starting to imagine what’s happening beyond that. Looking before the point of singularity just as a trend, it is gathering pace.

It is the new attitude, I think is to treat old age and death as technical problems, no different, in essence than any other disease. It’s like cancer, it’s like Alzheimer’s, it’s like tuberculosis.

Maybe we still don’t know all the mechanisms and all the remedies but in principle, people always die for one reason and one reason only – and these are technical reasons, not metaphysical reasons.

People today actually manage to live – many people – as isolated, alienated individuals.

In the most advanced societies, many people live as alienated individuals with no community to speak about, with a very small family. It’s no longer the big, extended family, it’s now a very small family; maybe just a spouse; maybe one or two children – and even they might live in a different city, in a different country – and you see them, maybe once in every few months and that’s it.

After millions of years of evolution, suddenly, within 200 years, the family and the intimate community break; they collapse. Most of the roles filled by the family and by the intimate community for thousands and tens of thousands of years are transferred very quickly to new networks provided by the state and the market.

You don’t need children, you can have a pension fund. You don’t need somebody to take care of you. You don’t need neighbors and sisters or brothers to take care of you when you’re sick; the state takes care of you, the states provide you with police, with education, with help with everything, in terms of ideas, in terms of religions.

The most interesting place today in the world in religious terms is Silicon Valley. It’s not the Middle East. This is where the new religions are being created now by people like Ray Kurtzweil and this these are the religions that will take over the world.[v]

He didn’t dream this up; earlier futurists did. He just put it out there in plain speak so you can’t say it’s nuanced or we misheard it. It is all in the Feasibility Study: Behavioral Science Teacher Education Program (BSTEP), Final Report. It is 457 pages long. The study was developed in 1968 by Michigan State University at the behest of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare for comprehensive elementary teacher education models. It defines exactly how planners and planning will replace entrepreneurs, doers, and other self-motivated people. BSTEP even told us that planners would run the world; first, the globalists decide the future they would like to see in 40 years (remember the “visioning” sessions when they were leading consensus meetings in your counties and cities?). Long ago, they conceived how to control us, and then they use planning to bring it to fruition – starting in elementary school with BSTEP. There is to be no individualism, national or personal sovereignty, or free-thinking in the now very near future – thanks to John Dewey, the Frankfurt School, Brock Chisholm – the first director of WHO, and many U.S. presidents starting with Wilson.

The BSTEP program shows the connection between futurists, planners, and the education system:

There is little doubt that environments do change. To recognize present and future environments one must know the sources of change which create a new environment. Technology is the major source of change. It opens up possibilities of manipulating, mastering and transforming nature, resources, time, and space. It offers a systematic disciplined approach to objectives, permits precision and measurement and a systems concept that may be quite contrary to traditional religious, esthetic and intuitive modes. Because of technology, decision-making can be based on such techniques as simulation, model construction, linear programming, and operations research. But other sources of change in society exist. These include the diffusion of existing goals and privileges in society, the structural development in society, and the relationship of the United States to the rest of the world. Human capital rather than financial capital is considered urgent; sociological questions about relationships of new technological modes of decision-making to the political structures of society are raised; and there tends to be a shift from the product sector of economy to that of service. Also, the cannon of the Occident replaced by the cannon of the globe. Our image of man is ceasing to assume tacitly that the white man is made peculiarly in the likeness of God.

.. ;. If we admit that the image of the future can be effectively introduced as the most efficient link in the chain of causability, if we admit that our image of the future is in any way and to any extent our own choice and responsibility, then we have a way of reconciling our belief in determinism and our belief in freedom. Without a doubt, we have a challenge. As we accept the future world, as we frame questions about the society and plan the future, we consciously or unconsciously inject our own values into our answers, values that may be old or new and placed in hierarchial fashion or in a spectrum.

A typical futurist’s reports reveal that in the future there will be: huge population increases, increases in the size of dependent populations; more protests; worsening race relations; more mass violence; a larger generation gap; more air pollution; more drugs; famines that will kill half a billion people in one year; massive air invasions; career training will not keep up with career roles; essential information about public policy will become secretive and most people not to be able to participate in government; and so on.

The World of 2100 (conceivable – not predictions) Population: 8 billion Chemical control of aging process may be achieved, raising a person’s life expectancy to over 100 years. … Man-medicine symbiosis may permit a person to raise his intelligence by brain tie-in with computers…, completely automated highway transportation, etc. Adequate provision of life necessities for all people of the earth by international agreements may be a reality (ed note: Universal Basic Income). …. A permanent lunar colony may be established with regularly scheduled commercial traffic between the earth and the moon.

For those who wish some structure, the following is provided. There are five broad categories with several sub-categories: (I am showing just a small part, ed.)

  1. Futurism as a social tool and decision making by an elite
  2. Population factors (i.e., reduction of)
  3. Population concentrations (moving people into cities for better control)
  4. Increasing youthfulness of the population and generation gap (getting rid of elderly)
  5. Biological capabilities
  6. Biological capabilities in controlling inherited characteristics and potentialities
  7. Body repair and health improvements
  8. Shifting social values
  9. Governance and services by varied agencies, organizations, and enterprises. (see Reinventing Government)
  10. A controlling elite
  11. Conflict and cooperation among peoples at home and abroad
  12. International arrangements and nationalism
  1. Diffusion of prosperity (making us all equally poor) and increased social mobility (social, i.e., online rather than person-to-person)
  2. Environmental pollution[vi]

Yes, that was 54 years ago, but it told us is exactly what would be going on today.

We can turn this around, but we must eliminate every vestige of the Marxian evil. We can take America back – one town, city, county, state at a time. All we need is awake, aware, and willing to be active patriots who care about the world they, their children, and their grandchildren will be living in.

Slavery or Liberty. It’s your choice.

© 2022 Kathleen Marquardt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kathleen Marquardt:


[i] Fabian Freeway: High Road to Socialism in the U.S.A.
[ii] List of her books:
[vi] Behavioral Science Teacher Education Program, Michigan State University, 1965, pp. 14-144

Where’s the Peacemaker?

By Lee Duigon

May 21, 2022

In 1904 Russia and Japan went to war to decide which of them would dominate Manchuria and Korea. It was a punishing conflict, with high casualties on both sides. A Russian fleet sailed virtually around the world, only to be wiped out by the Japanese in the battle of Tsushima Strait.

Japan appeared to be winning; but there were leaders in Tokyo who feared the consequences of a lengthy conflict. Winning now, but losing later.

Theodore Roosevelt, President of the United States (just coming into its own as a world power) intervened—not by helping one side against the other, but by inviting both sides to peace talks at Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Japan and Russia both sent delegations, and by the end of the summer of 1905, they had hammered out the Treaty of Portsmouth, ending the war with a peace that both sides were able to keep.

Today we have a shooting war in Europe, Russia having invaded Ukraine. The damage to lives and property has been immense.

But one thing we do not have: a world leader like Roosevelt, of sufficient stature to command respect and of sufficient neutrality to generate trust.

Someone needs to set up a peace table and get Russia and Ukraine into serious peace negotiations—but who? God help us, several irresponsible persons have already speculated on this war going nuclear—a disaster for the whole world. This needs to be avoided.

There is no Theodore Roosevelt on the scene. With SloJo Biden openly siding with Ukraine, with the Senate poised to dole out $40 billion to Ukraine’s war effort, and motormouths like Sean Hannity and others calling for the assassination of Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, America has disqualified herself from any role in mediation. I mean, would you trust any of these idiots to end a war? If you were Putin, would you trust them to be even-handed?

Who can be the mediator? Everybody’s busy choosing sides. Britain, France, Germany—no neutrality there. China? Not likely. It would have to be the leader of a major power: who’s going to listen to the president of Costa Rica? Meanwhile, who has heard from the United Nations? The world’s supposed peacekeeper is out to lunch somewhere. The European Union is compromised, the UN is AWOL, and the war in Ukraine goes on and on. One might fear that it will spiral out of control—although that may already be the case.

Some of us wonder whether the world’s, um, leaders even want peace. Maybe they like having a chaotic mess. “See? We toldja it’s time for global government! This is just gonna get worse and worse until you put us in charge and give us vast new powers!”

Would this war even have started, with Donald Trump still in the White House? The Biden disaster in Afghanistan showed weakness, fecklessness, and incompetence: not the qualities to be sought in any mediator.

It’s not hard to imagine Trump presiding over the peace table—if you can imagine The Regime allowing it under any circumstances. Would Democrats keep any peace that Trump had brokered? That’s where my imagination gives up and goes home.

We do need somebody to do in 2022 what Theodore Roosevelt did in 1905; but today’s world leaders aren’t up to it. A mediator for this war is desperately needed, but no one has come forward. If you were Donald Trump, would you volunteer for the job? But the current state of America’s domestic politics probably makes this impossible.

This is a job that needs doing, and there seems to be nobody here to do it.

The world needs to find someone—and fast.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and drop in for a visit, before the Ministry of Truth prohibits it. My articles can also be found at .

© 2022 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon:

Can We Take Back Our Election Process?

By Tom DeWeese

May 20, 2022

What If We Just Said None of the Above!

The clamor is growing louder every day. “They don’t listen.” “We have no real choice of candidates.” “The system is rigged for the elite.” “There’s no difference between the two parties.”

You hear it every election. Endless talk about the need to create jobs, build the economy, make the nation a “better place to live for our families,” and, my favorite, “restore trust!”

Who’s not for those wonderful things! The slogans work for Democrats and Republicans alike. These so-called issues are interchangeable. They are, in fact, nothing more than empty rhetoric.

Meanwhile, do we hear any serious discussion about how to stop our money from becoming more worthless every day from government spending and rampant inflation? The last serious statement I heard was from Biden, telling us to avoid inflation by not buying things! What about the destruction of our education system as it’s used for behavior modification while true academics are eliminated from the curriculum? Has any elected representative from either party taken the lead to stop schools from simply becoming factories that produce global village idiots?

Does any candidate dare mention the hopelessness taking over our inner cities as federal welfare policies enslave whole generations to the ever-expanding government plantation? As the hopelessness grows in these government compounds, invaded by drug dealers and violent gangs, as disinterested bureaucrats ignore broken windows, trash pileups, and broken air conditioning, government policy is demanding more government control of housing in the name of environmental protection. When have we heard these issues is ever mentioned in local, state, or federal campaigns? Never! Any candidate who would try would be immediately labeled an extremist!

Our political parties choose candidates that are “acceptable,” middle of the road, not rocking the boat, and not too extreme. In short, they force us to choose between two equally bad evils. Election after election the drone goes on. And what are we to do? These are the candidates the power mongers have chosen for us for city council, county commission, state legislature, Congress, and President. Yes, we have primaries to choose from, but I think we all know they have rigged just about all elections to assure the powers in charge get whom they want. Open primaries assure that.

Is it any wonder millions of Americans don’t vote or participate in our nation’s debate because they think it doesn’t matter anyway? The “average voter” increasingly feels that the decisions have been made for them. Worse, those who hold conservative points of view that our nation should live within the Constitution now believe socialism is inevitable, so why bother going to the polls. The Republic is lost, they say. The poor understand they are simply pawns in a vice grip between big money and special interests that control the elections.

And the growing proof of massive cheating in the last Presidential election has increased the feeling of helplessness which now rules the world’s once greatest democratic Republic. What political party is currently leading the charge to fix the election system? Meanwhile, as people stay home or trudge to the polls to hold their noses to vote for the next lesser of two evils, 93% of incumbents are routinely returned to office – year after year after year.

The instant a candidate is elected and joins the ranks of the incumbents, they begin the dance. Get the money for the next campaign. How? Special interest groups, corporations, and foreign interests flood into their offices to make deals, promote their agendas and show the way to fame, fortune and perpetual office – if only the incumbents go along. They have the whole process well in hand. Campaigns become little more than big PR projects, promoted in positive platitudes, specifically designed to assure nothing negative sticks. Just get through it and keep the gravy train running.

Above all, do not talk about controversial subjects like dollar values, global trade, or immigration; just stick to issues like health care, and the environment – coincidentally, two issues bought and paid for by the special interests. See how it works?

So year after year, we officially hold elections and politicians pontificate about how our going to the polls is a revered right, a valued tradition, underpinning a free society. And they wonder why there is such division in the nation! How did we end up in such a mess? We voted for these guys. But did we enjoy it? Are we satisfied with the results? Would we like to demand a do-over?

Is it hopeless? Is there any way to change it? Do you want the people to have control of the election process and the choice of candidates offered? Do you want to force the power elites to listen to you? I’ve got a solution.

Don’t despair. Don’t give up. There is a logical, effective way out of this. But it won’t happen by depending on political parties to lead the way. We have to take things into our own hands. We need an effective, binding form of protest to say “NO” to bad candidates. There is such a way.

Imagine going into the voting booth and looking down the list of candidates offered. None really appeal. None seem to offer satisfaction as an answer to the issues that concern you. If only there was something else you could do. A write-in won’t help. It would be a difficult and very expensive effort. It rarely works.

Then you look further down the ballot. Something new. It says “NONE OF THE ABOVE.” It’s a final choice at the bottom of the list of the candidates in every category, from president, to congress to the city council. What does it mean?

It means you have the power to decide who will hold office – not the power brokers. When the votes are tallied, if “NONE OF THE ABOVE” gets a majority of votes over any of the candidates listed, then “NONE OF THE ABOVE” wins. And that means none of those candidates will win the office. The office will remain vacant until a new election is held. To set up another election and fill the spot would work exactly like the process provided in the Constitution when an incumbent dies or resigns, and a special election is held. Now new candidates will have to try to win the public’s support.

Fixing the election process could be that simple. You, the voter, would be completely in the driver’s seat with the power to reject candidates, forcing a new election with new choices. The political parties would be forced to provide candidates the people want — or face being rejected. They would have to talk about real issues – or face being rejected. Incumbents would have to answer for their actions in office – or face being rejected. “NONE OF THE ABOVE.” Period. The power of labor unions and international corporations would be broken.

Think of the consequences. No longer would voters have to settle for the lesser of two evils. If all the candidates are bad – none would be able to force their way into office. It would mean that powerful special interests could no longer rely on their money to buy elections. They could buy all the ads they wanted, spend millions on “volunteers” going door to door and slinging their dirt, but if the voters aren’t buying, none of it will save their candidate from being rejected by “NONE OF THE ABOVE.”

Moreover, the power of entrenched incumbents who have been unbeatable because of their massive war chests and party ties would be broken. Picture McConnell or Pelosi unable to run for office because they were rejected by “NONE OF THE ABOVE.”

However, to work, “NONE OF THE ABOVE” would have to be binding. It would have to have the power of law behind it. It cannot be just a “protest” vote that has no other meaning. “NONE OF THE ABOVE” is completely non-partisan. There is no way to control its outcome. There is no need for a massive campaign chest to support “NONE OF THE ABOVE,” although it could certainly be done. But the option, once permanently placed on the ballot, would always be there. America’s representative system would be restored.

To get the job done, activists in every state would have to begin a campaign to demand that “NONE OF THE ABOVE” be given a permanent spot on the ballot. It would not require a Constitutional Amendment. It would have to be done state by state. Some states have ballot referendums and initiatives using petition drives to get an issue on the ballot, so the people can decide. It’s difficult and expensive to do, but popular ideas have a chance.

In other states, “NONE OF THE ABOVE” advocates would have to find a friendly state representative or senator to introduce the idea before the state legislature and then get enough votes to pass it in both houses and then have it signed by the governor. The main drawback to that effort is obvious – in that it has to pass in state legislatures where, if successful, then every one of those incumbent legislators will have to face “NONE OF THE ABOVE” on the ballot for their re-election. They probably won’t be too excited about the idea.

So why would they support the idea? It would be only because supporters succeed in creating a strong movement of voters which demand it. No one is saying this will be an easy process. But such movements have succeeded before. For example, local activists could begin by demanding that candidates support the measure, much like they now sign “no tax” pledges. In short, they would support it because there is strong popular support, and they simply have no choice. We must change the political debate – why don’t elected officials support my right to have a “citizen’s choice?”

Of course, one of their main objections to the “NONE OF THE ABOVE” idea would be the requirement for holding a new election, should it win. Too expensive, our responsible public servants would say, as they dismissed the idea. However, if it means getting better candidates, isn’t it worth it to hold a new election, especially considering how much a very bad candidate would cost us if he got into office? The fact is, such a need for a new election would probably not arise often once political power brokers began to understand that they must offer candidates acceptable to the people rather than to the special interests. That’s all they really must do. It’s all we want. It only takes a couple of “None of the Above” victories to see that the electorate is back in charge.

The idea of “NONE OF THE ABOVE” has been around for a long time. Over the years, most states have had legislation introduced supporting the concept. Nevada actually has it on the ballot – but it is not binding. It doesn’t force a new election. It is just a measure of protest. That’s not good enough to make it effective.

One of the reasons it has not been successful is because there has never been a serious national drive to promote the idea. However, with the growing dissatisfaction voters are feeling with the lack of quality candidates seeming to get worse every election, perhaps there has never been a better time to start a national discussion on the issue.

The best part is that “NONE OF THE ABOVE” isn’t a conservative or liberal idea. It’s not a Republican of Democrat proposal. Republican leadership might see it as a good way to break the back of big labor’s influence over elections. Equally, Democrats could see it as a way to stop the power and influence of the Republican’s big business money. However, the parties want to look at it, the bottom line is that the voters win.

This will be a long-term process, and is primarily aimed at local, state, and congressional candidates. The real power comes from rejecting the candidates at ever level.

But all of that depends on the voters. Do you want to take back control, or are you satisfied to have your choices made for you behind closed doors? Because that’s what we have now. How’s that working for you?

© 2022 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese: Contact Tom DeWeese

Our Unconstitutional Federal Government

By Lex Greene

May 20, 2022

Our Declaration of Independence established the USA as an independent sovereign nation under the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God on July 4, 1776. The US Constitution drafted by the Continental Congress in 1787 and adopted in 1789 created and guaranteed the people a republican form of self-governance of, by and for the people of the USA, in three separate branches with three separate, distinct, and limited powers and authorities, establishing the Supreme Law of the Land.

The Bill of Rights, ten amendments further restricting the power and authority of the federal government were added to the US Constitution in 1791. The Constitution has only been amended seventeen times since and some of those amendments rendered the US Federal government an unconstitutional body over a hundred years ago.

The fact is…all three branches of our federal government operate outside of their constitutional authority today, in many cases, in direct violation of the Supreme Law of the Land. As much as 80% of what our government does today, is “unconstitutional.” Approximately 80% of all federal spending is also “unconstitutional.”


“The Constitution provides that an amendment may be proposed either by the Congress with a two-thirds majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate, or by a constitutional convention called for by two-thirds of the State legislatures. None of the 27 amendments to the Constitution have been proposed by any States constitutional convention. The Congress proposes an amendment in the form of a joint resolution.” (Source)

“The authority to amend the Constitution of the United States is derived from Article V of the Constitution. After Congress proposes an amendment, the Archivist of the United States, who heads the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), is charged with responsibility for administering the ratification process under the provisions of 1 U.S.C. 106b.” (Source)

Contrary to the Convention of States scam perpetrated on ill-educated citizens today, the State’s cannot Amend the US Constitution, which is why it has never happened in 246-years. The current Convention of States con is designed to mislead citizens into a fake solution that will never happen and should never happen. It’s a mere money-making diversion tactic to keep citizens from doing things they could actually do.

Con artists at the helm of the Article V Convention scam are making millions selling this horrific notion to folks looking for a simple solution and they are spending millions to buy the endorsement of high-profile individuals who are then used to con more people into believing something that simply isn’t true. Because most Americans have never read, or can’t comprehend Article V text correctly, it seems like a silver bullet to the unsuspecting.

In reality, whether amendments are proposed and adopted by Congress, as has been the history of all amendments to date…or proposed to Congress in an open Constitutional Convention convened by Congress on the application of two-thirds of the State legislatures, it is still Congress that must adopt all final amendments to be sent to the State legislatures for ratification. In short, the same Congress they seek to control in their fake state conventions, will control the amendment process once underway.

Further, although two-thirds of the State legislatures can indeed “apply to Congress” to convene for the purpose of proposing amendments, it takes three-fourths of the State legislatures to ratify anything Congress allows to pass in the amendment process and, anyone can propose amendments in that process. Keep in mind that roughly half of the State legislatures are controlled by socialist democrats, which is why they like this State convention idea under the guidance of George Soros, who also wants to amend the US Constitution.

No amendment can be contrary to the foundational text of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Amendments must be limited to a “furtherance thereof.” When both Congress and the State legislatures get it wrong, as in the case of the 18th Amendment, it must be repealed, just as the 18th was repealed by the 21st.


Rather than seeking to further amend the US Constitution, Citizens should be seeking to repeal certain problematic amendments. While it is impossible for two-thirds or even all fifty states to amend the US Constitution via the current Convention of States con, it may in fact be possible to repeal certain past amendments that are contrary to the foundational constitutional text, by a vote by three-fourths of the State legislatures. Although, this too has never been done to date.

There are a few key amendments that are in direct violation of foundational constitutional text. The focus should be on repealing those amendments, or we will never control our federal government ever again. I’ll focus on the four most egregious amendments in direct contradiction of the US Constitutional text, each a high priority for repeal if the people ever want control of their own lives and government.

Amendment XIV – All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States; A mass naturalization amendment, (Passed by Congress June 13, 1866. Ratified July 9, 1868.)

Following on the heels of the 13th Amendment [Passed by Congress January 31, 1865, and Ratified December 6, 1865] making slavery and involuntary servitude illegal in the USA, the 14th Amendment was passed essentially to grant rights of citizenship to former slaves, their families and others residing in the USA who were not previously considered to be citizens of the USA.

Since then, the 14th Amendment has become a “catch-all” amendment for everything under the sun, used as a means of undermining the US Constitution and leading to a mass transformation of American society from “Natural Born Citizens” to everyone on earth is now considered a citizen of equal standing, even though they often hold legal citizenship in foreign lands, including lands that are known enemies of the USA.

Even more insane is recent usage of the 14th Amendment by our “unconstitutional” courts to claim that things like “gay marriage” fall under 14th Amendment protections.

Amendment XVI – The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration. (Passed by Congress July 2, 1909. Ratified February 3, 1913.)

For the first 122-years, from 1791 to 1913, it was “unconstitutional” for the federal government to directly tax individuals’ wages and salaries, as that is a form of “involuntary slavery” and “forced servitude,” as well as “taxation without representation” prohibited by AMENDMENT XIII – Passed by Congress January 31, 1865. Ratified December 6, 1865.

It is wholly unconstitutional for the federal government to take from the labor of its citizens. But it has been done since the passage and ratification of the 16th Amendment and even though this amendment is a direct violation of the 13th Amendment, it has been allowed to stand unchallenged by the people or their respective states since 1913.

Amendment XVII – The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, elected by the people thereof; (Passed by Congress May 13, 1912. Ratified April 8, 1913.)

Although it must have seemed like a good idea at the time, to take away the Right of State legislatures to elect Representatives of the State and all State interests under the 10th Amendment in the US Senate, it has proven to be a horrible idea as well as a direct violation of Article I of the US Constitution.

At our founding, the US Constitution established Representatives of the people in each voting district via the House of Representatives, elected of, by and for the people in each district, and Representatives of each State and all State interests under the 10th Amendment via two Senators from each State, elected by the legislatures in each State.

The two chambers of Congress had two different and distinct assignments of authority, the US House to protect the people via a representative of the people for each voting district under the 9th Amendment, and to protect all States Rights and interests under the 10th Amendment via two State elected Senators in the US Senate.

The passage and ratification of the 17th Amendment ended States Representation in the US Congress and the federal government. No longer was there any representation of States Rights or interests in Washington DC, or any means to defend and enforce the 9th and 10th Amendments in the Bill of Rights, as the States had no means of sending anyone to Washington DC to represent the State in the US Senate. Instead, Senators would be elected by the people, just like the House of Representatives.

That left the US Senate an “unconstitutional” body free from any connection and duty to, or oversight by State legislatures as it pertains to States Rights and interests.

Amendment XXIII – The District constituting the seat of Government of the United States shall appoint in such manner as Congress may direct: A number of electors of President and Vice President equal to the whole number of Senators and Representatives in Congress to which the District would be entitled if it were a State, but in no event more than the least populous State; (Passed by Congress June 16, 1960. Ratified March 29, 1961.)

Because the District of Columbia is NOT a “state” and is instead, the “seat of the federal government” which is entirely controlled by Congress, it is prohibited from ever being treated as a State, and from ever having equal Rights afforded any of the fifty States, as it pertains to representation in Congress or the Electoral College.

On this basis, the 23rd Amendment is entirely at odds with original constitutional text, due to this passage in the amendment; “they shall be in addition to those appointed by the States, but they shall be considered, for the purposes of the election of President and Vice President, to be electors appointed by a State; and they shall meet in the District and perform such duties as provided by the twelfth article of amendment.”


We don’t need to or want to amend the US Constitution at all today, for numerous entirely valid reasons. Instead, as demonstrated herein, we need to repeal several existing amendments or there is NO WAY we will ever be in any form of control over the federal government.

As we have witnessed for decades now, no branch of the federal government is even slightly interested in the “will of the people” or the States. The entire federal government operates “unconstitutionally” today and unless the people of this great country wake up and take swift appropriate action, ignoring the many con-games underway intended to mislead the people from real solutions, the USA is rushing towards rapid extinction.

Connect the dots on what the four amendments have done to our Constitutional Republic already. We are not a “democracy” and everyone who says we are, is an idiot or a liar. Of course, under these conditions, we are not a Constitutional Republic either.

What has been done and is being done to our beloved country is UNSUSTAINABLE.

The clock is running down on American freedom, liberty, independence, sovereignty, and security. It has nothing to do with Putin, Russia, China, or anyone but the people running wild in Washington DC. However, we the people are responsible for how this story ends.

The fact is…our Constitution and country was stolen from us a long time ago and if we ever want it back, we will have to take it back, correctly.

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Wanna Light a Fire Under Your Pastor?

By Coach Dave Daubenmire

May 19, 2022

This is the most critical moment in the history of the American church. We are doomed to 1000 years of darkness if the Church does not stand up.  The curse of abortion is about to be expunged.  Churches must arise NOW!

Here is a stern warning to pastors. Write it off if you like. The folks in the pew are greatly dissatisfied. I hear it when I speak in churches and I hear it every time I write a commentary. Churches are hemorrhaging members and sadly, the leadership wants to blame the sheep. A good coach never blames the players. The sheep are a reflection of the shepherd.

Pastors are coaches. They deal with people. Most successful coaches have a very firm set of fundamentals by which they operate. They are not running a popularity contest; they are leading a team. A good coach will tell you that the best way to get your butt beat is to compromise on what you believe.

MANY have emailed me asking, “What should we do, Coach? Our pastor won’t preach the hard truth anymore. It is all the “feel-good” stuff. Weare starving for TRUTH” [See: “Enemies Within: The Church” DVD]

I am often accused of pointing out problems but rarely offering solutions. Well, you asked for it, so I will tell you what I think.

This is risky because the “Church of the Status Quo” and her apostles are sure to attack you. They will accuse you of criticizing the local church and church bashing. But you should love them enough to tell them the Truth.

Paul said it this way, “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?”

My dad was a great guy but little things used to drive him crazy. One of the things that used to bug him the most was when he would come home from the factory in the winter and the fire in the fireplace was barely burning. He would grab the poker and turn to one of us and say,

How many times do I have to tell you that you can’t lay a big log on top of the fire or you will smother it?A big log will only burn if there is a good base of hot coals burning underneath. You can’t start a fire with a big log.”

So here is the analogy.

The pastor is the log and those sitting in the pews are the kindling, the little wood that sets the big log on fire. For too long we have tried to convince the big log that he needed to catch on fire. Every time a spark was lit in the pew he would roll over and smother the flame.  “Wild fire” is the one thing the big logs hate. The big logs want “natural-gas” fires on which they can control the flame.

It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people’s minds.” –Samuel Adams.

Okay, Mr. Kindling-Wood, you have a decision you are going to have to make. Are you sick and tired enough to come out of your comfort zone and begin to set little brush- fires? If you are not willing to make a stand then you have no reason to complain. It is time to stop waiting on the big log to set the rest of you on fire. As my friend Pete, once said “Our leaders will never see the light until we turn up the heat.”

Here are a few things to do to change the temperature in your church. (Warning: You will be called all kinds of names by your “brothers in Christ.”)  They will say that you shouldn’t bring politics into the church… it only brings discord.

But you’re not sowing discord. You are asking questions. It is a church BODY not a monarchy. Pastors deserve your respect, not blind allegiance.  So, here are some ideas.

  1. Stop calling your elected officials and start calling your pastor. Every time you see something that your local church should be concerned about, call your pastor and ask him a very simple question: “Pastor, what is our church going to do about it?” His response will tell you a lot about him. Do it privately at first as the Scriptures teach.
  2. Don’t let him “wiggle off of the hook.” Follow up in a day or two and see if he has progressed in his plan to oppose evil. Let him know that you have shared your concern with others in the congregation and that they are waiting to hear his response as well.
  3. Tell him you have decided to go to the school board (as an example of an issue that you might have brought to him) and ask him if he will go with you.
  4. Continue to email and hard copy him on information germane to the topic. Be persistent. Don’t let him say later that “he didn’t know.”
  5. After a hard sermon, make sure that you let him know that you appreciate what he had to say. Then ask this, “Pastor, what can I do to help you fight this in our community?” (Be careful, he may start quaking but let him know you are serious.)

Note: You are creating a sense of accountability here. Demand that he walk the walk and not just talk the talk. Let him know you are expecting his leadership, as are others.

  1. If he rarely preaches a hard sermon ask, “Pastor, I haven’t heard a sermon on the sins of abortion, homosexuality, and pornography recently, but do you have one planned?” Let him know it is important to you and continue to bring it up. Write notes to him. He will hate it.
  2. Ask him who he is voting for in the next election and why. If he is voting for a pro-abort, or homo-sympathizer point it out to him. If he says he doesn’t think he should share his personal political beliefs, please ask him why. Ask him if his personal beliefs are different from those he preaches. It is important to know what he believes.
  3. Get your hands on videos and books and begin to educate YOURSELF on what is going on. Be like the Bereans who checked things out for themselves. Forward good stuff to him. CC the elder board.
  4. Start a fellowship in your home with like-minded folks. Ask the leadership to support it. You would think they would encourage the assembling together of the saints but usually, that means only where they can have you in a controlled environment. Leading a Bible Study will stretch you and make you more equipped to share your faith with others. This is a good thing. But, be warned that the pastor may try to turn it into a controlled “small group” that is more about building horizontal relationships among each other rather than a vertical relationship with God.
  5. Withhold your financial support if he refuses to preach against sin.He may say something like, “We preach the LOVE of Jesus.” Tell your pastor that you are going to give your money to a ministry that is preaching “the whole-counsel of God.” Follow the Biblical edict to “sow into good soil.” Many culturally active ministries could use the help.
  6. If he doesn’t encourage his flock to carry Bibles to church, please ask him why. It may be that he wants to use several versions (possibly up on a screen) that can cause confusion. Ask him if he would hire a carpenter who came to work without a hammer.
  7. Offer to start a “community watch-dog” ministry in the church to keep an eye on issues affecting Christians. Ask for his endorsement.
  8. Offer to start a co-op for home educators and ask if the church would support you. If your pastor doesn’t want to “offend the government school teachers” in his flock, then that is a red flag.
  9. Ask him if Christians should vote for local school levies and why? Begin to share information about the dangers of public schools.
  10. Be prepared to leave your church. The answers that you get may not satisfy you. For the sake of your soul and the souls of your family find a church that is walking in the Truth.

It is time to turn up the heat. Those big logs will never burn until the kindling starts to glow red. Jesus warned us: “So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth.” Accountability is a two-way street.

Stop complaining about the lukewarm preaching. Put up or shut up. Light a fire and watch it spread. The big log will either catch your fire or roll on down the road! Snap, crackle, and pop. [See: “Enemies Within: The Church” DVD]

Our window of opportunity is now. We can never win with lukewarm leadership. Lukewarm Leaders can never stand up to evil crooked politicians.  America needs the pulpits to blaze.  It is our only hope.

© 2022 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

Why Is Everyone In America Avoiding This Topic?

By Frosty Wooldridge

May 19, 2022

In April, I spent most of my time in Arizona. It’s hot, dry, suffering from severe drought, with spontaneous wildfires, and temperatures in the summer at 120 degrees.  To walk outside equates to jumping from your air-conditioned house into a frying pan.  Do you like your eggs over-easy or scrambled?  What about your body?

Also, one of my longtime friends and colleague from California, and now Pennsylvania, Joe Guzzardi spoke to me about his research as to America’s water sustainability in the coming decades.  What he told won’t put a smile on your face.

Since I live near the headwaters of the Colorado River, I’m very aware that our winter snowpack dwindles dramatically every year.  It’s going to get much worse, but 40 million people depend on it in Arizona, Nevada, and California.

Guzzardi said, “The grisly discovery of human remains at the bottom of Lake Mead is a grim reminder of the Southwest’s growing drought crisis. In early May, a family on a boating outing found, partially buried in Lake Mead National Recreation Area’s muddy banks, a four-decades-old skeleton of a man, a suspected homicide, stuffed into a rotted-out barrel. Skeletal remains were also discovered in May at nearby Callville Bay.

Geoff Schumacher, the vice president of exhibits and programs at Las Vegas’ Mob Museum, said: “I have a feeling that as this water continues to recede, we’re going to be finding more interesting things at the bottom of Lake Mead.” Schumacher may have been referring to the B-29 Superfortress wreckage found in 2015 in Lake Mead’s 130 feet of water; in 1948, when the bomber crashed, Lake Mead’s depth was 260 feet.

“While Schumacher isn’t a climatologist,” said Guzzardi. “He, like other Far West residents is aware of the inevitable and irreconcilable clash between too many people and dwindling natural resources, primarily water. Lake Mead is the largest reservoir in the United States and part of a system that supplies water to at least 40 million people across seven states and northern Mexico. Today, it’s dropped to its lowest level since the Franklin Delano Roosevelt era.

“As of August 22, 2021, Lake Mead was filled to just 35 percent of its capacity, and now is at 30 percent. The low water level comes at a time when 95 percent of nine Western states’ land is affected by some level of drought; 64 percent is considered extreme or worse. Shrinking capacity continues a 22-year megadrought that some experts consider the worst in 1,200 years. Megadroughts are defined as droughts that last two decades or longer, but they are not measured by their intensity.”

Snowfall in the Rocky Mountains is Lake Mead’s primary water source.

But Audubon Southwest’s policy director Haley Paul said, “Even when the Rocky Mountains get to near-normal levels of snowfall and overall precipitation, what we’ve seen in the last few years is below average river runoff.”

Guzzardi said, “Paul explained that drought and heat mean thirstier soils and plants that soak up more water before the precious commodity ever reaches rivers – a compounding domino effect that, because the West is on year 22 of an extended megadrought, will take 22 wet winters to climb out of the hole.

“An underreported variable in Lake Mead’s water levels is the population explosion – not an exaggerated expression – in California, Arizona and Nevada. In 1950, the population of Arizona, California and Nevada were, respectively, 750,00010 million and 158,000. Today, Arizona, California and Nevada have 7.6 million39.7 million and 3.2 million residents. Their principal cities, Phoenix, Los Angeles and Las Vegas have, over the same 70-year period, grown from 221,000 to 4.7 million, from 2 million to 12.5 million and from 35,000 to 2.8 million. Taken alone, the three states in the aggregate have about 40 million more people since 1950 bathing in, cooking with and drinking water. Housing complexes, luxury hotels, golf courses and mega-mansions are major water devourers.

“No end is in sight to irresponsible water usage. The best California Gov. Gavin Newsom has come up with is a tepid, ignored suggestion that his constituents voluntarily limit everyday water consumption. The State Water Resources Conservation Board said that per-capita urban water usage rose 7 percent in March compared to last year, and rose 18.9 percent when compared to March 2020.”

Good luck with limited water use in the face of the fact that California expects to grow by 20 million people within 28 years, over 90 percent by immigration.  I yi yi!!!

I asked Joe why no one is speaking about the main driver of population increases:

Guzzardi said, “Although political correctness forbids identifying immigration as population growth’s major driver, Census Bureau facts confirm the reality. In their Center for Immigration Studies analysis that drew exclusively from Census Bureau data, Steven Camarota and Karen Zeigler predicted that, by 2060, immigration will add 75 million people to the U.S. population. In 2017, the U.S. had 35.8 million legal and illegal immigrants. Those immigrants had 16.9 million U.S.-born children and grandchildren.

“In sum, immigration added 52.7 million people to the U.S. population between 1982 and 2017, accounting for a little over 56 percent of overall population growth. A related Camarota-Zeigler study, which also drew from Current Population Survey’s monthly data, found that in November 2021, 46.2 million legal and illegal immigrants lived in the U.S., the largest number of immigrants ever recorded in a federal government survey or census dating back to 1850.

“No one controls rainfall, but the federal government can help alleviate the worsening water crisis by managing immigration to levels consistent with the available natural resources. If officials continue to shirk their responsibility, then an increasing number of West Coast communities will eventually run dry, and civil disruption over water’s absence will likely ensue.”

Thank you, Joe Guzzardi, for bringing these realities home to America’s citizens.  If they know the facts, they will be better informed and vote for candidates who will stand up for common sense and shutting down America’s borders once and for all.

Oh, and this is what it will look like if we don’t shut the borders. Pass these videos around to your networks.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Toward a World Government Run by Lunatics

by Lee Duigon

May 19, 2022

They want a world government, with themselves in charge. Now they think we’ll give them that in return for, um, “health.” And “safety.” As defined by themselves.

The pot is boiling, the brew is being stirred. Probably by witches. Check out this timetable drawn up by the Council of Europe, an agency of the European Union. The link, by the way, is to the Council’s official website.

*December, 2021: We find a “global accord” on the need for an international “pandemic treaty.”

*March 3, 2022: Council opens negotiations for a treaty “on pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response.” Maybe we could prepare by stopping “gain of function” research. But that was not mentioned.

*August 1: A meeting “to discuss progress on a working draft” of such a treaty.

*2023: Submit a report to the World Health Assembly.

*2024: “Adopt the instrument” as a treaty “legally binding under international law.” And Bob’s your uncle.

The treaty will be binding on all countries that sign it. Their own laws will be subordinated to the decisions of whoever is given power to enforce the treaty (unless, of course, China ignores the treaty’s provisions: then they won’t do anything).

First in line to be given that power will be the World Health Organization. Oh, boy. Check out some of this language in the preamble to WHO’s constitution. It’s from WHO’s website.

*”Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” Really, it takes one’s breath away.

*”Unequal development” of the world’s nations is “a common danger.” Gotta make ‘em all equally developed. We are not told how that fantasy is to be made a reality.

*”Governments have the responsibility for the health of their peoples…” Since when? And what about bad governments? The ones in which incompetence and corruption are joined together—and the people haven’t got a chance.

And please don’t ask about WHO’s abnormally cozy relationship with the Chinese Communist Party. The Party might wind up calling most of the shots.

This is madness. There is no such thing as “complete physical, mental and social well-being.” Again and again we see this pattern: “Give us all the power and all the money, and we’ll give you paradise on earth!” What kind of lunatic believes that? Who in the world has ever spent a day of life enjoying complete and total well-being? The Great Reset promises us, “You’ll be really happy, and own nothing.” Guess which half of that promise will be kept.

As for “unequal development,” could it be that this occurs because the nations themselves are not equal? The chief cause of national poverty is bad government. That’s why Costa Rica is prosperous and stable while its neighbors are a mess. Look at our own major cities under Democrat control. How come our own country’s cities aren’t equal? How come so many of them have seen better days? How do we spend so much money on inner-city schools and get so little return for it? The colossal big question is “How the dickens do we make all the countries equally developed?”

Well, the only way for all countries to be developed equally is—trumpet fanfare, please!—for a global government to rule over them all. With the World Health Organization in the driver’s seat. So when WHO thinks your country needs another lockdown because somebody got sick, your country gets another lockdown—like it or not.

Providentially, America’s midterm elections will be held this year: we have another chance to beat back the globalists. A thorough wipe-out of the Democrat Party in 2022 might keep us out of WHO’s clutches in 2024.

And we may finally decide to stop paying the United Nations’ bills.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . My articles can also be found at .

© 2022 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon:

Where Is the Prosecution For Those Corrupt Politicians That Are Guilty?

By Bradlee Dean

May 18, 2022

“They are a serious embarrassment, as well as pathetic. At the end of the day, that reflects the American people.”

Do you realize that when crime is magnified by what we have been desensitized to believe is the Right (Matthew 5:13; Mark 8:15) without bringing forth judgment upon the heads of the guilty (Article II, Section 4; Article I, Section 3, Clause 7 U.S. Constitution), they are merely showing you that they are leaving off justice (Isaiah 26:9)?

At least we still have Greene, Boebert, Paul, Cruz, Jordan and other good conservatives to tell us what it is that they are not doing when it comes to the crimes of this current administration.  Yet, that is all they are continuously doing: magnifying the crimes and not the law against their crimes (Psalm 9:16-17). This is known as controlled opposition.

They are worthless, to say the least. They are actors, appeasing those who keep their heads in the sand (Ephesians 4:14).

[Rumble Video]

In close pursuit are those who do not take the time to know the difference when it comes to our laws and how they have been violated by the repeat criminals that we have had in front of us for the last 20, 30 and, in some cases, 40 years.

Where is the justice that guards our liberties (Deuteronomy 4:6)?

The video below will show you that the only thing keeping us free is our willingness to deal with the corrupt because if we fail in the endeavor, all will be lost (1 Timothy 6:12).

[Rumble Video]

© 2022 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean:

America is Becoming the Monster it Claimed to Fight

By Servando Gonzalez

May 18, 2022

“To put the world in order, we must first put the nation in order; to put the nation in order, we must first put the family in order; to put the family in order; we must first set our minds and hearts in order” Confucius.

The signs are everywhere very clear for anyone to see: women defending their “right” to kill their babies, people proudly exposing their mental disorders, the young enjoying a life of drugs, alcohol and sexual excesses, the very rich totally ignoring the growing poverty around them, society totally lacking in values, honor, compassion and truthfulness, growing philosophy of utilitarian individualism, and a widespread lacking of respect for the common law, the traditions and the elderly. This has become America’s new normal.

Evidently, this country is rapidly descending into a Dark Age.

But, just a little more than quarter of a century ago LIFE magazine devoted its July, 1986, issue to celebrate “America the Wondrous.” How did this drastic, radical change has happened in front of our eyes in such a short time? Who is to blame for it?

The answer is very simple: We should not blame anybody but ourselves. Actually, in honor to truth, we fell into a trap our enemies set in for us. What is difficult to understand is why we fell so easily into such obvious trap. Let’s try.

Many years ago, after having taken control of the U.S. government, the military, the press, the churches and the schools, the globalist conspirators realized they faced a big problem. In order to fully implement the New World Order they had in mind, first they had to destroy the institution that constitutes the very cornerstone of civilization: the family. So, they conceived and eventually put in practice a clever plan to destroy the American family. The first step to do it was inventing the so-called “feminist revolution.”

In their think tanks, the conspirators found out that women played the most important role in society: maintaining the integrity of the family. That was a big problem because, contrary to the rest of the institutions they had already infiltrated and controlled, the family does not has a pyramidal structure which, by taking control of the top, you can control the whole organization. The family as an institution consists of small, non-hierarchically controlled units, loosely interacting among each other similar to the way some secret societies operate.

So, in order to destroy that key institution, the very base of civilized society, the globalist conspirators infiltrated their agents into the feminist movement and brainwashed its leaders to believe that women had been exploited and relegated by men to a marginal place in society. Therefore, to end men’s exploitation and discrimination, they alleged, women’s most compete in the job market and grab traditional male jobs.

Ignoring the fact that in most successful societies educated women already have always played a key role in all important fields, unskilled women went out of their homes and began competing with men in all types of jobs, even the most menial ones. The immediate result of this drastic change was that, having two sources of income, the family’s economy improved enormously. The long term effect, however, was quite different. Having almost duplicated overnight the work force, some years later the job value diminished. Currently, two jobs in the family are making almost the same amount of money usually made by a single job fifty years ago.[1]

But the result of having most women integrated into the workforce had the intended effect the globalist conspirator secretly had in mind: when women left their homes to work they had to leave their children in the hands of political extremists and psychopaths who devoted all their time and effort to brainwash the children’s impressionable minds. The success of such an evil plan is everywhere for all to see. Currently, we have three generations of Americans who hate their country, their culture, their families and, in some sense, even themselves.

Those are the young people we see in the front lines of the current ideological battle defending the indefensible. Those are the new Judases who have sold their families, their country and their culture in exchange for what they see as “freedoms,” which actually is a new slavery of the mind. Just three generations later, the granddaughters of those “liberated” women turned the Spring Break into a debauchery of alcohol, drugs and sex.

Even worse, in less than three generations the globalist conspirators changed America from a Christian nation into a non-Christian country. Currently, they are working hard pushing us into their final goal: turning America into an anti-Christian nation.

So, in a few months, you will go to the polls, and elect new politicians to represent you in the government. Just a few months later, however, you will realize that nothing has changed, and the planned economic, cultural and moral destruction of America continues at an accelerated pace.

Why? Because you have always looked at the changes as something you can get somewhere from somebody, when the changes, to really occur, must begin in our hearts. But we have been too busy working hard to maintain our standard of living to stop for a moment and look into our own hearts.

As I have mentioned in some of my articles, I stopped voting many year ago when I decided to stop being part of the charade. In the coming presidential election, however, I am going to make an exception. I will vote, provided I find a presidential candidate who will really fight to save America. How do I think I will find this candidate? I’ll tell you:

The presidential candidate I will vote for must have promised to do several important things. First, he must have promised to end the Federal Reserve Bank, an illegal organization created behind the backs of the American people. Secondly, he must promise to destroy the present Marxist-inspired IRS[2] and implement a flat tax of no more than 10 % for every American citizen and institution, including the so-called non-profit organizations and foundations, with no loopholes for the rich.  Thirdly, he must eliminate the Rockefeller-created, Communist-inspired Department of Education and ban any government role in the education of the American children. Last, but no least, the candidate I would vote for must ban the Council on Foreign Relations, the true Communist Party of the U.S.,  and all its parasite organizations and sign a mandate banning any CFR member to work for the U.S. government, including the U.S. military, in any capacity.

Last, but not least, this candidate must promise to end the current system of for-life career politicians and change it for limited terms in office. Moreover, he must fight to pass a law by which government employees lose their right to vote —which has become the American way of buying votes and explains why we have such a bloated government.

So, I would highly appreciate it if any of my readers let me know if there is a presidential candidate that fits my requirements. If there is none, I will do something very patriotic I have been repeating every election day since 25 years ago: I will stay at home and sleep my siesta with a clear conscience that I have not been part of this anti-American charade we call Election Day.

Currently, we are beginning to repeat again the process of electing new politicians to office with the hope that they are going to change our fast course into the abyss. Allegedly, Albert Einstein once said that doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is a clear sign of insanity. Well, however said it, he was right. [Read: Psychological Warfare and the New World Order: The Secret War Against the American People]

© 2022 Servando Gonzales – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Servando Gonzales:


  1. Drew Silver, “For most U.S. workers, real wages have barely budged in decades,” Pew Research Center, August 7, 2018. Also, Lawrence Mishel, Elise Gould, and Josh Bivens, “Wage Stagnation in Nine Charts,” Economic Policy Institute, January 6, 2015.
  2. Servando Gonzalez, “Another War, Another Buck!,”

The Real War

By Steven Yates

May 17, 2022

An article of mine a few weeks back began quoting the late and highly respected science fiction writer Robert A. Heinlein. I repeat it, both because it’s a zinger and because some readers didn’t get it:

“Political tags — such as royalist, communist, democrat, populist, fascist, liberal, conservative, and so forth — are never basic criteria. The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire.”  –Notebooks of Lazarus Long

I often receive emails from a gentleman who seizes on one or two items in an article and then launches into an all-out verbal assault on Trump. I have not been able to get it across to this gentleman—who I think means well (as do some liberals) — that Trump versus Biden is not the real fight right now, not the real war.

A recent editorial posted on the British alternative commentary site Off-Guardian gets this three-quarters right (in my humble opinion).

What this brief item did was list the “big topics” (aside from covid) that get beaucoups of Corporate Media coverage:

Russia versus Ukraine….
Biden(istas) versus Trump(ism)….
Labour versus Tories…. (this is a British site, remember—but perhaps a few British readers will see this).
Men versus women….
LGBTQ versus straight…. 

To which I would add: “pro-choice” versus “pro-life”: for “gender fluidity” or against it, and the fracas over critical race theory in government schools….

The editorial bluntly opines:

All those things are either pure theater, invented controversies, or internal struggles between rival gangs of exploiters.

Some are indeed theater.

I honestly don’t get what could be going on inside the head of someone who thinks he/she/??? can be “any gender he/she/??? likes.”

Others are fomented fights between pressure groups.

The op-ed continues — and this is what we need to burn into our brains with iron brands if necessary:

There is a titanic struggle going on right now globally between the forces of darkness/enslavement and the human desire for truth and freedom….

The real struggle is the one the “pandemic” lie inadvertently exposed to us all in stark clarity, and which we are all now being driven to forget as quickly as possible by all the above distractions.

It’s between us as individual humans and the techno-fascism that is being rolled out globally.

It’s between truth and the matrix of lies we are being invited to live in, populated with fake binaries, fake crises, fake solutions, and fake heroes.

The real war, that is, is between the globalist ruling class — the superelite, GloboCorp, or whatever designation you like — and everyone who wants to live a free life.

What do we mean, a free life?

Not absolute freedom to do whatever one pleases. That’s anarchy, not freedom. It is a life based on responsible self-determination; on beliefs and traditions one grew up with and which had staying power because they worked: they enabled families, institutions, and communities to function over time;in which one is free to worship God openly and publicly as the foundation of moral truth; and in which psychopaths/sociopaths are either booted out or end up jailed because they commit crimes punishable according to the rule of law.

Above all, a free life is a life filled with hope, and optimism that the future really can be — will be — better than the past, because we are free to identify, and then work to achieve, our personal goals and dreams while serving our families and communities.

Burn this into your brain as well:

That’s not what the globalist ruling class wants!

They collectively believe society must be centralized (whether along “capitalist” or “communist” lines) because they want people to be controlled.

The best two ways of controlling people: (1) control their educations and the information that reaches them, and (2) control the material or economic conditions of their lives.

The globalist ruling class has been furthering both for well over a century now.

Government schools were originally created from the Prussian (not American) idea that the state owns the individual; the individual does not own him/herself. As they developed back in the mid to late1800s,schooling “evolved” into a two-tiered scheme: “liberal arts” education for the children of the elite, based on Platonism, and vocational training for the peasantry. The ancient Greek philosopher Plato presented our first detailed description of a society ruled by “philosopher-kings” and controlled by “guardians” in his Republic, and the peasants would know their places. The last thing elites want is a peasantry able to think. Hence the ratcheting down of subjects like history and philosophy, and their diversion into academic subjects unable to effectively challenge real power (this is not to say they were unable eventually to make noise about race and “gender”).

The ruling elites gained control of the financial system via the Federal Reserve. Woodrow Wilson was placed in the presidency in 1912on the strength of his promise to sign the Federal Reserve Act. This might have been the first election “rigged” by the elites. They enhanced their global control when they created the Bank for International Settlements in 1930. It has been onward and upward ever since, arriving at the World Economic Forum’s very public confabs and calls for a Great Reset.

Long before that, the ruling elites gained control over mass media using already deep pockets to buy newspapers and furnish editors who would ensure that current events, from wars to economic downturns, were presented in ways beneficial to the ruling elites; and they created their own publications (Time, The New Republic, The Atlantic Monthly, etc.). When radio and television came along, they controlled those as well.

They would gain control over public health, as Rockefeller money subsidized allopathic medicine, medical schools, and medical literature, while actively suppressing all information about natural remedies and/or homeopathic healing which had been in use by various peoples for centuries.

It is important that the globalist ruling class not be designated capitalist, or communist. It is tempting to its ideology as a mixture of the worst of each. But the ruling elites have no ideology except a firm belief in power and their fitness to wield it.

They are the ultimate supremacists!

Thus they use capitalist schemes because these earn massive profits that can be funneled into tax-exempt foundations supporting studies of how to increase social controls of various sorts. They use communist ones when they help undermine property and subvert personal initiative and freedom directly.

The ruling elites’ brand of capitalism gave them control over public health. One result was the shift from healing acute conditions to managing chronic conditions for profit. The growth of the processed-foods industry and factory farming greatly contributed to this: a lethargic population addicted to unhealthy additives in processed foods is substantially easier to control!

They used communist systems to control academia and media, because these are ultimately based on group think. As an ex-academic, I can certify that while vigorous discussions inside unstated but very clear parameters of micro-specialization are incentivized, those thinking for themselves about, e.g., affirmative action, or feminism, or evolution, or materialism as a worldview, are quickly ostracized!

Today, honestly questioning the wisdom of encouraging children to “transition” to another “gender” can be career-ending.

Basic biology is verboten. For sensible discussions, look elsewhere.

I mentioned that I agree with the Off-Guardian editorial three-quarters of the way.

The final quarter, my area of disagreement, is that the issues raised are not nothings. Abortions-of-convenience devalue human life. Period. We either accept that human lives have intrinsic value, or we can expect the consequences we see, which is children being used as political pawns — when they are not killed by random shooters in places like south side Chicago.

But Yates, liberals and other secularists will argue, human life never had much “value” outside one’s own tribe. Study the history of wars, genocides, racism, rape and the abuse of women, child abuse and abandonments, etc.

We once had hope of conquering or at least minimizing those problems. What was healthiest in Enlightenment thought stressed our common humanity. But again:

The globalist ruling class is not furthering any such goals.

Again, its goals are total surveillance and control. Its methodology is technocracy, which gives “scientific/technical experts” (think: Fauci!) decision-making power.

Some believe the covid-19 “vaccines” are an intentional long-term depopulation effort, which would be a genocidal crime against humanity literally off the scale!

Other writers don’t go there—but see these shots as both an endless cash cow for Big Pharma as well as instruments for bought political classes to force peasantries into desirable mass behaviors with vaccine passports, green passes, etc., to be gradually eased into global digital IDs.

Roughly 90 percent of central banks, moreover, are working on central bank digital currency.

I have described what the culmination of this campaign will look like in previous articles: technocrat-led squadrons of data entry clerks will assemble all your personal information in one digital location, accessible with a smartphone able to read QR-codes.

Your personal information will include details of birth and parentage, education, employment history, health records including any genetic issues (these could be used to deny you certain kinds of insurance), vaccination records,driving records, passport if you have one, brushes with the law if any—and above all, your financial records including all your transactions which will be “contactless,” i.e., digital. Your spending on non-elite-approved things (too much gasoline, too much electricity) could be curtailed by remote, as part of a Chinese-style “social credit” scheme.

Dissent visibly, and you risk having your digital ID turned off by remote. Result: you can’t legally buy food. This will be easy once the food supply is totally controlled.

Perhaps the worldwide roaring inflation we are presently seeing, which if it continues long enough will make it difficult for the peasantry to purchase the necessities of life, is a means of “nudging” them into actually clamoring for such a system!

Hegelian dialectic (the other major philosopher of the globalist ruling class is G.W.F. Hegel): crisis, reaction, response. Foment a crisis, or through inaction allow one to develop on its own; the crisis is intended to provoke a predictable reaction (“Do something!”). The globalist ruling class, acting through its governmental and corporate agents, initiates the response it wanted all along— often without a ripple of protest.

The plan-demic was the biggest crisis of our lifetimes!

Neither the 9/11 attacks nor the financial meltdown of 2008 come close!

And have you noticed that since the plan-demic, QR-codes are now everywhere, even on TV commercials?

Vax requirements have been fought in the courts in the U.S., but the mobility passes they give rise to are now the norm in Europe, South America, and elsewhere.

We are definitely in a more controlled society.

Some call it the “New Normal.”

Resistance is still possible, but getting increasingly difficult!

Bottom line: we are at war, and it has nothing to do with Russia. It has only marginally to do with the other issues you’ll encounter on the front pages of globalist ruling class owned rags like The New York Times and The Washington Post. Or CNN and MSNBC or any other mainstream cable outlets.

My Christian friends say, God is in control, even if we feel like crying out as the Old Testament Prophet Habakkuk did (Habakkuk 1:1-4).

God’s being in control, and conceivably using the globalists to work His will in a world that rejected Him long before they came along, remains the Christian’s source of hope.

I do not know what atheists have to hope for. Because left to our own devices, we truth-and-freedom types are presently losing the real war, and losing badly!

The globalist ruling class controls political systems, financial resources via billionaire-owned corporations, and the most advanced technology in human history!

They are using all three, and moving fast!

We do have the choice to refuse to go down without a fight, while praying for God’s eventual deliverance.

The fight begins with listening to truth-tellers, learning what is really going on behind the crap Corporate Media spews, and then taking appropriate actions.

The Off-Guardian op-ed thus ends:

The choice is ours. Wake up, or get in line for the New Normal global prison.

Steven Yates’s latest book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory (Wipf and Stock, 2021) is available here and here.

Steven Yates blogs at Lost Generation Philosopher, and has begun writing a philosophy course centered on freedom, its preconditions, and the choices a person must make in order to have it.

Do you wish me to continue? Please consider supporting my work on

© 2022 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates:

Never Say “Never”: The Sad Saga of “The Washington Football Team”

By Sidney Secular

May 17, 2022

The sagging saga of “the Washington Football Team” – now renamed “The Commanders” but still fondly called by many fans “the Redskins” – is one of long-term decline in on-field performance aggravated and exacerbated by the team ownership succumbing to political correctness and silly sensibilities! The former “Redskins” are a prime example of the type of thing that is ruining our traditions, our history and our culture.

Redskins team owner and billionaire Dan Snyder proclaimed in 2013, “We’ll never change the name. It’s that simple!NEVER! You can use caps!” said “Dan The Man” when pressure was starting to be applied upon him by the usual suspects to change the name of his football team because, supposedly,it was derogatory to “Native Americans.” All sports teams around that time that had names and/or mottoes associated with American Indians were feeling the same pressure and sooner or later, they all succumbed to that pressure as the Left eventually gets its way in such matters. Why does the Left wage such campaigns? Because its adherents believe they are morally superior to all who hold other beliefs and as a result, their modus operandi is to push, and continue to push, taking two or three steps forward for everyhalf-step back when opposed. This inevitably results in a victory for the Left and losses for their conservative opponents!Even those opponents who are not political but who disagree with the Left’s agenda are never sufficiently persistent to prevail but eventually give in, thus making the next contest a sure-fire win for the enemies of civilization!

Of course, it is possible that conservatives doubted their positions in these matters in the first place as the controlling zeitgeist keeps whittling away at all the enemies of the left, making them feel unsure and insecure in their steadfastness of their own beliefs. Or maybe such idiocy simply wears out the intelligent and rational! For instance, many years ago, there was a test that placed professional football players into a room with preschoolers. The players were instructed to physically do what the babies did as often and for as long a time as they did it.Within a very few hours, the athletes were exhausted while the kids were just getting started! There is something about continually doing stupid things for long periods of time that can wear out the bravest and the best. Opposing liberals is just such a scenario.

Of course, Snyder reneged on his promise during what seemed like America’s death throes during the summer of 2020 when the Redskins venerable and beloved name was dragged through the mud with ceaseless sassing from the politically correct creeps crowding the DC landscape and the handful of “Native American” malcontents who would oppose anything the average American would consider sacrosanct and, by the way, done in honor of those same “Native Americans” as was the case with the name “Redskins.” The now suddenly appalling appellation of which the iconic team had been proud since 1933 was replaced by the place holder designation, “The Washington Football Team” an enfeebled name inspiring neither motivation nor passion.

An embarrassingly awkward botched roll-out of the name in February resulted in the team now being called “The Commanders.” This, in turn, has united the fans in lowering their esteem of the franchise and leaving them wondering just what is being commanded and by whom. With the old fight song and motto gone, the starch, too, has been taken out of the previous staunch and zealous fan support. Even more odd, the new mascot, “General Custer” is a study in stupidity as the choice celebrates a man who was doing his best to kill off the Indians! Perhaps Custer was chosen because the Indians (Native Americans) who are now ostensibly being feted, turned the tables with this particular soldier and defeated him! Furthermore, the fact that Custer botched his final assignment as a “commander” seems to presage a rather dark vision of the team so named regarding their future performances.

Adding an unpleasant impetus to the perception that the Commanders are off to less than a commanding start, allegations of financial improprieties are being leveled by the Attorney General of Virginia against the team that trains in the Old Dominion. Allegations of sexual improprieties by Snyder himself are also now being made by the team cheerleaders. And in yet another senseless innovation made (apparently) without considering the “optics” involved, the team now sports atrocious-looking black alternate jerseys for no apparent reason though it is not without possibility that the choice may have been made in order to grovel to the Black Adoration Movement! Parenthetically,the jerseys could (should) have retained if only as trimming, an attractive combination of burgundy and gold, the team’s traditional colors.

The team seems likely to extend its fall with another disgraceful sub-par under-11-win season. At present they have an unbelievable ongoing streak of 29 such seasons to their “credit.” Yet, they are graced in having a stadium for which The FedEx Company continues to pay in exchange for naming rights and they can also be “thankful” that the sports symbol of political correctness, Nike, will continue to sell Washington football gear. If you’re not from the DC area or not a football fan, it is difficult to appreciate the ardor and fanaticism local fans funnel into their team worship. But you can feel it even though you are divorced from it. Indeed, at least half the TVs in the area are tuned into a Washington game whenever the team plays, especially if it’s on a Sunday.

The “Skins” – as they are still politically incorrectly called – attract nearly all the locals who act as if they had skin in the game. The beloved Washington “Whatevers” bring one and all whatever their backgrounds and persuasions, together into a sort of harmony even though otherwise and at other times all the local perversity of diversity and political game-playing causes people to be contrary and at loggerheads. To have this civic institution gutted by the gods of political correctness and the cowardice and greed of the team’s corporate partners is a true tragedy for the region and the snide Snyder should have realized this and taken it into account before he was stampeded into infamy.

To the less than commanding owner of the team and all of the nation’s elite, there’s almost no tradition or symbol that can’t be jettisoned or society despoiled if there’s money or prestige or even personal convenience at stake. The recent changes made by the Washington football team were essentially meaningless and were made merely to align with the current cultural fashions. The references to “racism” and Indian names being derogatory to the culture of the “Native American” have no basis at all in fact, but they were a convenient creation used to illustrate and reinforce the chimera of “white privilege.” We know this to be the case because Native Americans themselves have testified that to see a team carry the image and name of their people can hardly be seen as an “insult!”

But with the Washington team, the logo has an even more amazing history. Washington’s logo has been an Indian chief since 1971. It was designed by Native American Walter “Blackie” Wetzel to depict a member of the Blackfoot tribe. Wetzel grew up on a Blackfoot reservation in Montana and was elected President of the National Congress of American Indians in Washington, DC. He was instrumental in the Redskins franchise logo change from the capital letter “R” to the depiction of an Indian. According to Wetzel’s son, Lance, the logo is not offensive but evokes a sense of pride. In speaking about the change, Wetzel said: “Everyone is pretty upset . . .Once they weren’t going to use the logo, it was hard. It takes away from the Native Americans. When I see that logo, I take pride in it. You look at the depiction of the Redskins’ logo and it’s of a true Native American. I always felt it was representing my people.” As an interesting aside in this matter, the Redskins’ logo is a portrait of John “Two Guns” White Calf, a Blackfoot Chief who also appears on the buffalo nickel. Will they now recall the nickel?

But the changes not only affected the supposedly “offended” Native Americans. They certainly did not sit well with the ordinary fans either. Where formerly and for many decades every seat in the stadium sold out for every single game assuring that businesses bought out batches of seats for years at a time, now the franchise’s attendance is second-to-last in the NFL with nothing to suggest that situation is going to improve anytime soon. But then, one has to wonder what was expected by choosing a name that is a by-word for failure as is the case with the DC “Commanders!” You might have something like the Johnstown Regatta, celebrating that city’s great floods or the Titanic Cruise Line, but most business folks would demur from such poor choices. Obviously, Mr. Snyder needs better advice in such matters than he has received to date.

With all that has transpired, there now is serious talk of moving the franchise back to DC or, in the alternative, that locus and focus of political correctness, Loudon County, Virginia and, in doing so, having the taxpayers pick up the tab for building a new stadium as if the Washington name was sufficient to garner greenbacks from the already tax-sacked taxpayers! Football teams everywhere seem to think their violent sport excites enough interest and, as a result,has the ability to interest local guvmints to support them with taxpayer money. Even also-rans like the hapless Buffalo Bills are running with this idea and they could be right. The violent video games people play instead of learning how to be good citizens may be sufficiently ingrained in the sheeple’s psyches to favor an exchange of their money in return for satisfying their craving for violence,albeit indirectly by increasing their taxes.

Getting back to our local DC team – whatever they are called–  I have always felt that the “Deadskins” lacked the innovation and drive to become truly great. They would trade for a veteran player who was on his way out to help them win a single championship instead of cultivating younger talent for long term success as a winning dynasty. They had the money to follow the former strategy and so they did, which is akin to the strategies followed by most American companies; that is, they sacrifice long term success to achieve a short term goal, usually a financial killing. That is why the Chinese, Koreans and Japanese are surpassing us economically. The latter nations’ corporation concentrate on long term success.

Another faulty strategy of Washington is to give inordinate attention to their defensive squads to the detriment of their offensive squads. Both are necessary, of course, but it is a defeatist strategy because it demands that the opposing team fails to muster the offensive wherewithal to beat you. Thus, rather than winning, the team strategy is to, if possible, prevent losing! This way of thinking was especially noteworthy during the long tenure of coach George Allen who took it to extremes. Watching the Redskins those days induced extreme nail-biting as the fan could do nothing more than hope and pray the opposition would “screw up!” In other words, the team played “not to lose” rather than playing “to win,” the philosophy of iconic coach Vince Lombardi who simply proclaimed that winning was everything, no matter how achieved. This mindset, once a moral foundation is removed, eventually devolves into the idea that money or political correctness is everything because, bad as it is, it produces “victory.”

Now I am going to present a novel idea that hasn’t been developed elsewhere and could explain some things that hitherto are puzzling:the Washington “Deadskins” (a term employed when we just knew they would lose a particular game) and the Dallas Cowboys, being in the same division in the NFL, have had a long-standing and intense rivalry – more like a feud bordering on extreme animosity – and their games (that often determined the fate of their seasons) are notorious all over the country for their intensity. The Cowboys acquired the nickname, “America’s Team” over the years and their “image” has been used to represent middle America, also known as flyover country, “deplorable” country and, in a nutshell, the American spirit. On the other hand, the Redskins, being the team from the Federal den, Washington, DC, has taken on the mantle of the establishment, the Beltway crowd, the ruling “fatcats,” and, lately, the “Deep State.” This political dichotomy – now enshrined in the “red” vs. “blue” divergence – when tacked onto the acknowledged sports dichotomy makes for a potent drama complete with an undertone of a military clash not seen in other sports rivalries even in the most obvious of such whether it is the New York Yankees vs. the Boston Red Sox in baseball or Michigan vs. Ohio State in college football.

A further cultural phenomenon also to be noted is that the new team moniker, “The Commanders” can be claimed to represent the dominance and control of the Pentagon and the Military-Industrial complex anchored in the DC area over the national psyche, that is, those “represented” by Dallas – at least in the minds of many fans. The name “Commanders” can be seen as representing an addiction to power, gigantic budgets and now political correctness, regardless of the ability to win wars or maintain popularity – much like the Washington football team; that is, the team is as addicted to these same politically correct ideas and ideals quite apart from any help they might provide or damage they might do with regard to winning games or attracting fans.

The real question is this: is the new name for the Redskins – the Commanders – a political and cultural Freudian slip that acknowledges the triumph of political and military power over Native Americans? Or is it just another liberal bad choice! What do you think?

© 2022 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Sidney Secular:

Habeas Corpus

By Paul Engel

May 16, 2022

  • What is a writ of habeas corpus?
  • Why is your right to such a writ protected by the Constitution of the United States.
  • What does this petition for a writ of habeas corpus mean, not only for the other January 6th detainees, but for everyone?

Finally! The first of those incarcerated for participating in the January 6th demonstration have petitioned for a writ of habeas corpus. What does this mean? What are the constitutional issues? And why should this be important to all Americans?

Habeas Corpus

Christopher Quaglin has petitioned the District Court for Washington, D.C. for a writ of habeas corpus. I will not be going into the details of Mr. Quaglin’s case in this article, that is fodder for another day. Rather, I want to focus on the writ itself and why it is so important to protecting our liberty. To understand what this petition means and why it is important, we need a basic understanding of what habeas corpus is.

[Latin, You have the body.] A writ (court order) that commands an individual or a government official who has restrained another to produce the prisoner at a designated time and place so that the court can determine the legality of custody and decide whether to order the prisoners release.

Habeas Corpus, The Free Legal Dictionary

In short, Mr. Quaglin is asking for his day in court. Specifically, he claims that he is being held illegally and he wants a court’s opinion on the matter. His petition accuses those in the federal prison system of some truly terrible treatment as justification of his request. So he is asking the court to issue an order for Merrick Garland as the U.S. Attorney General of the United States and Tell Hull as the Superintendent of the Northern Neck Regional Jail to bring him to court so he can make his case. This ability to petition for a writ of habeas corpus is protected by the Constitution of the United States.

The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.

U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 9, Clause 2

This is where we find that not only do words matter, but allowing people to manipulate them for their own gain is extremely dangerous. Since January 6, 2021, there are those in politics and the media who have claimed that the demonstration was an insurrection.

A rising against civil or political authority; the open and active opposition of a number of persons to the execution of a law in a city or state.

Insurrection, Websters 1828 Dictionary

January 6th was not a rise against civil or political authority. Neither was it an opposition to the execution of the law. Instead, it was a demonstration to require our elected employees in Congress to follow the supreme law of the land, the Constitution of the United States. Did some people enter the capitol? Yes. Did a few do damage? Yes. Was it an insurrection? No. Yet that has not stopped some from attempting to disqualify candidates for their participation in the demonstration. Neither was the demonstration a rebellion:

An open and avowed renunciation of the authority of the government to which one owes allegiance; or the taking of arms traitorously to resist the authority of lawful government; revolt.

Rebellion, Websters 1828 Dictionary

Since the demonstrators were protesting the illegal counting of votes from presidential electors who were not legally appointed, they were trying to uphold the government they owed allegiance to, not renounce it. The government of the United States was created by its Constitution, and is subject to the rules and restrictions documented within. In this day and age though, it appears many Americans won’t let little things like the law or the definition of a word get in the way of a political agenda.

Since there was no rebellion, no invasion, and the public safety was not threatened by Mr. Quaglin, I see no reason why the court should deny his petition. Then again, we stopped treating the Constitution as the supreme law of the land decades ago.

The Supreme Court has not definitively ruled as to whether a conditions of confinement claim is proper in habeas but has instead called it an open question. In lieu of a definitive ruling from the Supreme Court, circuit courts have stepped in to fill the void, One cohort of circuits favor of a conditions of confinement claims while others oppose it.

Quaglin v. Garland, et. al.

I have been asking attorneys for years if they studied the Constitution or Constitutional Law when they were in law school. To date, only one person said they studied the Constitution. The rest admitted that they studied the opinions of judges, euphemistically referred to as Constitutional Law. Which is why I was not surprised to see the lawyer who is representing Mr. Quaglin acting as if, without a definitive opinion from the Supreme Court (courts opine, thy do not rule), his client’s right to habeas corpus is in jeopardy.

History of Habeas Corpus

Many of you may know that President Lincoln suspended the right of habeas corpus at the beginning of the Civil War. What you may not know is the story around it.

On April 27, 1861, President Lincoln issued a proclamation suspending the right of habeas corpus for anyone held in a military facility by sentence of a military court martial or military commission. There were several problems with this proclamation.

First, nowhere in the Constitution is the President given the authority to suspend any legal protection. Since the language about suspending that right is in Article I, which both establishes and sets the rules for the legislative branch, it can easily be assumed that any act involving habeas corpus would come from that branch, not the executive. Some have pointed out that President Lincoln’s order was limited to military facilities and cases coming from military courts. However, even though the President is the Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy (Article II, Section 2), it’s Congress that has been delegated the power to make the rules and regulations for those entities (Article I, Section 8). Also, while the proclamation was limited to military courts, it was not limited to military personnel. The first challenge to Lincoln’s proclamation came rather quickly.

On May 25, 1861, John Merryman of Baltimore was arrested by Union troops and petitioned for a writ of habeas corpus. On May 26th, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Roger B. Taney issued an order to General George Cadwalader, command of Fort McHenry, to produce Mr. Merryman for a hearing to justify his detainment. The General replied that he was acting under the orders of the President to suspend habeas corpus. Chief Justice Taney found that General Cadwalader was in contempt of court and ordered U.S. Marshalls to seize him and bring him before the justice. It shouldn’t be much of a surprise that the U.S. Marshalls were not allowed entry in to Fort McHenry, and were therefore unable to seize him. Chief Justice Taney filed a written opinion with the Circuit Court for the District of Maryland arguing that President Lincoln had no authority to suspend habeas corpus or to order military officers to do so. The controversy continued until Congress passed, and President Lincoln signed, the Habeas Corpus Suspension Act on March 3, 1863. For two years America had a suspension of constitutionally protected rights based solely on an illegal presidential order. Sound familiar?

While Lincoln was the only President I’m aware of who unilaterally suspended habeas corpus, that was not the last time it was illegally suspended. In 2006, Congress passed and President George W. Bush signed the Military Commissions Act of 2006. This legislation included a suspension of habeas corpus:

No court, justice, or judge shall have jurisdiction to hear or consider an application for a writ of habeas corpus filed by or on behalf of an alien detained by the United States who has been determined by the United States to have been properly detained as an enemy combatant or is awaiting such determination.

S.3930 – Military Commissions Act of 2006

While this suspension of habeas corpus is usually attributed to President Bush, it was Congress that passed the legislation and the President only signed it. Since there was neither rebellion nor invasion in the United States in 2006, this act violated Article I, Section 9, Clause 2 of the Constitution, making it both illegal and void.


All this leaves us with the question of what the District Court for the District of Columbia will do? Will they recognize Mr. Quaglin’s right to have his detention reviewed by the court or will they look at the opinions of previous Supreme Courts and waffle? Time will tell.

Meanwhile, what does this mean for the rest of America? If a year of pretrial detainment, along with accusations of abuse and the denial of due process are not enough to have a case reviewed, what would happen to someone who stands up against an illegal action by a government agent? Can you be held indefinitely for not allowing police to enter your home without a warrant or for refusing to comply with an illegal mandate? Can you be labeled an insurrectionist or a rebel without proof? What good are your rights to due process if the process isn’t followed?

What happens if the court denies Mr. Quaglin’s petition? Will the American people meekly stand by and watch while a fellow citizen’s rights are trampled? If the American people will not stand up to protect the rights of this man, who do you think will stand up if and when you rights are ignored? To paraphrase Martin Neimoller:

First they came for the Trumpists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Trumpist.
Then they came for the vaccine hesitant, and I did not speak out— because I was not vaccine hesitant.
Then they came for the January 6th demonstrators, and I did not speak out—because I was not a January 6th demonstrator.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

© 2022 Paul Engel – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Paul Engel:

Help for the Obscene, Unnecessary Baby Formula Disaster

By: Devvy

May 16, 2022

As usual I must begin with this disclaimer lest the corrupt FDA send their dragoons to my front door.  I’m not a doctor, I have no medical training.  This column is for educational purposes and not meant to be medical advice.  My right to free speech.

I doubt anyone in the U.S. isn’t aware of the horrific problem regarding the availability of baby formula.  Desperate mothers across the country driving an hour or more to find at least a few cans or none. (South Carolina mother of six-month-old baby girl describes desperate plight of parents crying in Walmart after being faced with empty shelves while hunting for baby formula: ‘My heart broke into 100 pieces’) Paying exorbitant prices on line.  There’s been the usual ignorance on the part of buffoons and dullards on the Internet– both male & female telling mothers to just breastfeed their baby.

There are legitimate reasons why some women cannot breast feed their baby.  Other women who are forced to work because two paychecks are needed just to make ends meet use baby formula.  That blathering is just more distraction.  Stay focused on why here in these united States of America this is even happening.

I spend a lot of time researching on the Internet (and books) and when I saw the headlines start popping up about this, I thought why?  I half expected to see it is because of the Russia/Ukraine disaster.  But, it appears baby formula manufacturers is pretty much controlled – just like the parasites who call themselves “mainstream media” by a small number of manufacturers:  Top 10 infant formula manufacturers in the world

Emily Griffin: This essential food source’s scarcity is a terrifying prospect for parents of young children

“The baby formula shortage became an issue for new parents back in November 2021, but this shortage is getting worse, not better. According to USA Today, “Nearly 40% of popular baby formula brands were sold out at retailers across the U.S. during the week starting April 24, according to an analysis by Datasembly, which assessed supplies at more than 11,000 stores.”

“In mid-February, Abbott Nutrition — a major manufacturer of infant formula — recalled several of its formulas that were made in Sturgis, Michigan. The factory, according to the Food and Drug Administration, had failed to maintain sanitary standards. For its part, Abbott Nutrition claims that the baby formulas were nowhere near contaminants found in the facility. It has recalled the products just the same.

“The shortages — plus inflation — are causing prices to soar on these much-needed products. Baby formula, an essential food source for babies with allergies or other medical needs, has risen several dollars per can. Parents who use formula for their children easily spend between $1,200-$1,500 per year. This price hike is overwhelming to families already struggling with other inflation-related financial gouges. Senator Tom Cotton recently “brought to light the plight of these worried parents: “The formula shortage is a national crisis, hitting poor moms and kids the hardest. The FDA needs to immediately step up, be transparent, explain how it will get production restarted, and give parents a timeline. And the Biden Administration needs to take this seriously.”

Ah, the ghouls at the rotten, corrupt Federal Death Administration (FDA) at it again.  Abbott Laboratories said on May 11, 2022, it ‘could’ be 10 weeks before baby formula is restocked after the FDA gives their approval.  That plant was closed in mid-February.  It’s now half way through May, but they say it will take 6-8 weeks to replenish their supply.

What drew the corrupt FDA’s attention was four infants hospitalized; tragically two died but so far, there’s no evidence linking such tragedy to that plant or product.  How Did We End Up Having a Baby Formula Shortage?, May 12, 2022

“Abbott is the largest supplier of infant formula in America. Approximately three months ago, four infants became ill, two of which, sadly, passed away. The FDA and the CDC stepped in, claiming that Abbott’s Michigan facility needed to shut down. Initially, the FDA said that they found unsanitary facility practices at the Abbott facility. Anybody who has ever talked with anyone who has tried to produce and process their own livestock for sale understands how asinine FDA rulings of “unsanitary” can be.

“Last month, the FDA and CDC stated that the bacterial strain that made the four babies sick didn’t match the strain of bacteria that was found at the Abbott facility. Despite this, the plant remained closed. There is currently no explanation as to how the contamination occurred.”

The “outraged” Congress is going to hold “a meeting” in two weeks to address the formula shortage.  More political theater for the rash of upcoming primaries.Another one with dementia:  Democrat Leader Pelosi Says We Must Find Out How and Why “We Have Babies Crying in the Country Because They’re Hungry and the Shelves Are Bare”

Flashback:  Pharmacy Says They Deliver ALZHEIMER’S Medications To Members Of Congress, Oct. 11, 2017.  “A Washington D.C. pharmacy revealed on Wednesday that they deliver medications that treat “serious health problems” to members of Congress, including medications to treat Alzheimer’s disease…Kim expressed concern over some of the serious health problems that members of Congress have because the diseases could severely limit their ability to serve in their elected positions.

“It makes you kind of sit back and say, ‘Wow, they’re making the highest laws of the land and they might not even remember what happened yesterday.’”

I wrote a column about it as did others but the media went berserk, the pharmacist who did not name any names did his mea culpa’s and it went away.

On May 11, 2022, the FDA (and CDC) who are ignoring more than 400,000 deaths from those COVID experimental injections (which legally are not vaccines) made an announcement:  FDA to Allow Closed Abbott Plant to Release Baby Formula Supply Amid Shortage–“After ordering Abbott’s Michigan plant to close due to contamination concerns following a nationwide recall of baby formula, the FDA said the company can release some specialty formulas “on a case-by-case basis” – More at link.

And, of course, let’s not leave out the once again timeliness by world genius on just about everything:  Bill Gates now owns more farmland in this country than anyone. Gates wants you to eat manufactured fake meat, poultry and anything else his evil mind can conjure up.

Bill Gates Is Now Pushing Artificial Baby Milk, Just As A Baby Formula Crisis Hits America, “The supply chain and food supply has been slipping into dire straits since the covid pandemic and now there is a very real shortage in baby milk formula.

“Across the country, store shelves are empty as parents struggle to find the food they need for their babies.  Suddenly out of nowhere, enter ex-CEO of Microsoft, owner of Moderna and investor in Pfizer, both of which gave us the dangerous mRNA vaccines – with the solution – lab made baby milk.

“If you know anything about Bill Gates, you will know that he is a huge supporter of depopulation and abortion. Bill Gates likes to pretend he is a humanitarian, but his history would suggest otherwise.  Now he is offering his Frankenstein baby formula – isn’t that convenient.

“Bill Gates invests in vaccines – suddenly there is a pandemic. Bill Gates buys up all the farmland – suddenly there is a food crisis. Bill Gates invests in artificial milk – suddenly there is a milk formula shortage.”

Biden Baby Formula Crisis Ensnares The Biden Regime And Leads To Scrutiny of Gates-Bezos-Zuckerberg Artificial Breast Milk, May 12, 2022 – “BIOMILQ is aiming to create human milk-producing cells in much the same way that some companies are producing lab-grown meat…The North Carolina-based startup received a $3.5 million investment from Breakthrough Energy Ventures, a fund started by Bill Gates, The Times reported in June 2020. Breakthrough Energy’s board members include Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, and Virgin founder Richard Branson. BIOMILQ’s team is working on producing artificial human milk by using human breast tissue and milk donated by local women. These donors then get a gift card for the department store Target in return.”

There is something very wrong with this nightmare.  Yes, we have a huge shortage of long haul truckers and with the cost of diesel, inflation is eating every dollar for tens of millions of Americans.One plant – yes, the largest – was closed down, but what about the others who produce baby formula on U.S. soil?

Well come to find out, a great deal of baby formula YOU paid for has been shipped to illegal aliens at the border.  Instead of turning them right around with orders to go back across the river before putting one foot on U.S. soil or the long line just walking across the border (see this 4 minute clip of the hordes smiling as they enter this country), the border is open.  The good news:

Title 42 border policy for expelling immigrants upheld by federal court in DC, May 5, 2022  -“Circuit court says U.S. can continue expelling migrants at border under policy tied to Covid-19, denying them chance to request asylum”

The 170,000+ waiting to storm the border on May 23rd just got the stop sign.  Will they stop?  We will see soon because that federal judge in Louisiana is due to make a final decision any day.

Do I want babies to starve?  Of course not, but those illegal aliens (NOT migrants) and their babies have no right to be on U.S. soil, period.  For the evil doers under the illegitimate Biden collection of imbeciles, racists, sexual deviants, globalists, communists and incompetent fools, er, administration, to send truckloads of baby formula for them while parents here in America are frantic they can’t find any is almost beyond words, even for me.At least acceptable language.

Pallets and pallets of baby formula for illegals, nothing on the shelves for Americans, May 12, 2022 (video proof)


Do you remember the long lines in 2020 for food banks?  7-miles long line of cars in Florida; endless miles in Dallas, Houston and other mega cities?

TEXAS: About 10,000 families lined up in their cars for hours at a food bank in San Antonio, Texas last week

Hundreds of photos and many videos and one thing I noticed:  What kind of vehicles were lined up?  A whole hell of a lot of $40,000-$60,000 pick-ups, SUVs, Lexus and some other pricer automobiles.  Yet you have no back up food reserves in case of an emergency?

Americans need to re-think their priorities.  Yes, some might need those big, monster pick-ups for work and yes, you’d rather have a nice big SUV with a $400 – $600 a month payment rather than a medium sized automobile with a $199 a month payment, but look what happened at the beginning of the plandemic when the media and politicians scared the hell out of people and caused massive panic buying?

During my research I found many web sites on how to make your own baby formula.  Not as quick and simple as a run to the grocery store.  But, the LIARS at the FDA and hack “doctors” on the Internet say it’s too dangerous.  Don’t do it!!!  Sure, that can be the case IF one doesn’t do the research and find out who is credible with making homemade formula.

Let me ask you a question:  Long before baby formula first began production in 1907, what have mothers done to feed their infants throughout the history of mankind if they couldn’t breast feed them for medical reasons?  Long before baby food formula became a monster industry, how did new mothers feed their babies if they couldn’t breast feed?

Here are some sources for you to consider and make your own decision as to what’s best for your baby:

Homemade Baby Formula, December 31, 2001 By Weston A Price Foundation:  “Our homemade baby formulas were created by Mary Enig, PhD and first published in the book Nourishing Traditions. To help you with any questions you may have about the recipes below, please refer to our:”  Rest at link. Here is a site by a doctor whose wife used receipts from the Weston A Price Foundation. They have used it on their children who are healthy and thriving.

How to Make Homemade Baby Formula You Feel Safe With

Homemade Infant Formula. “UPDATE – MAY 10, 2022: This post was written in 2011. To say it needs an update is an understatement. Due to the current baby formula shortage, we are working on simplifying these recipes, providing much more in-depth safety information, and providing thoughtful critique so you can make informed decisions for your family. Thus, we thank you for your patience and please check back over the next few days for more up-to-date help. In the meantime, if you’re needing a quick, effective formula for your baby, check out this emergency baby formula recipe formulated from the World Health Organization’s guidelines.

I know mothers who work are dead tired when they get home, but you can make this work.  Hopefully with your husband, friends and family support.

There are milk banks all across the country.  This is donated baby milk if that’s your choice.  Source site.

In 2020 at the beginning of the hysteria over COVID, stores were short everything.  But, farmers and ranchers in many states said – hey! Come to our farms!  We have milk, eggs, chickens.  Dairy and food farmers were dying because schools nationwide (with a few exceptions) were shut down so no more lunch time meals.  I remember several articles with pictures of cars lined up for miles from big cities to smaller ones who went out on the weekend and got their dairy, meat and veggies from farmers desperate for sales. God bless them.  Patronize local farmer’s markets.

Americans need to become preppers.  I’ve been one since 1989 when my late husband and I moved to Colorado Springs, CO.  John was a Colonel in the Army stationed at Ft. Carson.  The next February we had the grand daddy of blizzards.  That’s when I began learning about food storage and how to survive. The Organic Prepper is a top web site IMHO.  There are many more, just do some research.

I have food storage good until 2034, altho’ I’ll be long dead by then.  I bought zero toilet paper in 2020 as I stock by schedule.  I’m a widow with my two doggies so it doesn’t take as much money but I’m going to get a bit cranky here:  Priorities vs importance.  Stop depending on any government to rescue you for food and other vital products.

Yes, it does take time and planning but that $700 fancy phone isn’t worth much when you’re hungry or an avoidable disaster like this baby formula happens.  Help friends and families by sharing this information.  Use your email lists and social media.  We are a nation rich in natural resources, people with big hearts.  Those who forged across this country and built a nation were tough.  Are we less than they were?

If you live in an apt that has a small yard, tear out the plants and plant a small garden.  Do you know what aquaponics is?  You can grow the healthiest food in the world in a very small (or larger) area.  It can mean the difference between life and starving.  Here are some resources:

The Aquaponics Source – Growing Fish & Plants together.

Nelson and Pade, Inc.®  provides aquaponic systems, training, and support to individuals, entrepreneurs, governments and schools who want food security, food quality, and a positive return on their investment.

13 DIY Aquaponics Systems to Suit Any Budget

7 Different Aquaponics Systems for the Home Grower

MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD.  Big pharma and the government don’t want you healthy.  Deadly serious. ACTION ALERT: Tell Congress to STOP Sen. Dick Durbin from criminalizing supplements

Satan’s Pimps have been trying to get this done for years.  Toilet scum, lifer senator Dick Durbin [D-IL] has been heading the push for years.  And he keeps allegedly getting reelected.  In U.S. House in 2005 and then to senator in 2015.

We need to burn their district offices phones (or faxes) – your U.S. senator and U.S. House member.  We’ve defeated this before and can do it again but it will take everyone to make that call.  If we do nothing, we will continue to and

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions. [Order two books and save $10.00. Give one to a friend or relative]

© 2022 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:  (I simply have to say while I really do appreciate emails, I receive several hundred a day except Christmas and New Year’s Day.  I simply cannot answer all of them asking for advice, please help me with my case and other requests because it’s just me.  I try to work some of the requests and answer questions into my columns but I can only do so much.  I thank you for understanding.)

(Just one clarification from my column last week.  I used a link to Kelleigh Nelson’s column without the title and her name but instead used a sentence which linked to her column.  I should have used the name of her column with her as author and the link.  Sorry if it was a bit confusing.)


Mothers are being blamed for hoarding baby formula by Biden’s parasite mouthpieces when they found out months ago there is a shortage.  This is a Tucker Carlson video.  You really should watch this:  Tucker: They are hoarding baby formula

THIS is the real FDA:

The FDA Has Blood on Its Hands by Bill Sardi, who sadly passed away last month.  Read.Sardi was really top of the top on health issues and solutions.

Mine:  How Many More Will Die Before FDA Ghouls Are Held Accountable?  They’re NEVER held accountable and you can thank YOUR member of Congress.

Treachery and Tragedy.  Mine.  More blood on the FDA’s hands and they don’t give a damn.

Death to Democracy in America Top Goal

More vomit from a woman who apparently hasn’t enough brain cells left over the past couple of years to do anything other than show her rank stupidity:  Bette Midler slammed for ‘obtuse’ tweet on baby formula shortage telling mothers, ‘TRY BREASTFEEDING’

Thankfully, this other top ranking paid, professional liar is now gone, but her brain is, too.  Keep wearing those face diapers that cause irreversible neurological brain damage:  ‘Call a Doctor or Pediatrician’ – Psaki When Asked What Parents Should Do if They Can’t Find Baby Formula (VIDEO)

Roe vs Wade: Ironies, Dichotomies, Human Tragedies

By Frosty Wooldridge

May 16, 2022

Were you ever a farm boy or girl who walked through the barnyard to inadvertently step into a cow pie?  As soon as you got stuck in the s**t, you knew you had a mess on your boots…and, it was going to be a mess cleaning it up.

So, I’m going to “weigh-in or step-in” on our current nightmare at the Supreme Court as to overturning Roe vs Wade from 1973.

I want to make this very clear: I do not support abortion. It’s the taking of an innocent life in the womb.  By any other name, it’s murder.  As a matter of fact, we are the only animal on the planet that aborts its young.  So, what I’m going to try to do in this column is mark the ironies and the pitfalls of humanity’s current problems in the 21st century.  Along with that, America’s horrific problems as to our own ethics, families, violence, fatherless children, poverty, racial conflict, loss of personal accountability and much more.

Reports show that American women have aborted 61,000,000 fetuses since 1973.  Before that, doctors and butchers performed back-alley abortions by the tens of thousands on poor young girls.  Pregnant rich girls took “Mercy Flights” over to London, England and came back un-pregnant.

In 2020, American women chose 908,000 abortions in the United States of America. That’s an average rate that led to 61 million abortions since Roe vs Wade became law. Ironically, any female or male can obtain birth control, but teens lack common sense in the throes of sexual excitement.

Worldwide, women choose 73,000,000 (million) abortions of their fetuses annually, year after year, decade after decade and will continue for decades to come.

“Knowing that there are 73 million abortions worldwide each year, the number of abortions in just 38 years would equal about 2.78 billion preborn babies wiped out by surgical and medical abortions worldwide.”  (Source: ; United Nations Report on Abortions)

In other words, women around the world use abortions for a secondary form of birth control.  If they live in highly religious countries where the Catholic Church condemns birth control, they choose abortions because they cannot support that 10th child with food, clothing and/or medical care. Same thing with Islam. Abortions rates in Islamic countries explode through the roof. Over in Africa, women average 8.0 children and usually, six of them starve to death.  They live their lives on the edge of death, daily.  If there was ever a need for birth control, African women and men, need it!

In other words, you can march, scream, yell, demonstrate and feel good about overturning Roe vs Wade, but the abortion mills worldwide continue to abort millions and billions of babies.

Here’s the irony of overturning Roe vs Wade: at least 25 liberal states will maintain abortion clinics with Planned Parenthood in those states.  That means that pregnant poor teenagers will be taking “Mercy Bus Trips” to those states to have their abortions.  So, whether Roe vs Wade is voted up or down, abortions will be available to all women in the United States, henceforth.  Just a little harder to travel, but still find the same ending of pregnancy!

For certain, I’ll be the first person to speak out that our country is going more than a little bit crazy.  You’ve got a Muslim immigrant who blasted away at a King Soopers last year in Boulder, Colorado, killing 13 innocent shoppers.  Hate crime!  This weekend, you shrank in horror that an 18-year-old white kid just shot up 10 Black people in a Buffalo, NY grocery store. Last week, in Chicago, Black gangs shot 76 other Black people during the week, and this past weekend, 27 shot and 5 died as of 3:00 p.m. of this column being written.  But those shootings didn’t include the horrific violence exploding in NYC, Detroit, St. Louis, LA, Denver and Miami.  Kids, thugs, and criminals of all kinds are shooting people right on the street.  We have lost any kind of ethical-moral foundation in our large cities.

Those Kids Don’t Stand A Chance

In other words, we’re looking across the inner-city landscape of America turning into a killing zone.  We’ve got 7 out of 10 Black children with no fathers to guide them. Those Black kids continue spreading their sperm across the landscape to create even more deadly childhood murderers.  We’re seeing illiteracy rates skyrocket, which translates into kids joining gangs and defending turf…because they don’t know anything else.

Creating Two Americas

Then, ironically, we’ve got 66,000 homeless in LA, 35,000 homeless in San Francisco, with a total of 580,000 American homeless all over the country—but we’re sending $40,000,000,000.00 (billion) in military hardware to Ukraine halfway around the world.  We can’t solve our own problems of being invaded at our southern border, so why are we helping Ukraine defend its border?  We suffered 107,000 opioid overdose deaths in 2021, but Biden invites drug cartels carte blanc to distribute drugs all over our country. Biden’s actions will equate to another 100,000 American kids’ drug deaths in 2022.  Talk about irony!

For your information:

“Of the 793 million, more than 100 million suffer from severe malnutrition and risk starving to death. Of the 793 million, 780 million, or 98 percent, inhabit developing countries. One million children under the age of five die from malnourishment each year, comprising 45 percent of all child deaths up to age five.  A total of 13,800 children starve to death, daily around the world. (Source:

Unfortunately, the Pope mandates no birth control.  Islam mandates no birth control. Even die-hard fundamentalist religions discourage birth control.  In other words, women are caught in a “Catch 22” pregnancy merry-go-round.  In the face of all the misery human overpopulation causes, the chief instigators refuse to deal with reality.   If you notice highly overpopulated Africa and India, the human misery chart explodes human decency to smithereens.

Additionally, each year, 8,000,000 adults die annually from malnutrition and starvation:

“With 1,440 minutes in a day and 21,000 deaths, approximately 15 people die every minute from starvation. Our verdict: Major websites such as World Food Program, United Nation and UNICEF provided statistics regarding the number of deaths that take place every day.”

Ironically, the human race will add another 2.2 billion people, net gain, by 2050—a scant 28 years from now.  Can you imagine the starvation rates when that happens?  What about the USA adding 100 million immigrants, net gain, by 2050?  How do you think that will work out?

What does all of this have to do with the United States, Roe vs Wade, and America’s women?

It equates to the fact that Americans, whether pro-abortion or anti-abortion, are stepping into a lot of s**t.  Our country is being torn apart by legal and illegal immigration. We’re being driven into a wall because Biden won’t finish the wall. And, he won’t enforce our laws.  We’re fighting each other because of racial differences.  At the same time, we remain on course to add another 100 million people who will become “resource competitors.”

At some point in the near future, you won’t have to worry about stepping into the s**t, because it’s going to be hitting the fan and sprayed all over America.

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

What If There Is No God?

by Wylie Marshall

May 15, 2022

What if the atheist are right, and there really is no God? Where does that leave us? Can you imagine a world that had no beginning, no creation, just is? How are we doing here without God? From the very sketchy history that has been preserved, can you see any improvement in the world, in man? Are we getting better or worse or staying the same?

Our histories have always been written by the victors of the wars and there have always been wars! So, we have never gotten the stories from those who lost! That means that we only have one side of every story! And could that side be bias and maybe slanted to put the victors in a favorable light? Have we been lied to? Have the good guys always won?

By the condition of our world, I would have to say that the bad guys have been winning all along! It really does not take a genius to see that this world is on the brink of total destruction.

But, if there is no God, then it does not matter, we destroy ourselves and that is it; right? Or maybe we do not destroy ourselves and the bad guys keep winning and all the others, those that survive, become totally enslaved to the bad guys. That appears to be where it is heading if we do not destroy everything. It also appears to be the kind of world most people want now, because no one is doing anything to stop it from happening!! I mean, just look at us, we all appear to have been given a sedative! We are lethargic! We go about our daily routine as if we are robots! We have no hope!!!!

I have seen reports about the WEF, (World Economic Forum), that we will soon “own nothing and be happy”!! I just read a list of Bills that are going to be voted on in the state of California in two weeks that will completely destroy your rights to your own children and yourself.

SB871 Adds CV19 inj. to list of immunizations for public/private school,regardless to FDA approval, no PBE, very rare ME (see 2098)

AB2098 Classifies anti-covid medical opinion as “unprofessional conduct” subject to discipline by the medical board.

SB866 Lowers the age of vax consent to 12 without parental consent or knowledge.

SB920 Authorizes the medical board to inspect a doctor’s office and medical records without patient’s consent.

SB1464 Requires Law Enforcement to enforce public health guidelines or lose their funding.

SB1479 Requires schools to create long term testing plans and report test results to CDPH.

SB1390 Prohibits any person/entity from making statements government deems untrue or misleading by any means including on internet/ads.

SB1184 Authorizes school health personnel to disclose child’s medical info without parents consent to a third party.

AB1797Creates an immunization tracking system giving all government agencies access to vax records of all persons.

AB1993 Requires proof of CV19 vax for all employees & independent contractors to work in California.

Would you like to live under these conditions and have your children subjected to these tyrants? Even destroys the oath that Doctors take when they become a doctor! Takes away a persons right to work if they have not been vax’d.

But then if there is no God, what does it matter. You would have no rights anyway, because all rights come from God, not man!!! Let that sink in! Man cannot grant unalienable rights! Only privileges.Our founding fathers declared that “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness…”

Why do some men strive so hard to get ahead of other men, to the point of enslaving other men? Do you think it could be for money? Do you think it could be for power? I am going to tell you that it is not for either of these things. Look at the people that are trying to vax you right now. Look at the people that are trying so hard to control your very life. They have taxed you into poverty, you pay tax on everything, even the food you eat if you eat in a restaurant. And if you take a look at the Gates, Soros, the Rothschilds,the Rockefellers, etc., they have more money than they can count or ever spend and more power than they know what to do with. So, why do they keep messing with the rest of us? Why can’t they just enjoy their wealth and leave the rest of us alone?

Well, if there was no God, I would guess they probably would leave us alone. They would probably just be content to enjoy their wealth and not bother with us. But there is a God, and because there is a God, there is a Satan, an adversary. His only mission is to destroy mankind, even though he keeps that hidden from the world! The world thinks he is a joke or myth, and even though the Gates, Soros, Rothschilds, and the Rockefellers do not know it, he will destroy them too. They have let Satan influence them into being part of his plan. They think he is their friend, and he will always take care of them because he has given them the wealth and power they possess, but he is just using them to destroy all of mankind…he thinks. But they all forget that God is still in control!!.

I refer you to Luke 4:6 once more where the devil showed Jesus all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time and told Jesus that all this power I will give thee, and all the glory of them; for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it!

The only requirement that the devil required was for Jesus to worship him. Of course, Jesus refused and reminded the devil that he is to worship the Lord thy God, and Him only shalt thou serve.

But a lot of folks have learned how to get ahead and have great power in this world by worshiping Satan. They just do not care or realized as the case may be where that wealth and power is taking them. To an extremely HOT Lake of Fire and Brimstone!

I found on You Tube one time where a fellow named Ron Wyatt had actually found Sodom and Gomorrah. He filmed his discovery, and you could see the actual shapes of the buildings and see where the windows or doors were in the buildings, and if you touched the form, it was pure ash. But the strange thing was that there were little holes in the ash with little balls in the holes. They dug the balls out of the holes and put one of them in a metal spoon and set it on fire and it burn so hot that it melted right through the metal spoon. They had the substance tested and it was pure white Sulfur, which is brimstone.That website may still be on You Tube, I do not know, but it was very interesting.

Most people do not believe that there really is a God. I know, it hits very close to home. I cannot imagine why anyone would think that, for even nature teaches us that there had to be a creator. How can this earth set so perfectly in the universe to be able to support our species and there not be a creator? One degree off and we would all perish from either cold or heat! Everything has to be perfect for us to survive on this planet! And yet, most of the world will not believe!

Now why would I say that? I say that because if they really believed that God exist, they would be looking in their bibles to see what God has told them to do and they would be doing it!

What is the one thing in the bible that God personally told us to do? He told us with His own voice up close and with His own mouth!!! The only thing He ever spoke to all his people at the same time, and they all heard Him speak to them!!! What He spoke is found in Exodus 20 and they are called the Ten Commandments. They are very explicit, and you do not need God’s Holy Spirit to understand them.Moses explained how important they are in Deuteronomy 7:9 Know therefore that the LORD thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations. 

I got to wondering how long that would be, so I googled how long a generation is, and google explained that a generation is considered to be from the birth of a parent to the birth of their child, or an average of 25 years. My first child was born when I was 26 years old. So, if a generation is 25 years, then God will keep His covenant and mercy with them that love Him and keep His commandments for 25,000 years!

You still think that God’s Law was ended at the death of Jesus Christ?Jesus paid our death penalty for us. That was what was nailed to the cross. It was not God’s Law! God’s Law will never end. That is how we show him we love Him. It does not save us, but it is very important to God! When Jesus died, the veil in the Temple was split from top to bottom opening access for us to God the Father. We can now pray directly to God the Father in the Name of Jesus Christ, removing the necessity of the Levitical Priesthood! Christ’s death also removed the need for anyone to mediate between you and the Father. There is no need for anyone to set themselves up as a mediator or in the place of Christ here on this earth! For Christ is our Mediator…1Ti 2:5 For there is one God, and one Mediator between God and men—the Man Christ JesusMat 27:51 And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent. Joh 16:23 And in that day ye shall ask me nothing. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will giveit you.

People, stop just reading over the word of God. Stop and think about what you are reading. Every word was God breathed!

Because of this nation’s unbelief, God does not know her and has given her unto her own lust! Jas 1:15  And after lust has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is completely finished, brings forth death.

How long will you refuse to look into the Law of Life and see the Love of God waiting patiently there for you. 2Pe 3:9 The Lord is not delaying the promise of His coming, as some in their own minds reckon delay; rather, He is long suffering toward us, not desiring that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

God wants all of us to come to repentance. He does not want anyone to perish. What is it God is wanting us to repent of? Can anyone answer that? I have gotten a lot of flack about that since I have been drafting these articles. People keep telling me that we are no longer required to keep God’s Law! God’s Law is eternal and will never be done away! I have had people tell me that it was nailed to the cross, I have had people tell be that it was fulfilled by the death of Jesus Christ, and we are no longer required to keep it because Jesus did it all for us!

If Jesus did it all for us, then what do we need to repent of???? Did Jesus hit the home run and we just need to slide into home base? That is not what my bible tells me! Rom 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. How do we know we have sinned? What tells us we are sinning, what is sin???? If we do not know what sin is what do we repent of?

Well, God is loving and kind enough to tell us what sin is also. 1 John 3:4  Everyone who practices sin is also practicing lawlessness,  for sin is lawlessness. 

Can it be made any clearer? We need to repent of breaking God’s Law!!!! That is what God is waiting on!!! For us to come to repentance of breaking His Law!!! Why would God go to the trouble of coming to this earth and personally speaking His Ten Commandments to approximately two million people all at the same time from the top of Mt. Sinai, when He could have just given them to Moses to give to the people on stone tablets. Of course, he did give them to Moses on Stone tablets so that we could remember what He said……But did we? No! God came in person and spoke the Ten Commandments to let us know how important they were and that we need to keep them for a thousand generations!! Mat 4:4  But He answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.'” That means that we cannot pick and choose which commandments we want to keep or which part of a commandment we want to keep, but every word of every commandment! How soon we forgot! And because we forgot and do not believe He really exist, we are hopeless, we act like we have been given a sedative, we are lethargic, and go about our lives as if we are robots, and remain in rebellion to God, and in sin to this very day!And in the judgment day He will tell us, Mat 7:23 And then I will confess to them, ‘I never knew you. Depart from Me, you who work lawlessness.’

[BIO: Wylie Marshall has been retired for the past 15 years. Worked as a project estimator for a large chemical co. for 30 years, Bachelor degree from Lamar University in Beaumont, Texas in 72. Love playing music with my sons, love history and do a lot of research on various topics. For the past 37 years I have had a love for the study of God’s word. I have learned that God’s love for all of mankind is without prejudice and as Jesus told Satan, man must live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. We must Obey His voice! The Old and the New Testament’s are God’s holy word. God did not put man on this earth to see how many toys he could accumulate for himself, we were put here to learn of God and His ways, so that one day we could have eternal life in the family of God, as spirit beings!]

© 2022 Wylie Marshall – All Rights Reserved

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Is The Coming Food Shortage Government Engineered?, Part 1

By Roger Anghis

May 15, 2022

About a month ago I did a couple of articles on possible food shortages.[1], [2]. Since then there has been some very disturbing information come forth concerning not just our food supply but the government’s involvement in creating it. These are things that should never occur in a free society and I firmly believe that under Trump it would never happen.

Keep in mind that liberals have been hollering ‘conspiracy theory’ at everything the conservatives have pointed out over the last six years.  Right now the ’conspiracy theorists’ have been right every time and we are right this time as well. One of the main characters in this shortage is a dirtbag called Klaus Schwab who heads the World Economic Forum.  You might want to consider just why Biden established the unconstitutional Disinformation Governance Board which is headed up by Nina Jankowicz a person who denied the Hunter laptop story among other things that have been exposed as true: In a news release to announce the measure, Jankowicz was called “a Russia hoax espousing radical who is on video singing and asking who she needs to have sex with to become famous and powerful.”

Her social media history reportedly reveals a history of siding with Democrats, even going as far as labeling reports on Hunter Biden’s laptop as “disinformation.” Many in the media have since concluded, as the New York Post initially reported, that the emails on Biden’s abandoned laptop are authentic.[3] She even did a TikTok video singing a song asking who she can sleep with to get rich and famous.  Class act there Democrats. At least she’s truthful. A good companion for Kamala Harris.

Remember that Henry Kissinger, another traitor in my book, made this comment: “Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.” US strategy deliberately destroyed family farming in the US and abroad and led to 95% of all grain reserves in the world being under the control of six multinational agribusiness corporations. It is obvious that our government, both parties, have been behind what we are about to see. Scanning the internet and combing over articles I’ve saved over the years I found this interesting comment made not too long ago: A week ago there was a torrent of press releases from global institutions all mentioning the same exact same concern: Food shortages within the next 3 to 6 months. These statements line up very closely with my own estimates, as I have been warning regularly about impending dangers of inflation leading to food rationing and supply chain disruptions.

The IMF, the BIS, World Bank, The UN, the Rockefeller Foundation, the World Economic Forum, Bank of America and even Biden himself are all predicting a major food crisis in the near term, and it is not a coincidence that the policies of these very institutions and the actions of puppet politicians that work with them are causing the crisis they are now predicting. That is to say, it’s easy to predict a disaster when you created the disaster.

The claim is that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is the primary cause, but this is a distraction from the real issue. Yes, sanctions against Russia will eventually lead to less food supply, but the globalists and the media are purposely ignoring the bigger threat, which is currency devaluation and price inflation created by central banks pumping out tens of trillions of dollars in stimulus packages to prop up “too big to fail” corporate partners.[4] The war in Ukraine can put a dampener on the world’s wheat production which affects Ukraine’s and Russia’s production however the United States could pick up that slack but that brings up another disturbing fact; Biden has ordered fertilizer companies to NOT ship fertilizer.  This is the peak of the planting season and without fertilizer, we will not have any chance for a bumper crop in the natural.

CF Industries Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: CF), a leading global manufacturer of hydrogen and nitrogen products, today informed customers it serves by Union Pacific rail lines that railroad-mandated shipping reductions would result in nitrogen fertilizer shipment delays during the spring application season and that it would be unable to accept new rail sales involving Union Pacific for the foreseeable future. The Company understands that it is one of only 30 companies to face these restrictions.

CF Industries ships to customers via Union Pacific rail lines primarily from its Donaldsonville Complex in Louisiana and its Port Neal Complex in Iowa. The rail lines serve key agricultural areas such as Iowa, Illinois, Kansas, Nebraska, Texas and California. Products that will be affected include nitrogen fertilizers such as urea and urea ammonium nitrate (UAN) as well as diesel exhaust fluid (DEF), an emissions control product required for diesel trucks.

CF Industries is the largest producer of urea, UAN and DEF in North America, and its Donaldsonville Complex is the largest single production facility for the products in North America.

“The timing of this action by Union Pacific could not come at a worse time for farmers,” said Tony Will, president and chief executive officer, CF Industries Holdings, Inc. “Not only will fertilizer be delayed by these shipping restrictions, but additional fertilizer needed to complete spring applications may be unable to reach farmers at all. By placing this arbitrary restriction on just a handful of shippers, Union Pacific is jeopardizing farmers’ harvests and increasing the cost of food for consumers.” [5]

You have to wonder why they have mandated these restrictions on shipping.  I have never heard of this happening in America before. When situations arise where we need to increase production of anything we have always risen to the occasion. Remember that the IMF, the BIS, World Bank, The UN, the Rockefeller Foundation, the World Economic Forum, Bank of America, and even Biden himself are all predicting a major food crisis in the near term.  They did this when there was no shortage in sight. To me, this means that this is a planned situation that must be nipped in the bud. We have to wake up and realize that this administration is NOT looking out for America. It is at war with Americans.  This is a war We the People must win.

© 2022 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

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Foot Notes

  3. White house disinformation Nina Jankowicz tiktok
  4. Food shortages: Six months globalists are telling us what happens next
  5. Fertilizer giant CF Industries begs Biden to allow shipments for spring planting to prevent food shortages

We Were Warned. We Didn’t Listen.

By Rob Pue

May 15, 2022

We were warned, but nobody listened.  I’m referring to the warning about how nefarious forces have been planning America’s demise for many decades now.  Specifically, how our once-great nation, founded on Godly principles by Godly men and women seeking true freedom and liberty would eventually be destroyed from within — by Communism.  In 1958, W. Cleon Skousen, a former FBI employee, published a book titled The Naked Communist.”  Five years later, in January of 1963, Albert ‘Syd’ Herlong — a member of the House of Representatives from Florida — and a Democrat — stood before Congress and listed the “45 Current Communist Goals,” which were entered into the official Congressional Record.

What was going on in America in January of 1963?  Well, just six months earlier, the Supreme Court had rendered it’s decision that prayer in public schools would be outlawed.  In June of ‘63, the Supreme Court proclaimed that Bible reading in public schools should be done away with also.  Of course, there was some pushback from this, but American Christianity had already started to lose much of it’s influence, and with the Johnson Amendment entering into the tax code nine years prior, many pastors were already beginning to tuck their tails between their legs and remain silent on all things that might be construed as “political,” as the weaponizing of the IRS had begun.

World War II was still a fairly recent event, having ended less than twenty years earlier.  And we were still mourning the bloody Korean War, which ended just ten years earlier leaving three million people dead — and cold war tensions high.  We had seen first-hand the brutal effects of Socialism, Communism, Fascism and Marxism.  Many were warning that although the wars had ended, we still faced the dangers of creeping Communism in this country.  But it seemed absurd to most people because surely America would never fall under the tyranny of such an evil, tyrannical ideology.  After all, our military heroes in uniform had just recently fought, bled and died in foreign lands to put an end to those evil regimes and assure that would never happen here.

Still, we were warned.  Let me share a few of those Communist Goals from 1963, that I believe have been very effectively accomplished.  Among them: “Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.”  (Done). “Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights.” (Done).  “Get control of the schools.  Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda.  Soften the curriculum.  Get control of teachers’ associations.  Put the party line in textbooks.”  (Done).

Also: “Infiltrate the press.  Get control of book review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making positions.” (Done).  “Gain control of key positions in radio, TV and motion pictures.” (Done).  “Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them ‘censorship’ and a violation of free speech and free press.” (Done).  “Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio and TV.” (Done).

More Communist goals: “Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as ‘normal, natural and healthy.’”  (May have seemed impossible but they got that done too).  “Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with ‘social’ religion.  Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity.” (Done).  “Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools.” (As we’ve seen, that one was checked off the list that very year).  “Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a world-wide basis.”  (Done).

“Discredit the American founding fathers.  Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the common man.” (Done).  “Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture, education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.” (Done). “Infiltrate and gain control of big business.”  (Done).  “Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies.”  (Done).  “Discredit the family as an institution.  Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.” (Done).  “Emphasize the need to raise children away from the ‘negative influence’ of parents.”  (Done).

Believe it or not, the Communists accomplished pretty much every one of their goals, which were designed to destroy America from within.  And they did it so slowly and so stealthily that nobody really noticed.  Those who did and sounded a warning were shouted down as crazy conspiracy theorists and fanatics.  So here we are, today, scratching our heads and wondering what in the world happened to the country we grew up in.  We were warned.  Nobody listened.

Who would have ever believed that the idea of “Democratic Socialism” would even be taken seriously in America?  But now, according to polls, 39% of American adults said they would prefer socialism.  That number jumps to 54% for those age 18-24.

When I first heard about the idea of “The Green New Deal,” I thought it was one of the most ridiculous things the Leftists had come up with yet.  No more vehicles with gas or diesel engines; imposing a new ‘carbon tax’; everyone guaranteed a job with a universal basic income; free college for all; free healthcare for all; elimination of private homes in favor of ‘green’ multi-unit residential facilities; more public programs, eliminating personal or private property.

Now, we have Klous Schwab of the World Economic Forum — and thousands of his minions embedded in every American state and countless cities across the country — stating boldly that by 2030, we will own nothing and we will like it that way.  That sounds like Communism to me.  But again, the idea of American freedom has been so villainized by the Left while Communistic ideals have been purposely spoon-fed to our children in our public schools and college campuses for so long, I honestly don’t think it’s going to take that long for them to gain complete control.

Our young people have been trained to hate their country, their history and heritage, especially if they happen to be white.  They’ve also been trained to believe that God is dead and Christians are hateful bigots.  In just the past two years, we’ve seen the destruction and removal of statues and monuments honoring America’s historical heroes.  Yet in Seattle, Washington, the statue of the Communist dictator Vladimir Lenin remains the pride of the city.

Law and order is gone.  George Soros-selected District Attorneys are turning criminals loose and crime is not prosecuted. We have the  highest rates of violence ever in this country right now.  Not to mention homelessness, drug abuse and mental illness. Meanwhile, a full-scale invasion of foreign soldiers is taking place on our southern border.  Of course, not all who are entering this country illegally mean to do us harm, but a significant number are coming here just for that purpose, and we’re rolling out the red carpet for them.  Our government is transporting them to cities and towns across America under the cover of darkness so that citizens won’t so easily notice.  Once they’re settled in, the government “Welcome Wagon,” funded with our taxpayer dollars, supplies them with free housing, food, healthcare, education and cash.

We’ve purposely shut down our energy production, and now we must beg our enemies for help.  Freedom of speech is gone, for all practical purposes, because even though we’re still able to speak words that defy the regime, few ever will, for fear of retribution from friends, family and neighbors — or any number of three-letter agencies that have been weaponized by the Globalists.

Along with the deliberate destruction of our economy, energy resources and supply chain, we’re also seeing the start of a planned world-wide famine.  Farmers are being paid by the government NOT to plant their fields.  Millions of chickens and turkeys are being destroyed due to a supposed “bird flu” outbreak.  The Banksters are buying up massive amounts of farmland and the “climate change” police are calling for the culling of millions of heads of cattle — in order to mitigate CO2 emissions.  Bill Gates wants us to eat insects.  And what’s going on with all the mysterious fires at food processing plants throughout the country, all happening just in the past few months?

And millions have been forced to take an experimental injection of poison that’s been proven, now, to have over 1291 adverse side effects — which the snake oil salesmen KNEW ABOUT before the jabs were released on the public, evidence they’d hoped to hide for 75 years.  Yes, 1291 adverse side effects — not the least of which is DEATH.  Millions of Americans have been forced to either take those jabs or lose their jobs.  Many have lost their lives, others have been forever crippled.

The American Library Association’s newly-elected president proudly proclaims herself as a ‘Marxist Lesbian.’  Emily Drabinski, who will take office next summer, has promised to “Queer” the libraries across the country.  Expect an exponential growth of “Drag Queen Story Times” coming soon to libraries nation-wide.

In 2015, the Supreme Court validated homosexual so-called “marriage,” but that wasn’t enough for the powers that control and manipulate American thought.  Now, citizens had better be careful what they say and what they think, and they’d better celebrate sodomy enthusiastically and pridefully, or they may be severely prosecuted for a “hate crime.”  In the last dozen or so years, the numbers of young people “coming out of the closet” and declaring themselves to be homosexual has skyrocketed.  This is a direct result of homosexual “grooming” and encouragement to embrace all manner of sexual deviancy — by their teachers, youth leaders and every area of media, art and entertainment.  Newly brainwashed young people who declare themselves to be homosexual are considered “courageous” and “heroic” among their peers.  They don’t realize how horrifically they’ve been lied to, manipulated and used as throw-away pawns by child sex predators.

Meanwhile, “transgenderism” has become the latest “hot, new trend.”  This is pushed everywhere you go.  Again, our children are directly targeted by this agenda.  And pity the poor soul who refuses to go along with this game of “dress up” or uses the wrong pronouns.  Those who do face instant retribution and punishment.

All this sexual deviancy is not just happening “organically.”  It’s been specifically designed by the LGBTQP+ mafia to indoctrinate and lure young people into sexual activity and gender confusion at the youngest of ages.  Some of the players include the big bully known as the Human Rights Campaign, the taxpayer-funded Planned Parenthood, and even the once wholesome, family-friendly Walt Disney Corporation.  Parents who desire to protect their kids from these predators are now labeled “domestic terrorists.”

This is all part of the plan for a New World Order.  Next up: the death of the US dollar and the “need” for a One-World digital currency, embedded under the skin.  Those who refuse will be outcasts, or forced to live in captivity, if they’re allowed to live at all.  Regardless, the coming Great Reset and New World Order will have to be Communist in nature.  It will be sold to us as it’s been sold to countless billions of naive people in the past: as “power to the people.”  But the only ones with the power will be the tyrannical dictators.  The “people,” rather than being empowered, will lose any last vestiges of freedom they may have ever thought they once had.

George Orwell’s book, 1984 was required reading when I was in high school.  I always found it odd that of all the books out there, 1984 was required.  Perhaps the Globalists wanted us to see what our future held.  Remember: these demons always tell us what they plan to do before they go ahead and do it.  I doubt Orwell meant the book to be an instruction manual, but that’s what it’s become.  We were warned.  But we didn’t listen.

© 2022 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

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The American Pre-Tribulation Rapture (Isaiah 18)

By George Lujack

May 14, 2022

A recently posted NewsWithViews article titled, “The Rapture is Created as an Exit Strategy for Those Who Have Refused to Obey the Lord?,” compelled me to respond and refute that author’s contention that there will be no rapture(s).

The very title itself makes no sense. Those who refuse to obey the Lord will not be raptured and therefore will be left behind, so how can the rapture be an exit strategy for them?

People who do not believe in the rapture(s) seem to think that by their efforts they will stop the coming New World Order, the great tribulation, and rise of the Antichrist. These events are written in Scripture prophecy and cannot be stopped. The belief in rapture(s) is neither heretical or a misunderstanding. It is an assurance based on faith and God’s word.

Yeshua (Jesus) was sent to earth to die to make atonement for the sins of mankind, so for God to rapture Him before He died on the cross would make no sense. Yet, Yeshua (Jesus) was raptured (caught up / carried up / received up / taken up) afterward, in what has been called the Ascension (Mark 16:19, Luke 24:51, Acts 1:2,9-11, 1 Timothy 3:16, Revelation 12:5). The same language is used, that God’s saints will be “caught up” to the clouds to meet the Lord in the air (1 Thessalonians 4:17)

For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only he who now restrains will do so until he is taken out of the way.

As believers living in the end times, we are restrainers of evil, but the time will come when the restrainers are taken out of the way, via the three major raptures of the end times saints.

Those who believe in the rapture understand that judgment is coming to the world. God does not rapture His saints from tribulation, even the great tribulation, but God does not judge the righteous with the wicked. Since God does not judge the righteous with the wicked, He has promised to rapture His saints out of judgment.

Today, many theologians have identified Babylon the great, Revelation 18, as America, the great end time nation destined to be suddenly destroyed. Many refuse to believe this, even though America was once a righteous Judeo-Christian nation that has, for the most part, forgotten God.

Many people do not want to believe such a horrific event, the destruction of the United States, can or will happen. The reality is that MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) is systematically being replaced with WSF (Whoever Strikes First). Russia leads the world in hypersonic nuclear missile systems. These missiles fly so fast that they are undetectable by radar or other missile defense systems.

The destruction of the United States is God’s judgment upon the land and when America is destroyed, the great tribulation begins. God does not rapture His saints from tribulation, not even the great tribulation, but God does not judge the righteous with the wicked.

If America is indeed Babylon the great of Revelation 18, what then will happen to the righteous people living in America when the judgment of America comes?

There is only one answer: the American Rapture. The American rapture is prophesied in Isaiah 18.

“Come out of her My people,” Revelation 18:4 is not a message from God to come out of the Catholic Church or some other false religious institution, because God’s people are not practicing false religion. “Come out of her My people,” is a clarion call from God for His people to come out of America through the American rapture, before America is destroyed.

America (Babylon the great – Revelation 18) will be completely destroyed. Before that happens, there will be an American pre-tribulation rapture (Isaiah 18:5), which is a separate event that occurs before the world rapture. America’s destruction marks the beginning of the great tribulation period. Righteous Americans will be taken to Yeshua (Jesus) the Lord before the destruction of the nation occurs. Americans, those raptured and those left behind, will not be a people to identify the Antimessiah (Antichrist), receive the mark of the beast, nor will America be a nation that survives through the great tribulation. In this article Isaiah 18 will be [INTERPRETED], will identify America, and declare the American pre-tribulation rapture.

Woe [THE SECOND WOE OF REVELATION, THE DESTRUCTION OF BABYLON THE GREAT (AMERICA) – REVELATION 18] to the land [AMERICA] shadowed with buzzing (whirring HSV, NIV) wings [COMMERCIAL AIRPLANES], which is beyond the rivers of Ethiopia [ACROSS THE ATLANTIC OCEAN],
which sends ambassadors by sea, even in vessels of reed [USS BATTLESHIPS] on the waters.

“Go, swift messengers [RAPTURING ANGELS], to a nation [AMERICA] tall and smooth of skin, to a people [AMERICA] terrible from their beginning onward, a nation [AMERICA] powerful and treading down [IMPOSING ITS WILL UPON OTHER NATIONS], whose land [AMERICA] the rivers divide.”

All inhabitants of the world and dwellers on the earth: when he [AMERICA] lifts up a banner [RAISES A FLAG] on the mountains, you [THE WORLD] see it; and when he [AMERICA] blows a trumpet,
you [THE WORLD] hear it.

For so YHWH (the Lord) said to me, “I will take My rest, and I will look from My dwelling place [MY HOLY MOUNTAIN IN ISRAEL], like clear heat in sunshine, like a cloud of dew in the heat of harvest
For before the harvest [THE WORLDWIDE HARVEST (RAPTURE)], when the bud [TIMING] is perfect and the sour grape [THE HOMOSEXUAL GENERATION] is ripening [AGING] in the flower [AMERICAN MAINSTREAM CULTURE], He [GOD] will both cut off the sprigs [AMERICAN SAINTS] with pruning hooks [RAPTURING ANGELS] and take away [RAPTURE THEM] and cut down [DESTROY] the branches [MAINSTREAM SPIRITUALLY UNRIGHTEOUS AMERICANS].

They [UNRIGHTEOUS AMERICANS] will be left [BEHIND] together for the mountain birds of prey and for the beasts of the earth; the birds of prey will summer on them, and all the beasts of the earth will winter on them [EAT THEM – REVELATION 18:2].

In that time [OF BABYLON THE GREAT’S (AMERICA’S) DESTRUCTION] a present [THE AMERICAN RAPTURED SAINTS] will be brought to YHWH (the Lord) of hosts from a people [AMERICANS] tall and smooth of skin, and from a people [AMERICANS] terrible from their beginning onward, a nation [AMERICA] powerful and treading down [IMPOSING ITS WILL ON OTHER NATIONS], whose land [AMERICA] the rivers divide – to the place [HOLY MOUNTAIN] of the name of YHWH (the Lord) of hosts, to Mount Zion.

And I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her [AMERICA], My people [RIGHTEOUS AMERICANS], lest you [RIGHTEOUS AMERICANS] share in her [BABYLON-USA’S] sins, and you [RIGHTEOUS AMERICANS] receive of her [AMERICA’S] plagues [JUDGMENTS].

God does not judge the righteous with the wicked (Genesis 18:23-33).
God will rapture the American saints before He judges America.

Behold, the least [LAST / YOUNGEST] of the [GREAT] nations shall be a wilderness, a dry land and a desert [A NUCLEAR WASTELAND]. Because of the wrath of YHWH (the Lord) she [AMERICA] shall not be inhabited, but she [AMERICA] shall be wholly desolate. Everyone who goes by Babylon [USA] shall be horrified and hiss at all her [AMERICA’S] plagues.

LUKE 21:36 (NKJV):
“Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.”

The United States of America is the last of the great significant nations. Righteous Americans will be the second people to stand before Yeshua (Jesus) immediately after the American pre-tribulation rapture (Isaiah 18:5). 144,000 righteous Israeli Messianic Jews will precede the raptured American saints to Yeshua’s (Jesus’) holy mountain, Mount Zion (Revelation 14:1-8) and will greet the arriving American raptured saints. The American people will not live through all of Scripture prophecy, because America’s destruction marks the beginning of the great tribulation. The Antimessiah (Antichrist) rises after America’s destruction and after the great tribulation concludes, he will reign for seven years and impose his 666 mark upon the people of the world (Revelation 14:8-11). Americans need to repent, live righteously, watch, and pray always to be counted worthy to escape America’s judgment through the American pre-tribulation rapture (Luke 21:6). The raptured American saints will be among the first people to stand before the Son of Man, Yeshua (Jesus) (Isaiah 18:7).

Illustrated version of this article:



The Secret Meanings of the Parables of the Mustard Seed, Leaven, and Three Measures

Humanizing the Most Vulnerable Promotes Life for All

by Rolaant McKenzie

May 14, 2022

More than a decade ago, I was doing IT support work at a local Jewish Community Center. The Jewish librarian, knowing I was a Christian, asked me a question regarding what I thought of the abortion issue. She was in favor of keeping this practice legal. I think I gave her an answer that she did not expect, because it was not really a political one.

I told her that 150 years ago people that looked like me were considered less than fully human. Therefore, it was permissible to enslave people like me and dispose of us when we were no longer considered useful or convenient. More than 65 years ago in much of Europe, people like her were declared to be less than human, the cause of the ills of society, and inconvenient to be allowed to exist. Therefore, it was permissible and mandated that they be exterminated. Today, there is another group that has been similarly dehumanized because they were not considered useful or convenient. Tens of millions of this group have been killed already. They are babies in the womb.

I went on to say that when a society dehumanizes and exterminates the weakest and most vulnerable among them, no one is safe from being similarly treated. Where there is no sanctity of human life, when society deems us to be inconvenient, then we will likewise be dehumanized and eliminated.

I do not know if she ever changed her mind regarding abortion, but I could tell that what was said gave her something to seriously consider.

One of the reasons God found so many of the inhabitants of Canaan so detestable that He sent the children of Israel to utterly destroy them was because they practiced, among other evil things, passing their children through the fire. That is, they sacrificed children as burnt offerings to their false pagan gods (such as Molech). They were able to do this because they adopted a view of human life that allowed them to see their own children as a sacrificial commodity by which they could “purchase” benefits from their gods.

As Israel prepared to enter the Promised Land, the Lord through Moses gave strict warnings not to imitate the detestable things of the nations they were commanded to drive out.

“When you enter the land which the LORD your God gives you, you shall not learn to imitate the detestable things of those nations. There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, one who uses divination, one who practices witchcraft, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who casts a spell, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. For whoever does these things is detestable to the LORD; and because of these detestable things the LORD your God will drive them out before you.” (Deuteronomy 18:9-12)

If the Lord so judged those nations that were engaged in child sacrifice, I wonder what will become of nations today that do so on a far greater scale through abortion?

Much of Western society, however imperfect, previously had a strong Judeo-Christian foundation. It held to a belief in God and our accountability to Him. There was a general belief in the Biblical view of humanity. In addition to being God’s special creation made in His image, human beings were more than physical bodies plus breath. There was an immaterial aspect to each person formed from the womb that made human life unique and sacred, consistent with being made in the image of God (Genesis 9:6). But when Western society centuries later adopted Darwinian evolution and rejected God, materialism became the prevailing view. Human beings were no longer made in God’s image but were just body plus breath with no spirit formed by random chance. In time this view has contributed to the idea that a person is not alive until birth. Children in the womb could be sacrificed when deemed inconvenient or profitable. Today, there are even some in society openly promoting and working to pass laws to kill babies after they are born.

Of all the kings of Judah and Israel, Manasseh of Judah was probably the evilest one of all. His story can be found in 2 Kings 21 and 2 Chronicles 33. He engaged in the kind of evil that characterized the abominations of the nations that God had driven out before Israel. He erected altars to pagan gods, worshiped the host of heaven and built altars for them in the temple courts, shed much innocent blood from one end of Jerusalem to the other, practiced witchcraft and divination, and took part in sorcery and consulted mediums. He even made his own sons pass through the fire. His reign of evil misled the people of Judah to sin more than the nations that the Lord destroyed before Israel.

Even though God spoke to Manasseh and the residents of Judah, they refused to listen and turn back from their downward spiral into depravity. In response, the Lord sent the nation of Assyria against Judah. Manasseh was captured, bound, and carried off in humiliation to Babylon.

But in Manasseh’s affliction, something wonderful happened.

“When he was in distress, he entreated the LORD his God and humbled himself greatly before the God of his fathers. When he prayed to Him, He was moved by his entreaty and heard his supplication, and brought him again to Jerusalem to his kingdom. Then Manasseh knew that the LORD was God.” (2 Chronicles 33:12-13)

The rich grace and forgiveness of God led Manasseh to genuine repentance (Romans 2:4). For the remainder of his reign he worked to undo all the evil he had done. He destroyed the pagan idols and altars and called upon the people of Judah to serve the LORD God of Israel (2 Chronicles 33:15-16). This return to the Lord set the stage for the great national revival that took place under his grandson King Josiah.

“Josiah removed all the abominations from all the lands belonging to the sons of Israel, and made all who were present in Israel to serve the LORD their God. Throughout his lifetime they did not turn from following the LORD God of their fathers.” (2 Chronicles 34:33)

“Then the king commanded all the people saying, ‘Celebrate the Passover to the LORD your God as it is written in this book of the covenant.’ Surely such a Passover had not been celebrated from the days of the judges who judged Israel, nor in all the days of the kings of Israel and of the kings of Judah. But in the eighteenth year of King Josiah, this Passover was observed to the LORD in Jerusalem. Moreover, Josiah removed the mediums and the spiritists and the teraphim and the idols and all the abominations that were seen in the land of Judah and in Jerusalem, that he might confirm the words of the law which were written in the book that Hilkiah the priest found in the house of the LORD. Before him there was no king like him who turned to the LORD with all his heart and with all his soul and with all his might, according to all the law of Moses; nor did any like him arise after him.” (2 Kings 23:21-25)

Many of us may have previously in life held to false religious or philosophical worldviews that over time developed into acceptance of, or participation in, some very evil things. But thanks be to God for the grace and forgiveness that is found in Jesus Christ. Just how big is God’s forgiveness? It is big enough to forgive the worst of sins and the worst of sinners. How great is the cleansing power of the blood of Jesus’ blood? It can make the most deeply embedded crimson stain of sin whiter than snow. (Isaiah 1:18)

“For while we were still helpless, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. For one will hardly die for a righteous man; though perhaps for the good man someone would dare even to die. But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from the wrath of God through Him. For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life.” (Romans 5:6-1)

[BIO: Rolaant McKenzie operates Gospel Outreach Ministries Online, a Christian apologetics ministry dedicated to the proclamation of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ online, and discussing important contemporary issues from a Biblical perspective.



American Veteran in Defense of Liberty and Freedom

By Gerard Keenan

May 12, 2022

Real Americans have always answered the call of freedom and liberty; until this current president stole the 2020 election and got installed as dictator.

Although there are unknown numbers of American volunteers currently fighting with the Ukraine armed forces against Russia’s unprovoked invasion, this president has strongly suggested Americans refrain from traveling to Ukraine or any other country in the region; Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova.

A strong “suggestion” was apparently not sufficient for Herr Biden, however, so he instructed his minions to enforce his will as all dictators throughout history have done.

On Thursday, 24 March, 2022, US Marines were officially PROHIBITED from travel to these three countries following a “Do Not Travel” advisory put out by the State Department on 08 March, 2022, banning all personal and official travel to these countries without prior approval obtained through a Travel Clearance Request submitted via the Aircraft and Personnel Automated Clearance System (APACS). This ‘advisory’ applies to all Marine personnel and all government civilian employees. It is only a matter of time before these same restrictions are placed upon all the services and will undoubtedly be followed by similar restrictions on all civilian personal and official travel – at least internationally.

It wasn’t always this way. Previous presidents often expressed their concerns when Americans took it upon themselves to join in the fight elsewhere – but those concerns were nearly always for the safety of those individuals – not because those presidents had delusions of grandeur or were globalists seeking to impose their will upon the people as this one is doing. Concern for the safety of Americans is one thing – concern that you are losing or have already lost control over those Americans is quite another.

Examples of Americans stepping up to the plate abound throughout our history. Many early examples of this are simply individuals or very small groups taking part in foreign rebellions or other wars on their own. In April 1867, for example, a small ship called the Jackmel sailed from New York with several thousand Springfield rifles and 40 Civil War veterans to join the Fenians (aka; Irish Republican Brotherhood) and arrived in Sligo Bay, Ireland, in May 1867 where most were arrested and the ship temporarily impounded before being allowed to return to the US with its cargo intact.

With the outbreak of WWI in 1914 many Americans sailed to France to join the French Army. In August 1915 French officials approved the proposal of Americans flying under the French flag which was the brain child of three Americans – two from the US and one expatriate living in France. This new squadron was designated N.124 or, as it is better known, the Lafayette Escadrille. The squadron itself was active from 1916 to 1917 when it was transferred to the US Army Air Corps.

Over 200 Americans actually flew as members of the French Air Force, but only 38 were assigned to the Lafayette Escadrille; the others flew with other squadrons of the French Air Force. Hundreds of Americans sailed to France to try to join the Lafayette Flying Corps but the French Air Force was unable to accommodate the overwhelming numbers and dispersed the volunteers among other squadrons and, collectively, all these American volunteers were known and designated as the Lafayette Flying Corps. During their short period of service, these volunteers accounted for 199 confirmed German aircraft shot down with a total loss (including other squadrons) of 68 Americans and two of their French commanding officers. By today’s woke standards this would undoubtedly be considered racist because the Lafayette was never commanded by American officers but always by French officers. Consider, for example, the 9th and 10th US Cavalry Regiments (Buffalo soldiers); two all black regiments commanded solely by white officers. Doesn’t that amount to the same thing?

Not long after WWI came the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). This was a war between the democratically established Spanish Republic and the fascist oriented military led by Generalissimo Francisco Franco which was backed, financially and militarily, by both Mussolini and Hitler. Militarily Hitler used this civil war to fine tune his Luftwaffe dive bombing techniques. To fight the fascists, more than 2,800 Americans sailed from America to Spain to form one of the international brigades fighting to preserve the republic and came to be known as the Abraham Lincoln Brigade which fought for just over a year (1937-1938). The international brigades consisted of approximately 35,000 anti-fascists but received little backing from western democracies, whereas Franco and his fascists were supported by fascist Germany, Italy and Portugal and received all the support needed. The western democracies never offered financial, let alone military aid to the Republicans. In their brief existence, more than half (950) of the members of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade were killed, wounded or missing.

Then came WWII and more Americans answered the call. Among them were the fliers of the American Volunteer Group (AVG) – aka; Flying Tigers (December 1941-July 1942). These aviators flew for China and, yes, they were in fact mercenaries. They were paid much higher than their US military positions paid them and also received $500.00 for every Japanese plane they destroyed (whether in the air or on the ground). Virtually all of them had been aviators in the US military (59 Navy pilots, 7 Marine pilots, 33 Army pilots) and one was none other than Gregory “Pappy” Boyington – later commanding officer of the famous (or infamous) Black Sheep Squadron and recipient of the Medal of Honor and Navy Cross.

With only 99 pilots and approximately 200 support crew, the Flying Tigers only saw combat for about seven months. In those seven months they shot down 299 Japanese aircraft, confirmed, and about the same number unconfirmed – with a loss of only 12 of their own.

When the US entered the war on 08 December 1941 the AVG (Flying Tigers) was transferred and integrated into the US Army Air Corps as the 23rd Fighter Group. Some of the pilots stayed with this Group but most of them left and rejoined their previous branches of service.

By now the war in Europe had been raging since September 1939. This brought more American volunteers who simply crossed the border into Canada to join the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) where they learned to fly and fight. They were actually risking arrest by crossing into Canada to enlist in the RCAF and RAF because it violated the Neutrality Act of 1937 prohibiting Americans from traveling to a country at war, even a civil war, to fight.

The first Neutrality Act was passed into law in 1794 and had been renewed, revised and amended until its final appearance in 1939 and subsequently deemed irrelevant following our entry into WWII in 1941.,

Most of these volunteers had no prior military experience or flight experience. But when their training was completed these volunteers, or “recruits” as the RCAF termed them, were then sent to Britain where they were formed into three squadrons known as the Eagle Squadrons; they were 71, 121 and 133 Squadrons.

The first of them, 71 Squadron, was formed in September 1940 and fought during the Battle of Britain flying Hurricanes and Spitfire MK IIs.

121 Squadron was formed in May 1941 flying Hurricanes and flew primarily coastal convoy escort. In November 1941 their Hurricanes were replaced with Spitfire MK Vs.

The third and final Eagle Squadron, 133 Squadron, was formed in July 1941 and flew the Hurricane MK IIb which were replaced in early 1942 with Spitfire MK Vs.

During their brief time of service the Eagles totaled an impressive record; 71 Squadron claimed 41 kills, 121 Squadron 18 and 133 Squadron 14 ½. However, during this period 77 Americans and 5 British members of the Squadrons were also killed.

Following the news of Pearl Harbor most of the Eagle pilots wanted to transfer to Singapore to fight against Imperial Japan and submitted a proposal to RAF Fighter Command but were turned down.

After the US entered the war these three squadrons were officially transferred to the USAAF on 29 September, 1942 with most of them retaining a rank equivalent to that held serving in the RAF. These three squadrons were re-designated 334th, 335th and 336th squadrons assigned to the 4th Fighter Wing, 8th Air Force, and continued to fly their Spitfires until they were replaced by the P-47 Thunderbolt in January 1943 and by March 1944 were flying the P-51 Mustang.

Today a memorial to the Americans of the Eagle Squadrons is located in Central London, Grosvenor Square, opposite the Statue of Franklin D. Roosevelt and across from the old US Embassy location. I consider myself fortunate to have been stationed in London and the building I worked in was also on Grosvenor Square and my office looked down on the square and the memorial. I was also fortunate to have been able to visit a couple of the locations from which 71 Squadron (RAF Martlesham Heath in Suffolk) and 133 Squadron (RAF Biggin Hill) operated for brief periods.

The Neutrality Act notwithstanding, the RAF reported processing over 6,700 applications from Americans wanting to serve in the Eagle Squadrons, but only 244 actually served with the Eagles along with 16 Britons who served as squadron and flight commanders.

But another war was raging separate from WWII. This was a short war that most Americans don’t even know about today – it was called the Winter War; the the invasion of Finland by Russia (aka; Soviet Union) from November 1939 to March 1940. As in Ukraine, the Soviets were far superior to the Finns in both manpower and hardware, but also as in Ukraine they suffered heavy losses from the Finns. During this brief side-show to the World War, however, a further influx of over 350 Americans arrived in Finland to fight with the Finns against the Soviets; most of them were of Finnish descent or Finnish immigrants to the US.

In the face of this historical precedent we have a president today who has ordered that no US military or government civilian employees may travel to a country involved in a war against an aggressor such as those mentioned herein without prior approval after submitting an official request for travel. And yet the same people who approve such dictatorial methods are the very same ones who denounced President Trump for similar restrictions that were based on world health concerns.

This president has taken steps heretofore unheard of to restrict not only travel, but also the beliefs and values of the American people. If Americans wish to volunteer to defend freedom and liberty of and in another country – it is not up to the president to deny them that opportunity. Their desire to volunteer means their safety and security rests entirely with them, NOT the US government! And especially not with this mob of Nazis currently in power. They have no right to dictate the lives of the American people. Biden’s restrictions are tantamount to a revival of the old Neutrality Acts except under Biden he is making an obvious move to criminalize these American volunteers fighting for liberty and freedom in Ukraine. He has not made that declaration yet but given his track record of criminalizing American parents as terrorists and setting the FBI and DHS on these parents simply for wanting the best for their children – these volunteers may very well find themselves on a terror watch list by the DHS, DOJ and FBI.

© Gerard Keenan All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Gerard Keenan:

[BIO: Gerard P. Keenan is a native of Paterson, NJ, graduating from St. Bonaventure’s R.C. High School. He also received an Associate of Arts degree from the Univ. of Maryland with a three-year major in Behavioral Science. He is a retired 20-year USN Navy veteran (Telecommunications Specialist) who served in numerous capacities; primarily overseas and aboard forward-deployed staffs (Commander US Sixth Fleet aboard the guided missile cruiser USS Little Rock, home ported in Gaeta, Italy and on the staff of Commander Battle Force Sixth Fleet aboard the aircraft carriers USS Saratoga, Forestall, Independence, John F. Kennedy, Nimitz and Dwight D. Eisenhower home ported in Naples, Italy).

He held the position of Leading Petty Officer of the Communications Dept. of Naval Communications Station Londonderry, Northern Ireland, Traffic Division and Facilities Control Division at Naval Communication Unit London, UK, Communications Division on the carrier USS Saratoga CV-60 homeported Mayport, FL, and on the staff of the Commander Battle Force Sixth Fleet.]

Umbrella Tree

By Paul Cappadona

May 12, 2022

Hello everyone.  I have been looking into worldwide corruption for 45 years.  Why do we keep choosing corruption over liberty?  Especially with all the evil going on today. As it gets worse and worse, I was brought to remember something I read years ago in “Occult Theocrasy” by Lady Queen borough. Yes, we are in a battle of Truth vs Opinion but more important this is a spiritual war, a battle to the death,for the flesh and blood of humanity.  The lie starts out with a gang of Nimrods caring and offering help to make life easier as a mighty provider in the face of God.

Come all ye that are tired and hungry enjoy our abundance, and our (second to none) protection, Enjoy the shade of easy living. We will keep you safe from all harm just make US rulers over you.  So went the temptation of men ruling over men and away from God’s rules for Liberty.  The base of the Umbrella Tree feed the false world empires.  It starts with the “something for nothing” fraudulent (money system) that feeds all their delusions. Below that is evil that directs which gang is needed in their destructive scheme.

There are many governments, gangs, perverts, and thieves of all kinds among the branches some seeming very good. Enjoy the vice of your choice all will be fine.  This Marvelous scheme to control and live off of man is to offer their Occult tree of life for your fealty and ever-increasing cost of the labor of your life. All that they promise is what they take from us and it never stops.Everything under the Umbrella Tree is designed to keep you an un-aware slave of the theocracy. Along with real wolves there are very many wolves wearing sheep’s clothing none of which care about you or liberty.One of their goals is to grow this Umbrella tree to cover the earth concealing truth of another way, the way of truth.  The Way of truth is the only way where men do not rule over other men.

Well, it’s time to get to the meat of the matter.  The definitions given are here to make things clearer for all involved.

OCCULT: Hidden from the eye or understanding; being concealed.  (If you knew what was going on they would be brought before the people’s bar.)

THEOCRACY:  Government by direction of God or by the assumed direction of a supposititious divinity, or the state thus governed.(They tell you it’s we the people but each day proves the people have NO say.)

OCCULT THEOCRACY: By concealment claiming or bearing authority over men from God or some god or from men as in WE THE PEOPLE. The power of theocracy or exercise of government rule over the masses by a hierarchy of priests or adepts with rules from the leaders of the particular secret society.

Part of their concealment is to have their branches set in degrees. Like the pagans of old they have temple virgins and temple whores.  Some people join one or more of these secret cults to network, do good as a group and for better lives.  Others join to get into the upper workings of the group.  If you or anybody you know is in such a group beg them to get out.

Wars are a way to keep people in line and keep other cults from growing larger to heights of power beyond their scope. All cults are part of the team of deceptions and will work together to control and feed off the masses, which sometimes for the elite its pronounced with a silent m.  Most financial aid is directed to the occult branches to keep their people in line.From below, deep in the roots they will build up the sect needed to implement the next wicked goal.  See Georgia Guild Stones erected in 1990 but being carried out now right before our eyes.

LICEN´TIOUS, a. [L. licentiosus.] Using license; indulging freedom to excess; unrestrained by law or morality; loose; dissolute; as a licentious man.

  1. Exceeding the limits of law or propriety; wanton; unrestrained; as licentious desires. Licentious thoughts precede licentious conduct.

LICEN´TIOUSLY, adv. With excess of liberty; in contempt of law and morality.

LICEN´TIOUSNESS, n. Excessive indulgence of liberty; contempt of the just restraints of law, morality and decorum. The licentiousness of authors is justly condemned; the licentiousness of the press is punishable by law.

Law is the god of wise men; licentiousness is the god of fools.

Now here are the words from the book mentioned earlier.

“Miss Mayo, in her book Mother India, published in 1927, gives an interesting description of a temple of Kali. “Kali Ghat” — place of Kali — is the root-word of the name Calcutta.” Kali is a Hindu goddess, Heckethorn, Secret Societies of all Ages and Countries, vol. II, p. 307. 62 OCCULT THEOCRACY wife of the great god Siva, whose attribute is destruction and whose thirst is for blood and death-sacrifice.”  (Doesn’t that reminds you of Hillary,) Kali has thousands of temples in India, great and small. Heckethorn further explains that ” the association of Thugs, after having existed in India for centuries, was only discovered in 1810. The names by which the members were known to each other, and also to others, was Funsiegeer, that is, ‘ men of the noose‘. The name Thug is said to be derived from thaga, to deceive, because the Thugs get hold of their victims by luring them into false security. One common mode of decoying young men having valuables upon them is to place a young and handsome woman by the wayside, and apparently in great grief, who, by some pretended tale of misfortune, draws him into the jungle, where the gang are lying in ambush, and on his appearance strangle him. The gang consists of from ten to fifty members; and they will follow or accompany the marked-out victim for days, nor attempt his murder until an opportunity, offering every chance of success, presents itself. After every murder they perform a religious ceremony, called Jagmi; and the division of the spoil is regulated by old-established laws — the man that threw the handkerchief gets the largest share, the man that held the hands the next largest proportion, and so on. In some gangs their property is held in common. Their crimes are committed in honor of Kali who hates our race, and to whom the death of man is a pleasing sacrifice. 24 “Kali, or Bhowany, for she is equally well known by both names, was, according to the Indian legend, born of the burning eye which Shiva has on his forehead, 24. Heckethorn, op. cit., p. 318, vol. II. BRAHMINISM 63 •whence she issued, like the Greek Minerva, out of the skull of Jupiter, a perfect and full-grown being. She represents the Evil Spirit, delights in human blood, presides over plague and pestilence, and directs the storm and hurricane, and ever aims at destruction. She is represented under the most frightful effigy the Indian mind could conceive; her face is azure, streaked with yellow; her glance is ferocious; she wears her disheveled and bristly hair displayed like the peacock’s tail and braided with green serpents. Her purple lips seem streaming with blood; her tusk-like teeth descend over her lower lip; she has eight or ten arms,sometimes a human head dripping with gore. (Does that not remind you of sweet Cathy holding Trump’s head,)With one foot she stands on a human corpse. She has her each hand holding some murderous weapon, and temples, in which the people sacrifice cocks and bullocks to her, but her priests are the Thugs, the ‘ Sons of Death ‘, who quench the never-ending thirst of this divine vampyre.” 25 As regards the sect of Kali’s worshippers, Hecke-thorn gives the following details: “A newly admitted member takes the appellation of Sahib-Zada. He commences his infamous career as lughah, or gravedigger, or as belhal, or explorer of the spots most convenient for executing a projected assassination, or bhil. In this condition he remains for several years, until he has given abundant proof of his ability and good will. He is then raised to the degree of Bhuttotah, or strangler, which advancement, however, is preceded by new formalities and ceremonies. On the day appointed for the ceremony, the candidate is conducted by his guru into a circle, formed in the 25. Heckethorn, op. cit, vol. II, p. 318 and, for recent corroboration, see Katherine Mayo, Mother India. 64 OCCULT THEOCRASY sands and surrounded by mysterious hieroglyphics, where prayers are offered up to their deity. The ceremony lasts four days, during which the candidate is allowed no other food but milk. He occupies himself in practicing the immolation of victims fastened to a cross erected in the ground. On the fifth day the priest gives him the fatal noose, washed in holy water and anointed with oil, and after more religious ceremonies, he is pronounced a perfect bhuttotah. He binds himself by fearful oaths to maintain the most perfect silence on all that concerns the society, and to labor without ceasing towards the destruction of the human race. He is the rex sacrificulus, and the person he encounters, and Bhowany places in his way, the victim. Certain persons, however, are excepted from the attacks of the Thugs. ” 26 The political significance of such a sect in any Theoc-rasy can be easily understood when one realizes what it means to the rulers of a land to have at their disposal a staff of fanatics trained to kill anyone on the order of a priest! The utility of such organizations is obvious in a hierarchy where the rulers are also priests reigning by “Divine Right”.

All this and there’s so much more, is not intended to frighten, but so that you realize you’re under the wrong tree or covering.  We are fallen beings, and if you seek peace and liberty, you must repent and get out from under the accursed umbrella tree. Don’t expect the Lord to pull you off of your perches, you must repent and turn to Him.  We have been living under the biggest satanic con of all time.Please be aware that the republicans, although look good, are just another branch of the tree, a fallback position, they can’t and won’t save you!All the false leaders need you more than you need them.  Come out from among them and be ye separate, as for me and mine we will follow the Lord.  Here are three pastors that explains just how the Kingdom of God works with-in this sinful world.

  2. suggest free download of The Covenants of the gods

If you would like a part two,(this could be a book), or if you have any questions, please let me know.

© 2022 Paul Cappadona – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Paul Cappadona:

[BIO: Paul Cappadona is the Author of Taking Back America the Party’s over.]

Can We Take Back Our Election Process?

By Tom DeWeese

May 12, 2022

What If We Just Said None of the Above!

The clamor is growing louder every day. “They don’t listen.” “We have no real choice of candidates.” “The system is rigged for the elite.” “There’s no difference between the two parties.”

You hear it every election. Endless talk about the need to create jobs, build the economy, make the nation a “better place to live for our families,” and, my favorite, “restore trust!”

Who’s not for those wonderful things! The slogans work for Democrats and Republicans alike. These so-called issues are interchangeable. They are, in fact, nothing more than empty rhetoric.

Meanwhile, do we hear any serious discussion about how to stop our money from becoming more worthless every day from government spending and rampant inflation? The last serious statement I heard was from Biden, telling us to avoid inflation by not buying things! What about the destruction of our education system as it’s used for behavior modification while true academics are eliminated from the curriculum? Has any elected representative from either party taken the lead to stop schools from simply becoming factories that produce global village idiots?

Does any candidate dare mention the hopelessness taking over our inner cities as federal welfare policies enslave whole generations to the ever-expanding government plantation? As the hopelessness grows in these government compounds, invaded by drug dealers and violent gangs, as disinterested bureaucrats ignore broken windows, trash pileups, and broken air conditioning, government policy is demanding more government control of housing in the name of environmental protection. When have we heard these issues is ever mentioned in local, state, or federal campaigns? Never! Any candidate who would try would be immediately labeled an extremist!

Our political parties choose candidates that are “acceptable,” middle of the road, not rocking the boat, and not too extreme. In short, they force us to choose between two equally bad evils. Election after election the drone goes on. And what are we to do? These are the candidates the power mongers have chosen for us for city council, county commission, state legislature, Congress, and President. Yes, we have primaries to choose from, but I think we all know they have rigged just about all elections to assure the powers in charge get whom they want. Open primaries assure that.

Is it any wonder millions of Americans don’t vote or participate in our nation’s debate because they think it doesn’t matter anyway? The “average voter” increasingly feels that the decisions have been made for them. Worse, those who hold conservative points of view that our nation should live within the Constitution now believe socialism is inevitable, so why bother going to the polls. The Republic is lost, they say. The poor understand they are simply pawns in a vice grip between big money and special interests that control the elections.

And the growing proof of massive cheating in the last Presidential election has increased the feeling of helplessness which now rules the world’s once greatest democratic Republic. What political party is currently leading the charge to fix the election system? Meanwhile, as people stay home or trudge to the polls to hold their noses to vote for the next lesser of two evils, 93% of incumbents are routinely returned to office – year after year after year.

The instant a candidate is elected and joins the ranks of the incumbents, they begin the dance. Get the money for the next campaign. How? Special interest groups, corporations, and foreign interests flood into their offices to make deals, promote their agendas and show the way to fame, fortune and perpetual office – if only the incumbents go along. They have the whole process well in hand. Campaigns become little more than big PR projects, promoted in positive platitudes, specifically designed to assure nothing negative sticks. Just get through it and keep the gravy train running.

Above all, do not talk about controversial subjects like dollar values, global trade, or immigration; just stick to issues like health care, and the environment – coincidentally, two issues bought and paid for by the special interests. See how it works?

So year after year, we officially hold elections and politicians pontificate about how our going to the polls is a revered right, a valued tradition, underpinning a free society. And they wonder why there is such division in the nation! How did we end up in such a mess? We voted for these guys. But did we enjoy it? Are we satisfied with the results? Would we like to demand a do-over?

Is it hopeless? Is there any way to change it? Do you want the people to have control of the election process and the choice of candidates offered? Do you want to force the power elites to listen to you? I’ve got a solution.

Don’t despair. Don’t give up. There is a logical, effective way out of this. But it won’t happen by depending on political parties to lead the way. We have to take things into our own hands. We need an effective, binding form of protest to say “NO” to bad candidates. There is such a way.

Imagine going into the voting booth and looking down the list of candidates offered. None really appeal. None seem to offer satisfaction as an answer to the issues that concern you. If only there was something else you could do. A write-in won’t help. It would be a difficult and very expensive effort. It rarely works.

Then you look further down the ballot. Something new. It says “NONE OF THE ABOVE.” It’s a final choice at the bottom of the list of the candidates in every category, from president, to congress to the city council. What does it mean?

It means you have the power to decide who will hold office – not the power brokers. When the votes are tallied, if “NONE OF THE ABOVE” gets a majority of votes over any of the candidates listed, then “NONE OF THE ABOVE” wins. And that means none of those candidates will win the office. The office will remain vacant until a new election is held. To set up another election and fill the spot would work exactly like the process provided in the Constitution when an incumbent dies or resigns, and a special election is held. Now new candidates will have to try to win the public’s support.

Fixing the election process could be that simple. You, the voter, would be completely in the driver’s seat with the power to reject candidates, forcing a new election with new choices. The political parties would be forced to provide candidates the people want — or face being rejected. They would have to talk about real issues – or face being rejected. Incumbents would have to answer for their actions in office – or face being rejected. “NONE OF THE ABOVE.” Period. The power of labor unions and international corporations would be broken.

Think of the consequences. No longer would voters have to settle for the lesser of two evils. If all the candidates are bad – none would be able to force their way into office. It would mean that powerful special interests could no longer rely on their money to buy elections. They could buy all the ads they wanted, spend millions on “volunteers” going door to door and slinging their dirt, but if the voters aren’t buying, none of it will save their candidate from being rejected by “NONE OF THE ABOVE.”

Moreover, the power of entrenched incumbents who have been unbeatable because of their massive war chests and party ties would be broken. Picture McConnell or Pelosi unable to run for office because they were rejected by “NONE OF THE ABOVE.”

However, to work, “NONE OF THE ABOVE” would have to be binding. It would have to have the power of law behind it. It cannot be just a “protest” vote that has no other meaning. “NONE OF THE ABOVE” is completely non-partisan. There is no way to control its outcome. There is no need for a massive campaign chest to support “NONE OF THE ABOVE,” although it could certainly be done. But the option, once permanently placed on the ballot, would always be there. America’s representative system would be restored.

To get the job done, activists in every state would have to begin a campaign to demand that “NONE OF THE ABOVE” be given a permanent spot on the ballot. It would not require a Constitutional Amendment. It would have to be done state by state. Some states have ballot referendums and initiatives using petition drives to get an issue on the ballot, so the people can decide. It’s difficult and expensive to do, but popular ideas have a chance.

In other states, “NONE OF THE ABOVE” advocates would have to find a friendly state representative or senator to introduce the idea before the state legislature and then get enough votes to pass it in both houses and then have it signed by the governor. The main drawback to that effort is obvious – in that it has to pass in state legislatures where, if successful, then every one of those incumbent legislators will have to face “NONE OF THE ABOVE” on the ballot for their re-election. They probably won’t be too excited about the idea.

So why would they support the idea? It would be only because supporters succeed in creating a strong movement of voters which demand it. No one is saying this will be an easy process. But such movements have succeeded before. For example, local activists could begin by demanding that candidates support the measure, much like they now sign “no tax” pledges. In short, they would support it because there is strong popular support, and they simply have no choice. We must change the political debate – why don’t elected officials support my right to have a “citizen’s choice?”

Of course, one of their main objections to the “NONE OF THE ABOVE” idea would be the requirement for holding a new election, should it win. Too expensive, our responsible public servants would say, as they dismissed the idea. However, if it means getting better candidates, isn’t it worth it to hold a new election, especially considering how much a very bad candidate would cost us if he got into office? The fact is, such a need for a new election would probably not arise often once political power brokers began to understand that they must offer candidates acceptable to the people rather than to the special interests. That’s all they really must do. It’s all we want. It only takes a couple of “None of the Above” victories to see that the electorate is back in charge.

The idea of “NONE OF THE ABOVE” has been around for a long time. Over the years, most states have had legislation introduced supporting the concept. Nevada actually has it on the ballot – but it is not binding. It doesn’t force a new election. It is just a measure of protest. That’s not good enough to make it effective.

One of the reasons it has not been successful is because there has never been a serious national drive to promote the idea. However, with the growing dissatisfaction voters are feeling with the lack of quality candidates seeming to get worse every election, perhaps there has never been a better time to start a national discussion on the issue.

The best part is that “NONE OF THE ABOVE” isn’t a conservative or liberal idea. It’s not a Republican of Democrat proposal. Republican leadership might see it as a good way to break the back of big labor’s influence over elections. Equally, Democrats could see it as a way to stop the power and influence of the Republican’s big business money. However, the parties want to look at it, the bottom line is that the voters win.

This will be a long-term process, and is primarily aimed at local, state, and congressional candidates. The real power comes from rejecting the candidates at ever level.

But all of that depends on the voters. Do you want to take back control, or are you satisfied to have your choices made for you behind closed doors? Because that’s what we have now. How’s that working for you?

© 2022 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

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How Much More ‘Sex Ed’ Can We Stand?

By Lee Duigon

May 12, 2022

We’ve been warning you for years and years that public education’s not your friend, it undermines your family, and it’s poison for your children.

Most people didn’t listen. It was always so convenient just to pack Johnny off to school every weekday and forget about it. That’s what too many of us did.

Mixing children and sex got to be a thing for “educators.” They can’t let it alone. There’s always got to be more. And we ignored it—until King COVID came along, closed the schools, subjected the kids to “remote learning” via their computers… and parents finally saw and heard what these schools were, um, “teaching” their children. The result was a fourfold increase in homeschooling. Nowhere near enough, but you have to start somewhere.

The people of New Jersey are public schooling’s latest victims. They were shocked last week when the state Board of Education suddenly announced a new “comprehensive sex education” curriculum, to go into effect this fall, featuring the usual potpourri of gender identity, sex-change, “gay” relationships, all seasoned with gender-neutral pronouns. Distracted by COVID news, the curriculum changes—by “changes” we mean “making it even more intrusive than it was”—caught the people napping.

Now they’re demanding public hearings and at least a postponement of the launch date. New Jersey Congressman Jeff Van Drew has introduced a bill called “My Child, My Choice” to protect parents’ right to raise their children as they see fit. Gov. Murphy, who was re-elected by a whisker when he expected to win easily, has suggested that he might “entertain” changes to the curriculum if enough parents object.

But we know what they do with our objections, don’t we?

When all is said and done, and all the bullschiff swept away, what is this about but “grooming” children for sexual activity? I see an ideology here: “Abort as many of ‘em as we can—and those who get born anyway, indoctrinate ‘em into transgender!” And the human race skips merrily into self-administered extinction.

They are so hot to trot with this. Parents don’t like it—but my stars, we gave them this power! We’ve let them get away with it for years. They’ve gone way past just getting the camel’s nose into the tent; now they’re pushing the hump and hindquarters.

Do you really, truly, want your 7-year-olds learning all about sex—from strangers trained by Far Left teachers’ unions? Because if that’s what you want… you’re getting it.

There’s always talk about reforming the schools, the school boards, the teachers’ colleges, the curriculum, etc., etc. It’s nothing more than talk. The most we ever get is insincere promises to tone it down. Every benign change we try to make is bitterly contested by the teachers’ unions and the Democrat Party. Any number of state governors and legislatures are trying to drag the schools back to sanity—for which we give them thanks, we do appreciate it—but the public education establishment is rotten to the core. It can’t be fixed. The only way to protect children from indoctrination by the groomers is to pull them out of public school.

Ours is the costliest education system ever in world history. And we who pay for it don’t own it! How unjust is that? When Terry McAuliffe ran for governor of Virginia last year, he said, publicly, that the parents of the students should just butt out—what goes on in the schools, he said, is none of their business. Those comments played a major role in his losing the election; but that he thought he could get away with them shows how profoundly arrogant the educational establishment is. They despise us.

Unionized teachers, with their Far Left Crazy ideology, belong in empty classrooms.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and drop in for a visit… while it’s still allowed. My articles can also be found at .

© 2022 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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What’s Happening in Africa, China, India, Mexico?

Frosty Wooldridge

May 12, 2022

Do you realize HOW many people are streaming into America in 2022?

In March, 221,000 illegally jumped our borders to be distributed throughout our entire country by Joe Biden. The same numbers will continue to flood into our country in April, and every month for the rest of this year.  They will add up to 2,000,000 illegals within our country.  Another 82,170 arrived legally as legal immigrants in March.  Same number again in April, that number will continue throughout the year to reach 1,000,000 legal immigrants. There are already 25,000,000 illegals in our country as per the Yale Report of 2018.

Those immigrants, in turn, will birth between 1,000,000 and 1,500,000 million babies. (Source: Dr. Steven Camorata

Do you appreciate, understand and comprehend those kinds of numbers?  Do you have any idea what they mean to you and your children?   Do you understand that we are importing millions upon millions of illiterate, poor and disenfranchised people with ZERO ability to contribute to our first world country?  Do you realize the overload to our resources?  I mean, we don’t possess enough baby formula in our stores today, what do you think it will be like in 10, 20 or 30 years?

Do the numbers blow your mind?  Well, along with all those numbers, our birth rate renders another 1,000,000 net gain, that’s births over deaths, added to the USA annually.

If you do the math, we’re headed  for another 100,000,000 (million) people within 28 years.  Is anyone  listening?  Is anyone asking any questions?  Does anyone understand the ramifications of what we’re doing to ourselves?

Apparently, no one gives a rats-rear-end…because this horrific number of people will continue exploding into our country without pause and without reason…until there are no solutions as to water, energy and resources.  Honest to God, I’ve tried to interview on 60 Minutes, NPR with Terry Gross and Scott Simon, PBS, NBC, CBS, ABC, Tucker Carlson, Anderson Cooper and many more—for over 20 years.  And, I am a darned excellent speaker on this subject.

Did you see Africa last night where David Muir showed millions starving?  Did you know that millions of those starving people want to immigrate into the USA?  In fact, they are immigrating as fast as your taxpayer dollars can pay for their visas and flights.  But here is the catch: Africa houses 1.4 billion people in 2022. They expect to reach 2.0 billion within 28 years according to the United Nations Africa Population Projections.  Look it up!  It will terrify you.

We’re about to pay $40 billion in military aid to Ukraine, while, at the  same time, taking in thousands of their refugees.  They’ve got 40 million people in that country.  Can we save them all?

Are the questions I’m asking unreasonable?  I mean, can we take another 20 million Mexican refugees or Central American refugees? Can we keep taking millions via chain-migration from China and India?  What will it solve when both those countries are about toad 100 million and 300 million, net gain, to their populations by 2050?

Why am I one of the VERY few journalists asking these questions? Why are they being ignored by the mainstream media?  I mean, Norah O’Donnell reports on the wildfires because of Climate Change, but she won’t report on the driver of Climate Change.  Is she stupid?  Is David Muir unintelligent?  Is Lester Holt totally out of touch?

Who is suppressing the fact that our civilization is being overrun and invaded by hordes of refugees from a line that grows by 83,000,000 more refugee babies annually from around the world?

I gotta’ tell you, that when the historians write the history books on how America fell, they will write that we were led by fools and followed by foolish citizens that weren’t paying attention.  For heaven sakes, we’ve got a senile president, dementia-prone Senators Diane Feinstein and Nancy Pelosi…and midget brains with very low IQ’s in Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Maxine Waters and dozens more than can’t work simple math problems…let alone use ‘reason’ in order to represent common sense in governing.

These two videos MUST be seen by every single American in order to prepare him or her and their families as to what’s coming for their kids in 2050.  Take 5 minutes and 10 minutes to see them. They should scare the living daylights out of you.

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

Now that you’ve got your pants scared off you with the facts of what is coming, what are you going to do?  Are you going to be like the folks on the Titanic and not question why Captain Smith sailed through iceberg infested waters at maximum speed?

Or, do you see the danger to your kids? So,  you call your senators, House member, local paper, governor, 60 Minutes, Tucker Carlson, Anderson Cooper, David Muir, Lester Holt, Norah O’Donnell, Terry Gross, Scott Simon, PBS and just about every journalist in the area to help them connect the dots.  Because if you don’t, your kids will be riding the “Titanic” in 2050…and it’s going down and them with it.

Our country is too big, too complex, too far into overshoot, too over extended, too far beyond our water, energy and resource supplies to survive what’s coming.

Do you think maybe that we should change course?  Anyone for shutting down all immigration into the USA?  If not, why not? Would you rather keep riding the Titanic?

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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The Rapture is Created as an Exit Strategy for Those Who Have Refused to Obey the Lord?

By Bradlee Dean

May 11, 2022

“Today’s church wants to be raptured from responsibility.” -Leonard Ravenhill

If there is one reoccurring issue with the heretics in the Church of America today it is that of the rapture.  This is the doctrine that is promoted that puts the people’s hope of being raptured from responsibility (Proverbs 13:13).

As if the Lord is going to raise up an army only to rapture them from the war that they have been called to wage (Psalm 78:9). Occupy until He comes, the Bible tells us (Psalm 94:16; Luke 19:13).

The rapture of which they speak, of course, does not scripturally or historically exist.

Enoch, Elijah and, upon His resurrection, Jesus were translated (Hebrew 11:5; 2 Kings 2:11; Acts 1:11).

If anyone deserved to be raptured it would have been that of the Christ and the 11 disciples that were martyred.  Yet, somehow or another, and in their heretical minds through adding to Scripture, these structuralists attempt to justify that which is unjustifiable.

Matthew 24:36 tells us: “But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.”

In John 17:15 tells us: “I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil.”

Friends, the rapture is NOT a Biblical doctrine, period.

This is a doctrine that was invented in the 19th century in Ireland by James Darby.

James used to indoctrinate, through his Bible studies, his rich and nobles in Powerscourt where the rapture doctrine was developed (Galatians 1:6).

It is not a doctrine affirmed historically by any of the great confessions of the Christian faith. It is based upon a misinterpretation of certain passages found within Scripture.

Therefore, the rapture is simply created as an exit strategy for those who have refused to obey the Lord by keeping His commandments (Deuteronomy 28:63; Joshua 22:5).

[See DVD: Enemies Within: The Church]

[Facebook Video]

[Rumble Video]

© 2022 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

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International Living, Part 1

Sidney Secular

May 11, 2022

Since America is not what it used to be and the changes we are seeing are certainly for the worse, we are inaugurating a series of articles on the desirability and feasibility of relocating to another country for those who, first, can afford to relocate as well as those who can’t take it anymore, those who can’t afford it anymore, those with an adventurous spirit, those who would like a second home or a vacation alternative, and, of course, those who don’t mind the rigamarole of the process necessary for moving to another country. Of course, you will have to like or at least be able to tolerate the chosen country’s customs as well as need to learn its language – if your country of choice is not English-speaking – or at the very least, acquire some needful foreign phrases such as “call the police,” or “where is the bathroom.”  After all, most of the foreigners invading the US keep their customs and language intact as can be seen by the course in all of our schools, “English as a Second Language!Naturally,these mostly uninvited and unwelcome (except for Democrats) “visitors” eventually are coming to your town to bestow upon it – and you – the anti-white “diversity” they (and the Dems) prattle endlessly about before they eventually take it over. For there is no doubt that the birth rate among our “visitors” is much higher than among ordinary, mostly white Americans, something that does not bode well for our future!

Although some aspects of globalism are hard to escape, there are many places in the world very little affected by the trend and where the local charm and allure remain largely intact. For your reading pleasure, we will not get into the mechanics of such a transition. There are experts and resources available to facilitate that process. Hopefully, your motivation for making such a move will overcome your inertia in initiating the process. There are also some wonderful business and investment opportunities overseas that we will bring to your attention as they arise. And so, we will be visiting special countries and noteworthy locales within those same countries for your consideration.

Our first armchair tour is to Costa Rica (Spanish for “Rich Coast”) located in Central America. The first thing you will note in this first “tourist destination” is that Costa Rica has no standing army and hasn’t had one for a very long time. Why is this so in what is obviously such a “hostile” world? Because none of its neighbors have ever invaded or attacked it, and the naughty US has never attempted to interfere in its politics probably because there was nothing in it for our boys!And so, right off the bat you may logically assume that the level of taxation will not drive you batty! Costa Rica is especially highly regarded as a retirement retreat with many American expatriates (expats) now calling it home. In surveys of countries with the happiest people, it always ranks near the top, thereby “rubbing cultural elbows” with countries that have maintained a somewhat homogeneous White population such as Iceland and Denmark.

As a destination, Costa Rica has the whole enchilada that includes a year-around tropical climate, modern cities, Caribbean beaches, Pacific beaches, lush forests, beautiful valleys and cool mountains. With its slower pace of life Costa Rica has feasible focus on renewable energy given all that sunshine for solar panels and ocean breezes for wind energy. There is very little pollution and with its small size and economy, clean water and air and an abundance of healthy fresh foods grown locally, the country has earned a reputation as one of the greenest and cleanest places in the world. For those who favor a beach retreat there are over 1,000 miles of coastline, and if you know where to look, there are incredible living arrangement bargains available.

Costa Rica ticks all the boxes in practical matters including providing some of the best healthcare in Latin America. Healthcare systems are constantly being upgraded with new hospitals, new equipment, and improvements in staff training. Once you are a legal resident, you are eligible to participate in the country’s universal healthcare system, the Caja. For this coverage, a retired couple will pay a fantastically low $150 to $250 per month for two people. Prescription drugs, some medical exams, and hospitalization are covered at 70% of cost and surgery and anesthesia are covered at 100% of cost! The World Health Organization ranks the country’s healthcare system higher than that of the US, despite spending 87% less on healthcare per capita than does this country! Of course, a country the size of Costa Rica is not burdened with the population of the US, many of whom simply “take” from the system, leaving those of us who “pay” to make up the difference. It isn’t a fair comparison when push comes to shove – and it always does!

Once a citizen you will pay zero income tax on foreign-earned income. If you buy a home in Costa Rica, your annual property taxes will run from only $200 to $500! There is no capital gains tax whatsoever. Modern shopping malls and high-speed internet are everywhere. There are many direct flights to international airports in the US and Canada and the flight-time to Miami is less than 3 hours. If you are interested in pursuing this further, there is a “Fast Track Costs Rica Lifestyle Opportunity Conference ” coming up July 29-31. Call 1-866-381-8446 to find out more. However, it would be wise, considering how things are going, to move quickly if you decide to do so. Costa Rica is a small country. We’ve seen what a population invasion can do to a large country like the US – and so has the government of Costa Rica!

Now, I am going to introduce you to a place off the beaten track that you almost certainly never heard of, a place in which you can have tidy, upscale living at $1,600 per month! It was the first stop on a partial tour of Mexico my wife Mildred and I made in 1972 and it was quite impressive. Please dash all your preconceived ideas/notions about Mexico or set aside all the nasty news you keep on hearing about it, or you won’t appreciate what this place has to offer. Although it has a population of over one million(25% larger than Washington, DC), and is just a short drive from Mexico City, because it lacks the party and beach scene and the noteworthy archeology that attracts visitors and tourists to Mexico, this “treasure” remains relatively hidden having bypassed the attention of the international jet set. Of course, you will find this lack of interest by the “haves” to your great advantage when enjoying a low cost of living, unlimited attractions, and an unhurried pace of life, something that retirement generally is all about. The city is named Querétaro. and has much to offer being rich in culture and history supplemented by an amazingly varied local cuisine, and enough diversions to always keep you occupied and happy. Indeed, Querétaro has one of the largest historic districts of any of Mexico’s colonial cities with neo-classic, baroque, and gothic-style churches, shady parks and plazas, cobblestone streets, and pedestrian pathways.Bougainvillea covered 19th Century structures line streets and sidewalks built from locally quarried volcanic stone with a distinctive pink hue that lends a soft, natural, pleasing ambiance to the historical feel of the city and has bestowed upon it the nickname of “The Pink City.” The city is level and easily walkable, brimming with bistros, restaurants, museums, galleries, statues, fountains, and pedestrian-only alleyways. Brightly colored ornate doors and charming courtyards grace the scene and it is possible to occasionally glimpses of sumptuous interiors.

One thing I noticed about Mexico in general was the colorful pastel paint used to decorate most buildings in contrast to the generally drab coloring of US architecture – even of individual dwellings. This depressing ambiance is furthered  by the stark commercial appearance of many new American residential areas. Indeed, in this country the war against our history has included anything built before the 1970s and many beautiful dwellings and public buildings have been demolished lest their “old fashioned” architecture “offend” the tasteless Millennials.

In Querétaro, there are frequent processions, parades, and band concerts in the plazas along with a vast array of international restaurants that offer incredible value. You can get a complete meal for $3! You can’t do that in the US at MacDonalds. As it would cost more to cook at home, it’s a perfect excuse to eat out frequently. Pristine parks with sparkling fountains, comfortable benches, and flowering trees are omnipresent. Everywhere you go it is clean and orderly. Major shopping areas are within an easy walk from the center of town. You’ll have little need of a vehicle unless you live in an outlying area or wish to visit outlying areas. The city is well served by taxis, Uber, and an extensive public bus system. If you have an INAPAM card – that all seniors over age 60 can obtain – you will get a discount on everything you can purchase from the pharmacies. Querétaro has the largest mall in Mexico, the Antea Life Style Center. There are sprawling mazes of traditional markets and most vendors are helpful and honest. Set prices are the norm and there is an absence of the haggling seen elsewhere in Mexico.

This is a proud and prosperous city with upscale developments and gentrified neighborhoods. Although English is not spoken here as much as in the major tourist areas, you will have no trouble getting what you need and learning a new language is one way to keep one’s faculties sharp as one ages.

Medical care is both very reasonable and well regarded. Dental procedures are incredibly inexpensive and the quality is first-rate. A filling goes for $30 and a porcelain crown will set you back $275. Medications available in the US are also available here but at much lower prices. The biggest monthly expense is housing. Plan to spend between $600 and $1,000 per month for a comfortable furnished house or apartment in or near the historic district. Since heating and cooling equipment are little utilized in the pleasant climate, owners usually include utilities, cable TV, WiFi, and cooking gas in the rent. A budget of $2,800 per month would allow for a luxurious lifestyle including a spacious, western-style home, a vehicle, and frequent meals at fine restaurants.

The 6,000 foot elevation provides a mild, high-desert climate with sunny days and cool nights. Daytime highs reach the upper 70s and night-time lows dip to around 50 degrees. Humidity averages a comfortable 57%, and the air quality is usually excellent. The Querétaro Expats Facebook Page will allow you to make friends with other expats and is a great source for housing choices. It will also help you to reach out before you make your decision. The local natives are exceedingly polite, welcoming, and genuinely friendly – which is more than can be said for many of our own towns and cities.

© 2022 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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The Narrative and Culture Wars Just Got Hotter

By Steven Yates

May 10, 2022

Twenty twenty-two continues to be a most interesting year!

Almost two weeks ago as I write, Elon Musk bought Twitter for $44 billion. Whether he’ll really make it a free speech site I’ve no idea, of course, but this isn’t what makes the event interesting.

Every leftist with a media platform flew into hysterics. One Small Step for Musk, began a headline on Medium that came to my attention, One Giant Leap for Fascist Trolls!

You can’t make this stuff up!

Leftists make one thing clear as crystal: they do not believe anyone should have free speech, without consequences, except them!

They are blind as ever about who they are really helping.

As if in counterpoint, the Bidenistas announced their real, live Ministry of Truth. They don’t call it that, of course. They call it the Disinformation Governance Board, and it will operate through the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). I don’t think there is much doubt about what this outfit will do, despite the aura of mystery some have tried to create around it.

The woman put in charge, Nina Jankowitz,is a real piece of work. A Bryn Mawr graduate, she has been in and out of elite “think tanks” and written approved narratives for corporate media publications. She supported the Russiagate hoax and was a loud shouter about how Hunter Biden’s laptop was “Russian disinformation.” She wrote a book about how the Internet is “toxic” for women, and another selling herself as a “disinformation researcher.” She thus established herself as a creature of both the far left and the super elite in one (well, two) fell swoop(s).

She is also, to put the matter politely, quirky. She refers to herself as “the Mary Poppins of disinformation,” whatever this means.

I’m not joking!

She’s also on TikTok, the site where juveniles with attention spans measurable in milliseconds make videos for other juveniles with attention spans measurable in milliseconds. Apparently no one disclosed this before DHS hired her.

This all makes me wonder if the folks at DHS have completely lost their minds and appointed a cartoon character to head their latest abomination. Perhaps we’re supposed to lose ourselves in the comedy and not notice that America just took a quantum leap toward Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four!

So let’s not get carried away. Even if Jankowitz looks for all the world like a marriage of mindless devotion of approved narratives and TikTok silliness, we’d be equally foolish to underestimate the potential of someone like this to damage whatever is left of the free flow of information, online or offline.

There are at least two moves underway in Congress to dislodge the Bidenista Ministry of Truth before it has time to get further lodged. One comes from Lauren Boebert (R-CO), the other from Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO). The former told Fox News:

“This kind of stuff is terrifying. We in Congress have the power of the purse. It is our duty to shut down this department immediately. I’m calling on leadership in the Republican Party – Leader McCarthy, Whip Scalise, and others — to join me in calling for this department to be shut down and defunded.No tax dollars should go to where Biden can use the power of the federal government to silence truthful stories like what Big Tech did with the Hunter Biden story….”

Sen. Hawley was even more direct: “Biden’s so-called Disinformation Board is unconstitutional and must be dissolved immediately…. This is nothing short of a censorship committee vested with the full powers of the federal government to monitor dissenting speech and opposing viewpoints under the guise of national security. The American people need a full accounting of who signed off on this Board and who approved such a radical, anti-free speech activist to lead it.”

Twenty Republican-led states are also threatening legal action.

The trouble is,even very determined opposition has yet to stop the DHS when its upper echelons wanted something. Remember Real ID?

One of the reasons none of these people don’t want free speech is because they don’t want Constitutional limitations on an all-powerful central government. Most defenses of free speech are rooted in that ever-pesky First Amendment.

Speaking of the Constitution, even this is overshadowed by the third development of the past couple of weeks: the leaking of the Alito opinion strongly suggesting that the U.S. Supreme Court is about to overturn two of the worst decisions of the twentieth century, Roe v Wade and Planned Parenthood v Casey.

What interests me here are two things. First, again, are the leftist hysterics, invoking images of Margaret Atwood’s dystopian novel The Handmaid’s Tale, back-alley abortions using coat hangers, and so on. We’ve gone beyond hysterics in this case and are entering the realm (again!) of open violence by leftists.

So then, second, there is the question of cui bono. Think this through, and you might be motivated to put down Margaret Atwood and pick up George Orwell.

I’ve never believed for a second that the superelites—GloboCorp—those with real power—care two hoots about “women’s reproductive rights” or “gender pronouns” or anything else presently being shouted about on the streets or pontificated in the halls of ivy. These are all too distant from the real centers of power in this world. One has to wonder what is going on in those centers, behind closed doors, while corporate media rivets the masses’ attention first on one bit of theater and then the next.

Not that the abortion issue isn’t real, and vital. Of course it is, but it is important to keep in mind that the even the reversal of Roe and Casey could leave us worse off if mass violence results. Could this be the intent of the leaker, to create an atmosphere of violence before the decision to that if the Supremes indeed overturn so-called abortion rights, the country will explode?

I’m not inside the person’s head, but we’ve come down a very dangerous road, and I don’t blame anyone for thinking we’ve passed the point of no return.

Nearly all the political violence of the past decade has come from leftists. They retain the kind of cultural power that comes from control over most mainstream media narratives, nearly all of academia, most Big Tech, a substantial fraction of the corporate world, very influential outfits like the Southern Poverty Law Center, and since January 20, 2020 the Executive Branch of the U.S. federal government. Hence many leftist perpetrators of violence get slaps on the wrist at best, even when they get caught.

Reactions to leftist-initiated violence are what will get demonized, prosecuted, and where possible, used as an excuse for still more centralized power (when “Joe Biden” or whoever is whispering into his earpiece tries to remind us how dangerous “extremist white supremacist groups” are). How can I say this? Because we are looking at the playbook with Charlottesville, and with the George Floyd riots. It remains the approved narrative that Unite the Right started the violence in the former, and it remains official doctrine that the thousands of George Floyd rioters were “mostly peaceful protesters” despite the hundreds of millions of dollars in damages done in over a dozen cities. Meanwhile, the few hundred people who invaded the Capitol on January 6, 2021 are demonized as violent “insurrectionists” and remain incarcerated.

This is the cultural power of the left.

Who really benefits from this cultural power? This deadly combination — disruptions on top of disruptions, Orwellian linguistic reversals (where truth-telling becomes “disinformation,” plain biological facts are simply ignored, and responses to leftist violence become evidence of “white supremacism”), and continued gaslighting about all this — are how leftism has become a key tool of those who want to build a world government whose instruments are sowing confusion, causing economic disruption,and when these fail, brute force, to get a society based on surveillance and control.

When globalists are finally positioned to order governments to do whatever they have to in order to suppress dissent, free speech won’t be the only casualty. Not by a long shot.

Steven Yates’s new book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory (Wipf and Stock, 2021) is available here and here.

Steven Yates blogs at Lost Generation Philosopher, and has begun writing a philosophy course centered on freedom, its preconditions, and the choices a person must make in order to have it.

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Enemies on the Left False Friends on the Right, Part 1

By Kelleigh Nelson
May 10, 2022
This article was originally published, May 19, 2014

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.” —MARCUS TILLIUS CICERO

In 1963, I was a junior in high school and a Goldwater Girl with Hillary Rodham who was a year behind me. We lived in the Village of Park Ridge, Illinois. I was raised by a mother who was an old right Constitutional conservative. My mother constantly read to me as a child, and one of my first memories is of her reading the very conservative Chicago Tribune to me every night after dinner. At age five, I didn’t do much listening, but I remember the articles that provoked her anger. One that sticks in my memory is of the government spraying a flu virus over the area where we lived to see how it would travel through the population. Mom was furious. She was a single mother, and if I got sick, she couldn’t send me to day care or to school. That was the beginning…

It’s been a great many years since 1951 and 1963. I’ve watched my country become something totally unrecognizable from their founding as a representative Republic. I wonder, how many of you are still registered Republicans? How many of you even remember Barry Goldwater? And, how many of you are disgusted with the impotence of the Republican party, and their total lack of chutzpah with the Democrats, especially with this dictatorial Obama administration?

After all these years, I don’t spend every day immersed in the nation’s troubles. No one can, to do so would drive a person mad. God and family take precedence, and occasional good movies and good books divert from the tragedy of our nation’s downfall.

We all know what the left represents, outright communism and collectivism. However, the purpose of this series of articles is to help others understand what has happened to our nation as well as the old right Constitutional conservatives who no longer exist. First a true story, and then I’ll get at it.

In 1995, Charlotte Iserbyt, author of The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, and former Senior Policy Advisor in the Reagan education department met with her good friend, Rosalind Kress Haley, who was a member of the secretive Council for National Policy (CNP). Charlotte and Rosalind decided to try to get the US out of the United Nations. So they printed up postcards containing information regarding same, and put them in their bills, on car windshields at the grocery store, in store windows, etc.

Then, Rosalind had an idea. She thought that if they sent a letter to all 435 members of the Council for National Policy, who she thought were her friends, that they would help in the effort. The gals decided Rosalind should write the letter since many of the people in the CNP were not very pleased that Charlotte Iserbyt had blown the whistle on Reagan’s US/Soviet education agreements of 1985 and 1988, which brought to American schools, the Skinner/Pavlov dog training rather than academic teaching.

See Back to Basics Reform or Skinnerian International Curriculum on Amazon, or download it free on Charlotte’s website. So Rosalind prepared and sent out 435 letters requesting help with their project. Months went by. Only one group returned a letter offering to help. It was Lou Sheldon of Traditional Values Coalition. As this series continues, you’ll see just why only one organization within the CNP answered Rosalind’s letter.

To see the US/Soviet agreement, click on this PDF file.

In 1966, Carroll Quigley wrote his massive book Tragedy and Hope, A History of the World in our Time. Tragedy being that so many people have to die, and Hope being the New World Order. He was the official historian for the CFR and was privileged to study the elites’ plans for the world for nearly two years. Quigley taught at the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University from 1941 to 1976, and was Bill Clinton’s mentor. On page 1247 of his book, he wrote this:

“The chief problem of American political life for a long time has been how to make the two Congressional parties more national and international. The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can “throw the rascals out” at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy. The policies that are vital and necessary for America are no longer subjects of significant disagreement, but are disputable only in details of procedure, priority, or method …..Then it should be possible to replace it, every four years if necessary, by the other party, which will be none of these things but WILL STILL PURSUE, with new vigor, approximately the SAME BASIC POLICIES.”

This is what exists today in America! We have one party with one agenda! This book had its first printing in 1966. The powers that be (Milner, Rhodes, the CFR, etc.) were so horrified that Quigley had told so many secrets, the book was not reprinted, and Macmillan Publishing destroyed the plates. It wasn’t until 1974 that Jack Meserole got permission from Quigley, reprinted the book, and sold it for his cost. Quigley laughed at the elitists because he knew the noose was so tight around the necks of Americans that even with the truth of his book, nothing would change.

There are no true old right conservative groups today who could lead our country back to a Constitutional Republic. Stay away from groups…and stay away from group think and do not send any of them your money. The most powerful organization of groups on the right who is holding the door open for the left, is the Council for National Policy. Never heard of them? Most haven’t. They are false friends, and false friends are more dangerous than open enemies. They are wolves in sheep’s clothing.

In part 2, we’ll discuss when and who founded this influential rightwing organization. For part two c;ick below.

Click here for part —–> 1, 2, 3,

The Mask Mandate That Was NOT Found Unconstitutional

By Paul Engel

May 9, 2022

  • Yes, the CDC’s mask mandate has been vacated, but it was not found unconstitutional.
  • By pointing out that the CDC exceeded its statutory authority, the court effectively told the government what it needs to do in order to bring the mandate back.
  • This has implications not just for public transportation, but for the ability of government to tell you how to live your life.

You’ve probably heard about the “ruling” from a U.S. District Court Judge in Florida that “struck down” the CDC’s mask mandate on public transportation. There has been plenty of discussion about what this means, how people have reacted, and the fact that the Biden administration is appealing this decision. What has been lost in most of the conversation is that the judge did not find the rule unconstitutional. What does this fact mean for the American people?


Reading from the judge’s opinion, we get some of the background for this case.

As travelers have been reminded for more than a year, federal law requires wearing a mask in airports, train stations, and other transportation hubs as well as on airplanes, buses, trains, and most other public conveyances in the United States. Failure to comply may result in civil and criminal penalties, including removal from the conveyance. This masking requirement‐commonly known as the Mask Mandate‐is a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) regulation published in the Federal Register on February 3, 2021.

HEALTH FREEDOM DEFENSE FUND,INC., et. al. v Biden et. al. Order

I’ve made my position on mandates clear in this column many times. I have flown with a mask, not because the government required it, but because a private company did so. Yes, they required the mask because of an illegal government order, but that was between them and the federal government. Since the airlines refused to stand up against these illegal orders, I have since stopped flying on commercial airlines.

What I want to focus on here is the case that was brought against Joe Biden and his CDC by Health Freedom Defense and others.

In July 2021, Sarah Pope, Ana Daza, and Health Freedom Defense Fund sued various government officials and the CDC, seeking a declaratory judgment that the Mask Mandate was unlawful and to have it set aside for violating the Administrative Procedure Act (APA)

HEALTH FREEDOM DEFENSE FUND,INC., et. al. v Biden et. al. Order

This is another example of why it is so important to go beyond the headlines. All of the reporting about a federal judge’s ruling (judges do not rule, they opine), who stuck down (not true either), the CDC’s mask mandate missed one very important point. The judge never found that the mandate was unconstitutional, because the suit against President Biden and the CDC never asked her to.

Statutory Authority

The CDC claimed that Congress gave them the authority to issue the mandate under the Public Health Services Act of 1944 (PHSA), 42 U.S.C. § 264(a).

Thus, if § 264(a) authorizes the Mask Mandate, the power to do so must be found in one of the actions enumerated in the second sentence. That sentence provides for inspection, fumigation, disinfection, sanitation, pest extermination, destruction . . .and other measures.” § 264(a). A requirement that individual travelers wear a mask is not inspection, fumigation, disinfection, destruction, or pest extermination, and the government does not contend otherwise.

HEALTH FREEDOM DEFENSE FUND,INC., et. al. v Biden et. al. Order

The Public Health Services Act (PHSA) lists what the CDC can do to prevent the spread of communicable diseases. Mask mandates are not on that list. The CDC claims that this mandate falls under “sanitation”, and is therefore authorized by Congress.

Instead, it argues that the Mask Mandate is asanitation” measure or an other measure” akin to sanitation.

The PHSA does not define sanitation.” If a term goes undefined in a statute, [courts] give the term its ordinary meaning.” … Courts often start with dictionaries. Given that the statute was enacted in 1944, the Court looks to dictionaries from the early and mid-20th century to begin its analysis. They provide two senses of sanitation that are relevant here. First, sanitation may refer to measures that clean something or that remove filth, such as trash collection, washing with soap, incineration, or plumbing. … Second, sanitation may refer to measures that keep something clean.

HEALTH FREEDOM DEFENSE FUND,INC., et. al. v Biden et. al. Order

Redefining words to get them to mean something that supports your position is standard practice in the legal profession. However, using a simple dictionary search, the court found that the CDC’s definition didn’t cover what they wanted it to do.

Put simply, sanitation as used in the PHSA could have referred to active measures to cleanse something or to preserve the cleanliness of something. While the latter definition would appear to cover the Mask Mandate, the former definition would preclude it. Accordingly, the Court must determine which of the two senses is the best reading of the statute.

HEALTH FREEDOM DEFENSE FUND,INC., et. al. v Biden et. al. Order

Administrative Procedures Act.

Since the judge dealt with the question of the mandate violating the Administrative Procedures Act (APA), we should look at that as well.

Notice and comment does not apply when the agency for good cause finds (and incorporates the finding and a brief statement of reasons therefor in the rules issued) that notice and public procedure thereon are impracticable, unnecessary, or contrary to the public interest.” 5 U.S.C. § 553(b)(B). The Mandate invoked this exception to forego notice and comment. So, the Court must determine whether a thirty-day notice-and‐comment period was impracticable, unnecessary, or contrary to the public interest.”

This exception is to be narrowly construed and only reluctantly countenanced.” …. It applies only in emergency situations” or where delay could result in serious harm.”

HEALTH FREEDOM DEFENSE FUND,INC., et. al. v Biden et. al. Order

Congress, when it illegally delegates its lawmaking authority to the executive branch, puts rules in place as to how an agency could go about making those rules. One of those requirements is that there be a 30-day period, so that the people would be aware of the new rule and have the opportunity to comment on it. It should be a surprise to no one that the federal government gave itself a way to get around these pesky rules. If the rules are “impracticable, unnecessary, or contrary to the public interest”, Congress said it was OK to ignore the notice and comment period. Of course, who determines what is and is not necessary or impracticable? Who decides what is in the public interest? According to the CDC, in this case, they do. But what did the court find?

Specifically, the APA requires that an agency invoking good cause incorporate [its] finding and a brief statement of reasons” why it believes notice and comment is impracticable” or contrary to the public interest.” § 553(b)(B). Courts do not defer to the agencys conclusion on good cause. … The Courts review of the CDCs determination that good cause exists is limited to the grounds that the agency invoked when it took the action.” … The Court may not supply a reasoned basis for the agencys action that the agency itself has not given.”

The Mandate asserted that there [was] good cause to dispense with prior public notice and comment” because‐given the public health emergency caused by COVID1 9 [‐] i t would be impracticable and contrary to the publics health, and by extension the publics interest, to delay the issuance and effective date of this Order.” … This statement, without more, is insufficient to establish good cause to dispense with notice and comment.

HEALTH FREEDOM DEFENSE FUND,INC., et. al. v Biden et. al. Order

In other words, the CDC said that there was good cause because, in their opinion, there was. Thankfully, the court disagreed. The APA also prohibits rules and regulations that are arbitrary and capricious.

Plaintiffs raise three arguments on why the Mask Mandate was arbitrary and capricious. First, Plaintiffs argue that the Mandate failed to comply with 42 C.F.R. § 70.2. Second, that the Mandate was substantively unreasonable. And third, that the Mandate failed to adequately explain the CDCs reasoning. Because the Court agrees with Plaintiffs that the CDC failed to adequately explain its reasoning, the Court need not address whether the substantive decisions embodied in the Mandate were themselves arbitrary or capricious or whether the Mandate violated 42 C.F.R. § 70.2.

HEALTH FREEDOM DEFENSE FUND,INC., et. al. v Biden et. al. Order

In short, the court said that since they’ve already found that the CDC did not adequately explain its reasoning on bypassing the notice and comment period, they didn’t need to deal with the question of arbitrary and capricious.

Judge’s Conclusion

It is indisputable that the public has a strong interest in combating the spread of [COVID-19].”… In pursuit of that end, the CDC issued the Mask Mandate. But the Mandate exceeded the CDCs statutory authority, improperly invoked the good cause exception to notice and comment rulemaking, and failed to adequately explain its decisions. Because our system does not permit agencies to act unlawfully even in pursuit of desirable ends,” id., the Court declares unlawful and
vacates the Mask Mandate.

HEALTH FREEDOM DEFENSE FUND,INC., et. al. v Biden et. al. Order

Once again, we see the conflation of the federal government with the public. Whether or not we have a strong interest in combating the spread of COVID-19, that does not mean those in government have that interest as well. Based on the actual data from the CDC about the dangers of COVID-19, I could even dispute how strong that interest might be. In either case, the court found that the CDC had gone beyond the powers delegated to it by Congress and violated the laws regarding rule making. For that reason, the court “declared” (actually the judge opined), that the mandate was unlawful and therefore vacated it.

The one question that was neither asked nor answered was: Is the CDC’s mask mandate constitutional? Because, as the supreme law of the land, if the mandates are unconstitutional there is much more at stake than being forced to wear a mask on an airplane.


For any act of Congress to be valid, it must be made pursuant to the Constitution.

There is no position which depends on clearer principles, than that every act of a delegated authority, contrary to the tenor of the commission under which it is exercised, is void. No legislative act, therefore, contrary to the Constitution, can be valid.

Alexander Hamilton, Federalist Papers #78

So if an act of Congress contrary to the Constitution cannot be valid, we must start there. The Tenth Amendment states:

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

U.S. Constitution, Amendment X

Therefore, the first question that should be asked about any law is, does it exercise a power delegated to the United States by the Constitution? That includes the Public Health Services Act, 42 U.S.C. § 264(a).

The opening sentence of § 264(a) grants the CDC power to issue regulations that in [its] judgment are necessary” to prevent the spread of communicable disease.

HEALTH FREEDOM DEFENSE FUND,INC., et. al. v Biden et. al. Order

Is the prevention of the spread of communicable diseases a power delegated to the United States? No. Is the regulation of public health delegated to the United States? No. Is regulation of public transportation a power delegated to the United States? Again, no. Some may claim that these powers exists under the General Welfare Clause, but that is not what the Constitution says:

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States;

U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8, Clause 1

Not only is the general welfare in this clause limited to the United States (the proper noun of the union of states and exactly the same subject as in the Tenth Amendment), but this clause is limited to collecting taxes, not regulating them. As James Madison said in Congress in 1792:

If Congress can apply money indefinitely to the general welfare, and are the sole and supreme judges of the general welfare, they may take the care of religion into their own hands; they may establish teachers in every state, county, and parish, and pay them out of the public treasury; they may take into their own hands the education of children, establishing in like manner schools throughout the union; they may assume the provision for the poor; they may undertake the regulation of all roads other than post roads; in short, every thing, from the highest object of state legislation, down to the most minute object of police, would be thrown under the power of Congress; for every object I have mentioned would admit the application of money, and might be called, if Congress pleased, provisions for the general welfare.

Bounty Payments for Cod Fisheries, [6 February] 1792

Others may claim that Congress and the CDC act under the Necessary and Proper Clause. Once again, that is not what the Constitution says:

To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.

U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8, Clause 18

Congress only has the power to enact laws necessary and proper for executing the power the Constitution has vested in the government of the United States, not whatever they think is necessary.

So if the United States has not been delegated the power to regulate the public health or prevent the spread of communicable diseases, the PHSA is not a valid law and therefore void. Not only according to Mr. Hamilton, but the Supreme Court as well.

Thus, the particular phraseology of the Constitution of the United States confirms and strengthens the principle, supposed to be essential to all written Constitutions, that a law repugnant to the Constitution is void, and that courts, as well as other departments, are bound by that instrument.

Marbury v. Madison Opinion


As I asked at the beginning of this article, what does this mean for the American people? If the judge is correct and the only problem with the mask mandate is that it wasn’t implemented properly, then there is nothing stopping either the CDC or another agency from reinstituting it, as long as they follow the Administrative Procedures Act. If, on the other hand, I am correct and the PHSA itself is unconstitutional and therefore invalid and void, then We the People never needed to follow it in the first place. The CDC, the states and cities that run the airports, the airlines, and everyone else were following a law that did not legally exist. That makes it just like all those who were afraid to say anything when the emperor walked around with no clothes. It’s worse than that though, because they also committed a federal crime.

Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, … shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both;

18 U.S.C. §242

For those who used violence in an attempt to get people to comply with this invalid order, things could get worse.

and if bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both;

18 U.S.C. §242

You may be asking, what rights, privileges, or immunities protected by the Constitution are violated by a mask mandate?

No person shall … be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;

U.S. Constitution, Amendment V

If you are forced to wear a mask because of a law, statue, ordinance, regulation, or custom, you are being deprived the liberty to live your life as you see fit and the property you have in the control of your body. Since no one bothered to safeguard your rights during this process, you did not receive due process.

An established course for judicial proceedings or other governmental activities designed to safeguard the legal rights of the individual.

Due Process, The Free Legal Dictionary

These mandates are not based on a person’s actual infectiousness or danger to others. It simply assumes everyone is guilty of being a danger to others and therefore must have their rights restricted. Once again, we see that Founding Father John Jay was correct:

Every member of the State ought diligently to read and to study the constitution of his country, and teach the rising generation to be free. By knowing their rights, they will sooner perceive when they are violated, and be the better prepared to defend and assert them.

John Jay, First Chief Justice of the supreme Court of the United States

Perhaps, if we take this opportunity to learn our rights now, we can avoid such an infringement of them in the future.

Honest Opinion of Recent GOP Primaries

By:  Devvy

May 9, 2022

First let me open with the fact I’ve been registered No Party since 1996; I’ve never voted for any candidate from the Democrat/Communist Party USA.  I voted for the first time at age 18, I will be 73 next month.  I’ve been in the trenches full time nearly 24/7 for the past 30 years.

I’ve analyzed more elections than I can count as well as hammering on vote fraud since 1993. Like so many millions of Americans I’ve read countless books, watched videos and have been active at both the state and federal level.  Worked to get candidates elected, voted for Trump twice.

Now we have an individual in the WH who has passed into the first stages of Alzheimer’s as Cheater China Joe Biden can no longer even recognize members of his own family, has no idea who cabinet members are; mentally, his brain is gone.  The wreckage his illegitimate administration has caused since January 2021 is unprecedented in American history (aside from white supremacist Abraham Lincoln who damn near destroyed the Union) and it’s going to get a lot worse.

Of course, Republicans see this as a golden opportunity to “take back power” of the House and Senate.  With a majority in both chambers of Congress they’re going to save the country!  You know:  Protect our values, more money in your pocket, reduce the size of government, protect your rights!  Support the Constitution even though 95%of them have no idea what it says.

Sadly, the same can be said for GOP governors, mayors and members of your state legislatures.  This is why an Article 5 Convention of States must never take place. (Our Texas governor, Greg Abbott pushed it through the legislature.)   The GOP is infested with RINO’s (Romney, Murkowski, Chaney, Collins, Rep. Kinzinger; the list is two miles long when you include the dirty ones in the U.S. House) who play in the right sandbox.  That’s how they allegedly keep getting reelected.

RINOs and Democrats Just Stole Future Elections in Deep Red Alaska — And the Republican Party DID NOT LIFT A FINGER to Stop It, May 1, 2022

Let me give you an example.  Dan Crenshaw was very popular when elected to the House here in Texas.  But, his support has beyond soured and voters wanted him gone.  “True Conservative Superhero Dan Crenshaw:  I Have No Power to Help the January 6 Political Prisoners and I Won’t Even Bring Attention to Their Plight Because That Would Just be “A Performance” That Helps Me But Not Them

“Actually, you won’t do it because it would help them and hurt you, Dannie, which the crowd immediately grasps.Coward. Liar. Grifter. Neoliberal corporate tool.”  I follow these candidates and I’m telling you Crenshaw became quite unpopular over time.  The crowd booed him badly.  Yet, Crenshaw allegedly received 74.4% of the vote in our primary in March.

Jan. 6 Suicide Victim Was Told ‘He Would Not Receive a Fair Trial in This Town’, March 21, 2022.  At least Rep. Louis Gohmert tried but along with a few other congress critters were denied any access to prisoners.  This is a shining example of No. Korea or Communist China if you know the tragic story of Matthew L. Perna; he was 37.

And I have this to say to all you jail and prison guards and honchos who have treated those Jan. 6th prisoners as if they worked for Bin Laden (denial of medical treatment, spending half the time in solitary confinement):  I hope when you look in the mirror you see the gutless coward you are for a paycheck.

As for the judges on all the cases except for a couple, shame on you for crapping on the Sixth Amendment:

Amendment VI

“In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense.”

Being held for six, nine months or a year without going in front of jury as requested by the defense IMHO is beyond cruel.  Some prisoners in DOJ jails for tax problems, theft or violence are out in record time.  There’s NO reason those defendants couldn’t be released on bond with a monitor just like is done with very violent accused individuals.

As for the DOJ attorneys:  You are little better than maggots feeding off the host.  Yes, a few of the protesters got out of control and should be reasonably held accountable, but behind the lies this was a set up and trials, I believe, will prove it.  80 ‘Suspicious Actors’ and ‘Material Witnesses’ Under Scrutiny by Jan. 6 Defense Attorneys, May 6, 2022

Going back to the primaries, I’ve cited the two columns below so I don’t have to rehash the problem with incumbents in Congress and your legislatures, I call Band Aid Brigade.  They get elected with big money and nothing changes.  Please remember this quote because it comes from the mouth of an insider.  You may not like it but it’s true and has been proven true over time:

The following three paragraphs are from Kelleigh Nelson’s May 19, 2014 article, “Enemies on the Left False friends on the Right, Part 1.”

“In 1966, Carroll Quigley wrote his massive book Tragedy and Hope, A History of the World in our Time. Tragedy being that so many people have to die, and Hope being the New World Order. He was the official historian for the CFR and was privileged to study the elites’ plans for the world for nearly two years. Quigley taught at the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University from 1941 to 1976, and was Bill Clinton’s mentor. On page 1247 of his book, he wrote this:

“The chief problem of American political life for a long time has been how to make the two Congressional parties more national and international. The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can “throw the rascals out” at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy. The policies that are vital and necessary for America are no longer subjects of significant disagreement, but are disputable only in details of procedure, priority, or method …..Then it should be possible to replace it, every four years if necessary, by the other party, which will be none of these things but WILL STILL PURSUE, with new vigor, approximately the SAME BASIC POLICIES.”

“This is what exists today in America! We have one party with one agenda! This book had its first printing in 1966. The powers that be (Milner, Rhodes, the CFR, etc.) were so horrified that Quigley had told so many secrets, the book was not reprinted, and Macmillan Publishing destroyed the plates. It wasn’t until 1974 that Jack Meserole got permission from Quigley, reprinted the book, and sold it for his cost. Quigley laughed at the elitists because he knew the noose was so tight around the necks of Americans that even with the truth of his book, nothing would change.”

Re-electing the Band Aid Brigade, Mine, May 18, 2010 – “[Samuel] Adams warned not to get caught up in the respect for high office and the lavish praise that is often bestowed on leaders. “This has led millions into such a degree of dependence and submission.” Citizens should place their loyalty with the Constitution. “Whoever, therefore, insinuates notions of government contrary to the Constitution, or in any degree winks at any measures to suppress or even to weak it, is not a loyal man.” Samuel Adams: Father of the American Revolution, Mark Puls, pages 29,30

“The majority of primaries are about to begin. The call throughout America is “We’ll remember in November!” “Vote out all incumbents.”

“Of course, the one party system consisting of two interconnected criminal syndicates are working overtime to see their incumbents go back to Congress to continue the destruction of our constitutional republic. Yes, both parties. There is a lot of talk and blame going around about the “national” debt created by one Outlaw Congress after another for a hundred years. The Democrats had “power” for 40 years before the misnamed “Republican Revolution of 1994,” at which time the Republicans took “power” and out spent the Democrats in royal fashion. The people said enough and with the help of electronic ballot machines and scanners, the same rats with a few new faces took “control” of the Outlaw Congress again in November 2006. Shall we take a look at the numbers:” Rest at link.

Electing New Band Aid Pushers, Mine, May 23, 2012: “On May 18, 2010, I wrote a column titled, Re-electing the Band Aid Brigade. The point I was making is the American people scream and yell about the job the Outlaw Congress is doing, but come election day they continue to elect the same incumbents over and over and over. In 2010, a whopping 86% of incumbents in the Outlaw Congress were sent back to continue destroying this nation. Well, it’s not my incumbent at fault, it’s the Democrats! Or the Republicans! They continue to reelect the very same people who never propose constitutional solutions, only more Band Aids. Conservatives continue to support the Band Aid pushers to conserve what?”

Lex Greene did a recent column, 2022 GOP Primaries Got TRUMPED with a breakdown of candidates endorsed by President-Elect Trump in several states who won their recent primary (or will be in an upcoming run-off and will likely go on to win in November sans massive vote fraud, again.I do agree with him that Trump through his rallies and social media is uniting millions of Americans who before didn’t really recognize what the Marxist take-over of this country is all about but they’re waking up by the millions which represents a huge threat to the dirty traitors working hard to destroy this country.

You may disagree with me but Trump has been endorsing incumbents who should have been thrown out in these last couple of primaries starting with our governor (Texas) Greg Abbott.  As has been said so many times:  Who the hell is advising Trump on which challengers or incumbents will fight to return American to a constitutional republic instead of this nightmare we’re living in?  I know his heart is in the right place, but Trump needs to listen to those of us who’ve been in the trenches for decades and know the game within a game (a favorite saying of a friend of mine).

Trump has endorsed some of the worst RINO’s in sheep’s clothing and some nice sounding conservatives who continue to parrot the party slogans.  We need proven constitutionalists.

Here in Texas our primary was in March.  38 U.S. House seats.  22 GOP incumbents won their primary.  16 seats were open due to retirements or the incumbent running for another office.  I looked at a dozen of the new winners; many will be run-offs.  Not one of them touched critical bills that should have been passed when they controlled both chambers of Congress while Trump was president.  NONE of them are even whispering constitutional solutions, just the same old, worn-out slogans.

Trump endorsed Mo Brooks [R-AL] for U.S. Senator – one of only a handful who should remain in Congress.  I don’t know who whispered in Trump’s ear, but the establishment GOP is out to get Brooks so Trump withdrew his endorsement.  I hope the voters in Alabama vote for Brooks for the U.S. Senate so get the word out.

Term Limit Bill in Congress, April 8, 2022, Mine: “The primaries (or caucuses) are meant to choose the best candidates for Congress, state legislatures, school boards, ec.  We either go after rotten, corrupt lifers like Mitch McConnell and 90% of the other Republicans or, well, things will get pretty bad.  Too bad for my state of Texas.  Come Nov., it’s vote for the same Republican who just won his 2nd, 4th or 10th term and never got the job done.”

Voters, Again, Choose Their Own Destruction, Mine, May 11, 2014 – “Do people expect change and problems solved by reelecting the same incumbents who never got the job done in all the years they’ve been in Congress? Apparently, they do. But, since tens of millions of voters are completely ignorant about the issues, how could they know their congress critter is a failure who keeps promoting Band Aids instead of constitutional solutions? The herding technique is very effective every election cycle: keep blaming the other party, not your incumbent.”

Republicans have asked the American people to put them in power so many times.  We did with Republican presidents (Bush, Jr., Trump).  Did they cure the cancers or just continue spending us into unpayable debt to fund unconstitutional cabinets and programs to the tune of trillions of BORROWED dollars every budget?

Now, this “big red wave”allegedly coming in November is to get power back to the Republican Party this November (an average of 94% will be incumbents) and you expect them to do what they haven’t done for decades?  Looking at Greene’s column and this one, incumbents are once again winning primaries.  What in God’s name do you think is going to change besides the rhetoric if they go back to DC next January?

The Board of Directors tells the CEO even though he’s brought the corporation to bankruptcy the past 20 years, we’re going to keep you as CEO to further run it into ruin. Does that make any sense to you?  Yet, so far in primaries, the worst of the worst keep winning like RINO Gov. DeWine in Ohio.

Dr. Oz Avoids Question on Abortion to Hide How He Supports Some Abortions  //  Inside Dr. Oz’s Shameless Flip-Flop on Abortion // Dr. Oz’s Leftist Views on Abortion, Guns Exposed, April 20, 2022 – Sean Hannity’s good friend.  They’ll say anything to get elected.

Below are my notes (just the tip of the iceberg) I was to present today at our county GOP club meeting, but due to a circumstance beyond my control, I won’t be making it.  Life happens while you’re busy making plans.  But, I’m including it in this column so you can see the real bills – the cure – that have been introduced and died in committee or that need to be passed either at the state or federal level.  There are many more which I will get to in future columns. There is a plan, but this column is already long.

VERY worth watching this video – So many videos I get are junk, but this woman does a really good job.  Many on my email list have been writing, talking and warning about this for 20, 30, 40 years and longer.

I think about the last three decades all the thousands (not hundreds) of radio shows I’ve done as a guest; several thousand columns I’ve written, my books, speeches I’ve given – just like some of my dearest friends.  We’re at the edge of the cliff.  The grand masters of this monster plan quit trying to hide their intentions more than a decade ago but Americans simply would not listen, sadly.

She is RIGHT ON TARGET ABOUT BLACKROCK yet 99.9999% of Americans have never heard of that mega-powerful operation.  They own TRILLIONS in so many companies in America it would blow your mind – many who employ Americans who need that paycheck and that’s how they bring people to their knees.

We really are within a very short period of time going to lose it all and freedom lost is never regained.  This ‘great reset’ will put us in the same prison as the poor people of China with their social credit accounts controlled by their evil, godless government. You think the fight over those COVID injections has been bad, look at other countries where coppers literally force the needle into your arm.  I am deadly serious about what’s just over the horizon.  Things are going to get so much worse.

This is a video to send to your email lists, social media, friends.  You know ten people know ten people who know ten people and before you know it, millions have seen or read.

Really very worth the time to watch.  The worst is coming and too many in Congress, state houses and governors are going along with the planned destruction of this country – they just disguise their treachery with the same old campaign slogans and “our party needs to get in power”.  You don’t play in their sandbox, you either don’t get reelected or you allegedly lose a primary.  Lord, how these politicians fool people – especially right now during the primary season.

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions. [Order two books and save $10.00. Give one to a friend or relative]

© 2022 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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State Legislature

Stop using animals for cruel and inhumane treatment – colleges, universities, labs.  Helpless dogs, puppies, kittens.  It is not necessary, listen to the scientists and stop such barbaric animal cruelty. The photos from organizations trying to stop this will make you vomit for a week.  IT’S ALL ABOUT THE MONEY – BILLIONS EVERY YEAR.

Sever all ties with the unconstitutional Federal Department of Education – So said outgoing Director of the Texas State Dept. of Education a decade ago.  Her departing speech was right on target and that’s the last we’ve heard of it here in Texas.

Make law to stop punishing doctors who are telling the truth about those COVID experimental injections by threatening to take away their licenses.  Supreme Court rulings that have never been overturned:  No government agency can tell a doctor what treatment they can or cannot give their patient – that means the FDA and CDC and career criminal Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Alabama Adopts First Official State Ban on UN Agenda 21 June 4, 2012

“Alabama became the first state to adopt a tough law protecting private property and due process by prohibiting any government involvement with or participation in a controversial United Nations scheme known as Agenda 21. Activists from across the political spectrum celebrated the measure’s approval as a significant victory against the UN “sustainability” plot, expressing hope that similar sovereignty-preserving measures would be adopted in other states as the nationwide battle heats up.

“The Alabama Senate Bill (SB) 477  legislation, known unofficially among some supporters as the “Due Process for Property Rights” Act, was approved unanimously by both the state House and Senate. After hesitating for a few days, late last month Republican Governor Robert Bentley finally signed into law the wildly popular measure — but only after heavy pressure from activists forced his hand.

“Virtually no mention of the law was made in the establishment press. But analysts said the measure was likely the strongest protection against the UN scheme passed anywhere in America so far. The law, aimed at protecting private property rights, specifically prevents all state agencies and local governments in Alabama from participating in the global scheme in any way.” –  EVERY state should have and still needs to sever every tie with Agenda 21.

Stop all funding for the climate change hoax both federal and state.

Read book Green Fraud: Why the Green New Deal Is Even Worse than You Think by Mark Morano – Review.  Climate change is nothing but a monstrous, proven lie.Book available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and others.  This is the number one web site in the world on exposing the big lie called global warming aka climate change:  Climate Depot

Have to get the word out to GOP chapters and election division heads (which I’ve done here) across the country:  Federal elections END at MIDNIGHT on election day if there’s no clear winner, period.  The election is declared void.  Foster v Love, 1997, U.S. Supreme Court 9-0 decision.

We need at least six new state mental hospitals here in Texas.

Reject anything from the WEF (World Economic Forum) and their “Great Reset” which WILL be the end of our freedoms and liberty. The Ultimate Goal of the Great Reset Is ‘One World Government’


Re-introduce former senator Harry Reid’s anti-illegals bill.  It is the strongest immigration reform bill ever written; 76 pages.  Cuts off all welfare for illegal aliens and also shreds the myth that babies born on U.S. soil automatically become U.S. citizens.

Three sessions, six years, Rep. Thomas Massie [R-KY] has introduced the same bill to stop double taxation on social security; no more federal taxation of your SS.  14 Republicans  supported the bill, one Democrat.  With GOP controlling Congress Massie’s bill could have passed when Trump was president.

Massie reintroduced it Feb. 3, 2022, this time 22 cosponsors – all Republicans.  It’s dying in committee.  The rest didn’t and don’t support it. Oh, but incumbents and both parties love seniors!

Stop all animal testing in U.S. labs or other testing facilities or in foreign countries as that POS Fauci was doing.  Colleges, universities, labs – all get hundreds of millions of borrowed dollars to torture helpless animals when it is not necessary.

Abolish 17th Amendment – Senator Ben Sasse – We could very well get him to sponsor a bill:  Ben Sasse Calls for Repealing 17th Amendment, Eliminating Popular-Vote Senate Elections

Rep. Thomas Massie [R-KY] is the most constitutionally grounded member of Congress who is either a sponsor of the bill or co-sponsor.  He introduced H.R. 899 in 2019 to get rid of the Federal Department of Education; it died in committee. 12 cosponsors, all Republicans, Rep. Arrington does not support the bill. He reintroduced the bill this session, again, 12 co-sponsors. Arrington is not one of them.

Abolish the unconstitutional Department of Education.

February 8, 2021
(202) 225-3546

“Representative Thomas Massie announces that he has introduced H.R. 899, a bill to abolish the federal Department of Education. The bill, which is one sentence long, states, “The Department of Education shall terminate on December 31, 2022.”

“Unelected bureaucrats in Washington, D.C. should not be in charge of our children’s intellectual and moral development,” said Massie. “States and local communities are best positioned to shape curricula that meet the needs of their students. Schools should be accountable. Parents have the right to choose the most appropriate educational opportunity for their children, including home school, public school, or private school.”

Thomas Massie press release: “The Department of Education began operating in 1980. On September 24, 1981, in his Address to the Nation on the Program for Economic Recovery, President Ronald Reagan said, “As a third step, we propose to dismantle two Cabinet Departments, Energy and Education.“ Bob Dole pledged at the GOP Convention to get rid of that unconstitutional cabinet when he ran for president.  Never heard another word about it.

To date the bill is dying in committee.  8 Republican co-sponsors.  My Rep. Arrington is not one of them.

H.R. 75: American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2013 – To end membership of the United States in the United Nations. Bill introduced January 3, 2013.  Died in committee.  H.R. 75: American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 20193 cosponsors.  One is Massie, mine, Jodey Arrington has never supported this top priority move by Congress to save our sovereign nation.

The United Nothing has never kept peace anywhere in the world. The UN’s purpose is to act as law enforcement for one world government. Since 1945, we the people have been raped in hundreds of billions of dollars in UN “dues” and related UN expenses. “You can expect to see a one world government, Communist controlled, under the United Nations. You will see the United Nations run up astronomical debts which we, under the terms of the treaty, are bound to pay.” Congressional Record, House of Representatives, January 15, 1962, pg 215, Congressman James B. Utt – who gives the truth in his speech that day. READ:  None is So Blind as He Who Will Not See.

Every penny in UN “dues” is borrowed money – more unpayable debt with the interest slapped on our backs. For what? In 1971, Rep. John Rarick attempted to get us out of that evil body; I highly encourage you read the information here. Besides Rarick’s bill, you’ll find an action that might surprise many. Agenda 21 is a key tool to destroy personal property rights and much more. READ, READ:  The House That Evil Built. The diabolical “sustainable development” was birthed by the United Nothing; it must be killed once and for all.

10 cosponsors – All Republicans – Introduced again in 2019

The American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2019 (H.R. 204) was introduced by Congressman Mike Rogers (R-Ala.) right as the new Congress was getting started. “One of my first priorities in this new Congress was to make sure this bill was reintroduced,” said Rogers, who serves as the ranking member of the House Committee on Homeland Security. “The United Nations is a disaster and our country bankrolls over 20 percent of its annual budget.”

3 cosponsors, all Republicans.  Arrington was and is not a supporter of the bill.If you’re going to kill the beast you cut off its head (FED) and all its supporting America killing entities like the UN and a thousand NGO’s.  (Non-governmental Organizations.  Otherwise, you just keep chasing your tail playing their game.

Don’t let your state legislatures give you the BS they need a governor’s approval to call a special session.  Think the stolen election in Nov. 2020 in the key 5 swing states.  BULL.The National Conference of State Legislatures says:  “In 14 states, only the governor may call a special session.In 36 states, a special session may be called by either the governor or the legislature.” Too many state legislatures are hiding behind cowardice.  It’s most unfortunate Leo Donofrio took down his web site because he covered the issue of the plenary power of the states so perfectly.  I’m 100% certain Dr. Edwin Vieira could write one of the most accurate and constitutionally sound columns on the plenary power of the states.

The State Legislatures Can Still Rescue the Presidential Election (Or Not) – “The Supreme Court plainly stated in Bush v. Gore that the power of the legislatures is presidential elections is “plenary.” That means that the legislatures can do pretty much anything they want.”

Donofrio v Pennsylvania Et al” Still Pending At SCOTUS – So worth the time to read:  (Dec. 13, 2020) — “The failed Texas theory of action was that the plenary authority of Legislatures in Defendant States had been usurped, causing violations of equal protection to Texas voters.”


Death to Democracy in America Top Goal

PLENARY POWER: Legislatures Have It

Recall of State Officials

Alzheimer’s Disease Rampaging Across America: It Just Hit Our Home

By Frosty Wooldridge

May 9, 2022

This is a very painful column for me to write.  It’s painful because my wife Sandi, the love of my life, my dance partner, my camping partner, my funny partner, my bicycle partner, and movie partner—has contracted Alzheimer’s Disease.  We’ve already cried buckets of tears, suffered from futility, depression and anger at what has happened to us.

She can’t remember the day of the week, friends’ names, what year it is, what she did this morning, her own kids’ names, the state we live in, the city we live in…and her mind simply vanishes in the middle of a sentence.  She can’t spell simple words, write a check or figure out how to work the TV remote.  She can’t access her memory banks.

Yes, SO many Americans die annually of cancer, heart disease and diabetes.  We die from traffic accidents, fires and inner-city killings.

But this disease, well, it’s got us by the throat for a long-term, twisting stranglehold on our lives.

How did it happen?  Well, we’re baby boomers.  We lived through leaded gasoline, lead in our painted walls, DDT sprayed all over our neighborhoods when we grew up (we actually ran through that God-awful spray behind the truck and breathed it), 80,000  Monsanto and Dow Chemical poisons being sprayed all over our crops for the past 50 years since WWII, chemicals in our water supplies, and another hundred assaults on the cells of our bodies.

We tried to go to a specialist doctor in Denver, but she wanted $1,900.00 for 90 minutes of her time, just to start treatments with no guarantees.  If you ain’t rich, you’re dead from this disease.  In fact, you’re pretty much dead any way you look at it.

“The number of men and women with Alzheimer’s disease is expected to double in the next 30 years, according to a new analysis of U.S. Census data. It is estimated that 6 million Americans aged 65 and older have Alzheimer’s today, or about one new case every 65 seconds. This number is expected to rise to 13 million. It will become the leading cause of death in the USA.” (Source:

For anyone who has ever read my work, you know I don’t give up easily.  You might lead me 19 to 5 in a racquetball game of 21, but with every chance to serve the ball, I STILL expect to win.  As Yogi Berra said, “It ain’t over ‘til it’s over.”

So, for those of you who are in this Alzheimer’s Game of Life or Death, here’s what I have discovered.

First of all, every time you visit the grocery store, you have to figure that every “food” item offered in a box, package, can, glass or plastic—is filled with chemicals, preservatives, GMO’s, sugars, synthetic sugars and just about all the crap that manufacturers can add in order to make it taste good, addict your taste buds and eventually, cause diseases in your body.

Look at America! We’ve got 66 percent of our population as fat. At least half of that 66 percent is grossly obese at over 100 pounds over normal weight. We’ve got diabetes screaming off the charts for our children.  We’ve got 10-year-old boys with 50-year-old pot bellies.

Then, you go to the movies where you see them feature a bottle of Coke that says, “Open a bottle of happiness.”  They don’t inform you of over a dozen nutritional consequences that occur after you consume that liquid poison and that includes all soda pops. Oh yeah, and “diet sodas” are double the liquid poison consequences.

Of course, McDonalds, Wendy’s, Arby’s, Little Caesar’s, Papa John’s, Domino’s, Burger King, Carl’s Jr., et al…can’t wait to serve you up an “instant heart attack-high blood pressure-diabetes” 30 second meal in a bag.

You are d*amned right I am angry.  We changed from a healthy-eating, healthy-foods country before 1945, to a fast food, fast crap consuming country in 2022.  Most kids think a “Happy Meal” makes them nutritiously fulfilled and happy.  Their parents that feed them Coke in their baby bottles don’t understand the difference.  Even Gerber’s put sugar in the baby food after 1945 to make it taste good to their mothers.  Sugar addiction must be the harshest craving in America. It’s got all of us in its grasp.

Do the fast-food joints care? Will they ever change to serving healthy foods?  You can count on the fact that they lace their foods with sugar, MSG and every kind of chemical to addict you to their “foods.”  Change? Nope!  Maximum profits?  Yes!  Concern about their eating public?  None!  You are simply “collateral damage” to them.

What can you do?  My wife and I have eaten nutritionally over the past 50 years.  I’ve been a vegan for 51 years for health reasons.  Sandi’s been a vegetarian for the past 27 years we’ve been together.  This Alzheimer’s crept up on her with no warning.  Now, it’s got us right by our throats.

You can defeat this disease.  You can stop it and you can recover.  I don’t usually endorse any products, but in this case, we’re all in this thing together.  Hopefully, you pass this commentary around to all your networks.

Sandi and I are intent on beating Alzheimer’s Disease.  We’ve devoured Dr. Dale Bredesen’s latest book:  The End of Alzheimer’s Program—The First Protocol to Enhance Cognition and Reverse Decline at any Age. 

The book is absolutely brilliant.  It will take you away from junk foods. It will have you buying all your groceries in the organic produce section. It will have you taking critical supplements. It will get you off sugar.  It will have you exercising to increase your blood flow to your brain.  It will specifically get you moving onto the KetoFlex 12/3 program.  Also, Recode Protocol.

It’s going to take your highest discipline, your highest resolve and your highest actions.  If you take it half-heartedly, you will receive half-hearted results.

I could go on as to Bredesen’s program…just buy the book.  It’s a playbook to get your life back or life of a loved one.

To back it up with evidence, he offers seven people who beat Alzheimer’s with his book’s protocols.  The First Survivors of Alzheimer’s—How Patients Recovered Life and Hope in Their Own Words by Dr. Dale Bredesen.   There’s another book out there and videos by Dr. Daniel Amen: The Brain Warrior’s Way.  Use both of them to corroborate your path toward good health.  Look for his videos on YouTube.

If you want your life back or your wife’s or husband’s life back, Bredesen’s book will guide you to winning against this absolutely brutal disease.

Sandi and I may be down 19 to 5 in this Alzheimer’s Game of Life or Death—but you better believe that we’re giving it 100 percent 24/7, and we expect to triumph.  You can, too!

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Anger Is A Lack of Love

By late Roy Masters

May 8, 2022

from ‘How To Be At Peace With Your Problems’

Anger is a reaction that tells our lack of love, understanding, and self-control. We have no love, or we could not feel resentment.

Resentment is that unconquered quality that begets resentment; it is the animal reply to another man’s folly or cunning.

When a situation is not met with the delicate timing of Truth, then you are seen as unjust. When you lack the understanding to meet a situation, you will excite the animal nature of others to rise up and give you greater pain – that you are powerless to meet.

Now, if you say that we must feel resentment, then you have no understanding. You are merely justifying your animal reactions, instead of doing something constructive about them.

The justification makes you lose sight of what is happening to you, and the hostility continues to grow, causing you to lose all self-control. Yet, you must have the “excitement-of-life” to live, or you will die from repose; therefore, you find yourself resenting every PETTY thing – secretly – so that you might feel some sort of STIMULATION of life.

Still, you are conquering NOTHING; you are only INCREASING your bodily-reaction to stimulation. Rephrased, you are developing a love of hatred; a need to resent another for the exhilerating benefits of energy, exultation and indignation.

Self-control comes out of understanding; self-control is the response to the SELF. This kind of conditioned reflex is the beginning of the separation from temptation, and the commencement of the union with ourselves.

The unjust-resentment is the separation from the self, and conditions us to temptation. Love is the remolding of the mind from within. Excited by love, we are revitalized and relieved from the need to resent; set free from worldly involvement. You find understanding only when you inwardly cry out for Truth.

The only love of which you are capable is this LOVE OF TRUTH. This love is the joyous reaction to what we know is right in our hearts. It is the only power that can enable us to meet, and to understand life successfully.

Basically, love for what is true in our hearts is our only protection from worldly conditioning; and, by that love, we are overcome with joy in Truth. We enter the world protected by the first-wave of DE-conditioned, reflex response.

The only love of which you are capable is this LOVE OF TRUTH.

When we do not love that Truth, then we have no inner conditioning with which to overcome the outer-conditioning.

Unprotected, we become upset, and FALL towards the temptation. If we do not hunger for understanding, then we shall not see the true value of what is confronting us; we shall not comprehend the meaning of the moment.

We must determine the EXACT nature of the problem confronting us. It must not be a little to the left or a little to the right – or we shall fail to conquer evil. Indeed, we are devouring our neighbor or running from him, allowing that evil to flourish.

By the light of the love of Truth, we shall discover a distilled, impartial way of observing life. From this vacuum of the no-judgment position, we suddenly see what we had not seen before.

We are given a strange, intuitive sense of discretion, which produces an immediate understanding, to match each moment. We find that we naturally and effortlessly function out of this sudden glimpse of knowing.

Incidentally, we cannot remember our momentary glimpses, nor can they be captured. Each knowing merely reveals itself as a witness to each moment of life. At that same moment, we find ourselves responding excitedly to that which is understanding within.

Remember, we are OVERCOME by what we respond to; or by what we react against. Therefore, we may either respond to ourselves, instead, becoming identified and whole; or we may become identified with, and conformed-to, the outer, worldly intelligence.

When separated from our conscience within, instead of the unfoldment of understanding, grace, health and life, we see only fear, sickness and decay…as our lives become attached to the FLESH of others, rather than to the SPIRIT within.

© 2022 FHU – All Rights Reserved


Who Are America’s Enemies? – Part 3

By Roger Anghis

May 8, 2022

Our 4th Amendment states: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the person or things to be seized.  This Amendment has been ignored since the establishment of the so-called Patriots Act during George W. Bush’s first term. We can’t make a phone call, send a text, send an email, or post on any social media without the government having record of it illegally.  Mobile carriers responded to a staggering 1.3 million law enforcement requests last year for subscriber information, including text messages and phone location data, according to data provided to Congress.

A single “request” can involve information about hundreds of customers.  So ultimately the number of Americans affected by this could reach into “the tens of millions” each year

The number of Americans affected each year by the growing use of mobile phone data by law enforcement could reach into the tens of millions, as a single request could ensnare dozens or even hundreds of people. Law enforcement has been asking for so-called “cell tower dumps” in which carriers disclose all phone numbers that connected to a given tower during a certain period of time.[1]

We are being monitored everywhere we go. Courts have already decided that when you’re out in public you have no reasonable expectation of privacy.  The Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees that people will be safe from unreasonable searches and seizures.[1]  In the Supreme Court case, Katz v United States,[2] the Court developed the idea of a “reasonable expectation of privacy.”  The Katz case dealt with a wiretap on a public phone booth as police attempted to thwart a gambling ring.  The Court stated that there was an expectation of privacy in a phone conversation, even if that conversation took place in a public phone booth.

The Court also ruled, though, that anything that a person knowingly exposes to the public, regardless of location, is not protected by the Fourth Amendment.  A person must keep something private for the Fourth Amendment to apply.

To determine whether there exists a “reasonable expectation of privacy,” a two-prong test has been established. 

First, the person must show a “subjective” expectation that his activities or items would be private.

Second, the individual must show that his subjective expectation of privacy is one which society considers reasonable.[3]

To illustrate how this test works, let’s consider cases in which there is and is not a reasonable expectation of privacy.

People have reasonable expectations of privacy in their own person, house, vehicles, and business offices. They also have a reasonable expectation of privacy in their personal communications such as telephone calls, letters, and journals.  Moreover, if a person needs a key or password to gain entry into a space, whether they are physical or electronic, there is also an expectation of privacy in that space. Examples here include cell phones, computers, bank safety deposit boxes, lockers, and luggage.[2]  Even though this ruling states: People have reasonable expectations of privacy in their own person, house, vehicles, and business offices. They also have a reasonable expectation of privacy in their personal communications such as telephone calls, letters, and journals.  Moreover, if a person needs a key or password to gain entry into a space, whether they are physical or electronic, there is also an expectation of privacy in that space.That expectation is completely ignored “for the good of the whole”. The government has become the enemy.

Street lights are spying on us as well as our appliances and TV.  Ever hear of a device called Alexa? I refuse to own one.  Smart TVs have cameras that can be turned on remotely. Wrapped in a Snuggie, I like to binge on reruns of The Golden Girls all by myself. Except I’m not really alone. Once every few minutes, my TV beams out a report about what’s on my screen to Samsung, the company that made it. Chances are, your TV is watching you too.

Ever wonder why TVs are getting so cheap? Manufacturing efficiency plays a role. But it’s also because TVs have joined the ranks of websites, apps, and credit cards in the lucrative business of sharing your information. Americans spend an average of three and a half hours in front of a TV each day, according to ­eMarketer. Your TV records may not contain sensitive financial data, but that history is a window to your interests, joys, and embarrassments. And marketers are grabbing it because, legally speaking, we gave our permission when we set up our Internet-connected smart TVs.[3]

CIA Director David Petraeus says that web-connected gadgets will ‘transform’ the art of spying – allowing spies to monitor people automatically without planting bugs, breaking and entering or even donning a tuxedo to infiltrate a dinner party.

‘Transformational’ is an overused word, but I do believe it properly applies to these technologies,’ said Petraeus.

‘Particularly to their effect on clandestine tradecraft. Items of interest will be located, identified, monitored, and remotely controlled through technologies such as radio-frequency identification, sensor networks, tiny embedded servers, and energy harvesters –  all connected to the next-generation internet using abundant, low-cost, and high-power computing.’

Petraeus was speaking to a venture capital firm about new technologies which aim to add processors and web connections to previously  ‘dumb’ home appliances such as fridges, ovens and lighting systems.[4]

With the Biden administration calling parents concerned about what their children are being taught terrorist and the Obama administration calling

© 2022 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. 14 incredibly creepy surveillance technologies that big brother will be using to spy on you
  2. Reasonable expectation of privacy
  3. How the internet is spying on you
  4. 14 incredibly creepy surveillance technologies that big brother will be using to spy on you

The Wilderness Experience

By Rob Pue

May 8, 2022

I think I was about 8 years old when I wrote my first “Bible commentary” for a school assignment.  I received an “F” on that assignment, by the way, because the teacher said the subject matter was “inappropriate” for school.”  When I was ten years old, I developed — seemingly out of nowhere — an interest in writing and publishing.  I acquired a mimeograph machine and began publishing a small newsletter magazine of my own.  I mailed copies to family, teachers and friends — even sending copies to relatives overseas in Ireland and England, and north, up to Canada.  This was strange, because I really had no experience with any of this.  Yet, for some reason, it seemed to come naturally to me.

It was then that my parents told me of our family history: the Pue family had the fist printing press in Ireland, and published the first newspaper there, starting in the 1600s.  After researching our family history more deeply, I discovered that there has always been at least one person in every generation involved in newspaper publishing, and at least one person in every generation involved in Christian ministry.  I find it interesting that now, I seem to have combined both vocations into one.

But my publishing days as a youth were numbered as I began working, doing lawn and garden work as a pre-teen and young teenager, building up enough customers to fill a full week’s schedule.  When I turned 16 and was old enough for a “real job,” I was hired at the local Holiday Inn as a dishwasher; within six weeks I received a promotion, and continued to earn my way to higher and higher levels of responsibility at the hotel complex.  It was a wonderful learning experience.  After graduating high school, I attended college and had several other jobs, including as a radio host at a secular station, and then as a graphic designer at a weekly newspaper.

Meanwhile, I was also studying the art of photography on my own.  I did wedding photography as an advanced amateur on the weekends.  All this led to my ultimate goal at the time, of starting my own photography studio, and in 1989 I opened that studio on the main street of my hometown, at the age of 24.

My wife and I were married in 1990 and then in 1992, Lisa and I were blessed with our first child, our son Robbie.  I remember spending precious evenings together with him on my lap, reading Bible stories, and then when HE began to read, he would read Bible stories to US — and to his baby sister Jennifer, born in 1994.  We prayed as a family, then, for “Baby Alex in Mama’s tummy” — our youngest daughter, “Alley,” who was born on Mother’s Day, 1996.  It’s hard to believe but our “baby” is now married and she and her husband are working in full time ministry themselves.  Looking back, I could not have been more blessed by God.  He had given me the desires of my heart: a wonderful, Christian wife, a God-honoring home, great kids and my own photography studio business.

The studio continued, and grew.  Eventually we had a booming business with hundreds regular, loyal clients for whom I did engagement portraits, wedding photography, childrens’ portraits, high school senior portraits and more.  I also developed a unique program in which we did portraits for people with a mobile studio.  At the peak of my business, we had four photographers on the road, working in nine states, while still maintaining our regular studio work at home.

Traveling frequently for work, I would tune in to various Christian radio stations while driving.  I’d also stop at the local Christian bookstores in various cities, where I discovered Christian newspapers.  At that time, there were about 120 Christian newspapers throughout North America.  Today, there are less than a dozen left.

Whenever I would page through one of these papers, I thought to myself,  “This is a great idea, but it could be done so much better!”  They seemed to be filled with a lot of “fluff” — concert listings, crossword puzzles, poetry, recipes…. but no real “substance.”   While on the road, I would listen to conservative talk radio and Christian talk radio — things that were never covered in the mainstream media — and certainly not in church.  And I thought to myself, “This is great.  But it should really be put into newspaper format, so more people could get this information.” 

Then God spoke to me.  “YOU should start a Christian newspaper for Wisconsin, Rob.”  I dismissed this idea immediately, because there was no way I could handle more work with my busy schedule, and I knew that while a Christian newspaper for Wisconsin was a worthy idea, surely there were OTHER people much more capable than me to do it.

I continued on doing my studio work, raising my family, and helping out at church. Business at the studio was good.  But God kept asking me the same question: “When are you going to start that Christian newspaper, Rob?”  I kept fighting Him.  “You have the WRONG guy, God, SOMEONE ELSE needs to do that.”  I really couldn’t see how such a thing could ever be possible.

As time went on, the Holy Spirit continued to bring the subject up and I continued to fight the idea.  Then, for no apparent reason, I suddenly began to dislike my photography work.  I had no reason to be discontented.  The business was doing very well, and I was at the peak of my creativity in the studio.  Yet, for some reason, with each passing day, I became more and more unhappy.  I got to the point where I dreaded going to work, and eventually the Holy Spirit spoke to me again, asking, “Rob, when are you going to start that Christian newspaper?”

Finally, I understood.  I could run but I could not hide.  God had been calling me to start a Christian newspaper for Wisconsin, and I had stubbornly refused to give up what I believed I had built: my photography studio business.  In reality, I was only doing the work.  It was God who built my business to supply my needs for a time, and now it was time to let go, move on and follow His calling.

I followed God’s call and sold my business.  Then, on December 31, 1999, I was unemployed for the first time in my life.  The studio was sold; I had no job to go to the next day.  A very odd feeling.

I began with many preconceived ideas about the newspaper.  Among them, the idea that all the churches would be supportive, that they would “line up” to sponsor and support the new ministry, which God would bless and which would be a wonderful outreach tool for all of Wisconsin.  And not just the churches.  I thought we would have support from many places within the Christian world… Christian radio stations, bookstores, and other ministries and businesses.   I couldn’t have been more naive.

Our first edition came out in April of 2000.  I had spent all the money from the sale of our photography studio to pay bills and get the needed equipment to start the newspaper, and now I now I found myself with zero support from ANY source.   Churches wouldn’t support us; Christian bookstores told they couldn’t spare valuable space in their store for something they didn’t make any money on.  Christian radio stations told me they viewed us as “competing media.”  Things were bleak.

I remember more than once sitting down to a very humble dinner with my wife and three small children and eating our “last meal,” because truly, I had NO IDEA where we would get the money for the next one.

I was able to get one edition of the new Wisconsin Christian News printed and out, but there was little hope for a second one.  It appeared as if God had led me out into the wilderness, that I had followed Him in faith, and now He was about to leave me there to suffer and starve…and my family would starve along with me, and it would be all my fault.  Perhaps I had misunderstood God.  Maybe He hadn’t called me to this ministry after all.  Maybe it was all a horrible mistake.  What had I done?!

We had virtually NO support — and no income for my family.  Here I was, having given up everything I had worked for; believing — even KNOWING in my heart God had called me to this work — and yet we were flat broke… and broken.  Thus began my wilderness experience.

I have since come to understand that God often uses the Wilderness Experience to prepare His servants for His work.  In the wilderness, there is a character cleansing, a faith building and time of testing and perfecting.  It’s a terribly painful and emotional process, but in the end, you learn who God is, and you learn to not question and not to doubt.

As I write this message, by the grace of God, we are praising Him as we begin our 23rd year of publication.  On paper, and by human effort, there’s no way we should still be here.  On paper and by human effort, it’s clearly impossible.  We still receive almost no support from churches, but the Lord told me long ago to take our newspaper OUTSIDE the four walls of the churches to the PEOPLE who need it directly.  So we distribute in public places like grocery stores, restaurants, hotels, truck stops and other high traffic areas.  We distribute in jails and prisons, and we receive a great many amazing testimonies from those who have come to know the Lord for the first time — or returned to Him after many years away — by coming across our paper in a public place, at a time in their lives when they needed it most.

Today, our newspaper is distributed not just in Wisconsin, but nationwide.  Our website contains literally thousands of excellent resources and is used by people worldwide.  I’ve been blessed to have been given the opportunity to do a twice-weekly commentary on the VCY America radio network and many other independent radio stations across the country.  I write for about 35 other publications and Christian websites, and I also host a weekly internet TV program every Tuesday, which can be found at

We have more readership than I ever could have imagined, and God has brought to us some of the best writers in the entire country.  We provide information, education and inspiration that you cannot find anywhere else.  And we are not “politically correct.”  We tell the truth about the REAL, hard issues that the mainstream media censors — and that most of the churches today won’t touch with a ten-foot pole.  In our pages, people find the TRUTH, that so many hunger for.

But that has come with a price.  Today, while we have more readership than ever, we’ve also had to turn to donations from individuals to keep the paper going, because the advertising income is no longer even coming close to covering our expenses.  We’re now almost entirely reader-supported, and without those individuals who believe in our work joining with us in ministry, we definitely wouldn’t still be here.

If you’re not familiar with our newspaper, I’ll be happy to send you a complimentary copy.  I’d also ask that you prayerfully consider supporting this ministry work financially on a regular, monthly basis.  While we reach thousands of people every month — OUTSIDE the four walls of a church building — yes out there among the wolves, we’re not a large ministry.  Literally, it’s just ME and a handful of faithful volunteers and supporters.  So we do need more help and more support as our cost to publish have risen drastically, especially since the start of this year.  God DOES provide, but He provides through His people.  So I come to you today, in all humility, to let you know of the need.  If we are to continue, we need your help in supporting the work.  The churches will not help, nor will most businesses.  And with so much DISinformation and MISinformation — so much demonic deception going on — more than we’ve seen in my lifetime… so many hurting, confused and lost souls out there… the truth we provide is needed DESPERATELY now.  There’s a real famine of God’s Word and truth in the land.  I’m in the midst of a continuing walk of faith, and it would be a great encouragement to me to know you’re willing to walk with me as I follow where our Savior leads.

© 2022 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 358.

Dark Money—Not the Grassroots—Is Behind the Convention of States Organizations

By Judi Caler

May 7, 2022

Patriots are rightly concerned that Mark Meckler, lobbyist and President of the Convention of States organizations (COS), has spent tens of millions of dollars spreading misinformation and cajoling State Legislatures into passing applications asking Congress to call a convention under Article V of the U.S. Constitution. Thirty-four States are needed to pass such applications to trigger a constitutional convention, where a new Constitution would likely be proposed, along with an easier mode of ratification. So, who is behind COS?

Meckler tells state legislators that COS is a grassroots movement, funded by thousands of ordinary citizens. In fact, since December, 2017, the COS homepage boasted:


The American people. We thought you’d never ask! The Convention of States Project is first and foremost a movement of grassroots citizens who are fed up with business as usual in D.C. We’re funded by thousands of everyday patriots who have committed their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor to protecting liberty for future generations.

But Andy Schlafly, attorney and son of conservative icon Phyllis Schlafly, testified at a Pennsylvania hearing on Oct. 22, 2019 against COS’s Article V convention application (@ 11:55):

Schlafly: “…[W]ho’s funding them? Where’s the money coming from? There’s a lot of money behind this. And they’re not disclosing where the money behind this push to change the Constitution is coming from. That should scare everybody in this room. Who are these people who are pushing to rewrite the Constitution? I suspect some of them are globalists, but ask them…it’s not disclosed. And I’m certainly not in favor of allowing billionaires who don’t disclose their identity…[or] their real agenda…to rewrite our Constitution. That’s not a good idea.”

Meckler, at the same hearing, feigning outrage, fumed (@ 46:11):

Meckler: “…[W]ho’s funding this? Any of you at any time are welcome to visit our very fancy corporate offices in my house in Texas. In my personal home office off the kitchen, where all the billionaires apparently come visit me. It’s an outrage and a slander. And this kind of slanderous politics takes this discussion to someplace it should not go, which is frankly, it’s just slander, and innuendo. It’s gutter politics. And I don’t believe in it…

“I can tell you who my donors are. See, because the person that raises the money for…this organization is my wife of 26 years who works in the office next to mine, who has raised money from over 80,000 individual grassroots patriots all over this country. So, if those are the millionaires and billionaires that Mr. Schlafly is afraid of, well, he might want to talk to the grandmas who send me checks and say, ‘it’s five bucks a month out of my fixed income, and I’m sorry I can’t afford any more.’ Again, an outrageous slander on the tens of thousands of people supporting this movement.”

Notice that in one fell swoop, Meckler masterfully deflects attention from the source of his funding, while playing the victim and accusing his opponents of slander.

So, what’s the truth? Let’s go straight to the tax-exempt returns that Meckler is required to file with the IRS every year. These returns, also known as 990s, are public information and filed by all nonprofits.

The most recent 990s available for Meckler’s organizations are for the years 2020, 2019, and 2018. The Meckler organizations appear to include Convention of States Action (COSA); Citizens for Self-Governance (CSG); Citizens for Self-Governance Action (CSG Action); and Defending Liberty, Inc. (DLI). Each year, Meckler filed a 990 return for each entity, as required by law, and signed them under penalty of perjury.

Nonprofits are not required to disclose the identity of their contributors—so all contributors are anonymous, unless the organization chooses to disclose them. That’s why the accompanying Schedule B doesn’t include the names & addresses of the donors—only the total amount of all donations totaling $5,000 or more from each numbered donor during the year. Still, those figures are revealing.

Donations of $5,000 or more to each entity are summarized by year on the accompanying Chart. The source documentation for figures on the Chart can be found mostly on Schedule B of the linked 990s.

Here’s the short version:

Between 2018 and 2020, contributions ranging from $5,000 to $2,000,000 per donor,to the four entities totaled $16,751,011, or 63% of the $26.7 million in contributions reported on Meckler’s combined 990s for the 3-year period. And that $16.7 million was from at most 168 unique anonymous persons; thus, their average contribution was almost $100,000 [$16,751,011÷ 168 = $99,708].

But likely, Meckler has fewer than 168 major donors, as repeat donors over the 3-year period are to be expected. So, depending upon how many major donors gave in one, two, or three years and/or gave to multiple Meckler entities, the average donation per major donor over the three-year period amounts to at least $99,708, and maybe more than $200,000 or $300,000! So,COS isn’t a grassroots organization funded from the bottom up by small donors. Schedule B provides proof that COS’s agenda to replace our Constitution is coming mostly from major donors.

Meckler frequently sends out emails asking for money,to his list of unsuspecting patriots. Unsurprisingly, most of his requests are accompanied by an offer from a “generous donor” to match each contribution. The patriots on Meckler’s email list probably have no idea that Meckler has been receiving almost two-thirds of his contributions from multi-millionaires and/or billionaires while drawing salaries for himself and his wife totaling hundreds of thousands of dollars annually.

We can only conclude that Meckler is disingenuous when he ridicules the suggestion that his organizations are funded by undisclosed multi-millionaires and billionaires. And while his organizations may well receive some small donations, he denies that the bulk of his money comes from the super rich. And all the while, he yells “slander” with a straight face, and shamelessly conjures up Grandma wishing she could give him more of her paltry income, when asked about the millions in dark money he’s amassing!

We know why the liquor, drug, and tobacco industries invest millions in lobbyists to influence state legislation. But why would major donors invest millions in COS to bring about a convention to rewrite the U.S. Constitution?

The total amount of money spent over the years by the Meckler organizations to trigger a constitutional convention is astonishing.  Meckler needs to be confronted everywhere he goes by opponents, supporters, & legislators alike—and asked why he is hiding the fact that he’s working for the super rich. We have a right to know; it’s our Constitution they’re after!  You can download the 990 forms from the accompanying Chart and copy Schedule B, so you’ll have ammo to push back with, the next time Meckler plays the Grandma card.

Meckler Entities Anonymous Major Contributions (≥ $5,000) For Years 2018 Through 2020
Meckler Organizations’ Forms 990

# of Major Donors (Sched. B)

Total $ from Major Donors (Sched. B)
Total of all Contributions: Form 990 p.1, line 8
B ÷ C
Major Contributions’ % of Total
B ÷ A
Average Major Donation
COSA 2020
55 $4,112,370 $7,159,560 57% $74,770
COSA 2019 45        3,884,001          6,777,645 57%          86,311
COSA 2018 26        2,239,125          4,872,216 46%          86,120
CSG 2020
8        1,016,800          1,622,566 63%        127,100
CSG 2019 13           633,100             961,914 66%          48,700
CSG 2018 13        1,844,815          2,319,810 80%        141,909
CSG Action 2020
1        2,000,000          2,000,000 100%     2,000,000
CSG Action 2019 2           305,800             305,800 100%        152,900
CSG Action 2018 2           535,000             581,000 92%        267,500
DLI 2018: 812320022
[no revenue 2019-20]
3           180,000             180,000 100%          60,000
TOTALS 168 $16,751,011 $26,780,511 % of total contributions ≥ $5,000* Avg. $ per Major Donor –at the very least*
*See note below       63% $99,708
*Note: $16,751,011 in major contributions [≥ $5,000] out of $26,780,511 total contributions [63%] were reported, from 168 Major Donors giving $5,000 or more to the above Meckler entities from 2018-2020. Thus, the Average contribution given by a Major Donor was at the very least $99,708 [$16,751,011 ÷ 168] and may be over $200,000 or $300,000—if the same Major Donors contributed in multiple years and/or to multiple Meckler entities.

[i]Dark money is money donated to politically active nonprofit organizations or anonymous corporate entities, which spend this money to influence political campaigns or other special interests but are not required to reveal their donors.

© 2022 Judi Caler – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Judi Caler:

[Bio: Judi Caler lives in California and is Article V Issues Director for Eagle Forum of California, and President of Citizens Against an Article V Convention.] [E-Mail Judi Caler:]

Guilty Secrets and the Fall of the National Health Service in the UK

By Shirley Edwards

May 7, 2022

(These are my views as a woman living in England, on how the culture and spirit of my country has changed over 50 years.  Why the country does not feel protected or strong any more, how it has lost, and is losing it values and decency, and how we are daily losing our free speech.)

“But don’t be afraid of those who threaten you. For the time is coming when everything that is covered will be revealed, and all that is secret will be made known to all.  What I tell you now in the darkness, shout abroad when daybreak comes. What I whisper in your ear, shout from the housetops for all to hear!  — Matthew 10:26-28

I have a very guilty secret.  I have been watching the Johnny Depp versus Amber Heard court case on a daily basis.  It is intriguing.  I have also followed it up with an analysis by body language experts to see if I agree with their observations.  One of whom schools the G7 participants!  I have been late for appointments and late going to bed.  One could say it has been a massive‘distraction’.  It has certainly been exhausting.

It is a fascinating insight into how lies and abuse can be so manipulated that an innocent person can be become the villain, and vice-versa. I am now wondering how many people who having watched this have made the correlation of this drama being conducted, into the experiences that we go through in life, and have especially related it to the drama we are all going through now?

Are you a perpetrator, a victim, or a survivor in life from abuse? Or just an innocent bystander?  What is the truth? They are hard questions we should all ask ourselves.

After listening to the exhaustive testimony of Johnny Depp without any interruption or cross examining, I thought how fortunate he was to have had the privilege of being able to tell his story.  Some people just don’t get the opportunity.  It was painful to listen to and yet insightful.  Yes, so called ‘fact checker’s’ were on hand, and some tried to trip him up and silence him, but on the whole free speech was allowed.

I identified with some of his stories and his mannerisms.  His lazy left eye, his stumbling over words, wrong accusations, the injustice and the bullying and the shame.  I also remembered how at some periods in life those childhood resentments had manifested in me and I had inflicted them on others.  However, as in all scenarios I think the one thing which I really identified with is that there somewhere there is always ‘Truth’ and above all else this is something we strive and long for regardless of the pain of our own mistakes. Maybe this is why I am watching this so intently.

Truth is light on a dark day.  It is clean and decent.  It requires no guessing, no prompts, no acting.  It possesses common sense.  It sets you free.

Mutiny on the Bounty

Truthfully, loving others, or loving your neighbor, as the Bible would instruct, has been particularly difficult these last few years, as I am sure it has been for many readers.

Although I am not a nurse, working in the health service, for me,has been particularly challenging to say the least.  It has been disturbing to know the harm that may have been caused to both adults and children alike, both physically and psychologically.

Exposing the sheer hypocrisy on what has been promoted as a world-wide ‘health initiative’ to protect our health, minus any risk assessment, long term data, or any type of acknowledgement to the damage that may be caused by an mRNA injectable, together with the long term use of plastic face masks, has seen some staff persecuted in my work environment, discriminated against, bullied and also accused of being selfish in their failure to comply or even quietly question some of the orders being forced upon them.

I would like to say that in witnessing this I have been like the pirate Jack Sparrow, and taken my sword, my eye-liner and boots, and stamped out the evilness of the one-eyed masters of lies and treachery, who with a ‘common-purpose’ mission, together with some neuro-linguistic programming, have seen themselves as the new and more insightful leaders of our society bullying my colleagues into submission.

The most I have done is refuse to walk the plank, worn a bit of concealer, and now with a bitter-sweet smile stand divided alongside thousands of unseen others in our health service who don’t want to cause a mutiny, but no longer feel loyal to the system who recently threatened to throw them overboard for questioning a vaccination, based on the orders of the actor Captain Johnson, the Prime Minister, who certainly likes to party.

I am very aware that for light relief, many succumbed to the pressure of not being able to stand firm or alone in what can only be considered coercive and ‘abusive’, and that there are some who feel proud at having become fully compliant into a belief they are now more competent and somehow more caring.  It is a crazy mix.  There are also many others who now also feel isolated themselves and regret having fallen to the oppressor.

We must always remember that.

How do you love or trust someone who has used you but then tells you to do as you are told otherwise there will be consequences?

Because of this, many have distanced themselves. The have jumped ship from the National Health Service.  It is my personal belief it was that they have been unable to take the injustice and no longer feel motivated by the system they have been loyally serving.  For six months prior to April 2022, health care workers had been told to take the vaccination, or else lose their job, although the terminology used was ‘deployed’ to a non-patient facing role. However, this requirement was also extended to non-patient facing staff who had been ‘scoped’ as potentially coming into contact with a patient.  GP’s and doctors have also moved on, left or retired.

Warning ‘many’ care workers will not return to jobs despite vaccine rule change | Nursing Times

In responding to the latest GP workforce Data, January 2022.   Dr Farah Jameel, GPC England chair at the BMA, is quoted as saying

“At a time of significant upheaval, long waiting lists and increasing sickness in our communities, it is a terrible indictment of the current state of the NHS that highly qualified GPs are leaving the profession in such large numbers. The latest data show that over the last year England has lost the equivalent of 279 fully qualified full-time GPs, with 91 having left in the last month alone. This loss of 91 GPs works out as the equivalent of more than 200,000 patients having lost their family doctor between December and January”

Declining number of GPs shows no signs of abating without a workable plan to recruit and retain NHS staff, says BMA – BMA media centre – BMA

Unvaccinated nursing staff who have remained and have always dedicated their lives into caring for others who were told they would now not lose their jobs, have also discovered that the re-validation requirements that they require to practice may in the future require evidence of a vaccination.  From personal experience I am aware that applying for a job in the NHS, whatever it might be, also requires revealing your vaccination status.

News | Royal College of Nursing (

Jobs Not Jabs (UK) – Proposed group action for healthcare

The National Health Service, known as the NHS which the British were once so proud of is apparently sinking.

Founded in July 1948, in the UK, it has been one of the biggest employers in the world.  Employing over 1.3 million staff it has been promoted as being a government funded medical and health care service which anyone can freely use.  However, contrary, to the narrative of it being a free health service, the NHS is actually publicly funded for by the taxpayer, and in some areas, such as in the case of prescriptions or private consultations; patients do have to pay for that service.  In some areas such as dentistry or ophthalmology, payments are also made, albeit at a reduced rate in comparison to private care in those fields.

In 2019, prior to the pandemic it was announced by Boris Johnson that there was a bounty of gold amounting to £34 billion being put into the NHS to save it.  I’m sure it won him some favor, but in light of how the money has been mis-used, the continual cry of the NHS needing even more money to still save it is becoming tiring in the face of what we have now witnessed and experienced.

The £20.5 billion NHS England spending increase is the largest five year increase since the mid-2000s – Full Fact

The mental health of people is a real world-wide epidemic which is now taking place. The harm we have inflicted upon children has always outweighed the risks of a virus.

It is also reported that whistleblowing by care home staff was up by 66% during Covid 19.  Vulnerable adults should have always had a family member or guardian to physically visit and support them.  Elderly patients who were discharged from hospital were also placed in care homes across the UK and were not tested for Covid 19.

Former minister Baroness Altmann said the “shocking rise” in whistleblowing complaints was “clear evidence” of a “broken social care system”.

Jayne Connery, founder and director of Care Campaign for the Vulnerable, said she was “saddened” but not surprised by the rise in complaints. Jayne said the corresponding fall in safeguarding reporting was because local authorities and the CQC were not visiting care homes

Whistleblowing by care home staff up 66% during COVID-19 (

COVID-19: Government acted unlawfully when it sent patients into care homes without coronavirus testing | UK News | Sky News

Dr Cathy Gardener, whose father died from Covid in a care home after untested patients were sent there from hospital, also took legal action against Health Secretary Sajid Javid, NHS England and Public Health England.

Despite the request by the government to throw the case out, in a ruling made in April this year, it was concluded that the government indeed acted unlawfully.

Knowingly, or unknowingly, this is the abuse which has been inflicted upon us.  Various spokespersons including thousands of professional and qualified health professionals and scientists world-wide have tried to warn others.  They have even exposed the abusers to the detriment of their own livelihood.  Missiles were thrown at them. The isolation and the division that has now been created in the workplace is heartbreaking.  I don’t believe it can be repaired.

Working in the health service I have witnessed some very dedicated staff.  Some of them I have known for over 17 years.  They are like family to me.  I am aware that some have been vaccinated and some have not.  I am much more aware of those who have been vaccinated as they still have much more freedom to talk about it.  Sometimes I notice they seem indifferent to the fact that others are not afforded the same freedom or respect. There is sometimes a silence now as I watch from a distance not knowing what will happen long term to those who are still part of this psychological trial and the experiment which has taken place upon us, but I am encouraged that more people are coming forward to talk about the adverse reactions that have been experienced from the vaccination and that people are becoming more aware of the yellow card system where doctors should record side-affects.

Exclusive: Sir Christopher Chope MP on vaccine adverse reactions and the need for compensation | UKColumn

However, who can count the number of psychological problems, the pain, the division and the hurt that has been created in the home and the workplace.

This is Domestic Abuse.

The jury will soon be out on the Johnny Depp and Amber Heard case.  The outcome will soon be revealed. I can hardly wait.

Are you a perpetrator, a victim, or a survivor in life from abuse?  What is the truth? These are hard questions we should all ask ourselves

© 2022 Shirley Edwards – All Rights Reserved

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Warning ‘many’ care workers will not return to jobs despite vaccine rule change | Nursing Times

Declining number of GPs shows no signs of abating without a workable plan to recruit and retain NHS staff, says BMA – BMA media centre – BMANews | Royal College of Nursing (

Jobs Not Jabs (UK) – Proposed group action for healthcare

The £20.5 billion NHS England spending increase is the largest five year increase since the mid-2000s – Full Fact

Exclusive: Sir Christopher Chope MP on vaccine adverse reactions and the need for compensation | UKColumn

2022 GOP Primaries Got TRUMPED

By Lex Greene

May 7, 2022

Whether you love President Donald J. Trump or hate him, there’s no denying the fact that he remains the most popular and powerful figure in American politics today. Firebrands like Trump always ignite a firestorm of controversy. We could say the same of every Founding Father!

2022 GOP Primaries started this week with 55 Trump backed candidates appearing on the ballots. All 55 won their primary races in a stunning victory for the Make America Great Again movement. Never before in history has any political movement delivered such a complete death blow to establishment RINOs in a single primary cycle.

TRUMP 55 – RINOs 0

This is exactly what the corrupt D.C. cabal is worried about. This is exactly why they are in a state of panic and rushing to establish a Nazi-style national censorship panel at the Department of Homeland Security, run by a far-left Marxist idealogue and social media “fact-checker.” They simply cannot afford to allow free speech in the USA, or democratic socialists and RINOs will go down in flames this November.

Keeping with his tradition of nominating far-left idealogues to critical positions, Biden has named Nina Jankowicz the head of his new Goebbels-style DHS “free speech governance board.” Biden’s Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson can’t even define “woman” much less properly interpret constitutional text. Likewise, Biden’s new “truth Czar” at the DHS has never been able to accurately separate fact from fiction.

The recent Supreme Court “leak” ignited an immediate left-wing mobilization of BLM and ANTIFA terrorists within minutes of the “leak.” Clearly, it was pre-planned, well-funded and “extreme” in nature. It’s going to get worse…as these DNC sponsored terror organizations plan to attack churches this weekend on Mother’s Day.

2022 is shaping up as a full-scale war between the WOKE and the AWAKE, who are caught in the democrat party crosshairs.

In case you don’t know, Senator Joe Biden voted to overturn Roe v. Wade in 1982. Now Biden claims to be pro-abortion, as his party is set to be slaughtered in the 2022 mid-terms. The guy has no mind left at all, but even worse, he has no moral compass and never has had. Everything that spews from his mouth is designed to con voters, nothing more.

Even though it’s democrats in BLM and ANTIFA who have destroyed billions in property and threatened Citizens and officials with open violence for years now, Joe thinks “MAGA people are dangerous extremists” due to their deep-seated faith in freedom, liberty, and truth.

Trump is UNITING Americans against global Marxists

Although the left accuses Trump of “dividing our nation,” he has actually been uniting freedom and liberty loving Americans at every rally he holds across the country. This week, that resulted in 55 primary victories, from 55 primary candidates. That’s a 100% WIN ratio and that has everyone’s attention.

Trump is uniting Americans, and that’s what is causing a massive panic for every global Marxist democrat, republican or independent. Trump is WAKING UP AMERICA and bringing people together to put down the massive global Marxist assault on U.S. freedom, liberty, sovereignty, and security.

For four years, Trump was doing this from the Oval Office and that’s why the global cabal had to remove him from that office via unprecedented election fraud, laid bare in the current documentary 2000 Mules.

What kind of Citizen wouldn’t want to Make America Great Again? The answer is simple, an anti-American traitor.

Still a long way to go!

The Trump candidate victories this week are worthy of celebration. But I remind you, the 2010 mid-terms swept Tea Party Republicans into control of both chambers of congress, only to watch those candidates act exactly like the criminals they replaced after their election. Had the 2010 class of Tea Party Republicans done what they were elected to do, our country would not be on the brink of extinction today and no one could have been able to steal 2020 from President Trump.

55 Trump backed candidates swept GOP primaries this week, but now they face the challenge of winning the November elections, while democrats try every dirty trick in the book to hold on to their ill-gotten power.

If the MAGA class of 2022 can pull that off somehow, they will then have to do everything they promised in order to garner support and they will have to deliver at hyper-speed to prevent the final collapse of the USA under the laundry list of crises the democratic socialists have launched against the USA.

In the end, sooner or later, everyone responsible for attempting to “fundamentally transform America” into some global socialist member of Klaus Schwab’s COVID Scamdemic RESET must be held to account for their actions. The only way to protect the USA from ruin is to hold every anti-American completely accountable, so that no one cares to ever attack our sovereignty, security, freedom, and liberty ever again!

Those who claim there is no difference between republicans and democrats today, are dead wrong. Republicans are bad, but democrats (anti-American global socialists) are far worse. Republicans can be reformed with some serious effort on our part, but we no longer have democrats or liberals in the USA.

Celebrate the victories briefly, then stay focused on the real prize! We must finish what we have started!

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Biden Announces Food Shortages Then Makes it Happen

May 6, 2022

On March 24, 2022, after the G7 meeting in Brussels, Biden announced that the food shortages around the world would be “real” – of course, because of the Ukraine war, which he so desperately wanted, and those dastardly Russians. Now, he is making it happen. In the last five months, TWENTY food and fertilizer plants and storage facilities across America have been destroyed by fire. The latest incident is a plane, crashing into a General Mills plant in Covington, GA, April 21, 2022. The day before, it was a nut and vegetable processing plant in Dafur, OR, where employees responded to a popping sound as the electrical system caught fire. The week before, a massive fire brought down East Conway Beef and Pork in Conway, NH – as well as a Taylor Farms plant in Salinas CA. A few weeks before that, a huge Walmart processing plant in Indiana was reduced to ash.

Still Think It’s Coincidence?

Add to the above, a meat processing plant in Lackawana County, PA; the family-owned Cobb Country Meats in Cobb County, GA; the JBS Nebraska Plant of Meat Importers of America; Azure Standard Headquarters facility, the nation’s premier distributor of organic healthy foods, back in Darfur, OR; a Tyson-owned feed ingredients plant; a Tyson poultry plant in KY; a Hot Pockets plant in Jonesboro, AR; Wisconsin River Meats, Mauston, WI; Deli Star Meats, Fayetteville, IL; a Smithfield peanut plant, Richmond, VA; an Oregon potato chip factory; McCrum Potato Processing plant, OR; Aynor Conway Meat Center in Conway, SC; the rice dryer at a Kellogg plant in Memphis TN (ok, this was all the way last summer in July, 2021; and at the Cargill-Nutrena Feed Mill, Lecompte, LA. This is NOT coincidental! This destruction of our food supplies is intentional and is war against the people. There can be no other explanation.

No Bombers Required

For all of the Junta’s efforts to blame everything they have messed up on Russia, they are failing miserably. Not a single foreign enemy or Russian bomber has been found to be a part of any of this. Sarc…as they say. The overt destruction of America is underway, and our food supply is the primary weapon of the enemy, our own government. No bombers required.

Stay alert, America. We are at war with our own government, and it was declared by them. If you work at a food or fertilizer facility, be suspicious. Keep your eyes and ears open, and stay safe. If you are working to secure our November election, work twice as hard. Gather groups who will have 24/7 eyes-on at the ballot drop boxes around the country. The election – IF we should get there – will be our last chance to save our Republic and ourselves. This will be the finest and best local action we can render.

[See: BlackRock & Vanguard Taking Over US Centralized Food Production to Control Supply]

© 2022 Kat Stansell – All Rights Reserved

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Faith Over FEAR (Step One)

By JB Williams

May 6, 2022

Fear is NOT your friend.

For most people, fear causes panic, paralysis, inaction, stress, depression, apathy and in the end, defeat. Money isn’t the greatest motivator for most modern people, if it were, most would be wealthy. Fear is the greatest motivator for most. Most people today will do things out of fear, that they would never do for love nor money. The COVID19 Global Reset scamdemic has proven this reality beyond any doubt.

But people of faith are able to defeat fear. They are able to see and hold hope because they believe that they are never in the fight alone. They believe that no matter the circumstance, they can prevail, that good always wins over evil in the end, if they just persevere in faith.

Faith is all that’s needed to overcome fear. With faith, hope is born, and with hope, the faithful are moved to action and action will sooner or later, bring positive results. Our nation’s Founders knew this all too well.

Mayflower Compact (c.1620)IN THE NAME OF GOD, AMEN. We, whose names are underwritten, the Loyal Subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord King James, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith. Having undertaken for the Glory of God, and Advancement of the Christian Faith, and the Honour of our King and Country, a Voyage to plant the first Colony in the northern Parts of Virginia;”

The Mayflower Compact was followed by our Declaration of Independence (c.1776) wherein our Founders broke from British rule and established a free sovereign nation.

“The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them;Declaration of Independence

The message was clear and understood by all…our freedom was according to “the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God,” referred to as our “Creator” and the giver of the foundational “Right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.” It was the result of Faith in a higher power, a universal Creator of all things, and the giver of all fundamental Natural Rights. It was the result of sacrifices made by those who held deep Faith and acted upon that faith.

Eleven years later, this foundation would result in the Constitutional Representative Republic known as the United States of America, established by the adoption of the U.S. Constitution (c. 1787).

“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”U.S. Constitution

By December 15, 1791, three-fourths of the states had ratified 10 amendments, known as the “Bill of Rights.” The House passed a joint resolution containing 17 amendments based on Madison’s proposal. The Senate changed the joint resolution to consist of 12 amendments. A joint House and Senate Conference Committee settled remaining disagreements in September. On October 2, 1789, President Washington sent copies of the 12 amendments adopted by Congress to the states. The States ratified ten of those proposed amendments on December 15, 1791. (Source)

Despite overwhelming odds and grave conflicts, faith overcame fear to create the greatest free nation ever known to mankind. The American Revolution, also called United States War of Independence or American Revolutionary War, (1775–83), was a true “insurrection” by which 13 North American colonies won political independence and went on to form the United States of America as a free independent sovereign nation.

Fundamentally, it was by faith alone, through actions born out of hope for a better life, that gave birth to the freedom and liberty that Americans have known for generations since. Faith defeated fear, again and again.

In fact, it’s been written for centuries that FEAR is merely the absence of FAITH,just as darkness is merely the absence of light. Where one exists, the other cannot. Yet today, even many Americans of proclaimed faith have allowed their fears to win over their faith.

When I started to write on the subject of Faith over Fear, I didn’t intend to for it to turn into the history lesson above. It was when I realized that millions of Americans were never taught this historical truth that I decided to use our history as a prime example of just how powerful Faith is in overcoming Fear.

As a writer, I have come to understand that people usually tend to believe whatever they want to believe, even when it isn’t true. In order to help set people free from the bondage of lies, we must prove that the truth is indeed true. And there is a purpose…

Faith CAN overcome Fear again!

Our Constitutional Representative Republic has proven to be the best design for self-governance on earth for over 240-years now. It’s the Constitution itself in Article IV Section IV that guarantees every state and every Citizen a “republican form of government,” not a democratic socialist form. The efforts by today’s Democratic Socialist Party to “fundamentally transform America” is a direct treasonous offense to the U.S. Constitution, every state, and every Citizen.

Either the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights will prevail and stand as the supreme law of this land, or the global left’s “transformation of America” will become our entry to the World Economic Forums GREAT RESET. As they promise, we will “own nothing,” which means they will own everything, including us.

People without any Faith have never been the solution to anything, and they never will be. In fact, they are the problem. Those who believe that human beings are their own Gods are set upon destroying the very foundations of freedom and liberty, free will.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men (mankind) are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”Declaration of Independence

Today’s democratic socialists claim to be “for the people.” Yet it is those same people who work every minute of every day to undermine and destroy the very foundations of freedom and liberty of the people. They claim to care about the plight of the “black community,” but it is those same people who created and operated the Ku Klux Klan and continue to keep many in the black community on the federal government’s plantation even today.

Even in the beginning of the USA experiment in self-governance, one-third of the population thought they should have just gone-along to get-along with King George of England, and one-third didn’t even know it was happening. It was only one-third of the population at that time who won freedom and liberty for all…and they were ALL men of Faith.

As it was then, so will it be again…

Even as the global democratic socialists appear to have freedom-lovers everywhere cornered, out-financed, and out-gunned, out-maneuvered on the political battlefield, and willing to scorch the earth to defeat freedom and liberty, freedom can prevail.

And once again, it will be people of great Faith who will overcome the Fear that grips all others. It is people of deep Faith that will act on their faith to resecure freedom and liberty for all. If you’re full of fear, it’s because you are without Faith.

Before Americans will ever take action to protect and preserve decency, freedom, and liberty for our posterity, they must first return to men and women of great Faith! Faith brings Hope, which brings action, which brings results.

The only unknown is how bad it must get before peaceful people of Faith are moved to action…

© 2022 JB Williams – All Rights Reserved

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To the Ends of the Earth: Lost White Migrations and Civilizations, Part 1

By Sidney Secular

May 6, 2022

In addition to the great Caucasian* or Aryan Indo-European migrations [*hereinafter called Whites], there were many waves of migration of various groups of Whites over the millennia in pre-history continuing until recently. These Whites were generally more advanced technologically than other contemporary groups they encountered, but that term does not necessarily mean “materialistic” as it is used in the current sense. In many instances, these Whites established impressive cities containing unique structures like pyramids and obelisks and were the product of massive architecture employing stones weighing upwards of 100 tons despite there not being any heavy machinery as we know it today. Often such buildings had special religious significance and were the product of the development of advanced sciences employing techniques and knowledge much of which has been lost to history.

Actually, and in many cases, the farther back one goes, the more advanced are the cultures that are unearthed, contradicting the continuous advancement paradigm that undergirds the Darwinian and other establishment concepts of continuous human progress over hundreds of thousands of years. Today, these “gaps” are often explained through the claim of alien assistance to our primitive forbears. Those involved in such speculation are routinely described as “Ancient Astronaut Theorists” and it would seem that much of which we cannot make sense today within the limitations imposed by the “Darwinian concept” of history is routinely “explained away” by theories that are more “far-fetched” than the possibility that maybe Darwin was wrong after all!

Many of these discoveries have been unearthed in the last 50 years or so. As we have seen time and again ad nauseum, the Whites responsible for the advanced cultures that have been recently discovered exterminated themselves through miscegenation, being overcome by alliances of hostile neighbors, or by revolts of those non-whites who comprised the lower classes or castes of their societies. Whites were blamed for the conditions leading to the revolts although such conditions were seldom their fault and often remained after White rulers were deposed. However, historically speaking, “blame whitey” continues to be the name of the game when it comes to our present view of “history,” and something now analogous to the current claim of “white privilege” is blamed for the lack of advancement of non-whites who are themselves primarily responsible for their condition.

As noted above, those conditions leading to the overthrow of established (White) governments were often natural in origin. Disasters such as droughts and other climactic changes or geological conditions such as volcanic activity were frequently the catalyst that instigated the overthrow of human societies while wars and revolts caused migrations of peoples all over the landscape. These major upsets in the status quo caused the loss of many of the advancements these societies had previously attained. The aforesaid recent discoveries made in the Americas, China, the Canary islands, and other scattered geographical locations have testified to this causality.

One of the most famous eastern migrations of the Celtic peoples, a branch of the White race, resulted in their arrival at the Takla Makan desert in Western China before 1,500 BC. This migration was unknown until the discovery in 1977 of the graves of these “European” people dating back 3,500 years. As a result of the extreme dryness of the area – a necessity for the preservation of the dead – many of the corpses are almost perfectly preserved and exhibited undeniable White racial traits including reddish-blond hair, long noses, round eyes, and finely woven tartan clothing associated with Celts, both the Irish and the Scots. These lost Whites are called “Tocharians.” The Chinese have preserved stories of blue-eyed, blond-haired leaders who were the originators of Buddhism and the organizers of Chinese society. Ruins of great Tocharian cities lined the famous Silk Road that they, and not the Chinese built to facilitate trade. The Tocharians had their own special language, and their cities had temples as well as centers of learning and great art. These impressive ruins lie undisturbed.

Indeed, there are many archeological sites around the world that similarly lie unstudied because it is feared that these would uncover the massive white accomplishments of times past and as that is not in keeping with our present New World Order agenda, their excavations are not funded by leftist foundations and governments. The limited excavations accomplished in “Tocharia” (my term as their empire hasn’t even been given a name!) have “uncovered” fully clothed bodies wearing finely woven woolen textiles with Celtic patterns, leather shoes, and jewelry. The desert conditions are so exceptional that even pieces of bread have been preserved alongside what is acknowledged to be the world’s oldest saddle. By the 1990s, over 1,000 such corpses had been uncovered. Then the Chinese Government halted further archeological digs in the area, for fear of giving the ancient Whites too much credit for developing Chinese civilization. However, by then some of the uncovered mummies had been placed on display in local museums where they remain today while others lie decaying in storerooms. An extensive literature already exists on the relatively unknown, but highly civilized Tocharians.

The perfectly preserved mummy known as the Sleeping Beauty of Loulan, one of 200 mummies found in the Western Deserts of Xinjiang, China. Though they eternally sleep, their startling looks are a source of mystery and controversy. These mummies show the diversity of ethnicity in the area, where the Uyghur people of the region still dispute ancient ownership with the ruling Chinese. The Loulan Beauty died on the Silk Road, at a time when it was firmly believed no Caucasians had ever ventured that far. But she is clearly Caucasian, with her high cheekbones, high bridged nose and blonde hair. She died sometime in her 40s, and is still dressed in her red robes, her hair crisply braided in what was probably a very fashionable style 3800 years ago. In fact, for 3800 years old, she is remarkably well preserved. She was and is indeed a beauty, tall and stately, with finely carved features.

Ancient White influence was, however, not restricted to western China. A genetic study published in the journal, “Molecular Biology and Evolution” (Vol.17, pages 1396-1400, in the year 2000) found that in the far eastern seaboard Chinese province of Shandong, the population of former times showed greater genetic similarity to present-day Europeans than to present day Asians. The report conclusively showed that Ancient Europeans had penetrated China right to the Pacific Ocean and that legends that maintain that the first Chinese emperors who brought unity and civilization to China had fair hair and blue eyes may have a basis in fact. With the passage of time, these white people mixed with the Mongolid people (the name of the race that includes the Chinese, Japanese, Eskimos etc.) surrounding them and were eventually absorbed into them. But the physical features of the people living in the Shandong area clearly show White genetic influence.

Above is further proof of the White/Celtic origin of the Tocharian people including mummies and fabric showing the well known patterns known as “tartans” so familiar to us in both Scotland and Ireland:

© 2022 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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The Evolutionary Fallacy

by Lee Duigon

May 5, 2022

“New! Improved!” How many 1950s TV commercials featured that slogan?

Welcome to the Evolutionary Fallacy, the faith statement that anything “new! Improved!” has just got to be better than anything that’s old—and that the whole universe, minus any divine guidance, is always naturally evolving toward perfection. Always.

This is the straw that stirs the Far Left’s drink. It justifies anything and everything they do, as long as it’s (ahem!) “new.” In fact, the more shockingly new it is, the better they like it.

Here’s some of the new stuff they’ve brought into our schools just recently. Newer and better all the time.

*Portland (Oregon) schools are going to make “period products” available to the kiddies in 500 school restrooms. The new idea is to put dispensers in the boys’ bathrooms—because it’s a new improved idea that boys can have periods, too.

*An elementary school teacher won’t explain why she made a little boy wear a dress. The boy’s grandfather showed up to demand an explanation, but didn’t get one.

*Echoing the defiant declaration of a “teacher” who featured on “Libs of TikTok,” who said “F*** the parents; when you’re here in my classroom, I’m the parents,” the, um, president of the United States, SloJo Biden, proclaimed to a teachers’ union audience, “The kids are yours.”

*An elementary school in Washington, D.C., put on a white-bashing “presentation” called “Fistbook” in which they asked very young children if they had any adult family members who had “racist beliefs.” What the school planned to do with the answers was left unsaid.

See? Our public schools are constantly evolving! Getting better all the time! We’re just too thick to appreciate it.

The Evolutionary Fallacy teaches that sometimes evolution is slower than we’d like it to be. When that happens, Really Smart People can hurry it along with a violent revolution followed by a reign of terror. Honk if you’ve seen that before. The violence is okay because a) really smart and enlightened people are doing it, and b) because it’s only hastening that journey toward perfection. Everything evolves, and we’re just helping it evolve faster. Eventually it will take us to a Great Reset paradise in which we’ll all be deliriously happy and own nothing.

The schools and colleges are the great laboratory of evolution. Here our gurus and sages can try out the new ideas as soon as they pop into their heads. They don’t have to be good ideas—perish the thought!—just new ideas. And when you’re getting at children in grades K-3, who haven’t lived long enough to understand that what you’re saying is pure ca-ca, you can really make progress! By the time they’re old enough for college, you’ve thoroughly washed and baked their brains. And then they’ll be ready to be trained as public school teachers.

The schools can’t do it all alone, but no fear, they get plenty of help from Disney Corp, the American Library Assn., Hollywood, all sorts of woke corporations, and the Democrat Party. In fact, no one is more committed to the Evolutionary Fallacy than today’s Democrat Party. Aren’t they trying to set up a new Bureau of Shutting Down Anything You Say That the Government Doesn’t Like? Hasn’t The Regime pledged its wholehearted support to Trans “R” Us? Haven’t they ruptured our border and all but sent engraved invitations to everyone in the world to swarm into the USA and get free stuff? Talk about new ideas! They’re doubling down on all of it. “Build Back Better!” And the beauty of it is, none of it ever has to be any good. Just new. Fundamental transformation, baby!

These people must be utterly defeated… if our nation is to survive as anything more than just a name on a map.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and drop in for a visit… before we get “evolved” out of existence. My articles can also be found at .

© 2022 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Abortion is Murder, Period!

By Dave Daubenmire

May 5, 2022

With all of the hubbub over the recent leak that Roe V. Wade is apparently about to be overturned, it is hard to believe that there is really any debate at all.  The fact that the supposed most brilliant legal minds in the world are split on whether or not an unborn human being has the right to live is almost beyond belief.  We need a separation between politics and the courts.

For nearly 50 years Americans have played hide and seek with the truth in a diabolical lie that a woman has the right to take the life of her pre-born child.  None of their science works.  The only weapon remaining in the arsenal of the pro-aborts is the lie that an unborn child is not a human being.  As Thurgood Marshall stated in the original “opinion” if a child in the womb was ever determined to be a “person” the argument for having a right to kill it evaporates faster than steam in a dry sauna.

Of course, it is a human being.  What else could it be?  Calling it a “fetus” is nothing more than a blatant attempt to hide the humanity of the most vulnerable member of the human species.  Dr. Seuss explained that to us several decades ago when he stated that “a who is a who no matter how small.”  If a simple poet had been on SCOTUS child murder would never have been legalized in the first place.

As far as we can tell a human woman has never given birth to any species other than a human one.  No frogs, goats, dogs or cats, fish or turtles have ever come out of the womb of a woman.  Only human beings.  Small ones mind you, but human beings no less.

Did you know that the “right to life” was guaranteed in the United States Constitution when the Preamble was ratified as part of that Liberty document which secured all rights to “ourselves and our posterity?”  Posterity means future American citizens.  Fetuses are future American citizens whose rights are guaranteed in that legally ratified document.

So, in order to find a “right” for a woman to murder her unborn child they first had to dehumanize it.  If a baby is not really a person, then the unborn human has no rights. If it is a human, then the child has the same rights as any other born American.  The killing of any American by another person is illegal.  No one can “choose” to kill another citizen without being criminally charged.

They Luciferians have tried this before.  They “legalized” slavery by stating that a Negro was not a citizen and only 6/10 of a human being.  Our nation fought a war to recognize the humanity of the Negro race.  If Negro’s were not “people” then it followed that they had no rights.  The “owner” could do whatever he wanted with this non-human person.  “Racial choice” turned our black brothers and sisters into nothing more than chattel…property…owned and controlled by the owner.  “My slave, my choice.”

The Nazi’s did the same thing.  Hitler and his version of Planned Parenthood determined that Jews were less than human.  Only then were they able to lock them in cattle cars and transport them to the gas chambers.  If they weren’t “people” it followed that they had no rights and no guarantee of protection.  Millions were slaughtered due to “religious choice.”  Dehumanize the human and “individual rights” fly out the window.

The same standard holds true for the pre-born.  It is the ultimate form of bullying, which is nothing more than big people imposing their will on smaller, weaker people.  Why not?  If it is just a “blob of tissue” or “clump of cells” …in fact it is a “fetus” not a baby.  Calling it a “baby” infers humanity.  The Luciferians love to lie about science.  Baby murderers and their promoters are the most wicked of all people.

Abortion is a crime…the worst kind of crime.  It is murder and the “doctor” is nothing more than a hired hit man.  The woman is not a “victim”, the baby is.  Sexual intercourse is a choice.  A woman does have a choice to plan her parenthood.  All she must do is keep her pants on and legs together.  Don’t blame the baby when you get drunk and lose self-control.

I thought that was what sex education classes were supposed to teach.

Woman have plenty of choices.  Murdering her unborn baby is not one of them.  The child is a citizen of the United States and protected by the laws thereof.

It is a sad day when men and women sitting on the highest court in the land can’t understand this basic truism.

Murder is defined as:First degree murder is the intentional killing of another person by someone who has acted willfully, deliberately, or with planning. Generally, there are two types of first-degree murder: premeditated intent to kill and felony murder. This definition will focus on first-degree murder involving premeditated intent to kill.

The pre-born child is a person.  It is alive.  Abortion kills a human being, willfully, deliberately, and with planning.Abortion is murder…premeditated intent to kill.

The mother, father, and doctor are all accessories to the crime and equally guilty.If an unborn child is a human being, then no one has the right to take his/her life.  If the baby was “her body” how do you explain the appearance of testicles in half of those in a female womb?

Sadly, tax dollars are used to murder the baby.  The government is involved in genocide.  Is it any wonder they don’t want to recognize the humanity of the child?

I’m sorry, but it is time to stop calling the woman the victim in abortion.  She lives, her baby dies.  I’d say the dead person is the victim.

Unless we determine that pre-born child aren’t people…

Isn’t that the card they played on Negroes and Jews?  Dehumanize and then you can kill them.

It doesn’t take an Ivy League degree to figure this one out.

Abortion is a crime.  It is time to call it what it is.

Criminalize baby killing and punish those who kill them.

© 2022 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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The Non-Equity of the “Equity” Movement to Bring Everyone up to Equity

Frosty Wooldridge

May 5, 2022

(Special note: this journalist will weigh-in on the Roe vs Wade Supreme Court decision with the next column.  It’s important for all Americans to understand the ironies, the stupidities, the tyrannies and obsessions of humans around the world as to sex and abortion.  We are a foolish species.)

Equity versus Equality in America

First of all, Black America enjoys more advantages than any and all Africans or other people of color anywhere around the world.  Blacks enjoy the highest standard of living, billionaires, housing, jobs, sports, entertainment dominance and SO many other areas.  It’s a privilege to be Black in America.  There’s not one single Black person who would choose to move back to Africa to enjoy starvation, an outhouse, living in a hut or hunting for food where you could get killed by other predators.

Yet, we’ve instituted “affirmative action” to give equal job opportunity only because of the color of one’s skin…not the content of one’s education or character.  It proved to be a handout.  It didn’t work.

Today, Joe Biden nominated a woman of color for the Supreme Court for no other qualification other than she was a female and person of color.  That’s affirmative action at the highest level.

In schools, we see everyone trying to bring equity by calling math “racist” and no more grading systems to measure intellectual abilities or attainment.  Doesn’t it sound like a topsy-turvy, mixed up world?

In the end, every single person MUST get off his or her duff, do their homework, put in the time to become educationally intelligent or vocationally trained, and then, work toward their goals. No amount of “equity training” for the rest of us will change that. It gets down to “equality of opportunity” which every American of every stripe enjoys via the Constitution. You either do the work or you suffer a life of tenuous poverty whether it’s having a child out of wedlock, or you fail to do your homework, or you’ve gotten into drugs and gangs or you simply give excuses for your condition.

You either use birth control or common sense, or you become an out of wedlock father or a single mother on welfare.  Those are stupid choices by minorities and other low educational achievers who made really poor choices.  Let’s face it, when you look at the crime rates in Chicago or any of those big cities where crime runs rampant, you cannot help understand the end point of all this equity push.

In the end, you can only “equalize” down.  You can not “equity” up when those that are down possess no interest in moving up. They simply lack the intellectual horsepower…and therefore, don’t study, don’t give effort and descend into poverty, gangs, inner city turmoil.  You see all of THAT in third world countries. That’s why they cannot advance.

In the end, “equity” cannot survive in a free market, free education, free society for those who give little to no effort.  You can throw money at them, you can give all the free scholarships, you can give them no grades to give them a free academic “diploma” that has no substance or merit.

Adrian Rogers aptly stated it: 1) You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity. 2) What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. 3) The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else. 4) You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it. 5) When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the working half is going to take care of them, and when the working half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that is the beginning of the end for any nation.

“For every action, there is an unequal and opposite overreaction.”

— Newton’s Law of the Internet

I’ll see you at the top of the mountain, but you’ve got to do the climbing yourself. I can’t carry you. Frosty Wooldridge standing on 14,200 foot North Eolus, Colorado.

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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The Greatest Reset

by Rolaant McKenzie

May 4, 2022

For followers of the science fiction television and movie series Star Trek, one of the most memorable and recurring antagonists is the Borg, a race of beings composed of organic and biomechatronic body parts linked together in a hive mind called “the Collective”. In their goal to achieve perfection, the Borg travel through the galaxy extending their power and control by integrating the knowledge and technology of other alien species through a process called “assimilation,” where individuals are forcibly injected with nanoparticles that alter their cellular DNA and transform them into drones for the Collective. Each Borg has no individual thoughts or will. They are in a group consciousness where all are constantly supervised, guided, and controlled.

“Life imitating art” describes something occurring in real life the same or similar to something depicted in a piece of art or fiction.An example of this can be seen in the World Economic Forum (WEF),an organization that is a major mover and shaker in world affairs today. It is described as an independent international organization committed to improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic, and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas.

Klaus Schwab, a German economist and mechanical engineer, founded this non-governmental organization (NGO) in Switzerland in 1971. The WEF is best-known for the annual conferences it holds in Davos, Switzerland that brings together hundreds of political and business leaders from around the world to discuss current international issues and challenges. It is one of the most important networks in the world for the globalist power elite, being funded by approximately 1,000 multinational corporations, private donors, and government contributions.

In 1992, Dr. Schwab began a parallel organization called the Global Leaders for Tomorrow school (the name later changed in 2004 to The Forum of Young Global Leaders). Applicants to this school are subjected to a very rigorous selection process.The more than 1,200 graduates include some of the most powerful presidents, prime ministers, senior government advisors, health bureaucrats, and wealthiest business leaders in the world.

In June 2020, at its 50thannual meeting, the WEF announced the launch of the Great Reset, an initiative to reimagine the world and transform the global economy. Part of this effort involves transhumanism — the developing of technologies that cross physical, digital, and biological worlds to improve human mental and physical capabilities. That is, to make disabilities, suffering, disease, aging and involuntary death a thing of the past. Dr. Schwab describes this in more detail in his 2016 book, The Fourth Industrial Revolution. According to him, this revolution will change not only what we do but also who we are. It will affect our identity and all the issues associated with it.

In a January 10, 2016 television interview on the Swiss channel RTS, in response to the interviewer’s question regarding when he thought implantable microchips would be implemented on humanity, he said:

“Certainly in the next 10 years. And at first we will implant them in our clothes. And then we could imagine that we will implant them in our brains, or in our skin.”

In a book co-authored with Thierry Malleret in July 2020, COVID-19: The Great Reset, Dr. Schwab declared that the COVID-19 crisis represented an unprecedented opportunity to reimagine the world –that is, to implement the Great Reset. This includes genetic engineering involving making people part synthetic and organic, incorporating them into the Internet of Bodies (IoB) (an evolution of the Internet of Things (IoT)), and merging them into a required global digital identification regime in order to participate in this reimagined world.

Klaus Schwab’s top advisor and transhumanist, Dr. Yuval Noah Harari, openly admits that the gathering of enormous amounts of data on individuals would enable global elites to build a digital dictatorship that tyrants of the past could only have imagined but did not yet have sufficient knowledge of biotechnology to implement.

Here are a few more ideas expressed by Dr. Harari:

“By hacking organisms elites may gain the power to re-engineer the future of life itself. Because once you can hack something, you can usually also engineer it.”

“For 4 billion years, nothing fundamental changed. Science is replacing evolution by natural selection with evolution by intelligent design. Not the intelligent design of some god above the clouds, but our intelligent design, and the intelligent design of our clouds — the IBM cloud, the Microsoft cloud — these are the new driving forces of evolution.”

“Humans are now hackable animals. Humans have this soul or spirit and they have free will, and nobody knows what’s happening inside me, so whatever I choose, whether in the election or whether in the supermarket, this is my free will — that’s over.”

“Surveillance is a key part of the plan for global totalitarian control. In 100 years, people will be able to look back and identify the COVID-19 pandemic as the moment when a new regime in surveillance took over — especially surveillance under the skin.”

One of the slogans of this effort is “Build Back Better”, a saying echoed by many political and business leaders around the world over the past few years. “Build Back Better” envisions a world where everyone is tied to a digital identification that links to a central bank programmable digital currency, electronic health records, travel, and a social credit score like the kind used in communist China today. This is a ranking assigned to individuals that determines access to society based on compliance with social and political dictates. In short, every facet of life would be controlled by those who manage this system.

But in order to “Build Back Better”, the current world system must be dismantled, demolished, and destroyed. Disruptions and chaos are either designed or exploited by these global elites to bring about the Fourth Industrial Revolution described by Klaus Schwab, and there are many graduates of his Young Global Leaders school who are now in positions of great power, wealth, and influence around the world working to make this come to fruition.

Some may remember the 1999 science fiction action film called The Matrix. It depicts a future in which humanity is unknowingly trapped inside a simulated reality, the Matrix, which an artificial intelligence (AI) created to distract humans while exploiting the bioelectric power of their bodies as an energy source.

Mark Zuckerberg, an alumnus of The Forum of Young Global Leaders, is the founder of Meta (formerly Facebook, Inc.). In another example of life imitating art, he is investing billions of dollars in the development of the Metaverse, a virtual world accessible through a special immersive headset that completely isolates a person from his immediate surroundings. This artificial world would allow people to escape the challenges of life to supposedly live the kind of fuller lives only the very wealthy experience in the real world. This, of course, comes at a great price. Those in this system would be so distracted in time that they may not realize their pacification, exploitation, and loss of freedom. They would be like the people of the church of Laodicea described in Revelation 3:17.

In an episode of television show Star Trek: The Next Generation, when Captain Picard was abducted by the Borg and assimilated into their Collective, he was saved from their system and restored to humanity after he was rescued by the U.S.S. Enterprise crew and the Borg nanoparticles controlling him removed from his body.

In The Matrix, protagonist Thomas Anderson was saved from the illusory world of the AI system and restored to humanity by Morpheus and his team when they unplugged him from the pod that imprisoned, controlled, and exploited him as an energy source.

Many of those belonging to international efforts such as those promoted by the WEF and its allies are reminiscent of the kings of the earth in Psalm 2 who conspire against the Lord Jesus Christ. They are blinded by the god of this world from seeing reality of “the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God” (2 Corinthians 4:3-4). They seek to usurp His righteous rule by creating an artificial, dark reality where they think they can be the lords of life and death over a humanity they reimagine and recreate in their own image.

Captain Picard and Thomas Anderson illustrate the idea of something too strong and too evil from which to escape by themselves. They needed outside help to save them from a terrible fate. Likewise, the “collective” or “matrix” being constructed by the global elites of today is too powerful and evil to escape on our own. We need Someone from the outside far more powerful and willing to save us — and that Someone is Jesus Christ.

Some of us may have come from religious traditions that, while not dismissing the resurrection of Jesus, diminished or distracted from its importance in favor of adhering to certain distinctive doctrines, or successively better law-keeping for salvation. This presented a false reality that obscured the fact that the resurrection provided the basis for the new birth — our dead spirits being brought to eternal life.

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to obtain an inheritance which is imperishable and undefiled and will not fade away, reserved in heaven for you, who are protected by the power of God through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. In this you greatly rejoice, even though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by various trials, so that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ; and though you have not seen Him, you love Him, and though you do not see Him now, but believe in Him, you greatly rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory, obtaining as the outcome of your faith the salvation of your souls.” (1 Peter 1:3-9)

Christians have traditionally gathered to worship the Lord, be exhorted in their faith in Him, and encourage one another on the first day of the week. Recognizing this day, especially Resurrection Day Sunday (Easter), was an expression of faith in the reality of the resurrection of Christ from the dead that glorious morning after paying in full the debt of sin on the cross and being buried in the grave (1 Corinthians 15:1-8). It was an appreciation of God’s love in delivering them from the dark, artificial kingdoms of this world to the glorious reality of eternity in the kingdom of Jesus Christ.

“For He rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities — all things have been created through Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. He is also head of the body, the church; and He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that He Himself will come to have first place in everything. For it was the Father’s good pleasure for all the fullness to dwell in Him,and through Him to reconcile all things to Himself, having made peace through the blood of His cross; through Him, I say, whether things on earth or things in heaven.” (Colossians 1:13-20)

Just as God overthrew and humiliated the gods of Egypt and delivered Israel from their captivity when they could not deliver themselves (Exodus 12:12), He will deliver us from the god of this world and his servants who seek to build an all-powerful false reality to enslave and destroy humanity.Through His death on the cross, Jesus disarmed the rulers and authorities, making a public display of them, having triumphed over them (Colossians 2:9-15). He saved sinners who trust in Him from their captivity by canceling their unpayable sin debt on the cross. Because Jesus rose again from the dead, He is the only one who can deliver His people from the clutches of those seeking to create the Great Reset. Jesus in scoffing laughter will bring their plans to nothing and shatter their efforts with a rod of iron (Psalm 2:4-12; Revelation 11:16-18, 19:11-21).

As we live in the reality of Christ, we still live in a world corrupted by sin and run by wicked people that seek to distract and assimilate us into their “reality”. It can often produce a stress on our lives that makes us very weary. But the apostle Paul encourages us not to despair, but to live in hope. Do not throw in the towel or drop out of the race. The struggle is more than worth it!

“The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, heirs also, heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him so that we may also be glorified with Him. For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us. For the anxious longing of the creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God. For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself also will be set free from its slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation groans and suffers the pains of childbirth together until now. And not only this, but also we ourselves, having the first fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our body. For in hope we have been saved, but hope that is seen is not hope; for who hopes for what he already sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, with perseverance we wait eagerly for it.” (Romans 8:16-25)

Along with the aches and pains, the degradation of strength, and the corruption our bodies experience over time in this world, all of nature undergoes a similar decay. There is nothing in the utopian transhumanist dream of the Fourth Industrial Revolution that can change this. It is a poor counterfeit that cannot deliver what it promises because of the sinful nature of man that ends only in death. The true and only remedy is the salvation secured through the bodily resurrection of Jesus. We look forward not to an artificial, imperfect body made by fallen man that cannot last, but to an eternal, perfect body created by God and granted as a gift to all who trust in Jesus.

“For we know that if the earthly tent which is our house is torn down, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. For indeed in this house we groan, longing to be clothed with our dwelling from heaven, inasmuch as we, having put it on, will not be found naked. For indeed while we are in this tent, we groan, being burdened, because we do not want to be unclothed but to be clothed, so that what is mortal will be swallowed up by life. Now He who prepared us for this very purpose is God, who gave to us the Spirit as a pledge. Therefore, being always of good courage, and knowing that while we are at home in the body we are absent from the Lord — for we walk by faith, not by sight — we are of good courage, I say, and prefer rather to be absent from the body and to be at home with the Lord. Therefore we also have as our ambition, whether at home or absent, to be pleasing to Him.” (2 Corinthians 5:1-9)

Though we groan within our earthly bodies, we have the guarantee of eternal life in Jesus as a present reality, even though we still see this through the eyes of faith.

At the heart of the gospel message in 1 Corinthians 15 is Jesus conquering death by rising from the grave. Because of this truth, those who believe in Him will experience a permanent upgrade:

“Behold, I tell you a mystery; we will not all sleep, but we will all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet; for the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. For this perishable must put on the imperishable, and this mortal must put on immortality. But when this perishable will have put on the imperishable, and this mortal will have put on immortality, then will come about the saying that is written, ‘DEATH IS SWALLOWED UP in victory. O DEATH, WHERE IS YOUR VICTORY? O DEATH, WHERE IS YOUR STING?’ The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law; but thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord.” (1 Corinthians 15:51-58)

The new world order of suffering and death came through Adam’s sin, but it was overcome by the Greatest Reset of Jesus dying on the cross for sinners and paying their debt in full (Romans 5).

The great reset has been thoroughly defeated by the Greatest Reset of Jesus rising from the dead. Because He is risen, the redemption of our bodies from mortality to immortality is certain, and along with creation we will experience the culmination of our longing to be with Jesus, our Redeemer, forever.

[Bio: Rolaant McKenzie operates Gospel Outreach Ministries Online, a Christian apologetics ministry dedicated to the proclamation of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ online, and discussing important contemporary issues from a Biblical perspective.]

© 2022 Rolaant McKenzie – All Rights Reserved

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Disney Employees Being Exposed for Crimes Against Children?

By Bradlee Dean

May 4, 2022

“It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.” -Luke 17:2

Oh, how the sodomite agenda has come full circle in the last 15 years (Galatians 6:7).

It wasn’t long ago that, while speaking at high school assemblies across America (Still doing them), I was accused of everything from that of being a bigot, to a hater and a liar only to now turn around and see that what I warned about is exactly what we knew that they were, in fact, guilty of doing (Isaiah 5:20).

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Despite all of this, they want you to believe that you want them to watch your kids while enjoying one their parks (Proverbs 19:9). just reported Disneyland Poll Suggests Child Day Care Service in the Works for Theme Parks.

While Disneyland is very much a family destination, it’s not solely for families. Not only do many adults come to the Happiest Place on Earth without children each year, but there are special events and festivals that themselves have components that are definitely not for kids. That includes the Food & Wine Festival at Disney California Adventure and it’s a survey that was sent out to guests after this year’s festival that suggests a day care service could be in the works for future events at the parks.

According to WDW News Today, guests who attended the 2022 Food & Wine Festival were asked to rate their interest in a variety of offerings or experiences for future Disney California Adventure Food & Wine Festival events. There were questions about the quality of food and beverages, healthy food and beverage offerings, more bookable experiences, and one about a “day care option for parents”. That one is of particular interest. While the festival is family friendly — the website even describes the event as “during the festival, your whole family will get to experience local, celebrity and Disney chef demos and delight in a smorgasbord of delicious dishes curated by Disney chefs” — there’s a good bit of programming for the festival that is geared toward adults only, including Carthay Circle Winemaker Receptions, Wine, Beer and Mixology Education & Tasting Seminars, and more. For guests with children, some of those offerings could be a real challenge, which would make a childcare option attractive.

Conclusion: This is adding insult to injury in so many ways.

This is not the first time that Disney, Sea World and Universal have been caught and exposed for crimes against children!

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© 2022 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

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Personal Use of Logs and Timber in Idaho State

By Phil Hart,
Candidate for the Senate of the Idaho Legislature

May 3, 2022

After crossing the continental divide at Lemhi Pass, and then passing through the Weippe Prairie, the  Lewis and Clark expedition descended down a south facing slope to the North Fork of the Clearwater near present day Orofino.  On September 26, 1805 they arrived at what is now called “Canoe Camp” where the North Fork of the Clearwater River meets the main body of the Clearwater River.  There they spent the next 11 days carving 5 canoes out of large Ponderosa Pine logs.  All my friends are wondering, did Meriwether Lewis and William Clark need a permit from the state of Idaho before they cut down these 5 large Ponderosa Pine trees?  Let’s examine the law.

The first question to determine was whether the use of logs was a commercial use, or a personal use?  One would think that it would have been a commercial use, as Lewis and Clark were hired to make this expedition and the purported purpose of discovering a route of commerce between the mouth of the Missouri River and the Pacific Northwest.  However, any benefit from commerce would be decades away, and the unofficial purpose of the expedition was to claim the land for the USA.  So was it really commercial?  We will probably never be able to figure out whether the use of the log canoes was a commercial use, or a personal use.

However, if today, a few Idahoans wanted to re-enact the Lewis and Clark expedition, we can examine the law in light of their circumstances.  Most likely these Idahoans would reenact the Lewis and Clark Expedition strictly for fun, as they probably had better paying day jobs.

Our starting point is the Forest Practices Act found at Idaho Code Title 38, Chapter 13.  We find the purpose of the Act at paragraph (2) “To encourage uniform forest practices implementing the policy of this chapter, and to provide a mechanism for the harmonizing and.… implement and enforce the laws and rules relating to federal, state and private forest land…”

To harmonize means “agreement or accord; conformity, to make the same.” Black’s Law Dictionary, 8th edition.  Since Idaho’s Forest Practices Act was implemented in 1974, let’s see what the prior Federal law was that Idaho’s law was trying to “harmonize” with regarding the personal use of timber.

In the Federal law we see at Title 16, section 477 Use of Timber and Stone by Settlers “The Secretary of Agriculture may permit …. the use of timber and stone found upon national forests, free of charge, by bona fide settlers, miners, residents, and prospectors for minerals, for firewood, fencing, buildings, mining, prospecting, and other domestic purposes…”  This statute was enacted by Congress in 1897, and is still in effect today.

Going back to the Idaho Forest Practices Act we see at I.C. 38-1303 (1) “Forest Practice” means (a) the harvesting of forest tree species….

(2) “Forest land” means federal, state and private land growing forest tree species which are, or could be at maturity, capable of furnishing raw material used in the manufacture of lumber or other forest products.

(4)  “Harvesting” means a commercial activity related to the cutting or removal of forest tree species to be used as a forest product. A commercial activity does not include the cutting or removal of forest tree species by a person for his own personal use.

(5)  “Rules” means rules adopted by the board pursuant to section 38-1304.

The take away from these definitions is that the personal use of forest tree species is not a commercial use and is not “harvesting”, but at the same time it is recognized as an ongoing activity. Now let’s take a look at the rules, know as Idaho Administrative Procedures Act (IDAPA).

At IDAPA DEFINITIONS, we have at (28) “Harvesting. A commercial activity related to the cutting or removal of forest tree species to be used as a forest product.  A commercial activity does not include the cutting and removal of forest tree species by a person for his own personal use.” (7-1-21)T

Going a few pages deeper into the regulations we find at IDAPA “Types of Operation for which Notice will not be Required.  (b.) Non-commercial cutting and removal of forest tree species by a person for his own personal use.” (10-14-75) and at .06 “Notification Exception… (b.) Non-commercial cutting and removal of forest tree species by a person for his own personal use. (7-1-21)T

If you are not sure what that means, you can refer to Sutherland on Statutory Construction, the premiere authority on interpreting statutes and regulation.  Sutherland has a section called “The Plain Meaning Rule” which says when the meaning of a statute is plain, you go with the obvious meaning.  In other words, when the language says you can cut and remove trees for your own personal use without notice to the state, that is what it means.

“Where the language is plain and admits of no more than one meaning the duty of interpretation does not arise” §45:2 Sutherland Statutory Construction.

On my day job, I work as a structural engineer and have been doing that work for 45 years.  Since I started in the field, I have engineered over 700 log and timber framed structures, mostly homes.  I’ve also functioned as an architect on over 50 log and timber structures.  I am aware of at least 35 log homes that were built using free timber from state or federal lands.  In 1996 I did the same, and built a log home using timber from state land.  My local sheriff disagreed that the timber could be used for free and turned a report into the prosecutor’s office to pursue the issue.  A week later the prosecutor told my attorney “I think Hart is right, and I am not touching this case with a ten foot pole.”

Well, the bureaucrats must have thought “We can’t let him do that.” and demanded that I pay triple for logs because I didn’t “enter into a contract nor get a permit from them.”  My attorney responded “Show us a sample of the contract or permit and Mr. Hart will pay your demand.”  If we examined the regulations further, we would discover that there was no contract or permit that covered the non-commercial taking of forest tree species by a person for his own personal use.   Instead of producing such a contract or permit, the response was more bullying and I ended up losing a civil case in court.  When I reached out to the state’s attorney set up a payment plan to pay the judgment, the bullying stopped and all I heard was crickets.

So my conclusion is that neither Lewis and Clark, nor those who might re-enact their trek through Idaho today need get a permit nor enter into a contract with the state of Idaho if they want to cut down a large and marketable Ponderosa Pine on state land and crave it into a canoe for their own personal use.  But let me end with this caveat, in my 1996 case the prosecutor dropped his investigation because the law was on my side.  But by then the culture had changed and the arguments used in the civil case were not based on the black and white letter of the law, but were emotional in nature.  I lost that cultural war, and you might too.

© 2022 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Phil Hart:

Prosecuting Malicious Prosecution

By Paul Engel

May 3, 2022

  • What rights do you have to defend your home against the illegal entry of law enforcement?
  • When can you sue law enforcement officers for violating your rights?
  • A recent case before the Supreme Court takes a step toward helping you sue when law enforcement and the justice system maliciously prosecutes you for defending your rights.

What can you do when government actors abuse their powers? I’ve talked before about the right to petition the government for a redress of grievance and how the judicial precedent of sovereign immunity violates that right. But what happens when law enforcement or the justice department abuses their prosecutorial powers? How do you seek redress for a malicious prosecution? For years it has been extremely hard to do so, but a recent Supreme Court opinion may balance the scales.

Thompson v. Clark, et. al.

The case we are looking at today is Thompson v. Clark, et. al. I want to look at this case from the point of view of all three sides: The parents, the emergency medical technicians (EMTs), and the police officers. The story starts with a misunderstanding.

On January 15, 2014, petitioner and Talleta (then his fiancée) were the proud parents of a one-week old daughter, Nala. That day, they brought Nala to her first check-up, where she received a clean bill of health. At around 10:00 p.m., the couple was at home and ready to sleep, dressed in only their underwear. Unbeknownst to the couple, Camille dialed 911. She stated that Nala often cries when petitioner changes her diaper and that she had seen red rashes” on the Nalas buttocks area (commonly known as, and later confirmed to be, diaper rash). Mistaking these for signs of abuse, Camille provided a description of petitioner and his address.

Thompson v. Clark, et. al. – Petition for Writ of Certiorari

As a parent, I have sympathy for Mr. Thomas and his then fiancee. They were preparing to go to bed when, unbeknownst to them, Talleta’s sister Camille calls 911, apparently mistaking crying and diaper rash as a signs of abuse.

In response, two Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs”) arrived to petitioners apartment building to investigate. The EMTs met Camille outside the building and she led them into petitioners apartment unit. Once inside, the EMTs saw Talleta sitting on the couch holding Nala safely. Petitioner entered the room and asked the EMTs why they were in his home. Unaware of Camilles 911 call, petitioner informed the EMTs that no one in his home had called 911 and they must have the wrong address. Petitioner asked the EMTs to leave, and they did.

Thompson v. Clark, et. al. – Petition for Writ of Certiorari

A report of potential child abuse is taken very seriously, as it should be, so two EMTs were dispatched to investigate. At this point no one is aware of the misunderstanding, although the EMTs would later testify that, from their first encounter with Camille they noticed that she was not “all there upstairs.” Camille brings the EMTs into Thompson’s apartment where they do not see anything immediately wrong. To be fair to the EMTs, simply because they see the mother safely holding the child does not dismiss the possibility of child abuse.

When Mr. Thompson enters the room he is understandably confused. What are these two EMTs doing in his apartment? Not knowing that Camille had called 911, Mr. Thompson assumes they have the wrong address and asks them to leave. So far, no laws have been broken and the encounter has proceeded calmly, but that is about to change.

Respondents, four NYPD officers, arrived thereafter in response to the 911 call and met with the EMTs who had just been inside petitioners apartment. The EMTs reported that petitioner was upset to find them in his apartment and they left. They said they would get in trouble” if they did not make contact with and examine the baby.

Thompson v. Clark, et. al. – Petition for Writ of Certiorari

This is where the tension begins to build. On the one hand, Mr. Thompson was understandably upset when he found two EMTs in his living room. He has a right to be secure in his own home. On the other hand, the EMTs have a report of possible child abuse that they need to investigate. Sadly, the four police officers escalate the situation unnecessarily.

Respondents went upstairs to petitioners apartment unit and petitioner answered the door. They told petitioner that they were investigating possible child abuse and wanted to examine his daughter. Petitioner asked to speak to respondentssergeant and, when they refused, asked respondents if they had a warrant to enter his home.

Thompson v. Clark, et. al. – Petition for Writ of Certiorari

At this point no laws have been broken. Mr. Thompson was well within his rights to require police to provide a warrant to enter his home, but look at the situation from the officers’ point of view. They have a report of possible child abuse, so we can assume they wanted to make sure the child was OK. With the power of law enforcement though, comes the responsibility of using it lawfully. It was still possible to resolve the issue calmly and peacefully. However, the police would rapidly escalate this from a report of possible child abuse to breaking and entering, assault, and unlawful detainment.

Respondents did not phone in a warrant; instead, they physically attempted to enter petitioners home. When petitioner stood his ground in the doorway, respondents tackled petitioner to the floor and handcuffed him.

Despite having restrained petitioner, respondents entered and searched petitioners apartment over his objection, without calling in a warrant. The EMTs then went back into petitioners apartment, examined his baby, and saw what they understood to be diaper rash, with no signs of abuse. The EMTs stated that the 911 call meant that they had to take petitioners baby to the hospital for evaluation, which later confirmed that it was only diaper rash.

Thompson v. Clark, et. al. – Petition for Writ of Certiorari

These four police officers committed crimes. While the report of possible child abuse gave them probable cause, it did not give them an exigent circumstance.

An exigent circumstance, in the criminal procedure law of the United States, allows law enforcement, under certain circumstances, to enter a structure without a search warrant … It must be a situation where people are in imminent danger, evidence faces imminent destruction, or a suspects escape is imminent.

Exigent Circumstance – The Free Legal Dictionary

The officers had no reason to believe the child was in imminent danger or that the parents were suspects who could escape. The officers had options that would allow the EMTs to check on the child without violating Mr. Thompson’s rights. They could have talked to Mr. Thompson, explained they had a 911 report, and were only concerned with the safety of the child. The officers could have contacted their sergeant for assistance. While they probably would have gotten their warrant if they had called for one, it would not be a valid one, since the probable cause for child abuse was not supported by oath or affirmation, as required by the Constitution.

… and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation…

U.S. Constitution, Amendment IV

So, in hindsight, the officers’ best options were to talk with Mr. Thompson or call their sergeant for assistance. Instead, they attacked Mr. Thompson without cause.

Although Mr. Thompson did refuse to grant the police entry into his apartment, he was well within his rights since they did not have a warrant. The fact that he challenged an illegal entry into his home does not give the police the authority to restrain him. Mr. Thompson was defending the law, while the police were the ones violating it.

Once the EMTs examined the baby they saw it was nothing but diaper rash. I’m not sure if New York law requires a hospital examination after a report of child abuse, but such a law would violate due process since it assumes the guardian is guilty until proven innocent. This was another perfect opportunity to de-escalate the situation. Instead, the police once again escalated it.

Respondents escorted petitioner out of his building in handcuffs and put him in jail for two days. According to respondents, petitioners mere refusal to let them into his home without a warrant to examine his child was sufficient basis to arrest and pursue charges for resisting arrest and obstructing governmental administration. 

Thompson v. Clark, et. al. – Petition for Writ of Certiorari

According to these four policemen, you have no rights in their presence. If you stand your ground when they try to violate your rights, they claim that’s “obstructing governmental administration”. Remember, the police had no legal authority to enter Mr. Thompson’s apartment since they had neither warrant nor exigent circumstance. Therefore, they were not administering a governmental act, they were violating it.

During the criminal proceedings that followed, Mr. Thompson denied any wrongdoing and declined any plea deals offered by the prosecution. After three months, the prosecution simply dismissed the charges, without any plea or compromise. Mr. Thompson was free to go, but he didn’t stop there.

After obtaining dismissal of the charges, petitioner filed this action under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 alleging that respondents violated his Fourth Amendment rights through warrantless entry of his home and by unreasonably seizing him pursuant to legal process (often described as a malicious prosecution” claim, referring to the analogous common-law tort). Both claims survived summary judgment and proceeded to trial.

Thompson v. Clark, et. al. – Petition for Writ of Certiorari

Mr. Thompson sued in federal court claiming that the officers had violated at least two of his rights protected by the Fourth Amendment. Specifically, that the police entered his home without a warrant and seized him unreasonably. This is where things get a bit more sticky.

Malicious Prosecution

At trial, one of the principal disputes was whether petitioner had shown favorable termination” of the criminal proceedings against him, as required to bring his § 1983 malicious prosecution claim. Relying on Lanning v. City of Glens Falls,… respondents argued that criminal proceedings have not terminated favorably unless they affirmatively indicated that the plaintiff was innocent of the crimes charged.” According to respondents, because the dismissal here did not affirmatively establish petitioner was innocent of the crime charged, he could not claim unreasonable seizure.

Thompson v. Clark, et. al. – Petition for Writ of Certiorari

According the the police officers’ attorney, since the judge did not specifically say that Mr. Thompson was innocent, he could not claim unreasonable seizure. If that sounds ridiculous to you, that’s not a surprise, since it sounded ridiculous to Mr. Thompson’s attorney as well.

Petitioner objected, arguing that dismissal of the charges was sufficient to show that the plaintiff has had the case dismissed in his favor.” He pointed out that petitioner had rejected the prosecutions offer for even an adjournment in contemplation of dismissal, causing the prosecutor to unconditionally dismiss the charges. Petitioner argued that the judge is not required to say you are innocent,” something that never happens.” Petitioner contended that respondents position would be absurd, requiring people who are wrongfully and unreasonably accused of crimes to object when the prosecution attempts to dismiss the charges against them and insist on going to trial.

Thompson v. Clark, et. al. – Petition for Writ of Certiorari

The District Court, following precedent set by the Second Circuit Court of Appeals, found for the officers. Although, in the court’s opinion, they stated that the Second Circuit was wrong and set the insane requirement that an innocent person object to the charges being dismissed in order to go to trial to get a verdict so they could sue for malicious prosecution. While the District Court also dealt with the question of who had the burden of proof, the police or the home owner, in a case where exigent circumstances are claimed to make entry, the Supreme Court dealt only with the question of innocence in a malicious prosecution case.

Supreme Court

Justice Kavanaugh, who wrote the opinion, went all the way back to he American tort-law consensus as of 1871 to justify his opinion:

Held: To demonstrate a favorable termination of a criminal prosecution for purposes of the Fourth Amendment claim under §1983 for malicious prosecution, a plaintiff need not show that the criminal prosecution ended with some affirmative indication of innocence. A plaintiff need only show that his prosecution ended without a conviction. Thompson has satisfied that requirement here.

Thompson v. Clark, et. al. – Certiorari Opinion

The Supreme Court reversed the judgment of the Second Circuit Court of Appeals and sent the case back for further review.


While this is a win for Mr. Thompson, it is only a battle in his war. He has not won his case yet, but with the opinion of the Supreme Court, he will at least have a chance.

As often as I point out the arrogance and illiteracy of our federal courts, I think it only proper that I point out when they are right as well. To all of you who have heard me talk about the need to stand your ground when government agents act beyond the law, it does my heart good to see that, at least in this case, there’s a glimmer of hope that someone will receive a redress for their grievance when government officials attack.

© 2022 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Paul Engel:

The International Treaty That Will End the Great American Dream – If We Allow It

By Kathleen Marquardt

May 3, 2022

For years, Tom DeWeese, Henry Lamb, Michael Coffman, I and many others have been beating the drums trying to wake up America and the World about Agenda 21/Sustainable Development. In the past several years, thanks to an unemployed bartender trying to shove the Green New Deal down our throats, people have begun to question.

Now, the powers-that-be, the Globalists and Deep State operators, believe they are about to wield a coup de grace. And, believe me, this will be the end of civilization on Earth. I’m not exaggerating. But I do admit that I never expected this.

Under the guise of “controlling our health” to protect us from another so-called pandemic, nation states are to grant full fealty to a treaty, a legally binding treaty of international law which is not different in its legal effect from other treaties. You know, like Agenda 21 which was never even signed, but was put into every department of federal, state, and local governments. International treaties supersede the Constitution!

Straight from the WHO’s mouth:

In a consensus decision aimed at protecting the world from future infectious diseases crises, the World Health Assembly today agreed to kickstart a global process to draft and negotiate a convention, agreement or other international instrument under the Constitution of the World Health Organization to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness and response.

The Health Assembly met in a Special Session, the second-ever since WHO’s founding in 1948, and adopted a sole decision titled: “The World Together.” The decision by the Assembly establishes an intergovernmental negotiating body (INB) to draft and negotiate a WHO convention, agreement, or other international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response, with a view to adoption under Article 19 of the WHO Constitution, or other provisions of the Constitution as may be deemed appropriate by the INB.

Article 19 of the WHO Constitution provides the World Health Assembly with the authority to adopt conventions or agreements on any matter within WHO’s competence. That last word is debatable.

This treaty will put our Constitutional protection of rights into the toilet – and flush.

How are the Globalists et al selling it? Straight out of Klaus Schwab’s 4th Industrial Revolution – “A potential framework convention could take the lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic and use them to build back better.[1]

A second sentence out of it should drive it home: “A potential framework convention could establish principles, priorities and targets for pandemic preparedness and response through a legally-binding international framework.”[2]

We signed away our sovereignty decades ago, but this, truly, can be the final thrust.

Some notes from James Roguski, who is leading a charge against this:

The United States is a “co-sponsor” of the current negotiations but it is NOT a member of the working group that is guiding the process. (CLICK HERE)

A list of delegates to the Special Session of the World Health Assembly can be found HERE.

The Secretary of Health and Human Services (Xavier Becerra) leads the U.S. delegation to the World Health Assembly. Share your opinions with him directly: Twitter: @SecBecerra

The “Pandemic Treaty” has not yet been drafted. NOW is the time to make your voices heard. We must ACTIVELY work to prevent these treaty negotiations from infringing upon the rights and freedoms of the entire world. Our voices must be heard. Our opinions must be considered. Our rights must be respected.

If 130 countries (two-thirds of the 194 member states) approve the “pandemic treaty,” then the terms of the treaty will apply to all 194 member states.

The negotiations toward this “treaty” are being controlled by bureaucrats, politicians, lawyers, public health officials, non-government organizations and pharmaceutical representatives who want to place themselves in control of determining the future of the world’s “health.”

WHO’s plan for the future:

By 1 August, 2022, the intergovernmental negotiating body will meet to discuss progress on a working draft for an international instrument on pandemic prevention.

2023, the negotiating body will deliver a progress report to the 76th World Health Assembly.

May 2024, the proposed instrument will be presented for adoption by the 77th World Health Assembly.

Roguski recommends:

The “Treaty on Pandemic Prevention and Preparedness” has NOT been finalized. On December 1, 2021 the WHO formally started the process towards drafting, negotiating and approving the treaty.

♦ The scheduled time for public comment RIGHT NOW. We must ACTIVELY work to prevent these treaty negotiations from infringing upon the rights and freedoms of the entire world. Our voices must be heard. Our opinions must be considered. Our rights must be respected.

♦ The next meeting of the World Health Assembly is scheduled for May 22-28, 2022.

♦ A meeting to discuss progress on a working draft of the treaty is scheduled to occur on August 1, 2022. The WHO’s stated goal is to reach a preliminary agreement at that time.

♦ The intergovernmental negotiating body (INB), tasked with drafting and negotiating this Pandemic Treaty, will then deliver a progress report to the 76th World Health Assembly in May of 2023, with the aim of adopting the “instrument” by 2024.

And while we are doing all of these things, we must continue to clean out the Swamp, get this country back to a civilized (non-moral relativity) state, and bring our constitutional republic back to following the Constitution and acting as a Republic.

© 2022 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kathleen Marquardt:


[1] A potential framework convention on pandemic preparedness and response, briefing notes for Member States.

[2] Dndi Briefing Note for the 150th Session of the WHO Executive Board.

I Hate This Country

by Servando Gonzalez

Yes, I have to confess it: I hate this country:

Why I hate this country? In the first place, because today’s America is quite different from the country I moved to 35 years ago. This country America has turned into has nothing to do with the America I knew. Secondly, because what this country has turned to reminds me more and more the totalitarian country I had to escape from.

Around twenty years ago I began telling family and friends that I was seen things in America that reminded me things I experienced in Castro’s Cuba. All of them, without exception, told me I was crazy. Today, however, all of them tell me I was right.

Last, but nor least, I hate this country because because today’s America is not the country the Founding Fathers had in mind when then created this nation. The Founding Fathers did not create a “democracy,” because they had read Plato and knew very well that all democracies, sooner or later, end up by becoming tyrannies. That’s why they created a representative republic.

In a representative republic, citizens don’t go to the streets yelling, destroying other people’s property and demanding things they want or believe their government must do. No. They elect other citizens to represent them in the government to fight for their rights protected by a Constitution —the law of the land. But currently our elected representatives don’t represent us anymore. They devote all their time, first, to enrich themselves, secondly, to advance their personal ideological agendas, which most of the time go contrary to the wishes of the majority of the people who elected them to office, and, thirdly, to stay in office for the rest of their lives.

This the Amerika I hate from the bottom of my heart.

How this has happened? How America, allegedly the land of the free and home of the brave has mostly changed into a totalitarian dictatorship? I don’t have an answer to this question, but I will like to briefly analyze this phenomenon quite unique in the history of mankind.

Usually, a first step to enslave a population is depriving them of the means to defend themselves. So, the first thing Lenin did in Russia, Hitler in Germany, Mao in China and Castro in Cuba, just to mention the most notorious examples, was to pass laws confiscating firearms from the hands of the citizens. An armed citizenship is a risk totalitarian leaders cannot afford.

But here in this strange country America has turned into, perhaps as an example of American exceptionalism,[1] the globalist conspirators are enslaving the most heavily armed population in the word.[2] Amazing!

On the other hand, perhaps the title I selected for this article is not right. Actually, you cannot hate something that does not exist. You cannot hate this country because America is not a country anymore.

What is a country?

From the pure physical point of view, a country is a piece of land surrounded by a border and protected by an army. So, given the fact that America’s borders are not protected anymore, and anybody can just cross the non-existing border, get into this piece of land and call it home, it is evident that America is not a country anymore.

Moreover, countries, even totalitarian countries under totalitarian regimes or controlled by tyrants, have a national anthem, a flag and historical monuments everybody, included people who oppose the government, must respect. Usually, in those countries people hate the government, but still love their country. Not in America, where we are experiencing not only the destruction of historical monuments but also the desecration of its most important symbols. Evidently, the destroyers don’t hate their government, they hate their country.

Even though America was a fusion of races and cultures, the people who created this former country were mostly Europeans. Denying it is an exercise in deception. But currently we see a concerted effort to destroy that rich religious and cultural heritage and substitute it with political and ideological garbage.

From the legal point of view, a country is a piece of land where the governors and the governed have signed a social contract everybody is supposed to respect. The government must promise every citizen to provide safety from crime, from economic hardship, and the possibility to pursue their individual dreams of enjoying personal happiness in their lives. Then, and only then, the governed are obligated to obey the social contract that ensures civilization.

Currently, however, in American that social contract does not exists any more. The government is not fulfilling its part of it by which it is supposed to protect each and every single individual. People, particularly politicians and big corporations, can violate the law with impunity knowing that the government will do nothing to stop it. This explains why we have descended into some sort of morass of animal behavior.

This has become even more evident in regards to the rule of law. Lady Justice was depicted wearing a blindfold. The blindfold represented the ideal that justice is blind and equal for everybody, disregarding, power, wealth, race or ethnicity. Not anymore. The main selling point for the last candidate to the supreme court was that she is a black woman. The next one will be a he/she/it/x. Mark my words.

So, I hate this country where college-brainwashed women’s highest social achievement has been gaining the right to kill their own children. Latest records published show that, from 1973 to 2021, American women have legally killed more than 60 million children, a veritable holocaust. Paradoxically, American leftist women, the main advocates for democracy, are strongly contributing to the demographic destruction of this country.[3]

I hate this country where the most abject aberrations seem to be examples to follow. I hate this country were small children are daily subject to brainwashing in the very places where they were supposed to get an education for life.

Can we still call this country a Constitutional Republic when the Constitution is totally ignored by both political parties and by all three branches of the federal government? I don’t think so.

So, if you still love America, I encourage you to hate this aberration the globalist conspirators have turned this country into. Hate it with all the force of your mind and heart. America deserves it. It is the less we can do if we really love America, the true America, the land of the free, home of the brave!

Two centuries ago a group of American patriots wrote that, whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of its ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it. One of them even wrote that the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. Unfortunately, today American patriots seemingly are too busy listening to their cell phones.

Nevertheless, Republican “conservatives” seemingly enjoy this Amerika so much they are devoting most of their time to badmouth Russians because they managed to get rid of the communism our globalist conspirators imposed upon them for close to a century[4] and are now working hard to impose it upon us. And this sudden hatred for the Russians has nothing to do with the Ukraine, a corrupt country enjoyed by Hunter Biden and controlled by neo-Nazis.

If tomorrow, Russian leaders declare they love the conspirator’s New World Order, began displaying pride flags and go back to Soviet Union-style government, I’ll bet you will see the Russians becoming the good guys again and the military-industrial-banking complex celebrating and pushing the Russians into invading more countries —exactly as Roosevelt and Churchill did when incited Stalin at Yalta to occupy all eastern European countries and part of Germany. Read my book that Amazon just banned: “I Dare Call It Treason: The Council on Foreign Relations and the Betrayal of America

© 2022 Servando Gonzales – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Servando Gonzales:


1. Servando Gonzalez, “9/11 and American Exceptionalism,” NewsWithViews.
2. There is, however, a previous example in Czechoslovakia. See Jan Kozak, And Not a Shot is Fired (RWU Press: Appleton, Wisconsin, 1999).
3. See “The Consequences of Roe V. Wade. Total Abortions Since 1973: 63,459,781,” Christian Life Resources,
4. Servando Gonzalez, “The Destruction of Russia and the Creation of the Soviet Union,” NewsWithViews.

Cognitive Dissonance: The Ministry of Biden’s Truth

By Frosty Wooldridge

May 2, 2022

Cognitive dissonance equates to “intellectual denial of reality.”

And this from GOP congressional candidate Errol Webber: “Adolf Hitler had a Ministry of Truth…Joseph Stalin had a Ministry of Truth along with Mao Zedong.  All of them were dictators. The Biden regime now has a Ministry of Truth.”

If you haven’t read George Orwell’s book 1984, please pick up a copy to give yourself an understanding of what’s happening in Washington DC as to the Department of Homeland Security chief Alejandro Mayorkas.

He’s a Cuban-American who features more Fidel Castro in his blood and mind than anyone can imagine.  It’s obvious he never read the U.S. Constitution.  He doesn’t understand that the foundation of our Republic stands with the 1st Amendment.  That’s why it’s the first of all the amendments to our Constitution.

The fact remains that the  1st Amendment allows all of us to argue, debate, quarrel, dispute, question, and ultimately resolve our differences in a peaceful manner.  It allows dimwits like AOC or Maxine Waters to splatter their voices onto the halls of Congress.  It allows calmer voices like Tom Cotton or Rand Paul to give greater perspective.  It gives highly intelligent Tulsi Gabbard a voice of reason for democrats. It furthers intelligent dialogue, new ideas and better choices by all of us as to how we conduct our country’s present and future.

On April 27, Biden regime DHS head, Alejandro Mayorkas, announced the formation of a new Disinformation Governance Board — to enforce suppression of truth-telling instead of countering what conflicts with it. During congressional testimony,  Mayorkas claimed the following: “We have just established a mis- and disinformation governance board (DGB) in the Department of Homeland Security to more effectively combat this threat, not only to election security but to our homeland security.”

Shades of Orwell’s Ministry of Truth.

This rather stupid announcement by one of Biden’s henchmen comes on the heels of calling parents who stood up at school board meetings to give their opinions on CRT being taught to their children: terrorists.

Never mind that Mayorkas allowed 2,000,000 illegal alien migrants to jump our borders in 2021, and already in 2022, he’s allowed another 220,000 per month to invade us at our expense.  Never mind that 105,000 Americans died of drug overdoses last year because Mayorkas-Biden invited all the drug cartels to dump their poisons all over America.  Never mind that we have 35 documented Islamic Training Terrorists Centers within the United States from New York to California. Never mind that MS-1 3 gangs distribute fentanyl, heroin, ecstasy, methamphetamines and worse to our kids. Never mind that Biden brought 124,000 Afghan refugees to our country with NO VETTING of any of them for being Islamic terrorists. Never mind Biden gave those Afghanistan Taliban terrorists $93 billion in free war machinery.

Never mind Joe Biden gave $33 billions of our tax dollars to Ukraine to defend themselves, when he’s encouraging an invasion of our own borders in violation of Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution. Biden also violates US Code 8, Section 1324… 24/7 by allowing this invasion and it is being ignored by Mayorkas. Again, cognitive dissonance.

So, who are the “real” terrorists in our country?  You cannot escape the fact that Joe Biden and Mayorkas break our laws daily.  Never has a president or DHS chief been so trapped in “cognitive dissonance.”  Are they brain dead, politically inept, incompetent…or all of the above?

If this invasion of our southern border continues under Biden’s watch, and you can bet it will continue, the very makeup, the stability, the very essence of America cannot and will not survive.  We will continue to devolve and decline into massive pockets of third world misery.  If you could simply walk through the 66,000 homeless in Los Angeles or the 35,000 homeless in San Francisco—you would discover our future.

What these men are creating: systemic, endemic and unsolvable poverty.  We witness illiteracy, crime, drugs and human futility on a scale not seen in the USA, ever before.

Biden encourages third world poverty to establish itself within the United States.  He invites systemic drug use among our young and our older addicts.  He invites total loss of the rule of law.  He manifests decay of cities like Detroit, Chicago, Minneapolis, St. Louis, New York City, Miami, Denver and more.  He invites homelessness, hopelessness and futility for our own cities.

Did we the American people deserve this treatment?  Did we deserve this kind of lawlessness by our own president and DHS chief?  Do we deserve the final outcome of another 2 million or 10 million illegal migrants rampaging over our borders?  Do we deserve the Islamic training camps?  Do we deserve to protect Ukraine’s borders, but not our own? Do we deserve the loss of our sovereignty?  What are those two guys doing to our country?

Oh, Mr. Biden and Mr. Mayorkas: you can stick your “Ministry of Truth” where the sun…well, you get my drift.

Is anyone in America thinking about these questions?  Are we not galloping into America’s twilight years?

If you would like a free electronic copy of this book, please email me with your email address and I will send it to you.  Every American with children or any American who will live in this country in 2050, needs to understand what they face.

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121.

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

This video will scare the daylights out of every American as to what’s coming to our country, US Citizenship Act 2021 by Joe Biden.

If you want to see two documentaries that give visual proof of my book’s contents, go to Netflix, and type in “Cowspiracy” that shows you the damage to the air, land and water.  Watch “Seaspiracy” to see how humans are destroying the oceans.

We need a total termination of all immigration for the next 20 years. These two organizations are the only ones to advocate for a 20 year moratorium on all immigration. Take action: and

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Who Are America’s Enemies?, Part 2

By Roger Anghis

May 1, 2022

As we look closer at America’s enemies we find that most of them are in our political system.  Both parties but the worst we find is the Democrats.  It seems as if the Democrats have taken the book 1984 and are using it as a guide for how to take all our rights away and control everything we do and everywhere we go. They have no problem with violating our Constitutional rights whenever they feel like it. Of course, this is all for the good of the whole you understand. Screw your rights.  Our government needs to control our every move.

Consider some of the things they have implemented without informing the public.  “Pre-Crime” Surveillance Cameras

A company known as BRS Labs has developed “pre-crime” surveillance cameras that can supposedly determine if you are a terrorist or a criminal even before you commit a crime.

The cameras will be able to track up to 150 people at a time in real-time and will gradually build up a ‘memory’ of suspicious behavior to work out what is suspicious.[1]

Now they have technology that can capture your fingerprints from twenty feet away: Gaining access to your gym or office building could soon be as simple as waving a hand at the front door. A Huntsville, Ala.-based company called IDair is developing a system that can scan and identify a fingerprint from nearly 20 feet away. Coupled with other biometrics, it could soon allow security systems to grant or deny access from a distance, without requiring users to stop and scan a fingerprint, swipe an ID card, or otherwise lose a moment dealing with technology.[2]

I have read that when a baby is born a sample of its blood is taken, without the parent’s approval, and kept for reasons they don’t give us that makes any sense.  They say it is ‘newborn screening’ for possible health disorders.  I’m not sure I believe that story but that is the excuse they use. I do know this, they are collecting as much data as they can on every human on the earth.  Newborn screening is a public health service done in each U.S. state. Every newborn is tested for a group of health disorders that aren’t otherwise found at birth.

With a simple blood test, doctors can check for rare genetic, hormone-related, and metabolic conditions that can cause serious health problems. Newborn screening lets doctors diagnose babies quickly and start treatment as soon as possible.

Which Screening Tests Are Offered?

Screening varies by state. Tests offered can change as technology advances and treatments improve. Although there are national recommendations for newborn screening, it is up to each state to decide which tests to include.[3]

India has taken it to a whole other level. I’m sure the democrats would be doing this right now if they thought they could get away with it. All over the globe, governments are developing massive biometric databases of their citizens.  Just check out what is going on in India….

In the last two years, over 200 million Indian nationals have had their fingerprints and photographs taken and irises scanned, and given a unique 12-digit number that should identify them everywhere and to everyone.

This is only the beginning, and the goal is to do the same with the entire population (1.2 billion), so that poorer Indians can finally prove their existence and identity when needed for getting documents, getting help from the government, and opening bank and other accounts.[4]

It gets a little more insane when we look back at the Obama administration’s Department of Homeland Security and they define white Americans as the most likely terrorists.  A new promotional video released by the Department of Homeland Security characterizes white middle-class Americans as the most likely terrorists, as Big Sis continues its relentless drive to cement the myth that mad bombers are hiding around every corner, when in reality Americans are just as likely to be killed by lightning strikes or peanut allergies.

The video is part of Homeland Security’s $10 million dollar “See Something, Say Something” program that encourages Americans to report “suspicious activity,” which in every case throughout history has been a trait of oppressive, dictatorial regimes.

In the course of the 10-minute clip, a myriad of different behaviors are characterized as terrorism, including opposing surveillance, using a video camera, talking to police officers, wearing hoodies, driving vans, writing on a piece of paper, and using a cell phone recording application.

Despite encouraging viewers not to pay attention to a person’s race in determining whether or not they may be a terrorist, almost all of the scenarios in the clip proceed to portray white people as the most likely terrorists. It comes as no surprise that this video has been pulled.

Going back to the Obama administration and looking at the trash he had in his cabinet and as his advisors, we can see where a lot of this 1984 mindset came from. His Senior Advisor was Valerie Jarret who was a major communist sympathizer. She was shoulder deep in the corrupt politics of Chicago. Valerie Jarrett is a Senior Advisor to President Barack Obama. She oversees the Offices of Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs and chairs the White House Council on Women and Girls.

Prior to joining the Obama Administration, she was the Chief Executive Officer of The Habitat Company. She also served as Co-Chair of the Obama-Biden Presidential Transition Team, and Senior Advisor to Obama’s presidential campaign.

Ms. Jarrett has held positions in both the public and private sector, including the Chairman of the Chicago Transit Board, the Commissioner of Planning and Development for the City of Chicago, and Deputy Chief of Staff for Mayor Richard M. Daley. She also practiced law with two private law firms.  

Jarrett also served as a director of corporate and not-for-profit boards, including Chairman of the Board of the Chicago Stock Exchange, Director of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, and Chairman of the University of Chicago Medical Center Board of Trustees. We have often heard Valerie Jarrett is the de-facto President. That might not be far from the truth.

Our team has been exhaustively researching this woman,…again.

We went back over notes, articles, and saved links, as well digging deeper into new documents that we’ve gotten a hold of.

Valerie Jarret is very powerful.

As you may know, Valerie Jarrett is Obama’s closest cabinet member. That is no coincidence. She is one who helped get him where he is.[5]

The damage this woman did to the infrastructure of our government may not be known for decades but I can assure you she is no friend to America and its way of life.

© 2022 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. 14 incredibly creepy surveillance technologies that big brother will be using to spy on you
  2. 14 incredibly creepy surveillance technologies that big brother will be using to spy on you
  4. 14 incredibly creepy surveillance technologies that big brother will be using to spy on you
  5. Valerie Jarrett the real power corruption behind the oval office part-2

What A Small Price to Pay

By Rob Pue

May 1, 2022

What does it mean to you to be a Christian?  When you hear someone say they’re a “Christian,” what does that actually mean?  Does it mean they attend a church on a regular basis?  Does it mean they grew up in a Christian family and believe in God?  Does it mean they once prayed a “sinner’s prayer” — perhaps as a child at summer camp?  I ask these things because when people tell me they’re a “Christian,” I have to wonder, because “being a Christian” doesn’t seem to mean what it used to mean.

These days, it’s hard to tell Christians from unbelievers.  Most show no signs of being any different from the world.  There are many who claim the name of Christ, but in doing so, I believe they’re actually taking the Lord’s name in vain, because they have no fruit to show as proof of their conversion.  Even many true Christ-followers may worship the Lord in private but are unwilling to bear witness of their salvation in public, for fear they’ll be looked upon as strange, different or a “fanatic.”  Jesus said if we’re ashamed of Him to those around us, He will be ashamed of us to His Father.

There are also those who really believe they’re saved; they really believe they’re  Christians, but they’ve been so deceived by false teachers offering “cheap grace” and “easy believism.”  They may attend a church service every week, but they’re so biblically illiterate they couldn’t tell you much of anything that God’s Word says — or commands.  They’ve built their spiritual house on sinking sand, and when trials come, they look to everything and everyone EXCEPT God, and prayer is only a “last resort.”

Even more concerning is the example they portray to the unsaved.  This is VERY concerning because as the world becomes increasingly wicked and evil, there can be no fence-sitting allowed; no wandering the middle of the road.  You’re either on the side of Jesus or you’re on the devil’s team.  Jesus said, “If anyone would come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me.”  But today, our churches teach that being a Christian costs you nothing.  We’re told that God doesn’t require anything of us and that we can have our “best life now.”  I hate to tell you, but that’s the exact opposite of what Scripture actually says we can expect when we choose to follow God.

Read the book of Acts.  What did the early followers of Christ experience?  Hebrews, chapter 11 lists a few things: “…cruel mockings and scourgings…bonds and imprisonment.  They were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword, they wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins, being destitute, afflicted, tormented.”

These believers held fast to the words of their Lord, Who said, “In this world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world.”  They had real faith and courage to withstand the worst the world could hurl at them, considering it a privilege to suffer for the cause of Christ.  But today, it seems the most people are willing to do is put a “fish” on the back of their car.

Many are so clueless and so lacking in discernment, they even parade their unbiblical and ungodly pursuits with the world.  Many times I’ve been astounded to see some of the postings on social media by professing Christians.  They post things from their favorite secular music and entertainment stars — and what passes for “music” and “entertainment” today would very well be considered absolute pornography and vile filth not so long ago.  Even pastors share things on social media promoting popular music, movies and TV shows, and these things are FILLED with homosexuality, adultery, fornication, foul language, openly mocking the traditional family structure and even blaspheming God Himself.

One pastor posted his list of favorite movies.  I was stunned.  According to a popular Christian movie review website, these movies are replete with blasphemy, taking the Lord’s name in vain, drug references, profanity, “potty” humor, countless sexual innuendos, extensive homosexuality — including scenes of men kissing on the mouth for extended periods of time, and blatant ridiculing of Christians, Christianity and Jesus Christ Himself!   By their count, 88 times in one movie alone!  All in the name of “comedy.”  Now, if my words offend you, that’s too bad, because mocking and ridiculing the Savior is NOT alright, and for a Christian PASTOR to promote such things on his social media page shows a complete lack of spiritual maturity and wise discernment.  Not to mention the effects that filling one’s mind with this garbage has on a person’s mind and soul. How can someone who does so, then be counted as fit for ministry LEADERSHIP?  My Bible says that our elders and leaders are to be beyond reproach, holy and pure in all their ways.

But that’s the way things are these days.  Our modern pastors just want to be well liked and popular among the people, and they especially want to appeal to the young people, so they would rather be seen as “just a regular guy” than a wise, spiritual leader.  In fact, the more worldly they portray themselves, the more “hip” and “cool” they think the kids will believe them to be.  It’s just so sad to see so many leading so many astray.

But it gets even worse.  A study just released, which can be found at the website: shows that 68% of church-going men, and over 50% of pastors view porn on a regular basis.  Of young “Christian” adults, 18-24 years old, 76% actively search for porn. Interestingly, another study from last year showed that 76% of regular church-goers now accept homosexual so-called “marriage” as just fine — just another “alternative lifestyle” that should be accepted and celebrated.  I assume the militant transgender movement currently being actively pushed on our young children will soon overwhelm our modern American churches too, and to question any abomination at all will earn one the title of “hateful bigot.”

It all comes back to cowardice and a lack of Godly leadership in our churches.  It’s because of these wolves in sheep’s clothing that our country is quickly rotting now, from the inside out.  For decades, many of our churches have been promoting a false gospel, which requires nothing — no repentance, no change of heart, no spiritual transformation.  They rarely even speak of the blood Christ shed to redeem us. The result is a generation of professing Christians who can ridicule and mock the Savior in the TV programs, movies and music  they enjoy, in complete ignorance that anything is even wrong with it. Their entertainment is as demonic as anything Satan could ever devise, and they find absolutely nothing wrong with it.

They may go to church, but only to receive a message that makes them feel good about themselves. There’s no conviction of heart, no godly sorrow for sin. For that matter, sin is rarely even mentioned, if at all.  They have no idea at all Who the real God is and have zero interest in reading or studying the Scriptures on their own either. The result is that much of today’s Christianity is simply worthless, vain religion, laced with secular humanism and universalism and so, of course, anything goes. We all do what we feel is right in our own eyes, and no one is allowed to pass judgment on anything or call sin “sin.”  I assert that MANY of today’s professing Christians are woefully unaware of the true state of their souls and woefully ignorant of Scripture.  As Second Timothy 3:5 says, “Having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof; from such, turn away.”

As a child I learned, “For the grace of God which brings salvation has appeared to all men, teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we are to live soberly, righteously and godly in this present age.” (Titus 2:11-12). Now, I ask you: do we believe that? Or not. I understand, everyone is at a different level of spiritual maturity and we need to gently instruct baby Christians.  But we MUST instruct them rightly.  Anything less is just a lie. And I will be the first to admit that I have not always lived up to God’s holy standards, and I know I fall woefully short of the mark even today. But it remains the standard by which we’re all called to live, as Christians. We are to DENY ungodliness and WORLDLY LUSTS – not jump into it head first!  We are to live soberly, righteously and godly today — in this present age.

The greatest evidence of a soul truly and soundly saved is the gift of the Holy Spirit.  When you truly become a Christ-follower, the Holy Spirit of God Himself comes to dwell inside you.    You will KNOW IT when it happens.  There will be no doubt.  This is more than just your “conscience.”  This is the Spirit of GOD I’m talking about.  It’s God’s Spirit that enables us to accomplish what Paul exhorted of the Romans, in chapter 12: “And be not conformed to this world: but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”

You can’t have the Holy Spirit living within you and still go on living a carnal, hedonistic lifestyle like the rest of the world.  You can’t have the Holy Spirit and not have a deep desire to grow ever closer to Christ, to continue on in sanctification.  A truly saved Christian will look different, act different and BE different from the unsaved world around them.  1 Peter, chapter 2 tells us, “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people.”

Our enemy will still tempt us and he actively works to destroy each of us, exploiting each of our personal weaknesses.  But true Christians are transformed as our minds are renewed and our souls born again, of the Spirit of God.  Those without the Spirit cannot discern spiritual matters.  It’s not that they don’t want to — they are wholly unequipped to understand.  That’s why the Gospel of Christ makes no sense to them.  That’s why they can read Bible passages, but cannot understand them.  One must become a true child of God.  There’s no faking it, at least not for very long.

Look also at Romans 8:  “Those who live according to the sinful nature have their minds set on what that nature desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace; the sinful mind is hostile to God. It does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so. Those controlled by the sinful nature cannot please God.”

I’m concerned with those who think they can fake it.  One foot in a church building and one foot in a sewer.  Jesus told us of the narrow road and the narrow gate that leads to life, and He warned us that FEW there would be that find it.  He also told us that MANY will be very surprised on Judgment Day when they hear His words, “depart from Me, you workers of iniquity.  I never knew you.”

One researcher noted that the population of the world in Noah’s day was 300 million. How many obeyed God and were saved? 8. Eight out of 300 million. Likewise the population of Sodom and Gomorrah at the time of their destruction was estimated at 200,000. How many were saved? 3. Three out of 200,000. Jesus said that His return would be like in the days of Noah, and the days of Lot. VERY FEW actually were saved.  The “narrow gate” Jesus spoke of is very narrow indeed.  But it’s the only gate that leads to life.

I urge you to examine your hearts and lives, and do it today.  Scripture tells us to do just that, to make sure we’re in the faith. We must pay attention to what we put into our minds and hearts and lives. We can’t fill ourselves with filth and expect the Holy Spirit to reside there too.  We cannot mock God, blaspheme the name of Christ and embrace what the Scriptures call “abomination” and then expect to live fruitful lives for the Lord, nor should we expect any reward anywhere near heaven.

I can’t imagine living without God; He is my Rock and my Salvation…yet just as our Savior was persecuted, we can expect the same. He will be there with us, to help us through it, but the Christian life is not one of ease and has no part in the evil things of this world.  Seek God and pray without ceasing.  He will reveal Himself to you — His TRUE self — as He promised.

If you do this, you can expect ridicule, mocking, disdain and in some cases, outright hatred from those who choose to remain in the world, practicing worthless religion. As Paul warned Timothy, “Everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.”  Oftentimes, the worst persecution comes from religious people and false Christians; the love of God is not in them.  But what a ridiculously small price to pay for a relationship with the Most High God, our Creator.  Even though we may die for our faith, what a small price to pay for an eternity as a child of the King of Kings.  You can no longer sit the fence and you’d best get out of the middle of the road, while you still can.

© 2022 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

A ‘Great Reset’ Toward Reality is Arising

April 30, 2022

“Green energy” and “The Green Raw Deal” is a road to nowhere “going forward.” If you are still a “greenhorn” on the true costs and lack of feasibility regarding green energy solutions, this little primer will help move you towards reality – always assuming that you want to go there. Far too many today, do not!

The destructive combination of culture-mulchers and political vultures carry on about the necessity of instituting green energy practices though many if not most of them are without a clue as to impracticability of what they demand or the total lack of use such practices provide. These “utopianists” only know that somehow the idea that they are “saving the planet” (however ridiculous) feels good, and that’s good enough for them! The left’s “front runner-gunner,” the wide-mouthed, empty headed AOC, along with Sleepy Joe Biden and the rest of the pests on that side of the ideological spectrum demand that we adopt green energy practices or, they say, the world as we know it will end in a few years. The MSM and the other “new world orderlies” jabber incessantly about the need for solar energy and windmills. Indeed, they create enough wind on these subjects to run those same windmills into the next century!  Certainly, they carry on about “the environment” as much as they do about the Ukraine, “racism,” the three evils of the West – whites, capitalism and Christianity – the need to be jabbed and the war on humanity known as “transgenderism.”

Left out of what they term the “conversation” or the “debate” –  in reality a one-sided diatribe that brooks no disagreement! – is that wind turbines chop up about 500,000 birds each year as well as massive numbers of bats, sea life, and migrating insects; that they create a constant hum that drives to distraction many who live sufficiently close by and that the “windmills” themselves require more energy and pollution to create than they in turn negate through their use. Meanwhile, windmill promoters and producers want to triple or quadruple our present number of these examples of good intentions over intelligent actions. Once the protests over the unacceptability of both the carnage and the noise fully kicks in, the windmills will be stopped in their whack-tracks with the blessings of the symbol of America itself, the bald eagle, a bird that suffers huge numbers of casualties per annum. Interestingly enough, many years ago a young boy was fined by the government for making an Indian “dream catcher” as a gift for newly elected President Bill Clinton! Why? Because the gift contained the feather from a bald eagle and to use such a thing (except for Native Americans, of course!) was illegal. That the feather had been picked up off the ground (much like the bodies of those same birds around windmill farms!) made no difference. Well, perhaps it was a cheap lesson for the child and his parents in that seeking the “blessing” of the Clintons should always be avoided even more than eagles should avoid windmills!

At best, windmills and solar panels can only supply about 20% of our energy needs and they are not only inherently unpredictable in their output, but frequently cost more in both money and energy than they are worth, something that is unacceptable in any realistic energy planning. However, enthusiasts continue to produce a great deal of “hot air” in their crusade to lower global temperatures because, in reality, human activity has very little to do with the planet’s weather! One good volcanic eruption can release into the atmosphere more pollutants than mankind and all our efforts can do in a year!  Worse, the “pollutants” complained about such as carbon dioxide are essential for life on earth! Plants live on that gas and it is the plants that provide another rather useful atmospheric gas, oxygen! Indeed, for some years our CO2 level has been considered too low and only recently has it started to rebound, a matter that has been presented by the “climatologists” as a foretaste of Armageddon!

Beyond all of this, efforts to cut down the use of fossil fuels are generally stupid and inane to the point of intellectual blindness. For instance, electric vehicles (EVs) are not a solution to pollution. They cost a fortune and the batteries they require to operate are charged through the use of fossil fuels or nuclear power because the fact is, batteries store power; they don’t create it. To feel virtuous because you move soundlessly down the highway without any “exhaust” is a study in self-inflicted deception. Furthermore, “electric vehicles” are not as “environmentally friendly” as universally touted in ongoing “green spiels.”

As the libbers start to understand that their claims of “saving the environment” through wind, sunlight and electric cars is losing traction, they are beginning to come around to promote nuclear energy as a further acceptable source of power. However, in their original rush to climate judgement without doing any legitimate research, they put many nuclear power plants in mothballs and stopped the building of new ones. The result has been that no new nuclear plants have been built in many years now and it is too late to employ nuclear energy as an adequate source of power for at the very least several years “going forward.”

On top of all the impracticality of trying to make solar and wind our principal sources of energy, we’re running out of the materials and resources to manufacture the items necessary to access these modes of power especially given the potential political problems involved as many of those resources are located in problematic countries like China and Russia and those countries allied with them politically and/or economically. This is both an illustration of the Left’s proclivity to act without thinking or, in the alternative, seeing these nations as more acceptable than our own. Often, the Left is so blind in its actions that it appears when reality does intrude, they expect the God in whom they don’t believe to step in and validate their follies! We see the present extreme example of this in Biden’s hobbling our output of gas and oil and then relying on unfriendly countries to make up the deficit! Of course, that is happening – at least for the time being – but the result of that “success” has raised the prices of gasoline through the roof while the denizens of supplier countries like Saudi Arabia and Venezuela continue to pay less than ten cents a gallon for the same product.

Worse, we are further painting ourselves into an economic and cultural corner by encouraging an invasion of illegals from all over the world, a matter that is problematicas it is predicted to add over 100 million vagrants to our present population in less than 30 years! And as these new critters will also have to be supplied with oil, gas, and power while adding nothing useful to the economy and degenerating the culture, the resultant “invasion” will tax our capabilities to the limit while assuring that the “government” that provides for them remains in power in perpetuity.

Returning to the over-advertised “EVs,” these may be cool in what passes for the minds of Americans today, but the costs of going ahead full force with their development and deployment will soon cool the ardor of those of their proponents who are not either profiting from them or totally engulfed in the Green Movement. Let us again consider batteries, the principal foundation of the EV. As noted earlier, batteries do not produce electricity — they merely store what is produced elsewhere, primarily through the combustion of coal, uranium, or natural gas in plants or diesel-fueled generators. So, to say an EV is a “zero emission vehicle” makes zero sense unless one is being deceptive and speaking only of the use of the vehicle rather than all that is required for its use. Since 40% of the electricity generated in the US is from coal-fired plants, it follows that 40% of the EVs on the road are in actuality coal-powered.

The rechargeable batteries used in EVs require lithium-ion, nickel-metal oxide and nickel-cadmium, a nasty mix of “stuff” that will eventually wind up in landfills where these toxic materials will ooze out and seriously pollute the environment around them! A typical EV battery weighs 1,000 pounds and is about the size of a travel trunk. It contains 25 pounds of lithium, 60 pounds of nickel, 44 pounds of manganese, 30 pounds of cobalt, 200 pounds of copper, and 400 pounds of aluminum, steel and plastics. Also included are over 6,000 individual lithium-ion cells! If this sounds “green” to you, you are woefully ignorant at best and damned stupid at worst! All our good green libbers say that they are concerned with depleting the earth’s resources and polluting Gaia (Mother Earth) but the fact is that the huge quantities of these toxic materials needed for EVs are derived almost entirely by mining. To manufacture just one EV auto battery, you must process 25,000 pounds of brine (salt water) and 30,000 pounds of ore for the cobalt alone along with 5,000 pounds of ore for the nickel, and 25,000 pounds of copper ore! All told, we must dig up 500,000 pounds of the earth’s crust for just one battery – and that’s before we even use these poisons! What will be the condition of the earth’s surface if all our cars become EVs?

Continuing in our consideration of these critical elements, 68% of the world’s cobalt – a significant part of the EV battery! – comes from the Congo. These Third World nations have none of the “environmental safety regulations” in their mines and no pollution controls! A similar situation must obtain with respect to any and every one of the other aforesaid mined materials if they come from a country whose concern for “Mother Earth” is considerably less than is Greta Thunberg’s! Ditto for many of the battery’s chemical components. And, of course, we must factor in the costs of caring for those who become sick from the pollution arising from these batteries as well as the costs of creating and using them.

Windmills are the ultimate example of costs embedded in the production of these “green solutions” as well as being first class examples of environmental destruction. Each “windmill” weighs 1,688 tons (the equivalent of 23 average houses) and contains 1,300 tons of concrete – to anchor the moving parts that produce the electric energy – 295 tons of steel, 48 tons of iron, 24 tons of fiberglass along with such hard to extract “rare earth” elements as neodymium, praseodymium, and dysprosium. With regard to these last, they aren’t called “rare earth” elements for nothing! The amounts available are very limited and well over 80% of what is available is located in China and Russia, who of course, control their mining, shipping and pricing. A monopoly on these substances must be a source of continual worry to those Western oligarchs who presently are doing all they can to irritate the Russia-China-Iran axis over the Ukrainian “red herring” conflict.

As well, each windmill blade weighs 81,000 pounds and must be replaced after 15 to 20 years of use.  Presently we cannot recycle used blades; they must be discarded altogether. Can you imagine the humongous landfills that will be required to bury these “green” monsters? Indeed, they might be larger than those necessary to bury the huge batteries used by EVs!

We can expect that once the Great Reset is in place and the New World Order is smoothly moving forward (and leaving the rest of us behind in slavery and poverty), all of these Green concerns will cease to be and the EVs and windmills abandoned because they are too costly and too stupid. Remember, once the NWO is in place, they won’t need the thugs of Antifa and BLM or the environmental loons who press for moving civilization back to the age of the Flintstones. As that will be the case, the MSM will also move on and, if the issue is again brought up by a few dumb diehards, they will be just as good at covering up the lies and deceits of the left when that happens as they were when the issue was still politically useful.

© 2022 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Sidney Secular:

Redress of Grievances

By Paul Engel

April 30, 2022

  • What is a redress of grievance and why must it be protected?
  • Can Congress or the courts grant immunity to companies, agencies, or individuals?
  • What can the American people do to protect your right to petition government for a redress of grievance?

The First Amendment prohibits Congress from passing laws that abridge your right to petition the government for a redress of grievance. Yet not only has Congress ignored that restriction on their actions, but the federal courts have piled on as well. Today, I will look at what the right to petition means, how that has been violated, and what the American people can do about it.

The Right to Petition

The right to petition, at its core, is pretty simple.

PETITION, verb transitive To make a request to; to ask from; to solicit; particularly, to make supplication to a superior for some favor or right;

Petition: Webster 1828 Dictionary

You have a right to request your governments for a redress of a grievance, to correct some wrong. This can be in the form of petitioning your representatives or seeking redress in a court of law. To understand both the breadth and importance of the right to petition, we must first delve into the concept of sovereign immunity.

Sovereign Immunity

Sovereign immunity is a judicial doctrine that prevents the government or its political subdivisions, departments, and agencies from being sued without its consent. The doctrine stems from the ancient English principle that the monarch can do no wrong.

West’s Encyclopedia of American Law, edition 2. S.v. “sovereign immunity.”

The doctrine of sovereign immunity places those in government above the law by protecting them from lawsuit simply because they are, or work for, some government agency. The concept of, or at least the abuse of, sovereign immunity was one of the grievances given when the colonies declared independence.

For protecting [the military], by a mock Trial, from punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States:

Declaration of Independence

Granted, it was grievance number fifteen out of twenty seven, but it’s there. The First Amendment included protecting this right to petition, but why? Because the principle of sovereign immunity is based on the principal that the sovereign cannot be wrong. In the United States of America though, no one is supposed to be above the law.

The Eleventh Amendment is often used as an example of the states having sovereign immunity. However, this amendment did not prevent the citizens of one state from suing another state, only from doing so in federal court.

The Judicial power of the United States shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity, commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by Citizens of another State, or by Citizens or Subjects of any Foreign State.

U.S. Constitution, Amendment XI

No where in the Constitution have I found a clause that would protect governments or government actors from being sued or prosecuted for any crimes they may commit. Even Article I, Section 6, does not grant sovereign immunity to members of Congress:

The Senators and Representatives … shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony and Breach of the Peace, be privileged from Arrest during their Attendance at the Session of their respective Houses, and in going to and returning from the same; and for any Speech or Debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other Place.

U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 6, Clause 1

Members of Congress may still be arrested while in session for certain serious crimes such as treason or felonies, and there’s not a protection from arrest when they are not attending or going to or from their respective houses. This protection from arrest while working for the government is not granted to any employee of Congress or to any other branch of government. Courts, on the other hand, have been more than happy to grant this illegal protection to government employees, to the detriment of the people and the very concept of justice. Which leads us to the Supreme Court case Bivens v. Six Unknown Fed. Narcotics Agents


When studying the current jurisprudence regarding sovereign immunity in the federal courts, the most common case cited is simply referred to as “Bivens“. In this case, Webster Bivens made the following complaint.

Petitioners complaint alleged that respondent agents of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, acting under color of federal authority, made a warrantless entry of his apartment, searched the apartment, and arrested him on narcotics charges. All of the acts were alleged to have been done without probable cause. Petitioners suit to recover damages from the agents was dismissed by the District Court on the alternative grounds (1) that it failed to state a federal cause of action and (2) that respondents were immune from suit by virtue of their official position. The Court of Appeals affirmed on the first ground alone.

Bivens v. Six Unknown Fed. Narcotics Agents, 403 U.S. 388 (1971)

The District Court dismissed the case for two reasons. First, that it failed to show a federal cause of action (right to seek judicial redress), and second, as federal agents, the respondents were entitled to sovereign immunity. The Court of Appeals agreed with the District court on the question of cause of action, but ignored the question of sovereign immunity. Since the Court of Appeals ignored the sovereign immunity question, so did the Supreme Court of the United States.

Having concluded that petitioners complaint states a cause of action under the Fourth Amendment, we hold that petitioner is entitled to recover money damages for any injuries he has suffered as a result of the agentsviolation of the Amendment. …

In addition to holding that petitioners complaint had failed to state facts making out a cause of action, the District Court ruled that, in any event, respondents were immune from liability by virtue of their official position. This question was not passed upon by the Court of Appeals, and accordingly we do not consider it here. The judgment of the Court of Appeals is reversed, and the case is remanded for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.

Bivens v. Six Unknown Fed. Narcotics Agents, 403 U.S. 388 (1971)

So while both the Court of Appeals and the Supreme Court did not deal with the question of immunity, it was ultimately decided that, since Mr. Bivens did have a cause of action, he could sue for damages. Since the question of immunity was ignored by these courts, it has not only survived, but been modified by two interesting court cases.

Butz v. Economou & Nixon v. Fitzgerald

In his case, Economou sued federal officials after claiming that the Department of Agriculture instituted illegal proceeding against him, violating several of his constitutionally protected rights. Both the District Court and the Supreme Court agreed that while federal officers are not entitled to absolute immunity, they are entitled qualified immunity.

In the United States, qualified immunity is a legal principle that grants government officials performing discretionary functions immunity from civil suits unless the plaintiff shows that the official violated clearly established statutory or constitutional rights of which a reasonable person would have known”.

Qualified Immunity- The Free Legal Dictionary

In the Nixon v. Fitzgerald case, Mr. Fitzgerald lost his job as a management analyst with the Department of the Air Force after testifying before a congressional subcommittee. Mr. Fitzgerald filed a complaint with the Civil Service Commission, which was rejected. Mr. Fitzgerald then filed suit in federal court against several Department of Defense officials, then amended the complaint to include Richard M. Nixon, who was President of the United States at the time of his termination. The Supreme Court found:

Petitioner, as a former President of the United States, is entitled to absolute immunity from damages liability predicated on his official acts.

Nixon v. Fitzgerald

The court went on to explain that while there is no blanket recognition of absolute immunity for federal officials, certain officials (such as judges and prosecutors), required an absolute exemption for liability. Meaning, that while these officials did not have absolute immunity for their actions, they did have immunity from federal lawsuits. Furthermore, the court noted that, due to separation of powers, the President had absolute immunity due to his office. The court also noted that absolute immunity was limited to his actions within the duties of his office, and that there were other mechanisms, such as impeachment, to redress Presidential misconduct.

One thing to remember is that these cases deal with immunity from civil suit, not criminal prosecution, and only for actions taken within the boundaries of their official duties. But what happens when Congress flagrantly violates your right to petition the government for a redress of grievance?

The Public Readiness AND Emergency Preparedness (PREP) ACT

Of the many illegal acts committed by governments at all levels in response to COVID-19, one of the most egregious was Congress’ attempt to abridge your right to petition your government for a redress of grievance, at least when it came to the question of vaccinations.

Subject to the other provisions of this section, a covered person shall be immune from suit and liability under Federal and State law with respect to all claims for loss caused by, arising out of, relating to, or resulting from the administration to or the use by an individual of a covered countermeasure if a declaration under subsection (b) has been issued with respect to such countermeasure.

42 USC § 247-6d – Targeted liability protections for pandemic and epidemic products and security countermeasures

In English, those who manufacture and administer certain “covered countermeasures” were immune from lawsuits. If you are injured by one of these products (say an mRNA vaccine designed to prevent the spread of COVID-19), you could not sue the manufacturer, the employer who coerced you into taking the shot, or the person who failed to inform you of the possible side effects. Even though it’s against both federal law and medical ethics to use coercion, failure to inform the recipient of possible side effects and of the fact that they can decline the treatment, in an attempt to get someone to take a product released under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), Congress claims to have given those involved blanket immunity for their criminal acts. Or have they?

Congress shall make no law … abridging … the right of the people … to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

U.S. Constitution – Amendment I

Congress is forbidden from making a law that abridges your right to petition the government for a redress of grievance. That means that §247-6d of the PREP ACT is repugnant to the Constitution. And according to the Supreme Court of the United States, that means this law is void.

Certainly all those who have framed written Constitutions contemplate them as forming the fundamental and paramount law of the nation, and consequently the theory of every such government must be that an act of the Legislature repugnant to the Constitution is void.

Marbury v. Madison Opinion


So what does this mean to all those who have been injured, either by these vaccines or the coercion to participate in a medical experiment, and believe they have no redress? For one thing, it shows the importance of John Jay’s admonition:

Every member of the State ought diligently to read and to study the constitution of his country, and teach the rising generation to be free. By knowing their rights, they will sooner perceive when they are violated, and be the better prepared to defend and assert them.

John Jay, First Chief Justice of the supreme Court of the United States

By knowing our rights, we can see this act of Congress is legally meaningless. It’s another tool we can bring to bear if and when we exercise our right and seek the redress that Congress wishes to deny us. It’s the preparation to both defend our rights and assert them, when those in government wish to deny them to us. Whether that person be in Congress, the President, a judge, or an agent of government, we need to not only know what our rights are, but how we can defend them.

If we wish to be citizens in a free republic, then we must stand with those who have been charged with defending our rights, instead of trampling on them. Unless you wish to live as a subject of a tyrannical government, one which acts as if those who work for it cannot be wrong, then we must join together to assist those who have been both injured by these drugs and denied their right to petition for a redress of their grievance. Congress, the President, and indeed governments and employers at all levels have broken the law. Who will be the first to pick up the sacred fire of liberty and make a stand? How many of us will stand with them?

© 2022 Paul Engel – All Rights Reserved

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John Locke Foundation Supports ERIC! “Clueless” is the Nicest Thing I Can Say…

April 30, 2022

The conservative John Locke Foundation published an article on

April 13, 2022, advocating that North Carolina join ERIC, the Electronic Registration Information Center, aka, the voter fraud machine.  Are they clueless or have they been bought?

From all else I have read or know of the NC conservative think tank, I will have to choose “clueless”.  For now.  In their efforts to support election integrity, the JLF Dir. Of Civitas, Center for Public Integrity, Dr. Andy Jackson, published a piece about Mark Meadows, the former Trump administration official.  Meadows, a resident of NC, was registered to vote in NC (in two different counties)  and in Virginia. [Link]  He had last voted in Virginia in 2021, while retaining his legal residency in NC as permitted by law.

Meadows last voted in NC in 2020, at his Macon County address.  He had another address of registration in NC, where he had never been known to have lived – OR VOTED.  These kinds of duplications/ineligibile registrations should have been purged by the state before it became news.  I totally agree with JLF here.

So should have the hundreds of thousands of fraudulent registrations that have been found in states like Wisconsin, Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Michigan alike. “Based on his 15-month study of election practices in Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Texas and Michigan, cyber expert Greg Phillips estimates that at least 4.8 million votes were trafficked nationally.” [Link]  YES!  WE need voter roll integrity! I couldn’t agree more.

This particular instance of “voter fraud”, however, concerning big bad Mark Meadows, is laughable in the extreme, and utterly nauseating when viewed in context of the larger national voter fraud picture.  Remember, though, the Left’s need to divert attention from Biden and his messes:  the infamous laptop: his Ukraine connections; his failures in Afghanistan; the severe inflation and supply line crises caused by his bad actions, etc.  So…let’s think as a Lefty!  Let’s make a mountain out of a grain of sand and hope it will help.

Gee. . . .  Mark Meadows, that former Trump staffer is registered to vote in more than one place!!!  Grrrr….  The little creatures with the long fangs and small brains (aka, the main stream media) are lunging to the attack. “Prosecute him” demands Claire McCaskill, dancing the leftist jig for MSNBC; “send him to jail”!  Similar reports have popped up in the NY Times, the HuffPo, etc., ad nauseum.  Ad usual, I might add.

The amount of publicity being received by Meadow’s voter registration, from the usual media lemmings, is SO obviously more MSM scum, that I would think that an organization of the caliber of The John Locke Foundation would see right through it.

Meadows has been under attack by the  Jan. 6 committee since he refused to appear at their command.  They demand that he be charged with contempt.  With all the Lefties who have refused appearances at the request of the Right, this McCaskill dance looks all the more ridiculous.

There is a lot of venom (snake and otherwise) circulating in Leftist circles, aimed at anyone who dare question their scams.  Mark Meadows did so, thus exposing himself to every possible attack the dirt bags can dig up.  So, they hit on his voter registration records.  Have they NO self-awareness??  McCaskill has slathered yet MORE icing on the cake of ridiculous Leftist hypocrisy by demanding Meadows be prosecuted and put in jail.  LOL, is all I can say!


I do agree with Locke’s man, Dr. Andy Jackson.  Voter rolls are in desperate need of purging and maintenance.   Inaccurate voter lists are the fertile soil from which election fraud is grown.  We ALL must work to secure the ballot, and do so before the November, 2022, midterms.  IN EVERY STATE.  If we cannot secure our ballots so that they accurately reflect the choices of EACH voter – left or right – we will have lost our Republic and our precious freedoms granted by its founding documents.

The ERIC system – organized and developed by one David Becker with a Soros grant to the Pew Charitable Trust – is NOT the solution.  In real fact, ERIC is the problem.  Becker himself, a former DOJ employee fired in 2005 for his overt anti-Conservative actions, is still on the ERIC board of directors, along with the chief election official of all member states.  I refer you to [Link].  Read that and ask  yourself if this man designed an honest system.

Here is the ERIC construct for fraud.  ERIC takes all voter records from each member state – including records of illegal aliens, green card and ID card holders and under-aged driver and work permit applicants.  Their by-laws mandate that these be sent to its massive AI system computers every 60 days, where they are merged with USPS addresses and Social Security death records from the state.  THIS IS HOW THE FRAUD OCCURS, BLATANTLY, BY ERIC MANDATE. >>> Once the names of illegal aliens, undocumented workers, green card holders and under-aged youth are mixed in, there is no separating them.

Too, the ERIC system has no direct mandate for removal of those who have moved or died.  The lists provided for members’ use are (from their website,  voters who have moved within the state; voters who have moved to another ERIC state; voters who have duplicate registrations within the ERIC state; and voters who have died.  What about people moving to a state that is NOT an ERIC state?  Where are the lists of ineligible voters??  See [Link] or my article , “Dissecting the Beast” on,, or for more detail.

All of the information published on national websites has been met with full denial by ERIC’s leaders.  So what?  My position is that, if the ERIC constructs as spelled out on their own website, – are not doing as stated above, then prove it.  Show the mandates for members which require culling.  Show where green card and ID card holders never reach the lists. So far, that has not happened.  ERIC did add to its FAQ’s however, in response to an expose. While still not proving that culling is a mandate, FAQ #15 now says that members must obey the NVRA (National Voter Registration Act of 1993) which requires annual roll maintenance.

(The NVRA ALSO requires that “Each state must include a voter registration form as part of an application for a state driver’s license and any application for renewal”.  Two ERIC states, Wisconsin and Minnesota, are exempt from the mandates of the NVRA, because they either had no voter registration requirements or had election-day registration at polling places with respect to federal elections”.  This, taken from the official US government website for the NVRA.)

So what?  Is culling a requirement for membership?  NO.  All 30 ERIC states have rolls that are polluted with ineligible voters (except maybe AL, who does post some numbers of registrations removed on its website).  It is in those 30 ERIC states that the vast majority of proven voter fraud occurred!  This is no coincidence, but rather, proof that ERIC is NOT the system we need to save our election integrity.


I have read some puny argument in support of ERIC which says that, because states are required to maintain their rolls by federal law, they might as well be a part of ERIC. (?) It’s ‘harder than you’d think’ to develop accurate systems.  So, just give over all your voter integrity to a construct like the ERIC because it is easier that way?  Election officials of the member states are already accustomed to working with ERIC, so let it roll.  REALLY???  This is incredible, especially coming from anyone who believes in election integrity.

The recommendation of the John Locke Foundation that North Carolina JOIN this corrupted system is shocking.  How can a conservative group of the reputation of the JLF miss all of this?  Tagging them as “clueless” is my most accurate assessment for the moment.  I really want to believe better of them, as I know millions of their supporters do.

I believe we should join together to develop strong honest systems to watch over our precious rights.  Data management is a prevalent skill set today, especially in government. There are enough smart  people of integrity to design and develop accurate and secure  – and even less expensive – voter roll maintenance systems, without having to rely on a flawed and dangerous system like ERIC.

If the informed consumer of news is aware of the potential for fraud in the ERIC constructs, how can the John Locke Foundation NOT be?  I urge them to do further research on ERIC and withdraw their request that the NC legislature provide immediate funds for ERIC.  NOW.  The JLF is better than this latest article.  I sincerely hope.

© 2022 Kat Stansell – All Rights Reserved

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Back to Basics: Freedom? Or Serfdom? The Choice Is Yours

By Steven Yates

April 29, 2022

“Political tags — such as royalist, communist, democrat, populist, fascist, liberal, conservative, and so forth — are never basic criteria. The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire.”  -Robert A. Heinlein, Notebooks of Lazarus Long

As I write this, my copy of Scanned: Why Vaccine Passports and Digital IDs Will Mean the End of Privacy and Personal Freedom (White River Junction, Vt.: Chelsea Green Publishing, 2022) by Nick Corbishley, arrived in yesterday’s mail. I’ve not yet had time to read the whole thing, but what I have read lays out very well the existential threat to our freedoms — the ones that matter, anyway.

Early on, Corbishley explains how the past two years plus have changed the equation, and why believers in freedom will not like the “new normal” if nothing can be done to stop the juggernaut before the window of opportunity closes.

An investigating journalist with a history degree who has written for the European “alt-economics” blog Naked Capitalism among other sites, Corbishley states that his book is for everyone, “vaccinated” or not. His focus is less on the gene-therapy injections and more on what they are being used for.

He warns of a global-scale digital ID grid for which the technology is fast falling into place. He notes (as I and others have done) how the mass hysteria campaign that began in earnest early in 2020 paralyzed critical thought, how constantly changing international travel rules have left people stranded and made others fearful of making any travel plans at all, doubtless part of the intent. Other arbitrary changes have resulted in people being “fully vaccinated” on one day and not “fully vaccinated” on the next.

As for the injections themselves, he reiterates what I and others have also emphasized: they are very different from previous (actual) vaccines. Previous vaccines actually conferred immunity. How many smallpox or MMR “boosters” you have needed, following childhood immunization?

No “vaccines,” moreover, have ever been mandated for (i.e., forced upon) adults by governments or employers before. No previous “vaccines,” once integrated into digital technology, have ever had the potential literally to lock out of the economy those whose choice is to not partake. As we know, refusing covid “vaccines” has already led to mass firings, including of experienced health care professionals at institutions whose official stories are of overwhelm by covid patients—what sense does this make?There are places where, absent a “green pass” (in our area it is called a “mobility pass”) you cannot enter restaurants, clubs, malls, theaters, airports, or in some places (Lithuania is an example) even grocery stores. There are places where the “unvaccinated” see higher health insurance premiums and even the possibility of being refused medical care!

We are well past the “nudges” of what I elsewhere called Stage 3 vaccine “compliance” when countries threaten to lock you out of their economies and health care systems!

Corbishley does not appear willing to venture into speculations about what these things are doing to people’s bodies. But he does make the obvious point that also unlike all traditional vaccines which took five or more years to develop and test for safety and effectiveness, these were rolled out in less than a year, use a new and experimental technology, and were given “emergency use authorization” instead of full approval.

What happens next, now that around 10.8 billion of these shots have been administered worldwide?

Who actually knows?

All we can do is pray that the billions who have received them have not been turned into biochemical time bombs, as part of an elite-driven depopulation campaign.

Some argue that no one they know of has had more than minimal negative effects. I only know of one such person who took the Moderna shots, began feeling ill a couple of weeks later, and died miserably from systemic organ failure after four months of suffering no one could alleviate. His grieving family asked his doctor point blank if the covid shots were responsible. They received an evasive, “We’ll know in a few years.”

If these shots really do turn out to be the prime mover of a mass depopulation effort, there is no category of criminality able to cover it. Crimes against humanity doesn’t do it. If, say, five billion people have had these shots and only 1 percent dies from them, do the math. That’s 50 million people!

The rest are in danger of the kind of “social credit” system that was already being implemented in Communist China, already a full-fledged technocracy operating on a docile population.

The technology able to transform “green passes”or “mobility passes” into global digital ID already exists, and is being furthered apace. Once the global social credit system is in place, your digital ID would be, literally, a license to live in the world. Without it, you would not be able to work, enroll at a university, travel including inside your own country, enter malls and stores, or even receive medical care.Not just your covid “vaccination” records but all your personal records could easily be input and recorded where any bureaucrat or technocrat could access them — will access them to determine whether you should be given or denied specific services.

Your records will include your full name, birth records and parentage, ethnicity and nationality; your full formal education records;your employment history or history of businesses owned;your medical history including all vaccinations and any hereditary genetic issues; transactions which will all be digital once physical cash is eliminated, including any outstanding debt you owe;your driving record including if you own a vehicle;and your history of interactions with the legal system and criminal history (if any).

Finally, and — this is the dangerous one for truth-tellers — your digital ID will incorporate your political party affiliation if any (and none, if that option exists, could be considered a red flag!), and especially any record of statements you’ve made dissenting from official narratives on social media or elsewhere.

This kind of system will doubtless be sold on its convenience.

All your information in one place, perhaps on one card!

No more need for birth certificates, drivers licenses as such, credit cards in the ordinary sense, passports, or other separate forms of ID that can be lost or stolen.

Since the masses love convenience, I don’t think the percentage of refuseniks will be larger than those who have refused the gene-therapy injections.

And I am sure data entry clerks could be trained to work for 25 bucks an hour to locate and input all this information into hundreds of millions of global digital IDs!

Don’t have your shots up to date? Or do you dissent? Your digital ID can be deactivated by remote, for however long the controllers (who might well be AIs!) choose to keep it off.

If you are in a place where a mobility pass can be turned off if you haven’t gotten “your” covid “booster,” you have already lost control over your body and what goes into it!

How did we get here, to the brink of Dystopia?

Back to basics time!

The historical-intellectual tradition I have long identified with began arguably with the Magna Carta, which introduced the idea that the king can’t do just anything he pleases. This document outlined writ of habeas corpus and due process.

That was in 1215. There was no comprehensive theory of rights (to property, etc.) there. We had to wait over 550 years to get to the implementation of a system whose founders consciously sought controls over power with checks and balances. And that system was far from perfect in its ability to maintain itself, as subsequent history shows abundantly.

One of my realizations — I’ve oft repeated it — is that every society contains a minority that is fascinated by power. This minority may be as few as 1 or 2 percent, or it might be more. Fascination with power probably comes in degrees.

Most people just want to take care of loved ones, pursue private goals, and otherwise just live their lives and be left alone. Historically, most populations have only been able to do this inside constraints imposed by the powerful, from pharaohs and kings and Caesars down to modern totalitarian dictators.

Since most people prefer stability to constant change and upheaval, and since tyrannies may afford stability, many populations have adapted to life under brutal tyrannies. Witness North Korea.

But while we of the so-called “free world” have never lived under an overt dictatorship, we have never been as free as most of us like to think.

Public education aimed at the masses was designed back in the late 1800s to condition obedience into children, and prepare them to serve the needs of big business. (Source: John Taylor Gatto, The Underground History of American Educati0n, 2000-01).

The economy was effectively centralized via its financial system in 1913 when Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act.

In a work called America’s Sixty Families published in 1937, Ferdinand Lundberg revealed that even then, the U.S. was essentially a plutocratic oligarchy passing itself off as a democracy. By this time, mass media (then consisting of newspapers and weeklies) was largely controlled by the oligarchs.

They doubtless found establishing control over major institutions surprisingly easy. For most people either do not care about freedom or do not really want it, no matter how much they have been conditioned to say they do. In the early 1920s in his muckraking classic Notes on Democracy, H.L. Mencken wrote:

The truth is that the common man’s love of liberty, like his love of sense, justice and truth, is almost wholly imaginary. As I have argued, he is not actually happy when free; he is uncomfortable, a bit alarmed, and intolerably lonely. He longs for the warm, reassuring smell of the herd, and is willing to take the herdsman with it. Liberty is not a thing for such as he. He cannot enjoy it rationally himself, and he can think of it in others only as something to be taken away from them. It is, when it becomes a reality, the exclusive possession of a small and disreputable minority of men, like knowledge, courage and honour. A special sort of man is needed to understand it, nay, to stand it — and he is inevitably an outlaw in democratic societies. The average man doesn’t want to be free. He simply wants to be safe.

I think we take the capacities for choice we have had too much for granted. Americans have been subject to “nudges” for generations but never lived under an overt dictatorship. The question before us, in that case: are we so adaptable, so prone to accepting restrictions on our freedoms (and the end of our privacy) in the name of convenience, or sufficiently vulnerable to media-induced hysteria that we are willing to allow our former health choices to be dictated by technocrats?

The result would be covert tyranny without visible tyrants, a techno-feudal serfdom of the digital system itself that would have shocked both Huxley and Orwell with its comprehensiveness.

The absolutely stupidest reaction to this, which I keep seeing on mainstream sites, is to call this a “baseless conspiracy theory”!

Are those QR codes you are now seeing everywhere hallucinations! Where we live, even restaurant menus have largely disappeared! You can only access the menu through its QR code on your smartphone! That’s only the beginning of the all-encompassing digital control grid being constructed all around us, using the most advanced information technology in human history!

Perhaps more people will believe me when venders start refusing to take cash, apologetically telling consumers they have to either pay for goods and services including rent and utilities exclusively with credit cards (or as they will likely be called, “smart cards”) or online. They will be required to do this.

Do we want freedom, or serfdom?

Those for whom freedom is a core value need to start standing up and saying so, loudly, and in sufficient numbers to make a difference (my writing these articles is definitely not good enough). That means rediscovering, or perhaps discovering for the first time, freedom’s preconditions: responsibility and sufficient real education to take care of oneself, and the character to deal consistently with others honestly and with empathy.

Otherwise, our planetary near-future definitely will be digital serfdom in the techno-feudalist system being constructed piece by piece. Expect it to be completed by 2030, which means that much of it will be in place long before then. You will own nothing, have no privacy, but be happy—or so the World Economic Forum (is its existence a mere “theory”?) assures you. Our efforts to have placed checks on power will have failed, and no one reading this will live long enough to see them come back, if that can even happen on a societal scale. In the meantime, you will not even be able to control what is done to your own body in the name of “health” and technocratic “progress.”

Steven Yates’s new book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory (Wipf and Stock, 2021) is available here and here.

Steven Yates blogs at Lost Generation Philosopher, and has begun writing a philosophy course centered on freedom, its preconditions, and the choices a person must make in order to have it.

Do you wish me to continue? Please consider supporting my work on

© 2022 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

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Too Stupid to Remain FREE

By Lex Greene

April 29, 2022

I have been thinking this for decades and discussing it in private with fellow freedom fighters for years, but we have finally reached that moment in history when I just have to publicly call it as I see it.

“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.” – Thomas Jefferson

With great sadness, I have concluded, based on many years of research, and works, beating my head against the wall with know-nothing know-it-alls, that the vast majority of American citizens are just too stupid to remain free today. Unlike our nations Founders, or our Greatest Generations, current U.S. generations are simply no longer suited for freedom and liberty.

I know, it’s politically incorrect to use the term “stupid.” But as I explained to my kids as they were growing up, ignorance is the absence of information and knowledge. Stupidity is when you know better but do it anyway!

This doesn’t apply to everyone today, just most. But if the shoe fits, kick yourself with it! I won’t waste time with the laundry list of examples readily available. If you can’t figure this out with just a few key examples, then the shoe does indeed fit.

EXAMPLE #1 – 14-years ago now, a young nobody from nowhere with a totally blank resume’ and without so much as a legitimate USA birth certificate was carefully groomed and installed as the “first black president of the USA,” and openly set out to “fundamentally transform America.” Never mind that according to his checkered history, he was birthed half white, with an official Kenyan birth record, and has used a few different aliases throughout his life. To this day, most Americans still don’t know the truth about him, and none of the people who do know the truth have ever lifted a finger to prevent the Oval Office from being occupied by an unknown foreign agent. Any foreign agent can occupy the office as a result.


EXAMPLE #2 – The COVID19 Great Global Reset was carefully plotted well in advance and executed with great precision, to create a “national emergency,” the means by which our criminally corrupt federal government could test (or prove) just how easy it is to frighten and threaten American citizens into self-isolation and self-destruction, voluntarily giving up every freedom and liberty they had ever known, just because Simon (Fauci) said so! For more than two years now, millions of Americans remain so afraid of catching a cold that they still drive around in their own car with a useless mask on their face, awaiting the next tyrannical order from unelected global oligarchs who told you point blank, that you will soon “own nothing and be happy.” Stupid people still line up for their next so-called “vaccine” even though if any prior “vaccines” had worked, they wouldn’t need more “vaccines.” Face it, this entire event was the means by which to steal the 2020 elections via massive “mail-in” ballot fraud and international computer vote rigging. No COVID means, no national emergency, and therefore no mail-in balloting.

For those too stupid to know I’m speaking truth to you here, have you even figured out that when “you own nothing,” THEY WILL OWN YOU?


EXAMPLE #3–As the 2022 mid-term elections approach, the same people who refuse to see the 2020 fraud or do anything about it, think they are going to win this November, in an election that will undoubtedly be more rotten with fraud than the last. Evidence of the stolen 2020 elections is overwhelming and the only people who can’t see it are people who refuse to see it. As a result, nothing has been done about it and that means that 2022 elections will also be rampant with fraud. The DNC has perfected the art of mass election fraud, and republicans have perfected the art of talking about it, without ever doing anything about it.


In a previous column, I discuss how every living American has lived under a steady diet of lies from their government, their entire lives. I referred to it as Death by a Thousand Lies. Because modern Americans have been raised and still live under a constant flood of lies their entire lives, the vast majority find it much easier to buy lies than to find truth, especially in a “cancel culture” where the truth is not allowed to see the light of day.

Fact is a vast majority of Americans have never even read the Charters of Freedom. In fact, most don’t even know what the Charters of Freedom are. Most who have read these documents, can’t even properly interpret the words that appear in our Charters of Freedom. If they could, they would know better than to fall for the Convention of States scam that has taken in huge sums of money to lead people to a different form of national suicide.

But the two most dangerous lies today are the Climate Change hoax and the COVID19 scamdemic. The Climate Change hoax is designed to get unwitting citizens to go-along with killing innocent people to save mother earth. And the COVID19 scamdemic is designed to gain total control over populations through constant fearmongering, causing the average idiot to go-along to get-along, all the way to their death.

Both have been used to steal elections and they will be used to steal elections again and again. 2022 will be no different at present. But frankly, our electorate is so dumbed-down and disengaged at this point that cheating may not even be necessary in the future.

Fox News is reporting WASHINGTON, D.C. – Georgetown University college students told Fox News COVID-19 and climate change are their top priorities headed into the midterm elections. (HERE) The two most dangerous lies on earth today, are the main focus points of the upcoming election for the college indoctrinated voters. Imagine that!

These two blatant lies now motivate more American voters than freedom and liberty do. THAT’S STUPID!

This is the return on your investment in higher-learning for your kids and grand kids. You send smart kids to college for insane tuition rates, and they will send you back some of the dumbest people you ever met in your life. Not only that, but they are also teaching the young that YOU have killed mother earth and YOU are the reason they have to kill people “to save the planet!”

These younger generations are stupid enough to not realize that it is them that must be killed to save the planet. Us old folks will be gone soon enough, of natural causes. It isn’t ourselves we are trying to save by speaking out like I am here, it’s YOU dummy! …the so-called future of our once great nation!

Sure, I know many of you will find this piece “offensive.” You find every truth offensive today. But I can no longer afford to care who is offended by truth, and neither can you!

LAST EXAMPLE OF UTTER STUPIDITY: Right now, the WOKE Marxists in government are once again promising to “forgive all student debt” to the tune of approximately 1.6 trillion. You stupid people need to know, there is no such thing as forgiveness of those debts. Instead, it would be a transfer of those debt obligations, from those who borrowed the money and allegedly benefited from it — to those who didn’t borrow or benefit from it, the taxpayers!

In case no one told you in your high falutin lecture hall, democrats have already driven American taxpayers to more than 30-trillion in government debt, before transferring your 1.6-trillion in student loans to those same taxpayers. Now, again it isn’t ourselves we are trying to save by sharing these tidbits of fact with you, people my age are heading into retirement, and YOU are now the future taxpayers. The bill belongs to YOU now!

As Thomas Jefferson said so wisely a long time ago, “If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.”

If you really want to know how your precious socialism ends, ask the millions currently flooding our southern border illegally to escape it…genius!

Inescapable Rule #1 for idiots – Nothing on earth is free, nothing!

Rule #2 – In the end, FREE stuff will cost you everything!

To be clear, any nation too stupid to be FREE, won’t be!

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Remembering Roger Fredinburg

By Kelleigh Nelson

April 29, 2022

The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way. Psalm 37:23

And I will delight myself in thy commandments, which I have loved.  My hands also will I lift up unto thy commandments, which I have loved; and I will meditate in thy statutes.Psalm 119:47-48

Roger Fredinburg was my friend, my former boss, and my dear brother in Christ. He was born on October 1, 1960 and passed into glory at 2:00 a.m. on April 19th.   Heaven rejoices, and those of us who knew and loved Roger, mourn our loss, but know we will see him again.

Please keep Roger’s wife Anne, their children and the rest of their family and friends in your prayers as they go through this time of grief and loss.

Certainly, the Lord loved Roger, who called himself the “Regular Guy,” when he hosted his three-hour nationally syndicated radio program for over a decade.  Truly, this man was not a just regular guy, but someone so special, that the Lord blessed him with the ability to empathize and understand, to laugh and to weep and to care so much about his fellow man, especially those he interviewed night after night.

Most of Roger’s guests were political, but there was a time in 1997-1998, where his sensitivity and dedication were evident most when he took on a series entitled, The Holocaust, We Must Remember.  Every Wednesday night for 21 weeks, he interviewed survivors, resistance fighters, historians, and so many more.

The unconditional Abrahamic Covenant to Israel states in Genesis 12:1-3 that those who bless Israel will be blessed, and those who curse her will be cursed.  As Roger told me many times, the best radio he ever did, and loved, was the series on the Holocaust. And the Lord greatly blessed him.

I remember it well, because as Roger’s Executive Producer, I had asked him if we could do this program.  His answer was a resounding YES!  Roger has little patience with anti-Semites, and he always loved his Jewish brethren.  The music he chose for Wednesday nights was perfect, and his warmth and gentleness during the interviews made every program even more beneficial to the audience.

My friend Chey Simonton helped me locate and schedule wonderful guests and we opened the program with Dr. Michael Berenbaum who was Project Director of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington DC.  Dr. Berenbaum took us on a verbal walk through describing the contents of the museum’s many floors.

Here is a portion of what Roger wrote on the Holocaust website about the series. The website is no longer functionable, but Roger’s letter and the many guests are still listed.

I knew talk radio and I knew of anti-Semitism in many groups in America. I felt that if we could show the truth of what happened in WWII, perhaps we could change the attitudes of some of these people with their false beliefs.  I also wanted the opportunity to bless the Jews and Israel as the Bible clearly states we are to do. 

The program to me held both emotional and spiritual revelations.  Several times I almost broke down when listening to their stories as I could hear the deep hurt and pain in their voices.  When dear Dorit Bader-Whiteman told of the children who escaped prior to the “final solution,” and of parents sending their children with strangers to save them, I couldn’t imagine the pain of both parents and youngsters being separated. 

When Samuel Oliner told of his being protected as a young Jewish boy in hiding to save his life and a WWII vet called in to tell of liberating a camp Samuel was speaking about, the WWII veteran started weeping on air.  It was heart wrenching. 

Of course, hearing Henry Feingold talk about his book, “Bearing Witness,” and his very clear take on how it could possibly happen again awakened a sense of the profound evil that perpetrated these horrors on humanity.

How many people have actually had an opportunity to sit down with survivors of the Holocaust?  I kept asking myself, “Where was God?”  And I kept thinking, “Why God?” I had a lot lower opinion of people as well as a much higher opinion of those that suffered.  Their strong spirit and their ability to hold on to their dignity gave me an increased understanding of these amazing people.  Of all my years in radio, I consider this program to be the best I’ve accomplished.  We offer here both the original interviews and the transcripts of same so others may come to understand the horrors and evil that overtook the Jews of Europe in WWII.  Once again, I thank every guest and hope that you’ll find a deeper understanding of what they suffered and survived.

Roger’s radio station received dozens of requests from universities and colleges across the country for the tapes.  Even Steven Spielberg’s Shoah Foundation requested the tapes, and Mr. Spielberg called Roger and thanked him for the series.

Over the years, Roger and I stayed in touch via email and phone.  This wonderful Godly man was only with us for 62 years, but he made a lasting impression on everyone he touched.

Today, April 29th, 2022 his friends and family will meet to honor Roger in a celebration of his life.

Surely when he entered heaven’s gates, the Lord said to him, “Well done good and faithful servant.”

Rest in peace dear Roger, you will forever be missed.

© 2022 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson:

Who Is John Galt? Why, It’s Elon Musk of the 21st Century

By Frosty Wooldridge

April 28, 2022

Back in the 1950’s, Ayn Rand wrote a book that took the literary world by storm: Atlas Shrugged.  It followed her blockbuster book, The Fountain head.  Two copies still grace my personal library.

If you read the book in your teens or early twenties, you didn’t quite grasp the theme or the significance of Rand’s compelling story about the quest for power.  Reading those books in your forties, you understood all of her themes because you saw them playing out across America’s political landscape.  Do you remember Dagny Taggert? Hell of a woman!

For the past two decades, CEO’s of social media like Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, and other heads of Twitter, LinkedIn and others enjoyed the ability to censor anyone they wanted in order to sway national elections.  You cannot imagine the money that changed hands to create bias against some candidates while supporting others.

It’s been said many times that if you tell a lie long enough, people will perceive it as the truth.  Some of the longest running liars in Congress have been Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, the late John McCain, Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson, Tracey Abrahams, and the biggest and longest running liar—Joe Biden.

Who protects them?  The New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, NBC, CBS, ABC, NPR and PBS.  You cannot help but notice that all of them have cheated, lied, and stolen from the U.S. taxpayer. They started and supported wars that killed hundreds of thousands of our innocent young men and women.  Whether it was “insider trading” on defense contracts on 20-year wars or allowing America’s borders to be invaded while employers enjoyed the fruits of illegal labor—it’s all on Congress, and it’s all on our presidents over the past 40 years.

Among the media giants, Zuckerberg created his “community standards” whereby you cannot write anything on Facebook that goes against his political bias. Same with Twitter.  They demand complete compliance of citizens.  Everything they’ve done over the past two decades runs counter to the 1st Amendment and free speech.

If you want that type of society, move to China, North Korea, Russia or Columbia.  Putin arrested and jailed over 2,000 war protesters when he invaded Ukraine.  That put a stop to any more protesters.  If you lived in North Korea, you couldn’t breathe sideways against that little dictator because he would have you shot or poisoned at dawn.

For certain, free speech makes for a messy conversation across America.  But the fact remains, we need every idea, every counter argument, every opinion, and every voice in order to come to a sensible and reasonable understanding of a problem, challenge or event.  We need critical thinking.  You cannot come to intellectual understanding when only one side dominates the discussion.

Enter Elon Musk The Multi-Billionaire of America

In Rand’s book Atlas Shrugged, she featured John Galt, a man who bucked the norm, a man who stood his ground, and a man who made a difference.  In the 21st century, billionaire Elon Musk may be the new John Galt.  It took a pair to buy up radically left-leaning Twitter for $44 billion.

Journalist Allum Bokhari reported, “Restoring free speech on Twitter will be no easy task, even for someone with Musk’s resources. Once the deal is concluded, he will own 100 percent of the company — and yet he will lead a workforce filled with far-left, pro-censorship radicals who will be determined to thwart his agenda. It conjures memories of Donald Trump winning the Presidency in 2016, only to find himself saddled with a bureaucracy determined to undermine his agenda at every turn.”

Bokhari continued, “The Great Unbanning: The most obvious point is saved for last, yet unbanning people, like every other step on the road to restoring free speech on Twitter, will be no straightforward task. While the more prominent victims of Twitter censorship, like Donald Trump, will be easy to identify, there are thousands upon thousands of smaller accounts that have been banned for bogus reasons and will also need to be restored.”

It matters little whether you like Trump or not. We as a people, and as a country, must maintain our rights to express ourselves in the marketplace of ideas, FB, Twitter, et al.

Musk said, “Free speech is the bedrock of a functioning democracy, and Twitter is the digital town square where matters vital to the future of humanity are debated.”

If you’ve read me for the last 30 years, you know that I speak to the fact that America is being overwhelmed, overrun and invaded by massive legal and illegal immigration.  It’s a fact on most Americans’ tongues, but everyone fears reprisals of being called ‘racist’, ‘xenophobe’, ‘heartless’, and worse.

But the fact is, we cannot sustain another 100,000,000 people, but those CEO’s of media suppress the topic, and journalists like me.  The Southern Poverty Law Center made me their poster boy.  They thought they could silence me.  Well, you cannot silence a man who stands for facts and integrity.  Facts are facts.  Facts are not racist, but the SPLC makes it their right to defame writers like me.  Guess what, I’m still here and I’m still advocating to stop all legal and illegal immigration into our country.  We don’t need another 100 million people by 2050.  Do we?  What will become of us as water, energy and resources suffer exhaustion?  Do you notice none of those big giants speak to this issue?  That CBS special 60 Minutes won’t touch the subject even in the face of accelerating Climate Change, lowered quality of life and horrific environmental consequences. I’ve sent them my three books on America’s overpopulation crisis for the past 20 years, but they ignore me and reality.

So, give me John Galt!  Give me Elon Musk! Like him or not, let me hear from Donald Trump, and average Joe or Mary on the streets of America. We can bring back our country from the dead by dealing with transgender male athletes with facts, not emotions. They’re men, not women.  We don’t need them competing and ruining women’s lives because of some ridiculous emotions for transgenderism. In my opinion, it’s a mental illness.  We can call math what it is: mathematics.  If you don’t do your homework, you can’t call math  ‘racist’.  Math is precise. You must work the equation until you obtain the answer.  Math doesn’t care what color you skin or origins or tribe.  Black Lives Matter, but we don’t have to allow them to burn down our cities because we’re afraid to arrest them.  All lives matter!  So, there!  Critical Race Theory?  What a bunch of crap. It’s divisive, it’s cruel, and it makes whites villains and blacks victims.  Nobody wants that in America. You must not, you cannot teach our children to hate or blame one another for the color of their skin. There, I said it.

Let’s get back to common sense, common community, exchange of ideas, term limits, not teaching 3rd graders about sex, and, let’s deal with our challenges with conversation and action. Elon Musk, thank you for being the John Galt of the 21st century.

Is anyone in America thinking about these questions?  Are we not galloping into America’s twilight years?

If you would like a free electronic copy of this book, please email me with your email address and I will send it to you.  Every American with children or any American who will live in this country in 2050, needs to understand what they face.

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121.

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

This video will scare the daylights out of every American as to what’s coming to our country, US Citizenship Act 2021 by Joe Biden.

If you want to see two documentaries that give visual proof of my book’s contents, go to Netflix, and type in “Cowspiracy” that shows you the damage to the air, land and water.  Watch “Seaspiracy” to see how humans are destroying the oceans.

We need a total termination of all immigration for the next 20 years. These two organizations are the only ones to advocate for a 20 year moratorium on all immigration. Take action: and

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Are We Winning?

By Lee Duigon

April 28, 2022

With Elon Musk buying Twitter and taking it over, and vowing to restore free speech to that dark corner of the social media, leftids are screaming bloody murder. Why, he might suppress nooze stories! (Please try not to remember that they were the ones who suppressed the Hunter Biden laptop story.) He might favor some political candidates at the expense of others! (Holy cow—really?) We have wailing and gnashing of teeth, and rending of garments.

Since even before the advent of King COVID, Far Left Crazy went into overdrive. One cannot help but wonder if they’re giving in to panic, and pushing their crazy policies as if they have only a short time left in which to impose them on the country. Is there a sense of desperation in the air? A sense of time running out? Like they can feel America slipping through their fingers, just when they thought they had it all sewn up?

So Musk buys Twitter. Lots of screaming and cursing. Rats fleeing the sinking ship. But it’s not the only thing that’s scared them silly. There’s more, much more.

“Libs of TikTok”—before the Left could shut it down—exposing a host of freaky weird public school “teachers” bragging about how they talk sex in their elementary school classrooms: and some of them have been suspended, they’re out. A judge blocks The Regime’s plan to lift “Title 42” and open our country’s borders for an even bigger surge of illegal immigrants, many of them diseased.

Secret “transition closets” in schools all over the country, encouraging children to “change their gender” while keeping it a secret from their parents—exposed! The mighty Disney Corp smacked down by the state of Florida, after having defied a new state law against grooming children for sex. And CNN+ canceled before it lasted a month.

Exxon bans Black Lives Matter and “Pride” flags being flown outside their offices. And look at that—one state after another banning the teaching of Critical Race Theory (all white people are congenital racists, and all non-whites helplessly “oppressed”) in their public schools, and parents thronging school board meetings to demand an end to various abuses labeled “education”—despite The Regime’s Justice Dept. branding them as “terrorists.”

That’s an awful lot of pushback; and more could be added to the list. There’s almost too much to keep track of.

What does it mean?

Are we winning, and don’t yet know it?

Every bit of this Far Left Crazy country-wrecking has the blessing and support of the Democrat Party… and come November, we’ll have our midterm elections. Barring cheating, always a concern, it looks like the whole smorgasbord of rampant inflation, COVID lockdowns, insane spending, a ruptured border, city crime rates shooting through the ceiling, blatant race hustling, etc., etc., will result in an epic defeat of the Democrats.

This is our generation’s Yorktown. Either we win and save our republic, and put the whole Woke misenterprise out of business, or they win and put America out of business. I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that the voters of America are the only thing that stands between liberty and a disastrous attempt to set up a global government. If we fall, who will stand?

How much of the Far Left’s armor of lies can Elon Musk tear off Twitter? They’re already howling about their leading commenters losing thousands of followers each, forgetting that a vast number of those followers aren’t real people but only robots, plugged in to make the Far Left look much more popular and powerful than it really is. What kind of example will this set?

If God is good to us, and we are good to God, we may live to see the whole Woke-globalist behemoth go belly-up and die.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and stop in for a visit (sorry, no bots allowed). My articles can also be found at .

© 2022 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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