The Gospel of Climate Change – Is Smart Growth Racist?

By Tom DeWeese

In the 1990s, religion became the center of attention for the radical green movement with the establishment of the National Religious Partnership for the Environment (NRPE). Now, worshiping the creation instead of the creator would be the root of religion united throughout the world. After all, Christianity was the root of western culture and had to be eliminated if we were going to save the environment.

For the past three decades the NRPE, which operates out of a United Nations-sanctioned Non-governmental organization (NGO) called the Temple of Understanding,  has been the driving force behind the assault on Christianity. The Partnership is a formal agreement among four of the nation’s largest religious organizations, including the U.S. Catholic Conference, National Council of Churches, Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life, and the Evangelical Environmental Network. In addition, The Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) holds a special “consultative” relationship with the Partnership. Funding comes from (among others) Pew Charitable Trusts, Stephen C. Rockefeller, and W. Alton Jones Foundation.

The former Executive Director of the Partnership, Paul Gorman, said, “…how people of faith engage the environment crisis will have much to do with the future well-being of the planet, and in all likelihood, with the future of religious life as well.

Today, NRPE’s efforts to impose its pagan framework into religious doctrine finds an overwhelming number of Christian churches accepting and promoting the Left’s radical WOKE propaganda agenda designed to promote victimhood and divide the races through the lie of environmental racism.

One of the most recent examples of misguided messaging pouring out of the new Christianity comes from a so-called “Adult Education Curriculum” produced by the National Council of Churches entitled, African Americans and Climate Change, and is listed under their category of “Eco-Justice.”  The policy taught in the program is directly related to the Biden Infrastructure plan designed to destroy private property ownership and control. Why? Because it’s racist, of course!   

This new curriculum document includes instruction for organizing and hosting sessions for facilitating the pre-selected conclusion with Black church members that “African Americans are disproportionately impacted by climate change.” The class is first asked to write on a piece of paper this statement: African Americans in particular should be concerned about the issue of climate change.  Then the are to put an X next to either Strongly Agree or Strongly Disagree. Then the facilitator is instructed to host a discussion where each participant’s opinion is now – at the start of the class. That’s how the facilitation setup works – know who’s with you and who isn’t.

Next are a series of statements to be asked, with each participant answering whether they are true or false. Interestingly, the teaching document for the facilitator provides the correct answer – according to the doctrine. The statements include the usual positions on how climate change is the release of carbon dioxide and how 90% of all scientists agree it’s all caused by man. Each answer to these statements is marked true.

Then there are statements (with their predetermined answers) like these: Climate Change has a direct impact on ministry in our churches (true); Climate change does not impact the cost of housing (false); Unemployment and economic hardship associated with climate change will fall most heavily on the African American community (true); There is a direct connection between social justice, economic justice, and climate change (true).

Once the setup is established, there follows an intense discussion on all the usual climate change propaganda, particularly focusing on the suggestion that “heat waves will increase. Air pollution increases, and infectious diseases spread, under climate change.” The obvious purpose for this line of statements is this position, “Most people don’t think of climate change as a public health issue, and not as one that particularly affects African Americans.” Heat waves,” says the curriculum, “have stronger effects on urban populations, and especially the urban poor, African Americans are nearly twice as likely as whites to live in poverty.”  There it is! The full purpose of this propaganda coming from the official doctrine of the church!

Of course, none of these climate change charges, presented as facts are true. Climate Change alarmists claim that about 2700 scientists agree with them and that these represent about 97% of all scientists. And so, they claim, it is an undisputable fact. But the fact is, there is no consensus in the scientific community over Climate Change. A U.S. Senate minority report says more than 650 scientists express dissent over man-made global warming claims. In addition, over 30,000 scientists have signed onto a petition that says there is no convincing evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane or other greenhouse gasses causes or will … cause catastrophic heating of the Earth’s atmosphere and disruption of the Earth’s climate.

But, without true facts presented, these charges become a powerful weapon to back up charges that Capitalism is a threat to human health – especially the poor — and will become a never-ending plague of pandemics, and that family neighborhood housing is keeping whites safer and therefore racist! Now, with such propaganda being pounded relentlessly into the minds of these folks, operated by a professional facilitator, trained in psychology to lead it all to the predetermined consensus, the outcome is obvious – division of the races, hatred for our economic system, and destruction of our culture. How dare the National Council of Churches spread such lies and hate? How does this fit into the true teachings of Christianity?

Again and again throughout the curriculum of this instruction, the subject of heat in the inner city as a threat to the poor is addressed as a health issue. “Urban areas are typically covered in surfaces such as asphalt and concrete, which retain heat…” The United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is quoted, “It’s the poorest of the poor in the world, and this includes poor people even in prosperous societies, who are going to be the worst hit.

The new drive across the nation, especially outlined in Biden’s Infrastructure legislation, to remove zoning protection for single-family homes is an agenda to destroy private property and freedom of choice for housing. The mayor of Minneapolis recently said that people living in single-family, zoning-protected neighborhoods are actually self-segregating themselves from people they don’t want to live next to, and so that is racist! So now, the plan is to reestablish the poor residents from the inner city into public housing projects in single-family neighborhoods. That, they claim, is social justice!

Let’s review: environmental damage that has led to climate change has made living in heavily populated cities dangerous. Heat is far worse in the inner cities, causing disease, hardship, and higher cost of living, leading to more poverty.

Isn’t it interesting to note that today, in every single community in the nation, city councils and county commissions are busy working in their back rooms with environmental NGO groups to map out a whole new kind of city as they plan development for the future. The term is Smart Growth. Smart growth calls for the elimination of single-family neighborhoods, which have been labeled “urban sprawl.” Instead, planners like the American Planning Association (APA) are directing the rebuilding of neighborhoods close to down town – the inner city – to be converted into high-rise, pack and stack skyscrapers, containing hundreds of apartments. The plan calls for the elimination of private cars as they sell the idea that in this brave new city they can now walk to work or ride a bike to the grocery, or take public transportation for longer trips. Smart Growth – the new utopia, where we all are to live in harmony.

Hmm. Doesn’t that mean more concrete and asphalt, instead of single-family back yards of grass, thereby generating all that heat? In addition, the Green New Deal is calling for the great reduction in the use of air conditioning. Won’t that result in more heat? And as we have just passed through this covid pandemic, isn’t it interesting that the most cases have been in the inner cities where more people are congregated? Will Smart Growth now lead to more pandemics? Keep in mind, the stated purpose of Smart Growth is to change development in order to protect the environment!

So, it must be asked. Is Smart Growth racist? Based on the teaching by the United Council of Churches for African Americans, where they advocate that inner city living is more damaging to minorities, what other conclusion can we come to?    

One more thought. Most environmental activists promoting these ideas, such as the Sierra Club, World Wildlife Fund, and the Nature Conservancy are run by whites. Are they racists to push such policies? According to a recent report in the Daily Wire, a group of minority rights activists are challenging the anti-climate change movement’s unquestioning embrace of sixteen-year-old Greta Thunberg and calling support of Thunberg over “woker” eco-spokespeople “racism,” and evidence of
white supremacy.”

The fact is, none of this has anything to do with protecting the environment, uplifting poor minorities, or promoting Christian faith. The purpose of it all is to promote an agenda of submission to an all-powerful global control, as it destroys our economy, system of government, and freedom of choice for our own lives. Lies, fear, and ignorance are the most useful tools for their well-laid plans to tyranny, as we all suffer in their created misery. To echo that hard-to-forget voice of Greta Thunburg – HOW DARE YOU preach this gospel of lies?!

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese: Contact Tom DeWeese

Cancel Culture: Psychiatry, Education, and Moral Relativism = Today’s Children

by Kathleen Marquardt

If you have read many of my articles, especially my most recent ones on Cancel Culture, I have pointed out that, according to the Marxists of the late 19th and early 20th Centuries, for Marxism to succeed in taking over the world, Christianity must be crushed because it is the basis of America’s founding documents. Those articles point out the many avenues of attack on America and Christianity, the asymmetric warfare being waged. This article will be about one man’s part in the guerrilla war; actually, just a review of his article on what must be done – under the guise of preventing future wars. And, in his words, “The responsibility for charting the necessary changes in human behavior rests clearly o the sciences working in that field. Psychologists, psychiatrists, sociologist, economists and politicians . . ..”

In 1946, by Brock Chisholm, first Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) and first head of the World Federation of Mental Health, wrote “The Reestablishment of Peacetime Society” for Psychiatry Journal. His own words are going to show you what they plan to achieve.

Think about this. Those in social sciences are the arbiters, the people he would have in charge of our education system, of our children’s learning. Before going on, keep in mind that our country was built on the principles of natural law, on foundations of morality. Those basic principles are anathema to what Chisholm, John Dewey, Rockefeller,, are indoctrinating our children to believe, and against everything that made America the greatest, freest country the world had ever seen or would see again. The country every thinking person wants to come to.

After listing reasons for war – prejudice, isolationism, the ability emotionally an uncritically to believe unreasonable things, excessive desire for material or power, fear, etc., Chisholm describes those as “well known and recognized neurotic symptoms. . .. Even self defence (sic) may involve a neurotic reaction”. He is bringing every action into the world of mind control.

So, what does he see as the three necessary requirements for achieving world peace?

First, “security, elimination of the occasion for valid fear of aggression.”

Second, “opportunity to live reasonably comfortably for all the people in the world on economic levels which do not vary too widely either geographically or by groups within a population.  This is a simple matter of redistribution of material . . . (emphasis mine, but his words).”

“It is probable that these first two requirements would make wars unnecessary for mature normal people without neurotic necessities, but their attainment depends on the ability of enough people in the right places to want to implement them, and few people are mature and without neurotic necessities. So far in the history of the world there have never been enough mature people in the right places. (emphasis mine).”

Ah, I guess he would really have a field day with the minds of our Founding Fathers. I cannot image many people who would measure up in maturity (even at some of the very young ages those men were), and if they were neurotic, what can be said about people who don’t even know what gender they are?

Third, “It follows inevitably then that the third requirement, on which the attainment and the effectiveness of the others depend, is that there should be enough people . . . without these neurotic necessities. We have never had enough people anywhere who are sufficiently free of these . . . symptoms which make wars inevitable.

“All psychiatrists know where these symptoms come from. The burden of inferiority, guilt, and fear we have all carried lies at the root of this failure to mature successful.”

Hmmm. Inferiority. Guilt. Fear. In my humble opinion that describes snowflakes, people wanting to change their sex, those tearing down statues because of the greatness they represent. Let’s continue.

So, what is it that needs to be changed in us folks?

“For a cause we must seek some consistent thread running through the weave of all civilizations we have known and preventing the development of all or almost all the people to a state of true maturity. What basic psychological distortion can be found in every civilization of which we know anything? It must be a force which discourages the ability to see and acknowledge patent facts, which prevents the rational use of intelligence, which teachers are encourages the ability to dissociate and to believe contrary to and in spite of clear evidence, which produces inferiority, guilt and fear, which makes controlling other people’s personal behavior emotionally necessary, encourages prejudice and the inability to see, understand, and sympathize with other people’s points of view. Is there any force? So potent and so pervasive. That it can do all these things. In all civilizations? There is — just one. The only lowest common denominator of all civilizations, and the only psychological force capable of producing these perversions is morality, the concept of right and wrong, the poison long ago described and warned against as ‘the fruit of the tree of the Knowledge of Good and evil’.

He is saying Christianity is the cause of “our inability to attain maturity”, yet those who exhibit immaturity are the Antifa and BLM grown-brats who want to destroy everything that shows they how immature, useless, and incompetent are the progeny of Chisholm’s supporters.

Now he is telling us that moral relativism is the only “way to go”. This next paragraph should turn everyone everywhere off psychiatry. Good and evil are the bugaboos of the new Left. There is no good or evil for them – only Us and Them, and we “Thems” are the problem.

“We have been very slow to rediscover this truth and to recognize the unnecessary and artificially imposed inferiority, guilt and fear, commonly known as sin, under which we have almost all labored, and which produces so much of the social maladjustment and unhappiness in the world. For many generations we have bowed our next to the yoke of the conviction of sin. We have swallowed all manner of poisonous certainties, fed us by our parents, our Sunday and day school teachers, our politicians, our priests, our newspapers and others with a vested interest in controlling us.  . . . Good and evil. With which to keep children under control, with which to prevent freethinking, with which to impose local and familial and national loyalties and with which to bind blind children to their glorious intellectual heritage. Misguided by authoritarian dogma, Bound by the exclusive faith, stunted by inculcated loyalty, torn by frantic heresy, bedeviled by insistent schism, drugged by ecstatic experience, confused by conflicting certainty, bewildered by invented mystery, and loaded down by the weight of guilt and fear engendered by its own original promises. The unfortunate human race, deprived by these incubi of its only defenses, and it’s only reasons for striving, its reasoning, power, and its natural capacity to enjoy the satisfaction of its natural urges, struggles along under its ghastly self-imposed burden. The results, the inevitable results, or frustration, inferiority, neurosis, and inability to enjoy living, to reason clearly or make a world to fit to live in.”

After suggesting that psychiatrists should be training the world on how to raise “mature” people so that they, the psychiatrists won’t have to undo all the neurotics moral absolutism breeds, he goes on explain what is truly wrong in our civilization:

“The reinterpretation and eventually eradication of the concept of right and wrong, which has been the basis of child training, the substitution of intelligent and rational thinking for faith in the certainties of the old people, these are the belated objectives of practically all effective psychotherapy. Would they not be legitimate objectives of original education, would it not be sensible to stop imposing our local prejudices and faiths on children and give them all sides of every question so the in their own good time? They may have the ability to size things up and make their own decisions.”

They may, but, if they have been raised without boundaries, without moral guidance, with no moral compass, it is highly unlikely. Yet, that is exactly his prescription for the education of our children from kindergarten! To have them believing that they, and all humans, are the lowest life form, thus the most dispensible. We are watching the products of these principles today; the actions of those who have never been told “NO”, that have been given everything imaginationable, those that, literally, have no concept of right and wrong – just the concepts of “I want” and “I want to destroy that which makes me feel inferior, immature, afraid”.

“The suggestion that we should stop teaching our children moralities and rights and wrongs and instead protect their original intellectual integrity has, of course, to be met by an outcry of heretic or iconoclast, such as was raised against Galileo for finding another planet. And against those who claimed the world was round. . . “

Now, here is his clincher:

“The pretense is made, as it has been made in relation to the finding of any extension of truth, that to do away with right and wrong would produce uncivilized people, immorality, lawlessness and social chaos. The fact is that most psychiatrists and psychologists and many other respectable people have escaped from these moral chains and are able to observe and think freely. . . Freedom. From moralities means freedom to observe, to think and behave sensibly, to the advantage of the person. And of the group, free from outmoded types of loyalties and from the magic fears of our ancestors.

“If the race is to be freed from its crippling burden of good and evil, it must be psychiatrist to take the original responsibility. This is a challenge which must be met. . .. There is something to be said for gently putting aside the mistaken old ways of our elders if that is possible. If it cannot be done gently, it may have to be done roughly or even violently.” Straight out of cultural Marxism.

Perhaps those burning building, attacking those with different values, are the progeny Chisholm and his acolytes were nurturing developing. And those are probably exactly the beings he and his ilk were hoping to produce. I cannot believe that anyone with a functioning mind would want to live in a world without rules, without moral values. Yet we are watching the development of that world right now. And it is being done deliberately!

Back to Chisholm:

”Can such a program of reeducation be charted?”

Chisholm, expecting to have 15-20 years to “fix” our children and “. . . To root out. And destroy the oldest and most flourishing parasitical growth. In the world, the tree of knowledge of good and evil, so that man may learn to preserve his most precious heritage, his innocence and intellectual freedom. . ..”

How does he hope to do this? Through our teachers. “It is not a job for economic or emotional misfits, for frightened, inferiority-ridden men and women. . .. Fortunately, there are recent signs (John Dewey and the Frankfurt School?) to give hope. . .. Because these are psychological matters, psychiatrists simply have to take the responsibility of interpretation and initiative.”

Chisholm concludes that that all the human sciences must take control to save the human race. “No one else can. All this is the prime responsibility of psychiatry.”

When he was setting up the WHO, Chisholm told his staff that “The world is sick, and the ills from which it was suffering were mainly due to the perversions of man . . . his inability to live at peace with himself.”

Chisholm would have us believe we are merely animals, that our reasoning mind is a fluke of nature and should not be used (or even considered) when we are dealing with nature. Not even to assume that we are part of the food chain. This is exactly the mindset of Deep Greens and Animal Rights. And after enough of the children have been freed of their reasoning abilities and their brains washed free of moral absolutes, the next step will be to take us exactly where the animal and eco-freaks want us, to thinking we are a cancer on the face of the earth and need to be eradicated. Who is afraid? Who is insecure? Who lacks maturity?

This is what Chisholm, the Marxists, and Globalists want – and have reengineered our education system to achieve for those who will be allowed to remain on this earth.

Are you happy?

© 2021 Kathleen Marquardt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kathleen Marquardt:

Is This Year One? Part 1

By Steven Yates

“We’ll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” —William Casey, former CIA director

Last year Iran across this, by Europe-based author C.J. Hopkins, who began:

2020 was GloboCap Year Zero. The year when the global capitalist ruling class did away with the illusion of democracy and reminded everyone who is actually in charge, and exactly what happens when anyone challenges them.

The main difference between Hopkins and me is, I use the term GloboCorp for the network of extremely wealthy and powerful sociopaths scheming their way toward global domination.

The cause of the plandemic appears to have been released in Wuhan right around the time of Event 201, held October 18, 2019 at Johns Hopkins University sponsored by GloboCorp’s Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum. It appears designed to infect humans and spread rapidly, but is lethal mainly to certain populations of useless eaters — the elderly, and those with compromised respiratory and immune systems. Otherwise it has a recovery rate of over 99 percent. (But don’t bioweapons kill? Not if massive profit was the intent.)

On March 11, 2020, the WHO (lavishly funded by the Gates Foundation)declared a global emergency. The U.S. economy, on track to ensure Donald Trump a second term, instantly tanked as “inessential” businesses were forcibly shuttered. This was not exclusively about Trump, because the lockdowns were worldwide as governments coordinated with the WHO. We saw an unprecedented expansion of centralized power, and unprecedented levels of money printing to stave off a massive depression. Important distinctions such as dying from Covid versus dying with Covid-plus-comorbidities were blurred as part of a massive fear campaign. Also blurred was the distinction between supposedly  having the virus in your system (a “positive” PCR test now known to be unreliable) and actually getting sick from Covid. Seasonal flu simply vanished; we peasants weren’t supposed to notice. Censorship appeared everywhere. Preventions and cures for Covid such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin were demonized despite a long track record showing them to be safe, and a study purporting to show the uselessness of the former had to be retracted. This didn’t reopen doors to its use. Doctors using such treatments successfully were threatened with loss of their medical licenses. Arguments that lockdowns caused more health problems than they prevented were also censored. All roads led to vaccines (see (4) below); never mind that no vaccine that worked on coronaviruses had ever worked.

  • Late last May, violent protests erupted over the death of George Floyd, drug user and small time thug with an extensive criminal record, while in police custody. City blocks were burned taking out more small businesses, many black-owned, many having first been looted. Millions of dollars in damage was done in Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland, Atlanta, and elsewhere. Accounts emerged of white women trapped in their vehicles, terrorized by media-designated “peaceful protesters.” A few faced charges after they struck one or more“peaceful protesters” escaping. There were, of course, occasions when “protesters” actually were peaceful (or were no-shows): when residents stood armed in front of stores or at neighborhood access points. Floyd’s drug use was a non-issue, as was evidence from video footage never shown to the public suggesting that Derek Chauvin had his knee on Floyd’s shoulder blade, not his neck, and so actually might not have caused Floyd’s death.This didn’t matter. The Cult of Woke needed a human sacrifice, and he was it.
  • No one knew exactly what would happen November 3, but some of us were sure something ugly was afoot. Under no circumstances was Trump to be allowed a second term. His enemies in the Deep State (U.S. branch of GloboCorp) would steal the election if they had to, and some who were on the scene the whole time concluded: that’s exactly what happened. We saw corporate mass media call the election for Biden well before all state outcomes were known, and in the face of irregularities such as massive middle-of-the-night vote spikes for Biden that have since been scrubbed from the Internet.

The damage done and efforts to reverse the theft floundering in the face of an Iron Wall of Denial, a few hundred Trump supporters (possibly enabled by FBI informants and agent provocateurs) out of tens of thousands who actually were peaceful (not a single building burned, police car torched, or store looted!) unwisely breached the Capitol on January 6: unwise, because all they accomplished was getting themselves labeled “insurrectionists” trying to instigate a “coup against democracy” and creating conditions for further attacks on Trump and on themselves. The Establishment had seized power (the real coup!) and would call it “fortifying democracy” (article in GloboCorp-owned Time Magazine that all but let the cat out of the bag; good commentary here).

  • The rollout of Big Pharma’s experimental mRNA jabs began right after the start of 2021, to deafening corporate media applause. Sadly, Trump had been pulled into this with Operation Warp Speed (apparently no one told him, warp speed is science fiction!). Governments cut deals so the jabs could be dispensed for free!

What I call The 5 Stages of Vaccine Compliance began to kick in.

At Stage 1,which began in January, multitudes of scared sheeple lined up to get jabbed voluntarily, convinced by 24/7 fear porn and “experts” such as Fauci that it was the fastest way back to “normal.” Downplayed by all reportage was that this was an experiment, that the FDA had not given official approval but “emergency use authorization.”

At Stage 2: incentives were used on the mildly “hesitant”: the carrot: lotteries with cash giveaways, bonuses from employers, other free stuff, opportunities to virtue-signal. Some would get sick anyway and be labeled “breakthrough cases.” A few died or were severely injured. Families discovered — surprise, surprise! — no decision-makers were interested.

At Stage 3: when the carrot fails to entice, the stick comes out. At Stage 3, “vaccine hesitancy” comes with a price: job loss, refusal of university reenrollment, exclusion from public spaces, e.g., restaurants, planes, events such as concerts. Vaccine passport implementation thus begins amidst rolling lockdowns despite mass protests in some parts of the world. In the U.S., community-organizer types start going door-to-door with the approved narrative with the full Bidenista backing. The unvaccinated face fact-free accusations of spreading the virus.Corporate media and Big Tech label criticisms of mass vaccinations as “misinformation” and label critics and refuseniks “conspiracy theorists,” “extremists,” “Covidiots,” “anti-vaxx nuts,”or whatever epithet seemed fitting that day. We now have a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.” And “if you’re choosing not to be vaccinated you’re part of the problem.” The vaccinated are getting angry with the unvaccinated, who are targeted not just by Democrats but mainstream Republicans.

The problem, though,is mounting evidence that the vaccine, not Covid, is what is making people sick and sometimes killing them.

Be this as it may, we are presently in Stage 3, and should the FDA give the jab full authorization, Stage 4 will descend.

At Stage 4: vaccine refusal is de facto criminalized. Door-to-door efforts turn openly coercive. At this stage, the unjabbed find it almost impossible to live in society. They are the new untouchables who must self-isolate, be forcibly isolated, and face potential incarceration. Violence against them (arguably fomented during Stage 3) is not impossible. Reporting on the thousands of vaccine injuries and deaths is not just censored but a thought crime. “But that’s illegal and unconstitutional!” Don’t be naïve. There are people who will lose it at this point, do something violent, and play right into GloboCorp’s (and the Democrats’) hands. Don’t let that be you!

At Stage 5: the unjabbed have been forced into hiding. The worst nightmare scenarios of vaccine apocalypse start coming to pass. People are now dying from vaccine-caused cardiovascular events or heart failure (caused by blood clots), or organ failure and immune system collapse (caused by the trillions of spike proteins the jab unleashes) in numbers that become impossible to hide. We start to see cascading supply line disruptions, rolling blackouts, and other infrastructural breakdown caused by rising numbers recently dead or too sick to work. Shortages of food and gas are leading to more urban riots and rising mass panic. GloboCorp’s denizens are trying to ride out the chaos of depopulation in heavily guarded gated communities. Should their locations become known, there is a potential for civil war, as by this time (one would think!) enough of the vaxxed are awake and out for blood, figuring they have nothing to lose. This is assuming their heads haven’t been completely short-circuited by cognitive dissonance. I am sure psychotic breaks will be as common as suicides.

I don’t know if we will get to Stage 5, and I pray to God we never have to find out!

  • We have seen countless examples of what governments and corporate media will do to maintain narrative control. Waves of gaslighting accompany each of the above. We’ve all been “fact-checked” more times than we can count. The “fact-checkers” literally do not live in the same world we do. In their world, GloboCorp is an “unhinged conspiracy theory” — even though explicit defenses of world government are readily available online in connection with the plandemic! (See this)

What I can discern of their world: George Floyd is a hero, and statues are erected to him. No one may speak ill of the man, and every corporate media presstitute now virtue-signals by capitalizing Black. In their world, the world of Wokery where a white person can be unemployed, flat busted, and still have “white privilege,” you can be any gender you like. In their world, the stolen election is The Big Lie, even as clamors for forensic audits spread from Arizona to other states. In their world, it is perhaps kosher to speak of a possible “accidental leak” from the Wuhan lab, but bioweapons talk is a “conspiracy theory” (never mind that the lab leak was a “conspiracy theory” this time last year). Vaccine refuseniks are “killing people” as the delta variant spreads (the idea that the mass jab has created a mutation-favoring environment is also off the table—for in the world of the “fact-checkers” the jab is “tested, safe, and effective,” even though according to one poll, 60 percent of doctors polled had refused it as of this writing.

Upshot of (1) through (5): we now live in more closely monitored and controlled societies —all over the world. A global-scale narrative cold war is playing out in front of us.

Meanwhile, we are only beginning to see the psychological damage that has been done, especially to the generation that will come of age in the 2020s assuming it survives.

And while some countries are more “open” than others, it is clear from what we’ve seen that they can be closed on short notice if someone with real power gives the order through a national health department.

The 24/7 fear factory continues — via every corporate-controlled media outlet. We’re supposed to fear the delta variant, “white supremacists,” the unjabbed. We’re not supposed to fear governments, the global-corporate media machine, or The Science (i.e., GloboCorp minions such as Fauci — a career bureaucrat and technocrat, not a real doctor who sees patients and tries to heal — and GloboCorp ascendant Bill Gates, another technocrat with no formal medical degrees or public health credentials whatsoever!).

George Orwell couldn’t have written this script better!

Returning to C.J. Hopkins (“Year Zero” again):

The authorities have assumed control of the most intimate aspects of our daily lives. We are being managed like inmates in a prison, told when to eat, sleep, exercise, granted privileges for good behavior, punished for the slightest infractions of an ever-changing set of arbitrary rules, forced to wear identical, demeaning uniforms (albeit only on our faces), and otherwise relentlessly bullied, abused, and humiliated to keep us compliant.

Where I live, sheeple wear masks everywhere. They stand in lines, sometimes for hours, to get into stores or banks. All must comply with mandates restricting the number of people allowed inside. The place where my wife and I do our banking admits ten clients at any given time. Store entrances and exits are strictly controlled. You cannot get in without an enforcer-type standing guard while your hands get sprayed with nasty-feeling alcohol gel, then watching as you pass through a machine that takes your temperature. Sometimes it scans your wrist, raising specters of how easily this could transition to a device able to read a wrist-embedded chip. Would anyone notice the difference?

Arrows on floors tell the sheeple where to walk, where to stand, how far apart. The diagrams appear cemented onto floors and walls. They have the appearance of something intended to be permanent. Bathrooms have every other urinal and every other sink blocked off for “social distancing.” Signs everywhere command face coverings and social distancing, sometimes conveying approved-narrative propaganda: help us out, you’re saving lives!

Every 15 minutes or so in the mall nearest to where we live, a robotic voice comes on over a loudspeaker with “social distancing” instructions, just like those dystopian sci-fi films we watched when we were kids.

Some restaurants have begun refusing admission to the unjabbed. That’s Stage 3. Every jab is recorded digitally, of course. Those who have had both jabs can have their info saved as a scannable QR code. One of the effects of the plandemic has been to force more transactions to go digital. The number of checkout lanes that only accept credit cards has increased significantly since this nightmare started, and a few places have simply refused my cash. One can even order food digitally via a smartphone. Anyone with access to those systems not only knows who’s been jabbed, but what they had for lunch that day.It occurs to me, governments here could easily send around plainclothes spies to monitor compliance and severely penalize or even forcibly close any establishment not following the rules. (See more on the situation in Chile here. Although there are worse places to be stuck in.)

National borders close and open around the world with ever-changing rules and conditions, making international travel difficult and inconvenient at best. People are kicked off flights for not masking up; in one case, a couple was ejected from a plane and stranded because their two-year-old fought wearing a mask.

There are places where those in power apparently don’t care if you’ve figured it out, that this is about power, not public health. Note the reference to “Britain’s vaccines minister.”

Hopkins continues:

[GloboCorp] know[s] exactly what they are doing … which is teaching us a lesson, a lesson about power. A lesson about who has it and who doesn’t. For students of history it’s a familiar lesson, a standard in the repertoire of empires, not to mention the repertoire of penal institutions.

The name of the lesson is “Look What We Can Do to You Any Time We F****** Want.” The point of the lesson is self-explanatory. The USA taught the world this lesson when it nuked Hiroshima and Nagasaki. GloboCap (and the US military) taught it again when they invaded Iraq and destabilized the entire Greater Middle East. It is regularly taught in penitentiaries when the prisoners start to get a little too unruly and remember that they outnumber the guards. That’s where the lockdown concept originated. It isn’t medical terminology. It is penal institution terminology.

Is This Year One? Part 1
Is This Year One? Part 2

© 2021 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates:

Why Are Not Some People Quaking in Their Boots?

Dr. Edwin Vieira, JD

One wonders whether a hearing before some Congressional committee is the appropriate venue for determining what relationship (if any) certain officials and agencies of the government of the United States may have had to the emergence in Communist China of what is called “Covid 19”, and the subsequent transmission of that “virus” throughout the world. In principle, it would seem that a simple criminal investigation of this matter would be more straightforward, as well as far more consequential. Such an investigation would focus on four questions:

  1. Did any officials or employees of the government of the United States—whether individually or in concert with officials or employees of a State’s government, agency, or instrumentality; with private parties or organizations; or with any combination thereof—knowingly provide financial and/or technical assistance to an organization which is part or under the control of the government of Communist China, for the purpose of research and development aimed at increasing the transmissibility, infectivity, and lethality of some micro-organism, virus, or other infectious substance (whether this research and development happened to be labeled “gain of function” or was assigned some other designation)?
  2. Did those officials, employees, or individuals know, should they have known, or were they willfully blind to or recklessly indifferent towards the fact, that such financial and/or technical assistance could (and likely would) aid at some stage and to some degree in the development of a biological agent suitable for use as a weapon by the government of Communist China or some organization which is part of or subject to its control?
  3. Did those officials, employees, or individuals know, should they have known, or were they willfully blind to or recklessly indifferent towards the fact, that no controls, restrictions, safeguards, or other guarantees were in place to prevent such financial and/or technical assistance from being used to aid at some stage and to some degree in the development of a biological agent suitable for use as a weapon by the government of Communist China or some organization under its control?
  4. Did those officials, employees, or individuals know, should they have known, or were they willfully blind to or recklessly indifferent towards the fact, that from her inception Communist China has been, and remains today, an openly and even stridently avowed enemy of the United States?

If the answers to these questions are all “YES”, then any and every official, employee, or other individual involved in supplying such financial and/or technical assistance to Communist China through her officials, employees, agencies, instrumentalities, and so on under those circumstances is in deservedly serious peril, and should be quaking in his (or her) boots. Indeed, if the answers to only the first three questions are “YES” then that same result obtains.  For “[w]hoever knowingly develops, produces, * * * acquires, retains, or possesses any biological agent * * * for use as a weapon, or knowingly assists a foreign state or any organization to do so, shall be fined * * * or imprisoned for life or any term of years, or both”. An Act To implement the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and Their Destruction, by prohibiting certain conduct relating to biological weapons, and for other purposes, Act of May 22, 1990, Public Law 101-298, § 3, 104 Stat. 201, 201, now codified at 18 U.S.C. § 175(a) (emphasis supplied). Surely, for liability to attach, one who “knowingly assists” at some important preliminary stage need not also be a party to the final “develop[ment]” or ultimate “produc[tion]” of an actual perfected “weapon” by an open enemy of the United States. Anyone and everyone who “knowingly assists” by providing the financial wherewithal and/or technical information supporting “develop[ment]” or “produc[tion]” of any “biological agent * * * for use as a weapon” by any “foreign state or any organization” (whether an enemy of the United States or not) in any way, to any degree, or at any stage in the process must be equally liable. For so the statute provides, without any exception.

In particular, too, by explicitly distinguishing between “develop[ment]” and “produc[tion]”. the statute recognizes that the former not only precedes the latter, but also can be carried on without the latter’s ever taking place. Therefore, an individual should be held liable if he (or she) “knowingly assists a foreign state or any organization” to “develop[ ]” “any biological agent * * * for use as a weapon” through laboratory research aimed at that goal, even if that “develop[ment]” never leaves the laboratory to result in actual “produc[tion]” of such a “biological agent” in some factory. This, of course, makes perfect sense, because by deterring “develop[ment]” the statute can render penalization of  “produc[tion]” a moot point. Certainly, as well, the “mad scientist” whose evil genius “develops” the “biological agent” in the first place must be held far more culpable than the ignorant factory hand who merely “produces” it according to the specifications supplied to him.

Under this law, “the term ‘biological agent’ means any micro-organism, virus, or infectious substance, capable of causing * * * death, disease, or other biological malfunction in a human”. Act of May 22, 1990, § 3, 104 Stat. at 202-203, now codified at 18 U.S.C. § 178(1)(A). Obviously, “Covid 19” (at least as it has been presented by public-health officials throughout the world) is such a “biological agent”. And equally obvious is that at least one—if not the main—purpose, and certainly the effect, of the type of so-called “gain of function research” associated with the development of “Covid 19” is to enhance the evil characteristics of the underlying micro-organism, virus, or other infectious substance so as to render it more useful as a weapon than it originally was, or to employ it as a step or stage in the development of a weapon.

Thus it would appear beyond a reasonable doubt that:

(i) Any financial and/or technical assistance from the United States for “gain of function research” which might have contributed to the emergence of “Covid 19” would necessarily had to some degree to have “assist[ed]” Communist China in a long-term goal of developing “a biological agent * * * for use as a weapon”, because a leading (if not the primary) purpose of “gain of function research” is to enhance the particular attributes of “biological agent[s]” which make them of “use as * * * weapon[s]”.

(ii) Any citizen of the United States, public official or otherwise, who has “knowingly assist[ed]” the “foreign state [of Communist China] or any organization” in “develop[ing], produc[ing], * * * acquir[ing], retain[ing], or possess[ing] any biological agent * * * for use as a weapon” through the provision of financial and/or technical assistance at any point in the process of that “biological agent[’s]” “develop[ment]” “sh[ould] be fined * * * or imprisoned for life or any term of years, or both”. This should not depend upon the “biological agent[’s]” actually having been created, either. For every step in the process aimed at its creation—including every experiment performed in a laboratory, whether successful or not—is part and parcel of its “develop[ment]”. And

(iii) It would seem indisputably the better part of justice that, given the consequences of the release of “Covid 19” (whether accidental or otherwise) throughout the United States and the rest of the world, every such citizen, whatever his (or her) public or private station, should be “imprisoned for life” rather than penalized in some less severe fashion.

The practical problem which the foregoing analysis presents, though, is: Who will investigate, prosecute, and convict any such errant citizens, when the FBI, the DOJ, and every other agency of the government of the United States appear to be utterly unwilling to execute, or incapable of executing, this particular criminal law of the United States (or, for that matter, any and every other criminal law relevant to this situation)? And when the States’ normal prosecutorial machines are powerless to enforce this or any other criminal statute of the United States? If crimes of such magnitude might be allowed to go unpunished, what is the usefulness of the government of the United States, the governments of the States, or even the federal system as a whole?

To be sure, one could point out (as has the present author on many occasions) that the Constitution of the United States explicitly and exclusively assigns the authority and responsibility “to execute the Laws of the Union” to certain establishments other than (and in the law-enforcement hierarchy of the federal system as a whole necessarily superior to) the FBI, the DOJ, or every other non-constitutional alphabet agency within the government of the United States. And one could point out that if these establishments had been functioning in the past in accordance with the obvious constitutional plan then the problem to which this commentary is directed—along with many other problems of serious magnitude—would never have arisen in the first place, or would already have been solved. Repetition of this tedious process of “public education”, however, would be akin to “beating a dead horse” in a literal sense. For, if one cannot convince Americans to pay attention to the Constitution even when their own lives have been and are being put at risk—increasingly with each day’s dawning—what purpose would be served by pointing out their predicament, or by specifying the most effective constitutional means for addressing it to which they have already proven themselves to be completely indifferent, if not overtly hostile?

Unfortunately, one must conclude (at least for now) that, although possible domestic malefactors in the development of “Covid 19” should be quaking in their boots, in actuality they are laughing up their sleeves at ordinary Americans—with good reason, and with a good prospect of never having to stop.

© 2021 Edwin Vieira – All Rights Reserved

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It’s China, Stupid

By Cliff Kincaid

In his best-selling book on so-called “American Marxism,” a misnomer since Marxism is an international threat, I counted only three passing references to the China virus, dubbed “coronavirus” without noting its origins in China. The omission is significant because of the fact that the virus continues to maim and kill Americans, as the virus variants claim more victims, and any discussion of Marxism’s impact on America should take into account what the Communist dictatorship in China has done – and is doing.

The Mark Levin book is a big disappointment in terms of the threat we face. The book is a moneymaker for the author without an adequate analysis of the global communist threat. It does more harm than good.

Maoist “Rebellions” in America

Levin’s book American Marxism does have some references to China, but only in the context of the background of Mao (page 66), China’s threat to its own people (pages 185 and 264) (by citing China’s human rights violations against Muslims, “among other minority groups”) and China’s involvement in the Korean and Vietnam wars (page 244).

Levin calls China America’s “most dangerous enemy” but doesn’t explain why. It’s a strange omission for a book claiming to expose American Marxism. Chairman Mao’s 1968 statement in “Support of the Afro-American Struggle Against Violent Repression” in the United States is significant in this regard. Mao had used the occasion of the Martin Luther King assassination riots in more than 100 American cities to declare that “The struggle of the Black people in the United States for emancipation is a component part of the general struggle of all the people of the world against U.S. imperialism, a component part of the contemporary world revolution.”

In other words, the Chinese Communists have been exploiting blacks to make America into a communist state. This wasn’t just rhetoric. A 1973 congressional report on “America’s Maoists” examined the Revolutionary Union and the Venceremos Organization. To cite one other example, American Maoist Bob Avakian started out with the SDS and the Revolutionary Union before running the Revolutionary Communist Party and setting up his own institute.

Any treatment of Marxism also has to pay attention to the American victims of the China virus. The death toll here is over 600,000 and more than 4 million worldwide. With variants from this bioweapon accelerating and claiming more victims, the problem of China must be front-and-center in any honest discussion of the impact of Marxist thought and action, known to Marxists as Praxis.

A Divided America

As Americans censor opposing views on one side or the other, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) continues its march to Marxist world domination. As Swedish analyst Bertill Haggman notes, it is “the main threat to Western civilization” with 90 million party members, making it the strongest extremist party in history “with an extensive structure both of the party and the state for influence and information warfare.”

“The virus is winning” is part of a shocking headline over a Politico article about how “experts” fear that “China’s rejection of a World Health Organization plan for another Covid-19 investigation inside the country threatens to deny the world critical data needed to identify and head off future pandemics.”

In this case, the “experts” are right.

Forget about how the World Health Organization (WHO) is worthless. The point is that “future pandemics” may be planned and there is nothing the United States apparently can or will do about it. Rather than ponder “American Marxism,” we need tribunals for American traitors who built China and funneled money to its military-industrial complex that spawned the virus. These individuals may not be self-identified Marxists and may only be dupes. But they should be exposed.

But let’s face it: Senator Rand Paul’s “criminal referral” against Dr. Anthony Fauci over the federally-funded China virus research at the Wuhan lab is going nowhere.

China’s Drug War

Instead of pursuing wrong-doers, we have the spectacle of Americans fighting one another over mask mandates and vaccine passports. This pleases China. There is nothing more that China wants than Americans continuing to debate what to do about the dangerous and infectious disease its Wuhan lab unleashed on the United States without identifying Beijing as the source of the problem.

Another such problem, Chinese-produced fentanyl being smuggled into the U.S. through the open southern border, makes “American Marxism” seem almost minor by comparison. Here were 93,000 overdose deaths in 2020, many of them linked to fentanyl.

China’s tentacles reach deep inside the Department of Justice.

At a hearing on July 27, Senator Ted Cruz noted that “China has repeatedly used ransomware and cyber-attacks to harm America. Not only has it attacked pipelines in an effort to cause physical damage, but just this year, hackers affiliated with the Chinese government attacked tens of thousands of computers across tens of thousands of organizations, including a significant number of small businesses, towns, cities, and local governments.”

But the Biden officials he was questioning about this had no answers.

Cruz went on, “The Biden administration has not imposed any sanctions on China. Instead, the administration announced that it is dropping criminal cases against five Chinese scientists who, with the help of consular officials, hid their affiliations with China’s military in order to infiltrate our nation. Mr. Downing, why is this administration refusing to prosecute Chinese scientists who lied about their ties to the Chinese military in order to come to this country and gain access to information?”

The person named “Mr. Downing” was Richard Downing, the U.S. Department of Justice Deputy Assistant Attorney General of the Criminal Division. He responded, “Senator, thank you for the question. I would have to say that from my position in the criminal division, I am not responsible for those decisions. However, it is something that I’d be happy to take back and get you an answer.”

Cruz was referring to a news item covered in the Wall Street Journal several days ago when it reported, “The Justice Department dropped cases against five visiting researchers accused of hiding their affiliations with China’s military, in a major setback to a landmark effort to root out alleged Chinese intelligence-gathering in the U.S.”

No wonder they call him “China Joe.”

“Domestic” Terrorists Have Foreign Links

One of the most mystifying references in the book about “American Marxism” is the citation of the Encyclopedia Britannica for information about the communist Weather Underground organization.

Levin refers to “Barack Obama’s former associates” Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn being “associated” with the Weather Underground, quoting the Encyclopedia Britannica, when they were its leaders. Levin seems ignorant of the book by Larry Grathwohl, Bringing America Down, and how he infiltrated the group for the FBI and documented how Ayers and Dohrn were building bombs to kill police. Levin makes no mention of how members of the group traveled to such places as the USSR and Cuba.

Omissions like this make people think the Weather Underground was a “domestic” terrorist group. There was nothing “domestic” about it.

Mark Rudd, who was a member of the terrorist Weather Underground, signed a letter endorsing “capitalist Democrat” Joe Biden for president. Rudd’s fingerprints were once found in a Weather Underground bomb factory, a location that included Chinese and Russian pamphlets and books on communist revolution.

Levin quotes a biography about Mao attending a university, suggesting he was a privileged member of Chinese society, when the key fact is that the Chinese Communist Party was founded by a Russian communist, not Mao. To understand “American Marxism” or “Chinese Marxism,” one has to understand how the Russian revolution began the process of global communism and led to the creation of the Communist International.

The Private Life of Chairman Mao, a book written by his physician, is more relevant in this regard than some citation about Mao going to a Chinese University to read Marxist literature. It documents the communist dictator’s addiction to sleeping pills and barbiturates. The book exposes Mao as a degenerate and philanderer with homosexual tendencies and genital herpes who engaged in orgies. A man “devoid of human feeling, incapable of love,” he nevertheless was a dedicated communist with an understanding of Marxist dialectics and knew how to “unleash the energies of the people” through socialism.

Quoting Soros’s Philosopher

One of the many other disappointments in the Levin book is quoting a favorable reference to Karl Popper (page 174) as an authority on the scientific method when he is the favorite philosopher of George Soros. Popper’s “Open Society” approach is what has justified the destruction of America’s Judeo-Christian heritage. Popper’s role in the Soros-financed “American Marxist” movement is worth critical comment not a passing favorable reference.

Soros is probably best known for funding the drug legalization movement that is engaged in addicting young people and making them psychotic through high potency mind-altering marijuana.

Rather than throw your money away on American Marxism, I would suggest getting Laura Stack’s FREE book, The Dangerous Truth About Today’s Marijuana: Johnny Stack’s Life and Death Story, on a “Special Kindle Offer” through Friday. You can download the eBook version for FREE.

It’s the story of Johnny Stack, whose life ended by suicide after his descent into marijuana-induced psychosis.

Most of the drug-induced deaths in America can be blamed on Chinese-supplied Fentanyl, but marijuana is also playing a role in drug deaths. The China virus attacks the lungs, in the same way pot does. But pot also attacks the brain, creating more mental illness.

Trump’s Attorney General and Mark Levin’s friend Bill Barr, who didn’t detect voting fraud during the election and suppressed news of investigations of Hunter Biden during the campaign, failed to enforce federal marijuana laws.

Levin, the one-time Never Trumper, featured and defended Barr on his Fox show, “Life, Liberty & Levin.”

In retrospect, says former President Trump, it is clear that Barr was a “phony.”

More than that, he was a former CIA analyst and Washington insider.  A video I recorded on the subject was censored by YouTube. If you dig too deep, you will quickly understand what you are up against. It’s not “American Marxism.” It’s the Deep State association of Washington insiders and operatives willing to sell out America to globalists and communists.

Sadly, Mark Levin seems to be ultimately clueless about who is planning and organizing the chaos in America. He’ll be laughing all the way to the bank.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

My New Book “The Wind From Heaven” Is Out

by Lee Duigon

My newest book, “The Wind from Heaven,” has just been published. It’s No. 13 in my “Bell Mountain” series.

What happens when God stirs up a spiritually dormant world, and moves its people to seek Him?

Visions happen, and prophecies. Acts of desperate heroism—and villainy. Nations on the move, and wars for survival. A doomed and desolate past reaches out for the present and holds the keys to the future. Holy men who don’t believe in God; and children, reformed criminals, the old, the powerless, who do: with conflict everywhere.

Adventures happen, and fabulous discoveries. Ordinary people are called upon to do extraordinary things. The whole world is wakening to a frightening realization that the last thousand years has only been a kind of sleeping-spell that held them in apathetic sin and ignorance.

All right, all right—let’s not get carried away. The books are fantasy-adventure novels embedded in a Biblical worldview. I’ve tried to write them to an audience of intelligent twelve-year-olds; but thousands of adult readers have enjoyed them, and I’m always surprised when readers let me know the stories are a hit with children as young as eight. Published by the Chalcedon Foundation, all thirteen are available at the Chalcedon Store (,, and elsewhere—in both paperback and ebook formats.

I’m proud that I’ve been able to leave our own world’s politics out of my books altogether: even liberals have enjoyed them. As far as fantasy goes, I think that’s as it should be.

For fantasy, like poetry, should be about bigger things. Universal things. Fantasy has access to regions of the heart and mind that are not readily available to other kinds of story-telling. It can provide the read with an imaginary world which offers a new perspective on the real world.

One purposeful difference between my books and many other fantasies—if not most of them—is that I’ve strictly ruled out magic and sorcery. “Bell Mountain” is not a Harry Potter knockoff. I do create characters who claim to have extraordinary powers, but that’s something that has always existed in our world. I allow nothing that’s not allowed in the Bible—which, you’ll have to admit, gives ample scope for marvels.

Why write fantasy at all? I mean, our world’s on fire, we have plenty of serious problems to worry us—why bother with the imaginary problems of an imaginary world?

But problems of faith, meaning, sacrifice, temptation, the lust for power and wealth, government, war, and fear are anything but imaginary; and the world of Bell Mountain has them all. Nor are there any super-heroes, super-wizards, or fantastic martial arts to call upon. The problems in “Bell Mountain” must be faced and dealt with by ordinary people with ordinary resources.

And what resources are those? The same real resources available to us—faith, wisdom, courage, self-sacrifice, and endurance. The motto of the Shackleton family, believed in whole-heartedly by the explorer Ernest Shackleton when he went off to try to cross Antarctica, was only this: “By endurance we conquer.” He didn’t succeed in crossing Antarctica, but when his expedition met disaster, he performed a rescue operation that was little short of miraculous.

The Bible itself, and high points of our own world’s history, have inspired me and upheld me throughout the writing of these books. I revel in an inexhaustible mine of inspiration.

And I hope my books will inspire others.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and stop in for a visit. My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Stupid is as Stupid Does

By Lex Greene

In the famous words of Forest Gump, “stupid is as stupid does” and these days, stupid seems much more common than common sense in the USA. Even Forest was smart enough to know it.

To arrive at the right answers, you only need to ask the right questions. Even the government, doctors, scientists, and their left-wing media con artists can’t win a debate if you simply ask the right questions, such as…

“Why has nothing science told us to do for 19-months worked?” You said mask, so we masked, and it didn’t work. You said social distance, so we social distanced for months and it didn’t work. You said lock healthy people in quarantine, so we locked healthy people in quarantine and gave up our incomes, families, friends, and lives for months, and it didn’t work. Why has nothing you said worked?

“If my mask works, why does anyone else need to wear one? You told us we needed to “mask up” and you have also told us we “don’t need to mask up.” Which is it? And no matter your answer, 19-months of masking hasn’t solved the problem, because as we can research for ourselves, none of the masks used are designed to, or capable of, stopping the transmission of any virus.

“How is the vaccine necessary when you admit that the vaccinated can still be infected and die from the unvaccinated?” If the vaccinated can still be infected and die as a result of unvaccinated people, what good is your so-called “vaccine?” Why are you telling the “vaccinated” to still “mask up?”

“Why are you saying your vaccines are approved?” We all know that the FDA has NOT approved your vaccines and we know why. There is no “science” to follow yet, testing won’t be completed for years. If the FDA knows what’s good for them, they won’t approve any of them with so many adverse effect reports!

“Why are you saying your vaccines are safe?” We all know that people are dying from your vaccines daily, at least 300 a day now. Millions are fighting for their lives and have become permanently injured by your vaccines. How “safe” is that?

“Why are you telling people they are safe if they get your vaccine?” Over 53,000 VAERS reports say quite the contrary, as all of these 53,000 Americans died AFTER taking your vaccines!

“Why are you scaring people into thinking they will die from a corona virus that has had a 99.7% survival rate?” We know that 94% of your so-called COVID19 deaths died of something else, the CDC told us so. We know this corona virus has had a 99.7% survival rate, because again, your CDC told us so. This doesn’t even qualify as anything more than a standard flu season.

“Why are you telling us that you have the legal authority to force vaccinate anyone, as if you’re Adolf Hitler and Dr. Mengele?” We all know that our “public servants” have no such authority. We the People run this country, not you!

I can keep going for quite a while here, but if you don’t get the picture by now, you never will. Congratulations, you have agreed to live under boot and doomed all future generations to the same!

Fool us once, shame on you…but fool us twice, shame on us!

Now our illustrious insane federal administration is openly threatening to force vaccinate every citizen, man, woman, and child, regardless of any other health concerns. They are even threatening to come door-to-door complete with U.S. Military armed to the teeth to do it. According to resident Joe, “we will need F-15s and nukes to stop them!”

And now, even Republican Governors like Florida’s DeSantis and Fox News talking heads like Sean Hannity are suddenly “pro-vaccine.” How, why? Didn’t any of them bother to ask the most obvious questions posed above?

No amount of education or indoctrination is a good substitute for fundamental common sense, which is clearly in short supply these days. Does it really matter how many degrees some “expert” has on the wall, if everything they are saying is blatantly false?

Look, no “expert,” politician, court, news media personality, TV or social media entertainer, fact-checker, federal or state agency, member of congress, democrat doctor, lawyer or scientist is going to save us here. It’s not even their job. None of them were elected or appointed to do this, any of it.

WE HAVE TO SAVE OURSELVES HERE… and all we need to do it is basic common sense, fundamental survival instincts and the will to stand up to this insanity before the nuts running the asylum put us all in a coffin or a straight-jacket.

Freedom is NOT for the stupid, the ignorant, the lazy, the cowardly or the fearful! We allowed the “experts” to fool us once, for over 19-months now. If we allow them to fool us again, that’s on us, and no one will survive it.

What’s all of this research and information for? If you’re never going to get out the fire hose, what does it matter that you know the house is on fire? The only reason for knowing, is the doing!

Are you hearing me here?

Radio FREE Lex Greene 2021 • A podcast on Anchor

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Part 3: America’s (Likely) Violent-Fractured Future

By Frosty Wooldridge

Part 3: Racial separation, political turmoil

Is the sun setting on America?  Some exceptionally astute historians like Victor Davis Hanson, Richard Heinberg, Peter Turchin and Jack Goldstone say that we are in for one hell of a rough ride in the roaring 2020’s.

What are the signs? 

Racial strife boils into violence at the drop of a hat in our big cities.  African-American gangs in San Francisco, Chicago, LA and New York City openly shoplift products in bags and run from the stores. How much do they steal?  According to crime reports, shoplifters steal $50 billion annually. (Source: ) Over 27 million Americans are regular shoplifters.

Millions of minorities support Black Lives Matter and organizations fund their operations into the millions of dollars to carry them to riot areas where they march, burn and loot entire cities.  They possess no love or affinity to America…except for welfare checks and EBT cards.

To heighten racial tensions, educators around America push for teaching “racism” via Critical Race Theory.  That theory tells every child that he or she is a racist or a victim of racism.  If you teach millions of kids that they are either victims or villains, you will see massive social upheaval as they come of age.

Commissars and Jacobins

Victor Davis Hanson observed: “The critical race theory craze is reaching peak woke, or is already on the downslope. No complex and sophisticated society is sustainable with a Maoist creed of cannibalizing citizens for thought crimes. Commissars do not produce anything or serve anybody, but only monitor thoughts and speech to ascertain the purity of diversity, equity, and inclusion. They are not just a drain on the productive sector but will insidiously destroy it, since their currency is to ensure a timid, obsequiousness and banal orthodoxy.”

Look for racial conflict to accelerate in the 2020’s.

Turchin’s Ages of Discord, published in 2016. Here are the opening sentences of the Turchin/Goldstone essay:

“Almost three decades ago, one of us, Jack Goldstone, published a simple model to determine a country’s vulnerability to political crisis. The model was based on how population changes shifted state, elite and popular behavior. Goldstone argued that, according to this Demographic-Structural Theory, in the 21st century, America was likely to get a populist, America-first leader who would sow a whirlwind of conflict. Then ten years ago, the other of us, Peter Turchin, applied Goldstone’s model to US history, using current data. What emerged was alarming: The US was heading toward the highest level of vulnerability to political crisis seen in this country in over a hundred years. Even before Trump was elected, Turchin published his prediction that the US was headed for the ‘Turbulent Twenties,’ forecasting a period of growing instability in the United States and western Europe.”

We will reap the whirlwind of “multiculturalism” as it grows in numbers and discontent.  We are no longer ‘one” unified civilization, but much like Rome’s fall, we are becoming everyone else’s country.

Read: Civil War II: Coming Breakup of America by Thomas Chittum

America No Longer A Sovereign Country But a Destination

Whereas the US Congress impeached Trump over a phone call, not a peep out of Congress toward President Dementia Biden for inviting an invasion of over 1,000,000 illegal migrants within the last six months. Biden stands in direct violation of his oath of office to serve the U.S. Constitution. (Article IV, Section 4)  Yet, he’s invited growing sex trafficking into our country along with massive amounts of drugs to infect our youth. Not to mention all those millions of people will suck off our welfare systems, ultimately, bankrupting them.

Law and Order Totally Denied

You never knew what a lawless society we’ve developed until you defunded the police.  Last weekend in Chicago, 70 people shot 70 other people and 10 died from their wounds. Much the same in Detroit, St. Louis and Baltimore.  In Austin, Texas, crime rose by 96 percent over 12 months from last year as reported on national news networks.  The mayor of Austin defunded police to the tune of $128,000,000.00 last year. Now, he’s begging to hire 150 new officers with emergency money.

The great science fiction writer, Robert Heinlein…Stranger in a Strange Land, said, “When individuals in a society lose respect for one another and the law, that’s when that society will cease to function.”  We are definitely in that faze in 2021.

We need to change to a more rational “social contract”: These happen to be exactly the sorts of measures that Turchin and Goldstone advised in their article (which someone on the Biden team assuredly read):

“What we need,” the scientists wrote, “is a new social contract that will enable us to get past extreme polarization to find consensus, tip the shares of economic growth back toward workers and improve government funding for public health, education and infrastructure.”

They are not confident that will happen.  Too many people with different mindsets, and again, 65 million foreign-born people, promises too many with different world views and mindsets. The Romans must have been gnashing their teeth as they saw their civilization fall into ruin. Are you gnashing your teeth as you see ours destabilize?

Our People’s Military

Hanson remarked, “Americans during this entire descent in madness sighed, “Well, at least there is the military left.” By that, I think they meant John Brennan had all but wrecked the CIA, while James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Kevin Clinesmith, Peter Strzok, and Lisa Page, et al. had weaponized the FBI. But the military was still a bastion of traditional, nonpartisan service, whose prime directive was to defend the country, win any war it was ordered to fight, and to maintain deterrence against opportunistic enemies. The Constitution, 233 years of tradition, and the Uniform Code of Military Justice all reassured America of its wonderful defense forces.

“And now? We are in the process of a massive reeducation and indoctrination campaign. The revamping not only draws scarce resources away from military readiness, but targets, without evidence, the white working class, and defames it as insurrectionary—the very same cohort that disproportionately died in Afghanistan and Iraq.”

Are you seeing much the same as what I am seeing?  Do you think we can survive it?

I’m going to cover more aspects of what we face in Part 4.

Part 4: Disrespect for the Social Contract. Too big, too much.

If you would like a free electronic copy of this book, please email me with your email address and I will send it to you.  Every American with children or any American who will live in this country in 2050, needs to understand what they face.

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121.

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

This video will scare the daylights out of every American as to what’s coming to our country, US Citizenship Act 2021 by Joe Biden.

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

The Masses Globally Are Not Running To Get Vaccinated, They Are Running To Defy The Tyrants

By Bradlee Dean

“Their cruelties are swelling our ranks.”

Recently, a friend of mine sent me an article reporting on how the people of France are running to get their vaccinations (People must beware as to what narrative that they are fueling; Numbers 13:32).

Of course, this is what they are doing and, once again and right on cue, the useful idiots would have you believe what is the furthest thing from the truth in hopes of neutering and paralyzing the masses. This is what would you expect from those who have long lost their propaganda narrative (Ephesians 4:14).

They would have you believe that you are the only one refusing their experimental injections (2 Timothy 1:7). This is an attempt to single you out and to ostracize you.

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Simply put, cause the enemies to our global agenda, say they, to believe that there are more of us then there are of them (Isaiah 5:20; Jeremiah 11:9).

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As I have shared with our readers in the past, the people are growing in defiance on a global basis to their plandemic and furthermore, they know it and are becoming desperate in their attempts to wield more control in their corralling.

The fact of the matter is that the police in France are even laying down their shields and joining in with the 100,000 marchers (Exodus 1:12).

To further report what it is that the Mockingbird media means to withhold from you, remember that the masses are saying that they have had enough of this criminal conspiracy.  Greece, Belgium, Australia, The U.K., Romania, France, Germany, Israel and now the United States are standing up in defiance to this global tyranny (Romans 12:21).

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© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean:

Why Governor DeSantis Thinks YOU are SAFE if Vaccinated

By Lex Greene

Allow me to begin with this FACT… we have One President, One Vice President, 435 members of Congress and nine unelected and totally unaccountable members of the U.S. Supreme Court, fifty Governors and thousands of City Mayors… and not a single one of them was elected by the people to decide who to quarantine, when to mask, who can earn a living and who can’t, who must be vaccinated and what will happen to those who refuse! NOT A SINGLE ONE!

These decisions rest with the American People and NO ONE ELSE! Now that I have set this baseline FACT straight, allow me to state some more FACTS!

Only thirteen “doctors” are running the Marxist COVID OP, nine of whom are directly on payroll with congressional democrats, and seven of whom have received funding from the Clinton Foundation. None of these thirteen ever see patients.

Meanwhile, more than 2300 international virologists totally disagree with the scam “science” forced down people’s throats by those thirteen democrat doctors, and more than 10,000 frontline doctors have filed suit against those responsible for intentionally lying to the public.

So, why is Florida Governor DeSantis suddenly pimping the vaccines after standing so strong against the COVID scam until now?

First, like President Trump, DeSantis is NOT a doctor or scientist. This means he must rely upon the “expert” opinions of those who are, in short, “follow the scientists.” The issue is, whose science?

2300 international virologists and 10,000 frontline doctors have been either discredited or silenced by the thirteen democrat doctors behind the COVID bioweapon operation. Only the opinions of the thirteen democrat doctors are allowed to speak without opposition, namely, Dr. Fauci, who has been caught lying repeatedly, including to Congress under oath and penalty of perjury.

But there is more…

Despite admitting months ago that their “COVID case” numbers were dramatically inflated due to faulty testing, now recalled by the FDA, resulting in a 500% overstated “infection” reporting, the CDC and their thirteen doctors continue using the inflated case numbers to extend the fear-mongering. Approximately 80% of the test “positives” have been “false positives,” as admitted by the CDC months ago.

Despite admitting that only 6% of all COVID LABELED DEATHS were actually deaths caused by COVID19, and that the other 94% died of other causes, the democrat doctors and Biden regime are still using the grossly over-reported deaths from COVID19, and so is the Marxist news media.

Democrat Marxist “fact-checkers” at SNOPES and ANNENBERGS Fact-Check continue to intentionally mislead the public with their carefully crafted word-parsing, “Only 6% died OF COVID,” the other 94% allegedly died of other causes “with COVID.” (Remember the false positives)

But there’s more…

As of July 21, 2021, at least 53,000 “COVID deaths” in the USA had been reported to VAERS since January 1, 2021. 100% of these deaths were “post-vaccine” and they included all of the different vaccine manufacturers. This alone proves that the approved narrative, now spewed by Republicans from Sean Hannity to Governor DeSantis and most of the Fox News talking heads, 100% FALSE!

So, I have made it possible for you to SEE THIS REALITY FOR YOURSELF in a matter of seconds.

The CDC and VAERS are busy deleting COVID vaccine death reports and they have started NOT accepting any new “vaccine death reports” from medical professionals on the frontlines, who are becoming increasingly concerned about the safety of any of these so-called vaccines. (COVID19 is NOT a virus, and these vaccines are NOT vaccines)

But before they could delete all of them, I exported several VAERS reports to a secure thumb drive and then posted them for the world toconsider HERE and HERE. This is what you will see if you click and read these reports, which are posted in the original VAERS exported form, without any edit or alteration.

  1. ALL (100%) of these attending physician reports to VAERS concerning “new COVID deaths” are in patients that have received these vaccines, no exceptions. ALL of these reports are “post-vaccine deaths.”(But that’s NOT how they are marked)
  2. The second report separated these death reports by vaccine manufacturer.
  3. ALL of them have been marked by VAERS and the CDC as mere “COVID DEATHS” with none of them marked “vaccine deaths,” even though all of them happened “post-vaccine.”
  4. In report after report, you will read horrifying accounts from attending physicians, of exactly how these vaccines are ravaging the bodies of the vaccinated, from the inside out, until dead.
  5. You will see that although most cases are in the 60+ age groups, those targeted for vaccination first and often having “pre-existing health risks,” other deaths are patients as young as 13 years of age, in perfect health prior to receiving their vaccines.

THIS is the “science” that everyone is relying upon in making their pro-vaccine statements. They believe there “are no vaccine deaths” simply because VAERS and the CDC are marking ALL “vaccine related deaths” as mere “COVID19 deaths,” leading unsuspecting people, including government leaders like DeSantis to assume the vaccines are “safe.” The CDC is lying again!

Just as Fauci, the CDC, WHO, politicians, the Marxist media, and their Marxist “fact-checkers” LIED about infected numbers and death toll numbers for the past 19-months, they are lying about the 2021 vaccine death numbers now.

ONLY when you take the time to READ the attending physician reports yourself, will you see that ALL of these “COVID DEATHS” occurred AFTER the patients received one or more of the vaccines. You will also see that it doesn’t matter which vaccine they took, as they are all causing the same adverse effects.

These reports deal strictly with patients who had DIED AFTER RECEIVING their vaccines. They DO NOT include anyone who has died without a vaccine, or anyone forever disabled by the vaccines, but still living.

My previous column lays much of this truth bare, HERE. Other good investigative writers like Devvy Kidd at NewsWithViews, are also working feverishly to expose the real FACTS that every American MUST know immediately, in order to save their own lives and that of their loved ones.

Unfortunately, we cannot make everyone READ these facts, or make them take the appropriate actions after. All we can do is do the homework and present the real facts. The rest is up to YOU, the American people.

You will have to decide who you believe, the thirteen democrat doctors making billions off their vaccines, or the 2300 virologists sounding the alarm all over the world. Will you believe Fauci, Joe Biden, Trump, and DeSantis? Or will you believe more than 10,000 international Frontline Doctors?

There is no second chance here… these are LIFE AND DEATH decisions you will have to make. ALL of this is about CONTROL, not science or health. If this were about your health, this would have been handled entirely different. Use your survival instincts to cut through the lies. Use your common sense to defuse the massive lies coming from democrat doctors seeking total global political power.


© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lex Greene:

The Origin of Covid-19—Updated, Part 2

By Dennis Cuddy, Ph.D.

Recently, there was a heated exchange in Congress between Sen. Rand Paul and Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) within the National Institutes of Health (NIH).. Sen. Paul accused Dr. Fauci of funding gain-of-function (GoF) research at China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), which Dr. Fauci denied. The debate really comes down to one’s definition of GoF. Dr. Fauci claimed that the NIAID grant to EcoHealth Alliance (R01AI110964), which was subcontracted to WIV simply “sought to understand how bat coronaviruses evolve naturally in the environment to become transmissible to the human population.” Fauci asserted the grant did not support research that would have increased the coronaviruses’ transmissibility or lethality for humans, which would have been GoF. However, in grant R01AI110964-06, it states: “In a previous R01 we found that bats in southern China harbor an extraordinary diversity of SARSr-CoVs, some of which can use human ACE2 to enter cells, infect humanized mouse models causing SARS-like illness, and evade available therapies or vaccines.”

The new Delta and Delta+ variants are the result of a rare double mutation, one of which increases transmissibility and the other increases the probability of escaping or avoiding the efficacy of the vaccines. Isn’t that too coincidental to occur at the very time Covid-19 was coming under control? And isn’t increased transmissibility and escaping or avoiding vaccine efficacy what GoF would do?!

But even if one does not blame Dr. Fauci for funding GoF research at WIV, he’s not an idiot, and he keeps up with research in this area. As I mentioned in Part 1, Dr. Ralph Baric at UNC Bioscience Lab Level 3 had, with funds from the NIH and NIAID (AI 1085524) as well as the National Natural Science Foundation of China [81290341 (Z.-L.S.) and 31470260 (X.Y.G.)], engineered a hybrid virus that could infect human airway cells (THE SCIENTIST, Jay Akst, November 16, 2015). Baric thanked Dr. Shi of WIV for access to bat CoV sequences and plasmid of WIV1-CoV spike protein. Then, according to former NEW YORK TIMES science writer Nicholas Wade in “Origin of Covid 19: Following the Clues,” (May 2, 2021): “Dr. Baric had developed and taught Dr. Shi a general method for engineering bat coronaviruses to attack other species. The specific targets were human cells….Dr. Shi returned to her lab at Wuhan and resumed her work she had started of genetically engineering coronaviruses to attack human cells.”

At the same time this was being done in 2015, Chinese military scientists authored a 261-page document titled “The Unnatural Origin of SARS and New Species of Man-Made Viruses as Genetic Bio-weapons” edited by Xu Dezhong and discussing the long-term psychological damage of such bio-weapons on foreign troops and the low cost of biological attacks, as well as secondary effects such as placing destructive stress upon an enemy’s health care system. Has Covid-19 severely stressed America’s health care system? Dr. Fauci had to be aware of the above information concerning WIV and Drs. Baric and Shi. And if so, why would he (NIAID) fund WIV research, whether or not it was GoF, knowing WIV cooperated with the Chinese military scientists who produced the 261-page document in 2015?

About the same time I wrote to ABC News about Covid-19 on March 2, 2020, I also predicted that there would be subsequently an even worse virus. That would be the Delta variant first discovered in India in October 2020 (about 90% of the new infections in India are caused by the Delta variant). While the July 16-17 edition of THE WALL STREET JOURNAL contained an article by Leslie Bienen and Monica Gandhi titled, “The Reassuring Data on the Delta Variant,” emphasizing that hospitalizations due to Covid-19 have been declining, on July 16, the Centers for Disease Control announced that the latest seven-day average increased over the previous week by nearly 70% in numbers of new cases, 36% in new hospitalizations and 26 % in deaths.

And if one thinks being vaccinated automatically prevents a person from getting the Delta or Delta+ variant, reflect upon the fact that about 50% of the vaccinated adults in Israel have now been infected by the Delta or even more transmissible Delta+ variant. In Moscow, 90% of the new cases are caused by the Delta variant, and in late June of this year, 20,182 new coronavirus infections occurred in Russia in just one day!

According to African Centers for Disease Control director John Nkengasong, the current Delta variants are hitting the continent in an “extremely brutal and very devastating” way. A British health minister warned that Britain may see daily cases increase to 100,000 or more. Already in England, about 60% of the hospitalized Covid-19 patients have had 2 doses of vaccines, and a majority of the new patients have the Delta variant. In the U.S., the new Delta variants make up more than 20% of all new cases as of June 25 of this year (up from 10% just 2 weeks before), and more than 31% as of July 14.

Previously, we were told that if one is fully vaccinated and wearing a mask, that person should not get infected. However, on July 20, it was announced that fully vaccinated members of the White House staff and U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s staff have been infected by Covid-19. Also, popular news reporter Catt Sadler was both fully vaccinated and wearing a mask, yet she still got the Delta variant, and her symptoms were NOT mild ! She said she had “2 days of fever, a throbbing head, extreme congestion, serious fatigue and even some weird puss coming out of her eye.”

Could the Delta and Delta+variants actually be newly engineered bioweapons? Could they be brought by illegal immigrants across our southern border? And don’t forget the global economic impact I predicted in my March 2, 2020 email to ABC News! On July 19, the stock market plunged nearly 900 points, and major benchmarks suffered their worst declines of this year, largely due to new concerns about the spread of Covid-19’s Delta variants.

© 2021 Dennis Cuddy – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dennis Cuddy:

American Marxism and Fox News

By Cliff Kincaid

The new Mark Levin book, American Marxism, tells an old story that my group, America’s Survival, Inc., has been telling for decades. Levin is a Johnnie-come-lately to a problem that we documented in several major conferences. What Levin ought to do is examine how one of the most important Marxist doctrines, referred to by Marx as the abolition of the family, has taken root in the conservative movement he claims to represent and on the cable channel that employs him.

Chronicles magazine is tackling the taboo topic of how the sexual revolution has infected conservatism. From my vantage point, it has scandalized Fox News since the time when a group of women exposed how Fox founder Roger Ailes sexually harassed women in his employ. His techniques eventually gave rise to the movie “Bombshell.”

“America has embraced a culture in which sex is ripped out of all moral contexts and made into a matter of an individual’s creative identity and pursuit of physical pleasures,” writes Alexander Riley in Chronicles magazine. The issue examined “Divorce and its Costs” and includes a fascinating article by Stephen Baskerville, “The Sexual Left, the Welfare State, and the Divorce Revolution.”

Looking at the headlines, one sees that a female top FBI official had a “romantic relationship” with a subordinate, a top Catholic official was caught using a gay dating app, and former Fox employee Ed Henry is accused of having an affair with a female employee while claiming his firing constituted yet another cover-up of sexual affairs at Fox.

What’s more, the lawsuit contends, “In 2020, the company began blacklisting prominent conservatives who offended friends of the Murdoch family,” the owners of Fox. One top Fox official is quoted as saying she was tired of “carrying water” for President Trump.

Meanwhile, Fox star Jesse Watters is hawking a book, How I Saved the World, even though he couldn’t save his own marriage. His messy affair and divorce were the subject of countless stories. But he bounced back with a new wife, as the New York Post reported, “Guests at their wedding in Naples, Florida, included Donald Trump Jr. and Kimberly Guilfoyle, plus Eric and Lara Trump.”

Watters took over from former Fox star Bill O’Reilly, who is still trying to crush disclosures relating to the sex scandal allegations against him, four years after he was forced out, he appears regularly on Newsmax and the Glenn Beck show.

Levin, a Fox News star, is right in the middle of the moral collapse of American society that he blames on Marxism.

As part of a follow-up Chronicles cover story, “Reforming the Right,” Baskerville wrote an article and gave an interview to me looking at the failure of the conservative movement to meet the challenge from the left. Baskerville mentions one case, the disgraceful sex scandal at Liberty University involving its former president, Jerry Falwell Jr. I remember the time when his father started a group calling itself the Moral Majority.

The Falwell Jr. case is just the latest scandal involving conservatives and Republicans. Too many are morally compromised and have skeletons in their closets.

During the interview, I brought up another case, the extramarital affair involving the former Missouri governor, Republican Eric Greitens, now running for the Senate and seeking Trump’s endorsement. Kimberly Guilfoyle, who is Donald Trump Jr.’s girlfriend, is national chair of Greitens’ 2022 Senate bid. Guilfoyle is a former Fox News personality who was married to California Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom.

Greitens has been a guest on Steve Bannon’s “War Room” program and said that Guilfoyle “has been one President Trump’s fiercest defenders and she will continue to fight and defend America First values.” Bannon calls Greitens a great American because of his military service.

However, his bio neglects to mention his extramarital affair which forced his resignation as governor. When the story came to light and a Missouri House committee investigated the affair, then-Missouri Attorney General Josh Hawley called on Greitens to resign, saying there was “shocking, substantial, and corroborated evidence of wrongdoing by Gov. Greitens.”An AP story summarized the evidence.

Hawley is now a Senator and continues to say that Greitens had to resign.

At the top of the government, the top law enforcement agency, the FBI, is once again facing charges that its investigation of the sexual assault allegations against Trump Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh was mostly a sham.

Assistant FBI Director Jill Tyson has now revealed that “relevant” tips to the FBI tip line about Kavanaugh’s “suitability or trustworthiness” were forwarded to the Office of the White House Counsel and Washington insider Don McGhan. The FBI did not follow up on them.

This is the same Jill Tyson,an at-large member of the FBI’s Diversity Executive Council, in the middle of the FBI scandal involving a “romantic relationship” with a subordinate.

And this is the same FBI which tolerated agents Peter Strzok and Lisa Page conducting an affair and plotting against Trump.

Trump White House counsel and Washington insider McGahn left the White House and returned to his firm Jones Day, which is representing Catholic cover-up artist Cardinal Donald Wuerl. This part of the Swamp, which includes the Catholic hierarchy and Kavanaugh’s alma mater Georgetown Prep, counted Kavanaugh as a member in good standing. Kavanaugh was another Washington insider who grew up in the Swamp and has served it faithfully, most notably in his role in covering up the circumstances surrounding the mysterious death of former Clinton White House lawyer Vincent Foster.

The handling of the Kavanaugh “tip line” has apparently now convinced liberals of FBI Director Christopher Wray’s malfeasance. Several Democratic Senators have demanded an explanation of his handling of the Kavanaugh nomination.

One liberal writer, Judd Legum, notes that Kavanaugh and Wray overlapped at Yale Law School, where they were both members of the right-wing Federalist Society. “They also worked together in the George W. Bush administration,” he notes.

Liberals complain that Wray used his FBI to enable Republicans to fraudulently declare that the investigation found “no corroboration” of the allegations against Kavanaugh made by Christine Blasey Fordor another accuser, Debbie Rameriez. But now, with Biden in power, Wray is playing to Democrats by persecuting Trump backers like Rudolph Giuliani.

In Giuliani’s case, “At 6:00 in the morning, there was a loud BANG outside my door,” he says. “7 FBI agents presented a warrant to raid my apartment and seize electronic devices from my home. The Deep State is on a mission to take down every single one of President Trump’s closest allies — and that puts me at the top of the list.”

Can honest liberals and conservatives come together to demand the firing of Christopher Wray? It wouldn’t be a solution to American corruption but it might begin the process of clawing our way out of the Swamp.

For that to happen, however, conservatives and Trump supporters would have to agree that Kavanaugh was a member of the Deep State all along.

That doesn’t seem likely. “I believe Brett Kavanaugh,” said Mark Levin, regarding the unresolved sex assault allegations against the tainted nominee who now has a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

A Grimm View of Truth

By Paul Engel

  • Does absolute truth exist? And if so, does it matter?
  • Do “transgender” people have the right to force others to comply with their “feelings”?
  • Do the words “sex” and “gender” have any meaning anymore?

Does truth matter? I know, many people claim truth is personal, that you have your truth and I have mine, but can a society survive without a recognition of objective truth? The Supreme Court recently declined to hear a case out of the Fourth Circuit that revolved around a simple question: Is truth defined by what is or by what people think?

In a 2-1 opinion published by the Fourth Circuit, a very simple question was asked.

At the heart of this appeal is whether equal protection and Title IX can protect transgender students from school bathroom policies that prohibit them from affirming their gender.


When the judges are referring to Title IX in this context, they mean Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, 20 U.S.C. § 1681(a).

No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance,

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, 20 U.S.C. § 1681(a)

Seems simple enough. Title IX says no one shall be discriminated against under any education program or activity receiving federal funds because of their sex.

1a: either of the two major forms of individuals that occur in many species and that are distinguished respectively as female or male especially on the basis of their reproductive organs and structures

b: the sum of the structural, functional, and sometimes behavioral characteristics of organisms that distinguish males and females

c: the state of being male or female

Definition of sex – Merriam Webster Dictionary

Single sex bathrooms are, by definition, based on sex, which is a physical attribute, as opposed to gender which can be based on non-physical attributes.

a: SEX sense 1a the feminine gender

b: the behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits typically associated with one sex

Definition of gender – Merriam Webster Dictionary

So, the question should be quite simple. Can a law that protects against discrimination based on sex be used to force schools to allow students to use bathrooms based on what they think is their gender?

At the heart of this appeal is whether equal protection and Title IX can protect transgender students from school bathroom policies that prohibit them from affirming their gender. We join a growing consensus of courts in holding that the answer is resoundingly yes.


Notice, this court did not come this decision based on the law, but has decided to rewrite both the law and the dictionary based on the “growing consensus” of other courts.


Now a twenty-year-old college student, Plaintiff-Appellee Gavin Grimm has spent the past five years litigating against the Gloucester County School Boards refusal to allow him as a transgender male to use the boys restrooms at Gloucester County High School.


Since I believe that language matters, I have to note that what the court calls a “transgender male” is a female who thinks her body is wrong. Since she has the reproductive organs of a female, by the definition of sex, she is a female.

Grimms birth-assigned sex, or so-called biological sex,” is female, but his gender identity is male.


The linguistic legerdemain continues when the court referred to Grimm’s “birth-assigned sex”. It’s not her biological sex that’s “so-called”, but the term “birth-assigned” that’s a linguistic lie. No one on earth assigned a sex to Ms. Grimm, she was born that way. That she doesn’t like that she’s a girl doesn’t change the fact that she’s female.

Accommodation is NOT enough

Beginning at the end of his freshman year, Grimm changed his first name to Gavin and expressed his male identity in all aspects of his life. After conversations with a school counselor and the high school principal, Gavin entered his sophomore year living fully as a boy.


Notice that Ms. Grimm changed her name, not her body. If all she has changed is her name, then she still has female reproductive organs. That means she’s a girl in boys clothing, but if she wants to live as a horse, but that does not make her one.

At first, the school allowed him to use the boys bathrooms. But once word got out, the Gloucester County School Board (the Board”) faced intense backlash from parents, and ultimately adopted a policy under which students could only use restrooms matching their biological gender.


While the school didn’t seem to care that a girl was using the boys bathroom, it appears a significant number of parents did. This goes to show one of the most overlooked problems with our nation’s fascination with treating facts as inconvenient truths when it comes to sex. This court seems concerned with the “feelings” of Ms. Grimm, but shows absolutely no concern for the other students they want to forcibly impose Ms. Grimm’s delusion upon.

While the court doesn’t seem to care about the majority of students, the school board attempted to come to some reasonable accommodation.

The Board built single-stall restrooms as an alternative” for students with gender identity issues.” Grimm suffered from stigma, from urinary tract infections from bathroom avoidance, and from suicidal thoughts that led to hospitalization.


In an effort to accommodate all sides, the school built single-stall restrooms. That way, Ms. Grimm, and anyone else with “gender identity issues”, could use the restroom without infringing on the rights of the rest of the school. The court claims that Ms. Grimm “suffered from stigma” from using the single-stall restrooms. According to the opinion, that’s not exactly true:

Moreover, the single-stall restrooms made Grimm feel stigmatized and isolated.”


In the opinion, not one example is given of someone stigmatizing Ms. Grimm for using the single-stall restroom. This court has placed the feelings of Ms. Grimm above both the law and the rights of the other students. And as for her unwillingness to use a restroom that did not “stigmatize” the other students leading to urinary tract infections, that was her choice. I’m not saying it was a wise choice, but the school did make a reasonable accommodation of Ms. Grimm’s desire to live as a boy. But this wasn’t good enough for her. She demanded that the school and everyone else not only accommodate her delusion, but embrace it as if her feelings could change reality itself. The fact that Ms. Grimm suffered from suicidal thoughts because she thought that her body was wrong shows this was not a physical problem but a mental one. However, rather than seeking assistance, Ms. Grimm has decided to sue the school board to force everyone else to join her in rejecting reality and substituting her preferences for the science based facts. In doing so, Ms. Grimm is claiming that her desire to impose her will on the rest of the world supersedes everyone else’s rights. She expects reality itself to bend to her wishes, and apparently does not care what damage must be done to make that happen. And the courts of Virginia agreed with her.

Nevertheless, he persevered in his transition; he underwent chest reconstruction surgery, received a state-court order stating that he is male, and amended his birth certificate to accurately reflect his gender. But when he provided the school with his new documentation, the Board refused to amend his school records.


In pursuit of this mental confusion, Ms. Grimm amputated her breasts and then got a court in Virginia to lie for her. Meanwhile, this order continued the lie, by ordering the state to amend her birth certificate to “accurately reflect his gender”. First of all, the Commonwealth of Virginia does not record gender on birth certificates, it lists sex. And since, by dictionary definition Ms. Grimm’s sex is female, the state-court ordered the Virginia Department of Health to lie on an official state form. By conflating sex with gender, this court not only furthers the state-court lie, but creates a lie of its own. And now, when the Gloucester County School Board refused to participate in the lie, they are taken to court and ordered to lie and infringe on the rights of the vast majority of its students by two judges who not only have a problem with the truth, they also have a problem following the law.


Ms. Grimm is claiming that by using scientifically provable facts, the Gloucester County School Board is violating the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

nor shall any State … deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

U.S. Constitution, Amendment XIV

Of course, violating the Equal Protection Clause is exactly what Ms. Grimm is asking the school board to do. The law clearly states that she cannot be discriminated against based on sex, but she wants the right to discriminate against boys who do not wish to use the bathroom in front of a girl. She also claims that not affirming her delusion that she is a boy constitutes discrimination based on sex, yet she is asking the school to discriminate against the boys who do not wish to share a bathroom with a girl. She is also claiming that the fact that the school board refused to lie for her also violates equal protection and Title IX. Not only has the Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit committed a gross violation of their oaths and judicial ethics by placing their opinions above the law, they have themselves violated equal protection by applying Title IX differently based on the feelings of someone before their court.

By this point there may be some of you wondering why I referred to the plaintiff as Ms. Grimm throughout this article. My intention is not to harm or shame her in any way. However, I do not think it is caring or helpful to perpetuate a lie simply to soothe someone’s feelings. I do not hold any animosity against Ms. Grimm, nor do I wish her ill no matter how she wishes to live her life. If we live in a free country, then Ms. Grimm should be allowed to live her life as she sees fit until she infringes on the rights of others. So it’s Ms. Grimm’s infringement on the rights of others with which I have an issue. If she wishes to live her life based on how she feels, either she allows others to do so as well, or she is a liar and a hypocrite. By pretending objective truth does not exist and supporting her lie we do not help Ms. Grimm. Rather we condemn her to a life of pain, suffering, and possibly more suicidal thoughts. This is not merely my opinion, but the results of studies of those who have gone through gender transition. Personally, I would rather see Ms. Grimm get the help she needs to live with the reality that she is a girl. If she wishes to dress like a boy and act like a boy, that’s her choice. Expecting the mutilation of her body to bring peace to her life though, is a fool’s errand I would council Ms. Grimm against pursuing.

© 2021 Paul Engel – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Paul Engel:

[BIO: Paul Engel founded The Constitution Study in 2014 to help everyday Americans read and study the Constitution. Author and speaker, Paul has spent more than 20 years studying and teaching about both the Bible and the U.S. Constitution. Freely admitting that he “learned more about our Constitution from School House Rock than in 12 years of public school” he proves that anyone can be a constitutional scholar. You can find his books on Amazon and Apple Books. You can also find his books, classes and other products at the Constitution Study website ( You can reach him at]

COVID-19: Why Are American Scientists Silent on This?

By: Devvy

I want to refer back to my July 12, 2021, column, COVID-19 Not a Virus:  Can Any Scientist Prove Dr. Stefan Lanka Wrong?

Genetics falsifies thesis of existence

“In the trial, the results of research into so-called genetic fingerprints of alleged measles virus have been introduced. Two recognized laboratories, including the world’s largest and leading genetic Institute, arrived at exactly the same results independently.The results prove that the authors of the six publications in the measles virus case were wrong, and as a direct result all measles virologists are still wrong today: They have misinterpreted ordinary constituents of cells as part of the suspected measles virus.

“Because of this error, during decades of consensus building process, normal cell constituents were mentally assembled into a model of a measles virus. To this day, an actual structure that corresponds to this model has been found neither in a human, nor in an animal. With the results of the genetic tests, all thesis of existence of measles virus has been scientifically disproved.

“The authors of the six publications and all other persons involved, did not realize the error because they violated the fundamental scientific duty, which is the need to work “legeartis”, i.e. in accordance with internationally defined rules and best practice of science. They did not carry out any control experiments. Control experiments would have protected authors and mankind from this momentous error. This error became the basis of belief in the existence of any disease-causing viruses. The expert appointed by the court, Prof. Dr.  Podbielski, answering to the relevant question by the court, as per page 7 of the protocol explicitly confirmed that the authors did not conduct any control experiments.”

The gold standard for identifying a virus has been Koch’s Postulates which a lot of Americans now know about because of COVID-19.  Hell, I can cite Koch’s Postulates in my sleep I’ve done so much research on this science.  Koch, enjoyed fame as a microbiologist for what became known as Kochs Postulates in identifying a virus.  Friedrich Loeffler partnered with Koch for this scientific discovery way back in 1884, some 133 years ago.  Not the first time this field of science was being developed.  Koch and Friedrich leaned heavily on earlier research by a German doctor specializing in pathology and anatomy, Friedrich Gustave Jakob Henle.

From day one this mysterious “new novel” coronavirus was labeled that and remains today as a virus allegedly released from a bioweapons lab in Wuhan, China.  Then along comes scientists and researchers who state no one can prove – not the CDC or any other government or health agency or lab in the world – including the Koch Institute in Germany has a purified isolated particles specimen of that virus.

The Invented Pandemic, the Lack of Virus Isolation and the Invalid COVID-19 Test by Dr. Stefano Scoglio.

Phantom Virus:  In Search of Sars-CoV-2 by Torsten Engelbrecht, Dr. Stefano Scoglio & Konstantin Demeter, Off Guardian

Leading Corona Researchers Admit That They Have No Scientific Proof for the Existence of a virus

Where is the Evidence for the Existence of the ‘Novel Coronavirus’, SARS-CoV-2?

Fast forward to 2017 and along comes Dr. Stefan Lanka, another German molecular biologist.  Lanka has never said measles doesn’t exist as a disease.  His research focused on:  Is it a virus?  Now, is this furphy or a proven scientific conclusion?  One would think American scientists would be interested in either debating Dr. Lanka on this or even conduct their own controlled experiments to prove him right or wrong.

Apparently not because after that trial the only mention of it was nothing but smear pieces by media in several countries.  Other scientists calling him a quack, anti-vaxxer and all the usual labels.  Dr. Lanka is no first-year biology or virology student.  He’s been in his field for decades.  It’s been almost four years since Lanka’s trial (not criminal, he prevailed) and I can find no where any scientific challenge by scientists either here in the U.S. or other countries to either prove Lanka wrong or that he is right.  Why is that?  The answer is simple:  Because it puts 137 years of science on its head.Because we’re talking gazillions of billions of dollars for vaccine manufacturers and research grants for labs and universities. 

I found this to be very helpful in distinguishing the difference between a disease and a virus:  Disease vs. Virus: What Is the Difference?  Under common diseases it lists cancer.  Cancer is not treated with a vaccine.  It also lists shingles.  According to the CDC, shingles is a virus and conveniently, there’s a vaccine for it.  Rubella or German Measles aka the three-day measles is allegedly a virus.  If Dr. Lanka’s scientific research holds, they’re not viruses, either.  Quite a conundrum.

Parents across this country continue to be forced to have their child get a measles vaccine when the child may not need it.  Those parents who choose not to are vilified and told they are selfish.  Same crap going on now.  And, measles continues to be called a virus:

A safe and highly efficacious measles virus-based vaccine expressing SARS-CoV-2 stabilized prefusion spike, March 23, 2021.  “Competing interest statement: The Ohio State University has filed an invention report for the measles virus-based SARS-CoV-2 vaccine platform.” Cha-ching!

Researchers Clarify Why Measles Doesn’t Evolve to Escape Immunity – “Unlike SARS-CoV-2, which mutated into new strains in its first year as a human disease-causing virus, measles virus does not mutate in a comparable way.”  Perhaps Miguel Ángel Muñoz-Alía at the Mayo Clinic might want to discuss measles being a virus with Dr. Stefan Lanka.

When I was a kid, you got the measles you stayed home from school.  No vaccine.  Natural immune system kicks in and fights it off.  Yeah, kids get it and have longer than I’ve been alive.  The key is keeping children healthy (diet, exercise) where today, tragically, pediatric diabetes continues to rise as countless young children are mildly fat to outright obese.

I believe civil discussions and even collaboration in the world of science is a very good thing – especially considering how far the world of science and technology has come over the past 137 years since Robert Koch developed the four-criteria process known as Koch’s Postulates.

One particular disease Lanka focused on as have so many other scientists is HIV.  Like millions of others, over the decades I’ve read my fair share about that terrible disease.  The one book I highly recommend is:  Fauci: The Bernie Madoff of Science and the HIV Ponzi Scheme that Concealed the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Epidemic,  March 23, 2020.  It’s short and precise.  The author of that book is also no lightweight.

In this era of vaccine mania, one would think measles is as deadly as Ebola which is the one to really fear.  The numbers are all over the place but by June 13, 2019, there were 1,044 reported cases of measles.  Reported being a key word.  No deaths.  Yes, deaths do occur attributed to measles but, like this COVID-19, was the death due solely to measles or were there existing comorbidities?

Speaking of vaccine mania, there’s another book by award-winning journalist, Torsten Engelbrecht,  I highly recommend.  Not because one is an anti-vaxxer which I am not.  But because I believe there’s just too much money in vaccines that may or may not be safe or effective.  Virus Mania: How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion-Dollar Profits At Our Expense

“The central aim of this book is to steer the discussion back to a real scientific debate and put medicine back on the path of an impartial analysis of the facts. It will put medical experiments, clinical trials, statistics and government policies under the microscope, revealing that the people charged with protecting our health and safety have deviated from this path. To substantiate these statements, the authors cite dozens of highly renowned scientists and present approximately 1,100 pertinent scientific references.

“The topic of this book is of pivotal significance. The pharmaceutical companies and top scientists rake in enormous sums of money by attacking germs and the media boosts its audience ratings and circulations with sensationalized reporting (the coverage of the New York Times and Der Spiegel are specifically analyzed). “The primary purpose of commercially-funded clinical research is to maximize financial return on investment, not health,” says John Abramson of Harvard Medical School. Virus Mania will inform you on how such an environment took root-and how to empower yourself for a healthy life.”

I’ve watched several hours of video and read every article and interview I could find on Dr. Lanka.  It is a lot of reading but as I’ve said repeatedly, one must take the time to fully understand all this science and the bigger picture regarding this SARS-CoV-2 nightmare.  Not easy for me as I’ve had to constantly look up words like pathogens and all the other 14-letter words.  When you buy a bicycle, it comes with instructions so you can figure out how to put it together.  Same thing with this kind of research.

Virologist Dr Stefan Lanka Files Charge Against German ‘Government Virologist for Corona’ for Crimes Against Humanity, June 22, 2020 – “Thus, at this point, a publication about the existence of the measles virus that stands the test of good science has yet to be delivered.

“Furthermore, at the trial it was noted that contrary to its legal remit as per §4 Infection Protection Act (IfSG) the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the highest German authority in the field of infectious diseases, has failed to perform tests for the alleged measles virus and to publish these.The RKI claims that it made internal studies on the measles virus, however, refuses to hand over or publish the results.”

Why not? Why have no American scientists challenged his conclusions?  I would think – and America has highly educated, highly experienced scientists in every field imaginable – some of them would be interested in challenging Dr. Lanka.  But, there’s a lot of grant and research money we’re talking about in the scientific world.  Just like the cancer industry.

Dr Stefan Lanka Debunks Pictures of “Isolated Viruses” – “For almost one year we have been asking authorities, politicians and medical institutes for the scientific evidence for the existence of such viruses that are said to cause disease and therefore require “immunization”.

“After almost one year we have not received even one concrete answer which provides evidence for the existence of those “vaccine-preventable viruses”. The conclusion is inevitable that our children are still vaccinated on the basis of scientific standards of the 18th and 19th century. In the 19th century Robert Koch demanded in his generally accepted postulates evidence of the virus in order to prove infection; at Koch’s time this evidence couldn’t be achieved directly by visualization and characterization of the viruses, because adequate technology wasn’t available at that time. Methods of modern medicine have profoundly changed over the past 60 years, in particular by the invention of the electron microscope, yet all these viruses we get immunized against have still never been re-examined using this technology?”

Like TV shows solving murders.  The killer was finally identified 20 years later using his DNA which wasn’t available at the time the murder took place.

If Dr. Lanka is correct, SARS-CoV-2 is also not a virus.  Dr. Stefan Lanka: “All claims about viruses as pathogens are false”, June 17, 2021.  Now, can any American scientists prove him wrong?  This is critically important.  I am very interested in this because of where we are today with people dying at alarming rates after those experimental injections being passed off as vaccines.

COVID-19 injections are NOT effective.  Scientist Sounds Alarm: COVID Vaccines Producing Symptoms of Parkinson’s, Other Neurodegenerative Disorders“Immunologist and former NIH scientist J. Bart Classen analyzed data on COVID vaccine adverse events reported to the UK’s Yellow Card system and found thousands of reports of multiple symptoms that are “clear signals” of neurodegenerative disorders.” July 21, 2021

Dr. Peter McCullough, who initially supported the COVID injections, has now changed his mind: DR PETER Mccullough – Urgent Warning About Poisonous Jabs – “Dr. Peter McCullough MD is a Professor at Texas A & M College of Medicine, President, Cardiorenal Society of America, Editor-in-Chief, Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine, Senior Associate Editor, American Journal of Cardiology and others. He has written 46 peer-reviewed publications on COVID-19 and is considered among the world’s experts on the topic, testifying in the US Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs in November 2020, and throughout 2021 in the Texas Senate Committee on Health and Human Services, in the Colorado General Assembly, and in the New Hampshire Senate, concerning many aspects of the pandemic response…“I think if we had had a data and safety monitoring board, they would have shut down the vaccine in February of 2021.”

People receiving those injections allegedly continue to get COVID-19 – in huge numbers.  Of course, I would estimate 90% of them are tested using a PCR test as that is the “gold standard” for SARS-C-oV-2.  A test the inventor, Kary Mullins, said should not be used as a diagnostic tool for infectious diseases as it’s a manufacturing technique.

Now, added to the soup is a variant, Delta, allegedly coming out of India.  Oh, wait!  As I said in my column last week:  They’ll be endless “new” variants and sure enough two days later:  Houston Methodist Hospital says they have its first case of the latest COVID variant, Lambda coming out of Peru.  731 people in the U.S. now have this alleged new variant.  Keep ‘em coming, keep people scared enough to get a vaccine that isn’t a vaccine while desperately trying to hide the carnage from those injections. Vaccinated people found to be 600% more likely to die from covid “variants” than unvaccinated people, June 22, 2021

Will COVID Shots Drive Mutated Variants?, July 20, 2021  (Scaremongering)

80 fully vaccinated Mass. residents have died from COVID-19 as breakthrough cases surpass 5,000, July 21, 2021  /  Sen. Ron Johnson: Data from Israel Shows 84% of New COVID Cases are with Vaccinated Individuals (VIDEO), July 21, 2021/ Davide Bristot:  18-year-old Italian volleyball player dead 27 days after first Pfizer mRNA shot, July 20, 2021.  Perfectly healthy teen.  Injection June 17, dead July 14th.  Of course, it wasn’t the injection.  Teens are dying around the world for no reason after the injection (s)./ Both legs amputated and most of her hands; the photo is heartbreaking.  She took the Pfizer injection.

Minnesota Woman Loses Both Legs and Both Hands Following Second Pfizer COVID-19 Shot

Most side effects are mild, go ahead get the shot.  My God, this poor woman: Julie Ann Nobles: Colorado woman develops Bell’s Palsy, uncontrollable convulsions after experimental Moderna mRNA injection – “She ended up in the emergency room 45 minutes after the injection because she was unable to swallow anything. Doctors gave her steroids and Benadryl, and sent her home. But three days later, she experienced excruciating neck pain, followed by facial numbness. By May 19, she was paralyzed on the right side of her body. Doctors performed a battery of tests and ruled out a stroke. Mrs. Nobles praised God that the diagnosis was “only Bell’s Palsy.”

“Unfortunately, her condition worsened from there. Mr. Ben Nobles, Julie’s husband, said on May 26 that his wife was diagnosed with Functional Neurological Disorder (FND). The COVID Blog calls the condition “Shawn Skelton Syndrome,” named after the first person we covered who display these symptoms. Julie started having uncontrollable convulsions and extreme difficulty walking.”

Top epidemiologist: CDC undercounting vaccinated COVID cases – ‘It’s a fallacy’, “The CDC contends that only a small percentage of people in the United States who have been vaccinated will get COVID-19 — called “breakthrough cases” — but a leading epidemiologist argues that’s because the agency stopped counting the breakthrough cases of people who didn’t die or were not hospitalized.

“Some months ago the CDC stopped counting breakthrough cases … the large numbers of cases in people who had been vaccinated,” said Dr. Harvey Risch of the Yale School of Medicine in an interview Monday with Fox News’ Laura Ingraham.  “So, of course, those cases don’t register for the CDC’s counts, and so the great proportion [of cases] that they’re claiming are in unvaccinated people,” Risch said.”And that fallacy is why the U.S. and the CDC’s count is different from than Israel or the UK. It’s a fallacy.”

“On Tuesday, Britain’s chief scientific adviser said 40% of people who have been hospitalized with COVID-19 were fully vaccinated. Sir Patrick Vallance told a news briefing that the figure was not surprising “because the vaccines are not 100% effective,” Britain’s Sky News reported.”

Dr. Charles Hoffe Reveals Blood Clots in Majority of Vaccinated Patients and Speaks of “Permanently-Damaged Hearts”, July 21, 2021 – “This Vaccine is Quite Clearly More Dangerous Than COVID-19” – “Dr. Hoffe sent an open letter shortly after in April 2021 to the Provincial Health Officer in BC enumerating all his concerns and questions, something he describes on the Laura Lynn and Friends show (video linked below). In his letter he mentions the ruination of lives of patients now reporting chronic pain, neuromuscular weakness, serious neurological problems, and questions the continuing of the vaccine, when “this vaccine is quite clearly more dangerous than Covid-19…8. So my last question is this: Is it medically ethical to continue this vaccine rollout, in view of the severity of these life altering side-effects, after just the first shot? In Lytton, BC, we have an incidence of 1 in 225 of severe life altering side-effects, from this experimental gene modification therapy.”

Dr. Charles Hoffe has found 62% of his patients experienced elevated D-dimer levels after the vaccine.  He’s administered over 900 doses. Dr. Hoffe did his own research to try and find out why his patients were exhibiting micro-blood clotting after getting one of those injections.  This is a must watch short video. This is a very frightening prediction:  Those who took the injection likely will die within three years.

Freedom of Information Request Reveals 5,522 People have Died Within 28 Days of Receiving COVID-19 Vaccines in Scotland, July 21, 2021

49 Fully Vaccinated New Jersey Residents Have Died From COVID-19, July 22, 2021 – They all should be autopsied to see if any of them had organ failure.  Since Dec. 20, 2020.  I cited this in one of my recent columns: VAERS ID: 1441603.  Injected Jan. 29, 2021.  Died May 6, 2021, 98 days after injection.  75 days from injection to death71 days until deathDifferent ID, 75 days until death.  127 days until death.  Many months after getting the injection just as Prof. Cahill, Dr. Tenpenny and others said was going to happen.

18,928 DEAD, 1.8 Million Injured (50% SERIOUS) Reported in European Union’s Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 Shots, July 20, 2021

In 1976 the Swine Flu vaccine killed 53 people and was immediately taken off the market.  Why are these experimental injections which are NOT vaccines and killing people in horrific numbers still being given to people around the world when they are neither safe nor effective?

Dr David E Martin Just Ended COVID, Fauci, DOJ, Politicians in ONE INTERVIEW, July 21, 2021 (If you’re unfamiliar with Dr. David Martin, please see my last column.)

This is also an important 19-minute video.  I’m shocked You Tube hasn’t blocked it after more than 640,000 views. Peter McCullough, MD testifies to Texas Senate HHS Committee

Latest VAERS numbers.  We know the numbers are being massaged to hide the real number of deaths; please see my last column for a breakdown.  VAERS posting July 23rd was close to 11:00 pm CST when normally, posting is up before noon.  Normally posting shows “as of” which is about 2-3 weeks behind.  July 16th posting miraculously shows data through the 16th.  Uh-uh.  Something stinks, again.  Deaths:  11,405 up 414 since July 16th.  HOG WASH.  CDC Quietly Deletes 6,000 COVID Vaccine Deaths From Its CDC Website Total in One Day — Caught by Internet Sleuths (VIDEO), July 22, 2021

Between VAERS and Jane Doe’s numbers, the total is somewhere around 56,405, but with VAERS only posting about 1%, I have no doubt the numbers are much, much greater.  Not all Americans have any knowledge of VAERS.


The lawsuits already filed are going to expose a mountain of lies.  The EUA lawsuit filed in Alabama is a jury trial.  There was never any emergency and there still isn’t despite the massive propaganda vomited hourly by politicians and the prostitute media. They filed a Preliminary Injunction last week.

America’s Front Line Doctors are going to start suing colleges and universities.  This could be their first client.  What an outrage:  BYU Hawaii refuses to grant student exemption from vaccine that could paralyze her (They want her take an injection that can kill her but staff are not required to be injected.  Good for thee but not for me.) Civil Rights Group Challenges ‘Flawed’ Vaccine Mandate at George Mason University

It Begins: Judge Mandates COVID Vaccine As Condition Of Probation

Lawsuits are being filed all over the country from forced masks to forced injection or lose your job.  I am hopeful there will be a state Little RICO Acts prosecution; see here.

As I wrote before, Dr. Peter McCullough gave forth in an interview, “We have now a whistleblower inside the CMS (Center for Medicaid) and we have two whistleblowers in the CDC,” the doctor revealed.”  Jane Doe, like all whistleblowers is very afraid for herself and family, not to mention losing her job.  Been there done that as a federal whistleblower myself.  I wasn’t afraid, but I knew I would lose my job and I did.

Doe is the CMS employee who has sworn under oath her statements are the truth:  Based on her long professional career, she states patient deaths within 3 days of the jab “would indicate the true number of vaccine related deaths was at least 45,000.” See here.

I’m not shocked.  This whole “pandemic” scheme is blowing up as millions of Americans now know the truth and millions more will because of columns like mine and others being networked via social media and email lists.  We Are A Solid, Even Overwhelming, Majority! – “71.4 percent said vaccines should be a “personal choice.”

Governors continue to be tyrants while state legislatures do nothing to stop those deadly, dangerous experimental injections.  This tyrant  has put her stupidity and ignorance front and center: “It’s Time to Start Blaming Unvaccinated Folks – Not the Regular Folks” – Alabama GOP Governor Dehumanizes Unvaccinated People (VIDEO).  Ivey (a Republican) is blaming the unvaxxed for the rise in cases.  She’s not the only one. Our GOP governor, Greg Abbott is also a cheerleader for those dangerous injection as well as these: They Are All In On It! Republican Governors Try To Convince Followers To Take The Shot

Why?  The answer is simple:  The Democrats and their lackey media have been screaming it’s Republicans who refuse to take the vaccine endangering everyone else!  All these new cases are their fault, blah, blah, blah and Republican governors worried about their next election and out of ignorance have, as usual, caved.  Targeted the unvaxxed:  Latest leftist to demand Trump supporters be forcibly re-educated

The media and the walking corpse parked in the WH are full steam ahead to vilify anyone who refuses an injection.  Oh, my God!  Delta variant is killing people and the selfish out there refuse to get vaccinated. Horowitz: Data from India continues to blow up the ‘Delta’ fear narrative

This galactic sh*t show is the same hysteria whipped up starting in late Feb., early March of 2020.  I’ve seen headlines of fights breaking out between the vaxxed against those who chose not to take one.  Next thing you know people will start shooting because they’ve literally lost their minds over this manufactured hysteria.Vaccinated people found to be 600% more likely to die from covid “variants” than unvaccinated people  and Covid-19 injections are spreading new “variants” of coronavirus

47 studies confirm ineffectiveness of masks for Covid and 32 more confirm their negative health effects

Governors and politicians of all stripes are NOT going to be able to hide this slaughter much longer.  And speaking of longer, I’m sorry this column is so long but people are dying, being permanently disabled, teens dying from Myocarditis or their lives changed drastically with a life-long heart problem. Vax manufacturers are pushing hard to get approval to start shooting up children.  Time is of the essence and it’s up to We the People to demand– and I mean by the tens of thousands to governors-  Stop all COVID injections now.

I have sent another package to Sen. Bob Hall and six other members of the Health & Safety Committee here in Texas telling them they had best sit down with Gov. Abbott and give him a shot of reality and issue an EO to stop all injections for COVID-19 now.  I hope you will take action because the clock is ticking.  Besides a copy of this column, I also included the items below – except Kaufman’s interview; I only provided the link.  I’m going to have to buy a new copy machine but if it saves one life, it’s worth it.  Snail mail can’t be ignored.

Cease and desist papers served on Prof. Dr. Christian Drosten by Dr. Reiner Füllmich

This video is probably one of the most important to date.  Dr. Kaurman’s bio is hereMIT Scientist Exposes Covid-19 Hoax in Bombshell Interview 

This is his major summary:  Dr. Reiner Fuellmich:  Crimes Against Humanity and the Covid-19 PCR Test

And here’s the grand finale.  What I and so many others have said since last December – cases so grossly over exaggerated due to the PCR test.  But lock down the states and destroy people’s lives and livelihood to save us all from this new virus that isn’t a virus!  Remember a link I provided in my last column:  Is it COVID or Is it the Flu? Not Even Your Doctor Knows for Sure

COVID hit at the beginning of the influenza season in 2019.  Suddenly in 2020 no one has the flu anymore, it’s all COVID – the new cash cow.  Why did the CDC do this now?  Because the truth is out of the bottle with lawsuits breathing down their throats.  A whole brigade of individuals needs to go to prison.


CDC to Withdraw Emergency Use Authorization for RT PCR Test Because it Cannot Distinguish Between SARS-CoV-2 and the Flu

CDC urges labs to use COVID tests that can differentiate from flu – “There were 646 deaths relating to the flu among adults reported in 2020, whereas in 2019 the CDC estimated that between 24,000 and 62,000 people died from influenza-related illnesses.”

The cry to demand employers force employees to get one of those injections or get fired is reaching a crescendo out of desperation.  We have to keep the heat on governors and state legislators.

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions.

© 2021 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:


The Lawyers and the Judge got it Wrong: The Law, the COVID-19 Injections and Houston Methodist Hospital v Jennifer Bridges et al., Case.

Mind control & conversational hypnosis – COVID hysteria

A whole brigade of people need to be thrown in prison:  Criminal Collusion, Medical Malfeasance and Murder

Israelis Cry Out to the World to Stop Mandatory COVID Injections as Lawsuit is Filed in International Criminal Court Over Nuremberg Code ViolationDeath Rates Skyrocket in Israel Following Pfizer Experimental COVID “Vaccines”

Dr. Andrew Kaufman: Why the Virus Has Never Been Proven To Exist, Why the “Pandemic” Is a Psychological Operation and More – This is a text analysis of the Kaufman video.

Majority of Physicians Decline COVID Shots, According to Survey

‘Zero COVID’ Catastrophe: Participating Nations See New Records Across The Board, July 21, 2021

Mitch McConnell Is Full Of Hubris excluding ‘Vaccine’ Death & Injury as He Warns of Lockdowns If More People Don’t Get COVID-19 Vaccines, July 22, 2021

No, 97% of Covid Cases Are Not Currently Unvaccinated: Statistical Fraud Exposed by Alaska’s Small Population, July 20, 2021

Inflated Reporting of COVID Deaths Is a Real Conspiracy, July 20, 2021

‘Zero COVID’ Catastrophe: Participating Nations See New Records Across The Board, July 21, 2021

More injection nightmares — New South Wales

How The US Govt Faked A Pandemic In 1976, July 21, 2021

LIAR FAUCI BUSTED: 2018 Video Shows Dr. Fauci REINSTATING Gain-of-Function Research at NIH – Defending Its Use, July 21, 2021

Ivermectin obliterates 97 percent of Delhi cases

This is a very long eye-opening interview.  It’s very interesting and I’m sure considered controversial.  After all, HIV/AIDS research must be trillions by now. Interview with Stefan Lanka Challenging BOTH Mainstream and Alternative AIDS Views, Zenger’s Dec. 199

Leaderless Leader, Non-Existent Borders, Cultural Disintegration

By Frosty Wooldridge

Part 2: Is America Heading Into Its Twilight Years?

As an extensive world traveler, I’ve witnessed failed civilizations.  At 1.38 billion people, India touted as the largest “democracy” in the world, must also be deemed the biggest “failed” country in the world. India defines mass poverty, human overpopulation, human misery and hopelessness in the majority of its citizens.

That country cannot sustain itself, nor can it correct itself. It’s a victim of itself.  It adds 14 million more people to its ranks, net gain, annually. An astounding 2,195 children die of dysentery, diarrhea and other water borne disease EVERY SINGLE DAY OF THE YEAR!  Why? Because 60 percent of its people do not enjoy access to a toilet. India’s waters suffer intense pollution to the point of no return or  solving. Beggars, homeless and distraught humans stagger into each day for their entire lives.

India’s human population grows SO large, it cannot solve any of its problems.

So, then, look at America’s future.  We remain on course to add 100 million of India’s refugees and other failed African countries’ refugees and more from around the world—by 2050—a short 29 years from now.  We are importing massive poverty, illiteracy and cultural chaos. How do you think that’s going to work out?

And yet, we keep voting into Congress people like Pelosi, Schumer, Waters, Omar, Durbin, Hickenlooper, Bennet and other intellectual misfits who keep adding millions to our ranks!

Do you know how Rome fell?  It allowed endless immigration from the Franks, Gauls, Goths, Visa-Goths, Vandals and more.  They came down from the north and simply started their own tribes all over Italy. They joined the military ranks of the Roman Legions…but deserted at will.

My writer friend noted, “We stopped the spread of communism in Europe and Asia, and fought international terrorism. We rebuilt our enemies and lavished foreign aid on much of the world. We built skyscrapers and rockets to the moon. We conquered Polio and now COVID. We explored the mysteries of the Universe and the wonders of DNA…the blueprint of life.

“But where is the glory that once was Rome? America has moved from a relatively free economy to socialism – which has worked so well NOWHERE in the world.

“We’ve gone from a republican government guided by a Constitution to a regime of revolving elites. We have less freedom with each passing year. Like a signpost to the coming reign of terror, the cancel culture is everywhere. We’ve traded the American Revolution for the Cultural Revolution.

“The pathetic creature in the White House, Biden, is an empty vessel filled by his handlers. At the G-7 Summit, his wife, ‘Dr. Jill’ had to lead him like a child. In 1961, when we were young and vigorous, our leader was too. Now a feeble nation is technically led by the oldest man to ever serve in the presidency.”

At this point, one look at our borders shows over 1 million refugees crashed our borders as Biden invited them, and every one of them will suck off our welfare systems until total collapse of those systems.  It’s inevitable because Biden will invite another 1 million illegal refugees by the end of 2021.  That’s a total of over 3.1 million legal and illegal immigrant refugees during this year. How long do you think we can keep this nightmare going when the world adds 83 million new refugees babies annually?  Who have we saved while we become victims ourselves?

Residency Over Citizenship

Victor Davis Hanson said, “In the last six months, we have seen absurdities never quite witnessed in modern America. Madness, not politics, defines it. There are three characteristics of all these upheavals. One, the events are unsustainable. They will either cease or they will destroy the nation, at least as we know it. Two, the law has largely been rendered meaningless. Three, left-wing political agendas justify any means necessary to achieve them.”

Citizenship as Mere Residency

In his latest column, Victor Davis Hanson, the author of how California has been invaded by Mexico in his book, Mexifornia, he writes about our southern border being invaded not much differently than Rome’s.

Hanson said, “Two million people are anticipated to cross the southern border, en masse and illegally, over a 12-month period. If that absurdity were to continue, we would be adding the equivalent of a major U.S. city every year. The new arrivals have three things in common: Their first act was to break U.S. law by entering the country. Their second was to break the law by residing here illegally. And their third will be to find false identification or other illegal means to continue breaking the law. One does not arrive as a guest in a foreign country and immediately violate the laws of his host—unless one holds those laws in contempt.

“Arrivals now cross a border that had been virtually closed to illegal immigration by January 2021. In the cynical and immoral logic of illegal immigration (that cares little for the concerns either of would-be legal immigrants or U.S. citizens), arrivals will be dependent upon the state and thus become constituents of progressives who engineered their arrival.

“Yet the issue is not illegal immigration per se. If protests were to continue in Cuba, and 1 million Cubans boated to Miami, the Biden Administration would stop the influx, in terror that so many anti-Communists might tip Florida red forever.”

Last year, British writer Douglas Murray wrote a penetrating book: The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam.

It’s a VERY scary book because it documents how Europe has destroyed its Western Culture, its languages and its way of life—by its leaders accepting endless immigration for Africa and the Middle East. Those third world people cannot and do not function in first world countries because they lack the intellectual horsepower and advanced educational abilities of highly evolved societies.

Before I die, I will most likely write: The Strange Death of America: Immigration, Identity, Multiculturalism by Frosty Wooldridge.

But like Europe, my book will be too late. We, much like the Romans, drank the “multicultural” poison and ingested the “immigration” beast into our innards.  Right now, we stand at well over 65 million foreign born in America.  (That’s documented at 45 million legal immigrants and well over 20 million illegal migrants.) Once that number reaches 100 million or even 150 million, how do we think we will hold this country together with so many people, languages, cultures and religions pulling in SO many directions?

How will we keep ourselves cohesive when millions of them speak and think in different languages?  When so many practice barbaric rituals and religions?  When so many simply don’t care about laws and/or a sense of being an American?

What will it take to stop America from staggering into the “twilight of her years?”  How will we save our country for our children?  What are your ideas for saving America for future generations? How will you stop our country from following in the footsteps of Rome?

Part 3: The evidence of our demise all around us.

If you would like a free electronic copy of this book, please email me with your email address and I will send it to you.  Every American with children or any American who will live in this country in 2050, needs to understand what they face.

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121.

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

This video will scare the daylights out of every American as to what’s coming to our country, US Citizenship Act 2021 by Joe Biden.

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

It’s Now or Never

By Rob Pue

While most Americans are enjoying the beautiful summertime and going about their lives as usual, it seems to most that all is fine with the world right now.  Oh, most understand that the “new normal” we’re all adjusting to is a little challenging sometimes, but most are also pretty insulated from the nefarious things taking place around the world. I dare say, most would rather not even think about these things. It’s just too depressing and if one would really take the time to study and understand, it would bring great anxiety and distress.

The world we live in is rapidly changing. We’re all being slowly boiled to death like frogs. The mockingbird media, internet search engines, social media sites, and mainstream internet video sites are working overtime to maintain and drive the official New World Order Globalist agenda. They’re scrubbing the truth from view as they censor reality and replace it with lies. And as we should all understand by now, a lie told often enough soon becomes “reality” in the minds of most consumers of false information.

Meanwhile, those who tell the truth are now in a more precarious position than ever before. If you dare tell the truth today, you’ll be immediately labeled a “conspiracy theorist” and publicly ridiculed at the very least. If you’re in a position where your truth-telling will influence too many people, then by doing so, you’re literally putting your life on the line. Truth cannot be tolerated.

I think it would be appropriate here to read some Scripture from Isaiah 59.  “Indeed, the Lord’s hand is not too short to save, and His ear is not too deaf to hear. But your iniquities have built barriers between you and your God, and your sins have made Him hide His face from you so that He does not listen. For your hands are defiled with blood and your fingers, with iniquity; your lips have spoken lies, and your tongues mutter injustice. No one makes claims justly; no one pleads honestly. They trust in empty and worthless words; they conceive trouble and give birth to iniquity.”

“Their works are sinful works, and violent acts are in their hands. Their feet run after evil, and they rush to shed innocent blood. Their thoughts are sinful thoughts; ruin and wretchedness are in their paths. They have not known the path of peace, and there is no justice in their ways. They have made their roads crooked; no one who walks on them will know peace. Therefore justice is far from us, and righteousness does not reach us. We hope for light, but there is darkness; for brightness, but we live in the night. We grope along a wall like the blind; we grope like those without eyes. We stumble at noon as though it were twilight; we are like the dead among those who are healthy.”

“We hope for justice, but there is none; for salvation, but it is far from us. For our transgressions have multiplied before You, and our sins testify against us. For our transgressions are with us, and we know our iniquities: transgression and deception against the Lord, turning away from following our God, speaking oppression and revolt, conceiving and uttering lying words from the heart. Justice is turned back, and righteousness stands far off. For truth has stumbled in the public square, and honesty cannot enter. Truth is missing…”

This is where we’re at today, and it’s not just those we would view as “wicked” that are the wicked ones Isaiah’s referring to. No indeed. We need to look in the mirror as well. So many church-goers are content to continue to “play church” in the midst of a demonic takeover of this world. They’re happy to continue to gather in their weekly social club meetings, pretending to worship the Lord, but I have to wonder if He even hears the prayers of those who choose to sit on the fence, bury their heads in the sand and never consider the fact that we’re living in a time of spiritual warfare like never before.

The devil is loose upon the earth and he’s having a field day — especially with our young people and children, but in many cases, he’s just as successful with the older ones and even the elderly. Very few of us have ever been taught anything about spiritual warfare. Oh, we know the verses about how we wrestle not against flesh and blood and how we’re supposed to put on the full armor of God… but that’s about as far as it goes with most of us. Most of us are very ill-equipped to actually go to war against our adversary, and have never put on a single piece of spiritual armor. No one’s ever taught us.

It’s much more convenient to just sit and wait for the “rapture bus” to take us out of here. But what if the Lord doesn’t return for another fifty years? What sort of slavery are we leaving to our children and grandchildren? Not to mention, if the Lord DOES return today and call us home, what will we have to say for ourselves when we stand before Him? Will He call us “good and faithful servants?” Or will He say, “I never knew you.” “You never showed up for the battle. You were AWOL in the spiritual war I called all of My followers to. You never carried your cross. You only pretended to follow Me from a safe distance.”

Those of us who carry the name of Christ absolutely MUST be vigilant and alert right now. We must be studying to show ourselves approved, but we must also be doing. We need to be sounding the warning for all those deceived by the enemy. Unfortunately, when people like myself and others do that, we’re looked upon as “conspiracy nuts” by our family and friends, and especially those who avoid sitting next to us in church because we’re “one of those fanatics.” Why does this surprise us? And why do so many work so hard to avoid all semblance of controversy? Why are we so fearful of man for simply telling the truth? God’s Word tells us that our worst enemies will one day be those of our own households.  Our church friends, our work friends. People who know us. I’m afraid that day has come, folks.

It saddens me that 60% of Americans — and that includes professing Christians and unbelievers alike — have already taken the COVID jabs, despite overwhelming evidence of the dangers of these things. A Christian friend of mine was one of the first. She and her husband got theirs as soon as they could because they’re retired and they want to be allowed to freely travel. Others got their jabs so that they could receive “permission” to remove their masks. Nevermind this is clearly the biggest scam the world’s ever seen. Nevermind that the real science clearly shows this is all seriously evil.

Countless doctors, scientists, investigators and researchers around the world have provided absolute proof of the dangers of these injections. I will not call them “vaccines,” because these are experimental drugs and we’re the lab rats. These injections alter one’s DNA, something that can never be reversed. Reputable doctors have warned that if you don’t die quickly or have immediate adverse health effects after receiving your jabs, it will only be a matter of months before you do. Many (and not just a few) doctors have warned that millions are at risk for death, as early as this fall, once the experimental chemicals have worked their way into every cell and tissue in their bodies. Of course, the official narrative will be that millions are dying because of those who refused the shots, or because now there’s a “new” strain of the virus we must all panic over. Mind you, this whole thing, nearly two years into it now, has turned the world upside down and backwards, and when all is said and done, officially 99.97% of people survive COVID infection. It seems to me there’s more here than meets the eye, and a whole lot of lies are being foisted upon ignorant, compliant citizens.

We’ve all seen the hundreds of videos showing magnets sticking to the injection sites. Yet the internet “fact checkers” tell us what we see before our very eyes is not really real. Recently a friend who works as a private investigator noted that “bug detectors” — (those devices used to sweep a room or area for surveillance devices, devices that emit radiation, and are used to track, monitor and listen to private conversations) react strongly to the injection sites on the human body. Why would a “vaccine” cause that? What’s IN these injections that cause magnets to stick and radiation emissions?

And why are the Globalists so intent on injecting every single person on the planet with whatever poisons they’re pushing? Why is this so extremely important? Why do we have a 24/7 propaganda machine running at full speed, pushing these jabs as being vital? Why has Biden and Company become so desperate now, that they’re sending the “medical brown-shirts” door-to-door to make sure everyone’s been injected? When has this ever happened before in history? And yes, it’s already started in multiple states, including Wisconsin, North Carolina and Georgia to name a few. In some places, the “jabbers” will just show up at your door and convince you that everything you’ve heard, everything I’m saying right now is just taken out of context. Their job is to tell you outright lies, disguised as truth to get you to voluntarily comply. In other places, the door-to-door teams will show up unannounced and uninvited, fully equipped to give you the jab on the spot.

Things are getting very interesting. A lot of people on social media sites are big talkers — “just wait til they come to MY door,” they say, “they’ll wish they hadn’t, that’s for sure!” I have to wonder. These are the same people who voluntarily wore their masks for over a year so they could shop in stores that required them. Now they say they’ll draw the line at the jab. But when the medical “brown-shirts” show up at their doors, speak their smooth words and have their syringes ready — along with all the benefits of a “vaccination passport” as a reward for compliance, I wonder how many will stand their ground. Currently, only 30% of people worldwide have refused the injections. As it becomes increasingly difficult to live normally without them, when airlines require them to travel, when stores require proof of your compliance to enter, when your employer requires proof for you to work, when you can no longer buy or sell or travel freely without the jab… I wonder just how many will bow the knee to this evil.  I wonder.

In the UK, France and other areas of Europe, citizens are rising up against increased pressure and tyranny. There are massive protests in other countries. But Canada is completely lost to Global communism now, and America is well on it’s way.

Are you aware there were three countries that initially refused the jabs?  All three of their leaders died suddenly and unexpectedly. The president of Tanzania refused the jab for his citizens and he died March 17th at the age of 61. The official cause of death was reported as a heart condition — and of course, “COVID 19.”  Likewise the president of Burundi died on June 9th, reportedly of a heart condition — and of course, “COVID 19.”  And on July 7th, the president of Haiti was shot dead at his home.

If you research this on the internet, you’ll find very compelling versions of these news stories, explaining how the very idea that these presidents were killed because they were “vaccine hesitant” for the sake of their citizens is complete conspiracy theory nonsense. But the fact remains; these three countries had previously refused the vax. Their presidents all died — and no one will ever know what really happened to them, with the exception of the president of Haiti, who was obviously shot to death — and now the new leaders of these countries are obediently “fast-tracking” the jabs for all their people.

Friends: 24/7 propaganda and ad campaigns; door-to-door medical authorities coercing citizens to comply; countless bribes and so-called “incentives” for compliance and increasing punishments for disobedience. Clearly something very fishy about the injections themselves, with untold numbers of people dying or suffering life-long injuries within minutes or days of taking the jabs. Doctors warning of the dangers, and ending up jobless or dead for doing so. Presidents refusing to allow this in their countries, all suddenly dying. I don’t claim to understand all that’s involved here, but clearly it’s very, very important to the Globalists that everyone be jabbed and marked as quickly as possible. They’re not playing around. And those who attempt to sound a warning, like the warning you’re hearing from me right now, end up censored, ridiculed and even mysteriously dead.  The devil is loose. The deception is thick. The pressure is on to comply. The Globalist “Great Reset” is coming like a tsunami and I have to wonder why all the jab advocates are also life-long world de-population advocates. I urge you all to do your own research. Don’t be afraid to share what you know with others. Speak now, while you can. Because one day, perhaps soon, you’ll have to give an account to Christ for your actions in these days. Stay strong, bold and courageous. Speak and share the truth.  And note that Revelation warns that all cowards will have their part in the lake of fire. It’s now or never.

© 2021 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066 or email:  Ask for message number 330.

Communists: Today’s Democrat Party, Part 2

By Roger Anghis

Disturbing actions from members of the Democrat Party indicate just how they feel about America. The most prominent symbol of America and her greatness, power, freedoms, and prosperity is our national flag, Old Glory. That is a symbol, worldwide, of our freedoms and opportunity. People from all over the world wave our flag. People in other nations who are fighting for freedom, protesting an oppressive government don’t wave the flag of their own nation but they wave Old Glory because they know what that flag stands for.  Video emerged on social media Sunday showing anti-government protesters in Cuba holding an American flag during their effort to end the country’s communist dictatorship blamed for the worsening conditions.

Giancarlo Sopo, a communication strategist who, according to the Federalist, once worked on former President Trump’s re-election campaign, tweeted a video of protesters holding an American flag while they marched.

“This is deeply moving,” he posted. “Watch as Cubans wave American flag while marching against the island’s 62 year-old communist dictator on the streets of Havana. Never forget what America represents to millions across the world.”[1]

Even the Gray Lady, the worthless New York Times has nothing good to say about the greatest and most popular flag ever designed: The New York Times (NYT), on the day after America’s birthday, published a piece arguing that the American flag is “now alienating to some” because it was waved “fervently” by right-wing Trump supporters.

“Today, flying the American flag from the back of a pickup truck or over a lawn is increasingly seen as a clue, albeit an imperfect one, to a person’s political affiliation in a deeply divided nation,” the NYT said.[2] The article went on to say: But this isn’t the only time anti-communist protesters waved the American flag.

Just two years ago, as the Chinese Communist Party began to crack down on the autonomy of Hong Kong, a proposed Chinese extradition law in the city’s legislature led to protests that drew millions of people into the streets. Notably, the protesters in Hong Kong flashed American flags and sang the Star-Spangled Banner, with some even wearing pro-Trump merchandise and calling on then-President Donald Trump to “liberate” the region.

Then we have the so-called journalist from the New York Times, Mara Gay, who was visibly upset at the sight of pickup trucks displaying the American flag. Mara Gay said on Tuesday that seeing the Stars and Stripes on display across Long Island, New York, over the weekend sent the message: “This is my country…not your country. I own this.” The MSNBC contributor told Morning Joe: “The reality is here that we have a large percentage of the American population – I don’t know how big it is – but we have tens of millions of Trump voters who continue to believe that their rights as citizens are under threat by simple virtue of having to share the democracy with others.”

Speaking during a discussion on the January 6 Capitol riot, Gay added: “I think that as long as they see Americanness as the same as one with whiteness, this is going to continue.

“I was on Long Island this weekend visiting a really dear friend, and I was really disturbed. I saw, you know, dozens and dozens of pickup trucks with expletives against Joe Biden on the back of them, Trump flags, and in some cases just dozens of American flags, which is also just disturbing.

“Essentially the message was clear. This is my country. This is not your country. I own this.” [3]

What she somehow considers racism is pure patriotism that we need to see a lot more of. I might suggest that if that flag is so bothersome then why does she continue to live here? I know a lot of people that would help her pack. We don’t need ungrateful and disrespectful people taking up space on our hallowed ground. Of course, the New York Times backed here up: The New York Times is vigorously defending editorial board member Mara Gay after she was widely ripped for saying she was “disturbed” at the sight of “dozens of American flags” flying in Long Island.[4] How do you call yourself an American and stand behind a lowlife that spits of the symbol of our nation?

Democrats say that those who display the flag are dividing our nation. Democrats are the ones that are tearing down the statues of our historic figures, ignoring our immigration laws, and allowing all kinds of human trash to use our open borders to traffic people, drugs, and all kinds of people that will never benefit America but only be a massive burden on the American taxpayer, keep our wages low and unemployment high.

Then we have the Olympic hammer thrower that turned her back when the National Anthem was played: Hammer thrower Gwen Berry turned away from the American flag and placed a T-shirt over her head when the national anthem started to play during the U.S. Olympic track and field trials on Saturday.

“I feel like it was a setup, and they did it on purpose,” Berry said, according to ESPN. “I was pissed, to be honest.”

According to ESPN, “The Star-Spangled Banner” has been played once each evening during the U.S. Olympic track and field trials, but the timing coincided with Berry being on the podium to receive a bronze medal after placing third in the hammer throw.[5]

Seriously?  She was set up? She should have been removed from the Olympic team immediately. We don’t need people who hate our country representing us in the Olympics. And then Chelsea Wolfe wants to win a medal and then burn the flag on the podium. She’s an alternate and I would suggest that she be removed and banned along with Gwen Berry.

The protests in Cuba are against the communist government and the Democrats support the communist government and not the people demanding freedom. Let that sink in for a minute. This is no great surprise because there are about seventy members of the Democrat Socialists of America in Congress. Maybe Joe McCarthy knew what he was talking about. The latest list that I can find is several years old and has the names of several that are no longer in office but I’m sure that many more have been added in the meantime. You can find that list here.[6] Just as a sampling here are a few of the names that are still in Congress: Maxine Waters, Jerrold Nadler, John Conyers, Tammy Baldwin, Bernie Sanders, Mazie Hirono, and Sheila Jackson-Lee. This is just who is in the US Congress. State legislators and city council members account for another 142 socialists holding positions of authority in our nation.  This is what happens when we get apathetic about who we put in positions to rule us.

This is far from the nation that the Founders gave us. It is time we stand up and demand a return to the Founder’s principles.  If we don’t, we won’t be America for long.

© 2021 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Cuban anti government protesters wave American flags during march
  2. Cuba Hong Kong communist protesters symbol American flag
  3. NYT MSNBC mara gay American flags distubed
  4. NY Times defends mara grays American flag comments
  5. US Olympian turns away from American flag

Critical Race Theory: A Divisive, Destructive Weapon of Mass Distraction

By Steven Yates

Critical race theory (CRT) has the nation divided — to the point where angry parents disrupting school board meetings and people leaving stable employment in protest have become yesterday’s news. What’s it all about?

Defenders of CRT insist that American school are not teaching it, that its critics don’t understand it. They claim they are not calling all white people racists, or trying to shame them, or get them to hate and loathe themselves for their “whiteness” or “white privilege.”

They are talking about a system, they say. Systemic racism is built into the legal and Constitutional structure of America, and into occupations. They want to eliminate systemic racism. But that means comprehensive system change. How are they going to do that without tearing up the country’s legal and Constitutional framework and replacing it wholesale? The virus of revolutionism strikes again!

And in the meantime, if they are saying that racism is built into the system, then how do they avoid the conclusion that white people are racist by default, and that replacing them is the strategy to pursue?

Claims that CRT does not attack white people are solidly refuted by invective such as the following:

This is the cost of talking to white people at all. The cost of your own life, as they suck you dry. There are no good apples out there. White people make my blood boil. … I had fantasies of unloading a revolver into the head of any white person that got in my way, burying their body and wiping my bloody hands as I walked away relatively guiltless with a bounce in my step. Like I did the world a f***ing favor.

This is from a lecture entitled “The Psychopathic Problem of the White Mind” by a psychiatrist (not psychologist?) named Aruna Khilanani speaking before the prestigious Yale University School of Medicine. Yale administrators repudiated the remark. Under fire from across the political spectrum, what choice did they have?

This is just one such case from academia in free fall, where tenured professors ponder whether math is racist. (I’m not joking, or making this up!)

There are numerous other statements, some from self-hating white “scholars” such as Donald Moss, who wrote this (I am quoting the abstract, unedited, for an academic journal article entitled “On Having Whiteness“):

Whiteness is a condition one first acquires and then one has — a malignant, parasitic-like condition to which “white” people have a particular susceptibility. The condition is foundational, generating characteristic ways of being in one’s body, in one’s mind, and in one’s world. Parasitic Whiteness renders its hosts’ appetites voracious, insatiable, and perverse. These deformed appetites particularly target nonwhite peoples. Once established, these appetites are nearly impossible to eliminate. Effective treatment consists of a combination of psychic and social-historical interventions. Such interventions can reasonably aim only to reshape Whiteness’s infiltrated appetites—to reduce their intensity, redistribute their aims, and occasionally turn those aims toward the work of reparation. 

No hatred of “whitey” there? No self-loathing, encouraging other white people to self-loathe? I did not read the article. The abstract was enough.

Recently, moreover, an NAACP rep in a PTA leadership role attacked those parents who are “anti social justice” and “anti-equity” with a “Let them die!”

All over complaints that their children have returned from school in tears reporting they were told they were racists. Small wonder parents are showing up at school board meetings, angered, demanding that their voices be heard, and getting even angrier when the leftists that tend to dominate such boards try to shut them down.

White men are leaving jobs in education — some expressing the exact same complaints, belying the idea that CRT is not being shoved down their throats in school districts across America, all the way down to elementary schools, and that white employees and white students alike are being given assignments telling them to identify their “white privilege”!

Consider the case of Daniel Concannon, who rejected “white privilege training” (some might deem parts of his letter “inappropriate” but what do you expect?):

I hereby resign as 21CCLC Site Coordinator in light of the Frankfurt School Manchester School District’s endorsement of the dehumanization and hatred of White People, as evidenced by their dissemination of the imbecilic “White Privilege” curriculum presented by the intellectual titans at “Learning for Justice,” an organization founded by America’s eternal arbiters of truth and morality — the SPLC — where senior fellow Mark Potok’s office is decorated with celebratory charts of the declining percentage of White people in the United States and Europe….

Interesting that Concannon knows about the Frankfurt School. Getting CRT studied in depth and traced to its actual roots is a challenge, though.

Just recently I penned a deep dive into the foundations of CRT (here).

I don’t have the impression that people are much interested in deep dives. Admittedly the piece was long and involved — 8,000 words — but after over a week online, it has yet to reach 50 hits. Attention spans have never been shorter, of course. But the essay is there for those who might be interested in finding out how CRT’s actual foundations are Western, white, and male — through and through.

Whether anyone likes it or not, white people built Western civilization from its foundations upward. White Europeans developed a specific body of ideas and learned to apply them. I do not claim that white people accomplished this alone, or that we’ve done the job perfectly. No one is saying there hasn’t been any racism or unjust discrimination. But surely white people deserve the bulk of the credit for those documents (from the Magna Carta to the Declaration of Independence of 1776 and beyond), ideas (e.g., natural law, limitations on government, the rule of law), institutions (such as private property), and techniques (e.g., the printing press; the harnessing of energy for propulsion first on water, then on land, and then in the air) that built the most advanced civilization we’ve ever seen.

Minority groups have benefited from these achievements as well as the white majority. The black population in America is the most economically well off black population in the world. Their counterparts in Africa do not come close.

Perhaps a little gratitude might be in order, not the resentment and hostility leftists have fostered.

The hostility is not exclusively race-based. There’s an ethos of hostility to achievement of any sort loose in the land, and it hardly began yesterday. It is the hostility directed against achievers of whatever stripe by nonachievers. The latter put other nonachievers (George Floyd is an example) up on pedestals and turn them into objects of pagan worship.

You can’t reason with hostile mobs of whatever ethnicity, since it is emotional and not rational or fact-based. Nor can you reason with their spokesmen. Consider the following, from a “progressive” writer named Rob Kall who puts out daily effusions by himself and fellow leftists. This article’s point of departure is the recent passing of William Regnery, conservative author, publisher, and philanthropist for conservative causes:

“I’m not one who does not speak ill of the dead. This maggot feeder white supremacist fascism funder deserves to rot in hell and be reviled, his grave desecrated. It might even make urination a protected first amendment free speech right.

“Multimillionaire white supremacist William Regnery who financed fascists and fascist, white supremacist organizations, has, happily, dropped dead and is now rotting in hell. May his burial place be added to a list of places where despicable people are buried for tourists to pee or spit or throw garbage on their graves. These ugly sociopaths deserve to have their graves given such treatment. There is not much that separates people like Regnery from other monsters in history.”

What do you say in response to something like that?

Nothing said would do the slightest good! All you can do is turn away from the real haters in Western civilization: leftists, perhaps invoking one of their own lines: haters gonna hate!

There are action steps you can take. I’ve beaten the drum for over 20 years now: get your kids out of government schools and send them to private Christian schools or homeschool them. There are complete and readily available homeschooling curriculums, such as that of former Sen. Ron Paul. Your kids will learn sound English, sound math and science, sound economics.

Western civilization is clearly self-destructing. If there is any turning back from the brink, it is going to have to happen on such margins, through conservatives, especially conservative parents, who have separated from the present-day mainstream of secularism, materialism, and cultural Marxism.

There is no time to waste, because whatever happens, the next generation is already having to deal with crises the cohort I grew up with couldn’t have imagined.

In the meantime, my essay (final section) contains all the reason for calling CRT a weapon of mass distraction.

Whites and blacks have no compelling, fundamental reasons to hate one another. We all have the same problems: earning decent livings, keeping families together and raising children, and finding meaning and fulfillment in our lives such as they are in a society growing more controlled every day. The problem is that one race is being taught that all of its problems are the fault of another race which is being demonized. White leftists in particular have led the way in teaching generations of black kids to “hate whitey” because “whitey” is to blame for all their problems.

And that they are owed reparations for an arrangement (chattel slavery) that has not existed in America for over a century and a half now.

In a multiracial society, this is a recipe for division, conflict, and chaos that benefits those with actual unearned privileges.

While whites and blacks (and other minority groups as well) are looking at each other with hostility, no one is paying any attention to what is going on at the top. Who, after all, is benefiting the most from distractions such as this?

The only answer: the entity I’ve been calling GloboCorp: the super-elite class who not only believe themselves most fit to rule over as much of the planet as possible, they’ve designed a strategy and amassed the resources to further that goal apace!

It is clear, too, that the super-elites are using the “white supremacy” wedge to advance their goals of global domination. (This, from super-elite owned Time Magazine, proposes a “global fight” against something that doesn’t exist. What does exist is super-elite supremacism.)

Frankly, what would be nice to see (not expected, obviously) is for recognized leaders as well as a critical mass of the rank and file of both blacks and whites across the world to start paying attention to what’s really going on from the top down while they still can.

Especially that much of what is going on in terms of growing surveillance in a more controlled society is happening right in front of their eyes!

STEVEN YATES’s book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory has just been published by Wipf and Stock (Eugene, OR).

© 2021 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates:

How Can We Stop National Heritage Areas?

By Tom DeWeese

The Threat of National Heritage Areas And How to Stop Them: Part Three

National Heritage Areas serve as a valuable tool for the forces of control. Allow them to grow and watch as private property, community development, and even the community tax base necessary for existence disappear. Keep in mind the goals of a full “Sustainable” reset of society. Rural areas will be uninhabited, with farming tightly controlled on specific lands, and communities unable to expand beyond established boundaries. Energy sources, water availability, cable, and internet services will only be provided in specific chosen areas. National Heritage Areas are the perfect stealth tool to put such plans into place. Local resistance is the only effective way to stop this scheme of control.

Local forces were able to effectively stop the Caddo Lake NHA in a very rural area of Louisiana when the locals took effective public action and let the sponsoring Congressmen know there was strong opposition. In a panic over the surprise opposition, the sponsoring congressmen pulled the bill. NHA legislation begins in Congress where it must be passed. That’s where is can be stopped at the very start. Many congressmen mistakenly think NHAs are just a great way to honor history. To stop the legislation requires that local citizens speak out. Condemn them as a stealth land grab as money is funneled through the National Park Service to a horde of NGOs to push their private agendas. That must be the focus. Demand that your Congressman reveal who is going to get the money and for what purpose.

Another way to stop NHAs is to pressure any county boards that are inside the borders of the Area. That’s how we stopped the proposed Crooked Road NHA in Virginia. A majority of County Commissions stood up and opposed it. The sponsoring Congressman talked to me and I informed him of all the pitfalls. Instead he went to the public and told them he was working with me to make sure the bill was a good one. It was a total lie and I sent out an action alert saying so. The County Supervisors then began to vote it down. After more than half of the affected counties did so, he pulled the bill.

A few years ago I asked one co-sponsoring Congressman why he was supporting NHA legislation. He answered that it was to support tourism. I told him he could do that simply by issuing a Congressional Proclamation declaring the area special and then the local Chamber of Commerce and historical society could use that proclamation to promote the area. He agreed and proposed such a bill. It was quickly voted down because NHAs are not about honoring historic places. Almost all real historic places are already preserved. This is about a land grab to control development and enforce one-size-fits- all rules and regulations as promoted by the NGOs feeding off the Park Service money.

Here are some questions to ask officials who are supporting NHAs:

  1. Why is the official Heritage Area needed? What historic thing is being honored and preserved? When they mention a historic place as the answer — point out that it is already preserved, so this is a waste of tax money.
  2. Ask them to name a single Heritage Area that has improved tourism. None exist.
  3. Ask them if property rights are protected. They are not. They probably will point to the useless property rights language added to most NHA legislation, claiming that property owners may opt out. Point out to them that such language may be there but that language is worthless because the National Heritage Area creates a federal boundary that includes whole towns and counties. When can a property owner ever opt out of a federal boundary?

The best way to fight this is through exposure. To stop NHAs requires swift, strong opposition. Take these suggested questions and keep asking them. They have no answers. They may well pull the legislation out of frustration. The folks in Shreveport went door to door in the affected area and passed out flyers showing how the residents would be victims of the designation by explaining how related regulations would affect them. They also packed city council chambers and made reasonable presentations and told the councilmen they could stand up and stop this. And they flooded the Congressmen’s phone lines in opposition.

Ask the local media reporters these same questions. Do not let anyone automatically accept that the proposed NHA has anything to do with heritage preservation. It doesn’t — at any level.

Start a social media page and reach out to neighbors that way. Keep a steady line of details and actions posted. This will help it become controversial. And it will grow. That can become a powerful tool. The Shreveport grew from 5 people to 4,000 by using social media in this way.

Finally, do this; Research to find which NGOs are in line to get the Park Service funds. Development Planners? Environmentalists? Relentlessly drive home the question — what do any of these have to do with Heritage preservation?

These are the ways to fight. You cannot stop them unless you create major vocal opposition. You can recruit local officials by asking them reasonable questions, as listed above. Act fast, and with some power. A well-organized group of ten people can lead this to victory and it can happen quickly. Don’t allow them to build their own momentum. Stop it now!

The big government control freaks well know that those of us who want to reduce the size of governmental influence over our lives, strongly opposed the massive environmental sustainable agenda, such as the Green New Deal. They also know that we love our country and want to honor and preserve our heritage. The creation of National Heritage Areas is a calculated and cynical tactic to pull us into supporting the very policies we have so strongly opposed.

The fact is, National Heritage Areas can still be stopped at the local level. I know because I’ve helped to stop three of them. Stand up, stop them when proposed in your area, and truly honor our heritage by keeping big government under local control.

© 2021 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese: Contact Tom DeWeese

Prepare Yourself For the Biden PR Manipulation Slam Against the Unvaccinated

Laurie Roth

Please tell me people you won’t be that gullible, stupid or afraid.  Biden is preparing hundreds of millions of dollars in a PR roll out soon to put signs, commercials, billboards, veiled threats, bribes and rewards, door to door, this and that to get us.

We will see and hear the usual lies and veiled statements.  There will be a dramatic push (if he can get away with it) for non-vaccinated people to be cut off of many events, much employment, perhaps shopping, traveling, flying and where ever he can trap and keep out the non-vaccinated.  This would involve a sea of well lit up lies to support the Communist boxes he wants to put us in, ‘We must save lives, the children, stop the pandemic from destroying the world, and the unvaccinated won’t do their part, they don’t care…on and on bla, bla and triple bla!

No doubt, the coming, massively funded PR campaign will light up all kinds of media everywhere and controlled Government and state agencies which will shine brightly with their veiled threats like the parades and marches Hitler craved. He will indoctrinate an entire nation that taking vaccines is our duty and good. It is  the desperate, last choice to save our nation and very future.  Soon, all those against taking vaccines, will be deemed as domestic terrorists, followed by arrests.  This step will come if we all don’t stand and push back now!

We aren’t there yet folks, but we are now starting down that dangerous road with the bold and Unconstitutional push to get the last 15% who don’t want the vaccines.  Just what do they do when we choose from our own research and will to say no again?  Is that when the total boxes come up saying we can’t work in most places, shop in most places, travel and attend events?

Should the coming PR campaign do exactly what I believe it will do, bomb, Biden and his Communist handlers will play the even more Un Constitutional, illegal and Hitlerian card and make the door-to-door requests and billboard pleas.  He will turn his efforts into threats and violence to get us.  If he pulls that card, there will be a national war, unless of course, most of you cave in to fear, bribery or threats and take the deadly jab.  Who are you and what will you do?

If you cave in, they will have won on the dark side and you will have helped them do it. You will have sold your freedom and with the deadly vaccine floating through your bodies, have a bit of time to ponder the loss of America and freedom while you await your demise with a non functioning immune system.

Exercise your Constitutional rights.  Stand without the Vaccination under any circumstances and fight for your country.  Hannity, other Christian leaders trying to manipulate their base on Christian shows and droves of polititions are not only wrong, but wicked in their statements linking the vaccines as God’s blessing and provision for America.  Wow, as a Christian and daughter of a retired Pastor, linking yourself in anyway to God is no less than Satanist and stark evil.

The truth is, God did not send vaccines that would soon kill all who took them.  He did not send the Democrat/Communist left who inhaled the Covid 19 Bio Weapon to manipulate the world to shut down. Satan and his demon followers did.  This is a known and evil plan to depopulate the world.  We have heard of this evil goal from the DEMS like Bill Gates and a host of others for decades.

I beg you, don’t be seduced by the ‘urgent pleadings to make a difference,’ or the statements to ‘do your part in saving lives, maybe yours and your children,’ or don’t buy the bribes ‘free beer, free gas, paid off bills, money in the bank….”  Don’t buy any of it.  Following the PR manipulation to come, get ready for the bold and illegal threats to force you out of society and make you take it.

I believe Trump and the military have never left and will come back and make all right sooner than you may think.  I have heard from my military source that Trump knows he was massively lied to by Fauci, the CDC and all his medical advisors on Covid-19 the need for vaccines.  I was told by a top military source that he is working aggressively to right this situation and create a healthy solution for those who have taken the vaccine in good faith and are now sitting ducks.

Be a classic, Christian American who wins and stand with me for our Constitutional rights, the truth in science, and our right to say no.

© 2021 Laurie Roth – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Laurie Roth:

Door to Door Tyranny

By Michael Peroutka

If you have already voluntarily submitted your body to the human experiment that Joe Biden is peddling as a vaccine, I pray and sincerely hope that it goes well for you. I am at a loss to understand why you traded a known 99% recovery rate for all the unknowns of an experimental procedure, but that is your choice.

And that’s the point, isn’t it?

It’s your personal, constitutionally protected choice.

Last week Biden announced that has commissioned “strike forces “to enter communities with “low vaccination rates” to knock on doors and pressure people to get vaccinated.

His press secretary said these federal agents “care” deeply about you.

Please consider: would you send “Strike Forces”, to “strike and to force” people you care deeply about?

Despite a dismal record of deaths and complications from the shot, and massive credibility issues, these people think that if they keep repeating the mantra “safe and effective”, you will come to believe it.

If you are finding it hard to believe, here’s a suggestion:

On her website,, my friend and fellow attorney offers a free Trespass Warning Form that you can print and hand to any uninvited government agent who shows up on your property.

If you are one of the millions of Americans who desire to make your own decisions about your health, I strongly suggest that you visit and learn how to safely and effectively say no to big brother Joe.

Sign up for a FREE U.S. Constitution course with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution.

© 2021 Michael Peroutka – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Michael Peroutka:

Most Important COVID Facts

By Lex Greene

Now that we all know that we have been and are being lied to by “science” and “media” regarding the virus and the so-called vaccines, it’s time to stop following the fraudulent science and start following common sense and natural survival instincts.

No one in the USA has been “following the science.” Everyone has been following their politics. People who have taken these injections were not following any science. Instead, they were following their politicians, like Fauci, Gates, Biden, Pelosi, Harris, Obama, and even Trump. Most who have refused the injections, are also not following any science. They rightfully distrust all politicians, news media and social media and don’t believe any advice given by any of them. It’s on this basis alone that most are refusing the injections.

We were ordered by politicians and their Marxist media to “follow the science” and almost every American citizen did, or at least, they followed their politician’s advice. Most followed a “politically approved science” issued by mad scientists well on public record discussing “mass population reduction” and formally on record holding Patents for both the COVID19 virus and their COVID19 “vaccines” – filed years before the COVID19 emergence in late 2019 and early 2020.

For the record, no one can own a Patent on a natural virus. But you can own a Patent on a bioweapon you created!

The other scientists all over the globe that have been issuing warning after warning about the virus and their “vaccines” have been deleted from social media platforms, attacked both professionally and personally, fired from their medical careers, no matter how right they have been or even how events unfolding right before our eyes have proven their warnings entirely appropriate. This science, we are NOT supposed to follow…

What CDC and WHO Science?

The CDC and WHO have publicly reported both of these scientific facts…

Number of USA COVID cases reported –35,019,526 – and, that an estimated 80% have been “false positives” and often “false negatives,” bringing the REAL number of USA COVID cases to 7,003,905 over an 18-month period(2.1% of the US Population)

NOTE: The average number of symptomatic FLU cases in the USA each year is also 35,000,000

Number of USA COVID deaths reported – 624,998 – but also that only 6% of these deaths were actually “deaths from COVID19” – bringing the REAL number of COVID19 deaths in the USA to 37,500also over an 18-month period (0.11% of the US Population)

NOTE: The average number of FLU deaths in the USA each year is also 34,200

However, despite these public CDC admissions of intentionally grossly inflating these numbers, the mad scientists and their Marxist media are still using the inflated numbers intended to frighten and control the population and scare them into “vaccines” that are already killing at a greater rate than the virus itself.

The CDC and WHO told us that wearing a mask would protect us from exposure to the virus they created in the Wuhan lab. If that had even been true, you putting on a mask would have made you safe even if no one else was wearing one. But it wasn’t true. In fact, more than 20-years of clinical studies regarding the effectiveness of these masks all resulted in confirmation that none of them are designed or capable of preventing the spread of any particles as small as virus particles.

The CDC and WHO told us that if we just voluntarily locked ourselves out of our lives, our freedom and liberty for a few weeks, the virus would be eradicated. That was almost 19-months ago now, and that scientific advice has also since been proven false.

The CDC and WHO is telling us now that the “vaccinated are safe” and the “unvaccinated are killing people.” However, 7-months into inoculations, over 60% of new COVID related deaths and hospitalizations are in patients who took their vaccines. Every week, more people are dying of the vaccines than of the virus now.

In fact, the Texas Democrats that ran from their oaths in Texas to hang out with their Marxist heroes in D.C. are now coming down with COVID19 from D.C. and ALL of them have taken their vaccines.

Further, the CDC and WHO are also telling everyone that even if you’ve had the vaccines, you still need your worthless mask. All the way down the line from day one in January 2020, these mad scientists have been wrong again and again. Yet, these are the scientists you are still supposed to be following?

The Media Says

In short, the media says whatever they are told to say, with a government gun to their heads. Most modern journalists are Marxists and globalists today. They agree with the ongoing plan to “depopulate” the world through these means. But even conservative leaning networks, publications and TV stars are squawking the Fauci line, protecting their jobs and high salaries over the health and well-being of the people. They continue to not only advance all of these lies hourly, but also support the governments intentions to FORCE vaccinate everyone, one way or another, beginning with all U.S. Military personnel starting September 1, 2021.

The Medical Community Says

They ALL know everything stated here and they ALL know that none of these “vaccines” are actually vaccines. They also know the masks don’t work and that we now have more deaths and adverse effects from the “vaccines” than the virus. They know everything I know and then some.

But they still stick to the company line coming from the very people who created this plandemic. That’s because if they don’t, they may lose that big house, the BMW and Mercedes in the driveway and that Rolex watch on their arm. Their family livelihood and financial security, along with their career, is on the line. Most have chosen to protect their lifestyles, rather than their patients and in many cases, even their own families.

They see what happens to medical professionals telling the people the truth. They are quite literally destroyed. Some of them even threatened with their lives and that of their families. So, they “follow the science” they are told to follow, all real science aside. They might even lose their Country Club membership if they dare tell the truth.

Of course, now that we know that the CDC, WHO and Fauci lied all along about everything, including the point of origin of the virus (aka bioweapon), the development of the vaccines (aka bioweapons) and his NIH funding of it all in support of “gain of function” sciences, not to mention grossly overstating related cases and deaths, we should (must) expect them to also lie about the number of deaths and adverse effects from their vaccines…and they are!

The most recent CDC VAERS report numbers the dead from vaccines at over 11,000 and those with other adverse effects at nearly 500,000. However, a suit was just filed based on whistleblower testimony from inside the CDC VAERS system claiming at least 45,000 vaccine deaths (now over 50,000), based upon reporting from “only one of eleven VAERS reporting channels.”The true numbers may be much higher.

The “Experimental” Vaccine Violates All 10 Nuremberg Codes – Which Carry the Death Penalty for Those Who Try to Break These International Laws: (quoted below)

1) Provides immunity to the virus?

This is a “leaky” gene therapy that does not provide immunity to Covid and double-vaccinated are now 60% of patients who need ER or ICU with covid infections.

2) Protects the recipients from getting the virus?

This gene therapy does not provide.

3) Reduces deaths due to viral infection?

This gene therapy does not reduce deaths from the infection. Double-vaccinated people infected with Covid have also died in alarming numbers.

4) Reduces the circulation of the virus?

This gene therapy still allows the virus to spread because it gives zero immunity to the virus.

5) Reduces the transmission of the virus?

This gene therapy still allows transmission of the virus because it does not confer immunity to the virus.

The hard cold facts are in, and they will become increasingly public despite the most massive effort in history to keep these facts a secret, known only by the perpetrators of this mass genocide until now.

COVID19 and all of their alleged “new variants” are NOT “viruses” – they are either other strains of the original bioweapon created by mad scientists in “gain of function” labs, paid for by U.S. taxpayers through Fauci’s organizations and other globalists involved, and/or just a political cover story intended to hide the fact that thousands are dying from their “vaccines.”

ALL COVID19 “vaccines” are NOT vaccines. They too, are manmade bioweapons. COVID19 was created for the sole purpose of introducing these so-called vaccines into the world. These “vaccines” are more than ten-times more deadly than the original COVID19 or any of their so-called variants.


  • You cannot patent anything that exists in nature. You can only get a patent for something unique, which you created.
  • None of the masks work. You know this already, by the mere fact that YOURS does not protect you even if others are wearing one too, and that this bioweapon continues to be active despite 19-months of wearing masks.
  • At the very best, these “vaccines” DO NOT prevent getting COVID19, proven by the number of post-vaccination infections, adverse effects and deaths, all of them allegedly testing positive for COVID after receiving the “vaccines.” At worst, these “vaccines” are killing more people than the original “virus” ever did or ever would have.
  • We have been lied to and controlled by those lies for 19-months now and we are still being told that the worst is yet to come. We are being told that the “unvaccinated” are a health threat to the vaccinated. That’s not even possible if the vaccines actually worked.
  • It was NEVER true any time in world history, that asymptomatic people are spreaders. It never has been true and never will be true. Only sick people can pass the illness to others, no matter the infectious disease.
  • COVID19 is a lab created bioweapon, not a virus. The “vaccines” are even more deadly bioweapons, not vaccines. That’s why they ARE NOT FDA approved!
  • VAERS has received well over 53,000 reports of DEATHS in the USA in patients who had received 1 or more doses of the fake “vaccines.” I know that thousands more have already been deleted from the VAERS database and I have been told by other researchers that as many as 150,000 cases have been deleted by the CDC, as the CDC issues a 7/21/21 announcement that the VAERS reports have been overstated by VAERS in error. This too is a lie — I have the files.
  • Even “conservatives” like Donald Trump and Governor DeSantis are promoting these deadly “vaccines” and the only thing I don’t know is if they are simply buying the science lies too, or do they know what I know?
  • ALL known proven medical treatments for any coronavirus were dismissed and blocked from medical use. The treatments used to kill SARS1 between 2003-2005 were denied the American people regarding SARS2 (COVID19). This is what made people get so sick that they would accept an even more deadly “vaccine.”
  • Patients presenting early signs of coronavirus symptoms were tested and sent back home without treatment. They were made to get even more sick at home until they were so sick that they had to be hospitalized. But then, there was little that could be done to save their lives.They were ventilated and soon after died in most cases.

Everything stated here can be easily proven. But to what effect?

The ONLY purpose of sharing information is to have that information result in critical actions. In this case, the critical actions must begin with STOPPING THE USE OF THESE VACCINES and opening a full investigation into why more people are dying from the vaccines, than from the original illness.


It is not possible to accomplish this action anywhere at the federal level. So, armed with the facts, We the People MUST work with our State Officials to BAN THESE VACCINES IN OUR STATES until a complete investigation into the adverse effects from these vaccines can be properly completed and honestly reported.

God Help this Country and its People if Americans lack the good sense and courage to do this immediately!

STOP following the maniacal “science” and start following common sense and basic survival instincts, if you still have any. We can and must save ourselves now!


© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lex Greene:

Criminal Collusion, Medical Malfeasance and Murder

By Kelleigh Nelson

In my opinion, our health care system has failed when a doctor fails to treat an illness that is treatable. —Kevin Alan Lee – author

These deaths have been facilitated by a false narrative bent on pushing an all-new, unproven vaccine for a disease that was highly treatable.The alleged Covid-19 virus is a bioweapon and the vaccines represent “phase two” of that bioweapon. —Dr. Peter McCullough

Both the respiratory virus and the vaccine delivered to the human body the spike protein, the gain of function target of this bioterrorism research.  Now I can’t come out and say all this on national TV today or at any time, but what we had learned over time is that we could no longer communicate with government agencies. We actually couldn’t even communicate with our propagandized colleagues in major medical centers, all of which appear to be under a spell, almost as if they are hypnotized right now. —Dr. Peter McCullough

America is not the only country who has willingly kowtowed to the government propaganda of fear, masks and lockdowns. Our voluntary surrender to become lab rats for the establishment elite and Big Pharma’s inoculations shocked me, although it shouldn’t have after so many donned the face diapers. I expected more from my fellow citizens.  Thankfully, people are now waking up…but for some it is too late.

Lest we forget, one of the requirements of the Emergency Use Authorization (EAU) that makes distribution of the vaccines legal without FDA approval is that there cannot be a readily available and sufficiently effective treatment already on the market. This more than anything else is why drugs such as Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine have been so vehemently opposed and utterly suppressed. If they’re proven to be effective, the vaccine train comes to a screeching halt before the powers and principalities achieve their goals of massive population reduction via United Nations Agenda 21/30.

Wealth for the elitists…death for the masses.

The fix was in long ago.


Totalitarian despotism has rocked those in America who are Constitutional lovers of freedom.  Just last week, former Obama administration Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said on CNN’s “Erin Burnett OutFront” that Americans who have not received a coronavirus vaccine should not be allowed to work or have access to children and be limited on where they are allowed to go.  I hope Sebelius and all her fellow comrades have willingly had these injections and will keep having the boosters.

Legally, EUA injections are not mandatory inasmuch as they are not yet licensed and are experimental. Normal vaccines can take years to assess and receive licensed approval from the Federal Drug Administration (FDA).  However, once they are licensed, despite our 4th and 5th amendments to the Constitution and HIPAA, we are being told the injections could be mandatory.

Covid “vaccine” makers are pushing for full approval from the FDA and if these gene therapy jabs are approved it won’t take long for employers, schools, and governments to begin mandating them for everyone.

On May 7, Pfizer and BioNTech became the first companies to apply for approval for their two-shot mRNA vaccine; Moderna, which also offers a two-dose mRNA vaccine, followed on June 1.  Approval could come any time now, and the despots in charge of our federal and state governments will fast-track their totalitarian control.


Forget Naomi Wolf; she failed to research the full truth about Israel.  Many Israelis have not taken the mRNA jabs and they still lead their lives without compromise and certainly not all Jewish physicians are happy with Israel’s rush to inoculate.  The criminal collusion and propaganda throughout the world regarding Covid injections has ensured medical malfeasance and murder.  Should physicians speak out, they can lose their board and hospital positions, their licenses to practice and their reputations.  Yet, many have defied the globalist propaganda to spread the truth and their numbers are growing.

An opinion piece by Dr. Pinkie Feinstein and Moshe Feiglin was posted on America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS).  It was “A call to analyze Israel’s digital health records and publish all severe medical events occurring within 90 days of the vaccine.”

Since December 2020, when the Pfizer mRNA treatment received FDA Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), this trust has been shockingly abused. The publicized Pfizer-Israel Health Ministry collaboration agreement is highly redacted and the supply agreement has never been released. Additionally, all Israeli Government Coronavirus Committee protocols have been classified as state secrets for the next 30 years! What are they hiding? This article serves as a call for Israel to come clean.

First, Israel’s Health Ministry did not perform its own approval procedure for Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine, and instead claimed the FDA’s EUA was sufficient (in contravention of Israeli laws). Then, after illegally approving Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine, the Health Ministry did not even enforce the EUA’s conditions of approval including ensuring that health care professionals and vaccine recipients are informed of the risks of emergency use, and that a system be in place to monitor and report adverse events.

These doctors are spot on regarding abuse, but we never needed a “vaccine” for Covid; there were cheap accessible decades-old drugs to treat the virus.

Drugs That Cracked Covid

Michael Capuzzo’s article of May 1st, 2021 tells the story of five doctors who cracked the treatment for Covid.  Portions of the article follow, but the entire column is well worth the read.  H/T Dr. Tom.

Dr. Paul Marik is the second most published critical care doctor in the history of medicine, with more than 500 peer-reviewed papers and books, 43,000 scholarly citations of his work, and a research “H” rating higher than many Nobel Prize winners.  Marik is world famous as creator of the “Marik Cocktail,” a revolutionary cocktail of cheap, safe, generic, FDA-approved drugs that dramatically reduces death rates from sepsis by 20 to 50 percent anywhere in the world.  Marik was appalled that people with Covid were told to take Tylenol and drink water and wait for a vaccine; he saw that as medical nihilism.

Together with four of his closest friends who happened to be the top academic critical care doctors in the world, he challenged them to help him find a protocol to treat Covid-19.  Their breakthrough in early 2020 centered around Ivermectin; the same drug given to President Trump when he was in hospital with Covid, although he and mainstream media claimed he was treated with Fauci’s and big Pharma’s Remdesivir and Regeneron.

“It’s not the virus that’s killing the host, it’s the host’s response to the virus,” Dr. Marik says, describing the excessive levels of inflammation that result from an overly aggressive immune system.

The immune system responds to an infection by releasing proteins known as cytokines that initiate inflammation. Inflammation is a natural part of the healing process, but an overreactive immune system can trigger a “cytokine storm” that can send inflammation spiraling to dangerous levels.  Cytokine storms are related to infections as they progress towards sepsis.

When this extreme inflammation leaves patients short of breath, caregivers mistakenly attribute it to acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), Dr. Marik says. The standard ARDS treatment is intubation – inserting a tube down the throat and directly into the lungs – and connecting them to a mechanical ventilator that forces air into the lungs. Unfortunately, a large majority of ventilated Covid-19 patients – in some cases more than 80 percent – are dying.

To avoid ventilation, Dr. Marik and his colleagues cool the overheated immune system with vitamin C and steroids, both strong anti-inflammatory molecules. They are particularly effective when used in combination.  (I was given two Azithromycin scripts, commonly referred to as Zpacks, and prednisone with the second and voilà!)

The five doctors published their breakthroughs in real time on the website of their nonprofit research group, the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (, so doctors anywhere in the world could find and use them immediately. Their protocol is available here and Ivermectin is included here.  An over-the-counter medicine in France, Ivermectin is safer than Tylenol and “one of the safest drugs ever given to humanity,” Dr. Marik said, with “3.7 billion doses administered in forty years, and only extremely rare serious side effects.”

Many prominent physicians and scientists around the world believe that Doctors Marik, Kory, Meduri, Varon, and Iglesias deserve the Nobel Prize in medicine.

Emmy Award-winning publicist Joyce Kamen of Cincinnati and former CBS News correspondent Betsy Ashton of New York City set aside their lives and began working tirelessly to reach every famous TV newsperson, scientist, and public health expert you know and hundreds you don’t, the handful of science writers who have won Pulitzer Prizes, the five thousand science writers on a special news wire who haven’t, every science desk from CNN to NBC News to the Atlantic magazine, every governor and member of Congress, President Trump, Dr. Anthony Fauci, and, when the time came, President-Elect Biden. Nobody responded.

Billions upon billions are made off vaccines, but little is made when easily accessible and cheap drugs will cure the patient and save lives.

Across the board, the fix was in.

Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin

Dr. Peter McCullough is professor of medicine and vice chief of internal medicine at Baylor University and also teaches at Texas A&M University. He is an epidemiologist, cardiologist and internist and has testified before the Texas State Senate related to Covid-19 treatments. He holds the distinction of being the most widely cited physician in the treatment of Covid-19 with more than 600 citations in the National Library of Medicine. (Curriculum Vitae).  I would strongly suggest you listen to this long interview with Dr. McCullough, even if you must do it piecemeal.  It is shocking.

Dr. McCullough said that people under 50 really had no reason to be fearful and Covid poses no risk to children, but overweight people can be candidates for the virus.  President Trump made Mike Pence the head of the Coronavirus Task Force. Pence brought in the NIH, the CDC; the very enemies of freedom who sold fear and control and convinced Trump that two million would die…a lie right from Fauci and his close friend, Chinese mouthpiece, WHO President Dr. Tedros.

The fix was in.

Like Dr. Marik and his team, Dr. McCullough was one of the first physicians to use Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and Ivermectin to save Covid patient’s lives, including his own father’s.  He knew from the beginning that “group fear” was being used to manipulate the populace.  He says that the virus itself, through the spike protein, caused coagulation or blood clotting where the red blood cells stick together at the same time the white platelets stick together…totally different than blood clots from strokes or other major clotting problems.  Reductions in hospital mortality for patients were achieved with daily aspirin intake and/or Heparin to keep the blood from coagulating or clotting. The Covid inoculation replicates the spike protein, resulting in blood clots occurring in 62% of inoculated people, and that is just one of many dangers.

Several countries tried different drug combinations including steroids like prednisone and Budesonide for Crohn’s Disease, and Colchicine for gout, and had good results.  This is called empiric treatment, trying drugs that make clinical sense to help save their patients.  It’s what good physicians do.  The UK had an 80% reduction in deaths using inhaled Budesonide used for asthma.

Dr. McCullough published a paper in the American Journal of Medicine in August of 2020, and when he looked at the literature through the spring, he saw 55,000 papers in the peer review literature, and not a single one taught US doctors how to put drugs in combination and treat the virus!  Fatal viral infections are always treated using multiple drugs.  Dr. McCullough published a paper for the American Journal of Medicine on the use of multiple safe drugs.

New York physician, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko was the first to put together a combination of drugs that saved lives.  He contacted President Trump, and Mark Meadows called him the next day.  Then the FDA called him and they connected him with the NIH, and he hit a brick wall.  Rudy Giuliani called him and they did a podcast together resulting in Dr. Zelenko being able to advise multiple heads of state.  Here’s his interview.  He refers to what we’ve seen as “medical war crimes.”

Lancet Medical Journal

In spring of 2020, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) had commissioned studies in out-patients with HCQ and Azithromycin; they funded the trial, got the drug supplies and the placebos.  Study centers were all over the country and ready to go, but then a fake paper was published in the prestigious medical journal, Lancet.  Peer review is always done to make sure papers are not fake, but the falsified paper stated that HCQ was dangerous. Case closed.  After Lancet’s false paper, other false studies were published.  The NIH shut down every study after only 20 patients.

The second largest HCQ producing plant outside of Taipei burned to the ground, and physicians in Africa contacted Dr. McCullough saying mercenaries were coming into the pharmacies and burning all the HCQ.

HCQ became the poster child for worldwide efforts to suppress effectively early treatment of Covid-19.

After 65 years of using the safest drug on the market, the FDA comes out and says HCQ should never be used…period, and the AMA follows suit. Next came the pharmacies…and doctors who were using HCQ in their communities were no longer allowed to prescribe the medication! Then doctor’s licenses were threatened to be suspended. That chilled the attempt of anyone treating Covid-19 as an out-patient. One has to wonder how the fake report got through Lancet without all the checks and balances done prior to publication.

Physicians began getting official messages from medical organizations saying not to use HCQ or Ivermectin to help Covid patients, codified by major medical organizations in emails and medical documents.  This virus was treatable, but the CDC, NIH, FDA had refused out-patient care.

Dr. McCullough said, “The term that applies is malfeasance.”  It was global suppression of early care.

He continued, “Things started to go off the rails early on with the global playbook. For products to be advertised, they have to be paid for and be FDA approved.  To do so without prior approval is against US laws.  Never before have pharmacies advertised that they’d be happy to give the vaccine when it came out, before it was even ready!  Massive messaging for the injection is far out of proportion for treatments.”

The injection strictly prohibits pregnant women, women of child bearing years, covid recovered patients, and patients who had prior Covid antibodies.  If a group of patients are excluded, they would never be given the product even when it is put on the market.  Why?  Because they don’t know if it’s going to work or if it’s going to be safe.  Yet today we have scores of miscarriages and stillbirths after pregnant women have been inoculated and huge numbers of deaths and side effects from the injections, including infertility.  McCullough reveals the Covid Vaccines are “directly killing babies in the first trimester” as the criminal push to vaccinate pregnant women continues.

According to Dr. McCullough, the medical industry has never vaccinated pregnant women in the past other than with a dead virus.  Covid inoculationsare different and the two years of safety checks were never done.  Trump’s warp speed was two months.


Dr. McCullough said 85% of the people who perished from Covid died needlessly.  The vast majority of doctors jumped in lockstep to follow these erroneous “guidelines” handed down by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the CDC. Those guidelines neglected to place any focus on the treatment of sick patients andfrom the beginning, as early as April 2020, started emphasizing the need for a vaccine as the only real hope of beating back the virus.

McCullough said the suppression of early Covid treatments, such as HCQ, Azithromycin and especially Ivermectin, “was tightly linked to the development of a vaccine.”  The FDA put an EUA on HCQ which is a 65-year-old safe drug, when only brand-new drugs or brand new “vaccines” get an EUA…and this effectively stopped the use of these cheap and safe drugs for treatment.

Without the suppression of the already-available treatments, the government would not have been able to legally grant EUA to the three vaccines rushed to market in the USA by Moderna, Pfizer and Johnson and Johnson.

The Covid battle was left in the hands of independent physicians to try to find therapeutic and off-the-shelf treatments, something that is not part of the pharmaceutical paradigm. It appears many of the treatments that should have been promoted, investigated and studied by health authorities to save lives were instead sabotaged and made inaccessible.

Dr. McCullough called this therapeutic nihilism.

At top levels, the fix was in.


McCullough said he believes the bioterrorism has come in two stages—the first wave being the rollout of the coronavirus, and the second, the rollout of the dangerous vaccines, which he said may already be responsible for the deaths of up to 50,000 Americans. Leo Hohman’s recent article gives all the documented evidence, including the short video with Dr. McCullough.  The doctor made the explosive comments during a webinar on June 11, with Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, a German trial lawyer, who believes the pandemic was planned, and is “a crime against humanity.

McCullough said he believes that fear of the virus was used very quickly to generate policies that would hugely impact human life, such as the draconian lockdowns. “Every single thing that was done in public health in response to the pandemic made it worse,” he pointed out.

“We know that this is phase two of bioterrorism, we don’t know who’s behind it, but we know that they want a needle in every arm to inject messenger RNA, or adenoviral DNA into every human being,” he said. “They want every human being.” The doctor later warned that the experimental vaccines could ultimately lead to cancers, and sterilize young women.  “We have now a whistleblower inside the CMS, and we have two whistleblowers in the CDC,” the doctor revealed.

Alawsuit has been filed by Thomas Renz and Larry Becraft and six other attorneys handling the case for America’s Frontline Doctors led by Dr. Simone Gold as lead plaintiff (AFLDS v. Xavier Becerra).

A whistleblower on page 41 of the complaint says there have been 45,000 vaccine deaths in the US since December that government has covered up.  Compare that to 53 deaths in 1976 that brought an end to the botched vaccine experiment for swine flu.  Link

I don’t trust the judiciary, but let’s hope a massive and purposeful wrong is righted.

Conclusion, Corruption is Monumental

Devvy Kidd is right.  Her latest article on the Covid-19 patents spells it all out…the corruption is monumental.  And now there are claims that the Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting System (VAERS) has actually removed many of the deaths and side effects of the actual damages because the tallies were growing albeit only one percent of damages are actually reported.  There’s a massive coverup, a coverup so deadly that Americans will die for the lack of truth, and yes, the spike protein injections were patented in the early 2000s.

In the case of Moderna, the U.S. government is co-patent holder through the National Institutes of Health (NIH), a clear conflict of interest, and confidential documents reveal Moderna sent a coronavirus mRNA vaccine candidate to a US University in December 2019, weeks before Covid-19 was allegedly known to even exist.

So not only were the vaccines rolled out unnecessarily by suppressing already available effective treatments, but the FDA and CDC are now covering up tragic numbers of deaths caused by their experimental mRNA injections.

Now Fauci is telling us that mandatory vaxes are being considered despite the fact that this country was founded on the idea that the government is untrustworthy and our individual God given freedoms are the law.

The fix was in long ago.

© 2021 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson:

The Cowards Go First

By Coach Dave Daubenmire

There is nothing in this world that is more repugnant to Christianity than cowardice.  In fact, it is so repulsive to Christ that it is considered worth of the death penalty.

Not just PHYSICAL death…but Spiritual death.  Cowardice gets you an express ticket to hell. We have all heard the Led Zeppelin song “Stairway to Heaven,” but very few realize that there is a huge slippery slide to hell as well.

And the cowardly go first.

Rev. 21:7-8 “He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son. But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.”

What are you so afraid of?  When are you going to stand up and face your fear?  When are you going to stand up and push back against the forces of darkness?  When will you stand up and speak up?

To quote the old TV commercial that pushed seat belt in cars… “What’s holding you back?”

What are you so afraid of?

Without getting into an argument about who gets to climb the Stairway to Heaven, it seems to be irrefutable that at the White Throne judgment in Revelation 21 everyone will stand before Christ and give an account for their deeds done here in this meat-suit world.  I don’t want to shake your eternal security, but the truth remains, “not everyone who says unto me LORD, LORD shall enter the Kingdom.”  Judgment Day is coming.

Yep.  Everyone is going to Heaven, but not everyone is going to stay.  The Cowards get the vamoose first.  They are the first load on the downhill slide into hell.  The FEARFUL lead the parade, ahead of the abominable, murderers, whoremongers, sorcerers, idolators, and ALL liars.

The great Judge of the Universe seems to have no mercy on the cowardly.  The Bible tells us that “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.”  How is it possible to claim to know Jesus and still be controlled by fear?  Many Christians live in fear.  Can you say COVID?  Can you say “non-essential” churches?

We are most unlike Christ when we cower in fear.

What are you afraid of?  What is holding you back?  How can you claim to be a child of God as you quiver behind your mask over a man-made virus with a 98% survival rate?

God is not pleased.  He does not wink and not at cowardice.

Faith and fear are like fire and water.  They cannot occupy the same space.  Faith and fear are also mutually exclusive.  Faith and fear cannot abide in the same heart. “A double-minded man is unstable in all of his ways.”

As Bob Dylan famously sang, “You Gotta Serve Somebody.”  Which will it be? Faith or fear.  There is no demilitarized zone.

For a brief lesson in courage one need read no farther than the Faith Hall of Fame found in Hebrews eleven.

And what shall I more say? for the time would fail me to tell of Gedeon, and of Barak, and of Samson, and of Jephthae; of David also, and Samuel, and of the prophets: Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions. Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens. Women received their dead raised to life again: and others were tortured, not accepting deliverance; that they might obtain a better resurrection: And others had trial of cruel mockings and scourgings, yea, moreover of bonds and imprisonment: They were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword: they wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins; being destitute, afflicted, tormented; (Of whom the world was not worthy:) they wandered in deserts, and in mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth. And these all, having obtained a good report through faith, received not the promise: God having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should not be made perfect.

Only heroes make the Hall of Fame.  The Cowards are not heroes.  Cowards are…well…cowards.  God is not pleased with the cowardly.

Perhaps at no time in American history has the voice of Christians been more important than it is today. Silence is not golden, it is yellow.  Christians speak FOR God.  The last I checked; Barney Fife was not mentioned in the Faith Hall of Fame?

What about you?  What are you going to serve?  Do you believe that Jesus Christ is THE King of Kings?  What if HE is counting on YOU to speak on HIS behalf?  What if the fate of your children depends on your courage?  What if the fate of the nation is in the hands of Christians?  What if those Christians serve fear?  What if Christians are cowardly?

A courageous Christian named Patrick Henry one said

This is no time for ceremony. The question before the House is one of awful moment to this country. For my own part I consider it as nothing less than a question of freedom or slavery; and in proportion to the magnitude of the subject ought to be the freedom of the debate. It is only in this way that we can hope to arrive at truth and fulfill the great responsibility which we hold to God and our country. Should I keep back my opinions at such a time, through fear of giving offense, I should consider myself as guilty of treason towards my country, and of an act of disloyalty towards the majesty of heaven, which I revere above all earthly kings.

Face your fear.  Stand up and speak.  Your children are counting on you.  You community is counting on you.  Your country is counting on you.  Your LORD is counting on you.  Courageous Christian men forged this nation.  Only courageous Christian men can save it.

God’s word is unmistakable.  There is a highway to hell…and the cowardly will be leading the parade.

Let God be true and every man a liar.

© 2021 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

Have We Gone Off the Deep End?

By Lee Duigon

Bad enough we have to listen to pap like “Men are women with penises, women are men with vaginas,” all white people are racists, and “riots are Mostly Peaceful Protests.” The list could go on all day.

But now we’re told that 2 + 2 ain’t 4 no more.

Yes, that’s the contribution offered by “school officials” in Ontario, who have announced their plan to teach 9th graders that “Mathematics has been used to normalize racism” by its “marginalization of non-Eurocentric mathematical knowledges” (

Does that make sense to you? If it does, you’re as loopy as they are.

See, it’s all those “right answers” to math problems, like “2 + 2 = 4.” Sez who? Maybe, to People Of Color (POCs), it makes five. Or three. Maybe in Ontario it makes a different sum day by day, depending on how you… feel.

Do you want these idiots calculating your week’s pay? Do you want a woke paycheck?

But never mind that! What if any old answer you feel like giving on any given day is the math that goes into building multistory condos, airplanes, and bridges? The condo collapses, the plane crashes, and the bridge falls down. Because even if you’re only a few percentage points off, that nice bridge you just designed is going to fall into the river. And heaven only knows where that rocket you just launched will land.

We live in an age when barking crazy nonsense rolls sonorously out of the mouths of people who are supposed to be experts, sages, authorities, role models, and (God help us) “leaders.” We’ve got a senile “president” to prove it.

How much of this can any civilization stand before it keels over onto the ash-heap of history? Go ahead—try to maintain your own household with hokey arithmetic. See how far you get before they turn your lights off.

With the voice of God’s wisdom personified, the Bible says “All they that hate me love death” (Proverbs 8:36). We reject wisdom—and experience, and tradition—in favor of leftid political fairy tales, many of them decidedly unwholesome. Just because 2 + 2 always used to make 4 doesn’t mean it does so anymore! That’s a white people’s answer! It disrespects all those wonderful people for whom 2 + 2 make 3! Not that such persons ever actually existed, outside of a mental hospital or some incredibly rustic environment—but wokies can’t be bothered by such petty considerations as reality.

If enough people decide to be gay, be transgender, or have abortions, sooner or later the human race dies out. If we all do it, we die. Our planes crash on takeoff. Our smart cars decide to play demolition derby. Everything goes wrong.

What percentage of the population has to believe woke fairy tales before we reach a point of no return? When are things so screwed-up, they can’t be fixed? When have we strayed far enough off the road of sanity that we can’t find our way back?

If it were only a few micro-constituencies, we could just shrug it off. But these micro-constituencies enjoy the throttle-wide-open support of the Democrat Party, teachers’ unions, Big Tech, wacko Far Left billionaires, Hollywood, the universities, and even pro sports—all of them pushing this garbage as if their very lives depended on it. God only knows what they’re thinking. I very much doubt that they can explain themselves.

We have to take back our civilization. We appeal to God, the Judge of all the earth.

God can do without this civilization; another one will take its place, built on the ruins.

But we can’t do without God; and I would like to see our civilization survive.

I have discussed this and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and stop in for a visit, before they make it illegal or something. My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon:

Part 1: Is America Heading Into Its Twilight Years?

By Frosty Wooldridge

Part 1: Changing our culture, racial equation and viability to match Rome’s descent into oblivion

First of all, I am a Baby Boomer and an old man of 74 years.  I watched America trudge through the Korean War, Vietnam War, Desert Storm, Afghanistan and Iraq wars.  All of them fraudulent, unnecessary, costly in money and lives, and benefited no Americans other than corporate elites and bankers.  Those wars were based on assumptions and/or outright lies.  All those wars accomplished nothing to benefit America’s freedoms or her/our well-being.

I watched the race riots in Detroit, Michigan in 1968. I was blown away by the Kent State killings.  I had friends die in Vietnam, but not before they wrote me letters about the insanity of our being over there.  I participated in the marches against the Vietnam War.  I watched the Selma March with M.L. King. I served in the U.S. Army.  I realized that our presidents and Congressional representatives lie to us—often and without batting an eyelash.  Too many of our elected officials in Congress are as guilty as those men who lived at Alcatraz. Why? Because they do not solve any of our problems, but in fact, take bribes, and allow all our problems to fester out of control.

Yet, I love America and everything our Constitution represents.

Over the past 50 years, I’ve watched our country change from 87 percent Caucasian, 5 percent Black, 5 percent Hispanic, 3 percent Asian ancestry to over 50 million foreign born immigrants. Soon, we will be a nation of minorities.  Our leaders have literally changed the face of America and our culture into another kind of country the likes of which the world has never seen.  It’s called “multiculturalism” and it’s not working.  We face devastating racial-cultural conflicts both last year and more in the future, i.e., Muslims, Jews and Christians have never and will never mix well.

We’re in the midst of destroying our Western Culture and heritage—the most advanced, rational and positive culture since the Renaissance.  Essentially, we’re in the twilight of America’s years.

Nonetheless, I love America.  With all its warts and callouses, it’s still one of the finest countries that encourages the most freedoms and opportunities of any country on this planet.

Black Lives Matter and Antifa can stomp on our flag all they want, but they couldn’t do that in China without getting their heads decapitated. They are too stupid to understand their dumb luck of being Americans.

Another writer whom I don’t know asked the question, “Is the sun setting on America ?”

He said, “Men, like nations, think they’re eternal. What man in his 20s or 30s doesn’t believe, at least subconsciously, that he’ll live forever? In the springtime of youth, an endless summer beckons. As you pass 70, it’s harder to hide from reality.

“Nations also have seasons: Imagine a Roman of the 2nd century contemplating an empire that stretched from Britain to the Near East, thinking: This will endure forever…. Forever was about 200 years, give or take.”  (Rome fell in 395 AD after existing for 1229 years)

He spoke about France being pivotal in the 17th and 18th centuries; now the land of Charles Martel is on its way to becoming part of the Muslim caliphate as that religion continues to overwhelm and ultimately will conquer Europe by birth rates.  Yes the French and French culture are finished…they are still breathing but they are dead.

If you look at other empires, Great Britain ruled the world in the 19th and 20th centuries.  They made conquests for land and resources their top priority.  But now, they have reached terminal decline. They endure outmoded monarchies where your sperm lottery number makes you a king or a queen with no other validity in the world other than you march around pretending that you’re important—when you are no different than a commoner.  Prince Harry now living in Los Angeles and actually working—proves that fact.

The ancient civilization of China wrought human misery in gobs against the common people by the Ming Dynasty, opium wars and the years of Mao where he slaughtered untold millions. Now, the Chinese are ecologically poisoning themselves into a horrifically nasty future, where millions will die in the 21st century from starvation, water shortages, resource exhaustion and internal conflict.

The writer said, “I was born in 1942, almost at the midpoint of the 20th century – the American century. America’s prestige and influence were never greater. Thanks to the ‘Greatest Generation,’ we won a World War fought throughout most of Europe, Asia and the Pacific. We reduced Germany to rubble and put the rising sun to bed. It set the stage for almost half a century of unprecedented prosperity.”

Well, it’s been a heck of a ride for my past 50 years, but when we teach our children “Critical Race Theory” to hate one another for each other’s skin color—we’re in trouble.  When we see kids stomping on the American flag, we see separation of patriotism into anarchy.  When we watch black leaders condemning everything white, and white leaders cowering in the corners for fear of being labeled a ‘racist’, that’s when you see America in decline. A country where citizens work at each other’s throats either emotionally or physically, you know we cannot survive.

It’s tragic! As we Baby Boomers die out, who will still be alive to salute Old Glory? Who will honor our laws?  Who will stand up against BLM and Antifa? Who will honor our police?  Who will work to contribute to our civilization?

We’re in trouble, and, I am not optimistic about it turning around.

Part 2: Markers for the decline of America

If you would like a free electronic copy of this book, please email me with your email address and I will send it to you.  Every American with children or any American who will live in this country in 2050, needs to understand what they face.

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121.

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

This video will scare the daylights out of every American as to what’s coming to our country, US Citizenship Act 2021 by Joe Biden.

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

How Many Understand What The Government is Doing to You?

By Greg Holt

The winning team has left the field and we are left with tyrannical socialist wannabe despots

Freedom is fleeing and the communist overseers are moving into place.  The Donald was illegally tossed out, and the Leftist unhinged dictator was welcomed in.

The Left has been busy folks.  Check out the following:

This would be hilarious if it was not for the fact that so many in Cuba are being arrested and brutalized by police and government forces.  Government forces have been known to not only brutalize people that dare to protest, but also to kill them.

Here in the U.S., Black Lives Matter, led by self-absorbed frauds that spend millions of dollars of other people’s money on mansions – have come out in support of a brutal regime that kills people, and yes many of them are black.

Why does anyone support these obviously phony self-righteous people, especially black people?

From New York Post:

“‘Despite the Cuban dictatorship’s murdering and beating of protestors (many of them Black), BLM’s statement on Cuba…condemns the U.S., praises the Castro regime, and makes no mention of the atrocities being committed by the dictatorship,’ he tweeted.”

According to our Socialist-in-chief (I will not grant him the title held by current President Donald Trump), if you are one who wants free and fair elections, YOU my friend are a racist!

Secretary of State Antony Blinken invited United Nations officials to stick their corrupt noses into our business.  No surprise there.

Did we not already settle this issue????  The pee tapes have about as much credibility as the fox in the henhouse swearing not to eat the chickens.

Yes for sure, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley IS a hack, looking out for number one and little else.  His focus is on pleasing his masters, obviously one of whom is Biden.

The DNC remember is the group of nice people (cough, gasp, barf) who colluded with Hillary Clinton to purchase the made up slander for use against Trump.  Of course they are a bunch of useless scumbags.

The HHS sec. is another worthless good-for-nothing.  I just wrote about him last week:

HHS Secretary: Government Has the ‘Right’ to Know if You Are Vaccinated – Implies Possibly Forcing Vaccinations

Funny how many of those living in other countries seem to have a much better grasp of what a privilege it is to live in this country.  Far too many in this great nation see this country as evil and the reason behind the plight of, well of anyone and everyone.  You can thank the Democrat’s well-oiled propaganda machine for this – propaganda that begins with very young school children, that way these kids are completely malleable by the time they are in high school and then college.

Naturally, Big Tech has all the say.  Between Democrats, Big Tech, and the better part of all of the media – it is an entirely uphill battle to get the voices heard of those who love this country – true patriots, those who believe in the Constitution and the resulting unique government, as well as those who believe in and reverence our Lord.

Big Tech will simply censor you, label your article as fake news, unscientific, or even close your account.  The media meanwhile will just ignore the story if it doesn’t trumpet the prescribed Leftist values.  If the media does deign to report on an issue that isn’t in their collective comfort zone, they will not report all the facts and will even outright lie about it.

Democrats of course are en masse moving ever further to the Left, socialism has begun to win the day.  Democracy is slowly dying, but the cancer is fast reaching stage four and needs to be stopped and soon.  And of course the Dems have the complete support of the Big Tech oligarchy and as well almost all of the media.

No one should be surprised at what is happening here.  We’ve been warning people for years, and now the chickens are coming home to roost – just like I and other commentators said they would.

© 2021 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

H/T Sam J. – Twitchy

Article sources:
New York Post
TCP News

Bonnie And Clyde: Why Do You Want To See Their Car?

by Bradlee Dean

“And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:” -Hebrews 9:27

It amazes me as to how the world today loves to praise the bad guys and frown upon many of the good guys (John 7:7).

What’s worse is that we know that the devil loves to glorify himself through those bad guys (Matthew 4:9). As a matter of fact in America today, Americans have been conditioned to show more mercy to the wicked in glorifying them than they are the victims who suffered at their hands themselves and In the case of Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow, no other two criminals could be a better example, that is until the Lord said no more!

[Rumble Video]

After watching the true story of Frank Hamer, former Texas Ranger, and Maney Gault, who joined forces to capture the notorious outlaws Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow, I had to see the history around it for myself.

Bonnie Elizabeth Parker (October 1, 1910 – May 23, 1934) and Clyde Champion Barrow (March 24, 1909 – May 23, 1934) were an American criminal couple who traveled the Central United States with their gang during the Great Depression, known for their bank robberies, although they preferred to rob small stores or rural gas stations. Their exploits captured the attention of the American press and its readership during what is occasionally referred to as the “public enemy era” between 1931 and 1934. They are believed to have murdered at least nine police officers and four civilians. They were killed in May 1934 during an ambush by police near Gibsland, Louisiana.

Now, while touring through Colorado and Las Vegas in venturing over into Rancho Fe, California, we had to stop and see the car that Bonnie and Clyde were in when they were finally captured (I love to get as much history as I can when traveling).

In the process of seeking it out, which was literally right off the main highway that we were on, my wife said to me, “Why do you want to see their car?  They were both criminals, isn’t that glorifying them?”

In response, I said, “I don’t want to see the car in order to glorify them. I want to see the riddled car in order to see how the Lord brought justice upon them through the likes of Frank Hamer and Maney Gaultin in glorifying himself – A BIG difference (Isaiah 26:9; Hebrews 9:27).

Scripture is clear when the Lord said “Have I any pleasure at all that the wicked should die? saith the Lord GOD: and not that he should return from his ways, and live?” the fact of the matter is that there just some that refuse the mercy of God in living their lives for the devil (John 10:10).

“The LORD is known by the judgment which he executeth.” -Psalm 9:16

As Frank Hamer rightly stated “He shot the devil out of them!”


[YouTube Video]

© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean:

A worldwide Genocide is unfolding: Expert vaccine scientist Dr. Vanden Bossche

By Laurie Roth

Dr. Sharri TenPenny and others have boldly been warning the masses of the dangers of taking the Covid 19 vaccines and the amount of people being hurt and killed by them already.  However, millions have continued to be manipulated and tricked by Government, media and medical spokes people to take the vaccines or else.  Recently fake President Joe Biden is sharing his plans to go door to door to convince us all to take the experimental vaccines.

Whole industries are being forced to take the vaccines, Pilots, military, health professionals and many others are having their freedom of choice taken away at the expense of their lives, Horrifyingly, we are now finding out just what this really will mean to hundreds of millions around the world.

Vaccine expert, Doctor/scientist Dr. Vanden Bossche outlines in detail why the vaccine so dangerous,  Watch his interview and listen up. Dr. Bossche explains the danger with clear urgency.

The bottom line that I got from Dr. Bossche was that when you take the vaccine, very specific antibodies go into your immune system and neuter the nonspecific antibodies that are there to fight off all that attacks your body. It renders your immune system as totally nonfunctioning.  It cannot defend you from anything else that attacks you, nor a potential hybrid and more deadly version of Covid 19, which he states is starting to pop up around the world in highly vaccinated countries. Now the deaths are rapidly growing and out of control.

What has been unleashed with the release and push of vaccines on people here and around the world is nothing but an unfolding Genocide.

Doctors and scientists had better get busy figuring out how they are going to save the hundreds of millions who have taken this vaccine and are literally waiting for the next virus or illness to attack them that they cannot fight.

It is beyond absurd and unbelievable that as leading Doctors and Scientists continue to come forward and expose the deadly dangers of the vaccines, that we have an unelected President, Joe Biden pushing to go door to door to push the vaccines even farther. It appears that Genocide may be one of the many goals of this administration.  Wake up world.  Do not take the vaccine ever and pray to God for help and protection if you have.

These are deadly times to live in but we will get through them with our Lord’s help.  Phil: 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.’ Spread the real word around.

© 2021 Laurie Roth – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Laurie Roth:

Vaccine Censorship and the Need for Truth

By Cliff Kincaid

[DISCLAIMER: The opinion in this article is the sole opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

Even as China virus cases surge once again, tanking the stock market, there are Americans who don’t believe the Chinese bioweapon will injure or kill them. While Cubans on the communist island march for life-saving vaccines, this brand of “American exceptionalism” rejects coronavirus vaccine mandates and masks. They seem to think that are immune.

Alan Scott Lanoix was unvaccinated and didn’t think he would get Covid. Lisa Adler, his sister, said, “He thought the vaccine was poison and he was afraid of getting it and there’s a lot of people that have that same feeling.” As a story by WWLTV recounted, he then tested positive for the virus and spent 17 days in the hospital with several on a ventilator before passing away.

Lanoix was the father of three sons, who had to bury their father on Father’s Day. Adler says, “He was a great person and I urge anybody if they are on the fence about getting the vaccine, do it in my brother’s memory.”

According to one poll, 20 percent think the U.S. government is using the COVID-19 vaccine to microchip the population.

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine, has appeared on shows hosted by Brannon Howse on Mike Lindell’s network, where she called the vaccines “Satan’s last hurrah.” Tenpenny’s claims have led to coverage of people sticking metal things to their skin and insisting it’s because of microchips and/or metals in the vaccine formula.

“I’m sure you’ve seen the pictures all over the Internet of people who have had these shots and now they’re magnetized,” Tenpenny  said in testimony to the Ohio legislature. “They can put a key on their forehead. It sticks. They can put spoons and forks all over them and they can stick, because now we think that there’s a metal piece to that.”

And the vaccines may link people to 5G though an “interface.” She said: “There’s been people who have long suspected that there’s been some sort of an interface, ‘yet to be defined’ interface, between what’s being injected in these shots and all of the 5G towers.”

5G is the next generation of high-speed wireless technology.

The American Osteopathic Association (AOA) responded that “we find the statements included material misinformation, personal perspectives without support of evidence or scientific foundation, and are not consistent with the principles and practice of osteopathic medicine.” It added, “The AOA urges all Americans to get the COVID-19 vaccine. This vaccine is a scientific achievement that has saved countless lives. We strongly support the evidence affirming the safety of vaccine technology and reject unsubstantiated claims to the contrary.”

When I published a column about the Cuban people marching for freedom and access to life-saving vaccines, I got this message (with expletives deleted):


Not too long after I got the message about my column on Cubans marching for vaccines, I was informed by another anti-vaxxer that a study had concluded that people opposed to the vaccines were “highly informed,” “scientifically literate,” and “sophisticated.”

I think that is true for some people. But I did some research and found messages referring to “ALL VACCINES ARE POISON,” “VACCINE DEATH SQUADS,” and “FOOD DESTROYING CABALS OF SATANIC DEMONS.”

And this one:


In fact, Russia is reporting skyrocketing cases of Covid.

In regard to 5G, a Russian state media entity now known as RT aired a story about its alleged dangers back in 2019. Watch it here.  The Russians want Americans to believe this so China can dominate the 5G wireless communications market.  Thanks to Trump, Chinese company Huawei’s emerging dominance of emerging 5G telecommunications technology was reversed.

As people know, I have been a long-time proponent of vaccine safety and freedom of choice. I founded and ran the Committee to Protect Medical Freedom and held a news conference opposing a mandatory HIV/AIDS vaccine. I know the risks and benefits of various vaccines.

The government has botched the roll-out of several vaccines, costing lives. That’s why I have consistently supported and given a media platform to such people as Barbara Loe Fisher of the National Vaccine Information Center. She is a citizen vaccine safety and informed consent advocate who does careful research and does not seek to provoke or inflame people.

I was coming back from Italy with my family in February 2020 and became ill. I thought it was a bad flu. Later I learned about Covid and thought back to all the Chinese tourists in Italy during our trip.  That would have been the time the disease was spreading to Europe. I’m not sure what happened to me. But it was a warning.

When the China virus vaccines were in production and being offered to people, I did several shows with critics of the vaccines being developed.

But as the death toll from the pandemic was rising, and the Chinese government was caught lying about where the virus came from and how dangerous it was, I took a second look, concluding that the vaccines developed by President Trump’s Operation Warp Speed project using new mRNA technology had a solid chance of working and saving lives. I think the evidence demonstrates that has been the case.

I got the Pfizer vaccine and had no side-effects.

Trump, at the recent Conservative Political Action Conference in Dallas, urged people to get vaccinated and said,  “When the plague came in from China, I dragged the slow and complacent bureaucrats from the FDA, and the CDC into the Oval Office. I pushed them like they have never been pushed before, and thanks to the relentless efforts of my administration and me, we got miraculous therapeutics straight to patients with historic speed, and we produced three vaccines to end the pandemic in record time…We did it in less than nine months.”

Yet, many of my columns defending the vaccines have been censored by conservative web sites or slapped with disclaimers intended to make it seem my views are controversial.

I respect those who weigh the evidence. Some fear the vaccine more than the virus. But censorship on either side is not the answer.

In a new statement on the matter, former President Trump said, “Joe Biden kept talking about how good of a job he’s doing on the distribution of the Vaccine that was developed by Operation Warp Speed or, quite simply, the Trump Administration. He’s not doing well at all. He’s way behind schedule, and people are refusing to take the Vaccine because they don’t trust his Administration, they don’t trust the Election results, and they certainly don’t trust the Fake News, which is refusing to tell the Truth.”

In short, some people fear the Biden Administration more than the virus. The Biden Administration has only itself to blame.  Its heavy-handed efforts at censorship will only backfire. That fact leads people to believe the federal government does not want the pandemic to end and instead wants to reimpose mask requirements and vaccine mandates.

In the end, as the cases mount and the unvaccinated continue to resist, the government will win. A federal judge has already upheld Indiana’s University’s vaccine mandate and requirements.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

The Jew Haters in Power Were Very Carefully Taught

By Joan Swirsky

In 1949, the trailblazing anti-racist musical “South Pacific”––created by composer Richard Rodgers and lyricist Oscar Hammerstein II––debuted on Broadway to wild critical acclaim, running for over five years in nearly 2,000 performances.

A particularly powerful and influential song from the musical, “You’ve Got to Be Carefully Taught,” carried the message that hatred does not arise spontaneously in the human species, but rather is inculcated––taught, sermonized, infused––by parents, teachers, coaches, political figures or other impassioned haters. Here are the still-relevant lyrics:

You’ve got to be taught to hate and fear,
You’ve got to be taught from year to year,
It’s got to be drummed in your dear little ear,
You’ve got to be carefully taught.

You’ve got to be taught to be afraid
Of people whose eyes are oddly made,
And people whose skin is a different shade,
You’ve got to be carefully taught.

You’ve got to be taught before it’s too late,
Before you are six or seven or eight,
To hate all the people your relatives hate,
You’ve got to be carefully taught!

The show takes place on a South Pacific island during World War II, which make the lyrics relevant and understandable. This is why the world-famed composer (who was Jewish) and lyricist (whose father was Jewish) didn’t include the hatred for Jews that children have been taught for literally thousands of years.


When Americans see Joe Biden––or whomever is running the show for him and Kalamity––appointing a virtual Who’s Who of Jew- and Israel-haters to the highest positions in his regime, and promulgating policies specifically designed to destroy Israel, it is clear that all of these appointees, as well as Ole Joe and Kalamity themselves, were very “carefully taught.”

And when Americans see the growing number of elected anti-Semitic Democrat haters––Ihlan Omar (MN), Rashida Tlaib (MI), Ayanna Pressley (MA), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY), Cori Bush (MO), Jamaal Bowman (NY), the list gets longer every day––it is equally obvious that these DNA haters were very carefully taught and imbibed their toxic hatred with mother’s milk.

For a refresher, please see the documentation I’ve supplied of the alarmingly large number of vicious Jew haters and Israel loathers––the DNA anti-Semites––who Biden & Co. have put into the highest positions of the U.S. Government––look ‘em up!

  • 2, 2021: Joe’s Jews
  • April 13, 2021: More About Joe and the Jews
  • May 29, 2021: The Oldest Hatred Now Fulminates and Flourishes at 1600

In the interests of space limitations, I share Dan O’Donnell’s exhaustive research into Joe Biden’s Six Decades of Racism, particularly when it comes to Blacks, and the Geller Report on how Biden has repeatedly betrayed Israel for the past many decades. No doubt this is why Vernon Jones, a Black Representative and lifelong Democrat from Georgia, called Biden “a full-blooded bigot.”

Some other articles for your reading list:

The Democrats’ 2020 Platform Resurrects Obama’s Hostility to Israel and Appeasement of Iran by Carol S. Greenwald.
Joe Biden Has a Glaring Anti-Semitism Problem by Stacey Lennox.
Biden’s Hostility to Israel by Shmuel Klatzin.
Obama’s Latest Autobiography Rewrites Israeli History to Make You Hate the Jewish State by Rabbi AryehSpero.
Biden Appoints Rationalizer of Palestinian Suicide Bombers to His White House Staff by Monica Showalter.
Biden Pick For Civil Rights Chief Promoted Racism and Anti-Semitism at Harvard by Kevin Daley.

Again it is crystal clear that Biden and all his appointees and the Squalid Squad who follow the Democrat racist line were all “carefully taught!”


If you’ve either lived through or studied Nazi Germany in the 1930s and 1940s, it is clear that a resurgence of the same kind of Jew hatred is now rearing its head in 2021. Of course, it started thousands of years ago, but it reappeared dramatically in 2009, when the Race-Baiter-in-Chief, Barack Obama, utilized his community-organizer, rabble-rouser tactics in the Oval Office, fomenting racial divisiveness, fabricating conflicts where none existed, and using his bully pulpit––with the collaboration of the bought-and-paid-for leftwing media––to manufacture “hate” crimes that were once, quite accurately, considered indisputable criminal acts.

All of Obama’s fancy footwork depended on the gullibility of the American public and its desire to see the first Black president––okay, half-black-half lily white––succeed.

This magical thinking has been used before, for instance when the proponents of Socialism-cum-Communism ultimately realized that this tyrannical system of government failed horribly in every country it’s been practiced throughout history, but still fantasized that they can do it better.

Similarly and in spite of centuries of failures––even Hitler failed at extinguishing the Jews––the Jew haters think that they’ve finally figured out a way to rid the world of the people who make them green with envy because of their accomplishments and success and disproportionate contributions to the world.

In this century––largely as a result of global communication through the technology that puts fanatical haters in touch with each other––the Jew haters have made some disturbing inroads.

We now have a true pandemic of virulent anti-Semitism not only throughout the world but right here in America, including on most college and university campuses where massive Arab endowments have dictated anti-Semitic curricula and politics, which accounts for so many craven professors and administrators caving to the money and actually colluding with the Jew-hating students to vilify Jews and Israel.

Yes, in America, where the corrupt media turn a blind eye to the “carefully taught” racists and indefensibly ignore the innocent, often aged Jews who are attacked in the streets or have their synagogues lit on fire or are murdered in cold blood and thrown off a third-story balcony, as was 65-year-old retired doctor and mother and grandmother Sarah Halimi, in France.

But who does the degenerate media applaud?

All of them carefully taught!


Again, because of space limitations, I will list some of the recent horrors that fall directly on the heads of Joe Biden and his racist handlers and appointees for both their promotion of Jew hatred and abject failure to condemn––and to stem––the tsunami of anti-Semitism now emblematic of his racist regime. This is a very small sample:

Biden funds Palestinian terrorists.
Biden to ‘prioritize’ ending Israeli demolitions of terrorists’ homes.
Biden’s Nominees’ Ties to Anti-Israel Group.

I rest my case.


Jews like me who know Jewish history also know that we have been through this before and not only prevailed but flourished, just as we will through this upheaval. Yet, the fight goes on with those “carefully taught” Jew haters who spend their days and nights and social occasions and professional time––even holidays––obsessing about those damn Jews.

How could it be, they wonder, that in a world of nearly eight-billion people, this miniscule people––only 15 million!––gain prominence in every country in which they land (even when they arrive with no money and not knowing the language), and inevitably manage to do amazing, world-changing things. For instance––again, this is the very very short list!

Too many to name, too little space. Here’s another small taste: 10 Inventions by Jewish People that Changed the World and here: An Informal List of Jewish Inventions, Innovations and Radical Ideas.

These astounding contributions provide immense benefits to all those “carefully taught” Jew haters who have never figured out how to rid themselves and the world of the people who make them feel so bad about themselves, so inadequate, so un-chosen, so jealous!


Strangely, it is liberal Jews, and there are many of them––read my article: Suicidal Jews––who vote for the Jew-hating Democrats and raise not one objection when these floridly racist politicians are thunderously silent as their colleagues spew their anti-Semitic bile and then proceed to enact policies that are viciously antagonistic to Israel, the most egregious being their fanatical mission to allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons…a state whose mullahs have declared for decades that their intention is to wipe Israel off the map and kill every last Jew in the world.

This is because the “values” leftist Jews and Democrat pols share override their interest in anti-Semitic American professors, violent Jew-hating racist groups like Black Lives Matter, or genocidal mullahs––values like saving the whales, the colossal hoax of global warming, and slaughtering infants in the womb right up to the moment of birth, ala New York Democrats, and equally if not more grotesque, infanticide after the baby has been born, ala the depraved Democrat Governor of Virginia, Ralph Northam.

These are the people who have been bleating “my body, my choice” for decades when it comes to abortion, while today they support the Biden regime’s call for mandatory injections of the experimental, non-FDA-approved, clinically controversial and even dangerous Covid-19 vaccines that stand for the opposite: my body––not my choice!


If you have a thought, an opinion, a grievance, or a disagreement with this or that policy emanating from the White House, take one minute––literally 60 seconds––to call:

The White House hotline: 1-855-948-2311.

Comments: 1-202-456-1111
Switchboard: 1-202-456-1414

Or send an e-mail to: Contact Us | The White House

You can do this every day! The White House accumulates Yes and No piles and often bases policies––or should––on the will of the American people.


Here is a listing and map of what the U.S. Senate election will look like in 2022.

Here is a listing and map of what the U.S. House of Representatives election will look like in 2022.

Keeping in mind that the Democrat Party is now the official party of racism and hatred of Jews and Israel, it is imperative that you vote for whomever is running against a Democrat and whomever is running against Republicans in Name Only (RINOs), for instance Lisa Murkowski (AK), Liz Cheney (WY), Anthony Gonzalez (OH), Susan Collins (ME), Mitt Romney (UT), Pat Toomey (PA), et al.

And don’t send any of them a red cent!


It is now clear that Jewish organizations which once strongly advocated for Jewish issues and fought anti-Semitism aggressively no longer do so unless they involve politically correct issues that won’t inspire the vindictive wrath––and financial support––of Jewish Democrats.

Writer Seth Mandel elaborates on the rot inside American-Jewish organizations, as well as the Jews who are complicit in Jew hatred.

Those organizations include, among others: the UJA-Federation; the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) whose head, Jonathan Greenblatt, is a former employee of George Soros, the Clintons, and Barack Obama; the American Jewish Committee (AJC); the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC); the Hillel chapters on college campuses and the Reform movement.

So don’t count on these organizations and don’t send them another dollar!


Martin Niemöller, a German theologian and Lutheran pastor during Hitler’s reign of terror, is famous for words that resonate to this day:

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”

It is not only Jews whose freedoms are threatened by the scourge of the racist regime now occupying the White House, it is every freedom-loving, non-racist American in this country––the vast majority! Never has the political action of We the People been more urgent. Time to act!

© 2021 Joan Swirsky – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Joan Swirsky:


Sheeple v. Sheeple?

By Lex Greene

While people all over the world are already in the streets fighting global Marxists for their freedom and liberty, Americans are mostly still going about their lives as if life is normal, trying to hold on to all of their earthly possessions as they rapidly lose their entire country and way of life. It’s a fool’s errand!


From Cuba to Canada and Ireland to South Africa, the UK, the EU, and all points in between, freedom fighters are in the streets confronting their global Marxist governments. They are not fighting for free vaccines, free food, stimulus checks, free medicine, or free government indoctrination in public schools or on college campuses, in fact, quite the contrary. THEY ARE FIGHTING FOR FREEDOM!

But here in the USA, we seem to only have Sheeple v. Sheeple, with rare exception. Those rare exceptions are quickly labelled “racists, white supremacists, insurrectionists, extremists, domestic terrorists and conspiracy theorists.” The U.S. Department of Justice and Department of Defense have painted a target on the chest of every “non-compliant” American citizen opposed to Biden’s global Marxism and placed a bounty on their heads in the media and social media, even calling for family members to rat out their own.

On one side of the battle for America is the global Marxist sheeple, demonstrating a total suspension of common sense, logic, fact, and intelligence as they march towards the cliff in lockstep behind their Marxist heroes. They can see people who have been trapped under socialism for years, fighting for their lives and freedom all over the globe.But it just doesn’t register that this is the future they have chosen for themselves.

On the other side, we have the patriot sheeple, largely aware of the dangers we face, but waiting for someone else, anyone else, to do something about it. They wait, hope, and pray that Trump, their British Common Law lawyers, turncoat republicans, corrupt courts, or anyone else, is going to stand up and “fight for them.”

One is a sheeple being mindlessly led to slaughter by their Marxist politicians, and the other is leading themselves to slaughter by relying upon anyone else to save their beloved Republic, a task that can only be accomplished by the American citizens themselves.

Many of us thought that events would have triggered an all-American revolt against corrupt dictators in control of our government a long time ago. But even as we sit today, the vast majority of Americans still have not witnessed enough evil to be triggered into action. Nothing in the USA is normal, and patriots are allowing that to become the new norm.

The patriot sheeple are well aware of the fact that “divided, we will fall.” Yet, they still refuse to unite. They know our country is under global Marxist control right now, yet they still think they can protect their own, in a place where they won’t be able to protect anyone or anything much longer.

Patriots know that hope isn’t a strategy for victory. But they remain in suspended animation, more fearful of appropriate actions than continued inaction. Even though they know that evil will prevail everywhere good people do nothing – nothing is still what they do.

I’m reminded again of the people who danced on the Titanic while the ship that could never be sunk, sank into the frigid waters, killing two-thirds of everyone on board.

The mindless sheeple being led to slaughter by their Marxist God’s are only a small part of the problem. The patriot sheeple are a much bigger part of the problem. Like the Titanic, the order has been issued for the band to keep playing, so that people will keep dancing, unaware and unconcerned that they will soon perish.

But soon, the band will no longer be able to keep playing. The dance will soon come to an end. Every American will face the reality that their ship is sinking fast, and they are already beyond the point of no return.

There will be nothing they can do soon. The economy, health care, food supplies, their arms and ammo, it will all be gone or useless against the U.S. Military and Department of Justice that has every American citizen in their crosshairs.

Soon, the patriot sheeple will realize that they have waited too long to react to the evil confronting them on every front now. They will be forced to realize that the lengthy window of opportunity they once had to avoid the coming disaster, has since closed. They relied upon others to save them, when only the people themselves held such power.

And then, Americans will be divided into two groups, the “compliant” and the “non-compliant.”

The compliant will be the forced labor of the One World Order needed to keep the Marxist state afloat. The non-compliant will be removed from their families and sent for re-education. If they can’t be re-educated, they will be eliminated. The nation is being divided into these two groups right now, the vaccinated (compliant) and the unvaccinated (non-compliant), beginning with the U.S. Military.

If you don’t know this, then you have never thoroughly researched how Marxism is instituted and how it turns out every single time it has been installed throughout history. “Compliant” members of the Military just vaccinated, will then be ordered to force YOU to comply.

Our younger generations know no better, because their parents allowed them to be completely indoctrinated by public education, colleges, fake journalism,fake constitutional scholars, and social media. Most of them lack the critical thinking skills to ever figure this out. They aren’t even able to listen, much less learn.

Until they live under boot, just like the people in Cuba, young Americans will never give up their utopian dream of socialism that they were Pavlov trained to believe in American schools. They will fight for the promise of free everything from their dictators, used to lure them into the trap, like free cheese for the mouse.

Even though their dictators will kick them off the gravy train the minute there is no longer any political opposition left, they believe they will be exempt from the tyranny they have brought upon our country and the world.

Each side accuses the other of being a blind cult following, and to some degree, they are both right.

Both believe what they want to believe, and the facts seldom have anything to do with it. Both live in their own fantasy world, one believing America is horrible and they can fix it with communist rule – the other thinking they are participating in saving their country by simply watching others try to save it, without lifting a hand or donating a penny to help.

For 245-years now, America has been whatever the American people decided it was going to be, and that has not changed.

Marxist sheeple are working to forever change America into a third-world member of a tyrannical global commune, and the patriot sheeple are still waiting for someone else to stop them.

The Marxists sheeple are incapable of stopping!

So, it’s up to the patriot sheeple to stop waiting and take action before they have no means or opportunity left to do so. The USA is fast being driven into the toilet by the unlawful occupants in control of our government. Only when the patriot sheeple stop being sheeple and start being real patriots, does the USA even have a chance of survival.

I write in the hopes that patriots can be shaken into action by truth. United in action, we can still prevail. But divided and paralyzed, the USA doesn’t have a chance! I will continue releasing critical information in the hopes that sooner than later, the people will rise up against everything being forced upon them by global Marxist powers.

If you think there is anywhere you can run, anywhere you can hide, you are sadly mistaken. This is the USA, the beacon of freedom and liberty for the entire world. If the USA is not free, no place on earth will be.

We are fast running out of time.

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lex Greene:

We’re Being Invaded By Our Own President Biden’s Hand

By Frosty Wooldridge

Wednesday night on national news, one of the top broadcasters noted that a United States Border Patrol official reported that 1.0 million, that’s 1,000,000 illegal migrants have passed into the United States since Biden took office.  That’s ONE MILLION illegal entries.

Guess what, Biden buses them and/or he’s flying them into cities around the country in our own military airplanes.  What he’s doing stands in violation of Article IV Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution.

“The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on application of the legislature, or of the Executive against domestic violence.” Article IV, Section 4 of U.S. Constitution

Additionally, Biden stands in violation of U.S. Code 8, Sections 1324 and 1325.  “It is in violation of Federal Law to transport, house or employ an illegal alien within the borders of the United States…further fines of $2,000.00 per illegal and up to 5 years in prison.”

Biden’s actions stand in direct violation of our laws.  He is liable for impeachment.  He has broken our laws.

“A person, including a group of person, business, organization, or local government, commits a federal felony when she or he: assists an illegal alien she/he should reasonably know is illegally in the United States or who lacks employment authorization, by transporting, shelter, or assisting him or her to obtain employment, or encourages that illegal alien to remain in the U.S. buy referring him or her to an employer or by acting as employer or agent for an employer or agent for an employer in any way, or knowingly assists illegal aliens due to personal convictions.” Federal Law, U.S. Code 8, Section 1324 (a) (1)(A) (iv) (b) (iii)

In other words, Joe Biden knowingly breaks our sacred laws that were passed to protect every citizen within our country.

My question: what happens if another 1,000,000 illegals enter the country in the second six months of this year?  What exactly are we doing to do with THAT many people?  How about next year and the next?   Because if you know they will continue!

Additionally, we import another 1,000,000 legal immigrants annually that we can’t handle, already.

Why in the name of common sense and standards of law are 535 Congressional Critters standing by and watching a sitting president  break our laws without a whisper.

What if this situation continues for the next 3.5 years of Biden’s term?  What about our welfare systems that those millions upon millions of immigrants will be siphoning off?

What about our schools? What about our rule of law? What about our future with unending illegal and legal immigration via Biden’s lawlessness?

You need to start speaking up.  We stand eyeball deep in a Constitutional crisis that could tear our country apart and/or simply break it down into a broken financial system, or collapse our laws into what transpires in Somalia or any other failed state. God help us, but we’re being led my man suffer from dementia and stupidity.

Dear fellow American citizen: WE ARE IN TROUBLE!

If you would like a free electronic copy of this book, please email me with your email address and I will send it to you.  Every American with children or any American who will live in this country in 2050, needs to understand what they face.

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121.

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

This video will scare the daylights out of every American as to what’s coming to our country, US Citizenship Act 2021 by Joe Biden.

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

COVID-19 Patents: State Little RICO Acts Prosecution?

By: Devvy

VAERS posted the latest Adverse Events data on July 16, 2021.  The numbers are through July 9, 2021, which is odd because their prior posting on July 9, 2021 covered through July 7th.  This is out of pattern as weekly postings usually cover seven days;  they are approximately three months behind on getting the data posted.

New data.  Number of deaths:  10,991.  July 7th posting:  9,048 so an increase of 1,943 dead Americans.  I see splashy emails and headlines:  3,000 die in one week!  No, that is not accurate.  If you look at the case ID pages, dates are all over the place;many are April, May, posted in July.  It’s that posting is so far behind.

Total adverse events to date in separate CDC posting:  551,172.  One month ago, June 18th, the number was 387,288.  So, in 30 days we see an increase of an astronomical 163,884 “events”, but again three months behind in posting.  With 1% reporting, the actual numbers are enormous.  Miscarriages continues to climb:  1,073 as well as those permanently disabled, 9,274.

The interface for the VAERS government database allows one to search all the way back to 1901, and from January 1, 1901 through November 30, 2020, which is the last month before the COVID-19 shots were given emergency use authorization, there are a total of 6,255 deaths recorded following ALL vaccines.”

We now have 4,736 more deaths in seven months from those experimental injections than all other vaccines going back 120 years.

Claim: CDC Removes 150k Deaths from VAERS Database.  I watched the video.  The narrator referred to cases;  notevery case resulted in death.  However, after watching the video I decided I needed to look at the cases posted.  The issue is missing case ID numbers.  ID numbers are seven, i.e., 1442734.

Anyway, the narrator in the video uses one CDC posting, I used this one, also CDC.  I initially started looking for date of onset and death not aware yet of the missing ID cases.  Prof. Dolores Cahill and other scientists have given us their frightening explanations regarding what happens after someone takes one of the experimental gene editing injections:  Development of auto-immune diseases; there are 80 with no cures.  3-6 months, perhaps as long as 6-12 months your natural immune system will start attacking kidneys, liver, heart, lungs, brain and then premature death.

Using Open VAERS the number of adverse events is done by 10 case ID numbers per page.  With 463,456 cases posted, that’s tens of thousands of pages to examine by ID number.  I did 315 pages looking only for the red dot which indicates death.  Just a minuscule sample.

VAERS ID: 1441603.  Injected Jan. 29, 2021.  Died May 6, 2021, 98 days after injection.  75 days from injection to death71 days until deathDifferent ID, 75 days until death.  127 days until death.  Many months after getting the injection just as Prof. Cahill, Dr. Tenpenny and others said was going to happen.

Last Wednesday night I went back and started at the beginning looking for numerical sequence interruptions.  I found a lot.

On July 16th, I was on the phone with Larry Becraft who is lead council on the EUA lawsuit explaining all this when that Open VAERS web site and sections all went down at the same time.  When it came up about five minutes later, I hit on several links I had flagged for ID case pages and surprise, surprise.  I told Larry, well look at that.  The sequence numbers on the first four pages are now in order!  Like magic within 48 hours, ID cases suddenly appear that were not there before.

After we got off the phone, I continued checking each ID cases pages (ten to a page).  These started around page 135.  Corrected ones then ten pages later, missing sequence.More than 40 pages were corrected with proper number sequencing. 

Exactly how many deaths by ID case number have actually been removed is unknown because someone is massaging the numbers.  The only way to find out is a forensic audit of the computers used and who is inputting numbers.  Like the forensic audit going on right now in Maricopa County, AZ over the stolen election.  Good luck with the CDC, they might respond by 2030.  Best way would be during discovery in a lawsuit.

The reason for the deception is obvious:  To cover up the actual number of deaths from those injections.

Just like this VAERS data page.  Please note the charts where it talks about onset and deaths.  Only goes up to 28 days.  Why stop at 28 days? What I found is just a tiny number.  Not possible for me to go through 46,000+ pages of ID cases.

VAERS ID: 1456872 –skips to VAERS ID: 1456876.VAERS ID: 1456957.  What happened to 873,874, 875?  Then VAERS ID: 1456876 – VAERS ID: 1456957.  What happened to 81 ID cases in between? VAERS ID: 1457059 – VAERS ID: 1457061.  What happened to 145060? Every few pages there were numerical sequences out of order.

So, the claim made in the aforementioned video of 150,000 cases missing is possible when you’re talking about over 46,300 pages of case ID numbers.

Many Americans are familiar with the term RICO regarding criminal enterprises.  Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations law at the federal level, but did you know there is also what’s called Little RICO Acts prosecution at the state level?

Pattern of Racketeering

“Predicate crimes. In order to establish a pattern of racketeering, the prosecutor must show that the defendant(s) committed two or more predicate crimes, which will vary depending on each state’s laws. Predicate acts can include murder, kidnapping, robbery, theft, drug crimes, and different types of fraud. The federal RICO law has a long list of federal predicate crimes. Some states have their own lists of predicate crimes. Other states limit predicate acts to crimes or felonies under state law. In some states, the defendant must have committed the crime for financial gain before in order for the offense to be considered a predicate act.”

I have been aware of the patent issue for a while – patents filed for SARS-CoV-2, this “new novel” coronavirus.  This is one video:  Nothing about the “novel” coronavirus is new: Dr. David Martin with Reiner Fuellmich, July 11, 2021.  Reiner Fuellmich, for those unfamiliar with him, is a consumer rights attorney with impressive wins against huge corporations.  Dr. David Martin’s bio is related at the beginning of the video.  Discussed:

On SARS coronavirus:

  • They have reviewed over 4,000 patents issued around SARS coronavirus
  • Done a comprehensive review of the financing of manipulations of coronavirus which gave rise to SARS
  • They took reported gene sequence which was reportedly isolated as the novel coronavirus, as indicated by the International Committee on the Taxonomy of Viruses of the WHO, and reviewed those against patent records available as of spring 2020
  • They found over 120 patented pieces of evidence to suggest the declaration of a novel coronavirus is entirely false. There was no novel coronavirus, there are countless very subtle modifications of coronavirus sequences that have been uploaded. But there was no single identified novel coronavirus
  • They found patent records of sequences attributed to novelty going to patents that were sought as early as 1999

Let me leave that for a moment and go to a fact check by Reuters, another snooze outlet that works overtime to discredit all factual data and information regarding COVID-19 and those injections.

False claim: Video claims COVID-19 patent has existed for years, hinting to conspiracy, May 10, 2020

“The video includes an introduction by Dr Rashid Buttar, a U.S. based osteopath whose videos have sparked controversy for including conspiracy-like claims, followed by multiple health claims and alleged evidence that old virus patents prove the new outbreak was known to pharmaceutical companies years in advance…

“The video’s central claim is that old patents show this virus was somehow concealed or known of for years. The video presents two preexisting patents for the virus as evidence there is a conspiracy behind the current pandemic. The video presents two patents for this coronavirus – the American patent “US2006257852” and the European patent “EP3172319B1” (later shown as “EP3172319A1”).

“The patent numbers listed are indeed real, but they are for SARS, caused by SARS-CoV (or SARS-CoV-1), not for COVID-19, caused by SARS-CoV-2. They can be publicly viewed on Google here (US2006257852A1 is a synonym for patent US2006257852, here), here and here. Both mention “SARS-CoV” multiple times but have no mention of “SARS-CoV-2”, the new strain causing COVID-19.”

I never knew a US patent could be identified by a synonym.  Hitting on the Google link, the synonym is US20060257852A1.  Why not just use the original patent number?  It’s true on that page SARS-CoV-2 is not mentioned but then again, are we talking about the same patent or not?  I’m not a patent attorney so I can’t answer those questions but to me, something is hinky.

At the bottom of the article above by Reuters (another all the news that’s fit to fake) is their notice the article has been fact checked by their fact checkers.  Who are they? “Reuters News has a fact-checking unit within its editorial department.”  Whoopie!

Former Pfizer VP answers Reuters ‘fact checker’: ‘A pack of lies’, June 28, 2021 – “Summarizing, Yeadon concluded: “Of course this is wholly fraud. Imagine that the number of people in U.K. who’d actually been killed by the virus, instead of dying with it, was just a couple of thousand; you’d been on the streets with torches and pitchforks.

“You should be. Governments everywhere have lied and lied and lied about every one of the central narrative points about this virus.The effect of compliance with their ludicrous policy responses has been to hollow out and arguably to have destroyed economically several G20 counties, and actually increased the number of avoidable deaths, not least by deprivation of healthcare.

“These people all need locking up in that new high-security facility being built at speed at Wellingborough, Northants. The prima facie case against a dozen or so people in U.K. warrants their arrest pending criminal prosecutions. If these figures are of the same order of magnitude for other countries as well, and there is no reason to assume otherwise, then the plague is a deception of unprecedented proportions, and crimes committed against humanity on a huge scale have been committed here.”

I feel it beneficial to include this one:  Scientists quit journal board, protesting ‘grossly irresponsible’ study claiming COVID-19 vaccines kill, July 1, 2021 – “The data has been misused because it makes the (incorrect) assumption that all deaths occurring post vaccination are caused by vaccination,” Ewer wrote in an email. “[And] it is now being used by anti-vaxxers and COVID-19-deniers as evidence that COVID-19 vaccines are not safe. [This] is grossly irresponsible, particularly for a journal specialising in vaccines.”

Yep, a perfectly healthy 13-year old boy gets the injection and dies later that night in his sleep, but it’s not from the injection!  Two infants breastfeed by mothers, dead within 24 hours.  No health red flags.But, it’s not from the injection!There’s too many to list; my past columns are loaded with the dead.  Apparently, those scientists haven’t seen the actual number of deaths or know much about those injections.

From one of my recent columns:  “One of them is Dr. Peter McCullough; if you haven’t read his bio it’s here.  On June 11, 2021, Dr. McCullough did a webinar with Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and other experts.  (Bio for Dr. Fuellmich, see here; also covers COVID tests fraud lawsuits.)  That interview is one of the most important I’ve seen to date.  Quoting Dr. McCullough:

“We have now a whistleblower inside the CMS (Center for Medicaid) and we have two whistleblowers in the CDC,” the doctor revealed. “We think we have 50,000 dead Americans. Fifty thousand deaths. So we actually have more deaths due to the vaccine per day than certainly the viral illness by far. It’s basically propagandized bioterrorism by injection.”

June 15th:   Dr. McCullough: COVID Vaccines Have Already Killed Up to 50,000 Americans, According to Whistleblowers – “McCullough explained that both the coronavirus and the vaccines deliver “to the human body, the spike protein, [which is] the gain of function target of this bioterrorism research.”He acknowledged that he couldn’t come out and say all that on national television because the medical establishment has done such a thorough job of propagandizing the issue.

“What we have learned over time is that we could no longer communicate with government agencies. We actually couldn’t communicate with our propagandized colleagues in major medical centers, all of which appear to be under a spell, almost as if they’ve been hypnotized.”

“Good doctors are doing unthinkable things like injecting biologically active messenger RNA that produces this pathogenic spike protein into pregnant women. I think when these doctors wake up from their trance, they’re going to be shocked to think what they’ve done to people,” he said, echoing what he, and Dr. Harvey Risch, professor at the Yale School of Public Health, told Fox News host Laura Ingraham during an interview last month…

“The doctor said that his belief that the suppression of early treatment was “tightly linked” to the vaccines, is what that led him to focus his attention on warning the public about the vaccines.“We know that this is phase two of bioterrorism, we don’t know who’s behind it, but we know that they want a needle in every arm to inject messenger RNA, or adenoviral DNA into every human being,” he said. “They want every human being.” The doctor later warned that the experimental vaccines could ultimately lead to cancers, and sterilize young women.

Going back to the video interview of Dr. David Martin.  Below the video is a long, detailed accounting of the video.  Dr. Martin is a very thorough, very successful man.  His company does research for patents; they are at the top of experts in that field.  I’ll put my nickel on Dr. Martin over “fact checkers” at Reuters editorial board any day.

“The problem with the 73 patents previously described is they all contain what was reported to be novel in December 2019 and January 2020. Even if we were to accept that there are idiopathic pneumonias, that there are some set of pathogen-induced symptoms, we do not have a single piece of published evidence that tells us that anything about the subclade SARS-CoV-2 has clinical distinction from anything that was known and published prior to November 2019, in 73 patents dating to 2008.

“There is no evidence that the “Delta variant” is somehow distinct from anything else on GISAID. The fact that we are looking for a thing doesn’t mean that there is a thing, because we are looking at fragments of things. If we choose any fragment, I could say I’m looking at this sub-strand of either DNA or RNA, or even a protein, and I could run around the world going “Oh my gosh! Fear the Omega variant!”

“The way we currently sequence genomes is a compositing process, an interleaving. Because of this, we have no point of reference to actually know whether or not the thing we’re looking for is in fact distinct in even a clinical or genomic sense.

“If you go and look at the papers that isolated the Delta variant, and ask the question “Is the Delta variant anything other than the selection of a sequence in a systematic shift of an already disclosed other sequence?” – the answer is, it’s just an alteration in when you start and stop what you call a reading frame. There is no novel anything.

“We actually look at published sequences and realize that depending on where you clip the sequence string, you’ll have the same thing or a different thing, based on nothing more than on where you decide to parse the clip.

“In the patent application [for US patent 7279327], when they talk about the DNA strands which they call sequence ID numbers, they specifically say the organism is an artificial sequence, meaning it is not a sequence that has a rule based in nature, not manifest for a particular natural-derivative protein or mRNA sequence that was isolated. Every one of these is in fact a synthetic artificial sequence. If you look at each one of them, the sequences are contiguous in many instances but overlapping in others, where it is merely a caprice determination that says something is or is not part of an open reading frame, or part of a particular oligonucleotide sequence.

“This is important because if we’re going to examine what is being injected into individuals, we need the exact sequence – not a kind-of, similar-to. If you look at FDA, European, and rest of the world’s regulatory environments, for reasons that cannot be explained, the exact sequence inside the mRNA injections seems to be elusive. As much as we can be told that there are clinical trials and other things going on, we have no way of verifying that a complete sequence is, has been, or could be manufactured into the LNP envelope that is injected. As far back as 2002, all the way through patent filings in 2003 and weaponization filings that began in 2008, fragments are identified, but without specificity, so we don’t have direct terminal ends of the fragments. We have fragments with hypothecated gaps, into which anything could be placed.”

So far as a RICO, that would have to be at the state level.  No way in hell would the fake US Attorney General, woke, pansy mealy mouth buffoon, Merrick Garland, allow that to happen at the federal level.

Grounds for RICO:  Dr. Martin:

  • On April 28, 2003, Sequoia Pharmaceuticals in Maryland filed for US patent 7151163 on antiviral agents of treatment and control of infections by coronavirus. This was 3 days after CDC filed the patent on SARS coronavirus
  • Sequoia Pharmaceuticals and ultimately Ablynx Pharmaceuticals became rolled into proprietary holdings of Pfizer, Crucell, and Johnson & Johnson
  • How would one have a patent on a treatment for a thing that had been invented 3 days earlier?
  • The Sequoia patent on coronavirus treatment was issued and published before the CDC patent on coronavirus was allowed. The only way Sequoia could know information in CDC patent is by insider means, because CDC had paid to keep it secret. This is the definition of criminal conspiracy, racketeering and collusion. This is not a theory, it is evidence. This is a RICO case
  • The RICO pattern established in April 2003 for the first coronavirus was played out to same schedule with SARS-CoV-2. Moderna got the spike protein sequence by phone from the vaccine research center at NIAID prior to the definition of the novel subclade. How do you treat a thing before you actually have the thing?

I’ve printed that whole fact filled description and am sending it to Sen. Bob Hall in our state legislature.  Sen. Hall sits on the Health & Safety Committee & State Affairs among others.  He introduced SB 65 on July 9, 2021, which would prohibit employers from firing employees who refuse to get one of those injections.  What I’ve been practically begging Sen. Hall and Gov. Abbott to do for months.  Thank you, Sen. Hall.

Our legislature is in special session right now.  If you live in Texas or know someone who does, please get the word out. Networking via social media and email lists works.  Call Gov. Greg Abbott and tell him to put SB 65 on the list to get done during this special session.  Abbott’s number:  (512) 463-2000

To sum up this nightmare:

To date, no one has been able to prove SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) exists as a virus. COVID-19’s 800 Ton Elephant in the Room

Dr. Stefan Lanka proved in a court of law measles is not a virus.  The conclusions in his research were verified by outside independent scientists selected by the court. Dr. Lanka also says the same about COVID:  It’s not a virus.

There is no Delta variant.  How can you have a variant for something that has not been proven to exist?  This is more scaremongering to keep the herds in fear, get an injection and to control everyone.  Dr. David Martin: There is no “Delta” Variant and Is it COVID or Is it the Flu? Not Even Your Doctor Knows for Sure.  July 3, 2021

Social distancing is NONSENSE based on ZERO science.  It’s a control tool.

Masks have caused irreversible long-term brain damage to those forced to wear them for months or more than a year.  Forcing children to wear one is child abuse.  Her expert scientific opinion is just one of hundreds trying to warn people: German Neurologist On Face Masks: ‘Oxygen Deprivation Causes Permanent Neurological Damage’

Not to mention they are dangerous to your health;  see this column.LA County Sheriff Will Not Enforce Reinstated Indoor Mask Mandate:  “The Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva on Friday said he would not use the department’s “limited resources” to enforce the new mask mandate imposed on the county since it is “not backed by science.”

Number of alleged COVID-19 cases in the U.S. – 33,977,764 – is a grotesque lie because of the use of a PCR test which we know scientifically does NOT detect either a dead or living virus.

PCR Test Inventor Kary Mullis Tells the Truth About the Flawed COVID-19 Test:  “According to Mullis himself, PCR cannot be totally and should never be used as a tool in “the diagnosis of infectious diseases.” That whole scam is a monstrous fraud. Lawsuits filed.

This should be a new class action lawsuit:  Learn Why the 1986 Vaccine Protection Act Does Not Protect Covid-19 Injections, interview with Dr. David Martin

The number of deaths from this phantom virus is also a monstrous lie:  653,206.  Even the CDC had to finally admit that about 5% of deaths were caused only from COVID-19, all the rest were people with pre-existing health conditions, many very serious along with age factor.  Which means about 32,660 deaths to date which is average for an influenza season.

Emergency Use Authorization for those injections.  There never was any emergency and there still isn’t.  Lawsuit filed.  More to come on that, but I can’t comment on at this time. Will the COVID Lawsuit Lead to Indictments?, June 16, 2021

All used to justify locking down this country and destroying the lives and dreams of tens and tens of millions of Americans.

Saw an article over the weekend, Delta Is Driving a Wedge Through Missouri whipping things up again to get people to take an injection and justify locking down again.  Overload at their hospitals but it isn’t from this Delta variant.  Give the patients Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine or any of the other treatments doctors have been using with success rates of 80-99%.  Out of this nightmare comes a highly effective treatment for I believe (just my opinion) a new, nasty strain of influenza flu.

The Reassuring Data on the Delta Variant  – “There’s no sign of a surge in hospitalization or severe illness, and the vaccines remain extremely effective.” Really?

New UK Study: People Who Have Been Vaccinated Make Up 47% of New COVID Cases, July 17, 2021

“This Is Worrying Me Quite A Bit”:  mRNA Vaccine Inventor Shares Viral Thread Showing COVID Surge In Most-Vaxxed Countries – Well, yeah, using injections for a virus that doesn’t exist just might back fire.

IT’S WORSE THAN WE THOUGHT! Fauci and Top US Doctors Caught! They CONSPIRED to Disqualify Hydroxychloroquine as COVID Treatment — MILLIONS DEAD AS A RESULT

I wouldn’t want to own stock in Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson or Astra Zeneca a year  from now.  The number of deaths is accelerating, tragically.  They won’t be able to hide it from everyone much longer.

When Did Moderna Know About COVID-19?, July 15, 2021

What Did Fauci Know And When? His Emails Point To Panic, Lies, And A Possible Cover-Up, July 14, 2021 . Well, he couldn’t possibly have known that because, and I sound like an echo chamber:  The communist Chinese did NOT isolate the alleged virus.  Never mind following set in stone scientific protocols for identifying any virus:  Koch’s Postulates.  Still, we know Fauci is a career criminal who should have done to prison decades ago.

Locking down this country was the biggest blunder by governors in the history of this country and it’s starting all over again with this pseudo-science proclaiming a new variant called Delta.  Hell, next week it’s be another new one until the end of time if this isn’t stopped.

What can YOU do?  Preferably you and ten friends or family or your group or organization try to meet with your state rep and senator and bring all the evidence you can, i.e., the exhibits at the bottom of my column.  Yes, print them out because like emails:  Out of sight, out of mind.  Go armed with the latest data from VAERS/CDC.

They won’t want to hear the truth because (1) Likely they’ve taken one of those injections and (2) It’s political Kryptonite.  But they better get ahead of the situation soon.  Sen. or gov so and so can simply say:  I acted in good faith based on the information I had at the time.  Whatever they want to use as cover, but we’ve got to get governors to order a stop for all injections.

ALERT: Doctor says mRNA vaccines “will kill most people” through heart failure, 62% of vaccinated people already show microscopic blood clots, July 13, 2021

Teens across this country are having their lives changed forever as they’re developing mycarditis:  “Myocarditis is an inflammation of the heart muscle (myocardium). Myocarditis can affect your heart muscle and your heart’s electrical system, reducing your heart’s ability to pump and causing rapid or abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmias).

“A viral infection usually causes myocarditis, but it can result from a reaction to a drug or be part of a more general inflammatory condition. Signs and symptoms include chest pain, fatigue, shortness of breath, and arrhythmias. Severe myocarditis weakens your heart so that the rest of your body doesn’t get enough blood. Clots can form in your heart, leading to a stroke or heart attack.”

VAERS:  Total Heart Attacks: 3,906 –  Total Deaths from Heart Attacks: 1,380 See age groups.

And no more lockdowns.  Most governors are up for reelection in the primaries next year.  Remind them of that firmly, but politely and then vote them out in the primary.

If you can’t meet in person, then send everything Pony Express aka USPS like I’ve been doing for months.  I don’t know if my input had anything to do with Sen. Hall introducing SB 65, but I hope so.  Sen. Hall is quite well off and 79 years old.  He doesn’t need the job but I feel he’s one who takes things seriously and isn’t afraid to take action.  A rarity.

There will likely be class action lawsuits on several fronts.  Soon as I know about them, I’ll get the information posted in my columns.  Stand up against tyranny.  Not easy, I know – especially when it’s the threat of your job or the jab. My little sister in California had her life turned upside down last year when the lockdown was ordered.  She’s still trying to rebuild clients.  If Newsom locks down California again, it will be the end for thousands more businesses and lives ruined for good.

If one of Biden’s storm troopers comes to your door, needle in hand or wanting to feed you propaganda, politely tell them not to come back.  The shadow government wants to know everyone who has not taken the shot.  Don’t play their game.

Reiner Fuellmichrecently said we’re reaching a tipping point.  We need to keep the pressure on and ignore the ignorance of reporters and journalists promoting those injections.  I want everyone to be free and safe from tyranny but we all have to be warriors.  Will you do your part?

Two weeks ago, 500,000 protested in London.  July 17, 2021, French citizens also protested against those injections and so-called vaccination passports.  How about America?

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions.

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:

In case you missed it:  Bombshell: Moderna Chief Medical Officer Admits mRNA Alters DNA

Resources for accurate information:  National Vaccine Information Center

Who in their right mind would risk their infant’s life for some experiment?  Pfizer and Moderna Begin COVID Vaccine Trials on Children as Young as 6 Months Old

Surrender Is Not an Option

By: Amil Imani

Who are we? We are patriots. We are Americans. We are individuals dedicated to resist tyranny, lies and the propaganda of the media, high tech companies and voter fraud for what it is. We believe in the sanctity of the elections and sanctity of life. There are millions of us who are willing to sacrifice the comforts of life just to sound the alarm. We believe the US Constitution is the law of the land.

The Declaration of Independence is an important part of American democracy because first it covers the ideals and purposes of our nation.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

Americans believe in religious freedom. We believe America is a nation and an ideal, birthed by a group of visionaries that gave us the Constitution to nurture it and protect it. What makes America, America the Beautiful, more than just a blessed land is our legacy, the Constitution. Sadly, the Constitution also makes for America the vulnerable by enshrining freedom that enables the malevolent to subvert and destroy America from within

We have been challenged. They call us extremists, white supremacists, racists and even terrorists. They say we want to overthrow the government. Nothing could be further from the truth. We are peaceful, non-violent individuals. We despise wars and killings. We despise racism. We condemn those (for political expedience) who call us racists. We stand for the rule of law. We support law enforcement. We support our military and our veterans. We stand for America.

The imposters need to know that we will never surrender. We will reject, in no uncertain terms, their unlawful ultimatum. We refuse to remain silent. In the Constitutional Republic called America, citizens exercise their power through the ballot box. The same ballot box that was stolen from us during the Presidential election of 2020. Let them know, we denounce, in strongest terms, the rise of Socialism, Marxism, and totalitarian ideology. We should be reminded that socialism always depends upon a dictatorship to attain and stay in power. The best strategy is to educate yourself with facts so you can better understand the issues and you can inform your friends.

De Vattel’s book Law of Nations was to the Founding Fathers in the lead up to our War of Independence. The Dennis Prager’s book “Still the Best Hope” expends significant effort in defining liberty. Simply stated, it is our well-known five familiar freedoms plus two: political, religious, assembly, speech, and press, plus economic freedom and as much freedom as practical from government interference in our lives. Prager’s first jewel regarding government interference is that “[i]individual liberty exists in inverse proportion to the size of the state.” Prager’s case for small government is overpowering:

1. The Founders believed that unnecessary government is dangerous and destructive of the moral character of its people.

2. Character begins in taking responsibility for oneself. State involvement, when a person can care for himself, damages moral character and reduces care for the truly needy.

3. Government entitlement programs have terrible moral consequences. These programs lead to a loss of self-worth, an attitude of entitlement, and a lack of gratitude for what is provided. Why work if the government provides a handout?

4. People need the emotional reward of feeling needed. Men especially have been denied rewards for their involvement. When the State becomes totally responsible for the financial support of their women and children, men are denied this reward. As the State expands its role, nothing is left of liberty and dignity.

5. American churches and other voluntary groups have been an essential part of American culture that becomes denigrated when government expands into their role. Charity and volunteerism are reduced substantially in leftist states, a detriment to the needy and to the volunteers’ sense of community contribution.”

When unelected politicians and their minions, the media, engage in propaganda, misinformation, psychological warfare, dissimulation, and all manner of soft war, we must remain vigilant and actively counter them. They ceaselessly use these weapons to subdue We the People. These weapons are just as deadly as guns, and at times, they can be more effective. They undermine and erode our culture and our way of life and prepare for a complete takeover of America by force. As Americans, it is our duty to neutralize these schemes.

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.

For the traitor appears not a traitor – he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.” – Marcus Tullius Cicero 42 B.C.

Most Americans believe the current administration in Washington presents an imminent threat to our national security and is determined to subvert the United States Constitution that governs our lives. Unlike them, we only speak the truth. Truth should never be sacrificed at the altar of any goal. We firmly believe that truthfulness is indeed the foundation of all virtues.

Let them be aware that we are not fooled by the accusations and incurably sick leftists at home and America’s ill-wishers abroad level at this country. America is not perfect. Yet, it is the very best hope for a humanity struggling to find its humanness. America is worth defending. We must always vote for the candidate who is not going to cut and run in the face of evil.

Let them be aware that we will not waver. We will not tire. We will not not falter, and we will not fail. At the end, freedom will prevail. President Reagan rightfully said “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.” This is our generation and we must prevent it from happening on our watch.

It is a crime to remain silent in the face of evil, it is said, hence, American patriots are speaking up and urging other freedom-loving Americans to raise their resonant voices and act while they can before they are brutally silenced and annihilated by the current Socialist-Marxists schemes and their Gestapo apparatus that staged an attack on the Capitol Building and then blamed it on Republicans, #MAGA Trumpers.

© 2021 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Communists: Today’s Democrat Party, Part 1

By Roger Anghis

A very disturbing development has occurred in American politics that should be a major wake-up call for all Americans. The party that is presently in power, even though it was done through massive fraud and deception, has become the party of communists. America has fought the spread of communism for decades but now it is one of our mainstream political parties. They have gained this foothold through deception and fraud.  They have not made public what their real intentions are.  That and the American people have fallen asleep not to mention become apathetic concerning those whom we put in places of authority.

Our Founders believed that as long as the people were involved with the political process there would be honor in public office. But we have grown lazy and have not paid attention to the character of the person we have voted for.  In 1780 Samuel Adams stated:  “If ever a time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.” We have had men of questionable character in the highest office in the land for well over a hundred years. Woodrow Wilson was a racist and segregated our military, which had been integrated since the Civil War, he turned our monetary system over to banks in England, he was also a Democrat.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt was a stone-cold socialist.  He believed that the government was better at running the economy than the free-market system that we had. He took over from an inexperienced republican  three years into the Great Depression then proceeded to drag that depression out for another nine years with his tax and spend policies which his economic advisor, Henry Morgenthau, called FDR’s policies a failure: On May 6, 1939, Henry Morgenthau, Roosevelt’s treasury secretary, confirmed the total failure of the New Deal to stop the Great Depression: “We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work. . . . I say after eight years of this Administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started. . . . And an enormous debt to boot!”[1] Socialists think that the more you tax the people and the more the government spends the better the economy will be but it has failed 100% of the time. FDR proved it, Jimmy Carter proved it, and Barack Obama proved it but Biden is following in their footsteps. Fools never learn.

The slow creep towards socialism has taken a long time but it has also been able to flourish because the American people have fallen into the belief that the establishment of socialism/communism could never happen here. We are seeing it right before our eyes. The federal government has overreached its constitutional authority time and time again. They have taken authority in places that the Founders never intended for the federal government to control. The Founders gave the states more control than the federal government but today the federal government has more control over what should be only in the power of the state.

The states are to control all elections and how they are conducted but our illegal Attorney General, Merrick Garland, has warned the states that are conducting audits that he will intervene if he f=thinks he needs to and warned other states about doing an audit like they are doing in Arizona: U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland warned states that may be thinking about emulating Arizona’s self-styled election audit or enacting new voting restrictions based on dubious fraud claims that a newly beefed up civil rights division at the Department of Justice will have its eye on them.

Republican lawmakers from various states have been touring the Veterans Memorial Coliseum in recent days to get a first-hand look at the recount and review of the 2020 general election in Maricopa County that has been underway since late April, and many are proposing similar audits in their own states

Garland said on Friday that the Justice Department will scrutinize any such audits to ensure they’re following federal laws prohibiting voter intimidation and requiring the protection of ballots and other election records. The department will also publish guidance explaining which federal civil and criminal laws apply to future post-election audits.

The attorney general said similar scrutiny will be applied to any laws that states might pass to restrict access to voting, which could have ramifications for Arizona if state lawmakers seek to pass such legislation in response to the purported findings of the audit. Garland announced that he’s doubling the number of attorneys in DOJ’s civil rights division who are responsible for protecting voting rights.[2] Keep in mind the federal government has no say in how the states conduct elections or audits if necessary.

A dictatorship would make a move like that but no in this constitutional republic. If you have been paying attention over the last twenty years you have seen the democrat party in many cases ignore our Constitution on many levels. In a town hall meeting in California in 2010 Congressman Pete Stark (D) was confronted by an angry constituent concerning unconstitutional laws Congress passes: The woman concluded by asking, “How can legislation such as this be constitutional when it seems to be in direct conflict with the 13th amendment? … And … if this legislation is constitutional, what limitations are there on the federal government’s ability to tell us how to run our private lives?”

“I think there are very few constitutional limits that would prevent the federal government from rules that could affect your private life,” Stark replied. “Now, the basis for that would be, how does it affect other people?”

Before he could continue, the woman interrupted, pointing out that the constitution limits the federal government’s authority and allocates power to the states. “My question is: How can this law be constitutional? — but more importantly than that — if they can do this, what can’t they?” she asked.

Stark hesitated, and the woman yelled out, “Is your answer that they can do anything?”

Stark replied, “The federal government, yes, can do most anything in this country.”

The room erupted with “boos” and echoes of “what?!?”

You, sir, and people that think like you,” the woman’s voice rang out, “are destroying this nation.”[3]

Notice that he believed that the federal government could do anything that it wanted which is far from what our Founders believed. The way the Democrats rule is straight out of Stalin’s book. The government controls everything and the people must comply with the demands of the government when the reality of it is the government is supposed to represent the will of the people which is why Trump is so popular.  He put America first.  Democrats put their agenda of total control of the people first. Pure communism.

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. FDR’s folly: how Roosevelt and his new deal prolonged the great depression
  2. AR Garland warns of DOJ scrutiny for Arizona style audits
  3. Stark’s town hall answer goes viral

Universal Basic Poverty and Dependence

By Rob Pue

Everywhere you go these days, you’ll see businesses that remain closed, following the 2020 Scam-demic and the Leftist coup of our nation during what Biden called “the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”  Of course, the mainstream media, the most popular social media sites, YouTube and most other online sources will cover for the current RESident of the White House, saying it was merely a “slip of the tongue,” and that Biden meant to say the exact opposite of what he actually said.  What else is new?  But I digress.

Many of the businesses that are open now have limited hours.  They’re closed part of the week, and when they are open, they have reduced hours of operation. Most fast food joints still have their dining rooms closed — it’s drive-through only.  I expect this to remain as the “new normal.” After all, they’re still raking in the same amount of money. But now they don’t have to pay workers to clean the dining room, stock the dining room supplies or tend to dine-in patrons’ needs. You just get your food in a bag and eat it in your car.

And everywhere I go, I see signs begging for employees. I’ve spoken to many business owners and managers over the past few months and their biggest problem right now is finding workers.  “Nobody wants to work anymore,” they lament. “We can’t find workers and it’s crippling our business.  If this continues, we’ll soon be out of business!”  They post signs on the door asking patrons to “Please be patient. We are short staffed and doing the best we can.”

In the last couple of weeks new signs have sprung up in front of many stores and restaurants, that read, essentially, “Thank you to our employees — they’re the real heroes!” I’ve also been told that it’s proper now to go out of your way to thank every worker you see in every business you enter — simply for working. You’re supposed to thank the employees for coming to work. I’ve also been told that when dining out, it’s expected that you tip your server a substantially higher amount than you normally would, regardless of the quality of service they provide — and even perhaps write a note on the bill saying, “Thank you for working!”

Really? Now, I have no problem saying “thank you” to someone who helps me in a store, or who checks out my groceries. It’s just polite to do that. But thanking people just for coming in to work, simply because so many currently refuse to work and have no intention of going back to work anytime soon? Something about that just doesn’t sit right with me.

The problem is that our federal and state governments have been doling out free money to people for NOT working. In March, Biden signed the “American Rescue Plan Act of 2021,” providing more free money and other benefits through September 6th. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if politicians put together yet another program to keep people dependent on their government handouts indefinitely. It’s already been discussed. And why not? This is how they’ve kept millions enslaved in the inner city slums for decades, creating multi-generational welfare dependents. This creates a lack of personal responsibility, a trait that’s passed on to the children and grandchildren. The system provides free cash, housing, education, healthcare, and more. There’s no incentive for people within a system like this to get a job,  set any goals for the future or seek a better life…so they don’t. Now, it seems our politicians have decided to take their inner-city ghetto program nationwide.

Understand, I have no problem helping the poor and needy. But I prefer a “hand up” rather than continuous hand-outs. Further, it should be the Christian churches helping the poor, not the government. When government does it, it’s simply a redistribution of financial resources. In other words, theft. The government steals the paychecks of the workers so they can enslave the non-workers, lulling them into a mind-numbed sense of entitlement and complacency. These non-workers subsist on their government “benefit” checks and they’re happy with that arrangement. As I said, it creates an attitude of entitlement. But let’s be clear on this: these are not “benefits.” “BENEFITS” are things you get with a JOB. A good job will include a “Benefits Package” as part of one’s salary. You work, you get paid, and a generous employer will include additional benefits as rewards for your hard work and dedication to helping build the company. So these aren’t benefits, and they certainly aren’t benefiting anyone, except the politicians seeking to dumb people down and keep them controlled.

The New World Order Globalists, led by KlousSchwaab, among others, have a plan, and it’s been unfolding right before our sleepy, ignorant eyes for a while now. They call it “equity,” or “a Universal Basic Income.” Let me translate that for you: what they really mean is “Universal Basic Poverty and Dependence.” When people are dependent on their rulers for their basic needs, like food, shelter and clothing, they’re much easier to control. And like the Planned-demic, this, too, is all about control. Schwaab has stated openly that soon no one will own anything. Personal property and private homes will be eliminated — and, he says, we will “like it that way.” I suppose once these insane tyrants have everyone dependent upon their good graces, most people will, indeed, be happy to comply with whatever their “masters” command. Understand: this is all about control.  So if you think the government is helping you, you better open your eyes to the bigger picture. As I’ve stated before, the mouse in the trap didn’t understand why the cheese was “free” either.

All of this is also part of the Globalist plan to further destroy our economy and bring about hyper-inflation. With so few people actually working, our supply chains have suffered serious repercussions. It’s hard to get needed supplies these days and that scenario is only going to get worse. Just look at the price of goods and services today, compared to a year ago this time. A piece of 2×4 lumber, which cost $1.99 in 2019 is now $19. A piece of 4X8 plywood now costs $69. (I know this from very recent personal experience).

If you need to have an appliance or vehicle repaired, you’ll discover that many parts are on “back order,” and stores literally have “no idea” when they’ll be available. You used to be able to go to your local hardware or auto parts store and pick up what you needed on the spot. Now, you’re told, “it could be six weeks or it could be six months.  We just don’t know. Sorry.”  Meanwhile, prices on just about everything continue to rise, even in spite of laws against “price gouging.”

So we have a nation of people who refuse to work, because the government’s sending them weekly checks. We have factories that cannot keep up with demand because they have no workers and no raw materials available to work with. Even grocery stores are short on items we took for granted not so long ago, and prices there are rising every week.

None of this bodes well for our economy or the American Dollar. We can’t continue adding digits to our national debt with wild abandon; we can’t continue with half our workforce sitting home, doing nothing but consuming. And we can’t continue to turn a blind eye to all this. I admire those with a good, solid work ethic, and refuse handouts when they’re quite able to work. And today, you can get a job just about anywhere you want, and be paid handsomely for it too.

What does God have to say about this? Proverbs 12:24, “The hand of the diligent will rule, while the slothful will be put to forced labor.” Proverbs 19:15, “Slothfulness casts into a deep sleep, and an idle person will suffer hunger.” Proverbs 20:4, “The sluggard does not plow in the autumn; he will seek at harvest and have nothing.” Nothing, that is, except what their masters choose to give them.

With all that we’ve come to know and understand regarding how the COVID psy-op was used as a means to an end — to bring about world chaos, Globalist control and “The Great Reset” — we’re being told this so-called “free money” is being handed out to those who are hesitant to work because they’re still fearful of catching the virus.  Hogwash! Anyone still fearful of this nonsense has GOT to be out of their minds.  The overall survival rate of COVID is now officially 99.97%.  In the words of our nation’s biggest fool, “Come on, man!” But our nation’s biggest fool, and his puppet-masters have set the hook and millions have taken the bait. If it serves their purpose, they’re happy to claim they’re afraid of the ‘rona — if they can milk the system for all it’s worth. But I’m not buying it. I don’t believe these non-workers are afraid at all. We all know better now. At least we ought to. Consider Proverbs 22:13, “The sluggard says, ‘there’s a lion outside! I shall be killed in the streets!”

Paul wrote to the Thessalonians, “If anyone is not willing to work let him eat not.” I admit, I have a hard time understanding people who refuse to work and maintain an entitlement mentality. Because I’ve always worked hard. In every job I’ve ever had, I’ve always made it a point to do much more than my job description entailed. Rather than just scraping by, doing the bare minimum, I’ve always gone over and above what was called for, and that has served me well. It’s also a trait I sought to instill in my children, now all grown adults. And it’s served them well too.

Personal responsibility. Doing everything as unto the Lord. Doing your best. Going the extra mile. Above and beyond what is expected. No free lunch. Instead, working with a heart of service and humility, doing the best you possibly can and striving for perfection. These are the things we need more of in America, and things that we should be encouraging in our people.  Especially now, with our country in such dire straits. We must all pull together and work harder than ever. And we have to refuse to take the bait that results in slothfulness.

My friend Coach Dave Daubenmire recently told the story of a priceless life lesson he taught his five-year-old grandson, “Davie.” Coach was working in his yard and Davie, who loves spending time with his Grampa, was there too. Coach told Davie, “if you help Grampie pick up sticks in the yard, you can earn some money.  Go pick up 20 sticks and put them on the wood pile and I’ll pay you five dollars.”

Davie did that, and then Coach paid him and then took him to the store, where he could buy anything he wanted with the money he had earned, as long as it was OK with his Mom and Dad. This was another life lesson, teaching young Davie an immediate connection between work and reward.

The next day, when Davie was at his Grampa’s house again, he turned to Coach and asked, “Grampie, can I earn some more money today?” Coach said, “Sure Davie. There are many more sticks in the yard that we need to pick up.  Go and pick up 20 sticks and put them on the wood pile and I’ll pay you another five dollars.” When Davie came back in the house, Coach asked him, “Did you pick up 20 sticks?” And Davie replied, “No, Grampie. I picked up 25!”

These are life lessons we all should be teaching our children.  A good work ethic will serve them well their entire lives. We’re commanded by our Creator to work, to do our best, to provide — through our work — for ourselves and our families.  Paul taught Timothy, “If anyone does not provide for their own family, they’ve denied the faith and are worse than an unbeliever!”  God put Adam in the Garden to work it and keep it. Paul told the Ephesians, “Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands, so that he may have something to share with anyone in need.” There you have it: God’s instruction to us all.

Our nation needs workers. More importantly, our nation’s people need to study, understand and follow the perfect precepts of the Word of God. If we don’t, deception will continue to reign and grow in our land, until we’re destroyed from within, because of our own laziness and complacency.  Pray with me today, the words of Psalm 90:17, “Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands upon us. Yes, Lord, establish the work of our hands!”

© 2021 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066 or email:  Ask for message number 329.

Locking Up American Property Rights

The Threat of National Heritage Areas And How to Stop Them: Part Two

There are 55 National Heritage Areas across the country, so far – with more, being proposed. Along the Mississippi River there are two, including Mississippi Delta National Heritage Area and Mississippi Gulf Coast National Heritage Area. Now, here is a region rich in history. There must be all kinds of good things happening along the mother of all rivers in the name of heritage preservation.

Well, today you won’t find people participating in one of the grand historic traditions of the river – living on riverboats. There were once whole generations of river people living on such boats. Talk about American heritage – right out of Mark Twain!

But, back in the 1990s, those living on houseboats were moved off the river. Certain other boat traffic and river activities were also curtailed. It was all in the name of environmental protection, of course. In addition, the traditional flood plain designations were moved back to an extreme distance from the river, making it impossible for existing homes built inside the original flood plains to get flood insurance, thereby stopping any further building along the river. This was called land-use planning. Where was the preservation of the heritage of those homeowners whose families had lived along the river for generations?

So, what are the Heritage Areas used to honor? Certainly not life on the river. They are essentially putting the Mississippi River in a museum.

In West Virginia we find the National Coal Heritage Area. Introduced in 1996 by former Congressman Rahall, it was sold as a way to honor the coal industry. Apparently, Rahall thought that since the miners had lost their jobs due to environmental regulations on the coal industry, perhaps, he could make up for it by throwing a few extra bucks their way by giving tours of their bankrupt area and closed mines.

I will make this challenge – just try to mine a single lump of coal inside the National Coal Heritage Area. Not on your life. Restricted. Taboo. In short, they put West Virginia coal in a museum.

What about property rights protections? When property owners express concern that their property could be taken in the process – proponents have a ready-made answer. Don’t worry, they say — they quickly point to language in the Heritage Area bills that assure property rights protections.

Written into each and every Heritage Area bill is this line: “Nothing in this subtitle…abridges the right of any property owner… including the right to refrain from participating in any plan, project, program, or activity conducted within the National Heritage Area. . .” In other words, say proponents, homeowners are assured that they actually have the right to opt out of the Heritage Area – so there is absolutely no threat to your property rights. Wow!

That language is nothing but a flimflam to keep you calm and ease your concerns, because it is physically impossible to opt out of an official government boundary that has been created by federal legislation and federal funds. It is also impossible to simply declare that you are going to opt out of any of the land-use regulations, down-zoning, or other restrictions that result from the Heritage Area designation.

When I addressed an audience of 400 residents who live inside the proposed boundaries of the Caddo Lake NHA I asked for a show of hands from everyone who wanted to opt out of it. Every hand in the room went up. As the restrictions on property are steadily legislated into place due to the NHA, opting out is simply not an option.

As I and others worked to oppose National Heritage Areas, we asked proponents in Congress if they had commissioned property rights experts to look over the legislation to find any dangers.  We said, “Have you put these bills before experts, specifically public interest property rights attorneys?” The answer we received was “No, and we dont plan to.”

The federal designation, made through congressional legislation, creating federal regulations and oversight by the National Park Service, require a form of contract between state and local governmental entities and the Secretary of the Interior. That contract is to manage the land-use of the region for preservation. That means federal control and zoning, either directly, under the terms of the “management pact”, or indirectly.

Such “indirect” control is the real danger. In spite of the specific language in the bill which states property rights will be protected, the true damage to homeowners may well come from the private non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and preservation agencies which receive public funds through the Park Service and then use those funds to promote their own private agendas.

The experience with many existing National Heritage Areas clearly shows such groups will convert this money into political activism to encourage local community and county governments to pass and enforce strict zoning laws, which enforce their own radical environmental agenda and have no real association to the stated goals of the NHA.

While the tactic makes it appear that home rule is fully in force, removing blame from the federal designation, the impact is fully the fault of the NHA designation. The result means private property owner’s rights are diminished and much of the local land-use and development is brought to a standstill.

Property that is locked away for preservation is no longer productive and stops providing the community with tax dollars. Some roads most assuredly will be closed “to protect the integrity of the historic area”. That means land is locked away from private development, diminishing growth for the community, even if that land has nothing to do with historic preservation. It also means hunting and recreational use of the land may well be curtailed.

Eventually, such restrictions will take away the community’s economic base. Communities with sagging economies become run-down and uninviting. Preservation zoning and lack of jobs force ordinary people to move away. Experience has shown tourism rarely materializes as promised. And it’s never enough to save an area economically.

These are the reasons why the specific language in the Heritage Area legislation designed to protect private property rights is basically meaningless to the actual outcome. While the land may not be specifically locked away in the name of the federal designation, its very existence creates the pressure on local government to act. The result is the same.

The fact is the National Heritage Area designations are completely unnecessary. Most of the true historic sites, like presidential birthplaces and battle fields, are already well preserved and under the control of the National Park Service.

In short, the greatest threat from the Heritage Area is that it creates a pipeline of federal money – and consequently political power – for these national organizations to promote their specific agendas over your community and its development. In addition, there is virtually no accountability for tax-exempt NGOs on how they actually spend the Federal Park Service funding. Their books are closed. No FOIA. No open meetings. No public hearings. No elections. How does that honor American heritage?

© 2021 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese: Contact Tom DeWeese

Experimental Ticking Time Bomb Vaccines Pushed Far and Wide

by Laurie Roth

It seems almost like forever that we have seen and endured the released bio weapon of COVID 19 on the world.  Only a few years ago now, the CDCs and Fauci’s of the world started feeding the masses propaganda of the deadly force of this virus.  The umbrella of deception, distraction and universal mask controls dropped on us everywhere.

It wasn’t enough however to mask the world and deny them of the much needed 20% of their oxygen.  Instead, whole economies and businesses shut down.  America came to a costly stand still and we may never know the number of bankruptcies and destruction this has caused.

Fauci knew all about this virus alright and the agenda behind its release.  He was linked with giving the Wuhan lab in China millions of dollars to research Covid viruses and to do ‘gain of function’ research, which explores ways to hurt humans. It was exploring ways of it becoming a bio weapon.

In the initial roll out of all this was Trump

Trump was advised toward the end of his first 4 years as President about the alleged danger of Covid 19 and the need to shut down. He followed the guidance of the medical and scientific community and I believe was trying to do the right thing and protect Americans from what he thought was a disaster in the making.

Since President Trump proved to be a man of his word and action his first 4 years and a patriot who wanted to protect and serve us, I give him grace for not knowing all there was to know at the initial stages of the vaccine releases and Covid 19.  He now knows.

As things unfolded and experimental vaccines were pushed out on the public, Trump’s first 4 years came to an end.  After the fraudulent and criminal Presidential election, we see fake Joe Biden at the helm (for a short time) pushing even more for all to take the dangerous and experimental vaccines.  Now he is talking about going door to door and put massive pressure on people to take the vaccines.  He already tried bribery, offering freebies, pizza, gas, entertainment and God knows what else to take the vaccine.  Gullible and stupid Americans took the vaccines for the free beer and goodies.  Other Americans are getting to the truth about Covid 19 and the real danger unfolding about the vaccines. They have no interest in taking them.  I am one of millions who will never take a vaccine that I believe will soon violate me.

I am one of those who believes that Covid 19 is simply a bad flu bug that yes has killed some but not many compared to the deaths associated with influenzas and many other flues, it only Has a 1% mortality rate

The truth is, most of the people who have gotten Covid 19 have recovered just fine, including myself and my Husband. My experience was that it was like a flu and was finished in about a week.  People with pre-existing conditions have a larger challenge with it but they would also with any other type of virus or disease that struck them.

States are coming back into action and some don’t even require the stupid mask anymore.  As it is now, 16 states don’t require them, yet faux president Biden is pushing his plan to go door to door and pressure all to get the vaccines

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and many others who have studied the vaccines in depth have concluded that they are dangerous, even deadly to take.  A growing number of scientists and Doctors are screaming not to take them.  As usual, when you buck the system, especially, the Bill Gates loving depopulation plan, you get viciously attacked.  I reckon in times like these that if you aren’t getting attacked for speaking the truth, you are most likely missing the mark somewhere.

The mortality rate of getting Covid 19 is close to 1%.  So, if a 1000 people get it there would allegedly be 10 deaths.

The real stats hardly reflect a real pandemic and worldwide emergency, yet depopulation whores have jumped on this and are using it as a controlling weapon in their evil play book.

The last thing that we need is to take, dangerous, experimental vaccines for a flu that is only killing 1% who get it.

Folks, you are being controlled, compromised and potentially being put in real danger.  I have made a decision.  I hope your freedom loving Americans join me.  Don’t wear a mask. They don’t always work the way you think and don’t always stop a germ from going right through.  They also can cause you to lose needed oxygen. Don’t take any vaccines and don’t allow yourself to be controlled by anyone accept God.

© 2021 Laurie Roth – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Laurie Roth:

The Most Lethal Weapon

By Michael Peroutka

In the course of my years on this earth, I have been blessed with a loving and caring family, as well as many friends whose opinions and judgment I rely upon.

But I must admit that the events of this past year have placed a massive strain on many cherished relationships.

I am becoming more convinced that we are experiencing a mass hysteria—an act of war–which has been purposely and demonically inflicted by enemies of our Constitutional Republic and the Biblical worldview on which it was founded.

For example, I am astonished to hear friends tell me that they have voluntarily submitted to a Covid-19 vaccination (which is not, by the way, a vaccination, but rather an experimental gene therapy).

When I ask them to please tell me why they would submit to an untested procedure when they already enjoy a 99.99% survival rate;

Or when I ask why they would continue to follow the advice of Governors who have deprived them of their right to travel, to assemble and to worship;

Or why they would trust talking heads like Fauci and Gates, who have repeatedly lied, misrepresented, and censored data and opinions that conflict with their narrative…

My friends and loved ones, effectively, have no answer.

Mostly, they just want to change the subject.

Sometimes, they admit that they just want to be able to travel and get back to normal.

But it should be clear by now, that those who have inflicted these lawless lockdowns and insane mask mandates have no intention of letting us get back to normal.

It comes down to this:

People mindlessly got the shot simply because…

…the television told them to.

Friends, and fellow Americans:

We are in the middle of a war, and our enemy’s most lethal weapon is right in our living room.

Sign up for a FREE U.S. Constitution course with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution.

© 2021 Michael Peroutka – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Michael Peroutka:

City of Amherst Agrees on “Reparations”

by Rev. Austin Mile

AMHERST, MA. —This writer has always looked at New England as an area peopled with well read, well spoken, educated, talented folk. They know their history and who they are. One can have an intelligent conversation with anyone you meet there. Yet, Amherst, Massachusetts is the first to be cajoled into giving black folk what is called, “reparations.” That means a “debt” owed them due to, what is charged against all whites, the mistreatment of blacks hundreds of years ago. What??

What does this have to do with present day Amherst? Absolutely nothing. Yet, people today are said to be guilty of the perceived crimes of those in the past. No one has, or even presently, have relatives who participated in slavery from those early years of history. Indeed those relatives we have today were not even around during that time.

The blacks are using slavery as a device to pull this off and profit by it without having to go to work. Slavery took place in America more than two hundred years ago even though the world itself had slaves to do their work from the beginning of civilization but slavery is nowhere today except in Muslim countries. The Muslims, captured other blacks, sold them to greedy businessmen to take to England and the United States. So blacks betrayed fellow blacks to make a buck. Thus began slavery in the U.S.

Yet Americans are notified that all whites owe all blacks “reparations” due to an event that nobody had anything to do with during this day and age. Indeed most who are here today did not even have family that was involved in slavery. The blacks have been pushing this for several years, while at the same time staging riots, mass destruction of property and businesses, setting homes and businesses on fire and causing overall chaos, beating up and injuring masses of people. This is total savagery.

It is time to bring this up. How about blacks, such as BLM and Antifa gather some of their fortune and give reparations to the white people who have experienced destruction of their properties and businesses by blacks. This would be only fair. What was stolen by forceful looting alone could get everyone back on their feet.

And what about looting? Blacks create their own stereotype, indeed all of us do. If we were to ask who is known for looting during disasters and emergencies, what would it be, Irishmen or black folk? With no hesitation, the answer would be ‘black folk.’

It is too bad that black people have contributed to their own stereotypes with their lawlessness. They lost my support early on by their own conduct. I was the one who got black people placed in TV commercials. They never would have been used had it not been for me. They can never expect to get support when their conduct is so very uncivilized toward whites or anyone else.

And it is to be noted that it is the Communists who have fanned the flames between blacks and whites. They had in mind to take over the United States and put us all under the Red. Flag under Communist dominion. They divided the blacks and whites, with the mantra, “To Divide is to Conquer. ” In this case, turning the people against one another based on race worked out perfectly and has worked well for the enemy for centuries and weakened our country.

The Communist Party intends to take over our country. That has been their goal from the beginning. The only country standing in the way of the ONE WORLD ORDER, was the United States, since the reds know the power of the church and they know that a Christian mind cannot be enslaved. This is why there has been so much attacks upon the Christian Churches in America. The church is considered a threat to the entire Communist Party.

Canada has gone from socialist to downright Communist, and churches are being raided during services and pastors dragged out, under arrest, by the Nazi Gestapo.

It is interesting to note that both BLM (black lives matter) and Antifa are both Communist organizations which will answer several questions. Also, BLM and Antifa are very wealthy.

Blacks want to get by as easy as possible. I once called a black man who I had trained in a ministry class and asked if he would go out into the field with me on a certain day. He said, “Why yes”! I told him to meet me at 7:30 the next morning at a pancake house. He tightened up and said, “Seven Thirty?” “Yes, 7;30.” “Ahhhh…NO….that’s too much like going to work.” And that’s the story.

So I found a white minister who was more than happy to spend a day in ministry with me. Now remember, it was the actual black slaves who did the work during those early days here. The ones today demanding “reparations”, which is an outrage, had no part in slavery or the forced work involved. But they want to be paid for it anyway as though they did. They actually feel that white people OWE all blacks everything they have and will have.

This writer can all but guarantee that when this reparation insanity continues, they will keep asking for more and more money to soothe their past ‘suffering.’

I started this column with my admiration for the intellect and well read people in New England. I need to do some editing of that first part of the story.

The town council of Amherst voted unanimously that this ‘reparation’ money be put in a special account to give each black person, again, $210.000 each. This is considered, ‘reparations’ to it’s black residents.’ This is not a one time idiotic decision. This is the official beginning of it.

However, Amherst’s town finance officials, agreed to put $210,000 for each black into an account later this year. This means that spending priorities, like local police will put hardship on the department as they will have to cut police officers to a bare minimum. And remember, this is only the beginning. And frankly it is outrageous. Then enters every criminal to the area to loot and destroy with no police force to stop them.

The Communists are making certain that all American History should be erased from public examination. That is another part of taking over a country. Destroy their history. The statues of prominent confederate army officers must be torn down and taken out of sight. Doesn’t matter what side the military was on, Those men’s statues affirm the history of this nation. Can’t even the worst imbecile understand this? Meanwhile the Communists who intend to run this country love us since we do everything they want us to do.

Now, back to the top: My opening paragraph states: “This writer has always looked at New England as an area peopled with well read, well spoken, educated talented folk. They know their history and who they are.” I respectfully request that, that opening statement be stricken from the record.

© 2021 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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Are You an “Extremist”?

by Lee Duigon

Are you an extremist?

Have you been “exposed to extremist content” online?

Do you know someone who’s at risk of becoming an “extremist”?

Facebook wants to know!

Facebook has been issuing “warnings” about extremists and extremism. Oh, not that they’ve bothered to define it! Where would be the fun in that? Besides which, it was only a “test.” (Sorry for all the quotation marks, but we do need them here. We are quoting pure blather.) We are not sure what it’s a test for.

Has somebody got a little list somewhere—a list of “extremists” and potential extremists? Persons who are guilty of… “hate”? Who need to be kept track of? And the very least, who need to be canceled out of social media? Who gets to see that list? Is it somebody in the government who can send goons to knock on the extremists’ doors?

Well, they have to know who doesn’t love Big Brother, don’t they? Meanwhile, I think I have a pretty good idea of whom they would consider an extremist.

Some Christian florist who doesn’t want to be involved in a “gay wedding.” For religious reasons (there’s that pesky First Amendment—but never mind).

Someone who’s opposed to open borders.

Biggited Haters who don’t want their kids taught Critical Race Theory.

Someone who thinks there really are only two genders, male and female. Imagine daring to think that! Time to set up re-education camps.

Right-to-Lifers. Don’t they know that aborting babies is the key to Women’s Health?

Persons who think the military should be more concerned about Red China than a handful of hillbillies with a pickup truck.

You get the idea: anyone who isn’t Far Left Crazy. Anyone who isn’t them. Perish the thought that any definition of “extremist” should include the Mostly Peaceful Protesters from Antifa and BLM! No, no, a thousand times no. An “extremist” is a parent who goes to a local school board meeting to object to his or her children being taught that white people are evil.

Let’s come right out and say it: This is war. Leftids want to take America down and “fundamentally transform” it into God knows what. I’m guessing a socialist hell-hole, a la Venezuela or Cuba, with themselves at the top of the pyramid, forever. The rest of us are to be enslaved.

Western leftids are the only people in the world who don’t know that socialism has never been anything but an unmitigated disaster. The few who don’t know that, don’t care.

If we don’t want that done to us, we have to stop it. No more reaching across the aisle: all we ever get for that is a double handful of trash. No more sitting at home on Election Day because The Righteous Candidate never showed up. This is war—against a ruthless enemy who must be utterly defeated. And we might start by pulling Christian children out of anti-Christian public schools. Unless, of course, you really want your kids being taught racial fear and hatred, gender fluidity, and neo-Marxism. Kill the teachers’ unions, and radical leftism dies.

We can’t ignore this anymore. For as long as the Democrat Party remains viable, America cannot be safe—because they are out to take us down.

I guess that’s what Facebook means by extremism.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and stop in for a visit… sometime before they come knocking on your door. My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon:

Erasing America’s History Diminishes Our Chances for the Future

Frosty Wooldridge

Last week, crews removed the iconic statue of Lewis & Clark/Sacagawea in the center of Charlottesville, Virginia.  They also removed General Robert E. Lee on his horse. Rioters have toppled statues of Lincoln as a racist, Columbus and even civil rights icons.

If we continue to destroy our history, our younger generations won’t understand how to work toward a more viable future.  We have learned from our mistakes, but our mistakes must be remembered.

If we follow such a path nationally or internationally, Italians will have to destroy the Coliseum because 1,000,000 slaves died in that arena along with 3,000,000 animals. It was a bloody history, but Rome maintains the Coliseum in 2021 and millions have seen it and heard the story.  Egypt would have to destroy the pyramids because slaves built them.  The Great Wall of China would have to be dismantled because slaves labored to bring it into form.

(Frosty Wooldridge in front of Lewis & Clark statue along the Corps of Discovery route in the Columbia River Gorge)

If we fool ourselves into thinking we must erase the individuals who gave us the greatest Constitution in history, we will have to destroy the Founding Fathers. For all their faults, if they didn’t create the U.S. Constitution, Blacks wouldn’t be free,  no one would be free in America in 2021.

It’s time to teach our young our brutal-good-bad-ugly and oftentimes confusing history, so they can understand and make better choices.  Would anyone erase Hitler’s insanity to make themselves feel better? No, we must remember him, so we don’t repeat his actions or follow anyone who does.

Today in America, shallow minds and inane politicians make decisions based on their emotions rather than critical thinking.  Our most powerful instruments for future success as a civilization stem from our bloody history.  If not for our villains, there wouldn’t be our heroes.  Most American children today lack any understanding of their good fortune to be living in America.  They’re also being taught to desecrate Old Glory, our monuments, our Founding Fathers, our Constitution and rule of law.

If, at some point, we allow them to degrade our laws, we’re no better than Somalia, Congo, Sudan and other lawless-failed countries. If we continue to degrade our police and standards, we will most certainly end up like Somalia, et al.

(Sandi and Frosty Wooldridge in front of Fort Clatsop, the winter headquarters of the Lewis & Clark Expedition 1804-1806)

Free speech is a messy business, and freedom of choices causes conflict, along with remembering our history—but we must work toward both in order to gather our civilization toward a better future.  We need to keep the lessons and individuals in the past in mind, so we can make better choices in the future.

If you would like a free electronic copy of this book, please email me with your email address and I will send it to you.  Every American with children or any American who will live in this country in 2050, needs to understand what they face.

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121.

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

This video will scare the daylights out of every American as to what’s coming to our country, US Citizenship Act 2021 by Joe Biden.

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself.

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

America Has Been Taken by Force

By Coach Dave Daubenmire

And from the days of John the Baptist until now the Kingdom of God has suffered violence and the violent take it by force.” Matt: 11:12

Coercion Restraint, check, particularly by law or authority; compulsion; force.

Violence Injury; infringement.

Force Power exerted against will or consent, compulsory power.

We live in a day and a time like no other in American history.  Because of the advancement of technology, the world has gotten smaller and the ability to get information around the world has become almost instantaneous.  With one push of a button, it is possible to have a face-to-face conversation with a person anywhere across the globe.

What if Jesus and the 1st Century believers had the ability to “log on” to the internet?  What if Adam and Eve could have “fact-checked” the information that the serpent was feeding to them?  What if Noah had the ability to show everyone the weather radar?  What if they had produced a Facebook-LIVE video of the crucifixion?   What if there had been cameras monitoring the Garden Tomb?

What if?  Technology has certainly changed the course of history.  Today, history is manipulated, changed, if you will.  Even though we have the vastest communication system ever known to man the silencing of the Truth has never been more furious.  Evidence no long matters in America’s portals of power because Truth no longer matters.  Greater technology no longer can be counted on to produce greater Truth.  Today, a basic review of election shenanigans is considered a “conspiracy.”

Read Psalm 2.  The conspiracy has been going on for a long time.

We live in tumultuous times, but are these times that much different from earlier periods in history or is it that our technology brings it more quickly into our living rooms?  Men have been at each other’s throats since Cain blind-sided Abel.  Violence and mayhem are nothing new as we study the history of man upon the earth.

But what is VIOLENCE?  Despite what the media is pumping into your brain violence is not what they have told you it is.  Webster tells us that “violence” comes from the root word “violate” which means “to break, to infringe, to transgress.”  Violence does not mean guns, knives, bombs, and weaponry. Violence means transgression…taking what does not rightfully belong to you.  When one takes what does not belong to them, they have acted in a violent way.

The Kingdom of God has been VIOLATED we are told in the Scriptures.  How has that happened?  What is the technique they have used to destroy everything good?  Violence is the result, while FORCE is the method.  Our once Christian nation is under assault by the use of FORCE…not violence.  Force causes one to be violated.

One need look no further than the recent plandemic debacle. The rights of individual Americans have been VIOLATED left and right by FORCE.  Force is the key word in Mathew, not violence.  While the media focus is on the disruption in our streets, we must understand the riots are being used to FORCE compliance.  Blind obedience is their goal as they use FORCE to violate our rights.

Americans are seeing their rights VIOLATED by FORCE.  There is no violation without the use of force.  To “suffer violence” means to be forced against one’s will.

(Stay with me here…this is complicated to unpack.)

Your rights have been VIOLATED when you are FORCED to wear a mask, social distance, close your business, freely travel, or take a jab.  The Government does not use VIOLENCE…they use FORCE to cause the VIOLENCE.  Remember, violence means to infringe.  Force is the hammer; violation of rights is the nail.  Force creates violence.  We have been looking at it backwards.

The problem we are dealing with is coercive force…resulting in the violation of rights.  Coercion is defined as “compulsion or force…especially by law or government.”  When millions of Americans showed up in DC on Jan. 6 their actions were not VIOLENCE but natural human pushback against COERCIVE FORCE.

The Non-Christian world gets their way through FORCE.  From the days of John the Baptist until now the Kingdom of God has been violated through raw, political, coercive force.

They forced abortion on us.  They forced the removal of the Bible from public schools.  They forced the end of prayer in our schools.  The forced the acceptance of deviant sexual behaviors upon us.  They forced us to pay for the murder of pre-born children. They use the tax system to force compliance with things that violate your faith. They used the fear of jail time to coerce us to violate our conscience.  Coercive force results in violence.

And they are still at it.

They will soon FORCE you to take a vaccination…not with guns and physical violence…but with coercion. No jab, no job.  No jab, no travel.  No jab, no education.  No jab, no liberty.

Violence is violation of your rights.  They have done it through force…coercion…without drawing a weapon.

George Washington warned us.  “Government is not reason; it is not eloquence — it is force. Like fire it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master; never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action.”

Christians have a decision to make.  Will we push back against the FORCE of Government?  VIOLENCE is the natural reaction to FORCE.  How far will we let them push us?   How will we respond?

While we sit around and let them accuse us of violence, they force us to comply without lifting a finger.Is the Kingdom of God worth fighting for or will we continue to permit their coercive violation?

© 2021 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

Dear Mike Lindell

By Lex Greene

Great pillows! Thank youfirst time in years that I wake up every day without any neck or back painNow, to the point of my reaching out.

There is zero doubt that the 2020 elections were stolen via unprecedented levels and methods of election fraud, committed by the BidenHarris campaign, the Democrat Party, and a laundry list of their global comrades and domestic fifth column Marxists. I am 100% confident that your investment in election integrity has resulted in massive indisputable evidence that will prove these facts beyond any honest doubt. Thank you!

The question is, who do you need to prove it to, and how?

Following your updates and comments on the matter, I understand that you have been advised by legal beagles to take your evidence directly to the U.S. Supreme Court via a Quo Warranto filing. If true, your legal beagle advisers have sent you on a suicide mission that will destroy all of the work you have done to expose 2020 fraud. Heres why

As Im certain you have noticed over recent years, the Federal Courts are a total disaster in terms of their understanding and reverence for Constitutional Law. The most common response from Federal Courts concerning constitutional issues, especially any attempt to expose government corruption and fraud, is denied access,due to lack of standing.This has become the catchall escape hatch the courts use to prevent evidence like yours, from ever being presented in their tightly controlled courts.

NOTE: Never forget that numerous Federal and State Courts participated in the 2020 fraud.

In this case, a Quo Warranto case concerning the 2020 elections would be based upon a question to the court, essentially asking by what authority does Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have the right to occupy the Oval Office?A reasonable and logical question, based upon the mountain of evidence that proves they have no legitimate right whatsoever to occupy the Oval Office.

However, if you file a Quo Warranto case with the U.S. Supreme Court on the basis of your valuable evidence, one of two things will happen, neither of which is good,and your investment and work will all be for nothing.

a) The Court will again decline to accept the case, citing your work as unreliable, irrelevant and an attempt to cause the overthrow of the duly elected Biden regime. The court will refuse to weigh in,citing the 2020 certification of the election results, ruling that the election results certified for 2020 stand as is. No evidence to the contrary allowed to be presented.


b) The Court will jump at the chance to accept your case and then they will answer your Quo Warranto question like this Fifty states certified the 2020 results, supported by the Electoral College vote and certified again by the US Congress, without objection. The election is over, better luck next time.

In other words, you will have slit your own throat by following the suicidal advice of legal beagles who have been losing cases like this in Federal Courts for years now.Once they walk you into this trap, intentionally or unintentionally, there will be nothing left after that.

Further, because the U.S.Constitution reserves all power over elections as an authority of each state, via each state legislature, the Federal Courts really have no legal authority over this matter to begin with. Because elections are a statebystate matter, so is the challenge of any state election result.

If you want to take your evidence to any court, the right court would be the State Supreme Court in which you have evidence to prove that the certified outcome of the 2020 elections in that state were rotten with fraud, resulting in an unlawful and unconstitutional outcome which must be overturned.

The better legal tool for this type of case would be a Writ of Mandamus filing with each State Supreme Court, demanding the court review all of your evidence,and issue an order requiring State Officials to decertify previous fraudulent certifications, claw back the states Presidential Electors and any fraudulent downballot results, and certify the new results, correcting the fraud and holding everyone responsible for it accountable, under violations of their Oaths of Office and State election code.

Statebystate, this is the right way to overturn the fraud in a courtroom, by constitutional process in each state, resulting in the overturning of the 2020 fraud nationally. By going this route, the U.S. Supreme Court will be forced to uphold the lawful and constitutional actions of the states who have righted the wrong via proper methods.

All Supreme Courts, both Federal and State, have two types of jurisdiction, appellate(which most are familiar with) and original, which few people seem to know or understand today, especially in the lawyer class. In order to go directly to a Supreme Court bypassing all lower courts, a case must be an original jurisdictioncase.

“Original jurisdiction is distinguishable from appellate jurisdiction, which is the power of a court to hear and enter judgment upon a case brought for review. For example, the U.S. Supreme Court’s caseload consists almost entirely appellate cases from the circuit courts of appeal.This is because British Common Law standards are being unconstitutionally applied in our court system today, using both proceduraland precedenceto control access to the courts.

When a court rules on lack of standingwithout ever hearing the case, they are making a proceduralruling. They are saying that the case does not meet the procedural standards created by the courts or legislatures, necessary to be granted access to the court.

When regarding an original jurisdictioncase, the high court must possess original jurisdictionover the matter being brought before the court. If not, then the case must be filed in a lower court and go through the lengthy and costly process of an appellate process in order to enter the high court on appeal.

When a matter pertains to a constitutional crisisor a constitutional conflict,Supreme Courts are supposed to be the first court to hear the case, bypassing all lower courts due to the severity and dangers associated with the case, rising to a level of URGENT original jurisdictionfor the high court. No other court has any jurisdiction on original jurisdiction cases.

You will also have to make sure you can pass the bar set for legal standingin bringing an original jurisdiction” case.

A case regarding the integrity of elections within a state is an original jurisdiction case for the State Supreme Court. Just make sure you approach the court in a manner which provides proof of legal standing, which essentially means, the right to approach the court on the matter. SEE legal standinghere.

In closing, the State Legislature in each State has full legal authority over elections within the state. This is the proper place to expose, fight and resolve election fraud that happened within the state. But the State Supreme Court could be utilized to orderthe legislature or other State Officials to abide by their oaths of office and do the job they were elected to do, via a Writ of Mandamus.

Especially in todays corrupt and convoluted federal court system, I would do everything possible to avoid asking Federal courts for their legal opinion about anything, especially if it puts them in a highly uncomfortable position of having to consider overturning a national election that has already been allowed to happen and stand for more than six months.

Godspeed Mr. Lindell

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lex Greene:

Cubans Demand Vaccines Rejected by Leery Americans

By Cliff Kincaid

[DISCLAIMER: The opinion in this article is the sole opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

The people of Cuba are marching FOR Covid-19 vaccines. Here, Tucker and Laura question the effectiveness of American-made vaccines, and some Americans decline them, playing Russian roulette.

Here’s from the Wall Street Journal:

  • Thousands of Cubans took to the streets in a wave of demonstrations in Havana and at least 14 other cities throughout the Communist island, demanding an end to the 62-year dictatorship and protesting the lack of food and Covid-19 vaccines.

Here’s from the Miami Herald:

  • In an unprecedented display of anger and frustration, thousands of people took to the streets Sunday in cities and towns across Cuba, including Havana, to call for the end of the decades-old dictatorship and demand food and vaccines, as shortages of basic necessities have reached crisis proportions and COVID-19 cases have soared.

USA Today reported:

  • Protesters, many of them young people, chanted, “We want freedom” and “We want vaccines” as they marched on Havana, the island’s capital. Cuba is going through its worst economic crisis in decades, exacerbated by a surge in coronavirus cases coupled with a low vaccination rate.

A Florida TV station reports:

  • In social media posts, you can see and hear the Cubans marching and shouting “Patria y Vida” o “Queremosvacunas” y “Libertad, ”“We want vaccines” and “We want freedom.”

National Public Radio reports:

  • Although the protesters were asking for food, medicine and vaccines, the loudest cries were for an end to the communist regime.

NBC reports:

  • Thousands of Cubans in Havana protest against pandemic restrictions, the pace of Covid-19 vaccinations and frustrations with the government.

No wonder the Cubans want vaccines. Not the ones promised by the Communist regime, but those made by American firms.

Senator Marco Rubio notes, “Rather than accept reliable internationally produced vaccines, the regime is trying to develop its own so it can sell to countries and further funnel money.”

Let this message sink in.

Former President Trump says, “The only way we defeat the China Virus is with our great vaccines!” But many of his supporters don’t agree. They have turned against their beloved leader, the former president.

In today’s world of conservative journalism, where clicks mean views and bad news sells, paranoia and pandering on the matter of the Trump Warp Speed vaccines have taken charge, poisoning minds and threatening lives. In today’s conservative media, pro-Trumpers have become anti-Trumpers on the matter of vaccines.

Consider that conservatives like Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham have become the faces of the anti-vaccine movement. They seem to be competing for bad news to convey to their millions of viewers. The result is that people are scared of the vaccines but not the virus, even as the virus variants infect more people and take more lives.

Ironically, several Fox News stars recorded a public service announcement (PSA) in favor of the vaccines. Harris Faulkner, Steve Doocy, Dana Perino and John Roberts joined together in asking Americans to “keep up the fight” against COVID-19 by taking the shot.

In the Fox News COVID vaccine PSA, Doocy says, “America, we’re in this together.”

The political tragedy for the Republican Party is that the antics of Tucker and Laura are making Trump’s Warp Speed vaccine project look bad in front of his own supporters.

As someone who has taken the vaccine and believes it offers freedom from disease and death, I am hearing from them. Some are now saying Trump has “blood on his hands” for making vaccines available to the American people.

Democrats are watching this with glee. They see the Republican Party divided and exploding in turmoil over the vaccines. At the same time, Joe Biden is exploiting Trump’s accomplishment, acting as if the vaccines were his idea, and that he deserves credit for saving lives.

All of this represents a political vulnerability for Republicans, many of whom are not only “vaccine hesitant” but hesitant to give Trump credit for an amazing accomplishment.

The additional tragedy is the amount of misinformation that is available on conservative web sites.

Of course, people should be free to make up their own minds. But when they repeat or accept information that is false, that’s a serious matter in contemplating a potential life and death decision.

For the umpteenth time, I have read that the China virus has not been isolated and therefore doesn’t exist. The claim is absolute insanity and suggests that their leader, former President Trump, has been lying.

“The CDC has been unable to deliver a single sample of an isolated COVID19 strain,” says one “Lex Greene,” said to be “an avid historian with many years’ professional experience in U.S. and World events.” It’s a tragic joke that will get people killed. Somebody with that much experience and knowledge should identify himself. His column appears at the News With Views website, which runs my factually-based columns with “disclaimers” about them being my opinion.

I have the benefit of consulting real experts. I asked Col. Lawrence Sellin, an expert, about the dangers. He replied, “It is a virus. It has been isolated and we have a sequence for it. And the sequence has been examined not once but twice but thousands of times. The samples are taken throughout the world. We know what the sequence is. We know it’s mutating.”

Sellin also believes in the vaccines. “I’m pro-vaccine,” he says. He adds, however, that it’s a personal decision and that people should not be forced to take the vaccine because some have greater risks than others. I agree.

But the idea that the virus has not been identified or isolated is just plain false. It is beyond irresponsible for web sites to publish fiction as fact.

Pandering to the fringe who doubt the vaccines is standard operating procedure.

It is increasingly difficult for facts to be published in the conservative media about the benefits of vaccines. Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham seem to be competing over pursuing new leads about questions regarding the vaccines.

For the record, here’s the CDC website that discusses the isolation of the virus. It says, “SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, was isolated in the laboratory and is available for research by the scientific and medical community.”

It’s the isolation of the virus that has made possible the vaccines to fight and defeat it. It’s no wonder those who think the virus doesn’t exist are opposed to the vaccines.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Why Does Fox News Report on Treason then Ignores the Traitors?

Andrew C Wallace

Of course neither Fox News, nor Tucker Carlson, or Mark Levin will answer that question. I know this because I have asked them several times in writing and gotten no response. I do give them credit for being the only major news outlet to report any Treason at all.

Fox News has an effective marketing plan to ingratiate themselves with the patriot base and leave the elites and useful idiots for the fake media. It is a brilliant strategy, not unlike the Marxist Black Lives Matter. None of this is a surprise to those of us in fly over country because we know that the Fox people are closely associated with the establishment. You could say they are “Establishment Lite” or “ Communist Lite” There is no middle road, you are either a patriot, coward, traitor, or pansy.

Fear and Money must be the driving force behind the failure of Fox News to tell people in plain language the whole truth. They are making a lot of money and they have very good reason to fear for their lives if they don’t protect the elites and  the super rich, who own and control everything. Communists have killed millions to protect their power and money. I expect them to continue killing without fear or compassion, for that is what Communists do.

Starting with the election insurrection, Fox and the Fake Media absolutely refused to tell people: POWER FROM INSURRECTION HAS NO AUTHORITY TO GOVERN, NONE. This needed to be said, but was not. This point is imperative, because in any conflict most people think the government has no authority.

Our major corporations are not victims of blackmail by BLM thugs, they willingly funded them to burn down our cities to gain total power. The directors and officers of these corporations take orders from the major stockholders, the super rich who want a one world order dictatorship. These people are anti American and feel superior to average Americans.

When our cities were being burned and looted why didn’t Fox News demand that the Complicit Governors, Mayors and Prosecutors be arrested for treason in accordance with the Constitution? Why didn’t Fox News demand that President Trump use Federal Troops to end the election insurrection? Why didn’t Fox News demand that the Supreme court at least hear the election cases in accordance with the Constitution?

The Communists, bankers and super rich have been concentrating  power in the federal government contrary to the Constitution since our founding. According to the Constitution the federal government only has authority over defense, foreign relations, post office, currency, and immigration . The departments of Education, Energy and Agriculture are some examples of unconstitutional federal departments. The unconstitutional privately owned Federal Reserve Bank Caused the great depression and they are doing it again.Translated this means that even without the insurrection most of federal government is unconstitutional.

It is impossible for me to believe that Fox News people don’t know these simple facts. I must presume they are protecting the super rich for money and because they justifiably fear for their very lives.

The people at Fox News are not ignorant. They know that most of the bureaucrats, elected officials, flag officers, judges et al. in the federal government are corrupt, traitors, and cowards. They are also minions of the super rich who control it all, which is why we have a two tier justice system.

I am saying that there is strong evidence to suggest that Fox News is in bed with the enemies of our country. The news they report may be uncomplimentary of the establishment for public relations  purposes but will not deter or harm the establishment.

It is time for Fox News to concentrate on those who cause our problems rather than bemoaning the results of the treason.

© 2021 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace:

NEA To Vote On Mandatory Covid-19 Shots For School Children

By Bradlee Dean

A coup d’état, or just coup, is the removal and seizure of a government and its powers. Typically, it is an illegal, unconstitutional seizure of power by a political faction, the military, or a dictator.

Propaganda outlet FOX News just reported: “America’s largest teachers’ union to vote on mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations, masks and testing for students.”

The National Education Association, America’s largest teachers’ union, is holding a vote on requiring mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations, masks and testing for students before classes return in the fall.

The new business meeting action item submitted by 50 delegates is “awaiting debate” on the NEA’s website.

The action item calls for “mandatory safe and effective COVID-19 vaccinations and testing for all students and staff before returning to face-to-face instruction in the fall, subject to medical exceptions, in accordance with existing law, and will widely publicize this position via social media.” Corey DeAngelis, national director of research at School Choice Now, first highlighted the action item on Twitter.

The description continues: “We will further call for and publicize that safety measures such as social distancing, masking, and proper ventilation be mandatory for all.”

The action item notes that more than 600,000 people have died of COVID-19, adding that “Black and Latinx communities have suffered twice the deaths, and this inequality will deepen as variants spread.”

DeAngelis pointed to a “massive power imbalance between the teachers union monopoly and individual families” as the “main problem with K-12 education in America” in a response to the action item on Twitter.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in January that there is “little evidence” schools “have contributed meaningfully to increased community transmission.” In February, the agency said the adverse effects of virtual learning outweigh the threat of transmitting the virus during in-school learning.

“There is more spread that is happening in the community when schools are not open than when schools are open,” CDC Director Rochelle Walensky told reporters at the time.

[Rumble Video]

These illegal attacks continue and now, they are aiming for your children (Luke 17:2), and that with full steam head.

However, what is of interest here is that the mainstream media, along with corrupt politicians and agencies, want you to believe that now the National Education Association has the legislative authority to vote on if children are to receive the experimental injections. I have a question for you, where is the NEA deriving their delegated authority from if not from “WE the People”?

The NEA has no more authority than does the CDC or The WHO or, for that matter, the president of the United States; and if he does not have the constitutional authority to do so, how is this being pushed forward (Psalm 94:20)?

Outside of the blatant ignorance of the American people and their unwillingness to educate themselves and stand up against this tyranny, they are, in fact, being deceived through something called administrative law.  In other words, it’s a pretended authority!

The Declaration of Independence shows us that those who work for us “derive their just powers from the consent of the governed.” Our RIGHTS come from God and “We the People” delegate to our said representatives to uphold the enumerated laws of the U.S. Constitution.

[Rumble Video]

What our said representatives have done is that they have taken what “We the People” have entrusted them to uphold and in turn, illegally have given over to special interest groups who have taken upon themselves the position of a legislative branch within our government.  IT IS NOT THEIRS TO GIVE! THEY ARE NOT A LAW UNTO THEMSELVES!


[Rumble Video]

© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean:

Flat Earth Theory: Is the Earth Flat?

By George Lujack

It is the twenty-first century and there still exist modern flat Earth societies proclaiming that the Earth is a flat disc-shaped planet, while many refuse to even call it a planet.

A renewed interest in the discussion of whether or not the Earth is flat has cropped up among some people who believe, or claim to believe, that NASA and / or other organizations have been perpetuating the lie that the Earth is a sphere while covering up evidence that the Earth is a flat disc. This article will address the flat-earther’s claims and examine the Scripture verses that flat-earthers use to justify their belief in declaring the Earth to be flat. This article will reveal that the Scripture verses used by flat-earthers are misinterpreted and then misapplied, and will declare the Flat Earth Theory to be false.


There is no Scripture verse that plainly states that the Earth is flat. There are verses that allegorically proclaim that the Earth has corners, edges, and that the Earth rests on pillars.

ISAIAH 11:12; REVELATION 7:1, 20:8 (NKJV):
From the four corners of the earth; at the four corners of the earth; in the four corners of the earth…


Orlando Ferguson of South Dakota believed the Earth to be square and stationary. In 1893 he drafted and printed out a MAP OF THE SQUARE AND STATIONARY EARTH. The map is based on a very literal interpretation of Scripture. The map depicts an indented circular Earth, with the world’s oceans contained within a square firmament, and angels standing at the four corners of the earth.

The Earth is not a flat rectangle or square, so Scripture’s reference to the four corners of the Earth does not refer to literal corners. The central starting map location of Scripture is the nation of Israel. The four corners of the Earth, spoken of in Scripture, are most often the compass points north, south, east, and west of Israel.


The word ‘pillar’ has more than one definition.

1. A tall vertical structure of stone, wood, or metal, used as support for a building, or as an ornament or monument.
2. Something shaped like a pillar: “a pillar of smoke.”
3. A person or thing regarded as reliably providing essential support for something: “he was a pillar of his local community.”[i]

When all the various definitions of ‘pillar’ are considered, regarding the Scripture verses that declare that the Earth rests on pillars, it should not be concluded that Scripture proclaims that a flat Earth rests on external physical pillar structures.

1 SAMUEL 2:8 (NKJV):
For the pillars of the earth belong to YHWH (the Lord) and He has set the world upon them.

The pillars belong to YHWH (the Lord), according to 1 Samuel 2:8, so pillars in this context are a reference to God providing essential support for the Earth.

JOB 9:6 (NKJV):
He shakes the earth out of its place, and the pillars tremble.

Scripture also refers to pillars as “pillars of smoke.”

JOEL 2:30 (NKJV):
And I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth: Blood and fire and pillars of smoke.

‘Earth’ has a dual meaning in Scripture. ‘Earth,’ when mentioned in the Scriptures, can either be a reference to Planet Earth or a reference to dry land: the continents or islands.

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

GENESIS 1:9-10 (NKJV):
Then God said, “Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear;” and it was so. And God called the dry land Earth, …

Discerning the dual meaning of ‘earth’ is essential in understanding that Scripture does not declare that Planet Earth rests on pillars, but the Earth’s dry land, the continents, do.

The ‘earth’ that rests on pillars, mentioned in Scripture, is a reference to the earth – dry land (continents) resting on giant slab pillars within Planet Earth. When God formed Planet Earth during the 6-day creation week, He raised the land from the waters to let the dry land (continents) appear. Scripture is referring to pillars within the Earth (tectonic plates), which are used as a means to raise the dry land (continents) above the waters. The earth (dry land – continents) do rest on pillars; they are pillars within Planet Earth called tectonic plates.

JOB 28:5 (NKJV):
As for the earth, from it comes bread, but underneath it is turned up as by fire.

Tectonic plates at the surface of the Earth move due to intense heat coming from the core of the planet. These giant slab plates float like rafts on the hot, semi-liquid mantle below the crust. Slow-moving currents deep inside Earth send the plates (and the land or ocean that rests on them) slowly moving across the surface of the planet.[ii]

The Earth’s dry land – the continents, and the oceans rest atop giant slab pillars called tectonic plates that make up the Earth’s outer crust. Geologists who coined the term ‘tectonic plates’ could have just as easily called these giant slabs tectonic pillars, as tectonic plates are the ‘pillars’ that the Earth’s dry land – the continents of the world are set upon, as mentioned in Scripture.

JOB 26:7 (NKJV)
He hangs the earth on nothing.

JOB 26:10 (NKJV):
He drew a circular horizon on the face of the waters, at the boundary of light and darkness.

Scripture declares that the Earth is a free floating sphere in space, not a stationary object resting on pillars. The Earth hangs in space, on nothing, is stable, and does not move out of its orbit around the Sun.

The flat Earth model proposes that the Sun, Moon, and stars are set in fixed positions in the Earth’s firmament dome and that the Sun rotates around a flat, disc-shaped Earth, shining its light in a limited circular field. The problem with this theory is that it can be easily disproved with personal observation and logic. If the Earth were flat, at least some ambient light from the Sun would be visible from every point on Earth at all times, but that is not the case. In Antarctica, there are periods in the summer that the Sun is always visible and periods in winter when the Sun is not visible, due to the angle of the Sun’s rays on Antarctica, depending on the tilt of the spherical Earth.

At most places on Planet Earth we observe the Sun set and rise beyond the horizon. The Sun appears to set and rise from our viewpoint on Earth, but what is actually happening is that the spherical Earth is rotating out and into the field of view of the Sun. If the Sun shined its light in a limited circular field, we would see the Sun come into view from high in the sky, not in a sunrise, and go out of view when traveling away and disappearing into the sky, as we would a plane flying out of sight. We would never observe the Sun set below and rise above the horizon.

During a solar eclipse, the Moon passes in front of the Sun, coming between the Sun and the Earth, and the light of the Sun shining on Earth is partially or fully blocked by the Moon. If the Sun and Moon were affixed at fixed distances in the firmament dome, as flat earthers proclaim, the Sun and Moon would crash into each other and not pass by each other.

During a lunar eclipse, the Earth passes between the Sun and Moon, casting a circular shadow over the Moon. This would not be possible if the Sun and Moon were always fixed in the firmament dome above a flat Earth, as flat earthers proclaim.


ISAIAH 40:22 (NKJV):
It is He who sits above the circle of the earth…

When viewed from a high altitude, one can see the circle of the sphere of the Earth.
The Earth is not declared to be a circular disc, according to Isaiah 40:22. The Hebrew word for circle is ‘chug,’ meaning sphere, which indicates that Scripture proclaims the Earth to be a sphere.

Flat earthers typically rely on their own perceptions in believing the Earth to be flat and have an emotional attachment to a flat Earth, as they dismiss the strong evidence proving the Earth to be a sphere.


NASA and other space agencies have provided the world with manyphotographs and satellite images of a spherical rotating Earth.[iii] [iv]NASA is not a conspiracy agency supplying doctored Earth images and suppressing knowledge of a flat Earth, as flat-earthers maintain.

Many astronomy hobbyists from around the world have sent their video cameras and mobile phones into the edge of space using weather balloons and have provided further photographic and video evidence confirming that the Earth is a sphere.[v] [vi]

The United Nations logo is cited as “proof,” by flat earthers, that the Earth is flat. It is proclaimed that the United Nations, NASA, and other government entities know that the world is flat and suppress the evidence of a flat Earth, but the UN flag / logo reveals the truth of a flat Earth that they have been hiding. Again, this is faulty logic on the part of flat earthers. One cannot draw a 3-dimensional spherical Earth on a 2-dimensional flat plane logo map that would be a true representation of Planet Earth. The best that can be done to give the appearance of a spherical Earth on a flat map is to either round off the corners to make the map appear more spherical, or show two opposing sides of the sphere of the Earth.

The United Nations logo is a simple 2-dimensional image of the Earth, showing all the countries that make up the body of the United Nations. The United Nations logo should not be perceived as an accurate representation of Planet Earth. Perhaps the United Nations will change their logo in the future, but if they do, flat earthers will proclaim that this is further proof of a coverup of a flat earth.

Scripture does not proclaim the Earth to be a flat circular disc. Flat Earth believers are incorrect in understanding the Scripture verses that may seemingly allude to a flat Earth, if taken literally, or they intentionally twist the allegorical and figurative language of Scripture to apply a literal meaning to support Flat Earth Theory. Flat earthers, who proclaim that there are many verses declaring the Earth to be flat, are selectively reading such verses literally with a pre-set flat Earth mindset, while ignoring the verses declaring the Earth to be a sphere and are dismissing the mountains of evidence that the Earth is a globe. There is not a single verse in Scripture that plainly states that Planet Earth is flat.

The Earth is a blue marble.

© 2021 George Lujack – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail George Lujack:


[i] ‘Pillar,’ Oxford Dictionaries, Oxford University Press, 2016,

[ii] Encyclopedia Articles, “WHY DO EARTH’S CONTINENTS MOVE?,” 2007 Dorling Kindersley,

[iii]VISIBLE EARTH A catalog of NASA images and animations of our home planet,”

[iv] NASA Captures “EPIC” Earth Image, July 20, 2015,

[v] Mashable, “Father and Son Launch iPhone Into Space [VIDEO],” OCT 17, 2010,

[vi] Clover, Julie, MacRumors, “iPhone 6 Gets Sent Into Space by Urban Armor Gear,” January 15, 2015,

Fear, Control and the Authoritarian Abuse of Power

By Kelleigh Nelson

The primary method by which governments increase their control is by creating fear. —Charles Eisenstein, Author

Neither a man nor a crowd nor a nation can be trusted to act humanely or to think sanely under the influence of a great fear. —Bertrand Russell

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary. —H. L. Mencken

The people need wholesome fear. They want to fear something. They want someone to frighten them and make them shudderingly submissive. —Adolph Hitler, 1933

Sadly, after years upon years of conditioning, most people don’t use critical thinking (logic is not taught in government schools) and instead let others think for them.  This became all too obvious with the propaganda of fear proliferated by worldwide establishment hierarchies.

In 2020, America became a country of sheep, donning the useless face diapers, even while alone in their vehicles or outside on warm sunny days. Fauci’s fear propaganda was successful.  In 2021, Americans allowed themselves to become lab rats for an unlicensed and dangerous injection that is not a “vaccine,” but an unapproved experimental toxic genetic agent containing squalene.  Dr. Lee Merritt says this is the same ingredient in one of the “vaccines” given to Gulf War vets allegedly to prevent Anthrax poisoning, where there was no time for oversight or independent review, and instead caused Gulf War syndrome.  In animal testing for the messenger RNA Covid injections, the ferrets, cats, and monkeys all died when a new virus was introduced.

Viral Variants

Comrade Fauci is again using fear to frighten the lemmings into believing that the new Delta variant is far more dangerous than the original never-isolated Covid-19. Variants of viral strains have nearly always been of a weaker variety.  The gain-of-function Wuhan virus variants may be a natural result of the virus, a new strain released on the world or more likely, a result of the mRNA Covid injections.  The majority of Americans as well as the rest of the world, fell prey to fear mongering sold by the establishment elite, and are now spreading fear again with the lie of a dangerous “variant.”

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) claim the Delta strain of the virus is a “variant of concern” that could lead to more deaths and hospitalizations, while the World Health Organization (WHO) said that the strain has been detected in more than 80 countries and continues to mutate as it spreads.  Dr. Fauci and China’s mouthpiece, WHO President Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, are very close friends.

The article, How Broad is Covid Immunity? by former scientist and vice president of Pfizer, Dr. Michael Yeadon, and Marc Girardot of PANDA, states that “health authorities and mainstream media have been very wary of supposed heightened risk profiles of new variants. This well-known phenomenon occurs continuously for influenza as well as for Coronaviruses. To date, these mutations have caused changes in less than 0.3% of the entire virus sequence. All variants are therefore currently 99.7% similar to the original Wuhan viral sequence.”

“To date no robust scientific evidence proves that any of variants identified are more transmissible or deadly than the original. By definition, variants are clinically identical. Once there is a clinical difference then a new ‘strain’ of virus has emerged.”

“There is therefore no possibility that the human immune system will be fooled into regarding the variants as a new pathogen.”

So then, what is Delta?

Variant Spread

Dr. Christopher Murray, the director of the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington says “there is no doubt in my mind” that “vaccinated” Americans are helping spread the Indian Delta variant as Los Angeles and New York City see cases surge by up to 165% in a week.  He added, “It could explain why states with high vaccination rates such as California, Illinois, New York and Washington are seeing a rise in cases.”In New York City, where 63% of all adults have completed their vaccine series, new cases have risen by 295 since June 24.

Since June 25, COVID-19 infections have jumped 84 percent from 1,747 cases to 3,216 recorded July 9th, according to data from the Scottish Government. ‘You cannot explain the explosive epidemic in Scotland, in a pretty highly vaccinated population, if they’re not playing a role in transmission,’ Murray said.

Here’s what the article is not telling us.  These cases are rising in areas of the unvaccinated as well.  Remember that it’s already been acknowledged that those who are inoculated are shedding the spike proteins and infecting non-inoculated.

Even the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has written a “guidance document” entitled, Design and Analysis of Shedding Studies for Virus or Bacteria-Based Gene Therapy and Oncolytic Products.

Toxic Jabs

A true vaccine will develop antibodies to the virus or bacterium, will protect you from contracting the virus, reduce deaths from the virus, and reduce the circulation of the virus in society.  The Covid-19 injection does none of these.  In fact, injected citizens can still contract the virus, are not producing antibodies, can still spread the virus, and Public Health England just released a new report showing that at least 62 percent of all deaths associated with the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) are occurring in people who were already “vaccinated.”

Why would anyone trust these injections?  Apparently, many are not.  Anti-vaxxers used to be three percent, and are now up to 45%, thus the reason Biden will be sending vax-agents to your doors.  The media is saying that because of those who will not take the injection, America will not reach herd immunity.  Whoa…wait the hell a minute; that is pure poppycock.  If you’ve had the virus (Type A or B flu which was all that was found in the lungs of Covid patients) then you have God’s immunity and you don’t need an experimental injection!

There is no Covid-19 virus that has ever been isolated!  It’s the blooming flu…whether natural or manmade in a bioweapon lab via the NIH/Fauci gain-of-function, it still reacts the same way as other viruses.  Like seasonal influenza, it is dangerous to elderly with comorbidities.

Cure Worse Than the Disease?

Dr. Lee Merritt’s July 5th article in the New American Magazine, Covid-19 Vaccines, A “Cure” Worse Than the Disease? spells out the dangers of these experimental injections being slickly sold to the American public with bribes to entice Americans into receiving the jab. Both Moderna and Pfizer Covid-19 injections are “experimental, employing a genetic technology never before used on humans.  Legally, those who get the vaccine are unnamed participants in a Stage IV Food and Drug Administration (FDA) trial.

Dr. Merritt writes that during the first four months after the 2021 rollout of Pfizer and Moderna, 97 percent of deaths from vaccines recorded in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) were for those injections…only three percent reported were from other vaccines.  The VAERS statistics on vaccine deaths per year from 2018-2021 are telling.

2018: 22 deaths

2019: 27 deaths

2020: 26 deaths

2021: 3,661 deaths (January through April)

Why weren’t these lethal jabs terminated like the swine flu after 25 deaths?

According to the CDC, from mid December 2020 to July 2, 2021, there have been 9,048 Americans who have died from these injections, including 917 unborn babies following the shots, and 520,747 injuries.  Link

The following billboards can be seen across the country and were posted by Sidney Powell’s organization, Defending the Republic!  Please support them by sending a check here:  Defending the Republic, 2911 Turtle Creek Blvd., Suite 300, Dallas TX 75219

Physicians, pharmacists, and nurses have no idea what is in these Covid injections.  Only the people at the top of the four “vaccine” makers know.  Recipients are guinea pigs receiving an experiment that may kill or disable them.

Videos of magnets sticking to the skin of recently inoculated Americans have been circulated.  Like everyone else, I originally thought it was nonsense and a typical hoax.  But Dr. Merritt tells us that in an article published in August 2019 at states, “Scientists Developed Magnetic Nanoparticles that can Remotely Modulate Neural Circuits,” nanoparticles can be put into the blood vessel feeding a brain tumor, then MRI scanning of the area causes the particles to heat and burn out the cancerous mass. So, what will happen when these vaccinated people enter the MRI for other reasons?

Dr. Lawrence Palevsky is a New York state licensed pediatrician, who utilizes a holistic approach to children’s wellness and illness.  In this short video, he explains what the injection for Covid-19 actually does to our bodies and the side effects.

Dr. Palevsky saysthe Sars-Cov-2 “messenger RNA” injection is not a vaccine, instead it is believed to be a piece of the Sars-Cov-2 virus, but is a man made synthetic of the spike protein.  That spike protein is known to be damaging, and the injection creates the genetic ability to produce more spike proteins in the body.  Yet there is no guarantee it ever stops reproducing.  The list of side effects from the spike protein are deadly: thrombocytopenia, blood clots, brain damage, neurological damage, lung, liver and kidney disease, heart attacks and inflammation, strokes and impairment to male and female reproductive organs, miscarriages, stillborn babies and death.

The unvaccinated who are near those who have had the jab are experiencing many of the same side effects, which means the spike protein is shedding from skin, breath, sweat, saliva, etc. from mRNA injected individuals.There has never been, in history, a demonstration that using mRNA technology in vaccines has solved the problem of an infectious disease outbreak.

In this longer video, Dr. Palevsky tells of the few ingredients known within the mRNA jabs that have also never been tested for human injection. These were listed as “in addition” contents on Covid-19 injection paperwork; no other contents were given.

Polyethylene glycol (a petroleum derivative), lipid nanoparticles and something called SM102, also known as “hydro-gel” have never been tested for safety or effectiveness when injected into the human body or in animal studies.

Seventy-five percent of Americans are known to have an allergic reaction to polyethylene glycol.  The lipid nanoparticle is known to cause brain damage, lung, kidney and liver damage, and male and female reproductive damage.  The lipid is a fat and the nanoparticle is a very tiny particle able to travel everywhere in your body. They are known to cause damage to the above-mentioned tissues, are known to stay in the body permanently, and they also have the potential to be magnetized which will then give the powers that be the ability to collect data from you once you’ve had the injection.  Aluminum nanoparticles could well invite Alzheimer’s as aluminum attaches to the fluoride in our body which is in our drinking water.

Dr. Palevsky states that there is no oversight with these manufacturers or the manufacturing process or proper safety standards.  There is no actual standardization of how much messenger RNA is even in each injection.  And of course, these companies are not liable if their product harms you or kills you.

Biden’s Vaccine Gestapo

And here is where the rubber meets the road with our totalitarian despotic dictator, comrade Joseph Biden. He’s about as sharp as a marble, yet he’s telling us that he wants all Americans injected, including teenagers, despite the fact the youth of America are not affected by this virus and the recovery rate across the board is 99.75%.  How special!  Recently we heard of a 13-year-old boy who died in his sleep three days after his second injection and his autopsy showed an enlarged heart.  In a recent interview with Dr. Lee Merritt, she said, “These forced vaccines are a Holocaust level crime against humanity.”  Wake up people!

Jen Psaki announced Biden’s plan to have every American vaccinated.  Agents of the federal government will be knocking on people’s doors to intimidate them into getting vaccinated for a virus with a 99.75 percent survival rate.  We don’t need a stinkin’ vaccine!  Never have!  Number one on Biden’s list: “Targeted, community-by-community, door-to-door outreach to get remaining Americans vaccinated by ensuring they have the information they need on how both safe and accessible the vaccine is.”

Kiss my grits!  There is nothing safe about this forced and bribed injection!

The heavily targeted states are all southern, from Georgia and Tennessee across the south to Texas, but every state will have either government officials or National Guard at your door.  Many southerners still understand freedom.

Remember, you do not have to answer questions and they do not have a right to trespass on your property.  The 4th and 5th amendments and HIPAA laws prevent this type of government questioning which is an overarching blanket abuse of power.

In Oregon’s fourth most populous county, which includes the college town of Eugene, National Guard members may be among the teams designated to persuade people to take the shots, according to Jason Davis, Public Information Officer with Lane County Public Health.  Using the military to go door-to-door to persuade Americans to take this experimental jab is a Bolshevik tactic!  This is an unconstitutional use of state military who answer to both state and federal authorities.  The abuse and misuse of the National Guard has been deliberately corrupted.

In Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the Health Department and Fire Department are going door to door in communities to bring the vaccines to the poorer neighborhoods.  Their health commissioner said community vaccination is the primary goal.  God help them!

CNN Medical contributor, Dr. Leana Wen suggested on July 10th that President Biden should get behind “vaccine credentialing.”  She said that life needs to be “hard” for Americans who have not received the experimental Covid-19 jab and individuals who refuse should face weekly testing.  Wen is the former Planned Parenthood president and she believes people who don’t take the injection should not be allowed to normally go about their lives without any consequences.

We went from “flattening the curve in 14 days” to going “door to door to see your papers.”  The “brownshirts” have arrived.


Physicians and scientists all over the world are risking their livelihoods and licenses to tell us the truth, that the Covid shot is not a vaccine, it’s an unlicensed experiment, and one that kills. Over 9,000 Americans have died from the vaccine, and only one percent of deaths and adverse reactions are reported to VAERS.

Real extremists, factual corruption, and the historic destruction of America’s liberties are ignored.  The FBI is now asking Americans to spy on their own families and friends to prevent extremism.  We have entered Nazi Germany once again.

As Dr. Lee Merritt said at the end of her article in the New American Magazine, “If you are a physician, it is time to choose your allegiance.  Will you stand for your patients? Or will you hide behind the medical authorities and say someday, ‘I was just following orders.’”

© 2021 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson:

Adoption in the Keystone State

By Paul Engel

  • The Supreme Court sided with Catholic Social Services in its case against the City of Philadelphia.
  • Touted as a victory for religious freedom, a look beyond the headlines shows that this opinion is really a Trojan horse.
  • According to the court, religious freedom is not protected by the Constitution, but on the opinion of a few judges.

What is the role of government in enforcing societal norms? Does the state have the legal power to force compliance with its preferred worldview? A religious freedom case pitting the city of Philadelphia against Catholic Social Services has had its day at the Supreme Court. While the court correctly found for Catholic Social Services, the details prove that judges and lawyers at all levels have a serious comprehension problems when it comes to reading the Constitution of the United States.

For those of you not familiar with the details of Fulton et al. v. City of Philadelphia, let me quote from the syllabus of the court’s opinion:

Philadelphias foster care system relies on cooperation between the City and private foster care agencies. The City enters standard annual contracts with the agencies to place children with foster families. One of the responsibilities of the agencies is certifying prospective foster families under state statutory criteria. Petitioner Catholic Social Services has contracted with the City to provide foster care services for over 50 years, continuing the centuries-old mission of the Catholic Church to serve Philadelphias needy children. CSS holds the religious belief that marriage is a sacred bond between a man and a woman. Because CSS believes that certification of prospective foster families is an endorsement of their relationships, it will not certify unmarried couples—regardless of their sexual orientation—or same-sex married couples. But other private foster agencies in Philadelphia will certify same-sex couples, and no same-sex couple has sought certification from CSS.

Fulton et al. v. City of Philadelphia Syllabus

The City of Philadelphia contracts with several agencies to place children with foster families. One of these agencies is Catholic Social Services (referred to as CSS for the remainder of the opinion). What should be a surprise to no one is that CSS, being under the Roman Catholic Church, holds to a Roman Catholic view of marriage and families. For this reason, CSS will not place children with unmarried or same-sex married couples. The court notes that CSS is not the only foster care agency that the City of Philadelphia contracts with, some of who will place children with same-sex couples.

Against this backdrop, a 2018 newspaper story recounted the Archdiocese of Philadelphias position that CSS could not consider prospective foster parents in same-sex marriages. Calls for investigation followed, and the City ultimately informed CSS that unless it agreed to certify same-sex couples the City would no longer refer children to the agency or enter a full foster care contract with it in the future. The City explained that the refusal of CSS to certify same-sex married couples violated both a non-discrimination provision in the agencys contract with the City as well as the non-discrimination requirements of the citywide Fair Practices Ordinance.

Fulton et al. v. City of Philadelphia Syllabus

Everything was fine until an article pointed out the Archdiocese of Philadelphia refused to let CSS consider same-sex married couples as potential foster parents. Remember, according to the court no same-sex couple had even asked CSS to foster a child with them, so no one has been refused anything. However, the article, and subsequent calls for investigation (by whom isn’t mentioned) was sufficient for the city to inform CSS that, unless they agreed to place children with same-sex couples, the city would not longer refer children to them. Why did the City of Philadelphia do this? They claimed it violated the non-discrimination provisions of both the contract the city had with CSS and the city’s Fair Practices Ordinance.

Catholic Social Services and three affiliated foster parents sued to keep the city from enforcing its decision not to do business with them anymore, claiming it violated the Free Exercise Clause of the Constitution of the United States. The District Court denied CSS’s case and the Third Circuit agreed, claiming both the contractual requirement and the city’s ordinance were both neutral and general applicable. CSS and the foster parents appealed to the Supreme Court, which held:

The refusal of Philadelphia to contract with CSS for the provision of foster care services unless CSS agrees to certify same-sex couples as foster parents violates the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment.

Fulton et al. v. City of Philadelphia Syllabus

First Amendment

Let’s start with the question of the First Amendment. This case cannot be a violation of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States . The First Amendment states:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

U.S. Constituiton, Amendment I

Congress did not create the Fair Practices Ordinance or the contractual requirements for foster care agencies, the City of Philadelphia did. Therefore, these actions are by the city, not Congress, and do not fall under the restrictions of the First Amendment. They do, however, fall under the Constitution of Pennsylvania:

All men have a natural and indefeasible right to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of their own consciences; no man can of right be compelled to attend, erect or support any place of worship, or to maintain any ministry against his consent; no human authority can, in any case whatever, control or interfere with the rights of conscience, and no preference shall ever be given by law to any religious establishments or modes of worship.

The Constitution of Pennsylvania, Article I, §3

Since the Constitution of Pennsylvania prohibits interference with the rights of conscience, the laws of the City of Philadelphia cannot compel CSS to violate theirs. What about those who do not wish to support a ministry of the Roman Catholic Church? Or what about the citizens of Philadelphia who do not wish to support ministries that discriminate against religious teachings? Both questions are moot, since no law can give preference to any religious establishment or mode of worship. Since faithful Roman Catholics believe that marriage is between one man and one woman, and that the best place for children to be raised is with a legally married couple, to deny them the opportunity to exercise their religion by the dictates of their own conscience would be to give preference to those religious establishments that to not hold to the same convictions.

What about the neutral and generally applicable test? This “test” comes from an opinion authored by Justice Scalia in the case Employment Division v. Smith (referred to in the opinion simply as Smith.

Although a State would be prohibiting the free exercise [of religion]” in violation of the Clause if it sought to ban the performance of (or abstention from) physical acts solely because of their religious motivation, the Clause does not relieve an individual of the obligation to comply with a law that incidentally forbids (or requires) the performance of an act that his religious belief requires (or forbids) if the law is not specifically directed to religious practice and is otherwise constitutional as applied to those who engage in the specified act for nonreligious reasons.

Employment Division v. Smith

In the Smith case, which involved the denial of unemployment benefits for the use of peyote during religious ceremonies, Justice Scalia admits that the State of Oregon was prohibiting the free exercise of the respondents religion, but the justice said that was OK, because the law was not specifically directed at their religious practices. Hence the neutral and generally applicable test is unconstitutional, because the Constitution says Congress “shall make no law”, not “shall only make neutral and generally applicable laws related to freedom of religion”. Based on the logic of Justice Scalia, both the state and federal governments can abridge the right to freely exercise your religion as long as they didn’t target only religious practices. A flagrant violation not only of the Constitution of the United States, but of Justice Scalia’s oath of office, this is an excellent example of bad behavior indeed. Since courts today inflate their own opinions above the Constitution they’ve sworn or affirmed to support, we see Justice Scalia’s mistake has expanded and grown to the point that some judges believe churches can be classified as “non-essential” and shut down in an emergency.

In the Fulton v. Philadelphia case, the court found that CSS’s freedom of religion was abridged.

The Citys actions burdened CSSs religious exercise by forcing it either to curtail its mission or to certify same-sex couples as foster parents in violation of its religious beliefs.

Fulton et al. v. City of Philadelphia Syllabus

The rest of the syllabus goes on to support their opinion with egregious arguments. Not because the City of Philadelphia violated the Constitution of Pennsylvania’s religious freedom clauses, nor because it denied Roman Catholics the equal protection of the law (a violation of the Fourteenth Amendment). No, the only reason Justice Roberts used in the syllabus, and to which all of the other justices agreed in part or in whole, was that the City of Philadelphia’s contractual requirements were not “generally applicable”. How do they find that?

The non-discrimination requirement of the Citys standard foster care contract is not generally applicable. Section 3.21 of the contract requires an agency to provide services defined in the contract to prospective foster parents without regard to their sexual orientation. But section 3.21 also permits exceptions to this requirement at the sole discretion” of the Commissioner. This inclusion of a mechanism for entirely discretionary exceptions renders the non-discrimination provision not generally applicable.

Fulton et al. v. City of Philadelphia Syllabus

Since exceptions to the contract requirements are, according to the court, at the sole discretion of the Commissioner, they are not generally applicable. That means all the City of Philadelphia has to do is remove the exception from the language, and the Supreme Court says they can abridge the free exercise of the CSS’s religious beliefs all they want. As for the city’s Fair Practices Ordinance, the court said it did not apply because CSS did not meet the definition of a “public accommodation” under that law.


So it appears Catholic Social Services of Philadelphia lives to foster another day. However, this victory is not based on the law, but the fickle opinions of a handful of judges. What if another court does not think an exception clause violates general applicability? And what if the City of Philadelphia modifies the exception clause to make it more neutral? Not only has the court told the City of Philadelphia exactly what they need to do in order to compel CSS to consider same-sex couples for adoption or lose their contract, they have pulled the wool over the eyes of the American people. They have claimed that they are upholding the rule of law, while bringing in yet another Trojan Horse full of judges claiming the power to overturn the Constitution based solely on what they think. This may be a victory for Catholic Social Services, but it is a pyrrhic victory for the American people.

© 2021 Paul Engel – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Paul Engel:

[BIO: Paul Engel founded The Constitution Study in 2014 to help everyday Americans read and study the Constitution. Author and speaker, Paul has spent more than 20 years studying and teaching about both the Bible and the U.S. Constitution. Freely admitting that he “learned more about our Constitution from School House Rock than in 12 years of public school” he proves that anyone can be a constitutional scholar. You can find his books on Amazon and Apple Books. You can also find his books, classes and other products at the Constitution Study website ( You can reach him at

Dear President Trump, Please STOP!

By Lex Greene

At the moment, I still believe you have the best of intentions for America. But some of your ongoing actions and public positions are causing me to have some doubts. Help me out here…

#1 – Righting the American ship at this point is impossible via 2022,2024 or any future elections.

STOP being sucked into this insane discussion about running for office again, at the hands of useless TV talking heads, when you already WON in 2020 and should be sitting in OUR Oval Office right now! If you can’t or won’t right the wrongs of 2020, then it’s a total waste of time to pretend to be interested in losing again via an even more massive fraud (new norm) in the future.

#2 – I know that you like taking credit for things you “accomplish.”

However, in the case of these COVID vaccines produced under your “warp speed” initiative, you need to immediately distance yourself from all of it. As of July 2nd, the CDC and VAERShave reported that “between Dec. 14, 2020, and June 25, 2021, a total of 411,931 adverse events were reported to VAERS, including 6,985 deaths — an increase of 872 deaths over the previous week. There were also 34,065 serious injury reports, up 2,825 compared with last week.” (More critical facts here)

The following have also been confirmed as “facts”

  1. Only 6% (36,000) of the reported “six-hundred-thousand American COVID deaths” actually died from COVID. The rest died of pre-existing conditions, 87% of them at the end of life age and condition prior to COVID.
  2. None of the masks mandated for 18-months are designed to or capable of blocking the spread of any virus.
  3. A number of therapeutics like Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin are proven to be HIGHLY effective in treating all forms of Corona Virus, including COVID19 (SARS2). The people forcing lethal inoculations today, blocked the use of these effective drugs throughout the so-called pandemic.
  4. As a growing number of new COVID19 positives are among “vaccinated” patients, these inoculations are proving to be totally ineffective against the virus.
  5. Social distancing and the complete lockdown of the U.S. (and world) economy did nothing to stop the so-called pandemic. But they are planning to lock everyone down again shortly.
  6. The CDC has been unable to deliver a single sample of an isolated COVID19 strain. But they claim to now see many emerging variants of a virus they still can’t isolate.
  7. While the government experts fear-mongered the entire world out of all of their inalienable Natural Rights, they are now openly threatening to use the full force of the U.S. Military to force citizens into compliance with all of their Marxist agenda items, door-to-door now.

Are YOU responsible for all of this, all of the adverse effects, deaths and loss of freedoms associated with your “warp speed” vaccines? Or were you just duped by the global Marxist scientists responsible for creating the virus and the vaccines before you were even in office? (Like the rest of us)

Unless you want all of these deaths and adverse effects wrapped around your neck like a noose, you need to come clean with the American people on this matter and give Americans proper advice. It’s going to get much worse! You don’t want to claim credit for this one! STOP PROMOTING THESE LETHAL INJECTIONS!

#3 – You are now paying a heavy price for trusting people you never should have trusted.

I supported you entering the Washington D.C. sewer to “drain the swamp.” But you didn’t drain the swamp. Instead, you were eaten alive by the swamp every moment of every day you were in office and every moment since.

Because you didn’t “drain the swamp” while you were in power, you are no longer in power. Yes, massive fraud stole the election from you. We all know it. Adequate evidence of that fraud has existed in the public domain since the night of the elections when we all watched millions of Biden votes dumped in after dark in numerous locations. We all saw vote tallies taken from you and given to Biden in real-time on live TV.

The swamp still has to be drained and we are fast running out of time and opportunity to do it!

#4 – You are the ONLY American in the position to lead 80 million loyalists.

If you continue to squander this power by not leading the people to right this ship by exposing and overturning the 2020 elections, then you will have left your loyalists without any peaceful means of saving our Constitutional Representative Republic… and by the way, the United States is NOT a Marxist “democracy” or at least, it’s not supposed to be.

You either lead 80+ million Americans to STOP the global Marxist takeover of our country currently underway, and do it now, or the people were wrong to have ever placed their faith in you, myself included.

Like I said at the start of this open letter, as of this moment, I still believe that you have the best of intentions for America. But as long as the above issues remain a serious problem in your current stance, that faith in you will not endure for much longer.

If you really do have America’s best interests at heart, NOW is the time to prove it and act on it. Soon, this critical window of opportunity will pass. I plead with you to be the American we all thought, hoped, and prayed you were.

This is YOUR time Mr. President… don’t shrink from it! Don’t be conned out of your destiny by D.C. criminals, so-called legal experts, or TV talking heads.

Godspeed Mr. President!

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lex Greene:

COVID-19 Not a Virus:  Can Any Scientist Prove Dr. Stefan Lanka Wrong?

By: Devvy

A closed mind is a dangerous thing.

The brain washed never wonder.

Fear turns even brave individuals into a fragile state.  But, it’s how you handle fear that allows you to conquer it and face your enemy.

Latest data from VAERS with a reminder these numbers represent about 1% as there’s no mandatory requirement for reporting.  When I saw them last Friday, I thought, Mother of God, it’s starting.  Three months behind on posting data. I’m speculating but if all the data were posted from backlog to current the numbers at once, it would shock this country.

Deaths through July 7th:  9,048.  An increase of2,063 from June 25th posting.  The single largest spike to date.  Every single category posted has increases that continue to grow.June 11th dead:  5,993.  June 11 – July 7th the number of dead jumped 3,055.

You can go to the posting site and see not just the numbers but the horror stories:

VAERS ID:  1310120.  Pfizer injection.  Age 16, male, healthy.  The patient developed severe chest pain on the 4th day after the vaccine, he presented to the local emergency room and had the abnormal tests as described below. His symptoms improved rapidly but due to active myocarditis was given recommendations for limited activity to reduce risk of fatal arrhythmia.

Teens all over the country are having heart problems following one of those injections.  This just sickens me.  That 17-year old’s life is now completely altered.  Dad: My Son’s School Made Him Get a COVID Vaccine, Now He Has a Heart Condition

VAERS ID:  1442827.  Age 58, male.  35 days after injection.  No longer able to work.  Blood cholesterol, Hemiparesis, Vertigo, Dizziness, Impaired work ability, Dysgraphia, Lumbar puncture, Gait disturbance, Magnetic resonance imaging, Guillain-Barre syndrome, Multiple sclerosi.

VAERS ID:  1442826, female, age unknown.  Unbearable pain in vertebrae down to her ankles; May kill myself due to pain; cannot sleep; pain in bones; destroyed her daily living condition; inability to walk; pain in vertebra; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of SUICIDAL IDEATION (May kill myself due to pain) in a female patient of an unknown age who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch nos. 025621A and 049C21A) for COVID-19 vaccination.

Next, go to this section on the VAERS open data site.  The numbers are staggering.  Safe?  When you click on COVID related deaths, it will make you sick.  Those injections are not vaccines and if this were any other ‘virus’ than COVID, those shots would have been pulled the first week.  Why the exception for COVID injections setting a new record for deaths over all other vaccines?

My April 5, 2021 column, COVID Vaccines: Dead Must Be Autopsied, dealt with getting anyone who dies after one of those injections whether it was last Dec. or last week.  Why?  Because this so-called SARS-CoV-2 does not exist.  Every one of the tests being used is fraud, fakery.  The truth about using a PCR test continues to be heavily censored.

Those dying post-vaccine:  Where are the autopsies? Exclusive: Jane M. Orient, M.D., sounds alarm over lack of typical protocol with unexpected deaths, July 7, 2021.  Dr. Orient is executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, AAPS.

My December 28, 2020 column, No Governments Have Isolated COVID-19 Virus–What Does That Mean? covered quite extensively the problem with the existence of this SARS-CoV-2.  My June 28, 2021, column is a MUST read to understand this fraud perpetrated upon the world: COVID-19’s 800 Ton Elephant in the Room, zeroed in on the scientific fact that neither the CDC or any other government health agency or labs in the world could prove COVID-19 is a virus that exists.  Period.Since that is the case, what are people around the world being “vaccinated” for? 

Another horrifying ingredient in those experimental injections

Urgent Announcement: COVID-19 is caused by Graphene Oxide introduced by several ways into the body, June 25, 2021  –  “Today, La Quinta Columna has made an urgent announcement that they hope will reach as many people as possible, especially those involved in health and legal services, as biostatistician Ricardo Delgado, Dr. José Luis Sevillano and the team of researchers and professors with whom they have been conducting their research have confirmed the presence of graphene oxide nanoparticles in vaccination vials.

“In program nº63, the team showed some photos of the analyses carried out, specifically results obtained by optical and transmission electron microscopy observation, reserving the results of other techniques used for future programs. They also announced that the report based on all the techniques performed, which allowed determining the presence of graphene oxide, will be made official by the researchers who performed the analyses very soon.

“The masks being used and currently marketed contain graphene oxide. Not only the ones that were withdrawn at the time, as indicated by the media, the swabs used in both PCR and antigen tests also contain graphene oxide nanoparticles.

“The COVID vaccines in all their variants, AstraZeca, Pfizer, Moderna, Sinovac, Janssen, Johnson & Johnson, etc., also contain a considerable dose of graphene oxide nanoparticles. This has been the result of their analysis by electron microscopy and spectroscopy, among other techniques used by various public universities in our country.

“The anti-flu vaccine contained nanoparticles of graphene oxide and the new anti-flu vaccines and the new and supposedly intranasal anti-COVID vaccines they are preparing also contain enormous doses of graphene oxide nanoparticles. Graphene oxide is a toxic that generates thrombi in the organism, graphene oxide is a toxic that generates blood coagulation. Graphene oxide causes alteration of the immune system. By decompensating the oxidative balance in relation to the gulation reserves. If the dose of graphene oxide is increased by any route of administration, it causes the collapse of the immune system and subsequent cytokine storm.

“Graphene oxide accumulated in the lungs generates bilateral pneumonias by uniform dissemination in the pulmonary alveolar tract. Graphene oxide causes a metallic taste. Perhaps this is starting to make sense to you now. Inhaled graphene oxide causes inflammation of the mucous membranes and thus loss of taste and partial or total loss of smell.”  (Bold emphasis mine.)

Millions of Face Masks Officially Declared Dangerous  – “Andrew Maynard covers this issue in a article, “Manufacturers have been using nanotechnology-derived graphene in face masks—now there are safety concerns.” [3] Those concerns? Masks could create lung problems.  Of course, since COVID-19 is claimed to be a lung disease, you can see where that leads: the remedy turns out to cause what it’s supposed to prevent.”

One has to read my column cited above – the 800-ton elephant in the room – to get a full understanding of all the research that’s been underway since at least Dec. 2019 regarding the existence of SARS-CoV-2.  All of the exhibits are verified.  I checked every scientist and doctor in every exhibit to ensure no ‘fakery’ was being promulgated.  All of those doctors and scientists are some of the most qualified, experienced research scientists in the world from microbiologists, molecular biologists, nano scientists, virologists and other fields of research.

Such as Prof. Dolores Cahill, a molecular biologist.  World renown and respected in her field for 40 years, like all the rest of these courageous doctors and researchers – post COVID-19 are now smeared by the prostitute media and censored every which way from Sunday by the tech-giants who don’t want the world to know the truth.  It’s despicable what’s been done to all of them.

Dr. Stefan Lanka is a German biologist and virologist, although he has since shed the virologist category.  A bit of history beginning in 2015.  Dr. Lanka made headlines over in Europe after offering 100,000 Euros to anyone if they could prove the existence of the measles virus.  WHAT?

Anti-Vaxxer Biologist Stefan Lanka Bets Over $100K Measles Isn’t A Virus; He Wins In German Federal Supreme Court, January 21, 2017 – “By prophylactic vaccination of adults and especially children against measles, the pharmaceutical industry has earned Billions over a 40-year period. The judges at the German Federal Supreme Court (BGH) confirmed in a recent ruling that measles virus do not exist though. Furthermore: There is not a single scientific study in the world which could prove the existence of such virus so far. This raises the question of what was actually injected into millions of German citizens over the past decades.

“Five experts have been involved in the case and presented the results of scientific studies. All five experts, including Prof. Dr. Dr. Andreas Podbielski who had been appointed by the OLG Stuttgart as the preceding court, have consistently found that none of the six publications which have been introduced to the trial, contains scientific proof of the existence of the alleged measles virus.”

That wasn’t the end of it.  Who Is Stefan Lanka? Court Orders German Measles Denier To Pay 100,000 Euros.  No headlines for the ultimate outcome:  Dr. Lanka did not have to pay as their highest court upheld their conclusions:  German Court: “No Proof That Measles Virus Exists” and:

Anti-Vaxxer Biologist Stefan Lanka Bets Over $100K Measles Isn’t A Virus; He Wins In German Federal Supreme Court:

Genetics falsifies thesis of existence

“In the trial, the results of research into so-called genetic fingerprints of alleged measles virus have been introduced. Two recognised laboratories, including the world’s largest and leading genetic Institute, arrived at exactly the same results independently.The results prove that the authors of the six publications in the measles virus case were wrong, and as a direct result all measles virologists are still wrong today: They have misinterpreted ordinary constituents of cells as part of the suspected measles virus.

“Because of this error, during decades of consensus building process, normal cell constituents were mentally assembled into a model of a measles virus. To this day, an actual structure that corresponds to this model has been found neither in a human, nor in an animal. With the results of the genetic tests, all thesis of existence of measles virus has been scientifically disproved.

“The authors of the six publications and all other persons involved, did not realise the error because they violated the fundamental scientific duty, which is the need to work “legeartis”, i.e. in accordance with internationally defined rules and best practice of science. They did not carry out any control experiments. Control experiments would have protected authors and mankind from this momentous error. This error became the basis of belief in the existence of any disease-causing viruses. The expert appointed by the court, Prof. Dr. Dr. Podbielski, answering to the relevant question by the court, as per page 7 of the protocol explicitly confirmed that the authors did not conduct any control experiments.”

Where is the American media?  Are parents still forcing a measles vaccine for their child(ren) for a virus that doesn’t exist?  Dr. Lanka doesn’t deny measles exist, just that it’s not a virus.

In Jan. 2015, this measles virus we now know doesn’t exist took Disneyland by surprise and the circus cranked up from there.  Oh, my God, everyone running around in California screeching it was an epidemic!!  Everyone:  Hurry and vaccinate your children!! The CDC kicked into their emergency mode and vaccine manufacturers cha-chinged more billions.Vaccine Safety: Why Media and Politicians Lie

Having never heard of Dr. Stefan Lanka despite all the research I’ve done over the past 18 months, I was truly shocked at how much this one man has accomplished over his long career.  I watched a 22-minute video which includes a precise breakdown of Dr. Lanka’s control experiments.  The first 12 minutes threw me for a loop.  Watch that video.  By the end, I was numb.  Now, is this presentation scientifically accurate?I’m not a scientist so I don’t know.

Next, is an interview with Dr. Stefan Lanka.  7:28. The interviewer is a microbiologist.  “Dr. Stefan Lanka, Ph.D. is a German biologist and former virologist (he doesn’t like to be called that anymore). He has long been speaking out about the pseudoscientific methods used to prove the existence of so-called viruses and he’s now conducting a new study to disprove virology once and for all.”  What?

Dr. Stefan Lanka: “All claims about viruses as pathogens are false”.   June 17, 2021

Dr. Stefan Lanka & Dr. Tom Cowan: How We Got Into This Mess — The History of Virology & Deep Medical Deceptions – Video

Oliver Janich Interviews Stefan Lanka – 7 Ways To Prove That Viruses Do Not Exist– Video

Now, is Dr. Lanka’s research scientifically verified?  Apparently other microbiologists agree.  Any fact checking?  Yes, and as usual, it’s a vicious hit piece. The author relies on the big lie sold by the CDC regarding isolation.  Time will tell regarding Dr. Lanka’s experiments.

The one thing that cannot be disputed is all the research by all the scientists contained in Exhibits 4-7 in my recent column (there are probably more I don’t even know about):  No one can prove the existence of COVID-19.

Last year while doing research on viruses, I ran across several articles that also shocked me and a whole lot of scientists around the world:

Louis Pasteur was a Major Fraudster  /  Louis Pasteur and Questions of Fraud  /  READ:  Germ Theory Versus Terrain: The Wrong Side Won the Day

The truth regarding COVID-19 is picking up steam every day.  That virus does not exist.  Those injections are not effective.  How can they be for a virus that no one can prove exists? Those injections are not safe, they’re killing and maiming in ever increasing numbers.

Media blabber mouths who know NOTHING about this criminal con job are putting out the narrative that all private and employers must start forcing all employees to get a shot as a condition of keeping their paycheck.  The pressure being put on our military to take one of those injections is beyond obscene.  Soldiers say they’d rather muster out than end up with brain damage.  Who can blame them?

Remember last year?  Panic, fear.  Shut down states destroying the lives and livelihoods of tens and tens of millions of Americans.  Shut down the schools.  Force everyone (except me as I haven’t worn one once this whole time) to wear one of those face masks that even the CDC admits are meaningless:

Are Face Masks Effective? The Evidence. “A May 2020 meta-study on pandemic influenza published by the US CDC found that face masks had no effect, neither as personal protective equipment nor as a source control. (Source)”  California is once again issuing their draconian edicts:

California schools to require masks for fall classes — despite CDC guidance (And let’s not forget the NONSENSE called social distancing based on ZERO science.)

Let me once again provide just one warning out of hundreds of how those masks destroy the brain – especially children.  Poor test grades for this past school year:  Brain fog.  Damn those bureau-rats and school districts for what they’ve done to Americans of all ages with their mask BS. The long-term damage is done and is irreversible.

German Neurologist On Face Masks: ‘Oxygen Deprivation Causes Permanent Neurological Damage’  – Forcing children to wear them is child abuse.

Do I sound angry? Hell, yes, I am and it’s about time the American people get angry.  Our closed-minded governor, Greg Abbott, shut down Texas and issued his EO’s based on nothing but lies.  Over 10,000 bars and restaurants in this state closed and aren’t coming back.  He’s happy as a tick on a dog to promote those dangerous injections despite hammering by Texans like me.

I ask again:  How many more dead will it take?  How many more Texans will lose their paycheck for refusing to be a guinea pig for those injection manufacturers?  You can take money to the bank forced vaccinations are right around the corner because the American people (and worldwide) are being sold more BULL POOP with all these “new variants”.  Variants that mutate from a virusno one can prove exists.

I am sick and fed up with those – especially in the media – who continue to push for everyone to get one of those “safe” injections.  They all act like over 9,000 dead Americans so far are nothing but bothersome statistics. The dead have names and families grieving.  But that doesn’t matter to some journalists because getting one of those deadly shots is for “the good of everyone”.  Tough buns if your loved one dies; they’re considered acceptable collateral damage in the world of vaccines.

The media has been putting out in drips that late fall lockdowns will be back bolstered by this dose of propaganda: Five clusters of unvaccinated Americans making up 15 million people across 12 states are putting the entire country at risk of another surge in COVID-19 cases, analysis finds

Americans will need masks indoors as U.S. heads for ‘dangerous fall’ with surge in delta Covid cases – “There will be “two Americas,” said Dr. Paul Offit, a pediatrician and vaccine advocate who has served on advisory panels for both the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Food and Drug Administration. “There is the vaccinated America and the unvaccinated America, and I think the unvaccinated America is about to pay a price for that.”

Refusing to be Silent, Parents Come Forward to Describe How their Children Suffered Painful Deaths After Being Vaccinated  – Their stories are so heartbreaking.  “Amber Powers – CPS Threatened to take my twins at birth – shortly after being pressured to receive Tdap and Flu vaccine both twins died before birth…When I asked if the shots I had received mere hours before their death could have had any impact on what happened, I was laughed at and mocked; it was a coincidence I was told.

“One brave nurse told me that I wasn’t crazy, that she could lose her job for telling me this but that I needed to look into reporting to VAERS and pursue compensation from NVIC as it was not the first time she had seen a mother lose her babies within hours of vaccination.

“I was turned away from NVIC as my doctors would not corroborate my story and their deaths were ruled as natural causes. I have no other living children as I have suffered recurrent miscarriage ever since. They would be turning two this year, their names are Jubilee Rose and Levi Oliver.”  Governors and state lawmakers:  The dead have names.

Mask Generated Infectious Pandemics

A Group Of Parents Sent Their Kids’ Face Masks to A Lab for Analysis. Here’s What They Found

And when your child dies from respiratory pneumonia, sue the school district.

The same dictatorial restrictions will again be imposed on America this fall because tens and tens of millions of Americans refuse to get one of those injections.  I remember with great sadness and anger watching videos of my fellow Americans protesting outside their state capitols in states like PA and MI only to be crapped on by their governors.  They’ve lost their jobs, can’t put food on the table, pay their rent or mortgage while their governors and state lawmakers get theirs.  Fear, hysteria whipped to fever pitch by the prostitute media.

Too many to count sad, heart breaking stories of children unable to see their elderly parents except through a glass window or attend a funeral for a loved one who died from a virus that doesn’t exist.  Wedding plans, graduation plans – all that goes into making people’s lives enjoyable were all killed last year over a monstrous lie.

ER Doctor and Advanced Trauma Life Support Professor:  ‘I have never seen a patient sick with COVID-19.  We are being deceived and manipulated.’ March 14, 2021 – Read his My Personal Testimony Written as a letter November 2020, Repurposed for Publication March 1 2021, Updated April 2 2021

As I wrote April 20, 2020:  “22.3 MILLON Americans are now out of work in less than 30 days. 2.9 MILLION homeowners can’t make their mortgage payments. Businesses – particularly small business which are the backbone of our economy – are being ruined. Too many will never re-open.”

Do YOU want to see that happen again? For all those business owners who struggled to stay afloat just now clawing back to a profit margin – do you want to see it happen again?  It damn straight will UNLESS the American people get angry enough just like the 500,000 who marched in London a couple weeks ago against those injections being passed off as vaccines.

The biggest problem is the fear factor still baked into the brains of uninformed Americans.  Fear of COVID-19 and fear of being locked down again.  Fear of losing their paychecks or not being able to enroll their children in school this coming year because of ‘vaccine requirement’; colleges and universities, too.

Governors and State Lawmakers

All across this country parents have been raising long over due Hell with their school boards against the latest indoctrination effort called Critical Race Theory.  Now We the People have to do the same with our governors and law makers.  Once enough Americans do come to the only conclusion one can:  COVID-19 doesn’t exist, politicians are going to find themselves in a very difficult situation.  The longer they’re silent, the worse it will be for them at the ballot box.

Here in Texas it won’t be because the health safety committees (both House and Senate) hasn’t been given every bit of information I’ve been writing about all this time.  I have provided them with everything and to some degree, Gov. Abbott, telling him he’s got to stop all “vaccinations” for COVID-19 as the dead are starting to pile up.  The numbers WILL get to the level where the truth can no longer be hidden – even with crushing censorship by the prostitute media and tech giants.

And you know who the American people are going to blame besides the CDC & Fauci?  State lawmakers and governors.

Journalists and reporters can keep writing all about how that virus came from a laboratory in Wuhan, China.  The prostitute media started shifting gears about a month ago regarding the origin of that ‘virus’ which to me is a planned diversion to keep up the big lie COVID-19 exists and keep hidden from the general population the number of deaths and carnage from those experimental injections.

Don’t get me wrong, a lot of excellent research has exposed Anthony Fauci, the NIH, funding and so forth so that is good.  Nothing will come of it, of course, as nothing ever does but some more Congressional committee hearings and the exchange of political spit between the two parties. Keep reelecting the same incumbents, you get the same zero results.

Members of Congress can continue demanding an investigation.  The circus can continue but it all comes down to what I’ve said many times before:  Prove the virus exists, came from China and then start blaming the vile Communist Chinese. Remember, the head of the Chinese CDC said in an interview they never isolated that virus.  Somehow this has been ignored by scientists and lawmakers over the past seven months.

I know this is very, very difficult to accept.  Don’t take my word for it.  I’ve provided all the research in those aforementioned exhibits and likely there’s more I just haven’t found.  Yet.  Please, if you personally know a member of your state legislature, get a meeting set with you and as many others as possible and go over this lie that has brought the world to its knees.  Rationally and calmly explain no one can prove the virus exists.  Bring the exhibits I referred to above.  Tell he/she to get some of these scientists like Dr. Stefan Scoglio, Prof. Dolores Cahill and others to come testify in front of their committees.  With enough pressure from tens of thousands of constituents, there will have to be a response.He who shouts the loudest gets heard.

The lawsuits already filed are going to expose a mountain of lies.  The ones regarding the use of PCR tests and the so-called Emergency Use Authorization for those injections.  The EUA lawsuit filed in Alabama is a jury trial.  There was never any emergency and there still isn’t.  Imagine sitting on that jury and listening to Dr. Scoglio and other scientists explain COVID-19 doesn’t exist and here’s the proof.  The court room would erupt into chaos, the press would fill their pants and the genie would be permanently out of the bottle.  Probably won’t happen, but I sure wish it could.

For those in denial or just now becoming aware of what I’ve written, I ask the same questions I’ve asked all those committee members in our state legislature for months:  How is it all these scientists and doctors in several fields that were so respected, given awards, nominated for a Nobel Prize in Medicine pre-COVID suddenly become victims of incredible smear jobs by the media?  Whether over those injections or the non-existence of that ‘virus’.

Are they all “anti-vaxxers”?  Are they all conspiracy nuts?  Why were they all respected in their professional fields until they discovered the truth and are now vilified by media, shunned by colleagues, ripped by politicians and no nothings out there who haven’t done a lick of research?  Why, indeed.

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions.

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:


CDC Adds Over 2000 Deaths Associated with COVID-19 Shots in One Week – 917 Unborn Baby Deaths

Why didn’t any of them go to jail?  Covering up the link between autism and vaccines.

Pfizer Seeks Approval for Third Vaccine Dose — 3,988 Pfizer Vaccine Deaths so far This Year …Update: CDC and FDA Rebuke Pfizer


Dr. Igor Shepherd’s Talk About the Horrors of the Covid Vaccine: Full Transcript

The Unscientific Method and Its Use in Creating Covid

‘It is absolutely our business’ to know who gets vaccinated, Biden health secretary says

Before you watch the documentary, I highly recommend you read these 11 pages of notes as they are important:  PLANDEMICII: INDOCTORNATION

Plandemic Indoctornation World Premiere, August 18, 2020 – Documentary

640 DOCTORS, CV19 IS A GLOBAL SCAM – transcript below video

This is a transcript with updates.  It’s only six pages so please read. “We can actually see, and we will be able to provide comprehensive proof together in this committee of inquiry, that we do not have the plague or the killer virus. That is good news! But we really must ask ourselves: Why is it the way [it is]? Why are these measures in place? Who benefits?”

Not the people of the world.

Jan. 5, 2021:  Professor Dolores Cahill: People Will Start Dying After COVID Vaccine, Molecular Biologist and Immunologist.  So far, 9,048 with only 1% reported.

A cardiac surgeon and Professor of Surgery at the University of Washington recommends avoiding the flu shot and taking vitamin D instead. Donald Miller, MD, says “Seventy percent of doctors do not get a flu shot.”

The Rise and Fall of Tucker Carlson

By Cliff Kincaid

[DISCLAIMER: The opinion in this article is the sole opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

Tucker Carlson has become a Johnny one-note, pandering to those isolated and living in fear of the China virus vaccines.These are the modern Luddites, so consumed by fear of technological progress that they buy into the notion that they can somehow naturally overcome the effects of the Chinese bioweapon by taking vitamins.

The evidence shows that the vast majority of recent hospitalizations and deaths are in the unvaccinated.

Consider the tragic case of a 45-year-old Missouri mom who was so scared of vaccine side-effects that she died of Covid.

In Maryland, my home state, Gov. Larry Hogan says the unvaccinated accounted for 100% of Covid-related deaths in June, 95% of all new cases and 93% of hospitalizations.

Still, Tucker is harping on the alleged dangers of the vaccines.

You can be sure the Democratic Party is watching all of this and taking notes, preparing to stigmatize conservatives as Neanderthals who impeded progress during the pandemic. This will be the Democrats’ winning issue in 2022 and Republicans don’t seem to know what’s coming.

The public will turn on the Republicans as obstructionists who prolonged suffering and death. The anti-vaccine movement will be depicted as a cult, out of step with their own leader, former President Trump, who deserves credit for rushing the vaccines to a successful conclusion in record time.

When he’s not knocking the highly successful Trump Warp Speed vaccines, Tucker is featuring Edward Snowden enabler Glenn Greenwald, now in the lucrative business of being a thorn in the side to his former colleagues on the left. It’s getting tiresome. Greenwald is not the kind of person who should be featured on a so-called conservative news channel. But having left his left-wing colleagues behind, striking out on his own to make tons of money through the Substack social media platform, Tucker has become his ticket to fame and fortune.

Fox Business reports that Greenwald is making $80,000 and $160,000 every month from his newsletter on Substack. Tucker has made it possible. .

We have discovered, thanks to his own disclosures, that Tucker was under NSA surveillance. It turns out the surveillance was a result of his contacts with pro-Putin Russian operatives trying to arrange an interview with the former KGB colonel.

Tucker portrays himself as an innocent victim. But the controversy brings up another blind spot for Tucker – his unwillingness or inability to recognize Vladimir Putin as any kind of threat to the United States. His proposed interview with Putin would have been a series of soft balls.

It’s not surprising, therefore, that the NSA would have come into possession of his emails. The truly alarming aspect of the story is why Tucker’s name was revealed and who in the Biden Administration did the “unmasking.” I agree this is wrong and illegal. But Tucker should have told us more about his Russian connections.

Conservatives should be alarmed by Tucker’s increasing reliance on Glenn Greenwald as a reliable source of information. Greenwald assisted NSA/CIA defector Edward Snowden in moving to Russia to be protected by Putin’s thugs. He defected to Russia through Chinese Hong Kong. Snowden disclosed NSA capabilities in cyber warfare and is charged with espionage. He’s probably responsible for sophisticated Russian cyber warfare capabilities today that have targeted our pipelines and businesses.

Lt. Gen Ion Mihai Pacepa, the highest-ranking Soviet bloc intelligence official ever to defect to the West, called the Snowden affair “a well-prepared Russian intelligence operation” against the United States and concluded that Snowden was “an agent of the Russian foreign intelligence service.”

Greenwald made it possible. I wrote about all of this in my book, Blood on His Hands: The True Story of Edward Snowden.

Pacepa died from Covid-19, a Chinese bioweapon. His colleague, Ronald J. Rychlak, Distinguished Professor of Law at the University of Mississippi School of Law, told me, “Pacepa took the threat of the virus seriously. He and his 92-year-old wife tried to avoid the risk as best they could. The virus prevented at least one, probably two meetings he and I would have had over the past year. It also stopped my research in Rome for the second edition of Disinformation that we were working on.”

The book’s full title was, Disinformation: Former Spy Chief Reveals Secret Strategies for Undermining Freedom, Attacking Religion, and Promoting Terrorism.

All of this disinformation is being brought to bear on the debate over Covid-19 and the vaccines. It is resulting in more lives lost to the virus.

In the case of the deceased Missouri mom, who failed to get vaccinated, her own mother said, “She was afraid of the side effects [of the vaccine], I think. You hear a lot of horror stories. I, myself, when I had the shot, it was rough, so it scared her and freaked her out. So she didn’t want to do it. I couldn’t convince her.” The deceased mother caught the virus from her son, who got it at his junior high school.

All of a sudden, Alex Berenson, who wrote a good book on the dangers of marijuana, has popped up with frequency on Tucker’s show to pontificate on the virus. I can’t figure out why he has become such an expert on Covid. He’s a journalist, but that doesn’t necessarily qualify him as an expert on this or that. His marijuana book was heavily documented. His pamphlets on Covid are very thin and rushed into print to take advantage of public concern and hysteria. Tucker is happy to oblige.

Now, following Greenwald’s lead, he’s making money on Substack. He doesn’t even advertise his marijuana book anymore, preferring to claim he’s on top of “unreported truths” and writing a book about Covid called PANDEMIA. A “founding member” has to spend $300.00 a year to subscribe to his writings.

Tucker can make these people rich through exposure on his show and he’s making millions as well. But he is risking the survival of his program by rushing to judgment and pandering to a small segment of his audience that thinks the Trump Warp Speed vaccines were a Tony Fauci plot. He’s risking the health and well-being of his audience.

At this stage in the pandemic, with more than 600,000 Americans dead, it’s clear the new vaccine technology endorsed by Trump holds out the hope of defeating this dangerous super-virus and returning our nation to a period of normalcy. That’s why Trump has repeatedly urged adults to take the vaccine.

But Tucker is standing in the way of progress. He has become a leading anti-Trump figure in the media when he should be thanking Trump and getting his own jab on national TV.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

America, Why Will Ye Die?

By Butch Paugh

In Deut. 30:15-20, God tells us as individuals as well as nations that He has said before us life and good, and death and evil.  He has given each of us a choice for ourselves to live or die and the duty to demand good (righteousness) and life for our society!  Societies (nations) are made up of individuals!  Such individuals are accountable on how they influence their society!  Truly righteous individuals cannot “peaceably” co-exist with evil!  If we are not in contention with evil and facing confrontation every day, then we are part of that evil!  To remain silent and try to remain neutral is a denial of the one you say you serve!  You are a hypocrite!  And we know that no hypocrite (unrighteous person) shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven!  ((I Cor. 6:9) My dear reader, let’s not deceive ourselves!  James 1:22 clearly tells us that to be a hearer and not a doer of the Word means we are deceiving ourselves into damnation!  Rom.2;13 makes it even clearer, just hearing the Word and not doing the Word makes us unjust (sinners) before God!

But we serve a genuinely loving, merciful, and forgiving God if we are willing to repent and turn from our wicked ways! ( II Chron. 7:14)   This applies to individuals and nations!  But repentance and turning away from evil is demanded!

He asks us in Ezekiel 18:30-32 and also in chapter 33:10-15 why will we choose evil and death over life and good?!  He is not willing that any should perish, and He takes no pleasure in the death of  the wicked!  (II Pet. 3:9)

America has become as Sodom and as Gomorrah because the mass of the people love it to be so! (Jer. 5:31)  Even most of the denominations, sects, or how the Bible calls denominations, “heresies” love to have it so.  They have become “proud” of the sin of sexual perversion (Is. 3:9, II Pet. 2:1) -look up “heresies” in your Strong’s Concordance)  We, as a nation, and even most individuals no longer even blush or become angry with the sin and desecration that has become the norm in America!  (Jer. 6:15, Ps. 7:11)

Now, I fully realize that what I am about to say will shock and anger many, but it has to be said because it is the truth!  For the people who attend the “tickle my ears fellowships” and the “name it and claim it” social clubs, this is going to shake your world so you might want to stop reading now!  America is not dying!  America is dead!  She doesn’t need a revival!  She needs to be resurrected!  The corpse is already rotten and a stench in the nostrils of God and of His true children and joint heirs with Christ!  No, not those professing salvation through, but those who possess salvation through Christ with the fruit (works) of  salvation proving to the world that they are the redeemed of God!   (Mt. 5:16-7:15-20, James 2:22-26)  As a matter of Biblical fact, if you are not greatly troubled by the wickedness in society today you are not living righteously in Christ!  (II Pet. 2:7-8A vexed, or troubled heart and soul is a “mark” of a true believer!  (Ezek. 9:4Very few church goers are being, or even trying to, exhibit the pure “light” of Christ and they certainly are not “salty” in Christ!  This is the reason the name of Christ is mocked in our nation and He has been “kicked” out of our institutions” He has departed from most of so-called churches and heresies voluntarily and written “Ichabod” on their doors!  (Matt. 5:13, I Sam. 4:21)

Speaking for and about myself, I have to admit that I feel ashamed that although I have endeavored to preach and teach God’s Word for over forty years, I did not have a much greater burden and zeal to expose and stand against the lawlessness (sin) that is all around me and, God forgive us, being tolerated by most “Christians” and openly embraced by many!

Ecclesiastes 8:11 states, “Because sentence against an evil work (crime) is not executed speedily, therefore the hearts of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil (lawlessness)” We in America cannot blame our civil “leaders” because we were to be the “government” and demand righteous leadership!  And the church was to be the “influencer” of society to guide and lead the people into righteousness!  John Adams said, “the church is the moral compass of society”.  The great preacher Johnathan Edwards said, “The only way we can know whether we are sinners is by knowing His moral law.”  Louis Berkof stated, “The civil law is simply the application of the principles of moral law to the civic and social life of the people in all its ramifications”.

Charles G. Finney said:

“If immorality prevails in the land, the fault is ours in a great degree.  If there is a decay of conscience, the pulpit is responsible for it.  If the public press lacks moral discrimation, the pulpit is responsible for it.  If the world loses its interest in religion, the pulpit is responsible for it. If Satan rules in our halls of legislation, the pulpit is responsible for it.  If our politics become so corrupt that the very foundations of our government are ready to fall away, the pulpit is responsible for it. Let us not ignore this fact, my dear brethren; but let us lay it to heart and be thoroughly awake to our responsibility in respect to the morals of this nation.”

You see, my friend, all “true” crime is a sin!  A crime against God and His moral law!  Many things have been made a crime by man’s standards but are not a crime (sin) by God’s standards. [Conspiracy” is one of the broad brushes governments paint with when there is no victim to an alleged crime”.  “Malum Inse” God’s law verses “Malum Prohibta” – man’s law!  Let’s look at some examples of the two.

(1)  Stealing — Against God’s law with strict consequences, but made legal by man’s law and it’s called massive taxation and millions “stealing” through fraud!  Lying to receive monies from the civil powers stolen from honest people!  All liars go to Hell!  (Rev. 21:8)

(2)  Murder — Against God’s law and requiring the death penalty, but legal under man’s law.  75,000,000 babies slaughtered in the name of Constitutional freedom.  Man’s law again has been made an idol to many.

(3)  Fornication — (shacking up) Adultery (sex outside of wedlock by married people) Both okayed by man’s law system, but both worthy of death under God’s laws!  We even give fornicators funds for living together and having bastard children!  By the way, in (I Cor. 6:9) fornicators are the first group listed that will not enter God’s Kingdom!

(4)  Sexual Perversions — Rape, worthy of death by God’s law, but normally lightly punished by man’s law.

(5)  Sodomy — Homosexuality – An abomination in God’s eyes, and worthy of death, but celebrated protected and glorified by man’s law.

(6)  Lesbianism — Same as above!

(7)  Bestiality – Again an abomination in God’s eyes, but never mentioned to speak of by man or his law system!  Although it is much more likely that an individual will be punished by man’s law for hurting or causing harm to an animal then for harming a human.  75,000,000 murdered babies can attest to that fact!  We could continue this comparison for more pages, but enough has been said to prove the point!

“So called” Christians that attend many denominations (heresies) today not only tolerate many of these crimes against God, but celebrate the “freedoms” to commit them!  The Episcopal, United Methodist and many Baptist denominations now ordain women in offices of leadership in their corporations they call churches, including that of being a pastor!  Clearly an unGodly act.  Search the scriptures for yourself on this one!

The Episcopal, Methodist, Church of Christ and Presbyterian Churches all uphold the murder of unborn babies.

It’s hard to believe and beyond disgusting to know that many Catholic sects along with many Baptist branches, the Church of Brethren and Mennonites, Presbyterian, Anglican, Quakers, Episcopal, Church of Christ, Methodist, Pentecostal, Lutheran, Seventh Day Adventists, Charismatic, Unitarian, all support sexual perverts, sodomites, lesbians trans and more.  Not all who perhaps attend a fellowship of these sects support this filthy act for sure, but I must say this!  If you claim to be a part and use the name of any of these sects, you are, to a great extent, giving them credibility!  Shame on you!

In closing let’s read a quote from Dietrich Bonhoeffer:

Silence in the face of evil is itself evil:  God will not hold us guiltless.

Not to speak is to speak.  Not to act is to act.

The truth of the matter is this.  America needs resurrected because the church died!  Let’s stand united as the remnant of Christ’s True Church in Christ and abide by His Word and Law system and get in the face of the evil (lawlessness) that’s all around us!  Put on the whole armor and fight for righteousness and lost souls!

(John 14:1, Neh. 13:17, Prov. 28:4, Jude 1:3)

In Christ’s Service,

© 2021 Butch Paugh – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Butch Paugh:

Agenda Driven School Boards Ignore Parents, Part 3

By Roger Anghis

In recent days we have seen parents and students take on the school boards.  These school boards rarely have opposition from the parents and almost never from the students so when the parents come out in mass the school boards freak out and many times cancel the meeting.  I believe that they do this because they will be attempting to implement policies that the parents will oppose to a great extent.

Just a few days ago a 9 year-old student in Minnesota read the school board the riot act for allowing BLM flags, posters on their campus after she was told by the principal that she could do nothing political. “The other day I was walking down the hallway at Lakeview Elementary School to give a teacher a retiring gift. I looked up on to the wall and saw a BLM poster and an Amanda Gorman poster. In case you don’t know who that chick is, she’s some girl who did a poem for Biden’s so-called inauguration. I was so mad,” the child began in a video posted on social media.

“I was told two weeks ago at this very meeting spot, no politics in school. I believed what you said at this meeting, so at lunch I went up to the principal to tell him about the BLM poster and that I wanted it down,” the young girl stated at a school board meeting on June 8.

Showing more spirit than most adults, she continued: “I was stunned. When I was here two weeks ago, you told us to report any BLM in our schools. Apparently, you know they’re in our schools because you made the signs.” When she questioned why they were there when the school board previously banned the posters, the principal told her they would not be removed and that the school board themselves were the ones that put them up.

She bluntly called the school board members liars.

“You have lied to me and I am very disappointed in all of you,” the girl chastised. “You can’t even follow your own rules. If you’re going to do that, why do we follow any rules we deem unfit or ridiculous? I’m not following your mask rule anymore then.”

The little girl ended with an admonition: “Get the posters out of our schools. Courage is contagious, so be courageous.”[1]

Most adults wouldn’t have the guts to talk to the school board like that.  I’m glad to see a student decide to take a stand.  She even told them to take their mask rule and stick it.

Then we have the school board in Laudon, Virginia that thinks they have the right to do whatever they want regardless of the safety of the students. They are proof positive that political correctness is based on stupidity.  The Loudoun County School Board in Virginia cut off public comment during a meeting on Tuesday as residents debated contentious transgender policy proposals and Critical Race Theory.

County residents arrived early to pack the auditorium as 259 residents signed up to speak during the public comment session before the debates became so heated that at least two men were eventually arrested for refusing to leave the building. The men were protesting the policy.

The parents debated a draft of the proposed 8040 policy on restrooms that reads that ‘students should be allowed to use the facility that corresponds to their gender identity,’ as school district leaders say they are moving to make schools more inclusive for transgender students – something that is considered by some parents as challenging traditional religious beliefs.[2] This is the same school that suspended a teacher for refusing to call a biological male a female and a biological female a male.  It is amazing how some people will blindly follow the fools of this world.

In California an entire school board resigned because they were caught on a Zoom call referring to parents with profanity: Members of the Oakley Union Elementary School District Board in California came under fire after a virtual board meeting on February 17. The problem? The board couldn’t resist trash-talking parents—but didn’t realize the meeting was being broadcast to the community.

During the public meeting, the San Francisco Bay Area school board members completely let loose when it came to their frustration with parents—making disparaging comments and even using profanity.

Are we alone?” board member Kim Beede asks, not realizing the meeting was already open to the public, before lamenting about parents questioning the district about schools reopening for in-person learning. “B***h if you’re going to call me out, I’m going to f**k you up.”

The president of the school board, Lisa Brizendine, echoed Beede’s annoyance at being targeted by parents demanding answers. “They forget that there’s real people on the other side of those letters that they’re writing,” Brizendine responds. “It’s really unfortunate that they want to pick on us because they want their babysitters back.”[3] It’s disgusting to see these board members get upset because parents want them to do the job they were hired to do.

In Florida where all COVID restrictions have been lifted parents attended a school board meeting arguing against the mask policy.  Twenty-five parents had turned out to Tuesday’s Pinellas County School Board meeting, some with their children, to argue against a masking policy to combat the coronavirus.

Things were fine until they tried to leave. Several parents said school district police stopped them, saying they had to wear masks in order to walk through the building.

One, Kari Turner, was arrested in front of her two children. On a video that circulated around social media, her teenage daughter can be heard shrieking, “That’s my mom! That’s my mom!”

School district police charged Turner, 40, with battery on a law enforcement officer, trespassing, and disorderly conduct.

“The individual refused to wear a mask, which began a series of events that led to the arrest,” said spokeswoman Isabel Macarenas. A more detailed report will be available later, and School Board chairwoman Carol Cook promised, “we will be completely transparent.[4]  Keep in mind that the mask requirement was rescinded by Governor DeSantis so why were they still requiring them to wear masks?

This is how far the government has gone. They demand the right to control all you do. It isn’t the fact that you won’t comply with their demands that really bothers them.  It’s your light shining on them and exposing their demand to be a dictator that bothers them.  We need to see a lot more of that.  A lot more.

© 2021 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. You have lied to me 9 year old girl puts Minnesota school board to shame over blm posters
  2. Loudoun County Virginia school board CUTS public comment transgender policies
  3. School board caught on zoom call badmouthing parents resigns after controversy
  4. Police arrest parent after Pinellas school board hearing on mask rule

How Do We Get There From Here?

Ms. Smallback

Last week I introduced my understanding that the current events in our nation were more about God than our political climate.  I’ve read your emails and will address most of your questions and concerns.

Ask the Spirit to give you a fresh revelation of God.  This is not to imply that you do not know God and do not have your own revelation(s) of God.  But for this purpose of wanting to see where we are as a nation under attack, ask God for a fresh revelation of “He who sits above the circle of the earth.”  [Is. 40:22]  Ask Him for a fresh revelation of “He who sits in the Heavens and laughs” at the kings and rulers of the earth who have aligned against Him.  [Ps. 2]

Understand that I am presenting under the premise of a cosmic war.

When I was teaching my forty-hour class, the Spirit of the Lord really impressed upon me that the great Exodus from Egypt was a showdown between the God of Israel and the gods of the current world power:  Egypt.

The great magicians of Egypt were expert diviners.  Balaam and his sons, Jannes and Jambres, (Jasher 79 and 2 Tim. 3:8) led the rebuttal of the shows of power between what the God of Israel and the gods of Egypt could do.  They were able to replicate the first acts of power.  Why?  Because a man can turn water into blood or a rod into a snake?  No.  Because they were given power from their own gods, the gods of Egypt, just as Moses was given power from his God.

It’s really no different today; religion has just sophisticated the battle.  We don’t look at it as gods against God.  We’ve somehow lost the perspective of supernatural deities and relegated them strictly to an institutionalized church with neat little side comments, but no real solid teaching.We make sidebar mention of cults, but never address the spiritual reality of the truth of the matter.  (Which is part of the reason the institutional church will rise up as an adversary to those who walk this out.)

It’s still a little disconcerting to me that we can look at the symbolism of modern entertainment, whether it be movies or music or even the sports arena, and not see the homage to their gods.  How can we not look at things like the Olympics opening ceremonies and the ceremony for Cern and not realize they are engaged in rituals that draw on the powers of darkness and their gods?  Truly the god of this world has worked overtime to blind the eyes of God’s people.

The fact of the matter is the foreign gods of the uncircumcised nations has infiltrated the nations of the covenant.  (I could write a whole paper on this alone.)

Our patriarchs were no better.  When Levi and Simeon killed the city of Shechem, in order to protect the family of Israel Jacob instructed his family to put away their foreign gods.  Why in the world would Jacob’s family, the heirs of Abraham’s covenant with Yahweh, have foreign gods?  And yet they did.  (Genesis 35)

When God instituted the Passover, He plainly said it was to execute judgment against the gods (elohiym, deities) of Egypt.  (Ex. 12:12)  He didn’t say they were false gods.  He didn’t say they were idols.  He said they were deities.  And the Supreme God posited Himself against these lesser deities as an epic showdown.  Remember that in Exodus 8, Egypt’s magicians could no longer replicate the signs (plagues) of Moses and said to Pharaoh, “This is the finger of God.”  (They used the term for a deity instead of the Name of the Supreme God because they did not know the name of the Supreme God.)

[Look at Jasher 79:43-47

“And when the king saw this thing [Aaron’s rod swallowed up the magicians’ rods], he ordered the book of records that related to the kings of Egypt, to be brought, and they brought the book of records, the chronicles of the kings of Egypt, in which all the idols of Egypt were inscribed, for they thought of finding therein the name of Jehovah, but they found it not. 44. And Pharaoh said to Moses and Aaron, Behold I have not found the name of your God written in this book, and his name I know not. 45. And the counselors and wise men answered the king, We have heard that the God of the Hebrews is a son of the wise, the son of ancient kings. 46. And Pharaoh turned to Moses and Aaron and said to them, I know not the Lord whom you have declared, neither will I send his people. 47. And they answered and said to the king, The Lord God of Gods is his name, and he proclaimed his name over us from the days of our ancestors…”]

No, they do not know the Name of our God.  They didn’t then, and most of them don’t now.

For understanding, use a concordance and look up “gods”, then look at the passages that accompany it.  Look at the song of Moses in Deuteronomy 32 and his historical account of the Israelites sacrificing “to demons who were not God, to gods whom they have not known, new gods who came lately whom your fathers did not dread.” [vs. 17]

Deborah reiterates it in Judges 5:8, “new gods were chosen, then war was in the gates.”

These are indictments for God’s chosen people aligning with the gods of the other nations, uncircumcised nations without a covenant with the Supreme God.

Consider Judges 10 when God admonishes His people to cry out to the gods they have aligned with, why call on Him?  God does not lie.  He wasn’t speaking anecdotally.   Judges 10:6 is explicit in the gods they were serving.

When Samuel cried out to God for the Israelites, God expressly told Samuel (8:8) that they had rejected Him for the other gods.  Study this out!  Recognize that the gods of other nations didn’t cease to exist.  They didn’t then and they haven’t now.

Both the problem and the solution are clearly presented in the Word of God.  The problem is humanity struggles to adhere to the Creator God and is continually tempted to entertain other gods, lesser gods, but gods nonetheless.  The solution is adherence to the Supreme God and it is found over and over and over again in the Scriptures.

I don’t have time to get into it, but reread the account of David and Goliath.  Look at 1Sam. 17:43 where Goliath cursed David by his gods.  David’s response was plainly to call upon the Name of the true God.  Look at 1Sam. 26:19 where David laments that people have tried to drive him from his inheritance of the true God and cajoled him to “serve other gods”.  These are not mere stories.  These are practical realities both then and now.

Now look at David’s prayer in 2Sam. 7, specifically verse 23 when he acknowledges that God has redeemed His people from Egypt and their gods.  As you walk through the rest of Scripture you will see a people group who struggled to walk with loyalty to the God who created and redeemed them.  Various deliverers were raised at various times to once again establish the unmatched sovereignty of the true God.

From Gideon to Samson, from Deborah to Josiah, there is no shortage of people raised at different times who put aside the influence of other gods and adhered to the true God, bringing deliverance to God’s people.

Enter Christ.

Enter a better covenant, the new covenant (new testament).  Now the people of Yahweh, Jehovah, the Creator God are not relegated to a boundary in the Middle East.  Now the people of the Supreme God are not relegated to a bloodline or the religious tenets of Judah.  Now the people who want to follow the true God have access through the sacrifice of His Son.

But you say, America is Babylon.  No, America is not.  (I used to think that.)  America is the seed of Abraham, the people of Manasseh and Ephraim.  The bloodlines have been traced; the migratory patterns of the people are documented.  I can point you to resources to help your understanding, just write me.

Babylon is not a place, it’s a system.  It roots back to Nimrod’s rule and the tower of Babel where the nations of the earth aligned to overthrow God, and God responded by scattering the nations and removing the Noahite Covenant with them.  He abandoned the nations to the lesser gods (Deut. 32:8).  [See Dr. Heiser’s expose on this here and here.]

God established His covenant with Abraham and Abraham’s seed.  The people of the covenant became the benchmark for finding the true God.  God has never abandoned His covenant with Abraham.  Abraham’s seed were to become nations that blessed the other nations (“and in him all nations on the earth will be blessed.”)  [Gen. 18:18]

Babylon, the system of the lesser gods was deeply embedded in the world, whether it be socially, economically, religiously or politically, this system has steadily grown through empire after empire, people group after people group.  They have never altered from their course to corrupt mankind, to turn mankind from the Creator.  This system has systematically enslaved humanity to corruption of every kind.  From serving other gods, to polluting humanity’s DNA, from transgressing the commands of God, to establishing wickedness in the upper echelons of society, Mystery Babylon is the religion and system of Nimrod and the nations who serve the lesser gods.  They have polluted even the Church of God with its false teachings and idol worship, its Nicolaitan hierarchy of a pyramid structure of man worship, and yes, even the sexual sins of Balaam.  [Rev. 2:14-16]

America is not Babylon, but it has been compromised by it.

But you say God does not protect the wicked, and America is replete with wickedness from its murderous abortion mills, to its insidious sexual perversions, from its injustice to the weak and poor and righteous, to its underground and undercover satanic perversions and child abductions, rapes and sacrifices.  America has bowed the knee to mammon and its economic structure serves the wicked while treading down the righteous.

Agreed.  You couldn’t be more correct.  God judges sin.  God will not save a nation because it (rightfully) claims to be the seed of Abraham, anymore than he saved the wicked religious population of Christ’s day.  (John 8:39-47)  As John the Baptist said (Luke 3:8), God is able to raise up sons of Abraham from the stones, and the axe is at the root of the trees to cut off the unfruitful.

But you say the sons of Abraham are the believers of Christ.  Agreed.  Galatians 3:7 is not lost on me and is very relevant today:

Gal 3:7-9  NASU

Therefore, be sure that it is those who are of faith who are sons of Abraham.  The Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, preached the gospel beforehand to Abraham, saying, “ALL THE NATIONS WILL BE BLESSED IN YOU.”  So then those who are of faith are blessed with Abraham, the believer.

And this is where our victory is, this is what I’m trying to convey.  Because we are the sons of Abraham by both the Abrahamic covenant and the Messianic covenant, we can call on the covenant blessings and protections.  We can save our nation by calling upon the Name of the God of our nation.  We only need to “put away the foreign gods.”  We only need to repent of our sin.

Do you see it yet?  Moses, Joshua, Gideon, Samuel, David, Elijah, Elisha, Josiah, Peter and Paul and ALL the seed of the covenant that confronted both the people and the deities they were in the midst of called upon the Name of the true God and were delivered.  Were the people in their nations righteous?  Were the nations themselves righteous?  Nope.  None of them were.  Yet God is concerned with His Name.

In the epic showdown between Baal and Jehovah, the people in Israel were worshiping Baal, NOT Jehovah.  There was a man willing to stand and confront the wickedness of both the King and Queen, AND the god they were endorsing.  Where are our Elijahs????  When the music and entertainment industry endorse their gods, where are our Elijahs???  Who is confronting them by standing on the truth of the Supreme God?

When the political systems and unrighteous political heads oppress their people and enforce tyrannical laws, who is confronting them with the truth of the Supreme God???

When the economic system of mammon adulation and enriching the wicked lives by extorting the working and righteous, who is confronting them with the truth of the Supreme God???

When the school boards and county commissions are parading their perversions into our children’s lives and oppressing our communities with their corrupt and wicked rules, who is confronting them with the truth of the Supreme God???  What about the election boards?  What about the attorney generals and judges who continue to pervert justice and reward the wicked?

We do not wring our hands in despair.  We are not to be like Saul’s army where David’s brothers were quaking at the threat of the uncircumcised Philistine army and its giant(s).  We are to be like David who asks who dares to defy the living God with mockery and threats.  It matters not where the battle is, whether in the political realm, the judicial system, the economic constructs or even the pulpit of the institutional church.  If we know our God and we understand our position in Him, we cannot fail.  He desires to make His Name known that the people of the earth will come to Him and abandon their lesser gods.  How will they know His greatness if we do not demonstrate it?  Why would they forsake their gods of perversion and corruption when they pay so well if they cannot see the reward of serving the living God?

Whether Trump is reinstated or not does not leave Americans helpless.  Yes the election fraud should be contested and rectified.  Yes there’s a plan to move America and the world into a global tyranny through covid.  Yes foreign actors have infiltrated our industries and even our soil.

No I don’t think political leaders are going to represent Christ and call on the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  We should not expect them to.  They’ve been infiltrated by the gods of the nations.  WE, every Christian who understands Christ’s covenant with us and God’s covenant with Abraham, must take our places on the battlegrounds before us and call upon the Name that is superior, the Name of the Creator and Supreme God to defend His covenant and His people.

When a tornado is headed for your city you don’t pause to take inventory of how righteous the city is before you address the threat.  You rebuke the destruction.  If the tornado is deterred, you’ve saved the city.  If it skips your home and destroys your neighbors, you’ve saved your family.  This is the attitude we must take, and to do so we must recognize that the gods and their followers have arrayed themselves against THE God and His.  Take your places and be the true sons and daughters of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, through Christ.

© 2021 Ms. Smallback – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ms. Smallback:

Public Disservice Announcements

By Michael Peroutka

For more than a year, agencies of state and local governments have purchased airtime on radio stations to reinforce unscientific and unlawful mandates to wear masks and stay 6 feet apart.  Now, there is a full court press to influence you, to scare you, even to bribe you to be a guinea pig in an experiment they are calling a “vaccine.”

These advertisements presuppose that the virus was, and remains, a serious threat to health.

But this is not true.

Whatever the COVID-19 virus is, or was, its morbidity rate is so low that the actions taken by governors to destroy the economy, destroy the election process, destroy the constitution, destroy the healthcare system, and destroy the rule of law, were totally unnecessary even if they had been lawful.

Which they were not.

So, the public service announcements amount to a fraud designed to cover a fraud.

They are using your tax dollars to run ads to continue the hoax of COVID-19.

The State Constitutions provide methods for redressing these atrocities, but they are not self-enforcing documents.

Those we elect must act.

State Legislatures can, and should, impeach and remove lawbreaking governors and other complicit politicians.

Attorneys General (as well as local law enforcement agencies and prosecutors) can, and should, investigate and indict those who have misused the police power of the State to violate the rights of the people.

That is their duty.  That is their job.

And, public service announcements should not be used to do the public a disservice.

© 2021 Michael Peroutka – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Michael Peroutka:

Sign up for a FREE U.S. Constitution course with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution.

Update On: “Save A Young Mothers Life”

By Jytte Walter

Dear NWV Readers,

As promised, this is an update about my daughter-in-law’s, Tiffany, cancer treatment progress at the Hope4Cancer clinic in Tijuana, Mexico.

She is now back home again and baby Keira is so excited, she wants to cuddle with her mom all the time. Daddy, Sten, is happy to have his wife back! It’s wonderful to have her home again. Every three months, for a whole year, she will return to the clinic for a weekend of treatment and further testing and then return to continue treatment at home.

We are very excited to report that after three weeks of treatment, her breast tumor has already shrunk a little! What a blessing! Needless to say we are all getting a little relief. In the letter below, Tiffany tells her story of the emotions she went through when first finding out she had breast cancer, her experience with seeing various conventional doctors and how she finally decided on the integrative way of treatment. I think you will find it very enlightening and highly recommend you pass it on to someone you know in the same situation.

You may follow her journey in beating breast cancer on or on your smart phone. Her user name is: newborn living. You have to download the app on your smart phone. This way you can see it in real time. She will continue posting on Instagram and through her year long treatment.  You may also communicate with Tiffany via email at  and NWV will also continue with periodic updates.

Again, thank you so much for your support!

E-Mail Jytte Walter:

The following letter was written and posted by Tiffany Kerwin on her Go-Fund-Me page.


Why I Choose An Integrative Approach To Fight Breast Cancer

By Tiffany Kerwin

Hi Everyone,

First, let’s talk about the role of fear. When you hear the words “you have cancer”, your whole world gets flipped upside down, your emotions go sky high, mental chaos ensues and you barely hear the words spoken after that.

Physically your body seizes, cortisol floods your body, fight or flight kicks in, your heart races and drops to your feet and ultimately you’re in a complete state of shock.

It’s impossible to have a clear thought, suddenly your body starts shaking and the tears pour out like a waterfall.

Nothing will ever prepare you for the words “you have cancer”.

The first few weeks are a blur. Suddenly you have a million things on your schedule, doctors visits, scans, poking, prodding, white coats, clip boards… all you really hear is Charlie Brown’s teacher. You know, the inaudible “blah blah blah”.

Fear sits with you, looming over you. Ultimately dictating what you will do… IF you let it! You CANNOT make life altering decisions based on heightened emotions and fear… yet conventional doctors capitalize on this and it’s why we “believe” that surgery, chemo and radiation are the only way. (Not to mention how they down talk holistic care… again this is what they’re taught and rarely do they do their own research to know for sure and don’t get me started on the “studies” they quote to “prove” their point)

For me, I knew I needed to sit on these emotions, let the shock take its course, BUT I also knew I could not live in that space. Clear, precise action needed to be taken. FEAR had no place here!

Denial crept in for a little bit after all my blood tests kept coming back normal. “If the blood panels show I’m good, then I must be cancer free, it’s benign” is what I kept telling myself.

Then, we got final results and it was Stage 3 Invasive Ductal Carcinoma AKA Breast Cancer  well, sh*t, so much for benign.

My husband and I knew we had to take action quickly. For me and my research brain, my task was to learn everything I could about ALL treatments.

I needed to know everything about conventional, integrative and straight up natural treatments. The more I could gather, the better to make an INFORMED decision. Everything the doctors told me, I would research. I didn’t just take their word for it. (Read that last sentence again)

I reached out to patients from different clinics asking about their Diagnosis, stages, what treatments they had done, and how their journey was to date.

I prayed. I listened. I sat on all the information I could. Friends sent me what they had learned (I had a team researching without knowing it) and then it came down to decision week.

I had “final” interviews with all the doctors in one week. We gave ourselves a deadline to make a decision on our course of  action by Sunday night of that week.

But here’s what sealed the deal for me to go with integrative medicine. It’s the best of both worlds. If you have been following me, you’ll know that I believe that there should be a beautiful synergy between conventional and holistic practices. As it gives you the full picture of what’s going on as well as having the resources to take care of all your needs.

In that week, when I sat with the oncologist, I looked him directly in the eye and asked him “ while you will be pumping me full of toxins with chemo, what will you be doing to help support my body and build my immune system and keep my liver, kidneys and overall health up to par?”

His response, “Well, I think what your husband and you are doing is really great.” (we had been doing a lot of holistic therapies to help build my body’s natural abilities to heal) but he offered nothing outside of his empty response. (“Typical!”, I thought to myself)

When I asked him if he had done any other research and education outside of conventional practices, he tried to dodge the question and essentially ended up trying to say not to go into debt with holistic practices and that conventional practices were “proven”. Followed by his pride in all the conferences he’d been to, etc, blah blah blah.

Every time I tried to talk about a holistic approach, he would nod his head “ok” and then he would change the topic and get back to “chemo is the way, followed by surgery and radiation to make sure we get it all.”

At this point I had learned enough to know that chemo doesn’t kill the cancer stem cells. It in fact exacerbates them!! In the long run, it makes the cancer stem cell stronger and more aggressive, which is partly why there is such a high recurrence within a few years. Not to mention why chemo is less effective next time because the stem cell got smarter and stronger, building a stronger resistance to treatment. (Remind me: why would I want to do this?)

What they’re doing with chemo is killing cancer cells (which is good) BUT they’re not getting to the root cause (bad)!. They’re not killing circulating tumor cells (CTCs)  [look up “Truth About Cancer” for deeper resources on this and cancer info] which is why cancer is “coming back”. Once they see the cancer is “gone” they tell patients they’re in remission. But more often than not, those CTCs are still there, waiting for their next opportunity to grow again.

Therein lies the problem… conventional doctors are treating ONE aspect. They are not looking at the WHOLE picture. They’re treating the disease, not the person. That’s an issue. A really big one!

So, when I asked how we would treat me as a whole and support my body while simultaneously poisoning it (let’s call a spade a spade here) How could I possibly work with a Doctor who didn’t have the whole picture of body, mind and soul? He didn’t understand how all three are integrated and affect each other.

The fact is you cannot separate any of them, every psychological reaction creates a physiological reaction! That’s the straight truth. Psychology 101.

How could I work with someone who thought science was smarter than the innate ability the body has to heal when given the right support??

I knew right then and there that integrative was the way to go. Not to mention every time he would talk about the cookie cutter, one-size-fits-all approach sent my insides SCREAMING.

After consulting with Hope 4 Cancer, speaking to their patients online, and reading through Dr. Tony’s book, it was an obvious choice!

All this to say, YOU have to be your own advocate. You need to interview your doctors, question everything, do your research before you sit down with them.  EDUCATE yourself! Make a list of questions, and hard ones too!

Ask ALL of the questions. This is YOUR body. This is your LIFE! Listen to your intuition! If it doesn’t feel right, honor that and explore WHY it doesn’t feel right. You owe it to yourself to understand. Without knowledge how can you make an informed decision?

The sad truth is, conventional doctors aren’t taught about health. They are taught about emergency and extreme situations. They are taught about SICK care. And we need that, don’t get me wrong, but that should be the minority of the time, not the majority! There is far TOO much medical intervention happening!

Pregnancy and birth is a perfect example of that. Women are created for childbirth, but conventional medicine has brainwashed us into thinking we “need” intervention to avoid complications. The truth is those interventions are creating HIGHER risks! Pitocin is one of the worst things you could give a woman. It doesn’t induce labor, 9/10 it prolongs it and puts stress on the mother and unborn child, often times leading to C-section.. something that could be totally avoided!

Now, I don’t want to demonize all conventional doctors. There are some that are waking up to the broader picture of health and doing the research and there absolutely IS a time and place for intervention. But we have a long ways to go until we reach that point of more open minded, progressive practitioners on a broader scale… who are looking at you as WHOLE!

I want to encourage you to step up and do the research. Seriously, this is your life! This is the difference between life or death!!

Cross your t’s, dot your i’s and feel good when you lay your head down at night that you are making an informed decision and that you are at peace! ♥

Do not let fear override you. Pray!  Seek wise counsel. Get hands on prayer, ask for healing. Trust that God wants health, healing and joy for you!

His will is NOT sickness, fear or death. That’s why he died on the cross to SAVE us! I have worked through quite a bit of spiritual and emotional work (and more to go) and I can confirm what the Bible says:

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” -Ephesians 6:12 NIV

Friends, there IS freedom! There IS healing! We are over-comers! We are fighting a battle against the enemy. He attacks us in so many ways everyday. There are spirits of infirmity. It’s all through the New Testament. Jesus healed the sick, cast out demons of sickness. Look it up.

You CAN do this. You CAN overcome whatever your obstacle is with Jesus! ♥ But you also have to do your part. Educate. Research. Learn. Ask. In all things, Pray.

E-Mail Tiffany:

Biden’s HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra Implies Possibly Forced COVID Vaccination

By Greg Holt

What about the fact that the vaccines are not exactly vaccines?

What if your personal health decisions were no longer personal?  What if as far as the COVID vaccines go you did not have a choice on whether or not to get vaccinated?

What if you lived in the country where this was happening or about to happen?  I have news for you – if Biden has his way, you will be living in that country.

“WASHINGTON — Faced with a steep decline in vaccination rates, President Biden said on Tuesday that his administration would send people door to door, set up clinics at workplaces and urge employers to offer paid time off as part of a renewed push to reach tens of millions of unvaccinated Americans.

But top health experts say that it is simply not enough, and that the president needs to take the potentially unpopular step of encouraging states, employers and colleges and universities to require vaccinations to slow the spread of the coronavirus.”  (Source)

Biden actually wants to send people door-to-door to harang us about the vaccines.  This strikes me as way to invasive, and brings on thoughts of Big Brother does it not?  “Requiring” vaccines?  That sounds like a communist police state, exactly what the Democrats are aiming for.  What business is it of the government’s if I am vaccinated or not?

According to Health and Human Service Secretary Xavier Becerra, it is “absolutely” the government’s business as to whether or not you and I are vaccinated.  See for yourself:

“The president has demonstrated that he is open to moving in any direction we can to help Americans get safe, be safe, feel safe.”

OK, well how about the fact that many do not “feel” safe taking these vaccines?  What about the fact that the supposedly “safe” vaccines are really not safe, autism, heart problems, unhealthy “ingredients” etc. – as well as killing people?

What about the fact that the vaccines are not exactly vaccines?  Well what are they you ask?  Ever hear of genetic modification?  How about experimental gene therapy?  These are what the “vaccines” really are.  The media however is going to (and is) lie to you saying these vaccines are perfectly safe or close to it, they are not.

Moderna, one of the original “vaccine” makers was founded on human genetic modification.  Moderna managed to use RNA to “reprogram” a human stem cell.  Sound scary?  Well it does to me, this science is no joke.

Think of it this way, these companies want to inject into your bodies a formula that will basically reengineer your cells.  Instead of your body’s cells functioning the way God designed them to, after injection, your cells (some of them anyway) will function how Moderna and Pfizer’s creation tells them to function.

“Pfizer, a 171-year-old Fortune 500 powerhouse, has made a billion-dollar bet on that dream. So has a brash, young rival just 23 miles away in Cambridge, Mass. Moderna, a 10-year-old biotech company with billions in market valuation but no approved products, is racing forward with a vaccine of its own. Its new sprawling drug-making facility nearby is hiring workers at a fast clip in the hopes of making history — and a lot of money.

The concept: By making precise tweaks to synthetic mRNA and injecting people with it, any cell in the body could be transformed into an on-demand drug factory.”  (Source)

So of course this all boils down to one thing, money – and lots of it.  And all at our expense.

By the way – are you aware that these vaccine makers have 100% indemnification?  Even if someone dies from one of the vaccines, and that death can be 100% proven to have been caused by the vaccine, the companies that make the vaccines are untouchable.  No one talks about that now do they?

If these vaccines are so safe and effective, then why I ask is there such a tremendous push, not to mention bribery to get people to take them?  Lately the radio ads, billboards, Internet ads etc. have really ramped up.  People are catching on and do not want to take the vaccines.

There is also the fact that people don’t like all the talk about being forced to take the vaccines- yet another way to curtail our God-given freedoms in order to force compliance.

According to Red State, HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra stated that we as Americans have a choice, but essentially, we had best make the “right” choice.  Doesn’t sound like much of a choice to me.

“We want to give people the sense that they have the freedom to choose,” Becerra said. “We hope people make the right choices. We want them to have the right information, but we are America. We try to give people as much freedom and choice as possible, but clearly when over 600,000 Americans have died, the best choice is to get vaccinated.”

It was also postulated that as the government spends billions of dollars to keep us healthy safe etc., that the government basically has the right to call the shots, no pun intended.

Our rights do not come from the government; our rights come from God.  We have a Constitution and a Bill of Rights for a reason – one of those reasons is to protect us from government overreach such as this.

Years ago the saying, “my body my choice” was used as a way for women to justify abortions.  Now things are headed in the exact opposite direction and it’s more like, “my body but the government’s choice.”

© 2021 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

Article sources:
New York Times
Dr. Carrie Madej
Red State
TCP News

American Education is Training for Dogs, Not Students

by Karen Schoen

A fact is a piece of information that can be proved with concrete evidence. An opinion is a view or judgment about something and can change often. Education is supposed to immerse the individual in facts so that whenever a decision is needed, the individual can make the most logical, common-sense decision.

Historical Facts: Thousands of white people died in the Civil War trying to end slavery. The voting rights act was passed in 1965. The Great Society Legislation passed in 1964-65, spending millions on urban renewal, medical care, housing, and transportation for rural and inner-city blacks.

Sensible conclusion: Discrimination/oppression of black people ended a long time ago.

While a fact refers to something true or real, which is backed by evidence, documentation, etc. Example: the moon’s temperature ranges from -298F at night to 224F during the day, which has been determined and confirmed by astronomers, scientists, and lunar landings.

On the other hand, opinion is what a person believes or thinks about something. Example: I think the moon is made of green cheese; it sure looks like it on a cloudy night, don’t you agree?

Facts make use of the left brain, and by using proper skills, the individual can reason, prioritize, and come to a logical conclusion. Once these skills are realized, the individual can make quick, common-sense decisions. Example: If in multiplication 5 x 3=15, then in division 15 divided by 3=5.

Facts are universal and only change when solid, verifiable evidence is found that refutes the fact. Example: For centuries, wise men believed the earth was flat. When explorers returned with evidence there is no end-point, the earth is round, and you can circumnavigate it, the fact was changed.

Opinions use the right brain where emotion will guide the decision, often making judgments without basis. Emotion is a learned response to a particular situation. Emotions are abstract and often personal, so they are easily changed.

A person can only think of one thought at a time. If only the left brain is developed, then the individual has little time for issues that involve emotional responses, i.e., art, movies. If only the right brain is developed, the individual can not reason, lacks common sense, and will often make decisions based on how things look rather than how they operate.

It’s very difficult to understand the relationship between SEL, CRT, and CRT because they are three different approaches to the same thing, Emotionally controlling the people.

Critical Race Theory: CRT is a Theory, a system of rules, procedures, and assumptions used to produce a result. Who’s opinion, who’s assumption, what if I disagree? Many common tactics in CRT training, including segregating people by race, race-shaming, ascribing certain attributes to people based on race, and ” claims that by virtue of race, a person is inherently racist or inclined to oppress others.” You must assume things to be true.

Social-Emotional Learning: SEL forces the child to see all issues under an emotional lens, often shutting down the right brain to logic and reason. Too often, the child gets so emotionally charged that they become unruly (so involved in their emotion) and no longer have the ability to express themselves. They no longer have the ability to listen to an opposing viewpoint because it doesn’t make them “feel better.” So Johnny, who had a bad feeling from reading about the boy who lost his life getting hit by a train, gets mad at the engineer instead of asking why the boy was on the track to begin with. Emotion overplays logic.

The purpose of school is to disseminate factual information for a person to store in their brain and use at a later time when needed to make informed decisions, i.e., common sense. However, a person thinking through emotion will never have a firm footing. They will constantly be thinking, how do I feel about that? How am I making others feel? Decision-making becomes a horror. Emotion changes constantly. Because Facts rarely change once the individual knows facts, they become more secure in their decisions.

A student taught to think of everything in terms of SEL will become an emotional person incapable of having a conversation with an opposing perspective. They lack common sense and don’t have the ability to draw conclusions logically. They allow others to make decisions for them rather than risk hurting someone else.

Johnny White, Suzie Black, Jose Brown were in class. The teacher asked what 2 plus 2 is. Johnny knows the answer but is afraid to raise his hand because the rest of the students will think he has white privilege. Suzie thinks she knows the answer but won’t say anything because what if she is wrong and the others laugh at her and hurt her feelings⏤she will just want to die. Jose knows the answer but won’t talk because he will get a passing grade for coming to school. How does this create excellence?

And the answer is…IT DOESN’T.

But the goal is not excellence, the goal is division. The ruling class of Globalists doesn’t want people to come together as Americans. They don’t want the populace to think logically or to think factually. They don’t want people to communicate because they might have an opposing view. They don’t care about the truth because the ends justify the means. They want the populace to be trained to think about how they have designed the world to think emotionally. Emotional people are easier to control – no opposition. They want the people to “stay in their lane.”

Culturally Responsive Teaching is a pedagogy that recognizes the importance of including students’ cultural references in all aspects of learning. CRT is a fancy term for multiculturalism (dividing people by ethnicity) which means stay in your tribe. No exploring America or American values of being the best you can be, you must be the same as everyone else in your tribe. Instead of students learning the “new ” ways of American exceptionalism where they can make their own choices, they must choose from what the rulers have offered. Instead of people coming together as Americans, they stay apart based on ethnicity. CRT will constantly divide the population. Culturally Responsive Teaching | Teaching Diverse Learners

The inability to make clear decisions based on facts too often pushes the person into an emotional dilemma. I am stuck, they think. I can’t make a decision. I am an emotional mess. Where are my pills? If I give the right answer, will my compatriots think I am a racist? I’ll kill myself rather than be called a racist. There is a reason why the suicide rate is climbing.

By eliminating facts, skills, and morality, the person never has a firm footing. Things change all the time. Not being on a secure footing destroys confidence and self-esteem.  This type of training is now filtered throughout all disciplines. ELA, MATH, SS, Science are all seen through an emotional racial lens called diversity, inclusion, reparations, equity, social justice and etc.

They can’t eat, sleep. Can’t cope? Not to worry, there is a syndrome, psychiatrist, and drug for that. Must be something wrong with you⏤need a sex change?

Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) is the vehicle used to guide CRT into the conversation. By claiming everything in life is dictated by racism CRT, students are inhibited from speaking, expressing their true feelings. Maybe Suzie Black gets the answer wrong because she didn’t do her homework, which is nothing to do with race. Johnny White is stuck because he will be called a racist exercising his white privilege if he gives the right answer. Everyone will think I am a racist. So rather than giving the right answer, the student is prompted to think⏤is this answer going to offend someone else?

(OR) The teacher asks the question, who knows what two and two are? Johnny thinks, why bother answering⏤they will just call me a racist. I’ll just play with my blocks; besides, if I don’t answer anything, I’ll pass anyway, and that is safer.

Rather than answer #4, learning the fact and moving to the next fact, children are now fearful of giving the wrong socially acceptable emotional response that someone they don’t know decided they should have. They are inhibited and are learning to keep quiet even when they are right. So if they can’t be right when they know they are, they will do something else to get attention – drugs, sex, pink hair, body piercing, drinking, etc. Children will do anything to get the attention they lack from being right in school in front of their peers.

SEL and CRT are just fancy names for behavior modification. A psychological trick used to elicit the appropriate required response for an action. All the child does is learn the responses approved by the textbook company. If you follow procedure, you will get the correct OUTCOME.    No innovation, no creation, no competition, no thinking outside the box. Now every child must think inside the box. There is no room for individuality which is its purpose. No wonder why the STEM attendance is so poor. No thought, just stimulus, response, stimulus, response, training for Pavlov’s dogs, not people.

We are not graduating individuals. We are graduating clones who, given the right stimulus, will give the right response. No reading, writing, or math is needed. Just respond the way you were taught. White people are bad and the cause of your problems. If you are a minority, you are the victim and can blame someone else for your problems. You can riot without consequences.

There is a reason why Collier Co. Schools are failing and graduating students who are only 34% college-ready. Focusing on emotion, not facts, does not prepare an individual for worldwide competition. Focusing on emotion does not enable a child to learn to read, write and do math which is the purpose of education. Every text regardless of subject contains CRT. Please do not adopt these texts.  We need a real pause to find great texts and curricula for Florida’s students.

Based on the four domains of the Social Justice Standards (Identity, Diversity, Justice and Action)

© 2021 Karen Schoen – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Karen Schoen:


What Authority do Courts Have Over the Second Amendment?

by Lex Greene

In a July 5th article in Epoch Times titled Texas Joins 21 Other States Asking Supreme Court to Protect Second Amendment, writer Jack Phillips celebrates twenty-two states joining a law suit headed to the US Supreme Court asking the court to “uphold the Second Amendment” following a typically “unconstitutional” ruling in Hawaii and the 9th Circuit Court in California.

Millions of American “conservatives” seem elated by this news, as if they trust the US Supreme Court to uphold anything in the Constitution or Bill of Rights. But this story begs an even bigger question… Why do people ask a mother-may-I question to courts who are NOT their mom?

What “legal standing” (legal authority) does any court in the USA have over the Bill of Rights and the Second Amendment?

Why are twenty-two states asking any court to “uphold the Second Amendment” as if the court has any legal jurisdiction over the Bill of Rights? Everything in the Bill of Rights stands just as it was adopted on December 15, 1791. It means exactly what it says, nothing more and nothing less. It was written and adopted in plain English, so that no one needed an expert in legalese to explain it to them.

Without these Ten Original Amendments, the original colonies would have never ratified the U.S. Constitution in 1787. The colonies demanded additional protections from future Federal tyranny in the form of the Bill of Rights before they would agree to adopt the Constitution itself. The Founders working to pass the Constitution had to agree to the following Bill of Rights to gain support for their Constitution, which followed four years later in 1791.

The Second Amendment at the center of yet another frivolous suit reads as follows;

“A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”

These 26-words couldn’t possibly be any clearer…

  1. being necessary to the security of a free State (the sole purpose of the amendment)
  2. the right of the people (every single legal US Citizen)
  3. to keep (own and-or possess)
  4. and bear arms (to bear means, to carry)
  5. shall not be infringed (shall not be regulated in any way by any Federal authority)

Now, the US Constitution governs the Federal Government, not the people. The Bill of Rights is NOT an enumeration of Citizen’s Rights. It’s an additional enumeration of items which the Federal Government is strictly prohibited from ever infringing upon, regulating, limiting, eliminating, amending or in any way touching, the inalienable Natural Rights of the People.

The States and Local governments are prohibited from enacting laws, statutes, or ordinances which themselves, violate the protections of the people as they exist in the Bill of Rights. So, no one has “legal standing” (legal authority) to prevent or limit the Rights of the People to “keep” (own) or “bear” (carry) arms, free from any restrictions whatsoever.

The modern assault on these Natural Rights hinges upon this section of the Second Amendment – “A well-regulated militia;”

As has been the case for more than two-hundred years now, the “legal authorities” are once again trying to use their British Common Law Courts to amend the US Constitution and Bill of Rights via judicial fiat (case law) – by simply issuing a new definition to old words. Typical legal-beagle word-smithing is used to undermine the Supreme Law of the Land and the Natural Rights of the People.

In 1787 and 1791, there was no “standing army.” According to the historical writings of our Founders, there was never supposed to be. Therefore, at the time, “a well-regulated militia” meant the Citizens at large. That’s still what it means today.

Further, the reason there is – and can be no – limits or restrictions on Citizen’s Right to keep and bear arms is because it’s essential to “the security of a free State,” it’s downright necessary. The second amendment exists to protect ALL Natural Rights of the People. Without it, the People have no way to protect any of their Rights or liberties.

Mere days before the July 4th weekend to celebrate our Independence as a “free sovereign people,” fake white house resident Joe Biden took to the press and openly threatened all American Citizens with this statement, putting a fine point on the subject… “Biden says future patriots face lost cause against tyranny; U.S. has F-15’s and nuclear weapons’ – as if Posse Comitatus doesn’t exist at all.

This my dear friends, is exactly why the Second Amendment exists, why it has no restrictions on what type of weapons Citizens have a Natural Right to keep and bear, and why our Founders put everything in place for the People to protect themselves from government tyranny, that they all knew would one day come.

Once adopted, no one in government has any authority whatsoever to infringe upon these Rights by any means or methods, certainly not the “legal opinion” of nine unelected and totally unaccountable political appointees on the US Supreme Court or any other court.

Which leaves us with this one question…

Why are twenty-two so-called “conservative states” asking any court to uphold anything in the Bill of Rights? No court in the country has any jurisdiction over the Bill of Rights, nor does the legislative or executive branches of government, federal, state, or local.

By asking the court this question, they are pretending as though the courts have authority on the matter, and placing the People in harm’s way, awaiting a decision from nine politically appointed oligarchs, all but two of whom couldn’t care less about the People’s Rights, Justices Thomas, and Alito.

What if the court issues the wrong answer? Are these twenty-two states going to abide by an unconstitutional answer from the high court? Are these twenty-two states going to ignore an unconstitutional ruling from the court? If so, why bother to even ask the court a question they have no legal purview over?

The road to hell is often paved with good intentions! Or…is it that these twenty-two states are simply playing the British Common Law game of “legal precedence” to hide behind a Supreme Court opinion in order to participate in disarming all Citizens?

As for the Epoch Times writer, does he not know any of these facts, or is he too, participating in the current affront to all Natural Rights of the People? Do you really think the twenty-two states don’t know what I just explained?

Time will expose all of them! But it may be too late to stop them if the People don’t pay attention and ignore the works of the so-called “experts.” Everything wrong in the USA today was done by “experts” in many fields, the legal profession above all others.

Americans need to study and learn their real Rights, or they will have no means of protecting any of those Rights! STOP asking courts to answer questions that they have no constitutional authority over…unless, you want to be ruled by nine unelected lifetime politically appointed oligarchs, whom we have little or no power over.

The people who do know these facts intimately, are the “experts” who use British Common Law courts in the USA today, to undermine everything the Founders created 245-years ago. They rely entirely upon the sad reality that more than 80% of Americans have no clue about any of this. Most don’t know what their Rights are or where they come from, much less how to properly protect those Rights.

If that doesn’t change fast, it’s all over for the Great Experiment called The United States.

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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How Trump Saved America from the China Virus

By Cliff Kincaid

[DISCLAIMER: The opinion in this article is the sole opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

In a carefully orchestrated political trap, Joe Biden is threatening to send government workers house to house to try to get Trump supporters to take the Trump Warp Speed China virus vaccines. This strange turn of events tells you everything you need to know about why the Trump movement is in disarray and on defense. They don’t trust their leader, former President Trump, who has repeatedly urged people (except youngsters) to take the vaccines.

Trump, whose Operation Warp Speed saved America from the butchers of Beijing, is now trying to save the lives of his own supporters, who won’t answer the door if Biden’s operatives start knocking. Biden’s backers are counting on confrontations in order to make Trump supporters look bad.

Tragically, many Trump supporters are buying the nonsense that the Supreme Court will eventually rule 9-0 to put Trump back in the White House while objecting to his life-saving Warp Speed vaccines as killers.

Please, Trump supporters, get a grip on reality. The vaccines are working and are the envy of the world.

Here’s what Maryland, my home state, is reporting for June:

  • 100% of COVID-19 deaths in Maryland occurred in people who were unvaccinated.
  • 95% of new COVID-19 cases in Maryland occurred in people who were unvaccinated.
  • 93% of new COVID-19 hospitalizations in Maryland occurred in people who were unvaccinated.

The same thing is being reported in other states, such as Wisconsin, where the Milwaukee Journal reports that 95% of those who’ve died from COVID-19 since March weren’t vaccinated or fully vaccinated.

In Minnesota, reports the St. Paul Pioneer Press, “Nearly all new Minnesota COVID cases, hospitalizations and deaths were among the unvaccinated.”

In the face of this evidence, many people resist the vaccines. Hence, the Biden White House says the federal government “will start targeted community door-to-door outreach in an effort to boost COVID-19 vaccination rates,” as reported by the Epoch Times.

“Joe Biden just announced government goons will go DOOR-TO-DOOR to make you take a COVID-19 vaccine,” screams Trump supporter Charlie Kirk. The conservative New American magazine ran the scary headline, “Knock-knock, Have You Gotten Your COVID-19 Vaccine Yet?” These statements reflect distrust of vaccines developed by the Trump Administration, not Joe Biden.

Conservative writer Leo Hohmann asks, ”What should you do when federal agents arrive at your door with questions about your personal health decisions?,” and provides some answers. One says government agents should be offered a free Trespass Warning Form.

Biden’s heavy-handed effort will of course backfire. It’s reminiscent of Ronald Reagan’s joke about bureaucrats showing up and saying, “I’m from the government and I’m here to help you.”

What Biden is doing is very clever. It is a trap. He is making Trump supporters look like Neanderthals or Luddites resisting progress. One can anticipate the Democrats campaigning for Congress in 2022 and president in 2024 by arguing that Republicans were standing in the way of solving the China virus problem.

Realizing the resistance to the vaccines, I spoke on Monday at Larry Klayman’s Third Continental Congress, a pro-Trump audience, and defended the shots.

My speech was mostly about the national security threats to the United States, including the China virus. But I did take the opportunity to praise the vaccines.

I mentioned how some of the victims of Covid-19 who have survived have suffered a loss of their sense of taste and smell, while others have long-term breathing and brain problems. This is clearly not a flu virus. Indeed, I join Larry Klayman and others in saying the evidence indicates it is a bioweapon.

I think the numbers prove that the vaccines protect people against hospitalization and death. If people fear the vaccine more than the virus, they will have to accept the consequences. The problem is that other people can be infected by the unvaccinated and they have to take care of their family members who get sick and may die.

Meanwhile, in South Korea, the people are demanding the vaccines as the left-wing government of President Moon Jae-in is under heavy fire for the poor vaccination rate. The conservative paper in South Korea, The Chosunilbo reports that only about 30 percent of the population have had at least their first vaccine shot and just 10.5 percent their second one. That means the lockdowns continue.

The situation is so desperate that the Reuters news agency is reporting that South Korea is now negotiating with mRNA COVID-19 vaccine makers to produce as many as 1 billion doses for their country and others.

The United States is far ahead of South Korea because of the wisdom of former President Trump in cutting through the bureaucracy and getting the private sector to use the developing mRNA vaccine technology to address SARS-CoV-2.

Despite the clear evidence of the efficacy of the vaccines, I am still finding many conservatives who ignore their life-saving properties. Some are paying the price.

Here are some of the false or misleading claims I have come across recently:

  • Claim: SARS-CoV-2 is a virus with less than one percent fatality rate. Fact: It is a weaponized virus released from a lab and its nature was not readily apparent in the beginning of the pandemic. It has killed millions because of its contagious nature.
  • Claim: Most Americans have mindlessly complied with the hysterical mandates associated with Covid-19. Fact: While Democrat politicians took the lockdowns too far, many people had good reason to be scared of the virus and took precautions to protect themselves and their loved ones.

The confusion among conservatives about the lethality of this virus has given China an opportunity to divide the American people and push their own dubious vaccines (along with Russia). We should be united in demanding apologies and reparations from the Chinese. (Trump has urged $10 trillion in reparations).

With America divided over the vaccines, as Trump supporters reject Trump’s signature achievement, Chinese President Xi Jinping is gloating and sees a clear pathway ahead for domination of the world. He declared on the Chinese Communist Party’s 100th anniversary, “A century ago, at the time of its founding, the Communist Party of China had just over 50 members. Today, with more than 95 million members in a country of more than 1.4 billion people, it is the largest governing party in the world and enjoys tremendous international influence.”

The road to Chinese domination is littered with corpses. Bertil Haggman, director of the Center for Research on Geopolitics in Sweden, says, “The Chinese Communist Party is probably responsible for killing between 80 and 100 million people, the highest number of political killings in modern time by one party-state perpetrator.”

That number doesn’t include deaths from the China virus, now reported at more than 4 million worldwide, including more than 621,000in the U.S.

Without the vaccines, millions could have died in the U.S. and our country would not be returning to a sense of normalcy.

One strategy, in addition to Larry Klayman’s effort to hold the Chinese legally accountable for the virus, is to prosecute Communist mass-murderers in Nuremberg-style tribunals, just like the Nazis were punished after WW II. Thousands have joined the  Appeal for Nuremberg Trials for Communism, a campaign started by the late Soviet dissident Vladimir Bukovsky.

Trump will NOT be returned to the White House next month. But his legacy includes life-saving vaccines that have made the United States the envy of the world. Trump saved many lives. But some of his strongest supporters seem not to have noticed.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Can They Hijack Our Dreams?

By Lee Duigon

The political science discovery of the century has got to be this, originally brought to us by King COVID:

If there’s a mean and nasty trick that the government is not allowed to do because it would be illegal… they can always find some goons in the private sector to do it for them. You know—like forcing people to take experimental drugs against their will.

Have you ever heard of “Targeted Dream Incubation”? It’s the latest thing!.

Rogue scientists—maybe I should put quotes around “scientists”—employed by Coors Breweries are working on techniques to slip advertising messages into your dreams, so that when you wake up, you’ll have a hankering to buy their product.

What? We aren’t safe from them even in our dreams? Well, that’s the general idea.

The Federal Trade Commission, of course, could ban this practice, just like they banned subliminal ads in movies. But how would you ever know they really did? The dirty work is done while you’re sleeping.

And how many of us already have those little “Alexa” units in our bedrooms—where they can switch themselves on at 2:30 in the morning and give you the urge to buy, oh, lacy see-through shorts for men? There must be all sorts of ways for them to do this without getting caught.

And what happens to us if the government gets its hot little hands on this technology? And you wake up thinking, as you never thought before, “Y’know, those open borders really do sound like a good idea! Why didn’t I realize this till now?” To say nothing of what they might do to us, come election time.

It may be argued that we’re already as daft as can be and don’t need any help from Alexa. A few months ago, somebody paid $18,000 for an “invisible sculpture” by one Salvatore Garau. Were this buyer’s dreams “targeted,” or did he commit this act of folly all on his own? We have no way of knowing.

But think of what they could do to us, once they slithered past our protective wall of sleep. Suddenly everybody’s all aboard the Transgender Express. Joe Biden goes completely ga-ga and is re-elected anyway. Unanimously. And we’re all wearing quadruple face masks and chanting about how we love Big Brother. No end of mischief might ensue.

The scary part is… the sheeple just might like it! All decisions made for you, by your betters, while you sleep. No more responsibility! It’ll be even better than Communist China’s social credit system. How are you going to guard your freedoms in your sleep?

Best of all, it’s Science! It’s technology. You don’t want people to think you’re against Science, do you? It’ll be the triumph of Manufactured Consent. You won’t even know you’re doing as you’re told. You’ll just wake up and want to do it.

They’re always rebuilding the Tower of Babel, always striving to be as gods. Someone always wants to rule the world—Red China, globalists, George Soros, there’s always somebody on fire to take up the burden of global governance. They used to try to do it with armies, but nowadays they’ve opted for seduction. “It’s gonna be great, you’ll see! No more war, no more inequality, no more disappointment!” And please don‘t look behind the curtain where we’re piling up the dead bodies.

And then, at some point or other, God intervenes because He just can’t stand to listen to it anymore.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and stop in for a visit, before Alexa says you can’t because you have to hurry to the store and buy a new smart phone. My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon:

Always Sit: Down Wind of Flowers

By Frosty Wooldridge

Susan Schutz said, “Let us dance in the sun, wearing wildflowers in our hair.”

Years ago, I backpacked in Nepal, Tibet and other parts of Asia.  I distinctly remember the peace and quietude of the Himalayas and the stunning beauty of Mount Everest, K-2, Mount Dhaulagiri and other 8,000-meter peaks.  At such times, my eyes gifted my soul and body with spiritual feelings never before felt in my life.

Tibetan mountain flowers beckoned me with their colors, scents and ever-present butterflies dancing upon the petals.  Upwind, I saw the flowers, but down wind, their magnetizing scents wafted into my nostrils.  With such a combination of olfactory senses and vision, Mother Nature transported me into a state of well-being I hadn’t reached previously in my life.

(Frosty Wooldridge, bicycling Norway, stopping to inhale the fragrances of flowers along your journey.) Photo by Frosty Wooldridge, ten second delay tripod.)

Years later, I pedaled my bicycle through Holland, Michigan in the springtime when their tulips flowered over hundreds of acres of brilliant colors.  Riding up from the south, I saw them blanketing the fields before me.   Once I “entered” those fields, the tulips gifted me with their special flower aroma.   Once their mesmerizing fragrances hit my brain, a certain combination of bliss carried with me for days afterwards as I made my way up to the top of Michigan.  Of course, along the way, millions of flowers reached out to my eyes and nostrils as I pedaled by them at 12 miles per hour.  As I completed my bicycle journey around the “mitt” of Michigan with the Great Lakes by my side, a mystical aura of flowers made my passage incidental as to the pedaling effort of each glorious mile.

Emerson said, “God laughs in flowers.”

I can attest that a huge smile and a great deal of laughter crosses my face with the advent of flowers on my journeys around the world.  Once in the Brazilian rainforests, I arrived at Falls de d’Iguazú.  Waterfalls exceeding anything I ever saw at Niagara Falls in the USA and Canada—exploded out of the jungle. Toucans with their large beaks flew everywhere.  Unique birds flew right into the waterfalls to feed their young on the inside cliffs.  Butterflies graced the rainforest jungle canopy with unimaginable colors.

At one point, I rolled up on a flower-field replete with yellow-black monarch butterflies dancing on the pink flower petals.  The science fiction writer Robert Heinlein said, “Butterflies are self-propelled flowers.”  He nailed it with that statement.

I watched 10,000 butterflies dancing-pollinating on the flowers as perfumes wafted into my lungs like a magical elixir. On the side of the field, a harpist played enchanting tunes that danced to the movement of the butterflies.  Either he played a song to their dancing on flowers or they danced to his magical fingers playing on the harp’s strings.  I sat down in the midst of Nature’s phenomenal magic.  I felt a certain addiction to the sights, smells and sounds before me.  I learned to sit down-wind of flowers.

Once I learned the magic of sitting down-wind of flowers, a whole new aspect of living via the vibrations of the universe entered my mind.  I share it with you: turn your eyes, mind and spirit toward the highest vibrational frequencies of the Natural World in everything you do each day.  Set your mental and emotional ambiances toward your highest and best.  Years ago, Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach said, “You will reach heaven when you reach the perfect speed, Jonathan.”

“What’s that speed?” Jon asked the wise old seagull.

“It’s not the speed of light or the slowness of a butterfly,” Chian said.  “The perfect speed, Jonathan, is being there.”

Years later, on a backpack trip into Chicago Basin in the San Juan Mountains of Colorado, I camped out in a field of wildflowers screaming across the tundra at 12,000 feet high in the Rocky Mountains.

My friends and I decided to pitch our tents in a nook blooming with purple-white Columbine flowers.  That night, the campfire’s smoke curled into the ink-black of space toward a starlit sky.  Shooting stars punctured the stillness as if to put an exclamation point on the day.

As I lay back in my tent to fall asleep, the distinct perfume of wildflowers caressed my nostrils, flooded into my lungs and lulled me into aromatic slumber.  To this day, I always sit down-wind of flowers.

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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Which is Worse, Those That Write the Evil Curriculum, Or the Ignorant Parents That Subject Their Kids to It?

by Bradlee Dean

“What kind of a fool sends their kids to be raised up by their sworn enemies?”

The Bible is very clear: “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6).

I did not read that I was to hand over my children over to the federal government so that they can illegally indoctrinate them through a clear violation of the 10th Amendment of the Bill of Rights.

[Rumble Video]

What American children are now being subjected to is illegal and, in many cases, criminal on the behalf of the architects of these indoctrination agendas (Leviticus 17:2). Furthermore, the federal government, all the while, knows this to be true.

Remember, it is 86% of parents that profess to be Christians, patriots and or conservatives that are dropping their children off at the school gate to be made a prey.

[Rumble Video]

[Rumble Video]

Let this mother now share with you what it is that they are attempting to throw on the American children.

In conclusion: For the record, the majority are not giving their consent in advocating this behavior though the mainstream media would have you believe so (John 8:44).

These agendas are criminal in nature.  So, it is not enough for the parents to stand up and complain about to what it is they are subjecting their children, they must have every single one of these “educators’ thrown in jail for participating in this criminal agenda (Isaiah 51:4).

America’s Lost Generations

by Lex Greene

Government efforts to dumb-down and drug-up recent generations until they are no longer capable of self-governance has been entirely successful, but so far, only for two generations.

These two generations are entirely lost, gone, beyond recovery. They believe every anti-American idea on earth and nothing we say to them will change that. This is their reality, and no mountain of facts or evidence can change their reality. They were not only taught garbage, but they were also Pavlov trained to reject everything that does not fit in their tiny little box of false beliefs. They own socialism in America!

These two generations are now between 28 and 47 years old. The vast majority of hardcore Americans are over 60-years old now. The 48-60 crowd is a mixed bag, some hardcore Americans, and some hardcore Marxists.

But the 15-27 year-olds are where we can see reason for hope. This group is fed up with the insanity in the two generations before them and they are reconnecting with older Americans again, seeking wisdom from people who have seen and done it all before.

The lost generations are largely comprised of both GEN Y and GEN X age groups. These are the kids taught totally backwards information in grade schools under government rule, and even more so on the college campuses run by 60’s era Marxist professors like Weather Underground terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, two of Obama’s evil mentors. These two groups are locked in arrested development at the mental age of about 13.

The over-60 group is desperate to lead younger generations away from the Marxist dangers threatening the USA by GEN Y and GEN X groups today.

Where I see a reason for hope is in the 15-27 year old group. They are witnessing the unraveling of the lies sold to the generations before them. They can see the utter insanity in the 28-47 year old belief structure. They can see that the “fascists” currently running the USA today in DC, by tyrannical dictates, supported by the lost generations, are exactly what the lost generations claimed to be against in openly Marxist groups like Black Lies Militia and ANTIFA.

This group of young Americans (15-27) are paying attention. They can see how insane the two lost generations are today and they are watching the Marxist politicians supported by these two generations, run this country into the ground at lightspeed. They are figuring out that the “cancel culture” generations preceding them, have become entirely dangerous and destructive to America, freedom, liberty, and all future generations.

There are exceptions to this rule in every age group, of course. However, historical data has proven what I’m saying here to be true with at least an 80% accuracy rate in all categories.

As a result, I encourage all true Americans in every age group to make an ongoing effort to reach out to the 15-27 year old group immediately and teach them the truth about America that they are not currently able to get in our government controlled education systems, our fake news media, censored social media, Hollywood or even most modern churches under government control via their 501 status.

I also encourage all true Americans to directly engage their local school boards and force our schools to return to a pro-American curriculum immediately or shut them down until they do.

These schools are funded by our tax dollars. School boards are elected by and therefore answer to us, We the People. Before the Marxist “critical race theory” appears in every school across America, the time is now to prevent that from happening and to force pro-American change in our taxpayer funded classrooms.

Our young people deserve and need REAL education, not global Marxist indoctrination. We can see the fruits of that effort in the lost generations today. We can see the evil perpetrated on our country by these misguided children who will never grow up.

To save American freedom and liberty, we must save the next generations that will soon lead our country. The 15-27 year old group is hungry for the truth. They can see the lies. All they need now is for us to help them find the truth.

I encourage all Americans to form local private education workshops to teach the truth about our country, its real history and our foundations of freedom and liberty, as endowed by our Creator. Teach the truth and the truth will prevail over the lies.

The lost generations cannot be at all helpful in our endeavor to save America. They can only continue to be a threat, cancelling America, vandalizing, looting, and burning our cities. We can only manage them by sitting them on the sidelines in time out, like any unruly spoiled child.

Eventually, some of them may learn the truth. But that isn’t likely to happen any time soon.

We all have this mission now. Fail this mission and we will fail our country.

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Just How Long Are Free Americans Going To Take It?

By Ron Ewart

“Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined.” Patrick Henry, Founding Father and   American attorney, planter and politician

“The only way to deal with an un-free world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.” Albert Camus, French philosopher, author, and journalist

We just celebrated Independence Day on July 4th, 2021.  Perhaps in the early days of the Republic we had much to celebrate.  But in the year of our Lord 2021, the freedom for which we now celebrate is a myth …. a mirage.  We are celebrating “what” Day?  Independence you say!  Independence from what?  Certainly it can’t be independence from government tyranny.  We see no signs of that.

“And the rocket’s red glare ….. the bombs bursting in air ….. gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.  Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave ….. O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?”   Really?

As Francis Scott Key watched over the ramparts from his sloop, after visiting a British war ship in an attempt to exchange a prisoner during the war of 1812, he managed to hold on to his strong belief in liberty and as long as that flag still waved over Fort McHenry in the battle of Baltimore, liberty still lived in his mind and on the land he loved.   From that unreal vision, framed in chaos, Francis penned the words of our Star-Spangled Banner that we sing in tribute to our freedom, our independence and to the flag that waves proudly throughout the land.

But we in America today are not watching a foreign enemy attack one of our forts, or one of our cities with a military force, where crushing noise, death and destruction rain down on the inhabitants.  What we are watching is the very destruction of our institutions of freedom from within by leaders who are intent on tearing down and dismantling the very fabric of our freedom.

We suffer in a battle of two ideologies, freedom and liberty on the one hand, and socialism, government control and enslavement on the other.  Our country has a cancer and we must purge it now, or the cancer will grow to the point where no “medicine” will save the patient.  All future generations will be affected by what we do now to cure this cancer.

In an all-out war, the choices are crystal clear.  We need only to kill the enemy and be victorious.  But when the enemy is our own leaders, what then do we do?  We expunge our leaders and choose other one’s who will adhere to the foundation of our liberty and swear on solemn oath to preserve, protect and defend that foundation and then live up to that oath as if their lives depended on it.  Unfortunately, our mission is cloudy, as we do not know exactly what weapons to use to expunge those leaders.  Must we take action alone without sufficient resources and without those millions of Americans who have lost their way, or must we first accumulate the resources and then convince the one’s who are lost and help them back to the right path?  Or, should we instead just let the current covey of leaders have their way and allow their errors to be their own enemy and thus hasten their own demise?  These are the questions we must answer and time is of the essence.  History is recording what we do, or don’t do.

When Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence, it was a declaration of war against the tyranny of Great Britain.  It was a declaration of independence from excessive taxation, from harsh regulations, from no representation and from military rule.  The colonials had enough and declared war, with all of the tragic consequences that come from such a declaration.  They were willing to die for their freedom and their independence.


Today, are we willing to die for our freedom and independence as the Declaration of Independence authorizes?  We might be willing to die for such a cause but the federal government made it illegal.  18 USC Section 2385 prohibits any person or persons from acting on that authority, or face serious fines and lengthy jail times.  Here is the federal statute in part:

“Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States, or prints, publishes, edits, issues, circulates, sells, distributes, or publicly displays any written or printed matter advocating, advising, or teaching the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying any government in the United States by force or violence, or attempts to do so; or whoever organizes or helps or attempts to organize any society, group, or assembly of persons who teach, advocate, or encourage the overthrow or destruction of any such government by force or violence; or becomes or is a member of, or affiliates with, any such society, group, or assembly of persons, knowing the purposes thereof, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.  If two or more persons conspire to commit any offense named in this section, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.”

Unfortunately, the Declaration is meaningless, dead, an empty vessel and an out-of-date promise with no teeth.  Your federal government repealed it with a law.

If July 4th is Independence Day, it is not the Independence that is defined in our American dictionary.  It is not the freedom and independence that was crafted so carefully in our Declaration of Independence by men of vision, in a time of conflict, confusion and turmoil, over 240 years ago. 

Freedom and independence means freedom of choice, freedom of movement, freedom of what to buy, freedom of what to wear, freedom of where to live, freedom of where to work, freedom on what and where to drive our cars, freedom to live on and use our land without undue government interference and our freedom to roam freely throughout America without having to go through check points and body searches.  Government suspends that freedom when they lock us up in our homes, force us to wear masks, make it a mandate to get a vaccination, or demand that we carry a vaccination passport on our person wherever we go.

We are constantly subjected to the authority and jurisdiction of government, local, state and federal.  We are continuously being influenced and manipulated by the dictates, propaganda, the lying, corruption and usurious taxation by government.  We can’t move sideways without butting heads with an out-of-control, arrogant bureaucrat operating under the color of law, to get some permit or license.

Way too many of us are DEPENDENT on government for our very existence.  We, as a culture, are no longer competent, self-sufficient, self-reliant and responsible.  Some of us are, but way too few.  We have been bought, sold, conquered and enslaved without a shot being fired for a few pieces of silver and the loss of our pride and self-respect.

The truth is, America’s government has gone way beyond what King George the III imposed upon the colonies.  The people of America have allowed themselves to be enslaved by centralized government and have given up their right to freedom, liberty and independence, because they were and are unwilling to defend their freedom and liberty with whatever it takes.  The desire for freedom has been replaced with the insatiable desire for comfort and entertainment.  The people of Hong Kong have shown more courage than Americans.  But by military force Hong Kong has been silenced by another tyrannical government, China.

As we stated previously, what we celebrate on the 4th of July is a myth and an illusion called freedom.  We are not free.  As a nation, we are no longer independent and self-reliant.  In fact, most of us are so controlled by government and so dependent on government, they have slapped invisible handcuffs on each of us and confiscated our right of free choice and our right to live on our land, unfettered by government interference.  Government no longer is restrained by the limits of the Constitution, nor does it uphold the God-given, unalienable rights of the individual, as it was mandated to do by that Constitution.  We have been enslaved by millions of laws.

But we are a great and a “good” people and to our detriment our greatness and our goodness have been buried deep in forgotten memories and obscured by our very prosperity.   This author believes deeply in freedom and liberty; a freedom and liberty for each individual; an individual freedom and liberty that is natural, as comes from nature or God, not from governments; a freedom and liberty that was envisioned by our Founding Fathers and codified into the law of man through our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution.  We believe that when governments, or groups of people attempt to stifle freedom and liberty, man’s progress through time is depressed and he retreats further backwards into depravity, immorality and serfdom.

We believe that freedom and liberty are our strengths not our weakness and if we inhibit freedom by any means, we as a people become weaker.  If we as a people become weaker, we lose our creative ability, we lose our ingenuity, we lose our industriousness, we lose our productivity, we lose our can-do spirit, we lose our pride in our accomplishments, we lose our strength and courage to right a wrong when we see it, we lose our generosity and finally, we lose our great goodness.

We believe that if the people look to government to solve their problems and acquiesce to its unauthorized power, they abdicate their duty and responsibility to control their own lives and hand it over to an aristocracy, or a king.  Having done so, they are no longer free men.  And further, their actions, or in-actions as the case may be, only encourage the government to usurp even greater power.

What America does, will determine the fate of the World.   If we forsake freedom, if we sell our sovereignty for expediency or government handouts, if we descend into the murky waters of racism and Critical Race Theory, if we break the bonds of our Constitution, if we abdicate our right and duty to defend freedom for ourselves and future generations, we shall descend into the Hell, mediocrity, apathy and self loathing under which the rest of the world operates and will be pulled down to their level, never to rise again.

Only one country on Earth has shown the best in man and what can be accomplished under the combination of unalienable freedom and our God-given goodness.  If we lose that freedom and the goodness that flourishes under it, we shall surely descend into the abyss of the evil within us, where greed and avarice are the rule, rather than the exception.  We are dangerously close.

Freedom, liberty, independence and self-reliance are our heritage.  It is those characteristics that made us one of the greatest, richest and most productive nations on Earth.  If we refuse to defend and maintain it, we condemn all future generations, including our own children and grandchildren, to a life of dependency and the chains that come with being dependent.  But even worse, we dishonor the memories and the sacrifices of all those who gave their lives, their limbs and their minds in the birth of freedom and in the defense of freedom.

So once again we ask, “Just How Long Are Free Americans Going To Take It?” before they act in their own self-interests and expunge the traitors that stalk the halls and seats of government.  “America’s traitors appear not a traitor.  They speak in accents familiar to their victims, and they wear their face and their argument.  These traitors appeal to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men.  They rot the soul of a nation.  They work secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city.  They infect the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fearThey are the embodiment of evil and devour the flesh, bones and organs of their subjectsThey are by all accounts, incarnate death and they must be vanquished by any and all means if freedom is to be preserved.”

Perhaps now is the time to invoke “The Encirclement” or serve upon government “The Mandate.”

© 2021 Ron Ewart – All Rights Reserved

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Why Are National Heritage Areas a Threat?

By Tom DeWeese

The Threat of National Heritage Areas And How to Stop Them: Part One

Proposals for new National Heritage Areas (NHA) are raising their ugly, land-grabbing heads again in Congress and they must be stopped. Here’s why.

National Heritage Areas are one of the most despicable stealth land grabs in the nation. Americans love our history. We love preserving significant places that played an important role in the making of our unique nation. So, when we hear of a new plan in our area presented offering a chance to preserve some of our local heritage we are interested and even supportive.

But, in this day of massive government control over so much of our land, our economy, and our basic ability to live free lives, we must be cautious and look at the details of plans, no matter how innocent or well meaning they may seem.

National Heritage Areas are such a concern because they are sold to residents as simply a means to honor historic or cultural events that took place in a specific locale. We are told that they will preserve our culture and honor the past, that they will preserve battlefields where our forefathers fought and died for freedom, and that they will preserve birth places, homes, buildings, and hallowed grounds for posterity. Most importantly, we are assured that NHAs will help build tourism and boost local economies.

As described by property rights expert Leo Schwartz in 2007, in reality, NHAs are a massive sham, full of government pork, imposed by dishonest, anti-heritage, anti-private property elitism. Politicians, federal agencies, and private non-governmental organizations (NGOs) use the NHAs as a tool to gain votes, political power, and wealth. Moreover, these forces use the NHAs to impose politically-motivated restrictions on private land.

Wrote Schwartz, “In the 1980s, the National Park Service’s record of abusive land acquisition practices had become a political nightmare. It needed a new approach to continue expanding its power. During the mid-1970s, several national land use control studies proposed innovative methods for federal control of private property. Applying these methods, NHAs were designed as a ‘new kind of national park.’ Seen as pork-laden gravy trains, many elected officials eagerly jumped aboard and the empire building continued.”

It’s worth noting that in 1928, then-Interior Secretary Hubert Work said National Park Service policy “is to eliminate all private holdings in our national parks”. So, it is an honest question to ask, if NHAs are a new kind of national park, does that not mean that all of the private land located inside the massive federal boundaries established for the Heritage Area now federal park property?

Private organizations and planning groups are the actual recipients of most of these funds supposedly earmarked for the Heritage Area. These entities operate as the promoters of the NHA in partnership with the Park Service. Eventually they form a commission or a “managing entity” to enforce the “vision” to implement the Heritage Area.

Typically, such commissions consist of strictly ideological special interests groups. In the mix of these groups, one will find all of the usual suspects: environmental groups, planning groups, historic preservation groups — all with their own private agendas, and all working behind the scenes, creating policy. The managing entity then sets up non-elected boards and regional councils to oversee policy inside the Heritage Area that stretches over numerous communities and counties.

In many cases, these groups actually form a compact with the Interior Department to determine the guidelines that will make up a land use management plan and the boundaries of the Heritage Area itself. The management plan is their goal for how they envision the territory inside the boundary to be run. The plan will include guidelines for development goals, energy use, bike trails, undefined conservation controls, tourism, and anything else they want to control.

Now, after the boundaries are drawn and the management plan has been approved by the Park Service, the management entity and its special interest groups are given the federal funds, typically a million dollars a year, or more, and told to spend that money to get the management plan enacted at the local level.

Here’s how those special interest groups operate with those funds. They go to local county boards and city councils and announce that Congress has passed legislation designating the Heritage Area and that the community is now within those boundaries. They pull out maps and announce the properties they have identified to be significant for preservation.

However, as the managing entity, they dont have the power to make laws, but the local elected officials do and so the partnership is born, fed by the federal money. Now the managing entity will help create tools, legislation, guidelines, and whatever regulatory procedures are needed to make the management plan come into fruition.

Incredibly, proponents argue that National Heritage Areas do not influence local zoning or land-use planning. Yet, by definition this is precisely what they do. Found right in the language of most Heritage Area legislation, the management entity is specifically directed to restore, preserve, and manage anything and everything that is naturally, culturally, historically, and recreationally significant to the Heritage Area.

The biggest threat to citizens living in a National Heritage Area is that it includes all the land in the designated boundary areas, not just recognized historic sites. This sweeping mandate ensures that virtually every square inch of land within the boundaries is subject to the scrutiny of Park Service bureaucrats and their managing partners. That means private property, homes, businesses, and whole communities now come under the jurisdiction of the National Park Service.

Of course, as with so many other invasive planning schemes, we are always assured that these are local initiatives, and that these are something citizens want in order to bring an honorary federal designation to help drive tourism into their regions. That simply isnt the case. The private, non-governmental organizations and planning groups are the ones who want the plan because they get to enforce their private agendas and then get to live off the grant money as they implement them. As proponents talk about historic preservation inside the Heritage Area, one will also find the catchwords “resource conservation” and “resource stewardship,” for example. Those are the clues to watch for.

It’s all about control. Control of the land, control of resources, control of decision making. How does that fit with their stated purpose of preserving American culture – which, of course, was built on the ideals of free enterprise and private property? In fact, it does the opposite by making government more powerful and dictatorial, and the property owners loose both the use and value of their property.

As I said above, proponents of NHAs also claim that they are “locally driven” projects. Nothing could be further from the truth. Landowners within the boundaries of proposed Heritage Areas are left in the dark throughout the entire process. For example, the final official map for the 2018 proposed Caddo Lakes National Heritage Area, revealing its official boundary, was not to be released to the public until after the actual Congressional legislation was passed!

In addition, Heritage Area proponents refuse to supply a simple written notification to property owners that their land will be inside the boundaries. Seemingly the Park Service and their management “partners” are not too eager to share all the good news with the local citizenry.

I have personally been in meetings with congressional staffers to discuss Heritage Areas. I asked them if they intended to notify affected landowners living inside the boundaries of a specific Heritage Area. They looked at me like I had two heads. They shuffled their feet and looked down at the table and then said, “There’s no way to do that.” “It would be too costly.” “How could we reach everyone?” I then suggested that they research a little know federal agency called the U.S. Postal Service. Mailmen appear to deliver to each and every one of the homes in the designated area every day.

The fact is, they don’t want to tell you in advance. You might object. And that would disrupt the “process.” No matter how noble a project may sound, alarm bells should go off when proponents want to enforce their vision in secret.

National Heritage Areas depend on federal tax dollars because they lack local interest— and not a single National Heritage Area has ever succeeded in attracting strong tourism throughout their entire infinite lives. The federal money is the villain. If you just wanted to honor an area for its historic or cultural achievements, a simple resolution from Congress and a plaque at the county line could do that. The local Chamber of Commerce could then pick it up from there and build the expected tourism.

But of course, it’s not about that. It’s about control and money – lots of money in the pockets of private groups promoting their own agendas. Including taking control of people’s private land.

© 2021 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese: Contact Tom DeWeese

America’s Father Figure, Comedian Bill Cosby, Free at Last

By Kelleigh Nelson

Birds sing after a storm. Why shouldn’t people feel as free to delight in whatever sunlight remains to them? —Rose Kennedy

Education happens to be something that all people, all cultures, need to embrace. Math, science, the words of the world. To be able to speak and be able to have clarity and to be able to think. Those are the greatest of gifts. —Bill Cosby

One of the deep secrets in life is that all that is really worth doing is what we do for others. —Lewis Carroll

Through humor, you can soften some of the worst blows that life delivers. And once you find laughter, no matter how painful your situation might be, you can survive it. —Bill Cosby

The childless experts on child raising also bring tears of laughter to my eyes when they say, I love children because they’re so honest. There is not an agent in the CIA or the KGB who knows how to conceal the theft of food, how to fake being asleep, or how to forge a parent’s signature like a child. —Bill Cosby

The article I was working on was set aside when I read the news of Bill Cosby’s release from prison.  I was thrilled to know that a man I spent a few hours with in the late 60s and again in the mid-70s, was freed from prison to be with his wife and family.

As I read through the many humorous Bill Cosby quotes for this article, I laughed and cried.  Take time out and read his quotes; they’re fabulous everyday family truisms.  Then tell me this was a man who drugged and assaulted women, because I will never believe it.  He was never charged or convicted of rape and why would a man of his fame have to drug any woman?

And yes, I spent hours with Bill Cosby, not once, but twice and both times he was a perfect gentleman and a delight to be with.  If you’ve ever known anyone who could make you laugh until you cried, that is Bill Cosby.  I almost choked on a sip of coffee the second time we met because of his comments.  The man is and was a genius in the comedic portrayal of life.

The second time I met Bill Cosby, he was back from entertaining an audience with clean comedy, unlike the vulgarity of other black comedians, Richard Pryor, Dick Gregory, and Redd Foxx.  Cosby actually declined the coveted Mark Twain Prize twice, before finally accepting it in 2009, because of the profanity that dominated the first award show in 1998 for recipient Richard Pryor.

And the Cosbys have lived through the tragedies of losing their only son Ennis, when he was shot in the head during a failed robbery attempt while changing a tire on a California highway, and the loss of his daughter, Ensa who at 44 died of renal failure.  Yet, he stands true to his faith and his family.

Conviction Overturned

Bill Cosby’s conviction was overturned by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. Good. I’m certainly not the only one who believes Cosby was railroaded by the “MeToo” mob. I said this in January of 2015, and I’ll say it again.  Bill was never perfect, none of us are, but women threw themselves at him as happens with all stars and sports figures, so why would he need to use Quaaludes to dope any women in order to molest them?  It doesn’t hold water.  And by the way, I remember Quaaludes being the big drug in the late 60s and 70s, as though everyone had them.  Bill is a man who loves his wife and family and they love him and that goes for the people who have worked with him and know him.

Attorney Jonathan Turley explained, “In their 79-page opinion, the judges found that a “non-prosecution agreement” reached with Cosby should have barred the prosecution. In the earlier agreement, the prosecutor, Bruce Castor Jr., agreed not to charge Cosby in return for his civil deposition.  Cosby proceeded to purposely incriminate himself in what the Court said was a bait-and-switch.  The later prosecutor then just ignored the non-prosecution agreement. The trial was also undermined by the decision of the trial court to allow women to testify as witnesses on uncharged alleged crimes against Cosby.”

“The court called Cosby’s arrest “an affront to fundamental fairness, particularly when it results in a criminal prosecution that was forgone for more than a decade.”

Justice David Wecht, writing for a split court, said Cosby had relied on the former district attorney’s decision not to charge him when the comedian gave his potentially incriminating testimony in Constand’s civil case,done of course to get out from under the rubbish of false attacks, which was the promise of the original DA.

The justices said that overturning the conviction, and barring any further prosecution, “is the only remedy that comports with society’s reasonable expectations of its elected prosecutors and our criminal justice system.”

“Mr. Cosby should never have been prosecuted for these offenses,’ said lawyer Jennifer Bonjean, who argued Cosby’s appeal. “District attorneys can’t change it up simply because of their political motivation.” She said Cosby remains in excellent health, despite being legally blind.

And these alleged crimes were from decades ago, their stories don’t jive, Gloria Allred represented all of them and the question remains, what took the women so long, and why now?


After conviction, Bill spent two and half years in prison.  He told his wife and family not to visit him because he didn’t want them to see him in this incarcerated state and he didn’t want them going through it with him.  His wife Camille spoke with him every day.

But does America know what Bill was doing in prison?  He was lecturing and preaching, he was reaching out and telling young men how to save themselves from lives of desperation and loss.  Cosby’s pitch was that the inmate’s lead by example for their kids and stay out of prison in the future. He urged the inmates to re-bond with their kids immediately upon getting out. Cosby was clearly trading on his all-American dad image from “The Cosby Show” and it resonated with the prisoners.  And he mixed all these life lessons with humor and they loved it.  He told them, “To all men… it’s a time to be Great Fathers, Great American Citizens and Great Husbands. Man Up and Become Men of Valor.”

Bill worked most with a group of inmates set up for parole called “Man Up” talking life lessons, keeping out of trouble and not getting locked up again. He lectured them about finding work post-prison, and gave them tips on interviewing techniques…and yes, he lectured on substance abuse and how to stay clean.

He was asked to speak at least four times a week to crowds of 200 and inmates would ask to sit down and eat meals with him one on one.  Bill is legally blind; people would count how many would come to hear him and let him know.  No matter the situation, Cosby was doing what he had been doing all his life, reaching out to young men, especially young black men, and telling them that there is more to life than drugs, gangs and fathering out of wedlock children.  He wanted them to be good fathers and productive citizens.

In May 2021, Cosby was denied parole after refusing to participate in sex offender programs behind bars. He has long said he would resist the treatment programs and refuse to acknowledge wrongdoing even if it meant serving the full 10-year sentence.  A stand which could have cost him death in prison.


Phylicia Rashad who starred with Bill as Claire Huxtable on The Cosby Show for eight years, tweeted, “FINALLY!!!! A terrible wrong is being righted — a miscarriage of justice is corrected!”  She never believed Bill was guilty of the “MeToo” charges.  Rashad said, “What you’re seeing is the destruction of a legacy. And I think it’s orchestrated. I don’t know why or who’s doing it, but it’s the legacy. And it’s a legacy that is so important to the culture.” Link

Rashad dismisses claims from two outspoken women. “Oh, please,” she said when their names came up. She also is quick to defend Camille Cosby. “This is a tough woman, a smart woman.”  “She’s no pushover.” “There is no question,” Rashad said, “that Camille Cosby has not been complicit or looked the other way as her husband terrorized women for the last 50 years.”

She added, “Someone is determined to keep Bill Cosby off TV,” alluding to people other than the women. “And it’s worked. All his contracts have been cancelled.”

Bill’s wife, Camille Olivia Hanks Cosby, holds a PhD in Education and is a direct descendant of Nancy Hanks Lincoln, President Abraham Lincoln‘s mother. Like his wife, Bill earned his Doctor of Education from the University of Massachusetts Amherst in 1976 after completing his Masters of Arts there in 1972.

This is the same man who, in 1971, was one of the lead stars on The Electric Company, a comedy variety show that taught basic phonetic and grammar concepts using live-action sketches, cartoons, songs, and Spider-Man episodes.  This is where, then unknown, Morgan Freeman, got his start.  Bill and his wife Camille have always been at the forefront of academic education for all of America’s children.

Camille Cosby has previously been outspoken about her belief that the case against her husband was “unethical” and claimed his accusers were lying.  She owns a production company, has done television and stage work, and has written books and articles.She was her husband’s manager and kept explicit records as to Bill’s engagements.  She has never left his side.

When these charges first erupted, ABC News reported that Camille Cosby came out in defense of her husband and this is what she said, A different man has been portrayed in the media over the last two months. It is the portrait of a man I do not know. It is also a portrait painted by individuals and organizations whom many in the media have given a pass. There appears to be no vetting of my husband’s accusers before stories are published or aired. An accusation is published, and immediately goes viral.

These two women who know Bill well are not the only ones who have stood by him.  Others who have worked with Bill through the years are standing by the man they know.

Cosby Family Philanthropy

The Cosby family, through their foundation, has helped their own race far more than most.  They gave multi-millions and helped millions of black young people to succeed and to become successful members of society.  I haven’t been able to find a decision by an institution to publicly renounce any of the tens of millions of dollars that he and his wife, Camille have given over the years.  Nor have they decided to reject any new donations.

Cosby’s legacy of giving is decades-old and extensive, topped by a $20 million gift to Spelman College in 1988 and including, among many other donations, $3 million to the Morehouse School of Medicine; $1 million in 2004 to the U.S. National Slavery Museum in Fredericksburg, Virginia; and $2 million from Cosby’s wife, Camille, to St. Frances Academy in Baltimore in 2005. According to IRS filings, in 2009, Camille and Bill Cosby gave more than $800,000 in scholarship grants through the William and Camille Cosby Foundation. And that’s only a tiny portion of their philanthropy.

I wonder if the Cosby’s know of Margaret Mitchell’s decades of donations to Morehouse?  In 1942, Margaret Mitchell, author of Gone with the Wind, received a letter from Dr. Benjamin Mays, president of the all-black Morehouse College in Atlanta. He asked her to give one scholarship of $80.00 for one student, and Margaret Mitchell wrote back and sent a check, and that was the beginning of a long relationship.

Mays was a mentor to Dr. Martin Luther King.  He sensed that Margaret might be open to his ideas on education, and again wrote to her. And Dr. Mays was right.Her checks increased with the needs and a college student was the courier between the two.  Mays and Mitchell never met, but her legacy of charity to Morehouse continues and will for the next 100 years.  It was Margaret’s deep affection for Hattie McDaniel who played Mammy in the movie, and her caring relationships with people from all walks of life that led to the millions in donations to Morehouse College.

HBO stopped showing the movie and in doing so, cut some of the funds to Morehouse for black medical students.

2004 Speeches

For decades, Cosby lectured the black community about family values. Leaders who promoted the “victim” mentality of black Americans were not happy.

Bill wanted his people to excel and he knew they’d never do it when fathers were not in the homes, when children dropped out of school, when they wore their pants too low, when they had $500 tennis shoes and carried guns and joined gangs.  He spoke against it every chance he had, and especially at the NAACP.  Cosby did not want his people to be victims, but to strive to be all they could be…as others in his race had done.

On May 17, 2004, Bill Cosby spoke at an NAACP Legal Defense Fund awards ceremony in Washington, D.C., to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the 1954 Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education.

In the speech, which was subsequently widely disseminated and analyzed, Cosby was highly critical of the black community in the United States. He criticized the use of African-American Vernacular English, the prevalence of single-parent families, perceived emphasis on frivolous and conspicuous consumption at the expense of necessities, lack of responsibility, and other behaviors.

Here is the transcript of that speech, and it was a mighty one excoriating the black community’s care of their children.  He has been both praised and condemned for his statements. Bill Cosby has not repudiated his controversial pronouncements or attempted to distance himself from them. Instead, he has chosen to expand upon his theme on subsequent occasions and to make himself a spokesperson for black self-empowerment through education and better parenting.

What do you believe the so-called black leaders thought of this kind of rhetoric?  Of course, some had to support him, because he was a great star in his own right, but I highly doubt they were happy about his words.  Here’s a taste of what he said back then.

They’re standing on the corner and they can’t speak English. I can’t even talk the way these people talk: Why you ain’t, Where you is, What he drive, Where he stay, Where he work, Who you be… And I blamed the kid until I heard the mother talk. And then I heard the father talk.

Everybody knows it’s important to speak English except these knuckleheads. You can’t be a doctor with that kind of crap coming out of your mouth. In fact, you will never get any kind of job making a decent living.

People marched and were hit in the face with rocks to get an Education, and now we’ve got these knuckleheads walking around.

The lower economic people are not holding up their end in this deal. These people are not parenting. They are buying things for kids. $500 sneakers for what?

And they won’t spend $200 for Hooked on Phonics.

I am talking about these people who cry when their son is standing there in an orange suit. Where were you when he was two? Where were you when he was 12? Where were you when he was 18 and how come you didn’t know that he had a pistol? And where is the father? Or who is his father?

People putting their clothes on backward: Isn’t that a sign of something gone wrong? People with their hats on backward, pants down around the crack, isn’t that a sign of something?

Isn’t it a sign of something when she has her dress all the way up and got all types of needles [piercing] going through her body? What part of Africa did this come from?? We are not Africans. Those people are not Africans; they don’t know a thing about Africa.

I say this all of the time. It would be like white people saying they are European-American. That is totally stupid.

I was born here, and so were my parents and grandparents and, very likely my great grandparents. I don’t have any connection to Africa, no more than white Americans have to Germany, Scotland, England, Ireland, or the Netherlands. The same applies to 99 percent of all the black Americans as regards to Africa. So stop, already!!! With names like Shaniqua, Taliqua and Mohammed and all of that crap… And all of them are in jail.

Brown or black versus the Board of Education is no longer the white person’s problem. We have got to take the neighborhood back. People used to be ashamed. Today a woman has eight children with eight different ‘husbands’ — or men or whatever you call them now.

We have millionaire football players who cannot read. We have million-dollar basketball players who can’t write two paragraphs. We, as black folks have to do a better job.

Someone working at Wal-Mart with seven kids, you are hurting us. We have to start holding each other to a higher standard. We cannot blame the white people any longer.

Dr. William Henry ‘Bill’ Cosby, Jr., Ed. D.

Cosby again came under sharp criticism, and was unapologetic for his stance on the issue, when he made similar remarks during a speech at a July 1st meeting of Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow-Push Coalition commemorating the anniversary of Brown v. Board, where he said, “… you’ve got to stop beating up your women because you can’t find a job, because you didn’t want to get an education and now you’re [earning] minimum wage.”

He had critical remarks for black Christians’ seeming inability to create positive social change for the urban population to which he was referring, “I’m telling you Christians, what’s wrong with you? Why can’t you hit the streets? Why can’t you clean it out yourselves?”

At the end of Cosby’s speech where he encourages listeners to go to their families and improve their parenting so the black community can improve, he said, “Well, I’ve got something to tell you about Jesus. When you go to the church, look at the stained-glass windows of Jesus. Look at them. Is Jesus smiling? Not in one picture. So, tell your friends. Let’s try to do something. Let’s try to make Jesus smile. Let’s start parenting. Thank you, thank you.”


I’ve never claimed Bill Cosby was perfect, and he may well have had dalliances or affairs, but the bait-and-switch by the Pennsylvania prosecutor required Cosby to claim actions that may have never happened.

Why take down a man all of American loved and idolized?  Because he ruffled far too many feathers and he certainly was never politically correct.  I learned that over a sandwich and coffee with him in the 1970s.  Could he be extorted with charges that were false?  Of course, many famous people have forked over funds to avoid trials and publicity, even when those charges were total fabrications.

Bill Cosby always operated outside the power brokers and marched to his own drummer.  He avoided allegiances and payoffs to alliances who could ultimately own him.  He was and still is a “public moralist.”  That makes him a target of the social and perverted justice warriors.

Bill Cosby’s true legacy is one that needs to be echoed throughout America…I’ll stand with him and his family.

© 2021 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson:

How About a Little Critical THINKING?

By Rob Pue

So all seems “quiet” now in the country since the “Commander in Thief” has taken up residence in the White House. Things may seem quiet, but do not be deceived. There’s a deep, ugly sludge oozing out across our land and the demoniacs have quietly been having a field day. The reason things seem “quiet” and peaceful now, by the way, is that they’ve halted their rioting, burning, looting, destroying and terrorism to give the “illusion” of peace. But again, there is no peace, only an illusion, as they quietly continue to push their liberal, Leftist, Communist agenda, all under the radar of most Americans.

The latest nefarious scheme the Left is pushing is Critical Race Theory. And as always, corporate America is eating from their hands. They can’t move fast enough, pridefully advertise the obscene amounts of money they’re throwing at this movement loudly enough or flood the airwaves and the atmosphere with more anti-Christ propaganda and indoctrination thickly enough. I find it sickening.

Critical Race Theory, for those who are unaware, is the idea that racism is systemic in all America’s institutions and that this “systemic racism” is so engrained in all of society that it serves to maintain the dominance of white people while keeping all others “down.” In simple terms, white people are inherently evil, hateful and racist, whereas it is impossible for any other ‘race’ to be so.

What’s so concerning about all this is that, just like the militant LGBTQP+ agenda, transgenderism, “democratic socialism” and communism, Critical Race Theory is now also being embraced and taught in our public school systems, from kindergarten on up. It’s even more aggressively pursued in college classrooms. Of course, after twelve years in public school, college students are already so indoctrinated with so many lies from the pits of hell, they’re not only ready, but eager to embrace the idea that all white people are inherently evil.

Last year, Black Lives Matter exploded onto the scene with nation-wide terrorism, and many of the participants in that self-proclaimed Marxist movement were white. We saw videos of college age white girls kneeling down and kissing the feet of angry black men, apologizing for their “whiteness.” We saw those same angry black men vowing that white people would soon be placed in captivity and forced to be the slaves of the superior Black ‘race.’

You may have heard about Coca Cola’s “diversity training program” held this past February, where employees were told, “In the US and other Western nations, white people are socialized to feel that they are inherently superior because they are white.” (That’s a direct quote) Their training course went on to assert that “Research shows that by age 3 to 4, children understand that it is better to be white.” But there was more.  Documents from this training stated, “To be less white is to: be less oppressive, be less arrogant, be less certain, be less defensive, be less ignorant, be more humble, and break with white solidarity.” The famous slogan from Coke’s employee training was “Try to be less white.”

I doubt that this so-called “diversity training” has been limited to the Coca Cola corporation. That’s the one we heard about. But no doubt this stuff is being pushed by hundreds of American corporations now, in our modern day so-called “woke” society. I don’t know about you, but I find this all extremely offensive. We’re being told — our KIDS are being told — that white people are inherently oppressive, arrogant, ignorant and adhere to the idea of “white supremacy.” The critically-thinking adult has the capacity to see all this and reject it as the demonic pack of lies it is. Our young people do not have that discernment. If the teacher says it’s true, it must be true. If the TV news says it’s true, it must be true. If the Hollywood and music celebrities, they worship say it’s true — and the newest bandwagon to jump on — they’re all in.

I’m so tired of this. Racism was absolutely not a problem in America when I was growing up in the 1970s. America was a melting pot of hard-working people of all colors and ancestries. Yes, there was a “White Supremacy” movement, but it was made up of “Nazi Skinheads” and the like, and nobody embraced such ideologies. If you think back, racial tensions, riots and terrorism had been pretty much completely eliminated from our society until Obama took office. Then, using his “community organizing” skills, he quickly started the “divide and conquer” strategy he was placed in office to carry out.

Now yes, I am addressing this issue as an older, white, conservative Christian male. (We’ve also been asked to simply accept the idea that masculinity is inherently “toxic,” by the way, in case you’ve forgotten). But I’m just an average guy and I think I represent the views of other older, white conservate Christian males pretty accurately. I can tell you that I’m NOT racist, NOT bigoted and do NOT hate anyone because of the color of their skin. The color of one’s skin has no more influence on me than the color of one’s car.

I have dear friends who are Black, Hispanic, Asian, Eastern European, and Russian. I don’t divide or label people according to their heritage. I value them for who they are, what they do, for the different relationships I have with each of them. I don’t view people in general by their race. People are people. There is only one race — the Human race. We’re all descendants of Noah.

As for America, all of us here, unless we’re Native Americans, are immigrants. We come from many lands, many cultures. But we’re here because our forefathers sought freedom, opportunity and equality and this country still offers these things today. But instead of the “melting pot” we used to be, today we’re more like a tossed salad. Modern day immigrants no longer seek to assimilate, to be a part of “One Nation Under God.” Instead, they refuse to learn English, refuse to learn our history and heritage and embrace America as the land of the free. They want the benefits of being an American without ever actually becoming one.

Now before you get all worked up, yes, I am aware of the slave trade in America. African slaves did not come here seeking freedom. They were sold here as slaves. But are you aware that those African slaves were sold into slavery by other black people? Are you aware that it was the Republican party and the Christians that ended slavery? Are you aware that it was the democrat party that fought to keep black people enslaved, that founded and formed the KKK? Did you know that? Look it up.

Blaming a young white girl for slavery in the 1800s is like blaming a young Japanese girl for Pearl Harbor. How stupid would that be? Yet that’s what we’re being told to embrace with Critical Race Theory. Basically, they want to stir up an inherent hatred of all white people, especially white males, especially white Christianmales.  There were plenty of white American Christians fighting for civil rights in the 1950s and ‘60s, and by the 1980s, we had long since moved on as a nation, repented of the evils of those early days and if not for the meddling of race-baiters, we might still have peace in this country.

But basically, the message we’re supposed to accept now is that black people are always victims, always treated unfairly, always taken advantage of, always oppressed, always persecuted by their white neighbors and by an unfair system — designed by white people to keep black people down.

But is that true? I would submit to you that Martin Luther King’s dream has been achieved and it was achieved a long time ago. Until Obama came along, and more recently the militant Communist, Lucifierian Leftists, people were judged by the content of their character, not the color of their skin. But the Communist agenda to destroy a nation from within includes the necessity of internal division and strife. And that’s just what Critical Race Theory was designed for.

I will go even further and state that there are, today, more social programs available specifically to black people than ever before in history. Some run by government, some by private organizations. If a black person — or a person of any minority — desires to have a better life, an education, even preferential treatment for college admission, preference for a good paying job, even preference for a low-rate home mortgage, it’s readily available. At the same time, so is welfare, free housing, food stamps and a myriad of other “entitlements.” So please, don’t try to use race as an excuse for remaining “oppressed” or trapped in an impoverished inner-city neighborhood. By the way, those impoverished inner city neighborhoods are also purposely made and kept that way by the same Leftists currently working their hardest to destroy our entire country. If you want to see what America will look like under their Communist “Utopia,” just look at an inner-city slum. That is what THEY created for black people (and they purposely did it to keep black people impoverished), and that’s what they’re now creating for the rest of our nation, with government handouts, ongoing cash payments and so-called “stimulus checks.” We’re slowly being boiled to death in a pot of warm water that’s getting hotter every day, but so many find it comfortable, and so many seem to enjoy having no personal responsibility. There’s a shortage of workers everywhere you look in America. Businesses can no longer function because no one wants to work. Because Big Brother Government is handing out “free” money — but beware, folks. The mouse in the trap never understood why the cheese was free.

Ultimately, it’s up to every individual as to what he or she will do with the life God has given them. If anyone, black, white or purple, wants a better life, an education, a good job, a nice home in a nice neighborhood, it’s still possible to obtain all that in America today, with hard work. And for those living below the poverty line or in a blighted neighborhood, as a black person or as any other minority, it’s actually even easier to obtain because there are a great many special programs designed especially to help these individuals.

As I drive through blighted inner-city neighborhoods I always wonder, “why does no one living here ever travel outside the neighborhood?” You can go from the utter poverty of the housing projects to universities, or to beautiful suburban communities with landscaped yards and manicured lawns in a matter of minutes. Within a half hour you can be in the countryside looking at rolling hills and meadows and farmland. There is LIFE outside the ghetto. There are programs waiting to help people get there, and get there for FREE! Why do they choose to remain victims of Leftist slavery? It’s not white people who are enslaving them. It’s the Leftist demons with the carrot and stick, keeping them where they are. Good little obedient democratic socialist slaves.

I must go back to the concept of the content of one’s character. Please don’t talk to me about “white privilege.” There is no such thing. When I started my own business as a very young man, I went to the bank seeking a small business loan. The banker told me point blank: “I’m sorry, but you’re the wrong color and the wrong gender.” If I were Black, Asian or a female, there were plenty of programs I would have qualified for. But as a single, white male…nothing.

Sadly, today black people — and other minorities — continue to be used as pawns in a perverted game invented and run by the Left, and I’m sick of it. Instead of holding up inspirational leaders like Dr. Ben Carson, Candace Owens, Allen West or Sheriff David Clarke, we get BLM. We get racism and rage. Yes, it does, indeed, exist. But the racism in America is not white people hating blacks — that’s as fake as the news on CNN. It’s the Leftist Marxists taking advantage of blacks (and young, ignorant white college students) and brainwashing them with hateful rhetoric, disinformation and outright lies, to intentionally stir up division and bring about the revolution that will ultimately bring America to it’s destruction. Stop buying into these lies. Instead of Critical Race THEORY, how about just a little bit of critial THINKING?!

© 2021 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066 or email:  Ask for message number 328.

Evil, Madness or Narcissism?

By: Devvy

Those Americans who know the big picture are constantly asking:  Why can’t people see the truth?  Why do they buy into the madness that’s been saturating our country for decades?  How come liberals and progressives cannot see the truth?

First one must remember the goals of the Communist Party International:  Take control of the media, the film industry, turn public schools into ‘transmission belts’ for socialism, mock Christianity by infiltrating churches, turn our Founding Fathers into white supremacists.

America’s “intelligence” agencies are infested with closet communists who identify as progressives or liberals as well as the [In]Justice Dept.  Oh, they will all say they don’t embrace communist ideology but if one has studied communism and all other forms of government, they’re liars.

Some are Fascists like ANTIFA, though most of their useful fools are too ignorant to understand how they’re being used because their minds have been washed through deliberate dumbing down techniques and propaganda curriculum in government cesspools called schools.  And by trained Marxists paid to create division in this country by pitting Americans against Americans.  The systemic racism mantra currently at the top of the list.

Second, is rather simple:  Mind control.  Conditioning humans to behave in ways that further your goals.  I feel comfortable saying a huge percentage of Americans probably think mind control is just something one sees at the movie theater or some streaming platform like Netflix.  Yes, they probably do believe the truth that the evil, vile Chinese Communist Party does to this day use “re-education” camps to bring those poor people back in line with their party’s ideology:  There is no god.  The CCP (Chinese Communist Party) owns you.  Obey or you will die.

The “Deprogramming” Begins: Public Defender Representing January 6th Defendants “Re-Educates” Them –  “A public defender named H. Heather Shaner, we’re assured by Ryan J. Reilly of the Huffington Post, has no option but to defend the January 6 “attackers” because “who can’t afford their own attorneys, as guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution and as laid out in the Criminal Justice Act.”  But she’s also taking the opportunity to re-educate her clients, so they aren’t racist anymore.”

How outrageous.  Every one of those defendants should tell the judge they want new counsel.

Mind control isn’t new.  The movie, The Manchurian Candidate, starring Frank Sinatra,  perhaps opened a few eyes but then it was back to day to day living.  After all, it’s just a movie.  A perfect example of a modern-day Manchurian Candidate is Barry Soetoro, commonly known as Barack Hussein Obama, which is not his real, legal name.  An empty suit with nothing more than being a community organizer and a listless term in Congress, took America by storm.

Tens of millions of Americans didn’t care, and to this day don’t care Hussein Obama was and is not constitutionally eligible to be president.  He was the choice of the shadow government and by fraud, he was in the WH for two terms.  How could one explain such an outcome?

Why couldn’t intelligent, rational Americans see Hussein for what he is?  In his Treatise on War, Sun Tzu, said: “Hold out baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder, and crush him.” It is this strategy in the art of war which we saw during the presidential primary’s when he unlawfully ran.

In the case of “Change we can believe in,” Hussein Obama, baited voters with the usual rhetoric, making promises he had no intention of keeping.Obama’s bait was cloaked in what mother government can do for you with the biggest carrot being health care using fancy, deceptive double speak.  Victimhood was and is critical in keeping the herds in line.

On January 22, 2009, I wrote we don’t have a new president and this:

“What about the masses who responded to the prod and voted for Obama? It’s being reported that nearly two million people showed up for the coronation two days ago. It would have been convenient to have stands along the way to fit these people for their chains of bondage. I hope you can take time over the weekend to read a document I covered on my radio show as the coronation parties were in full swing. What made millions swoon, weep, raise their hands to the heavens, declare Obama the next Messiah and go over the edge for a nobody with a closed past – besides the color of his skin?

“As I told my listening audience, I am not a conspiracy freak. Frequently, I get very angry email from patriots for debunking some popular theories that don’t hold water. A couple of months ago, I read this paper and as I read the 67 pages, it all came together. Untold numbers of us couldn’t figure out this “Obama phenomenon” and what was causing it….until I read this explanation about conversational hypnosis. Not only did I read it, I spent six hours running down the foot notes and studying Erickson’s method used and accepted in the field of psycho-analysis.

“Finally, it all made sense. As a lay person not trained and with little prior understanding on this issue, all I could keep wondering is are these people all mad, desperate or did they all take the same pill? No, Obama simply used a technique of hypnosis on mass crowds and turned them into little better than melting butter. A master orator without an original thought in his head, he used his voice and hands to mesmerize.

I learned a great deal from that document. At some point the stupefaction will wear off and millions of people, except for too many black Americans who voted for one half of Obama’s race (most of them forget Obama’s mother was Caucasian), will begin to wonder why they voted for Obama as he blunders along and the economy worsens. Except, of course, those blinded by skin color. Read this document: Obama’s use of hypnotic technique during his speeches

“You can decide for yourself. I’m certain those who support Obama will poo-poo it away. They’ve got too much riding on his campaign promises. These very same people haven’t done a minute of research on Obama’s background, his proven communist ties and Marxist beliefs. Obama’s faithful will not see or hear his slick lies because the thought of betrayal is simply too much to handle. As Judge Andrew Napolitano so accurately named his book, A Nation of Sheep, can you hear the baaa-baaa still echoing from the Washington Mall?”

MK-ULTRA has received a lot of attention over the past twenty years or so but, still, most people know nothing about it.  Project MK ULTRA:  The CIA’s Program of Research in Behavioral Modification –  see this from the Congressional Record.”

How many Americans and Canadians know anything about MK ULTRA?  Maybe 1/100thof one percent?  A super secret CIA program conducted both here and in Canada.  Some test subjects knew what was going on but the majority didn’t.  They were simply used as guinea pigs.

MK-Ultra was a top-secret CIA project in which the agency conducted hundreds of clandestine experiments—sometimes on unwitting U.S. citizens—to assess the potential use of LSD and other drugs for mind control, information gathering and psychological torture. Though Project MK-Ultra lasted from 1953 until about 1973, details of the illicit program didn’t become public until 1975, during a congressional investigation into widespread illegal CIA activities within the United States and around the world.

Operation Midnight Climax

“Operation Midnight Climax was an MK-Ultra project in which government-employed prostitutes lured unsuspecting men to CIA “safe houses” where drug experiments took place.

“The CIA dosed the men with LSD and then—while at times drinking cocktails behind a two-way mirror—watched the drug’s effects on the men’s behavior. Recording devices were installed in the prostitutes’ rooms, disguised as electrical outlets.”

Victims of CIA’s MKUltra Mind Control Program Are Fighting Back, May 31, 2018:  “The recent Netflix series, Wormwood, reignited mainstream attention on the horrors of MKUltra– the government-funded mind control program of the 1950s and ‘60s that used experimental brainwashing techniques on unwitting citizens. And now a number of families are coalescing to bring a class action lawsuit against the agencies involved to gain reparations and a modicum of closure for the horrific experiments their loved ones were subjected to…

“Last year, one victim’s daughter, Alison Steel, was quietly awarded a sum of money from the Canadian government for her mother’s unknowing participation. Jean Steel was admitted into the Allen Institute program in 1957 for manic depression, quickly becoming one of Cameron’s test subjects. When she was released, she was never the same.”

There were several high theater hearings in Congress.  This is from the Congressional Record:  Project MK Ultra, the CIA’s Program of Research in Behavioral Modification, Joint Hearing Before the Select Committee on Intelligence and the Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research of the Committee on Human Resources United States Senate, August 3, 1977.  I know from research some of the major players like Stansfield Turner.  On page 169 of that document, reference is made to Wormwood and Project CHICKWIT.

Paid for by taxpayers.  MK ULTRA was just the tip of the iceberg.  Documentary titled, The Minds of Men, 2018, “The Minds of Men is a 3+ year investigation into the experimentation, art, and practice of Social Engineering and Mind Control during the Cold War. It is a mind-bending journey into the past, that gives startling insight into the world we live today.”

The film is very long, 3:42:24 so I watched it half an hour at a time.  Horrifying.  Evil conducted by mad men drowning in their own narcissism.

Over the decades I have referred readers to a book by a dear lady who became a friend.  Jeri Lynn Ball was a thorough, accurate researcher who dedicated a zillion hours analyzing what was being done to Americans without them realizing it.  Jeri wrote a synopsis about her book.

MASTERS OF SEDUCTION:  Beguiling Americans Into Slavery and Self-destruction

“This book presents facts that are completely at odds with the information being spread on amass scale by the media. In light of the tremendous power of the press to shape public opinion, probably over 90 percent of Americans have never heard these facts before. The truth may shock and astound you. It may seem staggering, inconceivable– beyond reality. What are the unheard-of facts, the unsuspected truth? Is it true that Americans are the targets of a full-scale psychological war?

“Is it true that there has been a deliberate attempt to attack their minds, to undermine their institutions and beliefs, and to obliterate the United States? Is it true that to achieve these ends the masters have gained virtual control of America’s educational system, the universities, the entertainment industry, and the media? If so, how have they acquired this enormous power and why they are attempting to manipulate the thoughts and emotions of the whole American people?

“Masters of Seduction zeroes in on the answers, showing that Communist masters who ran the“former” Soviet Union and East Bloc nations during the Cold War are still in control of these hapless countries today and that they are waging psychological warfare, using the same powerful secret weapon to subjugate Americans that they used to enslave their own people.

“The Russian totalitarians, Red Chinese, and their globalist American “partners” are using this secret ideological weapon, among other things, to achieve world domination. This book provides overwhelming documentation which proves that Communism is not dead and that it’s spreading like cancer. In fact, America itself is now in imminent danger of being devoured by this pernicious, rapidly-spreading evil.


“At the Sixth Party Congress held in Moscow in 1928, Communists wrote and approved “The Program” to bring in the New World Order. What most Americans don’t know is the real nature of this diabolical criminal scheme. The Program of the Third International called for a global environmental program and for the transformation of all human beings on earth to accept the New World Order.

“These and other facts are brought to light by General Benton Partin in his videotape, Globalism: The Program. The Communists planned to use the global environmental program as a means of eradicating national sovereignty and creating a world dictatorship. All nations, nationalities, and national boundaries were to be replaced by an omnipotent, one-world government and regional governances. The Communists did not want the American approach to liberty, with individual God-given rights protected by a government with limited powers.

“The Communists did not want the American concept of rule of law. They wanted unrestrained despotic government, power without limit, a world without laws—a brutal, terror-inspiring global totalitarian police state which could smash all laws of justice,launch campaigns of enslavement and mass murder, and eliminate opponents of the New World Order. Twenty delegates from the U.S. voted for the 1928 Program of the Third International.”

Gen. Ben Partin was a dear friend of mine for a long time.  He went to our Lord in 2019.  Ben was truly a wonderful human being with a heart of gold and one of the most intelligent people I’ve been blessed to know.  Ben’s bio is extensive.We had many long discussions over the decades about the plans to destroy our Republic.  Larry Becraft and I put on an event in June 1998, Ben was one of the five speakers.  While he speaks about OKC and WACO, Ben spends a good amount of time on the goals of the Communist International.  Watching Ben’s presentation is 45 minutes of well spent time.

Deadly Failures in Intelligence Analysis and Defense Unpreparedness by Gen. Ben Partin – “One is the evolution of technology whose extrapolation is a sophisticated science itself, and the other is the Program of the Communist International Adopted at its 6th Congress in Moscow on September 1, 1928. [Reference: The Communist International 1919-1943 Documents. The Communist International 1919-1943 Documents, Jane DeGrasse, ed., Volume 11, 1923-1928, London, Oxford University Press, 1960.]​”  I have the same documents among the thousands in the Reading Room on my web site.

Going back to Jeri’s synopsis of her book, Masters of Seduction, published in 2000, she masterfully explains in great detail how the communists were well on their way to creating the ‘new Soviet man’.  Reconstructing Americans through the use of psychological warfare on the American people.  20 pages that will shock most Americans if they take the time to read how they’ve been used.  How psychological warfare was being used to wash people’s minds that’s had a profound impact on our society.  We are 21 years from the time Jeri published her book.  One cannot deny what she laid out isn’t happening here in America because it is and it’s toxic.

Today these same evil malignant narcissists have used the media (print, electronic, boob tube & social media) to condition not just the U.S., but the world to accept “the new normal” regarding COVID-19.  Accept giving up your God-given rights.  Accept walking around for a year or more with a diaper on your face that’s absolutely, scientifically worthless for preventing the spread of a virus.  Isolate yourself, your family, live in fear.

I say go to Hell with your new normal.  A “new normal” whose foundation is a mountain of lies enough to choke a horse.  Jon Rappoport wrote a great piece,  Pandemics Are Staged on Television, July 3, 2021.  Jon uses the movie, Network, to make his point. Spot on.  The “mainstream” media for decades has had an agenda; only those who never stray from ABC, CNN and the rest of them still believe their well crafted and deliberate lies on just about every issue.

My last column, COVID-19’s 800 Ton Elephant in the Room, shocked a lot of people.  So much email and still coming in.  You see, once one is able to blow away the brain fog and start connecting the dots, things begin to make sense.  Several doctors emailed me.  “A trusted friend sent the link to your column”.  Basically, they all said the same thing:  We’ve been lied to and ‘why couldn’t I see it’?  Because you trusted the source of this phantom virus, the CDC.  You trusted Mike Pence’s choice of the big cheese, globally well connected, career criminal top dog expert to lead us all into a valley of death, Dr. Anthony Fauci.  Because the method used by the disgraced MSM was exactly as Jon says in his column:

“An emergency medical vehicle on a street. EMT personnel, in hazmat suits, load a man strapped down to a stretcher, into the van. On another street, a man collapses on the sidewalk. We see a quarantined man sitting inside a huge plastic bubble on a third street. Cut to an airport lobby. Soldiers are patrolling the space among the crowds. Cut to a lab. Close-up of vials of liquid.

“Camera pulls back. Techs in light green scrubs are placing the vials into slots of a table-top machine. Auditorium—a man on a platform, wearing a doctor’s white coat, is pointing a wand at a large screen, on which a chart is displayed, for the audience. Back to the street. People are wearing face masks. These images wash over the television viewer. Meanwhile, the anchor is imparting his prepared meaning: “The government today issued a ban on all travel into and out of the city…hundreds of plane flights have been cancelled. Scientists are rushing to develop a vaccine…”

Today, it’s called optics.  It’s also, in my humble opinion, treating the American people like Pavlov’s dogs:  Pavlov’s Dogs and American Education, Sept. 19, 2008 – “Although the communists took control of Russia in 1917, Pavlov was able to continue his work unhindered in what became the State Institute of Experimental Psychology supported by government funding. Since Pavlov was both a Darwinist and a behaviorist, there was no ideological conflict between him and the new Marxist-Leninist government, which denied God and viewed man as nothing more than an animal whose behavior could be shaped by the State.

“In 1920, Pavlov and his colleagues embarked on a long-term experimental investigation. The aim of the experiments was to learn how to artificially create human disorganization for the purpose of controlling and reorienting human behavior. In The Nature of Human Conflicts (1932), influential Soviet psychologist Dr. A.L. Luria gives us a full account of the experiments and what they revealed. “The chief problems of the author,” Luria wrote in his Preface, “were an objective and materialistic description of the mechanisms lying at the basis of the disorganization of human behavior and an experimental approach to the laws of its regulation.”

“Why would these Soviet psychologists spend so much time and effort trying to find out how to deliberately drive people crazy? The answer is simple. The Soviet Union believed itself to be the leader in a world revolution to convert everyone to communism, which required the conquest of all its capitalist enemies. And this was to be done not by military invasion but by psychological warfare under the guise of objective science.”

So, going back to Jon’s comparison above, Americans were subjected to 24/7 mass hysteria created by the prostitute media; conditioned to react in fear seeing a doctor’s white coat, face masks, cherry picked hospitals in “hot spots”.  Over and over and over for nearly a year now and still, despite the overwhelming scientific evidence, people are still wearing masks outside here in my city in 95-degree temperatures.  Viruses hate heat, folks.

Remember, in 2018, 900,000 people were hospitalized during the annual influenza season; runs Dec. – Feb but can run into May.  That’s six months.  This COVID is now 18+ months with 120,000 people hospitalized up until March 4th.  Hospitalized for COVID from Mar. 15, 2020 – Mar. 4, 2021:  120,000.  Why did they stop tracking hospitalizations?

Thanks to independent media we have been able to reach millions with the truth and the fight is on to stop forcing Americans to take a COVID-19 injection or lose your job or be ostracized in society as someone who is selfish and wants everyone to die!  Until Americans who’ve been destroyed over this phantom virus understand how they’ve been manipulated by evil narcissists, they will continue to live in fear.  Continue to react as desired by those with a diabolical agenda. 

All of this is too much for some and so they will remain in denial.  They had “COVID”.  They had a loved one die from a virus that has not been shown to exist.  Trust science Fauci bellows!  Fine, do what I covered at the end of my last column and we’ll see what science shows.

The yearly influenza flu season was underway in December 2019.  As I’ve written so many times before, COVID has been a cash cow.  Influenza flu virtually disappeared, COVID became the big bux producer and now those dangerous experimental gene editing technology injections being passed off as vaccines are worth tens of billions of dollars with the American people as their guinea pigs.

Is it COVID or Is it the Flu? Not Even Your Doctor Knows for Sure.  July 3, 2021:

If you’re wondering about the loss of taste or smell, do read the article above.

Kelleigh Nelson has spent a huge chunk of time researching players, who works for who, who benefits and so forth.  Her archives are here.  Americans need to understand how they’ve been lied to and manipulated.  They need to demand the one big question gets answered:  Since neither the CDC or any other world health agency or independent institutes  (lab studies) has a purified isolated particles sample of this “new novel coronavirus” discovered through THE solid scientific method, Koch’s Postulates, just what are people getting vaccinated for?

COVID-19’s 800 Ton Elephant in the Room  –  Demand your lawmakers in your legislature get the answer as I laid out to Sen. Hall in my last letter which is my column.  First one they need under oath is Dr. Robert Redfield, former Dir. Of the CDC.

Otherwise, come winter it will be a repeat of last year.  Influenza flu a thing of the past; all will be COVID-19 forever if this nightmare isn’t stopped.  It will only be stopped by all of us because if we do nothing, another round of lock downs on top of what’s underway with the economy is too terrible to contemplate.  And the upcoming school year where schools, colleges and universities will demand your child get one of those injections.

The current screeching over this ‘Delta variant’ is more scaremongering.  How can you have a variant of a virus the CDC doesn’t seem to have it proven exists? Top Experts Say COVID-19 ‘Delta Variant’ Symptoms Are Identical To ‘Hay Fever’, Common Cold

I hope you’ll send this to your email lists and post on all social media.  The very worst is coming as far as fighting against mandatory vaccination and the economy.  Knowledge is power but we need to share that knowledge.  Those orchestrating this world government nightmare and population reduction programs are evil to the core and I do mean evil.  Extreme narcissists who believe only they should hold positions of power and authority over a greatly reduced population.  Only we can stop it by putting intense heat on state legislatures:  Stop all vaccinations now.

Updated VAERS data as of June 25th6,985 dead, up 849 since June 18th data post.  Adverse reactions:  411,931, up 24,643 since June 18th data post.  All categories continue to rise.  I learned last week they are three months behind in reporting.

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions.

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:


This is outrageous and will have the saddest of consequences:  In many states, minors may consent to receive COVID-19 shot even without parent’s knowledge

Pfizer to request COVID-19 vaccine emergency approval for kids ages 5-11 by fall– Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine is currently authorized for use in individuals aged 12 and older

19-years old.  Exclusive: Athlete Who Recovered From COVID Facing ‘Very Different Future’ After Second Dose of Pfizer Vaccine Triggers Myocarditis

13-Year-Old Michigan Boy Dies 3 Days After Second Dose of Pfizer Vaccine, Aunt Says ‘Moral, Ethical, Health’ Questions Need Answers

New England Journal of Medicine Releases Study Of Pregnant Women Who Took COVID Vaccine – More tragic statistics.  More heart break and sorrow.

If you haven’t watched this video, you should.  Victims of the jab.  U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson brought this out in the open.

‘You are a pathetic liar’: CDC at war with itself on vaccines

COVID Vaccine Deaths and Injuries Are Secretly Buried

The House That Evil Built

You Always Command Choice in Your Life

By Frosty Wooldridge

Many people drag the past back into the present.  Others make excuses for poor choices.  Still others wave personal responsibility onto circumstances.  Others abandon themselves in favor of the modus operandi of their “shadow” side.

When arrested for drugs in her pockets, one movie starlit said, “These aren’t my pants. I don’t know anything about what’s in the pockets.”  Another fashion model, upon being arrested for speeding said, “This isn’t my car so I’m not sure about the speedometer.”

You may remember as a child if your mother caught you with your hand in the cookie jar, “The devil made me do it, mom.”  In fact, you wanted to satisfy your sweet tooth.

In today’s world, people seek approval and love more than anything in their daily lives.  If they fail to turn in their term paper on time, “I just didn’t have enough hours in the day to get it done” instead of facing the fact that he-she spent the time   absorbed by fleeting pleasures.

Others want to please friends rather than making themselves the most important person in their lives.  They create a “shadow self” through their actions at work and at social gatherings.  Realize this: everyone makes mistakes on their life journey.

(Enjoying outdoor lunch.) Photography by Frosty Wooldridge

You can “own” your mistake or you can make excuses.  You may make little mistakes that minimally affect you. You might commit huge mistakes that cause you great consequences.

One the greatest lessons my father gave to me:  “Son, if you tell a lie, you must cover it with more lies until one day, you cannot remember how to cover it.  You face exposure, which eventually will undermine friendships and respect from others.  I want you to know this son; you’re going to make mistakes.  Own them. You never have to “cover” the truth. It runs straight and true for your entire life.”

If you “run” a story about your life as an excuse for your current problems, failures or mistakes—take stock of that story.  Own it, better yet, what drives your story and fabrication?  Decide to change it.  You always command a “choice” point in your life.

In other words, you cannot “blame” your boss for your unhappiness in your job.  You cannot blame the job.  You cannot blame your spouse for your frustration.  You cannot blame the kids.  You cannot blame your past.

Instead of obsessing over mistakes, take a long look in the mirror.  Who stares back at you?  What does that face tell you?  In the end, the only relationship that counts must be an authentic one with yourself.

How do you accomplish an authentic relationship?

  • Become scrupulously honest with yourself, with friends, people under you at work and people above you at work.  Honor them as you honor yourself.
  • Realize that you make mistakes through the process of living.  Learn from them, grow from them, move on to your highest and best.
  • Instead of allowing that “shadow” of yourself dictate your choices, stand in your own integrity at all times.  Make choices that benefit your life, your work and your relationships.
  • Instead of excuses or blaming others, stand in your own integrity.  After all, everything in your life ends up with you.

One other thing: maintain your body, mind and spirit in a unified whole.  Physical exercise six days a week for one hour each day.  Eat nutritious foods that maintain your cells with the vibrancy of living. Read a book each day before retiring, and engage classes and learning.  Speak as well as listen to the Great Spirit however you define the “divine” in you.

Finally, on your life journey Portia Nelson said:

Chapter 1: I walked down a street. I spotted a deep hole. I fell into it. I said, “It’s not my fault. I’m lost.”

Chapter 2: I walked down the same street. I spotted the same hole.  I pretended I didn’t see it.  I fell into it.  I said, “I can’t believe I am in the same place. It isn’t my fault.”

Chapter 3: I walked down the same street.  There was a deep hole. I saw it.  I still fell in.  It’s a habit.  My eyes opened.  I know where I am. It is my fault. I climbed out.”

Chapter 4: I walked down the same street. There was a deep hole. I saw it. I walked around it.

Chapter 5:  I walked down a different street.

Walk toward your highest and best by your choices.  How soon can you walk onto a different street?  It’s an easier road to travel. Along the way, wear your own pants and know what’s in your pockets.

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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2021 4th of July – Declaring Our Independence Again

By Lex Greene

For far too many years now, millions of Americans have celebrated July 4th with almost a total disconnect from the purpose of the national holiday and the reason for the season. For decades, this all-important AMERICAN national holiday has been celebrated as little more than a legitimate reason to take a day off work, enjoy a big cookout, have some beers and cocktails, and watch some fireworks.

But this time, July 4, 2021 – the time has arrived to refocus all citizens on the purpose of the celebration, honoring all who created our free sovereign Constitutional Representative Republic following their Declaration of Independence from British rule, 245-years ago.

This time, July 4, 2021 – ALL Americans must stand up and Declare our Independence again!

• Our Independence as a FREE SOVEREIGN NATION
• Our Independence from foreign intrusions, foreign influence, and foreign invasion
• Our Independence from Global Marxist laws, rules, and regulations
• Our Independence from any ONE WORLD ORDER
• Our Independence from abusive Federal overreaches of authority
• Our Independence as 50 FREE SOVEREIGN STATES
• Our Independence as 332-million Americans FREE from any government tyranny
• Our Independence from any forced vaccines or other crimes against humanity
• Our Independence from all K-12 and college campus anti-American indoctrination
• Our Independence from the World Health Organization, the CDC, and Fauci’s NIH
• Our Independence from government sponsored RACE hate and Fear-mongering
• Our Independence from all government controlled news and social media
• Our Independence from Marxist HATE GROUPS like Black Lies Militia and ANTIFA
• Our Independence from self-serving politicians that no longer serve the people
• Our Independence from all anti-American ignorance taught in our classrooms
• Our Independence from 501c government controlled churches selling socialism
• Our Independence from any (true) white, black, brown or any other supremacists
• Our Independence from all liars, real conspiracy theorists, or real conspirators
• Our Independence from all cowards, who would rather live under boot than fight
• Our Independence from all idiots who don’t know America is the greatest nation on earth
• Our Independence from any form of government dependency
• And Our Independence from village idiots like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, who cheated their way to power…

These days, I probably could have filled up several pages with everything we need to Declare our Independence from, but this is a good start!

Let’s not allow this July 4th to go by without re-declaring our individual, State and National Independence from ALL evils facing our nation and the world today. Let us rise up off our knees and stand once again, leading the world to freedom and liberty, and away from global political tyranny.

We must be ONE NATION UNDER GOD AGAIN… Or we will become just one of many failed states that forfeited our freedom, liberty, decency, honor, and future, in exchange for the promise of mere scraps from the corrupt tables of political power.


© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Agenda Driven School Boards Ignore Parents, Part 2

By Roger Anghis

Our school boards are taking on the mindset that parents are nothing but a nuisance for them as they demand the right to mold our children into what THEY want them to be completely ignoring the wishes of the parents.  In my day a school board would dare ignore the wishes of the parents. A Harvard ‘professor’ claims that homeschools are not regulated enough causing students to get an inferior education:  Elizabeth Bartholet, a Harvard Law School professor, recently published a letter calling for stricter regulations on homeschooling, sparking a debate about issues ranging from government intervention in schooling to Harvard elitism.

Her original article claims that the lack of regulation on homeschooling poses a danger to children, because it risks depriving them of an adequate education, exposure to a diverse array of ideas, and protection from potential child abuse. In the 80-page document, she writes that only ten states require minimum education levels for homeschooling instructors, and no states require background checks for past child abuse.[1]

The only problem with her statement is it is an outright lie. Since 2001, mean Composite scores on the ACT® test for homeschooled students have fluctuated between 22.3 in 2007 and 22.8 in 2014. Mean ACT Composite scores for homeschooled students were consistently higher than those for public school students, with the difference ranging between 1.4 score points in 2007 to 2.2 score points in 2014. Compared to students enrolled in private schools, homeschooled students have scored lower since 2003. In 2014, homeschooled students scored 1.1 score points below private school students, on average.[2]

You may not think that a simple point or two is a big difference but when you combine that with the fact that your children aren’t getting a liberal indoctrination that two-point difference is huge!

There is an article on the net that gives reasons why homeschooling is bad for society.  The reasons are totally un-American and pro-globalism. Here is a short explanation of why homeschooling is bad: Schools are communities that not only emphasize collective learning but also encourage sports and creativity in the form of extra curricular activities; such activities serve as a utility to instill societal values into the next generation. These values include public health – required immunizations not only have concrete benefits but also teach children that their actions have consequences on the greater whole. We believe that parents that teach their own children have less of incentive to immunize children and statistically do not. Public schooling gives a voice to the government that speaks of the societal values that have been agreed on by the general public. We believe that both society and the government have a right to influence the child’s development, not only because the government plays a part in protecting the child, but because of the important role the future adult will play as a citizen of society. We believe that public schooling is the mouthpiece for the interests of both the government and society as a whole.[3]

Notice that the emphasis is on society as a whole, not the individual.  It also stresses the importance of the government having a say in how your child is being raised so that they become a piece of the whole of society, not an individual.  The reason America became great was because we were a nation of individuals not a group of similar robots.

Some of the other bad attributes of homeschooling are shockingly anti-globalism which is, in reality, a very good thing: Homeschooling Increases Quality of Education, Home schooling increases civic involvement, Individual Rights Take Precedence Over Government’s Monopoly on Education, Parents are responsible for ensuring that their children’s education is carried out well., Homes beat schools on two significant fronts – facilities and an atmosphere that encourages learning., Family bonding, Classroom education often fails the bright and the slow, Try as it might, the state constantly fails those with greatest faith needs in its schools. [4]  I fail to see the downside to any of these points. It is obvious that these points prove that the public schools are not out for the best of the student only the best of the government.

Public schools are now trying to shove the Critical Race Theory down the throats of public school students.  Britannica defines Critical Race Theory in this way: intellectual movement and loosely organized framework of legal analysis based on the premise that race is not a natural, biologically grounded feature of physically distinct subgroups of human beings but a socially constructed (culturally invented) category that is used to oppress and exploit people of colour. Critical race theorists hold that the law and legal institutions in the United States are inherently racist insofar as they function to create and maintain social, economic, and political inequalities between whites and nonwhites, especially African Americans.[5]

A short explanation is if you’re white you’re a racist and you should hate yourself and because America was founded by white men out nation is also racist and we should hate it too.  Yeah.  That is a really stupid theory.   Keep in mind that a theory is nothing more than an unproven assumption according to Webster’s dictionary.  There is no basis to this theory just like there is no basis to Darwin’s theory of evolution which progressives are using as a scientific fact yet our public schools are teaching it as an irrefutable fact.

Parents are taking a stand against this Critical Race Theory garbage not because they’re racist but because they are sick of their kids being indoctrinated into an ideology that has proven to be a total failure all throughout history.  They want their kids educated with something that will benefit them as adults.  They don’t want their heads filled with useless trash.

You may wonder who the idiot is that is pushing this Critical Race Theory garbage.  It comes from the Zinn Education Project.  As with virtually all progressive titles, this organization is anything but an ‘educational’ organization.  They are a full-blown indoctrination organization.  Parents are worried that their kids are being indoctrinated with critical race theory — a highly ideological account of US history and society that frames the nation as irredeemably racist and white Americans as uniformly bigoted. But they can’t get straight answers. Local school officials lie to them, claiming children are merely being taught to be “critical thinkers.” 

On Saturday, the truth came out. Teachers unions and activists held rallies in 22 cities to support critical race theory — and the organizers have unabashedly made it clear the goal is to recruit students to far-left causes.

The Zinn Education Project, which organized Saturday’s events, cranks out race-centric material for schools across the country. Lesson plans are free for schools to download. Parents wondering where the anti-American ideas their kids are getting come from can visit the Web site. Prepare to be shocked.

The project was founded by the late Howard Zinn, a Marxist historian who famously said that teaching social studies wasn’t about dates and events and forming well-informed citizens: The goal, he insisted, was to impel students to want to change the world, overthrowing the status quo.[6]

Parents need to be informed as to what the public schools are doing.  It would be better if they homeschooled or private schooled their kids.  Their future depends on it.

© 2021 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes


Re-Declaration of Independence

By Paul Engel

As we celebrate the anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence, I think it’s important that we take some time and perform a self-examination of the independence to which those men pledged their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor. If we compare the federal government today to the king we declared independence from then, I think we’ll find them much more alike than we would find comfortable. So today, let us redeclare our independence, not from the government in Washington, D.C., but from the men and women who have corrupted the legacy we celebrate today, from the unjust powers they are exercising, and the tyranny they are attempting to impose on the American people.

As I studied the Declaration of Independence anew, I was hit by the realization of how many of the grievances that the colonist had with King George could just as easily be made by the citizens of the United States against their governments, both state and federal. While writing and teaching on the subject, I was again and again brought to the understanding that the situation of the states today bears a striking resemblance to that of the colonies in 1776. In many ways, I believe the tyranny lorded over the states is worse than what drove our Founding Fathers to declare themselves independent. So I decided to go through the Declaration one more time, updating it with the abuses and usurpations currently being exercised by the government of the United States. I call this document, The Re-Declaration of Independence. To help you, I’ve highlighted the language that I have changed.


The Declaration of the citizens of the fifty united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to regain control of their government, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Natures God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to this action.

The Re-Declaration of Independence

No significant change to the abuses of rights and liberty will come from politicians. They have no real incentive to fix what can be used so greatly to their own benefit. No, if change is to come, it will not come from Washington, D.C., neither is it likely to originate from our state capitals. If a restoration of independence and liberty are to come to America, it will come from the American people.

And no, “united States” is not a typo. This document is not the viewpoint of the union called the United States of America. Rather, it is coming from the citizens of the several states who have voluntarily united into a compact between the states. While the distinction between the union called the United States and the states that have united together is often lost in today’s discourse, the freedom and independence of these states are just as vital to our liberty today as it was in 1776.

The purpose of this document is not to overthrow the government of the United States, but to return it to its proper place, exercising the limited powers delegated to it by the Constitution that created it.


We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.–Such has been the patient sufferance of these States; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to regain control of the Systems of Government. The history of the present government in Washington, D.C. is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

The Re-Declaration of Independence

There is little to change here. We should recognize that the government in Washington, D.C., has taken the place of King George when it comes to the abuse of power. Also of great importance is the call to regain control of that government rather than replace it. This is not a call for insurrection, but for a restoration to the proper role of government in a free republic.

Since no call of this magnitude should be made on a whim, it is important that We the People give facts to show the rightness of what we are calling for.


The Federal Courts have refused their Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.

The federal government has forbidden the States to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till their Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, they have utterly neglected to attend to them.

The federal government has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large territories held in trust for the people, requiring the people of new states relinquish the right of control of public territories as a condition of admission to the union, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only.

The labyrinth of bureaucratic departments and agencies have created confusing, contradictory, and ruinous regulations for the sole purpose of fatiguing the American people into compliance with their measures.

Federal courts have dissolved state legislative acts repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness the federal governments invasions on the rights of the people.

The President has refused to enforce laws protecting the borders of this nation, the States remaining in the mean time exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within.

Congress has refused to adopt immigration laws necessary and sufficient for the needs of the people, leaving in place outdated laws that inhibit the economy and promoting illegal immigration.

The President has obstructed the Administration of Justice, by politicizing the appointment of judges, requiring their fidelity to certain opinions rather than the supreme law of the land.

The Senate has made Judges dependent on their Will alone, for appointment to their offices, and threaten them with impeachment for political reasons.

Congress has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance.

The President has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies by militarizing our police forces.

The President has affected to render the Military and police independent of their oath to the supreme law of the land.

The President has combined with the Senate to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving their Assent to the Acts of pretended Legislation from the United Nations and entering into international agreements without the advice and consent of the Senate:

For Quartering large bodies of armed law enforcement among us, including arming non-law enforcement departments and agencies:

For protecting law enforcement and government officials, by a mock Trial and qualified immunity, from punishment for crimes which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States:

For cutting off our Trade within a state:

For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent and in violation of the Constitution:

For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury:

For transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offenses

For abolishing the free System of United States Laws, establishing therein arbitrary government agencies, and enlarging the Boundaries of their power so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the absolute rule into these States:

For effectively taking away our State Constitutions, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments:

For suspending the actions of our own Legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever.

The federal government has abdicated Government here, by declaring us out of its Protection and by failing to enforce immigration, naturalization, and Constitutional laws.

The federal government has plundered our seas, ravaged our Coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people through regulation of domestic policy not delegated to the United States by the Constitution.

The Congress is at this time transporting large armies to act as mercenaries to complete the works of death, already begun by previous executive administrations, in an effort to impose their political will, and the will of our allies, on those we disagree with.

The federal government has constrained our fellow Citizens to bear Arms against their fellow citizens, to become the executioners of their friends and Brethren, or to fall themselves by their Hands.

The federal government has excited domestic insurrections amongst us by allowing it to go unopposed in cities across the land, and has endeavored to bring on the inhabitants of our borders, the merciless criminal cartels, whose known rule of warfare is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.

The Re-Declaration of Independence

What Can We The People Do?

In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury by legislative, executive, and judicial actors alike. A government whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.

The Re-Declaration of Independence

From time to time, states have pushed back against federal overreach. More often than not, it has been through the federal judiciary. However, that branch of government has shown itself to be just as susceptible to overreach as the rest of the federal government. Human nature being what it is, we should not be surprised that those who seek power in government work to maintain and expand it.

Nor have We been wanting in attentions to our brethren who work for the government in Washington, D.C. We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our settlement here, and the conditions by which we entered the union. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which, would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which declares our sovereignty, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends.

The Re-Declaration of Independence

Few Americans seem to realize that the states created the federal government, not the other way around. Furthermore, as the parties to the Constitution that created the federal government, the states establish the limits on its power. Even the governments of the several states do not realize that legally, they are masters of the federal government, not its servants.

We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these States, solemnly publish and declare, That these united States are, and of Right ought to be Free, Independent and Sovereign States; that they are the creator of the United States and its government; and that as parties to the compact of the Constitution of the United States, they have full Power to oversee their creation, establish the boundaries of its power by the consent of their citizens, and enact all of the powers of a state not delegated to the United States, nor prohibited by the Constitution to the states. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.

The Re-Declaration of Independence

As the parties to the Constitution, the states are not only free, but sovereign. The states have the full and legitimate power to oversee the government of the United States. Furthermore, they have the responsibility to do so. It is just as much the responsibility of the states to protect the rights of their citizens as that of the federal government.


Our Founding Fathers had to fight a war and overturn their government to regain their rights. Thankfully, we do not need to take such drastic actions. However, if we do not regain control of our governments, at all levels, while we still can, we will doom our children either to servitude or to war. On this Independence Day, will you choose to re-declare that our states are free and sovereign, or will you leave your children to fight for the rights you were unwilling to fight for?

© 2021 Paul Engel – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Paul Engel:

[BIO: Paul Engel founded The Constitution Study in 2014 to help everyday Americans read and study the Constitution. Author and speaker, Paul has spent more than 20 years studying and teaching about both the Bible and the U.S. Constitution. Freely admitting that he “learned more about our Constitution from School House Rock than in 12 years of public school” he proves that anyone can be a constitutional scholar. You can find his books on Amazon and Apple Books. You can also find his books, classes and other products at the Constitution Study website ( You can reach him at]

Joint Chiefs Chairman Mark Milley is No George Washington

By Cliff Kincaid

George Washington, the father of our country, warned against many different threats to America. Of utmost importance at the time, he warned of the Illuminati, a subversive force that infiltrated the Masonic lodges of Europe and which today is the subject of what the media call “conspiracy theories.” But it was a real organization, and Washington knew it. He wrote about it in several letters to clergymen.

Washington was a member of a Masonic Lodge in Virginia who was also a Christian and he made sure those dangerous tendencies in the Masonic lodges of Europe were excluded from the structures of the new nation.

What’s important to know is that Washington acknowledged the existence of evil forces that could undermine the American experiment. He was not only a great general, who led our military forces to victory, but was aware of evil ideologies that undermined the Christian morality he depended on for guidance.

Responding to a letter from a citizen, Washington declared: “It was not my intention to doubt that, the Doctrines of the Illuminati, and principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more truly satisfied of this fact than I am.”But he insisted that “none of the [Masonic] Lodges in this Country are contaminated with the principles ascribed to the Society of the Illuminati.” He made it one of his purposes in the life of the young nation to make sure America didn’t turn out like Europe.

The impact of the Illuminati has become a bogeyman for Catholics, some of whom think George Washington was somehow tainted by his membership in a Virginia lodge. They cite the opposition of the Catholic Church to Freemasonry. What they don’t understand is the major break which occurred between the lodges in Europe and America. Washington personified that break.

These Catholics tend to believe in the kind of state church that the American revolutionaries fought to depose. That’s why so few Catholics were among the founders. They also find it objectionable that Thomas Jefferson, who wrote the Declaration of Independence, put together the “Jefferson Bible” of the moral teachings of Jesus Christ and excluded references to his divine nature. This was Jefferson’s way of trying to reach Americans of different religions with a moral message that could unite them.

Our founders looked for ways to unite Americans of different faiths and outlooks behind the American nation. It worked. It was a great success.

What Catholics and non-Catholics alike have to realize is that our founders, most of whom were Masons, objected to a state church based in England or the Vatican in Rome. In that sense, they were humanist or even secular. They wrote into the Constitution a ban on a religious test for public office. They believed passionately in religious liberty.

The threat then was the Illuminati. Today, of course, it’s Marxism, of the economic and cultural varieties.

In this regard, Washington can be viewed as a strong opponent of Cultural Marxism. General George Washington himself authorized the court-martial and expulsion of a gay soldier. He needed all the bodies he could get. But he drew the line at perverts.

The Army envisioned by General Washington, with character, integrity and morality at the forefront, is today hanging by a thread. Consider Joint Chiefs Chairman Army Gen. Mark Milley, who defends Marxist indoctrination of our soldiers and presides over a force that includes gays and transgenders.

Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier was kicked out for writing a book, Irresistible Revolution: Marxism’s Goal of Conquest & the Unmaking of the American Military.

Fox News host Tucker Carlson characterized Milley as “a pig” and ‘”stupid” for defending Marxist training in the military. As a military strategist, Milley deserves to be called far worse. Milley has presided over thousands of deaths and trillions of dollars being wasted on no-win wars in the Middle East.

Yet, by contrast, the United States has spent a paltry $3 billion on the anti-communist government in Ukraine, fighting for its life against Vladimir Putin’s Russian military, KGB and GRU. Joe Biden just approved a Russian gas pipeline giving Vladimir Putin economic control over Europe.

Remember the days when the Democrats called Donald J. Trump a Russian agent? Joe Biden is acting like the real Russian agent.

Not to mention the KGB tactics used by the FBI to go after conservative “extremists” in the public.

It all makes you wonder why a West Point Cadet, Spenser Rapone, was photographed in 2018 with the phrase “Communism will win” in his cap and was then discharged. Perhaps he will be rehabilitated and promoted to the highest rank possible.

Nothing would surprise me.

In today’s military, George Washington would be branded as an “extremist” and kicked out.

Our only hope is to maintain our nuclear weapons, so that in a final act of self-defense, even somebody like Milley would propose to the president that we use them against China and Russia. That deterrence alone may save us.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Humanity – Our Heart Is Still Beating – The UK in 2021

By Shirley Edwards

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.” Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities

If there is anything that I have discovered and learnt over the last 12 months, more than any other time in my history, it has been to never judge a book by its cover, to never think I am alone, to see beauty in simplicity, to learn not to be judgemental, and to look evil in the face and not flinch.   Phew.

It didn’t start off this way.

I guess, that like many, at the beginning of March 2020, a wave of fear had initially swept through me like the dark and unexpected beast of prey that it is.  As the UK went into a complete lockdown (the first of its kind) under Covid regulations, and the threat of a very contagious virus; I struggled with the narrative from the mainstream media, against a general uneasiness I had sensed for a while.I knew that something else was ‘not quite right’.

The UK at that time, had been basking in an unusual heatwave.  It was Spring.  The atmosphere was clean and fresh.  There was the absence of traffic and car fumes and strange long white vapour trails in the sky.A sky which was now incredibly blue.  Birds were fervently singing like never before.  Neighbours were in their gardens chatting and waving to passers-by.  There was an unusual peace and an endearing camaraderie that hadn’t existed for such a long time.This would be an extended holiday at home by which time this virus would hopefully pass.

However, as I sat at my computer in the evenings and listened to the weekly celebration of gratitude by my neighbours on the surrounding streets clapping and showing appreciation for our ‘key workers’, who were the only people allowed to work; a growing annoyance rose up inside me as I wondered about the people inside who had lost their jobs and their identity, whilst being considered ‘non-essential’ beings in our world.  There was something extremely inappropriate about elevating one section of society at the expense of others, regardless of the work that they thankfully did.

It didn’t take long before all the observations I had made over many years about the displacement and dismantlement of our culture, our heritage, our values faith and identity,then began to make sense in that that we were now reaching a culmination and a climax to a final take-over of all we should hold dear – our personal God-given freedoms and our sovereignty to a global tyrannical system was in its final stages.  The reality had become worse than the virus.

The winter of despair descended in the UK, the sky became grey again, as I watching people become isolated from each other by design.  Religion, colour, gender, workers, non-workers, mask wearers.  All were being psychologically used. The list was endless.

Hugging was banned.   People dodged each other on the streets.  Families fell apart.  Weddings were cancelled. People died alone and they suffered alone.  Words like bubbles, shielding and distancing became part of every-day language.  I silently cringed, determined never to use them.  Confusion arose.  Stay in, go out, get tested.  It was all too much.

I stopped watching and listening to all news reports and cancelled my TV license. I had seen and heard enough to know that almost every country was now following the same identical script, and that governments were now acting indifferent to the conflicting evidence that was being provided and the views of its populace who were attempting to raise awareness to the dangers of dictatorship.

Yet my eyes remained fixed on America.   The last bastion standing.

We were in a spiritual battle between good and evil.   Some people appeared to be aware of it.   Others did not.

However, where do you go, when the churches are forcibly closed and silenced, or they don’t speak up?  Where do you go when it becomes obvious that systems are rigged and evil appears to be winning?

Where was the spirit of the black robe regiment that I had often heard about?  Clergy who proclaimed liberty, resisted tyranny, and opposed any encroachment on our God-given rights and freedoms?

Come with me to a Quiet Place and Rest Awhile

Aware of an invisible pull to descend into despair or fear, I continued to write about my observations yet dedicated myself to spending more time in nature, eating better, walking more, sitting silently, ‘praying’.   An appreciation of my surroundings grew.   I took great pleasure in mundane tasks like washing dishes and discovered a new appreciation for my local park and the simplicity of just sitting alone there with a picnic.  I enjoyed people watching, children practising to ride their bikes without stabilizers, and the antics of the dogs being walked there who were totally oblivious to a world-wide crisis.  There were many different worlds existing within a world.

Conversations though became difficult.  Even though I acknowledged the virus, opposing views to mine were openly and sometimes vehemently expressed with a sense of superiority. I lost friends.  Where once my heart would rapidly beat from the confrontation, I noticed I now spoke more calmly.   There was also the discovery of when to speak up and when to stay silent more.  During times of hardship, I also experienced wonderful acts of genuine kindness from people who wear masks, and strictly follow government orders.  Despite their fears humanity towards others still existed.

Over the past 12 months, I have also discovered friends of like-mind in unlikely places, like the maintenance men at my place of work, and the housekeeper who spends her coffee breaks with me, each and every day.  There have been chance meetings with strangers and a realization that there has been more people than I know, aware of the ‘something not quite right’ phenomenon.  It would also seem a cliché to say there is an awakening, but I believe there is.  It has been encouraging to see that there are young people who have not quite been fully indoctrinated by the education system which has sought to influence them into Marxist and Socialist beliefs over many years.

There has also been some very inspirational people in my country who have all stood up to tyranny.   I call them the Lions of Tarshish.

There has been a small local Christian card and newspaper shop who remained open despite being threatened and fined for £17,000 whilst their neighbouring large and corporately owned store selling exactly the same things were allowed to stay open.I was impressed when I spoke to the owners who knew beyond any doubt they were on the side of truth and stated that they were ‘in higher hands’.

There have been countless legal actions made against our government.  Numerous people have all stood up openly to the tyranny at the expense of their own reputation and livelihood.

Some church leaders have also challenged government decisions after being banned from church activities whilst other sectors in society could continue.

However, one of the most uplifting sights I have witnessed which was typically under-reported was the demonstration in London on April 24th 2021.

An estimated 80,000 to 100,000 people peaceably marched the streets and expressed their individuality, their right to free speech, and their objections to global tyranny.  Some people carried signs which read WE SEE YOU.

After years of feeling isolated I cannot adequately express the relief I experienced in witnessing this.  Their stance spoke higher than any evil dictatorship could ever impose.  It made it look small and as dirty as it is in the presence of Truth.

Later that day as I entered a petrol station the young girl who had been working all day there looked at me as I paid my bill.   She removed her mask and asked me how my day had been.  It was the first time, in a long time, someone on the other side of a counter had conversed in such a friendly fashion.  We had become so programmed not to acknowledge each other.  We smiled knowingly in a wordless way as I left.

Despite the evil we are witnessing, be encouraged.  The Truth cannot be extinguished.  Speak up, but find peace within in this storm we are going through otherwise you will sink into despair.  Balance is an important factor in life.

Refuse to become isolated and used against each other, but accept that there is a natural separation taking place and you will have to let people go their own way. In biblical terms it is called separating the wheat from the chaff.

Behind every mask is a person; you discover it’s just a matter of remembering and returning to who we really are.   These are the lessons I have delved deeper into through my winter of despair and my spring of hope.

Humanity on their feet is produced by Oracle films.

Humanity on their feet London April 24 2021 – YouTube

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Shirley Edwards:


Church lockdown – Christian Concern

History of the black robe regiment – Nationalblackroberegiment

Droitwich card shop which stayed open during lockdown fined £17,000 for Covid-19 restriction breaches | The Droitwich Standard

Common Purpose: Cross-Boundary Leadership

Matt Hancock faces legal action from daughter of Covid-19 care home victim | Coronavirus | The Guardian

Join the Legal Challenge to the UK Govt Lockdown (

It’s Not About Trump

By Ms. Smallback

I’m going to make some partially true statements.  They are not false, but they are only partially true because they are incomplete statements.  But I need to say them in that way for now.  We’ll revisit them after I explain and I’ll make them complete at the end.

It’s not about Trump.  It’s not about politics.  It’s not even about America.

I couldn’t figure out why I hadn’t heard from God on the state of our nation since the theatrical farce of an inauguration on January 20.  What I’ve learned is the Lord wouldn’t bring me discernment on it because my focus would have stayed on that, and that’s not where my focus should be.  And the message I received from Him was:

“It’s not about Trump.  It’s not about politics.  It’s not even about America.  It’s about Me.”

It is about a cosmic war that has been ramping up for millennia.  It is about a promise made.  It is about some names (most of which we cannot pronounce).

At the risk of sounding cliché, the battle over earth is the epic battle of good versus evil.  Whether Trump is reinstated and the election fraud is exposed, or covid is exposed for the deception to gain world power, or a myriad of other very important issues are resolved or even addressed, all are very important.  But these things are secondary.  They are not most important.

The backdrop for my understanding

Josh 24:14-15  (NASU)

 “Now, therefore, fear the Lord and serve Him in sincerity and truth; and put away the gods which your fathers served beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the Lord. If it is disagreeable in your sight to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves today whom you will serve: whether the gods which your fathers served which were beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living; but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

This is part of that admonition Joshua gave when he told the Israelites to choose:  God or gods.

To be clear, “idol(s)” is found over a hundred times in the Old Testament alone, and not once is it translated from a root word for a deity.  Idol is the image created for projecting worship for a deity, it’s a tool.  There was a process they went through to figuratively open the mouth of the inanimate object created to represent the deity they were worshiping.  Idols are inanimate objects.  Gods (little g – gods) are deities, breathing spiritual beings from the Heavenly realm.

Idols are the token expression for worship for the deity.  The deity itself is the god.

There’s a reason the first commandment is exclusive to the worship of the Supreme God, and the second commandment is forbidding creation of idols.  They are not the same thing.  Idols and gods are related but not the same.

Exodus 20:2-5  (NASU)

 I am the Lord [Jehovah, self-existent, eternal] your God [elohiym – god(s), deities], who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.

[First Commandment]: “You shall have no other gods [elohiym – ordinary gods, deities] before Me.”

[Second Commandment]:  “You shall not make for yourself an idol [pecel – graven image], or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth.”

It’s this simple:  There are other deities, other gods.  Don’t worship them.  I, Jehovah, am the Supreme God.  And also, don’t make graven images used to worship other deities.

“Choose this day…” Joshua is not talking about idols here; he’s talking about gods. These are deities that are worshipped (that you or I may call demons or demonic entities). The god of the Ammonites was/is called Moloch. Where have we heard that before? Ah yes, here are a few places….

The martyr Stephen quoted Amos (5:25) when he discoursed the plight of the hardened hearts of the Israelites and how they “carried their pagan gods, the shrine of Moloch, the star of your god Rephan” in Acts 7:43.  According to Stephen, the Israelites worshipped these gods during the forty years in the wilderness.  Joshua addressed this and said:  choose.  Will it be gods of the other nations or God of Israel?

The nations of the world rejected the God of creation in lieu of the sons of God who came down and enticed them to sin against the Creator.  Their corruption of the earth was so great God chose to destroy it, saving only Noah and his family for their righteousness.

It would only be a short time before the same fate awaited the world again, to borrow from Tolkien, “but the hearts of men are easily corrupted.”  Out of another perverse and corrupt population God would select Abram to create a nation exclusive to Him.  He would use Abram, later named Abraham, to select a bloodline that would become a nation that worshipped God and not the gods.  They would be the example for the world of a people separated unto their Creator.  While it began as a bloodline, any one could join this group of people if they believed the same.

This was such a big deal.  Stay with me, because it’s why God has been silent with me about current national events.  Because of Abraham’s devoted loyalty to the true God, God would covenant with him a promise that we may not be able to fully comprehend this side of Heaven.  God said He would make nations out of Abraham’s seed.



God said Abraham’s seed would possess the gates of their enemies.  God reiterated that promise to Abraham’s son Isaac, and to Isaac’s son Jacob.

Surely you know?  Have you not heard?

And from the Pentateuch, to the Book of Jasher and the Book of Jubilee, we are told a story of a people group that defeated armies more vast and numerous than they, more superior in might and strength, larger, stronger, more numerous, and fierce.

Each time the odds were against them, each time they were surrounded – flanked on all sides with no escape, each time they were ambushed or tricked, they called upon God and were delivered.  Why?  Because He made a promise to Abraham and Isaac and Jacob.

Every face-off the sons of Abraham had with a king or pharaoh, they gave fair warning by making known to that king or pharaoh like this:  “Do you not know, O King?  Have you not heard?”  And they would tell of the deeds of their God.  They were near death on countless occasions and yet the God of Israel time and again delivered His people from impossible situations and scenarios.

Abraham took 318 men of his household in pursuit of five kings and their armies and defeated them all to save his nephew from slavery.

Two men, Simeon and Levi, put a whole city to the sword when its prince defiled their sister.  And when the seven Amorite kings with their armies came out to destroy Jacob’s family because of this, the sons of Jacob and their servants strapped on their weapons and went out to meet them.  Judah exhorted his brothers and Jacob called out to God to deliver them.  The kings turned from their ambitions and left Jacob’s family in peace.

But that’s not all!  Genesis does not cover all of the battles Jacob and his sons encountered.  The Book of Jasher, (chapters 37-40), recounts that the kings of Canaan waged war on Jacob and his sons.  They gathered seven kings with their armies to slay the sons of Jacob and the fighting went on for six days of battles.  Jacob and ten of his sons (Benjamin was too young and Joseph was in prison in Egypt) with their 112 servants defeated seven kings and their armies, and destroyed seven cities, putting them all to the sword.  The blood that flowed from the city of Gaash was described as a brook of water and was seen for miles away.

Each battle was different and there were times there was certain defeat and even death for the sons of Jacob, and yet, Jacob would lift up his voice and cry out to God and remind Him of His promise to him and his father and grandfather.

Do you not know?  Have you not heard?  Surely you know!

The story isn’t over.  The story is still being written.  It has little to do with a flurry of actors calling the shots on planet earth, and everything to do with the God and gods.

In every generation, at every turn, God moves on behalf of His promises.  He only requires a person to agree with Him.

I’ve heard the rumors of Chinese armies being raised up against us.  I’ve speculated they’ve already placed them in strategic places and employed mercenaries.  I know about the Russian fleet off the coast of Hawaii.  I know there are no less than a couple dozen very real threats against the United States and our American liberties, from both within and without.

But we have two things going for us that have nothing to do with the idiots in our government, or the players in motion.  We serve the God of Abraham, and we are co-heirs with THE son of God.  We are recipients of both the Abrahamic covenant and also Christ’s covenant.

So at the end of the day….

This has nothing to do with Trump or politics or even America.  God has been silent with me to make sure I don’t make it about those things.  Those things have a place and we’ll address that, but it is not primary.

The gods of this world, the demonic entities, the sons of God who defected – however you want to phrase it – have infiltrated just about every aspect of American culture and the world systems.  They worship their gods in their words and deeds, both public and private.  Look at the infiltration of the social constructs.  The entertainment industry has led the way in reversing old standards and bringing in the perverse that their gods require.  It is considered quite cool now to bow at the feet of deities of sexual perversion, gender mutilation, pedophilia, violence, idolatry, selfishness, and everything in 2 Timothy 3.

The gods of this world have taken their places against the Supreme God.  They’ve even infiltrated His own people and the lands He has given them.  They’ve corrupted the leadership and they’ve corrupted the populace.  The symbols of their allegiance are prevalent across our society.

This is what it’s going to take

And it will be scoffed by a lot of people.  I don’t care.  I know what I know.

We take it on in every battleground, every community, every home, and every venue.

We defy the gods of the world and we align with the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

The coming days, weeks, months and years will be battleground after battleground on issues wide and varied.  So whether we’re facing school boards or county commissions, state or federal legislators, law enforcement authorities, rock stars or movie stars, or whoever, fight with courage and solidarity with God.  Ultimately, we cannot lose.  We represent the Supreme God and His purposes for the earth.

The election matters.  The fraud and corruption matter.  But we don’t tackle it from that angle.  We’ve been trying that for years and how has that worked out for us?

And while I’m a strong advocate for prayer, we don’t just sit home and pray either.  There are giants in our land, and they want our destruction.  We have to fight.  Be forewarned, the institutional church will be one of our larger obstacles, may even become an adversary.  (More on that another day.)

About that promise…

Remember how Daniel was a prophet to Judah?  So his messages were to the Jews?  Well Hosea was a prophet to Israel (the ten tribes of the northern nation), and he prophesied about Israel (NOT Judah) from 750-722 B.C.

Hosea 1:10 tells us the children of Israel will become “as the sand of the sea, which cannot be measured or numbered.”  This is a promise from God to Abraham.  (Gen. 22:17)  Hosea is prophesying that the children of Israel will be as the sands of the sea, a reiteration of the Abrahamic covenant, but in the 7th century B.C. it was still for a future time.

Now look at the rest of Hosea 1:10:  “and it shall come to pass, that in the place where it was said to them, you are not my people, there it shall be said to them, you are the sons of the living God.”  This is a fascinating prophecy because it tells us two specific things:  the Israelites would become a numerous and vast people, and they would be unknown as Israelites. Regardless, they will be called the sons of God.

In Hosea 2:19-20 God declares this lost and scattered people will become His bride.  He goes on in verse 23 to tell us He is going to sow Israel (scatter) across the earth, and that these people will not be known as His people, and yet they will be His people.

Amos 9:9 reiterates that God will scatter His people Israel among the nations, yet they will not fall.

Recall that Jacob took Joseph’s two sons Ephraim and Manasseh as his own, and he gave them the birthright.  One was to become a “multitude of nations” and the other a great people.  (Gen. 48:19)  However angry God was with Ephraim, and while they would pay the consequences of their waywardness given in Lev. 26 (“I will scatter you among the heathen”), in Hosea 11:8-9, God is unwilling to destroy them.

Hosea 7:8 tells us Ephraim mixed himself among the people of the earth, and that only half his story had been written (“a cake not turned” is half-baked).  Then Hosea 11:10 tells us the children of Israel will tremble from the west.  (west of the Holy Land)

The woman of Revelation 12 is undisputedly Israel.  Revelation 12 is a historical account of God’s salvation to His people covering a broad range of time and events.  The woman Israel was given two wings of a great eagle to fly into the wilderness (a place away from the commerce of the world) and she would be nourished for a time, times, and a half, which is a 2500 year period.  (Write me if you need me to explain this.)

Even if the 2500 years from Israel’s exile (725-722 B.C.) to America’s independence in 1776 is incidental, the people migrations have already been traced and the namesake tribes of Joseph can be traced to America and England.  America , not known as Israelites, are still known as the children of God (as a Christian nation).

We are the seed of Abraham dispersed among the nations.  We are the children of God by adoption through Christ.  (Galatians 3:26)  America is a nation from both the Abrahamic Covenant and the Messianic Covenant.  When you know that, it changes everything.

God will defend His people in the land He gave them because of His promise to Abraham.  It’s not about Trump or American politics.  It’s about God and His promises, and the sooner we realize that and stand on that, the sooner we’ll secure the victory over our enemies.  I will expound on this more in the days to come.

© 2021 Ms. Smallback – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ms. Smallback:

Good News – COVID Emergency Officially Over

By Lex Greene

In a phone call on June 29, 2021 – from the Massachusetts Department of Veterans Affairs, they announced that “the COVID19 pandemic emergency is officially over!” The call is going out to all veterans who had been receiving COVID19 emergency funds during the economic crisis created by the government’s mishandling of the event nationwide.

It’s a “good news – bad news” call. The call is notifying veterans that because the “COVID emergency is officially ended,” they will no longer be receiving the COVID assistance funds they had been receiving over the past year. The good news is, “the emergency is declared officially over.” The bad news is — the COVID financial assistance once available to veterans in need, is also over.

As all COVID19 “mandates” were allowed only under “emergency declarations,” masking, social distancing, quarantines, lockdowns, business closures, limited public gatherings, and experimental vaccines, now that the “emergency has been officially ended,” these things all end too.

With this declaration of the “end of the emergency,” the end of all “emergency mandates and guidelines” must also end, immediately.

No longer can anyone force anyone to take an experimental vaccine which was only approved by the FDA for “emergency use only” under a “state of emergency.” In fact, as the COVID19 vaccines were only approved by the FDA for “emergency use,” it’s now illegal to administer those vaccines to anyone, because the “emergency” allowing for “emergency use only” has ended.

News that the COVID19 pandemic has officially ended, and the emergency is over, means that life as we once knew it can return immediately without delay.All government issued guidelines were only able to exist under the emergency declaration. Without that, the government has no “emergency” powers at the Federal, State or Local levels.

Last week, the Biden regime extended the moratorium on home foreclosures and evictions that was set to end today, June 30, 2021. But they only extended it to the end of July 2021, once again, I presume because the “emergency has officially ended,” as announced yesterday by the Massachusetts Department of Veterans Affairs.

Of course, this also means that an announcement must soon come putting an end to all COVID19 relief funding. No more “stimulus” money. No more COVID grace periods on loans and debts. People will have to work for a living again if they can find work after 18-months of destroying millions of businesses across the country.

Tyrannical government actors forced the USA (and entire world) into a cataclysmic global financial catastrophe for the past 18-months. On the surface, everything looks fairly good to the average onlooker, all considered. But the chickens are about to come home to roost.

As all government financial aide to people locked out of their lives for the past 18-months ends abruptly, we will begin to see the real damage done to our country and the world by global Marxists who forced the world into this socio-economic toilet.

The fact is, even before the COVID19 Plandemic, the USA had more people receiving government assistance than at the height of the Great Depression. The tyrant’s COVID Plandemic forced over 70% of Americans onto the government gravy train, only to have that same government derail the COVID gravy train, leaving a massive number of citizens destitute and on the verge of homeless.

President Reagan said it best, the most dangerous words ever spoken are “I’m from the government and I’m here to help.”

Young Americans are about to learn exactly how and why socialism has failed every time it has been tried all over the world. British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher was right too – “socialism sounds like a great idea, until you run out of other people’s money.”

It took democrats 70-years to dig our country into ten-trillion in debt. It took Barack Obama only 8-years to double that debt from ten-trillion to twenty-trillion. Then the democrat plandemic drove the national debt from twenty-trillion to well over thirty-trillion in just 1-year, followed by a hundred-trillion more in unfunded liabilities, all of it social (socialist) spending.

Yes indeed, the gravy train is about to come to a screeching halt. The nation will emerge from the plandemic more than one hundred-trillion in unmanageable debt. When the foreclosure and eviction moratoriums are lifted and millions of homes in default hit the foreclosure courts, the housing market will go into a steep nosedive, and we will switch from a sellers-market to a buyers-market overnight.

When the housing bubble breaks, the stock market will head into a deep correction, banks finding themselves under water again, as the housing bubble bursts.

All of it could have been avoided, all of it. There are still things that could be done to soften that hard landing we are about to experience. However, the people currently in charge of our country and the world, set these wheels in motion a long time ago. They want the landing to be so hard that it will force nearly everyone into total compliance and government dependency.

Unless Americans make an immediate regime change, there will be nothing they can do to avoid this crash or even soften the blow. Reversing the 2020 election fraud is the only chance we have to lesson the blow and put things back on track. Short of that, there’s nothing that can be done to stop what’s coming!

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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French Style Reign of Terror has Started in America

By Andrew C Wallace

You should be afraid, very afraid because you could lose everything of value, your life, your freedom and the food to feed your family. Forget all government assistance, it will no longer exist. Since public schools and media in the inner city plantations  are worthless I must give those residents some historical  context.

Working people have always been exploited by the so called nobility. Today, they are the super rich who acquired their wealth by business genius, luck, inheritance or crime. Our founders came to America to escape life in Europe, now our cities are Europe. The Bank of England and the nobility  tried to maintain  an economic advantage over the colonies just like they did over the English people. This led to American Revolution in 1775.

We defeated the British, but from that day forward we have been beset with Communists, bankers and the super rich; who have unconstitutionally concentrated powers  in the federal government that are powers reserved for the states.

Much of the wealth of the super rich has been stolen from the government and from the people using the unconstitutional private Federal Reserve Bank, bribed elected officials and Tax Free Foundations et al.

The government is printing unlimited sums of fiat money, giving a small portion to the people and the rest to banks and for boondoggles. like the green new deal. Government is paying people not to work causing severe shortages, inflation  and an economic decline when the money is gone. Printing money without corresponding productivity is causing high inflation. In stores its Communism lite with limited and falling inventory. Very costly uncontrolled illegal immigration and money printing must destroy our economy. The private Federal Reserve Bank and our currency are unconstitutional.

Now to the real scary stuff. The French People wanted freedom and a decent living, but the nobles owned and controlled everything. Poor people paid all the taxes, nobles paid nothing, just like our super rich. The French wanted to get freedom and we want to keep ours.

The French saw America get freedom. The French Revolution was from 1789-1799. The Reign of Terror took place in 1793.There were 16,694 death sentences and 40,000 murders. First they killed the nobles, then they killed each other and anyone else they didn’t like. It was a terrible blood bath, they drowned people, shot cannons into tied up people, hung people, shot them and cut off heads. Food was rationed to 1/4 OZ of bread per day, people starved. I would expect similar problems in our inner city plantations. God bless those poor people of whatever color, who have been indoctrinated by media and schools to be useful idiots and live a life in fear and poverty.

I love women for their caring and nurturing. I will appreciate an attractive woman until I die. But some women have a really dark emotional fanatical side. Any policeman knows this. The French saw this in mobs of crazed blood thirsty women who killed. I don’t think it will be different here. You only need to observe some of the obscene and ignorant women in congress.

The super rich and their paid off minions in media, corporations, government, academia et al. were petrified when President Donald Trump ran on a platform of America first. The super rich went crazy when he was elected and kept his promises. The elites wanted open borders, he closed them. The elites were in bed with China for money, to hell with Americans, and President Trump put a stop to it. President Trump put a stop to funding the climate change scam. He made Europe pay their fair share for defense and treat us fairly in trade. He tried to bring our troops home and end wars of no importance to us. He rebuilt the military and gave them proper rules of engagement et al. President Trump promoted energy independence thereby raising the lifestyle of all Americans. The military industrial complex hated President Trump because he was reducing their profits from no win wars not vital to our security.

At present our Constitutional republic has been overthrown. The Communist pretenders must know that power from insurrection has no power to govern. Marxist thugs in the employ of corporate America have burned and looted Democrat cities. Democrat governors, mayors, and prosecutors were complicit and refused to stop it for political reasons. The DOJ and FBI did nothing, but what could you expect of the largest criminal organization in the world. They did arrest hundreds of Republicans for trespassing on January  6 ,putting many in solitary confinement . We now find out that the FBI had 20 people there who participated in the activity. It was a scam. No surprise, the FBI is known for using entrapment, whenever it is required to get people to violate the law so they can get headlines. The FBI is good at one thing, public relations. We would have no major problems  if the DOJ and FBI were not complicit and corrupt When  politicians lie to your face about everything like the green new deal you know they are ignorant, corrupt or both. Follow the Communist renewable energy scam and you end up with a shortage of electricity like in California and Texas. Large scale use of electric vehicles is impossible because we don’t have either the generating capacity or the distribution network.

With most everyone in government paid off and being either anti-American or a coward it was easy to frame President Trump and not follow his orders. The super rich and their minions are so scared of President Trump that they did everything to defeat him including an insurrection by an unconstitutional election with unlimited fraud.

This can only end one way, large scale bloodshed, mass destruction and the end of all government services. The military is useless because a determined guerrilla force can’t be defeated in the field. I would expect the super rich who control everything and have 85% of the money to be really nasty. They are Communists after all, Mao killed 100 million of his own people and Stalin killed 40 million. I would expect no less from our Communists. But when our people are pushed to the wall with nothing to lose that’s when you get a Reign of Terror.

Like the French, we have our share of compliant useful idiot pansies, but everyone else is armed to the teeth and dedicated to preserving freedom and Constitutional rights. Citizens in other countries do not have our birthright of freedom nor the weapons to defend it.

This  paper was written to inform both sides of the dire consequences  of Treason. I have a faint hope that the super rich, their minions and the Communists will return our Constitutional Republic to the people. The alternative is too terrible to contemplate.

© 2021 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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Let Them Defend the Indefensible

by Lee Duigon

It’s my fervent hope that Far Left Crazy, aka the Democrat Party, goes down in flames defending “Critical Race Theory.”

This is the “theory” that all white people are racists, born bad, everything they will ever do will be racist, blah-blah-blah. It has been slipped into our public schools while no one was looking: teaching children to hate themselves, hate each other, hate their families, and hate their country. Our Marxist teachers’ unions are in love with it.

But now, to the dismay and shock of “educators,” noozies, and other species of leftids, parents all over the country are up in arms, descending in throngs on local school board meetings to demand an immediate end to CRT instruction. While they’re at it, they’re also somewhat displeased with their children being force-fed transgender indoctrination.

The great thing about CRT is that virtually everybody hates it. Black people, it turns out, don’t like being told they’re perpetual victims, oppressed, helpless to achieve anything by their own efforts; and white people don’t like being told they’re evil, no good, responsible for everything that ever goes wrong anywhere on earth. Even ultra-liberal Loudon County, Virginia, hates critical race theory. Loudon County parents have let their school board know they’re highly cheesed off about this.

So no one likes this except for dyed-in-the-wool brain-dead leftids. CNN noozie Jim Acosta was practically beside himself. When he finished hyperventilating, he called the Loudon County parents’ protest an “insurrection.”

Yeah—suddenly everything the libs don’t like is an insurrection. Would someone please buy them some dictionaries? Like “gravitas” in the G.W. Bush era, “insurrection” has become one of those buzzwords that the Left barks out a million times a day. So when parents demanded that their school board put a stop to CRT, Acosta called it an insurrection—characterized by “trans-bashing and an anti-CRT moral panic.” Are there any meds he could take for that?

How did this genie get out of the bottle? It just might be King COVID’s doing. With tens of thousands of kids kept home from school and getting “remote learning” via their computers, parents—for very likely the first time—got to see and hear what their kids were actually being “taught.”

Well, the “educators” knew that’d be trouble. They tried to cut it off at the pass by demanding that parents sign agreements not to watch or listen to what their kids were being fed remotely—I mean, they really thought parents would agree to butt out of their children’s education. To their astonishment, nobody agreed to that. Parents saw, parents heard, and now they want it out, out, out!

Too bad it took a pandemic to wake them up. It turns out you can’t trust “teachers” to teach your children anything but anti-American pap. But they are awake now, and they’re not going back to sleep. They’re going to their local school board meeting to read the riot act. And they think many of their board members need to be replaced, now that the public knows what they’ve been up to.

All Donald Trump’s fault, Acosta bleats. Trump put them up to this!

If he did, he deserves a medal for it. But what really happened was quite simple: the schools got found out. The evil, race-baiting, hate-mongering CRT spoke for itself.

And no, the parents are not too thrilled with all this transgender business, either.

Once upon a time the communities served by the public schools owned their public schools. They decided what was taught in there, and by whom. But little by little, starting in the late 1960s, state and federal governments, and teachers’ unions, stripped them of their ownership rights and totally took over. That’s how we wound up with a U.S. Dept. of Education and state departments of education, with Title This and Title That and the people can just shut up and pay. We still pay for all those schools, and that is all that we’re allowed to do: pay.

But the long-awaited pushback’s here in force—and we must work and pray for its success.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and stop in for a visit: show those Big Tech censors who’s boss! My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Walking Across America for Little Children: Anna Harrington

By Frosty Wooldridge

“For Jane Austen and the readers of Pride and Prejudice, solitary walks express the independence that literally takes the heroine out of the social sphere of the houses and their inhabitants, into a larger, lonelier world where she is free to think: walking articulates both physical and mental freedom…it connects one to the Earth.”  Rebecca Solnit, Wanderlust: A History of Walking

(Anna Harrington stopping for a rest at the Buffalo Overlook on Route 40 five miles West of Golden, Colorado. She faces the Great Plains on the second third of her walk across America. Catch her on Facebook: Anna’s Walk Across America. Website: )

When you take a walk, especially in the woods, you feel a connection to nature that transforms your energy, quiets your body and soothes your mind.  Walking allows you to enhance your thoughts, feelings and ideas.  Magic follows you on a walk.

But what if you decided during one of your walks to make a greater stroll into the world?  What if you garnered a purpose for your journey?  What if that trek carried you over 3,000 miles across North America?  What if you turned out to be a woman?  What if you walked for the children of the world?

Anna Harrington, 42, of Meridian, Idaho took a walk one day that gave her the courage to walk over 3,400 miles across America.

Harrington launched herself from a beach on the Pacific Ocean in Astoria, Oregon with a goal of Boston, Massachusetts on the Atlantic Ocean.  Her reason: she crusades to raise funds to help Shriner’s Hospitals for Children.

She looked back on the amazing care for her nephew when he developed scoliosis in 2005.  She said, “Shriners medical care doesn’t cost the families anything, but is funded in part by Shriners’ clubs fundraisers, including the Shrine Circus.”

A slim, curly-haired redhead with an infectious smile, Harrington averages 20 miles per day. She wore out one pair of hiking boots at the 1,000-mile mark in Utah.  She wears bush pants and a light pack shirt.  She carries a large water canteen.

My cycling friend and I met her at the Buffalo Herd Overlook in Golden, Colorado on Route 40.  As we snapped pictures of the newborn bison babies, Anna walked up to us, “Could you guys give me directions to get into Golden?”

“Sure,” Mike said.  “Just take that paved road straight down for five miles until you reach a red light.  Take a left.  Ask for more directions.”

“Where you coming from?” I asked.

“The Pacific coast in Oregon,” she said. “I’m headed to the Atlantic.”

“Holy catfish, on foot!” Mike said.  “Wow, that’s way too cool.”

For the next 15 minutes, we took photographs and learned more about her walk across America coast to coast.

“A few years ago, I read somewhere that they were considering the closure of a couple of the Shriners hospitals, and I didn’t want that to happen,” Harrington said.  “So I tried to figure out what I could do to raise money for Shriners. And then I recalled the walk — I’ve always wanted to walk cross-country. So, the two came together.”

The long journey:

“When you’re out there on the road you feel very vulnerable,” she said. “I had no idea what to expect.  I have people come up to me, and they hear my story, hear what I’m doing, and they put me up in their home for a night, prepare me dinner or they get me a room for the night.”

At other times, Harrington breaks out the camping gear she carries in her three-wheeled stroller.  She deals with “female” challenges on the road.  Like in the barren desert of Utah.

“There’s like no tall sage brush, there’s nothing!” she said, chuckling. “I’m like, seriously, I’m getting a tent or something that I can go into.”

Along the route, Harrington expects to visit nine of the 22 Shriners Hospitals in North America. Her next stop: Kansas.

After leaving Denver, she faces the Great Plains.  A thousand miles of nothing but prairie, wheat fields, small towns and the horizon.  She faces burning prairie heat day after day.

“What do you like the most about the walk?” I asked.

“The people,” she said.  “They are so funny, so kind and totally blown away by my journey.”

“Probably inspired to make their own journeys,” I said.

“Everyone faces obstacles in life,” Harrington said.  “Just pull up your shoelaces and get moving.”

Follow Harrington on Facebook: Anna’s Walk Across America

Her website for support:

As she grabbed her cart, she looked back at us with a huge smile on her face.  “Thanks you guys,” she said.

“Safe journey,” we called out.

As I turned to my friend Mike, I couldn’t help but realize that Anna makes the world a better place for children. She inspires other women to pursue their own dreams.  She touches people, encourages them and inspires them by her actions.

“I’ve come to believe that each of us has a personal calling that’s as unique as a fingerprint – and that the best way to succeed is to discover what you love and then find a way to offer it to others in the form of service, working hard, and also allowing the energy of the universe to lead you.” — Oprah Winfrey

As you read her story, Anna heads into a bright new day.  She’s out there right now with the wind flying through her hair, her legs striding across the Earth.  She feels connected. She renders her passion for the children of the world.

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Are All Americans Truly American?

By Coach Dave Daubenmire

What does it mean to be American?  Is it something that is determined by birth?  Partially, I assume.  But simply being born in America does not make one a real American.

My friend Dr. John Diamond enlightened me to this reality the other day and I want to share with you, his wisdom.

Just as the Bible tells us that “not all Israel is OF Israel,” it would be true to say that not all Americans are Americans.  Because we do not recognize that being AN American is more than legal birth status there is so much chaos and confusion in America.

Not all Americans are American.  Permit me to elaborate on what Dr. Diamond shared with me.

Being an American is a birthright and it is distinct from Americanism.  Americanism is a belief in what Superman defined it as Truth, Justice, and the American Way.  There IS an American Way, but not every American follows it.  The original American WAY is under assault today by those who are simply birthright Americans.  The American WAY is spelled out in the Pledge…ONE nation, UNDER GOD, INDIVISIBLE, with LIBERTY and JUSTICE for ALL.

Our Founders framed this nation on the principles of NATURAL law…or ORGANIC law.  Nature has LAWS.  They are immutable and unbreakable. MORAL laws form the foundation of ALL law. ORGANIC simply means the ORIGIN of the law…that which makes the law, the law.

An ISM is a distinctive doctrine, cause, or theory.  Americanism is a belief system…a code of ethics… based on MORAL law.

” American”connote scitizenship.  Americanism is a way of life.  Not all Americans believe in Americanism.Multi-culturalism is UN-AMERICAN as it seeks to supplant Americanism as the law of the land.  All TRUE Americans support Americanism.  Here are the foundations upon which America stands…called Americanism.

  • God (the Creator) is acknowledged as Supreme. (Appealing to the Supreme Judge) (Isaiah33:22, Romans 13:1:4)
  • The citizens believe that all men are CREATED(not evolved) equal regardless of race, color,nationality, language, or ethnicity. (Treated equally under law) (Psalm 55:13)
  • Our rights are NATURAL and come from the Creator and therefore can never be taken. (Unalienable rights).   Nor can God ever be separated from Government.
  • The Christian God is the Supreme authority on all matters of morality. He is the King, Lawgiver and Judge. (Isa 33:22) The Laws of Nature and Nature’s God are at the foundation of ALL law.
  • True American people WILLINGLY submit to Divine authority. Man’s laws reflect the authority of the Laws of God…hence “One Nation under God.” (Ps 33:12, Romans 13:1:4)
  • The primary function of Government is to protect our God-given rights,“to secure these(God-given) rights, governments are instituted among men.”
  • The Constitution was created to restrain government from usurping our God-given rights. “We the People” retain the right and duty to remove those from office who violate our NATURAL rights. (That, whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right, it is the DUTY of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government).
  • The government SERVES the PEOPLE it does not RULE the people. All authority comes from GOD, through the people,TO elected officials. (Deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.) (Matt 20:25-28)
  • The result of such a system is Freedom, (Galatians 5:1) Liberty (2 Cor 3:17) and Justice (Isaiah 1:17, Micah 6:8)
  • These principles create a FREE Nation – Governed by the Spirit of Christ. (Matthew 25:31-32, Romans 8:2)

Unfortunately, many Americans today are not being taught Americanism but other ISMS… Communism / Socialism / Fascism / Nazism / Imperialism.  All of these are anti-Americanism! Here is how they advance their agendas.

  • God (the Creator) is removed as Supreme. Mankind, by the FORCE of Government, becomes like the most-high God. (Ps 9:17, Ps 14:1, Gen 3:5, Isaiah 14:14, 1 John 5:19).
  • Government “leaders” “divide and conquer” by creating division (Romans 16:17) and sowing discord (Proverbs 6:19) based upon race, color, nationality, political parties, language, ethnicity, or economic status.
  • The rights of the people are determined by the consent of the GovernMENT…not the consent of the people. Government RULES over people. The people serve the Government.
  • Government replaces God as the Supreme authority (Supreme Court) on all matters of morality. The opinions of men replace God’s laws and overthrow the Supreme King, Lawgiver and Judge. (Ps 2, Ps 9:17, Judges 17:6; 21:25)
  • The “public servants” reject Christ as King and do what is right in their own eyes, (Judges 17:6, 1Samuel 8:7) and install GOVERNMENT as KING.
  • Government officials hijack their place in the Divine chain-of-command and instead of performing their function as God’s “ministers,” “representatives,” and “civil servants,” they begin acting as rulers and tyrants. (Matt 20:24-28, Romans 13:1-4).
  • The U.S. Constitution is used by the Government as a political weapon to control, rather than serve, the American people. (Luke 11:46).
  • The People are therefore slaves to their government. (1 Sam 8:7-18, Matt 20:24-25)
  • Result: Tyranny, slavery, and oppression. (A prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.) (1 Sam 8:7-18, Matt20:24-25)

These actions produce a captured Nation – Governed by the Spirit of Tyranny. (Matthew 25:31-32, Eph 2:2, 1 John 4:3).

James Madison warned us that “The Constitution was made ONLY for a moral and religious people.  It is totally inadequate for the governance of any other.”

It is time we faced the facts.  Not all Americans believe in Americanism.  Rebellion against God is at the heart of America’s collapse.

Being born in a hospital does not make you a doctor.  Not all Americans are truly American.

© 2021 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

State Legislatures Hold the Power to Reverse 2020

By Lex Greene

When in doubt, stick to the basics. The more complex the problem, the simpler the solution must be. Complex solutions seldom succeed simply because they are too complex to fully execute in a timely manner. It’s not easy to teach complex things and there are too many things that can go wrong before you complete your mission.

When it comes to solving BIG problems, I believe in the KISS theory, Keep It Simple Stupid…

There’s a great tendency today for people to think that all federal problems can only be solved at the federal level. However, the States actually hold the power to solve every federal problem, because it’s the States that created, empowered, and can dissolve our federal government, if need be. The Federal Government exists at the pleasure of the fifty States, not the other way around.

Today’s socialist democrats think that our federal government is an unchecked dictatorship, free to govern any way it likes, in no way bound by the conditions established in the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. So, they work to elect socialist dictators, like Biden and Harris, thinking they will dictate only to us, for them. Only if the American people allow it to be, so shall it be…

However, the States created the Federal Government and granted it certain duties and powers to execute those duties, under the strict conditions set forth in the Constitution. The States further prohibited the Federal Government from ever touching certain specific Rights of the States and the People in the Bill of Rights — not for the purpose of governing the people, but rather to strictly govern itself.

Our Declaration of Independence clearly established that “whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness.”

A last resort option is to execute this Right of the People by force, if necessary. However, the brilliance of our Founders makes it possible for us to accomplish this peacefully, if we simply follow their guidance, using the solutions they gave us in our Charters of Freedom.

In my most recent podcast, Episode 10, I explain why overturning the 2020 election fraud must be the only political agenda we have today. In Episode 7, I explain exactly how that must be done and in Episode 1, I explain how and why President Donald J. Trump is the key to accomplishing that all-American goal, backed by 85 million people and working in concert with several State Legislatures, of course.

When in doubt, focus on the fundamentals. Don’t get too fancy. Focus on the foundations of freedom and liberty and ignore all of the sideshows designed to keep you confused, overwhelmed, and defeated. Surrender is no way to win!

In the case of massive 2020 election fraud resulting in an unlawful and unconstitutional outcome and a global Marxist regime seizing control of our federal government, using it to destroy America and its people, State Legislatures hold the power to right the wrong and THAT is where every American must focus their energy today. This is where the people have the power!

Article I – Section IV and Article II – Section I of the U.S. Constitution establish that the States hold sole power over all elections within each state, specifically, each state legislature. Executive branch officials within each state, such as the Secretary of State, are duty-bound to execute all election laws as established by the state legislature. Federal officials have literally NO constitutional authority over the matter.

Many Americans have heard the term “federal supremacy” and they have been Pavlov trained to believe that this rules supreme over the entire country on literally every subject, often dictated by nine unelected and unaccountable political appointees. But federal supremacy only applies to a short list of things under federal authority, as enumerated in the U.S. Constitution, and only to the degree that federal acts are themselves, not in violation of the Constitution or Bill of Rights.

In the case of elections, the federal government is not assigned any authority whatsoever. That authority belongs exclusively to the state legislatures. Anyone who fails to uphold and enforce those laws, does so at the risk of their own peril.

The truth is, probably all 50 states had some level of election fraud in the 2020 elections. It’s highly likely that dead people voted in all 50 states, that non-residents and non-citizens voted in every state, that voters with no identity at all voted in 2020 and that Trump votes in RED districts were machine flipped to Biden in many states.

But the focus has come down to several key “swing states” where the fraud was off the charts in key major metro centers like Maricopa County Arizona, Clark County Nevada, Atlanta Georgia, Detroit Michigan, Philadelphiaand Pittsburg Pennsylvania, Madison Wisconsin, and a few others. The focus is on these places simply because they are “swing states” and the fraud was totally off the charts in these areas, easy to detect and expose.

Although the fraud was committed under the command and control of the Democrat Party, in concert with numerous foreign enemy states, each of these key states has a Republican controlled State Legislature. The 2020 election crimes were committed by democrats, but the solution in each case rests in the hands of Republicans in control of their state legislatures. Democrats are the problem, and these Republicans hold the solution.

Proper transparent forensic audits of the votes in each of these states will soon prove beyond any reasonable doubt what happened, how it happened and who is responsible for it happening. At that moment, these state legislatures must decertify prior fraudulent election results and claw back their fraudulently awarded Electoral College votes that fraudulently placed Biden and Harris in unlawful power.

Next, the Electoral College must vote again, this time on the basis of legal legitimate votes.

The minute that happens, the 2020 fraud and elections are officially overturned and all that remains is to remove the unlawful occupants from office, seat the duly elected, and prosecute everyone responsible for the theft of our nation via unprecedented election fraud.

This is the ONLY constitutional solution to the fatal election fraud we face today. Without executing this reversal, no future election is safe. As a result, THIS is where The People must focus ALL of their attention and energy…at the State Legislature level. We have the votes here if we will only provide the proper motivation.

Unfortunately, we live in a time when very few people, especially in politics, do the right thing just because it’s the right thing to do. We the People must motivate these key players to DO THE RIGHT THING or it’s not likely they will do it. THIS is where The People must make their stand, together, in mass numbers and peacefully.

Politics is a team sport. No one person can affect the game. Only when we move together as a single unit with single purpose, can we succeed in not only winning the game, but changing the game for our future.

In podcast Episode 9, I explain how and why they have been able to get away with this so far. We are one decision and one clear focus away from righting our ship.

No, although it is quite simple and doable, it won’t be easy. The global Marxist left has seized control and they are moving at lightspeed to destroy our country. This only means that time is not on our side. This crisis is not like wine, it will not get better with time.

The time for the people to take matters into their own hands is the moment it is proven through forensic audits that the 2020 election was a blatant theft of our country. The place to rally together is at the state legislature level.

When in doubt, Keep It Simple Stupid… We ALL have a duty here. Now is not the time to quit, to give up, to concede defeat and allow our entire future of freedom and liberty to slip into the abyss. Follow the lead of our Founders in every respect. WE will determine the odds in this fight. The outcome depends on us, not our public servants.

ACTION ITEM DETAILS:One phone call won’t change anything. One letter or email won’t change anything either. But when you get face-to-face with your state legislators in significant numbers, they will listen, and you can force changes to take place. GET FACE-TO-FACE! I work with for strategic planning and execution purposes, in addition to their long history of unbelievably valuable research and training. I suggest you do the same, so that your voice is multiplied by thousands of voices. Only when we move together, do we have the power to make change!

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