Have the Entrepreneurial and Cooperative Spirits Been Spirited Away by the “Newcomers?”

The buck$ are passing to the non-white migrants and newcomers. Why? Because either we whites are passing the buck – that is, losing the initiative and letting it happen – or the powers-that-be are destroying small mostly-white businesses using faux crises such as pandemics and exaggerated claims that climate changes are about to do us in.

By |2023-10-07T01:15:28-04:00October 7th, 2023|

Bind Legislators Not the People

Our representative system was designed around maximum liberty, where you are supposed to be concerned about your own life and your own choices. It's supposed to be about you minding your own business and caring for yourself. It protects your life, liberty, and your life’s just pursuits by preventing unwarranted interference from others.

By |2023-10-06T00:32:53-04:00October 6th, 2023|

The China Threat

The international community must remain vigilant and address these issues collectively. Nations must hold China accountable for its actions, demand transparency, and uphold human rights, environmental preservation, fair trade practices, and territorial integrity. Cooperation among nations is vital to counterbalance China’s influence.

By |2023-10-06T00:20:44-04:00October 6th, 2023|

Science (with Government!) Marches On

You knew it all along, didn’t you? What is the answer to every woe that flesh is heir to? Put ‘em together, Science and Government, and what have you got? You’ve got Policy! Mandates! Rules and regulations, new ones every day. And this is such an easy one—abolish, through cunningly crafted Policy, all forms of Discrimination against excessive corpulence.

By |2023-10-04T22:56:01-04:00October 4th, 2023|

What’s Happening to America is NOT Fun to Watch

We’ve lost our youth to “hating” America more than loving our country. We find they respond to their cell phones rather than sit down to dinner with their families. If they have a family!  Fact: 7 out of 10 black kids lack a father in the home, live with a single mother and leach off your welfare tax dollars. Total irresponsible behavior by the millions!

By |2023-10-04T22:53:56-04:00October 4th, 2023|

Is Mark Levin a Big Phony?

Whether you like him or not, Trump is the candidate who temporarily derailed Barack Hussein’s Obama’s "Permanent Revolution," which was supposed to go forward under “President” Hillary Clinton. He is clearly seen as the one candidate in the future who can stop the Democrats from consolidating their power.

By |2023-10-04T22:51:53-04:00October 4th, 2023|

We Must Fight Back at the Local Level

Recently I addressed the Stop 30x30 Summit in Dallas, Texas, sponsored by the American Stewards of Liberty and CFACT. Here is what I had to say to help encourage local activists to fight the seemingly endless number of attacks on our freedoms now coming from the powerful global forces and the Federal Biden Cabal.

By |2023-10-04T00:12:44-04:00October 4th, 2023|

The CIA-Controlled Mockingbird Media Is At It Again: Why Are Other Presidential Candidates Being Ignored

The Mockingbird media kept people eager to watch the propaganda outlets which continued to promote the fight by filling the seats between two illegitimate candidates! Why were the other presidential contenders ignored, censored and or suppressed? These are questions that you are going to have to answer, and the answers are as plain as the nose on your face.

By |2023-10-04T00:11:36-04:00October 4th, 2023|

Deniers of Undeniable Truths

Since no one can do anything alone, we have no choice but to work together. To work together, we must join, and support groups heading in the right direction and fully engage in the correct doable things. Together, there is nothing we cannot do. Alone, a house divided against itself will fall.

By |2023-10-04T00:10:24-04:00October 4th, 2023|

Fearless Courage

I love the Golden Age of Hollywood and the actors and actresses of that era.  Those were the days where the entire family could enjoy the film.  Yet, this year I found myself weeping as I watched films representing America and her people.  I longed for the past to replace the malevolence of today, and my heart breaks for what we’ve allowed our nation to become.

By |2023-10-03T00:12:43-04:00October 3rd, 2023|

Is Your State Committing Fraud in Presidential Elections?

I was having a discussion with someone online about how we elect the President and Vice President of the United States. I was doing some research to reinforce my point when I discovered something interesting: A state which had a fraudulent ballot in 2020. Thinking this was probably an individual mistake, I started looking at the sample ballots from each state in the 2020 election.

By |2023-10-03T00:11:44-04:00October 3rd, 2023|

Making Russia Great Again

In effect, Biden is making Russia, an oil-rich country, even more powerful. That policy, combined with his “green energy” approach to cars and trucks, makes the United States weaker by comparison. All of this makes sense when you consider the fact that it has been documented that the Bidens received millions of dollars from oligarchs in Russia, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine.

By |2023-10-03T00:10:31-04:00October 3rd, 2023|

TX AG Ken Paxton: PLYLER v. DOE, 457 U.S. 202 Must be Overturned

AG Ken Paxton is very intelligent.  He’s also a fearless fighter.  I believe he would be on solid legal ground.  That obscene 1982 SCOTUS decision needs to be overturned.  Illegal aliens (K-college) have no right to get a free education while sticking the bill on the backs of hard-working Texans.

By |2023-10-02T00:16:37-04:00October 2nd, 2023|

Texas Republicans Call for Speaker Dade Phelan’s Resignation

The Republican Party of Texas has spoken with a resounding voice! Voting 52-2 in favor of a resolution that calls for the resignation of Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan is genuinely massive. The resolution itself has a robust set of reasons. One of the primary concerns voiced is Speaker Phelan's controversial appointment of Democrats to chair crucial legislative committees.

By |2023-10-02T00:17:31-04:00October 2nd, 2023|

Either You’re Serious, Or You’re Not

Then they spend 40 hours a week in the public schools, where all the “fairy tale” stories they’ve heard in Childrens’ Church are dispelled as nonsense and superstition and what little they heard about God is replaced with things like evolution, sex education, “social justice” and atheism.

By |2023-10-01T00:18:24-04:00October 1st, 2023|

The Light Of Reality

A drink often has a clearing effect on the mind, but the person who is dependent on a drink for this effect is not able to handle what he sees, so he only becomes more upset than he was before.

By |2023-10-01T00:17:26-04:00October 1st, 2023|

Doctrine of Imminence

The Coming Storm, The Digital Currency, the Great Reset, the Mark of the Beast Is coming AFTER the Rapture of the Church. These coming events are clouds on horizon we are seeing just before the storm breaks. We do not need to be fearful of the imminently coming time where no man can access his digital dollar bank account without the chip in his right hand or forehead.

By |2023-10-01T00:14:41-04:00October 1st, 2023|

The Acquittal, Motives, and Retribution of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton

Paxton's relentless pursuit of truth emerges as a beacon that vividly describes a political landscape marred by turbulence of agendas and the resulting polarization. His unwavering stance against powerful entities such as Big Pharma, Big Tech, and election fraud concerns demonstrates a commitment deeply rooted in the hearts of Texan voters.

By |2023-09-30T00:16:06-04:00September 30th, 2023|

Going Silent (for Just a Little While)

Due to recent circumstances, including a health issue requiring my immediate attention (what I think of as a major wake-up call!), and events — items just come my way, learning materials just encountered which I’m still processing — I’ve decided to take a short hiatus from article writing. Another way of putting it: I need to go silent for a short time.

By |2023-09-28T23:37:33-04:00September 28th, 2023|

Why Are These Kindergarten Children Still in Diapers?

And we have a U.S. Secretary of Education who says—yes, he said this—that he doesn’t “respect” parents “thinking they know what’s right for kids”. Hear that, plebs? You don’t know how to raise your own children, and the head honcho of public education admits he doesn’t respect you.

By |2023-09-28T00:10:33-04:00September 28th, 2023|

Has The American Church Taken a Knee?

We are in the final drive to win the game.  It is time for the defense to blitz and for the offense to put together a long, sustained drive for the endzone.  I promise you this. Jesus Christ, the King of the Kings ain’t bowing to Lucifer.  Jesus is Champion of the World! Fasten your chin strap, tighten your belt, and lock on the Full Armor of God.  This will be our finest hour!

By |2023-09-28T00:09:24-04:00September 28th, 2023|

GAO: “Deplorable” Living Conditions in Military Barracks

In Democrat run states and cities illegal's that break our laws, sneak across the border are put up in the best fancy hotels in NYC, LA, etc. with 3 meals a day, free cell phones, $2,500 a month, all at taxpayers expense. No wonder they're coming by the millions, while our veterans who sacrificed everything for our country live in deplorable conditions.

By |2023-09-27T00:15:47-04:00September 27th, 2023|

900% Increase Of Chinese Nationals Crossing Over American Border

Yesterday’s article highlighted the fact that the federal government is using both the Department of Homeland Security and Border Patrol buses to illegally import immigrants from across the southern border (Deuteronomy 28:43).  This is treason. At least now, the American people can clearly see who are the real terrorists.

By |2023-09-27T00:14:31-04:00September 27th, 2023|

Executive Orders are NOT Laws

Most Americans have been gaslighted to believe that White House Executive Orders are laws that every American must follow, or else. But Executive Orders only apply to Executive Branch employees. The U.S. government formed by the U.S. Constitution is a Republic, not a dictatorship. It’s not a pure “democracy” either, nor should it ever be.

By |2023-09-27T00:13:33-04:00September 27th, 2023|

Executive Orders or Edicts?

When did Executive Orders become edicts from a monarch? Like so many things, it happened slowly, then very rapidly. It started with Congress not wanting to write laws, so they started writing “frameworks” and turned over the details to the executive agencies. We didn’t think too much about Congress abdicating their lawmaking power to the executive branch, so we said nothing.

By |2023-09-26T01:30:41-04:00September 26th, 2023|

Little Guys, Us, Vs. The Big Guys, Them

Everything that is happening in this crazy world can be sorted out to be a matter of “Big Guys” vs. “Little Guys”. For clarification, WE, the American citizen, are the Little Guys. Some may argue that it has been thus throughout history. All the more reason to pay attention.

By |2023-09-26T01:31:22-04:00September 26th, 2023|

De-Nazification and De-Communization in Russia

The Hitler-Stalin Pact, which started World War II, has been carefully “forgotten” by the Russian government in its war against Ukraine, a former Soviet republic. In a major on-going Russian propaganda operation, former KGB operative and Russian President Vladimir Putin insists that it is Ukraine which must be de-Nazified.

By |2023-09-26T01:32:05-04:00September 26th, 2023|

Vote for Who We Say, or Else?

Clearly, neither party wanted Donald J. Trump to ever be President of the United States. Both parties have worked together to destroy Trump since the day he came down the escalator to announce his bid for the Oval Office in 2015. Both parties are behind the myriad of false accusations and failed prosecutions of Trump, simply designed to prevent him from occupying the Oval Office again.

By |2023-09-25T12:37:23-04:00September 25th, 2023|

In 10 to 20 Years, You/We Won’t Recognize America

You can bet on this prediction: your children will not be living in the America where you grew up. There will be NO American Dream.  It’s going to be a dog-eat-dog, fight for food, fight for water, fight for energy, fight for clean air, fight for jobs, and fight for existence like no one in America has ever experienced.

By |2023-09-25T00:02:40-04:00September 25th, 2023|

Prepare For the Coming Storm

And we know the wiles of the enemy, the Globalists, bent on our destruction.  We’ve already been named as the most dangerous threat to America.  A prudent Christ-follower would prepare for the storm before it hits and overtakes us.  Jesus told us to be ready.  Let us not be “ensnared” like the rest of the world. 

By |2023-09-24T00:17:49-04:00September 24th, 2023|

The Learning Trap

Resentment traps us into a bleak and depressing existence that nothing can cure except this simple truth that will set you free—repent and no longer resent. Knowing what cruel impatience has done to you, and lest you pass it on to the next generation, you must drop your frustrations toward your own broken teachers and parents.

By |2023-09-24T00:18:46-04:00September 24th, 2023|

Surviving the Digital Garden of Eden

In the dawn of creation, as whispered in the sacred verses of Genesis 2:9, the divine hand of the LORD God fashioned the Garden of Eden—a realm of unparalleled beauty and profound significance. Within its hallowed grounds, every tree that was pleasing to the eye and nourishing to the body flourished, offering sustenance and delight.

By |2023-09-24T00:19:20-04:00September 24th, 2023|

Millions Died From Shots, Blood Clots, Masks That Didn’t Work, Now They’re Doing It Again?

Among those 80 problems are Myocarditis, Blood clots, Autoimmune Disorders, Fertility problems, Female Disorders, Reduction of the Immune system, and accelerated Cancer. This paper does not purport to cover even most of damage done by this vaccine. At my age, I would be dead if I got the shot because it would harm my immune system.

By |2023-09-23T00:35:39-04:00September 23rd, 2023|

Decoding Destiny: Who Controls Your Future, You or the Globalists?

What is Destiny? According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary: the events that will necessarily happen to a particular person or thing in the future. Throughout your life, you always have choices to reach your goal, your success. The problem with success. Success can be good or bad. Whether the outcome is good or bad depends on? Who? That is the ultimate question. Who will control your life?

By |2023-09-23T00:34:54-04:00September 23rd, 2023|

Refuse Accepting the Refuse

The left always acknowledges plausible grounds for asylum for anyone and everyone – as long as they’re not white European Christians. The “reason” may be presented as climate change or political persecution or economic hardship or all three. Everything is considered a qualification to open the borders and the wallets of the good ol’ USA and its people; no substantiation of causes is required.

By |2023-09-23T00:32:31-04:00September 23rd, 2023|

Time to Resist the Evil Before Us

In America today, we are just about where the Germans were in World War 2. The churches were ignoring evil and refusing to resist the evil before them. A Lutheran pastor, Dietrich Bonhoeffer and God’s Remnant, took a stand against Nazism and proclaimed these words to the nation, “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil; not to speak is to speak; not to act is to act”.

By |2023-09-22T00:07:50-04:00September 22nd, 2023|

Honoring Constitution Day

I believe most Americans have never read the Constitution of their country, and of those who have they seem to lack the confidence and understanding to use it. Part of the reason for this seems to be the fact that the Constitution is not taught in schools anymore.

By |2023-09-22T00:04:43-04:00September 22nd, 2023|

The “New Paganism.”

There was a god for every occasion. A god for the harvest, for love, for hate, for the sea and in the clouds for rain. Proper worship was required for rain and sun in equal measure to provide the harvest.

By |2023-09-22T00:01:55-04:00September 22nd, 2023|

The Firebombing of Maui: Part 2

Thus in a corner of Maui, repository of much Hawaiian history and sacred cultural artifacts, where indigenous Hawaiians have lived for generations, they simply razed it with fire, incinerating properties along with many of their owners. Now they’re having the ashes swept up and thrown in the trash out of sight of the people.

By |2023-09-21T02:15:04-04:00September 21st, 2023|

The Rapid Decline of America in the 21st Century

If you look across the American landscape, everywhere liberals dominate, America deteriorates and declines into “jungle” behavior.  You have to wonder whether or not we’ve gone so far down that rabbit hole that there is no chance to climb out.  What do you think?

By |2023-09-21T00:52:28-04:00September 21st, 2023|

The Firebombing of Maui: Part 1

History may not exactly repeat, but it often rhymes. The above description sounds eerily similar to the effects of the inferno in Lahaina. Of course, Dresden was a major European cultural center in the midst of a world war, while Lahaina is a small town in Hawaii, so there the comparison ends.

By |2023-09-20T23:50:02-04:00September 20th, 2023|

Trump, His Enemies, and the 14th Amendment Gambit

Trump’s enemies, which include Establishment Republicans as well as Democrats, will say they are “safeguarding our fragile democracy” or something equivalent, even though Trump remains far and away the leading candidate for the GOP nomination next year.

By |2023-09-19T00:20:02-04:00September 19th, 2023|

Trump Exposed the Rot and Fraud of the Elites

During and after the Trump administration, some individuals and groups could be labeled as "enemies within" of the President. They represented political opponents and potential threats to President Trump's vision for America.

By |2023-09-19T00:18:50-04:00September 19th, 2023|

D.C. Churches “Love the Stranger” But Lock Their Doors

In a calculated putdown, the Washington Post once highlighted conservative Christian voters as “poor, uneducated, and easy to command.” But that seems to be a more accurate description of the residents of Washington D.C., who will vote to convict former President Trump of anything presented to them by a partisan prosecutor and grand jury.

By |2023-09-19T00:17:43-04:00September 19th, 2023|

Paxton Impeachment Trial: Proven Facts & Evidence Didn’t Matter to Democrats

GOP Speaker of the House, Dade Phelan, is worse than a RINO.  He and his co-conspirators, mostly Democrats, should ALL be thrown out in the March primaries.  Paxton called out Phelan for being drunk on the House floor while conducting business.  Paxton beat George P. Bush, son of former Florida Governor Jeb Bush and nephew of Bush, Jr., in 2022 by a whopping 39%.

By |2023-09-18T00:05:24-04:00September 18th, 2023|

When TREASON is No Longer a Crime

In 247 years, not even one President or Vice President has ever been removed from office via impeachment, even when convicted of their crimes in a Senate trial. Impeachment is a political stunt designed to convince unwitting People that politicians are “doing something” about crime and corruption in the government, when in fact, nothing is being done.

By |2023-09-18T00:03:34-04:00September 18th, 2023|

We Are Watching the Disintegration of Our Country & Society

With that $100 billion in shoplifting, that means millions of our citizens are criminals. A Constitutional Republic demands a moral, ethical and personally responsible citizenry.  What happens when the thefts reach $100, $200 or $500 billion annually? At some point, our big cities will fall into anarchy beyond solving.

By |2023-09-18T00:02:30-04:00September 18th, 2023|

The Feasts of God

The false pastors and the religious in America are in darkness, deceived, and blind because they cannot see the evil overtaking this nation. They tolerate evil and refuse to resist it. Jesus will come to the false pastors and the religious in America as a thief in the night!!!! What an awful day that will be for the religious of our day!!! Now you know why it is so important to know the times and season of the Feasts of God!!!

By |2023-09-17T00:37:37-04:00September 17th, 2023|

Out Of the Seats and Into the Streets

That’s how you get “out of the seats and into the streets.”  Just DO SOMETHING!  For far too long we’ve been brainwashed into believing we can just go vote Republican, and let them take care of everything.  For too long, we’ve been brainwashed into believing we can just drop our kids off at youth group, and let them raise our children to be proper Christians...because we’re too lazy to get out of the seats.

By |2023-09-17T00:12:45-04:00September 17th, 2023|

Emulating Babylon: A Prescription for Failure

However, if any nation turns from its wicked ways, God will refrain from judging it (Jeremiah 18:7-8), as in the case of the Assyrians of Nineveh, who, at the preaching of the prophet Jonah, repented of their wickedness, sought the mercy of God, and avoided the calamity that the Lord was going to bring on them.

By |2023-09-17T00:09:57-04:00September 17th, 2023|

We Will Not Comply!

It is high time that Americans begin going on the offensive attack against the communist left in America. I, for one, have no intention of allowing my illegitimate Democrat-commie overlords to dictate to me when I can come out of my house, whether I can breathe air without a mask, and I certainly will not be allowing anyone on this planet to stick an artery-clogging vaccine shot in my veins.

By |2023-09-16T00:13:47-04:00September 16th, 2023|

Alien Deception vs Human Superiority and the Resurrected Superbeing

At the heart of many religious traditions, particularly Christianity lies the belief in a resurrected superbeing. In Christianity, this figure is Jesus Christ, whose resurrection signifies not only a historical event but also a profound theological cornerstone. The belief in Christ's resurrection holds immense significance for Christians worldwide, as it embodies the promise of redemption, eternal life, and divine guidance.

By |2023-09-16T00:11:08-04:00September 16th, 2023|

Shock Warning: History of Police Forces in America

Warning bells should be going off all around us, these days. If they aren't already, it's my hope that by the time you finish this article, you'll hear them distinctly! If you’re not familiar with the history of the police forces in the US, please read this. If you’re not sure where the boundaries of police powers should be for America, read this article on how we can urge our States to go back to their Constitutional roots.

By |2023-10-13T17:18:36-04:00September 15th, 2023|

Most Powerful Information-Control Machine in Human History

We now live within the most powerful information distribution and control machine in human history, if only because communications technology is everywhere — all around us, day and night. Its influence begins in public grade schools, years ago designed to produce controlled children who would grow up into mostly controllable adults. This influence only grows, in an environment they will never think to question.

By |2023-09-15T01:50:17-04:00September 15th, 2023|

Impeachment for the Wrong Reasons

Will Biden be impeached for the right reasons? Or will the “impeachment inquiry” divert our attention from the issue of whether America can survive under Biden? We don’t have time to waste, and the issue goes far beyond several million dollars to Hunter and the Big Guy.

By |2023-09-15T00:31:28-04:00September 15th, 2023|

Are You Prepared?

As many of you know I host a daily podcast at www.CoachDaveLive.com  It is Christ-centered with a focus on how Christians should react to the craziness that is going on around us.  Because I communicate DAILY with thousands of people it has become apparent that the Churches are not preparing the flock for the calamity that lies ahead.

By |2023-09-14T00:14:36-04:00September 14th, 2023|

Something Is Wrong With Our Leaders

Let’s see how well we understand them. I will provide a sample of three nooze stories—one of which, or maybe two, will be untrue. I have provided no links, so you’ll be on your own.

By |2023-09-14T00:10:24-04:00September 14th, 2023|

Joe Biden Deliberately Inviting Illegal Invasion of America

After 33 months in office, Joe Biden invited 8,000,000 illegal migrants to invade our southern border.  He hired Cuban immigrant Alejandro Mayorkas to make sure our borders are open, free to cross 24/7,  and he rewards criminals, drug dealers, sex traffickers and terrorists with plane rides or bus tickets to any city in America.

By |2023-09-14T00:16:53-04:00September 14th, 2023|

Let Us Do It – Again

I come from a land called Persia To the land of the free called America Currently, under the credo of wokeness A noble land dislodged by voter fraud.

By |2023-09-13T00:32:24-04:00September 13th, 2023|

The Betrayal

Because of our fools and our traitors, our destruction was achieved in a single human lifespan.  Because of them, no one mourned our passing as a people, and no one was ever intended to mourn it.  We did not find the path to utopia promised by our fools and traitors,  but instead a path to what some of them intended and others did not:  the path from which no steps can be retraced, the path to our extinction.

By |2023-09-13T00:31:24-04:00September 13th, 2023|

Upcoming Oregon Political Battles

Here in Oregon, we find ourselves in the midst of an enormous culture war. It’s not unlike other parts of our nation where the far-left is propagating falsehood and purposefully misguiding public opinions. On an hourly basis mainstream media and mindless twitter-bots praise what is despicable and despise what is honorable.

By |2023-09-12T00:11:53-04:00September 12th, 2023|

The NSA and America’s Enemies

On the anniversary of 9/11, we are forced to consider the sad state of our so-called “intelligence” agencies, unable or unwilling to protect America. Much of the conservative commentary emphasizes the political nature of the FBI and the CIA and their determination to keep Donald J. Trump out of the White House and maintain the Obama/Biden Administration in power.

By |2023-09-12T00:06:51-04:00September 12th, 2023|

In Loco Parentis, Tyrannis!

The fact that a government school is teaching something that does not comport with your religious beliefs, doesn’t prevent you from exercising your religion. It does not even prevent a parent from teaching their children that the instruction they receive from the government school is wrong because it’s contrary to their belief. What we have here is not a violation of plaintiff’s free exercise right, but an establishment of religion.

By |2023-09-12T00:26:18-04:00September 12th, 2023|

Illegals Invasion: What Are You Waiting for Governor Abbott?

Add a new section which sets a moratorium on LEGAL admission to the U.S. for 24 months while the new law is being enforced.  Take away the welfare, free medical, free dental, in California free cash (that’s a fact), free education from K – colleges and universities, no federal or state food stamps.  Nothing.  They will leave.

By |2023-09-11T01:31:19-04:00September 11th, 2023|

A DeSantis PAC Founder Promotes Trump

Whatever, his reason, he isn't looking good to the people right now – out on the campaign trail or here at home. Neither national nor state voters are feeling good about him, and it is obvious why. Wouldn't you think a career politician would care about this? Or, maybe he's indicating that he knows our votes don't count anymore, and that's OK with him. God bless and protect us all.

By |2023-09-11T01:30:39-04:00September 11th, 2023|

Allowing Foolishness & Senility to Rule Our Country

Our successful civilization, as we know it or used to know it, stands at the crossroads of insanity, senility, gender craziness and political chaos. We also stand at a critical intersection where our own citizens are being supplanted by illegal and legal invader-migrant(s) replacements. That’s right! You and I are being replaced.

By |2023-09-11T01:30:02-04:00September 11th, 2023|

Artificial Pacifiers for Grownups

In order to hang onto the feeling of being “saved,” the user must give himself over to the drug increasingly. Soon he centers his whole existence around the drug, the source of his “salvation,” and he will do anything to maintain his relationship with it.

By |2023-09-10T00:20:59-04:00September 10th, 2023|

When You See a Snake…LIke Covid

Because many of those who would have campaigned against such crimes in the distant past are presently involved in the commission of them, some hesitation on the part of the victims is understandable. However, to allow these snakes to go without accountability only guarantees the spawning of more snakes and our ultimate enslavement or worse. We must band together and act.

By |2023-09-10T00:18:20-04:00September 10th, 2023|

The United States of America Will Soon Go Through a Total RESET

The gaslighting by the global Marxists currently in control of all federal assets under the leadership of Barack Hussein Obama, has been entirely successful. In fact, it has been so successful that many Americans still send their children to equally anti-American school systems tearing families apart and destroying generations at breakneck speed.

By |2023-09-09T00:19:16-04:00September 9th, 2023|

It’s Now Safe to Say That Home Ownership is Evil

Let’s face it. The American dream is becoming a myth, but not because the middle class owns their own homes. It is because they are being taxed, regulated, and generally being driven out of their private property. It is past time to put a stop to this. The “shelter” those in power would like to see us in belongs on the gulag archipelago.

By |2023-09-09T00:15:26-04:00September 9th, 2023|

Will We See an Assassination Attempt Against Trump Before November 2024?

The former have vastly superior resources, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t absolutely terrified of the latter. Trump’s ability to command those media he uses is vastly superior to anything the former possess. The former are therefore pulling out all the stops to shut Trump down, figuring that what he represents will fall apart without him. This assumption is very dubious.

By |2023-09-08T01:13:54-04:00September 8th, 2023|

On the Occasion of a Visit from our Governor

He was jeered Sunday night, as he spoke at a candlelight vigil for the dead in his hometown of Jacksonville, then returned to Tallahassee to tell people to listen to their local officials about the storm. Seems he could have done that from anywhere.

By |2023-09-08T00:56:18-04:00September 8th, 2023|

Pentagon Targets the Unborn Enemy

Rather than kill the enemy, the Pentagon is now in the business of killing the unborn. How much confidence should we have in these “leaders?” They are a disgrace to the uniform.

By |2023-09-08T00:04:52-04:00September 8th, 2023|

Where are the Republicans?

Conservatism is Pretend SALT…A watered down version of Biblical principles designed to curry the favor of voters without coming across as…well…too Christian.  Jesus told us that “no man can serve two masters.”  I am a Christian who happens to vote Republican. I am not a Republican who just happens to be a Christian.  I used to think they were one in the same.

By |2023-09-07T00:34:04-04:00September 7th, 2023|

Sing Louder!

Maybe if enough of us sing loud enough, the government might back off—before millions of Christian, Jewish, and Muslim parents get up the courage to pull their children out of there. Far Left teachers’ unions can’t thrive in empty classrooms.

By |2023-09-07T00:31:26-04:00September 7th, 2023|

Political Cartoon Satire: Hitting Painfully Funny at the Truth

Picture of a massive wall to protect homeowners along an expressway. “Since 1972 the government has built over 3,000 miles of “sound walls” along our highways to “protect nearby homeowners from traffic sounds.  If the government can spend $6 billion on walls to protect the homeowners from traffic noise, why can’t it spend $5 billion on a southern border wall to protect our lives?”

By |2023-09-07T00:32:22-04:00September 7th, 2023|

Labor is Energy = POWER

Get your kids out of the indoctrination clinics masquerading as public schools. Everything is connected. Nothing is random, Everything has a plan. All plans are lies. All Globalists want is MONEY, POWER, CONTROL Don't give them yours. Challenge them with the truth. Is America worth saving? Doing Nothing is affirmation.

By |2023-09-06T00:18:29-04:00September 6th, 2023|

When It Comes to The Covid Narrative, Fox News is at it Again

As we all know, there is no left nor is there a right constitutionally for we are a Constitutional Republic (Exodus 18:25; Article IV, Section 4) whereby we are ruled by law, not by confused parrots driving a political narrative that is designed to make lies sound truthful.  Yet, regardless of the lawful facts, they continue on in their purposed agenda of divide and conquer (Mark 3:25).

By |2023-09-06T00:17:40-04:00September 6th, 2023|

Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Help, Hindrance or Hell?

AI applications will soon cover all aspects of our lives such as scheduling our appointments, improving our writing, remembering names for us, discovering distant relatives we didn't know we had, or rapidly sorting through records and files that it would otherwise take us a lifetime to do.

By |2023-09-05T00:42:20-04:00September 5th, 2023|

Do Artificial Intelligences Have Rights?

There’s a lot of confusion out there about artificial intelligence. Some claim that AI’s have the power of independent thought which will, one day, allow them to take over the world. Others write AI’s off as nothing but a novelty. Based on my experience, the truth is somewhere in the middle.

By |2023-09-05T00:31:17-04:00September 5th, 2023|

We The People or We The Problem?

Do you suspect a ‘trojan horse’ in our midst here in America? I most certainly do. We partake of its grip daily, totally unaware that it is our foe. It comes to us as a matter of convenience and appears to make our lives better, easier, and convenient. To better understand why this element is a ‘foe’ and not our friend, let's take a stroll back in time for a moment for a historical perspective.

By |2023-09-05T00:08:40-04:00September 5th, 2023|

Coach Tuberville Cries Foul to Politics as Usual

Consider a message from Harmeet Dillon, of the Center for American Liberty, about how Fulton County, Georgia’s District Attorney isn’t just going after President Trump – “she’s going after his lawyers too.” She points out, “The radical Left wants to send a loud, clear message to attorneys across the country that if they question the integrity of elections or provide legal services to conservative candidates, they could be held criminally responsible.”

By |2023-09-04T00:31:29-04:00September 4th, 2023|

Lahaina HI: officer responded, “I’m just following orders.”

One man, who escaped on foot, begged the police officers to let people out, but officers responded, “I’m just following orders.”  As the man continued on, he began to hear loud explosions and then people screaming, as they perished in the inferno.  Despite no warning sirens, no help from firefighters and the water being turned off, they could have escaped certain death, but police were ordered to barricade them in.

By |2023-09-03T22:32:04-04:00September 3rd, 2023|

Jesus Builds the Ekkelsia Not Man!

Jesus came to earth to give us a Kingdom Government not to start a religion called Christianity. He had a specific purpose for His assembly. Because we don’t understand who we are in Christ and what He intended for us to do on this earth; evil, ungodly men have crept in unnoticed and have corrupted the assembly of Jesus into a man-made religious...

By |2023-09-03T00:19:57-04:00September 3rd, 2023|

Direction Determines Destination

Proverbs 29:25 says, "The fear of man brings a snare, but he who trusts in the LORD will be exalted." Like the pilot of the ill-fated KAL Flight 007 who, to save face, disregarded his true position and the need to turn around, we can be ensnared and taken off course by the desire for social acceptance that dissuades us from believing the gospel of Jesus Christ, leading to a permanent, terrible destination.

By |2023-09-03T00:20:47-04:00September 3rd, 2023|

Ken Paxton Impeachment Bias: The Troubling Trio Blocking Justice in Texas

The battle for justice in the Paxton impeachment trial is not just about one individual's fate but the integrity of the American justice system. Fairness, impartiality, and due process must be upheld at all costs. Senators Nathan Johnson, Roland Gutierrez, and José Menéndez must take a long, hard look in the mirror and consider whether they are truly fit to serve as jurors in this case.

By |2023-09-02T00:14:54-04:00September 2nd, 2023|

A Soviet-styled Future in Oregon?

I need your help to mount a strategic challenge to the unconscionable assault on the rights of minorities everywhere – the right to protest government policy, to air grievances in public without persecution and the right to continue the fight for our respective liberties. This battle was brought into our front yards, now let’s muster our courageous response!

By |2023-09-02T00:07:55-04:00September 2nd, 2023|

Republican Gov. Bill Lee Sells out Tennessee

If you think I'm kidding, you can check what Gov. Bill Lee (R), of the “red state” of Tennessee did during the last Scamdemic. Lee authorized the activation of internment camps and the construction of more, “to sufficiently confine all persons who refuse to be examined, treated, isolated, or quarantined” (TN Code ANN.S68-9-205).

By |2023-09-01T00:57:33-04:00September 1st, 2023|

Lahaina (Maui) Destroyed by Directed Energy Weapon – Round Two

At least 36 people confirmed dead in devastating wildfires: Maui County, Aug. 8, 2023, 1:11 am – (Emphasis mine) “Maui County says 36 people are now confirmed dead in the devastating wildfires that have decimated entire communities, including historic Lahaina… Meanwhile, at least three large fires on Maui — including the blaze in Lahaina — are still active and out of control, which means a full picture of the devastation hasn’t yet come into view.”

By |2023-09-01T00:30:21-04:00September 1st, 2023|

The Seed of Evil

The battle that is going on in America is not a political battle, it is Spiritual. The battle has been, and will remain, between God and Satan. It is a battle of good versus evil, light verses darkness, right verses wrong, the Truth against lies. Seeing it as something other than that will lead you to a lot of wasted energy.

By |2023-08-31T01:07:55-04:00August 31st, 2023|

Is It Still ‘Our’ Government?

Do you see? They think they can do to us, and to our families, anything they please. They might even try—again—to close the schools and demand that parents pledge themselves not to “interfere” in their children’s so-called education. That one didn’t fly in 2020, but they have nothing to lose in trying it again.

By |2023-08-31T01:08:43-04:00August 31st, 2023|

Travels With Charley II: What We Saw In Big Cities—Not Too Nice

You cannot help but travel in California to see 170,000 homeless people wandering the streets of the big cities.  Los Angeles must be the new capital of human misery, followed by San Francisco.  Ironically, both cities are governed by equity, inclusiveness and diversity.  The minority leaders and police forces have turned those cities into human ghettoes no better than Mumbai, India.

By |2023-08-31T01:09:29-04:00August 31st, 2023|

Iranian Mullahs’ Death Wish is Finally Coming True

Unlike Obama, President Trump, some Cabinet members and U.S. lawmakers have resoundingly answered the opposition's call. The recent protests are just the beginning of the end for the Iranian rulers. It may take several months, but the main concern now is ensuring a smooth transition from Islamic radicalism to a secular democracy.

By |2023-08-30T01:02:28-04:00August 30th, 2023|

When are Constitutional Amendments Unconstitutional?

Arizona for Abortion Access, a political action committee, has contacted Arizona Secretary of State, Adrian Fontes, in an attempt to get a constitutional amendment protecting abortion on the November 2024 ballot. Activists in Florida have been collecting signatures in an attempt to overturn recent state law to protect the right to abortion.

By |2023-08-29T02:01:01-04:00August 29th, 2023|

Morsels Mined From The Memory Hole

The French Government is restricting Internet access "in certain neighborhoods," – and by that, the “government” means the burgeoning areas occupied and controlled almost exclusively by these criminally inclined troglodytes. Of course, this is done so that the depraved denizens therein cannot use social media and other platforms to organize and promote their violent activities.

By |2023-08-30T15:31:35-04:00August 29th, 2023|

Lahaina (Maui) Destroyed by Directed Energy Weapon – No Proof

Within 24 hours after the monster fire that destroyed the city of Lahaina on the island of Maui on Aug. 8, 2023, my email box started filling up.  FACT:  A DEW or Directed Energy Weapon is what started that fire.  It looks exactly the same as the fire in Paradise, California on Nov. 8, 2018, which also destroyed that city!

By |2023-08-28T00:48:26-04:00August 28th, 2023|

Part 2: Open the Borders to One and All: What’s Coming

Wouldn’t it be great if Joe Biden would import at least 5,000,000 additional illegal aliens annually, on top of the 1,000,000 legal immigrants annually?  I’m certain all those “sanctuary cities” would love to host millions more in their hotels like in New York, Chicago, Denver,  Atlanta and beyond. We could see those 70,000 homeless in Los Angeles jump to 170,000 homeless.  Wouldn’t that be ducky!

By |2023-08-28T00:51:40-04:00August 28th, 2023|

Video: Taiwan Is the Real China

Slavery is the dividing line. The CCP might say that they don’t practice slavery, but enslaving an entire society under a totalitarian system of oppression fits the bill. It’s not just China, of course. North Korea, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Cuba, Venezuela, and every other repressive regime in the world can be succinctly labeled as a country of “illegitimate slavers.”

By |2023-08-28T00:40:34-04:00August 28th, 2023|

The Russians are Coming

Since Mike Pence did betray Trump with his failure to send the 2020 election results back to the states for reconsideration, it is difficult to say anything positive about Trump’s former vice-president.  But on the debate stage he made a lot more foreign policy sense than Ramaswamy, a favorite of the Fox News Channel who has been rising in the polls.

By |2023-08-27T01:00:15-04:00August 27th, 2023|

“And Lead Us Not Into Temptation” – The Lord’s Prayer

This article will examine the Greek-to-English translation of the “lead us not into temptation” portion of the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:13; Luke 11:4), whether this portion of the prayer is better stated by saying “do not let us fall into temptation,” or if there is a better translation that can be used.

By |2023-08-27T00:56:21-04:00August 27th, 2023|
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