On November 3, 2016, the Internet was a blaze with these headlines:
The Fix Is In: NBC Affiliate Accidentally Posts Election Results A Week Early: Hillary Wins Presidency 42% to Trump’s 40%
And, so here we are again despite the efforts of so many of us over the decades facing the real possibility, once again, a presidential election will be stolen in favor of another dirty globalist, Hillary Clinton, who will not only continue the agenda of the criminal fraud in the White House, she will destroy this republic once and for all.
The BS known as anchor babies is a myth passed off as come constitutional right of an illegal mother
Who are the racists?
Hillary amnesty tax…$15,000 per household
Amnesty Would Cost Taxpayers an Estimated $3,600,000,000,000 Over 75 Years. Remember: OUR treasury is empty. Overdrawn almost $20 TRILLION dollars. Every penny being spent by the government is BORROWED DEBT with the interest slapped on our backs, our children and grand children.
• Hans Von Spakovsky: ‘We Know for a Fact There Are Non-Citizens Registered and Voting All Over the Country’
• Scott Brown Warns Democrats Bussing People Into NH From Blue States To Vote
Clinton directed her maid to print out classified materials. Her daughter has no security clearance: Hillary Deleted Email Showing She Forwarded Classified Information To Her Daughter – I wonder how all those retired military officers who endorsed her feel about that?) or even security for themselves or their children. Just vote in a pair of mammary glands. I see them at her mini-rallies with blank looks on their faces, clapping and cheering at the right moments while Hillary chokes on. Zombies.
Clinton aide says Foundation paid for Chelsea’s wedding, WikiLeaks emails show. A true RICO case if ever there was one.
Oh, but wait!
Comey betrays we the people again. Is Comey trying to throw the election to that criminal? Comey is telling us they went through 650,000 emails in nine days? What kind of game is he playing?
The IRS has been investigating the Clinton Foundation for the past four months if not longer.
Absentee ballots stolen, forged in 1 Florida county Victims say they won’t vote by mail again. Our elderly parents might need help so check in with them.
‘Clinton death list’: 33 spine-tingling cases – Bill and Hillary’s ‘friends’ fall off buildings, crash planes, die in freak accidents)
FBI Agent Suspected in Hillary Email Leaks Found Dead in Apparent Murder-Suicide. There is no newspaper in Denver with that name. The web site where it originated is another piece of garbage like the EU Times.
Below are news items you might find of interest in connecting the dots:
• EXCLUSIVE: State Department, FBI Are Missing Communications Between Hillary Clinton and White House During Benghazi Attack
• NYPD Source: Weiner Laptop Has Enough Evidence “to Put Hillary … Away for Life” – Not according to James Comey. Nothing to see, move on.
• This is a must watch. Fraction Magic. Vote theft – unreal. Be sure to watch until the credits roll at the end as there is a list of what YOU can do. I have been hammering on the vote fraud issue since 1993. Finally. Finally the truth is out and Americans are outraged.
• Nearly 100 Ballots Found Outside California Man’s Home
• Third-party voters are “trading votes” with Clinton voters to defeat Trump
• New legal documents prove election tampering in Texas
• Rigged Polls: Tests Show College Grads Conceal Support For Donald Trump
• 14 Cases of Voter Fraud Under Investigation as Election Day Approaches
• Clinton Does Best Where Voting Machines Flunk Hacking Tests
• State raids Delco offices, seeking evidence of voter registration fraud
• This is a lengthy read but worth it. How do you know which voting machines are going to commit vote fraud?
Clinton White House files ‘stolen’ from National Archives
• Washington state elector says he won’t vote for Clinton. Good for him.
• Well, what’ya know: Supreme Court Blocks Ninth Circuit’s Order Against Arizona Voter-Fraud Law
• Judicial Watch: Pagliano Emails Show 10 Attempts to Hack Clinton’s Server in 2 Days
• Hillary’s ‘Russian Hack’ Hoax: The Biggest Lie of This Election Season
• Confirmed: US Intel Operatives Leaked Clinton Campaign Emails, Not Russia
• Hillary’s Crime Sheet: Five Reasons Hillary Clinton Should be in Prison
• Coups, counter-coups rage within American government
• 11 Explosive Clinton Cash Facts Mainstream Media Confirm are Accurate
• Most damaging Wikileaks
• VERY important: Clinton Called Out on Russian Uranium Deal – Malheur Documents Found by Bundys Come to Forefront
• WikiLeaks, FBI rogue agents do job of Congress, judges
• Deleted Email Shows She Sent Classified Info to Chelsea
Huma Abedin Claims She Informed White House Every Time Hillary Changed Emails – Obama proven a liar again. Like Hillary, Obama has never met the truth in his life.
• Something Big Is Underway On All Fronts: “Within The Next Few Weeks The Future Of The United States Will Be Decided”
• California’s U.S. Senate race is slipping away from Loretta Sanchez – an illegal alien serving in the U.S. House. Hoorah! – Well, sorta. Her Dem opponent is a hard line Marxist.
• NBC Anchor: ‘Millions of Trump Voters’ KKK
• Rare Agreement Between NYT, WSJ: ‘Clinton Cash’ Is a Real Scandal
• ABC News Jonathan Karl: ‘Clinton Cash’ Author Has Done ‘Very Serious Journalism’ on Clinton Foundation
• Who knew? Pastor held in Iran: Trump helped support family financially
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I was shocked back in 2008 when I read how many Catholics voted for the criminal impostor in the White House, Barry Soetoro aka Obama, and Hillary Clinton.
But, then I read there were are many flavors of Catholics!
A VERY important read). As for Hillary Clinton’s tried and true staple she cares about children, just like Obama, they both are supporters of killing innocent babies in the womb. No matter how Planned Parenthood, Hillary, Obama or any other ‘liberal’ try to dress it up, abortion IS murder. Watch this video (less than 10 minutes). You will see through modern technology an unborn baby developing and at 32 days, that living, breathing baby is developing arms and legs. LOOK and see the truth. From conception to birth.
have been left in metal pans to die.Think Almighty God is going to bless those who allow such a heinous thing to take place? How Jesus must weep each time an unborn baby is killed in the womb or a baby born during an abortion survives and is left to die for He so loves the children.
Infanticide and Hillary Clinton supports and defends it. One would expect nothing less since Hillary Clinton publicly drools over Margaret Sanger, a leader in the eugenics movement:
Exclusive: Devvy Kidd exposes racist icon admired by Clinton (Sourcees for quotes in column link)
“We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.”
“Birth control is not contraception indiscriminately and thoughtlessly practiced. It means the release and cultivation of the better racial elements in our society, and the gradual suppression, elimination and eventual extirpation of defective stocks – those human weeds which threaten the blooming of the finest flowers of American civilization.”
“[Our objective is] unlimited sexual gratification without the burden of unwanted children .. [Women must have the right] to live … to love … to be lazy … to be an unmarried mother … to create … to destroy … The marriage bed is the most degenerative influence in the social order … The most merciful thing that a family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.”
This past week:
2006 Audio Emerges of Hillary Clinton Proposing Rigging Palestine Election
Unearthed tape: ‘We should have made sure that we did something to determine who was going to win’
2 – 2 Investigators: Chicago Voters Cast Ballots From Beyond The Grave
3 – Outrageous: Illegals voting with permission of city
4 – North Carolina Hillary Supporter Brags on Facebook About Voting Multiple Times
Dead Cast Ballots in Chicago
2 – 100,000 PA Voters Switch From Democrat To Republican
3 – From the Grave in Philly
4 – Texas County Switches to Paper Ballots after Software Glitch – Software ‘glitch’ my foot.
5 – Vote Flipping Maryland
6 – Election Fraud in Florida
Fake Voter Registration Applications – Virginia
2 – Wikileaks Email: Hillary Campaign Struggles to Reach “F**king Dumb” Young People
3 – Apostate Evangelicals Are Poised To Become The Deciding Factor In A Hillary Clinton Election Victory
4 – Wikileaks Email: Clinton Operative Thinks “Black Voters Are Stupid”
5 – FBI Document: “Shadow Government” Protected Clinton During E-Mail Scandal
6 – WOW! Voting Machine Caught on Camera Casting Ballot for Democrat when Selecting Republican!
7 – New Evidence Links Voting Machines And Clinton Foundation
Taking Politics Out of Solutions is now available. The most important issues destroying America are presented along with constitutional solutions neither the Republicans or Democrats will pursue. Get your copy now. Excellent discounts for 2 or more books, or bulk orders.]
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What? How can you say that?
Obviously not all gun owners in this country support career criminal Hillary Clinton. But, back in 2008 I was floored reading election breakdowns on the staggering number of gun owners who voted for both the criminal impostor in the White House and Hillary.
It is estimated there are about 85 million gun owners in this country. How many actually voted in 2008 is a mystery as I was unable to find any credible numbers on that. However, it is beyond comprehension why ANY gun owner would have voted for Second Amendment haters Obama and Hillary the Hun.
outstanding and fully researched columns and help educate others so they become knowledgeable about the Second Amendment and why if it weren’t for that amendment we’d all be in chains by now.
Taking Politics Out of Solutions, I also hope you purchase a copy of Dr. Vieira’s short book that is an outstanding primer if you will, on the Second Amendment and what it really means: Thirteen Words.
I pray gun owners in this country who are thinking about voting for Hillary Clinton stop and really think about what it would mean putting her in the White House. Remember:
Clinton says she has ‘both a public and a private position’ on Wall Street: WikiLeaks release, October 8, 2016
Clinton told top banking executives that she has “both a public and a private position” on Wall Street reform and is reliant on wealthy donors to fund her campaign, leaked excerpts of the former first lady’s speeches seem to show, fueling claims of hypocrisy on the part of Mrs. Clinton at a crucial moment in the presidential campaign.
She is a two faced liar.
Is This Clinton Cash Connection The ‘Smoking Gun’ That Will Shoot Down Hillary’s High Hopes?) as well as continued congressional and FBI investigations. No question. Is this really what the American people want while our country goes to hell?
“‘Pay to Slay:’ Foreign crime family reached Hillary Clinton for immigration favors so they could run a baby parts harvesting business,” the Isaias brothers – Roberto, William and Estefano Sr – “sought asylum in the U.S. in 2008, after looting millions of dollars from an Ecuadorian bank.” They and family members now are listed as principals of the two California companies targeted by prosecutors.
“During that time, the family made hundreds of thousands of dollars in contributions to Democratic and Republican political campaigns. Family members gave roughly $300,000 to Democrat politicians alone and reached out to Hillary Clinton thru (sic) her aide, Cheryl Mills,” the report said. “In return, the family received favorable treatment from the Obama administration and State Department under Clinton, which expedited their immigration into the U.S.”
Exclusive: FBI still does not have warrant to review new Abedin emails linked to Clinton probe, October 29, 2016
click here. It only takes a minute but means so much!
Taking Politics Out of Solutions is now available. The most important issues destroying America are presented along with constitutional solutions neither the Republicans or Democrats will pursue. Get your copy now. Excellent discounts for 2 or more books, or bulk orders.]
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Paul Ryan Dismisses Trump Claims, Remains ‘Confident’ Election Won’t Be Rigged
• ‘Beyond the Pale’: GOP Slams Trump for Race Outcome Remark
• Flashback: Gore Refuses to Concede Election, Demands Recount ‘to Ensure All the Votes Are Counted’
• Lindsey Graham, Jeff Flake Attack Donald Trump for ‘Rigged Election’ Exchange During Debate
• 5 Times Democrats Claimed U.S. Elections Are ‘Rigged’ (Different than the one above by Obama)
• McCain calls on Trump to honor outcome of election: ‘It’s the American way’
• He’s With Her: Inside Paul Ryan’s Months-Long Campaign to Elect Hillary Clinton President
• Trump wrongly insists voter fraud is ‘very, very common’ – another useful fool
• Down Ballot, Republicans Slam Trump’s Election Warnings
• Dead People And Illegal Immigrants Are Being Registered To Vote All Over America
• PODESTA: OK for Illegals to Vote With Driver’s License
• FL Dem Party wants ballots allowed — before registration verified
• Thousands of Voter Registrations Altered in Indiana, October 20, 2016
In 2012 the highly respected Pew Research Center exposed the sickening state of voter rolls in this country:
Nearly 2 million deceased registered to vote
Close to 3 million registered in multiples states
Approximately 24 million—one of every eight—voter registrations in the United States are no longer valid or are significantly inaccurate
More than 1.8 million deceased individuals are listed as voters
Approximately 2.75 million people have registrations in more than one state
Disputed Presidential Elections Are Nearly As Old As Presidency
Federal Judge Rules Against Democrats in Florida Voter ID Verification Case
Obama in 2008 Boasts to Ohioans ‘It Helps’ That Dems Are ‘in Charge of’ Voting Machines – October 18, 2016. I have written about Ohio several times. No question Bush lost Ohio in 2004 to Kerry. Because Bush lost Ohio he did not have enough electoral college votes to win the election. Vote fraud gave Bush, Jr. the presidency. Kerry would have been a nightmare but the point is vote fraud was the tool used.
• Blatant Propaganda: Largest Spanish Language Network In US Says Voter Fraud Has “Never Existed”
• No, voter fraud isn’t a myth: 10 cases where it’s all too real
• Flashback 2014: ‘Calibration error’ changes GOP votes to Dem in Illinois county
• Obama in 2008 Boasts to Ohioans ‘It Helps’ That Dems Are ‘in Charge of’ Voting Machines
• Thousands of Voter Registrations Altered in Indiana
How the GOP committed political suicide in 1982, February 3, 2013
Democratic National Committee v Republican National Committee
Case No. 09-4615 (C.A. 3, Mar. 8, 2012)
We ARE keeping our paper backup records for the November Election–Latest Updates
Hillary Clinton’s H-1B Outsourcing Program Has 100,000 Foreign Workers in Midwest White-Collar Jobs
2 – Rigging the Election – Video I: Clinton Campaign and DNC Incite Violence at Trump Rallies
3 – FBI Asst. Dir. Publicly Calls Out Hillary, Endorses Trump
click here. It only takes a minute but means so much!
Taking Politics Out of Solutions is now available. The most important issues destroying America are presented along with constitutional solutions neither the Republicans or Democrats will pursue. Get your copy now. Excellent discounts for 2 or more books, or bulk orders.]
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In some pictures from his appearances it appears women out number men and they aren’t all Lilly white, either.
Female voters for Clinton care nothing for the victims of illegal aliens or their grieving families. They care nothing for the slaughter of American citizens by illegals. Over 64,000 Americans have been killed or murdered by illegals since 9/11. In November 2015 an illegal from Mexico, described by his defense attorney as a drunk, broke into an apartment and raped a 6-year old little girl. He has been convicted and faces 50+ years in prison.
Study Finds Nearly 70,000 Criminal Illegal Aliens Released Back Into the U.S.
she wants open borders. That vagina you want to put in the White House wants to continue flooding this country with the dregs of the earth endangering all of us.
in my book as well as the illegals invasion. Some of it will make you sick to your soul.
WikiLeaks: Hillary Clinton Says Vetting Refugees Is Impossible
Hillary Clinton is directly responsible for the death of U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and U.S. Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith, CIA contractors Tyrone S. Woods and Glen Doherty. Ten other Americans were injured in the attack in Benghazi, Libya. THAT is an undeniable fact.
American Worker Forced to Train Foreign Replacement Reveals How Hillary Clinton Betrayed Him
So which of the unconstitutional spending promises Clinton has made is more important to you than keeping America free? Do you have any idea what it would be like to be governed by some foreign body over in Europe while the last of our critical job sectors move to foreign countries and millions more Americans have no jobs? Are you so self-aborbed in your little world you care nothing for the suffering of your fellow Americans?
going to lose their Obamacare health careand it doesn’t matter which party you vote.
Oh yeah baby, oh yeah I, ohhhhh, oh yes I like that
I did not come to play with you hoes, haha
I came to slay, b*tch
I like cornbreads and collard greens, b*tch
Oh yes, you best to believe it
When he f*ck me good I take his ass to Red Lobster, cause I slay
If he hit it right, I might take him on a flight on my chopper, cause I slay”
Others: Q-Tips lyrics (I know, one cringes using the word lyrics to describe their filth as music)
List of Debunked Groper Allegations by Corrupt Media Against Donald Trump
The Appendix also has all the credible pieces pertaining to the last dumps from Wikileaks exposing Clinton as a pathological, dangerous woman which is why Friday before last the old Trump tape was released and then the flood of bimbos. To divert voters attention from who Hillary Rodham Clinton really is and why it would be the death of this country if she gets into the White House. There are dozens of items so bookmark and read when you have time.
84% said they will not vote for Hillary.
Liar Liar Pants On Fire Hillary Song. Trump should play it around the country before he comes out on stage.
Taking Politics Out of Solutions is now available. The most important issues destroying America are presented along with constitutional solutions neither the Republicans or Democrats will pursue. Get your copy now. Excellent discounts for 2 or more books, or bulk orders.]
Perfect For Christmas
Trump came out at the same time as Clinton. In all honesty he looked like warmed over paste. He was pale and judging by his sniffling, Trump might have a cold. How human. Unlike his usual self, Trump did not look relaxed. He looked, justifiably so in my opinion, very angry.
Something else that I believe greatly affected that vile creature. Prior to the actual debate, Trump called a news conference and played the disgraced media. Again.
Donald Trump Appears with Clintons’ Alleged Victims Ahead of Debate
Bob Schieffer: Rape Accusers Had ‘Some Relationship’ with Bill Clinton
Trump launches rape bomb on Hillary at debate
Those women were in the audience which had to have irked Clinton to no end. Clinton had to carry on knowing those four women were in the audience watching her every move. Billy Clinton had to sit there like an elephant on a telephone pole.
Her serial cheating husband and rapist has been dogged across the country at speaking engagements with people holding up signs that say Clinton is a rapist. Of course, being Slick Willy, the former president just brushes it off as if the charges are no more serious than not having enough butter on his toast.
As most everyone has written or remarked on the boob tube or radio, the first 30 minutes were tense. So tense you could slice the air with a butter knife. Trump apologized again for his foul language during that 11-year old conversation with Billy Bush, who by the way has now been indefinitely suspended by NBC. Trump also, at least to me, was doing a lot of thinking while walking around at the beginning while Hillary blathered on and when the moment came he pounced on her lies and incompetence.
As others have pointed out, Clinton didn’t so much as flinch where most people try to bat flies away. Then again, if one is doped up they might not have felt it. The criminal impostor in the White House’s face over the years has been a frequent landing strip for flies.
Trump went after Clinton for, as he put it, bleaching her email servers. Comey and co-conspirators covered up her crimes:
• Immunity deals stopped FBI from investigating BleachBit use in Clinton email case
• Republicans blast FBI for ‘astonishing’ agreement to destroy Clinton aides’ laptops
• FBI files reveal missing email ‘boxes’ in Clinton case, allegations of evidence tampering
• Arms dealer who threatened to reveal Clinton’s Libya dealings rips DOJ for ‘injustice’
full transcript is here.
Trump: I’ll Have Special Prosecutor For Clinton Email, ‘You’d Be In Jail’). That is a very dangerous thing for him to say. While it is the truth, the Clinton’s play to the death, literally. Trump has been wearing a bullet proof vest since July 2015 for a reason. His life is in danger every time he steps out of Trump Towers. Trump humiliated Clinton last night badly in front of the whole world.
Hillary Clinton will take us into WWIII make no mistake about that. She is an incompetent buffoon who is a legend in her own mind. Her comments about Putin and Trump are completely false. One thing that is true: Neither Trump or Putin want their countries sucked into a one world order under global domination.
Liar Liar Pants On Fire Hillary Song
Buzz Feed poll today as I write this: Who won the debate?
WikiLeaks CONFIRMS Hillary Sold Weapons to ISIS… Then Drops Another Bombshell
2 – Why Veterans Must NOT Vote for Hillary Clinton
3 – ‘Beneath the Dignity of the Office’: Tim Kaine Thought Bill Clinton Should Have Resigned Over Lewinsky Scandal
4 – Why Trump Will Prevail
5 – If you think Donald Trump’s comments are vulgar, check out Hillary’s potty mouth
6 – Jesse Jackson Praised Trump in 1999 for His Commitment to ‘Diversity,’ Being ‘Inclusive’
7 – Things Hillary Clinton Has Done That Will Make You Question Her Sanity
8 – Several newspapers that endorsed Hillary Clinton for president have taken huge subscriber hits
9 – House Speaker Paul Ryan and GOP Chairman Rence Priebus aware that the Billy Bush audio tape was coming weeks ago
Taking Politics Out of Solutions is now available. The most important issues destroying America are presented along with constitutional solutions neither the Republicans or Democrats will pursue. Get your copy now. Excellent discounts for 2 or more books, or bulk orders.]
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Somehow an old 11-year old piece of film was magically unearthed of Donald Trump and Billy Bush (who I never heard of until the recording was released) engaged in a conversation neither knew was being recorded. In context, Trump was on a bus with seven people. Trump was to appear on some silly soap opera. When they got to the ABC lot and getting off the bus is when Trump and Bush yakked it up.
Billy Bush works for NBC and is being equally ripped over this comments during the exchange with calls for him to be fired. Billy Bush: ‘Sheesh, your girl’s hot as s***. In the purple.’ And: Bush: ‘Yeah those legs. All I can see is the legs.’ Bush was married at that time but didn’t seem to have a problem with his comments. Now he’s contrite. A big paycheck at stake.
Judging by the hysteria one would think Trump admitted to raping and killing a dozen nuns in Time Square.
Immediately RAT Paul Ryan canceled his appearance today at a scheduled rally with Trump and Gov. Scott Walker. (Trump’s camp announced he would not be attending his own event but Pence would get the unenviable task of surrogate.) One can only pray during the Sunday night debate Trump humbles himself with an apology because sure as the sun shines Clinton and the moderators are going to shove this down his throat as many times as they can get away with it. Trump should say I’m sorry one time and refuse to respond to any more flack. One time and press on during the debate about the issues.
‘Still the best candidate’: Some evangelicals still back Trump despite lewd video: “On Friday night, Trump released a video apologizing for his comments, calling them “foolish” and saying he pledges to “be a better man tomorrow.”
The other list of altar boys and girls screaming Trump should step down as the nominee:
Republican Speaker Paul Ryan, Texas Senator Ted Cruz, Ohio Senator Rob Portman, Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell, North Carolina Senator Richard Burr, Pennsylvania Senator Pat Toomey, Illinois Senator Mark Kirk, Utah Congressman Jason Chaffetz, Colorado Congressman Mike Coffman, Ohio Governor John Kasich, Utah Senator Mike Lee, Arizona Senator John McCain, Tennessee Senator Bob Corker, New Hampshire Senator Kelly Ayotte, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, Washington Congresswoman Cathy McMorris-Rodgers, Arizona Senator Jeff Flake, Former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman, Florida Senator Marco Rubio, Minnesota Congressman Erik Paulsen, Illinois Congressman Robert Dold
Well, it is an election year so the holier-than-thou crew have to let the voters know how indignant they are over such language.
I read the entire transcript. No one knows when Trump ‘made a move’ on the woman in the conversation or even if it ever happened. How many guys have made big macho ungentlemanly talk just to brag? The recording was in 2005. Trump was married to Melania at the time and remarked in the transcript she said it was okay to hug someone named Zucker.
What I heard played on the stupid tube last night and reading the transcript is nothing I haven’t heard from men on construction sites. While I haven’t been in a men’s locker room, likely you will hear comments like that from players who didn’t ‘make a score’ with some female or making crude remarks about someone they would like to ‘bang’. Not all ball players use less than acceptable language in the locker room but anyone who says it doesn’t go on is either a liar or naive.
And, here’s a news flash for all the hens out there screeching: I’ve heard worse from women at the beauty parlor, oh, excuse me, I guess PC would be spa. I’ve heard worse from women at many different venues. I had a life before I began my truth journey full time 26 years ago. I don’t live in a cocoon. Women can be just as vicious when flaying men and just as graphic in their language over ‘hunks’ and their body parts.
Flashback: Megyn Kelly Discusses Her Husband’s Penis and Her Breasts on Howard Stern – part of the transcript, rest at link
“During a funny and flippant interview with SiriusXM host Howard Stern in 2010, Kelly talked about her breasts and how big her husband’s penis was, and how much she liked aloof alpha bad boys.
“Did you ever think about being a stripper?” Stern asked. “Ever in your life?”
Kelly laughed, saying, “No, and I don’t think I’d be very good at it. No, no, no.”
“Would you ever get implants?” Stern said.
“No, I don’t think so,” Kelly said.
“Those are real breasts,” Stern continued.
“Yeah, these are real. I mean, they don’t look fake, please–” Kelly said, as Stern said, “Wow.” “When I got pregnant–”
“Well, you’re a C-cup, aren’t you?” Stern asked. “You are.”
Kelly laughed. “My husband calls them ‘killer Bs’.”
“Oh, they’re Bs. They look like Cs to me, don’t they? Tell her where that bra store is. They’ll upgrade her,” Stern joked.
“Did you ever feel pressure–” Stern began while Kelly replied: “We used to call them ‘Killer Bs,’ then when I got pregnant they became ‘Swimmin’ Cs,’ and Doug was frolicking in the ocean.”
Kelly then goes on to exchange banter with Stern about the size of her husband’s manhood.
Bill O’Reilly’s telephone sex talk got him sued
“On October 13, 2004 O’Reilly was sued in a sexual harassment lawsuit for $60,000,000 by his former producer named Andrea Mackris. Mackris was an employee of Fox from 2000, with lawsuit documents showing O’Reilly’s rabid sexual harassment began in May 2002 and continued until September 2004. Mackris filed a wild document full of O’Reilly’s exploits. The fallout was immense, with O’Reilly counter-suing Mackris for extortion before finally settling the lawsuit for an untold amount of money that is generally believed to have been in the millions of dollars. I suppose that I could stop there with the story, but what fun would that be?
“Before the case was settled a salacious 22-page document was presented to the court where Mackris was said to have various audio recordings of O’Reilly calling her numerous times to enact his sexual fetish of phone sex. The sordid scenario began innocuously enough. Mackris was informed on May of 2002 that she would no longer employed by FOX for $56,000 a year. O’Reilly heard of this and invited Mackris to dinner where he informed her that she was re-hired and with a raise to $65,000! What a guy, right? Always looking out for his employees, but all was not what it seemed. After giving Mackris the good news O’Reilly made his move. From the original court documents:” Rest at link above.
The Years of Lyndon Johnson: Master of the Senate – 36th President of the United States (Those too young to remember LBJ was a Democrat)
“He early became fabled for a Rabelaisian earthiness, urinating in the parking lot of the House Office Building as the urge took him; if a colleague came into a Capitol bathroom as he was finishing at the urinal there, he would sometimes swing around still holding his member, which he liked to call “Jumbo,” hooting once, “Have you ever seen anything as big as this?,” and shaking it in almost a brandishing manner as he began discoursing about some pending legislation.
“At the same time, he would oblige aides to take dictation standing in the door of his office bathroom while he went about emptying his bowels, as if in some alpha-male ritual assertion of his primacy. Even on the floors of the House and Senate, he would extravagantly rummage away at his groin, sometimes reaching his hand through a pocket and leaning with half-lifted leg for more thorough access.”
OMG: FLASHBACK VIDEO: Presidents Being Colorful, Including Obama’s “B*tch Nigga Buy Your Own Damn Fries!”
I don’t know Donald Trump and chances are I will never meet him in this lifetime. It’s been reported that earlier this year Trump had several meetings with Christian preachers and prominent Evangelicals where he came to believe in his heart Jesus is his personal savior. Trump has issued an apology and quite frankly, I think this is one time where Trump is embarrassed by his words and wishes he could take them back. Not because he ‘got caught’ but because it’s not who he really is regarding women.
John 8, King James Version of the Holy Bible
7 So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.
8 And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground.
9 And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst.
10 When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee?
11 She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.
That tape was released at exactly the same time as Wikileaks posted thousands of new documents that show the true Hillary Clinton and her closed door Wall Street speeches. Leaked Hillary Clinton Speech to Foreign Bank: ‘My Dream Is a Hemispheric Common Market with Open Trade and Open Borders’. Damning statements by that career criminal the controlled media doesn’t want voters to see. Pile on about Trump’s old comments to keep people distracted.
Everyone has made embarrassing comments in their lifetime – even the saintly Republicans I listed at the top. Do I wish Trump hadn’t barked it up with some younger guy to appear machismo? Yeah. Will that prevent me from voting for him? No. Only God is perfect.
[Devvy’s hot new book, Taking Politics Out of Solutions is now available. The most important issues destroying America are presented along with constitutional solutions neither the Republicans or Democrats will pursue. Get your copy now. Excellent discounts for 2 or more books, or bulk orders.]
Perfect For Christmas
© 2016 – NewsWithViews.com and Devvy – All Rights Reserved
By: Devvy
October 3, 2016
Millions of Americans were stunned on July 5, 2016 when Banana Republic FBI Director James Comey announced there would be no charges against career criminal, Hillary Rodham Clinton. I say millions because her deliberate and intentional actions in setting up a private email server system was being followed by millions on the Internet, television and radio. Comey spent 14 minutes on television laying out the case that would get anyone indicted and then spent the next three minutes explaining why Hillary Clinton is above the law.
Many speculated Comey didn’t want to meet an untimely death as have nearly 100 people closely associated with or known enemies of Bill & Hillary Clinton. On that day James Comey threw away his impeccable reputation. Those who admired and respected him like former judge, Jeanine Pirro who has her own show Saturday night on FOX. Leaks inside the FBI raved if Comey did not recommend charges there would be a mass exodus of agents. Well, that did not happen because FBI agents like tens of millions of Americans have mortgages to pay and need their paychecks to put food on the table for their kiddies.
However, inside leaks these days say morale is in the toilet and a large majority of agents involved with that investigation want Comey to resign. He has soiled and fouled the FBI and further eroded the public’s confidence in that agency confirming what millions already know: the game is rigged and James Comey sold his soul to the devil. Report: FBI Turns Against Director Comey – Comey’s ties to the Clinton family exposed:
“When President Obama nominated Comey to become FBI director in 2013, Comey promised the United States Senate that he would recuse himself on all cases involving former employers. But Comey earned $6 million in one year alone from Lockheed Martin. Lockheed Martin became a Clinton Foundation donor that very year. Comey served as deputy attorney general under John Ashcroft for two years of the Bush administration. When he left the Bush administration, he went directly to Lockheed Martin and became vice president, acting as a general counsel.”
As more evidence continues to trickle from the State Department it is glaringly obvious to anyone following the monster email scandal there should be a slew of indictments against key operatives for conspiracy to cover up crimes by Hildebeast as well as obstruction. Key employees in the State Department have been crapping in Congress’ face for years ignoring subpoenas and deliberately hiding evidence.
Last Wednesday, El Hefe Comey, who looked like he was resurrected from the dead, was once again on the hot seat in front of a Congressional oversight committee. Since tens of millions of Americans are working they only see snippets in the evening. But, I can assure you, Comey buried himself. At one point and this is not an exaggeration, I actually thought Comey was going to start crying. Comey said ‘we’re still the same FBI you know and love’. Make me gag.
I know time is an issue as I so frequently say, but I’ve done the homework for you, dear reader, so please bookmark this column and take the time to watch these short video clips from the hearings.
• Trey Gowdy grilling Comey
• Jim Jordan so done with the FBI’s incompetence in Clinton investigation
• Comey “That Was “O S-H-I-T” Moment”! Chaffetz, Gowdy, Issa, Jordan! Issa Reveals Lies! Comey Rattled!
• Representative Collins tells FBI Director Comey “You Blew It”
• Watch: Judicial Watch Clinton Email/Foundation Expert Panel to Help Unravel “Complicated Mess of a Scandal”
These are important in exposing the truth:
• ‘Fat shaming’ dominated news as Comey’s defense collapsed – Damning evidence Hillary should have been prosecuted
• Judicial Watch: FBI Used Redacted Documents to Question Clinton Aides
• WikiLeaks Drops Another Bombshell On Hillary Clinton And The FBI And The Latest Assange Interviews
• Comey: ‘I Don’t Remember’ Why FBI Let Hillary Aide Lie
• Rep. Jordan to Comey: Clinton IT Guy You Gave Immunity Is “Trying To Cover Up The Cover Up”
• Gowdy Says FBI Failed To Ask Clinton Right Questions About Email Server
• Hillary couldn’t be proven guilty without proving the president guilty as well
Gowdy Destroys FBI’s Immunity Deal With Hillary’s “Triggerman”- “If the FBI and the Department of Justice gave this witness transactional immunity, it is tantamount to giving the triggerman immunity in a robbery case,” the former prosecutor said. “It looks like they gave immunity to the very person you would most want to prosecute.”
“You don’t give immunity to the person who actually robbed the bank,” Gowdy explained. “You may want to give it to the getaway driver. You may want to give it to the person who helped them count the money afterwards, but you don’t give immunity to the person who walked in and robbed the bank. That ain’t that complicated, but that’s apparently what the FBI did.”
State Department Admits It ‘Lost’ Clinton Foundation Email. Lost? Let me remind everyone about these two crimes. If you haven’t been to the National Archives it’s the most wonderful place. It’s also the repository for tens of thousands of original documents that can’t be replaced. Sandy Berger was a national security adviser under Billy Clinton:
Convicted document thief Sandy Berger secretly worked for Hillary Clinton: “Former National Security Adviser Sandy Berger, who was sentenced in 2005 — as the result of a plea bargain — to two-years probation and fined $50,000 for stealing highly classified documents from the National Archives and intentionally destroying some of them, had also been functioning as a Hillary Clinton campaign adviser before his death last December.”
James Comey and the Stinking Fish Factor
“Affirming this unflattering opinion, Jerome Corsi, journalist and NY Times bestselling author, says that Comey has a long history of cases ending favorable to the Clintons. In 2004, Corsi says, Comey was a deputy attorney general in the Justice Department when he “apparently limited the scope of the criminal investigation of Sandy Berger…[and Berger’s] removal and destruction of classified records from the National Archives. The documents were relevant to accusations that the Clinton administration was negligent in the build-up to the 9/11 terrorist attack.”
“Curiously,” Corsi continues, “Berger, Lynch and Cheryl Mills (Hillary’s longtime advisor and Chief of Staff during her years as Sec. of State) all worked as partners in the Washington law firm Hogan & Hartson, which prepared tax returns for the Clintons and did patent work for a software firm that played a role in the private email server Hillary Clinton used when she was secretary of state.”
“Corsi said that “various statements Comey made about Berger’s mishandling of classified documents bear comparison to his comments regarding Hillary Clinton’s email server” and that Berger, “a convicted thief of classified documents, had been advising Clinton while she served as secretary of state and had access to emails containing classified information.”
FBI Files Chronicling Hillary Clinton’s Connection To Vince Foster’s Death Missing From National Archives – Not the first time Clinton files apparently vanished. “This is not the first time documents related to the Clintons have apparently vanished from the National Archive. In March 2009, the archives found that an external hard drive from the Bill Clinton White House containing confidential documents was missing. “When it could not be located, the inspector general’s office announced that it had opened a criminal investigation,” he added. A $50,000 reward was offered for information leading to the recovery of the hard drive. ”
Those of us who followed the Vince Foster death know it was murder not suicide. The same as I know as sure as the sun shines Ron Brown, then Secty of State under Bill Clinton, died in a plane crash in the ocean, not crashed into the side of a hill. Lies, lies and nothing but more lies. Looting OUR National Archives is a crime against we the people and it’s got to stop.
State Department Admits It ‘Lost’ Clinton Foundation Email: “The email contained an attachment memo about Greek bonds — a significant detail given the heavy investments Clinton’s son-in-law, Marc Mezvinsky, was making in the Greek economic recovery during that same period.
“Chelsea Clinton, Mezvinsky’s wife, is a board member at the Clinton Foundation. The fact that one of Clinton’s closest aides shared insider information about the economic climate in Greece with the foundation — just one year after Mezvinsky and fellow Goldman Sachs alum founded a hedge fund that operated primarily by placing bets on international economic trends — raises questions about the many potential conflicts of interest that could have arisen from the Clintons’ web of connections.”
• FBI Director James Comey Took Millions from Clinton Foundation Defense Contractor
• Corruption! FBI Director James Comey Exposed: Received millions from Clinton Foundation on their Corporate Partner Board, his brother works for law firm that does Clinton Foundation taxes:
HSBC Holdings
“In 2013, Comey became a board member, a director, and a Financial System Vulnerabilities Committee member of the London bank HSBC Holdings. “Mr. Comey’s appointment will be for an initial three-year term which, subject to re-election by shareholders, will expire at the conclusion of the 2016 Annual General Meeting,” according to HSBC company records. HSBC Holdings and its various philanthropic branches routinely partner with the Clinton Foundation. For instance, HSBC Holdings has partnered with Deutsche Bank through the Clinton Foundation to “retrofit 1,500 to 2,500 housing units, primarily in the low- to moderate-income sector” in “New York City.”
[Devvy’s hot new book, Taking Politics Out of Solutions is now available. The most important issues destroying America are presented along with constitutional solutions neither the Republicans or Democrats will pursue. Get your copy now. Excellent discounts for 2 or more books, or bulk orders.
Perfect For Christmas
“Retrofitting” refers to a Green initiative to conserve energy in commercial housing units. Clinton Foundation records show that the Foundation projected “$1 billion in financing” for this Green initiative to conserve people’s energy in low-income housing units.”
HSBC Bank Executives Face Charges in $3.5 Billion Currency Case, July 20, 2016: “The global banking giant HSBC has repeatedly found itself in the cross hairs of American regulators and prosecutors in recent years. To settle allegations of money-laundering and mortgage abuses, it has paid billions of dollars — but has not been criminally charged. That has spurred an outcry that the bank is “too big to jail.” But now two senior executives of HSBC face criminal charges, accused of a currency manipulation scheme that federal prosecutors say generated $8 million in profits and fees.”
Comey is dirty. Loretta Lynch is dirty. State department employees are dirty. Hillary Clinton is dirty. Her ‘trusted’ aides and attorneys, Abedin and Mills, are dirty. It’s just one big incestuous criminal cabal.
Hillary Clinton is receiving national security updates she should NOT. Her reckless criminal actions with emails have put this country at risk. Her slobbering fool supporters who are just as morally and ethically bankrupt as Hillary can deny it until the cows come home but it’s true.
Criminal Clinton must NOT ever step into the White House again. As I wrote in a previous column, she can still be impeached as the statute of limitations has not run. The Senate Could Impeach Hillary Clinton Today
Donald Trump must win this election. I know his first priorities are going to be stopping the invasion by illegals and Muslims coming from terrorist sponsoring countries as well as stop the flood of unvetted refugees. He MUST make it a priority to remove Comey and Loretta Lynch right away. I doubt Loretta Lynch wants to stick around but Comey might.
No. They both must go immediately. If I were in Congress I would get together with Trey Gowdy and the other house members on the oversight committee and forward a request now into conspiracy and obstruction of justice against Comey and Lynch. Then the new FBI Director goes after Hillary Clinton, Comey and the other co-conspirators.
Every damn president since Nixon has been either dirty or should have been impeached or prosecuted for their crimes. Iran-Contra, Reagan and Oliver North. Bill Clinton treason; the Cox Report. The list is endless. No more letting these criminals just walk away when a new president is sworn in.
The criminal impostor in the White House has NEVER been president of this country. Barry Soetoro aka Obama defrauded the American people to get into office and has done everything he can to destroy this country and support Muslim terrorists. He belongs in a federal prison. But, Trump will let him walk for all the obvious reasons.
If Trump doesn’t go after Hillary Clinton, Comey, Lynch and individuals in the State Department who have obstructed justice and yes, conspiracy it will continue sending a message to we the people that some are above the law while the rest of us would go to jail.
Trump must send a clear message: No one is too big to jail. Not even the Clintons and their daughter. His new FBI Director can still go after Hillary for her email criminal actions as well as the Clinton Foundation. It must be done if the American people are going to ever have any respect for the law again.
You can bet it’s serious death threats against Assange – he should stay off the balcony:
1 – ‘October Surprise’ Thwarted? Wikileaks Cancels Highly Anticipated Tuesday Announcement Due to ‘Security Concerns’
2 – Dr. Keith Ablow: Hillary Clinton — Inside the mind of a shameless liar
3 – The Clintons Are So Criminal They Make the Mafia Blush
4 – If you haven’t watched Clinton Cash, every adult age American should take the time to watch this critical documentary. It exposes the criminal duo, Bill & Hill and their money racket.
[Devvy’s hot new book, Taking Politics Out of Solutions is now available. The most important issues destroying America are presented along with constitutional solutions neither the Republicans or Democrats will pursue. Get your copy now. Excellent discounts for 2 or more books, or bulk orders.]
Perfect For Christmas
© 2016 – NewsWithViews.com and Devvy – All Rights Reserved
The death penalty has consistently been a bone of contention between those who believe it’s absolutely appropriate in some cases and those who believe it should be abolished.
The death penalty is applied to individuals for which their crimes are so heinous and savage the only punishment should be death. Individuals sentenced to the death penalty are the worst breed of killers who don’t deserve to take another breath on this earth.
Dr. William Petit and his wife lived in a very nice house in a very nice neighborhood in 2007. Then one day evil came to town and one of the most horrific home invasions I’ve ever read about. One of the two animals raped 11-year-old daughter Michaela. That savage actually recorded raping that child on his cell phone.
He then egged on his partner in crime to rape the mother, Jennifer, which Hayes did and then strangled her to death. Both Michaela and her 17-year old sister, Haley, also raped, were doused with gasoline and set on fire while the cops diddled around outside for more than an hour. The girls died from smoke inhalation. Can you imagine their terror?
Dr. Petit was beaten within an inch of his life but managed to finally escape to go next door for help. Both Steven Hayes and Joshua Komisarjevsky were sentenced to death. Earlier this year the State of Connecticut spared their lives claiming the death penalty violated the state constitution.
Hayes and Komisarjevsky are animals without a conscience. They don’t deserve to take another breath. There is no doubt about their guilt. None. They are the worst of the worst animals walking this earth. Instead of paying the right price for their evil, both will get three hots and a cot for the rest of their lives.
August 31, 2016, Darrell A. Reynolds beat his four year old daughter to death with a belt so many times he lost count. That precious child’s ‘mother’ told police the physical abuse had been going on for two years. The ‘mother’ is facing charges of child endangerment. Reynolds faces 60 years in prison in Illinois. No. He should be put to death. Reynolds confessed so there is no doubt about his guilt.
Alexander Anthony Clever, age 28 residing in California cut out his girlfriend’s heart and lung while she was still alive and then killed her. There were two horrified eye witnesses to his heinous crime who fled to police. Clever faces life in prison without parole. No. There’s no doubt as to Clever’s guilt in this case if you read what actually happened. He doesn’t deserve to take one more breath on this earth never mind 60 years of three hot meals a day and a warm place to sleep. There is NO justification or excuse for his crime. NONE.
Seth Willis Pickering, 36, stabbed his six year old daughter in the heart. That precious child was in a foster home when he abducted her. The mother had left Pickering to escape abuse in Florida. The little girl was doing well while the mother was working through the system to get custody. Pickering being smarter than everyone else left little Lila’s lifeless body in his car; too bad for Pickering a couple of park rangers found him. Pickering had parked alongside the road on Blue Ridge Parkway. There’s no question of guilt here. Pickering should be executed.
Rodney Earl Sanders confessed last month to stabbing two Catholic nuns to death in Mississippi. He did not give a reason for taking the lives of two innocent women but he did steal their car. Sanders is a career criminal who spent lengthy sentences in prisons. Sanders needs to be executed and hopefully a jury will do just that. What Sanders did was heinous, he knew what he was doing; there is no doubt about his guilt.
Daniel Patrick Wozniak, 32, was sentenced last week to death. Wozniak murdered two people. Samuel Herr of Costa Mesa, California, only 26-years old, had saved $62,000 from his Army service in Afghanistan. Wozniak killed and dismembered Herr, dumped his head and body parts in a local park then killed Herr’s friend, Julie Kibuishi, in an effort to throw police off. Why did he commit such a savage crime? Wozniak was broke in 2010, had no job, was about to get evicted but was getting married and needed money.
For money Wozniak took two innocent lives and received the death penalty because there is no doubt about his guilt. Police obtained the gun and Wozniak confessed. It’s likely he will spend the next 25 years getting three hots and a cot because California is still in legal entanglements over the death penalty. California hasn’t executed any animals since 2006. Death row out there has 750 ‘residents’.
Yes, I am fully aware that DNA evidence has exonerated many on death row for crimes they did not commit and I applaud those defense attorneys who have been successful getting the innocent released. However, we’re not talking about circumstantial evidence here. My personal belief is that if there is any doubt because of lack of DNA or any other provable evidence the death penalty should not be the punishment.
No circumstantial evidence for death penalty cases. Yes, strong circumstantial cases allows a jury to connect the dots, but because there’s no going back too many innocent individuals have been executed on death row. That is a fact. I have no problem with mandatory life without parole for those types of cases.
Juries have made mistakes and thankfully, but only after heroic efforts by appellate attorneys were the innocent released. I believe there are many more in prisons where juries wrongfully convicted for many reasons. Getting a new trial is close to being impossible.
But, when the killer confesses or as in the case of the father caught with his daughter’s dead body in his car if the sentence is death they should be executed in 30 days. No more endless appeals that take decades in some states. Special judges should be appointed to deal with one appeal and that’s it. A confession – unless it can be solidly proven to have been coerced – or the killer is found with the body and there’s no question he/she is the killer, they should die. The cases above are a drop in the bucket. I covered so many in my Killing Fields three columns. This country is dripping in the blood of innocents.
One of the main arguments is the death penalty is so costly vs housing these animals for 50 or 60 years. We’re not talking about money here. We’re talking about deterrence which means nothing to killers unless the death penalty is carried out swiftly. Then some of them might reconsider committing such heinous crimes. If future killers know they will die in 30 days after conviction I believe at least some of them would not carry through with their plans.
That’s the way it used to be. Not long ago I was watching a program in the ID channel; Investigative Discovery. The show covered a man and woman who murdered six year old Bobby Greenlease for $600,000 in ransom money which the parents paid. That little boy was kidnapped on September 28, 1953. There was no question about their guilt as the man was found with the marked bills and both confessed. Little Bobby’s body was found in a shallow grave in the woman’s back yard. Both killers died together in a gas chamber on December 18, 1953.
Neither one of them deserved to take another breath on this earth. They wantonly took the life of a couple’s only child, a little boy, for financial gain. Less than three months and they paid the price for their crime. Not 20 years or longer through endless appeals that would not have changed their guilt. That is not justice for the families or society.
There’s been a lot in the media the past year or two about states running out of deadly cocktails to conduct an execution. If you read Truman Capote’s chilling book, In Cold Blood, about a quadruple murder spree committed by two drifters, both were hung. One confessed and eventually both Smith and Hickkock were convicted. After what they did and the cases cited above, it was not cruel and unusual punishment. The victims are the ones who suffered immense cruelty. Those animals committed the murders in November 1959 and were executed on April 14, 1965. Too long. No question of guilt.
In 2015 Utah signed a bill into law allowing execution by firing squad if no lethal cocktails are available. Animals given the death penalty should be given a choice: We hang you or death by a firing squad. Both are quick unlike the horror visited by you on your victims. Take your choice but you will die in 30 days unless your one appeal is successful.
Each state of the Union has the right to determine whether their legal system should have the death penalty. If they do, I believe reform is necessary not only protect the innocent but carry out swift justice that will be a deterrent instead of killers knowing they will get free meals and a warm place to live for decades while their victims lie in a cold grave.
States, depending on how many death penalty cases they average, can appoint a special judge(s) who does nothing but review the cases once and that’s it. If the death penalty is only applied to those who confess or are found with the dead victim as I wrote above it will cut down the load on courts. If I served in a state legislature I would pursue this vigorously. There is such incredible evil in this country and the only way to try to stop it is swift justice.
[Devvy’s hot new book, Taking Politics Out of Solutions is now available. The most important issues destroying America are presented along with constitutional solutions neither the Republicans or Democrats will pursue. Get your copy now. Excellent discounts for 2 or more books, or bulk orders.]
© 2016 – NewsWithViews.com and Devvy – All Rights Reserved
The whole world knows Hildebeast Clinton had a serious medical incident on September 11th. There’s no question about it as video now watched by millions captured her at the sidewalk in a bad state where she literally went into a header and was then thrown into her medically equipped van.
We know Mrs. Clinton was not taken to a hospital but rather opted to have her van drive right by the nearest hospital to her daughter’s $9,250,000 apartment. Does that make any sense to you? A female with well documented medical problems literally drops at the open doors of her medically equipped travel van and instead of taking her to the nearest hospital she goes to her daughter’s place of residence?
Much has been made regarding another former tenant in the same building, Metro Home Services, Inc. Lots of claims it is a medical care provider there for Clinton. However, when that company was in business their patients were seen off site at facilities. In 2013 MHS had merged with another and the new owners officially put out notification deluxe apartments would be available in the near future. Besides Chelsea’s apartment there are two others plus one deluxe condo. Those are the occupants.
That’s not to say some medical equipment might be housed in Chelsea Clinton’s apartment to accommodate her mother and her myriad of medical problems. Only those who have ever been inside know the truth.
What doesn’t make sense
In January 2000 I took my friend, Bill Benson, to the airport in Sacramento. The airport was absolutely packed. The line for Bill’s flight to Illinois was over 200 people. Bill was in a wheel chair so I stood in line with everyone hacking their brains out. Coughing, blowing noses. It was miserable to say the least.
The next morning I woke up I couldn’t breathe. I thought I was going to die. My late husband took me to UC Davis Medical Center ER while I waited 5 HOURS to see a doctor suffering the whole time. Incidentally, two Sacramento Kings players came in the ER (John recognized them being a fan). They waited five minutes and were sent in to see a doctor. I was not happy over that.
Anyway, the doc thought I had pneumonia, ordered chest x-rays, etc. Yep, I had it; got the prescription for antibiotics. For the next 10 days I suffered like a dog. Couldn’t breathe, just miserable. No way I could go to a big event two days after the ER like Hildebeast did at the 9/11 memorial. I could barely breathe never mind walk around or stand for more than two minutes at a time. I was 51 then and in perfect health (and thankfully still am). She is 68.
Now, Hildebeast supposedly was diagnosed two days prior to the 9/11 remembrance. Given antibiotics. Two days later after less than 40 minutes at the ceremony we see what happened. Is it not totally irresponsible to go into a crowd of people with her coughing problems and pneumonia? Not to mention she went straight to Chelsea’s apt after leaving the ceremony with a toddler and baby in residence. Upon decamping from Chelsea’s apartment, Hillary makes hay by inviting a little girl over so she can breathe all over that child while waving and telling everyone she was just hunky dorey.
If you haven’t seen the clip of ‘Hillary’ leaving Chelsea’s apartment, here it is.
According to her physician, Dr. Lisa Bardack, Hildebeast was diagnosed two days earlier with a newly minted strain of pneumonia that apparently doesn’t exist:
Hillary Clinton’s Nonexistent Diagnosis – No Such Condition As “Non Contagious Bacterial Pneumonia” in ICD-10
“As you can see from the two-page letter presented today by Hillary Clinton’s doctor, she has been diagnosed with “mild non-contagious bacterial pneumonia“. However, there’s a problem…”The International Classification of Diseases (ICD), an ObamaCare standard, is designed code all medical diagnostics. According to ICD-9 codes, and the more current ICD-10 coding, there’s no such diagnosis as “non contagious bacterial pneumonia“. Dr. Bardack apparently made it up. Dr. Milton Wolf was the first to notice the issue:” Rest at link
Would Dr. Bardack jeopardize her medical career to lie for Hillary?
When I first started reading and watching videos about Clinton using a body double I wasn’t convinced. Yes, we know heavy hitters whether they are banking magnates, dictators like Saddam Hussein who was known to use at least half a dozen look a likes, Osama bid-Ladin did the same which conveniently kept him ‘alive’ after his death in 2001 because he was worth more political capital and endless cash cow revenues for mega corporations who profit from war to Winston Churchill to LBJ. So, it’s not uncommon.
Certainly there appeared to be differences in the Hillary that left the 9/11 remembrance to the person coming out of Chelsea’s apartment. Most noticeable were the size of her thighs. Clinton hides her, how shall I say…chunky thighs by wearing pants suits 100% of the time in public and voluminous tents while on vacation in the toney Hampton’s. The woman coming out of Chelsea’s apartment from several different angles looks very much like her so I wasn’t convinced. However, after plowing through everything on the Internet, sigh, the woman coming out of Chelsea’s apartment definitely is not only about 25 pounds or so lighter (especially the thighs) but she also looks slightly shorter than Hildebeast.
Clinton is 68 years old. In many photos one can clearly see she has her share of wrinkled skin and what fashion mavens call a ‘turkey neck’.
The woman coming out of Chelsea’s apartment building has smoother skin and a fairly smooth neck; I used my oversize magnifying glass. As for there not being any secret service around that simply isn’t true. There are several videos which show SS but not too close to her. I suppose because Clinton is a frequent visitor to her daughter’s and most of the media didn’t know where she was going, they didn’t feel the need to surround her. You can also see in the clip linked above at the apartment it appears the crowd is being contained a distance from her.
There’s a woman named Teresa Barnwell, a Hillary look alike who allegedly makes $10,000 a month impersonating her. Clearly she is not in any of the photos or video clips since the 9/11 incident. Quite honestly I don’t see much of a resemblance myself and Ms. Barnwell has responded on-line that she was in California during Hildebeast’s medical emergency.
The one thing that changed my mind was a voice comparison. I want you to go listen to this video clip. Allegedly it’s Hillary one day following the 9/11 event. The first 1:08 seconds is Clinton spewing provable lies about Donald Trump to CNNs Anderson Cooper. Her voice is the voice we all can recognize. Hildebeast has a slight grading to her voice. It’s very distinctive and annoying. Then compare it to the voice, not a visual, which comes next in that short clip. Allegedly the voice belongs to Hillary Clinton but it does not. Clearly, the voice is much deeper, lacks that slight grading noise and simply isn’t her in my humble opinion.
There is something wrong here. In order to pull off a body double those closest to Clinton would have to be involved in the cover up. Secret Service agents who have been assigned to her since April 2015 would surely notice if their protectee lost 25 pounds in 90 minutes. They’ve heard her speak. The same goes for her entourage and staff. One would think the SS agents would speak out and say, what’s going on here?
IF Clinton is using a body double (there’s no doubt in my mind she used a voice double) then the American people regardless of party affiliation have a RIGHT to know. Here is a photo array you can judge for yourself.
There’s no question, despite all the screeching to the contrary, Hillary Clinton is one sick person who absolutely would be unable to function full time as president. It would be the only reason to use a body double. Clinton is desperate to hide the truth about her medical problems and she will go to ANY lengths to fool the American people.
Email Bombshell: Hillary Clinton ‘Could Barely Climb The Podium Steps’
“One of the biggest bombshells in the leaked Colin Powell emails is the news that Democratic senator Sheldon Whitehouse informed a Democratic donor that Hillary’s health is so bad that she “could barely climb the podium steps” during an event they both attended.
“Sheldon Whitehouse, who is a huge Clinton supporter, said they were both giving speeches at the same event a few months back and she could barely climb the podium steps,” Democratic financier Jeffery Leeds said in an email discussion with George W. Bush’s former secretary of state.” It goes on to show the emails were dated March 14, 2015. On April 12, 2015 Hildebeast announces she’s running.
• Hot mic catches Hillary trying to hide more coughing, September 16, 2016
• Law Enforcement Officials, Medical Professionals: There’s Something Seriously Wrong With Hillary Clinton’s Health
• Friends of Hillary say she has Parkinson’s – ‘Stage 3’ of neuro-degenerative disease
• MYSTERY: Shiny object flings out of Hillary’s pant leg during commotion
• Hillary Clinton’s Health Scare: 9 Unanswered Questions
Hillary Clinton faints during speech
Hillary Clinton Falls Boarding Plane
For obvious reasons Donald Trump should NOT make this an issue. I believe it was Megyn Kelly last week who touched on this – could have been another anchor – but as usual, it was treated the same way FOX treated Obama’s citizenship issue: with laughs and ha, ha’s.
This is no laughing matter. The voters have a right to know the full truth about Clinton’s health and if she’s using a body and/or voice double – BEFORE she steps on the stage for the first debate September 26th against Donald Trump.
THIS is Hillary Rodam Clinton’s true character Democrats don’t seem to have a problem with:
1 – POWERFUL 2:54 video is a MUST watch
2 – Hillary Clinton: All Rape Victims Deserve To Be Believed
3 – CHILD RAPE VICTIM COMES FORWARD. Hillary Clinton Is a “Liar” Who “Does Not Care about Women and Children”
[Devvy’s hot new book, Taking Politics Out of Solutions is now available. The most important issues destroying America are presented along with constitutional solutions neither the Republicans or Democrats will pursue. Get your copy now. Excellent discounts for 2 or more books, or bulk orders.]
© 2016 – NewsWithViews.com and Devvy – All Rights Reserved
Today is 15 years since that horrible day. Fifteen years of heartache and sorrow for those who died, their families and friends. Not just Americans, but many who died that day were here from other countries either for business or tourists.
Today also marks 15 years of lies fed to we the people as well as the world.
Fifteen years of calling anyone who questions the official ‘story’ – including family members of dead loved ones – conspiracy nuts. Millions here and abroad who have legitimate questions about what happened that day all written off as ‘right wingers’ who hate Bush, Jr and so forth.
Socialist FDR called December 7, 1941 a ‘day of infamy’ claiming the attack on Pearl Harbor was a surprise. We know that was a bald-faced lie: “It (official document) directs the Hawaiian U.S. Army commander, Lt. Gen. Walter Short, to follow an official U.S. government desire: ‘The United States desires that Japan commit the first overt act.’” They did and FDR allowed it to happen. The American people were lied to while it took nearly 50 years for the truth to come out and other than ‘alternative’ media very little coverage was from the disgraced ‘mainstream’ media. America was dragged into WWII.
The Deputy Attorney General of the U.S. lied about the assassination of JFK in a memo fed to a grieving nation. Having read a number of books on the murder of JFK, watched the movie and read the writings of COL. L. Fletcher Prouty, Mary’s Mosaic: The CIA Conspiracy to Murder John F. Kennedy, Mary Pinchot Meyer and Their Vision for World Peace by Peter Janney is a real eye opener. Highly recommend it.
LBJ lied about the Gulf of Tonkin event: “Questions about the Gulf of Tonkin incidents have persisted for more than 40 years. But once-classified documents and tapes released in the past several years, combined with previously uncovered facts, make clear that high government officials distorted facts and deceived the American public about events that led to full U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War.” America was dragged into an undeclared war.
Billy Clinton, Janet Butch Reno and dozens of federal agents lied about the OKC bombing. There’s no question the Murrah Building was blown from the inside out. The guilty still walk free.
Very important reads on OKC for this winter when stuck in the house:
• The Oklahoma City Bombing Case Revelations – an absolutely superb piece of investigating by Patrick Briley
• OKC Bomb Report by my dear friend, Brig. Gen. Ben Partin, USAF, retired
• McVeigh’s Second Trial
• OKC – What Really Destroyed the Building?
• OKC – Deceiving America
Clinton, James Kallstrom (FBI) and dozens of other federal agents all lied through their teeth about TWA Flight 800. (Read) Kallstrom is a hypocrite. He’s been on Megyn Kelly’s show distressed about Clinton’s email disaster and cover up while he was up to his neck in the cover up of TWA Flight 800 which happend while that pig Hillary’s married to was president.
• The Clinton criminal-cabal cover-up – Exclusive: James Sanders ties high-court justice to attempt to conceal shoot-down evidence
• Believe TWA Flight 800 story? Pilots don’t – New evidence points to shoot down of airliner
• TWA 800: Here is what we now know – Exclusive: Jack Cashill reveals facts about plane’s demise pointing to gov’t cover-up
General Partin explained to me many years ago it was his firm belief a missile was fired by the Navy in an exercise gone wrong. Having spent 33 years in the Air Force designing such weapons, I have no doubt he was right. A missile that strikes, opens up tearing an aircraft in two which is exactly what was found in the debris field. A missile, allegedly, that was in violation of a US/Russia treaty. Thus the cover up immediately went into play.
The government from Bush to Cheney on down has been lying to the American people for 15 years about what really happened on September 11, 2001. Anyone who believes otherwise is simply too afraid to even look at hard evidence (nanothermite found) or is in complete denial. The sites below are not run by conspiracy nuts. They are all professionals in their respective fields who represent hundreds and hundreds of years of experience:
• Pilots for 9/11 Truth
• 9/11 Truth Seekers: The ‘Lunatic Fringe’ is whom?
• Part 2 is a list of ‘lunatic fringe’ Americans who don’t believe the government’s fairy tale
• 9/11 Archives (The Flight 93 on site investigation is important)
Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth (thousands are members) has worked tirelessly over the past years to get the truth to the American people. Without question Building 7 was a perfectly executed controlled demolition. The twin World Trade Center Towers were brought down by explosives. There’s no question in my mind. Period.
How would mankind have ever advanced if no one asked questions? How can you get to the truth if no one asks questions? But, because we’re talking about 9/11, well, it’s sacrilege. It’s okay to believe we the people were lied to about Pearl Harbor and the Bay of Tonkin and JFKs assassination, but forget 9/11. It had to have happened just the way the government has said. The lies about 9/11 have taken us into two undeclared ‘wars’, Iraq and Afghanistan for more than a decade.
A father’s search for truth reveals clues to a controlled demolition, September 9, 2016
“Bob McIlvaine and his family are not alone in having suffered a devastating personal loss on September 11, 2001. The loved ones of the nearly 3,000 victims of the destruction at the World Trade Center know what he has endured for the past 15 years.
“But McIlvaine is different from most of these families in important ways. In addition to his unwavering and often lonely fight to expose what he calls the complicity of the U.S. government in this false flag attack, he has strong forensic evidence proving that his 26-year-old son, Bobby, was killed by a powerful explosion as he was about to enter the lobby of the North Tower. That evidence is corroborated by the accounts of many FDNY members, police officers, and workers who reported that explosions went off in the lower parts of the towers before the buildings were leveled — some of them even before the first airplane struck.
“In a recent interview, McIlvaine said that his son’s body was one of the first to be recovered and taken to the New York City morgue on that day. He explained that he has been able to reach more definitive conclusions about the details of his son’s death only since conferring, in either 2006 or 2007, with the doctor who had examined Bobby’s body at the morgue. That meeting provided McIlvaine with evidence confirming that a huge explosion — and not the North Tower’s eventual demise — was responsible for killing his son.”
• Europhysics magazine report finds Twin Towers brought down by ‘controlled demolition’
• Canadian Civil Engineering Researchers Disprove Official Explanation of WTC 7’s Destruction – Peer-reviewed science concludes: ‘There is no way the building is going to come down.’
• September 11, 2001: The 15th Anniversary of the Crime and Cover-up of the Century, September 7, 2016
• Making the Truth Impossible to Ignore — 35,000 Engineers at a Time (Done)
• Between December 2001 and February 2002: Manager at FAA’s New York Center Destroys Tape of Controller’s 9/11 Accounts
• The Tide is Turning: The Official Story Is Now The Conspiracy Theory
• The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder
• Flashback: It’s Time to Admit The ‘9/11 Truthers’ Were Right
• 9/11 – Why Are Americans Afraid of the Truth? – Excellent sources
• 9/11 Trillions: Follow The Money ! NEW DOCUMENTARY 2016 – Do take the time to watch it
“The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. It is our number one priority and we will not rest until we find him.” George W. Bush, September 13, 2001. “I don’t know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don’t care. It’s not that important. It’s not our priority.” George W. Bush, March 13, 2002
We must never stop demanding a real investigation and televised hearings with civilians who have unearthed a mountain of evidence on 9/11. The guilty are still walking free. A & E for 9/11 Truth has a petition you might consider signing. I did. If ten million Americans signed it and shoved it down the throats of the Homeland Security committee in Congress hopefully under a new Trump administration, we the people might actually force a new investigation.
Please don’t send me email it will never happen. You don’t know until you try as with all endeavors. It’s also very important to keep getting the truth out to the Americans people so the numbers become so huge we cannot be ignored. The most horrendous act of terrorism on American soil was a crime that screams and begs to be solved.
“We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts…For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth, to know the worst, and to provide for it.” -Patrick Henry
Have we less courage and determination than Patrick Henry, George Washington or the thousands who risked everything to give us this republic? Will we ignore truth in favor of comfort while our country continues to be boxed in under a police state – the construction which began after 9/11 based on endless lies? 9/11 and what really happened that day cannot be ignored and simply remembered year after year after year like Pearl Harbor until one American fought in court to get official documents released damning FDR forever. Let us not just ‘remember’ 9/11, let’s do what it takes to bring the masterminds and players to justice. For those murdered. For their families from all countries. For our republic and all we have stood for over the centuries.
1 – MY visit to Shanksville – Flight 93
2 – 15 Years After 9/11: Emergency Responders And Civilians Turning Up With Record Rates Of Cancer
After 9/11 New Yorkers were assured the air was safe by the EPA
3 – Public Misled on Air Quality After 9/11 Attack, Judge Says
I’ll just bet she’s sorry. Whitman is a dirty globalist rat:
4 – Former EPA Leader Apologizes for Saying New York Air Was Safe After 9/11
[Devvy’s hot new book, Taking Politics Out of Solutions is now available. The most important issues destroying America are presented along with constitutional solutions neither the Republicans or Democrats will pursue. Get your copy now. Excellent discounts for 2 or more books, or bulk orders.]
© 2016 – NewsWithViews.com and Devvy – All Rights Reserved
Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch stated in a recent interview: “One of the dirty little secrets in Washington is that Mrs. Clinton can be impeached now. A federal official leaving office does not end congressional jurisdiction over impeachment for misconduct in that office. And if she was convicted by the Senate the sanction could be ineligibility for future office.”
There have been calls for a special counsel but corrupt Attorney General Loretta Lynch will never allow that to happen. Fitton went on to say in another interview:
“You know, the other interesting thing is, Mrs. Clinton’s still the subject of impeachment for her conduct as Secretary of State,” Fitton observed. “Republicans in Congress, rather than complaining about what the Justice Department is or isn’t doing – which is fair to do – they also have independent obligations to uphold the rule of law and the accountability of government. They could do that through the impeachment process, and Mrs. Clinton no longer being the Secretary of State is no impediment to impeachment.”
We know that a couple members of the U.S. House have written the FBI about Hildebeast committing perjury during her testimony before a House Benghazi committee and those ever so elusive emails hanging around her corrupt neck. Judicial Watch has been carrying the legal battle against corrupt Hillary. Finally, a couple members of Congress have decided, despite it being an election year, to go after that lying witch:
Goodlatte, Chaffetz Outline Case for Perjury against Clinton, August 15, 2016
Washington, D.C. – “Today, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) and House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) sent a letter to U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia Channing Phillips identifying several examples where Secretary Hillary Clinton’s sworn testimony before Congress is incompatible with evidence collected during the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) investigation into the Secretary’s private email server.
“The letter is in response to a Department of Justice letter sent to Chairmen Goodlatte and Chaffetz last week saying the department will “take appropriate action as necessary” on the Chairmen’s request for an investigation into the matter.”
We wouldn’t have to be dealing with THE most corrupt individual ever to run for U.S. president if Republicans had done their job in 1998 and impeached Bill Clinton for treason. Millions of Hillary supporters have no idea what happened during the phony impeachment proceedings against Bill Clinton. It was a set up orchestrated by prominent Republicans. One only need read David Schippers book, Sellout: The Inside Story of President Clinton’s Impeachment:
“While no one came out of the Monica Lewinsky scandal looking good, David Schippers, the chief investigative counsel for the Clinton impeachment, wants to be sure Americans know just who contributed to the debacle and how. A trial attorney and a Democrat, Schippers was hired by Republican congressman Henry Hyde to lead an oversight investigation of the Justice Department, then was redirected to handle the impeachment. The quintessential honest man, Schippers was shocked, not so much by Clinton’s actions (which he calls a far-reaching conspiracy to obstruct justice with perjury, lies, and witness tampering), but by Republican and Democratic politicians who sold out the impeachment process.
“If you ever want to vote again, you might not want to know what went on behind the scenes in the Capitol Hill meat grinder leading up to and during the impeachment proceedings against William Jefferson Clinton…. Lies, cowardice, hypocrisy, cynicism, amorality, butt-covering–these were the squalid political body parts that, squeezed through the political processor, combined to make a mockery of the impeachment process.
“Of course, Schippers does want you to know what happened, and he also wants you to vote–against those who made the mess. And so he names names–of Republican senators who refused to allow evidence on the floor, of the five Democratic congressmen who never examined the evidence, of the GOP senator who said, “You’re not going to dump this garbage on us,” and also of the politicians who did an honest job, or at least asked reasonable questions (such as Joseph Lieberman). Schippers also reveals the evidence he was building against the Clinton administration regarding illegal INS actions and Chinagate, but that he was forced to drop. He reviews the successful struggle to get a full hearing in the House and the “flat-out rigged ball game” in the Senate. He discusses the president’s pattern of abuse and intimidation of women, including some highly disturbing information regarding Kathleen Willey, Juanita Broaddrick, and Dolly Kyle Browning.”
I saw Schippers speak at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center in Washington, DC. I think it was the year 2000. It was an event put on by Judicial Watch; Schippers was the keynote speaker. Instead of going after Bill Clinton for treason (read the Cox Report), the stupid Republicans went after him on a sex charge.
Had Republicans gone after Billy Clinton for treason, selling our most secret, sensitive military secrets to the Communist Chinese for trainloads of campaign cash, we would not be dealing with Hillary Clinton today. Billy would be in a federal prison and Hillary the Hun would be jabbering for some social change group or another instead of running for president.
But, the November election is a little over two months away and Republicans are desperate to keep power in the House and Senate. Virtually the SAME incumbents in both parties will go back to Congress to continue selling us out and destroying this country. If Republicans lose control of the House it’s likely that despicable (expletive) Nancy Pelosi wouldl tragically again be Speaker of the House.
Clinton lapdogs like Lanny Davis, Kaine, Podesta, Cheryl Mills, Huma Abedin and others are morally and ethically bankrupt. They don’t care how corrupt Hillary Rodham Clinton is, just get her into office. Game plan: disappear, no pressers, deny, deny, deny, lie, lie, lie. This close to the election if Hildebeast is no longer their candidate they know it’s over. No one except zombies would vote for Kaine.
Will Republicans go after Clinton post election? From my lips to God’s ears, but don’t hold your breath. Every time a new president is elected crimes committed by the outgoing president are simply swept under the rug so we can “move forward”. The criminal impostor in the White House is going to get away with usurping the office of president thanks to every cowardly Republican in Congress. Bush, Jr., got away with an undeclared ‘war’ in Iraq and Afghanistan all based on damn lies. With a dirt bag like Mitch McConnell at the helm and corrupt rotten senators like John McCain, the only thing that would move them is Trump going public and shaming them into doing what’s right.
If elected will Donald Trump go after crook Hillary? I would say the chances are good as long as he gets rid of Loretta Lynch and that SOB, James Comey, head of the FBI. You know how it’s done. The president whispers in a few ears and next thing we know someone is resigning to spend more time with the family. Just as long as they’re gone I don’t care if they want to spend their time eating maggots.
In the meantime, the first debate is September 26, 2016 during Monday night football. Those who care about this election will skip the ball game. I believe that debate will be the game changer. First, with Hildebeast’s health problems she cannot take stress. We’ve seen her zone out during public appearances. Her drooling sycophants can deny it ’til the cows come home but she has serious health problems. Hillary knows she’s going to be standing next to a Great White Shark named Donald Trump and wait until he opens his jaws. They can only medicate her so much.
Of course, Trump will have to temper things to some degree so it doesn’t appear he’s ganging up on a woman but that will only sell with her ignorant supporters. Oh, no, Clinton is so corrupt Trump will be able to slay her on that stage without much effort. All he needs is to keep his temper in check and practice, practice, practice. Keep his eye on the only goal: Keep that criminal out of the White House.
And, last but not least, Julian Assange (Wikileaks) has been giving many interviews the past two weeks. Assange has said in no uncertain terms another load of emails will be forthcoming before that debate that will not only be devastating but could finally cause Hillary the Hun to drop out and possibly (I pray everyday) get her indicted for her crimes.
[Devvy’s hot new book, Taking Politics Out of Solutions is now available. The most important issues destroying America are presented along with constitutional solutions neither the Republicans or Democrats will pursue. Get your copy now. Excellent discounts for 2 or more books, or bulk orders.]
© 2016 – NewsWithViews.com and Devvy – All Rights Reserved
Who in this country doesn’t want to see every child born be as healthy as possible and maintain good health for a lifetime? I wish it could be that way for every child on this planet.
The issue of harmful vaccines remains a huge issue in this country but gets very little media time other than the Internet. I covered this in depth in my book, Taking Politics Out Of Solutions, as well as the FDA (Federal Death Administration) because millions and millions of Americans don’t know the truth. They are force fed propaganda by doctors, the media and politicians bribed with campaign donations.
Just like our war against those dangerous ‘smart’ meters on the homes of tens of millions of Americans. Go look at the money trail for your state rep and senator and you’ll understand why they refuse to put the health of their constituents above big energy companies who don’t give a damn about your health or your family.
Politicians in the dying State of California either too ignorant to understand the subject matter or who depend on bribes from the big pharmaceutical houses have backed parents into a corner with mandatory vaccines. I say DAMN them and those who vote them back into office for forcing harmful vaccines before a child can enter school.
Yes, I am passionate about this because I have spent countless hours doing research. If you haven’t read my column, Polio Vaccine, Cancer and Dr. Mary’s Monkey, please take the time to read it if truth is what you seek. All the research I’ve done by individuals who are top notch in the fields of medicine and science are written off as anti-government tin-foil hat nut cakes who want to endanger your child as if they are the reincarnation of Josef Mengele. Not only is that an insult to those dedicated Americans imminently qualified on the subject matter, it is simply the standard smear tactic used everyday in this country by media and professional politicians.
California passed a mandatory vaccines law which went straight to the courts by parents who do not want to see their child either die from a vaccine (Try the HPV vaccine that has killed so many young girls and maimed thousands) or suffer life long major health problems. That is not hyperbole. Government watch dog groups like Judicial Watch and individuals who do nothing but document real cases of harm by certain vaccines aren’t making it all up.
US judge upholds state law requiring vaccinations, August 27, 2016
“A federal judge refused Friday to block California’s new vaccination law, which requires children in public and private schools to be inoculated against 10 contagious illnesses and eliminates an exemption based on their parents’ personal beliefs.
“Society has a compelling interest in fighting the spread of contagious diseases through mandatory vaccination of school-age children,” U.S. District Judge Dana Sabraw of San Diego said in denying an injunction against enforcement of the law, sought by 17 parents and four antivaccine organizations.
“The right to freely practice one’s religion, one of the rights invoked by opponents of the new law, “does not outweigh the state’s interest in public health and safety,” Sabraw said.
“The law was prompted by a measles outbreak in 2014 that was traced to youngsters at Disneyland who hadn’t been vaccinated. Implemented last month, the new measure makes California one of three states, along with West Virginia and Mississippi, to require all schoolchildren to be vaccinated against illnesses such as measles, mumps, tetanus and rubella, regardless of their parents’ religious or personal opposition. The only exceptions are for students with doctor-certified medical exemptions and for disabled students in individual education programs.”
No equal protection under the law for those parents.
Ah, the famous measles outbreak from kiddies at Disneyland. More people die from the measles vaccine than it helps. Here’s a second column of mine that covers both the Disneyland measles hysteria and more so I don’t need to rehash it here. And, grand parents, please make it available to your grown children with kids. Vaccine Safety: Why Media and Politicians Lie
The article above regarding the judge’s ruling also states: “While the law says that all children must be vaccinated, it requires parents to provide immunization records only when a student is entering kindergarten or the seventh grade. That means an elementary-school student with a previous parental exemption does not need to be vaccinated until the seventh grade, and students in the eighth grade or higher with a past exemption won’t require any vaccinations.”
Too many parents have emailed me over the years who deeply regret caving in and allowing their children to get vaccinated with anything other than the basics like for my family: small pox, polio and DPT: diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), and tetanus. No measles vaccine. My daughter received only those; she was born in 1975. Yep, we all got the measles and stayed home from school. Once it was over, back to school and no dangerous cocktail injected into our bodies. Those parents aforementioned all have children with either autism or chronic ailments like respiratory problems.
Parents can home school in California to escape the state using their child(ren) as guinea pigs but most either cannot afford to have the mom stay at home or either parent doesn’t feel they have enough schooling themselves to be able to teach their children. Let me tell you there are fabulous home schooling groups and organizations all across this country that can and will help parents with the process and curriculum. Yes, it means giving up leisure and fun times but your child’s health is paramount over anything else.
As soon as that sickening bill was signed into law by former cocaine sniffing governor, Jerry Brown, two couples and one single mother sent me email: That’s it, they moving out of California. One husband is selling their business and the other two are simply quitting their jobs as soon as their plan to relocate is firm. None of them can afford to home school so they are leaving. Not because they want children to die from diseases but because they have taken the time to study the research that is as solid as Mt. Kilimanjaro. Obviously, not every parent in California can do that and are faced with a terrible, terrible dilemma.
As with so many other issues so damaging to our country and citizens, it all begins with rotten politicians who think they know more than you. Career politicians bought and paid for by special interest groups for everything from ‘smart’ meters to fluoride to vaccines. What’s so tragic is those scoundrels continue to get reelected because the people don’t know the truth. Just like the misapplication of the federal income tax, Fukushima and so many other issues.
But, when enough people do know the truth, then the heat becomes so hot those rotten miscreants in state houses can be thrown out of office. In my two columns above is a plethora of sources for research. If you haven’t seen the documentary, VAXXED: From Cover Up to Catastrophe, I highly recommend (and I receive no compensation for recommending it) you see it. If you read my Dr. Mary’s Monkey column, you know what I’m talking about. A vaccine that ‘coincidentally’ saw an epidemic follow: cancer.
Theaters around the country are still showing VAXXED. If money is an issue, split the cost between friends for the DVD which finally comes out Sept. 13. MARK it on your calendar. You can also purchase it as a digital stream on your computer. If you do get the DVD, watch it and then hold a ‘watch party’ with not just family and friends, but invite your pastor, minister or priest if you personally know them. If you do know a member of your state legislature, invite that person.
Ask your pediatrician to watch the DVD. Now, I can tell you the first thing 90% of them will say is vaccines are safe, I don’t need to watch it and so forth. Try this that was so effective with my Why A Bankrupt America booklet. Ask your pediatrician to watch the DVD because you would like their qualified opinion on the content. Dr. Smith, I trust you with my child’s health so could you please watch this and tell me where the producers, doctors and scientists are wrong along with the research? That way you are not putting your pediatrician on the spot to call you a conspiracy nut. You’re asking for their medical opinion. It’s so important to start the dialogue off where the doctor doesn’t become defensive. Click here for ‘how to watch’.
Share my two columns cited above with everyone on your lists and social media. Drench this country with the truth: Some vaccines are safe but too many are not. The result has been heartbreaking. If you do skip my two columns cited above, this is one of the links:
“GAPS Nutritional Program: How a Physician Cured Her Son’s Autism. “Dr. Campbell is a medical doctor with a postgraduate degree in neurology. She worked as a neurologist and a neurosurgeon for several years before starting a family.” Think she is a conspiracy nut who doesn’t know what she’s talking about?
Prohibition ended because a large segment of people didn’t want it, refused to follow the law and crime became so deadly, it finally ended. Unfortunately, the vaccine issue is being enforced by denying your child the right to an education. Well, what passes for an education these days in the government’s indoctrination centers they call public schools. The only way to stop this on-going tragedy is mass education and it takes each of us to get the job done. Then you take on your state capitol like a tsunami.
[Devvy’s hot new book, Taking Politics Out of Solutions is now available. The most important issues destroying America are presented along with constitutional solutions neither the Republicans or Democrats will pursue. Get your copy now. Excellent discounts for 2 or more books, or bulk orders.]
© 2016 – NewsWithViews.com and Devvy – All Rights Reserved
I have been writing about vote fraud since 1993. And yet, despite the overwhelming evidence, electronic and human fraud has been stealing our elections for more than four decades, Americans continue to go to the polls every two years using easily hacked machines. There is a considerable movement in my estimation regarding vote fraud but not enough Americans have said enough is enough to their state legislatures.
Not enough candidates and general population voters have stormed their state capitols and demanded ALL forms of electronic voting get scrapped and return to hand counted PAPER ballots in front of selected precinct watchers from all parties. Not enough voters have stormed their state capitols and demanded a crack down on absentee ballots AND purging voter rolls of illegal aliens, deceased and any other category that bars someone from voting. Not enough voters have demanded Congress repeal the Motor Voter Act of 1993 which opened the flood gates to vote fraud.
The result has been good, decent, qualified candidates losing against congressional incumbents for decades. I know. I ran for Congress and what happened on primary night in 1996 was nothing short of fraud big time:
“…in 1996 even though I was only 7% behind the incumbent right up to “election” night with all it’s fraud in my race. At one minute after the polls closed, Peter Jennings (deceased) called all 52 house seats in California; none of the numbers changed when they quit counting votes at 4:13 am – including my race. What a remarkable feat.
“Incumbents in most districts are so far ahead – by 40% to a challenger, it’s not likely it will turn around. Gee, isn’t it strange the old 81% to 18% for an incumbent popped up? I voted for Shannon Thomason to replace the state rep shoved down our throats because of redistricting; he’s a real dog, Rep. Darby. I know Shannon from local community meetings. He’s allegedly losing 81 to 18.
“From my Blind Loyalty booklet of nothing but vote fraud, check these winners/losers that night (primary March 26, 1996): 85-15, 81-18, 85-15, 81-18, 85-15, 86-14, 87-13, 81-18 and 81-14 which was my race. Those were the results for incumbents vs challengers for the U.S. House throughout the state. Every incumbent voted for NAFTA, all challengers including me were opposed. Wonder why we allegedly lost?
“Those house seats were scattered all over the state of California. Unless you’re specifically looking at a particular race, in a state the size of California or Texas, people don’t put together the pattern, but it sure as hell is there.”
RAT Paul Ryan should never have won his primary earlier this month. Ryan who is owned by the anti-American U.S. Chamber of Commerce and mega anti-American corporations who want to replace American workers with cheap foreign labor. Ryan is one of the slimiest pieces of excrement in the U.S. House and currently the most powerful as Speaker. Low information voters in his district apparently have NO clue about Ryan and his traitorous voting record and how he wields his power.
Ryan’s opponent wasn’t exactly a constitutionalist but he most certainly was on the right track. He ran a solid campaign with both ads, public appearances and bill boards. Yet, like my race and so many others, Paul Nehlin allegedly was crushed 84-15. There’s that old number again that pops up every time a heavy in Congress is challenged. Why such a landslide? The answer is easy – to send a message. Voters in Ryan’s district approve of everything Ryan has done while selling them and America out to special interests and protecting liars, cheat, thieves, murderers and rapists. That would be illegal aliens. Voters sent a strong message they support everything their incumbent has done to them. Ryan’s destruction of not only his state because of his votes on ‘free’ trade but the rest of America. Well, I can tell you that a whole lot of people in his district literally hate Paul Ryan and worked like warriors to throw him out of office.
If you go look at his voting record, Paul Ryan wouldn’t know what the U.S. Constitution says if James Madison stood in front of him and read it word by word. But, his district sent a message to the people of America: 84% of us want Ryan back in Congress instead of someone who would work to stop the other Paul Ryan’s who are going right back to Congress. I don’t believe it for a second. Powerhouse Eric Cantor’s loss in 2014 took everyone by surprise. There would be no repeat in Ryan’s race. Did Nehlin challenge the vote? No and that’s the problem I have written about until I’m blue in the face. Challengers just walk away after an alleged loss against an incumbent and so the fraud continues – for decades.
As I have covered in so many prior columns, John Kerry won the election in 2004, not Bush, Jr. That is a fact. Vote fraud in 2008 and 2012 absolutely put the criminal impostor Barry Soetoro aka Obama in the White House. Despite the best efforts of thousands of people, the fraud was allowed to stand. That is a fact.
I used to analyze the outcome of a few dozen key states during primary season but I finally gave up as few were interested, least of all challengers. Demorats say vote fraud doesn’t exist and Republicans seem oblivious to mountains of evidence to the contrary. As long as they keep their seat in Congress or a state house they could care less. At least the poor, misguided Comrade Bernie Sanders supporters got it about how their candidate was cheated:
A Report on the Fatally Flawed 2016 Democratic Primaries, July 26, 2016. “On April 19th, a judge in New York grudgingly agreed that someone may have tampered with Alba Guerrero’s voter registration. Judge Ira Margulis changed his decision from moments earlier that Guerrero would be denied the right to vote in New York’s Democratic primary, after evidence emerged that Guerrero’s signature had been forged, switching her to Republican without her knowledge or consent.[1] Had she not been willing to take several hours to appear before a judge that day, Alba would not have been able to vote for Senator Bernie Sanders. Video evidence available online confirms the forgery. [2]” More than one in that article.
Massive Clinton voter fraud in NY, April 19, 2016. “According to a recent emergency lawsuit filed in a Long Island federal court, there have been “reports of thousands of NY voters being erroneously purged from the rolls.”
“Many of these purged voters seem to be Bernie Sanders supporters, leading to fresh questions about whether Hillary Clinton’s campaign is trying to steal the New York primary. Under state laws, only registered Democrats can vote in today’s Democratic primary. That has led thousands of Sanders supporters in recent months to register as Democrats so they could vote. Now, many of those voters are learning that their registrations have been misfiled or have inexplicably gone missing. This is eerily similar to what happened in at least one other state where Clinton ended up eking out a victory.”
Below is just a tiny sampling from the massive file I keep on vote fraud:
Where There’s Smoke, There’s Fire: 100,000 Stolen Votes in Chicago. “Chicago, however, is known for its fires, and there was a roaring one there in 1982 that resulted in one of the largest voter fraud prosecutions ever conducted by the U.S. Department of Justice. The telltale smoke arose out of one of the closest governor’s races in Illinois history; and as for the fire, the U.S. Attorney in Chicago at the time, Daniel Webb, estimated that at least 100,000 fraudulent votes (10 percent of all votes in the city) had been cast.[2] Sixty-five individuals were indicted for federal election crimes, and all but two (one found incompetent to stand trial and another who died) were convicted. [3]”
• DANGER: Obama Administration Plotting to Usurp Control Over Elections
• Mississippi NAACP leader sent to prison for 10 counts of voter fraud, July 29, 2011. A real eye opener.
• Democrats Vote the Mentally Disabled, November 22, 2012
• This County Had 124% More Registered Voters Than Eligible Voters – Counting Dead People and Felons, September 5 , 2013
• Arapahoe DA charges four after voter-fraud investigation in Colorado, November 22, 2013
• Non-citizens caught voting in 2012 presidential election in key swing state, December 18, 2013
• Second one: CONFIRMED by Experts! Voting Machines in Maryland, Illinois Rigged to Support Democrats
• Programmer Testifies About Rigging Elections With Vote Counting Machines, May 23, 2014. “Clinton Eugene Curtis testified under oath, before the Ohio State legislature, that he wrote a program to rig elections. This program would flip the total vote from the real winner to the candidate who had been pre-selected to win by the electronic vote counting machines.”
• McDaniel: We’ve Found 1,000 Examples of Ineligible Voters in One County, June 27, 2014 – That’s more than enough to throw an election
In Chicago, a Voting Machine Was Pre-Wired to Vote for Democrats Only, October 21, 2014 – SCHAUMBURG, Ill. –” Admitting his confidence in Cook County ballot integrity is shaken, State Representative Candidate Jim Moynihan (R-56), was shocked today when he tried to cast a vote for himself and the voting machine cast it for his opponent instead. While early voting at the Schaumburg Public Library today, I tried to cast a vote for myself and instead it cast the vote for my opponent,” said Moynihan. “You could imagine my surprise as the same thing happened with a number of races when I tried to vote for a Republican and the machine registered a vote for a Democrat.”
• More Voting Machines Have ‘Calibration Issues’ (i.e. Rigged for Democrats) October 9, 2014; Maryland and Illinois
• EXCLUSIVE: Undercover video shows North Carolina poll workers offering ballots to ineligible impostor – TWENTY TIMES – putting voter ID battle on the front burner, November 3, 2014. “‘Of all of the undercover investigations I’ve conducted, this was by far the easiest, ‘he said Monday. They were willing to pass out fraudulently obtained ballots like it was Halloween candy.”
• Voting machine password hacks as easy as ‘abcde’, details Virginia state report, October 15, 2015
• Undercover video exposes eye-popping ease of voter fraud, August 2, 2016
• America’s Electronic Voting Machines Are Scarily Easy Targets, August 2 , 2016
• Illegal Aliens Caught Stealing US Elections Via Felonies In New Studies
• James O’Keefe Obtains Eminem’s Ballot, August 4, 2016
• Princeton Professor Shows How Easy It Is To Hack An Election In Just 7 Minutes, August 8, 2016
• Can the 2016 election be rigged? You bet, August 16, 2016. “Europe has rejected electronic voting machines because they are untrustworthy. This is not a secret. The media continues a drum beat insisting voter fraud is non existent without ever addressing the more ominous question of manipulation of the voting machines. It keeps those in control in control.”
• If they can’t even speak English, how do we know if they’re even U.S. citizens? Federal judges across this country are blocking voter ID laws; they should be thrown off the damn bench because what they’re doing is putting out the welcome mat for illegal aliens and non-citizens to vote and we know they vote Democrat.
• Nevada Voting Machine Auto-Selecting Obama, October 25, 2012
• Early NC voters complain ballot cast for Romney resulted in vote for Obama
• Diebold Voting Machines Can Be Hacked Remotely
• Voting Machines Flipping Votes Caught on Video – West Virginia
• Vote Fraud – Diebold Whistleblower Speaks Out
• e-Voting Company Could Intercept and Change Ballots Without a Trace, October 22, 2012. “The Free Press has previously reported, Scytl, a Barcelona based e-voting company will be counting votes in 26 states. They will be doing so through something called the Federal Overseas Voting Program or FVAP. FVAP is a program designed to allow military personnel and other overseas Americans to vote in their home districts seamlessly through electronically delivered absentee ballots.
“Intercepting and changing these ballots, as well as voting electronically on behalf of service people that have no idea such a thing is happening, is something that Scytl is uniquely positioned to do because of their cellphone spyware sister company, CarrierIQ. These stolen votes, distributed throughout jurisdictions across the country, could become a critical component of any scheme to defraud the 2012 presidential election. By means of changing a relatively small number of votes, and laundering those stolen votes in the correct places, the net effect would be a near silent theft.”
This one is a MUST read by Jon Christian Ryter. It’s lengthy but tells the true story about vote fraud and machines. Please bookmark and read over lunch or after dinner or on the weekend because there’s no question powerful forces behind the scenes are going to try to pull off a Clinton win using those damnable machines.
What to do?
First off, the election starts mid-October with early voting. Second, Reince Priebus who is head of the RNC needs to put out a memo to every Republican precinct captain in this country warning them vote fraud is very real. That memo needs to be specific about what needs to be done in testing every electronic gadget before anyone votes. If you read Jon’s article highlighted above you’ll understand why. Third, we need a virtual army of volunteers to not only be precinct watchers, but day after the election if Trump allegedly loses.
What will those volunteers do? Get the list of registered voters from the county clerk. Next, get a copy of every precinct sign in book that shows how many people voted in that precinct. Get a copy of the count for early voters. Compare the number of registered voters to the number of people who voted. You’ll have to check to see how it’s done in your county, but it’s critical to get those registered voters even if they’re allowed to vote without declaring a party. In this case you want the number of registered Republicans vs the Republican vote as well as indpendents. If 350 people are registered and 471 voted that day, you’ve got them.
In my research over the years and I listed a hundred examples in my Blind Loyalty booklet of the number of votes cast in a county were greater than the number of registered voters in the county by party. I can tell you the most egregious I found were both tiny precincts where there were 8 people who signed in but 12 votes cast to precincts with 20,000 or more voters. I can tell you that in some precincts I investigated registered voters appeared as A. Martinez, B. Martinez right through the alphabet, then A. Gonzalez repeats for about 60 voters all with the same address. Those were in the LA area.
I have signed up on Trump’s web site to be an election volunteer. If he allegedly loses I will take the time, hopefully with a couple of friends, to go through the voting rolls, votes counted and more, but it HAS to begin the day after the election. Votes have to be certified usually within 30 days to become official so no time to waste. There’s more:
Where are the Ballots? Laura Pressley’s Election Lawsuit. Laura ran for office in Austin, Texas. “Number of Ballots exceed the number of reported voters in Early Voting, Corrupt Mobile Ballot Box errors occurred during vote tabulation on election night, Missing data log entries in the vote tabulation systems, Mathematical patterns and anomalies observed in the Runoff Election results that show them to be erroneous and not credible, Travis County instructing election officers to not print and retain election records listing specific vote results for each candidate, Voting equipment security seals were improperly sealed, subsequently unsealed and replaced, Not producing, counting and retaining statutorily required ballot images, Obstructing official poll watchers after the polls closed.”
The question of chain of custody of ballots is very important. In my 1996 primary a precinct worker came forward and was willing to sign a sworn affidavit: When she got to her precinct as a volunteer the ballots were spread all over a table in the back room which was against the law in California at that time; don’t know what it is today. She was told to butt out and go work in the main area. Ballot boxes are supposed to stay sealed and turned over to the sheriff once voting closes and transported to the county clerk for counting.
My name also wasn’t on the ballot in the biggest precinct in the biggest county in the district! Imagine my surprise when I went to vote. The Republican Secty of State didn’t have a problem with that. After my alleged loss I said (despite the wonderful encouragement from so many) I would never run for office again as long as any electronic voting and/or counting machines were used. That’s also when I walked from the Republican Party and became no party.
Please if you’re going to volunteer, go to www.blackboxvoting.org which is run by the wonderful Bev Harris because she has a virtual gold mine of information on stopping vote fraud and how to recognize it. Contact your precinct captain and hold meetings to go over how many volunteers you have and what needs to be done (security of those early voting ballots or machine data is a priority). True The Vote – Free & Fair Elections for All Americans are serious Americans doing a fabulous job and can greatly help you. Just click on their site and hit the boxes front and center.
Donald Trump and his people are fully aware of vote fraud. I am not privy to what goes on in his campaign so I don’t know what ground work is being done on this. Democrats every four years (prez election) have hordes of lawyers all over the country just waiting to jump on any perceived vote fraud, altho’ corpses voting is something they covet. Don’t get me wrong. Republicans are dirty, too, but it’s people and machines who count the votes that determine the outcome of our elections.
Are we going to allow the dark forces to steal yet another presidential election from we the people? What good will all the work by volunteers and Trump be just to see everyone’s hard work go down the crapper because vote fraud once again rules the ballot box?
If you are going to vote for Donald Trump then please volunteer to stop the vote fraud we know will happen – especially in these critical states which are the worst documented for vote fraud: Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and California. Sign up here. I’m sure in the not too distant future you will be contacted, but WE have to take the initiative. Show the crooked scum controlling those machines we are NOT going to sit back this time and allow the election to be stolen.
(The people in Louisiana are hurting. The flooding there is far worse than people realize. FAR WORSE. It’s not to late to donate. Trump haters in the media, parroted on social media by fools, accused Trump of doing nothing more than a photo op when he visited the other day while Obama played golf (Obama Squeezes in Tenth Round of Golf Before Louisiana Trip) and Hildebeast rested up for a fund raiser with Cher on Sunday in swanky Nantucket. They neglected to tell people that in the video that big 18-wheeler truck full of all kinds of stuff was paid for by Trump and he, true to form, never said a word. Please, if you can, even a $5.00 donation will help our fellow Americans in so much pain. See horrific photos here, here and here.
Good Samaritan’s Purse, any other organization you know of and while I don’t particularly like the Red Cross they are there and on the ground. Please don’t forget the critters; they mean so much to families. Here, here and here. One is the LA SPCA trying to help with flooded animal shelters. Make sure when you call to designate your donation to the LA flood victims. If doing it on line, that’s what is being collected for right now. Thank you.)
[Devvy’s hot new book, Taking Politics Out of Solutions is now available. The most important issues destroying America are presented along with constitutional solutions neither the Republicans or Democrats will pursue. Get your copy now. Excellent discounts for 2 or more books, or bulk orders.]
© 2016 – NewsWithViews.com and Devvy – All Rights Reserved
While the country is honed in on the last and final presidential election the American people will have to stop the corrupt, vile Clinton machine, the clock is running for your state legislatures and bills for January.
It is imperative the American people in all 50 states pound on their state reps and senators NOW in order to get badly needed new laws on the books. Right now your state reps and senators are working on legislation that will get passed to committees so that all is ready to go once state capitols open their doors for business in January.
Our legislature here in Texas, Montana, Nevada and North Dakota are the four states of the Union that only meet for a few months every other odd year. The other 46 are annual and all begin new sessions each new January. This January all 50 states will open for session. If you want a new law for whatever issue and contact your state rep or senator in November, December or February, it’s already too late. It’s very difficult to get a new bill worked into the ‘hopper’ after October.
We know America is in a fight for our very existence up against a tyrannical government that makes King George look downright benevolent. All 50 states of the Union are sovereign unto themselves. We know the fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment destroyed the right of the states to be represented in Congress called the Senate. We know the U.S. Constitution gives LIMITED authority to pass legislation for external issues:
• “Another not unimportant consideration is that the powers of the general government will be, and indeed must be, principally employed upon external objects, such as war, peace,
• negotiations with foreign powers and foreign commerce. In its internal operations it can touch but few objects, except to introduce regulations beneficial to the commerce, intercourse and
• other relations, between the states, and to lay taxes for the common good. The powers of the states, on the other hand, extend to all objects, which, in the ordinary course of affairs,
• concern the lives, and liberties, and property of the people, and the internal order, improvement and prosperity of the state.” –Joseph Story, associate justice, U.S. Supreme Court,
• Commentaries on the Constitution, 1833
We know how far down the road lying, corrupt politicians from both parties in the Outlaw Congress as well as too many state houses have taken us. I know time is an issue, but this column is by far and away the best article on that:
EVERYTHING IS RIGGED: Medicine, science, elections, the media, money, education, search engines, social media… you are living in a fabricated fairy tale, August 2, 2016
“After witnessing how Reuters just blatantly cooked the presidential election polls this week to favor Clinton and how the mainstream media is so terrifyingly biased in favor of Clinton that the very foundation of democracy is now in crisis, it’s time to tell you something that perhaps a lot more people are finally ready to hear: EVERYTHING IS RIGGED.
“Every institution in America is sold out, corrupted and politically rigged to favor Big Government and Big Business. “America is a lost country,” explains Paul Craig Roberts. “The total corruption of every public and the private institution is complete. Nothing remains but tyranny. And lies. Endless lies.”
At the federal level we know corruption has been eating away at this republic for decades. We know the big issues like destructive ‘free’ trade treaties and an open border that has allowed a human invasion bankrupting we the people as well as demanding we flush our history, our traditions and culture along with terrorists crossing must be fixed for good.
The states can only do so much but what they can do can cripple the agenda driven two party machines in Washington, DC hell bent on destroying our constitutional republic. In 2012, I wrote ‘ four ‘working papers for our state legislature and mass mailed it to all of them: Seventeenth Amendment fraud, a constitutional sound money bill, booting Agenda 21 out of the state altogether and reconstituting the constitutional militia.
Our legislature passed a stupid non-binding resolution that Texas didn’t like Agenda 21 and sent it to Congress and the criminal impostor in the White House. Oh, good. A waste of paper that accomplished nothing. I provided those state reps and senators all the information they needed to duplicate what the State of Alabama did in Jun 2012: Alabama Adopts First Official State Ban on UN Agenda 21. A MAJOR victory in kicking the UN, Agenda 21 and all its tentacles out of the State of Alabama. Why the hell our state legislature couldn’t do the same thing instead of some worthless resolution is beyond me. What Alabama did must be duplicated in as many states as possible.
Our state did nothing on the fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment. As regular readers know I filed a lawsuit which went to the Appeals Court here in Texas. Despite ironclad proof that amendment fell two states short of ratification, the appeals court said they didn’t care, the fraud stands.
Politicians in our state houses are either so ignorant on the subject of the Second Amendment or too damn cowardly to uphold its true meaning: “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” The real meaning of those words is completely lost on Second Amendment advocates who have been brainwashed into believing the Second Amendment was created so they could go deer hunting. The real meaning of those words is ignored by cash cow machines like the NRA who otherwise do great work in areas like firearm safety and training.
Dr. Edwin Vieira has written on the constitutional militia and the Second Amendment for NWVs for the past 11 years. His little quick read, Thirteen Words, is a must read not only for anyone who owns a firearm as well as every state rep and senator.
Yet, despite his dedication in an effort to educate Americans about why we MUST reconstitute the constitutional militia, to date only one state passed a law which is sorely lacking to say the least. That would be Arizona, one of the gateway states for the human invasion pouring across the border everyday. So, just where is Arizona’s so called constitutional militia as illegals, terrorists and drug dealers continue to pour over their state border? Missing in Action is an understatement. A true constitutional militia law would long ago have put the militia on the border to assist the U.S. Border Patrol in a positive role. Just go read this column over lunch and you’ll know what I mean: Mexican pirates vs. constitutional militia
Thankfully, last year our legislature finally got their act together and Gov. Greg Abbott signed a bill into law to protect Texas when, not if, the Fed and the economy collapses. It is by no means perfect, but it is a huge step for our state:
Texas Governor Signs Bill Creating Nation’s First State-Level Gold Depository, June 17, 2015 – Even though our legislature was out of session, they got it done.
“In 2013, Capriglione told The Texas Tribune that a gold depository would protect the state in the event of a future financial crisis. “For us to have our own gold, a lot of the runs on the bank and those types of things, they happen because people are worried that there’s nothing there to back it up. So I think this cures a problem before it can happen.”
“Rick Cunningham, executive director of the Texas Center for Economics, Law and Policy, who drafted the first version of the law, testified in favor of a gold depository before the Texas House Appropriations Subcommittee on Budget Transparency and Reform on April 23, 2013. Cunningham called the depository “a wholly unique solution” to “what nearly happened to the financial industry as a result of the 2008 collapse of the debt instruments and debt derivatives that lay at its heart.”
The bill that is now law also contains this critically important section: “The Texas law also contains a provision that seeks to protect depositors from any future confiscation of gold by the federal government similar to the executive order signed by President Franklin Roosevelt on April 3, 1933 that prohibited “the hoarding of gold coin, gold bullion, and gold certificates within the continental United States.”
Sadly, your state, unless you live in Texas, will go into mass chaos WHEN the stuff hits the fan and it’s underway. I believe the ‘Fed’ and the forces behind it are doing everything they can to prop things up until after the November 8th election. A very dedicated group of Texans worked hard to get that legislation introduced and signed into law and I thank them. It’s boots on the ground that makes things happen.
• Greg Abbott says $1 billion in gold bullion headed to Texas from Federal Reserve
• Texas Gold Bill Has Potential to Uproot Monetary System:
“We are not talking Fort Knox. But when I first announced this, I got so many emails and phone calls from people literally all over the world who said they want to store their gold … in a Texas depository. People have this image of Texas as big and powerful … so for a lot of people, this is exactly where they would want to go with their gold. But isn’t New York, where most of the world’s gold is stored, also big and powerful? Why does the state of Texas want to go through the trouble of building its own storage facility? There are precisely two important reasons. One involves distrust in the current storage system. The second threatens the paper money system as a whole.”
“Paper is poverty, …. it is only the ghost of money, and not money itself.” — Thomas Jefferson, 1788
Very important read. The stupid, ignorant Democrats on their banking committee killed the bill in committee. Edwin Vieira’s Testimony on Montana House Bill 513, March 14, 2011
I must insert this because it is a blatant example of one of the most corrupt cash cows in this country, the cash rich Southern ‘Poverty’ Law Center cretins who hate the Constitution and anyone fighting to turn back federal tyranny with Soviet-style propaganda:
Around the U.S., state legislators are proposing laws influenced by radical-right ideas. Most are flatly unconstitutional
“Virginia lawmakers have proposed the creation of an independent state currency, premised on “the destruction of the Federal Reserve System.” In Georgia, another currency bill would require banks to accept gold or silver as legal tender, thus overriding federal monetary regulations.”
Just the opposite is true. The “Federal” Reserve Banking Act of 1913 IS grossly unconstitutional and the states are well within their right to create sound money bills.
“A group of Kentucky Republicans introduced a law exempting the state from the jurisdiction of the Environmental Protection Agency. Montana’s “Sheriffs First Act,” would give local sheriff’s veto power over any federal law enforcement activity in their counties; those who failed to comply would face jail.”
The EPA IS unconstitutional and a cabinet we don’t need because all 50 states have their own environmental protection agencies. One size fits all when it comes to the environment is a mess. The EPA is critical in destroying capitalism and businesses with thousands of unconstitutional regulations. See here.
The rest of that article is nothing but crap. It is worded carefully to appeal to Americans who know nothing about the origin of cabinets, their constitutionality or why they must be abolished which I cover in my book. The Southern ‘Poverty’ Law Center is supposed to be about civil rights. Bull. It is nothing but buckets of cash for the despicable Morris Dees and his useful idiots. What does the EPA, the ‘Fed’ or other issues covered in the article have to do with hate groups? Not a damn thing. The SPLC uses their organization to promote the destruction of our Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Those four issues are critical but there’s more that must be addressed and action taken by state legislatures instead of business as usual; think Monsanto. In my new book, Taking Politics Out of Solutions, I go through the litany of high priority issues, how the problem got started and more importantly the solutions and how to get it done. I know that sounds a bit self-serving because I wrote the book, but I spent almost a year writing it with all the research to back it up. Unlike many of the great single issue books, there’s no other book like mine because of how I put it together.
In 1993 I wrote a 45 pg booklet titled Why A Bankrupt America and sold 1,653,000 copies of my booklet at cost; I didn’t make one penny from it. In 1996 I wrote my second 45 page booklet, Blind Loyalty, dealing with vote fraud stealing our elections. I sold 700,000 copies of that booklet at cost; I didn’t make one penny from it. Because we are in such deep doo-do, this time I wrote a comprehensive book that not only educates our fellow Americans but also state reps and senators that the solutions are there if only they will get off the dime. That won’t happen unless tens of thousands of citizens in each state demand bills get introduced and passed. BOOTS ON THE GROUND and a copy of my book to your state rep. Don’t just assume someone else will do it. Then follow up. You can use my ‘working papers’ cited above with links. While I wrote them in 2012, the problems still remain and only get worse with time.
This is a true story. I had a rally in Washington, DC on September 29, 1996. The purpose was to deliver more than a million and a half petition signatures to abolish the ‘Fed’ and income tax. Boy, how green I was back then! While going to congress critters offices delivering signatures with my momma in tow, a funny thing happened at worthless Sen. Orrin Hatch’s office. I handed the receptionist lady a copy of my Why A Bankrupt America booklet. She kinda laughed and said the senator was sick of getting them and to stop putting them in his in box. Oh, my. Touch a nerve with my booklet, did I? Poor Orrin would have fainted if he knew that while the rally was underway on the steps of the nation’s capitol, we collected almost 26,000 more signatures and a large number came from employees inside the capitol; they all had ID badges handing around their necks.
If you don’t know how a problem got started you cannot fix it. While there are millions of Americans trying to stop the rampage by corrupt politicians in the Outlaw Congress and our state capitols, if those folks don’t understand why we will never have financial prosperity until the ‘Fed’ is abolished, they can’t fight back effectively and with the facts.
As I said at the top of this column, right now your state reps and senators are writing legislation to get their bills into committees. Kicking the UN out of our states, passing a constitutional sound money bill, dealing with a law that doesn’t exist, the Seventeenth Amendment fraud and the reconstituting the constitutional militia as well as the issues in my book that CAN be done at the state level. But, I can tell you from being in the trenches full time the past 26 years, too many state reps and senators are woefully ignorant about solutions because they don’t understand how specific problems started.
There’s power in numbers and that means hooking up with existing tea party groups at the local level (forget national level tea party organizations), 9-12 chapters and all organizations, like ALIPAC on the illegals issue, working to stop the destruction of our country.
• List of tea party chapters nationwide
• Tea Party Local Groups by State just in case you can’t locate one in the link above
• 9-12 groups by state
• While I am against legalizing pot for recreational use, the Tenth Amendment Center has done fabulous work with state legislatures and educating Americans on exactly what the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution means, the great tool called nullification and why they’re so important in our fight to turn back federal tyranny. Their site also keeps a running list of bills under consideration so you can, in your state, make your voice heard.
There are many more with different names, but you would be surprised at how effective they are at networking – especially with social media today. There are thousands of groups across the country and getting involved with one generally leads to finding out about ten more.
Very important Americans understand jurisdiction. See here, scroll down to section Federal Jurisdiction. Believe me, I learned a lot from reading those items over the years. It’s important because the states have to stand up to the feds when it does come down to jurisdiction.
The clock is ticking. NOW is the time to go after your state reps and senators even if your legislature is out of session. Their district offices are open and that’s where you can get access to them.
[Devvy’s hot new book, Taking Politics Out of Solutions is now available. The most important issues destroying America are presented along with constitutional solutions neither the Republicans or Democrats will pursue. Get your copy now. Excellent discounts for 2 or more books, or bulk orders.]
© 2016 – NewsWithViews.com and Devvy – All Rights Reserved
Painful as it was, I watched large segments of both conventions. I haven’t belonged to any political party since 1996 (I left the Republican Party that year) and have been to two Republican conventions; 1996 in San Diego and 2008 in Minneapolis/St. Paul. They are very carefully crafted, scripted events. Well, except for this year when ignorant supporters of communist crank, Bernie Sanders, went off the rails. Adding in corruption by the DNC to ensure Hildebeast Clinton got the coronation and the scramble was on to corral the herds. On the Republican side we watched citizen of no country, Ted Cruz, fry himself in hot oil after the equally foolish ‘Never Trump’ players stomped off the field after losing in their efforts to defeat Trump.
As someone who has been in the trenches for the past 26 years, I know all the players, the agendas and who controls the players. However, this election cycle for president has shocked the world because of Donald Trump. In a good way. The global elites are in a panic and doing everything they can – with the help of fools who represent the ‘Never Trump’ constituency – to destroy Trump and make sure he doesn’t receive enough electoral college votes to win. Sure, the focus is on voters and polls. But, ultimately, if you know how the system works, it’s those critical electors from the Electoral College that matter.
John Kerry won the presidency in 2004. No question vote fraud put Bush, Jr. in the White House. Bush lost Ohio and because he lost that state Kerry had the required number of electoral college votes to win. Not my opinion, but proven by an epic forensic examination of ballots and other evidence.
There are those working to abolish the electoral college for nefarious reasons. I can’t highly recommend enough the book, Evolution and Destruction of the Original Electoral College. A quick read at 100 pages it’s critical voters understand how it works and how it’s been manipulated by political whores for their desired outcome. I didn’t fully understand it until I fell into doing what I do, but it’s very important Americans understand the system, why it was put into place and why it works.
“There is no national election for president, only separate state elections. For a candidate to become president, he or she must win enough state elections to garner a majority of electoral votes. Presidential campaigns, therefore, focus on winning states, not on winning a national majority. It also means that — at least in theory — electors can thwart the popular will and vote for a candidate not supported by the voters of their state. In practice, however, electors are pledged to cast their votes in accordance with the popular vote, and “faithless electors” who go against the popular vote are extremely rare.”
Of Interest: 10 Presidents Who Won with Less Than 50% of the Vote – Includes Billy Clinton & Bush, Jr.
Going back to the conventions. As I said, while it pained me greatly, I watched a lot of both conventions during the evening hours. Not too many surprises if you know the game. However, watching Bill & Hill Clinton was truly obscene. I’m old enough to have lived through the Clinton years in the White House as well as done enough research on both of those career criminals to make anyone sick. Those two upstanding citizens stole furniture, china and art work from the White House they were later forced to return. THAT is a fact.
“Paul Goldman of the Democratic National Committee said, “Mr. Clinton didn’t just take the White House china; he took its soul and flushed it down the toilet.” Attribution see link below.
Bill and Hillary’s 11th House Crime Spree is meticulously chronicled by Barbara Olson who was murdered on 9/11. She was on Flight 77 that allegedly crashed into the Pentagon; I believe that’s not true, but she did die that day. Available on Amazon: The Final Days.
The scandals that plagued the Clinton’s while soiling the White House were endless: Bloodgate, Cattlegate, Travelgate, White Water, Commerce Dept’s ‘pay to play’ which resulted in the murder of Commerce Secretary Ron Brown, the murder of Vince Foster (allegedly had an affair with I believe bi-sexual Hillary), renting the Lincoln bedroom and the one which should have resulted in Bill Clinton being tried for treason, Chinagate. Of course, millenials know nothing of all those which is what Bill & Hill are counting on. The rest of her supporters and decades long clean up crew don’t care, she has something for everyone. A very accomplished carnival barker. For an accurate and comprehensive list of the aforementioned plus Billy’s ‘women’, click here.
The Chinagate scandal is now back big time. EXCLUSIVE: ANOTHER ’90s scandal returns to haunt the Clintons – billionaire accused of being front for Chinese Communist bid to influence Bill’s 1996 election finally faces being questioned after years on the run, July 29, 2016
“A Chinese billionaire at the center of a 20-year-old Clinton foreign donor scandal is being called in to answer questions from Congress about his role in the influence-buying scheme, in a move that could revive yet another Clinton controversy from the 1990s. The House Oversight Committee told Daily Mail Online that it will seek an interview with Ng Lap Seng, 68, who evaded congressional investigators for years.
“He has now re-appeared in the United States and is being held in New York on unrelated bribery charges. One campaign group is even suggesting that Congress grant him immunity from the charges in return for testifying. Ng, a Macau businessman with ties to the Chinese government, was accused of funneling over $1 million in illegal foreign donations to support Bill Clinton’s reelection campaign in 1996.”
Watching Bill Clinton stand on that stage recite his love story about meeting Hildebeast was almost too much to bear. So lovely, so wonderful a spouse. Show a little weepy, Billy. He forgot the part about Chelsea Clinton being the daughter of Webster Hubbell. No question Billy is not her father in my opinion and for that I feel very sorry for Chelsea. Hillary Clinton has lied to her own daughter and the world about her biological father. I always give credit where credit is due: I do believe Bill Clinton truly loves Chelsea as if she were his own. His body language and open affection for her over the years is genuine. After introducing her mother on stage that night, body language was everything. While Chelsea obviously adores her mother, if you watched Hildebeast, there was a detached coldness as she embraced Chelsea. A fakeness.
(When Billy left office he pardoned more than 100 convicted felons and one in particular in serious trouble. “Former CIA Director John Deutch…Deutch’s pardon spares the one-time spy chief and top Pentagon official of facing criminal charges in connection with his mishandling of national secrets on a home computer.” He did not pardon Web Hubbell.)
What Bill Clinton left out of his soppy recitation is his endless affairs – some for more than a decade each: Jennifer Flowers and Dolly Kyle Browning. Bill Clinton screwed anything from 16-60 the entire time he’s been married to Hillary. Some have received wide media attention from Paula Jones, his groping of Kathleen Willey while in the White House, and of course, to the hapless intern, Monica Lewinsky. The one woman who could have brought Bill down for good is Juanita Broaddrick and her credible charge of rape against him. Even Democrats at the time who saw the documentation in a ‘secured’ location in a congressional building came away in tears. They knew Juanita Broaddrick was telling the truth: Bill Clinton raped her.
For a man who supposedly was so enamored with his wife, loved her for 43 years, what a great person she is, blah, blah, blah, Billy has spent ALL of his married life dipping his wick in an endless list of women. A serial adulterer.
How the two of them stood on the stage and celebrated after Hildebeast’s speech. Two of the biggest crooks ever to serve in public office. A total failure as a U.S. Senator and Secretary of State and a husband who has never been able to keep his zipper closed for which Billy has absolutely no regrets. Hooray! Let the balloons loose and celebrate! How obscene.
None of Bill’s cheating has mattered to Hillary Clinton – except when it got big coverage in the media. That’s when she hauled out her wounded wife persona and forgave her cheating man. Enough to gag a maggot. Of course, she probably isn’t too worried these days as Bill looks like a skeleton half the time and I believe has Parkinson’s Disease. NO self-respecting woman would put up with what Billy has dished out to the poor, suffering Hildebeast for all the world to see, but then again, it is and always was a marriage of ambition for power hungry Hillary.
None of the above seemed to matter to all those screaming delegates cheering on one of the most corrupt, least accomplished public ‘servants’ in the history of this country. It doesn’t matter to Hildebeast voters regardless of their skin color or lot in life. As I said, Hillary has something for everyone as she has perfected the art of lying through her teeth for the past 40 years. Any campaign promise will do for votes. One example: Hildebeast is going after Wall Street and the big banks. Sure. They own her sizable backside. She’s taken millions from Wall Street and now we’re to believe she’s going to pinch off the teat that’s been squirting green cash her way these past decades? Well, it does sound good on stage with all the lights, confetti and koombaya.
The Clinton’s are a target rich pair for Donald Trump. Hildebeast’s unprecedented failure as illegitimate Secretary of State alone can severely damage her as ISIS continues their savagery that is surely going to spread here in America. Not to mention the Benghazi slaughter on her watch.
Everyone believes that since the Director of the FBI, James Comey, let Hillary get away with crimes related to her email servers that she is off the hook. Perhaps not. Comey may have just set Hildebeast up for a fall: The Clinton Foundation. Those 33,000 emails Hillary destroyed, I believe, are crossovers relating to another ‘pay to play’ while she was playing Secretary of State and the Clinton Foundation. We are to believe 33,000 emails were nothing but chit-chat about her daughter’s wedding and yoga classes. Horse manure. Where there’s smoke there’s fire and right now a massive forest fire is starting to smoke. The only thing dirtier than Bill and Hillary Clinton is a dirty baby diaper.
(Who writes and sends 33,000 emails on any subject? I know there were over 66,000 but, jeez, one would have to spend all their time doing nothing but emails. I mean how many emails is that per day while she held office illegally as Secty of State? 66,000 total? Where’s time to go to yoga classes that obviously haven’t done much good.)
The Clinton Foundation is nothing more than a scam that has enriched those two career criminals beyond imagination. Unfortunately, they have dragged their daughter, Chelsea into the sewer right along with them as she draws a huge paycheck as a salaried member of that phony foundation. That scandal is will follow her from now until November and hopefully afterwards so someday Hillary Rodham Clinton will go to prison where she rightfully belongs. Julian Assange of Wikileaks who released the emails ten days ago that forced out the detestable Debbie Wasserman-Schultz as head of the DNC, said last week that another huge batch of emails are going to be released this week that will bring an indictment against Hildebeast. From his lips to God’s ears.
Meanwhile, some important lawsuits are still making their way through the courts:
Judicial Watch Goes to Court On Clinton Testimony, July 22, 2016
Judicial Watch Special Report: Hillary Clinton’s Secret Email Scandal
Klayman and Freedom Watch Move to Depose Lawyers of Hillary Clinton Who FBI Director Comey Said Last Week Permanently Destroyed State Department Documents in Email Investigation; see filing here.
Question: Why haven’t those Clinton lawyers been charged with destroying government property?
There’s one other thing that could cause Hildebeast to drop out of the race and that’s her health. I believe she is hiding serious problems. What you see in these videos are not normal. Hillary can’t seem to make speeches without shouting. Even during the parts that are benign, she seems to always want to shout. We know she sometimes wears special glasses due to the concussion she suffered about four years ago. I think it’s something more serious. Her ‘official’ doctors say she’s just fine. Hillary has the money to see any doctor in the world and keep it secret. She was the most traveled Secretary of State in history.
I’ve seen all the declarations that people are not going to vote for either Hildebeast or Trump. Stay home on election day! Stop being so damn foolish. We know what’s at stake here: Likely 3-4 appointments to the U.S. Supreme Court, the Second Amendment, the illegals invasion will be unstoppable as will bringing in millions more Muslims and refugees, and a third term for the criminal impostor in the White House. Clinton will continue Obama’s planned destruction of this republic make no mistake about that. Loretta Lynch will remain as Attorney General and we will continue to sacrifice our military in the Middle East as Hildebeast is a war hawk.
If that’s your desire, don’t vote and congratulate yourself on being part of the continued destruction of our country. I’ve said it in so many columns during elections: Ballots are more than just a presidential candidate. There’s candidates for your state capitol, Congress critters, sheriff’s, local offices and sometimes state constitutional amendments. So don’t bitch if later down the line some jerk becomes your sheriff or mayor. Which reminds me of a catchy phrase I saw the other day: Life’s a bitch, don’t vote for one. Naughty me…
I am voting for Donald Trump. He deserves the chance to do his best to right the sinking ship. I don’t care if you have to hold your nose as you did when you voted for Romney and McCain, vote. I don’t care if you have to hold your nose with a clothespin but refusing to vote IS a vote for that wretched piece of baggage. Is that what you want?
Important links:
RNC request Clinton not receive national security briefings starting today has been denied:
1 – HIGH TREASON: Hillary Sells Arms to Qatar, Transfers 20% of US Uranium Production To Russia,
Sides With BLM Over Land Grab, Receives TONS of Money from Nigerian Terrorist Billionaire, July 28, 1016
2 – Pat Caddell Blasts Reuters’ Back-Rigging Polls to Show Clinton Winning, July 30, 2016
3 – Tracking polls showed a 17-point swing in favor of the Republican nominee Donald J. Trump
4 – Declassified docs: Hillary aided rise of ISIS
5 – EXCLUSIVE: How Hillary Clinton Mainstreamed Al-Qaeda Fundraiser Abdurahman Alamoudi, July 27, 2016
6 – Hillary Clinton fired for lies, unethical behavior – Watergate Investigation
7 – Hildebeast: Putting modern US missiles in the hands of the Taliban
8 – Hillary Clinton under fire after saying America should ’empathize’ and ‘show respect’ to its enemies
[Devvy’s hot new book, Taking Politics Out of Solutions is now available. The most important issues destroying America are presented along with constitutional solutions neither the Republicans or Democrats will pursue. Get your copy now. Excellent discounts for 2 or more books, or bulk orders.]
© 2016 – NewsWithViews.com and Devvy – All Rights Reserved
Every author sells their book by saying how important it is so please buy it. I’m saying it because one of the reasons America is in such dire straits is because millions of well-meaning, concerned Americans simply do not understand the roots of many of the cancers plaguing our country today.
After the predictable 2008 meltdown, millions of Americans joined up with what became known as the Tea Party rebellion. Their crime according to socialists and Marxists on the left is to stop the massive, out of control unconstitutional spending by the liars and thieves in the U.S. Congress. They wanted accountability and to stop the destruction of our country for America’s children and grand children. In the eyes of liberals and progressive liberals that’s a crime worthy of their vocal hate.
Many other patriotic groups also formed under different names like the 9-12 groups fashioned after Glenn Beck’s project by the same name. All those Americans have the same common goal: stop the destruction of our beloved republic by spending us into poverty and the toxic culture wars which has driven America’s moral compass into the sewer.
But, the one thing missing for millions of Americans is the genesis of how things went so wrong in our economy, states rights and many more issues. The dumbing down of Americans we know has been deliberate with tried and true Soviet-style propaganda shoved down the throats of America’s school children all the way to college. Big Ivy league colleges and universities as well as even local colleges have become nothing more than incubators promoting the destruction of our republic and the promotion of socialism and communism.
Over the past year or so I’ve been tuning into Limbaugh and Hannity as I drive around town doing errands. Not to listen to the hosts but to callers. Average Americans just like you and me commenting on the day’s hot button topics. What I hear is a profound lack of knowledge by well-meaning, very concerned people who are so frustrated with what’s going which is why I decided to write this book. To educate my fellow Americans as I became educated more than a quarter century ago on how government systems actually work vs the lies fed to Americans by both Congress and the media – including cable networks.
The same as I did when I wrote my Why A Bankrupt America 45-page booklet in 1993 on the ‘Fed’. I sold 1,653,000 copies at cost; the only advertising was word of mouth and my appearances on talk radio. My purpose in writing that little booklet was because what I found out in my research not only scared the hell out of me, the goal to bring America into a world governmental body, but angered me. Three years later I wrote Blind Loyalty; vote fraud and how people’s blind loyalty to a political party is killing us; also 45 pages. I sold 700,000 copies of that booklet at cost. (I retired both booklets in 2004)
Why now and in full book form? Simple. Time is a problem for tens of millions of Americans whether it involves family or trying to get or keep a job. Most people don’t have the time to spend as many hours a day on the computer as I do because I work at home. And, unless a person knows what site to hit he or she may not read one of the excellent daily columns here on Newswithviews. A lot of news sites are just that and a ton of web sites both on the right and left are basically commentary without ever approaching how the problem discussed got started – at least not factually.
There’s roughly 2 1/2 BILLION pages on the Internet. Web sites like msm.com, ABC, CNN, FOX, Huffington Post and other ‘mainstream’ names get huge amounts of traffic but how many of them carry concise, accurate columns as you see on NWVs? None. Columns from legal experts who explain the problem and the solution vs the position of someone on the right or left. None. Regular readers of NWVs know how diverse the columns on this are site and how much we all learn from reading them. You don’t see them on Drudge.com that has over 9 billion hits to his site so far this year. Once in a while Drudge will link to something on Alex Jones’ site but never NWVs. That’s why I wrote my book – to reach out to Americans who want solutions and to those who don’t have a computer. Many seniors who are active don’t have a PC and still depend on the boob tube.
A book on the other hand puts it all together in one place a person can read and refer to while learning. A book is what you keep and doesn’t go away with the next day’s news or political spat. Not an easy undertaking, believe me. My book is 430 pages. If ever there was a time for my book it is now.
All those millions of Americans cheering for the criminal impostor in the White House back in 2008 bought his Marxist rhetoric about hope and change and the fundamental transformation of our beloved republic into a never ending nightmare. Well, a whole lot of them are not only disappointed, they’re angry and hurting just like Americans who voted for McCain and Romney and their incumbent in the Outlaw Congress because the cancer wasn’t attacked at the core, just more Band Aids applied by the liars and crooks in Congress.
Hacks like Sean Hannity with his big, bold new ideas is just a bunch of hooey. On his show daily he ticks off his list like a balanced budget, his non-solutions to shrink the size of government, promoting worthless alternative taxing schemes and so on. Last night I hit on FOX’s Republican National Convention special as Ken Cuccinelli was being interviewed. Cuccinelli is the former attorney general of Virginia who ran for governor in 2014 only to be defeated by vote fraud. The alleged winner was former Clinton bag man, Terry McAuliffe; another crook in a governor’s mansion.
Cuccinelli is not a fan of Donald Trump to put it mildly. He went on about Trump isn’t for smaller government and doesn’t represent the values of the Republican Party. Well, pray tell, Ken, how has the Republican Party reduced the size of government over the past couple of decades? It sure didn’t happen under Ronnie Reagan; the national debt skyrocketed. It didn’t happen after the so-called Republican revolution with globalist Newt Gingrich at the helm; the Republican controlled Congress outspent 40 years of Democrat control. Smaller government and keep more of what you make are staples of Republican rhetoric during election years but in reality, they mean nothing.
How many Americans know anything about the fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment? I would be safe in saying a teeny, tiny number, but it is a huge issue in understanding states rights and how it affects every man, woman and child in this country regardless of what corrupt political party they belong to. The same applies to fiat currency and the disabilities of our monetary system. The lies fed to us our entire life about the federal income tax, who it only applies to and where does the money actually go? How many people know the difference between the national debt and deficit? Do they know who feeds the national debt and why Congress needs the candy store called the ‘Fed’? Sadly, not enough, but these are absolutely key issues in returning America to prosperity.
There are 19 chapters in my book with 30 pages of Endnotes as source references. The chapters cover: The unconstitutional Federal Reserve, the federal ‘income’ tax, jobs and the destruction caused by “free” trade, the true state of the economy and what’s coming at us like a freight train, Obamacare, non-ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and why it is so very important, illegal aliens, social security, Medicare, those dangerous ‘smart’ meters, education, the VA, Planned Parenthood, Fukushima – an on-going crime against humanity, the FDA, silent killers called vaccines, why Monsanto must be stropped and Islam.
I explain the problem with each of those issues and the constitutional solutions that exist but ignored because the two political party’s in this country don’t want the solutions implemented. Both have basically the same agenda they just market and sell their poison under different labels and propaganda.
A tremendous amount of blame is put on a sitting president for the woes of the nation. But, all laws originate in Congress; all bills of expenditure must originate in the House of Representatives – with the exception of Obamacare. Slipped into an old bill in the Senate by dirty Democrats. Lawlessness abounds in the District of Criminals. If we’re going to put a fire under the feet of the liars and crooks who will be going back to Congress in January 2017 (at this time almost all incumbents in Congress, house and senate, have won their primaries and will go right back to Washington to continue destroying this country), we need Americans to join together and fight with facts.
It’s also imperative that our state houses get educated on the issues covered in my book so they can fight back and win. There’s actually quite a bit of activity in a couple of states trying to neuter the 17th Amendment. Interest in that issue is way bigger than most people even know about or understand. Too bad networks like FOX refuse to cover such an important issue.
I hope you will purchase my book. The publisher is giving a great discount if you purchase two or more books; call 1-800-955-0116. Give one to your state rep or someone you know who really doesn’t understand how so many problems got started nor do they understand the solutions are there we just need to get the truth out. The discount for case orders are substantial. If I were a millionaire I’d ship a million copies to tea party chapters and other patriotic organizations all over this country. What a difference it would make in getting we the people on the same sheet of constitutional solutions instead of buying into more Band Aids that have only made things worse.
As I make clear in the introduction in my book, it’s not about politics or political parties. It’s about taking politics out of solutions. It’s about facts and understanding how certain systems work as well as serious dangers to we the people. It’s about the truth vs the lies told to unsuspecting Americans who know things are bad and getting worse. They know we’re in trouble but they don’t have the answers. They are in my book.
[Just a short note about 9/11 and Smart Electric Meeters. The cost of America’s undeclared “war” (invasion) in Afghanistan has now reached $1 trillion borrowed dollars – massive debt heaped on us all based on what happened on 9/11. Regular readers of my column know I continue to press for the truth about the events of 9/11. Military grade nanothermite is not a conspiracy theory. It was found and tested from the rubble at the twin towers. A new, powerful film has been released: The Anatomy of a Great Deception. Just released: New Expanded Global Edition. For full disclosure I receive no compensation, but I want you to get a copy (or a few) and share it with others or give a copy as a present. I’ve purchased half a dozen copies and given them to individuals I believe seek the truth. It’s very powerful simply because it’s one ‘ordinary’ man’s story who ask a simple question that led him to a not so simple journey. There is factual information in this film that many have never heard about but everyone should. Just a suggestion, order more than one and give one to a friend. Also, must see video on the dangers of Smart Meeters on your home, titled: Take Back Your Power.]
© 2016 – NewsWithViews.com and Devvy – All Rights Reserved
By: Devvy
July 11, 2016
Like a couple million other Americans I was watching Megyn Kelly’s show (I drop in on those anchors a few minutes here and there) when the camera panned to what appeared to be a Dallas police officer face down on the pavement. My first thought was not again. Of course we all know how it turned out. The fruits of vile “entertainers” like Beyoncé and racist domestic terrorist organizations like Black Lives Matter who feed lies to the vulnerable aided by agenda driven politicians in DC and equally in the media was coming to fruition.
Beyoncé’s so-called performance at the Super Bowl earlier this year was nothing but support for racist domestic terrorists like Black Lives Matter:
“However, police have argued that the imagery in the music video is anti-law enforcement, and her apparent tribute to the Black Panthers fell just as flat, given that group’s history of tensions with authorities. Departments across the country have been discussing symbolic stands against the singer, whose video also featured imagery closely aligned with the #BlackLivesMatters movement. One scene in the “Formation” video features a young African-American boy in a hoodie dancing in front of a line of police officers wearing riot gear; then, the words “Stop Shooting Us” appear in graffiti on a wall.” After Dallas Beyoncé tuned it down some. Likely she doesn’t want sales of the poison she sells to suffer from her racial bias.
The Dallas PD is a very diverse police force. While watching the sickening horror last Thursday night I saw Asian, Hispanic, black and white men and women wearing police uniforms. They ran toward the gun fire while trying to protect the protesters. #BlackLivesMatter Protester Describes How Dallas Police Saved His Life During Shootings. Not one black person interviewed that night or the next night supported what the shooter did – except some sick racist punks who celebrated. BLM agitators joyful about slaughter of “pigs”
Rapper Young Buck Calls for ‘Riot’: ‘Shoot Back at These Crooked A** Police’: “Rapper Young Buck released a violent anthem Thursday calling for riots and the murder of police officers as five officers were shot and killed at a Black Lives Matter protest in Dallas, Texas late Thursday night.” I sincerely hope his punk ass gets a visit from the FBI.
When white Americans are killed by a cop, Caucasians in this country don’t riot, burn down their own communities or ambush and murder innocent police officers who had nothing to do with a shooting in another state. Even when the shooting death of a white American by a black officer seems like homicide at first glance, there’s no rioting. There’s no accusations that black or white cops are hunting down white Americans.
In 2014, a black police officer shot a 70-year old vet who was white. The police officer thought Mr. Canipe’s cane was a shot gun; it happened in North Carolina. Fortunately Canipe lived. The police officer started crying while waiting for back u-p and medical: “I promise to God I thought it was a shotgun,” Knox said in tears.” The shooting was captured by the police car dash cam. No charges for SC deputy who shot 70-year-old NC man: “In the split seconds he had to assess the situation in the darkness his fear was entirely reasonable,” Solicitor Kevin Brackett wrote in a letter to the State Law Enforcement Division.”
LA officers Norris Greenhouse Jr. and Derrick Stafford, both black, shot and killed a 6-year old autistic boy named Jeremy Mardis (race: Caucasian) in Marksville, Louisiana. Both were indicted by a grand jury last December to stand trial for murder. As outraged as the community was there was no rioting by white Americans. They didn’t go downtown and burn businesses. They waited for an investigation to run its course. In that case which I am familiar with, the grand jury came to the right decision.
An Unarmed White Man Just Got Shot By A Black Cop, And Silent Hypocrisy Is Everywhere. The police officer was cleared as a justified shooting. Taylor’s family were outraged and filed a lawsuit against the Salt Lake City police department. There was no rioting, no shooting of innocent black cops in either that community or in other states.
Militant blacks in this country as well as political whores in Congress like those who belong to the Black Caucus (no White Caucus allowed), white members of the media who suffer from the absurd ‘white guilt’ propaganda and toilet scum like Chairwoman Mao (don’t know who coined that moniker), that would be Hillary Clinton, completely ignore statistics based on hard facts. Hildebeast actually thinks what happened in Dallas is the fault of white Americans: “I’m going to be talking to white people. I think we’re the ones who have to start listening to the legitimate cries that are coming from our African-American fellow citizens,” she said.”
Thankfully, there are black Americans who stand up to the propaganda, both on tv and the columns they write. Those Americans are trying to get black Americans to understand about black on black violence and that white cops are not out there everyday hunting down black Americans regardless of their ages – something Hillary the Hun refuses to do because it wouldn’t get her votes from the very segment of society she exploits.
While President Obama Laments Dual Police Shootings, He Ignores Bloody Chicago
“Whatever the final facts in the two recent cases may or may not be, Obama’s silence on the bloodletting in his adopted hometown is deafening. And shootings in Chicago, where his former Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, is Mayor, have very little to do with confrontations with police.
“Race, on the other hand, is most certainly a major factor. Sadly, it is predominantly black on black violence in the Windy City, with the number of black victims this year, mostly between the ages of 18 and 35, four times higher than the death rate of all other races combined. In 2016, the Windy City has suffered 263 murdered blacks compared to only 60 Hispanics and 17 whites and other races…”The stats for 2015 and 2014 are similar in the lopsided representation of black shooters. In 2015, 94 of those identified as a shooter were black, 20 were Hispanic and 10 were white/other. In 2014, it was 99 black killers, 16 Hispanic and 12 white/others.”
Police officers are entitled to the presumption of innocence no matter how one might disagree when emotions are running high. Although that fairness in our legal system is not shared by some black Americans. During an interview session on FOX as the situation was unfolding in Dallas, the reporter ask if the officers involved in the shootings in Baton Rouge were entitled to the presumption of innocence. Blacks interviewed said no. There was video showing both shootings (Baton Rouge and Minnesota) – to a degree that is – and that’s all that’s necessary to hang the cops involved.
The shooting of Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge to me looks like a homicide. Deadly force can be used if an officer feels his life is in imminent danger, but if you watch the video, why couldn’t two big officers subdue the man (reportedly they used a taser) instead of shooting him? If the investigation proves they murdered Sterling then they should go on trial. There are bad cops just like there are bad individuals in every sector of employment in this country. But, they should be treated equal under due process just like anyone else – regardless of their race.
The cop who shot Philando Castile (Minnesota) was not white, Jeronimo Yanez. I guess that doesn’t matter to the herds out there now fanning the flames of hatred against white cops and Americans egged on by agenda driven racist organizations.
Black Lives Matter Protest, Disrupt Major Cities Throughout USA: “New Black Panthers and BlackLivesMatter activists protesting the deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile were arrested and weapons were confiscated Saturday evening in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.”
Some shootings are made ‘high profile’ by the media due to cell phones capturing some or even all of the shooting. But, they don’t always tell the full story whether it’s a black cop shooting/killing a white person or visa versa. That’s why we have due process in this country. To protect the innocent from public lynch mobs. Yes, I can say that without being a racist. It is a figure of speech that’s been around a long time and does not automatically mean what happened to innocent black Americans in the south for too long. In the old west ‘lynch mob’ was used when people took the law into their own hands and hung a horse thief without due process.
The racial cauldron out there was lit years ago by the racist criminal impostor in the White House and his buddy, former Attorney General Eric Holder. Barry Soetoro/Obama’s sycophants out there as well as the race pimps in Congress. The media continue to deny it, but anyone who follows what’s been going on in this country since 2009 can see the forest through the trees. We know who is behind the curtain pulling the strings. Think Marxist traitor, Valerie Jarrett for one. George Soros and his money funding militant black organizations. Race hustlers like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson reap the benefit$ while they manipulate blacks in this country to do their dirty bidding.
• Human rights activist Jessie Jackson has pointed the finger at Donald Trump and his followers for helping to create a rising climate of fear in America which has contributed to the shocking deaths of five police officers in downtown Dallas.
• FLASHBACK: Armed Black Panthers Shout ‘Off the Pigs’ Shortly Before 2015 Execution of Texas Deputy, July 8, 2016. “It was less than one year ago that a group of armed members of the New Black Panther Party stood in front of the Waller County Jail shouting “Off the Pigs” and “Oink Oink… Bang Bang!” Two weeks later, Harris County Deputy Sheriff Darren Goforth would be executed by alleged suspect Shannon Miles, a black man.”
• Confirmed: Dallas Shooter Was Member of Houston New Black Panther Party
• A homosexual who has declared Jesus is queer.
• Meet the Leftist Reverend Behind the Dallas Black Lives Matter Protest
Facebook Headquarters Puts Up Massive ‘Black Lives Matter’ Sign Following Dallas Shooting – In other words, Facebook supports violence against white Americans and police officers. I wish every Facebook user would close their accounts and find something new. 10 Social Networking Sites That Could Replace Facebook and Don’t Like Facebook? Alternative Social Networking Sites
The people of Dallas and the governor of Texas have shown their support for all law enforcement:
Texas Lights Up Blue to Support Police. “The glow of the Texas Governor’s Mansion bathed in blue light shined brightly to show support for not only the fallen officers in Dallas but all law enforcement officers in Texas.”
Dallas shootings: Police touched by outpouring of support. And, don’t think for a moment it’s all white folk. I watched interviews of black Americans in Dallas both the night of the slaughter and the next day. Not one of them supported killing police officers. Every one of them, men and women, said it was wrong and hurt their message. Many said pray for those officers killed and injured and their families. That needs to be the message across this country: Violence begets violence and doesn’t solve a damn thing. The narrative being fed to black Americas that all white cops are racists has to be countered with facts, not emotion. This is so like the 1970s and the violence instigated by blacks who hate. I know because I was an adult during that time.
“Dallas Police chief’s son shot dead a policeman before being fatally fired at by officers in a haunting string of gun violence relating to the top cop which has also left his former partner and brother dead.” His son was killed on Father’s day. Chief Brown is a black American. I saw all the press conferences. The look of anguish on his face over five of his police officers slaughtered, seven others injured and two civilians shot was heart breaking. His personal loss is almost beyond words.
Riveting post by black police officer confronts BLM with raw honesty and EVERY American needs to see it.
Since the slaughter in Dallas:
• Man Arrested for Allegedly Shooting at Police Officer in Georgia
• Tennessee Bureau of Investigation: Black Man Fired at Police Officers on Highway
• Nine-year veteran Missouri officer ambushed and shot three times in the back during routine traffic stop one day after Dallas is Mike Flamion. Flamion who is white stopped a black man for a routine traffic stop and while walking back to his car was shot. The shooter has a lengthy criminal history. Flamion is expected to live. A nurse in the neighborhood gave him CPR until medics arrived.
• Dallas police shooting: ‘Black Power group’ claims responsibility for police killings and warns of more assassinations to come
The Dallas shooter said he worked alone, but obviously had bigger plans: “Today bomb-making materials, guns and a bullet proof vest were found Johnson’s home. Police confirmed that investigators were analysing his personal journal of combat tactics to see if it gave any indication over why he carried out the attack. A police spokesman said: “During the search of the suspect’s home, detectives found bomb making materials, ballistic vests, rifles, ammunition, and a personal journal of combat tactics.”
• Dallas Mass cop murderer’s Arabic name was Fahed Hassen
• Dallas Mass Cop Murderer was Follower of Nation of Islam
• Chaos in St. Paul – Police injured after #BlackLivesMatter Attacks Cops With Rocks, * Rebar, Bottles, Fireworks, Molotov Cocktails, July 10, 2016
• Gunfire hits San Antonio police headquarters, July 10, 2016
• Violence at another Black Lives matter event in Chicago, July 9, 2016
• New Black Panther Leader: Cop Killer Micah Johnson ‘Just Got Five Of The Bastards’
The planned, deliberate agitation to start a race war has been festering since Trayvon Martin. It will only get worse until the agitators are held accountable. She sums it up perfectly: Dirt Bag Shooter & Obama – Judge Jeanine Opening Statement 7/9/16
Freedom Watch founder Klayman files class action against Obama, Farrakhan, Holder, Sharpton, Black Lives Matter over incitement, threats and killings of law enforcement and others Lawsuit Filed In Dallas, Texas Today
(Dallas, Texas, July 9, 2016). “Today, Larry Klayman, a former prosecutor for the U.S. Department of Justice, founder of Judicial Watch and now Freedom Watch, and a former U.S. Senate Candidate in Florida, filed as lead plaintiff a class action lawsuit to redress the incitement, violence and killings of law enforcement and others, as occurred last Thursday in Dallas, Texas. The class action complaint filed today in the the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas (Klayman et. al v. Obama et. al, Civil Action Number 3:16-cv-2010)…Klayman had this to say upon the filing of this class action complaint:
“It’s time that law enforcement, such as the plaintiffs in this case, including myself, come forward by peacefully attempting to use the legal system to redress the incitement, threats and killings provoked by the defendants in this class action case. I am hopeful that I will be joined by other law enforcement to join in the suit. For too long, law enforcement and others, including white and non-white Jews and Christians, have remained silent, scared to speak and act, for fear of being branded racists over the fear of being threatened and harmed by the defendants and their accomplices. This must stop and justice must be done to preserve the integrity of our great nation and to avoid an all out race war that will destroy the freedom that our Founding Fathers dedicated their sacred honor, their fortunes and risked their lives for.”
The full list of defendants are: Barack Hussein Obama, Louis Farrakhan, Eric Holder, Al Sharpton, Rashad Turner, leader of the Black Lives movement, Opal Tometi, co-founder and leader of the Black Lives movement, Patrisse Cullors, co-founder and leader of the Black Lives movement and #blacklivesmatter network, Alicia Garza, same as Cullors and Deray McKesson, leader of the Black Lives movement. Larry should have added “leaders” of the New Black Panthers. (Deray McKesson was arrested in Baton Rouge. Photos of the ‘black power’ useful fools.)
I read the entire complaint. He didn’t miss anything. While the complaint is long, I hope you can find the time to read it. I don’t know how this will do in the courts with so many activist judges on the bench, but I commend Larry for filing the suit. Go after the head of the snake and the enablers. Just like I wrote in my column regarding illegal aliens: Illegal aliens: declaring war on the enablers
Americans of all races and ethnic categories: Join together and reject the racism of thugs who are little more than domestic terrorists intent on anarchy and starting a race war to further their evil agenda. We do not want our country to turn into a war zone.
1 – Black El Paso Police Chief: BLM is a ‘radical hate group’
2 – 5 Statistics You Need To Know About Cops Killing Blacks
3 – Study: ‘White, Black or Blue Cops? Race and Citizen Assessment of Police Officers’: “Some re-spondents claimed that Black officers in general treat black citizens more harshly than White officers, while others limited this assessment to only some officers.”
4 – Race and Officer Decision Making: Examining Differences in Arrest Outcomes between Black and White Officers: Black suspects were more likely to be arrested when the decision maker was a Black officer.”
COMING JULY 19: Devvy’s New Book, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions”: Accepting Pre-Orders
[Just a short note about 9/11 and Smart Electric Meeters. The cost of America’s undeclared “war” (invasion) in Afghanistan has now reached $1 trillion borrowed dollars – massive debt heaped on us all based on what happened on 9/11. Regular readers of my column know I continue to press for the truth about the events of 9/11. Military grade nanothermite is not a conspiracy theory. It was found and tested from the rubble at the twin towers. A new, powerful film has been released: The Anatomy of a Great Deception. Just released: New Expanded Global Edition. For full disclosure I receive no compensation, but I want you to get a copy (or a few) and share it with others or give a copy as a present. I’ve purchased half a dozen copies and given them to individuals I believe seek the truth. It’s very powerful simply because it’s one ‘ordinary’ man’s story who ask a simple question that led him to a not so simple journey. There is factual information in this film that many have never heard about but everyone should. Just a suggestion, order more than one and give one to a friend. Also, must see video on the dangers of Smart Meeters on your home, titled: Take Back Your Power.]
© 2016 – NewsWithViews.com and Devvy – All Rights Reserved
As she lay there dying, Kathleen Steinle said, “Dad, help me, help me.” Her father, Jim Steinle, will for the rest of his life see his daughter bleeding out in front of him. Dead because of an illegal alien.
Illegal aliens have been murdering Americans, aided and abetted by the U.S. Congress, both parties including presidents going back to Ronnie Reagan. The blood from innocents drips from hands of departed Johnny Wino Boehner, Paul Ryan, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Charles Schumer, Mitch McConnell, Dirty Harry Reid and the whole damn bunch. There are exceptions, but they are few: Sen. Jeff Sessions, Ted Cruz (the man with no citizenship that can be verified) and a few others from both chambers.
The Outlaw Congress buzzed out of DC last week to enjoy the three day ‘holiday’ while thousands of families will live in agony as their loved ones are murdered every day in this country by scum crossing the border and coddled by the dirty traitor in the White House and his equally treacherous minions, i.e., Dir. of Fatherland Security, Jeh Johnson.
There will be no Independence Day celebrations for these AMERICANS:
Father’s Day Message for Paul Ryan: Our Sons Died, Step Aside
“This Father’s Day, fathers whose sons were murdered by illegal aliens are calling on House Speaker Paul Ryan to resign — describing his policies as “treasonous” and taking particular objection to Ryan’s recent attempts to undermine Donald Trump’s proposals to enforce U.S. immigration law.
“I would invite Speaker Ryan to forsake spending Father’s Day with his kids to come down here to Houston and visit the place I will spend every Father’s Day for the rest of my life— my American son’s grave. This way Speaker Ryan can see first hand what pandering to the cheap illegal labor lobby means to Americans who can’t afford to put a security fence up around their house,” said Dan Golvach. Golvach’s 25-year-old son, Spencer, was murdered by an illegal alien. Spencer was shot in the head while stopped at a red light.” Think it can’t happen to you?
• Mexican driver who hit and killed Texas firefighter, his one-year-old son and stepdaughter, 4, was an illegal alien who had already been deported once. No driver’s license. April 7, 2016
• Drunk-driving illegal immigrant who killed straight-A college student on her graduation day was let go by immigration because he ‘wasn’t violent’ and is now on the run, January 2016
• 2 illegals sentenced for beating 90 year-old farmer to death, May 12, 2016: “They left him helpless on his living room floor as they ransacked his home, as he was bleeding to death, they cut the phone line and left him for dead,” Carver County Attorney Mark Metz said at the sentencing, ABC 5 Eyewitness News reports.”
• Illegal Alien (El Salvador) Convicted of Murder After Stabbing Father of Two to Death, Ripping Out His Liver, May 12016 (That animal left the man’s liver sitting on his chest)
• Illegal aliens who had been deported SIX times murders three and injures another, June 27, 2016
• Chairman Chaffetz Opener – Criminal Aliens Released by the Department of Homeland Security
• Feds Move Forward With Hotel for Illegal Aliens, June 25, 1016 – ALL borrowed DEBT. “Our facility offers a community-based alternative that will allow children to live in a home setting, attend school, and access critical legal and social services,” Stratton Oilfield Systems said in a pitch to potential partners.” The Hell with America’s children. Illegals have NO right to be on U.S. soil and look what they’re given instead of being deported with or without a parent if one is around. The illegals invasion has become another damn industry instead of enforcement of our immigration laws and expedited deportation.
• Illegal immigrant charged with murder in California fire had prior arrests, was never deported, June 19, 2016. Another illegal alien from Honduras. That piece of garbage killed 5 innocent homeless people.
• Canada: ‘A Launching Point for Illegal Entry Into U.S.A.’
• DHS Quietly Moving, Releasing Vanloads of Illegal Aliens Away from Border, Judicial Watch, June 3, 2016
• 86,000 Illegal Immigrants Have Committed 231,000 Crimes in 2 1/2 Years – the odds increase everyday you or a loved one will be raped, killed by a drunk illegal or murdered by an illegal alien
• We Must Change Park Ranger Uniforms to Make Illegal Aliens Feel Better, May 7, 2016 – Oh, my God – their uniforms too closely remember ICE! Get out the hankies. Better yet get out the strait jackets for the brain dead who are proposing such idiocy.
• Mexican Cartel Members Let Off with Only 15 Days in Jail for Illegally Entering U.S., May 2, 2016
• Nearly 1 million immigrants — including more than 170K convicts — ignoring deportation, July 1, 2016- Sure. They know they have nothing to fear with Obama at the helm.
• Half of immigrant-led households collect welfare as admission rules go unenforced, May 3, 2016. While you and your family go without, the U.S. Congress continues to borrow money (the U.S. Treasury, the people’s purse, is overdrawn $19 TRILLION dollars) to give to the takers. When my grandparents, both sets, came to America (real immigrants) there was no welfare. You worked or you didn’t eat.
• Obama budgets $17,613 for every new illegal minor. More than Social Security retirees get!
• Seven Refugees With Active TB Sent to Idaho, June 28, 2016. When my grandparents came from Palermo, Sicily, they had to speak English and have a doctor’s letter less than 30 days old verifying they had been tested for TB. Same as my grand parents from Munich, Germany. Now, the dirty traitor in the White House is flooding this country with diseased people who will be given the best medical treatment out of YOUR wallet.
• Border Agent: Vast Majority of Illegals Released into Country – Disease or No Disease, June 28, 2016
“Border agent Chris Cabrera, also vice president of the National Border Patrol Council 3307, said the respiratory disease tuberculosis is encountered “pretty regularly,” and that little has been done to improve the quarantine areas where illegals who harbor communicable diseases are detained.
“We see tuberculosis pretty regularly. Scabies – more often than not we have large amounts of infectious diseases as far as scabies go,” the border patrol council spokesperson stated. “And the interesting part with that is it’s not actually seen on the body during the infectious period. And so these people clear through our system and then they go into the rest of the country with that disease. “We see a lot of measles, a lot of chickenpox a lot of unidentified illnesses, a lot of lung infections that we don’t even know what we have no idea what they are.”
And they dump them into public schools with YOUR kids and if it hasn’t happened yet, it it will:
Obama Administration on Pace to Place 52K Illegal Minors in States Across U.S.
If anyone other than Donald Trump gets into the White House it’s over for America as we knew it. The illegals invasion will become a tsunami and we will experience the same thing as we’ve been seeing over in Europe and other countries.
(Mass Sex Assault At Music Festival, Youngest Victim Just 12 Years Old: “Swedish police have received 35 complaints from young women after “foreign young men” went on an apparent two day rampage at a popular music festival, sexually assaulting young girls they found there.”) And, right along with the illegals will come terrorists. Hillary the Hun, Biden, Sanders, doesn’t matter. They are for open borders, period. Trump should also beware the dirty Democrats will use vote fraud regardless of who their candidate is:
Democrats Leverage Illegals and Voter Fraud to Put Hillary in the White House – Illegals told to vote Democrat or be arrested and deported, May 24, 2016. Illegals told to vote? We know it’s been going on for decades and no one seems to give a damn in the state capitols although they talk a good game.
Few CA Licensed Illegal Drivers Have insurance, May 21, 2016. My daughter was the victim of two illegal aliens smashing into her car in California. The first female had a phony DL and no insurance. She was attending UCLA on YOUR dollar even though she had no right to be on U.S. soil. The second illegal alien was using a fake Michigan DL and also had no insurance; she skipped across the border before the cops could get her. I literally cried when Brandy told me she was moving out of California to Colorado, I was so thankful.
Donald Trump: Please get your lawyers to file an injunction to stop this: California Signs Law Allowing Illegals To Vote. I don’t know if there’s been a legal challenge to this or not but it’s a back door to register ILLEGAL aliens to vote in California. ILLEGAL aliens have no constitutional rights. The only right they have is to be treated humanely until they’re shipped back to where they came from and start billing countries where we ship them back to. There’s approximately 11 million illegal aliens in California. If enough of them vote it will be for the Democratic/Communist Party USA’s candidate and there goes all those electoral college votes – more than enough to defeat Trump in November.
Federal Immigration and Nationality Act Section 8 USC 1324(a)(1)(A)(iv)(b)(iii)
“Any person who . . . encourages or induces an alien to . . . reside . . . knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that such . . . residence is . . . in violation of law, shall be punished as provided . . . for each alien in respect to whom such a violation occurs . . . fined under title 18 . . . imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both.”
Section 274 felonies under the federal Immigration and Nationality Act, INA 274A(a)(1)(A):
A person (including a group of persons, business, organization, or local government) commits a federal felony when she or he:
• assists an alien s/he should reasonably know is illegally in the U.S. or who lacks employment authorization, by transporting, sheltering, or assisting him or her to obtain employment, or
• encourages that alien to remain in the U.S. by referring him or her to an employer or by acting as employer or agent for an employer in any way, or
• knowingly assists illegal aliens due to personal convictions.
Personal convictions are all those in the California State Legislature who voted for the bill and old nose candy loon governor, Jerry Brown, who want illegals to stay in California.
While I can’t stand gas bag, Bill O’Reilly, I always give credit where credit is due. We all heard about the senseless murder of Kathleen Steinle in San Francisco on July 1, 2015, by an illegal alien aided and abetted by the City of San Francisco operating as a ‘sanctuary city’. There will be no July 4th celebration today for Kathleen or her parents, other family and friends. The piece of scum who shot and killed her is a Mexican illegal who was deported five times, had seven felony convictions and still he was allowed to walk the streets of an American city.
For Democrats and corporate prostitutes like Paul Ryan, American lives don’t matter.
O’Reilly began pounding on what he called Kate’s Law. Dirty Republicans and Democrats in the illegitimate Senate have played games with this but finally, and credit also goes to the senators below, Kate’s Law will finally come up for a stand alone vote this week.
‘Kate’s Law,’ Sanctuary City Legislation Gets Vote in the Senate, June 30, 2016
“After months of inaction, the common sense legislation will finally get a vote this July. “The problem of illegal immigration in this country will never be solved until we demonstrate to the American people that we are serious about securing the border and enforcing our immigration laws,” Cruz said in a statement Thursday.
“Sen. Pat Toomey’s (R-PA) proposed legislation to stop sending congressional funds to sanctuary cities will also get a vote. Meanwhile, Sens. Joni Ernst (R-IA), Chuck Grassley (R-IA), Deb Fischer (R-NE), and Ben Sasse (R-NE) have introduced Sarah’s Law to demand change after 21-year-old Iowan Sarah Root was killed by an illegal immigrant who was driving drunk.”
When O’Reilly announced this on his show the other night he said ‘we’ will hold any senator who doesn’t vote for the bill responsible. Well, that sounds nice, Bill, but here’s reality. Only 1/3 rd of the illegitimate senate is up for reelection in November. That’s how it’s done; 1/3 rd every two years. That means Democrats and RINOs in the senate who are not up for reelection could give a rat’s arse about your blustering or election day because they will automatically go back to DC in January.
However, I would ask everyone to please, please – whether your senate RAT is up for reelection or not – call your U.S. senator’s office on Tuesday and demand they vote yes on the bills above. Kate’s Law, Toomey’s bill and Sarah’s law. It’s a huge first step. For all the tens of thousands of Americans killed by illegals who will never have another 4th of July, please make those phone calls (if the DC line is busy use their district office number) or send faxes. Bury them this week in paper.
U.S. Border Patrol Death Toll Calculator. If it is 7/3/2016, 1:50:41 PM, then: Illegal aliens have murdered more than 64,908 people inside the USA since 9/11.
[Just a short note about 9/11 and Smart Electric Meeters. The cost of America’s undeclared “war” (invasion) in Afghanistan has now reached $1 trillion borrowed dollars – massive debt heaped on us all based on what happened on 9/11. Regular readers of my column know I continue to press for the truth about the events of 9/11. Military grade nanothermite is not a conspiracy theory. It was found and tested from the rubble at the twin towers. A new, powerful film has been released: The Anatomy of a Great Deception. Just released: New Expanded Global Edition. For full disclosure I receive no compensation, but I want you to get a copy (or a few) and share it with others or give a copy as a present. I’ve purchased half a dozen copies and given them to individuals I believe seek the truth. It’s very powerful simply because it’s one ‘ordinary’ man’s story who ask a simple question that led him to a not so simple journey. There is factual information in this film that many have never heard about but everyone should. Just a suggestion, order more than one and give one to a friend. Also, must see video on the dangers of Smart Meeters on your home, titled: Take Back Your Power.]
© 2016 – NewsWithViews.com and Devvy – All Rights Reserved
I have wondered how the ‘home grown terrorist’ managed to get his weapons in that nightclub in Orlando? Contrary to the ignorance abounding out there, Mateen did not use an AR-15 assault rifle. He used a Sig Sauer MCX carbine.
Killer Mateen also used a Glock 17. Both purchased legally after background checks. One has to wonder how that was possible considering his prior interaction with the FBI? Many have made a big deal that waste of human skin was a Democrat who supported Hillary the Hun. Doesn’t matter. He did it for Satan’s Soldiers aka ISIS, not the Hildebeast.
From eyewitness accounts, Mateen walked in the door and turned to the right. Apparently the layout of that nightclub has two separate sides. Anyone who has been out and about in this country knows that just about all nightclubs have a bouncer and ID check person at the door. I was in Miami and some other cities up the coast many years ago. Nightclubs in Florida can and do stay open until 5:00 am.
I can tell you the clubs I visited in my youth, just like in other cities across this country all had bouncers at the front door and ID’s were checked; liquor licenses are at stake. Was there someone checking IDs or a bouncer who did both at that nightclub? If so, how in the hell could Mateen have gotten by him?
How was it Mateen was able to walk right through the front door with a gun that has a 16″ barrel? It’s summer time in Florida and no one walks around in a heavy long coat unless you’re trying to hide something. There’s also the credible eyewitness accounts of victims who are certain there was more than one shooter. This from Janiel Gonzalez:
“He said he heard another gun from a different direction, so he wonders if there were two gunmen…“In a moment of desperation we were all crawling on the floor trying to find a place to exit. I looked to my right and I could see people going through some curtains. We were digging through the curtains and found a door. ” But he said the door was blocked by a man. He wasn’t sure if it was a club security person or an accomplice to the gunmen.
“Fifty people were trying to jump over each other trying to exit the place. There was a guy holding the door and not letting us exit. He’s like ‘Stay inside, stay inside.’ As he is saying that, the shooter keeps getting closer and closer and the sound of the bullets is getting closer. Everyone starts to panic. People are getting trampled. Let us out, let us out!’’ Gonzalez’ first thought was that it was a hate crime. “This guy is trying to prevent us from leaving. Maybe they’re working together,’’ he said. “I’m pretty sure it was more than one person. I heard two guns going at the same time. It was very, very crazy.’’
Gonzalez was sober and his account is very close to other victim eyewitness accounts. So far the FBI says Mateen was a lone shooter. His wife has been a target of investigation and in my opinion, just like San Bernadino, knew exactly what was going to happen since they had previously ‘cased’ Disney World. Much to the humiliation of that foul piece of baggage, AG Loretta Lynch, somehow Noor Salman, the wife, has up and disappeared. Yep. My guess is she had multiple, forged documents and likely is no longer in the U.S. , but we’ll see.
4 Pieces of the Orlando Shooting Narrative that Don’t Add Up
“It has also been documented that the FBI introduced Mateen to FBI ‘informants’ while the FBI was investigating him for almost a year: “FBI investigators investigated Mateen, who was born in New York, for 10 months. They introduced him to confidential informants, spied on his communications and followed him. They also interviewed him twice.” [Source] And, still he passed a background check? Who was he working for? One has to ask if it’s the same as the James Wesley Howell below is claiming he was recruited by.
I believe Orlando was directly tied to another massacre, San Bernadino. read: Philip Haney: Orlando Shooting ‘Remarkably Similar’ to San Bernadino, ‘There’s a Lot of Overlap in the Two Networks’
Networks – key word. As I cited in my column last week, there’s more. G. Edward Griffin: This Story Could Be the Smoking Gun For All False-Flag Ops
“Santa Monica: Two police officers who wish to remain anonymous for fear of retaliation say that James Wesley Howell, an Indiana man who was found with a car full of explosives and weapons on Sunday morning, told police he was part of a team that planned shooting attacks on gay communities in Florida and California.
“Howell told police he was turning himself in because he wanted protection. His story was that he had been assured by his recruiters that he would not be harmed in the shooting but, when he heard on the news that Omar Mateen, the lead gunman in the Orlando group, had been killed by sniper fire, he realized he was being set up as a patsy and would be killed.”
I had the pleasure of meeting G. Edward Griffin many years ago in the DC area. His credentials are impeccable and he knows that he’s talking about.
Now this one shocked me and that’s not easy to do. It also contradicts what victims said about the people around them dying. The video clip of Judge Andrew Napolitano appears to be genuine. If someone can find the official FBI transcript Napolitano was reading from I’d sure like to see a copy of it.
Judge Napolitano: “Nobody died until 05:13 in the morning”
FBI team from Quantico to reconstruct Orlando shooting scene: “In Monday’s news conference, Orlando Police Chief John Mina said the investigation will determine whether any inside the club were killed by “friendly fire.”
Americans need to understand one thing: Muslims do not assimilate they infiltrate to achieve their goal of a world caliphate. And, Griffin is right. If you type in the name James Wesley Howell into a search engine all sources from ‘mainstream’ media like USA Today and others makes no mention of the above. I did find one other source:
Howell and Four Other Suspects Involved in Planned Sunday Massacres
“According to the LA Times, Santa Monica Police Chief Jacqueline Seabrooks initially said on Twitter that the 20-year-old Indiana man (James Howell) told one of her officers after he was arrested that he wanted “to harm the Gay Pride event.”
“However, after the FBI quickly took over the case, a Santa Monica police spokesman Saul Rodriguez indicated that Seabrooks was mistaken and offered that the Santa Monica detectives who were working the case are “not aware of what the suspect’s intentions were at this point.”…
“The real truth of the story was released to a former Los Angeles County prosecutor who works for Get Off the BS by two Santa Monica police officers that have been issued gag orders under threat of Federal prosecution for talking further talking about the incident. According to two department sources, Howell called the Santa Monica police on Sunday morning claiming that he needed protection from the CIA. Howell further elaborated to the dispatcher stating that he “had been set up by the CIA – they are going to kill me.”
“According to Howell, he was in LA to meet with another person in a collaborated attack on the gay communities in both Florida and Los Angeles. Howell additionally stated that, “everything has gone south. Dan was gone when I got here. They killed the leader of the Florida attack this morning. They are going to kill me. I need protection.”
“According to sources within the police department’s investigation Howell indicated to officers who first made contact with him that Howell claimed he was one of five people involved in a planned Sunday attack on both the east and west coasts.” Do take the time to read the rest of that piece above, it’s important.
Next question: Who are the recruiters Howell refers to? My money is on a wall of silence by the Santa Monica Police Department and for sure the Feds. The only way to pry open that can is either a Freedom of Information Act request (and eventual lawsuit) or under California’s Records Act and even then it will take a heavy like Judicial Watch to make it happen.
After Orlando we witnessed one of the most asinine displays to foolery I’ve seen in my life. A so-called sit-in by members of the Democratic/Communist Party USA on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives. Led by Rep. John Lewis, they all sang ‘We shall overcome’, popular during the early days of the civil rights movement. That song has nothing to do with a Muslim terrorist slaughtering innocent people. 170 of those ignorant fools, male and female, sat on the floor for hours eating donuts to pad their blubber bellies. Had the Founding Fathers been alive at this time I believe a few of them would have bitch-slapped those morons and told them to man up and stop making fools of themselves.
The purpose of that circus was to force a vote to ban assault weapons. Since Republicans hold power in the House those useful fools knew it wouldn’t happen. Those despicable congress vermin used Orlando to raise money for campaign coffers.
Since Orlando, sales of AR-15’s have blasted through the roof. Homosexuals are flocking to gun stores; hopefully they are also going to take some firearms safety training. But, a few thousand individuals running around with guns isn’t going to stop the next Orlando and it will happen.
Since Orlando, the NRA has been running non stop ads about owning a firearm for personal safety. Last week Dr. Edwin Vieira wrote a two-part series regarding the NRA and their refusal to recognize the true meaning of the Second Amendment. On March 8, 2005, Edwin wrote a column titled, “Homeland Security” — For What and For Whom? Over a decade later here we are no closer to ending the constant assault on the Second Amendment and an organization like the NRA with millions of members are still chasing their tails around in a circle. The NRA still refuses to recognize or even understand 13 very important words in the Second Amendment. See bold below.
Homeland Security and the Second Amendment are married. It is illogical to think millions of gun owners are going to be effective without organization and authority as “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. ”
One thing Edwin wrote in one of his very early columns on this web site on the Second Amendment went something like this: If your state legislature passed a bill (as did Arizona several years ago, but it’s weak) which gets signed into law reconstituting the constitutional milita, tens of millions of Americans would become part of that body and most important – they would all have to attend constitutional classes to get a full understanding of the founding of this country, the meaning of the Constitution and a republican form of government. They would become educated on the historical role of the constitutional milita and why their participation IS homeland security. Yes!
As I wrote in my new book long before Orlando, the day is coming when there wil be multiple hits at the same time possibly on opposite coasts which I belive is the case in the Santa Monica piece above. A parade is just another gun free zone just like the Orlando night club.
Now more than ever the constitutional militia as defined in the Second Amendment must get reconstituted in as many states as possible. We’ve got militant, America hating Mexican organizations just waiting for the right time (the re-claim OUR four border states traitors), THOUSANDS of illegals flooding across the border EVERY DAY and anyone who thinks terrorists aren’t among them is just plain stupid. And now this self-made problem with Muslims in this country determined through violence if necessary to become the majority and force Sharia Law down our throats.
You and your family, your friends – we are all at risk right now. There’s no time for fun or weekend activitives out in the sun shine. I know because I gave it all up 26 years ago when I began my research that was so scary I gave up my career and a paycheck. We are living in the most dangerous time since the Revolutionary War. I know time is an issue which is why I attempt to bring you the best sources to learn what we must do – NOW.
One final piece that is a must read because the author is 100% on the money: Orlando and the Vegas Donald Trump Assassination Attempt Connection. (BTW: that web site is one I read on a daily basis and so should you)
Neither the Secret Service, the FBI nor Homeland Security is going to save your life. The author of the piece above lays it out there for all to read. The ONLY real solution is what I have witten above.
COMING JULY 16: Devvy’s New Book, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions”: Accepting Pre-Orders
1 – Who Regulates “A Well Regulated Militia”?
2 – Donald Trump and The Militia
3 – Muslims Don’t Assimilate, They Infiltrate by Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D., a retired colonel with 29 years of service in the US Army Reserve and a veteran of Afghanistan and Iraq.
4 – Thirteen Words by Dr. Edwin Vieira – give a copy to your sheriff and state rep.
1 – FBI Has Found No Evidence of Orlando Jihadi’s Omar Mateen ‘Secret Gay Life’
2 – Obama Designates Gay Bar As Latest National Monument
[Just a short note about 9/11 and Smart Electric Meeters. The cost of America’s undeclared “war” (invasion) in Afghanistan has now reached $1 trillion borrowed dollars – massive debt heaped on us all based on what happened on 9/11. Regular readers of my column know I continue to press for the truth about the events of 9/11. Military grade nanothermite is not a conspiracy theory. It was found and tested from the rubble at the twin towers. A new, powerful film has been released: The Anatomy of a Great Deception. Just released: New Expanded Global Edition. For full disclosure I receive no compensation, but I want you to get a copy (or a few) and share it with others or give a copy as a present. I’ve purchased half a dozen copies and given them to individuals I believe seek the truth. It’s very powerful simply because it’s one ‘ordinary’ man’s story who ask a simple question that led him to a not so simple journey. There is factual information in this film that many have never heard about but everyone should. Just a suggestion, order more than one and give one to a friend. Also, must see video on the dangers of Smart Meeters on your home, titled: Take Back Your Power.]
© 2016 – NewsWithViews.com and Devvy – All Rights Reserved
In my 26+ years in the trenches, I’ve never seen what’s going on right now in either of the two anointed political parties.
On the Democratic/Communist Party USA side, the only two candidates who ‘rose to the top’ and stayed there are almost beyond words. Sanders didn’t earn his first paycheck until he was 40-years old. A socialist who lived like a bum occasionally earning a few bux writing about masturbation and rape.
Comrade Bernie Sanders was a member of some party called the Liberty Union prior to 1979. A very far left operation. From 1979 to 2015 he was a declared independent socialist. In November 2015, Sanders announced he would now be a Democrat. He is still listed as both independent and Democrat so who knows. Sanders should never have been allowed to run. He is a seditionist working to overthrow our constitutional form of government.
The presumptive nominee of Bernie’s party is half of the worst criminal duo in American political history, serial adulterer and rapist, Bill Clinton and his enabler ‘wife’, Hillary Hildebeast Clinton.
Hillary caught up in deadly-drug scandal
“I have always said that there is no crime that is beneath Bill and Hillary Clinton, the Bonnie and Clyde of American politics. They even attempted to steal priceless White House furniture on their way out of office in January 2001, only to have to shamelessly return it once caught.
“In the prior years, this duo was associated in even worse potential criminal acts – that is in many deaths – from the “mysterious” murder or suicide of Vince Foster, who had been Hillary Clinton’s law partner and extra-marital boyfriend at the Rose Law Firm in Little Rock, Arkansas, before Bill and Hill ascended to the throne of the presidency and “firstladyship,” and Foster became “Hillary’s” deputy White House counsel. In addition, over 80 others, including material witnesses, wound up dead in their world record number of scandals, ranging from Whitewater to Chinagate, Filegate, Travelgate, IRSgate and a host of others…
“So, it would appear that again Hillary Clinton is at the epicenter of a scandal of growing proportions. For money, as usual, it would appear that Hillary greased the skids with President Obama for Hamburg to become FDA commissioner, all in exchange for political and other contributions. Now, according to FDA statistics, over 5,000 innocent victims are dead with more dying or severely injured, including my victim clients. I am sad to say that this comes as no surprise. This is the way Bonnie and Clyde operate. Selfish greed and the rest of us be damned.”
Flashback: Clinton blood scandal exposed in new film, Oct. 30, 2005 – Tainted blood, AIDS
The Clinton Foundation has been referred to as a slush fund Bill & Hill Clinton have used to enrich themselves. As far as my research into the issue of Clinton’s email legal problems, she is the first presidential candidate in history, a presumptive nominee of her morally and ethically bankrupt political party, to be under an official criminal investigation by the FBI. Not the first major party presumptive nominee with a vagina, but under criminal investigation by the FBI.
Hillary the Hun is also soft on Muslims & Islam regardless of how many they murder on this globe and right here in America: Hillary’s State Dept. Blocked Investigation into Orlando Killer’s Mosque – Further proof Hillary fueled rise of ISIS . A must read: Hillary’s Huge Libya Disaster by U.S. Navy Rear Admiral Charles R. Kubic, Ret. Putting that wretched witch in the position of Commander in Chief would be absolute lunacy.
Donald Trump, the GOPs presumptive nominee has been treated like dirt by GOP elites who don’t give a damn about what voters want. The incoming from GOP establishment individuals (think loser Mitt Romney) as well as Republicans in elected offices refusing to endorse their own presumptive nominee has been something I’ve never seen before. For an individual who brought more votes in during the primary season than any other Republican from all walks of life to be treated the way Trump has by his own party should prove to voters just what and who GOP elites care about and it isn’t them.
Paul Ryan should never have become Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives. He’s just the new rat who took over from former crook, Johnny Wino Boehner. Paul Ryan is a dirty operator who has NEVER introduced a single bill to cure the cancers eating away at our economy, the illegals invasion, unconstitutional spending or anything else. Paul Ryan is owned by the anti-American U.S. Chamber of Commerce and corporate America. Yet, he is leading a perfectly good challenger in his primary race by a 93%-7% margin. That primary is August 7th.
What in the hell is the matter with the people in Paul Ryan’s district? I can tell you. They have NO understanding of key issues like the disabilities of our monetary system, what ‘free’ trade has done to this country, why Muslims should never have been allowed in this country (nothing to do with bigotry), the true nature of the federal ‘income’ tax and where it goes plus much more. One of the reasons I wrote my new book, Taking Politics Out of Solutions, coming out in a few weeks. [An image of my new book should be just to the left of this page] If Paul Ryan supporters read my book they would run Ryan out of town on a rail.
It wasn’t bad enough Paul Ryan wouldn’t endorse Trump immediately following Trump’s victory going over the top to obtain the required number of delegates, but his latest threat is simply extraordinary.
Trump has said there should be an immediate ban on Muslims coming into this country because we don’t know who they are or any other verifiable information about them. They also lie to get into this country. Think San Bernadino killer’s wife.
I was in my hotel room in Denver when I turned on FOX and saw what was unfolding in Orlando, Florida. I wasn’t surprised but I was sickened by the carnage. No, it wasn’t Baptists, Presbyterians, Methodists, Catholics or Jews. Once again it was a Muslim. I won’t say radicalized Muslim because Islam is exactly what we saw in Orlando. Nothing but hatred and savage violence throughout the history of that alleged religion.
“But the truth is that Islam is not the name of a ‘Religion’, nor is ‘Muslim’ the title of a ‘Nation’. In reality Islam is a revolutionary ideology and programme which seeks to alter the social order of the whole world and rebuild it in conformity with its own tenets and ideals. ‘Muslim’ is the title of that International Revolutionary Party organized by Islam to carry into effect its revolutionary programme. And ‘Jihad’ refers to that revolutionary struggle and utmost exertion which the Islamic Party brings into play to achieve this objective.”
There’s been a lot of speculation the killer was a sexual deviant. Who knows? He married females twice and fathered a child. We know during the time he held hostages he texted ‘Love you, babe’ to his wife. Several women have stepped forward and said he hounded them for dates; one woman said she blocked him from her social media because she felt he was stalking her. Every American he slaughtered at that night club or injured was a human being, not a sexual preference. Every one of them cut down and all the injured were innocent regardless of what kind of night club it was.
The killer made known his motivation: ‘I Did It for ISIS’: Orlando Terrorist Spoke to News Station During Attack. The killer’s history of spouting off his hatred in the workplace is well documented, just like the Ft. Hood murderer. Nothing was done because both are Muslims. My personal opinion is it had nothing to do with the killer seeing two men kissing as his father tried to put forth as an excuse. It had everything to do with that toxic belief system called Islam. Yes, even though pedophilia and pederasty is rampant in countries like Afghanistan, Muslims believe sexual deviants should be put to death and it’s done on a regular basis.
However, Muslims are forbidden alcohol. Maybe the killer chose a night club because they serve alcohol although he was known to booze it up. We know for a fact the killer and his wife were casing Disney World: Disney Warned FBI about Mateen, Wife back in April as they Cased Theme Park Resort for Potential Attack. It was easier to hit the night club because it was a gun-free zone where a lot of people were corralled in one place at the same time. Trying to get into Disney World with weapons would have been close to impossible unless it was a bomb that could be assembled.
Both Barry Soetoro (Obama) and that old fool Joe Biden, attended memorial services for those killed in Orlando. I always thought a president (which we do not have since Obama usurped the office) and VP were not to appear in the same place at the same time because of assassination concerns – except at the State of the Union address. I guess Orlando was more important than attending the funeral of Colleen Hufford, the woman in Moore, Oklahoma, who was beheaded by a Muslim in September 2014. I suppose had she been a lesbian Soetoro would have been there with flowers fake tears.
There’s been a million words written already on the Internet about what happened, who the killer was and other threads. Below are ones I feel are worthy of reading. I provide them for anyone interested. If you didn’t know, the killer was a registered Democrat who legally purchased the guns he use to commit mass murder.
* Philip Haney: Orlando Shooting ‘Remarkably Similar’ to San Bernardino, ‘There’s a Lot of Overlap in the Two Networks’
* Hannity on DHS whistleblower revelations: ‘This is unconscionable’
[Just a short note about 9/11 and Smart Electric Meeters. The cost of America’s undeclared “war” (invasion) in Afghanistan has now reached $1 trillion borrowed dollars – massive debt heaped on us all based on what happened on 9/11. Regular readers of my column know I continue to press for the truth about the events of 9/11. Military grade nanothermite is not a conspiracy theory. It was found and tested from the rubble at the twin towers. A new, powerful film has been released: The Anatomy of a Great Deception. Just released: New Expanded Global Edition. For full disclosure I receive no compensation, but I want you to get a copy (or a few) and share it with others or give a copy as a present. I’ve purchased half a dozen copies and given them to individuals I believe seek the truth. It’s very powerful simply because it’s one ‘ordinary’ man’s story who ask a simple question that led him to a not so simple journey. There is factual information in this film that many have never heard about but everyone should. Just a suggestion, order more than one and give one to a friend. Also, must see video on the dangers of Smart Meeters on your home, titled: Take Back Your Power.]
© 2016 – NewsWithViews.com and Devvy – All Rights Reserved
TREASON: Aiding and abetting an enemy. This is treason in my opinion. Obama and Jeh Johnson, head of Fatherland Security should be indicted along with any others involved. Obama said we would never be at war with Islam, but by God, Muslims are at war with America. And now the blood runs on American streets and in soft targets like a night club.
• DHS ordered me to scrub records of Muslims with terror ties
• Homeland Security pushes to ban words ‘sharia’ and ‘jihad
G. Edward Griffin: This Story Could Be the Smoking Gun For All False-Flag Ops
The impostor president who has used FIVE aliases. How many other U.S. presidents have ever used one alias, never mind five? None.
Obama deliberately ‘dismantling’ America’s defenses – ‘If we don’t face this truth voluntarily, we’ll eventually face it involuntarily’
• Afghanistan Migration Surging into America; 99% Support Sharia Law
• Orlando terrorist connected to radical Muslim cleric who was released from prison last year after he converted 36 people in jail and ‘runs a website used to dispense his teachings’
• Florida prosecutor suspended for Facebook post following Orlando shooting
• Obama’s FBI Shrugs off Mateen, But Red Flags Were Everywhere
• Homeland Security worried ‘right wing extremists’ pose same threat
• TAKE QURAN ‘OR DIE’: MAN MAKES TERROR THREATS IN TEXAS ‘Anyone who touches me is going to bleed’
* Time To Close All Mosques In The US
• Islamic Speaker Admits: Killing Gays is a Belief Held by ‘Moderate Muslims’
• 441 Syrian Refugees Admitted to USA Since Orlando Attack
• Sessions – ‘Dictator’ Obama Flooding Rural Towns w/Muslims
• FLASHBACK: Paul Ryan Fully Funds Obama’s Visas for 300,000 Muslim Migrants in Single Year
• Feds spend $20,000 to settle EACH refugee. Eligible for cash welfare, Medicaid, food stamps – every penny borrowed debt since the people’s purse is overdrawn $19 TRILLION dollars.
Loretta Lynch, that foul piece of baggage serving as our Attorney General: “Partial Transcript” Of Orlando 911 Calls Will Have References To Islamic Terrorism Removed
‘Islamic refugee’ caught in U.S. with gas-pipeline plans
Politically correct fools who don’t understand the term Trojan Horse: Southern Baptists split with Trump on Muslim refugees. As for them being displaced from their homelands, WE are paying for the so-called rebels in Syria who don’t want peace. All borrowed money to fund killers who didn’t like the outcome of an election.
The ignorant in the media, dumb, stupid politicians and civilians continue to demand a ban on assault weapons because of Orlando:
Despite What You’ve Heard, the Orlando Terrorist Did Not Use an AR-15 in Attack
“The terrorist was actually armed with a Sig Sauer MCX carbine. Bearing Arms’ Bob Owens has more details about the firearm and how it relates to an AR-15: The rifle used by the Islamist terrorist in Orlando was instead a Sig Sauer MCX carbine, a modular, multi-caliber (able to swap to different calibers, including 5.56 NATO, 300 BLK, and 7.62×39) rifle system that sometimes utilizes STANAG magazines common to more than 60 different firearms, but otherwise has no major parts that interface with AR-15s in any way, shape or form.”
Paul Ryan is pro-amnesty for cheap labor for his masters. He wants to reward 25-30 million liars, cheats, thieves, rapists, murderers and those who steal the identity of Americans to obtain jobs illegally or by using black market social security numbers making the lives of Americans hell. That would be illegal aliens. He’s pro-Muslim and like the criminal impostor in the White House, Paul Ryan doesn’t give a damn about American lives.
‘Muslims are our partners’: Paul Ryan wallops Trump as he insists U.S. battle is ‘not a war with Islam’ – What BS. He’s simply parroting what the fraud in the White House has been yapping for almost eight years.
Ryan turned his guns on Trump after Orlando:
Paul Ryan threatens to sue Trump over immigration ban
“House Speaker Paul Ryan was the latest to criticize Trump’s border plans, telling the Huffington Post just this week that he would actually consider suing the billionaire businessman if he won the White House and pressed forward with that border control. “I would sue any president that exceeds his or her powers,” Ryan said, expressing doubt that Trump’s border suggestion was legal, as Talking Points Memo wrote.
“Ryan went on: “That’s a legal question that there’s a good debate about. On the broader question, are we going to exert our Article I powers and reclaim this Article I power no matter who the president is? Absolutely.”
Since when did Paul Ryan suddenly have any respect for the U.S. Constitution? We know ISIS and other Muslim zealots have infiltrated refugee movements and to think they won’t come here is rank stupidity. Paul Ryan doesn’t give a damn about American lives whether in danger from illegal aliens or Muslims. Now he’s threatening to sue a potential president from his own party for common sense who wants to protect the people of this country.
ISIS recruiters in U.S., hunting teen girls
Legal experts say the courts would strike down such a ban. Other legal experts say it is constitutional. I haven’t read anything in the U.S. Constitution which gives anyone the ‘right’ to come to this country. If there is an individual or group that represents a danger to the people of America, why would we let them in? Muslims are taught to lie to advance their quest for world domination and jihad. Hide what’s in their hearts until they can build up their numbers. For God’s sake, look at Europe. Remember this one:
Offended Muslims erupt on school board, September 22, 2015
“A school-board meeting in New Jersey descended into chaos when a room full of angry Muslim parents were denied a last-minute request by its members. Tempers were so raw last Thursday when the Jersey City Board of Education decided not to close schools for the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha that officials had to order security to ‘take charge.’ The holiday falls on Sept. 24. ‘We’re going to be the majority soon!’ said one woman into a microphone, WNBC-TV reported Sept. 17…
“The speaker’s statement echoed a top Islamic preacher, Sheikh Muhammad Ayed, who said during a recent sermon at Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa mosque of Muslims taking root in America and Europe, “We will breed children with them, because we shall conquer their countries – whether you like it or not,” WND reported.”
And this one: Saudi-born Muslim infiltrated Navy, leaked plans to sink new U.S. aircraft carrier, 2015
“A Naval engineer was charged Friday with trying to leak drawings of the military’s new aircraft carrier to the Egyptian government, not knowing that he was dealing with an undercover FBI agent. Federal authorities alleged in court filings that Mostafa Ahmed Awwad, 35, of Yorktown, Va., gave computer drawings of the USS Gerald R. Ford to an agent posing as an Egyptian intelligence officer and talked about where to shoot the vessel to sink it. He was charged with attempted exportation of defense articles and technical data and was ordered held after an initial appearance Friday in federal district court in Norfolk.”
We are importing death and destruction while Paul Ryan and his ilk turn a blind eye. Americans have two choices in November. They can vote for a morally bankrupt CROOK who doesn’t give a damn about minorities or anyone else in this country. Bill & Hillary live nearly as good as Saudi royals while she pretends to care for the working people in this country. Hillary’s actions speak louder than her campaign BS. The only thing Hillary Clinton cares about is how much money and power she can obtain before she drops dead.
Or, Donald Trump, a man who has been in the public eye for well over thirty years and was never called a racist until he decided to run against the Democratic/Communist Party USA. A man who wears a bullet proof vest traveling around this country with a message and how he wants to turn things around.
I think Paul Ryan hates Donald Trump because, think what you will about him, Trump is a fighting man. Paul Ryan is a perfumed sissy in bed with Barack Obama who won’t fight him down and dirty. Why would he? The two parties are like two wings on the same bird of prey.
Carroll Quigley, Bill Clinton’s mentor wrote in his 1966 book Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time:
“The chief problem of American political life for a long time has been how to make the two Congressional parties more national and international. The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can “throw the rascals out” at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy. The policies that are vital and necessary for America are no longer subjects of significant disagreement, but are disputable only in details of procedure, priority, or method …..Then it should be possible to replace it, every four years if necessary, by the other party, which will be none of these things but will still pursue, with new vigor, approximately the same basic policies.
Ryan is carrying out the agenda of global elites that will destroy this country. Trump says no, we’re not going to take it anmore. How about you?
[Just a short note about 9/11 and Smart Electric Meeters. The cost of America’s undeclared “war” (invasion) in Afghanistan has now reached $1 trillion borrowed dollars – massive debt heaped on us all based on what happened on 9/11. Regular readers of my column know I continue to press for the truth about the events of 9/11. Military grade nanothermite is not a conspiracy theory. It was found and tested from the rubble at the twin towers. A new, powerful film has been released: The Anatomy of a Great Deception. Just released: New Expanded Global Edition. For full disclosure I receive no compensation, but I want you to get a copy (or a few) and share it with others or give a copy as a present. I’ve purchased half a dozen copies and given them to individuals I believe seek the truth. It’s very powerful simply because it’s one ‘ordinary’ man’s story who ask a simple question that led him to a not so simple journey. There is factual information in this film that many have never heard about but everyone should. Just a suggestion, order more than one and give one to a friend. Also, must see video on the dangers of Smart Meeters on your home, titled: Take Back Your Power.]
© 2016 – NewsWithViews.com and Devvy – All Rights Reserved
Several years ago I wrote three columns people found horrifying. Tons of email from readers who just cannot understand how people can commit such heinous acts upon others.
• The Killing Fields of America, 10-20-12
• The Killing Fields of America – Infants, babies, teens, 11-16-12
• Killing Fields of America – The Deadliest Of The Deadly, 3-12-13
The amount of savage violence in this country every day does shock people when you put together a list a mile long. Since I wrote those columns, nothing has changed. The nightly news might have a story once a week or so about a murder, but looking at a collection from all over the country really drives home how uncivilized a country we’ve become.
There is a sickness covering this country one can read about everyday of the week:
Mother, 52, sentenced to 20 years in prison for prostituting her two mentally disabled teenage daughters for $5 bills to support her crack cocaine habit
Teen girl’s body found stuffed under sink. Killed by her ex-boyfriend. She was 15. Her killer raped and murdered her and recorded the audio which police found. Karen Perez begged for her life. A beautiful young girl’s life snuffed out by an animal.
This final column is about the massive epidemic of animal cruelty in this country. Now, some people will say, so what and who cares, they’re just dogs or cats or horses. Well, I care and the reason for what’s going on is damned important.
Like the three columns above, it’s very painful for me to do this type of research (the photos are agonzing) and write about it. My beautiful, sweet West Highland Terrier, Miss Muffin, died May 13th from massive kidney failure. There was no way to save my baby girl. I miss her so much. And yet, look what people in this country do in huge numbers to the helpless when people like me just want five more minutes with our muggers:
• Horrific note left on top of Fox the Pomeranian who was found dead with 10 cracked ribs, a broken spine and missing teeth: We beat it 2 death lol HAHAHA!’
• Woman arrested for ‘drowning 3-week-old puppy in airport bathroom’ after she was told she couldn’t bring it on the plane
• Former NFL player Terrence Cody jailed for nine months after starving dog to death
• Hunt is on for ruthless dog abuser who doused pit bull named Zeus with gasoline and left him with burns so severe the pup had to be put down
• Landscaper Gets Year In Prison For Running Over Family Of Ducks With Lawnmower
• Horrific pictures of turtle bludgeoned to death with a GOLF CLUB while laying her eggs in a bunker
• Adorable puppies abandoned in a box with their umbilical cords still attached make swift recovery as carers prepare them for adoption – Ten puppies abandoned in dumpster
• Minn. deputy pleads guilty to drunkenly beating K-9 partner
• Woman, 19, poisoned and then beat her family dog to death with a shovel and hammer claw before bragging about it to friends
• Shame on people who eat that stuff: Shocking footage shows female ducklings crushed to death while males have their beaks ‘snipped’ with white hot metal inside French foie gras factory
• Man tortures, kills dog that kept coming home
• Rescue dog saved from being put down is punched to death by its new owner just four days after adoption
• Man ‘killed German Shepherd puppy by putting it in dishwasher and dumping it in trash can’
• Heart-Wrenching Video Shows Starving Dog Burying Her 11 Puppies After Man Knowingly Left Them to Die in His Yard – a Memphis man willingly starved his dog and sat by while her 11 puppies died in his driveway.
• Teen girls shown in Twitter video putting helpless kitten in the microwave and turning it on
• $1,000 reward offered after fox terrier is stabbed and skinned alive in Detroit
• Horrific injuries of dog abandoned and abused for so long her collar is FIVE INCHES embedded in her neck and can’t be removed
• Meet Van Gogh, the puppy left to die by heartless dog fighters who cut off his ears
• Woman who left her six pets to die in her foreclosed house is jailed for a year. They ate garbage and furniture to try to stay alive. After the 2008 meltdown this was truly epidemic across the country.
• Police officer arrested for battering his 7-month old Jack Russell named Rocko and texting his girlfriend a picture of its body
• Beloved rescue horse Jolean dies in agony after mystery assailant injected her with gasoline
• 2 Florida horses left to die survive months eating wood, manure
• Man is arrested for ‘beheading two small puppies for fun’ and another is charged with stabbing golden retriever to death
• Cat survives after being impaled by thugs who decided to use him for target practice (arrow)
• Shocking moment two men chain up and abandon dog outside Wal-Mart, forcing it to chew off its own paw to escape the cold – freezing temperatures owners drove off; vets amputated her leg
Profile of the Sociopath:
Callousness/Lack of Empathy
Unable to empathize with the pain of their victims
Lack of remorse
Early Behavior Problems – aberrant behaviors such as cruelty to people or animals, stealing, etc.
12 Million Americans Are Sociopaths. “Psychologist Martha Stout – who – clinical instructor in psychiatry at Harvard Medical School for 25 years – estimates in her book The Sociopath Next Door that as many as 4% of the population are conscienceless sociopaths who have no empathy or affectionate feelings for humans or animals.”
If you read the first three columns at the top, every one of those killers is a sociopath and so are the ones who torture and kill animals. They are dangerous people and they walk among us.
Dogs are the most amazing of animals for too many reasons to go on about in this column. Cat lovers feel the same way. Our pets become part of our family. They comfort us in times of grief, they bring joy in their silly everyday antics. Dog, cat, horse, doesn’t matter. They’re our pets and we love them. It’s inconceivable to imagine how any man or woman can be so cruel to those most vulnerable. But look what has become of our culture over the past few decades. With abortion, a culture of death. The Ten Commandments mean nothing to an increasing secular society.
This type of mass killing and animal cruelty in all these columns was unheard of when I was growing up; the same for my parents generation. After doing some research on sociopaths, it appears it’s both biological and environmental. The key is in spotting the warning signs. Childhood trauma and a child raised in a dysfunctional home can contribute greatly to that child becoming a sociopath. With the destruction of the true family, mother and father, look at what’s become of our society and culture over the past few decades.
I believe animal cruelty classes should be mandatory for every classroom in this country starting at the kindergarten level. Little kids just love animals. Color books, story time – they want more. Having someone in the classroom with a dog or two or a dog and a cat makes them excited and want to learn more and interact. I know some humane societies in this country as well as animal groups give their time and energy to give presentations on a regular basis to the schools in their area – every year, but a few here and there isn’t enough. This madness is epidemic.
Teach those children that hurting animals is wrong and that kindness and love is what makes that child happy. Not violence like crutelty to animals. That they hurt when you hurt them. That they are innocent and not deserving of cruelty. That puppies or kittens do make potty mistakes but not because they do it on purpose but because they have to learn. In one of the links above the male (I won’t use man because a real man would never do such a thing) killed a puppy because it had poop problems. I truly believe if we as a society can do this it will make a big difference. I also believe animal cruelty classes should be given to all freshmen in high school just so they don’t forget and think things like organized dog fighting rings are cool. They are not.
The next time your school board has a public meeting, attend and bring up this horrible problem plaguing our country. I know it probably seems trivial to some, but it’s not. Too many serial killers started with senselessly killing dogs, cats, squirrels and enjoying it. Then they move on to humans.
While it’s politically incorrect to say such a thing, I also believe flushing the Ten Commandments down the toilet has had a huge, negative impact on this country. Look at the culture out there. Lying, stealing, cheating in politics and everywhere else it seems. Money is worshipped over morals. Kids killing a parent or both and a culture of death where life in this country has become cheap and of no consequence. 17-year old Tyler Hadley killed both of his parents (he beath them to death with a hammer) and had a party with about 40 kids while their dead bodies were still in the house. Those interviewed said Hadley complained his parents wouldn’t let him throw a party. A true sociopath as he felt no empathy for his parents and certainly ‘honor thy mother and father’ was foreign to him. Hadley nicknamed himself ‘the hammer’ in prison.
Change in our society can only reall come from we the people, one family and one child at a time if someone is willing to make the effort. When enough people say enough is enough and do something about it.
[Just a short note about 9/11 and Smart Electric Meeters. The cost of America’s undeclared “war” (invasion) in Afghanistan has now reached $1 trillion borrowed dollars – massive debt heaped on us all based on what happened on 9/11. Regular readers of my column know I continue to press for the truth about the events of 9/11. Military grade nanothermite is not a conspiracy theory. It was found and tested from the rubble at the twin towers. A new, powerful film has been released: The Anatomy of a Great Deception. Just released: New Expanded Global Edition. For full disclosure I receive no compensation, but I want you to get a copy (or a few) and share it with others or give a copy as a present. I’ve purchased half a dozen copies and given them to individuals I believe seek the truth. It’s very powerful simply because it’s one ‘ordinary’ man’s story who ask a simple question that led him to a not so simple journey. There is factual information in this film that many have never heard about but everyone should. Just a suggestion, order more than one and give one to a friend. Also, must see video on the dangers of Smart Meeters on your home, titled: Take Back Your Power.]
© 2016 – NewsWithViews.com and Devvy – All Rights Reserved
In Kelleigh Nelson’s May 21, 2016 column regarding Donald Trump, a VP candidate and meetings he’s had, she wrote: “The MSM, pundits, insiders, etc. are all speculating who will be Mr. Trump’s Vice President. Names have been bandied about. Articles have been written telling us who is on the short list. Grassroots folks get upset and nervous because they listen to this nonsense. ”
I know I’m not alone in being very concerned about some of the meetings Trump has had with RINOs. A disturbing one: meeting with dirty traitor, Henry Kissinger. Out of his evil mouth:
“Before the Freedom of Information Act, I used to say at meetings, ‘The illegal we do immediately; the unconstitutional takes a little longer.’ [laughter] But since the Freedom of Information Act, I’m afraid to say things like that.”
“In Haig’s presence, Kissinger referred pointedly to military men as “dumb, stupid animals to be used” as pawns for foreign policy. Kissinger often took up a post outside the doorway to Haig’s office and dressed him down in front of the secretaries for alleged acts of incompetence with which Haig was not even remotely involved. Once when the Air Force was authorized to resume bombing of North Vietnam, the planes did not fly on certain days because of bad weather. Kissinger assailed Haig. He complained bitterly that the generals had been screaming for the limits to be taken off but that now their pilots were afraid to go up in a little fog. The country needed generals who could win battles, Kissinger said, not good briefers like Haig.” Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, in The Final Days Ch. 14 [p. 194 in the paperback version (1995)]
Kissinger, member: Bilderberg, Tri-Lateral, Alfalfa Club, Pratt House, Pilgrims Society, Council on Foreign Relations. A short list of ‘secret’ societies that determine OUR future. All are staunch advocates of world government and the complete and total surrender of our sovereignty.
Moscow’s Man in Washington? – read. Something many of us have known for decades. Where there’s enough smoke you’ll find fire.
“On August 14, 1975, during a press conference at the Hyatt House in Birmingham, Alabama, Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger was asked a most embarrassing question. The reporter asked:
“Mr. Secretary, we received a report that a Colonel General Michael Goleniewski, who was a Polish Army intelligence officer in World War II, had identified a list of KGB and GRU agents and officers who have since been arrested, tried and convicted.
“The General. . . also identified you, Mr. Kissinger, as having worked for a Soviet intelligence network — code name ODRA — headquartered in Germany during World War II, at the same time you were a U.S. Army counter-interrogator and instructor in a military intelligence school. . .
“Is this true? And, if not, how do you explain your name being on General Goleniewski’s list?”
“With characteristic aplomb, a seemingly unruffled Secretary of State replied: “I don’t know who Colonel Goleniewski is, but I think he should be given the Pulitzer Prize for fiction”.
“But thereby hangs a tale — in fact, several of them.
“To begin with, as the nation’s top security man — the funnel and sieve for all intelligence data to and from Washington — Henry Kissinger surely did know who Colonel Goleniewski is.
“First, as we shall see, Goleniewski was one of the most important defectors from the Communist intelligence apparatus ever to reach our shores. His “debriefing” by the State Department and the CIA had taken years; in that time, Goleniewski had identified hundreds of double-agents and his record for accuracy was unmatched.
“Moreover, rumors about Kissinger’s recruitment by the KGB had been heard for years, and were the subject of hundreds, if not thousands, of inquiries to the State Department and the White House. It is hardly possible that Henry K — a man who collected gossip the way J. Paul Getty collected paintings — had not heard about them. ”
As for the supposed list of VP candidates, every single name I’ve read are poison. Chris Christie, the poster boy for sloth and gluttony. In April 2008, Christie, prostituted himself during a speech for votes at an event sponsored by the Latino Leadership Alliance of New Jersey assuring his audience illegal aliens were not really here illegally, but were simply “undocumented.” Yeah, those ‘undocumented’ folks who have killed (drunk drivers) and murdered more than 64,448 Americans since 9/11. THAT is a fact. How many coffins are enough, Gov?
Six Reasons Why Chris Christie is a Liberal in Drag
Add Christie signing on to the communist Common Core disaster. Out of his mouth: “Push Russia out of Middle East; establish US dominance.” And, pray tell Gov. Christie, where in the U.S. Constitution does it give Congress or any lawfully seated president the authority to push Russia or any other country out of a region to establish US dominance – which we do by killing countless thousands of innocent women and children?
I’ve seen the do-nothing, know nothing, Sen. Joni Ernst, tossed into the political salad mix. Ernst is just like the rest of the worthless senators occupying a seat. Never once has she even touched on the unconstitutional ‘Federal’ Reserve and the problem with fiat currency. There can be NO economic freedom or real prosperity until the privately owned, unconstitutional ‘Federal’ Reserve is abolished. Ernst made big hay saying, “I’ve castrated hogs so I know how to cut pork.” Well, whoop-dee-do, Mrs. Ernst. In the meantime all you’ve done is vote for unconstitutional spending while proposing Band Aids instead of cures. Trump has said he will not pander in his VP selection when queried about a female. I hope he sticks to that position. All the other names bandied about like Sen. Bob Corker make me ill.
The very notion of a dirty rat like Sean Hannity’s favorite buddy, globalist Newt Gingrich, being one heart beat from the Oval office is beyond frightening. Trump’s two main issues that catapulted him in the race are illegals and damnable ‘free’ trade treaties that have killed our three most important job sections: agriculture, manufacturing and industrial. Why on earth would Trump even consider the one man – with enormous help from Rush Limbaugh – who pushed through NAFTA so that unconstitutional ‘agreement’ became ‘law’ under globalist Billy Clinton? Newt Gingrich is responsible for the loss of millions of jobs and hurting tens of thousands working families in this country who lost their jobs under NAFTA. One does notice chubbs, that would be Newt, hasn’t missed many meals.
“Newt Gingrich sold out this country decades ago with his votes. Besides being a serial adulterer and ethically bankrupt [1], Newt Gingrich is the global master’s trophy boy. He hopes the Republicans take control of Congress in November because there’s no doubt in my mind, Gingrich is out to be president of these united States of America. We can never let that happen. Do you know Newt was caught on tape saying the ridiculous “Contract with America” was nothing but a PR tool for incoming freshmen members of Congress? Yes, that’s a fact. They were obtained by Roll Call. Old Newt pulled a fast one on faithful conservatives. His votes killed MILLIONS of jobs and sent them south of the border and overseas.
“On November 13, 1996, I spoke with the Washington, DC based Roll Call to confirm the quote below from a popular magazine for conservatives that ran in their November 1996 issue. Roll Call confirmed to me during our phone conversation that they did indeed have these tapes and that there was much more on these confidential tapes they managed to acquire and would be printing it in their newspaper.
“House Speaker New Gingrich has admitted that a hidden motive behind his ‘Contract With America’ two years ago was to control the large and stridently conservative freshman class that was expected to come into the house with the 1994 mid-term elections. ‘Nobody fully understand this,’ Gingrich explained in confidential tapes obtained by Roll Call, ‘but if you think of the Contract with America, it was, in fact, a training implementation document masquerading as a public relations device…It was designed as a training implementation document for the freshmen when they arrived…It was guaranteed that from election day through April, early April, that the House Republican Party would have to behave in a deviant manner from what it would morally be expected to do.”
Newt Gingrich is a slick, deceitful political animal. The so-called Contract with America was a lie, a farce. The Grand Old Party thinks so much of your loyalty, they treat you like cattle. Mislead you, lie to you, feed you, medicate you with ‘free prescription drugs’ (that program is now $22.3 TRILLION dollars in unfunded mandates) and herd you into the desired direction using phony, glitzy headline grabbers, i.e. the Contract with America. Gingrich plays the big historian every time on Hannity’s show. A real statesman, blah, blah, blah. The fact that Sean Hannity damn near worships Newt should tell you how fact challenged Hannity is on issues, who by the way thinks another ‘Contract for America’ is a good idea.
Newt Gingrich: Globalist “Conservative” as Trump VP? “However, Gingrich says he has not been formally approached by Trump on the matter. “You should never turn down an opportunity until it shows up,” said Gingrich said during an appearance in Chicago on Friday. “Why would I want to say ‘no’ to the circus? I like circuses,” Gingrich added, according to the Chicago Tribune.” Circus? Do read the article at the link above and here’s another quote:
“A more reliable (and honest) analyst would point out that Gingrich is considered toxic by a significant number of genuine and informed conservative Republicans because they remember he was the “chief strategist” for the “Republican Revolution” that ratified much of President Bill Clinton’s Big Government revolution, in particular NAFTA, the World Trade Organization (WTO), and illegal alien amnesty. Gingrich and his liberal-left, internationalist supporters, however, know that most voters will not remember Gingrich’s record, but will be mesmerized by his rhetoric. The always glib and glabrous Gingrich has reinvented himself more often than rock diva Madonna and more radically than Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner. He moves back and forth with seamless ease across the political spectrum and across bipartisan lines, denouncing liberal Democrats on the one hand (to the glee of conservative Republicans) while simultaneously on the other hand working with Nancy Pelosi, Al Gore, Barack Obama, Al Sharpton, Howard Dean, and others of the same ilk, helping promote their Big Government agendas.”
Newt Gingrich as VP Would Bring a Big “China Problem” to Team Trump
“Trump hasn’t softened his rhetoric on China since then. However, while Trump has been building a case against business-as-usual with Beijing, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (shown above in China in 1997), reportedly one of his top candidates for a running mate, has been building business relationships and mergers with the communist dictatorship. Gingrich is a “senior adviser” to Dentons-Dechang, the world’s largest law firm and a major lobbying force and merger/acquisition operator for the People’s Republic of China (PRC). When he gave interviews in Chicago on May 12 regarding his potential VP selection, it was from the Dentons offices at Chicago’s Willis Tower.
“Appearing there with him was Howard Dean, the former Vermont Democratic governor, former Democratic presidential candidate, and former chairman of the Democratic National Committee. Like Gingrich, Dean, the ultra-progressive Democrat, is a senior adviser to the globalist law firm. Another politician who has been recruited for the same elite stable is former Canadian Liberal Party prime minister Jean Chretien.
“Chinese Lawyers Must Swear Allegiance to Communist Party” – do read. Lie down with dogs, get up with fleas.
I know Trump is close to Senator Jeff Sessions. Mr. Milk Toast has never, like Joni Ernst, ever breathed any constitutional solutions in all the years Sessions has been parked in the senate. Demand an end to the unconstitutional ‘Federal’ Reserve, getting rid of unconstitutional cabinets like the Federal Dept. of Education, EPA and others nor has he led any effort to impeach rotten, activist judges on the federal bench. Sessions did nothing to stop the nomination of Sonia Sotomayor to the U.S. Supreme Court who should be in a federal prison:
• GOP Senators Ignore Sotomayor’s Criminal Activities
• Sotomayor’s confirmation vote rescheduled – here’s why
• Justice Sotomayor: Tax Evasion, Perjury – What Did Obama Know And When?
I know talk around the cesspool called the ‘beltway’ is Trump meeting with Republicans is an effort to unite a corrupt political machine, the Republican Party. I wish Trump could sit down with some constitutionalists who’ve been in the trenches for decades and go over the players, their voting records and agendas.
In a recent column I said my choice for VP would be Sen. Mike Lee of Utah. I know, he supports a con-con, but that isn’t his decision, it’s the decision of state legislatures and it’s up to us to make sure they don’t jump on that toxic bandwagon. Lee is about the closest you can get to a constitutional advocate. But, that will never happen. This is what Lee thinks about Trump, May 11, 2016: “He scares me to death; so does Hillary Clinton. There is no easy choice right now.”
So, when push comes to shove, I hope Kelleigh is right regarding a VP pick. A retired military officer would be fine with me as long as he has never been a member of the CFR or any other ‘secret’ society and is NOT for ‘perpetual war for peace’ while the bankers keep getting richer with each bombing run.
[Editors Note: I believe that Donald Trump has met with the establishment hierarchy for one reason only, to neutralize their hostility toward him as much as possible, and to grease the skids to his nomination and election as our 45th president.]
[Just a short note about 9/11 and Smart Electric Meeters. The cost of America’s undeclared “war” (invasion) in Afghanistan has now reached $1 trillion borrowed dollars – massive debt heaped on us all based on what happened on 9/11. Regular readers of my column know I continue to press for the truth about the events of 9/11. Military grade nanothermite is not a conspiracy theory. It was found and tested from the rubble at the twin towers. A new, powerful film has been released: The Anatomy of a Great Deception. Just released: New Expanded Global Edition. For full disclosure I receive no compensation, but I want you to get a copy (or a few) and share it with others or give a copy as a present. I’ve purchased half a dozen copies and given them to individuals I believe seek the truth. It’s very powerful simply because it’s one ‘ordinary’ man’s story who ask a simple question that led him to a not so simple journey. There is factual information in this film that many have never heard about but everyone should. Just a suggestion, order more than one and give one to a friend. Also, must see video on the dangers of Smart Meeters on your home, titled: Take Back Your Power.]
© 2016 – NewsWithViews.com and Devvy – All Rights Reserved
The criminal impostor in the White House told voters in 2008 he was going to ‘fundamentally transform’ this country. How the foolish and deceived not only believed him, they thought it was a good idea! Since then we’ve seen nothing but one morally bankrupt action by that homosexual deviant ever since.
Of course, Barry Soetoro aka Obama, has been vocally supported by the equally morally bankrupt in the Outlaw Congress as well as cheerleaders – notably from the sewer called Hollywood – supporting this new ‘civil right’ called transgenderism.
Bruce Jenner really got the ball rolling when he ‘came out’ and declared he’s a woman. A couple of bags sewn into his chest, some lipstick and claims he is now a woman. Why, the amount of publicity given to his proclamation of ‘gender identity’ one would think he found the cure for cancer! According to reports, he (not she) still hasn’t gone ‘all the way’. Translated he still has male plumbing.
It doesn’t matter if Bruce Jenner does 100 interviews with Diane Sawyer. His DNA is male and male he remains until he leaves this earth. The same scientific FACT applies to females who want to ‘transition’ to male. They might mutilate their bodies, but their DNA doesn’t lie. I must add this is NOT about hate or any of the other smear labels, it’s about science.
Princeton Prof: Transgenderism Not Scientific, ‘Superstitious Belief’ – Robert P. George, McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence at Princeton. “A noted Princeton University professor has attacked the very notion of transgenderism, saying that the belief “that a woman can be trapped inside a man’s body” is ludicrous and superstitious, with no basis in medical fact.”
American College of Pediatricians: Gender Ideology Harms Children
“No one is born with a gender. Everyone is born with a biological sex. Gender (an awareness and sense of oneself as male or female) is a sociological and psychological concept; not an objective biological one. No one is born with an awareness of themselves as male or female; this awareness develops over time and, like all developmental processes, may be derailed by a child’s subjective perceptions, relationships, and adverse experiences from infancy forward. People who identify as “feeling like the opposite sex” or “somewhere in between” do not comprise a third sex. They remain biological men or biological women. 2,3,4
” A person’s belief that he or she is something they are not is, at best, a sign of confused thinking. When an otherwise healthy biological boy believes he is a girl, or an otherwise healthy biological girl believes she is a boy, an objective psychological problem exists that lies in the mind not the body, and it should be treated as such. These children suffer from gender dysphoria. Gender dysphoria (GD), formerly listed as Gender Identity Disorder (GID), is a recognized mental disorder in the most recent edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association (DSM-V).5 The psychodynamic and social learning theories of GD/GID have never been disproved. 2,4,5″
Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist: Transgender is ‘Mental Disorder;’ Sex Change ‘Biologically Impossible’ – very important read
“Dr. Paul R. McHugh, the former psychiatrist-in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital and its current Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry, said that transgenderism is a “mental disorder” that merits treatment, that sex change is “biologically impossible,” and that people who promote sexual reassignment surgery are collaborating with and promoting a mental disorder.
“Dr. McHugh, the author of six books and at least 125 peer-reviewed medical articles, made his remarks in a recent commentary in the Wall Street Journal, where he explained that transgender surgery is not the solution for people who suffer a “disorder of ‘assumption’” – the notion that their maleness or femaleness is different than what nature assigned to them biologically.
“He also reported on a new study showing that the suicide rate among transgendered people who had reassignment surgery is 20 times higher than the suicide rate among non-transgender people. Dr. McHugh further noted studies from Vanderbilt University and London’s Portman Clinic of children who had expressed transgender feelings but for whom, over time, 70%-80% “spontaneously lost those feelings.”
Naturally the sewers called public schools have jumped on the bandwagon as well as city officials.
Chicago Schools Force Students To Use Transgender Language
“Chicago Public Schools are telling employees – and even students – that they will be punished if they don’t use government-directed language when debating or talking about sex and gender. The new rules have gone all-in to push the “gender identity” ideology and transgender agenda by demanding that everyone in the school system must use the scientifically incorrect pronouns and made-up names preferred by a tiny minority of people who say they prefer to be treated as members of the opposite sex.”
Christian parents had better stand up and say no, you will NOT brainwash my child with agenda driven propaganda: Third Graders Forced To Read Transgender Book About ‘Boy in Dress’
NYC to Fine Businesses That Don’t Use Correct Gender Pronouns
“Businesses in New York City face fines under a new law that makes it a violation of someone’s human rights not to use their preferred “gender pronoun”. According to the New York City Commission on Human Rights, employees, landlords and businesses who refuse to refer to transgender people as terms such as “ze” and “hir” will be in violation of the New York City Human Rights Law. Violations include, “Intentional or repeated refusal to use an individual’s preferred name, pronoun or title. For example, repeatedly calling a transgender woman “him” or “Mr.” after she has made clear which pronouns and title she uses.”
Yes, they are LUNATICS, just like the CEOs of these stores. The boycott against Target is killing them.
Ross to Customers: Get Over Tranny Bathrooms
Target CEO Blames Climate Change, Not Bathroom Policy, for Hurting Sales – They’ve lost $6.9 BILLION in stock sales since allowing males into women’s bathrooms and changing rooms.
The illegitimate Soetoro/Obama administration claims every school in this country has to buckle under or be in violation of the 1964 Civil Rights Act – you know, the one Democrats in Congress OPPOSED:
“When the bill came before the full Senate for debate on March 30, 1964, the “Southern Bloc” of 18 southern Democratic Senators and one Republican Senator led by Richard Russell (D-GA) launched a filibuster to prevent its passage. [14] Said Russell: “We will resist to the bitter end any measure or any movement which would have a tendency to bring about social equality and intermingling and amalgamation of the races in our (Southern) states.” [15]
“The most fervent opposition to the bill came from Senator Strom Thurmond (D-SC): “This so-called Civil Rights Proposals, which the President has sent to Capitol Hill for enactment into law, are unconstitutional, unnecessary, unwise and extend beyond the realm of reason…On the morning of June 10, 1964, Senator Robert Byrd (D-W.Va.) completed a filibustering address that he had begun 14 hours and 13 minutes earlier opposing the legislation. Until then, the measure had occupied the Senate for 57 working days, including six Saturdays.”
Remember old Senator Robert Byrd? Served 51 years in the senate before he dropped dead. Old Senator Bob not only belonged to the Klu Klux Klan, he recruited for them. The Byrd also didn’t like black Americans:
“In December 1944, Byrd wrote to segregationist Mississippi Senator Theodore G. Bilbo: “I shall never fight in the armed forces with a negro by my side … Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds. —?Robert C. Byrd, in a letter to Sen. Theodore Bilbo (D-MS), 1944[13][20]
“In 1946, Byrd wrote a letter to a Grand Wizard stating, “The Klan is needed today as never before, and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia and in every state in the nation.” [21] Eventually that old fool changed his position about the ‘blackest specimen from the wilds”. Personally, I think he only did it for political reasons. But, I don’t really know what was in his heart, but God did the moment he took his last breath.
Getting back to the toilet, how did the liar-for-hire, White House spokesmouth, Josh Earnest (Oh, I just love that one!) put it:
“What reads like an order, sounds like an order and school officials across America interpret as an order is, in fact, only advice. That was the essence of comments that emerged from White House spokesman Josh Earnest Friday as state after state blazed with anger at a federal letter to schools regarding transgender access to bathrooms. “The guidance does not add additional requirements to the applicable law,” Earnest said. “The guidance does not require any student to use shared facilities when schools make alternate arrangements.”
Of course, along with that ‘advice’ comes the big stick: “However the document itself makes it clear that a condition of getting federal education aid is that a school comply with Title IX rules that ban discrimination according to sex, language the letter from the Departments of Justice and Education said means gender identity.” (This also means sports and sports locker rooms. Think about that.)
So, all across this country little girls and teen aged girls will be subjected to men 18, 20, 40 or 60 pulling out their penis in front of them should those males decide they want to be a female that day. And, what did one rag newspaper say about that?
Charlotte Observer: Girls must overcome ‘discomfort’ of seeing ‘male genitalia’ in locker rooms
“This is what the Obama administration nudged the rest of the country toward Friday,” the editorial said. “Yes, the thought of male genitalia in girls’ locker rooms — and vice versa — might be distressing to some. But the battle for equality has always been in part about overcoming discomfort — with blacks sharing facilities, with gays sharing marriage — then realizing it was not nearly so awful as some people imagined.”
“While admitting that exposure to male genitalia is a possible outcome of transgender bathroom laws, the editorial said the notion that such laws constitute a threat to the privacy and safety of women and children is a “political fiction” pushed by Republicans. “Those safety issues are political fiction — non-transgender men wouldn’t have been allowed in women’s bathrooms under the Charlotte ordinance that HB 2 killed, and the 200 or so cities with similar ordinances have had no incidents involving bathroom predators,” the editorial said.” Really? Just wait.
Start with schools and blackmail them by withholding federal funds. Move on to the next: Obama Admin Rule Forces Hospitals, Doctors Accepting Federal Funds to Provide Gender Transition Services and Abortions. Now those of us who are fiercely opposed to killing unborn babies and this psycho-babble about ‘gender transition’ will be forced to pay for it. Willfully choosing to mutilate your body because you have mental health issues is NOT a civil right.
Obama and his morally depraved minions know they can’t outright force the states to do anything — unless they threaten to withhold federal funds. Remember what killed Hildebeast Hillary’s attempt to hijack health care back in 1993 when she was co-president? The Zellman memo was obtained under the Freedom of Information Act in an effort to find out what went on in those secret health care meetings:
“Memorandum for Walter Zellman from Sallyanne Payton, clearly marked: Preliminary Draft for Official Use Only. Do Not Quote or Release For Any Purpose, page 4, Health Care Task Reform under Hillary Clinton. Please note these sections:
“(b) may the federal government use other actors in the governmental system and the private sector as its agents and give them orders as though they were parts of a prefectorial system? The short answer is “no.” State governments are independent, although subordinated, sovereignties, not subdivisions of the federal government.
“Although the federal government may regulate many of their functions directly [as well, for example, it subjects state water districts to the Clean Water Act], it may not require them to exercise their own governmental powers in a manner dictated by federal law. The states may be encouraged, bribed or threatened into entering into joint federal state programs of various sorts, from unemployment insurance to Medicaid; but they may not be commanded directly to use their own governmental apparatus in the service of federal policy. There is a modest jurisprudence of the Tenth Amendment that seems to have settled on this proposition. See the DOJ [Dept. of Justice] memorandum for a fuller elaboration.”
Those morally bankrupt cretins in Washington, DC know they would never get a bill through the Outlaw Congress so they are trying to circumvent the Constitution by hiding behind the 1964 Civil Rights Act for a mental health issue. And, using the one area of funding everyone supports: schools.
“Another not unimportant consideration is that the powers of the general government will be, and indeed must be, principally employed upon external objects, such as war, peace, negotiations with foreign powers and foreign commerce. In its internal operations it can touch but few objects, except to introduce regulations beneficial to the commerce, intercourse and other relations, between the states, and to lay taxes for the common good. The powers of the states, on the other hand, extend to all objects, which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, and liberties, and property of the people, and the internal order, improvement and prosperity of the state.” –Joseph Story, associate justice, U.S. Supreme Court, Commentaries on the Constitution, 1833
So, here we are again. States are fighting back, forced to use precious financial resources to fight the slime in Washington, DC over an issue that should never have become one in the first place. Jurisdiction is a very important area most Americans know nothing about because it’s no longer, by design, taught in the government indoctrination centers they call schools. This is an excellent starting point for learning.
Starnes: We must defy Obama’s transgender decree — no matter the cost
“Texas Gov. Greg Abbott vowed to fight the Obama administration’s decree, telling a gathering of Republicans, “Obama is turning bathrooms into courtroom issues.” “Our country is in crisis and Texas must lead the way forward,” he said. Abbott said he is working alongside the embattled governor of North Carolina “and we are going to fight back.”
” One of the most forceful rebukes came from Tennessee Congresswoman Diane Black. “I believe the Obama administration is now directly responsible for endangering our students,” she said. “It is worth nothing that this directive does not carry the force of law – and I would encourage Tennessee school officials to continue following their consciences.”…
“Every parent, every school board in America should absolutely refuse to sacrifice the safety of their children for the threat of taking away nine federal pennies that make up every educational dollar,” he said. Resist! That’s the message from Penny Young Nance, president of Concerned Women for America.
“The left always uses children to accomplish its goals of social reengineering,” she said. “The adults closest to these children should decide what’s best for all the children in the school. Safety and kindness should be the guiding principles, not threats from the bullies in Washington.”
“The time has come for all Americans to stand up and defy this president’s immoral agenda. If losing federal funding is the price we must pay to protect women and children – then so be it. We will not betray what we know to be true for the government’s 30 pieces of silver.”
State Leaders Oppose Obama Administration On Transgender Access: “Eight states — West Virginia, Arizona, Kansas, Nebraska, Texas, Utah, Maine and North Carolina — have signed on to challenge a federal appeals court ruling in a dispute in which the Obama administration used the same logic for its edict to schools as the foundation for the legal argument requiring a Virginia school to allow a transgendered student access to female locker rooms.”
Will Americans stand up and protect their daughters and grand daughters? Do you want your daughter or grand daughter walking into a stall and finding some pervert whacking off (later to claim he felt like a she that day and it didn’t happen) or worse lying in wait? Contact your state legislators (house and senate) and tell them you will stand with them in fighting this evil agenda.
[Just a short note about 9/11 and Smart Electric Meeters. The cost of America’s undeclared “war” (invasion) in Afghanistan has now reached $1 trillion borrowed dollars – massive debt heaped on us all based on what happened on 9/11. Regular readers of my column know I continue to press for the truth about the events of 9/11. Military grade nanothermite is not a conspiracy theory. It was found and tested from the rubble at the twin towers. A new, powerful film has been released: The Anatomy of a Great Deception. Just released: New Expanded Global Edition. For full disclosure I receive no compensation, but I want you to get a copy (or a few) and share it with others or give a copy as a present. I’ve purchased half a dozen copies and given them to individuals I believe seek the truth. It’s very powerful simply because it’s one ‘ordinary’ man’s story who ask a simple question that led him to a not so simple journey. There is factual information in this film that many have never heard about but everyone should. Just a suggestion, order more than one and give one to a friend. Also, must see video on the dangers of Smart Meeters on your home, titled: Take Back Your Power.]
© 2016 – NewsWithViews.com and Devvy – All Rights Reserved
While all the nauseating hoopla such as Hillary the Hun fighting against the phony ‘war on women’ continues ad nauseum, the number one reason veterans and active duty must not vote for her in any primary or God forbid, in November: Benghazi.
That ‘criminal-in-waiting’ belongs in prison and not just for all the crooked financial dealings she and the pig she calls husband have engaged in for over three decades. That vile, foul woman unlawfully in violation of the U.S. Constitution held the office of Secretary of State from January 9, 2009 until February 1, 2013. Getting four Americans slaughtered in Libya is her crowning achievement.
Duties of a Secretary of State: “The Secretary of State, appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate, is the President’s chief foreign affairs adviser. The Secretary carries out the President’s foreign policies through the State Department, which includes the Foreign Service, Civil Service, and U.S. Agency for International Development.”
Hillary Clinton owns Benghazi. The obscene obstruction of trying to get to the truth by frothing at the mouth Demorats in the U.S. House has been right there for everyone to either read about or watch on the stupid tube [C-SPAN or FOX’s coverage] during committee hearings. Dirty racist Rep. Elijah Cummins [D] who sits on the Benghazi Committee has disrupted those hearings declaring it’s all a political witch hunt against Marxist Hillary Clinton and damn straight both she and Billy are; read The Marxist Influence.
There’s no question under her illegal stewardship she is guilty as hell for allowing the murder of U.S. Ambassador Stevens and four heroic Americans: Sean Smith, U.S. Foreign Service Information Management Officer and CIA contractors Tyrone S. Woods and Glen Doherty. Ten others were also injured in that attack on September 11, 2012.
The Benghazi Committee should have wrapped up their investigation long ago. I used to have a great deal of respect for chairman, Trey Gowdy [R-SC] but that changed with his endorsement of ineligible candidate, Marco Rubio, despite efforts to educate him on what ‘natural born citizen’ means. Gowdy has also come under fire for dragging out the Benghazi investigation. Gowdy correctly places blame on the piece of excrement in the White House and his illegitimate administration. But, Gowdy has tremendous power as Chairman of that Committee and he should have gone after Hildebeast and her co-conspirators like a warior instead of dancing around and playing nice.
EXCLUSIVE: Benghazi Investigation Committee Has Ignored Whistleblowers
Long arm of the law closing in on Hillary, Larry Klayman, April 10, 2015:
“Thursday, my organization, Freedom Watch, went where no congressional committee had the guts to go before: We took real action to get a federal court to immediately seize the hard drives of Hillary Clinton’s private email server. (See freedomwatchusa.org.)
“I asked the court to appoint a forensic expert to inspect and recreate the missing email evidence from Clintons’ tenure as secretary of state. We did this without any of the power or funding of Congress and without the years of delay on Capitol Hill. Forget about Trey Gowdy and the Government Oversight and Reform Committee. Unlike Gowdy, who has accomplished little to nothing and indeed dithered as Hillary was busy destroying evidence, we are not pursuing Hillary for show, but to uncover her illegal dough!”
I hope you take the time to read the column above. It’s just the tip of the iceberg in what clearly is a pattern of behavior known as ‘pay to play’. While Comrade Clinton was busy selling out the American people and hustling for the cash, Libya was becoming a hot bed of terrorists thanks to OUR government invading a sovereign country and murdering its head of state, Muammar Qaddafi. That’s right. While Qaddafi was most certainly a dictator, like Saddam Hussein (Iraq), he ran his country for the benefit of his people and accomplished things very few things Americans know anything about and could care less. Both Qaddafi and Hussein at least managed to keep warring factions and tribes in check.
Like Comrade Clinton’s famous words about Benghazi, “What difference does it make?”, she had these choice words about murdering Qaddafi and then cackled like a hen, “We came. We saw. He died.”
The results of one disastrous decision after another allegedly put forth by the criminal impostor in the White House, Barry Soetoro aka Obama, were carried out by Clinton as SOS has left both countries wallowing in terrorists and violence. And, now sissy men in America want to make Clinton Commander-in-Chief? A real man would never support such an incompetent pathological liar who redefines the word crook. As for her female supporters, they are nothing more than clingy, dependent women who want you to pay for their lifestyle.
Hillary Clinton lying for 13 minutes straight – 6,573,864 people have watched that You Tube clip. Like the pimp she’s married to and the criminal impostor in the White House, Hillary Rodham Clinton is a pathological liar in the extreme. A cockroach who should be in prison right along with her partner-in-cime, Billy boy.
Chairman Gowdy Responds to Public Allegations Made by Military Personnel Regarding the Benghazi Attacks, May 11, 2016
“The Select Committee is conducting a thorough, fact-centered investigation into what happened before, during, and after Benghazi, which means talking to the service members on the ground with firsthand knowledge is just as important as talking to the generals and admirals who command them. It is unfortunate some Obama administration political appointees think otherwise and have stonewalled our requests for certain witnesses. As a former federal prosecutor, I find it deeply troubling there are individuals who would like to share their stories, but have not because they are afraid of retaliation from their superiors. No one should be afraid of talking to their elected representatives in Congress.”
Gowdy has subpoena power. He used it to force testimony from Sidney Blumenthal, a very close friend of Hildebeast. So come on, Trey Gowdy. This investigation has been going on since May 8, 2014, when his committee was approved to operate. Subpoena generals, admirals, employees at the State Department and every damn political hack appointee under Obama you need to. Haul their butts in one after another in front of the world and grill them. Next week, not next year.
Hillary’s Latest Scandal: She And Bill Siphoned $100 Mil From Mideast Leaders
“The investigation by the Daily Caller News Foundation has uncovered a disturbing pattern of the Clintons’ raising money for the Clinton Foundation from regimes that have checkered records on human rights and that aren’t always operating in the best interests of the U.S. By the way, the $100 million we mentioned above doesn’t appear to include another $30 million given to the Clintons by two Mideast-based foundations and four billionaire Saudis. All told, it’s a lot of money.
“These regimes are buying access,” Patrick Poole, a national security analyst who regularly writes for PJ Media, told the DCNF. “You’ve got the Saudis. You’ve got the Kuwaitis, Oman, Qatar and the UAE (United Arab Emirates). There are massive conflicts of interest. It’s beyond comprehension.”
“Well, maybe not, given that Clinton, during her four-year tenure as secretary of state, used a clearly illegal private email server which is now under investigation by the FBI. Her open e-mail system likely was hacked by Chinese, Russian and perhaps other spy agencies, say cyberespionage experts. Such negligence would seem to disqualify her from ever holding a sensitive foreign policy post in the government again.
“Meanwhile, former U.S. Attorney Joseph E. diGenova told the Caller that he believes the FBI has launched a second, possibly more serious investigation into possible political corruption involving the Clinton Foundation. This is potentially explosive, given that the Clintons seem to have run their charity in a way that lines their own pockets.”
Newly Released Document Reveals State Department Knew Benghazi Security Inadequate
Hillary: My Team And I Had ‘Great’ Time At My House After Benghazi Hearing
“Democratic presidential candidate former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stated that she and her team had a “great” time “eating Indian food, and drinking wine and beer” at her house after her testimony before the Benghazi Select Committee in an interview broadcast on Friday’s “Rachel Maddow Show” on MSNBC.”
I doubt the families of Ambassador Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone S. Woods and Glen Doherty turned off the TV after watching Clinton lie through her teeth, then invited friends over for food, wine and a “great” time.
Benghazi Victim’s Mom Sees New ’13 Hours’ Film, SCREAMS 4 Words Hillary Won’t Want You To Hear – “Why did she kill them then? Why did she stop the security guards from going in there? [The guards] told me personally that if they would have been allowed to go … And they were told to stand down, if they allowed them to go, my son would be alive. I want Hillary to tell me why this is not so!” Smith demanded.”
• U.S. Military Was Prepared to Protect U.S. Diplomats in Benghazi, Email Records Show
• State Department Belatedly Releases New Clinton Benghazi Documents – the witch lied to the committee and the world and is still campaigning for president.
• New Explosive Benghazi Allegations: CIA Operators Told to ‘Stand Down’ During Attack As 3 Urgent Requests for Military Back-Up Were Denied
• Geraldo Rivera: My Sources Tell Me Benghazi Was About Running Missiles to Syrian Rebels
Media ignore Hillary’s bombshell Benghazi claim – Secretary insists she did not know about gun-running at U.S. mission – coming from a woman who has never met truth in her entire life.
“During the Senate hearing on Benghazi yesterday, outgoing Secretary of State Hillary Clinton claimed she did not know whether the U.S. special mission attacked on Sept. 11 was involved in gun-running…The exchange on the subject took place with Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky. Paul asked Clinton: “Is the U. S. involved with any procuring of weapons, transfer of weapons, buying, selling, anyhow transferring weapons to Turkey out of Libya?
“To Turkey?” Clinton asked. “I will have to take that question for the record. Nobody has ever raised that with me.” Continued Paul: “It’s been in news reports that ships have been leaving from Libya and that may have weapons, and what I’d like to know is the annex that was close by, were they involved with procuring, buying, selling, obtaining weapons, and were any of these weapons being transferred to other countries, any countries, Turkey included?”
Clinton replied, “Well, senator, you’ll have to direct that question to the agency that ran the annex. I will see what information is available.”
“You’re saying you don’t know?” asked Paul.
“I do not know,” Clinton said. “I don’t have any information on that.”
The United States Secretary of State doesn’t know something as important as gun running being conducted by U.S. operatives in a foreign country? And still she’s out there campaigning to become president.
State Department Office Removed Benghazi Files After Congressional Subpoena – That’s called obstruction of justice and yet, not a single damn one of them over at the State Department has been charged.
So, I ask any veteran or active duty military: How in good conscience could you vote for someone who is directly responsible for Benghazi? For someone who was so completely INCOMPETENT at playing Secretary of State while circling the globe numerous times. Yes, the most traveled SOS who is as dirty as a baby’s diaper. Now you want to make her Commander-in-Chief?
While we hear all the time the Clintons are untouchable and have dirt on everyone, I firmly believe FBI Director, James Comey, is one very ethical and honest man. I believe Comrade Clinton is running out of time between the FBI investigation and the lawsuits exposing her and Billy’s criminal activities while she was SOS and the Clinton Foundation, not to mention the email investigation.
If anyone doesn’t believe the power players behind the curtain are worried as hell over the very real possibility Comey will recommend an indictment of Hildebeast, they’re in denial. The alternative would be a 74-year old Communist bum named Bernie Sanders. They know that will not sell in this country except with those ignorant and dangerous supporters of his.
If a recommendaton of indictment comes down, many think doddering old fool, Uncle Joe Biden, the butt of endless jokes in bars, would magically become the nominee since the ‘leaders’ of the Democratic/Communist Party USA can do whatever they like at their convention. That will not sit well with a whole lot of Americans.
Joe Biden to Father of Former Navy SEAL Killed in Benghazi: ‘Did Your Son Always Have Balls the Size of Cue Balls?’
No veteran and certainly no active military should vote for that vile female. Clinton lied right to the faces of family members of those killed in Benghazi. What if it were your loved one over there slaughtered because not only her incompetence, but then tried to cover up gun running? If shipping guns and missiles to ‘rebels’ had been approved by Congress there would be no need to lie and try to cover it up. Too bad most Americans either don’t remember or know nothing about the Iran-Contra scandal under Ronnie Reagan.
For any veteran or active duty military to cast a vote for Hillary Rodham Clinton is to condone the mess she helped create in Benghazi and that the deaths of Ambassador Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone S. Woods and Glen Doherty were simply acceptable collateral damage to cover up illegal gun running going on at the time. She refused to supply more security for a U.S. Ambassador and our personnel that resulted in their deaths and you want to make her Commander-in-Chief?
Betrayal in Benghazi: The gross violation of the U.S. Military’s sacred combat code by Phil “Hands” Handley, Colonel, USAF (Ret.)
“It would appear that the most recent firewall which the Administration is counting on is the contention that there were simply no military assets that could be brought to bear in time to make a difference… mainly due to the unavailability of tanker support for fighter aircraft. This is simply BS, regardless how many supposed “experts” the Administration trot out to make such an assertion. The bottom line is that even if the closest asset capable of response was half-way around the world, you don’t just sit on your penguin *** and do nothing. The fact is that the closest asset was not half-way around the world, but as near as Aviano Air Base, Italy where two squadrons of F-16Cs are based.” The lineline is in that column.
[NOTE: D’Souza’s New Movie ‘HILLARY’S AMERICA’ to Open Before Republican Convention]
[Just a short note about 9/11 and Smart Electric Meeters. The cost of America’s undeclared “war” (invasion) in Afghanistan has now reached $1 trillion borrowed dollars – massive debt heaped on us all based on what happened on 9/11. Regular readers of my column know I continue to press for the truth about the events of 9/11. Military grade nanothermite is not a conspiracy theory. It was found and tested from the rubble at the twin towers. A new, powerful film has been released: The Anatomy of a Great Deception. Just released: New Expanded Global Edition. For full disclosure I receive no compensation, but I want you to get a copy (or a few) and share it with others or give a copy as a present. I’ve purchased half a dozen copies and given them to individuals I believe seek the truth. It’s very powerful simply because it’s one ‘ordinary’ man’s story who ask a simple question that led him to a not so simple journey. There is factual information in this film that many have never heard about but everyone should. Just a suggestion, order more than one and give one to a friend. Also, must see video on the dangers of Smart Meeters on your home, titled: Take Back Your Power.]
© 2016 – NewsWithViews.com and Devvy – All Rights Reserved
On March 15, 2016, drop out presidential candidate, Marco Rubio, said, “While it is not God’s plan that I be president in 2016 or maybe ever…”
Glen Beck went further in adoration of Ted Cruz: ” He often couched his enthusiasm with a religious zeal for Cruz, who he declared to be “the next George Washington.” Cruz, according to Beck, was “anointed” by God and “raised for these times.”
According to Glen Beck, Almighty God anointed Ted Cruz to be president. Rubio on the other hand said it just wasn’t in God’s plan he win this election for president – or maybe ever.
So, exactly what did God have in mind for those two? Well, I certainly can’t speak for God, but I can give you my opinion.
God knows what’s in your heart. In the case of Bobby Jindal, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz, God knows they’re liars. He knows they put their personal ambitions above truth and honesty.
All three of those former presidential candidates were taking tremendous heat early on regarding their eligibility under the U.S. Constitution. It continued for months and in the case of Cruz, lawsuits were filed to keep him off the ballot. Jindal and Rubio are U.S. citizens, but not natural born citizens despite the intellectually lazy in the media who could care less about the U.S. Constitution. Cruz’s US citizenship still remains unproven.
Jindal was born in June 1971. His mother became a U.S. citizen in 1976 and his father in 1986. Hardly ‘natural BORN’. Rubio was born in 1971. His parents became U.S. citizens in 1975. Hardly natural BORN’.
Cruz was born in Canada in 1970. Most who have done zero research believe he held dual citizenship since his mother was born in the U.S. However, Canada did not recognize dual citizenship until 1977, so Cruz was a full blown Canadian citizen until he renounced in 2014 and became a citizen of no country.
I say no country because Cruz refuses to provide a court certified copy of a CRBA (Consulate Report of Birth Abroad) filed by his parents when he was born. He refuses to provide a copy of his passport or any other documentation proving US. citizenship. If a CRBA wasn’t properly submitted when Cruz was born, then how does he even claim U.S. citizenship?
Cruz is up for reelection to the Senate in 2018. I can tell you right now he will not slip through the cracks again here in Texas. Cruz was a full Canadian citizen in 2012 when he ran for the Senate. No one, including yours truly questioned his eligibility because honestly, I didn’t know. But, it will be different in 2018.
Nikki Haley is governor of South Carolina. Her history according to Wikipedia: “Haley was born Nimrata Nikki Randhawa[1][2] in Bamberg, South Carolina, on January 20, 1972, to an Indian Sikh family.[14] She was “always called Nikki, which means “little one,” by her family.”[15] Her parents, Ajit Singh Randhawa and Raj Kaur Randhawa, are immigrants from Amritsar District, Punjab, India, where Ajit had been a professor at Punjab Agricultural University. Haley’s parents immigrated to Canada after her father received a scholarship offer from the University of British Columbia. After earning his PhD in 1969, Ajit moved his young family to South Carolina to accept a position as a professor at Voorhees College.[16]”
Haley’s parents left India for Canada. Her parents then moved to SC in 1969. Haley was born in 1972. It takes at least 5 years to become a U.S. citizen. In order for Haley to be a natural born citizen, both her parents had to be U.S. citizens at the time of her birth. According to the public narrative on her bio, Haley was born three years after her parents moved to SC. Who knows when her parents applied to become U.S. citizens and what date were they naturalized?
I bring this up because, God forbid, there’s talk of Nikki Haley being a VP to Donald Trump. The vice-president is one heart beat away from the Oval Office and must be a natural born citizen because a VP is a president-in-waiting should something happen to the president.
I’m not certain Jindal knew prior to running he was ineligible, but he most certainly got a good education about natural born from people all over the country including his own state. Jindal didn’t give a damn and plodded along until even he could see no one was interested in what he had to say.
As for Cruz and Rubio, there’s no question in my mind both of them know they are ineligible. While hands down Cruz is far more intelligent than Rubio, neither are dummies. But, instead of standing up for the very document they took an oath to preserve and protect, the U.S. Constitution, both of them tried to lie and bluff their way into the White House. Cruz in particular was ugly arrogant just like the criminal impostor in the White House.
The Republican Party protected all three of them. They had to because if they didn’t and the Pandora’s box got blown open, the truth about Barry Soetoro/Obama usurping the office of president by fraud would then be out there for the whole world to see. An impostor acting as Commander-in-Chief signing one unconstitutional bill another another into ‘law’. Oh, no. The GOP could not let that happen so they allowed Jindal, Rubio & Cruz to illegally appear on ballots in every state of the Union.
One can spend endless hours trying to figure out why Cruz couldn’t over take Donald Trump. Turn on the boob tube and you can hear it all from Karl Rove and others. The same can be said for why Marco Rubio couldn’t win enough primaries to stay in the race. All the drama that goes with a presdiential campaign.
But, God knows Bobby Jindal, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio inside and out. He knows they don’t care about the truth. He knows Cruz and Rubio are power hungry and would say and do anything to get into the White House. In the end, if God had anointed Ted Cruz as claimed by Glen Beck, Cruz would be the GOP presidential nominee; not even Donald Trump would have prevailed. Rubio at least got it right when he said it wasn’t God’s plan for him.
We must never fail to challenge any candidate’s eligibly to run as president under Art. II, Sec. I of the U.S. Constitution. The ‘natural born citizen’ clause was grandfathered in for a serious reason. Individuals with immigrant parents need to find out ahead of time if they are eligible and if not, accept it and move along.
Ah, I know what you’re thinking….what about Barry Soetoro aka Obama? God knows he’s a pathological liar who also knew he was ineligible so how did he get elected – twice? For that I have no answer except to say we don’t always know God’s plan. As the saying goes, the Lord works in strange ways. Was allowing Soetoro to usurp the office of president twice to send a clear message to America? Perhaps to test the people to see if the Constitution even mattered anymore.
Soetoro/Obama is a dirty traitor to this country, no question. He is a Marxist right down to his shiny shoes. His illigitimate time in office has done massive damage to our Republic and should ANY Democrat get in the White House in January, we will go over the cliff.
Perhaps allowing Soetoro/Obama into the White House was meant to wake up the people of this country and see what the ‘fundamental transformation of America’ Soetoro/Obama bragged about was really all about. As Nancy Pelosi so famously said about the unconstitutional Obamacare, “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it.” They did and America has suffered ever since.
Allowing that impostor to camp out in the White House really drove home to Americans the truth about the media in this county (excluding independent ‘new media’ ) whether print (newspapers), the Internet or boob tube including cable networks like FOX. They’re ALL in the game for their own agendas. FOX’s ‘fair and balanced’ is a load of bull manure. Just like the rest of the ‘mainstream’ media they pick and choose what they want you to know and slap down anyone who dares to tell the truth.
One other thing. A strong challenger has emerged to kick scum bag, Paul Ryan out of Congress. I pray it will be a re-play of former U.S. House Majority ‘Leader’ Eric Cantor’s stunning defeat in 2014.
Paul Ryan Challenger Paul Nehlen: ‘He Has Betrayed Us All’
“House Speaker Paul Ryan’s Wisconsin primary opponent Paul Nehlen said of Ryan on Saturday, “He has betrayed us all, hasn’t he? He says he’s for a secure border. Then what’s he do? He funds every dangerous immigration policy through this $1.8 trillion omnibus. What he funded was all his special interest buddies.”
“Nehlen cited the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) as one of the primary reasons for calling Ryan “the enemy”: “It’s going to send our jobs overseas, and even worse, it’s going to import foreign workers to replace us in our jobs here at home,” said Nehlen. He also recounted his recent visit to Abbott Labs in Wisconsin. Nehlen said he would look to “lock down” visa programs based on abuse and the cost to American workers:
“Nehlen called Speaker Paul Ryan “a mercenary champion of this Trans-Pacific Trade Partnership,” adding: And that’s why I’m running. … I was outside Abbott Labs just a week-and-a-half ago. … One hundred eighty employees, IT workers, Americans, have been replaced by H1-B visa holders. I was there with Michelle Malkin and Sara Blackwell, an attorney out of Florida who is donating her time pro bono filing EOC complaints [on behalf of the American losing their jobs]. “The jobs aren’t going away,” said Nehlen. “They’re bringing in people to replace Americans in those jobs.”
Wisconsin’s primary is August 9th. That’s plenty of time if you live in Paul Ryan’s district to get out there and help throw him out of office. Ryan has more money than Nehlen, but so did Eric Cantor over his challenger who beat him.
From Nehlen’s web site: “Nehlen relocated manufacturing operations and jobs previously based in Canada to the eastern seaboard of the United States. Additionally, under his leadership, several of the company’s product lines and jobs were moved to Wisconsin. Previously, Mr. Nehlen was a division president at the Georgia-based company TydenBrooks, where he managed the 80 percent relocation of a Mexico-based factory back to the U.S.” Hear, hear!
If we the people do nothing, nothing will get done.
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In 2016, a presidential candidate, Donald Trump, has to wear a bullet proof vest. That same candidate has to enter an event facility around back by hopping a fence to avoid a small mob at the entrance. At that link you’ll also see another useful fool holding up a sign that says ‘Capitalism kills’.
Protests rage outside Trump rally in Orange County; 17 arrested, police car smashed
“Rep. Linda Sanchez (D-Whittier), chairwoman of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, said there is “no doubt” Trump’s candidacy has made the Latino community “a target for hateful rhetoric, and in some cases physical violence.”
“Watching the chaos unfold, Colby Nicholson, 30, who described himself as a Trump supporter who traveled to the rally from San Diego, wore a “Make America Great Again” hat. “These people are stupid, but Americans are not stupid in general,” Nicholson said. “These are all underage Mexican high-schoolers who have nothing to do.”
“Holding a Mexican flag, Juan Carlos, 16, said his parents came to the U.S. from Mexico and that he was protesting to support others like him. “Donald Trump is worthless,” Carlos said. “There won’t be no United States without Mexicans.”
Juan Carlos is being used by those who hate America. He doesn’t say if his parents came legally. His comment, “There won’t be no United States without Mexicans” simply demonstrates he knows nothing about the issue.
One would think all those ignorant fools were protesting against a candidate who is a member KKK like Democrat U.S. Senator Robert Byrd (deceased) was or some other vile organization. Instead the candidate is a man who loves America and sees that if the massive invasion by illegal aliens isn’t stopped and illegals deported for violating OUR immigration laws, within five years OUR culture, OUR way of life and OUR border will be completely destroyed.
Who incited the riot? Illegal aliens and their supporters. Who was beaten bloody? Trump supporters. VIDEO: Trump Supporter –Kicked, Punched, Assaulted, Forced to Climb Over Bushes to Escape Anti-Trump Mob
Back in 2006, illegals and their America hating supporters were demonstrating across this country. They did so with impunity as police stood around and watched. While Americans enjoy the First Amendment right to peacefully protest, that right is NOT extended to liars, cheats and thieves: illegal aliens. They are not citizens of this country and the only right they have is humane treatment as they are shipped back to where they came from.
Latino activists vow more Trump protests as tensions heighten
Like the signs and banners back then, this round has a new favorite of the media. A little boy standing in front of a Mexican flag with a sign that says ‘Make America Mexico Again’. At those demonstrations that turned violent last Thursday and Friday, thugs were burning the American flag. Once again, ignorance abounds from illegals with their claims that America stole Mexican land:
“The Treaty of Guadeloupe Hidalgo (gwah-dah-loop-ay ee-dahl-go), which brought an official end to the Mexican-American War (1846-1848) was signed on February 2, 1848, at Guadalupe Hidalgo, a city north of the capital where the Mexican government had fled with the advance of U.S. forces.
“Under the terms of the treaty negotiated by Trist, Mexico ceded to the United States Upper California and New Mexico. This was known as the Mexican Cession and included present-day Arizona and New Mexico and parts of Utah, Nevada, and Colorado (see Article V of the treaty). Mexico relinquished all claims to Texas and recognized the Rio Grande as the southern boundary with the United States (see Article V).
“The United States paid Mexico $15,000,000 “in consideration of the extension acquired by the boundaries of the United States” (see Article XII of the treaty) and agreed to pay American citizens debts owed to them by the Mexican government (see Article XV). Other provisions included protection of property and civil rights of Mexican nationals living within the new boundaries of the United States (see Articles VIII and IX), the promise of the United States to police its boundaries (see Article XI), and compulsory arbitration of future disputes between the two countries (see Article XXI).” Library of Congress
So you see, we did not steal land from Mexico. Mexico ceded land to the U.S. and was paid $15 million dollars. In 1848 that was a hell of a lot of gold. If Mexicans have a problem with that treaty executed by their government they should take it up with them. But, of course, these are the uneducated masses the Mexican government is happy to get off their hands because illegals are a cash cow for Mexico:
Illegal immigrants send home $50 billion annually but cost taxpayers more than $113 billion
On May 1, 2006, almost 70,000 illegals and their America hating supporters showed up at the State Capitol in Sacramento, California. I was there. As I said in my column, male Mexicans and likely some from South America were the usual illiterate punks acting with great machismo towards Caucasian women like me. Grabbing their crotches and telling me what they’d like to do to gringo putas. I guess they think no one else knows puta means prostitute or slut in Spanish. I just kept walking.
I can tell you it’s not the first time I’ve been subjected to racist threats by Mexicans nor would it be the last. Not too long after I moved to W. Texas I was at the car wash. You wash your car then move it if you wish do detail. I was waiting; all four stalls had very expensive cars in them and all were being detailed despite the signs directing otherwise. I got out and politely explained to the young male Mexican the rules. He walked over to me like he thought he was Santa Ana and said, No, you, white bitch get out of my country. Before long you will be deported.
I got back into my SUV, looked at the phone number on the wall and called the owner who arrived in minutes. I told him I’d get my SUV washed later and left. As so many of have warned for decades – Mexicans and other illegals from South America (really, you don’t see many Irish illegals who are in the U.S. or illegals from Viet Nam at these protests) are just biding their time for ‘reconquista’.
On March 27, 2006, I wrote a column titled, When Illegals Go Berserk Will Your State Be Prepared? The answer back then as it is now: No.
While we soundly defeated the amnesty bill in 2007, the Republican controlled Congress (with Bush in the White House for seven of the years the GOP did control Congress) NOTHING was done to round up illegals and get them out of here. No bill was introduced to stop ALL forms of welfare which would drive millions and millions of illegals back across the border.
When the criminal impostor in the White House, a racist and bigot of the first caliber, usurped the Oval Office and the Demorats took over Congress, many of us could see exactly what was going to happen: the U.S. government would aid and facilitate the illegals invasion. This illegitimate administration and his lackeys in the worthless Department of Homeland Security have coddled illegals and bent over backwards with the help of lunatics like Gov. Jerry Brown of California to make sure illegals not only stay here, they are given sanctuary and free reign to murder Americans on the street in broad daylight.
Remember 32-year old Kathryn Steinle? Murdered by an illegal alien in SF in the middle of the day by an illegal who had been deported five times yet given ‘sanctuary’ by the lunatic SF city government. A bill was introduced in Congress called Kate’s Law which would heavily penalize illegals who sneak back into our country after being deported. Guess who blocked it in the Senate? You got it. The despicable, vile and soon to be retired, Dirty Harry Reid. The same Harry Reid who was for deporting illegals. On August 5, 1993, Dirty Harry’s office issued the following:
“In response to increased terrorism and abuse of social programs by aliens, Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) Today introduced the first and only comprehensive immigration reform bill in Congress. Currently, an alien living illegally in the United States often pays no taxes but receives unemployment, welfare, free medical care and other federal benefits. Recent terrorist acts, including the World Trade Center bombing, have underscored the need to keep violent criminals out of the country.
“Our borders have overflowed with illegal immigrants placing tremendous burdens on our criminal justice system, schools and social programs. The Immigration and Naturalization Service needs the ability to step up enforcement. Our federal wallet is stretched to the limit by illegal aliens getting welfare, food stamps, medical care, and other benefits often without paying any taxes.
“Safeguards like welfare and free medical care are in place to boost Americans in need of short-term assistance. These programs were not meant to entice freeloaders and scam artists from around the world. Even worse, Americans have seen heinous crimes committed by individuals who are here illegally.”
His statements were to announce a bill Dirty Harry introduced back then titled the Immigration Stabilization Act [S.1351][19]. That bill is 76 pages long. It is the strongest anti-illegals piece of legislation I’ve ever seen. I’m betting it was not written by Dirty Harry, but by lawyers who know what they’re doing and the sure to come legal challenges. It covers the whole gambit of turning off the trillions spent over the past 30 years since Reagan sold us out.
The violence we’re seeing is being orchestrated by those who want open borders. Manipulate the dumb herds into committing violence all built on carefully crafted lies about Donald Trump. Illegals hate him because they can see their days living off your paycheck may be coming to an end.
Protests rage outside Trump rally in Orange County; 17 arrested, police car smashed
LOS ANGELES — “Thousands are expected to rally in cities across the United States on Sunday for immigrant and worker rights and against what they see as hateful presidential campaign rhetoric. Events are planned in cities from New York to Los Angeles to call for better wages for workers, an end to deportations and support for an Obama administration plan to give work permits to immigrants in the country illegally whose children are American citizens.
“In addition to fighting for workers’ rights, we are fighting for our dignity this time around, our self-respect,” said Jorge-Mario Cabrera, a spokesman for the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles.”
Enforcing our immigration laws is not hate. Illegal means illegal regardless of country of origin. Second, there is no such thing as an ‘anchor baby’ and children born of a Mexican mother on U.S. soil is NOT a U.S. citizen but a citizen of Mexico. This isn’t about immigrant rights. My grandparents were immigrants. Illegals are here illegally, so can the ‘self-respect’ crap.
The violence by illegals we’re seeing is going to escalate, mark my words. Illegals have become brazen because they know they can and are getting away with murder. Riots are going to swell while law enforcement are going to be ham-strung just like what we saw in Ferguson, MO, as those damn fools burned their own city and destroyed businesses belonging to black Americans who served their community.
Illegals have been biding their time:
Hide What’s in Your Heart Today, April 13, 2006: “April 10, 2006, Spanish speaking radio was sending this message: “Hide what’s in your heart today. We know in your heart your allegiance is to Mexico, but today use your head. Americans were upset about Mexican flags and our show of solidarity for reconquista. Now we must wear white shirts and wave the American flags being handed out. It will be difficult because we know in your heart your love is for Mexico, but hide it today.”
Just like the terrorists we know have been coming across the border since 9/11. The American people have been put in grave harm’s way under Barry Soetoro (Obama) and his open door policy. It’s now just a matter of time before we see another 9/11 executed by terrorists we know are in this country while YOUR incumbent in Congress and mine sit on their fat asses and do nothing to stop Obama and his Department of InJustice.
ICE releases 19,723 criminal illegals, arrests cut in half – 208 convicted of murder, 900 of sex crimes. Will you or your loves ones be killed by one of those drunk illegals or robbed or raped? It is morally criminal what’s being unleashed on we the people in our own country.
Illegals Flood In, April 28, 2016
The City of Cleveland has bought $50 million dollars worth of insurance because they fully expect mass rioting at the Republican National Convention in July. I had considered going, but have decided against it. I covered the 2008 GOP convention in St. Paul. This is my write up on that convention. Other than a few arrests for minor things there was not the violence we’re seeing out in California.
While there were a lot of protesters in Sacramento there was no violence. Soros money will make sure just the opposite takes place in Cleveland. BlackLivesMatter and other racist groups are involved. No surprise there. Ineligible candidate, Ted Cruz, is hoping for riots:
“Ted Cruz is ratcheting up the fear factor over a Donald Trump-dominated Republican National Convention, warning that the billionaire could inspire mass violence if he doesn’t win the GOP presidential nomination. CBS News anchor John Dickerson asked the Texas senator during Sunday’s ‘Face the Nation’ broadcast whether an effort to ‘overthrow’ the front-running Trump would turn ugly on the streets of Cleveland, Ohio. ‘No, it won’t,’ he predicted, ‘although Donald may do everything he can to encourage riots.'”
Pray tell, Lyin’ Ted – where is any proof Donald Trump will encourage riots in Cleveland? Off the cuff, Trump remarked in the past that he would have no control over his supporters if they decided to riot, but that he does not want to see that happen. The prostitute media has a convenient way of taking his comments and to be fair, other Republicans, out of context.
Trump would have nothing to gain by encouraging violence in Cleveland. Who were the ones beaten bloody in Costa Mesa last week? Trump supporters by Mexicans.
In my column eight years ago, When Illegals Go Berserk Will Your State Be Prepared?, it wasn’t just a warning. I was trying to motivate Americans to hammer on their state legislatures about reconstituting the constitutional militia because there’s not enough local law enforcement or National Guard to contain planned, mass riots I KNOW are going to happen.
Dr. Edwin Vieira wrote another one of his critically important columns recently, Donald Trump and the Militia. If you missed it, please take the time to read it because there’s going to be bad trouble from the illegals and terrorists hiding out in this country. Edwin has been on this since 2005. So far, only Arizona has passed a watered down, weak version of a bill. One can only pray Donald Trump listens to Edwin because those out to destroy him will not stop even if he is sworn into office next January. A plethora of Edwin’s constitutionally based columns on the militia – as mandated IN the Second Amendment – see here.
In November 2001, I shared the podium with Dr. Alan Keyes at the National Press Club in Washington, DC. While speaking about recalcitrant politicians, he said something I’ve never forgotten that went like this: “When politicians want to make a decision, they put their finger up into the wind. Ladies and gentlemen: We are the wind.”
There is a great deal of rage blowing across this country, yet too many people display the beaten dog attitude and come up with all kinds of excuses about why something can’t be done. I submit to you that Americans have forgotten that we are the wind and we still have the power to bring government to its knees and it is our right to do so.
Let me remind everyone what our determined fellow country men and women did down in the great State of Tennessee in 2000. The hard working folks down there said enough is enough when their state legislature and governor attempted to sneak an income tax by the people. They rolled up their sleeves and they became the wind. Not a gentle breeze, but a wind of such force, they won. They brought their elected public servants to heel. That is truly a magnificent example of standing up and getting the job done.
I’m telling you as sure as I know my own name that if gun owners in this country would just become the wind with their state legislatures, we would see the constitutional militia reconstituted. Then let’s see what the hordes of illegals think they’re going to do along with the terrorists in this country. They would be forced to think again.
No sane person wants violence, but those who do are determined with the money to pay for it are going for broke. We cannot let that happen to our country. We are a nation of laws and Donald Trump is the one real man intent on seeing those laws enforced if elected. He and all the nations governors will need the constitutional militia.
[Just an update as I only do one column a week. At the conclusion of Arizona’s primary, March 22nd, the vote was 47% Trump, ineligible Cruz at 25% with Trump taking all 58 delegates. But, two days ago at the GOP Convention, Cruz and the GOP elite filched delegates away from Trump and the hell with the voters:
PHOENIX (AP) — “Texas Sen. Ted Cruz pulled out a strategic victory at Saturday’s Arizona Republican Party convention, nailing down a large majority of delegates to the national convention amid cheating accusations from backers of businessman Donald Trump. The Cruz slate won virtually all of the 28 at-large national delegates and roughly split the 27 delegates selected by congressional district.
“Former Gov. Jan Brewer, losing her first election in 35 years, angrily yelled “I got cheated — I got cheated,” as the results became known.” Brewer, who was a five time delegate to the national convention tweeted her name was mysteriously removed from the online ballot so she’s out.
The Virginia primary was March 1st. Trump 35%, Rubio 32%, Cruz 17%, Kasich 9% and Dr. Carson 6%. However, at the state GOP convention two days ago: “Cruz won 10 of the 13 at-large delegates up elected Saturday at the Republican Party of Virginia’s statewide convention at James Madison University in Harrisonburg. Trump supporters won 3 and Ohio Gov. John Kasich’s backers were shut out.”]
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The nauseating accolades bestowed upon Comrade Clinton for her failed and unlawful stint as Secretary of State is simply more propaganda fed to ignorant sycophants who haven’t a clue about world events. I say unlawful because Hillary Rodham Clinton usurped the office of Secretary of State. Prior to her confirmation, members (both parties) of the joke called the Senate Judiciary Committee were told by Judicial Watch a lawsuit would be filed to stop Comrade Clinton from holding that office because it violated the emolument clause of the U.S. Constitution. What is that?
Judicial Watch, November 1, 2011. Article I, section 6 of the U.S. Constitution provides:
“No Senator or Representative shall, during the Time for which he was elected, be appointed to any civil Office under the Authority of the United States, which shall have been created, or the Emoluments whereof shall have been encreased during such time.”
“This provision, known as the “Emoluments” or “Ineligibility” clause is an absolute prohibition and does not allow for any exceptions. The “Ineligibility Clause” is interpreted by most as designed by our Founding Fathers to protect against corruption and ensure the separation of powers among the three branches of government. On January 29, 2009, Judicial Watch filed a lawsuit against newly confirmed Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton on the ground that she is constitutionally ineligible to serve as Secretary of State under the Ineligibility Clause.
“The “emoluments” or salary of the U.S. Secretary of State increased at least three times during Mrs. Clinton’s most recent U.S. Senate term. That term, which began on January 4, 2007, does not expire until January 2013, regardless of Mrs. Clinton’s recent resignation. Judicial Watch’s lawsuit is on behalf of Foreign Service Officer and State Department employee David Rodearmel, a retired Lt. Col. in the U.S. Army Reserve Judge Advocate General Corp. The lawsuit maintains that Mr. Rodearmel cannot serve under Secretary of State Clinton as it would force him to violate an oath he took as a Foreign Service Officer in 1991 to “support and defend” and “bear true faith and allegiance” to the Constitution of the United States.
” For more information on Mr. Rodearmel, see below. In December 2008, Congress attempted to evade the clear prohibition of the Ineligibility Clause with a so-called “Saxbe fix,” reducing the Secretary of State’s salary to the level in effect on January 1, 2007. This maneuver, first used in the Taft Administration, has been more frequently used in recent years by both parties, most notably allowing Republican Senator William Saxbe to become U.S. Attorney General in 1973 and Democratic Senator Lloyd Bentsen to become Treasury Secretary in 1993. A similar “fix” has been enacted for Senator Ken Salazar to join the Obama Cabinet as Secretary of the Interior. These attempted “fixes,” however, are insufficient, as they cannot alter the historical fact that — as in Mrs. Clinton’s case — salaries increased during the terms for which these officials were elected, thereby violating the Ineligibility Clause.
“The lawsuit was reviewed on an expedited basis by a special three-judge panel of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia who held that Mr. Rodearmel did not have standing and did not comment on the constitutional questions. Judicial Watch filed an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court. On June 7, 2010, the Supreme Court refused to hear the case “for want of jurisdiction”, essentially upholding the lower court’s ruling that Mr. Rodearmel did not have standing for the lawsuit.”
This is a written statement by David Rodearmel regarding his filing against Comrade Hillary.
The gutless cowards (both parties) on the Senate Judiciary Committee thumbed their noses at the U.S. Constitution once again with disastrous results. There’s no question at that time, Senator Patrick “Leaky” Leahy [D] knew and plowed forward getting her through. And, what did Republicans on the Senate Judiciary at the time do? Why, nothing, of course – the same as the entire CON-gress to accommodate the ineligible con artist in the White House. Here is this massive legal question hanging, a lawsuit by Judicial Watch and Republicans, as usual, allowed yet another individual to usurp a high office.
The two who opposed her nomination were Republican Senators Jim DeMint (retired) of South Carolina and David Vitter of Louisiana. I wasn’t surprised the jackass who ‘represents me’, Sen. John Cornyn, voted to confirm her. Then Republicans bitched, moaned and groaned when she did something they didn’t like.
A major focus during this presidential preference primary season will be what accomplishments can Mrs. Clinton claim as U.S. Senator? None, but she is a committed Marxist for “social justice” and the completely debunked ‘global warming’ aka ‘climate change’ scam. How about as Secretary of State? None, just the opposite: think Benghazi.
Hillary the Hun, like Lyin’ Ted Cruz, simply used the same tactics as the criminal impostor in the White House: she bluffed her way into the office of Secretary of State. She committed fraud and will never lose a second of sleep over it. Barry Soetoro aka Obama has unlawfully held the office of president since January 2009. Hildebeast aka Hillary, constitutionally never held the office of Secretary of State. ANY current member of the U.S. Senate who was in office during the time of her confirmation should never, ever say they support the Constitution again because it’s a lie. They confirmed another usurper.
Hillary’s supporters don’t give a tinker’s damn because they are as morally and ethically bankrupt as she is from career food stamp recipients to lawyers and friends in high places, she can do no wrong. Most under the age of 30 have no idea the havoc that slut Hillary’s married to did to this country while he defiled the White House. Bill Clinton is well loved by Democrats who are either too stupid to understand what a dirty traitor he is (selling our most sensitive secrets to the COMMUNIST Chinese) or they simply don’t care.
The illusion called Bill & Hillary Clinton as some sort of champions of the down trodden is just that. Both of them, like Barry Soetoro aka Obama, are malignant liars and narcissists. They care nothing for those they claim to care about. They are as ruthless as the mafia, make no mistake about that. The quintessential criminal enterprise who have gotten away with fooling Americans for decades because Congress, compromised judges and the corrupt [In]Justice Department have turned a blind eye all these years.
Hillary said there’s no way she would ever wear handcuffs. It’s the way she said it and a look that tells the story. The Clinton duo is a machine that plays dirtier than any politicians in my lifetime and I’m no spring chicken. They are famous for digging up dirt on opponents and inventing when necessary. If anyone thinks that woman is going to go quietly into the night underestimates just how rotten and corrupt Hillary Clinton is and to what lengths she will go to protect herself. Hell, it wouldn’t surprise me if one day she decides to throw Bill under the bus if it means saving herself.
Another travesty to protect the Clinton’s while the cattle who support Comrade Hillary graze out there in America:
Judge appointed by Clinton tosses case against … Clinton – RICO allegations dismissed without evidence being presented, August 11, 2015 (Of course not. Evidence would put Bill & Hill in a federal prison where they belong.)
We shall see in the not too distant future whether or not that vile female will finally be held accountable through an indictment as a result of the FBI investigation into her emails endangering national security.
1 – ME Gov – Cruz Camp ‘Stabbed Us In The Back’, Betrayed Us
2 – The Marxist Influence – Bill & Hill’s ties to terrorist organizations
3 – Exclusive: Birth, Death Certificates Raise Questions as to Evolving Life Narrative of Ted Cruz and Parents
4 – Pennsylvania, Maryland, and the RNC– Clinton’s War Machine Will Sue and Destroy Ted Cruz in November
© 2016 – NewsWithViews.com and Devvy – All Rights Reserved
While the charlatan media in America, cable, print and electronic, virtually ignores eligibility challenges to constitutionally ineligible, Ted Cruz, (unless it’s a ruling against the Constitution which they all seem to support) it is getting a lot of coverage on the Internet by independent media who believe the U.S. Constitution matters.
As I covered in my column last week, Ted Cruz Not On NJ Ballot – Will Hearing Today Finally Expose His Con Game?, an eligibility hearing was held April 11, 2016 in New Jersey. For the back story and details, please see my column here.
When the decision came down April 12, 2016 from an individual we all thought was an Administrative Law Judge named Masin, I damn near blew a gasket. I could not believe what I was reading. Masin is not new to this issue. I highly encourage you to read this interview:
Exclusive: Atty. Mario Apuzzo on New Jersey Ballot Challenge Hearing
“Administrative Law Judge Jeffrey Masin presided, who Apuzzo noted was the same judge who heard his ballot challenge to Barack Hussein Obama four years ago nearly to the day. “This is a different case from Obama’s case,” Apuzzo told us. “In the other case, the judge said that Obama did not have the burden of proof. They conceded that there was no evidence of who Obama was or where he was born. Then the judge came out with his famous line that ‘Mickey Mouse could run for president.’ It was just unbelievable.”
At this point in time there is ZERO evidence Lyin’ Ted Cruz is even a U.S. citizen. Since he renounced his FULL Canadian citizenship, I ask again: Just what country goes Cruz claim citizenship under?
Let me give you a few examples from Masin’s decision that burned me up to no end:
“The Constitution neither defines nor elaborates upon the phrase, “natural born Citizen.” The document contains no “Definitions” section. The meaning was never a subject of discussion at the Constitutional Convention of 1787.”
“The meaning was never a subject of discussion at the Constitutional Convention of 1787.” Really?
Is Being a Born Citizen of the United States Sufficient Citizenship Status to be President? The Founders and Framers Emphatically Decided It Was Not!
“During the process of developing a new U.S. Constitution Alexander Hamilton submitted a suggested draft for a Constitution on June 18, 1787. He also submitted to the framers a proposal for the qualification requirements in Article II as to the necessary Citizenship status for the office of President and Commander in Chief of the Military.
“Alexander Hamilton’s suggested presidential eligibility clause:
“No person shall be eligible to the office of President of the United States unless he be now a Citizen of one of the States, or hereafter be born a Citizen of the United States.”
“Many of the founders and framers had a fear of foreign influence on the person who would in the future be President of the United States since this particular office was singularly and uniquely powerful under the proposed new Constitution. The President was also to be the Commander in Chief of the military. This fear of foreign influence on a future President and Commander in Chief was particularly strongly felt by John Jay, who later became the first Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. He felt so strongly about the issue of potential foreign influence that he took it upon himself to draft a letter to General George Washington, the presiding officer of the Constitutional Convention, recommending/hinting that the framers should strengthen the Citizenship requirements.
“John Jay was an avid reader and proponent of natural law and particularly Vattel’s codification of natural law and the Law of Nations. In his letter to Washington he said that the Citizenship requirement for the office of the commander of our armies should contain a “strong check” against foreign influence and he recommended to Washington that the command of the military be open only to a “natural born Citizen”. Thus Jay did not agree that simply being a “born Citizen” was sufficient enough protection from foreign influence in the singular most powerful office in the new form of government. He wanted another adjective added to the eligibility clause, i.e., ‘natural’. And that word natural goes to the Citizenship status of one’s parents via natural law.
“The below is the relevant proposed change language from Jay’s letter which he proposed to strengthen the citizenship requirements in Article II and to require more than just being a “born Citizen” of the United States to serve as a future Commander in Chief and President…..
“Hamilton’s suggested presidential citizenship eligibility requirement was that a Citizen simply had to be ‘born a Citizen’ of the USA, i.e., a Citizen by Birth. But that citizenship status was rejected by the framers as insufficient. Instead of allowing any person “born a citizen” to be President and Commander of the military, the framers chose to adopt the more stringent requirement recommended by John Jay, i.e., requiring the Citizen to be a “natural born Citizen”, to block any chance of the person with foreign allegiances or claims on their allegiance at birth from becoming President and Commander of the Military. No person having any foreign influence or claim of allegiance on them at birth could serve as a future President. The person must be a “natural born citizen” with unity of citizenship and sole allegiance to the United States at birth.”
And, pay attention, Masin: Ted Cruz: Neither a Natural Born Citizen Nor “TrusTed”
Petitioner, a law professor, Victor Williams, correctly stated “It is simply a physical impossibility for him to be both a natural-born Canadian and a natural-born American.”
In his BS decision, Masin relied on the 1898 Supreme Court case Wong Kim Ark using the Fourteenth Amendment. Either Masin can’t read English or he used deception by design because he flat out doesn’t have a clue about that case.
Leo Donofrio, as regular readers of my columns know, filed the first eligibility challenge in December 2008 against the criminal impostor in the White House. Leo covered this 14th Amendment issue:
Scroll down until you see THE FRAMERS OF THE 14TH AMENDMENT in big blue letters:
“Despite popular belief, the 14th Amendment does not convey the status of “natural born Citizen” in its text. It just conveys the status of “Citizen”. And it’s very clear that in the pre-amendment Constitution, the Framers made a distinction between a “Citizen” and a “natural born Citizen”. The requirement to be a Senator or Representative is “Citizen”, but the requirement to be President is “natural born Citizen”.
“From the 14th Amendment:
“All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and the State wherein they reside. But even as to this conveyance of citizenship, those who were responsible for drafting the 14th Amendment made it clear that – to them – the meaning of “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” meant subject only to the jurisdiction thereof. Dr. John Fonte, Senior Fellow of The Hudson Institute had this to say about the issue at a Congressional hearing on dual citizenship from September 29, 2005:
“The authors in the legislative history, the authors of that language, Senator Lyman Trumbull said, ”When we talk about ’subject to the jurisdiction of the United States,’ it means complete jurisdiction, not owing allegiance to anybody else.” Senator Jacob Howard said that it’s ”a full and complete jurisdiction.”
“This illustrates that Congress recently discussed the issue, and they can’t claim they were unaware. But we don’t have to take Dr. Fonte’s word for it. The following discussion by the various 14th Amendment Framers took place on the Senate floor. I took it from P.A. Madison’s research at http://www.14thamendment.us:
“It is clear the framers of the Fourteenth Amendment had no intention of freely giving away American citizenship to just anyone simply because they may have been born on American soil. Again, we are fortunate enough to have on the record the highest authority tell us, Sen. Lyman Trumbull, Chairman of the Judiciary Committee… and the one who inserted the phrase:
“[T]he provision is, that ‘all persons born in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens.’ That means ’subject to the complete jurisdiction thereof.’ What do we mean by ‘complete jurisdiction thereof?’ Not owing allegiance to anybody else. That is what it means.
“Then Madison quotes Sen. Howard, another Framer, concurring with Trumbull:
“Sen. Howard concurs with Trumbull’s construction:” (Read rest at link above)
Constitutional attorney, Mario Apuzzo, was at the hearing and gave oral arguments also covered what Masin doesn’t seem to understand: Neither the 14th Amendment Ratified in 1868 nor the Wong Kim Ark decision in 1898 makes Any Person a “natural born Citizen”. Those acts and laws create “Citizens of the U.S.” but NOT “natural born Citizens of the U.S.”
Masin further showed his ignorance:
“Masin relied heavily on the 1790 Naturalization Act in which Congress stated natural born citizens may be born outside the United States, while acknowledging the law was repealed and replaced by a 1795 law that omitted the phrase “natural-born.”
“Masin wrote: The 1790 Act provided that at birth, a child of a citizen of the United States, even if born outside the limits of the United States, was a “natural-born” citizen of the United States. No process was necessary for them to obtain this citizenship. No barrier stood in their way. Just as a child born within the limits of the United States, these children were “natural-born” citizens.”
For a full, comprehensive and accurate historical analysis on the 190 Naturalization Act, please read here but let me give you just a small quote:
“Cruz and his supporters proclaim that the Framers would have accepted Cruz as a true natural born citizen because of how the First Congress treated persons such as him in the Naturalization Act of 1790.[12] First, Congress does not have the constitutional power to make anyone a natural born citizen. In matters of citizenship, the Constitution at Article I, Section 8, Clause 4 gives to Congress only the power [t]o establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization . . . throughout the United States.” This naturalization power does not include the power to make anyone a natural born citizen, who does not need any naturalization Act of Congress or any other law to be a citizen. Congress was not given any powers to bestow citizenship upon anyone through any process other than naturalization. Hence, if Congress made those foreign-born children citizens of the United States, it did so only through its naturalization powers. For part two click below.
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“Second, that Act is a naturalization Act of Congress and surely a natural born citizen does not need a naturalization Act of Congress to be a “natural” born citizen.” Rest at link above.
And, finally, Masin’s granddaddy:
“As demonstrated above and in the thoughtful examinations of the scholars whose materials are mentioned herein, it must be acknowledged that the arguments against finding a child born outside the United States to a non-diplomat or non-military citizen of the United States are not facetious and the issue can never be entirely free of doubt, at least barring a definitive ruling of the United States Supreme Court. While absolute certainty as to this issue is only available to those who actually sat in Philadelphia and themselves thought on the issue, having weighed the arguments as they are presented by those trying to understand the Framers’ intent, I CONCLUDE that the more persuasive legal analysis is that such a child, born of a citizen-father, citizen-mother, or both, is indeed a “natural born Citizen” within the contemplation of the Constitution. As such I CONCLUDE that Senator Cruz meets the Article II, Section I qualifications and is eligible to be nominated for President. His name may therefore appear on the New Jersey Republican primary ballot.”
What Masin and all of Cruz’s cheerleaders skip over is the word parents. Not parent, but parents. Masin’s statement that a child born of either citizen parent or both, a free for all, is natural born.
“Since my last report, many people have asked why the definition in Minor v. Happersett of a “natural-born citizen” (as a person born in the US to parents who are citizens) is binding legal precedent. The answer is in the Court’s holding that Virginia Minor was a US citizen…because she was born in the US to parents who were citizens. That part of the actual holding is listed in the official syallbus of the case.”
Minor v. Happersett, 88 U.S. 162. The CHIEF JUSTICE delivered the opinion of the court.
“The Constitution does not, in words, say who shall be natural-born citizens. Resort must be had elsewhere to ascertain that. At common-law, with the nomenclature of which the framers of the Constitution were familiar, it was never doubted that all children born in a country of parents who were its citizens became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also. These were natives, or natural-born citizens, as distinguished from aliens or foreigners. Some authorities go further and include as citizens children born within the jurisdiction without reference to the citizenship of their parents. As to this class there have been doubts, but never as to the first.”
Words have meaning – especially in the law. Chief Justice Waite said parents, not parent.
Thoughtful scholars? Bull. Masin cherry picked a few articles off the Internet which would provide the basis for his decision. Now, he says: “It must be acknowledged that the arguments against finding a child born outside the United States to a non-diplomat or non-military citizen of the United States are not facetious and the issue can never be entirely free of doubt, at least barring a definitive ruling of the United States Supreme Court” but goes on to rule Cruz is eligible!
If the issue can never be entirely free of doubt barring a definitive ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court, just how is it, Masin, you just decided to MAKE LAW with your ruling? Because that’s exactly what he did. If he truly meant free of doubt barring a definitive ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court then why make any decision? Well, I think we all know the answer to that one.
Now, either Judge Masin is stunningly ignorant or he was deliberately deceptive ignoring historical facts and court cases to rule for political expediency. In my mind there’s no question it was political expediency. But one thing for sure, his decision is rot and will be used against Prof. Williams in his challenges in eight other states unless he’s successful with an appeal. Masin has green-lighted Ted Cruz to continue with his fraud against we the people and staying in the race. As for Masin, he is a disgrace to the very robe he wears and the oath he took, but then again, this pretty much sums up individuals like Masin: “Is there anything more shameful than the man who lacks the courage to be a coward?” -Peter Blaunder
Objectors file exceptions after New Jersey ALJ declares Cruz eligible
Guess what? Remember what I said above – we all thought Jeff Masin was a judge? Turns out he is not a judge:
Citing Ethical Concerns, Williams Protests the New Jersey Office of Administrative Law’s Irregular Decision to “Recall” and Specially Appoint “Judge” Masin in Cruz Eligibility Contest.
On April 13, 2016 (at 11:30 am) Victor Williams filed an “Exception” (protest) with the New Jersey Secretary of State to respectfully but strongly disagree with the “Initial Decision” of administrative hearing officer/judge Jeff Masin.
(The media has uniformly misreported that Masin was a Judge– he is not — Masin is a hearing officer not a member of the New Jersey judiciary.)
“In addition to detailing the substantive errors in Mr. Masin’s determination, Williams raised serious ethical and procedural concerns regarding how the New Jersey Office of Administrative Law had “recalled” Mr. Masin in a special appointment to hear the Cruz dispute rather than follow regular order in the random appointment of an existing OAL hearing officer/judge.
“On April 13, 2016 (at 6:45 pm), Lt Governor/Secretary of State Kim Guadagno indolently rubber-stamped this hearing officer’s possibly-predetermined and certainly-flawed decision.
“First. Williams strongly protests the irregularity of the Office of Administrative Law’s “recall” of Jeff Masin to conduct the hearing rather than following a regular order of a random assignment of the case to a neutral officer. Mr. Masin began the hearing acknowledging that he had “been recalled” and appointed to the case because of his past experience with the natural-born citizen issue. It appears that rather than following regular order in the assignment of a neutral, objective hearing judge, the Office of Administrative Law “recalled” Mr. Masin. Any administrative economy achieved by recalling and assigning an officer because of his specific knowledge of and history with the subject/issue is of no consequence when considering the heavy costs (if only in perception) of his prejudgment. It destroys any confidence or reliability in the resulting recommendation/initial decision. To state, as some are doing, that Mr. Masin was “cherry-picked” for this case would not capture the ethical concern presented. Mr. Masin’s special appointment raises a broader concern as to the future role of the Office of Administrative Law as a component part of the Lt. Governor/Secretary of State’s internal deliberative processes in Election administration and particularly in maintaining New Jersey’s ballot integrity.
“Second. It was telling that Masin also stated at the beginnings of the hearings that he had not read the parties’ briefs (which had been due and submitted for several days before the hearing); rather Mr. Masin spent the days before the hearing reading a variety of secondary sources. Mr. Masin’s incredible accomplishment in producing a 26-page, quite-detailed recommendation in a one-day time period deserves related note . It is now clear Jeff Masin had not changed his established opinions on this issue from his time overseeing a prior natural born citizen challenge in years past. It is more than just unfortunate that the Office of Administrative Law would have irregularly “recalled” Jeff Masin for this hearing in terms of fairness and the perception of objectivity. No public confidence can be had in the resulting recommendation. ”
Exactly what happened in my Seventeenth Amendment lawsuit I filed in Austin, TX. A former judge was brought out of retirement to hear my case. He looked like Santa Claus and I bet under that robe were jeans and suspenders. He was given my case 15 minutes before court time and was totally unprepared to hear it. More than 250 documents from the Library of Congress, a CD which contained 3,000 pages and other evidence (not speculation) which the judge simply ignored and in about 20 minutes it was all over. Judge Strauss ruled fraud was just fine with him and the State of Texas. (Texas judges’ misdeeds often kept secret by oversight commission)
It is beyond reprehensible what has gone on in allowing ineligible presidential candidates on state ballots for the past three presidential election cycles. Equally as nauseating is the shenanigans and games to deny Donald Trump delegates to be the nominee before the GOP convention in July. Below are items I believe you’ll find of interest. Don’t need to read them all at once ; hit a couple over lunch and work your way through.
• Rafael “TED” Cruz’s eligibility – The whole sordid affair
• The Complete History of Ted Cruz’s Questionable Citizenship
• Supreme Court has ruled that at the time of his birth, Senator Cruz is a NATURALIZED citizen.
• Ted Cruz, Rafael Edward Cruz, Rafael Bienvenido Cruz, father, family tree, ancestry, genealogy, dates, birth certificates
• Rafael Cruz, A Pro-Batista, CIA Connected Cuban In Exile? Really Ted?
• Ted Cruz’s Dad’s Connected to Lee Harvey Oswald, New Orleans “Hands Off Cuba” Sham & Dallas 1963
Trump Supporters Walk Out of Georgia Delegate Fight After Party Picks Cruz Supporter…’Uproar in the Hall’: “Donald Trump supporters walked out of a delegate election in Georgia Saturday to protest a vote that robbed Trump of all of his slated delegates from a district that he won in the primary. A Cruz-Rubio alliance at the district convention in Buford, Georgia helped to knock Trump supporters out of the district’s national delegation altogether. Cruz supporters implied that Trump’s people would “embarrass” the district at the convention in Cleveland. Then things got heated.”
• Fraud Ted Cruz continues to rack up delegates in another voter-less win – no election in Wyoming
• Trump Supporters Protest at the Colorado State Capitol: ‘Misprinted Ballots, Lost Paperwork’
• EXCLUSIVE: Colorado Volunteers: Ballot Errors Hurt Trump Delegate Candidates, Could Have Violated State Rules
• Trump Could Lose Delegates in States That Have Yet to Vote
• Reince Priebus blasted for ‘major breach of trust’ by top RNC officials
• Priebus to Trump: “Delegates And Voters Choose The Nominee”; People Don’t “Give A Darn” About Colorado
• Cruz: ‘We’ll take money from anyone’ (That’s what prostitutes say)
• Cruz PACs Paid Talk Radio Insider $8 Million Dollars – Was Money Illegally Used To Buy Talk Host Endorsements?
• Trump beats Cruz by 30% in VA district — but Cruz gets the delegates
• Election fraud: Why are voter registrations changing?
Come on, Ted. Tell us another joke like the one you told in 2013: “I am secretly a citizen of Ethiopia.” You learned well from Saul Alinsky and Barry Soetoro aka Obama.
As I write this, I have not seen anything about the release of files from J.B. Williams and is group. Hopefully, it will be soon as Cruz continues to rack up delegates:
Law Center Issues Threat to Cruz: Quit by the 17th & Admit You’re a Fraud – Or We will Expose You as One – April 9, 2016
“The North American Law Center has issued an ultimatum to the Ted Cruz campaign: “If Ted continues on – we are going to release the files we have, two weeks from tonight, and we will bury Ted Cruz forever in American politics. J. B. Williams, the co-founder of The North American Law Center said on April 3, 2016, “We’re talking about American citizens (who) think a guy who’s Canadian-born is eligible to be a U.S. president – without any documentation whatsoever. If Ted continues on – we are going to release the files we have, two weeks from tonight, and we will bury Ted Cruz forever in American politics… If we have to stop this guy from defrauding this nation, then we are going to do that.”
© 2016 – NewsWithViews.com and Devvy – All Rights Reserved
In December 2008, atorney Leo Donofrio filed a challenge in New Jsersey to keep a pair of con men off the ballot for presidential preference: John McCain, Barry Soetoro aka Obama. Leo was not denied because of standing. Not to rehash years of litigation, but Leo ended up petitioning the U.S. Supreme Court who hid behind their dirty black robes. The ‘high’ court refused to hear one of the most important legal issues of our time: presidential eligibility.
Shenanigans by clerks at the U.S. Supreme Court should have prompted an investigation by Congress, but of course, that never happened. Justice Clarence Thomas disgraced himself when he stated during a congressional subcommittee hearing regarding presidential eligibility: “We’re evading that one.” Everyone, including Thomas, all laughed. Ha, ha.
Over 90 lawsuits were brought to stop the criminal impostor in the White House from running for president because Barry Soetoro aka Obama and other known aliases is clearly not a natural born citizen. Despite the massive amount of legal research based on court cases and historical documents defining natural born citizen, buffoons in the media, print and electronic, as well as boob tube experts, talk show biggies and the corrupt machines called the RNC and DNC continue to distort the truth by declaring only one parent must be a U.S. citizen. Wrong. BOTH parents must be U.S. citizens at the time the child is born.
Not one of those lawsuits was ever decided on the merits of the law. All were dismissed for political expediency. At this time there’s no proof Ted Cruz is even a naturalized U.S. Citizen so I ask again: Just what country does he claim citizenship under?
Several lawsuits and requests for hearings to stop Ted Cruz have already been thrown out on technical grounds or simply because of the ‘we are not going to deal with this’ syndrome by lower judges or election officials.
Montgomery Blair Sibley was a close friend and attorney for Deborah Jeane Palfrey aka the DC Madame silenced by suicide. In January 2012, Mongtomery announced he was running for president as a write in candidate; see history here. His goal was to try one more time to keep the lying Marxist in the White House off the ballot. The powers that be who control our elections made sure that never happened.
Now in April 2016, we have come full circle back to the State of New Jersey and a write in candidate for president by the name of Victor Williams who has quite a resumé:
“Victor Williams is a clinical assistant professor in the Lawyering Skills Program. He teaches Law and Economics and Lawyering Skills. Victor earned three law degrees: an LL.M. (specializing in Law and Economics) from George Mason University School of Law in 2005; an LL.M. from Columbia University’s School of Law in 1994; and a J.D. from the University of California’s Hastings College of the Law in 1990. While in law school, he was an articles editor of the Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly. Victor also served as a student editor of American Review of International Arbitration while completing his graduate law study at Columbia.
“Victor served as a federal judicial law clerk with U.S. District Court Judge W. B. Hand from 1990-1992. Victor also worked as a federal judicial extern for U.S. Court of Appeals Judge G.B. Tjoflat of the Eleventh Circuit and for U.S. Court of Appeals Judge Joseph Sneed of the Ninth Circuit. Additionally, he interned with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, working on enforcement issues at the SEC’s regional office in Los Angeles. Prior to affiliating with The Columbus School of Law, Victor Williams held a tenured appointment as an associate professor of Law with the City University of New York’s John Jay College of Criminal Justice. At CUNY, he taught a variety of law and policy courses at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.
“His academic writings include articles and essays published by the law journals of Michigan, William & Mary, Columbia, George Mason, Kentucky, Marquette, Seton Hall and Loyola. His practice-oriented articles and essays have been published by the Banking Law Journal, Commercial Law Journal, Administrative Law Journal, American Journal of Comparative Law, Trial, Judicature and Federal Lawyer. Additionally, Victor has published commentaries and op-eds in The American Lawyer, Christian Science Monitor, National Law Journal, Connecticut Law Tribune, Jurist.org, Legal Times, New Jersey Law Journal, Fulton County Daily Report, Miami Business Daily, and the Recorder. Victor’s present research interests include law and economics, the federal appointment process, ethics, administrative law, constitutional law and intellectual property.”
Williams is challenging Cruz’s eligibility:
Why Ted “Canadian” Ted Cruz Is NOT Eligible to Run for President (except maybe for Prez of Goldman Sachs)
“Rafael Edward Cruz was born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. But there was no need to for journalists to search for the birth certificate — Lawyer Cruz has admitted that he is a natural-born Canadian. Few would doubt the raw intelligence of Ted Cruz. He is renowned as a Princeton man, a Harvard-trained lawyer, and U.S. Supreme Court advocate who preaches a textualist, strict-constructionist message. Nor should his raw ambition (that over-leaps itself) be denied. Behind closed doors, Mr. Cruz finagled a series of huge (undisclosed) loans from Goldman Sachs to fuel that ambition. But these facts only go to prove the nature of the ballot con that is being perpetrated by Ted Cruz.
“Indeed, Mr. Cruz knew (and knows) that he is not a “natural born” American citizen. His statements made to obtain ballot access for each state’s primary (including those states where Williams is bringing challenges as a competitor candidate), were (are) nothing less than fraudulent. Some may find it kinder just to call his actions part of a “good old” fashioned Alberta long-con, eh….Ted Cruz fails this “Jus Soli” (law of the soil) test. The requirement of “Jus Soli” citizenship was, and is, antithetical to any statutory conferring of citizenship on children born abroad of American parents. And Mr. Cruz knows that he fails the test yet he continues with his fraudulent campaign.”
I encourage readers to go to the link above and read Williams’ full analysis which is the basis for his ballot challenge. Cruz filed and signed the required documentation on the drop dead date to appear on the ballot, but he’s not on the ballot yet.
Williams discovered he could be a write in candidate in nine states. Right now it’s New Jersey:
Ted Cruz Risks Immediate Primary Disqualification in New Jersey with Secretary of State Formal Hearing Scheduled
“A primary ballot disqualification hearing is scheduled by the Secretary of State for Monday, April 11 at 9:00 a.m. in Mercerville, New Jersey. Washington D.C. Law Professor Victor Williams charges that Ted Cruz fraudulently certified his constitutional eligibility for office to gain ballot access.
“Williams’ fraud charges had quick effect in New Jersey. Rather than accepting Cruz’s ballot petition when filed last week, the Secretary of State (Kim Guadagno) scheduled the unusual Administrative Law hearing for April 11. The Canadian-born Cruz must prove that he did not falsely certify his eligibility for office. Cruz’s ballot eligibility is also being challenged in California, Maryland, Montana, Nebraska, Oregon, South Dakota, and Washington.”
Williams feels he can avoid the judicial hallucination called ‘standing’ because he is a write in candidate just like Montgomery Blair Sibley was back in 2012. We’ll see if he is successful in keeping conniving liar, Ted Cruz, off the ballot in New Jersey which would cause a political earthquake like nothing we’ve ever seen.
For Ted Cruz to remain on the ballot is just another gigantic fraud against we the people facilitated by the gutless cowards in the Republican Party who have allowed not one constitutionally ineligible candidate to usurp the office of president, Obama, but have again allowed Ted Cruz to remain in the race stealing votes and delegates he has no legal right to during the primary process:
Cruz Outmuscles Trump in 34-Delegate Colorado Sweep – No primary, no caucus
Trump’s getting trounced in Indiana – The state hasn’t even voted and convention delegates are already lined up against the front-runner. What happened to the vote of we the people? Why even bother with a primary or caucus from this point on if an ineligible candidate is going to be allowed to steal delegates the way we’re seeing?
State party tweeted: ‘We did it. #NeverTrump’
Trump Delegates Scratched From Ballots at GOP Convention: “Ted Cruz supporters took all 13 of the delegates up for grabs at the Colorado GOP Convention on Saturday to complete a clean sweep of the state. But it was not without controversy. The Cruz camp and GOP establishment leaders strong-armed their way to a sweep by banning Trump delegates and omitting them from the ballots… and listing Cruz delegates TWICE! ” See link for the rest.
If you aren’t on my free email alert list, here is the last update regarding the DC Madame’s John’s list:
April 6, 2016
“As you asked me to keep you in the loop, here is the latest on the D.C. Madam’s records:
“Yesterday, Chief Justice Roberts denied my Application to remove the Restraining Order which prohibits me from releasing the D.C. Madam’s Escort Service Records I believe relevant to the Presidential Election. Pursuant to Supreme Court Rule 22, I am now renewing that Application to Justice Thomas a procedural second bite at the apple so to speak. I will wait upon his decision which in the normal course should come by the middle of next week before taking any further action regarding those Records. The Renewed Application can be found on my blog.
“I am scheduled to appear by telephone on the Alex Jones Show Jeane Palfrey’s favorite radio show this Friday at 1:00 p.m. (Central Time. ) I have reviewed the putative D.C. Madam records released on-line and can state they are not the Records I seek to release. Instead, they appear to be those that I released publicly in 2007 and which were organized into a searchable database by the Brandeis Boys.
“Respectfully, I have sought to answer all your questions, so now I am going to ask you a few of my own: With the Wisconsin Primary now in the books and more Primaries on the horizon:
1. Will the Press begin to “press” Chief Justice Roberts as to why he denied my Application in Supreme Court Case No. 15A1016? Is he a Caesar at the Coliseum turning his thumb up or down as the whim strikes him or does he have to account-through-legal-analysis for his decision to allow my First Amendment Political Speech to be muzzled by explicitly approving the refusal of the lower courts in his administrative jurisdiction to allow me to file my Motion to Modify the Restraining Order? (I trust you know for time sensitive or urgent questions, Reporters can contact the Supreme Court Public Information Office at 202-479-3211, press 1).
2. When will the Press begin to “press” D.C. Circuit Court Chief Judge Garland as to why his Court has refused since March 9, 2016 to address my Petition which seeks an order directing the District Court Clerk to file my Motion to Modify the Restraining Order. Notably, in Case No.: 16-3007, I requested Expedited Consideration which the Circuit Court also has refused to grant or deny creating in effect a judicial pocket veto without explanation and thus denying me the ability to appeal such a decision. (Such an inquiry can be directed to: Tracy Hauser Scarrow, (202-216-7460) Special Assistant to Chief Judge Garland).
“Needless to say, there will be more to follow.” Signed, Montgomery Sibley
Law Center Issues Threat to Cruz: Quit by the 17th & Admit You’re a Fraud – Or We will Expose You as One – April 9, 2016
“The North American Law Center has issued an ultimatum to the Ted Cruz campaign: “If Ted continues on – we are going to release the files we have, two weeks from tonight, and we will bury Ted Cruz forever in American politics.
“J. B. Williams, the co-founder of The North American Law Center said on April 3, 2016, “We’re talking about American citizens (who) think a guy who’s Canadian-born is eligible to be a U.S. president – without any documentation whatsoever. If Ted continues on – we are going to release the files we have, two weeks from tonight, and we will bury Ted Cruz forever in American politics… If we have to stop this guy from defrauding this nation, then we are going to do that.”
“Consider that the only documents we have actually been privy to are the documents that Mr. Cruz has provided, namely his birth certificate and his revocation of Canadian citizenship, which did not occur until mid-2014. That’s it. In fact, according to the NALC, “…there is no evidence to suggest that the parent or parents of Ted Cruz ever filed a CRBA form with the U.S. Government in or around 1970, which is why Ted Cruz released a copy of his Canadian citizenship records and not any U.S. citizenship records.”
“At present, all FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) requests filed in search of any U.S. citizenship documents to confirm the true official U.S. citizenship status of Ted Cruz have been denied access,” Williams added. “All citizenship records for Ted Cruz are sealed unless and until Ted Cruz agrees to allow any such records to be released by either U.S. or Canadian agencies. As a result, there remains no authentic evidence to support the claims that Ted Cruz is either a ‘natural born’ or ‘naturalized’ citizen of the United States.” (Emphasis mine)
“Without any form of U.S. Citizenship documentation, and proof of Canadian citizenship at birth in 1970 and holding that legal status until May 2014 when he renounced his birth citizenship to Canada, there is no way for Ted Cruz to prove that he is either ‘natural born’ and eligible for the Oval Office, or ‘naturalized’ prior to 2012, when he sought and accepted a seat in the U.S. Senate as a legal citizen of Canada,” Williams concluded.”
Like the author of the piece above, I’m wondering what is it they have but we haven’t seen? According to J.B. they have files they intend to release if Cruz doesn’t quit the race by April 17th. From his lips to God’s ears. We all know the ambitious Ted thinks he can bluff his way into the White House just like the current Manchurian Candidate did – twice. I guess we’ll see on the 17th what information the North American Law Center has and if any heavies in the compromised, agenda driven media outlets, ‘conservative’ talk radio, FOX News Network or any of them cover this story.
There’s a lot of talk about who can win the national election. We’ve already seen vote fraud in several states against Donald Trump that favor Ted Cruz. FOX and other media outlets on the stupid tube as well as the Internet and newspapers all say Trump cannot beat a criminal like Hillary Clinton in a general election. Funny thing though because the same was said about Ronnie Reagan in 1980. Despite Latest Media Smear Trump’s Favorable Rating Rivals Reagan’s in 1980: “Back in March 1980 the establishment said the same thing about Ronald Reagan. They said he could never defeat Jimmy Carter. He was too divisive. Reagan trailed Carter by 15 points in February-March 1980.”
Jimmy Carter, Democratic/Communist Party USA, was a monumental failure just like the Marxist in the White House, Barry Soetoro aka Obama. Reagan was a Republican. Election outcome: Reagan trounced Carter in a landslide taking 44 states. Of course, Reagan didn’t have to deal with an opponent who has no legal right to be on any state’s ballot along with the sophisticated electronic vote fraud we’re seeing.
Millions of us are praying Hillary the Hun gets indicted because her and the serial adulterer she’s married to have been a successful criminal enterprise for almost three decades. However, should she go up against Trump there’s no question in my mind he will beat her soundly unless vote fraud carries that hag as it did Obama – twice. As vote fraud absolutely put Bush, Jr. into the White House in 2004; no question Kerry actually won Ohio.
Dishonest Ted likes to say the eligibility issue has already been settled by the courts so buzz off. Yes, Ted, it has only you choose to ignore the cases which prove you are not eligible:
4 Supreme Court Cases define “natural born citizen”
Neither the 14th Amendment nor Wong Kim Ark make one a Natural Born Citizen
Ted Cruz Misrepresents the Law and His Being a Natural Born Citizen at Town Hall Meeting
I’m sure many of you saw the disgusting fake front page the Boston Globe put out over the weekend: Boston Globe rips Trump with fake front page. I have but one thing to say to the editorial board of that rag: Your proctologist called. He found your head. Now, I didn’t come up with that one; the woman who used it on line remains anonymous. But, it is so spot on when it comes to fools in the media working so hard to destroy this country, their own lives and families.
Well, we’re in the waiting game now. The release of Ms. Palfrey’s records, what files the North American Law Center has and the outcome of Prof. Victor Williams ballot challenge hearing today in New Jersey.
[Just a short note about 9/11 and Smart Electric Meeters. The cost of America’s undeclared “war” (invasion) in Afghanistan has now reached $1 trillion borrowed dollars – massive debt heaped on us all based on what happened on 9/11. Regular readers of my column know I continue to press for the truth about the events of 9/11. Military grade nanothermite is not a conspiracy theory. It was found and tested from the rubble at the twin towers. A new, powerful film has been released: The Anatomy of a Great Deception. Just released: New Expanded Global Edition. For full disclosure I receive no compensation, but I want you to get a copy (or a few) and share it with others or give a copy as a present. I’ve purchased half a dozen copies and given them to individuals I believe seek the truth. It’s very powerful simply because it’s one ‘ordinary’ man’s story who ask a simple question that led him to a not so simple journey. There is factual information in this film that many have never heard about but everyone should. Just a suggestion, order more than one and give one to a friend. Also, must see video on the dangers of Smart Meeters on your home, titled: Take Back Your Power.]
© 2016 – NewsWithViews.com and Devvy – All Rights Reserved
When the National Enquirer story broke about Ted Cruz being a serial adulterer I was out of the state listening to talk radio while driving. My first thought was the ‘DC Madame’ scandal back in 2007. Deborah Jeane Palfrey ran a successful and very large Washington, DC prostitution business. Ms. Palfrey was indicted in 2008: two counts for using U.S. mail for illegal activities, racketeering and money laundering. This is a lengthy but full back story for those unfamiliar with the case.
Casualties were numerous when the names of some of her clients were released according to the Vanity Fair article linked above: Former deputy secretary of state Randall Tobias; Pentagon adviser and author Harlan K. Ullman, a top military strategist who advised the Bush Administration and U.S. senator David Vitter, a Republican from Louisiana. Here is a list of John’s but by no means all of them.
Ms. Palfrey was found hanged in her mother’s shed. Her death ruled a suicide despite the fact that she had publicly stated she would never kill herself. Deborah Jeane Palfrey was murdered. Of that I have no doubt. She played a very risky game in a town drowning in filth, corruption and yes, murder when it threatens those who carry out the agenda of the Masters of the Game, global world elites. Evil in human form most Americans simply cannot acknowledge because to do so would crumble their security blanket and bring them into a stark reality they can’t handle.
At the time, Ms. Palfrey was represented by an attorney named Montgomery Blair Sibley. It was after that crime was pushed under the rug I became aware of Montgomery in his efforts to expose the criminal impostor in the White House for usurping the office of president of these united States of America. Montgomery went the extra mile in 2012 by attempting to run for president only to hit the iron wall called federal courts filled with cowards hiding behind their black robes.
Anytime a sex scandal involving politicians from both parties pops up it’s a difficult issue to pursue because there’s usually a spouse and children involved. Former NY Governor Eliot Spitzer and former SC Governor Mark Sanford were both caught cheating. Spitzer with whores from an ‘escort’ service, Sanford with a woman he met in Argentina. Both destroyed their marriages; I’m betting their children needed counseling. Spitzer went on to get a tv gig with CNN which was eventually canceled because no one watched it. Voters in SC rewarded Sanford and all his lies by electing him to Congress. When Sanford was done using his ‘paramour’ he drop kicked her via Facebook. But, perhaps there is a happy ending after all as the two lovebirds reunited in 2015.
There’s no doubt because I have made myself clear in many columns I believe Ted Cruz is a conniving liar. He knows he’s not eligible to run for president but he’s not going to let that interfere with his personal ambitions. After all, wasn’t it Glen Beck who announced Cruz was the ‘anointed one for this time’? Know when I absolutely knew Cruz knew he was constitutionally ineligible to be on the ballot? When he said this on August 22, 2013 at an appearance: “I am secretly a citizen of Ethiopia.”
The crowd got a big laugh out of that one right along with Ted the liar. What he did was copy the fraud in the White House with his born in Kenya jokes. Right out of Saul Alinsky’s play book: Mock your enemies openly to distract from the subject at hand and keep doing it so eventually people will believe it.
The Republican Party has allowed three ineligible candidates to run for president this year: Bobby Jindal, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz. Why? Because of their complicity in allowing Barry Soetoro aka Obama to usurp the office of president. No way are they going to open that can of toxic worms. Rotten. They’re all rotten to the core and Americans by the millions so far have continued to vote for their incumbents in the GOP controlled Congress who have allowed that massive fraud to stand.
On the day before I arrived back in W. Texas I was tuned into Sean Hannity’s radio show just to see what was being spoon fed to his audience. Hannity did not use Montgomery’s name while talking about the DC Madame and the National Enquirer piece which I haven’t read. You know, that publication who printed the truth about JFK’s affair with Mary Pinchot Meyer (who was murdered), John Edwards, Tiger Woods and so many others. Anyway, Hannity mocked Montgomery and proclaimed there was no truth to Cruz being one of Palfrey’s John’s.
Hannity scoffed when telling his audience Montgomery had posted all the information on 815 of Palfrey’s Johns and phone records of 40 other similar operations in the Washington area on four servers around the globe and that if anything happened to him the information would be immediately released. One has to remember that Montgomery was restrained by the court from releasing what he has and when you threaten powerful people or ones that know where the bodies are buried (former Commerce Secretary Ron Brown and Vince Foster, Deputy White House Counsel for serial adulterer Bill Clinton; both murdered) you are risking your life. Shallow Sean can laugh all he wants but I find him to be a pitiful example of someone who claims to be a truth seeker.
Cruz went ballistic when ask ‘Have you ever been unfaithful to your wife’? He refused to answer. Instead, Cruz used his campaign chair, Chad Sweet to deny he had extramarital affairs although I wouldn’t really classify hiring whores as your usual run of the mill affair.
Cruz is a lawyer, a smart one and very savvy. He refuses to issue a personal denial but instead uses a surrogate. Right out of John Edwards play book. The disgraced former senator and presidential candidate denied he was the father of a child born to his paramour, Rielle Hunter, for a couple of years. Instead, his former aide, Andrew Young claimed he was the father. Well, long after the fact, Edwards came clean and owned up to being daddy. But, I always give credit where credit is due and from all appearances, Edwards takes care of his daughter financially and he and his children have a pretty good relationship with the little girl. That does not excuse all his lying, of course. Edwards romance with Hunter has long expired.
When I arrived back home I started looking at what was on the Internet. Many might remember the 2015 blow up when the disgusting cheating web site, Ashley Madison, was hacked:
“Warren Rojas reports for Roll Call, March 28, 2016, that approximately 15,000 email addresses of Ashley Madison’s subscribers have the “.mil” or “.gov” designation assigned to the armed forces and federal agencies, respectively.
“Among those are:
Nearly four dozen people who work at the White House.
The Capitol Police.
Seven individuals with ties to House offices.
The email address of Ted Cruz’s senate office: press@cruz.senate.gov.
“A Cruz aide insists that although “The email address in question is press@cruz.senate.gov,” that doesn’t mean anyone in Cruz’s senate office was an Ashley Madison subscriber because the address is “a publicly and widely available forwarding address that is often entered into web contact forms by people with no connection to our office.”
“The aide is being disingenuous because s/he would have us believe that a subscriber to Ashley Madison would use an email address with no connection to the subscriber. How would anyone interested in an adulterous “hookup” contact the subscriber then?”
Deny, deny and lie. But, since Ted Cruz is very well connected (one must read Kelleigh Nelson’s amazing research on Ted Cruz) the National Enquirer and the allegations they published was simply pushed aside in favor of the next juicy attack on Donald Trump.
I don’t think Mrs. Cruz was taking all this too well because she immediately suspended her campaign activities. Heidi Cruz Cancels New Jersey Campaign Stops This Week: “This comes after The National Enquirer accused Texas Senator Ted Cruz of multiple extramarital affairs last week.” There is a story out there in cyber land claiming a memo was sent by Mrs. Cruz that she knew Teddy was dipping his wick in someone else’s honey pot, but I have yet to see proof so I consider that to be just another rumor.
Last year Montgomery put out a request for donations. He wanted to head back to court to get the restraining order lifted on all the records he has that belonged to Ms. Palfrey. Montgomery said what he has could impact this presidential election. Well, I thought. One of the candidates, Democrat or Republican must have cheated on their spouse. At that time there were 17 candidates on the GOP side and Clinton, Sanders and a couple other losers for the Democratic/Communist Party USA.
The fact that Montgomery filed a petition with the U.S. Circuit Court last month tells me that one of the remaining candidates wins the grand prize since the race is now down to Kasich, ineligible Cruz and Donald Trump. I didn’t think it could be Kasich, but one never knows. Like Chief Justice John Roberts who is spoken of in Washington, DC circles as being homosexual, perhaps there is some truth to this: Kasich Bombshell! – Said To Be Longtime Homosexual
Donald Trump allegedly had an affair while married to his first wife which led to a divorce. At that time he was not running for the office of president. By all appearances Donald Trump and his wife, Melania, seem to have a solid marriage. Palfrey was murdered in 2008; Trump married Melania in 2005. I think Palfrey’s records go back to before Trump married Melania.
That leaves Ted Cruz on the GOP side. Of course, it could be Hillary Clinton having an affair with her shadow tied at their hips, Huma Abedin. It’s certainly no secret in Washington, DC that Bill Clinton is not the father of Chelsea. That honor goes to Web Hubbell, Hillary the Hun’s old law firm business partner. No? A picture is worth a thousand words. Clinton Issues Pardons, Clearing Deutch and McDougal, but Not Milken or Hubbell. Wisely, Hubbell has kept his mouth shut.
Sadly, Chelsea Clinton was ask that very question recently at an event which must have been very humiliating for her. She didn’t reply to the question about Hubbell being her father. Why hasn’t the puppet media ask Hillary the Hun: Is Web Hubbell Chelsea’s father? You cannot deny she looks exactly like Web Hubbell and absolutely zero resemblance to Bill Clinton who has a reputation for shooting blanks his whole life.
I truly doubt it’s the 74 year old bum, Bernie Sanders.
While I was on the road, Montgomery was busy:
Monday, March 28, 2016: And now to the Supreme Court . . .
“After waiting for two weeks for the U.S. Circuit Court to rule upon my Petition to (i) order the District Court Clerk to file my Motion to Modify the Restraining Order that prevents me from releasing the D.C. Madam’s client list and (ii) direct that I receive an expedited hearing on that Motion, I am — as I previously announced — waiting no more.
“Today I have filed at the U.S. Supreme Court my Application for a Stay of Restraining Order directed to the Honorable John G. Roberts, Jr. , Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Notably, in that Application, I unequivocally stated the following:
” To be clear, if Sibley is not allowed to file his Motion to Modify the Restraining Order and thereafter does not promptly receive a fair and impartial hearing on that Motion, he will justifiably consider the Restraining Order void as a result of being denied such a hearing by the District Court, Circuit Court and now this Court. In that event, Sibley will simply release publicly the Verizon Wireless Subpoena Return records containing the names and addresses of eight hundred fifteen (815) Washington D.C. clients of the D.C. Madam’s escort service.
“Not a threat, but a promise. And, to date, I have been a man of my word.”
Montgomery has stated several times that time is of the essence since voters have been casting their votes and the deciding states as far as delegates are upcoming. Voters have the right to know the truth before they cast their vote.
(Incidentally, the judge who turned down Sibley’s petition is Judge Richard Roberts of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. On March 16, 2016, the same Judge Roberts resigned. The 63 year-old is being sued by a woman who claims Roberts sexually assaulted her when she was 16 years old; Roberts was 27. Roberts says the relationship was mutual consent (a 27-year old with a 16 year old teen) and that the sexual assault allegations are “categorically false”. The usual denials just like former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Dennis Hastert, cutting a deal last October in the hush money cover up over allegations he sexually molested a young boy when Hastert was a high school coach. Hastert’s sentencing has been postponed due to health issues.)
On April 1, 2016, a web site posted a page allegedly from Ms. Palfrey’s ATT phone records. Montgomery states he wants to release Palfrey’s records from Verizon Wireless, not ATT. He was her lawyer and has all her records so where did the ATT come from on April Fool’s Day? You can view the alleged one page ATT phone records here. Seven phone numbers are highlighted in yellow. All 1-2 minutes with the exception of one call lasting 7 minutes but it’s to an 800 number. What can you say in one – 2 minutes? Your name as a client and which whore you want for the night? Something hinkey there.
The numbers highlighted are purported to be Ted Cruz’s private phone numbers. I emailed Montgomery and ask if that page came from him and he responded, “Wasn’t me”. I have every faith Montgomery is and has been telling the truth all along. What he knows the American people have the right to see, too – before they vote. Montgomery also believes that: “Time is of the essence because people are casting votes in primaries and caucuses,” he says. “I believe this information is relevant to that political discourse.” IF the allegations are true and a big primary is coming up tomorrow – Wisconsin with a large number of delegates – voters have a right to know the truth. IF the allegations are true how many delegates will be awarded before Ted decides to drop out of the race for whatever excuse he thinks he can sell?
I don’t think Ted Cruz supporters understand or can appreciate the risk Montgomery is taking if he defies a court order not to mention what’s happened to others who represent a threat to the guttersnipes in high places in Washington, DC. Think Deborah Jeane Palfrey and her client list.
The hacking group called Anonymous also threatened to expose Cruz if he doesn’t drop out of the race immediately. It looks like they’re trying to take credit for the ATT page cited above.
While most find this distasteful and supporters of Ted Cruz loudly object because they can’t bear the thought that their holier-than-thou candidate is a serial adulterer, Cruz is doing himself no favor by using a surrogate to deny cheating. We all know the old saying, where there’s smoke there’s fire. Well, the room is filling up with smoke while Cruz can’t seem to utter the words ‘I have never been unfaithful to my wife’. But, like I said he’s a lawyer and things have a way of coming back to bite spouses in nasty divorces.
Washington Times Fires Writer for Confirming Ted Cruz Scandal, Claimed At Least Two Mistresses Accurate. “When Johnson “came clean” on Twitter it wasn’t long before a series of Twitter users began bombarding the writer with questions about his sources and the publications who passed on the story. In response, Drew Johnson says that there were lots of rumors, and that at least one of media outlets knew the whole story but decided it was not in their interest to run it.”
And why would it not be in the best interest to run a story they (media outlet above) know to be true? Isn’t the truth in everyone’s best interest?
But what do experts say about Cruz’s denial?
Experts: Ted Cruz Appears Deceptive in His Response to Sex Scandal Story, March 27, 2016
“Phil Houston is CEO of QVerity, a training and consulting company specializing in detecting deception by employing a model he developed while at the Central Intelligence Agency. He has conducted thousands of interviews and interrogations for the CIA and other federal agencies….
“We should note that these two statements constitute the only material that we currently have at our disposal to analyze, which is far from ideal. Obviously, the more material available for analysis, the greater our confidence in our findings. With that said, however, we were struck by the volume of deceptive behavior that we identified in these statements.
“Behaviorally, when the facts are the ally of an individual, he or she almost always tends to focus on the facts of the matter at hand. In this case, if the key fact was that he had not had these affairs, Cruz would almost certainly have been much more strongly focused on the denial. That is, he very likely would have made a point of explicitly stating something along the lines of, “I did not have these affairs.”
“Yet at no point in either statement did Cruz say that. He implied it by saying the allegations are false, and that they’re lies, but behaviorally, such statements are not equivalent to saying he never had the affairs. Even if we were to overlook that fact and consider his statements to be a denial, there is an overwhelmingly higher proportion of attack behavior compared to the effort expended at denial. This type of lopsided attack-to-denial ratio is very consistent with what we have historically seen with deceptive people when allegations are levied against them.”
Not only has Ted refused to set the record straight (Old memories: Bill Clinton shaking his finger at the tv cameras stating he did not have sex with than woman and it depends on what the definition of is is) he hides behind Carly Fiorina’s skirt. But, why is the ‘strong, independent’ Fiorina stumping and covering for Teddy? Why did Ted Cruz’s PAC give half a million to Carly Fiorina’s? Oct. 1, 2015.
“The Federal Election Commission (FEC) has asked a Ted Cruz super PAC to explain why it gave $500,000 to another super PAC supporting one of his Republican rivals. According to financial disclosures from June, Keep the Promise I – one of four separate committees backing Cruz – gave half a million dollars to CARLY for America, the political action committee supporting Carly Fiorina.
“Super PACs are legally allowed to give money to other super PACs – they are only prohibited from donating directly to any political campaign. But it’s unusual for one of these groups to give money to an opponent, especially when the candidate it supports is still in the race.”
Now, if you were running for a high public office would you give a half million bux to a super PAC supporting your opponent? Teddy said it was because Fiorina had important things to say. I guess he didn’t but really, Ted, that’s the best you can come up with?
Movie stars and other famous people sue publications like the National Enquirer all the time. Blake Shelton Is Suing InTouch For Saying He’s A Drunk Mess Who Once Peed On A Mailbox, March 18, 2016. John Edwards didn’t sue the National Enquirer nor did Tiger Woods, the ‘Reverend’ Jesse Jackson (love child) or Senator Gary Hart (dipped into the honey pot while candidate for president) because the stories were true. Eventually the smoke in their cases became full blown bonfires.
I have seen or heard nothing about Ted Cruz stating he is going to sue the National Enquirer. If it were me, damn straight I would IF the allegations were lies – wouldn’t you?
Ted Cruz, if innocent of the allegations should sue but we know what that means – the genie jumping out of the bottle or one might say a bimbo eruption. That is why I believe Cruz will not sue the National Enquirer or any other publication or web site that accuses him of using high paid prostitutes to scratch his itch. Oh, he can say he doesn’t want to give the National Enquirer any credibility or that he’s too busy on the campaign trail, but you and I didn’t fall off the turnip truck yesterday. If any more questions come up he can just rely on his old standard they’re lies, blah, blah, blah. The National Enquirer has been wrong a few times. Maybe they are this time.
Donald Trump has said he hopes it isn’t true and as much as I dislike Ted Cruz, I also hope for the sake of his wife, children and the large number of Americans who have voted for him that it’s not. Glen Beck has said he would forgive Cruz for one affair but not two or more: “Beck said he could forgive one incident but not a pattern of adultery.” Beck said Cruz didn’t have “enough game” to be jumping the bones of multiple women; at least I think that’s what he meant. Beck said if the allegations were true he would drop Cruz like a hot potato. If I were Glen Beck I might consider buying those big barbeque mitts.
But, those of us who believe the allegations against Cruz could all be wrong. We are going to find out soon because I take Montgomery at his word that he will release what he has and then we’ll all know the truth. If Ted Cruz’s name and phone number(s) are in Ms. Palfrey’s records his political career and likely his marriage is over. Toast.
Because those allegations have pretty much been brushed aside by heavies like Sean Hannity and Glen Beck, Cruz doesn’t look very stressed. I caught a clip of him a couple nights ago on FOX. He was the grand poobah at the North Dakota State Republican Convention. But, we all know how cool Barry Soetoro aka Obama has been the last eight years while being dogged about his ineligibility. Cruz is a slick, practiced politician. For now he can continue acting as if he’s won the National Enquirer debate.
Cruz can keep laughing on stage, but will he have the last laugh?
[Just a short note about 9/11 and Smart Electric Meeters. The cost of America’s undeclared “war” (invasion) in Afghanistan has now reached $1 trillion borrowed dollars – massive debt heaped on us all based on what happened on 9/11. Regular readers of my column know I continue to press for the truth about the events of 9/11. Military grade nanothermite is not a conspiracy theory. It was found and tested from the rubble at the twin towers. A new, powerful film has been released: The Anatomy of a Great Deception. Just released: New Expanded Global Edition. For full disclosure I receive no compensation, but I want you to get a copy (or a few) and share it with others or give a copy as a present. I’ve purchased half a dozen copies and given them to individuals I believe seek the truth. It’s very powerful simply because it’s one ‘ordinary’ man’s story who ask a simple question that led him to a not so simple journey. There is factual information in this film that many have never heard about but everyone should. Just a suggestion, order more than one and give one to a friend. Also, must see video on the dangers of Smart Meeters on your home, titled: Take Back Your Power.]
© 2016 – NewsWithViews.com and Devvy – All Rights Reserved
Before I get into the ugliness which took place in Chicago and other cities, there were two more presidential primary caucuses on Saturday, March 12th. According to the Wyoming Secretary of State, as of this month, there are 139,955 registered Republicans in that state. Turnout for their county caucuses was beyond pathetic:
Cruz (644 votes): 66.3%, 9 delegates
Rubio (189 votes): 19.5%, 1 delegate
Trump (70 votes): 7.2%, 1 delegate
Kasich (0 votes):0%, 0 delegates
Uncommitted (68 votes): 7%, 1 delegate
A grand total of 971 out of almost 140,000 registered Republicans on a Saturday bothered to participate in the process to elect a new president of these united States of America.
According to the Washington, DC Board of Elections there are 330,571 registered Democratic/Communist Party USA voters, 27, 228 registered Republican voters and a whopping 72,406 No Party. Turnout there was as pathetic as Wyoming:
Marco Rubio 1,059
John Kasich 1,009
Donald Trump 391
Ted Cruz 351
Out of 27,228 registered Republicans a grand total of 2,839 bothered to participate in the process to elect a new president.
As for the protesters who caused Donald Trump to cancel a scheduled event, March 11, 2016, at a large ‘diverse’ state university, we know many outside the event were supporters of socialist, Bernie Sanders, who should not be in this race at all. Sanders has been working feverishly in the Outlaw Congress for the past 25 years to overthrow our legal form of government and turn America into a socialist nightmare. Furthermore, He is NOT a member of the Democratic/Communist Party USA so why is he allowed to run on the Democrat party ticket?
Protesters outside the venue chanted the worn out ‘Trump is a racist’ because of his stand on stopping illegals from sneaking into our country bankrupting county and state resources.
Protesters outside the venue held up all kinds of signs like Dump Trump, Trump is Hate, Vote 4 Trump You Get Jumped, Your Hate is Killing People and other bull fed to them by organizations funded by another seditionist, George Soros. I’ve watched endless clips of what happened. One I caught was a reporter who ask five different protesters why there were there and not one of them could come up with a single reason other than to shrug their shoulders or come up with this classic: I don’t want to tell you. Such brilliance!
Inside the Madhouse: Firsthand Account of Chicago Shutdown from Trump Supporter (Truly sickening and dangerous. As with other protests by Trump haters, they seem unable to get by without flipping the bird and using the F word. Sad to have such a limited vocabulary, but then what can one expect from public schools?) Not to be left out of the pool of nitwits, Marxist Bill de Blasio, Mayor of NYC sent out a tweet thing: Trump is a racist.
On the organized side, we know thugs from BlackLivesMatter were there was well as Moveon.org. Experienced agitators who are quite adept at the herding technique. As with illegals out in the open in places like Arizona at the state capitol, protesters over the weekend were flying the Communist flag.
Trump spoke in Ohio at an airport on Saturday, March 12th. A 22-year old useful fool apparently wanted to kill Trump by jumping the low barrier around Trump. Secret Service immediately took him down and away. Besides being a supporter of Bernie Sanders and his toxic message, there is allegedly ties to ISIS. Thomas Dimassimo is no stranger to that type of behavior. One can see pictures of him stomping on the American flag at other college campuses on the Internet.
Here in America thugs egged on by the criminal impostor in the White House, former Attorney General Eric Holder and phony civil rights pimps like Al Sharpton we now have dangerous individuals who want to assassinate a presidential candidate. Mrs. Trump andhis children must have felt such fear watching in real time. THAT is how deep the division has become in this country since Barry Obama usurped the office of president. His useful idiot supporters will sputter and claim it isn’t so, but it’s as true as the sky is blue.
Then came Kansas City. I was watching it live on FOX. What a sickening spectacle. The first twenty minutes Trump attempted to get on with his speech, but was constantly interrupted by hoodlums who managed to get in the door. That batch of ignorant, useful fools were thrown out, but a new one kept popping up someplace in the massive audience.
Voters Slam Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio for Blaming Chicago Rally Shutdown on Donald Trump
If anyone thinks this planned coordinated attack on Donald Trump each time he appears somewhere is going away, they would be wrong. The victim hood industry owned by the Democratic/Communist Party USA is as threatened as the dirty traitors called the Republican establishment elites who have worked hand in hand with Demorats in the Outlaw Congress to destroy this country. That is what Americans are finally waking up to and what is driving the movement launched by Trump.
Unfortunately, tens of millions of black Americans as well as Mexican, South American and others who were either born in this country or legally became citizens don’t understand: the Democratic/Communist Party USA wants you to stay poor. They want you to stay dependent on mother government so you will keep voting their incumbents in the Outlaw Congress back into office. They do not want you to be successful despite all the braying by lying pieces of crap like Hillary Clinton. That’s what all those minorities at the Trump events just don’t understand because they’ve been through the government’s indoctrination centers they call public schools, they read sewer web sites like the Huffington Post and watch propaganda on the book tube on CNN and MSNBC.
A small percentage have awakened and switched to vote Republican. Hopefully they will pass on the message of freedom and liberty to their friends and family. Hopefully they will listen and start rejecting the global agenda of the impostor in the White House and dirty dogs in Congress who care nothing about them. They only lust for power and money.
Those protesters are also victims of the finest Soviet-style propaganda brainwashing as one can see outside the old Kremlin. They are ignorant useful fools of the tyrants working to bring America to her knees. Remember those 45 goals of the Communist Party International? These are germane to what happened over the weekend:
– Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.
– Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.
– Gain control of all student newspapers.
– Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack.
– Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policy making positions.
– Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.
Successful on every count in this country under the banner of ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive liberal’. America’s children for the past 40 years have been indoctrinated and brainwashed in those toxic institutions they call public schools and on college campuses across this country. What we saw over this past weekend is the successful implementation by the evil doers.
If any of them had an ounce of intelligence they would listen to what Donald Trump has been saying since last June which Trump alluded to while waiting for disrespectful protesters to be removed:
Many of these protesters are unhappy – especially black Americans who were going to hit the jackpot under racist, Barry Soetoro (Obama) – because they can’t find work, because wages are stagnant and can’t keep up with inflation. I feel confident in saying none of them understand the disabilities of our monetary system so they can’t process the problem with the dollar. They are so dumbed down from public schools and so brainwashed by the boob tube, Hollywood mouthpieces and corrupt politicians they simply cannot see how they’ve been led down the path to their own destruction.
Trump has promised to stop the complete destruction of our most important job bases, manufacturing, industrial and agriculture, from destructive trade treaties like NAFTA and bring jobs home to America. Trump has never said those jobs would not go to black or Mexican or Asian Americans. He stands before you with the promise to stop the bleeding of jobs and bring jobs back to America for ALL Americans.
• Kasich, Cruz, Rubio Talk Tough on Foreign Workers While Concealing Efforts to Expand Guest Worker Programs
• Ohio losing high-paying manufacturing jobs under Kasich,Backs free-trade deals sending employment overseas
• Ohio lost 112,500 jobs to trade with TPP countries
• More Foreign Graduates to Compete for STEM Jobs Under Newly Unveiled Obama Rule
• EXCLUSIVE — Tea Party Founder: An Open Letter to Ted Cruz – She forgot to mention Cruz is ineligible to even run
• Ted Cruz Loses Law Enforcement After Siding With Bill Ayers, Violent Mobs Beating Cops in Chicago
• Excellent: Ted Cruz Joins George Soros Group in Trump Attack
Trump’s stand on illegal immigration is not only about national security but making jobs available to ALL Americans stolen by illegal aliens by closing the southern border and, I pray, getting the Outlaw Congress to reintroduce Dirty Harry Reid’s strong anti-illegals bill which I wrote about in August 2014 which the current incumbents in Congress have done NOTHING. If Congress would pass Dirty Harry’s old bill and President Trump signs it into law we will see millions and millions of liars, cheats and thieves, illegal aliens, immediately self-deport. Take money to the bank on that.Tragically, Americans continue to vote to reelect almost all incumbents so far.
• Kasich promises ‘legalization’ for illegals within 100 days if elected (that should finish off Father Teresa)
• Guess What? Kasich ALSO Didn’t Get Enough Signatures For The Illinois Ballot!
• Three Illegal Alien Convicted Rapists Arrested Sneaking Back into Texas, March 11, 2016
• ‘We Got All These Illegals Working Here, Something’s Got To Happen’ – Democrat Chicago
‘I want to vote so Donald Trump won’t win’: Illegals Applying for Citizenship to Vote Against Trump – We are going to see vote fraud in Ohio and Florida tomorrow night along with illegals voting in every state. If Kasich takes Ohio, Trump needs to audit the vote throughout the state. Not just walk away like wimp, Mittens Romney did.
Donald Trump also believes we should stop all legal immigration for two years. No. We need to shut down legal immigration for at least five years. We have 92 MILLION Americans from all walks of life, skin color and political persuasions out of work. They’re out of work because both Democrats and Republicans have sold the American worker out to foreign interests. Massive of abuse of high tech visas has kept college graduates and very experienced IT types on unemployment and food stamps. It’s out and out BS that the Silicon Valley and other hubs of high tech employees can’t find qualified workers. They want CHEAP workers while Americans go without.
• Donald Trump Says Massive Legal Migration Is Eroding Middle Class
• Illinois company to force tech workers to train foreign replacements (Taking a page out of Disney’s playbook)
We need to shut down legal immigration for at least five years to clean out the illegals which includes background checks on ones suspected of being connected to ISIS and other terrorist groups,and round up traitorous Muslims in this country and get laws passed to protect we the people against any implementation of Sharia Law. America needs a minimum of give years to clean up and reset. There’s nothing in the U.S. Constitution that says we have to flood this country with immigrants – especially when they bring nothing to the table. OUR citizens have the job skills to fill jobs in this country. Now we have to bring them home to America.
Because NWVs gets so many new readers, I once again strongly encourage you to read an excerpt from Jerri Lynn Ball’s book, Masters of Seduction. It’s 25 pages, but explains exactly how the American people are being brainwashed to accept slavery instead of freedom. While it was written in 2000, nothing has changed in the psychological war against we the people, just the players. It is imperative Americans understand how they’ve been manipulated and how to break away from contributing to the total destruction of our constitutional republic. Share with family friends and anyone else who is concerned about what’s happening. Read it.
WATCH free on line – Cultural Marxism – The Corruption of America. This is the full length DVD that, like Masters of Seduction, will give Americans not only the truth but ammunition to counter the propaganda being fed to our fellow Americans on a daily basis. That video should be given a showing at every church in this country – especially in black communities as well other ethnic categories. They need the truth. I am not your enemy because my skin is a different color. Your enemy is the forces at work in this country destroying all that America has ever stood for that was great.
As you watch that superb video, keep in mind these communist goals at mentioned earlier in this column; my comments are in parenthesis:
– Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to “eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms.” (We see this all over America unconstitutionally paid for by we the people.)
– Control art critics and directors of art museums. “Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art.”
– Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them “censorship” and a violation of free speech and free press. (The introduction of porn in print and movies as well as ‘sex education’ in America’s classrooms.)
– Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.
– Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, healthy.”
– Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with “social” religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a “religious crutch.”
– Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of “separation of church and state.”
– Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.
– Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the “common man.” (How many times have we heard Demorats in the Outlaw Congress refer to our Founding Fathers as old white men who repressed blacks?)
– Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of the “big picture.” Give more emphasis to Russian history since the Communists took over.
– Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture–education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.
– Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.
– Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.
– Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use [“]united force[“] to solve economic, political or social problems. (Exactly what we saw in Kansas City and Chicago. Useful fools chanting the old commie standards of income equality, racism and those nasty Republicans.)
We know Ohio and Florida are two of the worst states when it comes to vote fraud. Believe me when I tell you we will see the same thing we’ve seen in presidential elections since 2000. Here’s one example already: You Won’t Believe What They Did to the Ohio Ballot to Stop Trum
There’s no question John Kerry won Ohio in 2004 denying George Bush, Jr., a win and not enough electoral college votes to win the general election. Witness To A Crime: A Citizens’ Audit of an American Election. While Comrade Kerry would have been another disaster, electronic vote fraud put Bush, Jr., in the White House. If anyone thinks it can’t happen with Donald Trump they had better think again. Rigged elections and oblivious voters
The machine hasn’t been able to stop Trump so far, but as someone who has been on the vote fraud issues since 1993, I’m telling you it’s their ace in the hole.
[Just a short note about 9/11 and Smart Electric Meeters. The cost of America’s undeclared “war” (invasion) in Afghanistan has now reached $1 trillion borrowed dollars – massive debt heaped on us all based on what happened on 9/11. Regular readers of my column know I continue to press for the truth about the events of 9/11. Military grade nanothermite is not a conspiracy theory. It was found and tested from the rubble at the twin towers. A new, powerful film has been released: The Anatomy of a Great Deception. Just released: New Expanded Global Edition. For full disclosure I receive no compensation, but I want you to get a copy (or a few) and share it with others or give a copy as a present. I’ve purchased half a dozen copies and given them to individuals I believe seek the truth. It’s very powerful simply because it’s one ‘ordinary’ man’s story who ask a simple question that led him to a not so simple journey. There is factual information in this film that many have never heard about but everyone should. Just a suggestion, order more than one and give one to a friend. Also, must see video on the dangers of Smart Meeters on your home, titled: Take Back Your Power.]
© 2016 – NewsWithViews.com and Devvy – All Rights Reserved
Four states held primaries/caucuses last weekend. All four were for presidential preferences. Trump took two. He barely squeaked by Cruz in Kentucky 35.9% -31.6%. Louisiana was also close, Trump 41.1% – 37.8% for fraudster, Ted Cruz. Constitutionally ineligible, Ted Cruz, took two. Kansas: Cruz 48.2% – Trump 23.2% and Maine with Cruz at 45.9% v Trump at 32.6%.
John Kasich, who seems to be vying for the next nomination for Father Teresa finished 3rd in Maine, dead last in Kansas, dead last in Kentucky, dead last in Louisiana. Rubio finished dead last in Maine., 3rd in Kansas, 3rd in Kentucky, 3rd in Louisiana. Count Chocula*, Ted Cruz, is pretending not to kick a dead horse while he pleads for those two to drop out of the race and send their voters to him.
However, a couple of those states were also full ballots for congressional seats, judges, sheriffs and state offices.
A lot of hoopla being played out is there’s a cold revolution going on which is benefiting Donald Trump. Voters are fed up with being betrayed by Washington, DC. Voters are sick of the corrupt criminal enterprise out in Washington, DC. They are spitting right in the eye of the GOP establishment who control everything out in the District of Criminals by voting for Trump. They want an outsider!
Really? Then why in the hell would voters from either party or independents once again vote for congressional incumbents – the very rats who have taken this country to the abyss?
Oh, yes they did. I went and looked at results in several states whose recent primaries included more than just presidential preference. It sickened me. And, in Alabama voters cast several thousand votes for candidates no longer in the race! Carly Fiorina 541; suspended her campaign Feb. 10th. Rent boy, Sen. Lindsay Graham 253; suspended his campaign Dec. 21, 2015. Huckabee 2,528; suspended his campaign Feb. 1st. Rand Paul 1,880; suspended campaign Feb. 3rd. Rick Santorum 616; suspended campaign, Feb. 3rd. Thousands of votes wasted on candidates no longer in the running.
Voters in Arkansas did the same thing. Casting votes for candidates like Bobby Jindal who dropped out of the race, Nov. 17, 2015. Are all those voters that dumb or were they just making a meaningless statement?
In Texas out of 20 congressional seats on the Republican side, a whopping 15 incumbents won their primary! (A few seats were open because of retirement; a couple unopposed; others ran for different offices.) What? How many times have I written this over the past quarter of a decade?
Are Americans Really This Stupid? June 27, 2012
“In mid-2007, the housing market crash predicted by many and ignored by tens of millions ‘suddenly’ became a raging path of destruction across this country. By summer 2008, panic set in and the thieves in the U.S. Congress literally stole the fruits of your labor to unconstitutionally bail out banks and the auto industry. Without a scintilla of constitutional authority, the federal mafia bled us dry while 401(k)s bled in millions of households.
“Americans got angry. They said we will hold you responsible in November 2010!
“Sure, they did. With an approval rating of 11% for the gangsters in the Outlaw Congress, a whopping 86% of incumbents were sent back to Washington, DC., after the 2010 elections to continue stealing us blind and passing more and more unconstitutional laws while allowing alphabet soup agencies like the FDA, EPA and USDA to continue running amok. I suppose one could say it was an improvement over the usual 96% reelection stats for incumbents.
“Great fanfare went on though over the success of getting tea party candidates elected. Newbies who said all the right things while saying nothing. A new set of Band Aid pushers who have yet to understand the critical issues destroying this country: the disabilities of our monetary system, heavy progressive taxation, unconstitutional foreign aid, getting the US out of the UN; the list goes on and on. They just keep on voting for unconstitutional funding while saying the latest flavor of what appeals to voters.
“In a June 24, 2012, poll finding from Rassmussen: “Only 22% of the nation’s likely voters believe the government today has such consent.”
“In other words, 78% of the American people believe the U.S. Congress is doing whatever the hell they want without any regard to we the people.
“There is a great rage blowing across this country because the thieves in the Outlaw Congress aren’t just spending us into poverty, they are destroying a once great constitutional republic. Well, guess what? People are so dang mad, they’ve gone to the polls and once again voted for their own destruction during the 2012 primary cycle.
“Using two web sites, ballotpedia and the official U.S. house web site, I looked at the primary election results for a handful of states – just the U.S. House. It made me sick.
Alabama – 7 districts – 7 incumbents won
California 53 districts – 44 incumbents won
Illinois 18 districts – 14 incumbents won
Indiana – 9 district – 6 incumbents won
Iowa – five districts – 4 incumbents won
Mississippi – 4 districts – 4 incumbents won
North Carolina – 13 districts – 10 incumbents won
Ohio – 18 districts – 15 incumbents won
Pennsylvania – 19 districts – 16 incumbents won
South Carolina – 7 districts – 6 incumbents won
Texas – 36 districts – 30 incumbents won
Virginia 11 districts – 11 incumbents won
“Some seats were uncontested, either party, so the incumbent will walk right back in come November.”
And people wonder why nothing changes in Washington, DC? Hello?
Donald J. Trump & Congressional Incumbents, February 29, 2016
“What do you think will happen if Donald Trump becomes president and he has to go up against a Congress that hates him – with a few exceptions who have endorsed him (Rep. Duncan Hunter, Sen. Jeff Sessions)? I can tell you right now with Paul Ryan and McConnell heading up the two bodies in the legislative branch they will do everything in their power to block and destroy President Trump. Those two scum bags will do everything they can to block Trump from getting rid of all the destructive “free” trade treaties and agreements to judicial nominations. Mark my words. I’ve been at this full time for 26 years. I know how their toxic game is played…
“If your congressional incumbent, or state rep or senator, hasn’t gotten the job done in all the years they’ve been in Congress or the state house, what makes you think they will get the job done if you reward them once again with reelection?
Despite the massive rage across this country in 2010, 2012 and 2014, the American people voted back almost all the same incumbents to Washington, DC, and then expected something different to happen. The newbies have done absolutely nothing in legislation to cure the cancers. Go look at the reelection percentages for every election cycle back to 1964. Nothing changes because the bodies only change just enough to fool the American people into believing change is coming.”
Rep. Louis Gohmert is very popular here in Texas. He won his primary, March 1st which means he will walk right back to Congress in the November elections. Same with Rep. Lamar Smith. Did either one of them vote for:
H.R.3894 – Senior Citizens Tax Elimination Act to do away with income taxes on social security. No. That bill had all of two co-sponors. All those ‘compassionate’ conservatives in Congress talk about loving senior citizens, but when a bill is introduced to stop federal income tax on social security 432 out of 435 reps said no.
H.R.129 – Return to Prudent Banking Act of 2013. Restore Glass-Stegall – House Committee on Financial Services. Bill introduced by Rep Kaptur, Marcy [OH-9], January 3, 2013. No. 83 cosponsors. 2 were Republicans
H.R. 75: American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2013 – To end membership of the United States in the United Nations. Bill introduced January 3, 2013. Bill Sponsor: Rep. Paul Broun Jr. [R-GA10]. The bill had a whopping 10 cosponsors when it died. Neither Gohmert or Smith voted for it.
H.R. 156: To provide for the withdrawal of the United States from the North American Free Trade Agreement. Introduced by a Democrat. No. Zero cosponsors.
Did either of them or all the others who won their primaries starting March 1st introduce legislation to abolish the unconstitutional ‘Federal Reserve’, tell the truth about the nature of the federal income tax, abolish the unconstitutional Federal Department of Education, Health & Human Services, EPA; stop raping us in unconstitutional foreign aid and a million other unconstitutional expenditures? No.
Support former Congressman Ron Paul’s bill to abolish the unconstitutional ‘Federal’ Reserve if they were in office then (2007) or since? No. Dr. Paul’s bill had zero co-sponsors. Did your incumbent introduce and fight to get passed an end to the scam called withholding taxes? Ron Paul did several times; his bills went no where.
The tax-withholding scam, October 21, 2005. Instead of the nearly $2 TRILLION raped from the American people in those taxes, think about it going back into the economy. When Americans have no disposable income they only spend on things like the rent, food and gas money to go to work to earn money to give to the tax man to give away to foreign banking entities. How many incumbents voted for the NDAA, renewal of the freedom killing Patriot Act? A majority of those ‘conservatives’ in the U.S. House.
I also checked Alabama which has 7 districts. Two were uncontested (GOP only) so those crooks will go back to Congress and the other 4 all won their primaries so they, too, will go back to Washington, DC and spend us into oblivion with never once addressing the core cancers killing this country. The same incumbents who continue to vote for more borrowed billions for endless, unconstitutional, un-declared ‘wars’ over in the Middle East.
I’ve covered this in previous columns but it needs to be said again: A legally elected president has few enumerated duties under Art. II, Sec. 2 of the U.S. Constitution:
Commander-in-Chief when called into service. He may require the opinion, in writing, of the principal officer in each of the executive departments, upon any subject relating to the duties of their respective offices, and he shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offenses against the United States, except in cases of impeachment.
He shall have power, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, judges of the Supreme Court, and all other officers of the United States, whose appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by law: but the Congress may by law vest the appointment of such inferior officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the courts of law, or in the heads of departments.
The President shall have power to fill up all vacancies that may happen during the recess of the Senate, by granting commissions which shall expire at the end of their next session.
Donald Trump can negotiate trade treaties but those treaties have to be ratified by a legally seated U.S. Senate. Reelect a majority of “free” traders in the senate who have voted for job killing treaties – like Juan McCain who has said NAFTA is a resounding success for Americans – and what do you think will happen with Trump’s efforts to bring home American jobs?
Many Democrats are against “free” trade but we the people gave Republicans a majority in the U.S. Senate in 2014 and it’s likely they will keep that majority come November. Rent boy, Sen. Lindsay Graham, hates Trump as does Mitch McConnell. The people might give Donald Trump the presidency but with all the same incumbents in the U.S. Senate who want him destroyed it’s like a gun with no bullets. Trump can negotiate treaties in the best interests of America and the Senate with the same incumbents could stall any ratifications until the next presidential election. Yes, they can.
At the risk of sounding like a broken record since 1993, it is just this issue regarding the fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment that has killed states rights regarding treaties. As my regular readers know I filed a lawsuit regarding the non-ratified Seventeenth Amendment. The appeals court ruled against me a couple of months ago. I submitted court certified historical documents which proved beyond any legal doubt that amendment to the U.S. Constitution was NOT ratified by enough states. No doubt whatsoever.
The Third Circuit here in Texas said they didn’t care. Those judges simply ignored hard evidence in favor of fraud. The decision was, as attorneys who fight in the federal arena, called it a ‘hose job’. The truth doesn’t matter to judges in this state any more than they do in other states. Political expediency over the U.S. Constitution.
A president cannot introduce legislation, he can only veto a bill or sign one into law.
For the love of God, just what do voters think is going to happen if at the end of this primary season 90% or higher of incumbents win? Why, those same incumbents who have destroyed this country will win in November and go right back to Washington, DC.
What is it people don’t understand about this? No, it’s not the other party’s incumbent, it’s YOUR incumbent just like it has been mine for the almost ten years I’ve lived in the 19th Congressional District here in Texas. Thankfully my incumbent is retiring so voters actually picked out of a large field one of my top two choices for Congress. He should win in November, but one or two constitutionally grounded newbies is NOT going to bring change. It has to be hundreds booted from the Outlaw Congress.
It’s bad enough dogs like Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell are going back next January, but for the people of this country to again reelect 90% or higher of current incumbents is committing national suicide.
What? Do voters think their incumbent in Congress who hasn’t gotten the job done in all the time they’ve been in office whether it’s 2 years or 20 years is going to suddenly have an epiphany and wake up a constitutionalist?
I don’t know about other states but I can tell you where this ‘group think’ herding comes from here in Texas:
Sincere, Well-Meaning Conservatives Are Killing US, February 3, 2014
“I’ve been in the trenches full time for the past 23 years. I’ve seen, heard and read ignorance by very highly educated people every day of the week. Now, that might sound like a complete juxtaposition, but it’s not. Let me give you this example because it’s not just educated, elected members of the Outlaw Congress and your state legislature, it’s sincere, well meaning conservatives who simply do not understand the issues. Their ignorance is killing us and this is how.
“Last week I received a beautiful color mailing encouraging you to vote early by mail; it is a sample ballot from the Conservative Republicans of Texas. While I ‘m registered no party, I always receive a Republican ballot on election day when I vote; the nice ladies just hand it to me. I blocked out the name of the MD who gave a statement and signed his name representing that organization. I’m not out to embarrass anyone. According to his statement, he’s been part of that group since 1992 “…to present voters a listing of the best qualified, conservative candidates. This is the original endorsement slate of conservative Republican candidates.” I was absolutely appalled when I looked at the sample ballot.
“U.S. Senator. The incumbent, John Cornyn has seven challengers. The Conservative Republicans of Texas want Texans to reelect an individual who has defecated on the Bill of Rights at every opportunity. He voted for the misnamed “Patriot Act”. Voted to extend that monster. Voted yes on the NDAA. Cornyn has voted consistently to kill American jobs and sovereignty. Voted yes on promoting free trade with Peru. Voted yes on free trade agreement with Oman. Voted yes on implementing CAFTA for Central America free-trade. Voted yes on establishing free trade between US & Singapore. Voted yes on establishing free trade between the US and Chile. He has done nothing to get us out of NAFTA or GATT/WTO. He’s nothing more than a pimp for supranational corporations.
“Fiscal conservative? Cornyn Voted to Let Harry Reid Fund ObamaCare. Cornyn Voted for the Wall Street Bailout (T.A.R.P.) A grotesque, unconstitutional theft of your wallet. Unconstitutional: Cornyn Voted to Increase the Federal Minimum Wage. Cornyn Has Voted to Raise the Debt Ceiling Eight Times; rest of short list here. That rotten slug hasn’t focused on the unconstitutional “FED” and the debauched currency we are forced to use, getting us out of the communist UN, eliminating unconstitutional cabinets and agencies bleeding we the people dry and into poverty. Now, doctor, I’m supposed to reward such a snake by reelecting him?..
“The doctor from the Conservative Republicans of Texas wants me to reelect State Senator Kel Seliger. I wrote that idiot when Obamacare became a big issue. His response: Golly, gee, that’s a federal matter, go away. Another ignorant career politician. While an ‘opt out’ regarding ‘smart’ meters is a Band Aid, it was important we get the bill passed in our state legislature last year. One vote was needed – Seliger’s. We didn’t get it. I called Seliger’s office asking he vote for it. Know what I got – as did several in this district? “You people quit calling. Smart meters are not a priority”. I’m supposed to reward another state legislator who cares nothing about the health or privacy of his constituents? I don’t think so.
“And, in fact, that election every single congressional incumbent won reelection here in Texas.”
For all this talk about Trump and rejecting the GOP establishment – what good does it do to elect an ‘outsider’ for president and reelect hundreds and hundreds of establishment puppets back to the U.S. House and 33 to the Senate from both parties?
Paul Ryan, Lamar Smith, do-nothing Joni Ernst, Juan McCain (altho’ he might get ousted, vote fraud could save him again), Steve King (IA). Just go down the list at www.house.gov. There they are, oldies and 60+ newbies who sold us out at the first challenge – raising the debt ceiling back in 2011. Then the same dogs screwed us again in December 2014 by passing everything the criminal impostor in the WH wanted; full blown amnesty, ObamaCare and more.
Let me explain it this way. Lone Star Company hires 10 new employees who promise to do a good job. All ten screw things up so badly they’ve practically bankrupted Lone Star Company. What do the owners of Lone Star Company do? They sure as hell don’t keep those 10 failures on the payroll. They fire them and bring in 10 new employees who had better get the job done or they’re fired, too.
When it comes to the U.S. Congress, the American people continue to rehire the same incumbents who have destroyed this country. They re-hire failures every two years; the senate every six years. Now, please explain to me how anyone expects us to survive if it happens again this election cycle? If the Seventeenth Amendment were gone, we might stand a chance.
Some of the states since March 1st including over the weekend have full primaries in the coming months; see 2016 primary schedule here. I pray enough Americans will think about voting for a challenger against your congressional incumbent as well as your state capitol. There are individuals equally or even more qualified than the crook already representing you on the ballot, so why continue voting back the same dirty rat?
Déjà vu in 2016 if the voting trend continues:
• Operation Clean Sweep, January 14, 2005 – Never happened. 96% of the same crooks were reelected
• Blame For Fiscal Mess? Look in the Mirror, January 6, 2013
• Voters, Again, Choose Their Own Destruction, May 11, 2014
The Constitution vs special interests – killing US for decades:
1- Throw out all female members of Congress! March 18, 2005
2- Pelosi & Her Brassiere Brigade, August 1, 2007
3- No Latino Issues For Any Presidential Candidate, June 23, 2012
* Count Chocula – Credit to fabulous writer, Ray Starmann, at US Defense Watch
[Just a short note about 9/11 and Smart Electric Meeters. The cost of America’s undeclared “war” (invasion) in Afghanistan has now reached $1 trillion borrowed dollars – massive debt heaped on us all based on what happened on 9/11. Regular readers of my column know I continue to press for the truth about the events of 9/11. Military grade nanothermite is not a conspiracy theory. It was found and tested from the rubble at the twin towers. A new, powerful film has been released: The Anatomy of a Great Deception. For full disclosure I receive no compensation, but I want you to get a copy (or a few) and share it with others or give a copy as a present. I’ve purchased half a dozen copies and given them to individuals I believe seek the truth. It’s very powerful simply because it’s one ‘ordinary’ man’s story who ask a simple question that led him to a not so simple journey. There is factual information in this film that many have never heard about but everyone should. Just a suggestion, order more than one and give one to a friend. Also, must see video on the dangers of Smart Meeters on your home, titled: Take Back Your Power.]
© 2016 – NewsWithViews.com and Devvy – All Rights Reserved
Today, one more day was added to February in what is referred to as a ‘leap’ year. In simple terms it’s about the solar system’s disparity with the Gregorian calendar. Will Donald Trump leap into the White House?
On the presidential race front this looks to be one disgusting, reprehensible exhibition of how the Republican Party machine and it’s useful fools are going all out to destroy a qualified candidate in favor of constitutionally ineligible candidates (Cruz & rubio) and eligible ones who have dropped out; Bush, Christie, etc.
Inside the Republican Party’s Desperate Mission to Stop Donald Trump, February 27, 2016
“The scenario Karl Rove outlined was bleak. Addressing a luncheon of Republican governors and donors in Washington on Feb. 19, he warned that Donald J. Trump’s increasingly likely nomination would be catastrophic, dooming the party in November. But Mr. Rove, the master strategist of George W. Bush’s campaigns, insisted it was not too late for them to stop Mr. Trump, according to three people present.
“At a meeting of Republican governors the next morning, Paul R. LePage of Maine called for action. Seated at a long boardroom table at the Willard Hotel, he erupted in frustration over the state of the 2016 race, saying Mr. Trump’s nomination would deeply wound the Republican Party. Mr. LePage urged the governors to draft an open letter “to the people,” disavowing Mr. Trump and his divisive brand of politics.”
Really, Gov’nr LePage? What a difference a week makes: Maine Gov. Paul LePage endorses Trump for president, February 26, 2016. “I was Donald Trump before Donald Trump became popular. So I think I should support him since we’re one of the same cloth,” said LePage, an outspoken politician whose comments have often thrown him in the spotlight — just like Trump.”
So, Gov, Trump’s nomination would ‘deeply wound’ the Republican Party, yet only a week later you said you and Trump are ‘one of the same cloth’. One week you disavow Trump’s divisive brand of politics and the next week you endorse him.
Bombshell: Insider Leaks Koch Bros, Rubio Plan to Stop Trump
“Insiders who were at a recent meeting between the Koch Bros. and Marco Rubio leaked intel on how exactly they’re going to try and steal the election from Donald Trump, GOP strategist Roger Stone revealed. The Koch Bros. met with GOP millionaires and billionaires Thursday night to pool together over $75 million to stop Trump and are going to use Mitt Romney as ‘Plan B’ if Rubio fails to gain traction on Super Tuesday, according to moles who were inside the meeting…
“$75 million to stop Trump and $25 million to Marco Rubio, but they gave Rubio a condition: he’s got to win the Florida primary or he’s out and Mitt Romney’s in,” Stone revealed. “That’s the plan.”
NY Times Bombshell Scoop: FOX News Colluded with Rubio to Give Amnesty to Illegal Aliens… ‘Confidential’ Conversations Reveal Murdoch, Ailes, Schumer, Rubio Agreed to ‘Truce’… Hannity, O’Reilly ‘Supportive’ (Do see the photo of porn king, Rupert Murdoch, giving the finger).
Bombshell Expose’ – Conservative Radio: Limbaugh, Ingraham, Hannity and Levin Were All Part of Gang-of-Eight “Gaslighting”
Now why would anyone be surprised about Limbaugh’s role in this? Remember: Newt Get-rich and Rush Limbaugh together pushed like a 50′ tsunami to get NAFTA passed. They succeeded and millions of Americans lost good paying jobs; long term job security went south of the border while Newt and Limbaugh laughed all the way to the bank.
Jeb! was the establishment globalist who failed miserably for a $125 million dollar investment. ‘Lower tier’ candidates like Santorum, Huckabee, Fiorina were never a factor despite their hard work. It’s who is behind the curtain that controls the herds. Rubio is a globalist and touted like Jeb! a ‘conservative’. Ted Cruz who lies out of both sides of his mouth is also touted as ‘the’ conservative of the millinium. Kelleigh Nelson has done a superb job in chronicling Ted Cruz and his connections.
A dear friend of mine for more than 16 years was mulling over the phony ‘conservative’ label bandied about by GOP elites and their minions. If you look at Jeb!, Rubio, Cruz and even Kasich, my friend believes conservative to them is really globalist but they don’t dare say it. Jeb’s brother and father were dirty traitors to this republic with their drive for one world government and endless wars based on lies. Globalists masquerading as conservatives who sold us down the river and there’s been rivers of American blood spilled in Iraq and Afghanistan because of their lies.
Another stinking globalist no constitutionalist or even sincere conservative would ever want Paul Ryan as Speaker of the House. Ryan’s election as Speaker following the exit of Johnny Wino Boehner was a direct slap in the face for Republicans who do know the agenda of the Paul Ryan’s in the U.S. Congress: globalism and the complete destruction of the middle class, America’s sovereignty and continued ownership by mega corporations.
Republican Race Puts Donald Trump and Paul Ryan on Collision Course. While that piece in the NY Times is poorly written, it does cover some of the battles Trump will face if he becomes our next legal president. Of course, the big if: Will Paul Ryan win his primary via vote fraud on April 5, 2016. Voters in Ryan’s district were determined to boot him out of office for his betrayal on the budget and illegals, but unfortunately not a single qualified Republican in Ryan’s district stepped up to the plate. Support by the herds apparently was just too much.
U.S. CONGRESS – District 1:
Paul Ryan (R)* – (House Speaker Site) – (Campaign Site)
Tom Breu (D) – Engineer & Teacher
Ryan Solen (D) – Computer Security Professional & Army Veteran
Jason Lebeck (Libertarian) – Computer Technician
John Eleniewski (AFP) – Tea Party Activist & ’08 State Rep. Candidate in Michigan
Jason Kraayvanger (Independent).
Paul Ryan has more than $4 million bux in his campaign coffers. If I were in that district I would vote for John Eleniewski who is up against low information voters who fall right into Sun Tzu’s trap: Make your enemy believe killing them is a good idea. Here’s one person’s post (The Paul Ryan Primary Fool’s Errand) in Ryan’s district: “Any Republican who attempts to unseat Paul Ryan is a fool. My Congressmen is one of the finest men on the planet, and his conservative credentials are well established. Ryan’s role in GOP politics this year will be of the utmost importance. Let us do what we can to distance ourselves from attacks on Wisconsin’s most important national figure; a man who, perhaps one day, will live in the White House himself.” Here’s what that supporter is blind to or actually supports:
“Ryan’s bill provided funding for sanctuary cities, illegal alien resettlement, illegal alien tax credits, and visa issuances to nearly 300,000 (temporary and permanent) Muslim migrants over the next 12 months alone. The bill also funded an expansion of the highly controversial H-2B foreign worker program, which Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) said violated Ryan’s “promise not to bring major immigration legislation to the floor this year.”
“The H-2B foreign worker program imports low-wage laborers into the country to take American jobs in maintenance, theme parks, construction, food processing, restaurants, and hospitality– meaning that Ryan’s Speakership and immigration policies have already resulted in the GOP’s own constituency, along with workers nationwide, losing their livelihoods and ability to support their families.
Yes, those ‘conservative’ credentials of Ryan’s support of liars, cheats and thieves, illegal aliens, to remain in this country and passing more budgets killing the middle class is good enough for those too blind to see. Eleniewski has covered Ryan’s treachery on his web site linked above.
Trey Gowdy became a congressional folk hero a couple years ago by heading up the Benghazi committee. You remember that one where Hillary the Hun ran circles around Gowdy. See this column: Blood at Benghazi – It Drips From Hillary’s Hands. Gowdy has endorsed bubble boy, Marco Rubio. Gowdy doesn’t give a damn Rubio is absolutely constitutionally ineligible to run. Gowdy’s support for that lying little Dweeb means he also supports Rubio’s efforts for full blown amnesty for those who sneak into OUR country. Unfortunately, it appears that like Paul Ryan, Gowdy has no Republican challenger and will walk right back to his seat in the House.
The jellyfish who represented my district is retiring; in five elections I have always voted for his challenger. In early voting last week I voted for Dr. Donald May for Congress for my district. What about your incumbent? You already know how I feel: Not one of those corporate whores deserves another term in Congress. Not the 60+ tea party candidates ushered in a few years ago; the first thing they did was cave on the debt ceiling. None of them. Paul Ryan and his bullsh*t budgets that are nothing more than Band Aids:
* Re-electing the Band Aid Brigade, May 18, 2010
* Electing New Band Aid Pushers, May 23, 2012
Mid-Term Election Results: Brutal Reality, November 10, 2014
“Last Tuesday history was made in many races. The shellacking given the Democratic/Communist Party USA was long over due; millions of Americans are ecstatic. But, ah, yes, there is always a “but” – those who expect certain cancers to be cured simply because the Outlaw Congress is now controlled by Republicans are going to be crushed when it doesn’t happen and it won’t based on the past actions of the incumbents now reelected and newly elected candidates who ran on the standard boiler plate smaller government, lower taxes, stop Obamacare. The same incumbents who will keep us in more undeclared wars, operations or occupations further bankrupting we the people.
“Americans just reelected the very same people who have destroyed this country because it was time to punish the Democrats and “I would never vote for a Democrat”. The very same incumbents who have allowed a criminal impostor to usurp the office of president. The very same incumbents who refuse to refer rock solid evidence to a federal grand jury proving Barry Soetoro aka Barack Hussein Obama, Barry Obama, Barry Dunham, Barack Dunham presented a poorly forged birth certificate to verify his alleged birth place (which is not the issue – he was born with dual citizenship making him forever ineligible), is using a stolen social security number and submitted a poorly forged selective service card which is a federal felony barring that individual to every work for the U.S. government including the Executive Branch.
“The very same incumbents who have destroyed YOUR God-given rights as defined in the Bill of Rights: the “Patriot” Act, the John Warner Defense Authorization Act, the NDAA, continued spying on us by the NSA and a lot more. The very same incumbents who have allowed the insane waste of YOUR tax dollars to be spent on thousands of projects that have zero constitutional authority to the tune of hundreds of billions of BORROWED dollars. The very same incumbents who continue to steal from we the people for unconstitutional expenditures like foreign aid and trillions of BORROWED dollars for social programs from unconstitutional cabinets like DHS (Dept of Health and Human Services). The list goes on. But, it really was all over with the primaries.”
What did I say in the column above? “… those who expect certain cancers to be cured simply because the Outlaw Congress is now controlled by Republicans are going to be crushed when it doesn’t happen and it won’t …” Obama’s massive, unconstitutional, traitorous budget bill was passed by Paul Ryan cracking the whip over wimps. Since being sworn into office in January 2015 have we seen anything out of the Congress addressing constitutional solutions? No, and we won’t which is why booting every single incumbent in the U.S. House and the 1/3rd U.S. Senators unlawfully up for reelection out should be a top priority in the primaries. Out the door.
‘Traitors’ who voted for Ryan’s omnibus ‘need to go’
“About 100 of the 150 lawmakers were already targeted for defeat by Americans for Legal Immigration PAC, or ALIPAC, part of its “Cantor list of amnesty supporting Republicans.” If you live in Rep. John Cullberson’s district, please get out and vote tomorrow for Maria Espinosa. Help her defeat Culberson who is on ALIPACs list. Get out the vote!
What do you think will happen if Donald Trump becomes president and he has to go up against a Congress that hates him – with a few exceptions who have endorsed him (Rep. Duncan Hunter, Sen. Jeff Sessions)? I can tell you right now with Paul Ryan and McConnell heading up the two bodies in the legislative branch they will do everything in their power to block and destroy President Trump. Those two scum bags will do everything they can to block Trump from getting rid of all the destructive “free” trade treaties and agreements to judicial nominations. Mark my words. I’ve been at this full time for 26 years. I know how their toxic game is played.
Think Donald Trump will take it lying down or roll over like a pansy like Mittens Romney would do? I don’t think so. Not the king of deal makers and someone who actually has a work ethic, who loves this country and isn’t for sale to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Mark Zuckerberg (billionaire owner of Facebook) and other corporate giants. In case you missed it: Donald Trump: I’ll Prosecute Hillary Clinton as President. That alone should get him an exta 5 million votes. Hoorah!
Tomorrow is ‘Super Tuesday’. Our future depends on voting out as many incumbents in Congress as we can. Incumbents who have sold us out and will continue to do so while repeating the same phony mantra they are a conservative with conservative values. Horse manure. All every damn incumbent in Congress is conserving is the road to our destruction. Every member of Congress – except the few who have tried – are guilty of allowing the mass invasion across our Southern border all these years. An invasion that has brought unbelieveable heart break to families of loved ones killed by illegals and the financial destruction to this country.
This is our country. It doesn’t belong to illegal aliens regardless of country of origin. It doesn’t belong to globalists who care nothing for the founding of this country, our culture, our sovereignty or anything else. The only thing they care about is money and power. Donald Trump has become the people’s microphone (I forget who first said that) and we the people can exercise our power over those who have sold us out at the ballot box.
A word from someone who has been the victim of vote fraud, that would be me. Single state primaries are hard to rig, but throwing 13 states (Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Georgia, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Wyoming and one territory, American Samoa) into the pot at once is ripe for fraud:
“From my Blind Loyalty booklet of nothing but vote fraud, check these winners/losers that night (primary March 26, 1996): 85-15, 81-18, 85-15, 81-18, 85-15, 86-14, 87-13, 81-18 and 81-14 which was my race. Those were the results for incumbents vs challengers for the U.S. House throughout the state. Every incumbent voted for NAFTA; all challengers including me were opposed. Wonder why we allegedly lost? Those house seats were scattered all over the state of California. Unless you’re specifically looking at a particular race, in a state the size of California or Texas, people don’t put together the pattern, but it sure as hell is there and I’m looking at it tonight.”
Yes, all the columns below are mine. Other than a small percentage of warriors, voters across this country and candidates don’t seem to care because little to no effort has been made to get rid of ALL electronic forms of voting and that includes the Internet, stop voter registration by mail via a motor vehicle department and put a cap on absentee ballots because they breed fraud.
1 – Vote Fraud: What They Aren’t Telling You 10-22-04
2 – What You Can Do To Stop Vote Fraud 8-17-06
3 – Vote fraud: Candidates must audit the count 10-30-06
4 – Vote fraud: it’s not just the machines, Part 1, 9-10-07
5 – Vote fraud and the GOP convention delegates 2-25-08 – very important in this presidential race
6 – Stop the election: accurate vote count impossible, Part 1, 11-3-08
7 – Will vote fraud determine upcoming primaries – again?, 3-1-10
8 – Vote fraud underway – what candidates must do, 11-4-12
And, finally, I will ask the same question I do every two years:
If your congressional incumbent, or state rep or senator, hasn’t gotten the job done in all the years they’ve been in Congress or the state house, what makes you think they will get the job done if you reward them once again with reelection?
If they haven’t gotten the job done all the time they’ve been in Congress or the state capitol what makes you think anything will change by reelecting the same scoundrels?
Despite the massive rage across this country in 2010, 2012 and 2014, the American people voted back almost all the same incumbents to Washington, DC, and then expected something different to happen. The newbies have done absolutely nothing in legislation to cure the cancers. Go look at the reelection percentages for every election cycle back to 1964. Nothing changes because the bodies only change just enough to fool the American people into believing change is coming.
I pray it won’t be the same during this primary cycle because those incumbents who win their primary go on to win in November and NOTHING WILL CHANGE except for the worse.
[Just a short note about 9/11 and Smart Electric Meeters. The cost of America’s undeclared “war” (invasion) in Afghanistan has now reached $1 trillion borrowed dollars – massive debt heaped on us all based on what happened on 9/11. Regular readers of my column know I continue to press for the truth about the events of 9/11. Military grade nanothermite is not a conspiracy theory. It was found and tested from the rubble at the twin towers. A new, powerful film has been released: The Anatomy of a Great Deception. For full disclosure I receive no compensation, but I want you to get a copy (or a few) and share it with others or give a copy as a present. I’ve purchased half a dozen copies and given them to individuals I believe seek the truth. It’s very powerful simply because it’s one ‘ordinary’ man’s story who ask a simple question that led him to a not so simple journey. There is factual information in this film that many have never heard about but everyone should. Just a suggestion, order more than one and give one to a friend. Also, must see video on the dangers of Smart Meeters on your home, titled: Take Back Your Power.]
© 2016 – NewsWithViews.com and Devvy – All Rights Reserved
As I covered in my last several columns, the issue of Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio’s constitutional ineligibility continues to be ignored by a corrupt ‘mainstream’ media as well as cable ‘news’ networks. Reporting on the definition of a ‘natural born citizen’ seems to be beyond the understanding of reporters and other ‘experts’ like gas bag, Bill O’Reilly, sounding off. But they all, including FOX, have agendas so why let truth or the U.S. Constitution get in the way?
Any suggestion that Ted Cruz is ineligible – Rubio mysteriously being left out of the equation 95% of the time – is nothing more than conspiracy theories. Ted Cruz is the final authority while Rubio breathes a sigh of relief the spotlight hasn’t been focused on him – except by those of us who demand the U.S. Constitution be upheld.
This is the same garbage from the media we saw in 2008 & 2012 when the appropriate question came up regarding the fraud in the White House and his eligibility:
Dual citizenship may pose problem if Ted Cruz seeks presidency, The Dallas Morning News (Snooze)
WASHINGTON — “Born in Canada to an American mother, Ted Cruz became an instant U.S. citizen. But under Canadian law, he also became a citizen of that country the moment he was born. Unless the Texas Republican senator formally renounces that citizenship, he will remain a citizen of both countries, legal experts say…“He’s a Canadian,” said Toronto lawyer Stephen Green, past chairman of the Canadian Bar Association’s Citizenship and Immigration Section.
“The circumstances of Cruz’s birth have fueled a simmering debate over his eligibility to run for president. Knowingly or not, dual citizenship is an apparent if inconvenient truth for the tea party firebrand, who shows every sign he’s angling for the White House. “Senator Cruz became a U.S. citizen at birth, and he never had to go through a naturalization process after birth to become a U.S. citizen,” said spokeswoman Catherine Frazier. “To our knowledge, he never had Canadian citizenship.”
That was in 2013. Catherine Frazier was Cruz’s mouthpiece at the time. I had to take a double look at her comment, “To our knowledge, he never had Canadian citizenship”. Really, Ms. Frazier? You made that statement August 18, 2013, at the same time the past Chairman of Canada’s Citizenship and Immigration Section said Cruz was Canadian.
Ted Cruz to renounce Canadian citizenship ‘soon’, January 5, 2014: “Canada-born U.S. Senator Ted Cruz has yet to renounce his birth country’s citizenship as promised — but a spokeswoman says the conservative tea party favourite plans to finish the process soon. Catherine Frazier, a spokeswoman for the junior senator from Texas, said Saturday that lawyers are preparing the necessary paperwork.”
Oh, my. In August 2013, Catherine Frazier said Cruz had never held Canadian citizenship. However, less than five months later Cruz’s lawyers are preparing the paperwork for Cruz to renounce his Canadian citizenship. I wonder if Ms. Frazier practices the art of lying in front of a mirror? She certainly has a good role model in Ted Cruz.
Supporters of Cruz and Rubio either don’t want to hear the truth or simply don’t care. Activists in states like New Hampshire and South Carolina who have attended many of their events send me email at how frustrating it is when they ask supporters why they don’t seem to care their candidate is not constitutionally eligible? Responses vary from Ted Cruz is a lawyer, he knows the law and says the law is well settled to “Buzz off birther. No one cares what you have to say”.
Rubio supporters ask the $64k dollar question upchuck it’s all a planned attack by Trump supporters. Two that were politely ask about this important issue said Rubio is eligible because his parents are U.S. citizens. Somehow those faithful don’t understand simple English: natural born citizen. Born being the key word here. Rubio’s parents being foreign nationals at the time of Rubio’s birth. Rubio’s parents becoming U.S. citizens when little Marco was four years old does not equate to natural born; their actions came after the legal time frame.
Ted Cruz: What we know to be provable facts. At the time of his birth his mother was a U.S. citizen, his father (like the criminal impostor in the White House) was a foreign national. We now know Cruz could not claim dual citizenship under Canadian law because at the time of his birth, 1970, Canada did not recognize dual citizenship. That loosening of citizenship in Canada did not come about until 1977. Ted Cruz was a full Canadian citizen at the time of his birth.
There is no evidence Cruz’s parents filed a CRBA or Consulate Report of Birth Aboard. Why is that important?
Birth of U.S. Citizens Abroad – US Passports & International Travel
“A child born abroad to a U.S. citizen parent or parents may acquire U.S. citizenship at birth if certain statutory requirements are met. The child’s parents should contact the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate to apply for a Consular Report of Birth Abroad of a Citizen of the United States of America (CRBA) to document that the child is a U.S. citizen. If the U.S. embassy or consulate determines that the child acquired U.S. citizenship at birth, a consular officer will approve the CRBA application and the Department of State will issue a CRBA, also called a Form FS-240, in the child’s name.
“According to U.S. law, a CRBA is proof of U.S. citizenship and may be used to obtain a U.S. passport and register for school, among other purposes.”
To date, Cruz refuses to release a certified – as in not another forgery like Barry Obama’s birth certificate – copy of the CRBA his mother allegedly filed. Oh, that’s right. Remember what Ms. Frazier said above: “…he never had to go through a naturalization process after birth to become a U.S. citizen.”
If there is no CRBA, how could Ted Cruz have legally entered the U.S.? According to Cruz’s mouthpieces, Cruz was issued a passport in 1986 for a school field trip. If that’s the case, under what citizenship did Cruz obtain a passport? Canadian or U.S.? If his parents never filed a CRBA making Cruz a U.S. citizen, did he enter the US illegally? If he never went through the naturalization process by his parents submitting a Consular Report of Birth Abroad and he’s no longer a Canadian citizen, just what country does Cruz claim citizenship under?
Ted Cruz has worked hard at cementing an image of integrity and honesty. We know that was partially blown to bits by the hit job he and his minions did on Dr. Ben Carson in Iowa. If Cruz has nothing to hide, release the CRBA so at least we can see that at some point – too late to be a natural BORN citizen – he actually became a U.S. citizen.
Several lawsuits have been filed against Secretaries of State
New Yorkers sue to boot Ted Cruz from ballot because he was born in Canada. Unfortunately, the two plaintiffs are rolling the dice on Cruz being born in Canada as the sole disqualifying factor. It is not and likely the Board of Elections, because they are equally as ignorant as the corrupt media in this country (excluding ‘alternative’ media reporting accurately on this issue) will likely throw it out.
Case against Ted Cruz’s eligibility to be heard in Illinois on Friday (February 19, 2016): “Lawrence Joyce, an Illinois voter who has objected to Cruz’s placement on the Illinois primary ballot next month, will have his case heard in the Circuit Court of Cook County in Chicago. Joyce’s previous objection, made to the state’s Board of Elections, was dismissed on February 1.” I was unable to find a ruling before cut off time to submit this column.
As I encouraged everyone to do, I wrote to our Secretary of State; no reply but I’m sure a few months down the line I’ll get a form letter. It appears, the same as 2008 & 2012, that Secretaries of States already challenged on this issue have neither the intellect or the courage to to do their jobs regarding an ineligible candidate(s) being put on the ballot – so far. Gutless elected officials who hide behind excuses like it’s not their job; I already covered this in my last column.
(More than a dozen individuals e-mailed and ask me to send them a copy of my letter. I’m sorry, but I have no staff to deal with the enormous number of emails I receive everyday, many with individual requests. A letter doesn’t have to be particularly long and easiest is to include an article or two with the most factual information on this issue. )
I see the handwriting on the wall continuing to pursue gutless Secretaries of States so I think it’s time to try a different elected official. For me, that is the Texas Attorney General, Ken Paxton. I had intended to get my letter out to him last week, but my husband passed away in his sleep, February 6, 2016. It was a huge shock. It’s been very difficult dealing with his passing and all the legal issues that need to be addressed. However, one thing that helps is to keep doing what I always do and that is bringing the truth to the light of day and doing whatever I can to force a resolution to a problem.
A State Attorney General is the top law enforcement officer in each state. The job of a State Attorney General is to investigate fraud and that means election fraud since we’re already seeing the same as 2008 & 2012. Secretaries of States refusing to do their job regarding an ineligible candidate(s) being put on the ballot because it’s all about politics.
In order for Cruz and Rubio to appear on the primary ballot here in Texas they first had to file as candidates with The Texas Republican Party, which they did. The Texas GOP has an application for president (click on Presidential Ballot Application). On the first page of the application to be filled out by the candidate it reads the candidate swears he is a natural born citizen of the Untied States and eligible to hold that office.
The Texas Republican Party accepted two sworn applications, one by Cruz and one by Rubio, without bothering to verify whether or not either candidate was truthful. By submitting Cruz & Rubio’s names to the Texas Secretary of State for the primary now underway the Texas Republican Party is guilty of fraud since neither candidate is eligible. Cruz and Rubio swore on their applications they are natural born citizens and since they not they both committed election fraud.
Don’t tell me Ted Cruz, a Princeton and Haaavard law grad, who also served as a law clerk to William Rehnquist, Chief Justice of the United States in 1996 and Solicitor General for the State of Texas believes he is a natural born citizen. Cruz knew his dual citizenship from being born in Canada (which we now know he never had because Canada did not recognize dual citizenship at the time Teddy was born) was going to be a problem and that such a citizenship status would impact him under the definition of natural born citizen. Cruz is too intelligent not to know he’s ineligible.
I firmly believe Cruz knows his party allowed Barry Obama to get away with usurping the office of president, so why should he worry the Republican Party wouldn’t cover his backside? The GOP knows the massive repercussions of comparing Cruz to Obama and their citizenship problem so they’re willing, once again, to turn a blind eye and crap on the U.S. Constitution. Cruz persists with his deliberate misrepresentations in the hope that if he says it often enough people will be believe it to be true: Ted Cruz Misrepresents the Law and His Being a Natural Born Citizen at Town Hall Meeting
[By the way, a devout Cruz supporter, ‘conservative’ talk show host, Mark Levin, has agreed to debate anyone he deems credible over the issue of natural born. I nominate Mario Apuzzo (author of the piece above). If you’d like to contact Levin and request Mario as the person to debate send your message: @marklevinshow]
Rubio on the other hand has never struck me as being very intelligent and has been the butt of endless jokes following one of the debates because of his constant repeating of the same punch lines. Think Rubio hasn’t been confronted about both of his parents being foreign nationals at the time of his birth? Think his legal people haven’t looked into it? Hogwash. As I said above, for the most part Rubio has managed to stay in the wings and let Cruz take big heat on the issue of eligibility. But, make no mistake: Rubio is looking over his shoulder just waiting for Trump to strike.
I encourage you to write your Attorney General demanding charges are brought against the GOP [Your state], Cruz and Rubio for fraud. Their names should not be on the ballot. Does the truth matter anymore Mr. Attorney General? Are party interests (our AG is a Republican) more important than the truth and the U.S. Constitution, Mr. Attorney General? The American people are fed up with the lies and fraud involving our elections. Your office has the authority to go after those who violate the law. Putting an ineligible candidate on the ballot is a violation of election law and I don’t care who the candidate is, no one is above the law.
Use some of the paragraphs in this column if you want and include one or all three of the items below with your letter. It’s easy to just cut and paste into a word processor with full credit to the author. Tell your AG that neither Cruz nor Rubio meet constitutional requirements to be on the ballot. Don’t think it’s a waste of time. You are putting the AG on notice that we the people know the truth and when you run for reelection don’t be surprised when you lose your next primary. It’s also important to provide State Attorney Generals (I also have a duplicate package to go to Gov. Greg Abbott) with factual legal conclusions regarding what a natural born citizen is for what I call an education effort.
* A Citizen is One Thing, But a Natural Born Citizen is Another
* The Natural Born Citizen Clause of Our U.S. Constitution Requires that Both of the Child’s Parents Be U.S. Citizens At the Time of Birth
* Senator Ted Cruz Is Not a “Natural Born Citizen” and Therefore Not Eligible to be President
Of course, the one person with the financial means and juice to force this issue is Donald Trump. If Trump began legal proceedings against the state Attorney Generals and Secretaries of State, those two elected officials would not be able to ignore Trump as they do we the people who mean nothing but votes to them.
Perhaps the outcome of the South Carolina primary might have an effect on Trump and possible legal action. Jeb! Bush finally decided no one except his family and big money donors who expect favors down the line (ambassadorships, cabinet posts or signing favorable legislation into law) was interested in anything he had to say. His cardboard demeanor throughout his run never really connected with voters, I don’t think, not to mention this country is fed up with phony political ‘dynasties’.
John Kasich, who never upheld his oath of office while in Congress or introduced a single bill to kill the cancers killing America says he’s staying in the race so he can continue listening to the sound of his own voice and spreading compassion. Dr. Ben Carson, while not qualified to be president, bless his heart is staying in the race for now. Dr. Carson has done this country a great service by running because his lifetime achievements and experience gives hope to black Americans across this country that the message of failure and dependency pushed by the Democratic/Communist Party USA is toxic and that through education and hard work, they, too, can be the best instead of ‘victims’ of the white race.
That leaves Trump, Cruz and Rubio. How obscene two out of three front runners in the race for the White House are constitutionally ineligible and not a single Republican in the GOP hierarchy, including the Republican National Committee, gives a damn about the U.S. Constitution. Republican higher ups allowed a constitutionally ineligible candidate, a Manchurian Candidate if there ever was one to “win” the presidency twice. A fraud who usurped the office of president that has wreaked massive damage to this country over the past seven years. Now it’s one of their own and the hell with the Constitution.
Those same Republican cowards wonder why Donald Trump is cleaning their clock? Millions of Americans know the truth about Barry Obama and through their voting – besides Trump’s positive message – are telling Republican elites to go to Hell for their betrayal by allowing a Marxist traitor to squat in the White House all these years.
[Just a short note about 9/11 and Smart Electric Meeters. The cost of America’s undeclared “war” (invasion) in Afghanistan has now reached $1 trillion borrowed dollars – massive debt heaped on us all based on what happened on 9/11. Regular readers of my column know I continue to press for the truth about the events of 9/11. Military grade nanothermite is not a conspiracy theory. It was found and tested from the rubble at the twin towers. A new, powerful film has been released: The Anatomy of a Great Deception. For full disclosure I receive no compensation, but I want you to get a copy (or a few) and share it with others or give a copy as a present. I’ve purchased half a dozen copies and given them to individuals I believe seek the truth. It’s very powerful simply because it’s one ‘ordinary’ man’s story who ask a simple question that led him to a not so simple journey. There is factual information in this film that many have never heard about but everyone should. Just a suggestion, order more than one and give one to a friend. Also, must see video on the dangers of Smart Meeters on your home, titled: Take Back Your Power.]
© 2016 – NewsWithViews.com and Devvy – All Rights Reserve
“An able, disinterested, public-spirited press, with trained intelligence to know the right and courage to do it, can preserve that public virtue without which popular government is a sham and a mockery.” —Joseph Pulitzer
Americans have been doing the job of the disgraced media including cable ‘news’ networks for decades. In-depth, thorough investigations of corrupt politicians. Millions of words are written or spoken every week on the stupid tube, radio and print that the liberal media has an agenda. Too many alleged big name ‘conservative’ mouthpieces are guilty of the same thing – especially when it comes to presidential eligibility as set forth in the U.S. Constitution.
Both liberal and ‘conservative’ heavies in print and electronic media continue to push the big lie regarding presidential eligibility: a ‘natural born citizen’ is a child of one U.S. citizen at the time of birth. That is not true, but they don’t care. The Republican National Party and their elites allowed a constitutionally ineligible candidate, Barry Soetoro aka Obama, to run twice, get on the ballot in all 50 states and accepted the electoral college vote based on fraud. The Republican Party did nothing when Nancy Pelosi and her coconspirators committed fraud by submitting documents proclaiming Barry eligible to all the Secretaries of States.
There is NO question Marco Rubio is ineligible. NO question since neither of his parents were U.S. citizens at the time of his birth. Rubio’s parents were foreign nationals when he was born. Rubio’s parents didn’t become U.S. citizens until he was four years old. His name should not be on any ballot in any state.
Ted Cruz knew two years ago this was going to be a problem, just like the criminal impostor in the White House knew. Soetoro was born with dual citizenship: A British citizen and U.S. citizen. That’s also the legal issue here with Cruz.
Cruz legally renounced his Canadian citizenship. Cruz wants everyone to believe that since his mother was a U.S. citizen at the time he was born, that makes him a ‘natural born’ citizen. It does not. Both parents must be U.S. citizens at the time the child is born. Ted Cruz’s father was not a U.S. citizen at the time of his birth.
Next came the revelation there is no evidence proving Cruz’s parents filed a Consular Report of Birth Abroad. Cruz refuses to produce that legal document. No different than the fraud in the White House hiding and then producing a forged birth certificate. What is Cruz hiding? This is Barry Obama all over again. Cruz was eager to plaster revocation of his Canadian citizenship all over the Internet and for the press, so why not the Consular Report of Birth Abroad – one certified and stamped by the State Department ? If the document exists, release it, but it still doesn’t make him eligible.
And, finally, I believe the final nail in Cruz’s web of lies has now caught up to him. JB Williams broke this in his recent column and here’s the exact text from the Government of Canada’s official web site regarding citizenship [Emphasis mine]:
Canadian Citizenship Act [January 1, 1947]
“Up to January 1, 1947, there was no legal status of Canadian citizens, only British subjects. This Act gave legal recognition to the terms “Canadian citizen” and “Canadian citizenship”. The Act established who was and who could become a Canadian citizen. There were many provisions for loss of citizenship, including retention provisions for the first and subsequent generations born outside Canada. The Act also contained provisions which provided special treatment for British subjects. In general, Canadian citizens who acquired citizenship of another country automatically lost Canadian citizenship (dual citizenship was not recognized).
Citizenship Act [February 15, 1977]
“The Citizenship Act, effective February 15, 1977, replaced the 1947 Act with a more equitable statute. For example, British subjects no longer received special treatment and dual citizenship became recognized. There was only one provision for automatic loss of citizenship, limited to persons born in the second or subsequent generation outside Canada unless they took steps to retain their citizenship by their 28th birthday.”
Ted Cruz was born on December 22, 1970. Dual citizenship was not recognized in Canada at the time of his birth. Dual citizenship in Canada was not recognized until 1977.
Since he legally renounced his Canadian citizenship and thus far Cruz has refused to provide any legal proof he became a U.S. citizen along the way, it appears he has no citizenship for either Canada (renounced) or the United States.
If Cruz never became a U.S. or naturalized citizen of the U.S. and has given up his Canadian citizenship, then what country does he claim citizenship under?
If he has no provable, legal citizenship in the US he cannot run for any office never mind president and no Secretary of State in this country can allow his name on the ballot. It’s too late for Iowa, NH and probably South Carolina, but not the other 47 states.
I did not create Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio’s legal mess nor did any other journalist doing their job. They did and must now suffer the consequences.
Donald Trump, according to news reports, says he will sue Ted Cruz: “If @TedCruz doesn’t clean up his act, stop cheating, & doing negative ads, I have standing to sue him for not being a natural born citizen.” Yes, Trump would have legal standing to challenge the ineligibility of both Cruz and Rubio and it should be done now before the primaries go any further.
What must happen? Do the same as I am this week. A letter to the Secretary of State here in Texas with a copy to our State Attorney General and Governor to the point:
Ted Cruz is not a U.S. citizen in any flavor and cite Canadian law above. Therefore, it will be fraud by your office to put him on the ballot under the category for president nor can Ted Cruz vote in the State of Texas unless he can prove – not another forged document like Barry Obama used – that at some point he became a naturalized citizen which still prohibits him for running for president. Heck, send a copy of this column along with a cover letter.
If every Secretary of State (with a copy to the Governor and Attorney General in your state) gets 10,000 letters and Donald Trump moves on this we might actually see the Constitution upheld. Back your opponent into a corner they can’t get out of.
What I believe Donald Trump should do is retain Dr. Edwin Vieira (if he will do it) so Edwin can advise the Republican National Committee and Secretaries of States for the remaining 47 who have not yet held their primaries that both Rubio and Cruz must not be on their state ballot because Cruz is neither naturalized (unless he can suddenly find some document to prove it), he has no citizenship because he renounced his Canadian citizenship and he is not natural born as required by the U.S. Constitution. Edwin could make this a win and if they want a fight, Donald Trump has the money to take them on.
Justice Antonin Scalia passed away, February 13, 2016. A sad day for America to lose such a voice for we the people. A man of God who will be sorely missed. I bring this up because this is a state issue and sure as the sun shines, Cruz supporters will want this to go to the U.S. Supreme Court. Who the state puts on a ballot for elections held in each state is a state issue whether it’s a candidate for a state house, Governor, president or any public office.
May States Determine the Eligibility of Ted Cruz to Run for President?
“Federal courts are loathe to decide “political questions” particularly when those questions place judges in the unenviable position of being tasked with upholding the Constitution at the cost of disqualifying a man who, if elected anyway, would wield immense power.
“There is, however, precedent for a such a situation. In 2008, an elector from California challenged the eligibility of John McCain to serve as president, given that he was born in the Panama Canal Zone. Judge William Alsup of the U.S. District Court for Northern California heard the case and ruled that Article III of the Constitution places the deciding of such “political questions” outside the jurisdiction of the federal courts:..
“State judges, however, are not bound by the Constitution’s separation of powers. In fact, the Tenth Amendment protects the “numerous and indefinite” powers of the states that created the federal authority. Another provision of the Constitution, in fact, seems to specifically reserve to the states the power to decide the eligibility of candidates for federal office. Article I, Section 4 reads, “The times, places and manner of holding elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each state by the legislature thereof.”
“In an article reporting on the authority of the states to determine the eligibility of Ted Cruz (or any other candidate of questionable constitutional qualification), the Washington Post cited a scholarly analysis of the issue by Ohio State University law professor Daniel Tokaji printed in the Michigan Law Review: Far-fetched as that seems, supporters of John F. Kerry’s 2004 presidential campaign brought a state court challenge to Ralph Nader’s candidacy based on a state law that, according to Tokaji, “prohibited candidates from running in a general election after running in state primaries.”
“To constitutionalists and friends of liberty, this approach has not only merit, but the hope of simultaneously shoring up the sovereignty of the states and of protecting the union from the dangerous precedent of putting aside constitutional qualifications for federal officers.”
From past lawsuits filed regarding the usurper in the White House, Secretaries of State said it’s not their job to verify any candidate as to eligibility and the courts let them get away with it. However, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals out in California ruled against a Peace & Freedom Party candidate, Peta Lindsay, when she ran for president because she did not meet constitutional eligibility. Ms. Lindsay was only 27 years old. The Constitution requires age 35 as the minimum. Her name was removed from the ballot.
If memory serves me right from 2008 – 2011 about a dozen state courts said anyone could run for president and that included Barry Obama. Secretaries of State said they had no statutory authority to verify whether or not any candidate was eligible for the office they were seeking. What horse manure. What those state courts and Secretaries of State said is anyone can run for president. What Secretaries of State said is all the RNC or DNC has to do is fill out the required form even if the information is false or a lie and that’s just fine with them! We might as well then be just another Banana Republic and our elections nothing but a free for all and the Constitution is of no consequence.
Donald Trump can take the high road on this by stating there are two candidates who are not constitutionally eligible to be on the ballot, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz. My actions would be the same if the candidates were John Kasich or Dr. Ben Carson. I am running to take an oath to preserve and protect the U.S. Constitution and that’s what I’m doing. It’s a most unfortunate situation for both candidates and their supporters but surely they (Ted Cruz being a lawyer and former Solicitor General for the State of Texas) should have known they do not meet constitutional eligibility. For now my legal team is addressing this serious issue.
Just leave it at that so hyenas in the media like Megyn Kelly at FOX don’t have any ammunition to rip him apart on their shows. If the media hounds him, Trump can simply say: My legal team is addressing this issue. Americans should care. I hope they do and that’s all I’m going to say about it right now. Thank you.
As I have said ad nauseum over the past 25 years: Either we are a nation of laws or lies but we can’t be both and be a great nation. The lies and fraud perpetrated upon the American people must stop.
[Just a short note about 9/11 and Smart Electric Meeters. The cost of America’s undeclared “war” (invasion) in Afghanistan has now reached $1 trillion borrowed dollars – massive debt heaped on us all based on what happened on 9/11. Regular readers of my column know I continue to press for the truth about the events of 9/11. Military grade nanothermite is not a conspiracy theory. It was found and tested from the rubble at the twin towers. A new, powerful film has been released: The Anatomy of a Great Deception. For full disclosure I receive no compensation, but I want you to get a copy (or a few) and share it with others or give a copy as a present. I’ve purchased half a dozen copies and given them to individuals I believe seek the truth. It’s very powerful simply because it’s one ‘ordinary’ man’s story who ask a simple question that led him to a not so simple journey. There is factual information in this film that many have never heard about but everyone should. Just a suggestion, order more than one and give one to a friend. Also, must see video on the dangers of Smart Meeters on your home, titled: Take Back Your Power.]
© 2016 – NewsWithViews.com and Devvy – All Rights Reserved
“It is necessary to the happiness of man that he be mentally faithful to himself. Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what one does not believe.
It is impossible to calculate the moral mischief, if I may so express it, that mental lying has produced in society. When man has so far corrupted and prostituted the chastity of his mind, as to subscribe his professional belief to things he does not believe, he has prepared himself for the commission of every other crime.” -Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason
Fraud: deceit, trickery, breach of confidence, perpetrated for profit or to gain some unfair or dishonest advantage: mail fraud; election fraud. Farce: mockery; a sham.
All the jabbering about Cruz and Rubio, what their polling numbers are and their positions on the issues is worthless hot air. Neither one of them are constitutionally eligible to run for president. The most common lie I read from articles on the Internet from ABC.com to FOX and countless web sites from “experts” is that only one parent must be a U.S. citizen at the time of the child’s birth to qualify as a natural born citizen. That is not true and in Rubio’s case, both of his parents were foreign nationals when he was born. Rubio’s parents did not become U.S. citizens until he was four years old making him absolutely ineligible.
Any mention of Cruz’s eligibility is treated like a joke on some comedy show. Conspicuously absent is any mention of Rubio in the same vein. The reason why is quite obvious: Marco Rubio is the establishment’s back up plan to loser Jeb! Rubio will betray this country with amnesty. The corrupt media apparatus in this country from FOX to CBS to the NY Times continue to prop up the lie that only one parent need be a U.S. citizen. Donald Trump has brought up Cruz’s ineligibility while wasting his time and energy going up against two candidates, Cruz and Rubio, who have no legal right to even be in the race.
Trump has vocally stated if Cruz gets the nomination the Democratic/Communist Party USA will sue over Cruz’s eligibility. I am one who thinks that probably won’t happen. To do so would open the flood gates in proving the criminal impostor in the White House usurped the office of president.
Ted Cruz, using the Obama deception play book (Ted Cruz Cracks to Press: ‘I Am Secretly a Citizen of Ethiopia’ ) is ineligible.
Years ago under the state open records law in Illinois I requested a copy of Barry Obama’s candidate submission for state senator. Barry Obama filled out a form with absolutely nothing to verify his eligibility and was simply declared eligible. Incredible! The same damn thing is happening all over again with Cruz and Rubio and it has to stop.
The Illinois Board of Elections Got It Wrong: Ted Cruz Is Not a Natural Born Citizen, Mario Apuzzo, Esq., February 5, 2016 (Emphasis mine)
“The Illinois Board of Elections recently found that Presidential contender, Senator Ted Cruz, is an Article II “natural born citizen.” Lawrence Joyce and William Graham objected to Cruz being placed on the presidential primary ballot in Illinois, contending that he is not an Article II natural born citizen.
“The Board rejected the challenge and found that Cruz “is a natural born citizen by virtue of being born in Canada to his mother who was a U.S. citizen at the time of his birth.” The Board so found because it said he “did not have to take any steps or go through a naturalization process at some point after birth.” The Board also had the audacity to cavalierly state: “Further discussion on this issue is unnecessary.”
“The Board erred. The Board’s ruling is an expression of Congressional Research Service attorney Jack Maskell’s baseless thesis of his definition of a natural born citizen. Not only is Maskell’s definition a fabricated and revisionist definition of a natural born citizen, it also is nonsensical. See Mario Apuzzo, The Fallacies of Congressional Legislative Attorney Jack Maskell’s Definition of a “Natural Born Citizen….
“For those born after the adoption of the Constitution, if one is a “citizen” of the United States but not also a “natural born citizen” of the United States, then one is prohibited from being President. The Twelfth Amendment requires that also the Vice-President be a natural born citizen.
“As we can plainly see from the text of Article II, today, if one wants to be President, one must demonstrate that one is a “natural born citizen” of the United States, not just a “citizen” of the United States. The text also does not say “citizen” of the United States at birth. As I will demonstrate, there is a critical constitutional difference between these two types of U.S. citizenships and that only a natural born citizen of the United States is eligible to be President. I will show that Ted Cruz might be a citizen of the United States at birth.
“But having acquired that at birth status by naturalization and not by birth alone, he is not nor can he be a natural born citizen. That Cruz did not have to go through any naturalization process after his birth, assuming that to be true, does not nor can it erase the fact that he was by law naturalized at birth by Congress through its naturalization Act applicable to Cruz when he was born in 1970. Needing Congress to naturalize him at birth, Cruz is not nor can he be an Article II natural born citizen.”
I encourage reading that entire legal analysis because the internal links are very important. I fully understand those who support either Cruz or Rubio and want him to be constitutionally eligible being disappointed. Believe me, a few weeks ago I had a few bad moments when the issue of Donald Trump’s mother came up; she was born in Scotland. But, Trump’s mother became a U.S. citizen several years before he was born. Since BOTH of Donald Trump’s parents were U.S. citizens at the time of his birth, he is constitutionally eligible.
If Winston Churchill Was Not Even a Citizen of the United States, How Can Ted Cruz Be Its Natural Born Citizen? (Churchill was made an honorary American citizen by JFK)
Once again, governmental bodies like the Illinois Board of Elections are refusing to verify candidates as to their eligibility to even run for president. I can already see cowardly dismissals by Secretary’s of States for the lawsuits already filed. Contrary to the lies put forth by the alphabet soup networks including pro-Rubio FOX News Network (Megyn Kelly Praises Marco Rubio: ‘You Are Very Smooth’) (The 5 Basic Questions Megyn Kelly Forgot to Ask Marco Rubio) (The Anti-Trump Network: Fox News Money Flows into Open Borders Group), not a single case has ever been decided on the core issue of natural born.
• Phyllis Schlafly Issues 15 PAGE ‘Rubio Betrayal Memo’
• Schlafly unloads on Rubio: ‘He betrayed us all’- Conservative icon calls media favorite ‘lackey for the establishment’
• Senior Senate Staffer Reveals Shocking Marco Rubio Story You’ve Never Heard… ICE Agent Kicked Out of Immigration Hearing
What can Donald Trump do? If it were me I would retain Dr. Edwin Vieira (if he agrees) as a legal consultant. There have been commentaries about the danger of this issue going before the rotten, corrupt U.S. Supreme Court. Edwin has been there: “In the Supreme Court of the United States he successfully argued or briefed the cases leading to the landmark decisions Abood v. Detroit Board of Education, Chicago Teachers Union v. Hudson, and Communications Workers of America v. Beck, which established constitutional and statutory limitations on the uses to which labor unions, in both the private and the public sectors, may apply fees extracted from nonunion workers as a condition of their employment. ”
I have known Dr. Edwin Vieira since 1993. In the hundreds and hundreds of hours of conversations over the years, I am always blown away when he explains something to me the average person would not have thought of relating to the subject at hand. His mind is a machine and there’s no doubt in my mind Edwin would come up with a battle plan to take on this issue and win.
There’s also still the major issue of whether or not Cruz is even a naturalized citizen:
Ted Cruz is in the US Senate Illegally?
“Unfortunately, there is no evidence to suggest that the parent or parents of Ted Cruz ever filed a CRBA form (Consular Report of Birth Abroad) with the U.S. Government in or around 1970, which is why Ted Cruz released a copy of his Canadian citizenship records and not any U.S. citizenship records. At present, all FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) requests filed in search of any U.S. citizenship documents to confirm the true official U.S. citizenship status of Ted Cruz have been denied access. All citizenship records for Ted Cruz are sealed unless and until Ted Cruz agrees to allow any such records to be released by either U.S. or Canadian agencies.
“As a result, there remains no authentic evidence to support the claims that Ted Cruz is either a “natural born” or “naturalized” citizen of the United States.” I think Donald Trump should ask Cruz to produce a certified copy of the CRBA form, don’t you? If Cruz has nothing to hide, he’d do it in a NY minute.
During one of the phony little voter meet up segments on Megyn Kelly’s FOX show one of the voters said no one cares about the eligibility issue. Well, that low information voter is dead wrong. It matters to millions of Americans and for Cruz and Rubio to continue in the primaries is fraud. The RNC submitting paperwork to put his name on any ballot is fraud. It sickens me to watch this play out again as it did in 2008 & 2012 with Barry Obama. We are either a nation of laws or lies. We can’t be both and be a great nation.
As for Ted Cruz and the slick trick pulled against candidate Dr. Ben Carson last week just as the Iowa Caucuses were about to get underway, it screams how dishonest he is and how dirty he will play to win. Ted Cruz Requests Private Meeting With Ben Carson – I’ll just bet he does. Ted Cruz’s treatment of Carson might cost him votes in NH and other states. I’ve written before I don’t like or trust Ted Cruz. His personal ambition oozes out of him and to me that makes him dangerous.
• Cruz wrong in debate about CNN’s reporting – Network never reported Carson suspending campaign, never issued correction
• Timeline: The Cruz-Carson-CNN Controversy
• Karl Rove Explains How Cruz Camp’s Cheating Stole Iowa from Trump – Rather amazing
• Ted Cruz Picks Rep. Steve King as a Campaign National Co-Chair. Is he doing it on the taxpayer’s dime? Congress is still in session.
The recent Iowa primary has been dissected every which way. The dangerous Marxist propagandist, Bernie Sanders, believes vote fraud gave Hillary the Hun a win by 4 votes.
The Iowa Caucuses are, well, unusual. Instead of voting, a voter goes to a location, individuals exchange dialogue over which candidate gets their vote and then a vote is taken. In this video you see children walking around at 9:45 PM and you’ll see just what a mess that system can be as far as accurately counting votes. Hey, no need for a recount!
Of course, using any type of electronic voting system is the sure fire tool of tyrants to rig our elections: Microsoft app used to tally votes at Iowa caucus fails in some areas. It’s been going on since the 1960s and still Americans tolerate the fraud every two years both at the state and federal level for offices. I’ve been writing about it since 1993. Vote fraud is what kept me from winning the GOP primary in 1996. First of all, even though I was legally on the ballot, my name was not on the ballot in the largest voting precinct in Butte County. That’s right. Come primary night and time to vote and my name was not on the ballot. I had to write in my own name; who knows if it even got counted.
Second, from one of my recent columns:
“Every GOP incumbent I can see is creaming legitimate challengers. Same thing that happened to me in 1996 even though I was only 7% behind the incumbent right up to “election” night with all it’s fraud in my race. At one minute after the polls closed, Peter Jennings (deceased) called all 52 house seats in California; none of the numbers changed when they quit counting votes at 4:13 am – including my race. What a remarkable feat.
“Incumbents in most districts are so far ahead – by 40% to a challenger, it’s not likely it will turn around. Gee, isn’t it strange the old 81% to 18% for an incumbent popped up? I voted for Shannon Thomason to replace the state rep shoved down our throats because of redistricting; he’s a real dog, Rep. Darby. I know Shannon from local community meetings. He’s allegedly losing 81 to 18.
“From my Blind Loyalty booklet of nothing but vote fraud, check these winners/losers that night (primary March 26, 1996): 85-15, 81-18, 85-15, 81-18, 85-15, 86-14, 87-13, 81-18 and 81-14 which was my race. Those were the results for incumbents vs challengers for the U.S. House throughout the state. Every incumbent voted for NAFTA; all challengers including me were opposed. Wonder why we allegedly lost? Those house seats were scattered all over the state of California. Unless you’re specifically looking at a particular race, in a state the size of California or Texas, people don’t put together the pattern, but it sure as hell is there and I’m looking at it tonight.”
In one of the precincts in my race the ballots were spread all over a table in violation of state elections laws. Neither that nor the fact my name was not on the ballot on primary night bothered the Republican Secretary of State who did nothing. In his letter to me: If you don’t like the outcome of the election, file a lawsuit. And, pray tell where would I get $20-$30 grand to sue the state? March 1996. That’s when I left the Republican Party and remain no party to this day.
Here is another example of the numbers from my Blind Loyalty booklet; comments at bottom explain the farce. As I have also written before, Bush did not win the 2004 election because of vote fraud in Ohio and therefore did not win the general election. That is a proven fact.
If anyone thinks there wasn’t vote fraud against Donald Trump during the Iowa Caucuses, they would be mistaken. Microsoft provided the app for both parties. ‘Something smells:’ Des Moines Register calls for audit of Iowa Dem caucus
Here’s one opinion on that:
“I remember how six years ago a tea party star and a great patriot of this nation, Sharon Angle, ran for senate in Nevada against the ruling establishment uber-puppet, Harry Reid. I volunteered at her office in Las Vegas. Till the election day Sharon led by 4-5% according to all the polls. I remember one of her campaign managers told me: we have to lead by over 10% as they can rig about 10% of the vote. I knew it was possible but didn’t want to believe it.
“Well, in the morning the vote count was 4-5% for Sharon, in the evening it was announced that the vote flipped, 5% for the regime puppet, Harry Reid. I urged Sharon to verify the vote, unfortunately, she never did it.
“It is interesting that until Bush-Gore 2000 the media conducted exit polling. After 2000 the exit polling stopped. What people do not understand, is that we have no vote verification. We have two types of ballot counting scanners, Diebold and Sequoia, which can be programmed to rig the count any way you want.
“Going into Iowa primary Trump led by an average of 6% according to multiple polls. Both Real Clear Politics and Huffington Post posted about the same average, Trump had 31%, Cruz 25% and Rubio 14%. As the results were announced, Cruz had 28%, Trump 24% and Rubio 23%. The swing that we saw is just impossible. There is no way Rubio jumped 9% within hours. Rubio did poorly in the evangelical state of Iowa for the whole year. His sudden rise by 9% in one day smells heavy rigging of the vote to me.
“Additional indication of the heavy rigging, is the fact that there was a very heavy attendance. 180,000 showed up to vote. Previous record was about 130,000. Most analysts believed that a heavy turnout will benefit Trump as he had the biggest crowds of supporters, new voters. Every analyst believed that the heavy vote will mean Trump election by a landslide. There is no way the vote went up by 50% to benefit establishment puppets, particularly Rubio who was heavily disliked in Iowa.”
It’s called vote flipping. Also from my Blind Loyalty booklet: “In the Rogan Race 10:36 pm, Rogan was ahead of the Democrat 53% to 44%. At 6:28 am on November 8th, the Democrat allegedly moved ahead 53% to 44%. Congressman Rogan, one of the 13 House Managers in the phony Clinton impeachment, allegedly lost his race: 44% to Schiff’s 53%. I don’t believe it for a moment. The numbers are too obvious, at least to me: Rogan leads with 53% to 44% and loses by 44% to 53%. Flip flop! ”
Stop The Election: Accurate Vote Count Impossible, November 3,2008
“Two weeks ago, Ohio “relaxed” its voter registration requirements to allow individuals to simply sign up and vote on the spot. For weeks, advocacy groups have been “assisting” non-English speaking minorities on how to vote. Most likely a large number of them are illegal aliens because we know illegals are voting in huge numbers thanks to the insidious Motor Voter Law of 1993.
“Citizenship is a five year process. If you can’t speak English by then, how committed are you to your new country and how our government operates? I guess it doesn’t matter if you have someone instructing you on which box to punch on a card inside the voting booth. BEFORE my grandparents got on the boat from Sicily, they had to take an English proficiency test (reading and writing) and have a valid health certificate. The same applied to my other grand parents when they left Munich. We know what’s going on here and it’s hijacking our elections.
“Even with paper ballots in many states, between dirty voting rolls that are supposed to be purged and cleaned, and multiple voting by one person thanks to registration fraud, there’s no way to get an accurate count on election night. The switch to scanners over electronic voting machines is simply switching the deck chairs on the Titanic. 31 states – with big ‘swing’ states included – still use electronic machines and/or scanners. Ripe for fraud. In smaller states with small precincts, it’s harder to hide the vote fraud. In major metropolitan cities, it’s as easy as walking across your living room.
“By Oct. 30, 2008, more than 17 million people voted; no telling how many are multiple votes. Last week, the city fathers in DC announced they have no idea how many absentee ballots were mailed out! In Madison County, Mississippi, they have over 123% more registered voters than people over the age of 18. Is anyone outraged yet? This has been going on for election after election after election for decades. Contrary to the propaganda being pitched, most of these machines do NOT have a real paper trail. See Oct. 31, 2008, transcript from Lou Dobbs – close to half way down. The lawsuits are coming. The insidious Motor Voter Law of 1993 added gasoline to the bonfire and Secretary’s of State across the Union have allowed the situation to simply snow ball from one rip off election to the next. ”
Urgent: Election fraud volunteers needed in WI, OH, PA, VA, FL, November 10, 2012: Obama Lost in Every State With Photo ID Law
“November 7 | Was the election stolen? Remember all those lawsuits by Democrats demanding that any voter identification laws be repealed. Well, now we know why they filed them. They needed to steal the vote in certain key states so that Obama could be reelected.
“Curiously, Obama lost in every state that requires a photo ID to be produced before voting. A list of closely contested state elections with no voter ID, which narrowly went to Obama include: Minnesota (10), Iowa (6), Wisconsin (10), Nevada (6), Colorado (9), New Mexico (5) and Pennsylvania (20). This amounts to a total of 66 electoral votes. When added to Romney’s total of 205 electoral votes, that would give Romney 271 electoral votes, enough votes to win even without Ohio or Florida.
“Romney also likely had the states of Florida and Ohio stolen from him, which don’t require photo IDs. Ohio requires a non-photo ID. Would a library card do? Florida “requests” a photo ID, but doesn’t require it. So what happens if they request a photo ID and the illegal alien Haitian doesn’t have one? Do they just count the vote anyway?”
While New Hampshire uses paper ballots, there was an outcry in 2012 because of tally discrepancies for Ron Paul when he ran: Significant Evidence of Algorithmic Vote Flipping in the 2012 GOP Primary and (Ron Paul 100% proof of Maine Election fraud! Ben Swann Reality Check WXIX FOX 2/15/12). The upcoming primaries in SC, NV and then Super Tuesday will be done by machines. The shadow government will do everything they think they can get away with to keep Donald Trump from accumulating enough delegates to win the GOP nomination and that means losing primaries and caucuses by fraud in the counting process.
The primaries in this country have become a farce. Eligibility of candidates is brushed off like lint as if it’s of no importance. Fraud was committed by the DNC and Nancy Pelosi to get Barry Obama on the ballot and now the GOP is doing the same damn thing by allowing Cruz and Rubio to appear on any state ballot. Regardless of who you support, if we don’t have honesty and integrity in our election process we may as well change America to Venezuela.
Of interest:
1 – Ted Cruz’s Closest Counselors Are Neocons – A very important article
2 – HuffPo Policy: Trump Must Be Be Called ‘Liar, Racist, Sexist Bully’ In Every Post
3 – President’ Trump’s limited government – Theodore Roosevelt Malloch sees businessman restoring founding principles
4 – Alabama residents’ lawsuit claims Ted Cruz ineligible to run for president – Unfortunately, it appears the plaintiff’s haven’t done their homework: “The suit urges the court to declare Cruz “ineligible and disqualified to run/seek the office of president of the United States of America” because he was born in Canada in 1970.” I haven’t read their brief, but unless they argue the correct legal merits – both parents must be U.S. citizens at the time of the child’s birth – likely we could see bad case law put on the books or just an outright dismissal.
5 – The Nuclear Option: Ted Cruz Wins Iowa, But He Won’t Be the GOP Nominee for President
6 – Mike Volin of WOBC Website Launches Petition Campaign to Stop the Constitutionally Ineligible Canadian-Born Ted Cruz from Continuing to Deceive the American Electorate as to Who is a “natural born Citizen” of the United States.
[Just a short note about 9/11 and Smart Electric Meeters. The cost of America’s undeclared “war” (invasion) in Afghanistan has now reached $1 trillion borrowed dollars – massive debt heaped on us all based on what happened on 9/11. Regular readers of my column know I continue to press for the truth about the events of 9/11. Military grade nanothermite is not a conspiracy theory. It was found and tested from the rubble at the twin towers. A new, powerful film has been released: The Anatomy of a Great Deception. For full disclosure I receive no compensation, but I want you to get a copy (or a few) and share it with others or give a copy as a present. I’ve purchased half a dozen copies and given them to individuals I believe seek the truth. It’s very powerful simply because it’s one ‘ordinary’ man’s story who ask a simple question that led him to a not so simple journey. There is factual information in this film that many have never heard about but everyone should. Just a suggestion, order more than one and give one to a friend. Also, must see video on the dangers of Smart Meeters on your home, titled: Take Back Your Power.]
© 2016 – NewsWithViews.com and Devvy – All Rights Reserved
“Nature gave man two ends – one to sit on and one to think with. Ever since then, man’s success or failure has been dependent on the one he used most.” —George R. Kirkpatrick (1867-1937) Lecturer
‘We’ll remember in November’ has been the rallying cry every two years by millions of Americans. Of course, too many don’t understand by November it’s too late.
Rewarding Crooks and Incompetents, May 11, 2009
“The Republican Party wants to ‘reinvent’ itself. What hogwash and it’s all for public consumption to fool voters into reelecting incumbents or ousting a few Democrats.
“Americans have been committing national suicide for decades. They vote the same incumbents back into office over one issue: More money for education! Save social security! Save Medicare! which is now $30 TRILLION in the hole. Protect abortion! Save sodomy! Save the whales! The list goes on and on. I’ve seen the insanity repeat itself over and over and over. People will “forgive” their House member or Senator because “the other side” is worse. They still can’t see the truth because of blind loyalty to their party.”
Americans Love the IRS & The Income Tax, April 7, 2012
“But, none of this seems to matter to the nearly 100 million Americans who continue to reelect the same liars for hire to the U.S. Congress. For the past few months enthusiastic supporters of incumbents have been out there working to get their Congress critter reelected. The same miscreants who steal from us, lie to us and cheat us out of our pursuit of life, liberty and happiness. The same incumbents who have and continue to lie to those enthusiastic supporters about the nature of the “income” tax. Roughly 100 million Americans working for their own destruction while thinking it’s a good idea. Classic Sun Tzu’s Art of War.”
Are Americans Really This Stupid? June 27, 2012:
“Americans got angry. They said we will hold you responsible in November 2010! Sure, they did. With an approval rating of 11% for the gangsters in the Outlaw Congress, a whopping 86% of incumbents were sent back to Washington, DC., after the 2010 elections to continue stealing us blind and passing more and more unconstitutional laws while allowing alphabet soup agencies like the FDA, EPA and USDA to continue running amok. I suppose one could say it was an improvement over the usual 96% reelection stats for incumbents….
“Don’t look to any change come this November as far as the U.S. Congress. The same outlaws will get reelected after winning their primaries and it will be back to business as usual come January. Remember that Rassmussen poll I cited above? 78% of the American people believe the outlaws in the U.S. Congress are governing without their consent, yet they have gone to the polls and voted to reelect the same parasites in dozens of primaries. You hire someone to do a job, they do just the opposite and you turn right around and give them your vote – again.”
Four Important Bills Languishing in Congress, March 10, 2014
“Those bills are important issues that should have been solved a long time ago. Where has your congress critter been? Why hasn’t he/she pushed to get them passed? Do people expect change and problems solved by reelecting the same incumbents who never got the job done in all the years they’ve been in Congress?
Fox News poll: 67 percent would vote out all current lawmakers – March 6, 2014
“By a 67-26 percent margin, voters would kick everybody on Capitol Hill to the curb and replace them with new people. That includes two-thirds of Democrats, Republicans and independents. The result is perhaps not so surprising, given how voters feel about lawmakers these days: just 12 percent approve of the job Congress is doing, while 78 percent disapprove.”
But, voters said almost the same thing in 2010 and still reelected 92% of congressional incumbents and expected change: Fox News Poll: 68% Say Vote Out All Incumbents -March 19, 2010
“If American voters only had the following two choices on the Congressional ballot — keep all current lawmakers in office, or get rid of all incumbents in Congress — what would they do? A new Fox News poll asked that question, and the answer could be bad news for incumbents this fall. Sixty-eight percent of voters would oust all incumbents, while 20 percent would keep all lawmakers in office.”
“Not here in Texas. Our primary was March 4th and what did ignorant voters do? Why, they voted against qualified challengers for Congress. They voted to reelect the same incumbents who have destroyed this country. That’s right. Conservatives ignorant on the issues allowed themselves to be herded in the right direction by organizations like The Conservative Republicans of Texas who sent out a sample ballot to registered Republicans telling them to reelect every incumbent. So-called leadership leading the flock straight to the slaughterhouse.”
Ft. Hood: Official Response More Meaningless Rhetoric, April 6, 2014
“Not if people reelect the same incumbents back to Congress starting with those upcoming primaries. If incumbents in the Outlaw Congress haven’t fixed the problem for active duty soldiers with mental health issues and the VA in all the years they’ve been in Congress, what makes you think they will do it if people vote to reelect them in the primaries? Why do Americans keep expecting things to change by voting for the same failures in the Outlaw Congress who didn’t get the job done?”
Rape & Betrayal By The GOP: Let Me Count The Ways, December 16, 2014 one month after Americans gave Republicans the majority again. That column has very important information in it, i.e, “How much will this cost you, me our children and grand children in DEBT? $720.9 MILLION in 2015. Here is the web site to see how those “conservatives” everyone helped win their primaries on the way back to Washington, DC to screw us are going to steal from us in 2015. The list of countries is endless while our financial future is dead. There is ZERO constitutional authority for the bandits in the Outlaw Congress to steal from we the people for any of it.” My column:
GOP Incumbents Will Betray America End of Year by yours truly, February 10, 2014
“Johnny boy and other pimps with pull power in the House and Senate have every intention of selling us out. As pointed out in this piece, ‘White House giving Boehner room on immigration’, it likely will come during the ‘lame duck’ session, Nov – Dec. 2014…
“What all incumbents in the U.S. House and 1/3 rd of the unlawfully seated U.S. Senate want is you to vote for them in the upcoming primaries so they can go on to win in November and go right back to destroying this country. John Boehner, if not defeated in the May 6, 2014 primary will return to the Outlaw Congress and sell us out, right along with most incumbent Republicans for back room deals.
“Mark my words that’s EXACTLY what will happen. Republicans will use the same cowardly argument about “family values” to legalize 25-30 MILLION liars, cheats and thieves (some family values) because that’s what illegal aliens are…”I’ve got news for Republicans who want to keep the destroyers in office – incumbents lie.”
“I told you so: Boehner Ally Admits Omnibus Bill Was Crafted in Literal Cigar Smoke-Filled Back Room. “The bill funds Obama’s amnesty, funds Obamacare, provides funds for controversial pro-abortion measures, and is packed to the hilt with pork–like money to save rhinoceroses from poaching; a reauthorization of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s casino crony kickback, the Travel Promotion Act; and more.
“And, what did those incumbents who won their primaries and got reelected to the U.S. House do on December 11, 2014? The U.S. House of Whores voted to pass a $1.1 TRILLION dollar bill which will finance the government through September 2015 – including amnesty, all the programs underway to keep illegals here and Obamacare.”
Voters, Again, Choose Their Own Destruction (Primaries), May 11, 2014
“Do people expect change and problems solved by reelecting the same incumbents who never got the job done in all the years they’ve been in Congress? Apparently, they do. But, since tens of millions of voters are completely ignorant about the issues, how could they know their congress critter is a failure who keeps promoting Band Aids instead of constitutional solutions? The herding technique is very effective every election cycle: keep blaming the other party, not your incumbent…
“Here in Texas, millions of voters who’ve “had enough” stayed home and didn’t vote on March 4th. A paltry 13.3% of all registered voters in this state bothered to get to the ballot box. ‘Don’t Mess With Texas’ is a meaningless motto. Our state legislature is also just as corrupt as others. They continue to ignore the only real solutions as the clock ticks. Tragically for Texans, rotten GOP state incumbents also won their primaries.”
One Thing Donald Trump Can’t Do For The Economy, December 21, 2015
“If your member of Congress has done nothing to kill the cancer and continuing down the same road, what makes you think re-electing the same incumbent next year will get the job done? Abolishing the unconstitutional “Fed”, getting us out of all “free” trade treaties, abolishing Obamacare, get us out of the UN once and for all, abolishing unconstitutional cabinets – the most critical issues have been completely ignored by your incumbent and mine, who is retiring, thank God. Tragically, we the people are going to pay dearly in the near future.”
If Americans once again vote for their congressional incumbents in the upcoming primaries NOTHING will change.
• Uninformed, disinterested, brainwashed & special interest voters (2006)
• Re-electing the Band Aid Brigade (May 2010)
• Electing new Band Aid Pushers (May 2012)
Every two years qualified constitutional candidates run for the state houses and Congress and every two years incumbents wipe them out. Go look at this chart which shows the percentage of incumbents who continue to get reelected election after election. On the House of Representative side the average is always above 90%. On the Senate side, consistently in the 80% and above.
Besides vote fraud which kept me out of Congress, candidates challenging an incumbent are squashed like a bug by the GOP machine AND because those challengers don’t get the ground support they need to win a primary.
At this point in time, tens of millions of Americans are angry. VERY angry. If they go to the polls in the next few months and vote for an incumbent instead of a qualified challenger NOTHING will change. The incumbents – either party – then goes on to win in November because they always vote straight party line. Despite polling which shows incumbents (every two years) with an approval rating of 11% – 15%, still the people vote back those incumbents. Why? Because (1) the GOP and Democratic/Communist Party USA throw their weight to crush challengers, (2) because too damn many Americans still believe it’s not their incumbent, it’s the other party’s, and (3) They believe the BS about an incumbent having so much experience and being on important committees. They sure do and are destroying us and this country.
Well, how’s that working out for YOU?
The crook who has never represented me in my congressional district, Randy Neugebauer, is finally retiring. Here Are Four Texas U.S. House Races to Keep an Eye on
“Nine Republicans filed to run for retiring U.S. Rep. Randy Neugebauer’s strongly Republican seat: former Texas Tech Vice Chancellor Jodey Arrington, farmer Jason Corley, bank president Greg Garrett, veterinarian John C. Key, retired ophthalmologist Donald R. May, farmer Don Parrish, Lubbock Mayor Glen Robertson, retired U.S. Air Force officer Michael Bob Starr and health care administrator DeRenda Warren.
Donald May, who I voted for, ran two years ago but lost the primary because he’s from Lubbock two hours from where I live. There was barely a peep about his run. He simply did not have the critical grass roots organization to beat Neugebauer. The others are new names to me so I looked at each of their web sites. For your district just type in the person’s name + for Congress into a search engine to get to their web site.
Arrington has the standard boiler plate stuff, but as far as any constitutional solution to get rid of unconstitutional cabinets and agencies like the Federal Department of Dumbing Down Education, he is sorely lacking. Corley only has a Facebook page. I’ve never logged on to any Facebook page nor will I. Mark Zuckerberg who hates American workers is worth nearly a half trillions bux. He owns Facebook and he will never get a penny of my money. While his heart is in the right place, Corley needs a web site that gives his position on the issues, clearly and succinctly.
Garrett has no clue about the income tax fraud. Nor does he address any of the critical issues I dissect in the columns above, Band Aid Brigade and Electing New Band Aid Pushers. John Key also recognizes many of the cancers killing this country, but again, nothing about the disabilities of our monetary system and actually going for the jugular in reducing the size of the federal monster. Mr. Parrish has the worst web site that virtually tells you nothing about constitutional solutions. M. Warren is highly educated but she’s the typical fluff out there. No constitutional solutions; doesn’t even list critical issues besides Obamacare.
Michael Bob Starr recently retired as a full colonel in the Air Force; highly decorated veteran. Same old, same old one hears from ‘conservatives’ running for Congress. Unfortunately, he just doesn’t get it regarding the national debt, no mention of the FED and so on. Glen Robertson ‘gets it’ on many of the issues just like Donald May. However, I will vote for Dr. May again because he is keen on the Tenth Amendment as well as having a good understanding of constitutional government.
I bring this up for a reason. Find out who is challenging your congressional incumbent (same thing for your state rep and senator) in the upcoming primaries. Then you have to do like I did – which is time consuming – look up their ‘for Congress’ web site and go through them one by one. Get out there and help beat rotten congressional incumbents.
ALIPAC Endorses Maria Espinoza for Congress Against Rep. Culberson – She gets my personal endorsement. Culberson has money behind him, but he needs to be booted out of Congress. If you live in his district, get out there and vote for Maria in the primary, March 1st. Spread the word in that district.
Here is a list of 150 incumbents Republicans, House and Senate, who betrayed YOU, your children and grand children on amnesty – they all need to get thrown out of Congress. The only way to get that done is to get out on primary day in your state and vote. There’s still time to sign up and volunteer for a good challenger because they don’t have the kind of money (well, most don’t) incumbents do and if they don’t have volunteers to walk the district getting the candidate’s message to voters, there’s no chance.
I guarantee you if the same congressional incumbents win their primaries odds are heavily in favor for that incumbent in November and NOTHING will change. Republican or Democrat, NOTHING will change except for the worse. I’ll say it again as I have said so many times: Do people expect change and problems solved by reelecting the same incumbents who never got the job done in all the years they’ve been in Congress?
Right now the major focus is on Iowa and the presidential candidates, but primaries are also for congressional seats, your state capitol and any other offices like city council, sheriff or judges. If you don’t know who is running for a particular office, use a search engine. Example: Texas primary candidates secretary of state. That took me to this page which gives you all candidates on your primary ballot.
In 2014 our primary here in Texas was just sickening. Out of 13.6 million registered voters only 1.9 million got out and voted for their future. 11.7 million voters here in Texas stayed home. They couldn’t even make the effort to kick out every incumbent, Republican or Democrat, who have been destroying this country and their future, never mind their children and grand children. It’s not about one issue as I wrote about in my columns on Band Aid pushers. It’s about violating their oath of office every day they’re in office.
It isn’t the other party’s incumbent. It’s YOURS and MINE from both parties. ‘Conservative’ means nothing as I wrote about in my column last week. We need constitutionalists, not more phony conservatives who have been conserving nothing but our destruction.
A few items you might find helpful:
1 – Ted Cruz’s Closest Counselors Are Neocons – Warning
2 – Ted Cruz’s Federal Education “Choice” Kills The American Dream
Remember: Congress has ZERO authority to legislate education
3 – How Huckabee Deceived Iowa 8 Years Ago
4 – America 2016: We’re mad as hell and not going to take it anymore
5 – Film will make viewers jury in ‘Hillary trial’
Buried among scandals is ‘biggest-ever case of campaign-finance fraud’
6 – Hillary Project on track ‘to take her out’ – The goal? Prosecution, not presidency
7 – Reminder: Why Trump Battles The Fox News Machine
How can he run as a Democrat when he’s not registered with that party?
8 – Bernie Sanders: ‘We will raise taxes. Yes, we will’
[Just a short note about 9/11 and Smart Electric Meeters. The cost of America’s undeclared “war” (invasion) in Afghanistan has now reached $1 trillion borrowed dollars – massive debt heaped on us all based on what happened on 9/11. Regular readers of my column know I continue to press for the truth about the events of 9/11. Military grade nanothermite is not a conspiracy theory. It was found and tested from the rubble at the twin towers. A new, powerful film has been released: The Anatomy of a Great Deception. For full disclosure I receive no compensation, but I want you to get a copy (or a few) and share it with others or give a copy as a present. I’ve purchased half a dozen copies and given them to individuals I believe seek the truth. It’s very powerful simply because it’s one ‘ordinary’ man’s story who ask a simple question that led him to a not so simple journey. There is factual information in this film that many have never heard about but everyone should. Just a suggestion, order more than one and give one to a friend. Also, must see video on the dangers of Smart Meeters on your home, titled: Take Back Your Power.]
© 2016 – NewsWithViews.com and Devvy – All Rights Reserved
The unprecedented dirty attacks against Donald Trump continue by individuals who proclaim they represent the only definition of conservative. Mark Levin, referred to as ‘The Great One’ by Sean Hannity has referred to Trump supporters as nut jobs and kooks. ‘The Great One’ who has become very wealthy peddling dangerous propaganda in his book promoting a constitutional convention has been quite angry over Americans demanding adherence to the U.S. Constitution regarding presidential eligibility. So much so Levin let the world know what he thinks of me and anyone else questioning HIS candidate’s eligibility: “ARE THE A-HOLES WHO PUSHED THIS CRAP FOR DAYS HAPPY NOW?” Yes, all in caps which in cyber etiquette translates to yelling at the recipient.
Levin is a lawyer and referred to as a real constitutional scholar. Really? Mark Levin can read but apparently refuses to acknowledge Ted Cruz is ineligible:
“Levin then addressed arguments that someone has to be born to two US citizens in order to be considered a natural born citizen by stating that such a rule appears nowhere in the Constitution. He added, “So, rather than being activists, and liberals, and re-writing the Constitution, and trying to change it to accommodate a candidate, that’s not what constitutional conservatives do. That’s not who we are.” From the same piece: “He further stated that attacking Cruz’s eligibility is something liberals have done, and that “using left-wing arguments against a conservative is unacceptable.”
What horse manure. Investigating ANY presidential candidate’s eligibility is hardly “using left-wing arguments against a conservative…”. Millions of Americans, including yours truly, not only questioned the constitutional eligibility of the Manchurian Candidate squatting in the Red House, Barry Soetoro aka Obama, but we’ve gone after Cruz, Rubio and prior to his dropping out, Bobby Jindal because it is the right thing to do and political parties be damned.
Levin gushes that because Cruz released his mother’s birth certificate – just like blow hard Bill O’Reilly repeatedly saying a birth announcement in a newspaper makes Barry Soetoro aka Obama eligible – so too is Cruz. Really? Then why, Mr. Levin, is Ted Cruz refusing to release documentation showing he’s a U.S. citizen, never mind a natural born citizen? I do believe Ted Cruz must prove he’s even a U.S. citizen at this point before the discussion goes any further, don’t you? [Emphasis below is mine]
The statutes governing this naturalization process state:
“A child born abroad to a U.S. citizen parent or parents may acquire U.S. citizenship at birth if certain statutory requirements are met. The child’s parents should contact the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate to apply for a Consular Report of Birth Abroad of a Citizen of the United States of America (CRBA) to document that the child is a U.S. citizen. If the U.S. embassy or consulate determines that the child acquired U.S. citizenship at birth, a consular officer will approve the CRBA application and the Department of State will issue a CRBA, also called a Form FS-240, in the child’s name…..
“Unfortunately, there is no evidence to suggest that the parent or parents of Ted Cruz ever filed a CRBA form with the U.S. Government in or around 1970, which is why Ted Cruz released a copy of his Canadian citizenship records and not any U.S. citizenship records. At present, all FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) requests filed in search of any U.S. citizenship documents to confirm the true official U.S. citizenship status of Ted Cruz have been denied access. All citizenship records for Ted Cruz are sealed unless and until Ted Cruz agrees to allow any such records to be released by either U.S. or Canadian agencies. As a result, there remains no authentic evidence to support the claims that Ted Cruz is either a “natural born” or “naturalized” citizen of the United States.”
Last week a new batch of drama queens took center stage in the war against Donald Trump. That would be the Elmer Gantry’s at National Review and various well known personalities who all proclaim to be the quintessential definition of conservative. For those who have not had the pleasure of watching the movie, Elmer Gantry, based on a novel by Sinclair Lewis, watch it on line (small fee) or rent it from one of the many outlets. Elmer Gantry was a preacher. A con man like you’ve never seen. Burt Lancaster won his only Oscar for his performance and was one of the ‘greats’ of the big screen unlike the past couple of decades of ‘actors’ who can’t hold a candle to actors like Glen Ford, Robert Mitchum, Steve McQueen, John Wayne Jimmy Stewart and so many others.
Selective Outrage: National Review Trashes Trump, Rallies Behind Ryan
“A little over three months ago, National Review endorsed Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) for Speaker of the House. In doing so, National Review helped place a man with a two-decade history of pushing open borders immigration policies in charge of the Republican Party’s entire legislative agenda. Ten weeks after that endorsement helped Paul Ryan secure the Speakership, Ryan proceeded to swiftly pass an omnibus spending bill that funded and expanded President Obama’s immigration agenda.
“Ryan’s bill provided funding for sanctuary cities, illegal alien resettlement, illegal alien tax credits, and visa issuances to nearly 300,000 (temporary and permanent) Muslim migrants over the next 12 months alone. The bill also funded an expansion of the highly controversial H-2B foreign worker program, which Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) said violated Ryan’s “promise not to bring major immigration legislation to the floor this year.”
“The H-2B foreign worker program imports low-wage laborers into the country to take American jobs in maintenance, theme parks, construction, food processing, restaurants, and hospitality– meaning that Ryan’s Speakership and immigration policies have already resulted in the GOP’s own constituency, along with workers nationwide, losing their livelihoods and ability to support their families.”
Rich Lowry is a little weasel who has been selling the ever popular ‘smaller government, less taxes’ con game for decades. Just like Mark Levin. Both of them lament Donald Trump is not their brand of conservative. The 22 individuals who joined National Review with a cacophony of opinions – most who have never held any kind of public office – rip into Donald Trump. Here’s a few of them: Glenn Beck ( who idolizes the original white supremacist, Abe Lincoln) , David Boaz, Brent Bozell, Mona Charen, Ben Domenech, Erik Erickson, Steven F. Haywood, Mark Helprin, Bill Kristol (father was a Trotskyite), Yuval Levin, Michael Medved, Thomas Sowell, Cal Thomas; was sorry to see Andrew McCarthy on the list.
Let’s look at one thing Glenn Beck said in that National Review piece: “If Donald Trump wins the Republican nomination, there will once again be no opposition to an ever-expanding government.” Here’s a news flash for Glenn Beck: Ever expanding government comes from those crooks, liars, cheats and thieves called the U.S. Congress – both parties. A sitting president does not have to sign any budget that contains unconstitutional spending.
Oops: Glenn Beck Calls Trump Spox a ‘Leftist Radical’ After Once Calling Her a ‘Fearless Principled Conservative’:
“Talk radio host Glenn Beck wrote a blistering denunciation of GOP frontrunner Donald Trump’s campaign spokesperson Katrina Pierson, calling her “a hard core leftist.” However, two years ago Beck called Pierson a “fearless principled conservative” when she was running for Congress and enjoyed the support of Texas senator Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), whose presidential campaign Beck endorsed today in Iowa.” Here’s another hysterical one from Glenn: Beck: Trump’s Use of Nationalism, Populism ‘Dangerous Combination,’ ‘Makings of Adolf Hitler’
Let me give Mark Levin, Rich Lowry and the rest of those alleged conservatives a history lesson starting with Ronald Reagan.
Reagan pledged during his campaign for president to get rid of the unconstitutional Federal Department of Education; see here along with the unconstitutional SBA (Small Business Administration). He did neither. What he did do with the help of his old party in Congress, the Democratic/Communist Party USA, was run up the national debt. That was Reagan’s definition of ‘smaller government’. Not to mention signing the phony 1986 immigration ‘reform’ bill which OPENED the flood gates for the 30+ year human invasion killing our country today. Under Ronnie’s ‘fiscally conservative’ reign the national debt went from $997,855,000,000 to $2,602,437,712,041.
On September 9, 1996, while in Georgia, Bob Dole said it was the goal of the GOP to abolish the Federal Department of Education. Sounded good, but of course it never happened. Was good for votes, though.
When Bush, Jr., took office the country gave the U.S. House of Representatives who control OUR purse, a GOP majority. Since then we the people have given Republicans in both the House and Senate the majority. In all those years did those ‘conservatives’ and tea party blow hards stop the national debt from shooting to Mars? No. The first test for all those newly minted tea party congress critters was a vote to stop raising the debt ceiling . What did they do? They caved and voted to keep spending into oblivion, heaping trillions more debt on our children and grand children.
In all those years with a Republican in the White House and majority in both chambers did this happen?
1. Overturn all unconstitutional Executive Orders put on the books by Bill Clinton or Barry Soetoro aka Obama? No. Have they repealed thousands of job killing, unconstitutional regulations from unconstitutional cabinets and agencies? No. The GOP for decades has promoted and executed Fascism in this country. Fascism is regulating all industry and commerce in a country and that’s exactly what Republicans in power have allowed to go on. Book mark and read this important piece: Corporativism in Money and banking has led America to Fascism
What Levin, Lowry and all the rest have conserved is supporting politicians who have allowed unconstitutional agencies to pass thousands of job killing regulations and refusing to adhere to the U.S. Constitution.
2. Smaller government means abolishing unconstitutional cabinets (EPA – see here) and agencies like USAID under the State Department. The U.S. Aid for International Development has ZERO authority to steal from you and me to throw around the world because Congress never had the authority to create such an agency. Hundreds of billions of dollars in more debt slapped on our backs; our children have no future except as serfs to the debt machine.
What Levin, Lowry and all the rest have conserved is supporting politicians who have done NOTHING over the decades to stop the growth of government by actually making the federal monster smaller.
3. Get the US out of unconstitutional agreements like NAFTA (No American Factories Taking Applications). NO. Instead, scum like former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich pushed it through with the help of Rush Limbaugh and former Speaker of the House, Johnny Wino Boehner, who got in bed with Nancy Pelosi to keep it intact. Boehner and Pelosi did the same with job killers CAFTA and GATT. The last two terms a brave Republican introduced a bill to get us out of NAFTA. Both times it died because the GOP machine is owned by mega corporations who want Americans to lose their jobs in favor of bringing in cheap labor from other countries.
What Levin, Lowry and all the rest have conserved is supporting politicians who have pushed through ‘free’ trade treaties that since 1995 when NAFTA was signed into law have killed more than 8 MILLION good paying full time jobs. They have conserved massive unemployment and over the past seven years spent their time blaming Obama. Yes, he has helped kill jobs but it would not be possible without the consent of the Outlaw Congress.
The Republican Party is OWNED by the anti-American workers operation called the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and mega corporations. THAT is what Levin, Lowry and their brand of conservative is conserving. Voters should remember Ted Cruz’s support to betray even more Americans. Cruz is a big supporter of ‘free” trade. That is a fact and for that reason alone he should never become president of this country. For part two click below.
1 – NEW EVIDENCE: Intent of 1790 Naturalization Act
2 – The House That Evil Built
3 – FNC’s Jesse Watters: National Review ‘Putting Pure Conservatism Over the Country’
4 – This is a list of how all presidential candidates stand on the final nail in our coffin – the TPP
5 – Cruz and Rubio: Neither is eligible by Larry Klayman
6 – The Three Legged Stool Test & Analogy for Natural born Citizenship of the United States
to Constitutional Standards
[Just a short note about 9/11 and Smart Electric Meeters. The cost of America’s undeclared “war” (invasion) in Afghanistan has now reached $1 trillion borrowed dollars – massive debt heaped on us all based on what happened on 9/11. Regular readers of my column know I continue to press for the truth about the events of 9/11. Military grade nanothermite is not a conspiracy theory. It was found and tested from the rubble at the twin towers. A new, powerful film has been released: The Anatomy of a Great Deception. For full disclosure I receive no compensation, but I want you to get a copy (or a few) and share it with others or give a copy as a present. I’ve purchased half a dozen copies and given them to individuals I believe seek the truth. It’s very powerful simply because it’s one ‘ordinary’ man’s story who ask a simple question that led him to a not so simple journey. There is factual information in this film that many have never heard about but everyone should. Just a suggestion, order more than one and give one to a friend. Also, must see video on the dangers of Smart Meeters on your home, titled: Take Back Your Power.]
© 2016 – NewsWithViews.com and Devvy – All Rights Reserved
4. Abolish the head of the beast, the unconstitutional ‘Federal’ Reserve. No. In 2007, former Congressman Ron Paul introduced a bill to abolish that magical money machine bleeding us dry. There wasn’t a single member of Congress who became a co-sponsor. Two weeks ago a bill to audit the ‘Fed’ was killed in committee because neither the Republicans or the Democratic/Communist Party USA want YOU to know just how those thieves – with the blessing of all those ‘conservatives’ in Congress – have and are destroying this country.
That is what Levin, Lowry and those of their ilk are conserving.
5. Getting the U.S. out of the United Nothing aka United Nations which has never kept peace in any nation on earth. The UN is to be the enforcement arm for world government. Hundreds of billions of dollars stolen from us to feed a corrupt private institution. Please read the entire piece: Americans Committing National Suicide, Devvy Kidd, April 4, 2002: “You can expect to see a one world government, Communist controlled, under the United Nations. You will see the United Nations run up astronomical debts which we, under the terms of the treaty, are bound to pay.”
Four critical bills in Congress died in 2014 under a Republican majority. Four bills that should have passed if we had constitutionalists in Congress instead of the flavor of ‘conservatives’ represented by Mark Levin, Sean Hannity, Rich Lowry, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan and the list goes on:
H.R. 156: To provide for the withdrawal of the United States from the North American Free Trade Agreement, H.R. 75: American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2013 – To end membership of the United States in the United Nations, H.R.129 – Latest Title: Return to Prudent Banking Act of 2013. Restore Glass-Stegall and H.R.3894 – Senior Citizens Tax Elimination Act to do away with income taxes on social security. (Links to all in the link above)
I highly encourage you to read: The fearful Master; A Second Look at the United Nations by G. Edward Griffin. It was one of the first books I read when I began my journey 25 years ago to find truth instead of the fiction sold to we the people. While the book was published in 1964, nothing has changed except how much more corrupt the UN has become and the astronomical ‘dues’ we are forced to pay for our own destruction. The book is available on line for free.
The bill to stop federal income taxes on SS was introduced by a Republican for which credit should be given. It had a whopping 2 co-sponsors. The GOP controlled House doesn’t want seniors to keep their money, but rather keep DOUBLE TAXING them:
“Seniors have already paid tax on their Social Security contributions, so taxing Social Security is double-taxing by the federal government,” Massie said. DeSantis echoed Massie’s sentiments in their joint statement: “[The bill] blows the whistle on the federal government for double-taxing the Social Security benefits of senior citizens. Individuals already pay taxes to support Social Security, so there is no reason why these earned benefits should be taxed on the back end.”
“The GOP representatives argue the purpose of Social Security is “to provide people with financial support during retirement, not to be another source of tax revenue for the federal government.” If the bill passes, Social Security benefits would neither be taxable nor reportable on individual tax returns, thus restoring the integrity of the program.”
THAT is what ‘conservatives’ like Rick Lowry, Sean Hannity and their crowd want to conserve. Let’s not leave out AARP who did not support stopping federal income taxes on your social security. I have never belonged to AARP and never will.
6. Republicans had eight years under a Republican president to lock down our borders. They did NOTHING except throw some money at the U.S. Border Patrol. Under Bush and a Republican controlled Congress they had the perfect opportunity to pass a bill that had already been introduced that would have without question self-deported millions and millions of illegal aliens:
A Bill: Stop All Public Welfare In Any Form For Illegal Aliens
“Our Federal Wallet Stretched To Limit By Illegal Aliens Getting Welfare’ “Even worse, Americans have seen heinous crimes committed by individuals who are here illegally.” – Senator Dirty Harry Reid, Democratic/Communist Party USA. He also said that the U.S. open door policy is being abused at the expense of honest, working citizens. August 5, 1993, Dirty Harry’s office issued the following:
“In response to increased terrorism and abuse of social programs by aliens, Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) Today introduced the first and only comprehensive immigration reform bill in Congress. Currently, an alien living illegally in the United States often pays no taxes but receives unemployment, welfare, free medical care and other federal benefits. Recent terrorist acts, including the World Trade Center bombing, have underscored the need to keep violent criminals out of the country…..
“Our borders have overflowed with illegal immigrants placing tremendous burdens on our criminal justice system, schools and social programs. The Immigration and Naturalization Service needs the ability to step up enforcement. Our federal wallet is stretched to the limit by illegal aliens getting welfare, food stamps, medical care, and other benefits often without paying any taxes.”
“Safeguards like welfare and free medical care are in place to boost Americans in need of short-term assistance. These programs were not meant to entice freeloaders and scam artists from around the world. Even worse, Americans have seen heinous crimes committed by individuals who are here illegally.”
“His statements were to announce a bill he introduced back then titled the Immigration Stabilization Act [S.1351]. I’m betting it was not written by Dirty Harry, but by lawyers who know what they’re doing and the sure to come legal challenges. It covers the whole gambit of turning off the trillions spent over the past 28 years since Reagan sold us out.”
• Thousands of Americans Losing Their Jobs as Factories Shutter, Move to Mexico, January 21, 2016
• Tech companies use materials mined illegally by children in Africa
If Cruz, Rubio, Bush or any of the other candidates other than Trump get in the White House we will see more of the same regarding giving amnesty to illegals and flooding this country with more Muslims. Of course, the bill would have to get passed in the House and Senate and that will NOT happen if the same incumbents win their primaries and win in November. That’s what Lowry and his ilk of ‘conservatives’ have been conserving the past couple of decades by supporting incumbents like Paul Ryan, Johnny Wino Boehner and all the rest.
7. Republicans had years under Bush, Jr. to kill Roe v. Wade. All those Lowry conservatives did nothing except moan, bitch and beg for campaign donations for false promises. The same applies to Obamacare. The House should have immediately introduced articles of impeachment to remove Chief Justice John Roberts from the bench for his decision on that unconstitutional nightmare. Instead, all those Lowry flavor conservatives did nothing but moan and bitch about Obama.
8. The Lowry, Hannity, et al flavor of conservatives took us into yet another unconstitutional, undeclared war in Iraq. We invaded Iraq and Afghanistan killing nearly a million innocent people all based on lies.
They all carp Donald Trump is nothing more than an entertainment clown. A businessman. Funny thing. Before Trump announced his candidacy everyone wanted to be Donald Trump’s friend. They wanted his money. His show, The Apprentice (I admit I never watched) aired in 2004. During his tenure, Trump earned millions of dollars. Everyone wanted to be on his show. Now he’s a leper. Donald Trump the candidate suddenly became poison. Trump has likely lost some money running for president. He has sacrificed time with his family. He has to have double protection because of serious death threats.
Donald Trump did get a nice financial boost from his father when he started in business, but his accomplishments which has earned him billions of dollars came solely from his work ethic. He loves this country and I believe will do everything he can under the Constitution to turn things around. For him, just my opinion, Donald Trump doesn’t do things half way. He works to win and his own personal code of succeeding will go into the White House – unlike the criminal impostor, Obama, who has cost we the people a whopping $70 MILLION bux for vacations and endless rounds of golf. For Trump to fail as president is something not in his make up as they say.
Trump also knows, or I think he does, is that he doesn’t know everything which is why in his business world he hires the best to take care of areas out of his expertise. That’s leadership. No one can know everything and if he appoints say a constitutional committee to advise him, it would be to his advantage. He also knows how to fire people when they don’t perform.
So, Rich Lowry, Glenn Beck and all the rest are pimping for the GOP machine and attacking Donald Trump, I can only hope Americans continue to see through your agenda and stop supporting anything you do; magazine subscriptions, donations, whatever. Your brand of conservative is exactly why I left the Republican Party in 1996.
You people simply do not understand the rage blowing across this country against your brand of conservative. Americans, Democrats, Republicans, no party (like me), black Americans, Mexican Americans, Asian Americans – are fed up with how your brand of conservative has destroyed this country working hand in hand with Democrats. The only difference is the packaging of the product being sold. Please remember the words from one who knew the game:
“The chief problem of American political life for a long time has been how to make the two Congressional parties more national and international. The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can “throw the rascals out” at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy. The policies that are vital and necessary for America are no longer subjects of significant disagreement, but are disputable only in details of procedure, priority, or method …..Then it should be possible to replace it, every four years if necessary, by the other party, which will be none of these things but WILL STILL PURSUE, with new vigor, approximately the SAME BASIC POLICIES.” Carroll Quigley in his book, Tragedy and Hope, A History of the World in our Time, mentor of Bill Clinton.
I am and always have been pro-life and against the agenda of sexual deviants who are NOT born that way. I am about as morally conservative as you can be while supporting the U.S. Constitution as the law of the land. I hope more and more Americans will declare themselves constitutionalists instead of conservative. I don’t know about you but I absolutely do NOT want the perverted brand of conservative sold by Rich Lowry, Mark Levin, Sean Hannity (and his “bold fresh new ideas” mantra) and the rest of that crowd.
1 – NEW EVIDENCE: Intent of 1790 Naturalization Act
2 – The House That Evil Built
3 – FNC’s Jesse Watters: National Review ‘Putting Pure Conservatism Over the Country’
4 – This is a list of how all presidential candidates stand on the final nail in our coffin – the TPP
5 – Cruz and Rubio: Neither is eligible by Larry Klayman
6 – The Three Legged Stool Test & Analogy for Natural born Citizenship of the United States
to Constitutional Standards
[Just a short note about 9/11 and Smart Electric Meeters. The cost of America’s undeclared “war” (invasion) in Afghanistan has now reached $1 trillion borrowed dollars – massive debt heaped on us all based on what happened on 9/11. Regular readers of my column know I continue to press for the truth about the events of 9/11. Military grade nanothermite is not a conspiracy theory. It was found and tested from the rubble at the twin towers. A new, powerful film has been released: The Anatomy of a Great Deception. For full disclosure I receive no compensation, but I want you to get a copy (or a few) and share it with others or give a copy as a present. I’ve purchased half a dozen copies and given them to individuals I believe seek the truth. It’s very powerful simply because it’s one ‘ordinary’ man’s story who ask a simple question that led him to a not so simple journey. There is factual information in this film that many have never heard about but everyone should. Just a suggestion, order more than one and give one to a friend. Also, must see video on the dangers of Smart Meeters on your home, titled: Take Back Your Power.]
© 2016 – NewsWithViews.com and Devvy – All Rights Reserved
“Is there anything more shameful than the man who lacks the courage to be a coward?” – Peter Blaunder
In this case it is a woman. One of the most corrupt serial liars and deceiver ever to hold public office in the history of this country. Some call Bill and Hillary Clinton Bonnie and Clyde, some Bonnie and Clod, some Hildebeast. I usually refer to her as Hillary the Hun, but today I call her a murderer.
No doubt the morally and ethically bankrupt who support Hillary Clinton will jump up and down, proclaim what a wonderful person she is, what a great Secretary of State she was and how she stands up for women. How absolutely shameful given the known facts. But then again, Bill and Hill know where all the bodies are buried as they say in the District of Criminals. Many of her supporters today are too young to remember the Clinton years when they soiled the White House. They’re too young to remember the plane crash that killed former Secretary of Commerce, Ron Brown, but I’m not.
Ron Brown and his son were under investigation for a myriad of corrupt dealings. Brown is famously quoted as saying he would not go down alone. He didn’t. Not too long after he made that statement he and 34 others were killed in 1996 when the plane they were flying in crashed in Croatia. I saw the coverage live on CNN. I work at home so I’ve seen them all; Ruby Ridge, WACO, TWA Flight 800, OKC, 9/11. CNNs reporter on the ground at the Dubrovnik airport reported live the rescue was underway in the ocean. Within an hour, suddenly, the plane is found on the side of a mountain.
What? Right there on the boob tube is the reporter standing not too far from the helicopters taking off because the crash was in the ocean, yet an hour later it’s on the side of the mountain? And, if you look at the photos, big parts of the plane wreckage looked absolutely pristine like they had been through a car wash. How is that possible if the plane crashed into the side of a mountain? How could rescuers be so wrong, or were they? With all the technical location gadgets are you kidding me? Is this a bullet hole in Ron Brown’s head?
Those following the lies, corruption and downright treason coming out of Washington, DC like stinking gangrene are aware of the endless Benghazi hearings which took a wider path following the exposure of Hillary Clinton’s server and emails exposing national security documents.
How many times have I read the Clinton’s are ‘untouchable’? Too damn many. How many times have I heard the Clinton’s are the equivalent of ‘political royalty’ in this country? Too damn many. I am sick to death of sissy politicians who pussy foot around because the target of a cover up happens to be a former president or a former first ‘lady’, senator and Secretary of State; Hillary usurped that office and got away with it. She had a good teacher: Barry Soetoro aka Obama who absolutely usurped the office of president and you can lay the blame right at the feet of every member of the U.S. Congress in January 2009 and January 2013; that includes former Congressman Ron Paul, former Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann and Senator Jeff Sessions.
It took an inexcusable amount of time for former Speaker of the House, Johnny Wino Boehner, to appoint a committee to look into Benghazi. Why? Because I believe that scum bag knew about the illegal gun running going on out of Libya and Hillary knew all about it: Intel expert: New docs confirm Hillary gun-running op. Arms dealer: Obama DOJ prosecuting me to protect Hillary.
While Boehner diddled or fiddled which ever one prefers, the families of four Americans slaughtered in Benghazi were lied to and deceived by that cold, heartless *itch. Oh, I’m sure that will shock some but it’s exactly what she is and always has been.
Larry Klayman and many of us have wondered why Trey Gowdy hasn’t moved faster on Benghazi and used the power of subpoena more effectively. (Admirals, generals, intel: Benghazi inquest compromised – ‘I think Gowdy has been warned away or threatened’) He’s allowed Hillary Rodham to run rough shod over him from day one. When he finally got her in front of the cameras she lied through her teeth and is still walking around campaigning for president.
Hillary Clinton has had her back pinned to the wall lately for lying about what she said to the families of Ambassador Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone S. Woods and Glen Doherty. As is her standard for lying, Hillary simply decided to slap the faces of still grieving family members: Hillary Clinton: Benghazi Families Lying About Her ‘Video Protest’ Claims. Truth and honesty are unknown to Hillary Clinton.
The families of those four men have been betrayed with lies from the criminal impostor in the White House and Hillary Clinton from day one, but I believe her day of reckoning with the law is finally coming. The ‘ServerGate’ investigation has been expanded:
* FBI’s Clinton probe expands to public corruption track, January 11, 2016
* Ex-Secret Service Agent: Hillary Used Private Email Knowing it was Hacked – “Not only was the email server hacked… but the Clintons knew it was hacked and they kept using it”
* Act surprised: State Department Suddenly Discovers Thousands More Clinton Documents
* Hillary’s EmailGate Goes Nuclear
Talk in Washington is the FBI will mutiny if Clinton is not indicted and the CIA will supposedly go ballistic. The Liar-in-Chief squatting in the White House is the poster boy for ‘guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors’ which includes Benghazi.
There’s no question additional security was denied Ambassador Stevens and his team. NO QUESTION on that one. There’s no question a stand down order was given. NO QUESTION.
* Gowdy: Witnesses have confirmed stand-down order on night of Benghazi
* Attkisson: ‘Overwhelming Body of Evidence’ Benghazi Rescue Teams Turned Back
Hillary Clinton in my opinion is guilty of causing the slaughter of four Americans. They were murdered on her watch because of her direct involvement in decision making. She provided the gun, the savages in Benghazi pulled the trigger.
I don’t give a fig about the Democratic/Communist Party USA, but they must be getting into a panic about now: Unprecedented: Hillary Clinton Faces Two Separate FBI Investigations on Eve of Presidential Primary Season. “When asked about the FBI investigation into her email scandal broadening to include corruption allegations, Hillary Clinton’s response was to declare the report was “absolutely not true,” an “unsourced, irresponsible claim that has no basis.” Rarely has someone whistled past a graveyard at such a high tone, so badly off-key.”
Last week during he debate, give old Jeb! credit for the best line: Hillary Might Be ‘Going Back and Forth Between the White House and the Courthouse’
But there’s nothing funny about Benghazi. My heart bleeds for the families all these years. The other legal trouble for Clinton is the RICO lawsuit filed against her, the thing she’s married to and the Clinton Foundation which has been nothing more than a criminal enterprise from the get-go. They are in real trouble over that one: Judge orders production of ‘treasure trove’ of Hillary docs
The movie, 13 Hours – The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi came out this past Friday. According to Box Office MoJo, this past weekend it was running in 4th place behind fluff. I won’t be able to see it as the nearest theater showing is 40 miles away in Midland, TX so I’ll have to wait for it on TV. Those who have seen the movie say no politics played, just the brutal, raw truth about a true story. For that movie to beat out most of the competition (Joy, The Big Short, The Hateful Eight, among others) to take fourth place is amazing. We need millions across America to see that movie. ’13 Hours’ Review: Riveting Indictment of Obama, Hillary, and The DC Media
Donald Trump reserved one theater in Iowa to allow free showing to anyone who wanted to see the movie. If I were him I’d do the same in half a dozen cities with a heavy active duty military and veteran population: Colorado Springs, CO, near Ft. Benning, GA, below the beltway in Virginia and so forth. Do the same in six large liberal cities like Denver, Houston, Dallas and so forth. Free showing in a couple of theaters in each city for a week for active duty, vets and their families. Let active duty see what will happen to them when sickening geopolitical games mean more than their lives. Let veterans see what Hillary Clinton is directly responsible for as she runs for president.
The blood of Ambassador Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone S. Woods and Glen Doherty drip from the greedy hands of Hillary Rodham Clinton and no amount of lies or spin can wipe them clean.
Betrayed: The Shocking and True Story of Extortion 17 as told by a Navy Seal’s Father. What about the families of our finest who were killed on that helicopter August 6, 2011? Little is heard anymore about that cover up. Not to slight the families of the ‘Battle in Benghazi’, but what about the families who lost loved ones on that helicopter with a stupidly insane call sign, Extortion 17? It just kills me to read the stories:
“In the dark of night, twenty-five US Special Ops Forces and a five-man flight crew on board Extortion 17, a CH-47 Chinook helicopter. Seven unidentified Afghan Commandos are allowed to join them. Ground forces have already been engaged in a three-hour exhaustive battle. Extortion 17’s specially trained warriors drop into the Hot Landing Zone to help their fellow warriors. But there’s a problem: the standard chopper escorts have all been directed elsewhere. Mission directions are unclear. Worse, pre-assault fire to cover the Chinook transporting our brave fighting men is not ordered.
“On that fateful night, Extortion 17 would never touch down. Taliban fighters fired three rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs) in rapid succession. The first RPG shot below the Chinook, but the second made contact in what the military would later describe as a “one-in-a-million shot.” The shot struck a rotor blade on the aft (rear) pylon, shearing off ten and a half feet of the blade. The third shot flew above the falling chopper. Within a matter of seconds, the chopper begins to spin violently out of control and then drops vertically into a dry creek bed and is engulfed in a large fireball. There are no survivors.
“The thirty brave Americans lost that night were more than just warriors. They were husbands, fathers, brothers, and sons. Billy Vaughn’s son, Aaron Carson Vaughn, was one of them. Over the next few months as unsettling information on the tragic incident is released to the families, Billy Vaughn becomes increasingly disturbed. Billy discovers that US military forces are not being led to win battles, but have been sent on a fool’s errand to “win the hearts and minds” of other nations. He is told that the US Rules of Engagement have prevented our brave defenders from defending themselves.
“Adding insult to injury, Billy learned that a Muslim Imam was invited by our own US military leaders to “pray” over his son’s dead body. As US war heroes lay in their caskets before their last flight home, the Imam damned America’s fallen warriors as “infidels” who would burn in hell. As US military leaders observed the ceremony at Bagram Air Base, the Imam boasted over the deaths of US heroes with words such as, “The companions of heaven [Muslims] are the winners.”
God, I want to throw up. I wish every active duty soldier, veterans and Americans who actually love this country would read that book and this one:
Call Sign Extortion 17: The Shoot-Down of SEAL Team Six: “On August 6, 2011—three months after members of Navy SEAL Team Six killed Osama Bin Laden—Taliban forces took down a United States helicopter, call sign “Extortion 17.” The attack killed the Air National guard crew, seven unidentified members of the Afghan military, and seventeen members of Navy SEAL Team Six—warrior brothers from the same Team that had killed Osama Bin Laden just ninety days prior.
“Don Brown, a former U.S. Navy JAG officer stationed at the Pentagon and a former Special Assistant United States Attorney, re-creates the wartime action, tells the life stories of the elite warriors our nation lost on that day, and tears apart the official military explanation of the incident contained in the infamous Colt Report, which reveals either gross incompetence or a massive cover-up.” (Forget the Bin Laden nonsense) Once again nothing but obfuscation, lying to the families and questions deliberately left unanswered by the illegitimate Obama Administration.
Muslin loving, S.C. Governor Nikki Haley took a well planned calculated shot at Donald Trump following the last batch of flatulence released by Barry Soetoro aka Obama (State of Union Address) before he finally leaves the White House by saying that in “anxious times, it can be tempting to follow the siren call of the angriest voices. We must resist that temptation.”
Donald Trump did not duck her gutless statement: “I’m very angry, because our country is being run horribly, and I will gladly accept the mantle of anger.” Ann Coulter had the best idea: “Trump should deport Nikki Haley.”
The whole country should be angry about the destruction of our Republic at the hands of corrupt, gutless cowards in the Outlaw Congress. The whole country should be angry about the cover up and lying about what really happened in Benghazi and Extortion 17 – except the majority of Democrats in the Outlaw Congress who could care less. If you watched the hearings you saw for yourself the attitude of racist scum like Rep. Elijah Cummings:
Elijah Cummings: Benghazi Panel Is An ‘Abusive Effort To Derail’ Hillary Clinton’s Campaign
“Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), the ranking member of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, criticized his Republican colleagues for using the panel to attempt to “derail” former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, characterizing the committee as a “fishing expedition.” Clinton, who was secretary of state during the 2012 attack on the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya, faced hours of questioning Thursday from the committee, which Democrats have accused of being a blatantly political endeavor. Cummings continued with that line of criticism during his opening remarks, criticizing Republicans for using the panel and Thursday’s hearing to hurt Clinton’s 2016 presidential bid.”
Here’s a fine example of Cummings pick for president:
Hillary Just Revealed What She Did Immediately After Leaving Benghazi Hearing, And It Says It All.
“During a Friday interview on MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow Show, Clinton was asked what she did after the hearing ended. “Well, I had my whole team come over to my house, and we sat around eating Indian food, and drinking wine and beer. That’s what we did,” Clinton said. “We were all talking about sports, TV shows. It was great, just to have that chance to, No. 1, thank them, because they did a terrific job, kind of being there behind me, and getting me ready, and then just talk about what we’re going to do next,” she said.”
New Emails Show Hillary Slept Through Meeting Day After Benghazi Attacks: “Then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton slept in on Saturday following the Benghazi, Libya attacks, missing a staff meeting that was being set up about intelligence issues and the Presidential Daily Brief, according to a new batch of her emails released Thursday by conservative watchdogs Judicial Watch.”
Perhaps she had another team over to her house the night before for Indian food, beer and wine.
I pray should Donald Trump become president the first thing he does is nominate Dr. Edwin Vieira (who maybe would say no) for Attorney General, leave FBI Director James Comey in and tell them he wants the truth about both events and those responsible indicted and too damn bad if their names are Obama and Clinton and who ever else is roped in no matter how many stars sit on their shoulders. No more endless hearings. Here’s the evidence. Do your jobs.
The families, friends and the American people deserve the truth about Benghazi and Extortion 17 and the hell with politics. Do I sound angry enough? Good.
[Just a short note about 9/11 and Smart Electric Meeters. The cost of America’s undeclared “war” (invasion) in Afghanistan has now reached $1 trillion borrowed dollars – massive debt heaped on us all based on what happened on 9/11. Regular readers of my column know I continue to press for the truth about the events of 9/11. Military grade nanothermite is not a conspiracy theory. It was found and tested from the rubble at the twin towers. A new, powerful film has been released: The Anatomy of a Great Deception. For full disclosure I receive no compensation, but I want you to get a copy (or a few) and share it with others or give a copy as a present. I’ve purchased half a dozen copies and given them to individuals I believe seek the truth. It’s very powerful simply because it’s one ‘ordinary’ man’s story who ask a simple question that led him to a not so simple journey. There is factual information in this film that many have never heard about but everyone should. Just a suggestion, order more than one and give one to a friend. Also, must see video on the dangers of Smart Meeters on your home, titled: Take Back Your Power.]
© 2016 – NewsWithViews.com and Devvy – All Rights Reserved
My, my, how things have changed since the first volley of lawsuits to keep the criminal impostor in the White House, Barry Soetoro aka Barack Obama [fictitious, made up name] off the ballot. Immediately shrill squawking came from the ethically bankrupt Democrat/Communist Party USA. Why, to challenge the constitutional eligibility of a candidate was racist pure and simple. The object of scrutiny has black skin, therefore, any attempts to uphold the Constitution were being done by kooks, racists, Kool-Aid drinkers and as Yule Brenner said in the 1956 movie, The King And I, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera .
‘Conservative’ biggies were just as outraged as the left that anyone should question Barry’s eligibility:
Obama Citizenship Crisis & Industrial Strength Stupidity
“David Horowitz, much admired by conservatives, makes an astonishing and completely anti American statement on the issue of the law: Obama Derangement Syndrome
“The continuing efforts of a fringe group of conservatives to deny Obama his victory and to lay the basis for the claim that he is not a legitimate president are embarrassing and destructive…What difference does it make to the future of this country whether Obama was born on U.S. soil? Advocates of this destructive campaign will argue that the constitutional principle regarding the qualifications for president trumps all others. But how viable will our Constitution be if five Supreme Court justices should decide to void 64 million ballots?”
“What difference does it make whether Obama was “born on U.S. soil?” That’s not the issue and it’s a shame someone like Horowitz shoots off the pie hole in his face without even knowing the correct legal argument. How viable would it be if the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the supreme law of the land? Shame on you, Mr. Horowitz, for your cavalier attitude about the law.” Since Barry Obama was not eligible no one had the ‘right’ to vote for him, period.
The very dangerous Mark Levine (his book promoting a constitutional convention) is going ballistic over anyone challenging Ted Cruz’s eligibility:
“He added that the birther issue with both Cruz and President Obama is “stupid,” no one has standing to challenge it, no court would take it up, and is “just not true.” Levin continued that “the liberals love this stuff.”…
“Levin then said anyone who is born to a US citizen can run for president, regardless of where they were born. He then read the 5th clause of Article II, Section I of the US Constitution, and argued that children born to US citizens abroad are natural born US citizens under US law.
“He continued by pointing to arguments that child born in the US are not automatically natural born citizens under the 14th Amendment, that he and other conservatives have embraced, contrary to the “amnesty crowd, the establishment Republicans, [and] dummies on TV”…Levin then declared that Cruz’s eligibility was “resolved,” and questions over Cruz’s eligibility are “for the kooks.”
Well, Mark, liberals didn’t “love this stuff” when their boy, Barry, was in the spotlight back in 2008. Levin’s comment “read the 5th clause of Article II, Section I of the US Constitution, and argued that children born to US citizens abroad are natural born US citizens under US law” is completely disingenuous:
No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President;
neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty five years, and been fourteen Years a resident within the United States.
No where in that clause does it say children born to US citizens abroad are natural born citizens under US law. His comment regarding no one having standing to challenge eligibility deliberately skips over two things:
1. When Leo Donofrio filed his lawsuit in NJ to keep Barry Obama, Juan McCain and Róger Calero (born in Nicaragua) off the ballot, standing was not challenged although that judicial hallucination was used in most of the other lawsuits to get rid of them. There was a great deal of confusion regarding McCain because everyone assumed the hospital he was born in was on a military installation. Not so and I do encourage you to take the time to read this entire piece: A Congressional Natural Born Citizen Parts I, II & III: Who Knew What & For How Long?
“According to the birth certificate and COLB of John McCain, McCain was born in Colon Hospital, city of Colon, Panama. While the BC states at the top that it is from the “Canal Zone”, the document also states that McCain was born in Colon Hospital, city of Colon. The city of Colon and the hospital were not in the Canal Zone. The common story you hear is that McCain was born in the Canal Zone, but these documents posted online do not testify to that. Furthermore, there is no official document that has ever surfaced which states that McCain was born in the Canal Zone.”
Why Senator John McCain Cannot Be President: Eleven Months and a Hundred Yards Short of Citizenship by Gabriel J. Chin, University of California, Davis – School of Law, August 13, 2008
“Senator McCain was born in 1936 in the Canal Zone to U.S. citizen parents. The Canal Zone was territory controlled by the United States, but it was not incorporated into the Union. As requested by Senator McCain’s campaign, distinguished constitutional lawyers Laurence Tribe and Theodore Olson examined the law and issued a detailed opinion offering two reasons that Senator McCain was a natural born citizen. Neither is sound under current law.
“The Tribe-Olson Opinion suggests that the Canal Zone, then under exclusive U.S. jurisdiction, may have been covered by the Fourteenth Amendment’s grant of citizenship to “all persons born . . . in the United States.” However, in the Insular Cases, the Supreme Court held that “unincorporated territories” were not part of the United States for constitutional purposes. Accordingly, many decisions hold that persons born in unincorporated territories are not Fourteenth Amendment citizens. The Tribe-Olson Opinion also suggests that Senator McCain obtained citizenship by statute. However, the only statute in effect in 1936 did not cover the Canal Zone. Recognizing the gap, in 1937, Congress passed a citizenship law applicable only to the Canal Zone, granting Senator McCain citizenship, but eleven months too late for him to be a citizen at birth. Because Senator John McCain was not a citizen at birth, he is not a “natural born Citizen” and thus is not “eligible to the Office of President” under the Constitution.
Because of the flap in 2008 over Juan McCain, the Senate passed a resolution to accomodate a presidential candidate. S.Res.511 – A resolution recognizing that John Sidney McCain, III, is a natural born citizen. It certainly pays to have friends in high places.
I deliberately decided to make a Part II to this column because it is historical FACTS regarding the Fourteenth Amendment and natural born as written by Leo Donofrio.
2. Mark Levin knows not a single lawsuit was decided on merits of the argument regarding what constitutes a natural born citizen. Not one single court allowed a true legal discussion of what constitutes natural born.
Cruz, naturally has come out saying it’s ‘settled law’. Yes, it is and you, Ted Cruz are ineligible. Cruz knew this was going to become an issue which is why he began legal proceedings to give up his dual citizenship finalized in 2014. If he didn’t think his dual citizenship would be a problem, why go to all the trouble to renounce his Canadian citizenship?
“News” media giants, including FOX led the charge to discredit anyone questioning Barry’s eligibility. Haaavard grad and telly clown, Bill O’Reilly, has proclaimed over the years that a birth announcement in a Hawaii newspaper was proof positive Barry was a natural born citizen. And, so all these years, Barry Obama has gotten away with usurping the office of president aided and abetted by the left and the right. And now they’re deliberately doing it all over again using the same talking points from 2008 & 2012 to protect Ted Cruz.
Rep. Alan Grayson: I Will File Lawsuit Over Ted Cruz’s Citizenship If He’s Elected President, November 27, 2015. Grayson is a stupid, rabid Democrat. His proclamation is baloney. I can tell you exactly what a judge will say: Mr. Grayson, if you had a problem with Cruz’s citizenship, you should have filed before the election. Grayson’s comments in that article demonstrates he’s a run of the mill dummy on the issue of natural born citizen.
Nancy Pelosi Wades Into Cruz Eligibility Dispute, Jan. 7, 2016
Like Barry Obama, Cruz has one parent who was a U.S. citizen at the time of his birth – his mother. A plethora of hot articles have flooded the Internet over the past few days. This one is a prime example of ignorance:
Why Ted Cruz Is Vulnerable on Canadian Birth Issue: “That is not because Cruz is ineligible for the presidency. In an article in the Harvard Law Review in March 2015, former Solicitors General Neal Katyal and Paul Clement made a compelling argument that the Framers of the Constitution intended “natural-born citizen”–a requirement for the presidency–to include those born to U.S. citizens abroad.”
Going back to JB Williams column regarding Ted Cruz being ineligible to run for the senate, he provides copies of critical legal documents:
“The above Canadian document is proof of Canadian Citizenship at birth for Senator Ted Cruz. The next piece of authenticated evidence released by Ted Cruz is a Canadian document proving that he remained a legal citizen of Canada until renouncing that citizenship in May of 2014, which means, he was still a legal citizen of Canada in 2012 when he ran for, was elected and took the oath of office for the US Senate.
“Again, the above authenticated evidence proves that Ted Cruz was born Canadian in 1970 and remained a legal citizen of Canada until renouncing his Canadian citizenship in May of 2014. These official documents also prove that Ted Cruz was a legal citizen of Canada in 2012, when he sought and claimed a seat in the U.S. Senate as a legal US citizen….
“Ted’s parents were at no time serving in the U.S. Armed Forces, employed by the U.S. Government or by any of the certain international organizations, during their eight years in Canada, between 1966 and 1974. Further, Ted’s father Rafael, was at no time a legal citizen of the United States prior to naturalizing in 2005, from Canada. Rafael’s known legal citizenship status as of 1970 was Cuban, not American.
“This is an EXAMPLE of a US CRBA Form (Consular Report of Birth Abroad)
“Unfortunately, there is no evidence to suggest that the parent or parents of Ted Cruz ever filed a CRBA form with the U.S. Government in or around 1970, which is why Ted Cruz released a copy of his Canadian citizenship records and not any U.S. citizenship records. At present, all FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) requests filed in search of any U.S. citizenship documents to confirm the true official U.S. citizenship status of Ted Cruz have been denied access. All citizenship records for Ted Cruz are sealed unless and until Ted Cruz agrees to allow any such records to be released by either U.S. or Canadian agencies.
“As a result, there remains no authentic evidence to support the claims that Ted Cruz is either a “natural born” or “naturalized” citizen of the United States.”
Shall we look at that Haaavard Law Review? A Response to Neil Katyal and Paul Clement on the Meaning of a Natural Born Citizen By Mario Apuzzo, Esq. Take the time to read Mario’s response because he quite succinctly proves the authors of the aforementioned ‘law review’ piece are wrong.
As I mentioned in my last column, Mario is the attorney for a ballot eligibility case in Vermont assisted the plaintiff in preparing his filing. A lawsuit has been filed to keep ineligible candidates off the primary ballot in Florida: Michael Voeltz, registered Republican Party voter of Broward County Florida v. Senator Ted Cruz, of Texas, Senator Marco Rubio, of Florida, Secretary of State of Florida, Republican Party of Florida Executive Committee. A challenge has also been made in Illinois.
1974 Canadian Electors’ List Named Ted Cruz’s Parents
“Canadian immigration authorities declined a request by Breitbart News for additional documents, citing Canadian privacy laws. Under U.S. law, Cruz would have inherited his citizenship at birth in 1970 from his mother, provided she remained a U.S. citizen. She likely would have retained her U.S. citizenship even if she had become a naturalized Canadian citizen, though Canadian law required naturalized citizens formally to renounce all foreign allegiances until 1973.”
There’s that nasty thing again: privacy laws. This is Barry Obama and the Hawaiian birth certificate all over again. I wonder if Ted will spend, as did the fraud in the White House, more than a million dollars to keep official records under wraps? The article above ends with the boiler plate stupidity about what constitutes a natural born citizen.
It’s not Barry or Cruz or Rubio’s birthplace, it’s the citizenship of the parents at the time of the child’s birth. They key word being parents, not parent. Every single article or commentary written since Donald Trump brought up the issue last week always ends with Cruz’s mother is a U.S. citizen therefore Ted Cruz is a natural born citizen. Intellectual laziness or political bias does not erase historical facts.
There was a reason the ‘natural born citizen’ clause was grandfathered into the Constitution: To keep any president that might have foreign interests he would use to betray this country. Think Barack Hussein Obama. I don’t doubt Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio love this country, but in the future do we want another Barry Obama? Since 2008, there have been a lot of articles by individuals, mostly foreign born, who want to get rid of the natural born citizen clause in the Constitution to suit their own agenda, but we can not let that happen.
In my column last week I provided links to legal analysis by two individuals who have been heavily involved in this issue that Americans should read if they want to fully understand why Cruz and Rubio are not natural born citizens:
• Leo Donofrio’s Amicus Brief
• A Citizen is One Thing, But a Natural Born Citizen is Another
Something is happening that is quite extraordinary. When the issue was Democrat Barry Obama, FOX and other powerful ‘conservative’ mouth pieces bent over backwards to help an ineligible candidate. Now the issue is a popular GOP senator (who usurped that office), Ted Cruz, and his eligibility and those same media mouthpieces and ‘conservative’ legal geniuses are again bending over backwards to make sure another ineligible candidate can run for president.
Why hasn’t Marco Rubio’s ineligibility been brought up in all this frenzy? If the argument being put forth by all the above is that a natural born citizen means one parent is a U.S. citizen at the time of the child’s birth, that sure as hell eliminates Marco Rubio. He was born in May 1971 in Miami, Florida. His parents did not become U.S. citizens until November 1975 – four years after his birth. Since neither of his parents were U.S. citizens at the time of his birth, he’s out.
Why this screeching from all of the above to protect Cruz’s candidacy? Because the top four GOP candidates are Trump, Cruz, Rubio and Carson. If you knock out Cruz and Rubio that leaves Donald Trump and Dr. Ben Carson – unless one figures Paul, Fiorina, Bush and the rest of the single digit candidates can be resurrected from the dead. Democrats and their lackeys in the media don’t want Trump. The GOP establishment and their lackeys in the media don’t want Trump. Can the jury make the inference that both sides are working feverishly to keep Cruz and Rubio in the contest hoping Donald Trump will flame out or lose the early primaries? I submit to you that’s exactly what’s going on.
Everything possible is being done by the GOP, with help from Megyn Kelly over at FOX, to keep Donald Trump from securing the GOP nomination: GOP Planning ‘Firewall’ to Stop Trump in South Carolina. A pathetic attempt to bolster the pathetic Jeb! Bush’s chances: “GOP leaders increasingly see South Carolina as their last best chance to stop Donald Trump’s populist political juggernaut. On Wednesday, influential South Carolina Republican Katon Dawson issued a plea for former President George W. Bush to step into the ring in the Palmetto State’s Feb. 20 primary. Bush is quite popular among South Carolina Republicans, and Dawson called his involvement a potential “game changer.”
GOP “leaders” are so far out of touch with voters it defies imagination. As for a game changer, dream on. If voters wanted Jeb! he would be leading the pack.
So, what happens now? Well, we have Barry Obama who usurped the office of president and has gotten away with it. His mother was a natural born citizen, but his father was a foreign national who never applied for citizenship. Barry Obama was born with dual citizenship and ineligible to be president.
Marco Rubio was four years old when his parents became citizens. Rubio is hardly a natural BORN citizen and therefore, clearly ineligible.
Ted Cruz’s mother’s birth certificate shows she is a natural born citizen, but Cruz’s father was a foreign national and not a U.S. citizen at the time Ted was born. Cruz believes because he renounced his Canadian citizenship at age 44 and his mother being a U.S. citizen he can be a natural born citizen.
Likely more lawsuits will be filed. Donald Trump could file a lawsuit; ‘standing’ would not be an issue; or shouldn’t be. But, make no mistake: The stakes are as high as they can get because if Ted Cruz is not eligible then neither was the criminal fraudster in the White House in 2008 and 2012. If anyone thinks the shadow government is going to let this new challenge regarding Ted Cruz blow that whole thing out of the water, they are sadly mistaken. Ted can continue to ‘cruz’ along hoping he would be Trump’s pick for VP. But, since he’s ineligible for the presidency he’s also ineligible to be VP.
Should Donald Trump dive in or continue steamrolling his competition? Baring some catastrophe, if he stays on course and doesn’t fall into the trap of filing a lawsuit, he will be the nominee regardless of what GOP “leaders” want. As I said in a past column, big hay is being made Cruz is ahead in Iowa.
So what? Santorum won in 2012 and Mike Huckabee in 2008. Both flamed out and never made it to the White House. The same fate was dished out to John Kerry, Al Gore[bechev] and others. Predictions are Trump will take New Hampshire and South Carolina. If that happens, Cruz will likely continue spending millions to catch Trump for the next set of primaries.
We shall see if the lawsuits that have been filed move forward like Leo Donofrio’s did only to be kicked to the curb by a deceitful batch of disgraceful “justices” on the U.S. Supreme Court. I sincerely hope they do and that there is just one judge, one, who believes in the supreme law of the land.
As for the darling of the right, Mark Levin, referring to people like me as kooks, shame on you. Questioning the constitutional eligibility for president or even members of Congress is not kooky. It’s our duty and obligation to make sure the Constitution is upheld. For part two click below.
[Just a short note about 9/11 and Smart Electric Meeters. The cost of America’s undeclared “war” (invasion) in Afghanistan has now reached $1 trillion borrowed dollars – massive debt heaped on us all based on what happened on 9/11. Regular readers of my column know I continue to press for the truth about the events of 9/11. Military grade nanothermite is not a conspiracy theory. It was found and tested from the rubble at the twin towers. A new, powerful film has been released: The Anatomy of a Great Deception. For full disclosure I receive no compensation, but I want you to get a copy (or a few) and share it with others or give a copy as a present. I’ve purchased half a dozen copies and given them to individuals I believe seek the truth. It’s very powerful simply because it’s one ‘ordinary’ man’s story who ask a simple question that led him to a not so simple journey. There is factual information in this film that many have never heard about but everyone should. Just a suggestion, order more than one and give one to a friend. Also, must see video on the dangers of Smart Meeters on your home, titled: Take Back Your Power.]
© 2016 – NewsWithViews.com and Devvy – All Rights Reserved
The following was written by Leo Donofrio. It is an excerpt from his longer analysis here.
I could understand rabid attacks if the legal theory I was relying upon had been thoroughly discredited by a Supreme Court decision or by statute, or even by historical texts, but it’s quite the opposite. Beside 200 years of Presidential precedent, the great weight of authority supports the argument that Obama is not a natural born Citizen.
I understand the countering argument and I’ve welcomed debate of both sides of the issue in comments to this blog. But most of the published arguments on the natural born Citizen issue are recently published law review articles which haven’t done a very good job of presenting the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Despite popular belief, the 14th Amendment does not convey the status of “natural born Citizen” in its text. It just conveys the status of “Citizen”. And it’s very clear that in the pre-amendment Constitution, the Framers made a distinction between a “Citizen” and a “natural born Citizen”. The requirement to be a Senator or Representative is “Citizen”, but the requirement to be President is “natural born Citizen”.
From the 14th Amendment:
“All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and the State wherein they reside.”
But even as to this conveyance of citizenship, those who were responsible for drafting the 14th Amendment made it clear that – to them – the meaning of “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” meant subject only to the jurisdiction thereof.
Dr. John Fonte, Senior Fellow of The Hudson Institute had this to say about the issue at a Congressional hearing on dual citizenship from September 29, 2005:
The authors in the legislative history, the authors of that language, Senator Lyman Trumbull said, ”When we talk about ’subject to the jurisdiction of the United States,’ it means complete jurisdiction, not owing allegiance to anybody else.” Senator Jacob Howard said that it’s ”a full and complete jurisdiction.”
This illustrates that Congress recently discussed the issue, and they can’t claim they were unaware. But we don’t have to take Dr. Fonte’s word for it. The following discussion by the various 14th Amendment Framers took place on the Senate floor. I took it from P.A. Madison’s research at http://www.14thamendment.us(use his link for footnotes):
It is clear the framers of the Fourteenth Amendment had no intention of freely giving away American citizenship to just anyone simply because they may have been born on American soil. Again, we are fortunate enough to have on the record the highest authority tell us, Sen. Lyman Trumbull, Chairman of the Judiciary Committee… and the one who inserted the phrase:
[T]he provision is, that ‘all persons born in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens.’ That means ’subject to the complete jurisdiction thereof.’ What do we mean by ‘complete jurisdiction thereof?’ Not owing allegiance to anybody else. That is what it means.
Then Madison quotes Sen. Howard, another Framer, concurring with Trumbull:
Sen. Howard concurs with Trumbull’s construction:
Mr. HOWARD: I concur entirely with the honorable Senator from Illinois [Trumbull], in holding that the word “jurisdiction,” as here employed, ought to be construed so as to imply a full and complete jurisdiction on the part of the United States, whether exercised by Congress, by the executive, or by the judicial department; that is to say, the same jurisdiction in extent and quality as applies to every citizen of the United States now.[3]
Mr. Madison continues with even more proof of what the 14th Amendment Framers meant:
Sen. Johnson, speaking on the Senate floor, offers his comments and understanding of the proposed new amendment to the constitution:
[Now], all this amendment [citizenship clause] provides is, that all persons born in the United States and not subject to some foreign Power–for that, no doubt, is the meaning of the committee who have brought the matter before us–shall be considered as citizens of the United States. That would seem to be not only a wise but a necessary provision. If there are to be citizens of the United States there should be some certain definition of what citizenship is, what has created the character of citizen as between himself and the United States, and the amendment says that citizenship may depend upon birth, and I know of no better way to give rise to citizenship than the fact of birth within the territory of the United States, born to parents who at the time were subject to the authority of the United States.[4]
No doubt in the Senate as to what the citizenship clause means as further evidenced by Sen. W. Williams:
In one sense, all persons born within the geographical limits of the United States are subject to the jurisdiction of the United States…All persons living within a judicial district may be said, in one sense, to be subject to the jurisdiction of the court in that district, but they are not in every sense subject to the jurisdiction of the court until they are brought, by proper process, within the reach of the power of the court. I understand the words here, ’subject to the jurisdiction of the United States,’ to mean fully and completely subject to the jurisdiction of the United States.[5]
Madison saves for last the greatest authority on the issue:
Rep. John Bingham of Ohio, considered the father of the Fourteenth Amendment, confirms the understanding and construction the framers used in regards to birthright and jurisdiction while speaking on civil rights of citizens in the House on March 9, 1866:
[I] find no fault with the introductory clause [S 61 Bill], which is simply declaratory of what is written in the Constitution, that every human being born within the jurisdiction of the United States of parents not owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty is, in the language of your Constitution itself, a natural born citizen…[6]
It’s important to note this statement was issued by Bingham only months before the 14th Amendment was proposed.
In conclusion, I would like to thank reader “John Boy” for pointing to Justice Scalia’s opinion in District of Columbia Et Al. v. Heller. In that case, Justice Scalia took into consideration a certain historical legal reference:
The common references to those “fit to bear arms” in congressional discussions about the militia are matched by use of the same phrase in the few nonmilitary federal contexts where the concept would be relevant… Other legal sources frequently used “bear arms” in nonmilitary contexts.[10]
Now look at “footnote 10?:
E. de Vattel, The Law of Nations, or, Principles of the Law of Nature 144 (1792) (“Since custom has allowed persons of rank and gentlemen of the army to bear arms in time of peace, strict care should be taken that none but these should be allowed to wear swords”);
Since Justice Scalia cited to this legal textbook in March of 2008, it’s not outrageous to think he might also refer to “The Laws of Nations” on the natural born Citizen issue?
I’ll leave you now with the relevant textbook definition of natural born citizen. The following was published in 1758. This definition, added to all of the above, certainly establishes a rational legal basis to hold that Barack Obama is not a natural born Citizen. And more than that, it puts the burden on those who deny it to don the tin foil hat of despair and bring forthwith to the table of honest debate their own bed of authority to lie in:
§ 212. Citizens and natives.
The citizens are the members of the civil society; bound to this society by certain duties, and subject to its authority, they equally participate in its advantages. The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens.
As the society cannot exist and perpetuate itself otherwise than by the children of the citizens, those children naturally follow the condition of their fathers, and succeed to all their rights. The society is supposed to desire this, in consequence of what it owes to its own preservation; and it is presumed, as matter of course, that each citizen, on entering into society, reserves to his children the right of becoming members of it. The country of the fathers is therefore that of the children; and these become true citizens merely by their tacit consent. We shall soon see whether, on their coming to the years of discretion, they may renounce their right, and what they owe to the society in which they were born. I say, that, in order to be of the country, it is necessary that a person be born of a father who is a citizen; for, if he is born there of a foreigner, it will be only the place of his birth, and not his country. For part one click below.
[Just a short note about 9/11 and Smart Electric Meeters. The cost of America’s undeclared “war” (invasion) in Afghanistan has now reached $1 trillion borrowed dollars – massive debt heaped on us all based on what happened on 9/11. Regular readers of my column know I continue to press for the truth about the events of 9/11. Military grade nanothermite is not a conspiracy theory. It was found and tested from the rubble at the twin towers. A new, powerful film has been released: The Anatomy of a Great Deception. For full disclosure I receive no compensation, but I want you to get a copy (or a few) and share it with others or give a copy as a present. I’ve purchased half a dozen copies and given them to individuals I believe seek the truth. It’s very powerful simply because it’s one ‘ordinary’ man’s story who ask a simple question that led him to a not so simple journey. There is factual information in this film that many have never heard about but everyone should. Just a suggestion, order more than one and give one to a friend. Also, must see video on the dangers of Smart Meeters on your home, titled: Take Back Your Power.]
© 2016 – NewsWithViews.com and Devvy – All Rights Reserved
A lawsuit was filed last month to keep constitutionally ineligible candidates, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and former Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal off the ballot in Vermont. Jindal dropped out of the race in November 2015 because nothing he said appealed to anyone, not to mention his horrific bungling as Governor of Louisiana:
• How Bobby Jindal Wrecked Louisiana, February 6, 2015
• How Bobby Jindal is leaving a budget mess for Louisiana’s next governor, February 12, 2015
There’s no need to rehash the entire history of all the lawsuits to keep the criminal impostor currently occupying the White House off the ballot in 2008 & 2012. A habitual liar who committed fraud against the people of this country with help from friends like Comrade Nancy Pelosi.
A fraud allowed to stand because of GUTLESS cowards sitting on the bench both at the state level and the U.S. Supreme Court. “We’re evading that one”. Clarence Thomas during a congressional hearing regarding presidential eligibility. Everyone, including Thomas, got a big laugh out of such a sickening admission that the U.S. Supreme Court was playing with the Constitution and bending over because of Barry Soetoro’s (Obama) skin color.
All the horror and misery heaped on this country since Marxist, Muslim Obama illegally took office could have been prevented in January 2009 by Republicans in the Outlaw Congress. But not one of them, not Ron Paul, Rep. Steve King [IA] or Sen. Jeff Sessions stood up for the Constitution. By not challenging Soetoro’s eligibility and stopping the electoral college vote every damn one of them is responsible for the destruction to this country by Barack Hussein Obama. Oh how he and that slug he’s married to must laugh themselves silly everyday for their good fortune. $70.5 MILLION dollars spent on vacations so far. [Get educated, read book: The Evolution and Destruction of the Original Electoral College]
We had a repeat of such cowardice in January 2013 by those constitution loving conservatives in the Outlaw Congress. Why? Because to find Soetoro ineligible would mean every bill he signed into “law” was null and void. Every treaty and every action he’s taken from troops dying for NOTHING in Iraq and Afghanistan to his favorite hobby, Executive Orders. It would mean “Justices” Elena Kagan (Kagan, Ginsburg acted ‘unethically and unlawfully’) and Sonia Sotomayor, who is a crook at the very least, are sitting on the Supreme Court illegally since old Barry is not legally the president. The very popular, Sen. Jeff Sessions, knew the big problems with Sotomayor and swept it under the rug:
• GOP Senators Ignore Sotomayor’s Criminal Activities, July 20, 2009
• Sotomayor’s Confirmation Vote Rescheduled – Here’s Why, July 22, 2009
• Justice Sotomayor: Tax Evasion, Perjury – What Did Obama Know & When?, April 23, 2012
All executed by an individual who usurped the office of president. You can’t tell me a whole lot of Republicans in the House didn’t know by 2012 Soetoro was ineligible. They let him get away with it in 2008 because of his skin color and sacrificed OUR country giving that stinking Marxist free reign to stomp in our faces. The worst from Obama is yet to come.
Most of the lawsuits to stop Obama were tossed by cowardly judges using the judicial hallucination called ‘standing’. If you would like to understand what happened, this is the most comprehensive analysis.
Millions of us had high hopes regarding lawsuits filed by Van R. Irion of the Liberty Legal Foundation in the State of Georgia. Please see this factual accounting. Kicked to the curb. Millions of us also had high hopes the Alabama Supreme Court would rent a bucket of guts that would finally bring this massive fraud to an end. That decision took almost a year. A decision defendants in the lawsuit below will surely use:
Alabama Supreme Court upholds decision to toss ‘birther’ lawsuit, Chief Justice Roy Moore dissents, March 21, 2014
“The Supreme Court majority upholding the lower court decision did not write an opinion, but justices Bolin and Bryan both wrote concurring opinions. Moore wrote a dissent, arguing the Alabama Secretary of State has a duty to investigate a presidential candidate’s qualifications. Bolin wrote that it was desirable to check the qualifications of each candidate and the Alabama Legislature should authorize certain investigative and related powers to the Secretary of State’s office to conduct such checks in the future, but he said for now, the office did not have the authority to engage in such checks.” Do take the time to read the article as Chief Justice Roy Moore’s opinion is very important. Here is the full decision.
A Secretary of State has no obligation to determine whether or not a candidate is eligible for the office they’re running for! Really? Not to do so is not only dereliction of duty, but absurd when you think about it.
I am not a lawyer, but I’ve been so blessed to have dear friends who are constitutional attorneys. They have taught me much. I predicted the very winnable Rodearmel v Clinton case would be thrown out of court because, and to this day I cannot fathom why not, Judicial Watch did not go after Clinton using the Quo Warranto remedy. Hillary Clinton usurped the office of Secretary of State, no question.
I predicted the recall effort against another crook, Sen. Robert Menendez would fail. It did: Sen. Menendez Recall Killed by NJ Supreme Court
My coverage of a new case regarding eligibility will no doubt bring more hate mail. Every time I’ve written a column focusing on why Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio are constitutionally ineligible my email box is flooded with profanity laced emails from their supporters who say they don’t care anymore. Cruz supporters yell at me in emails I’m nothing but a ‘birther troll’. The most important thing is to get one of them in the White House – particularly Ted Cruz. Desperation is NOT acceptable as justification for further shredding the U.S. Constitution.
Do read: Cruz Says ‘If Obama Can Do It, So Can I’ – One point about that excellent column – Cruz won’t talk about his eligibility, but he is following Obama’s deceitful game book: Ted Cruz Cracks to Press: ‘I Am Secretly a Citizen of Ethiopia’, August 23, 2013
H. Brooke Paige vs State of Vermont Secretary of State James Condos is the new filing. The complaint is here; 45 pages. This lawsuit is pro se (plaintiff has no attorney), but Paige did a very good job of putting his argument together along with supporting exhibits. Paige is collecting petition signatures to get on the primary ballot. I’m guessing to get around the phony ‘standing’ issue.
You can be sure two things are going to happen in Paige’s case: (1) Standing will be challenged and (2) like so many other decisions by gutless cowards wearing black robes, the argument will be made it’s not the job of a Secretary of State to verify eligibility. Really? I guess anyone can simply send in a form and get on a ballot for any office no matter who they are or even if they meet requirements for that office. Unfortunately no one challenged Cruz here in Texas. This one got by most of us: Ted Cruz is in the U.S. Senate Illegally?
On page 14 of his complaint, Paige cites four candidates who were allowed on the ballot in 2012 who had ZERO eligibility qualifications. Nothing shocks me anymore, but that one sure did. Which brings me around to the very beginning of challenging eligibility of the fraud in the White House.
Leo Donofrio filed the first challenge in October 2008 against Nina Mitchell Wells, New Jersey Secretary of State. Leo is a lawyer, although he no longer practices. After what was done to him he decided to suspend his license and get on with life. The deliberate and malicious shenanigans pulled by U.S. Supreme Court clerks should have gotten them fired at the very least, but of course, no action was ever taken.
Clarence Thomas distributed Leo’s case for conference, but as Thomas so jovially said, “We’re evading that one”. It costs a ton of money, not to mention time, to make a submission to the U.S. Supreme Court. They should have simply put a notice on the official U.S. Supreme Court web site back in December 2008: Don’t waste your money. We will not take on Obama’s eligibility because his skin is black and we’re afraid there might be riots. That’s what it all boiled down to back then.
The Supreme Court wasn’t the only dirty dealer: JustiaGate: ‘Natural Born’ Supreme Court Citations Disappear, December 14, 2011
“Did Justia.com deliberately aid Barack Obama in 2008 by helping to hide the one legal case that might prevent him from legally qualifying for the presidency? On October 20, 2011, New Jersey attorney Leo Donofrio accused online legal research behemoth Justia.com of surgically redacting important information from their publication of 25 U.S. Supreme Court opinions which cite Minor v. Happersett, an 1874 decision which arguably contains language that appears to disqualify anyone from presidential eligibility who wasn’t born in the country to parents who were citizens.”
Sickening. The article above gives a blow by blow account of more blatant dishonesty – all to protect a malignant narcissist and one of the most accomplished liars ever to occupy the White House next to Bill & Hill Clinton – Barry Soetoro aka Obama.
Leo had all of his filings on his web site, but I don’t see them anymore. However, his site is a treasure trove on this legal issue, historical facts on this legal issue and much more. While writing this column I went back to December 2008 and was once again amazed by Leo’s work. I know, it’s a massive amount of information that is ‘old history’. But, in order to get full understanding of something like this which is history, you have to go back to the beginning.
Early in this column I mentioned a case in the State of Georgia. Leo submitted an Amicus Brief for that case, January 23, 2012. It is thorough and succintly sums up the entire argument whether or not Barry Soetoro was constitutionally eligible to run for president. The clear answer is NO. Here is that brief. Even though I knew most of what’s in it, I read it. Approximately 55 pages; the rest is exhibits.
Which brings us back to this new lawsuit. Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio clearly are not constitutionally eligible to run despite the opinion of those who willfully choose to ignore the facts. I know both have received a substantial number of polite snail mail letters as well as emails telling them they are not eligible and why. Not one person I know has received any response including yours truly. I must say Marco Rubio is quite puppet like. He’s very good at robotically rattling off his spiel, but I don’t believe he’s very intelligent. But, he’s smart enough to know at this point in time he’s not eligible.
Ted Cruz, on the other hand, is no dummy. Princeton, Haavard Law Review, Haavard Law grad, former Solicitor General for the State of Texas among other achievements. He’s a championship debater which accounts for his smooth and practiced delivery during the GOP debates. But, Cruz is very ambitious which is one of the reasons I don’t like or trust him. I know, he’s very popular with millions of Republicans. What I don’t respect is someone who has to know by now he’s not eligible to run for president thumbing his nose at the U.S. Constitution for personal gain. Like it or not, it’s what I believe because Ted Cruz is just too smart not to understand what Leo Donofrio wrote in the Amicus Brief I cited above.
Since both Cruz and Rubio are not going to man up and drop out, there is something you can do to clip their wings. The GOP convention is July 18-21, 2016 in Cleveland, Ohio. A friend of mine was able to secure me a pass to attend the 2008 GOP Convention in St. Paul, MN. The first couple of days delegates spent a lot of time in meetings behind closed doors. Watching Saint Sarah Palin on stage was not pleasant for me as I have never liked her; she sure as hell was not qualified for VP who is one heart beat away from the Oval Office. I am going to try to cover Cleveland if I can secure a pass and find the money.
The purpose of that convention is to nominate the party’s choice for president. That is done by delegates. If you want Donald Trump to win the nomination he is going to need every delegate possible. Keeping Cruz and Rubio from getting the nomination requires delegates to vote against him.
NOW is the time to try and become a delegate so you can attend the convention. Otherwise, the GOP elites are going to use every dirty trick in the book as they did against Ron Paul in 2008 to keep Trump from winning the nomination. Money is betting Rubio since he’s a player and it appears the cardboard cut-out, Jeb! couldn’t win a race for city council. If the majority of delegates are run of the mill party hacks you can expect the ‘establishment’ to shove their candidate down your throat so you can hold your nose and vote this November. Aren’t Republicans fed up with that game yet?
How do you become a delegate? This site deals with 2012, but has contact information for every state in the Union for GOP leaders. Hold your nose if you have to, but if you can, make the effort.
As for Paige’s lawsuit, will he prevail? Everyone knows the massive implications if Cruz and Rubio were to be kept off the ballot in any state: The criminal impostor in the White House should also have been keep kept off the ballot in any state in 2008 and 2012. Since Obama should not have been on the ballot, no one had the ‘right’ to vote for him. Is there a single judge in the State of Vermont with the courage to rule for the truth?
I guess we’ll see if Paige’s lawsuit is thrown out or allowed to proceed. Paige was assisted by constitutional attorney Mario Apuzzo in putting together his complaint. That is great; Mario’s web site is item 1 below. He has written extensively on this issue and been involved in earlier lawsuits. While I hate to say it, I predict the lawsuit will be thrown out. I would be ecstatic to be wrong, believe me.
Important reads:
1 – A Citizen is One Thing, But a Natural Born Citizen is Another
2 – Is Being Born a Citizen (Citizen at/by Birth) of the United States of Sufficient Citizenship Status to be President of the United States and Commander in Chief of Our Military? The Founders and Framers Emphatically Decided … No, It Was Not!
3 – The U.S. Supreme Court Should Be Impeached
4 – Finally: Federal Judge Slams ‘Standing’
[Just a short note about 9/11 and Smart Electric Meeters. The cost of America’s undeclared “war” (invasion) in Afghanistan has now reached $1 trillion borrowed dollars – massive debt heaped on us all based on what happened on 9/11. Regular readers of my column know I continue to press for the truth about the events of 9/11. Military grade nanothermite is not a conspiracy theory. It was found and tested from the rubble at the twin towers. A new, powerful film has been released: The Anatomy of a Great Deception. For full disclosure I receive no compensation, but I want you to get a copy (or a few) and share it with others or give a copy as a present. I’ve purchased half a dozen copies and given them to individuals I believe seek the truth. It’s very powerful simply because it’s one ‘ordinary’ man’s story who ask a simple question that led him to a not so simple journey. There is factual information in this film that many have never heard about but everyone should. Just a suggestion, order more than one and give one to a friend. Also, must see video on the dangers of Smart Meeters on your home, titled: Take Back Your Power.]
© 2016 – NewsWithViews.com and Devvy – All Rights Reserved
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- GOP incumbents will betray America end of year, 2-10-14
- Sincere, Well Meaning Conservatives Are Killing Us, 2-3-14
- It’s war: Stop the TPP & TAFTA, 1-26-14
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- Congress: Who the hell do you people think you are?, 6-2-13
- Hillary Rodham Clinton: Liar, globalist traitor, 5-26-13
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- The U.S. Supreme Court should be impeached, 2-10-13
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- The mess in Libya – Who built it? 9-15-12
- Critical bill for state legislatures 2013 session: constitutional militia, 9-11-12
- Neither Romney or the impostor president will create jobs, 8-31-12
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- Third Critical bill for your state legislature – 2013 session, 8-21-12
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- In Memory of Tommy K. Cryer, Esq., 6-9-12
- Electing New Band Aid Pushers, 5-23-12
- Obama most morally bankrupt impostor president in US history, 5-12-12
- Preparing for massive civil war, re-education camps, 5-8-12
- Mechanism in place to fix 2012 election for Obama/Soetoro, 5-5-12
- Justice Sotomayor: tax evasion, perjury – what did Obama know and when? 4-23-12
- Forgerygate: Demand a Special Counsel Appointment, 4-16-12
- Judicial Cowardice – A Stench Rolling Across America, 4-13-12
- Americans love the IRS and the income tax, 4-7-12
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- Veterans about to get shafted by the illegitimate president, 3-26-12
- Contraceptives Should not be Covered by Insurance Companies, 3-20-12
- The hypocrisy of Republicans over oil prices, 3-2-12
- Catholic Church: Tell Sebelius you will not obey, 1-28-12
- Update: My Fight Against the ‘Smart’ Meter, 1-24-12
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- Quo Warranto filed by presidential candidate 1-10-12
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- Overlooked language in NDAA (H.R. 1540 & S. 1867)Â 12-26-11
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- Sheriffs, state legislators, OWS and the constitutional militia, Part 2, 11-5-11
- Sheriffs, state legislators, OWS and the constitutional militia, Part 1, 11-5-11
- Electoral college battle: Shoveling the usurper back into office, 10-25-11
- Herman Cain’s 9-9-9: Another poison band aid for bankers, 10-19-11
- State legislatures ignoring what whole world can see, 10-10-11
- Wait, Gunny – I Have to Change my Diaper, 9-27-11
- Unloading Bad Baggage: Hypnotic States of Americans, 9-19-11
- ‘Smart meters’ – the new silent killer, Part 2, 9-2-11
- ‘Smart meters’ – the new silent killer, Part 1, 9-2-11
- Military brass eat their own for political expediency 8-16-11
- Americans don’t want good paying jobs 8-11-11
- U.S. Congress, Obama/Soetoro are anti-American jobs 8-9-11
- Why Won’t Hawaii Legislature Investigate Birth Certificate Forgery? 7-1-11
- There is no such thing as “same sex” marriage, 6-27-11
- The Queering of America’s Churches, 6-14-11
- This Costs the States 2 Billion Dollars a Year, 6-9-11
- Sounding the Trumpet on RINO Donald Trump, 4-19-11
- The Other War Powers Act, 4-2-11
- Hurry! Fight this gun bill! (Yawn), 3-19-11
- My friend, Derry Brownfield, rest in peace, 3-14-11
- 2012 Presidential Race: A Principled American for Our Republic, 3-10-11
- Will Americans Vote for Another Puppet President in 2012? 2-26-11
- Stop with the demand “Congress create jobs” rhetoric, 2-13-11
- US Congress, Obama/Soetoro are Anti-American Jobs, 1-27-11
- Get this DVD to Your State Legislator, 1-11-11
- The Queering of Our Military and God’s Wrath, 12-21-10
- Forget Congress – States Must Boot Federal Dept. of Education, 12-8-10
- Impeach Obama! Stop wasting your time, 10-26-10
- In Memory of Joan Veon, 10-20-10
- Union pension funds, the states and financial ruin, 7-13-10
- When will parents stop funding failure in education? – Part 2, 3-8-10
- When will parents stop funding failure in education? – Part 1, 3-8-10
- Will vote fraud determine upcoming primaries – again?, 3-1-10
- What if a Joe Stack had murdered Joe Banister?, 2-23-10
- Congress refuses to bring home millions of jobs 2-15-10
- Letter to 1100 State Legislators – Sound Money Bill 2-2-10
- Obama’s Executive Orders & the constitutional militia 1-16-10
- “Detroit bomber” incident: Playing the American people, again 1-1-10
- Why haven’t these state legislators been indicted? 12-21-09
- Another Citizenship Case Dismissed – What Next? 10-24-09
- Olympia Snowe, health care, and the Seventeenth Amendment 10-19-09
- We can’t end the income tax one prison sentence at a time 10-14-09
- Bomb Iran now because…uh, what’s the reason? 10-9-09
- Where are the jobs congressman? I’ll tell you 10-5-09
- The destroyers who control Congress, the White House & the media 9-28-09
- Obama’s Ineligibility: How Deep Does the Corruption Go? 9-23-09
- Benson Goes to Supreme Court for all of Us 9-21-09
- Line of Succession if Obama/Soetoro Removed From Office 9-17-09
- Patriots: Time For Major Push on Usurper’s Citizenship Issue 9-15-09
- Ceremony of the Innocent 9-10-09
- Czars: Are They Constitutional? 9-8-09
- Major Bills to Defeat After August Recess 8-31-09
- Mandatory vaccinations? Tell the feds and states to ‘stick it’Â 8-24-09
- Obama Care Passes in Stimulus Bill; More Treachery in Sept. 8-17-09
- Health Care Reform: Congress Has no Authority to Legislate 8-10-09
- Cash For Clunkers: More Stealing, More Debt 8-3-09
- Federal Judges Cover up Conspiracy in Income Tax Fraud, Part 2, 7-27-09
- Federal Judges Cover up Conspiracy in Income Tax Fraud, Part 1, 7-27-09
- Sotomayor’s confirmation vote rescheduled – here’s why 7-22-09
- In Memoriam: A Lion is Gone 7-20-09
- GOP Senators Ignore Sotomayor’s Criminal Activities 7-20-09
- The Kinsey Syndrome – Will your child be the next victim? 7-13-09
- How Many More Lies? 7-6-09
- Cap and Trade rape passed — What must be done NEXTÂ 6-29-09
- Every “Law” Obama Signs Brings US Closer To…Â 6-22-09
- Who is the Real Newt Gingrich? Part 2, 6-15-09
- Who is the Real Newt Gingrich? Part 1, 6-15,09
- The question of Freemasonry 6-8-09
- The revolution: boots on the ground, county by county 6-1-09
- Homosexuals “born that way” – A con job, Part 3, 5-25-09
- Homosexuals “born that way” – A con job, Part 2, 5-25-09
- Homosexuals “born that way” – A con job, Part 1, 5-25-09
- Rewarding crooks and incompetents 5-11-09
- Obama citizenship crisis & industrial strength stupidity 5-4-09
- The power of the purse, the power of the sword 4-27-09
- Thomas Paine video: falsehoods and propaganda 4-20-09
- Lots of tea parties – and then? 4-13-09
- Success and more treachery 3-23-09
- Now is the time to identify candidates for 2010Â 3-16-09
- Obama eligibility issue must be resolved soon 3-14-09
- Will you let the federal govn’t. take possession of your medical records? 3-9-09
- Obama supporters: Deceived or just plain liars? 3-2-09
- Ten square miles of criminal enterprise 2-23-09
- Are the states really broke or hiding assets? 2-3-09
- Honest money bill – States must adopt 1-29-09
- No, we don’t have a new president 1-22-09
- NAIS: Bad for America, Opt Out 1-19-09
- Chief Justice John Roberts meets Obama in private 1-15-09
- The hell with bipartianship 1-12-09
- Protecting American jobs is a bad thing! 1-8-09
- Impeach Obama? 1-5-09
- Ignoring the solutions won’t fix the problems 1-3-09
- The mother, the son and God’s promise 12-25-08
- The Gods of DC mean to rule you with brute force, Part 2, 12-22-08
- The Gods of DC mean to rule you with brute force, Part 1, 12-22-08
- Impostor president Obama: victory will be short lived 12-18-08
- UAW president: rob the people’s bank! 12-15-08
- Listen and learn: your survival depends on it 12-12-08
- Make this an American Christmas 12-8-08
- Columnists call for taxpayer revolt – want more socialism 12-4-08
- What Congress and the media won’t tell you 11-17-08
- Unprecedented rape of the American people underway in DC, Part 2, 11-13-08
- Unprecedented rape of the American people underway in DC, Part 1, 11-13-08
- Guns and God 11-10-08
- Comrade Barack Obama is not America’s next president 11-6-08
- Stop the election: accurate vote count impossible, Part 2, 11-3-08
- Stop the election: accurate vote count impossible, Part 1, 11-3-08
- Obama’s gamble: possession nine tenths of the law 10-30-08
- Federal judge slaps voters in face, energizes patriots 10-27-08
- McCain-Palin taking donations March 2008 & Obama action alert 10-23-08
- Sarah Palin: Buying the sizzle, Part 2, 10-20-08
- Sarah Palin: Buying the sizzle, Part 1, 10-20-08
- Final looting of America by outlaws in DCÂ 10-16-08
- Presidential election: one giant fraud 10-13-08
- Obama & McCain: Modern day Godfathers 10-10-08
- Bail out vote constitutional? 401(k)s bleed 10-6-08
- The fake $700 billion bail out/rescue plan 10-2-08
- Bail outs, timing: who knew what when? 9-29-08
- Bailouts: the wound that will keep on hemorrhaging, Part 2, 9-25-08
- Bailouts: the wound that will keep on hemorrhaging, Part 1, 9-25-08
- Battle plan for the 50 states, Part 2, 9-22-08
- Battle plan for the 50 states, Part 1, 9-22-08
- National ID & the conundrum of enforcement 9-18-08
- Freddie, Fannie, Fascism: Where was Congress? 9-15-08
- Is Sarah Palin qualified to be president?, Part 2, 9-11-08
- Is Sarah Palin qualified to be president?, Part 1, 9-11-08
- Observations from GOP Convention & Ron Paul Liberty event, Part 3, 9-9-08
- Observations from GOP Convention & Ron Paul Liberty event, Part 2, 9-9-08
- Observations from GOP Convention & Ron Paul Liberty event, Part 1, 9-9-08
- Ted, Michelle & Hillary: “Family Values” 9-1-08
- Joseph Biden: Liar, cheat, traitor 8-25-08
- Anthrax suspect’s suicide: Who benefits? 8-21-08
- Teachers get their guns 8-18-08
- “Normal people don’t want impeachment” 8-15-08
- National Enquirer: One down (Edwards), one to go (Obama)Â 8-12-08
- The Case for Hanging Errant Public Officials 7-28-08
- The Revolution grows: St. Paul 2008Â 7-25-08
- Americans embracing their own destruction 7-21-08
- Freddie & Fannie unconstitutional bail out using what? 7-17-08
- How many more will die before FDA ghouls are held accountable? 7-14-08
- A Citizens’ Audit of an American Election 7-10-08
- Opposition to invasion of Iraq based on emotion or facts?, Part 2, 7-7-08Â
- Opposition to invasion of Iraq based on emotion or facts?, Part 1, 7-7-08Â
- The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder 7-3-08
- Replacing Controlled Newspapers … With REAL Ones! 6-23-08
- Will you out live your money? 6-19-08
- Indict Michael Reagan, Applaud Senator Karen Johnson 6-16-08
- FLDS raid and the NAFTA super highway 6-13-08
- Is free speech being manipulated by Internet rating organizations? 6-11-08Â
- Are Christians selling their soul for campaign promises? 6-9-08
- Solution to global warming and disappearing polar bears 6-5-08
- How do I make a difference? 6-2-08
- Voyage of the damned 5-29-08
- Americans embracing the iron fist of totalitarian government 5-26-08
- Is it treason and who will stop it? 5-22-08
- Do you have a plan for freedom? 5-8-08
- Do you have a plan? (Personal)Â 5-5-08
- The mobs take to the street….again 5-1-08
- Mainstream media will be complicit in next terrorist attacks 4-28-08
- Desperate Americans in PA vote for America’s destruction 4-24-08
- Feds backtracking: an admission on National IDÂ 4-7-08
- Okay, Obama. Let’s talk issues, Part 3, 4-3-08
- Okay, Obama. Let’s talk issues, Part 2, 4-3-08
- Okay, Obama. Let’s talk issues, Part 1, 3-31-08
- Obama’s race speech: insulting our intelligence 3-26-08
- American politics: A week of wading in sewage 3-17-08
- Funding foreign military while dumping on American veterans 3-13-08
- When the Department of Justice obstructs justice 3-10-08
- Americans very afraid of financial meltdown underway 3-6-08
- Change not possible with same players 3-3-08
- Vote fraud and the GOP convention delegates 2-25-08
- Using race to cover Obama’s ignorance on constitutional gov’t. 2-22-08
- Gun owners: fighting skirmishes won’t win the war 2-18-08
- McCain’s citizenship eligibility for presidency in question? 2-15-08
- Swift Boating of John McCain long overdue 2-11-08
- “Super Tuesday” – I Told You So 2-7-08
- “Super Tuesday” – The herding technique 2-4-08
- Economic stimulus package: macabre waltz into the abyss 1-31-08
- NH Recount – Urgent Action Required 1-28-08
- Disinformation and Conspiracies 1-14-08
- Will Ron Paul Authorize an Audit of the New Hampshire Primary? 1-10-08
- Iowa’s Numbers and New Hampshire 1-7-08
- Ron Paul: Rage against the machine 1-3-08
- NAFTA Cementing a North American Union 12-31-07
- A new born King, hope for the world 12-24-07
- Ron Paul’s three biggest enemies 12-20-07
- Obama’s ‘Change we can believe in’: repackaged failed policies 12-17-07
- Huckabee broke, Romney borrows, Giuliani ducks terrorist ties 12-13-07
- Mitt’s religion, NIE reports and more insanity 12-10-07
- Iran: Maybe a good idea to hold off bombing them 12-6-07
- Victims of uninsured drivers: sue Department of Motor Vehicles, Part 2, 12-3-07
- Victims of uninsured drivers: sue Department of Motor Vehicles, Part 1, 12-3-07
- A closer look at the 2008 presidential candidates 11-15-07
- Free trade: cheap labor and expensive recalls 11-12-07
- Why millions of Americans don’t want smaller government 11-8-07
- Sherry Jackson convicted under what law? 11-5-07
- 911: Moral Cowards and FBI Admission 11-1-07
- Why H.R. 1995 was rammed through under cover of fire 10-29-07
- Why is the 911 “fringe” movement so…mainstream? 10-25-07
- The State of Georgia’s Control of Their Own Water 10-22-07
- Rush Limbaugh is Wrong 10-18-07
- Let Washington, DC feel your wrath this week, Part 2, 10-15-07
- Let Washington, DC feel your wrath this week, Part 1, 10-15-07
- Dr. James Dobson on Ron Paul 10-11-07
- Treachery and Tragedy 10-8-07
- Congress will do nothing to stop coming financial disaster 10-4-07
- Business owners angry over rounding up illegals, Part 2, 10-1-07
- Business owners angry over rounding up illegals, Part 1, 10-1-07
- Bring a real newspaper back into America’s towns and cities 9-27-07
- Congress & state legislatures ’08: Challenge for we the people, Part 2, 9-24-07
- Congress & state legislatures ’08: Challenge for we the people, Part 1, 9-24-07
- Got bling? 9-20-07
- It’s easy to bomb Iran! 9-17-07
- Bill to stop Mexican truck invasion just another Band-Aid 9-14-07
- Vote fraud: it’s not just the machines, Part 2, 9-10-07
- Vote fraud: it’s not just the machines, Part 1, 9-10-07
- Stop the NAU/SPP – what does that really mean?, Part 2, 8-27-07
- Stop the NAU/SPP – what does that really mean?, Part 1, 8-27-07
- What does “Fed pumps $68 billion into banking system” mean?, Part 2, 8-13-07
- What does “Fed pumps $68 billion into banking system” mean?, Part 1, 8-13-07
- Anniversary of on-going Cover up Approaches, Part 2, 8-9-07
- Anniversary of on-going Cover up Approaches, Part 1, 8-9-07
- Why efforts to recall Pelosi will fail 8-6-07
- New Haven & Hazelton: A Tale of Two Cities 8-2-07
- Congress’ August Recess: Mobilize America! 7-30-07
- James Madison calling Elizabeth Edwards 7-26-07
- Bush’s latest executive order & jurisdiction 7-23-07
- FED Chairman: delusional or deceptive? 7-20-07
- Senators Cantwell & Murray: Zinnie’s blood is on your hands 7-16-07
- When Are Parents Going to Fix Education? 7-12-07
- Christian Democrats & the ’08 vote 7-9-07
- It’s the People vs. the Government 7-5-07
- World leaders form a secret society to bring about a world collapse 7-2-07
- Red Cocaine 6-28-07
- Americans Committing National Suicide, Part 2, 6-25-07
- Americans Committing National Suicide, Part 1, 6-25-07
- Getting the truth about America’s Gold Reserves 6-18-07
- Benson & Jackson: It’s our fight, too, Part 2, 6-14-07
- Benson & Jackson: It’s our fight, too, Part 1, 6-14-07
- Illegals/NAU: A Hot Summer Coming 6-11-07
- Corporatism funding the death of our republic 6-4-07
- A nation divided cannot prevail against its enemies 5-31-07
- The 1775 Patriot in 2007Â 5-28-07
- Ron Paul & the GOP: I told you so 5-21-07
- Gun owners and state legislators: get on the phone 5-17-07
- Tax cuts, fair tax schemes keep people herded in the wrong direction, 5-14-07Â
- Income tax activists reject bitter reality 5-10-07
- The IRS, Amero and the battle ground for liberty 5-7-07
- One Land Grab Stopped – Another in Progress 5-3-07
- Line in the sand now at Pacific Ocean 4-30-07
- Rock Washington, DC: FDA, supplements and so-called hate crime bill 4-26-07
- The Cry to Impeach Bush and Cheney 4-23-07
- Aerosol spraying will kill politicians, too 4-16-07
- Join National Truck Out Boycott: Tell politicians to eat garbage 4-12-07
- O’Reilly, Rosie, & 911 coincidences 4-9-07
- Our “strong economy:” A powder keg waiting to blow 4-2-07
- Rudy Rasputin Giuliani and Florida anthrax 3-26-07
- USDOJ: Who will stop this criminal enterprise? 3-22-07
- Contrails: Killing us softly? 3-19-07
- Confirmed: Your daughter is Merck’s guinea pig 3-16-07
- Parker v DC a magnificent victory; next move 3-12-07
- Rally at Texas State Capitol a resounding success 3-8-07
- Taking the warning of totalitarian government to local newspapers 3-5-07
- 9-11 Accountability – Frustration grows 3-1-07
- Before Tancredo or Ron Paul can get elected 2-26-07
- The Cloning of the American Mind & Abortion 2-22-07
- The Cloning of the American Mind & “Gays” 2-18-07
- States struggle to cover retirees 2-12-07
- Texas HPV vaccination: Parents can opt out 2-8-07
- Fellow Americans in Colorado need your help now 2-5-07
- Sloth, gluttony & the coming medical financial tsunami 1-25-07
- Arizona patriots: Recall dangerous Rep. from your state house 1-22-07
- Did the Democrats win fairly in November 2006? 1-15-07
- National ID: Target the state houses 1-11-07
- Pelosi & her Brassiere Brigade 1-8-07
- A nation held hostage – the final phase 1-3-07
- Will ignoring illegals invasion foster vigilantism? 12-30-06
- Showdown: The Holy Bible vs. the Quran 12-25-06
- Senator Joseph Biden: recycling his favorite folly 12-18-06
- It’s okay for illegals to steal your identity! 12-14-06
- The Power of One 12-11-06Â
- Christmas 2006: Send a clear message against “free” trade 12-7-06
- Military father fires wrath at me and veterans 12-4-06
- Flight 93 Lawsuit update 11-27-06
- The NAU: It’s the eleventh hour – Get busy 11-20-06
- Veteran’s Day 2006 – another mockery 11-13-06
- NWVs Servers Hacked – Why? 11-10-06
- Jeb Bush’s Executive Order and 911, Part 2, 11-6-06
- Jeb Bush’s Executive Order and 911, Part 1, 11-6-06
- Vote fraud: Candidates must audit the count 10-30-06
- War is Business and Business is Booming 10-26-06
- Will conservatives vote for freedom or keep DMC from a majority? 10-23-06
- The Democratic Party Doesn’t Care About the Working Class 10-21-06
- The Women’s Vote in November 10-19-06
- The Future of Food – Monopolizing Seeds That Feed the World 10-16-06
- How to Create Jobs and Cut Medical Care Costs 10-12-06
- The Cancer Research Money Machines 10-9-06
- The Dow’s Phony New High 10-6-06
- Silencing the People and 911Â 10-2-06
- Congress Wants to Stripsearch Kids? 9-28-06
- Flight 93 Lawsuit Filed 9-25-06
- Bill Benson’s First Amendment Case Update 9-21-06
- What I Want You to Know About 9-11, 9-18-06
- Why the Mayor of Hazelton, PA. is Right, 9-14-06
- 9/11 – The New White-wash and Buckets of Money, Part 2, 9-11-06
- 9/11 – The New White-wash and Buckets of Money, Part 1, 9-11-06
- Do Gun Owners Want to Stop Constant Assaults on 2nd Amendment? 8-28-06Â
- The National ID is Not Mandatory 8-21-06
- What You Can Do To Stop Vote Fraud 8-17-06
- Presidential Pardon for Border Patrol Agents 8-14-06
- Minimum Wage and Fascism 8-7-06
- The Mel Gibson Circus Sideshow 8-4-06
- Get Out Of Denial: It IS Your Member of Congress 7-31-06
- Treating Symptoms Doesn’t Keep The Patient From Dying 7-24-06
- Confidential: America’s Beginnings 7-17-06 More Devvy’s Archives —-> 1, 2, 3,Â