About Steven Yates

Steven Yates is an independent scholar and author with a doctorate in philosophy. He is the author of the books Civil Wrongs: What Went Wrong With Affirmative Action (1994), Four Cardinal Errors: Reasons for the Decline of the American Republic (2011), and the ebook Philosophy Is Not Dead (2014). He is an expatriated American living in Santiago, Chile, with his wife (a chilena) and their two cats, Bo and Princesa. He owns Final Draft Editing Service, which caters to Chilean academics needing editorial oversight with their English (although he accepts U.S. clients as well as clients from elsewhere around the world). He is currently completing his first novel, to be entitled Reality 101, to be published later this year, while continuing with nonfiction projects such as The Fifth Stage of Civilization and others. Dr. Yates occasionally blogs about philosophy and related matters at https://lostgenerationphilosopher.wordpress.com, and has just joined Patreon.com: if you find his writing valuable and important enough to be worth your financial support, please consider visiting the site and making a contribution (free books and possibly more are in the offing). He might also be building his own house soon. Please consider supporting my writing on Patreon.com Buy ebook PHILOSOPHY IS NOT DEAD Buy my book FOUR CARDINAL ERRORS In progress: REALITY 101 (a novel); THE FIFTH STAGE OF CIVILIZATION (Beyond the Postmodern & Into the Future) Check out my blog: LOST GENERATION PHILOSOPHER Does your manuscript need an extra pair of eyes? Click Here

Is Liberalism Dead? (In All Forms), Part 3

Modern art, modern literature, modern philosophy, modern music, all reflect to some extent a degree of dissatisfaction with industrial civilization and our anonymity within it. Some (especially the young) cast about for something more, had little trouble finding it, and this made the system as a whole vulnerable to infiltration by alien ideologies. That makes probing such ideologies essential to answering: is liberalism dead?

By |2025-03-17T21:49:20-04:00March 17th, 2025|

How to Handle Disagreements Constructively

Years ago, when I was still in academia, a senior-level professor and I got into a disagreement via snail-mail (this was the early 1990s), later by email. He began the exchange with a private response to a letter-to-the-editor I’d gotten published. Back in the day, I sent out quite a few of those. I’d guesstimate that around three quarters of them were published.

By |2025-03-06T20:30:45-05:00March 6th, 2025|

Is Liberalism Dead (In All Forms)?, Part 2

We’ve sketched the background of liberalism, distinguishing two forms of classical liberalism (one Christian, the other secular), and noted the Stages of civilization (in Auguste Comte’s sense) in which classical liberalism developed and began to flourish. There is a sense in which classical liberalism’s Christian form originated as a Second Stage idea, then helped enable the shift to the Third Stage...

By |2025-03-17T21:51:25-04:00March 3rd, 2025|

Is Liberalism Dead? Part 1

Classical liberalism promoted free (though not necessarily unregulated!) markets and maximal personal autonomy, still bound by rules against doing harm. Bastiat’s classical liberalism was embedded in a Christian worldview. Law was of God, who created a universe of order — natural law. This encompassed both nature and humanity. Different rules emerged for us because we have free will.

By |2025-02-27T20:08:54-05:00February 27th, 2025|

What I’m About, Where I’m Going … 2025 Edition

Nor have I decided quite how I will present it to the world — or even if I’m the right person to do it and ought instead to hand off my idea to someone more extroverted and talented at marketing than I am. I’m not exactly sitting on the millions of dollars that would be very useful in getting the word out about such an endeavor.

By |2025-01-30T23:05:11-05:00January 30th, 2025|

Leftist Narratives Have Collapsed!

Left wing Democrats — in government, in “legacy” media, in corporations — did everything in their power to try to stop Trump’s return to the Oval Office! They pursued four criminal cases and a civil case against him. They defamed him. They tried to invoke the Insurrection Clause in the Sixteenth Amendment to keep him off state ballots.  They threw an enormous sum of money into his opponent’s war chest.

By |2025-01-23T22:25:52-05:00January 23rd, 2025|

15 Predictions for 2025

What we can be sure of: human nature will be the same this year as it was last year. People will still try to get as much as they can, with the least possible effort. Most will continue to coast through life. They will still respond to incentives or “nudges,” except for that small minority that figures out the incentive structure encircling them and ignores, escapes, or thwarts it. Such people might actually develop free minds.

By |2025-01-03T22:06:45-05:00January 3rd, 2025|

Three Existential Threats to the West at the End of 2024, Part 4

This is a deadlier threat than man-made climate change, even assuming that’s real and not another hoax perpetuated in the name of The Science. We’d go from global warming based on computer models and hockey sticks to a sustained multiyear winter in the real, physical world: a veritable ice age that would reduce the small fraction of the human race that survived to hunter-gatherer status, if even that.

By |2024-12-29T10:53:02-05:00December 26th, 2024|

Three Existential Threats to Civilization at the End of 2024, Part 2

Bottom line running through this discussion and its predecessor: economic inequality beyond what may be expected from Pareto distributions, combined with the sense that those in the Big Club have cheated to get where they are, is fundamentally destabilizing. As recent events may have shown, it eventually provokes violence against elites.

By |2024-12-23T23:23:53-05:00December 20th, 2024|

TRUMP WINS! But We Can’t Rest On Our Laurels

Voters have solidly and soundly rejected the far left Democrats (Republicans have taken both the House and the Senate!), based both on the economy as they perceived it during the past four years (an inflationary disaster!), and on the immigration mess that Kamala Harris is personally blamed for having worsened, and then some!

By |2024-11-07T00:11:10-05:00November 7th, 2024|

Is Trump Trying to Lose This Election?

This rally wasn’t something he had to do. Yes, it proved he can fill the house and then some, in a notoriously left-leaning city. I don’t know of any head count made that would indicate how many attendees were New Yorkers and how many were from outside the city, or even outside the state.

By |2024-11-05T01:22:11-05:00November 5th, 2024|

Civil Wrongs: 30 Years After!

Meanwhile, those supposedly dominant — straight white Christian men — are the only ones losing ground: culturally, demographically, economically, healthwise, spiritually. We’re group members for political purposes and atomized economically and psychologically, so that loneliness is epidemic as white men stay unmarried.

By |2024-11-01T00:44:07-04:00November 1st, 2024|

The Immortal Man

Modernity’s dark side is that it has concentrated power, leaving the many largely at the mercy of the few unless they wise up. It isn’t just power that corrupts; utter powerlessness corrupts as well, as it turns the chronically weak to crime and drugs, the ambitious to depravity of various sorts up to and including killing for sport.

By |2024-10-23T00:07:26-04:00October 23rd, 2024|

Next Month’s Election, “Bubble-nauts” and the Real Economy

Richard Nixon killed the gold standard in 1971. This put us on course for a financialized world of rising debt and took us into an economy fueled by debt instead of production. The result was the progression of bubbles in the economic sense of that term: the tech bubble of the 1990s, the housing bubble of the 2000s, and finally the Everything Bubble of the present.

By |2024-10-15T00:26:33-04:00October 15th, 2024|

Another Student Athlete Is Dead, and the “Cause of Death Has Not Been Publicly Shared”

For what happens when enough people who had the mRNA shots and then got boosted once or twice, foolishly trusting the Pharma / medical Establishment, awaken from their cultural slumber and realize what may have been done to them, that they have a ticking time bomb inside their bodies that they’ll never be able to get rid of completely.

By |2024-10-02T23:39:53-04:00October 2nd, 2024|

Is Ancient Stoic Philosophy Relevant to 2020s America?

Some will want to know: is Stoicism compatible with Christianity? Devotees of each considered themselves to be competitors during the first few centuries AD. To my mind Keith Humphrey, in his just-published Stoicism and Christianity (2024), lays out a credible account of the overlap between the two, which is greater than their differences.

By |2024-09-17T00:10:14-04:00September 17th, 2024|

A Disastrous Debate?

He’s said he has no plans for another debate. Maybe that’s just as well. I have friends who believe he’s nevertheless still going to win, if only because the Bidenista economy has been a disaster for ordinary people. Many of Trump’s supporters out in the hinterlands, friends argue to me, have basically gone silent.

By |2024-09-15T00:27:54-04:00September 15th, 2024|

An Open Letter to Mr. Donald J. Trump

This messaging strategy should go further than just implanting in voters’ minds the fear of what could happen if a lifelong, bona fide DEI appointee and cultural Marxist gets into the White House. It would be, as I said last week, presidency-by-committee. By a committee of committed cultural Marxists!

By |2024-08-23T00:10:42-04:00August 23rd, 2024|

Of Childless Cat Ladies and Healthy Civilizations

Think of the almost-20 percent increase in the cost of living during the era of Biden-Harris. Or think of the disaster on the Southern border, in which Harris had a direct hand whether again through malfeasance or simple incompetence. Now she’s the Democrat Party’s presidential candidate.

By |2024-08-10T00:22:29-04:00August 10th, 2024|

It’s Mid-2024: You Have Entered The Twilight Zone

Did Biden’s handlers, and perhaps their handlers, see that he’d fallen behind Trump in all the polls in swing states? Did they decide to pull the plug on their figurehead in the hopes that they could replace him with someone who wouldn’t lose the upcoming election in a landslide?

By |2024-08-06T00:23:07-04:00August 6th, 2024|

We May Never Know What Really Happened on July 13, 2024

How much do you know about the assassination attempt against Donald Trump the weekend before last? Including anything gleaned from my piece, or sent out by online “influencers.” Was there a second shooter? Did Secret Service simply screw up, or was there major malfeasance (i.e., was this an attempted Deep State hit)? Given that Thomas Crooks, 20, was a Gen Z digital native, where’s his digital footprint? Are we really supposed to believe he didn’t have one?

By |2024-07-26T00:22:13-04:00July 26th, 2024|

We’ve Just Gone to the Next Level

One version of the inside job theory requires that Crooks have previous contact with the FBI, which, twenty years ago, gained an underground reputation for pulling unhappy or unstable individuals into its clutches, presenting them with illegal activities often involving explosives, effectively entrapping them and then arresting them, as “evidence” of the “terrorist threat” (foreign or domestic).

By |2024-07-17T01:48:17-04:00July 17th, 2024|

The Collapse of the Bidenista Regime

I’m not ridiculing the man. However much I disagree with his politics and what his handlers have done to the U.S. over the past three and a half years, I can’t find it in me to wish Joe Biden harm. Quite the contrary. To my way of thinking, what we’ve been seeing has all the markings of a form of elder abuse!

By |2024-07-09T00:35:21-04:00July 9th, 2024|

The Real Matrix: New Normal Edition

I was once able to get through to a person at Hewlett-Packard, trying to troubleshoot a printer problem. Instead of helping me resolve my problem, the person tried to sell me a subscription to their technical support services! Only $25/mo., for something I needed once, and might never need again! I turned them down flat! My wife’s nephew is an engineer. He came in and fixed the problem for free!

By |2024-06-21T00:31:35-04:00June 21st, 2024|

What Does It Mean to Be a Conservative?, Part 2

What conservatives need, therefore, is a rational Plan B to organize themselves and separate, if need be, forming self-sufficient communities built around solid family structures and sustainable small businesses, working from the bottom up instead of from the top down, able to sustain and defend themselves when the Global Wolf attacks, as he inevitably will.

By |2024-06-14T00:47:16-04:00June 14th, 2024|

What Does It Mean to Be a Conservative? – Part 1

Import the Third World, become the Third World. That’s what we just saw. This won’t stop Trump. He’ll win the election if he’s not killed first. But it does mark the end of the fairest justice system in the world. Anyone who defends this verdict is a danger to you and your family.

By |2024-06-08T00:25:58-04:00June 8th, 2024|

The Real Fight, Pt. 2

In ensuing material I hope to explore the nature of the Global Corporatocracy more, and this kind of response. I don’t wish to focus on details of the upcoming election. Ask me who is going to win, and I’m going to echo Tucker Carlson’s answer: I’ve no idea. I’m convinced that leftist agents of the Global Corporatocracy will pull out all stops to make sure it isn’t Trump. The rest is details.

By |2024-06-01T00:34:27-04:00June 1st, 2024|

The Real Fight, Pt. 1

The result is the DIE (Diversity-Inclusion-Equity) intellectual vacuum in which a Claudine Gay rises to the top at Harvard and is forced to resign when she can’t navigate this kind of situation and is exposed as a plagiarist besides. Columbia University has Minouche Shavik at the helm. She has somewhat better credentials than Gay’s, having been at the helm of the London School of Economics — the U.K.’s Fabian-founded elite institution.

By |2024-05-24T00:18:31-04:00May 24th, 2024|

What Would It Mean to “Make America Great Again”?

The latter, I submit, will include a lot of what self-identified liberals of old said they wanted, in arenas such as housing, health care, nondiscrimination, and so on. It will have extracted the antiwhite racism and the “gender” fluidity/confusion of wokeness. It will leave us in no danger of falling under a world government, or of “transhumanism.”

By |2024-05-07T00:13:16-04:00May 7th, 2024|

The New Normal: Ambiguity, Tragedy, Fear and Loathing

This is our rotten farce: For our entire lives, we have been flooded with media designed to slowly steer us into a world where the American Dream was dead, where the public was fully divided against itself, where everybody believed we were powerless to do anything about our worsening circumstances.

By |2024-05-03T00:06:32-04:00May 3rd, 2024|

The Vibe Shift We Need

No one ever proved, for example, that Donald Trump sexually assaulted E. Jean Carroll. She couldn’t even remember the year of the supposed assault. An honest judge and jury would have thrown that case out in embarrassment. Come to think of it, there’s no evidence of a tryst between Trump and Stormy Daniels; at one point, she denied it!

By |2024-04-23T00:43:09-04:00April 23rd, 2024|

The Cultural Left’s Cold War on Christianity

Today we have solid data on declining religious observances and belief, especially among younger generations, illustrating the success of the cold war on the Christian worldview. According to a Pew Research Center survey, more than three quarters of Americans agree that the role of this worldview in American public life is shrinking, whether they support this change or not.

By |2024-04-11T00:13:13-04:00April 11th, 2024|

A Look Behind the Anti-Trump Lawfare

Being as charismatic as Trump was (maybe more), he’ll do just as well at attracting a following of the like-minded. He’ll have a knack for channeling much greater frustration than existed in 2016, or 2020, or 2024 — because his supporters will be poorer, more damaged, more desperate, and just as angry. While the political and corporate superelite classes will be that much richer.

By |2024-04-06T01:32:44-04:00April 6th, 2024|

Is America Cracking Up, One Horrific Incident at a Time?

My sources for this story don’t state whether these people were in the U.S. legally or not — no corporate media outlet (not even Fox!) touched that one — but we know that NYC has filled up with illegal aliens during the three-plus Bidenista years we’ve suffered through. We also know that the “Bidenomics” of the New Normal has been a complete disaster unless you’re comfortably in the one percent.

By |2024-03-30T00:29:22-04:00March 30th, 2024|

“And So, It Begins….”

Globalism has advanced on multiple wars that didn’t need to happen, often driven by false flag events and false narratives that drove nations apart. The financial titans were bankrolling both sides!

By |2024-03-20T00:20:24-04:00March 20th, 2024|

Could April 8 Be a Day of Terror and the Start of Financial Endgame?

What are we sure of? That the Bidenistas want open borders. They threw open the southern border after ousting Trump back in 2020-21. Migrants began massing on our southern border not by the thousands but by the hundreds of thousands. Discovering they could cross the border without consequence, they came in even larger numbers.

By |2024-03-02T00:10:00-05:00March 2nd, 2024|

Winning Arguments in the Narrative Wars (Hint: You Can’t)

The presenter focused on the difference between intellect and basic beliefs. Intellect is how smart you are, sometimes reflected in strings of university-gained credentials. In my experience, people who are unquestionably smart — some of them light years ahead of me in their specialties — can still believe some incredibly stupid things outside those specialties.

By |2024-02-27T00:17:38-05:00February 27th, 2024|

Civil War in America?

This case is unprecedented. We’ve never seen a clash of narratives like this. Those on opposite sides literally do not see the world the same way. They aren’t making the same assumptions about what kind of political system we’re living under. Small wonder some are ready to divide the country — peacefully, if possible; forcibly if necessary. This is where the narrative wars have brought us.

By |2024-02-19T00:16:28-05:00February 19th, 2024|

Claudine Gay and the Collapse of DIE Ideology, Part 2

Believe it or not, there are folks out there who self-identify as leftist whom I don’t consider crazy. This is because they get some things right. They have their eyes on power systems, destructive processes, and dysfunctional arrangements. Their criticisms are pragmatic rather than moral.

By |2024-02-04T00:53:28-05:00February 4th, 2024|

Claudine Gay and the Collapse of DIE Ideology, Part 1

The recent exposés on Claudine Gay, Harvard’s former president and current embarrassment, illustrate what we critics were saying about affirmative action decades ago: it promotes unqualified people into positions of responsibility, hurting their institutions. Claudine Gay is such an obvious case of a Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity...

By |2024-01-28T01:11:11-05:00January 28th, 2024|

German Farmers Revolt Against Policies Enhancing Globalism and Climate Hysteria

For much of this first month of the new year, protesting farmers have practically shut down Germany. They’ve used trucks and tractors to block major highways in and out of Berlin and several other major German cities. They’ve received massive popular support and been joined by others in “low tech” professions (electricians, rail workers, etc.). Additional support has come from their counterparts in The Netherlands who have been fighting this same battle for over a year now, and from Poland and the Czech Republic.

By |2024-01-23T00:12:26-05:00January 23rd, 2024|

Who I Am, What I’m About, 2024 Edition

Who am I? A guy with too much formal education who left academia over ten years ago, went overseas, but has returned periodically to his homeland and stays in close touch. I thank God daily for the Internet, which makes this arrangement possible. I’m married to a foreign national. No children. Two cats. We live in a place that would be very difficult to find if you didn’t know exactly where you are going.

By |2024-01-10T00:07:53-05:00January 10th, 2024|

Donald Trump and Antifragility

When 2024 gets here in a few days, we enter probably the most dangerous period any of us have seen in our lives. Whatever happens with some of the scenarios I’ve sketched, the country and possibly the world are going to look very different a year from now than they do today. I don’t believe the ruling elites want to assassinate Trump.

By |2023-12-27T00:16:16-05:00December 27th, 2023|

The Harder Road Away from “World Order”

It isn’t Halloween or April Fool's Day, but you’d better be scared. The Supreme Court of the United States is hearing oral arguments on a case that reads like a trip to Dante’s hell. But if this case takes a wrong turn, we all will join Dante Alighieri there.

By |2023-12-22T00:16:39-05:00December 22nd, 2023|

Tucker Carlson’s Cure for Stress and Key to Happiness

Obviously, Tucker Carlson is polarizing. This is because he’s hated by the ruling elites, their servile employees and disciples up and down corporate media and among left-indoctrinated populations (young, urban, “diverse,” “educated,” etc.) — but loved by an audience that craves often unpleasant but always truthful information, presented in a manner that is positive, upbeat, and sometimes even funny.

By |2023-12-11T00:08:42-05:00December 11th, 2023|

Javier Milei: Making Argentina Great Again?

Milei has a reputation for eccentricity. Massa doubtless thought this would hurt him with voters. He was wrong. Argentinians clearly had had enough of a regime that had run the country of 46.6 million into the ground, with rising unemployment, 40% of the population now beneath the poverty line, and the inflation rate a whopping 140%!

By |2023-12-01T00:15:14-05:00December 1st, 2023|

We Still Have a 14th Amendment, but Do We Have a First?

Douglas Mackey, an ordinary guy with a degree from Middlebury College in his native Vermont, might be on his way to prison. His “crime”: making fun of Hillary Clinton and Clinton voters on Twitter back in 2016. He was taken into custody by the FBI exactly seven days after Joe Biden’s inauguration in 2021...

By |2023-11-24T00:16:21-05:00November 24th, 2023|

A Look Behind the Latest Republican Rout

There was an off-year election last week. So-called abortion rights were on the ballot in Ohio; a legal right to abortion got added to Ohio’s state constitution. There were governors’ races in Kentucky (the Democrat won) and Mississippi (the Republican won). The General Assembly in Virginia was up for grabs and Democrats won out.

By |2023-11-18T00:19:31-05:00November 18th, 2023|

Trump and the 14th Amendment: Reiterating

This will be short. I promise. Those claiming that Trump is disqualified from running for the presidency next year because the 14th Amendment, Section 3, bars anyone having engaged in an “insurrection” from running for (or holding) public office, haven’t read the entire Amendment.

By |2023-11-03T00:16:10-04:00November 3rd, 2023|

The Age of Mediocrity Supremacy

Our political-economic ruling elites are not motivated to think in such terms. They are well on the way to having the power they crave. They hate Trump because he can’t be controlled. They have their trained foot soldiers in the legal system. The ruling elites are terrified that next year he’ll manage to claw his way back into the White House.

By |2023-10-28T00:23:28-04:00October 28th, 2023|

The Great Taking

Well (some of you might be thinking), that didn’t take long. My “silence” lasted less than a month. Intended to last until the end of the year, it was predicated on nothing major happening during the interval. Major things have happened. I’m not referring to the deadly Hamas-Israeli clash, though I’ll have a few words to say about that at the end here, and doubtless more later.

By |2023-10-24T00:00:18-04:00October 24th, 2023|

Going Silent (for Just a Little While)

Due to recent circumstances, including a health issue requiring my immediate attention (what I think of as a major wake-up call!), and events — items just come my way, learning materials just encountered which I’m still processing — I’ve decided to take a short hiatus from article writing. Another way of putting it: I need to go silent for a short time.

By |2023-09-28T23:37:33-04:00September 28th, 2023|

Trump, His Enemies, and the 14th Amendment Gambit

Trump’s enemies, which include Establishment Republicans as well as Democrats, will say they are “safeguarding our fragile democracy” or something equivalent, even though Trump remains far and away the leading candidate for the GOP nomination next year.

By |2023-09-19T00:20:02-04:00September 19th, 2023|

Most Powerful Information-Control Machine in Human History

We now live within the most powerful information distribution and control machine in human history, if only because communications technology is everywhere — all around us, day and night. Its influence begins in public grade schools, years ago designed to produce controlled children who would grow up into mostly controllable adults. This influence only grows, in an environment they will never think to question.

By |2023-09-15T01:50:17-04:00September 15th, 2023|

Will We See an Assassination Attempt Against Trump Before November 2024?

The former have vastly superior resources, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t absolutely terrified of the latter. Trump’s ability to command those media he uses is vastly superior to anything the former possess. The former are therefore pulling out all the stops to shut Trump down, figuring that what he represents will fall apart without him. This assumption is very dubious.

By |2023-09-08T01:13:54-04:00September 8th, 2023|

Dispatches From a Disintegrating Society

The 1950s and 1960s were the heyday of the nuclear family. One breadwinner (usually Dad) could feed a family of four. Families were stable. Divorce was frowned upon, and the divorce rate was relatively low.

By |2023-08-25T00:36:20-04:00August 25th, 2023|

Language Is Everything When There Are Official Narratives to Defend

What provoked it were numerous actions of the U.S./NATO axis as the latter crept eastward towards Russian territory since the collapse of the Soviet Union, despite pledges not to. The most recent major event was the 2014 coup in Kyiv, orchestrated by neocons such as Victoria Nuland and the CIA, replacing a Russia-friendly government with a Russia-hostile one.

By |2023-08-15T23:01:58-04:00August 15th, 2023|

How to Spot A BS Artist

A couple of weeks back, a commencement speech at Northwestern University by Illinois governor J.B. Pritzker went viral. Pritzker is a Democrat, of course. No one in his right mind thinks a Republican would be invited to speak at such an event. Well, on second thought, a RINO like Liz Cheney might be. Few others would.

By |2023-08-05T00:42:51-04:00August 5th, 2023|

Could Globalists Fake an Alien Invasion?

Nevertheless, the restlessness continues. The “plandemic” has receded, and people are asking questions. MAGA Republicans, meanwhile, are unimpressed by the allegations against Trump, which they consider the work of a politicized Justice Department driven by abject terror of a second Trump presidency.

By |2023-07-28T01:14:59-04:00July 28th, 2023|

In Terrible Times, An Urgent Call for Calm!

It’s true: lawfare against Donald Trump has gone to the federal level. Last Friday the 37-count felony indictment in the Mar-a-Lago classified documents situation was unsealed. He will appear in a Miami federal courtroom at 3 pm on Tuesday. He stands accused of mishandling classified documents and then obstructing efforts by federal officials to obtain them.

By |2023-06-13T00:42:35-04:00June 13th, 2023|

Materialism Is Choking the Life Out Of Us All

What of Daniel Penny? He’s an ex-marine sergeant from Long Island. He had no previous criminal record. Now he stands charged with second-degree manslaughter. If convicted, he could face up to 15 years in prison. During the incident he appears to have had the support of those around him. A couple even assisted him in restraining Neely.

By |2023-05-25T00:29:23-04:00May 25th, 2023|

Taking Down Trump, Taking Out Fox News, With Lawfare

With this legacy of misleading information, open lies, general deceit, and an utter lack of empathy — all from government and legacy media — is it any wonder that an outsider like Donald Trump was able to win the Republican nomination in 2016 and then the presidency despite never having held public office before?

By |2023-05-20T02:07:25-04:00May 20th, 2023|

The Real Fantasyland

Real Fantasyland is the belief that men can turn themselves into women and women can become men through “transitioning”; and that such options should be made available to children.

By |2023-04-19T00:44:46-04:00April 19th, 2023|

“Woke” Will Be the West’s Downfall

We need to return to promoting equality under the rule of law, as it was promoted back in the 1960s. We need to affirm that there is nothing fundamentally wrong with either diversity or inclusion, so long as they are voluntary and not coerced. “Equity,” on the other hand, cannot be accomplished without massive social engineering including thought control via censorship.

By |2023-04-08T00:50:47-04:00April 8th, 2023|

Tucker Carlson and the January 6 Narrative War

Trump’s supporters believed the real coup against democracy had taken place on November 3-4, 2020, reflected in those mysterious early morning vote spikes, all representing votes for Biden, recorded on graphs that were scrubbed from the Internet days later, also in dozens of claims of eye-witnessed malfeasance, reported on affidavits signed under a penalty of perjury.

By |2023-03-21T01:23:37-04:00March 21st, 2023|

Will Biden’s Blundering Get Us Into World War III?

I’ve no meaningful memories of the Cuban Missile Crisis. I was five years old. What I learned years later: the use of nuclear weapons was on the table as a live option. We avoided Armageddon because President John F. Kennedy, not perfect by any means but overall a man of lucidity and sanity, was able to negotiate with Nikita Khrushchev.

By |2023-02-25T00:55:09-05:00February 25th, 2023|

The GOP at the SOTU:  A Class Act, or Just a Frustrated One?

My present thinking: if Republicans blow it in 2024 — or if 2024 is also stolen and not reversed in time — they blow it for America. If they win in 2024, e.g., with someone such as DeSantis who will carry the anti-Woke and hopefully the anti-globalist torches, that person will have the same fight on his hands that Trump has had to contend with.

By |2023-02-17T01:46:21-05:00February 17th, 2023|

What Does It Mean to Be “Woke”?

Awkwardly expressed, but essentially the right idea. Differential treatment under the law can be justified so that (for example) the book can be thrown at white Jan-6rs while the blacks who rioted following George Floyd’s death can be handled with kid gloves even though the latter were far more violent and did far more actual damage.

By |2023-02-07T01:19:46-05:00February 7th, 2023|

What I’m Doing Here: Another Boomer’s Journey

A year ago I adopted the practice of penning a piece on what I’m trying to accomplish with my writing, whether here or generally. This is in the interest of transparency, given that people are supporting my work with small donations. They deserve to know what they are getting.

By |2023-01-21T00:31:18-05:00January 21st, 2023|

The Year 2022: Looking Back, Looking Ahead

The Russian incursion into Ukraine last February was the inevitable long-term result of the CIA-backed coup that took place there back in 2014. A democratically elected but Moscow-sympathetic government was overthrown and replaced by an autocracy sympathetic to NATO and hostile to Moscow, and to Russians more broadly.

By |2022-12-27T00:30:30-05:00December 27th, 2022|

The Controlled Demolition of Trumpism

What we have just seen is, of course, unprecedented. Not once in U.S. history has a former president been accused of federal crimes committed while in office. This sort of thing happens in second world banana republics. Although in backhanded fairness, the U.S. is looking more and more like a second world banana republic with each passing day.

By |2022-12-23T00:57:57-05:00December 23rd, 2022|

Responsible Freedom Vs Globalist Techno-Feudalism, Part 1

How do we reconcile Florida’s red wave with the absence of one elsewhere? The answer is that Florida doesn’t permit all the voting ways that make it easy to steal. I voted in Florida on a paper ballot that was counted immediately prior to my departing the site, and I was given a confirmation of my counted vote.

By |2022-11-25T23:38:53-05:00November 25th, 2022|

No Red Wave? What’s Next?

Trump, in the meantime, is not helping himself any, with his verbal assaults on DeSantis, especially as the two seem to agree on most essentials. For a while I thought this was being orchestrated by corporate media, but now I am not so sure. Trump comes across as a bully with labels like “Ron DeSanctimonious,” which serve no one’s interests including his.

By |2022-11-15T01:13:54-05:00November 15th, 2022|

We Need to Repudiate Political Violence

If we do not do these things, in the spirit of control over our emotions, countering lies with truth, and engaging others with the love Christ showed for us — and who suffered far worse than any of us ever will — regardless of what they do, then we risk becoming no better than those we oppose.

By |2022-11-03T21:31:47-04:00November 3rd, 2022|

Hope … and Danger!

The more I see and hear from Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake, for example, the more impressed I am. She understands fully the damage the Bidenistas have done over the past 21 months. A quick rundown

By |2022-10-28T00:26:33-04:00October 28th, 2022|

How Stupid Are Some Americans, Anyway?

Not too long ago, Yahoo!’s news aggregator restored allowing comments on the site. Comment options were ended not long after the start of the plandemic. Their reason illustrates the old saw that for every corporate decision there’s the official reason and the real reason.

By |2022-10-13T00:07:23-04:00October 13th, 2022|

Is the Establishment Trying to Goad Trumpists in De Facto Civil War?

We are, indeed, in a battle for “the soul of America.” I call it the narrative war, and whether it will explode from being a war primarily of words into something much hotter, remains to be seen. I think the Bidenistas may be trying to provoke acts of violence, acts that can and will be used against anyone who takes the bait.

By |2022-09-06T01:01:42-04:00September 6th, 2022|

Is the Narrative War About to Explode?

But let them prove the hypocrisy of A.G. Merrick Garland’s “No one is above the law,” when Trump is publicly accused of doing something Hillary Clinton was able to skate away from. Let the Bidenistas prove their hypocrisy by continuing to protect Hunter Biden and his now-infamous laptop.

By |2022-08-18T23:36:07-04:00August 18th, 2022|

Steve Bannon: Narrative Warrior

Reiterating: Bannon knows that Election 2020 was stolen, that claims of this being a “big lie” based on “conspiracy theories” are themselves baseless, that a narrative of attempting to “overturn the election” has been constructed around January 6, and that although the Establishment got back in power two weeks later, its hold on power is precarious.

By |2022-07-29T00:17:50-04:00July 29th, 2022|

The Intellectual Suicide of Academia and Corporate Media

This should not be rocket science, but this is where we are in 2022, when a national senator is no longer allowed to say that only women can get pregnant without getting “schooled” for it (interesting word, that!), and when intellectually suicidal law professors deny biological reality in order to use “inclusive language.”

By |2022-07-16T00:46:44-04:00July 16th, 2022|

If Trump Plans to Run in 2024, Time to Announce His Candidacy Is Now!

By all the official measures the Trump economy was roaring! We were on track for energy independence. Gas prices were under $2/gallon. Unemployment among Hispanics and African-Americans had fallen to record lows. The Dow was surpassing previous highs almost daily. Inflation was practically nonexistent. The situation on our Southern border was under control.

By |2022-07-06T01:24:25-04:00July 6th, 2022|

Roe v Wade May Be Gone, but the Death Culture Remains. This Is Why

A different article tried to draw an analogy between the unborn baby and a famous but unconscious violinist, to whom a woman who had been kidnapped was hooked up so that their blood-streams were shared. She was to be forced to continue sharing her blood to keep the unconscious violinist alive for nine months.

By |2022-07-02T01:14:49-04:00July 2nd, 2022|

Will the January 6 Committee Fuel Civil War in America?

It will be a civil war by any other name, and as many have argued persuasively, because of the lack of clear geographical divides — red states contain many blue enclaves and blue states contain red enclaves — such a war will be magnitudes messier than the war fought from 1860 to 1865 which conventionally goes by that name.

By |2022-06-28T00:30:49-04:00June 28th, 2022|

Rewriting History

Having to fight a criminal indictment which could be dragged out well into the next election season would prevent Trump from being a candidate in 2024! This, I submit, is the committee’s real goal. That Trump might run away with the GOP nomination and conceivably win a second term in the Electoral College scares the globalist ruling class to death!

By |2022-06-18T00:43:53-04:00June 18th, 2022|

Inflation: Prelude to Globalist Central Bank Digital Currency?

Inflation is roaring. This is common knowledge. Inflation is not just roaring in the U.S., where gas prices have soared to well over $4.60/gallon and are averaging over $5/gallon in several states. It is roaring worldwide. Both food and gas prices having risen in Chile where we live. I encounter similar stories from elsewhere.

By |2022-06-07T00:12:32-04:00June 7th, 2022|

Mass Shootings: Manifesting the Nihilism of the West?

I’d planned an article on Peyton Gendron, the shooter who killed ten people in a Buffalo and injured three others in a Buffalo, N.Y. supermarket on May 14. Then I woke up this morning — it is May 25 as I write this — to learn that Salvador Ramos, also 18, shot and killed 21 in a Texas elementary school, 19 of them children.

By |2022-05-30T23:25:43-04:00May 30th, 2022|

The Narrative and Culture Wars Just Got Hotter

As if in counterpoint, the Bidenistas announced their real, live Ministry of Truth. They don’t call it that, of course. They call it the Disinformation Governance Board, and it will operate through the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). I don’t think there is much doubt about what this outfit will do, despite the aura of mystery some have tried to create around it.

By |2022-05-10T01:41:12-04:00May 10th, 2022|

Back to Basics: Freedom? Or Serfdom? The Choice Is Yours

Those for whom freedom is a core value need to start standing up and saying so, loudly, and in sufficient numbers to make a difference (my writing these articles is definitely not good enough). That means rediscovering, or perhaps discovering for the first time, freedom’s preconditions: responsibility and sufficient real education to take care of oneself, and the character to deal consistently with others honestly and with empathy.

By |2022-04-29T01:16:59-04:00April 29th, 2022|

Starting Over (and Finding Hope)

Conservatives need a grand vision, and it has to be something more than make America great again. It can’t be Utopian, because conservatives are by nature non-Utopian. It can draw on great documents such as the Declaration of Independence and Federalist 51, among others. It must appeal to what is best in us, and thus attract the interest of the remnant.

By |2022-04-12T00:14:43-04:00April 12th, 2022|

Our Lying Corporate Media II: Demonizing Putin

Needless to say this went unreported in Western media, as Putin goes on to note. Zelenskyy has been portrayed as a saint, and his government depicted as under siege. This last might be true, but for entirely different reasons than are reported.

By |2022-03-27T00:19:06-04:00March 27th, 2022|

Thoughts on Russia, Ukraine and Our Lying Corporate Media

My money is on something like this. He goes on to observe how the Internet is now so integrated into economic activity in advanced nation at every level, that if it went down for just two weeks the result would be an unprecedented shock wave that took down markets and disrupted supply chains everywhere. Rolling blackouts would likely ensue and air travel would cease...

By |2022-03-14T01:57:43-04:00March 14th, 2022|

In Defense of Hungary’s Viktor Orbán

Orbán leads the country’s conservative Fidesz Party. He has unabashedly stood up for Christianity and defended strong families—establishing policies that incentivize parents to have children. He has stood against unlimited immigration and open borders. He actually had built an electrified fence along the country’s border with Serbia to keep illegals out.

By |2022-02-11T00:29:05-05:00February 10th, 2022|

The Covid Narrative Is Collapsing, but We’re Not Out of the Woods!

As for governments, gradually over the past several months one nation after another has seen mass protests: Australia, New Zealand, Austria, France, the Netherlands, Italy, Greece, the Czech Republic, others. Countries such as Denmark are following the U.K. and ending restrictions. Regime Media is trying as hard as it can to ignore all this.

By |2022-02-05T00:25:56-05:00February 5th, 2022|

Steven Yates: Who Am I? and What Do I Stand For?

I become a Christian at a summer retreat between ninth and tenth grade, and joined a group of peers who met and studied Scripture twice a week. In the early ‘70s, no one questioned this. We even had a teacher-moderator whose job wasn’t endangered by her direct and open involvement with us. There was far more tolerance then than exists today.

By |2022-01-28T00:07:58-05:00January 28th, 2022|

Israeli Scientist Blows Down the Covid House of Cards

As I wrote to Tom thanking him for the letter and asking if I could use it, if this doesn’t blow down the covid-19(84) house of cards, then nothing will — short of an actual civilian die-off that will be literally impossible to hide as life insurance companies find themselves overwhelmed with claims and in danger of going under financially.

By |2022-01-19T00:15:47-05:00January 19th, 2022|

2022: A Look Ahead

I think it likely that Republicans will retake one or both houses of Congress when November gets here, if only because the party out of power in the Executive branch usually wins big in off years. That might stymie the Bidenistas, but then what? November is still eleven months away, though, and they can do a lot of irreversible damage in the meantime.

By |2022-01-14T00:39:36-05:00January 14th, 2022|

The Real Matrix—Resurrected!

I have no review of the new Matrix movie, Matrix 4: Resurrection, or whatever it’s called. I’ve yet to see it. Everything I’ve read about it from folks I trust who have seen it suggests steering clear, that it’s a celluloid train wreck trying to cash in on the successes of its predecessors, and that I’d be wasting my time.

By |2021-12-31T01:29:47-05:00December 31st, 2021|

2021 — The Year In Review

When a nation such as Austria makes an experimental and unwanted medical procedure legally mandatory, protestors should fill the streets of every major city! Especially as the same mandates are being contemplated in Germany, Italy, Greece, and elsewhere, all places which have already instituted vaccine passports.

By |2021-12-21T02:42:08-05:00December 21st, 2021|

Charlottesville: Lessons in Leftist Sadism and Media Dishonesty

No one thinks it possible to extract $26 million from these Enemies of the Woke America. But Kaplan’s sadistic effort might make it impossible for them to ever again pursue normal lives— in the U.S., anyway. Another purpose of lawfare is to create an ambience of intimidation and fear-based self-censorship to silence future political dissent.

By |2021-12-10T00:16:32-05:00December 10th, 2021|

Kyle Rittenhouse Acquitted. A Battle Was Won. But Not the War

What was clear from videos available back in August 2020 was that Kyle used deadly force to defend himself from violent thugs who were attacking him physically, one (Anthony Huber) having already hit him over the head with a skateboard. He had no choice. The survivor, Gaige Grosskreutz, admitted under cross that he had his own gun pointed at Kyle’s head when Kyle shot him in the arm.

By |2021-11-24T00:09:36-05:00November 24th, 2021|

Is COVID-19 a Bioweapon? – New Book Could Shatter the Narrative

Dr. Fleming’s answer is an unequivocal Yes, we are looking at a dual bioweapon, because that’s where all the documentable evidence points. There is the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) which was man made; then there are the experimental mRNA injections being foisted on populations, sometimes against their will.

By |2021-11-17T01:53:30-05:00November 17th, 2021|
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