Humanity’s War Against Planet Earth

By Frosty Wooldridge

January 6, 2022

One of my dearest friends, Don Collins, former U.S. Navy commander, and brilliant historian when it comes to America’s past and future, gave me a sobering interview from his 90 years of living on this planet.

He’s worried, if not frightened concerning America’s future sustainability, and even more so, of humanity’s viability in the 21st century.  Since he was born in 1931, the world has jumped from 2.0 billion people to its current 7.9 billion and headed toward 10 billion people. Humans add 83 million, net gain, annually.

His message needs to be amplified if not for you, then for your children:

Collins said, “When I started writing Op-Ed’s in 1994 right after my wife died of cancer, I was 63 years old and had a set of political views, which I now have changed many of, except for one, the fact that the four-times of growth of human numbers in my 90-year lifetime on a finite planet can’t be sustained.

“Meantime, since worldwide political leaders ignore the problem, there are constant chances for humans stumbling into war, as now in the Ukraine. Using nukes must now be understood as obviously suicidal even by Kim and Chi.

“Far more serious opportunities for war are emerging from China under Chi who is rapidly emulating Hitler’s aggression ambitions and includes his racism toward ethnic minorities which you can read about.”

Even Fox News’ Tucker Carlson spoke about crowding too many people into America, which Joe Biden has done in 2021 and accelerating the numbers in 2022.

Collins continued, “Just one problem emerges to everyone who admits to the validity of this following statement or not: War on Planet Earth should now be understood as unable to be useful and should now be declared and universally treated as obsolete!

“No, war is certainly not gone as an obvious possibility, and certainly not as a fix for the surfeit of human numbers and the allocation of resources to sustain peaceful human habitability on Earth.  Time is not on our side, as the effects of climate disasters compound.

“Efforts to convert from fossil fuels to EVs for cars are laudable but laughable in the face of human numbers and the daily perceivable behavior. Further the continuing opinions from some experts about the likely fall in human numbers have proved wrong!

“Why? Well, right now roughly half of US births are unintended and net planetary human numbers grow by 83 million annually.

“Noted recent UN Climate Conference attendee Sir David Attenborough, who is 95, has long predicted that on present trends we could have 11 billion humans by 2100 versus nearly 8 billion now.

“Another of my heroes, E.O Wilson, who died on December 26th at 92, agreed with Sir David on the population issue.”

Today, we remember one of the most acclaimed scientists of our time, E.O. Wilson. “The father of sociobiology” spent a lifetime working in nature, and his achievements with insects and behavior underscore the importance of protecting biodiversity.

He said in an interview in 2005, “Humans will cause the extinction of 1/3 the animal life on this planet by 2050 and as much as ½ of all animal life by the end of the century.”   I watched the interview…and it sent shivers up my spine.

Collins said, “But like Sir David, Professor Wilson was convinced that the major problem the world faces is a surfeit of humans, whose effect on our Earth he bemoaned in this 2019 interview.

“Modest as he was, Wilson had a lot to say about human pressures on the environment, and how we should be trying to get ourselves out of the mess we’ve made. After I described the mission and programs of Population Connection, he responded:

“I think the epicenter of all of our problems in the environment is runaway population growth. I know I’ve been optimistic, particularly in the book Half-Earth, that the population problem could solve itself, but nonetheless, there’s a residual problem that comes from too many children and too many demands by people wanting to move up economically in too many countries for the world to come out in the condition it should be aiming for.”

The three major challenges, in his view, are climate change, water shortages, and species extinction.

Collins said, “All of [these crises] have as one of the primal causes…human over-reproduction. Climate change is just one of three major environmental crises facing us. After climate change is shortage of fresh water. Something like 4% of water in the world is in lakes and rivers, and it’s running out fast, and it’s a primary cause in several parts of the world of major migration. The third one is the mass extinction of species. We don’t know how ecosystems are formed, what makes them stable, or how they equilibrate, and we can’t say what happens when some obscure little species is taken out. We have no way of guessing.

“When I depart this life shortly, I expect to see no real immediate action by world leadership except continuing non-population crisis recognition, but despite their blindness, certain environmental pressures to make life less habitable, could spark more and more women to fear birthing babies into such chaos. Thus, access to safe, inexpensive, legal birth control remains the only urgently logical trend forward.”

Collins finished this interview with, “We, who are hopefully not about to die, if we recognize and repair our feckless behavior, pray for you and all the wondrous living things on our beautiful planet!”

I admit that I hold Don Collins in the highest esteem.  He’s traveled the world as I have, and he’s seen the great masses of the human mob as I have.  I hope there are more of us sounding the alarm: Roy Beck, Shirley Beck, Jane Goodall, Joanne Wideman, Brenda Walker,  Bob Dane, Les Blenkhorn, Dell Erickson, John Rohe, Debbie Rohe, Marylou Tanton, Richard Heinberg, Fred Elbel, Jack Alpert, Jon Austen, Jason Brent, Christopher O. Clugston, Kathleene Parker, Dave Paxson, Dave Gardner, Lindsey Grant and hundreds more.

We desperately need a national discussion-debate on what kind of a civilization we’re bequeathing to our children.  Will it be viable? Will it be sustainable?  Will it allow all other creatures to share in the wonders of this planet?  What are you doing to bring such a future to your children?

Is anyone in America thinking about these questions?  Are we not galloping into America’s twilight years?

If you would like a free electronic copy of this book, please email me with your email address and I will send it to you.  Every American with children or any American who will live in this country in 2050, needs to understand what they face.

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121.

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

This video will scare the daylights out of every American as to what’s coming to our country, US Citizenship Act 2021 by Joe Biden.

If you want to see two documentaries that give visual proof of my book’s contents, go to Netflix, and type in “Cowspiracy” that shows you the damage to the air, land and water.  Watch “Seaspiracy” to see how humans are destroying the oceans.

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Defending Public Liberty

By Paul Engel

January 5, 2022

  • Can there be such a thing as liberty without differing opinions and actions?
  • Can government regulate your freedom of speech, press, property, and association?
  • How far can government go to enforce politically approved norms?

There are certain ideas that we find detestable, concepts we find repulsive, and even some actions we cannot abide. Do we have the right to tell other people that they must live by what we find acceptable? How many dystopian novels are based in the idea that only approved thought is allowed in society? Benjamin Franklin, writing as Silence Dogood, said:

Without Freedom of Thought, there can be no such Thing as Wisdom; and no such Thing as publick Liberty, without Freedom of Speech; which is the Right of every Man, as far as by it, he does not hurt or control the Right of another: And this is the only Check it ought to suffer, and the only Bounds it ought to know.

Benjamin Franklin as Silence Dogood, No. 8, 9 July 1722

What will you do to protect public liberty? What will you allow, not because you approve, but because you recognize the right of others to live differently than you?

The question in the case Carpenter v. James seems to be quite simple. Can the State of New York force Emilee Carpenter to do business in a way that violates her conscience? I refer to freedom of conscience because of the breadth of rights at stake in this case. Emilee Carpenter runs a wedding-photography business, “Emilee Carpenter, LLC”. She brought suit against the Attorney General of New York, Letitia James, the Interim Commissioner of the N.Y.S. Division of Human Rights, and the District Attorney of Chemung County, New York, seeking a preliminary injunction to prevent New York’s public accommodation laws from being enforced against her.

Plaintiff initiated the present suit after learning about New Yorks public accommodation laws. She believes that those laws threaten[] her ability to operate her business according to her faithand restrict[] what she could post on her studios website and social media sites and what she could say to prospective clients.” … There are four provisions in dispute; three contained in the New York Human Rights Law and one contained in the New York Civil Rights Law.

Carpenter v. James – District Court Decision on Injunction

Since Ms. Carpenter cites four provisions of New York State law that violate her rights, let’s start by looking at them.

Accommodation Clause

The first provision is what Plaintiff refers to as the Accommodation clause.New Yorks Human Rights Law provides: It shall be an unlawful discriminatory practice for any person, being the owner, lessee, proprietor, manager, superintendent, agent or employee of any place of public accommodation, resort or amusement, because of the race, creed, color, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, military status, sex, disability or marital status of any person, directly or indirectly, to refuse, withhold from or deny to such person any of the accommodations, advantages, facilities or privileges thereof. Plaintiff does not dispute that her business is a public accommodationsubject to the law.

Carpenter v. James – District Court Decision on Injunction

While Ms. Carpenter does not dispute that her business is a public accommodation, the first thing we should do is define what a public accommodation is. In simple terms, the word public means:

a: of, relating to, or affecting all the people or the whole area of a nation or state —public law

b: of or relating to a government

c: of, relating to, or being in the service of the community or nation

Definition of public, Merriam-Webster online dictionary

For something to be public, it must be publicly owned or in the service of the community. And the definition of accommodation is:

something supplied for convenience or to satisfy a need: such as

a: lodging, food, and services or traveling space and related services  —usually used in plural — tourist accommodations on the boat overnight accommodations

b: a public conveyance (such as a train) that stops at all or nearly all points

Definition of accommodation, Merriam-Webster online dictionary

So how does a privately owned photography business become a publicly owned convenience to satisfy a need such as lodging or transportation? The answer is: Lawyers. When I researched the term “public accommodation”, I found that most legal dictionaries define a public accommodation as anything that was open to the public. I did find one reference to a 2009 case Bishop v. Henry Modell Company, where the attorney for Mr. Bishop paraphrased the law as:

A place of public accommodationis defined as an establishment either affecting interstate commerce or supported by state action, and falling into one of the following categories: (1) a lodging for transient guests located within a building with more than five rooms for rent; (2) a facility principally engaged in selling food for consumption on the premises, including such facilities located within retail establishments and gasoline stations; (3) any place of exhibition or entertainment; (4) any establishment located within an establishment falling into one of the first three categories, and which holds itself out as serving patrons of that establishment; or (5) any establishment that contains a covered establishment, and which holds itself out as serving patrons of that covered establishment.

Bishop v. Modell – Opinion

The court, however, did not agree.

[The defendants] argue that the Modells store is not a public accommodationwithin the meaning of the statute. We agree.

The text of § 2000a does not explicitly include retail establishments, , and case law confirms that retail stores are not places of public accommodation within the meaning of the provision.

Over the course of a 41-page Complaint and over 80 pages of briefing in opposition to defendantsmotions to dismiss, plaintiffs sole factual allegation to support this argument reads, in its entirety, as follows: That MODELLS stores serve food to the public or provide entertainment for the customers.

Bishop v. Modell – Opinion

So by the standard of the law and the opinion of the Bishop v Modell court, Ms. Carpenter’s business is not a public accommodation. It’s not a lodging, it’s not principally engaged in selling food, it’s not a place of entertainment, and although she may have an office, as a wedding photographer the service she provides would happen outside of her offices. Even if we consider a photography business a “public accommodation”, those laws are in violation of the Fifth Amendment to the Constituiton of the United States.

No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;

U.S. Constitution, Amendment V

Most people, when they think of property, think of land or things. However, James Madison had a more detailed view:

This term in its particular application means that dominion which one man claims and exercises over the external things of the world, in exclusion of every other individual.

In its larger and juster meaning, it embraces every thing to which a man may attach a value and have a right; and which leaves to every one else the like advantage.

In the former sense, a mans land, or merchandise, or money is called his property.

In the latter sense, a man has a property in his opinions and the free communication of them.

He has a property of peculiar value in his religious opinions, and in the profession and practice dictated by them.

He has a property very dear to him in the safety and liberty of his person.

He has an equal property in the free use of his faculties and free choice of the objects on which to employ them.

James Madison – For the National Gazette, 27 March 1792

Yes, Ms. Carpenter has a property in the merchandise she owns, including the cameras, lighting, and other equipment for her business. She also has a property in her business, since she exercises exclusive control over it and attaches value to it. She has property in her opinion and the ability to profess and act on it. Lastly, she has a property of the free choice of the objects on which she employs her skills as a photographer. Since these “public accommodation laws” deprive her of control of these properties without a governmental process that protects her rights (due process), these laws violate her rights protected under the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution of the United States.

Denial and Unwelcome Clauses

The second provision is the Denial clause,which makes it unlawful to publish, circulate, issue, display, post or mail any written or printed communication, notice or advertisement, to the effect that any of the accommodations, advantages, facilities and privileges of any such place [of public accommodation] shall be refused, withheld from or denied to any person on account of race, creed, color, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, military status, sex, disability or marital status.

Carpenter v. James – District Court Decision on Injunction

The third provision is the Unwelcome clause,which prohibits a public accommodation from publishing, circulating, issuing, displaying, posting, or mailing any written or printed communication to the effect that the patronage or custom [] of any person of or purporting to be of any particular race, creed, color, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, military status, sex or marital status, or having a disability is unwelcome, objectionable or not acceptable, desired or solicited.

Carpenter v. James – District Court Decision on Injunction

The denial and unwelcome clauses blatantly violates Ms. Carpenter’s free speech rights. Many people, including Ms. Carpenter’s lawyers, jumped right to the First Amendment’s Free Speech Clause. Of course, all of them ignore the actual language of the First Amendment:

Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech,

U.S. Constitution, Amendment I

Yes, many claim that the Fourteenth Amendment “incorporated” the First Amendment to the states, but that is patently ridiculous since only the national legislature is called Congress. What this law does violate is the Freedom of Speech and Press clause of the New York State Constitution:

Every citizen may freely speak, write and publish his or her sentiments on all subjects, being responsible for the abuse of that right; and no law shall be passed to restrain or abridge the liberty of speech or of the press.

Constitution of the State of New York, Article I, §8

Since this law prohibits Ms. Carpenter’s ability to speak, write, and publish freely in regard to her sentiments on same-sex marriage, it violates the state’s constitution.

The New York Civil Rights Law

The fourth provision is found in New York Civil Rights Law § 40-c. That statute reads: No person shall, because of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or disability, as such term is defined in section two hundred ninety-two of the executive law, be subjected to any discrimination in his or her civil rights, . . . by any other person or by any firm, corporation or institution, or by the state or any agency or subdivision of the state.N.Y. Civ. Rights Law § 40-c(2); see also id. § 40 (stating that [a]ll persons within . . . this state shall be entitled to the full and equal accommodations, advantages, facilities and privileges of any places of public accommodations”).

Carpenter v. James – District Court Decision on Injunction

Apparently, when the law states that no person shall be subject to discrimination, that does not include people who disagree with the politically acceptable standards in Albany, NY. I’ve already dealt with the “public accommodation” question, so here I want to deal with the civil rights question.

the nonpolitical rights of a citizen especially: the rights of personal liberty guaranteed to U.S. citizens by the 13th and 14th amendments to the Constitution and by acts of Congress

Definition of civil rightsMerriam-Websters Online Dictionary

The basic question is, do you have the right to force others to do business with you against their will? Remember, we’re not talking about a law that prohibits photographers from working at same-sex weddings, we’re talking about someone being forced to do so against their will. These “public accommodation” laws require people into involuntary servitude:

1 : a condition in which one lacks liberty especially to determine ones course of action or way of life

2 : a right by which something (such as a piece of land) owned by one person is subject to a specified use or enjoyment by another

Definition of servitudeMerriam-Webster Online Dictionary

Involuntary servitude is strictly prohibited by the Thirteenth Amendment except as punishment for a crime.

Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

U.S. Constitution, Amendment XIII, Section 1


By passing this law to avoid discrimination, the State of New York has created discrimination. In an attempt to protect civil rights, the State of New York is destroying them. By dismissing all claims against the defendants with prejudice, Judge Frank Geraci has effectively condemned those who do not agree with same-sex marriage to involuntary servitude to a political cause with which they disagree. As Benjamin Franklin said:

Without Freedom of Thought, there can be no such Thing as Wisdom; and no such Thing as publick Liberty, without Freedom of Speech; which is the Right of every Man, as far as by it, he does not hurt or controul the Right of another: And this is the only Check it ought to suffer, and the only Bounds it ought to know.

Benjamin Franklin as Silence Dogood, No. 8, 9 July 1722

By picking and choosing who has the right to speak, the State of New York and the District Court for the Western District of New York have denied Ms. Carpenter, and by extension all of those who live in that state, the right to speak freely. By establishing an approved way of thinking, the State of New York and this judge have denied freedom of thought, destroyed public liberty, and is thereby destroying wisdom. You may vehemently disagree with Ms. Carpenter’s position, and you are free to not do business with her, but if you claim the right to control what other people can say and do, you also are destroying liberty. In his Silence Dogood article, Benjamin Franklin went on:

This sacred Privilege is so essential to free Governments, that the Security of Property, and the Freedom of Speech always go together; and in those wretched Countries where a Man cannot call his Tongue his own, he can scarce call any Thing else his own. Whoever would overthrow the Liberty of a Nation, must begin by subduing the Freeness of Speech; a Thing terrible to Publick Traytors.

Benjamin Franklin as Silence Dogood, No. 8, 9 July 1722

We already know that a majority of the New York State Legislature, the previous governor, and judge Geraci are willing to subdue freedom of speech, making them public traitors. Are you prepared to join them?

© 2021 Paul Engel – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Paul Engel:

Let Me Get This Right, You Want The Same Supreme Court To Weigh In On Vaccine Mandates?

By Bradlee Dean

January 5, 2022

“To take all the robes of all the good judges that ever lived on the face of the earth, and they would not be large enough to cover the iniquity of one corrupt judge. How about 9 of them?”

First off, friends, the Supreme court is not the final arbiter in what is and what is not law in this country. It is the job of these unelected bureaucrats to discover and apply the laws that God has given, period (Exodus 20). Nothing more, and nothing less. They are not to play the activist from the bench, nor are they to legislate from the bench!

With that said, so as I can get this right, are the American people awaiting the Supreme court to weigh in on treasonous Joe’s vaccine mandates? They are illegal!

Americans learn the lesson right now.

Why does the Supreme court need to be called upon to intervene on the issues that are unconstitutional (Psalm 94:20)?  Doesn’t common sense come into play?

How many times have Americans been duped in this fashion by the said Supreme court injustices (Amos 5:7)?

Edmund Burke rightly stated: “If they can get you to ask the wrong questions then they do not need to give you the right answers!”

Isn’t that what they are doing here?  Why, yes, it is!

The objective here is to hand it to the courts in a feigned (counterfeit) manner to give false pretenses to a pretended authority.

Friends, the burden of proof is on them when it comes to the law and yet, they have beguiled the Americans into believing the burden of proof is on them.

To send this to the Supreme court is to send it to the fox in the hen house, in order to establish policies which counter constitutional laws.

As a matter of fact, let me give you some examples.

Is this not the same Supreme court that committed oligarchy when taking prayer out of public school?  Yes, it is.

By the way, the people never lost the right.  The people forfeited their GOD GIVEN RIGHTS.

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Is this not the same Supreme court that said it was a choice to murder your own babies? This occurred all in the face of common sense. The sixth commandment commands us to not murder (Exodus 20:13)! Furthermore, the Fifth Amendment says to the federal government that no one shall be “deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law.”

US Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was clear as to what the Constitution states: “The Constitution contains No Right to Abortion.”

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This is the same Supreme court that has said that pornography was free speech (1 Corinthians 6:9). It was illegal up until 1968.

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This is the same Supreme court that has stated that teaching the young to murder their fellow students, to rape, to kill police, and even shoot the president’s head off through video games is free speech (Proverbs 22:6).

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It is the same Supreme court that has crossed the clear lines between “church and state” in assuming authority that has never been given to them by declaring that two men and two women can hold marital status (Romans 1:24).

[YouTube Video]

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This is the same Supreme court, namely Chief John Roberts, that has turned the Affordable Care Act, the name of which changed 3 times, inexcusably into a tax.

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Don’t forget about Brett Kavanaugh, who played up to the pro-lifers until he took to the bench (Proverbs 19:9).

Don’t forget about Amy Coney Barrett, the Trump appointee who denied students their rights to refuse vaccines at Indiana University.

Some of these same appointed injustices have never judged a case a day in their lives and yet, they are allowed to remain like that of radical lesbian Elena Kagan (Leviticus 18:22).

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How about the international globalist Sonia Sotomayor, who arrived just in time for the illegals.

That is not how the judges are to act nor is it what the Constitution teaches.  It teaches that judges sit during good behavior, period (Article III. Section 1). If not, they are to be impeached (Article II, Section 4) and then charged for their transgressions (Article I, Section 3, Clause 7).

These are not above the law.  They are to uphold the law, something in which they have failed to do time and time again and somehow or another, the people ignorantly sit back and suffer their abuses (Amos 3:3).


“Liberty is the right to do what the law permits! -Charles d Montesquieu

These are not above the law nor are they a law unto themselves.  They are to magnify the law against the crimes (Romans 3:31).

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In conclusion: We can see clearly that these said judges are acting out like the devils that they are (Matthew 7:16; John 8:44) while Americans are in hopes that they will act as the righteous judges that they swore to be (Deuteronomy 25:1), which just isn’t any longer the case!

[Rumble Video]

© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean:

The Bait and Switch Con Game to Destroy Our 1787 Constitution

By Kelleigh Nelson

January 4, 2021

Who are the militia? Are they not ourselves? Congress has no power to disarm the militia. Their swords and every other terrible implement of the soldier, are the birthright of an American.  The unlimited power of the sword is not in the hands of either the federal or state governments, but, where I trust in God it will ever remain, in the hands of the people. — The Pennsylvania Gazette, Feb. 20, 1788

I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations. —James Madison

The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes…. Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.  —Thomas Jefferson

Cities may be rebuilt, and a People reduced to Poverty, may acquire fresh Property: But a Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty once lost is lost forever. When the People once surrender their share in the Legislature, and their Right of defending the Limitations upon the Government, and of resisting every Encroachment upon them, they can never regain it. —John Adams letter to Abigail Adams, July 7, 1775

The Convention of States (COS) proponents have continuously lied to their constituents, most of whom have never opened the US Constitution and read Article V. The push for an Article V Convention is the most vicious bait and switch con-game of all time.

Amendments to the Constitution

COS adherents tell us we can simply open the US Constitution and add amendments to rein in the powers and jurisdictions of the federal government, but if elected officials won’t obey the constitution now, why would they obey changes to the document unless the changes benefited them?!

Article V unequivocally provides only two procedures for amendments to the Constitution, to wit: Method 1.  Congressional Enactment when “two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary,” OR Method 2.  Congressional Convening of a Convention in response to “the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several states.”  Furthermore, even the choice between the two declared modes of State ratification of any resulting amendments therefrom is specifically left to “be proposed by the Congress.”

How much semantical distortion of the English language; or “bouncing off the wall of legalize” does it take to create a “Convention of States” out of Article V? Nowhere in Article V does it say that a convention can be called, opened or convened and bypass Congress, which COS promoters claim they can do.  Read it for yourselves:

The Congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three fourths of the several states, or by conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress; provided that no amendment which may be made prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any manner affect the first and fourth clauses in the ninth section of the first article; and that no state, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate.(Emphasis mine)

Why can’t we add amendments to the constitution as we have for 235 years rather than risking opening the constitution to violent partisans and nefarious individuals?

1787 Convention Precedent

The COS promoters have also stated that they could “control” the convention, but the precedent for total lack of control was set in 1787 when the Founding Fathers realized the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation could not be fixed under the current form of government and thus, started anew.  Throwing out our 1787 Constitution, written by true statesmen, and substituting “privileges” rather than individual freedoms is the goal of those behind the Convention of States and their irrefutable monetary benefactors.

At the time the Articles of Confederation were written there was a widespread fear of a strong central government among Americans whose loyalties were to their own state rather than any national government.  During the American Revolution, the Articles purposely kept the national government as weak as possible and the states as independent as possible.  But there were serious weaknesses, and these weaknesses were discussed at the 1786 Annapolis Convention.  Thus, a new document was needed, but states rights were strongly included in the ten unalienable Bill of Rights.

Convention Advocates and Financiers

Mark Meckler is the man being funded with millions from Koch Brothers organizations, American Legislative Exchange Council and other odious groups and organizations. Rob Natelson, formerly of the Goldwater Institute and now with the Independence Institute, and Michael Farris of the Home School Legal Defense Association and Patrick Henry College are also defenders of the egregious Convention of States.  Yet, they’re afraid to debate those constitutional scholars who know the truth of their intentions.

Their real purpose in opening another Constitutional Convention is to impose a new constitution of their own making.  One of the early rewritten constitutions was published in Rex Tugwell’s 1974 book, The Emerging Constitution.  It was a project over a period of 10 years and $25 million by Fund for the Republic (the Ford Foundation).  The proposed “New States Constitution” is a frightening combination of government privileges rather than individual freedoms, and a culmination of the final objectives of regional governance conspirators.

In addition to the proposed new Constitutions already out there; the National Constitution Center’s Constitution Drafting Project has released three proposed new constitutions to replace our existing constitution.  You can read the proposed new constitutions here. These proposed constitutions would transfer massive new powers to the federal government; would legalize the unconstitutional acts which have been going on for over 100 years; and bring about a long list of additional horrors.

Robert George and the Conservative Constitution

One look at the “Conservative Constitution” headed up by Robert George should give anyone the willies.  Robert George, globalist Council on Foreign Relations member, who poses as a conservative Christian while serving UNESCO and the CFR’s agenda, has found common ground with the purveyors who wish the destruction our 1787 Constitution.

Quite obviously, COS board member, Robert George, would like to delete the entire second amendment.  Here’s what he has written that negates the original meaning of the founder’s “teeth” of our Bill of Rights.

The modified “Second Amendment” clarifies what we understand to be the best original understanding. It provides, “Neither the states nor the United State shall make or enforce any law infringing the right to keep and bear arms of the sort ordinarily used for self-defense or recreational purposes, provided that states, and the United States in places subject to its general regulatory authority, may enact and enforce reasonable regulations on the bearing of arms, and the keeping of arms by persons determined, with due process, to be dangerous to themselves or others.” (Emphasis mine)

So, who will determine those who are dangerous to themselves or others?  Unelected councils as in Soviet Russia?  The same unelected councils as our local county health departments?  Those unelected councils determined healthy people should be locked up, schools should be closed, and everyone should don face diapers, breathing in their own exhaled bacteria, depriving their brains of oxygen, and literally doing damage to themselves. Adopted because other unelected councils told them what to do…NIH, CDC, FDA, AMA, etc… the snakeholders!  Our elected officials willingly complied.

Robert George’s revision of our unalienable second amendment is a prescription for the annihilation of our God given right to defend ourselves, and we know exactly who the targets will be.

America’s Gun Owners

Will Dabbs MD writes for Firearms News and in a recent article he said, “American civilian shooters bought as many firearms in the month of January 2021 as are maintained in the entire US Army inventory.  In a nation of 328 million people, we own more than 400 million guns and forty million of those firearms were sold in 2020.  There’s just no putting that back in the box.  As a people, we are irrevocably armed to the teeth.  No amount of legislated social engineering will ever make a dent.  That means the bad guys in the United States will be well armed until the sun burns out.”

Dr. Dabbs continues, “While the left wishes the United States was actually Sweden or Norway, we pragmatists appreciate that in the face of such a sordid state, we need to assume responsibility for our own security.  In the Information Age, this means we avail ourselves of the proper tools and train to proficiency.”

Remember the summer of 2020, when Antifa thugs pulled Adam Haner out of his pickup truck in Portland during a BLM protest march and beat him unconscious?  His crime was just trying to help another person who had been beaten by the same mob.

As Dr. Dabbs says, “I don’t know about you guys, but that’s just not happening to me.”

“We must avoid this type of chaos at all costs, but should the exigencies of life place you in that sort of place, nothing screams, ‘Don’t screw with me, dude!’ like a handy takedown AR.”


Too many evil entities wish to destroy the finest document of individual God given freedoms ever created by man.  Frederick Douglass said, “Interpreted as it ought to be interpreted, the constitution is a Glorious Liberty Document!”  He was right.

In 1788, James Madison wrote to G.I. Turberville when he was asked how he felt if another General Convention should be called.

He wrote, “You wish to know my sentiments on the project of (an Article V) Convention as suggested by New York. I shall give them to you with great frankness. If a General Convention were to take place for the avowed and sole purpose of revising the Constitution, it would naturally consider itself as having a greater latitude than the Congress appointed to administer and support as well as to amend the system; it would consequently give greater agitation to the public mind; an election into it would be courted by the most violent partizans [sic] on both sides; it would probably consist of the most heterogeneous characters; would be the very focus of that flame which has already too much heated men of all parties; would no doubt contain individuals of insidious views, who under the mask of seeking alterations popular in some parts but inadmissible in other parts of the Union might have a dangerous opportunity of sapping the very foundations of the fabric.”

My friend, Joanna Martin, a true scholar of our 1787 Constitution as well as the Federalist papers, has written a much more in-depth article exposing the deleterious effects of allowing another constitutional convention.  Please take the time to study her work.

The war to save our 1787 Constitution continues.  Please join the battle to restore our God given liberties and freedoms.

© 2021 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson:

The Family Bloodline That Orchestrated Homosexuality, Lesbianism and Pedophilia in America

By Mike Spaulding

January 4, 2021

This is a brief exposé on the history of progressive politics and how it has infiltrated the Church. Readers will be well served to investigate the history of the Church and the relationship between it and the US Federal Government, the wealthy foundations, and Marxist Communism over the last one hundred years.

It is clear from what is discussed above that foundations and the US Federal Government have worked together tirelessly to destroy the Judeo–Christian foundation upon which this nation was built and by which this nation was a light to the world in so many positive ways. Part of their joint plan was to infiltrate and utilize the Church as a primary cultural change agent. This subject needs to be more fully studied, written about, and discussed among Christians.

Marxism has been part of the Protestant Church in America for decades. Edgar C. Bundy reveals that:

In 1919 the New York State Joint Legislative Committee to Investigate Seditious Activities within the state was set up. This committee was headed by state Senator Clayton R. Lusk. It produced a monumental work of four volumes of over 1000 pages each, giving evidence of the infiltration of subversive forces within the State of New York. This committee report was published on April 24, 1920. On the subject of Communist infiltration, Part One has this to say:

There are two dangerous centers of Revolutionary Socialist teaching of a university type in ecclesiastical institutions. One is the Union Theological Seminary of New York [funded by the Rock- efellers], where Christian Ethics are taught by Dr. Harry F. Ward…. Dr. Ward is the author of The New Social Order, in which he shows a decided sympathy for Socialist social forms and is friendly to Bolshevism in Russia. He also wrote The Labor Movement, which contained addresses delivered before the Boston School of Theology, when he was professor of social science at that institution. He expressed in it approval of the I.W.W. [Industrial Workers of the World]. It is reported in a recent issue of the National Civic Federation Review that he gave his endorsement to the new gospel of Bolshevism, which he considers a spiritual movement replacing the outworn Christianity of the Russian Orthodox Church. He characterized the cognate I.W.W. “philosophy” as the most ideal and practical Christian philosophy since the days of Jesus Christ, and as expressing the ideas of Christ much more closely than any church of the present day.

The activities of Dr. Ward, as shown in other parts of this re- port, are entirely consistent with this point of view. He is chairman of the American Civil Liberties Union, which champions the I.W.W., and presided over the I.W.W. meeting of Feb. 9, 1920, held at the Rand School…. He has also been prominent in numerous pacifist and radical societies such as the Fellowship of Reconciliation, the Emergency Peace Conference and People’s Council, the Liberty Defense Union.

Dr. Ward is also connected with the Y.M.C.A., the Y.W.C.A., and the InterChurch World Movement.

Bundy summarizes The Congressional Record on Investigation of Communist Activities in the New York City Area (Parts 6–8): Hearing Before The Committee on Un–American Activities House of Representatives, 83rd Congress, First Session July 7 and 8, and July 13 and 14, 1953, with the following transcript:

The lectures which Dr. Ward made in China date back to 1925, beginning just after he had been to Moscow. Preparation for the fall of China to the Communists was being made in the early 1920’s, when the Kremlin’s Colonial School for training leaders in the take–over of other countries was functioning fully, although China was not won by the Communists until late 1949.

The Communist program is a long–range one. It may take many years to implement its tactics and strategy, but its objectives never change. This clergyman, Dr. Harry F. Ward, not only had a powerful influence in the American churches, through The Federal Council of Churches, softening up his own country with Communist propaganda, but he went overseas to help to prepare China, with its 500 million souls, for eventual capture by communism. Men in the pulpit will not tell their people these things, and the people do not even know that testimony upon them is available.

We continue the testimony from pages 2084 and 2085 of the record.

Mr. KUNZIG: What kind of an organization was the Methodist Federation for Social Action, and how did it differ from a Communist– front organization?

Mr. GITLOW: The Methodist Federation for Social Action, originally called the Methodist Federation for Social Service, was first organized by a group of Socialist, Marxist clergymen of the Methodist church headed by Dr. Harry F. Ward. Dr. Ward was the organizer, for almost a lifetime its secretary and actual leader. He at all times set its ideological and political pattern. Its objective was to transform the Methodist Church and Christianity into an instrument for the achievement of socialism. It was established in 1907, 12 years before the organization of the Communist Party in the United States in 1919.

The outbreak of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia in November 1917 had a tremendous effect upon the Socialist ministers of this organization and especially upon Dr. Ward. When the Communist Party was organized in 1919, Dr. Ward was already a convinced Communist with a few insignificant minor reservations. By 1920 he was already, though not yet a member of the Communist Party, cooperating and collaborating with the Communist Party.

This collaboration of Dr. Ward with the Communist Party was reflected in the expressions and activities of the Methodist Federation for Social Action. The inner hard core of the Methodist Federation consisted, up to the time Jack R. McMichael, a member and leader of the Young Communist League, was elected its executive secretary, after Dr. Ward had relinquished his post, of a Communist cell headed by Ward, which functioned under the direction of the Communist Party.

Mr. KUNZIG: What were the connections between the Methodist Federation for Social Action and the two Communist–front organizations you mentioned that played such an important role in the Communist infiltration of religion?

Mr. GITLOW: In the first place, the Methodist Federation for Social Action was affiliated with and collaborated more closely with the American League Against War and Fascism, and the American League for Peace and Democracy, and the American Youth Congress. 115–118

Mr. KUNZIG: Did Dr. Ward use his position as chairman of the American League Against War and Fascism to aid the Communist conspiracy for the infiltration of the churches?

Mr. GITLOW: He did.

There are a few resources available to readers for their research. Many of them are found in the footnoted information in this chapter. The late Carroll Quigley produced one of the best examinations of the inner workings and secret relationships between the US Federal Government, British Government, US and European financial institutions, and the foundations created for the express purpose of changing governments and cultures around the world toward a globalist, internationalist, centrally controlled socialist civil and economic model.

Quigley confirms what has already been stated throughout this chapter, namely that the wealthy American oligarchy took steps to ensure their wealth was increased and safeguarded at the expense of the average American:

More than fifty years ago, the Morgan firm decided to infiltrate the Left– wing political movements in the United States. This was relatively easy to do, since these groups were starved for funds and eager for a voice to reach the people. Wall Street supplied both.

The associations between Wall Street and the Left…are really survivals of the associations between the Morgan Bank and the Left. To Morgan, all political parties were simply organizations to be used, and the firm always was careful to keep a foot in all camps. Morgan himself, Dwight Morrow, and other partners were allied with the Republicans; Russell C. Leffingwell was allied with the Democrats; Grayson Murphy was allied with the extreme right; and Thomas W. Lamont was allied with the Left.

In 1951 the Subcommittee on Internal Security of the Senate Judiciary Committee, the so–called McCarran Committee, sought to show that China had been lost to the Communists by the deliberate actions of a group of academic experts on the Far East and Communist fellow travelers whose work in that direction was controlled and coordinated by the Institute of Pacific Relations (IPR). The influence of the Communists in IPR is well established, but the patronage of Wall Street is less well known.

The IPR was a private association of ten independent national councils in ten countries concerned with affairs in the Pacific. The headquarters of the IPR and of the American Council of IPR were both in New York and were closely associated on an interlocking basis. Each spent about $2.5 million dollars over the quarter–century from 1925 to 1950, of which about half, in each case came from the Carnegie Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation (which were themselves interlocking groups controlled by an alliance of Morgan and Rockefeller interests in Wall Street).

One author leaves no doubt about the avarice of the Foundations:

People must understand that the funding for so much of what goes on today comes, at least in the United States, from our great tax–exempt foundations, such as the Rockefeller Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the Carnegie Foundation and the Pew Foundation. They have fabulous amounts of money—hundreds of billions of dollars—which they then disseminate to religious, political and cultural organizations. Their priority is to change the message of the Christian churches. They’ve certainly infiltrated the Catholic Church and her seminaries; indeed, their agents are working at the highest levels of the Catholic Church today, which is why that Church has protected the pedophile priests who have been molesting boys here in America. In the Protestant churches, they’ve done similar things; they’ve changed the message there, too. People who want to be ministers go to seminaries, and there they learn what they think is the truth. But they don’t understand this: if you want to change the message of the Protestant faith, you must infiltrate the seminaries with people who will subtly change the message while merely professing to believe in Christianity.

The Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations are especially culpable for their funding of eugenics, birth control, and abortion. E. Michael Jones reveals that:

By 1932, Margaret Sanger had become completely attached to the goals of the eugenics movement, partially because she was being funded by the plutocrat aristocracy…On March 1, 1934…John D. Rockefeller III, scion of the Rockefeller family, wrote his father urging him, in spite of shutting down the Bureau of Social Hygiene, to continue his support of both the American Birth Control League, which was to get $10,000, and Sanger’s National Association of Federal Legislation, which was to get $1000…Eventually John D. Rockefeller III would go on to create the Population Council in the early ‘50s, which would fund the research that would come up with both the pill and the IUD…In 1942, in reaction to the bad name that eugenics had got by its association with National Socialism in Germany, the American Birth Control League changed its name to Planned Parenthood…In 1943 Planned Parenthood launched its “Negro Program,” a nation–wide educational program” whose purpose was “creating among Negroes a greater understanding of the importance of Planned Parenthood to their health and welfare and economic security” and, of course, to reduce their birthrate by persuading them to use contraception…On December 26, 1945, Packard wrote to Morris Hadley of Planned Parenthood, informing him that John D. Rockefeller III had made a contribution of $2500 to support PP’s Harlem Project, which was “to provide an example for other Negro communities” on how to reduce their numbers through the use of contraception.

Have you considered that three of the most fiercely argued issues of our time: sexual deviancy, abortion, and illegal immigration are all supported by tax exempt foundations? This is not coincidence. Homosexuality, lesbianism, and pedophilia have been orchestrated since the 1940s by the Rockefeller Foundation.

This article is an excerpt of the book Social Injustice: Exposing the False Gospel of the Social Justice Movement, which brought together authors Jeff Dornik, Brannon Howse, Dr Andy Woods, Dr Mike Spaulding, Thomas Littleton, Ken Peters, Sam Jones, Ian M Giatti, Patrick Wyett, Paige Rogers, Dustin Faulkner, Schumann and the foreword by Mychal Massie. This team of authors exposes the heresy of Social Justice and how it preaches a false Gospel.

© 2021 Mike Spaulding – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Mike Spaulding:

E-Mail Mike Spaulding: pastormike@cclohio.corg

OSHA – No Authority to Force Experimental Injections

By: Devvy

December 3, 2022

Nov. 4, 2021, the illegitimate career criminal camped out in the White House issued his latest draconian “policies” for fighting COVID-19. The first paragraph is a steaming pile of propaganda:  Fact Sheet: Biden Administration Announces Details of Two Major Vaccination Policies

“First, the Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is announcing the details of a requirement for employers with 100 or more employees to ensure each of their workers is fully vaccinated or tests for COVID-19 on at least a weekly basis.”

This reminds me of the NONSENSE about “social distancing” based on ZERO science: 6’.  Why not 5 1’/2 feet or 7 feet?  Disgusting.

Jason Wilkersmith owns a pipe fitting/repair company in Texas which employs 77 people (fictional).  His employees are not subject to the above.  Cynthia Brown owns a delivery trucking company (fictional).  They only operate in the State of Texas and employ 114 people from janitors, secretaries, dispatch operators, drivers, etc.  Under the “requirement” above, Brown’s employees will be forced to either take an experimental injection not approved by the FDA putting their life in jeopardy or subjecting themselves to weekly testing while Wilkersmith’s employees are not.

Biden Exempts Over 600,000 USPS Workers From Federal Mandatory Vaccination Order – I checked with a lady at our post office on December 30, 2021 – They are still not required to get those experimental injections.  But, under Biden’s new policy:

“Second, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) at the Department of Health and Human Services is announcing the details of its requirement that health care workers at facilities participating in Medicare and Medicaid are fully vaccinated. The rule applies to more than 17 million workers at approximately 76,000 health care facilities, including hospitals and long-term care facilities.”

Fifth Circuit overturns nationwide injunction on vaccine mandate for health care workers, Dec. 15, 2021 – “In the underlying lawsuit from 14 state attorneys general, a federal judge in Louisiana issued a nationwide injunction against the mandate that cuts federal funding to Medicare- and Medicaid-certified hospitals, hospices and other care facilities if they employ unvaccinated workers.”

Congress and their staffs number way more than 100 employees are exempt. Why? Career crook, Nancy Pelosi, told the whole world. Pelosi in April 2021: ‘We Cannot Require Someone to be Vaccinated. That’s Just Not What We Can Do’  – So haul her arse into court under subpoena, put her on the stand and ask the question:  Why can’t the federal government – including agencies like OSHA – force anyone to be injected against their will with experimental gene therapy technology?

U.S. National Library of Medicine NIH, June 2021

OSHA-Mandated Vaccinations

“The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is likely to promulgate an emergency temporary standard for COVID-19, which could require face masks, other appropriate personal protective equipment, physical distancing, and similar measures. It also might require that some or all employees be vaccinated. Under the Occupational Safety and Health Act, the Secretary of Labor may issue an emergency temporary standard “if employees are exposed to grave danger from substances or agents determined to be toxic or physically harmful or from new hazards.” 20

“An OSHA standard requiring employers to ensure that all employees are vaccinated might face two types of legal challenges. First, a court might hold that there is no “grave danger” justifying the requirement for workers who do not face heightened risks of exposure. Second, a standard could be challenged if it does not generally permit employees to decline vaccinations or does not include medical and religious exemptions. OSHA’s blood-borne pathogen standard requires employers to offer vaccination for hepatitis B to exposed health care employees, but employees can decline vaccination for any reason. Although a verified medical exemption from COVID-19 vaccination probably would involve a small number of employees, religious exemptions might be claimed more broadly, and not allowing them might raise issues under the First Amendment and RFRA.”

I am not a lawyer and have no legal training but I have been blessed for over twenty years with dear friends who are constitutional attorneys and have learned a lot from them.  It seems to me this is an equal protection under the law argument.

The new policy also includes forced masking:  “The OSHA rule will also require that these employers provide paid-time for employees to get vaccinated, and ensure all unvaccinated workers wear a face mask in the workplace.”

OSHA’s alleged mission is to ensure safety within the workplace.  We KNOW wearing face masks cause IRREVERSIBLE BRAIN DAMAGE.  We KNOW they are worthless in protecting the person wearing one as it relates to protecting a person against the phantom COVID-19 virus. READ:  German Neurologist On Face Masks: ‘Oxygen Deprivation Causes Permanent Neurological Damage’

“The delusional madness of forcing children to wear face masks blatantly ignores expert warnings:  “The child needs the brain to learn, and the brain needs oxygen to function. We don’t need a clinical study for that. This is simple, indisputable physiology.”

“This well-known German neurologist and neurophysiologist, Dr. Margarite Griesz-Brisson, warns of a tsunami of dementia years down the road because of oxygen deprivation from wearing masks today. Are you willing to risk your brain to scientifically unfounded, politically-motivated mandates?”⁃ TN Editor

Wonder why your child(ren) are showing so poorly on new testing this school year?

Lockdown Policies and Mask Mandates Linked With Lower IQ in Children & Nurse Whistle blower on large number of CHILDREN vaxx damaged

I received an email about ten days ago from a woman, I’ll call her Linda, whose been a nurse for 28 years; the last ten in the ER.  ‘Linda’ explained she has put in her resignation because a recent action on her part could have seriously injured a patient.  Linda said they’ve been forced to wear a mask full time since the first week of February 2020.  Then forced masking to buy food at the grocery store, etc.  Linda noticed a couple of months ago she seems to be having brain fog.

At her job she almost put in the wrong medicine into the drip bag for a patient and it scared her badly.  After thinking and praying and her fear of hurting a patient, she’s quitting nursing.  Linda is a college graduate and said she is actively looking for a new job where she won’t be forced to get one of those injections or wear one of those damaging masks.

47 studies confirm ineffectiveness of masks for COVID and 32 more confirm their negative health effects, July 23, 2021

150 Studies Show Masks Ineffective, Harmful, Dec. 24, 2021

“A former adviser to the World Health Organization and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has compiled a list of more than 150 studies and articles presenting data and evidence that universal masking is ineffective in stopping the spread of SARS-CoV-2 and causes harm.Paul Alexander, in an article for the Brownstone Institute listing the studies, says his focus is on “the prevailing science that we have had for nearly 20 months.”

So you see, OSHA isn’t trying to make the workplace safe, they are deliberately making it dangerous and damaging to the health of workers. Particularly so for airline pilots/co-pilots if forced to wear one in the cockpit or anyone involved in dangerous work like construction.

I did some research on face masks.  Way back in the late 1700’s when medicine and “doctoring” was coming of age, a doctor and any “assistants” would tie bandanas around their face to keep from spitting on the patient or from having brain matter and other body fluids squirted at them.  Had nothing to do with protecting them from some disease or even the common cold.

Occupational Safety and Health Administration – OSH Act of 1970 – Congressional Findings and Purpose

(a) 29 USC 651

The Congress finds that personal injuries and illnesses arising out of work situations impose a substantial burden upon, and are a hindrance to, interstate commerce in terms of lost production, wage loss, medical expenses, and disability compensation payments.

(b) Skip, more feel-good language


by encouraging employers and employees in their efforts to reduce the number of occupational safety and health hazards at their places of employment, and to stimulate employers and employees to institute new and to perfect existing programs for providing safe and healthful working conditions;

First:  John Jay Memorial Hospital (fictional) in Miami (or Dallas or Los Angeles) employs 1,100 doctors, nurses, janitors, technicians, etc.  That hospital is not engaged in interstate commerce as so legally defined:

  1. commercial trade, business, movement of goods or money, or transportation from one state to another, regulated by the federal government according to powers spelled out in Article I of the Constitution.

How about Bob & Sons Construction (fictional) which does construction work all over the state of Michigan and employs 115 full time employees?  They are not moving goods or money to another state but rather are building houses, a convenience store, remodeling a school gym solely within the State of Michigan.

Second:  Notice the word ‘encouraging’.  Why not must or shall? I covered this in a recent column:

“We know from reading Art. 1, Sec. 8 of the U.S. Constitution that health care is not an enumerated power granted to Congress. We should also go back and look at the Zellman memo:

“…for a law to be valid, it must be constitutional and second, let’s remember what killed Comrade Hillary Clinton’s attempt back in 1993 when she was co-president. The Zellman memo was obtained under the Freedom of Information Act in an effort to find out what went on in those secret health care meetings:

“Memorandum for Walter Zellman from Sallyanne Payton, clearly marked: Preliminary Draft for Official Use Only. Do Not Quote or Release For Any Purpose, page 4, Health Care Task Reform under Hillary Clinton. Please note these sections:

“(b) may the federal government use other actors in the governmental system(Note:  In this case OSHA) and the private sector as its agents and give them orders as though they were parts of a prefectorial system? The short answer is “no.” State governments are independent, although subordinated, sovereignties, not subdivisions of the federal government.

“Although the federal government may regulate many of their functions directly [as well, for example, it subjects state water districts to the Clean Water Act], it may not require them to exercise their own governmental powers in a manner dictated by federal law. The states may be encouraged, bribed or threatened into entering into joint federal state programs of various sorts, from unemployment insurance to Medicaid; but they may not be commanded directly to use their own governmental apparatus in the service of federal policy. There is a modest jurisprudence of the Tenth Amendment that seems to have settled on this proposition. See the DOJ [Dept. of Justice] memorandum for a fuller elaboration.” *End*

“Additionally, the so-called reporting requirements by employers will cost them a lot of money which down the road means lay-offs or no new hiring. The U.S. Congress has zero authority to force employers in the private sector to dance to their tune and its long past time to fight them.”

Partnering with OSHA by any state is voluntary.  DeSantis on Florida Potentially Ditching OSHA: ‘They Don’t Recognize Core Scientific Facts’, Nov. 16, 2021 – “There’s a lot of states that don’t do OSHA. … and I think it’s an appropriate response given how heavy-handed OSHA’s being,” DeSantis said. Well, governor – what are you waiting for?

State Plans – OSHA  I covered this before, but it’s important:  Not all states have a partnership with OSHA.

“State Plans are OSHA-approved workplace safety and health programs operated by individual states or U.S. territories. There are currently 22 State Plans covering both private sector and state and local government workers, and there are six State Plans covering only state and local government workers. State Plans are monitored by OSHA and must be at least as effective as OSHA in protecting workers and in preventing work-related injuries, illnesses and deaths.”

No state should allow OSHA to operate within their state nor can a state be forced as this is a Tenth Amendment issue.  It’s just another layer of federal bureaucracy that isn’t needed by any state.  Any state can put together a state plan on safety, dealing with hazards, etc.  They just need legislation if not already in place. We all want the work place to be safe but we don’t need tyranny disguised as “I’m from the government and I’m here to help you”.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration – OSH Act of 1970 – Congressional Findings and Purpose goes on to blather about educating employers and employees, etc.


(a) Each employer —

(1) 29 USC 654

shall furnish to each of his employees employment and a place of employment which are free from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm to his employees;

Biden’s “new policy” under OSHA was allegedly put in place because COVID is out of control, an emergency.  Yet, Fact Sheet: Biden Administration Announces Details of Two Major Vaccination Policies is dated Nov. 4, 2021, but doesn’t go into effect until Jan. 4, 2022.

When was the last time you heard of OSHA requiring employees of any company, no matter how many employees – be vaccinated against any virus?  OSHA deals with hazardous chemicals, waste and spills.  So, has OSHA overstepped its authority?  I believe so and it’s up to the states to just say NO.  And, critically important:  Those are experimental injections still in clinical trials until 2023.  Legally they are NOT vaccines nor have they been approved by the Federal Death Administration.

Let’s take a look back:  The swine flu epidemic that was not as CDC advertised (PODCAST), Feb. 19, 2020, Sharyl Attkisson

“When the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) was publicizing a supposed swine epidemic in2009, I got a tip from two government health insiders.  It led me to ask CDC for the actual lab test results for American patients believed to have contracted swine flu.

“CDC declined to provide the information on a timely basis, even though it was at their fingertips and belongs to the public.  Read CDC’s info on swine flu here.  So I went to each of the 50 states, which had provided the lab test results to CDC, and obtained the information that way.  The results were shocking. Almost none of the “swine flu” patients had swine flu.”

Mandatory Vaccinations?  Tell Feds and States to ‘Stick It’, August 24, 2009, Mine

“The Internet has been burning up for months with this question: Will there be forced vaccinations for the H1N1 ‘swine flu’? The WHO (World Health Organization) has been making splashy headlines about a “coming pandemic” that will dwarf anything seen in the history of the world! Who gives a tinker’s damn what the WHO says?…

“Additionally, there is great concern about the timing of this “coming pandemic.” It appears from this patent application that the H1N1 was on the list, August 28, 2007. The actual filing was, August 28, 2008; see page seven for list of viruses. The first cases of H1N1 were only reported a few months ago here in the US. Mexico, April 2009; Iraq in June, 2009; Tunesia in June 2009; Australia, June 19, 2009; Manilla shows May 2009; Turkey, May 2009 and so on. It is my understanding from my research that the ‘swine flu’ is a “new” Influenza A strain that only appeared earlier this year. If it’s so new, how come that patent for the H1N1 is dated back to August 2007?”

Sound familiar? If you missed it, this is an interview you don’t want to miss I’ve linked to before:  Nothing about the “novel” coronavirus is new:  Dr. David Martin with Reiner Fuellmich, July 21, 2021.  Why is that interview so important?  Because it covers patents and SARS.

See how they lie – repeated ad nauseum by the prostitute media and politicians

United Airlines Pilots’ Mandatory Vaccine Lawsuit Tossed for Procedural Errors

“On August 17, the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida issued a decision tossing out a lawsuit by 18 United Airlines pilots challenging the airline’s mandatory COVID-19 vaccine policy. The pilots filed a request for a TRO, or temporary restraining order, to stop this policy. Based on errors in how this case was filed, the court dismissed the case “without prejudice,” meaning that the plaintiffs can re-sue with more complete paperwork. The mandate was announced on August 6; it requires all employees to get a vaccine no later than five weeks after full approval by FDA (which has now happened for Pfizer) or within five weeks of September 20. Those not vaccinated by October 25 will be fired. The suit named seven defendants including United Airlines and various government officials and departments.

None of those experimental injections have been approved by the corrupt FDA. Scandal behind the FDA fake approval of Pfizer Jab

“Buried in a footnote in the letter the FDA admits there are two legally separate entities and vaccines—Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 Vaccine and BioNTech GmbH of Mainz with its own vaccine trade-named Comrinaty. The FDA writes that “The products are legally distinct with certain differences…” Legally distinct means two separate vaccines. If you find this confusing it is meant to be. Only under an EUA ruling is Pfizer presently exempt from vaccine liability. Some lawyers are calling the FDA ruse a classic “bait and switch” tactic, a form of fraud based on deception.

“US vaccinologist and a developer of the mRNA technique, Dr Robert Malone, has accused the FDA of playing a “bureaucratic shell game” with their supposed early approval of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine. He cites the two separate FDA letters, “There is a letter for Pfizer and a letter for BioNTech. The New York Times and the Washington Post got it wrong. The authorization is not for Pfizer. The authorization is for BioNTech, and it will only be initiated at the time BioNTech product becomes available…”

“Adding to the bizarre irregularities, in their two separate letters, one to BioNTech and another to Pfizer, the FDA repeatedly deletes the location of the vaccine manufacturing they approve. Why that? Is it in China where BioNTech has a joint agreement with Fosun Pharma of Shanghai to jointly produce and market Comirnaty vaccine for COVID-19? Why do they need to hide that location data from the public? Would it expose the entire fraud?”

Why? Because they unleashed a killing tool on the world and think they can get away with it – unless the American people scream down the house and refuse to comply.  None of the 50 governors or state attorney generals care because the primaries are coming up.  One judge says this, another rules the opposite.  It’s nothing but a damn mess.

Perhaps going after your county board of supervisors brings it down to a more personal level:  Stop distribution of those dangerous experimental injections and hand each one a package.  You might even be one reading this or know one of the supervisors personally.  If we can only get a few it will reverberate across this country in a NY second.

I firmly believe one of the reasons it’s so difficult to get any of them to pay attention is not so much they think career crook/criminal Anthony Fauci (who will receive an annual retirement income of $350,000 per year, the highest in history) is right or the CDC but because of fear.  They’ve taken those injections and do NOT want to believe they will likely be dead in 3-5 years during which time the individual will suffer the effects of those injections.  Permanent irreversible damage to the heart, lungs, kidney, liver, brain while living a daily hell.

Traditionally if a vaccine kills 5 people it’s given a black box mark as a warning.  If 50 die, it’s immediately pulled from the market even if it cannot be proven the vaccine was cause of death.  THAT is a fact.

Louisiana Nurse: “We Have Had More Children Die From The COVID Vaccine Than Of COVID Itself – The Madness Has to Stop!”, Dec. 23, 2021

Columbia University Study: At least 400,000 people in America have died from covid “vaccines”, Dec. 27, 2021 – And how many more have died since then?  Well, they must be conspiracy theorists and anti-vaxxers.

Fight back.  Share this column every where so the American people get the truth.  I find no where in the OSHA Act of 1970 or on OSHA’s web site that gives them the authority to force experimental injections that are not vaccines (Moderna & Ffizer are classified as gene therapy by the FDA.  Gene therapy is NOT a vaccine) under EUA (Emergency Use Authorization.)

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions.

© 2021 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:


“Brain Bleeds, Heart Attacks in Younger 50-Year-Olds. No Doctor Will Admit This Is from the Vaccine. They Won’t Make the VAERS Re­port.” – Southern California Nurse, Dec. 27, 2021

California Nurses Blow Whistle on “Overwhelming” Numbers of Heart Attacks, Clotting, Strokes as Doctors Refuse to Blame Vaccines for Fear of Losing Their Medical License, Dec. 27, 2021 – Fear of losing your medical license?  How do you look in the mirror every morning and live with yourself?  Fight back with evidence or leave California and practice in a state like Texas, Montana, Florida South Dakota or other states.  He who shouts the loudest gets heard.

Call the media, call local radio stations and ask people if they’d like to be the next victim.  That you have to speak out, that you’re being threatened for telling the truth.  Silence is a sin when people’s lives are at stake. Form a group, doctors and nurses.  Become a force to be reckoned with and a nightmare for hospitals hiding the truth.

I’m a federal whistleblower.  I knew as soon as I filed a Fraud, Waste & Abuse case against my own job it was just a matter of time before I was terminated.  After being informed I was going to lose my job, I told the head toady in personnel I was going straight to the media so look for me tonight on the news.  To avoid the House of Sh*t they created about to crash down on them, I was temporarily transferred to contracting.  Nine months later I lost my paycheck.  I know what’s it’s like but I have never regretted my decision even though it was a financial hardship.  The Inspector General sided with me, not the Air Force, but of course, that didn’t matter.

49-year-old N.Y. Times editor dies ‘less than a day’ after COVID shot, Dec. 27, 2021

Bio SucharitBhakdi:  Dr. SucharitBhakdi Retired German Microbiologist.  Univeristy of Bonn, University of Giessen, Univeristy of Mainz, Univeristy of Copenhagen, Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics.  1991 forward Bhakdi headed up the Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene; visiting scholar at the University of Kiel.  Before his retirement he had many scientific articles and produced scientific work in bacteriology and atherosclerosis.  He received the prestigious Order of Merit of Rhineland-Palatinate award.

Member of the Collaborative Research Centres of the German Research Foundation “Proteins as Tools in Biology” at the University of Giessen, Co-founder and board member of the Association of Physicians and Scientists for Health, Freedom and Democracy, Deputy Spokesperson of the Collaborative Research Center “Immunopathogenesis” and Spokesperson of the Collaborative Research Center “490 Infection and Persistence in Infections” in Mainz.  For the past year he’s been maligned, smeared and attacked.  Wikipedia says he is a leader in misleading and false information about those injections.

Like you, I have a very busy schedule, but I feel the videos below are critical for everyone to watch:

Dr. Peter McCullough Drops Truth Bomb After Truth Bomb In Fresno, CA [VIDEO]

WATCH this video presented by Dr. Bharkdi. Dr Bhakdi: Vaccines Are Killing Us! Killer Lymphocytes Invading Hearts & Lungs OfVaxxed People, Dec. 25, 2021

Must Watch David Martin: This Man Is a Genius (Video), Dec. 25, 2021

What We Have Done to Our Children Is a Crime, Dec. 26, 2021

Vaccine Secrets (Reloaded)- 10 part series for free

Want to see this happen in the U.S. Won’t? Think again.  This IS the globalists grand plan:  Corporate Media Silent as Mass Protests Taking Place Worldwide in Reaction to New Lockdowns, Mandates

“As TFTP reported this week, despite many countries across the planet achieving vaccination rates as high as 100%, covid cases are still spiking. Because the state’s only tools are force and coercion, as the seasonal spikes inevitably hit, governments across the world are ushering in more tyranny. But after nearly two years of being locked down, shut in, covered up, driven to poverty and watching the police state thrive, many of we the people have had enough. They are mad as hell and they’re not gonna take it anymore.

“On Monday, Austria rolled out the most tyrannical measures yet and segregated society into two classes: vaccinated and unvaccinated. If you are unvaccinated, you are forced to stay in your home and are not allowed to go out into public unless it is for food or other explicitly designated activity.”

Vaccines Do Not Stop COVID-19 Spread as Governments Claim: Legal Advocacy Group, Dec. 24, 2021 – “The report (pdf), published Tuesday by the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, found that claims made by government leaders that mandatory vaccination will reduce or stop the spread of COVID-19 are not supported by either medical science or real-life experience in the countries that have achieved the highest level of vaccination.

“Unfortunately, and contrary to government-led narratives and media coverage in both Canada and the U.S., the evidence strongly suggests vaccinations do not stop the spread of Covid—not the original strains, and not the later Delta and Omicron variants,” the Justice Centre said.”

Texas AG gains federal injunction against another Biden vaccine mandate

Looking Back on 2021: The Diminishing Value Of Being An American Citizen

By Frosty Wooldridge

January 3, 2022

Part 3: Why diminish U.S. citizenship? What purpose to add 100 million refugees to our shores? What about gas, food and housing prices?

Do you get the feeling that 2022 will become much worse than 2021? Do you get the feeling that our government spirals out of control or should we say, competence? Do you feel that SO much corruption in Congress brings with it political Karma and real consequences?

Let’s face it: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, aged 82, proves herself one of the MOST corrupt politicians of the 20th & 21st centuries—but she keeps on chugging along—with no consequences to her, personally.  But the American people pay and pay and pay.

On FOX NEWS’ Greg Gutfeld’s “Gutty Awards” for 2021, one of the comedians said that the worst joke of the year was, “Putting a senile old man into the White House and thinking something good was going to come out of that…it’s like repeating the same mistake over and over again…and thinking something would improve.”

Einstein said, “The problems of the world are so enormous, that they cannot be solved with the level of thinking that created those problems.”

And yet, the people in Washington DC continue to continue their lack of leadership, problem solving and proactive actions.  It’s like watching a Merry-Go-Round that keeps showing you the same horse with each revolution…but it and you are going nowhere.

Looking back on 2021, this journalist witnessed a downgrading of American citizenship like never before in our history.  While those clever politicians in DC don’t mind spending your money on 20-year wars, foreign aid, massive intake of refugees, endless drugs over unprotected borders, never solving our inner-city ghettoes, incredible violence and thefts from criminals, et al., they watch our entire country rot from the ground up with spiraling gasoline costs, food costs, accelerating pandemic…and worst of all, the value of being a United States citizen.

Right now, imported by our U.S. Congress, we tolerate 45 million foreign-born refugees in America. Another 25 million illegal migrants operate in our country. Every year, Congress allows 300,000 illegal pregnant mothers to birth their “jackpot babies” on our shores. Every year, Congress allows an average of 500,000 illegal aliens to cross our borders. This year, Biden invited 2,000,000 illegals by his own hand.  Under Biden, we faced another four million more foreign-born entering and their birthrates at 900,000 more babies in 2021.  At our current rate of importing refugees, we face an added 100,000,000 people scrounging for water, energy and resources within the next 28 years—by 2050.

“Unlimited population growth cannot be sustained; you cannot sustain growth in the rates of consumption of resources. No species can overrun the carrying capacity of a finite land mass. This Law cannot be repealed and is not negotiable.” Dr. Albert Bartlett,, University of Colorado, USA.

Does that horrific number of people, jumping from 333 million to 440 million by 2050 bother you?   If not, why not?  Do the sheer numbers send a shiver up your spine…for your kids?

“Most Western elites continue urging the wealthy West not to stem the migrant tide [that adds 80 million net gain annually to the planet], but to absorb our global brothers and sisters until their horrid ordeal has been endured and shared by all—ten billion humans packed onto an ecologically devastated planet.” Dr. Otis Graham, Unguarded Gates

Does that quote upset you?  Are there any main stream media outlets asking that question?  If not, why not?  Why aren’t those 535 Congressional critters asking those questions?  Why aren’t they doing something about it?  Why are they allowing open borders, ad nauseum?  Do you think we can survive another 100 million people added to our country?

Will such demands on our energy supplies lower gas prices, propane prices, food prices, material prices and everything else?

In other words, who is steering the U.S.S. America-Titanic into a population iceberg?  And why?  To what purpose?

Esteemed historian Douglas Murray said, “A country that imports the world’s people, imports the world’s problems.”

This past week, that 2,000 acre wildfire in Boulder, Colorado missed my house by  ½ mile. If it had burned my house down, I would be homeless as are 1,000 families, right now.  How did it start?  Officials point to an arsonist.  That’s a pretty sadistic person who knowingly set the plains on fire with 80 mph winds…knowing the utter destruction he/she would cause.

Biden just imported 124,000 Islamic refugees in 2021.  How many do you think are planning their own jihad against our country?

How will adding all those people solve Chicago’s Death Zone? How will adding millions to our country solve our Lake Michigan-sized problems in our country in 2022?

According to the latest reports, Chicago added up 22,400 violent assaults in 2021

Do you think we’re becoming so big, so diverse, so out of balance, so complicated and, subsequently, so violent, that we cannot solve our problems?  Because if we could, we would. But the fact is, we can’t, and we haven’t.

Richard Johnson said, “In the year 212 A.D., the Roman Emperor Caracalla issued an edict which declared that all free men in the Roman Empire were given full Roman citizenship, and all free women were given the same rights as Roman women. Prior to this edict, only those inhabiting Italy, and a small number of important provincials held full citizenship. As Wikipedia states “The Roman Historian Cassius Dio contended that the sole motivation for the edict was a desire to increase state revenue. At the time aliens did not have to pay most taxes that were required of citizens, so although nominally Caracalla was elevating their legal status, he was more importantly expanding the Roman tax base. But the effect of this was to remove the distinction that citizenship had held since the foundation of Rome, and as such the act had a profound effect upon the fabric of Roman society.” What was it to be a Roman anymore? The imposition of America’s 1965 Immigration Law also had alleged economic “justifications,” and the handmaiden current lack of effective border security targets the existing demographic coherency. If not corrected, soon will be posed the question “What is it to be an American anymore?”

With another 4,000,000 foreigners added to our country in 2021, and another 4,000,000 this year, we’re in for another rough ride in 2022.  God help us!

Is anyone in America thinking about these questions?  Are we not galloping into America’s twilight years?

If you would like a free electronic copy of this book, please email me with your email address and I will send it to you.  Every American with children or any American who will live in this country in 2050, needs to understand what they face.

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121.

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

This video will scare the daylights out of every American as to what’s coming to our country, US Citizenship Act 2021 by Joe Biden.

If you want to see two documentaries that give visual proof of my book’s contents, go to Netflix, and type in “Cowspiracy” that shows you the damage to the air, land and water.  Watch “Seaspiracy” to see how humans are destroying the oceans.

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Government Corruption

By Roger Anghis

January 2, 2022

America is drowning in debt not just individually but the government can’t seem to stop spending. The waste in government is shocking, to say the least. It seems to be in every area of government. In an interview by Jim Jordon concerning the CDC, the NIAID, and the NIH  we find that the budget for the CDC is $9 billion.  NIAID has a budget of $6 billion and the NIH has a budget of $42-43 billion.  There are about 31,000 employees at the CC and NIH but in all of that, they have never done a study on natural immunity. Most of these studies are done overseas primarily by Israel.  Their studies show that natural immunity is about twenty-seven times more effective than any form of a vaccine. One would think that if natural immunity is that effective we should spend a good portion of that $58 billion on studies about natural immunity.  But the problem is natural immunity doesn’t make Big Pharma any money.  Vaccines do.  Follow the money.

The government also wastes an unbelievable amount of money on stuff that should be left to private industry.  There also seems to be no sense nor accountability for some of the spending government does. In a report from 2009: The Pentagon recently spent $998,798 shipping two 19-cent washers from South Carolina to Texas and $293,451 sending an 89-cent washer from South Carolina to Florida.[2] I’m a big fan of our military but this is ridiculous.  They seem to have a blank check sometimes for certain items. A GAO audit found that 95 Pentagon weapons systems suffered from a combined $295 billion in cost overruns.[3]

We’ve all heard about the infamous ‘earmarks’ our members of Congress slip into a spending bill.  These are pet projects for members of Congress in their districts that help get them re-elected. Despite trillion-dollar deficits, last year’s 10,160 earmarks included $200,000 for a tattoo removal program in Mission Hills, California; $190,000 for the Buffalo Bill Historical Center in Cody, Wyoming; and $75,000 for the Totally Teen Zone in Albany, Georgia.[4]

This corruption goes far beyond just money. We have learned that the largest contributor to autism is a product called glyphosate which is the main ingredient in agent orange, heavily used in Viet Nam in the 1960s and 1970s, but it is the main ingredient in the weed killer Roundup. Another 25%, the interaction of toxic exposures and genetic factors is thought to be causative.14,15 In 2012, scientists identified 10 chemicals suspected of causing learning disabilities and ASD:16

Of these, glyphosate is a top suspect17,18 for the simple reason that exposure to it is so widespread. Research19 published in 2019 found women exposed to 11 commonly used pesticides — including glyphosate — during pregnancy have a higher risk of having a child diagnosed with autism.

Pregnant women who lived within a 2,000-meter (1.24 miles) radius of a highly-sprayed area were 10% to 16% more likely to have children diagnosed with autism than those who lived farther away. As reported by Time:20

“When they looked at diagnoses of autism spectrum disorder that also came with intellectual disabilities, they found on average 30% higher rates among children who were exposed to the pesticides while in utero. Exposure in the first year of life increased the risk of autism by up to 50% compared to those not exposed to certain pesticides.”[5]

Keep in mind the government, the FDA, and the EPA, have approved the use of this product on the food we eat! We stopped using DDT because of the negative effects on birds and animals but we’ve ignored the effect of this deadly chemical that is put on AND in our food.  The team – led by Paul Winchester, medical director of the neonatal intensive care unit at the Franciscan St. Francis Health System and professor of clinical pediatrics at Riley Hospital for Children in Indianapolis, Ind. – found glyphosate residues in 90 percent of the women, and high levels of those residues appeared to correlate with shortened pregnancies and below-average birth weights adjusted for age. The findings alarmed the researchers because such babies are at increased risk of diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and lower cognitive abilities. “Gestational age maximizes the size of your brain at birth, and any shortening is essentially a reduction of IQ points,” Winchester said in an interview with FERN’s Ag Insider. “It has not just health, but lifetime achievement implications.”[6] I wonder how much in political contributions companies like Bayer, Monsanto and others make to members of Congress? The original manufacturer of glyphosate is Monsanto and they lost a $10.9 billion lawsuit[7] because of the cancers that this product causes but you can still walk into any Home Depot, Lowe’s, or Ace Hardware and by Roundup by the gallons.  It is shameful that animals are considered more valuable than humans specifically our children. In my opinion, only corrupt politicians would take bribes in the form of political contributions to allow this product to be used in our food production.  My brother died from exposure to agent orange while a Sea Bee in Viet Nam. His family was never compensated but it is obvious that our politicians have been well compensated by the pharmaceutical companies.

Another blatant violation of the Constitution that our federal government has done, specifically the Biden administration, is completely ignoring Article 4 Section 4: “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them from Invasion . . .” Both of these provisions have been violated specifically the invasion article. Our southern border has blown up and the Biden administration is doing nothing to fix it. Trump was building the wall which Biden stopped on his first day in office and we are being overrun by illegals to the tune of over 6500 a day that we catch!  The worst part is the Republicans aren’t demanding, very hard, that something be done.  But then George W Bush refused to do anything, George HW Bush left it open and, Jeb Bush wouldn’t have done anything either so this shouldn’t be a big surprise.

This column doesn’t even scratch the surface of how corrupt just the federal government is.  The State governments have proven just as bad. California, Illinois, New York, New Jersey and, the majority of all Democrat-run states prove that point.

It is time to pay attention to who we put into office. A lot of attention.  The ones we have put in are destroying our nation.

© 2021 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Jim Jordan blows the lid off the cdc corruption
  6. Researchers find glyphosate pregnant women worry impact infants
  7. Roundup Search B Lawsuit Generic Cases

Either You’re Serious, Or You’re Not

By Rob Pue

January 2, 2022

In my work, I do a fair amount of counseling with individuals, couples and families dealing with some very troubling issues in their lives. I also do pre-marital counseling when I’m asked to perform a wedding ceremony. This type of work was never in my plan for ministry, but God had other ideas, and it seems He’s called me to provide counsel more and more often lately. As people read our nationally-distributed Christian newspaper, hear my commentaries on the radio or watch our weekly TV program, many have sought me out with questions, to ask for prayer and to seek counsel.

In this message, I don’t intend to betray any confidential information and certainly won’t be mentioning any names. The issues I speak of may relate to you or someone you know, but understand that I’m talking about the most serious issues people contact me about in a general way, and not any specific person.

The troubles people are struggling with today are many, as they try to navigate through this sinful, fallen world the best they’re able. Many people are living in unbearable circumstances, and have been for a very long time and things have not gotten any better for them. There are troubled marriages, people struggling with being unequally yoked with an unbelieving spouse, there are situations where children, raised in Christian homes, have fallen away from their faith and embraced all the sin and wickedness of worldly enticements. In many of these cases, the parents suffer terrible emotional turmoil, as they watch their children head full-speed down the highway to hell.

Worse yet, in many of these situations, the children want nothing to do with their parents anymore, and they’ve totally cut them out of their lives. The kids don’t acknowledge their parents’ birthdays, anniversaries or even Mothers’ or Fathers’ Day. Most rarely communicate with their parents, and some not at all.

Even more heartbreaking for these parents is when their children don’t even allow them to see or have a relationship with their precious grandchildren. Perhaps you can’t relate to this because it sounds so very dysfunctional. Make no mistake: it is very dysfunctional, and not at all healthy, yet it’s becoming more and more common every day.

God’s plan for marriage and family is one man united with one woman for a lifetime. This is the foundation of the natural family. Out of this union, should come many children. Through the trials and tribulations of life, no matter what may come, the husband and wife have vowed  to remain together, “til death do we part.” Interestingly, divorce rates have actually fallen in recent years, but I dare say there are more unhappy marriages being reported to me now than ever before. These couples may still be living together and married, but they are definitely not happily married.

God’s plan also includes both the father and mother actively raising their children in an intact, Godly home, teaching the precepts of our Creator, our Heavenly Father to their little ones, from the youngest of ages. But you can’t teach what you don’t know, and sadly, we’re now two, if not three generations beyond when most people had a genuine fear of the Lord and a real relationship with God the Father. The “seeker friendly” church movement began long before it became something that was recognized and labeled. Church teachings have been watered down so as to be non-offensive and therefore, ineffective in training up Godly disciples.

For decades, parents have been taught by the church to leave the spiritual training of their kids to the “professionals,” and so, while most Christian couples may faithfully attend church, they turned the training up of their children over to Sunday School teachers and so-called “Childrens’ Church” and the Youth Groups. In these programs, if there’s a curriculum at all, it’s “church-lite, even lighter than the cotton candy they dish out to the adults — absolutely useless “teaching” as they tell the kids Bible “stories.”  The teachers, usually parents who volunteer for these jobs with no training whatsoever, are themselves unable to teach what they’ve never learned, and will simply tell a quick story, then hand out a snack and a page to color with crayons and just try to make it through until the end of the service when the parents come to pick the kids up.

What have these children learned? Fairy tales. Instead of teaching God’s Word as HISTORY, they’ve been taught “stories,” been given a snack and a time-wasting “craft” project to do.  There is very little, if any, truth taught.  And this — an hour of this once a week — has become the extent of the “spiritual training” that most churches provide today. Unfortunately, this model has been going on for decades.  It’s “Happy Fun Time” for the kids, but they’re definitely not getting trained as young disciples of Christ.  Nothing of relevance is taught; they know nothing about the spiritual warfare they’ll face in the real world, and nothing of the power of God through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

Then they spend 40 hours a week in the public schools, where all the “fairy tale” stories they’ve heard in Childrens’ Church are dispelled as nonsense and superstition and what little they heard about God is replaced with things like evolution, sex education, “social justice” and atheism. The parents, grossly inept at spiritual guidance themselves, then wonder what happened, when their ten-year-old son decides he wants to be a girl; or their 14-year-old daughter becomes pregnant; or their kids end up addicted to drugs, swearing like the devil with every sentence they speak, and seeking out foul-mouthed “rap stars” as their heroes and role models.

“What in the world happened?  After all, we took them to church every week!” Yeah, there’s your answer. You left the spiritual training to a system where there was never any spiritual “meat” fed to them, and biblical history was taught as fairy tales and then when they went home, they observed their parents living no differently from their worldly, unsaved neighbors. Yes, I know, SOME parents are true disciples and followers of Christ and their lives show it and their kids know it. But these cases are definitely rare.

It’s a far cry from what Moses commanded the people in Deuteronomy 6: “These words that I am giving you today are to be in your heart. Repeat them to your children. Talk about them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.  Bind them as a sign on your hand and let them be a symbol on your forehead. Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.” These words Moses spoke were the commands of God Almighty, and nothing was or is more important. But how seriously do we take this admonition today? In most homes — even most Christian homes — God is never even mentioned and His Word is never even opened, much less made a priority, studied and read as a family on a regular basis. And we wonder what in the world has happened to our families.

We all know the verse, “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Today so many wonder why their child has become a heathen, an atheist, an anarchist and a God-hater.  If you hear nothing else of what I’m telling you today, understand this: there is NO SUBSTITUTE for genuine Christianity. Calling yourself a Christian while living like the world and having no time for God but plenty of time for hobbies, parties, vacations, television, and Facebook is nothing short of taking the Lord’s name in vain. Our kids watch everything we do. If the things of God are totally unimportant and irrelevant to us in our daily lives, never lived out in the home, and mocked and ridiculed in their public school, movies, music and everywhere else, what conclusion would you expect the kids to arrive at? “Train up a child in the way he should go…” YOU have to do that. You can’t delegate that most vital responsibility to anyone else. It’s up to you. So if you’re wondering what has happened to your kids and grand kids, there — most likely — is your answer.

I’m also often called upon for prayer and counseling for troubled marriages. This is much more common than one might think, and once again, even in so-called “Christian” homes. I hear from people where the husband and wife have slept in separate beds, and even separate parts of the house, for years. I hear from wives whose husbands won’t even sit at the same table with them for a meal — they just grab something from the fridge and eat on the couch while watching TV. There are many, both men and women, now addicted to pornography, since it’s become so readily and easily available on the internet and smart phones. Rather than a loving, intimate bond with their spouse, it’s simply easier to view sex acts online and live a fantasy life while building emotional walls that separate them from their spouse.

What’s happened to these couples? Obviously, there was a time when they were deeply in love, when the husband would do anything to court the girl, serve her, impress her, be a gentleman to her, and try his hardest to win her attention and eventually her hand in marriage. Obviously there was a time when they walked down the aisle together and made vows before God to love and serve one another’s needs for life. In good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, as long as they both should live. It wasn’t that long ago… but now, they’re two separate people living under the same roof, and can’t seem to say a pleasant word to one another, sometimes for weeks on end. In some cases, it’s been years.

Once again, while they may have had a “Church Wedding,” those who struggle with these matters often have no real relationship with the Lord. They don’t pray together, study the Word together or minister to others together. Jesus stands at the door and knocks at these homes, but Facebook, TV, hobbies and games take priority.

Most times there’s a great deal of selfishness going on in these homes. As the hurt gets worse and the hearts grow harder, it becomes more difficult for the husband and wife to genuinely care and serve one another. The importance of a heart of humility and service is repeatedly emphasized all throughout Scripture. Think of Jesus washing the feet of His disciples. He told them, “whoever wishes to be the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven will be the servant of all.”

Some of you men may get angry with me for saying this, but I lay most of the responsibility for all these matters directly on your shoulders. Certainly it takes both spouses to make a Godly marriage and family. But God has called us men to be the spiritual leaders of our homes. Yet how many of us have grown up in homes where “Mom” was the one who tucked us in with bedtime prayers, who took us to church, who read us the Scriptures and modeled her faith in real life for us — while “Dad” pursued his work, his hobbies and recreation?

God also told us all, as Paul wrote to the Ephesians, “Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her.” In my counseling, I often ask men who claim to love their wives if they would give themselves up for her. Would they lay down their lives for her? “Absolutely,” they respond, without a moment’s hesitation. Then I ask, “But are you willing to lay down the porn, the alcohol, the fishing, the TV remote, the Facebook… are you willing to lay those things down for her? Do you think you even can?” I get a blank stare.

There are many troubled people, troubled marriages, dysfunctional families, broken homes, wayward children, grandparents in anguish because their grandchildren are growing up estranged from them and in Godless, secular homes. Friends, the only answer to all these things is humble repentance and turning once again — or for some, for the very first time — to God our Father and Creator, and Jesus His Son.  The Christian life is not one of ease, but the alternative, as we see so often now from the seeds we’ve sown, is pure anguish. Invite the Holy Spirit to guide you. Pray without ceasing.  Do what you know is right, and start making your professed faith a real, true priority in your lives today. There’s no other way, no magic pill, no quick fix. Either you’re serious, or you’re not.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066 or email:  Ask for message number 331.

© 2021 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Bellying Up to Expanding Waistlines

Sidney Secular

January 1, 2022

They’re expanding and spreading all across the fruited plain – bulging bellies! All that sports equipment and gym workouts will hardly matter ifone continues to imbibe those hi-calorie drinks and slurp up all that junk food that predisposesone’s body to add layers of blubber on top of whatever new muscles are being built up! You have to walk, jog or run miles in your expensive running shoes in order to lose an ounce of avoirdupois when an ounce of prevention might well dispose you to lose pounds of same. Two-thirds of Americans are at least 40 pounds overweight – ‘nuff said!

Of course, the plannedemic drove people to drink both figuratively and actually – and to eat increasing amounts of comfort foods in an effort to tolerate the intolerable. Consider the increase of visits to junk food dispensaries in 2021 as opposed to the figure available from 2020! There was a:

54.4% increase to burger chains;

a 32.1% increase to Tex-Mex joints;

a 29.5% increase to fried chicken chains; and, finally, a

16.2% increase to pizzerias.

The motives of our overlords are so easy to discern once you assume they’re out to do us in by – among other things – enticing us to expand our bellies! The local small business eateries and independent restaurants that would have provided more nourishing and healthy fare were deliberately labeled non-essential and therefore shuttered. As a result, these businesses suffered greatly during the Covidiocy through non-existent profits. Many never recovered and were shuttered permanently. The fast food outlets are franchise businesses whose head corporations are almost exclusively partly or wholly owned by multinational conglomerates. As a result, these were considered “essential” and provided with a clear field of business in order to increase their patronage and thus their profits during the peak of the Covidiocy. As a result of direct government interference at the state and local levels, business formerly enjoyed by the independent eateries was to a large extent shunted over to the fast food joints during the “crisis.”

Of course, some of these increases came from consumers seeking fast and cheap comfort foods to assuage their emotional discomfort from the assault upon their ordinary, normal lives and the resultant feelings of misery and fear. Such methods are very useful to those who wish to dictate who we are, what we can do and what will happen should we not to do what we are constantly assured is in our best interest and “for our own good.” Furthermore, many ordinary folks lost their jobs during the “plannedemonium” and when their local supermarkets carried a lot of nothing but empty shelves, they could not afford more expensive restaurants and returned to the cheaper foods supplied by the junk outlets. In these familiar haunts they could belly up to the fixins’ bar and at least have the illusion of plenty if not the real thing. And, finally, with the sudden price increases fueled by inflation all across the board, the average American is staying with his less expensive fried foods thus making the fast food joints richer while his belly become further inflated.

But meanwhile, partaking of poor nutrition by partaking of inferior foods is making people sicker and increasing their visits to their doctors who are only too happy to prescribe Big Pharma’s pills and potions and, of course, vaxxes. Since the flu has suddenly returned after being absent these last two years since the sudden appearance of “COVID,” Americans have returned to dealing with this annual pathogen though it is now frequently misidentified as Covid or a variant thereof.Annual bouts of the flu and the “common cold” – a “coronavirus!” is nothing new, but today many are having a worse time because of their unhealthy eating! Naturally, the increase in the strength of whatever pathogen is involved is blamed upon the pathogen, not upon the poor physical condition of the person ill with that pathogen. As a result, it is easier to “sell” regular flu shots and boosters as well as these poisonous “vaccines” that aren’t “vaccines” thus making doctors and pharmaceutical companies richer than ever!As we have seen, it is especially appealing to obtain immunity from our“health transgressions” so that we, the transgressors, do not have to suffer the consequences for that is what these “vaccines” promise. American and global medicine has become another conventional religion wherein one does not have to suffer the consequences of sin if one confesses and takes one’s medicine. These medical vultures with their caduceus wands, hover over mankind making ever decreasing circles in the air as they come down to peck at our pockets and wait for us to expire in accordance with their depopulation schemes.

Most of “the stuff” people stuff themselves with at the fast food eateries damages our bodies in a “slo-mo” process leading to heart attacks, cancer, strokes, dementia, diabetes, degenerative diseases, and generally premature aging. A poor diet causes a buildup of body toxins and those most affected have lowered resistance to everything often made worse by the present anti-Covid vaxxes that contain a slew/stew of harmful, even deadly chemicals including aborted baby parts and living parasites as well as nanotechnology more suitable to Robby the Robot than people! Obviously, such poisons add to the body’s toxic overload. The purveyors of the various poisons we consume both intentionally and without our knowledge such as those that are in our environment (chemtrails, microwave energy, etc) predispose as well as prime us for an early exit even while many are in the prime of life and all the while we continue to pump more and more money into the poison purveyors’ pockets.

But it is never too late to turn things around and, to a certain extent, regain much of one’s vitality. First, watch your diet! Go back to or stick with unprocessed and even some uncooked whole foods as much as possible, and greatly increase your consumption of fruits, veggies, whole grains and nuts. Decrease your consumption of meat and animal products if you ingest large amounts of them. However, make sure whatever you do eat, is what it is supposed to be and not something “created” by people who do not have your best interests at heart!

Of course, you have heard this type of advice many times but there is much to be said for it. Obviously, if you wish specific guidance, seek out practitioners of preventive and what is called “natural” medicine as opposed to the conventional medical practitioners who generally are not too knowledgeable on matters outside of their specific disciplines and have become in most instances, shills for Big Pharma. And while the occasional pizza or Chinese dinner or other dietary fling is not fatal (yet!) you should stay away from the purveyors of fast foods in order to make a healthy start in the right direction.

© 2021 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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They Are Willing To Kill You

By Michael Peroutka

January 1, 2022

Video Column

The FDA has announced that, starting next year, they will begin using a test that can distinguish the covid 19 virus from the flu.

Say what?!?

You mean the test that has been used for the last two years – along with the statistics that were relied upon to lockdown, isolate, and otherwise violate the liberty and the livelihood of Americans — does NOT differentiate between Covid-19 and the flu?

You mean all this time, all the reported “cases” of covid, and “positivity rates” and “deaths” attributed to a pandemic are a lie and a fraud?

Well, yes…

You see, if the test statistics are fraudulent, then all the other statistics which are based on the test are also fraudulent.

Well, there’s more…

Did you know that the so-called “vaccine” does not prevent you from contracting or from transmitting the so-called “virus”?

In fact, it’s not designed to…

And since the so-called “vaccine” has only been administered for less than a year, there are no studies regarding its long-term effects.

How could there be?

If you also consider reports that the vaccine is more deadly than the flu – especially among younger people –then why would you take it or let your children take it?

Well, that’s a good Question.

To be clear, while there may be a virus, there is no dangerous pandemic that justifies the destruction of our lives, our livelihoods, our liberties, our economy, our health care system, our military and our constitutional system of government.

No lawful, legitimate, constitutional government would care so much for your health that they are willing to kill you if you don’t let them heal you.

Sign up for a FREE U.S. Constitution course with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution.

© 2021 Michael Peroutka – All Rights Reserved

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The Real Matrix—Resurrected!

By Steven Yates

December 31, 2021

Morpheus: The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window, or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work, when you go to church, when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you to the truth.

Neo: What truth?

Morpheus: That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else you were born into bondage. Into a prison you cannot taste or see or touch. A prison for your mind.                                                            

The Matrix (1999)

Happy 2022, readers! Such as it is!

I have no review of the new Matrix movie, Matrix 4: Resurrection, or whatever it’s called. I’ve yet to see it. Everything I’ve read about it from folks I trust who have seen it suggests steering clear, that it’s a celluloid train wreck trying to cash in on the successes of its predecessors, and that I’d be wasting my time. My time being valuable, I’ve listened. So far. (Truth be known, I never thought that much of the two previous sequels. I caught myself dozing trying to watch Matrix Revolution.)

What I can offer is a retrospective on the original classic, easily one of the half-dozen or so most important films of the past 50 years. I wrote a series that began here: my debut on this site. Given the time that has passed and how the site has changed, it might look a little weird.

If anything, The Matrix is more relevant today than when it first appeared. Just in case anyone was in a cave back then:

At some point civilization fell under the sway of an artificial intelligences, so that human beings are born, live out their lives, and die within “pods.” Their brains are wired into the AI which feeds them steady input: all the details of their lives, loves, etc.,the full trappings of the post-industrial landscape of the late twentieth century.

While thinking they are free, people are slaves, their life energies used to sustain the AI: living batteries!

Morpheus (to Neo): The human body generates more bio-electricity than a 120-volt battery and over 25,000 BTU’s of body heat. Combined with a form of fusion, the machines had found all the energy they would ever need. There are fields – endless fields – where human beings are no longer born, we are grown. For the longest time I wouldn’t believe it, and then I saw the fields with my own eyes. Watched them liquefy the dead so they could be fed intravenously to the living. And standing there, facing the pure horrifying precision, I came to realize the obviousness of the truth. What is the Matrix? Control. The Matrix is a computer-generated dream world, built to keep us under control in order to change a human being into this [he holds up a copper-top D-cell battery]

The point being: the world the masses believe they experience is not real. It is a simulation, the product of the AI, from which they never awaken.

Morpheus again:

Have you ever had a dream, Neo, that you were so sure was real? What if you were unable to wake from that dream? How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world?

A gold mine for philosophy classes!

As the film progressed, those who had escaped, led by the intrepid Morpheus, battle Agents and other mechanical denizens sent by the AI to recapture them. Their goal: to destroy the AI and the Matrix, so the human race can once again be free.

What they are up against is what all freedom fighters come up against sooner or later: the fact that not only are they fighting denizens of the enslaving AI,they’re fighting the impulses of their own who do not really want to be free.

Most of the human race, after all, prefers the security and creature-comforts of serfdom to the responsibilities that come with freedom (political, economic, and so forth). Morpheus yet again:

The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you’re inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.

In a poignant moment later, a character named Cypher (interesting name!) is having dinner with Agent Smith and arranging to have himself reinserted into a “pod,” telling Smith, “I want to remember nothing!” And:

I know this steak doesn’t exist. I know that when I put it in my mouth, the Matrix is telling my brain that it is juicy and delicious. After nine years, you know what I realize? [He takes another bite of steak.] Ignorance is bliss!

The “real Matrix”?

The fantasy world of manufactured consent created by corporate media leviathans, now including Big Tech, with their relentless propaganda, cancelations, and censorship efforts. On top of this we have governments and academia, which the majority of people still trust to dispense truth.

Truth about globalization, foreign wars such as the one in Iraq, liberal democracy, race and crime or race and history, right versus left, Russia, Election 2020, and Covid-19.

Perchance extending to much of the past 150 years (if not more!) of science, technology, and political economy.

The billion dollar question: how long have the Regime’s dominant institutions been feeding us lies to keep us under control, so that our cooperative work and life energies sustain the elites the system has enabled to grab power?

By early last decade, the number of people who had figured out that they were being lied to systematically about one or more or all of the above had swollen to populations numbering millions, all over the world.

From the Tea Party to Occupy Wall Street. Arab Spring. Wikileaks.

So-called “populism.” Brexit. Donald Trump. Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil. Others.

The growth of belief in “conspiracies.”

Then, as if in unintended confirmation, beginning almost immediately after the Trump upset in 2016, came the pushback.

The Regime awakened in a burst of collective terror to the realization that it was losing control!

Arguably the most visible and influential Regime Media pushback began with this scurrilous, unsourced, evidence-free article (though a search discloses any number of earlier preemptive strikes about “Russian hackers” helping Trump).

The rest is history. I’ve recounted aspects of it in countless articles; so have others, here and elsewhere. No need to repeat….

What is clear to me now, as we enter 2022 following almost two years of plandemic, is that I greatly underestimated the Regime (or the super elite or GloboCorp if you prefer) in my 2011 book Four Cardinal Errors.

Never underestimate cold-blooded psychopaths with billions of dollars at their disposal!

We are now in what I think of as a narrative cold war — a war that could conceivably turn hot and tear the U.S. apart within the next few years.

You could say we are fighting several narrative wars, one for each topic listed above.

I use the word narrative a lot. What does it mean?

Narratives are stories told to us, and which we tell ourselves. It should be clear,most people respond to stories better than they do to any form of logical deduction.

When Jesus wanted to illustrate a point, he spoke in parables. A parable is one kind of narrative, or story.

Stories are invariably emotive. They can be evocative if their intent is to inspire. Or threatening, if intended as mind control. They can encourage you to think about the point being made. Or to relinquish your freedom of thought and submit to authority (e.g., The Science). Do what the voices of the Regime tell you, and you’ll be safe.

Your safety is what counts, right?

However we explain it, our brains are wired to protect us from danger. Except for the handful of us who have created oases of peace and abundance, I believe the default setting for many of us is of the world filled with potential and actual dangers.

The point is, narratives are powerful control factors in cultures, with economic and political activity flowing downstream from dominant narratives.

These function as “prisons for our minds” — if we let them.

What happened 1990s – 2015 was the collapse of most if not all of the dominant narratives the Regime had spent much of the past century carefully constructing.

Globalization was not “making us richer.” It was destroying American workers and threatening the American middle class. If your job could be done from anywhere in the world, it would be. Corporations were moving at breakneck pace to wherever labor was cheapest.

The Regime war machine had started a war in Iraq based on fabrications. The likely impending fate of the world’s most visible political prisoner, Julian Assange, speaks volumes about what the Regime is capable of doing to those who expose its lies and war crimes.

Race/ethnicity: nothing left-liberal Democrats (and a lot of Republicans) did regarding race over the past half-century improved the lives of more than a small handful of African-Americans. Many of the rest are arguably worse off, after welfare-statism made black fathers obsolete.

According to academic elites, people of whatever color with real privileges, the ruination of black America was due to the “legacy of slavery,” “systemic racism,” “white privilege” — anything except the irruinous ideologies and policies.

By the way, how could a self-identified African-American be elected president of the U.S. not once but twice if America really was a “systemically racist” country—?

Huh-uh! Down the memory hole with that!

Regime Media pointedly ignores black-on-white crime. Note the literal disappearance of the Darrell Brooks case (the Waukesha Christmas Parade Massacre, November 21). Brooks, 39, a rabid white-hater, drove his vehicle into the festival parade, killing six and injuring 62, all white. One of the dead was an eight-year-old girl.

There was no mention of the man’s race in the initial reports, which to any thinking person is now a dead giveaway that a perp is black. The case was quickly memory-holed. You can only learn about it on “right-wing” news sights.

Speaking of which….

Do you see any references to groups such as the Proud Boys without the accompanying epithet far-right or some equivalent?

How many times have you seen Antifa referred to as far left? Or referred to at all? I see occasional mentions of “anti-fascists.” Fascism is bad, of course. So anti-fascists must be good.

See how this works?

Moving right along: liberal democracy?

For those who care to dig, the U.S. (and every other Western industrial / post-industrial power) became a plutocratic oligarchy over a century ago!

I could write several more articles on how plutocrat efforts to protect real privilege are now passed off as “shoring up liberal democracy,” while efforts to expose the elites and their agendas are portrayed as “authoritarianism,” “white supremacy,” “neo-fascism,” etc., even “domestic terrorism.”

And then there’s Election 2020. I have to resist screaming every time I see an article about how the Jan-6ers “endangered democracy” or how Trump supporters “weaken democracy” by doubting the legitimacy of the process that gave us “President Biden.”

A narrative is being constructed on how Trumpian Republicans are preparing to steal Election 2024 using new state-level election-security laws and other efforts to block fraudulent voting and digital theft.

I sense fear in many Regime Media op-eds. I probably don’t need to link to examples. They’re everywhere! Just scroll down any mainstream new aggregator such as Yahoo!

Millions of people are now “red-pilled,” and the Regime’s programmers know it.

Hence the blitzkrieg of narrative-control efforts, which I expect will continue on into 2022.

Threats to your health have proven to be a more effective means of control than warnings about, say, terrorists, foreign or domestic.

The plandemic is easily the biggest grab for power since the creation of the Federal Reserve System (that was the biggest coup in U.S. history by the oligarchs of that era).

It beautifully illustrates Hegelian dialectic: crisis-reaction-response. Manufacture a crisis. Issue nonstop hysterical reportage 24/7 as weeks turn into months and months into years, so that the masses react with a collective “Do something!” The Regime moved in with responses wanted all along: economically destructive lockdowns (and the end of the Trump presidency), mandated injections the long-term effects of which will likely be depopulation, as 2021 saw an abnormally high death rate, including injected athletes in the prime of their lives, details also memory-holed.


Welcome to the Desert of the Real!

This is the Desert of the Real behind the narratives, but the narratives still have us by our throats. Their enforcers are everywhere. Guys like Fauci (“The Science”) are at the top, and the enforcer class extends down to the worker-bees scanning QR-codes in restaurants and theaters.

To see through it all, I suggest forgetting the new movie and giving the originala rewatch. Then think about the fantasy world the Regime has tried to sustain over two decades.

Think about narratives in which George Floyd is up there with Jesus, thousands of leftists blocking highways and burning city blocks protesting his death are “mostly peaceful,” whereas the 600 or so who marched through the Capitol a year ago were “violent insurrectionists” bent on “overturning democracy.”

Or think about how a virus with a mortality rate under .05% for everyone with no comorbidities or not in nursing care has become a reason for starting up a new form of Apartheid against those who refuse an experimental, invasive medical treatment whose makers are indemnified from lawsuits for harm done by their products.

(I haven’t mentioned “economic recoveries” that never existed outside Wall Street, Silicon Valley, and government numbers; or the idea that an economy can be sustained forever on printed money!)

Just a couple days ago as I write this I saw a meme: Morpheus, wearing the familiar dark glasses, was holding up a sign:

If you’re going to see the new Matrix movie and you show a vaccine passport to get in, you missed the point of the first three and took the blue pill.

If you were looking for a review of the new film, that’ll have to do!

Steven Yates’s new book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory (Wipf and Stock, 2021) is available here and here.

Do you wish me to continue? Please consider supporting my work on

© 2021 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

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Cancelling TRUTH Across the Board

By Lex Greene

December 31, 2021

Those of us who thrive on truth, facts, evidence, known history, things that can be proven…we knew we were in big trouble when political correctness first arrived years ago, setting up thought and speech police everywhere and controlling what people are allowed to say, or even think.

Political correctness has now predictably (and purposefully) morphed into a full-blown cancel culture, broad-based censorship.

The thought and speech police no longer just call you out for saying something at odds with their belief system or thin-skinned sensitivities, they totally cancel you. They will cancel you from the world! They will make sure that your thoughts and opinions are silenced entirely, even within your own home and family. No more friends or jobs for you!

I remember when Fox News first came on the scene with their network slogan “Fair and Balanced Reporting” and I thought to myself, we don’t need more journalism that presents both truth and lies, in a balanced way. We need “true and accurate” journalism, which has not existed in the USA for decades.

Today’s American news media would be better referred to as urinalism…fit for a toilet.

But what has been “cancelled” isn’t differing opinions, or merely offensive words. What has been cancelled is TRUTH, leaving the American society trapped in a death spiral headed for hell in an endless sea of outright lies. No one knows what to believe about anything now…because TRUTH is no longer relevant, or even visible.

Truth has been systematically replaced by “the noble truth,” outright lies that someone decided should be true, and will be true, if they can just spread the lies long enough for everyone to accept them as truth. You may recall hearing Barack Obama mention this time and again during his unlawful tenure in the People’s White House, openly admitting that what he was telling the world “is not the truth, but it is the noble truth.”

The concept of “noble truth” dates back to Buddha – The truths are understood as the realization which led to the enlightenment of the Buddha (l. c. 563 – c. 483 BCE) and were the basis of his teachings.

The Four Noble Truths are:

  1. Life is suffering
  2. The cause of suffering is craving
  3. The end of suffering comes with an end to craving
  4. There is a path which leads one away from craving and suffering

Centuries later, this concept gave birth to modern day socialism and communism, all forms of totalitarianism, all of which result in true fascism in the end.

According to the “experts,” only five countries in the entire world remain under communist rule today.

  1. China – The Communist Party of China
  2. Cuba – The Communist Party of Cuba
  3. Laos – The Lao People’s Revolutionary Party
  4. North Korea – a “dictatorship of people’s democracy.”
  5. Vietnam – Socialist Republic of Vietnam

Russia no longer makes the list since Russia’s 1993 constitution declared the country “a democratic, federative, law-based state with a republican government.” Vladimir Putin is in reality, far more capitalist in principle than any democrat politician in the USA today. This may explain why U.S. Democrats are highly supportive of Communist China and oppose capitalist Putin in Russia. It may also explain why Trump was able to get along with Putin, and not so much with communist China.

The fifteen countries that were once member states of the Soviet Union (U.S.S.R.), are currently independent sovereign states, after the fall of the communist soviet empire. Most of them are now “socialist” states. But is this how the American federal government and their schools of urinalism tell the story?

Much of this TRUTH has been cancelled in U.S. classrooms and our government controlled media full of useless idiots we shall call,“urinalists.”

Today, most Americans have been Pavlov trained to believe that socialism and communism are different things, neither of them forms of fascism. They have been taught to believe that freedom is fascism, instead. This is the fundamental “noble truth” that global leftists have been teaching in American academia for decades, and the chickens have come home to roost.

It’s not hard to understand the true meaning of Natural Born Citizen or why it’s the most critical requirement for the office of Commander-in-Chief. Yet Americans have been taught that these three words are too complicated for them to understand, so they leave it to the “experts” to sort out. It’s those experts who made the term seem ambiguous and unenforceable, allowing foreign agents to occupy our White House at will.

What about scientific TRUTH? Science is defined as “the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.”

Science FACT is based upon what scientists can “prove.” Everything less is just a “theory,” no different than conspiracy theories. Unless the theory can be proven, it isn’t a “fact.”

Still, almost everything science is telling us at the moment is at best a “theory,” things not yet proven to be a fact.

Science first told us…

  • The PCR Test for COVID19 is accurate. (PROVEN FALSE)
  • If you wear a mask, it will prevent COVID19 infection. (PROVEN FALSE)
  • If you social distance, it will prevent COVID19 infection. (PROVEN FALSE)
  • If you stop working and earning for two weeks, it will end the pandemic. (PROVEN FALSE)
  • If you get a “vaccine” it will protect you from COVID19. (PROVEN FALSE)
  • If you take a 2nd “vaccine,” that will do it. (PROVEN FALSE)
  • If you take a booster “vaccine,” that will really do it. (PROVEN FALSE)
  • The “vaccines are FDA approved.” (PROVEN FALSE)
  • The “vaccines are all safe.” (PROVEN FALSE)
  • Almost a million Americans have died of COVID19. (PROVEN at least 94% FALSE)

Yet still, there are none so blind as those who refuse to see even the most obvious truths. As I write, there are four huge cruise ships stuck at sea, refused port entry anywhere due to a COVID19 outbreak onboard. How? You cannot get on any cruise ship without proof of up to date vaccination… How indeed? (so-called breakthrough cases, in truth, vaccine injuries)

I can keep going for quite a while here, but hopefully, you already get the point. Everything we have been told by “expert scientists” over the past 24-months has already been PROVEN FALSE. All of it may have been a good “theory” in the beginning, until it was all PROVEN FALSE. Now it’s just false information…

Today, “expert scientists”are still telling us their version of the “noble truth” and concealing the real truth, proven over the past 24-months, repeatedly. They are telling parents to get their young children vaxxed…when the average age of the real COVID19 patient is 83, already at the end of life in almost every case.

They are working around the clock to CANCEL THE REAL TRUTH regarding the COVID19 event by cancelling public information on both social media platforms and throughout all mainstream urinalism. They are going so far as to discredit the most highly credentialed and respected medical professionals on earth, here and abroad, and remove real doctors from practice, all for simply telling the obvious TRUTH.

No wonder Americans have no idea what to think, what to do or who to trust. Everyone they once trusted is lying to them and many can see it for what it is… blatant bold-faced lies.

One thing that no society can ever afford to cancel is the TRUTH.

Truth is either self-evident or proven to be facts by real science. Most conspiracy theories are not true because they can’t be evidenced or proven, although some are quite real. Likewise, most modern science is no more reliable than the average unproven conspiracy theory. They can’t be evidenced or proven either, or even worse with increasing regularity, the evidence proves their theories FALSE, as shown above.

There is no escaping reality, truth. No matter how much you might like to pretend as though truth is subjective, it isn’t. The TRUTH either is or isn’t and anyone who wants to know the truth can, but they will need to work harder than ever before to find it.

Before We the People can fix anything else, we must first end the cancel culture that is fast removing truth from public access and realize that it is TRUTH and TRUTH alone, that can set us free. Can we begin with just ONE true FACT…there are not 43 human genders, there are only 2… If we can’t agree on that FACT, then we can’t agree on any truth today!

These days, the truth is the only thing that can even keep us alive! The only TRUTH Biden has told in 12 months is this, “there is no federal solution to COVID.”

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Desperate Democrats

by Lee Duigon

December 30, 2021

With a slim five-vote majority in the House of Representatives, 23 Democrats have already announced that they won’t be running for re-election in 2022. Uh-oh.

What to do, what to do?

Aha! Lower the voting age to 16!

This is the “Hail Mary” pass recommended recently by The Hill. We know this is an act of desperation by The Hill’s insistence that this be done before the 2022 elections. They expect teenagers to rescue the Dems from electoral disaster. Because… “They are better prepared to address crucial issues confronting our democracy than any generation since those who returned from World War II.”

Oh, my stars. Did you catch that “our democracy” bit? We do not have a democracy. The Constitution guarantees us a republican form of government, not a “democracy.”

Why stop at 16? Why not 14? Or 12? And why do we not let 16-year-olds drive cars, sign legally binding contracts, hold public office, or have their own credit cards? Could it be that their judgment has just not matured to a point where they can be trusted with such privileges?

But yowsah, yowsah! It’s time our politicians courted the votes of high school students! Surely our Far Left teachers’ unions will equip them to make the right decisions. All that flap over teaching kids Critical Race Theory can easily be circumvented just by calling it something else—“Equity and Inclusion Education” springs to mind. By the time the peasants figure out that they’ve been diddled again, the damage will be done. The kids will sit in class for six to eight hours, five days a week, and “taught” everything the Democrat Party needs for them to know—or think they know.

I mean, really, how hard is it to bamboozle a lot of teenagers who don’t pay taxes, haven’t lived long enough to experience the trammels of adult life, and are rigorously shielded from any but the, um, “right” opinions? Unionized “teachers” will have the kiddies eating out of their hands.

And presto, the entire Democrat deluxe Fun Pack is back in the picture and the Party is back in power. Build Back Better! Open borders! Mail-in voting, ballot harvesting, and never lose an election ever again! And plenty of nice Climate Change legislation! Who could ask for anything more? And just to make sure, amend the Constitution to let under-thirties run for president!

And just to make doubly sure the new fundamental transformation scheme goes off without a hitch, award voting rights to non-citizens, too. This is already being talked about in several Democrat strongholds.

Oh, the kiddies are “prepared to address critical issues,” all right. Who better? Prepared by movies, social media, video games, and TV shows—what could go wrong?

Some of us are worried that we might outlive our republic. It wouldn’t be the first time a great country was turned into a trash heap by insane public policies. Better to rule over a pile of rubble than to serve in a prosperous republic!

Aside from going all-out to win in 2022, our most immediate and effective recourse is to pull all our children out of public schools. We have to stop letting our children be “educated” by Far Left crazies who despise us, hate our country, admire communism, and want to turn the USA into Venezuela North. Public education is not our friend.

However unpleasant it may be, we have to realize that leftists are working feverishly, fanatically, to bring America as we know it to an end. This time the enemy isn’t bombing Pearl Harbor.

This time the enemy is here.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and visit—while it’s still allowed. My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon:

More Disinformation About the Kennedy Assassination II

by Servando Gonzalez

December 30, 2021

Historical Forensics

To most people, forensics has to do with crime, autopsies, and the like. But, like Yahoo, Google, and other Internet search engines, forensic science mostly has to do with finding links. The basic principle of forensic science, as stated by Dr. Edmond Locard, one of the greatest experts in forensic science, is very simple: every contact leaves a trace. Finding these traces at the scene of a crime and, through them, establishing the links to the criminal is what forensic science is all about.

The job of the forensic investigator consists in discovering these links, and revealing the links between the crime and the criminal. Unknowingly, the authors who first pointed to the CFR as the true seat of an anti-American conspiracy were practicing the science of historical forensics. And, despite the efforts of the criminal conspirators at the CFR to erase all traces linking them to their crimes against the American people, these authors discovered an amazing fact: behind every act of treason against this country and its people there were always one or more members of the Council on Foreign Relations or their parasite organizations working hard in the shadows to betray us, the American people. The JFK assassination was not an exception to this rule.

Even though I have been studying the globalist conspirators of the Council on Foreign Relations for many years and I have written four books about them, in which I have briefly mentioned the assassination of President Kennedy, it was not until I read Professor Donald Gibson’s book Battling Wall Street hat I fully understood how and why the CFR globalist conspirators used their assets, Castro and the CIA, to kill President Kennedy. Gibson’s book is the only one I know that tells in detail how CFR members in the press fought tooth and nail against Kennedy. Unfortunately, Gibson doesn’t mention how CFR members infiltrated into Kennedy’s administration betrayed him, as well as the

reasons they had to do it.

Dealing with an American conspiracy, I have dedicated much of my analysis of the Kennedy
assassination to study the Council on Foreign Relations, the true center of a conspiracy some authors call the Invisible Government of the United States. In my investigation I found out that most of the links related to the JFK assassination point to the CFR and its master, David Rockefeller.

I have devoted most of my book on the Kennedy assassination to analyze the true role of the two main suspects of carrying out it, Castro and the CIA. Many books written about the CIA mention the Agency’s inept attempts to assassinate Fidel Castro. Most of them, however, have failed to discover Castro’s actions as an agent provocateur working hard to help the very people he claimed to hate. The result of this effort is that Castro’s true role in the Kennedy assassination has been mostly ignored or distorted.

Over the past 50 years, more than 2000 books have been published about the Kennedy assassination. Most books dealing with the role of the CIA in the assassination, however, are either anti-CIA, written by authors who consider themselves “progressive,” liberal Democrats or outright leftists, or pro-CIA, written by authors who see themselves as “conservative,” Republicans, or outright rightists. Also, not many books about the Kennedy assassination have noticed that most of the people participating in the cover- up were CFR members. But, paraphrasing Upton Sinclair, “It is difficult to get a man to see something, when his salary depends upon his not seeing it!”

Moreover, most of these books focus on how it happened rather than on who was the mastermind who conceived the plan, gave the orders to carry it out and why he did it. In this sense my book is a totally different kind of book, perhaps difficult to classify. I just ask the reader to read it with the same open mind I have had to write it.

Finally, I devoted a large amount of this book to study an apparently non-related event: the
assassination in 1948 of Colombian populist leader Jorge Eliécer Gaitán. The reason for this is because I have found out that the operational methodology — the modus operandi — used in Gaitán’s assassination — in which Castro, the CIA and many important CFR members played key roles — was closely followed in the JFK assassination.

Actually, as I showed in this book, the Kennedy assassination was like a carbon copy of Gaitán’s assassination. Moreover, the motive was essentially the same, because both Gaitán and Kennedy had threatened the interests of the same people.

Some Kennedy assassination scholars were salivating about a new batch of documents related to the CIA and assassination just declassified following authorization from President Trump. Apparently they believe they may get lucky and find the Holy Grail of the Kennedy assassination: a smoking gun in the form of a CIA memo from somebody ordering somebody to assassinate President Kennedy, or even a memo from some very powerful individual ordering the CIA Director to assassinate Kennedy. Well, this only shows that whoever expects to find such document is using the wrong research and methodological tools to study this subject.

The conspiracy surrounding the JFK assassination is like a huge puzzle of which many pieces are missing or have been intentionally put out of place in order to mislead investigators. This explains why most analysts who have studied the phenomenon using the wrong method have failed to find the true source of the problem. Nevertheless, when you look at the whole thing coldly and from a distance the pieces simply spring into place.

Consequently, rather than using the traditional research and analysis of the historian I have used in my book a methodology coming from the field counterintelligence. It consists in tackling the problem in reverse, a process intelligence officers call “walking back the cat.” It is a sort of “acid test” used to determine retrospectively the loyalty or treachery of a particular agent, or, as I did in my book, of a whole government agency such as the CIA or a policy organization such as the Council on Foreign Relations.

Historians vs Intelligence Analysts

The goal of the historian and the intelligence analyst is basically the same: search for facts and establish the truth. Their approach, however, is totally different. Give a historian a document and he will do three things: check it for accuracy; evaluate its place in the context of his own knowledge of its subject matter; and try to exploit it for producing a finished paper or book.

Now give the same document to an intelligence officer. He will do four things, but quite different ones. First, he will examine it to verify that its source is the one it purports to be; second, he will try to know if its source has disseminated it wittingly or unwittingly, and, if unwittingly, if its source knows the fact that the document has been compromised; third, he will attempt to find, guess, or intuit the source’s real motives for disseminating it; and, finally, he will try to use it — by divulging it, or by not divulging it — to influence somebody, either his employers, his employees, or his enemies.

In this sense, while the historian is trained to react ad causam, the intelligence analyst reacts ad hominem. The historian focuses on subject matter and its relevance to understanding recorded events, the intelligence analyst focuses on people and their motives. The tools of the historian are quite different from the tools of the intelligence analysts and, therefore, the results of their research will show considerable differences.

As a rule, intelligence analysts always keep in mind that some of their sources, particularly live ones, will try to intentionally deceive them. That is why, contrary to historians, intelligence analysts take vulnerability to deception into account, and do so explicitly. Therefore, one can conclude that intelligence analysts have better methodological tools than historians to successfully analyze relatively recent intelligence operations such as the Kennedy assassination, where deceit and disinformation played an important role.

Moreover, the first thing intelligence analysts must keep in mind is that, despite their best efforts, in the intelligence field they will never find the whole picture. The best thing they can do, therefore, is to analyze the facts they have and from them do their best to infer the rest. The bottom line is that ninety percent of this final product we call intelligence comes from reading critically, remembering, associating and analyzing, as well as looking for inconsistencies, implausibilities, gaps in knowledge, conflicts with known information and suspicious coincidences and, very rarely, discovering new key

In the study of intelligence organizations, such as the OSS, the Mossad, the MI6, the KGB, or the CIA, we must always keep in mind that we are not dealing with innocuous aspects of history such as the origins of New Orleans Jazz, or Roman architecture during the Republic. On the contrary, this is recent history with a high content of intelligence and espionage and, therefore, deception. And, due to the fact that the basic principles of tradecraft [1] don’t change much over time among its different practitioners, intelligence services are reluctant to give their past, current, or potential opponents, any feedback about the success or failure of their past operations. As a matter of fact their goal is to disinform their opponents as much as they can by keeping them in the dark.

Most of what an intelligence service claims has been its successes are most likely its failures, and vice versa. In intelligence and espionage things are seldom what they seem. No wonder Sun Tzu’s main precept is “All warfare is based on deception.” Under this light, events like the Bogotazo riots, the Bay of Pigs invasion, and the September 11, 2001 events, just to mention three of the CIA’s alleged greatest failures, need to be reevaluated.

The bottom line is that nobody is ever going to find the smoking gun about the Kennedy assassination in the form of a declassified CIA document. First, for the simple reason that it doesn’t exist. This is not the way these things work in the real world. The orders to carry out this type of action are never written out, but given verbally, tacitly expressed in a cryptical way in highly nuanced conversations — Will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest? Secondly, because, even if such document ever surfaces, taking at face value the information appearing in photocopies of strongly edited documents provided by an organization that has a whole department devoted to the falsification of documents is a high-level form of idiocy.

When OSS Director William Donovan, following orders from his Rockefeller masters, told one of his assassins to get rid of Gen. George Patton, he most likely alleged that Patton was becoming pro-Nazi and, in order to save his image as a hero, it was necessary to terminate him. When Fidel Castro told Gen. Patricio de la Guardia to assassinate Chile’s President Salvador Allende, he told him that Allende was planning to surrender to the military and, in order to save for posterity his image as a hero who fought them to the end, he must to be killed. In the same fashion, some of the low-level participants in the JFK assassination most likely were told that they were helping the American people to get rid of a President that had become soft on communism.

So, if it is most likely that we will never find the key document pointing to the person who gave the order to assassinate President Kennedy, what can we do? Well, as James Jesus Angleton, the CIA’s legendary counterintelligence chief once said, “If one could not read the enemy’s files, one could at least read his mind.” By this Angleton meant that a patient accumulation and analysis of facts during a long period of time allows us to decipher the enemy’s thinking and accurately guess his actions.

Finding the true causes of the assassination of President Kennedy is vital to understanding today’s America. Nearly every form of the growing assault on freedoms that has overrun our country in the past 50 years has its roots in the assassination of President Kennedy. JFK was seemingly the last opportunity the American people had to stop the growing tyranny of the CFR conspirators’ Invisible Government.

Today, a hundred years after John Fitzgerald Kennedy was born, an investigation of the true causes of his assassination is more relevant than ever because it connects directly to the communo-fascist growth of the U.S. government and its disregard of the rule of law, the growing economic gap between the working class and the hyper rich, the erosion of the independence of the mainstream press, the growing of a pervasive surveillance society and the encroaching police state. Once the CFR conspirators were able to get away with the assassination of President Kennedy, it was a short step to the assassinations of Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., and many others they perceived as a threat. It was also a short step to the CIA mass assassinations in Vietnam under Operation Phoenix, the Waco massacre, the 9/11 events and the official sanctioning of torture at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo.

It seems that the conspirators’ success in assassinating President Kennedy pushed them into a frenzy of assassination, abuse, theft, corruption and war. Apparently guided by the principle that the end justifies the means, they felt no constraints on their way to reach their cherished goal: a New World Order.

A long time ago Karl Marx wrote that Capital was born dripping with blood and dirt from head to toe, from every pore. I cannot think of a more accurate description of the birth of the CFR conspirators’ New World Order.

© 2021 Servando Gonzales – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Servando Gonzales:


1. Tradecraft: the basic techniques, the modus operandi of a particular intelligence service in the conduct of its espionage activities. According to CIA veteran William Hood, tradecraft, though mysterious to outsiders, is just a “little more than a compound of common sense, experience, and certain almost universally accepted security practices . . .” William Hood, Mole (New York: Ballantine, 1982), p. xiv.

My book Partners in Crime: The Rockefeller, CFR, CIA and Castro Connection to the Kennedy Assassination is available at the NewsWithViews store.

Looking Back At 2021: Trans athletes, Climate Change, Chicago Killings, Open Borders

By Frosty Wooldridge

Descember 30, 2021

Physicist, college professor and ecologist Dr. Paul Nachman, Montana State University said, “Humanity is nothing more than a giant train wreck in the 21st century.”

There’s a movie, Don’t Look Up, starring Meryl Streep and Leonardo Di Caprio where a giant asteroid races toward Earth to collide with our planet. It will send us back into the same nuclear winter that killed all the dinosaurs 65 million years ago.  When Di Caprio warns President Meryl Streep that the 15- to 20-kilometer-wide rock will smash into the planet, she’s more worried about her national ratings than imminent death of the planet.

This week, the Minnesota Star Tribune wrote a glowing story about how great our importing millions of Burmese, Somalians, Chinese, Iraqi’s, Afghanistan’s and more, to America would beef up our economic system. The editors wrote:

“We can make welcoming Afghan arrivals part of our recovery from the health and economic crises of the past 18 months. The same benefits and opportunities we observed in Detroit are happening across the American heartland, including neighborhoods revitalized by Bosnians in St. Louis, Ahiska Turks in Dayton, Somalis in Minneapolis/St. Paul and Burmese in Buffalo.”

All the while, we’ve got 13,000,000 American children subsisting under the poverty line, 540,000 homeless Americans, 1 in 6 children suffering from food insecurity, and our own military wives don’t get paid enough to put groceries on the table while our troops serve overseas. We’re $29 trillion in national debt, we’ve got massive infrastructure decay and another 100 problems. Yet the editors of the Star Tribune fantasize about creating and adding more people to our country.

Let’s Keep Adding More and More Refugees To Solve Our Problems

In other words, turn America into an overpopulated, totally foreign country where foreigners displace Americans out of our homes, our culture, our language, our way of life.  Those mental invalids at the Start Tribune cannot connect the fact that human overpopulation remains the single greatest driver of climate change, species extinction, lowered quality of life and another 100 problems we face.

The distinguished author Douglas Murry, Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam, said, “A country that imports the world’s people, will also import the world’s problems.”

If we import enough of warring tribes out of the middle east, we will see our own country suffer a conflagration that we won’t be able to put out because it will become endemic to our entire system.  We can’t even stop Black Lives Matter from burning our cities to the ground.  If we imported enough Islamic Sunni’s, Kurd’s and Shite’s into this country, they would start their own wars inside our cities.  I am astounded that the editors of the Star Tribune are that dense, lack any semblance of common sense, and appear to think we can withstand the same sociological consequences that destroyed Detroit, Michigan.

The fact remains: adding population adds to catastrophic climate destabilization with millions of more people burning millions of barrels of oil 24/7. That means more wildfires in the 6th year of an “exceptional drought” in the West.  That means more extraordinary tornadoes in Kentucky, Tennessee, Oklahoma ad nauseum. It means massive hurricanes sweeping up our coasts. It means raising the temperatures at the poles to a point where all glaciers melt into the oceans.  It means dropping more acidic carbon molecules into our oceans to kill more than 100 species daily across the planet.

Yet, those nincompoops at the Star Tribune want MORE population when America’s citizens decided after Earth Day 1970 to average only 2.03 children per woman for the past 52 years.

Let’s examine another one of the BIG farces in America in 2021.  Male DNA trans-athletes barged into women’s sports and broke every record from weightlifting to swimming to wrestling.  Those “pretend” females usurped the lives of all women…even in their bathrooms and changing rooms. They’ve even molested young girls. In the end, you are either a DNA male or a DNA female.  The rest means you are “pretending”, or you suffer from mental illness.  Because the fact is: no matter how many drugs you take to feminize yourself, you were born with a Johnson and your DNA and muscles make you a male.

If I were a female athlete, I would Boycott any event with a DNA male. That would stop this kind of stupidity and insanity, instantly with the Boycott.

Let’s talk about Catastrophic Climate Destabilization.” I learned about it 25 years ago when I worked and reported from Antarctica.  I wrote a book about it in 1999.  Antarctica: An Extreme Encounter.  One of the quotes I used stemmed from an artist down there who said, “With creatures like humans, even the stars aren’t safe.”  Well, now, we’ve got catastrophic climate destabilization breathing down our throats, but since I wrote that book, humans have added more than 2,000,000,000 (billion) more of ourselves to the planet…and all of us burn oil to live.  I must tell you that my latest book, America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations, shows a dim and horrific future our children face.

“Unlimited population growth cannot be sustained; you cannot sustain growth in the rates of consumption of resources. No species can overrun the carrying capacity of a finite land mass. This Law cannot be repealed and is not negotiable.” —Dr. Albert Bartlett, , University of Colorado, USA.

You want more proof of what we face? Visit the brilliant work of Dr. Jack Alpert, Stanford University, at his website:  Just watch his videos to give you a very sobering education on what kind of a world your children face.

But will “60 Minutes” interview all of us who write such sobering books?  Answer: just ignore us like that movie with Meryl Streep. They are more worried at 60 Minutes about their ratings than reporting on scientists and writers who KNOW what’s coming.

What about Chicago, Illinois?  Did you notice the shootings and deaths over the Christmas weekend?  How about 62 shootings and 12 dead…with another 12 hanging on for dear life in the ICU’s.  But that’s just normal for Chicago and/or St. Louis, NYC, Detroit, LA and more.  Mostly, black on black killings.  You would think that the finest minds and educators would go into our ghettoes and present solutions to what African-American police dispatcher Keith Thornton said, “Chicago is a death zone.”

We need a whole new look at the family unit, black single mothers with 70 percent of the births in the inner cities.  We need to change to educational systems that speak directly to birth control, separate gender schools with academic disciplines that work.  If not, more weekends in Chicago with endless killings of black youth. Also, simply seeing our cities die as responsible people flee!

Finally, open borders kill, displace, and cheapen U.S. citizenship.  Additionally, over 100,000 people died of overdoses of opioids in 2021, but this administration and Congress did NOTHING to stop over 2,000,000 refuges from storming the borders. Along with those refugees came billions in drugs, sex trafficking of little children, and diseases that will manifest across this country.

The final insanity of it really kicks your mind when you realize that no matter how many refugees we import into our country, the third world just added 83,000,000 (million), net gain, more refugee babies in 2021.  Tell me what we solved by importing more than 3,000,000 legal and illegal refugees in 2021 and another 900,000 of their babies within our country? How long can we keep up this insanity?

As one great writer said, “Immigration creates war within the receiving country with violence delayed.”

Once we tip our population into more foreigners with their incompatible, illiterate, poverty-stricken, and warlike cultures…we will face a death-spiral exactly like the Roman Empire. It’s coming faster than anyone understands.

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Part 1: Looking Back At 2021: Afghanistan Withdrawal, Covid, CRT, BLM, Jesse Smollett, Immigration
Part 2: Overrunning our water, resources, energy, schools, wilderness, Climate Change, quality of life, environment, and more.
Part 3: Questions that need asking
Part 4: The attributes that make America great

Politicians From Both Parties Have Stock In The “Plandemic” Vaccine Companies

By Bradlee Dean

December 29, 2021

“Seems a little hypocritical that the Legislative Branch, the Judicial Branch, the White House staff, CDC employees, FDA employees, Pfizer employees, Moderna employees and illegal aliens have no UNLAWFUL mandates but they want the people to ignore the fact by blindly following their misleadings” (Proverbs 14:12).

Pfizer’s CEO hasn’t gotten his Covid vaccine yet saying he doesn’t want to cut in line

For those who are caught up in the unconstitutional two-party system, you may want to take the time to understand that this system was set up to divide the American people (Mark 3:25).

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With that aside, do also remember that we are sold, through the mainstream media’s useful idiots, that the Republicans are the “good guys” while the Democrats are the “bad guys.”  Nothing could be further from the truth. There would not be a left if the right were doing their job in enforcing the laws against their crimes (Matthew 5:13; Mark 8:15).

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What is of interest here is that when it comes to the “plandemic” that has been used to war against our God-given rights over the last 2 years, one has to wonder why nothing has been stopped.

Health Impact News just reported:  Republicans “Opposing” Vaccine Mandates Own Stock in Pfizer, Moderna, J&J.

A recent report published by Business Insider reveals that many Republican lawmakers who state they oppose vaccine “mandates” actually own stock in the pharmaceutical companies producing the vaccines, and are profiting from them.

Dozens of Republican and Democratic lawmakers on Capitol Hill have invested in companies that have a direct stake in the nation’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, according to an Insider analysis of federal financial records.

In 2020, at least 13 senators and 35 US representatives held shares of Johnson & Johnson, the medical behemoth that produced the single-shot COVID-19 vaccine that more than 15 million Americans have received.

At least 11 senators and 34 representatives also held shares in 2020 of another COVID-19 vaccine manufacturer, Pfizer. Two representatives or their spouses held shares of Moderna during the same year that the world went on lockdown in response to the pandemic.

Lawmakers held these investments in COVID-19-minded companies as Congress was at the center of pandemic relief efforts. In 2020 and 2021, members of Congress voted on six relief bills together worth nearly $6 trillion. Congress also authorized more than $10 billion to help drug companies develop and distribute vaccines and forced health insurers to cover the cost of getting the shot.

Policymakers especially viewed the coronavirus vaccines developed by Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, and Moderna — which each spent substantial amounts of money lobbying the federal government in 2020 — as critical to helping countries around the planet overcome the grip of the pandemic.

The tally of investments is part of the exhaustive Conflicted Congress project, in which Insider reviewed nearly 9,000 financial-disclosure reports for every sitting lawmaker and their top-ranking staffers.

Even some Republican lawmakers who vocally opposed COVID-19 vaccine mandates also invested in vaccine manufacturers.

Vivien Scott, the wife of Rep. Austin Scott, a Republican of Georgia, traded up to $50,000 worth of Johnson & Johnson stock on two occasions this year. Austin Scott has bashed President Joe Biden’s workplace vaccine mandates but stressed that he supports vaccines, particularly given that he had COVID-19 in 2020 and spent several days in the hospital on oxygen.

“Congressman Scott and his wife own stocks like millions of American families do, and they follow all laws on trading,” Scott’s spokeswoman, Rachel Ledbetter, told Insider.

Republican Rep. Mo Brooks of Alabama sold up to $50,000 worth of Pfizer stock in August 2021 and then was nearly a month late filing his disclosure. Brooks, an unabashedly pro-Trump lawmaker who is running for a US Senate seat, previously accused the pharmaceutical giant of playing politics with the timing of its announcement about vaccine-efficacy data.

Martha Brooks, the congressman’s wife, told Insider that she handled all the family’s stock investments and used an investment broker to conduct these transactions. She acknowledged that she disclosed the stock transaction late.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, a Republican from Georgia who has decried “vaccine Nazis” and boasted about not getting vaccinated against COVID-19, reported owning stock in COVID-19 vaccine makers during 2020, including Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, and AstraZeneca, according to a financial disclosure she submitted in August. (Full article.)

Lawmakers bought sold covid 19 related stocks during pandemic

I am going to leave this right here (Amos 2:4).

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© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean:

“Alone, Lonely and Abandoned”

By Sidney Secular

December 29, 2021

Donald Jeffries, the author of the lead article in the October 2021 issue of the Freedom Times, entitled “The American Loneliness Phenomenon,” paints a depressing portrait of life in isolated cocoons across the fruited plain. Those who are lonely are especially prone to feel a palpable pain of abandonment during the holiday season. Even those who visit family members and friends may do so only because of an obligatory invitation extended to them. This definitely doesnot represent a Norman Rockwell-type conception of a huge turkey dinner with all the trimmings served to a large and loving family gathered together to celebrate the holidays!

Of course, as usual, the Salvation Army and similar mostly Christian groups act as somewhat impersonal dispensers of holiday cheer for those in need. Massive mailings soliciting donations are sent out months before for the funds necessary to purchase massive quantities of turkey dinners to be served to equally massive numbers of shut-ins and homeless with the hope that for the rest of the year they will be able to accept the isolation that has befallen them. Compassion and charity, once the duty of family and friends, has become ritualized, impersonalized and commercialized often so that those financially better off can exhibit a sort of showy nobles se oblige towards the masses and those who have not faredall that well in a crony capitalist competitive economy. It’s a sort of give an underdog a bone thing –whether a wishbone or other some other bone to those seen as social “turkeys.”

Polls show that 27% of Americans over 60 live alone–a figure greater than anywhere else in the world. Moreover, seniors in other countries often live with an extended family, a matter once fairly common in America until the era of the “Gray Panthers” when seniors were advised by the culture to desert children and grandchildren and live for themselves in their “golden years.” Even older married couples tend to live alone while more childless couples and“empty nesters” live in the US than in the rest of the world! But, hey! It simply gives the US one more thing in which we’re Number One! This trend has become a sort of slow, low grade anti-social epidemic that garners little attention as opposed to contrived diseases used to justify the development of vaxxes that serve the dual purpose of creating additional billions for those already billionaires and, as Scrooge once said, “decreasing the surplus population.”

This rending of familial relationships has become inexorable as the movement of dysfunctional families replaces ordinary social and cultural mores with our present“anything goes” social morality. Almost every tale you hear about family relationships seem to involve tell-tale, often inexplicable or exaggerated disputes or rejections among family members. Even marriages of decades-long standing seem to fall apart as one or both of the partners seeks newly stimulating sexcapades or suddenly find him or herself not knowing who he or she is after nearly a lifetime of thinking that he or she did know! Relationships go cold-turkey as libbers discover that a long time friend is a Trump supporter or said something disagreeable on Facebook. There seems no longer to be any cohesive glue holding people together once the children fly the coop and the couple feels a combination of sudden freedom after excessive confinement.We hear a lot of rhetoric, especially from Conservatives, about “family,”but actually,America has long abandoned traditional families and their values. The explosion in the number of nursing homes in the last half of the 20th Century reflects the dissolution of close family ties and taken together with the abortion rate, we are seeing the abandonment of the very old and the very young when they are both at their most vulnerable.

Men are especially prone to loneliness in many cases because they either couldn’t attract a mate or, having attracted one, couldn’t keep her. Frequently, it wasn’t the man who was impossible to satisfy but rather the women he courted. This difference in motivation becomes evident when looking at the custom dating/mating services(not of the internet type). The man pays a large fee to be placed in the system while the women pay a small fee or nothing at all. In other words, the men are the primary clients and the women are solicited to provide a large pool of candidates from whom he may choose. Often these women have a lukewarm or mildly interested attitude about the whole thing as opposed to the needs of a man who would use such services to actually obtain a life’s partner.Unfortunately, the current social milieu usually finds that modern females, once attracted by male virility, have a lower opinion of conservative men with their standard masculinity than in past times. Today, many women now seem to be attracted to the “metrosexual types” with their man buns and liberal “sensitivity.”

In my own experience, women in such circumstances prefer a good time to choosing a partner based upon qualities once considered desirable. These women cite in their list of preferences such things as a sense of humor(but with a very real limitation on what the gentleman considers “funny!”), the man involved being financially “open handed” – also known as “how to treat a lady” – and, of course, any past experiences in taking ladies on costly jaunts all over the globe. Is it any wonder that Western men sometimes seek out Asian ladies as they are the least corrupted by Western “values?”

There are truly lovely women out there – and I don’t just mean physically attractive! – seriously seeking a mate, but they are rare. The ones that sign up for these services tend to be excessively picky, overly eccentric or of the type made famous in the film Sunset Boulevard (I’m ready for my closeup, Mr. DeMille!) and frankly, good looks and even a lively personality is not enough to compensate for being egocentric. Men – who can also be quite egocentric! – will usually tolerate a good deal of quirkiness if a lady is reasonably good looking and has a pleasant personality while the ladies who are seriously seeking male companionship can usually find someone to their liking without a great deal of effort.

The stats in this matter show a situation that certainly is not static. In 1950, 22% of American adults were single. Today, over 50% of American adults are single and about one in seven live alone and comprise about 28% of all households. Comparing America with the rest of the world shows a stark difference. About two-thirds or more of older people in some countries live with younger family members, while only 6% of Americans do. Most American children and grandchildren place grandparents into what everyone – even they – recognize as medically and administratively monstrous and expensive facilities even the best of which tend to facilitate the resident’s demise while depleting his or her financial resources.

In most non-white cultures, older people are called elders and given the greatest respect by all around them. Family patriarchs are treated like royalty. Meanwhile, in our culture,senior citizen discounts here do not compensate for being treated as discounted – and discarded – citizens. The absurd COVID restrictions of the past year have especially played havoc with seniors in nursing homes. Their death rates in these facilities as well as in hospitals have shot up in proportion to the overall numbers of vaxx shots received, the mortality rate of the hospital protocols and the restrictions on the numbers of vital visits by family members.

Seniors have been treated as disposable by younger executives in many companies having no understanding of or appreciation for their skills and experience. They are many times the first to go when the layoffs come and are not considered valuable “human resources.” Many of these companies can’t resist mistreating their most valuable workers who may not be high-tech but can impart important work habits to college graduates who are figuratively – and practically – still wet behind the ears. Discrimination against senior employees has long been a major staple of activist efforts by groups like AARP and AMAC, the latter an organization that unlike AARP watches out for the interests of conservative seniors.

Maybe the emphasis on killing babies(abortion) for convenience has soaked into the American psyche to the point at which convenience in our harried and rushed existences takes precedence over taking the time and effort to do and take care of the things that really matter. As noted previously, babies and older humans just get in the way of having your fling and doing your thing. It was a Western governor who once opined that the elderly “have a duty to die and get out of the way.” I have since learned that this man – now old himself! – has rethought his previous life’s motto! Certainly, the acceptance of “quality of life” parameters in global medicine has seriously affected the directions of that master physician, Hippocrates whose oath began with, “First do no harm!” After Roe v. Wade in 1973, the Oath of Hippocrates taken by all civilized physicians and forbid abortion was changed to, “I will do nothing illegal!” As every wretched, murderous act today is either ignored or now considered legal, this great oath of history has been rendered void and innocent people are paying for their ignorance and apathy at the hands of their once-trusted physicians.

Not to denigrate pet lovers, but it may be that the increase in “pets” – and not just dogs and cats –substitutes for failing interests in the needs of fellow human beings including the elderly. This emotional “substitution” also explains the increased attention given to rescuing abandoned and mistreated animals as well as concern with the needs of “endangered species” around the planet. Animals are physically and emotionally easier to deal with and control as well as lacking the off times difficult interactions and time consuming, often exasperating duties involved in “end of life” situations.

Even more odd is America’s failure to adhere to that old adage, charity begins at home. The US wastes its largesse on every conceivable foreign and anti-American group while ignoring the needs of its own citizens including our military veterans. The same can be said of those Christian denominations that spend their time and treasure feeding and saving the entire world from its follies while many of America’s elderly have to choose between food and medicine and even find themselves homeless and existing on dumpster diving. Foreign aid as a “charity” is worthless; neither is it intended for that purpose. It is just a political tool to enrich – and thus gain as an ally – foreign government “boorocrats” whose use of our wealth benefits them rather than us. The GovMint wants to provide every conceivable imagined need and desire of illegal aliens though they provide nothing in return for their care. Indeed, in some urban areas hospitals are forced to close because they are overwhelmed by illegals using emergency rooms as free care for simple health issues while the absence of these health centers leave America’s elderly and poor in the lurch. Meanwhile, professional“charities”use America’s humanitarian urges to spend large chunks of money on overhead expenses including marketing and the bloated salaries their top management.

The homeless are virtually ignored though it is known that the vast majority of those identified as homeless are addicts. Still, abandoned seniors can easily become homeless as they no longer have the means to obtain housing or the families to prevent this final descent into hopelessness. Of course, the lack of a response to the homeless situation means that drug addicts and the mentally ill are ignored by liberal politicians and this grave problem is put upon the public who have seen many of our most beautiful cities become sewers of detritus and human excrement. And as little or nothing is done to elevate real estate values, there are economic consequences resulting in ordinary Americans of all ages losing their homes over their inability to pay the outrageous interest rates (usury) on mortgages that sometimes triples the amount of the principal borrowed. This situation peaked at the crest of last year’s Covidiocy as many lost their jobs! As a result, there seems to be a panhandler at every urban street corner now and it is beginning to look very much as it did during the Great Depression!In better days, family members would chip in and pay a few month’s worth of mortgage payments to keep their kith and kin safe and warm, but alas– just as with their seniors, they have abandoned them to their own devices. The Christian culture of love and caring has been replaced by the Utilitarian understanding of the “survival of the fittest.” Christian virtues and values have gone the way of the dodo bird.

Our present “isolation” has also created a sort of modern “matrix” – that is, an unreal reality within which people function as if it were real. Look at groups such as Facebook and Twitter! Time spent with ersatz “friends” – that is, people whom one never expects to actually meet –on anti-social media would be better spent with the living whether it is visiting a neighbor who is alone or keeping some lonely senior company for a few hours. Much idle social media chatter would be better devoted to interacting with real people who are lonely. Many of these lost souls have suicidal thoughts and some literally act on those thoughts. We have suicide prevention hotlines, why not loneliness prevention hotlines? It is time for America and Americans to take a good look around. If we do nothing, there won’t be anything left to save.

© 2021 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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The Kitchen Militia – The Renewed Line of Defense for Education

By Tom DeWeese

December 28, 2021

The alarm sounds throughout the countryside. As the alert is heard, one by one, two by two, the patriots respond. They are a loosely organized, ragtag band, without official leaders or official orders. Some gather in small groups, others work alone. But, armed with an overpowering idea of truth and an urgency to protect their children, they are determined to expose and drive back their foe.

They are not the Minute Men of 1775, turning out to keep the King’s men from ransacking their supplies. These are mothers of 2022 answering the call against the federal assault on their children’s local schoolhouses. A proper name for them should be the “Kitchen Militia” and their targets are Common Core, Equity Collaborative, Social Emotional learning (SEL), Critical Race Theory (CRT), and any other federal education program that threatens to dumb down their children or subject them to behavior modification.

For several years individual mothers have been fighting alone to get to the bottom of an education crisis that seems to grow unabated. It’s getting worse, even as the education establishment and politicians talk of education “reform” and pour money into a system that continues to turn out children who can’t read or perform simple math.

These are the children they nurtured for the first five years of their lives. Yet, once those children are released into the public education system, something begins to happen. Some become rebellious and angry. Some of those once-happy children become quiet and withdrawn. Where once they showed quick ability to learn, now they seemed unable to grasp even the simple basics of knowledge.

When the moms try to help with homework assignments, they’re told by the children that moms aren’t allowed to help. Then, when those moms go to the school to get to the bottom of the problem, they are turned away or casually disregarded. Said the co-founder of Equity Collaborative, “Adults are in the way…kids change much faster.”  And the crisis continues to grow.

This attack on parents and their values is not new. During the 1973 International Education Seminar, Harvard psychiatrist Chester M. Pierce, speaking as an expert in public education, said: “Every child in America entering school at the age of five is mentally ill because he comes to school with certain allegiances to our founding fathers, toward our elected officials, toward his parents, toward a belief in a supernatural being, and toward the sovereignty of this nation as a separate entity. It’s up to you as teachers to make all these sick children well by creating the international child of the future.”  And thus began the drive to change the American education system away from teaching academics, into one that focuses on behavior modification of attitudes, values, and beliefs usually instilled from parents.

This scenario is classic throughout the nation. New generations of moms continue to ask the same questions. In each case somewhere a mom begins to get angry and starts researching this new education system that no longer teaches real math or the ability to write in cursive, discourages literature, and focuses, instead, on “feelings!” At the beginning they are just concerned and want to understand. In each case as they uncover more of the corrupted material they are not only horrified by what they find, but, one by one, they discover each other – more moms in the same crusade, nationwide.

With the help of the home computer and social media, they begin sharing information and research. Today, school board meetings have become the battle ground.

But the politicians, including school board members, who used to encourage parental involvement, now openly oppose their right to question education policy. Federal intrusion grows with more programs that don’t seem to make sense. The children are spending less and less time learning basic skills and more time with the school psychologist or in group sessions openly discussing personal family business. SAT test have been dumbed down to make it appear the education “reform” programs are working. California is now taking steps to remove “Ds” and “Fs” from the grading system as basic skills continue to diminish. In reality, kids can’t read beyond a fourth-grade level or figure out what 9 percent of 100 might be. It’s now more important for teachers to help students identify their differences instead of their common American identity.

Meanwhile, the moms who used to keep the household running and keep the kids in crisply ironed clean clothes, now sit in front of their terminals or on the phone diving ever deeper into the underbelly of an education system gone mad.

The moms have begun to find a new language of terms like “higher order thinking skills”, “gender norming,” “classroom facilitator”, “site-based management”, “career education” and “life role competencies”. This is the language of Outcome-based Education. What does all of this mean? The moms are finding out fast.

They’ve learned that their kids are no longer considered to be children or students but “human resources.” Schools are no longer places of education but are becoming “one stop social centers.” Racial identity has become more important than math. Above all, they’ve learned that the world of “education reform” is a dark and smelly place. One thing is clear, it is no place for their children.

A lesson that the education establishment is about to learn is that they should never ignore or anger a concerned mom. Tired of being ignored, tired of doing the politician’s job, tired of fearing for their children’s futures, the moms have begun to strike back with all the force they can muster – and their punch may be strong. Many brave moms are sounding the alarm at school board meetings, even under the outrageous threat of arrest by the FBI for simply expressing their concerns.

In truth, the Mom’s fight, while now getting headlines over the Critical Race Theory issue, is not new. Back in 1996 it began in earnest as moms began to notice troubles in the classrooms. One of the leaders at that time was Chey Simonton who headed up a group called the National Citizens Alliance. She is the one who originally made up the term “Kitchen Militia.”

At the time, Simonton issued a declaration for the moms, which needs to be rekindled today. It stated simply: We are thousands of mothers and grandmothers-cum-researchers located in every state of this country. We have micro-researched every facet of the so-called “restructuring” and in the process have become experts on the United Nations, the US-Soviet Education, Technology and Cultural Exchange Agreements, federal and state legislation (past and present), philosophy, sociology, psychology, and pedagogy. In short, if there is any program or agenda we perceive as a threat to our families, somewhere there is a Kitchen Militia mother who tracks it down and gets the word out on the grapevine: radio call-in shows, fax networks, audio cassette, video tape or any other jungle drum available.

We’re not armed with guns! Guns are so messy…we’ve got Congressional records, legislation, and official documents. We document whatever we say and hoard quotes from air-head politicians like a miser hoards his gold…

We are the most dangerous threat to the “restructuring” of this nation. Remember the old slogan, “the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.” This is fair warning. The fastest growing militia group in this country is the Kitchen Militia. Our numbers swell every day, every time some new piece of socialist garbage is introduced that threatens our families.

Time has passed, but the battle has now grown fierce. For over thirty years the educrats have controlled the field of battle as children suffered and mothers tried to make sense of it all. Today, the true purpose of education “reform” is clear and the moms have all the knowledge they need to take direct action for their children. Now is the time for the moms to renew Chey Simonton’s battle cry and to organize into a lean, mean, effective effort, taking direct action in every school board meeting. Let that be fair warning to any politician who thinks “business as usual” will continue.

The Kitchen Militia is finally becoming a true grassroots movement of angry moms. There are thousands of them – too many to name. But every time another mom finds her child to be a victim of education “reform”, every time she takes those few minutes to just “check into the situation”, that mom finds herself unknowingly heading down a road of no return – down the road that leads straight to the camp of the Kitchen Militia.

Now, as they wage their valiant fight, those moms are all headed down another road as well – the one that leads straight to the camp of Freedom’s Heroes.

© 2021 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese: Contact Tom DeWeese

Progressivism Is An Infectious and Abhorrent Demonic Mutation That Must Be Quarantined

By Dr. Mike Spaulding

December 28, 2021

Progressivism Is An Infectious and Abhorrent Demonic Mutation That Must Be Quarantined & Eradicated – Dr. Mike Spaulding

The following is an excerpt from the book “Social Injustice: Exposing the False Gospel of the Social Justice Movement.” Ordering details are shown below.

Author Phil Kent details how the Rockefeller Foundation supported Alfred Kinsey and his deviant homosexual and pedophilia sexual abuse under the guise of sex research at Indiana University. Kinsey wrote this following concerning the origin of his “research” at the Kinsey Institute:

The present volume is a progress report from a case study on human sexual behavior. The study has been underway during the past nine years. Throughout these years it has had the sponsorship and support of Indiana University and during the past six years the support of the National Research Council’s Committee for Research on Problems of Sex, with funds granted by the Medical Division of the Rockefeller Foundation.

Jones adds that the Rockefeller Foundation knew perfectly well that Kinsey’s research was bogus, that his statistical analysis was not accurate, and that his activities were in fact, criminal. Kinsey became a master at blackmail and coercion based on information he gathered on people who controlled the flow of money.

In the end, the only people at the Rockefeller Foundation who were capable of pulling the plug on Kinsey funding were the people who had not given him their histories. Those who had were completely under his control… The three wise men from the Rockefeller Foundation—Yerkes, Corner, and Gregg—never knew what hit them. The same premise undergirds contemporary phenomena like SAR (Sexual Attitude Restructuring) of the sort that psychologists and medical professionals are forced to undergo for certification as experts in the field of sex. SAR means looking at pornography, and the sex educators who have followed in Kinsey’s footsteps understand that if you look at enough pornography, you will become desensitized; your attitudes will change; you will be more likely to act on what you see and less likely to object to what you see. If you follow the trajectory to its logical conclusion, you will become someone enslaved to passion—a sexual addict—to use the contemporary term.

Kent adds that:

Some inside the Rockefeller Foundation responsible for oversight of the grant actually complained about bad data and irregularities concerning research regarding the experiences of prisoners, bar–hopping homosexuals and child molesters…Warren Weaver, head of the foundation’s natural sciences division, objected to funding Kinsey’s “library of erotic literature, and a collection of pictures and other art objects.”

Just as important to understand is the legal impact of the foundations’ funding of Kinsey’s perversions. Consider that Carnegie and Rockefeller Foundation money was used to create state level organizations to inform and guide bar associations for the express purpose of changing America’s laws concerning sex crimes.

In 1955, the Model Penal Code was completed under the auspices of the Carnegie and Rockefeller seeded American Law Institute, the education arm of the American Bar Association. This “model” was then submitted to state legislatures for their consideration, with plenty of authoritative support for the implementation provided by Kinsey’s flawed scientific analysis. Adoption of the Model Penal Code eliminated and/or trivialized prior sex offenses, eventually aiding the reduction of penalties for abortion, rape, wife and child battery, desertion, seduction, adultery, prostitution, contributing to the delinquency of a minor, soliciting for masturbation, sodomy, public sexual exhibitions, ‘unfit’ parentage, alienation of affection, and obscenity, as well as infanticide, premeditated AIDS/STD transmissions, etc.

Nearly every major sexual research study since the 1940s has cited the Kinsey studies as a basis for their call for the normalization of sexual deviancy. But this was only the tip of the spear in the grand scheme the Rockefeller Foundation trustees had in store for America. The real goal was the breakdown of the natural family through an unleashing of sexual morality from biblical standards of marriage between one man and one woman. Following close on the heels of the destruction of the natural family, came the push for unfettered abortion. Once again, the Rockefeller Foundation led the way with assistance from the Ford Foundation and the Hewlitt Foundation. Kent writes:

After the 1973 Roe v. Wade US Supreme Court ruling, in which Justice Harry Blackmun infamously wrote that “the word person, as used in the 14th Amendment, does not include the unborn,” all kinds of programs to limit the America population through abortion were undertaken. A June 2, 1972 Chicago Tribune story contained this gem: “It is no surprise that Playboy Foundation money is now competing with Rockefeller money to promote the concept of permissive abortion.

Today, pro-life and abolitionist groups are winning the argument against the wanton destruction of unborn human beings, in spite of the various foundations donating millions for the promotion of the murder of unborn children. If the various groups, that support the protection of unborn human beings will put aside their differences and unite, government-sponsored abortion can end in our lifetime.

The same need to unite is observable regardless of the subject. The US Federal Government as well as many State governments are aligning themselves against the Christian Church. They are using foundation money to change minds and then change laws. Once laws are changed they are using the court system to attack and silence the Church. The Church, in many instances, has become an accomplice in this travesty. This is true in immigration, gender identity confusion, Islamization, and environmentalism.

One event that shows just how far the Church has fallen into the wicked deception that is Progressivism is the apology David Platt issued for the crime of praying for President Donald Trump. The president recently stopped by Platt’s church on a Sunday morning with only a short notice. Platt had the president appear with him on the platform and prayed for him. The howling from the progressives and invectives hurled at Platt—who is one of their own, by the way— forced him to issue a hurried letter of explanation for his action of praying for the president.

Since when do Christians have to explain their action of praying for the president of the United States? Under eight long years of President Obama, the progressives were quick in their attempts to squelch any negative remarks. Christians were routinely reminded that: “you should be praying for President Obama instead of criticizing him.” Apparently, they really don’t believe we should pray for our president.

Then, there was the recent invitation-only, clandestine meeting of progressive Christian leaders at Wheaton College in Illinois. Headlined by Tim Keller and Ed Stetzer, attendees were invited to discuss ways in which Christianity could be redirected away from support for President Trump. By ‘redirected,’ they meant forced back on the unopposed road of cultural Marxism, Progressive Christianity, and socialism. Some of those invited were so insulted by the Trump-bashing that ensued that they walked out.

The social gospel and its offspring, social justice, are heresies that fortunately are not aging well. Arnold Toynbee identified the Progressivism of his day when he stated: “Western liberalism is merely the political husk of Christianity, without its spiritual kernel.”57 That describes Progressivism plainly: a veneer of spirituality that fools the masses, but lacks any spiritual power derived solely from the One true God. Thus, Progressivism is a poison, an infectious and abhorrent demonic mutation that must be quarantined and eradicated. Progressivism actually creates social injustices, and as such, should be rejected and vociferously objected to by Christians.

This article is an excerpt of the book Social Injustice: Exposing the False Gospel of the Social Justice Movement, which brought together authors Jeff Dornik, Brannon Howse, Dr Andy Woods, Dr Mike Spaulding, Thomas Littleton, Ken Peters, Sam Jones, Ian M Giatti, Patrick Wyett, Paige Rogers, Dustin Faulkner, Schumann and the foreword by Mychal Massie. This team of authors exposes the heresy of Social Justice and how it preaches a false Gospel.

© 2021 Mike Spaulding – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Mike Spaulding:

E-Mail Mike Spaulding: pastormike@cclohio.corg

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Trump’s Lethal “Operation Warp Speed” Jabs

By Kelleigh Nelson

December 28, 2021

Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution the time will come when medicine will organize itself into an undercover dictatorship. To restrict the art of healing to doctors and deny equal privileges to others will constitute the Bastille of medical science. All such laws are un-American and despotic.  —Dr. Benjamin Rush

Freedom of choice must be brought to bear upon the US Medical practice. —Congressman Phil Crane

One of the first duties of the physician is to educate the masses not to take medicine.  —William Osler (1849-1919) Described as the Father of Modern Medicine

They do not cover the new variants; patients are failing on these vaccines. They’re being hospitalized and getting sick despite having had the vaccines.The vaccines at this point in time have amounted to record mortality and injury and should be considered unsafe and unfit for human use. —Dr. Peter A. McCullough

Dr. Stephen Hahn, the mild-mannered former chief medical executive of the MD Anderson Cancer Center, became the commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration shortly after the coronavirus broke out in China.

He quickly found himself in an uncomfortable position. The White House wanted an emergency approval of one of the vaccines being developed to treat COVID-19.  Under a massive and secretive government effort, “Operation Warp Speed,” was one of the most consequential public health decisions in American history. The FDA’s scientific determinations, as to whether a vaccine is safe and effective enough to give to millions of healthy Americans, are dicey enough. But Hahn, like so many top federal health officials, seemed to have found himself in a tightening vice.

President Trump, his chief of staff, Mark Meadows, and his son-in-law and special adviser, Jared Kushner, all called Dr. Hahn directly, urging him to accelerate emergency authorization of vaccines and treatments, i.e., Remdesivir.

If Hahn didn’t cave and accelerate the approval, potentially jeopardizing safety, the decision could be taken from the FDA and rammed through by Trump’s Health and Human Services Secretary, Alex Azar, the former President of Eli Lilly USA.  Hahn also knew that if he stood up to Trump, he would be fired.He was willing to be dismissed rather than serve as a presidential puppet.

On December 10, 2020, Dr. Hahn testified during a Senate “Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee Hearing” on the federal government response to COVID-19.  White House Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows had pressed Hahn to grant emergency use authorization (EUA) for Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine by the end of the day on December 11, 2020.

Biopharmaceutical History

The history of all four pharmaceutical companies involved in creating the COVID-19 jab is certainly not pretty.  America’s Medical Mafia: Biopharmaceutical Companies, written in May of this year, exposed the past of these companies and the many lawsuits against them.  Because the COVID vax is an EUA, it is protected from lawsuits by the federal government via the PREP Act signed into law by President George W. Bush.

The US Government has a secret history of grisly experiments on animals and humans, and these COVID jabs are no different; Americans are human lab rats.  In 2010, I wrote a ten-part article entitled, American Citizens as Guinea Pigs. Part two included the detrimental polio vaccine tainted with Simian Virus-40 which causes soft tissue cancers and is genetically passed.  It was never pulled from the market.

Here is a partial list of the many failed drugs taken off market after dangerous side effects or deaths.  This does not include the 1976 swine flu vaccine pulled after 25 to 50 deaths.

Trump Promotes Vax/Boosters

If you’ve had the CCP virus, you have lifetime immunity as evidenced in 140 studies.  You do not need the Sars-coV-2 jabs, or any of the boosters.  Dr. Peter McCullough states, “Once and done.”  There is no need to worry about getting the virus again.

Dr. McCullough writes that there are risks for those who have recovered from the CCP virus who then receive the Sars-voV-2 jabs.  Medical research concludes that the COVID-19 jabs are dangerous for those who have already had the virus and have recovered with inferred robust, complete, and durable immunity.A medical study of United Kingdom healthcare workers who had already had COVID-19 and then received the vaccine found that they suffered higher rates of side effects than the average population.

So why has former President Trump taken both jabs and now the booster when he obviously recovered from the virus while he was still the 45th president?  Or did he take them?  Did he get the placebo instead?  Doesn’t he have physicians who will tell him the truth? Doesn’t he do any research?  Doesn’t he read?  Why wasn’t he and his family put on Hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin to keep them from ever contracting the virus?  Where was Dr. Scott Atlas with this important information, or did Trump rebuff him?  There are simply too many unanswered questions and too many statements by Trump that are untrue.

Trump tell us we’re playing right into their hands when we doubt the vaccine. Whose hands? He made the remarks during a live event with former Fox News pundit Bill O’Reilly.“We did something historic, we saved tens of millions of lives worldwide,” said Trump, before going on to credit the vaccine for preventing a repeat of the Spanish flu, which infected nearly a third of the world and killed as many as 100 million people.  The reality is the carnage from the lethal injections will make the 1917 flu pale in comparison.

The comparison is somewhat alarmist given that the Spanish flu had a 2.5% global mortality rate, which is substantially larger than Sars-coV-2’s actual mortality rate when you discount the many PCR false positive tests.  Many who had bacterial pneumonia and could have been saved with antibiotics were left to die because C-19 was diagnosed, and that’s not even mentioning the worthless stakeholder/medical protocols used on C-19 hospital patients.

Despite Trump’s glorification of the vax, he said it shouldn’t be mandatory.  Well, it isn’t mandatory for federal politicians and stakeholders, and the hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens crossing our southern border.

When interviewed by Candace Owens, our 45th president claimed no one had been hurt by these jabs, when that is just a flat out lie!  Over 111 airline pilots are dead from the jab, over 75 sports figures have died on the fields, young men are getting myocarditis, which destroys their heart muscle with inflammation.  Even Trump’s buddy, Franklin Graham ended up with pericarditis.  Graham told us we all should get the vax, that if Jesus were here, he’d get the vax.  What absolute total rubbish!

Trump should take a look at the Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting System (VAERS) numbers out by Lifesite News from Dec. 14, 2020 to Dec. 10, 2021.  Only one percent is reported, so multiply the numbers by 100 and you’ll get the actual death and adverse effect figures since the clot shot came out.

To top it off, Trump echoes the commie Pravda media and tells Candace that 90% of the people in hospitals are unvaccinated, when exactly the opposite is true.  Those in hospital sick with Sars-coV-2 are jabbed with one or all of the clot shots including the booster, but if you’ve had the jabs within the last two weeks, hospitals count you as unvaxed.  And many get sick or die within the first two weeks after the inoculation.  Trump is spewing information from CNN, MSNBC, Fauci and the snakeholders.

There has never been a vaccine for a virus!  We know this is not a real vaccine!  Why would Trump promote such a thing?  Is it pride?  That’s the only thing that makes sense. He keeps lauding the fact that he and he alone created “Operation Warp Speed” and saved the country from COVID…a virus 99.8% recover from.  We all know, “Pride goeth before the fall.”

COVID Jabs are Shielded

Take note that the federal government shields Pfizer/Moderna/J&J from liability and has given them billions of dollars and is forcing Americans to take their product. But they won’t let you see the data supporting its safety/efficacy. Just who does the government work for?

The FDA has asked a federal judge to make the public wait until the year 2076 to disclose all of the data and information it relied upon to license Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine. That is not a typo. It wants 55 years to produce this information to the public.  It’s been 58 years since John F. Kennedy was assassinated and even Donald J. Trump did not release the truth to the public.

As explained in this article, the FDA repeatedly promised “full transparency” with regard to Covid-19 vaccines, including reaffirming “the FDA’s commitment to transparency” when licensing Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine.

More than 30 academics, professors, and scientists from this country’s most prestigious universities requested the data and information submitted to the FDA by Pfizer to license its COVID-19 vaccine.

The FDA’s response?  It produced nothing.  In September, Attorney Aaron Siri’s firm filed a lawsuit against the FDA on behalf of this group to demand this information.  To date, almost three months after it licensed Pfizer’s vaccine, the FDA still had not released a single page; finally it released under 100 pages which you can read here.

Support for Trump

I know in my heart the 2020 election was rigged, that Donald J. Trump won the election, hands down.  Our 45th president did many wonderful things for this country, and we had a four-year Nineveh.  (If you don’t know the story, read the book of Jonah in the Old Testament; it comes right after Obadiah, and right before Micah and is important history.)

My 2016 support for Donald Trump never wavered.  I wrote article after article supporting him, two of which he actually used in rallies and the first one helped him to get rid of Jeb Bush.  The second article he used at a rally in Alabama explaining why the media is allowed to lie about public figures.  Why Alabama?  Because that’s where these legal suits started and then ended with the Supreme Court decision in NYTs v. Sullivan.

The mere fact that it took President Trump four years to realize just exactly who and what his Vice President really was, and who and what his Senior Counselor, Kellyanne Conway was…tells me the man has little discernment as to those who are really on his side. Pence sent Trump to controlled-opposition Heritage Foundation and Conway sent him to the Federalist Society, both of whom steered Trump to Supreme Court nominees who, we now know, are anything but conservative.  Conway and Pence have been friends for years and have family who are intermarried.  They worked together.

Pence was given challenge after challenge by Trump, and failed at every one of them, including being in charge of the Coronavirus Task Force.  He gave us Fauci, Birx and Redfield and they destroyed our economy and Trump…just as their handlers planned. Read Pence’s history… [Link], [Link], [Link], [Link].

On January 6th, 2021, Pence stabbed Trump in the back and the Republic in the heart.  Finally, after four years, Trump saw the real face of his Vice President…one who had no problem elbow bumping with Pelosi.

Throughout Trump’s administration, he never chose people outside the Deep State.  He hired from the swamp over and over and over again.  He took Chris Christie’s suggestion and hired Christopher Wray as FBI Director.  Then he listened to Attorneys Joe diGenova and Victoria Toensing and hired Deep Stater Bill Barr as Attorney General.

Only once did he hire outside the swamp when he appointed Lt. General Michael T. Flynn as National Security Advisor.  General Flynn was his finest choice and was terminated within weeks by the deceit and duplicity of the FBI and their backdoor into Pence’s office.  Pence’s Chief of Staff was Josh Pitcock whose wife worked for Peter Strzok and Lisa Page allegedly checking Hillary Clinton’s emails.

Trump listened to Deep Stater Pence rather than the General who had decades of intel knowledge.  He needed General Flynn, but he ended up with Deep Staters in that very important position over and over again.  Far too many people saw his choices as guided by those from the swamp and completely incompatible with Trump, which they proved to be.  A prime example is that Christopher Wray is still head of the FBI and Trump should have pulled his nomination during Wray’s Senate hearings.


Around the world hundreds of thousands have died, not from Sars-coV-2, but from the messenger RNA vaccines, millions have suffered permanent disabilities and adverse effects.  The buck ultimately stops with Trump.  He chose to put Pence in charge of the Coronavirus Task Force, and Pence brought in the Deep State stakeholders.The NIH, FDA, CDC or AMA never approved any early home treatment and banned long approved safe and cheap drugs that would have cured.

People were told there was nothing to be done, go home…and when it got worse, they went to the hospital, were put on oxygen and then ventilators, and 80% of them died.  The ultimate goal was the huge moneymaker for Big Pharma…the “vaccines.” Dr. McCullough tells us that 86% of the people who died of the virus could have been saved, but obviously that was not the goal of the snake holders.

Excuses for Trump can be made, yet the buck stops with him.  He was our Commander in Chief.  There is no question that the guilt of negligence is Trump’s, but the guilt of homicide belongs to Big Pharma. They were the ones that knew what they were doing. Trump’s negligence was not blowing the whistle on them and firing Fauci and the heads of these fraudulent government entities. You can make the case of malicious contempt in the action of Fauci and the officials of Big Pharma, all of whom need to do time at the very least.  Trump keeps pushing the lethal vax, why? Is it pride alone?  Is it stupidity?  Or is it that he is not what he represented himself to be?

Would I ever support Trump again?  Only if he is man enough to admit that he made a mistake and provide leadership that results in correction. Repentance is the foundation of our Judeo-Christian faith.

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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Controlling a Constitutionally Protected Right

By Paul Engel

December 27, 2021

  • Does anyone in government have the legal authority to regulate a constitutionally protected right?
  • Can Congress pass a law that violates the Constitution as long as the Supreme Court says it’s OK?
  • How can We the People restore our rights in the face a tyrannical government that is violating its primary purpose, to protect your rights.

The Declaration of Independence lists some of our inalienable rights. It also says “That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men”. If governments are created to secure our rights, does that mean they have the legitimate power to regulate them? In many situations, governments at all levels claim that power. So what happens when We the People allow governments to control our rights? Or, more importantly, what can we do to regain control of our rights?

During the ratification debates, one of the reasons the Federalists were opposed to a Bill of Rights was the fear that if we put a list of rights in the Constitution, someone would think they had the right to regulate them. History has shown there was merit to the Federalists’ concern.

United States Capitol

Enter Title 40, United States Code §5104

(e) Capitol Grounds and Buildings Security.-

(1) Firearms, dangerous weapons, explosives, or incendiary devices.-An individual or group of individuals-

(A) except as authorized by regulations prescribed by the Capitol Police Board-

(i) may not carry on or have readily accessible to any individual on the Grounds or in any of the Capitol Buildings a firearm, a dangerous weapon, explosives, or an incendiary device;

(ii) may not discharge a firearm or explosives, use a dangerous weapon, or ignite an incendiary device, on the Grounds or in any of the Capitol Buildings; or

(iii) may not transport on the Grounds or in any of the Capitol Buildings explosives or an incendiary device; or

40 U.S.C. §5104

This law places sole discretion over who is allowed to bear arms on the Capitol Grounds in the hands of the Capitol Police Board. This is in direct violation of the Second Amendment:

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. 

U.S. Constitution, Amendment II

However, there’s an interesting twist to this law: Members of Congress are not subject to it.

[The Senators and Representatives] shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony and Breach of the Peace, be privileged from Arrest during their Attendance at the Session of their respective Houses, and in going to and returning from the same; and for any Speech or Debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other Place.

U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 6, Clause 1

While it may be against the law (unconstitutional and void as that law may be), members of Congress are exempt from arrest, since this is not a felony. No one seemed to care very much, or at least not until Lauren Boebert won her seat in Congress. Rep. Boebert stated that she would carry her firearm on capitol grounds. While that is a violation of 40 U.S.C. 5104(e), as a member of the House of Representatives, she is privileged from arrest while in attendance at the capitol. Which quickly led to the introduction of H.R. 545, the “No Congressional Gun Loophole Act”.

(B) EXCEPTION.—Notwithstanding subparagraph (A), the Capitol Police Board may not authorize or permit a Member of Congress or an employee of such Member of Congress to carry on or have readily accessible to such Member or employee a firearm, except a Member or employee may store a firearm in a car owned by such Member or employee that is parked in a garage in the Capitol complex if the Member or employee is in compliance with the firearms laws of the District of Columbia for the lawful possession of such firearm and such firearm is locked with a gun lock while on the Capitol complex.”.

H.R. 545 – The No Congressional Gun Loophole Act

There are a couple of things I noticed in this legislation. First, all it really does is tell the Capitol Police Board that they may not authorize a member of Congress or employee to carry a firearm at the Capitol. To my knowledge, the Capitol Police have not authorized Rep Boebert to carry her firearm, so nothing has changed there. Which leads to the second point. When it comes to Congressmen, it means absolutely nothing, since it would be a violation of the Constitution for the Capitol Police to arrest a Senator or Representative while attending or traveling to or from a session of their respective house. What are the Capitol Police going to do? And just imagine Rep. Boebert or another member of Congress filing a complaint with the Capitol Police, or with the F.B.I. for that matter, of a violation of 18 U.S.C. §242 for denying them a right protected under the Constitution? Unfortunately, I bet this legislation makes someone feel better.

State of Illinois

There are a few states that still require someone possess a Firearm Owner Identification (FOID) card to own or possess a firearm. In other words, these states claim that their citizens must get their permission before exercising their right to keep and bear arms. This is a blatant violation of the Second Amendment, but the courts have routinely upheld the criminal idea that states can infringe your rights if they have a good enough reason. Then, to add insult to injury, the State of Illinois makes things worse.

Theres also a management audit of [Illinois State Police]s handling of the Firearm Owner Identification Card and Concealed Carry License programs.

Auditors say of their sample, 87% of FOID cards werent processed in time with up to a year delay and 60% of renewals werent processed in time with up to 214 days delay…

Of the applications auditors sampled, 43% of CCL applications werent processed within the constraints of the law.

Audit commission to review delays in FOID cards, concealed carry licenses, other findings with state police – The Center Square

If it wasn’t bad enough that residents of Illinois need state approval to own a gun, the state cannot even follow their own laws regarding the issuing of that permission. And if a right delayed is a right denied, this is even more evidence of the State if Illinois denying the rights of their citizens.

State of California

Not to be outdone, California Governor Newsom, in what appears to be a fit if pique, decided to abuse the rights of his citizens because he doesn’t like how the Supreme Court is handling a case from another state.

I am outraged by yesterdays U.S. Supreme Court decision allowing Texass ban on most abortion services to remain in place, and largely endorsing Texass scheme to insulate its law from the fundamental protections of Roe v. Wade. But if states can now shield their laws from review by the federal courts that compare assault weapons to Swiss Army knives, then California will use that authority to protect peoples lives, where Texas used it to put women in harms way.

Governor Newsom Statement on Supreme Court Decision

Look at the reasoning Governor Newsom is using. He doesn’t like the fact that the Supreme Court of the United States has not issued an injunction against a Texas law currently being reviewed by the federal judiciary. Forget the fact that the court noted that the request for an injunction was not legitimate, since it attempted to enjoin someone who could not use the Texas law. Ignoring the fact that the potential harm of issuing an injunction would be quite permanent (the baby is dead), while the harm of waiting until the courts have issued their opinions is generally not. After all, unless the pregnancy is approaching term, there will still be time to kill the baby should the Texas law be found unconstitutional. The Supreme Court’s decision not to issue an injunction that would not stop the law, does not prevent another court from deciding that a case brought against someone performing or receiving an abortion can be found unconstitutional as well. Nope, Governor Newsom isn’t happy, and someone is going to pay. So to whom does Governor Newsom focus his ire? On gun owners, of course.

The most unique aspect of the Texas Pro Life law is that it authorizes private parties to sue, rather than making abortion a criminal offense. Now I have my issues with this part of the Texas law, mostly on its vagary in who is allowed to sue. So I guess Governor Newsom is planning to allow private parties to sue California citizens for owning a legal firearm? That doesn’t really surprise me, as it complies with so many of the irrational attempts of the anti-gun movement to get around the law and the Second Amendment to get their way. I also find the language Governor Newsom used to be quite interesting. Yes, AR-15s have been described as the “Swiss Army knives of firearms”. Not because of their innocuous nature, but because of their versatility and ability to be customized. Just look at the comparison he’s making though; Governor Newsom claims that restricting “assault weapons” save people’s lives just after the Kyle Rittenhouse case where he used one to save his own life. He also claims that the Texas Pro Life abortion law puts women in harm’s way while ignoring the fact that very little girls and boys are killed every day in elective abortions.

Governor Newsom’s announcement is a double-whammy when it comes to infringing on people’s rights. Yes, he wants to deny people in California the right to keep and bear arms. He also wants to deny people their right to not be deprived of their life without due process of law. Not bad for a single announcement.


While all three of the examples I’ve used in this article relate to firearms, there is much more at stake. We’ve already seen governments claim the authority to control what you can say, how you run your business, even what you put into your body. All of these are infringements of the people’s rights protected by the Constitution of the United States. Perhaps it’s time We the People remind our employees in government of the consequences of failing to protect our rights.

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. 

Declaration of Independence

© 2021 Paul Engel – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Paul Engel:

[BIO: Paul Engel founded The Constitution Study in 2014 to help everyday Americans read and study the Constitution. Author and speaker, Paul has spent more than 20 years studying and teaching about both the Bible and the U.S. Constitution. Freely admitting that he “learned more about our Constitution from School House Rock than in 12 years of public school” he proves that anyone can be a constitutional scholar. You can find his books on Amazon and Apple Books. You can also find his books, classes and other products at the Constitution Study website (]

NEVER “Forever Vigilant”

By Lex Greene

December 27, 2021

As Founder Ben Franklin left the hall in Philadelphia where the Constitutional Convention concluded on September 17, 1787, he was asked, “What kind of government have you given us, Dr. Franklin?” He replied: “A republic, if you can keep it.”

“Liberty must at all hazards be supported. We have a right to it, derived from our Maker. But if we had not, our fathers have earned and bought it for us, at the expense of their ease, their estates, their pleasure, and their blood.” – John Adams, A Dissertation on the Canon and Feudal Law, 1765

“The establishment of Civil and Religious Liberty was the Motive which induced me to the Field – the object is attained – and it now remains to be my earnest wish and prayer, that the Citizens of the United States could make a wise and virtuous use of the blessings placed before them.” – George Washington to the Reformed German Congregation of New York City, November 27, 1783

In the famed 1775 speech by Patrick Henry, he posed the same question that must be asked of every American alive today…“Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?”

Freedom and Liberty only exist where the people will accept no less. If the people think freedom and liberty are negotiating chips, they will trade in their freedom and liberty for a laundry list of far less important things, that will eventually go away too.

This has been true throughout all recorded human history, and it will never change, which is why every Founder called upon all their posterity to “be forever vigilant” against the aims of a few who intend to control all others.

The problem with not knowing true history is we are doomed to repeat history, over and over again. We will force ourselves to relive horrifying moments in history again and again, just because the lessons from those moments are long forgotten.

“It behooves every man who values liberty of conscience for himself, to resist invasions of it in the case of others.” – Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Benjamin Rush, 1803

There is only one way to protect freedom and liberty for ourselves…and that is to protect freedom and liberty for everyone else, at every opportunity. This is what our Founders meant by “forever vigilant.” The moment we take our eye off of freedom and liberty for all, we surrender it for ourselves and for all posterity. The moment we surrender our own liberty for any reason, we paint a target on everyone who will not “go along to get along,” those who will NOT comply.

The only time we can successfully confront evil, tyranny, assaults upon our freedom and liberty, is the moment we see it. Every second we allow it to exist, it will root deeper and grow stronger, until we find ourselves without the tools and opportunity to defeat it.

In the USA circa 2020, many Americans swiftly traded their freedom and liberty for what they were told was an ounce of security. Fearful of one of many corona viruses circulating the earth at all times and threatened by our own government, employers, law enforcement, medical corporations and even military, the people surrendered freedom and liberty for that promised ounce of security, not just for themselves, but for all of us, and all future generations. Nothing on earth motivates the average person more than fear.

If the people feared a loss of freedom and liberty as much as they do a cold or flu, we would not be two-years into a plandemic. The people, forever vigilant, would have refused to give up an ounce of freedom and liberty for any false sense of security. Had they known the past, they could have seen what was being done to them and accurately foretold of their impending doom.

But because government controlled education and media has largely erased lessons of the past from public view, and lied through their many controlled propaganda machines, the people must endure horrific reminders of history before they will awaken to reality.

This isn’t something new. It isn’t something that just happened in the past months, years or even decades. In reality, the USA has been under global assault since the moment our Founders signed our Declaration of Independence 246-years ago. The world has never been happy about the United States of America, which fast became the richest and most powerful free people ever known to mankind. There are those who have been determined to destroy us, ever since our birth in 1776.

As a result, our Founders knew that one day, after many years of “never forever vigilant,” freedom and liberty would be threatened under boot again. People who had taken everything for granted for decades, would one day find themselves challenged to protect freedom again.

It would happen slowly, incrementally, over a long period of time, spanning generations. It would happen quietly, even peacefully, while the people were not watching, or saw it in small bites, and thought it wasn’t important enough to rock the boat this time…until decades of infringements and intrusions stacked one upon another and the people became increasingly crushed under the weight.

So, it has been. Now we are here, again.

Every living American must answer the question posed by Patrick Henry many years ago… “Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?”

After two-years of life under tyrannical government mandates, none of which have proven to be at all effective against the alleged plandemic used to steal the 2020 elections and frighten most Americans out of living, how will we answer this question today?

Our Founders were indeed brilliant and determined to live free. They recorded it in our Declaration, “all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.”

But when tyranny becomes insufferable and the people have “had enough,” our Founder also laid the foundations for our remedy.

“That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

Problems and challenges are part of life, and they are always here. But so are the solutions to every problem.

“That when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

This is exactly why the tyrants have worked so hard to remove all of this history from the government controlled classrooms, and tear down public statues from history that have immortalized lessons from the past for more than a century, public reminders of lessons once learned, now forgotten.

Still, our Founders provided every solution we need today in three founding documents known as “The Charters of Freedom,” our Declaration of Independence, our Constitution, and our Bill of Rights.

Unlike the Founders, who had no such documents, and had to fight a bloody conflict to give them to us, every solution we need can be found in these three documents, no amendments needed.

But it isn’t just flowery speeches and occasional references to these documents that ever have or ever will secure our freedom, liberty, and peace. It’s ACTION, built upon the foundations put in place 246 years ago. It’s ENFORCEMENT!

These three documents are indeed The Charters of Freedom. Where they are enforced, we are free. But where they are ignored, forgotten, and not enforced, we will be enslaved once again.

There is no other way to remain a free people. These Charters of Freedom will either be enforced by the people, or the people will no longer live free. Not a single American can afford to count on anyone else to handle the enforcement. WE are the People who are supposed to be “forever vigilant.”

We haven’t been for many years. Will we be now?

“Timid men…prefer the calm of despotism to the boisterous sea of liberty.” – Thomas Jefferson to Philip Mazzei, April 24, 1796

“There is not a single instance in history in which civil liberty was lost, and religious liberty preserved entire. If therefore we yield up our temporal property, we at the same time deliver the conscience into bondage.” – John Witherspoon, The Dominion of Providence Over the Passions of Men, 1776

No matter the odds, the fight for freedom and liberty is never futile. Without freedom and liberty, nothing else on earth is worth anything at all.

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Looking Back At 2021: Afghanistan Withdrawal, Covid, CRT, BLM, Jesse Smollett, Immigration

By Frosty Wooldridge

December 27, 2021

Part 1:  Afghanistan Withdrawal, Covid, CRT, BLM, Jesse Smollett, Immigration

As we sit in our homes to wave goodbye to 2021, it may be worthwhile to look back over a very sobering year.  Sure, most of us lived through the pandemic. But, over 800,000 Americans didn’t live through Covid.  Our hearts go out to their friends and families. Most of us tried to maintain our sanity as Congress and this president turned our country into a homeless shelter for over 2,000,000 illegal border jumpers.  That’s in the face of our own homegrown homeless at 540,000 across 50 states.  We cried in anguish when this Alzheimer’s president and his incompetent generals engineered the worst military defeat in U.S. history.

Biden and four-star General Milley allowed a bunch of Toyota pickup-driving, illiterate terrorists to take control of a country where thousands of our troops gave their limbs, PTSD’d minds, and lives for the past 20 years.   He imported 124,000 refugees without vetting or legal warrant. He got 13 of our finest military personnel killed at the air base—for nothing but sheer incompetence.  And yet, he called it a “success.”  Severe cognitive decline lacks any understanding of reality.

Underlying all the bad things happening to our country in 2021, the main stream media continued massive bias and “downstream reporting.”  If not for citizen journalists who earn no money, we would not hear, see or know exactly what’s going on in America.

First off, the main stream media hid the origins of Covid 19, but with more digging, we know it was bio-weapon of war developed in a laboratory in Wuhan, China with millions of dollars given to develop the bio-weapon by American Dr. Anthony Fauci…and those were your tax dollars.  And still, the MSM does everything possible to suppress the facts.  The deceit against the American people continues.  What’s frustrating for this journalist…is the fact that the big boys on NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN and so many others will not tell the truth.  They’re all a bunch of Jesse Smollett’s.

And, as we all know today, Smollett proved himself a brilliant liar, so convincing, so deeply sincere in front of ABC’s Robin Roberts, so All-American, so All-Gay Black American, so all African-American…who implicated every White person in America as a racist with “White privilege.”  He even video tapped the “lynching noose” he hung around his own neck.  Pinocchio couldn’t grow a nose long enough to cover  Smollett’s lies.  But the rest of us must pay for his troubled and angry mind.

Second, the January 6th siege of the U.S. Capitol brought every kind of MSM ploy to blame Americans for being angry at the sheer corruption that’s been going on for decades in Congress starting with Nancy Pelosi, Charles Schumer, Maxine Waters, and so many of them that vote for bogus wars so they can insider-trade on defense contracts to make themselves millionaires.  Go watch FOX NEWS journalist Tucker Carlson’s report on what really happened on January 6, 2021. He dissects the lies, the misreporting and the outright fraud of MSM pundits.

Third, oh, don’t you just love the intellectual elites who resurrected Critical Race Theory?  The Black man who wrote it proved to be angry beyond reason.  But the intellectual elites who pushed it, knew CRT would fracture this country into race wars.  If you teach enough kids to hate someone of another color and their own country—at some point you will instigate revolution in the streets.  How about promoting a book titled: Positive Race Theory with Equality for All?  Oh, that’s already in the U.S. Constitution.

Fourth, when a bunch of parents fight to stop CRT from being taught in their schools, Dementia Joe calls them a bunch of domestic terrorists…and sic’s the FBI on them.  Boy, that’s All-American!  Leave it to the MSM to set the narrative and condemn American citizens for being American citizens.

Fifth, speaking of American citizens, Dementia Joe trashed the entire honor of being an American citizen by inviting over 2,000,000 (million) illegal border jumpers to invade our country this year. If that continues, we’ll have another 2,000,000 of them in 2022.  But do you notice that they are being housed in Hyatt Regency Hotels and other high-end hotels across America at your tax dollar expense?  Did you know that 124,000 Islamic refugees now enjoy housing, food, clothing, cars, etc., on your dime?  They jumped on those “successful” C-17 transport planes that Biden provided and will enjoy a free ride in America for their entire lives—at your tax dollar expense, of course.

Sixth, did you notice that the 17-year-old kid, Kyle Rittenhouse, suffered CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, and ABC character-assassination before the facts surfaced?  Joe Scarborough, Joy Reid, Chuck Todd, Joy Behar, Whoopi, et al., just condemned him to hang as a racist, white privileged and worse…but in fact he didn’t shoot any Black people.  But notice the incredible coverage for Jesse Smollett when he stood as a “lynched racial star” at the head of the media stage…but once the truth arrived, MSM didn’t mention a word about the cunning little liar. Once Smollett suffered conviction, he vanished from their narrative.

Notice that the lifetime-felon George Floyd enjoyed statues of himself along with schools named after him…when in fact, he was a violent, drug-addicted, felon, carjacker and all around total as*h*le of a beast of a man. No parent would ever be proud of such a nasty, ugly human being. Unless you think O.J. Simpson is a model citizen, too.

Seventh, let’s look at the unfortunate case of Police Officer Kim Potter. She worked her job honorably for 26 years until she met up with the small-time criminal Daunte Wright. She never shot anyone in those 26 years.  And so, Wright resists arrest on a warrant, tries to escape and drag another officer along with him in the car.  He ruined his own life and he totally ruined her life.  But more so, because of loss of respect for our police and the law, we’ve got countless ghetto youth, mostly black, mostly without fathers, without any discipline or educational thrust, and mostly finding meaning in gangs—terrorizing our cities.  At the same time, we’ve got “woke” governors and mayors playing into such lawlessness. No bail, easy bail, back on the streets in hours!  To kill innocent people like in Chicago and St. Louis, or rob entire stores in San Francisco.  Let’s turn the entire country’s cities into duplications of Detroit, Michigan.

Not one BLM terrorist has been indicted across all the cities where they burned and looted to the tune of $2 billion in 2020.  But you better believe federal judges are handing out stiff prison terms for the guys who walked into the U.S. Capitol.

At the same time, our borders are being invaded, we’ve got some hotshot Congressional critters who want us to go to war in Ukraine. You can’t make this insanity up!  Go to war 10,000 miles away and none of our business…while we face an ever-increasing border war invasion from Mexico.

We’ve got over 47,000,000 (million) legal foreign born in our country (that’s not counting illegal migrants, which number in excess of 20,000,000), and many of those immigrants don’t like our country, our customs, our culture or our language.  They do like our welfare benefits.  It’s been said that, “Mass immigration is war with violence delayed…but it’s coming.”  We cannot continue to intermingle incompatible cultures and languages without turning our own country into a war zone.  We can’t keep taking on unlimited numbers of people.

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Upcoming Articles

Part 2: Overrunning our water, resources, energy, schools, wilderness, Climate Change, quality of life, environment, and more.

Part 3: Questions that need asking

Part 4: The attributes that make America great

We Must Not Forget The Reason For The Season

by Pastor Roger Anghis

December 26, 2021

Even though this will not be posted until the day after Christmas I feel that it is a subject that we cannot ignore or forget. One of the greatest events that has ever happened to mankind was the birth of Jesus Christ.  Many still believe that He is a fictional character, things that myths are made of.  There are some members of my own family that believe that the Bible is nothing more than a collection of mythical short stories. The problem with that is no one has ever been able to prove the Bible wrong. There was a time when they said Jericho was not a real city until they found Jericho.

The exodus from Egypt has been questioned for centuries and by some, it is still questioned today. Some say that they crossed the Reed Sea which makes the feat even more miraculous because the Reed Sea is no more than a foot deep and the whole Egyptian army drowned, horses and all, in less than a foot of water. They have found a land bridge in the Red Sea that is flat and crosses the entire sea that is about 60 feet below the surface and is scattered with chariot wheels, chariots, and miscellaneous war utensils from the time of the exodus. Of course, this is not talked about because it simply proves the Bible to be correct and that is not the agenda of the powers to be.

I bring up these points because I believe that if we believe in one part of the Bible we have to believe all of it. But if one part of it is not true then most likely none of it is true. Personally, I don’t believe that we are just an accident and that evolution is the reason mankind is here. That takes more faith than believing in intelligent design.  I did an article ten or twelve years ago that explained that the entire universe, all the planets, and stars have a certain number of bits of information and that man has ten times amount of information and that it is impossible for something that has ten million bits of information to create something that has ten billion bits of information.  Intelligent design is the only answer. Period.

Then we have to understand who we are and why we are on this planet. We are not accidents not even those of us that came into this world by ‘accident’. Not all pregnancies are planned but every life is here for a reason.  God has a reason for every life on earth even if you didn’t plan for it. I have to wonder how many great inventions have not been invented because that inventor was aborted by his/her mother?  How many medical procedures and remedies have we failed to develop because the mother aborted the ones that would have developed those remedies?  Out of the sixty-two million babies that have been aborted which one of them would have found the cure for cancer? Which one of them would have developed an inexpensive form of energy that would power our cars and homes and industry?  Which one would have developed a better way to raise crops that would have solved world hunger?

I know of a man who worked in the aerospace industry and was trying to come up with a solution to keeping satellites stable in space. He spent many hours in prayer seeking the answer and it was given to him.  It was nothing man could come up with on his own.  It had to come from a higher power.  It makes no difference if you believe that or not. Facts are facts and as John Adams stated: “Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”[1] I look at the Bible in this way. With the experiences, In my life, I have come to the conclusion that if the Bible says it, it’s true. Some don’t like the truth but that doesn’t change anything.

Jesus was born to redeem mankind of the sin that has poisoned the world. He came to pay for that sin and allow us to have eternal life with Him if we accept His offer. We not only get eternal life but an abundant life while we are here on earth and healing when we need it. I have witnessed all that concerning those that believe and personally experienced it as well.

We can’t ignore the importance of the birth of Jesus. Neither can we ignore that He was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities, and the chastisement of our peace was upon Him (Isaiah 53:5) and with His stripes, we were healed.  The price He paid was horrendous and so many simply ignore it.  We consider not the cost of our salvation that He paid.

There is a hell to avoid and a heaven to gain.  Our time on Earth is no more than a flash in the pan. Our time afterwards is for eternity. Jesus paid the price for us to spend that time in eternity with Him in a place where there is no sickness, pain, or sorrow. Or we spend it in an eternal hell where there is no peace, no comfort.

We celebrate His birth because He sacrificed it all for us so we won’t have to pay for our transgressions simply receive what He did for us to pay for those transgressions. He is the reason for the season.  We give gifts because He gave us gifts. The gift of eternal life, healing, and abundant life. We could receive no greater gift than Jesus and sharing Him with friends and family is the greatest gift we could give.

I wish all a blessed Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

© 2021 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Facts-are-stubborn-things-and-whatever-may-be-our-wishes

Thank God for Jesus

by Rob Pue

December 26, 2021

We’ve been living in days of very bad news for a very long time now, and every day it seems to get worse and more intense. Our country — and the world — has become something I never thought I’d live to see. I suppose every generation experiences some of that as they reminisce about the “good old days.” And in retrospect those “good old days” were not as good as we probably remember them, but again I never thought I’d see the day when _____________ (fill in the blank): there are plenty of options to choose from.

But today I want to try to put all of that stuff aside.  Quite honestly, I’m tired of it.  Sick to death of the “new normal,” the mandates, the commands, the New World Order, the Great Reset, the Jab, the depopulation agenda of the globalists, the lies of the mainstream media, the filth of Hollywood and the censorship of the truth.  I will need to get back to reporting on what’s happening soon enough.  But this week, as a Christian, I’ll be celebrating Christmas with my family.  And even THAT is controversial now.

After this message goes out, I’ll undoubtedly get plenty of flack from well-meaning “Christians” who don’t celebrate Christmas and feel the need to correct me.  As always happens, I’ll be told it’s a pagan holiday, that we were never told, in Scripture, to celebrate the birth of our Savior, that it’s a “Catholic thing,” even that it’s satanic.  It’s not bad enough that most retail stores have now banned the word “Christmas” or that God Himself has been thrown out of every public institution.  Cities ban nativity scenes from public property.  The White House doesn’t allow Christian-themed decorations on the official Christmas tree. The very use of the greeting “Merry Christmas” will draw the ire of many in our post-Christian America now.  It never used to be this way.

When I was growing up, we always looked forward to this time of year.  It was a wonderful time of year, starting with Thanksgiving.  I remember how special those family Thanksgivings were.  My parents had six children; three girls and then three boys.  I’m the second to the youngest, number five out of six.  By the time I came along, all my sisters were all pretty much grown up and moved away.  Thanksgiving was a special time when everyone would be home again and I looked forward to my sisters and their husbands joining us.  My Mom was an amazing cook, and I remember the smells of the turkey in the oven, the stuffing, the pumpkin pie.   The fun we had when the family was all together.

And I remember that the Christmas season would really begin right after Thanksgiving.  There was no such thing as “Black Friday,” — or “Cyber Whatever” — when I was a kid.  But right after Thanksgiving we’d start spending all of our Saturdays at church.  That was when us kids would start practicing for the annual Sunday School Christmas program.  Usually, it was a play depicting the Christmas story.  Each of us kids would play a different part.  Being a part of the Christmas program taught us many things, not the least of which was diligent Bible study and learning to experience and teach God’s Word ourselves, as we would study and then act out the parts, and read Scripture aloud to the grown-ups in the audience.

When it was over, the church gave everyone a special gift bag of Christmas treats.  I remember there was always a popcorn ball and always an orange, among other candies and sweets.  The church Christmas program was always a centerpiece of the entire Christmas season.  My own kids took part when they were young.  But then, over the years, it became more and more difficult for the church to find grown ups willing to organize and put the Christmas program together.  Eventually they quit doing them altogether.  It’s a shame that kids today will never experience that.  It’s even sadder to think that most kids today don’t have a clue as to Who Jesus is or understand their need for the Savior, why He came to Earth, what He taught us, why He was crucified, died, was buried, rose again and where He is now — and that He most definitely IS coming again soon.

We also celebrated Christmas in my public school.  Students performed an annual Christmas Concert.  This was different from the church’s program, because there were songs about Santa Claus and Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer.  But there were ALSO songs like “Silent Night,” “Joy to the World,” “O Holy Night,” and “Hark the Herald Angels Sing.”  Nobody ever complained about the Christian Christmas carols — much less sued the school district over them — and there was no confusion that the celebration at hand was, indeed, Christmas.  Imagine that.  Today even Linus is censored and cancelled — no longer allowed to speak the true meaning of our celebration in “A Charlie Brown Christmas.”

One of my favorite memories was, every year, about the first week in December or so, my Dad would bring home the Sears Wish Book.  How fun was that?!  Of course, you would pass right over the front half of the catalog, because that was all clothes and boring stuff.  But in the second half… now THAT was where the fun began!  I remember many times, laying on the floor in my footie pajamas, paging through the Wish Book and seeing all the neat things that looked like fun.  And my parents would make sure there were good things for each of us kids under the tree every year.

And us kids also took what meager funds we had available and either made or bought modest gifts for our parents and each other as well.  Even though we were kids, we knew what it was to be thoughtful and generous, and to do nice things for one another.  That it was more blessed to give than to receive. We received our Christmas gifts with gratitude and thankfulness.  And they were good gifts too….  fun things.  Craft projects, model airplanes, science kits, things that helped us learn, be creative, productive and responsible.

When I look at the way kids experience Christmas today, I’m sad for them.  Christ has been all but totally removed.  If they somehow happen to hear about Jesus and ask their parents about it, the parents, in most cases, are not even able to tell them what Charlie Brown knew.  No more Sears Wish Book either.  Today, kids make their lists on their smart phones using Amazon Prime. And the gifts they ask for are not wholesome, creative or learning tools.  They’re usually the most expensive, newest digital device or video game on the market… these things don’t encourage learning or creativity or productivity.  They just dumb the kids down further into a mind-numbed cyber stupor.

It’s not a whole lot better even if you’re a regular church-goer.  Christmas celebrations in churches run the gamut from such nonsense as “Ugly Christmas Sweater Sunday,” to pastors dressing up like Santa Claus and twisting Scripture to include the man in the red suit in the Nativity, to big theatrical productions with rock bands, fog machines and laser lights.

Public schools can no longer include traditional Christmas Carols in their “Holiday Celebrations.”  For that matter, they cannot even suggest there ever was such a person as Jesus Christ.  Of course, they have no problem forcing kids to recite the Five Pillars of Islam or sending them on a field trip to a mosque.  But sing “Silent Night?”  Mention the name of Jesus?  How intolerant and bigoted!

If kids seem different today, it’s because they are.  How could they not be, growing up in this sort of atmosphere, where God is removed from everything in public, and shunned by all?  Unless, of course, “God” is defined as “allah,” or perhaps, “The Force.”  Today, they open their presents and complain they didn’t get better things; or more things or the RIGHT things…  Instead of being thankful for what they’ve received, they’re thankful what they received came with “gift receipts,” so they can return them for cash.  And then, when all the gifts have been opened, instead of relishing the warmth and love and togetherness of family, we have a group of people sitting in the same room, but each one tapping away on their Smart Phones, iPods, iPads, Kindles, tablets and laptops.  Nobody talking… all you hear is the  “tap,” “tap,” “tap,” of fingers hitting screens.  Heads down.  Like always.

Pious Christians look with disdain on the annual “naughty or nice list” to see which stores will say “Merry Christmas” to them and which ones won’t.  But it doesn’t change their shopping habits.  Not really.  Worst of all, most do virtually nothing at all to be salt and light in their communities the rest of the year.  Like the ungodly, they don’t speak of Jesus or serve as the hands and feet of Jesus throughout the year.  Most don’t even try.  To say His name out loud is actually an embarrassment to them!  When they see the atrocities committed by abortionists, they turn the other way.  When they see homosexuals redefining marriage, they see that as “politics.” “Ewww, so distasteful, I’m just not interested in POLITICS.”  And with more information available at our very fingertips than ever before in history, most Christians prefer to remain ignorant, while the world is turned upside down and inside out by New World Order globalists, and they obey satanic commands, dutifully wearing their face masks while standing in line with their kids to get yet another “jab” of poison.

Liberals and progressives love to talk about inclusiveness and tolerance.  When it comes to this time of year, one has said, “Why do I wish people ‘Happy Holidays?’  Because from November first to January 15th, there are approximately 29 holidays observed by seven of the world’s major religions, and I don’t think mine are the only ones that count.”

You see, in America today, we’ve become so “inclusive,” that we’re sensitive to everyone — except, of course, those bigoted Christians.  But what are these so-called “seven major world religions?”   Here’s a list: Buddhists, who celebrate “Bohdi Day.”  Never heard of it?  Me neither.   The followers of Kemetic Orthodoxy, the religion of ancient Egypt from 4500 BC. who celebrate “The Day of the Return of the Wandering Goddess.”  (I’m not making this stuff up, folks, this is what they list as being one of the most important celebrations and one of the world’s most major religions.  THIS IS WHY we must say “Happy Holidays!” and not “Merry Christmas”).

Then there are Muslims, who celebrate Eid al-Adha.  (The dates of Muslim holidays, however, change every year, because the Islamic calendar is based on phases of the moon; since they worship the mood god).  Then there are the Aboriginals and American Atheists and pagans who celebrate the Winter Solstice.  Of course Hannukah, celebrated by Jews, and though it sticks in their throats to say it, Christmas, celebrated by Christians.

Yes, I’m sad for the children of today, growing up without Jesus, or growing up with a “fake Jesus” as taught to them by so-called “progressive churches.”  We’ve lost our reverence for God, our awe for His Son and we’ve become so intimidated by a spirit of political correctness that we’ve trashed not only our own history and heritage but even our once-deeply-held Christian faith.  The true meaning of Christmas is not being passed on to our young generations.  In fact, it was lost a long time ago.  Is it any wonder that today, 39% of our young people, in homes all across this country, will be asking for Christmas presents that will help them celebrate their newly embraced “LGBT” or “transgender” identities?  Is it any wonder that many won’t gather with family at all if their loved ones aren’t fully ‘jabbed?’  Is it any wonder that even as families gather together in living rooms on Christmas Eve, they’ll be sitting six feet apart, wearing their masks — just to be safe?

Friends, I’m going to celebrate Christmas with my family, and continue to instill some of the wonderment and awe, and reverence I had as a child at Christmastime into the lives and hearts of my own children.  To me, the Ghosts of Christmas Past are fond memories of a simpler time, a more innocent time.  A time when God was God and it was ok to love Him, sing praises to Him and to thank Him for all the many gracious blessings He’s continued to shower us with — even as we sojourn here among a world of depraved minds.  I hope you do the same.  And hold your loved ones close.  Hug them.  Tell them you love them.  Reverence God and teach your children what the truth really is.  And in the new year, endeavor to make your lives count by being always in the service to the King of Kings.  We can never go back to yesterday, but we can teach our children again what “Normal” is like, and together we can look forward to the glorious return of our Savior, who really IS Christ the Lord — and the only answer to all the evil, wickedness, lies and nonsense this world continues to heap upon us.  Thank God for Jesus.

© 2021 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 343.

Racing With the Devil Toward 1 Million Deaths

By Cliff Kincaid

December 26, 2021

How have we gotten to the point where a “conservative” journalist refers to systematic human suffering as being “relatively harmless?”

Roger L. Simon writes at Epoch Times: “New [China virus] variant Omicron, though highly transmissible, is apparently relatively harmless — no deaths and hardly any hospitalizations in the 30 or so countries that have reported cases thus far. It even shares genetic material with that other somewhat benign coronavirus, the common cold.”

On the left, the Intercept reports that the Omicron variant is “starting to overwhelm the U.S.” Record numbers of coronavirus cases and hospitalizations are being forecast. Suffering is still being caused by the China virus on a massive scale.

Yet Simon proclaimed, “What a relief. What a Happy New Year this could be. Let’s sing that great song from World War I, ‘When This Bloody War Is Over.’ We all feel as if we’ve been through it.”

“The great unknown,” writes Jay K. Varma, a professor at Weill Cornell Medicine and an epidemiologist, “is whether a record number of infections will translate into a record number of hospitalizations and deaths.”

The war is not over.

“I will take care of this,” China Joe had promised. “I will end this. I’m going to shut down the virus, not the country.”

But Vice President Kamala Harris says the China Joe Administration didn’t see the latest variant coming. She told the Los Angeles Times, “We didn’t see Omicron coming. And that’s the nature of what this, this awful virus has been, which as it turns out, has mutations and variants.”

One family member with the latest variant has to isolate from his family, during Christmas week, and suffers from body pain and congestion. We do not know at this point how dangerous it can be, or whether other variants may follow. We are unsure of its impact on the very young.

I agree with the Intercept that journalists have a responsibility to report on the “fatal seriousness” of Covid-19. The left-wingers, however, want to avoid pinning the blame on China.

The latest variant is so contagious that triple-vaccinated people with over 90 percent protection are coming down with it.

Overall, covid deaths are on the way to 1 million in the U.S. Worldwide, 5.2 million are dead.

Since it appears the not prepared to get into a full-scale military war with China at this time, we have to use vaccines, drugs, and other weapons at our disposal to stop the death and destruction. Biden has divided the American people with his insistence on vax mandates on almost everybody.

I wrote a column about General George Washington’s imposition of a vaccine mandate on the American Revolutionary War forces, a decision that turned the tide against the British. I said at the time, “The question is to what extent the state should intervene when more than 660,000 have died from the China virus and the disease keeps spreading.”

Now we’re at more than 800,000 dead and the number is certain to surpass one million.

Axios reports that, if Republicans take the House in 2022, they plan to initiate a probe of the “origins of the virus.” What we need to probe is why elements of the U.S. intelligence, medical, scientific, health and defense establishments worked with the Chinese to develop this virus or else were complicit in its release and/or cover-up.

There is a lot of blood on their hands.

Mike Allen of Axios should take a look at his father’s great book, Kissinger: The Secret Side of the Secretary of State, especially the chapter titled “The Red China Gambit,” about how Henry Kissinger engineered President Nixon’s “opening” to China and the eventual abandonment of the Republic of China on Taiwan.

Kissinger’s power play was based on the false hope that China had abandoned communism. Most Republicans and Democrats accepted this dangerous approach to China.

Mike’s father Gary Allen described the Red Chinese as “unquestionably the bloodiest mass murderers in human history,” adding, “Red China practiced a smiling and beguiling diplomacy toward the West, while serving as the world’s major pusher of drugs.”

The drug-pushing continues, supplemented by spreading a virus.

In addition to the mass murder inflicted on the world by the coronavirus and the Red Chinese export of fentanyl, Red China backed North Korea’s war of aggression on South Korea. Casualties of the United States during the Korean War included 54,260 dead (of whom 33,665 were battle deaths), 92,134 wounded, and 8,176 listed as missing in action or prisoners of war.

Rep. Kevin McCarthy said on June 24, “…the gravest injustice China must be held accountable for is the tragic loss of 600,000 Americans due to the CCP’s lies and deceit. That’s more than the total number of American lives lost during World War I and World War II combined…”

But the body bags keep piling up.

Before the China virus was released, the official Chinese news agency article, “Xi meets Obama, discusses China-U.S. ties,” revealed that, after the election of President Trump, Chinese President Xi Jinping met with Barack Hussein Obama in Beijing. The British Guardian said that Chinese media “fawned” over Obama and Xi, dubbing the pair “veteran cadres”, a term usually applied to retired Communist officials.

My group America’s Survival, Inc. published Comrade Obama Unmasked: Marxist Mole in the White House, and Red Star Rising: The Making of Barack Hussein Obama and the Transformation of America.

If Republicans had done their jobs, Obama would have been out of office, impeached on any number of grounds, including his obvious mental impairment, caused by his extensive drug use.

Because Republicans failed to do their jobs, we got the presidency of China Joe Biden, who should be impeached on various grounds as well. But Republicans don’t have the votes. There is no doubt he was preferred by China and Russia over Donald J. Trump.

Thanks to Democratic Senator Joe Manchin, who opposes Biden’s $4.91 “Build Back Bankrupt” bill, there is some hope at least on the economic front. He has effectively killed this bill.

“As the Omicron variant spreads throughout communities across the country, we are seeing COVID-19 cases rise at rates we have not seen since the height of this pandemic,” said Manchin. “We are also facing increasing geopolitical uncertainty as tensions rise with both Russia and China. Our ability to quickly and effectively respond to these pending threats would be drastically hindered by our rising debt.”

It is time to hold the communists accountable through Nuremberg-style tribunals. Let the trials begin. Let Rep. Kevin McCarthy initiate them, since he promises “to hold China accountable.” Let’s start with Barack Hussein Obama,  the power behind China Joe.

Frank Chapman, author of Marxist-Leninist Perspectives on Black Liberation and Socialism, once referred to Obama as a revolutionary mole, while Marxist historian Gerald Horne spoke of Obama being influenced by Communist sex pervert Frank Marshall Davis. We released the Davis FBI file, showing him to be on the FBI’s Security Index.

The Republicans, if they are serious, must re-establish a House Internal Security Committee if they take power in the House. That committee was a successor to the House Un-American Activities Committee.

When my group made the demand for an anti-communist investigatory congressional committee in 2010, only one Republican House member, Rep. Steve King, publicly supported it. Rep. Kevin McCarthy engineered his ouster.

King has written the bookWalking Through the Fire: My Fight for the Heart and Soul of America.

At this perilous time, I have reposted my 2014 interview with the late John A. Stormer, author of None Dare Call It Treason, a book that sold more than 7 million copies and sparked Ronald Reagan’s run for the presidency. Stormer talked about how a dire situation can be turned around through citizen action.

We need a heavy dose of McCarthyism, but not of the Kevin variety. It must begin now.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc. 

The Mother, The Son and God’s Promise

by Devvy

December 25, 2021

“I hold the precepts of Jesus, as delivered by himself, to be the most pure, benevolent, and sublime which have ever been preached to a man.”  —Thomas Jefferson to Jared Sparks, November 4, 1820

Today is the big day. Christians around the world are celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Lots of cheer, the Christmas tree, gifts and too much snow in many places. I hope everyone is able to be with their loved ones this day. I know things are very bad, but family is what makes our lives worth living, at least for me. Of course, our troops are not home, but I’m not going to use this column for any commentary on the war. Just wish to say God bless our troops and their families. I also wish to send God’s blessings to everyone and hope this day brings joy in your heart.

Know what one of the things I think about today? I think about the Blessed Mother and her pain of bringing forth a child into the world knowing that one day she would see her son die in the most horrific manner because that is what Almighty God intended:

John 3:16-17 (KJV) For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

Mary must have treasured each day with Jesus as He grew to manhood. The pain the Blessed Mother went through as she watched her son die a slow agonizing death must have been beyond what most of us can imagine. As I mother, I cannot even imagine such pain and sorrow. When my daughter had surgery (three times), I just sat there like a lump praying to God that He keep her safe through the operations. The agony of Mary bringing forth the savior of the world for you and me knowing the outcome. How can we not weep to think of it?

Our Heavenly Father promised us through his son, Jesus Christ, that if we lived by his commandments and repented of our sins, our reward when we leave this human body would be greater than any earthly riches. As I am fond of saying, eternity is a long time.

God commands us not to sin: Kill, lie, cheat, steal, commit adultery, worship false gods, honor our parents and so on. Unbelievably, today’s modern pastors of these mega social houses called churches who make millions of dollars personally, care no more about saving souls than they do about an ant on the sidewalk. I see these IRS sanctioned churches of all denominations who have allowed themselves to be silenced and instead, preach feel good rhetoric instead of what each of us must do to enter the Kingdom of God. Heaven forbid they should chastise their congregation and remind them of God’s commandments and the price they will pay for ignoring them!

I would say given the state of the world and our republic today, mankind has failed miserably in keeping God’s Commandments. We are all sinners, but we can ask for God’s forgiveness. He knows what is really in your heart no matter how you try to fool Him. Next year will bring terrible times for America so please be forewarned. Millions will cry, “Please God, help me with the rent or my car payment or just some money to buy food for my children!” It’s natural to ask for God’s help, to pray to Jesus and ask for help, but I am wondering what He thinks about these same people who ignore His commandments and then expect a miracle on demand?

If we desire God’s blessings, can we expect them if we lie, cheat, steal, kill unborn babies in the womb, use His name as a curse word, wallow in the filth of sexual deviancy and worship mega pastors who lead their flocks astray? Can we expect God’s blessings by picking and choosing which of his commandments we like even though the act of disobedience brings the stain of sin upon our soul? Can we expect God’s blessings by forgetting His gift to the world, His son, Jesus Christ – except when we want something material?

Secularists in this country have ramped up their hatred and attacks on Christians at a level never seen in this country until a few years ago. The good news is God is in control and He will punish them, make no mistake about that.  Secularism is a system of political or social philosophy that rejects all forms of religious faith and worship. Those who believe in nothing are but one heartbeat away from eternity. I would not wish to be them no matter how much riche$ they have and worship.

We dearly love our spouses, parents, children and good friends, but God’s love above all is what we seek through his son, Jesus Christ. I believe that’s what today is all about, isn’t it?

Let me close by recommending my very favorite Christmas video (4:45).  Full screen, sound.  So beautiful.

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions.

© 2021 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:

Political Medicine 101

by Jim Darlington

December 25, 2021

An impossible message unlikely to penetrate Lefty earwax. So let’s try to keep this simple and brief. Talking points for (irrationally optimistic) conservatives when getting together over the Holidays with the left side of the family (who will come with their own, nationally disseminated talking points).

We now know, as a certainty, that the numbers of “cases” alleged in the Great Covid Pandemic were vastly and intentionally exaggerated. The test that was yielding “positives” was amplified to such a degree as to be meaningless, as the person who designed the test has stated, categorically.  Biden lowered the level of amplification to a somewhat more justifiable level, by Executive Order, on his first day in office. He instantly lowered the number of “cases” being reported. What a hero!

We also know, as a certainty, that the number of deaths attributed to the Great Covid Pandemic were vastly and intentionally exaggerated. A new standard, previously recognized as fraudulent, was adopted. The causative factor of death was disregarded and replaced by a “positive covid test” or even the mere suspicion of the presence of covid, whether the real causative factor was cancer or a car wreck. Hospitals got an extra $13,000 for a positive report of any covid case, and they got an extra $39,000 for putting people on ventilators.

Ventilator usage resulted in an 80% rate of mortality, which brings us to the next thing we know, as a certainty. While there was an artificial inflation of reported “cases” and “covid-related” deaths, there was also an actual, and completely unnecessary, increase in deaths resulting from two different policies.

First, we saw Democratic governors, in several states, enacting the “compassionate policy” of sending covid infected seniors back to their nursing homes, though it was already known that the virus was at its deadliest among the old and those with co-morbidities. We might fairly flirt with a conservative estimate of 50,000 seniors nationally, dead, essentially murdered. And yes, just who it was, who were the most vulnerable, was well known. Hence Republican governors did no such thing, and generally moved quickly to protect those most at risk.Consider the noble deeds of Cuomo. Then think of DeSantis.

Secondly, all medical information questioning the wisdom of Dr Fauci’s deadly policy recommendations has been brutally suppressed and its effective and widespread distribution curtailed by the powers that control 95% of the news and commentary accessed by the public. The HCQ cocktail, Ivermectin and other treatments, long a part of common medical practice and shown to be safer than aspirin, were denounced as dangerous and useless, despite literally hundreds of detailed studies to the contrary. Doctors daring to differ with the Regime’s pronouncements were threatened with loss of license or with financial penalties that amounted to the destruction of their medical practices. Pharmacists were urged to refuse to fill offending prescriptions and to report the doctors who ordered them. Neil Cavuto, speaking of hydroxychloroquine, said, on national, prime-time TV, “This stuff will kill you.” Never mind the billion doses Africa has ingested safely, to prevent or treat malaria. Or its universal use against lupus.

Every epidemic we have faced in the past has been met quickly with emerging protocols for treatment. Not this one. The only permitted protocol was tell the patient to go home and stay there until or unless hospitalization was needed. Protocols in parts of India and Mexico, primarily using ivermectin and Vitamin D, for both early treatments, and as a prophylaxis,have been successful in irradicating the epidemic completely and quickly.

As for the so-called vaccine (actually, a gene therapy), it is apparently completely worthless, unless its value is in something quite contrary to people’s good health. Claims that it prevents infection are no longer viable, and no longer widely claimed, as most new infections are taking place among the “vaccinated”. The remaining claim is that it lessens the severity of covid, and thus is saving lives…a completely unprovable claim, as there is no base-line of statistical evidence as to the percentage of previously infected who had only minor symptoms, or none, at all.

Now we come to the final and the newest steadily growing threat. The very same powers that squelched all information on successful alternative treatments to the “Covid-19” are promoting the increasingly transparent lie, that the “vaccines” are safe and effective. They are nothing of the kind. In all previous instances, historically, medicines associated with 1/100th the number of deaths directly associated with these injections, were taken off the market immediately. But the deaths reported from this obscene campaign are already in the hundreds of thousands worldwide, and serious injuries in the millions.  Not yet satisfied with that, they are moving to “inoculate” children as young as two years old, whose danger from the epidemic is a statistical zero. Many of these will die or suffer life changing injuries.

There is no moral, logical or scientific excuse for including the children in this catastrophe. We should be looking forward to charges of manslaughter or murder outright, being brought against anyone whose blind willingness has brought about a single death, especially of a child. As the truth continues to be proclaimed and confirmed, will we see a movement toward vigilantism from the families of these new post-natal abortions? Should the insane fearmongering, thus far addressed, by the world’s leaders, to the nations, find a more rational audience, addressed, by the parents, by the brothers and sisters and friends, to those who would jab and endanger the innocence of childhood? We might pray that such a fear might take hold of these health professionals and lead them to desist in their mad folly. When will we all start telling our doctors and their staff, that there is no excuse for murder, even if you were only following orders?

[BIO: Jim Darlington was raised in the left and rebelled to the far left in the ’70s. Came to his political senses in the ’80s. Came to Jesus Christ in the ’90s. Now is praying for America. He is married to a wise woman who loves the Lord with a passion.]

© 2021 Jim Darlington – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Jim Darlington:

Who is Making Your Choices?

by Karen Schoen

December 24, 2021

“No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth.”  —Plato

In the late 80’s and early 90’s, while I was teaching, I noticed a great change in the goal of education.  I usually didn’t care what the curricula or text said, I wanted my students to learn the skills I learned in school which helped me make great choices throughout my life. I was teaching my students skills so they could make the best choice for their life.  It was during this time I noticed that instead of teaching knowledge and skills, the teachers manual changed.   We were now to focus on feelings and common thought…

As a math teacher asking, “how do you feel about 2+2=4?” did not compute. How does that help you balance a checkbook or work a profit- loss spreadsheet?? So I never asked those questions. We also were to focus on the group not the individual. We were told individual excellence was not as important as the achievement and success of the group. The group got a name and the group achievement got stars on the wall instead of naming individual students and showing their achievement. Students were given group assignments and the fast learners were discouraged from finishing so fast. The others had to catch up. The dumbing down of everyone had begun.  This evolution took about the entire 22 years I taught. Until one term when we came back to school and there were no more old texts for me to use. Everything was now to be done the John Dewey, Modern Education way. That year marked the end of my teaching career.

During that time, for continuing education,  I attended the John Dewey New School for Social Research, Greenwich Village, NYC.  It was there I learned that all subject matter was to be integrated with the same message. Hollywood, the Media were all to carry the same message which would be reinforced in school. The message:  The Environment, the destruction of the planet is caused by HUMANS. Humans are evil and destructive. They were right at that time. The pollution and smog was so bad is some cities it was almost impossible to breathe.  Environmental groups focused on pollution as the cause for climate change.  In the beginning, the EPA did clean much of the air and water but somehow it was never enough. The rules got stricter and the cost to cure became unnecessarily higher. Try buying a simple item like a gas can.  In 2000, a gas can was about $3-5.00. Today they are over $10. Why?  Because now they have to follow insane EPA regulations on gas and oil as well as gas can design.   Eventually as most people with power do, they abused their power and closed industries which was the original intent. No free thinkers allowed.  The lucrative logging industry came to a stand still and Americans were forced to buy expensive lumber from Canada and overseas. Instead of logging and following good forestry practice which loggers did, the forests now go up in smoke and the lumber is now ash. Because they do not allow opposition, we have a choice of one, whatever they give us. My first car was a 1968 Camero. I got to pick the exterior color (white) and the interior color (Hunter Green) Not today. Today we can choose one of the packages the manufacturer selected for us.  Sadly our children will never have the individual choices we seniors were able to make.

I learned how important messaging is.  How you can take a group of people and motivate them into totally ignoring their own will and vote with the group. The one controlling communication has the power. If you can isolate people, make them afraid, they will give up almost anything to make the pain go away. (masks and mandates anyone). We learned Cloward and Piven, the Hegalian Dialectic, Cognitive Dissonance,  Projection and the Precautionary Principal. I learned about, the ends justifying the means, Conspicuous Consumption and Planned Obsolescence. It was then that I realized we were teaching a communist method. Students were no  longer encouraged to think outside the box. Today they must think inside the box. The pentagon is now purging the military of anyone who doesn’t think as told.  No more individual excellence only collective mediocrity. Today unelected people who had this type of feel good education are making the new rules which make no sense because the new Globalists are void of logic and reason.

I began to notice how all of these psychological theories had one thing in common.  As a math teacher I always look for the common denominator.  They all were fed by EMOTION.  What were we teaching in school? EMOTION. The communists locked onto Edwin Bernays, the grandfather of Marketing and Sales: “You’ve Come A Long Way, Baby” – 40 Virginia Slims Cigarette Ads From the Early 1970s introducing women to lung cancer. The thinking was once these kids got out of school, they would be guided by their emotions. As young adults they could be hooked on the fad of the month. Once that happened those in charge using a persuasive argument, trigger words and images can control the masses. You could sell them anything. Sell the sizzle, not the steak. The talking heads on MSM are perfect examples. Do they actually believe their own lies or are they controlled because of money and ego?

The brain is like a filing cabinet. A human can only have ONE thought at a time. The other thoughts are in the locked cabinet. So if all you ever deal with and learn in school is emotion, you will never use logic and reason. Today we are living the results of that type of emotional education. The 1% people running the world for the most part are sociopaths and nihilists. They have NO emotion and could care less about anyone but themselves. They are on a mission for eternal life by merging humans with AI. To them we will become cyborgs programmed to do their bidding. Resistance is futile.  Anything else is just a temporary annoyance.  With money and power, they control the next level of about 10% of the population.  The job of the 10% is to use emotion to spread fear in order to control the sheeple.  People who die along the way are just collateral damage in their never ending quest of money and power.  Killing off seniors, no big deal. Seniors have become the useless eaters digging into their profit. So they continually tells us that the earth is overpopulated, not enough food – all lies. They know the money pot is finite and they resent you for having any. Which is why every time the middle class gets ahead, a bubble of destruction is orchestrated to put us back in our place by making sure we lose our assets while they get stimulus money to get richer.  The money they have really belongs to the middle class.  They essentially stole our money through all kinds of government schemes.  We have it.  They want it. So the communist rulers create  recessions. We lose.

Think about the economy today. People can not return to work because the Globalists have arranged that by: over regulation, mandates, lockdowns, government subsidies,  importing cheap labor and etc..  Globalists hate America, want to destroy America and have instituted a strategy called Death by 1000 Cuts. By owning Education, Wall Street, Media, Pharma, and Hollywood they owned messaging. This same messaging is now seen in every agency and industry in America.  By owning education, they can insure Obedience and Loyalty. The incompetence, corruption, racism and hatred found in every American agency is staggering. What do they want:  Diversity, Inclusion, Equity = DIE

Do you now understand why the border is open? The middle class was making too much money under Trump. The middle class was finally catching up.  However according to the Globalists, the American middle class was becoming a bad example for the rest of the world. Obama even told a group of Kenya graduates not to think about air conditioning or cars like Americans. No competition allowed under communism. No one except the chosen ones can profit as long as the government gets its cut. Enter China with lots of $$$$.  A new partnership was born with China and the corrupt politicians who arranged favorable trade positions for China to the detriment of Americans.   By following the America First plan of President Trump, the Globalists began to see their income and power shrink and the Middleclass expand. How dare MAGA fight back. You are the enemy. Therefore, anything goes, you deserve to be punished.  Time for a good crisis and they have many: Inflation, Covid, Mass Unemployment, High Gas Prices, Drug, Crimes, Murders, Alcohol, Suicide. Let the Hunger Games Begin.

Globalists are in both parties. Globalists must punish their enemies. Their enemy is anyone who disagrees with them. Americans especially MAGA Americans disagree. Therefore  Americans, MAGA are the enemy and deserve to be punished. This punishment of the evil domestic terrorists, MAGA enables Globalists to justify the political prisoners, riots, mandates, open borders, election theft, censorship. A close defeat is not enough, they must be crushed and replaced with MAGA people who love America.

We can’t let them get away with dictating to us. We can  not allow their lies to stand. We must tell the truth. Did we forgot we are all equal? We must be the truth warriors. Stop letting others choose your destiny.

Is America worth saving?

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” —Edmund Burke

© 2021 Karen Schoen – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Karen Schoen:


More Disinformation About the Kennedy Assassination I

by Servando Gonzalez

December 24, 2021

There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one striking at the root. —Henry David Thoreau

A few days ago a batch of close to 1,500 or so documents related to the assassination of President Kennedy were released and made available to researchers. As expected, given the fact that American warmongers are desperately trying to revive the Soviet enemy they miss so much, some documents mention that Lee Harvey Oswald, the former Marine who allegedly murdered Kennedy on November 22, 1963, met with a Soviet KGB agent two months before he want to Dallas to kill the 35th president.

Not by chance, on March 24, 2021, an interview with former CIA Director James Woolsey was posted on the Internet and, soon after, more than 350,000 people had watched it. As expected, CFR member Woolsey blamed the Soviets and specifically Nikita Khrushchev for ordering their secret agent Oswald to kill Kennedy. Fortunately, however, the comments posted indicate that most of the viewers believe that Woolsey’s theories were just CIA disinformation.

Apparently, neither Woolsey, the newly-released documents, offer a plausible explanation to why a member of the U.S. military who had worked at the ultra-secret U-2 base in Atsugi, Japan, and had studied Russian at the Defense Language Institute in Monterey, was allowed to travel to Russia. Even more intriguing is why he was allowed to return to the U.S. without even being interrogated by the FBI.

Nevertheless, I was never satisfied with the many books written about the assassination and, some years ago, I wrote my own book on the subject. As expected, it it did not reach the New York Times bestseller list. The information below, which I took mostly from my book’s Introduction, will give you an idea why.

The assassination of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963, is a seminal occurrence in recent American history. Probably with the exception of the 9/11 events, nothing has affected the American mind and soul more than the JFK assassination.

Despite the concerted efforts of the U.S. Government, the media and the academia to promote the “lone nut” narrative, ever since Kennedy was assassinated many Americans have suspected foul play. Moreover, they suspect that their President was the victim of a huge conspiracy involving people at the highest levels in the U.S.Government.

In the spring of 1964, less than a year after the assassination, one third of the people interviewed by pollsters believed that Lee Harvey Oswald, the alleged “lone assassin,” actually acted in complicity with others. Within two years that number had doubled. Since then, every poll taken has shown between 60% to 80% of Americans believe that President Kennedy was killed as a result of a conspiracy.

They are not wrong. In 1978 the House Select Committee on Assassinations confirmed the suspicion that JFK was assassinated as the result of a conspiracy. According to the Committee Summary of Findings, “The committee believes, on the basis of the evidence available to it, that President John F. Kennedy was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy.”

Nevertheless, for reasons I explain in my book, most “serious” investigators who have studied the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and whose books have been published by “prestigious” publishing houses not only have denied the possibility of a conspiracy but have also avoided focusing on the three obvious suspects of the crime: the Central Intelligence Agency, Fidel Castro and David Rockefeller.

This general denial is difficult to understand, not only because the three of them had the motive, the ability, the means and the opportunity to commit such a crime, but also a proven history of resorting to assassination to protect and advance their interests.

The CIA had a strong motive to kill President Kennedy. He not only openly showed his lack of appreciation for the Agency’s work, but also because, after the Bay of Pigs debacle, he fired CIA Director Allen Dulles and Deputy Director for Plans Richard Bissell, both of them trusted CFR members in charge of covert operations on behalf of the Rockefellers and their fellow members of the military-industrial-banking-complex. Even worse, he threatened to disband the Agency.

Castro had also enough reasons to want to get rid of Kennedy, if only because he discovered that Kennedy was trying to assassinate him. Even more important, Castro was the only one among the main suspects who had publicly threatened both John and Robert Kennedy with assassination.

Last, but not least, David Rockefeller’s visceral hatred for JFK was evidenced in his strong opposition to the President, personally and through his agents in the U.S. Government and the mainstream press. It is known that he orchestrated a political campaign against the young President. Moreover, three of Kennedy’s major crises during his term as President, the failed Bay of Pigs Invasion, the confrontation with the steel magnates and the Cuban missile crisis, seem to have been artificially created by David’s CFR agents.

Even more important, the CIA, Fidel Castro and David Rockefeller not only had the motive, the means and the opportunity, but also the expertise and the propensity to commit such a crime — the three of them were in the assassination business — and David Rockefeller controlled both Castro and the CIA. Actually, as I show in my book, David had created both the CIA and Castro. That is the reason why I have devoted so many pages in my book to study the true origins of both the CIA and Fidel Castro.

Contrary to other books about the Kennedy assassination, my book is not about the “what,” but about the “who” and the “why.” So, if you still believe that Oswald acted alone and there was no conspiracy, definitively my book is not the right book for you to read.

There are plenty of books that have devoted thousands of pages trying to prove or disprove that Oswald was the person who pulled the trigger. In contrast, in my book I have studied Oswald only in relation to his secret ties to the CIA. Definitely, Oswald was just a tool, not too different from the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle he most likely didn’t use to assassinate the President.

The Dog That Didn’t Bark

In the Sherlock Holmes story “Silver Blaze,” the dog that didn’t bark was an important clue to solving the mystery. Similarly, most of the investigators who have studied the Kennedy assassination and have avoided pointing to Castro or the CIA as potential culprits have been directly or indirectly associated with the CFR, or the CIA, or both. This is a clear indication that the omission has not been by mistake but by design. Far from wanting to solve the mystery, the true goal of these authors has been to muddy the waters even more.

Nevertheless, despite the informational blackout, at least some authors have lit the road to truth. In the case of the CIA, a few authors have pointed their finger in the right direction. Probably the most damaging one was Jim Garrison’s pioneering book On the Trail of the Assassins, which won him eternal condemnation and vituperation from the CFR-controlled mainstream press and the academia.

The case of Castro’s possible role in the JFK assassination is a quite different story. Despite the fact that Castro was the only one among the potential suspects who publicly threatened both John and Robert Kennedy with assassination, he has been mostly invisible to most of the JFK assassination investigators.

Nevertheless, a book appeared in 2008 added to the overwhelming bibliography dealing with the assassination of President Kennedy. This book, Target JFK: The Spy Who Killed Kennedy?, by Robert Wilcox, added a new twist: Castro’s connection to the assassination. Unfortunately, Wilcox did not dig deep enough in his research and just points to the puppets while ignoring the puppeteer.

Granted, this is not the first book studying the possibility that Fidel Castro may have played an important role in the JFK assassination. But it was not until 1988 that Gus Russo published Live by the Sword: The Secret War Against Castro and the Death of JFK, and in 2001 I published The Secret Fidel Castro: Deconstructing the Symbol, in which I devoted a whole chapter to the subject.

In 2006 the German documentary filmmaker Wilfried Huismann studied the subject again in his film Rendevouz With Death. The film was first aired on a German television station, but the CFR-controlled U.S. mainstream media blackballed it.

In 2012, Brian Latell, a retired CIA desk analyst, published Castro’s Secrets, in which, based on the information obtained from a former Cuban intelligence officer, asserts that Castro knew about Oswald previous to the JFK assassination and was aware that an attempt on Kennedy’s life was going to be carried out.

Last, but not least, Edward J. Epstein, a journalist who has extensively written about the Kennedy assassination, after writing several books and dozens of articles conveniently ignoring or denying the CIA’s or/and Castro’s possible participation in the assassination, finally reluctantly admitted to this connection in his 2014 book The Annals of Unsolved Crime.

A veritable tsunami of books dealing with the JFK assassination has been published. Of those, probably twenty-five percent point to the CIA as the most likely perpetrator. In contrast, however, just a minuscule number of them have studied Castro’s possible role in the assassination. In order to fill this vacuum, in my book I deal in great detail with Castro’s role in the assassination.

Living in a Historical Flat Land

To explain a four-dimensional world to us, who live in a three-dimensional world, a science author described how three-dimensional entities might look to flat, two-dimensional ones. So, let’s visualize flat, two-dimensional beings, living in a maze somebody drew on a sheet of paper. But, what might 3-D beings look like to these 2-D creatures?

In the first place, the 2-D creatures cannot cross the lines of the maze. So, if a 3-D being staying in another part of the maze just crosses some lines and enters the part of the maze where the 2-D creatures are living, to them it would seem as if he had materialized from nowhere.

In the same fashion, CFR-controlled mainstream media, schools and universities, have created a 2-D historical universe for us to live in. In this flat historical universe people, organizations and events just pop up from nowhere like mushrooms after a summer rain and sometimes just disappear without reason or explanation.

In this flat, 2-D historical universe, Fidel Castro was a young, idealistic, Jesuit-educated lawyer who fought a guerrilla war against a corrupt, U.S.-supported Cuban president who had turned into a dictator. After many years of fighting, he gained the support of most of the Cuban farmers and workers and won the war. Once in power, he discovered that the U.S. owned most of the Island and iniquitously exploited the Cuban people and devoted himself to fight U.S. economic control over Cuba.

To get rid of Castro — the false 2-D narrative follows — the U.S. used the CIA in an effort to overthrow him, but failed miserably. They also tried to assassinate him, but without success. In a logical reaction, Castro began opposing the U.S. Then, despite a cruel economic blockade, Castro created a successful socialist society in Cuba and won the support of most of the Cuban people.

In this flat 2-D historical universe, events such as Pearl Harbor, the JFK assassination and 9/11 pop up out of nowhere. According to this view, the National Security Council and the Central Intelligence Agency were created by well-intentioned American patriots to coordinate the efforts of the several existing intelligence organizations and avoid the repetition of surprise attacks such as Pearl Harbor — which happened as the result of these organizations’ failure to connect the dots. People who support this view tell us that the NSC and the CIA are tools in the hands of American presidents and their job is to provide them with intelligence and thus help them make better political and military decisions.

In this two-dimensional view, David Rockefeller is generally depicted as a successful businessman and a devoted philanthropist. This vision willingly ignores the dark side of the man, particularly his efforts to depopulate the planet through eugenics and his push for implementing a global totalitarian society he called the New World Order.

Nonetheless, in order to escape from this flat 2-D universe, in my book I tried a radical approach, studying not only the deep roots of the Council on Foreign Relations, but also the roots of the CIA, Castro, and the man who created all of them: David Rockefeller. As Cuban patriot José Martí wrote, “To be a radical is no more than that: to go to the roots.”

As I mentioned above, contrary to most books about the Kennedy assassination, my main goal in writing this book was not finding out who pulled the trigger or if JFK was shot with a Mannlicher-Carcano or a Mauser rifle, not even if the people who pulled the trigger were working for Castro, the CIA or somebody else. My goal has been finding the sociopath who ordered his psychopathic associates to carry out the assassination: the mastermind. Identifying the agents who carried out the operation is not as important as identifying the person(s) who conceived this horrendous crime.

© 2021 Servando Gonzales – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Servando Gonzales:

Spying on American Gun Owners Act

by Paul Engel

December 23, 2021

  • Is engaging in commerce probable cause that a crime is being committed simply because it involves a firearm, firearm accessory, or ammunition?
  • What about other writs of assistance that Congress has illegally authorized through legislation?
  • How can you live at liberty if government claims the right to watch anything they think might be used criminally in the future?

Benjamin Franklin said:

They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security.

Benjamin Franklin

With the promise of keeping us safe from “gun violence”, “violent extremists”, and “domestic terrorists”, Congress wants you to give up your essential liberty to be free from unreasonable searches. H.R. 5764 is the first step to a writ of assistance against anyone who buys or sells firearms. This has been done before, so why shouldn’t Congress think they can get away with it again?

To understand the dangers of H.R. 5764 we need to understand a little bit of our history. One of the most intrusive abuses in the colonial era was the use of writs of assistance.

a writ authorizing officers of the British crown to search any premises for smuggled goods.

Writ of Assistance – The Free Legal Dictionary

The idea of a writ of assistance is simple. Government actors would be given legal permission to search your premises for contraband without probable cause. If they found something, then they would fill out the warrant to seize what they have found. As James Otis put it in 1761:

I will to my dying day oppose, with all the powers and faculties God has given me, all such instruments of slavery on the one hand and villainy on the other as this Writ of Assistance is. It appears to me the worst instrument of arbitrary power, the most destructive of English liberty and the fundamental principles of law, that ever was found in an English law-book…


The idea of writs of assistance was so onerous that when the first Congress drafted the amendments that became our Bill of Rights, they specifically prohibited anything like them.

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

U.S. Constitution, Amendment IV

The idea behind the Fourth Amendment is also quite simple: You have a right to be secure from unreasonable searches. For a warrant to be issued to search your person, houses, papers, or effects, it must be based on probable cause and supported by oath or affirmation. In other words, someone had to go to court and swear or affirm that the information showing probable cause was true. Not only that, but any warrant issued must be specific in where people can search and what they can seize. In other words, the very concept of a writ of assistance is anathema to the rights protected by the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. That, however, has not stopped Congress from authorizing writs of assistance, in direct violation to their oath of office.

Internal Revenue Service

(a) Authority to summon, etc.

For the purpose of ascertaining the correctness of any return, making a return where none has been made, determining the liability of any person for any internal revenue tax or the liability at law or in equity of any transferee or fiduciary of any person in respect of any internal revenue tax, or collecting any such liability, the Secretary is authorized-

(1) To examine any books, papers, records, or other data which may be relevant or material to such inquiry;

(2) To summon the person liable for tax or required to perform the act, or any officer or employee of such person, or any person having possession, custody, or care of books of account containing entries relating to the business of the person liable for tax or required to perform the act, or any other person the Secretary may deem proper, to appear before the Secretary at a time and place named in the summons and to produce such books, papers, records, or other data, and to give such testimony, under oath, as may be relevant or material to such inquiry; and

(3) To take such testimony of the person concerned, under oath, as may be relevant or material to such inquiry.

18 U.S.C. §7602 Examination of books and witnesses

Congress passed a law supposing to give the Internal Revenue Service the authority to search your books, papers, records, or other data, for the purpose of seeing if you filed your tax returns correctly. That means, should you receive an audit notice from the IRS, they are seeking to search your records with an invalid warrant.

A written order issued by a judicial officer or other authorized person commanding a law enforce ment officer to perform some act incident to the administration of justice.

Warrant – The Free Legal Dictionary

This law also claims to allow the IRS to summon you, without probable cause, oath, or affirmation. The purpose of this summons is to take testimony, under oath, to determine if you have violated the IRS code. In other words, Congress has claimed the power to have the IRS issue invalid warrants, perform unreasonable and illegal searches, and to have you witness against yourself, which could be used against you later in a court of law. 18 U.S.C. §7602 violates both the Fourth and Fifth Amendments to the Constitution in only one paragraph. Yet each year thousands of Americas voluntarily submit to these illegal searches for fear of what the almighty IRS would do to them if they do not comply. And this is only the beginning.

Financial Transactions

(a) When a domestic financial institution is involved in a transaction for the payment, receipt, or transfer of United States coins or currency (or other monetary instruments the Secretary of the Treasury prescribes), in an amount, denomination, or amount and denomination, or under circumstances the Secretary prescribes by regulation, the institution and any other participant in the transaction the Secretary may prescribe shall file a report on the transaction at the time and in the way the Secretary prescribes. A participant acting for another person shall make the report as the agent or bailee of the person and identify the person for whom the transaction is being made.

31 USC 5313: Reports on domestic coins and currency transactions

This little piece of tyranny basically says the Secretary of the Treasure gets to tell banks and other financial or trading businesses to collect and report whatever information the Secretary may prescribe by regulation, without probable cause. If you watch crime dramas, you’ve probably heard that banks are required to submit a Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) to the government for every transaction of $10,000 or more. One of the things Congress tried to do was lower that threshold to just $600. While that attempt was defeated, the constitutional violation still exists. This “law” assumes that any transaction of $10,000 or more is not only suspicious, but probable cause that a crime may have been committed. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but the price of a car, home, motorcycle, land, and many other perfectly legitimate transactions are greater than $10,000. So the claim that any transaction of $10,000 or more is probable cause of a crime is offensive, ludicrous, and yet another violation of the oath of office every member of Congress took before assuming office. And should you wish to comply with this law by conducting transactions in smaller amounts than need to be reported, you are charged with structuring transactions. So even if your transaction was perfectly legal, Congress considers it a crime to hide it from the federal government.

They’re Coming For Your Guns

With H.R. 5764, Congress wants to use the same writs of assistance technique to track firearm transactions.

IN GENERAL.— Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, FinCEN shall request information from financial institutions for the purpose of developing an advisory about the identification and reporting of suspicious activity relating to—

(A) how homegrown violent extremists and perpetrators of domestic terrorism procure firearms and firearm accessories for the purpose of carrying out lone actor or lone wolf acts of terror within the United States; and

(B) the ways in which the firearms market in the United States is exploited to facilitate gun violence in the United States.

H.R. 5764

This legislation doesn’t demand reporting of transactions yet, but it’s the first step towards doing so. It appears Congress wants to expand the definition of suspicious activities for financial institutions to report on, including what they think “homegrown violent extremists and perpetrators of domestic terrorism” might do to acquire firearms. The questions that never seems to be asked in legislation like this is: What makes a transaction suspicious?And what makes these transactions probable cause that a crime has been committed?

For example, you may think that buying 10,000 rounds of ammunition is suspicious. However, everyone from competitive shooters to people who are looking for a bargain or just concerned about shortages, may see this as a reasonable action to take. And if someone finds 10,000 rounds suspicious, what about 1,000? 100? Or just ten?

One day I was at a gun store and they had nice older rifles on sale. So I bought two; one for me and one for my father. Some people may see a person purchasing two rifles at the same time suspicious, while I was just thinking it would be nice for my father and I to have identical rifles with consecutive serial numbers. And let’s face it, if someone is planning to perpetrate some form of domestic terrorism, they’re either going to buy their weapons on the black market or make sure their transactions are squeaky clean to avoid attracting attention. So the only real outcome of this attempt to develop a reporting system for “suspicious activities” related to firearms is a further erosion of our right to be secure from unreasonable searches and potentially create another illegal federal firearm registry.


Some of you may be thinking that if people don’t have anything to hide, why are they worried about those in government checking their actions? While you may have nothing to hide, you do have everything to protect. As Benjamin Franklin said, if you are willing to give up essential liberties for the promise of temporary safety, you deserve neither. If you’re willing to give up your right to be secure against unreasonable searches for either of these reasons, who will protect your rights when someone else comes up with an even more intrusive reason? You may think it’s reasonable for the government to poke around in your financial records to make sure you paid your taxes correctly, but what about making sure you pay your mortgage and credit cards on time? You may find a $10,000 transaction suspicious until you need to borrow money from a friend. And sure, you may think that your neighbor purchasing firearms and ammo are suspicious, until the day the mob shows up and only one who has the tools to protect you is that neighbor. The question shouldn’t be whether someone thinks something is suspicious, but what are the requirements before government can go snooping around your stuff? Those in government claim that these laws are necessary to keep the people safe. As William Pitt (the Younger) said

Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.

William Pitt (the Younger), Speech in the House of Commons, November 18, 1783

The Constitution requires there be probable cause before you or your stuff can be searched. Not what a government bureaucrat thinks is suspicious or not what your neighbor thinks is suspicious. The Constitution also requires that said probable cause be supported by oath or affirmation before a warrant is issued. Not legislation that demands you show people your books or that you show up to witness against yourself. Yet today the government in Washington, D.C. has claimed the power to issue these writs of assistance, and we the people have given up our right to be secure against unreasonable searches in exchange for the promises that government will keep us safe. Because Mr. Franklin was right; the American people deserve neither liberty nor safety. And we will not deserve them again until we refuse to give up our rights every time someone in government claims it’s to keep us safe or for our own good.

© 2021 Paul Engel – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Paul Engel:

[BIO: Paul Engel founded The Constitution Study in 2014 to help everyday Americans read and study the Constitution. Author and speaker, Paul has spent more than 20 years studying and teaching about both the Bible and the U.S. Constitution. Freely admitting that he “learned more about our Constitution from School House Rock than in 12 years of public school” he proves that anyone can be a constitutional scholar. You can find his books on Amazon and Apple Books. You can also find his books, classes and other products at the Constitution Study website (]

A Christmas Story: A Moment Frozen in Time

by Frosty Wooldridge

December 23, 2021

Good God! This is an awful place.”
Robert Falcon Scott (upon reaching the South Pole)

(Note: the author lived and worked in Antarctica at McMurdo Station, a base where Robert Falcon Scott originated his epic journeys to reach the South Pole in the early 1900’s.)

In the morning, a whiteout howled across McMurdo Station, Antarctica with 100 mile per hour winds and minus 80-degree temperatures.  I had been confined to my barracks for two days as a ‘Condition One’ storm worked its way over the icepack before me.

By late evening, the weather turned placid but a biting minus 60 degree temperature kept most people inside.  I, however, bundled into my cold weather gear–insulated boots, heavy mittens, five Thermax layers, fleece, three hats, face protection, along with ski goggles–and headed out the door to ride my bicycle over the ice runway.

Yes, there were bicycles at the scientific station for me to ride.  There was a report of some emperor penguins on the ice.  I HAD to see them no matter what the cold.  I jumped on the bike looking like an overstuffed bear with all my cold weather gear on.  My breath vaporized as I rode toward the ice-covered ocean.  My lungs burned with each inhalation of polar cold.  About a mile around the cove, the setting sun glinted off the roof of Robert Falcon Scott’s Discovery Hut.  He had died 80 years ago on his last attempt to reach the South Pole.  The Hut had stood on the point of McMurdo Sound since 1902.  It gave mute testimony to the courage those men displayed in their polar adventures.  This was a cold, miserable place.

I rode along a path that led toward the ice pack in the sound.  It’s hard to describe pack-ice, but it’s jumbled-broken ice chards being heaved and smashed into multiple shapes-triangles, domes, squares, tubulars, and wedges–like an Erector Set gone crazy.  However, near the shore, it was reasonably smooth with a thin veneer of snow from the blizzard.

Above me, a gold/purple sky glowed brazenly in its final glory into the crevasses of the Royal Society Range across the sound.  For once, a rare quiet softened the bitter edge of the crystal white desert before me.  One of the glaciers, more than ten miles across at its terminus radiated liquid gold from the setting sun.  Stepping through some shallow snow drifts, I sank knee deep, until I pulled through and gained the edge of the ice.  Even with polar weather gear protecting my body, the numbing cold crept through the air, as if it were trying to find a way into my being.

The bike frame creaked at the cold and the tires made a popping sound on the snow I pedaled over.   The big boots I was wearing made it hard to keep on the pedals. But I persevered and kept moving forward.  Across the ice, I looked through the sunlight and saw four black figures approaching.  I shaded my eves with my gloved hand.  They drew closer, their bodies back-lit by the sun on the horizon.  It was a family of Emperor penguins.  I dismounted from my bike.   From our survival classes, I learned to sit down so as not to frighten them.  By appearing smaller than them, they might find me interesting.

Slowly, I lowered myself into the snow, cross-legged, like an Indian chief.  Minute by minute, they waddled closer–straight toward me.  Three big birds, about 80 pounds each kept moving dead-on in my direction.  The smallest followed behind them.

Another minute passed and they were within 30 feet of me.  The lead Emperor carried himself like a king.  His silky black head-color swept down the back of his body and through his tail.  A bright crayon yellow/orange streaked along his beak like a Nike logo.  Under his cheek, soft aspirin-white feathers poured downward, glistening in lanolin.  His wings were black on the outside and mixed with black/white on the front.  He stood at least 40 inches tall and his enormous three-toed feet were a gray reptilian roughness with blunted talons sticking out.  He rolled his head, looking at me in a cockeyed fashion, as if I was the strangest creature he’d ever seen.

I don’t know what made me do it, but I slipped my right hand out of the glove and moved it toward him—slowly.  The rest of the penguins closed in.  The big guy stuck his beak across the palm of my hand and twisted his head, as if to scratch himself against my skin.  I felt glossy feathers against my hand.  He uttered a muffled coo.  The rest of the penguins cooed.  Their mucus membranes slid like liquid soap over their eves every few seconds.  I stared back, wanting to say something to them, but realized I could not speak their language.  However, at that moment, we shared a consciousness of living.

My frozen breath vapors hung in the air briefly before descending as crystals toward the ground.  I battled to keep from bursting with excitement.  Within seconds, one of the other penguins pecked my new friend on the rump.  He drew back.  With that he turned and waddled away.  Following the elders, the little one gave one last look at me, as if be too wanted to scratch my hand, but was afraid, and turned with his friends.  As they retreated, their wings were out, away from their bodies like children trying to catch the wind in their arms.  The baby Emperor was last to go.

My hand turned numb, so I stuck it back into the glove.  As I sat there, I remembered once when a hummingbird landed on my finger–and I remembered the sheer delicacy Nature shared with in, that warm spring day in the mountains.  Here, in this frozen wasteland beyond the borders of my imagination where man does not belong, Nature touched me again today with its pulsing heart and living warmth.  I only hope my species learns as much respect for our fellow travelers as they show toward us.

I stood up, tightened my hood and looked for the penguins.  They were gone.  Only the pack ice rumbled toward the horizon.  I turned to my bike.  It’s hard to believe that two rubber tires laced together with spokes and rims—and attached to a metal frame could carry me from the Amazon Jungle, to Death Valley and on to where the bolt goes into the bottom of the globe.  That simple machine laying in the frozen snow had taken me to far flung places on this planet and it had allowed me magical moments beyond description. That moment with the penguins probably was the best it had ever done by me.  I remounted it and turned toward the barracks.

The ride back didn’t seem so cold. Merry Christmas!

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Dear Dr. Trump, PHD in Virology?

by Lex Greene

December 23, 2021

[DISCLAIMER: The opinion in this article is the sole opinion of this author and is NOT the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]


You don’t have a degree in virology, medicine, or science? You have no experience or training of any kind in public health? Well then, that makes you just as qualified as the globetrotting pervert and college dropout Bill Gates to determine what is in the best health interest of 332-million FREE American citizens, doesn’t it! NOT AT ALL!

I supported you in 2016, because there was no one else to support and I honestly thought that despite your somewhat checkered past, you cared about this country, its people, freedom and liberty, real justice, national security, and political decency. I actually thought you might attempt to “drain the swamp,” although I never thought you’d be able to do it. At least, not alone. In the end, you didn’t even try!

Although you still pat yourself on the back, claiming to have created “life-saving vaccines” to protect Americans against the fake COVID19 plandemic, we both know that you did nothing more than grease the political wheels and cut some red tape, to allow fake Dr. Gates and evil Dr. Fauci to rush their mRNA human experiments to market. (Not to ever be confused with any real vaccines)In other words, you made their crimes against humanity possible and you’re still proud of it!

One of two things is true Dr. Trump, either you’re just another totally controlled global conspirator engaged in destroying the USA and killing millions, maybe billions around the world – or – you’re an egomaniac incapable of admitting you were drained by the swamp and conned by global Marxist mad scientists. Either way, you are even more dangerous for America today, than the enemies we know all too well. You are an enemy inside the gates…

Had you not surrendered the People’s White House to known global criminals last year, I might still be able to support you. But because you did surrender our House to this group of global tyrants, I assume to save your own ass, and because you continue to tell Americans to surrender to the mad scientists currently responsible for the thousands of VAERS Reports, I can no longer support you or anyone like you. I’m left with no one to support, at least politically.

You are no more qualified to tell anyone to “get vaxxed” than Gates (who also has no such training and openly wants to eliminate 2/3 of the world population) or Fauci (who has no experience seeing live patients either and a long history of evil mad science). You have shown yourself to be every bit as much a FRAUD as those who defrauded you out of the White House.

Even worse, you alone once had the support of more than 80-million hardcore Americans willing to do anything you asked to save this country. But you have totally squandered that support and do more damage to yourself and that group every time you tell people to go get vaxxed and promise you will “turn things around in 2024” knowing better than anyone, that the USA no longer has any legitimate elections, in part, due to your cowardice.

You sir…had the opportunity to be written into history as the George Washington of our time. Instead, you will be written into history as the man proudly responsible for the death and dismemberment of millions of Americans, the end of freedom and liberty, and all because you couldn’t keep your ego in check or decided to save yourself instead of this country.

I’m sure you don’t care what I think. In fact, I doubt that you care what anyone thinks, except your kids maybe. Of course, some of them are directly responsible for making sure you were surrounded by inside the beltway alligators and backstabbing vipers.

I bet you will never read this open letter, much less respond to it, just like all other politicians who think they don’t need to pay any attention to the people responsible for their temporary power. You may not have been a politician when you decided to run for office in 2015, but that’s all you appear to be now.

Why are you still raising money for the same Republicans in Congress that spent your four brief years in office, stabbing you in the back at every chance? Why are you still making promises that you can’t possibly keep?

The only reason to focus everyone on 2022 and 2024 elections is to keep them from focusing on massive 2020 fraud. Why else would you do that? Are you just part of the has-been presidents club now, like Bush and Obama? … No more useful to the American people than a mere carnival barker only concerned with raising money for corrupt D.C. political institutions.

Is this really the best you can do Dr. Trump?

If so, then you have well-earned your place in history along side the likes of Obama, Pelosi, Schumer, Bush, Clinton, Fauci and Gates. You might be able to fool yourself for the rest of your days, but you are NOT fooling God and you won’t be able to fool American patriots much longer.

If you don’t have the courage or decency to self-correct and take a real stand for all who once trusted you, then shut up and sit down, fade into the sunset at the golf course and leave the patriotism to real patriots.

Leaders selling us the same snake oil as Gates, Fauci and Biden, we don’t need.

You were certainly fit for the office but may not be up to the task at hand. If you’re not up to leading your followers back to freedom, liberty, and justice, then stop pretending as though you are. Let someone else rise to the occasion.

Now, for those who do read this most recent tirade…solutions next!

Don’t bother writing me about how I’m attacking “a good guy” or how “we need Dr. Trump” to save us. He had his chance, and he blew it, big time! We must move on to solving our problems ourselves now.

Every problem on earth has a solution, where there is the will, there is a way. STAY TUNED!My future columns will focus on what we the people must do.There is no one else to do it!

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lex Greene:

Without any “Informed Consent”

by JB Williams

December 22, 2021

As most adults know, even when you voluntarily go to your doctor’s office, or the hospital, or the emergency room, before they will treat you for anything, you will be asked to sign a “consent form” agreeing to allow them to treat you. If you can’t sign it, they will ask a legal guardian or responsible person, such as your spouse or parents to sign it before they will see or treat you.

This isn’t just so that they can bill you for their services, which is usually a separate form that you will also have to sign. The treatment consent form is necessary because it is “illegal” for anyone to provide you with medical treatments without your “informed consent.” Usually, a doctor will provide information to the patient concerning the recommended treatment and acquire the patient’s (or legally responsible persons) consent before proceeding with treatment.

These laws all followed the Nuremberg Code, which was the result of the Nuremberg Trials in Germany, where people involved in evil experimental medicine administered against the will of the patients, without any informed consent, resulting in the death and dismemberment of many of those patients. These acts were later defined as “crimes against humanity” strictly due to the fact that medical experiments were administered without any prior informed consent of the patients.

So, what happened to the “informed consent” when it comes to Bill Gates population reducing “vaccines?” What happened to “your body, your choice?”

Regardless of how you might feel about the COVID19 event and related mRNA “vaccines” which at the very best, have not stopped COVID related infections, illnesses or deaths to date, every living free person has a fundamental inalienable natural Right to be “secure in their person,” to choose what enters their body. No one has a Right to force or coerce inject anyone with anything against your will, hence, the purpose of “informed consent” forms used by the medical profession for decades.

Further, no one has a legal or moral Right to punish you for withholding your consent or refusing an injection or medical procedure. FDA approval or “emergency use authorization only” does nothing whatsoever to alter or eliminate these most fundamental human Rights.

So, what is “informed consent?”

First, no one has the Right to do anything to you against your will, which means, without your expressed “consent.” Consent is simply defined as you granting your “permission for something to happen or agreement to do something.” Permission can be granted or withheld by you, and you have the final say, without fear of punishment or retribution.

“Informed” is defined as “having or showing knowledge of a particular subject or situation; (of a decision or judgment) based on an understanding of the facts of the situation.”

When you put the two together, the meaning of “informed consent” is “permission granted in the knowledge of the possible consequences, typically that which is given by a patient to a doctor for treatment with full knowledge of the possible risks and benefits.”

No person can grant “consent” without possessing proper “information” concerning the decision they are asked to make. That would be “uninformed consent,” wherein the information necessary to make the decision is withheld from the patient, resulting in false consent without complete and accurate information necessary for the decision at hand.

Imagine being asked to consent to open heart surgery while the doctor openly denies you access to the information concerning all of the potential dangers involved with the procedure. If you consent under these conditions, the doctor is directly liable and responsible for whatever happens to you next, simply because your consent was “coerced” without access to any information concerning the procedure.

According to the Biden administration, approximately 200-million Americans have received one or more of the COVID19 “vaccines” and none of them were given access to the data available at VAERS Reporting site or other adverse event reporting systems. None of them were advised known “adverse event” information concerning these “vaccines” and none of them had “knowledge of the possible consequences” prior to offering “uninformed consent” for these “vaccines.”

Whether you have accepted any of these “vaccines” or not, your decision has been made while the Biden administration, the CDC, the medical profession, the news media, and social media “factcheckers” have hidden the “adverse events” also known as “vaccine injuries and deaths” from public access and continued to promote outright lies regurgitated by the government controlled media, concerning the efficacy of their “vaccines” or millions of adverse events reported all over the world.

Everyone who has taken a JAB to date is a “victim.” They were either conned, coerced, or forced to take that JAB without proper information prior to their consent. This is exactly the type of government activities that resulted in the Nuremberg Trials which produced the International Nuremberg Code that is still in full force and effect today.

Every living soul has an inalienable Right to receive answers to all of the questions presented here, prior to being asked to grant or offering their consent.

No matter your employment, student, or medical status, you have a Right to the truthful answers to these questions, or no one has the Right to inject you with anything, or to punish you for withholding your consent until such time as the answers are provided to you.

  1. Provide all available clinical evidence of the isolated COVID19 virus and each known variant and the methods by which these variants have been identified and isolated.
  2. Provide all available clinical evidence that “masks” have been successful in preventing the spread of COVID19 and which masks have been the most effective at preventing the spread of COVID19, along with the means by which this evidence was confirmed, along with all available information provided by the mask manufacturers concerning the use of said masks for this purpose.
  3. Provide all available clinical evidence that proves “social distancing” has been effective at stopping the spread of COVID19 and the sources of said clinical evidence.
  4. Provide all available clinical evidence that COVID19 “vaccines” are in fact, true vaccines, and not experimental mRNA gene therapy.
  5. Provide all available clinical evidence that COVID19 “vaccines” are effective at preventing COVID19 infection, the spread of COVID19, illness and death from COVID19 and which mRNA injections have proven to be most effective in all areas, along with all supporting clinical evidence.
  6. Provide all available clinical evidence that COVID19 vaccines have proven to be safe for human use, backed by clinical data concerning related illness, adverse events, and deaths, which have followed the use of the vaccines, and which vaccines have been the least safe, according to all available clinical evidence, including all related mammalian trials.
  7. Provide a detailed list of all ingredients in each and every “vaccine” or “therapeutic” currently in use, broken out by each vaccine manufacturer and each vaccine dose and batch, as produced by each manufacturer, used in the USA and the world.
  8. Provide all available clinical evidence of known adverse events associated with each vaccine currently in use, separated by manufacturer, dose, and batch, taking into account all available adverse event reporting systems, both within the USA and all foreign clinical COVID event tracking and reporting systems.
  9. Provide all available evidence as it pertains to all current COVID19 vaccines in use in the USA today, that each is in fact fully FDA Approved for broad public use, and not just FDA authorized for emergency use only.
  10. Provide all available clinical evidence that any “emergency” exists to justify “emergency use only” FDA status.
  11. Provide all available clinical information, documentation and evidence pertaining to any and all known short-term and long-term effects of each COVID19 “vaccine,” including all known side effects from any mRNA experimental injections for COVID-19, including all available human and animal trials.

Without the answers to these questions concerning COVID19 injections, no one has the Right to force, con, coerce you into taking the JAB, or punish you for withholding your consent. You have every Right to withhold that consent until such time as you are totally informed about the real risks associated with the procedure you are being asked to consent to.

These basic questions can and should be delivered to anyone who is promoting COVID19 “vaccination,” especially if they are doing it in any forceful manner. Everyone promoting or enforcing “vaccine mandates” against the will of the patient is in direct violation of the Nuremberg Code and all subsequent laws protecting the Right of “informed consent.”

Last, no one has any immunity from liability or prosecution in this event. Immunity can only be granted until it is known that harm is being done by the medical procedure. If anyone continues to promote or administer the medical procedure after knowing that people are being harmed by that procedure, they do so without any immunity from liability or prosecution at all.

Understand? Everyone can freely use the information provided here to stop the ongoing insanity surrounding the entire COVID19 event. If you know your Rights, all you need to do is enforce them.

*Information provided herein is the result of research done by

© 2021 JB Williams – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JB Williams:

Attorney: Justice Will Not Come Through The Courts But By The People Rising Up!

by Bradlee Dean

December 22, 2021

“Sad to say, but the truth needs to be spoken.  These foreign countries act more like that of our Founding Forefathers’ posterity than the Americans do.”

Over and over, friends, I have reminded the people with the fact that the courts are not serving up justice the way that the law demands and therefore, if the law does not serve us, then we must serve as the law, and that under God (Deuteronomy 4:6)!  It seems that the people, instead of taking heed to these warning, get angry with those who are doing the warning (Ezekiel 33:3).

[Rumble Video]

Health Impact News recently reported: Attorney Reiner Fuellmich on Nuremberg 2.0: Justice will Not Come Through the Courts but by the People Rising Up.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich practices law in Germany and in California, and he has been exposing the crimes against humanity by the Globalists who have inflicted the false COVID-19 narrative on the public and mandated their dangerous bioweapons called “vaccines” through his Corona Investigative Committee for the past two years.

We have published some of this work here on Health Impact News.

It has been called “Nuremberg 2.0” by many, as expectations have been that there would be some kind of trial in an international court of law where these criminals would be prosecuted.

Dr. Fuellmich recently revealed much of what his Corona Investigative Committee has found in a meeting in Poland, and he made clear the same thing I have been saying for many months now, that the judicial system is owned and controlled by the Globalists, and justice will not be found in today’s courts, whether it is Germany or the U.S., or any other country.

He stated: The only way to end this is by the people rising up and telling the authorities that this is the end of the line.

It is not the courts of law. The courts of law, maybe we can use them to clean things up. But I am afraid that they are not even good for that. Because they are so infiltrated by the other side that we’re going to have to setup a whole new judicial system.

That doesn’t mean that they are not going to proceed with a trial that will be similar to the original Nuremberg trials. He states that there will be a real judge, real lawyers, and real witnesses, but the jury will be “the people” who will watch it via live stream. And he expects this to happen soon, before the end of the year.

I was very pleased to watch his presentation, and how he fielded questions, in this presentation in Poland. I had been concerned for some time now that his work was giving people a false sense of hope that there was some kind of International Court out there somewhere that would try this case and arrest all the criminals responsible.

But he made it very clear that justice would NOT happen through the current court system, especially in Germany. His years of experience in litigating in these corrupt courts have also taught him that the politicians are merely puppets, and that the real criminals are a small group of very wealthy people who are actually calling the shots, and these are the people that need to be tried.

And the original Nuremberg trials after WWII did NOT bring justice against the Globalists who funded both sides of the war, as the rich leaders of corporations like IBM and Ford were never tried, let alone convicted for their crimes against humanity that allowed Hitler and Nazism to rise to power.

Some of the Nazi doctors who were just “following orders” were tried, convicted, and executed, but the ones giving the orders were not.

If you have never watched Maximilian Schell’s Academy Award winning performance for his role as the German Attorney in Hollywood’s presentation of the original Nuremberg Trials, it is well worth a look, as it seems to be pretty close to what was actually said during the trials.

But this is very important work that Dr. Fuellmich and his team have been doing, nevertheless, because they are exposing the entire COVID conspiracy, and as he stated, “There are no more conspiracy theories left. They have all become true and are no longer theories.”

One of the questions posed to him was the fact that many claim that the virus does not exist, as it has never been isolated.

His response was that from a legal standpoint, it really doesn’t matter. The fraud has occurred with the PCR tests, and that is what will be exposed legally.

[Bitchute Video]

Massive protests erupt all over the world against coNvid -1984 tyranny – well never give up

Conclusion: Maybe the people in this country should begin to ask themselves the questions as to why the people all over the world are up in defiance when it comes to this “plandemic” and yet, they are still trying to figure out if they are being lied to by the same criminals that have lied to them for decades (John 8:44).

Sad to say, but the truth needs to be spoken.  These foreign countries act more like that of our Founding Forefathers’ posterity than the Americans do.

© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean:

The Demonic Desecration of America

By: Devvy

December 22, 2021

WARNING:  Some photos are quite graphic.

The destruction of all that made America good is in full forward mode.  What made America good is being replaced by mentally ill people who’ve succumbed to brain-washing through the media, schools (K- college grads) and “tolerant” politically correct parents, also victims of brain washing.  Over the past few years, the latest nonsense is the non-existent ‘non-binary person’.  What does that mean?

“The term “nonbinary” can mean different things to different people. At its core, it’s used to describe someone whose gender identity isn’t exclusively male or female.Some people who are nonbinary experience their gender as both male and female, and others experience their gender as neither male nor female.Nonbinary can also be used as an umbrella term, encompassing many gender identities that don’t fit into the male-female binary.”

What rubbish.  Scientifically, there is no ‘many gender identities’.  The human body genetically is either male or female, period.  Employers are being forced to use pronouns instead of a person’s name, i.e., Donna isn’t Donna.  Donna is her/she/them/they.  Pot smoker, Elon Musk and his baby mamma, some singer named Grimes (who raves about how communism is the answer to our problems) actually  named their son X Æ A-XII.  That poor little boy.

Let me give you an example of how successful Lucifer has been the past 75-80 years.

Illinois is going to install “Baby Baphomet”, a grotesque statue at their Capitol holiday display during Christmas week courtesy of the Satanic Temple.  Who are they?  Well, they have chapters nationwide.  Here’s an invitation on their web site:

“The Satanic Temple stands ready to assist any member that shares its deeply-held religious convictions regarding the right to reproductive freedom. Accordingly, we encourage any member who resides in Texas and wishes to undergo the Satanic Abortion Ritual within the first 24 weeks of pregnancy to contact The Satanic Temple so we may help them fight this law directly.”

We continue to see more and more demonic behavior and worship of idols across this country.  In murals, in the public square.  But, display anything which mentions God in a school or some level of government and here comes the American Communist Lawyers Union (ACLU) and every atheist group.

Biden’s War On Christians: Pentagon orders company to stop making faith-based dog tags

An UN-holy pit:  Lutheran Church Offers Drag Queen Story Time From Pulpit During Sunday Service, Dec. 17, 2021

Even though this is not in America, it goes on in America: 16 months old Star Hobson was routinely tortured and abused until her queer ‘mothers’ killed her.  Another precious life ignored by the system in England.  Their child protective services were called many times but one can’t discriminate against lesbians.  Never mind that little angel endured hell:

“Had bruises on her face and shins but the Bradford City Council worker believed Brockhill’s explanation she’d fallen down the stairs. In fact she was being ‘choke slammed’, swung by her leg and hit in the face by the twisted couple.

“They referred to her as a ‘brat’ and forced her to stand facing the wall for long periods of time during their reign of cruelty.In total two friends and three relatives — including Star’s own father — had reported them to social services but they were still allowed to keep her.”

(KJV) Matthew 18:6 – But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea. (KJV) Luke 17:2 – It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.

Teacher of The Year” Charged With 8 Counts of Child Rape and Incest, And There’s a Terrible Twist, Dec. 15, 2021 – “As if that’s not horrific and demonic enough, what’s really scary is this teacher was awarded a prominent accolade even though he has a history of sexual harassment claims dating back to 2014.So, they awarded a man who has a history of sexual deviancy the “teacher of the year” award – essentially making him a “hero” to both children and parents, and allowing him a “free pass” to hunt kids.  Why was he even working there?”

Nydia Stone Speaks Out After SNL Demons “Joke” She Should be Gang-Raped in a Corner Numerous Times  – “Saturday Night Live (SNL) over the weekend aired a skit where the news reporter shared that Roger Stone’s wife, Nydia, should be gang-raped in a corner multiple- times.  It was beyond disgusting.”  She’s 75 years old and fighting cancer. We’re supposed to find that funny?

SNL “Hip-Hop Nativity” Skit Shows “Baby Jesus” Twerking – Mary as a Stripper and “Baby Daddy” Joseph with a “Pimp Walk” (VIDEO)  – We’re supposed to find that funny?

I’ve never watched one minute of that show and even if I had a TV, which I haven’t had one for five years in February, I would never tune in again.

THIS is the cause of so much violence, growth of murderous gangs and evil suffocating our country.  A country founded upon Christian beliefs and those who lived by God’s words and Commandments.  The nuclear family: A father and mother.

9 Shocking Signs Of The Staggering Decline Of The Traditional American Family

Giving thanks to God for blessing our nation is now somehow evil?  There’s room for rent between her ears:  MSNBC host Joy Reid claims police handing out Thanksgiving turkeys instead of tickets was “traumatizing”

(Edited for length)  George Washington’s Thanksgiving Proclamation October 3, 1789

“Whereas it is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favor—and whereas both Houses of Congress have by their joint Committee requested me “to recommend to the People of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many signal favors of Almighty God especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness.”

“Now therefore I do recommend and assign Thursday the 26th day of November next to be devoted by the People of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being, who is the beneficent Author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be—That we may then all unite in rendering unto him our sincere and humble thanks—for his kind care and protection of the People of this Country previous to their becoming a Nation—for the signal and manifold mercies, and the favorable interpositions of his Providence which we experienced in the course and conclusion of the late war—

“for the great degree of tranquillity, union, and plenty, which we have since enjoyed—for the peaceable and rational manner, in which we have been enabled to establish constitutions of government for our safety and happiness, and particularly the national One now lately instituted—for the civil and religious liberty with which we are blessed; and the means we have of acquiring and diffusing useful knowledge; and in general for all the great and various favors which he hath been pleased to confer upon us.”

Taking away the innocence of children is heinous:  Fairfax County (VA) schools reinstates books with explicit images, claiming they don’t include pedophilia.  “An outraged parent who called the books ‘porn’ dubbed the county ‘FairfaXXX County’ – “Lawn Boy” by Jonathan Evison includes long sections of a boy reminiscing about explicit experiences he had at 10 years old and “Gender Queer: A Memoir,” by Maia Kobabe includes photos of sexual acts between a boy and a man.

“Fairfax County Public Schools announced that it had restored the books to libraries after two committees reviewed them. One committee found that “Lawn Boy” includes themes that “are affirming for students” with marginalized identities. “There is no pedophilia in the book,” the committee added. The other committee found that “Gender Queer” depicts “difficulties nonbinary and asexual individuals may face.” The committee concluded that “the book neither depicts nor describes pedophilia.” (Not yet.)

‘Woke’ University Professor Suspended for ‘Normalizing Pedophiles’ – Dr. Allyn Walker declared it’s ‘OK’ for adults to be sexually attracted to children, Nov. 18, 2021 – “Dr. Allyn Walker, who identifies as “transgender,” was placed on leave by Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia, on Tuesday.”

Catholic University painting depicting George Floyd as Jesus is ‘heretical, blasphemous,’ student says – George Floyd who died from a drug overdose and who served time in a Texas prison for punching a very pregnant woman in the stomach among other crimes on his long rap sheet.

Florida Parents Sue School for Secretly ‘Transitioning’ 13-Year-Old Daughter

READ:  Transgenders Mentally Ill & Should Be Treated With Compassion

Parents across the country bring their children to watch this filth.  What the hell is the matter with you people?  Public parades filled with debauchery is no place for children.  Schools in California teach – mandatory and no exceptions for parents to opt out their child – 6, 7 year-old little boys it’s natural and healthy to have sex in another man’s sh*t.  Play in it called fisting.  Yes, they jam their fists up each other’s rectums and are wearing diapers by age 40.

Oh, but Devvy, we have to be tolerant!  Not according to the Almighty.  Romans 1:32 – Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.”  I am a peaceful person and do not advocate violence.  It’s not me sexual deviants have to fear.  We all have an expiration date.  Those who spit in God’s face will pay the price. Eternity is a long time.

63 MILLION unborn human lives snuffed out. The recent decision by the Supreme Court over a new law in Texas to stop as many abortions as possible caused millions of women to go absolutely ballistic.  Screeching about reproductive rights they conveniently forget no one is trying to keep them from reproducing.  We’re trying to keep them from murdering what they produced:  Life which begins at conception.  Amazing scientific presentation.

Hollywood “actresses” rejoice in telling the world they murdered their child in the womb to pursue fame.  Can’t have another mouth to feed.  My mother raised four children alone as a waitress making $40 bux a week but she’d rather cut off her arm than murder her own child.  Then late in life she had my little sister who was a joy to all of us.

And, those shrews screaming and yelling about their “constitutional right” to murder their own baby demand you and I pay for it.  I wrote this column in 2011 and was called every name in the book on liberal web sites.  The arrow hit the target.  Get My Wallet Out Of Your Vagina

The moral rot and filth smothering our beloved country has grown exponentially over the decades and you can blame it on the churches and public “leaders” who defend such sin.  Churches who have sexual deviants as ministers/pastors/preachers; both lesbian and homosexuals.  Not the House of God but the House of Sin in God’s eyes where they celebrate what God called an abomination.

Young college women moonlight by dancing naked in clubs to help pay tuition.  Selling their bodies for money.  Or, they have subscribers to some video platform and dance around almost naked to earn money; college student or just a young female in it for easy money.  Women run around in a few scraps of cloth which barely cover their breasts on public beaches with children all over the place.

“Bathing suit” bottoms are a tiny patch in front so they may as well be naked.  Saw a photo the other day of the Obamas in Hawaii.  The youngest daughter had on a top that barely covered her breasts.  Bottom was a string up her butt crack leaving her entire bottom naked for the camera. It looks so uncomfortable. Those women are so stupid.  Don’t they know men like a woman with a bit of mystery aura about her instead of just another piece of meat off the rack?

You can see women have been shaving their pubic area for decades now in bikinis.  What does that look like?  Try a six or eight-year-old little girl who hasn’t matured.  I’ve wondered what grown men see when they are intimate with a woman who shaves her pubic hair and looks like a child down there?  Turns them on?  An ugly thought.  God put hair there to protect a woman’s sensitive area, same for men. I’ll probably take flack from some women, but it’s really not a good thing to do.

Men shaving their private parts has also become popular. It’s called manscaping but here’s something they should know:  “Additionally, removing the hair from your pubic region does make you more susceptible to contracting STI’s. According to an insightful study done by the University of California, men who shave their pubic region have a higher likelihood of contracting HPV, syphilis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, genital herpes, and even HIV.”

I wrote a column in 2013 that really ticked off feminists so I must have hit it out of the ball park.  Which STD Factory Are You Dating? The statistics shocked readers; I’m sure its only gotten worse. Saw a girl maybe 14 years old last week (our crazy weather it was 79) at China (Wal) Mart with her mother.  She had cut-off denims that barely covered her butt cheeks and obviously no panties.  Yes, older men were drooling.  I would never have let my daughter dress like that in public.

Rejection of God and Jesus Christ has brought the predictable result by what we’re seeing all across this country today.  The destruction of the family.  Sodomite Transportation Secretary Petey butt-jumper Buttigieg and his fake husband are treated as royalty.  Remember when J.C. Penny put out their ad featuring two lesbians with their daughters? The backlash and boycott cost them millions of dollars.

“I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that His justice cannot sleep forever.”  Thomas Jeferson, 181 Notes on the State of Virginia.

Think the Wrath of God will not come to America?  That God Almighty is going to tolerate the sewer of sin washing over America forever?  Think again.  John 3:8 (KJV) He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.

But you see, Satan is very clever.  Archangel Lucifer, from the time God created man, convinces people he doesn’t exist.  Instead, like the song of a siren, he lures the soul of the weak to his dark side.”It is not enough to conquer; one must know how to seduce.” Voltaire

God gifted his children with free will.  Instead of living by His Commandments, His children (not just here in the US) have instead chosen to break so many of them.  Thou shalt not kill,  bear false witness, use the Lord’s name in vain.  Looting, rioting, killing.  Empty, dead souls who are enjoying themselves now but their hate will eat them alive in the here and now and after death.

God’s children have traded decency and virtue for licentious “lifestyles” that spit in His face.  The seeds planted by Lucifer; they have bitten into the apple poisoned by him.

Millions of His children have been seduced into believing they are more powerful than their Creator.  That they can become a god themselves. That there is no God, only government can see to their needs.  “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.”  Defy God with your craven images and worship of Lucifer but God’s wrath upon your soul will last for eternity.

Lucifer hates mankind and baits you into believing his lies.  Lucifer who whispers hate disguised as sweet nothings on gossamer wings.  He is not the one who chooses sin, he only presents sin as a scrumptious feast consumed by empty, dead souls.

Lucifer who has been collecting souls for thousands of years has stepped up his game over the last few decades.  Sadly, too many who believe his lies can’t wait to devour the exquisite, earthy pleasures he teases with while luring you into believing socialism and communist are good. That sin is good and that God is nothing more than a fairy tale or mythological figure.

America was founded by Christians and today, Christianity is under massive assault by the God-less.  “It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  For this very reason peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here.”  Patrick Henry

Pray for the dead, lost souls that they may find God.  That they seek Jesus Christ and find comfort and redemption.  America, get down on your knees and beg God for forgiveness.  Ask He bless our country for without his protection and blessing, America will die from its own internal rot.

Matthew 6:9-13, KJV – “ After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.  Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.   Give us this day our daily bread.  And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.  And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.”

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions.

© 2021 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:


L.A. Schools Host LGBT Club For 4-Year-Olds, Promote ‘Two Spirit’ Sexuality And Child Mutilation, Dec. 19, 2021

2021 — The Year In Review

by Steven Yates

December 21, 2021

Is This Year One, Part 1

“O Lord, how long shall I cry, and you will not hear? even cry out to you, “Violence!” and you will not save. Why do you show me iniquity, and cause me to see trouble? for plundering and violence are before me; there is strife, and contention arises. Therefore the law is powerless, and justice never goes forth. For the wicked surround the righteous; therefore perverse judgment proceeds.”  —Habakkuk 1:2-4

For me personally, 2021 had more pluses than negatives.

We (my better half and I) finished settling into our new place. We are not in lockdown.

Our place is remote in the sense that you have to know where to look or you’ll never find it. But we are in walking distance from two grocery stores, two outdoors markets, a large health clinic, a mall, and the regional airport.

Our expenses have dropped dramatically since abandoning city life.

We have much to be grateful for, starting with each other. We are healthy;we are safe; and we stay in touch with family (hers, since I am the sole survivor of my immediate family).

My book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory, moreover, finally came out last summer.It is the produce of a three-year labor of love.

That might seem to have little to do with what I do here, but this would be deceptive. Many problems professional philosophers have wrestled for decades involve language in one way or another, and if there is anything more abused and manipulated today than language, I have trouble imagining what it could be. The late, great Ludwig Wittgenstein once observed (in a work called The Tractatus): “In philosophy the question, ‘What do we actually use this word or this proposition for?’ repeatedly leads to valuable insights.”

Orwell understood that those who control the public lexicon control public life.

Consider, then, each of the following words and what they are used for: democracy, fascism, racism, white supremacism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, conspiracy theory, populism. Can you think of more?

Also ask, what is the Weltanschauung or worldview of the person who uses words as linguistic clubs to beat people into submission?The weaponizing of language remains an open field if only because (for obvious reasons)very few academic philosophers will touch the subject.

That brings me to the condition of the Western world outside our immediate surroundings.

Not so good!

I fully understand the prophet Habakkuk’s lament above.

We approach another Christmas and New Year with televisions bleating incessant warnings that are now almost sonic wallpaper, we are so used to them.

Have we learned anything?

Around this time last year I predicted that the rushed “vaccines” we were just starting to hear about would become the big fight of 2021.

I was half-right.

As those were just starting to be rolled out, January 6 happened.

What we should be learning: yes, Virginia, the United States Federal Government keeps political prisoners, and if that’s a verbal club than in my estimation it is deserved.

Also: corporate media “news” lies like a rug!

The most revealing case of media dishonesty was regarding Capitol cop Brian Sickwick. Mainstream outlets reported at length how Sickwick was clubbed over the head with a fire extinguisher by a Trump supporter and died from head trauma.

This turned out to be a complete fabrication! No one struck Sickwick!

He had a stroke, doubtless brought on by the stress of the event, but not caused by any specific person.

Yes, Virginia, corporate media will exploit tragedy for political gain!

I don’t think media talking heads care about truth! They are paid for peddling BS — in the sense philosopher Harry Frankfurt uses the infamous b-word in his slim little classic On Bullshit (2005).

Their business is manufacturing consent, pumping out and maintaining approved narratives.

This ought to be our first big takeaway from 2021 (Year One?).

Assuming we hadn’t learned it in 2017 with Charlottesville, in 2018 with the collapse of the Russiagate hoax, in 2019 with Ukrainegate, or in 2020 which saw hundreds of millions of dollars of damage done by “mostly peaceful protesters.”

What ought to be our second big takeaway from 2021?

Again, assuming we hadn’t gotten the message long before, how about: the complete corruption of science into The Science?

Result: Big Pharma raked in billions while thousands of people died unnecessarily, having been denied effective treatments Big Pharma’s media shills demonized.

The truth: there is very little science being done today that is not part of corporate-governmental technocratic efforts to bring about the technocrat Great Reset.

What should be clear as 2021 comes to an end: the coronavirus did not “evolve in a bat,” and its release was no accident.

The timing of the release —a period of increasing economic volatility, the likelihood of Trump winning re-election in a landslide, and rising “populism” all over the globe—was as perfect as the chemical structure of the coronavirus itself, laden with evidence of the gain-of-function research that designed it to infect humans, especially the elderly.


A reader suggested a possible reason: Social Security will be broke in a few years. How long it has seems to depend on who you ask. Frankly, I don’t think anyone knows.

We are on our way to a general crash of all the markets that will make 2008 look like a joyride by comparison.

You cannot sustain an economy indefinitely on printed money!

If the gene-therapy injections do their job, though, this might not matter.

The author and researcher who looks to have done the most homework keeping up with studies of the effects of the injections appears to be Mike Whitney (archive here). I don’t know much about Mr. Whitney. He apparently keeps his head down. Has, for as long as I’ve been reading his stuff, which long predates covid-19(84). He wrote on economic issues from a standpoint hard to categorize, probably because he was isolating kernels of truth while the majority of “economists” were shilling for financialization, corporatism, and the military-security machine.

What Whitney relates through his archive: deaths from a variety of causes, the majority heart-related, are abnormally high this year, well above mere chance, in all countries that rushed into mass vaccination programs.

Cancers formerly in remission have returned.

All in the “fully vaccinated.”

People’s natural immune systems are being damaged, leaving them vulnerable to illnesses of all kinds. Your immune system, Whitney noted recently, is not your last line of defense against sickness, it is your only line of defense.

In the future, people will be dropping dead from the flu and even bad colds because their compromised immune systems cannot fight them off!

There were warnings in abundance (one by myself, a year ago) that the “vaccines” were being rolled out too fast, that under normal circumstances it takes years to vet a new vaccine for effectiveness and safety.

Down the memory hole!

I don’t have a death toll I am confident is accurate. VAERS doubtless under reports vaccine injuries and deaths, because it relies on voluntary reports, and too many people don’t even know about it. Whitney documents that injuries from the jabs are greater than all previous vaccines put together for the past 35 years!

This has not stopped governments from passing laws making them mandatory!

Austria is requiring every citizen to be jabbed as of Feb. 1, 2022. The country has already locked down 2 million unvaccinated people.

The situation in Australia is well-known. Australia has become a dictatorship in which the unjabbed are being literally herded into camps! Australia looks for all the world like a social experiment: how far can a people be pushed before they revolt en masse?

While U.S. courts keep throwing up roadblocks against Bidenista efforts, I have to wonder how long this can last. Checks and balances in the U.S. are far too weakened for unrelated reasons.

Most other nations have no checks of significance on centralized corporate-state power at all, beyond a fear of mass revolt if they push people too far.

America’s Second Amendment, much to the chagrin of the super elite and their mass media shills, is still very much in place and functioning as a check on their absolute power.

The survival not of mere millions, not of mere tens of millions, but hundreds of millions or even billions is at stake!

That’s if it’s not already too late! Fortunately, items are starting to appear on how to mitigate illnesses and health problems caused by the jabs.

When a nation such as Austria makes an experimental and unwanted medical procedure legally mandatory, protestors should fill the streets of every major city! Especially as the same mandates are being contemplated in Germany, Italy, Greece, and elsewhere, all places which have already instituted vaccine passports. This is Stage 4 vaccine coercion.

Nation after nation should be the scene of mass revolt, including the U.S. where employers appear to be doing the bulk of the heavy lifting.

How badly do you want to avoid artificially shortening your life?

It’s that simple!

An argument I keep encountering:hundreds of millions of people worldwide have gotten these shots. They aren’t dropping dead. I don’t know anybody who’s died after getting one.

I don’t, either. Not personally, anyway. There are many reports like this one, however. And some more personal, like this, or this.I have a friend whose cousin passed away four months after getting the Moderna shots. He experienced cascading organ failure, dying four months after getting them.

Was it the vaccine? The doctor evaded with, “We’ll know in a few years.”

No common horse sense there.

Someone close to me got the Pfizer jabs (and the “booster”) against my advice. He now complains of chronic tinnitus (a constant “ringing in the ears”) keeping him awake nights.

No one says the injections were designed to kill anyone on the spot.

That’s stupid!

That would cause a mass panic, obviously.

A chart I saw describes the short-term and long-term effects of the shots in three time frames: short-term (within 30 days), medium term (one month to one year), and long term (a year to ten years). The short term effects include blood clots leading to myocarditis, strokes, and heart attacks. These will occur in a miniscule fraction of the population, but are frequent enough to have caused the already-noted uptick in the rates of deaths and injuries. The medium term effects: vaccine-induced organ failure caused by the cumulative effects of the spike protein, autoimmune reactions, antibody-dependent enhancement, and heart problems. These will occur in a slightly larger but still very small percentage of the jabbed. Projected long term effects anticipated: chromosomal damage and a suppressed DNA repair mechanism, severe immunodeficiency and fatal autoimmune disorders, cancers, miscarriages, infertility.

This is a project, not an absolute proof. Defenders of The Science (i.e., the approved narrative) always demand absolute proof and then declare such claims “misinformation” when we can’t supply it. Never mind that real science doesn’t “absolutely prove” anything.

What we can note: as of last August, the jabs had caused over 21,000 deaths and over 2 million injuries in Europe alone!

The jabs are now being forced on small children!

I’m not a scientist (I do have a public health degree!), but there are real scientists who call this whole escapade insanely reckless.

Other scientists concur. Those in power (“authority”) manufactured a “pandemic” based on fear, over something with a very low mortality rate except for those vulnerable populations: the elderly and those with comorbidities, especially respiratory conditions.

Such scientists may or may not be aware of the most probable goal, which Dr. Michael Yeadon, formerly a chief scientist at Pfizer, describes as killing tens of millions of people or far more, over a period of perhaps ten years (possibly more), while traumatized survivors are brought into global totalitarianism under the auspices of what I call GloboCorp: world government accountable only to global corporations.

Enter the quick-response (QR) code, through which everything about you, starting with vaccination status which is encoded that way now for vaccine passport purposes, will be stored digitally in a corporate-owned (possibly Alphabet/Google) centralized database. Scannable with a smartphone, the QR-code will be your global digital ID and passport to a normal life. It will store your birth records and parentage;past and present addresses; school records, university degrees, other certificates;marriage information if any; financial records and transaction history (cash having been abolished and criminalized except perhaps for licensed collectors). Very likely your QR-code will contain a record of where you’ve gone online, which websites you’ve visited, how much time you’ve spent on them, and what activity you engaged in (e.g., comments posted).

Your digital ID will likely include your energy usage or “carbon footprint”; tax returns; health data including prescription drugs and any medical conditions you might have. It will include, obviously, your employment history including any businesses started/owned;your driving record and vehicle ownership history; passport information if any, and travel records, especially international; and any brushes with the law you might have had.

Businesses will doubtless have other uses for the QR-code (where we live, physical menus have disappeared from restaurants, for example). Their digital IDs will contain their licenses to operate and dates granted, founder and ownership information and physical address records, inventory information, purchase history and other transaction records, employee records, customer list, any complaints received, tax records, etc.

All super-convenient. This will be the digital ID’s primary selling point. All information in one place, in one QR-code.

It will be a world of total surveillance and incentive-based control with a credit system not unlike that already in use in much of China, being furthered by Big Tech here at home. Have a good credit score? You might be allowed to travel; your kids, to attend a good college. Be a dissident, and systemic punishments will reduce your options to the point where conceivably you could be denied not just work and travel but the ultimately capacity to obtain food legally.

In this world, you will have no privacy, own nothing, and be happy.

That’s if you cooperate.

Am I delusional for thinking such a world possible? The other day I was attacked on a Facebook comment thread (edited only to subtract redundancies; no link, to save the person embarrassment and possible harassment that could backfire):

good god you’re a fucking fool…America is more so now a nation of idiots who all believe they are the smartest and somehow in the know – and know more than everybody – including yourself. When global dictatorship happens I’ll be the first to tell you I was wrong, bruh! …  I’ve … had it with these abject morons bandying about their conspiracy theories. There is no “seeking truth” from any of these clowns. It’s all thinly constructed conspiracies and anecdotal tales…. you are a laughable fool – a cursory look at your “news” feed flabbergasts the mind that you are so gullible. Smh

How do you answer a screed like that? You don’t. You wash off the mud and walk away, which I did, after tattooing a note-to-self inside my eyelids on the folly of engaging such people on Facebook.

But this is the mass mindset of the CNN watcher who trusts The Science, trusts authority, and sees himself as an enforcer of “rationality.” It scares me, because the more of these people there are, the less those with real power have to do to keep the sheeple in line. I’m reminded why I wrote a series of articles early in the year advocating that conservatives prepare to separate instead of try to “take America back.” I see no peaceful means of doing so. My call includes those who may not be consistently conservative in my sense but whose basic research and ability to think logically informs them of the many things about coronavirus and covid-19(84)that do not even begin to add up unless you make the assumption that people in very high places do not wish the bulk of us well (to say the least)!

I do heartily wish and pray my conclusions (and those of the numerous authors I’ve cited) turn out to be wrong, or delusional! I really do!

But I wouldn’t bet my life on it!

There is nothing to do but distribute the information we have and then wait and see (and pray and perhaps read Habakkuk).

One thing is for sure: 2022 is going to be a year of revelations, as the struggle between those who want to live free lives and those who want power continues, and the narrative cold war escalates.

Great Reset? Or a real Great Awakening (not in QAnon’s sense, since that, too, was manifestly just one more deception)? Based on personal freedoms, Scriptural values, and community autonomy; not materialism and technocratic enslavement.

It is up to you, America. U.K. Europe. Australia. Etc.


Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! Deo vindice!

Steven Yates’s new book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory (Wipf and Stock) is available here and here.

Do you wish me to continue? Please consider supporting my work on

© 2021 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates:

The Gifts of the Maji: Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh

by Kelleigh Nelson

December 21, 2021

When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.  —Matthew 2:10 KJV

And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense and myrrh.  —Matthew 2:11 KJV

Jesus Christ’s birth in Bethlehem so many centuries ago is told in Matthew 1:18-25.  We celebrate his birth every December 25th and we rejoice that He came as the pure sinless lamb of God to shed His blood and bear our sins on Himself.  To those who understand the love of our One True God, Jesus was the greatest gift to all mankind.

The Three Wise Men

In Matthew 2:11, it states, “Into the house…the young child.” These words need not indicate that the wise men came sometime after the birth of Christ.  The family would naturally have moved into a home as quickly as possible after Jesus was born, and “young child” can mean a newborn (John 16:21).  We also do not know how many wise men there were, but they came bearing gifts to the child, guided by the star in the East. When they reached the place of Christ’s birth, the star lingered above the newborn King.

Gold, frankincense and myrrh were gifts worthy of a king, and they were given as an act of worship. These valuable gifts were clearly intended to honor Jesus, but they carried deeper theological significance as well.

The early church Fathers understood the gold to be symbolic of Christ’s deity as King, the frankincense of His purity and priestly role, and the myrrh a prefiguring of His death (since it was used for embalming).

The Book of Isaiah, when describing Jerusalem’s glorious restoration, tells of nations and kings who will come and “bring gold and frankincense and shall proclaim the praise of the Lord.” (Isaiah 60:6).


Gold is a precious metal, always has been.  It is mentioned 417 times in the Bible and belonged to both religious and secular men as wealth and a currency.  Today’s equivalent to King Solomon’s gold is likely more than $60 trillion.  Gold represented kingdoms in both Daniel 2 and Zechariah 6.

Giving the gift of gold to the baby Jesus was symbolic of His kingship and blatantly stated by the Magi.  The gift of gold means Messiah Jesus was the King of Kings.  In Matthew 2:1-2 the Bible states, “Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, Saying, where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east and are come to worship him.”

(Herod told them to find Him because he too wanted to worship Him, but that was a lie.  Herod was an evil man and had even had members of his own family murdered.)

Because of its scarcity and immense value, gold was particularly associated with royalty and nobility, as is seen in 1 Kings 10 when the Queen of Sheba visits King Solomon bearing great quantities of gold as a gift. By bringing a gift of gold, the wise men showed that they did indeed consider Jesus a king.

Their gift of gold may have foreshadowed another aspect of Jesus’ ministry. Under the Old Covenant, the Most Holy Place (the Holy of Holies) was an inner sanctuary within the Temple where the priest would encounter the presence of God and offer a sacrifice of atonement for the sins of the people. Likewise, the incarnation of Jesus heralded the presence of God, Immanuel, and the sacrifice of atonement he would make on behalf of his people when he went to the cross. (Immanuel not only means “God with us,” but it is a Hebrew name that appears in the Book of Isaiah as a sign that God will protect the House of David.) The wise men may have had this connection in mind because, as described in 1 Kings 6:20-22, the walls of the Most Holy Place and the altar within it were completely overlaid with gold.


Frankincense has a distinct and lovely aroma.  It comes from a tree, grown in desert climates and those trees will actually grow out of cracks in rocks.  Frankincense grows naturally at the southern end of the Arabian Peninsula, and almost nowhere else.

Known as Boswellia in scientific literature, frankincense boasts a unique, rich history throughout the Middle East. Its legacy even spans into modern times, and into every corner of the globe. Beyond its elegant, low-flowing branches and bright, perky flowers, the frankincense tree produces a powerful resinous sap.Frankincense resin is valued for its uses in everything from religious incense and perfume, to decorative jewelry, toothpaste, deodorant, and even folk medicine.  We keep frankincense and myrrh as anointing oils.

The sap of frankincense has been a prized treasure throughout much of the world for thousands of years. At one time it was valued more highly than gold; frankincense is viewed by many as one of nature’s special blessings.

Incisions (“wounds”) are cut into the Boswellia tree, it is actually “pierced.” The tear-shaped droplets of sap that escape is carefully scraped off and dried. These “tears” solidify into an alluring mass of silver, golden, and amber colors that, in and of itself, are a sight to behold.They are beautiful. There are a multitude of uses, not just for scent, but for health purposes as well.  Studies show it even helps deter viruses.

The frankincense tree and its fragrant resin really is one of nature’s treasure with sacred significance, and shouldn’t be ignored, but it must be left to heal after it is pierced for sap or the tree will not recover.

As with gold, frankincense may also have an implied connection with the Temple worship of the Old Covenant. Burning incense at the altar was a key part of the sacrificial system prescribed by God for use in the Tabernacle and, later, in the Temple itself. According to Exodus 30, however, not just any incense would do. A specific recipe of spices mixed with “pure frankincense” (v. 34) was to be consecrated as “pure and holy” (v.35) and was the only incense permitted at the altar. A speculative parallel can be drawn between this and Jesus’ life as a pure and holy offering to the Lord.


Myrrh is extruded from the gum of the Commiphora myrrh plant and was less expensive than frankincense, but was still highly valued and is referred to seventeen times in the Bible. It is first mentioned in Genesis 37:25, where it was being carried by camels in a caravan. Myrrh was used for a variety of purposes in biblical times as a perfume (Song of Solomon 1:13; 3:6; 4:6, 14; 5:1, 5, 13), an anesthetic, for burial embalming (John 19:39), as an ingredient in anointing oil (Exodus 30:23-25), and to deodorize clothes. According to Esther 2:12, it was also used for purification and in a cosmetic for women.

Perhaps the wise men intended this gift as an indication of Jesus’ humanity and the manner in which he would save his people—namely, that he would die for them (Isaiah 53:5).

We don’t know what Mary and Joseph did with the gifts brought to the newborn King, but we do know that an angel appeared to Joseph in a dream and told him to take Mary and Jesus and flee to Egypt. (Matthew 2:13)Herod’s rage overwhelmed him with an unfounded fear that Jesus would take over his throne.  He wanted to seek the young child and destroy him.

The journey to Egypt was long and it would take funds to escape, so the gifts to the child may well have served to travel to Egypt and save his early life.


It’s Christmas!  It’s a holy time, a time of celebration for the birth of our Messiah. It’s a time with family and friends, a time for joy, peace, love, sharing and giving.  We offer up gifts to those we love and care about and to those less fortunate; giving gifts freely because of the gift given to us by the Holy One of Israel.

May your Christmas celebration be filled with love, peace and thanksgiving.

Merry Christmas! And may the joy of His birth be with you throughout the new year.

© 2021 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson:

Drone Wars, Part 2

by Dennis Cuddy, Ph.D.

December 21, 2021

Chris Ciaccia’s June 18 article, “Air Force is designing bird-like microdrones for warzone surveillance” for the DAILY MAIL begins: “The US Air Force is creating microdrones that can flap their wings like a bird or insect (photo with article).   The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) is working with Airion Health LLC and using a 2014 patent to create a micro air vehicle (MAV) that can alter its speed and achieve ‘insect-like maneuverability’ for 21st century battlefields.”  One can also see the potential use of such microdrones for surveillance of individuals who might pay no attention to something that simply looks like a small horsefly sitting on her or his car or house.

Going one step further, look at Ken Dilanian’s “Kamikaze drones: A new weapon brings power and peril to the U.S. military” at on December 6, 2021.  His article begins with a “killer drone” whooshing out of its launch tube at Dugway Proving Ground in Utah and shooting into the sky.  What is important about this drone, produced by AeroVironment, is that it flies too fast for the naked eye to see, and can be programmed to hit a target up to 7 miles away!

The drone is called the “Switchblade 300,” and can be produced for a cost of just $6000.  Dilanian writes that “unlike typical missiles, the kamikaze drone can circle above a target and wait for the ideal moment and strike with incredible precision.  The U.S. has lost its monopoly on such technology,…and terrorists will eventually get them, too—a possibility that has homeland security officials scrambling to find a solution, given that there is no surefire defense against them.”  These killer drones are hard to detect on radar, weigh only 5.5 pounds including a small warhead, and can even be programmed to hit targets without human intervention.  AeroVironment’s CEO. Afghan-born Wahid Nawabi, claims: “It allows our warfighter to have a battlefield superiority, which our enemies can’t see, can’t hear, can’t tell it’s coming….The “300” model is designed to kill individuals, but the larger “600” model can destroy armored vehicles.  Michael Patrick Mulroy, a retired Marine and former CIA officer who was deputy assistant secretary of defense for the Middle East from 2017 to 2019, warned: “We have found that every time we come up with some way to defend ourselves against (drones), the technology rapidly advances to the point where it defeats our defensive capabilities.”

Iranian-backed militias have already used small drones in 10 attacks this year on American military bases in Iraq, so can you imagine drones such as the Switchblade 300, carried in small backpacks, in the hands of Iranian-backed terrorists around the world, including in the U.S.? Dilanian wrote that “so far, no terrorists group is known to have used a suicide drone.  But experts believe it’s only a matter of time….The specter of a swarm of explosive-packed drones buzzing toward a crowded U.S. sports arena keeps homeland security officials up at night….In 2018, the head of the Department of Homeland Security’s intelligence division at the time told Congress that drones posed a major threat….’Commercially available drones can be employed by terrorists and criminals to deliver explosives or harmful substances, conduct surveillance both domestically and internationally against U.S. citizens, interests and assets,’ said the official, David Glawe. ‘This threat is significant, and it’s imminent, and it’s upon us.'”  Drones that are so small and can fly too fast for the naked eye to see could be used to target specific government officials, including the president, and others.  And as I said in Part 1 of this series, I have warned the Secret Service to be on the lookout for something like this.

On December 20, Charles Kim for NEWSMAX reported “Expert Warns Weaponized Drones May Come to US Soon,” in which he said: “As drones become an increasingly normal sight in some unrestricted areas, one expert warns that they may soon become a potentially deadly weapon here in the United States….DRONE WARS author Seth Frantzman said the devices could eventually show up on American shores for terrorist attacks or could be used by domestic groups trying to cause unrest….Counter terrorism expert Bernard Hudson told the news organization that domestic use of weaponized drones here would not be surprising….Right now, there is no existing, easy technology that’s been deployed at U.S. airports to stop somebody from maliciously attacking an aircraft at take-off or landing….Historically, the protection of the U.S. power network has always focused on ground-based threats….They are not designed to stop threats from above.”

Drone Wars, Part 1

© 2021 Dennis Cuddy – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dennis Cuddy:

Broken Supply Chains Will Pull America’s Chains Indefinitely as Chain Reactions Occur

by Sidney Secular

December 20, 2021

Supply chain woes continue to threaten American companies’ – and there fore American consumers’ – bottom lines. Higher prices and broader inflationary pressures may well cause many companies to bottom out. This situation is especially dangerous for small businesses already badly damaged by COVID restrictions. Shelves are becoming increasingly bare again making holiday shoppers nervous because we were just barely getting back to the way things were – and that wasn’t all that great in the first place! Long delays imposed upon idle ships and the resultant higher shipping costs were and are “endemic” during the “plannedemic”.

Importers and retailers are especially hard hit with the smaller ones suffering most. Home Depot, Costco and other larger corporations have chartered their own ships but that doesn’t help when the time comes to unload them! Of course, as in anything along a “chain,” far more than the original businesses are affected. Import reliant small businesses lacking a “stash of cash” are forced to choose between folding up or paying many times the commercial shipping rate for things that may well arrive in months, not weeks. Of course, when there is a huge commercial event such as Christmas directing merchandising, such delays are simply unacceptable. Savvy shoppers who saw which way the wind was blowing, began their Christmas shopping last summer.

Whereas in better days, Americans might be able to rely on their government to uncork the bottleneck, today’s White House is flying a white flag because they can’t get a handle on the situation! Instead, they are relying on Pete “Butt-gig”, the “bottleneck czar” to get things moving again, but he spends most of his time playing with his and his male partner’s new baby while the worsening situation plays out. One has to wonder why a man who can produce a baby with another man is unable to overcome a situation that is not biologically impossible – but there it is!

The situation is front page and 6 o’clock news and is reported to be a FedGov priority – or at least that is the pretense! And so, the unseemly situation drags on. American manufacturers have idled plants while waiting for key parts and the prices of gas, oil, energy and basic necessities have steeply climbed. Meanwhile, commercial “goodies” – cum necessities – like smartphones and desperately desired digital devices just might not be available for gift giving in the present not-so-festive Season! Of course, Americans were originally told that these problems were temporary but now the light at the end of the tunnel is shrouded by the mists of time and the myths of Administration politics.

To add to the confusion, the “new” Covid variants, which, if they actually existed, would be getting progressively “weaker” as is the case with all flu variants according to real science, are being presented as impending deadly plagues! That is, they are being taken more seriously with every claimed “outbreak!” Of course, this is just another excuse to tighten the screws and further screw up everything in our lives including the normal deliveries of supplies, equipment and the needful gadgetry of modern life. Meanwhile, demands for industrial parts and consumer goods have skyrocketed! Neither does it help that those Asian countries that produce most of our consumer goodies and junk are also closed down by concocted Covid calamities.

Some of the increased demand is caused by people buying more stuff than they need, as in the toilet paper crisis early in the “plannedemic!” This hoarding philosophy adds to the constriction of the supply system making the “just-in-time” philosophy that normally works if systems are efficiently run, replaced with a “just-in-case” philosophy resulting in commercial buyers doubling and tripling their inventories because consumers are doubling and tripling what they consume. Of course, shipping capacity, already inadequate, simply cannot keep up with this kind of demand. Ocean carriers have deployed every ship they can obtain including some that are not designed to carry the huge shipping containers, something that is very dangerous indeed! All of this insanity has resulted in record bottlenecks at ports, the worst problems appearing at the California ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, that together handle 40% of US cargo volume.

Parenthetically, it doesn’t help that the shipping “crunch point” is located in “very blue” California where insanity is the most prevalent commodity extant! Ships in that location are forced to lay offshore as all port space and contingency anchorages are filled and shipping containers that have been unloaded are stacked up, thus preventing the speedy unloading of further containers. Moreover, California has changed its diesel emission standards making most older trucks ineligible to participate in removing merchandise from the ports while existing truck and freight rail services are not only insufficient but inefficiently managed as well.

US importers have induced the creation of defacto warehouses that charge higher than normal “demurrage” fees for those who cannot “ship” in a timely fashion what they have stored in those warehouses. As well, truckers find that bureaucratic port rules on hours of service, appointment times and “dual transaction” requirements – truckers have to pick up full containers at the time they drop off empty ones! – have seriously hampered the ability to clear port blockages. The final blow to the supply chain is the fact that it is impossible to find enough workers to do what can be done as many of those workers prefer being on the GovMint dole thus making them unavailable for hire. Regardless of which link in the chain is weakest, the entire chain undergoes strain and eventually breaks. Unused container capacity eventually leads to cancellations and higher prices. No White House task force or Biden czar can offer any quick fixes mostly because they are too busy mandating deadly “jabs” for all America and making concerned parents into “domestic terrorists.” There just aren’t enough hours in the day for a commie takeover and a sound economy to co-exist.

Of course, you can’t just build more ships or add more port or warehouse capacity overnight and furthermore, some of the real problems may not be open to solutions at least as our system currently exists. Longshoremen unions have used their undeniable clout to force contracts that decrease port productivity, limit work hours and job flexibility and prohibit the introduction of efficiency enhancing automation. Unions have fought efforts to supplement their work forces with non-union workers even when the latter are employed by the State. As a result of union domination, unionized port workers can make over $200,000 a year while US ports remain among the least efficient in the world. An exception of this is the Port of Virginia which is semi-automated and thus free from major backlogs despite record volumes.

Another impediment to improvement is the anachronistic Merchant Marine Act of 1920 which requires only US built, crewed, and flagged ships to move freight between US ports. This has made coast wise shipping prohibitively expensive and put additional pressure on inland transit. The same 1920 act also requires barges transporting dredged material to be owned by US operators, something that has inflated the costs of dredging US ports and deterring the maintenance of good shipping lanes as well the expansion of their capabilities.

There are also other and unnoticed/unappreciated problems that probably mean America’s shipping crisis is here to stay without a drastic change in our present systems. For instance, there is only one crane for every 50 to 100 trucks at every port in America. No one seems to appreciate how that slows things down. Processing containers to get them in and out of a port can take up to 8 hours. The salaries paid to non-union drivers are extremely low – and because of all the excessive wait times these essential workers often earn less than the minimum wage! Add to this situation Covidiocy requirements that further retard the system, and many of these essential workers are looking elsewhere to earn a living. As if this weren’t enough, there is also a critical shortage of container chassis, that is, the trailers and beds that hold the containers during the overland trip to their destination. Drivers may wait around for hours, even days for these chassis to arrive. And then, amazingly large numbers of international containers must be hand unloaded because they are not on pallets required by the cranes! Of course, it takes much more time and effort to do this and as warehouse workers receive low wages there is little incentive to hurry! Many of these same “essential” warehouse workers were laid off when the “plannedemonium” began and to date, they are not returning to work! The result? Warehouses are critically undermanned. It goes without saying that this affects the truck(freight) drivers because they cannot pick up as big a load in the same time period as before and this further backs up the entire supply chain.

When the whole package is put together, it is easy to see that people who want their stuff delivered in a timely manner are going to eventually be charged premium rates while those paying lower rates will suffer from slower deliveries. Unless the problems of inadequate infrastructure and overblown bureaucratic red tape and union extortion are resolved, things are going to get progressively worse. Plans to open ports for processing 24/7 won’t work today because truck drivers need sleep and given everything else that is wrong, they often sit around waiting to be able to fulfill their part of the supply chain. The only thing that can make a dent in the situation is to run everything 24/7 – ports, trucks, and warehouses, along with provisions for tens of thousands more chassis and much greater trucking capacity. For the whole supply chain to be in sync, every port must work at equal capacity. Any port that that fails to work at maximum effectiveness, bottlenecks the entire system – and right now all portions of the system are failing spectacularly! And finally, there is nobody in a position to compel anybody in the entire supply chain to make the needed changes, and as there are no incentives to change, the situation will only get worse.

Behold our new “normal!”

© 2021 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Sidney Secular:

At This Christmas Hour: Maximize Your Spiritual Self

By Frosty Wooldridge

December 20, 2021

Years ago, as a math-science teacher, I rode my bicycle to work each day to Brighten, Colorado.  At 22 miles, I pedaled my legs off to make it to work in 80 minutes.  A quick shower, dress, open the doors to my classroom, and welcome 33 students, daily. Oh, those sunrises on the eastern plains astounded me…and heading back home, sunsets over the Rocky Mountains and the Flatirons of Boulder, Colorado brought my eyes such beauty and my spirit incredible joy.

My teaching colleague who rode with me always rated the sunrises and sunsets on a 1 to 10 scale.  Mostly, we enjoyed 10’s on our daily rides. The sky exploded in colors, shapes, clouds and textures.

Later, as a long-haul trucker for United Van Lines hauling furniture, I hung my bike up in the garage rafters.  As a trucker, I worked long hours, hard labor and little time for cycling…but I earned a MUCH better living.

As this Christmas moment advances upon our country, I am reminded that “change” remains inevitable. It is the “constant” of the universe or you might refer to it as the Great Spirit’s way. However you deem your religious path, my wife Sandi and I wish you a grand journey of the spirit. Also, this is a time of renewal of your soul.  Whether it’s that tiny child in the manger or your own child you’re rearing in the world, it’s all about refurbishing your life-force at Christmas time.

While my bike remained in the rafters, I realized that the “illusion” of perfection could not be sustained.  One cannot keep something new forever.  You have to take it out of the package or down from the rafters to use it, get it dirty, scratch it up and wear it out.

I’m reminded of the Velveteen Rabbit by Margery Williams where the child kept playing with her rabbit until the rabbit became “alive” with use.  It’s one of those classic stories that urges you to use your life, fulfill your life, discover your destiny, chase after it and, finally, live it. Use your life so that you are alive and you come to the end of your life totally worn out…with a big grin on your face.

So, the question jumps up, “Am I living a life worth remembering?”

It reminds me of a scrooge who hoarded his gold in a hole in the ground of his back yard. He would go dig it up just to look at it, and then, add more gold.  One day, a stranger saw him in the act.  Later, the thief dug up the gold and escaped.

When the scrooge dug up his gold the next day, he screamed at its disappearance.

He told his neighbor.  The friend said, “Well, what did you do with that gold?”  The scrooge answered, “Well, nothing….”

So, it begs the question, what are you doing with the gold in your house, your life, your family, your possessions and your friends.  Do you only look at your ‘gold’ to feel rich?  Or, do you assemble your gifts and share them with the world?

One of the things I hate during this gift giving season, is shopping. I see parents buying meaningless gifts that their children don’t need, don’t care about or even play with more than a few minutes.  I’d rather take my friends out dancing, skiing, snowshoeing, and/or on good days, out for a bicycle ride. A walk in the wilds gives your spirit the greatest gift of all. Peace!

Instead of costly gifts, I would rather give treasured moments to those I love.  So, in the last part of 2021, give your heart to your friends.  Give your laughter.  Give your kindness.  Share your joy.

Watch “It’s A Wonderful Life” with Jimmy Stewart and Donna Reed for the umpteenth time.  That movie is a gift of the soul. It opens every person’s heart that watches it for the first time or, in my case, for the 50th time.

Trust Your Gifts To Your Friends, Family and Loved Ones

  1. Rededicate your life to promoting love, kindness and positive energy to humans and animals in the coming year.  Dedicate yourself to help this planet heal itself. Take action to move toward recycling, reuse, no waste and everything more ecological.
  2. What about tragedy?  There’s plenty of tragedy to go around this Christmas.  Let’s work individually to bring a smile to anyone we pass in the streets with a, “Merry Christmas.”  Forgive those who have harmed us or insulted us or spoke poorly of us.
  3. If you remember Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, at his darkest hour in 1863, he wrote Christmas Bells, a poem still song today. Read the words as he works through the loss of his first wife, and then, his second wife, and then 51,000 soldiers who died at Gettysburg during the Civil War.  His soul felt torn, yet he dedicated himself to live with love.
  4. In your family, ring the bell of truth. Stand up for decency and honor. Rejuvenate your caring for all of humanity.  Christmas is about the larger truth of humanness.

This Christmas 2021, instead of being a spectator, become expansive. Activate yourself toward the good.

On April 24, 1910, President Teddy Roosevelt gave this speech that I have hung up on my office wall:  The Man in the Arena.

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man/woman who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”  —Teddy Roosevelt

In 2022, let each one of us give a gift of dedication to America, our country, our home, our life. We are all men and women in “The Arena of America.”   Let’s each work to make America a better place for all of us.

Merry Christmas to you and yours,

Sandi and Frosty

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Biden’s Christmas Gift: 13 Empty Chairs

By: Devvy

December 20, 2021

On August 26, 2021, 13 members of our U.S. military were killed at the airport in Kabul, Afghanistan when two savages detonated explosives at the airport’s main gate and blew themselves right to Hell.  Thousands were trying to get out of that sh*t hole We the People have poured TRILLIONS of borrowed dollars into to keep the poppy fields protected so heroin keeps coming to the U.S.  Spread the toxic disease called democracy and attempt to force a country of Muslims into accepting ‘Western’ values.

OUR dead flown back to Dover AFB.

Butchers who call themselves the Taliban had begun a massive effort to take back that country after 20 years of U.S. forced occupation.  We should NEVER have gone into that country.  Our military go where they’re told, when they’re told and serve bravely and with honor.  It’s the same incumbents who get reelected every two years who have blood on their hands for what happened over there.

I know from reading stories the past two DECADES, our military, while looking over their shoulder 24/7 for fear of being blown to smithereens, got to know villagers, felt they were doing good.  Women could finally get an education as well as children; they could work, things changed for the better but anyone with knowledge of warfare and the game knew the minute the U.S. left for good, Satan’s soldiers would revert right back to the stone age with their toxic, totalitarian Sharia laws under their phony religion called Islam.  And, they have.

That matters not to the Masters of the Game who run the world.

The Taliban WE funded.  Five months before 9/11, Bush, Jr.,“gifted” the Taliban $43 MILLION borrowed dollars for allegedly joining the ‘War on Drugs’.  Opium, heroin, poppy fields. Go watch this 4:40 video of Geraldo Rivera interviewing the commanding officer in one of the provinces:  Our Marines were guarding the poppy fields.  Rivera tries to spin it with “we tolerate it” BS.

The U.S. was finally getting out.  President-elect Trump had already set May 1, 2021 as starting withdrawal.  Career criminal and impostor president, China’s bitch, Joe Biden, playing Commander-in-Chief in his advanced dementia la-la-land turned a workable, sane withdrawal into a blood bath.  Actually, I should say the other usurper president, Hussein Obama and communist Valerie Jarrett running the show just up the street.

I highly recommend you read this article because Trump’s plan started in 2020:

I ran Team Trump’s Afghan withdrawal — Biden’s attempt to blame us is just sad – “President Joe Biden has sought to place blame for the shocking dénouement in Afghanistan on the situation he “inherited” from the Trump administration. What a sad-sack attempt at blame-shifting. Team Trump’s withdrawal plan was sound. What proved catastrophic were Biden’s changes to that plan.”

The biggest screw-up in the history of this country not only cost the lives of 13 of our military, Joe’s incompetent IDIOTS from a command position and fools in the Pentagon left $84 BILLION dollars-worth of military equipment from planes to bullets, advanced technology hardware, Humvees, you name it, those savages got it all and how the world laughed at US.

What was also left behind were thousands of American citizens.  Military families as well as government contractors and their families.  Trapped in a Hell-hole and still trapped TODAY.  Six days after the disaster at Kabul Airport, Biden managed to read his take on such a shameful and deadly mess:

Biden claims Afghanistan withdrawal ‘extraordinary success’ in address to nation – “In an address to the nation exactly 24 hours after he abruptly ended a chaotic evacuation of US troops from Afghanistan, a defensive and at times surly President Biden insisted the bug-out was an “extraordinary success,” despite the stranding of hundreds of American citizens and thousands of Afghan allies.”

Surly?  Biden is known for being a bully just like that Ho playing VP, Kamala Harris, another monumental, incompetent screw up.

Biden admin admits it left hundreds more US citizens behind in Afghanistan after chaotic withdrawal – “Even before the withdrawal, Biden had pledged to leave no U.S. citizen behind.”

Scum bag rotten liars.  It’s almost beyond words and your labor funds their paychecks:  Biden NatSec Advisor Jake Sullivan: “We Safely and Effectively Drew Down” in Afghanistan (VIDEO), Dec. 17, 2021 – “For the first time in 20 years there are no US troops in harms way in Afghanistan this holiday season,” Sullivan said during remarks before the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). “We safely and effectively drew down our diplomatic presence. We lifted tens of thousands of vulnerable Afghans to safety in a unique American example of capacity, commitment and sheer logistics.”

Private organizations have managed to get hundreds back home, but the biggest obstacle besides the Taliban has been our State Department.  Another cabinet headed up by a blithering idiot named Tony Blinken.

State Dept blocking private rescue flights from leaving Afghanistan, organizers say: ‘Blood is on their hands’ – Americans involved in private evacuation efforts tell Fox News the State Department is only reason their planes haven’t left Afghanistan, Sept. 5, 2021

Private American Citizens Are Risking Their Lives in Afghanistan Doing What our Troops Should Be Doing – “While it is great to see this kind of esprit de corps between former Special Operations Forces operators and between them and their Afghan counterparts, it is a crying shame that these guys had to go on their own dime to Kabul and then operate without any of the even flimsy protections provided by the Law of Land Warfare when you are in contact with the Taliban…arguably, they were operating in violation of the UN Mercenary Convention…because the US Armed Forces at Hamid Karzai International Airport were forbidden to do this kind of operation.”

Volunteer group evacuates 39 Americans and permanent residents from Afghanistan, Dec. 18, 2021 – Very dangerous mission.  “Among the evacuees, more than a dozen children including an 11-month-old American citizen.  “This is the first known major airlift rescue with American boots on the ground since the U.S. government abandoned the country of Afghanistan in August,” James Judge, a spokesman for the organization, said in a statement.”

China – Our mortal enemy

The Chinese don’t think in terms of months or years, but decades in advance.  The Butchers of Beijing, foot soldiers for Satan, just biding their time and it is paying off:  Why is China so interested in Afghanistan?  “Not content with buying up land and businesses in the United States and Europe, now they’re apparently ready to “help” Afghanistan.

July 2021

“Beijing stated they would invest $62 billion into Afghanistan to aid the development of China’s $3 trillion Belt and Road initiative. (BRI) This Chinese initiative is a massive project to develop its road and port infrastructure throughout Asia and Europe. However, as multiple European diplomats and the American think tank C4ADS point out, China designed BRI to tip the “balance of power in favor of subsidized Chinese companies.” And it will significantly improve the scope of Chinese power on a global level.”

The dead have names. Most were just kids, really. Christmas is seven days from now.  Like so many millions of military families who lost a loved one in all wars (The last constitutional one was WWII. The Constitution grants ONLY Congress the sole power to declare war.), there will be 13 empty chairs at dinner next week.

13 empty chairs is Biden’s Christmas gift to the families and friends of those killed in Kabul. 

And, here we are four MONTHS later, the fake Biden administration’s paid liars claim less than two dozen Americans are still stranded over there.  Team Joe’s never ending lies about how many Americans were left in Afghanistan, Nov. 13, 2021

“Before his utterly botched Aug. 30 withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan, President Biden made a solemn vow:  “If there are American citizens left, we’re going to stay until we get them all out.”  Not only did he break that promise, we’re still learning just how badly he failed: Thousands upon thousands remain stranded.”

And still, a recent poll showed 37% of Americans support Biden’s decisions on issues like defense and national security.  They aren’t Americans, they’re parasites.  Maggots who feed off the host.  What’s in it for me and tough luck for our fellow Americans left behind and for the grieving families while they all enjoy Christmas presents and turkey.

Benghazi & Extortion 17

The same for the families of our military killed on Extortion 17, a Chinook helicopter flying near Kabul, Afghanistan on August 6, 2011.  Extortion 17: The deadliest day in the DEVGRU history:

“The crash is referred to as Extortion 17 by the call sign of the CH-47 Chinook helicopter involved in the crash. The crash killed all 38 people on board — including 25 American special operations personnel, five United States Army National Guard and Army Reserve crewmen, seven Afghan commandos, and one Afghan interpreter — as well as a U.S. military working dog. It is considered the worst loss of American lives in a single incident in the Afghanistan campaign, surpassing Operation Red Wings in 2005.” The dead have names.

I spent a lot of time researching what happened that night.  I firmly believe the Taliban were tipped off and I’m not the only one.  Extortion 17 Is A Bigger Scandal and Betrayal Than Benghazi, Oct. 3, 2014 – “Forget Edward Snowden. Joe Biden made one of the biggest leaks of national security information in recent history!

“Former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta made leaked similar information while in Afghanistan.

“Karen Vaughn, joined by her husband Billy, on Fox News said, As soon as Joe Biden announced that it was a SEAL Team who took out Bin Laden, within 24 hours, my son called me and I rarely ever heard him sound afraid in his adult life…. He said, ‘Mom, you need to wipe your social media clean…your life is in danger, our lives are in danger, so clean it up right now’.”

“Mr. Vaughn, showing his anger and disgust with Biden, ripped the media. “The media has let this man get away with saying ‘Uncle Joe’s gaffes, Uncle Joe’s gaffes,” he said. “This is not Uncle Joe and he’s not some senile old grandfather. He is the second in command of the most powerful country in the world and he needs to take responsibility for the comments he makes and quit being given a pass.”

“Additionally, Charles Strange, father of fallen Navy SEAL Michael Strange, has been just as outspoken as the Vaughns against both Barack Obama and Joe Biden. In July, Strange told WND “Obama sent my son to his death.”

Former U.S. House Rep. Trey Gowdy made a big splash with conservatives in his “hunt for the truth” regarding Benghazi.  A complete failure which I covered in this column:  Blood at Benghazi – it drips from Hillary’s hands, January 18, 2016.  13 Hours – The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi  is absolutely worth watching.  Heart breaking.  Amazon Prime is one source; this is another.  It’s also available on Netflix.  As soon as I read about the multi-million dollar deal between Hussein Obama, that thing he’s married to & Netflix, I canceled my subscription.  My money will not go to Hussein Obama.

The families and friends of those killed on Extortion 17 will grieve for their loved ones for the rest of their lives.  38 empty chairs at Thanksgiving and Christmas.  The same for our four killed at Benghazi.  Empty chairs and broken- hearted families and friends.

For what?

“In defense of the world Order, U.S. soldiers would have to kill and die. … We are not going to achieve a New World Order without paying for it in blood, as well as in words and money.”— Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., in Back to the Womb, July/August 1993 issue of Foreign Affairs, the flagship magazine for the traitorous Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)

“The U.S. military welcomes additional funds for special units. The Pentagon continues its downsizing in preparation for the New World Order”. Former Asst. Secretary of Defense and former Director of the CIA, John Deutsch, Dec. 1, 1994, McNeil/Lehrer News Hour

“We are on the cutting edge of the New World Order here in Bosnia”. U.S. Army Major Bushyread, May 8, 1996, CBS Evening News with Dan Rather

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions.

© 2021 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:


Afghanistan: Predictable Outcome – The whole story.

The Secret societies that run the world

Democrats Demand America Becomes Socialist, Part 2

by Roger Anghis

December 19, 2021

Gigi Sohn is not the only one that is a blatant socialist. Saule Omarova has been nominated for Comptroller of the Currency and this person is a full-blown communist. She wants to eliminate all personal bank accounts and bankrupt the oil and gas and coal industries for the sake of global warming a non-existent threat to the world. Saule Omarova, a Cornell University law professor, has raised eyebrows for comments she has made, which include saying the banking industry is the “quintessential a—— industry,” as well as calling for an end to banking “as we know it” by “the complete migration of demand deposit accounts to the Federal Reserve.”

Omarova made headlines again this week when footage reemerged in which she seemed to support energy industries going “bankrupt” for the sake of tackling climate change.

“Saule Omarova is eminently qualified and was nominated for this role because of her lifetime of work on financial regulation, including in the private sector, in government, and as a leading academic in the field. The White House continues to strongly support her historic nomination,” the White House said in a statement to FOX Business this week.

If she is confirmed, Omarova will head a branch of the Treasury Department that polices more than 1,000 banks.

Omarova was born in 1966 in the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic, which was part of the Soviet Union. She told MSNBC host Chris Hayes during an interview in October that she grew up “in a small, tiny Kazak provincial town on the outskirts of the Soviet Empire.”

Omarova excelled as a student, going on to study philosophy at Moscow State University in 1989, where she won a V.I. Lenin Scholarship for academic excellence.[1] This woman is no more qualified to control America’s currency than Biden is qualified to be president.

She may be educated but she isn’t qualified. Education has nothing to do with intelligence. People with PHDs after their name are some of the dumbest people I know. This nomination is an attempt to take a giant step towards socialism. Let me assure you that if we didn’t have the 2nd Amendment, we’d already be there.

Biden’s nominee for the ATF, Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, has radical socialist ideas. His nomination was withdrawn because he refused to cooperate with Congress on definitions of assault weapons[2] and his disdain for gun owners is appalling. In a recent opinion piece on Fox News, Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC) laid it out pretty succinctly as to the reason, “Confirming Chipman would be the most significant victory for gun control activists in decades, which is why they are pushing so hard for him to be confirmed.”

Letting Chipman run the ATF would be putting the proverbial fox in charge of the hen house.  

As GunsAmerica previously reported, Chipman currently serves as the senior policy advisor for the anti-gun organization Giffords.  This guy literally makes his living pushing policies to restrict the 2A rights of law-abiding citizens.  

Apart from maybe Shannon Watts and Michael Bloomberg, the Biden Administration couldn’t have selected a more anti-gun prospect for the position. 

As Tillis noted, “when advocating for background checks, Chipman implied that background checks could be used as a way to ‘arrest people before committing crimes.’ On top of that, Chipman has said under oath that the federal government should require the registration of all existing ‘assault weapons’ and ban the future manufacture and sale of ‘assault weapons,’ yet during a hearing to consider his nomination before the Senate Judiciary Committee he refused to define an ‘assault weapon.’” 

Chipman refused to define an “assault weapon,” Tillis posited, because he wants to create a regulatory environment where the goalposts are always moving, thus the list of banned firearms has the potential to expand indefinitely.  

SEE ALSO: CCRKBA Demand ‘Investigate Chipman’s Alleged Racial Bias or Drop Nomination’

“And the fact that Chipman supports a national firearms registry for these lawful weapons is extremely concerning and could open the door to a national registry for all guns in this country,” added the Republican senator from North Carolina.  

As extreme as Chipman’s positions are, what’s even more unsettling is his apparent contempt for gun owners.  Like many D.C. insiders, he has a “rights for me, but not for thee,” mentality.[3]

Nominees like Chipman, Sohn, and Omarova are not nominees you want if you want to hold to the Constitution and individual freedoms. These are the nominees you want when you are trying to flip a nation towards socialism/communism.  I’m sure you’ve heard that elections have consequences. They do and those consequences are not good when you let anybody hold an office and you don’t know the background of that person. Even party affiliation doesn’t mean that much. Though I am an independent I tend to lean towards the Republican party but not all Republicans are good conservatives and support the American experiment.

Take Henry Kissinger from the Nixon administration and even Nixon himself. Nixon set aside the principles of America’s prosperity to try to gain global dominance of the food supply supported by Kissinger. The Nixon Administration began the process of destroying the domestic food production of developing countries as the opening shot in an undeclared war to create a vast new global market in “efficient” American food exports. Nixon also used the post-war trade regime known as the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) to advance this new global agribusiness export agenda.

In Henry Kissinger’s 1974 report “National Security Study Memorandum 200” (NSSM 200), he directly targeted overseas food aid as an “instrument of national power.” The policy shifts during the 1970s were toward increased deregulation, which meant increased private regulation by the large and powerful global corporations. This led to an increase in corporate mergers and the rise of transnational corporations (which today often have larger gross domestic products than many nation states).[4] There may not be a major problem trying to be the world’s biggest supplier of food which is actually a natural result of the freedoms we have but, when it destroys the individuals who actually make it happen, that is a problem. President Calvin Coolidge commented on those that don’t vote but what he said also addresses those that don’t pay attention to who they vote for: “If the people fail to vote, a government will be developed which is not their government… The whole system of American Government rests on the ballot box. Unless citizens perform their duties there, such a system of government is doomed to failure.”

We now have an administration that doesn’t just want us to go down the path towards communism but demands that we do. If we didn’t have the 2nd Amendment we would already be there. Look at Australia if you doubt that. The plan to do this goes back a hundred years and we were warned by Republican Senator George Malone from Nevada in a speech on the Senate floor in 1957: “I believe that if the people of this nation fully understood what Congress has done to them over the past forty-nine years, they would move on Washington. It adds up to a preconceived plan to destroy the economic and social independence of the United States.” It is time we wake up and say, enough!

© 2021 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Who is Saule Omarova controversial nominee for bank regulator
  2. ATF Biden nominee define assault weapon Kennedy
  3. Biden’s nominee for ATF director David Chipman insults gun owners
  4. Kissinger: control the food and you control the people

This Sifting Season We’re In

by Ms. Smallback

December 19, 2021

“Simon, Simon, behold, Satan [the accuser] has demanded permission to sift you like wheat; but I have prayed for you, that your faith may not fail; and you, when once you have turned again, strengthen your brothers.” Luke 22:31-32  NASU

And that word translated “demanded permission” can also be translated “obtained by asking” and comes from the Greek root “exaiteomai” which means “to demand for trial”.  Most of us know the rest of that story, that Simon went on to deny Christ at great personal cost to himself, but was later restored and led the disciples in upheaving the world for the Gospel.  [literally the good news of Christ]

The concept of sifting wheat is to remove the chaff from the grain.  The chaff is the inedible part, the worthless part (for use).  Some of the implication we can draw from this is that the enemy is used to separate the worthless from the good.

The season we are in….

This is part of the season we are in; the sifting has started.  The interesting part is it’s going to vary person to person.  The chaff that I need removed from my life is probably not the same chaff you need removed from your life.  God is a personal God, and the powers of darkness are not ignorant to the weaknesses and compromises of humans either corporately or individually.  I don’t think time is going to be wasted taking you through financial hardship if it won’t address the chaff in your life.  Your trial is more likely to come in an area that will put a finger on the sensitive area that will bring the areas of correction needed for you, if you heed the lessons before you.

There are precious few people I know right now that are not going through some sort of direct or indirect (someone they love) trial or tribulation of varying degree.  Our nation as a whole is going through a sifting, and there’s a lot of chaff here.  There are a lot of worthless attitudes, belief systems, demonstrations, etc. that permeate our society and culture.  Do I think they’ll be eradicated by this sifting process?  Some, but not most.

The purpose of the sifting will be to expose, to lay bare that which is worthless.  Dealing with humanity we still have the reality that choices are still options.  Because a particular music or entertainment “star” is exposed for worthless or vile activity, does not necessarily mean they will be shut down.  What it will do is lay bare their intentions and alliances.  Now we can choose with better information if we want to align with them.  (And believe me, even with exposure, some will still choose the vile.  They will ignore or excuse it, and they will not turn from it.)

So on a national level, industries and organizations, persons and personalities are being sifted.  We should be watching for the chaff that is coming to the surface.  We should be reassessing our own views of these institutions (including the U.S. Government).  We should be breaking alliances and allegiances to things found worthless and vile.  It’s a painful process, but a necessary one.

Sifting is separation.

What is God separating?  The worthless from the useful or valuable.  We should be grateful God is allowing this sifting season.  If we were to hit the season of judgment before the season of sifting, we’d all fall condemned.  But because He is sifting FIRST, we have the opportunity to be cleansed of what would condemn us.  We have the opportunity to let the sifting process do its work in us that we may be found of value as judgments are released.

Study Ezekiel 9 to begin to understand the implications of this season.  Here’s an excerpt for emphasis:

The Lord said to him[angelic servant of God], “Go through the midst of the city, even through the midst of Jerusalem, and put amark on the foreheads of the men who sigh and groan over all the abominations which are being committed in its midst.” But to the others He said in my hearing, “Go through the city after him and strike; do not let your eye have pity and do not spare.  Utterly slay old men, young men, maidens, little children, and women, but do not touch any man on whom is the mark; and you shall start from My sanctuary.”

Ezek 9:4-6NASU

During the sifting process, the records of Heaven are taking note.  Are you sighing and groaning over the abominations in our midst?  Or have you turned a blind eye?  Or worse, are you joining with them?  Applauding them?

[Don’t miss that He starts in the sanctuary.  The Church is the first place He begins. (1Peter 4:17)  Watch the idols of the church be exposed.  Watch practicing sin be exposed.]

There’s a marking going on.  Remember Malachi 3:16-18?

Then those who feared the Lord spoke to one another, and the Lord gave attention and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before Him for those who fear the Lord and who esteem His name.  “They will be Mine,” says the Lord of hosts, “on the day that I prepare My own possession, and I will spare them as a man spares his own son who serves him.”  So you will again distinguish between the righteous and the wicked, between one who serves God and one who does not serve Him.

God is paying attention to our conversations.  It’s not lost on Him.  A book of remembrance is taken down of those who esteem Him.  He makes plain that there will be a distinction between the righteous and wicked, between those who serve God and those who do not.  Those who He has marked will be spared on a future day of calamity and judgment.

I can already hear some of the protests.  But if that’s true, why is evil so prevalent?  Why hasn’t there been an accounting before now?  Why have I suffered for doing good while my neighbor or family member has prospered who is friends with the ways of this world?  Because God has a timetable.

Recall that when God was making His covenant with Abraham, He said there would be a delay for the promise for four hundred years.  Why?  Because the “iniquity of the Amorite is not yet complete”.   [See Gen. 15:16]

Last time I checked, God has not revealed His timetable for judgment.  What it takes for the sins of a people to become complete unto judgment has not been disclosed to me.  Why it took four hundred more years for a people group who served other gods to be judged I do not know.  Why America has not been judged for the increasing and prevalent wickedness in its midst, I do not know.  I do know, that his patience is mercy, but there is a time patience is spent and mercy is set aside.  When that time comes, being positioned under the shadow of the Almighty is the only place of protection.

There are two places a sieve (tool for sifting) is used in Scripture.  Notice that both times it is an expression of judgment.

We should posture ourselves correctly during this sifting

Remember what Peter admonished:

Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you for your testing, as though some strange thing were happening to you;

1 Peter 4:12-13NASU

This trial, this tribulation you and/or those you love are facing right now, Peter calls a “fiery ordeal”.  I would say the same for the trial my family is under right now, and even those around me in the midst of fiery ordeals and trials.  What did Peter say it is here for?  Your testing.

And he should know.

While the national sifting is one thing, our personal sifting is another.  There are areas in each of our lives that will not withstand the winds of judgment.  (and they are coming)  God, in His mercy, has unfurled a season of sifting to get our attention to things that need put under the Sovereignty of God and the Lordship of Christ.

Learn to seek Him in your trial in a way that isn’t just asking for reprieve or rescue.  Learn to ask what you’re supposed to be learning.  Learn to listen and observe what He is bringing to the forefront in your own thoughts, attitudes, words and actions.  There are clues in them.  They will show areas not submitted to God, areas of pain or anger (or other things) that we’re holding on to that are keeping us bound.

I thought it was interesting that the words of Christ to Peter warning him of his upcoming trial, the word “sift” was selected as opposed to other word(s) usually associated with trials.  Thayer defined that word as, “to sift, shake in a sieve, by inward agitation to try one’s faith to the verge of overthrow”.

Are you being sifted right now?  Is there a trial in your life that is shaking you?  Do you feel inward agitation?  Do you realize it is designed to try your faith in order to overthrow it?  Get rid of the chaff so that the kernel of value is not lost because you’re holding on to the chaff (which will be burned).  Let the sifting process have its way so the worthless is removed and you can be protected in the shelter of the Most High.

Let the chaff be separated from you and then…

Lastly, remember what Christ told Peter:  that He prayed for him.  He prayed that Peter’s faith not fail.

Ask the Holy Spirit to intercede for you.  Recall Paul’s instruction in Romans 8:26-27…

 In the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words;  and He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.

Then remember Christ’s instruction about what we’re to do when we get through our own trial(s) of faith:  strengthen your brother.

Take your strengthened faith and reach out to your brothers and sisters still in their trials.  Pray for them, minister to them, encourage them in the faith to hold to the teachings of Christ, to submit to the discipline of the Spirit, to respond with repentance at exposure of sin, wrong thinking, wrong attitudes, disobedience, etc.

Meditate on Psalms 51 and 91.  Psalm 51 for your cleansing, healing and restoration.  Psalm 91 for your position in Him and for your protection.  Let the sifting prepare you for the days ahead.  Understand the separating is for your benefit (if you submit) and not your harm.  His mercy is available for this process, but will not be as readily available for the next.  Thank Him for His mercies.

© 2021 Ms. Smallback – All Rights Reserved

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Truth: The Ultimate Stress

In Memory and Dedication to Roy Masters: 4/2/1928 – 4/22/2021

by Roy Masters

December 19, 2021

The Truth is ultimate stress; so, when you try to eliminate the stress, you also eliminate the Truth for yourself, and replace it with error.

The animal hardens itself against environment by growing stronger than the stress. The human being must reverse this process, and not harden himself against the stress of the Truth; instead he must allow himself to be absorbed by that Truth, progressively responding to it.

This is man’s completion unto himself, and a cessation of evolution. It is the nature of the animal to become stronger than the stress, or to die. It is not our nature to overcome the Truth, but instead, to emotionally be conquered by it.

As Paul said: “My strength is made perfect in weakness.” All this is merely a reversal of relativities—by choice. If we keep evolving, without Truth, we find no completion within ourselves.

When we seek and see Truth, we are enabled to do that which no creature can do; that is, to allow a response to, and to be overcome by the One who is greater.

Man must determine the correct relationship with his environment. The animal has no need for this, for its relativity with its environment is always correct. Whether he runs or fights, lives or dies, these roles are always right and proper for him.

The animal cannot choose to be wrong, but for that very reason, neither can it be righteous. The animal’s response is fixed to its existence, in a mechanical way; and whichever way it reacts becomes the pre-determined contribution to life.

“My strength is made perfect in weakness…” —2 Corinthians 12:9

Therefore, the creature that does not react with greater strength, cunning or speed falls prey to the aggressor; but this is also correct. We call this principle “survival of the fittest,” the loser being food for the victor.

There is a similar war waging for the soul of man, the loser succumbing to one of two powers, the weak becoming absorbed into a cruel conspiracy or the cruel one becoming the strength of the wise.

Reaction is the response to danger; but it is through reaction that we are enabled to become strong. Danger is a call to that reaction, and that reaction is a call to strength. Without adversity, there is no call to life.

When you remove the stress factor, you remove, as well, the “natural life” factor. Truth is a threat to the wicked—the wicked are a threat to the wise. In our own lives, we observe ourselves struggling to remove the stress factor; in fact, our entire existence is dedicated towards this foolish goal.

This stress factor is provided in various forms: perhaps in the nagging of the children, humiliation by a wife; or the cruelties of a husband, a boss, or merely people in general.

All of us, without love, are trying to improve our relationship with others, but in the wrong ways—as we try to change the conditions, or the people around us.

Perhaps we may frighten people into being good, or we may lure or bribe them into being nice. Usually, the motive behind all our actions is to sterilize our existence, so as to cut off those reactions that we do not know how to conquer.

© Foundation of Human Understanding, all Rights Reserved

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Jackbooted Jerk Branden Needs to be Booted Out of Office

by Sidney Secular

December 18, 2021

The jackbooted jerk, “Illegit” Joe, allowed to take the reins of power illicitly, is letting that power to go to his head or what little remains of it. His actions are way over the top now that he is on top. His latest treasonous action should topple him from his perch if patriots would only act and stop propping him up by doing nothing to remove him. Any support or sympathy for him should have evaporated once he sought to remove forty US Navy SEALs from the military and punish them for seeking religious exemptions from the offensive Department of Defense and US Navy “Covid Vaxx” mandates. Their requests were summarily rejected with no justifications provided! The DoD’s refusal to protect the religious liberties, and hence the First Amendment rights of its service members, is unprecedented.

The SEALs are just the most visible service group to have their exemption requests turned down. However, it should be noted that a significant number of the service members that are refusing the Covid jabs come from special operations forces such as the SEALs. The First Liberty Institute ( has taken up their case. The forty SEALs involved have over 100 combat deployments and 350 years of service among them, yet they are facing harassment, threats and intimidation from their superiors (at least in rank) for the “crime” of exercising their First Amendment rights as Americans.

When one SEAL informed his commander he would seek a religious exemption to the DoD mandate, his fate was “sealed,” so to speak, and he was told to surrender his Special Warfare Pin known as the “Trident.” This act would not only mean dismissal from the SEALs per se but would make him an outcast from the SEAL community, cutting off his ability to interact with anyone in that community. In other words, he was facing personal disgrace and banishment, all for exercising his right as an American by seeking a religious exemption to a seriously flawed mandate. The applicable Navy directive applies only to religious exemptions and not to any medical or other exemptions. This distinction makes of the directive an attack on personal religious beliefs and basically eliminates the long-standing and accepted “conscientious objector” status category in the military.

Adding significant insult to injury, the directive also “mandates” that religious objectors will lose their pay regardless of whether the exemption is granted or not! It only needs to be sought to occasion this punitive and vindictive effort to silence any effort to avoid what itself is an outrageous and unconstitutional effort by the GovMint to nullify the Constitution. By “losing pay,” the FedGov seeks to recoup from those SEALs who reject the mandate all the money spent training and maintaining them. It is estimated to cost $350,000 to $500,000 to train a single Navy SEAL. To keep one SEAL operational and deployable overseas costs some where around 1,000,000 per year. The Navy SEALs are the most elite fighting force on Earth, yet the present mindless “Commander-In-Thief” wants to make an example of them and punish them beyond all law or reason. This is an unconscionable act of tyranny of an unprecedented nature, at least in the modern West.

The Navy cannot simply snap its fingers and generate more SEALs on demand as if they were ordering a replacement cog in a wheel. It takes years to recruit, train, and develop the select few able to meet the high standards of the SEAL force. Now with the unbelievable mistreatment that affected SEALs and their families will be enduring, it is more than probable that there will not be enough qualified SEAL candidates to “seal” the enlistment quota in the future. Of course, as our present “government” and its “leaders” hate this country, it is also probable that none of those in the Deep State care how weak we become and what the results of that weakness will be. No two ways about it, we need the real President to return to the White House!

© 2021 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Sheriff Has the Power and is Your Last Best Defense

by Andrew C Wallace

December 17, 2021

The following letter was mailed to my Sheriff to advise him of my concerns and to elicit the extent of his commitment to protect me from unconstitutional actions by rogue federal government actors.  You may want to modify this letter for your own use. Not all Sheriffs have the same powers.

Dear Sheriff Chronister,

Every citizen in the United States is in real fear for their lives and freedoms from a lawless unconstitutional federal government; it has usurped powers of the states to the extent that a MAJORITY of “federal laws” are unconstitutional. Powers of the Federal Government are Enumerated in the Constitution, and apply ONLY to Immigration, Foreign Relations, Commerce, Currency, Post Office, and Defense. After the overthrow of Government by the Election Insurrection on November 6, 2020, it has no constitutional authority at all, and equal justice under the law no longer exists with the faux federal establishment!

The Supreme Court of the United States, being compromised, refused to even hear election cases involving clear violations of the Constitution. If we have a civil war, the blood will be on the hands of the Supreme Court…and those who refuse to honor their sacred Oath to protect and defend the Constitution

I assure you that every word in this letter is as factual as I could make it. I have been a writer with Newswithviews. com for 15 years. Enclosed are several of my articles that will further substantiate my words. .

The Democrat Communists and the FBI on January 5, 2021, manufactured a False Flag Insurrection for political purposes. The FBI then proceeded to arrest people for all manner of questionable crimes and to incarcerate them in solitary confinement, in terrible conditions, without medical care, bail or a speedy trial with proper council. This is not our Constitutional System of Justice and it scares the hell out of me and every person I know. The fact that it took 9 months for a handful of elected officials to visit the political prisoners is disheartening.

But, all of this was no surprise after the FBI, Democrat Governors, Mayors, and Prosecutors  allowed BLM and Antifa to burn down their cities for political advantage, and to eliminate small business competitors of large corporations who financed the destruction. These arsonists are not in jail; some were even bailed out by Kamala Harris and Democrats!

I must congratulate you and your officers for stopping the arson of our small business last year. Under our Florida Constitution the people could have prevented arson by exercising their rights to protect life and property; but they were constrained by actions of compromised prosecutors who have charged people for harming the criminals! The most heinous example of lawless prosecutorial misconduct is the attempted framing of Kyle Rittenhouse. The evidence is clear that he acted in self-defense to defend himself against criminals who the police ignored and allowed to burn down the city.

Sheriff Chronister, you are an elected constitutional official of the State of Florida, and Chief Executive officer and Conservator of the Peace, and the highest-ranking law enforcement officer in the county. As such, your lawful authority is greater than any other law enforcement officer, including State and Federal officers. You took an oath to support, protect and defend the Constitution. I am asking you to give me your assurance that you can do, so even in the face of opposition from big-money donors who support the Democrat Communists.

The Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) control everything and their objective is to destroy our country, impoverish the people and install a New World Order Dictatorship.

As I have demonstrated, the PSRRC and their Communist minions in government and corporations have ignored the Enumerated Powers in the Constitution. They have then usurped powers reserved by the states to the extent that a MAJORITY of all federal laws are unconstitutional.

I am aware that I am making powerful allegations, but they are all based upon Constitutional facts that anyone can read and understand.

The unconstitutional laws passed by Congress, usurping powers of the states, are proof positive that all of our elected officials are corrupt or cowardly. This Concentration of power in hands of federal government is dangerous and unlawful. This usurpation of state powers is just the tip of the iceberg; there are countless other unconstitutional federal efforts at centralization and control, such as Private Federal Reserve Bank, Unconstitutional Money, OSHA, CDC, etc.

People who are not ignorant, apathetic, or Lenin’s “useful idiots” know that we are no longer protected by the Constitution of the United States and are, in fact, in grave danger from the traitors who insurrected our federal structure. Communists rule with brutality, fear and the barrel of a gun.  But, by the Grace of God, we remain citizens of a more powerful Sovereign State, which the so-called Federal government is not.

Centralization of police power is the next most important goal of the PSRRC and their Communist minions in government. You surely noticed how the Democrat mayors tried to destroy their police forces while at the same time crying for help to justify a federal police force. Our Constitution stipulates that the Militia of the Several States will enforce laws of the Union (not state laws). In 1903 the Militia was made part of the National Guard by the Unconstitutional Dick Act. The FBI was formed as the Bureau of Investigation in 1908.THERE IS NOTHING IN THE CONSTITUTION THAT GIVES FEDERAL GOVERNMENT POLICE POWERS IN THE STATES. Congress keeps passing UNCONSTITUTIONAL laws giving FBI jurisdiction for specific crimes in the states, and they are getting their foot in the door by also offering their manpower to help local law enforcement. States should kick out unconstitutional federal agencies.

Now to my personal concerns, and that of millions of other patriotic citizens.

The Communists running our faux government take serious exception to letters like this one, or any of my writings exposing their criminal unconstitutional acts. I exercise my freedom of speech by speaking the truth. I don’t advocate violence or unlawful conduct. I don’t want the FBI coming to my house before dawn with a swat team, as they have been doing to others who are also speaking the truth.

Based upon my research the FBI has absolutely no authority to arrest me because they don’t appreciate the truth in my writing, if they even know the truth. Based on everything I know, the FBI is the most corrupt and incompetent so-called police force in the world.

What I must know for peace of mind is that if I call you to protect me from unlawful arrest that you will do so, even if it means you must arrest FBI agents for exercising authority they don’t posses. Even if the FBI has a warrant from a questionable judge, they don’t have authority to serve it. IS THIS NOT TRUE?

I served in the Armed Forces during the Korean Conflict and was a State Trooper in Kentucky for three years, so I have the utmost respect for the law. But, the FBI is a disgrace to the country and to all of law enforcement. The FBI should be disbanded.

I have great respect for you and your department. Unlike many of the dispirited police officers in Communist cities, your officers are always polite, neat, helpful and professional. I mean no disrespect by this letter. If you take exception to anything in the letter please tell me. I have researched these matters for decades, and know them to be true. I ask merely that you assure me that you also know them to be true, and that you intend to honor your Sacred Oath and protect the Unalienable Rights of myself and all other citizens of our county by not allowing ANY federal agency to perform unconstitutional “law enforcement” functions in your county.

If you want a professional in depth dissertation of the subject I refer you to “What Criminal Laws are Congress Authorized to Make” written by Publius Huldah a most distinguished Constitutional Scholar. You will find it on the Publius Huldah Blog.

God Bless America

© 2021 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace:

Enclosures from

Powers and Related Laws Usurped From States are Unconstitutional Attempts to Centralize All Power.

Should Blatant In-Your-Face Treason Be Ignored?


Follow Up Letter To Sheriff

“Except for first sentence this is possibly the most effective message I  have ever written. You may want to use it”

Dear Sheriff Chronister,

I want to thank you for the consideration  given me by Brenda and your staff.

I think it would have been proper, and in everyone’s best interest for you to state that your department would protect me or anyone else from any unconstitutional  actions  by the FBI or any government official.

A majority of the people know that the FBI is corrupt and are scared to death of them. What most people, even those in law enforcement don’t know is that the federal government has almost no power in the states as determined by “Enumerated Powers” in our Constitution.

Attached is a paper by Publius Huldah, a noted Scholar with documentation  from our Constitution that is absolute proof of my position on Enumerated Powers.

With all due respect, I don’t see any downside if you were to give people assurances of your protection against unconstitutional actions by the FBI and others. You would be addressing the growing acknowledgement of lawless behavior in the federal establishment.

Yours truly,

What More Can Anyone Say?

by Lex Greene

December 17, 2021

Literally thousands of awake patriots have researched, written, and published literally millions of essays and articles desperately trying to reach millions of Americans and mobilize them in an effort to stop the total destruction of the USA on our watch. Thousands of little patriot groups have announced hundreds of “action plans” that never resulted in any real action being taken.

The truth is…millions of American patriots already know enough to be able to see what’s happening to our country and become properly motivated to action. This group knows enough and should already be on the move, but they aren’t yet, mostly because they are being drawn into a variety of worthless do-nothing measures that are going nowhere.

  • 2024? Based on 2020?
  • Amend a constitution no longer in force or effect?
  • Secede from the very constitutional concepts you claim to want to protect?
  • Wait for who to do something?
  • Follow the Fauci way to freedom?
  • File more suits that the corrupt courts refuse to hear?

Have most Americans lost their ever loving minds?

The rest of America that really needs the critical facts, don’t want those facts. Many prefer to act like everything is fine and will be fine, or they are completely clueless of reality and on the wrong side of this battle. There is literally nothing anyone can say to change this group, until they are eaten alive by the same people who misled them into this disastrous place.

Either way, there isn’t really much more anyone can say about the current plight of our nation, freedom, and liberty, that hasn’t already been said a million times. Those on the wrong side of history will remain on the wrong side, until they are eaten by their own. Those who are on the right side will remain divided by a laundry list of bad ideas, waiting for someone else to “do something” or hoping against hope for solutions that will never work.

Americans will never get their country or freedom back, unless and until they take it back, by whatever means necessary, preferably peacefully. Regardless, the global (and U.S.) left isn’t going to stop their path of death and destruction, until someone stops them. Throughout history, tyrants have never stopped their evil endeavors on their own. The swamp has never drained itself, ever.

Most of us who have been at this for a long time, thought the American people would have put a stop to this a long time ago. I never imagined that the American people would ever allow the global left to get this far in the USA.

But over the many years of my involvement, I have come to realize that our nation’s Founders were dead right about pretty much everything, including this passage from our Declaration of Independence“all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing [or altering]the forms to which they are accustomed.”

Marxist concepts of socialism and communism should have never been allowed to take root within the United States, much less become the daily diet of propaganda in every public education institution across the USA. British Common Law [precedence and procedure] should have never been allowed to infest our Constitutional courts for the purpose of undermining our Constitution and Natural Rights either. But that happened before the ink was dry on the Constitution, as Jefferson pointed out at the turn of the 19th century!

We should have never allowed our country to be systematically divided over economics, race, religion, gender, or anything else. We should have defended and enforced One Nation Under God, E Pluribus Unum… instead of allowing our countrymen to be ripped to shreds by corrupt politicians who can only gain power by dividing everyone else.

Americans should have never allowed the federal government to take over education, banking, business, industry, social spending, medicine, or the laundry list of things the government controls “unconstitutionally” today. But we did, we allowed all of it, for two centuries now.

The American Revolution was fought to eliminate all of these evils from our shores. The Civil War turned out to be a last gasp for State Sovereignty, States Rights, and Individual Liberties. That war wasn’t over slavery, it was over Federal tyranny, theft, and taxation without representation, by Washington D.C. against the southern states.

After two centuries of death by a thousand cuts, what the hell are we supposed to do now?

Today, every American, every State and every private enterprise lives under Federal tyranny. It’s no longer even “our body, our choice,” except as it pertains to the federal government’s authorized mass murder of over 60-million American children in the womb.

It’s almost insane to even think that at this late date, the American people are going to ever rise up against anything and fight back in any real way. Most Americans can’t even feel the pot they are boiling in. Many who can, are only concerned with trying to save themselves in a fallen nation that will soon live the life of every other 3rd world toilet on earth.

We will soon be One World, all equally destitute, enslaved and dying before our natural time. And it will be for one reason and one reason only…

Americans are now too stupid, too lazy, too immoral, too disengaged, too cowardly, and too self-indulgent to ever stand up together against evil. And what can anyone say today that can change this trajectory, or better said, this fall into the pits of hell?

I’ve been around a while. I remember what America once was, what it was once like to be a proud American. I look around today and I see nothing to be proud of, nothing at all!

If you are like me, let me know. Write me…maybe there are still a few real Americans left, looking for others and willing to do something that may actually matter. But don’t bother if you are waiting for anyone else to do something. There is no one else!

This isn’t rocket science. You don’t need to be a scholar of any kind to know we are in very serious trouble here. You only have to be smart enough and courageous enough to know that if YOU aren’t going to fix it, then no one will…

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lex Greene:

Hijacking Christianity

by Lee Duigon

December 16, 2021

A Bible verse, Romans 8:28, teaches us, “And we know that all things work together for good to those that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose.” That is, God is sovereign over His entire creation, including us; and He will, in time, regenerate our fallen world. He can regenerate us, too—by His sovereign grace.

But in the 19th century, along comes Charles Darwin, with this:

“And as natural selection works solely by and for the good of each being, all corporeal and mental endowments will tend to progress towards perfection.”

The resemblance to Romans 8:28 is no accident; Darwin knew what he was saying. He had churchmen in his family. It’s reasonable to assume he had some acquaintance with the Scripture, and more than just a nodding one. In just these few words, he dethrones God and replaces Him with the blind, impersonal force of “natural selection.” And opened the door wide to the horrors of the 20th century—which are still with us today.

In 1974 a popular song, “Desiderata,” declared “You are a child of the universe… [N]o doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.” And we are back to Romans 8:28—this time with a blind, insensate “universe” supplanting God… and God’s sovereign grace.

We want what Christianity has to offer. We want redemption, of ourselves and of the world in general. We want hope, salvation, liberation from bondage to the darker aspects of our nature.

But we don’t want to pay for it!

By “we” I mean the non-Christian crowd of “spiritual” characters who want blessings without God, without any obligation to themselves to believe in God, to love Him, to trust Him, and try our best to live according to His will—but who don’t want God. Oh, no, not that. For God is also the judge of all the earth, and they most certainly don’t want judgment.

And in throwing out our need for the sovereign grace of God, now we rely on laws and governments to make us… good! And to remake our world as an earthly paradise. We set up the devouring state and beg the state to make the omelet for us—never mind how many eggs get broken in the process. Give the state enough raw power and enough money, give it “science” as its grand vizier, and it, too, will progress towards perfection. No more war (global government will put a stop to that!), no more disease, poverty, inequality, injustice: no more bad blind dates, or cigars that burn unevenly. Isn’t that worth a concentration camp or two?

The original sin was man’s desire to be as God, deciding for himself what was good or evil, true or false. Today that sin manifests itself in such monstrosities as “choosing your gender,” wiping out “systemic racism” by convincing all white people that they’re villains, and that whole transhumanist pipe dream of merging ourselves with our machines so we can live forever—another 700 years of Nancy Pelosi in the House of Representatives. If you’ve bought stock in original sin, you’re going to become a millionaire. You’re also going to cut yourself off from God, but never mind—“science” says it’ll work just fine.

The Church—the whole Church, not just this or that denomination—has a calling today: to stand on God’s word and not only refuse to surrender any more ground, but to win back the ground we’ve allowed to be piddled away. Only God is God; only Jesus Christ is Savior. Natural selection will not transform us all into philosopher kings. As for the “universe,” it has no will, it has no plan—all of it is no more, and no less, than God’s creation. He owns it; we just live here.

Assigning sovereignty to governments managed by individuals loaded down with sin, folly, truly ridiculous ideas, wishful thinking, cruelty, lust for power, and sheer, obstinate wooden-headedness—

Well, honk if you think that’s in any way desirable.

Government must be limited, even as we are limited by law, conscience, and the very awareness of our limits. If the 20th century has taught us nothing else, it has shown us what happens when the limits are removed.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and visit, while it’s still allowed. My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon:

We Are Eyeball Deep In Financial Suicide

By Frosty Wooldridge

December 16, 2021

First of all, my heart goes out to all the tornado victims across Kentucky and other states hit by those violent storms.  It’s hard to wrap your eyes around such total destruction.  Their lives were destroyed in a matter of hours…it just makes me so pained…because I am helpless to do anything to help them.  My prayers to every family affected in the tornado’s path.

Did you watch Norah O’Donnell on CBS News last night?  One of the reporters standing in the rubble of Mayfield, Kentucky reported that Joe Biden said, “America has paid in excess of $600,000,000,000.00 (billion) in natural disaster relief in 2021.”

It dawned on me that our country stands eyeball-deep in financial debt. We face paying daily interest on our national debt at $28,000,000,000,000.00 (trillion).  The interest daily runs into the millions. That all comes out of your tax dollars from your hard work.

But underlying all of that, Joe Biden stacked another 2,000,000 refugees onto America that he invited to violate our borders…and your tax dollars will run into the billions to pay for their welfare for years if not decades. You will pay for their medical, schooling of their kids, ESL courses, breakfasts and lunches, apartments, cars, fuel and more.

In other words, Joe Biden is creating a welfare state that extends beyond anyone’s understanding.

We already we pay billions and billions of dollars annually for 38,000,000 (million) Americans subsisting on food stamps.  Those are people NOT contributing to our economy, but in fact, leech off it…off your back and your tax dollars.

But it doesn’t end there:  we pay for housing, food, warmth and medical care for 2.4 million criminals in our prisons across the USA.  It costs us $65,000.00 per criminal per year. That adds up to $156,000,000.00 (billion) annually.  Anybody figured out how to rear better children to become contributing members of our society rather than paying for their incarceration at those costs?

And then, we paid out $6,000,000,000,000.00 (trillion) for two useless wars in Iraq and Afghanistan for 20 useless wars.  What kind of people in Congress supported such insanity?  Answer: your two senators and house member for 20 solid years.

At this point, we face over 1,000 water mains breaking weekly in cities across America because most of them were installed 100 years ago.

Why did 155 mile per hour tornadoes rip through those states in the middle of Kentucky in the middle of December?  Well, have you heard about catastrophic climate destabilization?  Our carbon footprint at 100 barrels burned 24/7 around the world is now affecting our biosphere by completely destroying the balancing systems that give us normal weather patterns. If you want more facts about it, again, read my book: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations.  You can receive a free electronic copy by emailing me:

The fact is, our whole country stands eyeball-deep in financial debt, in ecological debt, infrastructure debt and racial conflict.  We’re getting to the point that the different races no longer trust one another. You’ve got White and Black leaders pushing Critical Race Theory. That will thrust us into “Tribal Conflict Debt.”  In other words, if you travel to Africa, different tribes war against each other because of their tribal propensities.  Well, we’re seeing the beginnings of tribal conflict in our country with BLM, Antifa and CRT advocates. All of them will result in not only that $2 billion in destruction in the summer of 2020, but billions more in coming racial conflicts.

That’s not to mention that Congress imports 1,000,000 legal immigrants into our country annually. They go on welfare, and if they take a job, it displaces our own citizens…who then go on welfare. Thus, we all lose, and we pay and pay and pay. With his refugee air lift of 100,000 Afghans, they live on welfare just like the 300,000 Muslim immigrants in Detroit. You cannot imagine the billions being paid out in Detroit and Minneapolis for those third world refugees.  Plus, they’re robbing the EBT card system into the millions.

At the same time, we are being shut down as an economy by Covid. Can you imagine what it will be like when that next 100,000,000 more immigrants lands on our shores?   Anybody bringing up that miserable fact or even speaking about it?  Why are we committing our own suicide as a civilization?

So, what is Joe Biden doing? Answer: printing more money without any gold standard or backing!  Thus, inflation eats us alive, and makes our money more useless.

If this kind of governance continues to spiral out of control, our entire financial system will collapse.  The foundation of our country will collapse.  We’ve got some really nasty sh*t coming our way. All of it brought to you by this president and U.S. Congress.

Is anyone in America thinking about these questions?  Are we not galloping into America’s twilight years?

If you would like a free electronic copy of this book, please email me with your email address and I will send it to you.  Every American with children or any American who will live in this country in 2050, needs to understand what they face.

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121.

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

This video will scare the daylights out of every American as to what’s coming to our country, US Citizenship Act 2021 by Joe Biden.

If you want to see two documentaries that give visual proof of my book’s contents, go to Netflix, and type in “Cowspiracy” that shows you the damage to the air, land and water.  Watch “Seaspiracy” to see how humans are destroying the oceans.

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

How Christianity Lost the Savor

by Coach Dave Daubenmire

December 16, 2021

(This is a reprint of a commentary that I posted on November 29, 2012.  Some things never change.)

Sometimes I think that maybe no one is listening…but I know that isn’t true. More likely, they are hearing, but they are not moving. Goliath is big, and most Christians have no stones to sling. Truth is the stone they can sling…they just don’t know it.  Not political Truth…not the kind that “the truth detector” espouses three-hours a day on AM radio…but real Truth…life altering Truth…simplistic Truth that can change the world.

But real Truth doesn’t sell. In fact, it usually hurts. But nothing sets one free as much as knowing the Truth. Jesus is THE TRUTH. He is more than a Savior…more than a name on a coin…more than someone in whom “we trust.” Jesus is the incarnation of The Truth. Apart from Him, everything else is an opinion…a mere shadow of Truth. Truth is not an opinion. Truth is a person. But most Americans, as Jack Nicholson famously said, “…can’t handle the Truth.”

I’m OK, You’re Ok, was a best-selling book published in the 60’s. It was the first of a genre’ of “self-help” books that sold millions of copies. Those psycho-babble books paved the way for humanism’s stealth-emergence as the religion of the 21st century. Like most counterfeits, it looked authentic, and probably did help folks make it through their daily lives. But it was and is a lie. I’m not OK…and neither are you. Until we deal with that Truth, America and Americans will continue to spiral down to a modern-day version of The Planet of the Apes.

This feel-good theology was popularized by Norman Vincent Peale (The Power of Positive Thinking), and handed off to Pseudo-Christians Zig Ziglar (See You at the Top) and Robert Schuller (Move Ahead With Possibility Thinking). This deadly witches’-brew of Humanistic – Christianity created the wave for Author/Mega-Pastors like Rick Warren (The Purpose Driven Life), and Joel Osteen (Your Best Life Now) to present a sugar-coated, watered-down, sin-free version of the Gospel.

Ask yourself this. Why is it that CNN loves to give Osteen so much face time? Could it be that the media is doing their best to present to most Biblically – challenged Americans the lie that the “gospel of Rodney King” (Why can’t we all just get along) is the true version of Christianity? Could it be that CNN wants to erode and pacify “Christians” by presenting Pastor Glitter Teeth as the establishment approved who-am-I-to-judge spokesman for the religiously-weak?

Give me an hour in front of Piers Morgan. I’ll rattle their cages. Have you ever seen a “combative” Christian appear on any national TV show? Where is the Christian version of James Carville? Where are the Christian truth, bomb throwers willing to fight for our side?

Please understand the deception. Jesus is not a tolerant, go-along to get-along, I’m Ok you’re Ok, if it feels good do it, come-sit-on-my-lap, passive Savior. A rude awakening awaits many that subscribe to this thinking.

Jesus overcame death, hell, and the grave. He is a conquering King who will return and in righteousness he does judge and make war. He will not share His power, authority, or glory with another. You can take that fact to the bank. That, my friends is the Truth.

Why are Christians too intimidated to declare it? Why do we allow so many lies to go unchallenged?

  1. Islam is NOT a peaceful religion although some Muslims may be peaceful. Muslims and Christians do not serve the same God. Islam teaches submit or die; Jesus teaches submit and live.
  2. It is not anti-Semitic to criticize Jews. Some Jews are very bad people who hate Jesus. No better authority than the Apostle Paul warned us that not all Israel, are of Israel RM9:6-7, John in the Book of Revelation wrote which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie RV3:9. Why is it considered anti-Semitic to point out that the entertainment/media conglomerates are controlled by adherents to Judaism? Is speaking the Truth racist?
  3. Negroes are no more African-American than I am European-American. Most have never set foot outside the good ole USA. Why is black-pride good but white-pride racist? And there are many caucasians that are also African-American.
  4. The Establishment Republican power-brokers hate conservative Christians. The Democrat Party power-brokers hate the Christian God. [Democrat platform of 2012 rejected God, became the anti-God party] Christians need to form their own political party.
  5. All voters are “values” voters; it is what they value that makes all the difference. Negroes vote their skin color over Christianity. Obama is the most pro-abortion president in history. Over 95% of Negroes voted for him. Abortion is murder! Christian-blacks voted for murder.
  6. Most pastors are hirelings. They are ineffective outside the security of their four walls. NOTHING has destroyed American-values more than government schools, yet not one pastor in a thousand will speak out against government’s schools. The average pastor makes $80,000; not a bad gig. No wonder they won’t rock the government’s boat. Best life Now, anyone?
  7. If you think Black Friday crowds were aggressive, wait until government checks cease.
  8. Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity had almost no impact in the recent election. Both are Republican mouthpieces. Sorry if you can’t see that. Christians are starting to see through them. Give me three hours a day on national radio and I will create a movement.
  9. Liberalism requires no thinking. It is as natural as breathing air. A Harvard professor and a Junior High School student both think alike. Christianity requires thought. It teaches that seeing is not necessary for believing and that believing does not require seeing. Atheism believes in nothing. Macro-evolution is faith with nothing at the beginning. Believing in nothing is impossible.
  10. America is in a fiscal freefall because we are in a moral freefall. We went over the moral cliff before we went over the fiscal cliff. Spending more than you have is a moral issue, not a fiscal one. My Dad would never have left his bills to his grand kids as Congress has done to us.
  11. Can you name any other living creature our government has made legal to kill other than an unborn baby? A puppy? A Deer? A Spotted Owl? A Snail-Darter? At least for animals you need a permit. Women’s liberation movements have created promiscuous women and irresponsible men. The unborn are the poker-chips in this Devil’s wager.

Ultimately, the cultural war is a moral war. It is morality that defines a culture. Changing the morality changes the cultural. Multi-culturalism has done to America what AIDS does to the human body. There is no American culture anymore. Christian morality is the only protection against cultural AIDS. Humanism is to Christianity what kryptonite is to Superman.

Have you noticed they are sandblasting the 10 Commandments off buildings and replacing them with nothing? Fighting for what is right is not evil. Not fighting evil is evil. Godly men have abandoned the field in the battle for Truth. Evil rules when evil men make the rules.

Conservatism is a salt substitute. Conservatism makes salt taste sweet. Conservatism does to Christianity what aspartame does to Diet Coke. Aspartame is a poison that is 200 times sweeter than sugar. A little dab will do ya…it makes the medicine go down…disguises the natural taste of things.

“The salt has lost it’s savor…most Christians are good for nothing,” paraphrase of MT5:13

© 2021 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

Mark Meckler’s “COS” Board Member drafted a New Constitution For Gun Control

By Publius Huldah (Joanna Martin, J.D.)

December 15, 2021

Our Framers understood that a free State cannot exist without an armed and trained populace (the Militia). Accordingly, they wrote a Constitution which prohibits the federal and State governments from infringing the natural right of the People to keep and bear arms.

Under our Constitution, the federal government has no authority to make any laws whatsoever over the Country at Large restricting the rights of the People to keep and bear arms.  Gun control is not an enumerated power. Furthermore, the Second Amendment expressly forbids the federal government from infringing the right of the People (the Militia) to keep and bear arms.

The States are also prohibited from infringing the right of the People to keep and bear arms by Article I, Sec. 8, clauses 15 & 16, US Constitution.  Those two clauses provide for the Militia of the Several States; and implicitly prohibit the States from making any laws which would interfere with the arming and training of the Militiamen in their States.[1]

Applications for Congress to call a convention under Article V, US Constitution

Various groups, such as Mark Meckler’s Convention of “States” (COS)organizations, have been lobbying State Legislators to pass applications asking Congress to call an Article V Convention.

Whether or not State Legislatures should ask Congress to call an Article V Convention is one of the most important – and contentious – issues of our time. The Delegates to such a convention, as Sovereign Representatives of the People, have the power to throw off the Constitution we have and propose a new Constitution, with a new and easier mode of ratification, which would create a new government.[2]

The Pennsylvania Senators Roundtable Discussion

On November 8, 2021, several Pennsylvania Senators conducted a roundtable discussion about whether they should pass Mark Meckler’s “COS” application (SR 152) for Congress to call an Article V convention. In addition to Mark Meckler and his allies; two large gun rights organizations, Gun Owners of America and Firearms Owners Against Crime,[3] were present at the roundtable.

Much of what Meckler said at the roundtable is not true.  But this paper focuses on his comments ridiculing his opponents’ concerns that, if there is an Article V convention,we could lose our existing Right to keep and bear arms.

Meckler showed up at the roundtable dressed in gun garb; and, after dropping names to show his connections with gun rights organizations, proceeded throughout the discussion to preen his commitment to “the Second Amendment”.  He ridiculed the warnings that if there is an Article V Convention, Delegates would have the power to impose a new Constitution which, among other horrors, strips us of our Right to keep and bear arms without infringement.

Meckler said that Chuck Cooper, a litigator for the NRA, is on COS’s Legal Advisory Board and has written an open letter saying, “…it’s a ridiculous argument that there could be a runaway convention and we could lose our Second Amendment.” [13:31 – 13:57]

A bit later on, Meckler said:

“…Professor Robbie George at Princeton who is considered the foremost conservative constitutional scholar in America is on our Legal Advisory Board. …[43:02 – 43:25]

So who is Professor Robbie George? And who says he is the foremost conservative constitutional scholar in America?

Robbie George (Robert P. George) was on the National Constitution Center’s Constitution Drafting Project. The National Constitution Center is a quasi-official branch of the federal government.

Robbie George and three others have drafted a new Constitution which severely restricts the Right of the People to keep and bear arms! His new Constitution says at Article I, Sec. 12, clause 7:

“Neither the States nor the United State [sic] shall make or enforce any law infringing the right to keep and bear arms of the sort ordinarily used for self-defense or recreational purposes, provided that States, and the United States in places subject to its general regulatory authority, may enact and enforce reasonable regulations on the bearing of arms, and the keeping of arms by persons determined, with due process, to be dangerous to themselves or others.” 

So Robbie George’s new Constitution:

  • authorizes the state and federal governments to ban the possession of all arms unless they are “ordinarily used for self-defense or recreational purposes”. Who will decide what arms are “ordinarily” used for self-defense or recreation?  The governments will decide.
  • authorizes the state governments and the federal government (in those places subject to its “general regulatory authority”), to enact and enforce “reasonable regulations” on the bearing of those arms they permit us to have. What’s a “reasonable” regulation? The governments will decide; and,
  • authorizes the state and federal governments to strip us of our right to keep even those arms “ordinarily used for self-defense”, if someone in the government (presumably a judge) decides you are a danger to yourself or others.

We live in a time when Christians who read the Bible; People who read the Constitution; and Moms who speak out at School Board meetings against pornography in the schools or the teaching of critical race theory, are labeled “domestic terrorists”.  Should “domestic terrorists” be allowed to keep and bear arms?  Of course not- they are dangerous!

At the roundtable, John Velleco of Gun Owners of America said:

“The questions that we’re dealing with on this is how will this [Meckler’s “COS” application SR 152] impact the Second Amendment? Because that’s, as an organization, that’s all we care about. … So we need to determine if this is something that seriously could impact in a negative way the Second Amendment, then we are compelled to engage 100%. … our bigger issues in Pennsylvania are passing constitutional carry.” [1:07:05 – 1:07:51]

Yet even though Meckler’s Board Member Robbie George had already participated in the drafting of a new Constitution which imposes gun control; and thereby would rescind the Second Amendment, Meckler responded:

“And I will tell you there are 5 Million people in this country …that are signed up for convention of states. Right here, there are 90,000 in this state. 90,000!

The question was asked, will this help pass constitutional carry? The answer is hell yes, it will! Because right now, our activists are very angry with gun rights organizations in this state. And they’ll not support anything that these gun organizations are doing, because they’re now sworn enemies on Article V. … But I will say, on Kim Stolfer’s organization,they should be working with these organizations. Every one of those 90,000 should be signed up with these organizations and members of these organizations fighting for everything they [the gun organizations] want.” [1:21:21 – 1:22:05]

So Meckler, who postures as a “Second Amendment guy” [13:31-13:57], threatened that unless Kim Stolfer supports Meckler’s SR 152 application for a convention, Mecker’s alleged 90,000 supporters in Pennsylvania[4] will not support anything Kim Stolfer’s gun rights organization does!

Look behind the Curtain

This push for an Article V Convention is the most vicious bait and switch ever perpetrated on the American People. It’s all about getting a new Constitution under the pretext of getting amendments.[5] If Congress calls an Article V convention, Robbie George’s proposed Constitution, or another just as tyrannical, can be proposed.[6] And since any new Constitution will have its own new mode of ratification (such as a national referendum), it’s sure to be approved.

The solution to our political and economic problems is to read and enforce the Constitution we already have.  States and local governments and individual Citizens can take a giant step forward by not taking federal funds to participate in unconstitutional federal programs.

And rescind your States’ existing applications for an Article V convention!  It doesn’t matter what the ostensible purpose of a convention is, as set forth in a State’s applications.  Once the Convention assembles, the Delegates can do whatever they want including approving the Constitution Robbie George participated in drafting,or another Constitution which will also legalize the tyranny which is taking over our Country.

We are to fight tyranny by resisting it; not by legalizing it.

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Joanna Martin:


[1] With the Militia Act of 1792, Congress required all able-bodied male Citizens in the Country (with a few exceptions) between the ages of 18 and under 45 to buy a rifle, bayonet, ammo & ammo pouch, and report to their local Militia Unit for training.  States may not lawfully do anything to interfere with this constitutional grant of power to Congress.

[2] This is shown in these flyers:

[3] John Velleco and Val Finnell appeared for GOA; Kim Stolfer of Pennsylvania appeared for Firearms Owners Against Crime.

[4] It should be enlightening to ask Meckler to provide documentation of his claim to have 90,000 supporters in Pennsylvania.  Legislators in other States have looked behind the curtain and found “COS” claims of support to be false:  See Phony Petitions and Polls.

[5] James Madison expressly warned of this stratagem:  See this flyer at footnote 2.

[6] Information on additional proposed Constitutions is in the flyer linked just above.

Altogether, the National Constitution Center has three proposed new Constitutions.  All of them transfer massive new powers to the new fed gov’t.

The Constitution for the New states of America was produced some 60 years ago. Under this Constitution, the States are dissolved and replaced by regional governments answerable to the new national government.  Article I, Part B., Sec. 8 provides that the People are to be disarmed.  Article XII, Sec. 1, provides for ratification by a national referendum -so whoever controls the voting machines will determine the outcome.

The Unspoken: Administrators, Doctors, Coroners All Getting Paid To Push Plandemic – Experimental Jab

by Bradlee Dean

December 15, 2021

“At no point in history have the people forcing others into compliance been the good guys. The welfare of humanity has always been the alibi of tyrants. Do you not realize that this vaccine does not protect you from Covid, it does however protect you from government oppression.” -Christine Anderson, EU Parliament

Friends, for the record, I am as tired of highlighting the crimes against humanity as you are, but on the other hand, I am also tired of highlighting the apathy and tolerance of those who do nothing in the face of these tyrants (Psalm 78:9).

This whole plandemic has had very little to do with a virus, but has always been about compliance.

If only the people would open up their eyes and ears to see what the pill in the jam has always been about (Jeremiah 5:21), and this for their own good (Jonah 2:8).

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After all those pushing the lie do not even believe what it is that they are selling (Ephesians 4:14).  Yet, they are profiting off of the ignorance of the compliant.

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Recently, the AAPS reported: “Biden’s Bounty on Your Life: Hospitals’ Incentive Payments for COVID-19.”

Upon admission to a once-trusted hospital, American patients with COVID-19 become virtual prisoners, subjected to a rigid treatment protocol with roots in Ezekiel Emanuel’s “Complete Lives System” for rationing medical care in those over age 50. They have a shockingly high mortality rate. How and why is this happening, and what can be done about it?

As exposed in audio recordings, hospital executives in Arizona admitted meeting several times a week to lower standards of care, with coordinated restrictions on visitation rights. Most COVID-19 patients’ families are deliberately kept in the dark about what is really being done to their loved ones.

The combination that enables this tragic and avoidable loss of hundreds of thousands of lives includes (1) The CARES Act, which provides hospitals with bonus incentive payments for all things related to COVID-19 (testing, diagnosing, admitting to hospital, use of remdesivir and ventilators, reporting COVID-19 deaths, and vaccinations) and (2) waivers of customary and long-standing patient rights by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).

In 2020, the Texas Hospital Association submitted requests for waivers to CMS. According to Texas attorney Jerri Ward, “CMS has granted ‘waivers’ of federal law regarding patient rights. Specifically, CMS purports to allow hospitals to violate the rights of patients or their surrogates with regard to medical record access, to have patient visitation, and to be free from seclusion.” She notes that “rights do not come from the hospital or CMS and cannot be waived, as that is the antithesis of a ‘right.’ The purported waivers are meant to isolate and gain total control over the patient and to deny patient and patient’s decision-maker the ability to exercise informed consent.”

Creating a “National Pandemic Emergency” provided justification for such sweeping actions that override individual physician medical decision-making and patients’ rights. The CARES Act provides incentives for hospitals to use treatments dictated solely by the federal government under the auspices of the NIH. These “bounties” must paid back if not “earned” by making the COVID-19 diagnosis and following the COVID-19 protocol.

The hospital payments include:

• A “free” required PCR test in the Emergency Room or upon admission for every patient, with government-paid fee to hospital.
• Added bonus payment for each positive COVID-19 diagnosis.
• Another bonus for a COVID-19 admission to the hospital.
• A 20 percent “boost” bonus payment from Medicare on the entire hospital bill for use of remdesivir instead of medicines such as Ivermectin.
• Another and larger bonus payment to the hospital if a COVID-19 patient is mechanically ventilated.
• More money to the hospital if cause of death is listed as COVID-19, even if patient did not die directly of COVID-19.
• A COVID-19 diagnosis also provides extra payments to coroners.

CMS implemented “value-based” payment programs that track data such as how many workers at a healthcare facility receive a COVID-19 vaccine. Now we see why many hospitals implemented COVID-19 vaccine mandates. They are paid more.

Outside hospitals, physician MIPS quality metrics link doctors’ income to performance-based pay for treating patients with COVID-19 EUA drugs. Failure to report information to CMS can cost the physician 4% of reimbursement.

Because of obfuscation with medical coding and legal jargon, we cannot be certain of the actual amount each hospital receives per COVID-19 patient. But Attorney Thomas Renz and CMS whistleblowers have calculated a total payment of at least $100,000 per patient.

Conclusion: Instead of lawfully dealing with these tyrants, the American people have taken on that somehow or another the same corrupt politicians are now telling them the truth.  Friends, there is no truth in them (John 8:44)!

Rather than dealing with their oppressors, they submit to their tyrannical measures. This is neither what the Word of God teaches nor what it is that our forefathers have taught us through their examples (Hebrews 13:7).

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© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

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“The Origin of Covid-19—Updated, Part 10”

by Dennis Cuddy, Ph.D.

December 14, 2021

In an earlier part of this series about Covid-19, I recounted that a Florida woman’s husband wanted the hospital to give his wife Ivermectin, but the hospital refused and she died. To show what might have happened if she had been given the Ivermectin, there is the recent case of Sun Ng who was hospitalized with Covid-19 on October 14 at Edward Hospital in Naperville, IL, and characterized as “basically on his death bed.” Ng’s daughter requested he be given Ivermectin, but the hospital refused to administer it. On November 1, Judge Paul Fullerton granted a temporary restraining order requiring the hospital to allow Ng’s physician Dr. Alan Bain to administer the Ivermectin. Ng then dramatically improved and was discharged from the hospital on November 27! Ng’s attorney, Kirstin Erickson of Chicago-based Mauck and Baker, said the “happy” end result provides “hope for the nation.”

Regarding the new fast-spreading variant, Omicron, originally identified in South Africa, in Part 3 of my series, I quoted Dr. Fauci on August 4 as telling McClatchy news organization that “If America’s current Covid-19 continues unabated into the fall and winter, the country will likely face an even more deadly strain of the virus that could evade the current coronavirus vaccines.” In “EXPLAINER—How worried should we be about the Omicron variant?” by Deena Beasley (Reuters, November 27, 2021), one reads that Omicron “is raising concern worldwide given the number of mutations, which might help it spread or even evade antibodies from prior infection or vaccination….The new variant has over 30 mutations in the part of the virus that current vaccines target. Omicron’s mutations are likely to render certain COVID-19 treatments—including some manufactured antibodies—ineffective, said Dr. David Ho, professor of microbiology and immunology at Columbia University.”

According to Amy Cheng’s “Omicron covid variant three times more likely to cause reinfection than delta, South Africa study says” (THE WASHINGTON POST, December 3, 2021): “Scientists in South Africa say omicron is at least 3 times more likely to cause reinfection than previous variants such as beta and delta, according to a preliminary study,…and the omicron mutation has ‘a substantial ability to evade immunity from prior infection.'” Omicron has already been detected in more than 20 U.S. States, and according to Dr. Tom Wenseleers, “Omicron is an immune escape variant that breaks through immunity caused by prior infection and/or vaccination.” That means it can evade antibodies. According to USA TODAY (December 9), “New coronaviruses in the U.S. climbed from an average of nearly 95,000 a day on November 22 to almost 119,000 a day this week, and hospitalizations are up 25% from a month ago.” Dr. Monica Gandhi, infectious disease specialist and professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, told YAHOO NEWS producer Kate Murphy on December 3: “What we’re seeing clinically is that when a variant is described in a country, you suddenly start seeing it everywhere….And all of these cases tend to be vaccinated individuals….”

According to “Will the Vaccines Stop Omicron? Scientists Are Racing to Find Out” by Apoorva Mandavilli (THE NEW YORK TIMES, November 28, 2021): “South African doctors are seeing an increase in reinfections in people who already had a bout of Covid-19, suggesting that the variant can overcome natural immunity, said Dr. Richard Lessells, an infectious disease physician. Dr. Stephen Hoge, Moderna’s president, said, ‘This thing is a Frankenstein mix of all of the greatest hits (referring to the variants’ many mutations)….Some of Omicron’s mutations occur in parts of the virus targeted by T cells, meaning the variant may be more difficult for T cells to recognize….Dr. Jesse Bloom at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle said that even if the vaccines hold up against Omicron, new versions will probably be needed at some point, and perhaps soon. The virus is acquiring mutations much faster than expected. There’s always going to be new variants arising.” In Mandavilli’s November 30 NEW YORK TIMES follow-up article, one is told that “Omicron carries a mutation called N501Y, which is thought to allow the virus to bind to human cells more tightly. And in an Associated Press December 8 interview of CDC chief Rochelle Walensky by Mike Stobbe, one learns that “more than 40 people in the U.S. have been found to be infected with the omicron variant so far, and more than three-fourths of them have been vaccinated”!

In “UPDATE 1-Moderna CEO says vaccines likely less effective against Omicron-FT” (Reuters, November 30), one reads that “the head of Moderna said COVID-19 vaccines are unlikely to be as effective against the Omicron variant of the coronavirus as they have been previously, sparking fresh worry in financial markets about the trajectory of the pandemic….Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel told the FINANCIAL TIMES, ‘I think it’s going to be a material drop. I just don’t know how much because we need to wait for the data. But all the scientists I’ve talked to…are like ‘this is not going to be good’.” Does all of this happening at this particular time sound too coincidental?

In a December 12 report by Janae Morris for ABC News, one reads that Omicron can evade the protection initial vaccines give,…(and) the variant can also evade the protections provided by monoclonal antibodies and convalescent plasma, the White House chief medical adviser (Dr. Anthony Fauci) told ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos. Then on December 13, Reuters published “Two-dose vaccines induce lower antibodies against Omicron, study finds,” which begins: “Two-dose COVID-19 vaccine regimens do not induce enough neutralising antibodies against the Omicron coronavirus variant, British scientists found, indicating that increased infections in those previously infected or vaccinated may be likely.”

© 2021 Dennis Cuddy – All Rights Reserved

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The Latest Conception of the Inception of the Covid Calamity

by Sidney Secular

December 14, 2021

The 2019 Military World Games were held in Wuhan, China from October 18th to the 27th, 2019. It was the largest military sports event ever held in China (or anywhere else for that matter). 9,308 athletes from 109 countries competed in 329 events in 27 sports. It was even larger than the Olympics. In a book, “What Really Happened in Wuhan” by Australian journalist Sharri Markson, it is claimed that a Chinese dissident warned a US official of a flu outbreak in Wuhan in that month. Par for the course, the US official waived it off. Once aware of the outbreak, the Chinese may have used that circumstance to spread the virus during the aforesaid military games. Or, indeed, the “games” may have been instituted for that purpose given what came of the matter.

In a scenario reminiscent of the war games that occurred simultaneously with the 9/11 attacks, the Chinese conducted an emergency simulation exercise at the Wuhan airport to test the responses to a new coronavirus infection outbreak. The exercise included epidemiological and medical investigations and a simulated quarantine. This scenario is not only bizarre but it tests the limits of credulity; that is, that immediately before the Covid outbreak in Wuhan occurred, this test-drill took place in close proximity to the supposed “outbreak.” However, there were numerous reports that athletes from many of the foreign delegations became sick with flu symptoms shortly after arriving in Wuhan. Meanwhile, many of the foreign participants discovered to what must have been their astonishment, that buildings adjacent to the “games” facilities were already boarded up and the residents ordered to remain in their homes.

Meanwhile, many of the athletes were housed in an apartment complex having a controlled central cooling/heating system. Is it too much to believe that infection was spread through this system? If one remembers, the same thing happened in Philadelphia in 1976 during an American Legion Convention. At that time, a similar pathogen that became known as Legionella Pneumophilia or Legionnaires Disease caused considerable casualties among the elderly conventioneers as a result of their close living proximity. Of course, this particular pathogen was not new, but this was the first time it had appeared in such a restricted situation both by date and location.

Author Markson claims that the virus was spread around the world by the athletes returning from the games. Because the games were under the control of the Chinese Communist Party, it is more than conceivable these “guest athletes” were used as a “super spreader” bio-weapon. Since it has come out that many countries around the world have contributed to the research and development associated with Covid experimentation, the global new world orderlies may have collaborated with the Chinese in developing a spreader bioweapon. This is especially obvious given how quickly the entire world was virtually shut down from a pathogen that was hardly medically “deadly” as we understand that term!

Here is where it gets doubly bizarre. A simulation of the pandemic “war games” that occurred in China at the time of the Wuhan military games also occurred in New York on October 18, 2019 – the suspiciously opaque Event 201. Event 201 was sponsored by The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum, the CIA, Bloomberg, The Johns Hopkins Foundation, and the UN – in other words, the usual suspects. The World Military Games opened in Wuhan on the exact same day. Event 201 simulated an outbreak of a novel coronavirus organism that spread to bats, thence to pigs, and then to people where it then spreads easily, causing a severe pandemic. That’s the genesis of the batty idea that Covid was spread by or originated from bats. As in the 9/11 catastrophe, the complexities and the culprits involved may take years to fully identify providing one is permitted to do so! Meanwhile, one can just begin to make out the outlines of what occurred through the fog of misinformation and establishment lies.

But with all the suspicious “coincidences” connected to Covid, there is an even more startling one involving America’s own propaganda capital, Hollywood. In 2011, Steven Soderbergh released the film Contagion, starring Gwyneth Paltrow and Matt Damon. According to the “blurb:”

“The plot concerns the spread of a virus [originating from a hybrid pig-bat genetic meld that winds up in a hotel kitchen in Hong Kong – s.s.] transmitted by respiratory droplets and fomites, attempts by medical researchers and public health officials to identify and contain the disease, the loss of social order in a pandemic, and the introduction of a vaccine to halt its spread. Critics praised the film for its narrative and the performances, as did scientists for its accuracy. The film received renewed popularity in 2020 because of the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Anyone who watched this film might certainly have been terrified by the possibility of this kind of a killer pathogen abroad in the land, but, of course, COVID is not the deadly pathogen presented in the film! In point of fact, many reputable medical sources have admitted that “COVID” has never been isolated! What this means medically is that COVID doesn’t exist as a pathogen and therefor no “vaccine” can be created from it. That information, my fellow Americans, is scarier than the film!

Forty-Five Years of Mask Studies Prove They’re Worthless

by Kelleigh Nelson

December 14, 2021

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.  —H.L. Mencken

Of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. —C. S. Lewis

A good deal of tyranny goes by the name of protection. —Crystal Eastman

Fear of death has been the greatest ally of tyranny past and present. —Sidney Hook

The masking of America, especially our children, has been detrimental to our mental and physical health.  I weep when I see parents put these evil things on their little ones.

This article is for parents with children in our government schools.  The following information needs to be distributed to school boards who will not listen to worried parents. Use it to save your little ones!

DOJ Calls Parents “Domestic Terrorists”

Parents who are standing up against the masking of their children at school board meetings are being threatened. Attorney General Merrick Garland admits he took the word of the National School Boards Administration that parents voicing concerns at their local school board meetings should be targeted as “domestic terrorists.”

Citing an increase in harassment, intimidation and threats of violence against school board members, teachers and workers in our nation’s government run schools, AG Garland met with federal, state, Tribal, territorial and local law enforcement leaders to discuss strategies for addressing this “disturbing trend.” What? Parents concerned for their children is a “disturbing trend?”

However, when Garland was questioned by Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), not one citing of intimidation or violence could be shown by parents across the USA against any school board members.  The lies of the stakeholder authoritarians keep pile up.

At an elementary school in Portland, Oregon, kindergartners were videotaped eating lunch outside and sitting on buckets socially distanced in 40-degree weather. That is child abuse, and parents are infuriated. State and local health departments are still mandating masks for school children and parents have realized how detrimental masks are to their child’s mental and physical health.  They’ve complained to their local school boards.

The mask tyranny has even hit the red state of Tennessee in Shelby County.  Parents were enraged that they weren’t allowed into the board meeting and police were there to keep them out.

Oxygen Deprivation

Research reveals that prolonged use of Covid masks, homemade or N95, can cause anywhere from five percent on up to 20 percent loss of oxygen, leading to hypercapnia (excessive carbon dioxide in the bloodstream typically caused by inadequate respiration), panic attacks, vertigo, double vision, tinnitus, concentration issues, headaches, slowed reactions, seizures, alterations in blood chemistry and suffocation due to air displacement.

We are killing our children!  Wake up America and get these things off your children’s faces!

We cannot allow children to continually breathe in exhaled carbon dioxide (CO2).  Even National Institutes of Health (NIH), a stakeholder in this vile jab for Sars-coV-2, states this is dangerous to your health.  It can lead to a light-headed, dizzy, flustered feeling from repeatedly re-breathing back in your own already processed air. Those are just the beginning warning signs of much more serious health problems.

According to Amesh A. Adalja, MD, and senior scholar at Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in Maryland, “wearing a mask day in and day out can lead to alterations in blood chemistry,” and that leads to “changes in level of consciousness.”

A German neurologist, Dr. Margarite Griesz-Brisson, MD, PhD (in pharmacology), who specializes in neurotoxicology and environmental medicine, warns that oxygen deprivation from prolonged Covid-mask wearing can cause permanent neurological damage.She states in her research, “The re-breathing of our exhaled air will without a doubt create oxygen deficiency and a flooding of carbon dioxide. We know that the human brain is very sensitive to oxygen deprivation. There are nerve cells for example in the hippocampus, that can’t be longer than 3 minutes without oxygen – they cannot survive. The acute warning symptoms are headaches, drowsiness, dizziness, issues in concentration, slowing down of the reaction time – reactions of the cognitive system.”

People think they’ve gotten used to wearing masks, but what they’ve actually gotten used to is having less oxygen in their brains.  They no longer mind the masks because once a person has chronic oxygen deprivation, all of those symptoms disappear. The person gets accustomed to the deprived state; however, their efficiency remains impaired and the lack of appropriate oxygen delivery to the brain continues to dangerously progress.  They literally are losing their minds.

People have so fallen for the fear factor of this virus with a 99.8% recovery, that they are wearing their masks in their cars, their homes, when they are outdoors or exercising.  Children are forced to wear their masks all day at school, with minimal or zero mask breaks, even during recess.  This is child abuse!

Masking Our Wee Ones

The oxygen deprivation mask syndrome is sweeping the globe and more are at risk.

Dr. Mark McDonald, a double board-certified clinical psychiatrist told of the damage to our children. Dr. McDonald said, “We’re not in a medical pandemic, we’re in a fear pandemic.”

He believes that what is driving the fear now is propaganda.  He said that children, unlike adults, don’t just bounce back; those children will not regain their psychological health.  As a child psychiatrist, he treats children all day long.

He stated, “The developmental stage children need to go through, babies, toddlers, young adults, is being foreclosed on them.  Brown University Department of Pediatrics published a study in mid-September that found that babies born after January 1st, 2020, when this whole pandemic started, had an IQ point drop of 20 points compared to babies born before January 1, 2020.  That’s huge!  Why?  They don’t see faces, they don’t play, they don’t have exposure to friends, they don’t go to school.  They’re basically locked in their homes looking at their parents for two years and their brains have not developed.”

“My concern is that we are building a generation of young people who are so traumatized that they will never fully recover from this.  Even if we give them therapy and treatment, they’re always going to be damaged from this and be scarred emotionally.  I don’t mean for it to be depressing, I mean for it to be alarming so that everyone can finally say, ‘STOP.’ We’ve got to stop the damage and then figure out what to do about it.”

It’s way past time to acknowledge what has been done wrong and the biggest problem was masks on children who rarely get or pass the virus.  To close their faces off from their peers and to wear face diapers in public is a developmental atrocity to our youth; I see it as child abuse.  Many parents home school, and those children have no social disabilities, but masks are a blockage that destroy interpersonal relationships and change the lives of these children for decades to come.And they destroy the brains of these youngsters by depriving them of proper oxygen.

Fear is a great driver, when fear is in the minds of people, they actually don’t want much public discourse, they don’t want much discussion, they basically just want to be told what to do.  The easiest thing to do is to defer to some type of agency.  The agencies who are calling the shots here are ones that typically don’t call the shots.

The FDA doesn’t tell doctors how to treat patients.  The Federal Drug Administration (FDA) is a drug regulatory, drug safety watchdog agency.  The National Institutes of Health (NIH), they don’t tell doctors how to treat patients.  They’re a government funded research organization.  The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) certainly doesn’t because they’re an infectious and chronic disease, epidemiologic and analytic organization.  We should not look to those groups to advise physicians how to treat patients.

Nor should we look to other unelected parties to tell us what to do, and that includes our local health departments who have advocated mandates that are destructive not only to children, but to all citizenry.And the latest is the euphemistically named Congressional bill H.R.550 (Immunization Infrastructure Modernization Act of 2021) which paves the way for state and local health departments, as well as public and private health care providers, to share personal health data with the federal government. The bill has hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars allocated to the tracking system’s success.

Mask Studies

Do masks actually work? The best studies suggest they don’t, appeared in The Washington Examiner on August 12, 2021.  (Please read the short article.)

“Of the 14 Randomized Controlled Trials (RCT) that have tested the effectiveness of masks in preventing the transmission of respiratory viruses, three suggest, but do not provide any statistically significant evidence in intention-to-treat analysis, that masks might be useful. The other eleven suggest that masks are either useless — whether compared with no masks or because they appear not to add to good hand hygiene alone — or actually counterproductive. Of the three studies that provided statistically significant evidence in intention-to-treat analysis that was not contradicted within the same study, one found that the combination of surgical masks and hand hygiene was less effective than hand hygiene alone, one found that the combination of surgical masks and hand hygiene was less effective than nothing, and one found that cloth masks were less effective than surgical masks.”

One free-thinking university professor at New York University was finally cleared for questioning masks in his class on propaganda.  Mark Crispin Miller took the stance of many independent scientists, questioning some of the motives of government and public health officials, as well as their often-vacillating stances on Covid-19.  Both students and other professors found it reprehensible that Miller was “thinking outside the box.”

Detrimental Surgical Masks

In August of this year, I wrote an article, The Mask Nazis Have Blood on their Hands, and told the story of Dr. Orr who found that not wearing surgical masks cut infections in half.  When I’ve told people about this, they wanted the article.

“Dr. Orr was a surgeon in the Severalls Surgical Unit in Colchester. And for six months, from March through August 1980, the surgeons and staff in that unit decided to see what would happen if they did not wear masks during surgeries. They wore no masks for six months, and compared the rate of surgical wound infections from March through August 1980 with the rate of wound infections from March through August of the previous four years. And they discovered, to their amazement, that when nobody wore masks during surgeries, the rate of wound infections was less than half what it was when everyone wore masks.”

Their conclusion: “It would appear that minimum contamination can best be achieved by not wearing a mask at all” and that wearing a mask during surgery “is a standard procedure that could be abandoned.”

Dr. Arthur Firstenberg took all of this a step further in his research and published the following in August of 2020.  He scoured the medical literature, sure that this was a fluke and that newer studies must show the utility of masks in preventing the spread of disease. But, “the medical literature for the past forty-five years has been consistent: masks are useless in preventing the spread of disease and, if anything, are unsanitary objects that themselves spread bacteria and viruses.”

Here are his amazing findings:

  • Ritter et al., in 1975, found that “the wearing of a surgical face mask had no effect upon the overall operating room environmental contamination.”
  • Ha’eri and Wiley, in 1980, applied human albumin microspheres to the interior of surgical masks in 20 operations. At the end of each operation, wound washings were examined under the microscope. “Particle contamination of the wound was demonstrated in all experiments.”
  • Laslett and Sabin, in 1989, found that caps and masks were not necessary during cardiac catheterization. “No infections were found in any patient, regardless of whether a cap or mask was used,” they wrote. Sjøl and Kelbaek came to the same conclusion in 2002.
  • In Tunevall’s 1991 study, a general surgical team wore no masks in half of their surgeries for two years. After 1,537 operations performed with masks, the wound infection rate was 4.7%, while after 1,551 operations performed without masks, the wound infection rate was only 3.5%.
  • A review by Skinner and Sutton in 2001 concluded that “The evidence for discontinuing the use of surgical face masks would appear to be stronger than the evidence available to support their continued use.
  • Lahme et al., in 2001, wrote that “surgical face masks worn by patients during regional anesthesia, did not reduce the concentration of airborne bacteria over the operation field in our study. Thus they are dispensable.”
  • Figueiredo et al., in 2001, reported that in five years of doing peritoneal dialysis without masks, rates of peritonitis in their unit were no different than rates in hospitals where masks were worn.
  • Bahli did a systematic literature review in 2009 and found that “no significant difference in the incidence of postoperative wound infection was observed between masks groups and groups operated with no masks.
  • Surgeons at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, recognizing the lack of evidence supporting the use of masks, ceased requiring them in 2010 for anesthesiologists and other non-scrubbed personnel in the operating room. “Our decision to no longer require routine surgical masks for personnel not scrubbed for surgery is a departure from common practice. But the evidence to support this practice does not exist,” wrote Dr. Eva Sellden.
  • Webster et al., in 2010, reported on obstetric, gynecological, general, orthopedic, breast, and urological surgeries performed on 827 patients. All non-scrubbed staff wore masks in half the surgeries, and none of the non-scrubbed staff wore masks in half the surgeries. Surgical site infections occurred in 11.5% of the Mask group, and in only 9.0% of the No Mask group.
  • Lipp and Edwards reviewed the surgical literature in 2014 and found “no statistically significant difference in infection rates between the masked and unmasked group in any of the trials.” Vincent and Edwards updated this review in 2016 and the conclusion was the same.
  • Carøe, in a 2014 review based on four studies and 6,006 patients, wrote that “none of the four studies found a difference in the number of post-operative infections whether you used a surgical mask or not.”
  • Salassa and Swiontkowski, in 2014, investigated the necessity of scrubs, masks, and head coverings in the operating room and concluded that “there is no evidence that these measures reduce the prevalence of surgical site infection.”
  • Da Zhou et al., reviewing the literature in 2015, concluded that “there is a lack of substantial evidence to support claims that face masks protect either patient or surgeon from infectious contamination.”

Schools in China are now prohibiting students from wearing masks while exercising. Why? Because it was killing them. It was depriving them of oxygen and it was killing them. At least three children died during Physical Education classes — two of them while running on their school’s track while wearing a mask. And a 26-year-old man suffered a collapsed lung after running two and a half miles while wearing a mask.

Mandating masks has not kept death rates down anywhere. The 20 U.S. states that have never ordered people to wear face masks indoors and out have dramatically lower COVID-19 death rates than the 30 states that have mandated masks. Most of the no-mask states have COVID-19 death rates below 20 per 100,000 population, and none have a death rate higher than 55. All 13 states that have death rates higher 55 are states that have required the wearing of masks in all public places. It has not protected them.

“We are living in an atmosphere of permanent illness, of meaningless separation,” writes Benjamin Cherry in the Summer 2020 issue of New View magazine. A separation that is destroying lives, souls, and nature.

Arthur Firstenberg
August 11, 2020


This last portion of this article should be used by the many parents fighting school boards who want to put these horrid face diapers on children for many hours every day.  Feel free to distribute widely.  God help us to get these evil things off everyone’s faces, but especially the wee ones.

© 2021 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson:

Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health – Oral Arguments

by Paul Engel

December 13, 2021

  • Recent oral arguments at the Supreme Court have brought to the public’s attention not only the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health, but Roe v. Wade and the “right” to abortion itself.
  • The heart of this case is much more than abortion. The willingness of the Supreme Court to abandon previous opinions that they recognize are wrong and the supremacy of precedent above the law and the Constitution is also on trial.
  • Some on the court are concerned with what will happen to their reputation if they overturn Roe. No one seems to be concerned with the reputation of the Court should they be unwilling to review the validity of that decision.

The Supreme Court opinions in Roe v Wade (Roe) and Planned Parenthood vs Casey (Casey) have been political footballs since the day they were decided. A recent Mississippi law placed restrictions on abortions within the state that contradict the standards set by Roe and Casey. Not surprisingly, a lawsuit was filed challenging the Mississippi law. Recently, oral arguments in this case were heard at the Supreme Court. I found a number of arguments that I believe anyone interested in what the Constitution actually says would find worth their time.

The plaintiff, Thomas E. Dobbs, is the State Health Officer of the Mississippi Department of Health. In 2018, Mississippi enacted the Gestational Age Act, which prohibited abortions after 15 weeks gestation except in medical emergencies or where severe fetal abnormalities were found. Jackson Women’s Health sued in federal District Court and won. The case was appealed to the Fifth Circuit, which agreed with the District Court. Mr. Dobbs then petitioned the Supreme Court for review of the case. Arguing for the petitioner, Scott Steward, Solicitor General of Mississippi went first. And he started out with a bang.

  1. STEWART: Mr. Chief Justice, and may it please the Court:
    Roe versus Wade and Planned Parenthood versus Casey haunt our country. They have no basis in the Constitution. They have no home in our history or traditions. Theyve damaged the democratic process. Theyve poisoned the law. Theyve choked off compromise.

For 50 years, theyve kept this Court at the center of a political battle that it can never resolve. And 50 years on, they stand alone. Nowhere else does this Court recognize a right to end a human life.

Dobbs v. Jackson Womens Health – Oral Arguments

I’ve talked before about the Roe opinion, but I believe Mr. Stewart is just as correct about Casey. Both claim that a woman’s right to liberty supersedes the right to life of the child in the womb, at least until the point of viability. As I understand it, the main difference between Roe and Casey is Roe used an arbitrary “trimester” approach while Casey used an arbitrary “undue burden” one. Roe divided a woman’s pregnancy into three “trimesters” and set conditions and exceptions on that schedule while Casey looked to see if the state law imposed an undue burden on the exercise of a woman’s liberty to terminate her pregnancy. Both found this right to abortion in the Fourteen Amendment’s Due Process Clause, specifically the right not to be deprived of liberty without due process of law.

For 50 years, Roe and Casey have been at the center of a political battle, and the court has been a willing participant. When was the last time the confirmation of a federal judge did not include the question of whether or not they support Roe? How long has the Senate used stare decisis as a sword of Damocles above the heads of nominated judges, requiring a demonstration of fealty to the right of abortion.

Consider this case: The Mississippi law here prohibits abortions after 15 weeks.
The law includes robust exceptions for a womans life and health. It leaves months to obtain an abortion. Yet, the courts below struck the law down. It didnt matter that the law apply — that the law applies when an unborn child is undeniably human, when risks to women surge, and when the common abortion procedure is brutal. The lower courts held that because the law prohibits abortions before viability, it is unconstitutional no matter what.

Dobbs v. Jackson Womens Health – Oral Arguments

To me, the law in question seems more than reasonable, even if 15 weeks is just another arbitrary timeframe. However, Justice Breyer points out the crux of the question.

JUSTICE BREYER: … what stare decisis principles should be used to overrule a case like Roe. And they say Roe is special. Whats special about it? They say its rare. They call it a watershed. Why? Because the country is divided. Because feelings run high. And yet the country, for better or for worse, decided to resolve their differences by this Court laying down a constitutional principle, in this case, womens choice. All right. Thats what makes it rare.

Dobbs v. Jackson Womens Health – Oral Arguments

While oral arguments discussed many questions about the Mississippi law, the big question revolves around stare decisis, latin for “let the decision stand”. Justice Breyer says “they” claim Roe is special because it is rare. But how rare is it? Sure, there aren’t many cases about abortion that get to the Supreme Court, but there are plenty of cases where the court has “found” a right that isn’t in the language of the Constitution. Breyer says people claim Roe is special because the country is divided, but the country is divided over many things, not just abortion. Then Justice Breyer claims the country decided to resolve these difference by having the court lay down a constitutional principle. However, the country did not ask the court to decide the issue, a small group of activists did. The country did not consent to the court’s “laying down” constitutional principles, but the court did. Justice Breyer went on:

Thats not what Im asking about. I want your reaction to what they said follows from that. What the Court said follows from that is that it should be more unwilling to overrule a prior case, far more unwilling we should be, whether that case is right or wrong, than the ordinary case.

Dobbs v. Jackson Womens Health – Oral Arguments

That, to me, is the crux of the matter, because that is what really makes Roe and Casey “rare” and dangerous: The court’s unwillingness to change its mind, even when it’s wrong. Of course, according to Justice Breyer, it’s not the court’s fault.

And why? Well, they have a lot of words there, but Ill give you about 10 or 20. There will be inevitable efforts to overturn it. Of course, there will. Feelings run high. And it is particularly important to show what we do in overturning a case is grounded in principle and not social pressure, not political pressure.

Only the most convincing justification can show that a later decision overruling,” if thats what we do, was anything but a surrender to political pressures or new members.” And that is an unjustified repudiation of principles on which the Court stakes its authority.

Dobbs v. Jackson Womens Health – Oral Arguments

The reason the Roe and Casey decisions are wrong is not because feelings run high. And the reason to overturn it has nothing to do with political pressure. In fact, I would say it is political pressure that has kept these bad opinions around for so long. So why Does Justice Breyer believe the court should be so reluctant to overturn precident?

Overruling unnecessarily and under pressure would lead to condemnation, the Courts loss of confidence in the judiciary, the ability of the Court to exercise the judicial power and to function as the Supreme Court of a nation dedicated to the rule of law.

Dobbs v. Jackson Womens Health – Oral Arguments

Isn’t it the fact the courts are so reticent to change their minds on a wrong opinion that truly causes the lack of confidence in the judiciary? How can a member of the court claim it is the court of a nation dedicated to the rule of law if they place previous opinions above the law? Apparently, it’s not enough for the court’s decision to be wrong, it must be really, really wrong. It seems the court is more concerned with their reputation than upholding their oath of office.

Justice Breyer wasn’t the only one to bring up politicization. Justice Sotomayor took a slightly different angle:

JUSTICE SOTOMAYOR: — what hasnt been at issue in the last 30 years is the line that Casey drew of viability. There has been some difference of opinion with respect to undue burden, but the right of a woman to choose, the right to control her own body, has been clearly set for — since Casey and never challenged.

You want us to reject that line of viability and adopt something different. Fifteen justices over 50 years have — or I should say 30 since Casey have reaffirmed that basic viability line. Four have said no, two of them members of this Court. But 15 justices have said yes, of varying political backgrounds.

Now the sponsors of this bill, the House bill, in Mississippi, said were doing it because we have new justices. The newest ban that Mississippi has put in place, the six-week ban, the Senate sponsors said were doing it because we have new justices on the Supreme Court.

Will this institution survive the stench that this creates in the public perception that the Constitution and its reading are just political acts?

Dobbs v. Jackson Womens Health – Oral Arguments

The question of when a child in the womb receives legal protection has been the central issue since Roe was decided in 1973, almost 50 years ago. While the Roe case, later reaffirmed by Casey, set that milestone at the point of viability, that only settled the controversy in the minds of the justices. Every year since the Roe decision thousands of people per year have demonstrated on the steps of the Supreme Court their unwillingness to accept the court’s decision. Justice Sotomayor asks if the court will survive the stench of the perception that their interpretation of the Constitution is merely a political act. Since everyone currently on the court had to pledge fidelity to Roe v. Wade as part of their confirmation in the Senate, I would say they have been living under that stench for almost 50 years. The question I have is, will this country survive the stench of denying constitutionally protected rights to the most vulnerable among us simply to appease a political party?

JUSTICE SOTOMAYOR: Virtually every state defines a brain death as death. Yet, the literature is filled with episodes of people who are completely and utterly brain dead responding to stimuli. Theres about 40 percent of dead people who, if you touch their feet, the foot will recoil. There are spontaneous acts by dead brain people. So I dont think that a response to — by a fetus necessarily proves that theres a sensation of pain or that theres consciousness.

Dobbs v. Jackson Womens Health – Oral Arguments

Justice Sotomayor has received some very harsh criticism for this question, but I think it’s an important one. If the Constitution says you cannot be deprived of life without due process, which happens to be my legal argument against abortion, figuring out when life begins would be an important step. Sotomayor claims that 40 percent of brain dead people react to stimuli and have spontaneous acts. Does that statement hold up? Merriam-Webster defines brain death as:

final cessation of activity in the central nervous system especially as indicated by a flat electroencephalogram for a predetermined length of time

Brain Death – Merriam Webster

If there is no activity in the central nervous system, then there can be no spontaneous actions. Since a flat electroencephalogram may not rule out reflexive movements similar to the touching of a foot, Justice Sotomayor seems to have a point. So I searched federal law for a definition of “brain death”, but could not find one. This makes sense, since the power to define medical conditions was never delegated to the United States. However, I did find it in the Mississippi Code Annotated:

An individual who has sustained either (a) irreversible cessation of circulatory and respiratory functions or (b) irreversible cessation of all functions of the entire brain, including the brain stem, is dead. A determination of death must be made in accordance with accepted medical standards.

Determination of Death – Miss. Code Ann. § 41-36-3

There has been medical evidence that children in the womb react to stimuli, but is that enough to prove life? If the reactions are merely reflexive, such as flinching from pain, proof of life might be questionable. According to the Mayo Clinic, by 16 weeks gestation the baby’s eyes and limbs move on their own. This spontaneous movement shows activity in the baby’s brain. Furthermore, according to the Charlotte Lozier Institute:

A recent review of the evidence concludes that from the 15th week of gestation onward, the fetus is extremely sensitive to painful stimuli, and that this fact should be taken into account when performing invasive medical procedures on the fetus. It is necessary to apply adequate analgesia to prevent the suffering of the fetus.”

Fact Sheet: Science of Fetal Pain – Charlotte Lozier Institute

If, at 15 weeks gestation, it is necessary to protect the baby from suffering, then doesn’t the baby also deserve the protection of their life? There have even been reports of the baby in the womb attempting to get away from the abortionists tools. If the child in the womb has the consciousness to attempt to escape from danger, can we not agree that it is alive and deserving of our protection?


There was so much more in these oral arguments that I do not have the space to deal with them here. The question of undue burden, is the opposition to abortion merely a religious view, the relative safety of abortions compared to giving birth, even the assertion of Justice Sotomayor that the supreme court has the final word on what is constitutional, are all worthy of further study. Whether I cover those topics in another article or not, I will certainly review the court’s decision when it is released. Regardless of where you stand on the topic, it is clear that the question of abortion will not be leaving the social discussion any time soon.

© 2021 Paul Engel – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Paul Engel:

[Paul Engel founded The Constitution Study in 2014 to help everyday Americans read and study the Constitution. Author and speaker, Paul has spent more than 20 years studying and teaching about both the Bible and the U.S. Constitution. Freely admitting that he “learned more about our Constitution from School House Rock than in 12 years of public school” he proves that anyone can be a constitutional scholar. You can find his books on Amazon and Apple Books. You can also find his books, classes and other products at the Constitution Study website (]

Jussie Smollett: Corruption of Integrity, Honesty, Honor—A Tale Told by an Idiot

By Frosty Wooldridge

December 13, 2021

Shakespeare’s Macbeth said, “Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more. It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.”

This quote, spoken by Macbeth, equates to life being brief and meaningless.  It may be meaningless in the expanse of the universe, however, it’s meaningful to you during your time on this planet.

During the past 24 months of tales told by idiots Jussie Smollett, Don Lemon, Joe Scarborough, Joy Reid, Whoopi Goldberg, Joy Behar, Al Sharpton, Barack Obama, Chuck Todd and endless talking heads—average, hardworking Americans have endured being tagged with “White Supremacy…White Privilege…Racism…Racists…White Terrorists” and more nasty monikers.

Except it’s not White people “smashing and grabbing” millions of dollars in mercantile goods in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, New York City, Detroit, Chicago, et al in 2021. In the summer of 2020, it wasn’t White people who burned, looted and killed to the tune of $2 billion in property and goods.

CNN host Don Lemon said that, “The biggest terror threat in this country is white men.”

If any White newscaster said those words, Black Lives Matter would have gone on a burning rampage.  That newscaster would have been fired in a New York Minute.

But what Chicago B-grade actor Jussie Smollett did on January 29, 2019, takes the cake for lying, dishonesty, corruption, and a total breakdown of personal ethics, personal accountability and simple citizenship.

He staged a racial “hate crime” by two of his Black friends who were immigrants from Nigeria.  He staged his being beat up by Trump-supporting MAGA hat-wearing Black guys who called him the N-word and other racist epithets.   They helped him tie a rope around his neck to fake a lynching.

Later, facing ABC’s highest paid Black anchor Robin Roberts, he spoke about telling the truth, that Americans, “Don’t want to see the truth.”  In the ensuing 16-minute interview, he lied, lied again, and lied every minute of his time with Roberts. She ate it up.  He said, “The place where we are in this country today…the fact that we have these fear mongers…these people trying to separate us as to our color…it’s just not okay…who ties a noose around your neck and pours bleach on you?”

Jussie Smollett is an All-American liar, thief of reality, racist, small-minded, pathetic actor, false accuser and horrible role model for anyone who aspires to live a life of decency, honor and personal accountability.

After a jury convicted him on five of six counts last week, he vows to take it  to an appeals court to clear his good name.  Unfortunately, that’s nothing more than Hollywood hype to drag the American people through more of his gutter tripe.

But what does it say about Robin Roberts, Joy Reid, Joy Behar, Whoopi Goldberg, Joe Scarborough, Don Lemon and the rest of them who pour gasoline on the racial fires blazing across America? What does it say for those people shoving Critical Race Theory down everyone’s throats?

Do any of those players want to see our country remain viable, honorable, equitable and thriving?  Or, do they want to see more of BLM, Antifa and Jussie Smollett’s playing their intensely destructive society mind-games?

The facts: Don Lemon, Joy Reid, and Whoopi Goldberg show themselves to be “domestic terrorists” on camera.  They provoke conflict.  They incite people to be angry to the point of clashing and conflagration.

In the end, as Shakespeare said, we’re all small players strutting and fretting about on the stage during our time on this planet, and in this country. Let me make this point: if you’ve traveled around the world, you cannot help understand that America offers each of its citizens of all colors, a hundred more times the education, jobs, opportunities, creative outlets, and personal success than anywhere in China, Africa, India, Bangladesh, Mexico and 100 other countries.

For the record, I don’t see any ethnic groups choosing to move to anywhere in Africa, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Mexico, Indochina, India, China, Bangladesh….   Why? Because there’s about 2,000,000,000 (billion)  people on this planet that cannot secure a clean glass of drinking water daily or three square meals a day.  An average of 4,000,000 children starve to death annually, worldwide.  So, exactly what is Don Lemon’s and Whoopi Goldberg’s complaint with America?

Wouldn’t it be more productive if those talking pundits pushed a more positive, meaningful and optimistic picture of life in America?  As nasty as Don Lemon and Whoopi speak, they wouldn’t trade a second in America for a life in Africa.  And it’s a guaranteed fact that Jussie Smollett wouldn’t enjoy riches and an acting career in his native Nigeria.

Hopefully, about three to six years in a jail cell will give him time to count his blessings.

Is anyone in America thinking about these questions?  Are we not galloping into America’s twilight years?

If you would like a free electronic copy of this book, please email me with your email address and I will send it to you.  Every American with children or any American who will live in this country in 2050, needs to understand what they face.

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121.

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

This video will scare the daylights out of every American as to what’s coming to our country, US Citizenship Act 2021 by Joe Biden.

If you want to see two documentaries that give visual proof of my book’s contents, go to Netflix, and type in “Cowspiracy” that shows you the damage to the air, land and water.  Watch “Seaspiracy” to see how humans are destroying the oceans.

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

COVID-19: Weaponized Flu Designed to be Endemic

By: Devvy

December 13, 2021

Endemic:  (of a disease) persisting in a population or region, generally having settled to a relatively constant rate of occurrence:The coronavirus that causes COVID-19 may never disappear, but could become endemic like HIV.

Americans were told a vaccine would be the solution to the SARS-C0V-2 manufactured pandemic.  The world anxiously awaited the miracle to come from corporations who manufacture vaccines.  The first doses here in the U.S. were given December 19, 2020.

Those experimental injections being sold as vaccines, which they are not, were sold as safe so line up and get yours now so America can return to normal.  Despite the best efforts by scientists and doctors around the world warning do NOT take them, the iron fist of censorship by tech-giants like Facebook, Twitter, Google and the prostitute media (print and electronic, TV networks including FOX) made sure the American people have been denied the truth about those experimental injections.

As time has passed, only those held hostage by their own fear of the truth because they have taken the injections, Hollywood nitwits, the prostitute media and politicians with an agenda can’t see those experimental injections do not work.

First, get one of the brands; two doses.  Oh, that isn’t working so you need three separate sets of injections.  Within a few months, need a booster.  Oh, you need another booster.  Booster Shots Fail To Keep 7 Triple Vaccinated Germans From Contracting Omicron COVID Variant

BOOSTER SYNDROME: The jab lowers white blood cells more and more with each shot, turning vaccinated people into AIDS-like patients, Dec. 12, 2021 – This is a truly frightening read.

8 Top Pfizer, Moderna Shareholders $10 Billion Richer After Media Hypes Omicron Fears, Dec. 7, 2021 (Fear created and promoted by the prostitute media and politicians around the world. Right now,the United Kingdom is the land of stupidity and heavy-handed freedom killing politicians like their PM, circus clown, Boris Johnson.)

In the meantime, the injected are losing 5% immunity protection per month which is why we are seeing astronomical numbers of people already injected continuing to get COVID – 19.

No doubt they’re told they have this virus which doesn’t exist using the PCR test that doesn’t test for any virus.  As I wrote to my email list last week regarding my late mother.  Last year (July) she was taken to the ER (mother was 92 then; she passed away January 30, 2021 at age 93.).

I held her Medical Power of Attorney. The hospital couldn’t put a Band Aid on her without my permission. But, they had already given her a PCR test and determined she was positive.  Mother had been having some respiratory issues since summer 2019.  It would come and go long before COVID.  I told both doctors in the ER, no, she does not after they confirmed they used an RT-PCR test.  I politely explained to them the problem with that test.  Water off a duck’s back.  I told them in no uncertain terms: Do not put my mother on a respirator or do anything else to her until I speak with the hospital’s infectious disease “expert”.

Jennifer was very nice and listened.  But then said, well, that’s the test we use but we could do an antigen test.  I again explained to her the problem:  the CDC has never isolated, much less proven they have a purified isolated particles specimen.   They went ahead and gave her the test and, drum roll:  She was shipped back to her assisted living apartment the next day with some meds for congestion.  Mother never had COVID.  That hospital lost a big chunk of moola.

I am not a doctor or a scientist.  But, like so many millions of Americans, I’ve watched a great many videos and read interviews to fully understand the monstrous lie called the COVID pandemic.  Since last year some of the finest scientific minds in the world have referred to COVID as a weaponized flu.  Others say it’s a biological warfare weapon:

February 3, 2020Creator Of US BioWeapons Act Says Coronavirus Is Biological Warfare Weapon – “In an explosive interview Dr. Francis Boyle, who drafted the Biological Weapons Act has given a detailed statement admitting that the 2019 Wuhan Coronavirus is an offensive Biological Warfare Weapon and that the World Health Organization (WHO) already knows about it.

“Francis Boyle is a professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law. He drafted the U.S. domestic implementing legislation for the Biological Weapons Convention, known as the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, that was approved unanimously by both Houses of the U.S. Congress and signed into law by President George H.W. Bush.

“In an exclusive interview given to Geopolitics and Empire, Dr. Boyle discusses the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, China and the Biosafety Level 4 laboratory (BSL-4) from which he believes the infectious disease escaped. He believes the virus is potentially lethal and an offensive biological warfare weapon or dual-use biowarfare weapons agent genetically modified with gain of function properties, which is why the Chinese government originally tried to cover it up and is now taking drastic measures to contain it.

“The Wuhan BSL-4 lab is also a specially designated World Health Organization (WHO) research lab and Dr. Boyle contends that the WHO knows full well what is occurring…”

The article above refers to this article written on January 26, 2020:  Coronavirus Bioweapon – How China Stole Coronavirus From Canada And Weaponized It.  The problem with it is that the diagnostic test used was the RT-PCR test.  So, once again, everything else after that is DOA since the PCR test is NOT a diagnostic tool according to Kary Mullins who invented it (And won a Nobel Prize) but rather a very important scientific achievement:  The PCR test is a manufacturing technique.

“He Doesn’t Know Anything – And I’d Say it to His Face” – Nobel Prize Winning Inventor of PCR Test UNLOADS on Dr. Fauci in Earlier Video

Why do I believe COVID is a weaponized flu?  The symptoms are so similar.  Sanford

In 2020 the CDC decided to stop tracking the number of influenza flu cases hoping the American people wouldn’t notice.  Influenza flu season last year turned into everything COVID-19 and the same is happening again right now.  Big money for everyone – except the victims of political lockdowns, loss of jobs and misery.  Keep scaring the public everyday with X number of new cases!!! – based on PCR tests.  Now these variants using a PCR test.  We are now into the annual influenza season and once again, everything is COVID so get the injections.  If you don’t, you’re selfish, you don’t care about your family, co-workers, friends.

CNBC Crackpot: “Unvaccinated” People Must Be Rounded Up By Military & “Force Vaccinated” At Gunpoint Starting First Of 2022, Dec. 10, 2021

She must be AOC’s cousin:  Erie, PA, Teacher Calls for Religious Exempted Unvaccinated To Be Shot & Killed, Dec. 8, 2021

Another deranged Democrat:  Governor likens unvaccinated to domestic terrorists, Dec. 11, 2021 – “Thirty-four percent of Washingtonians are walking around with a time bomb in their backpack because they’re not vaccinated,” he said at a press conference.”  How absurd.

In my lifetime I’ve never seen such undisguised anger and outright hatred by Americans towards other Americans who choose not to take experimental injections – especially once they find out just how dangerous they are to humans.This is an excellent analysis with all the current data.  If you can’t read it now, bookmark it for later but do read it.

This is just my hypothesis:  A flu strain is weaponized to become endemic – by design.  Because America has such a high percentage of unhealthy individuals, they are the first knocked down.  Obesity is at the top of the list, then comes heart problems, respiratory problems, those with diabetes.  Their immune systems are shot and unable to fight off diseases.  I won’t say virus.  If you haven’t been to this web site, please take the time later.  Seeing is believing and you will see every letter from the CDC proving they have never scientifically proven any of the list of viruses exist.

Now we have this weaponized flu which is going to last all year long, not just during the influenza flu season.  That’s what we’ve seen since early March 2020.  Hospitalizations, missing work, suffering, medications.  Cha-ching.  To combat this “raging and highly contagious virus” the only hope is a vaccine.  The cash register has been going cha-ching for a year now into almost triple digit BILLIONS.  Year in and year out is the plan.  Quite a lucrative business model.

During this pot of gold waterfall, people around the world are dying by the thousands and it will get worse.

Dr. Sherry Tenpenny

“It takes at least 6 weeks from the time you get your injection for the spike antibody to start to develop.  So, somewhere between 3 months and quite frankly 20 years.  The immunologist I spoke to said that over the next 10 years we are going to see this go on in perpetuity, because it can take anywhere from 2 years to 19 years to get full blown auto-immune disease.  I think we will see massive injuries and a lot more deaths starting somewhere between 4 and 18 months from now.   This Vaccine will permanently alter your immune system.

“When you get this spike antibody in your system it will permanently and irreversibly change your immune system.  The messenger RNA is the spike protein to develop an antibody against that spike protein.  It means next time you come in contact with a virus the antibody should block you from getting sick.

“However, not only does it not stop you from getting sick, the antibody itself is going to turn on your body and create havoc and massive auto-immune disease. It attacks your organs by molecular mimicry. It is a genetic modification technology.”

Baby of ‘fully vaccinated’ mom dies after born bleeding from mouth, nose: VAERS reportA two-year-old’s death which was then scrubbed from the website, a neonate’s hemorrhaging death, and an eight-year-old’s heart attack were among recent VAERS reports, Dec. 10, 2021 – “A baby whose mother received two COVID vaccine shots during her last trimester of pregnancy was born bleeding from his mouth and nose, and died the day after his birth, according to a recent report to the U.S. government’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System from a foreign “regulatory authority.”

Too many die within 48 hours after getting injected – even young, strong athletes.  Some 5-6 months after, others depending on their immune system could take years – as many as 10, but will bring premature death.  The auto-immune diseases will come first to an already unhealthy population.  I happened to run into a physician I know here in my city last week.  Without violating any sort of confidentiality, he said Big Spring is a very sick city.  Yes, there are still people here driving around alone wearing those useless, worthless face masks and in stores living in fear.  I will say the majority I see are very overweight (25-40 pounds) to obese.

No one wants to work anymore

They’re getting government checks so why get a job?  Again, I speculate but look at these numbers and remember, only 1% reporting:

“99,943 hospitalizations, 102,602 urgent care visits, 9,746 heart attacks, 34,481 severe allergic reactions, 31,652 people permanently disabled, 15,424 cases of myocarditis/pericarditis reported following COVID-19 vaccination as of November 26, 2021 – CDC, VAERS[3]”

Medicare Data Shows 48,465 Deaths Over 80 Within 14 Days Of Shots: Scrubbed As Non Vaccinated: Renz, Dec. 11, 2021

If you missed this, Steve Hirsch is a billionaire.  Using the CDC’s numbers and mathematical methodology, he (five months ago) said in a video presentation 212,000 have died after receiving those injections with 2 million suffering injury from the shots.  He’s offering a $1 MILLION dollar research grant to anyone who can prove him wrong.  So far, no takers.

Why?  Because doctors are afraid of retaliation, losing hospital privileges.  Scientists from virologists to microbiologists are afraid of losing grant money and so forth.  Even if you want to say Hirsch is only 50% accurate, you’re talking one MILLION Americans too sick to work or missing so much work they are laid off.  Almost 32,000 (1% reporting) permanently disabled and can no longer work.  Where’s the workforce? I submit to you it is being impacted by the number of deaths and serious injury from those injections. Sadly, it will only get worse.

The hysteria in England, Australia and other countries over this “new” variant, Omicron is simply absurd.  Nobel Prize Winner Warns Vaccines Facilitate Development of Deadlier COVID Variants, Urges Public to Reject Jabs, May 20, 2021.  I suppose the fake ‘fact checkers’ will flay Monsieur Montagnier as another scientist who doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

Stunning: Facebook Court Filing Admits ‘Fact Checks’ Are Just a Matter of Opinion, Dec. 11, 2021

There’s no profit in natural immunity

All this time the truth about natural immunity has been crushed by the conspirators pushing this plandemic.  Fauci, Walensky, mass censorship by the big tech giants and the whole corrupt, immoral, rotten cabal.

This bears repeating if it helps one person.  The last vaccine I had was age 5.  Have never had a flu or pneumonia shot or any of them.  In December 1993 I was traveling from California back home to Colorado.  By the time I got home, I was so sick.  Me who rarely got sick and hadn’t had the flu for many years.  My late husband took me to Swedish Medical Center.

The doctor told me I had the Bejiing flu, people were dying all over Denver.  Going to give you a shot and some pills.  I said no, he got mad and called John into the room.  My husband’s response:  She’s a grown woman and can make her own decisions.  For eight days I was so sick; ran a high fever most of the time.  And that was the last time I had the flu – 28 years ago this month.

Why?  I believe my natural immune system was strong as I’ve been a ‘clean’ eater all my adult life; don’t do drugs.  I still only weigh about 8-10 pounds more than I did when I started modeling at age 17.  Take no medications except pain meds for my spine; very limited on that.

I believe because I had a severe case of that flu strain, I am very unlikely to get this weaponized COVID flu.  Plus, I continue to take my supplements – especially L-Lysine (For three months now).  Lysine Therapy for SARS-CoV-2  (Just FYI, I take NutraBio L-Lysine Powder – Pure Grade Amino Acid – 500 Grams – Essential Amino Acid – Non-GMO – Gluten-Free – Vegan.  Tasteless, half a glass of ice water.)

Repeat:  There’s no profits in natural immunity

(Former Congressman & doctor) Ron Paul: The Case For Lockdowns, Masks, School Closures, ‘Distancing’ Has Just Collapsed, August 20, 2020 – “It turns out that people develop lasting T-cell immunities, that patients have been successfully treated with T-cells from asymptomatic test-positive cases, and that the virus rarely spreads outside the family setting. What are the authoritarians going to do when it is no longer possible to keep this information hidden? How will they keep people shut down.”  By force, by threat of arrest, closing down your business.

April 13, 2020:  “The virus could be “exterminated” within weeks if people were allowed to lead normal lives and the vulnerable were sheltered until the virus passes, said Knut Wittkowski, Ph.D., the former head of the Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Research Design at the Rockefeller University in New York City.

“[W]hat people are trying to do is flatten the curve. I don’t really know why,” he said in an interview with The Press and The Public Project that was featured by The College Fix.

“But, what happens is if you flatten the curve, you also prolong, to widen it, and it takes more time,” he explained. “And I don’t see a good reason for a respiratory disease to stay in the population longer than necessary.”  Wittkowski said the only thing that stops respiratory diseases is herd immunity. Herd immunity happens when a large percentage of a population becomes immune to an infectious disease, which stops its spread.”

Natural Immunity More Protective Over Time Than COVID-19 Vaccination: Study, Nov. 11, 2021

MUST watch:  HUGE! Glenn Beck on Tucker Carlson: US Doctors Were Reviewing Moderna Vaccine In December 2019 Before COVID Hit the US (VIDEO)

THIS is also a MUST read.  While you may be aware of some of the data, a hundred million + Americans have no clue.  The report below contains a ton of information & data, some I didn’t know.  It’s 52 pages but you won’t be bored, believe me.  Actually, it’s horrifying. It’s up to us to get this information to the world so I hope you’ll get this column on social media and email lists.

THE VACCINE DEATH REPORT:  Evidence of millions of deaths and serious adverse events resulting from the experimental COVID – 19 injections by David John Sorensen & Dr. Vladimir ZelenKo, MD, September 2021

These crimes against humanity MUST be exposed.  We need just one DA or state prosecutor to convene a grand jury and this whole criminal conspiracy will get blown out of the water.  Otherwise, this nightmare and more draconian “mandates” will continue to cripple freedom and bring suffering where there’s absolutely no justification.

Roadmap for Prosecuting COVID Crimes, Nov. 28, 2021

BTW: If you’re an early Christmas shopper, don’t forget to order a copy of my book, Taking Politics Out of Solutions. 400 pages of facts and solutions.  Here’s one review from Amazon: “There’s not a book out there that so substantially documents the source of every truth she presents; links, affidavits, other books, legislative testimony, interviews ad infinitum…You will be amazed at how many instances she refers to regarding the present-day political mechanizations that are plainly and blatantly UnConstitutional!  For all the above reasons, if in the not-too-distant future, the survivors of our once-great nation try to piece together a road map for OUR return to a Constitutional Republic, they couldn’t use a better resource.” Last day for shipping (even priority mail) will be Dec. 19, 2021.

© 2021 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:

Related links:

If the Vaccine Is So Great, Why Are So Many People Dropping Dead? Dec. 12, 2021“Now let me let you in on a terrible secret. My insider health care sources are reporting so many victims are filing reports with VAERS that the system is hopelessly overwhelmed and backed up. There may be 20,000 or 40,000 or 60,000 more deaths waiting to be processed into the VAERS system. They tell me the numbers are staggering.”  They’re not filing for unemployment because they can’t.  They’ sick.

(VIDEO) Doctor Warns Stillbirths Are Rampant Among Fully Vaccinated Mothers, Launches Investigation, Dec. 11, 2021

Ontario MPP Rick Nicholls Asks Parliament Why 86 Stillbirths of Fully Vaccinated Mothers Have Occurred – 2,893 Fetal Deaths Now in VAERS Following COVID Shots, Nov. 10, 2021

American Heart Association Journal: 97.8% Adolescents and Young Adults with Myocarditis had an mRNA COVID-19 Shot, Dec. 8, 2021

People With Johnson & Johnson Vaccine Have 1700% Greater Risk of Getting Guillain-Barré Syndrome, Paralysis: Study, Dec. 8, 2021

READ:  The REAL Agenda Behind Mad Push to Inject Every Child for COVID, Dec. 7, 2021

THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN IN AMERICA (Emphasis mine):  With Ivermectin in Hand, Wife Dies While Husband Begs Hospital to Administer, Dec. 11, 2021 – “David DeLuca of Sicklerville, New Jersey will never know if the Ivermectin prescribed by an out-of-state doctor for his wife would have saved her life. Colleen DeLuca, 62, died of COVID-19 on Oct. 10, at Jefferson Washington Township Hospital in Sewell, New Jersey, before he could get a court order to administer the drug.

“Ivermectin has helped in some cases, but across the United States, many hospitals don’t include it in their COVID protocol for treatment and refuse to use it, even as a last effort on a dying patient.”  Helped some cases?  Get your head out of the sand, Beth.

Scientific evidence suggests the Covid Vaccines reprogram the innate Immune System & cause lymphocytes to attack the body’s organs, Dec. 10, 2021

Alert: Japan Places Myocarditis Warning on ‘Vaccines’ – Requires Informed Consent, Dec. 10, 2021

Austrians Beg For Help: ‘Unvaccinated’ to Face 1 Year in Prison

Pfizer, Big Pharma Ramp Up Lobbying to Sink Law Aimed at Protecting Whistleblowers, Dec. 8, 2021

What? LA School Turns Away ‘Unvaccinated’ Officers, Who Were Responding To School Threat, Dec. 11, 2021

Another useful idiot:  Illinois State Representative Jonathan Carroll’s bill proposing unvaccinated Illinoisans would have to pay for their health care expenses if they contract Covid-19, Dec. 10, 2021. Act surprised:  He’s a member of the Democrat/Communist Party USA

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Documents Obtained by Judicial Watch Show Peter Daszak, EcoHealth and US Institutions Worked with China’s Military in Researching Coronaviruses, Dec. 11, 2021

Jail him:  Fauci on vaccine mandates: ‘Communal good’ trumps ‘individual choices’, Dec. 9, 2021

Millions of Children Targeted by the FDA

by JW Bryan

December 12, 2021

When the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) okayed the current Pfizer “vaccine,”it is not a vaccine,rather a bioweapon, according to overwhelming and mounting evidence backed up by testimony from many physicians, scientists, and virologists.It signed a potential death warrant for millions of children across the globe.

Dr. Richard L. Fleming, PhD, M.D., J.D., contacted the Federal Drug Administration concerning the safety and efficacy of the Covid “vaccine” and was assured by them, in words to the effect, “that it was everything a vaccine should be – very pristine.” However, it appears that Dr. Fleming was somewhat dubious of the FDA claims. So, he and his team went into action with tests to either confirm or reject its claim.

The results: Surprise! Surprise!

I’ll let him tell you about that. If he is correct in the findings, which I have no doubt of, it bodes very ill for the children of the world. One report stated that it could amount to as many as 28 million affected. Click here.

Let me just give you a few highlights of what Dr. Fleming stated.

According to Dr. Fleming, he and his team tested the vaccine that the FDA said was, in words to the effect, “everything a vaccine should be – very pristine” What they found was totally different.

Beginning with dropping a saline solution on a blood sample – the blood didn’t change, but after adding the Pfizer vaccine the blood became pale which meant that the oxygen and or the hemoglobin had been removed/extracted from the red blood cell. This would indicate (which he explains) that this “vaccine” would destroy the red blood cells, therefore preventing the blood from delivering enough oxygen throughout the body.

I have listened to this video several times and each time I learn more about the importance of the blood. But it shouldn’t be any surprise for God’s Word tells us that  “Life is in the Blood”

Additionally, Dr. D.C. Jarvis, in one of his books on arthritis tells us that there are three ways that acid enters the blood. After naming the ways, he names what monitors this and if and when excess acid enters which would change the PH balance from 7.2 to the lower or acid side. Then the excess is kicked out and distributed throughout the body to form a bed of immunity that no virus or other various organisms can live in.

The ill which this jab bodes for the millions of children is only a miniscule tip of the iceberg compared to the heartbreak of the millions of families throughout the world. We cannot imagine more than a smidgen of their total suffering in the years to come, especially when it dawns them, that it was all a big lie. And as a result of being uninformed or misinformed, or maybe in some cases, just being completely ignorant of what was happening, they failed in their greatest responsibility to protect their children.

Children of our Past

This is absolutely heartbreaking for me. There are many children across this land which we haven’t seen for many years that my wife, Polly, and I have a connection with. For about 20 years, after I retired from International Paper Company, we were employed as house parents in Children’s Homes.

This resulted in our entering into a new life, for we looked not only as a new life but as an extra life given to us by God. We were entering into something that prior to this we had no idea or cognizance of the fact that there were many children, through circumstances not of their making, who were now having to adjust to a mode of living in which they were removed from family.  Other than occasional visits, their daily lives had dramatically changed.

We went into this new venture having successfully reared three grown children of our own who were now creating their own lives. As such, we believed that we had the experience and qualifications to become house parents to ten to twelve children in a children’s home.  The reality was…we weren’t…we only thought we were. We now know that it is very doubtful that anyone is really qualified for the position of house parents in a children’s home.

We were into this for over three years before becoming comfortable and in, what we considered, complete command of what we were responsible for. We now know that “what we considered’ was not correct. We were never in complete command; there were so many things we didn’t teach them.

Nevertheless, we were blessed with what agape love is all about, love that continues even when it is not returned. I had never considered that at some time I would love children who were not my own as much as if they were mine. These children, especially a group of girls we spent six years with, tunneled their way into our hearts so that it was almost unbearable when we decided to leave.

I believe this was the saddest day of my life. When I walked out the back of Phillips Cottage, AT Palmer Home for Children, after the gathering of Polly and I in the living room for prayer and the bidding of goodbye to the girls. I looked back over my shoulder and saw that they had followed me, I suppose to maybe say goodbye once more before I drove off.

As I watched them, I realized that they were all weeping. So, I had to return to them to try and give them some comfort, but I needed comfort myself. I spent a few minutes hugging and talking to them while, at the same time, I was weeping along with them. Finally, I said, “Well, girls, I need to leave, momma Polly has already left, and I don’t need to let her get too far ahead of me.”

Thinking back on this time, I remember Dr. Waldron, the CEO of Palmer Home for Children, was waiting for me by my truck. I was heartbroken and continued weeping when he said to me, “When you get about 15 or 20 miles down the road, you’ll began to feel a lot better.”

Our love for those children never diminished, and we still think about them today.

In the following weeks and years, I continued to be very concerned for our girls. I wrote a little booklet about the time we spent with them entitled, “Precious Journey.” At the end I voiced my concern and dread for their future. I think I stated it something like this, “We are very concerned about the future of our girls. I think of Krystal, she was the oldest, she will soon cross the threshold into adulthood what will she do, where will she go? I envision her vaulting upon the back of a wild steed and grasping a handful of the horse’s mane and charging into God’s thunderstorm of life.”

This was about 22 years ago, and the concern we had for them at that time can’t be compared to the concern we have now, with all the murdering of people under the pretense of fighting a virus that according to mounting, overwhelming evidence doesn’t even exist.


But what chills me to the bone is what they are doing and planning for today’s children. I pray for them, but I know by the testimony of many doctors and scientists that these bioweapons called ‘vaccines” are engineered and designed to either kill or seriously injure. My prayer is that they know that faith in God is their only refuge.

Now the White House is urging Americans to undergo booster shots to help prevent the spread of new strains when they originally told us the vaccine would protect us from all strains. This reveals how urgent and determined the forces behind the Plandemic have become. They are aware that time is of an essence – they need to proceed with their depopulation goal and most people are unaware of their plans.

Implicit in this “urging of Americans by the White House to undergo COVID booster doses to help prevent the spread of new strains,”  actually means “the booster will bring forth new strains of the virus.” This third jab is one of the biggest lies coming from the very depths of Hell by the stakeholders.Foolish Americans and most of our medical personnel will agree to once again be government guinea pigs.

For us to understand the true meaning of it we must perceive it 180 degrees from how they intend for us to see it.  For us to see the truth of it, we must read it like this, “The White House is urging Americans to undergo COVID booster doses to aid in the spreading of death throughout the world.”

By interpreting this esoterically, we can see that the injection of the current jab, the bioweapon called a “vaccine,” isn’t killing people fast enough. In order to speed up the operation, i.e., the global objective, for decreasing the earth’s population by 91.7%, a bioweapon booster shot is designed to accomplish what the former two-jab bioweapon, failed to bring to fruition.  These are the expectations of the stakeholders behind the Great Reset, represented by Dr. Fauci, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab and others too numerous to list.

Listen to Mike Adams as he excoriates the FDA for their endorsement of murderous vaccine atrocities against children.

According to Brian Shilhavy, Editor of Health Impact news, the flames of “COVID fear” are being stoked again, as the Big Pharma Globalists unleash their new plan to increase profits, and exert more tyrannical control over populations by using corporate media and puppet politicians in an attempt to extend the false “COVID pandemic.”

Within just a couple of days after announcing that a “new variant” had been discovered in Africa, Big Pharma has now promised the world that they are rushing to rescue everyone with new drugs and new vaccines to fight this “deadly new variant.”

But Big Pharma is not rushing to rescue anyone.  Reality is that it is rushing to implement provisions which will kill millions of people across the globe.

Listen to Mike Adams as he explains how the cover story of the “Nu” (Omicron) variant plays into accelerating a wave of “vaccine” deaths. Link According to Adams, the omicron “variant” media hysteria is pure fiction. It’s nothing but a 1984-style Orwellian psychological terrorism operation that has been engineered to keep the populations of the world enslaved and obedient while terrorist governments carry out their global depopulation/genocide programs.

I agree with him on most everything he presents. There is one part of his presentation, however, that I disagree with, and that is where he speaks of the danger from the variant and what we can do in defense against it, when it only exists in the minds of the people that are targeted.

To my mind, based on the evidence thus far, the only way there is any danger from it is when one takes the vaccine in defense of it. That is the purpose and strategy behind the omicron “variant” media hysteria – to develop a climate of fear.  And fear does not come from God, it is a weapon of the devil.


Please share this article in as many ways as possible. There are millions of people who continue to believe that the COVID-19 jabs, as well as the boosters, are a defense against the “COVID” virus and variants. According to all evidence submitted by multiple physicians and scientists, the virus has a 99.8% recovery rate which is lower than the seasonal flu.  If we fall for their lies and consider them to be the truth, the result will be the same as if their lies are the truth – and the “pandemic” will exist, but it will be foisted upon us via their spike protein clot shots.

© 2021 JW Bryan – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail J.W. Bryan:

Democrats Demand America Becomes Socialist, Part 1

by Roger Anghis

December 12, 2021

In the seven decades that I have been on this planet, I have had the privilege to live in the greatest country the world has ever seen. There will never be another nation like America.  America has shown the world what mankind can do when we allow God to work through us.  He has blessed this nation beyond measure and I believe that He will continue to because He is not done with us.  That day will come, but it isn’t now. I also believe that no one, democrats, republicans, socialists, or communists will take this nation away from Him. Are we perfect? By no means are we perfect but then neither was Abraham, David, or any of the other patriarchs we find in scripture.

There are those that say that God’s hand of judgment is long overdue in America. We have murdered over sixty million babies in the womb. Yes, we have but the church has stood by and done very little to stop it. One thing that we all have to remember is that God always works with the remnant. Remnants are not big. Always the extreme minority. I believe that America was founded to be the launching place for spreading the gospel throughout the world. Israel is the apple of God’s eye even though the majority of the Jews don’t believe in Jesus. The Jews have ‘backslid’ more times than most of us can count but that is still His nation and since 1948 He has protected it from her enemies even when Israel was outnumbered many times over.

America has pockets of strong churches. Some are known and some are not but they are people that God can work with and He can use. He can change the heart of the hardest anti-god person on Earth. He can use the ungodly to accomplish His will. He used King Xerxes in the time of Ester and Mordecai to save the Jews. I am convinced that He is working to defend America from the socialists/communists that are attempting to take over America. It will not be good for those that oppose God. They will fall and fall hard.

Many people don’t believe that the present fake and illegitimate administration is taking us down the road to socialism. These people are not paying attention. Those that don’t pay attention to history tend to repeat it. Real history is not taught in our places of indoctrination for that very reason. When you see the people that Biden and his handlers are attempting to put into positions of authority it is as plain as the nose on your face that socialism is their goal.  Take for instance Biden’s choice for a position at the FCC, Gigi Sohn. She thinks that all conservative voices need to be silenced. Sounds a little Hitlerish to me. But some on the right, including Tucker Carlson, also have seized on some of her past tweets to claim that she would use her position to try to stifle conservative voices.

In the Senate Commerce Committee hearing, Sohn responded to queries over some of her past tweets, including one from last year in which she wrote, “For all my concerns about #Facebook, I believe that Fox News has had the most negative impact on our democracy. It’s state-sponsored propaganda, with few if any opposing viewpoints. Where’s the hearing about that?” The tweet was cited by The Wall Street Journal editorial page as a reason to oppose her nomination.[1]

We also have to remember that Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s Propaganda Minister, forbid any opposing political opinions and used the media to bolster the government’s position while silencing any opposition. Not every item of news should be published. Rather must those who control news policies endeavor to make every item of news serve a certain purpose.[2] Hitler used the media very heavily. Nothing was allowed in print that Goebbels hadn’t approved. Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play.[3] This is just what we are seeing from this illegitimate administration.  Sohn believes that FOX News is a threat to our democracy when it is the policies of the illegitimate party that is doing everything to turn America into a socialist nation. Silence all opposition to the government’s policies keeps the masses in line. We need certain information to make critical decisions and they don’t want that information to be made available. They call it proper information. This was a tactic used by Goebbels in 1930s Germany. There are no parliamentary parties in Germany any longer. How could we have overcome them had we not waged an educational campaign for years that persuaded people of their weaknesses, harms, and disadvantages? Their final elimination was only the result of what the people had already realized. Our propaganda weakened these parties. Based on that, they could be eliminated by a legal act.[4]

Some historians, if that’s what you can call them, have stated that the Nazis were right-wing politicians which is an outright lie. Everything they did was left-wing ideology. That erroneous teaching is why college students today think Republicans are Nazis. Remember if you don’t study history you will repeat it. Our places of indoctrination today do not teach our kids how to think, they teach them what to think. That is why we have anarchy in the streets, riots in the streets, and cancel culture.  These are all left-wing policies and the ones doing the rioting don’t even know those actions are the actions of Hitler. I guess they aren’t told that the Nazis were national socialists.

This is what happens when you let the government take control of education or anything without strict oversite and accountability. We’ve gone from education to indoctrination into a socialist ideology. You can vote your way into socialism but you have to shoot your way out. Things to ponder.

© 2021 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:


  1. FCC nominee Gigi Sohn highlights
  4. German propaganda archive

God Gives Freewill; Satan Mandates ‘Force’

by Rob Pue

December 12, 2021

The lessons that have proven most valuable in my life have seldom been learned in school or any formal setting.  School can provide you with valuable knowledge, but knowledge does not equal wisdom.  The greatest lessons seem to consist of a small pinch of knowledge, a healthy portion of common sense and a generous helping of wisdom.  The latter comes only with God’s blessing, maturity, patience and time.

Take, for example, something my Dad taught me when I was just a kid; something that took me repeated reminders to fully learn.  I understand, now, that it was because of my strong-willed, stubborn nature.  At the time, his advice was just frustrating to me, but certainly no less true.  The lesson?  “DON’T FORCE IT!”  This was advice and direction he gave as I was working on a model ship as a youngster.  I was following the directions that came with the model to the best of my young ability, but the pieces didn’t fit just right.  I could MAKE them fit, if I pressed hard enough, but the project would not be done properly.  “Don’t force it,” was good advice.  Because sure enough, something was wrong; when I looked closer, I discovered I was trying to put two of the wrong pieces together.  When I used the right ones, they went together easily.

I found that advice to be valuable later in my teen years as well, whether I was dealing with a woodworking project or a minor car repair… whenever I’d hit a snag in the process I had a choice to make — in my stubborn, willful manner, I could FORCE the pieces together, and try to MAKE them work the way I thought was right.  But instinctively, I knew it wasn’t right… my Dad had taught me, and I knew from experience, that if it WAS right, it would go together easily and naturally.  No force was ever needed.  Forcing it would never turn out well.  In fact, the use of force would ruin the whole thing.

There were other occasions as well, when I found myself tempted to force things, simply because I wanted them so badly.  I admit that as a young man, I would sometimes deliberately NOT seek God’s counsel on a matter, because I knew — and the Holy Spirit was telling me — that my will would not match His.  I was young, impatient, and strong-willed.  I had to learn the hard way that you can’t “force it.”  Now I know that if it is truly God’s will, and the best and most perfect and proper way, it will come together easily and naturally.  There is no need to “force it.”  Indeed, the worst thing you can do is cut corners, and use force.   (Please note, when I talk about things going together easily and naturally, I’m not talking about FEELINGS here.  Jeremiah reminds us the heart is desperately wicked and deceitful above all things.  So FEELINGS often appeal to our fleshly, human desires.  Especially in this era of such widespread spiritual deception, what may “feel natural” for you can be a huge mistake, so never go soley by your “heart” or your “feelings”).

Now that I’m older, more spiritually mature, and I hope, a little bit wiser, I can see a bigger picture, still.   I understand now that the impatience I sometimes wrestled with as a youth was simply a symptom of my fallen, human sin nature.  Now, I don’t want you to get the wrong impression — this was never a major problem for me, but it was a temptation I dealt with occasionally, even though I knew better.  It was an annoying  flaw in my personality that needed to be honed and refined as the Lord raised me up at HIS child.

Throughout my life, I dealt with only a tiny bit of this desire to use force.  But as I have recently studied the greater overall concept, I realize that this particular sin — the use of force — is one of the key attributes of our enemy, Satan.  Let me explain.

We learn about some of the characteristics of Satan in Isaiah 14, where we see that the reason for his fall from grace was because of his prideful rebellion against God.  He wanted, not just “equality” with God, but he actually wanted to rule over Him.

Revelation refers to Satan as “the great dragon,” and “that ancient serpent,” and describes him as the “deceiver of the whole world.”  Matthew 4 describes Satan as a tempter.  We also know that Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.  We know he was a murderer from the beginning, and a liar, and has no truth in him.

As fallen human beings, we have inherited a sin nature from Adam and Eve, our first parents.  So we must take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ, we must continually fight a battle for our souls in the spiritual realm, because we’re constantly tempted by the enemy who longs for our destruction and death.

Scripture tells us that Satan can’t force our decisions.  We have freewill, which is a gift from God, and that makes him really angry.  And so he — and his demons — will do everything possible to tempt and trick us into making choices that ruin our lives and the lives of our children.

God’s Word, however, reminds us in 1 Corinthians 10, “No temptation has seized you except what is common to man.  And God is faithful.  He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.  But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way of escape so that you can stand up under it.”  Imagine how Satan must hate this.  He cannot force us to choose him, he can only tempt us.  And as hard as he tries to tempt us, God is there with us, helping us to resist and making, for us, a way of escape!  Just imagine how this must make Satan seethe with hatred.  God’s Word goes on to promise us in the book of James, that when we choose to submit ourselves to God, and when we resist the devil, he will flee from us!  What a defeated enemy this is that we’re dealing with!

Still, when men and women choose to allow Satan free reign in their lives, when they choose to follow his evil plans, they become his tools of warfare against God’s children.  The results are devastating.  And while Satan cannot force or compel people to obey him, he has found a way around this law of nature…  he gets evil men and women, evil rulers of this world, to force evil and compel the innocent to submit to wickedness, under great threats to our comfort, our way of life, and even our very lives.

Recently, I discussed the story from the book of Daniel, of Shadrack, Meshak and Abednigo, thrown into the firey furnace in Babylon, because they refused to bow down and worship Nebuchadnezzar’s false god when the music played.  He could TRY to force the young men to bow down and worship the idol, but worship isn’t something you can force…  these men could not deny the true God of Heaven, and for their faithfulness, they earned the wrath of the evil king.

All throughout history we see the same thing.  In fact, it has occurred to me that whenever you want to know if something is really evil, really of Satan, this is one test that never fails:  if it’s demonic, it will be something that is FORCED upon innocent people.

Because, you see, God doesn’t do that.  And that’s the whole point of this message.  He has given us the gift of freewill, and He offers us the wisdom and guidance to make righteous choices.  He doesn’t want slaves or robots.  He wants children.  And so, if something is of God, there’s no need to use force.  If something is naturally good and desireable, God’s children will flock to it peacefully, easily and naturally.

It is only when things are wicked and evil that they must be forced upon us under some threat or intimidation, compelling us to submit and obey.  We see it over and over again.

It’s worth mentioning, too, that those who choose to follow after Satan also exhibit one of his other key traits:  hypocrisy.  How often have we heard the accusation, “You Christians just want to force your morality on the rest of the world.  What gives you the right to force me to accept your God?”  But this is a lie!   God doesn’t force people to accept Him.  He gives us every opportunity to choose Him, but He doesn’t force Himself upon us.  And as Christians, we  don’t force our faith on others either.  We lovingly SHARE our faith, but we don’t force it.

We don’t hold a gun to anyone’s head and force them to worship the one true God.  And here in America, as the wicked are steadfastly pounding away at our freedoms, we fight for the right to worship God openly… or at least we should;  it’s part of being salt and light.  But we would never try to force others to join us.  That’s not God’s way.  That’s not love.  You can’t force love.

And now, as we near the end of days — and I believe we are at the very brink now — these truths have never before been so evident.  Look at the examples all around us.  Our wicked government has chosen to  turn the natural laws of God upside down and declare homosexuality and “transgenderism” and pedophilia “normal,” even to the point of redefining marriage itself.  Nature says this is impossible.  Yet man, following the temptations of Satan, has chosen to force the issue.  What’s more, the militant homosexuals, like their father, the devil, don’t just want equality.  They want superiority, and the submission of everyone else.  But now these wicked ones are using the power of the godless State to FORCE others to not just accept, but participate in their wickedness too.

Don’t believe me?  Look at the Christian photographers, the bakers, the owners of reception halls, the florists, the county clerks who have been FORCED by government to participate in homosexual celebrations, or lose everything. We either bow down to the abomination, bless it, celebrate it and agree that this evil is actually good, or we suffer their wrath.

Look at how the godless lawmakers have taken over our healthcare system and turned it into something deformed and utterly dysfunctional.  Nothing we’re told about “healthcare” today is true.  Note that if “Obamacare,” as it was called, was so very wonderful, people would have flocked to it, lining up to sign up for all the great benefits.  But since it was truly horiffic, the government had FORCE it upon us, and if we tried to object, we were FORCED to pay even more, as a penalty on our taxes.

Never before has the use of force been so blatant as in the last two years. The wicked have FORCED the closure of churches and businesses, they’ve mandated the wearing of useless and harmful masks and forced people to be locked down in their homes.  In other countries, they force people into COVID concentration camps.  It won’t be long before those camps are open for business here too, and people will be FORCED to go there.  And now, world-wide, they’re forcing deadly de-population injections, which they call “vaccines” — “take the jab or lose your job.”   They also force truth-tellers out of the public arena.  Truth is banned from the internet and the public square. Persecution follows if you dissent.  Evil public officials are calling for criminal prosecution of those who express viewpoints that oppose the government narrative, even if those viewpoints are absolutely — and provably true.

Consider also, the Satanic system of Islam, which the father of lies calls “a religion of peace.”  Like the ancient false religion of Babylon, you either bow down and worship Satan, here known as “Allah”or you die.  There’s no freewill, no option to freely come to “god” in the system of Islam.  You go by FORCE or you die.  The same is happening now with orchestrated racial division. Now we’re being forced to repeat their divide-and-conquer strategy: “Black people ALWAYS good; white people ALWAYS evil.” Accept that or it will be forced upon you until you get your mind right.  Express your concerns at a local school board meeting and you’ll find the label “domestic terrorist” forced upon you.

See, the one TRUE God of heaven doesn’t rule like this.  Only Satan rules like this.  Forcing us to accept and celebrate our own destruction through obvious lies and deceit. Satan always tries to force us to accept and participate in lies.  True Christ-followers cannot do that.  Though we face punishment and persecution, though we be made outcasts, not allowed to buy or sell or travel without our “vaccine passports,” we seek only the Way, the Truth and the Life.  Understand: God never forces things on us.  God gives us the freedom of freewill, along with power, love and a sound mind.  And that’s a terrible thing to waste.

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 342.

Americans Continue to Enrich the Chinese Communist Party

By: Devvy

December 11, 2021

“The planter, the farmer, the mechanic, and the laborer… form the great body of the people of the United States, they are the bone and sinew of the country men who love liberty and desire nothing but equal rights and equal laws.” President Andrew Jackson

“He, therefore, who is now against domestic manufacture, must be for reducing us either to dependence on that foreign nation, or to be clothed in skins, and to live like wild beasts in dens and caverns. I am not one of these; experience has taught me that manufactures are now as necessary to our independence as to our comfort; and if those who quote me as of a different opinion, will keep pace with me in purchasing nothing foreign where an equivalent of domestic fabric can be obtained, without regard to difference of price, it will not be our fault if we do not soon have a supply at home equal to our demand, and wrest that weapon of distress from the hand which has wielded it.” —The Letters of Thomas Jefferson: 1743-1826. To Benjamin Austin Monticello, January 9, 1816

It seems like a life time ago we fought so desperately to stop NAFTA (No American Factories Taking Applications) because we knew what was going to happen to this country.  Hardly had time to re-group to then battle to stop GATT/WTO (General Agreement on Tariffs & Trade).

Refresher.  A warning at the time ignored by the globalists in Congress who cared NOTHING about our sovereignty as a free nation and protecting American jobs.

The vote on GATT was 76-24. Guess how many members of the entire Congress read GATT? One.  Former Senator Hank Brown (R-CO).  He’s the only one who read that 28,000- page treaty and declared that in no way would he vote for it.  Of course, the $10,000 donation to your favorite charity might have had something to do with him doing his job.  He quit after one term.

During the hearings on this monster, French financier, the late Sir James Goldsmith testified in front of Earnest Hollings’ committee. He demonstrated that GATT would gut the American textile market. The following are some quotes from the Washington Times, December 6, 1993; they accurately reflect Sir Goldsmith’s statements during the hearings, which I watched on TV:

“Global free trade will force the poor of the rich countries to subsidize the rich in poor countries. What GATT means is that our national wealth, accumulated over centuries, will be transferred from a developed country like Britain to developing countries like Communist China, now building its first ocean going navy in 500 years.

“China, with its 1.2 billion people, three Indochinese states with 900 million, the former Soviet republics with some 300 million, and many more can supply skilled labor for a fraction of Western costs. Five dollars in Communist China is the equivalent of a $100 wage in Europe.”

“It is quite amazing that GATT is sowing the seeds for global social upheaval and that it is not even the subject of debate in America….If the masses understood the truth about GATT, there would be blood in the streets of many capitals. A healthy national economy has to produce a large part of its own needs. It cannot simply import what it needs and use its labor force to provide services for other countries.

“We have to rethink from top to bottom why we have elevated global free trade to the status of sacred cow, or moral dogma. It is a fatally flawed concept that will impoverish and destabilize the industrialized world while cruelly ravaging the Third World.” End quote.  Sir Goldsmith could see into the future, only it’s been far worse than he predicted.

Well, the masses didn’t pay attention and the damage was done.  There’s a lot of jaw jacking going on in DC about Communist China being our enemy yet when Republicans held the majority in Congress several times since those destructive trade agreements were ratified, they did NOTHING to get us out.  From one of my 2014 columns:

“There were riots in a few locations around the country over the WTO; up to 100,000 people in Seattle. Huge ones in Europe. The late Sir Goldsmith told America what would happen and it did on a massive scale.

“In 2000, the Outlaw Congress had the chance to get us out of GATT/WTO. The effort was killed by John Boehner and Nancy Pelosi. Since the impostor president has been squatting in the White House, John Boehner has given Barry Soetoro aka Obama every damn “free” trade treaty or “agreement” he’s pushed for; sleeping with America’s enemy, Johnny boy. Do have another glass of the red wine you’re so fond of.

“On June 9, 2005, the House voted 338-86 to reject a motion to withdraw congressional approval of the 1994 agreement establishing the WTO and governing body, GATT. George Bush, Jr., following in his father’s steps to destroy our sovereignty and American jobs in favor of a new world order signed another job killing treaty: CAFTA – the Central America Free Trade Agreement.

While the globalists in the Outlaw Congress were working to get CAFTA shoved down our throats, I was driving around the country doing my work. At every hotel and restaurant, I ask clerks, waiters/waitresses: What do you think of the new “free” trade treaty being proposed, CAFTA? Not one American knew what I was talking about. Not a single working American knew anything about it; all I got was blank stares.

“Once NAFTA got going, corporations that used to support American workers took MILLIONS of good paying, steady career jobs – particularly the steel and textile industry – and shipped them to Mexico. Suddenly, THOUSANDS of factories closed. Cities and towns that flourished for more than a century providing jobs for your grandparents generation they stayed in for their entire lives until retirement became little more than ghost towns. I know because I traveled extensively through Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana. I saw with my own eyes what NAFTA did; it has been a complete and total disaster as has our participation in the WTO.”

Of course, things got underway in 1972 when Richard Nixon met with Chou En-Lai in Shanghai to cement a new world order as so reported in that NY Times piece.  America crawled into bed with the commies. The same communists at that time who were holding our POW/MIAs from the Korean and Viet Nam “conflicts.” Only God knows how many were still alive then, but those butchers of Beijing had them at the same time Nixon was over there kissing En-Lai’s backside and toasting champagne.

The Chinese Communist Party IS our mortal enemy yet for even more filthy profits, once pro-American corporations have been sleeping with them for decades.  Unbelievable, sickening and yet ignored by the professional liars in the prostitute media:

With Acquisition of California Port, China Broadens Influence on US Commerce, June 5, 2018 – “In recent weeks, numerous national security concerns have been raised regarding Chinese corporations and their increasing ownership of American businesses and trading ports. This alarm comes in the wake of China’s largest shipping company, Cosco Shipping Holdings Co., taking control of a major US trade terminal in Long Beach, California. The Long Beach acquisition is part of Cosco’s six-billion-dollar buyout of rival Asian shipping giant, the Hong Kong-based Orient Overseas International Ltd.

Whereas Cosco’s ownership of the California port is a smart move for the Chinese economy, American trade insiders have expressed skepticism over the acquisition’s benefits for the United States, worried it may jeopardize national security.”  DUH.

How much of the United States does China really own? – China has slowly been buying big in America, dominating the global supply chain in an array of industries, June 30, 2020 – That is a MUST read article and should drive home the point that the CCP can bring America to its knees in five minutes simply by cutting off pharmaceuticals.  Taking over food, education, technology, land – those barbarians in expensive suits now own a huge chunk here on OUR soil.

None of this should surprise anyone who keeps up with both domestic and foreign events.  The image you see is from the New Jersey Record, April 24, 1997:  Russia, China agree to seek new world order.

The agreement between Boris Yeltsin and Jiang Zemin was to work in harmony to replace the United States as the world’s lone superpower.

National Security

China has built the world’s largest navy. Now what’s Beijing going to do with it?, March 5, 2021.

For those concerned about China’s military build-up, you should also know the CCP is making sure their military are trained to be tough men while our DoD Secretary is busy making sure our military shows respect for its growing number of sexual deviants (lesbians, homosexuals) and the mentally ill (“transgenders”) while rooting out “systemic racism”.  But, the CCP forces everyone in their military to get those deadly COVID injections so it might back fire in their faces when they get sick by the tens of thousands and then the dead start piling up.

Why this massive military build-up?  They want to be the pre-eminent superpower in the Indo-Pacific region.  And not just the Pacific:  China Prepares To Set Up First Military Base In The Atlantic, Dec. 6, 2021 – “Communist China has officials in the Biden administration scrambling as classified U.S. intelligence reportedly shows that China is pushing to build a military base on the Atlantic Ocean, which poses a major threat to U.S. national security.”

There is no “Biden administration”.  Of course they’re scrambling.  If you think Trump’s cabinet picks (rather his “advisers”) were poison, never have I seen such a dangerous clown show that’s been unfolding since Cheater China Joe was “sworn into office”.

Think Taiwan.  A Single Company in Taiwan Makes 92% of the World’s Most Sophisticated ChipsTaiwan Semiconductor’s dominance is a single point of failures for phones, cars, and nearly all sophisticated chips in the global economy.  June 20, 2021

The biggest headache for the CCP is an armed nation – besides our military.  No need for a shooting match on U.S. soil.  The Outlaw Congress will just continue to allow the CCP to buy up land – farming/ranching and businesses until they start to control our food and everything else.

On the other hand, the Communists feel this is a good strategic move:  US authorities uncover massive, nationwide weapons trafficking ring run by communist China to arm Black Lives Matter terrorists with powerful weapons of war, July 15, 2020

“On July 3rd of this year, Natural News reported that communist China was trafficking full-auto weapons parts into Florida as a way to arm Black Lives Matter terrorists in advance of a planned armed uprising / revolution. US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) had interdicted and seized a shipment of over 10,000 full-auto upgrade parts that convert semi-auto rifles into full-auto weapons of war.

“According to the CBP announcement from June 26th, the shipment originated in Shenzhen, China and was destined for “a residence” in Melbourne, Florida. Inside the shipment was over 10,000 small machine parts that function as full-auto drop-in upgrades for AR-15s. Natural News was able to determine that this operation was part of an attempt by communist China to destabilize the United States by arming Antifa and Black Lives Matter terrorists.”

China’s got big money woes but they can always count on the American people to continue buying from them because of those heinous trade agreements that destroyed our most important job sectors:  Ag, industrial, manufacturing.  How many of those cheap, WORTHLESS blue paper face masks do you think the American people, hospitals, businesses, schools have purchased since the Plandemic hit in February 2020?  BILLIONS and 90% of them are manufactured in Communist China.

Kids Face Masks Cause Cancer — It Even Says So on the Box – Warning wearing one can cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm because of one of the chemicals.  How many consumers look at the bottom of a box of anything they purchase?  I find it odd that this children’s mask warns against birth defects or reproductive harm.  And guess where they’re manufactured?  Yep:  Communist China.

Ten years ago, you couldn’t find much of a selection for just about everything we use every day made in the USA.  However, the backlash against foreign made has been growing yet Americans still refuse to take the time to find Made in America.  I know, it can be time consuming but we’re killing ourselves here while enriching our enemy.

My first home computer was a Dell and after 15 years, it was dying so I had everything loaded into my late husband’s Hewlett Packard which was about a year old.  After beating that one to death, this past August I had to purchase a new desktop and went back to Dell with the SSD built into it; amazing speed.  Dell has plants in many countries like Brazil, Ireland and of course, Communist China.

If I can’t find grown or made in the U.S., I simply go without.  A few exceptions here and there but nothing from any communist country like Vietnam or China except my computer.

It’s Christmas giving time.  China Mart (aka Walmart) is bulging with toys and everything else all made by slave labor in Communist China.  As far as I’m concerned, it can all hit on their shelves and rot.  Target is carrying a decent number of children’s toys made in America.

As I do each Christmas, I would ask we all take the time to find Made in America.  My Dec. 11, 2020 column is a detailed warning about postal theft by USPS workers and thieves and recommendations:  Don’t Let This Ruin Your Christmas.

Update:  The thief in my brother’s case was tried and is now having fun in a federal cage.  Last month came news the USPS task force finally busted the biggest mail theft ring up in the Lubbock area.

In many parts of the country, you can still find fairs and open markets with wonderful gifts made locally by gifted artisans.  My Dec. 2, 2019 column, More Impeachment? No! Let’s Have Some Fun is full of suggestions and ideas.  Not too late to make a purchase.

BTW: If you’re an early Christmas shopper, don’t forget to order a copy of my book, Taking Politics Out of Solutions. 400 pages of facts and solutions.  Here’s one review from Amazon: “There’s not a book out there that so substantially documents the source of every truth she presents; links, affidavits, other books, legislative testimony, interviews ad infinitum…You will be amazed at how many instances she refers to regarding the present-day political mechanizations that are plainly and blatantly UnConstitutional!  For all the above reasons, if in the not-too-distant future, the survivors of our once-great nation try to piece together a road map for OUR return to a Constitutional Republic, they couldn’t use a better resource.”

And remember the real reason for the season: Jesus Christ

© 2019 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:

Important links if you missed these:

Keep these retailers in a file all year long.  Support American workers!

Products Made in the USA Directory

Made in America Movement (Resources)

And, Christian based children’s books which I personally ordered, read then donated to one of our local Christian schools.  They are fabulous:  Hearty Household.

I don’t have time to check each link, but here is a list of Made in USA companies (hopefully most survived 2020).  Add this one; they sent email asking me to post their company.  USA MADE TOYS & GAMES – check out their site.

Made in the USA Products Directory for American Made Items

Made in America Forever

The American List Made in America

Made in America Movement – More

Strictly USA

Supply Chain Catastrophe: The Real Genesis, Part 2

Shadowy Super Surveillance State Will Shadow All Your Movements

by Sidney Secular

December 11, 2021

A US patent was granted on August 31, 2021 for a technology that tracks your every move through your digital activities. The alleged purpose of this “knowledge” is to give you a score related to the probability of your becoming the spread vector for an ill-defined virus that, they claim, makes others ill often to the point of death! When your “score” gets high enough you will be forcefully “vaxxed.” Of course, you know the score behind the scares over the vaxxes! Given the facts regarding the deadly consequence of these “jabs,” it is distressing to realize that the sources used to glean a glimmer of how much of a “spreader” you are will come from mobile devices, apps, “anti-social media”, web browsing records, payment records, medical records, employment records, your interaction with the GovMint, and soon-to-be ubiquitous surveillance cameras.

All of these “sources” will focus on you when you use the internet, your cell phone, access to your bank’s ATM machine and, of course, public transportation. They will know when you are washing your hands by analyzing the sounds of water running in the background or the movements of your stopwatch. They will know if you’re wearing a face mask by “analyzing images taken during calls” or stealing looks at your cell phone’s screen. Meanwhile, the system app – and thus Big Brother – will know your location at all times communicating with nearby so-called “smart” devices to assess all interactions between yourself and others thus affecting not only you but those same “others.” Also factored into the calculation of your “social credit” score will be your profession – though what that has to do with the spreading of disease is not elucidated! However being in the upper levels of society means that you’re more likely to know the score and so will be more able to alert others to the machinations of our “new”Big Brother! This being the case, if you don’t toe the line, your score will likely suffer accordingly –as will you. Naturally, if you go to church or socialize among your friends, you will receive a worse score because you will talk, pray, sing, mingle, move around, and open your mouth more and even breathe more deeply and exhale more forcefully than you would during periods of “social distancing” and quarantine.

The original “social credit system” was introduced in China in 2009 to find and remove those who did not sufficiently conform to the dictates of that system. “Social distancing” of a measurement of well over 6 feet appears the best way to avoid Big Brother’s gaze as “facial recognition” technology is designed to utilize a distance of six feet between subjects being imaged. But while the greater distance might impinge upon facial recognition technology, it would also mean becoming a virtual hermit in hopes of nullifying the various surveillance modalities concentrated in especially large population areas. Discarding all high tech and digital devices and returning to a simpler way life would solve much of the problem of government surveillance, but eventually the “surveillance state’ will figure out how to shadow you wherever you are and wherever you go, even in underground settlements – always assuming you could create such “safe zones” to begin with. Right now, they’re installing something like 42,000 satellites to monitor and control the coming 5G systems as a means of preventing any escape from the New World Order’s prying eyes. Somewhere in the afterlife, George Orwell weeps.

© 2021 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Sidney Secular:

294 – Congressional Term Limits

by Paul Engel

December 10, 2021

  • We’ve had term limits for the Presidency for over 70 years, but none for Congress. Do you know why?
  • What are the effects of term limits?
  • Are there other ways to get the desired outcome of term limits, without the negative side effects?

U.S. Representative Tim Burchett has introduced a bill to limit the number of terms members of Congress can serve. I’ve talked before about term limits, but this seems to be a good opportunity to look at the details both of the legislation and the idea of term limits.

The question of term limits has been bandied about for many years. Term limits were not part of the Constitution until the 22nd Amendment, limiting the number of terms a President can serve to two, was ratified in 1951. Not that there weren’t men who attempted to get elected for a third term, but we had the good sense to not let that happen.

Now Congressman Tim Burchett wants to amend the Constitution to limit the terms of members of Congress as well.

The legislation proposed by Congressman Burchett is pretty simple.

SECTION 1. No person who has served three terms as a Representative shall be eligible for election to the House of Representatives. For purposes of this section, the election of a person to fill a vacancy in the House of Representatives shall be included as one term in determining the number of terms that such person has served as a Representative if the person fills the vacancy for more than one year.

SECTION 2. No person who has served two terms as a Senator shall be eligible for election or appointment to the Senate. For purposes of this section, the election or appointment of a person to fill a vacancy in the Senate shall be included as one term in determining the number of terms that such person has served as a Senator if the person fills the vacancy for more than three years.

SECTION 3. This article shall not apply to any person serving a term as a Member of Congress on the date of the ratification of this article.

Proposed House Joint Resolution

I love simple and straight-forward legislation. Section 1 of this proposed constitutional amendment would limit a representative to three terms. and section 2 limits Senators to serving two terms. The third section exempts any current members of Congress from this amendment. With such simple legislation, what could be the controversy? Why would people not support it?

Purpose of Term Limits

From 1789 until 1940, America followed the tradition established by President Washington of only electing a President for two terms. Then, in 1940, we elected F.D.R. for a third and even a fourth term. Since Roosevelt was a member of the Democratic Party, you shouldn’t be surprised that those most supportive of term limits were members of the Republican Party. In 1944, Roosevelt’s opponent, Thomas Dewey, made it an issue in his campaign:

four terms, or sixteen years is the most dangerous threat to our freedom ever proposed.

FDR, Dewey, and the Election of 1944. – Jordan, David M (2011)

This shows us the primary purpose of term limits: Beating your opponent before the people go to the polls. Yes, those who support term limits decry the evils of career politicians and the corruption that comes with long term exposure to the halls of power, but I’ve rarely heard anyone talk about term limits who hasn’t lost an election to a long term incumbent.

Meanwhile, I’ve yet to hear anyone promoting term limits discussing an unintended consequence like depriving the people of the candidate of their choice. People talk about not allowing a candidate to run for office, but never seem to consider that means the people who want to vote for that candidate are deprived of the opportunity to do so. Term limits involve imposing your will on someone else. Take for example, Mr. Burchett’s proposed amendment. You may think that three terms in the House or two terms in the Senate are enough, but what about your neighbor? What it they think four terms in the House should be the limit? This amendment would deny them their choice of a representative because you have set a limit. And what about the situation where a really good candidate serves in office? What happens when someone who upholds their oath of office is term limited out and the only candidates left on the ballot are ignorant, reckless, and corrupt? Are you willing to replace a constitutional candidate with a corrupt one simply because they’ve served an arbitrary number of terms?

Effects of Term Limits

Most people who support term limits claim that it will “clean up” Congress by brining in new blood. We have an excellent experiment in term limits with the Presidency of the United States. How has that worked at cleaning up the office? Yes, there have been Presidents who have abused their office, and I was glad to see them go after the second term. However, those Presidents were often elected after a better candidate was term limited out.

Since I’ve already talked about how term limits restrict not only candidates but the people as well, there is another important effect of term limits we should discuss. The reason we have term limits is to introduce “churn” into elected offices. Often referred to as “fresh blood”, the idea is simply to bring people into and out of the office on a regular basis. But what is the effect of this churn? To understand this, let’s take a look at how we run elections today.

Although we had factions (an early form of political parties) early in the republic, they did not have the influence our current two major parties do. Originally, when you went to cast your vote, you were not handed a ballot with names on it. Instead, you were handed either a blank piece of paper, or one with the offices that needed to be voted on. You then put in the name of whomever you thought would best fulfill the duties of that office. When the ballots were counted, whoever got the most votes would be asked to serve. Not only was it considered a duty to serve, but to refuse was considered selfish and ungentlemanly.

Compare that with today, where the recognized political parties choose their champions, who then appear on the ballot. While you can still legally write in the name of whomever you want to vote for, the rules are set up to make it almost impossible for a write-in candidate to win in any but the most local elections. Unless you are a party’s candidate and on the ballot, the odds of you getting elected round to zero. In fact, history has shown that unless you’re a candidate of one of the two major parties, you’ll be lucky to get more than a few percentage points of the votes. That means we’ve allowed the political parties to gain almost exclusive control of the election process. This can be seen not only by the fact that almost every member of Congress is a member of one of the two major parties, but by the number of times you’ve been told you have to vote for a bad candidate to prevent the other party from taking control. In other words, we’re using the “lesser of two evils” approach to choosing our representatives in government. What do you think will happen when a party’s candidate is term limited out? The party will simply choose another champion and tell you to vote for them so the other party doesn’t take control. Simply put, term limits places even more control into the hands of the party system. Just look at the last two Presidential election cycles. In both cases, Bernie Sanders was winning the primary elections for nomination as the Democratic Party candidate, only to be replaced by someone more palatable to the party leadership. Now imagine that is the process of choosing not only the President of the United States, but the 535 members of the House and Senate.

We can add to that one more gift of term limits: “Lame ducks”. Does anyone else remember President Obama telling then Russian President Medvedev:

This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.

President Obama to President Medvedev at the 2012 Nuclear Security Summit

What do you think will happen when one third of Congress and half of the Senate don’t have to consider the impact their actions may have on an upcoming election?


I agree there are many in Congress who have served long past their expiration date. However, I think term limits fixes the wrong problem. Ask yourself, why do the same people keep getting elected over and over again? The answer is We the People keep voting for them. But if so many people think members of Congress are serving too long, why do we keep voting them into office? I believe the answer is two-fold.

First, we’ve allowed the party system to manipulate the election process to such an extent they control for whom you vote. They do this through the primary system, but how many of you realize that primaries, caucuses, and conventions are not constitutional parts of our election system? These are nothing more than the political parties getting taxpayers to cover the cost of limiting the people. How you would react if your governor announced that state taxpayer funds would be used to hold an election for the boards of the NRA and the NAACP? Most Americans I know would be outraged. Yet every couple of years our states and counties use taxpayer funds to hold elections for private corporations called the RNC and the DNC. These are not public entities, but private corporations. Not only are you expected to pay for their elections to choose their champions for the various offices up for election, but by doing so you are limiting the final choice people have in the actual elections. If you supported Bernie Sanders or Ted Cruz during the primary season, why can’t you vote for them in the general election? Technically you can, but as I’ve already pointed out, the election laws in the states make it almost impossible for these candidate to get a fair chance at winning the election. Therefore, is it any surprise that those with the most power in the political parties are chosen to represent them in the elections for the most powerful offices? And since we’ve effectively allowed ourselves to be limited to the preferences of the two major parties, their candidates serve in those offices the longest.

Second, the American people have gotten lazy. Rather than vetting the candidate for office based on their fidelity to the oath of office, we choose whomever is the champion of our preferred team. How often have you voted for someone you don’t really like in order to prevent the other party from winning? Or how often have you overlooked the bad actions of a candidate because you didn’t want the other party to win?

The problem that leads to people holding office for decades isn’t the Constitution, it’s We the People. We’ve allowed the political parties to control our state election laws and hold all but absolute sway over our electoral choice. Not only will term limits not fix America’s problems, I believe there is plenty of evidence that it will make things worse. As George Washington warned us in his farewell address:

The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge, natural to party dissension, which in different ages and countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is itself a frightful despotism. But this leads at length to a more formal and permanent despotism. The disorders and miseries which result gradually incline the minds of men to seek security and repose in the absolute power of an individual; and sooner or later the chief of some prevailing faction, more able or more fortunate than his competitors, turns this disposition to the purposes of his own elevation, on the ruins of public liberty.

George Washingtons Farewell Address 1796

For those of you who are still convinced that term limits are the answer, a quick look at Mr. Burchett’s proposed amendment reveals that someone can still serve 18 or more years in Congress, six years in the House, and twelve in the Senate.

If we want more churn in Congress, then We the People need to start voting that way, not sit back and wait for a constitutional amendment to tell us to do so.

© 2021 Paul Engel – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Paul Engel:

Charlottesville: Lessons in Leftist Sadism and Media Dishonesty

by Steven Yates

December 10, 2021

Book Review: Charlottesville Untold: Inside Unite the Right, by Anne Wilson Smith. Columbia, SC: Shotwell Publishing, 2021.

This is a book I was anxious to read. The author is the daughter of respected Southern historian Clyde N. Wilson, the leading authority on John C. Calhoun. I had a boots-on-the-ground source for information on what really happened on August 12, 2017 (relayed here and here). I became even more convinced that CNN (for example) is a lie factory.

The year 2017 was a turning point. The unholy globalist-leftist alliance having lost the presidency in 2016, its denizens wanted revenge. Antifa and Black Lives Matter became increasingly violent. Corporate mass media invariably blamed race-related mayhem on “fascists,” “white supremacists,” “white nationalists,” “Nazis.” I knew of just one case where such a description might have been veridical: Dylann Roof shooting nine black people in North Charleston, S.C., which prompted a new wave of cancellations of Southern culture when a photograph surfaced of Roof posing with a Confederate flag. Black-on-white violence, which has always far exceeded white-on-black violence, continued to go unreported except on alternative sites that are now up against Big Tech censorship.

With that as background, Anne Wilson Smith’s book is a welcome treatment of Unite the Right, and what happened that day. It is the only thing I’ve seen that even attempts fair-mindedness. Critics will say she is sympathetic to Jason Kessler, et al. Of  course she’s sympathetic! Has anyone else given them half a chance? Wilson Smith pointedly asks:

Why did a thousand or more people travel from all over the country to attend Unite the Right in Charlottesville on August 12, 2017? Do you really know? Have you heard anyone who was there that day explain it in their own words? If you learned everything you know about the rally from the mainstream news, the answer is almost certainly “no.”

What do you make of the fact that few who were in attendance that day have ever been given a chance to tell their side of the story? Why was the media so disinterested in explaining all perspectives on what happened that day? Perhaps it was because they had already decided what they wanted the public to believe was the truth, and they didn’t want to create any sympathy for those they had cast as the “villain” in their story (pp. 58-59).

That is, Anne Wilson Smith interviewed people who were there — unlike CNN, MSNBC, The Washington Post, The New York Times, or other “legacy” media.

It’s useful to keep in mind that the Unite the Right rally was legal. Kessler had a permit, and in saner times would have been protected under a First Amendment which in our era of censorship, wokery, and lawfare, is practically a dead letter.

Charlottesville Untold tells of the events that led up to Aug 12, the event itself, and the aftermath leading up to the infamous lawfare case Sines v. Kessler, recently decided for the plaintiffs for $26 million.

The dual purpose of the rally was to protest efforts to remove the statue of Robert E. Lee which had stood in what was then called Lee Park since 1924, and to present a united front against Cultural Leftist cancellation not just of Southern heritage but American history itself.

Kessler’s ire was aroused both by moves against the Lee statue and the open anti-white animus of the city’s vice mayor, Wes Bellamy. Kessler, a recent graduate of the University of Virginia (2009) who had become a professional writer, exposed Bellamy’s anti white racism arguing that Bellamy had irresponsibly used his position as “a bully pulpit to attack White culture and history” (p. 5).

The confrontation escalated, with Bellamy having the backing of Charlottesville’s mayor, Michael Signer. Kessler soon drew fire from local leftists leading to public altercations and a misdemeanor assault charge which he contended was self-defense.

Leftists then began harassing Kessler and his allies in public, putting up “know-your-nazi” fliers aimed at encouraging businesses to deny them service — a now-familiar tactic. Kessler refused to back down. Instead he conceived of Unite the Right, officially announced at a tense city council meeting on June 5, 2017.

He obtained his permit for a rally in support of free speech and the Lee monument to be held Saturday, August 12, from 12 – 5 pm, for an estimated 400 people. He had to distance himself from a Klan rally to be held the month before. What happened then should have opened eyes to what was to come, as roughly 50 people found themselves surrounded by a crowd of 1,500 to 2,000 leftists filling the streets, blocking parking lot exits, throwing objects and damaging vehicles.

The Klan rally proved to be a golden opportunity for the dishonest media to gather photographs and later “confuse” them with those taken at Unite the Right.

In arranging the slate of speakers, Kessler later admitted he didn’t choose his “allies” as carefully as he might have— he expressed regret at getting mixed up with Richard Spencer (credited with coining the term Alt-Right). Be that as it may, Kessler’s ideas about what the rally was to accomplish were clear. He wanted…

… to destigmatize pro-White advocacy… To make sure our free speech rights are upheld… I want people to come out and support these monuments…  This is an historic opportunity where you will not be alone. You will be greeted by hundreds, if not more, of your brothers and sisters and we are going to make news around the world….  This is an opportunity to reach out to the average conservative who knows that White people are under attack. Perhaps they’re even as far as being a Confederate heritage supporter but they don’t feel like they can stand up for their own interests…. (p. 57)

I’ve not mentioned what happened the night before, because either my sources were not there or did not share that information. The plan was to gather — privately (unlike Unite the Right, invites were on a private message board) — at the Thomas Jefferson statue on the University of Virginia campus. Why there? To show that it wasn’t just Confederate heritage the Cultural Left was threatening. It was U.S. history itself.

The word reached Antifa.

While corporate media regaled viewers with menacing-appearing images of torch-bearing marchers, Anne Wilson Smith uses first-hand sources to validate that the march was peaceful until Antifa showed up. They began with verbal taunts. Fistfights ensued, followed by pepper-spray attacks apparently from both sides (there is no doubt that some marchers had come prepared).

Law enforcement was standing down. This was not lost on Antifa. Christopher Cantwell, podcaster and marcher, pepper-sprayed an Antifa member and was arrested four days later. No one from Antifa that I know of has ever been arrested for reckless endangerment or criminal assault in Charlottesville. When police responded, it was too late. Marchers were fleeing and their leftist attackers already dispersing into the dark.

Wilson Smith tells us that the chant uttered by the torch-bearers was, “You will not replace us,” audible in the live stream. It is unclear how this became “Jews will not replace us” especially in the hands of mainstream media. Kessler contended later that no such message was ever planned.

What actually happened the next morning?

A mixture of people converged on Charlottesville, some “very fine people” as Trump would call them, and others not so fine. Government agencies were there as well; the Virginia State Police were there. One observer reported a police helicopter circling low over the park early that morning. Rally goers already there might have felt more secure thinking there would be a police presence. They were in for a rude awakening. Antifa was waiting, police again stood down, and things quickly went off the rails.

Wilson Smith allows numerous observers to speak for themselves about what unfolded. Peaceful rally-attendees were harassed, assaulted in some instances, and basically had to fight their way through a hostile crowd. Antifa was clearly there to hurt “fascists” if they could, making no distinction between sexes, or between young and old. A man known only as Jim (several of Wilson Smith’s sources used pseudonyms out of fear of job loss or other retaliation) described what happened to a group of older “history buffs”:

“there was no police cover…. I realized there was going to be a fight…. We were getting attacked from the sides.” Counter-protesters [i.e., Antifa] were throwing punches. Some women got hit. The elderly history buffs were pepper-sprayed by a young man who seemed to be targeting them deliberately…. We were trying to get to the park. We assumed there would be safety there. (p. 95)

A man calling himself Gene stated:

“We got attacked about a block and a half before we got to Lee Park. They had all these big TV trucks parked on one side, so the road was one lane wide. We were easy targets for Antifa.” The Antifa were throwing bags of feces and urine, and glass bottles full of nails and screws. They were spraying people in the eyes with pepper-spray. “It was an all-out assault before we ever got to Lee Park. The police just stood there and watched while we were under attack.” (p. 97).

Chris, a League of the South member, remembered:

When I got there, there were at least 200 communists in a human wall facing us and I was on the front lines. So the first thing they did was begin to throw bottles of urine at us. And also … balloons full of pepper spray that had urine in them and all kinds of concoctions of deadly things, probably even diseases, and one of them hit me in the face, in my helmet, and the flag, my flag got soaked in it….  (p. 96).

This is just a sampling, and further confirming the reports I relied on. Even one of the leftists later acknowledged:

“As we got closer to noon, the Antifascist block was successful in drawing away the most heavily shielded contingent of Nazis. They were successful in drawing them away from the park and making them more vulnerable. As that happened, many people were in the line of fire of projectiles, of pepper spray, of tear gas. A lot of people were hurt and beaten on both sides. I can’t speak from being on the ground but from what I observed from my street, it was mostly Nazis that were getting beaten at that point” (p. 109).

What should be clear is that Antifa came well prepared! They were going to stop a legal and Constitutional rally by any means necessary!

The Charlottesville Police allowed the rallygoers and leftists to fight! This would continue until, and after, the rally was called off. This was done when it became clear that otherwise the violence would escalate until people started getting killed! At 11:28 am, Wilson Smith writes, Virginia’s (disastrous!) then-governor, Terry McAuliffe, a Democrat (of course!), authorized a state of emergency via text message. At 11:31, attendees who had made it that far heard the intercom announcement:

“This has been declared an unlawful assembly. If you do not disperse immediately, you will be arrested.” (p. 110)

The question became, Disperse where? The park was barricaded except at one end, so there was nowhere to go except through a narrow exit — straight into the path of Antifa. By this time, Black Lives Matter had showed up. As had other leftist groups. The fights worsened, although rallygoers were the ones arrested and, in a couple of cases, given jail sentences! Others got separated, ended up in small groups or on their own, and it may be God’s Providence that no one was killed!

After all, to say that what some Antifa people were doing was life-threatening doesn’t begin to cover it! Several of Wilson Smith’s sources reported that several lunatics had converted aerosol spray cans into primitive flamethrowers!

Outfits like CNN reported none of this! I watched CNN for a couple of hours (all I could tolerate!) each evening for several evenings following August 12.

No one so much as mentioned Antifa!

There was plenty about “white supremacy,”with video and images now confusing the Unite the Right rally with that Klan event. The purpose was to portray all rally goers as “violent white nationalists” who started the violence.

No one who was there, or who had sources who were, could come away still believing corporate media is honest, or is not protecting the Cultural Left agenda.

There isn’t the slightest evidence anyone in Unite the Right conspired to provoke violence, although they surely discussed ways of protecting themselves, and retaliating if attacked, perhaps in ways that those predisposed toward hostility chose to interpret as “conspiring to instigate violence” as was alleged in Sines v. Kessler.

It is true that Heather Heyer, 32, lost her life when James Alex Fields drove his car into a crowd of leftists a couple of hours later. Several others were injured. I won’t say that the leftists brought this on themselves. For had the Charlottesville Police done their jobs from the outset, Heyer would probably still be alive.

Arguably the Charlottesville Police Department bears the lion’s share of the blame for the injuries, and for Heather Heyer’s death!

I recall the video of the Dodge Challenger backing up at a high rate of speed (0:27-0:33). Since backing up any vehicle straight at that speed for that distance is not easy to do, I wondered if that was a professional driver behind the wheel. I toyed briefly with the idea that there was no ‘James Alex Fields,’ that he was another media fabrication. There was an arrest, however, and a trial, andthen a life sentence, all matters of public record, as were other details about Fields’s life that came to light, so I relinquished the idea.

I did not relinquish my curiosity about how someone (Brennan Gilmore) working in a branch of the governor’s office partly funded by George Soros just happened to be in that exact spot at that exact time to film the most-watched video.

It also seems odd to me that Fields either has not attempted to make public statements via the media, or not been allowed to. Even Dylann Roof was able to do that.

All we have is from someone identified as Jim, jailed that day caught trying to break into his own car having dropped his keys at some point. Referring to James Fields:

“He looked to me like a preppy kid who got a DUI or something”… [Jim] watched as police officers took a statement from Fields, and had him sign some things. They were telling him, “Admit what  you did.” Jim’s observation was that Fields seemed “shocked.” His face was red. Was it from shame? From terror? He looked as though he had been crying. Though the arrestees had been instructed not to speak to each other, Jim offered, “Good luck, Brother” as they escorted Fields away. Fields did not reply. (p. 131)

Two police officers were killed in a helicopter crash that same afternoon. Although the crash was due to mechanical problems unrelated to the rally, the deaths were reported as more “proof” that this had been a “deadly event.”

Because corporate media already had an approved narrative about “white supremacism,” the Unite the Right event backfired badly all the way around!

Virginia’s (disastrous!) Governor Terry McAuliffe got this ball rolling that evening:

“I have a message to all the White Supremacists and the Nazis who came into Charlottesville today. Our message is plain and simple. Go home. You are not wanted in this great commonwealth…. You came here today to hurt people, and you did hurt people… But my message is clear. We are stronger than you. You have made our commonwealth stronger. You will not succeed… There is no place for you here. There is no place for you in America.” (p. 149)

This could have come from the mouth of an Antifa member (assuming any are that articulate). Consider the message behind the words: certain people, because of their ideas, no longer have a Constitutional right to assemble in public and speak!

Thus began a process involving demonizing, doxing, and the sadistic financial and personal destruction of Unite the Right participants that continues to this day.

Rally attendees — especially their leadership — continue receiving blame for the violence. Dishonest media still reports that Heather Heyer was killedat a “white supremacist rally” even though the rally had been declared “an unlawful assembly” and called off over two hours before.

Wilson Smith cites two attendees:

“Everything people saw in the mainstream media was not only false, it was the opposite of the truth.” He also notes that the talking heads were complaining about “hate speech” and attributing horrible motives to Unite the Right attendees, despite the fact that nobody who was associated with Unite the Right was ever allowed to speak.

… “It was like the media created a parallel universe where they made up this crisis that did not happen. It was divorced from reality…. They were saying the right wing was rioting. Obviously, the left wing was a mob and out of control.” (p. 163)

These, again, are just samplings.

Kessler’s efforts to set the record straight met with failure. A press conference he called the next day was surrounded by a volatile mob. His voice was drowned out by chants of things like, “Nazis go home! Nazis go home!” Kessler found himself up against a media blitzkrieg; even Fox News refused him airtime as “too toxic” (p. 152).

Kessler was learning what it meant to be a real dissident in “woke” America. A real dissident today recognizes that white people are under attack and that nearly everything corporate mass media states about race and heritage areagenda-driven lies. If you persist, mass media’s allies in Big Tech will cancel your accounts. Kessler and others needing to raise money to fight lawsuits found themselves canceled from PayPal, GoFundMe, and other crowdfunding sites, after losing their Twitter and Facebook accounts.

Others lost jobs or were destroyed by doxing, the sadistic practice of posting information about a person which may include home as well as work addresses and phone numbers. This opens the person to job loss, harassment offline as well as online, and physical danger. Andrew Dodson, an electrical engineer pursing clean-energy technology, was doxed because he’d been a rally goer. Having lost his career, he committed suicide the following March (p. 215).

It is safe to say that by 2020,the Dissident Right was nearly destroyed.And the lie factory was humming! According to corporate media, massive riots resulting in entire city blocks destroyed and hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of damage done were “mostly peaceful protests.” “Jan 6-ers,” on the other hand, most of whom merely walked into and through the Capitol, with a couple of people having broken a couple of windowsor pushed a security guard out of their way, became “rioters” and “insurrectionists.” These were just a few hundred out of a crowd of tens of thousands in Washington that day protesting the most questionable election in U.S. history. No police cars were torched, nor buildings burned. No one was killed — except Ashli Babbitt, shot in cold blood by a Capitol cop. She was demonized instead of lionized as was Heather Heyer. A different cop, it turned out, died of pre-existing conditions was described in corporate media as having been attacked and beaten by “rioters.”

These people literally cannot tell the truth about anything!

The “insurrection against democracy” prompted an assemblage of 75,000 troops to protect the inauguration of Joe Biden against the army of “white supremacists” Democrats, the corrupt FBI, and corporate mass media had conjured out of thin air.

There is much more worth discussing in Charlottesville Untold precluded by space limits. Wilson Smith cites the Heaphy Report, commissioned by the City of Charlottesville which paid $350,000, done by Tim Heaphy of the law firm Hunton & Williams, 200 pages long, released December 1, 2017. This report reviews thousands of communiqués, presents numerous interviewsfrom all sides, and criticizes not “white supremacism” but the Charlottesville Police Department and the Virginia State Police for their lack of leadership and the results of what may or may not have been a purposeful stand-down order from somewhere in the upper echelons. In any event, Charlottesville Police Chief Al Thomas was compelled to resign on December 18.

Wilson Smith, citing a key passage in this important report:

Neither agency deployed available field forces or other units to protect public safety at the locations where violence took place. Command staff prepared to declare an unlawful assembly and disperse the crowd…. This represents a failure of one of government’s core functions—the protection of fundamental rights. Law enforcement also failed to maintain order and protect citizens from harm, injury, and death. (pp. 319-20).

Could it be that a violent confrontation was wanted all along? Two witnesses claim to have overheard:

“Let them fight. It will make it easier to declare an unlawful assembly.” (p. 320).

Enrique Tarrio, of Proud Boys:

“[The police] failed miserably at their duty of protecting the public…. What they should have done—I’ve been to a million of these things—the street should’ve been barricaded and the cops in the middle. It’s not f****** rocket science.” (p. 327)

This may be the one thing where Right and Left might have agreed! A Black Lives Matter interviewee stated:

“I’ve been protesting in this movement for six years, and the police always form barricades between hostile groups. Today was the first time I didn’t see that happen. And that’s a fact…. [Police] always stand in between hostile groups. But they didn’t do that here today. Why? They wanted us to fight each other. They wanted that.” (p. 333)

In that light, consider Sines v. Kessler. This lawfare suit was the intended coup-de-grace against the Dissident Right.

The utter lopsidedness in terms of actual power relations ought to be evidentto anyone with functioning brain cells.

One of the most powerful law firms in New York City, backed by the Soros-funded Integrity First For America, set about taking down a group of people two of whom could not afford attorneys, and so were representing themselves (Richard Spencer and Christopher Cantwell).

The New York firm was Kaplan Hecker & Fink LLP, which takes up afloor of the Empire State Building. What they set out to establish was that the Unite the Righters had “conspired” to commit acts of violence that day. The plaintiffsalleged injuries and long-term mental trauma following the Dodge Challenger incident.

Spearheading the allegations was senior partner Roberta “Robbie” Kaplan, who has worked with superelite entities such as Goldman-Sachs and on Hillary Clinton’s presidential bid.

Sines v. Kessler was a civil suit, moreover, meaning that the plaintiffs win if they can establish their case with a “preponderance of the evidence” as opposed to “beyond a reasonable doubt” as in criminal cases.

Kaplan’s intent, in her own words:

“We absolutely can and will bankrupt these groups. And then we will chase these people around for the rest of their lives. So if they try to buy a new home, we will put a lien on the home. If they get a new job, we will garnish their wages. The reason to do that is because we want to create a deterrence impact. So we send a message to other people that if you try to do something like this, the same thing will happen to you. And it already has been a deterrence.” (p. 303)

Thisis the essence of lawfare, which weaponizes the legal system to destroy those it targets. Welcome to Woke America 2021. As Sines v. Kessler went to trial, the approved narrative of who caused the Charlottesville violence was simply presupposed. It was never argued for. When Cantwell tried to draw attention to the massive Antifa presence, Judge Norman K. Moon shut him down.

Naturally, it was a slam-dunk for the plaintiffs. The defendants had no chance whatsoever.

No one thinks it possible to extract $26 million from these Enemies of the Woke America. But Kaplan’s sadistic effort might make it impossible for them to ever again pursue normal lives— in the U.S., anyway. Another purpose of lawfare is to create an ambience of intimidation and fear-based self-censorship to silence future political dissent. The ploy has been largely successful. Kessler’s efforts at a subsequent eventlargely fizzled in the face of mass protests and further social media censorship.

For those who have jobs and families, free speech in Woke America has become a luxury they can’t afford!

This is where we are at, as 2021draws to a close. The empowered Cultural Left has no belief in a First Amendment, or Constitutional government. It is an Orwellian phenomenon that would set up a thought-controlled police state, with corporate media and Big Tech helping every step of the way. Orwell would gasp if he saw how the Cultural Left has achieved the kind of society he warned us about in 1984 without an actual Big Brother or Ministry of Truth.

You don’t have to have a special interest in Southern history, or even in what happened in Charlottesville on August 12, 2017, to find Charlottesville Untold important, not to mention finding Anne Wilson Smith’s exhaustive documentation quite impressive.

You only have to see her book as highlighting one steppingstone of Western civilization’s descent toward global totalitarianism, since GloboCorp will be the ultimate beneficiary of the destruction of American Constitutionalism, history, and heritage by the Cultural Left; and by the lawfare-controlled demolition of those who dissent. Though this was not her subject, I imagine Anne Wilson Smith realizes this.

Istrongly recommend Charlottesville Untold: Inside Unite the Right, therefore. Don’t read it before going to bed. It’ll definitely cost you that night’s sleep.

Steven Yates’s new book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory (Wipf and Stock) is available here and here.

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© 2021 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

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TOP Reasons why Patriots are Losing

by Lex Greene

December 10, 2021

To be certain, America has literally millions of true “patriots,” although I don’t think most of them are cut from the same cloth as the patriots who came before us. The Patrick Henry and George Washington type of patriots may indeed, be a thing of the past. Those patriots were willing to give up everything to secure freedom and liberty, not just for themselves, but for all of us.

Today’s “patriot” is often a much “kinder and gentler” patriot. They are far more willing and likely to go-along to get-along, another term for quiet surrender, especially until the tyranny lands on their own doorstep.

Our founding patriots knew that there was no wiggle room in the price of freedom and liberty. For them, it was a totally non-negotiable item, “Give me Liberty, or Give me Death!”

Sadly, many modern patriots have totally ignored all real science and surrendered to draconian medical mandates that frankly, no one on earth has a legal or moral right to force or coerce upon anyone, certainly not any free people. None of them “followed the science.” All of them “followed tyrannical government orders” in go-along to get-along fashion, placing their personal economic interests above the cause of freedom, liberty and even their own health. In other words, they may have sold their freedom, and everyone else’s, for a paycheck, or a government handout.

The 30% or so of medical professionals who have risked or given up their careers to speak the truth against Fauci’s gain of function bioweapon and the fake vaccines that are also Fauci gain of function bioweapons, did so in an honorable effort to “save lives.” The 70% or so of medical professionals who have gone-along to get-along, killing literally millions of citizens with their fake vaccines, did so to save their careers, incomes, and country club lifestyles. It’s not hard to pick out the true “patriots” in this crowd.

But what about today’s average American, in particular, those who call themselves “patriots?”

Was there a way to prevent Barack Hussein Obama from ever occupying the White House as a foreign agent with communist party ties? YES, there was a way, but there wasn’t the will…

Was there a way to prevent our economy and lives from being destroyed by a COVID bioweapon and ongoing bioweapon fake vaccines? YES, there was a way, but there wasn’t the will…

Was there a way to prevent massive election fraud from turning our country upside-down in 2020? YES, there was a way, but there wasn’t the will…

Even now, is there a way to stop the unlawful forced medical mandates and overturn the fraudulent 2020 elections to save our Constitutional Republic and every American citizen? YES, there is a way, but is there the will?

Losing Reason #1 – It’s all about ME.

So long as the tyranny isn’t directly affecting me and mine, I will keep quiet, not draw any attention to myself, and hope that someone else is going to do something.

Losing Reason #2–We need a leader to step up!

Many leaders have stepped up, such as Trump in 2016. But he was eaten alive by the swamp he was supposed to drain, because after he was elected, his supporters went back to life as if they thought that he would be able to drain this massive swamp alone. We have plenty of Generals ready to lead, just no troops ready to follow.

Losing Reason #3–We have already lost!

Therefore, there is no point to fighting. It’s outright surrender!

Losing Reason #4–What can I do?

Alone, by yourself, nothing! Which begs the question, why aren’t you working in active focus groups yet?

Losing Reason #5–I’m prepped for the worst still to come!

Well, would the worst ever come, if you had spent as much time, energy and resources trying to save this nation, instead of only thinking you can save yourself, in a fallen nation?

These are just the top 5 reasons why American patriots are currently losing the war for America, freedom, and liberty. There are others, but most will fall under one of these top 5.

The point here is that you can’t finish the race, much less win the race, if you refuse to ever leave the starting gate.

Instead of placing all focus on the only reason we need to fight, no matter the cost, too many modern patriots are focused on all of the reasons why they shouldn’t fight and can’t win. Of course, this is a self-fulfilling prophecy…if we don’t fight, we can’t win. This is certain!

Losing Reason #6–I can’t afford to fight, donate, contribute, join others to execute plans…

Well, this is no accident. The enemy has made sure that none of us is in a perfect position to fight, or at least afford to fight. But in the end, none of us can afford NOT to fight. If you think for even a second that you and your family will be safe in a fallen America, you have chosen a fool’s errand.

If America is not free, sovereign, secure and economically sound, then no place on earth will be. There is nowhere to run, nowhere to hide for Americans. The rest of the 3rd world runs to America to leave behind the kinds of tyranny we now see in our own country, to find freedom and liberty in the “promised land.”

When America is no longer a safe harbor for freedom and liberty, nowhere on earth will be!

So, as citizens all over the globe rise up against their tyrannical socialist and communist governments, Americans must join that fight and soon. Other countries started WWI and WWII and America tried to sit on the sidelines, until the war came to us. Then, it was America who stepped in to finish the fight!

Sooner or later, Americans will have to step up to finish this fight too, like it or not, able to afford it or not, no matter the cost…or America will be gone forever! The world will never know freedom and liberty anywhere, ever again.

No reason is good enough! Ours will either be the generations that let freedom and liberty die all over the globe, or ours will be the generations that saved America and freedom and liberty for all.

Between these two outcomes, there is nothing but unbridled tyranny and global despotism. There is no future!

“Sir, we have done everything that could be done to avert the storm which is now coming on. We have petitioned; we have remonstrated; we have supplicated; we have prostrated ourselves before the throne, and have implored its interposition to arrest the tyrannical hands of the ministry and Parliament.

Our petitions have been slighted; our remonstrances have produced additional violence and insult; our supplications have been disregarded; and we have been spurned, with contempt, from the foot of the throne. In vain, after these things, may we indulge the fond hope of peace and reconciliation. There is no longer any room for hope.

If we wish to be free—if we mean to preserve inviolate those inestimable privileges for which we have been so long contending—if we mean not basely to abandon the noble struggle in which we have been so long engaged, and which we have pledged ourselves never to abandon until the glorious object of our contest shall be obtained, we must fight! I repeat it, sir, we must fight!”Patrick Henry March 23, 1775 (audio)

Patrick Henry was a lawyer and politician… We have no such patriot lawyers or politicians today. Do we have any such Americans? Must we wait for war to come to our doors before we stand up together against it? Time will soon tell, and time is now short.

Patrick Henry wasn’t just a lawyer and politician. He will always be remembered as one of the people’s greatest patriots ever.

How will we be remembered? Our actions, not our hopes, will determine this, soon.

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lex Greene:

EU Drops Plan to Scrap Christmas

by Lee Duigon

December 9, 2021

This is not one of the more pleasurable eras in American history, but it could be worse. We could be part of the European Union.

The EU excels at making government more burdensome, more asinine, than it ever really has to be. And one sure-fire way to do that is to find some Far Left wacko and give her a well-paid government post with a license to spout nonsense that everybody has to listen to.

Recently the EU’s “equality minister” recommended that Christmas be abolished and replaced with a vague “Holiday Period.”

Oh! And she also recommended that the names “John” and “Mary” be tossed out and not used anymore—‘cause they’re, like, “Christian names” and therefore “not inclusive.”

To her astonishment, the Vatican, an EU member in good standing, totally freaked out and demanded a retraction. Which they got—but please don’t think that means the Equality Minister has changed her so-called mind. She’ll try again someday, after all the idiots in the government have had a little more time to beat down the plebs and make their minds right.

She didn’t bring up the subject of names like “Muhammad” and “Fatima.” Probably because she doesn’t want to be beheaded the next time she goes out on the street to buy kombucha.

Here in America this year, we haven’t yet seen the annual anti-Christmas campaign waged by liberals. Is it possible that they’re just a teeny bit afraid to lay that on us? What with the Afghanistan debacle, crazy spending bills in Congress, inflation going through the roof, our southern border wide open, and public schools “teaching” Critical Race Theory in spite of parents’ protests… would it really be all that wise of them to go gunning for Christmas? SloJo and Whatsername aren’t exactly popular just now. I wonder what happens when a president’s job approval rating dips below 30 percent, with the vice president’s down to single digits. Maybe they’re less than eager to find out. Then again, maybe they’d consider it an interesting experiment in practical politics. But I digress.

Equality ministers. Diversity officers. Inclusion counselors. Our ruling class is garbage. It needs to be chucked out, replaced, exiled to uninhabited islands in the Arctic where they can wait for Climate Change to keep them warm at night. And as awful as it is to have these ninnies in our government, that’s only the tip of the iceberg. We have them in our business, too. And mobs and mobs of them infesting our schools and universities. It wouldn’t take too much to push us into full EU/Canada/Australia mode.

Where do they even find a flaming fat-head who wants to use government to abolish common personal names? Do you even know anybody who’d like to do that? How many rotting logs do you have to turn over before one of these characters scurries out?

Ordinarily it would be America’s calling to say “No! No more!” It would be our country’s mission to inspire and lead a resurgence of freedom—dare we say “a return to full adulthood”? But our own ruling class is a house already half-eaten up by Far Left termites. How in the world do we get rid of them? I wish I knew.

It’s only 16 days till Christmas. Sixteen days in which our left-wing bigwigs can frantically search for some way to snatch our Christmas from us. Otherwise they’ll just have to gnash their teeth while we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

Let’s look to these other countries as lurid examples of government gone wild, as vivid object lessons in what we ought not to do. Ever.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and stop in for a visit… while it’s still allowed. My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon:

Who Do You Believe? CNN? FOX? CBS? NPR? PBS?

By Frosty Wooldridge

December 9, 2021

In 2021, we American citizens face a cavalcade of misinformation from every direction in the news media 24/7.  It’s almost incredible that we can’t get the straight scoop from CBS, NBC, ABC, NPR, PBS, and CNN.

Those organizations pay window dressing to the facts.  To show you how biased, I listened to NPR last night.  They ran a report on voter rights. They immediately rendered a biased program saying that the latest voter-ID laws cheated certain segments of society.  When in fact, a voter ID with picture and signature stand as the last bastion of our Republic as to citizenship. The fact is: over 20 million people living in our country are illegal border jumpers.  They live here in violation of our laws.  Why would we allow them to vote?  You’re either a legal, bonified American citizen who votes your choice…or, if you don’t acquire an ID card and signature…you’re not eligible.

Why should we have voter-ID laws? Answer: we don’t want a bunch of Islamic terrorists voting in their candidate in a given community.  We don’t want people who have jumped our borders to have any say in our governance. Why? Because they do not belong here. They live here in violation of our U.S. Constitution.  They  didn’t follow our laws. They are lawless.  We don’t want that kind of individual to have anything to do with our society.

Do we want countless Ilhan Omar’s rewriting our laws and negating our Constitution to install her Islamic Sharia Law?  Answer: not on your life!  She should be deported for breaking our immigration laws. She’s SO anti-American that she needs to be impeached from the House of Representatives. Send her back to Somalia where she can serve her own country.

A new study, published today in the journal of Nature Communications, has an answer. From five experiments, conducted on more than 500

participants, researchers figured out that most of us fall into one of three categories. “There are the thinkers, who decide whether to learn new information about a topic based on how much they already think about related topics; the utilitarians, who decide what to learn based on how useful they think the information will end up being; and the feelers, who decide based on how they think the new information will make them feel.”

The fourth type of people are “common sense” individuals who use that ageless faculty in order to make decisions.  I’m one of those!

This brings to mind Garret Hardin’s book: Filters Against Folly: How To Survive Despite Economists, Ecologists, and the Merely Eloquent.

“He shows how the filters of literacy, understanding what words really mean; numeracy, being able to quantify and interpret information; and ecolacy, assessment of complex interactions over time, can allow anyone to make sensible judgments about ecological issues–even in the face of a barrage of confusing expertise.”

Just look at the incredible lies Black actor Jussie Smollett gave the jury in his Chicago trial for staging his own “lynching” by two Black guys he paid to do it to him.  And because he’s Black, what do you bet he is found innocent of all charges.  But in fact, he started one of the biggest ‘racism” scandals we’ve had since the career criminal felon George Floyd.

If Jussie Smollett had been White, what do you think CNN, PBS and NPR would have done and how would they have reported on the trial?  They would have crucified White people across the country because of “White Privilege” and “White Supremacy.”  It’s incredible how every law-abiding White person in America stands guilty of “slavery and racism” from 100 years ago.  It’s worse than condemning a newborn baby for Cain’s original sin.

At some point, guys like Chuck Todd, Wolf Blitzer, Don Lemon and other charlatans need to be ignored. Not to mention Rachal Maddow and that vacant-brained Joy Reid.  Don’t forget Whoopi Goldberg and Behar’s acid tongues.  They  simply hate all Americans as a matter of fact.

Who do you believe?  To tell you the truth, this journalist investigates what I see on those shows.  From my vantage point, Tucker Carlson stands as the preeminent talk show speaker in America.  He gives the facts. He backs them up. He interviews solid Americans who bring relevant information to the American people.  Who else?  Laura Ingraham brings some fire to her presentations along with solid reporting and guests.

With his satire, Greg Gutfeld brings humor to the game…and along with that humor, underlying realities across the political landscape. He’s like a verbal political cartoon.  Gutsy!  Right on!  Truth-teller!

For the record, I give more credence to the men and women who gather at the local diner or school board meeting to give their ideas on the best steps for America.  Give me bedrock Americans who espouse their love of our country over a Chuck Todd, Don Lemon, Joe Scarborough or Joy Reid group of misinformation characters.  All of them slaughtered Kyle Rittenhouse as a “White Supremist” even before the trial. When in fact, he supported the BLM and he defended himself against White guys out to kill him. And, they would have killed him if he didn’t fight back!

So, who can you trust?  Well, trust all of the “citizen journalists” who write because they care about America. Trust them because they live in your community.  Trust citizen journalists who put in the hours and work without pay.  In the end, Devvy Kidd, Steven Yates, Steve Sailor, Kelleigh Nelson, Cheryl Chumley, Dennis Cuddy, Tom DeWeese, Ron Ewart, Betty Freauf, Laurie Roth and so many others—give you an honest appraisal of what’s going on in America.

I possess the highest regard for these folks because I read them, understand their investigations and see their solid work that supports America and her citizens.

God bless America and may she stand the test of time with her citizen journalists who stand by the U.S. Constitution.

Is anyone in America thinking about these questions?  Are we not galloping into America’s twilight years?

If you would like a free electronic copy of this book, please email me with your email address and I will send it to you.  Every American with children or any American who will live in this country in 2050, needs to understand what they face.

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121.

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

This video will scare the daylights out of every American as to what’s coming to our country, US Citizenship Act 2021 by Joe Biden.

If you want to see two documentaries that give visual proof of my book’s contents, go to Netflix, and type in “Cowspiracy” that shows you the damage to the air, land and water.  Watch “Seaspiracy” to see how humans are destroying the oceans.

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Overturn 2020 – We have NO choice

by Lex Greene

December 8, 2021

I remember trying to warn Americans that if the no one from nowhere, without so much as a legitimate birth certificate or any real job experience, was ever allowed to set foot in our White House, we would likely never be America ever again. He told us as much when he promised to “fundamentally transform America” and he is keeping that promise even today.

For me, this started when Obama upstaged John Kerry at his DNC Convention in 2004, as then Senator Ted Kennedy introduce Hussein to a country which had never heard of him before. Someone clearly groomed this guy for the stated purpose, and what that was all about is only now coming into complete focus, as our country is being torn to pieces by tyrannical dictates.

I remember telling people back then, that something very wrong was afoot, and that our White House would soon be occupied by someone who first claimed to be “from Kenya” as a Senate candidate in 2004, and later claimed to be “born in the USA” in 2008, Hawaii to be exact, when he was pushed onto the national stage by his mentor and handler Dr. Khalid al-Mansour, also known as Black Panther creator and Malcom X murderer, Donald Warden.

For the record, to this day, Hussein Obama has never delivered a single legitimate birth record from the USA. Instead, he delivered three different fake “Certifications of Live Birth” – not to be confused with an actual birth certificate. Hawaii issues “certificates of live birth” to people with no verifiable U.S. birth record, no matter where in the world they came from.

White Guilt had already been sewn deeply into the American psyche and as a result, the nation couldn’t wait to “elect the nation’s first black president” (who is allegedly half-white) in 2008, upsetting DNC “sure thing” Hillary Clinton in the 2008 DNC primaries. Obama would advance to the general election, despite never having accomplished anything in his entire life, beyond his time at Annenberg ( fame) as a communist “community organizer.”

This is when I first knew that America was in very BIG trouble. Oh sure, I had known about typical political corruption for many years prior. But this was different, very different. The White House would soon fall to “foreign occupation” and the American people themselves, would do it to themselves, blindly following the lead of the mainstream media who had prepared the battlefield and set the stage.

Never mind that America is by far the most culturally diverse nation on earth, or that it has been since its birth in 1776. Americans were Pavlov dog-whistle trained to commit political suicide, just to prove that they were not something that 99% of Americans never were. But I digress…

Point being, what’s happening in the USA today is not the first time many of us saw the writing on the wall or heard the death knell of freedom and liberty, loud and clear. It was not the first time that many of us tried to warn America of impending doom, either.

Here we are again, years later and more than 20-months into the greatest tyrannical global political scam ever perpetrated against America and citizens in countries all over the world, COVID19. People who don’t know that COVID19 is a plandemic created in gain of function labs here and abroad, simply don’t want to know. Every truth seeker already knows and that’s why they will NEVER take any fake vaccines from the same people who created the plandemic. The “unvaxxed” are the people who have been “following the science” from the beginning. The “vaxxed” have ignored all of the science, just like they ignore all of the election fraud.

The same people who believe Fauci, Gates and democrats on COVID, the leftist media and fact checkers, also believe that 80-million Americans voted for a 40-year career political criminal with late stage dementia, for President of the United States – even though he was set to lose the DNC nomination before Sanders and Warren were once again forced out of the race by Hussein and Co.

The 30% of voters who still think Biden is great, do not believe that Biden was the benefactor of a massively fraudulent election. They don’t believe it because they dare not believe it. It would destroy their Marxist fantasy agenda, along with their political party. It’s not Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in charge at the White House, it’s Obama officials like Valarie Jarret. In fact, over 60% of the Biden Cabinet were also Obama administration officials. This is really a third Obama term…

The only way Biden could steal 2020 was if there was a “crisis” that made way for unverifiable “mail-in balloting” that would be very difficult to traced to any single perpetrator or unravel after the fact. The theft of the election had to be so big, in fact, “too big to fail.” It had to be done on such a massive scale that everyone could see it, but everyone would be afraid to confront it, for fear of causing the entire federal government to collapse.

No COVID19, would have meant no lockdowns. That would have meant no mail-in balloting and no mail-in balloting, would have made a Biden-Harris victory totally impossible. Think not? Let’s try no mail-in balloting in 2022 and see what happens… Bet you won’t get any Biden fans to support that!

So, what do we do now, having established standing “new norms” for our election processes, which require no means of verifying legal voting or vote counting whatsoever? In fact, under current conditions, there is no way to verify any election at all, much less certify it.

My friends at have worked on a lot of critical things over the years. They issued the first detailed report on what really happened at Benghazi, and on what really happened to SEAL TEAM 6 on that fateful night in Afghanistan, both of which turned out to be 100% true and accurate, but not publicly confirmed by official sources until years later.

TNALC also researched, drafted, and launched the most critical state level model legislation in the past hundred years,in 2013. Had all Americans gotten behind it and passed it in our states back then, we wouldn’t be dealing with the federal tyranny we have been under for the past 20-months.

The point is, this group above all others, has been on the right track with real solutions for years now, usually years ahead of everyone else. That’s why I support them and hope you will too.

A week ago, surveyed their partners and members offering ten different potential priorities. The overwhelming response identified overturning 2020 fraud as the most critical top priority. So, TNALC released a special report on how to properly accomplish that goal, together. They will soon issue another report focused on how to stop the medical tyranny in the USA, and in my opinion, that mission will have to be executed at the same time we work to overturn 2020 fraud.

I encourage my readers to use the links provided to study the solutions they offer and get engaged. At the end of their report, they close with a statement proven true, which I agree with 100%…

“There is no need to email TNALC explaining that “no one is going to do anything.” The only people we are looking to “do something” is YOU. You’re right, the politicians are not ever going to do anything. Now, if YOU (we) aren’t going to do anything either, then nothing is going to get done.”

Here’s the report…

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lex Greene:

Anthony Fauci Doesn’t Represent Science, He Represents Dr. Mengele [Video]

by Bradlee Dean

December 8, 2021

‘The more we do to you,the less you seem to believe we are doing it.’ – Joseph Mengele, SS Officer “Angel of Death”

The comparisons to that of America and Germany in the 1930s now coming to the forefront in the news and comments of people are astounding to say the least (Hosea 4:6).

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At The Sons of Liberty, we noticed this years back in comparison from the Bush connections to that of the Mockingbird media to Project Paperclip to September 11, 2001, etc… (Jeremiah 11:9).

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Most recently, journalist Lara Logan ripped into Dr. Anthony Fauci, comparing him to the Nazi SS doctor, Josef Mengele.

“What you see on Dr. Fauci, this is what people say to me, that he doesn’t represent science to them. He represents Josef Mengele … the Nazi doctor who experimented on Jews during the Second World War and in the concentration camps,” Logan told Fox News. “And I am talking about people all across the world are saying this. Because the response from COVID, what it has done to countries everywhere, what it has done to civil liberties, the suicide rates, the poverty, it has obliterated economies.”

“The level of suffering that has been created because of this disease is now being seen in the cold light of day, i.e., the truth, and people see there is no justification for what is being done,” she added.

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Conclusion: This woman is spot on with her assessments and observations in judging Fauci by his fruits (Matthew 7:16).

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Yet, it would do good for Americans to take heed to the fact that they are, at this point in history, responsible for letting not only Fauci but also their said government murder far more than Mengele ever did.

This same government that wants you to believe that it is about safety are the very ones that have illegally sanctioned the murder of the babies in the womb (Proverbs 6:17).

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© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean:

Pearl Harbor Attack: Survivor S. J. Hemker Remembers

by Rees Lloyd

December 7, 2021

December 7, 2021,Pearl Harbor Day, marks the 80th anniversary of the Japanese air attack on U.S. naval and air installations at Pearl Harbor, HI, at 7:53 a.m., Dec. 7, 1941 — without a declaration of war.

It was then the worst attack on American soil in history: Some 2,403 died, 2008 of them Navy personnel; another 1,178 were wounded

Eighteen Navy ships, including the U.S.S. Arizona, were sunk or damaged. Almost all the planes at the island bases were destroyed or damaged while still on the ground.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt memorably called December 7, 1941, “a day which will live in infamy” in his dramatic speech to Congress, which then declared war on Japan.

Only the sneak attack on America by radical Islamic terrorists on 9-11-2001 in New York resulted in more deaths. But for many Americans of this generation — and millions of immigrants, legal and illegal — the meaning, the significance of Pearl Harbor, is not fully known, or appreciated.

One American for whom the Patriot Harbor attack did “live in infamy” for all of his long, productive, and patriotic  100-year life time was,  Pearl Harbor survivor Shelby John (“S.J.”) Hemker of Banning, California. Although he has now gone to God, his story reveals the nature of those Americans who  served at Pearl Harbor—indeed, his story reveals the nature of America— then.

Shelby John (“SJ”) Hemker, a poor “country boy” whose childhood was the Great Depression, joined the Navy at 17. He was at Pearl Harbor near the end of his first four-year tour of duty when the Japanese attacked. He survived that horror, and went on to be a three-war combat Navy veteran — WWII, Korea, and Vietnam. After retirement from the Navy, he continued to serve America in peacetime as a life member of The American Legion.

Hemker, by his giving, patriotic life of service to God and country  in war and in peace,  was an exemplar of the Greatest Generation of WWII. Beloved by his comrade wartime veterans and his community, S.J. Hemker was honored by both on January 10, 2019, at a celebration of his 100th Birthday.

Representatives of the linked San Gorgonio Pass cities of Banning and Beaumont in Riverside County, presented him with Proclamations honoring him; commendations were presented by his American Legion Post 428 and other Posts, and veterans organizations from as far away as Patriot Outreach based in Kansas.

Many  words were spoken there about Pearl Harbor, its horror, and its meaning, then and now. The most poignant of those words were those of S.J. Hemker, himself, in a remembrance of Pearl Habor, and of what it should mean, in an earlier interview with me.  It was my honor to read those words of S.H. Hemker about Pearl Harbor at the celebration of his life, and is an honor publish his own words here:

“Ordinarily, we would have been at sea, We were at Pearl Harbor because we had to repair an engine that had been sabotaged at the shipyard back in California. I was up on the fantail of our ship, the USS New Orleans, a heavy cruiser, with the Chief Master at Arms. The Quartermaster was there, getting ready to raise the flag,” S.J. Hemker recalled in an interview with me.

“It was 7:53 a.m. when we saw the Japanese planes. They were flying so low I could see the pilots’ faces in the cockpit. They were grinning at us as they went down toward Battle Ship Row. Grinning at me and the Chief. They were so close, you could have thrown something at them and hit them. A potato, maybe. They were that close. Just skimming the top of the water. Torpedo planes. The pilots grinning at us,” Hemker reluctantly, but vividly recalled.

“The loudspeakers blared: ‘Man your battle stations – the Japs are attacking’. All hell broke loose… It was terrible, horrible, …,” he said pausing in his remembrance.

“I spent the next eight hours down in the magazine loading for our five-inch anti-aircraft guns. We fired everything. If we had been hit, that would have been it for us in the magazine. We would have been blown up. We had a big crane over the top of our ship. I think that’s what saved us,” he stated matter-of-factly as to his own circumstance, then somberly related:

“The Arizona capsized. Thirteen hundred men went down with her. Half the guys I was with in boot camp died on the Arizona. That’s where the Memorial is today. They say that oil still leaks out every day. Those guys…they’re still down there,” Hemker said quietly, his voice trailing off, as if physically turning away from a memory, and reality, which was still too painful to talk about.

Getting Hemker to talk about it at all was no easy task. Like many of his fellow World War II veterans, he didn’t talk about his war experiences, never expected any thanks or gratitude, and never, ever boasted about it, despite the fact that after Pearl Harbor he served America in battles and combat zones for the duration of WWII, in the Korean War, and in Vietnam.

Hempker, a widower, roguishly handsome into his 90’s and possessed of a sly sense of humor, for years charmed the ladies in the American Legion Auxiliary with his country gallantry. He was universally admired by his comrade veterans in the American Legion. “I’m not able to do what I used to do, but I do what I can,” he said.

Hemker’s beloved wife died more than 30 years earlier. For the last thirteen years of her life, Hemker’s wife was bedridden, unable to perform the most basic of everyday tasks of life, totally dependent. It says a great deal about the kind of man S.J. Hemker was, that for all of those thirteen years Hemker cared for her, saw to her every need, lovingly dedicated his life to her care, until her death did them part.

Hemker had four sons. All four,  like their father, are veterans who served in the Vietnam war. Hemker had no biological daughter. But, in his declining years, he had for more than fifteen years lived in his own room in the home of a loving “daughter-in-fact” if not of biology, Sue McConnell, and her husband,

No daughter has rendered more loving care to a father than had Sue McConnell to S.J. Hemker.

“I call him my ‘Dad’ because he is that to me. I couldn’t love him more,”  Sue,told me. She had known Hemker for thirty-seven years, during which she had often risen up in fury when the VA had not done its duty “to this great man, this hero, my Dad.”

Reflecting on Pearl Harbor seventy-seven years after surviving it, Hemker, who had lost his eyesight,  but not his vision for America, observed.

“We Americans should never forget. If we forget our past and those who died, we won’t have a future. A free one, anyway. Look at what happened on 9-11. More people were killed on that day than were killed at Pearl Harbor. It can happen again,” he warned.

“I don’t think people remember Pearl Harbor and what it means, the way they used to do,” Hemker concluded. “That’s too bad. A lot of us can’t forget. An awful lot of really good people died to keep America free. They shouldn’t be forgotten.”

These are the last words of S.J. Hemker, veteran and self-described “ordinary American…just a common man,”  about the attack on Pearl Harbor,  that “day of infamy” on Dec. 7, 1941;  about those who died in it;  and about those who survived it and continued to serve until victory in WWII, preserving our American freedom.

Hemker, sad to say, is no longer with us. Although reaching his 100th Birthday on January 10, 2019, Hemker later in the year “transferred to Post Everlasting,” as we, his American Legion comrades, say.

Although S.J. Hemker may no longer be with us physically, he can be and should be with us spiritually—the spirit of patriotic love of  country and service in its defense that he exemplified, as did and do so many others of the WWII Greatest Generation. Neither his life nor his words should be forgotten, if, as he warns, we Americans are to remain free.

May the God that S.J. Hemker served so faithfully bless and keep him. May the country he served so faithfully for all of his 100 years on earth, always honor and remember him.

© 2021 Rees Lloyd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rees Lloyd:

Ponder “Prepperism”

by Sidney Secular

December 7, 2021

A “survivalism” subculture group has been “winging it” within the “right wing” for some 70 years now rightfully worrying about the collapse of law and order – that is, civilization itself – and the takeover of the Historical American Nation by communists and the minions of the New World Order. These folks prepare for the day they wholeheartedly believe is coming when life as we have known it in America and the West degenerates to the point at which basic services are disrupted and/or unavailable. At that point, we will descend into a “survival of the fittest” condition in which nothing is sacred and basic human rights, especially those established by such documents as the Bill of Rights, simply cease to exist. Remember, “rights” and “law” only exist in a civilized society. Remove civilization and we descend into chaos and anarchy. And, of course, when society does break down, most people who have ignored the signs of the coming apocalypse are caught with their “continued existence pants” down!

On the other hand, survivalists want to be able to continue to function like human beings rather than becoming prey for those released from the bonds of civilization; that is, with a degree of sovereignty, while the rest of the sheeple, accustomed to relying on the government for nearly everything, flounder around and lose their ability to meet their basic needs or even survive. Of course, it’s better to be safe than sorry, yet even during the nuclear threat of the cold war, most folks looked askance at “survivalists” because American society remained reasonably strong. But, alas, those days are over. Indeed, our society is getting sorrier all the time as has been depicted in my many articles over recent years in this newsletter! And as that is the case, we will begin providing “prepper-type” advice for surviving what is the current harrowing – and worsening! – world situation!

One aspect of “prepperism” that many have taken to heart under our worsening situation is the need to save the Second Amendment from libber nullification and to acquire arms – and the ability to use them properly – for self-defense. The recent black riots have intensified the proclivity of citizens to acquire arms and ammo in unprecedented numbers and amounts. There’s nothing wrong with that except that as with other aspects of prepperism, the thought and concern is to save oneself versus saving the nation, so preppers have not become sufficiently “up in arms” to be able to stage a coordinated revolt to take down the soiled system along the lines of Thomas Jefferson’s direction. Be that as it may, what follows is the beginnings of a foray into “prepper practices” one should seriously investigate in order to adopt those that are useful to the best of one’s capabilities.

Crime, looting, rape, and murder is ramping up as the social order loses its bearings and breaks down. When the situation gets out of control, government “aid and rescue services” (FEMA, the Red Cross, the local police, ambulance services, etc.) are either [1] too swamped and unreliable, especially in the blue-blighted areas where “affirmative actors” and unassimilated immigrants run the show or [2] systemically withheld in order to destroy what resistance ordinary citizens might bring to bear against their attackers! Food, fuel, and clean water can become very difficult or impossible to obtain, and actual diseases – as opposed to over-hyped pathogens like Covid! – can appear at the same time medical services break down. Indeed, our medical services are really taking a hit now as the best medical providers are quitting or being fired over Covid mandates and replaced by not-so-competent foreign practitioners, especially in blue areas. If you want a graphic picture of what life looks like when things fall apart, google or go to YouTube and BitChute for some videos of Detroit these days.

You should move as quickly as possible from an urban area to small town or rural environment and even to a remote part of the country, if possible. It is also wise if you do move, to go to states and localities that are presently “red” in their political and cultural leanings. Whatever happens, you will be better served by the governments of those places than in blue areas. Learn how to grow food – actually setting up a greenhouse in colder areas is a great idea. Assure a supply of ample potable water, such as having your own well if that is possible. A backup energy source and/or firewood for a wood stove is very important. Think “primitive.” Try to live several hundred miles from any major urban area and at least 100 miles from a major interstate highway – yes, such places do still exist. In a time of major crisis or martial law, the populated areas will become hellholes – well, worse hellholes. In such situations, the major cities and environs will be sealed off trapping their inhabitants inside. Meanwhile, interstate highways will be appropriated by the military, and as a result, there will be lots of Homeland “Obscurity” checkpoints where travelers will be stopped, vaccine status checked and cars searched for firearms and whatever else the searchers fancy.

Accumulate at least six months-worth of a gold/silver coin stash to pay expenses. Such should be sufficiently secreted away so as not to be easily accessed until needed in a crisis. Ordinary paper money can be kept for a number of reasons including throwing robbers (and cops) off the scent of your gold cache. Personally held, physical gold and silver bullion coins would be the safest, most liquid and potentially most profitable financial asset you can have in a major crisis. HOWEVER, do not comfort yourself as you see on TV that having gold is “safe!” Before World War II, President Roosevelt outlawed average citizens holding gold and it was confiscated and replaced by fiat money! If you buy gold, do so in small amounts from many different sources. Believe me, our government is far more tyrannical since FDR’s day and all the sources that sell gold are carefully monitored by that same government. Do not place your valuables in a bank safe deposit box since banks can be closed by the GovMint to prevent runs on deposits. They use the calming name of “bank holiday” to prevent public panic! The GovMint also has the power to enter your box without your knowledge or consent, record its contents and/or help itself to those contents if you have been declared an “Enemy of the State!”

These are some other essential considerations for times of a major crisis:

[1] If you can, surround yourself with at least a few like-minded friends or relatives;

[2] Acquire firearms and ammunition. Become familiar with those firearms including sufficient practice that will enable you use them most efficiently if it becomes necessary to do so;

[3] Acquire a world band shortwave radio and a satellite cell phone since the Internet and normal cell phone service may be down (are you aware that the government is already considering making owning and using shortwave radios illegal?);

[4] Acquire a year’s supply of dehydrated or freeze-dried food as well as canisters of several types of seeds for growing a variety of food. There are many sources out there presently selling such vittles;

[5] Acquire a British Berkey water filtering system. For information regarding same, call 888-803-4438;

[6] Acquire first aid kits, potassium iodide tablets for radiation protection, and a year’s supply of health supplements or meds you regularly take. The internet is filled with various sites that can help you to determine what it would be wise to acquire. As for older folks who have many, many so-called “maintenance prescriptions” – for instance for such conditions as high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes, etc., it is wise to look to your doctor to see if you can get long term prescriptions; if you can, purchase same; they don’t “go bad.” The internet may also provide sources for more mundane medications as above.

[7] Go to BitChute and YouTube to for how-to videos. If you cannot find what you want, seek “prepper sites” where such “how-to” videos are often available.

[8] Remember, not everyone is a candidate for “survival.” There are those, especially the elderly and the chronically ill, who see “survival” as is being discussed here as beyond either their ability or their desire. They want their children and grandchildren to survive, but they would not impose themselves on those who might be burdened by their presence. Nonetheless, older Americans should also know what to do even if you would not want to do it for yourself. Such people can be a voice of sanity in an insane world and can help guide those who can survive to do so.

© 2021 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Sidney Secular:

Tyranny With A Needle

by Kelleigh Nelson

December 7, 2021

A strict observance of the written laws is doubtless one of the high duties of a good citizen, but it is not the highest. The laws of necessity, of self-preservation, of saving our country when in danger, are of a higher obligation…To lose our country by a scrupulous adherence to written law would be to lose the law itself, with life, liberty, property and all those who are enjoying them with us; thus, absurdly sacrificing the ends to the means. —Thomas Jefferson, Letter to J.B. Colvin, September 20, 1780

If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent, we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter. —George Washington

The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure, when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them. —Patrick Henry

Tyranny is tyranny, no matter what its form; the free man will resist it if his courage serves. Judge Learned Hand

Our only weapon is the truth and, in the end, the truth must always defeat the lie. Ten years ago, we would have been shocked and outraged by the very idea of censorship, but I’m afraid we’ve all become acclimated to cruelty and injustice by being exposed to it in steadily increasing doses throughout the years.

Intolerable wrongs we accept now as a matter of course, would have provoked marches in the streets and calls for new elections only a few years ago.  I cannot accept injustice any more now than I did as a teenager with my mother constantly educating me on the evils that could befall America. Fear laden propaganda has become steadily more oppressive where citizens are tempted to believe whatever our Pravda media and medical hierarchy tell them.

How quickly medical staff bowed to the “protocols for Covid patients,” when so many of the tests were false positives, many died unnecessarily and early treatment was ignored. That didn’t stop hospitals, corporations and schools from genuflecting to the Covid jab mandates.  It was never about life saving treatment, it was about the jab.

America’s Health Care Decline

If you haven’t purchased a copy of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s book, The Real Anthony Fauci, you are missing a great and informative read on a vile and odious man who has done nothing to improve America’s health care and is an unelected autocratic leader.  Fauci is a combination of Hitler, Mengele and Goebbels, the evil leader, doctor and propagandist.

Robert Kennedy states, “When Dr. Fauci took office, America was still ranked among the world’s healthiest populations. An August 2021 study by the Commonwealth Fund ranked America’s health care system dead last among industrialized nations, with the highest infant mortality and the lowest life expectancy.  ‘If health care were an Olympic sport, the US might not qualify in a competition with other high-income nations,’ laments the study’s lead author, Eric Schneider, who serves as Senior Vice President for Policy and Research at the Commonwealth Fund.”

“Following WWII, life expectancy in the US climbed for five decades, making Americans among the longest-lived people in the developed world.  IQ also grew steadily by three points each decade since 1900.  But as Tony Fauci spent the 1990s expanding the pharmaceutical and chemical paradigm, instead of public health, the pace of both longevity and intelligence slowed.  The life expectancy decrease widened the gap between the US and its peers to nearly five years, and American children have lost seven IQ points since 2000.”

Congress had specifically charged Dr. Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) to investigate and prevent certain illnesses within the American public.  Instead, allergies, autoimmune and chronic illnesses have mushroomed to afflict 54 percent of children, up from 12.8 percent when Fauci took over NIAID in 1984.

People from every nation would journey to America to receive the finest in health care worldwide.  That is no longer true.

Drs. Fauci, Birx and Redfield were chosen by VP Michael Pence, the Trojan Horse within the Trump administration. Trump chose Pence to head the Covid Task Force, so the buck stops with our 45th President.  It took Pence’s January 6th failure to save the Trump presidency and the Republic before our favorite 21st century president realized the deep state neo-con he had chosen stabbed him in the back, and the Republic in the heart.

Coverup to Catastrophe

People are being damaged every day via Covid inoculations and Covid doesn’t even exist anymore.  Many of the vaxxed who carry 251 to 1000 of the viral loads in their nasal and oral pathways are spreading the enhanced variants.

The lie is that the uninoculated are spreading the virus!  No, it’s the twice or thrice jabbed who are spreading illness and death. Look at the highly inoculated states compared to the lower jabbed states…it’s obvious.  There are more people sick and dying who have been vaxxed than those who have abstained.  (Michael Yon calls us “pure bloods.”)  According to the New York Times, the least vaccinated states of West Virginia, Idaho, Wyoming, Mississippi and Alabama are seeing a fall in case numbers.

Attorney Aaron Siri has published an initial report addressing information he demanded and received via civil lawsuit from the Federal Drug Administration (FDA). Those subpoenaed FDA files prove they knew the Pfizer vax has dangerous side effects.

That hasn’t stopped our Pravda media from making demands of their illegitimate leader.  CNBC host Jim Cramer called on President Joe Biden to not only require forced vaccination of all Americans, but he also wants the military to enforce it!  Cramer adds that in order to put an end to this “pandemic,” the federal government needs to require vaccines, including booster shots, for everyone in America by, say, January 1st.”

On Steve Bannon’s November 26th show, Peter Navarro said, “There has to be an end immediately to the universal vax policy.  It’s very clear and Dr. Malone can talk about the science of this, and that we are running the risk of creating vaccine resistant mutations. They are proliferating. That could wind up doing great harm to people around the world who, ironically, are vaccinated.  That policy is not working.  The Malone/Navarro doctrine is to vaccinate only the most vulnerable targets. Always remember that we are not really vaccinating people, that is not a vaccination.”

Peter Navarro and Dr. Robert Malone are still pushing this vax for the “most vulnerable.”  Who are they?The elderly, often referred to as “useless eaters” by the proponents of depopulation and genocide, are most likely to have deleterious side effects from the jab.

Bill Gates believes we must reduce the population of the world by at least a billion people and this will be done by abortion and vaccine euthanasia, whereas United Nations Agenda 21/30 believes the world population must be reduced by 85 percent. Most of their vaccination program had disastrous results, causing the very illness, polio for example in India, and sterilizing young women in Kenya with modified tetanus vaccines. Many of the children died. Many of the programs were carried out with the backing of the World Health Organization (WHO) and,yes, the UN Agency responsible for the Protection of Children, UNICEF.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is calling for “Investigations into the ‘Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’ for Medical Malpractice and Crimes Against Humanity.” Also see, Coronavirus – No Vaccine Is Needed to Cure It.

All Roads Lead to the Vaccine

There are places in Southeast Asia and Europe where the groundwork is being laid for compulsory vaccination, where you’ll be forcibly jabbed.  That is how bad the stakeholders want vaccination.  The stakeholders are Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, AstraZeneca, the CDC, NIH, FDA, AMA, the White House, Gates Foundation and WHO.  We’ve never had this before, this massive propaganda program.

It’s a “needle in every arm,” as Dr. Peter McCullough has explained in many interviews.  As for Covid recovered patients, why would these stakeholders want a needle in every arm when recovered have God’s natural immunity?

Only two months of investigations were done for these jabs that could give you everything from a sore arm to death.  They take your information, get you to sign a release and you are now in a database.

Recent visits to two new hand surgeons, since my previous surgeon retired early, have let me know that they are all about the protocols to save their sorry backsides, and they refuse to believe in God’s natural immunity. They tell me I should get the vax despite recovery from C-19 and verified antibodies.  I have been in the home of a friend who is 48 and has Delta and was very sick.  I am not worried that I will catch anything.

North Carolina just passed a law that 12-year-old youngsters can make their own decisions on the vax, and it could be their fatal decision. In America and in Europe, thousands die on days one, two, and three after the vaccine.  This is despotic tyranny.

Why are we pushing this in a way where people’s jobs, education and livelihood decide on a position that is potentially fatal?  So many parents want their children to go to college this year, but they don’t want them forced into taking an experimental jab that could kill or cripple them.  The internet is full of these cases; blood clots, strokes, immediate death, pericarditis and myocarditis to name just a few.  Dr. Peter McCullough says that he cannot recommend this injection because it has passed all thresholds to being a safe product.  It’s not just Johnson and Johnson, in fact, more of the safety events have occurred with Pfizer and Moderna.

There are now papers by prominent worldwide scientists calling for a halt in the program. There are prominent virologists, including Nobel Prize winners who have said, “If we vax to the long-gone Wuhan Covid spike protein, it’s going to grow super bugs that will really wipe out populations.” Dr. Michael Yeadon, former top scientist and VP at Pfizer has said, “You are 50 times more likely to die of the vax than of Covid.”

I believe this is what is wanted by the stakeholders…depopulation via genocide and vaccine euthanasia.

Dr. Peter McCullough believes indiscriminate vaccination is a horrendous bioweapon that has been thrust onto the public and will cause great personal harm which it already has accomplished.


Only one percent of the vaccine death and adverse events are reported on the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) in America.  Why?  It takes a half hour to fill out the report and at the end of every page it says, “Warning, federal offense and severe fines and penalties if falsified reports.”

People are talking to each other; they know the vaccines are not safe and now they want children without parental oversight to have these jabs! And get this…now they want to be in the church!  If your church promotes this, run to the nearest exit!

Whitney Webb, a professional writer, researcher and journalist said that this is what globalists have been waiting for.  Whitney believes they’re waiting for a way of marking people.  When you get a vaccine, you’re marked in the database and this can be used for trade, commerce, behavior modification. Dr. McCullough says you can see it in Dallas where they’ve announced that you can’t go to a Dallas Mavericks game unless you’re vaccinated.

Colleges today are announcing they’re not giving any credits even to natural God given immunity.  And it goes against all previous science.  Have you had chicken pox, measles, mumps, whooping cough?  You’re immune for life!  Every scientist in the world knows that natural immunity is way better than the vax immunity.  Why is faulty vax immunity the priority and natural immunity doesn’t count?

Dr. McCullough agrees with Whitney Webb and believes the vax is a way of marking people, similar to communist China’s social credit system.  The vax is just the starter, they’re already prepping people for numerous boosters.  McCullough asks, “What product is there that is indemnified, where if something goes wrong, you have no recourse?”  When a pregnant woman gets vaccinated, she has no maternal fetal rights.   Something happens to her baby and she’s out of luck?  This is extraordinary what Americans are doing and accepting.

As of December 4th, 2021, 2,809 dead babies were reported in VAERS following Covid shots.  New documents prove Pfizer, the FDA, and the CDC knew the shots were not safe for pregnant women.

The Nuremberg Code was enacted to stop sadistic human medical experimentation from ever happening again, but individual European states and now the entire E.U. are ready to scrap the code.

A Nuremberg 2.0 trial against world leaders for crimes against humanity has kicked off in Poland.  Attorneys, doctors and researchers are joining together and are willing to go into an international court and testify about the genocidal efforts of those who launched the viral bioweapon and the death shots.  Let us hope and pray that this proves successful for the survival of humanity.

Vaccine Safety Data

Not just our older vaccines, but newer vaccines like shingles, Hepatitis B, Meningococcal vaccines demand a minimum of two years of safety data codified into regulatory rules for the manufacturers.  That was all thrown out for the Covid vax and it was two-month “warp speed.”  The idea that we could vaccinate people who were not even tested in the trials has never been done before.  The very first pregnant woman vaxxed in the US was done without any knowledge of safety or efficacy.

The argument was that Covid was a very bad illness and 600K people died so everyone needs the jab and they need it now.  But as Dr. McCullough and other outspoken and honest physicians and scientists have stated, 85% of those people could have been saved with early home treatments which were actively suppressed and quashed by the stakeholders and Pravda media.  Let’s see the “safety” of these vaccines, because there is none being shown!  Americans never received weekly updates on vaccine safety from federal officials.  The lack of these two things are the largest examples of medical malfeasance, wrongdoing by those in authority, in all medical regulatory history.

There were no updates on treatment, no promotion of early treatment to reduce hospitalization and death, and now when we release the vaccine, why are there no safety updates, why are there no attempts for risk mitigation in terms of making the vaccine program safer?

Dr. McCullough stated, “Never, out of the box, is a brand-new technology tried on a pregnant woman.  We know this vax technology produces the dangerous spike protein. The Wuhan spike protein, the spicule on the ball of the virus itself which damages blood vessels and causes blood clotting, and all of them do, we would never unleash that into a pregnant woman’s body.  Something is very wrong with what’s going on.  What’s going on now in the world, these are examples, clear cut examples, of wrong doing, that is at such a high level.  The group think is in the wrong direction in such a consistent and overwhelming way that people are being harmed in an extraordinary fashion.”


The stakeholders have continually promoted Sars-coV-2 as something far worse than it is to push everyone into accepting the Covid inoculations. Loneliness and lockdowns actually did more damage, but was the impetus to “a needle in every arm.”  Early treatment was the key, but an early treatment meant there was no need for a “vaccine.” Treatment was quashed while thousands needlessly died, and Americans were told normalcy would only return with the “warp speed” vax. The fear propaganda worked and Pravda media promoted mass “vaccination.”

Vaxxing the elderly and infirm came first, then pregnant women, and the unborn died in record numbers.  Next were injections for the Covid recovered.  Now they’re on to our children and soon to our babies.  How many have to die before this evil is stopped?  The limit to shut down a vax program is 25 to 50 deaths as we saw with the swine flu in 1976.  We have lost thousands in America alone.  Scroll through the VAERS summary for Covid jabs, remembering this is only one percent of reported deaths or adverse effects.

In America, with about 100 million receiving the Covid jab, this is far and away the most lethal, toxic, biologic agent ever injected into a human body in American history and it’s going strong.  There is no mention of safety by our officials, with wild enthusiasm by our hospitals and hospital administrators, with doctors supporting it, many of whom are saying they won’t see patients in offices if they’re not jabbed.

It has never been about the virus; it has always been about the vaccine.

© 2021 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson:

Inordinate Amount of Killing and Crime: What About Parenting?

By Frosty Wooldridge

December 6, 2021

A 15 year old kid, Ethan Crumbley, at Oxford High School, Detroit, Michigan, grabbed his father’s recently purchased pistol…walked into his school and with ice in his veins, shot four students dead and injured a number of others.

Notwithstanding, he featured violent figures on his social media site.  His parents allowed him to play cruel arcade games.  The principal talked to him about the child’s violent drawings and rhetoric.  The principal, determining the child was no threat, let the kid out of the office…where Ethan Crumbley casually gunned down fellow students.

My wife and I lived right next to the Columbine killings in Denver, Colorado 20 years ago.  The two boys gave every kind of notice that they were violent and ready to kill for weeks before their slaughter of a dozen fellow students at Columbine High School.  Nobody paid attention. Their parents ignored all the aberrant signs of their kids.

At a Christmas parade last week in Waukesha, Wisconsin, Darrell Brooks stepped into his SUV, drove downtown and casually mowed down 50 people, killing six of them as they participated in the parade. As a career felon, he advocated for violence, he beat the crap out of his wife, he attempted to run her over with his car, and he rapped violent video music in his world.  He jumped bail, and then, the prosecutor gave him another bail to go free that enabled him to kill all those people and destroy all those lives.

In the last two weeks, hundreds of blacks smashed and looted countless stores in San Francisco and Los Angeles. They stole over $200,000.00 in products.  These were kids who are also thugs, anarchists and terrorists against the “rule of law” in our society.  Worse than that, they get away with it because district attorneys in San Francisco and Los Angeles won’t keep them in jail.

“42 shot and 9 killed this weekend” read the Chicago papers on November 8, 2021.  What’s the problem?  Answer: that shooting, and death toll occurs every single weekend in Chicago.

Associated Press: Two recent killings in St. Louis and a third fatal shooting in St. Louis County appear to be related, law enforcement officials announced Tuesday.

“The victims were a 16-year-old girl killed in St. Louis County, and a man and woman who were shot 2 miles (3.2 kilometers) apart in north St. Louis, St. Louis,”  police Maj. Shawn Dace said.

Last summer, BLM and Antifa anarchists burned, looted and killed to the tune of $2 billion in lost property and goods.  You can’t make this stuff up!

So, what’s going on in our society?  Answer: at some point in the past 50 years, a certain percentage of parents have lost control, discipline and accountability for a vast number of teenagers.

We lost 100,000 people to drug overdose deaths last year.  Why for the love of common sense, would anyone start taking drugs?  We’ve got $52 billion in shoplifting thefts annually.  We’ve got 130 teen suicides daily in the USA. (Source: Suicide Statistics/AFSP…

The average teenager “texts” 3,000 times per month. That’s over 100 times a day.  April 20, 2020 — Older girls who text are the most active, with 14-17 year-old girls typically sending 100 or more messages a day or more than 3,000 texts monthly.  (Source:  How about school officials “store” all cell phones in individual slots as they walk into school?  No child needs a cell phone during school hours? Do you agree?

What about the thousands of video arcades across America packed to the wall daily with kids shooting, stabbing, murdering, killing and maiming their foes?  Isn’t that teaching violence to our kids?  Aren’t those ‘game’ fomenting incredible violence across America? Is there any wonder that children become violent?

How about the horrible statistic that seven out of ten black children come into this world with a single mom living on welfare?  How do you grasp that kind of hopelessness, poverty, misery and loneliness of that woman and her child or children?  Is it any wonder that such children join gangs such as the BLM and become anarchists?

What are we as a society losing?  How about parental control of a child’s cell phone?  What about parental control over a weapon in the house?  How about parental guidance and discipline…as to telling the truth, about living an ethical life, about working a job for what you wish to earn and/or buy, or accomplish?

The reality remains: our inner cities have become incubators of violent youth.  Just look at the mess Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis, Baltimore, Minneapolis, Denver, Miami, Atlanta, LA, San Francisco, Seattle and New York City.

What happens when their numbers outnumber our police forces?  What happens when the shoplifting exceeds $100 billion annually, and then $200 billion?  Are any of the sociological planners looking at the “rot” in our cities?

Do we want more Black Lives Matter fomenting revolution by advocating that Black People boycott White Peoples’ businesses?  Where’s that going as to racial relations?

What about parenting?  How about couples heading toward marriage must pass a six month, once-a-week class in raising children, conflict resolution, how to remain compatible, how to manage finances, positive educational/learning environment for their children, signs of children’s violent trends and how to move them into a more positive path?

What about taking all that money for the military and moving a portion of it into building fine young men and women with after school classes, tutoring, recreation centers, basketball courts, hockey centers, baseball diamonds, tennis, music classes, art classes…and any kind of positive social outlet for all children?  How about dispensing birth control for teens

As to this journalist’s observation across America, and as a former teacher, I think we’re in a hell of a mess…and we fail to see it. We fail to understand its underpinnings.  We keep ignoring its causes.  We fail to come up with solutions.  That’s why another Sandy Hook, Columbine, Oxford, Waukesha and other killing zones will occur more often across this country.  In the big cities, this country and its youth are going stark raving crazy.

Is anyone in America thinking about these questions?  Are we not galloping into America’s twilight years?

If you would like a free electronic copy of this book, please email me with your email address and I will send it to you.  Every American with children or any American who will live in this country in 2050, needs to understand what they face.

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121.

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

This video will scare the daylights out of every American as to what’s coming to our country, US Citizenship Act 2021 by Joe Biden.

If you want to see two documentaries that give visual proof of my book’s contents, go to Netflix, and type in “Cowspiracy” that shows you the damage to the air, land and water.  Watch “Seaspiracy” to see how humans are destroying the oceans.

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Can You Sue Employer: Mandatory COVID-19 Injections Death or Injury?

By: Devvy

December 6, 2021

The relentless tyranny both here in the U.S. and in countries around the world to force those COVID-19 experimental injections on every man, woman and child is beyond surreal.  The continued lying about SARS-CoV-2 being a virus [1][2][3] vomited up everyday is just more ignoring science.

For anyone to continue spreading the big lie those experimental injections are safe is either deliberately lying, in denial or living in a cave. If they’re so safe why are members of CON-gress and their staffs exempt from forced injection? Cheating China Joe Biden’s handlers made sure to circumvent the Constitution (and ignore the Neuremberg Code) by attempting to use OSHA (Occupational Safety & Health Administration).  Under the Tenth Amendment, OSHA has no jurisdiction in my opinion – unless invited by a state.

Refresher from my Dec. 15, 2012 column:  “We know from reading Art. 1, Sec. 8 of the U.S. Constitution that health care is not an enumerated power granted to Congress. We should also go back and look at the Zellman memo:

“…for a law to be valid, it must be constitutional and second, let’s remember what killed Comrade Hillary Clinton’s attempt back in 1993 when she was co-president. The Zellman memo was obtained under the Freedom of Information Act in an effort to find out what went on in those secret health care meetings:

“Memorandum for Walter Zellman from Sallyanne Payton, clearly marked: Preliminary Draft for Official Use Only. Do Not Quote or Release For Any Purpose, page 4, Health Care Task Reform under Hillary Clinton. Please note these sections:

“(b) may the federal government use other actors in the governmental system(Note:  In this case OSHA) and the private sector as its agents and give them orders as though they were parts of a prefectorial system? The short answer is “no.” State governments are independent, although subordinated, sovereignties, not subdivisions of the federal government.

“Although the federal government may regulate many of their functions directly [as well, for example, it subjects state water districts to the Clean Water Act], it may not require them to exercise their own governmental powers in a manner dictated by federal law. The states may be encouraged, bribed or threatened into entering into joint federal state programs of various sorts, from unemployment insurance to Medicaid; but they may not be commanded directly to use their own governmental apparatus in the service of federal policy. There is a modest jurisprudence of the Tenth Amendment that seems to have settled on this proposition. See the DOJ [Dept. of Justice] memorandum for a fuller elaboration.”*

“Additionally, the so-called reporting requirements by employers will cost them a lot of money which down the road means lay-offs or no new hiring. The U.S. Congress has zero authority to force employers in the private sector to dance to their tune and its long past time to fight them.”

DeSantis on Florida Potentially Ditching OSHA: ‘They Don’t Recognize Core Scientific Facts’, Nov. 16, 2021 – “There’s a lot of states that don’t do OSHA. … and I think it’s an appropriate response given how heavy-handed OSHA’s being,” DeSantis said.”

Here is an example of some ‘expert’ who doesn’t have a clue about the U.S. Constitution:  OSHA Cracks Down On State Plans That Refuse to Adopt COVID Standard, Oct. 20, 2021 – “OSHA state plans cover almost half the states. So to paraphrase our President, this is a big fucking deal.

“State plan states were given 30 days to adopt the June 21 COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) that covered health care workers. But three states — Arizona, South Carolina and Utah — asserting some warped idea of states’ rights — decided to defy the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHAct) and refused to adopt the ETS. Yesterday, federal OSHA told those states to think twice and announced its intention to revoke the state plans and take over workplace safety enforcement in those states.”  Try it.

Good and don’t let the door slap you on the arse on your way out.  Every state in the Union has their own state safety plans.  This is exactly the same argument I’ve covered endlessly about the EPA.  All states have their own environmental laws and one size does not fit all.  The EPA is part of the big picture to destroy capitalism.[6][7]

Ron DeSantis: OSHA Rule Created ‘Under the Guise of Emergency Power’, Nov. 5, 2021

Biden, Fauci, Pelosi, & Newsom All Objected To Mandatory Vaccines, Sept. 10, 2021. “In April, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said “we cannot require someone to be vaccinated. That’s just not what we can do.”  Jen Psaki is Biden’s spokes-mouth protector.  She’s earned the name ‘circle back Jen’ for a consistent pattern of evasiveness during pressers.  Another stupid useful fool:  JEN IN JULY: It is “not the role of the federal government” to force Americans to get vaccinated. JOE IN SEPTEMBER: Abide by the federal vaccine mandate or “be prepared to pay!”

Fauci does not foresee a Covid-19 vaccine mandate in the United States,  August 18, 2020:   “I don’t think you’ll ever see a mandating of vaccine, particularly for the general public,” Fauci said on Tuesday during a town hall. “Fauci said everyone has the right to refuse a vaccine. “If someone refuses the vaccine in the general public, then there’s nothing you can do about that. You cannot force someone to take a vaccine,” he said.”

True, but the threat of losing your paycheck isn’t about taking a vaccine because those CVODI injections are NOT legally vaccines.  This from one of my previous columns:

Pfizer BioNTech filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, Dec. 31, 2019See document here, pg 14 – 15:

“To our knowledge, there is no current precedent for an mRNA-based immunotherapy such as the type we are developing being approved for sale by the FDA, European Commission or any other regulatory agency elsewhere in the world. Although we expect to submit BLAs for our mRNA-based product candidates in the United States, and in the European Union, mRNA therapies have been classified as gene therapy medicinal products, other jurisdictions may consider our mRNA-based product candidates to be new drugs, not biologics or gene therapy medicinal products, and require different marketing applications.

“Any product candidates we develop may not be effective, may be only moderately effective, or may prove to have undesirable or unintended side effects, toxicities or other characteristics that may preclude our obtaining marketing approval or prevent or limit commercial use.”

Pg 16:  “Currently, mRNA is considered a gene therapy product by the FDA…Our product candidates may not work as intended, may cause undesirable side effects or may have other properties that could delay or prevent their regulatory approval, limit the commercial profile of an approved label, or result in significant negative consequences following marketing approval, if any.”

Vaccines normally take 10-15 years before getting approval for mass distribution.  The first injections were rolled out in hospitals on Dec. 14, 2020.  That SEC filing was last day of 2019 before production began. Clinical trials are scheduled through 2023, so yes, humans on this planet are being used as test subjects.

How about Moderna and their SEC filing, June 30, 2020?  “Regulatory requirements governing gene and cell therapy products have evolved and may continue to change in the future, and the implications for mRNA-based therapies are unknown…Currently, mRNA is considered a gene therapy product by the FDA.”

“Click on Table of Contents and go down to page 64; “Our pursuit of mRNA-1273, a potential vaccine for SARS-CoV-2, continues to be subject to completion of the required clinical trials and regulatory approval in the United States and elsewhere. We may be unable to produce a vaccine that successfully treats the virus in a timely manner, if at allCurrently, mRNA is considered a gene therapy product by the FDA.

On Moderna’s web site under EUA  it says, “The Moderna COVID‑19 Vaccine has not been approved or licensed by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), but has been authorized for emergency use by FDA, under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), to prevent Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID‑19) for use in individuals 18 years of age and older. There is no FDA-approved vaccine to prevent COVID‑19.”

What Is Gene Therapy? How Does It Work? – “Recognizing this, scientists have been working for decades on ways to modify genes or replace faulty genes with healthy ones to treat, cure or prevent a disease or medical condition.”


Fortunately for Americans, there’s been some skirmishes won in the courts while some lawsuits are still grinding along six months after filing.  Two More Biden Vax Mandates Blocked in Court, Dec. 1, 2021 – “U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty in Monroe, Louisiana, temporarily blocked the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) from enforcing its vaccine mandate, saying that the government agencies — CMS and HHS, which developed the rule — have exceeded their authority.

“None of the numerous regulations and statutes cited by the government defendants have “given them the ‘superpowers’ they claim,” per the ruling. It continued, “Not only do the statutes not specify such superpowers, but principles of separation of powers weigh heavily against such powerful authority being transferred to a government agency by general authority.”

“Separately, U.S. District Judge Gregory Van Tatenhove in Frankfort, Kentucky, blocked the mandate that requires federal contractors to receive COVID jabs by January 4. Per the ruling,

“Can the president use congressionally delegated authority to manage the federal procurement of goods and services to impose vaccines on the employees of federal contractors and subcontractors? In all likelihood, the answer to that question is no.”

Can our military, National Guardand DoD contractors be forced to take those dangerous experimental injections?  A federal court ruled NO.  Please see my column here for all the details.

Vaccine manufacturers were given complete immunity regarding responsibility for “adverse events” or deaths.  Name me one other product where the manufacturer has to seek congressional protection regarding safety?  But, let me bring this up again:  Those injections are not vaccines.  Can the manufacturers be held liable after all?  Here again is an important video to watch on that legal issue in case you missed it:  Learn Why the 1986 Vaccine Protection Act Does Not Protect Covid-19 Injections, interview with Dr. David Martin and see Footnote 4 & 5 below.

But what about employers who threaten termination if an employee refuses to get injected?

Imposter president, Joe Biden isn’t making any decisions;  his dementia is very advanced.  The two craven POS behind the scenes are Hussein Obama and Valerie Jarrett who had Biden direct OSHA to mandate private employers to force compliance on getting their workforce injected or pay huge fines.  I’ve covered this before:  What does the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) say about coercion on the job and either termination or retaliation? The Lawyers and the Judge got it Wrong: The Law, the COVID-19 Injections and Houston Methodist Hospital v Jennifer Bridges et al., Case.

“In that analysis, reference is also made to the NLRB, National Labor Relations Board:  “They further failed to address the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) rulings on coercion Coercion of employees (Section 8(b)(1)(A)) National Labor Relations Board ( Congress enacted the National Labor Relations Act (“NLRA”) in 1935 to protect the rights of employees and employers, to encourage collective bargaining, and to curtail certain private sector labor and management practices, which can harm the general welfare of workers, businesses and the U.S. economy. Coercion of employees (Section 8(b)(1)(A)) and (4)(i) is key to the issue of the Methodist Employees and their right to decline, free from coercion. Again, the lawyers failed to introduce this argument.”

You can file a complaint with the NLRB.  Get your union bosses up to speed on the law.  Please remember under OSHA regulations you cannot be fired from your job altho’ we all know vindictive employers can make your life hell.  Better than being dead, having your leg amputated or suffer permanent neurological brain injury.

I believe anyone forced to take those injections should be able to sue the employer.  If death is a result, the family/estate should be able to sue and this is particularly important when children are left without a parent.  Tort lawsuits involve personal injury vs criminal.  The same applies if you’re badly injured after being forced to take those injections or lose your paycheck.  Like the hundreds of individuals who are now permanently disabled from those injections and getting NO help from anyone.  This is a drop in the bucket but a long, long list of testimonials of their injuries.

It’s up to employees to put together factual data, number of deaths and all other supporting documentation and submit to your employer.  I strongly advise you be represented by a competent attorney; be a group and pool your money for legal fees.  A package full of truth with your attorney stressing to company or corporation X:  Under the Nuremberg Code no one can be forced to take experimental injections not to mention NLRB regulations.  Nuremberg Code (Directives for Human Experimentation) READ:  The Significance of the Nuremberg Code

If you think the shadow government running the show isn’t worried about a Nuremberg Code lawsuit (which has been successful in the past here in the U.S.), think again.  Considering it was in Germany where sadist, Joseph Mengale, conducted such evil medical experiments on innocent human beings, one would hope the good people of Germany take to the streets on this one:

On The Heels of Austria and Germany Locking Down The Unvaccinated, EU Leader Calls For Throwing Out Nuremberg Code In Favor of Forced Vaccinating All Dissenters, Dec. 3, 2021 – “On Wednesday, Ursula Van Der Leyen – the chief of the European Union (EU) Commission told the press that she would like to see the long-standing Nuremberg Code ignored completely in favor of allowing countries to force vaccinate anyone who is refusing to take the experimental jab.”

Why?  Quoting from above:  “European Union countries should consider mandatory vaccination to combat Covid and the Omicron variant, the head of its Commission has said.  Ursula von der Leyen said vaccines would be crucial in the fight against the “highly contagious” new variant.”  It’s the least contagious of all, you liar.

Another one of Satan’s handmaidens, von der Leyen should be fired.  (Anagram of Omicron is moronic.)  Think her idea of tossing the Nuremberg Code won’t be mentioned by the prostitute media in this country in cunning fashion?  It will.  (Forbes names her the 4th most powerful woman in the world; Hildebeast Clinton must be frothing in envy.)

The bottom line is once an employer is given all the FACTS regarding those injections and a lesson on the Nuremberg Code and still threatens an employee, that is coercion.  If a loved one dies or is badly injured/rendered permanently disabled for life after the employer was given all the ammunition in your legal arsenal, why can’t they be sued?

Nice to meet you, CEO of ABC Company.  I’m legal counsel representing your employees regarding prior notice the assembly line (model) being used in all your packing plants was dangerous.  I provided you with the number of deaths, injured and yet you still persisted in threatening employees whose job it is to use that equipment to continue using said equipment or lose their jobs.  Not only have you ignored NLRB regulations, now 14 of your employees are either deceased, 22 have suffered serious life-threatening injury or are now permanently disabled.  Now we’re going to sue you.

What would a jury think once all the evidence is presented? FACTS not the drivel coming from phony “fact checkers” courtesy of the prostitute media. Southwest Airlines finally caved after a huge resistance by employees.  Oh, they’ll continue to test them for a phantom virus using a test that doesn’t test for any virus but at least those employees won’t lose their income so they can feed their families.

None of this should be happening in America.  Every governor in this state who continues to allow distribution of those experimental injections has blood on their hands. 

One other thing:  Why is it no “conservative” radio talk show hosts – from the biggies like Hannity, the two guys who replaced Rush Limbaugh (Clay & Buck) to a local radio station I listen to out of Lubbock, TX – why are they ignoring the number of deaths and millions of “adverse reactions”?  All they talk about is, well, get the shot if you want, check with your doctor, blah, blah, blah.  Bring up number of deaths and the screener either cuts you off or says call back another time which happened to me.

And remember:  There’s no profit in natural immunity.

Keep getting the truth out to as many as possible.  Share this column with all social media.  Keep up the resistance or we’ll end up like Australia: ‘You feel like you’re in prison’: Aussie recounts ordeal in COVID camp. “A 26-year-old woman who had moved from Melbourne, Australia, to the country’s Northern Territory to escape the continuing lockdowns tells of being removed from her home by police against her will and taken to a quarantine center.  And she didn’t even have COVID-19.” Shocking Hidden Camera Footage from Inside Forced Internment Camps in Australia (VIDEO)


[1]COVID-19 Not a Virus:  Can Any Scientist Prove Dr. Stefan Lanka Wrong?

[2]COVID-19: Why Are American Scientists Silent on This?

[3]COVID-19’s 800 Ton Elephant in the Room

[4] – Dr. David Martin on Experimental mRNA COVID Vaccines: This is NOT a Vaccine! It is a Medical Device

[5] – Moderna Admits Jab An Operating System To Program Humans

[6] – Addendum F

[7] – The Unconstitutional EPA Must Be Abolished

Here’s the ignorant propaganda in support of the EPA:  Abolish the EPA? A One-Way Ticket To Toxic Air, Poisoned Water

Safe? For vaccine manufacturers they are considered acceptable collateral damage for the “greater good.”

FDA Scandal – Documents Released Reveal MASS DEATH From Vaccines, Dec. 3, 2021

7-Year-Old Girl Has Stroke and Brain Hemorrhage 7 Days After Pfizer COVID-19 Shot  (And now the mRNA technology is in her body for good.)  Her uncle’s comments:  “I am afraid that this is what it is going to take to bring these COVID-19 lethal injection casualties in children to the public.”

Eve Dale: 20-year-old British woman went from “normal fun young girl” to having full-body convulsions, unable to walk 24 hours after second Pfizer mRNA injection   “A 20-year-old self-employed nail technician realizes her life is going to be very different for the foreseeable future. Now she is warning others to “please just do your research.”

26-Year-Old Dies 1 Day After Receiving Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine, Investigation Launched

Imogen Allen: 22-Year-Old Showjumper Develops Blood Clots 2 Weeks After Receiving Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine – “The Dailymail reports that she is now on powerful blood-thinning medication that she may have to take for the rest of her life, the side effects of which mean that she could bleed to death from a simple cut or bump on the head.

“Doctors have told Imogen that it could be up to three months before her breathing returns to normal and that the blood clots were definitely caused by the vaccine.”

The Daily Mail is a British soft-porn web site.  In their piece about that poor young girl, they referred to the blood clots as “extremely rare”.  Anyone keeping up with the massive destruction from those experimental injections knows blood clot cases reported are in the thousands.

“Sudden Deaths” of Children Under the Age of 12 Start Surfacing After COVID-19 Shots Approved for This Age Group, Dec. 2, 2021

Major study shows ZERO deaths from COVID among healthy kids – ‘If you let your healthy child receive the mRNA Covid vaccine, you are insane’, Dec. 2, 2021

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions.  Makes a great Christmas gift.

© 2021 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:


These are the people who make policy for America, domestic and international.

EXCLUSIVE – 100% of Covid-19 Vaccine Permanent Disabilities and Deaths among Children were caused by just 6% of the batches produced according to official Government data

Vax Causes Variants, Hospitals Murder CV19 Patients – Dr. Elizabeth Eads, Dec. 4, 2021 – I’ve linked to her interviews before.  This one is a must read.  We know doctors are reporting huge spikes in cancer markers in patients.  From that interview:  “Dr. Eads also says there are elements of AIDS and HIV in some of the so-called vaccines that Dr. Eads says is really a bioweapon. Dr. Eads warns of a “huge increase of cancers across the board” as a result of the so-called vaccines. Dr. Eads also says that doctors are being incentivized to make decisions that are killing patients in hospitals. The hospitals are incentivized as well to not make sure patients get well, but to basically “murder patients” to collect government money, according to Dr. Eads’ firsthand experience.

2,809 Dead Babies in VAERS Following COVID Shots as New Documents Prove Pfizer, the FDA, and the CDC Knew the Shots Were Not Safe for Pregnant Women, Dec. 4, 2021

British Biomedical Scientist: FRAUD and Crimes Against Humanity Enabled by Virology’s Unscientific Voodoo Scientism

San Diego to Send Pre-Termination Letters To Unvaccinated Employees Ahead of Mandate Deadline

Renowned virologist warns of ‘collapse of our health system’ due to complications from COVID vaccines

Another example of Soviet-style propaganda:

COVID vaccines don’t violate the Nuremberg Code. Here’s how to convince the doubters

Twitter now says American Heart Association science article is “unsafe link” because it shows that mRNA vaccines cause heart damage

The Left Hates Justice

by Roger Anghis

December 5, 2021

A surprising development over the last four years was the exposing of the hatred of America and America’s Constitution by the Democrats. When Trump won the election in 2016 it seemed that all hell broke loose. Rioters stormed several cities burning businesses, looting businesses yet the Democrat-run cities did nothing to stop the carnage. They did what Democrats always do, blame conservatives for the riots and killing. They even supported the rioters and looters by supporting a bail fund to get them back out on the streets. A man who was twice bailed out of jail in separate cases by a fund supported by Vice President Kamala Harris has been arrested again while under investigation for another possible case, Minnesota prosecutors said.

According to the Hennepin County Attorney’s office, Thomas Moseley, 29, had been arrested and released in cases involving allegations that include damaging a police precinct in August and rioting in December. He was arrested again on Jan. 27, just 22 days after his latest release. During that span, he is also suspected of trying to illegally purchase a gun, and officers are investigating that matter.[1]

America has always been a nation of laws but Democrats seem to think that they are for everybody but the Democrats. Remember that Hillary was given a summons for 30,000 emails and AFTER she gets the summons she deletes the emails. You or I would have been in jail in about a week. She’s still walking free. She and the DNC also funded the Steele dossier bringing foreign influence into the election, which is a felony, and she still walks free. No swat teams busting her door down at 5:30 in the morning.  If it wasn’t for double standards Democrats wouldn’t have any standards at all.

We just watched the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse which was a travesty at best. No one should be on trial for obvious self-defense.  Democrats wanted him found guilty of murder.  Notice that the black man that ran down people in a Christmas parade killing six and injuring fifty plus the liberal media Washington Post and CNN accuse the SUV not the driver.  They also photo shopped his picture to lighten his skin.  The Washington Post has revised an article and deleted the Twitter post promoting it after saying that last weekend’s Christmas parade massacre in Waukesha, Wisconsin was “caused by a SUV.”

The tweet was posted on Thursday with a caption reading, “Here’s what we know so far on the sequence of events that led to the Waukesha tragedy caused by a SUV.” The article linked to the tweet linked similarly blamed the vehicle for the massacre, which left six people dead and 61 injured, saying “the SUV rammed through the parade participants.”[2] Despite multiple media sockets that are hammered for blame the Waukesha Christmas Parade massacre on a vehicle rather than his black driver – a murder suspect – CNN continued to blame “a car” for the mass killing.

Repeated criminal Darrell Brooks was killed six people he is wounded more 60’s when he plowed an SUV during a Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin, last week. Although Brooks was arrested and charged with six counts of murder, media the outlets that cover the massacre apparently have made a point of avoiding naming the suspect, instead blame vehicle and calling the killing revelry “crash” or an “accident.”[3]

Notice that neither of the so-called ‘news’ sources has brought up the fact that Brooks is a serial criminal. I often wonder how these people sleep at night.  One of the worst aspects of all this is the left has been in charge of our indoctrination camps, public schools, for so long we now have entire schools full of pansies. They will never handle the ups and downs that life throws at them.  When they stopped giving trophies in the 1980s, designating winners and losers, I predicted that we would end up with a bunch of crybabies that couldn’t handle it when they didn’t get their way.  That time is on us and we are seeing the manifestation of that liberal stupidity.

When the Rittenhouse verdict came out the liberals went nuts.  You could hear liberal heads explode all over the country. All that happened was a person defended himself legally but he was charged with crimes he didn’t commit and the prosecutors knew that but charged him anyway. But this caused insanity to breakout in the liberal crowd. After Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted of all charges from the Kenosha shooting, Best Buy and Levi Strauss reportedly offered their employees counseling to those distressed over the verdict. Levi’s offered a session with a “racial trauma specialist” for workers distraught over the acquittal of Rittenhouse — who is white — shooting three white men who assailed him.

Elizabeth Morrison — Levi’s chief diversity, equity, and inclusion officer — sent an email to employees of the San Francisco-based clothing company following the Rittenhouse verdict in Wisconsin.

“With the news that Kyle Rittenhouse was not convicted in the shooting of three individuals — two of whom lost their lives — during racial justice protests last year, this is a difficult day for many,” the email read.[4] One has to ask why a person needs counseling for a legitimate court decision?

Then we have all the colleges and universities that are offering to counsel those that can’t handle the truth.  The jurors decided that Kyle Rittenhouse was not guilty of any of the five charges against him.  He cried.  Since then students and faculty have melted down—some saying it proves white supremacy, even though NO black people were involved in the issues before the court.  Some students have melted down, can’t stop crying, and now need therapy—because the outcome they were told by CNN and Biden never happened.

“We begin with San Fransisco University who offered multiple options for students triggered by the Rittenhouse verdict to seek counseling.

Chaffey College used their statement to students on the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict to explain how our justice system is “broken” and appears to be suggesting students use “non-violent resistance” to protest the outcome.

Sonoma State University offers counseling and psychological services to their students to deal with the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict.

The Oakton Community College President tells students that Rittenhouse was afforded special privileges since he’s “white” and asks White students and colleagues to examine their privilege over the verdict.

A large teacher’s union calls the Rittenhouse verdict “another painful reminder of anti-Black racism…”

It is a sad state of affairs when we can’t agree with what is right and we have to cater to those that demand that they get their way even when they’re wrong and they demand that justice be kicked aside so their feelings don’t get hurt.  The racist group Black Lives Matter has threatened violence in Kenosha because of this verdict.  Even after the verdict so-called journalist and political pundits still defame Rittenhouse by continuing to refer to him as a white supremacist, which the prosecution was never able to prove, and a murderer.  In August 2020, avowed white supremacist Kyle Rittenhouse gunned down three anti-racist demonstrators with his AR-15 machine gun in Kenosha, Wisconsin, two of whom died. Neither of those he killed were armed and the incident was recorded on video. Rittenhouse, then 17, had traveled from Illinois, allegedly to defend “property” and the police against Black Lives Matter demonstrators, but in fact to attack the demonstrators.

The November 19 Kenosha verdict is a racist, reactionary outrage and a big step forward for those scheming for a fascist society.

In a second outrage, on November 19, 2021, an apparently all-white jury acquitted Rittenhouse, who now walks free to kill again. This despite the fact that two young anti-racist demonstrators, Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber, lay dead, and another, Gaige Grosskreutz, has been permanently injured.[6]

I hope Rittenhouse sue these lowlifes into oblivion.  America is better than this and we have to demand better than this. We have seen the Democrat Party support the violence and destruction of the last couple of years not to mention the stealing of the 2020 election so they can gain as much control as possible over the American people.  We fought the Revolutionary War to get out from under this kind of tyranny. I’m afraid we may have to threaten to do it again if we want to stay free. This is why we have the Second Amendment.  Thomas Jefferson warned us: “The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.”  America, we’re there,

© 2021 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  3. CNN insists on car killed six people at the Wisconsin Christmas parade
  4. Kyle Rittenhouse verdict levi strauss
  5. Must see list of colleges and universities offering therapy for students affected by-racist Rittenhouse verdict

Investigate Covid Vaccines from a Chemical Standpoint

Ms. Smallback

December 5, 2021

German chemist Dr. Andreas Noack has released an explosive video on findings with the covid vaccines.  To keep this from being too long, I’m going to insert resources within the text for corroborating data points instead of expounding on them in the text.

Dr. Noack released this video on November 23, 2021, and it was transcribed (from German to English) on November 25.  On Wednesday, November 24, Dr. Noack gave an interview with German Harald Thiers.  On Saturday, November 27, Dr. Noack’s wife made a video presentation stating Dr. Noack was dead, with the implication of foul play.  I have not been able to validate the details of Dr. Noack’s death.

[I don’t have time or space to get into the speculations about Dr. Noack’s death right now, but it needs investigated.  It’s extremely difficult to ascertain information about German affairs from a desk in America.]

Dr. Noack explained in his video that, “There is a professor from the University of Almeira, Dr. Pablo Campra.  He studied the vaccines for the presence of graphene oxide using micro-raman spectroscopy.  It is the study of frequencies.  There are frequency bands.  Two of those bands are important.  They show that it is not graphene oxide but rather graphene hydroxide.”

Dr. Campra’s seventeen page report was published June 28, 2021.  Biostatistican Richard Delgado, (Ricardo Delgado Martin of Spain*), was working with Dr. Jose Luis Sevillanos (a Spanish doctor in France) to scientifically examine the covid vaccines when they discovered the presence of graphene oxide in them from micro-raman spectroscopy tests.  These tests measure the thermal conductivity of carbon fibers, carbon nanotubes, and graphene.(Obviously it would be hard to measure the conductivity if the material wasn’t even present.)  They provided magnified photos of what was found in the vaccine.

Dr. Noack explains that the substance they classified as graphene oxide is actually a reduced graphene oxide called graphene hydroxide because of its monoatomic layers of carbon that form chains 50nm long and .1nm thick.  He said its qualities are comprised of jagged edges he likens to razor blades.  I’ll quote him further down.

Look at the pictures provided in the Campra report linked above, or a recap here.  Here is a picture comparison of the covid vaccine magnified to 200 nanometers beside a 500 nanometer magnification of graphene.  It was pretty obvious to those who work with graphene that graphene is indeed present in the vaccines.

Now this next photo is a comparison of the vaccine using an optical microscopy at a much lower magnification than the nanometer measurements.  They found that the vaccine sample has the same characteristic of folding as graphene oxide does.

They released their findings and the academia and talking heads scrambled to discredit it, but the pictures don’t lie.  The people involved with this scientific analysis concluded the vaccines were largely constructed of graphene oxide.  The talking heads argue that the patents don’t have graphene oxide as an ingredient, but ignore the fact that they don’t have to disclose “trade secrets” in the patent ingredients, (and the covid vaccines contain undisclosed trade secrets).

Dr. Noack is a specialist in activated carbon.  When he evaluated and examined this material, he concluded that the substance was not graphene oxide, but graphene hydroxide.  He explained it (in the video) like this:

I would like to explain what graphene hydroxide is.  It is mono-layer activated carbon.  There are C6 rings.  He found them in all samples.  Every corner is a carbon atom.  This is on a nano-scale.  If it is 50nm long, there are 500 rings in a row.  These are hydroxy groups (OH). 

In graphene oxide you have double bonded oxygen.  In graphene hydroxide you have an OH group. 

The electrons are delocalized (fully mobile).  The piece is 50nm long but only .1nm thick.  These C6 structures are extremely stable.  You can make brake pads out of this.  It is not biologically decomposable.  These nano scale structures can best be described as razor blades.  These razor blades are injected into the body – nanoscale tiny razor blades, only one atom layer thick – relatively wide and high.  They are razors, biologically not decomposable.

The OH (hydroxyl) groups can be split off a proton.  When the proton is split off, they gain a negative charge spread out over the whole system.  It is basically an acid.  It suspends well in water because of the negative charge. 

So these are razor blades spread homogenously in the liquid. 

This was a fascinating chemistry abstract that explained the characteristics of graphene hydroxide.  It explains that while a single hydroxyl causes magnetic properties (remember those videos with metal sticking to people’s arms at the injection site?), there’s a greater tendency for them to double adsorb on graphene as pairs which is NOT magnetic.  Notice what it says here:  “It is possible to build graphene-based electronic circuits from graphene hydroxide without the need for cutting or etching.”  Does this indicate the quality of sharpness Dr. Noack is speaking of when he calls them “razor blades”?  I’m asking because I don’t know.

Another interesting thing was the quality of hydroxyl to adsorb to graphene.  Adsorb (NOT absorb) is the ability to “cause a substance to form a very thin layer on the surface of another”.  This is demonstrated in the second set of pictures above with the optical microscopy.  Clearly the substance is adsorbing.

This article indicates the electrical capabilities of graphene hydroxide, which state it transports electrons and they even call it a “super capacitor”.  Do you remember the testimonies of the Travis Scott concert?  Young people described chest pains and breathing difficulties akin to heart attacks.  I’ve talked about this before, but the human body carries electrical charges and is in fact an electrical field.  There is a very real scenario of the human electrical field coming into contact with other electrical fields and frequencies.  Sometimes this results in injury, disease, or death.

Would the presence of graphene hydroxide in the human body cause an enhancement to the electron load in the cells?  One of the concert goers said when the music was playing they were laboring to breathe, but that when the music stopped between songs, they were able to inhale again.  If there are additional storages of electricity coursing through the body and it’s exposed to additional frequencies, how does the human body handle the surges of electrons?  Where or how does it release the abundance of electrons the human electrical field cannot handle?

Dr. Noack goes on to say that the injection of graphene hydroxide into the human body becomes a game of chance.  He says it like this:

This is basically Russian Roulette. 

You can see it very clearly in this woman. [He showed a photo of a woman whose breasts were engorged.]   It cuts the blood vessels.  The blood vessels have epithelial cells in their inner lining.   The epithelial is extremely smooth, like a mirror.  And it is cut up by these razor blades.  That is what is so dangerous. 

If you inject a vaccine into a vein, the razors will circulate in the blood and cut up the epithelial. 

The mean thing is that toxicological tests are done in Petri dishes.  And there you will not find anything. 

These are the sharpest imaginable structures because they are only one atom layer thick.  This is a huge molecule which is extremely sharp. 

I am a specialist in activated carbon.  In my doctoral thesis I have converted graphene oxide to graphene hydroxide.  I joined the world leading activated carbon manufacturer.  After a year I was in charge of new activated carbon products.  We bought a small company near Newcastle, England.  I was in charge of new carbon products Europe wide.  I was in application scouting.  If you perform an autopsy on the victims, you will not find anything.  Toxicologists do their tests in Petri dishes.  They cannot imagine that there are structures that can cut up blood vessels. 

There are pictures of coagulated blood coming out of the nose.  People bleed to death on the inside.  Especially the top athletes who are dropping dead have fast-flowing blood.  The faster the blood flows, the more damage the razors will do. 

As a chemist, if you inject this into the blood, you know you are a murderer.  It’s a new material.  Toxicologists are not aware of it yet.  Suddenly it makes sense that victims look like this.  [image of woman with engorged breasts]  And that top athletes with high blood circulation, completely healthy, suddenly drop dead.  You see people immediately collapse after vaccination and have a seizure.  These people had bad luck in the Russian Roulette – very likely a vein was hit by the syringe. 

The question you have to ask politicians and doctors, the question doctors should ask Pfizer, is why are there these razor blades in the vaccine?  Now they want to force vaccinate  children from the age of five. 

An important concept in science is disputation – a scientific debate.  The basis of medicine or pharmaceuticals is chemistry.  This doctor has no idea about chemistry.  Completely new substances unknown to nature are brought in (with the vaccines). 

Everyone is talking about the messenger RNA which has complex effects.  The theory of mRNA is complex.  But every chemist understands what this (the graphene hydroxide) does.  The mRNA story is possibly a diversion. 

I cannot imagine anyone will be able to give me as a carbon specialist a proper explanation why these carbon razor blades are in the vaccine. 

This is war.

They distract us with the messenger RNA.  But people cannot collapse that quickly from right after the injection.  Something else is going on.  And this effect should be studied. 

After the Spanish doctor’s study, it is official that nano scale graphene (hydr)oxide is in the vaccine.  So it is clear that razor blades are injected…  If you want to inject a whole population by force, you have to do your homework extremely carefully.  Because if there is something wrong in the injection, you will kill the whole population of a country.  You have to weigh the risk.  How dangerous is corona?  How dangerous is the injection?  This guy (Dr. Szekers, president of the Austrian medical board) wonders if people should be tied up before being injected.  And he’s the top doctor?!  Are the doctors in Austria so incompetent that they don’t understand the basic chemistry medicine is based on?  Then they should surrender their license! 

Any doctor in Austria, who, after this information is now public continues to inject this, is a murderer. 

I am not some guy in the carbon field.  I doctored in this area.  I worked for the world’s biggest activated carbon manufacturer.  In the area of new carbon experts, I was the only expert in Europe.  I’m pretty much the only European who visited other experts in Pittsburgh.  After this I started my own activated carbon company.  I resinified(sic) paper and turned it into activated carbon membranes.  You could cut your hands with this charred paper.  It was extremely sharp.  I have a good idea what the graphene hydroxide does. 

Do you think a pediatrician understands what graphene oxide is?  There is another interview where he (Szekers) says he thinks it’s “good” from a medical standpoint to vaccinate the population by force. 

In Germany or Austria, there is nobody with my expertise.  The leading German carbon specialist, Dr. Harmut von Kienle, was my mentor for one year.  I wrote my thesis in this field.  I started my company in this field and won a business plan competition in Wolfsburg.  I won DM 175,000 in the competition.  I received venture capital to the tune of six million DM.  I had ten developers to develop these new carbon products.  I know what I am talking about.  Any chemist in the chat is invited to refute me or give another opinion.  You are all invited.  Tell me I am wrong.  Sir Karl Popper explained the fundamentals of science.  Hypothesis – refutation.  Popper said it is better to kill theories than to kill humans.

It is Russian Roulette.  Do you hit the vein or not?  Does it stay in the muscle?  Then it is less toxic.  But if you hit a vein and the batches contain different amounts of GHO, then you have to know you are cutting people up from the inside.  And it is a highly intelligent poison, because a normal toxicologist who works with Petri dishes cannot find it, because it doesn’t move.  Toxicologists just don’t expect any nano scale razors. 

But I can say as a chemist that we are absolutely certain that the graphene hydroxide is in there.  These are nano scale razor blades.  Now they want to inject children with these nano-sized razors. 

As a chemist, I vouch for the fact that these are nanoscale razor blades.  You can make brake pads from carbon structures which last forever.  This material has zero biological degradability.  It stays in the body forever.  Even if people don’t drop dead immediately it cuts up the blood vessels little by little.  It destroys the heart….all the heart attacks….all the strokes…

As a doctor you have to ask, where is this coming from?  If you understand that razors are being injected, it is clear why all the cardiovascular diseases appear.  The heart is cut up.  The brain is cut up.  Blood vessels are cut up.  These graphene structures (aka monolayer carbon or monolayer graphite) are so stable.  Every chemist knows this.  They are not degradable.  The structure is 50nm long and .1nm thick.  Of course it is a razor!  Every chemist knows it is. 

The epithelial cells are extremely smooth for good reason, but become rough when cut up like this, and things stick to it.  By now, every idiot can inject this.  And when they hit a vein… to me this is Russian Roulette. 

Here’s a Petri dish.  [visual on screen]A normal toxicologist tests using a Petri dish.

This material is declared an “experimental vaccine” for a reason.  They don’t know what will happen.  Every vaccinated subject has to sign that they will take full responsibility.  It will take fifty years until the contracts with Pfizer will be published.  What is in these contracts?  Why fifty years? 

I am ready to talk to anyone about this material.  As a chemist, I say these are razor blades.  And I notice how little doctors know about chemistry.  But they are doing chemistry in the body, in small children, in pregnant women.  And now you doctors know what you are doing.  And if you continue to inject, you are murderers.  Go out.  Type this out.  Give it to your doctor; give it to your politicians.  And if you continue, I promise you, no court in the world will save you.  What you are doing is mass murder.  Austria has the responsibility.  They started the vaccine mandate.  Share the video.  Write it down.  Put it on a USB stick and send it to politicians and doctors.  Make it clear to them:  If you continue this, you are murderers. 

[Talk by Dr. Andreas Noack, Translated by Stefan Reich ( November 25, 2021, originally published Tuesday, November 23, 2021 at 10a.m.]

These claims must be investigated and examined thoroughly by nonpolitical parties interested only in the truth and in human health for the good of humans, not for political agendas, money or fame.

In the meantime, there are options for removing or detoxing the body from nano graphene oxide/hydroxide particles.  One suggestion is the French Montmorillonite clay.  (Interestingly, Montmorillonite clay is an acid absorber, and Dr. Noack explained in his video that the graphene hydroxide’s electrical charge breaks down into an acid.)  Another is the mineral zeolite chelator “Clean Slate” by Root Brand.

*(not to be confused with the Marxist Richard Delgado from the University of Alabama and CRT architect)

© 2021 Ms. Smallback – All Rights Reserved

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Black Marks on the Marx Mystique

By Sidney Secular

December 4, 2021

What would libbers say if you told them that “St.” Karl Marx was a rich spoiled brat as well as a hateful and despicable character, along the lines of the typical libber leader of the Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer variety. Most discourses of Marxism degenerate into exercises in intellectual futility and factual foolishness all supported by an implied assumption that Marx was a godlike being worthy of emulation. All of this idiocy arises because his ideas are seen to have intellectual and moral gravitas. The truth is that Marx was unable to formulate anything of sense or value even had his life depended upon it. Rather, Karl Marx was a repulsive, greedy, parasitic lout whose theories have been tainted by his freakish worldview, and thus are proven to be both repulsive and absurd when compared with normal, rational and intelligent life perspectives.

Marx hated the bourgeoisie. In fact, he hated everyone, and especially those who accomplished things in life, principally if those accomplishments meant that they had achieved and obtained things he believed due and owing to himself! Despite the money showered on him by his wealthy and indulgent father, Marx was always in debt. Communist Manifesto co-author, co-conspirator, and co-weirdo Friedrich Engels was also, like Marx, a spoiled brat and the son of a wealthy industrialist. Let’s face it, any decently trained psychiatrist can easily point out why the pampered sons of capitalists hated capitalists and embraced those whom they considered their victims. Did Karl and Fred consider themselves victims? It would seem so!

But victim status notwithstanding, Marx happily and without guilt accepted ongoing financial support from Engels throughout his life. However, even this “charity” for Engels was obtained dishonestly as he stole money from his father’s business’ petty cash account to support himself and Marx. Meanwhile, the great champion of the worker Marx, hovered over his ailing relatives waiting for them to die in hopes of inheriting something from their lives. This morbid way of life led him to express to his wife and/or Engels extremes of joy or anger depending on the provisions of the wills of his unfortunate relatives when they passed on.

Marx never worked to support himself and as a result, his mother strongly suggested that he should engage in a little of the capitalism he so severely condemned. As well, Marx rarely bathed forcing his mother to constantly hound him to change his underwear. Even friend and fellow oddball Engels described his constant rages as sounding like a thousand devils pulling him by the hair. The narcissistic Marx expected to be worshipped as a prerequisite to showing any normal human affection towards others despite his own ill nature and offensive persona. The “Marxman” also fathered an illegitimate son by his maid but shifted the blame to Engels. In a rare
show of actual humanity, Engels raised the boy as his own, and only admitted the truth on his deathbed! But the boy was fortunate to have Engels as two of Marx’s daughters and a son-in-law committed suicide! And while Marx believed that he had the answer to universal well-being, he was so lazy that three of his sons died of malnutrition while forcing his wife to scrape up the money for one of their coffins.

In another mark of his psychotic mentality, Marx employed a loutish, libidinous, and completely useless private secretary merely because he felt a man of his “exalted status” should have one! Obviously, Marx knew nothing of the working classes he claimed to champion. But it wasn’t just his ignorance in the matter, but his opinion of those for whom he supposedly spoke. Actually, Marx despised “the masses,”
calling them “asses”, “rogues”, and “stupid boys.” However, that is not an unusual situation with “liberals.” These people always consider themselves above not only those with whom they disagree, but those for whom they claim to speak. It’s a wonderful scenario for them as they have no guilt stealing and tyrannizing both sides. All that they have, they deserve simply by virtue of who they are.

Das Kapital, the three volume treatise supposedly on economics is inscrutable to economists; actually, that means that it is errant nonsense. Marx’s hatred of his fellow man translated into a desire to see society, especially Western civilization that had raised man from the cave to the height of power and knowledge, destroyed root and branch. The natural outgrowths of such a “philosophy” of nihilism were the diseased movements of “Cultural” Marxism (political correctness) promoted by the Frankfurt School including Critical Race Theory and a general “intellectual” atmosphere that finds fault with whatever works, especially if it works well and benefits humanity. Thus, Marxism denigrates movements and philosophies that promote, or would promote healthy societies, and especially nationalism, Western Civilization and the foundation upon which that Civilization rests, Christianity.

It’s amazing how little his brainless acolytes know of their guru! However, they are so far gone that they would take up his banner even if they were aware of his personal repulsiveness, the senselessness of his drivel, the diabolical foundation of all his schemes and the disaster to which they will lead. At this point, they are too heavily invested emotionally and “intellectually” in their madness to “repent” and seek the truth. This is readily apparent as the “Demonrat” Party continues to destroy our society even while their “base” continues to debase itself and the world by going along with increasingly impractical, unworkable, demonic and suicidal schemes. There is an ancient Greek saying very fitting for the world as it is today:

“Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad.”

© 2021 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Sidney Secular:

Will America Go to War?

By Cliff Kincaid

December 4, 2021

The start of World War I was sparked by the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand on June 28, 1914. The communist assassination of JFK in 1963 did not spark World War III. That’s because the communist role in the murder was covered-up by LBJ.

Now, with more than 800,000 deaths in America from the China virus, China is spared any responsibility for the suffering and carnage. The reason: nobody wants to go to war. This sends a message to China about Taiwan. It already has Hong Kong. It’s pushing America around on the world stage, on the way to world domination. Nether political party, the Democrats or Republicans, have the will to stop them because nobody has an appetite for war.

Instead, Americans fight one another and talk about another civil war. That’s exactly what our enemies want.

Conservatives applaud Senator Rand Paul and others for bashing Dr. Fauci. But’s Fauci is just an agent of the Chinese, like China Joe himself. Beyond Fauci and China Joe is the Chinese Communist regime, sitting on top of the world. Getting rid of Fauci leaves Chinese dictator Xi in power.

Liberals think climate change is a more important issue. Like China Joe, they beg the Chinese communists to do something, anything, to mitigate extreme weather changes. But the virus is a different matter. The Chinese-sponsored Olympics will go on as scheduled.

Those who have seen their countrymen suffer and die from the China virus wonder at the priorities of the American people.

Consider abortion. Once again, professional “pro-life” groups are saying the end of Roe vs. Wade, the pro-abortion ruling, is just around the corner. That’s because the Supreme Court heard another case on the subject today.

Even if this were true, abortion has claimed more than 63 million lives in America since Roe v. Wade. As deadly as it is, the China virus has diverted our attention from what Thomas W. Jacobson, Executive Director of the Global Life Campaign, has called “the greatest genocide in history.”

The year 2020 marked the 100th anniversary of the first government authorizing abortion, the Russian communist regime, and more than 1 billion babies have been sacrificed in one century.

No wonder 800,000 dead from the China virus fails to anger people.

Instead, Americans argue among themselves about abortion and the virus. This is the way the communists would like it. We are incapable of coming together on the basic issue of life and death.

We see Americans define abortion as the right to choose, as a woman’s right over her unborn child. The Catholic Church debates whether “Catholic” Joe Biden, a pro-abortion zealot, deserves Holy Communion, and comes to no firm conclusion.

We have lost our sense of morality. Our churches are corrupt.

We see Americans blame the CIA for what was obviously a case of a Marxist assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald, killing JFK.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., a leading opponent of Fauci, wants to see his own father’s assassin, Sirhan Sirhan, released from prison. RFK Jr. doesn’t even think Sirhan Sirhan did the crime, for which he was convicted and admitted responsibility.  But RFK Jr. is hailed as a patriot by conservatives who hate Fauci.

Tucker Carlson regularly features gay activist Glenn Greenwald as a guest, even though Greenwald made his reputation as a man of the left by serving as a handler for CIA/NSA traitor Edward Snowden, now living in Moscow. Snowden’s disclosures benefited Russia and China.

Having seen the Americans get them off the hook for murdering an American president and trying to kill a pope, John Paul II, the Russians invaded Ukraine and are now threatening to do so again.

The communist regimes in Russia and China have America at their mercy. We are lost. As William Wallace told the Scots, their country has no sense of itself.

America stands for nothing.

Perhaps the Supreme Court will come to its sense on Roe. We can only hope and pray, since America’s legislature will not curtail the slaughter to any great extent.

The other hope is reversing government control of education.

Americans are beginning to discover there was a time when education “was considered mainly a family or local responsibility, not a responsibility of the state,” as noted by the shrine associated with Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, the first American to be canonized as a saint. “Schooling was conducted in the home or in small, one-room school houses. The curriculum centered on reading, writing, and arithmetic along with moral and religious training. One purpose of learning to read was to be able to read the Bible for oneself.”

The reality of abortion makes you wonder if Americans have a stomach for this fight for their children.

In this fight, the Catholic Church has to show it stands for something. Parents are taking their children out of the public schools and putting them in Catholic schools. This is a major trend.

Not all of these parents are Catholics. But they are looking for schools that teach morality and Biblical values. First, they have to find this moral sense in themselves.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

You Loot or Burn, We Shoot To Protect Our Lives and Property

Andrew C Wallace

December 3, 2021

Honest working citizens have a Constitutional right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Criminals have NO right to destroy citizen’s hard earned livelihoods by looting and burning.


I am 87 and old enough to remember when citizens and criminals alike knew the law and acted accordingly. Of course there was crime, but criminals obeyed “STOP or I  SHOOT,” because they knew the citizen would indeed shoot them for theft of their hard earned possessions..


The only people to benefit from this stupidity and cowardice by the ignorant, apathetic, and Lenin’s useful idiots (all naïve snowflakes ) are the commie governors, mayors, prosecutors, anti -American corporations and the Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) These commies are destroying  the United States and impoverishing  the people for  a commie Dictatorial New World Order. Anyone that doubts this is as ignorant as a box of rocks.

In my November 26th paper, titled “Commie Politicians Deny Your Right To Self Defense” I included a passage of the Florida Constitution giving people the right to defend life and property. The problem is that people have a justified fear that compromised prosecutors will frame them if a criminal is harmed (Rittenhouse Trial,  et al.). I don’t advocate the shooting of looters and arsonists until legislatures  enact laws to protect people who exercise their Constitutional rights with deadly force. Once enacted and recognized there will be little need for confrontations with deadly force.

Its not that I don’t have some sympathy and understanding of the plight of the mostly Black looters ( as seen on TV). They are the result of living under full blown Communism in the commie Democrat controlled inner city plantations: having been indoctrinated since birth by fake schools and fake media. Commies teach hatred of families, marriage, religion, capitalism and our Constitution etc. With single teen mothers, the children are mostly doomed (blind leading the blind). Almost everything done by the politicians  destroyed Black families and pride subverting it  into victimhood.

People who work and object to supporting those who do not want to work are not racists even though they elected a Black racist as president twice.

The sad thing that history teaches us is that when the commies no longer need minorities they will kill them. This is why Lenin referred to supporters of Communism as Useful Idiots.

I remember graduating  from the Kentucky State Police Academy in the fifties when Governor Happy Chandler  addressed us and said “ You are of real value to society so don’t put yourself in undue jeopardy to prevent harm to a criminal”. ( Meaning is exact, words are not). There was real mutual respect between the people and the Kentucky State Police. Citizens knew that Troopers would kill them with kindness, or if threatened kill them. If Troopers needed help citizens would back them up. This mutual respect was the basis for a mostly peaceful existence. Organized  criminal populations  that exist today in commie Democrat cities could not exist.


Our founders came to America to escape all aspects of life in  European cities, now our commie Democrat cities are worse than Europe ever was and city residents are leaving if they can.

Our federal “establishment “is not a legitimate government, but our states remain independent sovereign states. Before the election INSURRECTION about 75% of federal laws were unconstitutional usurpations under the “Enumerated Powers” of the United States Constitution, now it is all unconstitutional. Verify it yourself.

I can say without any reservations whatsoever that those pretending to represent us in a federal establishment ( note I didn’t say government) have no Constitutional authority  to do so and their conduct is the most lawless in history. Most of the people in the federal establishment are being paid by the Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) to serve them. Most federal officials and bureaucrats are corrupt or cowards. Most are criminals and many are guilty of treason as defined in the Constitution.

On October 13th I wrote an article titled “Militia of the Several States to Replace FBI and Judiciary?” This article explored the  Constitutional power of the Militia of the Several States to possibly  give us honest law enforcement and courts because we don’t have any now. Accomplishing that, if it were possible would require Constitutional scholars. Based upon the total failure of the compromised Supreme Court of the United States to even hear election cases, and the fact that no important politician or official has ever been arrested and convicted for known crimes is proof positive that equal justice does not exist.


Following is the most powerful poem you can read written for a different time but describes perfectly circumstances today. Poem is attributed to Rudyard Kipling.

The Wrath of The Awakened Saxon.

It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.

They were not easily moved,
They were icy — willing to wait.
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.

Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show.
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud.
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not suddently bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date.
That the Saxon began to hate.

Bertolt Brecht is reported to have said “When Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty”.

I welcome all reader comments and respond to most of them. Negative remarks are welcome if supported by facts, not name-calling or talking-points.

God Bless America

© 2021 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace:

Black is Black and White is White – There Ain’t No Grey

December 3, 2021

It’s been almost a year, and in spite of the fact that most people were watching their televisions almost non-stop on January 6 and 7, 2021, most did not understand they were watching a false flag operation. They saw what the Deep State/Globalists (DS/G) wanted them to see – an attack on the Capitol by Trump supporters. Media added the false “shootings and beating by the conservatives.

The people did see a coup happen, yet many (most) don’t realize it.  We were told that the actions on the 6th in the Capitol by the crowd was an insurrection. But, when the walls, barriers, fencing went up “protecting the people inside”, there was silence. No explanation. That, should have signaled us that a coup had been successfully staged and achieved – by the DS/G. We The People are no longer allowed to enter; a puppet government has been put in place. Yet we hear not a word from those in place or from the people they are now controlling through their actions – us! And, because all watch MSM, most people are referring to Biden as President of the United States, and Harris as Vice President. They are not.

The populace knows that Biden isn’t capable of having a coherent thought, let alone run a country. Yet, they send out tweets and posts about “what Biden’s program on such-and such is”, or his take on the stolen election. From day one (January 6), we should be using the Deep State or Globalists, because they are the ones running things and feeding Biden all his lines (whether he reads them correctly or not). Instead, the people are doing exactly what the Globalists want – sitting on their bums and doing nothing but whining about Biden’s latest directive. We have no sitting president. We have no government. Biden and Harris are paper dolls – poorly drawn ones.

Look at the Cabinet the Globalists put in place – the freakiest, most ignorant, offensive people they could find for each post. And everyone sits there, complains, and not one seems to understand that we ourselves are being ridiculed by the powers-that-be for putting up with this travesty.

I understand that our forefathers lived in a much smaller universe, where they could organize and warn people when things happened. We have resources; we could organize. But, as F.A. Hayek wrote in The Road to Serfdom, Facts and theories must this become no less the object of an official doctrine than views about values. And the whole apparatus for spreading knowledge – the schools and the press, radio, and motion picture – will be used exclusively to spread those views which, whether true or false, will strengthen the belief in the rightness of the decisions taken by the authority; and all information that might cause doubt or hesitation will be withheld. … Everything which might cause doubt about the wisdom of the government or create discontent will be kept form the people. … There is consequently no field where the systematic control of information will not be practiced, and uniformity of views not enforced.”

Over time, our populace has been cowed; many are afraid that there might be some truth to the lies we are being told. They don’t want to be challenged to defend a position they are not sure of; and they are not sure of their position because they do not study any of the issues in depth, but often get by on other’s tweets and posts. That, and they have not thought deeply about any issue. They have been dumbed down for years without realizing it and trained to bow to the peer pressure of political correctness.

It is very difficult to undo the lies. I worked with a secretary who, early on, fed me a lot of details about things in the firm. After some nine or ten months, I realized she was a compulsive liar. Then, I tried to go back and figure out what things she had told me so I could take them out of my head. It can’t be done. You can get rid of some, but after years in the school system and watching mainstream media, there are too many lies that are there telling you they are God’s honest truths. (To read more about how people’s minds have been captured, see endnote 2.)

Until we accept that a coup has overthrown our government; that we acknowledge that both parties are complicit; until we call a spade, a spade we cannot begin to take back our country. Biden is not our President; we have no president now. If we do in the future, it will be up to you and me. To do so, we must know the enemy.

Bill Clinton’s Executive Order 13107, was written to usurp our Constitution by the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights. On December 10, 1983, under this EO, the U.N.’s Earth Charter was to be our law of the land. Under our Constitution, “pursuant to Article II, section 2, clause 2, “treaty obligations” shall mean treaty obligations “as approved by the Senate”. Did the Senate ever approve of this? Too many things over the last decades, especially the last three decades, have been done totally ignoring our Constitution and founding documents. This EO, not only made U.N. doctrine “the legal standard for all U.S. policy and legislation, but it also created a new “federal oversight agency that has the task of monitoring both state and federal laws to ensure compliance with the ratified and unratified (see Agenda 21) U.N. treaties. Our Constitution is still there but being ignored.

We didn’t get to this point just in the past year or two. For decades our government has been gutting the Constitution, and changing the way our government works, It was a constitutional republic. As it is now, it is in the last stages of becoming a technocracy.

As I wrote in my previous article “Cancel Culture: Reinventing Government”, two ideas were central; first, the unconditional need to transfer power from Congress to the executive branch. Second, that government employees need to be empowered. ‘This approach implies a transfer of power from Congress to the bureaucracy.” Congress is, and has been, being bypassed for some time, through the transfer of power to the executive branch. “In other words, the balance of power has shifted, destroying the checks and balances in the constitution at the local level and, therefore, destroying representative government. This power shift is a philosophical shift to a completely new form of government. It is a merger between government, corporations, and non-governmental organizations.’” This reinventing of government is more the converting of a constitutional republic into soviets, but under less offensive (but no less despicable) names.

Here they are call councils, but, in reality, they are soviets – unelected bodies that spew more laws, rules, regulations than even Congress could make, all because there are dozens of these councils. And they are regional – from counties up to national. Think of East Tennessee Quality Growth, which is a 16-county Sustainable Development council. There are also the Departments within the regional councils – Homeland Security, Housing and Urban Development, Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Agriculture, and on and on and on. Even the Department of Justice.

Again, I chastise those in Congress who pretend that “all is well” and America is still the stronghold of Liberty. Watching you tell us what we need to be doing – all the while that the Deep State/Globalists are dismantling our once greatest country the world had ever seen and replacing it with a dictatorship that cannot be overwhelmed by force because it is run by the global mega-corporations.

There is no magic wand to bring the Great American Experiment back, but we can rebuild it piece by piece locally. And there are great patriots doing just that – Not only in America but Canada and other places. Truth will not die.

First, we must speak the truth, the truth that a coup occurred, and we are living under direction of foreign interests as well as the evil intended Deep State. The most effective way we can fight back is locally. Take back our country from the ground up.

Related Articles:

1, Why schools are changing values, attitudes and beliefs of our children
2, How America is being Sovietized, Part 1
3, How America is being Sovietized, Part 2

© 2021 Kathleen Marquardt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kathleen Marquardt:

A Preponderance of the Evidence

by Dave Daubenmire

December 2, 2021

Preponderancethe fact or quality of being preponderant; superiority in weight, power, numbers, etc.: predominance, majority, mass, bulk.

“What are we going to do?”

I had just run down a litany of issues that are plainly apparent to anyone who has any sense of what is happening in this nation when my precious wife of 42 years and 4 days asked me that question in a moment of frustration.  That question hung in the air like a thick fog on a steamy August morning.

What are we going to DO?

For the past six years I have hosted a morning podcast at where we discuss the cultural issues, provide an explanation on how we got in this mess, and determine what we must do to turn things around.

It is a Bible-centered show…but not preachy…and a daily discussion on how our turning from our Christian roots has led to the apostasy masquerading as wisdom in today’s world.  Americans, even Christian Americans, no longer love TRUTH.  The Truth can be harsh and unnerving and today’s quasi-Christian society loves comfort more than Truth.


In our desire to be tolerant and diverse the Christian world has bent over backwards in our effort to be non-offensive to the Luciferians and those numbnut “Christians” who are unwittingly playing on the Devil’s team.  Americans have lost their love of Truth.

How did we get in such a mess…and what are we going to DO?

In a court of law there is a principle called “a preponderance of evidence.”  It simply means “more than half.”  The jury in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial was not tasked with being 100% sure of his guilt but, rather, that a preponderance of the evidence showed it more than 50/50 likely that he did not do what he was accused of.  The verdict didn’t require 100% proof of innocence, simply a 51-49 likelihood.  A preponderance of the evidence.

Most agreed with the verdict and some did not.  But the PREPONDERANCE of evidence presented to the jury showed that he was not guilty of all charges.

By the way…OJ got the same deal…a preponderance of probability that he didn’t kill his wife.  Not guilty and innocent are not the same thing.  OJ was not guilty…according to the jury…but many Americans do not believe he was INNOCENT.   Preponderance of evidence.

So, in today’s censored society not all of the evidence gets presented to the public.  As a result, Americans appear to be split on the great issues of the day.  That is how the Luciferians work.  They produce only part of the evidence which makes it hard for the average American to come to a correct conclusion.  “Just the facts” is a thing of the past.  Today ALL evidence is tampered with.  Just turn on CNN or log onto Fakebook and you will find a preponderance of miss information.  They are slowly being exposed.

Jury tampering is what they would call it in a court of law.  At least in honest courts…which are becoming more and more rare every day.

So, if the media were honest, if the Government/medical complex were honest, and if litigators were honest the preponderance of the evidence would show the following.

The masks don’t work.

The vaccines are dangerous.

The 2020 election was not clean.

There is no Constitutional authority to force a vaccine on any American.

Public Schools are stealing our money, indoctrinating our kids, and destroying Christianity.

Our colleges are worse.  Seized institutions in the hands of atheists.

Americans of all ethnicity are unhappy with the direction our country is being dragged.

Joe Biden isn’t running the country…some man behind the curtain is.

There is something seriously wrong with the way our government functions.

The average American does not trust the FBI.They hate the IRS.  Both are bullies.

Congress is made up of two wings of the same bird. The People trust neither party.

A majority of our religious leaders are sell-outs.

Our pastors are cowardly.

Bad things are rolling down the highway.

More Americans get their information from Podcasts than any mainstream media.

Bruce Jenner is still a man.

There is a dark veil being removed from the eyes of Mom and Pop America.  For too long we have lived under the delusion that our government can be trusted to do the right thing.  They tricked us into believing immoral men would make God-honoring decisions.

Most Americans share common goals regardless of what the Luciferians are telling us.  The average Democrat and the average Republican want the same thing.  They want the government to leave them alone and let them live a peaceful life.  And no father in America wants his son to be Homecoming QUEEN!

The Truth will prevail if God-fearing people will simply stand up and speak up.  Moral compromise is the slippery slope into tyranny.

The preponderance of evidence shows that a rude awakening is sweeping this nation.  A great awakening will soon follow.

© 2021 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

Hostile Government

by Lee Duigon

December 2, 2021

Apart from our country’s spiritual problems—which are at the root of all the other problems—we seem to have a hostile government.

We are governed by people who don’t like us, our country, or our way of life; who don’t listen to us; who try to deceive us at every opportunity, because they think we’re fools; who “teach” our children that America is a racist hell-hole, unworthy of their loyalty; who spend our money carelessly, as if to show us how little they respect us; who let convicted felons out of jail to prey on us some more; who refuse to stop illegal aliens from swarming over our southern border, hoping to turn them into reliable Democrat voters—well, the list could go on and on for quite a ways, couldn’t it?

School boards! They “teach” our children Critical Race Theory, then lie about it when we object: “If we change the name to ‘Equity and Inclusion,’ they’ll never see through it!” School boards who petition the Justice Dept. to sic the FBI on parents who dissent from school board policies, claiming to have been menaced by “threats” which no one has ever carried out; who hire private detectives to dig up dirt on parents; who violate open public meetings laws to do their mischief out of public view; who, in Loudon County, Virginia, covered up a rape in a high school girls’ rest room because it might discredit their transgender bathroom policy—and they had the victim’s father arrested for demanding an explanation.

Then there’s the head honcho of the CDC in St. Louis, a Marie Antoinette wannabe, who recommended we all have freakin’ soybeans for Thanksgiving dinner instead of turkey. Honk if you think this jidrool ever sits down to a big bowl of soybeans for dinner. That would be almost as shocking as to see one of our leaders pay for something with his or her own money.

And what’s this—even the Salvation Army has gone woke? “I’m afraid it is so, kid.” They’ve been training their personnel in “anti-racism,” which is a euphemism for hating white people, going so far as to urge their people to “apologize” for being white. When the news broke, they denied it: but that little booklet, “Let’s Talk About Racism,” has their Salvation Army logo on it.

It’s supposed to be a Christian organization that follows the Bible and its teachings. But they seem to have missed the one about Jesus Christ washing away our sins. What could possibly be more self-righteous than to “lament, repent, and apologize” for other people’s sins? What—did Jesus miss a spot? Did He forget to take away our sin of racism? And of course only white people can be racists! Everybody else is just a mass of poor oppressed victims who need white liberals to tie their shoes for them. How insulting!

It could be worse. We could find ourselves actually depending on this government to defend us from an armed enemy. Ask our allies in Afghanistan how that turned out. Twenty years at war, and all these woke fools in Washington have succeeded in doing is to arm the Taliban with boxcar-loads of modern weapons—tossed aside in our frantic skedaddle out of that country.

Our enemies in government rebrand riots as “social justice protests” and “racial justice events.” That makes it so much easier to bear, when they burn our stores and trash our neighborhoods. We are expected to put up with it forever.

This whole “woke” enterprise as got to go—and that means starting now, not waiting for the 2022 elections and pinning our hopes on them. It’s got to stop. Must we sit on our hands while they wreck America?

No more Critical Race Theory, no more diversity & inclusion officers, no more border-jumping, no more silly stupid pronouns, no more FBI spies hanging out at school board meetings, no more “mostly peaceful protests” making a shambles of our streets, no more 2,000-page spending bills in Congress—no more any of it, the whole infuriating mess has got to go. Not waiting for any more elections—if they stole one, they’ll steal another.

We want them out, out, out! They’ve already been in power much too long, and it’s killing our country. Out, out, out!

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and visit, before they make a Mandate against it. My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon:

Christmas Gift: Your Fate Follows Your Vibrations

By Frosty Wooldridge

December 2, 2021

This Christmas season, humanity’s vibrations accelerate toward love, fellowship, brotherhood, sisterhood, family and friends.  Each of us gravitates toward kindness, reverence and gratitude.

While we may scurry around town purchasing gifts, watching our kids perform at the Christmas musical or talk with old friends on the telephone—a new focus of renewal cascades into our lives.

You may see it as the birth of a child. You may look upon it as the metamorphosis from the shortest day of the year to the lengthening of light that brings hope for spring.  You may be religious or otherwise, but this much remains certain: your vibrations enjoy a response to something in the air, something undefined and something magnetic that leads to spiritual outreach.

Notice everyone decorating their homes with colorful lights, beautiful trees in their windows and green wreaths hanging as a welcoming sign at their front doors.

“Your action has nothing to do with your abundance. Your abundance is a response to your vibrations. Of course, your belief is part of your vibrations.”  Abraham/Hicks

During Christmas, a tender hug for your spouse brings heightened vibrations.  A loving word to your child renders a magnetic ambiance.  A simple “Merry Christmas” to a stranger jumps the vibrational-field of humanity by untold mega points.

Additionally, you might find yourself looking into the eyes of a passer-by when you say “Merry Christmas”, which in turn repays you with a smile, welcoming eyes and heartfelt appreciation.

Life comes down to pulsing vibrations that mingle with and around our biosphere.  You may call it love, attraction or energy. You find it vibrating in the air, around a fireplace or seeing a Christmas tree lit up with lights.  You might find it in a church sermon.

You may find yourself wishing upon a star or dreaming upon a full moon hanging in the midnight sky.

“To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.”  Anatole France

This Christmas, you’re invited to create your life anew, to render unto the world your transformed vibrations.  It’s a choice as Christmas focuses your options toward joy and appreciation; toward love and kindness; toward inspiration and lofty beauty.

Long ago, using such inspiration, Michelangelo declared, “I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set it free.”

You possess the same capacity to set free the angel or the devil or the loving human being in your own life.  You may forgive all who have wronged you to set you free from such burdens to your spirit. You may forgive yourself for your own mistakes toward others. You may set free the joy waiting to be heard by the world in song, rhyme or story.  What gifts do you possess to enliven the world at Christmas?

Vibrations originate from your thoughts.  The higher your thoughts, the greater your vibrations.  Great thoughts bring about great ideas, which lend themselves to great actions.  Do you desire peace in the world for all humanity?  Live those vibrations in your own life, in your community and share them in order that others may aspire to them or feel inspired by them.  Think high in order to ripple the energy all around. Spread the energy and the vibrations.

By changing your inner thoughts, by acting on your highest vibrations and by moving with those energies that transform you—you in turn, transform the world.  If a little child in a manger can transform the world with his or her vibrations—you carry the same power in your sphere.

So, this Christmas, examine your highest and best.  Extricate that which serves you poorly and move toward that which serves your loftiest and noblest ideals.  Move toward gracious living, abundant thoughts and spiritual bliss.  When you attend a gathering on Christmas, let the tears flow and glide with the vibrations that promise a remake of your life.  Love your family, friends and all of humanity.

Your vibrations tuned into the highest and best of the universe will propel you into a new year with joy, energy and love.  I truly think “love” brings the highest vibrations in the world into you and you out to the world.

With love, joy and tenderness, Sandi and I wish you a very Merry Christmas and joyful New Year.

(Sandi and Frosty Wooldridge wishing you a very Merry Christmas 2021 and a prosperous New Year.)

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Agony, Hope and the Grace of God

by Devvy Kidd

December 1, 2021

This is an update on Paul Walter’s daughter-in-law, Tiffany, and her war against breast cancer.  Sten, son of Paul’s wife, Jytte, is doing his best to take care of their sweet little daughter while Tiffany is in treatment. NWV first informed you about this in an email alert several months ago called “Help Save My Mommy’s Life” written from their little daughter’s perspective.

Sadly, Sten is like so many millions of husbands in America living life with his family until one day – BAM! The C-word strikes home.  I want people to read what a loving husband and father goes through, as I believe it will hit home for so many Americans while at the same time, he gives you and update on their agonizing situation:  Devvy continues… *

by Sten Kerwin

“I met Tiffany, my wife and mother of our 2-year daughter, at a business meeting.  We soon started dating and on 1/31/19 we got married. I knew I’d hit the jackpot!  Later that year we were blessed with Keira, our baby girl.  At last God had answered my deepest prayer of having a family of my own.

“Having a woman like Tiffany by my side, and with our little one as well makes me so proud, like I am on top of the world!  Well, February ’21 came and while Tiff was breastfeeding, she got a couple clogged milk ducts, which can be natural so no biggie, right?

“When the lymph node appeared in her armpit, we both said, “Oh no!” – What we feared of the node came true, breast cancer. Those following weeks of going through doctors and tests and not knowing what was going to happen was without a doubt the worst weeks of my life.  The fear of losing my beautiful wife and our baby never getting to know her mother except for pictures, was truly overwhelming!

“She was diagnosed with stage 2-3 breast cancer. While it was a very aggressive form of cancer it was also one of the most treatable types.  So, a slight sigh of relief, right?  She went to Mexico June ’21 for a month of intensive cancer care and came home feeling good and looking better and continued home treatment. Tests showed that all the small cancer spots had disappeared and that the biggest one was getting smaller.

“On Sept 25, we all woke as usual when Tiffany suddenly yelled out in pain and called my name. My heart raced. I came into the room where she was propped on a desk with her mid-back in complete intense spasm. I was gripped with instant fear. The agony of hearing the woman you love so deeply call out in pain is unforgettable.

“Tiffany was picking up our 2-year-old daughter and her back just gave out.  After 5 hours in the ER in Mission Viejo, CA., we were told the cancer had aggressively spread to my wife’s spine and was eating the bone away in multiple vertebrae. Then pain was from a minor compression fracture from picking up our toddler that morning! But the ER did not make us aware of that fracture at that time!

“The tests also showed that the cancer was possibly also spreading to her lungs and liver. The oncologists in California wanted to refer us to more doctors and do two more weeks more of testing. We knew, we didn’t have that kind of time, being that three months had already been wasted. We had to hit the cancer hard now!We had no choice, but to go back to Mexico.We were in a terrifying situation.

“The fact was that the alternative treatment my wife received in Mexico in June had, much to our shock, failed!

“A few days later we were back in Mexico at Integrative Cancer Centers of America. They understood the emergency and offered treatment that made sense. But while Tiffany was at the clinic, she took a missed step off the curb and fell to her knees in excruciating pain. That force now compressed her already fractured vertebra by 40%.

“Being a chiropractor, my fears were not only confirmed but intensified. I was afraid she might break her back and become paralyzed!  You went numb. This was bad. All my hope of the future with my wife and the mother of my child were doused to say the least. We were devastated.

“She couldn’t be moved and was taken by ambulance to the hotel and ordered bed rest for several days thus delaying her cancer treatment! They put her in a back brace for stabilization. When she finally was able to start treatment, she still had to be taken by ambulance for several days to the treatment center.

“We are now in the fight of our lives. This time she is getting intensive radiation, low chemotherapy and hormone therapy on her spine and breast. This should address cancer in any other areas of her body simultaneously.

“I returned to the US. Being separated from my wife in her hour of need is very hard but probably hardest on our precious little daughter. Every time I go out the door, she screams “Daddy, Daddy” and doesn’t want to leave my side. It breaks my heart, but I must go to work, – especially now. Throughout the day, she calls for her mama and all we can offer her is a few precious moments on facetime. My sad little two-year-old doesn’t understand what’s going on but knows something isn’t right and deeply feels the void of not having her there.

“Thankfully, family members and wonderful friends have been helping taking care of Keira; cooking dinner and sending ready-made meals, as I come home exhausted. The exhaustion and worry take its tole and I finally got sick myself.  Coping with cancer is emotionally, psychologically, and physically exhausting.

Latest Update:

“My beloved wife just returned home after three weeks of intensive radiation and chemotherapy. She went through hell! Cancer treatment takes many unexpected and worrisome turns all of which I haven’t explained. But it’s a wonderful relief to have her back. She’s in a very weakened state and needs lots of rest. The road to healing is long. But little Keira is over the moon to have her mommy home and won’t leave her side.

“We had desperately hoped my wife could keep her breast but later this year, it will have to be removed as this kind of aggressive cancer can easily spread. The doctors say, we can’t take any chances as the current treatment needs to work. It cannot be redone, if the cancer comes back! God Willing, she will be healed. Then comes the breast removal….

“The waiting is tough! In my prayers I still worry and fight electrifying fear,but then I remember all of you, who are also praying for our Tiffany and our family and am so thankful to all of you. I know God listens.

“With treatment being international, that means no insurance will help our fight for my beloved wife’s life and in addition to ongoing therapies and outstanding medical bills our medical expenses are astronomical.We are emotionally exhausted and financially ruined. My only prayer now is to save the woman of my dreams and to allow Keira to have a mom that’s around for a hundred years to come.” (End)

* …Devvy continues

But for the grace of God, it could be you. 

Because insurance companies refuse to cover treatments outside the U.S., medical bills are astronomical.  Your incredible generosity has been humbling.  If you can find it in your heart to make another donation to save Tiffany’s life, please go to the page for her.

Americans are the most giving and compassionate people on this earth.  We can be very proud of that.  We can be proud of saving the lives of people we don’t even know.  We are America strong and giving.


Devvy Kidd

by Jytte Walter

Tiffany has not been well enough to update her page yet but you may follow her on Instagram. She goes into detail about her battle with cancer, her faith, her doctors, and the treatment she’s receiving. She would love to hear from you.

To download the Instagram app,go to the Apple store on an iPhone or Google Play on an android. Once downloaded, search for newborn-living and “follow”.

Email her at

The Cultural Marxism Myth

by Servando Gonzalez

December 1, 2021

For reasons difficult to explain, the so-called “cultural Marxism” is still in vogue. According to those who insist on looking for a cat’s fifth leg, cultural Marxism, rooted in universities and other centers of high culture, is directly responsible for the ideological mess that is currently taking place in the United States and, like a malignant virus much worse than the Coronavirus,[1] has spread throughout almost the entire Western world.

Yet despite all the hubbub, cultural Marxism does not exist, and perhaps never did. It never went from being a fiction, an entelechy to capture the unwary. Actually, what we are now experiencing is an ideological war and, as Sun Tzu clearly stated, “All war is based on deception.” What we are experiencing is not the result of cultural Marxism, but of a well-organized psychological warfare operation, a PsyOp, unleashed against the peoples of the world.[2]

The creator of cultural Marxism was the Italian communist Antonio Gramsci. While in prison between 1929 and 1935, Gramsci came to the festive conclusion that Marx was wrong and Gramsci wrote extensively on this subject.

According to Marx, society is composed of a base, formed by economic activities, and a superstructure, formed by philosophy, politics, religion, and in general culture and ideology. [3] He believed that, in order to change society, it was necessary to, first, take control of  the base of capitalist society, through a violent revolution, and then transform it into a communist one, which would eventually bring about a radical change in the superstructure.

On the contrary, Gramsci concluded that Marx’s theory was upside down, and he tried to put it on its feet. According to Gramsci, the seizure of political power by a violent revolution had become too risky, almost impossible, and that the solution was to first change the superstructure and, after having taken control of culture and ideology, transforming the economic base would be quite an easy task.

But that vision differs considerably from reality.

While it is true that today’s so-called capitalism is a disaster, where the rich are getting richer every day and the poor poorer, in reality Gramsci’s opinion is based on false premises. Today’s type of capitalism, which many rightly hate, actually is not capitalism at all. It is a monopoly capitalism, a form of socialism that is far from being true capitalism.

One of the best characteristics of true capitalism is competition. If the prices or quality of McDonald’s hamburgers don’t suit me, I walk half block away and find better prices and quality at Wendy’s. But one of the essential characteristics of monopoly capitalism is that it strives to eliminate competition. It was John D. Rockefeller, whom many identify as an icon of capitalism, who said: “Competition is a sin.”

And what he said he did. According to a critic at the time, “We turn to find out that competition has killed competition, that corporations are grown greater than the State and have bred individuals greater than themselves.”[4] Rockefeller did not build his fortune by making better products or giving better prices, but by eliminating the competition, and he did it by blood and fire.[5]

Actually, from a purely economic point of view, monopoly capitalism has two forms: fascism, in which the monopolies control the state, and communism, in which the state controls the monopolies. But that is not the most serious problem confronting the theory of cultural Marxism. Paradoxically, the biggest problem it faces is precisely Marxism.

Karl Marx, the creator of Marxism, was actually an agent of some monopoly capitalists and their banker friends. They were the ones who provided Marx with the funds to write his Communist Manifesto, and only a cursory analysis shows that communism is actually an invention of monopoly capitalists and international bankers to better exploit workers and peasants.

Many of those who believe in the existence of this so-called cultural Marxism agree that it was born in American universities. But this does not make sense, because in the U.S. it was not necessary to control the capitalist superstructure in order to, once under control, use it to convert the economic base and impose communism. And this is not necessary because, since the beginning of the last century, the U.S. has always been a communist country. A covert one, but definitely communist.

Why I am so sure about this? Because this is one of the countries in the world in which many of the structures necessary to convert it to communism have long been in place.

Let’s see.

According to the Communist Manifesto, one of the premises for implementing communism in a country is the creation of a central bank. Well, in 1913, “Colonel” Edward Mandell House, an agent for the Warburgs and other international bankers who had become President Wilson’s right-hand man, convinced him to approve of the creation of a central bank, an idea to which many American patriots had always been opposed. And on December 23, 1913, Wilson himself signed the law that created the so-called Federal Reserve Bank, which, contrary to what many Americans think, is a private institution controlled by international bankers.

A cardinal premise mentioned by Marx in the Communist Manifesto for the creation of a communist state is the implementation of a gradual national tax, by which the more a person earns, the higher the percentages he must pay in taxes. Well, it already exists. It is the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), created in 1862 by President Lincoln and ratified in 1913 as the 16th amendment to the Constitution. This is the instrument used by the government each year to appropriate a considerable part of what Americans have earned by working hard.

Idiots such as Alexandra Ocasio Cortez keep chanting the mantra “tax the rich.” But, of course, this will never happen, because politicians will never bite the hand that feeds them. Moreover, the clever super-rich invented corporations, foundations, and other devices to legally avoid paying taxes. For example, in 2018, the billionaire Amazon did not pay a penny in taxes.

Another of the premises established by Marx in the Communist Manifesto is the establishment of a national system of education. That system, which forces parents to send their children to government schools, has existed in this country for many years. At this time it has become a weapon of ideological warfare against Americans. Parents who criticize it have been labelled “domestic terrorists.”

In 1902, John D. Rockefeller created the National Board of Education (Public Education Board) and donated $129 million for its operation. Soon after, the U.S. passed laws making primary education compulsory for all citizens. This explains why the educational level of American children and adolescents is currently one of the lowest in the world. In contrast, the level of political indoctrination is one of the highest. Uneducated people are easier to manipulate than the educated.

Marx also specified in his Communist Manifesto the need to eliminate private property. If you think that private property still exists in the U.S., I advise you not to stop paying the house or car taxes that you have already paid in full, because you are in for a nasty surprise if you do stop.

Today in the U.S. there are laws that allow the government to appropriate the private property of a citizen just by claiming that it needs it to carry out a project some politicians consider to be of public benefit.[6] Generally, the supposed public benefit later turns out to have only benefited some of the politicians who approved the stealing of a citizen’s private property.

I could go on to list the communist measures implemented for many years in the U.S., but I think these samples are enough. My point is that it was not necessary to resort to cultural Marxism to, someday in the not distant future, implement communism in this country, for the simple reason that communism has been around for a long time.

So why turn to cultural Marxism to implement a communism that already exists? Well, using the same reasoning as Gramsci, I would say that cultural Marxism really is nothing more than a smokescreen so that its opponents do not know that communism was already imposed in this country many years ago and, as it is becoming more evident every single day, and it works wonderfully. This does not mean in any way that all those who promote and promote cultural Marxism are aware that everything is nothing more than a hoax. That is why the communists themselves invented the category of “useful fools.”

The American extreme Left has always been fascinated with communism. But the American Left, like almost all the Left, is the bastard creation of the most reactionary Right. This explains the apparent contradiction that it is precisely the monopoly capitalists who contribute most to the causes and organizations of the Left. Of course, to muddy the waters, they do not do it directly, but use their “philanthropic” foundations as intermediaries to prevent people from discovering the true source of the money.[7] This explains why the American Left is the most reactionary in the world. Some of them call themselves “progressives.” It would be better to call them “regressionists.” These regressionists are the ones who have promoted the so-called cultural Marxism to disorient and discombobulate the people.

Nevertheless, there are far worse things than cultural Marxism.

The true objective of the current covert psychological warfare operation disguised as a fight against a virus that is no more dangerous or lethal than the flu that strikes us every year, is the imposition of a global communo-fascist totalitarian system: the so-called New World order. In reality, communism and fascism are the two wings of a bird of prey called totalitarianism. And the bird needs both wings to fly. That explains why there are always elements of fascism in communism and elements of communism in fascism. But I predict that the New World Order that is inexorably approaching us will be much worse than communism as conceived by those who blew it in Marx’s ear or as Gramsci dreamed it.

Although its promoters have it well hidden, this New World Order is far from the utopian vision they present to us. In reality the NWO is a kind of return to the Middle Ages, as it entails the destruction of industrial civilization and the return to a society with only two social classes: the super-rich, isolated in their opulence, and the ultra-poor, in the most abject misery. Actually, the NWO is a real-life “Hunger Games.”

By the way, although many ignore it, Cuba was the country that the monopoly capitalists used as a testing ground to test the effectiveness of the implementation of the NWO. They succeeded because Cuba was the country in the world that, because of its economy, its society and its idiosyncrasies, most resembled the U.S., and their secret agent Fidel Castro carried out the plan to the greatest perfection.

Far from being a failure, Castro’s Cuba has been a total success, and this has been recognized by those who have always supported and helped him behind the scenes. Contrary to what many deluded people think, that support did not come from Moscow.

In February 2001, a delegation of Wall Street bankers and Council on Foreign Relations executives, led by David Rockefeller, which included William Rogers, Carla Hill, Mark Falcoff, James Jones, and other top executives of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR ), visited Cuba for a few days. During the visit, Castro had several long private meetings with his benefactor. After the visit, one of the visitors, Peter Peterson, then one of the directors of the CFR, praised the progress that Castro’s government had made in the fields of education and public health. According to Peterson, Cuba was one of the best-educated countries in the Western world.

Shortly after, on a visit to Cuba in April of that same year, World Bank President James Wolfensohn, also a member of the CFR, expressed his conviction that Castro’s Cuba was “the model to follow.” This gives us a fairly clear indication of where the idea of ​​the changes that are occurring right now in the U.S. came from under the pretext of protecting us from a virus that is no worse than the flu that plagues us almost every year.

Of course, there is no evidence to indicate that some of those gentlemen, members of the Council on Foreign Relations, an organization that brings together members of the most reactionary right wing, have read Gramsci, much less that they are Marxists or Communists.

Ultimately, it must be recognized that the fact that the promoters of the New World Order are evil does not necessarily indicate that they are fools. Quite the opposite. Proof of this is the present psychological warfare operation that at this time they have unleashed against the peoples of the world.

In synthesis:

Karl Marx believed that communism would have to be imposed violently and that the proletarians would only come to power by revolution.

For their part, the English Fabians thought they would succeed in imposing socialism (a light version of communism), by convincing people that socialism was the best. That is, by conviction.

On the contrary, Gramsci was convinced that it was possible to implement Communism by infiltrating the social superstructure, that is, by infiltration.

But the globalist New World Order conspirators had a much better idea, something that none of the communist ideologues thought of. Taking advantage of the present artificial crisis created by the measures to combat a virus that everything indicates that it is less lethal than the flu that strikes us every year, they are imposing on us their communo-fascist New World Order by infection.

Excellent idea. It is working flawlessly. New varieties of the virus keep appearing every single day as if by magic. The sheeple are terrified. They will accept more and more restrictions to their freedom without complaint. The globalist conspirators are geniuses. We must tip our hats to them. Honor to whom honor is due.

However, it seems that despite their initial success, at least in France, Belgium, the U.K., Austria and particularly Australia, the “sheeple” are in full revolt. I hope Americans will soon follow their example.

The bottom line is that the globalist conspirators who have forced the present situation upon us do not have plans to end it. New varieties of the “killer” virus will keep appearing out of the blue and the NWO conspirators will use them as a pretext to keep eroding the few freedoms we still enjoy. So, if we want to end this nightmare we have to stop it, by any means necessary.

Servando’s book Psychological warfare and the New World Order is available at NWV store.

© 2021 Servando Gonzales – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Servando Gonzales:


  1. See Servando Gonzalez, Psychological Warfare and the New World Order: The Secret War Against the American People.
  2. Servando Gonzalez, “I’m Not Scared Anymore,”, May 7, 2020,
  3. The logical positivists considered that ideology was everything that was not science. If we accept that definition, we must come to the sad conclusion that almost everything we now call science — global warming, carbon dioxide, Coronavirus — is nothing more than well-disguised political ideology.
  4. Henry Demarest Lloyd, Wealth Against Commonwealth (Self published, 1894).
  5. See Ida M. Tarbell, The History of the Standard Oil Company (New York: McMillan, 1904). Also, Matthew Josephson, The Robber Barons (New York:Hartcourt Brace, 1934.
  6. The law is called Eminent Domain.
  7. See, i.e.: Evan Gahr, “Looking at Philanthropy The Gift of Giving: Paymasters of the PC Brigades,” The Wall Street Journal, Jan 27, 1995; Bob Feldman, “Alternative Media Censorship: Sponsored by CIA’s Ford Foundation?,”, September 18, 2002,; Joyce Price, “Media Give Liberal Causes Millions More, Study Says,” The Washington Times, Nov. 14. 1993; Marshall Robinson, “The Ford Foundation: Sowing the Seeds of a Revolution,” Environment, v. 35 n. 3 (April 1993) 10-20; Goldie Blumenstyk, “New Head of Ford Fund’s Education Program is Champion of Women and Minority Students,” The Chronicle of Higher Education, v. 39 n. 16 (Dec 9, 1992), A27; Daniel Brandt, “Philanthropists at War,” NameBase NewsLine, No. 15 (October-December, 1996).

Servando’s book Psychological warfare and the New World Order is available at NWV store.

Trying To Drive A Wedge: Pit Us One Against Another

by Bradlee Dean

December 1, 2021

“Black supremacy is as dangerous as white supremacy…” -Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

While preaching in Michigan, the issue of topic turned when a black woman tried to play the victim when she said of herself that she was “a person of color.”  I stopped her in her tracks to remind her that white people are a people of color, red people are a people of color, brown people are a people of color, etc…, and she did not know how to respond.

I went on to tell her that we are in this together and that the Bible says that we are one blood (Acts 17:26 KJV), and that Jesus came to save our souls not our skin. What could she say? Apparently, she had to search out her sources as to where she got the idea that she was a victim and, of course, I helped her realize that it was coming from the mainstream media and the useful idiots that they continuously prop up in hopes of dividing the American people (Mark 3:25).

I told her that Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Oprah Winfrey, and Colin Kaepernick were all a part of the same losing team of propagandists and useful idiots (Romans 1:22).

[Rumble Video]

[Rumble Video]

Most recently, Colin Kaepernick, who by the way was adopted by white parents, decided to push forth more of his ignorance when comparing the NFL players (Colin signed a $114 million contract) to those involved in the slave trade during the early years of America.

One might ask themselves what damage can this do? Well, friends, I can show you, especially to the people that take this propaganda on.  You must understand that it breeds hate towards the innocent; and that at the end of the day, the objective of those who guide these fools is won (Proverbs 13:13).

One such individual is a man that spoke at a school board meeting who looked at the people and threatened parents with an army of “‘over 1,000 soldiers READY TO GO’ ‘LOCKED & LOADED.’”

Conclusion: Americans must get this right.  We are in this together, and together we must put a stop to those who mean to pit us one against another (Psalm 33:12), and if not, we will go down in the history of the world as the greatest fools to ever live on the face of the planet.

© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean:

Is The Maurice Strong Davos Secret Society Out To Destroy Donald Trump’s Administration?

by Constance Cumbey

April 17, 2018

[It’s that time of the year and many of our writers are traveling. NWVs is running past columns we feel are pertinent to what’s happening today.]

A recent John Cassidy NEW YORKER article (January 26, 2018) reported that “Trump Makes Nice at Davos While Mueller Awaits Him at Home.”

Well, not quite.  Both Trump and Mueller were Davos attendees.  Mueller’s was definitely more downplayed.  Clearly from publicity surrounding the closed crowd Davos events, Mueller was the more favored participant of the two.

Figure 1These are two separate photographs of Davos participants Robert Mueller and Donald Trump.

Global governance is and always has been the main game of the Davos crowd and its organizing body, WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM.  Donald Trump has been perceived as doing much in his power to shut down global governance – climate control measures and all.   The Davos crowd of politicians, high financiers, “scholars” and industrialists viewed Trump with neither affection nor favor.

One short week after Trump’s return from Davos, Switzerland and only two days after his State of the Union address,  the New York Stock Market would drop by an astounding 666 points!  That was a number obviously chilling to millions,  including but not limited to Donald Trump’s Evangelical base of support in the USA.  This happened only two days after Trump’s triumphant State of the Union speech to the United States Congress.  A pivotal point of his speech was the dramatic improvement in the USA economy after his November 8, 2016 election.  The 666 droppage would double immediately after the weekend on the following Monday by upwards of another 1200 points in one day.

Coincidence?  Strange omen?  Planned?  Maybe, maybe not.

In 1990, two years before the 1992 Rio Earth Summit event, Maurice Strong publicly fantasized to a Canadian Globe reporter about a novel he considered writing.  It would be about a secret society being formed of Davos participants.  If the wealthiest nations of the world would not sign and implement a global compact, they would decide it their duty to collapse the global economy to bring the change about.  They would have the sophistication about and access to the global levers to make it happen.

“Each year, [Strong] explains as background to… the novel’s plot, the World Economic Forum convenes in Davos, Switzerland. Over 1,000 CEO’s, prime ministers, finance ministers, and leading academics gather in February to attend meetings and set economic agendas for the year ahead. With this as a setting, he then says: ‘What if a small group of these world leaders were to conclude that the principle risk to the earth comes from the actions of the rich countries? …In order to save the planet, the group decides: Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring this about?’

“‘This group of world leaders,’ he continues, ‘forms a secret society to bring about an economic collapse. It’s February. They’re all at Davos. These aren’t terrorists. They’re world leaders. They have positioned themselves in the world’s commodities and stock markets. They’ve engineered, using their access to stock markets and computers and gold supplies, a panic.

The reporter listened to this as Maurice Strong was driving him to the airport.  The Canadian Globe reporteor had interviewed Strong at his Baca Grande compound in Colorado, USA.  The reporter was chilled – this was not just anybody saying this.   The words he had just heard had come from the mouth of the man with the power to make it happen – Maurice Strong.

Maurice Strong is now dead and gone.  He left the world in the fall of 2015.  But his Davos influences clearly live on.    And his fantasized allies are clearly strong presences at Davos, including the World Economic Foundation founder himself, German Klaus Schwab.

The 2018 Davos World Economic Forum was in late January – not February.  Davos 2018 opened on January 23rd and lasted for 4 days through January 27th.  President Trump’s State of the Union message was delivered on January 30th.  Only two days later, February 1st, the Stock Market would fall precisely 666 points.

I’ve looked at organizations with occult agendas long enough to know that they often communicate with winks this way.  People possessing the levers to manipulate financial markets can do so with obvious numeric precision.  It is my opinion that a strong and mocking message was being sent to the Trump administration and to those both hoping for and fighting against “Global Governance,” i.e. global control.

Maurice Strong was a founding member and director of the World Economic Forum starting with its inception in 1970.   Memorializing his life, Klaus Schwab, founder and director of the World Economic Forum wrote:

“. . . He deeply incorporated the World Economic Forum’s mission of improving the state of the world into everything he did. He was a great visionary, always ahead of our times in his thinking. He was my mentor since the creation of the Forum: a great friend; an indispensable advisor; and, for many years, a member of our Foundation Board. Without him, the Forum would not have achieved its present significance . . . . ”

The ability of Maurice Strong and the World Economic Forum Davos participants to change the world by pulling its financial levers clearly lives on.  It is my belief that the sudden financial reversal taking place only two days after Donald Trump’s State of the Union address and only one week after the conclusion of the Davos WEF forum was a strong message that they do what they want when they want.  As the annual Davos participants were gathering, the London Financial Times opined the prevailing sentiment of those about to gather:  that globalization would proceed despite Trump administration opposition.

Knowing that Robert Mueller was present at the Davos events and rubbing elbows with those of like mind with Maurice Strong’s still living and active confederates does little to reassure me that his (Mueller’s) intentions are American only driven pure and honorable.  The Davos dream was Global Governance shaped for the convenience of the various Davos stakeholders.  Trump’s dream was less global governance, more “America First.”  These were colliding world views and the Davos crowd assumed they were playing for keeps.  Not just anybody can go to Davos conferences – it is a tightly controlled event.  Robert Mueller was clearly invited.  For what purpose?

We know now from advance reports on James Comey’s new book that he considered politics in his actions before the Election.  It is not unreasonable to assume that his marching buddy, Robert Mueller might well be doing so as well.  Were Maurice Strong’s fantasies at least partially acted upon post Davos 2018?   Was or is there a Davos “secret society.”  If so, did they invite Robert Mueller to help further their agenda?

I have my strong suspicions.  I hope I’m wrong, but I suspect I’m not.  Donald Trump, Brexit, “populism” are all being used as strong rationales for “global governance now.”  All were topics of deep discussion at the 2018 Davos conference.   The worst may well be happening – now.  But now, that’s a “conspiracy theory” isn’t it?  A “conspiracy theory” perhaps arising from the grave of Maurice Strong and his real life confederates themselves.

Stay tuned!

© 2018 Constance Cumbey – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Constance Cumbey:

Rittenhouse Acquitted, But Enemy Assaults Won’t Quit

by Sidney Secular

November 30, 2021

In the final analysis, we are suffering a sort of moral paralysis resulting from the continuing culture war whereby we incrementally retreat, bit by bit, until we reach a point at which no further retreat is possible. The recent “Rittenhouse affair” is but a small “squirmish” in this much larger war and the battle over his case has not yet ended, at least if Senator “Nadler the Waddler” has anything to say about the matter. However, even when it has been completely fought, sadly it cannot be considered a determinant of anything meaningful anyway.

Our side “won” because a jury of Rittenhouse’s peers didn’t really have to “peer” very hard or long to see he was innocent on all counts brought against him. Again, this was hardly a problem as the “witnesses” for the prosecution – including one of the defendant’s so-called “victims” – actually told the truth [!], a matter that clearly supported the arguments of the defense! Indeed, one image of the prosecutor with his head in his hands during this testimony was worth a thousand words regarding how it affected his case!

But if this were in fact so, why did it take the jury three days to render its verdict? Actually, why it took that long speaks volumes about the fear the leftist establishment and its violent minions have instilled into patriots and the public-at-large in their continuing communist makeover of The Historic American Nation. People wondered about the safety of the jury members, including the jury members! In the end, it cannot be doubted that Kyle’s case – as well as numerous backbones – were strengthened when Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers called out 500 National Guard troops to protect life and limb from the response of violent leftist loons at the appearance of real justice! After all, they are used to getting what they want no matter how unfair, unjust and/or criminal! Nevertheless, that did not stop the usual brainless suspects of the left from erupting with their accustomed vile verbiage and disturbing disturbances in the blue enclaves wherein they rule the roost. Charges of “white supremacy” were spewed all over the media even though no “minorities” were involved in the matter! Given the response by the left to the verdict, one must assume that leftists prefer lynching and lawless anarchy over the civilized white institution of trial by jury – at least when the defendant is white.

As in past similar scenarios, all the miscreant “victims” had rap sheets as long as your arm, a matter that apparently was of no account when the State considered the actions of these particular “no-accounts.” Unfortunately, many on “our side” have questioned Kyle’s judgment in being where the incident occurred. For some reason, “our side” seems to believe that if you just “make nice” as New Yorkers would say, you’ll be safe in this climate of anti-white anarchy! But these same preachers of peace – on our side, of course – are prepared to deny for the record that he had as much right to be in “that place” – a public street – as anyone else! Indeed, he had a great deal more of a right to be there than those who had come for violent criminal purposes. Yet, even so, he was verbally and then physically threatened by those same individuals who were not legally present on the property he was there to defend, property that included a family member’s gas station being threatened with arson by the violent mob! He also had every right to defend himself and to use any and all means permitted by law to preserve both life and property. The right to use deadly force in self-defense was highlighted at trial and under normal circumstances would have been admittedly justified by the ongoing riot. That “right” would be a “given” in a sane world but, alas, we are no longer living in a world that is either sane or safe!

Yet, despite all the threats and rage on the left, in the Rittenhouse matter – surprise, surprise! – the good guys won one. But let’s not get too confident because we are still in danger of having our heads chopped off over everything we say and do, everywhere (and every time) we say and do it! The war we’re in has been going on for decades and probably much longer if one considers that the Republic of the Founders did not survive the onset of the Civil War! And despite our occasional victories, we are much closer to losing than winning. Indeed, we’re going to have to start taking the war to the enemy if we ever hope to finally win!

Much of the problem is that those on the “side of right” – and I’m not speaking ideologically, but in reference to that which is right vs. that which is wrong – don’t seem to realize that this is not just a war against hardcore gutter level leftist thugs who get violent at the drop of a hat because they are aggrieved over imagined miniscule microaggressions! But rather, we are up against a fully developed, super-aggressive communist zeitgeist using establishment forces that label violent leftist events as “peaceful protests!” Thus, a new violent leftist “norm” has been established even in the eyes of the courts, and the Establishment will bankroll their criminal tools with millions of dollars and a “get out of jail free” card. Indeed, the most visibly warped wokesters are corporate media munchkins and militant political morons who proclaimed the Rittenhouse acquittal as a victory for “white supremacy!”

Even the illegitimate occupant of the White House, “Sleepy Joe” Biden decried Kyle as a “white supremacist,” that being the second time a deranged occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue has weighed in with a fact-free opinion on a criminal trial! If you remember, Barack Obama attempted to influence the George Zimmerman trial by remarking that Trayvon Martin could have been his son! When the leftists lose one, they double down on their deranged depictions of the attack on their glorious Cultural Marxist tableau. According to the left, “Amerikan Fascism” (a/k/a “white supremacy”) has now transformed into Nazism proper. And as this is required to prop up their erroneous but relentless positions, there can be no turning back from labeling any conservative response to their depredations as a new Holocaust! Of course, the very term “Holocaust” is intended to inspire a new holy war of the far-left against all opposition. Keep in mind how such warped views can spread like wildfire on “anti-social media”, a communication technology developed by technoc-rats to augment leftist jihad to global levels. Even the Rittenhouse “squirmish” will not end the Rittenhouse war. The DOJ and the turncoat FBI are seeking to undue this small dent in their narrative by creating civil cases against Rittenhouse that will make the current victory a pyrrhic one. It is also not impossible that some secondary entity like the George Soros funded “First For America”(the legal team assisting the plaintiffs in the Sines v. Kessler Charlottesville case) will bring a civil suit against Kyle akin to the one brought against Unite the Right.

We thought we had won a much bigger battle in 2016, but we were dead wrong. The “Trumpian” actions against illegal immigration, albeit limited in scope, were thoroughly trumped by the Bidenistas. The life conditions of the now middling middle and working classes are worse off than they were in 2016 because of destroyed businesses and jobs and reliance on GovMint handouts resulting from the leftist inspired “covidiocies,” as well as inflation and stagflation that came roaring back after the Trump years. “Big Tech” and “Big Media” censorship and control are much greater now than in 2016. Riots and open violence are in remission at the moment because Biden’s in the White House, but both can be unleashed in full force if required because the “perpetraitors” of the 2020 disturbances remain untouched and unscathed, nor have they suffered for their depredations, many of which have not even been addressed. With Trump gone, globalism advances apace using the “climate change” mantra as a battering ram to push any and all leftist crusades while academia continue to test the limits of how left can it can go and still garner all kinds of dough from deluded sources. It’s akin to the entire woke educational establishment being heated in a pressure cooker or wok/woke pot.

The long and short of it is this: the Rittenhouse verdict did give the Establishment a bit of a bloody nose but that will simply intensify its own “bloody” crusade to destroy The Historic American Nation and we who are Americans.

USA, Inc.?

by Paul Engel

November 29, 2021

  • There are some who claim that the United States became a private corporation in 1871.
  • What about The District of Columbia Act of 1871? Did that turn America from a constitutional republic into a corporation?
  • Does the Constitution allow Congress to incorporation the United States of America?

One concept that I often see or hear people express is that the United States is now a private corporation. Those who make these claims often cite The District of Columbia Act of 1871 as proof. This “fact” is then used to support various positions or explain why or how certain acts of government take place. So let’s look at The District of Columbia Act of 1871 and the Constitution of the United States to see for ourselves if we are no longer citizens of a union, but subjects of a corporation.

I will not be reviewing all of the text in The District of Columbia Act of 1871 for one simple reason: It’s long. In fact there are 41 sections spanning eleven pages. Since most of this legislation is a charter for the new government of the District of Columbia, it’s not pertinent to this conversion. However, Section 1 is.

The District of Columbia

To understand this piece of legislation, it would help to know the special role the District of Columbia plays within the United States.

To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, 

U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8, Clause 17

The Founding Fathers expected the states to quarrel. To prevent one state from holding undue influence over the government of the new union, Congress was given exclusive legislative control of a district no larger than ten miles square that would become the seat of the government of the United States. In 1788, Maryland ceded land for this federal district, and in 1789, Virginia did the same. Then, in 1790, the Residence Act mandated that this ceded territory would be the permanent seat of the government of the United States. In 1801 the “Act concerning the District of Columbia” divided the district into two counties, Alexandria and Washington, each with their own courts, judges, and justices of the peace. The act left the cities of Washington, Alexandria, and Georgetown in place, each with their own municipal governments.

As early as 1803 we find legislation that would return the territory south of the Potomac River (Alexandria County) to Virginia, though there was little support until the 1830s. In 1846 Congress, with the approval of the Virginia General Assembly, returned the territory to Virginia.

The District of Columbia Act of 1871

Thus the stage was set for The District of Columbia Act of 1871.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That all that part of the territory of the United States included within the limits of the District of Columbia be, and the same is hereby, created into a government by the name of the District of Columbia, by which name it is hereby constituted a body corporate for municipal purposes, and may contract and be contracted with, sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, have a seal, and exercise all other powers of a municipal corporation not inconsistent with the Constitution and laws of the United States and the provisions of this act.

The District of Columbia Act of 1871

So, if the District of Columbia already had two county governments, what was the purpose of the 1871 act? The 1801 act created two counties, but did not governments for them. During and after the Civil War the population of the District grew tremendously. Congress determined that the local governments were not capable of handling the increasing demands of the new population. Their response was The District of Columbia Act to create a new unified government for the District. Section 40 of the act repealed the charters for the cities of Washington and Georgetown, but left the cities and laws generally intact. The rest of this act was primarily the charter establishing this new government.

So what did this act actually create and why do people claim that this legislation made the United States a private corporation? It seems the idea that the United States is now a private corporation stems from the language “is hereby constituted a body corporate for municipal purposes”. In other words, the District of Columbia is a municipal corporation.

A municipal corporation is a city, town, village, or borough that has governmental powers. A municipality is a city, town, village, or, in some states, a borough. A corporation is an entity capable of conducting business, Cities, towns, villages, and some boroughs are called municipal corporations because they have the power to conduct business with the private sector.

Municipal Corporation The Free Legal Dictionary

While the idea of a municipal corporation is something most Americans will never truly consider, The Free Legal Dictionary breaks it down fairly simply. A corporation is an entity capable of conducting business. For example, The Constitution Study is a sole-proprietorship, meaning I alone own it. While I do business in the name The Constitution Study, it’s me and me alone doing business. Should I one day form a partnership with someone, although we’ll be doing business in the name of the partnership, it’s the partners who are doing business. Should I want to create a separate entity to do business, I would create some form of corporation. Then, when the corporation did business, it would be the corporation rather than the owners who are doing business.

While we often think of corporations as large businesses, there are many different types of corporations. One type of corporation is a municipal corporation. This is where a city, town, or village, incorporates so that it can do business separately from its citizens. Another example is that I live in an unincorporated town in Tennessee. My town cannot contract with someone, because it is not a legal entity. If the people of my town want to contract to do something, we have to choose individuals who will contract with others to get the work done. Since this in not a very good way to do business, we often see that as cities and towns get larger, they tend to incorporate. Not far from where I live is a small city that is incorporated. There are city employees, city property, city vehicles, and the city can contract with vendors to get work done like maintaining the streets or handling garbage. Also, as a municipal corporation, that city has governmental powers such as legislating and executing their laws.

So what The District of Columbia Act of 1871 did was nothing more than create a government called the District of Columbia as a municipal corporation. Meaning the district can legislate, enforce, and contract with others.

Did the Act Create Corporate USA?

Most people who tell me that the United States is a corporation seem to be merely repeating something they were told. The few examples I’ve found where people try to explain how The District of Columbia Act created a private corporation, their reasoning falls flat.

One claim is that the District of Columbia had already been municipally incorporated, so the 1871 act must have created something else. However, the District of Columbia Act of 1801 doesn’t actually say it created a municipal corporation.

Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the laws of the state of Virginia, as they now exist, shall be and continue in force in that part of the District of Columbia, which was ceded by the said state to the United States, and by them accepted for the permanent seat of government; and that the laws of the state of Maryland as they now exist, shall be and continue in force in that part of the said district, which was ceded by that state to the United States, and by them accepted as aforesaid.

District of Columbia Act of 1801

So the laws of the states that ceded that land to the district would remain in place. Furthermore, the District of Columbia Act of 1801 did not create a district government, it created two counties based on the land of the original states.

SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the said district of Columbia shall be formed into two counties; one county shall contain all that part of said district, which lies on the east side of the river Potomac, together with the islands therein, and shall be called the county of Washington; the other county shall contain all that part of said district, which lies on the west side of said river, and shall be called the county of Alexandria; and the said river in its whole course through said district shall be taken and deemed to all intents and purposes to be within both of said counties.

District of Columbia Act of 1801

Yes, courts were set up for these counties and a U.S. Marshal and Attorney were assigned to the district, but there were no governmental powers delegated to the district itself.

Another claim is that the 1871 act was unlawful since you cannot have an organic (or first) act when an act is already in place. As I’ve shown, there was no government for the District of Columbia. In fact, the only governmental offices authorized by the 1801 act were judges in the two counties. The existing charters for the cities of Georgetown, Washington, and Alexandria were left in place. Section 40 of the 1871 act repeals the charters for the cities of Washington and Georgetown (Alexandria having been receded to Virginia in 1846), with the new corporation the District of Columbia being the successor of those two cities. Since there was no government or corporation called The District of Columbia before 1871, The District of Columbia Act of 1871 is an organic act, creating a new entity.

The last argument for a corporation called the United States is the assumption that, even though The District of Columbia Act of 1871 specifically states that it’s creating a municipal corporation, somehow it magically became a private corporation owned by the government. Some have gone so far as to claim that since, in their opinion, the seat of the federal government is actually a private corporation, then the entire country somehow became one. I have yet to have anyone provide a cogent basis for that argument.


The easiest way to rebut the claim that The District of Columbia Act of 1871 turned the United States into a private corporation comes from the legislation itself.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That all that part of the territory of the United States included within the limits of the District of Columbia be, and the same is hereby, created into a government by the name of the District of Columbia, by which name it is hereby constituted a body corporate for municipal purposes, and may contract and be contracted with, sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, have a seal, and exercise all other powers of a municipal corporation not inconsistent with the Constitution and laws of the United States and the provisions of this act. (emphasis added)

The District of Columbia Act of 1871

There’s nothing in the Constitution or laws of the United States that allows the District of Columbia to be a private corporation or to exercise any power over another city or state. This appears to be little more than a tactic to scare the American people into believing their control over government has been take away by some mysterious cabal of evil doers. Sadly, the truth is even worse. Our power to control government was not been taken away, we are merely unwilling to wield it or to wield it justly.

Hopefully this will be an example of why it’s so important to go back to the original documents to see if what you are being told is true. As Ronald Reagan said, trust, but verify.

© 2021 Paul Engel – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Paul Engel:

[BIO: Paul Engel founded The Constitution Study in 2014 to help everyday Americans read and study the Constitution. Author and speaker, Paul has spent more than 20 years studying and teaching about both the Bible and the U.S. Constitution. Freely admitting that he “learned more about our Constitution from School House Rock than in 12 years of public school” he proves that anyone can be a constitutional scholar. You can find his books on Amazon and Apple Books. You can also find his books, classes and other products at the Constitution Study website (]

Biden: Full Delusion On Display

By Frosty Wooldridge

November 29, 2021

You can’t quite wrap your arms around what’s happening in the United States today.  You can’t reasonably grasp what the president of our country stands for or what he’s saying with his vastly differing directions and words.  One message one day, and a completely different action the next!

Don’t feel like the Lone Ranger, Joe Biden doesn’t understand what’s going on, either.

He’s leading a whole new conceptual understanding known as “woke” or the ability to look at reality, pretend it’s another reality and march himself over a verbal or physical cliff.  In the meantime, he’s taking our country over that same  cliff with him.

This whole new “woke” reality demands a defunding of police. Even with the fact that Chicago, St. Louis, Baltimore, Detroit and New York City struggle with the biggest killing zones known in 21st century America!

A “woke” prosecutor allowed Darrell Brooks out of jail on a $1,000.00 bail when he was already on the run from another bail-jumping event and a 20-year history of being a career criminal. So, what did Brooks do?

He ran over 60 people and killed six of them during a Christmas Parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin.  Now known as the Waukesha Massacre, the prosecutor and all his supporters will say something like Seth Grogan said last week, “Well, you just have to put up with crime while living in a big city.”

Milwaukee District Attorney John Chisholm, a self-described “progressive,” who let Brooks out of jail and has championed left-leaning reforms said, “Could result in a person being let go and committing murder.”

Well, no  sh*t  Sherlock!  You just got 60 people run over and six people killed.

“Is there going to be an individual I divert, or I put into treatment program, who’s going to go out and kill somebody?” he told the Milwaukee Sentinel-Journal in 2007. “You bet. Guaranteed. It’s guaranteed to happen. It does not invalidate the overall approach.”

That’s called “woke thinking!”  It’s absurd. It’s stupid. It’s deadly. It’s everywhere across the nation where these kinds of minds maintain power over our lives or, in this case, our deaths.

It’s the same kind of “woke” thinking that gave California a new law that stealing anything under $1,000.00 won’t get prosecuted.  Therefore, over the Thanksgiving weekend, black youth gangs “smashed and grabbed” over $200,000.00 in goods from major stores in San Francisco and Los Angeles.  They’ve already shut down 17 Walgreen Drug Stores by blatantly shoplifting them to death.  And get this, African-American San Francisco Mayor London Breed defended the looters as being poor and in need.

It’s that same kind of “woke” thinking that allowed Black Lives Matter gangs to loot, burn and riot $2 billion in property and mercantile goods in the summer of 2020—and not one single one of those people faces a trial or prison.  That’s about the “wokiest” outcome of anarchy in the history of the United States.

This is Chicago’s “woke’ normal every weekend:

Chicago shootings: 39 shot, 3 fatally, in Thanksgiving weekend gun violence, police say, Sun-Times Media Wire, Sunday, November 28, 2021 9:47AM  (those numbers will rise to over 50 shootings and 10 deaths by midnight Sunday)

Biden’s “woke” thinking invited over 2,000,000 illegal migrants to storm America’s border this past year.  Dementia Joe, who doesn’t know what day of the week it is, just allowed an army of invaders to storm our southern border…and get away with it…and we get to share our tax dollars to pay for all of them.  Biden stands in violation of Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution, yet like all the other “woke” criminals, he’s got immunity for being president of the United States.

Several years ago, I watched a movie on TV. The setting was Berlin, Germany just after WWII at the time the Soviets were laying roles of barbed wire on the ground to mark the border between East and West Berlin. The main characters were a young American woman and a young German man. He had gotten a law degree while Hitler was taking over Germany; but he never practiced law. She asked him why and he said, “The Law disappeared.”

And that’s what’s transpiring in our Country in 2021: The Law – as the standard which those in government must obey – has disappeared and is being replaced by the age-old system where those with the power do what they want, and the cowards go along with it. That’s the majority of cowards in our U.S. Congress.

Henceforth, in Biden’s and Liberals’ views, your citizenship means absolutely ZERO, NOTHING! Your being a citizen of America doesn’t count.

Human history is full of the stories of peasants, subjects, and tribes. Yet the concept of the “citizen” is historically rare—and was among America’s most valued ideals for over two centuries. “But without shock treatment,” warns historian Victor Davis Hanson,
“American citizenship as we have known it may soon vanish.”

In his bestseller, The Dying Citizen, Hanson outlines the historical forces that led to this crisis. “The evisceration of the middle class over the last fifty years has made many Americans dependent on the federal government. Open borders have undermined the idea of allegiance to a particular country. Identity politics have eradicated our collective civic sense of self. And a top-heavy administrative state has endangered personal liberty, along with formal efforts to weaken the Constitution.”

If Biden and his handlers continue to allow massive third world immigration into the United States, we, at some point, will most definitely devolve into a third world country—with all its illiteracy, poverty, joblessness, hopelessness, corruption and crime.

“Wokeness” has created an “entitled generation” of people who can’t stand up to “earning” their way in this country or any loyalty to America.  Let’s “steal, riot, loot, burn and destroy” our way into meaningfulness!

In the final analysis, America and her lawful citizens NEED the police to protect every citizen from the likes of Darrel Brooks, Black Lives Matter anarchists, Antifa anarchists and those black gangs terrorizing Los Angeles and San Francisco.  We need Congress to shut down legal and illegal immigration because Biden won’t stop it.  We need a Mayor of Chicago who will stop 50 to 60 shootings every weekend of the year.  We need our U.S. Congress to stand up for us, the rightful and lawful citizens of America.

What you’re seeing in Biden and Congress in Washington DC today is: full “delusion” on display!

Why aren’t your two U.S. senators and House member representing you? What have they done to stop this illegal invasion?  At what point do we lose control of our society?  Our culture? Our language?  Our way of life?

Is anyone in America thinking about these questions?  Are we not galloping into America’s twilight years?

If you would like a free electronic copy of this book, please email me with your email address and I will send it to you.  Every American with children or any American who will live in this country in 2050, needs to understand what they face.

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121.

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

This video will scare the daylights out of every American as to what’s coming to our country, US Citizenship Act 2021 by Joe Biden.

If you want to see two documentaries that give visual proof of my book’s contents, go to Netflix, and type in “Cowspiracy” that shows you the damage to the air, land and water.  Watch “Seaspiracy” to see how humans are destroying the oceans.

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

As Predicted Oct-Dec: Second Wave COVID Injection Deaths Underway

By: Devvy

November 29, 2021

Scientists from around the world have warned for a year now how dangerous those experimental gene editing technology COVID-19 injections are to the human body.  Yet the prostitute media and elected career political cockroaches – that would be members of Congress, your state legislature, governors, mayors, school boards and state health agencies – continue to encourage people to get injected.

Some states like Montana, Florida, Texas and a few others have passed laws or in my State (Texas) Gov. Abbott is still using an Executive Order, no mandatory injections for employment.  However, corporations nationwide are still demanding employees get those dangerous injections or lose their paychecks.

All of this is nothing new to Americans who have been watching video interviews of scientists and doctors from around the worldall this year.  Everyday my email box floods with new videos, interviews or articles about the increase in deaths – as predicted.  The first wave predicted was March & April.  That would be 4-5 months after injections and they were right.  The second wave predicted would be Oct – Dec.  And, right on time, this second massive wave of deaths and people developing auto-immune diseases is now underway andgrowing exponentially by the day.

The list is too long, but at the bottom of this column are but a few examples of this nightmare happening to Americans.  I could fill 50 pages it’s that bad.  With 1/3rd of the world’s population injected I believe we will see larger waves of deaths as well as a continuation of permanently disabled people (more than 40,000 in America alone) as well as those who will develop autoimmune diseases leading to early death within 3-5 years.  It’s almost beyond belief, but tragically, those doctors and scientists who started warning back in December 2020 right through today have been 100% scientifically and medically right.

Doctor says study posted in AHA Journal is proof the mRNA jabs are murder, Nov. 26, 2021

Abstract 10712:  mRNA COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test: a Warning, Nov. 8, 2021 (The publication mentioned:  Audience: Cardiologists, cardiovascular surgeons, electrophysiologists, interventionalists, internists, nurses and others interested in cardiovascular medicine.  Pages per year: 6,000.  Review Process: Peer-reviewed)

Proof: Covid Vaccines Cause Prion Diseases by Steve Kirsch.  From my Sept. 27, 2021 column:  “This is quite a long video so I watched about half an hour at a time:  Vaccines Have Killed 200,000 Americans.  It is narrated by Steve Kirsch, a billionaire who has offered $1 million dollars to anyone who can prove him wrong.  Like Dr. Lanka, Kirsch has no challengers to date.  Kirsch uses precise methodology in his analysis that over 200,000 Americans have now died after taking those injections and the real number of adverse “events” is 2 million.  That video is now about five months old so the numbers are likely through the roof.  At the time he mentions no autopsies, but a number have actually been done; more and more families are having their loved one independently autopsied.

“Video:  Alarming COVID-19 Vaccine Discussion between Dr. Robert Malone, Steve Kirsch and Dr. Brett Weinstein.”

As predicted and dissected thousands of times by doctors and scientists around the world:  Those experimental injections which are NOT vaccines will cause your immune system to attack itself and then goes after the five most important organs in the human body:  heart, liver, kidney, lungs, brain.  When?  4-18 months after the injections but, depending on each individual and their health history, some won’t develop serious, fatal issues up to several years after the injections.

We continue to hear from individuals who’ve taken one of those injections since last December say, See? I’m just fine.  Yes, what I see is tragedy and denial.  I am not a doctor or scientist so this is not medical advice or telling anyone what they should and should not do.  Have to make that disclaimer so the jack-booted thugs from the FDA along with some swat team doesn’t come and kick down my door, arrest and charge me for playing doctor.

There are thousands of products to promote a healthy body.  It’s up to the individual to determine what might work for them, not the U.S. government, your mayor, governor or some state health “expert”.  Everyone’s internal body is different.

Dr. Charles Hoffe Reveals Blood Clots in Majority of Vaccinated Patients and Speaks of “Permanently-Damaged Hearts”, July 21, 2021 – “This Vaccine is Quite Clearly More Dangerous Than COVID-19” – Dr. Charles Hoffe found 62% of his patients experienced elevated D-dimer levels after the vaccine.  He’s administered over 900 doses. Dr. Hoffe did his own research to try and find out why his patients were exhibiting micro-blood clotting after getting one of those injections.  This is a must watch short video. This is a very sad prediction:  Most of them likely will die within three years.

If I had been forced to take those experimental injections to keep my job, I would tell my doctor I want a D-dimer test now.  Better to know so one can do whatever can be done at this time if the results come back with the worst news.

MEDICAL HOLOCAUST against children: Vaccine-induced myocarditis in children has 50% fatality rate in five years, Nov. 8, 2021  – All these athletes from teens to professionals dropping on the field.  I believe they all should be tested for myocarditis as well as children forced by their parents to get injected.Athletes Around the World are Dropping Like Flies with Heart Problems, Nov. 8, 2021

Why since the FDA and CDC say their mRNA injections are so safe?  France Now Advising Against Moderna Jab for People Under 30.–  This is just more rank stupidity and medical malpractice.  Just like the nonsense called social distancing.  Why not 7′ or 5 ½’?  Why not age 31 or 25?

The Fully Vaccinated Account for 81% of the COVID Deaths in the UK

Dr. Peter McCullough Issues Emergency Warning: Vaccine Created Spike Protein is Deadly in the Human Body, Nov. 5, 2021, interview and please keep in mind, all these scientists and doctors are being maliciously slandered by the prostitute media, members of Congress and blabber mouths out in Hollywood.

Brian Shilhavy, editor of Health Impact News has worked tirelessly to get verified, factual data and information to Americans, wrote a piece that is very worth taking the time to read in its entirety.  MIT Scientist and Professor on Exposing COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries: “You Have to be Careful Because You Could be Eliminated”, Nov. 8, 2021

“Today I bring you more evidence that the leaders of the U.S. Government health agencies and the pharmaceutical companies producing the COVID-19 “vaccines” are guilty of crimes against humanity, including mass murder.

“I have been criticized and censored by many even in the alternative media for using such strong language, often being accused of using “sensationalism.”But when the truth and the facts are so obvious as they are today, sensationalism is not needed. Just the courage to tell the truth, and expose the criminals, is all that is needed to warn the public.

“And the truth is that more and more frontline doctors who work with vaccine injured patients, as well as very prestigious medical scientists and researchers, have tried to blow the whistle on those being killed and injured by these vaccines by informing the leaders at the FDA, CDC, NIH, etc., and not only are their voices being ignored, there is a concerted effort to silence them.

“The drug companies and the federal regulatory bodies know full well what is going on, which makes them complicit with these crimes against humanity and mass murder.

“This is the truth, and for my colleagues in the alternative media who don’t have the courage to come out and say this because you are afraid of being labeled with some pejorative term that might affect your funding or popularity, shame on you!

“11 months now into the mass COVID-19 vaccination campaigns, there is no longer any excuse for those who are allowing these deaths and injuries to continue. It is time to start arresting people and convening citizen grand juries to begin trying their cases, and if found guilty, they should be publicly executed, all in accordance with the Law of the Land, the Constitution of the United States of America.”

As we know, those injections attack your immune system and then vital organs.  The liver is the only one of the major organs that can repair itself.  You can live with one kidney but the human body cannot live without a liver.  While I don’t and haven’t had this weaponized flu, several months ago I started taking a supplement called L-Lysine.  Not to be confused with the other amino acid, lysine.  Adding L-Lysine to my daily supplement regime was simply to focus on the liver as I’m no spring chicken. While there are virtually no side-effects and the few listed are more uncomfortable vs fatal, I’ve had none of them.

10 Amazing Benefits of L-Lysine:  “(2)  Reduces the risk of heart disease, (8)  Liver and Immune System Support:  L-Lysine enters the liver and acts as a defense to all of the viruses that are responsible for liver and autoimmune disorders.  Viruses hate lysine because it deters them from proliferating.

“The L-Lysine health benefit is to strengthen the immune system in the liver and in some of the organ’s most important functions.  L-Lysine supplements containing the biologically active L-isomer of the essential amino acid lysine promotes healthy tissue function, growth, healing, and improves the immune system.”

I have difficulty swallowing horse sized pills so I purchase powder when I can.  My supply of Collagen with peptides is powder; tasteless, scoop in my coffee every morning.  Collagen is the glue that holds the body together.  After age 30, we start to lose it and what you get over time is bone rubbing bone in various parts of the body which is what’s causing tens of millions to suffer pain in their joints.  I do recommend doing research on collagen.

L-Lysine also comes in powder; tasteless, mix with half a glass of ice water.  Yes, I did purchase mine from as the price was the best and a percentage of the sale goes to one of my charities which cares for big cats: NutraBio L-Lysine Powder – Pure Grade Amino Acid – 500 Grams – Essential Amino Acid – Non-GMO – Gluten-Free – Vegan.

Now, I’ve been taking Alli-C (Allison-C) for many years.  Never skip a day and it’s the number one supplement I take for my immune system.  (Because I’m small at 114 pounds, I only take one a day.  I have not had the flu since Dec. 1993,28 years ago next month; less than ten colds in over 30 years, last vaccine age 5; never taken a flu shot, pneumonia shot or any of the popular list pharmacies and doctors are so keen on $elling to people.  But, then again, I take no medications – except pain medication for my spine but that’s limited.

Going back to L-Lysine:  Please do take the time to read this if you haven’t already (I linked it before in a column):  Lysine Therapy for SARS-CoV-2.  Millions of Americans have been scrambling for nearly a year trying to get Ivermectin (costing some hundreds of dollars) but if you read the piece above from a clinical testing, I (my personal opinion only) believe L-Lysine is just as effective.  But, take the research to your doctor, discuss your health situation and decide if it’s a supplement you want to take. $16.99 for 1.1 pounds.

Once again, don’t be confused with lysine (which comes in pill and liquid form) and L-Lysine; it was confusing to me so I read this twice to really understand.

Marine to sue Wal-Mart for REFUSING to fill PRESCRIPTION for life-saving Ivermectin  //  There Are Now 365 Studies that Prove the Efficacy of Ivermectin and HCQ in Treating COVID-19 — Will Anyone Confront Fauci and The Medical Elites on Their Deception?

Breaking: Japan Chooses Ivermectin over Covid Vaccine and Ends COVID Almost Overnight!, Oct. 28, 2021

Norfolk Doctor Filed Lawsuit Against Hospital on Ban of Life-Saving Ivermectin as Treatment for COVID-19 – Judge Denies Doctor’s Request (VIDEO), Nov. 24, 2021

Family: War vet died after hospital ignored court order for ivermectin, Sept. 7, 2021

Timing in life is everything

Winter is here.  Last year the annual influenza season magically disappeared.  Everything was  cash-cow COVID based on PCR tests that don’t test for any viruses.  Fraud.  And yet, Germany, France, the US and so many other countries are still using a PCR test.  Any data they put out claiming new positive cases for this latest variant is NOTHING BUT A BIG FAT LIE.

Former Physician to the President: Here Comes the MEV – Midterm Election Variant – Democrats Need Excuse for Mail-in Voting, Will Do Anything to Cheat, Nov. 27, 2021

BIG money for hospitals for COVID patients which I’ve covered (as well as so many others) until I’m sick writing any more about it.  Radio ads:  Have a fever?  Get to the hospital because you probably have COVID!  BULL.  Hospitals are now filling up with the unvaccinated.  Another big fat lie.  They’re filling up with those injected.  We must change the narrative:  Stop calling them vaccines because they are not.  Again, I’ve covered this in past columns.  The FDA considers mRNA as gene therapy, not vaccines.

The criminal impostor in the WH and his fake VP, Ho Harris – their poll numbers aren’t just cratering, they’re nose-diving and that’s all the shadow government is concerned about.  Everything Biden’s been told to do is a complete disaster from energy, flooding of illegal aliens, cabinet appointments like the nitwit sexual deviant, Petey Buttigieg for transportation.  You name it, all in the crapper.

We have a new and needed diversion which sent the stock market crashing over 900 points last Friday and elected, ignorant politicians clucking around ready to lock down this country, again.  That would be this “new” variant over in Africa:  All Four Botswana “Omicron” Variant Patients Were Fully Vaccinated

South African Medical Association Debunks Global Hysteria – Says Omicron Variant Symptoms ‘Unusual But Mild’ – Even WHO Says No Reason to Panic, Nov. 27, 2021  //  SHOCKING: BIG PHARMA Received Emergency Use Approval a Couple of Weeks Ago for COVID Variant Discovered a Couple Days Ago?, Nov. 27, 2021

Nobel Prize Winner Warns Vaccines Facilitate Development of Deadlier COVID Variants, Urges Public to Reject Jabs, May 21, 2021  //  The worst COVID-19 variant yet may arrive this spring, expert says, Nov. 18, 2021– Keep them coming so Pfizer, Moderna, J & J and all the rest of them can keep making BILLIONS of dollars a month.Omicron COVID-19 variant: Pfizer, BioNTech say vaccine could be reworked in 100 days to counter strain – Johnson & Johnson said it was also testing the effectiveness of its vaccine against the variant (Yes, testing on you the lab rat.)

For the rational person who has taken the time to watch the videos and read interviews with top doctors and scientists around the world know career criminal, Anthony Fauci, the WHO, the Center for Disease Creation (CDC) and FDA (Federal Death Administration) are all LIARS and so are scum bags like this guy:

“Ignore the Lunatic Fringe that Exists in Every Society” – Tyrannical St. Louis Health Director on the People Who Oppose Regime’s COVID Policies, Nov. 26, 2021 – “St. Louis lunatic Health Director, Faisal Khan, connected at the hip to corrupt St. Louis County Commissioner Sam Page, is caught again showing his hate for the people he is hired to help.

“This past summer St. Louis Health Director, Dr. Faisal Khan, claimed his constituents called him racial slurs but video proved he lied.  He made it all up.”

We will kill 117 kids to save one child from dying from COVID in the 5 to 11 age range, Nov. 4, 2021 – “Dr. Toby Rogers writes a popular substack looking at risk benefit issues. His credentials are described here.”  In a recent article that I hope everyone will read or at least skim, he concluded: “So, to put it simply, the Biden administration plan would kill 5,248 children via Pfizer mRNA shots in order to save 45 children from dying of coronavirus. For every one child saved by the shot, another 117 would be killed by the shot.” Will YOUR child or grandchild be one of the victims?

CV19 Booster Shot Also a Bioweapon – Karen Kingston, Nov. 27, 2021. “Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst and a former Pfizer employee who has researched and written about many cutting-edge pharmaceutical issues.  Kingston thinks that Covid 19 and the so-called vaccines and boosters are here to stay for a long time.”  Yes, a now trillion-dollar INDUSTRY.  Recommend reading, short article.

Of course, all the deaths so far and the millions to come couldn’t possibly be caused from taking those injections.  Oh, no.  We can’t blame it on the vaccines.  Why, that’s simply conspiracy stuff!  One of the reasons I wrote this column on April 5, 2021:  COVID Vaccines: Dead Must Be Autopsied

Thousands report developing abnormal tumors following COVID shots, Nov. 1, 2021 – “A 63-year-old previously healthy Michigan man developed a seven-centimeter tumorous growth after receiving Johnson & Johnson/Janssen’s shot against COVID-19, which caused him to go into respiratory failure and life-threatening cardiogenic shock where his heart was unable to pump enough blood to his vital organs.”

Safe?  The hell they are which is why the Federal Death Administration (FDA) is trying to hide the truth:  FDA Says It Needs 55 Years to Release Pfizer Vaccine Safety & Efficacy Data, Nov. 19, 2021  (We know they don’t work as evidenced by the “need” for boosters 4, 5, 6 months after getting injected.  Watch.  It will shrink to every three months.)

Safe?  World’s First Vaccine Murder case against Bill Gates, Adar Poonawalla filed in India’s High Court – Posted by Indian Bar Association, November 25, 2021.  In the COVID-19 section on their web site are other lawsuits brought on behalf of victims of those faux vaccines; I cross-checked.  They are real lawsuits.  “The Government of India’s AEFI (Adverse Event Following Immunisation) Committee has recently admitted that the death of Dr. Snehal Lunawat, was due to side effects of the Covishield vaccine. The said report has exposed the falsity of the claim made by vaccine syndicate that vaccines are totally safe.”

I’ve written before:  This will not stop until legal action is taken against the players in this deadly scheme. Here and Here.

Those who’ve been keeping up with this nightmare are very familiar with Dr. David Martin.  This is a four-page detailed account of criminal activities:  The Criminal Conspiracy of Coronavirus by Dr. David E. Martin.  This is what needs to get into the hands of DA’s, state prosecutors and state attorney generals.

This is a video presentation by Martin with all the slides, very important to watch; you can make it full screen.  DA’s, state prosecutors and state attorney generals need to get Martin in a meeting with him and go over the The Criminal Conspiracy of Coronavirus and all the slides Martin covers in his presentation above.

Dr. David Martin EXPLOSIVE Revelations – The first eleven minutes of this video interview will knock your socks off.  SHAME on those 21 Republicans.  After that is more on COVID everyone should watch.

Surely, there’s attorneys out there who know DA’s which I asked in a previous column a couple of months ago.  Surely there’s ordinary people who know local judges, who know their state rep and/or senator and can lobby to get a meeting with a state prosecutor or state attorney general.  We need thousands of Americans to get the job done.

This is a very important read:Roadmap for Prosecuting COVID Crimes, Nov. 28, 2021.  “If we can even get one out of 400 local prosecutors to convene a grand jury and return indictments for murder and conspiracy to commit murder, this whole house of cards will collapse.”  —Francis Boyle

I can keep doing columns on the horror of what’s going on but unless and until we go after those responsible, it will never end.  One day the FDA will actually “approve” those experimental injections and then the push to inject every man, woman and child in this country – by force if necessary unless the perpetrators are not only exposed but charged with their crimes.

The emails will keep flooding my email box with headlines about more deaths, more irreversible injuries, more videos by the dozens and dozens of doctors and scientists who have courageously stepped forward with the truth.  I’ve watched hundreds and hundreds of hours of them all year.  All 50 governors have no problem with all this death and destruction or they would halt all distribution and use of those injections.

Children will start dying, a few months from now or perhaps a little longer.  No one really knows.  I’m sick of it as I’m sure you are but unless thousands of us put the heat on prosecutors and DA’s, we will inch closer to what’s happening right now in Australia which can only be compared to what happened in Nazi Germany. Tucker: Draconian COVID policies in Australia may be coming to the United States – Australia is beginning to look like authoritarian China

Don’t write off young people.  This 3:51 video, viewed 698,283 times since Nov. 10th is well worth the time to watch.

Military, National Guard & DoD Contractors:  If you missed this, please read as a federal court ruled none of you can be forced to take any experimental “vaccines” or any other experimental medicine or shots.

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions. [Order two books and save $10.00]

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:

Killing Fields of America Expanded to Include the World

This is long full of data but after the data is also critically important information. EXCLUSIVE – 100% of Covid-19 Vaccine Deaths were caused by just 5% of the batches produced according to official Government data

A List Of People Who Had Their Leg Amputated Shortly After Receiving a COVID-19 Shot, Nov. 27, 2021  //  12-Year-Old Child Dies Two Days After Taking Pfizer Vaccine in Germany – Officials Pull Back on Mandatory Shots for Children

Vaccinated Doctors are Dying and Unvaccinated Doctors are Quitting or Being Fired: Who will Run the Hospitals?, Nov. 19, 2021  //  40,000 Died in US Nursing Homes From Isolation and Neglect in Just the First 9 Months of Hysteria and Lockdowns, Nov. 25, 2021  //  Australia has recorded 11 times more Deaths in 8 months following Covid-19 Vaccination than it has Deaths following every other Vaccine combined in over 50 years, Nov. 25,2021  // 6,428% increase in Heart incidents amongst sports professionals in the last 4 months.

89% of Covid-19 Deaths among the Fully Vaccinated – Latest Public Health Data proves this is a ‘Pandemic of the Fully Vaccinated’ and suggests the Vaccinated are more likely to die, Nov. 25, 2021  //  1/3rd of the world is now injected.  Cancer expert says U.K. seeing spike in “non-covid deaths,” nobody willing to call out vaccine elephant in the room, Nov. 25, 2021  //  Naturopathic Doctor Explains What The Jabs Are Doing to the Body, 4:52 video – Horrifying

Canadian woman gets Pfizer for first injection, Moderna for second injection, hospitalized with severe damage to several vital organs, Nov. 26, 2021  / / Heart Disorders up 118% and Excess Deaths up 40% among Young Adults since they were given the Covid-19 Vaccine, Nov. 26, 2021  //  At least 69 athletes collapse in one month, many dead, Nov. 26, 2021

Comparison of Official Government Reports Suggest Fully Vaccinated Are Developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, Oct. 22, 2021   – Embedded in that article is a video I also linked in a previous column.  Another test I believe (personal opinion only) anyone who has taken one of those experimental injections should ask their doctor to get one:  Test that tests the strength of your immune system.  That video is very sobering.

This video is a must watchCV19 Injections Will Cause Massive Deaths – Dr. Elizabeth Eads, Nov. 2, 2021.  Yes, it IS those injections:  Something Really Strange Is Happening At Hospitals All Over America: “All across the country, emergency rooms are absolutely packed, and in many cases we are seeing seriously ill patients being cared for in the hallways because all of the ER rooms are already full.”

James Grayson, 41, father of eight now fighting for his life waiting for his second injection who allegedly tested positive for the phantom COVID-19 non-virus.  Grayson was a very healthy man.  SAFE?  Attorney Releases First Pages from Subpoenaed FDA Files – Shows Pfizer Documented 158,893 Adverse Events with 25,957 Nervous System Disorders in First Few Months of Distribution (18,853 collateral damage deaths with 1% reporting.)


America’s Frontline Doctors agree: murdered infants at the heart of vaccine research. The old Nazi program in new clothing.  “Not only are the babies delivered alive, horrifically, their organs are often removed when they are still alive. This is how they got the HEK293 kidney cells used in the manufacture of the vaccines and why Pfizer wanted it to remain a secret…”

Top NIH Unvaxxed Scientist Willing to Lose Job and License, Will Argue Against Vaccine Mandates in Livestreamed Ethics Review – “A senior bioethicist and director of the Laboratory of Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health — who said he’s willing to risk his medical license — will argue against vaccine mandates during a Dec. 1 live streamed round table.”

I wonder how judges on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit feel about Biden giving them the finger? Isn’t that called contempt of court? Grave danger?  Those people make my blood boil over. The real danger is from the injections.

White House to employers: Ignore court order and proceed with vaccine mandate – Biden administration insists it must ‘protect workers who face grave danger’

The 4 companies who make the child vaXXX are all convicted criminals. Today we have something worse. We have governments conspiring with those same companies.

New variant hysteria comes from same institution that popularized lockdowns & previous COVID scares, Nov. 27, 2021

Whistleblower Doctor Exposes Horrific Texas Hospital Practices Under Covid Tyranny

‘Hunting Down Of Physicians’ Underway Right Now, Nov. 22, 2021 video interview, Nov. 27, 2021

Explosive Interview, UK Cardiologist Highlights Link Between mRNA Vaccines and Heart Disease, While Noting Researchers Withholding Data Fearful of Losing Funding, Nov. 27, 2021

Austria Imposing Mandatory Vaccination Regime Violates International Law

Data Point – If So Many Are Vaxxed in NH, Why Does the Graph Look Like This?

Due to the Seriousness of the New Omicron COVID Variant the Biden Admin Has Decided to Leave the US Southern Border Completely Open – Just in time to ruin Christmas

School Board Tyranny, Part 3

by Roger Anghis

November 28, 2021

I believe the icing on the cake is the Biden administration’s weaponizing his DOJ to attack parents with the threat of ‘domestic terrorism’ charges if they continue to oppose the tactics of school boards to indoctrinate our kids into the homosexual lifestyle and the critical race theory. The debate between Attorney General Garland and Senatore Tom Cotton,[1] Senator Ted Cruz,[2] and Senator Josh Hawly[3] should have every American scratching their heads as to the character of Garland. They are also thanking God that he didn’t make it to the Supreme Court.  He is as uninformed as Biden is. He didn’t know about the letter his department-issued. Was not aware of any violence by the parents towards the school boards, ignored the actual physical violence by the school boards security against the parents.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Tuesday accused Attorney General Merrick Garland of “weaponizing” the Department of Justice against parents by directing the FBI to address nationwide alleged threats of violence against school boards and teachers.

“Attorney General Garland is weaponizing the DOJ by using the FBI to pursue concerned parents and silence them through intimidation,” DeSantis tweeted.

“Florida will defend the free speech rights of its citizens and will not allow federal agents to squelch dissent,” he said.[4] This is something that most Democrat presidents have done. Obama did it[5], [6], Clinton did it,[7] even John Kennedy did it.[8] Notice that only Democrats practice this illegal action?

To even think that parents could be ‘domestic terrorists’ by simply confronting their school boards because of the obviously inappropriate materials that their children have access to, pornography, access to gay bars, books that contain detailed LBGTQ lifestyle stories is beyond the pale. The mask mandates are harmful to young children, this is scientifically proven and they want to ‘follow the science’. Demanding that children, the least likely to be affected by COVID 19 being forced to get the jab violating a parent’s right to decide the health practices of their child is unconstitutional.

School boards across the nation have pushed back on parental involvement in teaching materials. Some have gotten violent attacking parents for exposing the truth the school boards refuse to address.  A Shenandoah parent, Jason Greer, discussed depleted oxygen levels for kids wearing masks that turned into a fight with school board member Alan Troxell, the assistant secretary. As Troxell began to become more hostile towards Greer’s desire to unmask the kids, Greer eventually had enough and called Troxell an “idiot.”

“What? What’d you say? Did you call me an idiot?” Troxell was seen yelling at Greer, who remained seated. Troxell then aggressively charged towards Greer before being restrained by a school resource officer.[9] These actions show that the school boards have gotten way out of control.

Then we have a school board president in Arizona that put together a secret ‘dossier’ on what he called ‘wacko’ parents: The great school board wars of 2021 may have opened a whole new chapter according to reports out of Arizona, where the chair of the Scottsdale School Board allegedly maintained a dossier containing personal information on “wacko” and “lunatic” parents.

Scottsdale Unified School District Governing Board President Jann-Michael Greenburg is being accused of hitting parents with such radical classifications if they opposed mask mandates for schoolchildren or critical race theory, the toxic creed that teaches children to judge one another by the color of their skin and casts white students as oppressors, and is now being pressured to resign, according to the Arizona Daily Independent.

The Google drive included subfolders labeled “ANTI MASK LUNATICS” and “SUSD WACKOS,” and contained information like Social Security numbers of parents, home addresses and private contact information, and financial records from several parents involved in a local concerned parent Facebook group. Information such as mortgage statements, bankruptcy filings, and divorce filings, the newspaper reported, having reviewed the drive, which was last updated Sunday morning.

There was also a subfolder labeled, “PRESS CONFERENCE PSYCHOS,” and the drive reportedly featured screenshots of parents’ social media activity and photos of children, and can be seen by anyone who has the link.[10] There is no excuse for a school board member to be this outraged at any parent that is concerned about the welfare of their child. NONE!  But this is the new world of the Democrat Party. This is what they demand, absolute control! We cannot let them have it.  We have to fight for the right to have a say in what our kids are taught.

Parents that care about the health of their kids have just as much backlash as those concerned about the curriculum being taught.  Sometimes we have to take the lead of the kids as we see with one eight-year-old in the state of Florida. She has been suspended 38 times for not wearing a mask and even threatened with failure of the second grade even though she has completed all assignments. Fiona Lashells, who just turned eight years old, told the Tampa Bay school board how she felt about their rules in no uncertain terms.

She is “on a mission to take back not only her rights but every American child’s constitutional rights from the tyrant school board,” her mother, Bailey Lashells, told The Free Press.

Fiona isn’t taking the suspensions lying down either; she has now spoken at her school board meetings twice — directly confronting those who are ruining her education.

Speaking at a school board meeting for the second time, the brave elementary school student said she believes masks are dirty and pointless.

Fiona asserted, “ok yeah, I hope you all go to jail for doing this to me,” to massive applause from the crowd. She added that her family is very proud of her and that the rules “suck.”

“I’m doing it for other kids and not just myself,” Fiona told Fox 8.

Fiona’s mother says that her daughter has been told she will fail the second grade, despite completing her assignments.[11] This is tyranny on steroids in our public schools!  This cannot be tolerated and must be stopped now.  Republicans won control of school boards across the nation last week showing that we the people have had it.[12], [13]  The government is to represent us not control us.

Our constitutional Republic allows us to remove those that ignore the will of the people. There are a lot of people in D.C. that need to be replaced on both sides of the aisle and replace them we must. The future of our nation depends on it.

© 2021 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  4. Desantis: Garland weaponizing DOJ against parents
  5. Obama weaponized govt. agencies against opponents in 2017-09-22
  6. Obama administrations long history of weaponizing the bureaucracy to target its political opponents
  7. Democrats disinformation and the weaponization of the department of justice
  8. Democrats disinformation and the weaponization of the department of justice
  9. Shock video: school board member attacks parent
  10. AZ school board prez secret dossier on parents who oppose crt masks
  11. 8 year old second grader suspended 38 times over not wearing mask
  12. Parents unhappy with woke takeover of education win big in school board elections
  13. Conservative school board wins

Get Off the Couch and Out Of the ‘Lift Chair!’

by Rob Pue

November 28, 2021

My message today is directed to a specific group of people: the OLD people.  I realize the term “old” is, perhaps, relative.  But I consider myself in that category, so it’s not meant as an insult.  On the contrary, God’s Word holds “old people” in high esteem.  Proverbs 16:31, “Gray hair is a crown of glory; it is gained in a righteous life.”  Job 12:12, “Wisdom is with the aged, and understanding in length of days.”  Psalm 92:14, “They still bear fruit in old age; they are ever full of sap and green.”  Deuteronomy 34:7, “Moses was 120 years old when he died.  His eye was undimmed and his vigor unabated.”  Psalm 71:18, “Now that I am old and my hair is gray, don’t leave me, God. I must tell the next generation about your power and greatness.”

Friends, no matter what age you may be, if you are a true Christ-follower, understand that if Jesus is truly your Lord, then He has called you, and you have work to do for His kingdom.  You’re not too old.  You’re not without value.  On the contrary, you have tremendous value and more to offer than you realize.  Your work on this earth is not, by any means, finished — as long as you’re still breathing air.

But I meet so many people who, after they retire, feel that their work is done.  Now it’s time to sit back, relax, rest and perhaps travel for recreation.  But for far too many that I’ve spoken with recently, it seems they’re simply waiting to die, or for Christ to return.  When He DOES return, will He find faith in the earth?  Will He find faithful workers and servants?  Will YOU be among them?

I’d suggest that there’s no such thing as “retirement” for Christians.  If anything, the fact that you no longer have to work full time at a job or career, should open up tremendous opportunities for you to have the greatest impact for Christ you’ve ever had.  Now you can REALLY start your ministry!   Yet, as I speak with so many who are older than me, I hear things like, “Oh, I’m 70 years old and retired.”  Or “I’m in my 80s…I can’t do that.”  I don’t mean to sound disrespectful, but these sound like excuses to me.  I know you’re old.  I know you’re tired.  Believe me: I’m old and tired too.  But that’s no excuse.

Do you realize that Moses was 80 years old when he first appeared before Pharaoh, demanding “Let my people go?”  Yes, he was 80 years old when God called him and made him a leader of his people, and used him mightily — not only leading his people out of Egypt, but God did many amazing miracles through him.  He also wrote much of Scripture, writing down biblical history and great wisdom that we all benefit tremendously from today. (Or at least we WOULD benefit, if we would simply read and study the timeless truths he wrote).

Retirement is really a cultural thing, and in many ways, a particularly “American” thing, which came about as our government began engaging in social engineering, instituting such things as “social security” and “medicare.”  In the old days, families stayed together, the younger people learned from their elders, and as the elderly eventually became too frail to work, the younger ones took care of them and saw to their needs.  It was not uncommon for households to consist of not only young children but also Grandparents and even Great Grandparents.  I can only imagine now, what great benefits the family unit derived from such relationships.  The older people teaching the younger ones; the younger ones gleaning great wisdom from their elders, and learning to have great respect for them in the process.

Nowadays, the “old folks” have little to no connection with their precious Grandchildren.  Instead of living in the same home, they’re often placed in nursing homes, assisted living centers or “Senior Apartments.”  The young people lose out so much on the knowledge, wisdom and life lessons their elders could impart to them, if only they were given the chance.  Sadly, between the Grandparents and Great Grandparents and the Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren, stand the parents — who no longer honor their fathers and mothers.  Much too often they see the “old folks” as having little to no value, and little or nothing to offer.  Worse than that, the old folks pretty much feel the same way about themselves.  Like I said, many times it’s as if they’re just waiting to die.  They’ve given up.

For so many, their lives consist of television and sleeping.  The highlight of their week is their doctor appointment.  It should never be this way.

I really believe we NEED the input and wisdom and experience of our elders — more now than ever before. Because our elders have been relegated to the dustbin of history — tossed aside as irrelevant with nothing to offer — today we find ourselves in a world where everything has been turned upside down.  We are living Isaiah 59:14, “Justice is turned back, and righteousness stands far off.  For truth has stumbled in the street and honesty cannot enter.”

Indeed.  Do you realize that today, 39% of 18-24 year-olds now identify as “LGBTQ?”  After years of public school indoctrination, we’re closing in on nearly HALF of our young people thinking they’re born sodomites!  And in our modern American CHURCHES today, 54% agree that homosexual so-called “marriage” is just another alternative lifestyle, just another “choice,” which we must lovingly accept and embrace.  History has been re-written, and a majority of our young people now believe socialism is much preferable to freedom.  WORK has become a “four-letter-word,” and unless a new college graduate can use their degree in 13th Century Lesbian Art Studies to immediately obtain a $100,000-a-year job with a massive load of “benefits,” they choose not to work at all.

They don’t even know their Grandparents — or the wealth of knowledge and wisdom they could glean from them, if they simply had any relationship with them at all.  And in many cases, our families are fractured beyond repair.  I speak with many Christian parents who have lost their children to the pagan world of debauchery and sin and no longer have any contact or communication with them.  While they mourn over this, they don’t see any correlation to the fact that THEY don’t communicate with their own elderly parents either.  Family relationships are not only fractured, they’ve completely broken down.

Old folks: you HAVE work to do.  You HAVE a tremendous amount of value in this world, whether you realize it or not.  How will you use your remaining years?  Are you waiting to die or are you serving the Lord until your last breath?  You may be in a situation where, sadly, your children no longer value you and you don’t even know your Grandkids.  That breaks my heart, as I know it surely breaks yours.  But often times, we can have a greater impact on SOMEONE ELSE’S kids than we can with our own.  Often times, young people will listen to US — strangers — and allow their eyes and hearts to be opened through the wisdom WE share with them, much more readily than they’d ever listen to their own parents or Grandparents.  So don’t underestimate yourself.  God’s not done with you yet, and it’s up to you how you will use your remaining years.

Let me share with you some stories of people I’ve known.  When I first met Zaida, she was in her 80s.  She had contacted me because she wanted to offer to help distribute our Christian newspaper in public news racks in her part of Wisconsin. She began with 25 copies, but she worked diligently, visiting with store managers and owners and she quickly built her delivery route to the point where she was faithfully delivering over 1,000 copies of Wisconsin Christian News every month.

She had a heart for people and ministry, and she not only delivered over a thousand copies of our newspaper each month, she also hand-made warm blankets and then went out and gave them to homeless people sleeping under bridges and in dark alleys in the “bad” parts of a big city — always sharing the Gospel of Christ wherever she went.  Not only was she OLD, but she also did all of this confined to a wheelchair!  She was 93 when she has a massive stroke, which landed her in a nursing home for a few days.  I went to visit her there, and found her sleeping.  I held her hand and whispered in her ear and immediately, her eyes lit up brightly and she was so excited to see me.  Though she could not get the words out clearly, I understood she was trying to tell me she needed to get out of there and get her newspapers delivered.  I assured her it was OK, that I would take care of things this time, and she should just rest.  The next day, she entered her eternal rest in Jesus’ arms.

Now, let me tell you about Jim.  I’m not sure how old Jim actually is, but I’m pretty sure he’s in his 90s too.  For years now, he’s been doing God’s work, for the “least of these.”  He’s sold scrap wood and held special events, he’s sold artwork and crafts, using the money to pay for water wells and essential items for orphans and widows in Africa.  He also works with jail inmates and men who’ve recently been released from jail, giving his all to help them know and embrace Christ as Savior. God has used him mightily and often times miraculously.  He’s suffered several strokes and pushes through all the health challenges that come with being in his 90s.  He, too, faithfully delivers over 1,000 copies of Wisconsin Christian News to news racks in Northwest Wisconsin and into upper Minnesota.  I know it’s hard work for him, but he — like Zaida — does this with great joy because he understands he only gets one chance in this world to make a difference and impact lives for Christ.  Everything he does, he does as unto the Lord.

There are others I could mention, but I think you get the idea.  If a 93-year-old lady in a wheelchair can do what Zaida did… if Jim can do what he does, then what is YOUR excuse?  I ask this not to be condemning but I do hope it is convicting.  I hope that your heart is convicted to the point that you’ll examine yourself and ask yourself how you intend to spend the rest of your days… actively serving God, or sitting comfortably, as a spectator while the world passes by on the broad road to hell?  Understand that most likely you will have to begin your OWN ministry, because sadly, most churches today do not see the value of their elders either.  They offer social gatherings, potlucks and “senior saints” meetings — but they never put you to work.

Wouldn’t it be WONDERFUL if our churches would team up older people with the young ones?  Instead of offering silly game nights for the kids, and social gatherings for the old folks — what if they began programs where the old folks began to mentor the young ones?  Imagine 90-year-olds sharing their wisdom and knowledge and love for the Lord with 15-year-olds, one-on-one.  No “entertainment,” no worldly distractions, no silly games — just building relationships, learning about and from each other… and the elders sharing a lifetime of wisdom with those who so desperately need it.

You see, that’s the ONLY way we’re going to be able to change the course that America is on now.  It can only happen if us “old folks” start teaching the young ones the things their public schools and the carnal world, and even their church youth groups never, ever will.  Jeremiah 6:16 tells us, “Stand at the crossroads and look. Ask for the ancient paths: ‘Where is the good way?’ Then walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.”  So, old folks — you are NEEDED in the battlefield of spiritual warfare for the hearts and minds of our young people.  Will you be a good steward of the life God’s given you?  Or are you “retired?”

And young people, I’d like to share some Scriptures with you as well, that I hope you’ll take to heart. And then I pray you will SEEK OUT an elderly person that you can learn great wisdom from.  If not your own Grandparents, then someone else’s.  Leviticus 19:32, “Stand up in the presence of the aged.  Show respect for the elderly and revere your God.  I am the LORD.”  Deuteronomy 32:7, “Remember the days of old; consider the years of many generations; ask your father and he will show you, your elders and they will tell you.”

1 Peter 5, “Likewise, you who are younger, be subject to the elders.”  And Hebrews 13, “Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the Word of God.  Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith.”

Old folks: we NEED you in this battle for the hearts and souls of our children and grandchildren.  Never give up.  Ask the Lord and He will direct your path, so that YOU can be the minister He’s calling you to be. And by the way, our school boards, city councils and county boards need you to show up and speak truth to them too.  They need you desperately. Isaiah 46:4, “Even to your old age and gray hairs I am He who will sustain you.  I have made you and I will carry you. I will sustain you.”  And now, I encourage you — get out of the “lift chair” and go serve your King!

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066 or email:  Ask for message number 341.

© 2021 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

The Origin of Covid-19—Updated, Part 9

by Dennis Cuddy, Ph.D.

November 27, 2021

(Note: As those of you familiar with my writings know, I began in 2009 writing a series of articles on a secret Nazi plan coming to fulfillment today. Relevant to that, the Associated Press reported on November 24 that the Swedish “government’s own budget proposal was rejected in favor of one presented by the opposition that includes the right-wing populist Sweden Democrats. Sweden’s third-largest party is rooted in a neo-Nazi movement.”)

The latest news concerning Covid-19 is that according to YAHOO/FINANCE November 26, “U.S. stocks slumped Friday, with global markets rattled by a new coronavirus variant discovered in South Africa, which fanned concerns that new growth-crushing lockdowns could be imposed….The Dow plunged 900 points….Scientists say the new B.11.529 strain is a concern, because it harbors a large number of mutations found in other variants—including the fast-spreading Delta variant,…and it seems to be rapidly spreading….Health officials are worried that the mutating variant (named omicron) could dilute or resist the efficacy of vaccines.”

On November 17, THE HUFFINGTON POST reported that Dr. Anthony Fauci in an interview warned that hospitalizations are increasing among fully vaccinated Americans. The HUFFPOST reported that “cases have been increasing nationwide over the past few weeks, and the 7-day average of new infections has risen to about 88,000 a day.” The day before the Fauci interview, Covid-19 expert Dr. Peter McCullough announced on “The John-Henry Westin Show” that he is launching a lawsuit for breach of contract against the medical journal, ELSEVIER, that “removed papers proving there are major risks for children, and others, who receive the COVID jabs.” Dr. McCullough said, “The most notable finding is that this myocarditis heart inflammation that occurs typically on the second shot after either Pfizer or Moderna, it is explosive and it happens within a few days of the second shot.”

A similar lack of information by THE WASHINGTON POST can be seen in Andrew Jeong’s November 19 article, “Texas court says hospital can’t be forced to offer ivermectin to covid patient on ventilator.” In his article, Mr. Jeong gives the usual information, and then wrote: “The Food and Drug Administration has not approved or authorized ivermectin for covid treatment, though there is widespread interest in the drug on the fringes of the internet and among some right-wing circles.” The implication is only the unenlightened and ignorant subscribe to the belief that Ivermectin can help in the treatment of Covid-19. This leaves out the tremendous success of Ivermectin in India’s largest state containing 231 million people, and leaves out the tremendous success of hydroxychloroquine at the beginning of the pandemic in 6 Michigan hospitals detailed earlier in my series.

While the public is being pressured to get vaccinated, they are not being fully informed about what is in the vaccines. For example, in an earlier part of my series, I mentioned an affidavit by Fort Rucker flight surgeon LTC. Theresa Long, in which she wrote about Moderna’s “key ingredient, SM-102 that if the Department of Defense were to undertake use of the Moderna vaccine, one can expect a much higher Serious Adverse Event and fatality rate given that SM-102 carries an express warning ‘Skull and Crossbones’ characterized under the GHS06 and GHS08. In other words, this Moderna ingredient is deadly.”

The CDC, desperate to push vaccines, emphasized a study published October 29 in its MORBIDITY AND MORTALITY WEEKLY REPORT announcing: “Vaccination is over 5 times more effective at preventing COVID-19 than immunity acquired by contracting and recovering from the virus.” According to Aila Slisco’s October 29 NEWSWEEK article on the subject, “The results contradict an Israeli study released in August, which found that those who had previously been infected with COVID-19 were significantly less likely to become infected with the Delta variant than the vaccinated….The Israeli study included any positive COVID-19 test results, while the CDC study only included positive test results from individuals who were hospitalized in the VISION Network.” The CDC study also only focused on immunity in a period of between 3 and 6 months after vaccination or infection. While vaccines have been pushed, treatments for Covid-19 have not. On November 24, THE NEW YORK TIMES reported: “This was supposed to be the year vaccines brought the pandemic under control. Instead, more people in the United States have died from COVID-19 this year than died last year, before vaccines were available.” What does that tell you?

When I asked a physician who owns an Urgent Care facility about the new CDC study, he responded: “Total BS. If they were 5 times as likely to have it then I would have seen more than the one case—that’s ONE CASE—in all the thousands of patients I’ve treated for covid symptoms—hundreds of whom tested positive for the disease—-I would have seen more than one case who was REINFECTED with the virus. I always ask if they’ve been infected before. It is exceedingly rare. What’s not exceedingly rare is patients who have been vaccinated who then develop Covid within 4 to 8 months of their second shot. The (new CDC) study completely flies in the face of all the latest data as well which is showing that the vaccine’s effectiveness is rapidly waning to the point where, after only 2 months, there is a huge drop off in protection. Studies are showing prior infection with the bug affords a durable immunity for at least 13 months, before a slow drop off in protection begins. As far as it being ‘safe,’ the data would suggest otherwise. The prestigious cardiology journal CIRCULATION reports twice the risk of an acute coronary syndrome after second dose of vax, based on the doubling of the inflammatory markers used to score risk of future ACS episodes (Abstract 10712: Mrna COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test: a Warning).”

Concerning inflammation, read “COVID vaccines: A warning from the grave” by Liam Brooks (AMERICAN THINKER, November 15, 2021), in which he includes an obituary written by a middle-aged family man, Michael Anthony Granata, himself, which reads as follows: “At the insistence of my doctor, I gave in to pressure to get vaccinated. On August 17th I received the Moderna vaccine and started feeling ill three days later. I never recovered but continued to get worse. I developed multisystem inflammation and multisystem failure that medical professionals could not stop. My muscles disappeared as if to disintegrate. I was in ICU for several weeks and stabbed with needles up to 24 times a day for those several weeks, while also receiving 6 or 7 IVs at the same time (continuously). It was constant torture that I cannot describe. I was no longer treated as a human with feelings and a life. I was nothing more than a covid vaccine human guinea pig and the doctors excited to participate in my fascinating progression unto death. If you want to know more, please ask my wife. I wished I never would have gotten vaccinated. If you are not vaccinated, don’t do it unless you are ready to suffer and die.”

Pressure is not only put upon us by doctors to be vaccinated but also by the federal government and employers. This is a sign of an authoritarian state. Do you think that is extreme? Then look at Carl Samson’s “You’re already in the authoritarian state’: Chinese dissident Ai Weiwei criticizes US ‘woke’ culture” (November 17), which begins: “Chinese dissident Ai Weiwei has warned about political correctness in the U.S., saying its perpetuation has already turned the country into an authoritarian state without people knowing it.” Ai explained that “much of it has to do with efforts for people to be ‘unified in a certain political correctness. In many ways, you’re already in the authoritarian state. You just don’t know it,’ Ai told ‘Firing Line’ host Margaret Hoover.”

And as I mentioned in Part 8, the Power Elite wants to move us toward a digital currency. Relevant to that, Yahoo/Finance reported that on November 18, Cornell Law School Professor Saule Omarova testified before the Senate Banking Committee as President Biden’s nominee for the head job at the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency Because the Power Elite controls both Democrats and Republicans, it is worth noting that Omarova had been a special adviser in the Treasury Department during the George W. Bush administration. The Yahoo/Finance article said that Omarova grew up in the Soviet Union, and she “defended her comments to ‘effectively end banking as we know it’—part of an economic paper published last year hypothesizing where the Fed offers checking and savings accounts through it own digital dollar….She has also criticized the fossil fuel industry, once advocating for the bankruptcy of oil, coal and gas companies in order to address climate change.”

© 2021 Dennis Cuddy – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dennis Cuddy:

Fake, Faux, Floundering Government Shames Our Founders

by Sidney Secular

November 26, 2021

Most of the FedGov functions and agencies that existed before the “election insurrection” of 2020 did so without legal authority. That occurrence ended all illusion that we are legally and properly governed. The phonies now only have the power of force, blackmail, false narratives, psychological warfare and the overriding[4] and almighty fear factor—real, imagined or artificial—and induced by artifices. Per the Constitution, the FedGov is only given the functions enumerated; that of defense, foreign relations, the currency and the postal service. Most government departments and agencies constitute usurpations of functions reserved for the states. Some examples of this are the Departments of Education, Energy, Agriculture, Labor, Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development, Transportation, et al. All laws and regulations relating to and emanating from these agencies are bogus.

National politics are influenced or dominated by Gov’t “boorocrats,” elected officials, the CFR, and increasingly by corporate entities. Both major parties and the powers-that-shouldn’t-be are party to this national execution of the limited confederation type of gov’t. created by our founders. The “respectable” right and the RINOs are the most culpable because they were capable of thrusting aside the leftist tsunami that is drowning us. The so-called Election Insurrection was a terrible tragedy and a tyrannical treason (though not by the demonstrators), but it wakes up the sheeple by scaring the hell out of them and may be the catalyst to stimulate a return to proper representative government. Major reform without the usual political compromises, throwing out – and properly punishing – the malefactors, and restructuring the system are the only solutions short of a real revolution or secession.

The following are some steps that must be taken if we are to stamp out the current system:

1) Declare a moratorium on all immigration indefinitely and stop the illegal invasions. Limit future immigration to First World (white) countries. Give no amnesties, end chain migration, returning to the true constitutional meaning of “anchor babies,” and adopt measures forcing recent arrivals to return to their countries of origin;

2) Use anti-trust laws to break up major international internet and social media companies to prevent development of monopolies and discourage mergers that create monopolies. Consider converting certain of those enterprises into public utilities to prevent their censorship of internet traffic and unpopular opinion;

3) Provide incentives for development of small or alternative media companies;

4) Remove government officials, bureaucrats and judges who violate their oath to be faithful to the Constitution or refuse to enforce valid laws;

5) Restrict political donations to individual constituents and set a reasonable limit to the amounts donated;

6) Transfer all public benefit programs to the states except for Social Security and Medicare;

7) Eliminate the usurious Federal Reserve System and return control of money creation to the Congress as stipulated in the Constitution;

8) Restrict the number of consecutive terms of senators to 2; and 4 for representatives;

9) Eliminate special programs including healthcare and pensions for elected officials. Allow them to only use those plans available to the average citizen including 401(k) plans; forbid former government employees from accepting employment with ANY business involved with lobbying the government after they leave office.;

10) Investigate violations of federal laws by any and all elected officials and government employees and charge them with crimes as warranted; there should be NO statute of limitations for crimes committed while a member of the government. Disallow immunity to government employees who can be charged with improprieties. Failure to prosecute wrongdoing by other officials when called for will be cause for termination;

11) “The American Dream” of home ownership must be safeguarded and kept sacrosanct by making it unlawful for any corporation or entity other than individual citizens to purchase single family homes other than to refit and refurbish them for individual sales;

12) Disallow rezoning schemes to breakup or disturb established communities for the benefit of social, economic or racial classes or for social engineering goals;

13) Eliminate mandatory personal health restrictions and mandates including the present COVID related restrictions or mandates including the use of masks, forced physical separation distances, quarantines, lockdowns, denial of rights of assembly and travel and mandatory so-called vaccines;

14) Eliminate perpetual immunity of drug manufacturers –including the manufacture of so-called “vaccines—from lawsuits or damages their products as the result of product usage;

15) Eliminate all law, regulations, restrictions and programs based upon race including but not limited to affirmative action and forced diversity programs and critical race theory education/indoctrination programs;

16) Eliminate all ongoing programs that support non-citizens. While charitable gifts to those countries and people suffering from an “Act of God” (earthquakes, volcanoes etc.) are in keeping with America’s generosity, we can’t support the entire world indefinitely;

17) Eliminate federal support for all programs arising in a foreign country including refugee resettlement programs. It is not America’s business to support or oppose programs originating in a foreign nation – and that is especially so of Israel. Indeed, all aid to that country should cease given our own present financial situation. America should not be Israel’s cash cow.

18) States will give vouchers to parents so children can be sent to the schools of their choice. Where there is sufficient proof, parents who homeschool should be given tax breaks and minor financial assistance if needed. Homeschooling programs should be developed AT THE STATE OR COMMUNITY LEVEL. People without children will not be taxed to support public schools;

19) Military adventures that are not approved by Congress after full hearings with proof presented of their use to this country will cease. NATO will return jurisdiction/ownership over the Norfolk Naval Base to the US. US Military bases around the world will gradually be turned over to the host countries or phased out. The budgets supporting overseas military operations will gradually be turned over to the US Corps of Engineers to complete urgent infrastructure projects as these are implemented; The order and selection of such projects will be determined by technical experts and not politicians,

20) All foreign aid supported by the taxpayers will cease save in emergency situations and those will be limited to no more than two months response.

21) All highly questionable and politically motivated “environmental” programs will be eliminated unless there is proof that a particular program is of value to the nation. All “climate control” programs – including fossil fuel programs that are to be eliminated by the Green New Deal and other such socialist schemes will be reinstated or continued;

22) Federal support for our military including injured, sick and homeless vets will be enhanced and enforced.

© 2021 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Sidney Secular:

Commie Politicians Deny Your Right To Self-Defense

Andrew C Wallace

November 26, 2021

There is a lot to be learned from the Kyle Rittenhouse Trial and ALL of the compromised prosecutors in communist (commie) cities. This is one of the canaries in the coal mine. If the commies should deny us the right to self-defense and police protection, you can expect them to try and ban firearms next.

Kyle Ritterhouse should never have been charged in the first place (prior to investigations), much less tried in court. This could only happen under commie rule by ignoring the Constitution.

In the middle of a commie-ruled state, under constant media threats, prosecutorial misconduct, misinformation, lies, and unconstitutional statements, the jury had the courage to find Kyle Ritterhouse not guilty of all charges. They effectively repudiated  the unconstitutional conduct of the prosecutor, and all levels of commie government, including Biden, “THE USURPER” and the narrative of fake media. Those Jurors are modern day Heroes with real courage.

When it happened, fake media reported this event as a “Mostly Peaceful Protest”, when in fact it was a riot with burning, looting, and destruction.

At the time of the riots that destroyed Kenosha, the Governor, Mayor and Prosecutor did nothing to stop it for political purposes (To hell with the people and our Constitution!). Under the Constitution, these commie officials and supporting anti-American corporate officials should have been jailed.

The Kenosha police were nowhere to be seen. Police maintain that they didn’t have the manpower to stop the destruction. That is a damn lie!  With proper police power, they could have stopped it quickly, but political superiors wanted the destruction for political and business objectives. A few rioters might have been sacrificed to save the city, a fair trade. Remember  that the large anti-American corporations were paying the thugs to burn out their small business competitors.

This crime and destruction will continue in commie cities until such time as the people feel empowered, without any reservations,, to shoot criminals on sight who threaten their lives and property. This mindset was effective for thousands of years until the onset of the ignorant, gutless, and privileged snowflakes, who profited from the courage of our honored dead.

I addressed this issue of unleashing the power of the people in an “open letter article” in August, 2020, titled: Fl. Gov. DeSantis Allowing Denial of Florida Constitutional Rights. (published by The issue in this article was to empower people to exercise Constitutional rights to PREVENT riots when the authorities could only STOP them AFTER the looting, burning, and destruction. In this article, I also pointed out several cases of commie prosecutorial misconduct around the country.

In Florida, the Constitution gives people the right to defend themselves and their property, but people are afraid to exercise that right because the compromised prosecutors will charge them for not submitting to physical harm or hurting  the criminal, (just like Kyle Ritterhouse). Following are relevant words from the Florida State Constitution:

Article One, Section Two of the Florida Constitution states: ”Basic rights.—All natural persons, female and male alike, are equal before the law and have inalienable rights, among which are the right to enjoy and defend life and liberty, to pursue happiness, to be rewarded for industry, and to acquire, possess and protect property.”

I will not travel to commie cities because it is neither safe nor prudent. If attacked, and you defend yourself and harm a criminal, you will be charged and financially destroyed by a mostly-corrupt commie political system. There is a damn good reason why people are leaving commie cities in droves.

I also wrote about this probability in July, 2020, titled: French Style Reign of Terror has Started in America (published by This article draws comparisons between America and the conditions in France that led to the “Reign of Terror” in the French Revolution. Those conditions are being replicated in America and the results may be worse. First the French killed the Nobles ( Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class, PSRRC), then they killed those they didn’t like, and finally they killed each other in an epic bloodbath. Stalin and Mao followed the same procedure, resulting in 100 to 140 million dead, and I expect “our” commies to do the same.

Communism was a deadly failure for our Pilgrims and has failed throughout history. So far it is destroying all  of our cities ruled by commie Democrats. During the fifties when I was in the service, we referred to California as the “Land of Fruits and Nuts”; that was heaven compared to today, when it is a third world commie “Hellhole”.

The commie plan is to intimidate the people to stop resistance, but they went too far resulting in a massive backlash. I am a strong believer that if you confront a man who has nothing to lose, he will fight to the death. Threatened loss of the Constitutional Republic would put many patriots in a similar position of having nothing to lose. Incarceration and torture by faux federal officials after a framed arrest is now considered a death sentence by many who therefore have nothing to lose by resisting. I maintain that ANY small percentage of the more than 50% of the population who are patriots is more than sufficient to carry the day. Remember, a determined Guerilla Force has NEVER been defeated in the field.

I can think of no situation more dangerous than the one we are in right now. We are in this situation because of the greed and failure of so many officials at all levels of government to honor their oaths to the Constitution, culminating in the failure of the United States Supreme Court to even hear the relevant cases.

“America’s Reign of Terror” is at our front door.

God Bless America.

© 2021 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace:

Something to Think About over Thanksgiving

by Lex Greene

November 25, 2021

While you take a few days off to celebrate Thanksgiving, I’d encourage my fellow Americans to think about a few important facts, so that we may return to the work of fighting for our lives, our freedom, liberty, and Justice, after the holiday.

#1 – We are NOT enslaved subjects of our elected or appointed public servants. Unlike most countries on earth, The United States Constitution, including the Bill of Rights, is the “Supreme Law of this Land.” Not our politicians, their underlings, any federal or state agency, the courts, or anyone else. We do not exist to serve them…they only exist to serve us. They do not care what each other say, which only confirms that we do not need to care what any of them say.

#2 – The only Rights we have, including those which are constitutionally “inalienable,” are those which we are ready to fight and die for. We have no other Rights than those we are prepared to defend and enforce… If we won’t defend and enforce them, then we no longer have them.

#3 –Over 70% of Americans claim the Christian faith, just like all of our nation’s Founders. But many have been taught from contemporary pulpits that they do not have a job in the battle between good and evil on earth. Many modern-day Christians believe that their mere words are enough…when scripture is quite clear, to the contrary. If our faith is not visible in our works, then that faith is dead. If our patriotism is not present in our actions, then that too, is dead.

#4 – What scripture teaches about “lukewarm” faith, “since you are like lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth!” –Also applies to our patriotism, our commitment to standing against all evil. Forget what you are willing to say about freedom. What are you willing to do for the cause of freedom? Evil will prevail, where good men and women do nothing.

#5 – If you find yourself on the broad road, moving in the herd, directed in your decisions by “group think” and mass propaganda, going-along to get-along, then self-correct immediately. Leave the broad road and find the narrow path quickly, as “the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it.” Only those who have found the narrow path and remain on it, will hold the future of freedom and life itself, in their hands.

Be thankful for the many gifts we have been endowed by our Creator, under the Laws of Nature and of nature’s God. But, let no man take from us, that which God has given…

Happy Thanksgiving!

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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What We’re Getting for Our Money

by Lee Duigon

November 25, 2021

Neatly hidden in the House Democrats’ insane spending bill, somewhere around Page 1,350, we find an exhilarating plan to entertain Americans while at the same time making our minds right.

So $20 billion (for starters) has been set aside to create half a dozen new theme parks throughout the country, from sea to shining sea, all of them identical, all of them… the word is “educational.”

Once upon a time in the Bronx, New York, from 1960 to 1964, there was an extravagant new theme park called “Freedomland USA.” I remember the commercials for it. “Mommy and Daddy, take my hand, take me out to Freedomland, $2.95 is all you pay for Freedomland all day!” See the Great Chicago Fire! And other historical re-enactments. The place went bankrupt after just four years, but who can forget it?

“This’ll be a lot like Freedomland,” says Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, “only America has moved on from stuff like that. Our new park will be called Commieland. You’ve gotta love it!”

A ticket for a day of fun at Commieland will cost just $295—“We just moved the decimal point, that little thing that looks like a dot,” she explained—per person and admit every ticket-holder to any exhibit, ride, or jab. Upon entering the park, each person will receive an indelible mark on either the forehead or the hand.

“We don’t want to go bust like Freedomland,” says Cortez, “so we’re gonna Mandate everything. We love Mandates! The Mandate will require every person in America to visit the nearest Commieland at least once a year—and you know what happens to you if you don’t obey a Mandate! Oh—and if you don’t have the mark, later on you won’t be allowed to buy groceries, hold a job, or sell anything. It’ll make life easier for everybody!”

Some of the attractions planned for Commieland are truly innovative. Instead of the familiar roller coaster, Commieland will feature “the Gender Coaster.” As the ride goes up and down, riders will be required to change their genders if they wish to continue. “Actually you can’t get off the ride,” sez Cortez, “so you kinda have to continue! But it’ll give you a whole new appreciation for gender fluidity!”

Then there’s the “Afghanistan Skedaddle,” a mock-up of Bagram Airport. Patrons will don military uniforms and see how many weapons they can throw away as they rush to grab seats on departing airplanes. Park employees dressed like Taliban fighters will hurry the patrons along.

But the most popular attraction is expected to be “the Border Jump,” in which patrons will have to climb up and down a high fence to get free stuff on the other side. One of the prizes will be President Biden hand-puppets, but wooden effigies of Kamala Harris are also expected “to go like hotcakes,” Cortez chortles. “The head is real hard; you can use it as a hammer.”

Also mandated will be attendance at lectures on Critical Race Theory, punctuated by self-denunciation sessions required of all white patrons. “And just for fun,” adds Cortez, “for just another $25 you can ‘Throw a Brick at the White Man,’ and if you hit him, you win a genuine Anti-Racist Badge! This will entitle you to identify as Black!”

But, we ask, is America really ready for Commieland?

“The beauty of it is,” says Cortez, “that we don’t care! Like, ready or not, here we come! What’re they gonna do—vote us out? I don’t think so! Whether you like it or not, all you deplorables and white supremacists out there are gonna get your minds right!

“We’re gonna call it Commieland because that’s what it is. Comrade Xi Jin Ping has already promised to send over a whole crowd of consultants to help us set it up. Hey, America, capitalism is over! Get used to it!”

Author’s Note: I really shouldn’t have to say this, but probably I’d better. This essay is a satire. There is no Commieland.

Not yet.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, .  Click the link and visit, before they drag us all off to Commieland. My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon:

Thank You God, Thank You America, Thank You American Citizen

By Frosty Wooldridge

November 25, 2021

While this twice-weekly column for the past 20 years has featured serious topics facing our country, this column today compliments you, an American citizen, who wakes up to your 6 a.m. alarm clock five to six days a week—and gets yourself into gear .  It salutes you who rouse your kids out of bed, feed them breakfast and get them off to school.

This column salutes you moms and dads who take your kids to soccer practice, baseball, football, swimming, basketball, music and art classes.  This column salutes you for participating in the activities of life that make America one of the finest civilizations on planet Earth.

Thank you for showing your kids respect for our laws, our festivals and our heritage as a people.  Thank you for taking time to listen to your kids.  Their sense of self and their sense of confidence in the world comes from you.

I can say this from my own experiences with my parents.  Some people have said that I am very self-confident.  Thank my mother. When I grew up, and I cried as a child and kid, my mother came over, and picked me up to make sure I felt safe.  My father always encouraged me.  With their guidance, I gained self-confidence to do well in the world. None of it given!  I studied long hours, worked hard and lived the American Dream.  That’s what you give your children when you hold them, comfort them and assure them.

Thank you, mom and dad, for taking part in your local art fairs and farmer’s markets.  Thank you for participating in Lions, Rotary, Booster’s, Shriners, St. Jude’s, Veterans of Foreign Wars, 4-H, Rodeo and dozens of other clubs that bring our youth up to be productive, contributing and creative members of America.

When I started out my twenties as a math-science teacher, I got to see good parents rear their kids with love, tenderness, discipline and expectations.  In the summers, as a United Van Lines trucker driver furniture mover, I got to see parents from every corner of this country.

The vast majority of parents want their children to enjoy life through hard work, homework, sports, the arts,  and really, in personal engagement with their communities, churches and clubs.  I must say that everything you do/did with your children made the difference in making our society full of generosity, kindness, friendship and excellence on so many levels.

As a cross country bicyclist who has pedaled across this country 15 times coast to coast and border to border in all 50 states, I have been blown away by the kindness of strangers.  It’s been an astounding ride.  In fact, my next book publishes in January 2022: The Kickstand Chronicles: The Miraculous, Funny, Sublime, and Downright Terrifying.   Subtitle: Inevitable Moments Along the Journey—Six Continents, 45 years, 150,000 Miles.

That book illustrates the opportunities for self-exploration, for world adventures, and for genuine inspiration during each of our short stints on this planet.  Some of us become famous for a moment like the Olympics. Others become famous for a lifetime like Willie Nelson, Brad Pitt or Marilyn Monroe and Amelia Earhart. Others become famous to their communities and/or families.    

If you asked most kids who their hero might be, the majority would say, “My mom and my dad.”

While my father was an average man, he is a towering figure in my life.  He lives in me; he goes with me on all my adventures.  His picture in my wallet has traveled with me all over the globe.  And, my mother, too!  They raised me to be a good person.

The fact is, your parents raised you to become a good person, also.  That’s what makes America so grand, so exceptional, and so extraordinary.

So, this Thanksgiving, let all of us bow our heads in prayer.  Let us give thanks to God, thanks to our spouses, thanks to our kids, thanks for our grandparents, thanks to our friends.  When we do that, we enrich our lives, and we enrich their lives.

And, to each of you who have been reading this column for 20 years, thank you. Thank you for the honor of your time. Thank you for your responses. Thank you for your ideas.  Thank you for honoring America and all this wonderful country provides for all of us.

Sandi and I wish you an abundant Thanksgiving.

God bless and keep you and yours,

Sandi and Frosty Wooldridge, Golden, Colorado

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Devil Wants To Depopulate The World By 3 Billion, Then Punish if You Dare Speak Out

by Bradlee Dean

November 24, 2021

“The world today has 6.8 billion people that’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15%.” -Bill Gates (Video below-4:35 Mark)

[YouTube Video]

Here we are today in the midst of a created crisis working to lower the world’s population just as Bill Gates proposed to do back in 2010 (John 10:10). This should come as no surprise due to the fact that he was influenced during the time that his father was on the board of Planned Parenthood (Proverbs 6:17).

Bill Gates is the one that is paying to set the narrative concerning this global plandemic, and he is the one who pretends to be what it is that he is not (2 Corinthians 11:14-15).

For the record, Bill Gates is NOT a doctor, nor is he a elected representative.

[Rumble Video]

[Rumble Video]

[Rumble Video]

Apparently, Bill Gates does not know his place nor his lawful limits, and how could he when the people, on a global basis, sit back and allow him to do what it is that he is doing?

Bill wants to turn up the heat on individuals exposing him for his agenda and for his crimes against humanity (John 8:44).

Apparently, Bill did not get the memo.  At the Sons of Liberty, we do not ask the devil for permission to obey God (Matthew 16:17-19).

Newspunch recently reported: Bill Gates: Governments Must PUNISH Online Users Who Oppose Masks and Vaccines

Bill Gates has urged governments worldwide to issue punishments to online users who question mask and vaccine mandates.

In a new 30-minute interview with British politician Jeremy Hunt, Gates discussed “pandemic preparedness” and the current global vaccine rollout.

[YouTube Video]

“We need a new a new way of doing the vaccines,” Gates told Hunt.

Bill Gates admits COVID-19 vaccines don’t stop viral transmission. Despite being one of the largest proponents of presently-available COVID-19 vaccines, Gates admits to the failure of the vaccine industry that he has worked tirelessly to prop up.

[RebelNewsOnline – Despite being one of the largest proponents of presently-available COVID-19 vaccines, Gates admits to the failure of the vaccine industry that he has worked tirelessly to prop up.] reports:

Gates stressed the importance of suppressing what he called “false information” surrounding the novel coronavirus and the accompanying government approved “vaccines.” He lamented the rise of so-called “mask hesitancy” and “vaccine hesitancy” among those who choose not to don the coverings or subject themselves to the experimental shots.

Instead of relying on social media to regulate “what stuff should circulate” online regarding scientific discussions on medicine and COVID shots, Gates suggested that governments ought to “step up” to control censorship of online media after criticizing platforms like Facebook for being “a little slow” to bring down the hammer.

Continuing, the technology mogul heaped yet more opprobrium on social media giants, mocking their motivations regarding content publishing as being far from virtuous, while at the same time advocating for governments to take over the policing of internet discussions.

Arguing that it is not “realistic” to expect Big Tech to moderate heavily enough, Gates suggested that “eventually governments will decide [on supposed] wild conspiracy theories: do they have to be double checked? Do they have to slow down their spread? Do you have to put counterbalancing point of views there?”

After expressing some dissatisfaction with the global response to COVID-19, Gates explained that he now wants to see politicians planning for “future pandemics,” building on the back of 2020’s concerted efforts by having international bodies establish medical surveillance programs and begin to “practice” responding to possible biological threats using a series of “germ games.”

Gates called for a “pandemic task force at the WHO [World Health Organization]” which would carry out simulations of bioterrorism attacks at airports, he said, for example. “You say, okay, what if a bioterrorist brought smallpox to 10 airports? You know, how would the world respond to that? There’s naturally-caused epidemics and bioterrorism-caused epidemics that could even be way worse than what we experienced today.”

The task force would require “tens of billions” of dollars in investment from the world’s nations to prepare for the possibility of a manufactured bioweapon, Gates suggested.

“So you’d think this would be a priority,” he said, predicting that “next year will be where those [financial] allocations have to get made, including this global pandemic task force.”

Conclusion: When the people, on a global scale, understand that the devil is in their midst and that they have power over him because of what Christ has done for them on the cross (Luke 10:19) and decide to make a responsible decision to put an end to all of this, then they can and they will. Until the people have had enough and stop it, this will continue (Isaiah 59:4)!

© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean:

Kyle Rittenhouse Acquitted. A Battle Was Won. But Not the War

by Steven Yates

November 24, 2021

On Friday, November 19, the jury in the high-profile Kyle Rittenhouse murder trial returned its verdict of not guilty on all counts.

For my part, having watched key parts of the live-stream, I wondered what took them so long.I figured it plausible that some feared the consequences of an acquittal, as the jury that convicted Derek Chauvin doubtless did. That would speak volumes about the times we are in.

And with Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers having 500 National Guard troops on hand, no one was taking any chances in Kenosha.

Protests did erupt in Brooklyn, Chicago, Portland (naturally!), and elsewhere. Black-clad Antifa types threw rocks and other objects at police. All in a day’s work.

What was clear from videos available back in August 2020 was that Kyle used deadly force to defend himself from violent thugs who were attacking him physically, one (Anthony Huber) having already hit him over the head with a skateboard. He had no choice. The survivor, Gaige Grosskreutz, admitted under cross that he had his own gun pointed at Kyle’s head when Kyle shot him in the arm.

All three had significant rap sheets as long as your arm, including child molestation (Joseph Rosenbaum).

From the trial, it became clear that despite the need to exercise split-second judgments, Kyle had not shot at anyone not attacking him. He kept his head. He menaced no one else present. He was not some kind of “mass shooter.”

Some have questioned his judgment in even being there. The answer is that he had as much right to be in that place as anyone else; it was a public street. He was verbally threatened when still on the property he had been there to protect, and a family member owned a nearby gas station that was also being threatened by the violent mob.

So yes, he had every right to be there, and every right to defend himself.

Since this case was about the right to use deadly force in self-defense, for a change the good guys won one.

But let’s not kid ourselves. Let’s not blow this out of proportion.

The war we’re in is far from over. It is not just against hard-core street-level lefties that get violent at the drop of a hat, but against the larger forces that keep that street-level lefties in business, sometimes by reporting their antics as “peaceful protests” and sometimes by bankrolling them. The most visible of the former are corporate media outlets that proclaimed the Rittenhouse acquittal as a victory for “white supremacy.”

Even White House Occupant Joe Biden called Kyle a “white supremacist,” the second time a Democrat in that office has weighed in with a fact-free opinion on a criminal case (the first was Barack Obama’s weighing in on the George Zimmerman trial with the remark that Trayvon Martin could have been his son!).

I cannot count the number of times I’ve seen this “white supremacist” rubbish in news aggregators and other feeds since November 19. Sometimes I want to scream at my monitor screen:


Screaming at my computer monitor wouldn’t accomplish a whole lot, of course, so I’ve resisted the temptation. So far.

But consider, from the lunatic fringe of the extreme left fringe, this:

The Rittenhouse verdict will be remembered as the moment american [sic.] fascism turned into Nazism proper, and there was no turning back from the path of Holocaust.

That piece of prophetic acumen was penned by one “umair haque”who writes on Medium, promoted as a platform for writers who want to make money writing from engagement from other Medium members (I have an account and a couple dozen articles on various topics).

If you go to “umair’s” page you will find titles like, “The Rise of the American Nazi,” “America’s Right Is Off Its Leash and Out For Blood,” “America’s Heading Into a Perfect Storm of Fascism,” “Our Civilization Is Entering a Death Spiral,” … you get the idea.

I don’t know if that’s his real name (using your real name is not a requirement for posting there), or how much money he is making on the site.

I’m also unsure where the above quote appeared. I have it second-hand and could not find it in the articles presently available on his page. I didn’t look exhaustively. My gorge can only take so much. I could hazard a guess that Medium took it down, or a reader suggested he do so, out of the fear it would be actionable for libel.

“umair haque” (or whatever his name is) spews out such hysterics daily, almost always on one of three themes: (1) America is collapsing — not because of its collapsed educational system, its ruined culture, its dishonest media, the money printing machine at its elite center now causing near-hyperinflation, and an ethos of dependence on government for handouts —but because America isn’t hard-left enough! (2) America is on the road not just to fascism but full-throttle Nazism; all Trump-supporters are neo-Nazis; all Republicans are neo-Nazis. (3) Climate change will kill us all within ten years!

In other words, the guy is a complete and total loon.

He’s further out than the Kuiper Belt!

But he has a substantial following on that site (which has millions of members all over the world).

That, I find scarier than anything Stephen King ever wrote!

There are others like him on the platform, though none I know of are as hysterical and extreme.

Far more people are reading people like this than are reading or other sites exposing the real fascists: those who (paraphrasing what Mussolini is often quoted as having said and augmenting it) merge governmental and corporate power to enact policies on national populations by force, using fear, gaslighting, and other forms of propaganda intended to disorient and demonize whatever and whoever falls outside approved narratives.

Returning to the Rittenhouse verdict, it might be useful to keep in mind that even if “the good guys” won a battle, it’s not that large of a victory. For the forces on the other side are still reigning largely unchecked. The war continues on.

We thought we won a much bigger battle in 2016, but when push comes to shove, we were wrong. Dead wrong.

Whether one likes it or not, depending on how we view the aims of the Trump years, they have to be viewed as a failure, overall.

Do we have a wall on our border with Mexico? Is illegal immigration in check, or with the Bidenistas now in charge of the Asylum on the Potomac, is it again totally out of control?

Have we improved the life conditions of the white middle and working classes, or is their status arguably worse off than it was in 2016? (Obviously, white billionaires are light years better off!)

Is there now less Big Media and Big Tech censorship than there was in 2016, or is there more? How much more? Far more?

Was political correctness beaten back over those four years (“We do not have time to be politically correct,” Trump told Megyn Kelly to rousing applause), or — with purveyors of campus wokery calling for the firing of teachers and professors who “misgender” trans weirdos or refuse to use multi-gender pronouns — is it now worse than ever?

Are riots and open violence by leftists more common or less common than they were in 2016, frequently in response to white cops shooting blacks committing crimes? It was one such incident that led up to the violence Kyle Rittenhouse got caught up in.

Is globalism receding, or is it still advancing — perhaps taking a step back here and there before taking two steps forward?

How many saw the plandemic coming? Let’s face it: Trump’s response was awkward at best, and he got fully on board with the mRNA “vaccines.” How many of us were prepared with a plan to oppose the economically crippling and personally destructive lockdowns? These are still occurring in Australia, Europe, and elsewhere, as are “vaccine” passports —all of which will come to the U.S. this winter on the word of psychopathic superelites like Fauci who have the ear of the Bidenistas. The courts may have stayed the Sept. 9 directive, but can they stand up against this tide indefinitely?

Are we, or are we not, in a far more technocratically controlled society than we were in back in 2016?

These are the fronts of the bigger war — the fifth generation war about which I wrote a couple weeks back, a war we peasants are not supposed to realize is being waged against us, but is waged with relentless propaganda and gaslighting, and with “vaccines” that arguably have already begun killing people.

The long and the short of things, though: the Rittenhouse verdict did bloody the Establishment’s nose. Establishment media thought they could try and convict the kid in their propaganda outlets. This backfired when the jury decided to set their (probably legitimate) fears aside and decide the case on the facts, not hard-left ideology.

The Establishment tends not to like that sort of thing.

We cannot be sure Kyle is out of the woods. It is far from impossible that the Bidenista-directed Feds won’t bring federal civil rights charges against him, separate allegations and therefore technically evading double jeopardy.

It is also not impossible that some subsidiary entity such as the George Soros bankrolled Integrity First For America (the entity behind the legal team working for the plaintiffs in Sines v. Kessler, the lawfare civil case having just gone to the jury in Charlottesville) won’t bring a civil suit against Kyle akin to the one brought against Unite the Right.

In other words, this is not the big triumph some are making it out to be — any more than it is a sign (“umair” again) of America’s “collapse into Nazism.”

How many readers know that the trial of Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein’s partner, also began last week? Surprise, surprise, that trial is not being live streamed anywhere (that I know of).

It has the potential of unveiling the names of super elites that have been involved with her old boyfriend’s pedophile network. This is far more dangerous to GloboCorp and its minions than the acquittal of one kid who shot three people in self-defense.

And if you consider the possibility that tens of millions may eventually die from the short or long-term effects of the experimental Covid-19(84) mRNA “vaccines” as part of the superelite effort to eliminate as many “useless eaters” and other peasants as it can get away with, Ghislaine Maxwell is still small potatoes!

It’s always helpful to keep things in perspective.

ADDENDUM: on the Letter from the Bowels of the D.C. Gulag article. A couple of readers took me to task for citing, and linking to, an article by the notorious Andrew Anglin, whom they claimed was a bona fide neo-Nazi. I don’t know if he is or not, but I do know he, too, has been threatened numerous times, and for that reason no one knows his exact whereabouts. Had I know that the Nathaniel DeGrave letter was on The Gateway Pundit, though, I probably would have linked to that instead — because it also contained donation information the Anglin piece lacked. But I did not see it in time. Still, someone would have griped that The Gateway Pundit is a right-wing site, implying that it is unreliable (ha!). So we have what we have. I do not apologize, when online censorship has reached such a pitch that information going against approved narratives can only be had from such authors and sites.

Steven Yates’s new book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory (Wipf and Stock) is available here and here.

Do you wish me to continue? Please consider supporting my work on

© 2021 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates:

Pentagon’s Threat to OK National Guard: You’ll Be Militia!

By: Devvy

November 23, 2021

Americans are well aware the illegitimate walking corpse in the WH playing Commander-in-Chief ordered (or someone in the Executive Branch since Cheater China Joe Biden’s advanced dementia continues to advance) all military, National Guard and private contractors who do work for DoD must get one of those dangerous COVID-19 experimental injections.  To date, hundreds of thousands have said no and are standing their ground, but the clock is ticking.

This did not go over well with Gov. J. Kevin Stitt [R-OK].  Oklahoma National Guard defies Pentagon, won’t impose COVID-19 vaccine mandate, Nov. 12, 2021

“No Oklahoma Guardsman will be required to take the COVID-19 Vaccine,” Army Brig. Gen. Thomas Mancino wrote in a Thursday memo. The memo was at odds with a Defense Department directive that the “total force” – including the National Guard – must be vaccinated against COVID-19.

“Mancino noted in the memo that Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt is the organization’s “lawful Commander in Chief” when not under federal orders, implying that Stitt – not Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin – has the final call on any vaccine mandate…

“Governor Kevin Stitt earlier this month asked Austin to suspend the vaccine mandate for members of the Oklahoma National Guard.

“It is irresponsible for the federal government to place mandatory vaccine obligations on Oklahoma national guardsmen which could potentially limit the number of individuals that I can call upon to assist the state during an emergency,” Stitt wrote in a Nov. 1 letter to Austin.”

In case you are a new reader to my columns, I don’t hate our military.  My late husband was a disabled amputee retired U.S. Army Colonel who had 27 years of honorable service.  Lloyd Austin is a disgrace to the uniform and I don’t give a tinker’s damn the color of his skin.  He’s a fool and errand boy for the agenda.  Biden’s Plan To Root ‘Extremists’ Out Of The Military Looks Like A Political Operation, March 3, 2021

Soon as I read about Gov. Stitt’s stand on this issue, I sent him a letter along with exhibits.  Stitt didn’t have to ask permission from Austin but there’s the usual political dance before the lawsuits.  I wanted to, in case Gov. Stitt doesn’t know,there’s a court decision he can stick in Austin’s face.  Along with my letter I included a detailed print out of the judge’s decision.

In Doe #1 versus Rumsfeld 297 F. Supp. 2d 119 (2003) a federal court held that the United States military could not mandate Emergency Use vaccines for soldiers: “The United States cannot demand that members of the armed forces also serve as guinea pigs for experimental drugs.”

An appropriate Order accompanies this Opinion.


“Pursuant to Fed.R.Civ.P. 65 and for the reasons stated by the Court in its Memorandum Opinion docketed this same day, it is this 22nd day of December, 2003, hereby

“ORDERED that the Motion for a Preliminary Injunction is GRANTED. In the absence of a presidential waiver, defendants are enjoined from inoculating service members without their consent;”

You’ll never believe who the judge was in that case.Emmet G. Sullivan, the judge who disgraced his profession in the Gen. Michael Flynn case.

Doe #1 versus Rumsfeld 297 F. Supp. 2d 119 (2003)– legalese stuff.  Go here for the summary.  This case was over immediate and involuntary jabs for anthrax for “active duty service members, National Guardsmen and Department of Defense civilian contract employees”…

“On March 3, 2004, both plaintiffs and defendants filed motions for summary judgment. The plaintiffs additionally asked for permanent injunctive relief. On October 27, 2004 the Court (Judge Sullivan) granted the plaintiffs’ motion for summary judgment and ordered that the FDA’s final rule and order be vacated and remanded to the agency for reconsideration.

“The court also ruled that unless and until the FDA classifies AVA as a safe and effective drug for its intended use, the injunction shall remain in effect. The court ruled that the involuntary anthrax vaccination program is illegal absent informed consent or a Presidential waiver under 10 U.S.C. § 1107. On April 6, 2005, the court also modified the injunction at the request of Defendants to include a provision that the AVA may be administered on a voluntary basis, pursuant to the terms of a lawful emergency use authorization.

“On February 9, 2006, the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia denied defendant Department of Defense’s appeal and remanded the case to the district court because they held that the case was moot.”

This is a second source that can be used if you’re active-duty military, National Guard or private contractor doing work for DoD.  This is the one I sent to Gov. Stitt – all 15 pages:

Doe v. Rumsfeld, 297 F. Supp. 2d 119 (D.D.C. 2003)District Court, District of Columbia

Filed: December 22nd, 2003 – Precedential Status: Precedential – Citations: 297 F. Supp. 2d 119

Docket Number: CIV.A. 03-707EGS – Author: Emmet G. Sullivan, 297 F. Supp. 2d 119 (2003)

John DOE # 1, et al, Plaintiffs,
Donald H. RUMSFELD, et al Defendants.

No. CIV.A. 03-707EGS. United States District Court, District of Columbia.

December 22, 2003.*120 *121 *122 Ronald James Wiltsie, U.S. Dept. of Justice, Washington, DC, for Donald H. Rumsfeld.Mark S. Zaid, Krieger & Zaid, PLLC, Washington, DC, for Jane Doe.

The use of those experimental injections by Moderna, Pfizer and Johnson are still under EUA – Emergency Use Authorization.  Despite the obscene lies by the MSM DNC pimps, none are “approved” by the FDA.

FDA Lied– Pfizer Vax Not Approved Still Experimental, August 25, 2021, “The big news the FDA had given “full approval” to the Pfizer CV19 vaccine is a HUGE lie.  The FDA has granted approval to some future vaccine called “Comirnaty.” (FDA approved the biologics license application (BLA) submitted by BioNTech Manufacturing GmbH for COMIRNATY (COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA).

(Here’s the letter from the FDA to Pfizer)

“You cannot get Comirnaty now because it does not exist.  Who knows when, in the future, they will manufacture it so you can get this vax.  What you can get is the same old experimental Pfizer vaccine that is under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA).  All the FDA did was extend the EUA for the product they were already injecting.  This is the vaccine that is available for the forced mandates to civilians and military alike.”

These are the exhibits I printed out and sent with my letter to Gov. Stitt besides the Rumsfeld case:

The Significance of the Nuremberg Codes, April 4, 2021

This from my past columns on a separate sheet:

Pfizer BioNTech filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, Dec. 31, 2019See document here, pg 14 – 15:

“To our knowledge, there is no current precedent for an mRNA-based immunotherapy such as the type we are developing being approved for sale by the FDA, European Commission or any other regulatory agency elsewhere in the world. Although we expect to submit BLAs for our mRNA-based product candidates in the United States, and in the European Union, mRNA therapies have been classified as gene therapy medicinal products, other jurisdictions may consider our mRNA-based product candidates to be new drugs, not biologics or gene therapy medicinal products, and require different marketing applications.

“Any product candidates we develop may not be effective, may be only moderately effective, or may prove to have undesirable or unintended side effects, toxicities or other characteristics that may preclude our obtaining marketing approval or prevent or limit commercial use.”

Pg 16:  “Currently, mRNA is considered a gene therapy product by the FDA…Our product candidates may not work as intended, may cause undesirable side effects or may have other properties that could delay or prevent their regulatory approval, limit the commercial profile of an approved label, or result in significant negative consequences following marketing approval, if any.”

“Vaccines normally take 10-15 years before getting approval for mass distribution.  The first injections were rolled out in hospitals on Dec. 14, 2020.  That SEC filing was last day of 2019 before production began.  Clinical trials are scheduled through 2023, so yes, humans on this planet are being used as test subjects.

How about Moderna and their SEC filing, June 30, 2020?  “Regulatory requirements governing gene and cell therapy products have evolved and may continue to change in the future, and the implications for mRNA-based therapies are unknown…Currently, mRNA is considered a gene therapy product by the FDA.”

“Click on Table of Contents and go down to page 64; “Our pursuit of mRNA-1273, a potential vaccine for SARS-CoV-2, continues to be subject to completion of the required clinical trials and regulatory approval in the United States and elsewhere. We may be unable to produce a vaccine that successfully treats the virus in a timely manner, if at all…Currently, mRNA is considered a gene therapy product by the FDA.

Potential: possible, as opposed to actual, capable of being or becoming

On Moderna’s web site under EUA  it says, “The Moderna COVID‑19 Vaccine has not been approved or licensed by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), but has been authorized for emergency use by FDA, under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), to prevent Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID‑19) for use in individuals 18 years of age and older. There is no FDA-approved vaccine to prevent COVID‑19.”

“Wait, how did their gene therapy product which they state has the potential to become a vaccine become a vaccine?  Their product isn’t preventing the phantom COVID-19, it’s killing and maiming people by the thousands.  Just go look through the 43,000 + pages (I did 315 as covered in a recent column) on the VAERS site.  Each case lists which injection the victim got, click on each big box to get full history.” *End*

I highly recommend National Guard units throughout the country get the above to their governor in a red state.  Forget any state with a Democrat governor but once there’s enough fire coming from red governors, you’ll see National Guard members start suing in all states.

I understand this is time consuming and that perhaps you’re employed and I’m not.  I can’t do all of the states, but together we can send the Pentagon packing.  Rather than face a humiliating defeat by the U.S. Supreme Court (and that’s a crap shoot I pray isn’t necessary), governors can force Austin & Biden to retreat.

Gov. Stitt’s request to Austin did not go over well at the Pentagon:

JUST IN: PENTAGON SAYS NATIONAL GUARD MEMBERS REFUSING #COVID19 VACCINE “MAY JEOPARDIZE” THEIR STATUS Pentagon spox John Kirby says “Governors may not relieve individual members of the Guard from their obligation to comply” with vaccine mandate.”

BREAKING: Defense official reportedly says, if the Oklahoma National Guard doesn’t comply with COVID vaccine requirements, they will no longer be “maintaining national recognition,” thus, state will no longer have a Nat Guard, but rather a militia – VOA’s Pentagon correspondent

Well, well, well.  The Pentagon used that dirty word:  Militia

Since 2005, Dr. Edwin Vieria has been writing, speaking and trying to get gun owners in this country as well as uninformed elected politicians in both Congress and state houses what the Second Amendment actually means:

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Militia Moves Into Texas Border County to Deter Illegal Immigration, October 20, 2021

BRACKETTVILLE, Texas—”For months, Texas ranchers have dealt with a relentless stream of illegal aliens traversing their property, cutting fences, breaking into their homes, and threatening them. Their patience is wearing thin.

“Rural Kinney County, where Brackettville sits, has become a major thoroughfare for illegal immigrants trying to avoid law enforcement. The county shares just 16 miles of international border with Mexico, but sits between Del Rio and Eagle Pass—two major illegal border-crossing areas in Texas.

“The Kinney sheriff’s stable of six full-time deputies has been beefed up by constables and deputies from Galveston, but with 1,360 square miles to cover, it’s an insurmountable ratio. The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) has had an impact, catching smugglers on the roads and illegal aliens on ranches, but still, they’re outnumbered.

“Meanwhile, Sam Hall, the founder and president of militia group Patriots for America, has spent the past week in Kinney County. “What we’ve seen is an invasion of this county,” Hall said during a county commissioner’s meeting on Oct. 18. “What we’ve seen is residents that are scared to death right now, and they don’t feel like they have support from the state.”

God bless them and while I fully understand the situation, their group is not the Second Amendment militia and has no authority.  If you really want to learn as I have over the past 16 years from Edwin what’s the difference and why it matters, Dr. Vieira did a three-part series explaining:

True Vs. False Militia & Why the Difference Matters, Part 1

True Vs. False Militia & Why the Difference Matters, Part 2

True Vs. False Militia & Why the Difference Matters, Part 3

I hounded a dozen tea party incumbents in our state legislature in 2013 about this very issue.  Response:  Crickets.  Unlike when I lived in Sacramento and only 10 minutes from the capitol, I live in W. Texas, about a 5-6 hour drive to Austin (plus hotel, gas & Kennels for my doggies).  It simply isn’t financially possible for me to hit the halls a couple times a week. Our legislature is now out of session until January 2023.  But that doesn’t mean Texans who have strong Second Amendment state reps and senators should do nothing between now and then.  They are back in their districts.  Boots on the ground. Gov. Abbott can call a special session at any time.

Our current (and hopefully defeated in the primary) governor, Greg Abbott has been no better.  Yes, our legislature has and is funding BILLIONS of dollars from us in tax dollars to try and stop the intentional invasion across our border but Abbott has not taken the constitutional path and so the hordes continue coming.

Abbott’s announcement about building a wall and asking for donations this past June would almost be a joke if the situation weren’t so dire.   Abbott knows some of the land is federally owned and those Marxists camped out in OUR White House and their cockroach minions at DOJ are not going to allow Texas to buy up the land.

My observation is Abbott is worried about the primary next year despite having a whopping $55 MILLION dollars in his campaign war chest.  Best to get some splashy headlines to appease the peasants.  Abbott didn’t do what I and several others lobbied for:  Re-constitute the constitutional militia and stop the invasion.

Mexican Pirates and the Constitutional Militia (Mine), May 24, 2010 – I can’t stress strongly enough you read the entire column.  I know it’s Thanksgiving week, but make a note if you can’t read it now, do during the holiday or over this coming weekend.  AND, Edwin’s columns above plus a couple below.

As Edwin writes from historical documents:

“Because the Constitution itself empowers “the Militia of the several States” for National purposes, the Militia are not optional, discretionary, or disposable for Congress, the President, the Judiciary, the States, or even We the People. First, because the Militia are “the Militia of the several States“, Congress lacks all authority either to create or to dissolve them. Congress also lacks authority to disregard, neglect, or impede the Militia, with respect either to their performance of their constitutionally mandated services to the Nation, or to their practical ability to perform those services. Instead, Congress’s powers and duties are “[t]o provide for calling forth the Militia” for particular National purposes, and to make them fully effective for those purposes by “provid[ing] for organizing, arming, and disciplining the[m]”. Article I, Section 8, Clauses 15 and 16. The President “shall be” their “Commander in Chief” “when [they are] called into the actual Service of the United States”. Article II, Section 2, Clause 1. And the Judiciary lacks authority to absolve either Congress or the President of these responsibilities.

“Second, although “the Militia of the several States” are State institutions, the States cannot dispense with them, either, because the Constitution presupposes their permanence, and the Constitution is “the supreme Law of the Land”. Article VI, Clause 2. Obviously, if the States could dissolve their Militia at will, they could erase Congress’s power to “call[ ] forth the Militia”. They could render unfulfillable the duty of the United States to “guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government” and to “protect each of them against Invasion; and * * * against domestic Violence”. Article IV, Section 4. And they could even disarm themselves from “engag[ing] in War” when “actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay”, because (absent dispensation from Congress) they would have no other armed forces to deploy. Article I, Section 10, Clause 3.

“Third, because the Militia are State institutions, the Constitution reserves to the States an exclusive power and duty to “govern[ ] such Part of them as may [not] be employed in the Service of the United States”, and a concurrent power and duty to provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining their Militia if Congress refuses, fails, or is unable to do so, in whole or in part. See Article I, Section 8, Clause 16; Amendment X; Amendment XIV, Section 1; and Houston v. Moore, 18 U.S. (5 Wheaton) 1 (1820). Indeed, if a negligent or criminal Congress, by shirking its duties or conspiring to defeat the Constitution, could render the Militia impotent and thereby put the Nation and States in peril, and the States nevertheless could do nothing to correct the situation, it would be absurd to speak of “the Militia of the several States” at all.

“Fourth, because (as Part Two of this article will explain) the Militia are composed of We the People in arms, all Americans retain the right and reserve the power to array themselves in “the Militia of the[ir] several States” should Congress and the States completely fail, neglect, or refuse to perform their duties in that particular.”

“Tune out the noise from useful fools like the Southern “Poverty” Law Center, militant, America hating operations like LaRaza and all the rest of them. What we the people must concentrate our efforts towards are the state legislatures — particularly the border states and others like Oklahoma. Seventeen states are now passing versions of Arizona’s new law and as the noose tightens and the Outlaw Congress in partnership with Marxist Obama/Soetoro try to jam mass amnesty down our throats, the illegals and their advocates will cross the line. Mark my words.”

These are MUST read columns by Dr. Edwin Vieira with the SOLUTION and not more political BS to raise money for the Republican Party while Americans are dying at the hands of illegal aliens and our resources being bled dry by all the freeloaders.

Who Regulates “A Well Regulated Miitia”? March 3, 2015

The Armed Forces & The Militia, Part 1, May 26, 2015

How the President Can Secure the Borders, August 18, 2015

That unconstitutional, monster phony “human” infrastructure bill just passed by the Marxists and communists in Congress – with the help of 13 RINOs – is poison:

“Cuccinelli says that the Biden administration’s vision for the southern border is to fund and attract more people to come illegally into this country. The Build Back Better plan contains billions of dollars to give amnesty to illegal immigrants and to fund the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services Agency, which is the legal immigration agency in the Department of Homeland Security.

“The bill allocates $3 billion to that agency to be put toward benefiting illegal aliens and helping them change their status to legal. “This is amnesty. It is funded by amnesty,” says Cuccinelli, noting that there are two issues with this provision. The first issue is that funding amnesty for millions of people will encourage millions more to come, during a time when we already have an immigration crisis at the southern border.

“The second issue is that this bill is supposed to be a budget bill, and a budget bill is not supposed to change legal policy. Nevertheless, the Build Back Better plan legalizes those who came here illegally before Jan. 1, 2010. Cuccinelli notes that amnesty cannot be in a reconciliation bill, so they will need all 50 Democrats to overrule the Senate Parliamentarian and push these provisions though regardless.”

Critically important everyone keep calling your Republican U.S. Senator.  Daily Senate Schedule for Monday, November 29, 2021 and Pro Forma Dates.  Sinema & Manchin just might vote against it but it’s going to take thousands of calls to their offices.

So, the Pentagon can bark up their butts all week long, but governors like Stitt need to fight back and don’t back down.  I’m sending the same package today I sent to Stitt to our state Attorney General, Ken Paxton.  At least it might get looked at vs Greg Abbott who ONLY cares about votes, not Texans.  Remember, before mail gets to the big chief, staff read and hopefully get it in front of their boss’ nose.

If I had Trump’s money, I would send a copy of this one book every American should read (well, except for liberals and progressives who are completely detached from reality and have no relationship with truth) to any candidate running for governor, attorney general or state rep and senator in red states.  Let he/she know what the book educates regarding the real meaning of Second Amendment and that you will follow up with them.

13 Words by Dr. Edwin Vieira (122 pgs) – I know, you hate Amazon, but if you do order from them, use as a percentage of your purchase goes to your favorite charity and believe me, it’s big money so desperately needed due to the purchasing power on Amazon. (Don’t pay any attention to ‘only 2 copies left’ because it’s not true.) Review:

“Dr. Vieira has managed to break the Second Amendment down to its bare minimum. As Dr. Vieira has stated, if one cannot bother to read, and understand thirteen words, there is little hope for saving our republic. Fortunately, the good doctor makes it easy to understand the historic background of this Amendment. Moreover, he manages to illuminate the importance of the entire Constitution, Bill of Rights, and even the basis for these documents as provided by the great Declaration. This is a great work in a small package.”

Enforce the Constitution: The Militias with Dr. Edwin Vieira, May 5, 2018, video interview

Constitutional Militia, Dr.Edwin Vieira, Jr. Audio 13, May 22, 2013

The solution has always been right there all this time.  The only thing that will make it a reality is you and me. And, hey – thank you to the nitwits at the Pentagon for reminding Gov. Stitt about the militia!

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions. [Order two books and save $10.00]

In closing, I wish everyone a safe and blessed Thanksgiving.

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:


How the Nuremberg Code Applies to the Vaccine, Nov. 19, 2021

Arizona Governor Quietly Signs Mass Vaccination Tracking Program, Nov. 19, 2021

A Serious Question for the NRA, Part 1, Dr. Vieira, June 14 2016

‘Sickening Betrayal’: Youngkin’s Position on Vaccine Mandates in Virginia Enrages Conservatives, Nov. 18, 2021

Fox News Poll: Voters oppose $450,000 payout to families separated at border – Those ILLEGAL aliens brought this on themselves.  A bank robber is shot and wants to sue the bank for hiring security.  Actions have consequences.  Raping We the People using borrowed money to pay a king’s ransom to individuals who are responsible for their mistakes is beyond obscene.

Every Single One of the 13 Republicans Who Voted for Infrastructure Bill Should Be Primaried and Removed

Facts to Help You Survive the Planned Economic Collapse

by Andrew C. Wallace

November 23, 2021

I am an Economist, but I never believed as others did that the Calculus could be used to accurately mimic Economic activity. I believe in reality, Economic laws and what history has taught us that never changes. Most importantly we must never overlook the greedy treasonous plans of the Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) and their Communist minions in government and the large anti-American corporations.

Everything that is being done to destroy us is illogical until you realize that the PSRRC has one objective, which is the complete destruction of the United States and the impoverishment of the people to allow establishment of a Dictatorial Commnist New World Order. The PSRRC owns most of our wealth and controls everything.

Now you can look at your personal situation in the proper context. You must pity the ignorant, apathetic and Lenin’s useful idiots who refuse to be informed of the truth, many will die as looters and arsonists or from starvation.

Following are the facts to the best of my knowledge. My  comments on Economics appears to be in general agreement with other experts. I am attempting to stay out of the weeds as much as possible, which is difficult in the Dismal Science of Economics.

  • An economic collapse will occur at any time without apparent warning to most people. Once started, it will rapidly get worse, feeding on itself with little opportunity for small investors to salvage anything.
  • Prior to collapse (PTC), you should only have the minimum amount of money in banking institutions. The FDIC is a joke. Safety deposit boxes are not safe. If the bank goes bust, and they all will, they will exchange your deposits for worthless bank stock. Banks are just the worst places to have money during an economic decline.
  • PTC you must have a “minimum” amount of fiat dollars on hand. Also, if possible buy gold and silver coins with any excess money. Remember After Collapse (AC) fiat dollars will become worthless rather quickly.
  • There will be no food in the stores and no way of getting food into the cities. You must have a supply of 25 year emergency food on hand.
  • If possible have a supply of your medications on hand. Those who require constant medical care for dialysis, cancer, etc, should read their Bibles and make peace with God for they are going to die. Under Communism the elderly and infirm are known as Useless Eaters and not worth any care. This Communist concept is already underway as demonstrated by the deaths of thousands because of neglect and refusal to treat Covid patients with proven therapeutics.
  • China is in the process of instituting a digital currency which will give them total control of the people. Our Communist leaders in the United States want the same total control of the people, they have said so in public, and one greedy corporation is promoting it. The government would know where you spend every digital fiat dollar. Digital currency would be unconstitutional. You could not have digital money under your mattress or to pay the boy for cutting your grass. You would be totally screwed.
  • Increasing unconstitutional fiat dollars in circulation without corresponding increases in goods and services greatly dilutes the value of existing fiat dollars causing inflation which is a debilitating tax on the people..
  • Flooding the world with unconstitutional fiat dollars can only end one way, total collapse of the economy and the currency with an impoverished people and an even more wealthy PSRRC.
  • Generous government payments to everyone including those who don’t want to work gives people the expectation of a national income. This is impossible and causes inflation with shortages of everything because too many people are not working.
  • At some point the FRB must increase interest rates and reduce output of fiat dollars to curb inflation. When this happens the stock market and business investment will tank This will of course decimate retirement programs and stock investments. PSRRC are better insulated with computer programs and information to survive.
  • Our Constitution requires the use of gold and silver for our currency. The reason is simple, when precious metals are used as currency it forces the government to live within its means. No-win wars for profits, crazy social experiments, boondoggles, etc are impossible without the unlimited creation from thin air of unconstitutional fiat dollars or fiat digital dollars..
  • Of course our government is effectively insolvent, it has two choices, inflation to the point where fiat dollar has no value at all, or it can repudiate the debt. Both scenarios result in economic collapse and impoverishment of the people. In the process the PSRRC will own and control the world. There is a third option, return to gold and silver as required by our constitution which would end all manner of theft, corruption and wars for profit, etc.
  • Our government debt is so great that soon the interest rate must increase to the point where it consumes ever larger parts of government revenue thereby starving out essential functions.
  • It is difficult to explain the effects of printing trillions of unconstitutional fiat dollars. It impoverishes the people, enriches the wealthy, reduces value of currency (inflation), causes economic collapse and ultimately the end of government’s ability to function. The trillions of unconstitutional fiat dollars created by the FRB go mostly to the government and the big banks (not the little banks, small business be damned). A large portion of the banks share goes into the stock market. Hypothetically, if you visualize the people owning 100 billion fiat dollars and the FRB prints another 100 billion then the people have lost 50% of their purchasing power. The PSRRC take the almost interest free fiat money and profit from it, then understanding the decreasing value of the currency invest it in inflation hedges like precious metals and real estate. But that is only the tip of the iceberg because the hedge funds and stock market manipulators use the money to further screw the people in more ways than you can count. One example is buying single family homes to rent, which increases the cost of housing denying families wealth accumulation and the American Dream
  • Most importantly you are not going to survive the crime and civil unrest if you are an ignorant naive snowflake or pansy who will not touch a firearm. It is a fact that the Democrat Governors, Mayors and prosecutors allowed their cities to be destroyed, looted and burned for political purposes. The Communist thugs looted, burned and destroyed the small business competitors of the large anti-American corporations who paid them. Police forces in Democrat cities have been reduced or destroyed. You have two choices if you live in a democrat city, move at once , or be capable of defending yourself. Regardless of where you live you must have a 12gage or AR15 with plenty of ammunition. When I was in service we used to say “The only good Commie is a dead Commie” and that has not changed. If you can’t tolerate or accept these facts you probably will not survive
  • Just so you know, as an average citizen you live in accordance with Capitalism, but the large PSRRC controlled anti-American corporations operate under Crony Capitalization (AKA Government Welfare) with the objective of a Communist New World Order. To the best of my knowledge, every member of congress is paid by corporations to pass legislation beneficial to them in every possible way and to hell with the people.

CONCLUSION: It is critical that you know your enemy to have a chance at survival. In a few words, the ENEMY of The People is the Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC ), ¼ of 1%, owners of stock, who control large mostly anti-American corporations, that in turn control government, media and BOTH political parties with money. Democrats are now Communists and the party of big money anti-American corporations, who paid the thugs to loot, burn and destroy your cities for political and business advantage. I only trust the FEW Republicans who are “America First Republicans with courage of their convictions” All other politicians of BOTH parties are corrupt or cowardly.

I welcome all reader comments. Negative remarks are welcome if supported by facts, not name calling or talking points.

God Bless America.

© 2021 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace:

Covid Pandemic Creating An Equally Dangerous Obesity Pandemic

By Frosty Wooldridge

November 22, 2021

Most people don’t remember when the “junk food revolution” started, but I remember those 20 cent hamburgers at McDonald’s just off my college campus back in 1965.  Who didn’t carry a buck in their pocket for so much cheap “food”?  You could buy three burgers, a packet of fries and a Coke for less than a dollar.  If I had known better, I would have invested every dime in their stocks!

Not to be forgotten, that’s when the “throwaway society” began as customers tossed their cups, bags and paper burger wrappers anywhere and everywhere onto the landscape. Today, we’ve trashed our lakes, rivers, beaches and woods.  There’s not one clean highway in America. Every road in this country, every park, rest area, college campus and inner city stands eyeball deep in litter.

Once Micky D’s fast food caught on, Burger King, Burger Chef, Pizza Hut, Little Caesars, Papa John’s, Wendy’s, Chipotle’s, Q-Doba’s, Arby’s and dozens of other junk food joints spread like wildfire across the USA.

But something else “spread” across America: waistlines.  From normal 33-inch waists in 1965, today, men feature 43-to-53-inch waistlines.  Women carry more flab around their arms than Jabba the Hutt in the Star Wars movie.  Young children sport pot bellies before they reach their teens.  A full 2/3 of American society suffers from overweight by 40 to 50 pounds…and half of that number suffers morbid obesity.

From the 60’s to the roaring 20’s of 2021, this country faces an obesity epidemic among the baby boomers, X Generation, Woke Generation and beyond.

We’ve got 1,000,000 heart attacks annually. We’ve got another 1,000,000 cancer patients annually.  We’ve got runaway diabetes into the millions. Arthritis cripples millions. Little known or appreciated, mental cognitive decline, aka, Alzheimer’s Disease affects millions of fat people as their brains don’t enjoy oxygenated blood which hastens their mental decline.

Then, we’re talking knees and hips that wear out. Thus, steel knees and hips.  Our hospitals suffer packed crowds trying to maintain some kind of quality of life as they eat their way toward their morbidity.

Ironically, those fast-food joints spike their menus with MSG, a chemical that makes patrons eternally hungry…so they go back to the counter for another burger and fries.

Why am I writing about this situation?  Last week, one of my lifelong friends died of a heart attack. Only 60 years old!  But, 50 pounds overweight and a junk food junkie!  As brilliant of a wildlife photographer as he was, as highly educated as he was…he couldn’t stop eating junk food.  One day last week, I’m talking on the phone with Allen, and now, I’ll never hear his voice again.

Let’s examine America’s current addiction to fast food. Since the pandemic, we’ve raced to the junk food parlors.  A “Chick Fila A” near my home sees a constant 10 car lineup for their fast-food.

“Americans’ love affair with food has never been a secret. Whether it’s for a cheat meal or comfort food after a hectic day or coping up with lockdowns during the pandemic, the love for fried chicken, tacos, pizza and burgers has always been on the rise. Some are more in demand than the others; new data shows that America is eating more burgers than any other fast food during the pandemic.” Raji Ali

Here’s an offline GPS data of millions of Americans’ visits to the 20 largest fast-food restaurants in the nation across four main categories (Burgers, Mexican Food, Fried Chicken, and Pizza). The aggregate data was compared with visits from last year to arrive at the increase in percentage of visits to each fast-food chain.

Consider this:

54.4% increase in visits to Burger Chains in 2021.
32.1% increase in visits to Mexican Food Chains in 2021.
29.5% increase in visits to Fried Chicken Chains in 2021.
16.2% increase in visits to Pizza Restaurant Chains in 2021.

All those fast-food joints sell non-nutritious, unhealthy, chemicalized and over-caloried food stuffs.  Those “foods” do more damage to one’s body over the years because it’s a slow-motion process. The average American eats 140 pounds of white sugar annually. The amount of Coke, Pepsi and Mt. Dew screams off the charts.  You can’t feel it, but each year, as you slap on another three to five pounds, by the time you reach 50, you’re sporting a 40-to-60-pound pot belly.

Your waistline expands, your blood pressure explodes…and you don’t know what to do about it or where to start.  Essentially, you have been addicted to junk food and all the poisons inherent in that eating style.  If you’re eating TV dinners or other packaged foods, you’re ingesting endless chemical dyes, preservatives, sucralose, aspartame, dextrin and more funny name ingredients than you could ever pronounce.

At some point, each of us may choose to eat healthy foods.  We may choose restaurants that serve life-giving foods such as Modern Market Eatery, Mad Greens and Healthy Habits.

If you stay home, it’s easier to buy wholesome, nutritious organic foods at Natural Grocers, Whole Foods, Sprouts and other grocery stores that actually care about your health.

For those of you suffering from cognitive decline or any of the forms of Alzheimer’s Disease, I recommend two books: The End of Alzheimer’s—Stopping and Reversing Cognitive Decline by Dr. Dale Bredesen. Secondly, Brain Warrior’s Way by Dr. Daniel Amen.  He and his wife also published a cookbook to give you guidance on your way back to health—Brain Warrior’s Way Cookbook by Daniel and Tana Amen.

With my dear friend Allen gone, and another friend with Alzheimer’s, I hope this information will give you the courage to eat well, exercise daily, and move your life toward healthy longevity so you can enjoy your family, friends and grandchildren.  God bless and keep you.

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Congratulations From the Volunteer State

November 21, 2021

Thank you, Virginia! You have sent a message to the world, and it is being heard. The results of the 2021 election go far beyond a victory for the fight against the Marxist program of Critical Race Theory. You showed America that voting still counts – that it is possible to win against the unwelcome advances of socialism, and restore traditional values. Over 50% of Americans had begun to believe that their vote no longer mattered, that results could be manipulated to reflect other than the honest majority. Americans from both parties were becoming discouraged – even depressed – sure that their voices at the polls would never be heard again; that our Republic was lost. Your strength and resolve showed them otherwise. You gave America hope! At this point in our history, that is a great gift. Thank you, Virginia.

You could say that parents won the election, not the Republican Party or their candidates. People who believe in family values took it to the other side, and won. The ethics on which this country was built carried the day. Thank you, Virginia!

The victory of the Republican ticket was far more than a change of incumbents. It was a loud statement from all those who hold those traditional values of home and family, that they WILL be represented. The bedrock of our American society – faith, family and freedom – has been under attack for decades. Virginians stood up and said, “No more!”

As the Great Reset finally got a public name, and people were told (among other things) that they should no longer have a say in their children’s education, voters took action.

While the Youngkin team gained strength in the polls, the opposition doubled down. First came the lie that CRT was not being taught in the schools. McAuliffe reinforced that with a statement saying that parents had no business having a say in what was being taught to their children. The Democrat Party brought in Biden (a man increasingly failing in popularity as well as health), Obama, Stacy Abrams and Kamala Harris , to stump for a McAuliffe victory. The union boss for the American Federation of Teachers, Randi Weingarten (responsible for school closures this last year and unpopular with many, in her own right) came to speak on McAuliffe’s behalf. Tone deaf? Many say, yes.

The candidate dug himself in, even deeper, by saying that Virginia had too many white teachers, and that those who didn’t like CRT were themselves racist! (So, if you’re not Marxist, you’re racist?) The result of such choices has now become a part of history. The purveyors of division and untruth went down to defeat. Thank you, Virginia!

The Left has become so ingrained in their Marxist philosophy that they could not comprehend the strength of family values and morals in America today. This was, I believe, the causal factor in their defeat. They support abortion, so the value of children means something very different to them. They believe that the government should raise children. They severely underestimated the strength of parental love. In short, they mistook the light at the end of the campaign tunnel as the sun rising on their impending victory, rather than the Red freight train it was. Virginians, of all colors and national origins, who share the values on which our country was founded, spoke loudly and clearly, on Tuesday, Nov. 2. They let their feelings be known, at the ballot box, in a “blue” state, on election day, 2021.

Why did it take them so long? We can only speculate. The traditionally “silent majority”, country-wide, were docile as lambs while their churches were shuttered; schools closed; shelves emptied of essentials; American greatness, denigrated, and personal freedoms lost. When they could not be with loved ones who were sick or needy, the outcry was much too quiet. They mumbled only a little as our energy independence was reversed and gas prices soared. They were sitting home, shaking their heads as our borders were ripped open to hundreds of thousands of unvetted aliens who will further burden our systems. Americans have stood by while our military was weakened, our small businesses closed by the thousands, and our economy left in tatters. Even double-digit inflation in some sectors, and material shortages across the spectrum, didn’t seem to fully capture their attention.

However, telling parents that they have no say in what their children are being taught made those silent Americans “see red”. They came awake. Attacking concerned parents with the FBI, and seeking to classify them as “domestic terrorists” for attending school board meetings, turned that silent majority into a loud force for freedom. They used the rights granted us at our country’s founding, and went to work. They organized, spoke, wrote, learned what was happening in their own communities, and took their ire to the polls. This is how America is supposed to work. Thank you, Virginia!

But, for all of us, the job is just beginning. We must stay close to those we elect. Let your representatives know what you think. Keep current with pending legislation. Go to local board and council meetings as often as possible, and stay

informed on the agenda items. Don’t stop because you think you’ve won. Stay alert and stay strong. It is from the local level that this victory was born, and from which all future successes will come.

It was with great pride and pleasure that I looked on, as my former neighbors and friends changed things for the better in the Commonwealth, and that has changed it for us all. You have altered the landscape in Richmond, and in America. You’ve shown the way. It is now up to every American to keep that ball rolling. As Virginia was fundamental to the creation of this great nation 245 years ago, you have once again been at the forefront of something essential for our future. Thank you, Virginia!

© 2021 Kat Stansell – All Rights Reserved

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[BIO: Kat Stansell is the Grassroots Outreach Director for the American Policy Center. A native of Cincinnati Ohio, and graduate of Denison University, Kat served the Village of Mettawa, IL, as treasurer and chair of the Planning Commission, where she got a good look at the process of civic vs. corporate interaction. She has been a local activist, working for several candidates and organizations. She has also written for newspapers and websites, and organized events highlighting issues of the day.]

School Board Tyranny, Part 2

by Roger Anghis

November 21, 2021

One of the most amazing things that some school boards are doing is allowing graphic homosexual books in the library that kids can check out. These books have illustrations of homosexual acts and even talk about gang rape. One school took it up a notch and took elementary school children to a gay bar!  Public schools attempting to indoctrinate children with woke ideologies have been a problem for years. But Broward County, Florida, is reportedly taking things to a whole new level of crudity.

On Wednesday, Broward County school board member Sarah Leonardi tweeted pictures of a field trip she took Wilton Manors Elementary students on. The problem was the destination of the field trip was a gay bar.

“I was SO honored to be invited to chaperone @WiltonManorsES’s field trip to the incredible Rosie’s!” she wrote. “The students and I had a fun walk over and learned a lot about our community!”

In one picture, young students in masks can be seen outside the bar with three adults. Another image shows the young children sitting at tables inside the gay bar.

On its online menu, Rosie’s has items such as “Naked Sweaty Lovin’,” “Smack My Cheeks and Make ‘em Rosy Sauce,” “Miley Highclub” and “Beet Your Brains Out.”

Doesn’t that sound like a nice, family-friendly establishment?

Seeing children at a bar like this is disturbing in any capacity, but the fact that it appeared to be a school-sanctioned event was even more grotesque. Many users took to Twitter to express their concern.

In her tweet, Leonardi suggested the gay bar field trip was an annual event. One can only hope this exposure will spare future students from such gross mistreatment.[1] Anyone involved with this trip should be fired, charged with child abuse, and never allowed in the halls of any school in the nation for any reason. This isn’t just child abuse it is child sexual exploitation.

Our public schools have gone far beyond their bounds. Teaching about a lifestyle that appears to be school-sanctioned but God calls an abomination is going way too far. Unfortunately, sexually charged school events promoting an LGBT agenda are becoming more prominent. On Oct. 15, Burlington High School in Vermont hosted a drag show during halftime at a high school football game.

Abuses like this are the reason parents are becoming more involved in their children’s education. They are also the reason why politicians like Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe, who said parents should stay out of education, are falling in the polls. Meanwhile, students in China have reached the top of the world charts in reading and math performance.[2]

At another school board meeting in Orange County Florida, there was another encounter: However, shortly before the meeting, this journalist was approached by two concerned parents about a sexually explicit book, which has garnered national attention, that their child found featured prominently in the library of Boone High School on a bookstand promoting the LGBT community during Pride Month.

The book, Gender Queer: A Memoir by Maia Kobabe, a graphic novel with drawings that explains in lurid detail the sexual interactions between two young men, has been inserted into high school libraries across America, despite it violating guidelines against pornography or sexually explicit materials being provided to minors and paid for with our tax dollars.

Gender Queer includes countless images of male-on-male sexual encounters, accompanied by words that one would expect to find inside literary works at adult pornography shops or gay sex clubs and bathhouses. Even so, this book was purchased and pushed by school officials at Boone High School in Orlando, Florida, despite it clearly violating county guidelines.[3]

It gets better. The journalist tried to read the contents of the book aloud. Tried.  I said. When public comment commenced ahead of the listed agenda items during Tuesday afternoon’s meeting, this GP journalist used his allotted time to alert OCPS Board Members of the situation by reading some of the more graphic passages from Gender Queer.

After reading aloud a portion of just one section, which included the characters in Gender Queer discussing the use of strap-on dildos and performing oral sex on one another, OCPS Chairman Teresa Jacobs demanded this journalist cease reading the passage. After refusing to do so, she instructed OCPS police officers to eject this journalist from the meeting by force.[4] Anybody else finds it disgusting that a high school student can check this book out and read it but an adult can’t read it in a public setting discussing what literary materials are available to these same high school students?

They made a lame excuse that they were unaware of the book being in the library. Why were they unaware? There is a state standard for what books can be placed in public schools. When did it become appropriate to put porn in school libraries? I never got that memo.  State Representative Anthony Sabatini, who is running to represent Orange County in the United States Congress in Florida’s 7th congressional district, is calling on the OCPS School Board to resign immediately in wake of the news about Gender Queer. They should resign. There should be a law in place that allows them to be immediately replaced by the governor or mayor and charged with aggravated sexual abuse against a child for allowing this in their school.

California has problems of its own. At a school board meeting in Los Alamitos Unified School District Board of Education in Orange County, the president of the school board didn’t like that parents were speaking against masks and vaccine mandates and threw the F-bomb at the parent.[5]

Such disputes have prompted recall petitions or recall elections of board members in various jurisdictions in America.

As this incident and others seem to have demonstrated, some school board officials have disdain for the members of the community whom they are elected to serve.

Back in February, for example, a San Francisco-area school board member who was unaware that a meeting was still streaming, appeared to profanely criticize parents who wanted schools to reopen for in-person instruction.[6]

Will we stand up or let the Marxist take over the control of this great country without a fight for us. I stand with Patrick Henry, I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death.

© 2021 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. School board member escorts young kids field trip to gay bar community furious pics emerge
  2. School board member escorts young kids field trip to gay bar community furious pics emerge
  3. Journalist reads filthy porn book from schools library at FL school board meeting members call police to have him forcefully removed for reading obscene content aloud
  4. Journalist reads filthy porn book from schools library at FL school board meeting members call police to have him forcefully removed for reading obscene content aloud
  5. President of California school board says F you to a parent in live meeting
  6. President of California school board says F you to a parent in live meeting

Pandemic of the Unvaccinated?

By Lex Greene

November 20, 2021

If you thought you were vaccinated after receiving your first COVID19 bioweapon injection, think again. Even if you stayed the course and received a second injection and then your first booster, and another booster, you’re still not vaccinated, according to Fauci and the CDC.

If you had an adverse reaction to any of your bioweapon injections or died immediately following your injection within the first 14-days, you were unvaccinated during this period, according to the CDC and Fauci. Even though you were perfectly healthy prior to your injections, and immediately sick or dead after that injection, it had nothing to do with the injection, according the Fauci, the CDC and the U.S. News Media. That’s because until they say you’re “vaccinated,” you’re not, no matter how many bioweapon injections you voluntarily accept.

Now we are learning that there will be more boosters coming, and that if you are not current on their latest booster injections, you’re still not vaccinated.

So, when you hear these folks say again and again that “this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated,” realize that in their opinion, no one is actually fully vaccinated yet and no one will be until they reach the end of their planned vax and booster protocol, which is still being developed.

The totally unvaccinated folks have emerged as the smartest people on earth. They never bought into the COVID19 fake science, any of it, and although they have been targeted by all of the vaxxed sheep, it turns out they were the people who really were following the science the whole time, the real science.

When we were all told that the Wuhan Flu came from a Chinese wet market, we thought, well, that’s happened before, so it’s possible. But then we saw reports of patients zero and one in China were employees of the Wuhan Lab and we researched “gain of function” work. It took over a year for Fauci to admit what we knew in the first months of 2020, that this was a lab created (gain of function) bioweapon, funded by Fauci’s NIH in that CDC-CCP Wuhan Lab.

When intelligent people saw that nine-inch swab test…we said why? We all knew you could test for any virus with a simple saliva cheek swab, which is what they are using now. There never was any legitimate reason for a swab all the way to the blood-brain barrier, unless for some other reason. So, we said, no thanks!

When intelligent people were told to put on a mask, we looked at the mask manufacturer information and read numerous mask efficacy research studies, all of which concluded that none of the masks were at all effective in preventing the spread of any virus. So again, after checking the real science, we said, no thanks!

When we were told that Operation Warp Speed was going to deliver vaccines to save us all from a virus that already had a 99.8% survival rate, we knew that this meant that all of the normal testing to make sure that any vaccines would be safe, was being bypassed in order to get it fast, instead of safe. When we started reading thousands of VAERS Reports of deaths from the vaccines, we knew that we were right to opt out…no thanks!

Almost everyone in a hospital over COVID today has received one or more of the so-called vaccines. I consider anyone who has even taken one of these injections, to be vaccinated. But Fauci and the CDC insist that no one is really vaccinated yet, as no one has completed their ongoing protocol of endless injections and boosters.

Fauci and the CDC cannot afford to label you “vaxxed” because if they did, they would not be able to keep injecting you with more bioweapons, and they would have to admit that these so-called vaccines are killing and maiming more people than the virus itself ever could have or would have.

As of today, the ruling class elites are still lying about real COVID19 statistics. They are still reporting 48,398,455 USA cases of COVID19 (14.5% of the U.S. population) since January 2020. The REAL number is approximately 2,419,922, or 5% of the cases claimed by our government and fake news, about 0.7% of the U.S. population. (NOT a pandemic)

The ruling class elites are still claiming that 789,155 Americans have died of COVID19 since January 2020, about 0.24% of the U.S. population. But the real number is actually around 0.012% of the U.S. population.

In other words, the powers-that-be are continuing to LIE to the American people about COVID19, 100% of the time, every step of the way, by grossly overstating the real threat by at least twenty-times the real numbers. They are also continuing to lie and hide the reality that their “vaccines” have killed at least 150,000 Americans since January 2021, and maimed millions.

In a pending case, the FDA is requesting the court to approve holding the FACTS about these “vaccines” secret until the year 2076! To this day, if you ask your doctor, your nurse, your pharmacist, or your local health department to show you what is in these “vaccines,” they cannot do it. If you ask them to show you the adverse effects warnings for these “vaccines,” they cannot do it. The “vaccine inserts” are STILL BLANK! The FDA is asking a court to keep this information hidden until 2076guess why!

Still, Americans are lining up for another and another and another injection, with no clue what’s in these injections or the known reported adverse events directly associated with them. Many are even rushing to get their young children injected just because the Biden administration is using Big Bird and little kids to promote it, as if getting this deadly “vaccine” will make your kids “heroes.” It’s truly diabolical!

Governments are corrupt, that’s no secret. Some scientists like Fauci and Gates are mad psychopaths. That’s no secret either, as both are well on record discussing “mass depopulation via vaccines.” Some of the most evil people known to mankind are behind this thing, Klaus Schwab, George Soros, Bill Gates, and literally thousands of others.

In working with folks at and local law offices in Michigan last year, we were able to successfully win a State Supreme Court case outlawing Governor Whitmer’s unlawful and unconstitutional COVID mandates, retroactive to April 28, 2020 in a 7-0 decision. We were also able to get a 4-3 ruling from that court, that the 1945 Law Whitmer was hiding behind, was also unconstitutional. That law has since been removed from Michigan laws.The court ruled against Whitmer again in her effort to appeal the decisions.

However, despite Whitmer’s tyrannical mandates being declared unlawful and unconstitutional by the Michigan Supreme Court, the people of Michigan continued to follow her mandates as if nothing had happened, and most continue to follow those tyrannical mandates even today.

At the end of the day, the real pandemic in America isn’t the Wuhan Flu. It’s the gross ignorance and mindless compliance with unlawful, unconstitutional, and maniacal mandates that no thinking person would ever comply with.

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals recently issued a temporary stay, followed by a permanent stay on all Biden Vax Mandates, declaring those also unlawful and unconstitutional. That caused OSHA to stop their fake mandates.

However, Biden told everyone to ignore the court’s ruling and many anti-freedom employers and medical professionals in the USA are still forcing and coercing employees into lethal injections, despite the injunctions issued by the Fifth Circuit. Even worse, is many Americans are still walking into this oven on their own, refusing to accept the real science that would prevent any intelligent person from ever taking one of these bioweapon injections.

The ONLY way this can be referred to as a “pandemic of the unvaxxed” is if the “experts” continue to consider everyone to be unvaxxed…if people are not completely up to date on the most recent boosters. Of course, with each additional injection, the death and illness rates are climbing in the post-vaxxed. What they call “breakthrough cases” are merely “vaccine injuries.”

Sadly, by the time most Americans come to believe the obvious here, many will be gone or permanently maimed.

It’s highly unfortunate that most Americans have been dog whistle trained to ignore their basic survival instincts and “follow the fake science” and “fake news” instead. Once someone has done this, it is almost impossible to shake them loose from the beliefs that first got them to volunteer as a human lab rat in this global bioweapon experiment falsely labeled “vaccines.”

The road to hell is quite often paved with good intentions, and almost always guided by the evil intentions of others. So, it is…and so it shall be, even after Fauci has now openly admitted to numerous outright lies, and the his “vaccines do not work,” until those who prefer to cling to the lies, decide to join the rest of us in reality.

Until every Americans joins us in reality, this death march will continue, and it will accelerate. Everyone (EVERYONE) involved in advancing these many lies, is liable and responsible for the death and dismemberment of thousands and potentially millions of American Citizens!

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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General Mike Flynn Inspires the Left to Speak About God

by Kelleigh Nelson

November 20, 2021

Courage…is that firmness of spirit, that moral backbone, which, while fully appreciating the danger “involved” nevertheless goes on with the undertaking.  Bravery is physical; Courage is mental and moral. —Major C.A. Bach, 1917, address to graduating new officers, Ft. Sheridan, Wyoming

A man of character in peace is a man of courage in war.  —Lord Moran, personal physician to Winston Churchill in WWII.

The first requirement of the soldier is not bravery or courage, but the ability to suffer and endure.  —Napoleon Bonaparte

Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.)  —Saul Alinsky

It’s true, retired General Michael T. Flynn actually provoked Newsweek into speaking about God Almighty.  During a rally, the General said these words, “If we are going to have one nation under God, which we must, we have to have one religion. One nation under God and one religion under God.”

Our founders made sure that there was not a state religion, and that each and every person could worship as they please.  Our pledge of allegiance actually states, “…one nation under God, with liberty and justice for all.”  One religion under God means the worship of the one true God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, worshipped and prayed to by both Jews and Christians.

The Backlash

The propaganda ministry, aka our Pravda media, is spreading vicious lies regarding retired Lt. General Michael T. Flynn. They’ve learned to target the messenger rather than the message, a la Saul Alinsky, but with these few words by the General, Christians became fearful that he was calling for a one world religion, and our Jewish friends are fearful that he’s made a statement that eliminates them.  Both premises are false and previous statements by the General, that would clarify what he was saying, are omitted from every media report.

When Flynn was asked about his statement regarding a “one world religion,” he laughed at the attack, saying that he was simply referring to returning to “one nation under God,” not advocating a theocracy. He said that we all have to acknowledge and serve God alone (although he never mentioned the Lord Jesus Christ by name). It wasn’t even a speech, just short off-the-cuff remarks.

Do his words eliminate other religions?  No, our Constitution is clear; we are free to worship as we choose or not at all.However, Christian men and women of God, believers like General Flynn, are free to state that our Judeo-Christian heritage is ours to cherish and love and that he wished all citizens would embrace our Creator.

Instantly there was a backlash, so he explained,

My message is and has always been, when I discuss religious persecution, that our nation was built upon a Judeo-Christian set of values and principles. We were founded by people seeking to practice their religion freely and without harm from their government. God is under attack today by the left. In this country we should be able to worship however we want, to whomever we want, and we should not be persecuted for our faith – a faith that is under attack by the left every single day.

A friend said something to me this morning that got me thinking, “people need to go back and read Hosea and especially Amos.  Look how they spoke to the power structures of their day.”

So why Amos and Job?

Amos attacked the social evils of the people as well as their paganized worship and he issued an urgent call to repentance as the only escape from imminent judgment.  The people’s privileged position, he declared, should have been an incentive to righteous living, certainly not an excuse for sinning.

Job teaches the sovereignty of God and the need for man to acknowledge such.  Job’s three friends all said his suffering was because of sin.  But suffering is also a means of purifying the righteous.  God’s purpose was to strip away all of Job’s self-righteousness and to bring him to the place of complete trust in Him.

Mike continued,

Look how they spoke to the power structures of their day.  Oh, and let’s not forget Jesus himself … flipping over tables and calling them white walled sepulchers.  People who say Jesus was not political have no idea what they are talking about.  Almost everything he did and said challenged authority.

Our lives are entrenched in politics and there are no American adults today who can say, “I don’t do politics.” You better start understanding and getting involved or else you’ll be part of the reason why we lost our republic and our freedoms.

I actually find the discourse about God, and how God is in each of our lives, a very healthy thing for every American. God is in all aspects of who we are as Americans. I’m not here to tell you what or how to believe, but I’d ask each and every one to consider how far away from our Judeo-Christian roots and values our nation has moved. The further away, the greater the need to return. That’s what I believe.

There is a spiritual war as well as an information war being waged and this is a good versus evil war, and an historic time for all Americans.

Thomas Jefferson was prescient when he said, “Be a listener only, keep within yourself, and endeavor to establish with yourself the habit of silence, especially on politics.  In the fevered state of our country, no good can ever result from any attempt to set one of these fiery zealots to rights, either in fact or principle.  They are determined as to the facts they will believe, and the opinions on which they will act.  Get by them, therefore, as you would by an angry bull, it is not for a man of sense to dispute the road with such an animal.”


The General also understands the “Covid Tyranny” and how the elitists are using it to go after a total assault on our Bill of Rights.  This is the “Great Reset,” and the Covid pandemic was used to save the coming new world order.  General Flynn wants everyone to review our God given Bill of Rights and understand how many of them are being abridged.  He says that every single one of our unalienable Bill of Rights is being threatened by this “Great Reset.”

Flynn calls January 6th, 2021 the “Insurrection Crucifixion,” because that’s what it is and in a Biblical sense, Nancy Pelosi is like the Pontius Pilate of the operation to steal away the rights of the people.

Our Pravda media will only discuss faith when it suits them to disparage those who believe.  Americans were denied their freedom to worship for many long months, and the media said nothing about totalitarian politicians eliminating our right to worship during the lockdown.

Every day our illegitimate president misspeaks or fails to properly form a sentence, he gets away with overt racism and lies, yet Pravda is silent.  The hypocrisy is astonishing.

General Michael T. Flynn

Throughout the General’s three and a half years of turmoil, he and his bride read the Bible every morning and then went for their two-mile walks and discussed the verses.  This is a habit started long ago by the Flynn family.  The General knows the Lord and he knows he was targeted. Throughout those years he was under a gag order and could not speak in his own defense.  Their faith carried them through the many trials.

FBI Agent Barnett actually said, “Get Flynn to get Trump,” and that was the first strike against the people’s president and his guardian angel, National Security Adviser, General Mike Flynn.  The rogue FBI agents knew that Mike Flynn was one of the foremost intelligence officers of his generation and in order to destroy Trump, they had to get rid of the General.

I’m only one person who tangentially knows the General, but I’ve seen his kindness, his love of country, his trust in the Lord, his patience, endurance and his peace through trials. I know in my heart the kind of man he is, a faithful servant.  Mike is a warrior who spent 33 years in our military and five years in battle.

The brother of one of our dearest friends served under General Flynn.  Our Marine friend told us what his brother said about the General, “For us, General Flynn walked on water and never even got his shoes wet.”  That’s from the men who loved their leader, and those men were of all races and religious beliefs which underscores Mike’s love of all Americans,especially his fellow soldiers.

When I had a terrible accident years ago, several friends helped us out monetarily.  I promised all of them I’d repay them after the settlement, but when I asked them if I could donate their gifts to General Flynn’s legal defense fund, they all agreed.  Mike Flynn wrote a personal letter to each and every one of them.  One of my dear friends is 92 years old and had sent me a large check. When I told Mike about her, he asked for her phone number and called and chatted with her for a good ten minutes.  Who do you know who would take the time to be that kind to someone they don’t even know?!

John Guandolo of Understanding the Threat said, “I was with Mike when he spoke about how his words were taken out of context…again.I think at the center of all this is that the enemies of liberty are truly the enemies of our one true God and all that is good.”

There’s so much more I could tell you about this man who has sacrificed his life for his country and for his love of the Lord. His fellow soldiers know it best.  General Flynn was a leader they loved and appreciated and willingly followed him into battle.


No man is perfect, and certainly we’ve all said things that were taken in unintended ways.  Jesus said in Mark 10:18, “Why callest thou me good? There is none good but one, that is, God.”  Yet, Paul in Acts 11:22-24, calls Barnabas a good man.

The same goes for General Michael Thomas Flynn.  He is one of God’s good men.

© 2021 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

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Covidiocy Pushback Crusaders Colliding With Cruel Creeps Pushing Vaxx Mandates

by Sidney Secular

November 19, 2021

Something is going to have to give soon, because patriotic and sensible Americans are finally discovering their backbones and are obstinately pushing back against the increasingly dictatorial rulings, demands, and mandates of the COVID despots. Of course, the characterization of these ordinary Americans by the FedGov and petty tyrants at all levels of government as well as the “boorocrats” and bullies in the medical establishment and private industry is that of “domestic terrorist!” This constitutes a spectacular example of that old adage about “the pot calling the kettle black” though, of course, in this case only “the pot” actually is black in both its intentions and motives.

However, at last a timely combination of outrages and the eruption of long suppressed truths about this issue is generating enough critical mass to cause outbreaks of resistance among both individual human beings and freedom-oriented groups across the fruited plain and even in the bi-coastal commie “blue enclaves.” Indeed, the mood is “catching on” around the world, to the point at which even members of the Pope’s Swiss Guards have resigned to avoid getting vaxxed.

Ordinary people in the US have had to endure stolen elections, the ongoing travail over a non-virus – COVID has never been isolated and thus cannot be said to actually exist! – and the attempt by New World Order elites and their commissar helots to “vaxx” everyone as a means of taking away their freedom and even their lives. We have also suffered from unimpeded riots from minority “youth” and the perpetually immature and ignorant, as well as the economic disasters of lost jobs and businesses.

Then there is the government identification of parents as terrorists for objecting to Critical Race Theory and other leftist propaganda that schools are teaching to their children along with such “agitprop” as the 1619 project and a host of other leftist horrors arising from the minds and pens of the enemies of the West including the ignorant, misled, crazed gender bender believers and raunchy rainbow marchers. And this does not even touch our border crisis in which we find illegals given money, housing and jobs that should be reserved for Americans along with the benefits of “affirmative action” and other American “social justice” programs despite the fact that these “recipients” have never lived here.

Then further add to this list of horrors a demoralizing and militarily senseless flight from “Afgonerstan” that has resulted in the US receiving as “refugees,” backward Muslim Afghans prone to actions promoted by their “religion of peace” such as raping non-Muslim women and joining other leftist goons committing anti-police crimes and the destruction of cultural icons such as monuments. As a result, you have the formula for stirring Americans into political action before our “demented duo” blackening the White House with a treasonous and dictatorial agenda combines to wash over and drown us.

A comprehensive rundown, state by state, of citizens’ actions to thwart the Covid vaxx impositions are found in the October 2021 issue of Whistleblower magazine, a publication of World Net Daily. (WND). A snippet therefrom by the peppy patriotic polemicist Michelle Malkin encapsulates the mindless situation in a nutshell. There are about 7,500 illegals with kidney failure in the US at the present so there’s now a Covid-era push to provide them not only with emergency room dialysis (at an estimated cost of $400,000 per illegal per year) but also outpatient dialysis under Medicaid.

Conveniently, The United Network for Organ Sharing and Organ Procurement and Transplantation does not document the immigration status of transplantees so there is no reliable estimate as to how many illegals have received organ transplants in the US though some years ago, it was recorded that an illegal from Central America received two free liver transplants, making those organs unavailable to Americans in need of same.

Keep this GovMint-backed generosity in mind as I relate to you the plight of one Lelani Lutali, a law abiding American citizen and Colorado Springs executive recruiter diagnosed with Stage 4 kidney disease. She went to UCHealth in Denver to begin discussions on receiving an organ transplant. Blessed with a close-knit network of friends, Lelani found a living donor in Jaimee Fougner, a former Air Force medic, triathelete, and medical assistant who has spent over 20 years in the health care field. Everything was moving along smoothly until Jaimee’s donor coordinator at UCHealth asked about her vaccination status. Jaimee is unvaccinated having won a religious exemption from her employer’s jabor- job mandate. She had already had Covid-19 and recently tested positive for antibodies.

Both Jaimee and Lelani have religious objections to the vaxx manufacturer’s use of aborted fetal cells. But that did not matter. It was “comply or die” and “trust the science”. Lelani was told flat out there would be no exemptions even though UCHealth allows its own staff to apply for medical and religious waivers! Lelani asked for a negative Covid test as an alternative but it was a “no go.” She has been placed on the “inactive list” which is itself a virtual death sentence. UCHealth officials are wrongly comparing the choice to “ax the vaxx” to medically irresponsible behavior such as smoking or drinking before or after an organ transplant.

Where does this deadly bureaucratic atrocity end? If life-saving transplants to the unvaxxed are denied, are unvaxxed cancer patients next? Yes, my fellow citizens we have now arrived at the insane point at which unlawful immigration status – even when the illegal is himself unvaccinated! – provides more protection than is available to the “indigenous” faithful, unvaxxed pro-life Christian who stands up against medical tyranny! These morally minus medical midgets have made it abundantly clear that an unvaccinated status for the citizen removes his rights even to death while healthcare is taxpayer subsidized for unvaxxed indigent illegals. You may not want to be a poster child, but you should become a voice for those who have been deprived of their right to choose, a right once considered all important when it involved abortion. Decent people everywhere must speak up for those who have been condemned to death like Lelani!

© 2021 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Think “Vaccine Passports” bad? This is Already a Done Deal, Part 2

By: Devvy

November 19, 2021

I’ve written about patents and COVID-19 over the past few months because the criminals who orchestrated this nightmare left paper trails that can put them in prison.

I am no expert by any means in the area of patents and patent law.  The case Dr. David Martin lays out here is quite compelling.  That interview is critically important and very helpful below the video is a detailed over view.  Dr. Martin is an expert in the field of patents whose been shredded by paid whores who pass themselves off as the “mainstream media” and so-called fact checkers for digital “news” sites.

Unless we can find one state Attorney General to open investigations into this whole planned-demic, the dirty players in this COVID-19 nightmare and crimes against humanity are going to get away with it.

There’s a lot of garbage peddled on so-called conservative web sites and podcasts.  Those that use splashy headlines which most of the time are completely misleading are neither reporters or investigative journalists.  They’re wanna-be’s who want you to click onto their site for ad revenues or buy whatever they selling.

I get sick of chasing down Gotta read this!!!  Or Watch this video!!!!  However, it has to be done as truth and accuracy must be the standard for independent media or we will be no better than the NY Times – all the news that’s fit to fake.  Another set of patents has come to my attention which I do think needs more scrutiny.

And despite the massive amount of time I’ve spent researching issues, regarding COVID-19, its been overwhelming since March 2020, coincidentally surfacing during an election year. Nearly two years of this Hell.

Let’s start here:  Atomic Bombshell: We Have Proof That Rothschilds Patented Covid-19 Biometric Tests in 2015 and 2017, published October 20, 2020

“It’s not disputable, since the information comes from official patent registries in the Netherlands and US. And we have all the documentation.”

The first link provided is here.  Dated September 3, 2020.  These patents are for System and Method for Testing for COVID-19 “A method is provided for acquiring and transmitting biometric data (e.g., vital signs) of a user, where the data is analyzed to determine whether the user is suffering from a viral infection, such as COVID-19.”

Hmm.  That ties in to the next link which is partially in Dutch. Publicatie is publication which ties into the first link.But, it’s this word I find telling:  Prioriteits datum which translated into English means:  Priority date.  What does that mean relating to patents?

Priority date refers to the earliest filing date in a family of patent applications. Where only a single patent application is involved, the priority date would obviously be the filing date of the sole application. If an applicant has filed a number of related patent applications, the priority date would be the filing date of the earliest patent filing that first disclosed the invention. Known as the priority application, the earliest patent filing may comprise a provisional patent application, a non provisional patent application or a foreign application.

“The term may also refer to the earliest filing date of a particular feature of an invention. Therefore, it is possible to have multiple priority dates if new features were subsequently added in related applications.”

Richard Rothschild filed three related patent applications.  What is the priority date?  October 13, 2015.  Up next is the second link:  United States Patent Application Publication Rothschild

Related U.S. Application Data
( 63 ) Continuation – in – part of application No. 16 / 704,844 , filed on Dec. 5 , 2019 , which is a continuation of application No. 16 / 273,141 , filed on Feb. 11 , 2019 , now Pat . No. 10,522,188 , which is a continuation of application No. 15 / 495,485 , filed on Apr. 24 , 2017 , now Pat . No. 10,242,713 , which is a continuation of application No. 15 / 293,211 , filed on Oct. 13 , 2016 , now abandoned . ( 60 ) Provisional application No. 62 / 240,783 , filed on Oct. 13 , 2015 .

What did Dr. David Martin cover in the interview I referenced above on patents?

  • On April 28, 2003, Sequoia Pharmaceuticals in Maryland filed for US patent 7151163 on antiviral agents of treatment and control of infections by coronavirus. This was 3 days after CDC filed the patent on SARS coronavirus
  • Sequoia Pharmaceuticals and ultimately Ablynx Pharmaceuticals became rolled into proprietary holdings of Pfizer, Crucell, and Johnson & Johnson
  • How would one have a patent on a treatment for a thing that had been invented 3 days earlier?
  • The Sequoia patent on coronavirus treatment was issued and published before the CDC patent on coronavirus was allowed. The only way Sequoia could know information in CDC patent is by insider means, because CDC had paid to keep it secret. This is the definition of criminal conspiracy, racketeering and collusion. This is not a theory, it is evidence. This is a RICO case
  • The RICO pattern established in April 2003 for the first coronavirus was played out to same schedule with SARS-CoV-2. Moderna got the spike protein sequence by phone from the vaccine research center at NIAID prior to the definition of the novel subclade. How do you treat a thing before you actually have the thing?

This gizmo Rothschild filed patent applications for a way to detect this alleged COVID-19 virus appears to have originated Oct. 13, 2015.  The Communist Chinese copped to Dec. 19, 2019 as the first outbreak over there but it wasn’t until late February 2020 the American people were jolted and fed non-stop hysteria propaganda.

So, how is it someone is filing patents for a detection system for COVID-19 in 2015 that didn’t hit this country until somewhere around January 2020?  I suppose it could just be a coincidence. Here’s the schematic, how it works and all the wonderful ways to track YOU.

Which brings us to the REAL ID.

If you read Part 1, I brought up those insidious “Vaccine Passports” contain your personal medical history for snoopers around the world (if you travel) and in your community who have no right to violate your privacy which is why Americans have fought back against them.

But, the REAL ID being passed off as a driver’s license is far worse.  So many of us tried to warn Americans back in 2008, National ID & The Conundrum of Enforcement (Mine).  I need you to read this back story first.

“Supporters claim it is not a national ID because it is voluntary. However, any state that opts out will automatically make non-persons out of its citizens. The citizens of that state will be unable to have any dealings with the federal government because their ID will not be accepted. They will not be able to fly or to take a train. In essence, in the eyes of the federal government they will cease to exist. It is absurd to call this voluntary.”[3] former Congressman Ron Paul.

“This mess was given to us by a Republican controlled Congress (with a few exceptions like Ron Paul) and signed off by George Bush. A few Democrats made an effort to repeal it, but Pelosi was too busy making sure the House cafeteria got organic food. You have to love her priorities. The House of Nitwits is killing this country.”

At that time, it was a real war between the states and the federals.  The “law” was snuck into yet another monster piece of legislation most members of Congress don’t bother reading.  A whole slew of states rejected it outright, some even passed laws:  No, we won’t.

Well, those days are long gone because now every state in the Union has caved.  Paul Walter and his wife moved NewsWithViews to Texas earlier this year.  They received this notification from the DMV in Oregon even though they no longer reside in the state.

A standard Oregon driver’s license or ID will no longer get you on a plane come May 2023.  Why Oregon is so far behind, I don’t know but their options still end up you have to have a federal ID compliant document. (How much you want to bet they receive election ballots even though they don’t live in Oregon which does the fraud invitation:  mail in ballots?)

I moved to W. Texas in June 2006 and was issued a new Texas driver’s license.  Because I don’t get tickets, the state sends me a new one every four years in the mail.  A couple of weeks ago while I had my wallet open, I decided to look at my license and the expiration date.  I noticed a gold star on the top right side.

Imagine my shock when I discovered I had a REAL ID driver’s license.  In 2016, the State of Texas lost control of their bowels and started issuing this so-called anti-terrorism tool called REAL ID.

Texas residents will need REAL ID-compliant identification to fly starting October 1, 2020

“Texas has been issuing REAL ID-compliant licenses and ID cards since October 2016. To determine if a Texas driver license is REAL ID-compliant, look for the cutout of a gold star in the upper right-hand corner of the license.

“Starting in about a year, all passengers will need a REAL ID-compliant license or another acceptable form of ID to board a plane here at Austin-Bergstrom and nationwide,” said Mike Scott, TSA AUS federal security director. “Signs are currently posted here at Austin and at airports around Texas reminding the public of the October 1, 2020 deadline.”

“Travelers who do not have a REAL ID may use another form of acceptable documentation, such as a valid passport or military ID. For a complete list of acceptable IDs, go to A REAL ID also will be required to gain access to secure federal facilities, including military bases, nuclear facilities and some federal offices starting Oct. 1, 2020.”

You can use a passport to get on a commercial plane but your driver’s license is still a REAL ID.  If you think ‘Vaccine passports’ are unacceptable in a free country, the REAL ID is just the bigger version of not only tracking you, but making everything about you available internationally.  To say I’m PO’d is putting it mildly.

Here in Texas, this is what you need to get a driver’s license which is now a REAL ID:

Proof of your social security number, proof you’re in the country legally, proof of insurance for each vehicle you own and evidence each vehicle is legally registered.

At the end of part 1, I wrote, “In part 2 I’m also going to ask you some questions that require brutal honesty and for some, a great deal of difficulty in accepting HOW this insanity has been allowed to progress.”

I’ll tell you how:  It’s OUR fault.  You, me and every adult aged American.  I registered to vote at 18, Republican.  Never voted for a Democrat and never will.  Every two years I listened to the same campaign promises and canned BS from “conservative” candidates;  incumbents and challengers.  I was living life as most of us do in the pursuit of freedom, life, liberty and hopefully happiness.

I foolishly trusted incumbents until I realized it was always the same blame game while government kept growing and more and more laws passed every year we didn’t and still don’t need.  It wasn’t until I was 40 years-old I started opening my eyes to the bigger picture.  Learning, researching and being shocked for several years by what I found was going on while I was fishing, water skiing, snow skiing, working and raising my daughter as a single mom.  I didn’t just go off and enjoy the day.  I gave up my paying career and here I am today terrified for the future of our republic and sovereign nation.

The push to destroy these united States of America and force us into a global government was and is real and we are damn close to the evil doers stomping us into the ground.  It’s gotten this far because WE allowed it to happen.  Despite all the articles, radio interviews, columns and speeches by me (since 1993) and so many others, it wasn’t until President-Elect Trump was cheated out of the WH one year ago that Americans realized just how dirty our elections are and have been.

And still, despite the draconian measures forced down the throats of Americans, so many just go about their business everyday and don’t lift a finger to stop this nightmare.  Vote fraud has controlled our elections for decades but for the primaries in 2022, we have a golden opportunity to throw out as many incumbents as we can.  Re-hiring the same employee whose helped destroy your business is nothing but rank stupidity.

Yet it happens every two years.  This time it has to be different.  This primary season it’s going to take boots on the ground so good, qualified, constitutionally grounded challengers are winners in their primary.  Otherwise, it’s the same old trap:  The incumbent wins the primary and come November we go vote for the same rotten RINOs because a vote for any Democrat is a vote for the death of America.  But this time, every challenger who is allegedly beaten in their primary MUST stop certification of the vote and start the process for a forensic audit.

WE cannot just hope things will get better.  One thing a Republican controlled Congress needs to do right away is get rid of the REAL ID regardless of who is sitting in the Offal Office.  With a majority in both chambers, they can over-ride a veto.  Our legislature is out of session until January 2023 but I’m going to raise the issue of writing some bills for the new session next month at our county GOP Club meeting.  Top of the list first will be a bill for Congress to get rid of the REAL ID and several issues for our state legislature.

Yes, you can write a bill and then lobby until you get at least one rep or senator in your state legislature or Congress to sponsor it and assigned to a committee.  Now is the time to start making plans for bills for your state legislature for January.  Well, maybe a little late but if the bill is good enough, you can still get a sponsor in January, no later than February.

Former state Rep. Sam E. Rohrer from the great State of Pennsylvania was (and probably still is) vehemently opposed to the REAL ID.  He ran for a U.S. Senate seat in 2012.  Sam was highly popular, was so far ahead in the polls but allegedly he lost his primary to Republican Tom Smith considered not really a challenge to Rohrer.  That’s what vote fraud is for:  Making sure the choice of the shadow government gets “elected”.

Smith was a Democrat for 40 years before he switched to the Republican Party.  Act surprised:  The GOP machine in Pennsylvania supported Smith.  Can’t have someone like Sam Rohrer in the U.S. Senate.  Of course, Smith then lost to the incumbent Democrat Comrade Bob Casey, Jr.  What a farce.

Sam wrote what I consider to be the most definitive analysis on why the REAL ID is poison.  I saved this for the end as I strongly urge you to read his columnREAL ID:  Connecting the Dots to an International ID, August 24, 2008

“Having this background, we should observe that many Americans still do not know why the provisions of the REAL ID Act must be rejected and aggressively opposed because they do not understand the full implications of REAL ID. Many wrongly assume that the legitimate need for security trumps all other considerations. However, REAL ID is not primarily about a secure driver’s license or terrorism prevention. The full and dangerous implications of REAL ID may be fleshed out through a discussion of why each American must vigorously oppose this Act’s most basic tenets. It poses dangers in the following three areas:

1 – REAL ID violates Constitutional rights.
2 – REAL ID compromises national and state sovereignty.
3 – REAL ID threatens the safety of all Americans.”

As I wrote earlier, all 50 states have now caved.  If Republicans do take control of Congress again next year, getting rid of the REAL ID MUST be a priority.  Architects of this nightmare “new world order” global government are relentless and this REAL ID is a major tool for them.

Any candidate you support in the primaries next year for Congress needs to pledge to get it done.  I am very angry Texas forced this REAL ID on me. I didn’t vote for it but I do need a driver’s license.  As they say, Gotcha! Don’t get a COVID “vaccine”, no job.  Gotcha!  We’re being strangled to death.  Only continued mass resistance and becoming part of the solution is going to save this country.

REAL ID:  Connecting the Dots to an International ID, August 24, 2008

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions.  A great Christmas gift to educate.

Part One, Part Two

© 2021 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:


IMHO, these are just the obvious ones:

“Save America From RINOs”–Save America PAC Releases Bombshell Ad Taking On RINOs

Judicial Watch pushes five states to clean voter rolls, or face federal lawsuits

School Boards Gone Rogue  

by Lee Duigon

November 18, 2021

Who would have ever thought, just a few years ago, that our local school boards would turn into tyrants trying to crush us underfoot? School boards!

Who would have ever thought a school board president—and his father, for crying out loud!—would go around stalking parents who objected to a school board policy, collecting private information on them and making it publicly accessible? What kind of personal information? Social Security numbers! They won’t have time to protest anything, once the scam artists see those SSNs. Oh—and also divorces, finances, and even family trees. Mr. President and his father even went so far as to hire private detectives to dig up more dirt on dissenting parents. You won’t object to our board policies and get away with it!

Incredible, isn’t it? But that’s what happened in Scottsdale, Arizona. This is not to be confused with the National School Boards Assn. asking the Justice Dept. to “investigate” parents as “domestic terrorists.” Or the Loudon County, Virginia, school board having a girl’s father arrested after they covered up his daughter’s rape by a “trans” boy in a dress, right there in one of the high schools: they had him arrested because he didn’t like it. Imagine that! Oh—and they simply transferred the boy to another high school… where he raped another girl. They covered it up to hide the failure of their “gender fluid” bathroom policy.

When the Scottsdale scandal came to light, the board held a special meeting this week to request the president’s resignation. First he blamed it all on his father, and then on unnamed “bad actors” (and I don’t think he meant Kevin Costner). When he declined to resign, the board voted to replace him. So far he isn’t answering any questions.

Once upon a time, our local school boards consisted of our friends and neighbors serving the community. Then the school districts and the boards got bigger and bigger, the board members got less and less accountable to the public, we created a U.S. Dept. of Education that peppered us with Title This and Title That, and state departments of education that told the school boards what to do… and somehow, over the years, a lot of Far Left wackos got elected to those boards.

So now our “education” establishment is run by people who despise us, never listen to us, and think our children are theirs to mold into useful idiots. That’s how we wind up with “Critical Race Theory” and transgender propaganda saturating the schools we pay for. And if we don’t like it, we’re domestic terrorists. If they can’t get the Justice Dept. to smack us down, they hire private detectives to dig up dirt on us.

One stands in awe of the American people’s apparent willingness to be abused. We pay for the schools—oh, how we pay!—but have no say in what gets taught or who teaches it. The $100,000-a-year schoolmarm is now to be found in virtually every school district, no matter how small: with a cushy pension on top. Multitudes of six-figure diversity experts, gender counselors, and other “administrators”—they’re all on our dime. And if we don’t keep quiet about what they’re pushing on our children, they sic Herod’s men on us.

How much of this are we expected to put up with? Why should we have to put up with any of it at all?

Nothing would be of greater benefit to America than the abolition of public education, teachers’ unions and all. Far Left politics wouldn’t last another week without teachers’ unions pumping money into it, and unpaid volunteers to help them get their Democrat friends elected.

When are we going to wrest our children out of the clutches of these vampires?

Pull America’s children out of public education and watch the Far Left Crazy die from lack of nourishment.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and visit… before they brand you a domestic terrorist. My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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The Doctors are Killing Americans

By Dave Daubenmire

November 18, 2021

“First do no harm.”

That is one of the basic tenants of what is called the Hippocratic Oath.  It was once at the foundation of all medical care.  You can find more information on the Oath here.

Although the Oath may not hold legal standing in the medical field today, most of the Physicians in America are in direct violation of that Oath.  In fact, the medical system is killing patients.

Unfortunately, most Doctors in America are under the direct control of the American Medical Association. The Centers for Disease Control, and Medicare edicts of the Federal Government.  This is Big Medicine locking arms with Big Pharma and both organizations are designed to cover everyone’s ass.  Except for the patients.  Patients have no one to protect them from the misfeasance and malfeasance of the Big Medicine machine.

Most people only go to the Doctor when they are ill.  They go expecting that they will be properly treated in hopes of returning to the life to which they are accustomed.  They literally trust their lives to the man, or woman, in the white coat.

Perhaps I come from a different age, but I remember when the doctor actually came to the patient.  That was long before Big Medicine got their hands wrapped around the government’s wallet.  I remember Dr. Whetstone visiting our home to care for me or one of my siblings.  He was on his own on in making a diagnosis of the ailment and subsequent treatment.  My parents paid him in cash.

We all appreciate and are grateful for the advancement in medical science and patient care.  Some of the things Physicians are able to do today border on the miraculous.  Just spend time in a preemie baby ward in a hospital and you will see how wonderful medicine can be.

But, somewhere on the road to immortality, medicine has left behind the ingenuity of the individual physician and instead has subjected them to “established protocol” by which they must treat their patient.

Hence, no Ivermectin.  No Hydroxychloroquine.  Those medicines are not “approved” by the Bishops of Pharmacology lurking somewhere in Government-funded echo chambers.  Remdesivir, ventilators, and isolation are the “required protocol” in most Medicare-supported hospitals.  If you want the Government money…follow the Government experts.  Pay no attention to Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, America’s Frontline Doctors, and especially not Dr. Stella Immanuel.  If you want the money…follow Fauci and his Government financed ghouls.

Because of the Government restrictions and regulations, Doctors are killing patients in America’s hospitals.  Why won’t thy speak up and defend their patients?

You will find this in the middle of the Hippocratic Oath “I will follow that system of regimen which, according to my ability and judgment, I consider for the benefit of my patients, and abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous. I will give no deadly medicine to any one if asked, nor suggest any such counsel; and in like manner I will not give to a woman a pessary to produce abortion.” (No abortion…no wonder they stopped the Oath).

The Doctor has lost all autonomy of the decision-making process in the treatment at the hospital.  Big Bucks are at stake.  Follow the established Government protocol or face dismissal or personal liability.  It is a version of the old joke…I’m from the Government and I am here to help…well the Government runs the hospital and the results are the same.

Which brings us to the Nuremberg Codes.  We hear a lot about it these days as it is becoming obvious that the treatment for COVID is worse than the effects.  Vaccinated people are dying.  Do you get that folks?  The purpose of the vaccine is to PREVENT you from getting sick.  The COVID jab is MAKING people sick.  Killing them actually.  Thousands of them.  The Codes read in part:

The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion, and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment.

The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity.

Ten points to re-cap.

  1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. (NOPE)
  2. The experiment should be such as to yield fruitful results for the good of society. (NOPE)
  3. The experiment should be so designed and based on the results of animal experimentation and a knowledge of the natural history of the disease. (Nope)
  4. The experiment should be so conducted as to avoid all unnecessary physical and mental suffering and injury. (Nope)
  5. No experiment should be conducted where there is an a prior reason to believe that death or disabling injury will occur. (Nope)
  6. The degree of risk to be taken should never exceed that determined by the humanitarian importance of the problem to be solved by the experiment. (NOPE)
  7. Proper preparations should be made and adequate facilities provided to protect the experimental subject against even remote possibilities of injury, disability, or death. (Nope)
  8. The experiment should be conducted only by scientifically qualified persons. (Nope)
  9. During the course of the experiment the human subject should be at liberty to bring the experiment to an end. (Nope)
  10. During the course of the experiment the scientist in charge must be prepared to terminate the experiment at any stage, if he has probable cause to believe, in the exercise of the good faith, superior skill and careful judgment required of him that a continuation of the experiment is likely to result in injury, disability, or death to the experimental subject. (Link)(Nope)

Doctors should know better.  Big Medicine protocol is killing American citizens.  Isn’t it time we asked why?  Aren’t doctors subject to the Nuremberg Codes?  America’s Doctors are either ignorant of the facts, or ignoring the facts.  Neither excuse excuses their behavior.

Wake up America!  Our medical system is being bought and sold.  The love of money is the root of all evil.

The Doctors’ blind compliance are killing their patients!

© 2021 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

What If Biden Allows Another Two Million Illegals Into Our County In 2022?

By Frosty Wooldridge

November 18, 2021

As the U.S. Border Patrol reports in November, Joe Biden invited 2,000,000 (million) illegal border jumpers into the United States in 2021.  They walked, ran and/or swam across our southern border on an average of 200,000 monthly.  During that time, Biden has airlifted, bussed, and Uber’ed those two million people into cities and communities across America.

All in violation of Article IV, Section 4 of the United States Constitution. 

He invited them into the USA from the moment he took office on January 20, 2021.  American taxpayers have paid out countless billions of dollars to house, feed, medicate, transport, clothe and educate them and their children.  Biden has broken more laws and violated his oath of office more than any president in modern history…except Barack Obama and his crew of cronies.

As December advances upon us, caravans of tens of thousands make their way toward our borders.  Additionally, thousands of pregnant women make their way toward our country in order to drop their baby onto our soil for instant citizenship and welfare for the next 18 years.  All on your hard-earned taxpayer dollars!

Additionally, visa overstays into the thousands continue their onslaught of our country.  All of them either work off the books or engage EBT and welfare to further their grip on America’s taxpaying citizens.

Biden also airlifted 120,000 Afghanistan refugees into our country in 2021.  We are being forced to take care of them via welfare, housing, food and transportation.

But what if another 2,000,000 illegal border jumpers reach our country with Biden’s endless invitation in 2022? 

If Biden continues to invite the third world into America, they will happily come to America on your dime…or should I say your millions of dollars?

But what else will that mean to you and to our country?

First of all, those illegals will work for lower wages, if they work at all, as they flood the labor market.  Illegal employers are happy to make more profits while you pay the bills.  That means our working poor will find themselves out on the streets to join the already 540,000 homeless in our country.  It means our soup kitchens won’t be able to feed those kinds of numbers into the millions.

Second, with those border jumpers, you’ve got enormous amounts of drugs crossing the border with them.  Last year, over 100,000 Americans died of drug overdoses?  What do you think will happen in 2022 with another 2,000,000 border jumpers and commensurate drug mules bringing in heroin, meth, ecstasy, fentanyl and God only knows what other drugs they’ve dreamed up for our kids? Think of the billions of dollars exiting our country and billions spent on drug rehabilitation! We’re being financially bled to death by Biden.

Third, when you import third world people, you import “crime as a way of life” with them.  You import shoplifters by the millions. Presently, Americans pay the difference in $52 billion worth of goods shoplifted annually in the USA.  We’re talking gangs of shoplifters snatching food, clothing and everything else from grocery-drug stores across this country.

Fourth, we’re seeing our cities devolve into third world ghettoes.  Just one look at Chicago’s daily nightmare of shootings, schools trashed, and hospitals overrun shows you the direct result of endless third world immigration.  Mayor Lori Lightfoot stands eyeball deep in problems that she can’t solve, won’t solve and isn’t smart enough to solve.  Given enough time and enough crime, Chicago and other cities like St. Louis will see an exit of the contributing and law-abiding citizens, much like the fall of Detroit, Michigan. Chicago will fall into anarchy, riots and loss of responsible citizens. In the end, it means we cannot solve our own problems.

Fifth,  by allowing millions of illegals, Biden invites degradation of American citizenship to criminal-ship. That’s right! Did you notice that Kyle Rittenhouse’s only crime was self-defense, but BLM and Antifa burned down $2 billion in cars, homes, buildings and streets? Not a single one of them reached prison in those cities.  In reality, the mayors and governors of those states should be standing trial.

Sixth, those third world people will send their kids to your schools without language abilities and intellectual abilities, but they will bring criminal abilities. As a teacher in the inner city myself, I watched entire classrooms turned to bullying, fights, racial conflict, language conflict…and guess what, there are no solutions.

Finally, Biden’s breaking the “Rule of Law” himself, sets a precedent of supported lawlessness.   The mayors of Minneapolis, Chicago, St. Louis, Seattle and others all supported the riots last summer by doing NOTHING to stop them. Even VP Kamala Harris supported BLM’s rioting and started a fund to bail them out of jail.  Biden invites more of the same.  What do you think will come happen with another 2,000,000 border jumpers in 2022?  What about another 2,000,000 of them in 2023?  Into 2024?

At some point, if Biden is allowed to invite millions upon millions of illegal third world refugees, do you think anyone will be able to come up with solutions?  Can we change that many people into educated, viable and contributing ‘citizens’?   Can we build enough housing and infrastructure?

Will we survive this “invited invasion” of our country by the president of the United States?  And why, pray tell, are 535 Congressional critters standing by…doing absolutely nothing?  Is it possible that they all want to see this country go down in flames…and on purpose?

Is anyone in America thinking about these questions?  Are we not galloping into America’s twilight years?

If you would like a free electronic copy of this book, please email me with your email address and I will send it to you.  Every American with children or any American who will live in this country in 2050, needs to understand what they face.

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121.

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

This video will scare the daylights out of every American as to what’s coming to our country, US Citizenship Act 2021 by Joe Biden.

If you want to see two documentaries that give visual proof of my book’s contents, go to Netflix, and type in “Cowspiracy” that shows you the damage to the air, land and water.  Watch “Seaspiracy” to see how humans are destroying the oceans.

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Is COVID-19 a Bioweapon? – New Book Could Shatter the Narrative

by Steven Yates, PhD, MPH

November 17, 2021

A Book Review: Dr. Richard M Fleming, PhD, MD, JD. “Is COVID-19 a Bioweapon? A Scientific and Forensic Investigation

This book has the potential to shatter the dominant narrative on the “novel coronavirus,” COVID-19, and the supposed necessity of experimental mRNA “vaccines,” if enough people get to read it. That is to say, if the book is not “disappeared” by a media blackout and an absence of reviews. I am doing my part.

First, who is Dr. Richard M. Fleming? What qualifies him to pass judgment?

He’s lived a diverse and somewhat colorful life — having been involved in acting and singing as well as science and medicine. Born in 1956 and participating in an experimental 1960s program taking extremely bright junior-high-schoolers into PhD level studies, he earned a PhD in physics the same time he finished high school, his thesis on plasma and positron emissions and applications. He turned to medicine, became an Honors Student, and obtained an MD. He joined the AHA faculty specializing in nuclear cardiology and began the work that led to the Inflammation and Vascular Disease theory,unveiled in 1994. The Fleming Method (FMTVDM, included in a cardiology textbook in 1999 and for which he was finally granted a patent in 2017) integrated his work in physics into medicine. The basic idea is that most cardiovascular disease is due primarily to inflammation. Fleming’s method enabled the measurement of previously undetectable inflammation in heart tissue with a level of accuracy never before seen. It soon had applications in cancer research and elsewhere.

He had his detractors, and made enemies along the way. When you’ve developed something that threatens profitable industries, this happens. In the medical profession, this plus the smallest slip-ups can lead to complaints, investigations, sometimes destructive litigation and (plea-bargained) convictions, such as Fleming endured in 2009. Such things can open one’s eyes to who really has power in the Western world, and how “rule of law” is nothing more than a buzzword. I don’t think this was as obvious in 2009 as it is now.

In any event, even with his medical career on hold, Fleming kept busy. He earned an advanced law degree while pursuing both singing and acting on the side (he appeared in a handful of short and full-length films, and TV series). His legal work focused on due process and informed consent. He fiercely defends the right of individuals to control what happens to their bodies, especially against unwanted medical procedures.

This positioned him to wade into what we all know began in late 2019, blew up in our faces starting March 11, 2020, the day the WHO declared a global emergency, and has continued with the biggest and most coercive mass-vaccination campaign ever. We return at last to this important book: Is COVID-19 a Bioweapon? A Scientific and Forensic Investigation.

Dr. Fleming’s answer is an unequivocal Yes, we are looking at a dual bioweapon, because that’s where all the documentable evidence points. There is the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) which was man made; then there are the experimental mRNA injections being foisted on populations, sometimes against their will.

There are five chapters here, surprisingly readable given that some of the discussion is dense and technical. There are over 64 pages of reproduced forms and other documentation, images, diagrams, and related materials; and 18 pages of end notes.

Chapter 1 introduces gain-of-function (GoF) research: “research looking at infectious diseases … looking at how such infections might become more infective” (p. 3). Molecular-genetic engineering, in other words. Here and in the ensuing chapter Fleming names names, such as Ralph S. Baric of the Carolina Vaccine Institute at the University of North Carolina, Shi Zhengli-Li of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, obviously Dr. Anthony S. Fauci of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), and Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance. There were other actors in this drama, but these were the most important. Bill Gates, who is not a real scientist, gets a mention for promoting gene-editing technology that would “eliminate undesirable genes,” something also supported by Nazi Germany’s Dr. Joseph Mengele:

Like all doctors in 1930s Germany, Mengele came under Hitler’s concept of German medicine that departed from the traditional care giving role… The physician’s first responsibility was to the nation, not individual patients. As part of the Führer’s weltanschauung, doctors were “biological soldiers” committed to ensuring Germany’s glorious destiny by “cleansing” the population of “inferior” genetic material.

On which Fleming drily observes, “This perspective seems to permeate today’s society” (p. 24). Except that the nation has been replaced by profitability to globalist corporate leviathans,and obedience to authority in the service of money and power.

In other words, nothing is now clearer than that Fauci brazenly lied to Congress when he denied that NIAID had funded dangerous GoF research. This is what Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) alleged, and it sure looks as if he was right.

I’m not a lawyer, but I suspect a lie to Congress of this magnitude is a felony punishable by prison time!

Daszak’s organization, meanwhile, has hidden almost $40 million in support from the Pentagon for the purpose of militarizing so-called pandemic science. All paid for by U.S. taxpayers.

These aren’t speculations or “conspiracy theories.” Fleming provides grant numbers, award amounts, and other paper/money trails. It is also now clear that not only did SARS-CoV-2 not “evolve in bats,” it has resided in the bowels of domestic and foreign virology labs for years—at least since 2006 when Chinese researchers spliced together four target complementary DNA segments to form an RNA sequence. These were the hepatitis C virus, HIV-1, SARS-CoV-1, and SARS-CoV-2 (p. 17).

The first man made alteration of a virus dates to 1974: the Qß phage of that year. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test dates at least to 1987, when Dr. Kary Mullis was granted a patent for it (p. 12). Synthetic viruses, infectious and transmissible to humans, were around by 2000, and not limited to American and Chinese research (hence the rush to get patents — see p. 16).

Coronaviruses tend not to jump species. There is a coronavirus that is fatal to cats, for example, but doesn’t infect humans. GoF research aimed to change that—begging us to ask, “What were these people thinking?” It is almost certain that the first Sudden Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) outbreak also in China was from a coronavirus genetically engineered in or around 2003, initially designated SARS-CoV.

In other words, these scientists wanted to make coronaviruses more dangerous to humans! By 2013, they knew that SARS-CoV-1 caused blood clots in lung capillaries leading to permanent damage. GoF research continued, as in 2015 Zhengli and Baric reengineered the spike protein of the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) virus to increase its infectivity to humans.

This sort of research was in a legal gray area, in the U.S. at least — although again, we know how much rule of law means, including to those the mere thought of whom conjures up mental images of our worst science fiction nightmares. Fleming quotes a statement the federal government in October 2014:

New funding will not be released for gain-of-function research projects that may be reasonably anticipated to confer attributes to influenza, MERS, or SARS viruses such that the virus would have enhanced pathogenicity and/or transmissibility in mammals via the respiratory route. The research funding pause would not apply to characterization or testing of naturally occurring influenza, MERS, and SARS viruses, unless the tests are reasonably anticipated to increase transmissibility and/or pathogenicity (pp. 27-28).

He immediately cites a footnote exempting research deemed “urgent” for “public health or national security,” interesting since by this time the Department of Defense was also funding GoF research.

Do you see how these people make up the rules as they go along?

What is clear is that massive sums of taxpayer dollars were awarded to Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance and other groups (p. 29). Ensuing pages reproduce no less than 54 documents authorizing millions from federal agencies including the Department of Defense, Health and Human Services, NIAID, the National Science Foundation, the Department of Homeland Security, the United States Agency for International Development, the Department of Commerce, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the Department of the Interior (pp. 31-87). Fleming concludes:

Collectively these documents reveal … that more than $61 million dollars in research funding was paid to Peter Daszak at EcoHealth, who then worked with Ralph S. Baric at the University of North Carolina, and Shi Zhengli at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, to conduct research on viruses including Gain-of-Function research on coronaviruses (p. 87).

One “conspiracy” claim we can lay to rest is that no one ever isolated a coronavirus causing COVID-19.There definitely is a virus, genetically engineered to be highly contagious while remaining mostly nonlethal to younger people without compromised immune systems. Fleming presents electron-microscope images of the virus in human tissue, in the context of explaining how the spike protein is the smoking gun (p. 89f.).

In this case, we have all the damning evidence we need without false rabbit trails. Scientists such as Dr. Luc Montagnier, awarded a Nobel Prize for his work on HIV, examined SARS-Cov-2 and concluded that it was structurally too perfect in its capacity to infect humans to have “evolved naturally in bats.” He, too, has taken heat for going against the herd. The argument seems to be, “the consensus of the scientific community is that the coronavirus probably evolved naturally” or that studies claiming otherwise were not “peer-reviewed” or have been “withdrawn.” Just one was, and this means little because peer-reviewed articles are withdrawn surprisingly often. Majority opinion has never been a determinant of truth; nor is “peer review” decisive in an environment as corrupted by money as so-called “scientific medicine.”

Why is this so important? Because the same folks who oversaw funding of this research—psychopaths like Fauci—pushed people to wear masks when there was no evidence that mass-produced, commercial face masks protected anyone from anything (but they do make good badges of submission to authority!). These same psychopaths backed “quarantines” (lockdowns) of mostly healthy populations, destroying tens of thousands of jobs and businesses and redistributing wealth and income further into the hands of billionaires. Their media shills derided inexpensive treatments (e.g., hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin) known to be safe and which a few doctors had been using to treat COVID-19 patients effectively. Starting in January 2020 the pharmaceutical-governmental-media complex rolled out the experimental mRNA injections,leading to vaccine passports in many locations (travel restrictions), and vaccine mandates from employers which have now thrown thousands more people out of work. Those skeptical encounter derision, as do those who voice the opinion that this is not about public health, or who just believe that choice should apply to something other than abortion!

If an excellent case can be made that the SARS-CoV-2 was man-made, an equally good case can be made that its release wasn’t an accident, even if we don’t know and may never know the specifics (who released it, whether it happened a Chinese “wet market,” who Patient Zero was, etc.). We do know that the Chinese Communist Party tried to repress initial reports of the outbreak, and then allowed air travel out of China so that the disease could spread across the world.

We also know that when President Trump stopped air travel from China, Trump-hating corporate media declared the action as evidence of his “racism.”

This all ties in with the fifth generation warfare concept I introduced last week. Remember that fifth generation warfare tries to defeat a targeted enemy without that enemy knowing he was under attack. Fleming writes:

All too often, people believe that weapons are designed to kill people. I would argue quite the contrary. The best weapon doesn’t kill people; it devastates and demoralizes them. It reduces their will and capacity to wage war or to fight back…. The best weapon to devastate a country is one that removes the will of the people to fight. It effectively diminishes the lifestyle of the enemy, reducing the security of life as the enemy knows it and replaces that security and freedom with fear and uncertainty. SARS-Cov-2 has done exactly that. It has devastated economies, removed the personal freedoms people were used to, reduced goods and services, and turned friends against friends and family members against family members. It has divided nations and people (p. 101).

Fleming concludes that we’ve seen violations of the Biological Weapons Convention treaty — which the U.S. signed and ratified — as well as the Nuremberg Code against biological warfare. Nuremberg rules require informed consent. There is neither information nor consent here, as Big Pharma has never divulged exactly what is in its “vaccines.”

Fleming reproduces the conversation he had with Dr. Karladine Graves and dissident Chinese virologist Dr. Li Meng Yan. The latter is in hiding in the U.S. out of fear for her life. Among the upshots of their wide-ranging conversation is that medically there is zero justification for these injections being forced on people against their will — especially by employers perniciously ordering workers to get jabbed or lose their jobs (in Stage 3 fashion). There is no medical evidence of any long-term benefit — recent scientific evidence shows that whatever protections they provide against COVID diminishes in a few months. What exists is evidence of harm being done, from the scare tactics, the draconian responses to COVID, as well as from the injecti0ns themselves.

What Dr. Fleming says:

Because recognizing that the vaccines are nothing but the genetic codes of the spike protein and recognizing that the spike protein is man made GoF … what the vaccines are, are an intro into the human body of something that is not naturally occurring, that are the very thing that people made that shouldn’t be going into human bodies—and certainly, not being encoded for our bodies to make massive quantities of. The vaccines, Pfizer and Moderna, have 13.1 billion mRNAs per administration. The Jansen (or J&J) has 50 billion….  [T]here are two things really going on in the world of vaccines. One is a delivery mechanism, and one is, “Why would they want to do that?”…

I think that at this point in time, there is absolutely no reason for this vaccine to be given to anybody—any of these vaccines. I think that we don’t know what they are doing to people. Their data—daily or weekly—from the VAERS that’s reporting on it—only shows more and more harm to people and more and more deaths. The EUA documents show—if you actually run the numbers—show nothing statistically significant about a reduction in the numbers of COVID or reductions in the deaths. So we are using experimental drugs—pan-vaccinating the entire country—when we have drugs that can actually treat the infection and the disease when it’s there. And we have no idea what the ramifications of these vaccines are. We are going to find out. I mean everybody is either part of the experimental or the control group at this point in time, like it or not (pp. 120, 127).

Thus Fleming joins numerous others in calling for an end to mass injections. He stops short of charging the globalist psychopaths with genetically engineering a depopulation scheme. If we can believe VAERS data, though — and keep in mind that since a lot of people don’t know what VAERS is, its numbers under report the truth — we could be in the very early stages of history’s biggest-ever crime against humanity! There is good reason to think attempts are underway to cover up the growing number of injuries and deaths from these jabs. See also this which may shed light on the growing number of flight cancellations, and then this, this, and especially this which documents an abnormal rise in deaths all over the world this past year, the year of the jab!

People shouldn’t simply be letting themselves be fired from their jobs for refusing it. While protests have occurred, e.g., in New York City, we have yet to see the critical mass that should be filling the streets of every major city demanding that “their” government put a stop to this!!

This is especially true now that the Bidenista regime is pushing the jab on children ages 5 / 11!!

My Christian friends keep assuring me, God is in control, and that Job and early Christians suffered far worse. While I know I said this before, I keep coming back to it: given the grip on political-economic power the globalists have including their control over the major scientific research arenas, given their control over the dominant COVID narrative, and given the insouciance of most government-schooled populations of the world, only God can save us now!

Steven Yates’s new book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory (Wipf and Stock) is available here and here.

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© 2021 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

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Public Education: Factories Producing Compliant Global Village Idiots

By Tom DeWeese

November 17, 2021

As innocent children come into the world, their minds are a clean slate, ready to listen, absorb and learn. They trust and follow those that have been assigned the task of leading them to knowledge. For decades, that same innocent trust has been accepted by the parents to feel confident that the American education system is designed to teach basic academic knowledge to their children, while it’s up to the parents to provide love, family values, and moral integrity.

And so, every day, from early in the morning until supper time, these precious children head off to exciting days in the classroom, to learn how to read and write; to be inspired by historical events, and be prepared to make the independent choices they will face in their adult lives.

Little do most families know that over the past several decades this Norman Rockwell vision of the American education system has been steadily usurped and transformed by a cynical system that is designed to ignore the need to teach basic academics as it, instead, focuses on controlling and remolding the children’s minds.

The deliberate intent to not teach academics was recently made quite clear by an official of the consulting firm hired by Loudoun County, Virginia Public Schools. The firm, “Equity Collaborative” was hired to incorporate equity and inclusion initiatives into their learning curriculum for students. This highly paid private consulting firm is now asserting that public education should be more about “relationships” than “learning.” Said an official of the firm, “I think the thing that public education offers… because I certainly don’t think we offer learning… are relationships… What historically high schools were for was dissemination of information very quickly… Well, actually the internet is better than the high school is… Truthfully, the teacher in relation to the dissemination of information is obsolete. But the teacher in relationship to relationships is the thing.” He concluded, saying, “Kids change much faster, adults are in the way.”

How did this corruption of American education get its start in our schools?  With the creation of the Federal Department of Education, under the Carter Administration there grew a massive industry in mind manipulation. In November 1992, following the election of Bill Clinton to the Presidency, Marc Tucker, president of the National Center for Education and the Economy (NCEE) wrote an 18 page letter to Hillary Clinton. He excitedly outlined the opportunity the Clinton Administration now had to “remold the entire American system…” He provided a detailed blueprint for a revolution to completely change our nation and its citizens by training children from a very young age to properly serve the global economy. A global citizen is the idea that all people have a civic responsibility to the world as a whole, not to just their community or nation. In such a definition, the American ideal of limited government and natural rights do not exist.

There was little in Tucker’s plan that had anything to do with teaching how to read, write or calculate. That wasn’t important. Instead it was a plan to control the children’s knowledge base to fit Tucker’s vision of creating the proper global citizen. Today, Tucker’s proposal, made to Hillary Clinton that fateful day, is completely in place. The process started in earnest with Goals 2000, designed to create a new system of standards that no longer taught our American system of free enterprise and limited government. In fact, it taught them that such ideas were dangerous and selfish. Then came School-to-Work, which focused on job training rather then academics. It was all glued together by a new method of psychological control called “Outcome-based Education” (OBE).

OBE created a computer database on every child and focused on mental, psychological and behavioral evaluations. The data bases were made available to the schools, the government and future employers. Teachers were designated as counselors to decide if problem children needed drugs to control their behavior. Ritalin over-use was born.

Then, a system called “Transition” was employed which featured small groups of children sharing their thoughts, feelings, and opinions. Transition contains no academic significance whatsoever. It contains tactics such as role playing. Its purpose is to strip search the students for their ideas, attitudes, values , and beliefs,  so that a special personal curriculum can be created to assure those attitudes, such as love of family or country, for example, can be systematically deleted. It slowly trains them to not question authority.

Next came Common Core. It simply encompassed all of these forerunners to the plan to remold American education, and ultimately change American culture by dictating the thought and belief process of its citizens.  The indoctrination of the children is now in full swing.

In 2011, the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD), another private group contracting with the Department of Education, advocated the “Whole Child Approach,” saying Whole child education is the expansion of education beyond just learning reading, writing, and arithmetic to include student health, community engagement, and social emotional learning (SEL). The ASCD report goes on to explain that “SEL focuses on feelings, emotions, and self-reflection, leading to inclusion of social responsibility and social justice initiatives.”

The Department of Education then planned to use the SEL process to rate schools on their “non-academic” factors through its new initiative called “Every Student Succeeds Act” (ESSA).

Most recently comes Critical Race Theory (CRT) and the elimination of personal identity, cleverly designed to create personal guilt for being part of certain races, plus the elimination of genders and the elimination of one’s ability for personal identity.

The bottom line for all of this mumbo jumbo is that children have been designated to be patients that are sick and in dire need of cure. If they believe they are unique individuals; if they love their families, believe their nation is a bastion of freedom; love God; and accept scientific facts of race and sex, etc. then they are deemed unhealthy, deluded and in urgent need of care.

In the nineteenth century famed writer Victor Hugo wrote a story called “The Comprachicos.” Hugo said the term was a compound Spanish word meaning “child-buyers.” The Comprachicos traded in children. Hugo went on to describe why they bought and sold the children and how they prepared them for purchase. They created monsters. Why? To make people laugh. Kings in their courts needed to laugh. The people needed side shows to make them laugh. To fill the need, the Comprachicos created freaks.

The making of freaks for everyone’s pleasure became an art form. They had a talent to disfigure. They operated to change faces into hideous masks. As Hugo described it, the process was a sort of “reverse orthopedics. “Where God had put a straight glance, this art put a squint.” Worse, the Comprachicos became masters at erasing the child’s memory so that they had no recollection of a life before they were horribly disfigured. “Was it not always so?” The perfect freaks were created.

I see now that the Comprachicos of our day are found in the public school classrooms. Only today, they don’t physically deform the children. Today the education system is designed to deform the children’s minds. In this way these modern day Comprachicos are much more dangerous and evil than those Hugo wrote about. It’s much more difficult to see the immediate results of the deformity. Many, even the parents, find it nearly impossible to see the destruction that is occurring. And so, the Comprachicos can work out in the open in complete secrecy.

The “curriculum” that now surrounds them drills home the need to openly seek to remake the world in areas such as health care, climate regulation, and “sexual politics.” Children are graded on their activism, volunteerism, and commitment to community rather than academic knowledge. Children are taught that only whites can be racist because racism is power and only whites have power. American civics is ignored. Our founding ideas are dismissed as organized slavery, controlled by the rich. Capitalism is evil. Wealth must be destroyed. Government control is the answer to all questions. These things, the children are assured, are the proper attitudes, values, and beliefs. And it is their duty as citizens of the world to not only promote and carry out such ideas, but to consider any contrarian thoughts as evil, and to be stopped at all costs. These are the children of today.

In my novel ERASE, I write of a process called “Globally Acceptable Truth.” This is an actual policy promoted through the United Nations. It advocates that the reason we have war, poverty, and strife is because there is too much knowledge in the world. That, we are told, forces people to struggle to understand too many ideas in order to make decisions for their lives. It’s just too much to of a burden to live under. It’s the reason, we are told, that so many are failing today. They just can’t take the stress of life. So under Globally Acceptable Truth, these decisions are made for them, making their lives less stressful. That is the purpose of today’s education system.

Now, after decades of this mind control and manipulation passing as pubic education, what is the true outcome? Well, simply watch the nightly news as young people take to the streets to protest freedom of thought, loot stores because they represent evil capitalism, and charge every contrary value to be racism. Listen to what they say. They are terrified at these politically incorrect ideas.  They oppose policies that seek to keep our nation independent and sovereign. They label any thoughts of the reduction of federal spending programs as hateful and racist. They loath the idea that people can have differing opinions. To advocate ideas of individuality, limited government, pro-second amendment, sound science, free enterprise can now get one labeled as unstable and possibly insane. Such dangerous thoughts must be cured.

So well have these modern day Comprachicos done their job that the once happy, innocent, trusting children now need counseling and safe spaces to protect them from ideas and opinions that are outside of their acceptable truth. They are reduced to coloring books and Playdoh to cope. Their minds have been remolded into the shape of a hideous, empty vessel, kept in a state of planned adolescence where they remain pliable.

Many will say that the education system has failed. That’s wrong. It is working perfectly for what it’s been designed to do. If you think it has failed that’s because you are still operating under the incorrect assumption that the purpose of schools is for teaching academics. In fact, the Comprachicos of Yale and Harvard, and every “institution of higher learning,” along with public school classrooms, have succeeded in creating the perfect, pliable, unquestioning, obedient global village idiots, ready to take their selected spot in this well-ordered utopia. Of course, in reality, the process is nothing short of child abuse.

If you desire to save the American way and preserve our Republic, then gaining back control of the education system must be the first goal. It can still be done!

© 2021 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese: Contact Tom DeWeese

If You Want To Know The Truth, Just See What The Wicked Are Afraid Of

By Bradlee Dean

November 17, 2021

“She has done it again.”

You all may know Alyssa Milano, the child actor from the television series “Who’s the Boss.”

She is one misguided and confused individual who continuously makes a fool of herself, and that without shame (Proverbs 29:15).

This time she proves the point of which we have been making here at the Sons of Liberty Radio for years and that is they do not have the support that they want you to believe that they have.

Saul Alinsky said: “Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have.”

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The mainstream media and the powers that are tolerated have used this method for decades to belittle their opposition, to polarize, to single them out as if to lead them to believe that they are the only ones resisting the wrongs, and it is all brought about through deceptive measures (Ephesians 4:14).

The minority is convincing the majority of the opposite of what is true and Alyssa Milano just showed us this truth once again (Isaiah 5:20).

Let me explain…

We are being told by the treasonous and disgraceful Joe Biden that, somehow or another, a quarter of the population in America has yet to be vaccinated. The fact of the matter is, and you can rest assured, that three quarter of Americans have not been manipulated into getting these dangerous experimental jabs. Why the unlawful and unconstitutional forced mandates if everyone is getting one? Does this not exhibit the lies behind the measures that they are taking?  Why yes, they are (Luke 12:2).

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Alyssa Milano recently parroted the propaganda narrative (Sorry for her language).

50 Years Later What Americans Have Not Learned From Lying Government And Mainstream Media (Brighteon Video)

She then went on in hopes of proving her point, as well as everyone following her lead into subjecting their kids ages 5-11 to these dangerous experimental jabs, by asking a question in an online Twitter poll with 173,439 participants.

Friends, these are the blind following the blind that are taking this poll (Matthew 15:14). These are t.v. watchers.  These are those who seem to think that Alyssa is a person with credibility that answered these questions, not those who claim to be Christians or conservatives, not that there is much difference (Matthew 5:13).

The bottom line here is this: If an erroneous and immoral actress can take a poll from her Twitter account, which touts 3 million subscribers, and get these kinds of results, one must ask the question, what it is that the mainstream media and all of those who are unified in this plandemic not revealing (Isiah 28:18)?

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© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

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The Consequences of B.A.M. a/k/a the Black Adoration Movement

By Sidney Secular

November 16, 2021

We inch closer and closer to the day when it will be illegal to arrest blacks for any criminal act. Why? Because all blacks are perpetual victims. They are victims in the present. They are victims in the past. Their ancestors were victims as will be their descendants in perpetuity. Indeed, so much guilt accrues from the treatment of blacks from Eden to Eternity that there is simply no way the rest of humanity can make responsible any black for the commission of any act– even against other blacks! Indeed, even this guilt falls upon the Oppressors because obviously had they not oppressed this wonderful race, none of these crimes would have occurred!

Worse,we rapidly approach a time when the country will be called upon to pay blacks a monetary stipend to prevent them from committing crimes! Of course, when they do anyway – and they will! – it will still be paid because it is always considered someone else’s fault! At least this is the belief by many that as anyone with a trace of black blood has been conditioned to believe themselves “entitled,” it becomes necessary to act accordingly to avoid social catastrophe. They are entitled to reparations and they are entitled to behave as they wish regardless of the damage that they do to themselves and others! In fact, they are entitled to make the rules and because of this unassailable situation, many whites order DNA testing kits hoping to reveal a trace of this genetic marker derived from some ancient African“ancestor!” Of course, once validated as “black,” these lucky “not-too-whites” will both avoid the stigma of “oppressor” and cash in on black-directed GovMint largesse that will continue to balloon until the balloon goes up on a revolution to stop this nonsense. These brainless white libbers imagine that they are leading mankind down the yellow brick road to a racially pure utopia but, in fact,they have put us on a road to a very bad end.

Recently, the city of Philadelphia banned police from making traffic stops for minor violations because blacks are,by far, the greatest violators despite constituting approximately 44% of Philadelphia’s motorists! Of course, this should come as no surprise since blacks, at 13.4% of the population, presently make up over 50% of those who commit the heinous crime of murder! But the fact is that blacks are always given a pass when the situation can no longer be hidden or, in the alternative, when they get too many “black marks” for their behavior to be countenanced. Perhaps we should be concerned about the day that police are forbidden to investigate murders given the percentage of blacks involved in that crime!

The new group Advance Peace Fresno (APF) has a $1.8 million budget derived from city, state, and non-profit sources with the express purpose of paying blacks to not commit crimes, especially gang-related violence. Advocates say the blackmail or “black male” stipends are important to keep the participants from falling back into their “ack-ack” ways. The “logic” (if one can use that word in this context!) justifying this extraordinary insanity is the ridiculous belief that those involved never received “allowances” during their eternal period of“childhood” and that somehow these stipends will make up for their lack of civilizing nurture, thus making them feel worthy. It is rather like the reparations for which they continually clamor believing that receipt of same will prove that their life failures are somebody else’s fault. The APF folks believe that by receiving unearned money without the normal conditions involved in the transfer of wealth, these blacks are proved to be“mature.” Using that “logic,” robbery is a sign of maturity and forcing whites to recompense blacks for nameless and non-existent“oppression” creates “equity”and “equality.” So, according to the culture, innocent people must mollycoddle criminals who “feel deprived” lest their “deprivation” leads to further unlawful behavior for which, of course, they are not really to blame – yada, yada, yada & etc.

The other leftist meme or corollary to this socialist – and stupid – way of thinking is the belief that being poor creates the need or impulse to do drugs and otherwise get involved in destructive behavior such as committing crimes. This is,more often than not the case, with blacks. However,that same statement cannot be said by the left with respect to other groups even if they suffer from poverty. Now, there is a reason for this. Many largely white poor rural areas do not have higher crime rates than the rates found in wealthier areas. Indeed, it was noteworthy news some years ago – when such things could be publicly disseminated! – that the statistically poorest town in America was nearly all white and had almost no crime. It was once commonplace in rural areas, poor and otherwise, that doors and windows were left unlocked since robberies and home invasions were virtually unknown. In our modern multicultural society, trust evaporates proportionately to the degree of the heterogeneity of the population – that is, its ethnic, religious and most especially racial makeup.

As well, it is generally the case that when large numbers of blacks move into an area, other racial groups and especially whites, move out. This is called “white flight.” Excuses are given such as the need to have better schools or go where taxes are lower instead of identifying the exodus as based on the natural need to be around those to whom one feels closer racially or culturally. However, it is also admitted – quietly, of course – that any influx of blacks seriously debases the community at all levels. For some reason, black anti-social behavior is blamed on whites discriminating against them, whereas the whites simply wish to live in a civilized society and not be victims of ongoing black criminality. Hence, “white flight.”

Jason Corburn, a Berkeley, UC professor justifies the Advance Peace Fresno program by stating that over an 18 month period, $20, 000 was spent to keep 40 blacks from shooting each other. He estimates that 20 to 50 shootings were prevented that way. However, the blackmail would have to be continued indefinitely to see if it really worked! This is simply not economically feasible, especially as the number of perps who required such economic maintenance would naturally continue to grow. There are 25,000 gang members in Fresno. What happens if they all demand money to keep from participating in their normal behavior? Can you imagine how quickly larger urban areas would be bankrupted by employing such a program and can you also imagine how long it would be before the amount involved, however great, would prove insufficient to restrain their natural way of life? Logic was never a strong suit of ivory tower leftist intellectuals.

There’s a much easier and more logical way to stop the shootings. Just get serious about responding to the menace of gangs.Arrest gang leaders and put them away for long prison terms. Outlawing them altogether would solve or at least to some extent, alleviate the problem. There’s no reason to tolerate them as gangs are not fraternal groups that represent various well-intentioned behavioral goals but, rather, they are the stimulus for much of urban and even suburban crime. Such a program would lighten the judicial caseload and would allow for getting rid of the plea bargains that plague a judicial system often, itself, on trial. As well, it would lessen the opportunities for many felons to perpetuate their criminal activities and influences.

Such a response would also lead a campaign to stop “de-criminalizing” lesser violations because there is often a very fine line between minor and major crimes! Usually, such distinctions serve as an excuse to let blacks off the hook enabling them to return to their criminal activities. For the fact is, lesser crimes usually lead to more serious crimes especially if they are not punished! Not punishing a criminal for a lesser crime not only leads to more crime, but poisons the public’s perception of the police,feeding into anti-police propaganda and lessening respect for law and order. The thin blue line will get even thinner if the police are not properly supported and funded and, worst of all, it leads to good cops quitting the force and leaving behind those whose behavior justifies all the anti-police propaganda!

Victims of crime, no matter their background, income, or political affiliation are supposed to be protected. Criminals, no matter who they are, are supposed to face the consequences of breaking the law. Today, the scales of justice are out of balance and weighed down against the politically unfashionable. The rise of Soros’ and Bloomberg’s “progressive” prosecutors pose one of the greatest threats to the rule of law. These legal ideologues have seized control of district and states attorney’s offices all over the country virtually putting an end to the true “rule of law.” In many major cities, they absolutely refuse to charge minority criminals with entire categories of misdemeanors including petty crime, shoplifting and vagrancy. In Chicago, theft under $1,000 goes unaddressed and as a result, this class of crime has risen exponentially. In Philadelphia, drunk drivers and some burglars are released without bail. In Baltimore, the “Baltimoronic” States’ Attorney, Marilyn Mosby, already steeped in unethical political dealings, declared that the war on drugs “over” in the midst of the deadliest drug crisis in the history of that city. In a way, however, she is right! Once one side surrenders, a war is indeed “over.”

This is another example in which once the blacks engage in criminal behavior to a degree that can neither be hidden nor ignored, the matter is “solved” by letting the criminals go unpunished or, in the alternative, pardoned for their excesses! This tactic results in a new downward trajectory of “acceptable community standards,” a spiral that can go lower virtually in perpetuity. In Los Angeles, the Soros’ supported District Attorney – who is fond of releasing convicts from prison indiscriminately – has stopped enforcing laws against disturbing the peace, resisting arrest and making criminal threats against citizens. These DAs render their cities “dead on their arrival” in their work with woke mayors in legalizing disorder. Democrat mayors everywhere have de-prioritized enforcement of quality-of-life laws by hamstringing law enforcement to the point at which either fewer arrests are made or good police officers simply quit. Tens of millions of decent Americans suffer the daily indignities of having their property vandalized and/or stolen while having to walk on needle strewn, excrement covered sidewalks, all thewhile being denied safe access to parks and public places paid for by their tax dollars.

The quality of life is further lowered by virtue of such things as ignored noise complaints! Why? Because pulsating and pounding bass-based rap-crap is not considered noise but rather, it is now part of the new norm in community standards and popular music! Also unaddressed are property damage and drug dealing accompanied by wayward shots that injure and kill innocent bystanders. These intolerable conditions heat up the urban pressure cooker, frustrating people and, in some cases,making them prone to criminal acts themselves. Anti-enforcement policies only cause insecurity and result in more crime,often from people who otherwise would remain law abiding.

The opposite approach to “quality-of-life” crimes – that is where they are properly punished – would demonstrate that the authorities are serious about protecting citizens and put a damper on the escalation of minor crimes that eventually evolve into major ones. This approach, dubbed “broken windows”, is invariably successful in reducing crime. Punishment proportionate to the offense is a necessary first step in reducing the crime rate. Yet, the apparently demon-driven Senate Democrats have unleashed a flood of proposed legislation aimed at retroactively reducing the sentences of gang members, crack cocaine dealers, and fentanyl traffickers. These ideas are unfathomable under any circumstances but are even more so in the midst of the worst drug crisis and urban murder surge in American history. Our legal system is infected with a metastasizing cancer of political correctness and racially motivated prosecutions – or rather, lack there of – that are poisoning America’s trust in the justice system. The obviously overblown response to the so-called J6 “insurrection” and the extremely barbaric treatment of the arrested protesters – none of whom was part of what actually was illegal! –is as unworthy of American “justice” as letting BLM and Antifa get away with their truly insurrectionist activities in 2020. These continue in Portland and nothing is being done about it. If this situation is not brought under control,a repressive and oppressive Communist dictatorship is sure to follow. After all, who will be able to stop it? Certainly, not our justice system .

© 2021 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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