About Glynn Adams

Glynn Adams pastored for several years in Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, and Tennessee. For the last twenty years has been involved in local ministries building a coalition to resist the evil overtaking this nation. He is currently a warrior and Watchman on the Wall– crying in the wilderness like John the Baptist for repentance. The church in America must wake up because there is a war going on against Christianity and we have not shown up for it!

A Good Time for the Truth

How about unity?   Jesus prayed for unity in John 17.  If you only gave the answer from the Word of God on any issue, there will be no division.  Remember, we have no opinion or private interpretation in a kingdom with a Sovereign God.   His Word is law and unchangeable.  There would be no division about the rapture.  The word rapture itself is not mentioned in the Bible.

By |2025-03-15T20:46:19-04:00March 15th, 2025|

A Good Time for Truth

Christianity is about an intimate relationship with a living person – Jesus Christ. We must get to know this Living Deity who knew us before we were formed in the womb (Isaiah 44:2) and who has inscribed us on the palms of His hands (Isaiah 49:16). “My people are fools; they do not know me…”

By |2025-03-08T18:40:04-05:00March 8th, 2025|

A Hard Look at Today’s Evangelical Church

To the average church member - Evangelical, Pentecostal, Catholic or any other religious organization in America, church to them is somewhere you go on Sunday, hear a smooth sermonette and go back into the world to live your life your way.  They are the reason this nation is going downward toward evil and not upward toward God.

By |2025-03-01T21:39:28-05:00March 1st, 2025|

Doing Christianity Jesus’ Way!

Jesus, who was perfect in all His ways, had approximately one hundred twenty quality disciples waiting for the Holy Spirit. He ministered to great multitudes but left many behind because they would not come His Way. Because most of our churches in America will not come His Way, we are losing the disciple battle in America.

By |2025-02-22T21:26:22-05:00February 22nd, 2025|

How We Lost Our Constitution

The more I study the Bible, the more I see our apathy today in this nation, the more I see the deception that has been fostered upon us, the more I see this nation being influenced by evil, the less influence of the Body of Christ and the flat out refusal of the Body of Christ to get involved in this spiritual war between good and evil raging in our nation for its soul, the more I investigate the reality that has been going on in this nation for years,  I believe we are in bigger trouble that we realize.

By |2025-02-15T21:13:25-05:00February 15th, 2025|

A Time For Truth About Freedom

One reason we are losing our freedom is debt. In the last fifty years we have gone from the early-American stress on hard work, savings, thrift and delayed gratification to turning Americans into a nation of perpetual debtors. The United States has shifted from producing to consuming, with American citizens and our government consuming more than they earn or take in and promising to spend still more.

By |2025-02-08T19:01:46-05:00February 8th, 2025|

Conviction and Repentance

Something horrible is happening in our churches and only the people can put a stop to it. We are attempting to grow churches but we are neglecting the Word of God and not following the pattern for Christianity that God has ordained in His Word. Today, our lying pastors are leading us into futility.

By |2025-02-01T21:44:38-05:00February 1st, 2025|

A Time for Truth – War Footing

The corporate Body of Christ in America is still refusing to face reality and take responsibility for our actions.  This is the message I am getting from God every day concerning the Body of Christ in America.   We need to face our spiritual reality.  Evil is overcoming our nation on our watch with church goers on every corner.  What God is looking for is some responsible Christians.

By |2025-01-25T22:05:02-05:00January 25th, 2025|

Living Between Two Opinions

The American Culture Church is being challenged in the same way the Prophet Elijah confronted the nation of Israel, “How long will you halt between two opinions?” Will we continue to support and live out these modern-day church structures and practices driven by the traditions of men or will we finally submit to the simple Ekklesia pattern Christ has given to His followers? Jesus said, “I will build my Ekklesia.”

By |2025-01-18T23:41:49-05:00January 18th, 2025|

God’s Laws and Commandments That Restrains us

A nation can’t get much worse off when their pastors and Christians sat idly by and refuse to resist the evil invading their land when God has given them the victory of the cross, the Name of Jesus, the authority of Jesus, the Word of God, the power of God, and the mighty weapons of God.

By |2025-01-11T21:06:39-05:00January 11th, 2025|

God’s Purpose Written in a Book

Every person created by God has a purpose. Your purpose is recorded by God in a book in heaven. There are many books in heaven and one of the main books, however, is what can be called the books of destiny or purpose. “Your eyes saw my substance, being yet uniformed.

By |2025-01-04T21:34:40-05:00January 4th, 2025|

A Rude Awakening is Headed Our Way

We are paying for the mental and moral destruction of our seed. I have been warning parents for years now and sex education gets worse every year. I see no evidence that most parents really care. Nothing has been done by parents. Like other evil in America, we tolerate it. It has been proven what a nation tolerates, seldom do they ever change it!!! Of course, the churches are silent.

By |2024-12-28T20:27:31-05:00December 28th, 2024|

My Christmas Message – A Time for Truth – Insanity

It looked for a while like America was waking up to spiritual things. But most Christians still refuse to face reality. While darkness is overtaking our nation and our enemies are gathering all around us, there is no sense of urgency in our churches. Christians today are doing the same thing that caused our nation to be over taken by this evil

By |2024-12-22T20:30:38-05:00December 22nd, 2024|

Absolute Real Biblical Christianity

Paris Reidhead said in a sermon, “Paul warned us in Colossians 2:8 not to be taken captive by philosophy and empty deception but today our subtle philosophy and deception is religious humanism. You can define religious humanism as a philosophical statement that declares, “The end of all things is the happiness of man.”

By |2024-12-14T23:30:56-05:00December 14th, 2024|

How Long do We Hold on to What God is Now Rejecting?

We have been given power to thread on scorpions (a type of demons) and to pull down demonic strongholds. If we walk in the Spirit and in truth, it will set us free to live and do the greater works of Jesus. But we must be ready, on the alert, and let no one mislead us. Guard your heart and take up your cross by dying to your flesh so His Spirit can prevail in our life.

By |2024-12-08T23:35:29-05:00December 8th, 2024|

Don’t Waste Time on Religious People

Jesus set the example for us as He did not waste His time on religious people who had their own way to heaven worked out. We are now living in the time of the great falling away. “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day (the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ) shall not come except there came a falling away first.” (2 Thessalonians 2:3)

By |2024-12-01T21:14:59-05:00December 1st, 2024|

The Heart and the Way We Think

So, most of the Body of Christ in America has totally missed God’s purpose for the Kingdom.  Life for the modern man in the East and West needs something to give total meaning to an otherwise fragmented life.  He knows everything about life except how to live it!!!!  But American religion offered the American way of life instead of God’s way of life – the Kingdom of God.

By |2024-11-23T20:21:10-05:00November 23rd, 2024|

The Systematic Killing of America, Part 5

Deception is a powerful word.  One of the profound truths which most followers of Christ do not know is, “by definition, a person who is deceived does not know he or she is deceived.”  Once deception is cast down, there is light and revelation that amazes the one who was deceived.  A major deception among the followers of Christ in America is the work of Satan in the world and in the lives of believers.

By |2024-11-10T00:09:38-05:00November 10th, 2024|

The Systematic Killing of America, Part 4

Our government up to the early 1900s was not perfect by a long shot but it was about as Christian as a nation can get. After that the demons and the power of darkness curses moved into our nation. Our strong American culture, not perfect, was fine from our Founding Fathers days through the 50s until the beginning of Saul Alinsky in the early sixties.

By |2024-11-03T00:34:11-04:00November 3rd, 2024|

The Systematic Killing of America, Part 3

The shadow government is alive and well in America and has been since the early 1900s.  “The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) established six years after the Federal Reserve was created, worked to promote an internationalist agenda on behalf of the international banking elite.

By |2024-10-27T00:16:16-04:00October 27th, 2024|

The Systematic Killing of America, Part 2

By authorizing a central bank to control the country’s money supply and the value of the dollar, Congress enabled government spending to skyrocket beyond all expectation.  Politicians now could commit to projects that cost millions of dollars more than the existing revenue.  The Federal Reserve in turn, could purchase the “excess” debt by printing more paper money, thereby inflating the economy.

By |2024-10-20T00:10:37-04:00October 20th, 2024|

The Systematic Killing of America, Part 1

I do not enjoy writing articles like this but my LORD has commissioned me and I shall obey Him.  Christians had better awake from their religious coma and hear what God is saying to the church in America.  This article was written with the help of a new book, the “Killing of Uncle Sam” by Pastor Rodney Howard- Browne and Paul l. Williams.

By |2024-10-13T00:34:48-04:00October 13th, 2024|

The Ekklesia Jesus Wants to Build

We have the whole concept about the church that Jesus built all wrong.  Today we see it as a building and a place to go on Sunday to lift up our religion.  We must repent, that is change our religious ways because Jesus Christ and His way is our only hope!!

By |2024-10-06T00:45:38-04:00October 6th, 2024|

A Religious House Built on Sand

America has most of her church houses built not on Christ but sand.  Neither did Christ build our churches but aggressive false pastors are building our churches, using any method of man available to get numbers.  The Bible calls this selfish ambition and says where you have selfish ambition this wisdom is not from above but is earthly, natural, and demonic

By |2024-09-29T00:25:30-04:00September 29th, 2024|

We Have to Repent for Supporting and Tolerating Evil

I can’t even begin to explain the pain and suffering that will come upon this nation if we don’t get out of our comfort zones and resist this evil overtaking our nation. We have been given so much by God but we have been so disobedient to God and America is close to His limits with us!!!! Right now, our nation looks more like hell and the domain of darkness than heaven.

By |2024-09-21T22:59:56-04:00September 21st, 2024|

Man-Made Religious System By the Traditions of Men

What we have in this nation, in these modern times, is a religious denomination and mega church system that is designed and operated by man, and for man and his pleasures and the gates of hell have overtaken this church religious system and also this nation. On the other hand, in Matthew 16:13-16, Jesus said He will build His ekklesia (assembly) and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it.

By |2024-09-15T00:32:16-04:00September 15th, 2024|

Marxist Progressive Ideology Has Been Established in America

Yes, we just read it which means we need to obey the Word of God rather than analyze it, speculate on it or ignore it!!! This should wake us up but our pulpits remain silent and the churchgoers love it so in doing nothing!! I hope to God we hear what the Spirit of God is saying to us and the judgment that is coming if we continue to ignore Him!

By |2024-09-08T00:34:56-04:00September 8th, 2024|

Judgment is Here and More to Come

Christians today show no spiritual interest in resisting this evil that has overtaken our nation and have reduced Christianity to going to a building on Sunday Morning to have their ears tickled and made to feel good in their sins.  I am in a group called the Salt and Light Brigade with Coach Dave Daubenmire and he has a daily podcast called coachdavelive.com and this group is heavily engaged in this culture and spiritual war raging in this nation.

By |2024-09-01T22:21:52-04:00September 1st, 2024|

Activities In the Last Days

The Body of Christ in America, with obedience to the Holy Spirit, is going to clean up this spiritual mess we have allowed and tolerated in this nation or God is going to judge us and our punishment will be swift and very painful as no other in this world.  We have allowed Satan to steal our “paradise” just like he did with Adam and Eve and God will not hold us guiltless! “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil; not to speak is to speak; not to act is to act.” (Pastor Dietrick Bonhoffer, Germany 1933).

By |2024-08-25T00:36:06-04:00August 25th, 2024|

‘Cornerstone’ One Mega Church Waking Up and Hopefully Many More!!!

Now for the church in Texas that is waking up. The name of the church is CORNERSTONE CHURCH in San Antonio, Texas. The pastors are John Hagee and his son Matt Hagee. The church address is P. O. Box 1400, San Antonio, Texas 78295, Email: jhm.org and their phone number is 1-800-854-9899 The church is on You Tube Sunday at 8:30 am CST.

By |2024-08-25T22:40:53-04:00August 18th, 2024|

What is Wrong With America?

The second restrainer we have lost in America is the home.  God’s definition of the home is the place where dad, mom, and the children – called the family – live and function together.  A home is a place of love, a place of instruction, and a place of discipline.  Great families make a nation great.  America once had a great family structure.  When the family structure is destroyed in a nation, then that nation quickly falls into disarray and decay.

By |2024-08-11T00:08:56-04:00August 11th, 2024|

America, Pastors, and Churches Living the Lies of the Ages

America is no longer a Republic!!!! We have been captured and are being ruled by the New World Order demonic occult Marxists elites. In reality, we are being ruled by the Kingdom of Satan and not by the Kingdom of God!!! These Marxists elites have been in a spiritual war against this nation since our founding.

By |2024-08-04T00:08:52-04:00August 4th, 2024|

It’s Now Decision Time in Our Nation

Our Founding Fathers valued freedom and liberty.  Freedom is not the right to do what you wish to do – it is the capacity to do what you ought to do without someone pointing a gun at your head and making you do it or making a law to prevent you from doing it.

By |2024-07-28T00:14:26-04:00July 28th, 2024|

A Time for Truth and Warning to the American People

As I am finishing this article, I just heard about the attempted assassination of former President Trump.  This looks like God intervened and saved his life.  Surely someone close to him will present the gospel to former President Trump!!  A lot of questions need to be answered and as in times past, they will slow walk this and we may never know the real motive behind this shooting.

By |2024-07-21T00:20:46-04:00July 21st, 2024|

Who Builds the Church?

These similarities between the days of Noah and Lot and the present day indicate that humanity is moving away from God’s divine order and that judgment may be imminent.  Disrespect for marriage, rejection of God’s Word, widespread violence, corruption, pervasive illicit sexual behavior, blasphemy, and organized satanic activities are all reminiscent of rebellion to the ways of God.

By |2024-07-14T00:11:10-04:00July 14th, 2024|

Who Are the Players in America Today and What are Their Roles?

I understand the role of the Republicans.  They are in politics to get rich and pay little attention to the American People.  Both of my Senators from Texas are on the Judicial Committee and neither has held anyone accountable for the J6ers and local citizens who have been harassed by the FBI in School Board Meetings.

By |2024-07-07T00:12:43-04:00July 7th, 2024|

It’s Not Going to Church But Being the Church

Jesus said in Matthew 16:18 that He would build His Ekklesia and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it. The church in America has lost the way of Jesus Christ while using the Name of Jesus.  Because we are not being obedient and we are not embracing the Ekklesia Jesus built, our religious systems in America are ineffective and will continue to implode.

By |2024-06-23T00:20:40-04:00June 23rd, 2024|

Religious System Man-Made by the Traditions of Men and Americans

What we have in this nation is a religious church system that is designed and operated by man, and for man and his pleasures and the gates of hell have overtaken this church religious system and also this nation.  On the other hand, in Matthew 16:13-16, Jesus said He will build His ekklesia (church) and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it.

By |2024-06-16T00:14:11-04:00June 16th, 2024|

One Day Every Follower of Jesus Will Influence the Culture & Nations

We know exactly what the thief is doing and because too many of us are cowards, ignorant, and apathetic, we continue to see no evil while allowing the thief and his followers to capture our nation, steal our freedoms, and degrade our culture without little to no resistance when it is our responsibility and, in our power, to do so!!  This is in itself pure evil on the part of our pastors, churches, and citizens for allowing our enemies to steal our nation.

By |2024-06-09T01:08:21-04:00June 9th, 2024|

God’s Intent for Creation and the Kingdom of God

And while we sat around and our flesh thinking of self and our inner experiences and dreaming of being raptured to the streets of gold, an alien demonic philosophy called the Chaldean spirit has moved into the soul of Christianity and America and we have a crippled Body of Christ that is stumbling across this nation leaving a crippled and destructive result.

By |2024-06-02T01:04:32-04:00June 2nd, 2024|

Not By Any Way Except the Kingdom of God

For over forty-five years, I was an evangelical Christian and pastor.  I so much wanted America to follow the Lord Jesus Christ and do the things that pleased Him.   For twenty years, I was a member of the Moral Majority.  We worked hard recruiting other evangelicals to vote for Ronald Reagan for President.  We thought if we could get Ronald Reagan elected President, America would turn completely to God.

By |2024-05-26T00:10:16-04:00May 26th, 2024|

Back to the Kingdom of God or Else

Many preachers today preach Jesus but they do not preach what Jesus preached – the Kingdom of God Message.  Life simply will not work except in God’s way and God’s way is Christ’s and Christ’s way is the gospel of the Kingdom of God.  The whole New Testament is the Kingdom of God Message.  Are we hearing God?  No!

By |2024-05-19T00:08:45-04:00May 19th, 2024|

Dying to Your Flesh – Session 3

This is my final article on dying to your flesh. I shall recap what we have learned and I remind you that you must deal with your flesh nature inherited from the fall of Adam. Failure to do so means Satan will rule you by your flesh and your spiritual life will not go well.

By |2024-05-05T00:14:41-04:00May 5th, 2024|

Dying to Your Flesh – Session 2

Are we brethren?  Did God say in His Word to resist Satan or ignore him?  If God says be on the alert and be serious, should we be serious about resisting this spirit world of darkness?  It has been very convenient for Satan and his forces of darkness to remain in the shadows and darkness, ignored by Christians, and not talking about what Satan is doing.  In America, we have become a habitation of demons while pastors and church members remain silent and ignore the evil overtaking our nation!!

By |2024-04-28T00:35:36-04:00April 28th, 2024|

Dying To Your Flesh – Session 1

I shall concentrate on teaching those in the Remnant of God who are totally committed to the obedience of Jesus Christ and who need help with spiritual things the Bible teaches such as dying to the flesh, renewing the mind, and taking thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ.

By |2024-04-27T23:52:27-04:00April 21st, 2024|

A Corrupted and Divided Religion

I don’t know about you but most of the religious systems in America that are falsely representing Jesus Christ are corrupt and have divided the Body of Christ. As a result, many people are leaving these religious systems. The worst are the mega churches and the denominational religious systems along with their pastors.

By |2024-04-14T00:33:35-04:00April 14th, 2024|

Asleep, Living in Deception, and Blinded by our Religious Systems

When are we American Christians going to recognize our spiritual mess and see ourselves as the world sees us – pitiful and spiritually dysfunctional?  When are we going to repent of our arrogance, pride, and being the world’s greatest hypocrites?  We spend millions upon millions on television to spread “our brand” all over this world while evil spirits & demonic forces are overtaking our nation...

By |2024-04-07T00:43:33-04:00April 7th, 2024|

The Simplicity and Purity of Devotion to Christ

In America today, most of the people who attend our denominational and mega church religious systems are being led astray from the ways of Jesus Christ by deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons.  In addition, our religious systems are still being defined by Constantine in the Third Century.  He corrupted Christianity with his changes and we are still practicing many of his traditions today.

By |2024-03-31T00:22:26-04:00March 31st, 2024|

Spiritual Warfare, Part 3

We must get organized and in one accord and say NO to Satan and YES to our LORD Jesus Christ. We must put ourselves and our own agendas to the side and get ourselves back together, and stop Satan from dividing us with names, titles, and positions so we can be united as one in Jesus Christ.

By |2024-03-24T00:25:45-04:00March 24th, 2024|

Spiritual Warfare, Part 2

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to convince the world he didn’t exist. This philosophy has worked so well among pastors and churchgoers in America!!! The first thing you need to know about the spiritual being called Satan, or the devil, is that you won’t find him running around in a red suit, with horns and a pitchfork.

By |2024-03-16T23:14:28-04:00March 16th, 2024|

Spiritual Warfare From the Bible

There is a spiritual war going on in America and everywhere else on this earth and in the heavenlies!!!  YOU are in a spiritual war whether you know it or acknowledge it.  Many Christians and non-Christians are being destroyed today because they are not engaged or know of this spiritual war.

By |2024-03-10T00:14:23-05:00March 10th, 2024|

We Must Change Our Ways!!!

There is a war going on against the Body of Christ and God whose absolute goal is to destroy our faith in Jesus Christ and America.   These demonic globalists elites started out using the Frankfurt School to systemically change America but in these last days, it is being carried out by Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum and various demonic New World Order Occult Elites.

By |2024-03-03T00:24:37-05:00March 3rd, 2024|

God Has a Part and We Have a Part

Since the early 1900s to today, America has been falling away from the faith of Jesus Christ. Today you are going to learn in plain English just how destructive, foolish, and dangerous that is to you, your family, and our nation. In America, we have no idea how serious and deadly it is to form denominations and religious systems that divide the Body of Christ.

By |2024-02-24T21:37:05-05:00February 24th, 2024|

What Will History Record of this Generation of Lukewarm Christians?

What will history record about our generation as we have sat by and allowed evil to capture our nation.  Will we be remembered for our sexual revolution, that government is our provider and not God, that a man can have a baby, that some boys are girls and some girls are boys, that marriage is not only between a man and a woman but could be between two men and two women...

By |2024-02-18T00:51:44-05:00February 18th, 2024|

We Will Choose Liberty or Slavery

In America, the citizens and Body of Christ have watched for over 60 years evil men who declared war on our freedoms and liberty and we have seen our God dethroned, our culture polluted, our values assaulted, and our nation invaded.  We have been demonized as extremists and bigots for holding on to beliefs we have held for generations.

By |2024-02-11T00:46:49-05:00February 11th, 2024|

The Systematic Killing of America, Part 6 of 6

The Pharisees loved their religious system more than they loved Jesus when He came to them. Therefore, the words Jesus spoke could have no place in their hearts; their religious structures had their hearts. If they loved God and if Jesus had their hearts, they would have received the whole counsel of God’s Word and could have been led out of darkness.

By |2023-12-18T02:39:07-05:00December 17th, 2023|

The Systematic Killing of America Part 5 of 6

Jesus really will send you out as lambs among wolves.  You will be hated, reviled, persecuted, and you will be handed over to authorities and put in prison or worse.  If you can’t take that, then you will probably end up in hell.  With Jesus, you are all in or not in at all.  Again, we have been lied to.

By |2023-12-16T13:19:40-05:00December 10th, 2023|

The Systematic Killing of America, Part 4 of 5

What most people miss, especially people who say they are following Jesus Christ, is the exact procedure or process in which we receive the truth.  The Spirit of Jesus Christ, will guide you into all truth.  Therefore, if you are spending all your time working or watching endless television, playing video games; whatever way you waste your time, you will not receive His truth.

By |2023-12-09T23:49:55-05:00November 26th, 2023|

The Systematic Killing of America Part 3 of 5

The church is asleep, is not listening, and ignores the evil before us.  We learned the hard way that if pastors and churchgoers cannot see something, you cannot make them see it.  Be faithful in giving the message but only God can ultimately open eyes.  We learned most pastors and churchgoers do not know the God they worship or the Bible that helps one to get to know Him.  Pastors and churchgoers will not only ignore the message but they will attempt to destroy the messenger.

By |2023-11-26T00:19:21-05:00November 19th, 2023|

The Systematic Killing of America Part 2 of 4

Remnant of God, this is our shining hour but we must get off our ass, stop doing these endless seminars after seminars for the entertainment of the Remnant. Those who are leaders must step up and get us organized, formulate a national plan, and start effectively resisting these evil men and politicians embedded in our government and nation!!! God will meet us on the battlefield but we must first show up!!!

By |2023-11-12T15:14:06-05:00November 12th, 2023|

The Systematic Killing of America, Part 1 of 4

On Christmas Eve, 1912, with a minimum forum present, the bill passed and on December 23, 1913, the Federal Reserve Act because law and Woodrow Wilson signed the bill.  Shares in the Federal Reserve were purchased by American bankers but the fact that foreign bankers purchased substantial shares in the Federal Reserve ensured that the economic course of the United States no longer would be controlled and directed solely by representatives of the American people...

By |2023-11-11T11:05:25-05:00November 7th, 2023|

Deception and the Police State

I warn you if your pastor is having happy church and preaching smooth words rather than preparing you for war to resist this evil overtaking our nation that you have a talk with him and if he will not listen, flee from him and that demonic place of deception immediately!

By |2023-10-22T00:11:45-04:00October 22nd, 2023|

Lawlessness In America

How then has the Body of Christ in America allowed a defeated Satan to capture this nation, we are ruled by Satan and not God, and we have become a dwelling place of demons and you ignore what Satan is doing as he is stealing this nation, corrupting our culture and destroying our seed and you are silent and do not stand against this evil?

By |2023-10-08T00:31:52-04:00October 8th, 2023|

Time to Resist the Evil Before Us

In America today, we are just about where the Germans were in World War 2. The churches were ignoring evil and refusing to resist the evil before them. A Lutheran pastor, Dietrich Bonhoeffer and God’s Remnant, took a stand against Nazism and proclaimed these words to the nation, “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil; not to speak is to speak; not to act is to act”.

By |2023-09-22T00:07:50-04:00September 22nd, 2023|

The Feasts of God

The false pastors and the religious in America are in darkness, deceived, and blind because they cannot see the evil overtaking this nation. They tolerate evil and refuse to resist it. Jesus will come to the false pastors and the religious in America as a thief in the night!!!! What an awful day that will be for the religious of our day!!! Now you know why it is so important to know the times and season of the Feasts of God!!!

By |2023-09-17T00:37:37-04:00September 17th, 2023|

Jesus Builds the Ekkelsia Not Man!

Jesus came to earth to give us a Kingdom Government not to start a religion called Christianity. He had a specific purpose for His assembly. Because we don’t understand who we are in Christ and what He intended for us to do on this earth; evil, ungodly men have crept in unnoticed and have corrupted the assembly of Jesus into a man-made religious...

By |2023-09-03T00:19:57-04:00September 3rd, 2023|

Repent, Change Our Religious Ways

It is way past time we look at religion the way Jesus looked at religion.  Exactly what Jesus said in Matthew 23 describes the religious condition of the American Church today.  Jesus was talking to the religious leaders in Israel, the scribes and Pharisees, and we have become just like them in the American Church!

By |2023-08-27T00:59:20-04:00August 27th, 2023|

The Wrath of God is At Our Door

Jesus spent 40 days speaking about the kingdom; not the cross, not the resurrection, and not His suffering. Those were not His message; His message was the kingdom and it should be ours also! The cross, death, burial, and resurrections were very important but were a means to an end and is not the main message of Jesus.

By |2023-08-13T00:12:59-04:00August 13th, 2023|

Religion? Jesus Is the Only Way; Not Religion!

When people who are in these institutional churches in America under these false pastors and have shut down their belief systems and have a demonic stronghold, they will in the last days when the antichrist speaks, their corrupted belief system will link up with the ideas of the antichrist and in their deception, they will take the mark of the beast.

By |2023-07-30T00:18:16-04:00July 30th, 2023|

What is it Going to Take?

These hell holes we call public school and universities have but one purpose – to redirect, mold, and nurture our children – replacing the moral framework that families may be instilling in their children.  I hate to be so blunt, parents, but sending your children to the public schools and universities today is like, as in the days of Israel in the Old Testament of sacrificing your children to the god Moleck.

By |2023-07-23T01:31:30-04:00July 23rd, 2023|

Influencing Us From Their Graves

We sat back today and even before the 80s and could have stopped this demonic invasion in our nation in its tracks if we would have only taken a stand against this evil!!! But pastors and church members wanted to be left alone because the churches were growing and they wanted no controversy of any kind to interfere with that growth. Now God’s storm and judgment is upon us . . .

By |2023-06-21T00:33:43-04:00June 21st, 2023|

Things That Need to be Said

Judgment is here and we can’t see it. What is coming to us is unspeakable if we don’t repent and forsake our religious ways. We have very little time left to change our ways. War and destruction are ahead of us as well as an economic meltdown, with suffering the likes the world has never seen!

By |2023-05-23T00:30:05-04:00May 23rd, 2023|

We Have Lost Our God Given Liberty and Freedom in America – Who’s to Blame?

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge (of the truth)………….” (Hosea 4:6a American citizens are being destroyed today because we do not know our Founding Documents (The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights) and the Word of God!!! We do not even know the bare facts about our liberty – where it came from and how it was asserted and defended.

By |2023-05-13T15:29:30-04:00May 13th, 2023|

The Unthinkable Has Happened

What has happened in our nation since the late 1800s is exactly what our Founding Fathers feared the most – a big, intrusive totalitarian government!  How this happened is not hard to understand if you have been paying attention to what has been going on in our nation.  Over the years many progressive Marxists have published books explaining in detail how they would accomplish such a feat.

By |2023-04-26T00:13:17-04:00April 26th, 2023|

America Living the Lies of the Ages

We have reached a crossroads in our country. Either biblical Christianity or sexual degeneracy will be tolerated. One will be eradicated by the other. This will not be the last time Christians will be martyred by mentally ill leftist freaks. Will you have the courage to take a stand for righteousness and truth, or will you submit to the hideous and disgusting abusers and murderers of children?

By |2023-04-11T01:16:06-04:00April 11th, 2023|

Stupid and devoid of knowledge

If we choose to keep things as they are now – separated and no plan, then unless God intervenes in our affairs and especially our stupidity and our devoid of knowledge, we will surely lose this nation. Where is the fear of God? God bless, I remain His warrior and watchman...

By |2023-03-28T00:23:11-04:00March 28th, 2023|

Is the American Experiment About Done?

Hey Church in America – because you do not represent the law of God and the ways of God plus Church in America, you don’t even have a moral compass for Americans. Every man does what seems right in his own eyes in church today. Hey Church in America, you allowed the Bible, prayer, and the Ten Commandments to be taken out of our schools...

By |2023-03-06T00:27:23-05:00March 6th, 2023|

America is Abandoning God

There is only one way to save America from a Globalists takeover and certain destruction.  Repent, lead others to repent and the Remnant has to set the example of returning to Christ, radical obedience and submission to Christ, and to live righteous and holy lives by living by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

By |2023-01-28T22:57:53-05:00January 28th, 2023|

Yielding to Your Time of Preparation

Today operating in America is the influence of the threefold cord of demonic occult of Babylon – financial Babylon, political Babylon, and religious Babylon.  America has been moved from a Republic to an oligarchy. That means a small number of people rule or command the power structure within our nation.

By |2023-01-13T00:40:02-05:00January 13th, 2023|

Being Deceived More Each Day But Now It’s Time to Grow and Wakeup

I warn you that Jesus said in Matthew 10:39 that whoever tries to save his life will lose it and he who loses his life for My sake shall find it. Pastor you remain silent in an attempt to save your ministry and refuse to speak out, you will lose everything!! “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil; God will not hold us guiltless.”

By |2022-12-25T01:14:40-05:00December 25th, 2022|

We Are No Longer A Republic

If we had any fear of God or understood the fear of God, we would as a Body of Christ, come into obedience to our King and LORD!!!  Jesus said in Mathew 7:21, “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord, shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.”

By |2022-11-22T00:24:49-05:00November 22nd, 2022|

God Has the Plan; Let’s Use His Plan!

Christians, we have a mandate from Jesus to be on a mission to represent God on earth.  If you do not know your mission and purpose, you will do all kind of things but not the right things.  Satan will give us good things so we will not do the right things.  Present the Kingdom of God which is the rule of God!!!  Today, most Christians in America are ruled by Doctrine of Demons and not God.

By |2022-11-06T00:09:24-04:00November 6th, 2022|

The Divided Church in America

First of all, I want to call your attention to two realities.  Jesus did not come to start a religion called Christianity.  He came to earth to reclaim dominion and the Kingdom lost by Adam.  Jesus spent His time on this earth explaining the Kingdom, the Kingdom Government, and conduct in the Kingdom.  Jesus did not build a church.  At the time of Jesus, there was no such word as church.

By |2022-10-23T00:36:17-04:00October 23rd, 2022|

Giving Up Our Rights Given by God

DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT HAS HAPPENED IN OUR NATION?  While we have been asleep and deceived, evil and wicked politicians and Globalists have infiltrated this nation and changed our government and our Republic.  We have allowed ourselves to be dumb down and deceived and we have not been attentive citizens to our Republic.

By |2022-10-08T01:00:18-04:00October 8th, 2022|

The Feasts of God

The false pastors and religious in America are in darkness, deceived, and blind because they cannot see the evil overtaking this nation. So they tolerate evil and refuse to resist it. Jesus will come to the false pastors and religious in America as a thief in the night!!!! What an awful day that will be for the religious leaders of our day

By |2022-09-20T00:07:39-04:00September 20th, 2022|

Fight, Contend, and Do Battle

For those who are still asleep, decades ago war was declared on Christianity, our Constitution, Christians and the citizens of this nation.  It is a war that Christians in America have not shown up for.  When apostasy rises, when false teachers emerge, and when the truth of God is attacked, it is time to fight and contend for the faith.

By |2022-09-11T01:23:36-04:00September 11th, 2022|

God Has the Plan And the Pattern

In 1905, wealthy John D. Rockefeller, Sr. established the General Education Board (GEB).  In no time at all, the GEB was working in tandem with the CFAT to develop standardized curricula with standardized text books for all American children.  It was at this time that the Rockefeller Foundation was formed.  The demonic occults rule America; not the people.  Church is silent!

By |2022-08-30T00:11:36-04:00August 30th, 2022|

We Have Missed God!

Too many in America who claim Jesus is their Light are in darkness. Darkness is not stupidity but refers to one who is ignorance of a thing, has been lied to and believe the lie, has been taught the wrong thing, we ignore a thing such as the affairs of a nation, or those who assume they are right when, in fact, they are wrong.

By |2022-07-31T00:12:37-04:00July 31st, 2022|

What is Happening To Us in America?

The America we grew up in the 40s, 50s, 60s, and 70s is gone.  The only way we will get it back is a sovereign move of God and a Great Awakening among the people in America!!!  Our Founding Fathers gave us a Republic where WE THE PEOPLE determine what kind of government we will have and warned us we cannot maintain a Republic without a moral and righteous people.

By |2022-07-22T14:31:18-04:00July 22nd, 2022|

Heading In the Wrong Direction

It seems to me that most Americans are now realizing that America is heading in the wrong direction.  While we may disagree on the reasons why we are heading in the wrong direction, the fact remains we are heading in the wrong direction.  In this article today, I want to present four reasons why America is heading in the wrong direction.

By |2022-07-01T00:30:33-04:00July 1st, 2022|

True Biblical Christianity

It is decision time for the church in America!  Will we repent and allow God to develop in us a warrior’s heart and courage?  Do we realize we are in a spiritual war?  Do we realize if we will go to the battlefield, God will meet us there?  Will we forsake or continue under this false religious flag we are flying in our Republic until all will be lost?  Have we become cowards in America?

By |2022-06-17T00:05:30-04:00June 17th, 2022|

Repent Back to the Simplicity and Purity of Devotion to Christ

We are in the dangerous perilous times the Apostle Paul warned us about but as Christians we are not discerning the times in which we live?  We are in a war with evil against Christianity, the family, our children, and this Republic but we have deliberately ignored this war rather than showing up at the battlefield as the army of God, dressed in the His full armor.

By |2022-06-15T22:20:49-04:00June 5th, 2022|
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