My Body Is Not Your Body
Two weeks ago, I wrote a column about my surgery, [...]
Two weeks ago, I wrote a column about my surgery, [...]
Whatever happened to repealing Obamacare? How many promises were spewed [...]
“Sixteen years after September 11, 2001, more and more Americans [...]
Release of the Comey memos has shaken Washington, DC’s establishment [...]
On the morning of April 20, 1986, Americans woke up [...]
Back in 2009, Judicial Watch filed a lawsuit to remove Hildebeast [...]
To say people are enraged at President Trump signing a [...]
Addendum America: OUR purse is overdrawn $21 TRILLION DOLLARS. Every [...]
Now, one might gasp at the title of this column [...]
"Tell them (the South Carolinians who wanted to nullify the [...]
No one could be happier than I am that a [...]
The unfolding of one of the most flagrant and illegal [...]
President Trump ran on building a wall to stop terrorists [...]
Addendum The American Crisis Then And Today Devvy Kidd December [...]
Addendum Thomas Paine’s 'The American Crisis N.o 1’ was published [...]
Every Republican vote in the Senate is crucial right now [...]
There are still serious issues getting zero attention by state [...]
I had intended to make this week's column on another [...]
My late husband and I moved from Sacramento to W. [...]
Following a couple of wins for the Democratic/Communist Party USA [...]
Before I get to the rot being pumped out by [...]
I've tried to give Jeff Sessions a chance as the [...]
Last week President Trump signed another Executive Order that has [...]
A week ago yesterday, an evil coward slaughtered 58 human [...]
Our nation has been devastated for decades by the flood [...]
America has watched the Republican controlled criminal syndicate called the [...]
"The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply [...]
Like millions of Trump supporters I have and continue to [...]
Another sad and sickening week for our beloved republic. Following [...]
"I'd rather be slapped by the truth than kissed with [...]
It took President Trump way too long to fire dirty [...]
Monday, July 31, 2017 I am very happy to announce [...]
One issue that doesn't get discussed enough on talk radio [...]
Well, I guess the answer to the question I put [...]
Just about everyone knows someone who is active duty or [...]
Tomorrow is 4th of July. Independence Day. Two U.S. presidents [...]
"We ask for peace and justice from all nations; and [...]
While the insanity and madness continues out in DC by [...]
“I am concerned for the security of our great nation, [...]
Last week President Trump did exactly what a U.S. president [...]
George Washington, known as the 'Father' of this country was [...]
Last year during the presidential race America saw the most [...]
Monday, May 15, 2016 Last week President Trump created a [...]
"He, therefore, who is now against domestic manufacture, must be [...]
I am one of the deplorables who worked to get [...]
AG Jeff Sessions has been a busy man since being [...]
April 17 2017 "We're confiscating property now...That's socialism. It's written [...]
President Trump ran on jobs, draining the swamp, stopping the [...]
In February 2011, I wrote a column titled, Get My [...]
For decades experts like Dr. Edwin Vieira and others have [...]
Next month your U.S. House of Representative congress critter will [...]
Things are moving in hyper speed since President Trump was [...]
In my long life time I have never seen what [...]
In March of 2014, I wrote a column about four [...]
“There is in Italy a power which we seldom mention [...]
Gov. Greg Abbott [R-TX] has been in a highly publicized [...]
After three decades since Ronald Reagan opened the flood gates [...]
As most Americans are by now aware, paid anarchist protesters [...]
The Republican controlled House and Senate are in the process [...]
"An able, disinterested, public-spirited press, with trained intelligence to know [...]
Like millions of Americans, I was and am still against [...]
"I hold the precepts of Jesus, as delivered by himself, [...]
Amendments to the U.S. Constitution have thankfully been few since [...]
It's been almost six years since the Daiichi nuclear disaster [...]
"The measure of the wealth of a nation is indicated [...]
First, I hope my readers are having a wonderful, safe [...]
Like tens and tens of millions of Americans I was [...]
On November 3, 2016, the Internet was a blaze with [...]
I was shocked back in 2008 when I read how [...]
What? How can you say that? On April 7, 2012, [...]
Donald Trump has done something millions of us have been [...]
Cable network anchors, pundits and so-called reporters continue to chant [...]
While it greatly pains me, I tuned into FOX and [...]
Somehow an old 11-year old piece of film was magically [...]
The death penalty has consistently been a bone of contention [...]
The whole world knows Hildebeast Clinton had a serious medical [...]
Today is 15 years since that horrible day. Fifteen years [...]
Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch stated in a recent [...]
Who in this country doesn't want to see every child [...]
I have been writing about vote fraud since 1993. And [...]
While the country is honed in on the last and [...]
Painful as it was, I watched large segments of both [...]
Every author sells their book by saying how important it [...]
As she lay there dying, Kathleen Steinle said, "Dad, help [...]
I have wondered how the 'home grown terrorist' managed to [...]
In my 26+ years in the trenches, I've never seen [...]
TREASON: Aiding and abetting an enemy. This is treason in [...]
Several years ago I wrote three columns people found horrifying. [...]
In Kelleigh Nelson's May 21, 2016 column regarding Donald Trump, [...]
The criminal impostor in the White House told voters in [...]
While all the nauseating hoopla such as Hillary the Hun [...]
On March 15, 2016, drop out presidential candidate, Marco Rubio, [...]
In 2016, a presidential candidate, Donald Trump, has to wear [...]
The nauseating accolades bestowed upon Comrade Clinton for her failed [...]
While the charlatan media in America, cable, print and electronic, [...]
"Second, that Act is a naturalization Act of Congress and [...]
In December 2008, atorney Leo Donofrio filed a challenge in [...]
When the National Enquirer story broke about Ted Cruz being [...]
Before I get into the ugliness which took place in [...]
Four states held primaries/caucuses last weekend. All four were for [...]
Today, one more day was added to February in what [...]
As I covered in my last several columns, the issue [...]
"An able, disinterested, public-spirited press, with trained intelligence to know [...]
"It is necessary to the happiness of man that he [...]
"Nature gave man two ends - one to sit on [...]
The unprecedented dirty attacks against Donald Trump continue by individuals [...]
4. Abolish the head of the beast, the unconstitutional 'Federal' [...]
“Is there anything more shameful than the man who lacks [...]
My, my, how things have changed since the first volley [...]
The following was written by Leo Donofrio. It is an [...]
A lawsuit was filed last month to keep constitutionally ineligible [...]
Prodding Today, Lights Out Tomorrow, 12-29-15 One Thing Donald Trump [...]