About Karen Schoen

Karen Schoen originally from New York currently resides in the Florida panhandle, a former teacher, dean and business owner who became an activist and devotes her time speaking to groups throughout the United States educating Americans to the communist United Nations takeover of America called UN Agenda 21 aka Sustainable Development Sustainable America, Resilient cities, Smart Growth, New Urbanism etc. Should you need a speaker on any agenda 21 issue, contact Karen. Karen has a Bachelors Degree in Education, minor in History and a Masters Degree in Liberal Studies and post graduate credits from the New School of Social Research where she was trained in psychological manipulation now applied in schools. Putting the pieces together and connecting the dots is her specialty. Karen is one of the founders of the AgEnders (Americans ending Agenda 21) writes for blogs, newsletters, agenda21today.com, americaismyname.org, saveamericafoundation.com, and Karenschoen.com Karen co-hosts her radio show, “American Freedom Watch Radio,” on blogtalkradio.com/americanstatesman and redstatetalkradio.com has numerous videos on teapartychannel.net, freedominamerica.us and youtube, and she is often a guest on other radio and TV shows. Karen heads the team of AgEnders dedicated to educating Americans about Agenda 21. Karen hosts The AgEnders webinars series designed to expose the truth, by providing education and conversation and action against UN Agenda 21. UN Agenda 21 calls for the inventory and control of every aspect of human activity while indoctrination into global governance. The Elite are using environmental issues to control the population, destroy American exceptionalism, individual rights, private intellectual and real property family values, religious values and nationalism. School programs like IB and Common Core are designed to transform Americans into accepting collectivism and social justice. Karen has testified in front of the Florida Legislature on many occasions, is a Director of Panhandle Patriots, a founder of the AgEnders, (Americans ending Agenda 21) , Co- chair of the Florida Assessment Committee on Education and Director of the Save America Foundation. Email: kbschoen@bellsouth.net

The Past has Now Become the Present

Ever since I studied Liberalism, my major, I could not understand the thinking behind the dumbing down of America, the destruction of the family and elimination of the rights of the parents. How did the communists twist so many heads into believing the family unit was in fact evil?

By |2025-02-24T21:18:16-05:00February 24th, 2025|

Trump: 60 Executive Orders and still going strong

President Trump is moving fast. He looks at every day as the last day. It is wonderful to get up in the morning and look for the next policy he will change which drives the left crazy. Nothing is off the table. From illegals, tariffs, fossil fuel or climate change. Whatever is a harmful regulation will be changed. The lies will be exposed.

By |2025-02-20T23:35:54-05:00February 20th, 2025|

Globalists Never Go Away, They Just Go Underground

America is getting a second chance. We still must understand no matter how much exposure communists get, they will never go away unless...We recognize it is up to We the People to take back our power. Donald Trump made a lot of campaign promises but he can't fix America on his own. It will take all of us to expose the corruption that the communist DNC will deny at all costs.

By |2025-01-16T23:02:24-05:00January 16th, 2025|

Is America Worth Saving?

We are beginning to see the FURY of the Left, as they realize that President Trump means BUSINESS. He is not fooling around. He intends to fulfill as many campaign promises as possible!

By |2024-11-26T20:59:16-05:00November 26th, 2024|

America, If We Can Keep It

President Trump spoke directly to the American people. He did not divide. He didn't care who they were, what jobs they had, what color, what ethnicity, what gender. To him they are Americans who have come together to Make America Great Again. Surprisingly the people feel the same.

By |2024-11-15T20:28:33-05:00November 15th, 2024|

Patriotism is Not Obedience to Government

Why can American's be called racist continually with no opposition? Answer:  SCHOOL. Why are Patriots being called racists? Because this is what kids earn in school.  Someone sent me this statement. Not sure of the author but how true is that. "Patriotism is not Obedience to Government. Patriotism is Obedience to the Principles for which Government is supposed to stand."

By |2024-10-30T00:09:07-04:00October 30th, 2024|

It was the Best of Times: It was the Worst  of Times

Although this passage is from a Tale of Two Cities (London and Paris during the French Revolution), I think it accurately depicts what is happening in America, today.  It tells a story of contrasts and comparisons, chaos, conflicts, and despair, as well as happiness. It, in fact, tells us about a time of extreme opposites, without any in-between.

By |2024-10-19T00:41:57-04:00October 19th, 2024|

Ignoring the Constitution and Losing Freedom

While listening to the discussion by our Representatives about funding another CR to fund OBiden/Harris' regime, I realized that if we do not get rid of these people, no matter who is president, nothing will change. Everything stays the Status Quo. The U.S. National Debt gets bigger everyday, as the beat goes on.

By |2024-10-04T00:19:54-04:00October 4th, 2024|

The USDA Wants the Control of Your Land, Air, Water – Action Needed

Propaganda is the game of the communist DNC. This is how the communists gain power. Lazy citizens who don't pay attention to anything other than free stuff from the government vote for more free stuff. Equity just means we will be all be equal in poverty as the communist government will regulate, tax and steal everything we own.

By |2024-09-13T01:01:04-04:00September 13th, 2024|

Where is the Kamala’s Joy?

How do you lose 300,000 children?  You hire incompetent people that are more focused on their DEI hire, than the job they must do.  Not to worry, we are told Kamala will fix the border. Do you really expect her to fix the mess she created?

By |2024-09-07T00:10:02-04:00September 7th, 2024|

The Times They Are Changing

Renaming, re-defining, re-imagining is how the left succeeds. So we can look for a re-imagined Kamala who will now be for peace and freedom. To Kamala peace is war and freedom means you can say anything you want that agrees with the regime. We must be on to their lies and expose them as soon as we hear the lie. She lied about Joe's condition for 3 years. She lied about the border.

By |2024-08-03T00:23:04-04:00August 3rd, 2024|

Truth Has no Role for Dictators – All Opposition Must be Eliminated

It is up to us to get everyone we know to vote. Recognize that they lie all the time. Charlie Kirk said this and I agree.  "Every time you hear 'democracy' replace it with 'our regime.'"  If you do you will understand their actions.  Trevor Loudon, author of "The Enemies Within" and his new series "House Un-American" is my guest on this week's podcast.  Join us as we explore the world as it will be under communism.

By |2024-07-24T00:33:45-04:00July 24th, 2024|

Oil is Power, CO2 is Food. Globalists Want Control of Both

How often do I say everything is connected. Nothing is more evident than that. Just look at what we see going on in the world.  Can you make the connection? Climate change is not about the climate it is about control. Oil is power. Cheap oil gives people power. Global elite will never give people power. That would cut into their wealth and create competition which is not acceptable.

By |2024-06-07T00:20:15-04:00June 7th, 2024|

Cheap Labor and Tax Subsidies?

You will not hear this on MSM.  More illegals have gotten jobs under the OBiden regime than at any other time. Those "great" job numbers you hear are jobs for illegals.  Free speech is having its lights turned off. Although the Globalists yell constantly they are for free speech, they are only for the free speech that agrees with their vision.

By |2024-03-22T00:22:44-04:00March 22nd, 2024|

Why Was Davos Important?

Is America worth saving? There is only one way to save America that is - with hard work. Are you up to it? Can you share this article with 5 people and ask them to share with 5 and so on? Sharing the truth and applying knowledge is power. This is the only way to save America. You can do it. I know you can.

By |2024-01-25T01:07:31-05:00January 25th, 2024|

Are Children Really Our Future?

As a retired teacher, I was really pleased when I read the article in the Jackson Times about how well our students are doing in the Jackson County Schools. Several schools moved up a grade. That was wonderful but did not make sense according to the statistics from US News and World Report, NAEP, or Axios that say 47% of our kids can't read write or do simple math.

By |2024-01-09T00:10:54-05:00January 9th, 2024|

Everything Is Connected

They must cripple the west and any freedom the people have. They can not have America as an example for other countries to want. They must get all government agencies using the same lies. Computer models not facts are use to prove their lies. Globalists are always on the attack. They never stop. The attack now is the American economy.

By |2023-12-18T01:10:15-05:00December 18th, 2023|

The American Dream Becomes the American Nightmare

The GOP has only $9 million to spend while the DNC has over $20 million. Instead of spending the GOP money on a strong get out the vote effort helping the grass roots, Ronna, the RINO, Romney is spending the little money against MAGA and Trump, and for debates that no one watches for candidates that no one wants.

By |2023-12-15T00:12:24-05:00December 15th, 2023|

How Do You Eat a RINO

Everything is connected. Nothing is random, Everything has a plan. All plans are lies. All Globalists want is MONEY, POWER, CONTROL. Don't give them yours. Challenge them with the Truth. Is America worth saving?  Doing Nothing is affirmation.

By |2023-11-05T01:06:14-04:00November 5th, 2023|

Eat Meat and You Will Kill the Planet

Scientist need grants to survive so they publish articles that leave out facts in order to tow the line of the Globalists narrative.   The media then carries the false narrative.  Lying about meat is one of those lies.  Once farmers are restricted enough, their land becomes useless and the Globalists get to buy the land for pennies on the dollar. Control the food, control the people.

By |2023-10-31T00:08:05-04:00October 31st, 2023|

The Road to Marxism is Paved with Lies, Deception, Suffering and Death

What better way to eliminate people by blaming the very thing necessary to sustain their lives CO2. Wars, famine, disease, nature, lies of man all help to reach the goal.  The climate hoax blaming fossil fuel, CO2, and now nitrogen, all necessary to improve human existence, became the focus for elimination.  No CO2 = No plants or oxygen. No plants or oxygen no food. No Food no people. No people no problems.

By |2023-10-19T00:17:52-04:00October 19th, 2023|

Decoding Destiny: Who Controls Your Future, You or the Globalists?

What is Destiny? According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary: the events that will necessarily happen to a particular person or thing in the future. Throughout your life, you always have choices to reach your goal, your success. The problem with success. Success can be good or bad. Whether the outcome is good or bad depends on? Who? That is the ultimate question. Who will control your life?

By |2023-09-23T00:34:54-04:00September 23rd, 2023|

Labor is Energy = POWER

Get your kids out of the indoctrination clinics masquerading as public schools. Everything is connected. Nothing is random, Everything has a plan. All plans are lies. All Globalists want is MONEY, POWER, CONTROL Don't give them yours. Challenge them with the truth. Is America worth saving? Doing Nothing is affirmation.

By |2023-09-06T00:18:29-04:00September 6th, 2023|

Great Reset Menu: GMO Food, Bugs and Solar Panels

The OBiden administration with the help of the RINOs is subsidizing energy companies guaranteeing them a 10% profit while hamstringing them with regulations and insane permitting so they are forced to turn to inefficient, ineffective expensive renewables.

By |2023-08-18T00:15:43-04:00August 18th, 2023|

Speak Out and Your Career is Over

What a sad difference in the movies today. I hardly watch anymore. Movies are packed with lies in order to change the culture.  Lies have become so normalized that telling the truth becomes a punishable offence.  The lies have a message of wokeness which means eventually I will be called a racist, domestic terrorist or someone trying to destroy the planet.

By |2023-08-08T01:07:37-04:00August 8th, 2023|

Prism of America’s Education

Globalists only care about MONEY, POWER and CONTROL. Don't give them yours. Boycotts work. Stop using their services and products.  Vote the RINO'S out. Vote with your fingers and with your wallet. There is a lot you can do.  Doing nothing is complying.

By |2023-07-29T00:05:50-04:00July 29th, 2023|

Propaganda, Censorship and Mind Control, We Have it all

Resistance is futile. That is what the Globlaists want you to believe. So they have designed a perfect world where you will own nothing, eat bugs and be happy.  What will this world look like? Let's see...You won't have to worry about fuel because you won't need a car since everything will be within a 15 minute walk.

By |2023-05-05T01:57:24-04:00May 5th, 2023|

How the Politician Criminals Fleece Americans

A non-governmental organization (NGO) founded by former Presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama and backed by a litany of multinational corporations are teaming up with American Express to fly migrants into the United States.  This is the same group that managed the $3 Billion collected by taxpayers to help the people of Haiti.

By |2023-04-29T00:30:15-04:00April 29th, 2023|

Mind Control…Better Than Bullets

For years I have been saying that America is repeating the Roman Empire. Instead of sending the masses to the arena, we are sending them to the movies, video games or social media. Instead of clapping for the gladiators, we clap for the best performance.

By |2023-04-22T00:51:25-04:00April 22nd, 2023|

The Slow Death of the American Dream

Recently I was talking with a friend. I remarked how sad it was that what I envisioned  for America in the 1960-70s are coming true. Once fully implemented the Plan calls for complete control of every aspect of human activity by the communist UN as your one world government under your new world order.

By |2023-04-14T00:46:28-04:00April 14th, 2023|

Help Wanted, “Candidate Must Carry a Firearm and be Willing to Use Deadly Force”

Globalist believe that humans are nothing more than animals and should be corralled into cities where they will be easier to control. Electricity, energy, food, healthcare  mobility, housing, employment, education will be controlled by the government. They do not care about the damage they do to the people, because the people are the enemy.

By |2022-09-24T00:06:45-04:00September 24th, 2022|

How Do You Manage America’s Decline?

We must be able to name the enemy. Don't view them as Americans they are not. Don't try to make sense of anything they do or say. They are only trying to confuse you. Look to see what they are doing like passing bills late at night to take away our rights.

By |2022-04-23T00:49:53-04:00April 23rd, 2022|

American Deceit

Being an American comes with a JOB. The Founders intended it that way! Being an AMERICAN comes with RESPONSIBILITY. If taught properly in school, students would know the way their government works, understand the Rule of Law, and realize the law does not change for different GROUPS of people. All GROUPS have the same rights under the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

By |2022-04-03T01:15:57-04:00April 3rd, 2022|

Is America a Republic, or as RINOs and Dems call it, A Democracy?

The goal of the Marxist Left is to keep the American people in a constant state of fear. Once you dumb people down in school and people don’t learn how to think, use common sense, logic, and reason they become easy prey for the cowardly Globalist, Communist, Fascists, RINOs, called the Marxist Democrat Party. They are freedom’s enemy.

By |2022-02-19T00:41:50-05:00February 19th, 2022|

Who is Making Your Choices?

I learned how important messaging is.  How you can take a group of people and motivate them into totally ignoring their own will and vote with the group. The one controlling communication has the power. If you can isolate people, make them afraid, they will give up almost anything to make the pain go away.

By |2021-12-24T01:52:46-05:00December 24th, 2021|

Public Private Partnerships = The Death of Free Markets

Have you wondered why so many companies were so quick to go WOKE and destroy America?  Could it be that as companies became GLOBAL, America became irrelevant?  Global Corporate CEO's and VP's took money, tax rebates, grants, subsidies etc.  from the American Taxpayer and many purchased multiple residents all over the world.

By |2021-10-19T00:56:59-04:00October 19th, 2021|

Rosh Hashanah – Time to Remember Tradition

As we learned in history the road to freedom is never easy or fair.  But we are blessed.  We live in America and Americans will not give up their freedom with ease.  This week I will pray.  I will pray not only for myself and my family but for America.  I know we are strong and I know now is the time to face the uncertainty together.

By |2021-09-08T01:56:27-04:00September 8th, 2021|

We are Many, They are Few, OK let’s act like it

Have you been to a school board meeting recently? Have you checked what texts and supplemental materials are being used? It is hard for people to represent you if you are silent. Yes we need to constantly call them out but actions speak louder than words.

By |2021-08-11T01:04:03-04:00August 11th, 2021|

American Education is Training for Dogs, Not Students

There is a reason why Collier Co. Schools are failing and graduating students who are only 34% college-ready. Focusing on emotion, not facts, does not prepare an individual for worldwide competition. Focusing on emotion does not enable a child to learn to read, write and do math which is the purpose of education.

By |2021-07-09T01:44:46-04:00July 9th, 2021|

They Came For Our Kids and We Did Nothing

Americans must stop drinking the Kool-Aid. Do you think that just because your governor writes an executive order, people will comply? Do you think that just because you believe in America, Family, and God, everyone else does? Do you think that just because President Reagan took down the wall, that communism would just disappear? Think again, because Communists never sleep.

By |2021-05-15T00:51:17-04:00May 14th, 2021|

Christianity and Judaism is Our Foe – Word Manipulation is Control

Those who know history remember from the decline of the Union of Soviet Socialists Republic that Communists learned quickly a funding source must be integrated into their communist plan or globalism can not succeed because the people who have given everything up, can no longer fund the give away projects promoted by the Left.

By |2020-02-26T00:15:56-05:00February 25th, 2020|

The Elite Hidden Goal: Depopulation

America will not be saved if we the silent majority do not find our voice and courage. We must act. We must recognize that the goal of progressive school programs are designed to pervert and destroy. Remember in order to transform, you must destroy first. The globalist/communists have a target. America’s youth.

By |2020-01-04T03:21:12-05:00January 4th, 2020|

Tell Me Lies, Tell Me Sweet Little Lies, I’m Gullible

Let us never underestimate the Ends Justifies the Means communist crowd. They will stop at nothing to win. Like bull dozers they destroy anything and anyone in their path.  They don’t care who they hurt, use, abuse as long as they win. They are part of an OUTCOME BASED SOCIETY. What exactly does that mean? They know where they want to wind up and will stop at nothing to get there.

By |2019-12-08T02:25:54-05:00December 8th, 2019|

New Liberal Insanity: Math Is Now Racist

I got up this morning and discovered that math, my favorite subject in school, the course I taught for 20+ years is now racist. Yes folks, the one subject that is the constant, the absolute, the universal language throughout the world is determined to be the root of all evil and promotes racism.

By |2019-11-11T02:15:25-05:00November 11th, 2019|

To Save the Planet We Must Eat the Babies?

Recently I traveled to central Florida to speak about the condition of education in Florida. We discussed what can be done to help support Gov Ron Desantis and Commissioner Corcoran in their mission to rid Florida of Common Core and its various identities.

By |2019-10-26T02:35:09-04:00October 26th, 2019|

The High Cost of Cheap Tomatoes

Basically, each illegal alien is costing the American public about $20-25,000 a year. Do you think you could use an extra $20,000 a year?  Our Veterans? Our students? Our roads? Or do you prefer cheap tomatoes!

By |2019-09-02T02:24:11-04:00September 2nd, 2019|

Schools: A Beacon of Hate

Let me first say that my prayers and thoughts for healing are sent to all families who have lost family members due to a horrific killing. Losing a family member unexpectedly is something we should never have to experience. It is a sad time in America

By |2019-08-31T04:05:31-04:00August 31st, 2019|

Communism Can’t Happen In America, Or Can It?

Socialists have learned that they don’t need guns or a revolution just the right words and policies in order to create a non violent revolution.  This revolution which has been going on for about 100 years is now out in the forefront. These communists are legally using our own rules and laws and yes even the constitution.

By |2019-06-19T04:54:38-04:00June 19th, 2019|

America’s Last Stand

The 2020 election is not about Trump or the chosen Democrat. It is about America. It is all about controlling the world. America is in the way with its foolish idea that people can rule themselves.

By |2019-06-11T01:23:18-04:00June 11th, 2019|

Divided We Fail

Rep Eric Swalwell just said that “Women is not in the Constitution.” Obviously Swalwell has no idea and probably never read the US Constitution or he would have noticed that the word MAN was missing as well.

By |2019-05-14T00:54:24-04:00May 14th, 2019|

America in Chains – Is America Worth Saving?

Are you aware of the Communist goals that were read into the Congressional Record as a reminder of the horrors of communism. Obviously our legislators never read them. In 1963, Rep Herlong (D) read the 45 goals of communism into the Congressional Record.

By |2019-04-13T01:53:20-04:00April 13th, 2019|

The Enemy Within

This is easily accomplished because communists have replaced morality and G-d with the religion of the Environment. Under sustainability – aka Green New Deal – non believers can be coerced into believing in the religion of environment. According to wikipedia.org the new millennium and the modern ecological crisis has created a need for environmentally based religion and spirituality called Ecospirituality -Now taught in school.

By |2019-03-30T00:53:02-04:00March 30th, 2019|
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