COVID-19 Vaccine Facts Media Ignores, Part 1

By Roger Anghis

For the last two years, all we’ve heard was how dangerous COVID-19 is. I had it in October of last year. Every cold I ever had was worse than my bout with COVID-19. That was not the case with a friend who ended up in the hospital twice because of it. I also had a friend die who had COVID-19 but he had other health problems including diabetes. I am not saying that it isn’t dangerous but it does have a 99.998% survival rate. The H1N1 virus in 2010-2011 had a mortality rate of 1%-4%[1] But COVID-19 has been dismal in comparison. Data on deaths following COVID-19 vaccination were obtained from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) from December 11, 2020, through January 8, 2021. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) COVID Data Tracker was used to identify the total number of people receiving COVID-19 vaccines during the same period to estimate the mortality rate. Stratified analysis was conducted by the location of vaccination. Results: As of January 8, 2021, 55 deaths were reported (.00005% mortality rate), and the mortality rate of COVID-19 vaccination was 8.2 per million population (.000008% mortality rate). A total of 37 deaths were reported among long-term care facility residents, and the mortality rate was 53.4 per million population. Top reported comorbidities associated with deaths included hypertension, dementia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), diabetes, and heart failure. In addition, dementia was more likely to be associated with deaths vaccinated at long-term care facilities than at other locations.[2]

I never believed the numbers they gave out on the amount of COVID-19 cases we experienced. Its symptoms are quite similar to the regular flu. People that died of heart failure were listed as COVID-19 victims.  One thing I noticed was the flu simply disappeared. From 2012 to 2020 the average annual number of cases of influenza was 33,250,000, but the 2020-2021 season only saw 1822 cases.  If you believe that, I have a bridge I’d like to sell you. Here is information straight off the CDC website:

Age Group:             Infection Fatality Rate:                       Survival Rate:
0-19                          0.00003%                                              99.997%
20-49                       0.0002%                                                 99.998%
50-69                       0.0054%                                                 99.5%
70+                           0.054%                                                    94.6%

The H1N1 virus was much worse than this and there were no lockdowns, no mask mandates no vaccine mandates.  One has to ask what is the difference. I have my theories and I doubt that I am wrong.  Democrats are trying to take advantage of the chance they have to grab as much power as they can.  They stole the 2020 election, the special Senate election in Georgia, and the recall election in California.  It is only Democrat-run states, with few exceptions, that are still pushing lockdowns, mask mandates, and forced vaccines. I would like to remind my readers that in 2011 Bill Gates called for depopulation through forced vaccination. You have to remember that democrats actually believe in climate change and that the world is too populated.  The Georgia Guidestones calls for the reduction of the world’s population to around what they consider ‘sustainable’, 500,000,000 people,[3] the same figure that Bill Gates thinks we need to reduce the population to.

There are hundreds of articles that address the dangers of this vaccine. The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are what is called mRNA technology. The inventor of the technology, Dr. Robert Malone, says that no one should take the shot: Dr. Robert Malone invented the mRNA technology, which has been used to create the Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccines. He has been speaking out about the dangers of the COVID shot, such as the damages the Coronavirus spike protein causes in the body. In this interview with Del Bigtree, Dr. Robert Malone calls for a stop of COVID vaccines. He explains that the COVID vaccine can cause an enhanced immune response, which creates a worse reaction when exposed to the natural coronavirus. He says that it can create autoimmunities in the the body. Dr. Robert Malone also said that the spike protein is the most dangerous part of the virus (which is in the COVID vaccine) is similar to spike proteins in our bodies, and can open up (not just pass through) the blood brain barrier. This has very dangerous implications for the human body, and why there have been so many adverse reactions to the COVID vaccine.[4] This explains why Israel, the most vaccinated country in the world has a massive amount of people vaccinated yet still get COVID-19: “95% of the severe patients are vaccinated”. “85-90% of the hospitalizations are in Fully vaccinated people.” “We are opening more and more COVID wards.” “The effectiveness of the vaccine is waning/fading out”.[5] Just what good is a vaccine that doesn’t protect you from the virus unless it wasn’t intended to be a vaccine. One doctor, Dr. Mercola, says that this vaccine is not a vaccine at all but gene therapy. mRNA “vaccines” created by Moderna and Pfizer are gene therapies. They fulfill all the definitions of gene therapy and none of the definitions for a vaccine. This matters because you cannot mandate a gene therapy against COVID-19 any more than you can force entire populations to undergo gene therapy for a cancer they do not have and may never be at risk for

  • mRNA contains genetic instructions for making various proteins. mRNA “vaccines” deliver a synthetic version of mRNA into your cells that carry the instruction to produce the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, the antigen, that then activates your immune system to produce antibodies
  • The only one benefiting from an mRNA “vaccine” is the vaccinated individual, since all they are designed to do is lessen clinical symptoms associated with the S-1 spike protein. Since you’re the only one who will reap a benefit, it makes no sense to demand you accept the risks of the therapy “for the greater good” of your community
  • Since mRNA “vaccines” do not meet the medical and/or legal definition of a vaccine — at least not until the CDC redefined “vaccine” — marketing them as such is a deceptive practice that violates the law that governs advertising of medical practices
  • SARS-CoV-2 has not even been proven to be the cause of COVID-19. So, a gene therapy that instructs your body to produce a SARS-CoV-2 antigen — the viral spike protein — cannot be said to be preventive against COVID-19, as the two have not been shown to be causally linked

This information came from Mercola’s site but has been forced to remove information concerning the truth about this vaccine within 48 hours of posting it. Nice how our government treats people who attempt to inform us of the truth.

© 2021 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes


The Truth About Mass Extinction Vaccines

by Lex Greene

Don’t ask me why because I don’t know…yet. But the graphs presented in this piece were captured directly from the CDC-VAERS site, updated as of September 17, 2021, as so indicated.

In this first VAERS image, notice that the report numbers the total COVID19 vaccine adverse events reported at 726,963 Americans, as of 9/17/21. It’s no secret that as much as 99% of all adverse events go unreported, or that these reports are highly incomplete of the real total number of adverse events caused by the so-called vaccines, just since January 1, 2021. (The real number of vaccine adverse events could number between 7-million and 70-million.)

In this next graph presented by the CDC and VAERS, you can see that for 30-years since the creation of the VAERS reporting system, the reporting of adverse vaccine DEATH reports remained very low and constant throughout.

However, beginning in December 2020 with the first COVID19 vaccines hitting the open market, and escalating every day since, the adverse event DEATH reports have skyrocketed to levels never before seen in 30-years of vaccine adverse event reporting.

This graph proves beyond any doubt whatsoever, that these vaccines are extraordinarily dangerous and even fatal, unlike any vaccine used in history. It also proves beyond any doubt, that all of the so-called “experts” forcing the vaccines on humanity, are well aware of these indisputable facts. Yet, they all continue to lie about it through the government censored media and social media, ratcheting up the pressure on every man, woman, and child, to shut up and “take the shot!” It’s mere mass propaganda.

It further proves that the American news media either doesn’t engage in investigative journalism anymore, or that they too, are intentionally lying to the public as they continue to conceal vital information regarding these vaccines (mRNA bioweapons) causing illness, permanent damage and even death to countless American citizens.

Last, the next CDC graph demonstrates that people are dying from these vaccines at an alarming rate, and that a high percentage die within the first 7-days of receiving these vaccines, by all manufacturers. This explains why the CDC has issued the directive to not count anyone as “vaccinated” until two weeks after receiving the inoculation. Most who have died from the vaccination, died within the first few days after receiving the shot.

But you can also see that people continued dying after the first few days, although in smaller numbers so far, based on the data currently posted by the CDC and VAERS.

Medical professionals have been directed to not count anyone as “vaccinated” until 14-days after their vaccination, seemingly because most who have died from taking one of these vaccines, died within that 14-day period. Therefore, they are not being marked as “vaccine related deaths” even though thousands have died within minutes, hours, or days of taking one of the inoculations.

If you think that any of the vaccines in current use have been “approved by the FDA,” you’re wrong. They have only been approved for “emergency use.” Obviously, anyone who is not sick, not showing any symptoms of being sick, is not experiencing a “medical emergency.” No “boosters” have been FDA approved either, but they are all in use today.

A few days ago, I wrote about an independent Vaccine Death Report. Ahead of that, I issued a report on an exported copy of actual VAERS event reports and posted them for everyone to see. That report was pulled for all types of adverse post-vaccine events. But when you start reading these reports, you will note that even most that were not originally filed as “death reports,” later died.

In fact, before resigning their posts as heads of the vaccine review and approval board at the FDA, the two top officials of that department refused to approve the vaccines or any booster, again.

As the old saying goes, if there’s nothing to hide, why is everyone working so hard to hide it all?

Many “front-line” doctors and nurses are being relieved of their positions for refusing to take these vaccines. Hundreds of “expert” doctors all over the world are working hard to stop the fatal use of these vaccines, and they too, are coming under extreme attacks for speaking the truth in an effort to save innocent citizens.

Meanwhile, even the “pro-vax” experts are insisting that their own vaccines do not protect anyone from infection, illness, or death, calling upon their patients to still wear a mask and avoid the “unvaxxed,” even though they have allegedly been inoculated against COVID19. Now they are telling the vaxxed that they will need to keep taking more vaccines, maybe for life, of the same type and form that are currently not saving any lives, while indeed, costing other lives.

Even Hollywood could never dream up a horror story to rival this disaster that has been thrust upon global citizens for the past 20-months. It’s nothing short of gross inhumanity.

Then we can talk about the illnesses caused by breathing our own toxins under a mask, the mental and social damage done by preventing normal human contact, and the economic doom impending as a result of the ongoing interruption in all global economic activity. Meanwhile, U.S. Democrats are rushing to force through more than $3.5 Trillion in more vote-buying spending, leading the USA to more than $35-trillion in unsustainable debt.

In speaking with numerous medical professionals over the past 20-months, the common message has been unmistakable. COVID19 is the biggest tyrannical medical scam ever perpetrated on mankind, throughout world history.

Why do we have to rely on secondary news sources to get the truth presented in this video interview by Dr. Carrie Madej HERE? Or, any other truth?

Can you explain why the USA is ranked #1 in COVID Deaths in the world, with an alleged 2,127 deaths per million from COVID, while China, where the Wuhan Flu was first released from a Wuhan bioweapons facility, is rated #111 in the world, with only 3 COVID deaths per million population?

Can you explain why Israel, the most vaxxed country on earth, is ranked #30, with a reported 824 deaths per million, after vaccinating almost the entire country? Can you explain why the most vulnerable in society, the aging with comorbidities, were placed at the top priority for deadly vaccines, killing thousands in nursing homes?

Can you explain why we allegedly have a 300% increase in COVID cases and related deaths in 2021 over 2020, in a 70% vaccinated America today? Or why other countries like the UK, are reporting that 2/3 of their new COVID cases are fully “vaccinated?”

Are the unvaxxed really a threat to the vaxxed? Or are the vaxxed the real threat now, the Delta variant“super-spreaders?”

Can you explain why over 70% of the U.S. medical community is going along with this insanity? I can…

  1. 55% of all hospital revenue comes from Medicare and Medicaid, aka the Federal Government. Through these agencies, the Federal Government controls which medical treatments are “approved” for use by the medical community. The Federal government simply will not pay for any treatment that is not approved for use by the Federal government.
  2. Only 45% of all hospital revenue comes from private insurance. But the hospitals are held to government approved treatments (under Medicare and Medicaid) even when it’s being covered by private insurance. If the hospital breaks rank with federal mandates, they could lose all Medicare and Medicaid funding, (55% of the revenue), even if the breach is for a patient covered by private insurance.YOUR DOCTOR IS NOT IN CONTROL OF YOUR MEDICAL CARE! The Federal Government is…
  3. After years and thousands spent to become a medical professional, most simply do not want to lose their job, their income, and their license to practice, by issuing treatments that have been prohibited by the federal government via the CDC, Medicare, and Medicaid, such as prescribing Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin.

When we actually stop following the government experts and instead, “follow the real science,” there is only one way to make sense of any of this…

Nothing we have done over the past 20-months has “followed the science” on how to properly treat any coronavirus event. In fact, what has been done is 100% in direct opposition to how the medical community has dealt with past coronavirus events for decades. The public has even been denied the very treatments known to quickly and quietly cure SARS1 (2002-2004), Hydroxychloroquine.

Instead, Dr. Fauci rushed approval in 2020 for the use of his drug Remdesivir, now being blamed for the deaths of numerous other COVID patients.

All scientific evidence points in one direction… that there is a mass extinction event underway. Deeper research indicates that COVID19 was not the first of these events, and it won’t be the last either. We expect to see more “new viruses” emerging from the same folks who brought us SARS1 and SARS2, COVID19, the Delta variant and now these fatal vaccines.

The real science is quite clear! Masks don’t work and neither do the so-called vaccines…in fact, the vaccines are killing, and so are the masks.

God help us all if I’m right!

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lex Greene:

An Agenda for World Domination is Real

For the better part of thirty years I have been trying to sound the alarm over the dangers of Agenda 21 to human society. For my efforts I have been labeled a conspiracy theorists, spreading fear and hate against a reasonable and sound desire to simply protect the environment for future generations.

The Southern Poverty Law Center has issued four separate reports on me. I’ve been attacked on the front page of the Sunday New York Times. Atlantic Magazine scoffed that we Anti-Agenda 21 nuts declared that the UN was using “bike paths to achieve world domination.” And Newsweek called us Extremists who are spreading untruths about Agenda 21 to discredit the UN by claiming it is a attempting to enforce a New World Order to “seize private property and advance the causes of communism and to crush all dissent.” And on and on the charges have gone.        

The funny thing about those charges is that all I have ever done is quote the proponents of Agenda 21 and its policy of Sustainable Development. It started with Agenda 21, then we got a remake called Agenda 2030, followed by the Green New Deal, and most recently the Great Reset. In every case, proponents assure us it’s all just a progressive (and voluntary) drive toward a better life for everyone.

Well, is it? I have an idea! Why don’t I let them tell us in their own words – you know – the ones I’ve been quoting for the past thirty years. Then you can decide for yourselves – conspiracy theory – or threat to all human society?

In Their Own Words – Not Mine!

Comprehensive Blue Print for the Reorganization of Human Society 

The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All of these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be over come. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.” Club of Rome    

“Effective execution of Agenda 21 will require a profound reorientation of all human society, unlike anything the world has ever experienced. A major shift in the priorities of both governments and individuals and an unprecedented redeployment of human and financial resources. This shift will demand that a concern for the environmental consequences of every human action be integrated into individual and collective decision-making at every level.” United Nations on Agenda 21

“Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class – involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, air-conditioning, and suburban housing – are not sustainable.” Maurice Strong, Chairman UN Earth Summit 1992

“We must go through a wrenching transformation to rid us of the horrors of the Twentieth Century’s Industrial Revolution.” Al Gore, Earth in the Balance

Climate Change – Truth or Fiction – It Doesn’t Matter

“We’ve got to ride this global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic and environmental policy.”

Timothy Wirth (President, United Nations Foundation)

“No matter if the science of global warming is all phony…climate change provides the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world.”

Christine Stewart (Former Canadian Minister of the Environment)

“It doesn’t matter what is true. It only matters what people believe is true.”

Paul Watson (co-founder of Green Peace.)

“This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the industrial revolution.”

Christiana Figueres (Executive Secretary, UN Framework Convention on Climate Change)

Population Control – Get Rid of the Worthless Humans

“My three main goals would be to reduce human population to about 100 million world-wide, destroy the industrial infrastructure and see wilderness, with its full complement of species returning throughout the world…”

Dave Foreman (Co-founder of Earth First)

“The native ecosystems and the collective needs of non-human species must take precedence over the needs and desires of humans.”

Reed Noss, (A Creator of the Wildlands Project)

“Human beings, as a species have no more value than slugs.”

John Davis (Editor of Earth First Journal). 

“Among environmentalists sharing two or three beers, the notion is quite common that, if only some calamity could wipe out the human race, other species might once again have a chance.” Richard Conniff (Audubon Magazine)

“If I were reincarnated I would wish to return to Earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels.” Prince Phillip (World Wildlife Fund)

“Childbearing should be a punishable crime against society, unless the parents hold a government license. All potential parents should be required to use contraceptive chemicals, the government issuing antidotes to citizens chosen for childbearing.”

David Brower, Sierra Club  

Sustainable = Globalism

“All countries and all stakeholders, acting in collaborative partnership, will implement this plan… We are determined to take the bold and transformative steps which are urgently needed to shift the world onto a sustainable and resilient path. As we embark on this collective journey, we pledge that no one will be left behind.”

Preamble to Agenda 2030

“The emerging ‘environmentalization’ of our civilization and the need for vigorous action in the interest of the entire global community will inevitably have multiple political consequences. Perhaps the most important of them will be a gradual change in the status of the United Nations. Inevitably, it must assume some aspects of world government.” Mikhail Gorbachev (address to the State of the World Forum)

“A massive campaign must be launched to de-develop the United States. De-Development means bringing our economic system into line with the realities of ecology and the world resource situation.” Paul Ehrlich (Prof of Population Studies, Stanford U.)

Enforcing the Global Agenda Locally   

“Regionalism must precede Globalism. We foresee a seamless system of governance from local communities, individual states, regional unions, and up through the United Nations itself.” UN Commission on Global Governance  

“No one fully understands how, or even if, sustainable development can be achieved. However, there is growing consensus that it must be accomplished at the local level if it is to be achieved on a global basis.”

The Local Agenda 21 Planning Guide, published by ICLEA, 1996

“We believe planning should be a tool for allocating resources…and eliminating the great inequalities of wealth and power in our society…because the free market has proven incapable of doing this.” Statement of Principles,, American Planning Association.   

Resetting the Entire Economic System

“What then is the most effective transition strategy? The essential aim is not to fight against consumer-capitalist society, but to build the alternative to it.”

Author Ted Trainer, Transition to a Sustainable and Just World.

“Simply shutting down the economy is not going to get us to our goal. So, just like we need innovation for COVID-19, we also need to get rid of emissions from all the different sectors and bring down climate change… This crosses many areas, transportation, industry, electricity, all those things, and agriculture – contribute to emissions…”

Bill Gates on the Covid lockdowns.   

Individual rights will have to take a back seat to the collective.

Harvey Ruvin (ICLEI)

“The right to full employment and ending unemployment by guaranteeing a job at a living wage in a safe workplace, empowered by labor unions; single-payer Medicare for all, tuition-free education from pre-school to college, and the right to affordable housing.” The Economic Bill Of Rights – the Green New Deal

“Within a year, 77% of institutional investors intend to stop buying into companies that aren’t, in some way, Sustainable. If it’s not done by following Sustainable rules, it will not be financed.”  The Great Reset

“No industry or business will be spared from the impact of these challenges. Millions of companies risk disappearing and many industries face an uncertain future; a few will thrive.”  Klaus Schwab, Covnd-19: The Great Reset

“The chaotic growth of cites will be replaced by a dynamic system of urban settlement…The region is formed by the economic interdependence of its development… The region has a single system of transportation, a centralized administration, and a united system of education and research.”

Soviet Russian architect Alexei Gutnov.  The Ideal Communist City. 1968

Well, there you have it. Now what do think they really want? Am I the nut for simply telling on them? There are tons more quotes I could use, but it would just be over-kill.

Our nation is in chaos,

  • with our economy locked down,
  • the ability to own and control our own property is disappearing,
  • the public schools are becoming factories turning out compliant global village idiots,
  • the national debt is soaring,
  • gas prices are skyrocketing,
  • the nation’s health care system is being destroyed,
  • Christianity is being assaulted,
  • and the growing threat of a total surveillance society is watching our every move.

Do you see any connection to the above quotes and these current realities taking place across the globe?

It’s interesting to note that Klaus Schwab, head of the World Economic Forum, issued his book titled Covid 19; The Great Reset, claiming it is based on what has been learned during the Covid lockdown. Yet the book was published in August, 2020, just five months into the lockdown. The purpose of the book, claims Schwab, is to take what we learned during the lockdown to guide us on how to govern in this new, dangerous era. The book clearly hints that the pandemic is a result of man-made climate change, and we will suffer endless pandemics unless we reorder society – exactly the same message of Agenda 21.

Considering that an idea for a book takes time to conceive, research, write and then publish – to do it all within five months from the beginning of the pandemic, is either super human — or the Covid experience and its Great Reset were all planned way in advance. Add to that the fact that Dr. Fuchi said in 2017 that Donald Trump was definitely going to face a surprise pandemic – well you get the picture.

Let me finish with one more quote. This one is from my friend and powerful warrior against Agenda 21, the late Rosa Koire.  “UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development is the action plan to inventory and control all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all information, all energy, and all human beings in the world. INVENTORY AND CONTROL!”

That’s what we are truly facing. That is what every one of these quotes is advocating – regulation of every aspect of our lives to enforce their agenda to inventory and control everything on earth. Their words – not mine!

Either we stand up to stop it, or suffer the consequences. I rest my case!

© 2021 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese: Contact Tom DeWeese

Save My Mommy’s Life – Traumatic Update!

By Jytte Walter

Dear NWV Readers,

Our daughter-in-law, Tiffany, was making great progress with the alternative treatment she was given through Hope For Cancer in Tijuana and everyone was elated and thankful to the healing powers of God and to the generosity of you and other donors.

The small tumors in her breast disappeared, the lymph node was shrinking and the main tumor was calcifying.

Then she started getting new symptoms and we all got a shock! The cancer is spreading. We are dumb founded! Why?

She was due to go back to the clinic for an update and further treatment and left last Monday. Family and friends thankfully jumped in to babysit for Keira, so dad could go to work. Little Keira is so full of energy and joy! And, thankfully, she’s too little to understand. She just misses mom, when she’s gone. They are very close.

Tiffany is returning today and we are anxious to hear what the clinic’s new plan of attack is. Click below on Go-Fund-Me and Tiffany will explain how she discovered her new symptoms.

We are still hopeful and have not given up by far. But please continue to keep her in your prayers. We need all the help we can get.

With much appreciation and love,

Jytte Walter

Tiffany posted a new update to “Help Save A Young Mothers Life”

Hello Everyone, Unfortunately this update is not as positive as the last. We have hit a speed bump in my healing journey. For the past month, I have been feeling pain in … Click Here to Read the Rest.

Tiffany Kerwin E-Mail:

Critical Mass

By Andrew C. Wallace

Consensus Before Critical Mass, Confrontation, and Freedom.


This paper is not an academic exercise, it is deadly serious, every word is critical, and chosen for its exact meaning. It is written as succinctly as possible.

First of all , we must accept the fact that we are at War with the PSRRC and their Communist minions including Biden,”THE USURPER”, who overthrew our Constitutional Government in an election insurrection.

Biden, “THE USURPER”, and his Faux Administration have absolutely no Constitutional Authority or Legitimate Power, none. The power they exercise is fake, but it can still harm you until we stop them.

Our Enemy is the “Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class” (PSRRC) who run this country by controlling everybody, including Biden, ”THE USURPER”, using money and power.
Elected officials, Bureaucrats, Corporate Officials, Judges, Military Flag Officers, Media, POTUS, SCOTUS, DOD, FBI, DOJ, CIA et al. take orders from the PSRRC. Remember these are minions who take orders from the few in the PSRRC; they do not call the shots.

People must realize that BOTH political parties also take orders from the PSRRC.
Members of BOTH parties are mostly corrupt Quislings. Democrats are Communists, and most Republicans, except for “America First” Republicans , are cowardly fellow travelers.


Social Security, Medical Care, Voting Rights, American Dream and all government benefits are being destroyed by open borders and illegal invaders. The Military must be used to close borders and deport every last illegal; otherwise, fed-up citizen militias will make a bloody mess of it.

2. “Green New Deal” is a scam causing the inability to heat and cool our homes. It is also increasing the cost of all consumer goods and services to an unattainable level.

3. “Climate Change” can’t be controlled and is a hoax designed to enrich the PSRRC at our expense.

4. Printing Fiat money is impoverishing us.
Unlimited distribution of Fiat money “in the short run” is misleading the public into expecting a national income program that is economically impossible, period. This flood of fiat money must end now as it is causing economic collapse and inflation.

5. The SCOTUS, DOD, DOJ, FBI, CIA, et al. could have prevented the overthrow of our Republic if they would have obeyed the Constitution, but they ignored their Oaths and were compromised. Most of the ranking officials should be charged, fired or impeached and the FBI should be disbanded.

6. COVID-19 and Related Shots, are the largest, Deliberate, Genocidal Global War on people ever attempted to gain power and control. This was a cooperative action by the Chinese Communists and our own National Institutes of Health. It is now clear that the horrendous loss of life and economic destruction was deliberate and expected. All related measures to control the people are unconstitutional.

7. Many of our so-called “Officials and Judges” will not comply with Constitutional requirements for elections, leaving citizens no other remedy or option, but confrontation.

8. Biden, “THE USURPER” and his associates committed treason when they issued unlawful orders to Border Patrol, NGOs and others to ignore existing laws. These unlawful directives ordered, among other things, that borders be open and that illegal invaders be allowed to inter America and be transported and cared for at government expense. Those who complied with these unlawful orders are also guilty of treason. (Research the Nuremberg Code for yourselves!)

9. It is impossible to prosecute Biden, “THE USURPER” and his fellow travelers for treason for giving aid and comfort to illegal invaders and overthrowing our Republic until we have an uncompromised, functual law enforcement and justice system.


CONFRONTATION is absolutely essential because it is the only action that can be effective with the “Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class”(PSRRC) and their Communist minions. Writing, speaking , demonstrations, parades, and protests have been to no avail and are almost a waste of time, and are an opportunity to be framed by the FBI.

Confrontation must be accomplished even though it is fraught with real danger for both parties. Communists and their greedy partners in the PSRRC are noted for their violence, and no crime is beneath them.

There will be conflict when compromised Federal Officials who have no Constitutional Authority (as a result of election insurrection) attempt to enforce some edict on a Citizen.

The Citizen has every RIGHT and DUTY to resist unlawful and criminal actions. Confrontations must occur; there is no lawful alternative available. Citizen’s actions of defiance are supported by the Constitution and Declaration of Independence because faux administration is unconstitutional. I would never say this if we had a legal and legitimate government. Whenever an elected official is required to make a solemn Oath to our Constitution, and fails to obey its mandates, he is disqualified from his Office and his actions are nullified. He is then a usurper operating under color of law, and has no power or authority.

Citizen actions of defiance will increase in number, and the Communist Administration, as they have done recently , will respond violently, while the FBI frames everyone involved, as is their SOP.

The people, not being forgiving, or stupid, will respond with guerrilla warfare while continuing face-to-face confrontations. I am not aware of any determined guerrilla force that was ever defeated in the field.

A blood bath can only be averted if the PSRRC and their Communist minions abandon their efforts to destroy our republic and resign from all public offices which they took by fraud, force, and insurrection.

Citizens have no option but to do whatever is required to restore their Constitutional Rights even though they may suffer for doing their duty in the short term. The only other option is oppression, degradation, cruelty, slavery and starvation.

Senior citizens, called “Useless Eaters” by Communists, will be the first to die due to destruction of Social Security, retirement programs and Medicare (mostly caused by illegals and excess fiat money).

It is my duty, obligation and right to exercise my freedom of speech to report my honest appraisal of circumstances. I pray that Donald Trump was not our last President. I welcome all comments except those calling me a racist for telling the truth. I am not a racist and neither is my country, even though it elected a Black racist as president, twice.

© 2021 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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The Origin of Covid-19— Updated, Part 5

by Dennis Cuddy, Ph.D.

In Part 3 of this series, I referred to Dr. Peter Daszak (CEO of EcoHealth Alliance) promoting the lab leak theory concerning Covid-19 as a baseless conspiracy theory.  However, on September 10, 2021 THE TELEGRAPH published Science Editor Sarah Knapton’s article “Revealed: How scientists who dismissed Wuhan lab theory are linked to Chinese researchers” with the subtitle “Cover-up alleged over LANCET letter that effectively shut down scientific debate into whether coronavirus was manipulated or leaked from lab.”

All but one of the 27 scientists who signed the letter had connections with Chinese researchers.  Dr. George Gao, head of the Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, had supported Daszak’s nomination to the National Academy of Sciences.  Knapton wrote: “Angus Dalgleish at the University of London and Norwegian scientist Birger Sorensen, who struggled to have work published showing a link between the virus and Wuhan research, said there had been an ‘extreme cover-up.’  Commenting on the discovery that so many of the signatories were linked to China, they said: ‘this article is the first to show beyond reasonable doubt that our entire area of virus research has been contaminated politically.  We bear the scars to show it.'”

One of the signatories of the LANCET letter was Prof. Kanta Subbaras, who spoke at a conference in Wuhan on emerging disease in 2016 while she was still chief of Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Emerging Respiratory Viruses Section.   Knapton continued: “Five other signatories had all published articles with Prof. Ralph Baric (UNC), who was collaborating with Shi Zhengli and the Wuhan Institute of Virology on research about manipulating coronaviruses to see if they could be made to infect humans.    Emails have recently come to light between Mr. Daszak and Prof. Baric ahead of the LANCET letter showing that the pair decided to blur their association in case it looked ‘self-serving.'”

On August 18, 2021, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said there are 3 new studies that indicate the efficacy of the vaccines has decreased among people who received their shots early in the pandemic   She also indicated that although protection against death and hospitalization is “holding up well,” the vaccines’ effectiveness in preventing severe illness or death is “waning.”  One of the new studies indicated the efficacy of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines against infection has dramatically declined to 53.1%.  The CDC’s recommendation?  Everybody get a booster shot.  But here’s the dirty little secret.  Those who get Covid-19 and are treated usually get well unless there is some underlying condition.  While they are sick and being treated, they stay isolated and do not infect others.  However, those who are vaccinated feel relatively well or asymptomatic, go out amongst the public and can become superspreaders because the vaccines do not prevent transmissibility, especially with the Delta variants.  Dr. Walensky admitted this on August 5 told CNN: “Our vaccines are working exceptionally well for Delta with regard to severe illness and death—they prevent it.  But what they can’t do anymore is prevent transmission.”  You will recall that in one of my previous Parts to this series, I said Delta was the product of a rare double mutation, one which increased the transmissibility of the virus and the other decreased the efficacy of vaccines.  I also said it is highly unlikely that Delta appeared by accident and just at the time Covid-19 was coming under control!

There seems to be a massive cover-up regarding what the vaccines are doing to people.  For example, have you seen the following reported by the national media and press?  Lt. Col. Theresa Long is Brigade Flight Surgeon at Fort Rucker, and the following is from her affidavit in support of a motion for a preliminary injunction order against vaccination.(her entire document can be found online).  One of her primary concerns are the complications from myocarditis some of the 4000 people on her military base for whose care she is responsible have developed after receiving vaccinations for Covid-19.  She is also concerned about the Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) in a vaccine.  She states: “PEG is the active ingredient in antifreeze.  While it is hard to believe this is a key ingredient in these vaccines, it would explain the increased cardiovascular risk to users of the BioNTech or Comimaty shots….According to the VAERS data, which admittedly underreports by as much as 100 times the actual SAEs, there are well more than 600,000 documented Serious Adverse Events (ones requiring medical attention) alone and more than 13,000 fatalities directly linked to this particular vaccine….I believe it is reasonable to conclude that many humans are allergic to these dangerous and deadly toxins and therefore should not take vaccinations with either BioNTech or Comimaty….I personally observed the most physically fit female Soldier I have seen in over 20 years years in the Army go from Collegiate level athlete training for Ranger School to being physically debilitated with cardiac problems, newly diagnosed pituitary brain tumor, thyroid dysfunction within weeks of being vaccinated….Today I received word of one fatality and 2 ICU cases on Fort Hood; the deceased was an Army pilot who could have been flying at the time.  All three pulmonary embolism events happened within 48 hours of their vaccination.  Each person was in top physical condition before the inoculation and each suffered the event within 2 days post vaccination….”

So who do you trust regarding vaccine safety, the media?  Where was the media when Monday (September 27) night tens of thousands of New Yorkers took to the streets to protest the Governor’s Vaccine Mandate for all healthcare workers by midnight.  And have you seen the media investigating why Walmarts are now stocking “Cadaver (Body) Bags” (video available)?  How about hospital doctors?  Do you trust them, like the ones at UNC Healthcare in Raleigh, NC who said my mother did not have Covid-19 when she really did and died?  How about Brian Legere, a physician at Coastal Pulmonary Medicine in Wilmington, NC where he said on September 9, “To all you who are unvaccinated by choice.  F— YOU !!! ”  Or how about Dr. Mary Rudyk at Novant Health’s New Hanover Regional Medical Center in Wilmington, NC, who was filmed saying: “So I just want to say we have to be more blunt, we have to be more forceful, we have to see something coming out: ‘If you don’t get vaccinated, you know you are going to die!  I guess my feeling at this point in time is, maybe we need to be completely a little bit more scary to the public!”

© 2021 Dennis Cuddy – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dennis Cuddy:

Shut Up and Pay

by Lee Duigon

Once upon a time—in the real world—if you bought something, if you paid for it… you owned it.

The public pays for what people who don’t know any better call “public education.” But the public doesn’t own it. In that very real sense, “public education” isn’t public. Every moment of instruction, every textbook, school building, teacher pension, administrator’s gorgeous salary, every visual aid, locker, sports equipment—every cent of it, the public pays for.

And has no say in what that money buys.

Which brings us to former Clinton bagman and former governor Terry McAuliffe, now seeking another stint as governor of Virginia (replacing the abortion guy, whatever his name was), who recently had this to say about Virginia’s public schools:

I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they ought to teach”.

Shut up and pay.

There’s been a great deal of vehement controversy in Virginia lately over what is being taught in public schools. It’s due to the COVID panic: when they closed the schools and required students to try to learn via “remote learning” at home, tens of thousands of parents, for the very first time, saw and heard what their kids were being taught. And they don’t like it. They have descended on their local school board meetings to tell the educators they don’t like it.

Which the Bagman doesn’t think they should do. Just shut up and pay.

What don’t they like?

Well, the biggest fly in the salad is “critical race theory,” which, er, “teaches” kids that white people are born racists, inherently evil, always looking to oppress the other races, and America’s a dirty racist country that has to be radically changed. Children are taught to hate themselves, hate other kids, hate their country, and hate their no-good racist families.

To add insult to injury, school boards usually deny they’re doing this—even as the teachers’ unions double down on it: “We’ll show you, you racists! You aren’t going to stop us from pumping this poison into children’s minds!”

They also “teach” that the whole reason the United States of America was established was to promote and protect slavery.

And when they’re not busy with that, they’re “teaching” the doctrine of Transgender. Trans this, trans that, you can be a boy one day and a girl the next, depending on how you feel. It’s a wonderful thing, you really ought to try it! Why else do you think we spend the public’s money on “comprehensive sex education?” It’s so tremendously liberating! Cast off the shackles of binary gender! And so on and so forth.

The parents don’t like that, either.

But they shouldn’t say so, should they? I mean, what business is it of theirs, what their kids are taught? Boy howdy, don’t they trust the teachers’ unions?

If you pay for it but don’t own it, what does that make you? Does the English language even have a word for that? Maybe “sucker” comes close.

For years and years, the American people have entrusted public schools with their children. They went about their business and left the schooling up to the professionals. But somewhere along the way, “education” turned into political and cultural indoctrination and not that many people noticed—although some did, and shouted warnings from the housetops.

Too many didn’t listen. “Oh, not in our schools!” Uh-huh. They didn’t want to rock the boat. Didn’t want to get involved.

Well, now they have to get involved.

Governor-wannabe Terry McAuliffe thinks they shouldn’t. He thinks you should just shut up and pay.

But if you do shut up and close your eyes and ears, that’s how you wind up paying for Critical Race Theory in your child’s classroom.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week in my blog, . My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon:

Greg Gutfeld: He Is Funny, PERIOD!

By Frosty Wooldridge

In this age of political corruption, worthless Congressional Critters, our president advocating for open borders, useless wars and political pundits…humor might keep you sane.  At least, if you’re laughing, you’ve got a chance to keep your sanity. Otherwise, you’d be reduced to balling your eyes out daily.  In a word, what’s going on in America is simply: nuts!

Okay, yes, I write serious commentaries twice a week.  My latest book causes distress if not depression because it’s not a happy look at your children’s future as to what’s happening to our country in and around 2050.  Yes, we can change that negative eventuality for America if we heed the contents and change course.  And yes, I’m still offering free E-book copies to every American. I’ve already sent out over 10,000 copies to you who asked for the book.  If more Americans understand our dilemma, we might stand a chance to start a national discussion-debate on what kind of a civilization we are bequeathing to our children.  If we remain on our present course, we’re headed over a demographic-resources cliff.

At the same time, I am a good-hearted, humorous guy who loves to laugh, tell jokes and I love to tell heartwarming stories that inspire.  If you’ll visit this website of the Colorado Serenity Magazine, you’ll see a heartwarming story about adventure, the loss of my dad when I was a teen, and what I did about it.  Visit:  and look up “Grief is Circular: On the Long Ride” by Frosty Wooldridge on page 44. It’ll pop up on the front page.  I think you will enjoy the story of hope after grief and loss of a parent.  You might write the publisher Doug Kinzy to tell him how much you liked it:

At the same time, I’m inviting you to visit and tap into a 15-minute FUNNY opening by Greg Gutfeld. It’s titled: Biden’s presidency so far! You’re going to laugh your head off!  It’s THAT funny!

Gutfeld holds the newest, largest audience in the nation as to political satire. He talks about Biden’s dementia.  He hits you square in the jaw with the fiasco in Afghanistan.  He calls Critical Race Theory what it is: pure and simply…stupid and inane…highly racist in content and downright dangerous to our country if pursued in academia.  He mocks stupid senators and House members.  Maxine Waters doesn’t stand a chance against him.  He’s got an open season verbal doe permit on Nancy Pelosi.

His guests include a funny blond named Kat Timpf.  Big wrestler Tyrus makes uncommon and penetrating comments throughout the show.  He brings on Judge Jeanine Pirro.  He said, “She drove all the way from New York.”  Then, he showed a car careening off the road into several containers and wiped out in the parking lot.  The audience went wild!

In Nashville on Tuesday, he introduced Larry Gatlin of the Gatlin Brothers as the Wild Bunch in the 1970’s, but now the brothers are all in their 70’s.  Today, they cut their coke with Lipitor.  They replaced orgies with orthopedics…and today, California Dreaming is a guy sleeping on your front porch while puking his guts out.  There’s over 100,000 homeless in California’s streets.

“Remember when we were told that ‘adults’ were taking back the White House?”  said Gutfeld.  “Instead, we got the Creature from the Black Lagoon.”  He showed a picture that resembled the Creature and Biden looking pretty much the same.

But more than the humor, Gutfeld painfully exposes the failures of 545 Congressional Critters who create crisis after crisis after crisis.  They solve little.  Right now, they’re on the road to causing our country to suffer default.  Will they correct our financial ship?  If they do, they will create another crisis in the months ahead.

As to humor, I loved George Carlin.  Same with Robin Williams.  Larry the Cable guy doubles me over with laughter.  Lewis Black kills me.  The late John Pinette caused me a sore face from laughing so hard.  Jeff Foxworthy with that skit on his “colonoscopy” caused me to laugh until I cried.  Check it out on YouTube.  You’re in for a heck of an uproarious laugh.

In reality, nothing happening at the national level today can be described as “funny, humorous or comical.”  We continue hearing lies, excuses, and justifications.  I mean, come on…that exit from Afghanistan equated to pure stupidity and incompetence.  Our own president invited the invasion of our borders that has left us with the loss of our sovereign nation.  And, we’re about to take care of 100,000 Afghanistan refugees with our tax dollars with God knows how many dedicated Jihadists among them.  I wonder how the mainstream media will spin the next 9/11-type attack caused by those refugees.  It could be big, or it might be one of us gets our heads cut off walking down the streets of Philadelphia or Detroit. It’s already happened multiple times in London, Montreal, Paris, NYC and the list grows.  At the same time, we’ve got millions of Americans subsisting in food kitchens, soup lines, food pantries, tents in the streets, Chicago as a war zone with so many killings, and dozens of other anomalies Congress and this president refuse to solve.

I have to tune into men like Gutfeld because I fear that I’m losing my mind as to what’s happening in Washington DC.  Do you feel the same?

Is anyone in America thinking about these questions?  Are we not galloping into America’s twilight years?

If you would like a free electronic copy of this book, please email me with your email address and I will send it to you.  Every American with children or any American who will live in this country in 2050, needs to understand what they face.

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121.

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

This video will scare the daylights out of every American as to what’s coming to our country, US Citizenship Act 2021 by Joe Biden.

If you want to see two documentaries that give visual proof of my book’s contents, go to Netflix, and type in “Cowspiracy” that shows you the damage to the air, land and water.  Watch “Seaspiracy” to see how humans are destroying the oceans.

Go to for greater information on immigration’s impacts to our country. Help David Durham and this organization with your support.

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

This Is How The People’s Representatives Should Be Upholding The Law Against ALL Crimes

By Bradlee Dean

“Write a sex scene you wouldn’t show your mom…”, “Describe a time when you wanted to orgasm but couldn’t…”, “Write a sermon for a beloved preacher who has been caught in a sex scandal…”, “Write a X rated Disney scenario…”, “Choose how you will die…”, “Write a scene for the first time I killed a man…” “You have a dream that you murdered someone, who is it? How and why did the murder happen, and what happens afterwards…”, “You are a serial killer…”, -Content found in schools curriculum

After speaking at hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of high schools across the country, I have to say that if I were to publicly promulgate what these bureaucrats have decided to put into the curriculums in public schools, I would be placed under arrest as a deranged pedophile in promoting child pornography and suggestive content (Luke 17:2).

[Rumble Video]

[Rumble Video]

[Rumble Video]

Conclusion: After watching the video I have to personally say that the criminal intent of the school board members towards the students was already revealed (Romans 3:20).

If I were in the position of this mayor I would not have given them the option of resigning, they were guilty and everyone knows it and should rightly be held accountable for their crimes though he did take it the right direction (Proverbs 8:20).

© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean:

E Pluribus Unum2021 – Out of Many, ONE!

By Lex Greene

E pluribus unum – Latin for “Out of many, one” – is a traditional motto of the United States.Its inclusion on the Great Seal of the United States was approved by an Act of Congress in 1782, six years after the signing of our Declaration of Independence, and five years before the adoption of our Constitution on September 17, 1787.

It’s a good thing they didn’t wait for someone else to “do something,” or give up along the way!

Also appearing on the Great Seal isAnnuit cœptis, “favors [our] undertakings,”and Novus ordo seclorum, “New order of the ages.” Later, the United States Congress passed an act, adopting “In God We Trust” as the official motto in 1956.

  • E pluribus unum – Latin for “Out of many, one”
  • Annuit cœptis, “favors [our] undertakings”
  • Novus ordo seclorum, “New order of the ages”
  • “In God We Trust” – in man, we do not!

From day one following our Founders 1776 Declaration as a free, independent sovereign people empowered to control our own destiny via a Constitutional Representative Republic formed by the U.S. Constitution, We the People are the “supreme power” in the United States. All public officials are mere public servants of the people. All governmental powers are derived from the people.

Contrary to modern confusion over what our Charters of Freedom actually say and mean, too many Americans believe that the U.S. Constitution defines our Rights, along with the Bill of Rights. The opposite is true…

The U.S. Constitution narrowly defines the limited power, authority and duties of the Federal government formed by the adoption of the U.S. Constitution. The Bill of Rights is an additional enumeration of specific restrictions placed upon Federal authority, designed to prevent the Federal government from doing most of what it is doing today.

Constitutional Representative Republic

  • Republics and democracies both provide a political system in which citizens are represented by elected officials who are sworn to protect their interests.
  • In a pure democracy (socialism), laws are made directly by the voting majority leaving the rights of the minority largely unprotected. (This is also true with elections if we lose our Electoral College)
  • In a republic, laws are made by representatives chosen by the people and must comply with a constitution that specifically protects the rights of the minority from the will of the majority. (The Electoral College also exists to prevent a majority from enslaving a minority of citizens)

Anything the government does that is repugnant to the Constitution or Bill of Rights, is without any force of law. Anything our government does must represent the “will of the majority” without “infringing upon the Rights of any minority group.” Our republican form of self-governance guaranteed every state and Citizen in Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution, must be both constitutional, and representative of the primary interest of all Citizens. Anything less, is a failed government.

In truth, the United States federal government has been acting well beyond its constitutional authority for more than one-hundred years now. People often say, “we will never allow America to become a socialist country.” Meanwhile, over 50%of the federal budget is wasted in “social spending” beyond the authority of the government. Any country that robs from some of its citizens to provide “social benefits” to others, is engaged in “socialism” and if that country spends a majority of resources on such things, then that country is already a “socialist country.”

That is the very definition of socialism, according to Karl Marx, “From each according to his ability; to each according to his need.”

After decades of Marxist indoctrination in American education, even taught from many church pulpits, we now have a few generations who no longer believe in freedom and liberty. Instead, they believe in Marxist “social engineering” — “From each according to his ability; to each according to his need.”

It’s unconstitutional!

It’s also an economic system that has failed 100% of the times it’s been tried, all over the world. These are all well-documented facts. However, Americans no longer function on facts. We function on feelings today. If the facts don’t make us feel good, then we choose a different set of facts to believe in…even when those facts are blatant lies.

This is why “In God We Trust” was added as a national motto in 1956. History had already well shown that men (human nature) were in no way trustworthy. This is why our Founders based everything they created on “The Laws of Nature and Nature’s God.”

Our Rights are NOT “constitutional Rights” issued by men. Our Rights are inalienable Natural Rights, gifted by God, or as our Founders said it, “endowed by our Creator,” and beyond any authority of men. This is not a religious statement at all. This is a statement securing all freedom and liberty from an authority that reigns above all mere men.

This was the Novus ordo seclorum, “New order of the ages”that also appears on our Great Seal, because these precepts Annuit cœptis, “favors [our] undertakings.”

Unfortunately, the Great Melting Pot (USA) of people seeking freedom and liberty from all corners of the earth, stopped melting some years ago. Instead of One Nation under God, E pluribus unum – Latin for “Out of many, one,” we are now a nation more divided than ever.

In pursuit of their own unbridled power, our government has turned citizens against each other, on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, education level, economic standing, individual medical choices, political leanings, you name it…if it can be used to divide us, it IS being used to divide us.

The political class elites understand this, even if the average Americans no longer do… “if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.”

There is only one solution to this primary fatal flaw in modern American society…

“Out of many, one” – E pluribus unum! We are one team, sane Americans, the 99% that is us, verses the 1% that is them, insane ruling class elites! We simply need to realize it and act accordingly!

We can no longer allow ourselves to be divided against one another by our rulers. From the many, there must arise one voice…a voice for freedom, liberty, honesty, decency, real justice, peace, and tranquility for all.

Americans currently live under an increasingly brutal and tyrannical dictatorship, that is “running out of patience” with us. That dictatorship is coming from our federal government, via unconstitutional Executive Orders (unlawful decrees of the ruler), court opinions (unconstitutional judicial activism), and lawmakers who make laws overtly repugnant to the Constitution and Bill of Rights, exempting themselves from the laws they make, of course.

The American people are the final arbiters of truth, justice and the future of freedom and liberty. Public officials, be they federal, state, or local, are mere public servants of the people. All political powers are derived from the people, and those who grant government that power, can also strip government of those powers!

We have reached a moment in history when 100% of federal democrats are anti-American, and two-thirds of republicans are too! The people can stop the tyranny any time they want, but they will have to unite in one voice, one people, to do it.

E Pluribus Unum 2021 – Out of Many, ONE!

United we MUST stand…

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lex Greene:

Trump 2024?

By JB Williams

President Trump is filling his fans full of hope at his ongoing record rallies, but is it false hope based upon a false premise?

In the first five-minutes of his rally speech in Georgia over the weekend, Trump said two things that I found to be somewhat amazing… first, that “we will take back Congress in 2022, and the White House in 2024” …followed by “we won’t even have a country by then.”  These seem like mutually exclusive ideas to me!

Knowing full-well that the last remotely legitimate election in America was in 2016, and that the 2020 elections were rotten with massive fraud in all fifty states, Trump seems willing to mislead his fans into thinking 2022 and 2024 will somehow miraculously be better. A hope recently proven hopeless, in the California recall election of Gavin Newsom, also rotten with the same massive fraud.

In April 2016, I co-wrote and released a book foretelling the future in TRUMPED: The New American Revolution to save America. As that book was being written, Trump was only at 1% in the GOP primary polls. It remains a FIVE STAR rated book still today, often selling at double the original price. (NEW signed copies are available at for a $25 donation. Mark TRUMPED in the subject box to receive your copy)

Personally, I’m not a fan of any politician and today, I know that 100% of the Democrat Party is anti-American, while two-thirds of the Republican Party is as well. Still, I also know that politics is a team sport, which means, if you don’t play the game on one of the two national teams, you’re not even in the game.

I also know that if we lack the power to control the direction of our political party of choice, then we certainly lack the power to control the direction of our entire country. To think otherwise is a mere fantasy, just like expecting legitimate elections in 2022 and 2024…without overturning 2020.

The only way America will ever see another legitimate election is to overturn the fraudulent elections of 2020. There is no other way. We would have bank robberies on every corner every day if there were no consequences for robbing banks. Unless there are severe consequences for election fraud, massive election fraud is our new norm!

So, as President Trump seems willing to allow 2020 to stand, how does he think we can win in 2022 and 2024, unless he plans to out-cheat the anti-American democrats…? And personally, I think his second statement is the true statement – at our current direction and rate of decline, we won’t even have a country, much less elections, by then!

I find it highly disappointing that the man who was supposed to “drain the swamp” and “save the USA” was drained by the swamp, allowing a totally fraudulent administration to run roughshod over America for the past nine-months…totally free from any consequences!

Further, Pelosi’s House just passed an overt assault on all active and former military personnel in HB 4350, which makes every dissenting current or past service member guilty of “violent extremism” if they dare to speak out against the maniacal tyranny flooding out of Biden’s D.C. regime these days.

Unfortunately, 135 House Republicans joined House Marxists in passing HB 4350, many of them Republicans we elected to stop the utter destruction happening at the hands of global Marxists in total control of the Democrat Party (and all of D.C.) today.

Where’s the foundation for HOPE in any of this?

Trump openly admits that “we may not have a country by 2022 or 2024,” but askes us to place our faith in future fraudulent elections regardless. Meanwhile, he’s raising funds for more Republicans, like the 135 that just voted with Nancy Pelosi on HB 4350, among other anti-American bills rushed through congress to destroy what’s left of our Constitutional Republic.

This is all quite troubling to me, a great disappointment from President Trump. But even worse is the mindless blind fans who somehow, find hope in all of this nonsense. No man is worthy of blind faith. That’s the purpose for “In God We Trust!”

But even those of us who place our faith in God alone understand that once the prayers were raised up, David still had to pick up that rock to slay Goliath…

To be sure, Trump has huge star-power with millions of Americans, and many fans as a result. But how did they lose touch with the reality that Trump left office peacefully, after having won the election in 2020?

How did they lose touch with the reality that unless we overturn 2020, we will never have another legitimate election ever again?

And, why on earth is President Trump leading this insanity? Is he still following advice from the same people responsible for removing him from the Oval Office?

If you figure it out, let me know!

© 2021 JB Williams – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JB Williams:

Mike Pence, a History of Treachery and Betrayal

By Kelleigh Nelson

Trickery and treachery are the practices of fools that have not the wits enough to be honest.  —Benjamin Franklin

Sometimes the people you’d take a bullet for are the ones behind the trigger.  —Taylor Swift

There is no act of treachery or meanness of which a political party is not capable; for in politics there is no honor.  —Benjamin Disraeli

It’s time to take a break from the totalitarian control of citizens via the plandemic and forced jabs.  On December 19, 2020, Mike Pence allegedly received the Moderna COVID-19 jab live on TV.  I have trouble believing any federal politician has actually received the jab because none of them have had adverse effects or died.  But on April 14th, Mike Pence underwent surgery for a pacemaker since his heartbeat had slowed.  In 2016, he had informed candidate Donald Trump that he had a heart diagnosis of an asymptomatic left bundle branch block.  One wonders if Pence actually received the inoculation or if the necessity of a pacemaker was coincidental.

Stalinists v. Trotskyites

Here’s the latest from the comrade in our White House…Joe Biden hates patriotic America so much that he fired Lee Greenwood from the National Council of the Arts.  Greenwood wrote God Bless the USA in 1984 and was appointed to the council by George W. Bush.

Why do I hear no outrage from the Republican Party?  Most folks have figured out that the neo-con Trotskyite republicans aren’t much better than the democrats.  Like Stalin and Lenin, Trotsky was a communist, but he wanted the “slow” acceptance of communism and only murdered three million whereas Stalin and Lenin used iron fists and boots to stomp on any rebellion.  Stalin’s death toll was over 20 million and Lenin claimed the lives of tens of millions of people all over Europe.

The comrades in the Democrat Party are Stalinists, those in the Republican Party are Trotskyites…little difference except for a handful of brave men and women who cling to the truth of our God given rights and the US Constitution.

Back in February of this year, I wrote three successive articles on former VP Mike Pence.  The first article exposed his lifelong congressional friends.  The second article was about his upbringing, his voting record from the time he entered politics, the people he chose for the Trump administration, and his failure of every job President Trump tasked him with, including the hellish nightmare of the Covid Task Force with Fauci and friends.  The third and final article in the series was about the people who funded Pence throughout his political career, big name people who still support him.

Koch Organizations

The Koch brothers have been long time friends and financial supporters of Michael Pence. Accordingly, VP Pence stacked his own office with former Koch brothers’ employees.  Even Kellyanne Conway was affiliated with the Kochs, and she and Pence have been good friends for years and even have family members who have intermarried.  In June of 2017, 16 of 23 senior white house officials had ties to the Koch brothers, including Reince Priebus, Jeff Sessions, Mick Mulvaney, Rob Porter and Don McGahn.  Even Treasury Secretary Mnuchin helped the Kochs out with a change in tax laws.  The Trump administration was packed full of Koch operatives, brought in by their water boy, Mike Pence. Here is a shocking list of the Trump transition team Koch beneficiaries.

The Koch organizations, including Americans for Prosperity, are anathema to Constitutional conservatism.  They prefer open borders with cheap labor, amnesty for illegals, across the board abortion, Agenda 21 sustainability and environmentalism and the financing of American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) who has promoted an Article V Constitutional Convention for decades.

Dick and Betsy DeVos

Financial support from Dick and Betsy DeVos commenced when Pence first entered politics.  Betsy DeVos is known for her support for school choice, school voucher programs, and charter schools.

Betsy and Dick DeVos were impressed by Pence’s support for their pet project of charter schools.  One wonders if Pence and DeVos back American tax-funded charters by Islamic Imam Fethullah GulenRudolph Steiner’s Anthroposophical Waldorf Schools and Communist Chinese charter schools.  Chinese investors are putting millions into Florida Chinese charters.

Pence’s devoted financier, Betsy DeVos was nominated for Education Secretary after Michelle Rhee was dropped. DeVos donated to Bush’s unsuccessful presidential campaign and was lauded by Jeb Bush as she previously sat on the board of his Foundation of Excellence in Education which promoted common core.The two share an education reform policy that supports the transfer of public dollars to privately run schools, such as for-profit charter schools and voucher programs that use taxpayer funds to pay for private schools.

Columnist Diane Kepus researched Betsy DeVos and knew she would be a disaster; her two articles on DeVos are well worth your time, Link and Link, and her fears were well founded.

Mike Pence played an important role in the confirmation of DeVos for Education Secretary. Amid protests from Democratic critics and teachers’ unions that DeVos, a billionaire charter school supporter with no public-school experience, was unqualified for the position, the Senate deadlocked in a 50-50 tie. Republican Senators Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska joined their Democratic colleagues in voting against DeVos. Normally we wouldn’t laud their votes, but this time they were right.  On February 7, 2017, Vice President Pence cast the historic tie-breaking vote to confirm her, the first-time a vice president has been called on to break a tie in a cabinet nomination.

DeVos announced her resignation on January 8th, 2021 in the wake of the assault on the U.S. Capitol. She said in her resignation letter to President Trump there is “no mistaking the impact your rhetoric had on the situation, and it is the inflection point for me.”

On September 25th, at a Republican Leadership conference in Mackinac Island, DeVos implicitly criticized the GOP’s ongoing capture by former President Donald Trump insinuating that Trump supporters were like a cult, when it’s Betsy and her ilk who are the real cultists.

Heritage Foundation

Mike Pence joined The Heritage Foundation as a distinguished visiting fellow in February 2021 after serving four years as President Trump’s VP. They are old friends.  Three decades ago, it was The Heritage Foundation’s influence that inspired Pence to help create a think tank in his home state of Indiana. After coming to Washington as a congressman and later as vice president, Pence frequently collaborated with Heritage.

In 1991, Pence became president of the Indiana Policy Review Foundation (IPRF), which is part of the State Policy Network in Indiana. Link They are satellite affiliates of the Heritage Foundation whose goals and interests are similar to the Koch’s.  The IPRF was a small group back when Pence was their president, but in the years since, it has amassed an enormous budget thanks in great part to the largess of the Koch network of donors and others.

Pence now advises Heritage experts on public policy issues and ensures Heritage remains the leading conservative voice on solutions to America’s biggest challenges. Pence also writes a monthly column for The Daily Signal, Heritage’s multimedia news outlet.

Heritage is well-known controlled opposition.  They are funded by long time pro-aborts and Council on Foreign Relations members.  Heritage fellow Richard Allen (CFR member) wrote NAFTA, and Stuart M. Butler wrote a Heritage monograph mandating all households obtain adequate health insurance.

In early August of 2021, Pence spoke at Young America’s Foundation, an “associate” member of the State Policy Network, and was immediately booed when he told them to get the COVID jab, despite telling the audience that he and his wife Karen and their children had all had the inoculations.

Pence and the Leadership Institute

A few months ago, I received a 12-page letter from Mike Pence extolling the virtues of Morton Blackwell’s Leadership Institute and pressing me for a large donation.  I saved the 12-pages, and last week I received another letter from David Horowitz asking me to pledge funds to the same organization.  Mr. Horowitz is now promoting an Article V Constitutional Convention.

Morton Blackwell is a long-time member of the rightwing Council for National Policy (CNP), and back in the late 90s he was urging a chaplain friend of mine to join the CNP.  One Sunday, Blackwell took my friend to his Episcopal Church in DC, and the female preacher asked for prayer for her husband as he was an abortion doctor and was doing a particularly difficult abortion that morning.  The chaplain was horrified, got up and left, and refused to join the council.

The Leadership Institute is also an “associate” member of the State Policy Network.  Their past students include:

  • Mitch McConnell (who in 2020 had a Freedom Index score of 20, which means he voted against President Trump and the US Constitution 80% of the time. Don’t forget that he and his wife Elaine Chao are very connected to a Chinese shipping company through Chao’s father and sisters.
  • David McIntosh – head of pro-amnesty Club for Growth who spent $2 million to defeat Donald Trump in Iowa in 2016.McIntosh was also a co-founder of the Federalist Society.  Kellyanne Conway and her husband are members and they urged Trump to use the Federalist Society for a list of possible supreme court justices.  (Mike Pence urged Trump to also use the Heritage Foundation for possible justices.)
  • Grover Norquist – head of Americans for Tax Reform and board member of the National Rifle Association is also married to a Palestinian Islamist and has allegedly become one himself. Norquist has a strange alliance with radical Islam and introduced the Muslim Brotherhood to the George W. Bush White House. Frank Gaffney has fully exposed Norquist.
  • Ralph Reed – originally the head of Christian Coalition for Pat Robertson and mailed out voter guides where many true constitutional conservatives were lied about or ignored and neo-con RINOs and Trotskyites were promoted. Reed was also involved with Jack Abramoff who went to prison for the Native American Lobbying scandal.  According to Abramoff’s book, Capitol Punishment, Reed made at least $5 million and should have gone to prison with Jack.  Abramoff also promotes his friend Grover Norquist in his final chapters.
  • Mark Souder – Congressman from Ft. Wayne, Indiana who promised to serve only six terms, but ran for a seventh and resigned when he was exposed for having an affair with a married part-time staffer.

Mike Pence’s good friend, Nikki Haley also endorses and promotes the Leadership Institute.  Many people believe Nikki would make a fine President or Vice President, because she did what her boss, President Trump, asked her to do at the UN.  One of Trump’s business friends in South Carolina called him in early 2017 and asked him to give Haley a position in his administration.  He told Trump that their Lt. Governor was far more conservative and South Carolina needed to be rid of Haley.  After January 6th, 2021, Nikki Haley excoriated her former boss by saying, “We shouldn’t have followed him.”

The old saying, “Better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than open it and have it known,” describes Haley to a T.

Advancing American Freedom

Mike Pence joined the advisory board of Advancing American Freedom with several former Trump hands, including his close friend, Kellyanne Conway, Larry Kudlow and David Bernhardt.

The advisory board includes a number of heretical doctrine “Christians” who are confirmed dominionists, several neo-con Trotskyites, and even members of the Council on Foreign Relations.  My friend, JW Bryan has thoroughly exposed the CFR in his articles as a globalist enemy organization within America.  Pence’s old Indiana buddy, David McIntosh is also on the board as are several people who are promoting an Article V Constitutional Convention.

John Guandolo Exposes Pence

In this video starting at 5:10, John Guandolo exposes VP Mike Pence and his actions during his four years as Donald Trump’s VP.

He states that when Pence was Governor of Indiana and John’s organization, Understanding the Threat, was doing work in Indiana, “Pence had no desire to hear or deal with the truth about jihadi threats in Indiana.  The Islamic site of North America’s headquarters is there in Plainfield, Indiana, and Indiana is one of the three states where the Muslim Brotherhood settled in the United States in the early 60s, and he did nothing. Even though we were working with state legislators, who got it, we couldn’t get him to budge, but that’s a different story.”

John states, “On January 5th, there was a massive meeting in the Trump Hotel in Washington DC with every major player, ten US Senators, their staffs, all the key players in the entire voter fraud game.  The president’s staff and the VP had people there and people who I know directly. I have looked at their briefs and looked at the information and been briefed about what was apprised there regarding the evidence of the fraud and it’s undeniable.  It’s factually rock solid.  Mr. Pence agreed that he would go with what the decision was.  He was going to do a number of things, but essentially, for the sake of this discussion, he pushed it back to the states.  There were some other things he agreed to do, investigative stuff, and before the clock struck midnight on the 5th, he recanted and told the president, I’m not going to do it.  We know that somebody met with Mr. Pence and we still haven’t identified who it was who got him to turn, but I think Mike Pence is a turd and I think he’s a traitor.”

“He was the guy in the Trump administration who was leading the Republican establishment turncoats and there’s more evidence than just what I’m saying right now.  Just that one point should be enough to make people realize that guy is not batting for the American people in any way, shape or form.”

The interviewing host is absolutely right when she said that Donald Trump supporters have been labeled domestic terrorists.  “The Revolutionary Movement against the Constitutional Republic all said that the people at the capitol on January 6th were involved in a coup and were insurrectionists, when in fact they were the people the Dems supported for the previous year…the Antifa and BLM communist agitators on the streets of America. They openly supported them and everything that supports that ideology.”

“Mr. Trump’s greatest failure was to rely on the RNC to fill his administration and they filled it, not with Phil Haney, not with Stephen Coughlin, not with Rich Higgins (fired by McMaster), not with people who actually knew the threat.  They intentionally blocked those people.  John Gallagher, one of the two people vetting national security positions, was the CEO of the Institute for Global Engagement, a Muslim Brotherhood political think tank front in Washington DC.  He was the guy the RNC put in there to screen national security positions.  That’s why you got only bad guys in the administration.”

Pence in 2024

Pence and his wife Karen have always wanted the presidency, but what he doesn’t understand is the fact that he followed the advice of his good friends from Congress, Paul Ryan and Jeff Flake, rather than standing with the man who gave him the chance to one day lead the country.  Pence is our 21st Century Benedict Arnold…he stabbed the president in the back and the Republic in the heart.

He’s working on an $18 million war chest.  His group, Advancing American Freedom, is shaping up as a vehicle for testing the waters and building the infrastructure needed for a White House bid.  The group is staffed by some of Pence’s top allies and ex-aides, including former Koch employee and Pence chief of staff Marc Short, political adviser Marty Obst and former senior Trump White House staffer Paul Teller.

Pence is touring states and lecturing on election integrity after previously refusing to address it.  Unlike James Comey who is a guest lecturer at Howard University, the same university exposed in Manning Johnson’s book, Color, Communism and Common Sense, as being loaded with communists, Pence is lecturing on something he knows nothing about.  Not surprisingly, Federal Judge Emmett Sullivan who was in charge of General Michael Flynn’s case and would not dismiss it, received his undergraduate degree and JD from that very university.

Pence has become persona non grata amongst Trump supporters; someone needs to tell him his political career is over and lock both him and his frumpy control-freak wife in a closet.  I’d go further, but this is for public fare.  When Pence allowed the certification of Biden as the winner under very shady circumstances and then elbow bumped with Pelosi, we saw it all.

Pence admits that he is proud Biden was certified on January 6th, but there are over eighty million Americans who know the truth.


Few people know that America’s Front-Line Doctors headed by Dr. Simone Gold who is also an attorney, went to VP Pence in July of 2020 and told him that if President Trump made Hydroxychloroquine and over-the-counter drug as it is in so many other countries, that lives would be saved as well as the President’s second term.

She told Pence, “Once it’s Over-the-Counter, there’s nothing Congress can do, there’s nothing the doctors and pharmacists can do to stop it…They were going to hold this coronavirus thing over him [Trump], so if the death rates went down to zero, it would have been beautiful.”

She said she met obstruction at every turn.

Mike Pence truly is a modern-day Judas.

© 2021 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson:

The Death of Freedom in America

By Paul Engel

  • Ronald Reagan warned us that unless we fight for liberty, we would one day have to explain it to our children.
  • Today, we have to explain to the younger generations what is was like when freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of press, even to be secure from unreasonable searches and seizures were cherished in America.
  • So will the American people fight for their liberty, or will we sit by and watch it be destroyed?

. . . freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it on to our children in the bloodstream. The only way they can inherit the freedom we have known is if we fight for it, protect it, defend it and then hand it to them with the well thought lessons of how they in their lifetime must do the same. And if you and I don’t do this, then you and I may well spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it once was like in America when men were free.

Ronald Reagan “A Time for Choosing” Speech

Ronald Reagan’s words have come true. We now live in a country where we have to explain to the rising generations what it was like to live in America where people were free. While this day has been coming for decades, recent events show us the real level of rot and decay when it comes to your rights and liberty. No longer must those of us who cherish our freedom and liberty concern ourselves solely with the acts of government. Today businesses, society, and even our neighbors, are out to crush the last vestiges of the rights and liberty we enjoy. It’s not that we weren’t warned this day would come, but like in so many other situations, we never thought it would happen in our lifetimes.

Some of you may think I’m being hyperbolic when I claim that the day Ronald Reagan warned us about has come or that so many are out to destroy our rights. As the drafters of the Declaration of Independence said: “To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.”


As I said, this has been going on for decades. While there are plenty of clauses in the Constitution we’ve allowed to be violated, there are two at the heart of the problem.

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

U.S. Constitution, Article VI, Clause 2

The first is called the Supremacy Clause. Like much of the Constitution, its language is quite clear: The Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of the land. Only laws of the United States made pursuant to the Constitution or treaties made under the authority of the United States, which comes from the Constitution, are considered supreme. This clause means if Congress passes a law that is not pursuant to the Constitution or if the President and the Senate enter a treaty that is not within the powers of the United States, then that action is not supreme. In fact, that action is void.

It is a proposition too plain to be contested that the Constitution controls any legislative act repugnant to it, or that the Legislature may alter the Constitution by an ordinary act.

Between these alternatives there is no middle ground. The Constitution is either a superior, paramount law, unchangeable by ordinary means, or it is on a level with ordinary legislative acts, and, like other acts, is alterable when the legislature shall please to alter it.

Certainly all those who have framed written Constitutions contemplate them as forming the fundamental and paramount law of the nation, and consequently the theory of every such government must be that an act of the Legislature repugnant to the Constitution is void.

Marbury v. Madison Opinion

If an act of the legislature, or for that matter of the President or the courts, is repugnant to the Constitution is void, how were or how have they been allowed to be enforced? Simple. The people who should have known better didn’t stand up to those who were breaking the law.

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

U.S. Constitution, Amendment X

We seem to forget, or perhaps most of us were never taught, that the states ratified the Constitution that created the United States government. That means the states created the federal government, not to be its servant, but to be served by it. It also means that when the states created the United States, they also set boundaries on it and its government. While this was assumed by those who drafted the Constitution, it was later confirmed when the states ratified the Tenth Amendment. So when the federal government exercises a power not delegated to it by the Constitution, it’s stealing powers rightfully owned by the states or the people

This reminds me of a third “clause”, although this one is not from the Constitution:

[T]he constitutions of most of our states assert that all power is inherent in the people; that they may exercise it by themselves, in all cases to which they think themselves competent, (as in electing their functionaries executive and legislative, and deciding by a jury of themselves, both fact and law, in all judiciary cases in which any fact is involved) or they may act by representatives, freely and equally chosen; that it is their right and duty to be at all times armed; that they are entitled to freedom of person; freedom of religion; freedom of property; and freedom of the press.

From Thomas Jefferson to John Cartwright, 5 June 1824

When any government acts beyond the powers delegated to it in the Constitution that formed it, they are stealing your powers. When any government infringes on your rights, they are stealing your rights. In short, whenever any government acts beyond their mandate, they are usurping your powers. It seems this has been going on so long with no one standing up to these usurpations they not only have become normal, but many Americans believe they are legal.

Legal Interference

Once the governments in America started assuming the powers to do pretty much whatever they wanted, with little interference from the people, they started using the judicial system to reinforce those powers. If, like me, you actually read what comes out of our judicial system, you may notice how rarely our judges actually quote the Constitution. Article VI, Clause 3 states:

The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; 

U.S. Constitution, Article VI, Clause 3

Every officer, including judges at both the state and federal level, is required to include support for the Constitution of the United States in their oath of office. So why does the supreme law of the land appear so rarely in the opinions of these judges? While I cannot read the mind of these judges, a quick look at what is included in their opinions should provide a good answer.

Have you heard the terms “case law” or “constitutional law”? How about “precedent” or “stare decisis”? Do you know what all of these terms have in common? They are “laws” created by the judiciary. Now there are plenty of good reasons to consider the opinions of those who have gone before. However, the Constitution states that all lawmaking power is vested not in the courts, but in Congress.

All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives. 

U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 1, Clause 1

Yet today, not only do the courts make law, they claim the authority to overrule the acts of the other two branches of government. They do this first by claiming that their opinions are law, then by elevating those opinions above not only the laws made by Congress, but above the Constitution itself. That is why the opinions of judges are all but devoid of references to statutory law or the Constitution, while they are jam packed with references to judges opinions euphemistically called “case law”. In effect, we no longer have checks and balances between the three branches of governments, since one branch has assumed the incontestable power to overrule the others. And who stood up against this usurpation of power? Did the other two branches stand up? Did the states stand up against their creation? Did the people stand up to restore the judicial branch to its legally authorized role in government? The answer to these questions is no. And that is another reason why the republic, and the liberty it was created to protect, is dying. No one stood up when one branch of government usurped the powers of the others.

Then, into this crippled republic, came the chance of a lifetime for those who desire power and believe they have the moral authority to rule over others.

Lockdowns and Shutdowns

Many people blame COVID-19 for the attacks on liberty we are experiencing, when actually, the tyranny that has run rampant the last 18 months is the consequence of decades of unchecked government overreach. If the antipathy that the people and the states have shown toward instances of government overreach was the explosive, then COVID-19 was the detonator. Suddenly, millions of Americans were afraid that they might get sick and die. And who was ready to assume all the powers necessary to “save the American people”? That’s right, those who are drawn to power, and therefore to government. COVID was the excuse to determine what businesses could be open and who could work. And the icing on the cake? All those unemployed people were now begging government to take care of them. “Enhanced unemployment” benefits allowed thousands to stay home and live on the government dole. And let’s face it, who among us wouldn’t prefer to go about our lives doing what we want while someone else picks up the bill?

There was also another beneficiary lockdowns had: Big businesses. Small businesses cannot afford to lobby government for special dispensations. That’s why a California restaurant owner had her patio shutdown while a movie company had their catering tent open across the street. It’s also why the Walmarts, Targets, Lowes, and other large corporate stores were “allowed” to stay open while their competitors were “forced” to close. This led to a surge in small business closures while large corporations survived just fine.


Of course, lockdowns and shutdowns were just the opening salvos, because the divide between small and large business is not just government lobbying. Large business not only have the capacity to absorb the cost of federal regulations, but the legal staff to fight them in court. Combine this with the cozy relationship large businesses have cultivated with government and you should recognize how these two work together, to both regulate your lives and to suppress their competition. Business licenses, promoted as tools to keep the people “safe”, are instead more often used to control those businesses. This was on full display with the advent of the COVID mandates.

First, governments instituted public mask mandates. Never mind that these mandates deprive you of your liberty and the property you have in your own body, which are violations of both the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments of the Constitution of the United States. Then, governments issued mask mandates for private businesses, a blatant deprivation of the owner’s property and again without due process. Many businesses gladly joined in the deprivation of the rights of their customers. Yes, private businesses have the right to control how people are allowed to access their property, and many citizens willingly submitted to the whim of the store owners. What do you think happened to those few who recognized not only the infringement on their rights, but the fact that these mandates are void? If you guessed that their precious licenses were threatened with another deprivation of property without due process, you are correct. What did the people do when their states started violating the very constitutions that created them? How did the people react when the governments they formed to protect their rights instead violated them? What happened when governments exercised unjust powers that the governed had not consented to? Most people did nothing. Even worse, many people took it upon themselves to become the enforcer of these illegal and immoral mandates. That’s right, many people saw the opportunity to enforce their will upon their fellow citizens and jumped at the chance.

Now we have government issued vaccine mandates. It started locally, then in some of the states. If you wish to go to a restaurant or other public gathering, you need to show that you’ve been vaccinated. If you wanted to attend school, you need to show you’ve been vaccinated. In many cases, both governments and businesses started requiring their employees be vaccinated as a condition of employment. The federal government has even taken these draconian measures to the next level. Thinking of flying? The TSA wants proof you’ve been vaccinated. Working for the federal government or serving in the military? You need to get the vaccine. Own a business with more than 100 employees? You’ll be fined if you don’t require vaccination as a condition of employment. If you resist these enforced vaccinations, you are ostracized and in some cases bullied, both in person and online. It seems that we must tell the rising generation what it was once like in America, when men were free.


Yes, freedom is dying in America. The very idea of freedom and liberty seem to be on life-support when the American people take the opportunity to impose their will on others; the very idea of allowing others to live as they see fit is no longer an American value. Like a comatose patient, or maybe like Sleeping Beauty, there is a spark of life, but only just. George Washington said:

And since the preservation of the sacred fire of liberty, and the destiny of the Republican model of Government, are justly considered as deeply, perhaps as finally staked, on the experiment entrusted to the hands of the American people.

George Washingtons First Inaugural Address, 1789

It appears that in the 21st century, our founder’s trust was misplaced. We have worked hard over the past few decades to cut off the fuel to that sacred fire of liberty, and today it seems many are doing everything they can to put it out. Fortunately, the embers of that fire still exists in the hearts of some Americans. I pray that for many more, the idea of freedom and liberty has not died, but merely fallen sleep. Who will breathe on the embers of that fire? Who will awaken the beauty of liberty in America? Who will stand their ground against those who wish to control others? Will it be you? If so, you are not alone. There are others for whom the sacred fire of liberty burns strong in their hearts. There are still others for whom the fire burns, but it’s being stifled by fear and doubt. Just as a kiss was able to awaken Sleeping Beauty, the kiss of freedom can awaken the fire of liberty in the heart of others. If freedom and liberty are dying in America, it is because We the People have stood by and let it happen. That also means that the American people can restore liberty, if we’re willing stand and fight for it, protect it, defend it, and hand it on to our children.

© 2021 Paul Engel – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Paul Engel:

This Is HOW Angry Most Americans Feel Today

By Frosty Wooldridge

In the past week, U.S. Border Patrol agents tried their best to stop 18,000 Haitian illegal migrants from violating our borders.  All of it caused by President Biden’s insane invitation to illegally invade our country.  Biden can now take credit for the dumbest retreat of our military in the history of the United States: Afghanistan of the Taliban.  He personally, along with his inept General Milley, caused the deaths of 13 military personnel.  Their families weep as you read this column.  Biden and Milley lied about 300,000 “well trained and equipped” troops defending democracy in Afghanistan.  What an absurd joke on the American people! What an insane waste of $6 trillion on those two bogus-bankers wars for 20 years.

Do you buy that bunch of balderdash?

Now, Biden will make the horsemen Border Patrol agents “pay” for trying to stop 18,000 invaders from entering our country!  Whose side is he on, anyway?  For heaven sakes, he’s invited in excess of 1.4 million illegal aliens in the past nine months. He just imported another 100,000 Afghan refugees.  Now, 18,000 Haitians.  That’s on top of 1,000,000 (million) legal immigrants being imported this year. These people suffer major illiteracy, which will make them wards of the state, while sucking our tax dollars into the toilet.  If this keeps up, our welfare and food systems will collapse.

The fact is, Biden violates Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution.  It states:  “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; And on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive, against domestic violence.”

Already, several of the Muslim refugees have raped or attempted to rape small girls and our own female military staff at one of the forts where Biden is processing them.  You can’t make this stuff up!

Are You As Angry As Fellow Citizen Zeb Bell?

Zeb Bell flat out said what most Americans are thinking, “The Invasion of Illegal Aliens (NOT migrants…there’s a BIG difference), yes, there is a huge invasion of people that do not belong here in the U.S. and they must be stopped! The Border Patrol has been thrown not just under the bus, but thrown over a cliff with the senseless, brainless and witless…or just plain stupid comments and actions of two twits that “lead” our nation, “Bumbling” Biden and “Piggly Wiggly” Harris! I personally wish the Border Patrol Mounted Agents HAD whipped the illegals back to the other side AND I’d even favor using long rod hotshots!!! We’re seeing an invasion folks, and this invasion is going to kill our Medicare, our medical staffs and overload our hospitals, schools and entire welfare system. This invasion is taking away the money and resources for us…the CITIZENS of the United States!  Don’t anyone come up to me and say “You’re a racist, you’re a bigot and you’re not a Christian…have a hankie for your nose Pard! My dear friend Frosty Wooldridge in Colorado predicted this Chaotic Invasion to a “T” and now with Dumb and Dumber at the helm, we are hitting a big iceberg to sink us…all of us!  Our citizens on the border are being walked on, stolen from and live in 24-hour fear! D*mn you Biden, d*mn you Harris, get back in your clown car and find another circus! I refuse to share my Country with illegal invaders – you should feel that way, too!”

If you’re aren’t angry beyond words, you aren’t paying attention. These invaders will eventually be placed in your community and schools.  If this invasion continues under the guidance and invitation of President Biden, as one historian said, “Mass immigration creates cultural conflict and ultimately, war…with violence delayed.”

There’s no way to sustain the kind of cultural violence we’re importing/internalizing with our Muslim refugees.  The rape counts in Europe, which are every day for hundreds and thousands of women, will be our fate here in America.  Why?  Because that’s what their religion engenders.   There’s no way to bring Haitians into mainstream America. They will form enclaves and live on welfare, and/or they will revolt with violence…just like Black Lives Matter or Antifa. In the end, there’s no way we can absorb all these cultures and remain viable. Everyone pulls in different directions.  We won’t hold in the middle as Americans.

Biden engineered the greatest disaster of a retreat from war in the history of America.  He’s now in the process of creating the greatest “Balkanization” of America with an invasion out of the third world.

Can you see what’s coming?  Do you see how fast it’s moving at the hands of Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer and the entire U.S. Congress?  Do you think America will survive this nightmare?

Maybe the historian that said, “…with violence delayed” will grimace as America starts tearing apart at the seams.  If you think our “political” separation today is bad, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet—when it comes to our impending “cultural” separation!  When we lose America’s culture do to mass importation of  “multiculturalism”, we lose the glue that binds us as one people.  Do you think we will recover or survivea?

Is anyone in America thinking about these questions?  Are we not galloping into America’s twilight years?

If you would like a free electronic copy of this book, please email me with your email address and I will send it to you.  Every American with children or any American who will live in this country in 2050, needs to understand what they face.

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121.

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

This video will scare the daylights out of every American as to what’s coming to our country, US Citizenship Act 2021 by Joe Biden.

If you want to see two documentaries that give visual proof of my book’s contents, go to Netflix, and type in “Cowspiracy” that shows you the damage to the air, land and water.  Watch “Seaspiracy” to see how humans are destroying the oceans.

Go to for greater information on immigration’s impacts to our country. Help David Durham and this organization with your support.

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

SARS-CoV-2:  Isn’t It Time Someone Did this?

By: Devvy

Never in my long life have I seen what we’re seeing now around the world regarding those experimental injections being passed off as vaccines to “protect yourself and those around you”.  In Australia, their lockdown situation is akin to being in prison; their coppers have resorted to violence to beat compliance into their citizens.  If anyone doesn’t see this type of brute coercion is history repeating itself, they’re either in denial or so brain washed they are un-reachable as far as truth is concerned.

However, there’s always courage to be found among the cowards:  Australian Police Officer Speaks for Fellow Officers against Vax – “Alexander Cooney, a senior Highway Patrol officer in the Australian NSW Police Force, resigned his position to speak for his fellow officers who are not allowed to speak publicly without violating the terms of their employment.

“The message he delivers is that most of his friends on the force are unhappy about their orders to enforce vaccination rules and to break up anti-vax demonstrations.” You can watch a short video, Cops for COVID Truth here. Interesting Cooney uses the word ‘alleged’ virus in the video.  He very much reminds me of another individual of about the same age as Cooney at the time he resigned his high paying position as a CID agent for the IRS because, like Cooney, Joe’s conscience wouldn’t let him ignore the truths he had uncovered.  I’ve known Joseph Banister (Lord, where has the time gone?) for twenty years.  One of the finest Americans I’ve had the privilege of knowing.

Canada, like Australia is a constitutional monarchy of the British Crown.  Their PM, Justin Trudeau, is another dangerous nitwit.  Their citizens have an iron fist governing their lives:  Day 3: Canada Goes Full Nuremberg Law 1935. The Unvaccinated Cannot Marry or Hold Most Jobs

Contrast that to Norway:  Norway reclassifies Covid-19: No more dangerous than ordinary flu – Very informative article with the truth. As of September 25, 2021, all plandemic restrictions were lifted.

This brings me back to – isn’t it time someone did this and what would ‘this’ be?  I have no doubt most of the world is fed up with this endless coronavirus nightmare.  One thing I am fed up with is the lies from the FDA, the CDC, the prostitute media and political whores (governors, mayors, members of state legislatures and Congress) about this alleged virus tagged as COVID-19.

At the risk of repeating myself because I’m going to:  Go back to the beginning.  Please go back to January 19, 2020.  A male who became known as Patient Zero went to an urgent care clinic near Seattle, Washington.  That man had seen a travel warning from the State Department about an outbreak of respiratory pneumonia in Wuhan, China where Patient Zero had just returned from.  Reports state Patient zero had his blood drawn and nasal and throat swabs were taken.  Those samples were flown overnight to the CDC lab in Atlanta.  On January 20, 2021, the CDC pronounced Patient Zero had this new novel coronavirus.

I’m just waiting for my dear friend, a lawyer, to make any final corrections to another FOIA I’m getting ready to file with the CDC.  The first one I filed on May 7, 2021, was non-responsive.  In record time for an alphabet soup agency, their “final response” provided me with several links.  None of them addressed the question:  What scientific protocol(s) was used to determine this “new novel” coronavirus existed?

Coronavirus Disease 2019 Testing Basics – “Swab samples use a swab (similar to a long Q-Tip) to collect a sample from the nose or throat. The types of samples include:  Anterior Nares (Nasal) – takes a sample from just inside the nostrils;  Mid-turbinate – takes a sample from further up inside the nose;  Nasopharyngeal– takes a sample from deep inside the nose, reaching the back of the throat;  Oropharyngeal– takes a sample from the middle part of the throat (pharynx) just beyond the mouth.

“Saliva samples are collected by spitting into a tube rather than using a nose or throat swab.Blood samples are only used to test for antibodies and not to diagnose COVID-19. Venous blood samples are typically collected at a doctor’s office or clinic.”

As you can see, that didn’t answer my question.  Please keep in mind the word isolation as it’s been used and abused throughout this nightmare.  CDC’s second link and this is, I believe crucial:  Pathology and Pathogenesis of SARS-CoV-2 Associated with Fatal Coronavirus Disease, United States, Sept. 20, 2021– “The clinical distinction between SARS-CoV-2 and other respiratory viral infections is difficult because there are overlapping clinical features characterized by febrile illness with cough that lasts for several days before progressing to acute pneumonia. In addition, persons with SARS-CoV-2 and other respiratory viral infections may have atypical or minimal symptoms (2527)” (febrile:  pertaining to or marked by fever)

Uh, oh:  07/21/2021: Lab Alert: Changes to CDC RT-PCR for SARS-CoV-2 Testing – “In preparation for this change, CDC recommends clinical laboratories and testing sites that have been using the CDC 2019-nCoV RT-PCR assay select and begin their transition to another FDA-authorized COVID-19 test. CDC encourages laboratories to consider adoption of a multiplexed method that can facilitate detection and differentiation of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses.”

Why the sudden decision to find new testing methods?  Because the con using the PCR has been caught naked and I believe, they fear lawsuits which will prove through discovery and depositions this whole “pandemic” was a damn lie from day one.

Go back to the link Pathology and Pathogenesis above, in several sections, i.e., Histopathology and Immunohistochemistry, they use a PCR test.  In that section you’ll see a host of cocktails that directly is in contradiction of the word isolate and sure has nothing to do with purified.

This is the FDA document cited since last year:  CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel originally dated July 13, 2020.  The FDA shows a change of date to Dec. 1, 2020; the text remains unchanged.  Pg 9:  “Equivalence and performance of these extraction platforms for extraction of viral RNA were demonstrated with the CDC Human Influenza Virus Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel (K190302). Performance characteristics of these extraction platforms with 2019-nCoV (SARS CoV-2) have not been demonstrated.”

Pg 40 of report:  The analytical sensitivity of the rRT-PCR assays contained in the CDC 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel were determined in Limit of Detection studies. Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV were available for CDC use at the time the test was developed and this study conducted, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA…”

So, they have nothing.  No virus, no isolation and nothing resembling purified.  Going to the CDC’s response to my FOIA:  “The SARS-CoV-2 virus may be isolated from human clinical specimens by culturing in cells. In January 2020, CDC isolated the SARS-CoV-2 virus from a clinical specimen from the first confirmed case of COVID-19 in the United States.”

That would be the man from Washington State.  They isolated this phantom virus from Patient Zero using what?  Just when did the CDC actually “discover” COVID-19 because looking at Dr. Lanka’s controlled experiments, it took up to five days to prove his findings.  Recall what I quoted in a previous column:

“Now, if you click on the link above, a confirmed case, it goes to a January 21, 2020, CDC page.  “CDC has been proactively preparing for the introduction of 2019-nCoV in the United States for weeks…” One day after Patient Zero’s swabs and blood are sent to Atlanta, the CDC had already been preparing for this previously unknown COVID-19.

That’s why the patent issue is key:  Read:  Nothing about the “novel” coronavirus is new: Dr. David Martin with Reiner Fuellmich, July 11, 2021

Remember this phrase saturated in every news item all last year, this from The Omega Brief:  “GOAL #1:  Create “The New Normal campaign” for the purpose of “getting people to accept,universal pan influenza, pan coronavirus vaccine” as scripted by MERCK in 2004 and adopted,by the World Health Organization in 2020.”

This brings me to the questions I have in my new FOIA:

All tangible evidence, documents (whether printed or electronic), notes, computer data or any other form of memoralization, for Patient Zero showing which exact nasal swab was used, i.e., nasopharyngeal swab or oropharyngeal swab.

All tangible evidence, documents (whether printed or electronic), notes, computer data or any other form of memoralization, showing blood testing used for COVID-19 for Patient Zero.

All tangible evidence, documents (whether printed or electronic), notes, computer data or any other form of memoralization, showing results of the PCR test from the swabs mentioned above.

Why is this so important?  There have been reports some people believe they became infected with this phantom virus back in November & December 2019 at the same time the annual influenza flu season starts cranking up.  Those folks reported they thought they had a bad case of the flu, but now think they had COVID-19.

Why are the swabs so important re Patient Zero?  Because it’s January 20, 2020.  Nasopharyngeal and Oropharyngeal (I highlighted above in red) are the gold standard for using a PCR test for this SARS-Co-V-2Coronavirus Disease 2019 Testing Basics – “There are different types of tests – diagnostic tests and antibody tests.

“Diagnostic tests can show if you have an active COVID-19 infection and need to take steps to quarantine or isolate yourself from others. Molecular and antigen tests are types of diagnostic tests than can detect if you have an active COVID-19 infection. Samples for diagnostic tests are typically collected with a nasal or throat swab, or saliva collected by spitting into a tube.  Antibody tests look for antibodies in your immune system produced in response to SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Antibody tests should not be used to diagnose an active COVID-19 infection.”

If a PCR test was used on Patient Zero to detect this “new novel” coronavirus then you have nothing because a PCR test doesn’t detect any virus or infection. In fact, this goes much deeper regarding discovery of a new virus which I cover below.

This is why the response from my May 2021 FOIA request didn’t answer my question.  I requested what scientific protocol(s) was used to detect this new virus?  I didn’t ask for how to test for a “new novel” coronavirus.  Jan. 20th all you have (reportedly) is a blood sample and nasal swabs to test in a CDC lab which comes back with the desired –  not science – diagnosis.  There is a second part to my new FOIA which I’ll cover in an upcoming column; hopefully I’ll have a response from the CDC by then.

January 22, 2020, President Trump tells America, “We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China. It’s going to be just fine.”  Who told him that?  Well, that would be his “advisors” like HHS Secretary, Alex Azar.  By March 9, 2020, a million Americans had been tested using a test that doesn’t test for any virus.  Then along comes career criminal, Anthony the Faker Fauci courtesy of globalist Mike Pence.

How the PCR is Being Misused in Detecting the Supposed Sars-Cov-2 Cases – An excellent, easy to understand explanation.  How the world was tricked into panic:  “The specifics of the PCR/RT-PCR technique that might lend itself to manipulation and fabrication of a delusion and the creation of fear and anxiety:

“1. Size of amplicon (amplified product): The smaller its size, the higher the probability that the product could be found on a variety of DNA sequences from a variety of organisms; including humans.The laboratory amplification of an alleged, specific, very short DNA/RNA segment does not prove the existence of any virus or bacteria and could never predict illness and death for that matter.

“That is why PCR should not be used for clinical diagnosis. The size of the amplified DNA segments, supposedly only coding for various proteins of the Sars-Cov-2 are very small; about 112 bp long or slightly longer.

“Our bodies are awash with DNA and various RNA molecules which are constantly floating about both intracellularly as well as extracellularly…A swab sample will contain a mixture of DNA and RNA as well as huge amounts of proteins belonging to human cells, various bacteria, viruses, protozoa and fungal species.”

Now, this has bothered me for most of this year, well, actually back to October 2020 when I wrote a column about the proposed class action lawsuit:  International Class Action Lawsuits Against Corona PCR Test Manufacturers – “Dr. Fuellmich is one of four members who make up the German Corona Investigative Committee.  He discusses in detail why they are pursuing tort lawsuits which should then be deemed class action lawsuits globally.

All of their evidence will be made free of charge for attorneys around the world to pursue class action lawsuits.  The manufacturers of the PCR Corona tests and those who promote it – my words – are guilty of fraud and in the words of Dr. Fuellmich – guilty of the greatest crime against humanity.

“He explains how these tort cases will be the largest ones ever in history.  As you watch his 49:00 presentation he mentions T-Cells.  Very important.”  In email to me December 14, 2020, Dr. Fuellmich informed me at that time there were no lawsuits filed in the U.S. as yet.  As of this date, I haven’t found one which really bothers me as the evidence of fraud using a PCR test is clearly there.  (I am aware of the Children’s Health Defense successful lawsuit in NY to stop PCR testing for schools.)

I’ve seen all the headlines about 1,000 lawyers having filed a class action lawsuit or CORONAVIRUS LITIGATION: Class Action Lawsuit Filed by German Attorneys for Covid Crimes Against Humanity but, again, I have not found such a lawsuit actually filed in the U.S.

Dr. Fuellmich did inform me in that email, “I have filed the attached PCR-test complaint (it´s the English version) in Berlin. But there will be more such complaints filed. The one filed in Berlin is clad in a defamation suit, this gives us the advantage of the burden of proof being on the so-called “fact checkers” (who, as you know, are simply goons hired by the social media to defame opinions that are not in line with the government). Reiner.  This site covers quite a bit but there are no links to complaints or lawsuits.

The use of the PCR test was justification for locking down nearly the entire planet and need for a vaccineThis is a lengthy 56-pg legal approach by Reiner I encourage everyone to read. In fact, it’s quite important because, using Reiner’s words, this has been a PCR scandal, not a pandemic.

Besides suing the manufacturers of those tests, hospitals, clinics pharmacies, labs and any other testing facility (whoever is responsible at a location) should also be sued for fraud.  Courts say ignorance of the law is no excuse and neither is ignorance of science.  So, why don’t we have one big class action lawsuit or even several at this stage of this monstrous scheme?

Fact:  Neither the CDC or any other government health agency in more than 40 countries has a purified, isolated particles sample of this SARS-C-o-V-2.  This continues to be ignored like a drunk uncle at a wedding reception:

Dr. Stefan Lanka, a microbiologist over in Germany with decades of experience proved in a court of law in 2017 measles is not a virus.  Yet, here in the U.S. and other countries, parents are guilt-shamed into getting their child a measles vaccine.  Dr. Lanka doesn’t deny measles is a disease, it’s just not a virus and neither is this COVID- 19.

SARS-CoV-2:  Isn’t It Time Someone Did this?

This video is 22 minutes long. In it you will see how Dr. Lanka conducted real science vs the pseudo-science which produced this “new novel” coronavirus.The gold standard used since Robert Koch came up with his ‘postulates’ to identify a virus well over a hundred years ago is still top dog today.  As I’ve learned about all this, at times I find it amazing no scientists seem to be interested.  Science and technology has grown leaps and bounds over the past 50 years.  Lanka:  We’re still vaccinating our children using 18th& 19th century science.

I ask this in an older column – why haven’t any virologists, scientists or doctors here in the U.S. done the same controlled experiments as he did? Why is as old as time:  MONEY.  Research and grant money not to mention keeping a prestigious job at some university studying viruses.Money from vaccine manufacturers for research on viruses so they can come up with new vaccines. Not to mention the wee problem:  Using modern science, proof not only is measles not a virus, neither is COVID-19 and a whole list of other viruses.

Certain diseases like cancer are not treated with a vaccine and if all those viruses requiring a vaccine aren’t really a virus, well, you can see how this turns the scientific world upside down.  CDC NOW Admits NO ‘Gold Standard’ for the Isolation for ANY Virus!

It also blows apart this diabolical demand everyone take one of those non-vaccines being passed off as vaccines and there goes those double-digit billions in profits year after year.

This is text of one of Dr. Lanka’s interviews.  While he speaks very good English, it’s a bit difficult sometimes to understand him on video; reading this was easy and incredibly educational.  Stefan Lanka: “Viruses are not microbes and have no infectious capacity”

January 31, 2021 – Phantom Virus:  In Search of Sars-CoV-2 by Torsten Engelbrecht, Dr. Stefano Scoglio & Konstantin Demeter, Off Guardian

February 19, 2021 – Statement of Virus Isolation | Conclusion: The SARS-CoV2 Virus Does Not Exist, by Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Sally Fallon Morell

July 31, 2021 – Leading Corona researchers admit that they have no scientific proof for the existence of a virus

Here we are close to October and not a peep out of the “mainstream” media, print or electronic; not a whisper on any cable TV network and nothing on the majority of “conservative” talk radio shows.  Yes, I’ve seen the hit pieces from all of the above the SARS-CoV-2 virus was isolated.  Fake news.

The number of doctors and scientists speaking out is now in the double-digit thousands around the world thanks to independent media.  But, in the meantime, Americans (and other countries) continue to lose their jobs and paycheck based on a mountain of lies.  An illusion crafted by evil people.  The number of deaths is beginning to escalate while governors refuse to stop distribution of those injections in states.

This is quite a long video so I watched about half an hour at a time.  Vaccines Have Killed 200,000 Americans.  It is narrated by Steve Kirsch, a billionaire who has offered $1 million dollars to anyone who can prove him wrong.  Like Dr. Lanka, Kirsch has no challengers to date.  A million bux.  Kirsch uses precise methodology in his analysis that over 200,000 Americans have now died after taking those injections and the real number of adverse “events” is 2 million.  Not sure the date of that video but at the end he mentions no autopsies, but a number have actually been done.

Video:  Alarming COVID-19 Vaccine Discussion between Dr. Robert Malone, Steve Kirsch and Dr. Brett Weinstein.

There are too many lawsuits to mention, many are winning but some are not.  If we are going to stop this planned destruction, lawsuits need to be filed against those PCR manufacturers, et al, as I wrote at the beginning.  Where are lawyers in this country who can get this done?  My goodness, you’ll have tens of thousands of plaintiffs from people who lost their jobs and businesses all because of fraud:  The PCR test.  Someone snarked at me the other day and said forget the courts.

Listen:  If you do nothing, nothing gets done.  In this case, the real science is crystal clear.  Many big lawsuits have been successful even when the prevailing opinion was they were losers:  Merck has paid out $4.5 BILLION in damages for their VIOXX killer.  Tobacco companies prevailed and many others.  Either we put a dagger through the heart of this hell or keep watching videos, keep watching as the number of dead and injured climbs and more of our freedoms are crushed.

Here in Texas, we are hammering on our Attorney General Ken Paxton to file a State Little RICO ACT against all the dirty players.  For the backstory:  COVID-19 Patents: State Little RICO Acts Prosecution?, July 19, 2021 and COVID-19: The Omega Brief, Sept. 13, 2021.  They are tied together and the paper trail leads right to criminal acts.  My recommendation for your group or organization:  Print out the Omega Brief.  Print out the entire text below this video along with the title and URL.  You can put both on a CD, but they can’t ignore a physical copy.  Well, they can, but that’s where your power of persuasion takes over.  If you can get an appointment with your state AG or his/her chief of staff (forget blue states), that’s best.  If not or your capitol is too far away, use the post office.

Three or four go to the meeting with your package and a signature page – gather as many signatures as you can; friends, family the more the better.  It shows there are more than just you wanting this to happen.  Stress how important it is for the AG or Chief of Staff or both to have a meeting with Dr. David Martin (covered in the RICO Acts link above).

There’s more than enough evidence to prosecute all the individuals specifically named by Dr. Martin, Anthony the Faker Fauci and persons/corporations in the Omega Brief.

This needs further looking into:  WORLD BOMBSHELL: Leaked DARPA document, DRASTIC analysis confirms attack on humanity using aerosolized, skin-penetrating nanoparticle spike proteins  AND  “The DARPA DEFUSE ProjectAND  REJECTION OF DEFUSE PROJECT PROPOSAL

Her opinion down at No. 35 should shock everyone.  She’s a Lt. Colonel who is jeopardizing her career and pension by becoming a whistleblower:  AFFIDAVIT OF LTC. THERESA LONG M.D. IN SUPPORT OF A MOTION FOR A PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION ORDER

If we want to win this war, we have to be the aggressor by suing and we need just one state AG to start the dominoes collapsing.  Or, we can keep getting kicked around by the criminal imposter in the WH and governors.  Flu season is inching closer and you can take money to the bank dictator governors like Newson, Whitmer, etc., will do what they did last year (lockdowns, masks, social distancing nonsense) all the while screaming, DEMANDING we all take those injections.

Please share this column on every social media and email lists.  Networking works which is why there’s a historical rejection of those vaccines.  We’re getting the truth to millions.  Now we need to go after the evil ones who brought this nightmare to the world.

Awesome speech, and a warning for all people who are in positions of power. [Click the Picture]

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions.

© 2021 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:


Idaho doctor reports “20 times increase” in cancer among those “vaccinated” for covid

Sickening:  Teachers to rat on students for breaking COVID rules and it gets worse

Child Abuse:  Viral Video of Toddler Being Forced to Wear Mask Sparks Outrage Over NY Mask Mandate

My last vaccine was by age 5.  Never had another one or one of the popular flu shots.  Don’t need them.  It’s a personal choice.  Having said that, I highly recommend you read this short book,  Vaccination the Hidden Facts by Ian Sinclair.  It’s FREE on line and I guarantee you’ll be shocked.  The author did a tremendous amount of research.

Can the CDC, FDA, Fauci & NAID Be Sued for Fraud?

3,000 Physicians, Scientists Sign Declaration Accusing Governments of “Crimes Against Humanity” Through Covid Regime, Sept 25, 2021

COVID-19 vaccine boosters could mean billions for drug makers

COVID-19 Not a Virus:  Can Any Scientist Prove Dr. Stefan Lanka Wrong?, July 12, 2021

COVID-19: Why Are American Scientists Silent on This?, July 26, 2021

3,000 NYC Teachers Asked for Vaccination Exemptions, Union Says

Latest: Lockdown Lawsuits Update By Top International Lawyer, Reiner Fuellmich


Politics and the Politicization of the US Military

by Caren Besner

“If there is one basic element in our Constitution, it is civilian control of the military” – Harry S. Truman

Americans traditionally have been wary of a large permanent military establishment, believing it to be a threat to democratic institutions. This attitude goes all the way back to the Founding Fathers who deliberately kept the army small, preferring to rely on local militia in case of an emergency. This was done in order to prevent the army from being used to repress the rights of any individual state during the long and ongoing battle over the issue of states’ rights; the echoes of which still reverberate to this very day. The past nine months’ events show how wise this attitude was.

During major conflicts, such as the Civil War and the two World Wars, the military would expand exponentially, only to revert to the size of a constabulary force when hostilities ended. This lasted until the onset of the Cold War, when our newly established rivalry with the Soviet Bloc compelled us to maintain a large standing military force.

All American soldiers swear the same oath to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States. Their oath is not to any political party regardless of which one currently holds the reins of power.

Career military officers occupy a unique place in American society. Ideally, they are supposed to be apolitical. They vote in elections of course, but they are not free to criticize politics openly nor to deride their Commander-in-Chief, whoever that might be. Senior officers are supposed to be promoted based on competency, efficiency, and ability, not because of loyalty to any political party.

Officers who violate these rules can be dismissed from the military. The most famous example was President Truman’s firing of General Douglas MacArthur in 1951. An open critic of the Truman administration’s handling of the Korean War, MacArthur delved into the area of foreign policy, urging the Nationalist Chinese on the island of Formosa (now Taiwan) to attack the Chinese mainland. Since this would have entailed an expansion of the war, possibly involving the Soviet Union, this was the last thing Truman wanted. MacArthur had to go.

Seventy years after MacArthur’s ignominious dismissal, another American general is in the spotlight: General Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the highest-ranking military officer in the armed forces. MacArthur’s actions took place at a time when America was beginning its ascendency to the position of global superpower; Milley’s deeds have occurred during a time when America’s dominant position is clearly in a state of decline. Both men believed in the righteousness of their cause and both served under presidents whose actions they deemed harmful to American interests. Both men acted in ways that clearly overstepped the boundaries of their authority and both fervently defended their actions, causing a great deal of controversy.

According to Bob Woodward’s and Robert Costa’s newly published Peril (and subsequently reported in the Washington Post), in October 2020 and January 2021, Milley placed phone calls to his Chinese counterpart in Beijing (which he later admitted doing). These calls were meant to reassure the Chinese we were not going to launch a nuclear strike against them. Milley stated, “If we’re going to attack, I’m going to call you ahead of time. It’s not going to be a surprise.”

Milley also allegedly asked his senior commanders to take an oath to him promising to obtain his approval if Trump launched a nuclear attack. A spokesman for the general stated he acted within his authority as the senior military advisor to the President and the Secretary of Defense, yet Milley failed to consult any civilian authority, a fact confirmed by his superiors in the Trump administration, and by the former President himself.

General Milley also undertook at least two other controversial programs. The first was adopting Critical Race Theory as part of the reading curriculum for the military; a program which he personally defended during recent congressional hearings. American soldiers have historically sacrificed themselves on battlefields from Europe to Asia and the Middle East to save their brothers in arms. All that mattered was that the other guy wore the same uniform. Under Critical Race Theory, a soldier would be compelled not to look at the color of a fellow soldier’s uniform, but at the color of his skin, before acting. Just how this adds to the cohesiveness, comradery, and fighting efficiency of the military is not explained.

Second, Milley worked closely with Defense Sec. Lloyd Austin, who ordered a “stand down” of the entire military to hunt down “extremism” in the military. This was done in response to Joe Biden’s announcement of “white supremacists” as the greatest threat to our democracy. Accordingly, an internal review was conducted to identify any “offenders” within the ranks. Given these facts, it seems that the entire military is being both indoctrinated and politicized.

A large military establishment is now a permanent part of the American landscape. Just exactly how and against whom this force is to be used is now the question. China’s recent history provides one possible outcome. In June 1989, more than one and a quarter million protesters gathered in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square to advocate for democratic reforms. Those protests had been going on for several weeks and had spread to dozens of Chinese cities. The Chinese Communist Party, perceiving an existential threat to their power, ordered the Chinese army, the People’s Liberation Army, to crush the demonstrators, most of whom were unarmed students. No one knows how many were killed, but estimates run from hundreds to several thousand.

Given Biden’s identification of the “real enemy” as white supremacists, it’s possible that the military is directing its attention to this new perceived domestic threat. According to the radical left, which appears to control the Democrat party, this enemy consists of the 75 million Americans who voted for Donald Trump in 2020.

For now, we don’t know how this will play out. Would the US Army or any segment of it, thoroughly imbued in Wokeism and Critical Race Theory, open fire on a mass of peaceful unarmed protesters if ordered to do so? Only time will tell.

Seven decades separate the actions of Douglas MacArthur and Mark Milley. During those years, the United States of America has fundamentally changed. In 1951, most Americans were fervently anti-Communist. In 2021, only 30 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of Communism, countless millions of Americans seem willing and even eager to embrace it. This shift to the far left is only going to accelerate as more of our younger generation, thoroughly indoctrinated in Wokeism and Neo-Marxist ideology comes of age.

Just where the U.S. military will fit in this “Brave New World” is yet to be realized. One thing, however, can be stated with a degree of certainty: the army can never be used as an instrument of repression against our own people. The current politicization and indoctrination of the armed forces must cease. The public trust in our social institutions; not just the military, but also law enforcement agencies such as the FBI, the Justice Department, and organizations such as the CDC, NIH, FDA, and indeed the government itself is at stake.

[BIO: Caren Besner has written articles published by American Thinker, The Front Page, Dr Swier, Renew America, Sun-Sentinel, NewsWithViews, Published Reporter, The Moderate Voice, The Florida Veteran, Independent Sentinel, and others.]

© 2021 Caren Besner – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Caren Besner:

Democrats: Architects of the Destruction of America, Part 4

By Roger Anghis

What the Present illegal administration is doing to America is nothing short of treason. If you disagree with that statement you are part of the problem, This administration is trying hard to make elections irrelevant. Their demand to use mail-in ballots guarantee they never lose another election. Look at California’s recent recall election.  Exit polling showed 95% of the people voting to recall but election ‘results’ showed a figure of 36%.  Pelosi did say they had insured Newsome would be retained. Voter fraud was that insurance. Devvy Kidd with wrote an excellent article about this fraud: The Gavin Newsom’s, a long string of them just with different names, along with a state legislature dominated by socialists (liberals) and communists (progressives) for forty years have destroyed the state where I was born and raised.  But, over the past couple of decades, I believe a large number of Californians, regardless of party, have finally begun waking up to see the carnage and destruction – especially when it touches their lives.

Newsom, like other Democrat Communist Party USA governors, choked the people of California nearly to death with all the bogus COVID-19 restrictions along with locking down the state for many months.  And, he’s not letting up just like his Comrades in other states.  As time has worn on, even Democrats who’ve become educated on the planned pandemic, wanted Newsom gone.

The only way to keep Newsom in office was to ensure vote fraud controlled that recall vote last Tuesday.  I don’t give a damn what the paid liars at the LA Times or ABC or any of the prostitute media print or vomit up on the nightly news.

This is the same steal method that’s been used for decades.  I’ve been writing and exposing vote fraud since 1993.  When the Motor Voter Act came up in Congress, so many of us tried to slap a sleeping population and warn what would happen if it became law – which it did.  The biggest door for vote fraud was now opened and here we are today.[1]

I can attest to the fact that the Motor Voter bill creates an excellent opportunity for fraud. I live in Colorado and we have been taken over by liberal Democrats. I renewed my driver’s license a couple of years ago and they asked me if I wanted to register to vote, I asked them if they needed to know if I was a legal citizen and I was told that it was illegal for them to ask that question! Seeing that it is illegal for a non-citizen to vote in a federal election one would think that verifying citizenship would be a good thing.  Not in a Democrat-controlled state. If verification is required then voter fraud is much more difficult which is why democrats fight it so hard.

Democrats have made it more profitable to hold patents in foreign countries than in America. Profits from that Intellectual Property is taxed differently. You can see that here[2] and here[3]. As is typical of the democrat party this is a direct attack on the American entrepreneur. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t believe for one minute that Biden is the one behind this. He doesn’t have the cognizance to go to the bathroom by himself let alone set these kinds of directives. He is nothing but a puppet for, I believe, Obama and his anti-American crowd.  That’s my opinion but I have rarely been wrong on these kinds of things.

Biden has proposed the so-called Equity Act which is anything but. This bill eliminates your right to your opinion that certain lifestyles are an abomination as the Bible states they are.  This is an attack on our religious freedoms something the democrats want to eliminate in its entirety.

This bill also requires that everyone accept and embrace these lifestyles that for all of history have been called an abomination by God. Virginia high school teacher Peter Vlaming lost his job for something he did not say.

A county school board voted unanimously to fire the veteran teacher over the objections of his students after he refused to comply with administrators’ orders to use masculine pronouns in referring to a female student who identifies as transgender.

Vlaming did his best to accommodate the student without violating his religious belief that God created human beings male and female, using the student’s new name and simply refraining from using pronouns altogether.[Read] No one should have to accept or embrace something that is obviously unnatural and perverted.

This bill would put many charities in jeopardy because under this bill you have to embrace the perverted thinking of someone who cannot discern the obvious.  In Philadelphia, just days after the city put out an urgent call for 300 additional families to foster children, the city halted child placements by Catholic Social Services because of the organization’s belief that every child deserves both a mother and a father.[Read] In even more insanity it would force social service organizations to allow men in women-only facilities; In Anchorage, Alaska, a biological male born Timothy Paul Coyle goes by the name of Samantha Amanda Coyle. On two occasions, Coyle tried to gain access to the city’s Downtown Soup Kitchen Hope Center, a shelter for homeless, abused, and trafficked women.

In one attempt, authorities said, Coyle was inebriated and had gotten into a fight with a staffer at another shelter, so Hope Center staff paid Coyle’s fare to the emergency room to receive medical attention. Coyle sued the center for “gender identity discrimination.”

A federal sexual orientation and gender identity law could force any social service organization to open up private facilities—including single-sex bathrooms, showers, and sleeping areas—to members of the opposite sex.[Read]

All of this idiocy is being pushed on us by the Democrat Party and their ‘all inclusive’ policies that refuse to include moral common sense.  The democrats think that it’s okay for males to compete in female sports events. Female sports events are not places for failed male athletes to continue their attempts to win their events.

The insanity of these policies is nothing more than a slap in the face to people who live moral lives by moral principles. The is no equality in the Equality Act. It is a forced acceptance of immoral principles on a moral society. If a child decides that there are the opposite sex of what they were born and the parent attempts to work with the child to correct their confused thinking the state could take all parental rights away from the parents. This has already happened. In Ohio, a judge removed a biological girl from her parents’ custody after they declined to help her “transition” to male with testosterone supplements.

After the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital’s Transgender Health Clinic recommended these treatments for the girl’s gender dysphoria, the parents wanted to pursue counseling instead. Then the county’s family services agency charged the parents with abuse and neglect, and the judge terminated their custody.

Similar cases are proceeding through the courts with children as young as 6 years old.[Read]

If the democrats are allowed to continue on the path they have America on, America will be a failed experiment.  I don’t believe that God is done with America. I don’t believe that He will let this party of the anti-christ take America away from Him. He will do a suddenly that will find the democrats trying to figure out what happened. Our work for God is not finished and that work will not be delayed.

© 2021 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

What Else Do You Need To See?

By Michael Peroutka

Only days after presiding over the worst military disaster in American history, Joe Biden told us that his “patience is running thin” with those who have not agreed to be lab rats in the most massive human experiment in the history of mankind.

Chastising those who have not yet taken the jab, he asked, “What more do you need to see?”

In just seven months, Biden has decimated the American economy, destroyed the livelihoods of millions of Americans, opened our borders to our enemies, allowed the massacre of at least 13 American soldiers, left Americans in Afghanistan to be tortured and murdered….


Please allow me to test your patience just a little further…

Video Column

Did you know that Biden’s vaccination mandates for every American don’t actually apply to every American?

That’s right.

There are some groups who are exempt.

For example, United States Senators and Representatives are exempt.  White House Officials are exempt. Likewise, the Judiciary.  So, these people who make the laws, execute the laws, and make judicial rulings about the laws, don’t have to follow the laws.  They are exempt,…and so are the members of their staffs.

Isn’t that interesting?

It gets worse.

Those folks who work for the vaccine makers, Phizer, and Moderna, and Johnson…They’re exempt, too.  Oh, and so is everybody at the CDC, the FDA and the WHO,

More interesting still…

Oh, and although American soldiers and sailors are required to take the shot, all those thousands and thousands of Afghan “refugees” are also exempt.

Do you get it yet?

Well, as Joe said, “What else do you need to see?”

© 2021 Michael Peroutka – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Michael Peroutka:

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Majority of Government Was Fake, Now it’s all Fake

Andrew C. Wallace

Our Declaration of Independence and Constitution remain as the Supreme law of the Land. In simple terms the only valid laws remaining in force are those of the states, and our founding documents. The Unconstitutional Election Insurrection effectively removed any authority or semblance of our Republic. The greatest Constitution in the world still exists, and its protections are binding on everyone in the United States, even if the Republic itself exists in name only.

Most of ‘government’ was without lawful authority before the Election Insurrection, which then ended all illusions of constitutional and lawful authority. The faux administration now only has the power of fear, blackmail, and the barrel of a gun…with no authority. The Constitution reserves ALL powers to the states and to the people, except for Defense, Foreign Relations, Immigration, Currency, Post Office, and some household functions. Federal government has these enumerated powers ONLY. This means that MOST government departments, agencies and related laws are unconstitutional because they have usurped those unconstitutional powers from the states. The states have become mere political subdivisions of the “United States”, subject to its coercion and blackmail.

The Communists and Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) have been attempting to take over our country since its founding. They have been very successful in concentrating power in the federal government by unconstitutionally usurping state powers. Some examples of this usurpation are departments of Education, Energy, Agriculture, Labor, Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development, Transportation, et al. All laws relating to these departments are also bogus. Using these powers (and others) has made the PSRRC and their minions in government and the corporate world very wealthy, while impoverishing and enslaving the people. It is imperative that people know that their real enemy is the PSRRC, and that their corrupt minions have no lawful or constitutional authority to call the shots. To be even more specific, the minions are bribed government employees, elected officials, corporate officials, et al. of BOTH parties, excluding valid America First Republicans.

The Election Insurrection was a terrible tragedy and a costly treason, but it also gives us the greatest possible opportunity that we have ever had to return our government to what it was at the founding. The Communists and the PSRRC have made this possible by scaring the hell out of people, denying them constitutional rights and equal justice. The PSRRC has effectively forced the people to open their eyes and demand MAJOR reform and a return to our original Constitutional government.

Politicians should understand that they will not be welcome home or anywhere else, unless they support “The Requirements for Freedom and Liberation” listed below, among many others. I acknowledge that our corrupt politicians would never vote for these items unless we are involved in a major political and economic upheaval (which we now are) and they are dreaming of being on the receiving end of pitchforks, tar and feathers. Professionals must put these recommendations into proper form.

The Requirements for Freedom and Liberation

1. Stop all illegal immigration, give no amnesties, end chain migration, and deport every last illegal in the country. Any future immigration would be subject to the “Public Charge Doctrine” whereby they are no cost to the government.
2. Use anti -trust laws to break up major internet companies.
3. Media companies must be regulated to report honest news, not narratives.
4. Internet and media companies that block anyone from saying anything against the socialist narrative will no longer be immune from lawsuits.
5. Government officials who refuse to enforce the law will be prosecuted and removed from office, as their sacred Oath is a qualification for office.
6. Government Officials and judges who make their own laws will be charged with crimes and impeached.
7. Corporations will not be allowed to support political candidates with money or anything else of value.
8. Politicians can only accept money from constituents. Political donations to be limited.
9. Reinstate the draft as a deterrent to no-win wars and to educate our young people to defend themselves and the country.
10. Transfer all benefit programs to the states except for Social Security and Medicare.
11. Banks can’t be both investment and commercial.
12. Corporations can’t be sold without approval by 60% of employees.
13. Stock market must be fair for large and small investors alike.
14. If you don’t own the precious metal, stock or other securities, you can’t sell it short.
15. The Unconstitutional Private Federal Reserve Bank is impoverishing average citizens and enriching the wealthy by printing unlimited quantities of fiat money with no backing. The Federal Reserve bank is also causing rampant inflation, a falling dollar, and an economic collapse. It would be impossible to finance no win wars if the Federal Reserve could not print unlimited quantities of unconstitutional fiat money.

16. We must follow the Constitution, terminate the unconstitutional Private Federal Reserve Bank, and back our currency with gold and silver as required by the Constitution. It is the only way to rein in the government’s propensity to spend money and wage no- win wars for corporate profits.
17. FBI is the most corrupt, incompetent and expensive police force in the world, and it must be disbanded. The Constitution calls for the Militia of the Several States to enforce laws of the Union.
18. Senators should serve no more than 2 terms and representatives not more than 4 terms.
19. There should be no huge retirement benefits for elected officials, none. They can use 401Ks like everyone else, and be subject to all laws like everybody else.
20. Violations of federal laws by elected officials and government employees and others will be investigated, charged, and tried. Otherwise, responsible judicial and law enforcement officials will be charged for not doing so.

21. “The American Dream” must be safeguarded by making it unlawful for anyone but individual American citizens to purchase single family homes for their own personal use. Corporate stock manipulators can’t be allowed to use the Federal Reserve’s fiat money to price average Americans out of home ownership and the American Dream.
22. The draconian efforts by state and federal governments to force people to wear masks, maintain physical separation, quarantine, lock down, deny right of assembly and travel, and take life-threatening Covid shots are unconstitutional, and must be considered as “suggestions” only.
23. Federal government to transfer 50% of taxes back to the state governments to finance governmental functions that would now be performed by the states.
24. Federal government should not be involved in any social programs because they have no authority under the Constitution to do so.
25.Any federal expenditures to support legal and illegal immigrants are to be prohibited. That is the proper responsibility of charities.
26. States should give vouchers to parents so children can go to any desired school acceptable to the state.

27. Since a majority of college courses have little value in future employment, no employer should be permitted to require a degree, except in professional areas such as medicine, engineering, business, et al. Public funding of higher education which does not result in marketable skills is a fraud on taxpayers. Public has no responsibility to finance four years of fun, games and debauchery. Economists could say that the “Economic Opportunity Cost” of most higher education is exorbitant and not the best use of time and money.
28. We must follow the advice of our founders and bring our troops home from all over the world. Our troops should only be used when the security of the United States is at risk. When our troops are in combat their rules of engagement must not endanger them.
29. Pushing critical race theory in the military or anywhere else is a crime.
30. The days of useless no-win wars for profits of the PSRRC’s Military Industrial Complex must end. Many millions of innocent people have died for no good purpose except to enrich the PSRRC and impoverish our citizens. The people responsible are guilty of crimes against humanity and should be tried and hung.

31. There is never any excuse to give money to foreign governments for ANY reason (with or without kickbacks) . It is especially heinous when our own people are living in the streets, our infrastructure is falling apart and fiat money must be printed.
32. We must stop Financialization which temporarily increases stock price by investing growth capital in non-productive schemes like stock buybacks, high dividends and other areas which provide no benefit to the corporation other than temporarily increasing the price of the stock The money wasted is detrimental to the corporation, the employees and the long-term stockholders. This reduces employment and corporate viability.
33. All “Green New Deal” efforts to restrict fossil fuel energy production in favor of solar and wind must stop. Promotion of electric vehicles to replace ALL fossil fuel vehicles must also stop as there is an inadequate supply of electricity and the means to deliver it.
34. Stop the Climate Change scam. Climate change is natural, not man-made, and attempts to control it are a scam to impoverish the people for the benefit of the PSRRC.

I will not now support ANY political party, or vote for ANY existing candidates, as none are worthy. We must primary all politicians and elect patriots who will support “The Requirements for Freedom and Liberation” listed above.

Diabolical, is the best way to describe the fraudulent recall election in California. The PSRRC and their Communist minions have left the people of California no choice but to rebel. This is a simple fact.

I fear that the PSRRC and its minions will resist with all available force resulting in unlimited bloodshed and destruction. I don’t condone a conflict that will cause a total economic and social collapse and a Pyrrhic Victory for both sides. I don’t think that either the People or the PSRRC will compromise, so the die is cast. Prepare for the worst. But, know that after the hell, if we really fight hard, we could have our country and Original Constitutional Republic back with the PSRRC and their Communist minions under control, or gone.

© 2021 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace:

Elder Cleansing and the Falling Away From Constitutional Judeo-Christian Governance

By George Lujack

Coronavirus and its variants, when acquired by a healthy person, have about the same mortality rate as the common cold. The Covid vaccine has been shown to be completely ineffective in preventing the onset of Covid or one of its variants. People are not getting the Covid vaccine to prevent getting Covid. So why are people getting the vaccine?

People are rolling up their sleeves and taking the death jab because of government-induced mandates. People are injecting toxins in their blood so that they can go grocery shopping, to restaurants, to concerts and sporting events, for employment, school, and travel.

Side effects of the Covid vaccines include: chills, fever, headaches, muscle pain, nausea, redness, swelling, tiredness, blood clotting, Guillain-Barré Syndrome, myocarditis, and death.Long term effects are not yet known, but if the Covid vaccine clots the blood, it may lead to premature death. Life is in the blood (Genesis 9:4; Leviticus 17:11-14; Deuteronomy 12:23).

Recipients of the Covid vaccine are more likely to acquire Covid than non-recipients. Covid vaccine advocates say that if you do acquire Covid after receiving the vaccine, the symptoms will be less severe. Yet the fact remains that vaccinated persons are more likely to acquire Covid after receiving the vaccine and the vaccine is far more lethal than the disease itself.

Dr. Fauci is not our national doctor, no matter how much the Communist News Network (CNN) thinks he is. We are not “all in this together.” Human beings have a right to alternative medical opinions, other than the government’s, and have the sovereign right to make healthcare decisions regarding their own God-given body.


We have been dealing with dishonest government officials for years, primarily Democrats, who are Covid vaccine mandate proponents. They expect you to forget that for decades it was they who justified infanticide by proclaiming it was a woman’s choice. Now they want you to believe that you have no choice over your own body and must receive the Covid vaccination for the greater good of society. They expect you to give up all logic and reason and obey them.

It cannot be stated often enough, as counter-propaganda sayings…

If masks work, the masked have nothing to fear from the unmasked.
If vaccines work, the vaccinated have nothing to fear from the unvaccinated.
If you need me to wear a mask and get a vaccine, in order for your mask and your vaccine to work, you are a special kind of stupid and I am not that stupid.
I am not in this together with you. I am an individual who makes individual decisions.
I am sovereign over my own body and my body is not the property of the State.

As far as Covid is concerned, I have made an informed decision and I have chosen my doctors, and Dr. Fauci is not one of them. I am relying on my immune system and the advice of America’s Frontline Doctors for any and all information and treatment, if necessary, for coronavirus and any of its variants and for any new disease the globalists wish to bring upon humanity.


Obama is ‘the one’” – Oprah Winfrey, 2007

We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.” – Barack Obama, 2008

And there’s a whole generation I say this, you know, I said this, you know, for apartheid South Africa, I said this for my own, you know, community in the South. There are still generations of people, older people, who were born and bred and marinated in it, in that prejudice and racism, and they just have to die.” – Oprah Winfrey, 2013.

Oprah Winfrey, with a net worth of 2.6 billion dollars, is the world’s richest black woman according to Forbes.Winfrey has not suffered oppression at the hands of old white people.

It can be argued that much of Winfrey’s success is attributable to old white people.

This may sound surprising, but Winfrey’s statement concerning wanting older wanting people to die was not based primarily on racism against white people in general or because she is telling the truth that old white people are prejudiced and racist. What she is saying is that she wants old white people with Judeo-Christian values to die, so that those traditional values can be replaced by interfaith connected New Age philosophies.


Many good natured people do not understand, or do not want to believe, that there are many people in the world that do not have their best interests at heart.

Why do the nations rage, and the people plot a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against YHWH (the Lord) and His Anointed, saying, “Let us break Their bonds [COMMANDMENTS] in pieces and cast away Their cords [PEOPLE] from us.”

“And from the days of John the Baptist until now [REPRESENTATIVES OF] the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent [GOVERNMENT ENTITIES] take it by force.”

For your merchants [BUSINESSMEN, INDUSTRIALISTS] werethe great [WEALTHY] men of the earth, for by your sorcery [DRUGS, MEDICINES, PHARMAKEIA, VACCINES] all the nations were deceived.


Watching conservative-valued Covid vaccine rejecting persons trying to reason with eugenic-minded Covid vaccine mandate proponents reminds me of a scene from the movie Goldfinger.

James Bond:
Do you expect me to talk?”

No, Mr. Bond. I expect you to die! There is nothing you can talk to me about that I don’t already know.”

Covid vaccine government mandate proponents already know a few things. They know that the Covid virus is not that deadly, with a 99.97% survival rate for healthy persons, and that the vaccine is dangerous, ineffective, and is likely to reduce people’s lifespans. Any injection that clots blood will, over time, certainly contribute to premature deaths. People who are Covid vaccinated, obese, and have other health issues will all but certainly be dying from their ailments sooner than normal in the future. Covid vaccinated persons will not be surviving heart attacks and strokes, as they will be dying from them if their blood is clotting due to the Covid vaccine. Covid vaccine induced deaths, i.e. elder cleansing,will appear to be natural deaths and will be blamed on everything except Covid vaccinations.

So, what we are sure to see from government statistic manipulators in the decades ahead, and have already seen, is Covid death rates exaggerated / inflated, as anyone with a comorbid pre-existing medical condition who dies from their condition and has Covid will be tallied as a Covid death. Covid vaccine deaths will be underreported / deflated, as anyone who dies from Covid vaccine complications or side effects will be ruled death by the ailment, but not the contributing factor to the ailment: the Covid vaccine.

Attempting to reason facts and statistics about the dangers of the Covid vaccine with eugenic-minded government bureaucrats is like trying to argue the value of the lives of Jewish citizens to Nazis. Many people cannot understand this: They don’t want to give you a vaccine because they care about you. THEY WANT YOU TO DIE!

Why do they want you to die?

1 TIMOTHY 6:10:
The love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.

ethnic cleansing:
the mass expulsion or killing of members of an unwanted ethnic or religious group in a society.

elder cleansing:
the senior is systematically isolated from family members and friends, then is drugged (or ventilated) until they die.

If the governments, here and around the world, can rid themselves of the elderly, by reducing people’s lifespans, think about how much money they can save on unfunded pensions and social security payments. They have certainly thought about it. We are talking billions and trillions. They talk of “resets,” and they would certainly like to wipe their government deficits and liabilities slate clean by trimming the human herd.

Many global politicians rightly know that global warming is a hoax, but some may have convinced themselves it is true. They speak of increased carbon emissions, but fail to report that this has not led to an increase in global temperature, as global plant life has increased its carbon intake and oxygen output to offset human behavior. The world is not in such a delicate balance as the global warming proponents would have us believe. Regardless, the fear of global warming is used as justification to reduce the world’s population by any means necessary.

And finally there is the matter of resources. The globalists want to reduce the human population because they think that there are too many people using up the world’s resources.

Many movies come to mind, as either projections, propaganda, or prophetic imagery of the times we are living in or the times that the globalists want us to live in. Movies that have forecasted and reinforced the idea of mass population control and the trimming down of the human race either through technology gone wrong, outbreaks of diseases, global warming, or by totalitarian government intervention include, but are not limited to:
1984, 2149: The Aftermath, Artificial Intelligence, Blade Runner, Brave New World, Contagion, The Day After Tomorrow, The Hunger Games, Logan’s Run, Mad Max, The Matrix, Outbreak, The Terminator, V for Vendetta, Waterworld, Westworld.

Over the last century, eugenic-minded, population control rulers have tried many things to keep the human population down, such as funding abortion domestically and internationally, promoting LGBT lifestyles at the expense of traditional life-bearing heterosexuality, and of course there were many wars.

FAKE PRESIDENT BIDEN: “We’ve been patient, but our patience is wearing thin.”

Everything this usurper in chief says about Covid is a lie. “Many of us are frustrated with the nearly 80-million Americans who are still not vaccinated, even though the vaccine is safe, effective, and free.” Well, the death jab being free (at taxpayer expense) is the one thing he didn’t lie about.

Indeed the fake president and his global partners’ patience is wearing thin. Whilethe Biden regime has opened the floodgates on the Mexican border, inviting into America unvaccinated illegal immigrants and relocating them to various states, it has simultaneously opened up Covid quarantine camps, internment camps, or community isolation centers (CICs). The internment camps are not for the illegal immigrants who are flooding into America.No, they are for the unvaccinated people with Judeo-Christian values who just need to die.


1 JOHN 2:18:
It is the last hour; and as you have heard that the Antimessiah (Antichrist) is coming, even now many antimessiahs (antichrists) have come, by which we know that it is the last hour.

2 Thessalonians 2:1-3:
Now, brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Yeshua Messiah (Jesus Christ) and our gathering together to Him, we ask you, not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as if from us, as though the day of Messiah (Christ) had come. Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the FALLING AWAY comes first…

The New World Order globalists with their anti messiah / antichrist allies at every level, under the guise of a medical crisis, have exerted control over the world’s nations, many of which were formerly governed by Constitutional Judeo-Christian principles. They have imposed and will continue to try to implement draconian measures, including mask wearing requirements, medical malpractices, forced lockdowns, closures of businesses and schools, quarantines, forced hospitalizations, travel restrictions, medical testing, and forced vaccinations.

As we find ourselves in the falling away period, the pre-great tribulation years, do not be shaken in mind or troubled in spirit by these things, because these days were foretold to occur before the glorious return of Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus the Christ).

Even so, come, Lord Yeshua (Jesus).

© 2021 George Jujack – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail George Lujack:

Saving Privately Milley

by Servando Gonzalez

Over the years, and particularly after the events of September 11, 2001, and the popularization of the Internet, even the most gullible American citizen has suspected that there must be a secret reason why more often than not our government acts against the best interests of the American people, as well as helps our enemies and betrays our friends. Just a handful of scholars, however, have seriously studied the phenomenon.

The ones who have done so concluded that the U.S. Government has been hijacked by a group of rich, powerful individuals, who have been using it to advance their own private interests. This super-elite of a few hundred immensely wealthy and powerful individuals has been called different names: the Power Elite, the High Cabal, the Secret Team, the Secret Government, the Insiders, the Usurpers, the Invisible Government.

Probably the first author who rightly pointed to the Council on Foreign Relations as the true source of the invisible Government of the United States was Emanuel Josephson in his 1952 book Rockefeller “Internationalist”: The Man Who Misrules the World. [1] Josephson titled Chapter XIII of his book, “The Council on Foreign Relations: “Foreign Office” of the Rockefeller Empire. The Invisible government.”[2]

A few pages below he added, “So consistently have high, policy-making positions in the government been filled from the ranks of the Rockefeller’s Council that it can be called the invisible government of the United Sates.”[3]

Another author who identified the CFR as the center of the invisible government of the United States was Dan Smoot in his 1962 book The Invisible Government.[4] Smoot, a former member of the FBI Headquarters staff in Washington, D.C., expressed his conviction,

“I am convinced that the Council on Foreign Relations, together with a great number of other associated tax-exempt organizations, constitutes the invisible government which set the major policies of the federal government; exercises controlling influence on government officials who implement the policies; and, through massive and skillful propaganda, influences Congress and the public to support the policies. I am convinced the objective of this invisible government is to convert America into a socialist state and make it a unit in a one-world socialist system.” [5]

Later, John Stormer in his book None Dare Call it Treason,[6] Gary Allen in None Dare Call it Conspiracy,[7] and Phoebe Courtney in her The CFR, Part II,[8] further identified the CFR as the center of the invisible government of the United States. [9]

Like ninja assassins, the main weapon used by the CFR conspirators to commit their crimes with impunity has been their invisibility. [10] Until recently, this group of rich, powerful people, who has an almost total control over the three branches of the U.S. government, the mainstream press, Hollywood’s film industry, [11] the educational system, and currently is extending its tentacles to fully penetrate and control the U.S. armed forces, has been almost unknown to most of the American people.

But we should not blame the people. This group of powerful conspirators is very rarely mentioned in the mainstream press and is totally absent from textbooks. [12] Though their names are known, their ties to the CFR have been kept secret, and the conspirators have thanked the press for their good job on their behalf.

Speaking in 1991 at one of the secret Bilderberg meetings in Baden-Baden, Germany, David Rockefeller expressed his gratitude to a servile press for their “discretion” for almost 40 years of blackout. At the same time, he seized the opportunity to proselytize for his treasonous work undermining the constitutional principles of this country. According to David, a government run by an elite of bankers like him is much better than national sovereignty. [13]

Unknowingly, the authors who first pointed to the CFR as the true seat of this anti-American conspiracy were practicing the science of historical forensics. And, despite the efforts of the criminal conspirators at the CFR to erase all traces linking them to their crimes against the American people, these authors discovered an amazing fact: behind every act of treason to this country and its people there is always one or more members of the Council on Foreign Relations or their parasite organizations working hard in the shadows against us.

The list of events in which they have conspired to destroy this country is very long, and even a non-exhaustive macro forensic historical analysis of the CFR treason can extend for hundreds of pages. Nonetheless, the authors I have mentioned above are enough to prove beyond any reasonable doubt that what many people have suspected is true: a cabal of non-elected people is making the big decisions behind our backs and controlling our destinies.

One can claim that the facts I mention above are not true, or difficult to confirm. Still, even if only half of them were true —and all of them are in the public domain and easy to verify— this should be a motive of concern for the American public.

Likewise, some may argue that my conclusions are fallacious, because this small group of people has joined the CFR only because of their prominence and money, and that is precisely what has made this organization so powerful. But, as in the cases of Dwight Eisenhower, Henry Kissinger, Jimmy Carter, Alexander Haig, Bill Clinton, Zbigniew Bzrezinski, and Maurice Strong, just to mention a few, many of them reached prominence and fortune thanks to their membership in the CFR and not the other way around.

So, how to explain without resorting to conspiracy theories the fact that this small group of people control to such extent the foreign policy of the United States and of most countries in the world? How can one explain without resorting to conspiracy theories, the fact that, being so important and powerful, and having such control over the American mainstream media, the Council on Foreign Relations is almost unknown to the majority of the people in the United States and the world?

The Council claims that it has no affiliation with the U.S. government. Then, how can we explain these facts: Since the end of World War II, almost every Secretary of State, CIA Director, Secretary of Defense, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, National Security Council member, Federal Reserve Bank Director, is or has been a CFR member. Currently, at least 124 high-ranking U.S. military officers and several U.S. senators and Supreme Court Justices are CFR members. Actually, no other organization, not even any of the three branches of the U.S. government, exerts such control over this country.

Further proof that the Council on Foreign Relations is the true invisible government of the United States is the fact that in critical situations CFR agents infiltrated into the U.S. government bypass the legal government to report first to the invisible one. Examples of this are presidential adviser McGeorge Bundy (CFR) secretly informing the CFR about the alleged missiles in Cuba before informing President Kennedy, [14] and CIA’s Richard M. Bissell, Jr.(CFR), secretly reporting to the CFR about covert operations. [15]

When the chips are down, the conspirators’ agents infiltrated in the U.S. government know perfectly well where the true center of power is located in this country —and it is not in Washington D.C.

Consequently, we have to conclude that there is an Invisible Government, a High Cabal, a Power Elite, a Secret Team, a Secret Empire, a group of Conspirators, Infiltrators, Usurpers, Insiders, or whatever name you choose to call it, who, using gradual infiltration techniques, have penetrated the three branches of the U.S. Government as well as the Department of State, the CIA and the U.S. military, and currently has almost total control over them. It also controls the mainstream media and public education. Unfortunately, this group is currently working hard to take control of the governments of most countries in the world.

On its part, the Council on Foreign Relations describes itself as a social club where the rich and powerful meet to discuss national and international politics. Nothing farther from the truth. Actually, the CFR is the core of an evil conspiracy by a group of criminal psychopaths without any ideology at all except maximum power and control.

Their ultimate goal is the implementation of a New World Order, a communofascist totalitarian dictatorship with just two social classes: the all powerful masters and the poor serfs. To carry out their plans, the CFR conspirators have infiltrated the U.S. government, the military and the media, and now, under the excuse of protecting us from from an allegedly mortal virus, are ready for the final assault on freedom in this country and the world.

And this group of conspirators whose ultimate goal is the implementation of a totalitarian communo-fascist New World Order resides at the Harold Pratt House in Manhattan, headquarters of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Not surprisingly, the CFR has devoted so much time and effort to control key members of the U.S. military, and they have been highly successful.

At least on two occasions, on May 3, 2016 and on June 1, 2017, Gen. Mark Milley was invited to attend the CFR’s secret conciliabula. [16] One can only guess what was discussed at those meetings, because, though they publish a most likely sanitized account of the meeting, the questions and answers that follow are kept secret. Actually, the CFR statutes clearly state that a member who talks about the content of the secret meetings will be immediately expelled from the CFR.

Most likely it was at those meetings when Gen. Milley discovered the true center of power of the U.S. and, like all careerists and opportunists with a keen sense of smell, he realized on which side the bread was buttered and began acting accordingly to advance his career. This explains his total disregard for the Constitution and the role of the military in this country and his full allegiance to the CFR globalists conspirators and their traitorous goals.

But he is not alone. Currently there more than two hundred senior members of the U.S. military with membership in the Council on Foreign Relations. [17] What is simply incredible is why key senior members of the U.S. military are allowed to belong to such an organization that is so openly anti-American.

The fact perhaps explains why, despite their oath to protect the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic, never in the history of this country has any senior member of the U.S. military protected this country from its domestic enemies. Paraphrasing Pogo (Walt Kelly), they can say: “We have not seen the domestic enemies because they are us.” Actually, the very few ones who have mentioned their willingness to see them, such as George Patton, James Forrestal and, more recently, Pat Tillman, have either seen their careers ended or their lives suddenly terminated.

General Milley consciously betrayed a cardinal principle of the U.S. Constitution: the subordination of the military to the civilian authorities elected by the American people, one of the few things that still distinguishes the American republic from a banana republic. For this conscious act of betrayal of one of the most sacred principles of the laws of this country he took and oath to defend and protect, he must be penalized with all the force of the law.

If one is to believe the assertions expressed in Peril, a recently appeared book by Washington Post journalists Bob Woodward and Robert Costa, Gen. Milley called a couple of times, in October 2020 and again on January 6th, 2020, to his Chinese counterpart, Gen. Li Zuocheng, giving him assurances that he would not allow President Trump to launch a nuclear attack on China. Apparently it didn’t cross his narrow mind that Gen. Li was familiar with Sun Zu’s advice to his generals: “All warfare is based on deception.” [18]

In his desperation to prove his worth to the globalist conspirators, Gen. Milley never thought that these calls might be interpreted as deception because in fact the U.S. was getting ready to launch a devastating attack on China. It would be interesting to know if by the time of his calls the Chinese nuclear forces went on alert. If this happens to be true, Gen. Milley’s stupid behavior put the U.S. on the brink of a nuclear war with China.

Nevertheless, despite the damage he has done to his country and the Constitution he swore to defend, his good friends at the CFR are doing everything they can to save privately Milley from his well-deserved disgrace and keep him in the military doing a great job promoting the indoctrination of critical race theory and other idiocies among the U.S. military. Already CFR members in the government and the media are working hard not describing him as a traitor who colluded with the enemy, but as a hero who saved the nation from a deranged President.

Now we can understand who Milley was really talking to when he confessed his mistake for having joined Trump on his weird walk to a nearby church and who he was really talking to when he expressed his full support to the brainwashing of the military on critical race theory. This also explains why he told, full of pride, to the authors of a book about his private conversations with a Chinese general who one may assume is not friendly to America. He was not talking to the American people but to his secret masters, so they can’t have any doubts about his total allegiance to the globalist’s New World Order.

But it would be unfair to blame Gen. Milley alone. The main culprit is not him, but his former boss, Donald Trump, who didn’t fire Milley after his weird apology, who didn’t fire Fauci after so many scientist told him Fauci was a liar, who appointed more CFR members to his administration that Obama did, who willingly surrounded himself with traitors.

President Truman once said that the buck stopped at the president’s desk, meaning that the President is the man with the ultimate authority. Nevertheless, for reasons we ignore, President Trump refused to use his authority to defend from its domestic enemies not only the Constitution but also the people who had elected him. —Servando’s latest book, Coronavirus for Dunces, is available at Amazon and other bookstores online.

© 2021 Servando Gonzales – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Servando Gonzales:


[1]. Emanuel Josephson, Rockefeller “Internationalist”: The Man Who Misrules the World (New York: Chedney Press, 1952).
[2]. Ibid., p. 237.
[3]. Ibid., p. 245.
[4]. Dan Smoot, The Invisible Government (Boston: Western Islands, 1962)
[5]. Ibid., p. 3.
[6]. John Stormer, None Dare Call it Treason (Florissant, Missouri: Liberty Bell Press, 1964).
[7]. Gary Allen, None Dare Call it Conspiracy (Rossmoor, California: Concord Press, 1972).
[8]. Phoebe Courtney, The CFR, Part II (Littleton, Colorado: The Independent American, 1975).
[9]. Allen, op. cit., p. 13.
[10]. For a short, but insightful analysis of the invisible government of the United States, see Richard J. Boyland, “The Secret Shadow Government: A Structural Analysis,”
[11]. Hollywood stars who have joined the CFR are Khris Khristofferson, Angelina Jolie, Michael Douglas, Richard Dreyfuss, George Clooney and Warren Beatty.
[12]. Nelson Rockefeller’s biographer Joseph Persico mentions that, to his utter surprise, political journalist Richard Reeves found out that, after Nelson Rockefeller’s twenty years in politics, his associates had produced “no books, no memoirs, no nothing. Think about it. It’s unique.” Joseph E. Persico, The Imperial Rockefeller: A Biography of Nelson A, Rockefeller (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1982), p. 14.
[13]. David Rockefeller, addressing the Bilderberg Group in Baden-Baden, Germany, June 1991.
[14]. On the evening of October 15, 1962, CIA deputy director Ray Cline informed JFK’s national security adviser McGeorge Bundy (CFR) that U-2 planes had discovered what appeared to be Soviet medium-range nuclear missiles bases on Cuban soil. But Bundy didn’t tell the President immediately. Instead he told the news to his associates at the CFR. A few minutes later, while the President was kept in the dark, CFR members Dean Rusk, Paul Nitze and Robert McNamara were informed about the findings. See, Walter Isaacson and Evan Thomas, The Wise Men: Six Friends and the World They Made (New York: Touchstone, 1986) P. 619.
[15]. The minutes of the Bissell report to a select group CFR members on January 8, 1968, are reproduced in Victor Marchetti and John D. Marks, The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence (New York: Dell, 1974), pp. 358-376.
[16]. Milley talking at CFR in
[17]. For a list of senior members of the U.S. military who are also CFR members see Servando Gonzalez, I Dare Call It Treason: The Council on Foreign Relations and the Betrayal of America (Oakland, Caifornia: Spooks Books, 2013), pp. 229-236.
[18]. In his book The Art of War, Sun Tzu, a general who lived in China 500 B.C., he advises his generals: “Al warfare is based on deception.” See Samuel B. Griffin (translator), Sun Tzu, The Art of War (Oxford University Press: Oxford, 1963), p. 66. Sun Tzu’s book is mandatory reading for Chinese People’s Liberation Army officers.

Are the Dems Winning the Political Vaccine Wars?

By Cliff Kincaid

[DISCLAIMER: The opinion in this article is the sole opinion of this author and is not the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

In an article about Governor Gavin Newsom decisively beating the Republican recall effort in California, conservative activist Steve Baldwin argued that California voters have become so radicalized that they will accept the chaos and devastation in the state “as a small price to pay in order to transform California to socialism.” He makes a good point. Socialism is destroying the state.But one element of that chaos and devastation is the impact of the China virus. This was a major factor in the voting that Newsom won by a 63.5 percent to 36.5 percent margin.

A CNBC analysis found a link between support for Newsom and counties with high Covid vaccination rates in California. These people fear the virus and have been vaccinated against it. They look on the anti-vaxxers as backward thinkers and Luddites standing in the way of progress.

Newsom’s support of the vaccine was a political winner and he claimed the moral high ground over the Fox News candidate Larry Elder, who opposed vaccine mandates and lost big. A talking head, Elder was known for selling dietary supplements in commercials airing on the channel.

Politically, the evidence indicates that the voters, including many Republicans, want tougher action against the unvaccinated. They increasingly want to ostracize and isolate the anti-vaxxers.

The new Fox News poll finds that big majorities support mask and vaccine mandates advocated by the Biden administration and other Democratic Party politicians. Republican politicians who oppose more aggressive action to control the virus will follow Larry Elder’s fate.

The Fox poll found that 74 percent of the people are “extremely” or “very” concerned about the pandemic. By contrast, I keep hearing from Republican voters who believe that the virus is no more deadly than the seasonal flu or the common cold. They emphasize their “freedom of choice,” with some contending the vaccine is an instrument of the anti-Christ to usher in a New World Order.

The Fox poll finds 65 percent think the vaccines are safe and effective.

This isn’t the only state where tougher action against Covid has become a key issue. In Virginia, in a neck and neck race, Republican gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin has just released a political ad urging more people to get vaccinated. That’s in response to an ad from Virginia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe titled “Don’t Florida Our Virginia,” which argues for imposing vaccine and mask mandates.

What this demonstrates is that people in general fear the virus more than the vaccine and are willing to take their chances on the shots.

Former President Trump, who takes credit for getting the vaccines approved in record time,  says, “Our country has gone really downhill in the last eight months, like nobody’s ever seen before.” If present trends continue, he told Newsmax, “we’re not going to have a country left in three years, I’ll tell you that.”

The irony is that his Warp Speed vaccines can take Covid off the table as a political weapon that the Democrats are using against Republicans. But many of Trump’s own people – his voters and base – are rejecting his signature achievement. Their “My body, my choice” argument plays into the hands of Biden and the Democrats.  They are increasingly being seen as obstructionists who are frustrating a solution to a pandemic that has claimed more than 650,000 lives.

The results in California, seen in the context of the new Fox News poll, demonstrate that the public wants the virus stamped out through government action.

The left-wing New York Times insisted that Newsom’s strategy of running against Trump was a warning to Republicans who think they can take back the Congress in 2022. That’s only because Newsom used the issue of the success of the Trump vaccines against Trump and the Republicans.

In the Virginia race, in a debate, Republican Youngkin wisely offered a strong endorsement of the vaccine, saying, “I have been a strong, strong advocate for everyone to get the vaccine. I do believe that individuals should be allowed to make that decision on their own. But that’s why I launched a public service announcement to encourage people to get the vaccine.”

Later in the debate, he emphasized, “My position on the vaccine has been very clear. I absolutely encourage all Virginians to get the vaccine.”

He went on to say, “I’m not anti-vax. In fact, he [Terry McAuliffe] appointed a woman to the George Mason [University] board that was absolutely anti-vax.”Indeed, the Washington Free beacon reported that McAuliffe appointed two prominent anti-vaccine advocates to coveted administration positions after they donated more than $50,000 to his campaign.

It remains to be seen if this strong pro-vaccine message will be enough for Youngkin to defeat McAuliffe on November 2 in Virginia, as the public demands stronger action to control the spread of the disease. But the fate of Larry Elder demonstrates that business-as-usual in the face of a pandemic that continues to claim lives is a political loser. Youngkin understands that fact.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Gabby Petito: Tip of the Iceberg of Violence Against Women in America

By Frosty Wooldridge

A beautiful 22-year-old, naïve, innocent and cherished young woman lost her life to her fiancé in the last week.  The major news networks splashed the drama all over America.  Brian Laundrie, her fiancé, remains on the run.

What’s almost beyond understanding stems from the fact that a motorist called 911 to report that Laundrie hit and slapped her alongside the road.  A cop intercepted the couple.  He talked to them. He could see her distress and the cut on her face, but for some reason, he allowed her excuses to not arrest Laundrie.  Of course, Laundrie showed his best, kind and friendly behavior for the cop.  She, like so many women, even defended Laundrie.  From there, the cop let them drive away.

When in fact, she should have told the police officer, “Please take me into protective custody. I think I’m in grave danger.”

When the entire sordid affair comes to a conclusion, more than likely, Laundrie will be found as the killer…and then a trial…and life in prison.

I remember 30 years ago when I was walking with a friend in Fort Lauderdale, we saw a guy and girl arguing.  He slapped her, so we walked over to investigate.  Just as we walked up, he round-housed her with a punch. He knocked her to the ground.

“Hey, dude, we’re going to kick your ass,” my friend said as we rushed toward him.

She jumped up from the ground pleading, “Don’t hurt him…it was my fault.”

I muttered to my friend, “Man, this is sick and there’s no fixing this mess…let’s get out of here.”

We left the couple to their own drama. There’s endless male-on-female violence in this country and many countries around the world. From a lifetime of watching it, and also from stories of my police veteran brother, such violence toward women continues on a massive scale.  Men just punch, kick and degrade their significant-other or wife, and or kill them.  Most likely, it’s been going on for centuries.

Let’s face it, rapes have been going on for centuries. No matter the consequences, some men stalk and rape women. Men enjoy superior strength to overpower woman at any time.

“Despite the fact that advocacy groups like National Organization for Women, (NOW) have worked for over three decades to halt the epidemic of gender-based violence and sexual assault, the numbers are still shocking. It is time to renew our national pledge, from the President and Congress on down to City Councils all across the nation to END violence against women and men, girls and boys. This effort must also be carried on in workplaces, schools, churches, locker rooms, the military, and in courtrooms, law enforcement, entertainment and the media. NOW pledges to continue our work to end this violence and we hope you will join us in our work.” NOW spokeswoman

Three Women Murdered Daily in the USA from Male Violence

In 2005, 1,181 women were murdered by an intimate partner. That’s an average of three women every day. Of all the women murdered in the U.S., about one-third were killed by an intimate partner. This pattern continues in 2021. Three women die daily at the hands of their partner.

DOMESTIC VIOLENCE (Intimate Partner Violence or Battering)

Domestic violence can be defined as a pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over an intimate partner.  According to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, women experience about 4.8 million intimate partner-related physical assaults and rapes every year. Less than 20 percent of battered women sought medical treatment following an injury.


“According to the National Crime Victimization Survey, which includes crimes that were not reported to the police, 232,960 women in the U.S. were raped or sexually assaulted in 2006. That’s more than 600 women every day. Other estimates, such as those generated by the FBI, are much lower because they rely on data from law enforcement agencies. A significant number of crimes are never even reported for reasons that include the victim’s feeling that nothing can/will be done and the personal nature of the incident.” NOW spokeswoman

As to religious violence in America, Muslim men commit an average of 23 to 27 honor killings in the USA annually from middle eastern immigrants.  Also, over 500,000 cases of female genital mutilation, which is assault and battery, are performed in the USA annually.  The United Nations reported that 20,000 women annually lose their lives to honor killings in the Muslim world. (Source: Staff report, DHS, Assistant DA Ed O’Callaghan, February 18, 2018)

So, America, not only did Gabby Petito lose her life to a violent man, but three other women lost their lives on the same day to violent men.  As you read this column, three more women will lose their lives today to violent men.

What can change here in America?  I flat out don’t know!  Hopefully, good parents teach their boys to respect girls, women, mothers, grandmothers and all other human beings.  As well as all animals!  Perhaps schools could teach mandatory classes on anger-management and working out anger issues with sports.  In the end, while researching the facts for this column, and realizing how widespread the violence in America against women is…I’m sick to my stomach.  My dad was always kind to my mom. I’ve always been kind to women.  I can’t imagine taking my 6’2”, 190-pound frame to do violence to the weaker sex.  To have seen that kind of violence in action that one night in Florida, still haunts me all these years later.

We simply MUST work toward a kindlier, loving and more protective civilization toward women, children and animals.

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Read! Read More!

By Lee Duigon

I’m a writer, so naturally it distresses me when I hear someone brag, “I never read!”

And bragging it is. Genuine illiteracy is seldom involved. It’s much more a conscious decision not to read at all—or to read only when one’s job requires it. I know so many people like this, it’s easy for me to believe that scholastic reading scores, nationwide, are racing toward the bottom; and that many people will never read a book again—on purpose—once they’ve finished high school or college.

Why is reading so distasteful to them? Was it the way it was pitched to them in school? When I was in high school, I sometimes suspected that the curriculum designers went out of their way to find the most boring, the most irrelevant, and the least entertaining books they could lay their hands on, and then giggle slyly to themselves as we poor students plodded through them. They also dug up monstrously abridged versions of literary classics: the alleged “Ivanhoe” we had to read had all the guts, all the spirit, gouged out of it, leaving nothing but a rather silly story. Many years went by before I decided to give Sir Walter Scott another chance. The difference between the “Ivanhoe” he wrote and the “Ivanhoe” they had us read was like the difference between the living and the dead.

If I had had to rely on just the reading provided us in school, I might’ve been forever put off reading, too. But my family was full of readers, our houses full of books, I could see my mother and my aunts and my grandparents enjoying them—so I became a reader, too. School had nothing to do with it.

Choosing not to read, to me, seems like choosing not to go outdoors. If you’re a good reader, a habitual and effective reader, there’s almost nothing you can’t learn. Whatever it is you want to know and understand, someone has written it down. Reading can expand your scope of knowledge.

And it can do so much more than that. Escape. Relief. A good long laugh. Insight into what it means to be human. Excitement. The benefit of other people’s experiences. Good and bad examples. Thousands of years’ worth of tradition, discovery, knowledge gained and knowledge lost, wisdom and folly, adventure, amazement—it’s all there in the books.

Oh, come on! What about the internet? All that stuff in the books, you can get online.

If only it were so.

Yes, there’s all sorts of treasure on the internet. There’s also all sorts of crapola, and more and more people cannot tell the difference. And it’s so easy to get distracted! In fact, it requires much discipline not to be distracted. Read the headline, skim a paragraph or two, and then go on to something else. Or just stop reading and see what’s hot on YouTube. Or play another video game. And of course you’ll want to chat with other users, keep up with the latest trends, get influenced by—ugh—“influencers,” and revel in conformity.

I call it a digital stupor. The never-reader lives in a bubble of now, has no interest in anything that happened more than a few hours ago and probably isn’t even aware of it, and is a sitting duck for any pseudo intellectual twaddle being peddled on the screen.

This is serious. How are we supposed to maintain a constitutional republic—and keep our liberties!—if hardly anybody knows, or cares, what a republic is, how a constitution works, or what history tells us will not only not work, but can actually lead us into disaster? Ignorance is bad civics. It’s not bliss; it’s a great big “Kick Me” sign that every tyrant, every snake-oil politician, every prating socialist doofus, can read. They home in on ignorance like heat-seeking missiles.

Read! Read the Bible, the classics, and everything else that might appeal to you. Learn how to tell wisdom from idiocy.

Because all the trendy chit-chat in the world will not keep us free.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . See? Another thing to read! My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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We Know Who Is Funding Evil, Who Is Funding Good?

By Dave Daubenmire

That was the question we asked when Ohio Brett, Dr Sherri Tenpenny and I sat down at a recent conference in Ohio.

We all know who is funding evil. George Soros and his army of Luciferians, BLM, which has raised over $1 BILLION, and a long list of others who are hell bent on destroying all things good. Perhaps you could name a few of the culprits on your own.

Does anyone remember when the former Muslim-in-Chief said this?

“We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded,” Barack Obama said in July 2, 2008.

It appears that his team has been very successful in their mission. Over the past couple of years. we have witnessed this “army” as the ravaged the streets of Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Portland, and a myriad of other cities all across America.

We witnessed the burning of many American cities by a bevy of bussed-in BLM and antifa-funded punks. We watched a well-funded caravan of interlopers pour across America’s southern border. We watched aghast as long-standing statues of America’s historical figures were toppled in the same manner that we witnessed in Communist countries all across the Eastern world.

Obama and his Communist buds unleashed hell on America in an effort to turn America into Cuba. Obama’s “just as well funded” army attacked everything good and now stand on the cusp of overthrowing our once cherished American Way.

Who is standing up against that Luciferian Army? Our government has been seized. Christians are no longer in charge of ANY of our National Institutions. Education? Entertainment? Medicine? Media? Christians have relinquished control of every one of the cultural-impacting institutions. We don’t even control the CHURCHES anymore!

Which brings us back to the original question. Who is standing up for what is right? WHO IS FUNDING GOOD?

A month ago in Buffalo, NY, we launched Please take a moment and visit the website.

We are looking for 1 million Americans to donate $100 to begin the process of fighting back against the forces of darkness. We are going to use the funds to fight for everyday Mom’s and Pop’s who face the danger of losing their livelihoods simply because they believe in “my body-my choice” in regards to medical decisions. We want to hire attorneys to fight for Drs, Nurses, firefighters, police officers, military, and others who do not have the money to hire attorneys. We want to fight for the MILLIONS of precious children in our government schools who are being forced to wear useless dog muzzles.

We have already hired attorneys that are filing law-suits even as you read this.

Please visit our website. Check out our plans. We ask you to help us fight back. Pray, give, and share the story. Your donations are NOT tax-deductible. We are tired of asking the government’s permission to do what our Constitution clearly permits.

We know who is funding evil…who is funding good?

Now is the time for The Christian Revolution.

Help us overcome evil by fighting for good. This may be the final opportunity for Christians to fight back!

We think this nation is worth fighting for. Please join us in the battle.

© 2021 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

Meeting Invitation and Special Presentation

By Sidney Secular



Casual, informal, and friendly atmosphere. The event will be held outdoors, weather permitting. There is no charge. There are no membership requirements. Pot-luck format, but food or beverage donations are not required. Unrestricted Q&A will be encouraged. A great variety of free newsletters and newspapers will be available.


BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION: The extent of Big Brother’s control and takeover of North America and Western Europe and the exponential speeds at which it proceeds is shocking even to our most pessimistic patriot prognosticators. Any dissent at all is met with prompt persecution or prosecution. Big Brother marches us down the path of suicide in “double time”. The simple act of protesting against the bizarre: “knee taking” of millionaire footballers to protest the invisible or imaginary “institutional racism” by booing is viciously condemned by the Thought Police. Every hero of Western history is now seen as wicked, with the taking down of the almost Christ-like figure of General Robert E. Lee being the latest depredation.

All were “evil” and must be vilified and given no appreciation for the honorable deeds they did. Ditto for all patriotic songs, anthems, marches and symbols. These incarnate a people’s self-respect and desire to pass along their inheritance to their descendants and to the future welfare of their country. All must be abandoned and condemned to a nihilistic, communistic, completely unrealistic future where the inspired and inspirational white creators and innovators of Western Civilization are condemned to second class status or worse. All the failures of the multi-racial/multi-cultural/diversity Frankenstein experiment are attributed to a lack of zealousness and ruthlessness in their applications and impositions. They say we need more reverse discrimination, more imprisonment of those defending the Historic American Nation, more re-writing of history, and defamation of all our people’s heroes,songs, rituals and traditions.

The National Football League will be playing the “black national anthem” of “Lift Every Voice and Sing” BEFORE “The Star Spangled Banner at every game this season as a probable “prelewd” to phasing out the latter. Columbus Day now is now either phased out entirely or shares the spotlight with the trumped/drummed up Trojan horse of “Indigenous People’s Day”. What does the “respectable right” say to all of this? “Republicants” can only muster/mutter, “well in the context of their times, the ideas of earlier heroes were then accepted “. But surely that is no excuse–if “racism, sexism, homophobia” etc. are objectively and inherently evil, how can social context excuse them? If you agree in the slightest to such charges, they “have you” and you have guilt-tripped yourself.

That leaves the “respectable right” with nothing but retreat. Perhaps a robust and intelligent defense and positive presentation of the beliefs of 99% of the white population before the infiltration of Cultural Marxism is in order. Our ancestors were not evil people but had the basic wisdom of empirical evidence and social traditions developed over thousands of years. If you cannot articulate these basic truths, you cannot defend yourself. Giving in to the worldview of our lying and evil detractors and adversaries will only lead us down the path of destruction.

Mr. Jim Schneider, a veteran CofCC member, will be speaking about a major aspect of our overall problem, that of supposed “racial justice” and the many double standards that work against us. He will discuss the efforts he is making to counter these problems. Mr. Schneider is a local political activist.

You must be registered to attend for security reasons and because space is limited. Please RSVP at your earliest convenience and indicate how many people will be in your party. Contact information follows. The location is a quiet residential area a bit north of the Capital Beltway. There should be plenty of free street parking nearby. I will furnish exact location and directions when you RSVP. The meeting concludes at sunset.

Sidney Secular
Local CofCC Chapter Director

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Detroit TV Asks For Stories Of Unvaxxed Dying From COVID – Gets Over 180K Responses Of Vaccine Injured And Dead Instead

by Bradlee Dean

“Cannot hide the facts.”

We all knew that this was coming. You can only hide it for so long. They can lie, they can manipulate, and they can censor only for so long before it all comes to the light (Luke 8:17).

Health Impact News reported:  Local Detroit TV Asks for Stories of Unvaxxed Dying from COVID – Gets over 180K Responses of Vaccine Injured and Dead Instead

The corporate media narrative that unvaccinated people are filling up the hospitals and dying from COVID is quickly falling apart, perhaps faster than they even expected.

WXYZ TV Channel 7 in Detroit asked their viewers on their Facebook Page last Friday to direct message them if they lost a loved one due to COVID-19 if they refused to get one of the COVID-19 vaccines.

This is a clear indication that they are getting desperate to find these stories, and are having a difficult time finding them.

I don’t know if they got any such stories through direct messaging, but the post on their Facebook Page, as of the time of publication today, had received over 182,000 comments, and they seem to be all comments of those who have lost loved ones after receiving a COVID shot, and comments asking them why they are not covering that story.

I paged through many dozens of the comments, and did not see a single one stating that they lost someone to COVID after refusing a COVID-19 shot.

People who have been silenced and censored on Facebook and other Big Tech platforms took advantage of the opportunity to share their stories instead. It is amazing that Facebook left these up, but after so many had commented, it would probably have been an even bigger story if they had taken down the post and comments.

I wonder what WXYZ will do now? Will they do what most corporate media companies do, fueled by almost unlimited resources from their billionaire Wall Street owners who are almost all connected to the pharmaceutical industry, and just go out and hire actors instead to do the story and make them up?

[Rumble Video]

© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

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Agenda 21: Cancel Culture on a World-wide Scale

By Tom DeWeese

Since 1992, we, at American Policy Center have been pointing out that one of the major goals of Agenda21/Sustainable Development is to reduce the human population by over 90%. Yet many laugh and call us conspiracy theorists. What I don’t understand about this statement is that we had been hearing for decades that the world is overpopulated; that we will run out of space and room for everyone; that we can’t feed so many. At the same time that we were reading Paul Ehrlich’s Population Bomb and Population Explosion and the Club of Rome’s The Limits to Growth, America was being called the breadbasket of the world. Of the world! We were sending food all over the world to feed people. So, the problem was not about feeding us dirty hordes of skeptical people. It was, and is, that some of us – especially Americans – believe in the right to property and liberty, which prevents the globalist cabal from just taking all the land they want, reducing the whole world’s population by some 90+%, and living in “Marxist Nirvana” (contradiction of terms notwithstanding).

But because we never stopped saying that this catastrophic reduction of humans on the earth was a major part of the plan, we were seen as nut cases since, by then, they had already either got people to believe in their catastrophic scenario or because many more didn’t think a reduction was going happen. Nevertheless, the globalists have been using many methods to reduce the population for decades, but none as huge as COVID. Remember the Tuskegee Experiment from 1932 to 1972? For 40 years the goal was to “observe the natural history of untreated syphilis” in black populations, but the subjects were completely unaware and were instead told they were receiving treatment for bad blood when in fact, they received no treatment at all. And the Gates Foundation putting birth control meds in vaccines in Africa?

Then there is the fact that every day in the United States, abortions kill more humans than were killed in the 9/11 attack on the Twin Towers. That is a substantial number, no matter what your view is on abortion. I would love to go into the Food Pyramid, school lunch programs, and others to show how the general populace is being lied to about health and diet. But I’m not. I do suggest that, if you are interested, check out Bedrock Living or Natural News.

Now, Bill Gates and the Chinese have bought up a great deal of America’s farmland. This globalist acquisition of farm and ranch land has also been in the works for years, but in the past few years, it has been accelerated greatly. Excuse me if I suppose that their aim is to starve us Americans to death – or capitulation (I expect it to be a lot of the former and a little of the latter). America is the only truly free nation in the world with a constitution that was written to protect the individual and his/her God-given rights – from other people and, especially, from the government.

The sad thing is that we are not – yet – leading the revolt against all the unconstitutional laws, edicts, and orders being levied on us and most of the world. I see three reasons for this:

  • Most of the population under 40 has been brainwashed and dumbed down in our education system that was set up for that very reason. (See Cancel Culture on Education.)[1]
  • The asymmetrical warfare we have been under attack from for decades is now on overdrive and many people are having a hard time coping with it psychologically.
  • Many, who do understand at least some of the problem, do not understand that we are in a mind-war, not an arms war, and they are waiting until they can begin firing. By the time we reach that stage, it will either be too late, or that the civil war to help erase a great number of us will have begun – either by provoking patriots who are itching for a fight, or for staging red flag events to precipitate the war. And this will help reduce the human population, whatever is used to ignite it.

So what I want to address are the reasons behind the reduction of the human population, who are instigating and carrying it out, and how it is being done.

According to Ted Turner, media mogul and a founder of the Club of Rome, “The total population of 250-300 million people is ideal That means a reduction of 95% from present levels, which would be even more ideal.” Many of the other numbers I have heard from world leaders is usually around 500 million, which would be a reduction of only just over 90%.

World Wildlife Fund President Prince Phillip of the UK said, “Human population growth is probably the single most serious long-term threat to survival. We’re in for a major disaster if it isn’t curbed. We have no option. If it isn’t controlled voluntarily, it will be controlled involuntarily by an increase in disease, starvation and war.”

He went on to say: “I was in Sri Lanka recently, where a United Nations project set out in the late 1940s to eradicate malaria. It’s an island and it was, therefore, possible to destroy the mosquito carrying the disease. What people didn’t realize was that the malaria was actually controlling the growth (ital. mine) of the population. The consequence was that within about 20 years the population doubled.”[2] Definitely a negative outcome in his mind.

In 1971, the UN Population Commission designated 1974 as World Population Year and requesting the UN Secretary-General to “… study the possibilities of developing a global population strategy, including population movements, for promoting and coordinating population policy in Member States with the objective of achieving a balance between population and other natural resources (ital. mine).[3]

Now we are told, “The transferable birth quota plan proposes that scale and distribution of the rights to bear children be determined by the community at large, but that these rights then be traded in the free market.

“This plan is based on the perception that the right to reproduce can no longer be treated as a free good. It must be seen as a scarce good in a full world.”[4]

I could give you a hundred more quotes re population reduction needs, but let me just give one more, by Mr. Population Bomb himself, Professor Paul Ehrlich, in the prolog to his book The Population Explosion: “Our position requires that we take immediate action at home and promote effective action worldwide. We must have population control at home, hopefully through a system of incentives and penalties, but by compulsion of voluntary methods fail…. We can no longer afford merely to treat the symptoms of the cancer of population growth, the cancer itself, must be cut out.” (ital. mine)

But how many must die? What numbers will be allowed to live on this mortal coil if the Deep Greens, Deep State, and Globalists get their way? Let them tell you:

  • Ted Turner, “A total world population of 250-300 million, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.”
  • Mikhail Gorbachev, “We must speak more clearly about sexuality, contraception, about abortion, about values that control population, because the ecological crisis, in short, is the population crisis. Cut the population by 90% and there aren’t enough people left to do a great deal of ecological damage.”
  • MIT professor Penny Chisholm, “The real trick is, in terms of trying to level off at someplace lower than that 9 billion, is to get the birthrates in the developing countries to drop as fast as we can. And that will determine the level at which humans will level off on earth.”
  • Jacques Costeau, “In order to stabilize world population, we must eliminate 350,000 people per day. It is a horrible thing to say, but it is just as bad not to say it.”

Last, but not least, the co-founder of Earth First and founder of the ReWilding Institute, •Dave Foreman, “My three main goals would be to reduce human population to about 100 million worldwide, destroy the industrial infrastructure and see wilderness, with its full complement of species, returning throughout the world.”

We were not lying about the globalist plan to reduce the world. It is a key to all the rest of the plan – “wilding” at least 50% of the earth’s surface, canceling the right to property, and establishing a one-world Marxist government. Just because we understand that a Marxist government can only destroy, not build or “build back better”, otherwise this one-world government will soon be on the ash heap of history, it doesn’t sit well with me that we will allow this.

Most people consider themselves environmentalists. And I would claim that the true environmentalist is a farmer, rancher, landowner, logger, fisherman, and all those who live closest to the land and work in symbiosis with it. Those who live in high-rise buildings, fight to “protect” nature from any human use, and, as Ted Nugent said, “never put their hands in a gut pile”, are fake environmentalists. They have little or no understanding of the biological workings of the flora and fauna on this earth. And they do not realize we humans are part of nature, part of the food chain. They speak of how important it is to save every little species – otherwise, the whole ecosystem of the world will collapse. Then, how much more important must it be to save one of the most prevalent species on earth? Where are the common sense, reason, and logic in their thinking?

For at least two reasons, I would suggest that they start using sound science, critical thinking, and logic and realize that 1. Human extinction will likely collapse the system, and 2. We “useless eaters” in their vernacular are the ones who make their world go round – produce not only the food but all the stuff that gives them great living standards – housing, clothing, computers, you name it.

We are on the verge of civilization collapse, but not for the reasons the environmentalists, globalists, and anti-humans believe. We are on the verge of collapse because of the evil, anti-humanity schemes, plots, and plans they are forever coming up with. Now is the time for us to throw the sabot into the machinery and stop the Marxist, Communist, Globalist plans, and bring back the Great American Experiment. And now is the time for people to wake up to the fact that we have tried to get through to them that a cataclysmic restructuring of the world is in the near future if people don’t finally accept that when the Globalists declared a needed reduction of the human population on a scale that is unfathomable to any thinking being, is a major part of their plan.

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese:  Contact Tom DeWeese


[2] “Environment”, People, December 1981, p.56 

[3] Claire Chambers, The SIECUS Circle: A Humanist Revolution, 1977, p.338.

[4] For the Common Good, by Daly and Cobb. 1994

The Unvaxxed ARE Following the Science

By Lex Greene

I’m going to keep this one very short and get right to the most critical point today!


We have been lied to every day since day one of the so-called COVID19 pandemic. When we were told to put on a mask, we read the mask manufacturer’s WARNING on the side of every box, which states unequivocally that none of these masks are designed to, or capable of, preventing the spread of any virus. We also read the damage done to human beings who breathe carbon dioxide all day, behind that mask. We followed the real science.

When we were told to voluntarily self-quarantine, we read up on the benefits of quarantining healthy people and quickly learned that never in the history of medicine worldwide, have healthy people ever been quarantined for any reason. We also learned that human beings are not designed to be cooped up for weeks, months and years, for very real and well-known physical and mental health reasons. We followed this science too.

We looked up “corona virus” and quickly realized that this medical label covers a wide variety of “common colds” and flus.

“Coronaviruses are found in avian and mammalian species. They resemble each other in morphology and chemical structure: for example, the coronaviruses of humans and cattle are antigenically related. There is no evidence, however, that human coronaviruses can be transmitted by animals. In animals, various coronaviruses invade many different tissues and cause a variety of diseases, but in humans they are only proved to cause mild upper respiratory infections, i.e. common colds. On rare occasions, gastrointestinal coronavirus infection has been associated with outbreaks of diarrhea in children, but these enteric viruses are not well characterized and are not discussed in this chapter.” (Source)

We researched and found that “COVID19” is allegedly a new “variant” of SARS1 (2002-2004) which was very quickly and quietly eradicated in the USA with the Fauci and FDA authorized use of Hydroxychloroquine, Zinc, Vitamin D and a powerful anti-inflammatory. This is the very therapeutic treatment denied the American people in 2020 and 2021 and still denied the people today. Meanwhile, we were told to stay indoors, away from the sun, which is a natural source of Vitamin D.

We tried to follow this science, but the “experts” denied the American people access to this known cure for SARS.

Throughout all known science, the best defense against illness is the natural immune system. “Herd immunity” has most often been achieved by allowing humans to acquire a mild version through normal human contact, until a majority of society had built natural immunity to the illness. When I was a kid, mothers would rush their kids down the road to the neighbor’s house on first news of someone catching the mumps, chicken pox, or measles, so that all of the kids in the area would become immune for the future. It’s called “natural herd immunity.” Past doctors used to tell mothers to do this.

This science was prohibited by today’s “experts” as well, as they put the entire world on isolation and self-quarantine to prevent natural immunity from occurring.

Once today’s “experts” prevented natural herd immunity through their insane W.H.O. and CDC guidelines, they rushed to market so-called “vaccines” (mRNA DNA gene manipulation injections) under the guise of herd immunity via inoculation.

But the unvaxxed watched as those so-called vaccines didn’t prevent infection, spread, illness or even death from COVID19. The REAL experts on the subject were trying to warn the entire world NOT to follow the herd into a death march…but were being threatened and silenced by the government experts responsible for creating COVID19 in the Wuhan “gain of function” lab, and then selling $$$ billions $$$ in fatal vaccines to the government.

We (the unvaxxed) simply refuse to follow the mad scientists behind all of this, like Fauci, Gates, Soros, and many others. We ARE following the real science, instead.

As of this writing, NONE of the “vaccines” in use today are FDA approved. However, Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin have both been approved for human use for more than 40-years now and prescribed for human patients millions of times since. This is the science “we the unvaxxed” have been following the whole time, while those with a herd mentality simply failed to do their own research and have followed Simon says…towards the cliff!

But most importantly, We the Unvaxxed, have followed this indisputable science…

Tens of thousands of Americans have already died after taking any one of the “vaccines” currently in use. Millions of others suffer life altering adverse effects from ALL of these vaccines. READ THEM FOR YOURSELF HERE. This is why the top two FDA officials over review and approval of all vaccines just resigned, after refusing yet again, to approve any of the COVID vaccines or boosters.

As I have warned in previous columns, the so-called “Delta variant” is coming from these vaccines, as the UK now seems to confirm in this video report.

The simple fact is, no one who has received any of these “vaccines” had the opportunity to offer their “informed consent” because they have been fed outright lies, and denied access to the REAL SCIENCE associated with the “vaccines” the Biden Administration is working around the clock to FORCE ON EVERY MAN, WOMAN AND CHILD in the USA.

WE MUST STOP THIS RIGHT NOW! The truth must be known by all immediately.

No intelligent human would ever take one of these vaccines after reading these adverse event reports. No decent human being would ever suggest anyone else take one, much less force them on anyone, after reading these VAERS Reports. I feel sorry for those who have been duped into following the herd instead of following the science. Hopefully, there will be a means to reverse what lays in store for their future.

This mass genocide MUST END NOW! Every American must stand together in critical mass, or we will not survive the escalating deprivation of the Natural Human Right to LIFE!

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Secret Communist Plan Fulfillment, China’s Role, Part 3

by Dennis Cuddy, Ph.D.

The next part of any successful Communist Chinese plan is to infiltrate American industry without the public’s knowledge and to have a current “useful idiot” at the top of our military. In terms of infiltrating American industry, the Chinese have been quietly acquiring American property and companies, and the American people have not a clue about it. For a very brief list of American companies owned by Chinese investors, look at CNBC’s article “10 iconic American companies owned by Chinese investors” (May 11, 2017). They include the Chicago Stock Exchange, Smithfield Foods, General Electric Appliances, the Waldorf Astoria, etc.

A man named Barry, who has been reading my articles, recently emailed me the following: “My neighbor worked for Cudahey Meat Packing in Milwaukee. Cudahey was purchased by Red China and all meats are sent over there for ‘processing.’ What returns is not U.S. food. Red China purchased Black and Decker, Milwaukee Electric Tool, the old Bell & Howell name, and a host of other companies. They are trying to purchase U.S. Defense contractors, so they can take down our military power from the inside. Years ago, it was against the law to allow a foreign enemy to buy any land or company here, but now they buy them on the cheap. When I was working with U.S. Customs/Secret Service, during my work on the Taiwan case, one of the agents said to me that ‘nothing will ever change the U.S. until the problems effect the wallets of every man, woman and child in the nation.’ He was right and I believe we have arrived at that time today.”

You may be wondering what Barry meant when he said the Chinese do not export to the U.S. “food.” You can go on the internet and see video showing Chinese exported fish and eggs to Nigeria, for example. The fish looks like fish, but when you cook it, the fish starts to flake apart because it is made of plastic! And the eggs when scrambled can be rolled in a ball and will bounce off the floor because they contain rubberized material !

Secondly, for the ChiComm plan to succeed, they have to have a “useful idiot” at the highest level of American military command, like General George Marshall was during the 1940s and Korean War, as I described in an earlier part of this series. Today that person is General Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. According to Bob Woodward’s forthcoming book, PERIL, Milley told ChiComm General Li Zuocheng four days before the 2020 election, “We are not going to attack or conduct any kinetic operations against you. General Li, you and I have known each other now for 5 years. If we’re going to attack, I’m going to call you ahead of time. It’s not going to be a surprise.” According to a September 15, 2021 Associated Press report: “‘I have great confidence in Gen. Milley,’ Biden said when asked by a reporter whether Milley had done the right thing.” Furthermore, Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) indicated he had no concerns that Milley might have exceeded his authority.

This is outrageous, and on September 14, 2021, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) sent President Biden a letter urging him to fire Milley, saying the general worked to “actively undermine the sitting Commander-in-Chief.” Not only are Republicans infuriated, but also retired Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, who testified at President Trump’s first impeachment trial. Vindman tweeted: “If this is true GEN Milley must resign. He usurped civilian authority, broke Chain of Command, and violated the sacrosanct principle of civilian control over the military. It’s an extremely dangerous precedent. You can’t simply walk away from that.” No matter who the president is Trump or Biden, a nation cannot have its military officers telling our adversaries when secret military operations will be conducted. This can result in either our adversaries secretly setting a trap for our soldiers and slaughtering them, or our adversary could launch a surprise attack against us first! If a military officer reveals classified information that aids our enemy, that could even be considered treason!

© 2021 Dennis Cuddy – All Rights Reserved

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Forced Jabs, Health Fascism and Medical Apartheid

By Kelleigh Nelson

We could lower the rise in population by 10-15% through vaccines, healthcare and reproductive services. —Bill Gates

Propaganda works best when those who are being manipulated are confident that they are acting on their own free will.  —Joseph Goebbels

The CDC is now listing vaccinated COVID-19 people as Unvaccinated deaths if they died within 14 days of the vaccine.  —Dr. Simone Gold

Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize an undercover dictatorship.  To restrict the art of healing to one class of men and deny equal privilege to others, will be to constitute the Bastille of medical science.  All such laws are un-American and despotic and have no place in a Republic.  The Constitution of this Republic should make special privilege for medical freedom as well as religious freedom.  —Benjamin Rush, M.D. Signer of the Declaration of Independence

The restrictive protocols on safe and inexpensive drug treatments for COVID-19 are in place for two reasons, to depopulate the entire world and to enrich Big Pharma and their globalist friends.

There’s talk of boosters but there were fireworks at the recent “Vaccine” Advisory Committee meeting. The 18-member committee voted 16 to 2 against approving the booster shots, although later they did give their endorsement on approving them for people 65 and older.  They seem to want those they refer to as “useless eaters” to die off first, saving Medicare and Social Security for illegal aliens.

In a recent interview with British funeral director John O’Looney, he said that during the COVID “pandemic,” he saw no more deaths than he’d seen the previous years.  However, after Big Pharma’s jab came out, deaths skyrocketed like he’d never seen before and the top causes were blood clots, strokes, heart attack, and multiple organ failure.  He stated unequivocally that Delta is a vaccine injury.

Meanwhile, thousands of people injured by the jab are calling Project Veritas wanting to tell their stories. James O’Keefe of Project Veritas reads a few of the emails in this video following a short clip from Tucker Carlson.

O’Keefe video here.

Conspiracy and Collusion

Yes Virginia, there is a conspiracy.

Rep. Thomas Massey (R-KY) tells us that Facebook’s fact checker is funded by an organization that holds $2 billion of vaccine maker stock.  Thomas Massey consistently scores 100% on New American Magazine’s Freedom Index.

In 1995, Dr. Archie Kalokerinos’ interview in the International Vaccine Newsletter, stated, “My final conclusion after forty years…the unofficial policy of the World Health Organization and the unofficial policy of ‘Save the Children’s Fund’ and almost all those organizations is one of murder and genocide.  They want to make it appear as if they are saving these kids, but in actual fact they don’t.  I am talking of those at the very top.  Beneath that level is another level of doctors and health workers like myself, who don’t really understand what they are doing.”

West Virginia Governor Jim Justice stated on September 3rd, 2021 that WV is seeing a positive increase of 26% of people who are fully vaccinated over the last eight weeks. And a 21% increase in break through cases requiring hospitalization for people fully vaccinated.  WV has also seen a 25% increase in deaths of people who are fully vaccinated over the last eight weeks.  What is not shown in the link is that he tells people to get the boosters. We know that if a “vaccine” doesn’t even protect for a year and doesn’t have more than a 50% chance of saving people that it is worthless.

COVID case rates are exploding in areas with high clot-shot rates.  Several scientists and physicians have openly stated that the Delta strain is from those who’ve had the jab…that it enhances the virus.  A preprint paper by the prestigious Oxford University Clinical Research Group, published Aug. 10 in The Lancet, found vaccinated individuals carry 251 times the load of COVID-19 viruses in their nostrils compared to the unvaccinated. Link

Sharyl Attkisson reported on a study of why vaccinated people are getting so sick.  It’s called Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE).  We’ve heard this from several physicians and scientists.  According to scientific study, the ADE risk was well known prior to the Covid-19 vaccines being allowed on the market.

Scientists say that with ADE, after people get vaccinated for an initial virus, infection by a subsequent variant or strain of the virus can result in “increased viral replication and more severe disease, leading to major safety risks.”

The vast majority of people who are getting injected for Sars-coV-2 will die within a few short years from heart failure, warns Dr. Charles Hoffe, M.D., a medical practitioner in British Columbia, Canada.  Hoffe explains that he is observing in his patients who took an mRNA jab from either Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna that their capillaries are now plugging up, which he says will eventually lead to a serious cardiovascular event.

Sars-coV-2 mRNA shots are programmed to turn a person’s body into a spike protein “factory,” and Dr. Hoffe says that over time these mass-produced spike proteins cause progressive blood clotting.  No fewer than 60 percent of people who take an mRNA injection will suffer from these blood clots – and in the end, an overwhelming majority will end up six feet under due to the damage caused.

Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of messenger RNA says to please ask yourself, “Why is the USA requiring vaccination for all with an outdated vax, when many have already been infected, recovered and developed natural immunity?  Stop.  Think.  Why the censorship?  Why the mandates?  Why the constant propaganda push?”

Woke editors of 220 leading medical, nursing and public-health journals from around the world, including The Lancet, who lied about Hydroxychloroquine, the New England Journal of Medicine and the British Medical Journal are calling for action on climate control.  They’re warning that current efforts aren’t enough to address health problems resulting from rising global temperatures caused by emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.  What utter rubbish!

COVID-19 unvaccinated get ratted out everywhere by neighbors, friends and even family, but at St. Paul’s Catholic Church in Lexington, Kentucky, two priests were ratted out prior to the close of mass by their Bishop, John Stowe.  I’m not sure these two priests would be covered from their “boss,” as “employer” under HIPAA, but it would be nice if they could sue their Bishop.

President Joe Biden recently announced that all nursing home employees must be vaccinated against COVID-19. Failure to comply could result in nursing facilities losing Medicare and Medicaid funding. This vaccine mandate will further exacerbate the shortage of nursing home workers, lead to the shutting down of many long-term care facilities and have severe adverse effects on America’s frail and elderly citizens. Since the jabbed carry 251 times the load of COVID-19 viruses in their nostrils, they will easily spread the Delta strain throughout nursing homes.

Advisers to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration voted on September 17th to recommend COVID-19 vaccine booster shots for Americans 65 and older and those at high risk of severe illness, after overwhelmingly rejecting a call for broader approval.

The panel also recommended that the FDA include healthcare workers and others at high risk of occupational exposure to the virus that causes COVID-19, such as teachers. Link

Despite the narrowed scope of the proposed authorization, the panel’s recommendation would cover most Americans who got their shots in the earliest stages of the U.S. vaccination campaign.

“Today was an important step forward in providing better protection to Americans from COVID-19,” White House spokesperson Kevin Munoz said. “We stand ready to provide booster shots to eligible Americans once the process concludes at the end of next week,” he said.

The FDA advisory panel declined to endorse Pfizer BioNTech booster shots for age 16 and over.

Pfizer actually claims their COVID jab is safe and effective for ages 5-11.  Why?  Children don’t get COVID!

Pfizer‘s COVID jab could be rolled out to babies as young as six months in America this winter under plans being drawn up by the pharmaceutical giant. The company intends to apply for authorization to immunize American infants within the next two months.  Why?  So, they’re permanently damaged or dead?

Mississippi nurses report a toxic work culture growing between the jabbed and un-jabbed.  A huge division is taking place in the medical arena.

It has gotten worse.  Leo Hohman’s recent article exposed a Cartersville, Georgia hospital who weaponized Biden’s vax mandate, and held a couple against their will for days.  The couple’s daughter had power of attorney, but the hospital would not release the couple to the daughter unless she could prove she was jabbed.

All three COVID vaccines have changed their names.  “The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is Comirnaty, the Moderna vaccine will be named SpikeVax, and the AstraZeneca vaccine will be named Vaxzevria,” Health Canada said in a tweet Thursday.


The 19th century notion that God was dead led to man becoming an untamed beast in the 20th century.  The 21st century is reaping the rewards of predatory evil and harvesting the fruits of their demonic labors using the top factor of “fear.”  “Ye shall not surely die.”

Don’t take that jab!

Remember the Nuremberg Codes of 1946 which came about after the horrors of the Holocaust.  Dr. Peter McCullough says, “Never put risk on someone else by telling them, ‘I took it, you should too.’  Whenever we take an injection, the risk is on us and only on us.  The principle of autonomy says, ‘Under no circumstances will anyone have anything forced into their body in any form of pressure, coercion or threat of reprisal.’”

“Pressure means any type of peer pressure from teachers, athletes or schools.  Coercion means, ‘You take it or you’re going to lose your job.’  Threat of reprisal means, ‘If you don’t take it, then I’m going to go get you.’”

He tells in the video link that military men are being held down and given the jab when they didn’t want it.  “A needle in every arm” is the mantra.  He exposes that at Houston Hospital there are 200 nurses who have contraindications for taking the jab, pregnancy, allergic reactions, blood clots, etc., but the hospital still fired them all.

Tucker Carlson’s September 20th show exposed that Navy SEALS are being threatened to immediately take the COVID jab giving them little time to mount a defense.  There are only 2,500 of them and their training is extensive and expensive.  Hundreds of them are saying they don’t want the jab because they live in close quarters, have had COVID and have natural God-given immunity.  Others have religious or moral reasons but are told none of these reasons count.  Military readiness is being destroyed by forcing these unnecessary inoculations. Davis Younts is their military defense lawyer.

Dr. McCullough tells us there are six cornerstones of ethics and research and they are coveted by the Office of Human Protection and Research in the United States.  First comes the Nuremberg Code, second is the Declaration of Helsinki which is a set of ethical principles regarding human experimentation developed for the medical community by the World Medical Association. It is regarded as the cornerstone document on human research ethics. Fauci has said that “vaccine” immunity is far better than natural immunity, but Dr. McCullough explains we’ve had thousands of jab failures, but not one failure with God’s natural immunity.

The good doctor commented that small businesses, military and so many others should choose those who’ve recovered and have natural immunity to run the businesses, to be on the missions…we need those who are “naturally immune.”  The CDC when they conduct the “vaccine program” never ask if someone is naturally immune!  They never ask if they had COVID-19.  Once again, denying God’s handiwork of natural immunity in His Creation. He also stated that 25 to 30% of those who were inoculated should not have had it as they had natural immunity.

Please don’t miss Dr. McCullough’s important video where he is speaking to a church audience in Michigan.  He gives us stats from the CDC’s website, none of which we hear from our Pravda media. He tells them, “If you’ve had no repercussions from the COVID jab, thank the Lord.”

UK Professor and M.D. Sucharit Bhakdi’s short four-minute video is telling.  He explains that like his colleague, Dr. Peter McCullough, using the clinical combination of drugs for Sars-coV-2, they can reduce the death rate lower than the seasonal flu.  In the UK, they’re now starting to jab children and the BBC is promoting this with Boris Johnson.

Totalitarianism has become the norm and our God-given freedoms are being shredded.  After the “stealing of America,” one party gained control of the entire political system.  Opposition parties are prohibited, individual opposition is outlawed, and they’re flexing their muscles with unconstitutional control over both our public and private lives.

During the Nuremberg trials, even the media was prosecuted and put to death for lying to the public.  The propaganda spewing mainstream media have brainwashed Americans with lies since the 1964 Supreme court decision in NYTs v. Sullivan.

Victor Frankl, the great psychiatrist, neurologist and author who survived the Holocaust, wrote this stinging critique:

The gas chambers of Auschwitz were the ultimate consequence of the theory that man is nothing but the product of heredity and environment—or, as the Nazis like to day, “Of Blood and Soil.”  I’m absolutely convinced that the gas chambers of Auschwitz, Treblinka, and Majdanek were ultimately prepared not in some ministry or other in Berlin, but rather at the desks and in the lecture halls of nihilistic scientists and philosophers.

Ideas do have consequences, and today we are facing some of the most demonic brought to us by Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, Big Pharma, the Rockefeller Foundation, Soros and Klaus Schwab to name just a few.

Hitler was a thoroughly demonized being whose body was but the shell for the spirit that inhabited him.  Those named above, politicians who have usurped their authority and trashed our Constitution, the medical industry who has failed to help rather than injure, sports figures who won’t stand for our flag, abortionists who murder and then make money selling little one’s body parts, actors who spew their venom against anyone who loves freedom and yes, even our pulpits have been filled with demonic entities.

Our once beautiful venerated Judeo-Christian heritage and society is being desecrated, stomped on and destroyed.  Our Jewish brothers and sisters are especially targeted and have been throughout history.  Christians have suffered the similar attacks, but now these attacks are openly carried out in the streets of America.  The God we both worship is hated by the enemies of freedom.

These entities seem to own and run everything.  Read Jim O’Neill’s Monolithic Monopoly an investigative report regarding the primary shareholders of top companies, Vanguard, Blackrock and State Street.

Health fascism has arrived.

Jab Mandates

Tens of millions of Americans face being fired, kicked out of school, removed from our military, refused medical care, for having faith in the immune system God gave them to overcome a virus with a 99.75% survival rate for the overwhelming majority of the population.

A hospital in upstate New York won’t be delivering newborns after six employees in the maternity ward resigned instead of taking the jab.  There is a good side to this. My daughter gave birth to all five of her children at home with a mid-wife.  None of her babies received the dozens of vaccines they immediately give newborns; vaccines which have been linked to an increase in autism, now affecting one in 82 children.

Biden has ordered COVID-19 jab mandates for federal employees and for workers in private companies.  His unconstitutional and dictatorial mandate could affect 100 million Americans and applies to federal employees, health care workers, companies that contract with the government, and private companies that have 100 or more employees. The mandate allows for weekly COVID-19 testing as an alternative to getting the vaccine. Newsweek reported Biden has exempted federal judges, congress and their staff and the postal workers. There’s one other group Biden has assiduously avoided targeting with his vaccine pronouncements: illegal immigrants.  Why?  Because the CDC endorsed giving them ivermectin.

“As part of this effort, the Department of Defense, the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Indian Health Service, and the National Institute of Health (NIH) will complete implementation of their previously announced vaccination requirements that cover 2.5 million people.”

How nice!  Unbelievable…for a flu bug with a 99.75% recovery and for those with comorbidities, the recovery rate is 94.68%. We don’t need a clot shot and we certainly don’t need this “warp speed” experimental jab being given to everyone from infants to the elderly.  We need the clinical drugs so many top-rated physicians and scientists around the world have used to save their patients.

Teens are 50 times more likely to have heart disease after COVID jabs than all other FDA approved vaccines in 2021 combined.  The CDC admits this is true but still recommends the jab!

The VAERS COVID data from September 9, 2021 should frighten anyone away from this medical apartheid.  There is a dark history of experimentation on black Americans, our military, prisoners and the general population.  We are seen as guinea pigs ripe for experimentation and this COVID jab is no different.

There are now 675,591 reports on the Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting System (VAERS).  It takes physicians 30 minutes to fill out the questionnaire, with risk of losing their license to practice if they do it improperly.  This is the primary reason only one percent is reported.

Corona Investigative Committee Summary

Attorney Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, an experienced trial lawyer licensed in Germany and California and co-founder of the Corona Investigative Committee, summarizes their findings in a 40-minute interview.

Video here.


Political cartoonist, Ben Garrison commented that livestock are involuntarily medicated, but we’re not livestock.  The government considers America’s masses their chattel and are grinding our God-given rights under their bootheels.  Medical apartheid has arrived, just not for Biden’s fellow comrades.

Gab President, Andrew Torba tells us, “Companies without mandates will perform better and get all of the best talent. Doctors will start private practices. Families will begin to homeschool their children. Blue states and major cities will see a mass exodus unlike anything in American history.

All we have to do is say no and start building a new society for ourselves. We need to take control of our own destiny and do what needs to be done to protect our families and preserve our values and indeed our own humanity.”

© 2021 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson:

The Evidence Is In! COVID-19(84) Jabs Really Are Very Dangerous!

By Steven Yates

“The devil’s agents may be of flesh and blood, may they not?”
― Arthur Conan Doyle, The Hound of the Baskervilles

I hate to keep beating this drum when other issues are crying out for attention, but circumstances leave me little choice.

Solid evidence is now in! The Covid-19(84) jabs really are very dangerous!We could be on the verge of the biggest health catastrophe since the Black Death of the fourteenth century, during which bubonic plague caused the deaths of somewhere between 75 and 200 million people in Eurasia and North Africa — over a third of the world’s population.

Were something to come along today that killed that percentage, it would have killed close to 3 billion people before it ran its course!

Most of the rest would be left completely traumatized! Many would be helpless!

That’s what we’re looking at!

How do I know this? Didn’t I admit, just one article back, that I’m not a scientist?

You don’t have to be a master mathematician to put five and seven together and get twelve. This came my way this past weekend. Author Mike Whitney has put together a frightening assemblage of information in one package.

For almost two years, starting with the super-elite Gates Foundation and World Economic Forum sponsored Event 201, a “tabletop” simulated coronavirus pandemic (which Gates now appears to be denying actually took place!!!), ending where we are now: nations like Australia are locked down under de facto tyranny, and all roads have led to the mRNA vaccines.

Along the way, we’ve been fed a steady diet of fear by co-opted politicians, bureaucrats, and global corporate media. Information about effective cures for COVID have been suppressed. When people can be made fearful, especially of something they can’t see, most tend to turn to “leaders” who promise relief.

That would be people like Dr. Anthony Fauci, a career bureaucrat posing as America’s leading infectious disease expert.

Remember: nurses are being told by employers to get the jab or be fired, and some are resigning! Students are not being allowed to reenroll in many colleges if they’ve refused the jab. People are being refused service in restaurants, not being allowed to board planes,and refused entry to certain countries without proof of them!

The Bidenista regime is trying to force all employers with more than 100 works to mandate them. Lawsuits are coming.

Corporate media is demonizing “antivaxxers.”

Meanwhile, injuries and deaths from these mRNA vaccinesas reported by VAERS is climbing!The CDC and other co-opted agencies insist that these numbers are very small, compared to the number of people vaxxed. What we see now, though, exceeds all previous vaccines combined! Very few deaths and injuries are reported! And as Dr. Mercola explains, if you get the jab and suffer debilitating effects, you’re essentially on your own! If a relative dies, you’re on your own! You cannot sue a Big Pharma corporation, nor can you sue “your” government! You will likely be ignored by major media, and your YouTube video will be removed for “violating community standards” or promoting “vaccine misinformation” or some such BS.

Were everything on the up-and-up, would we see this level of narrative control? Would we see the coercion we are seeing? When COVID vaccine coercion reaches the point where men with guns are ordering you to get the shots or be locked indoors indefinitely, what will you do?

Suppose authorities remove you from your home at gunpoint and put you in a “camp” for refuseniks.

Is it crazy to think that could happen in America?

I’m sure there were Jews in Nazi Germany who thought the same thing!

Mike Whitney presents his findings in an interview-style staccato better than I ever could, so at this point, I’m going to do what Paul Craig Roberts did and just hand him the floor! I’ve not done this before: reproduce someone else’s article inside one of my own. But this really is the most important article on the subject you will ever read!I fixed two typos and truncated the first sentence. Otherwise this is unedited.

“… If everyone on the planet were to get Covid and not get treated, the death-rate globally would be less than half a percent. I’m not advocating for that, because 35 million people would die. However, if we follow the advice of some of the global leaders– like Bill Gates who said last year said “7 billion people need to be vaccinated”– then the death-rate will be over 2 billion people! SO, WAKE UP! THIS IS WORLD WAR 3! We are seeing a level of malevolence that we haven’t seen in the history of humanity!” Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, Author of The Zelenko “Early Treatment” Protocol that saved thousands of Covid-19 patients. (“Zelenko schools the Rabbinic Court”, Rumble; start at 11:45 minutes)

Did the regulators at the FDA know that all previous coronavirus vaccines had failed in animal trials and that the vaccinated animals became either severely ill or died?

Yes, they did.

Did they know that previous coronavirus vaccines had a tendency to “enhance the infection” and “make the disease worse”?


Did Dr Anthony Fauci know that coronavirus vaccines had repeatedly failed and increased the severity of the infection?

Yes, he did. (See here: Fauci on ADE)

Did the drug companies conduct any animal trials prior to the FDA’s approval that would have convinced a reasonable person that the vaccines were safe to use on humans?

No, they didn’t.

Did they complete long-term clinical trials to establish whether the vaccines were safe?

No, there were no long-term clinical trials.

Did they conduct any biodistribution studies that showed where the substance in the injection goes in the body?

They did, but the data was not made available to the public.

Do the contents of the vaccine largely collect in various organs and in the lining of the vascular system?

Yes, they do.

Do large amounts of the substance accumulate in the ovaries?


Will this effect female fertility and a woman’s ability to safely bring a baby to term?

The drug companies are currently researching this. The results are unknown.

Does the vaccine enter the bloodstream and collect in the lining of the blood vessels forcing the cells to produce the spike protein?


Is the spike protein a “biologically active” pathogen?

It is.

Does the spike protein cause blood clots and leaky blood vessels in a large percentage of the people that are vaccinated?

It does, although the blood clots are mostly microscopic and appear in the capillaries. Only a small percentage of vaccinees get strokes or suffer cardiac arrest.

Should people be made aware of these possible bad outcomes before they agree to get vaccinated? (“Informed consent”)


Did the FDA know that Pfizer had “identified vaccine-associated enhanced disease, including vaccine-associated enhanced respiratory disease, as an important potential risk”?

Yes, they did, but they did not demand that Pfizer fix the problem.

Here’s more:

“The FDA noted that Pfizer, “identified vaccine-associated enhanced disease, including vaccine-associated enhanced respiratory disease, as an important potential risk”. The EMA similarly acknowledged that “vaccine associated enhanced respiratory disease” was “an important potential risk… that may be specific to vaccination for COVID- 19”.

Why neither regulator sought to exclude such dangers prior to emergency use authorization is an open question that all doctors and patients are entitled to ask. Why medical regulators failed to investigate the finding that large vaccine particles cross blood vessel walls, entering the bloodstream and posing risks of blood clotting and leaky vessels is yet another open question again.” (“Open Letter to the EMA and European Parliament”, Doctors for Covid Ethics)

Did the drug companies vaccinate the people in the placebo group after the clinical trials in order to conceal the difference in the long-term health outcomes between the two groups?

That is the conclusion a rational person would make.

So, they nuked the trials?


Did the FDA largely shrug-off its regulatory duties and abandon its normal standards and protocols because

a– It wanted to rush the Covid vaccines into service as rapidly as possible?

b– It knew the Covid-19 vaccine would never meet long-term safety standards?

We don’t know yet, but the adverse events report strongly suggests that the Covid-19 vaccine is hands-down the most dangerous vaccine in history.

Is the FDA rushing the “boosters” without proper testing?

Yes, it is. Here’s a clip from author Alex Berenson’s latest at Substack:

“Pfizer basically hasn’t bothered to test the booster AT ALL in the people actually at risk – it conducted a single “Phase 1” trial that covered 12 people over 65. The main Phase 2/3 booster trial (beware efforts to cover multiple “phases” of drug research at once, you want it bad you get it bad) included no one over 55.

No one.

As in, NONE.” (“Are you kidding me, Pfizer, volume 1 gazillion”, Alex Berenson, Substack)

Have the boosters been modified or improved to meet the changes in Delta variant?


Is there any additional risk in taking a booster-shot after already taking two experimental gene-based vaccines in less than a year?

Considerable risk. Here’s more from the Doctors for Covid Ethics:

“Given that booster shots repeatedly boost the immune response to the spike protein, they will progressively boost self-to-self immune attack, including boosting complement-mediated damage to vessel walls.

Clinically speaking, the greater the vessel leakage and clotting that subsequently occurs, the more likely that organs supplied by the affected blood flow will sustain damage. From stroke to heart attack to brain vein thrombosis, the symptoms can range from death to headaches, nausea and vomiting, all of which heavily populate adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccines.

As well as damage from leakage and clotting alone, it is additionally possible that the vaccine itself may leak into surrounding organs and tissues. Should this take place, the cells of those organs will themselves begin to produce spike protein, and will come under attack in the same way as the vessel walls. Damage to major organs such as the lungs, ovaries, placenta and heart can be expected ensue, with increasing severity and frequency as booster shots are rolled out.” (“Open Letter to the EMA and European Parliament“, Doctors for Covid Ethics)

So, it’s the double-whammy. On the one hand, the booster will perform largely like the original vaccine, penetrating cells and forcing them to produce spike protein which, in turn, generates blood clots and leaky blood vessels. And, on the other, the newly-produced S proteins trigger a damaging immune response in which the complement system attacks and destroys the cells that line the inside of the blood vessels. Every additional booster will intensify this process weakening the vascular system and increasing the clotting. If the Doctors are correct in their analysis, then we could see a sharp uptick in all-cause mortality in the heavily-vaccinated countries in less than a year. Cardiac arrests are already rising.

Here’s another question that’s worth mulling over: Was there any reason for the regulators at the FDA to think that these problems would not arise following the launching of the vaccine campaign?

No. They should have known there would be problems as soon as they saw that the vaccine did not stay in the shoulder as it was supposed to. The vaccine wasn’t supposed to enter the bloodstream and spread across the body leaving billions of spike proteins in its wake. (The spike protein is a cytotoxin, a cell killer. It is not an appropriate antigen for stimulating an immune response. It is a potentially-lethal pathogen that poses a threat to one’s health even if it is separated from the virus.) Nor was the vaccine supposed to trigger Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE) which is the condition we hinted at above when referring to “vaccine-associated enhanced disease”. Here’s a brief explanation:

“ADE has proven to be a serious challenge with coronavirus vaccines, and this is the primary reason many have failed in early in-vitro or animal trials. For example, rhesus macaques who were vaccinated with the Spike protein of the SARS-CoV virus demonstrated severe acute lung injury when challenged with SARS-CoV, while monkeys who were not vaccinated did not. Similarly, mice who were immunized with one of four different SARS-CoV vaccines showed his topathological changes in the lungs with eosinophil infiltration after being challenged with SARS-CoV virus. This did not occur in the controls that had not been vaccinated. A similar problem occurred in the development of a vaccine for FIPV, which is a feline coronavirus.” (“Is the Coronavirus Vaccine a Ticking-Time Bomb?”, Science with Dr. Doug)

Is this what we are seeing right now? In all the countries that launched mass-vaccination campaigns early (Israel, Iceland, Scotland, Gibraltar and UK) cases, hospitalizations and deaths are rising faster in the vaccinated portion of the population than the unvaccinated. Why?

Are they really experiencing a fourth or fifth wave or have the vaccines generated “inactivity-enhancing” antibodies that make the disease worse? This 2-minute video helps to clarify what’s going on:

“Vaccines are made to a specific variant. And when that variant mutates, the vaccine no longer recognizes it. It’s like you are seeing a completely new virus. And, because that is so, you actually get more severe symptoms when you are vaccinated against one variant and it mutates and then your body sees the other variant.

The science shows, that if you get vaccinated in multiple years (for the flu), you are more likely to get severe disease, you are more likely to get viral replication, and you are more likely to be hospitalized…. We are seeing the same thing in Covid with the Delta variant. So we are actually mandating that people get a vaccine when they can actually get more sick when they are exposed to the virus…In fact, this week, a paper came out that showed that–with the Delta variant– when you are vaccinated your body is supposed to make antibodies that neutralize the virus, but they were supposed to neutralize the old variant. When they see this new variant, the antibodies take the virus and help it infect the cells.” (“Expert testimony on mandatory vaccinations”, Dr Christina Parks PhD., Rumble, start at minute 5:05)

Repeat: “If you get vaccinated in multiple years, you are more likely to get severe disease, you are more likely to get viral replication, and you are more likely to be hospitalized…. With the Delta variant– when you are vaccinated …. the antibodies take the virus and help it infect the cells.”

This is ADE, and this is probably why hospitalizations and deaths are rising among the vaccinated in Israel, UK and the rest. True, the Delta variant is less lethal than the Wuhan virus but, unfortunately, that rule does not apply to those who have been vaccinated and whose antibodies promote the uptake of the virus into their cells. This increases the viral replication function that increases the severity of the disease. In short, people are getting sicker because they were vaccinated. Here’s another short video that helps to explain:

“…The vaccine-induced antibodies will stand up against the virus. and once a virus is under pressure; it changes, it becomes a variant, and the variant cannot be stopped by vaccine-induced antibodies. Vaccine-induced antibodies. also shut down your innate immune system… so variants can come straight through and infect those that are vaccinated. That is viral immune escape, and that means that the vaccinated are defenseless against variants. This is no longer a pandemic of Covid-19. It is a pandemic of variants…

And there is something called recombination, and recombination means a vaccinated host can be infected by more than one variant at a time. …If a vaccinated host is co-infected by more than one variant, the variants will mix DNA, and change and camouflage and produce a super variant. And if super variants are produced, nothing can stop them. And already they are saying that the latest variant to come out is vaccine resistant. And this is just the beginning.

Dr Geert Vanden Bosche warns that if we do not immediately stop mass vaccination campaigns around the world, the world will experience an international catastrophe of mass mortality. I didn’t say that, he did. The vaccinated are a threat to us all.” (“Viral Immune Escape Explained”, Dr. Michael McDowell, Rumble)

It’s not the variant that intensifies the disease, it’s the fact that the vaccine targets one narrow endpoint, the spike protein, that gradually adapts to survive. As the virus progressively learns to avoid the vaccine, vaccine-induced immunity wanes. Natural immunity produces broad, robust immunity to the whole virus not merely one part of it. It is strong and enduring.

So how will the vaccinated fight new forms of the virus, after all, the vaccine is not a medicine that overpowers a particular pathogen. It is a subtle (genetic) reprogramming of the immune system that forces one’s cells to produce a particular version of the spike protein. Boosters that stimulate production of the same protein will have only modest impact. In short, boosters are still fighting the last war.

Also, as we mentioned above, coronavirus vaccines tend to create antibodies that “enhance infectivity” when they encounter adapted forms of the virus. That means that millions of inoculated people will now face forms of the virus for which they have almost no protection and for which their compromised immune systems can only provide limited help. Here’s more from the article above:

“Right now, the fatality rate of the virus is estimated to be approximately 0.26%, and this number seems to be dropping as the virus is naturally attenuating itself through the population. It would be a great shame to vaccinate the entire population against a virus with this low of a fatality rate, especially considering the considerable risk presented by ADE. I believe this risk of developing ADE in a vaccinated individual will be much greater than 0.26%, and, therefore, the vaccine stands to make the problem worse, not better. It would be the biggest blunder of the century to see the fatality rate of this virus increase in the years to come because of our sloppy, haphazard, rushed efforts to develop a vaccine with such a low threshold of safety testing and the prospect of ADE lurking in the shadows.” (“Is the Coronavirus Vaccine a Ticking-Time Bomb?”, Science with Dr. Doug)

“Blunder”, he says?

It wasn’t a blunder. It was deliberate. The Covid-19 vaccine was supposed to fail like all the coronavirus vaccines before it. That’s the point. That’s why the drug companies skipped the animal testing and long-term safety trials. That’s why the FDA rushed it through the regulatory process and suppressed the other life-saving medications, and silenced all critics of the policy, and pushed for universal vaccination regardless of the risks of blood clotting, cardiac arrest, stroke and death. And that’s why the world is on the threshold of an “international catastrophe of mass mortality.” It’s because that’s how the strategy was planned from the very beginning.

The vaccine isn’t supposed to work, it’s supposed to make things worse. And it has! It’s increased the susceptibility of millions of people to severe illness and death. That’s what it’s done. It’s a stealth weapon in an entirely new kind of war; a war aimed at restructuring the global order and establishing absolute social control. Those are the real objectives. It has nothing to do pandemics or viral contagion. It’s about power and politics. That’s all.

Steven Yates again. Did you get all that? Take your time. Also note this. Note the last line. Those with power protect their own.

I won’t try to sum this up. I’ll just ask: what kind of minds —outside apocalyptic science fiction writers, that is— are capable of conjuring up something like this?

Evil minds!

No other word fits!

The question occurs to me: is something demonic at work here? Satanic, even?

Could people like Gates and Fauci and Schwab actually be demon-possessed?

I don’t know, and I know how that sounds. I’ve also never seen a naturalistic account of human psychopathy that would enable me to get my brain around the idea of simply culling who-knows how many billions of people (not millions or tens of millions but billions) in the name “absolute social control,” of establishing a Great Reset!

We’ve just looked into the face of pure evil, and I wonder if anyone but God Himself can save our civilization now!

Steven Yates’s new book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory (Wipf and Stock, 2021) is available here and here.

September is here, and it is time to renew my call for donations. In the present hostile environment, any of us — this site, or myself — could be canceled at any time! (My computer has been hacked more than once; I once had to replace a device when hackers damaged the operating system beyond repair.) Donate to here. Donate to my site here, or to me via PayPal (use my email address available  below) if Patreon is not to your liking. Any pledges or donations I receive exceeding $25/mo., I will match with a donation to out of appreciation for this site.

© 2021 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates:

America’s Wide Open Borders: You Can’t Fix Stupid

By Frosty Wooldridge

My friend, Zeb Bell, who hosts a weekly radio show about America’s dilemma as well as writes a daily column “Zeb at the Ranch”, , spoke about how stupid President Biden and Congress prove themselves.

Zeb Bell wrote, “There is a saying, “You can’t fix stupid”, and “We the People” of the United States are realizing how true that is with the Biden Administration. “You can’t fix stupid” by increasing severely high taxes on the wealthy or by condemning or lessening corporate business. Why?…DAH! The wealthy and corporations will leave our shores and create job opportunities and wealth-generation elsewhere! “You can’t fix stupid” by demanding and insulting Americans to get Covid vaccinations when an impious government allows 1000’s of illegal aliens to flood through our borders nightly and endanger our families because of non-vaccination. “You can’t fix stupid” when you have “leadership” say that by passing trillions of dollars of new debt – they can play God and control the thermostat and weather around the world! “You can’t fix stupid” when police give tickets to grocery store shoppers for NOT wearing masks, BUT, they allow worthless criminals to shoplift without any punishment!! Beyond any reasonable doubt…Joe Biden and his band of “sluggish dolts” are the reason for this saying “You can’t fix stupid”. I hope and pray that we can weather his storm of incompetency and still remain the greatest Country in the world…its gonna’ be tough!  Old sayings become old sayings from generation to generation because of their truthfulness and with this President “You can’t fix stupid.”

Joe Biden Proves Himself Either One Dumb President or Simply and Totally Out Of Touch With Reality

In the past nine months, over 1.4 million illegal refugees violated our borders and now reside in our country at a cost of upwards of $65 million per month of our taxpayer dollars. That’s on top of the 1,000,000 legal immigrants that entered our country this year. That’s on top of the 300,000 anchor babies and their mothers that subsist on our tax dollars.

Right now, in Del Rio, Texas, 14,000 illegal migrants have set up camp in our country in their desperate surge to escape their own countries’ poverty, misery, disease and overpopulation.  Distressingly, Biden allows them into our country, in fact, invited them into our country—without requirement for Covid 19 vaccinations, identity, skills, or terrorist ties.  And, he’s flying them to any city in America where Catholic and Lutheran Charities choose.  You don’t get a choice!  You get the illegal migrants whether you like it or not. They and their children will invade your schools and communities.

And now, thousands of Haitians clobber our shores with their endless line of children, illiteracy and poverty.  There’s no escaping what’s coming.  Whether it’s an Afghanistan terrorist or an anchor baby mother or drug dealer infecting your kids, you PAY, and PAY, and PAY.

Hear this: there is NO end of the line of refugees streaming into America. There is NO solving their dilemma. There is no way to cure anything for them.  But we will soon become victims of cultural decay, mass illiteracy—that will create endless ghettoes in America from which there is no escape.  What they fled; they will recreate in America. It’s that simply and THAT ugly.

Why Nothing We Do Will Save The World’s Refugees

How many refugees are in the world in 2021?

“Refugees in the world: 82.4 million forcibly displaced people worldwide in 2021: 26.4 million refugees, 48 million internally displaced, 4.1 million asylum seekers, 3.9 million Venezuelans. Finally, 83 million new babies born into the world, net gain, annually.” (Source:

Africa houses millions of people in refugee camps that are filthy, putrid, no sanitation, no food, no clean water, and no end of women either pregnant or holding babies on their hips.  Africa houses 1.4 billion people in 2021. The United Nations predicts that Africa will reach 2.1 billion people by 2050—a scant 29 years from now.

Each year the third world adds 83 million babies, net gain, that it cannot feed or sustain, year after year after year.  Yes, they starve, suffer and live in abject misery.

Question for you dear fellow American: can we save the world by importing 20 million a year?  How about 50 million? What about 100 million, ANNUALLY?

Would you agree that we stand desperately in DEEP trouble?  How about up to our eyeballs in turmoil with a man like Biden and/or the incompetents who talked him into open borders.

If this invasion continues, (Article IV, Section 4 of the US Constitution defines this incursion as an invasion.), how much longer do you think we will last?  I suggest you watch the videos below to show you graphically what I am writing about in this column. It’s your future and your children who will be existing in a living nightmare. Can we change it?  Yes, but it will require your actions to make an enormous public outcry to your senators, House members and the president…along with all the media outlets like CNN, FOX, NBC, CBS, ABC, NPR and PBS. Engage all your networks on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook. I cannot do it by myself.  I need your help.  If you remain silent, your kids don’t stand a chance in the coming years.

Is anyone in America thinking about these questions?  Are we not galloping into America’s twilight years?

If you would like a free electronic copy of this book, please email me with your email address and I will send it to you.  Every American with children or any American who will live in this country in 2050, needs to understand what they face.

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121.

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

This video will scare the daylights out of every American as to what’s coming to our country, US Citizenship Act 2021 by Joe Biden.

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Second Amendment:  Massive, Dangerous Foreign Invasion by Illegal Aliens

By: Devvy

Ronald Reagan opened the flood gates for illegal aliens back in 1986 when he signed the Immigration Reform and Control Act.  Instead of deporting millions of illegals, that Act rewarded illegals for smuggling themselves across our border and stealing jobs that belong to Americans and naturalized citizens.  The Democrats right NOW are trying to get amnesty passed for 30 MILLION + illegal aliens.  We MUST defeat them.  We’ve done it before we can do it again. $1 Trillion Mass Amnesty and Explosion of Legal Immigration in Reconciliation Bill

In 1993, former U.S. Senator Dirty Harry Reid who “won” his election thanks to vote fraud, introduced the most comprehensive anti-illegal aliens bill ever (77 pgs) that would force tens of millions of them to self-deport.  ALL forms of welfare gone. S. 1351 (103rd): Immigration Stabilization Act of 1993.

Our Federal Wallet Stretched To Limit By Illegal Aliens Getting Welfare’ “Even worse, Americans have seen heinous crimes committed by individuals who are here illegally.” He also said that the U.S. open door policy is being abused at the expense of honest, working citizens. August 5, 1993, Dirty Harry’s office issued the following:

“In response to increased terrorism and abuse of social programs by aliens, Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) today introduced the first and only comprehensive immigration reform bill in Congress. Currently, an alien living illegally in the United States often pays no taxes but receives unemployment, welfare, free medical care and other federal benefits. Recent terrorist acts, including the World Trade Center bombing, have underscored the need to keep violent criminals out of the country…

“Our borders have overflowed with illegal immigrants placing tremendous burdens on our criminal justice system, schools and social programs. The Immigration and Naturalization Service needs the ability to step up enforcement. Our federal wallet is stretched to the limit by illegal aliens getting welfare, food stamps, medical care, and other benefits often without paying any taxes.”

“Safeguards like welfare and free medical care are in place to boost Americans in need of short-term assistance. These programs were not meant to entice freeloaders and scam artists from around the world. Even worse, Americans have seen heinous crimes committed by individuals who are here illegally.”

At the time, dirty traitor, Bill Clinton[1][2] was allegedly president.  I say allegedly because there were problems with counting of the votes, an issue I was yelling about back then.  But,Clinton was the selection of the shadow government; the vote of the American people didn’t matter.

Dirty Harry’s bill had a whopping 3 cosponsors.  In 1993, there were 173 Republicans in the U.S. House.  2 cosponsored that bill, Richard Shelby and Duncan Faircloth.  1 Democrat, James Exon.  Neither party wanted to stop the flood of illegals.

One of the sections of that bill was crucial as I explained in a 2014 column.  I’m betting it [the bill] was not written by Dirty Harry, but by DNC lawyers who knew what they’re doing and the sure to come legal challenges. It covers the whole gambit of turning off all forms of welfare; trillions spent over the past 28 years since Reagan sold us out. One section I want to highlight: TITLE X–CITIZENSHIP


“In the exercise of its powers under section 5 of the Fourteenth Article of Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, the Congress has determined and hereby declares that any person born after the date of enactment of this title to a mother who is neither a citizen of the United States nor admitted to the United States as a lawful permanent resident, and which person is a national or citizen of another country of which either of his or her natural parents is a national or citizen, or is entitled upon application to become a national or citizen of such country, shall be considered as born subject to the jurisdiction of that foreign country and not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States within the meaning of section 1 of such Article and shall therefore not be a citizen of the United States or of any State solely by reason of physical presence within the United States at the moment of birth.”

Dirty Harry was speaking about the fiction called ‘anchor babies’, something I have been very vocal about: States Must Fight Legal Fiction Called Anchor Babies. Judge Jeanine ‘Illegally Entering U.S. Is Not a Right to Citizenship‘ – She is on point and says it like it is: “I draw but one conclusion: Barack Obama is intentionally using the immigration crisis as an excuse to change the demographics and ultimately the electorate of this nation.”

By 2014, Dirty Harry had long abandoned supporting enforcing our immigration laws and said the (southern) border is secure, time to give amnesty to tens of millions of illegal aliens.

From 2003-2007, Bush Jr. was president, Republicans controlled Congress and did NOTHING to stop illegals crossing the border nor did they do anything to stop all forms of welfare which is what Reid’s bill does in capital letters.

Trump was sworn in January 2017.  Democrats allegedly swept the House in 2018.  Don’t believe that vote count.  It was imperative to stop Trump getting the wall built as well as his other campaign promises.  All the new Marxists were sworn in January 2019.

Republicans controlled Congress under Trump long enough to fix this nightmare.  They did NOTHING to stop the invasion.  Three months after Trump was sworn in, I sent him a letter with Reid’s bill, description, etc. and told him he needs to tell his party in no uncertain terms:  While I fight for the wall, you get Reid’s old bill introduced, passed and I will sign it into law.  Never received a response in any form but then again, in Trump’s world, I am nobody.

I also sent the same to Senators Cruz, Tom Cotton, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio and Marsha Blackburn who was a House rep at that time.  Sent to these U.S. House reps:  Jim Jordan, Louis Gohmert, Andy Biggs, Mo Brooks, Thomas Massie.  I received not a single response.  I waited another three months and repeated my effort; not a single response.  But, I’m not a constituent of any of them.  In all fairness to them I’m no one;their staff control all in-coming mail so likely none of them ever saw my letter – including President Trump, again.

This real invasion is almost beyond words

This was back in 2018 while Democrats were fighting Trump tooth and nail to stop the wall.

This is today while the criminal impostor president, Joe Biden, is gone on vacation again no doubt sucking down another of his favorite ice cream flavors.  Ho Harris who was tasked to “fix” the border problem, spent last week in California stumping for Gavin Newsom and chowing down at an In-N-Out Burger joint.  Over the weekend:  Border Czar Kamala Harris Leads Coin Toss at Howard-Hampton Football Game as Thousands of Illegal Aliens Storm Border in Del Rio (VIDEO)College Football Fans Chant “F*ck Joe Biden!” Third Week in a Row (VIDEO)

At the Rio Grande last week.

Del Rio, Texas – Massive invasion.  At least he did something:  Governor Abbott Deploys DPS Troopers, National Guard to Build Barricade Along Border Around Del Rio Amid Surge of Illegal Aliens

Some 14,000 Haitians have flooded the border at Del Rio, Texas last week.  The roar from the American people must have been substantial as the fake Biden Administration announced they will – at OUR expense – be flown back to Haiti beginning yesterday.  Notice they all seem to be healthy males, clean, stylish looking t-shirts and gold chains around their necks.

All those people regardless of where they’ve come from are not vetted.  Statistics have proven over the decades the obscene number of Americans raped, murdered, killed by drunk drivers, child molesters, thieves and other crimes by illegal aliens regardless of country of origin.

We know some 85,000 Afghani’s were imported after the withdrawal disaster in Afghanistan.  No one in the fake Biden “administration” seems to know how many interpreters and Afghani’s were working to help while we occupied their country by force for 20 years.  But, it sure as hell isn’t 85,000.

Will they all go to work?  70% of male Afghan’s cannot read.  Most of them likely speak little to no English.  They’re being dumped in red states; each getting thousands.  Guess who pays their medical bills while you struggle to pay your health care premium? Outbreak of Measles in Virginia and Wisconsin Afghan Refugee Settlements Forces Pause in New Arrivals.  Most will end up on the unconstitutional federal welfare program making more than many people do in some states working 40 hours a week.  Some were logically transported to Muslim countries like Dubai; all should have been relocated to a culture friendly country.

Most are Muslims;poorly vetted until they get here.  Afghan “Refugee” Terrorist Had Explosive Bomb Materials Boarding Flight to US, Stopped at Ramstein Air Force Base, Sept. 9, 2021  /  Report: Pentagon officials clueless on how many Afghan refugees on terrorist watch lists are now in the U.S., August 28, 2021


We’re talking about hundreds of thousands of illegals simply walking or swimming onto U.S. soil since this fake Biden regime took over.  Border Patrol is over run, border towns drowning in illegals and crime.  Ranchers along the border and their families at grave risk from roaming predator illegals.  Texas Ranchers Dealing With Armed Smugglers on Land

This is a foreign invasion.  This has set up an even more EXTREME DANGER to these united States of America.  Many were worried about a terrorist attack on the Sept. 11, 2021. I wasn’t because it would be too anticipated.  No, I’m very worried it won’t be long before there is either a single huge event or multi-prong as before.

Second Amendment:  A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

Tens of millions of gun owners, the majority of law enforcement and even our military believe the Second Amendment is only to protect an individual right to ‘keep and bear arms’.  The first thirteen words of that amendment are completely ignored, when in fact, they are the teeth of that amendment.

The U.S. Constitution:

Article I, Section 8, Paragraph 15: The Congress shall have the Power (to) provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;

Article IV, Section 4, Paragraph 1: The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestics Violence.

Dr. Edwin Vieira:  “States” in “homeland security.” Congress has a constitutional power and duty, when “necessary and proper,” “[t]o provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions.” Article I, Section 8, Clauses 15 and 18. The Preamble shows this to be a grave responsibility. For among the six overarching purposes of the Constitution set out there, no less than three parallel the mission of the Militia to provide “homeland security”: namely, to “establish Justice” (“execute the Laws of the Union”), “insure domestic Tranquility” (“suppress Insurrections,”) and “provide for the common defence” (“repel Invasions.”) Doubtlessly, the Founding Fathers foresaw that “the Militia of the several States” would provide the primary forces to serve the Preamble’s purposes, and for that reason specifically empowered Congress to “call[ them] forth” for those ends. The perfect juxtaposition of purposes and powers can have no other plausible explanation…

“Thus, hardly surprising is that the Framers of the Second Amendment, many of whom had been among the delegates to the Constitutional Convention that drafted or the State Conventions that ratified the Constitution, asserted that “[a] well regulated Militia” is “necessary to the security of a free State.” For Articles I and IV had earlier made abundantly clear that “the Militia of the several States”–considered on the basis of 150 years of experience to be “well regulated,” if any Militia could be–were empowered to provide that security to every State through the “guarantee” of “a Republican Form of Government.”

“Furthermore, the Constitution presumes that, in the direst extreme, when “actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay,” the States will be able to “engage in War” through their Militia, which, unlike “Troops,” the Constitution allows them to keep and govern “without the Consent of Congress.” See Article I, Section 10, Clause 3.

“Perhaps most notable, however, is that, because “the Militia of the several States” may be “call[ed] forth * * * to execute the Laws of the Union,” and because the Constitution is “the supreme Law of the Land,” the Militia may be “call[ed] forth” to “execute the [Constitution]” itself. See Article I, Section 8, Clause 15, and Article VI, Clause 2. In a normal situation, this would occur pursuant to such “provi[sions]” as Congress had made, and under direction of the President as Commander in Chief. Article II, Section 2, Clause 1. But the Constitution protects America in abnormal situations, too–especially inasmuch as abnormal situations doubtlessly will confront this country with the most immediate and gravest dangers.”

Neither the National Guard or our military are a “well regulated milita”.  This thorough explanation should be read by every law enforcement official, military, every state legislator, every gun owner in this country and mandatory for every high school senior class:  True Vs. False Militia & Why the Difference Matters

Border Patrol arrests heavily-armed member of ‘Texas Militia’, August 20, 2015

He was arrested because there is NO Second Amendment well regulated militia even though Rivera claimed to belong to a Texas militia.  While there are quite a lot of groups throughout the states who call themselves militia, they have ZERO legal authority.

Back in 2013, then AZ governor Jan Brewer signed a new bill into law:  Arizona Gov. signs Bill to establish State Militia to be used at her Discretion.  Toothless, meaningless and is certainly not in alignment with the history and intent of the first thirteen words of the Second Amendment.  First, you have to be age 45 or older.  How ridiculous.  Second, if you read this article, you might want to laugh:  Arizona’s Volunteer Militia On Call For Public Safety.  While the idea was embraced by border patrol, where’s this so-called State Militia been the past eight years while their border continues to be overrun like Texas?

“I’m very excited that she signed it, of course. With the national funding for the National Guard on the border expiring in June, I would like to see the governor sign an executive order that immediately establishes the guard.”

“Brewer will not reportedly be mandated to create a volunteer state militia, but will now have the authority to establish a new guard group which can serve as a safety net in times of trouble. The military provision pertaining to the formation of a volunteer militia was added to the Arizona Constitution in 1910.

“The Arizona volunteer state militia does not have a legislatively defined command structure – the governor can choose who is in charge of the group. Representative Harper has been consulting with Arizona National Guard Adjutant General, Major General Hugo Salazar, about utilization of the volunteer militia. Harper referred to conversations with Salazar on the topic of border security deployment, “encouraging.”

One hell of a safety net while your border is still like a spaghetti sieve.  Here’s the bill.  “C.   Appropriations made to the national guard shall be deemed appropriated to both the national guard and the Arizona state guard, if and when the latter organization is established, and any funds which THAT are unexpended from appropriations to the national guard may be used for establishment and maintenance of the Arizona state guard.”

Jeez.  I know Dr. Edwin Vieira spoke at length with a couple of their senators at the time.  When that bill passed, it was like, what a waste of time.  A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state doesn’t mean a half dozen groups of well-meaning, patriotic Americans scattered around the state.  For crying out loud, this reminds me of the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal that should have begun at least six months before the August deadline.

It takes many months to move tens of thousands of tanks, trucks, Humvee’s, weaponry, stripping down air bases, human resources and Americans who would be leaving.  Some can be moved with huge aircraft:  “The Lockheed Martin’s C-5M Super Galaxy is the workhorse of US strategic airlift capability. Also it is the largest aircraft, routinely operated by the US forces.” Rail roads (if available) are a staple along with caravans.  Bottom line is all takes planning, training, a lot of lead time and money.  So where is Arizona’s well regulated militia, funded, trained, command, etc., or will they instantly produce such a “safety net” in times of trouble?  If they were there and operational, choking off the masses of illegals crossing their border could and should have been accomplished years ago.

Our governor, Blabbet aka Greg Abbott:  Where is Texas’ constitutional militia?  Our state is drowning with thousands coming across every week.  Instead of turning them around and letting them swim back across the Rio Grande or back across an international bridge or wherever they crossed, illegal aliens are being given transportation and shipped around the country – oh, and don’t forget to show up for your court date!  Booming business for charities sucking off federal tax dollars, hotels and restaurants.

Abbott rolled out his you’ll be arrested for run of the mill infractions of the law a couple of months ago but it’s all for show for the primary next year.  He shouldn’t worry with $55 MILLION bux in his war chest.

Texas is about to get 4,481 Afghani’s.  So, Gov. Blabbet, why didn’t you tell the walking corpse in the WH:  No.  Washington DC is getting zero.  Here’s How Many Afghan Refugees Are Headed to Each State in the US – “I was on the ground in Afghanistan and there is no way that we can properly vet these people,” Oklahoma Republican Party Chairman John Bennett said. “If the government says otherwise, they are lying to you.” Muslims are taught to lie in the name of Allah by the time they can walk:

“We’ve vetted all the folks and we’re excited to welcome them,” Oklahoma Republican Gov. Kevin Stitt said.“We’re excited to open up our arms…we’re excited to welcome them and show them the Oklahoma standard,” he added.”

You ignorant damn fool.  Muslims do NOT integrate into western cultures. This is the same as occupying their country for 20 years and trying to defeat their toxic, putrid “religion”and force feed them what they don’t want.  Muslim Who Beheaded Woman in Oklahoma: “I Beheaded Her… I Read The Koran… It’s Easy To Understand. No One Guides Me But Allah” / Muslim major screamed ‘Allahu Akbar’ before slaughtering 13 at Ft. Hood, TX

The three biggest issues right NOW are fixing the vote counting systems in all 50 states, stopping this dangerous invasion, exposing and demanding criminal charges be brought over the monstrous plandemic called COVID-19.  Dr. Edwin Vieira has been writing about the constitutional militia since 2005; his columns archived here.

If only ten million gun owners would demand their state legislatures enact a Second Amendment constitutional militia law, things would turn around quite quickly.  Remember:  This is OUR country, our governments.  We the people are the boss so quit acting like servants.  It’s most unfortunate the NRA won’t touch the true meaning of the Second Amendment and charge up their millions of members to organize and demand their legislatures pass a law reconstituting the constitutional militia.  They’ve been fully aware of Dr. Vieira’s work for more than a decade.

Gun Owners of America is a great organization who very much support Dr. Vieira’s work.  Hopefully, they will organize in all 50 states: lobby the hell out of state legislatures, collect signatures from all your members in each state and demand they pass a true Second Amendment constitutional militia bill.  I’ve been writing about this since I read Dr. Vieira’s columns starting in 2005 trying to get gun owners in this country to do the one thing that WILL stop gun control.  Crickets.  Oh, and be sure to send donations to support more Band Aids (lawsuits) to stop gun control!

I tried years ago when I sent a letter to every Republican in our state legislature then followed up with phone calls to tea party legislators.  All I got was thank you for calling, blah, blah, blah.  Homeland security is OUR responsibility.  The federals have refused to protect the states:  “Furthermore, the Constitution presumes that, in the direst extreme, when “actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay,” the States will be able to “engage in War” through their Militia, which, unlike “Troops,” the Constitution allows them to keep and govern “without the Consent of Congress.” See Article I, Section 10, Clause 3.” Dr. Vieira.

Our national security is SEVERELY compromised right now.  What are millions of gun owners going to do about it? 

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions.

© 2021 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:


[1]   Journalist details how FBI and DOJ covered up Bill Clinton’s “sale” of U.S. nuclear warhead tech to China in the ’90s

[2]  The Marxist Influence


READ:Ship Illegal Alien Minors Back to Their Parents Now – “Border cages reek of urine and vomit! Scabies, lice, flu, COV are rampant, March 24, 2021  – Not to mention illegals, minors or other adults have been bringing in TB and other diseases long eradicated from this country.  Those minors are then shoved into YOUR schools while getting “free” dental and medical paid for by you while you struggle to pay for your child’s dental needs.

Montana A.G.: We’re Worried Migrants Will Be Relocated to our State and We Won’t Be Able to Keep Them from Being Released – CALL THEIR BLUFF, AG Knudsen.Just say NO.

Mexican pirates vs. constitutional militia, May 10, 2010 /  White House: OK, Amnesty Cuts Wages, But Not for the ‘Longer Run’ (Liars)  /  Housing Shortage Crisis in California – Blame Yourselves

Democrats: Architects of the Destruction of America, Part 3

By Roger Anghis

We can see almost throughout the history of the Democrat Party how they have seemed to make every effort to tear America down. They did all they could to keep slavery in place, they established the Jim Crow laws even though they try to make you think that Republicans wrote the laws. It was the Democrats that formed the KKK and did all they could to keep blacks suppressed: In 1857, the Supreme Court, with seven of the nine justices being Democrat, decided that Dred Scott was not a citizen, but property. Chief Justice Roger Taney, appointed by Democrat President Andrew Jackson, referenced in his decision that slaves were “so far inferior … that the Negro might justly and lawfully be reduced to slavery for their own benefit.”

After the Civil War, Republicans pushed through the 13th Amendment, adopted Dec. 6, 1865, officially abolishing slavery in America. Once Southern Democrats were forced to free their slaves, they effectively attempted to re-enslave them by passing “black codes” and “Jim Crow” laws, which required former slaves to be “apprenticed” to “employers” and punished those who left.

On Nov. 22, 1865, Republicans denounced Mississippi’s Democrat legislature for enacting “black codes,” which institutionalized racial discrimination, even stating: “No freedman, Negro, or mulatto shall carry or keep firearms or ammunition.”

On Feb. 5, 1866, Republican Rep. Thaddeus Stevens introduced legislation to give former slaves “40 acres and a mule,” but Democrats opposed it, led by President Andrew Johnson. On April 9, 1866, Republicans in Congress overrode President Johnson’s veto and passed the Civil Rights Act of 1866, conferring rights of citizenship on freed slaves.[1]

The 14th Amendment was passed to give blacks citizenship and was opposed 100% by the Democrats.[2] There was almost the same opposition, 97%, from the Democrat Party to giving blacks the right to vote, the 15th Amendment.[3]

America was intended to let all men be free. Most of the Founders were opposed to slavery in spite of what the revisionist historians say. The American experiment has been the most successful form of government the world has ever seen yet the Democrats have tried for decades to make America no better than the average dictatorship.

America was founded as a Christian nation on Christian principles. John Jay, our first Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court stated; “Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers, and it is the duty, as well as the privilege and interest, of our Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers.”  Democrats don’t seem to care about those principles. They are more concerned with the power they can acquire and control over the population than the freedoms of the people.

One of the biggest stabs in the back to Americans that the Democrats have done concerns Social Security.  When you look at the history of it you see that Democrats have done all they could to take your money away from you. Keep in mind that this is NOT an entitlement program. The American people fund this with their own paychecks which means Congress has no right to do anything with it except fund the Social Security program. Democrats feel they have to tax everything except their own paycheck. This program was originally voluntary, Democrats voted to make it mandatory. There was supposed to be only a 1% tax on the first $1400, now it’s 7.5% of the first $90,000.  The funds originally put into the fund were deducted from your annual salary for tax purposes. Those funds are no longer deductible. All funds that were put into this fund were used only for Social Security but President Lyndon Johnson moved it into the General Fund and has been spent on other Democrat projects. The payments to the people from the fund were never to be taxed as income but under the Clinton administration, 85% of those payments are now taxed. Remember, these funds were taken out of American’s paychecks for the American people when they retired but under the Carter administration, they started giving the funds to illegal immigrants that never put a dime into the program. Now they say that the program is running out of funds and blaming the Republicans for that situation.

Our monetary system was destroyed by democrats as well.  Woodrow Wilson took our economic system out of the hands of the American people and gave control to the banks in England. It was like he was oblivious to the results of his actions. After he gave up our monetary system to foreign entities he stated: “I am a most unhappy man, I have unwittingly ruined my country.  A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of Credit.  Our system of credit is concentrated.  The growth of the nation, therefore, and all of our activities are in the hands of a few men.  We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world.  No longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.”  Democrats again take the freedoms of Americans and give them to foreign powers. This can be confirmed in a comment by Senator George Malone speaking before Congress in 1957: “I believe that if the people of this nation fully understood what Congress has done to them over the past forty-nine years, they would move on Washington. It adds up to a preconceived plan to destroy the economic and social independence of the United States.”

One of the things that both parties are guilty of, which I find to be nothing less than treason, is neither party has done anything to curb the flow of illegals coming across our southern border. Ronald Reagan attempted to get some security on the southern border in 1986 by agreeing to amnesty for the illegals that came across our border because Senator Schumer agreed to establish some form of security.  Schumer got the amnesty he wanted and has seen to it that the security never happened.  Another stab in the back by the Democrat Party.

Donald Trump promised border security and delivered on it but was opposed every inch of the way by Democrats and when they stole the election Biden stopped the building of the wall and is spending $3 million a day to not build the wall.[4] Allowing illegals to flood our border taxes our welfare system, lowers hourly wages because it floods the job market with cheap labor which is just what Democrat business owners love. It also increases human trafficking, drug cartels make millions and threaten the lives of Americans. None of this seems to bother Democrats. They are creating a situation that they tell us they can fix but we have to give up freedoms and rights. Their base is stupid enough to fall for that but most of us aren’t. We see through the game and will stand against it.

© 2021 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. The-ugly-history-of-democratic-suppression-of-blacks/
  2. The-ugly-history-of-democratic-suppression-of-blacks/
  3. The-ugly-history-of-democratic-suppression-of-blacks/
  4. Biden-Spending-3-Million-Day-Not-Build-Border-Wall

Time For a Serious ‘Sit-Down’ Discussion

By Rob Pue

In March of 2020, the vast majority of American churches dutifully closed their doors when we were all told “two weeks to flatten the curve.” Like small businesses, churches were willing to take the government warnings seriously and err on the side of caution.  But weeks and months later, even after the businesses reopened, it seems most of the church doors remained shuttered, the leadership there agreeing with the government that they were, indeed, “non-essential.”

Of course, they continued with their services over the internet, with online streaming.  We saw “worship teams” on the stage with each member wearing a mask, while playing their instruments and singing to an empty auditorium.  Then the pastor would come up and give his “talk” — again, while wearing a mask on stage, speaking only to the camera operator in the back of the empty room.

Millions of people stopped attending church services in 2020, because the churches were closed.  Pastors across the country cowered in fear when seeing other pastors make the news…. pastors who refused to close their doors and instead continued preaching the whole counsel of God, even in the midst of a fake “PLANNED-demic.”  These fearful ones saw what happened to those who refused to comply: more and more draconian measures taken by so-called “health officials,” police and government agencies.  Things like “no singing.” “Only 20 percent capacity.” Stiff fines and penalties for churches that dared to remain open.  Pastors going to jail.

When some pastors attempted a reasonable “compromise” by holding services outdoors, preaching to people sitting in their cars in the parking lot, people were fined and jailed for simply sitting in their cars in the church parking lot!   And of course, enormous fines and jail time for those pastors who refused to submit to all the unjust and ridiculous dictates from “on high.”  At least one church was even set on fire and burnt to the ground as a way to intimidate them and keep them silenced.

Throughout this insanity, millions of people stopped attending church altogether.  When the government finally eased their restrictions, and the churches were “allowed” by the government to open again, many never returned, and will never return. They’ve either started their own home churches, gathering with like-minded, truth-seeking believers for worship and Bible study, as the early disciples did, or they’ve moved on to one of those churches with courageous pastors who never closed their doors or bowed to the commands of Caesar.  They’ve moved to churches with pastors unafraid to tell the truth — no matter how “counter-cultural” the truth may be; no matter how “controversial” the truth may be; no matter how badly the truth clashes with the “Official Narrative.”

And now, a year and a half later, studies show that one in four churches that were open and active at the start of 2020 have now closed forever.  Forgive me for saying that I think that’s probably a good thing.  Stay with me and perhaps you’ll agree.

For far too long, our American churches have been increasingly compromised. They’ve become salt that has lost it’s savor — good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled under the feet of men.  In other words, “non-essential.”  How did this happen in a country that owes it’s very existence to God Almighty and the mighty men of God — the PASTORS — who preached the Word, in season and out, when it was convenient and when it most definitely was NOT. Pastors who led their flocks out of the church house and confronted every evil of the day?

Compromise.  “Go along to get along.” “Don’t make waves.” The Johnson Amendment and the 501c3, making covenants with wicked governments for financial gain. I realize I’m being pretty hard on the pastors here, but not without cause.  Note that I’m not talking about ALL pastors.  I know a lot of great ones personally, but they are the rare minority.  Today, you’ll be very hard-pressed to find a pastor who cares more about the approval of God than the approval of men. Most all of them want nothing more than to be well liked and popular by the people.  I challenge you to find even ONE mighty man of God or one true prophet of God in all of Scripture who was well liked and popular among the people.

Following God rather than men comes with a price. Most who act as pastors today don’t want to have to pay any price. They just want to collect a paycheck. And a hefty one at that. During the COVID scam, 66 percent of churches applied for and received a Payroll Protection Program loan from the federal government.  Not surprising.  While shuddering at the thought of speaking “politics” or “controversy” from their pulpits for fear of being unpopular, pastors and church leadership were perfectly fine with accepting filthy lucre from Caesar, as long as they kept their doors closed when told to do so.

The pastors were silent in the 1960s when God’s Word and daily prayer were removed from our public schools.  Now our public schools are cesspools of perversity, teaching the LGBTQP + agenda to our children, mandating that boys can be girls if they want and girls can be boys if they want — and use the restroom and locker room facilities of their choice as well.  Public schools continue to re-write American and World history (if they teach it at all), they indoctrinate children from the youngest of ages with the communist manifesto, they teach “Critial Race Theory,” causing further division and hatred among our kids and shaming white kids for simply being white.

The pastors were silent in 1973 when the Supreme Court forced the Roe v Wade scheme on the American populace. They continue to remain silent on the holocaust of the unborn as parents have now sacrificed 70 million babies to Molech. The pastors were silent when that same Court forced sodomite so-called “marriage” to become the perceived “law of the land.” Now we have a pandemic of “transgenderism,” “Pride” parades and Drag Queen Story time, while child sex trafficking is rampant.  Ninety-nine percent of pastors said not one word from the pulpit on any of these things.  Too “political.” Too “controversial.” Too “intolerant.”

So what are pastors talking about every week?  I did just a very brief check on some of the recent online sermons from some of the local churches in my area.  Topics included “Learning How to Rest,” “How to Forgive,” “How to Love Others,” “How to Have Joy,” “How to Handle Anger,” “What To Do When You Fail,” “What To Do When You Succeed,” “Waiting on God,” “Don’t Judge,” and “The Golden Rule.”  Meanwhile, America is in the midst of perhaps the most intense spiritual warfare we’ve ever seen in this country. But the pastors will say not one word about it.

First the SCAM-demic, which we all pretty much figured out was a scam after about a month. Then the “cancel culture,” when Christians, Conservatives and reputable doctors and scientists were censored, banned and removed from just about every social media and internet platform, simply for speaking the truth.  You may say it was only their opinion. Fine. When did having an opinion become a crime?  Last year, obviously. First Amendment? What’s that?

Let me tell you what that is.  The First Amendment of our US Constitution states: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.  How are we doing these days with our First Amendment rights as American citizens, after sixty years of silence from our pulpits?

Now, obviously, CONGRESS made no laws prohibiting any of these rights.  In fact, Congress did nothing at all except push our country further into destruction.  But courts and “health officials” and governors embarked on a reign of terror — terrorizing citizens into believing blatant lies and forcing them to willingly comply with their tyranny.  We had no right to freely exercise our religion.  Our freedom of speech absolutely was and IS ended.  There is no freedom of the press anymore, no real journalism, other than “alternative media” sources — and those are openly mocked and ridiculed from the pulpits.  How about the right of the people to peacably assemble?  “Close your churches peasants, or face our wrath!” says the Almighty State. Our right to petition our government for a redress of grievances? Our legislators LAUGH at us, friends.  They laugh at us. While they jail us for seeking a redress of grievances.  Do you realize there are still 600 people rotting in jail, held without bond for simply being IN Washington DC on January 6th?  These are innocent people who did nothing wrong, other than go to seek a redress of grievances.

After they launched the SCAM-demic, they launched the race wars and anarchy, they tore down our statues, renamed streets, took over cities, burned, looted, destroyed and killed — while our police were told to “stand down.”  “Go write a parking ticket or something,” they were told.  “Go make yourself useful.  Nothing to see here.”  Now we have cities with crime rates soaring, murder rates soaring and police departments defunded.

Then came the stolen election. If you can’t see, from all the clear and concise evidence that has already been presented, that the 2020 election was fraudulently stolen, then I’m sorry, you don’t have the brains that God gave an avacado.  Then came the Vax.  “It won’t be mandatory,” they said. “But do it for your own good and for the good of all society so we can all get back to normal.”  When hundreds, if not thousands of doctors and scientists came out and warned us that this stuff is pure POISON — including some of those who manufactured the stuff — they were ridiculed and mocked, they lost their jobs, their homes, and in some cases even their lives because they dared to speak the truth.

Now Caesar is setting up “Green Zones” — concentration camps for the un-jabbed. Obama signed a law in 2011 paving the way for these detention centers, and now they’re becoming a reality.  “Vaccine Passports” are already being implemented around the country, by government AND businesses. If you cannot see that the day is soon coming when you will not be allowed to buy or sell or have any part in society without taking the jab, I’m not sure what more I can tell you. I could go on.  Skyrocketing inflation. Supply chain disruption. Farmers being paid by the USDA to destroy their crops, threatened with bankruptcy if they refuse.

And meanwhile, our pastors preach on “Learning to Rest.”  This is not the time to rest, folks. If you’re still attending one of these churches led by a limp-wristed so-called “pastor,” the time has come to have a serious “sit-down” talk with him. It’s time to DEMAND that he either begin speaking the truth and leading his people to action or vacate his position. Because he is leading the sheep directly to the slaughter.  And many of them know it.  But you may not.

Are you aware of the “Clergy Response Team?”  This is a group formed by FEMA and run by the Department of Homeland Security.  Initially, 26,000 pastors were recruited for this assignment. Today, there are estimates of 1.5 million pastors as part of the Clergy Response Team.  Their job is to preach obedience to the government, to minimize any public dissent toward government actions or mandates, to “keep people calm” in the event of martial law or national catastrophe and to assist the government in their official narrative during emergency situations.  In other words, to LIE.

To that end, we now have churches opening up as “vaccination centers” and no doubt these Clergy Response Team “pastors” will be key players when it comes time to round up the “vaccine hesitant” and help them onto the bus to the FEMA camps.  I urge you to do your own research on this, and while you’re at it, look up the word “hireling” in your Bible Concordance.  Yes, it’s well PAST time for a serious sit-down discussion with your pastor!

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066 or email:  Ask for message number 335.

© 2021 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Medical Tyranny Machine – SPECIAL REPORT

By Lex Greene

Since the onset of the COVID19 “regime change” operation that was planned and launched as early as 2013 when Patents were first sought for COVID19 and related mRNA technologies…and later used to unseat Trump and his supporters from power in 2020 via totally unregulated “mail-in” balloting…I have worked with a team of serious Americans to uncover the whole truth.

This is my latest updated effort to help Americans to properly interpret the sea of lies they find themselves swimming in today. Allow me to get right to the heart of the matter… The following sampling of VAERS death cases were taken directly from the VAERS reporting site on September 16, 2021 without alteration.

I have come to realize that most, even in the medical profession, don’t know that the VAERS system was created as an active reporting system for all medical professionals to reference before prescribing anything that is causing adverse effects in other patients. Too many are NOT reading these reports before administering or recommending the use of these vaccines. The news media must not be reading them either.

“The Vaccines are Safe?” (unedited quoted reports)

JANSSEN (J&J) (just a sampling of many)

VAERS “1131084-1”  “My sister died in her sleep six days after receiving the J&J vaccine in her sleep.”

VAERS “1117078-1”  “Patient died approx. 5 hours after shot was administered. Cause of death reported is Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease. The death certificate was signed by the county coroner without autopsy, based on the report by the onsite deputy coroner. No doctors or hospitals were involved. This report is FYI only; there has been no direct connection made between my mother’s death and the vaccine other than one followed shortly after the other.”

VAERS “1118314-1”  “She received the Johnson and Johnson vaccine on Wednesday and died on Sunday 3/14/2021.  Her autopsy is pending.”

VAERS “1100865-1”  “Patient died within 24 hours of vaccine.  Unknown at this time if related.”

VAERS “1108312-1”  “Severe exacerbation of idiopathic capillary leak syndrome 48 hours following administration of Janssen vaccine leading to profound vasodilatory shock, renal failure and DIC and death.

VAERS “1185219-1”  “Patient was vaccinated on 3/30/2021.  Found DOA on 4/8/2021.  Last time anyone spoke with the patient was on 4/3/2021.”

MODERNA (just a sampling)

VAERS “0917117-1”  “After vaccination, patient tested positive for COVID-19.  Patient was very ill and had numerous chronic health issues prior to vaccination.  Facility had a number of patients who had already tested positive for COVID-19.  Vaccination continued in an effort to prevent this patient from contracting the virus or to mitigate his risk.  This was unsuccessful and patient died.”

VAERS “0918487-1”  “Two days post vaccine patient went into cardiac arrest and passed away.”

VAERS “0920815-1”  “Found deceased in her home, unknown cause, 6 days after vaccine.”

VAERS “0921547-1”  “DEATH ON 1/4/2021, RESIDENT RECIEVED VACCINE ON 1/2/21”

VAERS “0966359-1”  “Headache, pain in the injection site, threw up. A few hours later she died.”

VAERS “0966844-1”  “Patient is reported to have died at home, the day after his COVID test.  Family member states that he did good the afternoon and evening after his COVID-19 injection, but that he started not feeling good the next day.  The patient ” “was having palpitations””.  The family tried to convince him to go to the Emergency Room, but he refused.  Patient died at home.””

PFIZER/BIONTECH (just a sample)

VAERS “0944595-1”  “Cardiac arrest within 1 hour  Patient had the second vaccine approximately 2 pm on  Tuesday Jan 12th  He works at the extended care community and was in  good health that morning with no complaints.  He waited  10-15 minutes at the vaccine admin site and then told them he felt fine and was ready to get back to work.  He then was found unresponsive at 3 pm within an hour of the 2nd vaccine.  EMS called immediately worked on him 30 minutes in field then 30 minutes at ER  was able to put him on life support yet deemed Brain dead 1-14-21 and pronounced dead an hour or  so later”

VAERS “0947642-1”  “died two days after receiving the vaccine; Fever; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable consumer (patient’s stepchild). A 66-year-old male patient received the second dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 MRNA VACCINE), via an unspecified route of administration, on 07Jan2021 (at the age of 66-years-old) as a single dose for COVID-19 immunization. The patient’s medical history was not reported. Concomitant medications included an unspecified statin. The patient experienced fever on 08Jan2021. The patient died two days after receiving the vaccine on 09Jan2021, which was reported as fatal. The clinical course was reported as follows: The patient had a fever the day after getting the vaccine and then he just died in the middle of night. It was reported that it was not clear what exactly happened, but they are looking into this. The clinical outcome of fever was unknown and of died two days after receiving the vaccine.

VAERS “0955390-1”  “Resident received vaccination on January 15, 2021.  She was found unresponsive with shallow respirations on the morning of January 16, 2021 and was sent to ER via ambulance.  The resident was admitted to medical center ICU where she passed away later that day.”

VAERS “0967743-1”  “Possible seizer, unknown at this time, aprox 1hr and 20min after vac given. Passed away aprox 2hrs after vac.”

VAERS “0969220-1”  “Patient expired one week after vaccine.  Cause of death unknown to me.”

VAERS “1058033-1”  “Patient had a stroke two days after vaccine.  Recevied TPA for treatment of stroke due to acute onset of altered mental status.  Had a history of a fib, not on anticoagulation, which is likely cause of stroke. Family opted for comfort measures given poor neurologic status. Passed awaiting hospice placement”

Now, these are just a tiny sampling of the thousands of VAERS reported post-vaccine deaths in just this one report. You can read more of them HERE. This is only one of eleven different reporting systems on the matter. (Even this full report is a small sampling of all related vaccine death events.)

Let me say, suggesting that “we don’t know the cause of death” when someone dies shortly after receiving a vaccine, is like saying we don’t know why someone dies after just receiving a gunshot wound. We DO know…

First Takeaway

If you read these and more cases reported to VAERS since January 2021, you will see a few critical patterns in these reports. The first is that a majority of these cases died within 14-days of receiving one of the vaccines and it doesn’t matter at all which vaccine they took. They all have the same set of adverse effects ending in death, as you can see in these reports. This explains why the current CDC Guidelines include NOT counting any deaths that occur within the first 14-days after vaccine as a “vaccine related death.” Instead, they are all labeled a “COVID19 death” to continue driving up the false COVID death toll reported by the CDC and all news media.

Second Takeaway

The CDC and their propaganda machine are still using the false COVID19 death toll number 688,737 (as of 09/17/21) despite previous admissions that 96% of these deaths were due to other unrelated causes, aka “comorbidities,” to include things like car and motorcycle accidents.

However, you will notice in all of these VAERS reports, never does anyone admit or even hint at the fact that every one of these deaths occurred within hours or days of receiving one of the vaccines. Instead, they attempt to blame these deaths on “comorbidities.”

What doctor would inject anyone with a weakened immune system (comorbidity), knowing that the entire COVID19 event has mostly attacked the weakest among us?

Third Takeaway

The CDC and their propaganda machine continue to use a number between 10,000 and 14,000 post-vaccine deaths to date. This is the same number they have been using since January, the first month the vaccines were in broad use. Obviously, since January, the real vaccine related death toll is much higher, estimated somewhere over 200,000 Americans, but hard to quantify due to ongoing manipulation of vaccine related death data.

Fourth Takeaway

Why are approximately 70% of medical professionals advancing FAKE COVID news and mandates, knowing that they are carrying water for an unlawful administration of communist psychopaths, against the best health interest of their patients? Why aren’t they following the real science, while about 30% of the profession is being forced out for trying to tell patients the truth?

The answer is, LOVE OF MONEY! Like the airlines and other public service industries, many hospitals were on the brink of bankruptcy before the “plandemic.” COVID19 has brought in more profits to the health industry than seen in many years. Like lawyers who lie about Constitutional Rights to protect their law license and keep the money flowing, many in the medical profession are doing the same. Hospitals receive an estimated $44,000 (extra from taxpayers) for each patient marked COVID.

If that isn’t enough motivation, the Biden Administration is threatening their licenses to practice as well, just like they are working to discharge Military personnel who refuse these fatal vaccines. It’s an all-out effort to destroy everything, by bribe, by threat, or by removal, and it’s working. The same as the Biden Administration is forcing every major corporation to do the same to their employees, all due to Federal (taxpayer) funds received by these corporations. Once again, it’s all about the love of money!

In Addition

After investigating these VAERS cases, I shared them with a few doctors that I know personally, all of whom work at highly respected Hospitals for many years. In every case, they had not seen these reports until I shared them, which was somewhat shocking to me.

As they started to read through the report, there was a powerful “What the Hell” reaction… and then, they proceeded to tell me more from their end.

  1. The hospitals are NOT full of COVID patients. Beds are not able to be used due to staffing shortages, currently being made much worse as the Biden Administration is forcing record numbers of healthcare professionals out under tyrannical “mandates.”
  2. The vast majority of hospitalized COVID patients are NOT “unvaccinated.” The CDC guidelines are telling all medical facilities to mark patients as “unvaccinated” if they received a vaccine between January and June of 2021. The reasoning used is “these vaccinated patients no longer have any antibodies in their system; therefore, they are unvaccinated.” This is how they are claiming that a majority of COVID patients are “unvaccinated,” despite having been previously vaccinated.

Either you have been vaccinated, or you have not. This is typical wordsmithing by the left in their overt effort to misinform the public.

This is also how they intend to sell ongoing (untested) booster shots and their coming oral regular treatments…worth billions. The FDA just refused to approve the boosters.

  1. COVID “case spikes” have been manipulated by CDC guidelines on how to process PCR tests. Prior to January 20, 2021, the CDC mandated a 40-cycle process for all PCR tests, resulting in millions of “false positives.” But starting on January 20, 2021, a new CDC mandate was issued to cycle the PCR test at the product recommended (more accurate) 28-cycle, and positive tests starting dropping at a record rate. What’s special about that date, January 20, 2021?

Remember how amazing it was to see how electing Joe Biden “saved us from COVID” within hours of his inauguration on January 20, 2021?

In other words, everything we are being told by the massive propaganda machine is FALSE. The vaccines DO NOT WORK – THEY ARE NOT AT ALL SAFE – COVID DEATHS ARE GROSSLY OVERSTATED BY 1600% AND VACCINE RELATED DEATHS ARE ALL BEING LITERALLY BURIED, LABELED A MERE COVID DEATH. According to the massive propaganda machine, no one has ever died of a COVID vaccine…and now you know how. No one is labeling VACCINE deaths as deaths caused by these vaccines!

It’s actually the “unvaccinated” who have been following the science the whole time. Everyone else has simply been following the herd, which has been directed by the mass propaganda machine, and controlled by global Marxists involved in an overt takeover of the USA via fake pandemics, mass propaganda and totally unverifiable mail-in balloting.

According to the current “open VAERS site” recently put up for the general public, nothing we are being told by public officials and the news media is true. According to VAERS, over 76% of Americans have been vaccinated. If that were true, the vaccinated would have no reason to worry about the unvaccinated. If the vaccines worked, the unvaccinated would be no threat at all.

Instead, as you can easily confirm in this report and the links provided, these so-called vaccines are killing thousands of American citizens… but not a single American news network is telling you so, even though the proof is positive.

What do we do now?

If you take time to read the actual VAERS reports, you will never even consider any of these so-called vaccines. Last, if you do not have the Right to deny medical experiments in your own body, against your will, then you have no Rights at all.

VAERS is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System put in place in 1990. It is a voluntary reporting system that has been estimated to account for only 1% (see the Lazarus Report) of vaccine injuries. OpenVAERS is built from the HHS data available for download at

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lex Greene:

More Thoughts on the Impending Break-Up of the U.S.

By Steven Yates

My last article clearly hit home — if the flood into my inbox that day is any indication. I am grateful to those who wrote,and if you didn’t get a reply I apologize. Because of other commitments that day I just couldn’t do it. I do read everything sent to me, and I appreciate your thoughts.

A few emailers pointed out things I missed (e.g., one person pointed out the usefulness of obtaining and storing seeds). I considered advising on weapons and ammo, but decided against that because (1) it’s obvious, and (2) I did not want anything in there that trolls or others unsympathetic (to say the least!) to what we’re about here could interpret as sanctioning violence. The absolute LAST thing liberty people should ever do is initiate violence! It is quite different to be prepared for violence from others, however!

Moving on to further thoughts on why a failed superpower, the U.S., is likely to break up in the near future….

Last week (as I write this morning), “Joe Biden” *pulled a trigger likely to aggravate divisions over the experimental mRNA vaccines. He blatantly violated the U.S. Constitution — as if that matters these days! — by signing an executive order commanding employers with 100 or more workers to get them jabbed,or tested every week with a test known to be invalid and scheduled to be discontinued at the end of the year.

This would directly affect around 100 million American workers!

Almost immediately, governors of 19 states and two attorney generals rose up in criticism. By Sept. 12, the number of states voicing objections to federal overreach had swollen to 26. Some, like Florida governor Ron DeSantis, have said openly, “We will fight back!”OSHA, the federal agency caught in the crossfire, is already preparing for lawsuits.

A substantial fraction of the country opposes vaccine mandates and passports. Some 80 million people are refusing the jab. What is the plan? Deprive as many of them as possible of the ability to work legally? That would cripple the economy as badly as the lockdowns as businesses are forced to close and important tasks do not get done!

Has anyone asked opponents of vaccine mandates why they believe as they do? Yes, and here is where you can’t believe a word that comes from any mainstream source, which is likely to cite some nut who thinks the shots contain a microchip.

A lot of information has come my way about what is, or might be, in these shots. Not being a scientist, I don’t have an effective means of evaluating it all. But some of what comes my way has come from experienced doctors and degreed scientists (epidemiologists, immunologists, virologists). All are casting doubt on both the effectiveness and long term safety of what was an experiment from the get-go.

Legally compelling people to become guinea pigs so that government gets more power and Big Pharma billionaires get richer is morally unconscionable!

Incidentally, members of Congress are exempt, and newly-arrived immigrants are exempt, a dead giveaway that none of this is about public health!

All of this explains a lot of the resistance to the jabs!

What should be clear by now: they won’t protect you from COVID. Otherwise, governments wouldn’t continue to mandate mask-wearing among the fully vaccinated (two shots, now in many places including at least one “booster”). There would be zero cases in places like Israel which have mass-vaccinated almost their entire populations.

The argument applies: if I’m not vaccinated and you are, then if the jabs work, how am I a threat to you?

As to what the shots do, I’ve collected info about their instructing the body to manufacture spike proteins which will accumulate and eventually destroy your immune system, to claims that they contain graphene oxide, to be triggered by 5G technology — already all around us (voted on, you’ll notice, by nobody, but enabling Big Tech billionaires to get richer). 5G, the argument goes, turns graphene oxide into a free radical able to cause a cytokine storm inside the body, whereby it basically attacks itself.

Either of these promises long term damage to vital body organs and one’s immune system, meaning that unless a growing number of doctors and scientists have missed something vital, not mere millions but tens of millions and possibly hundreds of millions of people will be paying for their compliance with their lives, for not rising up and refusing these jabs in sufficient numbers that mandates and passports would not even be conceivable.

Is mass depopulation a prophesy? I don’t know. As I’ve said repeatedly, I don’t make predictions, I sketch scenarios, but as said in previous articles I’ve been to the Georgia Guidestones and have heard super-elites say openly on multiple occasions that there are too many people on the planet. So it is impossible not to give that scenario credibility. Everything I’ve read about the jabs tells me it is not merely possible but likely that there will be a lot of deaths from these things down the road—according to VAERS reporting, there have already been thousands of deaths and tens of thousands of injuries, the casualties from this thing already far exceeding all previous vaccines combined.

None of this has been reported. Down the Orwellian Memory Hole in these Orwellian times. You’re far more likely to hear that so-and-so, a conservative “anti-vaxxer,” just died from COVID — or that some former “anti-vaxxer” now on a ventilator (those things kill people as well!) now says, “Get the shot!

This is tearing the U.S. apart, as many who have done their homework — including health care workers — will give up their careers before they sacrifice their lives! Incidentally, if hospital ICUs were really being “overwhelmed” by “delta variant” patients, a “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” they would have their hands absolutely full!

Would institutions really fire qualified nurses under such circumstances because they refused to get a shot?

There is already a well-known shortage of nurses in the U.S.

Think, people!

The biggest other factors likely to split the country into fragments in the near future are political and cultural. It’s not just Proud Boys — Antifa shootouts in Portland, Ore. Even if the approved narrative of last year’s janky election were true, it would mean that over 72 million Americans voted for Trump. More than voted for him in 2016.

I’ve no idea what percentage of those who voted for Trump thinks the election was stolen and that the Bidenista regime is therefore illegitimate. There’s no good way of gathering data on something like that, since with all the distrust, many Trump voters would not talk to a data-gatherer they didn’t know, or answer reliably. Who’d blame them?

We know the Bidenistas and their corporate media cohorts don’t consider Trump’s supporters legitimate. Their predecessors worked consistently to destroy the Trump presidency from the get-go. Since the janky election, they’ve done everything to demonize his support base and gaslight the country on the election’s jankiness.

As for January 6, I don’t think any Trump supporter who entered the Capitol that day helped the cause of reversing the steal, if only because it was too late! Trump screwed up by following Rudy Giuliani instead of Patrick Byrne, but that ship’s sailed. Now we have a few hundred de facto political prisoners in the Asylum on the Potomac, people with no previous criminal record now labeled domestic terrorists possibly for life. This ought to speak volumes about legitimacy.

What we should be thinking about now is not whether Trump will run again in 2024, but whether the country will even be able to hold a national election without threats of violence, should solid, well-organized resistance to the presently empowered cultural far left emerge.

At least two other battleground issues have emerged besides vaccine mandates: abortion, and critical race theory. The former promises further legal action; the latter is tearing public education apart as teachers resign rather than be forced to teach white kids that their heritage is “structurally racist.”

We have, as our baseline, two polar opposites, two entirely different political outlooks. One defends personal freedoms and the sanctity of life; the other is about power, draping over it flowering language about the “greater good.”

We also have multiple regional cultures in the “lower 48.” Most of their grassroots is conservative. There are independence movements in both Alaska and Hawaii.

Only an openly totalitarian state will be able to keep all this under the same political roof. With the Asylum on the Potomac unraveling in the wake of the Afghanistan disaster and looking at a massive debt spiral which is a whole separate issue we’ve barely mentioned, will this even be possible?

Use the military to do it? Our present-day “woke” military run by a guy who sanctions drag shows and promotes critical race theory? The military has many African-Americans in uniform. Why would they fight to preserve a nation-state they’ve been told is based on “systemic racism”?

The totalitarians, presently in control of the Asylum,do have super-elite (GloboCorp) backing, which will still give them a significant advantage despite all these problems if the other side has not properly prepared.

They have the power to simply force a lot of refuseniks in all these areas out of the above-ground economy!

This was the point of my preparedness material, however incomplete.

A couple of writers wondered, are you in favor of the country breaking up? Do you want to see this?

Completely irrelevant, but No, of course not! As with the jabs and depopulation, I pray every day that I will be proven wrong!

It’s sort of out of my hands!

This decomposition, if it occurs, will be nothing like the War Against Southern Independence, 1860-65. In that war, there were clear geographic divisions. This one will pull states asunder, pit neighborhood against neighborhood, and in some cases neighbor against neighbor and even tear families apart. The reverse racism critical race theory will precipitate further violence. We already know Black Lives Matter will shut down thoroughfares at peak hours if a white cop shoots and kills a black man. Can you imagine what they will do if a real emergency erupts—and if a few white men with guns get fed up enough to take matters into their own hands? (Some ideas here, incidentally written before the George Floyd riots.)

Watch the trucking industry. America depends on truckers, and on their belief that they can carry out deliveries in safety. As I observed, everything in your stores (grocery, etc.) was brought in by tractor-trailer. If something happens to disrupt the interstate flow of goods by tractor-trailer, stores will empty in a matter of hours!

These are all people who, other things being equal,just want to conduct their own business, lead their own lives, and be left alone.

Versus sociopathic control freaks who have no plans to leave anyone alone.

Many of the former are getting prepared, but many are not!

We must avoid normalcy bias. This is fallacy of thinking that the future must be like the past, so that any disruption is temporary. Things will get “back to normal.” Someone will “restore order.” Somehow.

Those with normalcy bias either procrastinate or outright refuse to prepare for emergencies, believing “the authorities” will ride in on their white horses and save the day.

They underestimate both their probability of disruptions in upcoming days, and tend to minimize their potential to do lasting damage.

Normalcy bias is a common cognitive affliction. Most people do not prepare even for small emergencies like power outages during winter storms when travel becomes hazardous, or gasoline shortages caused by temporary supply-line disruptions.

Imagine if the power went out for an extended period (weeks or even months), whatever the cause!

Just ask yourself how long you could survive without electricity!

How could that happen? By states — or parts of states — pulling free as soon as they believe they could get away with it, inviting retaliation which could include shutting down their grids.

A massive false flag cyber attack could have this result!

Ask yourself if the elderly in your community could survive, moreover, without social security payments, Medicare, or other sources of federal dollars all of which would instantly stop for any state, part of a state, or region that took the radical step of declaring independence from the federal leviathan.

Money is a trap! It has meant dependence, and the feds have spent over a century pulling everyone into their encirclements, because dependence usually ensures compliance when noncompliance means loss of federal dollars.

Is all this alarmist? I’m sure there were Soviet citizens who felt the same way in the late 1980s. Normalcy bias is universal, after all. The Russian people were somewhat prepared. The inefficiencies of Soviet Communism brought about an underground economy of self-reliance / family reliance, if Russian-born author Dmitry Orlov can be believed. They still suffered terribly when the Soviet economic-financial architecture collapsed. Orlovis a good source on collapse, arguing persuasively that it is a process, not a singular event. That process is underway in America, and Americans are far less prepared than the Russians were.

*When referencing something “Joe Biden” did personally I put the name in scare quotes, because the man is in the early stages of dementia, indicated by his chronic stumbling over words and the evident gaps in his memory (forgetting, the other day, details of his daughter’s wedding anyone of sound mind would have remembered). No one really thinks he signs anything his handlers don’t put in front of him.

How do I know Biden has dementia? Because I’ve seen it first-hand! I watched my father’s cognitive decline, first slowly and then rapidly, starting around 2006 when he began to forget how to do simple things on his computer he’d done hundreds of times. Ending with his needing round-the-clock nursing care. He passed away near the end of 2009. Vascular dementia was on the death certificate. So I know dementia when I see it, and Biden has it! He is presently serving super-elite purposes (there was no one else!), but I doubt he will last four years in the White House as his handlers will only be able to cover for him so long. Who will replace him? No one in his right mind thinks Kamala (“giggles”) Harris could do it.If she had an “accident” between now and a year from now, I wouldn’t be surprised! Nancy Pelosi? The results would be instantly catastrophic, leading even more quickly to the unraveling of the nation. So who will sit in that office in 2024? I honestly don’t know, and I’m not sure it much matters!

Steven Yates’s new book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory (Wipf and Stock, 2021) is available here and here.

September is here, and it is time to renew my call for donations. In the present hostile environment, any of us — this site, or myself — could be canceled at any time! (My computer has been hacked more than once; I once had to replace a device when hackers damaged the operating system beyond repair.) Donate to here. Donate to my site here, or to me via PayPal (use my email address available  below) if Patreon is not to your liking. Any pledges or donations I receive exceeding $25/mo., I will match with a donation to out of appreciation for this site.

E-Mail Steven Yates:

© 2021 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

George Washington Favored Vaccine Mandates

By Cliff Kincaid

[DISCLAIMER: The opinion in this article is the sole opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

In a bulletin headlined, “It’s Still All About COVID,” the astute observer Amy Walter of the Cook Political Report notes “the prominence of COVID” as the “dominant concern” among voters. She said, “They are frustrated that more than a year later — and with vaccines available to all — we are still battling this virus.” This spells big trouble for both political parties, but especially for Republicans pandering to the anti-vaxxers in their base.

Walter noted, “When asked about how they felt about the state of the country, almost all of them replied with a pessimistic comment. And, that negativity was almost universally centered around issues of the virus and the vaccine.”

Both sides of the political spectrum use the phrase, “My body, my choice,” for their own political purposes. But it’s not your body alone in abortion or disease. In fact, a disease affecting one’s body can influence the fate of a nation.

Hence, General George Washington ordered the Revolutionary Army to get inoculated against smallpox. That sets a precedent for handling the China virus that some Republican conservatives may not like.

The question of vaccine mandates may determine America’s future.

In his 1968 non-fiction blockbusterThe Biological Time Bomb, Gordon Rattray Taylor wrote about the prospect of germ warfare in the context of “undeclared war.” He explained, “In current thinking the best way to wage war is to wage it without your enemy even being aware that it is happening.” He was predicting the use of infectious diseases to cripple a nation. He was predicting the release of the China virus.

China expert Gordon Chang says that,  “China is maliciously attacking us, and I don’t take the continued existence of the United States for granted. If we don’t start defending ourselves, it’s possible we will lose our freedom, we will lose our way of life, we will lose our sovereignty, we will lose our country.”

The question is to what extent the state should intervene when more than 660,000 have died from the China virus and the disease keeps spreading.

General Washington was facing a similar challenge

Washington believed that the individual had the “right to choose.” That’s what the revolution was all about. But what if the choice affects the future of a nation?

In the scholarly article  about the revolutionary war, “George Washington and the First Mass Military Inoculation,” the authors Amy Lynn Filsinger and Raymond Dwek write that George Washington ordered the inoculation of his military forces against smallpox. Washington had explained that, “Necessity not only authorizes but seems to require the measure, for should the disorder infect the Army . . . we should have more to dread from it, than from the Sword of the Enemy.”

Today’s it’s the China virus.

Sadly, many treat this bioweapon as a cold or flu. If we don’t understand what’s going on in this once-in-a-lifetime pandemic, nothing else matters. This virus can destroy a nation.

We are in the same position as Washington was, but many conservatives fail to grasp that disease is a weapon that can defeat us. Much of the resistance to the vaccines, curiously, comes from those on the right, who might be assumed to be in favor of safeguarding our national security.

The conservative journalist Alex Newman maintains that “the new world order is here, under the guise of keeping people safe from Covid 19.” But keeping the American people safe from Covid is absolutely necessary if the “Great Reset” or a “New world Order” is to be avoided. The American people must defeat the disease and then hold China accountable for what it has done to the world.

General Washington was facing a similar threat.

A 51-page historical paper, “Smallpox in Washington’s Army: Strategic Implications of the Disease during the American Revolutionary War,” was written by Ann M. Becker, who noted that there were religious objections to inoculations, with one clergyman questioning whether such a procedure was a “distrust of God’s overruling care.” One asked, “is not smallpox a judgment of God sent to punish us and humble us for our sins?”

This reminds me of the fanatical religious objections to Trump’s Warp Speed vaccines as the “mark of the beast.”

On a global basis, Nicolau Barquet, MD, and Pere Domingo, MD, wrote about how diseases “greatly affected the development of western civilization,” with the first stages of the decline of the Roman Empire, around AD 180, coinciding “with a large-scale epidemic.”

In March of 2020, as the coronavirus was spreading, I perceived that the virus was China’s revenge on America for President Trump’s trade war. I noted, “The virus has the potential impact to cause a major economic recession and sabotage President Trump’s reelection effort. Health emergencies are being declared around the country as the number of coronavirus cases increase. The interest rate cut by the Federal Reserve is an indication of desperation.”

While freedom of choice is an American value, the SARS-CoV-2 deadly pathogen came out of a Chinese lab and is capable of producing transmissible coronavirus variants that seem to be without end. At this point, we have no idea when the pandemic will end. This is why the voters consulted by Amy Walter of the Cook Political report are so apprehensive.

Conservative personalities such as Tucker Carlson are taking an anti-vaccine approach, even as their own employer requires evidence of vaccination status. His frequent guest, Alex Berenson, screams, “Folks are angry out there. Angry at the lies and the power grab. Angry at being forced to take a vaccine that they know they don’t need and may even hurt them.”

Such rhetoric is divisive and inflammatory and scares away moderates and independents.

In an article, “How Conservatives Must Respond to China and the Virus,” Professor Renato Cristin writes, “Politically dividing ourselves for health reasons would be the biggest nonsense we can do. If we split, we are giving a gift to the left, to the Democrats and to all extremist movements that want to destroy the United States and the entire Western world, and it would also be a gift to Communist China, which caused the epidemic by producing the virus.”

He argues that we must understand the Chinese origin of the virus because of its geostrategic implications.

We should be focused on China’s use of the virus as a weapon and whether we can as a nation survive it.

China Joe Biden is no George Washington. Indeed, former President Trump fulfilled the role of a modern-day George Washington with his Warp Speed vaccines, which have proven to be far superior to the versions produced by the Chinese and the Russians.

Conservatives who argue against vaccine mandates will have to explain why General Washington was wrong when he ordered inoculations for what was to become the U.S. Armed Forces.

Columnist Jeanette Strong notes, “Many of those who refuse vaccinations claim it violates our freedoms for government to require a vaccine. If anyone knew about patriotism and freedom, it was George Washington, the general who won the Revolutionary War. As our first president, he protected our rights. That was Washington’s life work. Washington put his life on the line for our country. He also believed an inoculation mandate was vital for securing our liberty.”

I don’t know if Jeanette Strong is a liberal or a conservative. But her sense of history and logic make sense.

Mandates and boosters seem to be inevitable when faced with a nation-destroying pandemic. If Republicans don’t recognize the stakes, they will lose the support of their fellow citizens and lose their nation.

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Dancing on the Brink of Doom

by Lee Duigon

Those “Met galas” in New York always give me the creeps. The one this year charged $30,000 a ticket. That’s what assorted high-end leftists paid to show off their overpriced threads—there are always photographers handy.

This year the star of the show was socialist Congresswoman Alexandria O’Crazy-O Cortez and her, ahem, “couture gown”. Click the link to the New York Post article to see pictures of this monstrosity. Someone took a bucket of barn paint and slapped on the slogan, “Tax the Rich.” At a $30,000-a-ticket potlatch. We are not told exactly how much the gown cost, but most of the costumes worn to this wingding cost more than $25,000: some of them a lot more.

So we’re talking, oh, $50,000 to $60,000 (at least) to get the bartender-turned-national-oracle into the gala with the other swells. None of the biggies wore masks like they tell us we had better do, or else. All the servers had to, though.

Why does this make me think of the French Revolution? Betcha there were some pretty snazzy parties at Versailles before the plebs started chopping heads off. Or maybe, more appropriately, a little number by Edgar Allen Poe, “The Masque of the Red Death.” Everybody’s safe in the castle, partying all day and night… until the Red Death gets in and kills them. It’s a disease, sorta like COVID.

O’Crazy-O asserted that her gown was a groovy gown because it was created by An Immigrant Female of Color. I guess anything An Immigrant Female of Color creates has got to be good. We have a condescending left-wing fat-head’s word for it.

She sees no incongruity at all in herself and all her cronies swanning around in $30,000 gowns, some of which look like Halloween costumes, all trying to outdo each other in conspicuous consumption… all the while she and others like her babble “Tax the rich!” and propose to transform America into a socialist paradise like Venezuela. Where they kill and eat the zoo animals because the economy’s shot and groceries are hard to come by. But even in Venezuela, that suburb of Hell, you’ve got a rich-as-Croesus ruling class partying while the common people starve. Something about that scenario has always caused leftist hearts to flutter.

And to top it all off, they fancy they’re making a “revolution”! Living proof that ignorance is bliss. Robespierre’s crew in Paris started off sending “the oppressors” to the guillotine and wound up sending Robespierre, too—and as many of their colleagues as they could get their hands on. Stalin shot all the old Bolsheviks who’d made the Russian Revolution. And in China it turned out there was no room for anybody in the limelight but Mao Tse-tung.

It always turns out Morlocks and Eloi. Always. Except for the American Revolution—only that was just to protect slavery, according to the AOC contingent. America, boo, hiss.

We are told some of the bigwigs at the gala worried about “the optics”—that is, what would this blast look like to ordinary normal people who don’t have $30,000 in mad money to spend on a gown? I believe I can put their minds at rest: Dudes, the optics were terrible! If you were purposely trying to alienate and exasperate people, you could hardly have done a more thorough job of it.

How in heaven’s name did we ever wind up being governed by the likes of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez? What does that say about our political system? I mean, is it broken? Has it got a virus that makes it crazy? To say nothing of a senile so-called “president,” generals who worry about “white supremacy” and have members of the Chinese Communist Party on speed-dial, former presidents who babble about Jan. 6 being comparable to World War II… Our ruling class is garbage. How did we wind up being ruled by garbage?

God must be awfully mad at us. And who can blame Him?

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and visit: you’ll find a lot to read. My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon:

Part 1: None Of What’s Going On In Washington DC Makes Any Sense

By Frosty Wooldridge

Does anyone of those 545 Congressional Critters possess an ounce of common sense?  Do you think what’s going on in Washington DC resembles anything that’s reasonable?

Okay, I grew up on a farm for some of my youth.  I learned that if you open a pasture gate, you close it.  If you don’t, the cows get out and it takes you an hour to round them up.  You wasted an hour of your day for your mistake.  You learned from that error.  If you plant corn, you’ve got to cultivate it, or, weeds will grow up and overwhelm the corn.  If you don’t clean out all the cow manure in the barn regularly, you will find diseases infecting your livestock.  It makes common sense to do your chores right and on time.

None of what’s going on in Washington DC right now makes any sense.

Why does our president invite over 1.2 million illegal aliens into our country in the past eight months—knowing that he violates Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution?  Why would  Congress allow Biden to continue breaking our laws?   What’s the point?  What will be the final outcome if another one, two, three, four or five million illegal immigrants continue crashing our borders?  What kind of a country will our children inherit with more foreigners who broke our laws than citizens who followed our laws?   Does it make any sense?

Why would Biden force mass vaccinations when he’s allowed over 1.2 million illegal migrants to cross over our borders with NO vaccinations?  What about another 800,000 illegals projected by the end of year?  And, how many of them are Islamic terrorists?  How many bring in deadly drugs for our children?  I mean, he’s inviting them in without vetting or limits!  How can that benefit our country and our citizens?

Does he understand that we stand $28 trillion in debt?  Does he understand that we’re paying billions in welfare for those refugees?  Does he understand they are uneducated, unskilled and simply will siphon off our welfare systems until we collapse economically?

What am I missing as I apply my old farm boy “common sense” to the insanity that operates in Washington DC?  Are you wondering the same things?

Our president JUST engineered the most incompetent withdrawal from a foreign war that has ever been made in the history of the world.  What were his generals thinking?  Why did they not cover their rear ends by maintaining Bagram Airfield?  Why didn’t they PLAN a reasonable retreat that ensured the safety of our citizens?  Why did they allow those 13 soldiers to die, needlessly?

Why did Biden allow 100,000 refugees, all of them Muslims that follow Islamic laws—to jump on a plane without any vetting?  Without any plan?  Without any understanding of what they will provoke in our country?   “Endless immigration into one country by a warlike culture/religion engenders war—with violence delayed.”  Does Biden not understand that Islamic Law mandates that its followers, “Convert or kill all non-believers?”  What happens when there are SO many brash male Muslims that begin tearing down our cities like the Black Lives Matter terrorists?

Doesn’t anyone see what’s coming as to the final results of this kind of immigration insanity?  Just take a look at Europe!  Its countries are being overwhelmed and overtaken by third world migrants who are destroying European languages, cultures and quality of life.

On our home front, some stealth revolutionaries have installed “Critical Race Theory” in every educational and governmental area possible.  Does anyone understand that CRT teaches each race to despise other races because of the color of their skin?  Does anyone understand that if you teach a child to hate or distrust another child because of the color of his or her skin—in their early years—that you’ve planted the seeds of destruction of your own society?

If this kind of thinking and those kinds of people are re-elected and allowed to govern our country—we face a fractious, fragmented and divisive society—from which, we will not recover.  Does anyone understand that harsh reality?

Yes, I’ve only covered a few basics in this column, and, if you add them up, we’re in a lot of trouble.

Part 2:  Trade, economy, education

Is anyone in America thinking about these questions?  Are we not galloping into America’s twilight years?

If you would like a free electronic copy of this book, please email me with your email address and I will send it to you.  Every American with children or any American who will live in this country in 2050, needs to understand what they face.

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121.

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

This video will scare the daylights out of every American as to what’s coming to our country, US Citizenship Act 2021 by Joe Biden.

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Tolerating NO accountability, NO performance, America’s NEW Normal

By Karen Schoen

Recently General (Ret) Mc Gregor said, ” When there is no accountability, there is no performance.” Our leaders desire to destroy America proved that statement.  We have NO – Zero accountability in Afghanistan and therefore we had NO performance. But that was the plan all along. From 2009 until today millions have been educated on the sinister plan to destroy America, called Agenda 21. The idea of this plan was crafted in 1992 at the Earth Summit in Rio DeJanero, Brazil. This plan was a continuation of the Rockefeller “Unfinished Agenda” addressing government control of human behavior and activity in order to “stop man made Global warming, cooling or actual climate.”  Science was tossed because this group wanted the power and control that putting these plans in place gave them.  Without being read, or even written, this idea took and the plan was to be implemented ASAP.  The plan was pushed through the US Senate, by then Pres.George Bush 41, under the name of Bio-Diversity done in preparation for the “NEW WORLD ORDER (NWO).” [YouTube Video]  Due to the actions of one scientist, Dr, Michael Coffman, and his famous map showing the desire to force most land into conservation while pushing people into mega cities the Senate said, “NO.”  Map: But that didn’t matter. Under new names of sustainability and conservation the plan is being implemented today.  Under the name of conservation, the UN controls massive sections of America, the Florida Everglades is one site, thank you Jeb Bush.   One thing to remember, whatever is said by any NWO pusher, think the opposite. They lie. How do you control millions of people, you lie to them.

The Agenda never changed although it keeps getting renamed every time we expose it’s tentacles. Today we have Agenda 21/2030, Green New Deal, Biden 30/30, the Great Reset.  They all mean exactly the same. They are United Nations (UN) policies that will bring massive riches to those connected and abject poverty to those who don’t. According to the Agenda, NGO’s will form regional councils (eliminating elected officials) to implement their Agenda.  Does your community answer to a “water district” that jumps counties or states?  That’s how it works. The government controls every aspect of live in our 700 sq ft  government apartment, while social credits instead of currency control our activity.  Section from George’s speech,  “What is at stake is more than one small country, it is a big idea – a new world order, where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind: peace and security, freedom, and the rule of law. Such is a world worthy of our struggle, and worthy of our children’s future. Really George!

We must remember: Everything is connected. Nothing is random. Everything has a plan. All plans are based on lies. This group of Globalists are only interested in MONEY, POWER, CONTROL.  They are only interested in helping you when they benefit in some sort of wealth distribution. Their behavior is that of a Psychopath: The true definition of a psychopath in psychiatry is antisocial personality disorder (ASPD), explains Dr. Prakash Masand, a psychiatrist and the founder of the Centers of Psychiatric Excellence. ASPD describes an individual who shows patterns of manipulation and violation to others. Psychopath and sociopath are often used interchangeably,

Just remember, they hate you. You are in the way of their desire to control everything.

Agenda 21 et al, connects ALL the dots involving any form of human activity: invention, creation, patents, production and distribution for all goods and services.   They connect with their 3 E’s but I say there are 4.  Equity, Economy and Environment must be connected. All sectors must work towards sustainability (what ever they decide that is). I say nothing works without education to provide the glue by indoctrinating the kids to grow up believing the lies and implementing them. Example: Teacher instructs students to pledge allegiance to gay pride flag after she removed American flag from classroom because it made her ‘uncomfortable’.  In the meantime, American troops lose their lives to keep her safe.  What country would she be comfortable in?

While the Globalists are intertwining all aspects of human activity – nothing will work without the other, the media divides the narrative into sound bites so you will never see the connection. By calling Americans “domestic terrorists” the FBI can collaborate with the CIA, DHS, etc. to dream up cases against Americans who do not follow the Hate America narrative.

Equity is Critical Race Theory (CRT) or some other fancy word meaning the same thing: inclusion, diversity, equity, social justice, woke, etc. You can see the forced connection whenever you listen to some department head explain how this training will be throughout all industry and government organization.  Equity or Equal Outcome means that American industry and departments will no longer be serviced by the brightest and best. Merit is replaced by feelings.  America will now be serviced by the person with the right skin color.  Look at the extreme failures of the Biden administration. Diversity is embracing mediocrity. Why? To insure that America will NEVER be a superpower again. You can’t have other people in the world wanting what American’s have like air conditioning or cars. Doesn’t look good for the rest of the planet. How dare they…  We the new domestic terrorists will be stripped of our personal private property. Homes, land, businesses, children whatever, MUST be controlled by the government to “Make it equitable.”  See how that works?  Once you control healthcare, people fall in line.

Economy is easy.  With the Federal Reserve mismanaging the dollar, America is now trillions of dollars in debt.   Inflation is off the charts and will get worse.  As soon as possible America will lose its standing as the DOLLAR is no longer the reserve currency for the world.  The goal of the globalists – make America meek.  No shining example, no American dream.  America must be the same as the other countries and will look like Venezuela and Cuba  or perhaps I should say San Francisco and Portland. Not to worry, Wall street will be pumped up for a while in order to fool those domestic terrorists into investing. Then the “bubble” that was created will burst and the Hedge Funds will come in and buy your foreclosed neighborhood. No more single family house for you. You will “rent and be happy.” said Klaus Schwab, the Nazi from the World Economic Forum. Since we get all our goods from China, you won’t worry about the high prices there just won’t be any goods from which to choose. Once you control entitlements, and energy people fall in line.

Environment is a disaster with only a few more years left for survival according to AOC and her followers.  Make no mistake, it is your fault that the planet is being destroyed. Everything you do and touch that is not controlled by the government will lead to a disaster. You must give up ownership of anything to save the planet. Nothing is based on science. NOTHING humans do will control the weather. Their charts go back less than 200 years.  The earth is a living, breathing planet that is 4.5 Billion Years old.  Human civilization is about 5000 years old. Globalists would have us believe that there were NO catastrophic incidents on the earth before humans. No earthquakes, no volcanoes, no hurricanes, no tornadoes, rain storms, fires, NOTHING until humans created  the problem. IMPOSSIBLE. Climate changes constantly. Our SUN dictates our climate. The moon influences gravity causing the oceans to rise and fall. The Ocean water is constantly evaporating, increasing the temperature and humidity of the surrounding air to form rain and storms. Humans control???? Let us not confuse pollution with environment.  Humans used to pollute a lot but as people learned the harm of poor air quality they invented new technology to decrease pollutants. No more gas for your car fulfills their desire to keep you stationary and easier to control.  Not enough social credits, you get blackouts, No air conditioning, no food. Once you scare people, they fall in line.

Education: In order for humans to buy into the Globalist lies, indoctrination was started early, in  kindergarten. The media reinforced the narrative but using most programs to promote some piece about humans destroying the planet.  The Nazi’s learned that by blaming the Jews for crop failure, people joined together to save the planet. Now we have a worldwide plan blaming humans. “The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.” — Club of Rome, premier environmental think-tank, consultants to the United Nations.

By using the lies and avoiding science, the people were scared into believing it was their fault and they could “fix” it. By using the environment they never had to explain their silent goal – depopulation. No people, no problems.

No matter if the science of global warming is all phony…climate change provides the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world.” — Christine Stewart, former Canadian Minister of the Environment

United Nations climate VP, Christiana Figueres, “This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution.”

She even restated that goal ensuring it was not a mistake: “This is probably the most difficult task we have ever given ourselves, which is to intentionally transform the economic development model for the first time in human history.”

Schools today now teach inferior curricula – can’t have smart Americans who will use science and math to disprove the narrative. In 1989, the change was made. According to Shirley McCune from the McRel Foundation:

1. Schools will no longer teach individualism, they will teach collectivism.

2. Schools will no longer educate. The purpose of schools will be for training.  The Human Capital MUST work for the state.

3. Replace Fact with Value

The feeling is, Smart people require more from their government. Keep America Dumb.

Today we face a war between Nationalists and Globalists.

You will have to decide. Is America worth saving?

© 2021 Karen Schoen – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Karen Schoen:

Tolerating Political Crimes, Crooked Politicians, Is The Recipe For Self-Destruction

By Bradlee Dean

“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” -The US Constitution Preamble

Recently, I had some one send me a link in my email, which I receive about 2-300 a day, for one of their favorite show hosts highlighting and magnifying the crimes of the corrupt in giving us more information of the same criminals that have been tolerated by the American people for decades.

Do we really need more self-proclaimed Christian conservatives (1 John 2:4) giving us more information concerning the crimes of the same corrupt politicians (Jeremiah 5:28)? No, we do not.

[Rumble Video]

We know that the corrupt are not above the law, though most give them a pass in acting as if they were passed. As a matter of fact, they swore to uphold the laws that they are continuously transgressing (Deuteronomy 23:23).

Are they upholding the law unto judgment, establishing righteousness so that we can have peace (Isaiah 51:4)? No, they are not, just the opposite!

Then why is it that we need more information? How is it that the American people do not see the missing remedy here, which is to bring justice upon the heads of the wicked (Isaiah 26:9)?

Our forefathers exhibited exactly what it is that we are to do in case of the present circumstance (Hebrews 13:7).

“That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
” -The Declaration of Independence

[Rumble Video]

Is it that these self-proclaimed Christian conservatives are cowards, that they are fearful (Revelation 21:8) to actually stand up in honor of where our veterans have fallen in fighting off concerning tyranny in other lands (2 Corinthians 5:15), while desensitized Americans tolerate them in office in our own lands (Hosea 4:6)?

Is it good enough for Americans to enjoy their freedoms at the price of their fathers yet when it is their turn to stand up and fight that are the first ones to capitulate (Psalm 78:9)? This is shameful conduct to say the least (Jeremiah 6:15).

“This republic was not established by cowards; and cowards will not preserve it.”

To expect nothing but highlighting the crimes of the wicked concerning more information of newer crimes being committed are all vain and worthless.

In fact, we are undoing ourselves by tolerating more of their crimes (Isaiah 59).

Without the American people coming to the realization that they are the law under God, all will be lost (Psalm 33:12) and we will self destruct (Numbers 32:23).

“A nation ceases to be republican…when the will of the majority ceases to be the law.” -Thomas Jefferson:

[Rumble Video]

[Rumble Video]

We all know that they are corrupt for if not then where is the justice that guards our liberties.

[Rumble Video]

Post-Pandemic Problems and Prognostications

By Sidney Secular

What is being pushed as the “new normal” is a prologue or prelude to more misery, insanity, deprivation of privacy, coercion, and increased tyranny if the pompous, pugnacious, pernicious powers-that-be are allowed to declare officially and officiously that supposed variants of a non-existent virus are spreading throughout the population. They have even already established names for these imagined critters. They are already champing/chomping at the bit to vaccinate everyone however admittedly unnecessary, issue vaccination passports, and intensify the lockdowns and mask mandates. About 25% to 30% of small businesses failed, remain closed, or are only partially open or have limited hours of operation.  Most fast food joints still have their dining rooms closed – its drive through only. This will likely remain as the “new normal” since many places can just give you food in a bag to eat in your car – so they won’t have to pay dining room staff and so keep afloat.

The irony is that everywhere you go you see signs begging for employees, even where the “boorocrats” have forced through higher minimum wages assuming businesses in general have been playing Scrooge with their employees. This situation is more common than commonly realized. Many employers lament that people don’t want to work anymore. They post signs on doors asking patrons to please be patient because they are short on staff and doing the best they can. Recently, signs have sprung up on store fronts and restaurants that say, “Thank you to our employees – they’re the real heroes!” It’s even common now for managers to thank employees for just coming to work. This is because so many refuse to work and have no intention of going back to work anytime soon because of the large GovMint handouts they are receiving. The Federal and state govmints have been doling out free money to people for NOT working. In March, Biden signed the “American Rescue Plan of 2021”, providing more free money and other benefits through September 6th. There already is talk of extending that date INDEFINITELY. The planned future lockdowns would be an easy way to ease into permanent handouts. The system already provides free cash, housing, education, healthcare and more. There’s little incentive to find a job, set goals for the future, or even seek a better life. Drugs and vices and gaming devices feed the feelings of futility and vice versa, and crime is fostered.

Now our politicians have decided to take their inner-city program of entitlement nationwide. But the bennies are not really benefits when they are supposed to be rewards for doing a job well!  As it now stands, they aren’t benefiting anyone but the Demonrat politicians The NWO globalists have been unfolding a plan before the sleepy, ignorant eyes of the sheeple for some time now. The goal is Universal Basic Poverty and Dependence as the vehicle to control the masses. The “plannedemic” is all about intensifying that control and increasing the sense of power that bullies possess and for which they crave even more.

The manipulators have stated openly that soon no one will own anything. Personal property and private homes, the envy of those who don’t have much of them, don’t deserve them, or already have too much of them for their own good, will be eliminated. They expect you will like it that way – less responsibility and more time for self-indulgence. You will smile and say “cheese” when you have been hooked by their cheesy inducements and they have clamped down on you with a baited mousetrap. Fear of the bug-a-boo virus just provides another excuse for not working and isolating people from one another, creating more dependence and despondency, and so the vicious cycle/circle gets more vicious.

As you look around you and see the masked multitudes who still feel compelled to continue the “maskerade” and the socialist distancing as they play the game of putting the squeeze on you and then relaxing it, only to squeeze you harder next time, relax it a bit, then squeeze yet harder, you see how effective their control mechanisms and squeeze plays are.

© 2021 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Sidney Secular:

America is a Paper Tiger

By Cliff Kincaid

On the anniversary of 9/11, I am used to seeing the claims that Dick Cheney bombed the World Trade Center in an “inside job” designed to drag us into war. This is the Alex Jones school of thought. What’s worse is the tendency to “remember the victims” but refuse to admit that our nation has truly failed to remember them by avenging their deaths. China Joe has forgiven the killers and now wants to do business with them. Shame on the United States, a paper tiger.

I asked former FBI special agent Coleen Rowley about the absurd “inside job” claims during a recent interview. She said the “inside job” nonsense is a lunatic response to those who wanted to use 9/11 for political purposes. She said these people believe those who wanted 9/11, the “new Pearl Harbor,” to happen, were those who were behind it. That’s faulty logic. The real problem is a national security state that refuses to protect the American people.

She said it’s important to ascertain the facts about what happened. And those facts are that a Muslim terrorist group by the name of al Qaeda was on American soil plotting to attack the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and possible the White House or the Capitol building.

Rowley is not a conservative or a neoconservative. She ran for Congress, after being forced out of the FBI for whistleblowing, as a Democrat. She later left the Democratic Party, concluding it was corrupt.

Rowley’s FBI office in Minneapolis had learned of the 9/11 plot before it happened, when agents were tipped off about an al Qaeda operative, Zacarias Moussaoui, taking flight training in the area. After the fact, the FBI would admit that, on August 15, 2001, “the flight school reported its suspicions about Moussaoui to the FBI, including that he only wanted to learn how to take off and land the airplane, that he had no background in aviation, and that he had paid in cash for the course.” But FBI headquarters failed to investigate and stop him.

If FBI headquarters had taken proper action, 9/11 could have been stopped.

Here we are 20 years later and we still find people blaming 9/11 on Dick Cheney.

But I am also starting to get tired of waiting to hear about the need, 20 years later, to seek revenge on their killers.

Consider the remarks of General Mark A. Milley, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, at the September 11th Observance Ceremony. “All of the values and principles embedded in our Constitution and made real in our daily lives were paid for with the blood of the fallen on this place at 9:37 on September 11th, 2001,” he said. “Those ideas were and still are hated by our enemies; the Fascists, the Nazis, the Communists, Al-Qaeda, ISIS, the Taliban, authoritarians, dictators, and tyrants of all kinds. They hate those ideas and they hate those values. And on 9/11, they tried to destroy us. They tried to divide us, they tried ultimately in vain to terrify us.”

The Taliban? Didn’t they just defeat the United States? It looks like our soldiers died in a noble cause but it was in vain.

It looks like our enemies are winning.

Milley said, “The horrific acts of terrorism on that day were meant to disrupt our way of life and destroy the idea that is America.”

They succeeded.

America is a paper tiger that remembers its dead but doesn’t take revenge out on its enemies.

Instead, we have the Alex Jones-types who continue to blame 9/11 on America. They refuse to hold the FBI, CIA, and our political leaders responsible for allowing this mass murder to happen.

Milley said the “murderous intent” of the terrorists “was never realized.” Really?

He explained, “Instead of sowing fear and division, we gathered in New York and Pennsylvania and right here at the Pentagon. And we came together as a Nation with acts of heroism, unity and perseverance, many conducted by you in the audience today.”

Yes, but under China Joe Biden, we have come together to remember not only the victims of 9/11 but the dead and wounded American soldiers from Afghanistan who were forced out by a political decision and a suicide bomber.

Not to mention the victims who took their own lives as a result of the trauma caused by their military service.

On top of that, we have learned from the New York Times that the so-called retaliatory drone strike, supposedly carried out on ISIS in Afghanistan, took out a family of people friendly to the U.S.

On the way out, a drone strike killed the wrong people. Let’s remember those victims, too.

Milley went on, “Since that dark day 20 years ago, the men and women of the United States military have fought tirelessly to defeat terrorists in Afghanistan and around the world. Both at home and abroad, their talent, their efforts, their courage, and their personal valor has carried this fight day and night.”

Yes, our soldiers fought in a noble cause. But their political and military leadership betrayed them.

He added, “For two consecutive decades, our men and women in uniform along with our brothers and sisters in the intelligence and law enforcement agencies protected our Nation from terrorist attack.”

Well, not quite. The FBI never solved the post-9/11 anthrax attacks. The evidence shows that the anthrax used in the post-9/11 anthrax attacks was stolen from a U.S. lab and provided to al Qaeda. The FBI has covered-up the truth for 20 years. Now, with al Qaeda and the Taliban running all of Afghanistan, the possibility of another biological attack on America from that territory increases.

And just the other day, the FBI has released new surveillance of somebody dropping off bombs on the evening of January 5 outside the offices of the Democratic and Republican Parties in D.C. It’s another case the FBI can’t solve.

The terror has already returned.

What’s more, Imran Ali Rasheed was reportedly inspired by foreign terrorists when he killed a Lyft driver on August 29, 2021, in a Dallas suburb and opened fire in a police station.The local CBS TV station said Rasheed had previously been the subject of a counter terrorism investigation eight years ago, but authorities determined he wasn’t a threat at that time.

Another failure by the FBI.

But Biden’s people are focusing on “white extremists.”

Rasheed “may have been inspired by foreign terrorism organizations to commit these crimes,” said Matthew J. DeSarno, the special agent in charge of the FBI’s Dallas office. The terrorist left a letter. But the FBI wouldn’t name the group.

Who do you suppose they are?

The terror has returned.

They say our country never forgets. We have forgotten. We don’t want to know.  We hang our heads in disgrace.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Secret Communist Plan Fulfillment: China’s Role, Part 2

by Dennis Cuddy, Ph.D.

On May 24, 2000, the U.S. House of Representatives, obeying their PE puppet masters, voted to grant Communist China Permanent Normal Trade Relations (PNTR). Up until now, Rush Limbaugh had called anyone who believed in conspiracies a “kook.” However, on May 25, Rush Limbaugh on his national radio talk show commented: “How come George W. Bush and Clinton are on the same side of the PNTR with China issue? New World Order?” According to the Economic Policy Group, our exploding trade deficit with China through the 1990s has cost the U.S. millions of jobs! And on May 24, 2000, in Paul Sperry’s article, “China’s dirty little secret” (WorldNetDaily), he quoted Chinese dissident Wei Jingshing as saying, “President Clinton is trying to save Communist Chinese President Jiang Zemin’s government. It’s very obvious he owes them something.” The next day, WorldNetDaily published David Bresnahan’s column, “China-trade vote: The bribes have it?”, in which he quotes U. S. Rep. Merrill Cook as expressing his concern that “China now controls both sides of the Panama and Suez canals.” This means that for military reasons, Communist China can use them as choke points at any time!

On September 19, 2000, the U.S. Senate approved PNTR in a vote of 83 to 15. In opposition, Senator Jesse Helms warned: “The safety and security of the American people must come first through the principles of this country which were laid down by our Founding Fathers. That safety and security will be assured ultimately not by appeasement, not by the hope of trade at any cost, but by dealing with Communist China without selling out the very moral and spiritual principles that made America great in the first place.” The Communists had wanted both Sen. Helms and U.S. Rep. Larry McDonald dead, but just before they both were to board KAL007 which was shot down on September 1, 1983, Sen. Helms got a call warning him not to get on that plane!

Elaine Chao has occupied a number of cabinet level positions in Republican administrations, and her father is very close to the Communist Chinese leadership and owns a shipping company that does business with China. In Paul Sperry’s January 16, 2001 column “Chao’s pro-China coup at Heritage,” he describes how a military analyst at the Heritage Foundation was let go after Chao complained about his warnings concerning Chinese threats to American security. Her husband is Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell whom she “advises” about Chinese-American relations, and he, in turn, “suggests” to others in the Senate how they should vote on all relevant issues.

China sees any war with the U.S. as predominantly a naval war, and that is why China has now built the largest navy in the world! Over the last decade, the U.S. has contributed greatly to the economic success of China, and the U.S. realizes that at any time, China can “dump” a lot of the American debt in her possession, causing the U.S. serious economic problems. The Chinese have been quietly buying properties across America and overseas. They have purchased mineral rights in Zambia and Nigeria, and rain forests in the Congo and Sierra Leone for lumber, etc. In about 3 years, the Chinese plan to go to a digital currency (as does the Federal Reserve) whereby they can track every financial transaction everyone makes. And in case you think you can avoid this by going to Bitcoins, China owns half the Bitcoins in the world! In 2015, the Chinese military produced a 261-page document about how they could use coronaviruses as bioweapons, and their effect upon an adversary’s troops, health care system, etc.

Finally, it was necessary to have elected an American president (Joe Biden) who “had been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades,” according to former Secretary of Defense (for President Obama) Robert Gates in his memoir published in 2019. For example, President Biden said in terms of foreign policy that Afghanistan would never fall to the Taliban, for example, between Friday and Monday, but it did (August 13-16, 2021). In addition, Joe Biden is incapable of even heeding his own warning. Shortly after the terrorist attacks of 9/11, at the Council on Foreign Relations on October 22, 2001, he warned that “if we leave Afghanistan in chaos, it will be another time bomb waiting to explode.”

The incompetence and ignorance of President Biden and his advisors is staggering. They said the Taliban is no longer capable of another attack like 9/11, not realizing they do not have to be! The Taliban has received many Chinese weapons from Pakistan. The head of the Pakistani intelligence service at the time of the 9/11 attacks was General Mahmoud Ahmad, who on August 1, 2001 had wired $100,000 to 9/11 ringleader Mohammed Atta. It would be very easy for members of the Taliban using Pakistani passports to enter the U.S., acquire drones, fill them with explosives, and use them to attack simultaneously planes landing or taking off from American airports.

The Communist Chinese also wanted a president whose mental abilities are waning. During the 2020 presidential campaign, former President Obama said: “You know who really doesn’t have it? Joe Biden….Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f… things up.” Furthermore, the ChiComms wanted our president to be someone who could be guided primarily by his campaign manager and top White House advisor Anita Dunn, who said Communist Chinese murderous dictator Mao Zedong is her “favorite political philosopher” (according to THE WASHINGTON POST, Mao killed up to 80 million of his own people). Throw in a little financial incentive, like Hunter Biden’s lucrative arrangement with Communist Chinese government, and what more could they want?

With Joe Biden as president, the Chinese Communists may not even have to fire a shot to win. Once again, this reminds one of Sun Tsu’s strategy where he said: “The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting….And secret operations are essential.” Could such secret operations in the future include vaccines that can track people by implanted microscopic tags? Joe Biden himself when he was a U.S. Senator asked John Roberts at his confirmation hearings for the position of Chief Justice of the Supreme Court on September 12, 2005 warned: “Can a microscopic tag be implanted in a person’s body to track his every movement? There is actual discussion about that. You will rule on that, mark my words, before your tenure is over.” Remember, Aldous Huxley in his 1958 BRAVE NEW WORLD REVISITED proclaimed “The 21st century…will be the era of World Controllers.”

1- Secret Communist Plan Fulfillment, China’s Role, Part 1

2- Secret Communist Plan Fulfillment, China’s Role, Part 2

© 2021 Dennis Cuddy – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dennis Cuddy:

Texas Vs. Roe

By Paul Engel

  • Texas SB8 is not the violation of a “constitutionally protected right established by Roe v. Wade” that you’ve been told.
  • Texas SB8 is a unique law, apparently crafted specifically tailored to comply with the Roe v. Wade opinion.
  • The Supreme Court did not “overturn Roe”, they simply refused to issue an injunction against the law because, by their own precedent, they couldn’t.

The recent Texas law SB8 has been described as an attack on the right to abortion. The case challenging the law, Whole Woman’s Health et al, v. Austin Reeve Jackson, Judge, et al, has become a lightening rod for abortion activists. Referring to the law as both extreme and a blatant violation of constitutional rights, President Biden has been one of the chief spokesmen opposing this law and the decision of the Supreme Court. By going to the original documents we can cut through the hype and understand the truth, not only about the law, but the court’s opinion as well.

Texas SB 8

Let’s start with the Texas law that’s at the heart of the current debate. There are three interesting provisions in this law.


(a) Except as provided by Section 171.205, a physician may not knowingly perform or induce an abortion on a pregnant woman if the physician detected a fetal heartbeat for the unborn child as required by Section 171.203 or failed to perform a test to detect a fetal heartbeat.

Texas SB 8

The law prohibits abortion of an unborn child once a heartbeat is detected. Section 171.203 requires that “standard medical practices” be used to detect if a heartbeat is present. If one is found, then abortion is generally prohibited. There is, however, an exception.


(a) Sections 171.203 and 171.204 do not apply if a physician believes a medical emergency exists that prevents compliance with this subchapter.

Texas SB 8

If a physician believes there’s a medical emergency which prevents them from complying with the law, that’s considered an exception. Meaning, if while treating a medical emergency, a doctor induces an abortion, they do not violate this law. But the third section is the one I find most constitutionally interesting.


(a) Any person, other than an officer or employee of a state or local governmental entity in this state, may bring a civil action against any person who:

(1) performs or induces an abortion in violation of this subchapter;

(2) knowingly engages in conduct that aids or abets the performance or inducement of an abortion, including paying for or reimbursing the costs of an abortion through insurance or otherwise, if the abortion is performed or induced in violation of this subchapter, regardless of whether the person knew or should have known that the abortion would be performed or induced in violation of this subchapter; or

(3) intends to engage in the conduct described by Subdivision (1) or (2).

Texas SB 8

So what’s so interesting about this section of the law? Rather than making abortion a criminal offense, it makes it a civil one. In other words, rather than being sent to jail for performing an illegal abortion, a person pays damages. Also of interest, the person suing someone for performing illegal abortions cannot be a member of a state or local government. This means means that anyone other than a government official can sue someone for performing an abortion in violation of this law. I believe the reason for this is to comply with the Supreme Court’s opinion in Roe v. Wade.

Roe v. Wade

A state criminal abortion statute of the current Texas type, that excepts from criminality only a life-saving procedure on behalf of the mother, without regard to pregnancy stage and without recognition of the other interests involved, is violative of the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

Roe v. Wade

When the Supreme Court opined in Roe, they found that a law making it a crime to perform an abortion except to save the life of the mother violated the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. In effect, the court said that such a limitation on abortion deprived the mother and/or the doctor of the liberty to perform abortions without due process of law. Of course, the court did not appear to consider the question of depriving the child in the womb of their life without due process of law, but that’s the problem with the Roe v. Wade precedent. The opinion goes on to say:

(a) For the stage prior to approximately the end of the first trimester, the abortion decision and its effectuation must be left to the medical judgment of the pregnant womans attending physician.

(b) For the stage subsequent to approximately the end of the first trimester, the State, in promoting its interest in the health of the mother, may, if it chooses, regulate the abortion procedure in ways that are reasonably related to maternal health.

Roe v. Wade

The court created this trimester scheme to determine when and how a state had an interest in regulating abortions. For the first trimester, the court believes the abortion decision is solely a medical one. After the first trimester, the court claimed that states only had an interest in promoting the health of the mother. So when is it about the child in the womb?

(c) For the stage subsequent to viability, the State in promoting its interest in the potentiality of human life may, if it chooses, regulate, and even proscribe, abortion except where it is necessary, in appropriate medical judgment, for the preservation of the life or health of the mother.

Roe v. Wade

The Roe court used the viability of the child to determine when the state has an interest in protecting, as the court put it, “potentiality of human life”. And this is where I think the court really messed up. Understand, in 1972 when this case was argued and decided, medical imaging technology was not nearly as sophisticated as it is today. Meaning, medical science in 1972 did not allow the level of detail we currently have when viewing inside the womb, neither did it provide the information regarding gestational development we have today. Still, the Declaration of Independence says:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,

Declaration of Independence

We were not created when we emerged from the womb, we were all created in the womb. So the question of when the state has an interest in protecting life should not be based on viability (the ability to survive outside the womb), but on detection of life. Which is what the Texas bill does. By basing protection of life based on life being detected, Texas fulfills its duty to protect the rights of everyone within their borders.

Criminal vs Civil

Since the Roe opinion specifically states that a criminal abortion statue based solely on the life of the mother violated the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, I believe the Texas Legislature created a civil statue to avoid this legal hurdle. I also think they may have opened up a couple of serious problems with their legislation.

The first potential problem I see is the scope of who can sue for committing illegal abortions. As I noted previously, the law allows, “Any person, other than an officer or employee of a state or local governmental entity in this state, may bring a civil action…” This law places the burden of “prosecution” solely in the hands of the people of Texas. In other words, the State of Texas expects the people to bring suit when the law is violated, rather than the state itself.

This isn’t necessarily a problem, except for the second potential problem. The law states anyone other than a state or local government official can sue under this law. No other limitations are noted. So does that mean that I, as a citizen of Tennessee, can sue a doctor in Texas for performing, or even intending to perform, an abortion on a child without checking for a heartbeat? Does it matter whether or not I have a direct grievance against the doctor, other than the fact that abortion of a living child is murder? I’m not a lawyer, but I believe it’s standard practice for a court to consider a plaintiff’s standing before proceeding with a civil case. Maybe the Texas Legislature expects the courts to weed out the activist cases from those where someone was directly harmed. Unfortunately, that unleashes a potential nightmare of people and organizations filing suits against abortion providers in an attempt to “sue them out of business”. I don’t find that just when the gun control activist do it, and neither would I find that just if pro-life activists do it. That’s why I think this is one part of the law that needs to be fixed: To define what grievance can be used to justify a lawsuit under this statute.

The Courts

Much has been said about how the courts have reacted to this lawsuit and why people should prevent this Texas law from going into effect. Sadly, very little of that talk has been based on the truth and facts of the case.

What the Supreme Court was asked to do was to provide an injunction preventing the law from taking effect until the case had been decided by the courts. This in itself is an extremely dangerous request, since it effectively places the judiciary above the other branches of government. Which is why Justice Alito noted in his opinion:

To prevail in an application for a stay or an injunction, an applicant must carry the burden of making a strong showingthat it is likely to succeed on the merits,that it will be irreparably injured absent a stay,that the balance of the equities favors it, and that a stay is consistent with the public interest.

Whole Womans Health v. Jackson Opinion on Application for Injunctive Relief

Justice Alito went on to note that what the applicants are asking for is both novel and complex.

For example, federal courts enjoy the power to enjoin individuals tasked with enforcing laws, not the laws themselves. California v. Texas. And it is unclear whether the named defendants in this lawsuit can or will seek to enforce the Texas law against the applicants in a manner that might permit our intervention.

Whole Womans Health v. Jackson Opinion on Application for Injunctive Relief

Precedent allows the court to enjoin people, not the law. Since the defendants named can seek to enforce the law, because the law prohibits state or local government officials from filing suit, how can the court enjoin them? Oddly, the power of precedent that the applicants are using to file this suit is the very same one that is preventing the courts from issuing the injunction. It seems that we will all have to wait until the actual case is heard before we know whether the courts will find this Texas law appropriate or not.

Lies, Darn Lies, and Politics

If there is one constant in politics today, it’s that politicians lie. So no one should be surprised when the pro-abortion politicians came rushing to the bulwarks to defend their understanding of Roe v. Wade and the “constitutional right” to abortion.

Today, Texas law SB8 went into effect. This extreme Texas law blatantly violates the constitutional right established under Roe v. Wade and upheld as precedent for nearly half a century.

Statement by President Joe Biden on Texas Law SB8

Funny, how a law whose language appears to have been specifically tailored to not violate Roe v. Wade, is a supposed blatant violation of that opinion. Even worse though, is the constitutional lie President Biden is promoting.

The Supreme Court of the United States cannot establish a constitutional right. That’s not a power delegated to the United States, and since it’s not prohibited to the states, only the states can establish a constitutionally protected right. In fact, what the court found was that before someone can be deprived of the liberty to perform or receive an abortion, there must be due process. Furthermore, the Supreme Court does not have the legal authority to effectively create law by edict or opinion. The findings in the Roe v. Wade case legally impact only Roe and Wade. It is our judiciaries’ slavish devotion to “precedent” that gives power to the Roe decision, not the law or the Constitution.

And, outrageously, it deputizes private citizens to bring lawsuits against anyone who they believe has helped another person get an abortion, which might even include family members, health care workers, front desk staff at a health care clinic, or strangers with no connection to the individual.

Statement by President Joe Biden on Texas Law SB8

To be fair, President Biden is correct in the potential scope of these lawsuits. As I’ve already noted, the fact that anyone other than government officials can sue anyone involved in an abortion that violates this statute, it can easily spiral into a nightmare of frivolous lawsuits.

However, Joe Biden is far from the only person rising to combat this Texas law. He and Nancy Pelosi have promised to take up the “Women’s Health Protection Act of 2021” when the House returns from recess. What is the purpose of this bill?

to permit health care providers to provide abortion services without limitations or requirements that single out the provision of abortion services for restrictions that are more burdensome than those restrictions imposed on medically comparable procedures, do not significantly advance reproductive health or the safety of abortion services, and make abortion services more difficult to access;

U.S. S 1975 – Womens Health Protection Act of 2021 Purpose Clause

Lost to the view of the pro-abortionists is the fact that abortion involves the health of two people, not just one. This bill, and others like it, focus on the “health care” of the woman while ignoring the health of the child in the womb. This bill promotes the unlimited access to abortion while ignoring the consequences of that access. They want no more regulation on abortion than on “medically comparable procedures”, yet ignore the fact that those procedures are prohibited from taking human life unless absolutely necessary. History has shown us that the pro-abortion activists are not interested in being regulated along with “medically comparable procedures”; they want as little regulation as possible and it seems many among these activists are ready to do almost anything to get their way.

Republicans promised to overturn Roe v Wade, and they have. Democrats can either abolish the filibuster and expand the court, or do nothing as millions of peoplesbodies, rights, and lives are sacrificed for far-right minority rule.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Tweet

While many republican politicians have “promised” to overturn Roe, we all know how much we can trust politicians to keep their promises. Let’s face it, what the republicans claim is not so much that they will overturn Roe, but overturn what the Roe opinion has morphed into: An unrestricted right to abortion not supported by law. After decades of getting much of their agenda through the courts rather than the legislature, is it any wonder the more progressive of the Democratic Party are willing to overturn Senate rules (the filibuster), and take over the courts to get their way. Does anyone else find it ironic that a party who is named after a democratic process uses such undemocratic methods to advance their agenda?


There’s a lot to unpack here, both in this legislation and the reaction to it. When does the government’s duty to protect life begin? Is it when life is detected? When life is external, i.e., out of the womb? Or is it at some other arbitrary point? How should a state respond to an almost 50 year old opinion that is not supported by the facts or by science? And how should the American people treat the hyperbole on both sides of the argument? As I’ve said so many times, this is why it’s so important to go back to the original documents before we make up our minds on a subject.

As for the law itself, I can easily see the justification for the heartbeat of the child being the delineation for when life must be protected. However, I do have concerns over the scope of who can sue. As for the Roe opinion, I wish more people would recognize it for what it is: A flawed opinion based on outdated science that considers only one side of the issue. Roe v. Wade is not law. To my knowledge, Congress has never passed a law legalizing abortion across the country. Then again, such a law would be unconstitutional, since not only has the Constitution not delegated such an authority to the United States, the very idea of unlimited abortion violates the Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment.

While I don’t expect it from what passes for our judicial class today, I would hope a rational and reasonable look at the law would guide the courts. I fully expect that advocates on both sides will use the Texas law and the court’s decision to demagogue, vilify, and yes, fundraise, for the foreseeable future. I only hope that this article has helped cut through some of the noise and misdirection to help you find the truth.

© 2021 Paul Engel – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Paul Engel:

[BIO: Paul Engel founded The Constitution Study in 2014 to help everyday Americans read and study the Constitution. Author and speaker, Paul has spent more than 20 years studying and teaching about both the Bible and the U.S. Constitution. Freely admitting that he “learned more about our Constitution from School House Rock than in 12 years of public school” he proves that anyone can be a constitutional scholar. You can find his books on Amazon and Apple Books. You can also find his books, classes and other products at the Constitution Study website ( You can reach him at]

Part 2: Does Anything Going On In Washington DC Make Any Sense?

By Frosty Wooldridge

If you’re a Republican, Independent or Democrat—you must be scratching your head daily as to the utter folly of those 545 people that you elected to serve our nation.  Why aren’t they collectively solving our nation’s problems?  Why aren’t they making common sense decisions? Why don’t they do what’s right?

But then, you have to ask yourself—why do our citizens keep electing people that have proven themselves corrupt, inept and/or incompetent?  I mean, let’s face it, someone like House Member Maxine Waters, who has been jabbering at the mouth for three decades—hasn’t done a single thing to improve the lives of her Black constituents.  She oversees over 62,000 homeless in Los Angeles. Her state houses 3-4 million illegal aliens that have bankrupted California’s educational systems. Because of her inaction, those illegals operate the largest and most corrupt underground economy in the world.  Why hasn’t she developed educational programs, housing and jobs training for her constituents?  Why? Because she lives in a multi-million-dollar house and doesn’t care!  Also, she’s incompetent, plain and simple.

Let’s talk about someone like House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, very corrupt as an insider trader on defense contracts, but gets away with it even after she was outed by Steve Kroft at 60 Minutes.  She overseas 11,000 homeless in San Francisco, but does nothing to solve that mess.  She supports open borders with endless illegal immigration, drug cartels pushing their poisons into our country, and she supported two useless wars for 20 years.  Does any of that make sense?  Would you consider her the “poster woman” for Term Limits?  She’s an old windbag who does nothing to improve our country.  Why does an 80-year-old fossil like her continue in DC?  Same with 88-year-old Senator Diane Feinstein!  As Lord Acton said, “Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts, absolutely.”

Why would our Congress ship all of our manufacturing and jobs over to China? Why would they support Free Trade instead of Fair Trade?  Why are we $1.5 trillion in debt to China?  Why would they allow our country to become dependent on China that threatens to literally buy us out of our own country? Does any of that make sense?

What about the fact that we have 38,000,000 (million) Americans subsisting on food stamps or now known as EBT cards?  Would it make more sense to create “Workfare for Welfare” as a mandate to learn a trade, become more educated, contribute to our society—rather than remain a leech for your entire life?  Why would our elected leaders allow such a travesty of poverty and illiteracy to continue?  Does that make sense?

What about our adding 1,000,000 legal immigrants into our country annually?  Does it make sense to do that when every added person worsens our overpopulated cities, our toxic air polluted skies, our gridlocked roads and our overwhelmed National Parks?  What about their stealing jobs from our working poor, and they cost us in ESL classes, K through 12 education and free breakfasts and lunches?  All to the detriment of our own 13,000,000 (million) American children living under the poverty level. And, 1 in 6 American children live with food scarcity!  For God sakes, why don’t those Congressional Critters solve our problems first rather than import all those refugees’ problems?

What about 540,000 American homeless and tens of thousands of homeless veterans?  Why not solve that problem first before taking on the rest of the world’s poor and destitute?  Does it make sense to continue on this path?

Do you realize that we have 430,000 American children in Foster Care? Shouldn’t we afford them the very best instead of taking on millions of foreigners who have not earned or contributed anything to America?

Do you, dear fellow American, realize that we’re not going to be able to keep this nightmare going?  Do you realize that something’s got to give?  Do you appreciate that our country stands eyeball deep in a world of hurt as to water, energy, resources, climate change causing millions of acres of fires and hurricanes raging across our land, sociological chaos, linguistic confusion and immigration madness?

Do you realize that, at some point, our consequences will become irreversible and unsolvable?  I discuss them in my latest book that you can obtain for free.  If not, we drive our country over a demographic cliff as deadly and as disastrous as “Thelma & Louise.”  It’s that simple and that harsh.

Part 3:  Deteriorating infrastructure, sociological impacts

Is anyone in America thinking about these questions?  Are we not galloping into America’s twilight years?

If you would like a free electronic copy of this book, please email me with your email address and I will send it to you.  Every American with children or any American who will live in this country in 2050, needs to understand what they face.

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121.

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

This video will scare the daylights out of every American as to what’s coming to our country, US Citizenship Act 2021 by Joe Biden.

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

COVID-19: The Omega Brief

By: Devvy

When career criminal impostor president, Biden, issued his handler’s latest unconstitutional mandate, state governors went ballistic.  Americans who have refused those gene therapy injections now have even more fear of losing their paycheck.  That walking corpse has no clue what’s going on.  Just sign this piece of paper, Uncle Joe and your poll numbers will go up!

‘Our patience is wearing thin’: Biden tells employers of 100+ to require vaccines or tests – “We’ve been patient. But our patience is wearing thin, and your refusal has cost all of us,” he said, all but biting off his words. The unvaccinated minority “can cause a lot of damage, and they are.”

“The expansive rules mandate that all employers with more than 100 workers require them to be vaccinated or test for the virus weekly, affecting about 80 million Americans. And the roughly 17 million workers at health facilities that receive federal Medicare or Medicaid also will have to be fully vaccinated.

“Biden is also signing an executive order to require vaccination for employees of the executive branch and contractors who do business with the federal government — with no option to test out. That covers several million more workers.

“Biden announced the new requirements in a Thursday afternoon address from the White House as part of a new “action plan” to address the latest rise in coronavirus cases and the stagnating pace of COVID-19 shots that has raised doubts among the public over his handling of the pandemic.”  The fines are enormous.  Why not 75 or 200 employees?

Using a PCR test that doesn’t test for any virus or infection.  Yeah, the CDC said labs will need to find a new way to test by Dec. 2021.  CDC to Withdraw Emergency Use Authorization for RT PCR Test Because it Cannot Distinguish Between SARS-CoV-2 and the Flu  /  CDC, FDA faked “covid” testing protocol by using human cells mixed with common cold virus fragments… PCR tests are merely detecting the common cold

Sept. 11, 2021:  Members of Congress, their staffs will be exempt from Biden’s federal vaccine mandate– I’m not an attorney but doesn’t this have something to do with equal protection under the law?  The above are not subject to being forced to take one of those injections, but the peasants who will lose their jobs for not complying are not afforded the same protection?

USPS Not Covered by Biden’s COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate: Spokesman, Sept. 10, 2021

“The unvaccinated can cause a lot of damage and they are”?  The damage from those fake vaccines is killing and maiming people by the tens of thousandsBREAKING NEWS: 80% Of The COVID-19 Deaths In August Were Vaccinated People Confirmed The Public Health Data!  /  COVID Injections: Killing, Permanently Disabling Nurses, Doctors, Teachers / Toronto Doctor Admits VCC Side Effects Are Overrunning Hospitals, NOT CV Patients

“As the doctor says below, hospital admissions should be at their lowest but are not – a lot of admissions are due to the vaccinated. Further, emergency units are not overflowing. He estimates that around 3,000 doctors and nurses are going to quit. (Is this 3,000 for Toronto or the province of Ontario? We don’t know.) He estimates he’ll lose his job within the month.”

The unvaccinated are the problem, Joe? Inflammatory Disorders, Cancer Markers on the Rise, Sept. 4, 2021 – “Dr. Ryan Cole, a Mayo Clinic-trained, triple-boarded pathologist, also said that he’s seeing potential cancer-causing changes, including decreases in receptors that keep cancer in check, and other adverse events post-vaccine:

“I’m seeing countless adverse reactions … it’s really post-vaccine immunodeficiency syndrome … I’m seeing a marked increase in herpetic family viruses, human papilloma viruses in the post-vaccinated. I’m seeing a marked uptick in a laboratory setting from what I see year over year of an increase of usually quiescent diseases.

“In addition to that — and correlation is not causation — but in the last six months I have seen — you know, I read a fair amount of women’s health biopsies — about a 10- to 20-fold increase of uterine cancer compared to what I see on an annual basis. Now we know that the CD8 cells are one of our T-cells to keep our cancers in check.

“I am seeing early signals … what I’m seeing is an early signal in the laboratory setting that post-vaccinated patients are having diseases that we normally don’t see at rates that are already early considerably alarming.” (This, tragically, is just the beginning.)

100+ Ontario Youth Sent to Hospital for Vaccine-Related Heart Problems, Report Shows (mRNA shots)

BOMBSHELL 95% of Israel’s hospitalizations have been vaccinated, Aug. 6, 2021

For God’s sake America, wake up:  Besides Fetal Deaths, Breastfeeding Babies are Dying and becoming Sick following Mothers’ COVID Shots, Sept. 6, 2021.  Big pharma “fact check” pimps in the media can shut the hell up.  Those cases come straight from the VAERS reporting site (1%).

Biden, Fauci, Pelosi, & Newsom All Objected To Mandatory Vaccines, Sept. 10, 2021

“I don’t think you’ll ever see a mandating of vaccine, particularly for the general public,” Fauci said on Tuesday during a town hall. Fauci said everyone has the right to refuse a vaccine. “If someone refuses the vaccine in the general public, then there’s nothing you can do about that. You cannot force someone to take a vaccine,” he said.”

“In April, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said “we cannot require someone to be vaccinated. That’s just not what we can do.”

Oops: Biden Adviser Says Administration Will ‘Run Over’ GOP Governors Who Resist Vaccine Mandates.

Because the resistance against those experimental injections is massive, the shadow government is attempting to get the job done with threats and not just here.  Over in Australia people are essentially locked away, can only travel two miles from their home – with permission – to buy food, don’t talk to your neighbor.  How absurd.

I spoke to a lady over the weekend up in Montana who told me people she’s spoken with in the Philippines:  Starve the unvaccinated.   Can’t leave your house, can’t buy food because you have no money because you can’t get out to work.  They’ve got nothing on the Nazi’s.

She also asked me if I’ve heard of people dying after the injections in my area?  She said every few days now it’s someone she knows or knows of injected with that mRNA technology has died.  My reaction was, my God.  Hers:  It’s starting, isn’t it?

Immediately after puppet Biden made the announcement 19 state Attorney Generals came blustering out of their fog, outraged: ‘We Will Fight Biden to the Gates of Hell to Protect Liberty‘ – GOP Governors Prepare to Sue Biden Admin Over Unconstitutional Vax Mandate.

What hypocrites  – especially our governor, Greg Abbott [R-TX]:  “Biden’s vaccine mandate is an assault on private businesses. I issued an Executive Order protecting Texans’ right to choose whether they get the COVID vaccine & added it to the special session agenda. Texas is already working to halt this power grab.” No he didn’t.

Here’s his EO signed August 25, 2021.  Private sector employers continue firing those who refuse to get one of those injections;big numbers in the health care industry.  Nursing homes, assisted living – they can still kill off your loved one by forcing them to take one of those injections.

“WHEREAS, subsequently, on August 23, 2021, while the legislature was already convened in a special session, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved one of the COVID- 19 vaccines for certain age groups, such that this vaccine is no longer administered under an emergency use authorization for those age groups; and WHEREAS, while this COVID-19 vaccine is now FDA-approved for certain age groups, others are not yet approved and still are administered under an emergency use authorization; and”

I feel absolutely confident Abbott didn’t write that EO.  It likely came from the Attorney General’s office, Ken Paxton.  Those lawyers write up all those legal documents.  Shame on them for misleading Texans.  How about your governor?

Scandal Behind the FDA Fake Approval of Pfizer Jab

“US vaccinologist and a developer of the mRNA technique, Dr Robert Malone, has accused the FDA of playing a “bureaucratic shell game” with their supposed early approval of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine. He cites the two separate FDA letters, “There is a letter for Pfizer and a letter for BioNTech. The New York Times and the Washington Post got it wrong. The authorization is not for Pfizer. The authorization is for BioNTech, and it will only be initiated at the time BioNTech product becomes available…”

“Adding to the bizarre irregularities, in their two separate letters, one to BioNTech and another to Pfizer, the FDA repeatedly deletes the location of the vaccine manufacturing they approve. Why that? Is it in China where BioNTech has a joint agreement with Fosun Pharma of Shanghai to jointly produce and market Comirnaty vaccine for COVID-19? Why do they need to hide that location data from the public? Would it expose the entire fraud?” That column is well worth the time to read.

Abbott’s statement above, “Biden’s vaccine mandate is an assault on private businesses” is accurate, but what about employer’s assault on the rights of employees being threatened with losing their jobs if they refuse to play Russian Roulette with their health?  In his EO Abbott talks about being in special session – there was a bill in the first special session to stop employers from firing employees.  Where were you then, Gov. Abbott?  It died.

Gov. Greg Abbott slams Biden administration over vaccine mandate for employers, Sept. 9, 2021:  “Abbott has encouraged Texans to get vaccinated but insists that they shouldn’t be forced to do so. At the governor’s request, state lawmakers will consider legislation to bar local governments from mandating COVID-19 vaccinations for their residents when they convene later this month for a third special session.”

This could all have been done and over with in the first special session.  While this was a good first step, it doesn’t solve the problem of people losing their jobs:  Gov. Greg Abbott signs bill to punish businesses that require proof of COVID-19 vaccination – “Texas businesses that require customers to be vaccinated against COVID-19 will be denied state contracts and could lose their licenses or operating permits under legislation Gov. Greg Abbott signed into law Monday.

“Texas is open 100%, and we want to make sure you have the freedom to go where you want without limits,” Abbott said before signing the law, in a video he posted Monday on Twitter. “Vaccine passports are now prohibited in the Lone Star State.

Again, Blabbet aka Abbott is only talking about state agencies and local governments. What about McDonald’s or China (Wal) Mart or Home Depot or car dealerships or restaurant owners?  Montana is the only state in the Union which prohibits employers from firing employees because they refuse to be a lab rat for those experimental injections.  Texans:  Our legislature is now in its third special session.  Prohibiting employers from firing employees is NOT on Abbott’s agenda: Governor Abbott Announces Third Special Session Date And Agenda, Sept. 7, 2021.  Redistricting which is based the latest census that includes ILLEGAL ALIENS who vote in our elections.  Stopping mentally ill individuals from participating in sports where the person claims to be a girl but is biologically and forever a male.

Burn up the phones to your state rep and senator:  If a bill is not passed prohibiting employers from firing employees for not getting one of those I WILL vote against you in the primary.  Texans should not lose their paychecks.  We’ve had it with you and Gov. Abbott on this.Do what the State of Montana has done:  No jab you cannot be fired.  Call Abbott’s office and tell him no way will you vote for him in the primary next year if he does not sign into law a bill that prohibits employers firing employees for refusing those injections.  Only massive heat will get the job done.

As I’ve written in my past several columns, this nightmare all across this country has got to stop. Stop COVID Injections: Cut Off the Head, August 16, 2021.  Vaccine manufacturers were given immunity from killing and maiming people decades ago by the bought and paid for whores in Congress.  But, are they protected under EUA?

I wrote about this May 10, 2021:  PCR Lawsuits – Should Hospitals Be Included? One of the links is to this video interview with Dr. David Martin:  Key: Learn Why the 1986 Vaccine Protection Act Does Not Protect Covid-19 Injections(33:40) I watched that interview again over the weekend and highly recommend you find the time to watch it.  At 2:27 into the interview, Dr. Martin says in Moderna’s SEC filings they describe those injections as gene therapy.  Because I had watched that video back in May, I went and found the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) filings and covered them in my Cut Off the Head column cited above:

Pfizer – “Pg 16:  “Currently, mRNA is considered a gene therapy product by the FDA.”

Moderna – “Regulatory requirements governing gene and cell therapy products have evolved and may continue to change in the future, and the implications for mRNA-based therapies are unknown…Currently, mRNA is considered a gene therapy product by the FDA.”

Should this be tested in a court of law?  Yes, just like the PCR tests.  How many Americans were forced into 14-day quarantine because of a PCR test losing two weeks pay?  Not to mention the stress and anxiety of believing you have a killer virus that no one can prove exists.  If Pfizer & Moderna can be sued, it would cut off the head of this beast.

The next interview with Dr. David Martin I covered in my July 19, 2021 column, COVID-19 Patents: State Little RICO Acts Prosecution?I linked to this very important video:  Nothing about the “novel” coronavirus is new: Dr. David Martin with Reiner Fuellmich, July 11, 2021.  Reiner Fuellmich, for those unfamiliar with him, is a consumer rights attorney with impressive wins against huge corporations.  Dr. David Martin’s bio is given at the beginning of the video.

If you scroll down on that video page above, you’ll see the grounds Dr. Martin lists for a RICO regarding patents.  Dr. Martin is one highly intelligent man who should not be underestimated regarding his knowledge in these areas.  He’s been shredded by the prostitute media and “fact checkers” who can’t find their arse with a laser driven drone.  Do watch that interview with Reiner.

So, imagine my surprise when I became aware of ‘The Omega Brief’ last week posted on Texas Right to Know web site; link directly to the brief.

“WHEREFORE, PREMISES CONSIDERED, we pray that the evidence contained in the following documents will result in the State of Texas pursuing criminal charges against all national and international bad actors who premeditated crimes against humanity by instigating the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, which is responsible for loss of millions of lives and devastation to world economies. As evidenced, the coronavirus pandemic is a racketeering, criminal conspiracy managed by Anthony Fauci, Peter Daszak, and Ralph Baric outlined in the Fauci Dossier document.

“On behalf of Texans and the people of the world, we plead for Governor Greg Abbott to immediately command actions necessary to file racketeering charges against all perpetrators, for “Terror to Intimidate or Coerce a Civilian Population” in violation of Section 802 of the USA Patriot Act and the other nine criminal activities outlined in the attached Fauci/COVID-19 Dossier.”

All of them now have that Brief:  Texas State Elected Officials Received Notice of Pandemic Criminal Conspiracy and Racketeering

Abbott can request actions but a state Little RICO Act has to be filed by a state prosecutor.  That 77-pg Omega Brief was send to Texas legislators (I’m assuming that means both the House and Senate), Gov. Abbott, (FAX:  (512) 475-2576); Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, House Speaker Dade Phelan (RINO), Department of Public Safety Capitol office, and August 17, overnight delivery to Attorney General Ken Paxton and the State of Department Health and Human Services (DSHS).  A huge undertaking by Texas Right to Know folks.

Paxton is the one we want to pound on and demand he and his top prosecutors sit down with Dr. David Martin and go through all the evidence and then file the RICO.  That will NOT happen unless we burn up the phone lines.  Faxes if you can find one for the above including your state rep and senator. 

All these lawsuits across the country take time while people are dying or maimed for life.  Too many have been killed by ignorant judges who know nothing about what’s really going on.  We have to, I believe, go after the manufacturers and immunity.  We only need one state to file a little State RICO Act and the dominoes will start falling.

Texans by the tens of thousands burn up those phone lines.  They’re in Austin now in special session; faxing is better if you can find the number.  Look at the success we’ve had killing the communist propaganda known as Critical Race Theory across this country.  Parents have roared and the bullies have back down.  Not everywhere but it’s just a matter of time.

The same goes for school boards and their mask mandates.  When they rule against science, you get out and recall them or make sure they do not get reelected.  SF School Board Recall Supporters Turn in Over 81,000 Signatures, Guaranteeing Recall Election (Not same issue but recalls can be successful. It takes boots on the ground and commitment.)

The school districts in this state flipping off Gov. Abbott’s EO regarding no masks in schools will have consequences for those ignorant, arrogant school district honchos.  Texas AG Paxton suing school districts for defying Gov. Abbott mask mandate executive order

Going back to the Omega Brief.  On page 16 they refer to DARPA.  That is covered in the video interview I cited above with Dr. Martin.  For those unfamiliar with DARPA it stands for Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.  This isn’t a column to go into DARPA but they are not what is sold to an unsuspecting public.  Far from it:  “On June 5, 2008 – which was around the time that DARPA took an active interest in coronavirus as a biological weapon – Ablynx, now part of Sanofi, filed a series of patents targeting what we’ve been told are novel features of SARS-CoV-2.” SARS-CoV-2 aka COVID-19.

Down on pg 17 of that eye opening brief:  “29. PN 68: The script for this was written first January 6, 2004.  (My comment:  Jan. 6th, a day that will go down in infamy.)

  1. PN 70: MERCK. At a conference called SARS and Bioterrorism. Bioterrorism emerging,infectious diseases antimicrobials therapeutics and immune modulators. MERCK introduced,the notion of what they called, “The New Normal”, proper noun.”

The third prong of attack is what I covered in my column, Can the CDC, FDA, Fauci & NAID Be Sued for Fraud?  No need to cover it again here.  Here is a list of law firms that can help but it would be very advantageous if they know what’s going on or you know an attorney who does and can contact them. These firms are fighting mandates, skirmishes.  We want to win the war.

There are thousands and thousands of freedom groups and organizations in this country.  If we can all get focused on going after Pfizer & Moderna, getting one state prosecutor to file a little State RICO Act and if possible, sue the CDC, et all for fraud and (?) malfeasance, wrong doing by people in authority, then we will see even more scrambling.  Networking works.  I’ve had more people contact me the last three weeks than I can count after reading my latest columns.  I am but one, together we will be a force to be reckoned with because we will not back down.  You don’t win a football game by sitting on the sideline.

For months it’s been nothing but a galactic poop show from the CDC and petty dictator mayors, governors, school board honchos and employers who don’t know a damn thing.  None of them know what to do at this point.  Those injections do not work and will never work – except to kill and maim.  Desperation is seeping out of the evil doers like a water fall.  This forced, as brain dead Biden put it “expansive rules mandate” regarding employers:  Stuff it Biden.  We will not comply.  Employers:  Stand up for the truth, your rights and the rights of your valuable employees who keep your business going.

They also know the clock is ticking.  All the scientists I’ve covered and probably more I don’t know about because there are thousands around the globe who’ve been warning for the past nine months about those injections – their time lines are running on schedule.  Tragically.

Prof. Cahill said in January the spike in deaths would come around March &April.  It did and now we’re seeing more which I covered in a past column:  Using Open VAERS the number of adverse events is done by 10 case ID numbers per page.  With 463,456 cases posted, that’s tens of thousands of pages to examine by ID number.  I did 315 pages looking only for the red dot which indicates death.  Just a minuscule sample.

VAERS ID: 1441603.  Injected Jan. 29, 2021.  Died May 6, 2021, 98 days after injection.  75 days from injection to death71 days until deathDifferent ID, 75 days until death.  127 days until death.  Months after getting the injection just as Prof. Cahill, Dr. Tenpenny and others said was going to happen.

Those injected in June, July wait 3-4 weeks until the second shot.  Predictions are major spikes in deaths will start again from October – December.  Right on target according to all those molecular biologists, microbiologists and doctors.  I wish they were all wrong, but I’m afraid “time will tell” is coming to pass.  1/3 of the human race on this planet has been jabbed.

Every bit of negative data is being censored like a million-ton rock on the Internet.  The worse it gets the more attacks will happen targeting doctors and scientists telling the truth.But, Americans who believed the CDC and government officials will start figuring things out when they (if they don’t die) begin to develop neurological problems, serious trouble with liver, kidney, heart, lungs, brain & autoimmune diseases even though there’s no history in their family.  This is not going to end well.  VAERS latest 1% reporting:  Nearing the 20,000 mark for permanently disabled.

It’s not enough to say we won’t comply.  We need to go after the manufacturers of the PCR tests which gave birth to the hysteria and lockdowns.  Go after the pharmaceutical companies outlined in Dr. Martin’s interview linked above which has a long fact sheet.  And, the CDC et al for fraud.

That takes lawyers who specialize in those fields and state Attorney General’s getting the facts.  That Omega Brief is very well done and documented.  I pray this all starts happening.

This is also a must watch video.  Dr. Peter McCullough Destroys the Official COVID Narrative – How interesting.  The link for Dr. McCullough’s bio which was on Baylor’s web site is now dead.  Naughty boy, he believes in his oath of do no harm but we’re talking oodles of money here so it’s time to cancel him.  This one is accurate.

Someone the other day asked me when are these governors, mayors, employers and other politicians going to wake up? When they or family members start suffering massive medical problems from those injections.  Just like the sailors on the Russian submarine in the movie, Hunt for Red October, their arrogance will do them in.

The Hunt for Red October (8/9) Movie CLIP – You’ve Killed Us (1990) HD

(I am retiring my Why A Bankrupt America booklet for good, 1,675,000 copies later.  Have a few copies left so if you would like one (or more), the last date to order is today.)

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions.

© 2021 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:


Do you have the Delta Variant? It’s illegal for you to know – The reason why will shock you

Scanning & Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxide in CoV-19 Vaccines

“Prominent immunologist now regrets voting for Joe Biden – Blasts ‘unscientific, unethical and illegal’ vaccine mandates – “A prominent immunologist whose advice has formed the basis for a Michigan State University employee’s lawsuit against the institution’s vaccine mandate said Friday he now regrets voting for Joe Biden for president.

“Dr. Hooman Noorchashm, a former assistant professor of surgery at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, blasted Biden’s new sweeping vaccine requirements, charging that to “mandate vaccination of any COVID-recovered American against his/her will is unscientific, unethical and illegal!”

South Australia to Exempt Truck Drivers from Covid Vax after Big Rigs Block Highways

NY Hospital Will Stop Delivering Babies as Maternity Workers Resign Over Vaccine Mandate

LA To Require Vaccination For Indoor Spaces, Including Restaurants, Bars, Gyms, Stores

CHD Sues FDA Over Approval of Pfizer Comirnaty Vaccine

Washington County Judge in Arkansas Says they WILL NOT REQUIRE EMPLOYEES TO BE VACCINATED” Pushing Back on Biden Regime

50-state Update on Pending Legislation Pertaining to Employer-mandated Vaccinations

Arizona Attorney General: COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for City Employees Is Unconstitutional

Pennsylvania Lawmakers, Parents Sue Governor Over School Mask Mandate

Kentucky Health Care Workers Refused to Comply With Vaccine Mandate, Forced Hospital to Fire Them (VIDEOS)

He’s a Uniter: Yankees and Mets Fans Join Together to Chant “F**k Joe Biden!” as They Leave Saturday’s Game (VIDEO)

College Football Fans Chant “F*ck Joe Biden!” In Between Plays on 9/11 (VIDEO)

Must read:  It’s happened before: Gov’t launched dangerous mass immunization program during 1976 swine flu ‘pandemic’ – “I can’t believe that they would say that they did not know that there were neurological illnesses associated with influenza vaccination’…In the interview, the 60 Minutes journalist asked Roberts what her reaction would be if she discovered that the CDC and other government officials indeed knew about the risks associated with the vaccines.

“They should’ve told us,” Roberts said.  In October 1976, the swine flu immunization program was halted in nine states after three elderly people died following inoculation, just six months after President Ford signed a bill authorizing the immunization plan. By December, the scheme was stopped nationwide. How many need to die?”

Covid horror as CT scan shows swab test causes man’s brain to LEAK for nine months (Rare until you get a CT scan which millions know nothing about or those nasopharyngeal COVID-19 tests which I covered in a recent column.

No Pity for the Ignorant and Apathetic

By Andrew C. Wallace

Those who don’t want to bother with the truth and refuse to support our Constitutional Republic are by definition ignorant and apathetic. This describes Lenin’s “Useful Idiots”, and all of those really stupid people who think that this faux administration, or any administration, can support the unemployed by increasing taxes and printing worthless fiat money forever. It is a proven economic impossibility. It just can’t be done, period.

In 1971, all Constitutional controls of our currency by gold were removed. The value of our dollar is now only four cents, a 96% decline since 1971. The PSRRC (The Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class) controlling the government then printed fiat (faux) money to finance useless no-win wars (of no vital importance to the United States) for their profits (and stars for flag officers). The resulting inflation impoverished many of our people by transferring wealth to PSRRC and their minions. I could give you details, but that would take time and change nothing.

My career as an economist qualifies me to tell you with absolute certainty that you are being treated like stupid lab rats in all respects. They are promising people a guaranteed income and deceiving them with all kinds of benefits now, benefits that can’t continue, while at the same time stealing from these very same people with the increased prices (and inflation)  it causes. The inflation, of course, makes the PSRRC and their minions even richer at your expense and the destruction of the country. But I promise you, and challenge anyone to prove me wrong, that they will be stopped by well-established and proven economic laws. This is what they want: a total economic collapse resulting in the PSRRC being your absolute Communist dictators. I can further guarantee that under these circumstances it will be impossible to feed and protect the people (which include their most brainwashed Black supporters) in the communist inner city plantations. After burning and looting they will either starve or be killed by their Communist politicians.

Anyone who seeks further proof of our ongoing economic disaster from recognized experts should read the September 5, 2021 articles by Michael Snyder and David Stockman in Lew Rockwell. You would read about major factory shutdowns, encouragement to buy now while you can, GM closing most plants, Ford down 33%, supply chains failing, Christmas in ruins, economy seems to be in reverse…and this is but the beginning of the end.

If you can’t handle the truth stop reading now.

Our founders came to America to escape life in Europe, now our major cities ARE Europe, and the Communists want all of America to be like our major cities. Not going to happen on my watch.  This is why we fight. We are Americans, and our traditional values and ethics and morals and culture define us!

The Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) control  this country with an iron fist, and own most of it. The PSRRC own and control government officials of both parties, CEOs, DOJ, FBI, SCOTUS, Judges, Flag Officers and everyone with power. If they cannot control you through bribery or blackmail, you are not allowed to hold any influential position. These “elite officials” are not our rulers, they are the servants (minions) of the PSRRC. Government officials are supposed to be OUR servants. It is time to correct this upside-down world!

Senior Citizens, called “Useless Eaters” by the Communists, are going to be denied medical care and the proper purchasing power of the Social Security Program they paid into their entire lives. This is being done with malice by inflation and bankrupting the program by extending benefits to anyone who crosses the border (mostly illegally!). Guaranteed medical care for everyone means rationing, and then no one gets care. As an 87-year-old on a fixed income and requiring medical care, I would likely be dead of starvation or lack of medical care…and that is part of their plan.

Everything the PSRRC and their Communist minions want to do is ridiculous, impossible or designed out of malice to destroy our Constitutional Republic. They have Zero Constitutional Authority in our Republic now, and they will never get it. They control through the outright ‘owning’ of all politicians and corporate boards.

I think (from long experience) that it is impossible to inform ignorant and apathetic people of the truth. As a group, they are as dumb as a box of rocks. And they refuse to acknowledge any evidence to the contrary. Let me try one more time. Most of them didn’t take an oath to defend our Constitution, but many of us did, and we will . But I don’t think we will have any desire or obligation to defend lazy, ignorant would-be communist slaves, they just aren’t worth the effort, and deserve what they get.

The truth is there to see. If you are old, you are considered a “useless eater” and will die for lack of medical care and /or starvation.

If you are of working age you will own nothing, the American Dream will be dead. You will have no Constitutionally-protected rights. If you have no skills you will be lucky to work for starvation wages along with all the non-English-speaking illegals with no skills. If you have a skill you will be lucky to get Chinese-level pay, otherwise you work as farm labor. The PSRRC are destroying our country with illegals for cheap labor and votes.

The proceeding happy scenario can only come about if you live through the economic collapse with no food in the stores, no fuel, no government benefits, money is worthless, banks are closed, burning and looting are rampant, and you are in the middle of a civil war. If you can’t defend yourself you will probably be dead. It is impossible to feel any pity for the snowflakes and pus – – -s of either sex, who detest firearms and those who use them for self-defense. These useless, hopeless people will mostly die like sniveling dogs at the hands of Communist thugs.

Don’t you think it would be much better if people learned the truth, and helped take back your country from the parasitic super rich ruling class and their powerful Communist minions, before they kill you, and destroy everything we cherish?

Now do you know your real enemy?

© 2021 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace:

Anybody Forcing the Experimental Covid-19 Vaccine on You is Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity

Dr. Laurie Roth, Ph.,D

Joe Biden, Medical professionals, Governors and Employers listen up

All controlling and evil Tyrants are boringly similar in how they take and keep control.  Hitler taught us so much when he created false flag events then blamed them on the Russians and the Jews.  They were the evil spreading through out Germany, destroying their culture, stealing their jobs, blowing up buildings and corrupting any future Germans would have.

Hitler created the huge problems, controlled the media and fake news, training Germans to submit to and obey him.   America now finds herself in 1938 again as we allow experimental and dangerous jabs (not real and tested vaccines) to maim and kill us, while continuing to wear the forced masks at work, at the store or at church.

When masses of irregulars, Jews and Russians were being put on Trains, separated from their families and sent to death camps, many controlled and naïve Germans believed the family next door they had just turned in were domestic terrorists and had to be sent to a reeducation camp – i.e.  death camp.

Let’s see.  What is being built before our eyes

Fake President Biden is now ordering all Federal workers to take the dangerous, experimental vaccines or else get fired.  He is now talking about taking away the flying rights of the unvaccinated, and my favorite, he is threatening to take away the unvaccinated person’s health care.  He is literally building a barbed wire, electric fence around Americans, vilifying the unvaccinated and pushing the fake pandemic and all its manipulated variants so he and his war crime minions can push the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and then monthly vaccine shot elixir to depopulate and control the masses.

This is not conspiratorial make believe anymore.

Tough Australians whose country was founded by prison inmates are mostly submitting to the forced vaccines out of fear, hoping to keep their jobs and have any kind of carefully doled out freedom.  I lived there and have been back there several times and am dumbfounded that any of them are taking this NAZI control behavior.  Truck drivers are standing up to the tyrannical controls, but where are the rest of the masses?  Its called, rise up.  Its called civil war time, or just take the jab, accept being physically maimed or murdered and live in a cage.

Headlines are showing us that Europe is rising up against these forced and draconian vaccination orders.  Thousands are massing and fighting against the ruination of their lives and freedom.

Now Biden and America

Biden is busy planning and implementing his own depopulation, satanic event by extending his war crimes committed already to even more volume.  Now, all federal workers have a vaccine gun pointed at their head or else, no job.  Many war crime Governors, like my own Governor Jay Inslee have already ordered all the state workers in Washington to get the vaccine or else.  Only last week one of our headlines was that our State Troopers who claimed the religious exemption (health and religious exemption were the only two allowed by Gov. Inslee) were denied and not allowed to take it.  Not surprisingly, when reviewing the details of the alleged religious and health exemptions they were notably written in a complicated, legalize, manner, designed to make it nearly impossible for anyone to comply.

Like so many tyrants, empty and double speak gestures surround them, only used to delay the outcry and rage of the citizens having their Nuremburg rights destroyed along with their Constitutional rights.

The truth is, reviewing real facts, real science, Doctors and whistle blowers, that the Covid 19 virus with its manipulated variants was planned many years ago to be the false flag event to introduce the kill weapon, the experimental vaccines to eliminate hundreds of millions and maybe billions worldwide.

Once the unvaccinated are separated and targeted enough so as to not be able to work most jobs, buy food, travel or maybe even lose their health care, the barbed wire fence will start closing in around them to where they are the domestic terrorists, causing and spreading the killer virus and must be shipped off in a train or bus to a ‘re education’ ‘death camp.’

Whoever is left who sold out, took the jab and turned against the unvaccinated, will walk the streets of what is left of America, only 40% person and 60% Benedict Arnold and coward.  However, they will be 100% slave.

Stand and Fight.  Stop wearing the masks and resist.  Whatever you do or don’t take the dangerous, experimental jabs.  Decide what is more important right now, keeping your job at the price of your own health, freedom and even life, or standing up at a critical time in your country, for the truth, for your rights and for our freedom?

Biden, who will lie to us as he always does, especially so we might ignore his horror show of betrayal and incompetency in Afghanistan. must also keep us from hearing more damning evidence about the stolen election from Trump.

All Bidenas going for him, amidst his drooling, is to create more crises, roll out more orders and hope no one notices the War Crimes midget behind the curtain.  Stand and fight.  Throw your masks off and stand against the forced and dangerous vaccines that are deadly to many and deny your Constitutional and Nuremberg rights.

© 2021 Laurie Roth – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Laurie Roth:

Democrats: Architects of the Destruction of America, Part 2

By Roger Anghis

You may be asking why I am bringing up the facts on the fake planedemic in this article. I am thoroughly convinced that it is a contrived situation to put fear in enough people to be able to convince them to let the government have total control over our lives. This is the goal of the Democrat Party however there are some Republicans that have been pushing toward that goal for decades. One of those republicans is Henry Kissinger. I didn’t like him when he was in the Nixon administration and to me, he has gone full anti-American by supporting the effort to create the New World Order.  He stated: “Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.” He didn’t say that just to inform someone, this has been his goal since at least the 1970s.

What we are seeing, whether you want to believe it or not, is the attempt of the elite to control all we do.  What we do, where we live, what we can drive if we are even allowed to drive, what we can eat and where we can travel if we are even allowed to do that.  America is known for our freedoms but they are being taken away from us at an alarming rate. Consider being tested and finding that you are COVID positive.  I personally doubt any positive test as there have been so many false positives but under federal law, the lab is NOT allowed to tell either the doctor or you which ‘variant’ it might be.[1]

The attacks on our legal rights have gone on steroids. Last summer domestic terrorist antifa and blm looted stores and burned businesses to the ground but the majority of them have had all charges dropped.[2] But the trump supporters are being kept in solitary confinement and there is one, Chris Worrell has had his cancer medication denied him for 166 days![3] Three members of Congress made an attempt to visit these held in solitary confinement but were locked out of the building by the DOJ.[4] This occurred at the end of July and the Republicans have yet to do anything about it.  They should have returned to the DOJ within hours with troops if necessary ready to bust the doors down and arrest everyone involved with the locking down the DOJ. We can not allow this type of treatment of American citizens especially when the FBI has stated that Trump supporters did not work in a coordinated effort to take the government down. The FBI has found little evidence at this point to suggest that the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol was largely coordinated by supporters of former President Trump or right-wing groups, according to a Reuters report.

“Ninety to ninety-five percent of these are one-off cases,” a former senior law enforcement official told Reuters. “Then you have five percent, maybe, of these militia groups that were more closely organized. But there was no grand scheme with Roger Stone and Alex Jones and all of these people to storm the Capitol and take hostages.”

The wire service, which spoke with four current and former law enforcement officials, reported that investigators for the FBI noted that those involved in the far-right groups such as the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers were intent on entering the Capitol.

However, the officials who spoke with Reuters said that no coordinated plans appeared to be established regarding what they would do once they broke in.[5]

This is only one of our rights that have been attacked. The government’s demand that all Americans be vaccinated is a violation of our rights. Some say that they are legal but you can’t have a pandemic when the survival rate is 99.998%. We’ve had flu shots for decades yet, in my lifetime one has never been mandated even the H1N1 during the Obama administration which affected multiple millions more and had a mortality rate at a much higher rate. What we are seeing is a planned scare that is actually more of a planned panic perpetrated by MSM and the NIH run by Anthony Fauci and supported completely by the Democrat Party.

Democrats have had little regard for our Constitution. Obama didn’t like it because it kept him from doing a lot that he wanted to do. Biden seems to be ignoring it completely.  The candidate that is running for governor of Virginia again, Terry McAuliffe wants to implement COVI mandates that will make life difficult for Virginia citizens: Terry McAuliffe says he wants to “make life difficult” for Virginians who don’t comply with his COVID vaccine mandate. He wants to make it impossible for them to fly in planes, go to movies without the vaccine.[6]

In the state of Washington, they’ve gone full-blown communist: A 15-yr-old Eatonville girl was forced to give up her right to privacy as a condition to play volleyball on her high school’s team.  Without approval from her parents, the young girl has been wearing a tracking device on her ankle that allows the school to track her every movement. She agreed to wear the ankle bracelet that sends out an alarm when she violates social distancing rules because she wanted to play volleyball for her school.

The TraceTag tracking device used by the school was made by a company called Triax.

According to their website, an alarm will notify the user if they violate social distancing rules.

The main device of Proximity Trace, the TraceTag™, is affixed to any hardhat or worn on the body for proximity detection and contact tracing. Together we can keep people safer by maintaining social distances in the workplace and help support organizations’ strategies for getting back to work.[7] Keep in mind that this is for a virus that hardly affects young people and has a survival rate of 99.998%.

There are some companies that require all their customers to be fully vaccinated to do business with them Biden is pushing that mandate now that there is an FDA approved so-called vaccine. A beloved great grandmother tragically died of Covid after taking a Carnival cruise to Belize earlier this month.

77-year-old Marilyn Tackett, a retired Sunday school teacher from Oklahoma, boarded a Carnival cruise ship on July 31 out of Galveston, Texas.

On August 4th, Tackett, who was fully vaccinated for Covid, began to have breathing problems and decided to stay on the ship as her family disembarked and toured Belize.

The ship’s medical team tested Tackett for Covid and it came back positive.[8] I would almost believe that she was infected by the jab. It has even been reported that the jab makes it easier to get COVID and it takes a bigger toll on those that get it.

These are rights and freedoms that Americans hold dear but Democrats don’t believe that we have a right to. We must wake up and take a stand if we are going to keep America free.

© 2021 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Federal-regulations prohibit patients even doctors knowing variant covid-19
  2. Portland protest cases dismissed feds
  3. Jan 6 political prisoner Chris Worrell calls Greg Kelly’s show jail guards not given access to cancer drugs
  4. GOP reps Gaetz, Green and Gohmert turned away from jail to visit
  5. FBI finds scant evidence Jan 6 attack was coordinated
  6. Terry McAuliffe says he wants to make life difficult for Virginians who don’t comply with his covid vaccine mandate
  7. High school girl forced to wear ankle bracelet to track social distancing
  8. Fully vaccinated woman dies covid taking carnival cruise belize 27 people total tested positive covid aboard ship

9/11 and American Exceptionalism

by Servando Gonzalez

In the case of the 9/11 events, the evidence shows that, first, never before or after 9/11/2001, has a skyscraper with a steel structure collapsed due to a fire. Secondly, never before or after 9/11/2001, a skyscraper has collapsed on its own footprint except as the result of controlled demolition. This is why companies who do controlled demolition are paid large amounts of money to do their job.

If buildings, particularly buildings with a steel structure, could usually fall on their own footprint when demolished, these companies would be superfluous — but they are not. But CFR agents in the U.S. Government want us to believe that, exceptionally, on September 11 2001, not one, or two, but three skyscrapers with steel structure collapsed on their own footprint as the result of fires. Therefore, extrapolating from other verifiable information, any serious intelligence analyst would conclude that the accuracy of the information itself provided by the CFR agents in the U.S. Government could be fairly qualified as improbable.

Consequently, an intelligence appraisal of the 9/11 events will produce something like this: source not usually reliable, accuracy of the information improbable. For the same reasons, based on the evaluation of the information about the 9/11 events provided by the CFR agents in the U.S. Government, any intelligence service in the world can easily decode it as a sloppy, disingenuous attempt to pass disinformation disguised as true intelligence.

The fact that the 9/11 events served as a God-given pretext to carry out policies decided way in advance is a true index that perhaps it actually was not a God-given but a CFR-given one. As some conspirators’ agents have shamelessly declared, never let a good crisis go to waste —particularly an artificially-created crisis.

Moreover, in the case of the 9/11 events, the evidence shows that never before, nor 20 years after 9/11/2001, a skyscraper with a steel-framed structure has collapsed due to a fire, however severe.

Examples abound:

July 28, 1945: A B-25 bomber crashed against the Empire State Building in Manhattan, destroying most of the 79th floor. Flames consumed most of three floors down to the 75th. But the building, the tallest New York skyscraper at the time, did not collapse.

August 5, 1970: 1 New York Plaza, a 50-story office tower, suffered a severe fire and explosion. But it didn’t collapse.

May 4, 1988: The First Interstate Bank Building is a 62-story skyscraper in Los Angeles that suffered the worst high-rise fire in the city’s history. But the building didn’t collapse.

February 23, 1991: One Meridian Plaza, a 38-floor skyscraper in Philadelphia, suffered a severe fire. Philadelphia officials later described it as “the most significant fire in this century.” But the building did not collapse.

October 17, 2004: The tallest skyscraper in Caracas, Venezuela experienced a severe fire. The building did not collapse.

February 12, 2005: A violent fire started in the Windsor building in Madrid, Spain, a 32-story tower. At its peak, the fire, which burned for almost a day, completely engulfed the upper ten stories of the building. During the night the building shredded large pieces, which crashed to the ground, but the building did not collapse.

February 9, 2009: a fire destroyed the nearly completed structure of the Beijing Mandarin Oriental Hotel. But, despite the fact that the fire extended across all of the floors for a period of time and burned out of control for hours, no large portion of the 520-foot-tall building collapsed.

November, 2010: An apartment building in Shanghai caught fire and 53 people died. It burned for more than four hours. The building did not collapse.

April 2, 2112: A violent fire engulfed the still under construction Russian Federation tower, the tallest- to-be building in Moscow. After many hours, the firefighters extinguished it. The building did not collapse.

April 3, 2013: A 40-story skyscraper in Grozny, Chechnya caught fire. Flames engulfed the building for many hours, but it didn’t collapse.

February 20, 2015: A fire ripped through the 86-floor Torch tower in Dubai — one of the tallest residential buildings in the world. The building did not collapse.

July 30, 2017: The Grenfell Tower, a 47-floor skyscraper in London caught fire. The fire burned for 12 hours, about four times longer than the WTC towers and was totally destroyed, but the building didn’t collapse.

Also, on September 11, 2001, United Airlines Flight 93, one of the allegedly highjacked planes, crashed into an open field in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, killing all passengers and crew members. According to the official information, the crash was so violent that everything was pulverized into a thin dust. Not a single part of the plane was found. Even the plane’s engines, which had some titanium parts, were not found. This is something exceptionally unique in the history of aviation.

Moreover, it tells much about who really is in power in America, the fact that, adding insult to outrage, the conspirators ordered their puppet George W. Bush to appoint Henry Kissinger as head of the commission to investigate the 9/11 events. On the other hand, however, perhaps Kissinger was the right choice for the job. The whitewash to cover one of the greatest criminal actions committed by the CFR conspirators against the American people undoubtedly required the help of one of the conspirators’ greatest criminal minds.

All the initial information the American people received about the 9/11 events came from a single source: the American government. With the single exception of Congresswoman Cynthia MacKinney, who since the very beginning questioned the U.S. Government’s version of the events, nobody in the two branches of the Repucratic Party questioned it. The American mainstream media as a whole accepted the Government’s version of the events and became an obedient mouthpiece parroting it over and over ad nauseam. Actually, the only dissenting source of information about 9/11 has been the Internet and books published by minor independent presses.

Most patriotic Americans believe in America’s exceptionalism, which I think is a great thing. For many years, the freedom Americans enjoyed was something truly exceptional. Nevertheless, I don’t think that the exceptional 9/11 events are something to be proud of.

Servando Gonzalez newest book Coronavirus for Dunces is available at bookstores online.

© 2021 Servando Gonzales – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Servando Gonzales:

A Question of Allegiance

By Michael Peroutka

The disorganized departure of American troops from Afghanistan was difficult to watch and even more difficult for patriotic Americans to contemplate.

On the one hand, Joe Biden is congratulating himself for an “extraordinary success,” despite the fact that his policies resulted in the death of 13 American soldiers, the abandonment of Americans behind enemy lines, and the loss of 85 billion dollars in military equipment.

On the other hand, conservative pundits are denouncing the withdrawal as an historically humiliating defeat – an immense failure by an incompetent administration and a mentally deficient commander-in-chief.

In my view, this public debate over the incompetence of the Biden administration is yet another smokescreen designed to disguise what just happened.

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And what just happened was the largest surrender of the military weapons and machinery in the history of mankind.  And at the same time, the airlift of more than one hundred thousand of America’s enemies inside her borders.

This is nothing less than the intentional destruction of our defense capacity, the murder of American troops by their own commander in chief, and the deployment of the enemy behind our lines.

Did this happen because our leaders are incompetent?

Or did it happen because our leaders are our enemy?

There is no question that Joe Biden is incompetent.

But, under the guise of Biden’s stupidity is the very real evidence of his treason – and that of many others.

This is not a question of competence.

This is a question of allegiance.

Sign up for a FREE U.S. Constitution course with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution.

© 2021 Michael Peroutka – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Michael Peroutka:

A 9/11 Every Two Days

By Cliff Kincaid

China Joe berates people for not taking the Trump Warp Speed vaccines but he won’t give Trump credit for them. China Joe has made the American people into the enemy.

The virus is the enemy. By ignoring this fact, China Joe demonstrates his allegiance to China.Interestingly, after he berated the American people, he called Chinese dictator xi for advice on how to proceed. According to reports, he pleaded for a “climate cooperation” deal with China. This followed U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry’s “virtual meeting” with various Communist Chinese officials to “address the climate crisis.”

Climate crisis? What about China’s mass murder campaign using the  virus?

The publication Axios calls the deaths from the virus a 9/11 every two days, and they’re right. Three thousand Americans are dying every two days from the China virus. Nearly three thousand died on 9/11 because of Islamic terrorism.

In total, more than 650,000 have died from the China virus.

Tina Reed of Axios writes that “Many Americans not directly involved in patient care are paying little attention to, or are even trying to ignore, the ongoing pandemic.”

Sadly, she’s right, except for the fact that she doesn’t hold China responsible for the mass murder.

What’s more, too many people on the conservative side are more upset about the vaccines than the virus. This is nuts. But this is why China Joe gave his Thursday speech. He’s betting the Republicans will overreact.

It’s entirely proper to accuse Biden of behaving in an unconstitutional manner. He should be sued. He is acting like a dictator.

But consider this message, one of many I have received, from a right-wing religious zealot and lunatic: “…either you never read any of the irrefutable facts about the Dangers and horrors of this fake bio weapon falsely called a vaccine or you’ve been bought off by the Demoncratic party i.e George Soros and company or your conscience is seared by a hot iron and you are sadly a Reprobate!”

After years of exposing Soros and his allies, I am now supposed to be his ally because I support the Trump vaccines. I am now in league with the “demons” in the “Demoncratic party.” These people are the equivalent of those who insist that 9/11 was an inside job and that Dick Cheney engineered the bombing of the World Trade Center.

I took the vaccine and its has protected me. That’s a fact. If you disagree, don’t take it.

What most people on both sides are failing to do is hold China and its apologists responsible for the carnage and suffering caused by the virus. Most of our media have the same blind spot, which is fatal. We have to recognize the enemy.

Keep in mind that, until Biden’s Thursday speech, most people could still reject the vaccine and take their chances with the virus. Biden’s orders will be tied up in the courts anyway. It’s all political on his part. If people want to avoid the vaccines, they will probably be able to do so. Good luck and God Speed.

But Biden is betting that the Republicans and their voters will look crazy in opposing the vaccines. He may be right.

Those behind China Joe are betting that the fear of the virus will “trump” fear of the vaccine. Ironically, Joe is using the Trump Warp Speed vaccines to back Republicans into a corner, painting them as obstructionists. It is a clever partisan ploy that also has the advantage of distracting public attention from the establishment of a terrorist narco-state in Afghanistan.

The publication Axios reports a Biden official as saying that Biden is “uniting” the 75 percent in favor of the vaccines and vaccine mandates against the 25 percent in opposition. If these numbers hold up, the Democrats will have a winning issue to use against the Republicans.

True to form, the Republicans are acting like the Stupid Party and some are promising civil disobedience against Biden’s pro-vaccine policies. J.D. Vance, a candidate for the GOP U.S. Senate nomination in Ohio, has urged “mass civil disobedience” to Biden’s plan. This is utter stupidity on Vance’s part. Such talk plays into Biden’s hands.

The Fox News headline, “Republicans explode with fury over Biden vaccine mandate,” illustrates the problem for the GOP. They will huff and puff and makes themselves look like lunatics.

What the conservatives should be doing is taking the fight to China.

After he gave his Thursday speech on vaccines, China Joe called Xi to plead for a deal on “climate cooperation.” Joe is desperate for something, anything, he can claim as a foreign policy victory, even if it does have the effect of making China stronger in the long run.

“Top Chinese officials have snubbed and lectured top Biden aides, and Beijing has used Biden’s botched withdrawal from Afghanistan as a propaganda coup,” Axios reports.

You know Biden is in trouble when even Axios is reporting the truth about the U.S. Administration’s descent into despair.

Biden is a desperate politician who is counting on the bad behavior of the anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers to make him look good.

Republicans should not consider China Joe to be the enemy. He is only a puppet. China is the enemy. And so is the China virus.

Remember all of this as the 26th Conference of the Parties (COP26) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is being held October 31 to November 12, 2021, in Glasgow, United Kingdom. This will be another attempt to change the subject and get the attention off China for conducting a 9/11 every two days on American soil.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

For Those of You Throwing Off this “Plandemic” As a Mere Conspiracy Theory

by Bradlee Dean

CONSPIRACY, noun [Latin See Conspire.] 1. A combination of men for an evil purpose; an agreement between two or more persons, to commit some crime in concert; (Jeremiah 11:9)

The National File reported: COVID Quarantine Camps: Inside The CDC’s Plan To Intern People For The Greater Good.


In the document released last year, titled “Interim Operational Considerations for Implementing the Shielding Approach to Prevent COVID-19 Infections in Humanitarian Settings“, the CDC offers an operational procedure for “humanitarian settings” in which putting people in camps to prevent the spread of COVID-19 may prove necessary. The document appears to contain procedures meant for use outside of the United States.

The CDC explains that “This approach has never been documented and has raised questions and concerns among humanitarian partners” but nevertheless explains that “The purpose of this document is to highlight potential implementation challenges of the shielding approach” from the perspective of the CDC.

The document explains that “The shielding approach aims to reduce the number of severe COVID-19 cases by limiting contact between individuals at higher risk of developing the disease,” and these “high-risk” people “would be temporarily relocated to safe or ‘green zones’” that can be established at the “household, neighborhood, camp/sector or community” level depending on the need. “They would have minimal contact with family members and other low-risk residents,” the document explains.

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Conclusion: What is this all about? You tell me (Deuteronomy 28:63).

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© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

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Land of the Masked, Vaxxed and Terminally Scared

By Lex Greene

It was April 1, 2020, appropriately April FOOL’S Day, when Dr. Fauci and his cast of global Marxist mad scientists warned the world that “if we don’t lock down, put on a mask, social distance and self-quarantine, more than 2-million Americans will die by April fifteenth.” That’s the day they told the world that if we would just follow Simon says for 14 days, we would “flatten the curve and all would be back to normal.”

Today is September 8, 2021, and according to these same “experts,” we are in worse condition now than ever before. They were lying then, and they are lying now!

Here are some DATA FACTS we all can agree on, because they are all well documented and totally indisputable…

  1. Fauci and his commie clan were wrong last April and every day since.
  2. Mask Manufacturers have been proven right. Their masks can’t prevent the spread of any virus.
  3. No one has yet made a true “vaccine” for COVID or any other coronavirus. Instead, mRNA gene sequencing experiments are being injected into millions of human lab rats all over the globe.
  4. None of the so-called “vaccines” prevent getting COVID, spreading COVID, getting sick from COVID or dying of COVID.
  5. Within 15 minutes in any enclosed area, everyone in that area is breathing the same air, mask, or no mask.
  6. Quarantining healthy people does nothing for the sick people…but does do harm to the healthy people.
  7. If your mask or vaccine actually worked, you are the only one who would need them, to protect yourself. Yours, actually protects no one else.
  8. Breathing your own carbon dioxide for eight or more hours a day is far more dangerous to your health than any known virus on earth.
  9. Nothing we are told by government and their controlled mass media machine is true today, nothing.
  10. Millions refusing lab rat status are leaving their jobs, in the Military, in the medical profession, in transport, supply chains, retail and every form of employment, in numbers never before seen.

The REAL experts are on the front lines! (CRITICAL VIDEO)…and they are being fired for doing their jobs correctly! Not only are these honorable brave medical professionals refusing to be lab rats themselves, they are refusing to make lab rats out of you too!

These DATA FACTS are well-documented, but not very well known. That’s because the news media and social media platforms are prohibited from telling you these DATA FACTS.

Fear is a terrible thing. It causes people to lose all common sense and react in fear, all real science and data facts totally ignored and even rejected. If you are moving with the herd, you are likely moving in the wrong direction today.

Let me ask you this…

Who ran our country to more than thirty-trillion in debt? Wasn’t that the “economic experts” who did that?

Who destroyed our Constitutional Republic, our Constitution, Bill of Rights, and our legitimate Constitutional Justice system? Wasn’t that the “legal experts?”

Who is currently destroying our medical profession by firing thousands of doctors and nurses smart enough to decline mRNA lab rat status? Isn’t that the “medical experts?”

In other words, has anyone on earth done more damage on the planet than the so-called “experts?”

How many times have Dr. Fauci, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, every news network, every social media platform been caught red-handed in blatant lies? Yet, most Americans are still blindly stumbling along behind them, like German Jews marching into Hitler’s ovens. It makes a great case for “chem trails” since I have no clue what else could have created so much ignorance in average Americans.

But the REAL virus killing America is FEAR.

The USA was born FREE by a bunch of junkyard dogs we call our Founders. These people left unbridled tyranny in other parts of the world, and they were determined to create a free, sovereign nation for all who desire individual liberty, peace, justice, and tranquility, free from any tyranny. They committed every ounce of everything they had, to just this one common goal.

Just 247-years later, America is a nation of bumbling fools, more scared of a common cold than a total loss of their freedom and liberty. We are rightfully, the laughingstock of the world today…

We are not currently the “land of the free,” simply because we are no longer “the home of the brave.”

Instead, we are a nation of scared, cowardly, blind sheep, stumbling our way towards the cliff, in lockstep behind proven liars and mad scientists. We are not currently a Constitutional Republic or even a democracy today, instead ruled by unelected dictators with no Constitutional authority whatsoever.

But it doesn’t matter that NO ONE has any legal Right or authority whatsoever, to inject you with anything against your will. If you believe they do, then they do! If you believe they can force their will upon you, then they can!

They didn’t beat you down…you surrendered without a fight!

Our government only has the power and authority we allow it to have. As of today, Americans have not enforced any of the restraints on government codified in our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Most Americans don’t even know what they are anymore, shamefully!

Now let me tell you why that is…

Contrary to poor teaching at the pulpits today, money is NOT the root of all evil. Money can be used for good or evil. Today’s politically correct Christians need to stop worrying about angry tweets and start worrying about the assault on all Christians, all freedoms, coming from a tyrannical government in DC. They must stop waiting for God to save them and start fighting for God!

THE LOVE OF MONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL… which means, if you place money (your things) ahead of everything else in life, your freedom and liberty, your family, your loved ones, your own soul and salvation, and the freedom for all future generations…then you love money more than you love anything else and THAT, is the root of all evil.

Today’s billionaires all sold their souls to get there, with rare if any exceptions. That’s why we see most of them on the wrong side of this battle for freedom today.

But many Americans will sell out this country for a lot less, a weekly paycheck, a big screen TV, a family vacation, your prepper dens, a pack of smokes or even a few beers. THAT is why we are no longer the home of the brave. We are the home of the self-indulgent, the terminally entitled.

If this doesn’t change immediately, Americans will soon lose everything. If they can’t put the right things first, stand together and fight this tyranny together, the end draws near, and no one will survive.

The storm isn’t coming, it’s here right now. If you think you can protect your things while losing your country, your freedom and liberty, even your Right to refuse lab rat status, you are wrong. People determined to hold complete dominion over every aspect of your life will not stop, unless we stop them.

What is it going to take to shake Americans back into acting like the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave? I thought it would have happened long before now, but I was wrong.

Stop making excuses…the future of freedom and liberty is in our hands. If we lose it all, it will be our fault.

Cowards and idiots will never live in freedom… The clock is ticking down to zero. What are YOU going to do?

“Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.” —Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lex Greene:

9/11: The Unspeakable Film Premiere

By: Devvy

Tomorrow marks 20 years since the day that shocked the world.  It’s also the 20th year families of those slaughtered are still fighting for the truth to be exposed.  So many more have died since that day who were there giving their all to help save other lives.As of September 2020, the number of deaths will stun most Americans.

Cancer: A lasting legacy of the Sept. 11 attacks, Sept. 8, 2020:  “More than 2,750 Americans died in and around the World Trade Center on 9/11, and more than 2,000 responders and Ground Zero workers have died since from illnesses many attributed to their time at the site.

“While stopping short of calling the cancer outbreak among 9/11 workers an “epidemic,” researchers at Mount Sinai’s Icahn School of Medicine concluded that there’s “evidence of increased risk for certain cancers among WTC-exposed responders.”

“Mount Sinai studied 28,729 police officers and recovery workers from the 9/11 site. Firefighters were separated into a different research group. Similar to some other studies, and compared to the general population, the Mount Sinai research found that 9/11 police officers and recovery workers studied were:” I recommend reading the entire article.

Of course, not mentioned what else was found in the debris:  military grade nano-Thermite.

Over the years the official narrative has remained the same.  The prostitute media ridiculed, mocked, excoriated and attacked any expert regardless of how experienced in their field as conspiracy nuts.  No challenge to the official story was to be allowed – and still isn’t.  The same Soviet-style propaganda that’s kept the monstrous lies about COVID-19 alive for the past 18 months.

Just like OKC, the first on-site cover agein real time that day were accurate.  My good friend, Jerry Longspaugh, God rest his soul, sent me a film, Cover-Up in OKC, shortly after the building was blown up in 1995.  The lies sold remains “truth” today while the guilty not only walk free, those who covered up the truth (FBI) and other alphabet soup agencies, not only kept their jobs, some were promoted.

One hundred sixty-eight Americans died that day.  I went to OKC and did my own on-site investigation less than a month after the bombing.  My dear friend who passed away Dec. 20, 2019, retired USAF Brigadier General Ben Partin, did his expert analysis.  In June 1998, to raise money for our Wallace Institute (Larry Becraft and I started), I put on a fund raiser in Santa Clara, California.  It was a huge success.  Ben spoke about OKC.  The video is here.

Proof of Bombs and Coverup, July 20, 1998, The New American:  “The earliest and most compelling challenge to the lone bomb/lone bomber theory came from Brigadier General Benton K. Partin (USAF, Retired), an expert with sterling credentials and a distinguished military career. On May 18, 1995, one month after the bombing, General Partin delivered a preliminary detailed analysis of the event to members of Congress.

“From all the evidence I have seen in the published material,” Partin testified,” I can say with a high level of confidence that the damage pattern on the reinforced concrete superstructure could not possibly have been attained from the single truck bomb without supplementing demolition charges at some of the reinforced column bases.”

“In that report (See “OKC Bombing: Expert Analysis” in our June 26, 1995 issue), and in the detailed study which he released on July 13, 1995 (see “Explosive Evidence” in our August 7, 1995 issue), Partin eviscerated the prosecution’s lone-bomb thesis with a host of findings from the forensic evidence indicating that demolition charges were certainly used inside the Murrah Building.

“Since that time, a veritable mountain of evidence, documents, records, eyewitness testimony, and authoritative support has accumulated to fortify General Partin’s thesis, making the stubborn adherence of government officials and journalists to the lone-bomb scenario truly incredible.”

OKC:  What Really Destroyed the Building?,  January 18, 2004, “According to the OIG (Office of Inspector General) report, the FBI lab boys have no idea if ANFO was used as “weapons of mass destruction in the Murrah bombing.” Here is just a tiny sample of “evidence” used to send someone to death row:

In Section B: Oklahoma City bombing:

“We conclude that it was inappropriate for Williams to render a categorical opinion in his report that the main charge was ANFO. As discussed with reference to the World Trade Center case, it is inappropriate for a forensic Laboratory examiner to identify the main charge based in whole or in part on prior knowledge of the explosive components purchased by a defendant. Such an identification is not based on scientific or technical grounds and appears to tailor the opinion to evidence associated with the defendants.

“Moreover, Williams’ report does not mention that the defendant’s purchases were the basis of the ANFO opinion. The report is presented as an FBI Laboratory report. It begins with the phrase, Results of examination: The reader is left with the impression that the opinions presented are based on the scientific analyses of the FBI Laboratory.

“Accordingly, Williams’ opinion that the main charge was ANFO appears to be based solely on his technical expertise as an explosives examiner and thus appears to be very incriminating to someone (like defendant Nichols) who allegedly purchased ANFO components before the Oklahoma City explosion. The opinion is thus misleading and presents the case in a way most incriminating to the defendants. Had Williams explicitly stated in his report that the ANFO opinion was based on the defendant’s purchases, the opinion could have been appropriately discounted as a non-expert conclusion that seeks to match the characteristics of the explosion with evidence associated with the defendants.

“As indicated, Williams told us that the crime scene was consistent with the use of an ammonium nitrate dynamite, which could have had a VOD in the range Williams estimated. The major components of ammonium nitrate dynamite (ammonium nitrate and nitroglycerin) were found at the crime scene. A dynamite wrapper was also found. Williams’ report, however, fails to address the possibility that the main charge consisted of dynamite, which an objective report would explicitly have discussed.

“We conclude that Williams’ categorical conclusion that the main charge was ANFO was not scientifically justified and was based on improper grounds.

“And, In Section G of the same OIG report:” Rest at link.

That building was blown from the INSIDE, not from the Ryder truck parked out front.

Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth have been on a journey of extraordinary challenges for close to two decades.  Buffoons in the prostitute media, cowards in Congress and government alphabet soup agencies have painted them as liars, conspiracy wackos.  The usual menu of labels.

There’s NO question Building 7 was brought down by a controlled demotion.  When my late husband and I watched that building pancake down later in the afternoon, the first thing John said:  controlled demolition.  He was a retired U.S. Army Colonel, 27 years, Army Corps of Engineers.  It would have been impossible to set charges and all the other components that goes into bringing down a big building like that in a few hours.  No, it was planned ahead of time.

Architects  & Engineers for 9/11 Truth have been on a journey of extraordinary challenges for close to two decades.  Legal updates: The Latest on 9/11 Legal ActionsHundreds of activists send Building 7 film to congressional reps9/11 families sue NIST over World Trade Center Building 7 report

Liars for hire in the prostitute media, cowards in Congress and government alphabet soup agencies have also given the same menu of labels to Pilots for 9/11 Truth.  I highly recommend you visit their site, too.  They’re also seeking to get a grand jury.

Today Architects & Engineers for 9/11 have provided a short preview of their new movie,  The Unspeakable.  8:00 PM EST, Sept. 10, 2021.  Help Share this Film Widely on the 20th Anniversary.

Every American – except the America haters who reside in this country – were profoundly affected by what happened that day.  The families have been trying for nearly two decades to get the truth but have hit stone wall after stone wall.  If there’s nothing to hide, why fight to keep the truth from coming out?

TWA flight 800, OKC Bombing, the stolen November 2020 election, COVID pandemic, 9/11.  The Patriot Act and every other draconian “law” that grew out of 9/11.  The push was on to kill our freedoms and erect a police state in this country.  It now all but a fait accompli thanks to the COVID-19 manufactured pandemic.

What if your mom, dad, sister, brother, aunt, uncle, husband, wife, your precious child died that day either in the twin towers, Shanksville, PA., or at the Pentagon? Wouldn’t you fight for the truth when there’s so much evidence being ignored?

I firmly believe Flight 77 did not crash into the Pentagon.  In the past 30 years, the three issues I’ve written a million words about after spending a zillion hours doing research are the Federal Reserve, 9/11 and COVID-19.

Where did Flight 77 go?  Only one place and if I had Donald Trump’s money, I would have funded, how shall I put it? a recovery effort a long time ago.Watch the video below on nano-Thermite.  Let that sink in.

I’ve seen every photo ever posted of the Pentagon that day.  Here’s a montage of them.  Several show little pieces of alleged plane parts.  Where did they come from because if you watch the video below in real time, you’ll be asking yourself that question.

The pain for the families is forever.  No words I write or anyone else can alleviate that but what we do owe those who died that day, the families and all the heroes who’ve died since is the truth.  Those who planned that day (no, not dim wit Bush, Jr) still walk free.  Yes, it is a conspiracy.

This video is just under 20 minutes and is a MUST watch.Evidence of Military Grade Nano-Thermite discovered in Ground Zero & all of Downtown in “9/11 Dust”.

(I am retiring my Why A Bankrupt America booklet for good, 1,675,000 copies later.  Have about 200 left so if you would like one (or more), the last date to order will be Sept. 13, 2021.)

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions.

© 2021 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:


This is the main page for my 9/11 archives.  A massive amount of information.  The one I consider to be terribly important covers my trip to Shanksville, PA four years after 9/11.  I believe you will find it shocking.  Asking Questions at the Flight 93 Crash Site

The Oklahoma City Bombing Case Revelations copyright 2007 By Patrick B. Briley

McVeigh’s Second Trial by Devvy – That is a multi-part series I did after McVeigh’s execution.  The government from Clinton, Janet Reno on down lied to the American people; those lies are still considered truth.

9/11:  Never Forget the Lies Fed to the American People, Sept. 11, 2016

Videos, 9/11 Pilots for Truth

9/11 INTERCEPTED – Brought to you by Pilots For 9/11 Truth – nearly 2.5 million views

Pilots for 9/11 Truth: Airplane controllability

Pilots for 9-11 Truth – World Trade Center Attack

Questions Still Linger Regarding 9/11

By Dennis Cuddy, Ph.D.

Periodically, noted WASHINGTON POST columnist William Raspberry would write articles based on interviews with me regarding a wide range of subjects, and in his September 9, 2002 POST column, he wrote regarding my book, SEPTEMBER 11 PRIOR KNOWLEDGE, “Cuddy’s point is that we had sufficient prior knowledge to have prevented 9/11.” In the summer of 2001, the federal government knew something big was in the works. The terrorists’ Project Bojinka (hijacking airliners and crashing them into high value American targets) was even mentioned on the Northwest Airlines flight attendants website. This is one reason President George W. Bush on August 6 received a presidential memorandum indicating Osama bin Laden was determined to strike inside the U.S. At that point, President Bush could have convened a meeting of his national security personnel to develop contingency plans for various scenarios (e.g. sarin gas or truck bomb attack). New York City’s Twin Towers would be a likely target since terrorists had already tried to destroy them in 1993, and in the event of an air attack, the preventive solution was simple. Just have an Apache Longbow helicopter with its 30mm chain guns, rockets and missile on standby alert at one of the city’s several forts. When the terrorists turned off the planes’ transponders the morning of 9/11, the Apache could have been quickly beside the towers.

When I called NBC’s Andrea Mitchell and told her how 9/11 could have been easily prevented, she exclaimed: “Oh my, thank you for calling, thank you!” Former chief investigative counsel for the U.S. House Judiciary Committee David Schippers wrote, “I intend to make it (SEPTEMBER 11 PRIOR KNOWLEDGE) required reading for my children and grandchildren.” In that volume as well as my subsequent book, COVER-UP, I pose questions that still linger 20 years after the terrorist attack of 9/11. While Congress has been reluctant to open new comprehensive hearings regarding the attack, hopefully the Senate or House will at least conduct hearings regarding the 12 questions below.

1) Why were 24 members of Osama bin Laden’s family secretly removed from the U.S. under FBI guard after the 9/11 attacks and flown back to Saudi Arabia (“How FBI helped bin Laden family flee U.S.,” LONDON TIMES, October 1, 2001)? And remember in the global satellite relay system known as Iridium, the one in the Middle East is owned by the Saudi bin Laden Group!

2) Has anyone interviewed all the children who brought cameras to school that day (to take pictures of the event) to find out how they knew something was going to happen? A boy at New Utrecht High School in Brooklyn on September 6, 2001 said, “Do you see those two buildings (World Trade Center, WTC)? They won’t be standing there next week.”

3) Has anyone pursued the question of how two almost pristine passports of the hijackers in New York and Pennsylvania survived when nearly everything else from the planes was incinerated or vaporized?

4) Has anyone filed a Freedom of Information request with the government to see if they were monitoring hijack ringleader Mohamed Atta in the U.S. prior to the event, as German intelligence believed we were. In the German intelligence magazine FOCUS (September 24, 2001), one reads that the CIA began surveillance of Atta in Germany from January to May 2000, and “We can no longer exclude the possibility that the Americans wanted to keep an eye on Atta after his entry in the USA…”

5) Has anyone asked how government agents knew the details of a conversation between terrorist hijackers a week before 9/11 unless they were already being monitored (see Congressional testimony by Kristin Breitweiser)?

6) Has anyone asked authorities to explain how so much debris from the plane that supposedly nose-dived in Pennsylvania could be found so many miles from the crash site?

7) Has anyone pursued authorities for an explanation of how such a large plane could disappear into such a small hole (before the façade collapsed) in the Pentagon wall with no major debris (e.g. plane’s engines or tail) left on the lawn? The videos of the plane striking the Pentagon have never been released!

8) Has anyone asked government officials why there were not plans to prevent air attacks in New York City and Washington, DC when between December 1994 and September 2001 there were 12 specific intelligence indicators that al-Qaeda was planning to use aircraft to attack U.S. targets, particularly in New York City and Washington, DC (the Senate intelligence Committee found that between March and September 2001, there were 11 specific intelligence indicators of an imminent attack within the U.S.)? In 1993, the director of the U.S. House of Representatives Task Force on Terrorism had written about jihadists training as suicide pilots, hijacking airliners with passengers, and crashing into selected objects! And in September 1999, there was a federal report stating “suicide bomber(s) belonging to al-Qaida’s Martyrdom Battalion could crash land an aircraft into the Pentagon”!

9) Has anyone asked Mayor Willie Brown of San Francisco who called him late at night on September 10, 2001, warning him about his air travel the next morning to New York City. The press/media just assumed this was one of the usual FAA warnings, but when I filed a Freedom of Information request with the FAA, they indicated they issued no warnings for at least 2 weeks before 9/11!

10) Has anyone pressed then Attorney-General John Ashcroft as to why he didn’t develop a plan to prevent a land or air attack on the WTC when terrorists had already attacked it in 1993, and when one of the subjects of the FBI’s 31-month Operation Diamondback (ending June 2001) said on July 14, 1999: “Those towers (WTC) are coming down.”

11) Given that most of the CIA’s operations in South Asia were run through Pakistan’s intelligence service (ISI), why didn’t American officials demand that Gen. Mahmoud Ahmad (head of the ISI) be turned over since he had $100,000 wired to Mohamed Atta a month before 9/11? On September 4, 2001, Gen. Ahmad arrived in the U.S. for conversations with top Pentagon officials, and on September 13 and 24 NEWSWEEK reported that “a particularly urgent warning may have been received the night before the attacks” and “a group of top Pentagon officials suddenly cancelled travel plans the next morning, apparently because of security concerns.”

12) Has anyone ever asked former long-time Middle East CIA agent Robert Baer why one of the highest ranking CIA officials told a reporter friend of Baer “that when the dust finally clears, Americans will see that September 11 was a triumph for the intelligence community, not a failure”?

© 2021 Dennis Cuddy – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dennis Cuddy:

Two Questions That Demand Answers

by Lee Duigon

There are two things we need to know about COVID, but whose questions can be heard in the middle of a stampede?

Why this should have even been a stampede leads us to the first question. What is so uniquely terrible about this virus that it forces governments to take extreme measures whose like we’ve never seen before?

I remember the polio epidemic from my childhood, and any number of flu scares, some of which were much deadlier than COVID-19. But I don’t remember any lockdowns, I don’t remember any wholesale cancellation of ordinary personal liberty, and I certainly don’t remember any “mandates.”

Why haven’t we had our president sit down in front of the TV camera and say, “My fellow Americans, here’s why we have to do these things we’ve never done before…”? And if the president doesn’t know why, and if there’s no one else who can tell us—then why in the world should we be expected to comply? Aren’t we entitled to some reasons? What makes this the scariest disease ever?

Unless you’re already sick with something else, or saddled with some other medical condition that puts you at high risk, the survival rate for this disease is over 99 percent. For that we let the government herd us around like livestock? For that we had to sacrifice our family holidays, church services, workouts at the gym, and more? To say nothing of a censorship regime that’s butchered our First Amendment rights.

And that’s America. By contrast, Australia has dived headfirst into a full Soviet Union makeover. The state of South Australia is going to use high technology to keep tabs on all its, er, “citizens.” They’ll subject you to random checks on your whereabouts, via your cell phone; and if you don’t text the government within 15 minutes of receiving the message, they’ll sic the cops on you. And they brag about it, too. Red China’s got nothing on Australia.

I’m not saying that there is no COVID. I’m saying we’re entitled to some reasons for these freakin’ mandates—something rather more cogent and persuasive than just “to keep you safe.”

The other question that demands an answer is this. If these new “vaccines”—which might be more accurately called “experimental gene therapy undertaken with no information as to long-term effects”—are so good, so effective, so safe—then why are so many healthcare professionals refusing to be vaccinated, even at the cost of their jobs?

Our Free & Independent Nooze Media Inc. assure us that it’s only a handful of malcontents who only want to rock the boat; but since when do noozies tell the truth? Heaven help us if we listen to them! When a credentialed doctor or a nurse would rather give up his livelihood than get a shot, we ought to sit up and take notice. We’re also being told that this could lead to a serious manpower shortage in our hospitals and clinics. Either one nooze report or the other must be dead wrong.

We are tempted to ask, “How much of this is really necessary?” Is this an experiment in global government, to see what they have to do to force everybody in the world to do as they say? We’ve never before seen such a world-wide campaign to control all the people, everywhere. One gets the impression that the globalists were waiting for it—waiting for some excuse to crack down on us.

We must dig in and declare: no answers, no compliance. Government is already too big, too intrusive, too enamored of visions of control. It needs to be trimmed back before it suffocates us altogether. We do not want to live in some globalists’ crack-brained vision of “The Hunger Games.”

No answers, no compliance. We really must insist on that.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and visit before we call get cancelled. My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon:

Part 5: Climate Change, Wildfires, Chaos in Big Cities

By Frosty Wooldridge

Part 5: America’s Twilight Years: Catastrophic Climate Destabilization, Loss of the Rule of Law

In the past week, the Dixie Fire in Northern California burned 432,000 acres by Sunday. By the time you read this column, another 100,000 acres. In other words, we can’t contain it or control it. Too much heat in the atmosphere and too much kindling on the ground. It’s so bad that here in Colorado’s mountains while I pedaled through Summit County on Saturday, the gray air permeated everything. I felt like I was breathing the smoke right off a campfire all day.

Those enormous fires burning throughout the West might be a metaphor for America’s short-term future…its twilight years.

Everything in our country grows bigger by the day as our cities explode with too many people. Our highways become unmanageable because too many cars and trucks break them down so fast that paving crews cannot keep up. The air pollution accelerates because there are more people adding to it than this planet can neutralize.

By noon on Sunday, Chicago registered 60-gun fights, eight deaths and one cop killed in their usual weekend shooting spree. The same gunfights erupt “pop, pop, pop” in New York City, Detroit, Minneapolis, St. Louis and Los Angeles. So many illiterate, jobless and lawless minority youth, without fathers, now dominate those cities—that the cops cannot keep up with the gunplay. Gangs shoplift stores out of existence. We see open defiance of law and order.

We’ve spent $6 trillion for wars in Afghanistan and Iraq for the past 20 years while our own cities devolved into war zones that have killed more of our own citizens than our combat soldiers. How’s that for irony?!

At the same time, you hear from every environmental “climate change” organization that we have to move toward electric cars, solar power and wind power…not a word about the fact that our country imports over 2.5 million immigrants and their birth rates annually…thus making any alternative energy null and void. It’s a standing joke among average citizens while those 535 Congressional “yahoos” in DC pretend to be doing whatever it is they are doing…virtually nothing of substance.

An adage from my childhood…when the tub overflows, what’s the best way to solve the problem? Mop the floor or turn off the spigot? Obviously, you turn off the spigot that’s causing the problem, and then you mop the floor for a solution. Instead, our Congress keeps the spigot at full bore onto the American landscape. What does the comedian Jeff Foxworthy say, “If you don’t turn off the spigot, you must be an idiot.” Mark Twain said it 150 years ago, “Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of Congress…ah but I repeat myself.”

What Else Shows America’s Demise?

From a reader, “Hello Frosty. How’s it going man? I hope you’re doing good bud. I was wondering if you could send me the free electronic copy of the “Strange death of America.” I like to stay informed. Frosty, I’m a mason in construction. I’ve been in the trade for 30 years now. I want you to know that illegal alien employers are committing FELONIES against American workers. The I-9 form for verification of legal status to work in the United States is a federally mandated law (form) that requires the government to verify the status of all new hires.

“It’s been obvious 20 years ago that the government permits employers to commit FELONIES against American workers. The government views “those” felonies as less than a parking ticket because the victim is the American worker. Do you remember before Biden how all we heard about was “the wage gap” and income inequality? Notice how those talking points are never mentioned anymore? It’s obvious why. I’m sick to death of these privileged companies committing FELONIES against me.

“The local ICE office is going to be in for a huge surprise when I and a few of my mason buddies go all up in there and ask to review the I-9 verification process. The American people need to know the TRUTH. In America, the most closely guarded and censored resource is THE NARRATIVE. The complete control of the of THE NARRATIVE has got American workers in a headlock.”

In other words, our “paid idiots” in Congress do not, and will not enforce the laws on the books. They have not and will not enforce the borders…over 1 million illegal migrants already in the first six months of 2021. But that’s simply an extension since 1990 as they keep pouring into our country with nothing to stop them…and Biden’s inviting them. According the Yale Report, somewhere between 23 and 25 million of them illegally reside in our country…not to mention millions of their anchor babies!

What This Wave Of Foreigners Are Doing To Our Sociology

Robert Steward said, “This makes America permanently divided, critical race theory or not. The heritage American majority wants to keep doing what made America functional, but this offends minority groups, and they want to obliterate it.

“Such things are inherent to diversity. When you contain many cultures, you can have no overriding culture; you have, at best, a “cultural envelope” to contain those cultures, which means that you revert to the lowest common denominator of economics, politics, sports, and shopping (including for ethnic food).

“Even more, diversity produces the same tribal conflicts as international politics, but now it happens within our nation, as we see from such diverse places as Yugoslavia, Rwanda, Northern Ireland, and Ethiopia.”

Please note that the U.S. Border Patrol stated last month that they have apprehended illegal migrants from 160 countries.

Now I ask you, how long can we withstand the influx of THAT many cultures, religions and world views? The projects are 100 million more people by 2050, net gain, added to America. Do you think your kids stand a chance? Does anyone alive in 2050 stand a chance at any kind of a survivable existence? What about their quality of life? What about the planet’s responses to our enormous abuse that will be further magnified?

Is anyone in America thinking about these questions? Are we not galloping into America’s twilight years?

If you would like a free electronic copy of this book, please email me with your email address and I will send it to you. Every American with children or any American who will live in this country in 2050, needs to understand what they face.

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121.

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future? If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more. Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

This video will scare the daylights out of every American as to what’s coming to our country, US Citizenship Act 2021 by Joe Biden.

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation. Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

The Killer Covid Vax, A Genocidal Bioweapon, Part 2

By Kelleigh Nelson

Under international law, widespread or systematic attacks against the civilian population are crimes against humanity.  Philip Alston, Australian international law scholar and human rights practitioner.

What connects two thousand years of genocide? Too much power in too few hands. —Simon Wiesenthal

All I hope is that the American coalition is doing its best to prevent civilian casualties and the killing of innocent people.  —Elie Wiesel, Holocaust survivor

We are naïve if we think Nazi Germany cannot happen again.  In fact, the Bible predicts it will.  The Germans and even Hitler himself were all too human.  Read the atrocities around our world. It is clear that raw humanity is certainly not very pretty.  Evil held in check often erupts when the conditions are right.  When restraints are gone, when people are desperate, and when power is up for grabs, the human heart is laid bare for all to see.  We are seeing the Red Fascists rise again, this time in our own country. Few of our fellow Americans even recognize it. It is the face of evil, and it didn’t just start with COVID. (Read: “The Power Elite and the Secret Nazi Plan” by Dennis Cuddy)

Shocking Stats

In a short clip from her White Coat Summit speech, Dr. Lee Merritt gives some frightening stats.  Dr. Merritt was a ten-year navy surgeon and she’s especially concerned regarding COVID inoculations of our military.

In 2020, there were only 20 Covid deaths of active duty, in all the services put together.  They have a big epidemiological base and can easily find out what’s going on.  The military is jabbing everyone, and they’ve already had tumors and 80 cases of myocarditis and it has a significant mortality rate of 66% in five years.  The “vaccine” program has ostensibly killed more active duty than COVID did.  Leukemia, another blood dyscrasia cancer, has 48 per year, but now VAERS, the Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting System, states we’re up to 229.  (Remember Harvard’s study that only one to ten percent of deaths or adverse effects are reported to VAERS.)

In over 31 years, there were only 317 cases of myocarditis.  Now, after these inoculations, for 2021, there are 1,113. I can pick almost any diagnosis, and you will find the same issues after the clot shots have been administered. 

So, the question we have to ask is, why are we not stopping this?  We stopped many things for far less.  We stopped working on respiratory syncytial vaccine for 22 deaths of infants in hospital.  We stopped the H1NI after 53 deaths or 53 adverse events.  Now, we’re probably doing 53 a day, so why are we continuing these jabs? 

Experimental Subjects

In this second 30-minute interview with Dr. Ryan Cole, he states, “The Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) COVID inoculations are clearly called investigational vaccines and we are asking nurses, students, employees to be subjects in an experiment on humanity. This is a large phase-three trial of getting the shot for something we do not know the long-term side effects of down the road.  We usually don’t see side effects for two to five years.”

Dr. Cole said the shortages we’re experiencing in the medical industry are because people value their bodily integrity.  He looks at data and he’s already seeing the adverse effects from these shots in a laboratory setting.  Individuals are subjecting themselves to this jab in order to keep a job.

However, he states that they’re seeing young people, middle-aged people and old people refusing to take the shot and being told by their employers that they’ll make them cave.  Nurses have shared with Dr. Cole that this is the mantra of their administrations.  They don’t want their bodies damaged, their fertility damaged, their long-term immune health damaged and they don’t want to increase their risks for cancers.  He believes they’ll stand for their health and bodily integrity and that they have every right to do that and not be a subject in human experimentation through coercion.

The result will be huge staffing shortages.  Cole says he’s heard from Indiana and Michigan and the shortages have already started there and it’s going to be massive.  He adds that this is an attack on entire communities, their wellness and access to care.  It is a violation; we made a promise in 1947 after WWII that we would never again experiment on humanity or coerce anyone against their will, and literally this is what we’re seeing.  There were Nazi nurses and doctors hung for doing to humanity exactly what we’re doing now by saying, “You will participate in an experiment or else you will lose your job.”  Dr. Cole states, “We are taking away the freedom and sovereignty of people over their bodies and minds as well.”

“We’ve had three options this year.  We’ve had fear, suffering and “vaccine.” The real option is hope, early treatment and immune wellness.  We as a society have been subjected to a worse outcome because we haven’t focused on some of the basic public health messages.  We are a Vitamin D deficient nation, magnesium and Vitamin K as well.  We’re an obese nation, a metabolically unwell nation, and this has predisposed us to worse outcomes compared to other nations.”


The data out of India, where the Delta virus comes from, is statistically one-seventh of the western world.  Dr. Cole explains that all viruses acquire benevolent mutations over time, but scientists and physicians believe the Delta strain is the enhanced version of the Wuhan virus and it comes from the COVID injections. He tells us that in the UK right now there are about 15,000 break-thru cases a day in the “vaccinated” of the Delta variant.

Dr. Cole explains, “The reactions we’re seeing are from people who are getting the shot while they’re infected and then the antibodies formed are attacking the organs in your body.  Those who have also mounted an immunity against Sars-coV-2, if they get a shot, there are multiple risks of adverse reactions because they’ve already got antibody immunity.” The inoculations then put the system in a hyper-immune response negating the much stronger natural immunity.

In Israel, a recent study showed that break-thru cases in those who had already had Sars-coV-2 and natural immunity, verses those who had had the shot, showed that the recurrent infection rate in those who were naturally immune was .008% to reactivation of the virus.

The inoculated contracted Delta strain at a seven times higher rate than the naturally immune, clearly indicating that natural immunity is far stronger than vaccine immunity from a leaky vaccine.  This is not a sterilizing inoculation, it doesn’t give you immunity and you can still get COVID, and the CDC admits they’re not telling people that at least 25% of the jabbed are still transmitting the virus.  The CDC has even admitted that 23% of the people in hospital in June were “vaccinated.”

Cole says we’re playing a whack-a-mole game with leaky inoculations, and trying to force people into an experiment with investigational injections for a virus from a year ago.  We need to focus on early treatment and it’s widely available, it’s cheap and it’s generic.  That’s why it’s not approved because if there were a treatment for this virus, they cannot have authorization for these “vaccines.”  About page three in the vax authorization, it states clearly that you cannot authorize this investigational “vaccine” if there is an effective therapy for the virus. And we know there is, and it is being purposely withheld from the public.

Weakened Immune Systems

The FDA failed in explaining the absolute risk reduction (ARR); it literally takes 120 injected patients to decrease symptoms in one patient.  And of those 120, how many are going to end up with auto-immune diseases down the road, and how many are going to end up with cancers?  We don’t know, but what Dr. Cole says they’re seeing in the labs is a decrease in T-cells that protect our bodies from invaders.  The innate immune system is being destroyed by these injections.  In other words, the very marines in your body that fight off outside attacks are being destroyed.

This is why healthy children at a rate of 100% have not gotten this virus.  Their innate T-cell immunity response has two to three times the immunity of an adult T-cell immune response.  They have two to three times the little grenades that blow up the invaders.

But what Dr. Cole and others are seeing in the laboratories after people get these shots, they’re seeing a locked in profile of these T-cells, it’s a total drop in the effectivity of the T-cells.  In labs, they’re seeing an uptick of Herpes viruses, shingles, mono, a huge uptick in human papilloma virus, 20 times increase in adults of a bumpy rash that children can sometimes get, that these T-cells keep in check.  Since January, Cole has seen a 20% increase in endometrial cancers for the year.  He’s also seeing invasive melanomas in younger patients.  It’s normal to catch those early and they’re thin melanomas, but these are thick and they’re skyrocketing in the last month or two.

These early symptoms show that we are modifying the immune system to a weakened state.  A great study out of Germany looked at these profiles on young individuals after the Pfizer jabs, showing this locked in lowered immune system.  Cole adds, “We don’t know that it won’t regenerate and those ratios will go back up, but who is studying it and where are the long-term trials?”  The concerning patterns are there.

In the Pfizer application to the FDA, the fertility rate was decreased by 16%.  Rats are one of the most fertile creatures on planet earth and they were used in animal testing before humans became the guinea pigs.  This is an indication that we need to be hyper-cautious about what we’re doing.  It’s a violation of all medical ethics.  It is pure malfeasance.

Dr. Cole believes that at some point his medical colleagues may wake up from their stupor and trance and reflect upon the harm that they’re doing upon humanity.  We have never before said, “Let’s vaccinate in the middle of a pandemic.”  We are doing something that is anti-science, science is hypothesizing, theorizing, testing, succeeding, failing, taking the theory and hypothesis and remodifying it until it succeeds.

The oath to “do no harm” means no psychological, physical or financial harm to a patient.  Dr. Cole is calling out his colleagues in these administrations and health systems and telling them they are violating their oaths.  He wants people treated immediately, not sent home until a week later their lips turn blue and they’re sent to the hospital, put on a ventilator, a little bit of oxygen, and a weak steroid. (It should be strong steroids to defeat the inflammation.)

Early Treatment Protocols Avoided

According to Dr. Peter McCullough, none of our major academic institutions innovated with a single protocol for treatment.  In fact, to his knowledge, not a major single academic center, as an institution, attempted to even treat patients with COVID-19.

Dr. McCullough is the editor of two peer-reviewed journals and the senior associate editor of the American Journal of Cardiology.  When he saw the fraudulent Lancet Medical Journal article attacking the 65-year-old safe and cheap drug, hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), he was incensed.

McCullough comments, “A doctor from Harvard, the company Surgisphere who had data, the reviewers at Lancet, and the editor and associate editor of Lancet…how could they have all colluded together to publish a falsified paper?”

When Dr. McCullough looked at the paper, he knew in two seconds it was fake. Lancet let this fraudulent paper be on their website for two weeks, frightening the entire world against HCQ, which is one of the safest and widely utilized treatments in COVID-19. Lancet never apologized for their deceptive publication. Every government and independent medical organization went with the bogus claim that HCQ was dangerous and outlawed its use.  People died…needlessly.

Dr. McCullough’s interpretation of this is that it was very, very intentional.  What happened with ivermectin in the ICU was also intentional and an act of collusion.  Dr. Jean-Jacque Rajter of Broward County Florida, pioneered using ivermectin in the ICU and saved hundreds of patients.  His wife, Dr. Juliana Cepelowicz Rajter, published the overall results in Chest Journal with using ivermectin.

Life Saving Protocols

They are afraid to look at the protocols of the frontline care docs at These are some of the premier critical care doctors in the world.  They have protocols that are saving patients 70, 80, 90% more than in the hospitals right now. Hospitals are following the government, the NIH, the CDC, and the FDA with their very weak protocols.  Dr. Cole says it’s time for those in the hospitals to catch up to the protocols that are far more successful in saving lives.  Ivermectin is even on the WHO’s list of most essential safest drugs necessary for humanity, and the hospital protocols won’t even try them. These docs say, “Well, I need a randomized controlled placebo trial,” which takes years, but Dr. Cole says, “Look, it’s just a sugar pill if it doesn’t work, and if it does work, you’ve saved your patient.”

Out of 19,000 patients and studies on ivermectin and 26-29 randomized control trials, there’s a one in four-quadrillion chance statistically that this molecule doesn’t have a chance of improving the outcome in Sar-coV-2.  The Gold Standard meta-analysis in medicine is to have several small trials, add them all up and look at the statistics.  The Gold Standard meta-analytically down out of five nations shows that ivermectin works against Sars-coV-2, given early, given late you decrease that rate by 67-68%, given early you decrease the death rate by 88-96%.

Ivermectin is endorsed for Afghan refugees by our CDC, but Americans are being told by our Pravda media that it is an animal anti-parasitic and not for humans.

The FDA stop valve for approving a vaccine is at 25 deaths.  Leo Hohman’s latest article exposes the fact that the CDC is not reporting actual deaths from the jab. The true data is far higher than most believe.

COVID is Survivable

COVID is a survivable virus and we’re not getting that message.  Again, if the jabs were approved, they would have to be pulled from the market for the number of deaths. The push to vaccinate children needs to be left alone, they survived this at 100%, but the injections will hurt them.  We are seeing a 200% increase in inflammation of the heart in young men, and once your heart is damaged, it’s damaged for a lifetime.  It does not rejuvenate as some other organs do.

Dr. Cole says, “Don’t let your child near these shots.  We don’t know any of the long-term effects of these injections.  Any university that is mandating this for their students is criminal. These young healthy individuals are at no risk from death from this virus.  We have treatments and we’re ruining the health of a generation and killing them as well.  It is unethical, a violation of all morality let alone medical ethics. This is immoral. Step back and look at the data.”

Health Impact News reports that COVID shots are killing and crippling teens in record numbers…and our young children are next.  Beside fetal deaths, breastfeeding babies are dying and becoming sick following mother’s COVID jabs.

Clot Shot Antibodies

Dr. Cole calls the Delta variant a lie.  For the majority of people who are healthy and well, it’s turning into what all viruses turn into overtime, a common cold.  He says that in order to keep your job, one of the side effects of this jab is death.  That’s not moral or ethical.  He calls the Delta variant a scariant because they’re 99.7-99.8% the same virus and a benevolent mutation.  It’s weakening and not killing people at a higher rate.

If you’ve had COVID and recovered, your antibodies are great, and they’re forever, but if you got them from the COVID injections, they are your enemy.  Test animals injected with a spike protein vax, form antibodies, an immune response.  However, when they were exposed to wild type virus down the road, a high percentage of them died very quickly.  When you prime someone with an antibody that is not good, they die.  He says, “Sit back with the popcorn because we’re going to be seeing something horrific immunologically happening to the population down the road.”

Religious Convictions

We have an horrific track record with coronavirus vaccines.  There’s a reason the FDA never let Sars-coV-1 or MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) vaccines come to market.  Every time, they saw the signals and said, “This is too dangerous for humanity.”  This virus is the same as Sars-coV-1, so why do they not have the same mindset now?  We know how horrifically Sars-coV-1 and MERS failed, and now without long-term safety data, we’re pushing forward an investigational vaccine on a population without knowing those long-term signals.  It’s a crime against humanity.

If you’ve had Sars-coV-2 you have a broader immunity than anyone who has gotten the jab.  You have antibodies against the spike, the envelope, the membrane, nucleocaps. You have hundreds of antibodies compared to dozens from the jab.  You have a broader immunity.

There are plenty of people with underlying health conditions and this shot is contraindicated for them and there are protocols for their protection.

Many people have religious convictions and under the civil rights act, you cannot be questioned on your religious convictions.  You have a right to refuse based on religious grounds.

Pfizer and Moderna don’t contain aborted fetal cells, but were developed on aborted fetal cells and were proved and processed on aborted fetal cells.  J&J is grown on aborted fetal cells and may contain human DNA as well as human protein per their application to the FDA.  J&J has human fetal DNA in it

For many of us that matters, so there’s another religious argument.  Number one natural immunity, number two underlying health conditions that would contraindicate the jab, and number three on religious grounds or on moral and ethical grounds alone.  Those three should be an exemption.

Good News

The Idaho Republican state central committee voted unanimously for a resolution to end mandatory jabs in their state.  Dr. Ryan Cole lives and practices in Idaho.

World Net Daily reports that resistance against the experimental jabs is growing.  Spread the word, keep the last of our people from being experimental guinea pigs.

Dr. Cole tells us, “You need to speak out, you need to stand up, there are those of us fighting this insanity, but you need to join us.  We’re banning together.  Moral ethics are being thrown out the window for something we don’t know the long-term outcomes for. It is an absurdity.”


The Nazis in Nuremberg stated they were only following the” laws of the land,” and that their own legal system protected them.  Even Adolph Eichmann said, “I was simply following the laws of war and my flag.”

Romans 13:1-14 tells believers to “Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.”  Paul belabored the point that we are to be at peace and submit ourselves to governing authorities since all authority comes from God.

Judeo-Christians believe in the one true God and know that abortion is evil and against God’s law.  We battle this evil, despite it being the law of the land.

In Egypt, the midwives refused to murder the newborn Jewish babies, lied to Pharoah and allowed them to live…against his edicts.

According to the Book of Joshua, Rahab, a woman who lived in Jericho in the Promised Land, assisted the Israelites in capturing the city by hiding two men who had been sent to scout the city prior to their attack, against the law of the land. She knew these two men were God’s people and she ultimately took her place with righteous converts.

When the law of the land contradicts God’s command, we are to disobey the law of the land and obey God’s law.  We are again at that precipice.

Make your choice.

© 2021 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson:

Rosh Hashanah – Time to Remember Tradition

By Karen Schoen

This week begins the most holy time in the Jewish calendar. As a child I remember putting on my finest dress and going to Grandma and Poppy for Rosh Hashanah.  Oh the food. The table set with a long line of never ending delicacies.  I of course “helped” Grandma cook.  I remember the huge chopping bowls, the rounded chopping knives, the hand meat grinder I used to chop the liver and help make the gefilta fish.  I can even smell the matzoh ball soup cooking ever so slowly.  Sadly when I go back to recapture some of those recipes, the food never tastes the same. That is the down side of learning the dangers of cooking with chicken fat. We have replaced those cholesterol fill recipes with healthy cooking, replaced the chopping knives with a food processor, replaced the hand grinder with an electric one, and the slow cooker with a microwave. All done in the name of progress.

But what good is progress if we forget our roots, values and traditions along the way?

School texts now eliminate Christianity and Judaism and students are forced to pledge to Allah.  As a former teacher, I remember teaching classes called religion where we explored and discovered how religious beliefs are so interwoven that it makes trying to separate the underlying values difficult.  The purpose was to give an understanding to my students so when they grew up they would not demonize or continually misunderstand traditions. I felt it is important to know all religions. It is the lack of understanding of religious values keeps us separated.  If you do not understand heritage, it is almost impossible to understand motivations.

As we prayed in temple, I remember asking G-d for forgiveness of my sins but also thanking G-d that we lived in America where I would not have to suffer the atrocities bestowed upon the Jews of the past.  I felt safe at peace, at home.

Rosh Hashanah, the celebration of the Jewish New Year,  5781 begins at sundown on Monday, Sept 5. Why 5781?  Because the Jewish calendar begins at the dawn of man, BC (Before Christ).

The Jewish HOLIDAYS are never the same days every year because the Jewish calendar is based on the LUNAR (moon) cycles with 13 months each 28 days.

Rosh Hashanah is a quieter holy day time celebrating the creation of the world, lasting 10 days and ending with Yom Kippur aka the day of Atonement. Yom Kippur is the holiest day whereby Jews all over the world fast, pray for forgiveness and ask G-d to be written in the book of life for another year.

During this week the Torah (Jewish holy scroll) is read and the passage tells of the time when Moses delivered to Jews to Canaan (later called Israel).  When Moses left to get the Ten Commandments, he did not return in a timely manner. No cell phones, so calling to say he will be late is out of the question.

The Jews fearful of Moses demise abandoned G-d and made false idols aka the golden calf and began worshiping the golden calf. When Moses returned with the Ten Commandments, G-d told Moses the people must pay for their sins of worshiping a false idol. So for forty more years the Jews were forced to roam the desert.

Moses replaced Ten Commandments but was never allowed into the promised land. Instead the people were told that they must choose. They must choose a life with G-d in the promised land or darkness by wandering in the desert. They choose G-d and Joshua led the Jews into Canaan.  The Shofar (Rams Horn) is played to begin Rosh Hashanah and to end Yom Kippur.

Today I feel we are back to the beginning. G-d is with us but only if we follow his path. Today I feel that we are being asked to choose.  Choose the path of life with morality and G-d or life with darkness worshiping man and government. I fear that the Afghanistan disaster was planned.   This plan is filled with lies and deceit will lead us down the path of darkness. Following the Regime to me is following the golden calf.  The good news is Americans are realizing the golden calf is hollow.

As we learned in history the road to freedom is never easy or fair.  But we are blessed.  We live in America and Americans will not give up their freedom with ease.  This week I will pray.  I will pray not only for myself and my family but for America.  I know we are strong and I know now is the time to face the uncertainty together.

“L’shana tovah”: is the way Jews greet each other on Rosh Hashanah with the Hebrew phrase “L’shana tovah,” which translates to “for a good year.” I wish you all “L’shana tovah” and may you all be written in the Book of Life..

In Liberty, Karen Schoen

© 2021 Karen Schoen – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Karen Schoen:

Big Labor’s Socialist Agenda

By Cliff Kincaid

The phrase, “Workers of the world unite,” is right from the Communist Manifesto. As we celebrate Labor Day, it’s important to remember how the communists historically tried to tap into the anger and discontent of American workers. Herbert Romerstein, who worked for the House Committee on Un-American Activities, the House Internal Security Committee and the House Intelligence Committee, documented communist manipulation of the organized labor movement in a report for my group America’s Survival, Inc.

How successful have the communists been?

In today’s America, their main vehicle is the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), a Marxist organization that draws heavily from the ideas of the late Italian Communist Party theoretician Antonio Gramsci and refers to its members as “comrades.”DSA, which describes itself as the largest socialist organization in the United States, says it has “rapidly grown from 6,000 to almost 100,000 members” and “helped elect 155 DSA-endorsed candidates,” often by “running open socialists on the Democratic Party ballot line.”

The most prominent member of the DSA is Bronx Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, best known as AOC, who is described as DSA’s “foremost socialist superstar.”In 2019, the group says they “coordinated” an “organization-wide vote on endorsing Bernie for President.”

Former President Barack Hussein Obama’s socialist backing goes back at least to 1996, when he received the endorsement of the Chicago branch of the Democratic Socialists of America for an Illinois state senate seat.  Former AFL-CIO boss John Sweeney was a member of Democratic Socialists of America

Back in 2011, I grilled a top official of the 12.5-million-member AFL-CIO, Karen Nussbaum, about her participation in an illegal 1970 trip to Communist Cuba organized by Weather Underground terrorist Bernardine Dohrn. The exchange was captured on tape.

Since Castro and his communist successors have outlawed independent labor unions in Cuba, as well as freedom in general, Nussbaum’s fascination with the communist system on the island is a relevant line of inquiry for those concerned about the dangers of socialism and totalitarianism here and the current direction of the AFL-CIO.

I asked Karen Nussbaum, the founding director of Working America, the community affiliate of the AFL-CIO, about her visit to Cuba after speaking at a panel at a “progressive” public policy conference in Washington, D.C.  She was apparently stunned by the fact that someone had uncovered an aspect of her background that has been carefully omitted from her official biography. She refused to answer and walked away.

But according to one account of her trip, she declared that she “learned about revolution in Cuba” and praised Castro for providing “free health and educational care to every person in society…” She also declared, “I was part of the Black Panther Support Committee” and said she was a member of the “Draft resistance movement” opposing the Vietnam War.

Nussbaum founded the organization, 9 to 5: The National Association of Women Office Workers, which led to Jane Fonda, also known as “Hanoi Jane” because of her support of the Communist Vietnamese, making the film “9 to 5.” Fonda’s website discusses her relationship with Nussbaum and her husband, a former official of a group called Citizen Action who became a public relations executive in such firms as Fenton Communications. Citizen Action was implicated in a fundraising scandal in 1997 and was forced to close.

At the time I attempted to question Nussbaum about her Cuba trip, she had just completed a speech on a panel at the “America’s Future Now!” conference which honored her boss, then-AFL-CIO President John Sweeney, as one of several “Progressive Champions.” Another award winner was Rep. Barbara Lee, herself a frequent visitor to Cuba and apologist for the Castro regime.

DSA member Sweeney, who passed away earlier this year, was succeeded by Richard Trumka, who died on August 5. Trumka was replaced by Liz Shuler, who had been serving as AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer.

Open socialists regard Shuler as a colorless career trade union bureaucrat and preferred Sara Nelson, the International President of the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA, an affiliate of the AFL-CIO. She addressed the Democratic Socialists of America convention in 2019 and 2021.

Though Marxist in orientation, the Democratic Party abandoned the workers who were once considered to be their main constituency.

AFL-CIO organizers understand this. Indeed, a panelist on the subject of “A New and Enduring Progressive Majority?,” Nussbaum talked about her efforts to get conservative union members to vote for “progressive” candidates. She indicated this is a struggle since many union members have conservative social views, own guns, and go to church often.

These workers want economic and industrial development in traditional fossil fuel industries that AOC and the Democratic Party are trying to bankrupt through the climate change hoax and green energy scams that are part of the pending $3.5 trillion budget plan.

But now, Democrat Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia is threatening the advance of socialism in the U.S., though he refers in a Wall Street Journal column to his “Democratic colleagues” rushing to spend the $3.5 trillion on “social-policy action.” The Democratic Party, which controls the Senate by a single vote, needs Manchin’s support.

Manchin says, “I, for one, won’t support a $3.5 trillion bill, or anywhere near that level of additional spending, without greater clarity about why Congress chooses to ignore the serious effects inflation and debt have on existing government programs.”

AOC is not happy and has personally attacked Manchin for opposing what’s called “Bernie’s budget.”

Will Manchin, the “centrist Democrat,” stand his ground?

The AFL-CIO is backing the $3.5 trillion bill, a blueprint for a socialist America which has already passed the House. President Liz Shuler calls it “a vital part of President Biden’s Build Back Better agenda.” The AFL-CIO’s West Virginia affiliate endorsed Manchin for the Senate.

Although Manchin seems opposed, at least for the time being, the DSA already claims credit for persuading the Senator to back the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act, which rewrites U.S. labor law in favor of unionization and will fatten the wallets of Big Labor. (As Secretary-Treasurer of the AFL-CIO, Shuler made $250,619 in 2019).

“On May Day this year,” says Maria Svart, national director of DSA, “86 chapters organized actions in support of the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act. We organized phone banks and made one million calls asking voters in key states to call their senators to support the act. And we helped flip two Democratic senators, Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Angus King of Maine, who had been against the act. Few other national organizations have this kind of energized and empowered force bubbling from the ground up.”

Meanwhile, a new film starring AOC,about the “demonization” of socialism, is now being shown. Described as a feature-length documentary on the history and resurgence of socialism in America, the film is titled “The Big Scary ‘S’ Word.”

The DSA, which provided “a small grant” from the DSA Fund toward its production, has hosted a series of events inspired by the film, including one featuring the filmmaker, Yael Bridge. Socialism is not so scary anymore, they say. Indeed, the trailer features “socialist stalwart” Cornel West saying that socialism is “as American as apple pie.”

West, an honorary chair of Democratic Socialists of America, endorsed Senator Bernie Sanders for president but has declared that Bob Avakian, a Maoist who runs the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP), “is a long-distance runner in the freedom struggle against imperialism, racism and capitalism. His voice and witness are indispensable in our efforts to enhance the wretched of the earth.”

Like Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, “Chairman Bob” Avakian came out of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), the group that laid siege to college campuses before turning into the terrorist Weather Underground. The RCP book shop known as Revolution Books in New York City hosted a party and celebration for a 91-page book called Constitution for the New Socialist Republicin North America.

Avakian, author of the book, urged his supporters to vote for Joe Biden for president in 2020. A socialist America, he makes clear, “is a process and goal which, fundamentally and in the final analysis, can only be achieved on a global scale, with the advance to communism throughout the world.”

Apparently aware of the stakes, Manchin said in his Wall Street Journal column that “…some in Congress have a strange belief there is an infinite supply of money to deal with any current or future crisis, and that spending trillions upon trillions will have no negative consequence for the future. I disagree.”

In a statement, former President Trump calls the bill the “Communist Plan to Destroy America,” adding, “It destroys our Borders and the rule of law by granting dangerous amnesty that will flood America’s beautiful cities. It will overwhelm our schools, and make our Nation less safe. It raises taxes like we have never seen, while also making many things you buy everyday more expensive (gas, groceries, and much more). And don’t forget the crazy Green New Deal. America, you are being robbed in the dark of night. It’s time to wake up!”

Chairman Bob is salivating at the prospect of a “socialist” victory.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Supreme Law of Unelected Dictators

By Lex Greene

September 5, 1774, marks the day in history when Founding Americans started the march to Independence, Freedom, Liberty and Justice in the USA. Our Independence as a free sovereign people was finally declared on July 4, 1776, and our U.S. Constitution was adopted on September 17, 1787. It took our Founders thirteen years to establish our independence and create a “republican form of government.”

Had they quit, given up, or failed to fight, we would have never known freedom!

247-years later, hard proof of mass dumbing down of American society is overwhelming now. In fact, America has absolutely reached the level wherein society may be “too dumb to remain a free people.”

John Adams said it exactly right – “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” Sadly, our country may still be “religious,” but it’s certainly no longer “moral” or even remotely informed and intelligent. This explains why far too many Americans have no idea of the power they hold, or how to use it to protect freedom today.

Today’s Americans chatter on about their precious “democracy” as if they have no clue that our Founders rejected “democracy” in favor of a “constitutional Republic,” with very clear and specific intent, and rightly so. But it’s even worse than this now…

Not only do we not have a Constitutional Republic anymore…we don’t even have a democracy. For everyone educated (mass Marxist indoctrinated) in the past 40 years or so, CLICK HERE to learn the critical differences between a “democracy” and a “Constitutional Republic.”

Article IV – Section 4 – clearly states – “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion;”Yet our government has been transformed into a “democratic socialist” government which encourages and even supports the outright invasion of the United States, most of them military age men, all with American tax dollars.

Instead, we are barely a nation, living under the supreme law of unelected dictators, and most Americans have not picked up on the many signs yet. Not even nineteen months under the most oppressive unconstitutional medical mandates in human history, issued by unelected and seemingly unaccountable dictators, has pried open the eyes of the average American.

Who elected any of the Supreme Court Justices, much less any of the federal court judges? Who elected political junkies who run the Department of Justice, the FBI, CIA, NSA, Department of Homeland Security, or Department of Defense? Who elected anyone at the CDC, W.H.O., N.I.H., U.N., or Department of Health, be it federal, state, or local?

The answer is, NO ONE elected any of these people, and yet, these are the unelected dictators running our country today.

In truth, Americans didn’t even elect bumbling idiot Joe Biden or his drug addicted lifelong political prostitute, Kamala Harris. Foreign agents, foreign governments, fraudulent voting machines, news media, social media giants, and corrupt democrat election officials seated these two very dangerous morons in the people’s White House.

We are witnessing a third Obama term. No sane person thinks Joe can even tie his own shoes, much less run a country.

During Obama’s eight years in office, global Marxists were deeply planted in every federal office and agency. Trump threw a monkey wrench in the timeline of dismantling and destroying the sovereign USA and moving the country to 3rd world status as a mere member of a global commune. He wasn’t able to “drain the swamp” or even survive to a second term. Trump had to go, no matter the means or methods.

Bumbling idiot Biden and chronic concubine Harris are not running anything.

The global Marxists are running the USA now, through their American representative Barack Obama. Our Constitution and Bill of Rights have been rendered obsolete and completely irrelevant by “legal scholars,” corrupt judges and criminal legislators, backed by the D.O.J. and D.O.D.

Americans are entirely controlled by unelected dictators today, from Dr. Fauci to Bill Gates, Barack Obama to his minions at the helm of every federal office and agency. Marxists are so embedded throughout American society now, that whether it’s ANTIFA and BLM in the streets, your local Nazi teaching K through 12 in your local school, the Marxists running your local school board, or even the company you work for, currently forcing unlawful medical mandates upon every employee, the Marxists thugs are everywhere!

The U.S. Constitution is no longer the Supreme Law of this Land. Our Bill of Rights are no longer in effect. We are NOT a nation of laws, but rather a nation of global Marxist lawyers undermining freedom and liberty, using British Common Law to destroy our once Constitutional courts.

How could even ONE American think that we have any Rights at all today, when we don’t even have the Right to decide what is or is not injected into their own body? Whether or not healthy people can be force quarantined for years…whether or not they can walk the streets or shop freely, without a mask on, even when the mask box itself tells them that the mask will never prevent the spread of any virus? Seriously, is any American really this stupid?

Sadly, the answer is YES!

Millions of Americans are this stupid today and no number of easily proven “facts” can fix their stupidity now. Millions have been educated (indoctrinated) out of any common sense and Pavlov trained to reject anything and everything outside of the narrative they were trained to believe. The super-idiots are those determined to force unlawful medical mandates on others, while claiming “my body, my choice” for themselves.

Tens of thousands of Americans have already been killed by the so-called Vaccines. READ THEM YOURSELF HERE. According to our unelected dictators, no one has died from the “vaccines” yet. Not because none have died of the vaccines, tens of thousands have, as linked above. But because the unelected dictators refuse mark any of the vaccine deaths as, death via toxic vaccine. Simon says, all is well…and the people are none the wiser!

What will happen when millions are dying from these toxic injections, all at the advice of mindless sheep demanding everyone “take the shot,”each unwittingly practicing medicine without a license? What will the USA suicide rate be once these idiot sheep,with or without a medical license, figure out that THEY are responsible for killing millions of Americans, just because they were trained to blindly follow evil Simon says, and thought they had a Right to force their views upon others?

No, we do NOT live in a Constitutional Republic today and we never will again, unless Americans who have not had common sense drummed out of them in a classroom, STAND TOGETHER RIGHT NOW.

Throughout human history, freedom and liberty have always been under attack, and they always will be. In this world, both good and evil exist, and nothing on earth comes at a higher price than freedom itself.

Good seeks freedom and liberty for all people, everywhere. Evil seeks dominion over others for benefit of themselves. In modern terms, a “conservative” is someone who seeks to secure and protect their own freedom and liberty by protecting and preserving freedom and liberty for every human being.

But a “liberal” (progressive, socialist, Marxist, Maoist, communist, fascist) is the exact opposite, someone who seeks to enslave everyone else for benefit of themselves. There are “conservative” democrats in U.S. society, as well as “liberal” republicans. So, the line between the two is highly compromised and convoluted.

However, each American falls into one of these two groups, on an individual level. Conservatives seeking freedom, liberty and good for all, MUST STAND TOGETHER NOW,or no one will be free, anywhere on earth.

Make Labor Day 2021 the beginning of the END for all evil, all tyranny and all unlawful medical mandates dictated by unelected tyrants. Begin the process of eliminating evil, Marxism, and tyranny in America. There is a long road ahead, but we must start the journey now, or never!

STRIKE FOR FREEDOM STARTING September 7, 2021 – If we don’t shut them down, they will shut us down again, this time, for good. Wake up, wise up, and rise up in peaceful action before no peaceful options are left.

A nationwide strike for freedom is the most peaceful easy thing for every American to do. The only thing easier, is doing nothing at all…which will come at the highest price of all.

Unelected dictators can only rule this country, so long as we allow it!

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lex Greene:

Secret Communist Plan Fulfillment China’s Role, Part 1

by Dennis Cuddy, Ph.D.

In late 1945, U.S. General George Marshall goes to China where the Nationalist Chinese are winning against the Communists. Marshall approves a plan to reduce the forces of the Nationalist Chinese Army, and then boasts: “As Chief of Staff, I armed thirty anti-Communist divisions; now with the stroke of a pen, I disarm them.” The Communists, led by Mao-Zedong, took control of China in 1949. In General MacArthur’s book, REMINISCENSES (1964), he reproduces a memorandum by Chinese Communist General Lin Piao saying he would never have attacked American forces in Korea unless he had been assured that Washington (President Truman) would restrain General Douglas MacArthur.

With the Communists in full control of China, one of the first things they did was to indoctrinate youth. Stewart Fraser compiled and edited CHINESE COMMUNIST EDUCATION: RECORDS OF THE FIRST DECADE, and in the chapter by Lu Ting-yi, it is clear that schooling must be for productive labor “to train Socialist-minded, educated workers.” Theodore Chen’s COMMUNIST CHINA,1949-1969, further explained: “The primary concern of education is not the acquisition of knowledge, but the remoulding of behavior, attitudes, emotions and thoughts.” (The Fabian Socialist motto is “Remould it nearer to the heart’s desire”)

Hillary Clinton will talk about her desire to “remould” America, and when Bill Clinton wins the presidency, liberal educator Marc Tucker on November 11, 1992 wrote to Hillary that she now had “an opportunity to remould the entire American system for human resource development” from “cradle to grave” with “benchmarks for collective thinking.” Tucker wrote: “First, a vision of the kind of national human resources development the nation could have….What is essential is that we create a seamless web…that literally extends from cradle to grave and is the same system for everyone….Radical changes in attitudes, values and beliefs are required to move any combination of these agendas.” In 1977, the top federal education official for the U.S., Mary Berry, toured China and delivered a speech in Chicago on November 17 stating that she saw “nearly complete unity between education and labor—so complete that both activities came to seem a basic, natural part of life, as they should be.” Not long thereafter, the program called “school-to-work” began in the U.S. And while American education has deteriorated over the past 50 years and few American high school students are taking even one course in Calculus and Physics, in Communist China 50 million high school students are taking 4 years of Calculus and Physics as well as 4 years of Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Biology and Chemistry!

During the early 1970s, President Richard Nixon, who told Rhodes scholar and national news reporter Howard K. Smith that he was a Keynesian (Socialist) in economics, had opened the door to trade with Communist China. Then on July 30, 1977, Communist China’s foreign minister, Huang Hua remarked: “We are discussing trade with the U.S. with a view to expanding it and opening the door wider, to take full advantage of the opportunities it presents to build socialism at home and abroad….By opening the door of China-U.S. relations, we are opening the door which leads to revolution in the U.S.” The result would be that after the Communist Chinese in 1989 slaughtered the Chinese students protesting for freedom, Power Elite (PE) agent Henry Kissinger on August 1 in THE WASHINGTON POST wrote that the U.S. should not react too strongly, and that Communist Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping is “a good friend of the United States.”

In the 1990s, there was a major push in Congress and by the White House for granting Most Favored Nation status and Permanent Normal Trade Relations with China, even though polls show the American people are overwhelmingly opposed to them. In the late 1990s, the Communist Chinese via the China Ocean Shipping Company (COSCO) will be provided by the Clinton administration with a dedicated shipping terminal at the port of Long Beach, California. In February 1997, the U.S. established the U.S.-China Defense Conversion Commission to facilitate technology transfers from the U.S. to China. The U.S. had permitted China to obtain the most accurate targeting system for cruise missiles and to buy technology used to build “stealth” aircraft. McDonnell Douglas was allowed to ship an almost completely intact missile and strategic bomber factory to China.

The Communist Chinese People’s Liberation Army gave large amounts of money to the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton presidential campaign, and on November 15, 1999 President Clinton signed an agreement in Beijing to push for Communist China’s admittance into the World Trade Organization. Shortly thereafter, on December 15, 1999, correspondent Anthony LoBaido reporting from Hong Kong quoted Master Fang who trained Communist Chinese Special Forces saying: “We have gained entrance to the World Trade Organization. We are now the largest owner of U.S. debt, and the Western corporations are falling all over themselves to appease us. These foolish and greedy men forget the long term view of history….China is the wheel on which history will turn.” This is an example of Sun Tsu’s THE ART OF WAR wherein he said: “Those skilled at making the enemy move do so by creating a situation to which he must conform; they entice him with something he is certain to take, and with lures of ostensible profit they await him in strength….All warfare is based on deception. There is no place where espionage is not used. Offer the enemy bait to lure him.” A quote from a Chuck Norris film is also relevant here in which the villain says, “Americans don’t understand the nature of their freedom and how it can be used against them.” And one of Osama bin Laden’s most telling remarks after the attacks of September 11, 2001 was when he said the attacks would eventually result in Americans losing their freedoms!

One month later, on January 13, 2000, Bill Gertz in THE WASHINGTON TIMES wrote that a few days before, Communist Chinese Defense Minister Chi Haotian said, “Seen from the changes in the world situation and the United States’ hegemonic strategy for creating monopolarity, war is inevitable. We cannot avoid it. The issue is that the Chinese armed forces must control the initiative in this war….We must be prepared for one year, two years, 3 years or even longer.”

© 2021 Dennis Cuddy – All Rights Reserved

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The Judicial System is On Trial

By Sidney Secular

Legal cases tend to lack the drama or melodrama of TV series like Law and Order or its offshoots or Perry Mason. They are not long, drawn out affairs, and they usually do not intend to establish new legal principles. In most cases, the State wants to win to look ethical and good, and enhance the reputation of the prosecutor so he/she can move up the judicial ladder of success or move into a more prestigious or visible political career. The defense attorneys, win or lose, want to save face for their clients or themselves, and use cases as springboards to obtain more clients.

The right of a defendant to be treated fairly becomes a secondary issue in today’s heavily politicized or pugilistic environment. Crowded court dockets with backed up caseloads extending sometimes into years foster a situation where haste and short-cuts lead to results which are not fair or proper. Today, 94% of criminal convictions are the result of pleading guilty without a trial by someone’s peers which was once considered normal practice.

Many additional factors lead to improper judicial decisions. These range from financial ruination to wide-scale structural problems within the judicial system. The massive expansion of the prison industrial complex nationwide has meant that states need inmates to fill prisons to get a decent return on investment. The politically expedient “tough on crime” campaigns of recent years assisted in filling up prisons with those committing minor offenses. The fear of long prison sentences has caused defendants to plea out early even when they are not guilty. The National Registry of Exonerations, an American database that has tracked all exonerations of innocent defendants since 1989, has listed 580 cases in which innocent defendants have pled guilty. People don’t want to feel that all the cogs and wheels are working against them to end their lives as they have known them. Sentences resulting from jury trials can result in tenfold increases in jail sentences from plea offers or even life sentences upon conviction, especially with the newfound follies of “hate crimes” and punishing people merely for their political convictions. Furthermore, the system can punish defendants for refusing to plead guilty as a form of secondary add-on to their sentences as a form of retribution. This is sometimes referred to as a “trial penalty”.

Fear often makes the innocent defendant, already weary and worn out from the judicial process, choose a lesser sentence rather than face the choice of going free versus going to prison for the remainder of his life or for the best or better part of it. The odds are heavily stacked in favor of the prosecution and the state in most cases, anyway.

Once a defendant has been held in jail for a time, they will “see the light” more readily and clearly. The promise of an immediate release and reunion with family and friends will induce a plea of guilty if a release with probation would be the result, without considering the long-term consequences of having a “guilty” record.

Today, many defendants cannot afford to put forth a quality legal case even if their lives or livelihoods depend upon it. A public defender is a poor option, but many times is the only choice available to those without means. Public defenders have very large caseloads and many times don’t have the time to prepare the best case possible for the defendant.

The courtroom is increasingly a place where only the wealthy can afford to be. According to the National Association for Legal Gun Defense, the average cost of a criminal trial (without a victim’s death) with a private law firm representing the defendant is about $320,000. A typical death penalty trial can cost the defendant $1.3 million. These estimates include the cost of a defense attorney, a legal assistant, a private investigator, expert witnesses, court costs and bail bond expenses. The average cost of employing just an attorney for even simple cases will likely top $25,000.

Since the “pandemic” began, there has been even more pressure for prosecutors and defense attorneys to settle cases outside of trial. Courts are limiting human presence as jails are said to be hotspots of COVID-19. Many courts stopped having jury trials for months, making it even more difficult for a defendant to exercise his Constitutional right to have a trial with a jury of his peers.

The four professors writing for “The Conversation” performed a study involving 700 U.S. adults. What they found on defendant behavior was alarming. The results confirmed that both guilty and innocent participants were more likely to plead guilty when warned of the increased difficulties posed by COVID-19. The innocent participants ranked the “pandemic” as a more important factor in shaping the decision to plead guilty than the “guilty” participants.

There must be a way to allow Americans fair access to a trial as required by the Constitution without undue harmful effects on their constitutions and pocketbooks. By frightening defendants or making it financially impossible for them to present a decent case, the system does not allow them to maintain their innocence until proven guilty. This is just another harmful assault on the poor and middle classes that the powers-that-be seem to be intent on imposing upon them.

It would hardly be surprising to see many of the January 6 protesters plead guilty when in fact they are innocent of any wrongdoing or of any of the “trumped” up charges against them.

© 2021 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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The Coming Genocide: Mass Extermination of Humanity, Part 1

By Kelleigh Nelson

Justice for crimes against humanity must have no limitations. —Simon Wiesenthal,

The horror of the Holocaust is not that it deviated from human norms; the horror is that it didn’t. What happened may happen again, to others not necessarily Jews, perpetrated by others, not necessarily Germans. We are all possible victims, possible perpetrators, possible bystanders. —Yehuda Bauer, Israeli historian and Holocaust scholar

When history looks back, I want people to know the Nazis weren’t able to kill millions of people and get away with it. —Simon Wiesenthal

First it was two weeks to stop COVID, then it was the “vaccine.” In between was economic destruction. The COVID flu (Type A and B found in lungs) that has a 99.75% recovery, turned into a two-year ongoing nightmare. Thousands died unnecessarily deprived of safe and cheap medications. According to Dr. Peter McCullough, those medications would have saved 85% of patients with comorbidities. Remember those elderly died alone, an evil never before perpetrated in these United States.

US stats are frightening and I promise you those stats are much higher than reported.  According to government statistics as of mid-August,13,627 deaths from the jab, 2,836,646 adverse effects (that’s almost 3 million injuries), and 1,429 fetal deaths in pregnant women. Link  (VAERS)

Ivermectin – The Deprived COVID Prevention and Cure

The American Medical Association (AMA), The American Pharmacists Association (APhA), and the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) have called for an immediate end to prescribing, dispensing, and use of ivermectin to prevent or treat COVID-19 outside clinical trials.

The Wall Street Journal carried a recent article about the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) and Centers for Disease Control (CDC) having warned against the use of the antiparasitic drug, ivermectin, to prevent or treat COVID-19.

Other articles have claimed ivermectin is only used as an anti-parasitic for animals.  However, a CDC and Prevention guideline for refugees issued in 2019 shows that it was a regular part of the regimen of preventing parasites from being brought over to the United States.“These guidelines are recommendations for the International Organization for Migration (IOM) physicians and other panel physicians who administer overseas predeparture presumptive treatment for intestinal parasites,” the document reads.Link

There’s more!

Dr. Paul Marik is the second most published critical care doctor in the history of medicine, with more than 500 peer-reviewed papers and books, 43,000 scholarly citations of his work, and a research “H” rating higher than many Nobel Prize winners.  Marik is world famous as creator of the “Marik Cocktail,” a revolutionary cocktail of cheap, safe, generic, FDA-approved drugs that dramatically reduces death rates from sepsis by 20 to 50 percent anywhere in the world.  Marik was appalled that people with Covid were told to take Tylenol and drink water and wait for a vaccine; he saw that as medical nihilism.

Together with four of his closest friends who happened to be the top academic critical care doctors in the world, he challenged them to help him find a protocol to treat Covid-19.  Their breakthrough in early 2020 centered around Ivermectin; the same drug given to President Trump when he was in hospital with Covid, although he and mainstream media claimed he was treated with Fauci’s and Big Pharma’s Remdesivir and Regeneron.

The five doctors published their breakthroughs in real time on the website of their nonprofit research group, the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (, so doctors anywhere in the world could find and use them immediately. Their protocol is available here and Ivermectin is included here.  An over-the-counter medicine in France, Ivermectin is safer than Tylenol and “one of the safest drugs ever given to humanity,” Dr. Marik said, with “3.7 billion doses administered in forty years, and only extremely rare serious side effects.”

Many prominent physicians and scientists around the world believe that Doctors Marik, Kory, Meduri, Varon, and Iglesias deserve the Nobel Prize in medicine.

Note that the doctors who discovered Ivermectin won a Nobel Prize in 2015 for their discovery. The World Health Organization (WHO) lists Ivermectin as an “essential medicine” for global health. There are currently at least 104 studies with 66 being peer-reviewed as of August 7, 2021, showing that Ivermectin is not only the silver-bullet treatment for COVID-19, but is also a highly-effective prophylaxis against COVID-19.  The FDA lied about ivermectin saying it was dangerous and even lethal when in fact it was the cure for COVID.  Instead Fauci’s Remdesivir and Regeneron was used for 10 months in 2020.  It did not save lives, Remdesivir actually caused kidney failure.

The purposeful denial of decades old life-saving medications, azithromycin, steroids, hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin and the failure to treat people with a multitude of supplements, leads to one conclusion.  The clot shot is mass extermination of humanity.

In January of 2021, a New York judge saved the life of an 80-year-old woman by ordering the hospital to give her ivermectin.  The anti-parasitic drug has been shown to kill Sars-coV-2 in 48 hours.  Researchers at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia worked with the Peter Doherty Institute of Infection and Immunity. They showed that Ivermectin reduced COVID-19 viral RNA present in cell culture by as much as 93 percent after 24 hours and by 99.8 percent after 48 hours, at around a 5,000-fold reduction in coronavirus RNA, hinting that the medicine can potentially eradicate the virus.

Dr. Ryan Cole tells us even more.  He states, “Dr. Peter McCullough out of Texas, is the most published cardiologist in the world and the most published physician on COVID, with over 50 articles on COVID this last year. The death rate for those who have used the McCullough protocols is 86% lower than the hospitals.”

“In Argentina, Dr. Carvallo’s prevention trials, with many of these early treatments and prophylactic treatments, showed a 100% prevention of acquisition of Sars-coV-2 on patients who were on prophylactic ivermectin.  The molecule in ivermectin doesn’t just treat parasites, it has 22 mechanisms of action against Sars-coV-2, has seven or eight anti-viral mechanisms and it has multiple immune modification mechanisms.  In Dr. Carvallo’s study, two months of healthcare workers taking one ivermectin a week, zero got COVID.  In the placebo control group of 400 people, 57% got COVID.  This is how effective Ivermectin was in prevention in a hospital setting.  You cannot claim that for these ‘vaccines.’”

Global Lies, Totalitarian Control

A CDC study found that over 80% of US adults have some immunity to COVID noting that infection offers similar protection as the COVID jabs.  No, COVID jabs do not offer the immunity God supplied to our bodies.  It’s lifetime if we have had and recovered from COVID, whether it was a minor case, an asymptomatic case, or a case that put you in bed for a couple weeks.  As explained in my previous article, natural immunity is lifelong and is stored in your bone marrow plasma and your bones and memory B cells monitor your blood for signs of reinfection.

The totalitarian control by health departments and state politicians has become draconian.  The Mississippi State Department of Health issued an alert on August 22, ordering any coronavirus-positive individuals to isolate for at least 10 days or face up to a 5-year prison sentence and a fine of up to $5,000…brutal and punitive actions for a virus with a 99.75% recovery.

Nurses are being fired for refusing the jab.  They’re resigning, and they’re posting what they’ve seen and why they’re leaving.  They’re also speaking out about vaccine injuries and lack of reporting to Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting System (VAERS).

The FBI is acting like the East German Stasi instructing friends, family, and neighbors to report on one another. They have succeeded in these goals and the objective to keep the younger generation in isolation is working in many areas. The youth have fewer friends and the suicide rates have skyrocketed.

If you haven’t been vaccinated for COVID yet, then you aren’t entitled to life-saving health care…according to CNN’s Don Lemon.“If you’re not going to get vaccinated, you don’t want to social distance, you don’t want to wear a mask, then maybe you don’t want to go to the hospital when you get sick,” Lemon told CNN comrade Chris Cuomo on Tuesday night’s episode of “Don Lemon Tonight.”

“I know that sounds harsh,” Lemon continued, “but you’re taking up the space for people who are doing things the right way.”  Yeah Don, “My body, my choice” doesn’t count when it’s for bodily medical integrity, only for killing the unborn.

It’s already happening.  People are being denied normal healthcare all because of COVID. Nurses have worked for over a year without being vaccinated. All of a sudden, they are a threat by staying unvaccinated?  Physicians are retiring at astronomical rates, and the shortage of health care providers, the lack of docs and nurses are at dangerous levels.

Unfortunately, most Americans are still listening to the comrades in our Pravda mainstream media…but some are waking up.

Fighting Back

But some are fighting back, even in Novato, California.  The group is putting notices on doors of local businesses warning them not to require vaccines for entry.

Hospitals reeling from surging Covid-19 cases are facing a new pandemic battle: lawsuits from guardians of patients on ventilators demanding treatment with ivermectin.  And the cheap and safe drug is saving lives.

Kate Dalley of the Kate Dalley radio show saved her husband’s life by knowing the correct protocol for COVID, rather than the promoted AMA, NIH, CDC and FDA false hospital protocols that kill, including oxygen, small doses of steroids and ventilators.  She saved her husband and ivermectin was part of the answer.

The Epoch Times reported that the Florida Department of Health will start fining businesses $5,000 for violations of the “vaccine”passport ban.

Resistance to inoculation mandates is growing by the tens of thousands…we must keep spreading the truth.


As vaccination rates rise, COVID-19 “Delta variant” cases also rise. In fact, Japan shattered and continues shattering its own records for COVID-19 cases this summer. Japan’s seven-day average COVID-19 peak was 1,361 new cases on August 7, 2020. That was the country’s highest rate that year with no vaccines. Japan topped out at a seven-day average of 23,065 new COVID cases on August 26, 2021, a 1,600% increase from the 2020 peak, thanks to the jab.

Japan also found metallic particles were in injection vials and suspended 1.63 million Moderna doses on August 26. [Link] The Japanese Health Ministry said that metal particles that were “attracted to a magnet” were found in Moderna vials. A total of three lots of Moderna vials from eight vaccination sites were taken out of circulation. The lots were manufactured in Spain by a company called Rovi Laboratories. Investigators are still determining what exactly the substance is. But the problem worsened on August 29.

Another one million Moderna doses were taken out of circulation in Japan on Sunday, bringing the total to 2.63 million removed. Officials in the prefectures (political subdivisions) of Okinawa and Gunma said contaminated vials forced the suspension. At least two men, age 30 and 38, died after receiving the contaminated Moderna injections, according to the Japan Times. Gunma officials found a “black substance” in several Moderna vials. A pink substance was found in the Okinawa vials.

Japanese media parroted talking points to defend Moderna who stated there was no evidence their injections killed the men.  Japan is still using ivermectin and the drug has kept Japan safer than the injections.

It is now established science that the COVID injections cause the so-called COVID Delta variant. But don’t expect mea culpas from WHO and/or the CDC anytime soon.

The Lying FDA

Marion Gruber, director of the FDA’s Office of Vaccines Research & Review (OVRR) and 32-year veteran of the agency, has announced she will leave at the end of October, and OVRR deputy director Phil Krause, who’s been at FDA for more than a decade, will also leave in November. Link

There is concern that the political forces are pushing for COVID passports which have been funded by the Gates Foundation in league with the Rockefeller Foundation under the pretense of the World Health Organization (WHO). Gates is pushing for a total database on everyone in the world to be maintained by the WHO.

The two people leaving the FDA do not want to be part of this agenda but the White House will never tell the truth nor will they investigate Gates, Rockefeller Foundation, and the WHO. There are people seriously concerned about what is going on. The White House is making announcements with boosters, vaccinating childrenand circumventing the FDA entirely. The FDA felt extreme pressure to approve the mRNA clot shots which normally take 12-years. They rushed the approval out in less than one year, months actually, and now the Biden Administration is putting pressure on employers to fire people who refuse to get vaccinated. Link

Gates, who was indoctrinated by his eugenics-loving father to believe the population of the world had to be reduced, is not interested in creating vaccines to save humanity. He and Fauci funded Remdesivir, an expensive drug that did nothing to save lives. He and the Rockefeller Foundation want to reduce the world population as typical elitists often do because they think they are gods. These are dangerous people that history will one day catalog up there alongside Adolf Hitler for his belief in eugenics.

Life Site News reports that Israel, Austria, and Croatia are requiring citizens to top up their shots due to failing vaccine protection or lose their vax passports. I guess people aren’t dying fast enough.  The move is not unthinkable in the U.S., where the Biden administration has announced plans for upcoming booster shots.


There is no conclusion to the evil we’re seeing being perpetrated throughout the world, but there are past lessons.

In every evil movement there are souls who stand against the tide at great personal cost.  We’ve seen the many brilliant doctors and scientists who are risking all.  WWII saw more than seven hundred pastors and priests thrown into concentration camps because they had the courage of their convictions and “did not count their lives dear unto themselves.” Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Martin Niemöller knew that the goal of life was not to live long but more importantly, to make sure that we are faithful no matter the cost.  We have much to learn from such men, and women too, for they point the way for us when our convictions clash with state policy.  Link

© 2021 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson:

The Break-Up of the U.S. Is Inevitable. Here Is What You Can Do

By Steven Yates

The U.S. is going to break up in the near future, possibly within our lifetimes. I don’t think it’s stoppable at this point. The only issue is: will you prepare, or leave things to chance? You cannot save what is no longer “your” country. But you might be able to save yourself and your loved ones working with small and autonomous communities of like-minded others.

Two weekends ago a firefight erupted between Proud Boys and Antifa members (see also this). The scene was Portland, Ore., which is for all practical purposes in a state of civil war. Police are unable to keep order, and in pictures and videos I see, the place is starting to look like Baghdad.

Mainstream media refuses to use the word Antifa. The above article calls them antifascists, which has a very different connotation (you’re not for fascists, are you?).

No major media reported the Antifa and BLM presence in Charlottesville back in 2017. To this day, moreover, Heather Heyer“was killed at a white nationalist rally,” even though the rally had been called off over four hours before.

To this day, “five people died during the insurrection on January 6.” Never mind that four had health problems and the fifth was shot in cold blood (see below).

When no dominant (moneyed) media can be trusted to report what is true, that is a major sign of ongoing collapse.

More to the point, when one or more groups stops seeing others as legitimate — to the point where their adherents are resorting to mass violence given the opportunity — there is no reason for thinking these groups either can or should continue to coexist under the same political roof.

This is not simply “red states” versus “blue states.” That’s too simple. The U.S., over time, has evolved into geographical regions with different outlooks.

There’s the Southeast, with its Confederate symbols (the ones that haven’t been canceled, anyway), representing a sense of heritage and place. Southerners tend to respect common horse sense and an ability to get things done with your hands. They do not have formal education on a pedestal. They tend to be religious. But they’ve no desire to impose their will on everyone. From my experience of living in the South for many years I can certify: most just want to be left the hell alone, and not be dictated to by arrogant elites hundreds of miles away!

Then there’s the Northeast, with its cosmopolitan globalism. No respect for heritage or place there!Respect by those with money for others with money. To the elitists and those who identify with them, formal degrees are very important. They wear their irreligiosity on their sleeves as they follow The Science, trust secular authority, and insist that you do so as well.

There’s Texas, where once you get outside places like Austin and Houston there are even more fiercely independent people. There are Texans talking openly about seceding from the U.S. Again the mindset: leave us alone!

There’s the North-Midwest and its distinctive agrarian mindset, conservative once you get outside metropolises like Chicago and hotbeds of wokery like Madison, Wisconsin.

There’s the Pacific Northwest, divided into the hard left coastal or near-coastal cities like Seattle and Portland. Political-economic catastrophes, all. Seven Oregon counties are trying to join Idaho to be free of Portland. Conservative inner regions of these states extend into Montana where you’ll find survivalists like these guys who are preparing for the worst.

California is likely to break up, with a few northernmost counties likely to join with Greater Idaho; then there’s the decadent “left coast,” versus the more conservative inner regions of the state.

That’s if Mexi-fornia doesn’t happen! I have no trouble envisioning Mexico claiming (or, as Mexicans will say, reclaiming) the American Southwest: Southern California, Arizona, and New Mexico for sure (they’ll have a fight on their hands with West Texas). Colorado? I don’t know. Again, in Colorado you have left-leaning Denver and Boulder, while much of the rest of the state is again conservative.

Would not political separation be the sensible way to go?

A lot of it!

I’m not saying it will be easy! Quite the contrary!

Nor will it be safe, and for more than one reason!

Outside forces will try and block it every step of the way, starting obviously with the Asylum on the Potomac until they’ve exhausted their resources trying to fight on several fronts at once.

Or unless an unpredictable “black swan” event simply removes their ability to stop cascading secessions.

However that plays out, leftists and rightists (not all of whom are conservative in my sense) are likely to fight territorial wars that could last a generation or more.

Other outside forces might exploit the end of the U.S. empire. I doubt the Chinese Communist Party will just sit on its collective hands. Taiwan awaits!

Be this as it may, other things being equal, the self-dismembering of what exists north of the Rio Grande is now inevitable. Unless pre-empted by something worse, such as Vaccine Apocalypse (see also this) should horrific scenarios start to play out.

What can you do? I’ve written a few things previously (here, here, here, here, here, here). There are things I did not emphasize, or left out.

First and foremost, you need to stay healthy and be mentally alert;embrace and practice behaviors that are survival-enhancing; and create communities that will abide.

Staying healthy. First, your immune system is still God’s greatest natural gift to you. Build it up with nutritious foods: fresh vegetables — the more colors the better! — fresh fruits, nuts; Vitamins C and D-3; minerals such as calcium, zinc, and magnesium. White meat is okay, but I’d reduce my consumption of red meat as it forces your digestive system to work harder.

And by the way, lay off the sugar! It makes you less alert, and its health problems are well known. I shouldn’t need to say: avoid artificial sweeteners like the plague! Avoid carbonated beverages! Avoid processed foods full of preservatives! A lot of this stuff barely merits being called food! These fake foods cause obesity, leading to diabetes, heart problems, colon problems, etc. They make money for corporate predators without doing you the slightest good!

Shop at farmers’ markets, or in your grocery store’s produce section. You should be storing non perishables now (rice, dried beans, dried milk, bottled water, etc.). The same for supplies of basic necessities. The ideal is to have enough to sustain you and your loved ones for at least six months, and your list should include bottled water, toilet paper, soap, shampoo, toothpaste, etc. Keep in mind: everything in your grocery story had to be trucked in. If something happens to disrupt supply lines or ordinary trucker activity, the result will be barren shelves in every store in your area in a matter of hours!

These suggestions merge seamlessly into embracing and practicing survival-enhancing behaviors.

Exercise regularly, to build not just physical strength but stamina. Breathing exercises will increase your lung capacity.

Take walks. Long distances on weekends if possible. Have a back pack with something heavy in it. Just in case you have to walk a long distance someday, having been forced to leave your humble abode with whatever you can carry.

By the way, if by some chance you smoke, QUIT! I can’t emphasize this enough!

Keep your alcohol intake to no more than two drinks per day—you might find that this, too, is something you can live without.

Do NOT use recreational, mind-altering drugs — or body drugs. I include most pharmaceuticals in this category: mood- and therefore mind-altering drugs that happen to be legal (their makers have money, after all!). However tempting they may be as an escape from an unhappy or not-so-well-off existence, resist them as they will only do harm in the long run. Countless people have ruined their lives because they couldn’t leave this stuff alone.

Get enough sleep, so your brain and body can recharge. The amount will differ for different people, but seven to eight hours sounds about right. And by the way (I’ve discovered this personally): the darker your room at night, the better you sleep! In fact, if you begin darkening your home after sundown, you help prepare mentally for the night’s sleep. Cool your room without making it uncomfortably cold. We sleep better in a cool room. Mid 60s F works for us. Reduce outside noise by any means necessary, soundproofing the room if you have to.

Turn off all screens — TV, laptop, smartphone — at least one hour before bedtime. Two hours is better yet. Instead, and this is optional: play relaxing instrumental music. No rock; nothing fast-paced or intense or attention-demanding.

All this will reduce stress, and help you cope better with the changes likely to come—by preparing you mentally for taking charge of what you can control!

Read Scripture. Read the Stoic philosopher Epictetus (from whom I’ve learned a great deal). Pray. Meditate. Make love to your mate. Different combinations of activities will work for different people. You be the judge.

Manage stress, or it will manage you, and when you’re stressed, you’re not thinking clearly and making the wise decisions you need to be making now, not after things go to pieces. Stress will hurt your immune system, moreover. It will also affect your digestion and other body systems.

Take care of your loved ones! Spend time with them! If you are alone, see if you can find like-minded others online. There will be safety in numbers!

Communities that abide (a phrase I got from Dmitry Orlov, one of my favorite writers on the Internet): there are principles that sustain communities over time in hostile environments. Again, what can you do now, starting from where you are?

Get to know your neighbors if they’ll permit it. If they won’t, it might be worth moving somewhere more conducive to your values. Build relationships with people you do business with again if they permit it: a local doctor if you have one, a dentist, people where you buy food — or anything else, for that matter — teachers and librarians, your insurance agent, the mechanic who services your car, the “geek” who can fix your computer. A veterinarian, if you have pets, and so on. Recognize their intrinsic value!

Do not forget the elderly! They have a lifetime of experience! If things melt down, they will be especially vulnerable!

Build local community systems if you can. Invest in them your time, labor, and money.You will want to have people around you who will have your back. This is reciprocal. You want to prepare to have others’ backs. The best way to do all this — may I be permitted? — is to show that you give a damn!

And by the way, speaking of things that cause stress without your even realizing it: ask if you actually need to know everything going on in Afghanistan? Or in Rome on the Potomac, for that matter! Or anywhere else you’re in no position to affect positively and do good? I can’t tell you specifics, so again, you be the judge.

Rule of thumb: if it’s harming your mindset without delivering any compensating benefits, turn it off!

Do you need to know more than that mainstream party politics (both parties!) is an ongoing disaster and unlikely to get better (unless a real conservative emerges between now and 2024 and gains traction. That seems to me like expecting magic)?

At present, I’ve no plans to endorse anyone for any upcoming elections — if they even happen, or are not rigged. Even Trump, it is now clear in retrospect, sold out with Operation Warp Speed as part of his own magical hope for political survival (billions into Big Pharma bank accounts to cook up the mRNA “vaccines”), and more recently by telling his Alabama supporters to “get vaccinated.”

These comments, going beyond the mindset of separation and self-reliance all are going to need in the future, should help answer those wondering, What can we do?

There’s much more to be said. Several of the above are an article in their own right.

Moreover, merely deciding on such matters as dietary change, or breaking digital addictions, and then trying to exercise will power won’t cut it.

For the same reason New Year’s Resolutions tend to fail.

What will cut it? Building the right systems and structure into your life. Strange though it sounds, systems and structure are what will set you free!

That, too, is an article in its own right! A major one!

God willing, I hope to write more about all these matters in the future!

Year One: Further News and Views.

(1)The latest hoax appears to be the FDA’s “approval” of the Pfizer jab. (Here; here; here.) What the FDA approved was something with a name I’d not heard before August 23: the Pfizer Comirnaty vaccine. Is this the same as what Pfizer has been distributing under emergency use authorization as the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine? I have no idea! But something here smells, and as usual, only alternative media detected it. Needless to say, an effort has begun to discourage you from asking the question.

Always remember: the FDA and other federal agencies are bought and paid for by moneyed interests whose smoke and mirrors are now ubiquitous. This is what it means to live in a post-truth world!

(2) Delta Air Lines announced that they would charge unvaccinated employees an extra $200/month for corporate-supplied health insurance. The unvaxxed will also be required to submit negative PCR tests once per week. This exemplifies Stage 3 vaccine compliance/coercion. Universities such as Virginia Tech and Duke are kicking out students, employees, or both, if they remain unjabbed. Note that over 90 percent of the people on these campuses are vaccinated, an index of how well these jabs actually work.

If this continues to spread to more institutions and the so-called private sector, it may yet render Stage 4 (criminalizing lack-of-vaccination) moot.

(3) From the the-rule-of-law-is-dead-in-America department: we now know the identity of the Capitol cop who shot Ashli Babbitt. He is Lt. Michael Byrd, a 28-year veteran of Capitol Police. He came forward August 26 to NBC News with a self-righteous interview claiming he was just “doing his job,” enhancing the insurrectionist narrative of 1/6, according to which those who entered the Capitol that day were trying to “overthrow democracy.” He claims to have been identified by Trump supporters, and in hiding following numerous death threats.

Comments: first, what kind of idiot still believes the U.S. is really a democracy (as opposed to a plutocratic oligarchy)?

Second, if you want more evidence of how divided we are and doubts over whether we should remain under the same political roof, consult Ashli’s widower, Aaron Babbitt. He told Tucker Carlson, “my agitation level is actually going through the roof right now where [Byrd] admitted he didn’t really care if she was armed or not….  [W]e are going down a bad rabbit hole right now.” And, “I don’t even want to hear him talk about how he’s getting death threats and he’s scared…. I’ve been getting death threats since Jan. 7—two, three, five, 10 a day—and all I did on Jan. 6 was become a widower, so you’re going to have to suck it up, bud, and take it.”

The family attorney is preparing a $10 million wrongful death suit against Capitol Police. Unfortunately, this means appealing to the very system that exonerated Byrd of all wrongdoing. Aaron Babbitt knows this, calling it a “David and Goliath fight we have going on here.” No one in Congress responded to Ashli’s mother’s inquiries regarding her daughter’s shooting. Trump made one call.

This accords with our theme above, that one of the sides of our vastest division—between those who back Trump’s claims of having won versus those who do not—does not even see the lives of those on the other as of value. They can be shot like an animal, and a constructed narrative will rationalize the shooting. “No further action will be taken in this matter,” read a Capitol Police statement following the internal whitewa— I mean, investigation.

Oh, I almost forgot. Third: Ashli’s shooter was black. Suppose for a second that the races and ideologies were reversed. Ask yourself about the howls of woke rage that would have been heard around the world before the sun had time to set on the so-called insurrection.

Steven Yates’s new book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory (Wipf and Stock, 2021) is available here and here.

September is here, and it is time to renew my call for donations. In the present hostile environment, any of us — this site, or myself — could be canceled at any time! (My computer has been hacked more than once; I once had to replace a device when hackers damaged the operating system beyond repair.) Donate to here. Donate to my site here, or to me via PayPal (use my email address available  below) if Patreon is not to your liking. Any pledges or donations I receive exceeding $25/mo., I will match with a donation to out of appreciation for this site.

© 2021 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates:

Is Our Country Committing Demographic/Sociological Suicide?

By Frosty Wooldridge

In the first six months of this year, Joe Biden invited 1,000,000 (million) illegal migrants into our country without any understanding of the short and long-term consequences.  Another 200,000 crossed over illegally in August, and most definitely another 200,000 expect to reach America in September.  Total projections exceed 2,000,000 illegal migrants this year. That’s on top of 1,000,000 legal refugees that will land on America’s shores by December 31st, 2021.

In the past two weeks, Biden imported 100,000 Afghanistan refugees that will add further to our already crippled housing-welfare systems in our country of over 540,000 American homeless and homeless veterans.  Note: we stand $28 trillion in national debt while the interest on that debt continues to climb…and we pay for it with our taxes.

Not Normal Refugees, but Muslim Refugees

But those refugees aren’t just any group…they are Muslims from a religion that diametrically opposes Western Culture, Western Thought and Western equality for women. Islam is the Afghanistan refugees and those Afghanistan’s are Islam.  In effect, they are an “invited” incompatible religious culture that will ultimately wreak sociological and political chaos upon our Western systems of governance.  Think of the two sons of Muslim immigrants that blew up the Boston Marathon several years ago.  They enjoyed every American opportunity, yet their religion commanded them to bomb us in our own country.

A friend of mine uncovered what we can expect from this new batch of Islamic refugees:

“We have just given Muslims everywhere a base and the wherewithal to carry out terrorism throughout the world,” said Jack Day.  “Think I’m being Muslim-phobic? History could give us a lesson if we would only read. The actual problem with Muslim Wars began in the 7th Century and lasted through the 17th Century. Many will contend it never stopped.

“That is why many of us choke when we hear someone say we will defeat or contain these Islamic Terrorists in a few Years, or even “30 Years” as has been stated by Leon Panetta. If the latest batch of Murders, Beheadings, and killing of Innocent Christians has at all shocked you, it is time for you to read this Compilation of Historical Facts about the Intense Hatred that Muslims have for any and all who are NOT Muslims.

“In 732 A.D., the Muslim Army, which was moving on Paris, was Defeated and turned back at Tours, France, by Charles Martell. In 1571 A.D., the Muslim Army/Navy was defeated by the Italians and Austrians as they tried to cross the Mediterranean to attack. Southern Europe in the Battle of Lepanto.

“In 1683 A.D., the Turkish Muslim Army, attacking Eastern Europe, was finally Defeated in the Battle of Vienna by German and Polish Christian Armies.  This Nonsense has been going on for 1,400 years! The SAD thing is that more than half of all Politicians do not even know any of this.

“Many Americans have become so insulated from reality that they imagine America can suffer defeat without any inconvenience to themselves. Let’s take a look at recent history.

“In 1968, Robert Kennedy was Shot and Killed by a Muslim Male. In 1972, at the Munich Olympics, Israeli Athletes were Kidnapped and Massacred by Muslim Males.

“In 1972, a Pan Am 747 was Hijacked and eventually Diverted to Cairo where a Fuse was lit on Final Approach. Shortly after Landing, it was blown up by Muslim Males.

“In 1973, a Pan Am 707 was Destroyed in Rome With 33 People Killed, when it was Attacked with grenades by Muslim Males. In 1979, the United States Embassy in Iran was taken over by Muslim Males.

“During the 1980’s, a number of Americans were Kidnapped in Lebanon by Muslim Males. In 1983, the United States Marine Barracks in Beirut was Blown up by Muslim Males. In 1985, the Cruise Ship Achilles-Lauro was hijacked, and a 70-year-old American passenger was murdered and thrown overboard in his wheelchair by Muslim Males.

“In 1985, TWA Flight 847 was Hijacked at Athens, and a United States Navy Diver, who was trying to Rescue Passengers – was murdered by Muslim Males.

“In 1988, Pan Am Flight 103 was bombed by Muslim Males. In 1993, the World Trade Center was Bombed for the First Time by Muslim Males. In 1998, the United States Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania were bombed by Muslim Males.


“On 09/11/01, FOUR Airliners were Hijacked. Two of the Planes were used as Missiles to take down the World Trade Centers. One Plane Crashed into the United States Pentagon, and the other Plane was Diverted and Crashed by the Passengers. Thousands of People were Killed by Muslim Males.

“In 2002, the United States fought a War in Afghanistan against Muslim Males.  In 2002, reporter Daniel Pearl was Kidnapped and Beheaded by you guessed it – a Muslim Male (Plus two other American Journalists who had just recently been Beheaded.)

“In 2013, the Boston Marathon Bombing resulted in Four Innocent People, including a Child, being Killed and 264 other People injured by Muslim Males.

“Since then, there have been numerous bombings around the world and especially on American soil by migrant Muslims, too many to list.

So, if you think I’m being Muslim-phobic or whatever labeling BS is politically correct at this time, I believe I have made my case for Biden and his lightweights to wake up to reality. Our families are now much more unsafe under the present administration than we were a few short months ago.

“The Taliban and their cousins are now looking at the world with rabid glee, multiplying their murderous intentions exponentially, all because of the weakness of President Joe Biden.”

We now understand by the Department of Homeland Security, that between 23 to 27 honor killings are committed annually in the USA with another 500,000 cases of female genital mutilations all committed by Muslim immigrant men as commanded by their Islamic religion. We’re talking murders and assault and battery on young girls.© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Out of those 100,000 unvetted Afghanistan refugees that Biden imported last week, at least five percent of them will ultimately wage Jihad terror acts in America and we, the American people and our children, will become victims in our own country at the hands of our own president.  Remember the 11 military personnel that died last week at the hands of Biden’s incompetence.  Well, look forward to the terrorist acts yet to occur because of Biden’s stupidity, ignorance and dementia.  Our president is a fool as he leads a pack of fools (or they lead him) in the White House.

As 9/12 looms this week, every American needs to understand that the Islamic religion doesn’t care about time, ethics, human decency, women’s rights, animal rights or human dignity.  Point blank: Islam remains a 6th century violent, combative and deadly religion for all humankind.  If we continue importing enough of its followers into Western countries…we will ultimately be defeated by Islam.

Are we committing cultural/sociological suicide?  What do you think?

Is anyone in America thinking about these questions?  Are we not galloping into America’s twilight years?

If you would like a free electronic copy of this book, please email me with your email address and I will send it to you.  Every American with children or any American who will live in this country in 2050, needs to understand what they face.

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121.

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

This video will scare the daylights out of every American as to what’s coming to our country, US Citizenship Act 2021 by Joe Biden.

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Can the CDC, FDA, Fauci & NAID Be Sued for Fraud?

By: Devvy

As I said at the end of my last column, COVID Injections: Killing, Permanently Disabling Nurses, Doctors, Teachers, you always need to go back to the genesis of the problem.  Identify is first because if you don’t know what the problem is, how can one possibly solve it?  I’ve made dates bold because this is very important.

February 3, 2020:  President Trump declares a public health emergency.  Based on what?  His staff informed him computer models predict 2.2 million will die; reportedly it was Fauci the Faker who delivered that canard.  Where did that number come from?  Prof. Neil Ferguson.  His ‘models’ have been rightfully shredded but the damage was done.[1][1A]

January 21, 2020CDC Confirms First US Coronavirus Case – “A Washington state resident becomes the first person in the United States with a confirmed case of the 2019 novel coronavirus, having returned from Wuhan on January 15, thanks to overnight polymerase chain reaction testing.” (PCR)

STOP.  We know the PCR test, polymerase chain reaction, does NOT test for any virus.  That is a fact which cannot be denied.  The PCR test is a manufacturing technique never meant to be a diagnostic tool. The CDC supposedly has best of the best scientists and experts.  How could they not have known they were using a test that’s meaningless for this alleged virus?

So, from day one, the CDC used a PCR test to ‘confirm’ the first COVID-19 case in the U.S.  “A clinical specimen was collected and sent to CDC overnight, where laboratory testing yesterday confirmed the diagnosis via CDC’s Real time Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction (rRT-PCR) test.”

Let me again use this example:  Dr. Smith tells his patient he’s going to test him for diabetes using a test that doesn’t test for diabetes.  What do you suppose would be his patient’s reaction to that?

Now, if you click on the link above, a confirmed case, it goes to a January 21, 2020, CDC page.  “CDC has been proactively preparing for the introduction of 2019-nCoV in the United States for weeks, including:

“Developing a diagnostic test to detect this virus in clinical specimens, accelerating the time it takes to detect infection. Currently, testing for this virus must take place at CDC, but in the coming days and weeks, CDC will share these tests with domestic and international partners.”

Let’s go back to the January 21, 2020, link above.  The first case is allegedly confirmed.  Patient Zero went to a clinic on January 19, 2020.  On the afternoon of January 20th, his case is “confirmed” to be COVID-19.  But, once again, they used a test that is 100% faulty for the purpose it was being used.[2][3]

March 19,2020WHO Declares COVID-19 a Pandemic–  “The World Health Organization (WHO) on March 11, 2020, has declared the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak a global pandemic.” Global?

Hmm.  Dec. 3,2020WHO announces COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic – “The meeting follows the announcement yesterday by Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO’s Director-General, that COVID-19 can be characterized as a pandemic.”  What?

Here’s how the CDC sold their lie.  Dated Dec. 29, 2020:

“SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, was isolated in the laboratory and is available for research by the scientific and medical community.

“One important way that CDC has supported global efforts to study and learn about SARS-CoV-2 in the laboratory was by growing the virus in cell culture and ensuring that it was widely available. Researchers in the scientific and medical community can use virus obtained from this work in their studies.”

Well, it sure sounds convincing, doesn’t it?  I mean ‘isolated’ is important.  The only problem is that bothersome thing called ‘purified’ in identifying a new virus. No wonder the CDC referred to COVID as a ‘new novel’ coronavirus.  A fictional novel.  There’s another problem.  Back to this posted on the FDA’s web site:  CDC document “CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel.” July 13, 2020, page 42 where the CDC is instructing the use of a PCR test, it says:

“Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available, assays [diagnostic tests] designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA…”

The CDC is explaining how to test for a virus for which they have no quantified virus isolated specimen available using a test that doesn’t test for any virus.  They have no existing virus isolates in July, but by December, they claim to have isolated SARS-Co-V02 in the laboratory – months into the “pandemic”.

In January 2020, first case confirmed using a PCR test.  July 2020, they have no isolated virus.  December 2020, they have the isolated virus.   Above, Dec. 29, 2020, they state it was isolated “in the laboratory and available”.  So, from July 13,2020 to December 29, 2020, they allegedly now have isolated specimen, but not a purified – clean – particles isolated specimen.

More importantly, if the CDC had allegedly isolated this phantom virus in late December 2020 (exact date unknown), what scientific protocols were used to isolate this alleged SARS-CoV-2, “that causes COVID-19” exists?  It certainly didn’t come from the Communist Chinese government or their equivalent of our CDC:

China didn’t have scientific proof of this ‘new novel coronavirus’ as I’ve pointed out in previous columns:  “Ten days ago I watched a video that absolutely caused my jaw to drop. This interview on Jan. 23, 2021, was between an NBC reporter in Wuhan, China and Dr. Wu Zunyou, Chinese Center for Disease Control. In response to the reporter’s question about why they haven’t shared data, Zunyou said, “They didn’t isolate the virus.” And, there you have it.  Computer models are not specimens.

If this phantom virus came from Wuhan, China who did NOT isolate this alleged virus, how could the CDC have already “isolated in the laboratory and is available for research by the scientific and medical community” in late Dec. 2020? Patient Zero had returned from China in mid-January.

Trump put globalist, Mike Pence, in charge of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, established on January 29, 2020.  Fauci the Faker and scarf model, Deborah Birx, became the superstars. Despite the predicted apocalypse about to hit this country, big chief expert, Fauci the Faker,said nothing to worry about. Drum roll, please:

“On February 17, 2020, Fauci opined that the danger of the coronavirus was “just minuscule” but that Americans should be worried about the “real and present danger” of seasonal flu.

“On February 29, 2020, Fauci asserted, “Right now, at this moment, there is no need to change anything that you’re doing on a day-by-day basis. Right now, the risk is still low.”

On March 9, 2020, Fauci commented that: “If you are a healthy young person, there is no reason if you want to go on a cruise ship, go on a cruise ship.”

Beyond any legal deficiencies, there’s no question the CDC & FDA had to know a PCR test does not test for any virus therefore, they have committed fraud on a massive scale.  In the legal world, fraud “is both a civil tort and criminal wrong“.

The same applies to the manufacturers of PCR tests they sold to labs, hospitals and all other health care providers world-wide.  Their product – even stretched to the merry-go-round called cycles – is beyond defective yet they sold it knowing – or at least should have known it does not detect infection or any virus.  That’s fraud.

The whole world – not just the U.S. was shut down based on number of cases identified using PCR tests plastered on every TV, vomited up by governors and mayors who fell for the con.  International Class Action Lawsuits Against Corona PCR Test Manufacturers

Nov. 9, 2020: SCIENCE FAIL: Portuguese court rules PCR tests are unreliable, unlawful “evidence” of alleged Covid-19 infections

“These individuals sued for fraudulent science and won, setting a precedent for the PCR test to hopefully be discarded as pseudo scientific quackery, which is exactly what it is.  Even The New York Times told the truth by revealing that most people who test “positive” using a PCR test are actually negative and healthy.

“Testing data collected from Massachusetts, New York, Nevada and elsewhere show that upwards of 90 percent of people who test “positive” with a PCR test are perfectly normal and disease-free.

“Given how much scientific doubt exists – as voiced by experts, i.e., those who matter – about the reliability of the PCR tests, given the lack of information concerning the tests’ analytical parameters, and in the absence of a physician’s diagnosis supporting the existence of infection or risk, there is no way this court would ever be able to determine whether C was indeed a carrier of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, or whether A, B and D had been at a high risk of exposure to it,” the Portuguese court corroborated about the faulty nature of the PCR test.

“It is important to keep in mind that the PCR was never intended to be used as a method of trying to copy genetic material, which is how it is being used in Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) testing.”

While this is a long read, it’s important:  BOMBSHELL:  HHS documents admit the CDC has never isolated any “covid-19 virus” …PCR tests nothing but instrument NOISE … the global HOAX is rapidly unraveling, August 8, 2021

A great deal is covered in that piece above including what I wrote about in mid-2020:  The same time this alleged COLVID-19 virus hits is at the same time as the annual influenza flu season.

“On July 21st of this year, the CDC announced it is withdrawing its authorization of the current PCR test for covid-19, saying the PCR test would no longer be considered valid science after December 31st of this year. It then states that a new PCR test will, “facilitate detection and differentiation of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses,” meaning the new test will reportedly be able to tell the difference between covid and the common cold. This implies that the current test — the one used to push global covid pandemic hysteria — does not achieve such a differentiation.

“In effect, it appears the CDC has been fabricating the science behind global “pandemics” for decades, using the media to spread mass hysteria where no pandemic existed. One of the best and most recent cases is the recent Zika virus, where mainstream media outlets were screaming that babies born to new mothers in Florida would be born with shrunken heads (microcephaly) because of the Zika virus. Just as with the covid scheme, billions of dollars were funneled into pharmaceutical companies to research a vaccine for Zika, which turned out to be nothing more than fictional hype.”

The lives of tens of millions of Americans destroyed financially based on a test the CDC had to have known from day one does not detect any virus or infection.  Emotional wrecks dealing with having your livelihood yanked right out from under you.  Hysteria pumping from the prostitute media 24/7 with the battle cry only a vaccine will save us all.

A new virus no one can prove exists

Regular readers know neither the CDC nor any other official health agency in more than 40 countries has been able to prove this SARS-CoV-2 exists.[4][5][6][7]  The CDC has been playing a deadly game of deception.

Where is the Evidence for the Existence of the ‘Novel Coronavirus’, SARS-CoV-2?, May 8, 2020This is a very important read. No Gold Standard, No Fulfillment of Koch’s Postulates.I’ll dispense with quotes here due to space.

On Dr. Robert O. Young’s web site is a plethora of CDC responses which is evidence in a court of law that absolutely kills this monstrous lie about a new ‘novel’ coronavirus.  Scroll down and look at the first document dated January 23, 2020, and the analysis below.  It validates so much about this monstrous deception pulled off by the CDC and the FDA backing them.

Next document down is June 7,2021, from researcher Christine Massey and yet another one of her FOIA’s to the CDC.  Covered this in my December 2020 column.  Ms. Massey had already filed the equivalent of FOIAs to many health departments in several countries requesting proof COIVD-19 virus exists; going back to mid-2020.

My dear friend, Larry Becraft, who is a constitutional attorney filed a FOIA on my behalf with the CDC on May 7, 2021:  Prove COVID-19 exists.  What protocols were used to identify it as a ‘new novel’ coronavirus.  See here.  Their response was several useless links.  The one to focus on is hereJune 6, 2020:  Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 from Patient with Coronavirus Disease, United States – “We isolated virus from nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal specimens from this patient and characterized the viral sequence, replication properties, and cell culture tropism.”

I had to look up nasopharyngeal. Had to gag over the PCR being ideal for COVID-19. “The current standard for diagnosing SARS-CoV-2 once a nasopharyngeal swab has been obtained is the real-time fluorescence-based polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)…RT-PCR is considered to be an ideal analytical technique for SARS-CoV-2 detection due to its reliability, low cost, and sensitivity, particularly when compared to alternative diagnostic approaches like cell culture, antigen detection, and serological methods.”  That page led me to another reference:

Oropharyngeal swabs, Sept. 16,2020:  “In present study, we mainly aimed to evaluate specimen types and specimen collection timepoint on the positive detection of 2019 novel coronavirus from patients at infection late stage based on RT-PCR testing…Paired nasopharyngeal swabs, nasal swabs, oropharyngeal swabs and anal swabs were collected from patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 during infection late stage before washing in the morning and afternoon on the same day. Then virus RNA was extracted and tested for 2019-nCoV identification by RT-PCR within 24 h.”

As of today, neither the CDC or any other official health agency contacted can prove SARS-CoV-2 actually exists as a new virus.  Their whole game has been propped up by the PCR test which is nothing but fraud as it relates to this alleged virus.  The CDC’s response to my FOIA was nothing but smoke and mirrors.

Like countless others, I was on board with the Koch’s Postulates criteria.  It’s been the gold standard for identifying viruses since 1890 – 131 years ago.  Until I watched a couple of videos on identifying viruses using 21st century science. As I wrote in my column on this: “Like TV shows solving murders.  The killer was finally identified 20 years later using his DNA which wasn’t available at the time the murder took place.  If Dr. Stefan Lanka is scientifically correct, SARS-CoV-2 is not a virus.”  The science protocols being used are obsolete and shouldn’t be used anymore.

Dr. Lanka proved measles is not a virus in a court of law and neither can COVID-19 be one.  Cancer is not treated with a vaccine but is a disease.  Yes, I know, COVID is respiratory but don’t you think a vaccine being used should be for the correct disease or virus?  Those dangerous experimental injections being passed off as vaccines are not working, they are killing and maiming humans all over the planet.  They will never work.Despite 95% vaccination rate, Cornell today has five times more COVID cases than it did this time last year

Those mRNA injections are technology not meant to prevent anyone from getting this phantom virus or protect anyone from spreading it.  January 17, 2021:  WE REPEAT: The mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine Is Positively Not a Vaccine

People are dying from COVID-19.  Yes, Americans are dying but from what?  A weaponized influenza flu is what I believe.  But, it’s not what I believe, it’s what solid science proves which has not been done -except by Dr. Lanka.

For those who are just learning about this nightmare, take the time to watch these two documentaries:  Plandemic – Indoctrination, the most censored, banned and watched documentary of all time. Plandemic 2 if you haven’t seen it.


Sept. 3, 2021, NY Health Commissioner repeals mask mandate for unvaxxed after federal lawsuit filed

The EUA lawsuit is here and continues on pause while briefs, etc., are filed.  The CMS whistleblower lawsuit same status.

Reiner Fuellmich Update: We are starting to win in Courts!

There are lawsuits around the country trying to stop employers from firing employees who refuse to get those experimental injections, colleges and universities for refusing to allow students to attend without getting one of those experimental injections and the list goes on.  Some have already been kicked out.  Reprehensible. And shame on state legislatures and governors who haven’t done what Montana did:  Make it against the law to fire an employee for refusing the jab.

Two areas that need lawsuits.  One I already covered:  COVID-19 Patents: State Little RICO Acts Prosecution? – What we must do is find a state prosecutor willing to fight. See this really important interview, July 11, 2021:  “The Sequoia patent on coronavirus treatment was issued and published before the CDC patent on coronavirus was allowed. The only way Sequoia could know information in CDC patent is by insider means, because CDC had paid to keep it secret. This is the definition of criminal conspiracy, racketeering and collusion. This is not a theory, it is evidence. This is a RICO case.”

I don’t know any state prosecutors, but through networking and getting this out to every social media platform, someone knows someone who does.  A State Little RICO prosecution would send shock waves across this country if once filed we, all of us, do everything we can to make sure it gets exposed.

Second, there are laws on suing elected officials and individuals who work in an official capacity.  Sovereign immunity.  Not a completely closed door but not a simple one either.  What we need is individuals who owned or still own a business either forced to close their doors forever or barely hung on during the lockdowns to sue.

Those draconian lockdowns were a result of cases of a virus no one can prove exists using a totally faulty testing scheme.  Governors ordered those lockdowns based on the lies and fraud by the CDC, Fauci the Faker and state health officials.  We’re talking more than 265,000 businesses gone for good.  With the threat of more restrictions by the day putting even more business owners still hanging on in jeopardy, it seems to me a strong case can be made.

Because I’m not a lawyer I don’t know all the legal “stuff” for that type of lawsuit but the evidence is there.  If 5, 10 or 50 individuals lost their business or suffered from the lockdowns based on fraud retained legal counsel (not a divorce attorney) to go after those responsible – elected or state health officials who should have known whether or not the information coming from the CDC was factual and accurate – we might bust this nightmare wide open.

What will be challenged is the existence of SARS-Co-V-2 and using fraudulent testing to determine number of cases.  The genesis, where it all started.  Now, if you had a hundred of those lawsuits, it would turn into a class action lawsuit.  None of which is cheap but if you have big numbers of plaintiffs willing to kick in X number of dollars for those who went out of business and a little extra for businesses still in operation, enough money could be generated to get this done.  And donations from We the People.  And believe me, such lawsuits would rock this country.

All we hear is “We’re following CDC guidelines” vomit.  The proof is there the CDC has lied about the existence of COVID-19 and the RT PCR/PCR tests.  Fraud, collusion and any other statutes smart attorneys can add to the list but go after them. Otherwise, while trying to save people’s jobs and lives, by not attacking the existence of SARS-Co-V-2 and the PCR testing, it continues to give legitimacy to the lies.

There are so many cracks in the dam now over this COVID, striking back in a big way must be done.  Over in other countries they’ve been successful in overturning quarantines and getting courts to recognize the PCR test is completely worthless.  Reiner Fuellmich over in Germany has done a remarkable job with all his contacts and lawsuits.

I’ve watched God knows how many zillion hours of video interviews, read articles from all the medical and science experts.  I can keep writing columns giving VAERS skewed updates of deaths, all the other categories of ‘adverse events’ and highlight more interviews.  But, it’s time to really go after the right targets (that would be legally, FBI).

If we don’t go after them in a big way, this is not going to end.  Democrat governors are licking their chops, bank on it to shut down states, again, come flu season. More lockdowns ruining Thanksgiving, Christmas, continued torturing children with masks.  Cowardly GOP governors aren’t much better.  Tune out the prostitute media, the Hollywood fools and all the other useful idiots.  Let us concentrate on finding one state prosecutor (which could start the ball rolling) and hopefully, hundreds if not thousands of businesses owners (plaintiffs) who lost everything or are still struggling over two monster lies:  The alleged virus and bloated number of cases based on PCR tests.

The best, smartest, most experienced and courageous molecular biologists, biologists, virologists and doctors who’ve been speaking out here in the U.S. and other countries will be expert witnesses in a court room.  Dr. David Martin on the State Little RICO.  The list is too long to name each one but we’ve got them to testify.  What we need are experienced lawyers willing to go after the criminals.

Believe me, if I were a lawyer I most certainly would be networking to get the above done.  With social media the truth is running hot in this country.  Our enemy has been Goliath but we can and must turn the tables and become Goliath.  We must.

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions.

© 2021 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:


[1]  –  How Wrong Were the Models and Why?, April 23, 2020

[1A] –  COVID: How self-entitled frauds at Imperial College changed the world

[2]  –  Review report Corman-Drosten et al. Euro surveillance 2020, Nov. 27, 2020. 29 pgs

[3] –  The Invented Pandemic, the Lack of Virus Isolation and the Invalid COVID-19 Test by Dr. Stefano Scoglio.

[4]  –  No Governments Have Isolated COVID-19 Virus–What Does That Mean?

[5]  –  Phantom Virus:  In Search of Sars-CoV-2 by Torsten Engelbrecht, Dr. Stefano Scoglio & Konstantin Demeter, Off Guardian

[6] –    Leading Corona Researchers Admit That They Have No Scientific Proof for the Existence of a virus

[7] –  Where is the Evidence for the Existence of the ‘Novel Coronavirus’, SARS-CoV-2?


VIDEO: Former Senior Trump HHS COVID Advisor Says Pandemic Isn’t Real, ‘Task Force’ Deliberately Lied To America–“Former senior Trump administration Health and Human Services COVID-19 advisor Dr. Paul E. Alexander made an appearance on The Stew Peters Show to state that the Coronavirus Task Force had deliberately deceived the American people, detailing the infighting that occurred between the Task Force and President Donald Trump while he was still in office.”  Trump haters blaming Trump should watch that interview.

Judge denies MSU employee’s natural immunity vaccine exemption, but grants students’ religious exemption

Delta Variant Death Rate Among Vaccinated Over 5 Times HIGHER Than the Unvaccinated in England

Alarming:  Experimental COVID Vaccines Now Proving to be Extremely Toxic to Humans

Recognizing the Obvious: Hard Data from Israel Reveals Vaccine Failure

220,000 military service members say ‘no’ to Biden’s forced Covid injections: File lawsuit claiming they already have natural immunity

‘This Ends The Debate’ – Israeli Study Shows Natural Immunity 13x More Effective Than Vaccines At Stopping Delta

Did Fauci Just Admit He Lied About Herd Immunity To Trick Americans Into Vaccine?

Here is the damning paper trail of Fauci’s deception so loved and embraced by the imbeciles in Hollywood, the prostitute media and more career politicians that I can count.  Read it.

Proof that the pandemic was planned & with purpose, Sept. 30, 2020

Democrats: Architects of the Destruction of America, Part 1

By Roger Anghis

Ever since the fake president was sworn in we have seen the Democrats do everything they can to take away our rights, give away our nation to illegals on a scale never seen in America before. Biden is allowing illegals to cross our southern border by the hundreds of thousands with about 40% of them testing positive for covid. The city of Laredo, Texas, has refused to take in migrants who have been bused in from elsewhere on the border after discovering 40% of them tested positive for the coronavirus, according to two local government officials.

“That was very high,” Laredo Mayor Pete Saenz said in an interview, referring to the infection rate among migrants dropped off by the Border Patrol last week. Laredo health authority, Dr. Victor Trevino, confirmed the numbers.

The 40% infection rate is the highest known positivity rate along the U.S.-Mexico border. Last week, McAllen, Texas, reported a 15% positivity rate among migrants released from custody.[1] This is bad enough bet Biden is discussing the requiring of vaccine passports for American citizens to travel from state to state.  A new report claims that the Biden administration is looking for a “tougher approach” to get COVID-19 vaccines into the arms of Americans as the coronavirus cases increase across the country.

One alleged strategy that President Joe Biden’s administration considered was requiring Americans to get a vaccine passport for interstate travel. Conservatives quickly swung back at the Biden administration for even considering making COVID-19 vaccinations mandatory for interstate travel.

The Associated Press reports that the Biden administration is weighing possible penalties for Americans who don’t get vaccinated, and ways to make their lives “more uncomfortable.”

“White House officials say Biden wanted to initially operate with restraint to ensure that Americans were ready for the strong-arming from the federal government,” the article states. “The federal moves have been carefully calibrated to encourage a wave of businesses and governments to follow suit.”[2]

This is nothing more than the actions of a dictatorial type of government. Even under the deadliest virus to ever hit America, the Spanish Flu, no restrictions were ever put in place that restricted Americans from traveling.

For me, it is obvious that this alledged pandemic is nothing but a planedemic and is being used for political reasons. This should be obvious to most people from the simple fact that the survival rate is 99.998%. In the Spanish Flu 675,000 people died which was .64% of the population.  The population then was just over 103 million.  Today it’s 320 million and the death rate was 500,000 which is .15% of the population but we have to remember that the regular flu season was non-existent. Everybody that died seemed to die of covid but the truth was brought forth in an article in August of 2020: On Friday, the CDC updated their Provisional Death Counts for Coronavirus report, which revealed an extremely low number of people contracted COVID-19 and died solely because of it. All Americans need to hear the following conclusions from the report.

The CDC wrote, “For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned.” 6%. This means that only about 9,857 of the 164,280 deaths were caused by coronavirus alone.

But that’s not all. The disease control agency continued, “For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death.”

The other 94% who were marked as coronavirus in fact died with an average of more than 2.5 comorbidities.[3] These stats prove that this is nothing more than a power grab by Democrats. They continue to push the narrative of this being a deadly disease that everyone needs to be vaccinated against. The CDC’s definition of a vaccine is Vaccine: A product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease. Vaccines are usually administered through needle injections, but can also be administered by mouth or sprayed into the nose.[4] Notice it states that it must produce immunity to a specific disease yet recently in Massachusetts 74% of fully vaccinated people came down with covid.

VAERS, Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, monitors vaccines for too many adverse effects.  The swine flu scare in 1976 saw too many adverse reactions: The $137-million program began in early October, but within days reports emerged that the vaccine appeared to increase the risk for Guillain-Barre syndrome, a rare neurological condition that causes temporary paralysis but can be fatal.

Waiting in long lines at schools and clinics, more than 40 million Americans — almost 25% of the population — received the swine flu vaccine before the program was halted in December after 10 weeks.

More than 500 people are thought to have developed Guillain-Barre syndrome after receiving the vaccine; 25 died. No one completely understands the causes of Guillain-Barre, but the condition can develop after a bout with infection or following surgery or vaccination. The federal government paid millions in damages to people or their families.[5] Notice that only 25 people died and they pulled the vaccine. There have been reports that 45,000 have died from the covid vaccine not to mention blot clots, enlarged hearts, the loss of 1,200 unborn babies, and a series of other side effects and they are still pushing people to get the jab.

A lot of people are demanding everybody get the jab.  Mostly Democrats.  Now that the Pfizer vaccine has been given FDA approval, Biden is demanding that businesses, grocery stores, manufacturing facilities set in place mandates for all employees and customers be required to have the vaccine to work or shop in their stores. That is governmental tyranny and a violation of the Nuremberg Accord.

Americans must stand for our rights or we will lose them all.

© 2021 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:



God Has Spoken

By Rob Pue

Some have wondered if we’re now experiencing the third term of our first Muslim president, and I have to agree with that assessment.  The current occupant of the White House may well soon be replaced by the person the Globalists intended to sit there all along — Harris or Pelosi.

Afghanistan is big news.  After 20 years — America’s longest war — nearly 2500 American service members were killed there — that we know of.  Nearly 4,000 US Contractors were killed there. The Afghan national military and police lost 66,000. Afghan civilian deaths were 47,245.  We lost 444 aid workers and 72 journalists.

We also left behind $85 Billion in sophisticated military equipment — all handed over to the Taliban with a big red bow on it.  Why would we deliberately plan to leave so much equipment behind?  One government “talking head” said it was more expensive to bring it back than to just leave it.  But when has the cost of anything ever had any bearing on decisions made by our government?  No, these highly sophisticated weapons were handed over to our enemies on purpose. It was a deliberate move to make sure the Taliban is now highly armed — perhaps now one of the most well-equipped armies in the world.  The Taliban has vowed to take Jihad to the whole world.  And now we’ve equipped them very well to do just that.  In Afghanistan, the Taliban is going door-to-door hunting Christians, and thousands of executions of Christians have already taken place.

Now our country is scrambling to evacuate people from Afghanistan.  We still have military there.  We still have civilian contractors, missionaries and aid workers there who are American citizens.  But predictably, the focus has been on evacuating Afghanistan citizens. I recently learned that the State Department has delivered an untold number of blank US Visas, literally flooding that country with blank US Visas, which are being filled out and used by anyone and everyone — including the Taliban.

Biden has, so far, allocated $500 million to Afghan refugee resettlement.  But meanwhile, Americans trying to leave Afghanistan are being charged $2000 each.  This man has literally abandoned Americans behind enemy Taliban lines that HE created, but if American citizens do manage to get to an evacuation plane, they’re charged $2000 to get on one, while Afghans get a free ride — to the US and other countries.

Here in America, they join the more than 10,000 illegal immigrants flooding across our borders every day.  That’s 300,000 illegals flooding into our country every month. Some estimate that number is very low, and put it closer to a million illegals a month.

And while American citizens are being forced to submit to quarantines, mandatory injections of experimental poisons, and mask mandates, illegals entering the country are NOT being screened for COVID at all, and they’re being transported to locations all across the country, once again for free — and “resettled” in a wide variety of neighborhoods.  Once there, they receive free medical care, free housing, free food, and cash.

You may think that most of these illegals are from Mexico or South America.  But you should be aware that many of them are also middle eastern, and just as alarmingly, Chinese.  Yes, folks, our country is being actively invaded now by foreign enemies — and our own government is facilitating this invasion.

Recently I noticed a dramatic increase in television “Public Service Announcements” (PSAs) talking about the subject of “Asian Discrimination,” “Hatred toward Asians” and “Asian Bias.”  The point was that Asians are being targeting for persecution here in America and it must stop. I couldn’t help but think back to the days when Obama was in the White House and we saw similar PSAs talking about “Muslim Discrimination.” As Obama was flooding the country and resettling Sharia-following radical Islamists in American suburbs and small towns all across the country, we were simultaneously bombarded with media propaganda about how Islam is such a “peaceful religion,” and how Muslims were being unfairly discriminated against by narrow-minded Americans.

Meanwhile, we never saw so many Islamic terror attacks on American citizens in the history of our nation.  Those attacks abruptly ended once Trump took office.  But now we’re seeing the same pattern emerge — but this time with Asian people as the supposed victims of narrow-minded, deplorable redneck Americans.  So in case you’ve missed that, it’s happening again, as more and more Chinese communists settle in among us.

Let me clearly state that I have no problem at all with LEGAL immigration, or people of ANY race. But we’re talking about hundreds of thousands, if not millions of ILLEGAL aliens invading our country, and our government is making it happen.  While mask-wearing is mandatory on all domestic flights here, and while it’s being proposed that all travelers within the US will soon be required to show proof of being fully “jabbed” in order to fly, I’ve seen countless cases of fully loaded aircraft, filled with illegal aliens, on their way to somewhere here in our country — and none of them were required to do TSA screening, and none of them have been required to wear any sort of mask.

Bear in mind, I’m not saying that all who come here are automatically our enemies, but I am saying that a great percentage of them most certainly are, and regardless, they’re walking across our border freely, given a host of gifts and amenities, along with free food, housing, clothing, and cash — while American citizens not only foot the bill, but sink deeper and deeper into a debt we will never be able to crawl out of, as inflation soars and totalitarian rule is knocking on our doors.

No country can remain safe if we do not maintain our borders.  We’re being invaded and the invasion is being orchestrated by our government.  They’ll constantly state we must render “humanitarian aid” to those in need. OK. What about the free rides into America for Taliban soldiers, while a Christian missionary stuck in Afghanistan must come up with $2000 to return home, or stay in that country and face certain death?  Where do the priorities of our government “masters” really lie?

But while today’s “big news” is all about Afghanistan and our southern border, don’t spend all of your time on these two issues.  Remember, a magician always distracts his audience while he’s pulling off his tricks.  So while one hand is SHOWING you what to look at, the other hand is always doing something fishy.

I cannot confirm this, but it’s recently come to my attention that the USDA has recently given American family farmers an ultimatum: destroy your crops and receive 1 1/2 times the value of the crop and continue receiving government farm subsidies… or if they do not destroy their crops, the subsidies will end and the farmers forced into bankruptcy.  As I said I cannot confirm this, because in doing internet searches, all I’m finding are stories debunking this allegation.  But along with this, we’re seeing vast reserves of lumber and building supplies being held by shadow government agencies, at a time when lumber and building supply prices have gone through the roof, because, we’re told, there’s a tremendous shortage.  And  food prices were 40 percent higher in May of this year than they were just one year ago.  Did any of you get a 40 percent pay raise this year?

And as gas prices continue to climb, I’ve also seen reports of American oil producers ordered to dump their oil.  And hundreds of thousands of shipping containers are being held — not allowed to be shipped for distribution — in American ports.  You should note that most American ports are now controlled by Communist China.

China is also buying up vast amounts of farmland in the United States.  In 2019, China owned 191,000 acres of US farmland. Estimates show that since 2019, that numer has increased ten-fold.  That would be close to 2 million acres today.   Likewise, Bill Gates, one of the architects of the COVID scam, now owns 242,000 acres of farmland and he’s buying more as fast as he can.  Billionaire Ted Turner owns 2 million acres.  When you own the farmland, you control the food supply.  We’ve been warned of a food shortage on the near horizon. Perhaps now we know why.

And while our Federal Reserve continues to print more “money” out of thin air, our congressmen can’t seem to waste it quickly enough.  The recent “infrastructure bill” is filled with Leftist-agenda-driven plans that will further erode our freedom and access to essential goods and services.  More than one congressman said he never read that infrastructure bill, and admitted that “nobody” would.  They’d simply vote it through.

While all this is going on, China is amassing huge numbers of troops around the world. China currently has the most sophisticated military in the world, an unlimited number of soldiers, with weapons and technology we don’t even have.  We’ve all heard there are 300,000 Chinese troops currently stationed in Canada.  I cannot definitively confirm this number, but there’s no doubt that there are many Chinese troops stationed there, as well as on our wide-open southern border.  They’ve also made it clear that invasion of Taiwan will happen, sooner rather than later, and have threatened other countries, like Japan and the US, with annihilation, if they should try to intervene.

Here’s some more information you may not be aware of regarding China: China produces 97 percent of all antibiotics and about 80 percent of pharmaceutical ingredients used in life-saving drugs sold here in America.  Four years ago, the US imported nearly $5 billion of it’s food from China.  How dependent do you suppose we are on China for our food supply now, since our own farmers may well have been pressured into destroying their own healthy crops?   And if you wonder why all the propaganda and indoctrination is coming across our TV screens, you should know that China owns more than 8,000 media outlets in the US.  Thus, they control the narrative and the massive brainwashing when it comes to this New World Order agenda.

And that agenda continues, world-wide, though there has been some push back in countries like the UK, France and Germany.  Here in the US, many hospitals have made it clear that all employees will be required to be fully jabbed in order to continue working. In Houston, 150 nurses steadfastly refused the jab and were fired.  So now we have a shortage of nurses.  This is happening all over the country.

Since the federal government has not YET mandated the jab, and since bribing the people with so-called “incentives” has not been as effective as they’d hoped, they’re now putting pressure on private companies and corporations to get the job done.  Employees all over the country, in just about every sector of the economy have been told they must be fully “jabbed” and have legitimate papers to show proof of that, in order to keep their jobs.  Hundreds of thousands are either retiring early, quitting or being fired.  So in the midst of a major crisis in our supply lines, skyrocketing inflation, an extremely serious shortage of workers, we now find ourselves in the position of having fewer workers than ever before, fewer resources than ever before, the weakest military in our history, open borders being flooded with foreign invaders, and we have just empowered Islamic terrorists with $85 billion in American military equipment.

I recently told you about the “Green Zones” being set up in this country — essentially concentration camps for the un-jabbed, where American citizens will be detained for a minimum of six months.  I’ve also told you about the DHS “Vaccination Strike Force” which has already started going door-to-door to force the jab on the “vaccine hesitant.”   Where will this all end? Look at Canada, Australia and New Zealand for some clues.

We brought all this upon ourselves.  Once a nation of Christians, we forgot about God and followed our own wicked, carnal desires and the enticements of foreign gods.  The shepherds, who should have known better, were content to keep us all fat and happy with feel-good self-help “talks,” and no fear of the Lord at all.  So this is where we’re at today.  Let me take you to Deuteronomy 28, starting at verse 43: “The foreigner who is among you shall rise higher and higher above you, and you shall come down lower and lower. He shall lend to you, and you shall not lend to him. He shall be the head and you shall be the tail.  All these curses shall come upon you and pursue you and overtake you ‘til you are destroyed, because you did not obey the voice of the Lord your God, to keep His commandments and His statues that He commanded you.”  God has spoken.

© 2021 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066 or email:  Ask for message number 334.

Using Anger To Control People

By Late Roy Masters

Behavior modification as practiced in modern psychiatry, deals only with the symptoms and surface behavior rather than the underlying problem. The cause of violence in men, or even women for that matter, is the loss of sovereignty and self-control due to childhood trauma and daily stress.

One of the most fundamental causes of anger lies in the many forms of injustice we see all around us. Frustrated by outrage and unreasonableness, we lose control. Perhaps it is a manipulative spouse playing mind games, spinning everything you say, {making what they did wrong your fault.}

That kind of unreasonableness can literally cause anyone to blow a fuse. Intimidation invariably compels an escalation by the victim in an attempt to out- provoke the intimidator into submission and so regain control. That game always backfires, making the angry person look so much more wrong, that he ends up with the short end of the stick, while the real offender gets away with it.

The secret of anger management already exists within. We need only to rediscover the civilizing art of grace under fire, growing in stature by dealing calmly and graciously with offenders.

Forty-seven of my seventy-two years have been focused on helping people to overcome the hypnotic conditioning of environment. As a former professional hypnotist, I made a startling discovery which is that the pressures of everyday life exert a hypnotic influence over all of us from the day we were born.

Furthermore, therapeutic hypnosis cannot solve problems, it is the problem itself. Every time we overreact to what we call stress, we activate a traumatic turmoil within that allows the circumstance to implant suggestions and behavior patterns below the level of our consciousness. These subconscious behavior patterns grow stronger than all the efforts of our will to overcome them.

Worse yet, the very struggle we wage against any unwanted behavior only strengthens its power over us. From that point on, every painful event of childhood tends to reappear and be reinforced by the ever-present stress.

In much the same way as a Vietnam veteran tends to overreact and jump behind the sofa upon hearing the backfiring of a bus, so does our implanted behavior automatically compel us to respond to look-alike and sound-alike situations.

“We become calm in the face of confusion and cruelty, and by remaining poised in the face of adversity…”

Unfortunately, our wives, husbands, or people we meet may not really be as mean-spirited as those who have hurt us in the past. Nevertheless, we react to them as though they were the very same violators or molesters of our past.

In other words, the implanted behavior of our past continues to be reinforced in the present, to gain strength, and thus to guarantee a more miserable future. In order to solve any problem we must see clearly what the problem is. At a very vulnerable time in our life, we may have overreacted with anger to some type of cruelty.

There is one particular form of anger that separates us hypnotically from the sovereignty of our natural self-control, and the name of that anger is resentment. Those who wish to dominate and control us need only to intimidate us.

Through the guilt of being upset and the need for peace, we tend to transfer the control of our lives to outer authority, as we did as a child.

We can, of course, continue to become submissive and to yield in order to keep the peace. But doing so does nothing but teach manipulative people to go on being angry to get their way.

The more you empower the despot, the more he will take advantage and walk all over you like a doormat. When that gets too much for you, then comes the violent rebellion and thus hell escalates between husband and wife, father and son, mother and daughter.

Therefore, the solution lies in the present moment. If you discover the way to stop reacting to the present as the extension of your past, a wonderful thing happens. It is the present reaction of resentment that builds upon the original implanted event and reinforces all aberrant behaviors.

I have found a way to break that spell by reconnecting a person to his or her original innocence. This can be accomplished by a simple technique that needs no support group, just a tape and a book through which to relearn how to connect to our original selves and disconnect from overreacting.

We become calm in the face of confusion and cruelty, and by remaining poised in the face of adversity, we starve the original root of implanted behaviors of their daily reinforcement and become free and in perfect control of our emotions.

© 2021 Roy Masters – All Rights Reserved

[BIO: Roy Masters was the founder of FHU – Foundation of Human Understanding, P.O. Box 1000, Grants Pass, OR 97528, United States]

Inflammatory Disorders, Cancer Markers on the Rise

By Sidney Secular

Dr. Richard Urso, an ophthalmologist in Houston, Texas, is also concerned:

“Early on, we were seeing things, mostly thrombotic, but later, as we get into two and three months [after vaccination], we’re seeing a lot of inflammatory issues. I’ve had a host of people with inflammatory ocular disorders, as well as having orbital inflammatory diseases.

I typically don’t see this rash number of people. For people who don’t know, my clinical practice is probably one of the largest in the United States, if not the largest, and we get a tremendous number, in volume, of patients who come through our office. And I’m seeing late inflammatory disease, and it responds quite well to inflammatory medicines.”

Some have brushed off the notion that the virus could be a bioweapon because it didn’t cause sudden, mass deaths. But this is a misconception. A successful bioweapon can be something that causes long-term, progressive, chronic-type diseases, noted Dr. Richard Fleming, a physicist, nuclear cardiologist and attorney.

In 1994, Fleming introduced the theory of inflammation and vascular disease, which explains why these inflammable thrombotic diseases, and the causes, including viruses like SARS-CoV-2, produce disease states like COVID-19.

“As I laid out in the theory in 1994,” Fleming said, “you’re going to see an inflammable thrombotic response. That’s the primary thing that people are noticing, be that heart disease or retinol disease.” The other factor is a prion component of this virus, “which is also a chronic smoldering disease.” Fleming noted:

“If you’re going to actually develop something that’s going to have a massive effect on your ‘enemy,’ your goal isn’t to kill the enemy any more than it was the goal of the United States in Vietnam to kill the enemy.

The goal was to maim the enemy so that more of the enemy would be taken off the field. What we’ve seen is something that’s been implemented that is an ideal by a weapon designed to demoralize and to feed people the enemy, and to cause a slow smoldering process.”

Fleming cited data from Pfizer that showed in the 12 to 14 days following the second injection of the Pfizer mRNA vaccine, elderly individuals had a 2.6-fold increase in symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. “This is an inflammable thrombotic process affecting every organ system and prion diseases that not only affect the brain, but also affect the heart and other vital organs of the body.”

Dr. Ryan Cole, a Mayo Clinic-trained, triple-boarded pathologist, also said that he’s seeing potential cancer-causing changes, including decreases in receptors that keep cancer in check, and other adverse events post-vaccine:

“I’m seeing countless adverse reactions … it’s really post-vaccine immunodeficiency syndrome … I’m seeing a marked increase in herpetic family viruses, human papilloma viruses in the post-vaccinated. I’m seeing a marked uptick in a laboratory setting from what I see year over year of an increase of usually quiescent diseases.

In addition to that — and correlation is not causation — but in the last six months I have seen — you know, I read a fair amount of women’s health biopsies — about a 10- to 20-fold increase of uterine cancer compared to what I see on an annual basis. Now we know that the CD8 cells are one of our T-cells to keep our cancers in check.

I am seeing early signals … what I’m seeing is an early signal in the laboratory setting that post-vaccinated patients are having diseases that we normally don’t see at rates that are already early considerably alarming.”

© 2021 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Sidney Secular:

Why and How We Take Back Our Country

By Andrew C. Wallace

I believe in plain language. Damn few people know or understand who really rules our country with an iron fist, and own most of it . I correctly label them as the Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC)  or whoever votes the controlling shares of stock in corporate America held in their name. This type of parasite and the Communists have been with us since our founding. These people are anti- American, despise our Constitution and citizens, are Communist would be dictators, and are totally corrupt traitors guilty of all manner of crimes. They have no legal Constitutional authority whatsoever, absolutely none.

Most people are under the false impression that government officials, politicians, corporate officials, military flag officers, judges, bureaucrats, et al. are the true rulers of our country. They are not, they are only the well bribed minions taking orders from the PSRRC which they dare not disobey for fear of dire consequences. Compliant minions or fellow travelers will be rewarded with great wealth for their treason at the expense of the people and will be protected when they violate the law..

Both political parties are well bribed minions of the PSRRC and protected with a two tier justice system. When was the last time that high ranking criminals of either party were even charged, much less convicted? President Donald Trump and those few loyal to him were not protected because they were fighting the PSRRC for benefit of the American people. President Trump did more for the American people than all the presidents in the last 100 years regardless of how he talked.. Only God could have done more than President Trump when most officials and bureaucrats were on the PSRRC  payroll or scared to comply with the Constitution. It is safe to say that most government officials, including elected officials and bureaucrats, excluding real workers are minions of the PSRRC, corrupt, cowards or incompetent..

As a veteran I have a deep and abiding hatred for the military industrial complex controlled by the PSRRC.

They Conducted no win wars for profit and stars for the flag officers. None of the wars had any connection to the vital interests of the United States. Many members of our military were killed or wounded.

Our country is now on the verge of civil war, total economic collapse, worthless currency, cessation of government services, empty stores, riots, arson, looting and starvation, et al. All of this could have been avoided if not for the treasonous usurpation of our government by the PSRRC- controlled minions including the DOJ, FBI, SCOTUS, CIA, military flag officers, judges, corporate officials, et al. All for money and power.

Most major corporations are controlled by the PSRRC and were directed to pay the communist thugs of BLM millions of dollars to burn and loot our cities for political advantage. Democrat governors, mayors and prosecutors unconstitutionally aided and abetted the carnage. The PSRRC  also directed the fake media to smear President Trump for more than four years and to protect Biden from any negative information. Remember, both political parties, with the exception of “America First Republicans” are controlled by the Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class, PSRRC ,who are brutal would be Communist dictators..

Everyone I know, and those who responded to my last article are more than just highly enraged by the conduct of this faux Communist administration. They are desperate to know how to remove this criminal enterprise before we are destroyed. The longer the PSRRC Communist minions control our country, the more costly it will be to remove them. Communists and the PSRRC types have been attempting to take over our country since its inception, so I doubt they will give up without a prolonged fight

Patriots  have all the major legal points and issues on their side in any conflict. Patriots would be fighting with the full legal support of the Supreme law of the Land, the United States Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. Religious patriots would also be fighting for God and Country, because the Communists hate God and try to destroy all religions. A majority of the American people believe in God so this would also turn into a religious war.

I can find no single instance in the Supreme Law of the Land, our Constitution and Declaration of Independence where the PSRRC or their minions running this country have even a single once of legitimacy. Total legal legitimacy is on the side of the patriot opposition, which should scare hell out of the PSRRC and its Communist minions.

Again,  I must say that our greatest  truth and strength is that the faux Communist administration and related fellow travelers are  guilty of treason for the unconstitutional election insurrection; they have absolutely no authority to govern, none. These insurrectionists have no legal authority to resist citizens who seek their removal. Most people would understand this to mean very simply that citizen efforts to defeat traitors would be legal even if they used deadly force and hung the survivors after a Nuremberg type trial. The Communists have no legal recourse. SCOTUS and other courts are compromised having forfeited any legitimate authority by their conduct relating to the insurrection and by results of the insurrection. They had the opportunity to stop this, but cowardly claimed “no standing” or refused to follow the Constitution. Most of these courts should be abolished anyway when government is reduced by 50-75% to its actual Constitutional powers.

I pray that the greedy communists and the parasitic super rich ruling class will recognize that this is a fight they can’t win. Any conflict would however result in a pyrrhic victory. The only silver lining is that this will bring about massive and drastic changes in government, corporations, politics, investments, military, wars and just about everything that otherwise would not have been possible. The PSRRC and their minions will be major losers. If there is major destruction and loss of life the people will most assuredly insist on Nuremberg type trials. To be absolutely clear, Patriots who stand up for the country will suffer if the traitors can see and catch them.

Conclusion, I don’t  advocate the violent overthrow of any legitimate Constitutional government. But it is my duty, obligation, and right to exercise my Constitutional responsibility to inform people of the truth as I see it, and to guarantee that our millions of honored dead will not have died in vain defending this great country. If the traitors don’t like this, s-*-w them.

© 2021 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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How the States Can Suppress Illegal Immigration

Dr. Edwin Vieira, Ph.D., JD

No reader of this commentary needs to be reminded that the United States are reeling under a continuous mass influx across the southern borders of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California

of aliens the vast majority of whom have no arguable, or even conceivable, legal right to enter let alone to remain in this country. Neither is any reader unaware of the superheated political controversy this situation now fuels—without, of course, any viable solution being bruted in the torrent of hot air emanating from Washington, D.C. Nor is any reader ignorant of the contention of those who promote unlimited immigration (both legal and illegal) that, notwithstanding the insouciance, fecklessness, or treachery of public officials in this Nation’s Capital, the several States, and even the authors and guardians of the Constitution, We the People themselves, are powerless to do anything on their own initiatives to stem the tide in their own defense.

According to the latter argument in particular, by enacting various statutes pertaining to “immigration” pursuant to its constitutional authority “[t]o regulate Commerce with foreign Nations” (Article I, Section 8, Clause 3), “[t]o establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization” (Article I, Section 8, Clause 4), and “[t]o make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers” (Article I, Section 8, Clause 18), Congress has (as lawyers phrase it) “occupied the field” and “preëmpted” any contrary, supplementary, or even perfectly consistent laws which the States may purport to enact—this perforce of the Constitution’s Supremacy Clause, which provides that “[t]his Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof * * * shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding” (Article VI, Clause 2). Thus, because the present Congress and regime in the White House refuse to do anything effective to thwart “illegal immigration” under the laws of the United States (but instead are encouraging and facilitating it in defiance of those laws), nothing useful for that purpose can be done by the States through application of their own laws. Of course, this is a palpably perverse result, because the supposed “supremacy” of the Constitution is being twisted to frustrate every purpose of government set out in the Preamble to the Constitution. Ominously enough, however, this surreal line of reasoning actually finds support in the Supreme Court’s decision in Arizona v. United States, 567 U.S. 387 (2012), which held that the Supremacy Clause precluded Arizona from enacting her own laws aimed at the protection of her own citizens through suppression of “illegal immigration” within her own territory.

If, at first glance, it seems that the States and We the People have been outflanked with respect to “illegal immigration” by “preëmption”, Americans should recall what French General Doumenc reputedly responded when informed that the German Panzer formations had broken through the French defenses at Sedan in 1940: “Every war has its routs. We must look at the map and see what can be done.” In this case, although perhaps temporarily defeated on the field of “preëmption”, Americans can still look to the Constitution’s federal system of government to “see what can be done” elsewhere. And a calm review of the facts will reveal that, as a matter of law, the federal system is sufficiently compendious and resilient in terms of “separation of powers” to provide an effective, even audacious, remedy for the problem.

FIRST. What are the facts? The salient characteristics of this situation are familiar to all. Not to disparage or denigrate any of these people as human beings, or to deny that as legal immigrants they might make positive contributions to American society, nonetheless the realty remains that whether denoted “illegal aliens”, “undocumented immigrants”, or otherwise, they are intentional intruders, entering in a lawless fashion into the domain of actual citizens who alone rightfully possess this country according to the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and a plethora of statutes enacted pursuant to those documents. These actions not only violate, but also manifest hostility—even disdain, defiance, and derision—towards, this country’s laws. For every sentient adult among these aliens knows, should know, is willfully blind to, or is in reckless disregard of the obvious reality that he is breaking numerous laws, initially by crossing the border, then repetitively by remaining within this country every day thereafter.

Obviously, “undocumented immigrants” care not a whit that they are trampling upon the right of every American to control the composition of the population of his own country, the basic prerogative of every citizen of every independent sovereign nation since independent sovereign nations first came into existence. This is not only illegal, but also illogical. For, in usurping the right to inhabit American territory—by trespass as their means of entry—they contemptuously deny the essential nationality of the very country in the nationality of which they presumably desire to share.

“Illegal aliens’” hostility extends beyond this country’s laws to her citizenry as well. In extenuation of their misbehavior, apologists insist that these people merely want to better their and especially their offsprings’ own lives, which in principle is a praiseworthy endeavor. Special pleading of this sort, however, ignores the obvious retort that bettering one’s own life is, in both principle and practice, blatantly blameworthy when undertaken in a lawless fashion which worsens the lives of others. The very purpose and necessary effect of “illegal immigration” is to gain for the aliens economic, social, and eventually political benefits and advantages to which they are not entitled, and which must come at the expense of Americans to whom those benefits and advantages rightfully belong.

Because everyone is familiar with them, the many deleterious consequences arising out of “illegal immigration” need not be rehashed here. The essential points are that: (i) the extent and intractability of these problems are directly proportional to the number of aliens entering the country; (ii) even were the present level of immigration entirely legal, America’s socio-economic structure could not support it; and therefore (iii) a coldly realistic strategy for dealing effectively with the situation before it gets entirely out of hand demands, at the minimum, that the main source of the difficulty—the ingress of “illegal aliens”—be shut down.

SECOND. In light of these undeniable facts, how are Americans to describe this situation in the legally most relevant manner? Obviously, nouns such as “incursion”, “influx”, “inundation”, and the like are not only figurative at best, but even evasive of the real issue. Because of the international character of the traffic, its mass nature, and the hostile intent of the actors, the term which best describes “illegal immigration” is “invasion”.

To be charitable to the aliens involved, what is transpiring today may not amount to a “barbarian invasion” in the sense that phrase is commonly used in relation to events during the decline and fall of the Roman Empire. Nonetheless, it is, by definition, an “invasion” which is contributing significantly, if not decisively, to the decline and fall of the United States. For self-evidently it entails “[h]ostile encroachment upon the rights of another” [Samuel Johnson, A Dictionary of the English Language, First Edition (London, England: W. Strahan, 1755), and Fourth Edition (London, England: W. Strahan, 1773), definition 1 in both editions]—“hostile entrance” [Noah Webster, A Compendious Dictionary of the English Language (Hudson & Goodwin, Hartford, and Increase Cooke & Company, New Haven, Connecticut: 1806), at 164]—and “[t]he act of invading; the act of encroaching upon the rights or possessions of another; encroachment; trespass” [Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language (Springfield, Massachusetts: G. & C. Merriam Company, 1913), at 784]. Accord, Black’s Law Dictionary (St. Paul, Minnesota: Thomson Reuters, Tenth Edition, 2014), at 952 (definition 1). To “invade” is “to make an hostile entrance” (S. Johnson, definition 1 in both editions)—“to enter or seize in a hostile manner” (Webster’s 1806, at 164)—“[t]o go into or upon; to pass within the confines of; to enter * * * used of forcible or rude ingress”; “[t]o enter with hostile intentions; to enter with a view to conquest or plunder”; “[t]o attack; to infringe; to encroach on; to violate; as, * * * invad[ing] the rights of the people”; and “[t]o grow or spread over; to affect injuriously and progressively” (Webster’s 1913, at 784, definitions 1 through 4). Accord, Black’s 2014, at 951 (definition 2). Therefore, by both common and legal definition, each and every sentient adult among the masses of “illegal aliens” who have crossed, who now are crossing, or who will cross America’s borders is an “invader”—that is, “[o]ne who enters with hostility into the possessions of another” (S. Johnson, definition 1 in both editions); “an * * * encroacher, intruder” (Webster’s 1806, at 164, and Webster’s 1913, at 784).

Whatever the possibly innocent purposes of alien invaders as individuals, the inevitable, inexorable collective consequence of their invasion should be plain enough: namely, the destruction of the United States. For every country is defined geographically by its borders—and its political, economic, and social character and integrity preserved by the security of its borders. Simply put, no secure borders, no country. America is no exception to that rule, but is well on her way to becoming an example of its operation.

THIRD. This peril extends, not only to the United States collectively, but to each of the several States individually. Not, to be sure, to the same degree and with the same immediacy. The southern borders of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California are now the front lines, because ingress by “illegal aliens” is easiest there. But if the present invasion cannot be repelled at the threatened borders of those States, “illegal immigration” likely soon will become a major problem for the States along America’s northen border and along the Atlantic, Pacific, and Gulf coasts. In any event, every State is exposed to the same eventual outcome. For once “illegal aliens” gain entry across the international border of any State, they migrate into States which have no international borders, “grow[ing] or spread[ing] over” and “affect[ing] injuriously and progressively” every community throughout America by a complex of inter- and intra-State “invasions”. (See Webster’s 1913, at 784, definition 4).

Moreover, the numbers of “illegal aliens” already within the United States will constantly increase through the natural process of human reproduction—although the children of the original aliens, and their offspring as well, will doubtlessly claim to be actual citizens, under color of the constitutionally absurd theory of “birthright citizenship”: namely, that Section 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution confers on “illegal aliens”, who enjoy no right to enter or to remain within the United States at all, a privilege to bestow on their progeny the prerogatives of “citizens of the United States and of the States wherein they reside” by stealing into this country contrary to the laws thereof, and remaining long enough to bear those children on American soil. As a practical matter, the only way to frustrate the application of this theory until the true meaning of the Fourteenth Amendment has been secured—whether by a decision of the Supreme Court, some Act of Congress promulgated pursuant to Section 5 of the Amendment, or otherwise—is to repel the invasion at the border or apprehend and deport the invaders as soon as possible, so that births within America do not occur and therefore “birthright citizenship” cannot be claimed.

FOURTH. Because “illegal immigration” inflicts palpable harms upon each of the several States, each and every one of them must enjoy a legal right to prevent, punish, and otherwise proceed against it. The ultimate source of this right is this country’s foundational law, from and upon which all of its other law derive and depend: namely, the Declaration of Independence.

In 1776, the Declaration established that the original thirteen “United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; * * * and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do”. By 1790, perforce of the Constitution all of them became components of a larger “Free and Independent State[ ]”, formed along federal lines, styled “the United States of America” (Preamble to the Constitution). As the initial conditions of membership among “the United States”, the founding States accepted certain constitutional limitations on their powers (particularly in Article I, Section 10, Clauses 1 through 3), while retaining all other powers which were neither delegated to the United States nor reserved to the people (Tenth Amendment). Later, other States were “admitted by the Congress into th[e] Union” (Article IV, Section 3, Clause 1) under the same terms as the original thirteen. Of consequence here, one of the inherent powers of “Free and Independent States” which the original thirteen and then other States did not cede to the United States is the “Power to levy War” under certain circumstances (Article I, Section 10, Clause 3).

Although subject to various constitutional limitations on her autonomy, each of the several States today remains “a free State” empowered in principle to guarantee—and, one would hope, capable in practice of providing for—her own “security” through “[a] well regulated Militia” predicated upon “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms”, as the Second Amendment attests. In particular, the “security” of each State’s own borders being an (if not the) essential component of “the security of a free State”, as “free State[s]” the States are entitled and may insist upon the right to preserve, protect, and maintain the existence and efficacy their own borders—and, insofar as some of their borders coincide with the borders of the United States, to preserve, protect, and maintain the existence and efficacy of those borders, too. Indeed, the States are not only entitled, but also are required to do so. For no State can stop being “a free State” within the federal system without repudiating not only the Constitution but also the Declaration of Independence. And such a dereliction of duty on the part of a State’s public officials would justify recourse to (in the Declaration’s words) “the Right of the People to alter or to abolish [the existing government], and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness”.

After all, it is the absolute duty of public officials within each State to enforce the laws which maintain her physical, legal, political, economic, and social integrity—the laws relating to her borders being first and foremost among them. True enough, rogue officeholders forfeits their legitimacy whenever they fail, neglect, or refuse to enforce those laws. But, at least for a while, a country can muddle through, although burdened with a governmental apparatus populated by fools, knaves, poseurs, and kindred political riffraff. By definition, however, no country can exist at all without enforceable borders. Is it worse to be ground under the heel of “absolute Despotism” in one’s own country, yet with some chance (no matter how slim) that some day “the People” might finally exercise what the Declaration described as “their right, * * * their duty, to throw off such Government”, or to have one’s country destroyed entirely and irretrievably?

FIFTH. Vindication of each State’s legal right to secure her own borders requires the existence of a legal remedy. That is, there must be a means by which this right can and will actually be enforced against the “illegal aliens” who are—by definition unlawfully—“invad[ing] the rights of the people”. (See Webster’s 1913, at 784, definition 3.) Obviously, “[a] right without a remedy is as if it were not. For every beneficial purpose it may be said not to exist.” United States ex rel. Von Hoffman v. City of Quincy, 71 U.S. (4 Wallace) 535, 554 (1867). Accord, Poindexter v. Greenhow, 114 U.S. 270, 303 (1885); Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. (1 Cranch) 137, 163 (1803). In theory, this remedy could be provided by the United States on behalf of the States, or by each and every one of the several States on her own, or in the final analysis even by We the People themselves.

In what should be the normal course of events, the government of the United States would protect the borders of the United States, and of each of the States as well, without any separate involvement of the States acting on their own. Conversely, when (as today) rogue public officials of the government of the United States fail, neglect, or refuse to enforce in an effective manner, if at all, the laws of the United States which pertain to “illegal immigration”, it is left to each of the States to secure her own borders by asserting her own right to do so. In that event, because the borders of one or more States form parts of the borders of the United States, in protecting their own borders those States protect the borders of the United States, too. Under such factual circumstances the legal question becomes: “What specific constitutional authority—not subject to ‘preëmption’ or some other form of interference emanating from officialdom in the government of the United States—do the States enjoy to deal with this situation?”

The answer comes from recognition that the danger which confronts the States today is an actual “invasion” of their territories, and that the Constitution explicitly addresses the matter of “invasion” as far as the powers of the States are concerned—to wit, “No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, * * * engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay” (Article I, Section 10, Clause 3). Observe the precision of the constitutional language: “engage in War”, not “declare War”, so that no conflict can arise between the exercise of the States’ power in this regard, on the one hand, and the power of Congress (Article I, Section 8, Clause 11), on the other. Plainly enough, a State can “engage in War” without a “declar[ation of] War”, just as the United States has engaged on massive scales in undeclared wars in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan. To “engage in War” means simply to employ operations and techniques justified by, suitable for, and familiar in “War” (although not necessarily all of them at the same time, or any of them to a particular degree). This is a broad mandate indeed. How far it might extend one may judge for himself by bringing to mind the precedents the government of the United States has established in its decades-long prosecutions of “the war on terror” and “the war on drugs”.

Also, observe that the Constitution does not limit the reach of the phrase “actually invaded”. The States on the southern border of the United States could be “actually invaded” by the regular armed forces of Mexico herself; by figurative armies of Mexican nationals intent upon the re-conquest of the southwestern United States through unlimited immigration; by cartels based in Mexico (whether or not in collusion with rogue officials there) which transport “illegal aliens” into the United States with as much facility and impunity as they smuggle illicit drugs; or by hordes of aliens from all over the world who somehow traverse the length and breadth of Mexico to arrive at, and then illegally traverse, the border of the United States without the Mexican government’s significantly interfering with the traffic. To the Constitution, it would all be of one and the same import.

Moreover, as the Constitution makes clear, no State needs “the Consent of Congress”, or is subject to a prohibition from Congress (a denial of its “Consent”), to “engage in War” when “actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay”. And logically Congress cannot withhold its “Consent” (whether by some explicit prohibition or the implicit restraint of “preëmption”) when its “Consent” is not necessary in the first place. So, because the Constitution explicitly reserves to the States the right, power, privilege, and duty to “engage in War” as an exception to and exclusion from every power of Congress, the States’ authority in that regard is supreme within its field of operation.

This, of course, makes perfect sense, because a State’s right of self-defense against an “invasion” by hordes of “illegal aliens” is no less absolute than an individual’s right of self-defense against an attack by a lone criminal. As Sir William Blackstone observed, if an individual be forcibly attacked in his person or property, it is lawful for him to repel force by force; and the breach of the peace, which happens, is chargeable upon him only who began the affray. For the law, in this case, respects the passions of the human mind; and (when external violence is offered to a man himself, or those to whom he bears a near connection) makes it lawful in him to do himself that immediate justice, to which he is prompted by nature, and which no prudential motives are strong enough to restrain. It considers that the future process of law is by no means an adequate remedy for injuries accompanied with force; since it is impossible to say, to what wanton lengths of rapine or cruelty outrages of this sort might be carried, unless it were permitted a man immediately to oppose one violence with another. Self-defence, therefore, as it is justly called the primary law of nature, so it is not, neither can it be in fact, taken away by the law of society.

Commentaries on the Laws of England (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Robert Bell, American Edition, 4 Volumes & Appendix, 1771-1773), Volume 3, at 3-4 (footnote omitted) (emphasis supplied). Thus, because her right of self-defense cannot be “taken away by the law of society”, a State does not need “the Consent of Congress” to exercise it against an invasion, perhaps the most serious threat to a State’s political life which can be imagined. Neither does a State need the permission of the President, judges, or any other public officials, the powers of which depend upon “Laws [enacted by Congress] which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the * * * Powers vested by th[e] Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof” (Article I, Section 8, Clause 18). Inasmuch as Congress cannot withhold “Consent” on its own behalf (because its “Consent” is unnecessary), it cannot enact “Laws” which purport to allow others to withhold such unnecessary “Consent” by proxy.

Moreover, the reserved right and power to “engage in War” when “actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay” (Article I, Section 10, Clause 3), obviously entitles a State not situated along an international border of the United States to assist another State which is so situated and is being “actually invaded” by “illegal aliens”, so as to protect the former State against the “imminent Danger” of an “invasion” mounted by aliens from within the latter State. After all, under present conditions “illegal aliens” who “invade” (say) Texas can, within a matter of days (if not just hours) from the dates and times of their original incursions into that State, be transported to any location across the United States, “invading” not only the States of their initial entries and then final destinations, but sequentially all other States along the way.

To be sure, the Constitution does provide that “[t]he United States * * * shall protect each of th[e States in the Union] against Invasion” (Article IV, Section 4). But this duty cannot be performed in the absence of some “Laws * * * necessary and proper for carrying [it] into Execution” (Article I, Section 8, Clause 18). And no such “Laws” can impose upon the States the constitutionally prohibited requirement to obtain explicit or implicit “Consent” from Congress before they “engage in War” when “actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay” (Article I, Section 10, Clause 3). So the power of the States to “engage in War” in the event of invasion remains separate from and independent of the duty of the United States to “protect” the States “against Invasion”. Although parallel in purpose, that duty supplements, rather than supplants or constrains, the right, power, privilege, and duty of the States to defend themselves.

This must be self-evidently true when rogue public officials within the government of the United States fail, neglect, or refuse to perform their duty to “protect each of the[ States] against Invasion” (Article IV, Section 4) adequately, let alone at all. Such an abrogation of constitutional duty cannot be the product of “[t]his Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof”, but is quite the opposite—cannot pretend to be “the supreme Law of the Land” (Article VI, Clause 2), or any “Law” for that matter—and therefore cannot “preëmpt” any State from protecting herself.

If such is plain enough at the constitutional level, how much more obvious is it when mere statutes are the subjects of concern? For purposes of argument, it may be conceded that, by statute, Congress has “occupied the field”—and thereby “preëmpted” any conflicting, or even merely supplementary, laws of every State—within the domain of “immigration”. But Congressional “immigration law” is not, and does not even pretend to be, “invasion law” of any sort—indeed, it presumes that “immigration” must proceed according to law, not in the lawless fashion of an “invasion”. So it is hard to see how any part of “immigration law” could “preëmpt” any State’s laws dealing with “invasion” enacted pursuant to a constitutional power explicitly reserved to the States for that purpose. Surely the Constitution prohibits rogue officials of the United States from deceitfully and surreptitiously misusing the laws related to “immigration” to enable, facilitate, promote, or even countenance an “invasion” of any State by “illegal aliens”, or to prevent any State from “engag[ing] in War” to resist such an “invasion” when the victimized State determines that such resistance is necessary. (Presumably, a State could “engage in War” if invaded even by alien forces openly supported by Congress, led in person by the President, and blessed by the Judiciary.)

SIXTH. How, in practical terms, might a State “engage in War” when “actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay”? Doubtlessly the first and foremost operation would be to secure the frontiers, and police the interior, of the State against the invaders. No invasion can succeed if the invaders are repelled at the border, or (if they somehow succeed in gaining entry) are subsequently apprehended within and then expelled from the State.

Such tasks, however, are “labor-intensive”: that is, they require for their performance the deployment of forces of sufficient size—and with adequate organization, armament, training, logistical support, and so on—to overwhelm the invaders. As these must be the State’s own forces, they must be raised within the State from amongst the State’s own citizens. But the constitutional authority to “engage in War” does not limit, nor in the nature of things could it constrain, a State’s right to employ any appropriate establishment already at hand or capable of being mobilized for that purpose.

Under present political conditions, though, it would be problematical for a State to call upon her National Guard or any so-called “defense force” she had established. Each State is allowed to “keep [these] Troops * * * in time of Peace”, but only “with[ ] the consent of Congress” (Article I, Section 10, Clause 3). See 32 U.S.C. § 109(a) through (c). Presumably, though, “in time of [War]” when “actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay”, the States could not only “keep” but could actually deploy these “Troops” without “the Consent of Congress”. Yet it is conceivable—most likely to be expected—that the present régime in the District of Columbia would prevent the use of these “Troops” for that purpose, by removing them from the States’ control under color of the statutes of the United States which (through “the Consent of Congress”) provide for their existence, lay out their duties, and regulate their operations. The Army National Guard and the Air National Guard are “reserve component[s]” of the regular Army and Air Force. See 32 U.S.C. § 101(3) through (7). As such, under the Constitution they are subject to be coöpted by the government of the United States at almost any time (Article I, Section 8, Clause 14).The States’ “defense forces” are in a somewhat ambiguous position. See 32 U.S.C. § 109(d) and (e). But, even were they left to the States to command, the complements of most of them are too small to be of much use against an “invasion” as extensive as “illegal aliens” are mounting today. See, e.g., Va. Code § 44-54.4 (“the Virginia Defense Force” has “a targeted membership of at least 1,200” volunteers).

Similar practical considerations militate against the States’ employment of their ordinary police forces. For were the police assigned in adequate numbers to repel an “invasion” by “illegal aliens” on the scale now taking place, too few would likely be left to secure thousands of Localities against ordinary crime.

The obvious solution for these difficulties derives from the precept of political science that the survival of any polity depends upon the successful defense of its borders, and from the axiom of American constitutional law that “necessary to the security of a free State” in all respects, including especially the integrity of her borders, is “[a] well regulated Militia” composed of “the people” who exercise “the right * * * to keep and bear Arms” (Second Amendment). These forces are what the Constitution denotes as “the Militia of the several States” (Article II, Section 2, Clause 1). So today there are now fifty of them, one in, of, and for each State. Various States’ statutory codes call them “the unorganized militia”, “the reserve militia”, or some other kindred term which describes their largely inactive status. Yet, of critical importance to the problem of “illegal immigration”, among other constitutional authorities and responsibilities “the Militia of the several States” are assigned the duty to “repel Invasions” (Article I, Section 8, Clause 15), an authority explicitly vouchsafed by the Constitution to no other establishment. For this purpose, Congress may call them forth to be “employed in the Service of the United States” (Article I, Section 8, Clause 16). Or, of more interest here (because of the unreliability and fecklessness of Congress), the States may deploy them to that end in the States’ own service—without needing to obtain any “Consent” from Congress, because the Militia are “the Militia of the several States” not “of the United States”, and are “Militia” not “Troops”. So, for the purpose of repelling invasions of their territories, the States may raise their “unorganized militia” or “reserve militia” to, and maintain them in a condition of, readiness at all times (whether in peace or war), and may call forth whatever parts (or the entireties) of them they deem suitable for that task.

To be sure, one can imagine that the rogue Congress in session these days might attempt to prohibit the States’ use of their Militia for the particular purpose of “repel[ing] Invasions” by “illegal aliens”. Any such move, however, would be laughably unconstitutional, for at least two reasons: First, Congress’s power is to “provide for”, not against, “calling forth the Militia”; and to do so in order to “repel”, not promote, “Invasions”. Plainly enough, “the affirmative words of [a] clause [in the Constitution] giving one sort of jurisdiction, must imply a negative of any other sort of jurisdiction, because, otherwise, the words would be totally inoperative”. Cohens v. Virginia, 19 U.S. (6 Wheaton) 264, 401 (1821). Whether by verbal trickery or otherwise, “‘no Act of Congress can authorize a violation of the Constitution’”. United States v. Brignoni-Ponce, 422 U.S. 873, 877 (1975). And “[a]n unconstitutional act is not a law; * * * it is, in legal contemplation, as inoperative as though it had never been passed.” Norton v. Shelby County, 118 U.S. 425, 442 (1886). Second, the States’ exercise of their reserved power to employ their Militia to “engage in War” when “actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay” (Article I, Section 10, Clause 3) cannot be thwarted by the exercise of any power of Congress, including its power to “provide for calling forth the Militia to * * * repel Invasions” (Article I, Section 8, Clause 15), because no one constitutional power can be misused to negate any other constitutional power. “These fundamental principles are of equal dignity, and neither must be so enforced as to nullify or substantially impair the other.” Dick v. United States, 208 U.S. 340, 353 (1908).

One can also imagine that a rogue President might order the Militia not to interfere with “illegal immigration”, under color of his status as “Commander in Chief * * * of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States” (Article II, Section 2, Clause 1). This, too, would be risible. For allowing “illegal immigration” to proceed unhindered could not, by any rational constitutional calculus, constitute “the actual Service of the United States”—not least because the President’s order would violate both his constitutional duty to “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed” (Article II, Section 3) and his “Oath or Affirmation” that he “will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of [his] Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States” (Article I, Section 1, Clause 7). Indeed, for betraying the United States by aiding and abetting an “invasion” of illegal aliens” when hostile foreign nations were involved, a rogue President might be “removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason” (Article II, Section 4, and Article III, Section 3, Clause 1), and thereafter become “liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law” (Article I, Section 3, Clause 7), pursuant to the power of Congress “to declare the Punishment of Treason” (Article III, Clause 3, Section 2).

SEVENTH. Of course, for any of the foregoing to be more than merely theoretical, the States would have to call forth their “unorganized militia” or “reserve militia”. Generally, though, the States’ laws already provide for their Militia to repel invasions. See, e.g., Va. Code §§ 44-86 (“[t]he commander in chief [i.e., the Governor] may at any time, in order to * * * repel invasion, * * * order out * * * the whole or any part of the unorganized militia”), and 44-87 (“[t]he Governor shall, when ordering out the unorganized militia, designate the number to be so called” and “may order them out either by calling for volunteers or by draft”). So the problem would center around the practical fitness of the Militia for that assignment at that time, not their legal authority to perform it at the States’ behest, in their own interest, and pursuant to their own laws.

Obviously, the Militia would need to be suitably organized, armed, trained, and supplied before they could be deployed to deal with the “invasion” of “illegal aliens” under the particular circumstances which then obtained in each State. In principle, though, this should not be terribly difficult, because “the organized militia” or “the reserved militia” in most States are composed of the vast majority of the people. See, e.g., Va. Code §§ 44-1, 44-2, 44-4, 44-5, and 44-54.6 (“the unorganized militia” consists of “all able-bodied residents of the Commonwealth who are citizens of the United States and all other able-bodied persons resident in the Commonwealth who have declared their intentions to become citizens of the United States, who are at least 16 years of age and [with certain exceptions] not more than 55 years of age”, other than members of the National Guard and the Virginia Defense Force, and those few persons exempted by statute). And surely among the general population of able-bodied residents of suitable age could be found innumerable patriotic, enthusiastic, and talented individuals who already possessed some basic training, equipment, and even experience which could be put to work bringing the revitalized Militia “up to speed” in short order.

Unfortunately, in the normal course of events the general population of a State cannot call forth the Militia on its own recognizance. Statutes would need to be interpreted and applied, or perhaps amended or even enacted, by public officials in order to prepare “the unorganized militia” or “the reserve militia” to repel the “invasion” of “illegal aliens”.

In every State, public officials should already be taking action to extract “the unorganized militia” or “the reserve militia” from an “unorganized” or “reserve” status, and not just to repel the “invasion” by “illegal aliens” either (as vital as that task is at this time). Indeed, they should have been revitalizing the Militia during many decades past. To the present author’s knowledge, however, nothing along those lines is now being done, or even proposed, in any State. One can speculate about the reasons for this deplorable state of affairs. At base, of course, it must be attributed to most public officials’ abysmal ignorance of the Constitution—although how they could possibly square such an excuse with their mandatory “Oath[s] or Affirmation[s], to support th[e] Constitution” (Article VI, Clause 3) passes understanding. Beyond that, its cause might be traceable to officials’ insouciance, sloth, or indolence; incompetence sinking to the level of fecklessness; cowardice in the face of political or other pressure from powerful factions and special-interest groups which stand to gain, economically or politically, from unlimited immigration; desires to advance their careers in and out of politics by prostituting their offices to such groups; or even adherence to some goofy ideology which extols “open borders” as the quintessence of “libertarian” principles, but really serves the interests only of globalists and other avowed enemies of Americans’ independence, freedom, and prosperity.

Not to be overlooked, either, is the possibility of some rogue public officials’ criminal complicity with parties engaged in “illegal immigration”, particularly where trafficking in human beings is allied with smuggling of drugs. Most careful students of the subject recognize that “illegal immigration” serves various subversive political purposes. But to arguably an even greater degree so do illicit shipments of dangerous drugs into America (as they have for quite a long time already). See, e.g., Joseph D. Douglass, Jr., Red Cocaine: The Drugging of America and the West, an exposé of long-term Russian and Chinese intelligence operations aimed at achieving the demoralisation and ultimate control of the West through drugs as a dimension of the continuing Leninist World Revolution (New York, New York: Edward Harle Limited, 1999). On the scales at which they exist today, both “illegal immigration” and the importation of illegal drugs constitute “invasions”—the first by aliens whose entry into this country destabilizes American society (even though that may not be their own avowed purpose), the second by chemicals the criminal commerce in which is surely intended to destroy society dose by dose. The combination of the two in a coöperative racketeering enterprise is explosively synergistic, especially when foreign nations promote, protect, participate in, and perhaps even plan these operations. Which would make rogue American officials’ involvement in the joint traffic sink to the level of “Treason”, through their “adher[ence] to the[ ] Enemies [of the United States], giving them Aid and Comfort” (Article III, Section 3, Clause 1).

Whatever the explanation for the present sorry situation may be, the continuation (let alone the chronic exacerbation) of such a mess can no longer be tolerated. Unrelenting pressure must be brought to bear on honest public officials who can be educated and prodded into taking constitutionally correct and effective action as soon as possible. Unfortunately, to carry out what will amount to the political equivalent of the labor of Hercules with the Augean Stables, Americans will have to rely largely on themselves.

EIGHTH. At the present point in the tortuous course of human events, it should be painfully apparent that Americans cannot depend upon either or both of the “two” major political parties (or any other party, for that matter), their leadership, or their most prominent figures (or figureheads, as the case may be) to serve as instruments for the performance of such a daunting task.

On the subject of political parties, George Washington’s Farewell Address—arguably the greatest compendium of practical political wisdom and foresight ever penned by an American statesman—should be every patriot’s guide. Warning his fellow countrymen “in the most solemn manner against the baneful effects of the spirit of party”, he pointed out that “[i]t serves always to distract the public councils and enfeeble the public administration. It agitates the community with ill founded jealousies and false alarms, kindles the animosity of one part against another, foments occasionally riot and insurrection. It opens the door to foreign influence and corruption, which find a facilitated access to the government itself through the channels of party passions. Thus the policy and will of one country are subjected to the policy and will of another.” Washington’s Farewell Address to the People of the United States, Senate Document No. 106-21, 106th Congress, 2nd Session (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2000), at 16, 17-18.

So today in spades with respect to “illegal immigration”. Only “the baneful effects of the spirit of party” in its most malignant form can explain: (i) the hysterical agitation for what amounts to “open borders”, which denies Americans the right to a sovereign nation of their own with “full Power * * * to do all * * * Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do” (Declaration of Independence)—(ii) the refusal to enforce long-standing statutes to secure the borders, which negates their existence—(iii) the creation of what are brazenly styled “sanctuary cities”, which asserts a right of secession from the Constitution’s goal of “form[ing] a more perfect Union” (Preamble), in aid of fomenting disarray and dissension within the citizenry—and, perhaps worst of all, (iv) for the willingness to countenance the support which certain other countries and supra-national organizations provide for “illegal immigration” into the United States, thus enabling foreigners to affect the size and composition of America’s population and the direction of her political devolution, tending inexorably unto her destruction. If anything could, this experience teaches that America’s “two” major political parties are not merely snares and delusions, veritable cornucopiae of conflicts and confusion amongst the citizenry, and ultimately the bane of constitutional government, but are actual existential threats to everything for which this country stands.

NINTH. Fortunately, the Constitution supplies common Americans with a potent means to take the initiative themselves, through its protection of “the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances” (First Amendment). This embodies the understanding drawn from the first principles of American political science that “the Government” is initially the creation and then the continuing responsibility of “the people” themselves—indeed, that “the people” are their “Government” because they are the force controlling “the Government”, from beginning to end and from top to bottom. But this situation obtains only when their “petition[s]* * * for * * * redress of grievance[s]” are “redress[ed]”, quickly and completely, either by public officials or by “the people” themselves whenever officials fail, neglect, or refuse to act.

As the Declaration of Independence teaches, “whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of the[ proper] ends [of government], it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it”. How, though, are “the People” to know that “any Form of Government” has become so “destructive”? Surely, one key indicium of such a degenerate condition is that officialdom refuses to redress the grievances which “the People” bring to its attention through various forms of “petition”—including the electoral process, lobbying of legislators, litigation in the courts, exposure and criticism of rogue officials by way of free speech and a free press, mass demonstrations, and even “civil disobedience” against unconstitutional “laws” (which actually is “civil obedience” to the Constitution). But, for this process to be effective, “the People”—not public officials—must decide what constitutes a “grievance”, what form a “petition” concerning it should take, how “the people” should “peaceably * * * assemble” to present their “petition”, what provides adequate “redress” for their “grievance”, and whether officialdom proves sufficiently responsive to their demands for its behavior not to constitute yet a further “grievance”. Today, the efficacy of freedom to petition will be put to a severe test where the “invasion” of “illegal immigration” is concerned.

To be sure, Americans’ “grievances” are self-evident: namely, (i) the existence of the “invasion” itself, uncontrolled by the powers-that-be within the government of the United States, which have no viable plan (and apparently no intent, either) to control it; (ii) no understanding on the part of public officials of the States as to what effective constitutional action their States may take (and, hardly surprising in light of that ignorance, no commitment by those officials to take any such action); and especially (iii) the States’ lack of sufficient forces properly organized, armed, trained, and ready for deployment against the “invasion”, because most of their citizens eligible for service in their Militia are consigned by various statutes to the oxymoronic (indeed, constitutionally idiotic) and basically useless “unorganized militia” or “reserve militia”.

In contrast, setting out the means of “redress” for these “grievances” will require no little insight and effort on the part of “the people”. After all, to be taken seriously (let alone successfully to be put into practice), their “petitions” must present specific, detailed plans for “redress” which focus on exactly how “the unorganized militia” or “the reserve militia” are to be dissolved, on the one hand, and the true Militia of each State revitalized, on the other. Obviously, these plans must be devised, tested, and proved to be, not simply advisable in principle, but also workable in practice before “the people” submit their “petitions” to “the Government”. To that end, “the people” will need to “peaceably * * * assemble” for the purpose of determining through deliberation and discussion, and then by actual experimentation in the field, exactly what their “petitions” should demand by way of “redress”. The present author has set out one possible course of action in his book Constitutional “Homeland Security”, Volume One, The Nation in Arms: A Call for Americans To Revitalize “the Militia of the several States” (Ashland, Ohio: Bookmasters, Inc., 2007), Chapters 3 through 12. Were some such approach adopted on a sufficiently expansive scale by citizens willing to put in the necessary time, effort, and expense, revitalized Militia could be largely ready for deployment to repel the “invasion” of “illegal aliens” almost as soon as amended or new statutes suitable for that purpose were enacted.

An important part of the “redress” “the people” will demand must be, not simply vague promises from typically two-faced spokesmen for “the Government”, but instead a schedule of specific steps to be carried out by particular officials within a set, and short, period of time, by which steps “the unorganized militia” and “the reserve militia” will be replaced, once and for all, by true constitutional Militia, as described in Article 13 of Virginia’s Declaration of Rights (June 12, 1776): that is, “a well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms”. (See now Va. Const. art. I, § 13.) The point of decisive importance being actually “trained to arms”—so as to be ready to be deployed with “arms” for every purpose to which “arms” might be relevant.

In addition, it would not be amiss for “the people”to make crystal clear that public officials’ failure, neglect, or refusal to act immediately and effectively to obviate these “grievances” in exact accordance with the proposals for “redress” presented by the citizenry will constitute further “grievances”, leading inexorably to “redress” in the form of those officials’ removals from office—to be followed in due course by appropriate punishments for their derelictions of duty.

TENTH. True it may be that “the people” who at first might engage in this activity these days would not constitute a majority of America’s adult population. That possibility, though, is of no moment.

The Declaration of Independence was promulgated “in the Name, and by the Authority of the good People of the[ ] Colonies”, not on behalf of all of the Colonists (many of whom maintained their allegiance to the British Crown). Shortly thereafter, “the good People” became “We the People” who, as the Preamble to the Constitution attests, “ordain[ed] and establish[ed] this Constitution for the United States of America”. Today, “the good People” are those Americans who adhere to the precepts of the Declaration, and “We the People” those same Americans who continue to “ordain and establish th[e] Constitution” every day, and therefore are entitled to its protection, by being as faithful to its principles as ever were their forebears. And, just as in the past, when a political crisis casts their society into turmoil, it is inconsequential that “the good People” might not constitute a majority of the citizenry at a decisive moment. Or that “We the People” might find themselves confronted by a majority intent upon disregarding, perverting, or even setting aside the Constitution as well as the Declaration.

Legitimate “government”, after all, is not a matter of mere numbers. America is not an unfettered “democracy” in which “the majority rules”. As the Declaration makes clear, consistent with “the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God” even an overwhelming majority cannot invest “any Form of Government” with “[un]just powers”, either explicitly by delegation in so many words, or implicitly by tacit acquiescence in rogue public officials’ usurpation of such illicit authority. If nonetheless it purports to do so, that majority degenerates into a “faction”—what James Madison described as “a number of citizens, whether amounting to a majority or minority of the whole, who are united and actuated by some common impulse of passion, or of interest, adverse to the rights of other citizens, or to the permanent and aggregate interests of the community”. The Federalist No. 10 (emphasis supplied). A “faction” composed of “a majority * * * of the whole” is more dangerous than any other, because it can easily imagine itself entitled by dint of numbers alone to ride roughshod over everyone else, and in the grip of that hubristic delusion be willing to support what the Declaration described as “a long train of abuses and usurpations” by rogue public officials who aim at “reduc[ing] the[ entire community] under absolute Despotism”. When it does so, such a majority exposes and condemns its members as “the bad people”, and forfeits whatever legitimacy to which it might once have laid an arithmetical claim.

Conversely, “the good People” (whatever their numbers) can never be a “faction”, because they represent “the permanent and aggregate interests of the [entire] community”, and respect “the rights of [all] other citizens”, including “the bad people” who might reside among them. And, inasmuch as “faction” is another word for “party” (perhaps always the more descriptive word, in light of the nature of the beast), in contrast to “the bad people” “the good People” are always antithetical to “the spirit of party”, transcend every political party, and are superior in moral, political, and legal authority to any party or system of parties.

ELEVENTH. Yet the question remains: Exactly who are “the good People” in this day and age, particularly with respect to repulsion of the on-going “invasion” of this country by “illegal aliens”? Just as in the Founding Era, “the good People” are defined by their beliefs and discerned by their actions.

On the one hand, among “the good People” in principle are all those Americans who want to live in “a free State”, with sovereignty, independence, liberty, and justice for every citizen—who adhere to the goals of the Preamble to, and the powers and disabilities of, the Constitution—who realize that, as the Second Amendment declares, “[a] well regulated Militia” is “necessary to the security of a free State”—who recognize an “invasion” by “illegal immigrants” as a frontal attack on that “security”—and who support the absolute right of the States to “engage in War” through the deployment of their Militia in order to repel such an “invasion”.

On the other hand, to be effective constituents of “the good People” in practice, Americans must actually reassert the authority of the Militia, revitalize the Militia, and then repel the “invasion” of “illegal aliens” by means of the Militia. This, because the Militia are the only establishments which physically embody and exert, and in the final analysis legally enforce, the will of “the good People”. The Militia are entrusted with the ultimate right, power, and duty to “execute the Laws of the Union”—which “Laws” include both the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, and ultimately “the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God” upon which “the good People” depend for their authority. So the Militia are the only institutions which can, to the “necessary” degree, provide “the good People” with “the security of a free State” against “illegal immigration” or any other threat. Because, after all, in “a free State” the Militia and “the good People” are the very same people.

“The good People” need to stop waiting for some rapturous event (whether of heavenly or human origin) the timing of which even the Scriptures deny that any man can predict. They must come to grips with the admonition that “God helps those who help themselves”. And, with that as their guide, they need to shoulder their responsibility, to organize themselves, and to plan, prepare, and act to save this country. No one else will do it for them.

A POSTSCRIPT. The present author has been publishing commentaries on NewsWithViews about the general subject of revitalizing the Militia since 6 May 2005. More than sixteen years is a long time. Too long. Among other calamities besetting this country, the on-going “invasion” by “illegal aliens” should inform anyone who cares to study the matter that America does not have another sixteen years to wait—and to waste—and throughout that time to wonder what should be or could be done, without doing what the Constitution makes very plain needs to be done. The way things are going, sixteen years from now this country will not exist as Americans know it today. And if you, the reader, will not be alive to witness it, your children will be. Be forewarned.

© 2021 Edwin Vieira – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Edwin Vieira:

Heads Up, Jew Haters! Don’t Take This Medicine!

By Joan Swirsky

Maybe I don’t frequent the right journals, Internet sites, TV shows or radio stations, because all I’ve seen and read and heard since the 1960s is that the Arabs who call themselves “Palestinians” ––you know, those perpetual “victims” who have received literally billions––maybe trillions––in “aid” from America, have become famous for five or six things only:

What I’ve never seen or read or heard is that the Arabs who call themselves “Palestinians” have done one single solitary thing to benefit mankind. Their singular obsession has been to annihilate the Big Satan, America, and the Little Satan, Israel.


Christianity and Islam are the two largest religions in the world, with 2.4 billion and 1.9 billion adherents respectively––literally half the people on our earth of about 7.8-billion people.

In stark contrast, Judaism is comprised of 15-million people, about eight million in Israel, about six million in the United States, and about one million scattered throughout the world.

To see the most vilified state in the entire world, look here at the infinitesimal red strip, surrounded by 300-millionArabs, once enemies until President Donald J. Trump succeeded for the first time in history in establishing the Abraham Accords which now find Oman, Qatar, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Morocco, et al, all at peace and doing business with Israel.

Israel is home to more than a million-and-a-half Arabs, a number of whom have been elected to the Knesset, Israel’s law-making legislature, and now an Arab Party has been elected to Israeli leadership. Nevertheless, those scary Jews are such a menace that here is how Israel’s surrounding states have practiced ethnic cleansing for decades.

But nothing compares to the long-and-besieged history of the Jews.

First, they were hunted down, marginalized, attacked, and ultimately murdered by the immensely powerful Assyrian, Babylonian, Greek and Roman empires, which significantly no longer exist––unlike the Jews who are still flourishing. Then:

Clearly, neither time nor education have dented the scourge of Jew hatred. The human species seems to have a need to hate, and the Jews are always the perfect targets for bullies who prey upon small targets, as well as the green-eyed fanatics who think that Jews are smarter and therefore more successful than they are and cannot help caving to their pathological jealousy.


Most people thought anti-Semitism had been relegated to the trash bin of history after Hitler and millions of his willing executioners from Germany, Poland, Austria, France, Belgium, Switzerland, et al—with savage premeditation—gassed to death six-million Jews in the 1930s and ‘40s.

But the sad truth is that the world’s hatred of God’s “Chosen People” simply went underground after the Holocaust, while racist parents continued to imbue their children with “the oldest hatred” and, sure enough, it has burst forth in all its hysterical ugliness in––of all places––the Democrat Congress of 2021.

Yet despite the actual pandemic of anti-Semitism, the Jews of the world have stayed laser-focused on their mission to improve the world, which goes back to the Bible up until this very day.


If Jew haters weren’t such raving hypocrites, if they had a shred of integrity, of character, of true fidelity to their beliefs, they would never avail themselves of the following Jewish innovations:

Israeli inventions and discoveries, including astounding contributions in the fields of chemistry, physics, optics, medicine, economics, computing, defense, agriculture, et al., Michael Ordman’s comprehensive weekly update of Israel’s jaw-dropping innovations, breakthroughs, medical miracles.

Https://, listing Israel’s top 45 greatest inventions of all time,  including:

Other incredible Israeli inventions include:

  • ReWalk Robotics, which allows paraplegics to stand, walk, and climb stairs,
  • Waze, the GPS- based travel app,
  • EWA company’s technology to absorb the air’s humidity and condense it into drinkable water,
  • Israel’s cows produce up to 10.5 tons of milk a year–10% more than North American cows and almost 50% more than Germany’s cows!
  • Israel developed the cherry tomato,
  • The Viber app allows you to make calls across the world for free, using Wifi, et al.

And looky here at the good fortune of one of the premier anti-Semites in American history, President Jimmy Carter, who was lucky enough to have his brain cancer cured by an Israeli drug.

And don’t miss:

And let’s not forget IsraAID, a humanitarian-aid organization founded in 2001, which has rushed to emergencies––hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, mudslides, building collapses, et al––in more than 50 countries and is in Haiti right now!

And not to omit this very short list of Jewish trailblazers, which pharmacist Meyer M. Treinkman compiled:

  • Jonas Salk led the team which created a vaccine for polio.
  • Dr Albert Bruce Sabin developed an oral polio vaccine.
  • Paul Ehrlich discovered arsphenamine (Salvarsan) which cured syphilis
  • Albert Ludwig Sigesmund Neisser discovered the causative agent (pathogen) of gonorrhea, as well as the bacteria which causes leprosy.
  • Ludwig Traube developed Digitalis therapy for heart disease.
  • Chemist Alfred Einhorn first synthesized Novocaine (Procaine) in 1905.
  • Oskar Minkowsky identified the pancreas as the source of the control of blood sugar, which led to the discovery of insulin.
  • Spiro and Ellege discovered Pyramidon and Antypyrin for the treatment of headaches.
  • Professor Oscar Leibreich proposed the use of Chloral Hydrate for the treatment of convulsions.
  • Sigmund Freud, a neurologist,was the father of psychoanalysis.
  • Bela Schick invented the “Schick Test” for diphtheria, which eventually led to its eradication.
  • Nobel Prize winner Robert Baram innovated treatment for ear and brain damage.
  • Selman Abraham Waxman invented the wonder drug, Streptomycin, against tuberculosis.
  • August Wasserman invented the Wasserman Test to test for syphilis.
  • D. Casimir Funk discovered vitamins.


In 1995, Dear Abby reran a column in which the late comedian Sam Levenson said that “anti-Semitism could be hazardous to your health.” Levenson challenged Jew haters to boycott all the medicines and treatments Jews had discovered.

“Go on, boycott!” Levenson advised. “Humanitarian consistency requires my people offer all these gifts to all people of the world. Fanatic consistency requires that all bigots accept syphilis, diabetes, convulsions, malnutrition, as a matter of principle.

“You want to be mad?” he continued. “Be mad! But I’m telling you, you ain’t going to feel so good!”

© 2021 Joan Swirsky – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Joan Swirsky:


‘Educating Perversion’ With Little Or No Consequences

by Lee Duigon

If the United States of America ever turns into a failed state, a socialist hell-hole that’s only another name on the map, nothing will have played a bigger part in its destruction than what we like to call our public education system.

We are literally educating our country to death.

This coming weekend there are expected to be “teacher” rallies in over 100 cities to protest several states’ legislation (that the teachers call “gag orders”) against the teaching of Critical Race Theory—the most overtly racist ideology in all the world. It “teaches” that all white people are born racists, all guilty, boo-hiss, they’ve gotta pay for this, etc., etc. Hate yourself, hate the other kids, hate your country… The teachers’ unions love it and don’t want to give it up.

The good news is that citizens and parents all over the country have mobbed school board meetings to demand an end to CRT indoctrination. The bad news is that our Far Left teacher unions are doubling down on it. Oh, wait: that’s not the bad news. The bad news is that millions of parents, for reasons I simply can’t imagine, continue to send their kids to public schools.

How bad are our public schools? How awful are our teachers’ unions? Let two examples, both from California, suffice.

An unidentified California teacher—yes, they’re keeping her identity a secret—recently had her students pledge allegiance to the “gay” flag. She took down the American flag and hid it somewhere. The school rule is that students are to pledge allegiance every afternoon—but suddenly there was no American flag to pledge allegiance to. No problem! The, uh, “teacher” had them pledge to the “gay” flag instead.

School officials (oh, brother) are “aware” of the situation and “taking action to address it.” What do you want to bet the teacher won’t be fired?

Meanwhile, Project Veritas has captured on video an Advanced Placement Government teacher at Inderkum High School crowing, “I have 180 days to turn them [his students] into revolutionaries”. He brags, “I have an Antifa flag on my [classroom] wall” and goes into a lengthy communist rant about how bad America is and needs to be overthrown and replaced by a communist regime, blah-blah. Students get extra credit for joining “protests.”

Why hasn’t he been fired? Why haven’t the nincompoops on the school board, who hired him in the first place, been forced to resign?

What good can come of “teaching” a whole generation of Americans that their country is not worthy of their loyalty?

Have we gone barking, howling, driveling mad? We pay a fortune for public education! In my town the cost of our four schools is more than the cost of all other municipal services and functions combined. The money is sucked up as taxes—and we have no say as to who gets to teach in those schools or what gets taught. All we do is pay. We have no ownership rights. But this is the case everywhere: just shut up and pay.

Public education is killing our country, and it has to stop. The only way to stop it is to remove our children from the schools, out of the clutches of the teachers’ unions. The COVID panic has practically doubled the number of homeschooling households in America, but we still have a long way to go. Honestly, if parents themselves can’t do a better job of educating their own children than the teachers’ unions do, they really ought to be ashamed of that.

There’s also Christian schooling to be considered. America needs more Christian schools.

If millions of children are removed from public education, the system will shrivel up and die. We can’t be asked to fork over $100,000 a year to some communist doofus to bloviate to a virtually empty classroom.

And if the teachers’ unions are driven to a well-deserved extinction, the whole Far Left Crazy enterprise will come tumbling down after them.

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon:

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and visit while you can—before they decide we’re all terrorists and shut us down. My articles can also be found at .

An Interview With Reality of Our Country’s Present Mess

By Frosty Wooldridge

One of my journalistic colleagues, Charley Reese, recently retired from the Orlando Sentinel.  He’s a journalist for as long as I have been a journalist around 50 years. He’s seen what I have seen.

He shares his views of America and our current quagmire as brought to you and all of us by those 545 rascals in Washington DC. Not to mention the one that has ascended into the White House after 47 years in Congress!

Give us an idea Mr. Reese of what you’ve seen in your years as a journalist:

“Politicians are the only people in the world who create problems and then campaign against them,” he said. “Have you ever wondered, if both the Democrats and the Republicans are against deficits, WHY do we have deficits?  Have you ever wondered, if all the politicians are against inflation and high taxes, WHY do we have inflation and high taxes?

“You and I don’t propose a federal budget. The President does. You and I don’t have the Constitutional authority to vote on appropriations. The House of Representatives does. You and I don’t write the tax code, Congress does. You and I don’t set fiscal policy, Congress does.  You and I don’t control monetary policy, the Federal Reserve Bank does.

“One hundred senators, 435 congressmen, one President, and nine Supreme Court justices equates to 545 human beings out of the 330 million, are directly, legally, morally, and individually responsible for the domestic problems that plague this country.

“I excluded the members of the Federal Reserve Board because that problem was created by the Congress. In 1913, Congress delegated its Constitutional duty to provide a sound currency to a federally chartered, but private, central bank.

“I excluded all the special interests and lobbyists for a sound reason. They have no legal authority. They have no ability to coerce a senator, a congressman, or a President to do one cotton-picking thing. I don’t care if they offer a politician $1 million dollars in cash. The politician has the power to accept or reject it. No matter what the lobbyist promises, it is the legislator’s responsibility to determine how he votes.

“Those 545 human beings spend much of their energy convincing you that what they did is not their fault. They cooperate in this common con regardless of party.

“What separates a politician from a normal human being is an excessive amount of gall. No normal human being would have the gall of a Speaker, who stood up and criticized the President for creating deficits. ( The President can only propose a budget. He cannot force the Congress to accept it.)

“The Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land, gives sole responsibility to the House of Representatives for originating and approving appropriations and taxes.

“It seems inconceivable to me that a nation of 330 million cannot replace 545 people who stand convicted — by present facts — of incompetence and irresponsibility. I can’t think of a single domestic problem that is not traceable directly to those 545 people. When you fully grasp the plain truth that 545 people exercise the power of the federal government, then it must follow that what exists is what they want to exist.

“If the tax code is unfair, it’s because they want it unfair. If the budget is in the red, it’s because they want it in the red.  If the Army & Marines are in Iraq and Afghanistan it’s because they want them in Iraq and Afghanistan.”

The current retreat debacle was engineered by Biden and his staff. Pure and simple.  Total incompetence and totally planned.

“If they do not receive social security but are on an elite retirement plan not available to the people, it’s because they want it that way,” said Reese. “There are no insoluble government problems. Do not let these 545 people shift the blame to bureaucrats, whom they hire and whose jobs they can abolish; to lobbyists, whose gifts and advice they can reject; to regulators, to whom they give the power to regulate and from whom they can take this power.

“Above all, do not let them con you into the belief that there exists disembodied mystical forces like “the economy,” “inflation,” or “politics” that prevent them from doing what they take an oath to do.  Those 545 people, and they alone, are responsible. They, and they alone, have the power.

“They, and they alone, should be held accountable by the people who are their bosses. Provided the voters have the gumption to manage their own employees… We should vote all of them out of office and clean up their mess!”

There you have it…right from the horse’s mouth.

If you would like a free electronic copy of this book, please email me with your email address and I will send it to you.  Every American with children or any American who will live in this country in 2050, needs to understand what they face.

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121.

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

This video will scare the daylights out of every American as to what’s coming to our country, US Citizenship Act 2021 by Joe Biden.

On the environmental front: watch these two compelling documentaries—“Cowspiracy” and “Seaspiracy”.  You can find them on Netflix and/or You Tube.  Both are superb!

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Defeat COVID Mandates by restoring the Genuine Meaning of the “privileges and immunities” and “due process” clauses

By Publius Huldah

Someone asked me why I write on the US Constitution when the US Supreme Court won’t enforce it.

This is why:  Our Declaration of Independence recognizes the self-evident Truth that Rights come from God, and that they are unalienable.  Accordingly, there are certain areas of your life which are off-limits to government regulation – you have an “immunity” from governmental regulation of these areas.

But since the federal and State governments are refusing to recognize our Rights, it falls on us to boldly step up to the plate and insist that our Rights be respected.  You have no lawful, moral, or religious duty to submit to a government when it violates our Constitution and seeks to take from you the Rights God gave you.

Governments do not have constitutional authority to force you to take the COVID JAB.

And in this paper I show that the “privileges and immunities” and “due process” clauses of the US Constitution prohibit the federal, state, and local governments from requiring you to be “jabbed” or putting you into a concentration camp if they assert that you are at “high risk” of getting infected [i.e., those who are 65 years of age or older.]

So Americans are going to have to man-up and assert their God-given Rights.  But before you can do that, you must understand what your Rights are and what the Constitution says.

Our Constitution of 1787 is a glorious Document.  But we didn’t read it, we didn’t adhere to its genuine meaning, and we permitted judges to redefine its terms.  We must put a stop to that.  The following draft[1] Resolution for State and local governments shows how, by restoring the genuine meanings of the “privileges and immunities” and “due process” clauses, we can defeat COVID tyranny.

Right to Freedom from COVID mandates – Model Resolution for State and local governments

The Law

WHEREAS, our Declaration of Independence is the Fundamental Act of our Founding and part of the Organic Law of our Land, and recognizes that our Rights come from the Creator God; that among these Rights are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness; and further, that the purpose of government is to secure the Rights God gave us; and

WHEREAS, the Constitution of the United States is one of enumerated powers only; and We The People did not grant to the federal government power over the Country at Large to interfere in medical or health matters;  to dictate that injections be administered to The People; to impose quarantines or “lock-downs” for real or pretended diseases; to establish internment (concentration) camps for the purpose of confining whomsoever the federal government wishes to confine; to require that The People wear devices such as face masks, or to obtain and carry internal passports; or to exercise any other such control over the sanctity of our persons; and

WHEREAS, the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States provides,

“Congress shall make no law … abridging the right of the people peaceably to assemble…”; and

WHEREAS, the privileges and immunities clauses of the Constitution of the United States provide:

“The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.” (Article IV, § 2)

“…No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States…” (§1 of the Fourteenth Amendment); and

WHEREAS, the due process clauses of the Constitution of the United States provide:

At the Fifth Amendment, that “No person shall…be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law…”; and

At §1 of the Fourteenth Amendment, that “…nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law…”; and

WHEREAS, Blackstone’s Commentaries on the Laws of England set forth at Book I, Chapter I, pp 128-140 (J.B. Lippincott) [link] the common law definitions of “privileges” and “immunities”; and shows that “immunities” refers to those areas of personal liberty which are free from regulation and control by civil governments, to-wit:

  • The God-given Right of Personal Security consists in a person’s legal and uninterrupted enjoyment of his life, his limbs, his body, his health, and his reputation  – and specifically that a person has the Right to preserve his health from such practices as may prejudice or annoy it [p. 132 at 4.];
  • The God-given right of Personal Liberty consists of an individual’s right of locomotion, of changing situation, or moving his person to whatsoever place his own inclination may direct; that no person may be imprisoned or confined except pursuant to the lawful judgment of his equals; the right of habeas corpus; and the prohibition against excessive bail; and
  • The God-given Right of Property consists of the absolute and inherent Right of an individual to the free use, enjoyment, and disposal of his acquisitions; and that no person may be divested of his property, but by the judgment of his peers; and

WHEREAS, “due process of law” is a term with a precise technical import going back to the Magna Charta; and means that a person’s Life, Liberty or Property cannot be taken away from him except by the judgment of his peers pursuant to a fair trial!  [See Raoul Berger’s masterful work, “Government by Judiciary: The Transformation of the Fourteenth Amendment”, at Part I, Chapter 11 “Due Process of Law” link]; and

WHEREAS, it is a fundamental Principle of Anglo/American Jurisprudence that when Framers of a Constitution or Statute use a term which has been defined at the Common Law, that is the meaning to be assigned to the term in the Constitution or Statute (United States v. Smith (1820) link ) & Raoul Berger’s chapter on “Due Process” at p. 222]; and

WHEREAS, the Constitution of the State of Ohio declares at Article I: Bill of Rights that

“Section 1: Inalienable rights.  All men are, by nature, free and independent, and have certain inalienable rights, among which are those of enjoying and defending life and liberty, acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and seeking and obtaining happiness and safety.”

“Section 3: Right to assemble. The people have the right to assemble together, in a peaceable manner, to consult for the common good; to instruct their Representatives; and to petition the General Assembly for the redress of grievances.”

“Section 20: Powers reserved to the people. This enumeration of rights shall not be construed to impair or deny others retained by the people; and all powers, not herein delegated, remain with the people.”

Violations by the federal government of The Law

WHEREAS, under the pretext of protecting the public from the allegedly dangerous COVID disease, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the federal government has been involved in the development and administration of a so-called “vaccine”; but that there is considerable evidence that such are not “vaccines” in the traditional sense of the word – but are injections designed to alter human DNA and replace it with a man-made DNA, and to destroy our God-given immune systems; and further that “COVID vaccines” have resulted in many deaths and disabilities among injected persons and are expected to result in a great many more deaths among injected persons in the coming years; and

WHEREAS, also under the pretext of protecting the public from the allegedly dangerous COVID disease,  the Center for Disease Control and Prevention has made plans [herehere] to relocate selected Persons against their wills to internment (concentration) camps which are now, with the connivance of certain State governments, being set up throughout the Country; and

WHEREAS, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention is an unconstitutional federal agency which is not authorized by our Constitution to exist; accordingly all of its actions are unauthoritative, void, and of no force; and

WHEREAS, by these above-described acts, the federal government has usurped powers not delegated, and hence its acts are not law, but are altogether unauthoritative, void, and of no force; and

WHEREAS, such acts are also unconstitutional as in violation of the right of free assembly within the meaning of the First Amendment to the US Constitution; and

WHEREAS, such acts also deprive Citizens of their God-given Immunities from civil government’s regulation of their Persons and Personal Liberty, and deprive them of their God-given Right to the free use and enjoyment of their  Property – all in violation of Article IV, §2, US Constitution; and

WHEREAS, such acts also deprive Citizens of life, liberty and property without due process of law in violation of the Fifth Amendment to the US Constitution.

III. State and local governments

WHEREAS, certain “private” businesses have been seeking to bring about the forced injections of Citizens with the so-called “COVID vaccine” by threatening to fire such Citizens  unless they submit to the injection; and further, that for State and local governments to permit such tyranny violates that Principle, set forth in our Declaration of Independence, that the purpose of government is to secure the rights God gave us (which governments are to do by protecting us from those who seek to take our rights away from us); and that just as civil governments may not lawfully deprive The People of their God-given Rights and Liberties, neither may private persons or businesses; and

WHEREAS, for the State or any local government to impose lock-downs, mandate social distancing, order the closures of churches and selected businesses, and impose limitations on crowd sizes, would unlawfully restrict the Rights of The People to freely assemble; and that in the State of Ohio, such would violate Article I, Sections 1 and 3 of the Declarations of Rights set forth in the State Constitution; and

WHEREAS, for the state or local governments to cooperate with the unconstitutional federal agency known as the “Center for Disease Control and Prevention”, in its unlawful and tyrannical plan to incarcerate in internment (concentration) camps, Citizens against their wills, would unlawfully deprive the Citizens of Ohio of their Rights of free association and free assembly; and would also trespass on their  Immunities against civil government’s control of their persons within the meaning of § 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment; and would also deprive Ohio Citizens of life, liberty and property without due process of law, also in violation of § 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment; and

For the state or local government to mandate the wearing of face masks also violates the God-given Right of Personal Liberty.


  1. That all acts of the federal government described herein above in Part II are unconstitutional and are unauthoritative, void, and of no force.
  2. That all acts of State and local governments described herein above in Part III would also be unconstitutional and unauthoritative, void, and of no force; and that this body [identify whether it’s the State legislature or a County or municipal governmental body] will vigorously oppose all such unlawful acts.
  3. That this body intends to vigorously uphold the Right of the Citizens to be free from the requirement of forced injections, mask wearing, social distancing, lock-downs; and will not permit Ohio Citizens to be relocated against their wills to the internment (concentration) camps now being planned by the unconstitutional federal agency known as the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

It is so RESOLVED, this ________ day of _____________, 2021.

Signatures, etc.

© 2021 Publius Huldah – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Publius Huldah:


[1] This is a draft Resolution suggested by me for consideration by State and local governments – I used Ohio to illustrate that States must consult their own State Constitutions in addition to our federal Constitution.

Don’t Tell Me That One Person Cannot Make A Change!

By Bradlee Dean

“When a Christian tries to live by reason he is moving out of Gods country into the enemy’s land. We belong in the miraculous and the supernatural realm.” -John G. Lake

The Bible says in Romans 5:20: “But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound.”

Then, it tells us in Ephesians 2:8: “For by grace are ye saved through faith (Faith that overcomes the world 1John 5:4); and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:”

Yet, if we are truly saved by grace, we not only abound (Favorable influence of God; divine influence or the influence of the spirit, in renewing the heart and restraining from sin – Websters 1828), but “we are also His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them” (Ephesians 2:10).

How many times I have heard from those who profess to belong to the Lord that continuously make excuses as to why this country is in the position that it is in today (1 John 2:4). They say, “I am just one person.  What can I possibly do?” The truth of the matter is that they don’t want to do anything about our state but forfeit more of their God-given rights through surrendering in hopes that they are still going to Heaven (Psalm 78:9). These types are using the grace of God as an occasion for the flesh (Galatians 5:13) and have no idea what the fruit of grace and faith truly bring forth (John 15:8). They are, in fact, from beneath, not from above (John 8:23). Instead of doing what the Church is to do in bringing the answers to the world (Isaiah 58:12), they want to create a hopeless version of a false Gospel to put others in the position that they are in (Galatians 1:8).

These are succumbers, not over-comers.

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On the other hand, I think of Jesus Christ, one man, the Son of God, who turned the world right side up in order to save the souls of men (Luke 19:10).

Well, you might say, “I am not Jesus,” and you are right, you are not, but do remember that you are a joint heir with Him (Romans 8:17).  Remember what was written of Him while on earth.  In John 21:25, it states” “And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written.”

Wasn’t it Jesus in John 14:12 that said, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.”

The Father of the Old and New Testament said, “Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not” (Jeremiah 33:3).

With all of the promises made to the Church, I have to say that I cannot find defeat, only victory. The defeat comes to the disobedient, not the obedient. Nowhere can you find in Scripture where the Lord ever, one time  failed a faithful man or woman of God.  Nowhere!

“If you are willing and obedient, You shall eat the good of the land;” -Isaiah 1:9

When I think of the patriarchs, both in the Church and without, I think of the men that stood with the Lord, them and them alone.

  • Moses
  • Joshua
  • King David
  • Gideon
  • Samson
  • The major prophets
  • The minor prophets
  • The Apostles

I think of Martin Luther, the great reformer.

  • Oliver Cromwell
  • John Knox
  • Charles Spurgeon
  • Jonathan Edwards
  • William-Catharine Booth
  • Sir Thomas Moore
  • The Black Robed Regiment

I think of our forefathers, who made an appeal to the “Supreme Judge of the World” in establishing this great nation in which we live (Psalm 33:12). Where were their appeals directed toward?  The flags that were flying were “Appeal to Heaven” and “No King But Jesus” (I Timothy 2:5).

Did they make excuses for what they left off?  Not at all.  They proved the God of Israel by standing with Him, and Him alone.  Having met Him on his terms (Matthew 6:33), they found Him to be immutable and as faithful to the preceding generations (Hebrews 13:8).

Don’t tell me that one person cannot make a change!

“And what shall I more say? for the time would fail me to tell of Gedeon, and of Barak, and of Samson, and of Jephthae; of David also, and Samuel, and of the prophets:Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions. Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens. Women received their dead raised to life again: and others were tortured, not accepting deliverance; that they might obtain a better resurrection:” -Hebrews 11:32-35

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© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean:

Biden’s State Department Blocking Christians From Leaving Afghanistan

By Dr.Laurie Roth

Afghanistan Christians are not being allowed to get into the Airport to wait for any flight out, but instead have been ordered out into the explosion and kill zone, very exposed to wait.  What are they waiting for?  It is vividly clear at the ordering of the Biden administration and his evil State Department, they are waiting to be attacked, exploded or burned alive since most are Muslim converts to Christianity. They aren’t waiting for a rescue apparently by Biden and his endless resources

Our whole nation is still a gasp at the notion that Biden would remove all our military from Afghanistan, first before safely taking out the civilian population somewhere between 10,000-70,000.  On top of that horrifying action, Biden thought it was wise and helpful somehow to turn over the names of all the civilians there to the Taliban.  You can’t make this stuff up in a horror movie designed to shock and illicit screams from all watching.

Real Christians and concerned Americans are donating big money and resources to save the thousands of Christians being forced to wait outside the fence of the Airport and wait for death instead of rescue by America.  Kenneth Copeland, a real Pastor and man of faith, has donated a big plane to help, while many others have coughed up big money in the private sector.

Beck has proof that the Biden State Department has been calling neighboring countries and ordering them not to allow any Christians from Afghanistan into their country. Many of the surrounding Muslim countries have tried to show mercy and would allow a temporary stay just to get them out of the deadly kill zone they are now in.  Think of it, people.  Biden, the U.S. and our military could have in 24 hours enough people, protection and planes in Afghanistan, to get all the civilians and Christians out of there but he won’t.  He doesn’t want to or he would have.

So far, Beck said he has not only raised 30 plus million to get them out but of this writing, had already rescued and flown out 5100 Christians to undisclosed locations.  The rest are in a kill zone, waiting to be set on fire by the Taliban, blown up, shot or tortured.  Look what one person in America, coordinating a rescue effort can do, thank you Glenn Beck.

Bottom line people

Don’t talk to me about Biden’s alleged dementia.  It is very clear he and his handlers have a bold plan to make sure Christians waiting to get on any plane (not provided of course by Biden or the state Department) will be exposed, blown up or burned alive.  Of course, then there are those pesky 10-50,000 civilians left there to die with no protection, thanks to our satanic, un-American evil and fake president, Biden.

It is high time for Impeachments, arrests and Trump to return.  It is also time for more Americans to stand, no matter what against dangerous vaccine and mask tyranny, the stealing of your Constitutional rights and planned destruction of America and her people.  Get into groups., protest, stand up to evil Governors and up to Biden and his evil minions now or because a vaccinated slave who turns in their neighbor, sells out and dies an early death.

We are at war for everything that matters.  Get messy, organized and fight where you can.  Remember this.  Our real power, direction, strategic advantage and win is from our Lord Jesus. He has promised long ago in 2 Chronicles 7:14 to save and help us if we will submit to Him and trust Him.  “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and forgive their sin and heal their land.”

© 2021 Laurie Roth – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Laurie Roth:

Chairman Bob and the New Socialist America

By Cliff Kincaid

On his way out the door of the New York governor’s office, Andrew Cuomo gave clemency to a communist terrorist, David Gilbert. Then a California parole board voted to free the Palestinian Marxist killer of Robert F. Kennedy, Sirhan Sirhan.

On a recent trip to New York, I visited Revolution Books, which functions as a headquarters for the Revolutionary Communist Party of Bob Avakian, a one-time associate of Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn. Known as “Chairman Bob,” he is the authentic Maoist. Mao’s Little Red Book is still for sale there.

A film was being shown about Avakian’s role in global communism and how his “New Communism” describes the course of current events.  He proposes a “Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America.”

Some people may laugh. But I am not laughing anymore.

What’s fascinating to know is that Avakian urged communists to vote for Joe Biden for president.

We are seeing in real time why this dedicated Maoist communist made this decision. These communists seemed to anticipate — or know in advance – that the puppet masters behind Biden and associated with Barack Hussein Obama would accelerate the collapse of what they call American imperialism.

“A defeat of the world’s most powerful imperialist country has big repercussions,” their latest video notes.

While they don’t endorse the “reactionary” forces of the Taliban, they nevertheless note that the Islamist victory in Afghanistan will fuel Muslim fundamentalist movements around the world and cause more conflicts in the West.

The other part of the story is that China and Russia are poised to take advantage of this conflict and disarray in the West. It’s actually an old story, reflecting active Muslim cooperation with — or subjugation by — Communist powers over the course of history.

The Chinese practice genocide against their own Muslims and will not attempt to build a “democracy” in Afghanistan. Russian President Vladimir Putin, a former KGB Lt. Colonel, demonstrated his contempt for the Muslims in his own country when he invaded Chechnya, a mainly Muslim Russian republic, in 2014.

Al-Qaeda’s Dr. Ayman Al-Zawahiri, still on the FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorist list, was trained by the KGB and is probably planning another series of biological attacks on the U.S. at this time. Meanwhile, China will pour money and resources into the country to secure vital minerals and accelerate the country’s development into a narco-state.

As all of this is happening as communist terrorists are being released from their jail cells in the U.S. Can all of this be accidental?

But there’s hope. The left-wing New York Daily News couldn’t stomach the Gilbert commutation, saying, “Andrew Cuomo’s final act as governor was to wrongly grant a proudly admitted, convicted terrorist, a man guilty of the felony murders of police officers, a likely ticket to freedom.” He now goes before the Parole Board.

Members of the Kennedy family and some liberals are objecting to Sirhan’s release.

Rep. Zoe Lofgren, a senior member of the House Judiciary Committee and the elected Chair of the California Democratic Congressional Delegation, issued a statement of her own opposing the vote by the California parole board panel recommending that Sirhan Sirhan receive parole.

She notes that parole for the assassin would still need to be approved by the full California parole board and Governor Gavin Newsom.

Sirhan Sirhan’s murder of Robert F. Kennedy was motivated by his allegiance to Palestinian nationalism and Arab socialism. He wrote in support of communism in his diary. “Long live communism,” he said.

Like his brother John F. Kennedy, Robert was an anti-communist liberal.Indeed, the Kennedy brothers, President Kennedy and his Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, had warned Martin Luther King, Jr. against associating with communists. He ignored their warnings.

The Weather underground, of which David Gilbert was a member, hated RFK as well.

During their time in the Weather Underground, before they became “respectable” and “mainstream” and associated with politicians like Barack Hussein Obama, Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn signed a document, “Prairie Fire: The Politics of Revolutionary Anti-Imperialism,” dedicated to Sirhan Sirhan and others.

After the joint Weather Underground and Black Liberation Army assault on the Brinks truck which killed three law enforcement officers in Rockland County, New York, Weather Underground members Kathy Boudin and David Gilbert went to prison, while their “comrades,” Ayers and Dohrn, raised their child, Chesa Boudin. Dohrn was jailed for seven months for refusing to cooperate with a federal grand jury investigating the murders.

Chesa Boudin is today the San Francisco district attorney.

New York State Assemblyman Mike Lawler is leading a petition drive to keep Gilbert in jail. He has issued a statement asking members of the Kennedy family who oppose the release of Sirhan Sirhan to also oppose Cuomo’s decision to release cop-killer David Gilbert.

While Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, David Gilbert and Sirhan Sirhan waging violence to take power, Chairman Bob was writing about the historical forces that he said would lead to the collapse of America. He has cult hero status on the left and is regarded as the new Karl Marx.

It would be laughable were it not so serious and if current events were not falling into place in such a way as to guarantee that a “new socialist republic” will in fact come into existence.

With the collapse of the American experiment in Afghanistan, which failed to produce a functioning democracy, the communists and the Islamists are now on the ascendency.

America is in retreat all over, leaving Israel exposed to the Red Jihad in the Middle East and Americans at home and abroad are now at the mercy of those who seek to kill us. Even our own solders are being sacrificed for the benefit of our enemies who offer “protection” as the evacuation takes place.

As part of this process, a letter to Biden from his left-wing backers calls on the United States to ensure every “properly-screened and eligible individual” currently located at Hamid Karzai International Airport (HKIA) is evacuated before the departure of U.S. forces.

But no one seriously believes all of these people will have the “appropriate paperwork and documentation” and “required visas.” One has to be a dummy to think the ranks of these refugees are not being infiltrated by Jihadists.

We should not forget that some of the 9/11 hijackers were learning how to fly planes on U.S. soil.

“Yes, we want state power,” say the Revolutionary Communists backing Charman Bob. “We are fighting for the new society laid out in the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America, authored by Bob Avakian.”

We should take them seriously. They are true believers. They know what they’re doing. They have a plan. It’s called Marxist dialectics, The Sword of Revolution.

Remember it was a West Point Cadet, Spenser Rapone, who was photographed in 2018 with the phrase “Communism will win” in his cap.

The belief in the Marxist theory of history (historical materialism) has convinced them communism will triumph by moving countries such as the United States through stages of slavery, feudalism, capitalism, and socialism. Afghanistan is stuck in feudalism.

The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in December 1979 was a violent attempt to bring the country out of feudalism into communism. It backfired, in much the same way the U.S. failed to impose a democracy on the nation.

Chairman Bob — and the Maoists – understand the theory of communism better than the Russian communists did.

America’s failure gives them an opportunity to move from the highest stage of capitalism in the U.S. to socialism and even communism. That’s why Chairman Bob endorsed Biden.

Andy Zee, a follower of Bob Avakian and an advocate for the new communism, adds, “Society is being ripped apart” and that America is “two countries sharing the same border…”

As they see it, the “New Socialist Republic in North America” is inevitable. “This is a rare time when revolution becomes possible,” Avakian declares.

Larry Grathwohl, an FBI informant in the Westher Underground, said, “I remember one meeting when our Weatherman ‘collective’ brought up the subject of the Kennedy assassinations. At least 20 to 25 people were present and Bill Ayers was one of them. I heard Bill state that the murders of both John F. Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy were a good thing because liberals compromise the conflict between U.S. imperialism and the socialist revolution.  Liberals prevent the contradictions from becoming obvious and thus prevent a revolution. Therefore, the assassinations of the Kennedy’s were to be welcomed as a necessary advance on the road to communist world revolution.”

In the new America, communist figures like David Gilbert and Sirhan Sirhan will not only be forgiven for their crimes, they will be celebrated as heroes of the revolution.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

The ONLY COVID Facts You Need

by Lex Greene

I know, the Nazis running our country these days have total control over the news media and social media, and they only allow ONE narrative in the USA right now, their false narrative. That has conned millions of Americans into voluntarily accepting a “fake vaccine” that has already maimed millions and killed tens of thousands.

Everyone who has taken these “fake vaccines” had good intentions. They simply trusted that their government, the news media, the Nazi scientists and go-along-to-get-along health professionals pushing these “fake vaccines” would “do them no harm.” For the most part, the same mindless dotes that voted for a totally mindless lifelong criminal career politician last November, have been conned, bribed, coerced and threatened into “fake vax” compliance.

However, there are only a few indisputable facts that should have kept every Citizen from making this fatal mistake… and here they are…

Indisputable FACT #1 – Every year, approximately 0.9% of American citizens die. They die of many different causes, from heart disease to cancer, and yes, the flu and cold. Each year, the total number of USA deaths moves around a bit, but only by one-one hundredth of one percent. In 2019, before the COVID PLAN-demic, 0.8782% died of multiple causes. In 2020, under the COVID19 PLAN-demic, this number was 0.8880%, up just under one-one hundredth of one percent.

Indisputable CONCLUSION: It is entirely impossible for this to be true, if there was any “killer virus” flooding the country, as we have been so advised by the mad “experts.” This is NOT to say that no one ever gets sick or dies. It’s to prove that we have been lied to from day one about this PLAN-demic.

Indisputable FACT #2 – For many years now, the W.H.O. and CDC have required an event to impact at least 7% of the population, before labeling the event an “epidemic.” According to the CDC as of this morning, 39,668,541 Americans have been infected by COVID19, 11.9% of the USA population. However, more than 80% have been asymptomatic, also known as “false positive,” which brings the real case number to date down to 7,933,708…or, 2.4% of the USA population. The number of COVID cases has been overstated by at least 500% – and actual COVID deaths have been overstated by at least 1600%.

Indisputable CONCLUSION:The CDC and W.H.O. have intentionally and grossly overstated the facts with a clear intent to mislead Citizens, frighten them and eventually, con, bribe, intimidate, threaten, coerce, or otherwise FORCE Citizens into voluntarily accepting “fake vaccines” without any real foundation for even needing a vaccine at all.

Indisputable FACT #3 – If masks, social distancing and quarantining healthy people worked, this so-called “pandemic”would have been long gone by April of 2020. The real “science” is printed on the side of every mask box…they are not designed to, or capable of, preventing the spread of any virus.

Indisputable CONCLUSION: Of course, that would have meant that we had no need for “mail-in ballot elections” making it very easy for the global left to steal the 2020 elections and seize total control of the U.S. Federal government. It’s all about Pavlov training all Americans to do even the dumbest things…if Simon says so.

Indisputable FACT #4 – To date, COVID19 has had an overall survival rate of 99.8% in the USA…even with our government blocking access to known cures like Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin.

Indisputable CONCLUSION: Americans have been Pavlov trained by our government and their social-engineering news media, to fear everything. Today’s Americans are so scared of every little thing, even when it makes no common sense whatsoever, that they are forfeiting their freedom and liberty for what they think is an ounce of safety. Sadly, the “fake vaccines” are FAR from safe. You have a better chance of surviving a direct lightning strike, than surviving these “fake vaccines.”

Indisputable FACT #5 – NO ONE has the legal, moral, or ethical RIGHT or authority to FORCE vaccinate, mask, social distance or quarantine any healthy person, ever, for any reason at all. By NO ONE, I mean NO ONE! Public servants are “servants of the people,” not elected or appointed dictators. They don’t issue “mandates,” instead, they must follow – OUR – mandates, well defined in our Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights. Amendment 4 guarantees every Citizen an inalienable RIGHT to be “secure in their person.”

Indisputable CONCLUSION: In addition to founding document protections, numerous Federal and State Laws, as well as past Supreme Court decisions, have outlawed any notion that anyone has the legal Right or authority to FORCE any medical mandates on any individual, much less the entire population. In fact, the use of mRNA technology on human beings has been strictly prohibited.

Now, I could keep going for pages here…however, these five indisputable FACTS should be all that any half-intelligent truth-seeking Citizen needs to know exactly what danger the Biden regime has forced every American Citizen into… It’s all a lie, and it’s unlawful and unconstitutional as well.

I hear people calling for the “impeachment of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.” But in the USA, we don’t impeach treasonous frauds, we arrest them and prosecute them for their crimes against the USA and all humanity. This is NOT a game…Life and liberty hangs in the balance!

Before there is nothing left but violent options, the American people must FOLLOW THE REAL SCIENCE presented here, UNITE in common to STOP ONGOING COVID TYRANNY and secure the future of Freedom and Liberty not only for ourselves, but for all posterity and freedom loving people all over the world.

Begin by JOINING a NATIONWIDE STRIKE to shut down the tyrants before they lock us all down again. If we wait for them to be on every doorstep, we will have waited far too long.

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lex Greene:

Eviction Moratorium Fiasco

By Paul Engel

  • Contrary to much of the reporting, the Supreme Court did not find this moratorium unconstitutional, only not authorized by the law.
  • While the courts have almost universally agreed that the CDC does not have the legal authority to issue a nationwide evictions moratorium, they have also tended stay or leave a stay in place rather than stop it.
  • Each and every court has missed one very crucial and constitutional point, this moratorium is a violation of the Fifth Amendment.

There has been a fair amount of focus lately on the CDC eviction moratorium, including court findings and the fact that President Biden ignored them. By doing some research, we can find out the facts of this case, including the good, bad, and ugly when it comes to the constitutionality of the different actions taken. Let’s take a look at those details, and determine for ourselves what we should do about it.

Tiger Lily, LLC

Our story starts back in March, 2020.

In March of 2020, Congress passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act. … Among other things, the CARES Act imposed a 120-day moratorium on evictions from rental properties that participated in federal assistance programs or had federally backed loans.

TIGER LILY, LLC v US Dept. of Housing and Urban Development

In March we knew relatively little about the SARS-COV-2 virus and the disease it caused, COVID-19. The models used were absolutely frightening, so many Americans were terrified of COVID-19. Did that fear mean the Constitution doesn’t matter?

Did Congress have the authority to dictate how our private owners of property run their businesses because they receive federal assistance from federally backed loans? The answer to both questions is no. They could make the federal assistance contingent on voluntary moratorium standards, but unless the loan contract allows the United States to change the requirements without approval of all parties involved, the loans should be unalterable. However, in no situation does Congress have the legal authority to enact such a moratorium.

After that congressionally enacted moratorium ended, the CDC stepped in. It issued an order entitled Temporary Halt in Residential Evictions To Prevent the Further Spread of COVID-19.” … The Halt Order imposed a broader eviction moratorium than Congress had, one that prohibited eviction of all covered persons”—without regard to whether the rental property relied on federal funds or loans—through December 31, 2020. The CDC explained that the Order is a necessary measure to facilitate self-isolation, support state lockdown orders, and prevent congregation in settings like homeless shelters.

TIGER LILY, LLC v US Dept. of Housing and Urban Development

When Congress’ illegal moratorium ended, the CDC enacted its own. Not only did the Trump administration continue this illegal act, it expanded it to all covered persons regardless of whether there was federal financial involvement or not. The CDC explained that the order was necessary to help people isolate themselves and support the illegal lockdown orders the states had been issuing. Where did the CDC claim it had received the authority to issue such an order?

The CDC found authority for its entry into the landlord-tenant relationship in the Public Health Service Act of 1944, which authorizes the Secretary of Health and Human Services to “make and enforce such regulations as in his judgment are necessary to prevent the introduction, transmission, or spread of communicable diseases.” 42 U.S.C. § 264(a). To carry out and enforce such regulations,” the Secretary can provide for such inspection, fumigation, disinfection, sanitation, pest extermination, destruction of animals or articles found to be so infected or contaminated as to be sources of dangerous infection to human beings, and other measures, as in his judgment may be necessary.”

TIGER LILY, LLC v US Dept. of Housing and Urban Development

I’m wondering how does the authority to create regulations to provide for inspection, fumigation, disinfection, sanitation, pest extermination, and destruction of infected animals or articles morph into the authority to interfere with the contract between a landlord and their tenant? The answer is it’s only in the mind of petty tyrants who will use any excuse to get the outcome they want. This, the latest example of the philosophy that the ends justify the means, is not only destructive to rights and liberty, but also to the very idea of the rule of law.

It didn’t take long for people to seek a redress of this grievance. Tiger Lily, LLC, that owns and manages rental properties, filed suit in district court seeking both a declaratory judgment and a preliminary injunction barring the moratorium’s enforcement. The district court denied the injunction because it found that the loss of income was not an irreparable injury. However, after the court heard the case it found that the moratorium did exceed the statutory authority under 42 USC §264(a). Not surprisingly, the government immediately appealed and requested both the district and circuit courts issue an emergency stay pending the appeal.

The circuit court denied the request, stating they thought the government was not likely to succeed. Sure enough, after hearing the appeal, the circuit court found that 42 USC §264(a) does not authorize the CDC to implement a nationwide eviction moratorium.

Before we go on, notice the details of what both the district and circuit courts found. Not that government interfering with the rental contract is not a power delegated to the United States. And not that a blanket prevention of landlords from evicting renters who violate the contract is a deprivation of property without due process of law or a violation of the Fifth Amendment. No, they found that Congress, when it passed 42 USC §264(a), did not authorize the CDC to issue such a regulation. This mistake will be repeated as this fiasco continues.

Alabama Association of Realtors

Alongside the Tiger Lily case, the Alabama Association of Realtors filed suit against HUD. The District Judge for the District for the District of Columbia vacated the order. Why?

The Court recognizes that the COVID-19 pandemic is a serious public health crisis that has presented unprecedented challenges for public health officials and the nation as a whole. The pandemic has triggered difficult policy decisions that have had enormous real-world consequences. The nationwide eviction moratorium is one such decision.

It is the role of the political branches, and not the courts, to assess the merits of policy measures designed to combat the spread of disease, even during a global pandemic.

The question for the Court is a narrow one: Does the Public Health Service Act grant the CDC the legal authority to impose a nationwide eviction moratorium? It does not. Because the plain language of the Public Health Service Act, 42 U.S.C. § 264(a), unambiguously forecloses the nationwide eviction moratorium, the Court must set aside the CDC Order, consistent with the Administrative Procedure Act, see 5 U.S.C. § 706(2)(C), and D.C. Circuit precedent, see National Mining Assn, 145 F.3d at 1409.

Alabama Association of Realtors v. U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services

Yes, COVID-19 has become a crisis. As the evidence mounts that not only is COVID not a generally deadly disease, but that the data that has been used to scare the world into serfdom is suspect at best. Even taking for granted the courts statement that COVID-19 is a serious public health crisis, the law is the law, and the law does not authorize the CDC to issue a nationwide eviction moratorium. Once again, nothing is mentioned about the Fifth Amendment’s prohibition on taking property without due process of law, but only that Congress did not authorize the CDC to issue the moratorium. This decision was appealed to the circuit court, with a request that the court issue an emergency stay, pending appeal., which was granted by the judge, meaning the eviction moratorium remained in place. The Alabama Association of Realtors filed an emergency motion to vacate the stay, but that was denied. This request made its way to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, who referred it to the court. This request was denied, but this is also where the reporting gets extremely questionable.

News media and pundits alike have claimed that the Supreme Court “ruled” that the moratorium was unconstitutional. Not only did the Court issue no such opinion, no court record I’ve found even questioned the constitutionality of the moratorium, but only whether the CDC had been granted the authority by Congress. If fact, when the court denied the application to vacate the stay, they left the moratorium in place. While the court did not publish an opinion on its decision, Justice Kavanaugh did publish a concurrence.

I agree with the District Court and the applicants that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention exceeded its existing statutory authority by issuing a nationwide eviction moratorium.

Alabama Association of Realtors v. U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services – Kavanaugh Concurrence

So, if Justice Kavanaugh agrees with District Court that the CDC exceeded its legal authority in issuing a nationwide moratorium, why did he vote to deny the motion?

Because the CDC plans to end the moratorium in only a few weeks, on July 31, and because those few weeks will allow for additional and more orderly distribution of the congressionally appropriated rental assistance funds, I vote at this time to deny the application to vacate the District Courts stay of its order.

Alabama Association of Realtors v. U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services – Kavanaugh Concurrence

Because the moratorium was scheduled to end in a few weeks, Justice Kavanaugh “punted” both his responsibility and his oath to support the Constitution of the United States. We don’t know why the other justices who voted to deny the motion did so, only that justices Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, and Barrett would have granted it. As if this dereliction of duty were not bad enough, Justice Kavanaugh went on…

In my view, clear and specific congressional authorization (via new legislation) would be necessary for the CDC to extend the moratorium past July 31.

Alabama Association of Realtors v. U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services – Kavanaugh Concurrence

If these “legal eagles”, supposedly the best legal minds in the nation, cannot see the blatant violation of the supreme law of the land in this moratorium, who can? Justice Kavanaugh admitted in his concurrence that he believes Congress has the authority to authorize this type of moratorium. We are being led by idiots.

I’ve heard “experts” claim that this is a violation of the Taking Clause, but it’s not. Not only is the property not taken, it’s not being used for public purposes.

nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

U.S. Constitution, Amendment V

What I have not heard is a single lawyer, judge, constitutional professor, or anyone that participates in the judicial system, point out that this is a violation of the Fifth Amendment’s due process clause.

No person shall … be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;

U.S. Constitution, Amendment V

This should be an open and shut case. Any judge with the slightest knowledge of the Constitution shouldn’t need more than 30 seconds to decide it. The CDC’s eviction moratorium deprives the landlords of this country their property (specifically the control of their property), without due process of law. No one has shown that these landlords violated any law. No evidence has been provided showing a widespread right to occupy rental property without paying rent. Only the concern by those at the CDC that should people be evicted, they may go to a homeless shelter, creating an overcrowding condition. Of course, that situation only exists because governments, starting with state and local governments, shut down their economies, preventing people from working to earn the money to pay the rent. And nowhere has anyone made any accommodation for the landlords, who are still expected to pay mortgages, utilities, and yes, taxes on the properties they can no longer generate income from.

And the atrocities did not stop with the Supreme Court’s decision.

Executive vs Judicial

When the moratorium expired on July 31st, guess what happened? President Biden’s CDC simply extended it yet again. Not only has Justice Kavanaugh been shown to be a fool for thinking this would not happen, but District Court judge Dabney Freidrich has shown herself to be one as well. According to the opinion memorandum for her stay, she notes the “substantial economic hardships as a result of the CDC’s nationwide moratorium on evictions.” However, she states that “given the public health consequences cited by the CDC, a stay is warranted.” Even if the CDC used a study that has not been peer reviewed, they made claims about cases and deaths which seem more like wild guesses than actual scientific data. How big was this tremendous spike that should crush the rights of the American people? The wild guess from the CDC expected about a 1 to 1.5% increase in cases and deaths nationwide. Based on the CDC’s recent history of exaggerating numbers, I don’t have much trust in those numbers.

People far and wide cried “foul”, claiming that President Biden was violating the rule of law by ignoring the opinion of the Supreme Court. Lost in the hew and cry was the fact that the court itself decided not to vacate the stay of the District Court’s opinion. Or the fact that, as a separate branch of government, the court has no authority to order the executive to do anything.

The authority, therefore, given to the Supreme Court by the act establishing the judicial courts of the United States to issue writs of mandamus to public officers appears not to be warranted by the Constitution,

Marbury v. Madison Opinion

There were two questions the Marbury v. Madison court had to decide. First, did Mr. Marbury deserve the commission to the position he had been appointed to by the previous administration? And second, did the court have the authority to order the President to issue the commission, in legal terms a writ of mandamus. Issuing this writ would have effectively placed that court and Congress above the President, something not authorized by the Constitution. Since the courts in this case did not find the moratorium unconstitutional, only not authorized by statue, the claims that the President’s actions were unconstitutional seem somewhat hyperbolic. Yes, the President was not faithfully executing the laws of the United States, but that is not what was being claimed. The fact that the President disagreed with the court, and acted based on his opinion, is not a violation of the Constitution, even if the eviction moratorium is.


It’s not just that the court trusted the questionable expected outcome from the CDC, but that they put it above the law.

Thus, the particular phraseology of the Constitution of the United States confirms and strengthens the principle, supposed to be essential to all written Constitutions, that a law repugnant to the Constitution is void, and that courts, as well as other departments, are bound by that instrument.

Marbury v. Madison Opinion

Here we have an executive department claiming powers not included in their statutory charter. Powers that, even if Congress had authorized them, would violate the Constitution of the United States and therefore be illegal. What truly disturbs me though, is the absolute disregard for the oath of so many in both the executive and judicial branches of our government. When those we have hired to protect our rights abuse them so badly, how can we trust them at all?

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it,

Declaration of Independence

What do we do when governments created to protect our rights not only fail to do so, but actively subvert them? Yes, we have the right to alter or abolish such government. It is not insurrection to attempt to restore the Constitution to its rightful place as the supreme law of the land. As Abraham Lincoln said:

The people — the people — are the rightful masters of both Congresses, and courts — not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert it

Abraham Lincoln, [September 16-17, 1859] (Notes for Speech in Kansas and Ohio)

Ultimately, it is up to us to overthrow those who are perverting the Constitution. That includes the judges and justices of the courts, the members of Congress, and those in the President’s administration who are betraying their oaths. The future of America rests in the hands of its people.

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

Declaration of Independence

Will our future be secure? Or will we fall under the absolute despotism of those in the federal government?

© 2021 Paul Engel – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Paul Engel:

[BIO: Paul Engel founded The Constitution Study in 2014 to help everyday Americans read and study the Constitution. Author and speaker, Paul has spent more than 20 years studying and teaching about both the Bible and the U.S. Constitution. Freely admitting that he “learned more about our Constitution from School House Rock than in 12 years of public school” he proves that anyone can be a constitutional scholar. You can find his books on Amazon and Apple Books. You can also find his books, classes and other products at the Constitution Study website ( You can reach him at]

COVID Injections: Killing, Permanently Disabling Nurses, Doctors, Teachers

By: Devvy

I highlighted a web site in a recent column regarding victims of the experimental injections being passed off as vaccines.  Here is their short introduction and letter begging for help.  (Bold emphasis mine).  How many more don’t we know about as tens of thousands of Americans are suffering?

“We are a large and ever-growing group of Americans who were previously healthy and have been seriously injured by the COVID vaccines (Pfizer, Moderna, J&J as well as Astra Zeneca in the clinical trial stage in the United States).

“We have all shared very similar adverse reactions to these vaccines…leaving the majority of us disabled and unable to return to our jobs as medical and other healthcare professionals, parents, teachers, scientists, etc. We have been pulled away from every aspect of life to advocate for our own health. Enduring now for weeks and months… WE NEED HELP…”

FDA: Janet Woodcock, Peter Marks

CDC: Rochelle Walensky, Jay Butler, Daniel Jernigan

The White House

May 24, 2021

To Whom It May Concern:

We are a large and ever-growing group of Americans who were previously healthy and have been seriously injured by the COVID vaccines (Pfizer, Moderna, J&J as well as Astra Zeneca in the clinical trial stage in the United States). We are pro-vaccine, pro-science and were excited for the opportunity to be vaccinated and to do our part in helping to end the pandemic.

Our search for much needed medical care after suffering these vaccine injuries has been largely fruitless. The majority of us have been dismissed by the medical community and have been told that the vaccine could not have caused these reactions. Doctors tell us over and
over again that if this is happening, they would have been informed of these reactions by the FDA and drug companies.

After months of suffering alone without adequate medical care, answers or acknowledgement, a few of us have found each other online. Our numbers are growing more than we ever would have expected. The initial group membership consisted largely of physicians and other medical professionals. As the vaccines have become available to the general public, our membership has swelled.

We have searched far and wide for help from any medical or scientific research entity. We have consistently received the same message back…that this isn’t really happening. We have reported our injuries to VAERS, the FDA, CDC and the vaccine manufacturers with very few of us receiving follow-up or even acknowledgement. This lack of acknowledgement has left us as further collateral damage from the pandemic.

We have all shared very similar adverse reactions to these vaccines. We were previously healthy individuals. Our reactions occurred within minutes to a few short days after receiving the vaccines. There is no doubt that the vaccines caused our reactions.

Our reactions have included nausea, weight loss, heartburn, diarrhea/constipation, sleep disturbances, chest pains, headaches, facial and sinus pressure, dizziness, severe weakness and fatigue, painful paresthesias throughout the body, severe painful paresthesias focused on the face, tongue and scalp, internal vibrations and tremors, muscle twitching and muscle spasms, brain fog and mental status changes, memory loss, tinnitus, impaired/blurred vision, elevated blood pressure and heart rate, bulging veins, heart issues and weakness. Several in
our group have experienced paralysis of the lower extremities and to this day remain paralyzed. Many of us have been ill for beyond 5 months.

As mentioned above, none of us had any of these symptoms prior to receiving the COVID vaccines. In our search for medical care, various diagnoses including small fiber neuropathy, other types of neuropathy, dysautonomia and mast cell activation syndrome have been made.

So far, treatment is lacking and we are not receiving the care to improve our condition or cure us. These illnesses are not just impacting our lives as a mere annoyance. They are leaving the majority of us disabled and unable to return to our jobs as medical and other healthcare professionals, parents, teachers, scientists, etc. We have been pulled away from every aspect of life to advocate for our own health. Enduring now for weeks and months, we are tirelessly spending more time on our computers, looking for answers, having many days robbed away for appointments, tests, and pharmacy lines. Not only have we been impacted physically, but mentally and financially as well. Most of us are unable to work or are on a reduced work schedule. This is continuing for us without any end in sight.


The constant messaging that the vaccines are safe and with zero acknowledgement of these adverse neurological reactions has made it impossible for us to obtain medical treatment.

We are “collateral damage” in the effort to stop the pandemic. We are all honest, hard-working Americans who genuinely believed we were doing our part by getting this vaccine. We are suffering, we are alone, we have been silenced and brushed aside by our medical providers, many of whom are our own colleagues in the medical fields. Time and time again, we are being sent home from ERs and hospital stays with no answers or guidance whatsoever.  We are the blind leading the blind.

We deserve and strongly request transparency and acknowledgment of these vaccine reactions so that there can be a beginning to the discoveries and developments in the care that we desperately need. Until acknowledgement of these adverse reactions exists, it will be impossible for people to receive care. We are pleading that you make the medical community aware of these reactions so we can get the medical care that we need and hopefully recover and return to our previously healthy lives.


[Names, Vaccine Brand, Vaccination Date(s),] Redacted.
Fully signed document was sent to the CDC and FDA

*End* I took the time to read a healthy amount of testimonials.  So sad. Developed Lupus and autoimmune diseases.  Tons of tests, money spent going doctor to doctor.

“Doctors tell us over and over again that if this is happening, they would have been informed of these reactions by the FDA and drug companies.”  Sadly, trusting, well meaning, unsuspecting Americans really have no idea the level of deceit between the FDA, CDC and those injection manufacturers.  As for doctors out there, those still supporting ‘get your COVID vaccine’ either have done zero research or have taken one themselves and do not want to hear the truth.

“The initial group membership consisted largely of physicians and other medical professionals.  As the vaccines have become available to the general public, our membership has swelled.”  Of course your numbers have grown because they are NOT vaccines.  You’ve had gene editing technology now made part of your body which cannot be reversed.  J & J & Astra Zeneca are major culprits for blood clots that have been fatal and will continue to take lives or cause serious, permanent heart damage.

Because of total ignorance by the majority of Americans as to what those experimental injections are, what they do to the human body and the fact that they do NOT work is going to lead to an even bigger shortage of nurses, doctors, firefighters, police officers, teachers.

Prior to the deliberate deception, August 23, 2021, by the Federal Death Administration (FDA) ‘Pfizer COVID Vaccine Now Approved’, tens of millions of Americans weren’t sure if they should get one of those “vaccines”.  As predicted following approval, people began lining up.

At our local HEB pharmacy over the past eight months I would see no one getting the shot or one person.  I go to the store frequently to buy fresh fruit &veggies.  I am not there during all pharmacy hours, but since the 23rd, I’ve been four times and the line to get shot up is down the isle.  I say a pray for all of them as I walk by.

Absolutely reprehensible.  From Liberty Council:

  1. “All existing Pfizer vials (in the hundreds of millions), remain under the federal Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) (meaning people have the “option to accept or refuse”);
  2. The third or “booster” Pfizer shot is identical to the above and remains under the EUA with limited use to certain categories of people;
  3. BioNTech received FDA approval for people ages 16 and above under the name Comirnaty, but there are no Comirnaty doses available in the United States;
  4. In other words, there is currently NO FDA approved COVID-19 injection available anywhere in the United States. Every COVID shot in America remains under the EUA law and thus people have the “option to accept or refuse” them; and
  5. Even when an FDA approved COVID shot becomes available, individuals are protected by federal law and many states laws from being forced to get these shots based on their sincere religious beliefs or conscience rights.

Rest at link above.  Again, a reminder:

The Lawyers and the Judge got it Wrong: The Law, the COVID-19 Injections and Houston Methodist Hospital v Jennifer Bridges et al., Case.

“In addition to the above cited failures, the lawyers failed to cite 18 U.S. Code § 2441 – War crimes 18 U.S. Code § 2441 – War crimes | U.S. Code | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute ( When presented with the demonstrably provable injuries and adverse reactions post COVID-19 injection, and that the pharmaceutical counter measure itself declares that ‘illness’ will be a direct effect of the product, the following must be considered as part of a legal challenge … (C)Performing biological experiments. — “The act of a person who subjects, or conspires or attempts to subject, one or more persons within his custody or physical control to biological experiments without a
legitimate medical or dental purpose and in so doing endangers the body or health of such person or persons.”

“Judge Hughes also failed in his capacity as a Judge. Ironically, Judge Hughes added in his dismissal that vaccine safety and efficacy were not considerations in adjudicating this case but specially stated that Bridges et al., refusal to accept inoculation would – in the hospital’s
judgement “…make it safer for their workers and the patients in the Methodist’s care”.

Which is bull crap as we know from the number of deaths, injuries and testimony from victims.  In that analysis, reference is also made to the NLRB, National Labor Relations Board:  “They further failed to address the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) rulings on coercion Coercion of employees (Section 8(b)(1)(A)) | National Labor Relations Board ( Congress enacted the National Labor Relations Act (“NLRA”) in 1935 to protect the rights of employees and employers, to encourage collective bargaining, and to curtail certain private sector labor and management practices, which can harm the general welfare of workers, businesses and the U.S. economy. Coercion of employees (Section 8(b)(1)(A)) and (4)(i) is key to the issue of the Methodist Employees and their right to decline, free from coercion. Again, the lawyers failed to introduce this argument.”

File a complaint with the NLRB here.

I’ve brought this up repeatedly to our governor, Greg Abbott, here in Texas as well as other elected officials.  What is going to happen a year from now when you have an astronomical number of nurses, doctors, fire fighters, law enforcement, teachers, truck drivers, farmers and ranchers who took one or more doses of those experimental injections who’ve developed autoimmune diseases for which there are no cures (80 of them)?  Who are now permanently disabled and unable to work?

Big corporations have given employees short drop-dead dates to take one of those injections or face termination.  For the tens of thousands who don’t know their rights under NLRB or what’s going on will likely take the shots because they need their paychecks.  Those who don’t will leave like thousands of nurses across the country already have adding to the severe shortage.

All jobs are essential for Americans because their job is the source of money to feed themselves and their families.  But, we can acknowledge without belittling anyone who works for an honest day’s pay, some jobs you might say rank a little more critical.  A surgeon to set broken bones, put a body back together after a car accident, saving your home from a raging fire, law enforcement trying to keep cities and towns safe from two-legged predators, truckers who bring the food to your local stores, our super hard-working farmers and ranchers.  You get the picture.

As of August 28, 2021:

The biggest vaccination campaign in history is underway. More than 5.2 billion doses have been administered across 183 countries, according to data collected by Bloomberg. The latest rate was roughly 39.9 million doses a day.In the U.S., 368 million doses have been given so far. In the last week, an average of 889,615 doses per day were administered.”

If only 10% of the predicted number of deaths by highly qualified doctors and research scientists who’ve spoken out over the past eight months, we are talking 4-5 million either now unable to work or are battling their own immune system attacking vital organs such as brain, liver, kidneys and lungs.

Who is going to take care of all those Americans if you have tens of thousands of nurses, doctors from pediatricians to brain surgeons, lab technicians to critical physical therapy specialists helping stroke victims who themselves cannot function because they took those injections?  Who will their care givers be if care givers for private sector companies who send individuals to homes to help with the elderly and people recovering from a surgery also become severely ill or disabled or die?

Who will care for the bread winner in a home where both are now incapable of working because they were forced to take one of those injections to keep their job?  Who will stock the store shelves when there’s actually a shipment that came in despite a shortage of sick or dying truckers?  The list is endless.  And, don’t forget active duty military.

Military Doctor: “The COVID Vaccine Program has Killed More Young Active Duty People Than COVID Did”, August 27, 2021

Montana is the only state so far that bans private sector employers from firing anyone from their job who refuses one of those injections.  Right now, special interest groups who claim to understand science are doing their best to get the GOP controlled legislature up there to over turn that law.  If you live in Montana, count your blessings and get on the phone everyday to your state rep and senator – Republican – and tell he/she do NOT cave to pressure or all the lies from the CDC, so-called state health experts and special interest groups.  You know the talking points and be sure to stress those injections are not vaccines, the FDA did not approve ‘the COVID-19 vaccine’ and the approximate number of deaths.

TEXANS:  Once again, we must call everyday and demand HB 39 which will ban private sector employers from requiring their employees to take any vaccinations, injections, or immunizations or else be fired.  Our legislature is in special session, but only for so long. HB 39 is stuck in committee.  Only a massive push by us is going to get this done.  Our legislature is GOP controlled but is also littered with too many RINOs.  Remind them the primaries are next year and you’ll be out if this bill doesn’t become law.

Legislative action.  ‘Relating to protecting the medical freedom and bodily autonomy of employees with respect to immunization or vaccination status’.  Need to get it out of committee and to the floor for a vote.  Here’s the list of House members, so please start calling today and everyday.  It only takes two minutes.  Find yours on the list.  There’s NO reason this should not already be out of committee and brought to the House floor now that there’s a quorum again.  Here are sponsor and co-sponsors:  Toth, Hefner, Metcalf, Patterson, Tinderholt, Vasut Wilson, Biedermann.

The “conservative” think tank that gave us NAFTA:  Heritage Foundation: COVID-19 Vaccines Are Safe, Effective

CDC: Vaccine Efficacy Tanking. So Now What?  /  Because they don’t work and never willENDLESS SHOTS: Canada Just Ordered 7 Doses of Covid Vaccines for Every Man, Woman and Child  /  CDC flip-flops AGAIN, now admits “fully vaccinated” people are spreading COVID-19

CDC Director Admits Those Who Were ‘Vaccinated Early’ At ‘Increased Risk Of SEVERE Disease,’ Vaccine Effectiveness Is ‘Waning’ – The government is now confirming earlier reports by National File regarding ineffective and unsafe COVID-19 vaccines and “booster shots.”

This is the latest data on number of deaths which is just more deception due to the chess game the CDC is playing with statistics:  VAX FRAUD: CDC listing fully vaccinated COVID-19 deaths as unvaccinated if they die within 14 days of second dose, August 26, 2021

Trust the Science? CDC Counts People Who Died Within 14 Days of Jab as “Unvaccinated”, August 25, 2021 – “This means if someone was hospitalized, admitted to ICU, required mechanical ventilation or died within two weeks of getting the jab they are being counted as “unvaccinated.”

As of August 20, 2021, 1% number of deaths:  13,627.  Adverse events:  623,341.  In the last five months the average is 124,668 injuries per month.  Permanently disabled:  17,794. August 16th after skipping two weeks, deaths: 12,366.  August 20th:  13,627 or an increase of 1,261 and I have some farm land on Pluto I can give you a good deal on.

We know the numbers are much, much higher.  The lawsuit filed July 18th brought against the CDC, the whistleblower Jane Doe swears under oath the number of deaths is approximately 45,000.  Her declaration is dated July 13,2021.  It’s now August 30th.  The “fact checkers” and prostitute media have been spinning this faster than a spider going full speed ahead.  I don’t have an update on motions and briefs.

Lawsuits take time as we all know, and in this case, Americans continue to die everyday while governors and legislatures do NOTHING to stop distribution of those lethal injections in their states, mine included.

As for the EUA lawsuit, this is the update:

Defendants’ consolidated motion to dismiss and brief in opposition to Plaintiffs’ motion for preliminary injunction is due on or before Sept. 16,2021.  Not to exceed 45 pages.

Court will hold a telephone status conference, Sept 21.  Plaintiffs shall file a consolidated brief in opposition to Defendants’ motion to dismiss and reply brief in support of Plaintiffs’ motion for preliminary injunction on or before Oct 15, 2021, not to exceed 45 pages.

Defendants shall file a reply brief in support of their motion to dismiss on or before Nov. 5th.  Not to exceed 25 pages.  *End*

In the meantime, thousands more Americans will die, if not tens of thousands.  Watching more recent interviews with some of these scientists and doctors who’ve been on this for over a year, the next big spike in deaths will be Oct – Dec.  God only knows how many more Americans will become permanently disabled; the list of injuries will continue to rise.

In my July 19th column, I wrote:  “Claim: CDC Removes 150k Deaths from VAERS Database.  I watched the video.  The narrator referred to cases;  notvery case resulted in death.  However, after watching the video I decided I needed to look at the cases posted.  The issue is missing case ID numbers.  ID numbers are seven, i.e., 1442734.

“Anyway, the narrator in the video uses one CDC posting, I used this one, also CDC.  I initially started looking for date of onset and death not aware yet of the missing ID cases.  Prof. Dolores Cahill and other scientists have given us their frightening explanations regarding what happens after someone takes one of the experimental gene editing   injections:  Development of auto-immune diseases; there are 80 with no cures.  3-6 months, perhaps as long as 6-12 months your natural immune system will start attacking kidneys, liver, heart, lungs, brain and then premature death.

“Using Open VAERS the number of adverse events is done by 10 case ID numbers per page.  With 463,456 cases posted, that’s tens of thousands of pages to examine by ID number.  I did 315 pages looking only for the red dot which indicates death.  Just a minuscule sample.

VAERS ID: 1441603.  Injected Jan. 29, 2021.  Died May 6, 2021, 98 days after injection.  75 days from injection to death71 days until deathDifferent ID, 75 days until death.  127 days until death.  Many months after getting the injection just as Prof. Cahill, Dr. Tenpenny and others said was going to happen.”

Safe?New: This week’s U.S. data for 12- to 17-year-olds show:

  • 17,518 total adverse events, including 1,047 rated as serious and 18 reported deaths. Two of the 18 deaths were suicides.

“The most recent reported deaths include a 15-year-old boy (VAERS I.D. 1498080) who previously had COVID, was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy in May 2021 and died four days after receiving his second dose of Pfizer’s vaccine on June 18, when he collapsed on the soccer field and went into ventricular tachycardia; and a 13-year-old girl (VAERS I.D. 1505250) who died after suffering a heart condition after receiving her first dose of Pfizer.

  • Other deaths include two 13-year-old boys (VAERS I.D. 1406840  and 1431289) who died two days after receiving a Pfizer vaccine, a 13-year-old boy who died after receiving Moderna (VAERS I.D. 1463061), three 15-year-olds (VAERS I.D. 1187918, 1382906 and 1242573), five 16-year-olds (VAERS I.D. 1420630, 1466009, 1225942, 1475434, and 1386841) and three 17-year-olds (VAERS I.D. 1199455, 1388042 and 1420762).
  • 2,609 reports of anaphylaxis among 12- to 17-year-olds with 99% of cases attributed to Pfizer’s vaccine.
  • 444 reports of myocarditis and pericarditis (heart inflammation) with 438 cases attributed to Pfizer’s vaccine.
  • 89 reports of blood clotting disorders, with all cases attributed to Pfizer.” *End*

If you have not seen this 17-minute video (highlighted below) by molecular biologist/microbiologist, Prof. Dolores Cahill (bio here) who has been attacked and excoriated by not just media here and abroad, but by the same colleagues and institutions that gave her awards and couldn’t say enough about how brilliant she is – until she started explaining the problem with those experimental injections.  Do take the time to watch.

In the video she says the spike in deaths will start to occur between March and April 2021 and she was right if you look at just the few cases I found above.  Those injected each month thereafter, well, you can count the months.  From all the courageous scientists:  a very large number of crippling medical conditions between 12-18 months and then premature death within 2-5 years, some maybe shorter.  Of, course, the “vaccines” will be cleared as the culprit.

Prof. Cahill, Jan 5, 2021

Dr. Charles Hoffe (8 minutes) Heart Failure from mRNA Jabs “Will Kill Most People”

The CDC and media have been lying about this for months and yet, hospitals and doctors who know NOTHING about what’s going on continue to repeat the same lies about variants:

Bombshell: Nobel Prize Winner Reveals – Covid Vaccine is ‘Creating Variants’

Keep fighting back.  In France, England and many counties around the world they’re marching and protesting by the hundreds of thousands.  That’ not going to do it.  My next column is going to deal with targeting one specific state government agency.  Go back to the genesis.

Reminder:  The nine-part docu-series, Vaccine Secrets, starts today.  Sign up for free. Will be interesting to see the content.

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions.

© 2021 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:


More intimidation for mother’s reading this kind of tyrannical hammer from a court:

Chicago Mother: Judge Took Away My Parental Rights For Not Getting COVID Vaccine

More rights than Americans:  Afghan Evacuees Won’t Be Forced to Take the COVID Vaccine, NORTHCOM Commander Says

This is what American doctors and research scientists fear – loss of license and grant money.  That’s not an excuse.  Doctors remember your oath:  Do no harm.

Irish Medical Doctor: The Shots are Killing People! We need to Stop This! Her Medical License was Just Suspended– “She states that she is seeing things that in all her years of practice she has never seen before, such as blood clots in the arm of a young girl in her 20s. Nobody is linking these injuries to the vaccines.  She states that the hospitals are short staffed because nurses are quitting, as they do not want to get the jab.“The shots are killing people,” she states, and “We need to stop this!”

FIFTEEN studies show natural immunity better than vaccines

Obscene:  High School Allegedly Forces Girl to Wear Ankle Monitor Because She was Unvaccinated

INVASION: Terrorists and Criminals Infiltrate Military Planes Departing from Afghanistan

What better way to entice those on the lower income brackets to get a “free” injection at the local pharmacy paid for by you and me:

Insurance providers will no longer waive all costs associated with COVID-19 treatments

If only dogs had guns:  Australian rescue dogs shot dead over COVID-19 restrictions

Ruling Class Increasingly Calls Upon The Private Sector To Make Lives Of The “Unvaccinated” Difficult

Thirteen Brave Soldiers Should Never Have Died: Absurd Theater of Afghanistan

By Frosty Wooldridge

Like you, I am sick to my stomach that 13 of our finest military men died in a suicide terrorist’s blast in Kabul, Afghanistan.  I’m even sicker to my stomach that Joe Biden, a draft dodger in his youth, made it happen. I am sicker still that Four Star General Milley LET it happen.  It makes me sick to my guts that the generals, colonels, majors and military aides in Kabul, engineered this insane and absurd retreat out of that goat-herder, drug infested country—with ZERO proactive planning.

A Boy Scout would have made better contingency plans.  Anyone with common sense would have prepared well beyond the withdrawal date. How could veteran Army and Marine generals make such absurd and stupid mistakes to put our troops in SO much danger?  They HAD to know that the “pretend” Army of 300,000 Afghanistan soldiers would cut and run because they are all Muslims…and Muslims always side with each other to fight the common enemy, which is America.  Remember they had to stop training them with live weapons because as soon as they got a rifle, they would turn it on U.S. Army trainers and shoot them. *(that’s very little discussed)

The high brasses’ incompetence made us the laughingstock of the world.  Who is laughing…well, Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Iraq, Afghanistan, China and just about every Muslim  country in the world.  Heck, 300,000 Muslims are laughing in Detroit, Michigan and another 125,000 Somalian are laughing in Minneapolis.  Every Muslim in America laughs under his breath at this event.

Those 13 men died for absolutely NOTHING!  Their families will mourn them for years to come while realizing that our own government leaders engineered this debacle.  Some feel that top American officials planned 9/11 or at least, let it happen.  Same thing with Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.  All evidence points to President Franklin D. Roosevelt because he wanted to jump into WWII.  We know that one of the towers next to the Twin Towers was demolished by well-placed charges.

What moron of a military leader would leave the enemy with $50 billion in military equipment?  Is that not totally absurd and insane?

This whole Afghanistan-Iraq debacle continued for 20 years because Congress created, along with the Military Industrial Complex corporate elites, these wars for profit, not freedom.  And today, we’ve got some invisible hands guiding that “Puppet of Dementia” inside the White House. Worse, there’s nothing the average American citizen can do about it.  We’ve been watching the debacle unfold for 20 years while our children, all 7,100 combat deaths and 114,000 soldier suicides, kept being exterminated—but since it was an all-volunteer military—nobody cared or even remained aware that we were fighting two wars.

And now, we’ve just transported 100,000 Afghanistan refugees into our guts. There were NOT 100,000 translators that helped us!   We’re just scooping up anyone and transporting them to our country to live  on our welfare rolls like they do in Detroit and Minneapolis—for the rest of their lives. And our most illiterate Congressional Member Alexandra O. Cortez  (D-NY) demands we absorb 200,000 refugees.  Right now, they want to house them in Air B & B’s across the nation.  The State Department expects to drop 6,000 of them on Seattle, Washington.  More thousands into San Francisco, Detroit, Minneapolis, Chicago, Denver, Miami, NYC and many more cities.

Except, no one is talking about the FACT that Seattle suffers 6,000 homeless Americans living under bridges in that city. Another 10,000 homeless live on the streets in Denver. * (I live here and see them all the time. They beg on every street corner and live in tents in downtown Denver. There’s another 62,000 homeless Americans in Los Angeles. *(Maxine Waters’ district) And, 11,000 homeless in San Francisco. *(Nancy Pelosi’s district.)  I visited those cities this summer to see them for myself.  Worse, you don’t dare leave your car parked in San Francisco because it will suffer a “smash and grab” operation by Asian and Black gangs within minutes after you leave it on the streets. We saw it this summer firsthand.

At the same time, Mr. Dementia has invited 1,000,000 illegal aliens into our country by July, and we expect another 1,000,000 of them by the end of the year.  That’s on top of the 1,000,000 legally being imported into our country this year.

To top it off, does anyone in DC understand that we have borrowed $28 trillion and stand $28 trillion in debt…and that debt will come due?  At the same time, President Dementia wants to legalize 20-25 million illegal migrants who will immediately tap into our welfare systems. How do you think that will work out?

Have you, the average American who works hard, pays taxes and tries to live a reasonable life, thought about the fact that our own elected officials are changing our culture, our language and entire ethnic makeup into a third world cesspool?  Heck, there’s 38 million miserable wretches in Afghanistan, a failed country filled with terrorists, and our president wants to import as many as possible.

Does it feel like someone handles the controls and is bent on destroying the foundation of our country?  If this legal and illegal invasion continues, we’re going to be fighting for our families and our lives.

I’ve never seen anything so absurd, insane and totally out of control as to what’s happening to our country.  I weep for our children.

Please note that all of these videos will give you a glimpse of your children’s future:

If you would like a free electronic copy of this book, please email me with your email address and I will send it to you.  Every American with children or any American who will live in this country in 2050, needs to understand what they face.

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121.

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

This video will scare the daylights out of every American as to what’s coming to our country, US Citizenship Act 2021 by Joe Biden.

On the environmental front: watch these two compelling documentaries—“Cowspiracy” and “Seaspiracy”.  You can find them on Netflix and/or You Tube.  Both are superb!

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Texas is Taking the Bull by the Longhorns (Somewhat)

By Sidney Secular

Tired of taking bull from the FedGov, Texas is doing what the FedGov is tasked to do but won’t. Texas is beginning to arrest migrants on trespassing charges near the US-Mexico border. Governor Greg Abbott says action is needed to slow the mind-numbing number of illegal border crossings. Abbott also said that Texas would continue building the border wall Trump started to build. Abbott has called on other governors to deploy law enforcement personnel and National Guard members along the entire border. The detainees are being held at what had been an empty state prison In Dudley, TX that can house about 1,000. All arrested so far have been single men. Apparently, family units will not be detained.

However, the largest Texas counties along the border, where the crossings are highest, are not cooperating in the enforcement effort. Those arrested will be charged with state crimes and will serve jail time. The amount of time spent in jail will be minimal and it was not announced what will be done with the detainees when they are released. What we need is more than just a runt of a political stunt but the value of the State’s efforts may well be cancelled out by Biden’s Washington and their love for illegals to add to their voter base.

THIS IS IT. If you’ve read the Bible or haven’t rejected it out of hand, it is not hard to see that what it calls “The Great Tribulation” or something akin to it, has begun to befall all of us, especially with the Covidiocy. I won’t turn this into a theological diatribe, which believers tend to get into easily, thereby turning some people off. I would just suggest you read The Book of Revelation to see how eerily its predictions seem to be coming to pass. Many Americans would like to go back to pre-COVID days and pretend or hope that things are returning to normal. However, it will be at best an abnormal normal with much lingering unemployment, evictions of tenants and or bankruptcy of small landlords, some chronic supply shortages, lingering lunacy involving some residual COVID nonsense such as masking, socialist distancing and lockdowns, paranoia among the ignorant owing to the depressing duplicity of the politicos, confrontations between the woke and the awake, sky-high prices, and the looming threat of the return to full-fledged Covidiocy to sharply remind us we’re far from being out of the woods!

The voting tragedy and travesties of the 2020 elections must be completely turned around through very forceful and persistent action if we are to have any hopes of restoring the Historic American Nation as a viable entity. There are those still insulated from the nefarious things that take place around the world daily and the Pollyannas would rather not be perturbed and disturbed by being forced to have to think of or confront such things. They favor the palaver and poop meted out by the mainstream media via their “communications devices” and the Jewspapers assuring them they are in the good hands of the govmint at all levels who are looking out for their interests (no kidding!).

Alternative news and views from “extremists” who are, by definition whites and those who do not agree with them, will have a hard time penetrating the new “techno-curtain” communists erect around them to prevent them hearing from contrary news and viewpoints. We’re all being slowly boiled to death like the proverbial frogs or slowly smothered with a miasma/smog of lies that seems somehow to be in sync with suddenly increasing incidence of eye cataracts in the population. Maybe, like the fellow in The Matrix who wants to swallow the blue pill, we just don’t want to “see” what’s happening! The mockingbird media, internet search engines, social media sites, and mainstream media video sites are working feverishly to drive home the official New World Order program for global governance. History and truth are being snubbed and scrubbed away as emphasized in the book, “1984”. The media operate on the premise that a lie told often enough soon becomes the truth and reality in the minds of most, especially if they are unaware or reject alternative explanations or ideas. Meanwhile those who tell the truth are avoided, shunned, or “canceled” or otherwise live in a state of suspense.

If you’re in a position where your truth telling will influence too many people, you may be putting your life on the line.  But one cannot cower to those in power and be a free human, let alone a normal American. You need to be able to express yourself to have human “dignity’ as they call it. If you let them get to you beyond a certain point, you are a goner.  A simple bumper sticker, “RESIST” expresses the needed spirit–you needn’t say what’s being resisted. Over 60% of Americans have taken the jab, and the pressure and jabber for the jab will become overbearing or very intense if they implement another full blown lockdown. Indeed, there is already speculation that FEMA camps will be set up for “non-vaxxers” if the government’s grip on us isn’t broken.

It should be obvious by now to even to even a half-wit who still has his faculties functioning, that this COVID crapola is the clearly the biggest scam in all of recorded history. The hyped hypotheses are coming at us like attacks of pixels from the pixilated. Some say the jabbed are condemned to die soon, some say sooner or later, some say very much later as it will affect the DNA of our descendants. It’s now been said we’re catching diseases from the jabbed, so there’s no escaping that the paranoia is spreading quicker than any epidemic.  It’s said the so-called vaccines only ameliorate the symptoms of the disease–so why take a chance on them? Just go to bed and take chicken soup or whatever one usually does when one gets the flu or a bad cold! Is a disease with a 99.5% survival rate – if it exists at all! – worth taking an admitted poison? We’re already accustomed now to go to work in our pajamas, so its no big deal. Scores of new side effects from the jabs are noted almost daily. The number of deaths from the jabs in the US is 50,000 give or take several thousands as of this writing – its hard to keep score as the reports all differ from one another and no one in charge is telling the truth anyway!

The unreported cases are likely as much or more than the reported ones also. Blood clots and resultant strokes seem to be a major side effect along with heart issues. Strokes were already the third leading cause of death in the US before the virus “attacked” us, so those already prone to get them will likely get them easier now. None of the 4 alleged “vaccines”* being used went through the full testing process and are literally “experimental”–so if you get jabbed you are the equivalent of a lab rat or guinea pig. Where animal test subjects were used, they all died These potions – not vaccines – are officially “for emergency use only”. As you may know, so-called emergencies can turn into events lasting generations! The declaration of an emergency that was issued as a result of our entering the Korean War is still in effect!  All 4 of the said vaccines have about 15 ingredients in them – no one really knows how many. Formaldehyde, used to embalm bodies is certainly one of them. Tissues from aborted babies is another.**

There are hundreds of videos extant that show magnets sticking to the injection locations and radiation also emanating from these spots, all of which sounds very scary. Why do we have propaganda pushing for the jabs even for kids and babies when their infection rates are almost nil? The recovery rate for adults is over 99%, making a mockery of use of the term “pandemic”.  The ruling junta is getting so desperate to jab everyone, there is talk they will be sending out medical “brown shirts” to twist your arm to get it jabbed. The first areas to for these visitations will be those that have low vaccinations rates–the more rural, conservative and especially western states that are the most resistant to The Great Reset. Lone holdouts in the libber strongholds could also be quarantined in their homes making them increasingly the subject of social opprobrium they probably already are for being conservative or “different”. If you decide to be jabbed based on the visit, the jabbers will be equipped to jab you on the spot before you have a chance to change your mind.

[*Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca]

[** Aluminum, mercury thimerosal, aborted fetal tissue, human albumin, antifreeze (ethylene glycol), phenoxyethanol, phenol, methanol, Borax (sodium tetraborate decahydrate), glutaraldehyde, monosodium glutamate (MSG), sulfate and phosphate compounds, ammonium sulfate, gentamicin sulfate – and more. . .]

In the UK, France, and other areas of Europe, resistance to the jabs and lockdowns in the form of demonstrations is increasing and reaching significant levels. Canada is completely lost to global communism as is Australia and New Zealand and the USA is not far behind. Recently, the presidents of 3 countries (Burundi, Tanzania, and Haiti) that had refused the jab for their citizens suddenly died “unexpectedly” due to suddenly arising medical conditions (“side effects” of not taking the jab) or outright assassination in the case of Haiti. The new leaders of these countries are now “fast tracking” vaccination programs for their countries. Doctors everywhere who have warned of the dangers of the vaccines have wound up unemployed or dead. All the jab advocates are also life-long depopulation advocates. The devil is loose. The deception is thick. Do not be afraid to share this article and what you know about the Covidiocy with others. Be strong, bold, and courageous. Speak truth to power. If you are of a religious bent, “know that” all the cowards who refuse to speak the truth will be thrown into the “lake of fire”.

© 2021 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Sidney Secular:

The Failure of the Church, Part 3

By Roger Anghis

The failure of the church has not been overnight but at the same time, it has occurred very quickly. From the 1600s to the mid-1900s, there was very little change but from the mid-1900s until today it seems that there has been a total collapse of the ability to stand for the principles of God.  When they declared a separation of church and state in 1947 the church really didn’t do much to fight that decision. In 1963 when they took prayer out of school, I don’t recall churches rising up to fight that violation of our 1st Amendment right of the teachers and the students. In 1980 another court ruling came down that should have shocked not just the church but all Americans as well. The Ten Commandments were taught in all of America’s schools from 1620 until 1980.  At that time a court ruling was issued stating: 

It is unconstitutional for students to see the Ten Commandments since they might read, meditate upon, respect, or obey them. Stone v. Graham, 1980.[1] In 1965 our religious speech in the public schools became illegal for both students and teachers: Today, freedoms of speech and press are guaranteed to students and teachers – unless the topic is religious, at which time such speech becomes unconstitutional. Stein v. Oshinsky, 1965.[2] Benjamin Rush, a civic leader in Philadelphia, where he was a physician, politician, social reformer, humanitarian, and educator as well as the founder of Dickinson College, commented: “By removing the Bible from schools we would be wasting so much time and money in punishing criminals and so little pains to prevent crime. Take the Bible out of our schools and there would be an explosion in crime.” This is the very thing that we are seeing in our streets yet we ignore the wise advice of our forefathers who proved what they taught.

A few years back I testified before our state’s Senate Judiciary Committee when they were entertaining a civil unions bill to do an end-around on our Constitution that only allows marriage between a man and a woman. I was shocked by how many so-called ministers that showed up to testify in favor of the bill. I was drilled by one of the female Senators, who was a former ‘pastor’, about dealing with the homosexual lifestyle. I didn’t beat around the bush. I told her that the Bible has an opinion and that is what we as a Christian nation should embrace. I ended up on YouTube as an intolerant homophobic pastor. I didn’t know that the Senator was also a lesbian. Two years later I was there again and my wife was with me. She was raised Lutheran and a Lutheran pastor supported the bill specifically for the homosexuals.  My wife confronted him and actually scared him out of the capitol building. The last time I saw him he was running towards a door.

This is where we have come. A watered down version of the gospel with very few real pastors that will stand for what is right. We have a lot of enemies that are against the church and way too often they are in the middle of the church.  I saw a picture of a lady holding a sign that said “I’m a Christian and I LOVE the quran”.[3] The ignorance of the people in the pews usually reflects the ignorance in the pulpit.  The quran hates the Bible and what it teaches and these people don’t even know it. Pastors today won’t call sin a sin. They won’t call adultery and fornication a sin. Alcoholism is now a disease.

The big problem is they don’t want to offend anybody. Can’t say anything that might offend a Democrat. He might leave the church and he’ll lose the tithe. The same with offending a Republican. How many church board members support the Democrat party, the of the anti-Christ? I was de-deaconed at a church one time because I brought up some statistics in the black community to other deacons. Things like 62% of pregnancies end up in abortion. 72% of live births were to single-parent families. One other deacon, a black man, was insulted and in an email exchange, he became insulted because I was ‘disrespectful’ to Obama. I called him Obama and didn’t refer to him as the president called him the most ungodly president that ever held the office. I reminded him that Obama supported homosexual marriage, abortion and he hated Israel. The senior pastor took offense at my attitude and removed me from the deacon board. Scripture tells us to not be unequally yoked and that isn’t just in marriage but it’s for business and especially on the deacon board and elder boards of a church. 2 Corinthians 6:14  Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

I believe that it was the tithes that were the big problem there. The principles of the gospel were put on the back burner in that situation. The church is supposed to raise up the people that are placed in positions of authority. The book of Exodus states:  18:20  And thou shalt teach them ordinances and laws, and shalt shew them the way wherein they must walk, and the work that they must do. 

Exo 18:21  Moreover thou shalt provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them, to be rulers of thousands, and rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens: These are the kinds of people that we need in our government. I was raised Baptist and was taught that the government was corrupt and we should stay away from it. Well, we did and the corruptness only got worse. The church is supposed to be the light to the world and we cannot be that light if we don’t get involved.

If we don’t turn back to God, we will lose the greatest nation the world has ever seen.  I don’t think God is done with America. We were established to be the source of the gospel for the world and that gospel has not reached the four corners of the earth yet. God has always worked with a remnant and that may be all He has now but He will get done what He wants done. You’ll be part of the group that gets it done or you’ll be part of the group that does nothing.  Your choice. Choose wisely.

We would be wise to take the advice of our first Chief Justice of the United States John Jay in a letter written to Representative John Murray on October 12, 1816: “Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers, and it is the duty, as well as the privilege and interest, of our Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers.”

“Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers, and it is the duty, as well as the privilege and interest, of our Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers.” – John Jay In a letter written to Representative John Murray on October 12, 1816

© 2021 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Defining America’s Exceptionalism, Roger Anghis (Westbow Press, Bloomington, IN) p. 74
  2. Defining America’s Exceptionalism, Roger Anghis (Westbow Press, Bloomington, IN) p. 73

A Few Words for the Hyper-Conspiratorial and Devotees of The Science

By Steven Yates

I was saddened to learn recently that a former high school classmate of mine had Covid and passed away.

Out of empathy for her relatives and close friends, I did not ask whether she died from Covid or with Covid. Such queries seemed out of place. Nor did I say that if she’d only taken hydroxychloroquine orivermectin….

What one of her friends posted on Facebook: “I wish people would understand that Covid is real….” You can guess the rest. It ended with an appeal to “get vaccinated.”

I sighed.

Because this person means well. I know her. She’d deviate from her path on a sidewalk to avoid stepping on a bug.

Some are urging these vaccines who sincerely believe in them (including at least one other contributor to this site).

I’ve waged my own war here, on my blog, and elsewhere, against this 18-month long psyop based on fear. But I’ve never said Covid wasn’t real.

I know people who have had it.

I keep hearing claims that the whole thing is a hoax from top to bottom, no one’s isolated the virus, etc., etc. This includes a few others in here, and acquaintances of mine — who also mean well.

Or that the vaccines contain microchips programmed by Bill Gates, or represent the Mark of the Beast….

Hyper-Conspiratorialists, I’ve started calling them.

For them, everything is part of The Conspiracy. Because they’ve (we’ve) been lied to so much, they don’t believe anything from any decision-makers or anyone making truth claims.

This didn’t start last March.

Two years ago I penned a piece on the moon landings on the occasion of their 50th anniversary. I heard from over a dozen Hyper-Conspiratorial moon landing skeptics. A follow-up article appeared on my blog.

I argued that the moonshots preceded public education falling completely off a cliff. I noted that people had more fortitude then than they do now (they weren’t “snowflakes”). The culture was forward-looking and overall healthier.

Back then, we used physical technology to go into space. Today, we use digital apps for mindless chit-chat and selfies. Everything I’ve seen on TikTok screams “Look at me, look at me, look at me!!

I asked readers to ask themselves how hard it would be to fool tens of thousands of superbly-educated engineers both in and outside NASA with a caper of that magnitude — not once but seven times!

So I find the idea that we never went to the moon highly implausible.

It gets worse!

A woman I used to interact with now says the Earth is flat.

“Prove that it’s round!” she said recently.

Doesn’t the Bible mention “four corners of the Earth? How can a globe have four corners?”

In my last article I mentioned how Christians hurt their credibility misreading their Bibles. They believe in a “rapture” that won’t happen because it isn’t biblical. It’s a product of the very modern Darby-Scofield axis. (Here is the best book I’ve seen on Scofieldism and its disastrous influence!)

There are people who misread Romans 13 and claim we must obey all political authority however are insane.

For the Hyper-Conspiratorial, everything manifests The Conspiracy. Even things easily attributable to lower-level greed.

Freud is quoted as having once quipped, “Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.” (Probably apocryphal.)

Hanlon’s Razor counsels, “Never attribute to malice what is explainable through stupidity.” There’s plenty of stupidity, especially in government, at every level. Look at Congress. Or your local school board.

To the Hyper-Conspiratorial, Satan is so powerful, he’s blinded not just thousands of engineers but the whole scientific community to the world’s flatness!

Holy Hypnotism, Batman! We might as well give up on our intellects!

So how do we figure out what might be true, versus what surely isn’t???

This is a problem I devoted a good portion of my life to studying, so I hope readers will indulge me now.

I think we’ve been lied to about the virus’s level of lethality outside certain populations — not to be confused with the idea that if you’re outside those populations you can’t get it.

Sensible ways of protecting yourself and your loved ones include cleanliness, obviously. Nutritious food. Supplements to strengthen your immune system. Avoiding things that weaken it.

Our immune systems are our greatest God-given protections against most illness!

I’m not against vaccines generally. Traditional vaccines communicated information to our immune systems about what they were fighting.

I am skeptical of something that (1) doesn’t do that, but rather contains a previously untested technology never before used in a vaccine; (2) was rushed out in months,when normally it takes years to test and vet a new vaccine for effectiveness and long-term safety; (3) and whose makers are legally indemnified from any and all harm done by their products.

Some scientists are challenging the idea that these are vaccines that meet the scientific and legal definitions of that term. If more people understood that these are gene therapy shots being called vaccines, there would be far more “hesitancy”!

Masks have been overplayed, as have “social distancing,” PCR tests, etc.

Fear has been used to the max, as I’ve been writing for 18 months now.

All that aside, I need to emphasize: there’s clearly something out there making people sick, and is potentially deadly for some!

Total Covid denial, therefore,is no more responsible than rabid fearmongering!

Returning to: how do we distinguish truth from BS???

What this comes down to: how does real science work? As opposed to The Science (Fauci and his cronies, or anyone using such phrases equivalent to postmodern incantations)?

Start with Ockham’s Razor: “The structurally simplest explanation of any set of phenomena tends to be the right one.”

What do we mean, ‘structurally simplest’?

Given a set of facts to be explained, if we have a loose and messy disarray of logically independent claims about them, versus a single, elegant principle that unites them all in a single system, that’s the principle to pursue!

Isaac Newton (1642 – 1727) gave us universal gravitation — unifying two bodies of observations: the motions of the moon and planets, and falling objects and the behavior of projectiles. Mathematically: F=ma (force equals mass times acceleration).

Einstein (1879 – 1955) did the same when special relativity proposed to unify space and time and general relativity then unified gravitation and geometry.

A good theory makes predictions we can test against observation. Observations either corroborate or dis confirm it. (They don’t prove it absolutely true. I’ll return to this point.) These theories have been corroborated with many observations, such as starlight “bent” when passing through the sun’s gravity field.

Real science unites observation, experiment, logical inferences, critical thinking, and heuristic devices (heuristics are guidelines rather than fixed rules) — sometimes over long periods of time. The process is messier than most images we have of ‘scientific method,’ but by and large it works.

Those who worship The Science are not critical thinkers. They are bowing before authority, not logic and experimental results.

The American philosopher Charles S. Peirce (1839 – 1914) also wrote of a procedure he called abduction. It goes like this:

A curious and perhaps unexpected set of facts is observed. Call this P. Think imaginatively. If some hypothesis, let’s call it H, were true, P would follow as a matter of course.

Conclusion: there is some (not decisive!) reason for thinking H might be true, or is at least worth pursuing further.

There are constraints on H. Ockham’s Razor, for example.

Intelligent thinking about conspiracies follows the same scientific protocols as any other investigation (here is an example).

It tries to stay inside the bounds of what evidence we have, and simple logic.

If dozens of policy decisions by many administrations have all taken the world in essentially the same direction to a degree far greater than would be expected from mere chance and misfortune, we ought to take notice.

This is our P.

If there really is a super-elite, or a GloboCorp of some kind, that’s our H.

Assume it true, and P follows as a matter of course.

What strengthens H? Remarks by the “directors of history” themselves, if they can be validated. (I spent a full day in a university library back in 2011 validating citations to writings by Woodrow Wilson, H.G. Wells, Charles Lindbergh, and others, prior to sending Four Cardinal Errors to the publisher.)

Real science works under the assumption, however derived, that the world we wish to understand contains more order than chaos, and that behind apparent chaos lies order we haven’t explained yet.

A second assumption is that the human mind can comprehend this order to increasing degrees of specification, in multiple domains of investigation (physics, biology, human affairs).

Have we made real progress in learning how the universe works — however incomplete, and however much we still have to learn?

That our ideas have been so effective in various technologies: engineering, propulsion — first on water, then on land, and then in the air — surely supports that we have.

Voyages into space are just an extension of what our minds are capable of, grasping intellectually how physical systems work and using them to achieve increasingly ambitious goals.

A third prerequisite for sound and trustworthy science might go something like this: the individual human mind, in the company of like-minded others, unfettered by political mandates (or blind loyalties), corporate demands, or bureaucratic encumbrances, is best suited to carrying it forward.

Or for conducting any other inquiry or creative work.

The fewer outside interventions and distractions, the better!

A fourth is to avoid fallacies — errors in reasoning. These include:

Misusing authority. Appeals to authority are acceptable, given the right authorities with the right information at the right time. We can then draw on the results of others, “stand on the shoulders of giants” as it were, and not have to start every investigation from scratch.

Appeals to emotion of various sorts. Fear, for example, short-circuits sound judgment.Do the past 18 months leave us with any grounds for doubting this?

Improper ad hominem arguments. I say improper because some time ago it dawned on me that properly crafted ad hominem reasoning isn’t always fallacious. It is reasonable to ask, for example, of a purported scientific study of some drug, Who funded it? It is reasonable to “go to motive” (as a lawyer might say) if your nose is telling you something is amiss. There are enough people with money and ulterior motives that such matters can’t be left to chance. This opens the door to two often-handy heuristics: asking cui bono and following the money.

Hasty generalization: reasoning to a universal conclusion on the basis of a few and possibly atypical cases.

False analogy. Like comparing seat belt laws to the Covid vaccines.

Red herring: raising a different subject to purposefully distract from the issue at hand.

Circular reasoning: using a premise that only works if your conclusion is already established.

Equivocation: using a term ambiguously or changing its meaning. Those in mass media who use conspiracy theory pejoratively commit this fallacy. They use theory in the sense of careless or irresponsible surmise. Scientists do not use the term that way. They use it to mean cognitive achievement and established line of research. E.g., theory of evolution, theory of relativity. My point isn’t that I think these are established certainties (I don’t), but they are not careless surmises.

And speaking of certainty: demanding absolute certainty is usually a bad idea.A variant is moving the goalposts. You’ve made the best case you can for your hypothesis H. Someone raises objections not originally in evidence, claims “you haven’t considered this, or this, or this,”taken to a point where it becomes clear, the other’s purpose is obstruction, not truth.

I hope this clarifies how real science differs from The Science, and how valid investigations into conspiracies differ from Hyper-Conspiratorialism? In the first case, the latter is authoritarian, even dictatorial. Its purveyors see their judgments as certain and are willing to impose them on entire populations,even against those populations’ wills.

The latter generalizes hastily from the many lies we have been told by political-economic authorities to the paralyzing idea that everything told to us is a lie.

Behind both is the demand for certainty, a psychological state often having nothing to do with reality.

I think it wise to give the idea up. Rarely do we find it in investigations of the world, any more than in planning our personal lives.

Back in the 1800s on both sides of the Atlantic were philosophers who urged relinquishing what John Dewey (1859 – 1952) called “the quest for certainty.” One of the few things Dewey got right. Too bad he got everything else wrong, especially as one of the (Rockefeller-bankrolled) architects of twentieth century schooling.

Most schooling (I’ve stopped calling it education) works against what I presented above. It is based on authority and conformity. It stresses memorization, not critical thinking. It stifles, rather than encourages, curiosity and the will to explore outside bureaucratically-specified parameters.

Its purpose was to train children of the masses for futures in business or government, integrating them into a society build on encirclements and controls, not giving them a great deal of knowledge beyond what was necessary to follow directions. It discouraged self-study stemming from intellectual curiosity.

Some, obviously smarter than the mass, could be allowed to indulge the creativity and cleverness that sometimes leads to money-making enterprises. But not too many!

This became the dominant model of modern schooling, fundamentally destructive of real critical thinking. And this was before political correctness and critical race theory reared their ugly heads!

Thus the confusion: generalizing from the ubiquity of lies from political authorities to Hyper-Conspiratorialism, and the confusion of real science with The Science.

Today our dominant institutions are more likely to interfere with, even block outright, learning and disseminating important truths, whether about the world or about history or about our present converging crises.

Including about Covid. Which is why we have a purposeful blurring between dying from Covid and dying with Covid plus comorbidities. (I say purposeful because trained scientists know better!)

I’m angry, because it is clear that the allegedly 630,000 deaths in the U.S. attributed to Covid did not have to happen! Including, perchance, that of my former classmate! If Covid-sufferers had had ready access to HCQ and ivermectin, available in world markets known on the basis of decades of experience to be safe, most would still be alive!

We do not need these experimental and probably dangerous jabs!

Let me end by noting that with unsubstantiated claims about microchips and the Mark of the Beast, Hyper-Conspiratorialists are not helping.

What we must do is encourage critical thinking skills—outside schools and an academia that dropped this ball decades ago. Dominant — well-moneyed! — institutions have become barriers to knowledge, rational thought, and communication, instead of conduits of truthful information, learning, and understanding. This may be the real crisis of these Twilight Zone times we’ve entered.

© 2021 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates:

Steven Yates’s new book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory (Wipf and Stock, 2021) is available here and here.

Know at Least These Five Things to Survive

By Andrew C Wallace

First, you must know that our federal government is Faux and has absolutely no authority to govern after the unconstitutional election insurrection.

Many governors, mayors, prosecutors, flag officers, corporate officers, bureaucrats, other elected officials, et al. should be prosecuted and hung for treason.

Second, you must learn that even before this Communist usurpation, a majority of federal laws were unconstitutional because they were based on powers reserved by the states. A majority of federal executive departments and the related laws are unconstitutional, such as Agriculture, Education, Energy, Transportation, Labor, Health and Human Services, et al. Mostly the federal government’s authority is limited to subjects relating to defense, immigration, foreign relations, currency and post office. To gain power and wealth the parasitic super rich are concentrating unconstitutional power in Washington.

Third, you must know that our most deadly enemies are the parasitic super rich who are the real ruling class.

They tell corporate officers, bureaucrats, elected officials, DOJ, FBI, SCOTUS, POTUS, CIA, military flag officers et al. exactly what to do or suffer severe consequences. They Own major equity in Corporate America and use our largest corporations as cash cows to influence members of the foregoing groups and to fund think tanks like Council on Foreign Relations and many others used to manipulate the people. Corporations for political reasons very actively supported the burning, looting and destruction of our cities by the Communist Democrat thugs of Antifa and BLM.

Fourth, you must learn that the parasitic super rich hate our Constitutional Republic and detest the average American.

This parasitic ruling class and the Communists have been attempting to take over our country since its founding. Using their monetary control of elected officials they have been robbing the people and our government blind. Everything done by government was designed to enrich the ruling class by impoverishing the people. Afghanistan is a perfect example of a 20 year money pit for the parasitic ruling class, a war that did not protect any vital security interests of America, military flag officers who have not won a war in more than 75 years, troops who fought valiantly and Americans who paid for the war and got their sons and daughters back in body bags.

Just a few additional examples of this treason are unconstitutional private Federal Reserve Bank, unconstitutional fiat currency, tax free foundations, useless wars for profit, donations to foreign countries with kickbacks, taking away American Dream of home ownership, stock market manipulation, replacing American workers with foreign workers here and overseas, a dual justice system, etc, etc, etc. But the biggest scam of all was the Great Depression of the thirties caused by private Federal Reserve Bank (which chairman admitted). Most everything of value owned by the people was then stolen by the ruling class.

As an Economist I can tell you with absolute certainty that the ruling class, has caused another great depression for their benefit, due any day, tomorrow morning would not surprise me. I know of no knowledgeable person who disagrees with this conclusion.

Fifth, everything this unconstitutional administration has done violates our laws, the constitution, morality, logic, and common sense.

Everything they have done and plan to do will destroy our Republic, the American Dream, our living standard, Constitutional Rights, freedom, equal protection under the law, et al. The Democrat Communists and ruling class have made us the laughing stock of the world.
Just one of these moronic and hair brained actions are Open Borders spreading diseases, drugs, crime, lowering wages and employment, destroying social security ,medical care and all government programs. But the most important result is the destruction of the sovereignty of our citizens. All of which is simple treason.

Green new deal is destroying energy independence thus raising the cost of everything with hyper inflation.

Electric cars to replace all gasoline powered cars. We don’t have capacity to produce electricity required to charge them or the means to distribute it.

Wind and solar power kills the birds and cannot power our cities without blackouts as in California and Texas.

Critical Race theory is contrary to federal laws on equal rights. This is not a racist society even though we elected a Black racist for two terms as President.

Large amounts of Fiat currency being put into the system in excess of productivity to initiate a Communist national income program is reducing employment and raising prices from severe inflation. Value of the dollar is dropping like a rock which will lead to a depression. The stock market and the wealthy parasitic ruling class will benefit while the people suffer inflation as long as they keep printing the fiat money. When the printing stops the market collapses in free fall. It is absolutely impossible for government to continue printing, raising taxes and spending without a total meltdown.

People on fixed incomes like Social Security will starve and die from lack of medical care. Blacks and the poor living in inner city plantations will have no way to get food so they will riot, burn and loot forcing their Communist politicians to use deadly force just like all dictators do. After all they are communists who rule by fear, brutality and the barrel of a gun.


I welcome anyone to take issue with my writing using facts and not name calling. Our founders came to America to escape life in Europe, now our cities are Europe. Sadly, I don’t expect the Patriots, ruling class, minions of the ruling class or Lenin’s useful idiots to surrender or give quarter. So, you should be prepared for Economic Collapse, a French style Reign of Terror, Guerrilla Warfare and a Pyrrhic Victory. Nothing else is possible unless the compromised Supreme Court does its duty under the Constitution.

© 2021 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace:

Replacing “President” Harris:  The Long Game

By: Devvy

On July 8th, career criminal and impostor president, Joe Biden, responded to a question from a reporter during one of the farces called a briefing:  Did Biden think the Taliban would move to overthrow the Afghan government?  Biden’s reply:  The Taliban would not take over Afghanistan.  300,000 Afghan military well-funded and the rest on his cheat card. It’s doubtful he even knew what was going on as Biden’s brain has not been functioning properly for years.

It’s too bad the millions Trump voters can’t sue the DNC for fraud:  Their power brokers knew Biden was mentally in bad shape. Yet, using all their usual dirty bag of tricks, an old man who should have been either in a nursing home years ago or with his wealth, full time home care was pushed to the front of the line and made their nominee for president. Knowing he was absolutely incapable of being Commander-in-Chief.  I believe part of the long game.

Many comment Biden is senile and has dementia.  Many health care workers who deal with dementia patients all the time easily recognized there was something very “off” about old Joe on the campaign trail – what there was of it.  COVID-19 provided the perfect cover to keep Biden in his basement during 2020.  Of course, Biden was never worried about the outcome of the election.  Video:  Biden Brags About Having The “Most Extensive…Voter Fraud Organization” In History

Biden’s damage control lackeys scrambled-  it’s a Freudian slip.  One has to understand what happens to someone with dementia.  My mom’s dementia over a period of about six years was very advanced when she died Jan. 31, 2021.  However, in the fog, like so many with dementia, here and there the most amazing, lucid comments would come forth out of nowhere.

Dementia vs. Alzheimer’s Disease: What is the Difference?

“Dementia is a general term for a decline in mental ability severe enough to interfere with daily life. Alzheimer’s is the most common cause of dementia. Alzheimer’s is a specific disease. Dementia is not…

“Alzheimer’s is a degenerative brain disease that is caused by complex brain changes following cell damage. It leads to dementia symptoms that gradually worsen over time. The most common early symptom of Alzheimer’s is trouble remembering new information because the disease typically impacts the part of the brain associated with learning first.

“As Alzheimer’s advances, symptoms get more severe and include disorientation, confusion and behavior changes. Eventually, speaking, swallowing and walking become difficult.”

I doubt most Americans remember and most certainly young Americans who weren’t even born, Biden had surgery twice for brain aneurysms.  One of his was a bleeder.  Every human’s body reacts differently to medications and surgery.

Because Biden’s surgeries were his brain, there are long term problems when someone’s had one brain aneurysm, never mind two, even with the top-notch medical treatment he received.  We all saw that fall Biden took trying to climb the stairs onto Air Force One, March 19, 2021.

Some attributed it to his age.  My personal opinion is that man’s brain cells are so far gone at this point, even his most rabid supporters can no longer figure out how to hide it.  What’s become known as ‘Biden’s gaffes’ and the butt of bar jokes is no joke.  I believe it’s a long- term effect of cell destruction in his brain.

Biden’s Former Doctor Says “He’s Not a Healthy Guy,” has stroke potential – “Dr. David Scheiner commented on Biden’s medical report, stating he looks “frail” and as if he could soon have a stroke based on his medical record.”  Nonetheless, Scheiner said old Joe was fit for office.

The disaster in Afghanistan, a complete collapse resulting in chaos and death, now gives the prostitute media and Joe’s allies the excuse needed to continue the game plan of the shadow government.

I do a lot of reading and research and I would say millions of Americans – not just Republicans – believed in January Biden would last maybe two years before the whore playing Vice President would take over.  That would be ‘Legs in the Air’ Harris, ‘Ho Harris’ and all the other nick names given to that nasty piece of work, Kamala Harris.  You know, another clone of Hildebeast Clinton of “What difference does it make” after Americans were killed in Benghazi.

WATCH: Kamala Harris laughs when a reporter starts to ask her about Americans trapped in Afghanistan

Seemingly out of the blue, the American people were seeing the collapse of Afghanistan in real time.  Taliban thugs financed with millions of American taxpayer dollars, began their take-over.  Sen. Marco Rubio summed it up quite well when he said the American people just gave the Taliban a new Air Force. Biden got on his knees and announced to the world the Taliban was running the show on the time table to get Americans out by August 31st or else pay the consequences.

Having been at this going on 31 years in the trenches full time and studying our enemies, it would appear those in charge who are not elected by We the People (neither was Biden or Harris) know Biden was not going to make it much longer. While it can be said, I think knowing what we know, Marxist Hussein Obama and communist Valerie Jarrett have been running the show quietly in the background, it’s others who stay out of the limelight that give the real orders.  Does that sound like a conspiracy?  And this wasn’t?

The Shadow Government Going for the Kill Shot, July 27, 2020

“As awareness of the diabolical plans afoot began to circulate America, the destroyers wasted no time in implementing plans to force a police state upon us and cover their evil with supposedly “good” government organizations to “help the people”. It began with socialist and mass murderer, FDR [3] and continued with the welfare king, LBJ and his ‘Great Society’ nightmare.

“In 1984 under the direction of Ronald Reagan, Oliver North drew up plans for martial law using FEMA, a little-known agency, but a MAJOR player in the big plan.

“This secret plan would suspend the U.S. Constitution and turn over control of the government to FEMA. This plan would appoint military commanders to run state and local governments. Implementation of this plan would have been triggered by violent and wise spread internal dissent, disagreement with government policy or national opposition to any U.S. military invasion abroad. Essentially, it amounted to a complete and total suspension of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights.

“Then U.S. Attorney General William French Smith blew the whistle on North.Investigators who uncovered this plan believe that between 1983 – 1986, North’s office was the ‘central command center’ for this informal secret structure which involved more than the illegal sale of arms to Iran and illegal funding of the underground war in Nicaragua under President Ronald Reagan.

“North wasn’t alone in this secret structure. Others included Reagan’s closest advisers: U.S. Attorney General Edwin Meese, CIA Director William Casey and National Security Adviser William Clark. Congressional investigators at the time were shocked by how far along this secret structure and planning had progressed. Arthur Liman, who was the chief counsel of the Senate’s Iran-Contra committee stated in a memo that Oliver North was at the center of what he called a “secret government within a government”.

“Prior to those hearings, Liman wrote that a policy decision made at the highest levels during the Iran Contra scandal “…reveals the whole secret government within a government, operated from the Executive Office Building by a lieutenant colonel with its own army, air force, diplomatic agents, intelligence operatives and appropriations capacity.”

“There’s no question the Council on Foreign Relations, the Tri-Lateral Commission and Bilderberg attendees are three of the groups which have unheard of influence over governments  around the globe – including ours.  Personally, I believe there are individuals even above the Bilderberg “elites” who dictate future schemes in their quest to control the world.  I believe several with unimaginable wealth hide away around Zurich, although I can’t prove it.”

Four days before really Afghanistan blew up, Biden took off for Camp David to rest up.  He then returned to the WH under massive pressure because a nightmare of monster proportions was unfolding in front of the world.  He had no choice.

Harris took off for Southeast Asia.  Upon her return, Americans were once again treated to her disgusting cackle so reminiscent of Hildebeast Clinton who is now enjoying retirement in style up in the swanky Hamptons.

Cackling Harris when asked about Afghanistan.  Sickening.

‘Something wrong with her’: Trump questions Kamala Harris’ laughter on ‘60 Minutes’

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris ‘laugh’ and treat Afghan ‘disaster’ like a joke

Kamala Harris is not the VP.  She is not a natural born citizen and despite howls and screeching from the brain-dead fools who voted for her, Donald Trump was denied a second term in office because of a well-planned, well-executed stealing of an election.  The truth has been out there for nine long months and it will win out in the end.  There will be no 2022 unless the audits underway and to come are finished and show the 2020 election was stolen.  It was!

No one wanted Ho Harris for president.  She was the first to drop out of the Democrat/Communist Party USA’s field of socialists and communists in Dec. 2019.  Her highest polling number was 7%.  Suddenly, Ho Harris is THE choice as a running mate for Biden.  Her only qualifications:  female plumbing, non-Caucasian and so power hungry, willing to do whatever it takes to become vice-president.  With the big carrot down the line given Biden’s obvious decline:  The Oval Office.

Harris was a failure for just about every office she held out in California.  It’s no secret Jill Biden hates Harris for dressing down her husband during the primaries calling him a racist among other flame throwers.  Right out of the chute, hubby Joe, gives “fixing the border” to Harris.  Harris fails, again.  A disaster that will take years to clean up while importing terrorists and uneducated hordes looking to you to fund their lives, rape your wife or kids, murder or rob you.

Harris goes to South American countries with the solution:  YOUR paycheck will fund El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras to build their economies so their people won’t enter OUR country illegally.  Yes, that stupid, inept woman actually held a press conference proud of her “accomplishments” down there.

More American blood spilled: At least 12 US service members killed, 15 injured in ISIS blasts outside Kabul airport, August 26, 2021  /  REPORT: At Least 40 Dead – 120 Wounded In Kabul After Horrific Suicide Bombings; Majority Injured in Critical Condition, August 26, 2021

WHAT? General McKenzie: US Relying on Taliban to Protect Us – After 12 US Servicemen Killed in Kabul Blasts (VIDEO)

Last night Biden once again lied through his teeth to the American people when he addressed the nation about the nightmare he and the State Department created.  Disgrace: Weak Biden Struggles Through Remarks After 12 Americans Killed – “…with more than 100,000 American citizens, American partners, Afghans who helped us, and others taken to safety in the last 11 days.”

Trapped Americans, our military at high-risk 24/7.  The rank stupidity of closing Bagram AB is beyond words.  The best shot of getting Americans out efficiently instead of the nightmare at Kabul, a Taliban controlled airport.  Where the hell was the JCS and SecDef to tell Biden to get his head out of rectal darkness and act like a Commander-in-Chief?

The Taliban is now using our military equipment to kill during their rampage.  Our military bases.  President-Elect Trump said he would have ordered bombing immediately of facilities, our helicopters, planes, tanks and everything else.  Instead, guns and high-power rifles are killing Americans.  And, of course, the mainstay of those savages:  bombs.

The caterwauling for Biden’s impeachment is music to the shadow government’s ear.  There will be no impeachment – even if the cry comes from high-powered Democrats.  Oh, no.  Nor will he be removed under the Twenty-fifth Amendment.  No, no.  What those who control the game will want is a situation that brings sympathy for our poor president under so much pressure.

The long-knives are out.  The prostitute media is in harmony as they have been for decades:  On the nightly news and cable, they ALL use the same words and phrases every night.  Sean Hannity plays montages all the time of the Mockingbird media who all say their lines with a straight face.  Right now they’re shredding Biden.

But, is it swan song time for Joe? Former British PM, Tony Blair (globalist elite player) called Biden’s actions imbecilic.  The dirty cabals only come out this way when it’s time to throw one of their own under the bus.  Biden’s mental absence will be the perfect excuse.  It’s there for all to see.  In Biden’s befuddled mind, he probably believes things are running smoothly.

How they handle it, we shall see.  Biden gives the nation one of the canned scripts about his health, best for the nation if I step down.  I know VP Harris is well qualified and so forth.  Anything to take away the stink of Surrender-in-Chief.

How soon?  I can’t see how much longer Biden can last with Americans screaming over the nightmare going on in Afghanistan as well as the rest of the world.  The Taliban butchers have told old Joe August 31st is the red line and anyone left behind will be at their mercy.  Four days from now.  When we see American women and daughters raped showing up on foreign TV which will get picked up here or American men stripped, beaten, tortured, murdered and dragged through the streets just as Somali butchers did in1995, Joe will be out the door.

U.S Soldier dragged through Mogadishu (Please be warned the photos are extremely graphic and our solider is naked).  His name is U.S. Staff Sgt. William David Cleveland.  This was broadcast all over the world, including here.  Bill Clinton then abandoned the game.  He survived, but I don’t see how Biden can.  He’s always been a stepping stone to get the shadow government’s real choice after Harris.

How the Afghanistan situation blew up the way it did was due to pure incompetence.  The military and State Department should have started pulling all civilians out of Afghanistan six months ago knowing the August 31st deadline would be here sooner rather than later.  It takes a massive amount of time and planning to move so many people and military hardware.  Six months to get all but the last of basic military defense hardware to protect our soldiers until a coordinated departure date.  August 1st would have been good giving maybe a two- week safety net. OUR military bases blown to bits, all aircraft off the ground with the last of our soldiers no later than August 10th.

The long game

The shadow government picks an old man they know will not last long in the WH.  Biden is just another disposable piece of baggage the shadow government knew they could control.  Make sure Biden’s knows neither he or his son will ever be prosecuted for their crimes.

Harris is another bungling, highly disliked, nasty individual by both staff and those who’ve had to interact with her over the decades out in California and now DC.  Moving that whore into the White then leaves us with no VP.  Dementia addled Nancy Pelsoi would not become president.

When this happens, a VP ascending to president nominates their choice for VP.  BOTH chambers of Congress must then confirm by a majority vote that nominee.  If anyone thinks ineligible Ho Harris would be making that pick, they are naïve about how things work in DC and just who pulls the strings.

So, who would that be to replace Harris?  I say replace Harris because she’s just another arse kisser who does what she’s told in exchange for prestige and ego.  No, whoever the nominee is will have to be someone that fits in the long game: 2024.  Someone who would be settled in under Harris for awhile.  Whether she goes in a year or so (God help us) or stays, I don’t know.  But I do know with Donald Trump out there and 80 million angry Republican, Democrat and Independent voters who know they were cheated last November, Harris will not be the Demonrats 2024 selection.

But, who would be the choice?  A man well enough known in America for his name to be recognized.  Someone who promises to bring unity, clean up the mess handed to him.  No one controversial like John Kerry or sodomite Pete Buttigieg.  Perhaps a state governor or sitting U.S. Senator.  Someone who can be confirmed by a majority vote by Congress.

Someone who will step in and continue destroying this country with a smile on his face.  Someone who makes more promises to fight COVID-19.  Someone “well thought of” on the international stage.  Liked by G-7 leaders.  None of this will be acceptable to Americans who are well informed, but it will be to the herds of cattle out there.

For most Democrats, they won’t care as long as that person is for killing babies, supports the agenda of sexual deviants, encourages and welcomes illegal aliens, supports disarming the American people, destroying America by promoting the big hoax called climate change and promising free everything.

The past few days I’ve been thinking about who it would be.  Elizabeth Warren, another proven liar no one wanted for president who has nationwide name recognition? But it won’t be her, too much baggage, or that waste of human skin, socialist Bernie Sanders who isn’t a Democrat (age 79).  So many Democrats in the Senate are getting too old (Feinstein who is 88, Durbin age 76, Leaky Leahy, age 81).  Now, now, I’m 72, but unless the person is exceptionally intelligent and in super good health, there is too old.

Governors:  California – Newsom’s recall is underway.  He will only be saved by vote fraud which is already underway.  No one knows who Democrat governors are for states like Colorado, Kansas or Delaware except the people who live there.  Some of the Democrat tyrant COVID governors like Witless Whitmer, Pritzker and Ralph Northam are out.

Forget Hildebeast Clinton.  She is political Kryptonite.  Ineligible Hussein Obama?  I doubt it.  Living high off the hog (betraying your country pays well), living in multi-million dollar houses and hobnobbing with white elites is more fun than boring meetings in the WH. That thing he’s married to wears the first pair of pants in that house and I doubt Michelle wants to give up her lavish lifestyle to “serve the people of America” for one more minute.

The move against Biden will have to come, I think sooner rather than later.  Leave him in too long and the Democrat/Communist Party USA will lose even more support in those primaries next year.

History is being written in blood.  Blood of innocents. If you watched the superb movie, Thirteen Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi, you will understand what’s going on over there in real time for Americans and our military.  Nothing but horror.

In the meantime, pray for Americans and our military trapped in Afghanistan.  Thousands will likely not be able to get out.  I know private charities and groups (former military) are running “digital” rescue flights to get Americans home using technology to coordinate with those trapped outside the bigger cities, God bless them.

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions.

© 2021 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:


This is beyond outrageous:  ‘KILL LIST’ – Biden Regime Provided Taliban with Names of AMERICANS, Afghan Allies

More Americans Stranded in Afghanistan Than Biden Admin Says And U.S. Can’t Get All of Them

Up to 100 Afghans Seeking Resettlement in U.S. ‘Flagged’ by Terrorism Watch Lists

HORROR! Dead and Injured Lay in Swamp Outside Kabul Airport After Bombings — MASS CASUALTIES

Vladimir Putin Rejects Military Mission into Afghanistan: ‘We Learned Our Lesson’

20 American Students, 16 Parents Stranded in Afghanistan: ‘They Were Not Able to Get to the Airport’

US Embassy Issues Last Alert For US Citizens to Leave Afghanistan Or They’re on Their Own – Then Recalls it 30 Minutes Later

BLOOD ON THE STREETS:  Taliban death squads ‘dragging people from homes & executing them’ in fresh hunt for interpreters who helped US & UK

Taliban Filmed Flying US UH-60A+Blackhawk Helicopters Left Behind in Afghanistan by Joe Biden — VIDEO

America Has Lost its Moral Compass

By Cliff Kincaid

The disgraced former CIA director David Petraeus, once called “America’s greatest living general,” is lecturing America that we didn’t try hard enough at building a democratic Muslim nation in Afghanistan. This retired General cheated on his wife with his biographer, as he bungled the military operation in Afghanistan and then took over Obama’s CIA.

The Wall Street Journal devotes a whole story to the self-righteous ramblings of this man who disgraced the uniform and betrayed his wife but then built a lucrative career in the financial and high-tech world.

The Wall Street Journal story has these headlines: “David Petraeus Reflects on the Afghan Debacle. He offers unsparing words about Trump and Biden, a defense of nation-building, and he says U.S. soldiers may have to re-enter Kabul in force to rescue Americans.”

His role as commander of forces in Afghanistan is just as disgraceful as his personal life.

Under the headline, “China is Big Winner in Afghanistan,” Peter Flaherty of the National Legal and Policy Center notes that with the Taliban takeover and the terror group’s ties to Beijing, China will dominate the economy.  “Afghanistan has significant mineral resources, including rare earth elements, which are increasingly under Chinese control worldwide,” he points out.

But another outcome is China’s control of a narco-state.

The Afghan Army praised by Petraeus developed a reputation as the “Hashish Army,”as many in the Afghan army and police forces were taking drugs and engaging in pedophilia. A Journal article from 2010 noted, “Use of marijuana, opium and heroin among Afghan troops, even while on patrol, is just one of the challenges coalition forces face in working with the Afghan National Army…” A 2013 documentary,  “This is What Winning Looks Like,” showed Afghan soldiers using drugs as evidence surfaced of Afghan police commanders sexually abusing young boys.

The Commander of U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan (2010–11), Petraeus was not asked by the Journal writer about the use of drugs by the Afghan forces. Instead, he predicts a Taliban regime will use drug money to help finance its national budget. This is undoubtedly true. But part of his job was stopping this.

A 2016 report, “The War on Drugs in Afghanistan: Another Failed Experiment with Interdiction,” found that General David Petraeus and General Stanley McChrystal “became the centerpiece of newly elected President Barack Obama’s renewed counterinsurgency strategy in Afghanistan,” combined with the “troop surge” beginning in 2009, that was intended “to encourage provincial governors to provide local farmers with economic alternatives to opium cultivation.” The billions of dollars were wasted, as “poppy cultivation continued to rise.” The money was used to produce additional opium, with “the opium economy” getting “stronger and more concentrated in Taliban hands than at any time before or during the invasion.”

Analyst Vanda Felbab-Brown had predicted last October that, with the possible collapse of the Afghan state, “The drug economy will become further entrenched.” She added, “Most counter narcotics measures adopted since 2001 have been ineffective or outright counterproductive economically, politically, and with respect to counterinsurgency and stabilization efforts.”

Now, with China taking over the country, including the drug trade, it will be able to supply addicts with more lethal heroin, to complement the fentanyl the communists are providing to Mexican cartels, for shipment to the United States. At the same time, the Chinese will get richer as they dominate the rare earth metals market.

These failures didn’t cost Petraeus his job, even though by his own admission he had lost his “moral compass” through an adulterous affair.

Apparently, however, none of his personal failings are considered to have tainted his advice on how to run the world. Hence, the Wall Street Journal gives us his “reflections” on how Afghanistan went down the drain, under his leadership and others.

At the time the scandal broke, I covered it, noting that the CIA director was caught leaking classified information to his mistress, Paula Broadwell, who served in the United States Army and the United States Army Reserve. It was one of the worst scandals of the Obama Administration. He turned over his “Black Books,” containing national defense information, including Top Secret//SCI and code word information, to his biographer, in order to write and publish, All In: The Education of General David Petraeus.

Petraeus lied about this to the FBI. He was sentenced to two years’ probation and a $100,000 fine. His mistress was demoted from lieutenant colonel to major after the affair,lost her top-secret security clearance and received a formal reprimand.

All of this is now forgotten. “In a Zoom interview,” reported Journal writer Tunku Varadarajan, “I ask Mr. Petraeus, 68, what effect the ignominious withdrawal will have on military morale.” His answer was, in part: “I think—particularly for those who served there—that it is very sad. It is heartbreaking. It is tragic. And I think it is disastrous.”

What about the effect on morale of a retired general cheating on his wife and leaking classified information and still being treated as a respected commander? He avoided prison time through a political plea deal. He could have been charged with lying to the FBI and violating the Espionage Act.

Rather than being prosecuted for a felony, he went on to establish the KKR Global Institute, described as “an integral part of the KKR investment process — working in partnership with KKR deal teams, portfolio companies, and limited partners to help enable smarter investing through a better understanding of the world.” KKR is a private-equity firm.

Not only that, but he became “a member of the boards of directors of Optiv and OneStream, a venture investor in some 20 startups, and engaged in a variety of academic endeavors,” his bio says. Optiv is a cyber security solutions provider while OneStream is a software company.

He is a member in good standing of the Trilateral Commission.

It appears he bounced back as a member in good standing of the military-industrial complex.

The Petraeus bio notes trivia, such as that he threw out the first pitch of a World Series game and did the coin toss for a Super Bowl but carefully avoid his admitted loss of a moral compass.

It looks like the Afghan operation lost a moral compass, too.

Perhaps, before we do more nation-building abroad, we ought to do more nation-building at home.If we don’t find our moral compass, we are doomed.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

Does Trump Even Have A Plan?

By Lex Greene

As of this morning, 295 days have passed since the November 3, 2020 elections which resulted in an overt global Marxist overthrow of the USA via the most blatant election fraud in the entire history of elections, worldwide. Millions have been spent to uncover hard evidence to support the claims that as many as fifteen-million ballots were illegally cast or counted across the country… but to what end?

Trump remains the most popular man in America, drawing tens of thousands of hardcore supporters at every rally. But at his last rally in Alabama, the Trump crowd erupted in “FIX IT NOW – FIX IT NOW – FIX IT NOW” at the mere mention of 2022 and 2024 elections, uttered in error by Congressman Brooks.

More than 45,000 Trump fans objected to any notion that anyone should have to wait for another fraudulent election cycle in 2022 or 2024, with so much hard public evidence of a blatantly fraudulent 2020 election. The crowd knew better, even if Brooks and Trump didn’t.

Do these cowardly Republicans really think we will ever have a legitimate election in this country again, when there are NO CONSEQUENCES for the theft of our nation that took place on November 3, 2020?

What is the purpose of exposing all of the 2020 election fraud, if no one including Trump, is going to do anything real about it? What’s the purpose of these rallies, widely supported by angry Americans from every race, creed, religion and political stripe and every walk of life, if the rallies are not intended to right the blatant wrongs in this country?In other words, FIX IT NOW!

And why is Trump still patting himself on the back, taking full credit for creating the deadliest mRNA gene therapy experiment in world history, responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths and “super-spreaders” all over the world? Doesn’t Trump even know that “his vaccines” aren’t even real vaccines, or how many have died or been permanently injured by the mRNA human experiment? Does he not know that over 332-million Americans are mere lab rats for Dr. Fauci’s highly profitable mad science?

The world has watched the fraudulent Biden regime totally destroy the USA for seven months now, driving the nation to trillions more in debt, stranding U.S. Citizens in Afghanistan while turning that country and billions in U.S. Military arms over to the Taliban to use against our own people, while continuing to threaten every American man, woman, and child with deadly “vaccines,” masks, more lockdowns, segregation, intimidation, and forced medical procedures against people’s will.

Does Trump really have a legitimate plan for STOPPING THIS INSANITY? Or is he just another politician now, supporting all of the same things coming from Marxist democrats and their media, while conning his supporters out of more wasted money to elect more worthless Republicans in the next fraudulent elections?

The people are rising up all over the country. Doctors and nurses are leaving the profession to avoid forced deadly mRNA experimental injections. Parents are raising holy hell against “unlawful and unconstitutional medical mandates” in school board meetings all across the country. Where is any “leader” to stand up for them and with them, to begin righting all of the many wrongs in our country today?

Over 80-million Americans thought Trump was that leader… but is he?

At this moment, it appears that Trump is doing nothing more than holding rallies to raise money for the same Republicans in D.C. who have refused to STAND UP with the people against all of the evils currently destroying our country and the future of freedom and liberty everywhere…

The crowd in Alabama was right! We the People must “FIX IT NOW – FIX IT NOW – FIX IT NOW” with or without Trump or any other spineless Republican politician.

Here we are, facing pure evil all day every day on every front… and so far, no one is standing up to fight for the people to end this madness, not even Trump.

No excuses! Leaders LEAD, they don’t make excuses!

Life and Liberty for all current and future generations, hangs in the balance. Hope isn’t a strategy, and neither is waiting for or funding yet another fraudulent election. We either STAND TOGETHER NOW or openly admit that we are surrendering our country and the future of freedom, liberty, and real elections from now on.

Who is responsible for all of the “medical mandates?”

The answer is – whoever issues the medical mandate and whoever chooses to enforce those mandates.

The Federal Government has not issued any such mandates, because they know it is unlawful and unconstitutional for anyone to do so. Every employer, school district, public or private transportation, college or university, business, store, facility open to the public, and even professional sport leagues. If they issue the “medical mandate,” they are responsible for anything and everything that happens as a result of their mandates, PERIOD!

This is going to be “trip and fall” lawyer’s fantasy… Billions will change hands in thousands of lawsuits. Everyone issuing and enforcing “medical mandates” is legally liable for their actions, whether they know it or not.

Is Trump going to lead, or is he just going to keep following the enemy?

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lex Greene:

Our Leaders Have Lost Their Cotton Pickin’ Minds

By Frosty Wooldridge

Each night, we American citizens sit on our couches or kitchen table chairs to watch the insanity of what’s happening to our troops in Afghanistan.  Furthermore, we’re watching an invasion of our southern borders.  We’re watching our country be conquered by the hands of our elected leaders.

Biden, who stands eyeball deep in intellectual dementia or some form of Alzheimer’s Disease, cannot and will not make a convincing sentence or address to the American people.

His handlers won’t tell us the truth that he lacks the mental acuity to lead this country.  The generals show themselves to be incapacitated by their own incompetence.

The liberal news ‘hides’ all that transpires, all that maintains utmost secrecy and all that should be the facts.

If you have read Orwell’s 1984, or Catch 22, or Fahrenheit 451, you realize that we are being led by a pack of people who have reached their Peter Principle zenith.

Who pays?  Every soldier stuck over there in that goat-herder nation that is now dictating to us exactly what we must do to save some of our military people.  Then, they will imprison the rest for ransoms into the billions of dollars.  Imagine that! Imagine that we have elected fools, liars and cheats into the highest positions in the land.

General Milly or whatever his name is, stands out there with four stars of a general.  He couldn’t command a troop of boy scouts.

We’ve got Jen Psaki standing out in front of the cameras every day, pretending that she knows what she’s talking about, but she doesn’t have a clue as to what’s really going on. In fact, she learns more on CNN and Tucker Carlson with Lara Logan than she knows from her hideout in the White House.

What’s going to happen?  It’s called the “Darwin Solution.”  That means that they control us in Afghanistan, and we bow to them because they have all the power, all the brute force and all the weapons to make us crawl out of there like a dog that’s just been beaten in a fight.

Who did this to us?  For starters, G.W. Bush and Dick Cheney.  Then, Bill Clinton continued the farce.  After him, Obama bounced across the stage as if he knew what he was doing.  He didn’t.  Later, Trump got talked out of leaving that God forsaken country because the Military Industrial Complex boys wanted to keep making money.

In my lifetime, the big military boys and bankers have  kept us in useless wars in Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm, Iraq and Afghanistan.  All for what? All for money.

We’ve killed countless millions of people…all for what? All for money.

We really need to look at our national moral and spiritual stance in the world.  This warlike behavior MUST stop with us.  There’s got to be a better way to stop the fraud of insider trading of Defense Contracts by people like Nancy Pelosi, Schumer and hundreds of career, corrupt, criminal politicians.

We’ve GOT to pass Term Limits to bring some kind of sanity to our own government.  I am sick and tired of seeing such thieves continue for 30 and 40 years in Washington DC.

Finally, those people are out of their cotton pickin’ minds.  We must  do something to stop them.  We need our borders and we need our laws and we need to stop the invasion from the south and we MUST never get into a stupid foreign war in an INSANE Muslim land.

Does that make sense to you?

Is anyone in America thinking about these questions?  Are we not galloping into America’s twilight years?

If you would like a free electronic copy of this book, please email me with your email address and I will send it to you.  Every American with children or any American who will live in this country in 2050, needs to understand what they face.

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121.

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

This video will scare the daylights out of every American as to what’s coming to our country, US Citizenship Act 2021 by Joe Biden.

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Look At Us Now

by Lee Duigon

I don’t think America has been in this bad shape since the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor.

Look at us. Chased out of Afghanistan, after 20 years of wasting blood and treasure there, by a lot of medieval misfits—who are now armed to the teeth with the modern weapons we left behind when we skedaddled. Chased out like naughty children caught trying to break into an electronics store. Tail between our legs.

We had just about achieved energy independence, but the Biden regime threw that away by shutting down the Keystone Pipeline. “Please, Mr. OPEC! Please sell us some oil!” Just plain threw it away.

Our southern border—look at that. Ruptured. Torn wide open. Millions of illegal aliens from all over the world swarming into our country. How many of them are carrying the COVID germ? We don’t know! We never checked. Are any of them terrorists? We don’t know! We never checked. They just swarm across the border, every one of them breaking our laws—and our alleged government chauffeurs them all over the country. “Settle down and get free stuff!”

And just as bad as all this, we have comments and suggestions from our ruling class that once upon a time would never have been spoken anywhere in America. These politicians, appointees, opinion shapers, TV noozies, “entertainers” (whom do they actually entertain?), and academic twaddlers are so alienated, so estranged, from the American people, and from American life and traditions, that they might as well be space aliens.

Back in March we had a former Dept. of Justice prosecutor proposing something called “The Democracy Pledge.” As he explained it, “Every business in America must sign a pledge that the election of Joseph Biden was free and fair and produced accurate, reliable results”. Wow. Must sign a pledge. How did creatures like this ever wind up in our government?

A week ago it was a former NSA director—once the CIA director, too—saying he’d like to deport Trump supporters to Afghanistan. What—all 75 million of us? I thought the NSA was supposed to protect us from communists. But it looks like they’re the commies now.

A few days ago, a “teacher” in Washington fell “under investigation” for comments she made on Facebook… to the effect that she wished people who chose not to get the COVID vaccine would die. Comments like this one: “If we’re lucky we can cut out 30% of the population that votes the wrong way”. And you send your kids to public school to be “taught” by these wackos because…?

Oh! And CNN’s gasbag Don Lemon has said, on the air, that “the unvaccinated”—here we go, a whole new category of suddenly second-class citizens—should not be allowed to buy food, or to work. That’ll learn us.

Do you get the impression our ruling class doesn’t like us? Not that a republic, like ours is by law, ought to be saddled with a ruling class at all. But these characters who lord it over us really do seem to despise us, and talk like nothing would please them more than to turn America into Third World chamber-pot—with themselves on thrones.

All of this mess—Afghanistan, the border, the inflation—was easily avoidable! It was never carved in stone. But after that travesty of a 2020 election, we had Democrats in charge of everything. They made these messes! Who made them throw open the border? Who made them shut off the pipeline? Who made them initiate spending bills that would horrify any sane person? And who allowed the disengagement from Afghanistan to turn into a panic? Good lord, we left our bases and our weapons for the Taliban to pick up from the ground—modernize your army at no cost to anyone but the American taxpayer. A Roman emperor would have executed any general who left an intact fort full of weapons to the enemy.

Our generals will get promoted for it.

Some citizens expect to rectify the situation in the 2022 elections.

I’m not sure we’ll last that long.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and stop in for a visit—while it’s still allowed. My articles can also be seen at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon:

Politics as Religion

By Sidney Secular

The cultural Marxists have appropriated the values of Christianity to suit their own purposes. This is an effective strategy since the ethos of Christianity is still prevalent, albeit losing its special character.and adulterated with leftist sentiments.

Modern-day politics are polarizing to the point where political religions are created that become polar opposites and strongly oppositional to one another. The left develops grand plans to transform society into new sacred orders unrelated to how humans have lived successfully heretofore. People become divided between the righteous and the right-wing(the evil ones) on whether those accustomed to stability and satisfaction with the Historic American Nation are willing to conform to or accept the new transformational visions. Differences in opinions and values, and especially differences from “their” opinions and values become heretical, the offensive become offended, and the offensive call for suppression of “offensive” viewpoints.

Failure to conform becomes a rejection of the search for the “Good”, and the new dispensation represents the way of the new “Good”. The priesthoods and hoodwinkers of the erstwhile political religions demand damnation of those who express unsanctioned views who are deemed heretics and morally wicked–on the contemporary scene these are not contretemps. The morally wicked and heretical are stereotypically deemed evil “racists”, “white supremacists”, “homophobes”, or some newly generated term au courant or du jour, or who are partial to the outdated patriarchy controlled by evil white men. This nexus of politics and religion is especially distressing and depressing because in the West the anti-white politics and preaching become a religious crusade and all its adherents become offensive crusaders.or inquisitors.

Despite their atheistic or pantheistic denigration of Christianity, the ideologies of the left, like Communism or wokeism recycle Christian elements or themes, which even in their denatured or mangled state are still recognizable in terms of their source. Even Christian confessionals become infused with discussions over political ideology. All the leftist ideologies adapt the Christian .principle of saving and serving the poor to serving primarily non-American or primarily un-American illegal aliens and refugees, assisting allegedly downtrodden minorities in obtaining contrived “social justice” or special privileges, all the while and for the most part ignoring America’s poor whites. Adding insult to injury, foreign aid is earmarked for the poor or the ostracized “of color” in other countries, which is unconstitutional and is a wasteful project since more often than not the assistance does not reach the intended parties and just enriches the foreign oppressors..

Any study of political religion or politics as religion would be incomplete without examining its specifically American manifestation which may be characterized as civil religion. This feature of American life was at one time a celebration of our political and cultural leadership of high moral character. but it now denigrates all white leaders of former days no matter their worthiness, and now celebrates progressive heroes exclusively. Managerial government comes in for special adulation. Thus, there are special places in the American pantheon for Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Delano Roosevelt who were pioneers in building the American administrative state. The heroes of America’s changing civil religion are revolutionaries important for their contributions in moving the country towards socialism.

The centrality and deification of Lincoln in America’s civil religion is far from an accident or the result of the sense of overwhelming sorrow over his assassination. Lincoln was an unabashed centralizer who bashed and greatly diminished states’ his greatest legacy. He characterized America as the world’s best hope and his forcing the South back into the Union presaged the transition of America from a republic to an empire. The building up of his persona and supposed accomplishment has been useful in expanding the managerial regime and justifying foreign wars. The Presidency of Woodrow Wilson saw the establishment of a new religion embodied in the “Crusade for Democracy” and its attempted spread through The League of Nations. The left uses continuous indoctrination, a fixation of most of Christianity, to control or change society. They do not intend to relax their work until every mind has been reshaped.

Unlike the right, the left has been able to harness moral guilt on behalf of its transformative vision. Even more significantly, it has weaponized hatred by recasting it as moral indignation in the face of injustice, prejudice or intolerance.

The left seems to easily maneuver its wannabe opposition into becoming a pale imitation of itself. This is illustrated by the conservative establishment’s borrowing of the left’s rhetoric and reacting to the left’s thrusts by trying to parry them, but only winding up parroting them.

The left has captured the moral high ground and can utilize this advantageous position on the battlefield of ideas.

Thus, the left is on track in undoing human history and even human nature. It operates like a runaway train. Conceding any ground to it will only speed up its forward momentum. You have to fight fire with fire. Only a moral counter-force that can mobilize momentous power can halt its advance. The other choice is to get out of its way by separating or seceding from it and letting it destroy itself.

Misrepresenting reality, stealing elections, and allowing alleged “right-wing extremists” to rot in jail and other outrages are deemed acceptable since the ends justify whatever means are employed to usher in a pollyanna-like prejudice-free golden age where everyone lives happily ever after. Only the hapless could believe such leftist fairy tales. This apparition is dangled before the eyes of the deluded as opposition is driven out of the public square and into fearful silence.

Exposing the left’s fallacies, dastardly deeds and double standards.are of no import once the “right” has been cast successfully as the “bad guys”. Once again, only an opposing ideology possessing great moral and compelling force can hope to turn the tide. The conservative establishment cannot just claim that we’ve already adopted the left’s egalitarian values, so let’s stop there before we reach “socialism”. Without realizing it, we’ve already fully adopted socialism. All it takes is for a police state to enforce it and we’re well on the way towards that inevitability. We have bought into the left’s value system. Religion is a necessary facet of civilization and right now we’re stuck with the left’s religion masquerading as politics overcoming true our guiding force.

© 2021 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Sidney Secular:

Why Do The French, Germans, English, Etc. Act More Like Children Of Our Forefathers Than Most Americans?

By Bradlee Dean

“Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God!”

Yesterday, while doing the radio show, I found myself asking the question to 153 cities why it is that the French, the Germans and the English know how to act more like our forefathers than most Americans do?

[Rumble Video]

Why is it, friends, that the U.K., the Netherlands, Japan, Israel, Australia, Amsterdam, Israel, Austria, Belgium, etc. are up in arms and in defiance against the tyrants in their perspective countries and yet, Americans are trying to still figure out if they are being lied to by the same people that have been lying to them for decades (John 8:44)? Shameful (Jeremiah 6:15)!

[Rumble Video]

[Brighteon Video]

[Brighteon Video]

Americans, let me ask you, what is 75% of the Declaration of Independence entail if not our forefathers teaching all of us the importance of taking responsibility before God, who gave us our rights (“that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights”), in dealing with corruption and establishing “New Government”?

“That whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government.”

[Rumble Video]

Though I prefer reformation and not a revolution, we must understand that what is taking place globally is a provocation of war.

For those that still do not understand what is taking place here in America and globally, let me clarify: the war has already started, and it is long overdue that the people in this country get into that war for the very purpose of ending this criminal conspiracy (Isaiah 28:18).

Americans must take their rightful place (Psalm 33:12) and open their eyes to their own history and stand up and lead the way to freedom (2 Corinthians 3:17).

We must also remember that the ones creating these crises are not the ones doing the fighting (The powers that are tolerated are bribing and extorting politicians to push forth their agendas; Luke 22:48).  They are merely the ones that are doing the lying, the killing and the dividing; and we should all know better than this (John 10:10).

[Rumble Video]

If you want to make America great again, then we are the ones that are responsible to make that happen (1 Timothy 4:16).  We must establish our liberties once again in the ways in which the Lord has commanded through His judgments (Deuteronomy 4:6; Psalm 9:16, 89:14, 97:2; Isaiah 26:9; Jeremiah 9:24).

[Rumble Video]

It is time to lawfully deal with these devilish perpetrators and put an end to their contrived agendas (Jeremiah 11:9).

In doing so, I revert and make reference to that of the U.S. Constitution’s preamble: “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice…,” which, in the end, guards our liberties!

Watch what the mainstream media globally means to censor – As the world is in protest.

© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean:

The Anti-Vaccine “Extremists” Among Us

By Cliff Kincaid

[DISCLAIMER: The opinion in this article is the sole opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

While some fanatics brand coronavirus vaccines as “Mark of the Beast” technology, the Afghan Taliban terrorists see vaccines as a CIA plot. There seems to be some historical evidence for the Taliban view.  Indeed, it was reported that the CIA used a fake vaccination campaign in the hunt for Osama bin Laden.

CIA plots aside, some people in the U.S. see public health measures as an anti-Christ dictatorship in the making in America. Such claims make the “conservative” movement look like a hotbed of lunatics and zealots, much like the Taliban.

In this context, a new advisory issued by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) says “extremists may seek to exploit the emergence of COVID-19 variants by viewing the potential re-establishment of public health restrictions across the United States as a rationale to conduct attacks.”

I am normally skeptical of such declarations. But I am starting to fear for the doctors and nurses distributing the vaccines, as one of the most conservative Republican governors in the United States, Bill Lee of Tennessee,is now being accused of issuing an executive order allowing the construction of FEMA quarantine camps for those who refuse to get vaccinated.

One “popular” commentator issued a “Red Alert” that “Covid internment camps” are being planned in Tennessee.

Sounding increasingly desperate and hysterical, some conservative commentators are trashing masks as “face diapers” and smearing proponents of their use as “mask Nazis.” Former Congressman Ron Paul refers to “needle fascism.”

I support the vaccines but oppose a mandatory vaccination program.

What’s happening in Tennessee and other states is that there is a surge in cases driven by the more infectious Delta variant of the China virus. Hospitals in America have had to increase the number of beds for patients with the coronavirus disease. None of this is fascism. It is a logical response to a dangerous China virus.

According to Epoch Times, an anti-communist newspaper, the number of U.S.confirmed China virus cases is 38,430,571, deaths: 644,619, and recovered: 30,453,536.

The exercise of state “police powers” is a legitimate topic of concern and debate. Rational critics of COVID mandates have to be heard.

But the claims made about Tennessee’s conservative governor are ridiculous on their face.

The “Health Ranger” declared in a message, “Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee signed Executive Order 83, which authorizes National Guard and State Guard troops to break into peoples’ homes, kidnap them at gunpoint, and take them to covid internment camps, all without any due process or respect for civil rights.”

But wait – there’s more. “Individuals can be targeted for this medical kidnapping by armed troops via ‘telephone assessments,’ and the medical kidnapping of American citizens is being labeled ‘involuntary commitment’ to ‘temporary quarantine and isolation facilities.’”

All of this sounds ominous. But the local newspaper The Tennessean reports that Brent Easley, Lee’s legislative director, outlined several of the false claims:

  • The EO creates “quarantine camps” – FALSE
  • Tennesseans serving in the National Guard will be used to round up citizens that are unvaccinated and take them to locations to be quarantined or vaccinated – FALSE
  • Tennesseans serving in the National Guard will be coming to forcibly vaccinate citizens in their homes – FALSE – This is specifically prohibited by state law as well.
  • This executive order is laying the groundwork for permanent lockdowns – FALSE
  • That Covid-19 vaccines are being given to livestock so it will enter the food supply to vaccinate citizens through their meat consumption – FALSE.

The alleged “kidnappings” turn out to be telephone assessments for COVID-19 patients having a mental breakdown. The intention is to get them into a hospital so they can be helped out of their suffering and misery.

Laine Arnold, Lee’s communications director, said in a statement to Newsweek that, “The recent EO temporarily deregulates certain requirements for hospitals like what spaces can be used to treat individuals seeking care, assistance to help with staffing shortages, etc.”

“They are the exact same provisions that have been enacted previously when hospitals were facing strain,” Arnold added. “It only pertains to hospital operations.”

The Newsweek story was about Tennessee pastor Greg Locke pushing claims that the executive order from the Tennessee governor authorizes “camps” for those unvaccinated.

Locke has used the “Mark of the Beast” claim in regard to the virus, saying,  “One day they will drop the ’S’ in mask and add an ‘R’.”

In truth, military involvement in the response to the virus began under Trump. When the China virus began spreading in the U.S., Trump provided federal support for governors to use the National Guard to respond to the disease and care for victims.

Trump’s memorandum authorized “the full capacity and capability of the Federal Government to protect and support our families, schools, and businesses, and to assist State, local, Tribal, and territorial governments to do the same, to the extent authorized by law.”

Trump also deployed military hospital ships to care for the victims of the China virus.

He named Army Gen. Gustave F. Perna as chief operating officer of Operation Warp Speed. Admiral Brett Giroir, former assistant health secretary under President Trump, was put in charge of coronavirus testing.

Tennessee Governor Lee is one of the most conservative governors in the United States and has been concerned about the impact of the virus as well as the open southern border, calling it a national security crisis.  A local TV station reported that he visited the U.S. Southern border “to meet with Tennessee National Guards troops and receive briefings on the rate of illegal crossings and criminal activities.”

A press release from the governor’s office noted that Tennessee Adjutant General Jeff Holmes and Governor Lee participated in a series of briefings “regarding illegal crossings with origins from 56 countries, drug seizures and other exploitive crimes like human trafficking.”

A survey by ARW Strategies found that 85% of Republican primary voters have a favorable opinion of Lee, while 86% approve of the job he’s done as governor.

What irritates Pastor Locke is Lee’s promotion of vaccines. Locke told his congregation “do not get vaccinated” and appeared with My Pillow’s Mike Lindell at a recent “Great Revival” event.

A Nashville, Tennessee, conservative radio host, Phil Valentine, didn’t think he needed a vaccine. He got COVID and ended up in a hospital fighting for his life.  He needed his own “great revival.” But he died on Saturday.

If he had lived, his brother had said, Phil was going to be the “most pro-vaccine person you’ve ever seen,” a local TV station reported.

Former President Trump was booed by some of his own supporters on Saturday night, during his Alabama rally, when he said he recommends taking the vaccines.

In response to my endorsement of the Trump WARP Speed Vaccines, I received a message about the Mark of the Beast and this question: “so who’s paying you to lie to the American Christians?”

For the record, I have been a professional journalist for 40 years, pursuing the truth and correcting Big Media for omissions, distortions, and inaccuracies.

I pray that those opposing the vaccines don’t end up like Phil Valentine.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival,

“Your Papers Please” Is Only the Beginning

By Kelleigh Nelson

I’m well aware of the global crimes against humanity being perpetrated against a large proportion of the world’s population…. I have absolutely no doubt that we are in the presence of evil…and dangerous products [the gene-based vaccines]. —Dr. Michael Yeadon, Pfizer’s former Vice President and Chief Science Officer

Natural immunity is the best of all forms of immunity.  —Dr. Peter McCullough

We do know that COVID-recovered patients have a higher side effect rate when they do get needlessly vaccinated. —Dr. Peter A. McCullough

All propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself to the comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach.  —Adolf Hitler

Socialized medicine is the keystone to the arch of a socialized state.  —Vladimir Lenin

In a recent article, I linked to the video, “Stop the Shot…The Rest of the Story,” which  featured top physicians, scientists and attorneys.  At the close of the program, Dr. Michael Yeadon, former VP and Chief Scientist at Pfizer, voiced salient remarks we all need to act upon to save ourselves and our nation.

He tells us not to be frightened of the virus because we have excellent safe and inexpensive treatments.  The risk is exaggerated.  Stop being scared.  The lockdowns, masks, business closers and forced vaccines are not sensible.

There is no sense in what our government is doing, but it is frightening.  As attorneys Tom Renz and Reiner Fuellmich said, “You’ve got to object.”  Yeadon tells us we’re in WWIII and there are no allies.  Dr. Simone Gold, head of America’s Frontline Doctors ( says, “You out there are the cavalry, we have to rescue ourselves.”

Yeadon tells us that he read a paper by a psychologist that spelled it out for him…we have to share to get the ball rolling, and you don’t need to be a scientist or give an essay on science, you just need to tell people that things don’t feel right.  Talk to people on the street, your neighbors, your friends.  If you don’t, he says, “Eventually there’ll be a knock on your door and someone will be there saying, ‘You have to be vaccinated.’ And I’m frightened of that.”

Dr. Yeadon is more than right.  I tell this to young people working in the groceries, some look at me like deer caught in the headlights, but others listen and I tell them where to find information.  I sent one clerk to the web for Dr. Ryan Cole’s White Coat Summit 17-minute speech.  We must stop this now!  Speak up and save our country.

Medical Tyranny

Last week Devvy Kidd emailed me that Pfizer’s clot shot will be licensed this week and that means the demand will rise for vaccination to enter stores, go to work, see a movie, have a surgery, or attend a wedding or funeral.  The first thing I heard Monday morning was that the FDA had licensed the Pfizer jab.  This is the end of all medical freedom. “Your papers please,” is only the beginning.  As for the Food and Drug Administration, Devvy’s comments were spot on when she said, “If anyone had any doubts about the FDA being owned by big pharma, this should hammer it home.”

Wayne Allen Root writes, “We have suicide bombers in the White House. We have suicide bombers in our governor’s mansions. Worst of all, we have suicide bombers directing the U.S. economy. Call this suicide by Democrats.”

He’s right, we are headed for disaster, far worse than the Hindenburg and Titanic.  New York City, Los Angeles and San Francisco are all demanding “Your papers please,” to go into any restaurant, bar, nightclub, gym, even retail stores.  I would assume that means groceries as well.  They’ll starve the people who want nothing to do with their medical nihilism.  What’s next?  A patch on clothing that says “unvaxed?”

And yes Wayne, the Democrats are asking for an economic disaster because 50% of Americans refuse the vax. They will stop attending functions, eating out, and spending their money where it counts.  They’re not just morons, they’re Red Fascists.

Leo Hohman’s latest article spells it out.  The Department of Homeland Security has issued a terror alert equating Americans who oppose government COVID restrictions with 9/11 terrorists.

“DHS will continue to identify and evaluate calls for violence, including online activity associated with the spread of disinformation, conspiracy theories, and false narratives, by known or suspected threat actors and provide updated information, as necessary.”

In a help-wanted ad posted to the National Guard’s website it is looking for men and women between the ages of 17 and 35 and in good physical shape to serve in its military police units as internment and resettlement specialists.

The E31 classification jobs will involve working in “Search/Restraint.”

Wake up America!

Following Orders

“I was just following orders” didn’t work for most of the Nazis on trial in Nuremberg, Germany.  Today, America’s medical hierarchy has bypassed the Nuremberg Code of Ethics and all 10 tenets of the Medical Ethics Code as a guide for permitted medical experiments.  America’s fascist propaganda forces millions of citizens to allow the clot shot to be administered in their left arm…close to their hearts.

Most doctors blindly support the recommendations of the American Medical Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics. Doctors are trained in administering vaccines, not in how they are made. There are some doctors who choose to do the research themselves in order to develop an informed opinion on the subject. These doctors who become knowledgeable about vaccines usually become anti-vaccine. A little knowledge goes a long way.

Without a doubt we live in the age of autism,but it is also the age of chronic illness. One in eighty-eight children are diagnosed with autism, while half of all children now struggle with chronic illnesses such as asthma, diabetes, ADHD, etc. The rise in illness correlates with the dramatic increase in vaccines given to newborns and youngsters along with a growing exposure to other toxic chemicals. Learning disabilities are almost all related to a lack of phonics in first and second grade.

God Given Immunity

Dr. Rich Swier wrote a great article entitled, Fact Checking the CDC, a portion of which follows:

The World Health Organization’s (WHO) website on Covid states: Will COVID-19 vaccines provide long-term protection? Because COVID vaccines have only been developed in the past months, it’s too early to know the duration of protection of COVID-19 vaccines. Research is ongoing to answer this question. However, it’s encouraging that available data suggest that most people who recover from COVID-19 develop an immune response that provides at least some period of protection against reinfection – although we’re still learning how strong this protection is, and how long it lasts.

Even WHO doesn’t know if the SARS-COV2 vaccine is effective! 

And why should they?  The “warp speed” development of these jabs guaranteed failure when normal vaccines take years and are thoroughly assessed for safety.  Every mRNA test animal survived until they were again exposed to the virus…then they died of cardiac failure and sepsis.

It wasn’t long ago that WHO admitted COVID is no more dangerous than the common flu.  Biden has stated that the longevity of the first two C-19 jabs failed, so it’s booster time! Big Pharma’s scientists worry this will frighten people away from more COVID jabs. Let’s hope so.

According to a recent article by Stephen Frank, the success rate of the inoculation for just a few months is below 40% and some as low as 11%, but death and side effects certainly aren’t low.  So, guess what?!  The Department of Health and Human Services, in a joint statement with medical and public health experts stated, “For that reason, we conclude that a booster shot will be needed to maximize vaccine-induced protection and prolong its durability.”  My guess is that the inoculated are not dying quickly enough for them, so let’s fill their bodies with more of the spike protein.

Read the entire article, it’s shocking.  Frank tells us that the feds announced that nursing homes must require employees to be vaccinated or they will face losing Medicare and Medicaid funds. And Big Pharma isn’t spending a dime on marketing. Our government, the mainstream media comrades and non-profits are mandating you receive this jab, known to be a failure that has caused thousands of deaths and hundreds of thousands of adverse effects.  But the first booster won’t be enough, a fourth is probably on the way and more.

WHO’s statements regarding natural God-given immunity of recovered C-19 patients were despicable. Is the WHO lying about how long the immunity lasts when you’ve had this virus and recovered?  How long does your immunity last from viruses like measles, mumps, chicken pox, or various influenzas? You are immune for life. That’s the way God made the human body. If C-19 is just another flu, then why wouldn’t we have antibodies for life?  The chicken pox, measles and mumps vaccines are good for life…of course, tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis are required every ten years. Is this continuing propaganda to force the jab?  Dr. Ryan Cole said you are in very big trouble if you had C-19, recovered, and then still took the jab.

Developing immunity is part of God’s plan for His children.  Children should be outside playing, getting dirty, being exposed to all kinds of outside bugs in the air, in the dirt, and from other children. Their immune systems are strengthened by being exposed. Too many of today’s mothers are keeping their children so restricted that they end up being allergic to everything, having asthma, chronic colds, etc. Play outside, build the immunity! The bodies our Creator gave us are utterly amazing.

Why Natural Immunity Is Superior

Speaking with journalist Daniel Horowitz, pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole explained that natural immunity produces broad immunity that can’t be matched by vaccination. Link

“A natural infection induces hundreds upon hundreds of antibodies against all proteins of the virus, including the envelope, the membrane, the nucleocapsid, and the spike. Dozens upon dozens of these antibodies neutralize the virus when encountered again.

“Additionally, because of the immune system exposure to these numerous proteins (epitomes), our T cells mount a robust memory, as well. Our T cells are the ‘marines’ of the immune system and the first line of defense against pathogens. T cell memory to those infected with SARS-CoV-1 is at 17 years and running still.”

In 2020 it was reported that people who had recovered from SARS-CoV, a virus that is genetically closely related to SARS-CoV-2 and belongs to the same viral species, maintained significant levels of neutralizing antibodies at least 17 years after initial infection. This also suggests that long-term natural immunity against SARS-CoV-2 should be expected.

“With vaccination, however, Israeli data suggest that those who were vaccinated early on, in January 2021, are becoming susceptible to the virus, suggesting its efficacy may wane after about six months. Time for boosters!

“This sentiment was echoed by Pfizer’s head of medical research and development, Mikael Dolsten, who said ‘after six months, there may be risk of infection with the expected decline of antibodies.’ Pfizer is seeking emergency use authorization for a third booster dose of its COVID-19 vaccine in the U.S.”

According to Dr. Cole, part of the reason for waning vaccine-induced immunity is because “we mount an antibody response to only the spike and its constituent proteins” and “as the virus preferentially mutates at the spike, these proteins are shaped differently and antibodies can no longer ‘lock and key’ bind to these new shapes.”

COVID Immunity Lasts a Lifetime

It was initially suggested that natural COVID-19 immunity may be short-lived. This was based on early data on SARS-CoV-2, which found that antibody titers declined rapidly in the first months after recovery from COVID-19. According to a team of researchers from the Washington University School of Medicine, however, if you’ve had COVID-19, even a mild case, you’re likely to be immune for life, as is the case with recovery from many infectious agents.

According to senior author of the study Ali Ellebedy, PhD., an associate professor of pathology and immunology at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, “It’s normal for antibody levels to go down after acute infection, but they don’t go down to zero; they plateau.”

The researchers found a biphasic pattern of antibody concentrations against SARS-CoV-2, in which high antibody concentrations were found in the acute immune response that occurred at the time of initial infection. The antibodies declined in the first months after infection, as should be expected, then leveled off to about 10% to 20% of the maximum concentration detected.

When a new infection occurs, cells called “plasma blasts” provide antibodies, but when the virus is cleared, longer lasting memory B cells move in to monitor blood for signs of reinfection. Bone marrow plasma cells (BMPCs) also exist in bones, acting as “persistent and essential sources of protective antibodies.”

Ellebedy even said the protection provided by naturally acquired immunity is likely to continue “indefinitely.” These [BMPC] cells are not dividing. They are quiescent, just sitting in the bone marrow and secreting antibodies. They have been doing that ever since the infection resolved, and they will continue doing that indefinitely.

In another explanation of why antibody levels drop after initial infection — but it’s not an indication of waning immunity — Dr. Cole told Horowitz:

Yes, our antibody levels drop over time, however, scientifically, the memory B cells that make antibodies have been proven to be present in our lymph nodes and bone marrow. They are primed and ready to produce a broad array of antibodies upon viral pre-exposure.

It would be physiologically, energetically impossible to maintain high antibody levels to all the pathogens we are constantly exposed to, and we would look like the ‘swollen Stay-Puff marshmallow man’ of lymph nodes, constantly, if the immune system were required to do that.

Nevertheless, mild COVID-19 induces lasting antibody protection.

Dr. Joseph Mercola concurs and stated, “Once you’ve had COVID, you’re likely protected for life.”

Natural Infection Will Burn Out All Variants

Mainstream media comrades, academia and Big Pharma are refusing to answer questions about natural immunity.  They’re disregarding recovery from C-19 completely.  They’re debunking studies, and torturing numbers to make it seem that immunity in recovered patients won’t last long.  As we’ve seen, this is patently untrue and is part of the mRNA propaganda.

If you choose to get a COVID-19 vaccine, you’re participating in an unprecedented experiment with an unapproved gene therapy, of which the benefits may not outweigh the risks, especially if you’ve already had COVID-19 and are already likely immune. As noted by Horowitz, “Natural infection is the only phenomena that will ultimately burn out all variants, and the entire focus should be on getting seniors and other vulnerable people early treatment the minute they feel symptoms and even a prophylactic regimen of ivermectin when appropriate.”


After filing a lawsuit arguing he obtained “natural immunity” from COVID-19 after being infected with the novel coronavirus, George Mason University granted a professor a medical exemption from its COVID-19 vaccine mandate.

Lawyers for Todd Zywicki, a law professor at the Fairfax, Virginia university, announced the agreement. Zywicki filed affidavits from his doctor stating he has natural immunity from the virus after having fully recovered from COVID-19. And the lawsuit argued there is substantial scientific evidence indicating natural immunity from the virus is stronger than immunity through various vaccines.

Zywicki’s case is a rarity, but should be the most common.

A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit brought by 117 employees at Houston Methodist Hospital who were suing the hospital system over its COVID-19 vaccine requirement. A nursing shortage is planned, they went through treating COVID patients without a vax, and many of them contracted the virus, which is flu type A and/or B, but now a vax is required, so 150 of them either quit or were fired.  Walk outs need to happen.

The judge also denounced the plaintiffs for equating the vaccine mandate to forced experimentation by the Nazis against Jewish people during the Holocaust. “Equating the injection requirement to medical experimentation in concentration camps is reprehensible,” Hughes said. “Nazi doctors conducted medical experiments on victims that caused pain, mutilation, permanent disability, and in many cases, death.”

Sadly, the judge is either part of the depopulation eugenics state or he’s a moron who hasn’t looked at the Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting System.

Deaths and injuries are massive with these inoculations.  Perhaps they should have shown the judge some of the actual side effects of this “experimental” and deadly jab.

Epidermal necrosis resulted after this woman took the jabs.  The photo results are devastating.  Or how about the woman who lost both legs and hands after her second mRNA Pfizer shot…a jab just made legal by the corrupt FDA?

Over 500,000 cases of unbearable side effects from these clot shots are on record, and VAERS is even deleting them.  Deaths from the jabs are rarely reported, but are massive.  Depopulation of the masses by the totalitarian dictators in control of our local, state and federal governments continues with the new false “fear” of variants.

Narrow Immunity with Clot Shot

Meanwhile, Dr. Peter McCullough pointed out that by getting vaccinated, you’re setting yourself up for a very narrow immunity, much unlike the broad naturally acquired immunity that could be easily overwhelmed by a more virulent virus. He stated the following in his interview with Daniel Horowitz:

What I know based on the literature right now is there could be a risk given the narrow spectrum of immunologic coverage … There could be such a narrow immunity that more virulent strain could overwhelm it …

The most recent variant is the Delta variant. That’s the weakest of all the variants and the most easily treatable. But if someone, let’s say a nefarious entity created a more virulent virus, it could easily be designed to scoot past a very narrow immunity that hundreds of millions, if not billions of people, will be keyed to with narrow immunity.

Even President Trump said, “The percentage of Americans with natural immunity from getting COVID-19 is a very powerful vaccine in itself.” So why is he pushing this experimental mRNA vax?  And if he actually took the jab after recovering from COVID, he may not be with us that much longer.


When physicians like Dr. Ryan Cole and Dr. Peter McCullough tell you that your life is shortened if you’ve taken the COVID jab after having recovered from the C-19 flu, you know the powers-that-be are denying the magnificent immunity God gave our bodies.

Vaccine mandates for a flu virus that 99.75% of the infected recover from is nothing more than authoritarian control.  “Your papers please,” is gaining popularity with the totalitarians…and this is only the beginning.

Another Holocaust has just begun, either stand and fight or live on your knees.

© 2021 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

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FDA Caves Under Immense Corruption

By Lex Greene

Just reporting this morning August 23, 2021, “FDA grants full approval to Pfizer/BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine, opening door to more vaccine mandates.” Every awake American was waiting for this shoe to drop. For eight months, millions of Americans had “voluntarily” taken an “unapproved” mRNA experimental injection and thousands have already died or been permanently injured for life. This FDA approval will be used to shift from “voluntary compliance” to “forced inoculations.”

Up until now, no governmental body had any authority to “force” (mandate) vaccinate anyone. It was all allegedly “voluntary” even though the effort to conceal all real related science has been immense, and everything from coercion to bribery was used to gain “voluntary compliance” from people who had no means of providing any “informed consent.”

So, until now, they have worked closely with global Marxist collaborators in BIG Pharma, BIG media, BIG international corporations, universities and even small “Christian colleges” like NO-HOPE COLLEGE in Michigan, to essentially “force vaccinate” via bribes or under threat of lost wages and income, kicked out of classes, and even threat of incarceration in a mental facility for making your own medical decisions.

As I have stated a number of times now in previous columns, NO ONE HAS ANY RIGHT TO FORCE INJECT ANYONE WITH ANYTHING AGAINST THEIR WILL… Not even your own doctor has any such Right. In the end, neither did Dr. Josef Mengele or Dr. Kevorkian.

An FDA approval under extreme duress, does nothing to alter or eliminate this freedom and liberty fact! If you think it’s just another amazing coincidence that Pfizer has the contract to VAX our Military, you’re still kidding yourself!

The Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees every Citizen the Right to be “secure in their person.”Everything in the Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights stands as adopted many years ago. It’s time for Americans Citizens to enforce it all again! It’s a matter of life and liberty!ALL efforts to “force medical mandates” are unlawful and unconstitutional.

It just so happens that Pfizer is the first to be “approved under duress” by the FDA. It also happens that the U.S. Department of Justice hit Pfizer with the biggest Pharma settlement in history back in 2009 for intentionally misleading the public in its advertising. It remains the biggest “health fraud” settlement in history, even today…until the next case involving COVID injections,which even Pfizer’s own CEO hasn’t taken.

Before the CDC started manipulating VAERS Reports to cover up a growing number of deaths occurring “post-vaccine” several weeks ago, more than 53,000 U.S. “post-vaccine” deaths had been reported by attending physicians all across the country. READ THE REPORTS HERE This number is highly likely to eclipse more than 100,000 Americans dead today, following one of the most lethal injections in history, just since January.

Post-vaccine deaths have been happening at a rate much greater than any real COVID19 deaths. But every agency in bed with the Federal Government has worked around the clock to bury these reports and deny that any such deaths have even taken place.

Israel is the most vaccinated country in the world, and they exclusively used the Pfizer vax. Israel is also experiencing the greatest number of post-vaccine deaths and illnesses in the world, as of today.

Israel was the first country in the world to “mass vaccinate” its entire population under a contract signed with Pfizer on January 6, 2021… It’s also the first country experiencing the worst “post-vax” deaths and illnesses in the world, since COVID19 showed up in January of 2020. Israel is on their FOURTH round of Pfizer VAX after none of the previous rounds solved the problem and has made matters much worse.

No matter whose science you choose to follow or, whether or not the FDA approves any of them under extreme duress and massive corruption, the fact remains — NO ONE HAS ANY RIGHT TO FORCE INJECT ANYONE WITH ANYTHING AGAINST THEIR WILL…

If American Citizens no longer have a Right to be “secure in their persons,” (My Body, My Choice), if they no longer have the Right to make their own medical decisions, no longer have the Right to stop anyone from injecting anything into their body against their will — then exactly what Rights do you think you still have?


We either STAND TOGETHER NOW in a nationwide STRIKE FOR FREEDOM and end this madness, or the USA and entire world WILL collapse in just a matter of days or weeks. Don’t say you were not warned!

NO HOPE COLLEGE DICTATES – and there are others

It’s NO COINCIDENCE that NO-HOPE College engaged in “coercion” with a drop dead order for 5PM Friday August 20, 2021 – with the FDA approval set to be announced on Monday August 23, 2021.

It’s especially true in the case of NO-HOPE College, as William Vanderbilt is reportedly set to take a new position working directly with the Biden regime.

We either STAND TOGETHER or FALL TOGETHER, RIGHT NOW! Choose carefully and quickly!

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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The Origin of Covid-19–Updated, Part 4

by Dennis Cuddy, Ph.D.

In part of my 2006 series on population control (, I state that on March 20, 1969, Dr. Lawrence Dunegan attended a meeting of pediatric physicians in Pittsburgh where the speaker was Dr. Richard Day, national medical director of Planned Parenthood (1965-1968), and Dr. Dunegan recounted that Dr. Day said in the future there will be hard-to-cure diseases created, among other things that have all come true. Then on July 1, 1970 Senate Appropriations Committee hearings were held for the Department of Defense and refer to eminent biologists who believe that within 5 to 10 years it would be possible to produce a synthetic biological agent (infective micro-organism), an agent that does not naturally exist and for which no natural immunity could have been acquired. Tentative plans to initiate a program to develop such an agent were discussed….Hearings in the British House of Commons from April 8 to May 13, 1987 regarding AIDS included the following: “Every biological scientist who has dispassionately studied the virus and the epidemic knows that the origins of the virus could lie in the developments of modern biology….Some who know perfectly well what has happened are deliberately fudging scientific data to keep the heat off them and fellow members of their molecular biological ‘club’.”    An example of what the Power Elite thinks about us is reflected by what Henry Kissinger once said about military men when he called them “stupid, dumb animals to be used” as pawns in foreign policy.

Recently, Stephen Mosher of the Population Research Institute wrote “Here’s all the proof Biden needs to conclude COVID-19 was leaked from a lab” (NEW YORK POST, July 24, 2021). In the article, Mosher, who was among the first to question China’s original cover story (see “Don’t buy China’s story: The coronavirus may have leaked from a lab,” NEW YORK POST, February 22, 2020), he reminded people that on May 26, President Biden “ordered” our spy agencies to conduct an investigation into the origins of Covid-19, which “as it happens was the very same day we learned that, a few weeks earlier, Biden had secretly canceled an investigation launched by the Trump administration into exactly the same question.” Remember that Biden’s campaign manager and top White House advisor is Anita Dunn, who said former Communist Chinese dictator and mass murderer Mao Zedong is her “favorite political philosopher.”

Mosher points out that the Chinese authorities “ordered all of the early samples of the coronavirus collected by private and university labs in China—vital for tracing the origin and early spread of the disease—to be destroyed.” Facebook moved to suppress his information as “False,” and the mainstream media called him a “conspiracy theorist.” Remember that in Part 3 of my series on the origins of Covid-19,, I wrote that “at 12:43pm on February 6, 2020, Peter Daszak ((CEO of EcoHealth Alliance) sent a draft statement to Ralph Baric (head of UNC’s Bioscience Lab Level-3) and others, which was published on February 19 declaring discussion of a lab leak a conspiracy theory, and suppressing public debate on the origins of Covid-19….At 3:16pm on February 6, Daszak sent a highly important email to Baric informing him the statement will be “put out in a way that doesn’t link it back to our collaboration.”

Stephen Mosher in his article then explained that “China locked down the Wuhan lab, and the U.S. virology establishment closed ranks, both denying gain-of-function research—or a Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) bioweapons program—had anything to do with the pandemic.” Mosher goes on to say that “as China defector Dr. Yan Limeng has taught us, the PLA itself isolated the original bat coronavirus that served as the ‘backbone’ or ‘template’ for CoV-2. Additional genetic material was then spliced into this virus to make it more infectious and deadly to humans. This is not speculation. Those doing the splicing left ‘signatures’ behind in the genome itself. To boost a virus’ lethality, for example, those doing gain-of-function research customarily insert a snippet of RNA that codes for 2 arginine amino acids. This snippet—called double CGG—has never been found in any other coronaviruses, but is present in CoV-2….What we do know, as former Deputy National Security Advisor Matthew Pottinger pointed out in a February interview, is that the PLA had been ‘doing secret classified animal experiments in that same laboratory (Wuhan Institute of Virology) as early as 2017. While the Wuhan lab poses as a ‘civilian institution,’ Pottinger said, U.S. intelligence has determined that the lab has collaborated with China’s military on publications and secret bioweapons projects.”

Mosher then refers to the 261-page military document I mentioned in Part 1 (June 29, 2021) of my series on this subject, which begins with my March 2, 2020 email to ABC News about the origin of Covid-19. He says, “Chinese military scientists have been focused on what they called the ‘new era of genetic bioweapons’ since at least 2015. In the document, they begin by asserting that World War III would be fought with biological weapons, and go on to describe how viruses can be collected from nature and ‘artificially manipulated into an emerging human disease virus, then weaponized and unleashed.’ Sound familiar?…Peter Jennings, the executive director of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, said the new document ‘clearly shows that Chinese scientists were thinking about military application for different strains of the coronavirus and thinking about how it could be deployed….The document, he went on to say, is the closest thing to a ‘smoking gun as we’ve got.'”

So what’s next? According to Lee Brown’s “Wuhan’s ‘bat woman’ virologist warns more COVID mutations are coming” (THE NEW YORK POST, August 6, 2021), Dr. Shi Zhengli said this week, “As the number of infected cases has just become too big, this allowed the novel coronavirus more opportunities to mutate and select. New variants will continue to emerge.” In addition, Michael Osterholm, head of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, recently told NEWSWEEK that Delta and Delta+ could soon be followed by a so-called “Delta on steroids” ! Is this how the Power Elite plans to greatly reduce the world’s population as they have desired?!  Already, 50% of those becoming infected with the Covid-19 Delta variant in Israel were fully vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine, and the same thing will probably happen in the U.S.

The CDC’s attitude apparently is “It can’t hurt us,” as on August 11, CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky sent out a press release urging pregnant women to be vaccinated, claiming the m(messaging)RNA vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna) “are safe and effective,” resulting only in about a 1 in 6 miscarriages in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy. If you want to see all the potential problems from the mRNA vaccines, look at “Worse Than the Disease? Reviewing Some Possible Unintended Consequences of the mRNA Vaccines Against COVID-19” by Stephanie Seneff and Greg Nigh (INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF VACCINE THEORY, PRACTICE, AND RESEARCH, May 10, 2021).

And now, President Biden wants employers to require employees to take the vaccine.   Does that mean if one refuses to be vaccinated, one will not be employed and make money to pay for food?  And without food to eat, what happens to the unvaccinated?

© 2021 Dennis Cuddy – All Rights Reserved

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The Quagmire In Afghanistan And At The Border

By Frosty Wooldridge

On February 23, 1945, U.S. Marines planted Old Glory on Mt. Suribachi, Iwo Jima. It marked our victory over the Japanese. It’s been America’s iconic symbol of victory over tyranny since that epic moment. All Americans who visit the Washington DC Mall step up to that enormous bronze statue that dominates the area. Every veteran sheds a tear upon viewing it. My own father, a U.S. Marine, took part in the battles during WWII.

Last week, the terrorist Taliban fighters of Afghanistan mocked our great symbol by repeating the same picture but with their own soldiers planting the Islamic Flag of Terror over that goat-herder/poppy-seed growing country. They beat America’s 21st century army with Toyota pick-up trucks, automatic rifles and RPG launchers.

After 20 years, $6 trillion in war costs, bogus ‘nation-building’, 7,100 combat deaths (Iraq/Afghanistan), and the little known 114,000 men and women who committed suicide while serving in that war zone and after discharge—we citizens witness the greatest debacle and defeat in the history of America.

Yes, we SHOULD abandon the insanity of that Muslim country, where women are treated with less respect than their camels. Yes, we should NEVER have swallowed G.W. Bush’s lie to us about non-existent “Weapons of Mass Destruction.” Those two wars proved as stupid, insane and corrupt as the Vietnam War.

But our withdrawal from Afghanistan MUST be marked in the history books as the MOST incompetent, senseless, stupid and tragic end to any war we’ve ever fought. It was never declared. It was never about protecting America. It was never about terrorism. It WAS about the Military Industrial Complex corporate elites who created, managed and profited by those wars.

Right now, Biden flies thousands and thousands of Afghanistan refugees into our country. Why? In the end, Sharia Law will now dominate Afghanistan once again. But why bring the followers of that barbaric religion over to America? Why not to other Muslim lands? Why not to their own culture where the practice wife beating, female genital mutilation, stoning of women, honor killings, forced marriages of little girls to old men, barbaric Halal food that tortures animals before they are killed…and finally, a definite thrust to “convert or kill all non-believers” as mandated by the Quran?

Who in their right mind would import countless refugees of an incompatible culture into the midst of our 21st century Western Culture? Can anyone in DC not see what’s going to happen? Do you not see Sharia Law now practiced in Detroit, NYC, Miami, Chicago, Minneapolis and everywhere that tribe dominates? Have you read the reports of honor killings and female genital mutilation here in America? Well, it’s going on prolifically as documented by the Department of Homeland Security. That’s a fact. (Source: Honor killings and FGM as reported by Ed O’Callaghan, Asst DA, DHS, February 18, 2018.) I saw the report personally.

And who in their right mind wants to see 1,000,000 Mexican and Central American refugees storming our borders to mangle our laws? Who wants to pay for this largest illegal immigration debacle of this century? When will it stop? Can we take another 1.0 million of them before the year’s end? How about another 2.0 million of them next year, and the next? If you are a liberal or a conservative, is this nightmare unfolding at our borders okay with you? What will it solve? Who benefits? Your town? Your children? Your tax dollars?

Is it possible that Joe Biden, a man who accomplished virtually nothing in all his 48 years in Congress—will successfully downgrade and degrade our entire country in the next 3.5 years of his incompetent and utterly bungling use of power in the White House?

Does anything think he actually knows what he is doing? If our horrific and incompetent withdrawal from that third world country stands as an example of the Peter Principle, Joe Biden takes the crown. And his generals—so totally incompetent to allow such a horrific withdrawal that left billions of dollars in equipment. It’s breathtakingly stupid beyond comprehension.

We, the law abiding citizens of America, take the dunce cap for allowing such incompetence to lead us straight to Hades. As 9/11 approaches next month, Muslims around the world dance in the streets while they raise their AK 47’s into the air in their victory celebration. We are a nation led by fools.

Is anyone in America thinking about these questions? Are we not galloping into America’s twilight years?

If you would like a free electronic copy of this book, please email me with your email address and I will send it to you. Every American with children or any American who will live in this country in 2050, needs to understand what they face.

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121.

Let’s create a discussion-debate on what kind of a country we are bequeathing to our children. Pass the book to all your friends.

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future? If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more. Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

This video will scare the daylights out of every American as to what’s coming to our country, US Citizenship Act 2021 by Joe Biden.

Share these videos all over America:

In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation. Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Pastor Continues Preaching Despite War On Churches

by Rev. Austin Miles

America was formed mainly for freedom of religious expression, meaning worshipping God. Plus freedom of movement was a factor as most of the world’s cities and communities were under dictatorial command. Free speech was censored and activities were limited by permission only. Everyone was told what they could and could not do or say. There was no such thing as private conversations.

However, humans are basically religious and instinctively believe there is more to life than the bare bones of existing. So they invented something or someone to worship, indicating a power higher than all of us. Eventually, Jesus did come to earth, the Bible was written, people learned about God and gathered strength through His teachings.


Churches and Temples were formed throughout the lands,. Services on the Sabbath were ordinary parts of life. The church became strong and miracles were a part of most services. Churches became a very strong presence everywhere and were respected.

Who would have thought that in the future it would become almost illegal to establish churches and Sunday Schools. Still humans are basically religious and instinctively believe there has got to be more to life than what earth provides.

It did not take too long for Communism to raise its ugly head and war declared, not only upon Christian churches, but the idea of church itself, since a Christian mind cannot be enslaved. The dictators want all minds to be manipulated in the political propaganda of the day.

The United States was the most productive nation on earth, but the last few years have become a living nightmare to all citizens. As Communism gained control of this country, all freedom for citizens has been curtailed. Churches have been closed down. In Canada. Booted Nazi style stormtroopers have invaded churches during services and ordered the people out. Pastors were being arrested simply for asking people to come to church.

Now churches are being torched in Canada and the Premier there stated this: “Burn ‘m all down.” A message from our Communist neighbor to the North.

The Coronavirus broke out, becoming a pandemic, and now that pandemic has become a political tool to keep churches closed with the yarn of stopping the spread of the disease. Churches in America were forbidden to hold services on Sundays or any other time under threats of arrest. Crowds gathered together can spread the disease doncha know? Some Churches and pastors cowered in a corner and obeyed.

That is with the exception of one extraordinary minister, Dr. Michael Spaulding. He has been the pastor of two churches in Ohio for many years as well as having a popular radio program. He has continued to give his Sunday Sermon without missing a beat, since the pandemic was created in the Wuhan Laboratory in China and released onto and into the world. This was all on purpose.

However, Pastor Mike’s Sunday Sermon has a pretty good attendance rate. For yesterday, Pastor Spaulding had 9.485,142 attendees clicked in for his Sunday Sermon. And that number grows every week. And he has not missed one week during this pandemic. His sermons can be seen at:

I pity the people who reject God. The alternative is not too enticing. And to my Fellow ministers, like me, you will learn from him by his teaching sermons.

He preaches an uncompromised Gospel.

Dr. Spaulding gets my vote for “MINISTER OF THE YEAR..”

© 2021 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Austin Miles:

The Failure of the Church, Part 2

By Roger Anghis

Education was very important to the pilgrims but that education was based solely on the Bible. Virtually all of our colleges and universities were formed to educate and train men to be preachers.  They were founded by ministers and taught by ministers. Many reading this may not be aware that most of our colleges and universities were founded by ministers for the purpose of raising up ministers.  They were specifically designed as a ‘seminary’ but they were quite able to produce a minister as easily as a scientist or businessman.

William and Mary was founded by Reverend James Blair in 1692.  This is the same William and Mary that removed the Cross from the chapel because it was too controversial.  This institution was founded so that:

“The youth may be piously educated in good letters and manners and that the Christian faith may be propagated . . . to the glory of Almighty God.”[1]

Some of the ministers that were involved in America’s greatest revival, the Great Awakening, were Presidents of Princeton University, Jonathan Edwards, Aaron Burr Sr., Samuel Finley, Samuel Davies, and Dr. John Witherspoon.  Witherspoon was the President just before the Revolutionary War.  These were some of the requirements during his term as President:

“Every student shall attend worship in the college hall morning and evening at the hours appointed and shall behave with gravity and reverence during the whole service.  Every student shall attend public worship on the Sabbath. . . . Beside the public exercises or religious worship on the Sabbath, there shall be assigned to each class certain exercises for their religious instruction suited to the age and standing of the pupils. . . . and no student belonging to any class shall neglect them.”[2]

Keep in mind that these students were also the ones that began running the cities and states as elected officials. You may ask why I’m putting so much of an emphasis on what is today public education. It was the churches that ran the education system in the 1600s up to the late 1800s when it became more than the church could handle. It was then government began to water down the materials. Fisher Ames was the author of the 1st Amendment, you know the one they use as an excuse to separate church and state, stated: “If these [new] books … must be retained, as they will be, should not the Bible regain the place it once held as a school book?” His statement definitely confirms that the Bible was once the top source for learning in our schools and it proves that the separation, they called for in 1947 was not the intent of the Founders. Again, it was written to keep government out of religion, not religion out of government.

Even at the turn of the 20th century, our people in places of authority believed in the teaching of the Christian principles in our schools.  By the mid-1800s, a call for free, compulsory education had begun, and compulsory education became widespread by the end of the century. This was an important development, as children from all social classes could now receive a free, formal education. But the American nation was largely conservative Christian, and even President Theodore Roosevelt believed that “spiritual and moral training” was the most important part of American education.[2]

What has happened over the years is the pastors have not fought to keep the principles that made our education system the best in the world. Little by little the pastors have turned into wimps in the pulpit. The fight to keep godly principles at the forefront of education became too much. Winston Churchill was a controversial leader during WWII. Yet he was able to get things done during very difficult times and under very difficult circumstances because he had a mindset that most leaders need to possess. He had bulldog faith! He would not let anything deny him the victory that his nation so badly needed. One of Churchill’s many poignant quotes from that time was about duty: “The destiny of man is not measured by material computation. When great forces are on the move in the world, we learn we are spirits – not animals. There is something going on… which, whether we like it or not, spells duty”. Indeed!

Likewise, whether we like it or not, there are challenges in America today that spell “duty.” Abortion spells duty. A spiritually lost generation spells duty. Gender confusion, an exploding sex trade, an anti-Christ spirit and attitude, an attack on traditional marriage, a compromising church – all of these, and many more problems in the world are issuing duty’s call. God is asking for difference-makers to arise who are willing to find the old road of service, commitment, and sacrifice.

Committed, spiritual special forces must rise up with their spiritual weapons before it is too late. We’re in critical condition, on life-support. Having denied our Godly roots and the stability they provided, America is now adrift in the mooring-less ideologies of humanism and relativism. The same idiocy that shuts down industries and food sources in order to save frogs, also fights to kill babies. Marriage between one man and one woman is mocked, while “marriage” between two men or two women is praised. The Constitution and its true intent are ignored. Depending on the source, Americans now acknowledge 60 or more gender options; so much for “male and female He created them” (Genesis 1:27).

We’ve lost our way. It is time for a generation of Godly, patriotic, committed pioneers to arise and lead us out of this maze of mindless ideas. If not, we will perish in the wilderness. I believe, however, these warriors are being raised up. And like the SEALs, they will NEVER quit!…they are NEVER out of the fight!…their training is NEVER complete!…they will NOT fail! [3]

The church has failed to stand for God and righteousness and has embraced secular humanism. The communist manifesto that was introduced in 1963 listed 45 things that needed to happen to turn America towards communism. Item #27 is: Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with “social” religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a “religious crutch.”  Item #28 is: Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of “separation of church and state.”[4] We have seen these come to pass and the church has done nothing.  Without the teaching of the principles of Christ and the foundation of prayer, we are seeing the foundations of America crumble. The church is silent.

© 2021 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Defining America’s Exceptionalism, Roger Anghis (Westbow Press, Bloomington, IN) p. 45
  4. 1963 communist goals and the democratic party of today

News From the Front Lines

By Rob Pue

This world is not our home, so we shouldn’t cling too tightly to it. It’s merely the battlefield we’re called to fight on during these dark days.

Having said that, it’s important that we’re also vigilant and understand all that’s happening in this world right now. While many prefer to remain ignorant, not able to stand any “bad news,” it falls upon God’s people to remain informed, and inform others, being wise as serpents, but harmless as doves. If we just bury our heads in the sand, as so many professing Christians seem to love to do, then we cower in fear and we perish for lack of knowledge.

So here are some updates from the front lines of the battle.  First of all, the world’s on fire. Not just the wildfires that are raging here in America, but world-wide.   Algeria is experiencing the most widespread wildfires in recent memory. More than 100 wildfires are currently burning in Greece. The island of Sardinia, west of Italy is burning with fires described as “the worst disaster in decades.” Turkey, likewise, had 183 forest fires in a single week in early August.

Meanwhile, as the Taliban has taken control of Afghanistan, the Biden administration is now warning of coming Al Qaeda attacks, around the world and here in the US, as we approach the 20th anniversary of 9/11. But the Biden regime is also warning that the most dangerous terrorists we need to fear are Anti-Maskers, Lockdown Resisters and Trump Supporters.

The Department of Homeland Security has recently issued guidance stating that opponents of COVID-19 restrictions, lockdowns, vaccination mandates and Trump supporters constitute the most dangerous threats to America.  NBC news reported that a “National Terrorism Alert” has been issued by the DHS, which declared that anyone who opposes vaccines, masks, social distancing or lockdowns poses a “potential terror threat” to society at large. Likewise, anyone who thinks there was fraud in the 2020 election may also be a “terrorist.”

More than one researcher has observed that this is all in preparation for one or more government “false flag” events.  For those unfamiliar with the term, a “false flag” event is when government agencies carry out a terroristic attack and then lay the blame on innocent parties.  (Remember the January 6th debacle?)  In this case, commentators have warned we should be on the lookout for a violent attack of some kind here in America which will be blamed on innocent freedom-loving patriots.  This will be a means to an end to criminalize all anti-vaccine speech, halt all investigation into the fraudulent 2020 election, and lock down the country once again.

And if you thought the lockdowns of 2020 were bad, just wait until you see what they have planned this time around.  Take France as an example.  There, all restaurants, bars, coffee shops and leisure activities like sporting events, theaters, cinemas and museums are off limits to anyone without a “Health Pass,” or “Vaccination Passport.” Those who get caught in any of these places without a Health Pass get an automatic six-month prison sentence. Business owners receive a fine of 45,000 Euros and one year in prison.

All doctors, nurses and healthcare workers have been mandated to get the jab or lose their license.  The healthcare system in France is state-owned, and so all the good doctors left France five years ago.  For the past five years, nurses have been understaffed and doing double duty and the system is basically bankrupt.  Now, due to this “jab” mandate, millions have taken to the streets to protest and the hospitals have lost another 50% of their staff.

As of August 1st, all retail stores, large and small, will be mandated to have their owners and staff injected and a Health Pass will be required for all customers.  Truckers in France are on a nation-wide strike, blocking all access roads in and out of Paris. And starting September 15th, all public areas will be off limits — with or without a Health Pass.  This includes farmers’ markets, parks, lakes, rivers, beaches, recreation areas, and churches.  September 15th may be a date to remember here in the US as well.

Similar situations are happening in other countries, with massive protests in France, the UK, Greece and Germany, and so citizens there are also now considered “domestic terrorists.”

Here in America, Congress is considering a new law which would “direct the Secretary of Homeland Security to ensure that any individual traveling on a flight that departs from or arrives to an airport inside the United States or a territory of the United States is fully vaccinated against COVID-19, and for other purposes.”  This is basically a ban on all inter-state travel by air. But the Biden regime is also considering a ban on ALL inter-state travel, meaning no driving out of one’s state either, without your “Vaccination Papers.”

In Hawaii, a father and son were arrested at Honolulu’s airport and face up to one year in prison and a $5000 fine for violating the state’s Safe Travel program.  They were using falsified COVID vaccine cards to travel. They were forced to immediately return to California, pass a COVID test, then fly straight back to Hawaii for their arraignment.

Meanwhile, the city of Los Angeles city council voted unanimously to enforce vaccination requirements in order to enter ANY public indoor space — that includes restaurants, gyms, stores, concert and theater venues and churches.  In Oregon, State Representative Lisa Reynolds stated, “Will will force vaccines. We will make it a prerequisite for indoor dining, working in the office and furthering your education.”

While these things are going on, the CDC has released plans for what they call “Green Zones.” These are re-location camps for those who have refused the jab and are therefore considered “high risk individuals.” According the the CDC’s own document, “High-risk individuals would be temporarily relocated to safe or ‘green zones’ established at the household, neighborhood, camp/sector or community level…they would have minimal contact with family members and other low-risk residents.”  Under this plan, people can be forcibly removed from their homes, placed in these “Green Zone” camps and held for a minimum of six months — unless they take the “jab.”

In Tennessee, Governor Bill Lee signed Executive Order 83, giving the state permission to call up the National Guard and State Guard “in connection with certain healthcare and emergency services operations.” This Executive Order would also permit the construction of “temporary quarantine and isolation facilities” and “telephone assessments for involuntary commitment cases.”

The Communist indoctrination of our young people on college campuses also continues.  Recent surveys have shown that a majority — nearly 75% of college students — are in favor of placing non-compliant “anti-vaxxers” in internment camps until they agree to be fully vaccinated.  The mockingbird mainstream media is helping this mindset along.  CNN’s Don Lemon stated he believes the unvaccinated should not be allowed to buy food or to work.  The media is also heavily pushing the official narrative that it’s time to start blaming the unvaccinated people for COVID-19.

We’re also watching the total destruction of the American economy. Businesses are shutting down — permanently — because they cannot find workers willing to work.  It seems people are getting enough “free” money from our Communist government now that they’re content to sit home.  This has created a major crisis in our supply line.  Many store shelves are running short of needed items, or completely sold out, with prices skyrocketing.   We’ve been warned for several months now of a serious food shortage about to hit the US this fall.  And the Daily Wire reported that inflation reached a rate of 7.8% in July — the highest ever in recorded history.

The effects of defunding the police are also now becoming very evident.  In Portland, for example, the city council defunded policy by nearly $15 million dollars.  Violent crime has gotten so out of control there that the city has now hired private security companies to patrol the downtown. Portland saw 453 shootings in the first half of this year.  Business owners there are furious.  They already pay taxes to fund law enforcement, but now, they too need to hire private security in order to keep their businesses and customers safe.

There’s been a marked rise in violent crime all across the country this year. New York, Philadelphia and Chicago had at least 70 people shot just this past weekend, leaving 16 dead, including a 7-year-old girl who was killed, and her 6-year-old sister seriously wounded when someone opened fire on their parked car in Chicago.  In New York, violent crime is up 22% from this time last year, and shootings there are up over 70%.

And the LGBTQP+ steamroller continues it’s deviancy. A professor at a California medical school was asked to make a formal apology recently for a statement he made during a class lecture.  This is a clear case of the LGBTQP+ establishment punishing someone for “wrongthink.”  In his apology, the professor said, “I’m very sorry for that. It was clearly not my intention to offend anyone. The worst thing that I can do as a human being is be offensive,” he said. “I said ‘when a woman is pregnant,’ which implies that only women can get pregnant and I most sincerely apologize to all of you.”

Meanwhile, the American Medical Association has passed a resolution to lobby for the removal of “sex designation” from birth certificates.

And the James Dobson Family Institute recently reported that the so-called “Family-friendly” Disney movie, “Jungle Cruise” includes one of the characters “coming out’ as homosexual and explaining that he has broken off multiple engagements with women because his “interests happily lay elsewhere.”  This is for CHILDREN, folks.

Another Christian organization has also fallen to the sodomite agenda. World Vision is now requiring vendors to sign a “Business Code of Conduct,” which includes promising to select and promote personnel “without discrimination or concern for sexual orientation and gender indentity or expression.”  That should earn them some “points” with the HRC.

And the White House just announced the first Muslim American nominated to be the US ambassador-at-large for International Religious Freedom.  How do you suppose that will work out for American Christians?

And in case you missed it, Australia just passed a nation-wide law prohibiting Christians from praying or handing our information in front of abortion centers there.  The law creates a nearly 500-foot buffer zone around the facilities, and carries with it a 12 month jail term and a $12,000 fine.

I encourage you to remember 2nd Timothy 1:7, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind.”

There are those who continue to be fearful of a virus, of the government, of the Luciferian New World Order that IS coming, because, they either don’t know God or acknowledge Him or don’t really follow Him.  Fear and faith cannot exist simultaneously. You’ll either have one or the other. When we understand that, as true Remnant Believers, we have the very Holy Spirit of God living inside us, we have the perfect Counselor and Comforter, and therefore, unlike the rest of the world, WE have real power, real love and sound minds.  This world could certainly benefit from the power and love of a sound mind!

© 2021 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066 or email:  Ask for message number 333.

Governor Jay Inslee Has Joined the Forced Vaccine Traitors

By Laurie Roth

This week our liberal, Trump hating,  Governor Jay Inslee put out an executive order that all state workers in our state must get the Covid-19 vaccine in just a few weeks or they will lose their job.  Our economy is already struggling from the insane lockdowns that crushed thousands of businesses throughout our state. Some will never recover.

You may remember the many months of the ‘antifa party’ with all their terrorist friends, attacking random motorists, burning business to the ground, taking over several blocks of down town Seattle and essentially, running the city.  Governor Inslee did nothing but watch.  while police were thrown out of their own places of work. Inslee just watched some more.  Perhaps he roasted hot dogs as he watched his historical city burn.

Now, our Governor Inslee, attempting to enhance his legacy is ordering a known, dangerous, experimental vaccine on all his state workers.  May I cut past the code speak and professionalism and say it like it really is?  He has unleashed genocide on his own people, thinking he will be a Vaccine leading movie star.  In fact, he is staring already in the movie ‘Governors who sell out, sleep around and fail.’ we are all watching now. This movie also stars his buddies, sell out = Governor Cuomo and Gavin Newsom who is being recalled.

Using his beloved executive power, he is forcing all state workers to take the deadly vaccine that is killing hundreds of thousands of people already.  Does the Governor not read the mountains of Whistleblowers and Doctors exposing the suffering and deaths at the hands of these vaccines?

What about the whistle blower who fled the CDC after they lied about the vaccine deaths, saying there were only 11,000?  She showed evidence that there were 45,000 at the time they were hiding.

Back to Inslee’s death swab order for state workers

As the people organize and explore their response and how to fight this, at least there are two objections included in the order – Religious and Medical.

I beg all of you working in state, education and related jobs that have been targeted by Inslee.  Stand, organize and fight.  Approach all media and make noise.  Contact your sheriff and explore options and patriotic attorneys who might could lead you in a class action suit against Gov. Inslee.  Your very life depends on it.  Do not say yes to the vaccine so that you can die in 2-4 years and Inslee can gloat in his continued ‘traitor’ legacy.

Pray about what you can do to fight this.  I am.

Would you allow someone to force their way into your home and put a gun to your head without a huge fight?  Of course, you wouldn’t, so don’t allow a rogue Governor on ‘control steroids’ to do the same with forced, experimental vaccines that facts say don’t keep you from getting Covid-19 anyway.  Stand and fight. “Inslee, burn down your own home and give yourself the vaccine, but leave our jobs and bodies alone.”

© 2021 Laurie Roth – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Laurie Roth:

You Are Not Alone

By Michael Peroutka

While doing research last week I came across a term that was new to me.

The term is “menticide” which means “murdering of the mind.”

According to the Oxford Dictionary, “menticide” is “The undermining or destruction of a person’s mind or will, especially by systematic means… and is a characteristic activity of totalitarian regimes.”

Totalitarian regimes historically achieve and maintain control over a population targeted for enslavement by means of menticide, which is accomplished more quickly and effectively when the subjects are isolated from one another.

So, it’s no surprise that the enemies of liberty, who are desperately seeking to enslave the entire planet by means of a fake pandemic, would use strategies like lockdowns, masks, social distancing, censorship, to not only isolate us physically from our loved ones, our neighbors, and our church communities, but from any ideas or opinions which contradict their sick agenda.

This systematic effort to undermine and destroy our values and beliefs, and to induce us to accept and even promote radically different ideas can be successfully defeated but only if it is understood and resisted.

So, please commit yourself to remembering and reminding yourself and others that you are NOT ALONE.

In fact, the overwhelming majority of your countrymen agree with you.  You are in your right mind.  Don’t allow them to murder it.

Be encouraged.  Encourage others.

Let not your heart be troubled.

© 2021 Michael Peroutka – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Michael Peroutka:

Sign up for a FREE U.S. Constitution course with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution.

Afghanistan: Predictable Outcome

By: Devvy

“The U.S. military welcomes additional funds for special units. The Pentagon continues its downsizing in preparation for the New World Order”. Former Asst. Secretary of Defense and former Director of the CIA, John Deutsch, Dec. 1, 1994, McNeil/Lehrer News Hour

“We are on the cutting edge of the New World Order here in Bosnia”. U.S. Army Major Bushyread, May 8, 1996, CBS Evening News with Dan Rather

“Nine times before the unconstitutional invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan ordered by America’s presidents and approved by war mongering members of the Outlaw Congress, America attempted nation building. Every one of those unconstitutional, undeclared military “actions” has been a resounding failure. This is how you dress up justification for all the killing and destruction, not to mention the massive debt heaped on our backs:

“Morton Abramowitz and Heather Hurlburt, July 12, 2004: “No fewer than nine times over the past decade, Western powers have deployed noble rhetoric, soldiers and taxpayer dollars in the service of nation-building. And no fewer than nine times, they have, to one degree or another, failed to build stable, self-sustaining nations. The litany consists of Somalia, Haiti, Bosnia, Kosovo, Sierra Leone, East Timor, Liberia, Afghanistan and Iraq. The best one could say is that they are works in progress. The worst: Too many of them still can’t function on their own and continue to pose threats to their own citizens as well as U.S. national interests.

“While genuine good-both humanitarian and security-related-has come of these efforts, the results have fallen far short of our professed objectives, consumed enormous resources and political capital, and left uncertainty about the U.S. and international commitment.”

Nowhere in the U.S. Constitution does it authorize a president or Congress to steal from the people’s treasury to fund foreign humanitarian efforts or nation building. Humanitarian efforts should and are funded through private organizations and charities. The fact that there’s never enough money is the fault of dictators, potentates and crooks running countries around the world.

“On the morning of April 20, 1986, Americans woke up to the news that Air Force F-111’s and other support aircraft had carried out a full-scale raid on Moamaar Khadafy in Libya. Why did Ronald Reagan order precision bombing of Tripoli? A series of telex messages had been intercepted from Libya’s East Berlin embassy right before and after a disco was bombed in West Berlin on April 5, 1986. Based on hard intelligence, Reagan cited “irrefutable” evidence that Libyan leader Moammar Khadafy was the brains behind the bombing and the decision was made to strike back.

“That act of cowardice by terrorists killed two people, including an American GI; hundreds were wounded, including 50 to 60 Americans. Once Reagan was absolutely certain beyond a shadow of a doubt that Libya was responsible for this unprovoked act which led to the murder and injury of Americans, he acted without hesitation, saying, “I warned that there should be no place on earth where terrorists can rest and train and practice their deadly skills. I meant it. I said that we would act with others, if possible, and alone if necessary, to ensure that terrorists have no sanctuary anywhere. Tonight, we have.” We did act alone; France wouldn’t even allow our aircraft to fly over their air space.

“The guidelines for this mission were crystal clear: There should be minimal risk to pilots to reduce any chance of our own becoming POWs. The targets would be military, civilians would be spared as much as possible, but there was no mistake: Go for the kill and send a very clear and unequivocal message to anyone who dare harm our own. There was no warning to we the people or Khadafy and that’s the way it should be. If the proof is there, our military go, get the job done and come home. War is ugly, but we have an indisputable right to strike quickly and decisively against anyone who hurts US.

“We did not invade that country and begin the process of destroying the culture of the indigenous population by forcing “democracy” on them. Following our right to retaliate against any nation that kills or harms our own, and while I’m not a fan of Ronald Reagan, he did not engage in an endless and deceitful mission to “rebuild” Libya. Americans were not fleeced to the tune of hundreds of billions of borrowed dollars to provide “humanitarian aid,” build new schools or become friends with an enemy nation – a certain recipe for failure.

“We’ve all seen the lead news stories about Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya over the years including the latest horrible headlines about the current state of Iraq:

Much of $60B from US to ‘rebuild’ Iraq wasted; $90B spent on Afghanistan ‘reconstruction’ projects  /  Billions of Taxpayer Dollars Funding Insurgents in Afghanistan  /  $34M taxpayer-backed soybean program not sprouting in Afghanistan  /  US will remain in Afghanistan for ‘long time’: Gen. Allen: “The Afghan war has become the longest-running war in U.S. history, and there is no end in sight. The Taliban remains in control of major parts of the nation. Civilian and troop casualties continue to mount.”
10 years later, Afghan government ‘doomed’  /  Let’s not forget OUR military are guarding heroin poppy fields boosting production over the years – this is the proper role of our military? Oh, that’s right, “it’s part of their culture”.  /  Photos of US and Afghan Troops Patrolling Poppy Fields June 2012

“In other words, OUR military is complicit in the narcotics trade that so greatly benefits the financial prostitutes on Wall Street. For this, so much blood has run like rivers over there? “Oh, but wait! Let’s go back ten years from the June 2012 link above: How Washington Funded the Taliban

“The United States has made common cause with an assortment of dubious regimes around the world to wage the war on drugs. Perhaps the most shocking example was Washington’s decision in May 2001 to financially reward Afghanistan’s infamous Taliban government for its edict ordering a halt to the cultivation of opium poppies….

“Yet the Bush administration did more than praise the Taliban’s proclaimed ban of opium cultivation. In mid-May, 2001, Secretary of State Colin Powell announced a $43 million grant to Afghanistan in addition to the humanitarian aid the United States had long been providing to agencies assisting Afghan refugees. Given Callahan’s comment, there was little doubt that the new stipend was a reward for Kabul’s anti-drug efforts. That $43 million grant needs to be placed in context. Afghanistan’s estimated gross domestic product was a mere $2 billion. The equivalent financial impact on the U.S. economy would have required an infusion of $215 billion. In other words, $43 million was very serious money to Afghanistan’s theocratic masters.

“To make matters worse, U.S. officials were naive to take the Taliban edict at face value. The much-touted crackdown on opium poppy cultivation appears to have been little more than an illusion. Despite U.S. and UN reports that the Taliban had virtually wiped out the poppy crop in 2000-2001, authorities in neighboring Tajikistan reported that the amounts coming across the border were actually increasing. In reality, the Taliban gave its order to halt cultivation merely to drive up the price of opium the regime had already stockpiled.”

US gives millions to the Taliban 2011: “A new report out of Washington estimates that around $360 million in US military money went into the hands of enemy insurgents in Afghanistan, including the Taliban.” Yeah, that Taliban that became one of the evil groups immediately following 9/11. All unconstitutional, borrowed debt slapped on we the people and our families.

“Yes, the nasty Taliban and one of the CIA’s crown jewel creations: Al Qaeda. Here’s the damn truth about the origins of all these terrorists groups we’re fighting that should make you sick to your soul.

“Dec. 14, 2011 from the criminal Impostor-in-Chief: ‘We’re Leaving Behind a Sovereign, Stable and Self-Reliant Iraq’: “Iraq’s future will be in the hands of its people. America’s war in Iraq will be over” he remarked. And “Iraq is not a perfect place. It has many challenges ahead. But we’re leaving behind a sovereign, stable and self-reliant Iraq, with a representative government that was elected by its people. We’re building a new partnership between our nations.” Really, Barry Obama?

Washington Opened The Gates Of Hell In Iraq: Now Come The Furies. “The late, great critic of the American Imperium, Chalmers Johnson, popularized the salient concept of “blowback”. That is, the notion that if you bomb, drone, invade, desecrate and slaughter—collaterally or otherwise— a people and their lands, they might find ways to return the favor. But even Johnson could not have imagined the kind of blowback coming ferociously Washington’s way now.”

I wrote that in a column dated August 18, 2014

We did not invade Libya and begin the process of destroying the culture of the indigenous population by forcing “democracy” on them.  Why would we even want to force one of the worst forms of government, democracy, on any nation?

Within 48 hours after the attack on America, September 11, 2001, with absolutely no proof whatsoever, Bush, Jr. and his supporters declared a murderous band of thugs calling themselves Al-Qaida were without question or doubt, responsible for the carnage on U.S. soil. Bush’s response was to go bomb Iraq and Afghanistan and create the current disaster that exists there today. If Bush, Jr. felt he had proof positive that Afghanistan was behind 9-11, he should have done the same thing as Reagan.

There’s no question in my mind Osama bin Laden died in December 2001.  Bin Laden wasn’t even a suspect as being the ring master behind 9/11:

FBI says, it has “No hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11”

“On June 5, 2006, the Muckraker Report contacted the FBI Headquarters, (202) 324-3000, to learn why Bin Laden’s Most Wanted poster did not indicate that Usama was also wanted in connection with 9/11.

“The Muckraker Report spoke with Rex Tomb, Chief of Investigative Publicity for the FBI. When asked why there is no mention of 9/11 on Bin Laden’s Most Wanted web page, Tomb said, “The reason why 9/11 is not mentioned on Usama Bin Laden’s Most Wanted page is because the FBI has no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11.” That’s 5 YEARS after the ‘event’.

It wasn’t until many years later after enough inquisitive minds uncovered this little detail the FBI finally decided to add Bin Laden to their 10 Most Wanted connecting him.

On September 20, 2001, Junior Bush said, “Americans are asking: Who attacked our country? The evidence we have gathered all points toal Qaeda.This group and its leader – a person named Osama bin Laden.”

Yet, a scant six months after 9/11, March 13, 2002, Mr. Yippee-Kay-a, George W. Bush,lost all interest in rounding up bin Laden: “I don’t know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don’t care. It’s not that important. It’s not our priority.” Perhaps because he knew this:  Osama Bin Laden Died in 2001 said Pakistan Prime Minister, Benazir Bhutto, “Osama Bin Laden Dead Since 2001 said Pakistan Prime Minister, Benazir Bhutto, in a 2007 television interview with David Frost.  Two months after that interview, she was assassinated.

Timeline: Osama Bin Laden Died on December 14, 2001 From Complications Due to Kidney Failure  (There’s no money in the cure, only the treatment.  Bin Laden was worth more alive than dead. War is big business and a cash cow for contractors and lobbyists not to mention arms dealers.)

Five months before 9-11, in May 2001, the Bush administration gifted $43 million dollars in aid to the Taliban controlled government.This unconstitutional looting of our treasury was gleefully announced by NWO point dog, Colin Powell. Does even the most ardent Bush supporter believe for a nano-second that this Taliban controlled government wasn’t between the camel sheets with Osama Bin Laden and Mr. Bush didn’t know it?

“America hied on over to Afghanistan to find Osama Bin Laden after 9-11. Mr. Bush is no longer concerned with finding the CIAs former bagman. How strange and one has to wonder why? I would draw your attention to the testimony of John J. Maresca, VP, International Relations, Unocal Corporation to House Committee on International Relations/Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific, February 12, 1998, Washington, DC:” Rest at link above.

From prolific writer and deep researcher, Jeri Lynn Ball, “In Stalin’s Russia, notes Mikhail Heller, enemies were blamed for everything; they were used to justify the invasion of Czechoslovakia (1968), the invasion of Afghanistan in 1980, and so on. The Soviet Communists were thus able to manipulate Soviet citizens into supporting government hunts for “terrorists,” “traitors,” and spies, for “liberation wars” for humanity.

“Using Marxist-Leninist strategies, the Russian, Chinese, and U.S. ruling elites have sought to frighten Americans and other populations with the specter of ruthless mass terror. They have created enemies and blamed them for everything including terrorist acts. They have used them to manipulate Americans into supporting government hunts for “traitors,” “terrorists,” and these never ending “wars of national liberation.” Their aim is to manipulate whole populations into supporting “wars of national liberation” and achieving not only the sovietization of “liberated” underdeveloped countries such as Afghanistan and Iraq, but also the full altruization and sovietization of the United States and other Western nations.”

And so here we are this week watching a nightmare unfold in Afghanistan.  Emotions are running at fever pitch.  The criminal impostor president, Biden, is mentally crippled.  Former impostor president, Hussein Obama, Valerie Jarrett and their handlers are calling the shots.

America betrayed translators and Afghani’s who worked with our military.  Former military are on talk radio, tv and the Internet on that issue. Angry and PO’d.  If the U.S. government promised to protect those civilians and left the males to be executed and their wives and daughters to be raped, then the shame is on us.  I wonder if the Brits promised Afghani’s who helped they would be rescued?  At least the Brits put their citizens top of the list:  Breaking: British Para Troops Are Running Vehicle Patrols Through Center of Kabul to Extract Trapped UK Citizens — While Biden Abandons Trapped Americans

ABSOLUTE HORROR: Biden Admin Sends Out Message to Thousands of Americans Trapped in Kabul – “We Cannot Guarantee Your Security”  /Top Democrat: It’s “Not Sensible” to Provide Stranded Americans Safe Passage to Kabul Airport (VIDEO)  /Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin Says They’ll Only Evacuate Stranded Americans “Until the Clock Runs Out” (VIDEO).  Those incompetent lunatics can’t even get their stories straight:  STUNNING: Woke General Milley Claims Taliban Is Not Interfering at Kabul Airport as White House Lashes Out at Taliban for Interfering at Airport

Biden,Commander in Chief of what? Reminiscent of what that vile witch Hildebeast Clinton and Marxist dung bag, Hussein Obama, did – go to bed and get some sleep while Americans were being slaughtered in Benghazi.  SHOCKING: Joe Biden Finally Returns to White House from Vacation as Afghanistan Implodes — Looks Exhausted, Bent Over and Unbalanced (VIDEO)

Biden’s handlers haven’t just condemned translators or Afghani males wearing a uniform for their “military”.  Extraction of American citizens comes first, then military.  I am speculating but a great number of Americans left behind are contractors, their wives and children.  And likely intelligence assets on the ground there.

One Gold Star mother said it feels like a second funeral because her son died doing what he believed in.  We can imagine her pain and the pain of all our military families and friends.  But the truth is, no words we say can replace their loved one.

This is not about the courage of our military wherever they’re stationed.  This is about rotten policies that continue to shed American blood that has NOTHING TO DO WITH PROTECTING U.S. STATES OR TERRITORIES.

Fact:  We invaded a foreign country that was not a threat to U.S. soil.  IF there was a legitimate attack on these united States of America by Afghanistan then we have the absolute right to do what Reagan did in 1986.

You don’t make friends with your enemy and that’s exactly what’s happened over the past 20 years.  Our military are just like you and me.  We do care about people (at least most of us).  We hate to see people in other countries living so poorly because their governments refuse to educate their people to become self-reliant, independent and prosperous.  It’s all about controlling the herds for power and filthy lucre.  Over time, our big-hearted men and women feel empathy for the people at the same time hoping one of them doesn’t kill you.  Civilian or military:

US general killed in Afghanistan, August 5,2014. “The killing was the first of its kind — termed “green-on-blue” attacks — in months. It sent shockwaves through the U.S. military, coming as NATO’s 12-year combat mission is drawing to a planned close this December.

“Around 15 people were wounded in the shooting, including some Americans. Details remained sketchy for several hours afterwards, though the central reported fact was that an individual dressed in an Afghan Army uniform fired into a group of coalition troops at a military officers’ academy in Kabul.”

Green-on-blue attacks in Afghanistan: the data

FACT:  The sweat of your labor has been used to pay the so-called Afghani military for decades.  With borrowed dollars and more debt, we were training Afghani men in it for the paycheck.  They were some of the highest paid “military” in the world.

When push came to shove, the so-called Afghani military simply put down their weapons and folded.  The other day Sean Hannity tried to sell this one:  Their soldiers weren’t getting paid so they didn’t fight.  Not for lack of money as their corrupt president, Ghani, was seen high-tailing it out of Kabul via helicopter with approximately $169 million dollars of our money; given asylum in Dubai.  The disgusting truth is without the moola, our so-called allies side with the home team.

Those who fought in America’s Revolutionary War had it pretty bad.  George Washington frequently had to pay his soldiers out of his own pocket.Starvation, freezing to death from lack of clothing, shoes  and sickness in 1778 during a harsh winter did not stop those fighting for freedom. 

It should not have stopped the roughly 300,000 Afghani’s in their military.  We the People spent TENS OF BILLIONS OF BORROWED DOLLARS supplying them with the most sophisticated weapons of war money can buy.  75,000 Taliban.  With a population of over 37 million seems to me if Afghani’s want freedom and liberty, they could have figured out a way to simply kill every Taliban barbarian by now.  The women over there should start killing them off by feeding them arsenic or plants that contain slow killing poison.  After a few months, well, perhaps they can then take back their country.  Oh, does that offend someone?  In war you kill or be killed.

FACT:  The Taliban now has MILLIONS of dollars in weapons and transport vehicles.  Abandoned.  BILLIONS OF BORROWED DOLLARS WASTED:  Thanks to Joe Biden the Taliban Now Controls 11 Former US Bases, Approximately 174 Humvees, 10,000 High Explosive Rockets and 6 Light Attack Aircraft.  All military bases where our soldiers spent so much time away from their families, sweating away in desert heat, always on guard to stay alive.

The tab of debt for We the People for Afghanistan is now $6 TRILLION BORROWED DOLLARS.

TIMING:  This whole thing bothers me greatly.  The 20th year of remembrance of 9/11 is coming up shortly.  If you look at the photos of our cargo transport planes loaded with hundreds of young, able bodied males – with no way to vet them – this should worry everyone.  Anyone who doesn’t think there aren’t Muslim sleeper cells already set up in this country just waiting for a green light is in denial.

And hundreds of women and children with nothing but the clothes on their backs who speak no English, most probably uneducated will now go on federal welfare along with however many kids they bring.  I’m sorry but we can’t house and feed the whole world.  Again, no vetting.  Shocking Video: Mother Teaching Children Terror on the Temple Mount  /  Documentary Reveals Global Recruiting of Child Soldiers, Suicide Bombers for Jihad: “The images speak for themselves. Just look at the horror taking place around the globe: toddlers carrying assault rifles as big as they are, children just old enough to play football strapping on suicide vests.

“The people behind the documentary Kids: Chasing Paradise say the epidemic of terrorist organizations and radicalized parents training young children to commit murder and suicide is largely ignored. They hope to change that.”  Good luck.   President Trump chased off ISIS but if anyone thinks those brainwashed kids won’t find a new host, think again.  They will because their mothers encourage them.  ISIS Teaches Children How to Behead in Training Camps–  Boys say instructors show them how to decapitate dolls with kitchen knives.”

FACT:  Once again flooding the US with more Muslims who do not assimilate into a Christian nation who hate Jews.  Why Muslims Cannot Assimilate Into Canada, America And EuropeCivilization Jihad, The Islamic Trojan Horse  / Danish Psychologist: “Integration of Muslims in Western Societies Is Not Possible”   /  We must stop the drive for Sharia Law in America  /  Islam: A cancer oozing across America.  Look at the real ‘no go zones’ in England and France.  We already have huge enclaves of them in Detroit, Minnesota and growing in other states.

FACT:  One has to remember 72% of male Afghani’s can’t even read.  While many don’t want to hear it, in-breeding by Muslims has sadly hampered their ability to even learn and advance themselves in life.  This tells the horror story of their inbreeding over the past 1400 years:  Low IQ muslim Inbreeding based on the ideology proves islam has the potential of wiping out civilization as we know it

Most certainly the more fortunate, well connected have been able to get educated in foreign universities – especially doctors – for something other than cannon fodder.  Women’s rights advocates are screaming this is a total betrayal of women in Afghanistan.  Here’s my question for them:

Just how long are the American people supposed to be unconstitutionally fleeced to pay for educating Afghani women and children?  Why aren’t we shelling out billions for children in Kenya, Turkey, Morroco, Egypt or other foreign countries?  Yes, it has been good to see Afghani women and children learn to read and strive for a better future, but it’s not We the People’s financial responsibility.  Do I feel sorry for them?  Very much so but we should never have invaded and then occupied their country.

The Taliban savages are going to revert back to the stone age and those who disobey will have their head chopped off or simply shot in the back of the head.  Sickening but young girls will likely be sold off as sex slaves and unless the U.S. wants to immediately initiate a full-blown ground war tomorrow, we can do nothing.  Here’s their new dictator, Abdul Ghani Baradar, grand poobah of the Islamic State of Afghanistan.

His mouthpieces have assured the world their women will be treated nicely under Sharia law.  You know, Sharia law where women are nothing more than owned animals.  Right back to the 14th century.  Beat them.  Dress them like mummies.Cannot work outside the home.Taliban Kills Woman For Not Wearing A Burqa, While News Outlets Continue To Echo False Narrative From Taliban  /VIDEO – HORROR IN KABUL: Taliban Begins Home Searches, Public Beatings, Women Scream for Help Outside Airport Gate, Traitors Beaten in Street as Up to 40,000 Americans Remain Trapped in Country /  “Khatera said that the Taliban does not view women as “living, breathing human beings,”

Did you see the photos of Taliban males shooting off AK-47s and other high-power rifles?  Watching them was like watching six-yearolds at an amusement park.  But, they are vicious killers now set loose.  President-Election Trump was trying to get us out of there.  Biden admin moved to dismantle protections for citizens trapped overseas months before Kabul’s fall: memo – Contingency and Crisis Response Bureau (CCR) was created during Trump administration.  But, even if Trump got what he bargained for, if he thinks those savages over there were going to keep their part of the bargain, I guarantee you it would be the same outcome as we have now, just without all the chaos.  The goal is a world Caliphate and no one should forget that.  Muslims are taught to lie by the time they can walk.  It’s all about allah.

It’s complicated when an occupying force is ready to withdraw.  While I have not served, my late husband who passed away in 2016, was a retired U.S. Army Colonel for 27 years and served in Viet Nam.  When I wrote columns on war, I asked him for help.

FACT:  Afghanistan is a tribal country.  Tribes that have been squabbling and fighting for centuries.  It’s what those uneducated barbarians do.  No amount of ‘nation building’ efforts by the U.S. and enforced with military brute force will ever change that.  Change must come from the people of each country.Start by getting rid of this:  Old men who proudly walk around with their 10-year old little boy toy they sodomize.  It’s a status symbol. Takes after their pedophile ‘god’, Allah.  Marrying little girls and when they bleed it’s time to rape them.

The bottom line is you cannot defeat ideology with military force.  That’s what this is all about.  To a certain degree it’s payback by Muslims for America invading and killing so many innocent civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan.  But, it all boils down to their fanaticism pounded into them from birth:  Islam.  Kill every infidel.  It’s all about the U.S. attempting to force Western culture on people who don’t want it.

This column sums it up quite well and worth the read: Why the Afghan army didn’t fight

The horror stories will continue as the Taliban rapes and terrorizes its way around that country.  When are Americans going to stop electing presidents who order someone else’s son or daughter go fight undeclared wars for profit and in furtherance of a one world government and members of Congress who refuse to stop it?

Stop buying the propaganda, America.

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions.

© 2021 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:


They should shoot back.  Better to die with honor than live on your knees: Taliban Immediately Moves To Confiscate Firearms From Civilians

August 17thState Dept tells Americans in Afghanistan to ‘shelter in place’ until they hear from embassy.  Great advice.  August 16thU.S. Embassy Staff In Afghanistan Are Evacuated To Kabul’s Airport

US Lost Several Military Aircraft that Were Flown Out of Afghanistan – They Have No Idea How Many Were Lost — VIDEO

In 2015, we left behind $6 BILLION dollars in equipment

Photo of the Day: Armed Taliban Barbarians Corral Their Women and Children Under UN Sign Promoting Gender Equality in Afghanistan

The United States’ Biggest Allies Are Funding ISIS

I’m afraid the bitter truth is Iraq and Libya were better off under the tyrants toppled by an arrogant and naive West

US Coalition Cooperates With Al-Qaeda In Yemen, Associated Press Confirms, August 6,2018

Osama has four look-alikes

America Created Al-Qaeda and the ISIS Terror Group – 2018

Our former slutty president, Bill Clinton, had the opportunity to take out bin Laden, but decided not to: Bill Clinton: “I could have killed” Osama bin Laden.

“The responsibility of 9/11 falls on the fact that al Qaeda was allowed to grow and prosper and the decision was not made to take out their leader when the chance existed to do so. Not once but four times according to the 9/11 report. President Clinton has acknowledged that as a regret.” Rubio, remarks on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Feb. 14

How Opium Greed Is Keeping US Troops in Afghanistan

Unfortunately, he praises democracy, but Kevin Tillman’s letter on his brother’s birthday is one to read.  Pat Tillman was a star NFL player for the Arizona Cardinals who signed up following 9/11.

Biden Arms America’s Enemies

By Cliff Kincaid

“More than three in four Afghans today are under 25: too young to remember the Taliban’s reign of fear and, especially in cities, too accustomed to freedoms to be eager to relinquish them,” reports National Geographic. “These Afghans, shaped by the post-2001 reality, are unwilling to revert to a reactionary and repressive past.”

How will they resist? American military equipment has been left in the hands of the terrorists, including Dr. Ayman Al-Zawahiri, the head of Egyptian Islamic Jihad who ran Al-Qaeda’s biological weapons program.

Twenty years after 9/11, the FBI still hasn’t solved the post-9/11 anthrax attacks, despite evidence that Al-Qaeda infiltration of U.S. labs explains why the anthrax that was used to kill five Americans was made in the U.S.

Remember that Osama bin Laden was killed, although his Al-Qaeda successor, Ayman al-Zawahiri, is still on the loose, and Al-Qaeda has proven to be a resilient organization that works with the Taliban. As a result of Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan, the U.S. remains vulnerable to another foreign-sponsored biological terrorist attack.

In response, the leftists are demanding we accept refugees. A group called World Without War says, “The truth is that after four decades of U.S. involvement in conflict in Afghanistan, we owe far more to the Afghan people than simply no longer using their country as a battlefield. That’s why we believe President Biden must do everything in his power to help evacuate and accept every Afghan seeking refuge that we can.”

Why do we have a moral responsibility to the people of Afghanistan when 2,400 Americans died and 20,000 were wounded over a period of 20 years trying to help them establish a democratic form of government? This wasn’t even the original mission. We were supposed to go in and get out, after killing terrorists.

On the other hand, it was a noble cause. And those Afghans who fought to protect their country and families deserve to be remembered as well.

What we don’t need are the anti-American ramblings of one of Tucker Carlson’s favorite guests, the leftist Glenn Greenwald.

It’s important that we understand what happened in Afghanistan. We are up against the Red Jihad, the Islamist-Communist alliance.

Consider Greenwald’s sympathies. He has had speaking engagements at events sponsored by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) as well as the International Socialist Organization (ISO), and is completely oblivious to the need for the U.S. to monitor the activities of its adversaries and enemies.

He has declared that al-Qaeda’s 9/11 terrorist attacks on America were “very minimal in scope compared to the level of deaths that the United States has been bringing to the world for decades — from Vietnam to illegal wars in Central America…”In a 2011 article in the socialist publication In These Times, Greenwald said “the only thing that can truly strengthen America’s national security is a weakening of America.”

He’s getting his wish.

The “In These Times” article was adapted, with Greenwald’s permission, from a speech he gave to the “Socialism 2011” conference, co-sponsored by that Marxist-Leninist group, the International Socialist Organization.

Something is wrong with Carlson for depending on this character. Greenwald has a history of anti-American bias and rhetoric. Those tendencies are highly relevant to the fact that he emerged as the mouthpiece for former NSA/CIA contract employee Edward Snowden, who released classified information about U.S. intelligence activities and traveled through Chinese Hong Kong on his way to Russia, where he lives.

Tucker Carlson’s dependence on Greenwald for left-wing commentary on the “conservative” Fox News Channel makes me think the NSA had every right to monitor his private communications when they discovered he was trying to score a TV interview with Russia’s President Vladimir Putin.

At one of our conferences nine years ago, former KGB officer Konstantin Preobrazhensky discussed how the Russians run international terrorism. He presented a report, “Communists and Muslims:The Hidden Hand of the KGB.”

Islamic terrorism and communism are the two major threats to America and the world today.

The tragedy that predated the American pullout, in addition to the failure to eradicate Al-Qaeda, is that the FBI never solved the post-9/11 anthrax attacks, falsely blaming them on American scientists. Indeed, the FBI falsely blamed a dead U.S. Army scientist, Bruce Ivins. The FBI director who botched the investigation was Robert Mueller. Mueller was sued for malfeasance in the case by FBI agent Richard Lambert who was put in charge of the anthrax investigation.

The anthrax letters, which were mailed to American media organizations and two senators, featured the phrases “Death to America,” “Death to Israel,” and “Allah is God.” These were indications that an Islamic extremist had written them. At least one of the 9/11 hijackers had a lesion, possibly from anthrax exposure. But the FBI dismissed these obvious leads as a diversion intended to falsely blame radical Islam.

The evidence indicates that Dr. Ayman Al-Zawahiri conceived a plan to use Islamic militants to infiltrate U.S. biological weapons labs and obtain the anthrax used in the attacks. The culprits were Al-Qaeda operatives who got the anthrax from a U.S. lab. But the truth was too embarrassing for the FBI to reveal.

As the evidence also indicates, Al-Zawahiri was a KGB agent. Al-Zawahiri’s KGB connection was documented by former KGB officers Alexander Litvinenko and Konstantin Preobrazhensky. He is still on the FBI’s “Most Wanted” list and is probably contemplating another series of biological weapons attacks on the United States from inside Afghanistan.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

Enough of the Mad Science, Part I

By Lex Greene

Many of the most published and celebrated scientists and doctors all over the globe have been screaming as loudly as they can, to STOP THE VACCINATIONS due to “never before seen” massive adverse reactions and permanent damage to human beings, including death. But ALL “mainstream” communication outlets are blocking their dire warnings from reaching the public, forcing them to use any platform they can to get the word out.

As usual, Pavlov trained citizens are questioning the science of the highly accredited front line doctors and scientists issuing these many warnings, simply because they are being forced to use secondary platforms to warn people, blocked, removed, deleted, fact-checked and otherwise silenced by all government controlled outlets and corporations.

YES – people are getting sick and dying… Every year, every day, people get sick and die, from a long list of illnesses.

In the USA, approximately 0.9% of Americans die each and every year, all causes combined. In 2019, the overall USA death rate was 0.878%. In 2020, it was 0.888%, up only one-one hundredth of 1% during “the world’s most deadly pandemic.” So far for 2021, we are on track to an annual overall death rate of 0.897%, another one-one hundredth of 1% increase, even with the so-called “delta variant.”SOURCE NOTE: Life Insurance Company actuaries are the very best in the world at tracking all causes of death and death rates in order to know their risk levels and set insurance premiums accordingly. These stats are from AIG Insurance Company actuaries. These numbers are used by the CDC and W.H.O. and are recorded in the CIA World Book of Global Facts each year.

These stats are literally impossible, if we were really under a “global pandemic threat” of any kind. Based upon fake government reports and tyrannical guidelines, you would think the entire world was dying of COVID19 at a rate never before seen. If this were true, the overall death toll numbers would not be experiencing the same one-one hundredth of 1% fluctuations that the USA (and world) sees every year.

People are NOT “trusting” any REAL science. They are just trusting their government and the government controlled news and social media.

“Compared to previous years, where the numbers in the 2019-2020 season saw roughly 22,000 flu deaths, and the 2018-2019 season had more at 34,000 deaths, 600 [flu deaths in 2020] is a 97 percent drop. So why is that happening? Are the typical flu deaths being categorized as something else?” SOURCE

As confirmed by the CDC, no current test can tell the difference between COVID19 or Influenza A and B, much less any alleged “variant.” Also confirmed by the CDC is the “fact” that over 80% of all COVID19 labeled “positives” in the USA (37,899,325 to date) are “false positives,” showing no symptoms. Last, the CDC has also confirmed that 94% of the COVID19 labeled deaths in the USA (640,102 to date) were from multiple causes, aka “comorbidities” and not COVID19. Only 6% of the COVID19 labeled deaths were from COVID19 alone. NOTE: Yes, government controlled Marxist “fact-checkers” are working around the clock to hide these prior statements by the CDC and any real facts.

Government health officials have publicly stated on numerous occasions that even if someone is in hospice care for a multitude of illnesses, given only a week or two to live, THEY WILL BE MARKED A COVID19 DEATH if they “test positive” – including with no related symptoms.

Here’s what all of this real science means…

  1. COVID19 labels replaced Flu labels from January 2020 to date
  2. No one dies of anything anymore, except COVID19
  3. At the very most, there has been 7.5 million symptomatic cases of COVID in the USA
  4. At the very most, there has been 40,000 COVID19 deaths in the USA
  5. There have been more than 60,000 U.S. deaths by vaccine just since January 2021

It’s a well-published known scientific fact that none of the masks you are being forced to wear are designed to, or capable of, preventing the spread of any virus, and that breathing your own exhale, germs, and spittle (carbon monoxide) all day every day is far more hazardous to your health.

It’s a well-published known scientific fact that there is no cure for the common cold, also known as “corona virus.”

It’s now a known scientific fact that COVID19 is NOT a natural virus at all, but rather a “gain of function” poison created in the Wuhan Lab, funded by Dr. Fauci’s organizations. (Bio-terrorism)

It’s a known scientific fact that none of the so-called “vaccines” are actually vaccines. They are instead, a very dangerous and deadly “gene therapy experiment” that is designed to alter human DNA and turn the body against itself. (Bio-terrorism) None of the so-called vaccines are stopping any illness and we all know it now.

It’s a known scientific fact that the FDA has NOT approved any of these experimental gene therapies for use on humans, and that every person Pavlov trained to do whatever their corrupt government tells them to do, without asking any questions, are mere lab rats for their corrupt government.

So, why are you still following all of the lies and your corrupt government, instead of following the real science?

Everything I just said is easily verifiable, for anyone seeking the truth. But most are not seeking the truth. They are simply following whatever Simon says and doubting all of the highly accredited real doctors and scientists that have been blasting warnings for months now, just because CNN and the likes won’t allow any real doctors or front line caregivers to speak truth.

Why do you think nurses and doctors are leaving their professions after many years of service, to avoid being forced to take the shots that so many Americans have already taken voluntarily? You doubt all of them, but never doubt the corrupt politicians behind the greatest mass killing spree mankind has ever seen.

Hitler’s Nazi Germany was nothing compared to what these mad doctors and scientists are doing to mankind, all over the world, as the average “go along to get along” citizen simply cannot seem to tell fact from fiction or right from wrong.

When will enough be enough? How much more death, destruction, division, chaos and loss of freedom and liberty do you need to see, before enough is enough for you? How much?

God help a people so ignorant and trained to go along with blatant evil, as if they can survive that choice. God help us all!

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lex Greene:

The Free Exercise Thereof

By Dave Daubenmire

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Those are only four words, but they are at the very heart of liberty.  No matter how much we banter on and on about “Constitutional Rights” the fact remains that rights are only valid if they can be exercised.  Freely exercised.  Not bound or encumbered or restrained by any overriding source.  Rights do not require a permission slip or the approval of some higher human source.

Our rights are inalienable.  That is the term that our Founders put in the Declaration of Independence which was the Mission Statement of the future United States of America.  Before we dive in perhaps it is important that we do a shallow dive into the meaning of words.  By the way, our rights are God -given rights, not Constitutional rights.  The Constitution puts limits on GOVERNMENT, not the people.  Our rights come from GOD and not from Government.  There is no such thing as CONSTITUTIONAL rights.

That is Civics 101.  Government does not grant rights.  The Constitution RESTRAINS the government.  The Government has ONLY those powers granted to them by WE THE PEOPLE.  There is no Caesar in America.  The people are Caesar and our FOUNDERS put restraints on the strong, greedy, overreaching arm of Government.  Thomas Jefferson said:

“The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first.” —Thomas Jefferson

Are we to believe that Jefferson and the boys gave power over the people to the Government?

Noah Webster who is responsible for bringing clarity to the English language as the fledgling nation was beginning to take flight.  He authored the Webster’s Dictionary and it gives clear interpretation to the meaning of words during the period when the Declaration and Constitution were penned.  Today, it is hard to find the “original intent” because the words have been turned upside down and sideways.  The meaning of words is essential in correctly interpreting what the Founders believed.

Webster’s 1828 dictionary  Webster’s Dictionary 1828 – Webster’s Dictionary 1828 – Alienable defines ALIENABLE as “That which may be sold, or transferred to another.”  Property is alienable.  Crops are alienable.  Livestock is alienable.  Most non-human possessions can be sold or given away.  But TAKING them away is theft.

Inalienable, non-alienable, are rights or possessions that come from God and can NEVER be given or taken away.  Skin color is inalienable.  Sex at birth is inalienable.  Webster’s defines inalienable as “that which cannot be legally or justly alienated or transferred to another.”  Not only can the Government not TAKE or GRANT rights, an individual cannot even GIVE the right away.  You can be a man who claims to be a woman but that does not change the TRUTH of who and what you are.  Born that way is the term we use today.

But our Founders went beyond that.  They said the right to own a gun came from God and can never be taken away by another human being or group of human beings.  CONGRESS SHALL MAKE NO LAW…because there is no law against GOD GIVEN rights.  They are…well…inalienable. Impossible to separate from the individual.  Neither Congress, nor the Courts, nor your local health officials can take them away.

If CONGRESS can’t take away your rights how in the hades can Fauci, or Gates, or your Governor, or your Local Health Department?

Read the Bill of Rights and you will see that they refer to your INALIENABLE, GOD-ENDOWED rights.  Endowed.  There is another one of those words.  Endowed By Their Creator.  Endowed means given with ultimate authority.  God, the ultimate authority, granted the individual the RIGHT to LIFE, LIBERTY, and the PURSUIT of Happiness.  There is no inalienable right to do wrong.  That is why Governments were instituted among men.  To reward good and punish evil as spelled out by the Creator.

Look around you at the larceny that is ravaging in the land.  Our freedoms have been stolen.  The Land of Liberty is no longer free.  Freedom of Religion is nearly dead.  Read the Mayflower Compact.  “The advancement of the Christian Faith” was the reason the Puritans came to America.  Today, Christianity has been relegated to the back of the bus, equal in standing with a myriad of other gods riding in the rumble seat of the Government.

Congress SHALL make no law respecting the “establishment of religion NOR  prohibiting the FREE EXERCISE thereof.”  It was Christianity, THE CHURCH, which created the GOVERNMENT.  How in the world did the child get the authority to rule over the parents who created it?

Things are upside down in this nation.  A Spiritual coup has occurred and the forces of darkness have seized everything that belongs to God.  If the Government can tell you when you can pray, and where you can pray, is there really FREE EXERCISE of your faith?  If the Government gets final approval over the validity of your Christian objection to mask wearing and body injections do you really possess inalienable rights?  Do Governor’s mandates and health department orders really cancel your God endowed inalienable rights?

But if we live in an atheistic nation where there is no God, then the secular Government becomes the arbiter of what is “inalienable.”  The only way the Government can take away inalienable rights is if they deny the Authority of God.  If there is no God then man becomes the grantor of rights.  That is called Humanism, or its stepchildren socialism and communism and it has failed everywhere it has been tried.

The question we face today is not whether or not the Government health orders are protective or even the right thing to do.  The debate is will we permit the Government to do what they have no right or authority to do.

Why is it the God-hating Left loves to scream “my body, my choice” when it comes to taking the inalienable right to live away from an unborn baby, but go into conniptions when others want to exert that same right in regards to body injections and dog masks?

If we are to secure this nation, at some point men and women are going to have to stand up to the blatant overreach of Government officials.   If we are to secure those “blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity” we must stand up and push back NOW.

I am exercising my God-given, inalienable right to FREE EXERCISE of my Faith.

To paraphrase Nancy Reagan it is time to not only “JUST SAY NO…but HELL NO!

What good are rights if you can’t exercise them?

© 2021 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

Kicking Sand in America’s Face

by Lee Duigon

Remember those old Charles Atlas ads in 1950s comic books?

“Fear No Man! Crush Your Enemies!” And there he stood, in all his muscular glory, a human powerhouse.

The ads usually came with a mini-comic strip featuring some poor “skinny runt” at the beach getting sand kicked in his face by a musclebound bully who jeers at the runt’s discomfiture while the poor guy’s girlfriend watches, ashamed. But then the runt signs up for Charles Atlas’ program; and the next time he is at the beach, he settles the bully’s hash but good.

Now turn we unto the state of our beleaguered union.

What a difference nine months makes. With Donald Trump running the show, America was a powerhouse. We were making America great again. Our economy, which the last president, old *Batteries Not Included, said would never come back… was coming back. And humming!

But now America is the poor skinny runt.

The Taliban is kicking sand in our faces. Those Afghans who sided with us in 20 years of war, the ones who haven’t been able to get away in the general panic, are waiting to be killed. Twenty years we poured down that hole—and how long did it take the Taliban to seize the capital city of Kabul, once our new “president” announced his great skedaddle? Twenty minutes?

Red China is kicking sand in our faces, trumpeting to the world that the USA is no better than a broken reed to lean on, a straw man of an ally who drops the ball and runs away when the going gets tough. “Better surrender to us while you can! Don’t expect America to help you. Taiwan, you’re next!” And they kick more sand at us and say “What are you gonna do about it, you skinny runt?”

It took the doddering Biden virtually no time at all to rupture our country’s southern border. Millions of illegal aliens are kicking sand in our faces now. Some of them are surely carrying the COVID germ, but nothing’s done about it… beyond chauffeuring them to various locations throughout the country, at the taxpayers’ expense. Probably some of them are terrorists. Thousands of ISIS and Taliban bad guys are now being let out of prison. Don’t expect them to devote their new freedom to gardening and bingo.

Our own Democrat Party, wacko governors and mayors and all those loons nesting on Capitol Hill, are kicking sand in our faces. Huzzah! Another humiliating American defeat. As bad as that business in Saigon! And just watch us squander money! Fundamental transformation, anyone? The socialist millennium is here!

Everything President Donald Trump accomplished, from securing our border to bringing our manufacturing back home and stopping all that Hypocritical Race Theory training in our bureaucracies, has been undone. On purpose. By people who do not like America, and say so, and yet enjoy high positions in government and all our other institutions. Big Tech, Hollywood, the colleges and universities, our Free & Independent Nooze Media Inc.—“You’re going down, America! It’s our time now, and you deplorables are going down!”

Is it even possible that someday we’ll recover from the disaster that was the 2020 election, get our country back, kick out all the socialists, and get to continue as a constitutional republic instead of just a name on a map? Sheesh, even our freakin’ football teams despise us! And our National Basketball Assn. is totally in China’s pocket.

Pray unceasingly, pray hard, work hard, and press forward in faith.

We appeal to the Judge of all the earth; and He will do what’s right.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and stop in for a visit, before they make a mandate against it. My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon:

The Most Incompetent President, Ever!

By Frosty Wooldridge

U.S. Senator Rick Scott (R-FL) stands among a growing number of Republicans in both chambers of Congress calling for Joe Biden to be removed from office via engaging the 25th Amendment. In a Monday Twitter post, he wrote:

“After the disastrous events in Afghanistan, we must confront a serious question: Is Joe Biden capable of discharging the duties of his office or has time come to exercise the provisions of the 25th Amendment?”

That tweet came on the heels of one posted four days earlier, when Scott called out the “Commander-in-Chief” over “raging” inflation, the national debt and the border crisis. Noting that Democrats control the House, Senate and White House, the Florida Senator asked: “What in the world is Joe Biden doing?”

Answer: well into onset dementia, Joe Biden doesn’t really know what he is doing.  His handlers must be losing their minds trying to cover up the fact that Biden lacks any ability to cognitively function with any command of his faculties.  I personally know a friend struggling with dementia. That friend said, “During a conversation, my mind vanishes…I can’t remember yesterday…I don’t remember where I am…I just don’t know what’s going on.”

My friend, veteran Gary Gobel said, “Let’s discuss the long-term ramifications of this fiasco….the withdrawal from Afghanistan. After Saigon and what we saw recently in Afghanistan, who will trust this nation in any coalition or in any war? After seeing the betrayal of our own people in Benghazi, how can any liberal hold their head up under the leadership of Biden? This crime by the Deep State has in eight months destroyed the best economy you’ve seen in your lives, flooded the country with illegal immigrants and now destroyed our standing in the international community while greatly dividing our people!”

I admit that Lyndon Johnson’s Vietnam War divided our country down to the core.  And now, G.W. Bush’s two wars definitely split this country in half.  We, the citizens paying with our children’s lives and tax dollars know that the entire U.S. Congress, the majority of 535 of them, have lied to us, stolen $6 trillion of our money to fund those two 20 year bogus wars, and killed in excess of 114,000 in soldier suicides and 7,100 combat deaths——all for NOTHING!  Oh, except they lined the wallets of untold bankers and stockholders of the Military Industrial Complex.

And to top off the Afghanistan debacle, this cognitive deficient president has opened our borders to an invasion of illegal refugee migrants, literally waltzing over borders to enjoy food, housing, and medical care paid for by us. All at the expense of our own poor, our own homeless, our veterans, and our own dispossessed. That’s not to mention billions of dollars in drugs being carried over our borders and distributed  to our kids.

You can’t make this nightmare up.  It’s being orchestrated by Joe Biden and his handlers.  And somebody, somewhere, pulls on the puppet strings as that entity works for the downfall of the United States of America.

On Facebook, it showed a cartoon whereby for the past 20 years, we’ve dropped bombs all over the middle east while spending $6 trillion in Iraq and Afghanistan: creating a 300,000-man army that was a total lie by the generals and Biden. That “army” collapsed within a week by 10,000 Islamic guerilla fighters. This fact remains: the entire country consists of illiterate goat herders and opium growers with NO CHANCE to incorporate democracy or advanced Western society. The generals knew it all along for 20 years.  All the while, China spent $6 trillion building infrastructure.  They are thriving and we are devolving our society into tribal factions.

While we imported countless Vietnamese refugees after we fled Nam, this time, we will be importing followers of a violent religion bent on destroying all Western Civilizations.  We’ve already got 7,000,000 Muslims in our midst.  When they reach critical mass, we face civil war with our Islamic immigrants.  It’s that simple and THAT stupid.

Are you not appalled by the 20 years of lies by Schumer, Pelosi, McConnell, Waters, Jackson, Bush, Obama, Trump, Biden, et al?  Doesn’t it blow your mind that we ‘accepted’ all their endless lies?  Do you have any idea of how good it would have been to have spent $6 trillion on our own people and infrastructure?  Have you called your senators and House member voicing your anger?  If you voted for Schumer, McConnell and Pelosi back into office after their 40 years of failure, why did you do it?  What were you thinking?

Biden, fools and sycophants lead America in 2021. I suspect that Kamala Harris cries in her sleep because she’s TOTALLY not ready to step into the White House.  But she is “on deck” as Biden flails in the batter’s box.

Buckle up folks because we are in for a really rough ride.

If you would like a free electronic copy of this book, please email me with your email address and I will send it to you.  Every American with children or any American who will live in this country in 2050, needs to understand what they face.

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121.

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

This video will scare the daylights out of every American as to what’s coming to our country, US Citizenship Act 2021 by Joe Biden.

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Mengele, Fauci, Zyklon B and the Poisonous Clot Shot

By Kelleigh Nelson

Fear is often “false evidence appearing real.”  —Nick Vujicic, a man born without limbs

A government is like fire, a handy servant, but a dangerous master.  —George Washington

If we do a really great job on new vaccines and… reproductive health services, (i.e., abortion) we could lower the world population by perhaps 10% or 15%.  —Bill Gates

The United Nation’s goal is to reduce population selectively by encouraging abortion, forced sterilization, and control of human reproduction, and regards two-thirds of the human population as baggage, with 350,000 people to be eliminated per day.  —Jacques Cousteau, UNESCO Courier, Nov. 1991

A total world population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.  —Ted Turner, former husband of American traitor Jane Fonda

Is the power of humanity greater than the authoritarian evil thrust upon us for nearly two years?  This country had a watershed event in 1860 that destroyed states’ rights and gave us an all-powerful centralized federal government.  Revisionist history and propaganda are spoon fed to our children via government education and mainstream media camouflaged with a façade of truth, but concealing a core of subversion, fraud and devilish deceit.

Marxist Slavery

Total slavery is planned for all people…red and yellow, black and white, worldwide, many are living under massive government surveillance now, including Americans. Fear has controlled populations with masks, lockdowns, experimental jabs and totalitarian dictatorial powers deciding the very future of humanity.  Marxism is here although today’s youth unwittingly embrace it.

Simply put, if you’re an American, freedom is fleeing.  Fascism is the collusion between government and corporations.  Communism is the control of production which means future shortages of toilet paper and empty grocery shelves much like those in Marxist-run Venezuela and Cuba. Communist refugees who would cry with joy when seeing loaded shelves in American groceries, will soon recognize what they left has also immigrated.

“When you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing – When you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors – When you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don’t protect you against them, but protect them against you – When you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice – You may know that your society is doomed.” Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged 1957

And we, the masses, are those who will lose our property, our livelihoods, and ultimately be starved to death by demonic masters. Over 40% of the middle class lost their businesses and incomes in 2020, and this was only the beginning of middle class elimination.

Who will state the truth?  True leaders are silent. Few radio or TV hosts ever speak the entire truth of what we’re facing…talk is cheap…we need action.  The meetings, the councils, the videos, and the articles continue exposing the rot, but no one has drawn the sword of righteousness to expose the demonic entities who wish our demise.  No one tells the core of the evil which has overtaken America. It’s Fascism and communism combined.

Smaller European nations are in revolt, and are being crucified for speaking truth.  Where are Americans?  Where is truth?  Where is the spirit of liberty, that liberty our founders fought for during the Revolutionary War…that liberty that loosed the chains of control?  Where are we?  Is anyone awake?

Many believe Covid started the downward spiral of America’s freedoms, but America’s demise started nearly two centuries ago and demonic doctrine has slowly inculcated every facet of our society from the founding of this nation.  Marxist doctrine has been minutely and secretly inserted into our nation’s laws by representatives who give no credence to our founders written desires for free men to elect servants of the people. They disobey their oaths of office from the minute they’re sworn into office on the Bible, and now sworn in on the shariah encoded Koran.

Evil slithers into every entity, companies, institutions, associations, governments and  pulpits to destroy freedom, liberty and life, evidenced by all the woke corporations and organizations. Baby boomers have seen it all and their ancestors, the greatest generation, are all but gone.  Now we fight for our lives and the lives of our descendants against the purposeful agenda of depopulation via medical nihilism and malfeasance.

Debunking the Fraudulent Medical Consensus

The Nazis had a saying, “fürihre Sicherheit.”  It means, “for their safety” or “for your safety.”  How many times have we heard that masks, social distancing, and lockdowns are “for your safety?” The mRNA “vaccines” by Pfizer and Moderna are the new Zyklon-B of Nazi Germany’s extermination camps, but this time it comes in a needle, a needle that rapes you of your life.  Interesting that Pfizer apparently doesn’t mandate the jab for their own employees.

And the repeated and disgusting slogan, “We’re in this together.”  Like hell we are!  How many politicians died of Covid?  How many of the elite lost their livelihoods?  How many suicides?  And how many gave up ever trying again?

Anthony Fauci is today’s Dr. Joseph Mengele along with his assistant Bill Gates and friends. He is the master of confusion and that is part of the PSYOPS.  Thirteen million were murdered by the National Socialists of Germany, millions upon millions more will die from the experimental injection of death. Today’s genocide is worldwide and a massive extermination of humanity.  I.G. Farben created Zyklon-B for Nazi Germany, used to gas millions to death. Now Fauci, Gates and the rest of the medical hierarchy are thrilled with their new “investigational” jabs.

Letting thousands die, first by the lies spread against cheap and safe decades-old lifesaving medications, hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin, and then by killing off and maiming hundreds of thousands more with their “warp speed” messenger RNA vaccines. It’s not enough that seven million babies have been murdered in their mother’s wombs, the holocaust continues against all humanity.

The many physicians, scientists and attorneys who are speaking the truth face censorship, character assassination, loss of grants, board positions and licenses. This is part and parcel of the evil overriding the truth in our nation.  Our first amendment is blasphemed and destroyed by the totalitarians who’ve controlled our livelihoods for nearly two years, and those who continue to wield their authoritarian power

Medical Heroes

Imagine a vaccine so safe that the government has to coerce you to take it… for a virus that 99.75% recover from but is so deadly that you have to be tested to find out if you have it. A genuine pandemic doesn’t require 24/7 advertising to remind you that it exists. Real pandemics don’t need marketing campaigns and endless propaganda, but psychological operations do!  Yes, it’s a PSYOP!

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko is interviewed on this website by Israel’s Avi Abelow.  Scroll to the second video and listen to this marvelous physician.

Dr. Zelenko tells us, “No one needs this vaccine, this is the big lie.  If this vaccine is so effective, and you already have two shots, why are the two countries with the most vaccinated in the world, Israel and St. Ellis, the ones with the most outbreaks of the virus?  The recovery risk in younger people in 99.998%.  So, anyone who has allowed their children to get ‘vaccinated’ is guilty of child abuse and potentially murder.  Israel’s leader, Bennett said that the ‘vaccine’ was going to expire and he had 25,000 children jabbed in one day, and that is the epitome of evil. My feeling is that the current Israeli government is a reincarnation of Joseph Mengele, and actually even worse.”

“If you have a demographic that has a nearly 100% recovery with no treatment, why would I put an experimental death liquid into them?  According to Dr. Michael Yeadon, director of vaccine development for Pfizer, he says for every one child who would die from Covid, which is one in a million, 50 will die from the ‘vaccine.’  Someone who has had Covid, has now recovered and has antibodies, they are a million times more effective in protecting you than artificially produced ‘vaccine’ induced antibodies.  As for the high-risk group, if you treat people early, with the onset of symptoms within the first few days, you can reduce their death and hospitalization rate by 85%.”

But the FDA, CDC, and NIH promoted the false Lancet report on Hydroxychlorquine and Ivermectin.  Thousands of our beloved parents and grandparents could have been saved, but were allowed to die and die alone.

Dr. Ryan Cole’s 17-minute speech at the White Coat Summit is a must listen.  He’s a Mayo Clinic certified anatomic and clinical pathologist and more.  He asks, “If we have billions to advertise a clot shot to children who don’t need it, Dr. Fauci, where’s the funding for science?” He goes on to explain that the spike protein is the toxin and asks why we are injecting into the body that which is the toxin that will cause the same illnesses and disease and death in humans that it caused in animals.  He shows countless slides of cells before and after the clot shot and tells us this is a poisonous attack on our population and it needs to stop now!  He warns that those who recovered from Covid and then received the jab are in serious trouble.

Another doctor stepped up to tell an Indiana school board how absolutely ignorant they were by demanding school children wear masks.

Dr. Daniel Stock gave a six-minute speech to the Mt. Vernon, Indiana school board, telling the truth about mask mandates and what is being done to our children.

Health Care Workers

Miguel Escobar spoke to the Edinburg, Texas school board meeting.  He is a Physician Assistant and has worked in healthcare for over 15 years.  He spends only 13 minutes explaining the facts to the board.  We cannot see them, but we do see the people behind him on their cell phones when this man expounds on what is really happening.  Please watch the video.  I applaud him!

Abrien Aguirre, aboard-certified occupational therapist in Hawaii tells what is happening in nursing facilities.  He has worked in three Covid facilities in Oahu.  He was interviewed at an outside protest at the Hawaii State Capitol in Honolulu by a group known as “Hawaii Free Speech News.”  His elderly patients are dying at rates much higher after the jab than with Covid. Yes, bumping off the pensioners saves money for the state.  The ten-minute video can be seen here.

Attorney Reiner Fuellmich

In this 10-minute video, attorney Reiner Fuellmich tells us the World Health Organization (WHO) has now declared that the Covid virus is no more dangerous than the common flu.  This is a far cry from their early 2020 forecast by WHO and Dr. Fauci of two million dead Americans. When this news was delivered to President Trump, Fauci urged the shutdown of our massive economy ultimately destroying 40% of small businesses resulting in suicides, drug overdoses, abuse and bankruptcy.

The Dresden PCR test which was declared by the WHO under control of Bill Gates and the Chinese as the gold standard in detecting infections is an outrageous fraud.  The PCR test set at 45 cycles was set to show 100% false positives as Corona cases.  These false tests were the basis for a public health concern that shut down economies worldwide.  The acronym for Public Health Emergency of International Concern is PHEIC, pronounced FAKE.

Reiner Fuellmich goes on to explain that this PHEIC was needed by the global alliance of pharmaceutical and tech industries in order to achieve the goal of so-called “vaccinations.”  This was their true stated intention from the beginning.  The entire distancing, masking and lockdowns were illusionary in order to insure panic for their psychological operations. Fuellmich states that despite the lies of the globalists and the difficulty in reporting to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), it is estimated that 500,000 Americans have already died of the Covid jabs…and more are coming their way.

Targeting the Standalones

The Chinese and Russians are not giving their own people these inoculations.  Our military has been forced into these jabs and as of a month ago, only 20 died in all of 2020 from C-19, but now 80 have heart problems from the jab.  Wonder why? To weaken us for a takeover.

A phenomenon called “othering” is used in propaganda and brainwashing. Othering is when a person determines that another person is unworthy, threatening, or all-around inadequate and hardly even the same species.  This is what is now happening throughout America and the world regarding those of us who choose not to accept the party line that the jabs are good for all humanity.  Many Americans have seen the deaths and adverse effects of the clot shot and believe the needle rape is another Zyklon B toxicant to destroy not only the elderly, but a large majority of the world’s population.

Juliette Kayyem writes in the regressive Atlantic that only vaccinated people should be allowed on domestic flights.  Yeah…spread the enhanced virus all over the place, the un-jabbed don’t want anything to do with the jabbed!  Last September’s Atlantic Festival featured top speakers Fauci, Hillary and Staci Abrams.

Don Lemon says the un-jabbed should not be able to go to the grocery.  He’s spewing his invectives to a nation who believes it’s fine to starve people to death when they refuse a dangerous medical experiment. They believe in medical and personal privacy.  Maxine Waters taught her fellow comrades that it’s okay to get in people’s faces, to scream at them, to disrupt their dining, to make their public lives miserable.  Common decency and courtesy are verboten in today’s society.

Andy Slavitt, a former medical advisor for President Biden, believes that anyone unvaccinated should be required to be tested daily at their own expense until they finally give in.

Democrats believe Medicare (despite the fact you’ve paid into it all your life), Medicaid and health insurance should be denied to the un-jabbed.

Others want to add employment, suspension of gun and driving licenses, access to loans. Sporting events, dining out, and concerts should also require proof of vaccine. It will not be popular, but it is the only way to get people vaccinated.

Others want the un-jabbed to have all health care suspended.

Candidate Steve Cox, an independent running to represent California’s 39th Congressional District said, “We should be allowed to shoot anyone who doesn’t take COVID seriously enough.”  Leftists like Cox are common in today’s media rhetoric.


This is the America we’re living in today. It’s reminiscent of history that today’s children have no knowledge of, and they’ll murder billions of us and use the excuse that the un-inoculated did it when we know the perpetrators are the satanic entities that hate life, liberty and freedom.

© 2021 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson:

Will You Fight for Freedom?

By Cliff Kincaid

The difference between Afghanistan and Vietnam is that the Muslims would not fight for freedom. The Vietnamese did and were betrayed. That’s the difference. Don’t forget it.  The real enemy is the Red Jihad.

Here’s the truth:

Vietnam would be free today except for a Democratic-controlled Congress that decided otherwise. Lewis Fanning’s excellent book, Betrayal in Vietnam, notes that “…it was not the Hanoi communists who won the war, but rather the American Congress that lost it.” Fanning writes, “It was not until after the United States elections in the fall of 1974 that North Vietnamese field commanders received the go-ahead in their plans to conquer South Vietnam.

As a result of the Watergate scandals, the Democrats had gained forty-three seats in the House. This liberal victory meant that in the 94th Congress there would be 291 Democrats and only 144 Republicans. In the Senate, the Democrats had gained three seats and the lineup was now 61 Democrats to 39 Republicans. This leftward shift of both congressional chambers played a significant role in the North Vietnamese decision to unleash its army.”

Going through the provisions of various bills offered by Democrats in Congress, he presents the case that “A Democratic caucus of the Congress of the United States, aided and abetted by a few liberal Republicans, cast the South Vietnamese people into Communist slavery.”

That left-wing caucus, Members of Congress for Peace through Law, decided that American military involvement would end, and dramatically reduced aid to the government of South Vietnam. Republican President Gerald Ford, who took power after Richard Nixon’s resignation, understood that Congress would not provide enough assistance to keep the country free of communism. Hundreds of thousands of “boat people” tried to escape the Hanoi communists who took power in Saigon while the communist Khmer Rouge took power in neighboring Cambodia, eliminating almost two million people.

The Members of Congress for Peace through Law eventually grew to became the Congressional Progressive Caucus, the largest group of congressional members within the Democratic Party. This faction is the subject of Trevor Loudon’s book, The Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the US Congress, which is now being made into a major film.

Think about this as we consider Afghanistan.

Here’s what China Joe said about the Afghan Army on July 8, 2021:

“Together, with our NATO Allies and partners, we have trained and equipped over three hu- — nearly 300,000 current serving members of the military — of the Afghan National Security Force, and many beyond that who are no longer serving. Add to that, hundreds of thousands more Afghan National Defense and Security Forces trained over the last two decades. We provided our Afghan partners with all the tools — let me emphasize: all the tools, training, and equipment of any modern military. We provided advanced weaponry. And we’re going to continue to provide funding and equipment.  And we’ll ensure they have the capacity to maintain their air force.”

Asked about “some Vietnamese veterans” who “see echoes of their experience in this withdrawal in Afghanistan,” he was asked, “Do you see any parallels between this withdrawal and what happened in Vietnam, with some people feeling — “

Biden said, “None whatsoever.  Zero.  What you had is — you had entire brigades breaking through the gates of our embassy — six, if I’m not mistaken. The Taliban is not the south — the North Vietnamese army. They’re not — they’re not remotely comparable in terms of capability.  There’s going to be no circumstance where you see people being lifted off the roof of a embassy in the — of the United States from Afghanistan.  It is not at all comparable.”

He’s wrong. His party betrayed freedom in Vietnam. The Vietnamese were prepared to fight for their freedom. The Muslims were not.

Here’s more of the exchange:

Question:  Is a Taliban takeover of Afghanistan now inevitable?

Biden:  No, it is not.

Question:  Why?

Biden: Because you — the Afghan troops have 300,000 well-equipped — as well-equipped as any army in the world — and an air force against something like 75,000 Taliban.  It is not inevitable.

Question: Do you trust the Taliban, Mr. President?  Do you trust the Taliban, sir?

Biden: You — is that a serious question?

Question: It is absolutely a serious question.  Do you trust the Taliban?

Biden: No, I do not.

Question:   Do you trust handing over the country to the Taliban?

Biden: No, I do not trust the Taliban.

The Muslims had the arms and the training. They were not prepared to fight for freedom against the Red Jihad. Lesson learned, finally.

Our enemies are communism and Islam. Together, they are the Red Jihad.

America has to fight both.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, inc.

Nazi Vaxxers – The New Segregationists

By Lex Greene

Face it – only in a Nazi-run concentration country does anyone on earth have any legal authority whatsoever to inject anyone with anything against their will. Anywhere freedom and liberty reign, the people have freedom of personal choice without fear of coercion, retribution, persecution, or segregation. Only a Nazi would work so hard to divide a nation by every means possible.

“Where the people fear the government, you have tyranny. Where the government fears the people, you have liberty.” –Thomas Jefferson

There are a few other facts Americans must face today.

  • No one has yet isolated the COVID19 virus as a “novel virus”
  • No current test can separate COVID19 from Influenza A or B
  • The so-called tests often read (false) POSITIVE, right out of the package
  • There are no “vaccines” for any “corona virus” (aka common cold and flu)
  • None of Fauci’s “vaccines” are vaccines
  • These are lab created genetic experiments, just like the Wuhan Lab virus
  • Masks in use are NOT designed to or capable of stopping the spread of any virus
  • No one has authority to prevent your “pursuit of happiness”
  • No one has any authority to strip you of Life or Health
  • No one has any authority to deprive you of individual liberty
  • More people have died from the VAX than the so-called virus
  • The CDC has lied about all of it for over 19-months now
  • It’s against the Constitution, U.S. Law, and the Nuremberg Code to do what they have done
  • Everyone involved, everyone, should face trial for “crimes against humanity”

I’m not saying illness doesn’t exist, we all know it does. I’m not saying that no one has died as a result of contracting a number of different flu and cold viruses. I’m saying that the same percentage of Americans die every year, from exactly the same causes, approximately 0.9% of the population. I’m saying that before the lethal “vaccines,” there is NO unusual increase in annual death rate in 2020 or 2021 (during this so-called pandemic) and if you don’t believe me, research that for yourself!

WE HAVE ALL BEEN LIED TO BY ALL OF THE SO-CALLED “EXPERTS” and it’s about to cost us our Life, Liberty, Happiness, future, and posterity, if we don’t wake up and take swift appropriate ACTION, RIGHT NOW!

We have been lied to by the mad scientists (Fauci, Gates, Soros), the cowardly politicians (both political parties), the global Marxist owned media (all mainstream mediums), many conned or cowardly doctors and nurses, many of them are more worried about their paycheck than the health of their patients. We have been lied to by pretty much everyone in a position of power. We all sense it…most of us know it.

If you don’t have the Right to say NO to forced or coerced DNA altering injections, then you have no Rights at all! We are ALL in this together!


Over the past hundred years, Americans have been slow boiled at a rate most never bothered to notice, through bad public education, Marxist college campuses, fake news, criminal career politicians, corrupt courts and even One World Order churches. Almost everything the American people have experienced for many years now, has been a blatant lie.

Some are feeling the boil now, but many still can’t tell they are well beyond a simmer. Some are starting to jump out of that pot and fight back, while others are determined to look the other way, as they are quickly brought to a fatal rolling boil.

In recent weeks, even mad Dr. Fauci has been forced to concede the following;

  1. Yes, COVID19 came from the Wuhan Lab
  2. Yes, his enterprises HAVE funded “gain of function” experiments
  3. Yes, the masks don’t work
  4. Yes, the “vaccines” are not really vaccines
  5. Yes, social distancing has done nothing to stop the spread
  6. Yes, the government cannot “force” any of these measures on anyone
  7. Yes, people are dying in mass from the “vaccines”
  8. Yes, the “vaccines” do NOT prevent infection, spread or death
  9. Yes, he does believe mother earth needs less people
  10. Yes, he WILL continue to destroy us – if we let him!

Why do you think Biden’s Department of Homeland Security is totally ignoring the death and destruction all across the country committed by Marxist democrats in ANTIFA and BLM, while targeting all patriotic Americans who stand opposed to the massive FRAUD behind COVID19 and the 2020 Elections?

It’s because they KNOW they are anti-American frauds and the also KNOW that the American people are figuring this out and beginning to rise against them! They can only hide their crimes, deaths, and destruction so long. Sooner or later, their fatal Marxist (Nazi) agenda was going to cause so much chaos and damage that they would no longer be able to hide it or keep a lid on public reaction. They will attempt to blame Trump. But it won’t work. Too many know!

Their agenda is based entirely in Global Marxism and their tactics are based entirely in Hitler’s NAZI-ISM. That’s why America and free people all over the world feel like they are living in pre-World War Germany.


Protests, petitions, emails, letters, social media whining, even meetings with criminal cowards in government and lawsuits filed in corrupt courts, are USELESS. Who cares about passing new laws when no one has adhered to previous laws or even the Constitution and Bill of Rights for decades? Those who think they will “lock and load” to solve this, will face the US Military. Where there are no consequences, there can be no justice and where there is no justice, there can be no freedom.

Thousands are walking off their jobs in all professions all across the country, just to avoid “mandates” that NO ONE has any right or legal authority to issue, much less enforce. Until now, they have been doing it alone or in small groups. THAT MUST CHANGE IMMEDIATELY!

A NATIONWIDE STRIKE is the ONLY peaceful option now! Before Biden and his unlawful Marxist cabal can lock us all down again, we must LOCK THEM ALL DOWN first! Enough of playing defense. We must take the offense here and quickly.

  1. If you live in a State where your Governor and State Legislatures are actively STOPPING all mandates at your border, protecting their own citizens, work with them to make sure they stand that ground and complete that mission.
  2. If you live in a State run by Marxist democrats, Dr. Fauci, Bill Gates and George Soros, you have a very different problem on your hands. You will be the first to be masked, vaxxed and locked down. You may have waited too long to leave. Get out of the major cities and find others of like-mind so that you can try to defend each other. Get as self-sufficient as possible, as fast as possible. If you have a second home elsewhere, go there.
  3. Whether you are a union employee or a non-union employee, every decent honest American must be prepared to sit at home and NOT go to work in a nationwide strike for as long as it takes for OUR MANDATES to take effect.
  4. Americans MUST do this in mass and together, which means a time to begin the strike must be set a week or two out so that everyone can prepare.
  5. STOP the “lock and load” chatter. Anyone who thinks we can win this violently in the streets is overlooking the reality that our Military and Law Enforcement has been compromised as well. A reported 70% of the military have been vaxxed, which means a best, only 30% might protect us from the Nazi mandates.
  6. Donald J. Trump is the ONLY person in the USA today capable of leading America out of this darkness, no matter what you think of him. There is no one else. But I have no clue what he’s ready to do, if anything at all. So, we cannot wait or count on him. We can hope he will step up to lead, once we lead.
  7. We must be prepared to STRIKE until our mandates, will end theirs.

If you think we have any other choice, you’re wrong. We are rapidly losing our country, our freedom, liberty and for many, our lives and the future for our children and grandchildren.

We don’t have any choice. We must STOP THEIR MANDATES peacefully, before they shut us all down again and finish off what little is left of our country and way of life.

If we fail, it will not be because of the depth of commitment in our enemies. It will be due to the lack of commitment and courage in Americans. A majority of Americans will never get what’s happening here in time. We must work with the totally awake. (not to be confused with the Marxist woke)

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lex Greene:

Did GloboCorp Assassinate 3 National Presidents to Further the COVID Narrative & Import Vaccines?

By Steven Yates

“In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.” Attributed to —Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

The countries: Burundi, Tanzania, and Haiti. All troubled places, long plagued with poverty and bouts of instability. The names, respectively: President Pierre Nkurunziza, President John Magufuli, and President Jovenel Moïse.

The official dates I have for their deaths: June 8, 2020, for President Nkurunziza; March 18, 2021, for President Magufuli; and July 7, 2021, for President Moïse.

President Nkurunziza, 55, had ruled in Burundi since 2005 following a bloody 12-year civil war in which 300,000 had died. On June 6, 2020, a Saturday, he was reportedly feeling unwell and was admitted to a hospital in the town of Karuzi. Sunday he was reportedly improved, but then went into steep decline the following morning. “His” government reported his death two days later as caused by cardiac arrest. That became the official story. He had been due to step down from “his” country’s presidency in a few weeks.

In Tanzania, President Magufuli, 61, had disappeared from public view for over two weeks prior to reports of his death. His country’s official story is again that he died from a “heart condition.” Rumors abounded that Covid was what killed him.

President Moïse, 53, was killed by a team of heavily-armed assassins. While the first two events passed without much notice outside their own countries, Moïse’s assassination made international headlines.

What do all three have in common? They were all “Covid deniers,” in the Establishment’s parlance. That is, they all rejected the official coronavirus / Covid narrative.

Nkurunziza had refused to impose lockdowns in Burundi, holding sports events (he was a football fan) and allowing political activity. Face masks were rare. Resisting pressures from outside the country, less than one month previous he had gone as far as having four WHO “experts” expelled, accusing them of manipulating the Covid scare. The idea of a vaccine for Covid was just beginning to be bandied about. Nkurunziza rejected vaccines as unnecessary.

Burundi had reported only 83 cases of Covid and just one death from the disease at the time of Nkurunziza’s death. According to the Establishment, the controlled media there was purposefully underreporting cases and maintains that the real cause of his death was Covid. Nkurunziza’s wife allegedly tested positive for coronavirus ten days before and flown to Kenya for treatment.

Nkurunziza’s successor Evariste Ndayishimiye, did a complete 180-degree turn and called Covid the country’s “worst enemy.”

Magufuli, who had a PhD in chemistry,similarly rejected the approved narrative. He also refused to lock down his country. He did not close churches, instead calling on Tanzanians to pray to God instead of giving in to fear. What might have gotten him on GloboCorp’s radar, though, was declaring PCR tests to be fraudulent. He claimed he’d sent samples with human names attached to them to have them tested. Four tests came back positive and the fifth “inconclusive.” Magufuli then announced that the samples had come from a goat, a quail, jack fruit, papaya, and motor oil. He pronounced the fraud exposed, banned PCR testing, and demanded an investigation into what was behind its origin and distribution. He maintained that a supposed spike in coronavirus cases in Tanzania was fraudulent because it presumed the reliability of these tests.

As for vaccines, what Magufuli said:

The ministry of health should be careful, they should not hurry to try these vaccines without doing research, not every vaccine is important to us, we should be careful. We should not be used as ‘guinea pigs’ . . .Vaccinations are dangerous. If the white man was able to come up with vaccinations, he should have found a vaccination for Aids, cancer and TB by now.”

Thus he resisted importing Big Pharma’s experimental vaccines into Tanzania. In many African countries, malaria is a major threat. Hydroxychloroquine was cheap, readily available, and in wide use as an antimalarial agent. According to Magufuli, this explained the relative absence of Covid from Tanzania.

According to the Establishment, of course, the absence of cases was again no more than an absence of reporting.

Haiti, finally, was on track to receive Covid vaccines through the COVAX charity program run through the WHO, but Moïse was refusing to cooperate. He singled out the AstraZeneca shot as particularly dangerous, as it had caused fatalities from blood clots in Europe. Haiti thus became the only Western nation that had not made the jabs available.

Moïse was killed by a hit squad on July 7. It is clear that non-Haitians were involved, including possibly Americans. Those investigating the assassination received further death threats.

What matters for us is that Haiti immediately opened up to receiving the jabs. Despite the country having been placed in a state of siege, one week after the assassination the first shipment arrived, and the mass vaccination of Haiti’s population began.

The question before us: when three presidents in three countries all die under less-than-clear circumstances, and the only thing the three share is that the reject the approved narratives of coronavirus / Covid / experimental mRNA vaccines, is it unreasonable to suspect foul play?

Or to be more direct about it, had these three men become a sufficient pain in GloboCorp’s derriere that it was believed necessary to take them out? Note that although only one was clearly assassinated, there are chemical agents that can cause infarction, or simulate it, and then disappear completely if a coroner doesn’t know exactly what to look for(see also this.) People can die from heart attacks at 61, or 55, or even younger. But I turned up nothing to indicate that either Nkurunziza or Magufuli had reported previous heart problems.

Add to this the fact that all three nations now have “reasonable leadership” that has embraced the approved narrative and brought the vaccines into the country.

Do the math, people!

The “fact-checkers” have been at work (e.g., here and here), and you’ll note that all they do is use the same brain-paralyzing buzzwords (“baseless conspiracy theory”) and recite the official narrative. That’s all “fact-checkers” ever do. One has to wonder where corporate media finds these people (and what it pays them).

Can we prove, absolutely, that all three died because they rejected the approved coronavirus narrative and Covid vaccines? Of course we can’t prove such a thing with the certainty of deductive logic! But (1) we are not dealing with people likely to leave paper trails.(2) All we have to go on with Nkurunziza and Magufuli regarding the causes of their deaths, therefore, are what “their” governments released—governments that quickly embraced the approved narrative. And (3) given that the three have nothing else in common (except for their being black, which probably isn’t relevant here), surely that they are the only three national leaders who all questioned importing Covid vaccines into their countries and then died in office or were openly killed is stretching the law of averages a bit.

Incidentally, in a recent column Chuck Baldwin cites figures on alleged Covid cases in New Jersey (which had the jab) versus Haiti (which on July 7 did not). Quoting JD Rucker:

“Haiti is the only nation in the western hemisphere that does not have Covid-19 injections available to the people. Considering the extreme poverty, cramped conditions, horrible healthcare infrastructure, and a population that is extremely vaccine hesitant, one might think the nation would be a cesspool of Covid-19 cases. It is not. In fact, scientists had been studying the people in the nation to determine why they seem to be so resistant before being recalled for unknown reasons.

“To put it into perspective, let’s compare Haiti to New Jersey. They have a similar population density with Haiti having 11.5 million people across 10,714 square miles and New Jersey having 9.2 million people across 8,721 square miles. Haiti has had 19,295 Covid-19 cases. New Jersey has had 1,026,286. Some of this can be attributed to Haiti’s poor medical infrastructure reducing the amount of Covid tests, but lack of tests cannot account for dramatically lower deaths. They’ve had 482 compared to New Jersey’s 26,509 Covid deaths.

“Let’s break down those numbers. Despite similar population density, higher total population, and worse healthcare available, Haiti has had 1.8% of the Covid cases that New Jersey has had. Put another way, the citizens of New Jersey with a high vaccination rate are 53-times more likely to contract Covid-19 than Haitians who do not have access to a vaccine.

“Moïse knew this. It’s one of the reasons he rejected free vaccines in May and June. But you won’t hear about that. Not anymore. The official storyline about Haiti’s vaccine hesitancy has suddenly changed following Moïse’s assassination. Now, the health officials in the country are claiming they didn’t reject ALL vaccines, just the AstraZeneca vaccines because of the higher risks they supposedly have. Of course, this narrative didn’t materialize until AFTER Moïse was murdered.

“With Moïse out of the way, the doors are opening wide for the nation that doesn’t need nor want the vaccines to suddenly have them available. As if on cue, the Biden regime has offered to send millions of vaccines to the nation very soon.

So did GloboCorp actually assassinate three national presidents to get what it wants: vaxxed populations in all nations, no exceptions?

For what? Depopulation? I don’t know (see below). But there are people with a lot of power who have openly described humanity as a “cancer of the planet” and possibly not hesitate to reduce populations the world over in ways extremely difficult to trace back to them in any definitive way.

Is This Year One? Further Notes.

My two-part article on “Is This Year One?” (here and here) received more than the usual reader response — pro and con.

First: infamous Princeton-based “bioethicist” Peter Singer has come out and openly defended what I calledStage 4 vaccine compliance: governments legally mandate the jabs, in effect criminalizing the noncompliant. Singer argues from an analogy between a Covid vaccination law and laws requiring drivers to wear seat belts. Since I could rattle off close to a dozen disanalogies between these two off the top of my head, Singer’s article further illustrates the collapse of academic philosophy in our era — possibly of academia generally. (For details see here.)

A couple of readers misread my Stage 5 as prophesying Vaccine Apocalypse. I do not make predictions, I only sketch possible scenarios based on what we know, which often isn’t as much as we think. Perhaps I should have these published with a disclaimer, since although I have a public health education masters degree I am not a medical doctor nor an epidemiologist. But then again, neither is Bill Gates!

Nor am I a theologian. These days I try to avoid eschatology (“end times” studies) as I weary of explaining to my fellow Christians that they have misread Biblical passages like 1 Thess. 4:16-17 and Matt. 24 (especially verses 40-44 which states explicitly that no one knows God’s timetable).

A book I’ve found useful is Gary DeMar’s Myths, Lies and Half-Truths: How Misreading the Bible Neutralizes Christians (2nd Ed, 2010).

I mention this for those who took me to task for not saying these vaccines contain Mark of the Beast technology.

I don’t know that they do, and I don’t know that they do not.

What we do know is that they contain a technology that has never been used in a vaccine before, anywhere. They do not contain the virus. What they contain is an instruction to your body to manufacture spike proteins that “train” your body to reject the virus. According to the approved narrative, the spike proteins are harmless. But numerous independent authors, some with extensive medical training, believe otherwise. That is part of the ongoing debate.

The jabs will affect different people differently, as would any such bodily intrusion. I do not think we can know in advance what will happen. For me, this is good enough. A technology that is still, in essence, an experiment, is being forced on a somewhat reluctant public without full FDA approval. To my mind, this is enough for refuseniks to stand on.

The FDA, mind you, is caught in the middle. There are probably decent folks in the FDA who want to do the right thing, hopefully not limited to the people who sweep the floors and empty the waste cans at the end of the day (but who knows?). Doubtless the agency is under tremendous pressure. The source of the pressure is something they’ve not seen before. If those with real power will kill national leaders, what do you think they will do to anonymous bureaucrats who drag their feet too long?

I explicitly stated that I hope and pray that the ghastly scenario I described in “Year One” never happens (linked to a longer version), as it would entail the complete breakdown of civilization as we know it. Whatever is supposedly happening to the climate would be the least of our worries!

Another reader chastised me for thinking the top super-elites of GloboCorp would hole up in gated communities, when some are visiblybuying land in foreign countries (super-elitist Google founder and ex-CEO Larry Page just bought himself a New Zealand residency, for example) and have underground bunkers to go to some of which could sustain a substantial population for an extended period of time (see here, here, here, here, here, elsewhere).

Here I plead guilty and apologize for the brain f**t, for I’ve known of such things for years.Many of these projects long predate the plandemic, but would still stave off what would ensue on the ground, should we peasants begin dying from vaccine-induced immune system collapse or from the effects of the infrastructural collapse this would precipitate. If they are hiding underground or in other hard-to-access places, this would make confronting them vastly harder than I envisioned.

Which is why it might be a good idea to turn back this tide now!

What I fear is that once full FDA approval comes (and it will come), we’ll see an onslaught of vaccine passports, mandates, and restrictions: whatever it takes, until those who refuse are unable to leave their homes. Or are even rounded up and put in camps, because come to think of it, in the present environment of combined corporate and governmental encirclement everywhere you turn, there is nothing sacrosanct about your home!

Steven Yates’s new book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory has been published (available here and here).

© 2021 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates:

Arizona Voting Integrity Laws

By Paul Engel

  • How far can States go to protect the integrity of their elections?
  • Is it racist to limit who can collect early ballots and where you can vote in person?
  • What can States expect voters to do to exercise their right to vote?

There have been a lot of claims lately that all voter integrity laws from republicans are racist while all from democratic are a move toward free and fair elections. Beyond the partisan propaganda, a recent case at the Supreme Court asked the question if Arizona’s election laws are racist? Specifically, does the out-of-precinct policy or ballot-collection law violate Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act?

Voting Rights Act

Let’s start with the Voting Rights Act. The Democratic National Committee (DNC) claimed that Arizona’s voting laws violated section 2 of this act.

(a) No voting qualification or prerequisite to voting or standard, practice, or procedure shall be imposed or applied by any State or political subdivision in a manner which results in a denial or abridgement of the right of any citizen of the United States to vote on account of race or color.

52 U. S. C. §10301(a) – Voting Rights Act

Subsection (a) of the Voting Rights Act is Congress making law that’s necessary and proper to execute the Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution.

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude

U.S. Constitution, Amendment XV

The Voting Rights Act went on to detail what might deny someone the right to vote.

(b) A violation of subsection (a) is established if, based on the totality of circumstances, it is shown that the political processes leading to nomination or election in the State or political subdivision are not equally open to participation by members of a class of citizens protected by subsection (a) in that its members have less opportunity than other members of the electorate to participate in the political process and to elect representatives of their choice. The extent to which members of a protected class have been elected to office in the State or political subdivision is one circumstance which may be considered: Provided, That nothing in this section establishes a right to have members of a protected class elected in numbers equal to their proportion in the population.

52 U. S. C. §10301(b) – Voting Rights Act

There are a few things to notice with this part of the legislation. First, it’s not enough to show that a single circumstance of discrimination based on race or color is a violation of the law, it’s the totality of circumstances. Second, since this act covers both elections and nominations to office, it would apply to primaries and caucuses as well. Also, this law does not establish a quota. There is no right to have a certain number of those elected to office based on their proportion of the population.

Now, let’s get to the meat of the law as it relates to this case.

it is shown that the political processes leading to nomination or election in the State or political subdivision are not equally open to participation by members of a class of citizens protected by subsection (a)

52 U. S. C. §10301(b) – Voting Rights Act

There are several ways the election process could not be equally open to a group based on race or color. While the most obvious, a law restricting such access would be a violation, the law takes into consideration other ways of unlawful discrimination.

in that its members have less opportunity than other members of the electorate to participate in the political process and to elect representatives of their choice.

52 U. S. C. §10301(b) – Voting Rights Act

This is what the DNC alleged in their lawsuit. That two parts of Arizona’s election law provide less opportunity for blacks, American Indians, and hispanics to vote. The first was the law requiring that ballots cast in the wrong precinct not be counted, the second that only certain people are allowed to collect early ballots was claimed to be enacted with discriminatory intent. Let’s look at these complaints separately.

Precinct Voting

First, Arizonans who vote in person on election day in a county that uses the precinct system must vote in the precinct to which they are assigned based on their address…. If a voter votes in the wrong precinct, the vote is not counted.

Brnovich v. DNC

Some counties divide themselves up into voting precincts. According to Arizona law, citizens must vote in the precinct where they live. According to Justice Kagan, and justices Breyer and Sotomayor, who joined in her dissent…

…the out-of-precinct policy—results in Hispanic and African American votersballots being thrown out at a statistically higher rate than those of whites.

Brnovich v. DNC

Does the fact that hispanic and black voters cast their ballots in the wrong precinct at a higher rate than white (a fact I did not find the dissent providing any evidence of) mean that they have less opportunity to vote? Justice Kagan also claims that Arizona has more offenders of their out-of-precinct law than any other state. Again, I ask the question, how would the fact that out-of-precinct voting happens more often in Arizona than other states show that the law provides less opportunity to vote based on race or color? According to the majority of the court, it doesn’t.

Having to identify ones polling place and then travel there to vote does not exceed the usual burdens of voting.” … In addition, the State made extensive efforts to reduce the impact of the out-of-precinct policy on the number of valid votes ultimately cast, e.g., by sending a sample ballot to each household that includes a voters proper polling location. The burdens of identifying and traveling to ones assigned precinct are also modest when considering Arizonas political processes” as a whole. The State offers other easy ways to vote, which likely explains why out-of-precinct votes on election day make up such a small and apparently diminishing portion of overall ballots cast.

Brnovich v. DNC

Third-Party Ballot Collection

Next, let’s look at the second claim by the DNC, that limiting third-party ballot collection is racist.

Arizonas law mostly banning third-party ballot collection also results in a significant race-based disparity in voting opportunities. The problem with that law again lies in facts nearly unique to Arizona—here, the presence of rural Native American communities that lack ready access to mail service.

Brnovich v. DNC

At first, this argument by the dissent seems to have merit. However, as I reviewed their argument, one thing stood out. Justice Kagan only discussed the option of mailing in an early ballot. The majority of the court noted that postal service is only one of several methods of sending in early ballots:

Arizonans can submit early ballots by going to a mailbox, a post office, an early ballot drop box, or an authorized election officials office.

Brnovich v. DNC

The majority also compared the effort required to find a mailbox, post office, ballot drop box, authorized elect officials office, or a family member, household member, or caregiver to do so for you, with the “compelling interest in preserving the integrity of its election procedures”. Dissent mentioned that it’s a crime in Arizona for someone to tamper with a ballot, but as we’ve seen, laws don’t stop people from committing crimes. While the dissent agrees with the District Court that:

tamper evident envelopes and a rigorous voter signature verification procedure” protect against any such attempts.

Brnovich v. DNC

Recent elections show that’s not entirely true, with significant problems with signature verification reported in Nevada, Texas, Michigan, and Georgia. Furthermore, while such procedures may limit the tampering with ballots, they do nothing to prevent the introduction of fake ballots into the system by third-parties with political agendas.


Again, setting aside the partisan question, do the Arizona laws provide unequal opportunities for people of all races and colors to vote? Not inherently, though a case could be made that there needs to be sufficient legitimate ballot drop off locations where postal locations are not readily available. I decided not to go through the legal mumbo-jumbo this time, and there was plenty, but to focus on the question of racism, since it’s used as a bludgeon so often in society today.

As the court found, it’s not racist to put in basic laws to insure voter integrity. It’s not racist to require that people vote in the county or precinct where they live. And it’s not racist to limit who has access to the ballots before they are counted.

Sometimes I wonder who is racist: The person claiming everyone’s vote should be protected, or the one who claims rules to limit opportunities for fraud are racist?

© 2021 Paul Engel – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Paul Engel:

[BIO: Paul Engel founded The Constitution Study in 2014 to help everyday Americans read and study the Constitution. Author and speaker, Paul has spent more than 20 years studying and teaching about both the Bible and the U.S. Constitution. Freely admitting that he “learned more about our Constitution from School House Rock than in 12 years of public school” he proves that anyone can be a constitutional scholar. You can find his books on Amazon and Apple Books. You can also find his books, classes and other products at the Constitution Study website ( You can reach him at]