55 Years Of Carte Blanche Lies By Main Stream Media

Governments are composed of human beings, and all of the frailties that humans possess are absorbed into these governments and become active within these governments. Hatred, anger, jealousy, fear, greed, distrust and the whole host of afflictions that humans must bear, lurk just beneath the surface of civility displayed by government. —John McAfee

For the poison of hatred seated near the heart doubles the burden for the one who suffers the disease; he is burdened with his own sorrow, and groans on seeing another’s happiness. —Aeschylus

As soon as the 2016 election results came in, many on the left exploded in anger, smashing windows, setting fires, calling for Trump to be assassinated, and labeling his supporters bigots and sexists who should be murdered. Protesters burned Trump in effigy, and passed around a stuffed figure of Trump in a noose.

And then came the Russia Collusion Investigation, thanks to Rod Rosenstein’s appointment of Robert Mueller whose thirty-year modus operandi has destroyed countless lives. Link

Obama’s Director of National Intelligence, the nation’s former so-called spy master, James Clapper, told CNN’s Anderson Cooper, “If it weren’t for President Obama, we might not have done the intelligence community assessment that we did that set up a whole sequence of events which are still unfolding today, including Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation. President Obama is responsible for that. It was he who tasked us to do that intelligence community assessment in the first place.”

There you have it, and despite the Russia collusion investigation being over, targeting President Trump for elimination will never be over.  We know all the players and we want them prosecuted for their corruption, but it’s highly unlikely they will ever be held accountable.

A stench has been emanating from the J. Edgar Hoover Building (FBI headquarters) for decades, but in the last 10 years the decay has become evident.  The brazen plot against President Trump by the Obama-era FBI and DOJ was enabled by a complicit media.

Defamation Law

The odor of corruption has long been noxious and truth is not forthcoming from media.  Why?  Because the 1964 Supreme Court decision in NYTs v. Sullivan gave media a “first amendment” right to lie with impunity about any public figure they wished to destroy or promote thus protecting them from most libel suits.

A public official could recover in a libel action only if and when a court found that the libelous statement about the official was made with “actual malice”—that is, with knowledge that it was false or with reckless disregard of whether it was false or not.  As long as the press has an “absence of malice,” public officials are barred from recovering damages for the publication of false statements about them.

Defamation law, the ability to sue someone for false attacks on your reputation, was governed by state law until 1964.  The landmark U.S. Supreme Court case, New York Times Co. v. Sullivan, 376 U.S. 254, 84 S. Ct. 710, 11 L. Ed. 2d 686 (1964), extended the First Amendment’s guarantee of free speech to libel cases brought by public officials. The Supreme Court sought to encourage “public debate” by changing the rules involving libel that had previously been the province of state law and state courts.

In the case of police Commissioner Sullivan, the State of Alabama found for him against NYTs libel and awarded him $500k which was upheld by the Alabama Supreme Court in 1962.  However, the very liberal Warren Court took up the case filed by the NYTs against Sullivan.

The unanimous Warren Supreme Court decision in New York Times Company v. Sullivan was argued on January 6-7, 1964 and decided on March 9, 1964.  It has proven to be one of the very worst decisions ever made by the supreme court.

Calls to Overturn NYTs v. Sullivan

Justice Clarence Thomas recently called for the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn the landmark 1964 New York Times v. Sullivan ruling. Thomas wrote that the New York Times ruling and follow-up cases “were policy-driven decisions masquerading as constitutional law.”

President Donald Trump has called for overhauling the country’s libel laws to make it easier to sue.  He first mentioned the NYTs v. Sullivan case in 2016 when he campaigned in Alabama where the case originated.  He had previously asked why the media was allowed to lie and that is when I wrote my original article on this horrendous ruling.

Now L. Lin Wood, attorney for Covington High School student, Nicholas Sandmann has expounded on this horrible decision and how the ruling enables media to ruin reputations. Nick became the latest focus of false and defamatory accusations published and broadcast across the nation and the world.

Attorney Wood made it very clear on a recent Mark Levin program when he stated he was a believer in the first amendment but that it has no strings and no real value when there is no accountability for wrongdoing.  He explained that with the Nicholas Sandmann case, it was false speech by both social and main stream media (MSM) that threatened, attacked and vilified a minor child.

Watch the twelve-minute Mark Levin interview of Lin Wood’s discussion regarding the NYTs v. Sullivan decision and how it has affected all of society negatively.

55 Years of Media Deterioration

Attorney Wood was right when he mentioned the deterioration in the media, and over 55 years it has grown exponentially worse.  Mr. Wood said he has watched the media since the  Richard Jewell case, and it is horribly unhealthy.  He said, “There’s nothing valuable to our public discourse for people to simply go out and tell rumors, lies, make accusations with no sources and to be able to use the media and the First Amendment to, in effect, advance his or her or some corporation’s own agendas. That’s what happened to Nicholas. There’s a lot of agendas at work.”

Attorney Wood explained that the large corporations who own the media outlets have no objectivity and no fairness to them and are extensions of political parties who wish to influence the public instead of informing the public.  It used to be for media, “Get it first, but get it right.”  They’ve thrown out get it right and even get it first.  He says that if we don’t get accountability, the deterioration will continue.

The Russia Collusion Narrative

Efforts by high-ranking officials in the CIA, FBI, Department of Justice (DOJ), and State Department to portray President Donald Trump as having colluded with Russia were the culmination of years of bias and politicization under the Obama administration. The weaponization of the intelligence community and other government agencies created an environment that allowed for obstruction in the investigation into Hillary Clinton and the relentless pursuit of a manufactured collusion narrative against Trump.  Link

A willing and complicit media spread unsubstantiated leaks as facts in an effort to promote the Russia-collusion narrative. Worse yet was the “epic disconnect between the Robert Mueller described by the MSM and Officialdom as a model of public propriety and the Robert Mueller documented by independent researchers.  Rep. Louie Gohmert wrote a 15,500-word monograph exposing Mueller, and Louisiana State Senator John Milkovich wrote an entire book on Mueller.

The Spygate scandal also raises a bigger question: Was the 2016 election a one-time aberration, or was it symptomatic of decades of institutional political and media corruption?


Special Counsel Robert Mueller was given no restrictions regarding the collusion investigation from his appointee, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.  In fact, Rosenstein testified that he told Mueller he could investigate any crimes he uncovered in the Russia collusion investigation.

“Rod is a survivor,” dirty cop James Comey once said privately of Rosenstein, not meaning it as a compliment. Rosenstein’s survival helped Special Counsel Robert Mueller do his job absent interference. Every day Rosenstein didn’t resign bought the special counsel more time for character assassination against the President and his supporters. He needs to be fired for a host of reasons

The day Rosenstein is actually forced out will be a very good day.  Unfortunately, it won’t be soon enough. Attorney General William Barr has asked Rosenstein to remain despite the fact that as Deputy AG he allowed Mueller to carry out his modus operandi of intimidation and destruction without any oversight.

The group at the FBI that doggedly pursued the false collusion story is the same group that let Hillary Clinton slide on deleting official emails, creating an illegal computer server and destroying evidence of her wrongdoing with coverups by the complicit democratic controlled media.  It’s also the same group who in 2009 allowed her to sell 20 percent of our uranium to Russia with the help of FBI Director Mueller, while the Clinton Foundation raked in $145 million via Rosatom.

The clear double standard of the liberal media and their role as propagandists is in full view.  This is why the 1964 Warren Court NYTs decision must be overturned.

In the next article, we’ll discuss those who were targeted by Mueller, the Democrat Party and the media and have paid extremely high prices for supporting an outsider for President.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Fox News Caves To Islamic Sharia Law – Suspends Judge Jeanine Pirro

Within the government, within the Department of Justice, the Department of Defense, you have practically eliminated any training or any use of the term ‘radical Islam.’ That’s what we’re facing. —LTG Michael T. Flynn

I will not abridge my freedoms so as not to offend savages, freedom of speech is under violent assault here.Pamela Geller

It is the nature of Islam to dominate, not to be dominated, to impose its law (sharia) on all nations and to extend its power to the entire planet. —Muslim Brotherhood founder Hassan Al-Banna

To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.  —Voltaire

Fox News is no longer run by CFR member Rupert Murdoch.  It is now being controlled by Rupert’s eldest son, 47-year-old Lachlan Murdoch.  Although Lachlan says his politics closely resemble his father’s, Fox News and Fox Business are unarguably leaning to the left. Though Lachlan hired West Wing stalwart Hope Hicks, staffers believe he is likely to nudge the network away from its close marriage to Trump, and they have lost many of their famous male hosts to #MeToo claims against them.

Bill O’Reilly left the network in April of 2017 after numerous claims of sexual harassment lawsuits against him.

Roger Ailes, Chairman and CEO of Fox News had several women make charges against him.  He died shortly after he resigned.

Eric Bolling was accused of sending lewd pictures to female colleagues at the Network.

Unfortunately, none of these charges ever went to court.  The alleged perpetrators just resign.  Even black host Charles Payne was charged with sexual inuendoes, but returned to his scheduled program after a month of absences.

Were all guilty?  We don’t know, and never will, but having a Y chromosome doesn’t make someone a lousy human being.

If sexual innuendos do not remove hosts, charges of racism often work, two things the left loves to use against their enemies.  But a guaranteed removal is telling the truth about Islam.  As Pamela Geller has said, “Truth has become the new hate speech.”

Fox News and Censorship

Chris Farrell of Judicial Watch used to be featured on Fox programs every week.  However, in October of 2018, Chris was on Lou Dobbs show regarding the southern border migrants and made the statement, “A lot of these affiliates are getting money from the Soros occupied State Department, and that is a great concern.  If you want to start cutting money, cut there.”

He was subsequently banned as being anti-Semitic for stating that Soros was funding the migrant affiliates.

Congressman Louie Gohmert was on Stuart Varney’s Show December 6, 2018, and he made this statement, “George Soros is supposed to be Jewish, but you wouldn’t know it from the damage he’s inflicted on Israel, and the fact that he turned on fellow Jews and helped (the Nazis) take the property that they owned.”

Representative Gohmert was undoubtedly supporting Chris Farrell and exposing Soros for what he really is…someone strictly interested in the globalization of America.

Attorney Sidney Powell, author of the book, Licensed to Lie, was on Lou Dobbs Show last November 2018 and made the statement, “We simply cannot tolerate continued invasion of this country when Americans suffer every day, national debt is exploding, we have diseases spreading that are causing polio-like paralysis of our children.”  Lou Dobbs immediately took her to task and cut her off.

We are in the midst of an invasion from people of various backgrounds, from various countries in Central America and South America, and just independently (with some days of separation apart), there’s a story of a shockingly unforeseen increase in polio cases in the United States.

No one can seemingly figure this out or where it’s coming from. Then there’s another story of mass numbers of people from various parts of the world, South America and Central America having this polio like disease. Common sense tells you there’s a relationship here.

The CDC and others have established the fact that new cases of polio and other diseases America previously cured and stamped out, are now showing up again.  There is official linkage to undocumented people arriving in the country and being released.  How can we not make the connection?  Sidney Powell is right.

Fox News Caves to Sharia

The recent outrage surrounding Judge Jeanine Pirro’s remarks concerning the hijab is a reflection of the abysmal degree to which common sense is under assault in America.

While discussing Muslim Congresswoman Ilhan Omar’s anti-Israel remarks with Nancy Pelosi, Pirro said, “This is not who your party is. Your party is not anti-Israel. She is. Think about this, she’s not getting this anti-Israel sentiment doctrine from the Democratic Party, so if it’s not rooted in the party, where is she getting it from? Think about it. Omar wears a hijab which according to the Koran 33:59 tells women to cover so they won’t get molested. Is her adherence to this Islamic doctrine indicative of her adherence to sharia law, which in itself is antithetical to the United States Constitution?”

There was nothing wrong with Judge Jeanine’s question.  Islamic “fashion” has political consequences.  The hijab is a symbol and it is a symbol of the fact that the woman wearing it is fully committed to the sharia.  It is a symbol that says to infidels that they are kafirs. Kafir is an Arabic term meaning “infidel.”  The term refers to a person who rejects or disbelieves in Allah or the tenets of Islam.  When you see a woman with a hijab, you are looking at the politics of Islam as it has operated for over 1400 years.  There has been jihad against the kafirs for 1400 years; it is a history of annihilation, death and suffering.  They are antithetical to freedom.

Terrorism became much more frequent in such societies as Indonesia, Egypt, Algeria, and the U.K. after the hijab became prevalent among Muslim women living in those communities.  Link

The reason for this correlation is clear: Islamic sharia commands jihad (terrorism) against unbelievers no less than it commands Muslim women to don the hijab. Where one proliferates—evincing a societal adherence to sharia—so too will the other naturally follow.

So just why is it that with any other politician we are allowed to ask personal and religious questions.  When John Kennedy ran for president, everyone was concerned that his Catholic faith would interfere with his political decisions and he was constantly questioned, but we are considered Islamophobic if we ask questions like Judge Jeanine asked?  Ilhan Omar should be asked the following questions regarding her visceral hatred of Israel and the Jewish people:

  • Will you repudiate the Koranic teaching that Jews are “ descendants of apes and pigs“?
  • Will you repudiate the attacks upon Israel by Hamas and Hezbollah?
  • Do you believe Israel has a legal and moral right to exist behind safe and definite borders?

Don Boys recent article asked many more legitimate questions, but Omar’s vitriolic diatribe against Jews needs to cease or she should be expelled.  She was neither reprimanded nor censored for her deeply ingrained bias.  The only consequence of her bigotry has been an innocuous resolution against hate speech.  She has not been removed from any Congressional committees.

And now of course, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is calling on all advertisers to drop Fox News until the network fires hosts Jeanine Pirro and Tucker Carlson due to comments by both hosts that CAIR called “Islamophobic.”  This is sharia and how Islam conquers and controls.

While Iranian women rip the hijabs from their heads in defiant protest of oppressive Islamic law, our Congress changed a 181-year law to allow Muslim women to wear the hijab.

Ilhan Omar’s district in Minnesota is where almost all of the 70,000 imported Somali immigrants were located by Obama.  That district was recently identified by the FBI as America’s terrorist capital and their Congresswoman is calling for the dissolution of America’s Homeland Security.  The Muslim Brotherhood has a plan for world domination and North America is their next target.

Oaths Sworn on Koran

None of the Muslims in Congress have sworn allegiance to the Constitution on the Bible.  This tradition of being sworn into office to swear on the Bible is because our founding document, the Declaration of Independence, states that our rights are given to us by the God of the Bible. Anyone who swears on any other book, like the Koran, is swearing an illegitimate oath.  Congressmen Andre Carson (D-IN) and Keith Ellison (D-MN) both used the Koran.  Congresswomen Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) took their oaths of office on the Koran.

The reason their oath is illegitimate is that the book upon which they swore teaches that the only acceptable religion is Islam, and they can lie (Taqiya) in order to advance Islam. When they swear on the Koran they are lying, knowing that the law of Islam does not allow freedom of religion.

Fox Muslim Attacks Pirro

Hufsa Kamal is a Pakistani American, born in England and raised in Tennessee. She is a producer for Bret Baier on Fox News, and has a long history of vicious attacks on conservatives including Michelle Malkin, Candace Owens, Dan Bongino and Charlie Kirk.

She took to twitter to excoriate Judge Jeanine for asking Speaker Pelosi if Ilhan Omar’s allegiance is to the Constitution or the Koran, and claimed that many Muslims work at the Fox Network.

The Gateway Pundit exposed this story and listed many of Hufsa Kamal’s vile tweets.

Fox found it necessary to condemn Pirro’s remarks and said they have “addressed the matter” with Pirro. It appears that Fox will continue to cave to sharia.

New Hires at Fox

Former Speaker Paul Ryan and Formula One Group executive chairman Chase Carey will join Rupert Murdoch, Lachlan Murdoch, and Jacques Nasser as members of the powerful Fox board.  Paul Ryan is married to Janna Little a liberal, left wing progressive, anti-Constitutional, big government George Soros supporter who voted for Barack Hussein Obama twice.  Ryan was the VP candidate with neo-con Trotskyite and pro-abort, Willard Mitt Romney in 2012.  During his time as Speaker of the House, he fought President Trump at every turn, and it became obvious he was pro-amnesty and pro-open borders.

Donna Brazile is joining Fox News as a contributor.  She was the former Chairman of the Democratic National Committee.  When former Fox host Megyn Kelly asked Brazile about passing debate questions to Hillary Clinton so she’d be one-up during debates against Donald Trump, she blatantly lied to Kelly.  Now she’s going to work for the very network she lied to.

The Jew Who Died for Ilhan Omar

Ilhan Omar’s anti-Semitism belies the fact that if not for a Jew who gave his life, she may not be in America and in politics.  Lawrence Freedman went to Somalia in 1992 as part of the U.S. led relief effort to help relocate tens of thousands of Somali refugees to escape starvation, famine and civil war that turned Somalia into a failed state in the early 1990s.

Freedman was a U.S. Army veteran from Vietnam, and original member of the Green Beret. He reached the rank of sergeant major and eventually became an instructor.  In 1990 he joined the Central Intelligence Agency and in 1992 he was sent as part of an advance team to prepare the way for American troops in Somalia.  On December 23, two weeks after the troops had arrived, Freedman became the first American killed as part of the relief effort.  Thousands of Somali refugees who live in Omar’s district had their freedom and security paid for with the blood of American soldiers – 22 of them, including Lawrence Freedman.


The Number One Cable Network is no longer teetering toward the left but is now an active part of it.  Brazile’s arrival in the aftermath of Fox News suspending Judge Jeanine Pirro, all for asking questions about radical Somalian activist Ilhan Omar on her “Justice” show, is not only a slap in the face to Pirro and her many followers, but a slap in the face to the network’s many conservative viewers.  Link

Journalists at NewsWithViews.com spend hours researching and writing articles to keep us abreast of the truth in politics, religion, education, health and more.  It is an offering to help save our beloved country.  Our CEO works tirelessly to bring new articles daily into hundreds of thousands of homes.  Websites are a costly venture and the left would love to see us fail, but our avid readers have kept us in the black.  Tell your friends to sign up to receive the daily articles.  Monthly donations are especially appreciated, but every penny helps us.  Donations can be made here.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Hatred For Trump Transcends Safeguarding Americans

A bureaucrat is the most despicable of men, though he is needed as vultures are needed, but one hardly admires vultures whom bureaucrats so strangely resemble. I have yet to meet a bureaucrat who was not petty, dull, almost witless, crafty or stupid, an oppressor or a thief, a holder of little authority in which he delights, as a boy delights in possessing a vicious dog. Who can trust such creatures?  —Marcus Tullius Cicero

Politicians are not born; they are excreted. —Marcus Tullius Cicero

The above quotes from Cicero were long ago, as is this quote from President George Washington, the Father of our Nation at his Farewell Address September 19, 1796, “However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.”

Today is no different than the days of Cicero who died 43 years BC, and Washington who died in 1799.  See the Book of Ecclesiastes.

The Twelve Betrayals

Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer believe spending $5 billion for a wall is a waste of money, but $155 billion per year in support to illegals is a human right.  The twelve republicans who went against our President’s wishes to secure our border and protect American citizens from terrorists, drug pushers, child traffickers, MS-13 gangs, and criminal aliens have every excuse in the book, but none of them can withstand the scrutiny of Trump’s supporters.

How many outcries did we hear when past presidents proclaimed multiple national emergencies?  Very few!  Here’s the list all the way back to President Jimmy Carter.

The National Emergencies Act (NEA) (Pub.L. 94–412, 90 Stat. 1255, enacted September 14, 1976, and signed by Republican President Gerald Ford, (codified at 50 U.S.C. § 1601–1651) is a United States federal law passed to end all previous national emergencies and to formalize the emergency powers of the President.

The following twelve Senators who voted against our President’s National Emergency were NeverTrumpers.

The following comments about the Senators who betrayed our President match the order of the photos.  These Senators and more disavow the Republican party platform of pro-life and a border wall, both of which were secured at Republican conventions by Phyllis Schlafly, founder of Phyllis Schlafly Eagles.  These Senators are some of the “Kingmakers” Phyllis spoke about in her book, A Choice Not an Echo.  They are not Constitutional Conservatives.

Sen. Roger Wicker (Mississippi) Wicker said in a statement earlier this week: “The precedent we set this year might empower a future liberal President to declare emergencies to enact gun control or to address ‘climate emergencies,’ or even to tear down the wall we are building today.” Wicker, an Air Force veteran, won re-election comfortably last fall in a state Trump carried by nearly 20 points in 2016.

Sen. Marco Rubio (Florida) Marco used the same excuse as Wicker.  However, in 2011, Rubio hoped to polish his foreign policy credentials for an eventual presidential campaign, and so he thoroughly backed Hillary Clinton’s War on Libya. Following the murder of Gaddafi, Rubio, McCain and Graham celebrated with the rebels they helped to arm, just a year before these rebels attacked the embassy in Benghazi. We know the rest of the story.  And Rubio loved the H-1B Visas for foreign aliens who replaced American workers at Disney World, after they had to train them!  He actually has proposed that we triple the Visas.  Of course, Disney is one of Rubio’s biggest financial boosters.

Sen. Rob Portman (Ohio) Portman had worked with Mike Lee on the compromise resolution. The two-term senator said that while he supported Trump’s request for border wall funding, an emergency declaration is not necessary to secure those funds, and that the declaration would set a “dangerous precedent.”  Sure, protecting Americans from criminal illegals is beyond your understanding.  His association with Mike Lee lets us know Portman is another NeverTrumper.

Sen. Susan Collins (Maine) Ahhh yes, Susan Collins who voted for Justice Kavanaugh, and was applauded.  However, this pro-abort Senator has close ties to both of the Bush presidents.  And now, National Collins-mania reached a frenzy after a recent appearance on Maine Public Radio, in which she seemed to endorse the idea of the Senate Intelligence Committee subpoenaing Trump’s tax returns as part of its investigation into ties with Russia.

Sen. Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) Lisa Murkowski is another pro-abort Senator.  The Republican platform is pro-life, but you’d never know it by some of the Republicans in the House and Senate.

Sen. Pat Toomey (Pennsylvania) Toomey replaced Arlen Spector in the Senate.  He is an anti-gunner, he wants laws tightened, as though the guns and the second amendment are the problems.  Democrat Joe Manchin and Toomey joined in a proposal for universal background checks for gun purchases, which failed. He has disagreed with Trump many times, and like the rest of these 12, he claims the National Emergency is a “separation of powers issue.”  It didn’t seem to bother him when used by previous presidents.

Sen. Roy Blunt (Missouri) Blunt claims he too is concerned about the precedent Trump’s National Emergency would set.  Apparently, it didn’t bother Blunt when Presidents Clinton, Bush or Obama used the National Emergency Act which was signed by President Gerald Ford in 1976.  Senator Blunt was a Congressional Representative from 1977 to 2011 when he became a Senator.

Sen. Lamar Alexander (Tennessee) Good old Lamar, the man who joined with our corrupt “Christian Conservative” Governor Bill Haslam, owner of the FBI raided Pilot Oil/Flying J to promote state internet sales taxes.  Senator Alexander agreed with Obama Education Czar Arne Duncan regarding common core standards, and Skinnerian behavioral training in our government schools.  For more information on Alexander, read my four-part article on this neo-con Trotskyite.

Sen. Mitt Romney (Utah) Willard Mitt Romney absolutely hates Donald Trump, despite the fact that Trump endorsed and funded Romney when he ran against Obama in 2012.  Romney’s running mate was former Speaker Paul Ryan, another NeverTrumper.  While Governor of Massachusetts, Romney was ahead of Obama in promoting government-controlled healthcare, which financed abortion with a $50 co-pay and funded abortion statewide through taxpayer monies.  He opposed a Massachusetts Defense of Marriage Constitutional amendment, and said homosexuals should be allowed in the boy scouts.  Governor Romney officially celebrated “Gay-Straight Youth Pride Day,” and sat on the board of directors for a leading purveyor of pornography without opposing the corporation’s exploitation of women.  As for Smart Growth and UN Agenda 21, Romney is all for it.  [Link]

Sen. Rand Paul (Kentucky) “What is underappreciated is their passion for freedom, and their commitment to ideas.  Unlike many crony capitalists who troll the halls of Congress looking for favors, the Kochs have consistently lobbied against special-interest politics.” The Senator said this right after he announced he was running for President in April of 2015.  I believe Rand’s comments stem from the fact that he may have received Koch funding for his presidential run.

Like the Kochs, Rand Paul is a libertarian, but Rand claims to be pro-life, yet he finds no problem with pro-aborts like the two brothers.  Koch-sponsored libertarianism means open borders, legal dope and prostitution, abortion and gay rights, extreme pornography, an American military withdrawal from the rest of the world, and “free trade” with Russia and China. [Link]

Senator Paul is promoting a Constitutional Convention as are the Kochs who massively fund American Legislative Exchange Council, an organization who has promoted a con-con for decades, and which was founded by the first President of Heritage Foundation. [Link]

Sen. Jerry Moran (Kansas) Moran is just like the rest of the neo-cons, he believes the law passed by Congress giving the President National Emergency powers is unconstitutional. Senator Moran voted against President Trump’s 2017 executive order imposing a temporary ban on entry to the U.S. to citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries.  Moran only announced his support for Trump after he became the presumptive nominee.

Sen. Mike Lee (Utah) Lee has never supported Trump and tried his best, along with Ken Cuccinelli, to derail him from becoming the nominee.  Now, Lee has introduced legislation to curb the president’s power to declare a national emergency.  Under Lee’s proposal, if a president were to declare a national emergency, Congress would have to approve it within 30 days or it would automatically expire.

The Senator loves free trade, loves H-1B Visas, and supported legislation that would bring more Muslims into America. [Link] Lee has joined with democrats like Durbin and Schumer to vote against mandatory prison sentences for deported illegal aliens who enter our country again. This bill was in response to the illegal who killed Kathryn Steinle and had re-entered the U.S. five times.

Not a single one of these Republicans are true Constitutional conservatives. Trump vetoed their vote, and this is what he said about his first veto.

Illegal Immigration

President Trump is fighting to protect American citizens from criminal illegal aliens, and from the destruction of this country via the Islamic refugee resettlement programs.  The Socialist Democrat Party fights him at every turn, and many Republicans join with them to derail the President’s promises to the American people.

There is nothing immoral about protecting America’s citizens although the Democrat Party claims it is.  Congress passed the National Emergencies Act during the Ford administration, and nothing in the law says the President can’t use his own judgment in declaring an emergency.

President Trump has publicly warned the governments of Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala that if they don’t take steps to stop the latest caravan of bogus asylum invaders, he will cut off aid to the countries. While this is a good first step, it won’t deter the invasion unless we stop admitting the invaders and implementing catch-and-release under orders from illegitimate court rulings, as we did with the previous caravan and countless tens of thousands of others coming in with less pomp. And that would hold true even with a border wall. They just come to our points of entry, surrender themselves, get released into our communities, and never show up to their hearings until and unless they wind up committing crimes.

Our Sovereignty at Risk

Anyone who tells you that the president doesn’t have the authority to exclude anyone for any reason doesn’t deserve to live in a sovereign nation. Sovereignty trumps everything. There is nothing in our statutes that forces the president to admit anyone he feels is a problem. In fact, as Conservative Review has previously noted, he has inherent executive powers from Article II, as well as delegated authority from Congress under existing law, to stop taking in immigrants at the border or through visas for as much time as he deems necessary.

It all boils down to bogus asylum and catch-and-release. Either Trump ends those, or everything else is just talk. While Trump is right to ask Congress to step in, we’ve noted before that the statute is already clear that these people do not qualify as asylees and that the unaccompanied teenagers do not qualify as refugees

As the Supreme Court said in a landmark 1950 case, “The exclusion of aliens is a fundamental act of sovereignty. The right to do so stems not alone from legislative power but is inherent in the executive power to control the foreign affairs of the nation.”

This is why for the first 100 years of our country, immigration was entirely controlled by diplomatic correspondence through the State Department. The president was clearly using this authority when communicating with the leader of the country of origin of this caravan.

Trump can simply shut the door and demand that any legitimate asylum claims be processed through our 10 or so consulates in Mexico.  The president needs to threaten not just Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador, but Mexico with diplomatic sanctions.

As Jessica Vaughan, director of policy studies at the Center for Immigration Studies, told Daniel Horowitz in an email, “The president should be leaning on Mexico and the sending nations that their facilitation of this problem is immoral, shameful, and will adversely affect our bilateral relationship.”  [Link]

In declaring a state of emergency pursuant to the NEA, President Trump is using pre-existing statutory authority to address a legitimate crisis created by lawless conduct at and beyond our southern border. Our president is protecting our country’s borders through means contemplated by Congress and used many times by past presidents for matters less directly threatening than those present on the southern border.  [Link]

Let the Congress critters know what you think and that you support our President!

© 2019 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Venezuela’s Road To Disaster Is Littered With Chinese Debt

I barely need to reiterate what you already know: the close links that exist between our people and the people of Venezuela and Hugo Chavez, the promoter of the Bolivarian Revolution and the United Socialist Party he founded. —Fidel Castro

When you see people starving in Venezuela and fleeing into neighboring countries and realize that this is a country that once had the world’s largest oil reserves, you realize that they’ve ruined a very good prospect with ideas that sounded good but didn’t turn out well.  —Thomas Sowell

We’re in a global war, facing an enemy alliance that runs from Pyongyang, North Korea, to Havana, Cuba, and Caracas, Venezuela. —General Michael T. Flynn

Venezuela sits at the northern tip of South America with Columbia on the west and Guyana on the east.  The country is collapsing. The constant blackouts have put hundreds of patients at risk and many have already died, food is rotting, and water is at a shortage. According to media reports, schoolchildren and oil workers have begun passing out from hunger, and sick Venezuelans have scoured veterinary offices for medicine. Link  Malaria, measles, and diphtheria have returned with a vengeance. The country’s infrastructure is falling apart along with their decaying power grid, and telecommunication networks have collapsed.

America has offered humanitarian aid, but Maduro has rejected it.  He is taking his cues from communist Havana.  Unfortunately, Venezuela never diversified; oil dominates their exports and government revenue and barrel prices of oil are down.

With Venezuela’s collapse, Maduro is begging Beijing; China’s price will be high as Venezuela’s debt to them is already in the billions.  Xi Jinping needs a presence of power that encourages foreign governments to believe they should play ball with Beijing, not Washington. And that means China’s increased military presence around the world, and what better place than Venezuela or one of her islands in the southern Caribbean.

Would Maduro risk U.S. ire by allowing Chinese basing rights? I think so. Maduro is already increasing his rhetoric against Washington and has repeatedly threatened Colombia. At the same time, the Venezuelan leader knows the U.S. and its allies believe he is an irredeemable despot: They want no part of a rapprochement with his regime.

Xi Jinping, Putin and Maduro

The Venezuelan and Chinese economies seem like they could hardly have less in common. The government of Nicolas Maduro has looted the state-run oil monopoly company Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) to pay for the “Bolivarian revolution,” the socialist movement under the late leader Hugo Chavez. Eleven billion has been stolen from PDVSA in a decade.

With oil prices down, the country is unable even to repair rigs or pay workers to generate income, and the government now faces the prospect of a mass uprising. Meanwhile, half a globe away, China’s gleaming malls stand in stark contrast to Venezuela’s empty shelves.

But Venezuela’s ruinous state has more to do with China than one would think, specifically, with Chinese President Xi Jinping’s plan for expanding China’s global influence through financial diplomacy.

Thanks to a malevolent dictatorship pushing disastrous economic policies aided by another communist benefactor willing to extend near bottomless credit, the country is at collapse. This same toxic mix is present throughout many of the countries receiving large amounts of Chinese lending under China’s Belt and Road Initiative.  China provides large amounts of ruinous lending that pushes developing countries to financial ruin.  The Belt and Road Initiative scheme isn’t offering concessionary lending or international aid but market-based lending rates with high-interest loans. The borrower countries then have to use Chinese firms, inputs, and workers to build out their railways and ports. The Chinese firms are third rate at best.

Since the economic shift in Venezuela, up to 5 million Venezuelans are estimated to have left the country crossing the border mostly to Columbia, while inflation in Venezuela hovers around 1 million percent.

According to a UN report, about 90 percent of the population lives in poverty. The country’s oil revenue is at its lowest in three decades.

America Supports Opposition Leader Juan Guaido

The two communist countries of China and Russia have kept Venezuela afloat by lending billions to the economically crippled petrostate, sometimes with cheap oil thrown in as a sweetener for the two creditors.  “Not only are they getting oil, but they’ve also gained access to pretty good acreage in Venezuela,” said Helima Croft, global head of commodity strategy at RBC Capital Markets.

Those deals were struck with President Maduro, whose leadership is facing a serious challenge from Juan Guaido, and it’s not clear what happens to that debt if Maduro is kicked out of office.  America would like to see Guaido take over the country, and apparently so would the Venezuelan people.  However, Russia and China are working in and out of the shadows, complicating U.S. efforts to foster change.

Venezuela is indebted to external creditors by a total of something close to $100 billion.  Yet, the socialist state is home to the largest oil reserves on the planet, but endemic corruption has devastated its economy. Beijing and Moscow have helped the country stave off collapse by repeatedly extending financial lifelines — to the tune of tens of billions of dollars over the last decade.

Maduro’s re-election last year was marred by charges of widespread vote-rigging, vote-buying, and other irregularities, but more fundamentally it failed to meet constitutional requirements. As such, Guaido, due to his role as head of the National Assembly, appears to be the legitimate president.

Guaido has been recognized by the U.S., Canada, Brazil, Peru, Colombia, and a slew of European countries.

China and Russia Support Maduro

Juan Guaido is not recognized by either China or Russia. They back Maduro to the hilt because they have much to lose if his leftist government falls. From 2007 to 2014, China lent Venezuela $63 billion — 53 percent of all its lending to Latin America during this time. Of that amount, somewhere between $10-$25 billion remains outstanding to China and Russia’s state-backed oil company Rosneft is owed another $2.3 billion, excluding interest.

There was an important catch to this largesse; to guarantee repayment, Beijing insisted on being repaid in oil, but when oil dropped to $30 a barrel in 2016, this caused Venezuela’s price tag for serving its debt to explode. To repay Beijing, Venezuela must now ship two barrels of oil for every single barrel it originally agreed to.  Chavez’ 2002-2003 purge of 25,000 skilled oil workers at PDVSA resulted in massive problems.  As well, reinvestment in the fields and help from foreign oil firms was gone.  Venezuela struck it poor.

Venezuela’s mother lode, the Orinoco heavy oil belt, holds more than a trillion barrels of tarlike bitumen, which makes it much more difficult to extract because when it comes out of the ground, it’s almost solid and cannot flow through pipelines.  It then needs to be upgraded to something resembling liquid oil before sale. Doing all that takes the kind of cash and sophisticated know-how PDVSA lacked at the time.

The heavy oil needs chemicals, diluting agents such as naphtha, to turn into a lighter substance that can eventually be exported. Sanctions include a ban on US firms exporting these agents to Venezuela.

Military Advantages

“Russia and China are using Venezuela as a proxy conflict to challenge the U.S. This is more than just economic support. Russia and China are leveraging its economic support to establish a military-industrial presence in Venezuela,” Joseph Humire, executive director of the Center for a Secure Free Society, an independent global research group, told Fox News.

China and Russia maintain crucial military facilities in the country, such as China’s satellite-tracking facility inside the Capitan Manuel Rios Air Base in Guarico, while Russia has a cyber presence at the Naval Base Antonio Diaz “Bandi” in La Orchilla, an island north of Caracas.  Link

According to one U.S. intelligence and defense official, who was not authorized to speak on the record, the threat of “asymmetric warfare” looms large as the Venezuelan crisis deepens – especially given Russia’s supply of arms and equipment to its Venezuela ally. “Maduro still sits on the largest proven oil reserves in the world. That’s the grand prize. China could say that the more Venezuela becomes a pariah, the cheaper they want it,” noted the intelligence insider. “And the more leverage Russia then has to build a bigger base in the Western Hemisphere, and closer to the United States nonetheless.”

“At a minimum, they could harass the United States, if not cause a lot more trouble. This makes the Cuban Missile Crisis look like child’s play.”  Link

Venezuela and Iran

In General Michael T. Flynn’s book, The Field of Flight, he states, “The war is on.  We face a working coalition that extends from North Korea and China to Russia, Iran, Syria, Cuba, Bolivia, Venezuela, and Nicaragua.  We are under attack, not only from nation-states directly, but also from al Qaeda, Hezbollah, ISIS, and countless other terrorist groups.  Suffice to say, the same sort of cooperation binds together jihadis, Communists, and garden-variety tyrants.”

“Once we bailed out of Iraq in 2011, the power of the Islamic Republic immediately expanded and rapidly filled the void left by our departure.  The mullahs have already established strategic alliances in our own hemisphere with Cuba and Venezuela and are working closely with Russia and China.”

General Michael T. Flynn is absolutely correct.

As Iran and Venezuela become increasingly isolated and sanctioned by the U.S and much of the international community, the two governments are said to be tightening their bond – with the help of Tehran’s proxy group, Hezbollah, in the middle of the action.

Training between Iran and Venezuela has increased in the past few years as part of a larger plan between the Venezuelan regime, consisting of increasing the number of Hezbollah operatives and their supporters across Latin America,” Johan Obdola, President of the Canada-based Global Organization for Intelligence (IOSI) and former counter-narcotics chief in Venezuela, told Fox News. Hassan Rouhani and Nicolas Maduro have established a very firm and close relationship, which was of course initiated by Chavez.”

Drug Trafficking, Iran and Cuba

Caracas, Venezuela and Havana, Cuba are the only two places Tehran, Iran can fly into or out of with people and contraband.  Both are sanctioned by the United States. Venezuela’s ambassador to the United States is defending his country’s controversial airline service to the capitals of Syria and Iran — both countries that are designated by the U.S. as state sponsors of terrorism.

Drug trafficking within the Venezuelan regime is called, “The Cartel of the Suns.”  Criminal cartels have always run drug trafficking but in Venezuela it is managed from within government.  Instead of sidelining those accused of drug trafficking, Maduro has promoted them to the highest offices, perhaps calculating that they have the most to lose if his regime falls and will therefore fight the hardest to preserve it.

The most powerful figures in the Bolivarian regime now have the taint of drug trafficking to differing degrees.

Colombia’s criminal groups and Venezuelan political officials are connected to one another by the cocaine supply chain. Colombian groups produce coca and refine it into cocaine, and some Venezuelan elites’ profit from its transit through their country. Though government action has weakened Colombia’s insurgents and other drug traffickers, the cocaine trade remains a key, illicit industry that will continue to affect both countries.

In 2005 Venezuela severed ties with the United States Drug Enforcement (DEA), accusing its representatives of spying.  Following the departure of the DEA from Venezuela and the expansion of DEA’s partnership with Colombia in 2005, Venezuela became more attractive to drug traffickers.  Between 2008 and 2012, Venezuela’s cocaine seizure ranking among other countries declined, going from being ranked fourth in the world for cocaine seizures in 2008 to sixth in the world in 2012.

Venezuela has been a path to the United States for illegal drugs originating in Colombia, through Central America and Mexico and Caribbean countries such as Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and Puerto Rico.


While Chinese engagement could be seen by other Latin American countries as an attractive path to development, the short-term benefits often lead to long-term dependency. Chinese investments focus on extracting natural resources and trading high value-added manufactures from China for Latin American commodities. China’s appetite for commodities will only increase. Link Their plan is global…in 30 years they expect to be the world’s superpower.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Heartbeat Bills Could Lead To Roe Vs Wade Repeal

The NY legislature has created a new Auschwitz dedicated to the execution of a whole segment of defenseless citizens. Satan is smiling.  —Charlie Daniels

Instead of baby we say fetus; instead of killing we say aborting; instead of dissect we say research; instead of extermination chambers we say abortion clinics.  —Chuck Norris, 2014

And we call it pro-choice instead of murder of unborn babies.  So many euphemisms to hide the truth of this evil.  Many endangered species are protected and heavy fines and jail time result for the destruction of these creatures.  But our human babies are destroyed at the rate of 4,000 per day and we are now approaching 70 million dead children.  Many Americans are not aware that for nearly all of our country’s existence, taking the life of a baby in the womb was prohibited.

Everything began to change in 1967 after years of organized campaigns by pro-aborts. In 1962, Sherri Finkbine, of Phoenix, Arizona Romper Room fame, had taken a sleeping pill her husband brought back from London.  It was Thalidomide, a drug known for causing severe abnormalities of embryos.  This drug was prescribed to pregnant women for morning sickness and extreme nausea.  Finkbine traveled to Sweden for an abortion.  Her situation was used in campaigns to legalize the murder of unborn babies.

By 1970, four states, New York, Alaska, Hawaii and Washington passed laws that basically allowed abortion on demand.  Of those four, New York’s was the only law without a residency requirement and the state quickly became the nation’s abortion capital.

Just recently, New York’s Governor Cuomo was gleeful that he had signed the Reproductive Health Act, (another euphemistic term to describe baby murder) to allow abortion up to and even after birth, should a baby survive the abortion.  Other states are now following New York’s lead once again. The Governor said he was doing nothing more than codifying Roe v Wade.  This however is untrue, Roe only allowed abortion up to viability of the gestating child…24 to 28 weeks of pregnancy.  Yet, nothing in Roe stops the states from killing babies after viability and up to birth.

The New York bill is also part of a broader trend of left-wing states codifying a “right” to abortion in anticipation of a future Supreme Court ruling that could reverse Roe, restoring states’ ability to ban abortion themselves and automatically banning it in the handful of states with pre-Roe bans still on the books as we have in Tennessee.

Prior to Roe, only 20 states allowed abortion and 30 disallowed it.  It was strictly a state issue, and should have remained as such, because “abortion” is outside the scope of powers delegated to the federal government over the country at large.  Had it remained a state issue, many more Americans would be alive today.

Abortion Mills

Many abortion clinics do not even meet basic building codes for emergency access.  Jill Stanek took the following pictures of a Birmingham abortion mill who had two botched abortions in one day.

The abortion industry routinely offers women grisly and unsanitary facilities. Deplorable conditions exist because of a lack of state or county inspections.  The Kermit Gosnell abortion mill was just one of thousands who are never inspected and were filthy.

Abortion is far more dangerous to the woman’s health than carrying the baby to birth.  We don’t know how many women are dying from abortions because the numbers are not being kept.  Neither do we have the numbers of women who have committed suicide because they murdered their own babies.  The CDC even says that only 45 of the 50 states in the United States actually keep abortion records. We really don’t know how many abortions are being done in the United States and we know even less about the complications and deaths.


Many of the heartbeat bills are written requiring abortion providers to listen for a heartbeat, but not all specify ultrasounds. Since the mid-1990s, several states have moved to make ultrasound a requirement prior to abortion, and I’m hoping more will do the same.

Qualified ultrasound providers can easily find a baby’s heartbeat after only a few weeks of gestation.  Save the Storks has built 40+ Stork Bus mobile medical units to help mothers make the choice to give life to 4,000+ babies. Save the Storks partners with local pregnancy resource centers to inform an expecting mother of all of her options so that she can make the best choice for herself and give life to her baby.

They save four out of five babies whose mothers board the Stork Bus for an ultrasound. Strong laws for ultrasound before abortion could save many more babies.

Fourteen states require verbal counseling or written materials to include information on accessing ultrasound services.  Twenty-six states regulate the provision of ultrasound by abortion providers. Three of those states, Louisiana, Texas, and Wisconsin—require the abortion provider to display and describe the ultrasound image. Guttmacher.org, a pro-abortion website, lists the state laws and policies and requirements for ultrasound.

States have passed several laws inhibiting abortions… waiting periods, restrictions on health insurance coverage, bans after 20 weeks of pregnancy because of infant pain, requirements that clinics meet ambulatory surgical center standards or requirements that abortion doctors have hospital admitting privileges and regulations for clinics to meet ambulatory surgical center standards, ultrasounds and now the heartbeat bills.  If you’ve never watched Silent Scream about an abortion on a twelve-week-old unborn baby, the short movie proves there is extreme pain for these little ones.

Heartbeat Bills

Do I trust abortion providers to tell a pregnant woman her child has a heartbeat?  I don’t, but new laws and regulations can actually save more babies.  The heartbeat bills have nearly all been challenged by federal courts, but states need to keep passing them.  And here’s why…

I asked three attorneys to explain to me the purpose of pushing the heartbeat bills when they are consistently are struck down.  Two of those attorneys spoke in legal terms that still didn’t make it clear as to why the politics of these bills are so important.  Finally, I asked another attorney to please explain it to me in layman’s terms.  The heartbeat bills have to do with the strategy of positioning an issue so that the US Supreme Court will review it.

My friend explained the structure of the federal court system, and stripped it down to the essentials we need to know regarding the necessity of pushing for more heartbeat bills to be passed in state legislatures and signed by the Governors.

  1. There are about 93 federal district courts throughout the Country. Most lawsuits filed in federal court are initially filed in a federal district court.

In every lawsuit [which isn’t settled] one side loses. The side which loses generally has the right to appeal his cases.  His appeal is filed in one of

  1. the 13 US Circuit Courts of Appeal [there are some additional “specialty” Circuit Courts which aren’t relevant to this issue]. One side will lose in the appellate court. But not every party who loses in one of the US Circuit Court of Appeals has the right to appeal to the US Supreme Court.  The US Supreme Court couldn’t possibly hear all of the cases which are heard by all of the 13 US Circuit Courts of Appeal!
  2. There are “filters” by means of which the US Supreme Court decides which cases from the 13 Circuit Courts of Appeal they will hear.   One of the best ways to get the US Supreme Court to review an issue is to show the US Supreme Court that there is a “conflict among the Circuits”:  So if you can show the US Supreme Court that so and so Circuits Courts have ruled this way – but such and such Circuit Court ruled the opposite way, you are showing a “conflict” among the Circuits and your chances of getting the US Supreme Court to review the issue skyrocket.

Ultimately, we want a lot of states to file heartbeat bills knowing that they will all get sued and that most of the Circuit Courts of Appeal will rule in favor of the baby killers. However, if the pro-life people can get just one Circuit to rule in favor of LIFE; then, they can show “conflict jurisdiction” to the US Supreme Court and perhaps they will overturn Roe v. Wade.

My attorney friend explained, “It’s a classic strategy – though I personally opt for the nullification remedy.  Still, there is no reason both remedies couldn’t be used – and the US Supreme Court might be more likely to overturn Roe v. Wade if some States have already manned up and nullified Roe v. Wade.  State heartbeat bills are fully constitutional – this is one of the issues reserved to the States or The People.”


There you have it.  Was my previous article wrong?  Maybe it was.  But here’s the thing…we have a slim chance with the heartbeat bills to get one Circuit Court to rule for the babies, and as my friend said, “Isn’t the money spent by the states worth trying to save babies?”  Yes, it is.

We need one challenged state heartbeat bill where a Circuit Court of Appeals rules for the babies.  Thus, we must urge the state legislators to write superb heartbeat bills, pass them in both houses of the legislature, and have them signed by the Governor.  Getting a case to the Supreme Court can take three to five years.  This gives our President time to possibly fill the court with another pro-life justice should either Justice Ginsburg or Breyer leave the court.  Amy Coney Barrett is a great pro-life choice.  Of course, timing is everything.

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© 2019 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Should Pro-Lifers Support The Heartbeat Bills?

Destruction of the embryo in the mother’s womb is a violation of the right to live which God has bestowed upon this nascent life.  To raise the question whether we are here concerned already with a human being or not is merely to confuse the issue.  The simple fact is that God certainly intended to create a human being and that this nascent human being has been deliberately deprived of his life.  And that is nothing but murder.  —Dietrich Bonhoeffer

“A young pregnant wife has been hospitalized for a simple attack of appendicitis.  The doctors had to apply ice to her stomach and when the treatments ended the doctors suggested that she abort the child, they told her it was the best solution because the baby would be born with some disability, but the young brave wife decided not to abort, and the child was born.  That woman was my Mother and I was the child.” (And yes, he is blind, and he has a voice like the angels.)  —Andrea Bocelli – Listen to him sing “O Holy Night

To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical. —Thomas Jefferson

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is not guaranteed to unborn human babies in America.  Yet, if you’re pronounced dead when your heart stops beating, why are we not pronounced alive when an unborn baby’s heart is heard beating?  Within 16 to 24 days after conception, the unborn child’s heart can be heard, especially via ultrasound.

Doctors use several different methods to listen to the fetal heartbeat. At about 3 weeks, when the heart first begins to beat, the sound of the little heart is too soft to hear. A doctor’s stethoscope is not sensitive enough to hear the baby’s heart beating.  Very soon thereafter however, physicians can see the motion using ultrasound technology.

A special stethoscope called a fetoscope works well when the unborn baby is larger, usually around 15-17 weeks. An active baby however, can make this method of listening a bit challenging. Often when the fetoscope is finally in the right place on the woman’s belly, the unborn baby will change positions and the doctor must move the stethoscope again in search of the heartbeat.

The presence of a fetal heartbeat confirms pregnancy, as long as doctors are certain to distinguish the baby’s heartbeat from the mothers. Usually this is not difficult as the unborn baby has a much faster heart rate than the mother.

State Heartbeat Bills

In the landmark Roe v. Wade ruling in 1973, the U.S. Supreme Court said states can’t abolish abortions before viability — the point at which a fetus can survive outside of the womb which is 24 to 28 weeks gestation; full gestation is 40 weeks.

But pro-life advocates hope a newly configured U.S. Supreme Court can overturn the decision and are pushing for measures to undercut the ruling in legislatures across the country.  Seven states now allow abortion up to the minute of birth, not just New York.  Heartbeat bills get challenged by the courts, but abortions in the last trimester or minutes before birth do not.

Iowa – A federal court blocked a heartbeat abortion measure in Iowa after it passed into law over the summer.   In mid-February 2019, Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds said that she will not appeal a ruling that struck down a state law that banned most abortions after a fetal heartbeat is detected.  Her decision not to appeal means the law will never take effect, handing a major victory to supporters of legal abortion.

Reynolds signed the law – which would have been the most restrictive abortion limit in the country – last year. Abortion providers quickly sued and District Court Judge Michael Huppert ruled the law unconstitutional.

Reynolds said in a news release that she doesn’t see a way to successfully appeal the ruling to the Iowa Supreme Court, in light of its ruling last year that struck down a 72-hour waiting period for abortions and found a fundamental right to abortion in the Iowa Constitution.

Arkansas – A fetal heartbeat bill, banning abortion after twelve weeks, was passed on January 31, 2013 by the Arkansas Senate, vetoed in Arkansas by Governor Mike Beebe, but, on March 6, 2013, his veto was overridden by the Arkansas House of Representatives.  A federal judge issued a temporary injunction against the Arkansas law in May 2013, and in March 2014, it was struck down by federal judge Susan Webber Wright, who described the law as unconstitutional.

North Dakota – North Dakota HB 1456 was signed into law in March 2013 by former Governor Jack Dalrymple, who stated that it was “a legitimate attempt by a state legislature to discover the boundaries of Roe v. Wade. A federal district court found that it clearly violated the constitutional protections afforded in Roe v. Wade and it was quickly blocked.

In July of that year, a lawsuit had been filed with regard to the law by the Center for Reproductive Rights (CRR) on behalf of the only abortion clinic in North Dakota, Red River Women’s Clinic. In July 2015, the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals blocked the bill. The case was appealed to the Supreme Court, but the court denied a writ of certiorari in January 2015 and let stand the decision of the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals.

North Dakota spent $491,016 to unsuccessfully defend the laws, and also paid the clinic’s lawyers $245,000 as part of a settlement.  Other states should take notice. Link

Federal courts have already struck down similar “heartbeat bills” including the 20 week bans in Arizona and Idaho.

Kentucky – Already mired in three lawsuits over abortion restrictions, Kentucky lawmakers are ratcheting up the stakes with a new bill to ban most abortions once a fetal heartbeat is detected.  In January of 2017, Pro-life Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin signed two pro-life bills into law: The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (SB5) and a bill that offers an abortion-minded woman the opportunity to see an ultrasound of her unborn child (HB2).  Link I like both of these bills.  They eat away at the ability of abortion clinics to kill our babies.

SB5, like the laws in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Kansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, West Virginia, and Wisconsin, says you cannot abort a child capable of experiencing pain, a capacity that medical science has demonstrated takes place no later than at 20 weeks.

Tennessee – State Representative Micah Van Huss has rewritten his original heartbeat bill.  It is HB0077.  State Senator Mark Pody introduced SB1236.  Both bills require the person attempting to do the abortion to check for the unborn baby’s heartbeat.  In reading Senator Pody’s bill, it appears as though ultrasound is always done, and it is not.  If our new Governor, Bill Lee, signs onto the heartbeat bill, I am sure, like other states, it will be challenged in court.

Here is a complete list of states who have tried to pass heartbeat bills.

Abortion Providers

All pro-lifers are praying to save our unborn human babies.  We want the murders stopped, but each of the heartbeat bills are challenged because of the original Roe v. Wade decision regarding viability of life.  The very text of these bills leaves it up to the abortion provider to check for a heartbeat.  Check the summary of Tennessee’s House Bill 0077.  These bills put the requirement of the finding the heartbeat on the person least likely to want to find a heartbeat—the abortion doctors themselves.

Are we to believe every abortion clinic is going to hire a certified pro-life ultrasound nurse who will honestly do the work required to find a heartbeat…the pressing, searching, roving, seeking with the tools required to find a tiny heartbeat? No. And why would they?

Ultrasound is completely operator dependent. One can manipulate the scan however they want. And in the hands of an abortion provider, that scan can prove to be deadly.

Killing unborn babies is a huge cash crop.  Abortion providers know this.  And why would an abortion doctor tell a woman in her third trimester that the heart can be heard when they make far more money on selling baby parts from late term abortions.

Abortion is a very lucrative business, and this has been true from the beginning. By last count, Planned Parenthood (a tax-exempt organization!) has $951 million in total assetsMarvin Olasky observes and documents in his book, Abortion Rites, that there have long been doctors who supported abortion, “if not for principle, at least for principal.” Link

It’s all about money, that’s the bottom line.  Pro-life lobbyists think up these bills, and then pound their chests in pride, and when it fails, this allows them to ask for more money to fight for this useless law in court, all the while bragging about how many lives that will be saved because laws like this magically make abortion doctors have “good faith.” They know abortion providers will never act in good faith with the heartbeat bills.

Supreme Court and Roe

Courts don’t make laws, although in today’s America, our President is stopped by leftist judges from carrying out his constitutional duties. Prior to Roe v. Wade abortion was illegal in 30 states and legal under certain circumstances in 20 states.  It was a state decision and it should have remained so.

We have to stop placing our trust in multi-million-dollar lobby groups and instead place our trust in the King of Glory.  Keep working, and keep praying because President Trump may actually have an opportunity to put one or two more pro-life justices on the Supreme Court.

If that were to happen, and Roe was overturned, the State of Tennessee already has bills in both houses of our legislature that will protect our unborn babies.  The Human Life Protection Act (SB 1257 / HB 1029) avoids constitutional challenges by taking effect upon reversal, in part or in full, of Roe v. Wade by the U.S. Supreme Court. It restores Tennessee’s pre-Roe law and prohibits abortion except to save a mother’s life. Such policies have been enacted in Louisiana, Mississippi, North Dakota, and South Dakota. Similar legislation is presently being considered in other states such as Kentucky and Arkansas where it passed the state Senate.

Rep. Susan Lynn (Republican, Mt. Juliet, Tennessee) said, “It has always been the priority of Tennessee’s pro-life movement to restore protection to the largest number of unborn children and women in our state. While states like New York are moving to strip any limits to abortion–even at the moments just before birth—Tennessee wants to be known for protecting our children.” 

Unfortunately, the heartbeat bill has served to cost states many taxpayer dollars and in some states, those dollars went to the very perpetrators of this evil.  How?  Many of the lawyers for the pro-abortion proponents sit on the boards of Planned Parenthood.


America has embraced a culture of death.  The slaughter of our unborn even at the moment of birth is an atrocity of satanic proportions which needs to be quelled.  Roe v. Wade needs to be overturned. Proponents of abortion thrill to dancing in the blood of these babies.  New York Governor Cuomo was overjoyed to pass his infanticide bill promoting abortion at the very moment of birth.  Molech would be proud.

The United States Senate voted on an anti-infanticide bill introduced by Senator Ben Sasse (R-Neb.), the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. The legislation needed 60 votes to pass, and it failed by a vote of 53 in favor and 44 against.  The bill stated that “if an abortion results in the live birth of an infant, the infant is a legal person for all purposes under the laws of the United States, and entitled to all the protections of such laws.”  Link  Babies of botched abortions have been left crying for hours to die alone.

A day after Senate Democrats voted to block a bill to stop infanticide, House Democrats blocked a request by Republicans to vote on a similar bill to require medical care and treatment for babies who survive abortions.

This is the 10th time Congressional Democrats thwarted an attempt by Republicans to vote on a bill that would provide medical care and treatment for babies who survived failed abortions — eight times in the House and twice in the Senate.

Every Democratic presidential hopeful — Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Kirsten Gillibrand, Sherrod Brown, Amy Klobuchar, and Elizabeth Warren, along with Independent Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont — voted against this common-sense bill. Democrats Doug Jones, Joe Manchin, and Bob Casey Jr. voted in favor of the bill. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), Tim Scott (R-S.C.), and Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.) did not vote on the bill.  Where were they?

© 2019 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

China’s Expanding Political And Military Footprint In Africa

As the saying goes, ‘Numerous grains of earth make a mountain, numerous drops of water form an ocean.’ As long as we keep advancing China-Africa cooperation, we will make even bigger achievements. (Excerpts from the joint interview Xi gave to media from BRICS countries in the Great Hall of the People on March 19, 2013.)

Whatever they say, it is a fact that the Chinese come to Africa not just with engineers and scientists.  They are coming with farmers.  It is neo-colonialism.  There are no ethics, no values.  Egyptian Parliament Member Mustafa al-Gindi

This series on China is a continuing effort to make Americans aware of China’s influence and interests throughout the world.  China has long used Western capital to challenge the might of the West.  Now it is moving forcefully, making demands of companies and countries, and expanding its influence.  In effect, the Chinese government offers to build (or rebuild) infrastructure in a country, in exchange for greater access to that country’s markets, as well as political allegiance, if not outright alliance.

Colonel Liu is a scholar at China’s National Defense University, an institution that trains future generals for the People’s Liberation Army.  Liu writes that China should strive to avoid directly antagonizing the United States too soon as the Soviet Union did in the Cold War. Rather, he advises that China influence U.S. foreign policy in such a way as to ensure that Washington behaves like Great Britain in the early 20th century. What happened to Britain in the 20th century? It declined and gave way to the U.S.

The Chinese dream is for China to be the world’s only superpower, unrivaled economically, militarily, and culturally.  Their “Hundred Year Marathon” is heading for completion by 2049.

Chinese African Trade

Africa is the world’s second largest and second most-populous continent. It covers 6% of earth’s total surface area and 20% of its land area.  Africa and Chinese economic relations surpassed the U.S. in 2009 to become the largest trading partner of Africa.  Bilateral trade agreements have been signed between China and 40 countries of the continent. In 2000, China-Africa Trade amounted to $10 billion, and in 2014 had grown to $220 billion. In the first five months of 2018, China-Africa trade gained 17.7 percent year on year to nearly $82 billion dollars. [Link]

China has been Africa’s largest trading partner since 2009 when it surpassed the United States, mainly exporting machinery, electronics and textiles, as well as importing crude oil, iron ore, cotton and other natural resources. South Africa, Angola and Nigeria are its biggest trading partners in the continent.

China’s Investment in Africa

China has emerged as a key investor and a generous, ready and easy lender to African countries.  Beijing’s cumulative loans to Africa since 2000 amounted to $124-billion by 2016, according to figures compiled by the China-Africa Research Initiative (CARI) at Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies in the United States.  They’ve created 130,750 jobs from 2005 to 2016, but is it for Africans or for imported Chinese.

Angola, Ethiopia, Sudan, Kenya and the Democratic Republic of Congo respectively, were the top beneficiaries of these loans. Angola’s oil-related loans worth $21.2 billion since 2000 total roughly a quarter of cumulative Chinese loans to the entire continent.

Some 3,100 Chinese enterprises have invested in Africa, working on projects in areas of transport, electricity, telecommunications, industrial parks, agricultural technology centers, water supply, schools and hospitals.

It involves more than 20 African countries and covers areas such as railways, highways, ports and power generation. In 2015, China announced 10 major plans for China-Africa cooperation to help the continent speed up industrialization and agricultural modernization.

Infrastructure construction has been one of the priorities in China-Africa cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative, a development strategy adopted by the Red Chinese government involving infrastructure development and investments in countries in Europe, Asia and Africa.  The program is an estimated $5 trillion (pdf) infrastructure spending spree that spans 60-plus countries across Asia, the Middle East, Europe, and Africa.

China’s Debt Trap Diplomacy

Almost 40% of sub-Saharan African countries are in danger of slipping into a major debt crisis.  And the relationship between African nations and China is often seen as a significant part of the problem.

Eight nations will find themselves vulnerable to above-average debt: Djibouti, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, the Maldives, Mongolia, Montenegro, Pakistan, and Tajikistan.  Pakistan and Nepal turned down Chinese infrastructure loans last year in favor of other sources of funding.

Economists and other international financial institutions are becoming increasingly worried that the Chinese Dragon under a carefully disguised “debt trap” diplomacy is burying many developing and poor countries in massive debt and then forcing the highly indebted countries to hand over some of their “key infrastructures” such as the case of Sri Lanka.  An egotistical president, an influx of foreign cash, and a massive pile of debt led to Sri Lanka handing over an entire port to China in December 2017, on a century-long lease.

That handover gave China a strategic foothold just 100 miles from its rival India, akin to how the Soviet Union’s foothold in Cuba raised US blood pressure during the Cold War. Chinese submarines have already appeared there.

One such African country that is exhibiting all the red flag signals of Sri Lankan and now Zambian way is Djibouti.  The country is projected to take on public debt worth around 88 percent of their overall $1.72 billion GDP, with China owning the lion’s share of it.

Djibouti lies more than 2,500 miles from Sri Lanka but the East African country faces a predicament similar to what its peer across the sea confronted in 2017, after borrowing more money from China than it could pay back.  Djibouti-China cooperation also includes a naval base on which China holds a 10-year lease at a cost of $20M annually. This allows Beijing to project power outside of Asia.

Most African states are ready to enthusiastically support China’s ambitions for militarizing its growing influence on that continent. Link

In November of 2018, two United States senators voiced alarm about the military and political consequences if China gains control of a port terminal in Djibouti, and said they were worried the move could extend Beijing’s influence on the Horn of Africa.  Djibouti, home to the US military’s main base in Africa, looks about to cede control of another key port to a Beijing-linked company, and the US is not happy about it.

Republican Senator Marco Rubio and Democratic Senator Chris Coons are alarmed that Djibouti, heavily indebted to Beijing, was likely to cede the port’s operations to a Chinese state-owned enterprise.

Marine General Thomas Waldhauser, the senior US military officer for Africa, told a Congressional hearing in early 2018 that the US military could face “significant” consequences if China controlled the port at Djibouti.

These countries that fall prey to China’s debt trap end up giving up control of major assets such as ports or roadways when they fund infrastructure projects with Chinese loans that they may struggle to pay back.

China already has control of a huge port at the Suez Canal near Cairo.  Their goal is control at both ends of the Red Sea into the Mediterranean which includes the Horn of Africa at Djibouti.

Africa’s Raw Materials

Opponents of China’s investments in Africa assert that it is exploitative for China to finance African infrastructure projects in exchange for the continent’s natural resources.  Well, that’s what China wants.  China wants acquisition of Africa’s raw materials like oil, iron, copper and zinc that it urgently needs to fuel its own economy and to increase China’s global political influence as well as the major growth opportunity presented by emerging market economies in Africa.

Mining and oil remain a primary focus of China’s investments; however, the country’s investments extend throughout virtually every market sector, including everything from infrastructure to food processing. China’s investments in the largely undeveloped infrastructure of African nations are particularly strong, encompassing key areas such as utilities, telecommunications, port construction and transportation.

The stakes in Africa are high due to the continent’s rich abundance in raw materials. Africa is estimated to contain 90% of the entire world supply of platinum and cobalt, half of the world’s gold supply, two-thirds of world manganese and 35% of the world’s uranium. It also accounts for nearly 75% of the world’s coltan, an important mineral used in electronic devices, including cellphones. The Communist Chinese have been expanding their military presence into Africa and rivaling the United States on investment and military activity there. Investment in the continent has also been a topic of discussion for the United States and China in its ongoing trade negotiations and political deliberations.

China is not only buying Africa by incurring a debt trap on various countries, they want control of this huge continent with its natural resources, ports, and military availabilities.

Communist Red China’s goal is world dominance and few want to recognize that fact.  After 70 years of China’s 100-year strategy to become the global superpower, America is finally realizing what they’re up against.

China’s Africa Exploitation

Many people believe China is moving toward capitalism, but this is wholly untrue.   Theirs is a communist centrally planned economy, with a five-year plan by the state planning body, the NDRC (National Development and Reform Commission) which is approved by the Communist Party.

China is investing billions of dollars in Africa but Beijing has been accused of exploiting the continent’s vast mineral and energy resources, at the expense of local people.

The African continent is a logical place for China to look to extend its geopolitical influence. China is already the preeminent power in Asia. India, traditionally a rival of China, is not a realistic choice for China to look for an increase in political influence, but the largely undeveloped countries of Africa represent a prime opportunity for China to significantly expand its global presence and influence in the world. The nature of China’s political motivations is partially revealed by its extensive investments in African infrastructure. If China can rise to a position where it exerts major control over essential economic elements such as the utilities sector and telecommunications in African countries, while also developing military influence, then it also holds considerable political alliance in those nations.

China flexes its political muscles in Africa with media censorship, and academic controls. When he announced another US$60-billion in financing for Africa last month, Chinese President Xi Jinping promised that the money had “no political strings attached.”

But a series of recent incidents, including cases of media censorship and heavy-handed academic controls, have cast doubt on that promise. China’s financial muscle is rapidly translating into political muscle across the continent.

Asia analyst Gordon Chang, during a recent congressional hearing, compared China’s growing influence to a “new form of colonialism.” “Once it locks in countries and makes them dependent,” said Chang, “Beijing gets their support for geopolitical goals, and one of these goals is undermining democracy.”


President Trump wants new agreements with China, and rightly so for the American people.  China initially received higher trade tariffs because they were given a “developing country status” in 2001.  Today is far different.  The understanding at that time was that as its economy grew, China would gradually adopt market-based economic principles and commit itself to the basic tenets of liberalized trade and globalization. But this has not happened.

National Security Advisor, John Bolton says, “China uses bribes, opaque agreements, and the strategic use of debt to hold states in Africa captive to Beijing’s wishes and demands. Its investment ventures are riddled with corruption.”  Link

The President and Mr. Bolton seem to understand this.  However, with China there are never any guarantees.  A key issue is that in the past the Chinese have made all sorts of promises to address U.S. concerns that they later reneged on. Or, China has taken so long to act that when it finally did it made little difference.

It would be rather naïve on the part of the U.S. to agree to any Chinese promises in the current trade talks without also building a robust enforcement mechanism into any deal.  The key is to devise an enforcement mechanism that is agreeable to both the U.S. and China. Only then will a resulting trade deal be self-enforcing.

© 2019 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Barr And Mueller, Eradicating Our Fourth Amendment Rights

No system of mass surveillance has existed in any society that we know of to this point that has not been abused. —Edward Snowden

Legal and bureaucratic impediments to surveillance should be removed. —Former CIA Director Mike Pompeo

Entire populations, rather than just individuals, now live under constant surveillance. It’s no longer based on the traditional practice of targeted taps based on some individual suspicion of wrongdoing. It covers phone calls, emails, texts, search history, what you buy, who your friends are, where you go, who you love. —Edward Snowden

The last thing we need is another swamp creature, but it appears that is what we’re getting with our new Attorney General (AG).  Bill Barr is a DC insider who praised Comey, Rosenstein and Mueller during his confirmation hearings — how is President Trump going to drain the swamp if Mueller’s best friend is running the DOJ?  Barr and Mueller worked together when Barr was Bush’s attorney general from 1991 to 1993 and Mueller oversaw the department’s criminal division.

During William Barr’s confirmation hearings, Senator Lindsey Graham asked the nominee several questions.  Barr said he didn’t think Robert Mueller was on a witch hunt, and thought he’d be fair to the country as a whole.  He also said he had no reason to stop Mueller’s investigation or terminate it for cause.  Barr told Senator Graham that he was committed to allowing Robert Mueller to finish his job, and that he has a very high opinion of Deputy AG (DAG) Rod Rosenstein.  Link

Barr has now asked Rod Rosenstein to stay on for a while, and he has said he would.  How special.  Fired former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe, and two other people who have testified to Congress, claim Mr. Rosenstein repeatedly offered to wear a wire when meeting with Mr. Trump.  McCabe also stated that he and other officials, including DAG Rosenstein, did headcounts of which cabinet officials might vote to declare the president “unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office” under the 25th Amendment.  Rosenstein never actually denied McCabe’s claims.

The very suspicion of impropriety should be reason for Rosenstein’s termination.

Barr and Second Amendment

William Barr served as the 77th United States Attorney General from 1991 to 1993 during the first Bush administration.  He is also a past employee of the CIA. The Bushes represent the establishment globalists in their party and rather than vote for their party’s nominee in 2016, they voted for Hillary Clinton.

As I stated in a previous article, William Barr exhibited anti-Second Amendment policies in his 1991 confirmation hearings.  Both Gun Owners of America and Dr. John Lott, President of the Crime Research Prevention Center, shared similar sentiments of worry with Barr’s past confirmation statements.

Video here:  https://youtu.be/I_9LOX964FY

Asset Forfeiture

It is also disturbing that Barr has been a big fan of taking people’s property through civil asset forfeiture without a conviction. Many poor people in our country have cash taken from them and then the government says, “Prove to us where you got the cash and then you can get it back,” the burden is on the individual. Civil Asset Forfeiture is a terrible thing and William Barr is a big fan.

Government Theft of Promis Software

In October 1991, Barr appointed then retired Democratic Chicago judge Nicholas Bua as special counsel in the Inslaw scandal. Few people understand the full ramifications of Promis software, and the undetectable spying apparatus placed in foreign computers. In 1989, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jack Brooks, D-TX, launched a three-year investigation into the Inslaw affair. In the resulting report, the Committee suggested that among others, Edwin Meese, while presidential counselor and later as attorney general, and Democrat D. Lowell Jensen a former assistant and deputy attorney general and former US district judge in San Francisco, conspired to steal PROMIS software from Bill Hamilton’s company, Inslaw.

Bua’s 1993 report found the DOJ of no wrong doing in the matter, despite a 12-year lawsuit by Inslaw, regarding the government theft of their software.  One journalist, Danny Casolaro, died as he attempted to tell the story and boxes of documents relating to the case were destroyed, stolen, or conveniently “lost” by the DOJ. Software piracy, conspiracy, cover-up, stonewalling, covert action…just another decade at the corrupt DOJ.

Ruby Ridge

Senate Judiciary Committee hearings for AG nominee William Barr focused heavily on Barr’s views on Special Counsel Robert Mueller. But nobody asked about Barr’s legal crusade for blanket immunity for federal agents who killed American citizens.

Barr was responsible for both the U.S. Marshals Service and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, two federal agencies whose misconduct at Ruby Ridge “helped to weaken the bond of trust that must exist between ordinary Americans and our law enforcement agencies,” according to a 1995 Senate Judiciary Committee report.

The family had come under federal siege because of Randy’s refusal to become an informant within the Aryan Nation white supremacist group. Randy had been manipulated by an ATF undercover operative named Kenneth Fadeley into selling a shotgun with a sawed-off barrel. Eight months after that transaction, two of Fadeley’s comrades in that detestable organization demanded that Randy become an informant, threatening his home and family if he didn’t cooperate.  Ruby Ridge was considered a kill zone.

In a questionnaire by the Judicial Committee, Barr was asked to disclose his past work including pro bono activities “serving the disadvantaged.” The “disadvantaged” that Barr spent the most time helping was FBI agent Lon Horiuchi who slayed an Idaho mother holding her baby in 1992.  Barr spent two weeks organizing former Attorneys General and others to support “an FBI sniper in defending against criminal charges in connection with the Ruby Ridge incident.” Barr also “assisted in framing legal arguments advanced… in the district court and the subsequent appeal to the Ninth Circuit,” he told the committee.

U.S. marshals trespassed on Weaver’s land and killed his 14-year-old son, Sammy, and his dog. The following day, FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi killed his wife, Vicki, as she was standing in the cabin doorway holding her 10-month-old baby. Horiuchi had previously shot Randy Weaver in the back after he stepped out of the cabin to collect the body of his son. The suspects were never given a warning or a chance to surrender and had taken no action against FBI agents. Weaver survived.

In August of 1995, the Justice Department paid $3.1 million to settle a wrongful death lawsuit from the Weaver family.  In 1998, they paid Elmer “Geronimo” Pratt $4.5 million for a 26-year false imprisonment and false testimony against him by an FBI informant.

Government Surveillance

The fourth amendment originally enforced the idea that each man’s home is his castle, secure from unreasonable search and seizure by the government.  The Patriot Act was the destruction of American citizen privacy.  Both Mueller and Barr are big brothers who love the “all-seeing eye.”

While serving as attorney general under former President George H.W. Bush in 1992, Barr directed the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to collect bulk phone data on millions of people, most of whom weren’t even suspected of a crime. This program laid the groundwork for the National Security Agency’s phone record collection authorized by the Patriot Act a decade later, a misnomer if there ever was one. Barr continued to be a cheerleader for warrantless surveillance even after the PATRIOT Act’s passage. During congressional testimony in 2003, he called the bill a “major step forward.”

He went on to say that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, the law that authorizes foreign surveillance and has been abused to surveil, “remains too restrictive” because it “still requires that the government establish probable cause that an individual is either a ‘foreign power’ or an ‘agent of a foreign power.’” In other words, Barr objects to the idea that the government should need a warrant before it can spy on citizens.  Link

Surveillance and the Patriot Act

The Patriot Act permits FBI agents to write their own search warrants for business records, and it has been used to induce the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) to issue warrants on a made-up basis to read emails and listen to telephone calls in real time. The members of Congress who voted for it were largely unaware of the liberties they were sacrificing.  None of them ever read it.

Both the Patriot Act and the USA Freedom Act unconstitutionally do away with the probable cause requirement for warrants. Those two laws permit the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to issue warrants based on the standard of “governmental needs” rather than probable cause. This is a profoundly unconstitutional standard, and one that has resulted in spying on all people all the time.

The Patriot Act vastly expanded the surveillance potential of the FBI, the CIA and the NSA among other intelligence agencies.  The US government contracted with Acxiom, Lockheed, Booz Allen Hamilton and many others to build new mass surveillance programs.  One program was called Total Information Awareness (TIA), which was an operation where the FBI and other agencies would build profiles, like Acxiom’s, on millions of law-abiding Americans.  Link

Mr. Barr strongly supports the Patriot Act which violates every American’s fourth amendment right to privacy.  The Constitution provides us with more protection and safety than the surveillance state ever will.

An NSA Whistle-Blower tells all in this video to filmmaker Laura Poitras.  She profiled William Binney, a 32-year veteran of the National Security Agency who helped design a top-secret program he says is broadly collecting Americans’ personal data.

Following the June 2013 leak of documents detailing the NSA practice of collecting telephone metadata on millions of Americans’ telephone calls, former Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper was accused of perjury for telling a congressional committee hearing that the NSA does not collect any type of data on millions of Americans.  He escaped prosecution because the five-year Statute of Limitations ran out.

Birds of a Feather

Barr and Mueller are birds of a feather.  Mueller has claimed one case to validate spying on all of America.  It was a Supreme Court case and the tracing of a single phone call to a single robber.  Thus, the Supreme Court held that phone metadata is not protected by the fourth amendment.  Mueller has repeatedly used this.  The case is Smith v. Maryland, which held that people did not have a reasonable expectation of privacy regarding the numbers they call, because they willingly give up those numbers to the company to connect their call.

And so, because the Supreme Court approved the collection of one robber’s phone records in 1979, Mueller insists it meant it was reasonable for FBI and NSA to collect and aggregate the phone records for every American today and forever. Link

Mueller implicitly argues that the perpetual and ubiquitous data collection of the digital and telephonic communications of law-abiding Americans is constitutional.  For thorough documentation of same, see Louisiana State Senator John Milkovich’s book, Robert Mueller, Errand Boy for the New World Order.


Rand Paul opposed the confirmation of William Barr.  He said, He’s been the chief advocate for warrantless surveillance of U.S. citizens. I think that the Fourth Amendment should protect your phone calls and your bank information. People shouldn’t be allowed to look at it without a warrant.”  Perhaps this one Senator knows an inside player when he sees one.

Surely, we’ve all heard foolish folks say, “Well, I have nothing to hide, I’m not a terrorist.”  Edward Snowden said, “Arguing that you don’t care about privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don’t care about free speech because you have nothing to say.”

Americans do not understand freedom or the Fourth Amendment of our unalienable Bill of Rights.  The Jews of Europe had nothing to hide either, but it didn’t stop the Gestapo, and neither did it stop the East German Stasi.  The NSA’s algorithms and extensive databases make it far more effective than the Stasi ever dreamed of being.

S139 reauthorizes the FISA for six years through 2023 which governs electronic surveillance of foreign terrorism suspects.  The Senate passed it on January 18, 2018 by a vote of 65 to 34.  Although put in place to gather intel on foreign targets, it has been used to spy on U.S. citizens.  The bill provides provisions to protect the privacy of American citizens, but given the track record of intel agencies, it is unlikely they will follow these rules.  Will our new AG make sure they do?

Attorney Joe DiGenova believes William Barr is going to be the catalyst who will clean out the filth from the DOJ.  I hope he is right, and I am wrong.

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© 2019 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

China’s 100 Year Plan To Become The World’s Superpower

… And Guess What, They’re More Than Halfway There

Some enemies can be ignored, others must be destroyed.  —Anonymous

Every communist must grasp the truth; “Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun. —Mao Zedong,
Problems of War and Strategy (November 6, 1938), 
Selected Works, Vol. II, p. 224.

Comrade Mao, whether he was crossing “a sea of surging waves” or scaling “a mountain pass impregnable as iron” always held unwaveringly to his course, setting a shining example for the Chinese Communist Party.  —PRC President Xi Jinping

America has some serious enemies.  One is China, the other is Islam, and Americans need to know more about both.  China has a secret strategy to replace the United States as the world’s global superpower and will fully accomplish this by 2049 when it celebrates its 100th founding anniversary.

This article is part of a series on educating people about the menace China has become over the last 70 years.  The very survival of our Republic is at risk with the influence of communism inside our country.

In a recent opinion piece from Fox News entitled, Everyone Finally Agrees China Can’t be Allowed to Take Over the World, I thought, “Well duh, what finally gave Fox their first clue?”  The article stated that two years ago when President Xi Jinping laid out his expansive vision for China’s role in the global economy, the “Belt and Road Initiative” which is destined to encircle the world with Beijing’s golden tentacles; together with his expansive territorial claims, he caused the hearts of the party faithful to quicken.

Xi got the rest of the world rethinking the wisdom of handing China the keys to the global car.  The billions of dollars they’ve garnered from American trade has enabled them to buy and bribe their way into owning the world, and the Dragon has expanded their military strength.  They now have the second largest defense budget in the world.

Mainland China is the communist run People’s Republic of China (PRC).  The Republic of China (ROC) is the tiny island of Taiwan off mainland China.  Both of them recognize themselves as the ruling party of China.

The ideological difference is that today one is staunchly capitalist, and the other is communist. Taiwan wishes to remain independent, but Chinese President Xi Jinping has upped the pressure on Taiwan. Beijing, the capitol of mainland China, has sought to diplomatically isolate Taipei, the capitol of Taiwan.

Following is a thumbnail sketch of China’s history from old dynasties to Communism and mainland China’s efforts to modernize and become the global superpower by 2049.

Dynasties to Communism

When the last Chinese dynasty—the Qing dynasty —fell in 1911–1912, it marked the end of the nation’s incredibly long imperial history.  The Qing dynasty collapsed during the second half of the 19th century and the early years of the 20th, due to a complicated interplay between internal and external factors.

The official beginning of the Communist Party of China began with the 1st Congress held in Shanghai and Jiaxing in July 1921.  Communist Mao Zedong was present at the first congress as one of two delegates from a Hunan communist group.

The Kuomintang (KMT) was the Chinese political party that ruled mainland China from 1927–48 and then moved to Taiwan after the civil war. The name translates as “China’s National People’s Party” and was historically referred to as the Chinese Nationalists. The Party was initially founded on 25 August 1912, by Sun Yat-sen.  It reformed on October 10th 1919, again led by Sun Yat-sen, and became the ruling party in China.

After Sun’s death, the party was dominated from 1927 to 1975 by Chiang Kai-shek who served as the leader of the Republic of China between 1928 and 1975, first in mainland China until 1949 and then in Taiwan until his death.

On October 1, 1949, Chinese Communist leader Mao Zedong declared the creation of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). The announcement ended the costly full-scale civil war between the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the Nationalist Party, KMT, which broke out immediately following World War II and had been preceded by “on and off conflict” between the two sides since the 1920’s. The creation of the PRC also completed the long process of governmental upheaval in China begun by the Chinese Revolution of 1911.  The “fall” of mainland China to communism in 1949 led the United States to suspend diplomatic ties with the PRC for decades.

Chiang was recognized by much of the world as the head of the legitimate government of China until 1971, during which the United Nations passed Resolution 2758 which recognized only Communist mainland China as the legitimate Chinese representation to the UN. Though the KMT (Chiang’s political party) lost the civil war with the Communist Party of China in 1949, the KMT took control of Taiwan and remains a major political party of the Republic of China (ROC).

In Taiwan, Chiang’s party slowly renounced its collectivist character although some state planning and control remains.  Fortunately for Taiwan the government allowed the relatively free operation of small-scale enterprises that brought about their economic success.

Today Taiwan is headed by their first woman President, Tsai Ing-wen.

President Richard M. Nixon

After years of diplomatic isolation, President Nixon’s 1972 visit to China was a strategic and diplomatic overture that marked the culmination of the Nixon administration’s resumption of harmonious relations between the countries.  When the communists took over in mainland China in 1949 and exiled the nationalists to the island of Taiwan, the United States allied with, and recognized, the Republic of China as the sole government of China, not mainland communist China.

Before his election as president in 1968, former Vice President Richard Nixon hinted at establishing a new relationship with the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Early in his first term, Nixon, through his National Security Adviser Henry Kissinger, sent subtle overtures hinting at warmer relations to the PRC government. After a series of these overtures by both countries, Kissinger flew on secret diplomatic missions to Beijing in 1971, where he met with Premier Zhou Enlai. On July 15, 1971, the President shocked the world by announcing on live television that he would visit the PRC the following year.

In 1972, U.S. President Nixon traveled to the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and met with Mao Zedong, the Chairman of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, and Zhou Enlai, the PRC Premier.  American/Chinese relations were opened.

The United States banned trade with China until the early 1970s. Thereafter trade grew rapidly, and after the full normalization of diplomatic and commercial relations in 1979, the United States became the second largest importer to China and in 1986 was China’s third largest partner in overall trade.  In 2018, our huge trade deficit with China was mainly in tech and manufacturing.

Mao’s Great Leap Forward

Communist China has no regard for life.  We have communists in our own federal government, and they willingly allow and promote the murder of the unborn, the newly born and the elderly.  Mao Zedong, father of the Communist Chinese Revolution, killed far more than Stalin and Lenin.  Mao’s infamous experiment in social engineering, the Great Leap Forward (to modernization and manufacturing) was the campaign that caused the deaths of millions and catapulted Mao Zedong into the big league of twentieth-century murders.

In an attempt to modernize the country and spur on the land reform that began with the formation of the People’s Republic of China, Chairman Mao initiated the movement leading to the “Great Leap Forward.” More and more people were diverted from the fields to the backyard kilns in order to reach Mao’s dream of being the world’s preeminent steel supplier. It was rapid industrialization and collectivization of land.

Mao’s program was not only an attempt at increasing China’s presence in manufacturing, but also to reinforce communist ideals.  Farmers had no experience in factory production, and qualities were so poor that they failed.  Crops rotted in the fields, as there was no one left to harvest them. The results were disastrous.

In the end, through a combination of detrimental economic policies and adverse weather conditions, an estimated 20 to 48 million people died of starvation in China.

Deng Xiaoping

After Mao’s death, Communist leader Deng Xiaoping ruled mainland China from the late 1970s until 1997, and was the most powerful figure in the People’s Republic of China until his death in 1997.

Deng restored China to domestic stability and economic growth after the disastrous excesses of the Cultural Revolution launched by Mao Zedong.  Its stated goal was to preserve Chinese Communism by purging remnants of capitalist and traditional elements from Chinese society.

Under his leadership, China acquired a rapidly growing economy, rising standards of living, considerably expanded personal and cultural freedoms, and growing ties to the world economy. Deng also left in place a mildly authoritarian government that remained committed to the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) one-party rule even while it relied on free-market mechanisms to transform China into a developed country.

However, in May 1989, exactly 70 years after the May 4th movement, millions of young Chinese students crowded into Beijing to demand greater democracy and less repression, exactly what Deng Xiaoping had called for. The students had warmed to Deng’s reforms, but the hardliners in Deng’s counsel exaggerated the threat posed by the students.

On June 4, Chinese troops and security police stormed through Tiananmen Square, firing indiscriminately into the crowds of protesters. Thousands of students were killed, and tens of thousands were arrested. Tiananmen Square should never have happened under Deng Xiaoping.  Hardline communism was restored.

In 2012, Xi Jinping became president of China ushering in an era of increased assertiveness and authoritarianism, all the while cementing China’s position as a superpower, one who by 2049 will overtake America as the world’s leader.

Council on Foreign Relation’s member Michael Pillsbury’s, The Hundred Year Marathon, is well worth the read.  You can access it via this website.  Scroll down to the “Warring States” and read the nine principal elements of Chinese strategy which form the basis of China’s Hundred Year Marathon.


General Douglas MacArthur said, “I am concerned for the security of our great Nation; not so much because of any threat from without, but because of the insidious forces working from within.”  He was right…the dangers within our government are real.

Stalin viewed Chairman Mao as a junior partner. He even pressured Mao to help Communist North Korea in the Korean War. The battle of the Chosin Reservoir pitted 15,000 allied ground troops against 120,000 Chinese infantrymen.  American soldiers died by the thousands.

The ten Chinese divisions, along with North Korean forces, were on a mission: wipe out the Marines, the Army, and all of the allies.  MacArthur then asked for permission to bomb Communist China bases north of the Yalu and use Nationalist Chinese forces from Taiwan against the People’s Republic of China. Fearing a widening of the war and possible entry of the Soviet Union, Truman flatly refused these requests.

China is definitely molding the world to exist under the China umbrella, and they will do anything and everything to ensure it occurs. They are seeking world dominance, while many naive U.S. officials and China scholars are blind to China’s “real intentions.”

MacArthur was right, and now the Dragon has become a much more formidable enemy, an enemy that is taking global control and will succeed by 2049 unless Americans become aware of China’s international plans.

© 2019 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

The Gestapo Strikes Roger Stone

The best political weapon is the weapon of terror. Cruelty commands respect. Men may hate us. But we don’t ask for their love; only for their fear. —Heinrich Himmler

In the course of history periods of capitalism and socialism alternate with one another; capitalism is the unnatural, socialism the natural economic system…The National Socialists and the Red Front have the same aspirations. —Heinrich Himmler

Deprive the people of their national consciousness, treat them as a tribe and not a nation, dilute their national pride, do not teach their history, propagate their language as inferior, imply they have a cultural void, emphasize their customs are primitive, and dismiss independence as a barbaric anomaly.  —Reinhard Heidrich, SS-Gruppenfuhrer, Director of the Reich Main Security Office

The idea of God is the keynote of a perverted civilization. It must be destroyed. —Karl Marx

A week ago, my husband and I attended the wonderful Gathering of Phyllis Schlafly Eagles in St. Louis, and on Friday morning we heard the horrible news of the FBI pre-dawn raid on Roger Stone in Florida.  That evening while chatting with Kitty Werthmann (please watch her video), she made a haunting statement about the abusive arrest, “This is the Gestapo!”  Kitty knows only too well what the Gestapo and the Stormtroopers look like.

Kitty Werthmann was born in Austria and lived under Hitler’s rule for seven years and then spent another three years under Soviet Communist rule.  She has lived real history and now she is seeing some of those same Gestapo tactics in her adopted country.

The Gestapo was Nazi Germany’s feared secret police force. Nazi is short for the National Socialist German Workers’ Party.  During World War Two the Gestapo was under the direct control of Reinhard Heydrich who reported to Heinrich Himmler. The Gestapo controlled all the police units within Nazi Germany. They acted outside of the normal judicial process; they had their own courts and effectively acted as judge, jury and frequently executioner.  When I think of how Paul Manafort has spent eight months in solitary after the middle of the night Gestapo tactic raid on his home, “executioner” becomes just as factual.

The Gestapo’s main purpose was to hunt out those considered a threat to Nazi Germany.  They operated without any civil authority and were allowed to strike without worrying about consequences.  The same goes for Robert Mueller’s FBI Stormtrooper raids.

As a young girl, Kitty Werthmann saw all of this with her own eyes, and now she’s seeing it again.

Please help Roger by going to StoneDefenseFund.com.

The Pre-Dawn Raid on Roger Stone

On Friday, 25 January 19, twenty-nine FBI agents in bullet proof protective gear and armed with submachine guns showed up pre-dawn at Roger Stone’s home.  There were seventeen vehicles, two of which were armored, two boats behind Roger’s home and one helicopter was circling overhead. Link Only twelve Navy Seals were dispatched to eliminate Osama bin Laden.

Stone is not a drug dealer, nor is he a terrorist. He is charged with obstruction of justice and making false statements to the special counsel. Significantly, the alleged false statements specified in the indictment were about conduct, which, if admitted, was not criminal.

Roger is 66 and his wife is 72, and they were awakened with pounding on their front door.  Mr. Stone does not own a gun, or a license for one, but they have two dogs and three cats.  Like many of us, Roger and his wife are animal lovers.  He and his hearing-impaired wife were forced to stand outside barefooted, and in their nightwear, albeit his wife is not accused of any crime.  Link

This savage and merciless attack extravaganza was leaked in advance to the chief press arm of the Democratic Party, CNN, so they could be there to film Roger and his wife standing outside on a cold Florida morning in their nightclothes and bare feet. The same thing was done to Paul Manafort who is dying in prison and is culpable for wrong doings, but so are many others on the left, including the Podestas who were never charged.

FBI Tyranny

Conrad Black’s New York Sun Article, Mueller’s Danse Macabra at the Arrest of Stone starts out with this statement, “Joseph Welch’s famous question of Senator Joseph R. McCarthy at the Army-McCarthy hearings of 1954: “Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you no decency?”  This statement is even more apropos for Robert Mueller and his gang of thugs headed by Pitbull Andrew Weissman.

The President needs to ask this question of the FBI, and especially of FBI Director Wray.  He should have immediately called Wray into his office and demanded who authorized this disgusting display of government tyranny.  This pre-dawn raid was done purposely for media consumption, for a negative impact against our President who is a 40-year friend of Roger Stone, and to instill fear not only in those who would work for an outsider like Donald Trump, but also to let the American public know the full power of the FBI. The out-of-control Nazi-esque behavior by the Department of Justice and the FBI needs to be curtailed, but I see no end to it.

FBI Director Christopher Wray should hang his head in shame. At a time when he should be restoring the FBI’s reputation after Jim Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bruce Ohr and many others tarnished its image as our country’s premier law enforcement agency, he allowed his agents to do Mueller’s bidding and run around like KGB thugs.  Wray is a disgrace to this country.

Senator Lindsey Graham

Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham sent a letter to the FBI Director on Wednesday, January 30th, demanding the FBI brief the Committee on the pre-dawn raid of Roger Stone.  Graham asked the FBI to provide the Committee with a briefing on Roger Stone’s arrest by no later than Tuesday, February 5, 2019.

Criminal defense attorney David Oscar Marcus argued at the Hill that, in light of the charges, Stone should have been afforded the opportunity to self-surrender. Of course, he should have. This theatrical raid was excessive and unnecessary.

Department of Justice protocol for non-violent defendants with no flight risk is to contact defense counsel and arrange a time to appear in federal court for arraignment. Stone has claimed for months that he was about to be indicted. Yet, he did not flee. He has stated that his passport is expired. The judge did not find Stone a flight risk, releasing him on his own signature.

In a flurry of televised appearances after posting a $250,000 bond and being released on Friday afternoon, Stone referred to the FBI actions as “theatrics” and later claimed the raid was ” an attempt to poison the jury pool.” In a statement, he described his wife and dogs as being “terrorized” by the method of arrest.

Stone confirmed to The Hill that he hired Florida attorney Bruce Rogow as his lead lawyer. Rogow recommended that Stone take a lie detector test, and he ended up taking two – and passed them both.  He says he is preparing for war against the Robert Mueller witch hunt.

Double Standards

President Donald Trump responded last Saturday to news of his confidant Roger Stone’s Friday indictment with a list of Democrats and justice officials he wants to see in trouble for alleged lying.

“If Roger Stone was indicted for lying to Congress, what about the lying done by James Comey, John Brennan, James Clapper, Lisa Page and lover, James Baker and soooo many others? What about Hillary Clinton to FBI and her 33,000 deleted Emails? What about Lisa and Peter Strzok’s deleted texts and Anthony Weiner’s laptop? Much more!” Trump wrote Saturday.

Texts between the two former FBI employees, who were having an affair, show they said “we’ll stop” Trump from getting elected. The FBI “failed to preserve” five months’ worth of text messages between Strzok and Page.  The FBI destroyed evidence.  In my book, that’s obstruction of justice.

President Trump is right.  James Clapper committed perjury and the five-year Statutes of Limitations was allowed to run out.

Congressman Matt Gaetz

Gaetz told Fox News’ Tucker Carlson Thursday that he is introducing the “Justice for All Act” to combat the justice inequalities he is seeing with how the “other people” are being treated, naming Hillary Clinton and others as examples.

“Is lying to Congress as common as the sun rising? Is anyone ever charged?” Carlson joked with the congressman who serves on the Judiciary Committee on “Tucker Carlson Tonight” Thursday.

“It happens daily,” Gaetz replied. “I thought Robert Mueller was supposed to be investigating Russia collusion, and now he’s become a glorified hall monitor enforcing the provisions of lying to Congress.” The problem, he claimed, is that the special counsel is “enforcing them unequally.”

This is the motivation behind the legislation Gaetz is proposing, which would create criminal referrals for “the other people that we know have lied to Congress,” he explained, pointing to multiple examples including Hillary Clinton, fired FBI chief James Comey, former director of national intelligence James Clapper and former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe who, Gaetz noted, “lied so frequently he was demoted and referred for criminal prosecution.”

These Democrats who have unarguably lied to Congress walk free today while Republicans accused of lying under oath have seen police state tactics used against them, Gaetz argued.


What in heaven’s name is going on when we have to have a Congressman introduce a law that would make sure all people are equally charged with wrongdoing?  Obviously the Obamaites are still in charge in the DOJ and are making sure their acolytes go free and only those who support President Trump are charged.

Robert Mueller has a 30-year evil modus operandi we should by now all be familiar with.  Louisiana Senator John Milkovich wrote about Mueller in his book, Robert Mueller Errand Boy for the New World Order.  Congressman Louie Gohmert wrote the 15,500 word expose on Mueller entitled, Mueller Unmasked.

Gatestone Institute says Congress must act to prevent these abuses from recurring.    But will they?  The DOJ has not been cleansed of the Obama supporting Marxists who control the intel community.

The list grows of honorable patriots who have supported our President and have had their reputations and finances destroyed.  Americans must support the truth.  It means our funds need to help these patriots.  Please help Lt. General Michael T. Flynn at https://mikeflynndefensefund.org/ and Roger Stone at StoneDefenseFund.com.

P.S. And I’m not done asking you to support truth from these patriots.  Newswithviews.com operates on a shoestring budget bringing daily articles from American loving citizens who want us to survive as a Republic.  Please help Newswithviews.com by supporting those who freely give their time and energy to writing articles bringing you the truth.  Spread the truth by telling your friends to sign up for emails from NWVs and please make monthly donations to help us.  Donate here.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

China’s Ominous 40 Year Plan To Dominate The World

Communism is not love.  Communism is a hammer which we use to crush the enemy.  —Mao Zedong, Founding Father of The People’s Republic of China

It was time for his nation to transform itself into ‘a mighty force’ that could lead the entire world on political, economic, military and environmental issues. —China’s President Xi Jinping

It is a doctrine of war not to assume the enemy will not come, but rather to rely on one’s readiness to meet him; not to presume that he will not attack, but rather to make one’s self invincible. —Sun Tzu

President Trump is waging what the socialist main stream media is calling a “Trade War” with Communist Red China, who was given “Most Favored Nation” trade status, a requirement by members of the World Trade Organization.  Our President is the first to understand what China is actually up to, and how American tax dollars are building the Dragon into the dominant world power.  We must support him in this battle.

During the 2019 Phyllis Schlafly Gathering of Eagles, President Ed Martin told us about a meeting President Trump held regarding China.  A friend of Asia expert Brett Decker was at this meeting.  Decker is the author of Bowing to Beijing, a book I’ve read and written about. President Trump asked Decker’s friend why he wasn’t present and he was told that Brett had been banned from the White House.  The President slammed his fist on the table and said, “Get him here.”  I would hope President Trump immediately asked his staff for a list of people who are banned from the White House by the enemies of freedom who surround him.

The war President Trump is waging is not only with Red China, but with America’s globalist elite.

The Goals of Red China

Forty years ago, at a meeting of top Communist Party officials in Beijing, Deng Xiaoping began the process of turning China into a market-driven economy. That landmark moment changed the economic course of the world and created what has been called the largest wealth creation in history. Millions of farmers became factory workers and entrepreneurs, building a manufacturing powerhouse that lifted some 700 million people out of poverty. But in the process, they created monumental problems that plague the country today — terrible pollution, huge debt and ultimately a clash with the economic powers of the West.

China’s rise has been so rapid yet gentle in tone that it’s easy to miss how fast Beijing has expanded its ability to project power. The mesmerizing go-slow style of the pre-Xi years, summarized in the Chinese slogan “hide and bide,” has been replaced by what U.S. analysts now see as an open power play.

Panama Canal

Fifty-two years ago, in August of 1967, Phyllis Schlafly wrote Giveaway of our Panama Canal.   In this comprehensive overview, she explained that the Johnson Administration was planning to give away our Panama Canal via three treaties with Panama which were presented in a closed session of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on June 29, 1967.  The three treaties were not ratified, but laid the groundwork for the Carter administration to move ahead with the giveaway.  On September 7, 1977, President Jimmy Carter signed the Panama Canal Treaty and Neutrality Treaty promising to give control of the canal to the Panamanians by the year 2000.

Ultimately, the Carter treaty surrendered U.S. control over a maritime thoroughfare which Americans built over eight years, from 1906 to 1914, and which was essential to the U.S. militarily and commercially.

On October 20, 1999, Phyllis Schlafly wrote, “Jimmy Carter never would have been able to ram through his two treaties giving away our Panama Canal if the Senate in 1978 could have looked into the future and known that, when the U.S. Flag is lowered on December 31, 1999, Red China would become its gatekeeper.  Communist China wined, dined and bribed its way to unfair ownership of prime property at both ends of the canal. China gained military and economic supremacy over the canal directly from Panama’s Law No. 5 that passed on Jan. 16, 1997.”

The People’s Republic of China is the second most frequent user of the waterway. In May 2017, The Chinese Company- Landbridge Group signed a $900 million-dollar deal to control the Margarita Island Port, Panama’s largest port.

On June 16, 1998 Admiral Thomas H. Moorer, USN (RTD) gave testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.  He said that on July 16, 1997, Senator Fred Thompson was quoted by the South China Morning Post as stating that China Resources, who owns a portion of Panama Ports Company was, “an agent of espionage – economic, military and political – for China.”

Panama was just the beginning of Beijing’s goals.

Owning the World

China is urging its companies to invest in infrastructure overseas as part of Beijing’s “One Belt, One Road” initiative to improve global trade links.  It consists of two parts: The “Belt,” which recreates an old Silk Road land route, and the “Road,” which is not actually a road, but a route through various oceans.  It is a development strategy adopted by the Red Chinese government involving infrastructure development and investments in countries in Europe, Asia and Africa.  In a 2017 speech, China President Xi Jinping said, “It was time for his nation to transform itself into ‘a mighty force’ that could lead the entire world on political, economic, military and environmental issues.”

The planned completion date is 2049.

Communist China is the greatest national security threat to America today and in the foreseeable future. At a major meeting in Beijing in 1994, China designated the United States as its primary global rival. China’s trade surplus with the United States, which is at the center of the tariff tussle, has widened to a record monthly high of $28.97 billion by selling their slave-labor products to Americans. With our money, they are building a modern war machine, buying up the world’s land and ports and America’s businesses.  Today New York’s Waldorf Astoria, JW Marriott Essex House and the Four Seasons Hotel in Washington, D.C. are now controlled by Beijing.

Red China Owned Ports

All Roads Lead to China is a report by Liz Uihlein of ULINE Plastics regarding the many ports owned by Chinese companies…and the rebirth of an ancient network of trade routes that connected the East and West.  China’s Silk Road was central to cultural interaction between the regions for many centuries. The Chinese took great interest in the safety of their trade products and extended the Great Wall of China to ensure the protection of the trade route.  In a bid to bolster its position as a maritime powerhouse, secure key supply chains, enhance its international trade capacities, and build up geo-economic leverage, China has been buying up the development and operational rights to a chain of ports that stretch from the southern realms of Asia to the Middle East, Africa, Europe, and even South America.

Uihlein’s report was shocking.

Darwin is a tropical port city in Australia’s Northern Territory.  Most of Australia’s natural resource exports such as oil, gas and gold ship from there.  Seventy-five percent of Australia’s exports now go to China.  In 2015, China signed a 99-year lease to control the port.  Not many Americans are aware of this.

The Port of Darwin is just one of dozens of ports Chinese companies control in over 30 countries.  They also control ports in Oman, Malaysia, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Cambodia.  It is part of their $1 trillion Belt and Road Initiative – an enormous network of land and sea routes connecting China to Europe, Southeast Asia and Africa.

Why does this matter? Because if you control the trade routes, you control the trade.  When these projects are done in 2025, China’s system of ports, railroads, pipelines and factories will cover more than 60 countries and touch 25 percent of all goods and services sent around the world.

In addition, China has built seven man-made islands in the South China Sea.  They have installed air and naval bases on them.  This aggressive move by China is getting a lot of countries riled up.

It seems as if it is now almost daily news to hear about how a Chinese state-owned shipping firm has purchased a seaport or won the rights to develop a new ocean or land terminal in another country. McConnell and Chao are reaping Communist Red China profits via Chao’s father, who owns China shipping company, Foremost Maritime Corporation.  China’s growing portfolio of international port holdings, which now spans the world with terminals in Greece, Myanmar, Israel, Djibouti, Morocco, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Côte d’Ivoire, Egypt, and around a dozen or so other countries. Americans need to know about these important Communist Chinese global affairs.

Chinese government-owned companies control terminals in the Port of Los Angeles and other West Coast ports including Long Beach, California.

Chinese Owned American Companies

Chinese investors and firm’s own a majority of 2,400 US companies employing 114,000 people, about the same number as the combined U.S. staffs of Google, Facebook and Tesla, according to data from Macro Polo.  Legislation needs to be passed to restrict China from buying American businesses.  Senator John Cornyn and Rep. Robert Pittenger are promoting this needed legislation.

China is now the largest group of foreign investors in U.S. real estate. Link  They are even buying up college campuses.

They are buying up the world, and China is investing heavily in Europe, in Latin America, and in Africa.

America Allowed Communist China’s Growth

The Pentagon put Korean War battle deaths at 33,652 and “other deaths” meaning deaths in the war zone from illness, accidents and other non-battle causes at 3,262. That yields a total of 36,914 American soldiers who died.

Truman had ordered MacArthur to Yalu, which is the river running between the border of China and N Korea.  But, in November and December 1950, hundreds of thousands of Chinese troops crossed into North Korea, they had been waiting in hiding.  The field commander captured a few of them and thought there was little resistance.  However, on 27 November 1950, the Chinese 9th Army surprised the US X Corps commanded by Major General Edward Almond at the Chosin Reservoir area. A brutal 17-day battle in freezing weather soon followed.

The Chinese flung themselves against the American lines, driving the U.S. troops back into South Korea. MacArthur said the Chinese attacked and should be rebuffed, but the Joint Chiefs of Staff said that would be getting us into WWIII. Had Democrat President Truman had a spine of steel, he would have deployed troops to destroy the Chinese who surprised and murdered so many American soldiers.  We are still paying today for Truman’s denial of MacArthur’s request.

National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger flew on secret diplomatic missions to Beijing in 1971, where he met with Premier Zhou Enlai. On July 15, 1971, President Nixon shocked the world by announcing on live television that he would visit the People’s Republic of China the following year.  Nixon dubbed his visit “the week that changed the world”, a descriptor that continues to echo in the political lexicon and reverberate in China’s growing dominance today.


Within the past several years, China has rapidly advanced its strategy to weaken the American dollar, destabilize our economy, and replace the United States as the dominant economic world power. The increasing Chinese ownership of American industry is actively weakening our country while diminishing our national security and self-reliance.

One area of concern for the Trump administration is the pace at which countries are breaking off diplomatic ties with Taiwan and normalizing relations with China.  Beijing refuses to maintain diplomatic ties with countries that recognize Taiwan, a self-ruling island of 23 million people off the mainland’s southeastern coast that the Chinese regime considers to be a renegade province. Taiwan has had longstanding diplomatic and economic ties in Latin America, but the trend is shifting in favor of Beijing.

President Trump has taken a strong stance on China, addressing the trade deficit and the country’s theft of American intellectual property. If Americans wish to curb Chinese influence on American commerce and our economic strength, we must follow President Trump’s lead.

We know China aims to subvert our world power and economic dominance. We must not let them.  Support our President in this endeavor!

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Hiring From The Swamp Will Not Engender Loyalty

In looking for people to hire, look for three qualities: integrity, intelligence and energy.  And if they don’t have the first, the other two will kill you.  —Warren Buffet

There is nothing so delightful as the hearing, or the speaking of truth. For this reason, there is no conversation so agreeable as that of the man of integrity, who hears without any intention to betray, and speaks without any intention to deceive.  —Plato

President Donald Trump rocketed to reality TV stardom for his love of two words: “You’re fired!” Some believe he brought his penchant for terminating employees to Washington, but that is not true.  He has only fired five people, all for good cause, twenty-three have resigned. Link

Former Campaign Manager Paul Manafort has been held in solitary confinement for eight months, he is perishing in a cauldron meant to destroy.  This is what solitary confinement looks like and this is what solitary confinement sounds like.  (Watch these three-minute videos.)

Former National Security Advisor and decorated military hero General Michael T. Flynn is financially broken, and still awaits sentencing for pleading to a process crime he didn’t commit. Trump’s two top establishment globalists, Pence and Priebus supported getting rid of Flynn after they alleged he misled his colleagues about conversations with the Russian ambassador.  A great loss for our nation.

Both men were chosen from outside the swamp. They have become examples of what happens to those who support Donald J. Trump.  How many from outside Washington DC would risk working for the people’s President?

Our President values loyalty, but he won’t find it in DC.  True loyalty came from outside the swamp, and most of them are gone.  The swamp creatures were chosen by those closest to the President.

The Fired Five

Preet Bharara –  U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions ordered all 46 remaining United States Attorneys who were holdovers from the Obama administration, including Bharara, to submit letters of resignation.  Bharara declined to resign and was fired the next day. He is a Democrat

Sally Yates – Acting Attorney General Yates was fired for ordering the Justice Department not to defend President Trump’s Executive Order restricting travel from seven Muslim majority countries despite the DOJ’s legal council approving it. She is a Democrat.

James Comey – FBI Director Comey should have been fired the day Donald Trump was inaugurated.  Here is a list of why he was fired months later.  He is now registered as Democrat.

Rex Tillerson – Secretary of State Tillerson was fired for undermining the President regarding the Iran Deal.  He is a Republican who supported Jeb Bush for President.

Andrew McCabe – Deputy Director of the FBI was fired by Attorney General Jeff Sessions who based his decision on reports from the DOJ Inspector General and the FBI’s disciplinary office saying that McCabe had made unauthorized releases of information to the media and had “lacked candor” in talking about it.  McCabe’s wife is a registered Democrat.


The other twenty-three resigned although a few of them were actually asked for their resignations, including Attorney General Jeff Sessions.  Although I was glad to see him go, I’m not thrilled with the nominee for his replacement, William P. Barr, a close chum of Robert Mueller.  The President claimed he did not know of their friendship.  Link

National Security Advisor (NSA) H.R. McMaster’s resignation should have come sooner.  He fired every fabulous Trump supporter who worked for the National Security Council, many of whom had been hired by General Michael Flynn, especially Deputy NSA K. T. McFarland.  His new hires were all DC insiders and several who were close to Obama and Hillary.

Establishment insiders Reince Priebus and James Mattis also resigned.  The General bucked the President over transvestites in the military by freezing Trump’s order, and disagreed with him about pulling troops out of Syria even though he signed the order.  Mattis also told Trump never to use the term, “radical Islamic terrorists.” And like Mike Pence, Mattis was critical of the proposed Muslim ban.

I’m not surprised that investment banker and Trump economic advisor Gary Cohn quickly resigned after putting the finishing touches on Trump’s tax relief plan.  Cohn was cited by the press as a supporter of globalism along with Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump and Dina Powell.  Mick Mulvaney said Cohn was the finest globalist he’d ever worked with.

Democrat Cohn eliminated normal deductions, and lowered home mortgage deductions.  The wealthy in high tax states are leaving those blue states for states without state income tax and bringing with them their leftist views. One wonders how many red states will soon be blue.  When Democrats are again in control, taxes will skyrocket, but deductions will be gone, just like the many deductions we lost under Reagan’s tax program.  Neither one of them cut government spending.

Candidate Choices

Who chooses the candidates?  During the transition phase of the Trump administration, Vice-President Pence held a large degree of influence due to his role as a mediator between Trump and moderate congressional Republicans.  He was to reassure congress about Trump’s credentials and about his own influence in determining the President’s cabinet.

After all, Mike Pence spent twelve years in congress with his friends, and voted just like they did, the opposite of Donald J. Trump’s campaign pledges.  It was Pence who made the call on Trump’s behalf to make it clear the president-elect wanted Paul Ryan to remain speaker.

It was Pence whose fingerprints are on the selection of most of the nominees to Trump’s administration — Kansas Rep. Mike Pompeo, South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley and Georgia Rep. Tom Price, Reince Priebus, and Rex Tillerson. Pence met with former Secretary of State and CFR member Condoleezza Rice regarding hiring Tillerson.  Seema Verma, Trump’s pick to head the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, worked with Pence to design Indiana’s Medicaid expansion.  Pence quietly elevated these choices behind the scenes.

Vice-President Mike Pence has cited Dick Cheney, perhaps the most influential vice president in history, as his role model for the job.

President Trump has made it clear that his list of Supreme Court candidates came from the Heritage Foundation Link and the Federalist Society, neither of whom are considered conservatives.  Most likely Vice President Pence suggested the President rely on these two organizations.

Mike Pence has been funded throughout his political career by the billionaire Koch brothers and Dick and Betsy DeVos.  He actually cast the deciding vote for Betsy DeVos for Secretary of Education.

Pence is playing the role of championing our President, but his goal is to be in the White House as world leader.  His well-practiced pretense of effusive Christian faith along with his voting record concerns true people of faith that he is not what he pretends to be.

Senate Confirmations

How the Senate treats a presidential nomination varies depending on what the Congressional Research Service calls “the importance of the position involved, existing political circumstances, and policy implications.”  Here is the list of nominees requiring Senate confirmation.

The nominee is referred by the Senate’s executive clerk to a specific committee or committees based on rules and precedents.  These committees investigate the nominee and hold hearings and then report to the full Senate.  Information is submitted, but Democrat and Republican senators also collect their own information.

The Senators want to explore a nominee’s character, qualifications and policy views.  Presumably anyone can submit to the committee whatever information they may have, true or false (see the Kavanaugh confirmation).  The committee has three options in voting to send a nomination to the full Senate, and that report can be favorable, unfavorable or without any recommendation at all.

Any nominee put forth by the Trump administration faces a nasty confirmation, unless of course, the nominee is an establishment insider like William Barr.

In 2011, to ease the logjam of President Obama’s appointees awaiting confirmation, the Senate adopted a resolution allowing nominations for specific positions to bypass a committee and go to the full Senate for a vote. The committee still collects background, however. And if a single senator objects to the expedited process, the nomination goes to committee as usual.

Appointments Sans Senate Approval

The Constitution’s Article II, Section 2, Clause 3, reads in relevant portion: “The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate…” In today’s world, with Congress being in session on a nearly year-round basis, what could truly be regarded as a “recess” has become quite unusual.  George W. Bush appointed John Bolton as UN Ambassador during a recess, Congress does not want this to recur.

In its report to Congress, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) identified 321 presidentially appointed (PA) positions governmentwide that do not require Senate confirmation.

PA positions fall into one of three categories: 67% of the positions serve on federal commissions, councils, committees, boards or foundations; 29% of the positions are within the Executive Office of the President, and the remaining 4% are in other federal agencies or departments.

So, who investigates these appointments?

Trump and/or his staff personnel are supposed to “investigate” proposed nominees (although that may be limited simply to scanning a curriculum vitae and taking the advice of an “insider”). The problem with Trump is that he does not do much of his own homework, and what little he does he seems to do without much discernment.  He is far too trusting of those who surround him.


The President needs to hire outside of the swamp, outside of DC, someone who knows how to research people he’s been advised to hire, because his appointments are establishment elitists.

Rosenstein should have been gone long ago or at least shown the door when he said he was resigning in two months. He is a close friend of both Comey and Mueller, both who wish to bring down our President. Christopher Wray is no better than James Comey, and he made that clear in his Senate confirmation hearings.  Nominee for Attorney General, William Barr, is another swamp creature who will keep the status quo. Robert Mueller should have recused himself from the special counsel position because of his many conflicts of interest.

The question remains…who suggested these nominees and who, if anyone, investigated their past performances?  As a real estate tycoon, Trump has dealt with organized crime, government officials and the political hierarchy in the City of New York.  His discernment should be finely tuned.

Donald Trump values loyalty, but the persecution of both General Flynn and Paul Manafort, the latter of whom is literally perishing, needs to come to an end.  These were loyal men who are being destroyed.

Donald Trump must cease appointing people who undermine him. There are too many foxes guarding the hen house. The enemies of freedom encompass anarchy, tyranny and communism.

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Mueller’s Goon Squads: Injustice, Destruction And Devastation

Liberals can lie without fear of accountability because the people who’d hold them accountable — journalists — are on their side. —Derek Hunter 

The administration of justice is the firmest pillar of government. —George Washington

Media lies with impunity as a result of the 1964 liberal Warren Supreme Court Decision NYTs v Sullivan.  —Kelleigh Nelson

The ballot box and confirmation votes in the Senate are the only way to truly destroy liberalism. I just hope we destroy it before they destroy everything. They have to be destroyed. The ballot box is key. And then the judiciary. The judiciary is where the Democrats and the left have their election insurance. When they lose, they still have the power of the judiciary in their back pocket. —Rush Limbaugh

Donald Trump’s biggest, non-personal sin was winning. And for that, the establishment left and many of the right are trying to destroy him. And they’ll destroy anyone and everything that stands in the way of doing that, even the country, if necessary. They have the infrastructure to do it, the accomplices, and the will to do it. Any compromise from the Republicans is a death sentence.

Which is why they have to be destroyed first. And our President needs to do just that!

Prosecutorial Injustice

“You don’t really care about Mr. Manafort, you really care about what information Mr. Manafort can give you to lead you to Mr. Trump and an impeachment, or whatever,” was actually said by U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis III to Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team as they sought more power to widen their investigation in search of a crime.

Former Trump Campaign Manager Paul Manafort has languished in an American gulag of solitary confinement for eight months.  In attorney Sidney Powell’s recent Daily Caller article, she wrote, “When a witness or defendant from whom prosecutors want ‘cooperation’ does not do as they demand, they put him in solitary confinement. And it works. It literally breaks people.”

Yes, solitary confinement is abject torture for most people.  And can break the strongest in a matter of twenty-four hours.  This is a tactic to force prisoners to spill their guts with improvised statements, and in this case against the prosecutor’s target, Donald Trump.

As former New York Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik wrote, “Deprivation of freedom — intensified by solitary confinement — makes you say and do and think things that you would never otherwise say or do or think.”

Lt. General Michael T. Flynn (R) U.S. Army is a highly decorated intelligence officer who gave 33 years of service to his country.  General Flynn holds three graduate degrees and an Honorary Doctorate of Laws from The Institute of World Politics, Washington, D.C.  His stellar reputation has been tarnished and his life savings decimated.

The General never lied to anyone and that includes VP Pence and former Chief of Staff Priebus.  Orders from on high were carried out by former Deputy AG, Sally Yates with complicity of the Department of Justice (DOJ) who hated the man who became the National Security Advisor for a President they wanted destroyed.

Lt. General Michael T. Flynn has always been the Deep State’s worst nightmare, and as such he had to be removed.  This is well documented in Gregg Jarrett’s book, The Russia Hoax.

Michael Flynn’s latest appearance in DC District Court on 18 December 18 was in front of Obama appointee, Judge Emmet Sullivan. The judge lost his cool in the courtroom when he attacked one of America’s most beloved veterans with false and malicious statements.  It was a flagrant breach of judicial protocol.

Frank Hawkins latest article in American Thinker, Understanding Why the Deep State Had to Take Down General Michael Flynn, should be read by every patriotic and God fearing American.

Why are these two men continually suffering when President Donald J. Trump has the Constitutional right to pardon both of his former supporters?

Article 2, Section 2, Clause 1 of the U.S. Constitution provides that the President shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States.

President Trump, Pardon them!

Senate Majority Leader McConnell and House Minority Leader McCarthy are leftists, nothing good there.  The Democratic left is Marxist pond scum algae putrefaction.  What do have left?  Only a handful of decent people and they’re stomped on…Dave Brat was voted out and he was one of the best.

William Barr

William Barr served as Attorney General for establishment globalist “New World Order” President George H. W. Bush from 1991-1993.  From all appearances, Barr is a swamp creature.  From 1973-77, he was employed by the Central Intelligence Agency.  George H. W. Bush was CIA Director from 1976-1977.

Like Trump appointee Christopher Wray, William Barr has asserted independence from the White House saying he believed that Russia had tried to interfere in the 2016 presidential election, that the special counsel investigation shadowing President Trump is not a witch hunt and that his predecessor was right to recuse himself from the probe.

The comments by William Barr at his Senate confirmation hearing pointedly departed from President Trump’s own views and underscored Barr’s efforts to reassure Democrats that he will not be a loyalist to a president who they believe has appeared to demand it from law enforcement. He also repeatedly sought to assuage concerns that he might disturb or upend special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation as it reaches its final stages.

Barr made it plain that he believes Mueller should be able to complete his work. More notably, he said he had confidence in the special counsel when he was first appointed and added, “I still have that confidence today.”

Again, I want to know who advises President Trump regarding important positions?  Why?  Because, God help us, the nominee for Attorney General has been greeted by applause from both Democrats and Republicans, and that is bloody worrisome!

William Barr is a committed gun control advocate. He has said little about firearms or gun control during his career, but he is widely considered to be the author of PL 101-647, The Crime Control Act of 1990, which had a number of firearms provisions.  In 1991 at his first hearing for AG under Bush, Barr endorsed both the Brady Check portion of the Brady Bill and the semi-auto ban, although he did express a preference for magazine bans: “I would prefer a limitation on the clip [sic] size.”  Link

Barr and Mueller have been best friends for 20 years.  He has a “high opinion of Mueller.”  Their wives apparently attend the same Bible study, which I find downright peculiar. Lindsey Graham has reported that Robert Mueller attended the weddings of two of Barr’s three daughters. Barr’s daughter, Mary Daly, works at the Justice Department specializing in the Opioid crisis.

The former Bush AG has claimed that Mueller is not involved in a witch hunt.  Oh really?  Well then, explain to me why Texas Congressman Louie Gohmert wrote a 15,500 word article on Mueller’s sordid history of illicitly targeting innocent people.  Louisiana State Senator John Milkovich wrote Robert Mueller, Errand Boy for the New World Order exposing Mueller as a chronic collaborator, with a career characterized by cover-ups, corruption and unconscionable conduct.  Mueller is quite obviously an ever-willing instrument of the Deep State dissimulation.  And these two are best friends.

Barr’s Confirmation Hearings

During the confirmation hearings, Diane Feinstein asked questions of Barr and he answered “yes” to all of them.  He agreed not to interfere with the scope of the special counsel investigation, not to eliminate funding the investigation, to not terminating Mueller without good cause, (what’s good cause?) to notifying Congress of denial of funds or request by special counsel, and making the special counsel’s report public.

Barr actually promised never to cave to political pressure from President Trump or elsewhere, he said he’d refuse a hypothetical order from Trump to fire Mueller without cause.  Huh? William P. Barr has already made an unconstitutional deal.  His nomination should be pulled.  For a special prosecutor to be constitutional at all, the president has to be able to fire him.

How is it supposed to be reassuring to Trump supporters that our President has nominated one of Mueller’s best friends to oversee him and his investigation?  If Barr vowed not to fire Mueller, he’d be undercutting Trump from day one, just like our former AG, Jeff Sessions, who recused himself from the Russia probe.

Excuse the daylights out of me…but the entire DOJ works for our President…so…Barr should be withdrawing his nomination as a close friend of Mueller.  What if Mueller oversteps his mandate and needs to be fired, would Barr carry out those orders?  Link

For those who care about following the Constitution, for those who want Trump, or any president to be in possession of his full constitutional powers, this is a time to beware.

Rampant DOJ Corruption

The Democratic Socialists, and many of the Trotskyite right, do not want Mueller terminated.  Federal regulations governing a special counsel say that counsel may be “disciplined or removed from office only by the personal action of the attorney general.”

“The attorney general may remove a special counsel for misconduct, dereliction of duty, incapacity, conflict of interest, or for other good cause, including violation of departmental policies,” the code continues. “The attorney general shall inform the special counsel in writing of the specific reason for his or her removal.”

Criminal corruption was never prosecuted by Sessions, by Rosenstein or by Whitaker and I highly doubt William P. Barr will change direction.

Rosenstein and FBI Director Wray both lied to President Trump and Congress when they said he was not under investigation.  Rosenstein has even made the statement that he would wear a wire to secretly record our President. Why hasn’t he been fired?  The minute he said he was retiring, he should have been shown the door.

Robert Mueller should have recused himself since it was the firing of his good friend James Comey, which was suggested to the President by Mueller’s cohort Rod Rosenstein, that launched the whole Russia probe. Therein lies a conflict of interest.

Or how about obstruction of justice for scrubbing the Strzok/Page texts before giving the phones to the Inspector General?

Acting AG Whitaker should have fired Mueller right then and there.

James Comey was our former FBI Director who actually leaked classified information through a friend to the New York Times.  Now he’s teaching ethical leadership at William and Mary College.  Why hasn’t he been arrested and charged?

Peter Strzok and Lisa Page

Both Agent Strzok and Attorney Page should be charged for their apparent systemic culture of “media leaking” of information damaging to Trump. Link

FBI’s standard procedure is to destroy and suppress evidence.  A month before the 2016 election, Americans learned that the FBI agreed to destroy the laptops of top Hillary Clinton aides.

Andrew McCabe lied to federal investigators.

Hillary Clinton destroyed 33,000 emails, sent classified information over her home computer, destroyed iPhones, sold 20% of our uranium to Russia with the help of Robert Mueller which made 145 million for the Clinton Foundation, lied about Benghazi, and so much more, a list too long to enumerate.

Add to the list, former Attorney General Loretta Lynch and her tarmac discussion with Bill Clinton.  James Clapper’s perjury was never charged and the Statute of Limitations ran out.  John Brennan’s lying and spying on the SenateBruce and Nellie Ohr’s conspiracy against Trump, Lois Lerner’s targeting of rightwing groups, and on and on and on…with no consequences against any of these corrupt filthy political malefactors.


Lies, corruption and traitorous activities are common place.  True justice seems to evade the most evil in the politics of our society.   Dietrich Bonhoeffer said, “We are not to simply bandage the wounds of victims beneath the wheels of injustice, we are to drive a spoke into the wheel itself.”

P.S. While paying those Christmas shopping bills, please don’t forget NewsWithViews who brings solid research into your mailbox every day.  When writing out those checks, please remember, the investigative journalists who write for this website receive no compensation.  We do it for the love of country and to inform fellow Americans.  Please remember NWVs with your monthly checks, and tell your friends to sign up on the website to receive daily articles.  Please Click Here To Donate!

© 2019 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Psychotic Left Goes Berserk Over President’s Border Speech

Illegal immigration is crisis for our country. It is an open door for drugs, criminals, and potential terrorists to enter our country. It is straining our economy, adding costs to our judicial, healthcare, and education systems. —Timothy Murphy 

Hospitals are closing across the country due to the burden of illegal immigration, college students find that summer jobs have dried up due to illegal immigration, and wages across the board are depressed by the overwhelming influx of cheap and illegal labor. —Elton Gallegly

I don’t think Pelosi and Schumer wanted to do it.  I don’t think they should’ve done it.  And I guarantee you at the staff meeting tomorrow morning, somebody is gonna get, you know, chewed out pretty good about this whole thing.  I’ve been more excited about colonoscopies than when Schumer was giving his speech tonight.  He didn’t want to be there.  These rebuttals never work.  —Former Democratic strategist James Carville

Left-wing CNN contributor Nicaraguan-born Ana Navarro filed her nails in annoyance on Wednesday night (9 Jan 19) as CNN contributor Steve Cortes tried to talk about crimes committed by illegal aliens against American citizens.

Navarro made the gesture on “Cuomo Primetime” while host Chris Cuomo discussed illegal immigration and crime rates involving illegal aliens compared to U.S. citizens.

What if Navarro’s fiancé was killed by an illegal alien drunk driver?  Or what if one of Chris Cuomo’s three children died at the hands of an illegal alien.  What if Chuck Schumer’s daughter Amy was murdered by an illegal…or Pelosi lost one of her grandchildren at the hands of a thrice deported illegal?  Does anyone think it would make any difference?  Most of these people live in gated communities with high fences or walls to “protect” them.  Show me a leftist politician, media personality or Hollywood star who doesn’t.  For those of us in the rest of America, these people don’t care if the illegal alien criminals kill us or our loved ones.

American Citizens Die

Police Officer Ronil Singh is the latest casualty from our porous southern borders, shot and killed when he had stopped illegal alien Gustavo Perez Arriaga for a missing license plate.  Add Ronil’s name to the list of American citizens who have died at the hands of illegal aliens, many who have been deported multiple times.

The High Cost of No Wall by John and Andy Schlafly strikes at the heart of why our President wants the southern border controlled.  How many innocent Americans have to die before we secure America from invasion?

Remember beautiful 32-year-old Kate Steinle who while walking with her father and a friend along Pier 14 in the Embarcadero district of San Francisco, was shot by José Inez García Zárate? He claimed a gun had fired accidentally while he was picking it up. On November 30, 2017, after five days of deliberations, a jury acquitted García Zárate of all murder and manslaughter charges, but convicted him of being a felon in possession of a firearm.  He had been deported five times.

Then there’s the latest Gateway Pundit story of three suspected MS-13 gang members who have been charged in the stabbing of a New York high school student, all of whom are illegal aliens freed by a federal judge.

We need the wall!

Previous Bipartisan Support

In 2006 the Secure Fence Act passed with bipartisan support requiring the construction of physical barriers along 700 miles of the nearly 2,000-mile U.S.-Mexico border.   Obama, Schumer, Biden and Hillary all voted for a border wall.

In 2013, all Senate Democrats and most House Democrats backed comprehensive immigration reform legislation, the so-called Gang of Eight bill. It included $46 billion for border security and around $8 billion to repair or reinforce barriers along the 700 miles of the border as required under the Secure Fence Act.  However, the bipartisan “Gang of Eight” bill was amnesty on steroids.

The notion that the United States suffers a border-security crisis seems lost on Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer of New York and House speaker Nancy Pelosi of California. They reportedly refused even to listen to Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen’s classified border-security briefing in the White House Situation Room. Instead, they repeatedly interrupted Nielsen as she tried to detail national-security threats on the southern front.

There have been 235,000 arrests of illegal aliens by ICE in the last year alone. That number includes 4,000 arrests for homicide, 30,000 arrests for sex crimes, and over 100,000 arrests for assault!  How can anybody look at those numbers and say this isn’t a crisis?

We need the wall!

Wall Funded…for Jordan

Breitbart analyst Neil Munro wrote, “The 2018 omnibus spending bill provides just enough funds to build 33 miles of fencing on the Texas border — but it also provides $500 million to help Jordan build a wall and defense line against jihad terrorists trying to cross its 287-mile border with Iraq and Syria,” in a report published March 22, 2018.

“Democrats funded a 287-mile wall in Jordan last year — but won’t fund a border wall in the U.S.,” writes Gateway Pundit Jim Hoft. “Nancy Pelosi argued this week that ‘walls are immoral.’ Chuck Schumer called President Trump’s stand against open borders a ‘manufactured crisis.’ But less than one year ago Pelosi and Schumer approved funding on a 287-mile-long border wall — in Jordan.”

Steny Hoyer, Chuck Schumer, Dick Durbin, and Nancy Pelosi, pond scum from the swamp refuse to protect American citizens from the dangerous illegal aliens coming across our border.  Drugs, diseases, MS-13 gangs, child traffickers, rapists, alcoholics, terrorists and other criminal elements cross our borders every day by the thousands, but protecting American citizens from illegal alien criminal elements is verboten to the socialist left.

Sanctuary Cities Defy ICE

Not only do illegal sanctuary cities defy U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, but they endanger the lives of officials when they have to enter sanctuary states or cities. Sanctuary politicians and sheriffs who are defying the very laws of our Constitution have blood on their hands.

These officials often ignore requests from federal immigration officers to hold criminal suspects that the city has arrested for state or local criminal offenses even where the alien is charged with or convicted of a very serious felony. Releasing these criminal aliens back onto our streets affects the safety of all Americans.  The Opioid Crisis is a huge problem and sanctuary city policies affect the ability to combat the epidemic.

Former Acting ICE Director Tom Homan said that in fiscal year 2017, 81 percent of all aliens they arrested in California were convicted criminals.  He said, “We also prioritize fugitives and aliens who have illegally reentered the United States, which is a felony by the mere fact of reentering after being formally removed.”

California’s new Governor, Gavin Newsom, once married to Donald Trump Jr.’s girlfriend, Kimberly Guilfoyle, promised in his inauguration speech that the State of California would supply sanctuary to all who seek it.  Newsom was the former Mayor of San Francisco which is covered in human waste…yes, poop.  The Golden State has been turned into the sh**hole of the nation.

Maps are given out so people can avoid the dangerous piles of human waste.

Build the wall!

Taxpayer Burden of Illegals

Securing the border is about saving lives, and saving the American taxpayer as well.  We’ve all heard the horrific statistics, but let’s just take a look at some of the costs.

Illegal aliens receiving Medicaid costs taxpayers $18.5 billion annually.  That amount would build a good portion of the wall.

Health and Human Services paid more than $1.4 billion last year to accommodate nearly 41,000 Unaccompanied Children (UAC) in its shelters. They stayed an average of 41 days, which means taxpayers paid about $670 a day for each child. The cost of holding someone in a federal prison, a comparison some immigration activists make to the UAC situation, is just $85 a day.  Check out the benefits these children get, with the tab picked up by us, the American taxpayers.

Illegal immigration costs American taxpayers a mind-boggling $134.9 billion annually, according to a detailed analysis of federal, state and local programs that include education, medical, law enforcement and welfare. State and local taxpayers get stuck with an overwhelming chunk—$116 billion—of the burden.

According to Judicial Watch, 2,400 UAC in Texas and Oklahoma cost us $75,833 each, or a staggering amount of $182,129,786 for only four months.

In a prior analysis, the Center for Immigration Studies estimated that the average net fiscal cost (taxes paid minus services used) of an illegal immigrant was $65,292 during their lifetime — excluding their U.S.-born children. This came to $65.3 billion per million illegal immigrants. The figures were expressed in 2016 dollars. Adjusted to 2018 dollars, it would be $69,570 per illegal immigrant, or $69.6 billion per million illegal immigrants.  Link

We’ve been told for almost 25 years that there are 11 to 12.5 million illegals in our country.  Guess again, by now that number is 70 to 80 million. The costs are far greater than we know.

Think how much we could save if we spent the $25 billion for a wall!

Border Patrol

In actuality, immigrants from over 75 countries illegally cross the U.S. border, not just Central Americans. Link  As I previously reported, illegal aliens claiming asylum are still being redistributed across the United States.  The U.S. Border Patrol is underfunded and understaffed.  It is an impossibility for them to surveil and enforce the 1,954-mile border even with the help of National Guard.

Daniel Greenfield wrote that in 1919 the NYTimes reported there were 18,500 soldiers on our border and that twice a day every foot of the border was patrolled by cavalrymen and infantrymen. When President Trump sought to put 2,000 to 4,000 troops on our southern border, the comrades in the Democrat Party had psychotic breakdowns.

An average of approximately 2,000 inadmissible aliens have entered each day at our southern border.  The great number of aliens who cross unlawfully into the United States through the southern border consumes tremendous resources as the Government seeks to surveil, apprehend, screen, process, and detain them.

Judicial Watch says that cartels, corruption and terrorism have ignited a major security threat on the Mexican border. Islamic terrorists are training in southern border towns near American cities and have joined forces with Mexican drug cartels to infiltrate the United States.

How can anyone look at these numbers and say this isn’t a crisis?

Build the wall!


Constitutional law professor Jonathan Turley said that Trump has the power to declare emergencies under the National Emergencies Act of 1976 and that the Democratic response is somewhat interesting since they had zero problems, of course, with Obama circumventing the legislature on immigration, health care, and Libya.

We know the Obama appointed District Court Judges will try to throw a wrench in Trump’s plans while daily more illegal aliens invade our country and overwhelm border security and taxpayers.

Democrats had no problem with border walls under Clinton, Bush or Obama, but a border wall via Trump has to be stopped.  He is not one of their establishment cronies, and as such he needs to be destroyed to limit his chances of re-election in 2020 and to gain power via the Latino vote.

So, what more does Trump have to lose by ignoring all the threats and just building the wall, and what does he have to gain by making nice with the pond scum Democrat Socialists? To hell with the Obama appointed commie judges, send the Corps of Engineers to the border and build the wall…he has that authority. No matter what our President does, the swamp creatures will give him a ration of San Francisco excrement.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Proof: Jeb Bush Loves Eminent Domain

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”  —Joseph Goebbels

 A false witness shall not be unpunished, and [he that] speaketh lies shall not escape. —Proverbs 19:5

Governor Jeb Bush authorized the State Department of Environmental Protection to begin eminent domain proceedings against an elderly man who just wanted to keep his land.

Jesse Hardy became disabled from a chopper jump after 14 years of service as a U.S. Navy Seal. In 1976, he bought 160 acres of swampland that nobody else wanted. And he intended to keep it, but the State and Florida’s EPA had different ideas.

When Jesse bought the land it was nothing but shallow land on an underwater reef which no one wanted, and no one owned.  Jesse built a shed, then a house, and dug a well, he made the unwanted rough land inhabitable.  Life was pretty crude in the beginning. He’d wait for a warm day to take a shower. Eventually though, he had air conditioning, reverse osmosis, a washing machine, a cell phone, a satellite dish. He had solar panels on the roof and a big generator out back.

Jesse was a businessman, he ran a limestone quarry on his property that generated considerable revenue. His land, he said, was his life.  Jesse Hardy fed bread to the fish in one of the stocked ponds on his land. The ponds were a byproduct of his limestone mining operation.

In 1995, the niece of a family friend gave birth to a premature boy with severe medical problems. Tara Hilton, age 43, and little Tommy had nowhere to go. So they moved in with Hardy, who raised the boy as his son.

A year after Tommy’s birth, Hardy said he dug a test lake and stocked it with catfish, bream and tilapia to see whether his dream of establishing a fish farm could come true.

Like Tommy, the fish thrived, and Hardy and Hilton said they hatched bigger plans to dig four 20-acre lakes for recreational and commercial use.

Jesse in front of his stocked pond

Then Naples started growing, and encroaching, as the everglades to the east became drier.

Florida first laid the groundwork for taking Hardy’s land in 1985, when it began buying 55,247 acres of the bankrupt and largely abandoned South Golden Gate Estates. Environmentalists considered the tract vital to restoring the natural flow of the River of Grass and protecting the water supply.

(President Bill Clinton and Gov. Jeb Bush met in the Oval Office on Dec. 11, 2000, to launch a $7.8 billion effort to revive the Florida Everglades.)

Nearly 20 years and $121 million later, the state owned almost every inch of South Golden Gates Estates, except 800 acres claimed by the Miccosukee Tribe of Indians — and Hardy’s 160 acres.

Mr. Hardy’s land was in the middle of the failed housing complex, Southern Golden Gates Estates. The land for that development was carved out of a swamp years ago, and subdivided by canals and dirt roads. State authorities and environmentalists wanted to tear up the roads and fill in the canals, and allow water to flood the land, to restore it to its natural wetlands condition.

Nancy Payton of the Florida Wildlife Federation, an environmental group that has worked to restore the area for years, said Jesse’s land was essential to the project.  “Southern Golden Gates is a keystone parcel, because it is surrounded on almost every side by public lands, conservation lands,” she said. “It is remote from any public facilities. It is remote from schools and from even a supermarket. It is not a good location for people to be, and the best and highest use for Golden Gates Estates is to restore it.”

Hardy paid $60,000 for his 160 acres, valued for tax purposes in 2000, at $860,000. The state offered him $711,725 in 2002. He said no.  It offered him $1.2-million in 2003. He said no.  $1.5-million? No.  $4.5-million? No. No. No.

But the offers from the state kept coming, and the pressure kept mounting with the price. So, too, did Hardy’s status as a folk hero. His celebrity, though, would prove no match for the state. After Hardy turned down the $4.5 million, Gov. Jeb Bush and the Florida Cabinet authorized the state Department of Environmental Protection to begin eminent-domain proceedings. 

Hardy settled.

“I’m telling you, I got took,” he said. “They stole my life.  What they’re trying to do is take all the humans . . . bunch up people like in real close proximity, get all the people in one damn bunch so they can say, ‘Don’t go out over there! A chicken’ll get ya!’ ”

“They’re trying to stop a way of life.”

Jesse was right about that, and what he describes is UN Agenda 21’s Smart Growth.

The full story of Jesse’s battle can be found on his website

Jeb’s Florida Citrus Debacle

When Jeb was governor of Florida, he ordered backyard citrus trees to all be destroyed without compensation to residents, because of an outbreak of citrus canker disease.  This was the largest private property confiscation via eminent domain in the State of Florida.  Link

He not only ordered seizures by force, but it was Bush himself who refused to reimburse the residents for the property he unlawfully ordered to be removed and destroyed.

What happened in Florida under Jeb Bush’s administration is nothing less than a chipping away at a fundamental guarantee in the Constitution.

“I stood here and watched them take our Ruby Red grapefruit, a Key lime, a Valencia orange and a Calamondin,” said Coral Gables retiree Walter Jureski, eyes brimming with emotion. “It was heartbreaking. We loved those trees, and they were loaded with fruit.”

For his losses, Jureski, 80, like other homeowners, received a $100 voucher to be used in the garden department at Wal-Mart. But even if there wasn’t a ban on replanting citrus, he wouldn’t do it. Said Jureski: “I couldn’t stand to go through that again.”

The people were violated. They said, “The Agriculture Department’s hired goon squads break down your fences, trample your rights, and destroy private property.”

Under an emergency order by Governor Bush, canker crews do not need an owner’s permission to walk onto private property and take out citrus trees. Lushly landscaped yards have been reduced to vacant lots in minutes. “They raped our yard,” a caller named Lynn told a Miami radio talk-show host. “I’m horrified, appalled, furious. Just livid.”

Bush’s action is now costing the State of Florida hundreds of millions in lawsuits and legal fees.  A south Florida jury has ordered the State of Florida to pay $11.5 million as compensation to 58,225 residents of Broward County.  Similar class-action lawsuits took place in Miami-Dade, Palm Beach, Lee, and Orange Counties.  The Palm Beach verdict came in at an estimated $16.1 million reimbursement. Link

Bush Family Used Eminent Domain

Jeb’s brother, George W., who he is using in spots to campaign for him, acquired most of his wealth when the City of Arlington, Texas grabbed homes through eminent domain.  Bush could then build a new baseball stadium for the Texas Rangers and an accompanying parking lot, a team then-owned by a group where George W. was the general manager and key partner. You might want to read the article in Pensito Review regarding the shenanigans pulled by George W.  The article states, “This is exactly the sort of gambit used by former Illinois governor Otto Kerner, who was convicted of tax fraud as a result.”  Link


Next time one of the establishment folks brings up Donald Trump’s Atlantic City development and the use of eminent domain, remind them of Jeb Bush’s actions while Governor of Florida.

Jeb Bush used eminent domain to take the one thing most loved by a disabled veteran, land he bought and developed and intended to live on until he died.  All for the EPA.  Jeb trampled homeowners’ rights with the destruction of healthy citrus trees, and no compensation for their losses, resulting in the state losing millions of dollars in lawsuits by homeowners.

The entire Bush family obviously sees no problem with eminent domain.  So yes, Jeb Bush should have “hypocrite” in front of his name.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Islam’s Conquest Of America Through Creeping Sharia

Sharia law is a political system that is authoritarian, violent and supremacist at its core.  Sharia contains regulations that mandate death for those who exercise their freedom of conscience and want to leave Islam, for those who are deemed to have blasphemed against Islam by insulting Allah or the Quran or the prophet or by even speaking honestly about their contents in ways that Muslims object to. — Robert Spencer

When our elected officials decide to make new laws, they should have in mind our national interests first.  They should realize that foreign laws such as sharia will never be compatible with our Constitution or our way of life. — Amil Imani

Sharia is far more than a legal system of laws. It includes theology, law, philosophy, religious rituals and morals. The Sharia claims to be Allah’s law and must replace all other forms of government. — Dr. Bill Warner

The “Global Jihadist Movement,” has the mission of spreading Sharia Law throughout the United States. — John Guandolo

Truth has now become the new hate speech. — Pamela Geller

Devvy Kidd’s recent article, 2019: The Year We the People Say No More was superb.  If you missed it, make sure you read it because the number of Islamists elected to federal, state and local politics is a warning shot to American citizens.  We are being overrun and few have taken notice.

Sharia, or Islamic religious law, is a growing threat to the United States.  The steady adoption of sharia’s tenets is a strategy Muslims are using to transform America into an Islamic state.

Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, and other lesser known religions do not mandate death for those who do not agree with their faith.  Only Islam kills the infidel.  It dictates death by stoning, beheading, amputation of limbs, and flogging.  Fourteen nations have the death penalty for homosexuals, and five of them carry it out.

Nonie Darwish’s article, Sharia for Dummies, lays out the tenets of sharia which proves it is incompatible with the U.S. Constitution despite politicians and pundits like Texas Republican David Barton who believe it is.

Islamic Doctrine is Totalitarian

Dr. Bill Warner explains Islamic doctrine…Totalitarianism is found in the very name, Islam. Islam means submission, submission to the Koran and the Sunna of Mohammed. We see the basis for absolute power in Mohammed’s life. After he went to Medina, he became a jihadist and attacked his neighbors. When he arrived in Medina, it was half Jewish. In two years, there were no more Jews left in Medina. They were exiled, assassinated, enslaved and executed. Mohammed attacked the pagans of Arabia and the Jews. After Arabia submitted to Islam, Mohammed turned to Syria and attacked the Christians.

In the end, Political Islam will not tolerate opposition. Here is a sample of some of the Islamic political doctrine of absolute, total power:

Koran 2:193 Fight them [Kafirs] until there is no more discord and the religion of Allah reigns absolute, … (Kafirs are infidels or non-believers)

Here are two hadiths:

Muslim 001, 0031 Mohammed: “I have been ordered to wage war against mankind until they accept that there is no god but Allah and that they believe I am His prophet and accept all revelations spoken through me. …

Bukhari 4, 52, 196 Mohammed: “I have been directed to fight the Kafirs until every one of them admits, ‘There is only one god and that is Allah.’

Today the power of Islam is increasing over the globe due to jihad and migration.  After it enters a society, Islam rules given enough time. The result of Islamic political doctrine is that all power – political, cultural, and religious–becomes totally Islamic. Islam is the most successful totalitarian system in history. There are post-Communist societies and post-Nazi societies but, there are no post Islamic societies.  Link

Fifty years ago, we would have said this is impossible, but today in Brooklyn, New York, we now have Muslim sharia patrol cars that are nearly identical to New York City Police Department cruisers, and these sharia patrol cars are actually allowed to cruise the streets of New York City.

Sharia is here!

American Law v Sharia Law

Islam is not just a religion, it is a complete civilization with a detailed political system, religion, and legal code – the sharia.  Jihad is political action with a religious motivation, and sharia law is the political implementation of the Islamic civilization.

Under sharia there is no freedom of religion, of speech, of thought, of artistic expression, of the press, of equality of peoples, of equal rights for women, of different classes of people…there is one set of laws for Muslim males and different laws for women and non-Muslims.  Women can be beaten, murdered and sexually mutilated.  A non-Muslim cannot bear arms.  There is no democracy…our Constitution is a man-made document of ignorance, jahiliyah that must submit to sharia.  Non-Muslims are dhimmis, third class citizens.  All governments must be ruled by sharia law, and unlike common law, sharia is not interpretive, nor can it be changed.  There exists no Golden Rule.

Sharia’s Demands on Society

Here are just a few examples of sharia at work in American society as told by Dr. Bill Warner in his book, Sharia Law for Non-Muslims.  The majority of democrats support prayer spaces for Muslims, but not for Christians or Jews.

  • When schools and employers are asked to give up a room for Islamic prayer, that is asking us to implement sharia law.
  • When a Muslim wears a head scarf, that is in obedience to sharia law.
  • When our newspapers would not publish the Danish Mohammed cartoons, our newspapers were submitting to the demands of sharia law.
  • When demands are made for our hospitals to treat Muslim women in special ways, that is sharia.
  • When Muslim men cannot be touched by female nurses, that is sharia law.
  • When our textbooks have to be vetted by Muslim organizations prior to being used in our schools, that is in accordance with sharia law.
  • When foot baths are demanded in colleges, universities and airports, that’s sharia law, and taxpayers fund it.
  • Six Muslim Airforce airmen can now wear beards thanks to a recently granted religious accommodation waiver. That is sharia law.

An Islamic Republic

The 2018 midterms elected two Muslim women to Congress — Ilhan Omar of Minnesota and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan. Since they both wear the traditional hijab, Nancy Pelosi will move to repeal 180-year rule prohibiting head coverings on the floor of Congress. Some suggested that all the women in Congress wear the hijab in solidarity with their new Muslim colleagues, making America an Islamic Republic.

Representative Ilhan Omar, the Somali Muslim from Minneapolis who replaces Keith Ellison, has already reversed her position on the BDS (Boycott, Divest, Sanction) Movement that seeks to delegitimize Israel now that she is safely elected. Since she has cited no reasons for changing her mind, she must have been lying.

Deception is part of Islam. Allah is a deceiver. Mohammed was a deceiver, and therefore, every Muslim can be a deceiver. This is Taqiyya or sacred deception. So, the next time you’re hearing something about Islam that just doesn’t sound right, and it comes from the mouth of a Muslim, you’re right. It’s not right. It’s a lie. It is Taqiyya.

Newly elected Detroit congresswoman, Rashida Tlaib, used Thomas Jefferson’s two volume English translation of the Koran for her swearing-in ceremony, as did Ilhan Omar.  Tlaib wore a Palestinian robe to show she is firmly in the anti-Israel camp.

It is not Jefferson’s Koran.  It is Mohammed’s Koran.  Jefferson owned a Koran to understand and defeat the Islamic Barbary Pirates.  That was the first war on terror.  How many members of Congress have read the Koran & Sunna from cover to cover or have any idea what is written on these pages?  Rashida Tlaib, by swearing her oath on a Koran, commits an act of sedition.  Link

Rashida Tlaib, D-Islam who boasted in a foul-mouthed tirade that the new Democratic House leadership will impeach ‘motherf***er’ Donald Trump doubled down on Twitter, refusing to apologize.  This woman should immediately be impeached!

These Democrat communist fools are playing into the hands of our destruction by embracing these barbaric savages, and our dumbed down electorate puts them in office over us.

This is sharia!

Sharia Attacks Christians

Robert Spencer’s article in Frontpage Magazine tells of a Christmas Eve Washington Times report about Muslims in Uganda forcing Christians to convert to Islam. Muslims now consider any public statement of the Christian Faith to be a calculated insult to Muslims, for which they can justifiably exact revenge. This is, or should be, sobering news for the comfortable Christians of the West who have made an idol out of “interfaith dialogue” and fastidiously avoid saying anything remotely critical about Islam, even as the Muslim persecution of Christians continues worldwide.

“In June,” the Times reported, “a group of Muslims attacked Christian preachers in eastern Uganda during a ‘crusade,’ where Christians publicly profess their faith and invite others to join. Muslims in the town accused the Christians of mocking Islam by publicly saying Jesus was the Son of God.”

This is sharia.

Sharia Attacks Jews and Israel

Islamic anti-Semitism continues to manifest itself around the country and it is driven by Islamic migration.  Authorities in Los Angeles have arrested a Somali Muslim man suspected of attempting to run down Orthodox Jews outside of a synagogue during the Sabbath. When he missed them a second time, the driver struck a traffic sign. He then exited the vehicle, started screaming obscenities and anti-Semitic curses.

Rewriting the history of the Land of Israel in order to deny Israel’s right to exist is central to Palestinian Authority (PA) policy. Long before it started the PA terror campaign (the “Intifada,” 2000-2005), the PA was fighting a history war – erasing Jewish history and replacing it with a fabricated Palestinian history. This rewriting has two central goals:

1- Erase the Jewish nation’s 3,000-year history in the Land of Israel;
2- Invent ancient Palestinian, Muslim and Arab histories in the land.

The Palestinian Authority is now trying to turn Jesus into a Muslim Palestinian.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is announcing a lawsuit against the state of Texas for passing anti-BDS legislation last year. The BDS movement against Israel aims to strangle the Jewish state economically while at the same time calls for the flooding of Palestinians into Israel to destroy the Jewish character of the state.

Muslim Linda Sarsour, one of the leaders of the Women’s March who called on a jihad against President Trump, openly supports violent plots against Jews. Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan has openly spewed venom against America’s Jews.  Farrakhan leveled more vitriolic attacks against Jews when he spoke at a Chicago mosque last summer.

This too is sharia.

Muslim Physician and Jewish Patients

The world-famous Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio, employed a Muslim resident physician, Lara Kollab, 27.  In 2012 she had tweeted that she would give Yahood (Jews) the wrong medicine.  She has been fired from her job at the Clinic. She started at the Clinic on July 1, 2018 and when her tweets were discovered in September she was immediately fired.  Link

A full list of her hate can be seen here.  Lara Kollab has called for violence against Jews, spread anti-Semitism, trivialized the Holocaust, defended the terror organization Hamas and supported terrorists on Twitter.  She has also compared Israel to Nazi Germany, spread anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and hatred of Israel, and accused Israel of exploiting the Holocaust.

Kollab is a supporter of the BDS movement and a supporter of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP). She is also is affiliated with Al Awda.

This hate was allowed on Twitter for years.  Six years later it has been expunged.

This is sharia.

World Hijab Day

In one of the most pathetic and destructive displays of virtue signaling, non-Muslim women are once again being urged to wear the garment of oppression, subjugation and misogyny. While women are fighting and dying for their most basic rights, especially those in Iran, left-wing morons are working to impose the misogyny of sharia.

The woman who wears a hijab represents that she is fully committed to sharia and its political consequences.  The hijab is a symbol that says to non-Muslims that they are kafirs (unbelievers, infidels).  For 1400 years there’s been jihad against the kafirs…a history of annihilation, death and suffering.  The bulk of the Koran is about the kafir and that they are to be destroyed.

Yet the liberal fools and many Christian churches believe girls of all faiths, backgrounds, and ethnicities should “voice their choice” of wearing the headscarf for 24 hours on February 1, 2019 in solidarity with Muslim women across the world.  Yes, they’re calling for solidarity with the most evil political movement in the world.  Chapter 48, verse 29 of the Koran says, “Mohammed is the apostle of Allah, those who follow him are merciful to one another, but ruthless to the unbelievers.”

This is sharia!


The Bush and Obama administrations embraced the Muslim Brotherhood, and HAMAS-CAIR.  Some of these Muslims’ advocates have been issued top secret security clearancesThey have been privy to, and helped to write policy and training for many federal agencies. Purchase and read See Something, Say Nothing: A Homeland Security Officer Exposes the Government’s Submission to Jihad, by Philip Haney.

Sharia is in every facet of American society, from politics to football, including Kaepernick’s kneeling during the Anthem.  Islam is being taught in government schools while Judaism and Christianity are banned.

The goal is an Islamic America and sharia is the pathway.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Establishment Republicans Thwart Our President’s Promises

The 1928 Republican Convention opened with a prayer. If the Lord can see His way clear to bless the Republican Party the way it’s been carrying on, then the rest of us ought to get it without even asking. —Will Rogers

McConnell’s the Senate Republican leader, but he refuses to lead on defunding Obamacare. What good is a leader like that? —Matt Bevin

The Republican Party’s typical position is to preemptively surrender whenever liberals start yelling ‘Oh that’s mean. You can’t use that word’: ‘Oh I did not realize that ‘The New York Times’ made a finding that the term ‘anchor baby’ is offensive. Henceforth I shall not use it.’ —Ann Coulter

If you believe the Republican held Senate will help President Trump stop the leftist onslaught from Speaker Pelosi’s Democrat held House, dream on.

The Neo-Cons and Kingmakers

A majority of Republicans front for America’s enemies.  Why?  Because 90 to 95 percent of them belong to the same globalist cabal as the Democrat party socialists.

John McManus’s book, William F. Buckley: Pied Piper for the Establishment thoroughly explains the destruction of old right conservative Republicans by Buckley, a CFR member, CIA agent, and Skull and Bones member.  Dubbed the Godfather of neoconservatism, Irving Kristol, a longtime Trotskyite, was Buckley’s partner in crime. Irving was the father of Bill Kristol whose anti-Trump magazine, the Weekly Standard, finally closed.  Link

Buckley advocated the legalization of marijuana, approved the Panama Canal giveaway, repeatedly called for national service for youth, smeared Pat Buchanan, pushed for foreign aid giveaways to Russia, favored legalized prostitution, supported adoption of the Brady Bill gun control measure, and endorsed “gay rights” legislation.  Seems as though if you have built a reputation as a conservative, you can get away with being as liberal as you want.

Journalist Irving Kristol published the magazine, Encounter, which received covert funding from the Central Intelligence Agency after the CIA and MI6 discussed the founding of an “Anglo-American left-of-center publication.

Phyllis Schlafly understood the destruction only too well when she wrote A Choice Not an Echo regarding the Rockefeller “Kingmakers.”

Like John Birch Society’s President Emeritus, John McManus, Schlafly accused “the secret kingmakers” of the Republican party of constantly undermining conservative champions like Robert Taft and Barry Goldwater and using back-door deals to ensure the victory of compromising candidates like Wendell Willkie and Dwight Eisenhower.  Neo-cons Buckley and Kristol along with the Rockefeller Republicans have stabbed us in the back.

The Wall

Regarding the southern border wall funding, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has already refused to use the nuclear option where a simple majority is enough, rather than the required 60 votes.  Senate Majority Leader McConnell and his wife, Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao make millions through Chao’s father who owns a Chinese shipping company, so McConnell has no desire to help Trump in any fashion.

Republican Sens. Jeff Flake (AZ) and Lamar Alexander (TN) immediately announced that they would not vote for the nuclear option.  Both are Trotskyites (slow Marxists). Link  Alexander is retiring, but his good friend, our corrupt Tennessee Republican Governor Bill Haslam, who refused to vote for Trump, will run for Alexander’s spot and retain it for dozens of years, once again giving no support to old right conservatives.

Harry Reid certainly had no trouble using the Nuclear Option in 2013 to fill district courts with Obama’s nominees, those same judges who now stop every executive order by President Trump to protect American citizens from invaders.

Transnational criminal gangs pose an immediate clear and present danger to the security of the homeland and its communities. Gangs are involved in a myriad of criminal activity, including murder, extortion, narcotics and weapons trafficking, human smuggling/trafficking and prostitution and other crimes with a nexus to the border.

The government spends $5.9 billion per month on food stamps.  Four and a quarter months of food stamp expenditures would pay the entire $25 billion for the Mexican border wall.  Why is this not in the budget?  Because the false friends on the right will not support our President and the protection of the American citizenry.

Thanks to socialist judges, officials with the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency released nearly 1600 migrants in downtown El Paso over the 2018 Christmas holiday.


Talk show host, Tucker Carlson has attacked President Trump for failing to build the wall, failing to defund Planned Parenthood and failing to rid us of Obamacare.  Carlson does not understand the Constitution, that it is up to Congress not the President to make these changes, but Congress is fighting our President at every turn.

Yeah well Tucker, have you ever talked about Sen. Ted Stevens of Alaska?  He was a decorated WWII hero…and beloved in the State of Alaska.  Falsely charged by the Public Integrity Section of the Department of Justice (DOJ), he lost his seat in a narrow margin to a democrat.  Sen. Stevens would have voted against Obamacare and we would have been spared because of his vote.  Robert Mueller was the FBI Director at the time, and Nicholas Marsh, the prosecutor in the Ted Stevens case committed suicide.

Back in 2015, the Senate voted to repeal Obamacare knowing full well Obama would veto it, but then they could lie to their constituents again and say, “Well we tried, we all voted to get rid of it.”  What a sham.

Senators Murkowski and McCain saved Obamacare just months after campaigning and promising their constituents they’d repeal it.  McCain’s 2016 campaign ads said “Obamacare is failing Arizonans,” and that “John McCain is leading the fight to stop Obamacare.”  McCain even introduced a bill to “fully” repeal Obamacare and replace it with a “free-market approach” that strengthens the quality and accessibility of care.  Yet he voted against it.

Murkowski wrote op-eds against the Affordable Care Act, vowed to repeal it, screamed about what it had done to her home state of Alaska and then turned around and voted against every single version of Obamacare repeal. She even voted against a “skinny” repeal that would have only ditched the law’s individual and employer mandates and suspended the tax on medical devices — a tax that is so harmful to that industry that even uber-liberal Sen. Elizabeth Warren wants it repealed.

And those death panels…they really do exist.

Speaker Paul Ryan

Ryan disavowed himself from ever supporting President Trump after he heard the Billy Bush/Access Hollywood tape during the 2016 campaign, which was the excuse for this left leaning globalist to sabotage his own party’s candidate.  Ryan said, “There are basically two things that I want to make really clear as your Speaker.  I am not going to defend Donald Trump, not now, not in the future.”

Paul Ryan was allegedly linked to the release of that tape in an effort to destroy Trump’s campaign.  Gateway Pundit revealed that Ryan actually allowed the corrupt FBI, DOJ and Mueller investigation to harass President Trump since before his inauguration.

Congressman Louie Gohmert revealed that Ryan encouraged GOP House members to campaign against President Trump in 2016.  Watch this 90 second video with Congressman Gohmert.  Now we find out that Ryan and his Chief of Staff John Burks were both involved in pushing the fake Russia Fusion dossier.

In 2016, Trump’s running mate, Mike Pence disagreed with Trump and endorsed Paul Ryan prior to Trump endorsing Ryan and McCain.  Not surprising for an establishment insider like Pence who spent 12 years in Congress voting for everything candidate Trump was against.

Paul Ryan is married to and probably influenced by Janna Little Ryan, a flaming left-wing liberal progressive, anti-Constitutional, big government George Soros supporter who voted for Barack Hussein Obama twice. Link

Pro-amnesty Ryan has never been in lockstep with conservative Republicans. Ryan’s June 2018 amnesty bill, the largest in 30 years, thankfully went down in flames. Ryan has fought the President tooth and nail regarding the porous southern border and illegal aliens.

Senator Schumer praised Ryan for giving President Obama everything he wanted, including promoting a $1.1 trillion omnibus bill. Ryan was far worse than John Boehner and his 20 years in Congress were spent betraying conservatives and America in general.

When over 44 House Republicans, including Ryan, announced their retirement prior to the 2018 midterm elections, the Speaker did nothing to convince the members to remain in Congress to help President Trump and the party.

Retiring Reps Goodlatte and Gowdy say crooked Mueller’s report on Trump “must be trusted.”  Both of these men have claimed Mueller is an honorable man, but history tells us differently.  Mueller’s modus operandi has been exposed numerous times by Congressman Louie Gohmert and by Louisiana State Senator John Milkovich in his book, Robert Mueller, Errand Boy for the New World Order.

Mitt Romney and Vin Weber

More leftist Republicans are now in the Senate.  Romney has replaced GOP Senator Orrin Hatch and he represents the Rockefeller wing of the Republican Party.

Council on Foreign Relations member Vin Weber, economic adviser to Mitt Romney’s 2012 presidential campaign, and member of the globalist new age Agenda 21 Aspen Institute, has warned President Trump against taking drastic measures, saying firing Powell would provoke a “very bad” reaction.  Whoever advised our President to appoint Jerome Powell to head the independent and anti-government fed reserve again chose from the swamp.  Fed Reserve Chairman Powell is doing his best to destroy the booming Trump economy.  See Marilyn Barnewall’s excellent article, Economic Overview for 2019.

As I stated in a previous article, whoever is advising and vetting the President’s choices is not on the side of freedom and the Constitution.  Swamp creatures seem to surround our President.  As for Romney, he will fight Trump at every turn, just like Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell.

President Trump has few friends in Congress.  The House Republicans were responsible for overseeing the FBI and DOJ, but they failed.  They unceremoniously ended their investigation into the way the FBI and the Department of Justice handled Hillary Clinton’s email scandal and the biased allegations against President Trump.


The next two years will be a nightmare from hell.  The 2019 House will be run by the socialist Democrats with Nancy Pelosi at the helm until at least 2020.  The Republican Senate will not stop the Democrat efforts to destroy our President and his campaign promises.  The Senate is just as filthy as the House.  Both are led by left of center haters of our representative Republic.  They have no desire to help Americans or our President.

Kimberley Strassel’s latest article, The Trump ‘Ethic’ Resistance exposes that House Democrats are about to blitz the Trump administration with subpoenas and investigations. Dark money will fund the effort to destroy Trump.

A local friend said to me, “Honey, here’s the truth of the matter. The majority of Republicans, like their Democrat buddies, are slimy pinko commie sumbitches eagerly tearing apart the very fabric of our once great nation.”  I believe he’s right.

Time to call a halt to this corruption.

P.S. We are starting a brand-new year.  NewsWithViews is funded by your donations.  Our CEO counts on those donations to run the website and keep articles coming into your email every day.  None of the research journalists are paid, they write exposes for the love of country and to expose the evil we are fighting.  Please add NewsWithViews to your monthly budget.  Every dollar keeps this website operating. You can donate here.

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Why I Love Christmas

Unless we make Christmas an occasion to share our blessings, all the snow in Alaska won’t make it ‘white’. —Bing Crosby

Christmas in Bethlehem. The ancient dream: a cold, clear night made brilliant by a glorious star, the smell of incense, shepherds and wise men falling to their knees in adoration of the sweet baby, the incarnation of perfect love. —Lucinda Franks

My idea of Christmas, whether old-fashioned or modern, is very simple: loving others. Come to think of it, why do we have to wait for Christmas to do that? —Bob Hope

I’ve always loved Christmas, for oh so many reasons!  Childhood memories are an amazing blessing to me, and probably something few American children experienced as beautifully as I did with my momma’s family.

Chicago was my home, but my other home was in northern Indiana on my maternal grandparent’s dairy farm.  They lived through the depression and never had extra money, but there was always plenty of food and love for the family and especially the grandchildren.  Being the first grandchild, I was more than blessed.

Christmas in Indiana

At Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas these great aunts and their families all got together for magnificent meals and fun for the children.  They always shared who had the gatherings for these holidays, but Christmas was extra special.

At least 35 to 40 people gathered for Christmas Eve, and the older sisters made all the food.  We would eat and then the children would wait for Santa.  The men would smoke cigars and watch football and the women would play cards.  The children waited for Santa and looked out the window hoping to catch a glimpse of his horse drawn sleigh.  He had a leather string of those heavy bells and would jingle them when he’d arrived and we all knew he was there…the excitement filled the air.

When Santa arrived, he came in with huge red velvet bags loaded with presents.  Those bags were loaded by the family and left at the back door.  Santa really did have a horse drawn sleigh as long as it snowed, and it always seemed to!  He would sit on a chair at the end of the room and pull out the presents and call the names.  Even my grandma had to go get a present from Santa and sit on his lap.

I loved it, and can see the gatherings in my mind’s eye.  This is what this lovely family of mine gave to all of us as memories.  My little daughter experienced the same joy I had felt as a child when Santa arrived, she watched for him at the window, waiting in anticipation.

Here she is as a little one with our Indiana Santa. She couldn’t believe the length of his beard.  She wanted to touch it, but told me she was afraid Santa wouldn’t approve…

Years later, my momma’s cousin told me that she still had the velvet bags for Santa’s gifts and she loved those days as well.

Close to midnight, the entire family left and went to church to honor the birth of our Saviour.

Our Indiana Santa

This wonderful gentleman who did this for so many families for so many years in this small northern Indiana town every Christmas Eve was just magnificent.  I know our family paid him, but believe me, whatever they gave him was worth it.

My cousin Jenny happened to run into Santa one day.  She didn’t know he was our Santa.  He said, “Hello Jenny, I don’t have any presents for you right now.”  Jenny didn’t know what to make of his comment and her look alerted Santa that he needed to explain.  He told her who he was, a dentist in town who loved playing Santa every year for so many families.  Jenny was shocked, and gave him a big hug, and that’s how we all found out who he was.

My momma’s family was large and beautiful and they gave me memories that are still in my mind and carry me through the joyous month of December and the birth of Messiah Jesus.

The Christmas Season

Years ago, I wrote an article entitled, The Christmas Thing.  I always felt that the Holy Spirit of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob wrote that article for me.  Even today if I read it, it brings me to tears.  The one story in this article is so telling about our season of joy for Christ’s birth.  Here it is:

“Who Started This Christmas Stuff?”

A woman was out Christmas shopping with her two children. After many hours of looking at row after row of toys and everything else imaginable; and after hours of hearing both her children asking for everything they saw on those many shelves, she finally made it to the elevator with her two kids.

She was feeling what so many feel during the holiday season time of the year – overwhelming pressure to go to every party, every housewarming, taste all the holiday food and treats, getting that perfect gift for every single person on our shopping list, making sure we don’t forget anyone on our card list, and the pressure of making sure we respond to everyone who sent us a card.

Finally, the elevator doors opened, and there was already a crowd in the car. She pushed her way into the car and dragged her two kids in with her and all the bags of stuff. When the doors closed, she couldn’t take it anymore and she stated, “Whoever started this whole Christmas thing should be found, strung up and shot.”

From the back of the car, everyone heard a quiet, calm voice respond, “Don’t worry, we already crucified Him.”

For the rest of the trip down in the elevator, it was so quiet you could have heard a pin drop. This year, don’t forget to keep “the One who started this whole Christmas thing” in your every thought, deed and words. If we all did it, just think of how different this whole world would be.

The Real Reason for the Season

Yes, the real reason for the season is that the Messiah, the very Son of God, God himself, came to earth and taught and preached and gave us His Word, and then He willingly went to the cross as the final sacrifice of the perfect lamb of God that takes away our sins.  This is the joy that brings me hope and peace in my heart.  Without knowing the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, that very God that my family led me to as a child, I would be lost.

The entire month of December of every single year brings Jesus to the forefront of mankind.  The lights on the trees and on the homes represent the candles on his birthday cake.  The open doors of love represent the care we have as believers for those who are family, friends and folks who we care about.

The Christmas wreath is a never-ending ring, a reminder of eternal love from our Lord and King. The Christmas wreath is a sign of welcome, inviting all to enter in, a reminder of Christ’s invitation for all to come to Him. The middle of a Christmas wreath is a bare and empty space, a reminder of what life would be without Christ’s love and grace. So, each time you see a Christmas wreath hanging from a door, may your heart rejoice in the One that Christmas is truly for!


Why do I love Christmas?  For many reasons, but especially because our Judeo-Christian society is blessed with the knowledge of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and the knowledge that God Himself sent his only begotten Son to earth as man and God to be the final and forever sacrifice for our sins.  We are so blessed.

May your Christmas and your celebration of the King of Glory’s birth remain in your heart throughout the year.  Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday Jesus!

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Justice And The Rule Of Law No Longer Exists In America

Judge Sullivan was confused, abusive, careless and unfamiliar with the case. The hearing was a disgrace and an assault on an American hero. But some place the blame where it is due – the Mueller gang of Democrat thugs. — Gateway Pundit

When good government is accused and exposed, it repents. When evil government is accused, it uses its full power to destroy its justified accuser.” — Grant Seim

Be not intimidated…nor suffer yourselves to be wheedled out of your liberties by any pretense of politeness, delicacy, or decency. These, as they are often used, are but three different names for hypocrisy, chicanery and cowardice.” — John Adams.

General Michael Flynn’s recent sentencing hearing in front of Judge Emmet Sullivan was a total fiasco.  Judge Sullivan damaged his own reputation with an extraordinary public attack on the former national security adviser for a crime he’s never been charged with.  What a disgrace this psychotic 1994 Clinton appointed Judge made of himself.

Judge Sullivan obviously has not heard what former Director of the FBI, James Comey admitted on MSNBC. Comey said he took advantage of the neophyte Trump White House and its staff, and sent the agents to interview Flynn. “I thought: It’s early enough, let’s just send a couple guys over.”  Comey bragged that this was “something I probably wouldn’t have done or maybe gotten away with in a more organized administration.”

The day after General Flynn’s hearing, Washington Federal Judge Sullivan declared unlawful a set of new restrictions the Trump administration imposed on immigrants seeking asylum in the U.S. on the basis of domestic violence and fear of gangs. Sullivan actually ordered deported asylum seekers to be returned to the U.S. in a Trump administration rebuke.  Link

Sullivan’s Attack

During General Flynn’s hearing, Judge Sullivan repeatedly asked the General if he wanted to change his plea to not guilty.  Sullivan said he was prepared to have the General change his plea or even ask for a dismissal of the charges.  The General answered, “No” every time.  Sullivan posed the question because the General’s attorney, Mr. Kelner, had exposed in a memorandum that former Deputy Attorney General Andrew McCabe had suggested to Flynn during a phone conversation that he didn’t need a lawyer present during his initial interview with the bureau.  Link

The Judge then seemed to lose his cool.

“I’m not hiding my disgust, my disdain for your criminal offense,” Sullivan told Flynn. “Arguably, you sold your country out. … In the White House! In the West Wing!  All along, you were an unregistered agent of a foreign country while serving as the National Security Adviser to the President of the United States. That undermines everything this flag over here stands for,” said the judge. He also used the words “treason” and “treasonous,” but later walked back his statement.

Robert Mueller has never charged the General with any treasonous act, and with violating the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) even though Michael Flynn did represent the government of Turkey before he joined the Trump Administration.  The judge berated the defendant for crimes he never committed and in doing so spread false information.

Sullivan attacked one of America’s most beloved veterans, and he made a total fool out of himself calling General Flynn treasonous.  Not only was this an egregious affront to Michael Flynn who gave 33 years of his life serving this nation, more than five of those years away from his family, but it was an affront to the General’s family, friends, and the veterans who have served under this brilliant intelligence officer and who greatly respect him.

Sullivan is best known for overseeing the Mueller FBI prosecution of the late Sen. Ted Stevens who was falsely convicted in 2008 of accepting and concealing thousands of dollars in free home renovations.  The Judge later threw out the conviction when he learned exculpatory evidence proving the Senator’s innocence had not been shared with the defense.  One would think he’d have learned the modus operandi of Mueller and his FBI Pitbull, Andrew Weissman.

In 2015 this same Judge threatened to hold the IRS commissioner in contempt of court when the agency didn’t comply with an order to provide documents.  Yet, he let slide Mueller’s failure to produce the original 302s of Flynn’s FBI interview for this hearing.

Business Partners Charged

On Monday, just in time for General Flynn’s sentencing, prosecutors in Virginia unveiled FARA charges against two former Flynn associates, accusing them of illegally lobbying for Turkey. The timing was neither coincidental nor accidental.

An indictment unsealed Monday showed authorities charged Flynn’s former business associates, Bijan Kian, 66, and Turkish businessman Kamil Ekim Alptekin, 41, with conspiracy, acting in the U.S. as illegal agents of the government of Turkey and making false statements to the FBI.  DOJ officials said Kian and Alptekin were accused of conspiring to “covertly influence U.S. politicians and public opinion” for the Turkish government.  Flynn’s company was hired to polish Turkey’s image after an alleged botched coup by America’s Mullah Fethullah Gulen and was.  He was paid $530,000.

General Flynn knew of Mullah Fethullah Gulen’s 200 charter schools throughout America, including one on Nellis Air Force Base in southern Nevada.  The Nellis AFB has military schools and more squadrons than any other USAF base.

Gulen’s charter schools have innocuous names absent of any Islamic associations. Tax dollars fund these schools.   In late 2016, General Flynn wrote an op-ed in The Hill about Turkey’s Erdogan and Fethullah Gulen.

Gulen was brought into America during the Clinton Administration. Bill Clinton’s White House, the State Department and the Justice Department’s Janet Reno provided the infamous mullah and his terrorism-heroin operations with blanket immunity and protection.  Clinton’s hand-picked CIA handlers, Graham Fuller and Mark Grossman, were selected to manage and direct Gulen’s cells in the U.S. and abroad.  Link

Former CIA Director James Woolsey noticed the lucrative lobbying position already under contract with Gen. Flynn’s company, Flynn Intel Group, and attempted to steal it out from under him at a price 20 times higher, telling the Turkish businessmen he could do a better job.  He was passed over for a position in the Trump campaign, and the Turks turned him down. Did he retaliate against Flynn?  Perhaps, as Woolsey spoke with Mueller many times.

General Petraeus and Sandy Berger

In March 2015, David Petraeus, a retired four star general, one-time director of the CIA, and former US commander in Iraq and Afghanistan, pleaded guilty to a single misdemeanor charge of mishandling classified information.  Petraeus had given handwritten notebooks containing “code words for secret intelligence programs, the identities of covert officers, war strategy and deliberative discussions with the National Security Council” to his biographer Paula Broadwell — who was also his mistress.

Because of Petraeus’ position as one of the country’s most important intelligence officials, the sensitivity of the information he gave Broadwell, and the fact that he apparently lied to FBI investigators about giving Broadwell any classified information whatsoever, many believed that Petraeus deserved something more than the $100,000 fine and two years of probation he eventually received.  Link  And yes, Petraeus did get in trouble for far less than what Hillary Clinton did.  Robert Mueller’s good friend, James Comey was the Director of the FBI at the time.

For lying after stealing highly classified documents from the National Archives former Clinton national security adviser and Kerry campaign adviser Sandy Berger received a small fine and slap on the wrist. On July 19, 2004, it was revealed that the United States Department of Justice was investigating Berger for unauthorized removal of classified documents in October 2003 from a National Archives reading room prior to testifying before the 9/11 Commission.

For this crime, he paid $10,000 and received no jail time, yet Martha Stewart spent time in prison for lying to federal investigators. Berger’s security clearance was suspended until the end of the Bush administration, meaningless for a career Democrat like Mr. Berger. One wonders who at the Department of Justice is responsible for letting such a serious offense go virtually unpunished.  You guessed it, Robert Mueller was the FBI Director.  Link

General Michael Flynn’s Future

The General has pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI, has cooperated with Mueller, both sides agreed he shouldn’t get jail time, and the sentencing hearing was just a formality.  Until it wasn’t.  Unlike Berger and Petraeus, Michael Flynn is far more dangerous to the corrupt intelligence cabal.

We believed this trial for General Flynn would be over until this deranged Judge threw everything to the wind and accused the three-star General of heinous acts he has never committed.

Michael Flynn is between a rock and a hard place.  Everyone who has watched the railroading of Donald Trump’s finest administrative choice knows the General never lied to anyone.  Mueller’s 30-year modus operandi has been to pressure and threaten those he wishes to destroy until they plea to a crime to escape the harassment.

Mike could have told the Judge that he was set-up and trapped by the FBI, that he was innocent and wanted to amend his guilty plea and ask for a dismissal, but that would guarantee more charges most likely regarding his business affiliation with Turkish businessmen or charges against his son, his wife, or his extended family. What was the General to do but fall on his sword to protect his family?

FBI agents Peter Strzok, Joe Pientka, Deputy AG Andrew McCabe and former FBI Director James Comey have all stated General Michael Flynn never lied.

To escape this continuous legal nightmare, General Michael Flynn pled guilty to something he was never guilty of to begin with.  This court hearing in front of Judge Sullivan should have exonerated the General and freed him, but the Judge failed in his duties and this living hell continues for Flynn and his family.


The buck stops with Donald J. Trump.  He could have legally put an end to this nightmare long ago.  He is endowed by the Constitution with the authority to do so, and is in charge of the corrupt DOJ apparatus and does not have to obey these federal district judges.  He can fight back!

FBI Agents Joe Pientka and Peter Strzok interviewed General Flynn in his White House office.  The FBI refused to allow Pientka to testify for Mike Flynn and tell the court that Mike had not lied.  Our President has the right to demand Pientka testify under Article 2, Section 3 of the Constitution.  He has been silent.

President Trump has declined to protect those who have campaigned and worked for him.  He hires from the establishment, many of whom came from the Bush administrations and we all know the Bush families voted for Hillary. Trump’s advisers are much the same.  His attorneys are 3rd rate if even that.  Had he hired superb legal counselors, and there are many, they would have told him that he has the total and complete authority to stop Mueller’s wrecking ball.  Yet, he does nothing.

The destruction of one of the finest American veterans may result in prison time for him because the rule of law and true justice seem to longer exist in America.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

The FBI Collusion To Destroy General Michael T. Flynn

I am concerned for the security of our great Nation; not so much because of any threat from without, but because of the insidious forces working from within. —Douglas MacArthur

You’ve got the NSA doing all this collecting of material on all of its citizens – that’s what the SS, the Gestapo, the Stasi, the KGB, and the NKVD did. —William Binney

There’s a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child.  Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot.  —President John F. Kennedy, seven days before his assassination

Former federal prosecutor Sidney Powell wrote the ultimate book on a core group of federal prosecutors who broke all the rules, made up crimes, hid exculpatory evidence, and sent innocent people to prison.  Ms. Powell knows the enemy inside our gates.

Her book, Licensed to Lie, debunks everything the media and the government told us about the Department of Justice’s destruction and prosecution of the venerable accounting firm Arthur Andersen, Merrill Lynch executives who did one business transaction with Enron, Alaska Senator Ted Steven’s, and more.  The ramifications continue today as this corrupt cabal of former prosecutors now populates powerful political positions.

Still in the news today―Robert Mueller’s “Pitbull” Andrew Weissmann and other members of Obama’s inner circle―are wreaking havoc on our Republic.  Powell’s book is the one that began exposing “the Deep State.”

Emmet G. Sullivan United States District Judge for the District of Columbia ordered an independent investigation of the Department of Justice, which revealed its corrupted prosecution of United States Senator Ted Stevens.

Judge Sullivan is General Michael Flynn’s sentencing judge.

The Corrupt DOJ

It is fairly well documented that the FBI framed General Flynn.  Flynn was financially destroyed by the FBI/Mueller war against him and it’s clear that the Deep State not only did not want him to be Trump’s National Security Advisor but that it also sought to destroy Flynn as well as Trump’s presidency.

The former three-star general pleaded guilty last year to a single count of lying to the FBI about conversations he had with Russia’s ambassador to the U.S.  Now we know from General Flynn’s court filing to Judge Sullivan that senior bureau officials acted in a way to set him up for the fall.

Mike Flynn apparently believed the call from the FBI was to be a normal meeting between administration officials, that he and Strzok were just going to “shoot the breeze,” but he was sandbagged by Agents Strzok and Pientka…both of whom, along with former FBI Director Comey, said Flynn never lied. Former U.S. Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates was doing the bidding of her boss, President Barack Hussein Obama by sending the agents to “interview” Flynn.  See Chapter 9 of Gregg Jarrett’s book, The Russia Hoax.

Obama had fired General Flynn as head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, and subsequently told President elect Donald Trump not to hire him.  Knowing this, I’m surprised President Trump didn’t reject a resignation from General Flynn and fight to keep him on staff.

Barack Obama and the corrupt Department of Justice wanted the General eliminated from the Trump administration.  Why?  Because General Michael T. Flynn spent 33 years as an intelligence officer, and he knew the corruption in the Obama administration and the DOJ.  They were scared of him, and as such he had to be destroyed.  Establishment insiders like Pence, Priebus and others likely helped to accomplish their goal.

Not a rich man after decades in uniform, General Flynn pleaded guilty on Dec. 1, 2017 to one count of lying to the FBI about his telephone conversations with Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak.  He did this to avoid bankruptcy and allegedly to spare his son from becoming a Mueller target.  Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn is scheduled to be sentenced next Tuesday (12/18).

Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s sentencing recommendation is here. Flynn’s plea to Judge Emmet Sullivan is here. You should read both carefully.

Judge Emmet Sullivan Requests Documents

One day after former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn’s legal team made the bombshell allegation that the FBI had pushed him not to bring a lawyer to his fateful Jan. 24, 2017 interview with agents at the White House, Judge Sullivan is demanding answers from Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

Judge Emmet G. Sullivan ordered Mueller late last Wednesday to turn over all of the government’s documents and “memoranda” related to Flynn’s questioning by 3:00 p.m. EST on Friday December 14th.  Mueller waited until the last minute on Friday and then sent heavily redacted documents to Judge Sullivan.

It is always a bad idea to defy a federal judge, especially one with a reputation and a history of vigilance against law enforcement and prosecutorial abuse and who has previously thrown out convictions that resulted from abuse.  Mueller failed to give Judge Sullivan the FBI 302 interviews of General Flynn.  FBI 302’s are written accounts of interviews by the agents.

Kimberly Strassel’s recent WSJ article indicated it was Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe who called General Flynn on other business and then suggested he sit down with two agents to clear up the Russia question.  McCabe urged General Flynn to conduct the interview with no lawyer present to make things easier.  The entire thing reeks of entrapment.

The court filing refers to a McCabe memo written the day of the meeting, as well as a 302 FBI summary of the Flynn interview.  Congressional Republicans have been fighting to obtain these documents for over a year, and apparently Judge Sullivan did not receive the memo or the original 302s.  The date on the Flynn 302 was August 22, 2017, seven months after the interview.  Strzok’s texts and Comey’s testimony both indicated the 302 was written long before this.  So, was it edited in the interim, and if so by whom and at whose direction?

Judge Sullivan also ordered the Flynn team to turn over the documents backing up its assertions. The judge could determine why the FBI apparently took a significantly more aggressive tack in handling the Flynn interview than it did during other similar matters, including the agency’s sit-downs with Hillary Clinton and ex-Trump adviser George Papadopoulos.

Federal judges consistently strike down President Trump’s Executive Orders.  Judge Emmet Sullivan has a stellar reputation for being a straight shooter and he is certainly not obligated to follow prosecutors’ sentencing recommendations.

Sullivan’s move might delay General Flynn’s December 18th sentencing date, or lead to other dramatic and unexpected changes in the case. Sullivan even has the authority to toss Flynn’s guilty plea and the charge against him if he concludes that the FBI interfered with Flynn’s constitutional right to counsel.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller

Congressman Louie Gohmert wrote a 15,500 word document entitled, Mueller Exposed, revealing Mueller’s sordid past and his modus operandi.  Louisiana State Senator, John Milkovich wrote a book entitled, Robert Mueller: Errand Boy for the New World Order, which documents Mueller’s career of cover-ups, corruption and unconscionable conduct…an ever-willing instrument of the Deep State.  It is available from Amazon.

On December 14th, Breitbart exposed that Mueller had deleted thousands of text messages between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page from the iPhone of fired FBI agent Peter Strzok before turning it over to the Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General (OIG), according to a report released by the federal watchdog.

Mueller’s team had determined “it contained no substantive text messages.”  Lisa Page’s phone was scrubbed and lost for an entire year before it was turned over.  Link

Given what we know about Strzok, this smells like quite the coverup. Time for Congress to step in, but they’ve never received from the DOJ what they have continually requested despite threats and subpoenas.

The Gateway Pundit has reported that former Deputy Attorney General under Jeff Sessions, Rod Rosenstein, will not allow General Flynn interrogator, Joe Pientka to testify despite his reported willingness to defend Michael Flynn.  The Mueller Special Counsel redacted Joe Pientka’s name in the 302 reports.  According to investigative journalist Sara Carter, Pientka is willing to defend General Flynn in his testimony.

Obama’s Minions Still Reside in the DOJ

The outrageous actions of the DOJ are certainly not limited to the ever-expanding Mueller witch hunt.  Just last month, 16 FBI agents raided the home of a protected DOJ whistle blower who had delivered documents pertaining to the Clinton Foundation and Uranium One to a government watchdog.

It was Deputy Attorney Rod Rosenstein who boldly suggested he wear a wire to record the President and suggested invoking the 25th Amendment to remove the President from office.  Why wasn’t this man fired along with Jeff Sessions?

The thousands of text messages admitting flagrant anti-Trump bias exchanged between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page were wiped clean by the Mueller witch hunt before turning their phones over to the DOJ Inspector General.

The disgraced former head of the FBI, James Comey, who is now teaching ethics at William and Mary College, orchestrated the leaks of the memos he took of his meetings with President Trump to the media and who, of course, sent over those two investigators from the FBI to interview General Michael T. Flynn via Sally Yates for former President Barack Hussein Obama.

Court Documents

Attorney Gregg Jarrett of Fox News says, “The court documents are rich with corruption of the FBI and to some extent to the DOJ.  They admit in the 302 documents that National Security Advisor Michael Flynn told the truth.  So, the question that Judge Emmet Sullivan should ask on Tuesday is, ‘Mr. Mueller why are you prosecuting and why did you charge a guy who your own agents interviewed and determined told the truth?’”

No one has been held to account in the Obama administration for what was clearly an unprecedented surveillance of the White House staff, the incoming administration and in particular General Flynn.  President Donald Trump was absolutely right when he stated that the Obama administration had wiretapped him and his people.


Years ago, national talk radio host Roger Fredinburg interviewed attorney Fred Gray who was the lawyer for the surviving men of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study.  When host Fredinburg asked Mr. Gray why the monetary award was so small, attorney Gray said this, “When the judge hearing the case works for the people you are suing, it’s nearly impossible to get justice.”

Judge Emmet Sullivan has never stood for prosecutorial misconduct.  Let’s pray he sees the truth this time as well and General Michael Flynn gets true justice.

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Who Advises And Vets Trump Administration Candidates?

Always keep your foes confused.  If they are never certain who you are or what you want, they cannot know what you are likely to do next. —George R.R. Martin

True discernment means not only distinguishing the right from the wrong; it means distinguishing the primary from the secondary, the essential from the indifferent, and the permanent from the transient.  And, yes, it means distinguishing between the good and the better, and even between the better and the best.  —Sinclair B. Ferguson

Our President has sustained the most vicious and vile attacks on his person, his wife, and his entire family.  Truly, a man of weaker spirit could not have prevailed as he has. However, I question who advises and vets the people President Trump chooses. With all of President Trump’s brilliance and blue-collar panache, he seems to be lacking in discernment regarding those who surround him or is he trusting the wrong people to advise him?

Administration Turnovers

Over 30 officials have left the Trump Administration, not including AG Jeff Sessions, Secretary Nikki Haley, and now Chief of Staff General John Kelly.  There were a handful who should have stayed.  Everyone now knows that General Mike Flynn was set-up and forced out, mainly because the intel community is scared spitless of him.

Putting this in perspective – the Obama administration had a turnover of 46 officials in his second term, the average is 76.  President Truman took the prize and replaced all of Franklin Roosevelt’s officials when he took office.  So, let’s not let the MSM get everyone’s panties in a wad regarding turnovers.  The only thing that concerns me is who Trump chooses, who advised him and who vets the nominees.

There are many Never Trumpers out there even on Fox News, and in the administration.  Both First Lady Melania and our President have said there were people in the West Wing neither of them trusted.  There is not one person in the intelligence community (DOJ especially) who I would trust, and I wonder why FBI Director Wray hasn’t cleaned house.  I think we know.

Tucker Carlson

Fox News host Tucker Carlson said in an interview that President Donald Trump has failed to keep his most important campaign promises. Carlson told Urs Gehriger of the Swiss weekly Die Weltwoche, “His chief promises were that he would build the wall, de-fund Planned Parenthood, and repeal Obamacare, and he hasn’t done any of those things.  I don’t think he’s capable. I don’t think he’s capable of sustained focus.  I don’t think he understands the system. I don’t think the Congress is on his side. I don’t think his own agencies support him. He’s not going to do that.”  Link

Duh!  Hey Tucker…what gave you the first clue that Congress is not on our President’s side? And when did you study our Constitution?  Trump wanted the wall, the elimination of Obamacare, and defunding of Planned Parenthood, but that can’t happen without Congress helping our President.  And you can thank Robert Mueller as FBI Director who was responsible for giving us Obamacare.

Sen. Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) was falsely charged and prosecuted in 2008 just 100 days before his re-election bid for what the FBI alleged was not paying full price for improvements to a cabin he owned in Alaska. In the midst of the prosecution, Stevens lost his re-election bid and, two years later, lost his life.  This was a purposeful political assassination.

Large-scale misconduct was revealed through a whistleblower in an audit of the case, in which FBI agents and prosecutors, among many other things, withheld exculpatory evidence.  Mueller targeted the Senator, he lost, and he would have been the vote that would have stopped Obamacare.  Remember too Tucker, that Obama loved Mueller for wiping the FBI slates clean of Islamic terrorist activity, and kept him on for two extra years.  Judge Emmet Sullivan overturned the Stevens case, and he is also the judge in General Flynn’s case. I hope Judge Sullivan hasn’t been living under a rock, and understands that this brilliant three-star General who spent 33 years as an intelligence officer was set up and never lied to anyone.

Tucker, you know bloody well that the left wants our borders open.  Trump should shut down the government and keep it shut down until he gets the full 25 billion for the wall.  By 2020, people will have forgotten the shutdown.  Lindsey Graham is right…do it!

Planned Parenthood defunding is destroyed by every leftist judge and Trump has still cut a great amount.  The number of baby killers in Congress and throughout our country are the problem, and that includes the judiciary.

New Chief of Staff

I was sorry to see General Kelly resign, but after losing a son in combat and working in the swamp for a year, I can understand his desire to go home to his family.

Thankfully, VP Pence’s former Chief of Staff, Nick Ayers, has refused the position. Mike Pence is a globalist insider and with Ayers as Chief of Staff, Pence would have had even more inside info to plan for his presidency.  Remember Pence was the head of the transition team and brought in many establishment insiders. He has been funded by the Koch brothers and Dick and Betsy DeVos for years.

Republican Representative Mark Meadows, chairman of the conservative Freedom Caucus; U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer; budget director Mick Mulvaney and Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker are all being considered.

AG Nominee William P. Barr

William Barr served as the 77th United States Attorney General from 1991 to 1993 during the first Bush administration. He is also a past employee of the CIA. Barr is a member of the Republican Party and is a devoutly pro-life.  However, not all Republicans are conservative, and we know the entire Bush family voted for Hillary Clinton.  The Bushes represent the establishment globalists in their party.  But what really concerns me about William Barr is his propensity for spying on American citizens.

Mr. Barr strongly supports the Patriot Act which violates every American’s fourth amendment right to privacy.  The Constitution provides us with more protection and safety than the surveillance state ever will.

An NSA Whistle-Blower tells all in this video to filmmaker Laura Poitras.  She profiled William Binney, a 32-year veteran of the National Security Agency who helped design a top-secret program he says is broadly collecting Americans’ personal data.

Barr would be favored by Robert Mueller as far as surveillance is concerned.  Mueller implicitly argues that the perpetual and ubiquitous data collection of the digital and telephonic communications of law-abiding Americans is constitutional.  For thorough documentation of same, see Louisiana State Senator John Milkovich’s book, Robert Mueller, Errand Boy for the New World Order.

It is also disturbing that Barr has been a big fan of taking people’s property through civil asset forfeiture without a conviction. Many poor people in our country have cash taken from them and then the government says, “Prove to us where you got the cash and then you can get it back,” the burden is on the individual. It’s a terrible thing called civil asset forfeiture and William Barr is a big fan.

During his first stint as Attorney General, Barr was involved in the Rodney King affair and in 1991, he confirmed federal indictments of the officers involved in the beating.

In October 1991, Barr appointed then retired Democratic Chicago judge Nicholas Bua as special counsel in the Inslaw scandal.  In 1989, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jack Brooks, D-Texas, launched a three-year investigation into the Inslaw affair. In the resulting report, the Committee suggested that among others, Edwin Meese, while presidential counselor and later as attorney general, and Democrat D. Lowell Jensen a former assistant and deputy attorney general and former US district judge in San Francisco, conspired to steal PROMIS software.

Bua’s 1993 report found the DOJ of no wrong doing in the matter, despite a 12-year lawsuit by Bill Hamilton’s company, Inslaw, regarding the government theft of their software.  One journalist, Danny Casolaro, died as he attempted to tell the story and boxes of documents relating to the case were destroyed, stolen, or conveniently “lost” by the DOJ. Software piracy, conspiracy, cover-up, stonewalling, covert action…just another decade at the corrupt DOJ.

Justice Brett Kavanaugh

America watched an unbelievably vile senate confirmation of this new Justice of the Supreme Court.  In the latest ruling regarding hearing a case concerning states’ rights and the authority of Louisiana and Kansas to defund Planned Parenthood, Justice Kavanaugh sided with Chief Justice Roberts and the liberals.  It takes the vote of four justices to agree to hear a case, and there were only three who wanted to hear it.  Justices Alito, Thomas and Gorsuch. Bad decisions will now stand.

“So, what explains the Court’s refusal to do its job here?” Justice Thomas wrote. “I suspect it has something to do with the fact that some respondents in these cases are named ‘Planned Parenthood.’ That makes the Court’s decision particularly troubling, as the question presented has nothing to do with abortion.”  He continued, “It is true that these particular cases arose after several States alleged that Planned Parenthood affiliates had, among other things, engaged in ‘the illegal sale of fetal organs’ and ‘fraudulent billing practices,’ and thus removed Planned Parenthood as a state Medicaid provider… But these cases are not about abortion rights.”

Brett Kavanaugh may have tried to protect his own hide from the democrats desire to impeach him…or he may have buckled to the extreme left to salvage his own reputation. I expected him to put the babies before his own reputation, and he failed.  Kavanaugh repeatedly described the court’s decision on Roe v. Wade as “settled law of the land” and “an important precedent.”  Obviously, he believes in Stare Decisis.

Past Republican nominees of Supreme Court justices, Sandra Day O’Connor, Anthony Kennedy, David Souter and John Roberts have all been disappointments.

The issue was whether states can defund Planned Parenthood, and the case should have been heard, and the lower courts’ decisions overturned.


Washington insiders have said the two people who advise Trump are his daughter Ivanka and VP Pence.  Ivanka is loved dearly by her father, and he listens to her advice.  He surely knows that Ivanka and Jared were both registered democrats and are friends with Chelsea Clinton and many of the powerful New York Democrat families.  This isn’t going to change, and I would surmise that Ivanka promotes moderate republicans at best, and leans far more to the left than does her father.

Vice President Mike Pence is another story.  I have never trusted the man.  I researched how he voted while in Congress for 12 years and he showed himself to be an open border and free trade aficionado.  He was despised in Indiana after only one term as governor.  He desires the presidency and he has long been funded by the Koch brothers and Dick and Betsy DeVos.  He has known Kellyanne Conway for years, whose husband George daily denigrates our President.  He is President Trump’s Trojan Horse.

Mike Pence carries a Bible out front, and a knife behind his back.  He is friends with the neo-con Trotskyite Republicans who are stonewalling Trump’s promises of a wall, of elimination of Obamacare, of defunding Planned Parenthood and the United Nations.

The Koch brothers back full legalization of abortion, Agenda 21, gay marriage, stem cell research, amnesty, and open borders, and the billionaires fund organizations who promote their agendas. See these articles, The Pernicious Influence Of The Koch Brothers and The Koch Brothers, Purveyors Of Dark Money.

Apparently, no one vets the administration hires thoroughly.  Loyalty is what counts, and never having said anything against Trump on social media.  This is foolish at best, and destructive at worst.  I could vet these people far better than anyone in this administration has thus far accomplished.  It is appalling because it keeps our President open to disgrace, a good example is Rob Porter.


President Trump lost the most brilliant of men in his administration early on.  That man was purposely set up by the corrupt Department of Justice, and Trump never should have allowed it.  Neither did he do due diligence nor his homework.  He listened to the wrong people.  This is Trump’s Achilles heel, he lacks discernment despite his pragmatism and his ability to make deals.  You cannot deal with evil demonic entities who inhabit the very core of our government.

Nothing has been done to eliminate the enemies of freedom who reside in those alleged halls of justice.  Sessions is gone, but I don’t see Rosenstein being eliminated, I don’t see Huber’s report coming forth to expunge the filth in our FBI, I don’t see the Office of the Investigator General coming forth with a new report and all of this should have been done long ago.  Time is fleeting and two years of Democrats as the House majority will be another nightmare from hell.

Trump should trust no one.

P.S. News with Views exists because of donations from readers.  The costs are high to keep this website running with several computers and the outside organizations who keep the enemies of freedom from attacking the site.  Every donation is helpful and is needed. Please consider donating monthly as fewer and fewer lights of truth are out there for patriots today. Use PayPal if possible.  Donate here.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Sovereignty Requires Sealed American Borders

President Trump was right to order troops to our border with Mexico to reinforce our overworked law enforcement officials and protect our sovereignty.  No amount of leftist protestations should distract us from the fact that the primary purpose of our military is to provide security to America. And that’s exactly what the men and women in our military are doing. —Retired Army Brig. Gen. Anthony J. Tata writes in Fox News.

If you do not take an interest in the affairs of your government, then you are doomed to live under the rule of fools. —Plato

Let’s face it, the border needs to be permanently closed, the wall needs to be built. It needs to be a wall no one can climb…a wall just like the one that surrounds the Vatican wherein open border Pope Francis resides.  The dictatorial judiciary needs to reread the Constitution, sit down, and shut up.

The President-elect of the United States upon inauguration, takes an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.  Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution is clear, “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against invasion.  We need to explain this to the Congress.

The Honduran Hordes

Males aged 18 to 40 are 90% of these Honduran hordes claiming asylum from violence in Honduras that doesn’t exist. The MSM however shows only scripted pictures of women and children which has been proven false by both Judicial Watch and Ami Horowitz.  This so-called caravan is a highly organized and created attack on our border and promoters uprooted these people simply to push a particular political agenda.

As I stated in a previous article, George Soros funded the organizations responsible for creating this crisis.  The migrants had water, food, mobile hospitals, children’s services, and tour busses as transportation. It actually looked like a “caravan” with all the busses and trucks loaded with people.  They walked very seldom.  These migrants look healthy, some too chubby, well dressed, good shoes, back packs, tents etc.

The Mexicans did not want these people in their country albeit some migrants have accepted Mexican asylum, but the illegals had a Mexican police escort through the State.  The United Nations Commission of Refugees and UNICEF was instrumental in helping these people via American tax dollars.

Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell are allegedly striking a deal with the Democrats to pass a State Department spending package that restores and preserves the United Nations’ funding. Most of Trump’s cuts would be undone and the UN would be free to use American tax dollars to assault our sovereignty.

The vote on the spending package has now been scheduled. In less than two weeks, GOP traitors will try to push this UN funding through.

Chris Farrell of Judicial Watch interviewed Ami Horowitz.  The 18-minute interview explains the planned invasion.  The goal is to degrade U.S. security, degrade U.S. sovereignty and create a manufactured crisis and they’ve accomplished all three.

History and The Ripple Effect

I was reminded by a friend in Israel about the 1960 Edward R. Murrow CBS documentary Harvest of Shame.  CBS gave America a close look at poverty with migrant workers.  Even 58 years ago, the news media used a leftist slant when they accepted the first thing out of the mouths of migrant children even when it was untrue or exaggerated.

Back then, the field workers were mostly poor black Americans with a few migrants from Mexico, but today, the majority of migrant workers are from Mexico and Haiti.  They’re often paid by the piece, meaning the more fruit or vegetables they pick, the more they get paid. Since 1966, they’re also covered under minimum wage.  Today however, there is a chronic surplus of labor.

The ripples in America started in 1960 and we didn’t recognize them then as setting up Americans for white guilt, class tension and open border immigration for people who will “do jobs Americans won’t do.”  Now those ripples are a tsunami.

In 1981, my daughter was in high school, and she spent two summers de-tasseling corn from sunup to sundown.  She wasn’t paid a lot, but she made decent money for a high school youngster, and my daughter did this while wearing a thick plastic scoliosis back brace in the midwestern heat.  Few of today’s young people would work that hard for extra dollars. We remembered the stories from parents and grandparents who lived through the 1929 depression.

President Reagan’s Amnesty

The influx of illegal aliens receiving amnesty or asylum has increased exponentially since 1960, and even more since President Ronald Reagan’s amnesty via the Immigration Reform and Control Act.  Reagan signed a sweeping immigration reform bill into law. It was sold as a crackdown: There would be tighter security at the Mexican border, and employers would face strict penalties for hiring undocumented workers.

But the bill also made any immigrant who’d entered the country before 1982 eligible for amnesty — a word not usually associated with the so-called father of modern conservatism.  The law granted amnesty to nearly 3 million illegal immigrants, yet was largely considered unsuccessful because the strict sanctions on employers were stripped out of the bill for passage.

Reagan helped to open the influx of illegals when he stated, “I believe in the idea of amnesty for those who have put down roots and lived here, even though some time back they may have entered illegally.”  Thank you, President Reagan, you were one of the catalysts who precipitated this border nightmare.

Reagan’s own diaries show the president found the idea of a militantly staffed border fence difficult to take. In a private meeting with then-President Jose Lopez Portillo of Mexico in 1979, Reagan wrote that he hoped to discuss how the United States and Mexico could make the border “something other than the location for a fence.”

LBJ’s 1965 Immigration Act

President Lyndon Johnson signed the Hart-Celler Act into law in October 1965.

The 1965 Immigration Act allowed “chain migration” preference for extended family members such as siblings and in-laws, immigration has not been a net positive to the U.S. economy, a total understatement today.

The current U.S. legal immigration system allows for newly naturalized citizens to bring an unlimited number of foreign relatives to the U.S. This process, known as “chain migration,” makes up more than 70 percent of all legal immigration to the country. Link

According to a 2013 Heritage Foundation study on the potential impact of amnesty on government fiscal measures, using 2010 census data, the average unlawful immigrant household uses over $14,000 in government benefits and services annually in excess of their total income and sales tax contributions. Giving amnesty to illegal households does not improve their net contribution to the U.S. economy. It increases their average deficit to $22,700 annually, because of higher welfare eligibility and, of course, social security.

Chain Migration

Congressman Steve King said that those 3 million people who “received amnesty” under the 1986 Reagan law added an additional five people for each newly legalized person, to reflect those legalized under family reunification policies. That means an additional 15 million people. If 71 percent of the combined 18 million Americans voted for Obama, King argued, then Obama benefited from nearly 13 million votes due to the act.

Over the last 35 years, chain migration has greatly exceeded new immigration. Out of 33 million immigrants admitted to the United States from 1981 to 2016, about 20 million were chain migration immigrants (61 percent).  According to the most complete contemporary academic studies on chain migration, in recent years each new immigrant sponsored an average of 3.45 additional immigrants.

In the early 1980s, the chain migration multiplier was 2.59, or more than 30 percent lower. Of the top immigrant-sending countries, Mexico has the highest rate of chain migration. In the most recent five-year cohort of immigrants studied (1996-2000), each new Mexican immigrant sponsored 6.38 additional legal immigrants.

Congress could mitigate the chain migration impact of a DACA amnesty by eliminating and/or scaling back the three main categories of chain migration (parents, adult sons and daughters, and siblings of citizens). If the controversial visa lottery program also were eliminated, legal immigration would be reduced by 20 percent.

Rocks and Tear Gas

Southern border illegal aliens aren’t throwing pebbles, they’re throwing large rocks, rocks that kill if they hit their targets…our border patrol agents.  Louisiana Congressman Clay Higgins was a police Captain when he made the following one-minute video showing how patrol agents must arm their vehicles to avoid being hit by rocks.

Migrants approaching the U.S. border from Mexico were enveloped with tear gas after a few tried to breach the fence separating the two countries.

The use of tear gas is nothing new.  Newsweek reported that Obama used both tear gas and pepper spray dozens of times.  One article said it was used every month during Obama’s administration.  U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency (CBP) has shone a light on just how common the use of tear gas and pepper spray at the border really is.

The agency deployed the substance a total of 29 times in fiscal year 2018, which ended on September 30, 2018.   Data also showed that the substance was deployed nearly the same number of times in fiscal years 2012 and 2013 under former President Barack Obama, with CBP using the substance 26 times in fiscal year 2012 and 27 times in fiscal year 2013.

In terms of pepper spray use, deployments appeared to soar under the Obama administration, with CBP personnel using the substance 95 times in fiscal year 2012, a number that climbed to 151 in 2013, before dropping to 109 in fiscal year 2014.

Border agents face making split second decisions regarding the use of force.  Migrants from Central America screamed through a border wall at a U.S. Border Patrol agent after he pulled down a banner Sunday, Nov. 25, 2018, in San Diego.

Rock throwing migrants put women and children in the front lines, just like the Palestinians do with Israel.  The men hide behind the innocents.

Communicable Diseases and Criminal Elements

Sidney Powell author of Licensed to Lie was a recent guest on Lou Dobbs’ show and stated that these illegal aliens are bringing in diseases and illnesses to America.  Immediately Dobbs shut her down and said we didn’t have proof of what she was saying.  Sidney was right, and we now have documentation from Tijuana of the many illnesses of these illegal immigrants.

Fox News reported that out of 6,000 migrants currently residing in the city, over a third of them (2,267) are being treated for health-related issues.  More than 60 percent of them have respiratory infections.  There are three cases of tuberculosis, four cases of HIV/AIDS, 101 cases of lice and skin infections, and four cases of chicken pox…and serious cases of hepatitis because of the unsanitary conditions in which they’re living.  Migrants might well start a Typhus epidemic and bring in life threatening Chagas disease which is epidemic in Latin America. Link

Ellis Island, where new immigrants came into this country, checked the health of those coming to America.  If they were sick, they were quarantined to protect our populace.  Today, every person is allowed into this country without health quarantines.  We need to desperately go back to the Ellis Island requirements for entry into our country.

The Department of Homeland Security reports there are more than 600 embedded convicted criminals and MS-13 gang members within these hordes. Drug cartels, human traffickers, and common criminals want access to Americans.  Trump is right to stop it.  Permanently close the border!

The citizens of Tijuana don’t want them in their city, and have called them an invasion!  And now, Tijuana Mayor Juan Manuel Gastelum called for the arrest of the organizers of the Central American illegal migrant caravans.  He told Fox News that illegal migrant organizers forced women and children to the front of the protest last weekend and then started hurling rocks at US border agents.  Watch the Fox News interview!

Murder and Mayhem

According to numerous websites, America’s civilian terror toll within the borders of the United States increases at a rate of more than 12 dead Americans a day. Illegal aliens have murdered more people in the USA than were killed on 9/11 plus all our war dead so far in Afghanistan and Iraq combined.  Illegals have murdered more than 75,468 people inside the USA since 9/11, that’s almost 4,200 per year, and this is a low estimate.

The U.S. Border patrol reports that illegal immigration across the 1,940-mile-long America-Mexico border is staggering.

An average of 10,000 illegal aliens cross the border every day – over 3 million per year. A third will be caught and many of them immediately will try again. About half of those remaining will become permanent U.S. residents (3,500 per day) or 1,277,500 per year.  Quite obviously the 20-year repetitious statistic of 11 to 12 million illegals residing in America is a drop in the bucket compared to the multi-millions now here.

Fox News reports that Border Patrol agents are averaging 641 arrests every day, which works out to 19,230 in a month, or 7,018,950 per year.  One has to wonder how many make it into the country who are never caught.

More than likely we have upwards of 70 to 80 million illegal aliens residing in the United States.


The Daily Caller reports that, “there has been a 110 percent increase in male adults showing up at the border with children. Further, DHS separated 507 illegal immigrants between April 19 and September 30 because they fraudulently claimed they were part of a family unit.”

NewsWithViews Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri reported Violence in Tijuana where immigrants were attacking Mexican citizens but police were standing down.

Member of European Parliament (MEP) Marcel de Graaff warns that the United Nations global compact on migration will make it a criminal offense for citizens and media outlets to criticize mass immigration.

We have but one chance to close the border and keep our country safe.  Write your congress creatures and our President and demand the entire southern border be shut down!

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

The Lunatic Communist Left And The Complicit Right Wing

The idea of God is the keynote of a perverted civilization. It must be destroyed. —Karl Marx

Keep people from their history and they are easily controlled. —Karl Marx

Contentment makes poor men rich; Discontent makes rich Men poor. —Ben Franklin

The late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand spent 14 years as a prisoner of the Communist government in Romania, where he was persecuted for his faith in Jesus Christ. His experience led him to spend further years researching Karl Marx and the Communist doctrines he developed. While Communism portrays itself as a noble endeavor for the good of mankind, and claims an Atheistic view, Wurmbrand exposes its true roots, revealing that Karl Marx and the fathers of the modern Communist/Socialist movements were inspired by the powers of darkness.

Wurmbrand’s studies of Marx and his followers led him to write Marx and Satan.  He understood that the “prince of darkness” gave these men the “sword” by which they have terrorized the nations.  The Pastor proves this movement, still alive and festering in the United States today, is not simply the work of greedy men, hungry for wealth and power, but is “after the working of Satan” with the intent of destroying mankind. McCarthy was right, Marxists have infiltrated our local, state and federal governments.

College Professors

Pastor Wurmbrand was Jewish, and he understood that Marx was a rabid anti-Semite.  As I wrote in my last article, an extensive study of 8,688 tenure-track professors at 51 of the 66 top-ranked liberal arts colleges in the U.S. published by the National Association of Scholars found that the ratio of faculty members registered as Democrats (read that socialists) compared to those registered Republican is now a stunning 12.7 to 1.

Professors teach that the Palestinians are just, and the smallest nation in the middle east, Israel, should be destroyed.  They never tell of the brilliant medical advances as well as the inventions and discoveries by these amazing Israelites. There are only 15 million Jews in the entire world, they are God’s gift to mankind.

Racism and sexual assaults are used today to destroy people who have stood for truth, and our history has been destroyed under the guise of past racism.  As Marx stated, “Keep people from their history and they are easily controlled.”

This is what our education is doing, kindergarten through university.  Think about all the magnificent statues of past veterans and honorable southern leaders, destroyed by the fools who have no clue of real history…only the false history taught in our government schools. Their goal is destruction of our Constitution.

The federal government controls all education other than private, religious and home schoolers with their federal tax dollars.  Once any of these schools take one penny of tax monies, they too receive federal regulations…teaching socialism, hatred, victimization, and weakness. One need only read the 1933 statement from Pastor J. Gresham Machen on The Necessity of the Christian School to understand why vouchers, choice and tax credits are a danger to the last few independent schools.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

The newest Democrat Congresswoman elected in the State of New York representing the Bronx and Queens is a hardcore communist.  She is a Bernie aficionado, and like Bernie is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America.  Ocasio-Cortez was endorsed by progressive and civil rights organizations such as MoveOn, Justice DemocratsBrand New Congress (formed by Bernie Sanders supporters), Black Lives Matter, Democracy for America, and by gubernatorial candidate Cynthia Nixon, who, like Ocasio-Cortez, also challenged a longtime incumbent, Andrew Cuomo, in the 2018 New York gubernatorial election.  Ocasio-Cortez is supportive of every leftist cause, that supports her communist beliefs.

Ocasio-Cortez comes off as ignorant when she says things like, “When I’m inaugurated,” or that the three branches of government are “President, House, and Senate,” or “Congressmen, Congresswomen, and President.”

The “Medicare for All” plan being pushed by Senator Bernie Sanders and endorsed by a host of Democratic congressional and presidential hopefuls, includes Ocasio-Cortez.  A study by the George Mason University Mercatus Center claims Medicare-for-All would cost $32.6 trillion in government spending over 10 years.  Mere pennies!

Yes, she sounds like a total moronic fruitcake, but don’t be fooled.  This 29-year-old intends to be the next Nancy Pelosi.  She has a degree in economics from Boston University although you’d never know it.  She was an intern in the immigration department of Senator Ted Kennedy.  Quite obviously her oath to our Constitution will mean nothing since they are anathema to our founders’ liberties and freedoms.

Dave Merrick’s article, “The Manchurian Counterfeit” is instructive. He’s telling us that she is the next big Socialist Democrat to quickly rise to stardom.  Here’s a tidbit from his phenomenal article:

Alexandria Ocasio – Cortez is even more clever and slippery than a love child of Barack and Hillary on steroids.  Don’t let anyone tell you that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is another dumbbell added to the roster of liberal morons.

Islamist Hijabs in Congress

One of the Dems first official acts will ordain oppressive Islamist hijabs for wear in congress, changing 181 years of Congressional rules banning headwear.  Member-elect Somali Ilhan Omar, (D-MN) will be the first member of congress to wear a hijab.  She replaces Keith Ellison, a former acolyte of anti-Semitic minister Louis Farrakhan.

The newly elected Democratic majority in the U.S. House of Representatives is moving to embrace the hijab which is a symbol of Islamist oppression towards women and is sanctioned by sharia and fatwas. Under the Dems new proposal, this is a change proposed jointly by Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi, Incoming Rules Chairman Jim McGovern and member-elect Ilhan Omar and is part of a larger overhaul package.

The rule would be relaxed to allow religious headwear, like a hijab or kippah.  I’m all for the kippah since our society was based on Judeo-Christian beliefs, but if this law goes through, then how about native Americans wearing feathered head dresses and Indians wearing turbans, etc.

Omar had married her brother in 2009 to get him into the country illegally via some visa situation, and only recently went through the exercise of divorcing him.  This anti-Semite Muslim criticized anti-Israel boycotts during her campaign, but less than a week after being elected, she admitted that she supports the boycotts. This is taqiya which means Muslims are allowed to lie to infidels. They are wolves in sheep’s clothing. Ask yourself why all Muslims in Congress are Democrats, and remember the Nazi (National Socialism) connection to Islamic terrorism.

Omar will be joined by fellow Midwestern Democrat, Michigan’s Rashida Tlaib, as the first two Muslim women in Congress.

Voters can thank the 45 members of congress who retired this year because they believed the fake media reports about their alleged slim chances of being reelected and/or because they are still NeverTrumpers.

Sanders and Booker on Drug Prices

Socialist Bernie Sanders says he wants to strip patents from drug producers if their prices are too high.  This is pretty much the same thing “Spartacus” socialist 2020 presidential candidate Cory Booker is thinking. They apparently don’t want to give drug companies incentive for research on MS, epilepsy, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, etc.

What Bernie and Cory want is to lose the race for the cures.  Yes, American drug companies even with all their faults, do the research and foreign nations rely on this and sell the products at a discounted price…they never put any monies into the R and D.  Extending patents into perpetuity is ridiculous, they do need to go generic after the allotted time.  However, cutting their funds for research and development is just as insane.  I’m not with Trump on rushing these drugs to market that have not been thoroughly tested via clinical trials.  I remember Thalidomide only too well, along with a great number of other damaging drugs…Vioxx, Celebrex, et al.

Newt Blasts Vote Cheating Dems

So just where in heaven’s name are the Republicans in Congress screaming about the vote fraud in this election?  They haven’t said a word.  Former speaker Newt Gingrich, a man I’ve never trusted, actually blasted Democrats for their vote fraud, but have you heard a word from the majority Republicans in Congress?  Nada, even though Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-FL) was tossed out of Broward County for filming vote fraud, as stated in a recent article.

In a conversation with Fox News host Laura Ingraham, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich criticized Democrats for blaming their midterm election losses on Republican cheating while simultaneously trying to commit fraud in Florida and elsewhere. Link

Where is our representation for the taxpaying voters? They are silent…why?  Because the majority of them are part and parcel of the democratic socialist cabal promoting globalism…and this is why they fail to help our President pass his desired legislation.

“If you don’t let the Democrat win, then you’re cheating,” Gingrich said. “And it’s been stolen because you’re not allowed to win. They’re supposed to win.”

He’s right, the “resistance” is without conscience, they are haters who will destroy the country over their loss.

If you thought it was bad this time around, just wait until Trump demolishes their 2020 candidate. The howling will be historic.

Senate Republican Hold Up

Two of President Trump’s pics for top national security posts are being held up by Senate Republicans over issues unrelated to their qualifications, with the nominations set to expire this year and the current session of Congress winding to a close.  Rand Paul put a hold on the nomination of Joseph Maquire to head the National Counterterrorism Center, a position vacant over a year. He wants more information from the administration on how metadata collected by spy agencies is used by the government.

Chuck Grassley has placed a hold on William Evanina, Trump’s pick to head the National Counter Intelligence and Security Center over a long running fight with the intel community about access to highly classified documents.

Worse yet, the GOP Senate should confirm more nominees in December, but will they?  The lame duck 115th Congress is truly lame!  McConnell has filed cloture on two judicial nominees, Thomas Alvin Farr for a district court seat in NC, and Jonathan A. Kobes to fill an appellate vacancy on the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals.  The plan is to vote on the two judges and three executive nominees in the next two weeks.  But guess what!?  A total of 32 judicial nominees are still awaiting confirmation on the floor, and the Senate should push through these nominees lest they have to be reported out of the Judiciary Committee again in the next Congress.  God help us, the new 2019 Congress is led by Commies!

Jeff Flake (R-AZ) is threatening to hold up the 20 judges still awaiting a vote in committee, including six circuit-court nominees.  Flake says he wants a vote on a bill to prevent Trump from firing special counsel Robert Mueller, who is an inferior officer in the executive branch.  God help me, Flake is a perverted ass, and he knows damn well that Trump will not fire Mueller, even though he should have been canned immediately.

The bill proposed is unconstitutional and Flake knows it…blocking judges to spite Trump is a tactic of the controlled opposition Republican Party cabal.  Fourteen percent of the judiciary is vacant … the White House can hardly nominate folks fast enough and the GOP Senate needs to confirm as many more judges as soon as possible this year, even if it means more days in DC.  Don’t give me the excuse of a lack of time…get it done!

Chief Justice John Roberts

Roberts, President George W. Bush’s appointee as Chief Justice, was responsible in 2012 for changing the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate into a tax and thus rescuing President Obama’s signature legislation. He made himself totally untrustworthy with that decision.

Article I, Section 7, Clause 1 says: “All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with amendments as on other bills.” This clause was put in to ensure that that most awesome federal power was lodged in the political body most sensitive to public opinion.

“The power to tax is the power to destroy,” John Marshall wrote in the foundational 1819 case of McCulloch v. Maryland, so the Framers wanted to ensure that any such destruction came from the people themselves. (Unfortunately, those in the U.S. House of Representatives today rarely represent the people.)

This destruction came from the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.  Like Justice Ginsburg nasty comments about candidate Trump in 2016, Roberts verbally attacked our President.

Chief Justice John Roberts rebutted President Donald Trump’s statement that a ruling on Trump’s illegal alien asylum was made by “an Obama judge.”

Roberts responded, “We do not have Obama judges or Trump judges, Bush judges or Clinton judges. What we have is an extraordinary group of dedicated judges doing their level best to do equal right to those appearing before them.”  Like hell we don’t Justice Roberts!

Trump tweeted, “Sorry Chief Justice John Roberts, but you do indeed have “Obama judges,” and they have a much different point of view than the people who are charged with the safety of our country. It would be great if the 9th Circuit was indeed an “independent judiciary,” but if it is, why are so many opposing views (on Border and Safety) cases filed there, and why are a vast number of those cases overturned. Please study the numbers, they are shocking. We need protection and security – these rulings are making our country unsafe! Very dangerous and unwise!

Roberts said on the day before Thanksgiving that an “independent judiciary is something we should all be thankful for.”

Well, I know what Roberts is full of, and it isn’t Thanksgiving turkey…


The left and right are two wings of the same bird.  Both belong to the same globalist establishment cabal to destroy America.  It’s up to us, and we had better both work and pray.

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Socialists Are Stealing Elections And Destroying The Republic

It’s not the people who vote that count, it’s the people who count the votes. —Communist leader Joseph Stalin

Just as feudalism was an advance over slavery, and capitalism was the next step after feudalism, socialism is the next step after capitalism. Socialism in America will come through the ballot box. —American Communist Gus Hall

The Christians are always singing about the blood.  Let us give them enough of it.  Let us cut their throats and drag them over the altar!  And let them drown in their own blood!  I dream of the day when the last priest is strangled on the guts of the last preacher.  —American Communist Gus Hall

Communist Control

Our Department of Justice (DOJ) is thoroughly corrupt.  There is no justice for the lawbreakers but plenty of injustice for the innocent. One need only look at the cast of characters in both politics and the DOJ who should have long ago been indicted, tried and convicted, all of whom are Democrats, with a sprinkling of Trotskyite Republicans.

We call Democrats liberals (bleeding hearts is a total fallacy, they bleed for no one), and progressives…another euphemistic term as though they are moving toward progress.  Progress into what… an oligarchy or totalitarianism with complete subservience to the state? They used these ambiguous terms and many others in order to appeal to the ignorant. Back when this started had they called themselves Marxists, which is what they truly are, it may have gotten them shot or hung.

Marxist doesn’t fully define them today.  I would call them Leninists or Stalinists because the violence and oppression they are pushing for is right along the lines of Stalin’s purges and Lenin’s “Red Terror.”

Hillary Clinton said, “Civility can start again when democrats take control of the House and/or the Senate.”  Sounds a lot like National Socialist Hitler who said, “We shall only talk of peace when we have won the war.”  The Democrats turn to Socialism is an ominous sign for the party and for the country.

Bernie Sanders, newly elected Congresswomen Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and Palestinian Muslim Rashida Tlaib are not the only communists in our Congress. Since November 2016, nationwide membership of the Democratic Socialists of America  (DSA) jumped from 5,000 to 40,000 and before the midterms to 52,000. There are now at least 77 DSA members in the 115th Congress, and back in the 111th Congress, eleven of them sat on the Judiciary Committee.  More will be on the Committee in 2019, and most of them are funded by George Soros’ MoveOn.org.

The political left has been known as Marxists for many years. The infamous Weather Underground terrorist organization of the 1970’s held the political ideology of Marxist Socialism, not liberalism.  The 44th American President was great friends with unrepentant lying terrorist, Bill Ayers, who now calls himself a communist with a small “c.” Ayers is a retired professor in the College of Education at the University of Illinois at Chicago, formerly holding the titles of Distinguished Professor of Education and Senior University Scholar.

Snowflake Universities

Core values, traditions, the American family and the ideas of accomplishment and achievement are being destroyed, not just in our universities, but now in our high schools and middle schools.  Creative writing, creative thinking, reason, logic, all of these things are being weeded out as destructive and threatening to the objective of sameness and equality and equity.  The core of today’s college and university doctrine is socialism.  Academic education has been destroyed in every educational establishment that has accepted federal tax dollars.  The rising popularity of socialism is threatening America’s future.

Our children are molded from kindergarten through high school with the socialist indoctrination found in common core!  When they reach the university level, they have been primed to accept socialism.  An extensive study of 8,688 tenure-track professors at 51 of the 66 top-ranked liberal arts colleges in the U.S. published by the National Association of Scholars found that the ratio of faculty members registered as Democrats (read that socialists) compared to those registered Republican is now a stunning 12.7 to 1.

It’s no wonder these propagandized and brainwashed young people vote for Democrats.  Since the late 1800s, this has been the plan of the ruling elite.  We saw the results in our recent midterm elections.

American Communists

In the 1940s and early 1950s, the Communists really did a number on Senator Joe McCarthy and destroyed his reputation, but the truth is out there.  Sen. McCarthy was absolutely right that communists had infiltrated our State Department and Hollywood.

Former State Department employee Alger Hiss was convicted of perjury in January 1950 for testimony dealing with accusations that he spied for the Soviet Union during the 1930s.  He was involved in the establishment of the United Nations both as a U.S. State Department official and as a UN official.

Blacklisted by History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy” by M. Stanton Evans will change forever how you think about Sen. McCarthy and the Soviet penetration of the U.S. government and society.  That was then, this is now and communists are even more prevalent today.

The Communist Party U.S.A. (its name varied in the early years) was founded in Chicago in 1919 and opened its national headquarters in that city in 1921. But the bulk of the movement’s members were in New York, and in 1927 Communist headquarters were shifted to a party-owned building in Manhattan two blocks south of Union Square.

New York would remain the capital city of American Communism from then on, and today, who really can deny that both Chicago and New York are led by those who favor communism. Leading communists such as William Z. Foster, Marxist Politician and General Secretary of the Communist Party from 1945 to 1957, and Earl Browder, leader of the Communist Party USA and General Secretary during the 1930s and 40s, had their offices on the top floor of the 12th Street building. It became the custom to refer to party leadership as the “ninth floor.” (And, for some reason, even in non- and anti-Communist left-wing circles, “the party” was always understood to refer to the Communists, rather than any rival organizations.)

No one wants to call today’s Democrats what they really are…full-fledged hardcore Communists, the same ones Joe McCarthy warned us about. Just take a gander at the 10 planks of the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx in 1848.

Read again the quotes by Gus Hall, former leader of the Communist Party USA, and four-time Presidential candidate, and note that John Brennan, the former CIA Director under President Obama, actually voted for Gus Hall in 1976.  In 1980 he was hired by the CIA.  In 2013, Obama hired John Brennan as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency in the corrupt justice department.  He held that position until January of 2017, and thankfully, President Trump finally pulled Brennan’s security clearance.  Is he a Communist?  Well, he certainly isn’t a patriot.

2018 Mid-Terms

Trump supporters are bereft over the latest election, they are apoplectic over these phony recounts which seem to happen every time a Republican wins the election by a narrow margin.  Every new mysteriously found batch of uncounted votes always supports the Socialist Democrat and destroys the Republican winner.  When Department of Homeland Security Director Kirstjen Nielsen reported that there was no vote fraud in this election and it was the most secure in history, I laughed out loud because vote fraud has been going on for decades.

One need only remember John F. Kennedy’s election in 1960 where his father, old Joe Kennedy had Mayor Daley’s Illinois Democrats make sure enough dead voters cast their ballots for his son.  And he won by just 8,800 votes, largely due to margins in Chicago where Mayor Daley tightly controlled the Cook County organization.  In Texas, home of Kennedy’s running mate Lyndon Johnson, he won by a margin of 46,000. Had Nixon carried both states, he would have won the electoral college, 270 to 252.

Mobsters Frank Costello and Meyer Lansky both confirmed late in their lives that Joe Kennedy Sr. was a gangster. He made his millions on illegal booze.  Sam Giancana, mob boss of the criminal Chicago Outfit from 1957–1966 said, “Joe Kennedy is one of the biggest crooks who ever lived.”

Lyndon Baines Johnson made sure he won a 1948 Texas election for Senator which he’d lost.  He overcame a 20,000-vote deficit to achieve his famous 87-vote victory in the 1948 Democratic runoff primary against a former Governor, Coke Stevenson. A South Texas political boss, George Parr, had manufactured thousands of votes for him, just as has happened in our recent 2018 midterm election, overturning several victories for Republicans.


President Trump and other Republicans are crying foul and accusing Democrats of trying to “steal” the election. Given the history of voter fraud in this country and the heavily Democratic makeup of Florida’s Broward and Palm Beach counties, their suspicions are probably justified.  The corruption in Broward is infamous.  The election supervisor, Brenda Snipes, even mixed bad provisional ballots with good.  Snipes has a history of allowing illegal aliens and felons to vote.

Florida Department of State officials have asked federal prosecutors to investigate possible election fraud in Broward County and three others where Florida Democratic Party volunteers are accused of sending voters altered state election documents with incorrect information.  Federal Prosecutors also discovered altered election documents in Broward County tied to Florida Democrats.

Senator Rubio was right when he tweeted, “Bay County was hit by a Cat 4 Hurricane just 4 weeks ago, yet managed to count votes and submit timely results. Yet over 41 hours after polls closed Broward elections office is still counting votes?”

Slim margins trigger automatic recounts, and ultimately the Democrat wins by a few hundred votes. In the 2008 Minnesota Senate race, Republican incumbent Norm Coleman was 215 votes ahead of Democrat Al Franken.  The recount put Franken ahead by 225 votes, but a later investigation showed that 1,099 felons, all of them ineligible, had voted.

A recount in Arizona took the Senate race from Martha McSally and gave it to Democrat Kyrsten Sinema.

Republican Brian Kemp won the gubernatorial race in Georgia after a recount battle.  Democrat Stacey Abrams says the voting laws in Georgia are too restrictive and she plans to change them.  Most likely she’d like felons and illegal aliens to cast votes.

As John Fund and Hans von Spakovsky note in their book “Who’s Counting?: How Fraudsters and Bureaucrats Put Your Vote at Risk,” most felons favor Democrats when they can vote.

Thankfully Rick Scott won the Senate seat over Bill Nelson, and Ron DeSantis won the gubernatorial race over Soros trained socialist, Andrew Gillum.


Election day doesn’t mean anything anymore when the Democrats can magically find thousands of uncounted votes that are for the losing Democrat, who then automatically asks for a recount and wins.

Devvy Kidd, a friend and fellow columnist for NewsWithViews, has written numerous articles on vote fraud.  It exists across America and is one of the weapons used by the socialists to install their fellow democrats. The Gateway Pundit reported that since election day, Democrats picked off over a dozen House seats and two Senate seats.

Senator Marco Rubio said, “Democrat lawyers came to Florida to get judges to change Florida elections laws, after the election. That isn’t a strategy to win an election, that is a strategy to steal an election.”

The indoctrinated elitists on both coasts think of us in the “fly over” area of America as the knuckle dragging, gun toting, Bible reading uneducated masses who shouldn’t count.  They want our votes eliminated and they’ll go to any lengths to do just that.

Do the Republicans care?  Since the majority of them lean left, why would they?

P.S.  With social media and main stream media both censoring conservatives, the few outlets who bring us the truth need to be supported.  One of those websites is NewsWithViews.  Our stable of writers work diligently to bring you their personal opinions and research on the status of American politics.  We need your continued help to maintain the website.  Won’t you please donate, (use Pay-Pal if possible) and tell your friends to sign up to receive the daily articles from this great conservative site.

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

The Real America And Her God Loving Patriotic Citizens

My definition, the definition that I’ve always believed in, is that esprit de corps means love for one’s own military legion – in my case, the United States Marine Corps. It means more than self-preservation, religion, or patriotism. I’ve also learned that this loyalty to one’s corps travels both ways: up and down. —Chesty Puller

Patriotism is easy to understand in America. It means looking out for yourself by looking out for your country. —President Calvin Coolidge

Patriotic Americans receive devastating news every day…news that either makes them give up, or makes them fight even harder.  We have to keep in mind that God is always in control…He always has been, and He always will be.  And He tells us to think on the good things.

In Philippians 4:8, He says, “Finally brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”

This article is about the good things … those things that represent the true American spirit of patriotic and God-fearing citizens who love this country and will fight for her to their last breath.

Louisiana Governor Huey Long

Huey Pierce Long Jr. (August 30, 1893 – September 10, 1935), self-nicknamed “The Kingfish,” was an American politician who served as the 40th governor of Louisiana from 1928 to 1932 and as a member of the United States Senate from 1932 until his assassination in 1935. He was a Democrat and an outspoken populist.  Had he not been assassinated, he may well have become President rather than Franklin Roosevelt.

When Huey ran for Governor of Louisiana, he made promises to the people.  One of those promises was that if the rural communities gathered enough signed petitions requesting electricity, Governor Long would make sure they received their requests.  My friend Joe told me the true story of how his grandfather gathered the signatures and gave the petitions to his son, Joe’s father.

Joe’s parents were married in the mid-1920s, and they lived in a rural Louisiana community.  Joe’s young father delivered those petitions to Governor Long.  Since Joe’s Dad lived on the other side of the Mississippi River, he had to walk several miles to the ferry, wait for it to come, and then ride it across the river and then walk a good distance to the State Capitol Building.

Back then you didn’t have to go through secretaries or wait for appointments, and Joe’s Dad simply told the secretary he needed to see the governor.  He told Governor Long why he was there and that he had the signed petitions requesting rural electricity. The Governor picked up the phone and called someone and told him that he wanted electricity distributed for these rural citizens.  Joe’s dad could hear both sides of the conversation, and when the Governor was told they couldn’t do it, Huey cussed him out and said, “I made a promise to the people, and God Dammit, you do it.”

Joe’s father thanked the Governor, made the long trek back to the ferry, and then the long walk back home.  When he was sitting down for dinner, he looked out the window, and there were the trucks coming with all the equipment and the poles to string electric lines.

That’s how our government worked back then when politicians kept promises and Americans knew they could count on most of them keeping their word. Rural Louisiana was blessed with electricity.

In 1936, a year after Huey Long was assassinated, the Rural Electrification Act was passed which provided federal loans for the installation of electrical distribution systems to serve isolated rural areas of the United States.

President Nixon

Richard Milhous Nixon (January 9, 1913 – April 22, 1994) was the 37th President of the United States from 1969 until 1974.  When he was a child, his mother read the Bible to him every single night.  She actually told him that one day God would call on him and he should be ready.

On Yom Kippur October 6, 1973, the Holiest of days in the Jewish calendar, a coordinated surprise attack came against Israel. To demonstrate how much Israel was up against: 180 Israeli tanks faced over 1400 Syrian tanks; closer to the Suez Canal, a mere 436 Israeli infantry were poised to fight over 80,000 Egyptian soldiers, this even after Israel’s military buildup. The attacks by Egypt and Syria were backed by nine Arab states as well as one non-Arab state: The Soviet Union.

President Nixon was awakened at 3 a.m. with a call from Israel’s leader, Golda Meir.  She told the President that they desperately needed America’s help to defend their nation.  Nixon immediately heard the voice of his mother… “One day God will call on you, and you must be ready.”

The President knew that the only way to end the crisis and push out the Communist influence was to provide American arms to the Israelis in order to defeat Russian arms in the hands of the Syrians and Egyptians. Both Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and the President wanted to conduct the airlift, but according to CIA Director Vernon Walters, “Nixon gave it the greater sense of urgency. He said, ‘You get the stuff to Israel. Now. Now.’”

Things did not go particularly well for Israel over the next couple days, but as Israel started to push back the daily advances, the Nixon Administration initiated Operation Nickel Grass, an American airlift to replace all of Israel’s lost munitions. This was huge, planeload after planeload of supplies literally allowed munitions and materiel to seemingly re-spawn for the Israeli counter effort, 567 missions were flown throughout the airlift, dropping over 22,000 tons of supplies. An additional 90,000 tons of materiel were delivered by sea. According to Abraham Rabinovich, “While the American airlift of supplies did not immediately replace Israel’s losses in equipment, it did allow Israel to expend what it did have more freely.”

Richard Nixon’s role, and that of those within his Administration, in the Yom Kippur War has been credited with literally saving Israel from an onslaught of potentially devastating attacks. The President recognized the threat that an Arab victory posed, the “threat of victory by Soviet arms,” according to author Conrad Black. The Soviet government was the Arab world’s chief supplier of munitions, and was strategically attempting to spread its influence throughout the region.

Nixon stands out among presidents for taking the boldest risk for Israel: a much-needed arms airlift during the 1973 Yom Kippur War. An astonishing 567 missions by American aircraft (not to mention deliveries by sea and El Al flights) kept Israel fighting. Nixon ignored the counsel of Henry Kissinger, who wanted to allow the war to play out for a while longer to give Egyptian President Anwar Sadat the political cover he needed to make peace in its aftermath. The stakes were too high for Israel to play with timing, Nixon told Kissinger.

Nixon had little to gain and much to lose. He was in his second term and, in any case, the Republican was never going to win over the largely liberal Jewish vote. The airlift helped spur an Arab oil embargo, driving gasoline prices sky high. Preoccupied by Watergate and mired in Vietnam, and against the advice of his Jewish adviser, Nixon risked a new war with the Soviets to save Israel.

“Those were momentous events in world history,” noted historian Stephen Ambrose. “Had Nixon not acted so decisively, who can say what would have happened? The Arabs probably would have recovered at least some of the territory they had lost in 1967, perhaps all of it. They might have even destroyed Israel. But whatever the might-have-beens, there is no doubt that Nixon “made it possible for Israel to win, at some risk to his own reputation and at great risk to the American economy,” historian Stephen Ambrose said.

“He knew that his enemies would never give him credit for saving Israel. He did it anyway.”

A great quote from this much maligned American President was very telling, when he said, “Americans admire a people who can scratch a desert and produce a garden. The Israelis have shown qualities that Americans identify with: guts, patriotism, idealism, a passion for freedom. I have seen it. I know. I believe that.”

President Nixon saved our best friend in the middle east and he kept his promise to God and his momma.

Donald J. Trump

At President Trump’s last rally before the mid-term elections, he was in Rush Limbaugh’s hometown of Cape Girardeau, Missouri.  Rush gave a rousing speech, and encouraged the audience to respond with all the slogans we’ve heard so many times.  Then as President Trump entered, Lee Greenwood sang his famous song, God Bless the USA.  Trump smiled, waved, and then embraced both men and shook their hands.

Several minutes into his speech, a woman close to the dais fainted.  Later we found out that she was diabetic and hadn’t eaten in a while.  President Trump asked if there was a doctor in the house and while she was being cared for, he asked for prayer from the audience. A physician came and the President was silent for eight minutes until the lady was loaded on a gurney and taken to an ambulance.  Trump said, “That’s one of our great people there.”

The audience watched as help came for the collapsed patriot and from the back of the crowd came voices raised in song.

In short order the entire audience joined in, singing the first verse of Amazing Grace.  A chill went up my spine and a tear ran down my cheek as I watched these remarkable American patriots sing that wonderful song while one of their own was helped by paramedics as our President waited and watched.


There are many more stories of America’s greatness, we all know that, but these three things from history epitomize the soul of this country, her people, and her greatest leaders, even with their faults and foibles.  As our Lord says, and as we must constantly do…think on the good things!

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Why The Red Wave Failed To Keep The House

My God!  How little do my countrymen know what precious blessings they are in possession of, and which no other people on earth enjoy!  —Thomas Jefferson

All Socialism is Democratic Socialism. Socialist nations take away civil liberties by referendum. Democratic Socialism is simply Totalitarianism that allows you the illusion of a voice in the matter. The theory of Communism may be summed up in one sentence: Abolish all private liberty.  —A.E. Samaan

Dear God, I bow my head and ask, if it be thy will, please save this land from those who seek to destroy it.

AWOL Sessions Resigns

News that will thrill Trump supporting Americans is that AG Sessions was asked to resign by President Trump.  His temporary replacement will be Matthew G. Whitaker, Chief of Staff to Attorney General Jeff Sessions at the Department of Justice.  Rod Rosenstein and Robert Mueller need to be ousted along with Sessions.

Long ago I came to the realization that Sessions was an establishment globalist with years in the Senate, and he was put into the Trump campaign as a foil to become part of the administration as a crucible to destroy this President.  I am still horribly sad about this because I thought this Alabama Senator was a good decent man…and it hurts my soul.

What do we need?  We need a man like Joe diGenova, one who would support our President, one who knows evil, and one who can easily smell deception and destroy it.

Joe diGenova has the background and chutzpah to clean out the DOJ, and I would suggest that President Trump offer Attorney diGenova the temporary job for a year to clean up the filthy DOJ mess.  If diGenova cannot leave his practice to help our President, then Mr. Trump needs to ask him who would be as exacting and knowledgeable as diGenova who could fill the spot and clean out the traitorous establishment Deep State insiders in the DOJ.

Historical Precedence

As the media has been telling us, historically first term presidents lose the majority in Congress during the midterms.  There are exceptions to this rule.  In 1934, Franklin Delano Roosevelt substantially increased the Democratic party’s majority in both the House of Representatives and the Senate.  Why?  Because of the Depression and FDR’s “New Deal.”

In the midterm elections of 2002, Republicans gained seats in both chambers of Congress. The Republicans picked up net gains of 2 Senate seats and 8 House seats.  Why?  Because of September 11, 2001.

Because of what President Trump has accomplished by himself, with little help from his congressional party members, it is astonishing and horrifying to true conservatives that we lost the House.

There Was No Blue Wave

One wonders if the spineless republicans chose retirement because they felt a media manufactured blue wave was on the horizon and believed the fake news.  The red wave should have, and could have taken the house as well.  Our President has done the most amazing job of single handedly turning back the socialist tide in America.

Depending on how you count, 39 Republicans and 18 Democrats were not running for re-election. That includes 13 Republicans and 10 Democrats who were leaving to seek another office, such as governor.  Excluding them, 26 Republicans and eight Democrats are walking away from their political careers at the end of the 115th Congress. That’s the purest retirements by Republicans and the fewest by Democrats since the 2008 election.

Where was our Trump hating Speaker Paul Ryan?  As a Republican he should have told the retiring Republicans to stay and help our President to save the country and the House majority.  But that’s not Paul Ryan, he’s an open border establishment globalist mediocre Republican and I fully believe he purposely stayed as Speaker to help destroy the majority in the House.  The good news is a conservative, Republican Bryan Steil, has won the former House seat held for 20 years by outgoing Speaker of the House Paul Ryan.

Then there’s the purposeful redistricting…Obama’s Soros groups were in charge setting up the congressional districts all over the country.  Conservatives tried to fight it but to no avail.

In Arizona they’re saying they just now found another 500,000 votes that weren’t counted.  Yeah right, you don’t just “find” another 500K votes.  But this is another way the Democrat, Krysten Sinema could “win” over Republican Martha McSally.  For those who believe there is no voter fraud, which has been proven time and again, it is rampant throughout every district in America.  Do your homework!

Nine out of eleven of the representatives Trump campaigned for won.  Those who didn’t want Trump’s help lost their bids.  And really, why would Americans vote for more mediocre and moderate Trump hating Republicans?  They abstained from voting.

The Press

The press disgraced itself again this morning during President Trump’s press conference regarding the election.  What animals!  Several reporters refused to concede the floor and hijacked the microphone.  Our President however, with the finesse of a leader, told those who report fake news to sit down…there were several ill-mannered and uncivil actions where the CNN media and others would not shut up.  The President put them in their places.  God but I love this man!

The White House has pulled Jim Acosta’s press credentials because of his rude and uncivilized behavior.  He is no longer allowed into our President’s press conferences

These fools should have lived under one of our past tyrannical presidents who would have closed their newspapers and imprisoned their editors…and that my friends was in the 1800s. Link


Oh yes, we’re irked, we’re pissed, we’re angry, we’re sad, we’re depressed and we’re fuming, but there’s more to come.  We know that the democratic house will attack this president at every opportunity, and he will have to increase his legal staff by at least ten times just for the democratic subpoenas sent his way.  The evil of the left will consistently try to destroy the President we voted for and put in our White House, but they will also try to destroy us who voted for him.  And this is why we have to decide that we’re going to be even stronger, and we’re going to help this president, the people in Congress who love him, and we’ll not only work, but also pray continually to Make America Great Again.

We’ve been given a reprieve, a chance, a Biblical Nineveh, and a glory of a man who loves our country and her people…stand with him, pray for him, and work for him…this is our only chance.  Don’t give up…not ever…our descendants are relying on us.

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Robert Mueller’s Amoral Abuse Of Power For The Elite

Over time, the hallmarks of a Mueller operation clearly emerge: Persecute the innocent.  Let culprits and killers go free.  Cover for covert operations, no matter how immoral.  Punish whistleblowers. Reward wrongdoing.  Use the weapons at hand to worship the State: misleading leaks, intimidation of witnesses, destruction of documents, bribery and lies.  In Mueller’s world, the truth itself is collateral damage.  —Louisiana State Senator John Milkovich

Judging by Mueller’s history, it doesn’t matter who he has to threaten, harass, prosecute or bankrupt to get to allege something or, for that matter, anything. It certainly appears Mueller will do whatever it takes to bring down his target — ethically or unethically — based on my findings.  —Texas Congressman Louie Gohmert

The Republicans absolutely must retain the majority in these midterm elections or we could face more of Rosenstein’s purposely created monster…Special Counsel Robert Mueller who has covered up and botched cases for decades. Robert Mueller should be looking in the mirror for Russian collusion by himself and Hillary Clinton in Uranium One. His recusal from the appointment by Rosenstein was required.

And now, Rod Rosenstein was apparently engaged in discussions with some corrupt FBI officials to wear a wire to record our President in order to help the Deep State.  Mr. Trump is most likely keeping him around until the Mueller investigation is over.  When that’s done, goodbye AG Sessions and Deputy AG Rosenstein.

Jeff Sessions has been an abysmal failure and Rosenstein is the most politically corrupt Deputy Attorney General in the history of this country.  Both of them are responsible for giving us two years of Robert Mueller whose government corruption goes back at least 30 years.  He is an evil, nefarious and treacherous figure, and Republicans truly are delusional if they think the special counsel was ever going to be fair.

The Mueller Book

Diane Long, a fellow Phyllis Schlafly Eagle from Louisiana sent me a book she said I absolutely must read.  I was stunned with the opening chapter.  We thought we knew about former FBI Director Robert Mueller and the Deep State infiltration of the Department of Justice (DOJ).  We thought we knew how totally untrustworthy they are, but this book by Louisiana State Senator and attorney John Milkovich takes it even further.  The title of the book is Robert Mueller, Errand Boy for the New World Order, and it is available on Amazon or through pay pal.

Congressman Louie Gohmert wrote a 15,500 word expose of Mueller entitled Robert Mueller Unmasked and he said this, “Robert Mueller has a long and sordid history of illicitly targeting innocent people. His many actions are a stain upon the legacy of American jurisprudence. He lacks the judgment and credibility to lead the prosecution of anyone.  I do not make these statements lightly. Each time I prepared to question Mueller during Congressional hearings, the more concerned I became about his ethics and behavior.”

Senator Milkovich’s book goes far deeper on several of Mueller’s targets including the Whitey Bulger Gang, Pan Am 103, Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI), Ruby Ridge, 9-11, Anthrax, Weapons of Mass Destruction, The Surveillance State and the War on President Donald J. Trump.

FBI History

As I’ve mentioned in previous articles, the history of the DOJ and the FBI leave much to be desired.  The DOJ was founded, and signed into law by President Ulysses S. Grant in 1870 and at that time eliminated one-third of federal legal staff.  People forget that the FBI is the National Security Agency’s (NSA) primary partner in domestic spying, which allows them to work in secret.

Edgar Hoover joined the DOJ in 1917 as the first Director of the FBI and immediately rose to prominence because of his role in the ”Red Scare” and ”Palmer Raids” in 1919. He subsequently ”served” 10 presidents and nearly twice as many attorneys general for 47 years.

Hoover spent his career amassing and expanding his power.  ”Hoover didn`t trust anyone he didn`t have something on,” an aide later acknowledged. ”He`s got files on everybody, damn it,” Richard Nixon said.

The FBI and much of the DOJ is built on political power, not on protecting the American citizenry from criminal elements.  Hoover had files on everyone, a protection factor for himself so that he could blackmail and control those in power.  Not much has changed.

Decades of FBI Corruption

Let’s go all the way back to brilliant crime writer, Jack Olsen’s Last Man Standing, the gripping story of Elmer “Geronimo” Pratt, a decorated military Viet Nam veteran war hero and community leader, who was framed by the FBI in one of the greatest travesties of justice in American history.  The FBI targeted Pratt in a cointelpro operation. Why?  Because Pratt as head of the Los Angeles Black Panthers did not believe in violence.

I spoke to author Jack Olsen, to Elmer Pratt, to his lawyers Stu Hanlon and Johnnie Cochran.  The theft of 27 years of this innocent man’s life is what the FBI is all about.

Elmer Pratt was convicted for the 1968 murder of Caroline Olsen on a Santa Monica tennis court. He spent 27 years in prison before the conviction was overturned in 1997 after a judge ruled that prosecutors had concealed evidence.

Geronimo Pratt spent a great deal of time in solitary confinement and was constantly a target of assassination. As a UCLA student though, he had led the Los Angeles Chapter of the Black Panther Party, and became the quarry of the FBI. Here is the spellbinding saga of Pratt, his lawyers, freeing Geronimo, and suing the FBI for false imprisonment for the first time in American history

In April 2000, a federal judge approved a $4.5 million settlement of the Pratt lawsuit, against the City of Los Angeles and the FBI.

We know many other unconstitutional actions were used by the FBI, and several of them are listed in Senator Milkovich’s amazing book.

Mob Boss Whitey Bulger

On 30 October 18, James “Whitey” Bulger, 89-year-old Boston mob boss, was killed in prison by a fellow inmate with mafia ties shortly after he was transferred to a West Virginia federal prison.

Bulger was reportedly wheeled away from security cameras and beaten with a lock in a sock and also had his eyes gouged out.  Sources told The Daily Mail that Whitey Bulger was about to out people in the FBI, specifically FBI officials of the informant program.

In the midst of Bulger’s homicidal heyday, from 1975 to 1994, Robert Mueller served as Assistant U.S. Attorney and later U.S. Attorney for Boston.

As an FBI informant, Whitey Bulger was helping the FBI to cart off his criminal competitors even as he buried bodies in shallow graves along the Neponset River. FBI agents in the pocket of Whitey Bulger had framed four men for a murder they did not commit.  According to some researchers, the Boston FBI actually assisted Bulger’s gang in the commission and coverup of murders.  And when the FBI agents weren’t pocketing bribes from Bulger, they were helping him murder potential witnesses who were poised to expose the FBI’s sordid deal with Whitey Bulger.

Four men were framed and convicted for the murder of Teddy Deegan to protect Bulger and his henchmen.  Sara Carter reported that the bureau buried the truth to protect the brother of Bulger’s partner.  Two of these men died in prison.  One of them was posthumously proven innocent and in 2001, all four were exonerated of Deegan’s murder.  The FBI intimidated a public official who disagreed with the conviction, and they devastated the family of another who was wrongly convicted. Louis Greco’s family was destroyed because of his false conviction.

It was Robert Mueller, first as an assistant U.S. attorney then as the acting U.S. attorney in Boston, who wrote letters to the parole and pardon boards throughout the 1980s opposing clemency for the four men framed by FBI lies,” writes the Boston Globe’s Cullen. “Of course, Mueller was also in that position while Whitey Bulger was helping the FBI cart off his criminal competitors.”

Pan Am 103

The tragic bombing of Pan Am 103 on December 21, 1988 and the murder of 259 people was covered up by Robert Mueller.  A group of U.S. intelligence specialists led by Major Charles McKee of the Defense Intelligence Agency had gone to Beirut to find and rescue hostages.  While there, they learned about CIA involvement in a drug smuggling operation run through an agency called COREA.  Time Magazine reported the likely explanation for the bombing, supported by independent intelligence experts, was that U.S. operatives “targeted Flight 103 in order to kill the hostage-rescue team.” This would prevent disclosure of what McKee’s team had learned.  That theory was also supported by the fact that the CIA showed up immediately at the scene of the crash, took McKee’s briefcase, and returned it empty.  Link

Mueller was appointed as the chief investigator of the bombing over Lockerbie of Pan Am 103.  He presided over a systematic effort to conceal the crimes culminating in the destruction of 103.  He did not bring to justice drug dealers, the terrorist paid to bomb the plane, the CIA agents who helped smuggle heroin into the U.S. or the CIA agents who notified Iranians that McKee and his team were flying on Pan Am 103.  There was no justice for Charles McKee or for the other 258 passengers aboard this flight.

Mueller’s Effortless Coverups

Senator Milkovich’s book exposes the Mueller coverup of the Bank and Credit Commerce International (BCCI), the international crimes, black ops by intelligence agencies on both sides of the Atlantic, and how conspirators were kept out of jail.

Ruby Ridge was where the FBI snipers shot and killed Vicki Weaver while she was holding her 10-month-old baby, shot and killed her 14-year-old son while he ran from gunfire, and shot Randy Weaver.  Why? Because Randy refused to become an undercover agent for the FBI investigating separatist groups.  Mueller was infuriated over criticism by members of Congress of the FBI siege and murders.

Innocent Dr. Bruce Ivins ended up taking his life because of the false charges of his anthrax involvement by Robert Mueller and James Comey.

Our surveillance state all comes down to Robert Mueller’s efforts while FBI Director after 9/11. Monitoring American citizens despite the fact that the government knew about 9/11 and were given many warnings, was the goal.  The Surveillance State in America has now become the pretext for the intelligence establishment to spy on every law-abiding citizen in America, including our President while he was campaigning.  Mueller implicitly argues that the perpetual and ubiquitous data collection of the digital and telephonic communications of millions of law-abiding Americans is constitutional.

The story of Mueller’s tactics in 9/11 and the deaths of two brave men are devastating.  John O’Neill who led the FBIs counter terrorism division and died in the towers, as well as Dr. David Graham who was poisoned…these are the biggest stories in this fabulous book.  FBI Director Robert Mueller covered up so much, including the involvement of the Saudis.  Mueller strove to conceal that intelligence agencies and the federal government had substantive evidence before 9/11 of an imminent terrorist attack, and top intel bureaucrats and government officials did nothing.

Dr. David Graham, a Shreveport, Louisiana dentist contacted the FBI about two men he suspected were planning an attack against America.  The FBI wouldn’t listen, instead they tried to intimidate Dr. Graham.  After the attack, he saw pictures of these two men in the newspaper.  Graham was a decorated Viet Nam veteran, with enough experience to know the FBI had failed in its duties.  He had warned federal authorities, but they did nothing.

He wrote his account in a report and even carried a 96-page report to local FBI agents.  As Graham got closer to releasing his report on what had happened, the FBI admonitions not to publish became ominous.  The attacks on Graham became stronger and he ended up poisoned and suffered for a year and a half before succumbing.  This is a story everyone needs to know regarding the actions of our intelligence agencies.


Deep State operative Mueller was long-time close colleagues with both James Comey and Rod Rosenstein.  President Trump possesses the authority to fire them all.  This book gathers so much of his involvement over the last 30 years of Mueller’s career.  It is an astonishing chronicle of coverups, corruption and collusion. It is 165 pages of pure documentation of evil.

You can order from Amazon or pay pal.  As well, you can order directly from Senator John Milkovich at 656 Jordan, Shreveport, LA 71101.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Florida Gubernatorial Candidate Andrew Gillum Must Be Defeated

When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, over the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it. —Frédéric Bastiat

We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions. —Adolf Hitler

I cannot urge my readers strongly enough to click on the links of every one of these leftist organizations for the truth of what their goals are in destroying our beloved America.

There are many Democrats who need to be defeated, but one who would ruin the State of Florida is Andrew Gillum.  Where he received his training will be of special interest.  Gillum is running against Republican Ron DeSantis for Governor of Florida.  Socialist Andrew Gillum graduated from a progressive training school called Rockwood Leadership Institute.

America’s Communist Candidates

The Rockwood Institute has spawned a string of Soros-financed leaders, who run and work in organizations like Black Lives Matter, Code Pink, Media Matters for America, MoveOn.org and the Tides Foundation, one of the nation’s largest funders of progressive groups…along with many others.  Democrat Gillum is running on a platform of abolishing Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and impeaching President Donald Trump.

Rush Limbaugh stated that Gillum wants Florida to be a sanctuary state and he wants Florida to be open borders for all illegal immigrants. Gillum is the classic American socialist who believes America is the problem in the world and that poverty in Central America and the Southern Hemisphere is our fault because we have hogged and stolen too many and too much of the world’s resources.  What horse hockey!  Andrew Gillum is a walking, talking Barack Hussein Obama on steroids.

Law Enforcement

If you hate America’s law enforcement officers, you will love Gillum, as 38 Florida sheriffs have asked him to withdraw his support for a radical organization’s “Freedom Pledge” via Dream Defenders (DD) which refers to anti-police rhetoric.  DD views the United States as a racist nation where deep poverty and a “vicious cycle of disenfranchisement, discrimination and depression” plagues nonwhite minorities.  They are for more “civil disobedience, civic engagement, and direct action.” The long-term goal is to cultivate “a new generation” of young radical activists. And yes, despite his denial in the debate with Republican gubernatorial candidate Ron DeSantis, Gillum did sign the radical group’s pledge.

Killing in Utero Babies

Killing babies in the womb is a standard promoted by Andrew Gillum.  Florida Planned Parenthood has proudly endorsed this man who believes in the murder of the unborn.  He’s never studied the founder of Planned Parenthood who hated black Americans and planted her filthy abortion clinics in the poor black neighborhoods to purposely destroy the black babies she hated in the womb.  Andrew Gillum is supported by National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL), and Pro-Choice America.  He is supported by the Planned Parenthood PAC.

Gillum looks at things the way communists and Marxists do. He does not believe in the power of the individual because that leads to inequality and unfairness. He wants everyone to get free health care and free medical care, Medicare for all, oh yes at a cost of trillions to taxpayers. He believes in a guaranteed national income.  These communist plans, if ever implemented, would bring to a screeching halt throughout our nation and Florida…everything nationwide that is building our amazing economy.

Gillum’s Communist Training

Florida gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum served as director of a radical youth training organization whose mission was to challenge U.S. “predatory capitalism,” abolish the prison system, fight a “spiritual resistance” battle against “Christian hegemony,” redefine the meaning of “borders” while aiding “undocumented” aliens, and enact the “collective liberation” of “communities of color” amid what it called the United States’ “colonialist” “white supremacy.”  How lovely…a totally Marxist plan.

George Soros’ army of communist revolutionaries includes those who have graduated from the Oakland, California Rockwood Leadership Institute, like Islamist Linda Sarsour who was one of the leaders of the Women’s March after President Trump was elected.

Gillum’s graduating class included Rashad Robinson, executive director of Color of Change, also located in Oakland, CA, which was founded by another graduate of the Institute, Van Jones, President Obama’s infamous former “green” jobs czar. Jones stepped down from his position after it was exposed that he was a founding organizer for the communist revolutionary group Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement (STORM). Soros has financed Color of Change.

Denise Collazo of the Soros-financed radical PICO Network, which in its own terminology says it is “pushing for citizenship, and more, for an estimated 11.3 million undocumented immigrants in the United States.”  We have 5,000 illegals a day entering our country and now we have thousands in three different hordes intending to break our banks and come into the United States.

Mary Anne Hitt from the radical Sierra Club environmental activist organization.

Nan Aron, president and founder of the Soros-funded Alliance for Justice.

Here is a list of U.S. organizations sponsored by George Soros.  This will boggle your mind.

And guess what, Breitbart was the first to raise concerns over this far left candidate.

Gillum directed and oversaw the extremist Young People For, or YP4, while he worked at the George Soros-financed People for the American Way, or PFAW, as field organizer in 2002 and then Director of Youth Leadership Programs from 2005 until January 13, 2017.

Gillum Corruption

The Miami Herald reported this story: Gillum’s ticket to ‘Hamilton’ came from undercover FBI agent, new documents show.  This was a 2016 trip to New York City.  The FBI agents also paid for Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum’s hotel room according to a newly uncovered trove of records.  Once a close friend of Gillum’s, Corey is at the center of the FBI’s long-running probe into corruption in Tallahassee.  There were photos, a video and dozens of text messages between Gillum, the Democratic nominee for governor, former lobbyist Adam Corey and an undercover FBI agent. They appear to contradict Gillum’s explanation for the expenses, which have been made a major issue by his Republican rival, Ron DeSantis.

Gillum continues to claim the tickets came from his brother, but text messages at the time of the trip show Gillum was told the tickets came from “Mike Miller,” an FBI agent looking into city corruption who was posing as a developer.

Gillum has not been charged with a crime and has said that FBI agents assured him he’s not a target of the investigation.  But former federal agents and prosecutors say the outing provides an important glimpse into the FBI’s long-running probe into public corruption in Tallahassee, and the lengths to which undercover agents went to investigate Gillum.

At bottom left, Andrew Gillum poses with Adam Corey and his brother, Marcus.

Special to the Times/Herald.

And this Daily Wire article Undercover FBI Agent Paid Thousands Supporting Gillum Fundraiser, Report Says, proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Gillum’s friends in the FBI are assisting his candidacy for Governor of Florida.

Florida Gubernatorial candidate Ron DeSantis has said Gillum is “embroiled in a lot of corruption scandals.”

Conservative Candidates Need Our Help

Here are just three of the many candidates who need our monetary help and our prayers.

John James is the stellar Michigan conservative running for the Senate against Democrat Debbie Stabenow.  He’s an Army veteran, a graduate of West Point, and holds two master’s degrees.  We need him in the senate!  Like so many other great conservative republicans, he is not receiving funds from the RNC. Donate here.

Omar Navarro is the all-star gutsy conservative Republican running against Mad Maxine Waters in California.  He is a small business owner and native of California.  He is of both Mexican and Cuban descent and believes only in legal immigration.  We need this man in the House!  He has not received one penny from the RNC.  Donate here.

Marsha Blackburn needs our help to win the Senate seat in Tennessee replacing moderate Bob Corker.  Her Democrat opponent is Connecticut carpetbagger and former Governor of TN, Phil Bredesen.  You can donate here.

There are so many more wonderful true Trump conservatives running for office against long time Democrat incumbents.  We need to step up and help them, and that goes for former Congressman Ron DeSantis who is the Republican gubernatorial candidate in the State of Florida. In all candor, his opponent, Mayor of Tallahassee, Andrew Gillum is an entrenched and committed socialist.


There’s just no comparison, just in terms of solid citizen, decency, straight-down-the-middle normalcy, there’s no comparison in the names like Gillum versus DeSantis, it’s not even a toss-up. So many others are the same thing…and I can’t even mention them all, but you know who they are.  Conservative candidates need our help.  You know who they are, send them your grocery money because many of them are receiving absolutely no funding from the neo-con RNC…we have to save our country…it’s up to us!  Do it!

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Hordes Of Third World Migrants Storm Southern Border

Mexico is moving north. Ethnically, linguistically and culturally, the verdict of 1848 (The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ended the U.S.-Mexican War) is being over-turned. Will this Mexican nation within a nation advance the goals of the Constitution — to “insure domestic tranquility” and ‘make us a more perfect union’? Or have we imperiled our union?  —Pat Buchanan

Historians will look back in stupor at 20th and 21st century Americans who believed the magnificent republic they inherited would be enriched by bringing in scores of millions from the failed states of the Third World.  —Pat Buchanan

The horde of invaders is on there way, and they can’t be stopped from stampeding into our country.  The majority of them are men aged 18 to 40, all of whom look well-fed and well dressed.  This is another Soros funded and supported invasion of our country.

Our Sovereign Nation

As a sovereign nation, we are allowed to say who comes and goes in our country, but the socialist left says we don’t even have a sovereign right to determine who comes into this country.  The President has been campaigning on a merit-based immigration system and yet the Democrats and some of the Republicans refuse to follow the President’s lead.

Guatemala’s President Jimmy Morales announced this week the Central American country apprehended almost 100 ISIS terrorists in addition to capturing more than 1,000 gangbangers, including members of the vicious MS-13 gang, just as the horde of migrants is pushing its way to the US border.  The illegal procession is full of military-aged males, despite the media constantly showing pictures and video clips of female migrants with crying babies.  Judicial Watch has also reported on ISIS, yet media ignores the truth.

It is therefore important to note that Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution provides:

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence.

A migrant horde full of thousands of mostly Hondurans tore down the border gate in Guatemala and stormed the Mexico border Friday.  They were mainly military-aged virile males; and yes, this is an invasion.

Less than six months ago, a similar migrant horde was allowed to cross into the U.S. with weak asylum claims despite threats from President Trump of closing down the border. Many migrants from that group are now illegal aliens living in the U.S. as they await their asylum hearings, and most of them will never show up in court.

The Central American countries receive more than $500 million in federal aid from the U.S. every year, which I remind readers is totally unconstitutional. Trump has not yet indicated how much of that federal aid will be cut, but I doubt cutting their funds will change anything.

The Democrats are talking about abolishing ICE, they never want to secure the border, and their nominee just two-years ago said she wanted a borderless hemisphere.

We need a border security wall, and one as big and as strong as the one surrounding the Vatican in Rome, and we need it now.  Where the hell are the Republicans?

Mexican Trucks Drive Migrants

Frequent twitter user, actor James Woods asks this question, “So consider this: it is over 2,000 miles from Tegucigalpa, Honduras to Phoenix, Arizona. Hard to believe a bunch of people just randomly decided to pack a lunch and walk two thousand miles to anywhere. Where is this mob sleeping, using bathrooms, procuring food and water?”

On January, 11, 2015 the Department of Transportation (DOT) under the Obama administration changed a rule that was under a dispute since the signing of NAFTA and opened the door to cross border trucking.  This was an Obama scam on both our American trucking industry and our safety.  This is how these hordes are traveling so quickly.

Since we don’t have NAFTA and Congress has yet to ratify what may be another bad treaty, Trump needs to go back to prior rules and stop this.

And guess what, to make it even worse a deep-water port is being built in Mexico so that freighters can go unload their goods bypassing California and its high taxes and labor costs and go through roads leading from Mexico into Arizona and then throughout the U.S. virtually undetected.

Chris Farrell Reports

Judicial Watch’s Director of Investigations and Research, Chris Farrell, spent four days in Guatemala, just north of the Honduran border.  He reported that this horde is overwhelmingly male from mid-teens to mid-forties, and the women and children are a super minority.  There are criminal elements rolled into this third world horde including children who were recovered from a human smuggling operation.  The Guatemalans are trying to hold them back, but it’s a very grave situation.

Farrell told Lou Dobbs that there is criminal involvement via leftist groups, and according to the highest levels of the Guatemalan government, they have an organized, elaborate and sophisticated operation.  Guatemalans are investigating them criminally, and Chris Farrell urges President Trump and AG Sessions to do the same thing here.  A lot of these criminal affiliates are receiving money from the Soros occupied U.S. State Department.  That’s our tax dollars in our U.S. State Department funding this invasion!

Trump needs to immediately start cutting money from the Deep State U.S. State Department.

Sara Carter, a Fox News reporter was also in Guatemala.  She spoke to Guatemalan intelligence and interviewed people in the caravan and has confirmed there are MS-13 affiliated gang members among the hordes of illegals.

Homeland Security officials said Tuesday that among the thousands of migrants heading for the United States border are some “gang members” and people with “significant criminal histories.”  Department spokesperson Tyler Houlton said on Twitter that the hordes of illegals include citizens not only of Central American countries, but also of the Middle East, Africa, South Asia and “elsewhere.”

During a visit to the Guatemalan town of Chiquimula, about 35 miles from the Honduran border, Judicial Watch encountered a rowdy group of about 600 men, ages 17 to about 40, marching north on a narrow two-lane highway. Among them was a 40-year-old Honduran man who previously lived in the United States for decades and got deported. His English was quite good, and he said his kids and girlfriend live in the U.S. Another man in his 30s contradicted media reports that illegal alien participants are fleeing violence and fear for their life. “We’re not scared,” he said waving his index finger as others around him nodded in agreement. “We’re going to the United States to get jobs.” Others chanted “vamos para allá Trump!” (We’re coming Trump) as they clenched their fists in the air (the same communist salute I recently wrote about). “We need money and food,” said a 29-year-old man who made the trek with his 21-year-old brother.  Link

They all repeated the same rehearsed line when asked about who organized the migrants.  Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernández, a conservative, said in a local newspaper report that leftist interests seeking to destabilize the country are manipulating migrants.  “The irregular mobilization was organized for political reasons to negatively affect the governance and image of Honduras and to destabilize the peace of neighboring countries,” the president said, adding that many have returned to the country after realizing they’ve been fooled.

If they get to our border and make an asylum claim, 98% of them get through.  Something fundamental has to change!

Taxpayer Dollars Funding Illegals

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is an independent agency of the U.S. federal government that is primarily responsible for administering civilian foreign aid and development assistance. Apparently, there are many taxpayer-funded groups who are helping this horde of invaders, including USAID, as many of these migrants were seen carrying USAID bags.

Another horde is assembling from Honduras, an intermittent river of 3rd world humanity who plan to invade America.  Chris Farrell says he believes there will be even more coming out of El Salvador in another week.

The migrants have received help from local groups and US-based nonprofits like Pueblo Sin Fronteras.  I wrote about them last May.  This organization has been following the migrants for practically their entire journey, since the first few hundred members departed the Honduran city of San Pedro Sula on Oct. 13, supplying them with water, food and even handing out cash to the crowd.

Pueblo Sin Fronteras (“People Without Borders”) is a project of La Familia Latina Unida, a Chicago, Illinois based 501(c)(4) illegal immigration advocacy organization formed in 2001 by Elvira Arellano, an activist for immigrants living illegally in the United States. The organization is affiliated with the Chicago-based 501(c)(3) pro-illegal immigration groups Centro Sin Fronteras and Pueblo Sin Fronteras. Together, the organizations have been involved in organizing migrants from Central America to attempt to cross the U.S. and Mexican borders illegally since 2010.

These three groups use the Lincoln United Methodist Church in Chicago as a rallying point for illegal immigration activism, using a tax-exempt church as cover to advocate for foreign violation of our country’s border laws.

The Invasion

The president of the National Border Patrol Council, Brandon Judd is calling the migrant hordes making their way to the U.S.-Mexico border an “invasion.”

“They’re carrying their flag, a symbol of the oppression they supposedly want to escape, but they’re carrying their flag, and they’re very proud.”

Another photo from the Associated Press shows protesters burning an American flag with a swastika painted on it in support of the migrant hordes heading through Central America for the United States.  This was done by two people during a protest in favor of the illegals when they were stuck on the Guatemala-Mexico border in front of the American embassy, in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, Friday, Oct. 19, 2018.” Those burning the flag were not part of the hordes headed for America.

Our Open Border

Lou Dobbs got into a heated debate last Thursday night with National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd over border patrol’s ability to stop the migrant aliens headed to the southern border.

Judd argued that border patrol cannot physically stop the illegals at the border, and must wait until they cross illegally and then apprehend them. Current “catch and release” policies will allow the immigrants to be released into the country, Judd explained, and the only real way to stop the hordes of migrants is to allow border patrol to hold its members pending their asylum status.

Dobbs insisted that the only solution, then, is to send the U.S. military to the border and allow them to stop the invaders before they cross the border.  But the military has no authority to do anything to stop these invaders nor are they armed.

“If they put one step into the United States we have to take them into custody if the military is there or not,” commented Mr. Judd.

The remainder of the interview consisted of a heated debate over whether or not the border patrol and the U.S. military are legally allowed to physically prevent immigrants from illegally crossing the U.S. border.  They are not.

“Then that’s a fiction and a farce and the American people need to understand that,” Dobbs said. “We have a bunch of people in green uniforms at the border who can’t do a thing about it.”

Dobbs is right, the border is porous and all of these illegal immigrants marching north are supported and funded by leftist organizations to destroy America and make her into a third world country who will continually vote for socialist and communist democrats.

And guess what, Brandon Judd says U.S. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Kevin McAleenan is not a supporter of President Trump.  How wonderful for the American citizens who have lost loved ones at the hands of illegal aliens allowed into our country through our porous borders knowing that those in charge don’t give a damn about American citizens.

Loopholes in Immigration Laws

The Trump administration has attributed the surge to loopholes in immigration law that prevent the government from holding adults and their children in detention together while their cases are heard in immigration court. Administration officials say the restrictions encourage parents to bring children across the border because they know they will be released for the duration of their immigration proceedings, which can take years, and meanwhile they disappear into America.

When interviewed by reporters, some of these people have claimed that they were living in poverty and wanted better opportunities in the United States, while others talked about their fear of violence in their home countries.  The Democrat Party encourages them and treats them with reverence while castigating ICE agents who routinely go in harm’s way to investigate and arrest aliens engaged in criminal activities.  These hordes rush to sanctuary cities where criminals, gang members, fugitives and terrorists have free rein.


Rush Limbaugh explained that the president of the United States has full authority and full power to shut down the border of the United States to protect the nation and the people in the United States. It’s actually enshrined in the United States federal code. It is Title VIII U.S. Code 1181(f). It gives the president the power to suspend the entry of all aliens whenever he finds their entry would be detrimental to the interests of the United States. He can shut it down whenever he wants to, based on those criteria. It is statutory. He can do it.

Instead, General Mattis is sending 800 more troops to the border.  About 2,100 National Guard troops are already at the Mexican border assisting border patrol under an order authorized by Mattis in April. Most of those troops were sent by Texas, California, New Mexico, and Arizona.

If we really wanted to keep these military age hordes out of our country, why hasn’t an entire division of 10,000 to 18,000 soldiers been sent to cover the southern border, and why aren’t they armed, at least with rubber bullets and tear gas…

If they break the law to enter America, they’ll break the law after they’re here.

P.S.  Every morning several articles appear from NewsWithViews in mailboxes all over the world.  The writers of these articles work to inform and to save our beloved country.  The CEO of NewsWithViews spends countless dollars keeping this website running in an effort to keep us informed.  Get your friends to sign up for the daily articles and please help NewsWithViews by sending monthly donations here.

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Is The Democrat Bombing Hoax A Smear Campaign?

You don’t hand matches to an arsonist, and you don’t give power to an angry left-wing mob.  Democrats have become too extreme and too dangerous to govern.  Republicans believe in the rule of law – not the rule of the mob.  VOTE REPUBLICAN.  President Donald J. Trump

Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi spelled it out for us in a 32 second video where she explained “political wrap up smear campaigns” against Republicans.  “You smear somebody with falsehoods and all the rest, and then you merchandise it.  Then the press writes it, and it becomes validated.”

The Secret Service has intercepted “potential explosive devices” targeting the Clintons and Obamas, while investigators also looked into a suspicious package at CNN’s New York offices. Days earlier, authorities found an explosive device in the mailbox of George Soros. We don’t know who sent them, or why or even if they were dangerous.

Call me a skeptic, but my first thought was that this was a false flag of unhinged leftists who know they’re losing and are trying to affect the outcome of the mid-term elections.  I’m not the only one who immediately thought this.  Several emails from friends said the same thing, as did a caller into Rush Limbaugh’s show yesterday.

Investigators might want to take a good look at far-left groups like Antifa as the real target is most likely the political power of the Republicans.

The Bombs

NY Governor Cuomo, former AG Eric Holder, Rep. Maxine Waters and former CIA Director John Brennan were also sent mail bombs. Even Trump hating actor Robert DeNiro received a package. The return address name on the suspicious packages sent to Clinton, Obama, Holder and Maxine Waters belonged to Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

“The packages were immediately identified during routine mail screening procedures as potential explosive devices and were appropriately handled as such,” Assistant Special Agent Mason Brayman said in a statement. “The protectees did not receive the packages nor were they at risk of receiving them.”   Some of the 10 suspected mail bombs addressed to high-profile Democrats and others over the last few days were flawed and not capable of exploding, while others have yet to be fully analyzed, several investigators said Thursday.

And tests have determined that a powder found inside an envelope delivered to CNN along with a pipe bomb was harmless, a law enforcement official told CBS News.

Since all of these so-called explosive devices were sent to Democrats, it’s of interest that they are apparently innocuous.   Not a single person has been injured because none of devices exploded, which tells me the devices most likely were never intended to explode.  All defective or all a false flag?  Is it a dry run, a hoax, or a distraction for something else?

Investigative reporter, Paul Sperry, tweeted this, “6 bombs sent to Democrats. 0 go off. All crudely made pipe bombs and conspicuously obvious explosives, and all easily screened and discovered. Stunt seems designed for maximum political/media optics, not maximum damage.”

Psychological Projection

Really, does anyone think the Republicans are that stupid?  This so obviously appears to have been done by the Democrats to garner sympathy votes.  Oh, they may find some dummkopf right-winger to take the blame for this, but anyone with a brain can see right through this pre-midterm attempt to influence the elections.

Of course, Democrats and other critics of President Donald Trump are blaming Republican leaders for either explicitly or indirectly condoning violence against Democrats and the media following multiple bomb scares this week.  What a joke.

Peter Daou, a former top adviser to Hillary Clinton, declared on Twitter, “THE FAR RIGHT IS VIOLENT.”  He also claims that the right is responsible for most acts of violence or terrorism.  He should ask Republicans in the Trump administration who have been attacked in restaurants by hordes of “resisters.” Better yet, ask Congressman Steve Scalise what he thinks about that statement.  And maybe he’d better look at Islam and their terrorist activities.

I’ve explained psychological projection many times in the past.  It is a theory in psychology in which the human ego defends itself against unconscious impulses or qualities by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others. For example, a person who is habitually rude may constantly accuse other people of being rude.  The leftists know exactly what they’ve advocated against the Republicans and they’re using this ridiculous bomb attempt to influence their voters and charging Republicans with exactly what they are guilty of continually promoting.

In my previous article, Antifa’s Red Army is Orchestrating a Communist Revolution, I explained the groups of people behind terrorist activities against Republicans and Trump supporters.  If you think our FBI is going to find out who really did this, think again.  They are part and parcel of the Deep State and have no desire to expose the machinations of the left.


Either this so-called bomber was stupid and most real bombers aren’t, or this was a Democrat staged hoax and smear campaign, which is what I and many others believe.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Antifa’s Red Army Is Orchestrating A Communist Revolution

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.  —The First Amendment of the Bill of Rights – The U.S. Constitution

The first step in community organization is community disorganization. —Saul Alinsky

…the Communists everywhere support every revolutionary movement against the existing social and political order of things… They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions.  —Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, The Communist Manifesto, published in 1848

We’ve seen the clenched fists of the communists as they assemble to cause mob violence, destruction and havoc.  The clenched-fist salute has been used among revolutionaries for many centuries as a symbol of defiance, comradeship, and solidarity. It was employed during the bloody French Revolution of 1789, and again during the industrial revolutions of 1848.

It is the same clenched fist seen in the Russian Revolution of 1905 when a wave of mass political and social unrest spread through vast areas of the Russian Empire.  The rage was directed at the government, the Tsar, the church and other conventional authorities.

Vladimir Lenin’s Communist Russian Revolution culminated in 1917 when the Tsar became the U.S.S.R. (Union Soviet Socialist Republics). In July of 1918 Tsar Nicholas Romanov and his family were executed on the orders of Bolshevik leader Vladimir Lenin.

Lenin as head of the USSR called the 1905 Revolution a “dress rehearsal” without which the “victory of the October Revolution in 1917 would have been impossible.”

In recent history, the communist clenched fist has been used by the Black Panthers, Black Lives Matter, AFL-CIO labor union members, Occupy Wall Street activists, Marxist-Leninists, including members of the Communist Party USA and the Revolutionary Communist Party, and now by the ski-masked Antifa thugs of the Democrat party.

Antifa’s Communist Revolution

Antifa promotes a blend of anarchy and communism, and was formed in 1920s Germany as the violence and intimidation wing of the Communist Party of Germany. The organization was initially part of the Soviet Union’s front operations to bring about communist dictatorship in Germany, and it worked to label all rival parties as “fascist.”

In this picture, German members of Antifa, a Soviet front group that carried out violence and intimidation, give clenched fist salutes on September 1, 1928.

The Soviet Union was among the world’s most violent dictatorships, killing an estimated 20 million people, according to “The Black Book of Communism,” published by Harvard University Press. The Soviet regime is second only to the Chinese Communist Party under Mao Zedong, which killed an estimated 65 million people.

The Antifa organization can be traced to the “united front” of the Soviet Union’s Communist International (Comintern) during the Third World Congress in Moscow in June and July 1921, according to the German booklet “80 Years of Anti-Fascist Action” by Bernd Langer, published by the Association for the Promotion of Anti-Fascist Culture.

Both the communist and fascist systems were based in collectivism and state-planned economies. Both also proposed systems wherein the individual was heavily controlled by a powerful state, and both were responsible for large-scale atrocities and genocide.

If you think it can’t happen in America, just look at who is funding these anti-American mobs bent on the destruction of America’s Constitution, her culture and way of life.  She is under siege by a group of masked, black-clad protesters known for using extreme violence and intimidation to silence conservatives and they have an agenda promoted and funded from behind the scenes.  The Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP) is a large central player in Antifa violence.

Rabid Rage of Leftists

Peaceable assembly is what our Constitution allows, but we’re seeing mobs of hate filled Soros paid propagandists who will attack and purposely injure both law enforcement officers and Americans who have opposing political ideologies.  The Los Angeles Times editorial board called Antifa, “traitors to the thousands of peaceful demonstrators who gathered in Berkeley’s Martin Luther King Jr. Civic Park to counter a ‘No to Marxism in America’ rally” and called the group’s actions “thuggery, not activism.”

In North Dakota, for instance, Antifa  tried to block the Dakota Access Pipeline by burning and bombing bridges, threatening local residents and killing cattle. One “peaceful protester” tried to shoot a deputy sheriff.

The left’s rage against conservatives is much more strident and rabid than that of the right against them.  Their nihilistic narrative lends itself to distorting reality. Our social fabric is torn, and as such, many writers believe we are headed for a new civil war.  But it is not a civil war we’re headed for…it’s another communist revolution, one like 1917 Russia, and this is their “dress rehearsal.”  This is the new Red Army of Revolution, and they’re armed.

Donald J. Trump upset the globalist New World Order apple cart big time.  Their plans of leveling America into a third world country they could easily control have been thwarted by American voters, at least for a time.  All restraint has been lifted, the socialist Democrats are showing their true colors.

Leftist Hierarchy Calls for Violence

  • Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) recently stated that if collateral damage happens against those who disagree with the political agenda of the Democratic Party, then “so be it.” Really Nancy?  I bet Congressman Steve Scalise would strongly disagree with you.
  • Maxine Waters committed sedition by calling for violence against the Trump administration and anyone who supports Republicans.
  • Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that you “cannot be civil” with members of the Republican Party. Link At a time when Republicans are being shot, stabbed, doxed, beaten, mailed powder, run out of restaurants, and sent death threats, Hillary Clinton urges Democrats to be even more uncivil.  She said, “You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about. That’s why I believe if we are fortunate enough to win back the House or the Senate, that’s when civility can start again.  But until then, the only thing the Republicans seem to recognize and respect is strength.”

Hillary says that the Republican party is “ideological” and “driven by the lust for power.”  Hell yes, we’re ideological. We love the Constitution and the liberty our Founding Fathers fought for; they succeeded in removing the shackles of tyranny. And all along the way, Liberty’s lantern was their guiding light.  It is your communist democrat party Hillary that has the lust for power and will use obscene and vulgar actions against the Trump administration and his supporters.

We never saw violent mobs attacking Obama and his administration during his eight-year reign. So, Hillary, who is really driven by the lust for power?

What an irresponsible statement!  She’s saying that violence by the left will continue until the Democrats regain power.  She is promoting anarchy because they want their totalitarian societal control returned.

  • A videotape was released of former Attorney General Eric Holder telling a Democratic audience at a recent campaign rally in Georgia that they should “kick” Republicans when they perceive them as “going low.”
  • The Gateway Pundit reported that after attacking five separate GOP offices, Antifa has escalated their extremist activities by placing severed pig heads at multiple polling locations and campaign offices in the Austin, TX area. The Red Guards Austin recently shared a blog post with their 8,000 Facebook followers in which they commemorated Mao Zedong’s brutal communist revolution that resulted in millions of people being slaughtered. In this blog post, they called for a boycott of the “bourgeois elections” and advocated for organized revolutionary violence.

Communist Training in Oakland, CA

Breitbart’s article of October 17th exposes the Soros funded Rockwood Leadership Institute where political communists are trained. Florida gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum graduated from the Oakland, California-based training school for progressive revolutionaries that has spawned a list of activists who have gone on to become the who’s who of the far-left leadership world, with many taking senior positions at organizations financed by billionaire George Soros.

Notorious radicals like avowed communist Van Jones and communist Islamist Linda Sarsour are among the many famous names listed as alums.  And Florida gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum, democratic opponent of Ron DeSantis, also graduated from Soros’ Rockwood Leadership Institute.

Fighting Back Without Violence

Congressman Steve Scalise had his own near-death experience at the hands of a deranged Bernie Sanders supporter who sought to assassinate a baseball field full of Republicans. In his recent Fox News article, he lists a growing number of violent or threatening actions taken against conservatives by Democrats.  The threats are beyond hateful.  Scalise says, “In America, we win battles at the ballot box, not through mob rule or intimidation.”

A new one-minute Republican ad calls attention to the left’s promotion of violence against those who do not agree with them.  The ad comes after several violent attacks have been launched against Republicans in recent days, including:


Antifa is planning a November 4th, 2018 Communist Revolution throughout America almost exactly 100 years after the Bolshevik Revolution that took Russia out of the frying pan of Tsarist rule and into the fire of communist totalitarianism.

On Tuesday morning, September 26, the Antifa group Refuse Fascism blocked rush-hour traffic on the 101 freeway in CA for about a half an hour.

Stretched out across the highway, holding signs spelling out, “NOV 4 IT BEGINS,” eight people chanted slogans such as “No Trump, no KKK, no fascist U.S.A.” and “Whose streets? Our streets!” Many others lined the areas above the freeway, holding banners demanding an end to the “Trump/Pence Regime” and shooting video of the blockade. Link

Former New York City police officer Jim Kouri, wrote an article entitled, U.S. Citizens Urged To Arm Themselves, Stockpile Ammo, Prepare For Attacks By Antifa, Jihadists And Radical Illegal Aliens.  In it he stated,

The United States appears to some Americans to be on the brink of something that in the past was the theme of many works of fiction including books and motion picture about the end times — the terrifying 1984, the overly violent Clockwork Orange, the disturbing A Handmaid’s Tale, the realistic doomsday thriller Children of Men, and other works that provide readers and moviegoers with a glimpse of what mankind will eventually face when governments topple and tribalism replaces the greatness of liberty and freedom with distrust, extreme cynicism, mob rule and routinely violent civil disobedience.

Jim is right, and it would be wise for all Americans to be prepared and armed…and know how to use their firearms.  This is not just opinion, it is factual.  We don’t want a revolution, we still want the ballot box, not the cartridge box, but patriots must be prepared.

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Kanye West Unhinges The Race Baiting Left

I am a Republican, a black, dyed in the wool Republican, and I never intend to belong to any other party than the party of freedom and progress. —Frederick Douglass, Orator

White liberals are the most racist people there are, because they put blacks in a box and insist that they think one way – and if they don’t, they attack them as illegitimate, all the while denying that their policies destroy blacks.  —Dr. Ben Carson

You don’t have to agree with Trump but the mob can’t make me not love him. We are both dragon energy. He is my brother. I love everyone. I don’t agree with everything anyone does. That’s what makes us individuals. And we have the right to independent thought.  —Kanye West

Kanye is so right. That MAGA hat represents a lot more than just supporting President Trump!   Kanye says, “It represents overcoming fear, and doing what you felt, no matter what anyone else says, and saying to them, you can’t bully me. Liberals can’t bully me, news can’t bully me, the hip-hop community can’t bully me.”

His Oval Office visit was like “dueling banjos…” Dah Dah Dah DahDah…he was so thrilled to be with President Donald J. Trump that his joie de vivre was obvious to everyone, including Mr. Trump.

West talked about growing economic opportunities, rebuilding cities as well as race and culture issues. His obvious love for our President is overwhelming.  This very wealthy black man, who is married to a white woman has become one of Donald J. Trump’s major supporters and the black community is taking notice.

Kanye’s visit to the White House intensely unhinged the anti-Trump media.

NFL Legend Jim Brown

NFL Hall of Fame running back Jim Brown was seated in the Oval Office along with rapper Kayne West to discuss potential presidential pardons, the violent crime surge in West’s hometown of Chicago, and other topics.

Brown does not believe players should kneel during the presentation of the national anthem, and he made that clear when he spoke outside after the meeting.

“Well, I can be very blunt about taking the knee. First of all, I’m an American. That flag is my flag,” Brown told reporters at the White House. “The things that I’ve overcome in this country have made me a better person. I don’t think that we should take knees in protest. … I think we should work out our problems.”

The 82-year-old former NFL star was known for being a champion of civil rights throughout his playing career. Brown founded the Black Economic Foundation in the 1960s to help black Americans start and grow businesses. He has also started programs to mentor inner city youth.

This NFL legend loves President Trump.

Attacks from the Socialist Left

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) on Monday weighed in on Kanye West’s recent comments about President Trump, praising the rapper for his contributions to the African-American community while also saying he sometimes “talks out of turn.”  Excuse me Maxine, but if anyone talks out of turn it is you.  Ms. Waters you are the one calling for rude and uncivil behavior toward Republicans and conservatives.  Kanye West is expressing his appreciation to President Trump for Making America Great Again for every American, and that includes black Americans whose unemployment rate is now at a 17-year low.

Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA went so far as to question West’s sanity for meeting with the president.  CNN host Don Lemon ranted against West on Thursday, saying he put on a “minstrel show” for the president, in essence questioning the legitimacy of West’s blackness. Oh yes Don, if black Americans aren’t hardcore leftist Democrats, you have to question their skin color.  Your feeble and derogatory comments calling black conservatives Oreo cookies, or Uncle Toms proves the party of Jim Crow seeks to stymie the freedom of a black man to express his own political opinion.

CNN commentator Tara Setmayer said, “He’s the token Negro of the Trump administration.” Another CNN commentator, Bakari Sellers, in an apparently botched and distasteful reference to a decades-old Chris Rock bitsaid, “Kanye West is what happens when Negros don’t read.”

Oh yes, the left has lost a famous black man from their communist plantation.  This American rapper, singer, songwriter, record producer, entrepreneur and fashion designer has escaped being a slave to the socialist left, and they don’t like it one bit.

Progressives Fear West

West’s popularity with black Americans has made Democrats and their socialist chums in the media afraid that others of his caliber may come out and support our President.  Mr. Trump has a great message for young black Americans and Kanye West sees it and wants to help him.

Donald Trump wants to lift all Americans up, and especially young black Americans.  With the help of Kanye West, he can reach so many more of them.

West is nothing if not independent. He doesn’t need the approval of the Democratic establishment or the usual suspects among the liberal Hollywood elite. He doesn’t belong to the liberals, just like Trump doesn’t belong to the Republican establishment.

Oh yes, the left is definitely afraid…they know what Trump could start, and what Trump could change.  This is the reason these socialists will insult, marginalize, and ridicule West with everything they have…like cornered snakes, they strike out.


Trump derangement syndrome is in overdrive because the black community responded to Trump when he asked them during his campaign, “What the hell do you have to lose?”  According to Rasmussen’s Daily Presidential Tracking Poll, Trump’s approval rating among black voters stands at 36 percent.  That scares the daylights out of the socialists.  Rising job opportunities, declining unemployment, reduced crime and the huge increase in black owned small businesses has proven Trump is keeping his promises. In fact, according to a study by Guidant Financial, “year-over-year, we saw a 400% increase in the number of African American owned small businesses.”

By reaching out to the black community and pursuing policies that benefit all Americans, Trump was able to convince one of the country’s greatest hip-hop entertainers to provide necessary cover from the disgraceful partisanship of the “mainstream” media.

Trump was right…the black community had nothing to lose and everything to gain.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Leftist Ideologues Call For The Abolition Of White Men

White people deserve to die, and they know, so they think it’s us coming to do it. White people are white devils, potential humans who haven’t evolved yet and are sinful by nature. —Louis Farrakhan

There are still generations of people, older people, who were born and bred and marinated in it – in that prejudice and racism – and they just have to die. —Oprah Winfrey

Most black people hate white people. This hate, also promoted by mainstream media, academia and Hollywood, is really a hatred of men, of Christianity, of American freedom, law and order.  Whites, especially straight, white, conservative, Christian men of power, tend to hold these values and stand in the way of socialism, globalism and moral decay. —Black American, Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson

America has gone from inclusion to division after eight years of President Obama.  Civil society has been hijacked!  Today we are more divided than we were before Barack Hussein Obama became President in 2008.  Obama’s former National Security Advisor, Susan Rice told college graduates there are too many whites in key government posts.  Maybe she’s right, but black Americans make up only 12.3 percent of our population, yet minorities hold 35.3 of federal government jobs.  Black employees represented 18.1 percent (343,663) of the permanent Federal Workforce as of September 30, 2014, four years ago.

The beginning of the Revolution may be upon us, France is lost, Great Britain is lost, Sweden is lost, Germany is lost…truly the Revolution is here, and … what we’re seeing is the same thing that happened in years prior to the 1917 Russian Revolution.  But first comes the racial hatred of white Europeans which is becoming increasingly common in universities and main stream media. It has now taken center stage in America.

Targeting White Men

White men are targets and are hated and profaned by mass media and social outlets, and that same media claims white men are privileged.  Yet, white men have been rejected in order to allow affirmative action to our black American brothers, some of whom were not as qualified as the whites applying for the same universities or positions.  Affirmative action has been around since 1961.  Misandry is the hatred of men, and today especially of white men. Why? Because it was white Europeans and their descendants who built this nation and the establishment socialists want it destroyed.

In September of 2017, the Washington Post reported on the murder of four middle-aged white men in Kansas City, Missouri.  The suspected killer is a young black man who targeted white men.

Professor Christine Fair

Christine Fair, an associate professor at Georgetown in the School of Foreign Service, recently tweeted that “all white Republican men should die and an added bonus would be if women castrate their corpses and feed them to swine.”  That same professor said white Republican senators, specifically Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), who defended Kavanaugh in a fiery speech, “deserve miserable deaths.”

Georgetown University is sticking up for her vile hate-filled speech. In her Twitter bio, though her account is no longer accessible on the site, her cover photo fittingly read, “DON’T GRAB MY P****.”  I might ask, “What man would want to?”

Misandry perfectly describes Prof. Fair as she runs a blog which doxes men she doesn’t agree with, called “S*** Men Say.”  And there’s more…you can’t be a Trump supporting student in this environment.

She’s teaching students how to hate, and she should have been gone yesterday.

Ariel Dumas

CBS’s “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” writer Ariel Dumas boasted about her part in trying to ruin Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s reputation.

“Whatever happens, I’m just glad we ruined Brett Kavanaugh’s life,” Dumas, posted on Twitter. Although public backlash forced her to delete the evil tweet with “regret,” Dumas has taken to social media to spew her vile and putrid hatred against Judge Kavanaugh.

She is still employed by CBS, and she too should have been gone yesterday.

Calling for the Assassination of Justice Kavanaugh

A Minnesota teaching assistant has been placed on leave and is under investigation after tweeting a threat against newly confirmed Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Link

Just hours after the Senate voted to confirm Kavanaugh on Saturday, a special education teaching assistant in Rosemount asked in a now deleted tweet, “So whose [sic] gonna take one for the team and kill Kavanaugh?”  Obviously, she’s not too bright as she failed to use proper English.

The Dakota County Sheriff’s Office indicated in a statement that the FBI is “aware” of the threat would “follow up as appropriate.”  Where is the secret service?

Why is she still employed?  She should have been gone yesterday.

New York Times Hires Bigot

Then there’s the New York Times’ decision to hire Sarah Jeong, an Asian woman, for their editorial board that has a history of tweeting about her hate for white men. Tucker Carlson exposed her racism against white people, but it is likely the NYTs hired her for her obvious hatred of white men.

She still has her job…

UK’s Katie Hopkins

Great Britain’s Katie Hopkins tells us that in the latest recruitment for police, white British males are excluded in the coaching for how to pass the recruitment day.  If you were white and male, you could not go.  In the UK discrimination against whites is institutionalized and systemic.

Where did this hatred of whites all begin?  A long time ago in South Africa by the lauded anti-apartheid communist, Nelson Mandela.

Nelson Mandela and Apartheid

South Africa and apartheid, the policy or system of segregation or discrimination on grounds of race, is forever linked with Nelson Mandela.  Apartheid was immoral because it rejected the equal human dignity of every citizen, but the true aim of Nelson Mandela was far different than his idyllic image.

Nelson Mandela is held up as an icon of justice, equality, and the peaceful struggle for righteousness.  Hollywood and the entire left have portrayed Mandela as a hero for blacks. The problem with this image, however, is that it is entirely false. His record demonstrates beyond a shadow of a doubt that Mandela was not a peace-loving Freedom fighter, but a communist revolutionary who reveled in violence, promoted white genocide, and facilitated the Marxist subversion of South Africa.  The armed struggle Mandela led was not to give every South African an equal opportunity to enjoy the fruits of liberty. It was a will-to-power struggle to give the Communists dominion over the country.  Link

Nelson Mandela is in the center, with his wife Winnie to the left and then head of the South African Communist Party (SACP), Marxist-Leninist KGB Colonel, Joe Slovo.

Mandela was the head of the Marxist African National Congress (AFN). Communism was, and remains, the animating ideology of the ANC. That makes it the enduring tragedy of South Africa.  The ANC, however, were no freedom fighters.

Spear of the Nation is their military wing, and the members have pledged themselves to “kill the whites” in their often-sung anthem.  Mandela had been out of prison for about two years in September 1992 when, fist clenched in the “black power” salute, he was filmed singing the anthem with a number of his comrades. Interestingly, but not ironically, as Mandela and others repeated the refrain about killing Boer farmers, there was a white Soviet trained terrorist at his side with the communist clenched fist.

Unremembered by the world is the reason why Nelson Mandela was arrested, tried, and served years in prison. He was in prison for terrorism and acts of violence and he did not even attempt to deny the charges. Mandela was proud of his extremely violent past and believed, as true communists do, that violent revolution is the only path to change.


South African history refuses to speak of necklacing, the weapon of the anti-apartheid movement used by the men and women who rose up in arms with Nelson Mandela to turn their country into a place where they would be treated as equals.

Necklacing is the practice of the execution and torture carried out by forcing a rubber tire, filled with gasoline, around a victim’s chest and arms, and setting it on fire. Sometimes the hands of the victim were either cut off or tied behind their backs.  The victim may take up to 20 minutes to die, suffering severe burns in the process with the tire melting and slowly burning the body.  Nelson Mandela’s wife, Winnie said, “With our boxes of matches and necklaces, we shall liberate this country.”

South African White Genocide

South Africa has been reshaped in Nelson Mandela’s image. Today, the country is a de facto war zone. Unreported in American press, there is a brutal white genocide occurring. This massacre is being instigated by the ANC, SAPC, and like-minded organizations. The stories of white farmers being murdered, women and babies being raped, and property being destroyed or stolen are legion. Not only is the South African regime doing nothing to prevent it, they are deliberately adding fuel to the fire. Literally thousands of whites have lost their lives in this ongoing purge, just as thousands of blacks lost theirs in the ANC’s brutal rise to power years previous.  Link

Rhoda Kadalie, a former member of South Africa’s Human Rights Commission under the late President Nelson Mandela, told Breitbart News: “The ANC has destroyed every state institution in South Africa, including mining and manufacturing, and now it goes for the sector that creates the most jobs for the poor as well as ensure food security. Land expropriation without compensation is creating wealth by stealth for the elite. Even the ANC’s land restitution program has failed by its own admission.”

Anti-white racism is a popular current in mainstream South African politics. The song “Kill the Farmer, Kill the Boer” is still publicly sung, despite this being declared a hate crime. The traditional means of protecting rural South Africans, the commando units, were disbanded in 2003, leaving many South African farmers with no protection.

Alex Newman, foreign correspondent for the New American Magazine wrote, “In stark contrast to the myth of Mandela as peaceful, his writings glorify violence and bloodshed with ghoulish glee, writing that one day soon, “the sweet air will smell of gunfire, elegant buildings will crash down and streets will be splashed with blood.”

And just where will the nation’s food sources come from once the South African farmers are destroyed?

Barack Hussein Obama

In a chapter contributed to Cliff Kincaid’s excellent book Comrade Obama Unmasked, Alex Newman informed us that President Barack Obama’s stated role model was Nelson Mandela. Obama himself said of Mandela that he “tried to answer his call.”

President Obama spoke at the White House following the death of Mandela. He said, “The late president’s example to the world was ‘a free South Africa at peace with itself.’  I am one of the countless millions who drew inspirations from Nelson Mandela’s life. I cannot fully imagine my own life without the example that Nelson Mandela set. So long as I live, I will do what I can to learn from him.” Link

Indeed, communist birds of a feather do flock together.

Dr. Harry Booyens is a South African defense engineer and author of perhaps the definitive history on South Africa, entitled AmaBhulu: The Birth and Death of the Second America.  Booyens has suggested that Americans were simply naive when they voted to trust Obama with the presidency despite his radical anti-American and anti-Western beliefs. “The country is still struggling with the aftermath,” he explained. “For the USA there is hope; for South Africa there is none left. Yet Obama clearly wanted to turn the USA into the country of his hero, Mandela. His dream was to remake the USA into South Africa.”

It appears as though Obama reached enough of his comrades in both higher education and the media, for many are now calling for the death of all white people.  A revolution may well be coming.

P.S.  Every day writers for NewsWithViews labor to bring hundreds of thousands of readers their opinions regarding America’s future.  We do it for the love of country, just as our CEO and editor, Paul Walter does.  Please help NWVs by donating monthly to keep this costly website in the black, and tell your friends, conservatives and leftists alike to sign up on the web for the free daily email articles.  Every donation is appreciated…please donate here.

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Men Without Chests Threaten Our Culture And Civilization

“We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honour and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and bid the geldings be fruitful.” – C. S. Lewis

The Abolition of Man by C.S. Lewis was first copyrighted in 1944, which makes this short booklet all the more astonishing.  The insight Lewis had in those years of the pervasive philosophy that was intermingling within the educational systems is just as relevant for today, and now it is right in our faces. We can see vividly the corruption of morals and basic decency that is leading us more and more toward a Godless society.  C.S. Lewis looked logically at what happens when faith and tradition are removed from a society.  And we just watched what Lewis was describing in Judge Kavanaugh’s hearings, including the protests by Soros paid anarchists.

Men Without Chests

“Men Without Chests” is the curious title of the first chapter of C.S. Lewis’ Abolition of Man.  Lewis explains that the “The Chest” is one of the “indispensable liaison officers between cerebral man and visceral man. It may even be said that it is by this middle element that man is man: for by his intellect he is mere spirit and by his appetite mere animal.” Without “Chests” we are unable to have confidence that we can grasp objective reality and objective truth.

The result of such chest-less education, as Lewis warns, is a dystopian and totalitarian future.

As our society disintegrates into what C.S. Lewis described in his short booklet, we are seeing more and more men without chests.  Those men are allowing the destruction of our society by anarchists who literally hate America and her culture and want it destroyed.

Facebook Executive Faces Outrage

Recently, hundreds of Facebook employees voiced outraged at senior executive Joel Kaplan, head of global policy for Facebook, for attending Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s congressional hearing in an apparent show of support for the Supreme Court nominee.  Kaplan is a longtime friend of Judge Kavanaugh.  Many employees felt that Kaplan’s presence at the hearing signaled that Facebook as a company had endorsed Judge Kavanaugh. They expressed their discontent in internal company message boards as well as directly to CEO Mark Zuckerberg.

CEO Sheryl Sandberg wrote in an internal message to employees that she thought “it was a mistake for him to attend given his role in the company.” A meeting has been scheduled to further discuss employees’ concerns. Zuckerberg, Sandberg and Kaplan are expected to attend and answer questions.

Kaplan apologized in a note to staff, but also added later, “I believe in standing by your friends, especially when times are tough for them.”

When did having friends and loyalties outside of your employer’s ideals become verboten?  Why apologize?  For what?  Only men with no chests do that.

University President Congratulates Childhood Friend

The dean of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Georgia recently issued an apology to those he had “offended” with a tweet congratulating a childhood friend on becoming the state’s Republican candidate for governor.

Charles Davis then faced an intense backlash from liberals, who accused Davis of being a “racist” blind to his own “privilege” for daring to suggest that Brian Kemp is “a nice guy.”

Davis tweeted to his friend, “I went to high school with GOP guv candidate @BrianKempGA.  We played YMCA ball from childhood.  Politics be damned.  He is a nice guy, always was Kind to a fault.  He’s a friend, always has been, and will be when we’re old(er) and grey(er).  That’s how all this should work people.”

He then apologized and tweeted, “I’d like to apologize to anyone offended by my tweet shout out to Brian kemp.  It was ill-timed and poorly written.  I’ve read and learned so much from you all and will endeavor to be more thoughtful.”

No, it wasn’t ill-timed, and neither was it poorly written, get a chest!

In other words, Charles Davis has been warned that speaking or caring about Republican friends is verboten.  Men without chests!

Professor James Moore Defends Constitution

In this MeToo era of believing every charge leveled by a woman against a man, the University of Southern California students want Professor James Moore fired for stating the law…innocent until proven guilty.  This is a part of the U.S. Constitution that ensures justice for those accused of a crime.  Not so for these university students however.

Moore got himself in hot water when he noticed an email that was sent out to all staff and students at the university last Thursday. The email, which instructed students to “Believe Survivors” of sexual assault, inspired Moore to give those students a lesson in the criminal justice system.  “Accusers sometimes lie,” he pointed out in a reply-all email of his own. “If the day comes you are accused of some crime or tort of which you are not guilty, and you find your peers automatically believing your accuser, I expect you find yourself a stronger proponent of due process than you are now.”

Instead of the university supporting the truth Professor Moore was trying to teach his students, Dean Jack Knott placated them with comfort and assured them that they were right and Professor Moore was wrong!  “What he sent was extremely inappropriate, hurtful, insensitive,” he said. “We are going to try to do everything we can to try to create a better school, to educate the faculty. This is going to be a multi-pronged effort. We are going to have a faculty meeting later this week around implicit bias, sensitivity towards survivors.”

Obviously, it’s extremely inappropriate to point out that the accused in this country deserve due process.

Dean Jack Knott believes the truth of the U.S. Constitution is verboten.  Another man without a chest.

The Double Standard

While our secular society still maintains that honor, ethics, and integrity matter, it has purposely attacked, silenced, or destroyed those institutions and organizations that used to teach moral principles and universal Godly truths that instilled honor and character into men’s hearts and souls.

Today’s educational establishments have embraced moral relativism. Other political and cultural institutions have done the same, including our so-called progressive churches where most pulpits spew watered down pablum.

Interesting that in the cases of Tawana Brawley, the Duke lacrosse players, and the Rolling Stone defamation article, investigations of the alleged victims proved the innocence of the accused.  Over 219 celebrities, politicians, CEOs, and others have been accused of sexual misconduct since April 2017.  One wonders how many of these accusations were valid.  And our Senate Judiciary Committee is not seeking an investigation of Christine Blasey Ford.  We are just to accept that despite a total lack of proof or corroboration, she is telling the truth.

Now a retired University of Southern Maine professor has offered students a course credit to harass Sen. Susan Collins on Kavanaugh because Senator Collins understood the fallacious attacks on this brilliant Judge and the importance of nominating this man to the supreme court. This professor has done this without the consent of the committee of faculty or university deans…and this is the seditious rot inside the brains of those teaching our young people.


Real women want strong masculine men with chests.  They want decent, honorable, reliable men who have not been feminized by society and do not cower to the pressures of today’s tyrannical and anarchist society.  And men have two choices: to find female strength captivatingly attractive, or to be insecure and intimidated. Real men love strong women, because God’s glory is beautiful, and “woman is the glory of man.” Link

C.S. Lewis saw the early stages of the moral collapse, societal chaos, and cultural decay we’re all now experiencing full force.  Inevitable destruction awaits all societies that reject universal moral principles, deny the existence of objective reality, and silence and punish those who teach and speak the truth.  Men must return to God, follow His moral principles, seek the truth, and lead virtuous lives.

In his September 19, 1796 Farewell Address to the nation, George Washington stated: “Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, Religion and Morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of Patriotism, who should labor to subvert these great Pillars.”

William McGuffey, author of the McGuffey’s Readers, which were the mainstay of America’s government public school system from 1836 till the 1920’s, wrote: “Erase all thought and fear of God from a community, and selfishness and sensuality would absorb the whole man.” Where do you think the world is heading today?

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

James O’Keefe, Doing The Job Our Media Should Be Doing

The message was crystal clear: The Beltway—right, left, and center—is an unprincipled swamp. Its denizens spend most of their time raising money to keep the lights on. The creative fires do not burn here. Those who light them are quickly sent home. Others lose heart working long hours for bad pay under indifferent management. Meanwhile, the cynical and soulless all too often find their way to promotions and permanent positions in the oligarchy. —James O’Keefe – Breakthrough: Our Guerilla War to Expose Fraud and Save Democracy

Phyllis Schlafly’s Gateway Eagle Council XLVII featured so many wonderful speakers, but there was one we had met previously at the 2018 January Gathering of Eagles who was back with us…James O’Keefe of Project Veritas.

O’Keefe is an American political conservative activist who is doing the work our main stream media refuses to do…investigative reporting.  He has become the voice of truth in an era where media has abdicated the truth.  And as Pamela Geller so poignantly stated at this year’s council, “Truth has become the new hate speech.”

This amazing young man blasted on the scene in 2009 with undercover video recordings of workers at Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now  (ACORN).  These videos portrayed ACORN workers seemingly aiding a couple in criminal planning and when they hit the 24-hour cable news cycle, the U.S. Congress quickly voted to freeze funds for the non-profit.

In June of 2010, this brilliant young warrior for truth formed his 501(c)3 organization, Project Veritas.

NewsWithViews CEO and publisher, Paul Walter was a guest speaker at the September council meeting in St. Louis, Missouri and had an opportunity to chat with James O’Keefe.

O’Keefe produces secretly recorded undercover audio and video encounters with figures and employees in academic, governmental and social service organizations.  What he has shown so many times is abusive and/or illegal behavior by employees and/or representatives of those organizations.

And he’s done it again!

O’Keefe’s Latest Project, Unmasking the Deep State

What a fabulous new expose from O’Keefe, and it was announced at Phyllis Schlafly’s Gateway Eagle Council.  Here is the video of his speech to us and what he wanted us to watch for…which has now been exposed.

The following week we found out what James O’Keefe’s latest project entailed…he is unmasking the Deep State, and his first target was the State Department. His undercover video features a State Department employee, Stuart Karaffa, engaged in radical socialist political activity on the taxpayer’s dime, while advocating for resistance to official government policies. In addition to being a State Department employee Stuart Karaffa is also a ranking member of the Metro DC Democratic Socialists of America.

Watch the undercover video recording of this State Department employee and how he uses his time at work to “resist” while being paid by the federal government…with our tax dollars.

Karaffa bragged about it, he said, “I’m careful about it. I don’t leave a paper trail,” he told undercover reporters from Project Veritas.  I have nothing to lose. It’s impossible to fire federal employees.”  This man openly said that he wants to “f*** sh** up.”


To understand America’s crises today, one must first understand what has happened to two institutions: the university and the news media. They do not regard their mission as educating and informing but indoctrinating, and that indoctrination is socialism.  James O’Keefe and Project Veritas do some of the finest undercover investigative reporting today.  Much of what he has exposed has led directly to the passage of new legislation, federal and state investigations, congressional inquiries, the de-funding of taxpayer-funded groups, arrests, resignations, firings, re-trainings and disciplinary action.

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Star Chamber Democrats Sabotage Trump Nominee

Star Chamber – any tribunal, committee, or the like, which proceeds by arbitrary or unfair methods.

Slander – words falsely spoken that damage the reputation of another.

Aspersion – an abusive attack on a person’s character or good name.

Defame – charge falsely or with malicious intent; attack the good name and reputation of someone.

Anyone remember Tawana Brawley?  How about the Duke lacrosse players?  The democrat Star Chamber was active in both cases, Brawley and her three advisors were successfully sued for defamation.  The three former Duke lacrosse players falsely accused of rape filed several lawsuits, including a federal suit against disgraced prosecutor Mike Nifong, the city of Durham and the police detectives who handled the investigation.  The suits are still pending.

And there’s the Rolling Stone defamation article where the magazine had to agree to settle a defamation lawsuit brought by the University of Virginia fraternity at the center of a discredited article about an alleged gang rape.

There is nothing new under the sun.  Potiphar’s wife lied and said that Joseph tried to rape her. (Genesis 39) Wonder why it is that every woman claiming assault charges against Brett Kavanaugh is a Democrat…check out Potiphar’s wife!

Choreographed Annihilation

The choreographed chaos from the demonically inspired Marxist left has descended to new levels.  Their arrows are pointed directly at Judge Kavanaugh and his beautiful family, but the real target is President Trump.  The goal of these evil entities is to destroy anyone who supports our President or those our President appoints or nominates.  We’ve seen it time and again via Mueller and his gang, the Democrat socialists and the complicit socialist media.  The entire Kavanaugh family is receiving death threats and attacks from the anti-capitalist anarchists.

There are several reasons for targeting the Judge, but the main purpose is to delay, delay, delay and to keep the seat open until after the mid-terms so it would be filled in 2020.  If they can derail this nominee, the socialists will succeed in making the republicans look weak prior to the mid-terms which the democrats hope to win.  Unfortunately, there are few in the Republican party and few in the Senate Judiciary Committee who have the chutzpah to counter the leftists and shut this atrocity down.

Only Senator Lindsey Graham had the temerity to expose the schemes of the democrats, and he himself is a moderate republican who actually supported Jeb Bush for president.

This democratic horror show has forever besmirched the pristine reputation of a brilliant jurist, and the republicans allowed it.  They are in fact, just as responsible as the demonic left.

Character Assassination

Last Thursday’s Senate hearing on Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination was an embarrassment that should have never happened. Judge Kavanaugh was right to call the confirmation process a “disgrace” in his passionate self-defense, and whatever one thinks of Christine Blasey Ford’s assault accusation, she offered no corroboration or new supporting evidence.  Interesting too that she had to read most of her testimony.

Instead of Ford’s allegations being vetted privately, ranking Democrat Dianne Feinstein held it for six weeks and it was leaked (most likely by her and her cohorts) with the intention of causing precisely such a nauseatingly filthy three ring circus.

Dr. Ford gave us nothing more than what we already knew regarding her allegations and some of what she said has been contradicted. Her female friend, Leland Keyser, says she wasn’t present the night of the alleged assault. The number of people Dr. Ford says were there has varied from four to five and perhaps more, but every potential witness she has cited by name says he or she doesn’t recall the party, including Mark Judge and Patrick J. Smyth (PJ) who has issued a statement in a letter from his lawyer to the committee saying he had no knowledge of the party or the allegation of improper conduct she’s leveled against Brett Kavanaugh.

Ford cannot recall the home where the alleged assault took place, how she got there or how she got home that evening, supposedly eight miles away. She hasn’t any witnesses who have said that she told them about the alleged assault at the time—until she first spoke of it at a couple’s therapy session 30 years later in 2012. Mr. Kavanaugh’s name doesn’t appear in the notes of her therapist, and BFF’s share all this stuff, but she shared it with no one.  Question is…did it even happen?

Here is her written and read testimony.

Sidney Powell Comments

Super lawyer Sidney Powell, author of “Licensed to Lie: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice,” commented on Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony on Fox’s Neal Cavuto program.

  • Republican senators were wise to have the prosecutor ask the questions so as to keep the senators from being made out to be bad guys.
  • The democrat senators are now extoling Dr. Ford’s virtue and courage.
  • Powell is concerned with the overly broad usage of the definition of sexual assault. Most prosecutors and laws define sexual assault as rape, but Ford was far from being raped.  Ford hasn’t alleged that any body part was exposed.  She said Brett Kavanaugh tried to take her clothes off supposedly, but nothing came off.  It sounds as though it was all a fumbled attempt to make out with a girl at a party.
  • There is no corroboration of Dr. Ford’s claims, among other problems. It is “recovered memory,” which are suspect and difficult to begin with.  Even if she had reported these facts at the time it happened 36 years ago, Powell says she sees nothing that a prosecutor would have found to prosecute.
  • Sidney Powell said she did not find Dr. Ford credible and the emotion shown by Dr. Ford was not even credible.
  • Ford’s story about going upstairs in an unfamiliar house was not credible especially since she claimed she was suddenly being pushed from behind by someone she didn’t know was there. Why was she going upstairs in the first place?  Surely there was a bathroom on the first floor.

Powell goes on to say that there are scads of cases of wrongful identity especially when you’re dealing with the issue of recovered memory which is what Ford says she has here.

And how far back are we going to go to allow someone to stir up allegations against another person when those allegations can never be corroborated or given any credence at all.

Judge Kavanaugh’s Self Defense

Judge Kavanaugh’s opening statement to the judiciary beat back the smear of the uncorroborated attacks against him.

The Judge exposed the left for their purposeful character assassination, and because of that, they are now claiming he doesn’t have the right temperament for the court.  It wouldn’t matter how he acted, the demonic Marxists would find a problem with him.  Their goal isn’t the truth. They want to destroy him.  The Judge choked back tears during the heated and emotional testimony.

Judge Kavanaugh’s self-defense was powerful and justified. He was righteously angry as any of us would be.  His family and people who have known him all his life know this is a false testimony regarding Brett Kavanaugh.  Nothing in his long record in public life betrays the kind of behavior he is accused of against women.

In fact, the Judge has been more than conciliatory in hiring female attorneys and staff.  Over 200 women have testified to Kavanaugh’s history of treating women with decency and respect, and this goes all the way back to high school. Link

What about the two men who claimed they were the men who were most likely responsible for the encounter with Dr. Ford?  Why weren’t they heard?  Will they be questioned by Rosenstein’s FBI?

Prosecutor Questioned Dr. Ford

Republican Senators turned over their questioning of Ms. Ford to a trained prosecutor from Arizona, who attempted to clarify facts and fill holes in her testimony. Rachel Mitchell was selected by the Senate Judiciary Committee to assist Republican lawmakers in questioning the woman who accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault.  She was given five-minute intervals to question Dr. Ford.  Rachel Mitchell was an unmitigated disaster.  Her tepid questions didn’t even attempt to poke holes in the many inconsistencies in Ford’s story.  Mitchell treated Dr. Ford with kid gloves, but Judge Kavanaugh didn’t receive the same treatment.  Even Judge Andrew Napolitano said Mitchell failed.

Professor Alan Dershowitz said that Senate Special Counsel Mitchell was “incompetent,” and did a “terrible job” questioning Dr. Ford.

Here are 45 tough, forbidden questions a normal person would ask Christine Blasey Ford.

A man I very much trust, Joe diGenova said that Rachel Mitchell actually was cunning in her questioning and exposed the lies of the accuser.

But Democrats showed zero interest in getting any facts from Ms. Ford. They spent their question time saying they believed Professor Ford, despite the lack of evidence, while badgering Republican Chairman Chuck Grassley to call other witnesses.  Yet those potential witnesses have all given sworn statements to Senate staff under penalty of felony that say they don’t recall the party or the alleged assault. Hauling them before the Senate wouldn’t illuminate the truth any more than Thursday’s hearing did.

Democrats spent their time asking Judge Kavanaugh about drinking games and lines in his high school yearbook. Amazingly, the Judge had kept calendar diaries since 9th grade, following a practice of his father.

Once Senator Lindsey Graham made that look foolish, Democrats focused on their only other argument, which was that the FBI should investigate Kavanaugh. But they well know the FBI would merely repeat the interviews they and the Senate Judiciary staff have already done.  My God in heaven, this man has been investigated by the FBI six times…isn’t that enough!  Another delay tactic to enable more bimbos to be bought by the satanic left. Link

Rachel Mitchell Would Not Bring Charges

“Mitchell spelled it out and was clear with senators that she could not take this anywhere near a courtroom,” one source told Fox News. She told them she would not charge the Supreme Court nominee and reportedly said she wouldn’t even seek a search warrant.  Link

Mitchell’s opinion could sway fence-sitting senators ahead of a critical Senate Judiciary Committee vote set for Friday afternoon.

It is not necessary for Kavanaugh to secure majority approval of the committee in order to advance to the full Senate, but a favorable recommendation could bode well for his imperiled nomination — and vice-versa.

Additional FBI Investigation

The FBI (who I have a big problem with) can only give us the exact same facts we already know.  In 1991, then Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Joe Biden urged senators not to rely on an FBI report about Clarence Thomas, who had been accused of sexual harassment by Anita Hill.

Biden said that the FBI compiles interviews and does not come to any conclusion or make recommendations based on their findings, except of course as Comey did to protect Hillary Clinton in her race for the presidency.

Despite six FBI investigations which showed absolutely nothing untoward in Judge Kavanaugh’s background, Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ) threw his hat in the ring with the socialist left and demanded another FBI investigation.  They will investigate the allegations of both Dr. Ford and 53-year-old Deborah Ramirez, who alleges that Kavanaugh “thrust his penis in her face” during a dorm party while they were students at Yale.  She might be interested to know that Paul Sperry has tweeted who this really most likely was. Link

Why isn’t the FBI investigating Christine Blasey Ford, Deborah Ramirez and the third woman represented by porn star attorney Michael Avenatti?

These women should have their phone records, bank records and financial records pulled and examined.  Their entire lives should be looked at regarding their use of alcohol and their youthful partying.  Democrats who met with these women, colluded with them, and planned or coached them should all be on the check list as well.

Another delay, and another calculated and orchestrated hit.

Inconsistencies, Lies and Obfuscations

When Christine Blasey Ford testified, we saw a mentally unstable woman.  She is 52 years old and claims that someone attempted to assault her sexually 36 years ago.  Yet, she cannot state where it happened, when it happened, how she got there, how she left, and why she would leave her best friend there with two men, one of whom she claims tried to rape her.  Her entire demeanor and testimony were adolescent in nature.  Her emotional state after 36 years was literally unbelievable.

Is any part of your statement false? And, did you make up any part of your statement? She answered both with a no.

The Virginia-based examiner, Jeremiah Hanafin, noted both answers were deemed “not indicative of deception,” according to the report obtained by USA TODAY. Are you kidding me?  This is all they asked?  I’ve had polygraphs in positions I’ve held and asking two open ended yes/no questions like this is a setup…it means nothing, and no polygraph is allowed into court evidence because they are so easily fooled.

Lauding the Courage of Dr. Ford

The trolls from both the left and the right are saying that Dr. Ford was highly credible when she was obviously being used by Feinstein and her globalist gaggle of socialists.  I was terribly disappointed when President Trump told reporters she was a “very credible witness” and a “very fine woman,” before changing course and suggesting Kavanaugh should be confirmed anyway.

“I thought her testimony was very compelling and she looks like a very fine woman to me, very fine woman,” he said. “And I thought that Brett’s testimony likewise was really something that I hadn’t seen before. It was an incredible moment I think in the history of our country. But certainly, she was a very credible witness. She was very good in many respects.”  Link

Like hell she was President Trump!  And at the risk of sounding callous…she was not at all credible.


The first hearings for Supreme Court nominees involved the confirmation of Justice Louis Brandeis in 1916 who was nominated by Woodrow Wilson. The hearings happened because anti-Semites were reluctant to approve a Jewish associate justice.  However, he did not appear before the Senate.  The first nominee to do so was Felix Frankfurter in 1939.

For many decades after that, hearings were held but the nominee didn’t take questions.  The first time a nominee took questions from senators was Potter Stewart in 1959, and that was because of concerns by segregationists.

Perhaps we should go back to these nominees not appearing and not answering questions, truly those days were much more civil.

Joan Swirsky’s recent article knocked it out of the ballpark.  Add Devvy’s Kidd’s well researched tome and there’s not much more to say on the sabotage of Judge Kavanaugh by the evil left.

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

General Michael Flynn Honored With Major General Singlaub Award

In the military, you learn the essence of people. You see so many examples of self-sacrifice and moral courage. In the rest of life, you don’t get that many opportunities to be sure of your friends. —Adam Driver, actor and Marine Corps veteran

I’ve attended most of the Phyllis Schlafly Eagle Councils, although I missed a few of the early ones, but this one is probably the very best I’ve ever seen.  —Andy Schlafly

Phyllis Schlafly was one of the 20th century’s most brilliant conservative women. She tirelessly worked for God, family and country from the very day she started the Eagle Trust Fund in 1967.  So many of us fought the Equal Rights Amendment with her, and in 1972, Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Forum became a reality.  Until Phyllis’s death in 2016, she persevered in promoting pro-family and conservative women’s ideals.

Ed Martin became the President of Phyllis Schlafly Eagles in January of 2015.  Phyllis chose him to carry on her legacy and what a perfect choice she made.

Phyllis Schlafly Gateway Eagle Council 

This year’s magnificent 47th Phyllis Schlafly Gateway Eagle Council was held in St. Louis, Missouri from September 13th through 16th, and nearly 600 people were there for the many various speakers.  Why is Gateway in the title?  Because Jim Hoft’s wonderful conservative website, The Gateway Pundit helped President Ed Martin’s team to bring folks from all over the world to speak…including Poland, Germany, Austria and Australia.

Every council I’ve attended has been fabulous, and every year I’ve said that it would be impossible to top the previous year.  But every year President Ed Martin and his team actually surpass the past councils.

Lt. General Michael T. Flynn

This year there were many highlights, many great conservative speakers, and wonderful congressmen, but probably the finest celebration was when Lt. General Michael T. Flynn was given Eagle Council’s Major General John K. (Jack) Singlaub Award for Service to America.

General Flynn spent more than thirty-three years as an intelligence officer.  He served as the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency and Senior Military Intelligence Officer in the Department of Defense.  He wholeheartedly campaigned for our President, Donald J. Trump.  He was chosen as the National Security Advisor for Trump’s administration until the Deep State set him up to be falsely charged and removed.

General Flynn will prevail and the truth will be known. It is why this great patriotic American who gave so many years of his life in service to his country was honored by Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagles.  As General George S. Patton once said, “Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom.”

General Michael T. Flynn will soar with the eagles.

Here is a photo of the General with our much-loved Kitty Werthmann on Thursday evening when most folks started to arrive.

Members lined up to have their photos taken with the General.  Several of his family members attended this wonderful event, including his lovely wife Lori and his son, Michael Jr.

On Friday evening, there was a reception with the General prior to the dinner event.  So many young people wanted to shake hands and get a snapshot with this famous American patriot.  Some even brought the General’s book, Field of Fight, for him to sign.

The ballroom was packed and we all enjoyed dinner and conservation and then President Ed Martin and John and Andy Schlafly presented the award to General Flynn.  His speech was short and precise, but said everything that needed to be said.

Veterans Who Came to Honor Gen. Flynn

More than two years ago my dear friend, Vietnam Veteran Allen Clark introduced me to the General.  Captain Clark was a Military Intelligence officer assigned to the Fifth Special Forces Group. He gave not only his blood, but his flesh in this war.

Thanks to Captain Clark, over two years ago, I interviewed the General and wrote my first article on this great American patriot.  I had gotten his book, Field of Fight prior to the interview.  That book is so marked up and dog eared, but it is the book that told me how brilliant this wonderful veteran was and still is, and it is the book I carried to the council meeting to have him sign.

I called Capt. Allen Clark and asked him to come to the council meeting to honor the General.  He said that they’d just come home from traveling and had so much on their plates that he didn’t think they’d be able to make it.  However, he said he would ask his wife Linda when she woke from a short nap.  I got a call a little later and Linda told Allen, “You bet we have to go!”

Thanks to Linda they both attended this fabulous council meeting and gave me the opportunity to personally meet them.  Captain Allen Clark and his wife Linda took a picture with General Flynn’s beautiful wife Lori.

Captain Clark is the author of several wonderful books, Healing Soldier, Wounded Warrior, and Valor in Vietnam both of which tell the story of service to this country. He has a new book out soon entitled, “Soldiers’ Blood and Bloodied Money How the Elites Rule the World.”

Allen Clark was awarded the Eagle Award for Service, and he well deserves it.

The wives of our military men sacrifice so much for our country and for their military husbands.  We extend a huge thank you to every bride of every soldier in America, those from the past, those from the present, and those from the future.  We also extend our gratitude and appreciation to every Gold Star family who has lost loved ones in the ultimate sacrifice for our country.

Gold Star families are immediate relatives of members of the U.S. Armed Forces who have been killed in combat or in support of certain military activities.


My friend Kathleen Marquardt, who is the Vice President of Tom DeWeese’s American Policy Center was at this amazing council meeting.  She said, “I have never been surrounded so many amazing Christian conservative people anywhere…this was a first.  I have joined this wonderful organization and will continue to work for them.”

When we watch the evil emanating from today’s Democratic Party, remember that there are great men and great conservative organizations who are fighting to retain our freedoms and liberties.  Support and honor them.  Please donate to the Mike Flynn legal defense fund.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

The Character Assassination Of Justice Kavanaugh

If Senators fail to establish reasonable rules of evidence, then it becomes a matter of how clever an accuser is at lying. Courts of law do not allow spectacles of irrelevant, unprovable accusations, and the Senate should not have a standard that is lower than that of traffic court. —John Schlafly and Andy Schlafly

When debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the losers.  —Socrates

When men yield up the privilege of thinking, the last shadow of liberty quits the horizon.  —Thomas Paine

In a July conference call to Democrat leaders, Ricki Seidman, an operative who also advised Anita Hill in her charges against Justice Clarence Thomas, laid out a strategy to defeat the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh.  Seidman is also a former Clinton White House official and current advisor to Dr. Christine Blasey Ford.  Link

Democrats are hoping their second try at slandering a supreme court nominee will be effective.

In a recent article by John and Andy Schlafly, they perfectly describe the attacks on Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

When Clarence Thomas went through this in 1991, it was found that the allegations bore an uncanny resemblance to the book, The Exorcist.  This time the allegations may be inspired by a book by Mark Judge concerning his own drinking binges at the same high school Kavanaugh attended.

But Mark Judge himself described the accusations against his classmate Kavanaugh as “absolutely nuts. I never saw Brett act that way.”

It was a mistake to schedule a special hearing, and delay it by a week, which gives the story-tellers more time to practice and embellish. Allegations about the distant past which lack details are not credible, and the Senate should proceed to vote on Judge Kavanaugh.

Unfortunately, the Senate has again caved to the democrats, and the accuser’s testimony is a week away.

Judge Clarence Thomas

Judge Clarence Thomas was nominated on July 1, 1991 by George H. W. Bush to fill Thurgood Marshall’s seat on the United States Supreme Court.  Thomas’s confirmation hearings were bitter and intensely fought, centering on an accusation that he had sexually harassed attorney Anita Hill, a subordinate at the Department of Education and subsequently at the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). The Senate ultimately confirmed Thomas by a vote of 52–48.

Character Assassination

Judge Kavanaugh is experiencing a high school lynching by a woman who can’t remember where or when and can’t even decide if she’ll testify regarding her accusations.

If Ford had truly been “nearly raped,” she would remember it.  Her hazy memory is most likely a cover story, and a way for the democratic socialists to help destroy a truly magnificent jurist. If she testifies, she says she wants Judge Kavanaugh barred from the room.  This is not a trial, albeit media believes it is, but the Judge has a right to face his accuser.  Brett Kavanaugh says he didn’t even know who she was and he’s not sure now that he knows who she is.

When Dr. Ford failed to state whether or not she’d testify by 10 p.m. on September 21st, she was given another 24 hours at the behest of her lawyer and the democrats.  This gives the left more time to embellish their lies so that the Never Trump Republicans can join with them to defeat this eminent jurist.

National Review writer David French takes issue with how Ford’s current recollections diverge slightly from those in 2012 notes from her therapist. The notes say four boys were involved in the incident. Ford told the Washington Post there were two. “That suggests that her memory of the event may be suspect,” French writes.

There is a kernel of truth to this: Human memory is notoriously faulty. It’s a pervasive, frustrating human flaw, one that has led to false convictions, false confessions, and the misidentification of perpetrators in a police lineup.

Judge Kavanaugh, a singularly qualified and brilliant jurist, is purposely being targeted for destruction by the socialist democratic party.  Russia, racism or rapist, that’s the left’s mantra to target any conservative they wish to destroy.  They tried it with Justice Clarence Thomas who believes in the original intent of the Constitution, and now they’re trying it with Judge Brett Kavanaugh. Today’s culture is far different with the zealots of the MeToo gang.

In an effort to increase pressure on Republicans, all 10 Democrats on the Judiciary committee signed a letter to Chairman Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, demanding a more thorough investigation. Link  Of course they did. This great nominee is hated by the left and the majority of the Never Trump progressive republicans.

Links to George Soros

The Daily Caller found “a new political advocacy group that vowed to put $5 million behind an effort to stop Kavanaugh’s confirmation has significant ties to the liberal financier,” Soros.

Debra Katz, the attorney representing Kavanaugh’s accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, is vice chair of the Project on Government Oversight, an organization that has been directly funded by Soros’ Open Society FoundationLink

Frontpage Magazine states, “Katz has donated thousands of dollars to Obama, Hillary and the DNC!”  She has even spoken in defense of Clinton and Al Franken.

Fox News reporter/anchor Shannon Bream confirmed the reported that the Ford team wants no questions from lawyers; questions will only be allowed from Committee members, Kavanaugh cannot be in the room when she testifies, and the Judge must testify first.

Talk about dirty pool.

Dr. Christine Blasey Ford

When the Democrats couldn’t derail Judge Kavanaugh via hearings, on the eve of the vote that would lead to the confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, Senator Diane Feinstein decided to pull a rabbit out of her hat.  Combine these democrats with the lingering bitterness and rancor in the Republican Party over the fact that Trump won, and the vote for this amazing jurist is stopped in its tracks.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein orchestrated the leak and subsequent release of Ford’s letter, not merely to sink Kavanaugh and level accusations in a way that would make it difficult for the judge to defend himself, but also to try and delay Republican efforts to confirm any nominee until after the midterms.

The democrats were in possession of Ford’s letter for months and sat on it. Feinstein personally met with Kavanaugh and didn’t bring up this “extremely serious” charge of sexual assault. Why not? She could have asked him about the allegations while keeping the accuser’s name confidential.

Ford allegedly sent an anonymous letter to Senator Feinstein stating that Judge Kavanaugh had shown bad behavior in high school.  Still they needed more.  So, she came forward and allowed Feinstein to use her name.

Most tellingly, before Dr. Ford came out as the accuser, she spent what must have been days, scrubbing her social media accounts of all the lefty activities and statements she must have been involved in. [Link] She is a leftwing political activist and donned one of those stupid vagina hats at anti-Trump marches.  Christine Blasey Ford also signed a letter fighting Trump’s “Zero Tolerance” policy at the U.S.-Mexico border.

Another interesting tidbit is that Ford’s brother, Ralph Blasey III, once worked for the law firm of Baker & Hostetler LLP who made payments to Fusion GPS, but left that firm in 2004. The Daily Caller reported on the connections of this firm with both Fusion GPS and Planned Parenthood. Link

Ford’s lawyer, Debra Katz, is demanding an FBI investigation of Judge Kavanaugh when he’s already been investigated by them six times.  The FBI refused. Katz, is a big-time Democrat donor and has spoken in defense of sexual perverts Clinton and Al Franken.

A friend of Dr. Ford was contacted by Debra Katz hoping she would corroborate the story.  However, she has denied that she was at the party where the alleged assault occurred.  Link


Congress has paid out over $17 million taxpayer dollars for workplace complaints, many of which were for sexual harassment and abuse of women.  We need legislation that would require public disclosure of previous settlements and forbid taxpayer funding in the future.  It appears as though those sitting in judgment of Judge Kavanaugh the real guilty parties.

Roughly 200 women have testified to Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s history of treating women “with decency and respect,” going back 35 years.  Link  This testimony seems particularly important, given the suspiciously timed accusation of sexual assault coming from 51-year-old accuser Christine Blasey Ford.

On Friday, September 21, 2018, 65 women who knew Kavanaugh in high school joined at least 131 other women who testified to his integrity and character over the years.

When an accuser can come forward after 36 years, with no evidence beyond her own murky and rather nebulous account and is unable to remember key details, she should not be allowed to ruin the life and career of Judge Kavanaugh with her unsubstantiated claims. Christine Blasey Ford is a lone accuser who has been strongly denied by both people she implicates.  Proving a negative is impossible, especially four decades later and the timing of all of this is highly suspect. Even those who want to defeat Kavanaugh due to politics should be careful about embracing a precedent under which this approach is ‘rewarded’ as effective.

It all seems so convenient that California’s doddering, crusty senator (Diane Feinstein is the least stupid of California’s two senators, and she’s astonishingly ignorant, especially of the Constitution, the law and protocol) decided to announce this claim in such a manner that Kavanaugh has no way to defend himself. Maybe the red Chinese spy Feinstein had on staff for 20 years gave her some pointers.  Keith Ellison, Al Franken, Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy were all unavailable for comment.  Link

Does this seem too harsh?  Well the hell with it.  When we have former FBI Director James Comey who admitted he was a communist, along with former CIA Director John Brennan who actually voted for Communist Party head Gus Hall in 1976, we must realize that the entire democrat party and a majority of the republican party have become traitors to our founders, our Constitution, our God, and the American people.

Socialist democrat Christine Blasey Ford will allegedly testify next Thursday in her “hail satan” pass hoping at the last minute to destroy the finest nominee for the supreme court that we have seen in decades.

Remember the Duke lacrosse players? (they were all accused of rape and it was all a lie)

Contact your senators, tell them to vote for Kavanaugh and stop this insanity.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Socialist Democrats Make A Mockery Of Judicial Hearings

The organizer dedicated to changing the life of a particular community must first rub raw the resentments of the people of the community. —Saul Alinsky

Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. —Saul Alinsky

The tendency of liberals is to create bodies of men and women-of all classes-detached from tradition, alienated from religion, and susceptible to mass suggestion-mob rule. And a mob will be no less a mob if it is well fed, well clothed, well housed, and well disciplined. —T. S. Eliot

The Party of Hate

The choreographed and monetarily funded histrionics at the Judge Kavanaugh hearings are finally over.

Unfortunately, these hearings were more about confrontation than confirmation. Socialist democrats have learned their Saul Alinsky lessons well as they use both tyranny and mob rule to disrupt what should be respectful hearings for the President’s nominee to the Supreme Court. It was Hillary Clinton’s close friend, Saul Alinsky who wrote Rules for Radicals and made a literary allusion to Lucifer as “the first radical known to man” in an epigraph to his book.

In Melanie Phillips article, America’s Party of Hate and Subversion, she writes:

On the first day of the hearing, left-wing activists screamed, chanted and cheered more than 60 interruptions as the Democrats tried to get the hearing suspended altogether. More than 70 people were arrested. The atmosphere became so offensive that the judge’s wife was forced to escort her visibly upset young daughters from the hearing.

This wasn’t just hooliganism; it also showed signs of mental derangement, as  reported by the Washington Times.

Three men from Texas saw protestors being paid.  The protest organizers apparently paid their fines for protesting, but therein lies the question…who funds the organizations. Link

One of the protesters is the leader of Antifa DC, Lacy MacAuley, who intended to disrupt the inauguration of President Trump.  She led the Handmaid’s Tale protests at the Kavanaugh hearing.  They are Antifa in disguise.

Politicization of Supreme Court Nominees, Bork and Thomas

The left’s extreme bias against Republican nominees to the Supreme Court started with President Reagan’s nominee of Judge Robert Bork in July of 1987.

Bork, a ruddy-faced, bearded and burly former Marine, made his first mark in academia as a specialist in antitrust. By the 1960s he was a strong legal conservatism, which he dubbed “original intent” — meaning that judges should go no further in interpreting the Constitution than the words of the founding document.

By the time President Reagan nominated him to the U.S. Supreme Court in 1987, Bork had spent five years as a federal appeals court judge and had in both his judicial and academic roles amassed a long paper trail of legal writings.

Senator Ted Kennedy started the rhetoric against the judge.  He said, “Women would be forced into back-alley abortions, blacks would sit at segregated lunch counters, rogue police could break down citizens’ doors in midnight raids, schoolchildren could not be taught about evolution, writers and artists would be censored at the whim of government, and the doors of the federal courts would be shut on the fingers of millions of citizens for whom the judiciary is often the only protector of the individual rights that are the heart of our democracy.”  Bork said every word was a lie.

Then Senator Joe Biden put the nail in Bork’s nominee coffin when he sent Bork’s nomination to the floor with a recommendation that he be rejected.

Bork commented, “Federal judges are not appointed to decide cases according to the latest opinion polls,” adding that if judicial candidates “are treated as political candidates the effect will be to erode public confidence and endanger the independence of the judiciary.”  The judge was right, this is what we have today.

His defeat taught interest groups to demonize judicial nominees based solely on their worldview.  Anthony Kennedy was nominated and confirmed in Bork’s place. Kavanaugh will most likely replace Justice Kennedy.

On July 1, 1991, Judge Clarence Thomas was nominated by Bush to fill Thurgood Marshall’s seat on the United States Supreme Court. Thomas’s confirmation hearings were bitter and intensely fought, centering on an accusation that he had sexually harassed attorney Anita Hill, a subordinate at the Department of Education and subsequently at the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). The Senate ultimately confirmed Thomas by a vote of 52–48.  Thomas was also a judge who believed in original intent of the Constitution.

Cory Booker and Kamala Harris

The Kavanaugh histrionics certainly cannot help the Democratic quest for the House or Senate.  The Republican risk is that their 2016 people will either vote Democrat or stay at home.  The churlish disrespect of Senate Democrats means they deserve defeat, but democrats have traditionally exercised better party discipline cohesion in their cause than Republicans. Of course, most Republican are establishment and are part of the leftist globalist cabal.  Now that we have Trump Derangement Syndrome, we have seen the extent to which the resistance to Trump is driving Democrats, and many Republicans.  This only serves to damage our country.

Cory Booker is the junior Senator from New Jersey.  He plans to run for President in 2020.  Kamala Harris is the junior Senator from California and she too has plans of running for President.  Both are socialists bordering on full-fledged communists.  They have no common decency, respect, or tolerance for Christian beliefs, despite advocating for tolerance, but tolerance of only aberrant societal behavior.  There is no tolerance for Christian conservatives or their beliefs.

Cory Booker’s Political Document Stunt

Sen. Booker says he released confidential documents in what he admitted was a violation of Senate rules.  The Democratic Senator referred to an email Judge Kavanaugh sent while in George W. Bush’s White House counsel office which discussed the legal merits of racial profiling after the terrorist attacks of 9/11.

The Senator was praising himself for high moral character as a Spartacus for releasing the documents which had already been made public.  He knew that; this was all a charade for the dumbed down leftists watching this visceral display of arrogance and duplicity.  This socialist has no trouble screaming at Secretary of Homeland Security, Kirstjen Nielsen.  No respect, no decency, no civility.

I agree with Judge Kavanaugh.  We needed profiling after 9/11, and we still need it today.  Who are those who have been responsible for 99% of the terrorist activities?  I don’t even need to answer, we all know, and yes, they should be profiled to protect Americans from further attacks.  When the TSA profiles, they never look at likely perpetrators, they look at American citizens including nuns and paraplegic children.  We’ve all seen it.  Profiling needs to exist for our safety.

Cory Booker thinks profiling is unconscionable. We have every kind of gang filth pouring over our southern border, this includes the worst of them, MS-13, along with Islamic terrorists.  My former county sheriff knew the different tattoos of each of the dangerous gangs.  He taught his entire department what to watch for and which of these gangs were most dangerous and how to know them by those tats.  Why did he racially profile these gangs?  To protect his law enforcement officers so they have the knowledge of who and what to watch for so they stay alive to go home to their families.


Senator Ben Sasse made it very clear as to what these vitriolic hearings entailed, including the fact that Judge Kavanaugh’s children had to be removed from the room because of the filth pouring from the Democratic party mouthpieces.  I would urge everyone to watch this 15-minute video of Senator Sasse’s comments to Judge Kavanaugh.

Personally, I am ashamed of what these Democratic representatives have become, what they are teaching children, their nasty demeanor and their lack of common decency, civility and manners, especially in front of Judge Kavanaugh’s children.

President Trump has derailed the New World Order’s plans for global domination and for the destruction of this great country, the United States of America.  The playing field was to be leveled, we were scheduled to be a third world country. For that reason alone, President Trump is despised, reviled, and maligned. The desire for his destruction is the number one cause of the left, as well as a majority of the neo-con right.  Trump derangement syndrome is on both sides of the aisle.  Subverting the President’s goals via the likes of Republicans Ryan, McConnell, Murkowski, Collins, Flake, McCain and others is common place.

It is up to the American electorate to be as vigilant and strong in electing Republicans to our Congress in 2018 as they were in electing Mr. Trump as our President.  Our lives and future actually depend upon it.

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

AG Jeff Sessions Is President Trump’s Judas Iscariot

Jesus answered them, “Did I not choose you, the Twelve?  And yet one of you is a devil.”  He spoke of Judas the son of Simon Iscariot, for he, one of the Twelve, was going to betray him.  —John 6:70-71

For you will certainly carry out God’s purpose, however you act, but it makes a difference to you whether you serve like Judas or like John. C.S. Lewis  —The Problem of Pain

AG Sessions, Unfit to Serve

Despite Sessions being the first to endorse Trump as a candidate, I believe his dishonorable and treacherous actions prove he was a hired swamp creature put in place by the establishment to help destroy the finest President we’ve had in many decades.  And Trump trusted him because Sessions was strong on sealing our borders.

Americans who voted for President Trump believed his support from Senator Jeff Sessions was pure and driven by honorable intentions, but the moment Jeff Sessions recused himself from the Russia investigation, he betrayed our President.

He deceived President Trump by concealing his intent to recuse himself from the federal investigation into Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election.  Hours after he was sworn in, Sessions set his recusal in motion by meeting with Department of Justice (DOJ) officials to discuss stepping aside from the probe.  Failing to disclose such a material matter to the president was an egregious disloyalty.

Sessions never told the president until three weeks later and when he cited the regulation of his recusal, he cited the wrong law. It didn’t apply to his recusal.  Fox commentator Gregg Jarrett clarifies:

Section 45.2 states that an official is disqualified from “a criminal investigation or prosecution” if he has a personal or political relationship with a “subject of the investigation or prosecution,” or with a person or organization whose interests would be affected by the outcome “of the investigation or prosecution.”

The probe of Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential campaign is not a criminal investigation or prosecution. In his written and oral testimony, former FBI director James Comey reiterated that the Russia probe is a counterintelligence investigation. As Comey elaborated, a counterintelligence investigation is an effort “to understand the technical and human methods that hostile foreign powers are using to influence the United States or to steal our secrets,” in order to “disrupt” those activities. Again, the point is to gather intelligence about a foreign power, not investigate with an eye toward a prosecution of criminal suspects.  Link

President Trump said, “If he was going to recuse himself, he should have told me prior to taking office, and I would have picked someone else.”  And Trump is absolutely right.  Attorney Gregg Jarrett has made it clear that neither the facts nor the law required his recusal.  As such, Jarrett has stated, “Jeff Sessions is the most feckless, incompetent attorney general in modern American history.”

Sessions hid the truth from President Trump, and in doing so destroyed Trump’s confidence and trust which are essential to the job.  Jarrett comments, “This ethical impropriety renders him unfit to serve.”

And what have we heard from Sessions hired investigator, Utah’s John Huber?  Nothing!  Our AWOL Attorney General and Huber are not conducting legit Clinton-Obama investigations, neither are they seeking justice.  The Huber investigation was started nine months ago and was supposed to be looking into the corrupt Clinton Foundation scandal involving Uranium One, but he still has not interviewed the main whistle blower in the case, Doug Campbell.

Sessions is a shill for the establishment!

Comey, Rosenstein, Mueller

Comey, Rosenstein and Mueller, the established Deep State trio, have been friends for years.  There are many reasons we should be uncomfortable with Mueller, especially since Obama extended FBI Director Mueller’s 10-year term for two more years.  But more importantly, these three men have worked in tandem to destroy America’s elected President.  Rosenstein actually appointed his friend Robert Mueller and never restricted his investigation to the Russian collusion.

What we are watching is what is called in the Justice Department and in terrorism prosecution, the use of terror legal tactics to destroy Trump supporters in order to try and force them to cooperate when they have nothing to cooperate with. It also discourages anyone else from ever working for Trump.

As for Mueller and his gang of Democrat attack dogs, Congressman Louie Gohmert’s expose, Robert Mueller Unmasked, documents Mueller’s long and sordid history of illicitly targeting innocent people that is a stain upon the legacy of American jurisprudence. Mueller lacks the judgment and credibility to lead the prosecution of anyone.

AG Sessions, why are there no charges against leaker James Comey?

FBI Director Wray and Andrew Weissmann

Joe diGenova has called Christopher Wray an “embarrassment.”  It was Governor Chris Christie who suggested Wray as FBI Director, because Wray had defended him in the Bridgegate scandal. Rosenstein was thrilled with Wray’s nomination.  Why?  Because birds of a feather flock together.

Wray led the Enron Task Force when he was with the DOJ as assistant attorney general in 2004, and Mueller’s head pit bull is Andrew Weissmann who was deputy and later director of the Enron Task Force. Wray had heaped praise on Weissmann and promoted him to the top of the DOJ’s Enron task force.  How Weissmann operated over a decade ago offers possible glimpses at how he carries out orders today from his longtime mentor, Robert Mueller.

Mueller’s “Jack the Ripper” obtained convictions against accounting giant Arthur Anderson and executives at Merrill Lynch. Weissmann destroyed the venerable accounting firm of Arthur Andersen LLP and its 85,000 jobs worldwide.  Those convictions for which Chris Wray offered praise in 2004?  The Supreme Court, in a 9-0 vote in 2005, overturned the Andersen conviction.

Weissmann’s prosecution also devastated the lives and families of Merrill Lynch executives, causing enormous defense costs, unimaginable stress and torturous prison time.  A year later, the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals erased all the fraud convictions against four Merrill Lynch managers. The jury had acquitted another defendant.

Defense attorneys say Weissmann intimidated witnesses by threatening indictments, created crimes that did not exist and, in one case, withheld evidence that could have aided the accused. Weissmann has been busted for withholding exculpatory evidence in other cases.

At one hearing, an incredulous district court judge looked down at an Enron defendant and told him he was pleading guilty to a wire fraud crime that did not exist.

Sound familiar?  This is exactly what President Trump’s former lawyer, Michael Cohen is doing…pleading to something that is not a crime.

Weissmann quietly resigned from the Enron Task Force just as the judge in the Enron Broadband prosecution began excoriating Weissmann’s team and the press began catching on to Weissmann’s modus operandiLink

Mueller’s attack dog, Andrew Weissmann, had full knowledge of the fake nature of the Steele dossier, which was a major predicate of the Russian witch-hunt that became the Mueller probe.  Weissmann knew there was collusion with the Russians and that it was among the DNC; the Clinton campaign; British agent Christopher Steele; Fusion GPS; the DOJ; the FBI.  Agent Bruce Ohr kept Weissmann “in the loop” about the fake dossier and its journeys through the Deep State swamp.  This alone makes Weissmann an unindicted co-conspirator. Link

Jeff Sessions is MIA.

Spurning House Intelligence Committee Subpoenas

Sessions has been as belligerent as Deputy AG Rosenstein and FBI Director Wray regarding producing subpoenaed documents requested by the House Intelligence Committee.  The DOJ has resisted, delayed and ignored the requests and subpoenas.  Rosenstein has even accused House Republicans of “threats,” extortion and wanting to “rummage” through department documents.  Rosenstein isn’t worried about rummaging, the DOJ is being asked to comply with very specific, potentially very revealing demands, yet they continually spit in the face of Congress who not only gave them the right to exist but funds them.

Republicans also demand the FBI drop any objections to declassifying a section of the House Intelligence Committee report that deals with a briefing former FBI Director James Comey provided about former national security adviser Lt. General Michael Flynn. House Republicans say Mr. Comey told them his own agents did not believe Mr. Flynn lied to them.

What are they hiding?  Comey, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Andrew McCabe, Bruce Ohr, and others have already shattered the FBI’s reputation and public trust. There is nothing to be gained from pretending this is business as usual and they can’t give documentation on the Russia investigation or attempting to stem continued fallout by hiding further details.

Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) said that the American people will be “appalled” at what happened within the FBI and DOJ to start the Trump campaign-Russian collusion probe. Meadows said the DOJ leaked information to the press and used those reported stories as evidence to get FISA warrants. Link

They were responsible for this entire phony Russian collusion narrative.  They may have lost their jobs, but why hasn’t Sessions pulled all their clearances?  Why hasn’t he charged any of them with the crimes they’ve committed?

Where is AG Sessions?  Out to lunch, under a rock, hiding in a closet?  Feckless!

The CIA and FBI

Some months back, former FBI Agent Thomas J. Baker wrote about the FBI’s shocking disrespect for congress, and that when he was at the bureau prior to FBI Director Mueller, lawmakers’ requests for information got prompt responses.  So, what are the FBI and CIA hiding?

Thomas Baker exposed that John Brennan’s CIA may have directed activity in Britain, which very well could be a problem since there are long standing agreements that the U.S. will not conduct intelligence operations there.  Could this be why the FBI continues their stonewalling of Congress?  As Gregg Jarrett has stated, we need articulable facts to open a counterintelligence case, and we don’t have that.  It is likely that the CIA led the FBI down a rabbit hole in the 2016 probe, thanks to Director Brennan.  Remember Brennan voted in 1976 for Communist Gus Hall for President, he’s lied under oath, and he’s most likely a converted Muslim.

Certainly, Director Brennan took orders from the executive branch of government. Strzok and Page texted that “Obama wants to know everything.”

Where is Jeff Sessions?  Again, out to lunch and not supporting his President.

Criminal Activity Ignored

Why hasn’t Sessions reopened the case against Hillary?  We now know that China hijacked her emails in real time and classified emails were intercepted. Hillary’s carelessness and criminal actions may have led to the deaths of 20 CIA operatives in China from 2010 to 2012.

FBI Agent John Robertson was assigned to the Anthony Weiner case. Weiner is the former husband of Hillary aid, Huma Abedin.  During Robertson’s investigation of Weiner’s computer he discovered thousands of Hillary Clinton emails and blew the whistle on the Comey-McCabe and Strzok cover-up of evidence.

As Gregg Jarrett has stated on Fox News and in his book, The Russia Hoax, a special counsel should be appointed to reopen the case against Hillary for likely violations of the Espionage Act, obstruction of justice for destroying 33,000 emails under congressional subpoena, and potential “pay to play” self-dealing for profit through her foundation. And what about Uranium One?

It’s also fairly obvious that the incoming president was spied upon for political reasons.  Transition officials were unmasked, perhaps illegally.  And in one case, the unmasking was leaked to the media which is a crime.

Sessions is nowhere to be found.  Judas!


Our President needs to demand prosecutions of Hillary and Obama for all their felonious actions.  He needs to demand declassification of all necessary documents to Congress.  He needs to demand prosecutions of the DOJ and FBI agents who were complicit in an illegal partisan stance against his election and this felonious Russian collusion investigation.

He needs to block their attacks and then counterattack Mueller and his gang of Hillary loving leftists. Defense attorneys know Weissman has bent or broken rules in the past, especially in the Enron case.

Trump doesn’t seem to understand that he is fighting for his life, and the life of his family.  The globalist establishment expected Hillary to be President and to carry on their new world order activities.  The nation heard Trump and responded in such huge outpourings of love that we overrode even vote fraud and put our man in the White House.  Now Trump needs to fight the cabal, and it better be soon.

Today more people are beginning to understand that our intelligence community has a lot to answer for.  They have not just recently become involved in the Deep State; the Deep State was inside the intelligence community from the get-go.  Allen Dulles was the first director of the CIA.  He and his brother, John Foster Dulles, were members of the globalist Council on Foreign Relations.  They were involved in implanting socialism in the established churches in America and destroying our pulpits. The enemy is in our house.

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Cindy McCain, John’s Choice As His Replacement

I am concerned for the security of our great Nation; not so much because of any threat from without, but because of the insidious forces working from within.  —General Douglas MacArthur

A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves and traitors are not victims… but accomplices. —George Orwell

John McCain spent five and one-half years in a prisoner of war camp in Viet Nam.  McCain and 19 other jets were commissioned to destroy a power plant in Hanoi. Shot down in his Skyhawk dive bomber on Oct. 26, 1967, Navy flier McCain was taken prisoner. When John ejected his right knee slammed into something and broke, and the force of shooting from the craft and hitting the air snapped his arms. He lost years of his life because he chose to serve his country.  Let’s not forget that.  Pray for his family.

Senator John McCain is pulled out of a Hanoi lake by North Vietnamese army soldiers and civilians on Oct. 26, 1967.

Many are glad McCain is gone from the Senate. Personally, I wouldn’t wish this glioblastoma brain cancer on my worst enemy, and I pray that John McCain had a “come to Jesus” moment before he succumbed to his illness.  Nevertheless, McCain may have once again put one over on his Arizona electorate and the rest of America.

Senator Cindy McCain?

This report calls it McCain’s final act of revenge and vengeance against America.  Had McCain resigned his seat when he received his diagnosis, we would be holding an election this November for his replacement.  But he had other plans, the resignation deadline was June 1st and he did not resign.  The Hill reported that last May 30th, Arizona Governor Doug Ducey, a close friend of the McCain’s, met with them at the McCain home outside Sedona, Arizona.

By refusing to resign and allowing the folks in AZ to vote on his replacement, McCain will effectively hold his senate seat until Jan. 2021, even in death. The replacement for John McCain won’t be on the ballot again until Nov. 2020 and the newly elected senator won’t be sworn in until Jan. 2021. McCain allies in Arizona and Washington have been pushing for Cindy McCain to be appointed to her husband’s seat.

Ducey has the power to appoint someone to the Senate seat.  I have long believed the replacement for McCain’s seat is his wife, Cindy McCain, and that they planned it this way.  Whoever replaces McCain will be his ideological clone, aka a ferocious enemy of Trump and his agenda.

John’s wife Cindy not only illegally used drugs but walked away from criminal charges. In 1994, Mrs. McCain admitted that she had solicited prescriptions for painkillers from physicians who worked for an international charity that she founded, the American Voluntary Medical Team. She then filled the prescriptions in the names of her staff. She was investigated by the Drug Enforcement Agency, after one of her staff reported her. Cindy received no charges or prison time, and she entered a diversion program.

Obamacare and Planned Parenthood

Americans were angry at the Senator’s betrayal when he failed to vote for the “skinny repeal” of Obamacare, and not just with McCain, whose conservative vote rating was 49%.  Alaska’s Murkowski gets a 65.1% conservative rating and Maine’s Collins gets a 46.3% conservative rating.  All three of these leftist Republicans voted to keep Obamacare and voted against defunding Planned Parenthood. The bill would only have eliminated the mandate to purchase insurance (which is now gone thanks to President Trump) and the medical device tax, yet they wouldn’t vote for it.

Collins, who did not vote for Trump, thought the salvation of the abortion provider was more important than cost-effective health insurance provided in a free market for all Americans.  Link  McCain and Murkowski had pledged repeatedly to repeal Obamacare when running for re-election, whereas Sen. Collins consistently voted against any Obamacare repeal proposed by the Senate.

McCain’s betrayal with a no vote when he campaigned to repeal it, was a slap in the face of our President.  The Senator took pleasure in joining with Democrats to screw the American taxpayers.  He broke seven years of promises to the American people, greeted Democrats with big smiles and issued hugs to Senators Chuck Schumer and Diane Feinstein.


In early June of 2017, McCain told a left-leaning overseas newspaper that Barack Obama provided better leadership for America than Trump.  McCain even sent a courier to Great Britain to obtain the phony Trump dossier and then gave it to Comey, when everyone in DC knew it was fictional rubbish and wouldn’t touch it.

Comey allowed Hillary to walk free.  And John McCain was not only a friend of Hillary but like her he promoted amnesty for illegal aliens. Their reasoning is clear, abortion has murdered 60 million American children, and we are replacing them with Democrat Mexican and Muslim voters.  McCain said Hillary was a great Secretary of State, “I think Hillary did a fine job, she’s a rock star.”

Senator McCain wanted Congress to pass the Gang of Eight’s comprehensive amnesty bill when he returned to the Senate after getting treatments for brain cancer.   He reportedly spoke to Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer about joining forces again to pass the “Gang of Eight” bill.  This is a massive amnesty bill, totally anathema to Trump’s policies and would give a path to citizenship to most illegals.

Soros and the McCain Institute

In 2008, Jerome Corsi reported that McCain had been funded by Soros since 2001.

Like former National Security Advisor, H.R. McMaster, McCain was closely tied to Soros. They reportedly became friends after the senator was exposed as a member of the “Keating Five political scandal” regarding the Savings and Loan industry scandal during former President George H. W. Bush’s administration.

The bank chairman, Charles Keating, paid $1.3 million to bribe five members of Congress to interfere with government regulators on behalf of the savings bank.  McCain was one of the most reprehensible in this scandal, and the American taxpayers had to again pick up the bill.

In 2012 McCain turned over nearly $9 million in unspent funds from his failed 2008 presidential campaign to a new foundation bearing his name, the McCain Institute for International Leadership.  It is a tax-exempt non-profit foundation with assets just over $8 million and associated with Arizona State University.

The institute has accepted contributions of as much as $100,000 from billionaire liberal activist-funder George Soros and from Teneo, a for-profit company co-founded by Doug Band, former President Bill Clinton’s “bag man.” Teneo had long helped enrich Clinton through lucrative speaking and business deals.

Bloomberg reported in 2016 on a $1 million Saudi Arabian donation to the institute, a contribution the McCain group refused to explain publicly, but this is just one of many questionable donations.  Link

McCain’s Foundation bears a striking resemblance to the corrupt Clinton family Foundation, including funds accepted from Soros.  Link  The Institute has refused to release the names of other big donors.

Libya and Benghazi

In 2005 Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi had dismantled his weapons of mass destruction (WMD) program and was lauded by the international community. Thus, relations between Libya and the US were improving. However, in 2011, Rubio hoped to polish his foreign policy credentials for his eventual president campaign, and so he thoroughly backed Hillary Clinton’s War on Libya. Following the murder of Gaddafi, Rubio, McCain and Graham celebrated with the rebels they helped to arm, just a year before these rebels attacked the embassy in Benghazi. We know the rest of the story.

McCain’s Unsavory Past

The “tributes” to veteran and politician McCain started the moment his death was announced.  Even Fox News has lauded the history of this often vindictive and vengeful Senator.

According to Colonel Ted Guy, John McCain’s commander as a POW, McCain collaborated with the enemy.  Others totally deny that McCain was traitorous in any way.  One must remember he had severe injuries from ejecting from his plane, and humans can take only so much before they break.  McCain conceded other POWs performed better.

In his memoir Faith of My Fathers, McCain admitted to being a lousy midshipman at the naval academy and a flier who lost four or five planes. (The time he decided to hug the ground in Spain for the hell of it and flew into some power lines the plane may have survived–it’s not clear from his account.)

The following links reveal far more.

McCain and the POW Coverup by Sidney Schanberg

The Real John McCain Vietnam Story

McCain Nearly Sunk Aircraft Carrier

John McCain is No Hero

Neither a Good Man, Nor a Public Servant

Betrayal of America’s Missing POWs

McCain and John Kerry were the bipartisan betrayal of MIAs and POWs.  Link

American POWs from Vietnam were the bloody flag Richard Nixon wrapped himself in, on the advice of Henry Kissinger which included his unfulfilled agreement with North Vietnam that let them keep and later execute hundreds of American POWs.  According to records recovered at the end of the Cold War, 1,205 American POWs were kept by North Vietnam.

U.S. President Richard Nixon announced that all U.S. servicemen taken prisoner had been accounted for. At that time, the U.S. listed 2,646 Americans as unaccounted for, including about 1,350 prisoners of war or missing in action and roughly 1,200 reported killed in action and body not recovered.

McCain fought against the release of classified Vietnam POW records and insisted they be sealed.  He and John Kerry buried the evidence. He also voted against a Senate Select Committee recommendation to investigate possible POWs left behind that were classified as MIAs.  He agreed with the lazy DOD at time who did not want the workload of investigating this possibility. Soldiers who had died were never brought home, and American prisoners of war died in captivity because of Kerry and McCain.  You can add Henry Kissinger to this atrocity.  Watch the stunning short video…

McCain purposely suppressed information about what happened to American soldiers missing in action in Vietnam.  Throughout his Senate career, he quietly sponsored and pushed into federal law a set of prohibitions that keep the most revealing information about these men buried as classified documents. Thus, the war hero who people would logically imagine as a determined crusader for the interests of POWs and their families became instead the strange champion of hiding the evidence and closing the books.

Jerome Corsi reported that this POW case haunted and helped destroy McCain’s image as a war hero.  Read the mass of evidence of our men left behind by this Senator.

President Trump might now be able to find a way to release the sealed POW documents, and bring those men home.

The Maverick

It is possible McCain did some sort of heroic type effort survival things like living through torture as did so many others during their capture–but he sure as hell is not a hero. Being a POW is not being a hero.

Escaping and then leading an attack back on his captures as Army Special Forces Lt. Colonel (then Lieutenant) James N. (Nick) Rowe did the next day after his escape and helicopter discovery and rescue all after being held in a tiny cage (and tortured) and having to live in far worse conditions than Hanoi Hilton for five years in the jungle of Viet Nam. Rowe, while racked with near death dysentery and weighing just 125 pounds of his original 180, barely able to walk did just that–he insisted on boarding a chopper to lead an attack against his former keeper’s camp deep in enemy territory before they could move to another location. Now that is pretty damn heroic–and he got nothing for that. [Link]

Before the phony tearful tributes to John McCain, like those of Ted Kennedy, be sure you remember the facts about this self-proclaimed Maverick. The facts do not always agree with that portrait of a heroic patriot and great American.  He even dissed his former running mate, Sarah Palin who is not invited to his memorial.

I don’t hold his military service as a POW against him. Every POW endured different horrors, and reacted in varying ways. McCain was significantly injured and required extensive medical treatment. And many POWs were exploited in different ways against their will by the North Vietnamese and Cuban interrogators. According to McCain, he was allegedly offered an early release from the Hanoi Hilton after a year, but refused and stayed with fellow veterans.

The only part of McCain’s military career I’ve been very critical of, was his absolute insistence that there were no live POWs left behind after the 1973 release of the Hanoi POWs, when we know for a fact that a good number were left behind, and were alive and still trying to signal friendly forces, as well as seen by witnesses, for more than a decade after.


The White House flag flew at half-mast for two days for Senator McCain, and flags are lowered by presidential proclamation, so the president decides who receives the honor. The recent tradition for senators who die in office has been to have flags lowered in their honor from their death until their burial.  President Trump raised the flag after two days of having it lowered, and then under pressure again lowered it until McCain’s burial.

When Obama was president, the flag was lowered for the drug induced death of addict Whitney Houston, but not for Shirley Temple Black who was an American artist beloved by her generation and an Ambassador to Ghana and to Czechoslovakia, and also served as Chief of Protocol of the United States. But nothing was said against his failure to honor this wonderful American citizen, yet a drug addled singer was honored.

In McCain’s last act before his death, he made a film that will denigrate our President and those of us who voted for him…even in death, he spews hate. [Link]

John McCain may be gone, but I don’t believe we’ve seen the last of the McCains.

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

The Pernicious Influence Of The Koch Brothers

Not all poison was bitter. Some of the deadliest poisons in the world tasted sweet; they were that much more dangerous because of it. Nenia Campbell, Author

The “Convention of States” Con-Con is one of the biggest political scams of our time, fueled by dark money laundered through (c)(3) organizations.  As they ramp up their push for Con-Con legislation in 2018, they will seek to avoid hearings that could expose the dark money behind their scheme. —Andy Schlafly

Hence to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting. —Sun Tzu

Searle Freedom Trust and Claude Lambe Foundations were exposed in my previous article.  They are a part of the Koch Family Foundations, all of whom have far reaching influence with a huge number of organizations promoting a Constitutional Convention, open borders, Planned Parenthood, free trade, UN Agenda 2030, and extreme environmentalism.  The Koch sons, Charles and David, are nothing like their anti-Communist father Frederick who was a long time member of the John Birch Society.  And yes, the left wants a Constitutional Convention just as much as the self-serving and complicit neo-conservative Trotskyite rightwing.

Here are many of the top Koch Industry lieutenants, Eric O’Keefe, Sean Noble, Marc Short, Richard Fink, Tim Phillips, and Edward Crane.  Fox News commentator, Lou Dobbs often speaks against the Koch Brothers and their organizations.  However, Fox News commentator Stuart Varney has featured Tim Phillips, President of Americans for Prosperity, on his program.  Link

Koch Industries Patriarch

Born in 1900, Fred was the father of Frederick, Charles, and twins David and William. After years of extremely contentious bickering between them, these sons split into two factions, with David and Charles taking over the company their father had started. Charles and David would build their father’s Midwestern company, which as of 1967 had $250 million in yearly sales and 650 employees, into a corporate Goliath with $115 billion in annual revenue and a presence in 60 countries.

Fred Koch was an American chemical engineer and entrepreneur who founded the oil refinery firm that later became Koch Industries.  A graduate of MIT, Koch had devised a more efficient procedure for cracking crude oil — the process by which crude oil is refined into gasoline and other products.  In 1925, Fred C. Koch joined MIT classmate Lewis E. Winkler at an engineering firm in Wichita, Kansas, which was renamed WinklerKoch.  By producing higher yields of refined gasoline from crude oil and reducing down time, Koch’s new royalty-free thermal cracking process helped smaller companies to better compete with their larger, more entrenched, and better-capitalized rivals.

Litigation ensued from the larger companies and Winkler-Koch was basically out of business, so they turned their efforts to foreign countries. From 1929 to 1932, Koch built 15 cracking units in the Soviet Union, and many others elsewhere in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia, including Hitler’s Germany prior to WWII.  Koch built the third-largest oil refinery to serve the Third Reich, a project which was personally approved by Adolf Hitler. The refinery was one of hundreds of international projects undertaken by the company in the late 1920s and early ’30s.  The company handled only the refinery’s “cracking” equipment. Many American businesses did business in Germany during the same time period, and the company also had projects then in England, Scotland, France and Canada.

It was Fred Koch’s hands-on experience with Soviet Communism that convinced him of the unmitigated evil of such a system, and ultimately turned him into a passionate crusader on behalf of liberty. In 1960, three decades after his experience in the Soviet Union, he published a small but trenchant tract, A Business Man Looks at Communism which spelled out his convictions and won many admirers. The Soviet Union, he wrote, was a “land of hunger, misery, and terror.” He had seen firsthand the fruits of Soviet Communism, both at home and abroad.

Koch Industries made its money in oil, chemicals, cattle, and timber. David and Charles amassed fortunes estimated at $41 billion apiece, tying them for sixth place among the wealthiest people on the planet.  Charles took the reins of the company over 50 years ago, and has steadily built on the foundation left by his father and diversified into every money-making opportunity that came along.

Koch Brothers and ALEC

The Koch Brothers have a number of funding vehicles:  Aegis PAC, Koch Family Foundations, Koch Network, Freedom Partners, Knowledge and Progress Fund, American Encore, Donors Trust, and Donors Capital.  An amazing amount of monies go to those who are promoting a second Constitutional Convention.  Here are corporations who have allegedly cut ties with ALEC.

No one knows how much the Koch brothers have given the pro-Constitutional Convention American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) in total, but the amount likely exceeds millions—not including a half-million loaned to ALEC when the group was floundering. Their major donors are from Koch foundations and organizations.  Koch Industries has been one of the select members of ALEC’s corporate board for almost thirty years. For a mere $25,000 a year, Koch Industries sits as an “equal” board member with state legislators, influencing bills that serve as a wish list for its financial or ideological interests.  The company’s top lobbyist was once ALEC’s chairman. As a result, the Kochs have shaped legislation touching every state in the country and have used ALEC as a way to invest in neo-conservative ideas and fertilize them with tons of cash.

ALEC and the Kochs often pursue parallel tracks. Just as ALEC “educates” legislators, Koch funding has helped “tutor” hundreds of judges with all-expenses-paid junkets at fancy resorts, where they learn about the “free market” impact of their rulings. But ALEC also operates like an arm of the Koch agenda, circulating bills that make their vision of the world concrete. The Kochs are for the full legalization of abortion. They promote free trade, environmentalism, open borders, UN Agenda 2030, and are ardently anti-President Trump.

Americans for Prosperity and the DeVos Foundation

In 2011 alone, the DeVos Foundation gave $3 million to David Koch’s Americans for Prosperity (AFP). They gave another $2.5 million to a Koch Network conduit Donors Trust from 2009 to 2010.  They have also contributed millions of dollars to other right wing organizations such as the State Policy Network, Heritage Foundation, the American Enterprise InstituteFreedom Works, Federalist Society, Mackinac Center for Public Policy, and others.

Besides miniscule donations from average Americans and the DeVos Foundation, there is a huge list of mega donors to AFP. Donors Trust, Donors Capital Fund, Koch Industries, and Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation are all Koch donations to AFP.  Then there’s the Shelby Cullom Davis Foundation who also gave $26 million to Heritage Foundation.  Both Shelby and his wife Kathryn were on the board of trustees for Heritage.  Kathryn was also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the League of Women Voters, and on the board of Planned Parenthood.  Click on any of the above links and you’ll see who else they’ve given to.  Former Heritage board member Richard Mellon Scaife is also prominently listed as a donor to AFP and gave over $30 million to Heritage Foundation.  Sarah Scaife Foundation, Scaife Family Foundation, Carthage Foundation, and Colcom Foundation are all a part of the pro-abortion Scaife family foundations.

Betsy DeVos and ALEC

Education Secretary, Betsy DeVos has advanced the ALEC agenda by bankrolling the 501(c)4 group the American Federation for Children (AFC), the 501(c)3 group Alliance for School Choice and by having these groups participate in and fund ALEC where AFC has played a leading role in crafting school privatization bills. AFC has been a “trustee” level sponsor of ALEC and is a member of ALEC’s Education Task Force.  Betsy DeVos headlined the July 19, 2017 ALEC meeting in Denver.

The DeVos group, Alliance for School Choice, has long funded ALEC’s Education Task Force and has been a driving force in the ALEC school privatization agenda, sponsoring bills, conducting workshops and pushing bills in the states. Link  DeVos backed Jeb Bush and later Marco Rubio and John Kasich. She did not actively support Trump after he won the nomination.

Betsy DeVos sat on the board of former Florida Governor Jeb Bush’s Foundation for Excellence in Education (FEE), which along with Jeb Bush, strongly supports the Common Core.  She aligned with Mike Pence on pushing local standards.  Pence never got rid of Common Core in Indiana.

The FEE is funded by the regular cast of characters.

Mark Meckler and Citizens for Self-Governance

Freedom Partners, (another Koch funded organization), funds Tea Party Patriots (TPP) who is also promoting a Constitutional Convention.  Jenny Beth Martin and Mark Meckler co-founded TPP but Meckler resigned to become President of Citizens for Self-Governance.  Here is their 2015 990 which shows that Meckler was being paid $220,200 a year plus $17,000 in expenses, in 2015, three years ago. Their major donor is the Koch Brothers’ Donor Trust.

Meckler is an active proponent of the Convention of States Project, a convention to propose amendments to the United States Constitution.  They make it sound so good, but it’s filled with lies and snakes that will destroy our God given freedoms.


There are many more organizations involved in promoting a Constitutional Convention that receive Dark Money from the Kochs or their organizations, including the Goldwater Institute who is funded by the same cast of characters.  One need only go to Conservativetransperancy.org to find who is funded by the dirty money.

And there are many politicians who attend the twice-yearly Koch organization meetings, including our Vice President, Michael Pence, who is way too close to the Koch brothers and their destruction of President Trump and American old right conservatism.  Stay tuned, more to come.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

The Koch Brothers Purveyors Of Dark Money

By Kelleigh Nelson

August 18, 2018

History fails to record a single precedent in which nations subject to moral decay have not passed into political and economic decline.  There has been either a spiritual awakening to overcome the moral lapse, or a progressive deterioration leading to ultimate national disaster.  —General Douglas MacArthur

Humanism is not new.  It is, in fact, man’s second oldest faith.  Its promise was whispered in the first days of the Creation under the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil: “Ye shall be as gods.”  —Whittaker Chambers

The billionaire Koch brothers are purveyors of Dark Money to politicians and entities they wish to influence in causes true constitutional conservatives would find appalling.  Here is a list of 2016 candidates who received Koch funding.  Some are influenced, some are not.

Just who are the Koch brothers and where is their Dark Money most persuasive? You will be surprised, but first let’s take a closer look at their beliefs and organizations, the latter of which cannot be covered in one article.

Koch Key Financing

The Koch brothers (pronounced “Coke”) David and Charles – are the billionaire co-owners of privately held Koch Industries. As two of the richest people in the world, they are key funders of the moderate Republican infrastructure.

Koch Industries, Americans for Prosperity, and the Koch family foundations have been longtime members and financiers of American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). The Koch brothers strongly support ALEC’s promotion of a new Constitutional Convention.  The State Policy Networks (SPN) which are mini-Heritage Foundations in each state are also top beneficiaries of Koch funds. SPN and its member think tanks are major drivers of the ALEC-backed corporate agenda in state houses nationwide, with deep ties to the Koch brothers and the national right-wing network of funders.

Paul Weyrich, who unabashedly yearned for a parliamentarian democracy with a shadow cabinet, founded both the Heritage Foundation and ALEC in 1973.  Heritage was also heavily funded by pro-abortion billionaire, Richard Mellon Scaife, who served as vice-chairman of the Heritage Foundation board of trustees until his death.

Council on Foreign Relations member and Heritage fellow, Richard V. Allen originated the North American Free Trade AgreementStuart M. Butler wrote the Heritage monograph Assuring Affordable Health Care for All Americans, which mandated all American households have health insurance.

The SPN was founded in 1992 by Thomas A. Roe, a South Carolina businessman who was a member of the board of trustees of The Heritage Foundation.  Roe told President Ronald Reagan that he thought each of the states needed something like the Heritage Foundation. Reagan’s reply was, “Do something about it,” which led Roe to establish the South Carolina Policy Council which adapted Heritage Foundation national policy recommendations and are now in most states.

The Heritage Foundation has received funding from organizations with connections to the Koch brothers. In 2012, Heritage received $650,000 from the Claude R. Lambe Foundation, which was one of the Koch Family Foundations before it closed in 2013. The Lambe Foundation alone contributed at least $4.8 million to the Heritage Foundation between 1998 and 2012.

Many Koch funding vehicles are set up as nonprofit trusts rather than not-for-profit corporations, an unusual step that reduces their public reporting requirements.

Masquerading as Conservatives

The Koch brothers’ affiliations are with the Deep State and Dark Money, and their disdain for our President is only too obvious despite several of their adherents being in the Trump administration. Charles Koch once likened the contest between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton to being asked to choose cancer or a heart attack.

David Koch is on the board of Trustees of Rockefeller University. Phyllis Schlafly called the Rockefellers and their ilk the kingmakers.  “Highly placed New York kingmakers,” she wrote, “work toward ‘convergence’ between the Republican and Democratic parties so as to preserve their America Last foreign policy. . .” And haven’t we seen this today with those who fought Phyllis’s endorsement and the election of President Trump.

Koch is also on the board of Earth watch Institute, an environmental, sustainability, Agenda 21 group and the board of the globalist new age Aspen Institute formerly headed by now deceased new age environmentalist Maurice Strong.  Strong, Club of Rome member, devout Bahai, founder and first Secretary General of United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP), was the driving force behind the birth and imposition of UN Agenda 21, now UN Agenda 2030.

Stem-cell research is supported by the Kochs and David also signed onto an amicus brief for the supreme court supporting gay rights and gay marriage.  Running as the Libertarian Party vice presidential candidate in 1980, David Koch backed a platform calling for the full legalization of abortion.

The billionaire Koch brothers latest ad campaign for amnesty shows they are open border, mass immigration, and mass amnesty for illegal aliens, despite opposition from the American people.  The ad pushes amnesty by using the words of the Washington, D.C. political establishment, which is unified not only on mass immigration, but also on endless free trade, and foreign interventionism.  House Speaker Paul Ryan is with them. Koch money even supported Andrew Cuomo as Governor of New York, who has publicly stated, “America has never been great.”

A campaign launched by Freedom Partners, Chamber of Commerce, Americans for Prosperity and the LIBRE Initiative, all groups funded by Charles and David Koch, will consist of advertisements, lobbying efforts and grassroots organization. This is a multi-year, multi-million-dollar campaign to tout free trade and oppose tariffs, and to once again defy our President’s goals.

Claude Lambe Foundation

The Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation, The Charles Koch Institute, The Charles Koch Foundation, David H. Koch Charitable Foundation (funds Americans for Prosperity) and the Koch Cultural Trust are just a few of the Koch funding organizations.

The Claude R. Lambe Charitable Foundation (CRLF) is one of three Koch family Foundations; this one was controlled by Charles Koch. He created the foundation in Wichita in the early 1980s with funds from the estate of his friend Claude Lambe. For the past three decades, CRLF has often spent millions annually to provide a regular infusion of cash for groups pushing the agenda favored by Koch. This includes millions of dollars, cumulatively, provided to the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), the Heritage Foundation, the Federalist Society and some state-based think tanks operating under the State Policy Network (SPN) banner.

The Claude R. Lambe Foundation (CRLF) was dissolved in 2013, further limiting what little is publicly known of which groups receive money controlled or directed by Charles Koch.

Searle Freedom Trust

The Searle Freedom Trust, was founded by David Searle, who made millions from aspartame marketed as NutraSweet. They are major funders of the neo-con rightwing which includes ALEC, the Goldwater Institute, the Heritage State Policy Network, and 64 state-based think tanks that produce academic reports, talking points and more to advance ALEC’s agenda, and their promotion of a Constitutional Convention.

The National Journal also reported in September 2013 that David Koch himself had provided an $850,000 personal check to the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in 2003.  David Koch provided the Massachusetts SPN think tank Pioneer Institute, with a $125,000 personal check in 2007. Both of these documents were public, although unexpectedly so. Link  Pioneer is heavily tied to Willard Mitt Romney.

In recent years, the Heritage Foundation has also received funding from Donors Trust and Donors Capital Fund, including $53,300 in 2010 and $69,850 in 2012. The Koch brothers have donated millions of dollars to Donors Trust through the Knowledge and Progress Fund, and possibly other vehicles.   Donors Trust, like all donor-advised funds, can offer privacy to clients who do not wish to make their donations public.

Searle Freedom Trust contributed $3,636,000 to Donors Trust and Donors Capital Fund between 2009 and 2013.  The Center for Public Integrity exposes a number of Donors Trust funders, many of whom have ties to the Koch brothers. One of the most prominent funders is the Knowledge and Progress Fund, a Charles Koch-run organization and one of the group’s largest known contributors, having donated nearly $9 million from 2005 to 2012. Other contributors known to have donated at least $1 million to Donors Trust include the Richard and Helen DeVos FoundationDonald & Paula Smith Family Foundation, Searle Freedom Trust, Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, and the John M. Olin Foundation.

Since its inception in 1999, Donors Trust has been used by conservative foundations and individuals to discretely funnel nearly $400 million to like-minded think tanks and media outlets, especially ALEC and the SPNs.

Donors Trust, a Koch Conduit

Donors Trust is considered a “donor-advised fund,” which means that it divides its funds into separate accounts for individual donors, who then recommend disbursements from the accounts to different non-profits. Funds like Donors Trust are not uncommon in the non-profit sector, but they do cloak the identity of the original donors because the funds are typically distributed in the name of Donors Trust rather than the original donors. Very little was known about Donors Trust until late 2012 and early 2013, when the Guardian and others published extensive reports on what leftist magazine Mother Jones called “the Dark-Money ATM of the conservative movement.”

Americans for Prosperity, an organization founded and funded by the Koch brothers, received nearly $9.5 million from Donors Trust and Donors Capital Fund from 2010 to 2012. Link

Donors Trust Funding

The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation contributed $2,969,292 to Donors Trust and Donors Capital Fund between 2009 and 2013. (links to the foundation’s IRS forms 990).

According to the organization’s tax documents, in 2011, Donors Trust contributed a total of $86 million to conservative organizations.

Many recipients had ties to the State Policy Network (SPN), a wide collection of conservative state-based think tanks and media organizations that focus on shaping public policy and opinion. In 2013, the Center for Media and Democracy released a special report on SPN.

Those who received Donors Trust funding included media outlets such as the Franklin Center and the Lucy Burns Institute, as well as think tanks such as SPN itself, the Heartland InstituteIllinois Policy InstituteIndependence InstituteMackinac Center for Public PolicySouth Carolina Policy CouncilAmerican Legislative Exchange CouncilManhattan Institute for Policy ResearchOklahoma Council of Public Affairs, and the Cascade Policy Institute.

Rich States, Poor States

Rich States, Poor States: ALEC-Laffer State Economic Competitiveness Index is an annual economic competitiveness study authored by economist Dr. Arthur Laffer, Stephen Moore, chief economist at the Heritage Foundation, and Jonathan Williams, Director of the Tax and Fiscal Policy Task Force at the American Legislative Exchange Council. Until recently, little information was available about the funders of Rich States, Poor States, but tucked in a cache of ALEC internal documents obtained by the Guardian in December, 2013, was a spreadsheet (PDF pg. 40) that showed for the first time that Rich States, Poor States is funded by the Koch’s Claude Lambe Foundation, as well as the Searle Freedom Trust.


Kochs dark money spending is not to Make America Great Again, but aims to destroy our 1787 Constitution. The two key founding documents in American history are the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. The first explains why we exist as a nation. Not only does the Declaration mention God four times, most importantly, it says that our rights come from the Creator.

The Constitution explains how we exist as a nation—how we are to function. The Constitution is predicated on the Declaration. When skeptics claim the Constitution doesn’t mention God (which it does, in the ratification clause), they ignore that the latter is predicated on the former.

The Koch brothers masquerade as conservatives while financing the destruction of America, our Constitution and our duly elected president. This article has simply skimmed the surface of the Koch brothers financial influence. There’s more to come.

P.S. Journalists at NewsWithViews spend hours researching and writing articles to keep us abreast of the truth in politics, religion, education, health and more.  It is an offering to help save our beloved country.  Our CEO works tirelessly to bring new articles daily into hundreds of thousands of homes.  Websites are a costly venture and the left would love to see us fail, but our avid readers have kept us in the black.  Tell your friends to sign up to receive the daily articles.  Monthly donations are especially appreciated, but every penny helps us.  Donations can be made here.

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Judge Kavanaugh, Trump’s Superb Choice For The Supreme Court

Nothing in the Constitution has given [the judiciary] a right to decide for the Executive, more than to the executive to decide for them. Both magistracies are equally independent in the sphere of action assigned to them… the opinion which gives to the judges the right to decide what laws are constitutional, and what are not, not only for themselves in their own sphere of action, but for the Legislature & Executive also, in their spheres, would make the judiciary a despotic branch.Thomas Jefferson

If Jefferson could see what the judiciary is doing today, he’d be denouncing them.  Benjamin Franklin served as one of the foremost architects in structuring the Constitution, and while most of the Founders were congratulating one another on their remarkable charter of liberty, Benjamin Franklin injected this note of prophetic insight. “I agree to this Constitution … and I believe, further, that this is likely to be well administered for a course of years, and can only end in despotism, as other forms have done before it, when the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic government, being incapable of any other.”

All of this went along with Franklin’s basic philosophy of sound government; namely, that no people can remain free if they become wicked and immoral, and that certainly rings a bell today. When a society decays to the point where people begin to fear for their lives and their property (think Antifa and BLM), the demands for a police state have always been inevitable.  This is why the American people elected Donald J. Trump…he was the only candidate who truly understood what has been lost in our beloved country, and what needs to be restored…Make America Great Again.

Judge Brett Kavanaugh

Our President has made a marvelous choice in Judge Brett Kavanaugh to replace Anthony Kennedy on the Supreme Court of the United States. President Trump introduced the Judge and said, “What matters is not a judge’s political views but whether they can set aside those views to do what the law and the Constitution require. I am pleased to say that I have found, without a doubt, such a person.”

President Trump stated he believed Judge Kavanaugh when he said, “My judicial philosophy is straightforward. A judge must be independent and must interpret the law, not make the law.”

Though firmly committed to interpreting the Constitution as written, he’s no ideologue which is why Sen. Ted Cruz and other neo-cons had been urging Trump to pick someone else.

Andy Schlafly’s brilliant tome on why Kavanaugh is a superb choice needs to be read by all American patriots, because he understands what is at stake for our country. Schlafly states, “Kavanaugh need not answer questions about the abortion issue, just as Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg set the precedent herself for declining to answer specific questions about cases.”

Brothers John and Andy Schlafly, both of whom are attorneys, wrote a spectacular article for Phyllis Schlafly Eagles entitled, Trump Cements Legacy with Scotus Pick.  In this article they write, “The Never-Trump wing of the Republican Party does not like how Kavanaugh has long agreed with Trump on core issues.  Unlike Kavanaugh’s liberal rivals for nomination to the Supreme Court, he has participated in more than 3,800 cases and unflinchingly defended principles loathed by liberals. Kavanaugh is stellar on immigration and sovereignty, the life issue and the Second Amendment.

Judge Kavanaugh supports American sovereignty, and does not defer to international law!”  This statement alone should make you cheer for our President’s choice for Supreme Court Justice.

With important immigration-related decisions heading to the Supreme Court, including the challenge to the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), Judge Kavanaugh will provide expert insight into the legality of the program and the ability of future administrations to circumvent Congress and create tailored amnesty programs for large groups of illegal aliens.

Liberals of course are sharpening their knives against this pro-life nominee, but noted criminal defense attorney, and retired Harvard law professor, Alan Dershowitz, a constitutional scholar and frequent commentator on both CNN and Fox News, considers Judge Brett Kavanaugh to be an excellent nominee for the supreme court.

Reversing Bad Precedents

Despite stare decisis and the judges who may cling to it, with Brett Kavanaugh on the court, there is an opportunity with a 5-4 majority to reverse many of the bad court decisions.  Justice Anthony Kennedy was a moderate in legal philosophy, and thus earned himself a reputation as the court’s quintessential “swing vote” which he disdained.  However, in Kennedy’s last years on the court, he moved to the right with his decisions.  Chief Justice Roberts who has seemed to be in the ideological middle may be the court’s next “swing vote,” but that remains to be seen.

Chief Justice Roberts has already joined the four liberal justices to save Obamacare once, and all indications are that he’s unwilling to reverse Roe or any other precedent more than four decades old. (For that matter, the only justice who clearly favors junking Roe is Clarence Thomas.).

There are any number of decisions from liberal courts in the past which need to be reversed.  Pro-life Americans immediately think of Roe v Wade which should be overturned because it is not one of the federal government’s enumerated powers, just as so many other decisions by the Supreme Court belong only to the states, and should never have been decided as federal law.

Attorney Andy Schlafly has said, “You’ll hear from Moderates that ‘you can’t do that’ because it’s already been decided. But that’s all open for reconsideration now. Don’t fall for it.”

Sedition and First Amendment Rights

Although sedition laws are still on the books, the Warren Court effectively neutralized them on Red Monday, 1957.  Yates v. United States354 U.S. 298 (1957), was a case decided by the Supreme Court that held that the First Amendment protected radical and reactionary speech, unless it posed a “clear and present danger.” Link  H/T to John and Andy Schlafly.

First amendment rights give us the ability to speak against what we disagree with regarding the government.  For this reason, sedition laws are rarely enforced despite obvious sedition being rampant today against our President and his people. Sedition used to be viewed as treason, or even an act of domestic terrorism, but it’s now viewed by many as our First Amendment rights.

Of the five rights all Americans are afforded within the First Amendment, the two that protect against sedition are freedom of speech, and freedom of the press. The other three are freedom of religion, freedom to assemble peaceably and freedom to petition the government for a redress of grievances.  Too many today are not assembling peaceably, but causing property damage and personal harm, yet few are charged.

Americans have the right to a dissenting opinion, and the right to write about it and publish it if we choose. Nevertheless, we are being censored although some deny it, first Alex Jones and now those who write WordPress blogs are being shut down for “hate speech,” especially if you write about Sandy Hook.  Freedom of the press apparently only exists for liberal socialists like Sarah Jeong and her racist posts.

NYTs Co. v. Sullivan

Prior to 1964, libel by the press against a public figure could get them sued. That all changed with the 1964 Supreme Court decision, NYTs Co. v Sullivan which was decided by the liberal Warren court in a 9-0 decision. (Chief Justice Earl Warren was appointed by Republican President Dwight Eisenhower. Another liberal followed the Warren Court, Chief Justice Warren Burger, appointed by Republican President Richard Nixon.)

This decision changed the rules involving libel that had previously been the province of state law and state courts and stated that media could lie about public figures with impunity as it was a first amendment right. A public official could recover in a libel action only if and when a court found that the libelous statement about the official was made with “actual malice”—that is, with knowledge that it was false or with reckless disregard of whether it was false or not.  This is their tortured interpretation.

The 1964 SCOTUS decision, which dealt with a civil libel action, changed the dynamics of debate in our society into the deceptive and dishonest attacks on public figures we see daily by society’s socialists.  It needs to be overturned.  The American public never gets the truth today.

And now, many websites, blogs, social medias and videos are censoring rightwing views and shutting them down.  If you feel like you’re living in Communist China, you’re not alone.  The 50-page report, “Censored! How Online Media Companies Are Suppressing Conservative Speech,” was written by Ashley Rae Goldenberg and Dan Gainor. It examines the four largest internet entities — Google, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube and declares that their handling of political speech is “far more troubling than most conservatives realize.”  Yes, war has been declared against conservatives, and most of them don’t even realize it.

The left can lie with impunity about anyone in the public forum, but conservatives are not allowed to air their beliefs in the same way as they are charged with “hate speech.”

Brown v. Entertainment Merchants Association

In June 2011, the United States Supreme Court ruled 7-2 that California’s 2005 law restricting minors’ access to video games with violent content is unconstitutional. Justice Antonin Scalia wrote the majority opinion, writing that, “video games qualify for First Amendment protection.”  Link

The ruling was seen as a significant victory for the video game industry. Several of the Court’s justices suggested that the issue might need to be re-examined in the future, considering the changing nature of video games and their continuously improving technology.

United States v. Eichman

This was a 1990 decision by the Supreme Court that invalidated prohibitions on desecrating the American flag enforced in 48 of the 50 states. Anthony Kennedy mentioned this as one of his greatest decisions joining the vote to legalize flag burning in the 1989 Texas v. Johnson decision.

Justice William Rehnquist wrote a very compelling dissent which is truly a piece of history we should all read and remember when we see the flag draped coffins of American soldiers who have died in defense of our nation.


If the high court is ever to be depoliticized, nominees must show how their decision-making process reflects the virtues of self-government that lie at the heart of the Constitution.

The Senate will question Judge Kavanaugh’s views on every issue, from abortion to gun rights and how it will influence his decisions. Like nominees before him, his non-answers on future hypothetical cases will frustrate them, but that is as it should be.

Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer will try to play out the clock, pushing to delay any confirmation vote until after mid-term elections, when his odds of defeating the nominee might improve.

It’s up to Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and the White House to make sure Democrats’ belligerent games don’t derail a first-rate nominee.

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Unhinged Maxine Waters Leads The Left In Calling For Anarchy

I want to remind the viewers that people like Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama endorsed the Occupy Wall Street movement which is actually full of anarchists. —Kati Pavlich

Political language, and with variations this is true of all political parties, from Conservatives to Anarchists, is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.  —George Orwell

The Intolerance of the “Tolerant” Left

Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA) openly called for people to form a mob and physically confront members of Donald Trump’s administration if they see them out in public.  She took this action after the controversy over separated migrant families erupted but she never mentions that the law requires separating illegals from their alleged children and has for decades upon decades through previous administrations.  She only blames Trump.

Waters, who doesn’t live in the district she represents and paid her daughter $75,000 for Democratic fundraising activities, said to a crowd at a “Keep Families Together” rally in late June, “If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.”  Really Maxine?  Talk about intolerance and discrimination, and you’re claiming President Trump is promoting violence and divisiveness?

Congresswoman, it is you, the entire left, including Black Lives Matter, Antifa and other far left organizations who are the ones promoting savagery and hostility.  Churchill said, “The fascists of the future will call themselves anti-fascists.”

Please people, support Omar Navarro against this psychotic and unhinged agent of Saul Alinsky, the community organizer, anarchist and trafficker of anti-American tactics.  Alinsky’s first book, Rules for Radicals was dedicated to the first radical, Lucifer.

Destroying America’s Culture of Civility and Refinement

The 1828 Noah Webster dictionary has the best definition of anarchy/anarchist.  An anarchist is one who incites revolt and promotes disorder in a state.  Anarchy is a state of society when there is no law or supreme power, or when the laws are not efficient, and individuals do what they please with impunity; political confusion.

And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.” Matthew 24:12

Here is a list of attacks against conservatives for just one year, from June of 2016 to June of 2017, but this lack of civility and decency to fellow Americans is now far more common.

In June of 2017, Huffington Post actually published a piece by contributor Jason Fuller calling for the execution of Donald Trump.  Then there’s a former professor who attacked seven conservatives hitting them in the head with a bike lock who received only three years’ probation rather than prison time for felony assault.  One victim had to have five staples to close the wound.

Add the latest, Sarah Jeong who currently works at the Vox Media site The Verge, was hired by the Times editorial board to work on technology issues. Shortly after the hire was announced, conservative publications dug up old tweets of hers containing statements like “white men are bulls**t” and “oh man it’s kind of sick how much joy I get out of being cruel to old white men.”

To some conservatives like National Review’s David French and New York magazine’s Andrew Sullivan Jeong’s tweets are bigger than her: They reveal a rot in the progressive movement, that “social justice warriors” have become totally okay with racism so long as it’s directed at white people.  Of course, there’s a leftist double standard when it comes to social media transgressions…unlike Roseanne Barr, Jeong won’t be fired.  She has however had to apologize and delete her tweets.

The Double Standard

Haven’t we seen this over and over again where the hate spewing left does what they please with impunity?  Where restaurants toss guests because they disagree with their political beliefs, where actors promote pedophile harm to the president’s son, and where now that same washed up actor is promoting democratic voter fraud to destroy Trump…where the White House Correspondence Dinner included so-called comedian Michelle Wolf who attacked Press Secretary Sarah Sanders for the way she looked, and told Trump he wasn’t very rich.  Bet she doesn’t have $10 billion bucks.

Shawn Christy is accused of interstate communication of threats via Facebook, and threats against the President of the United States stating he will shoot the President in the head and kill any law enforcement who try to stop him.  The FBI and the U.S. Marshalls Service are seeking help from the public. [Link] The FBI has “allegedly” intensified their search.

Candace Owens and Charlie Kirk while enjoying breakfast in Philadelphia were accosted by a mob of angry leftists, including Antifa thugs, who cowardly refuse to show their faces, most of whom are white. Protesters screamed phrases like “You’re a soft fascist!” and “F**k white supremacy!” at both Kirk and Owens.  Oh yes, scream white supremacy at a black woman!  Link

Candace tweeted, “Was this picture of a white Democrat using a megaphone to shout violent rhetoric into the ear of a black woman taken in 1965?  Nope!  It was taken today folks.  A picture is worth a thousand words.”

One of the protestors dumped a bottle of water on Charlie Kirk.

“If an angry conservative mob formed while two young liberals, one white guy and a black woman, were eating breakfast, and the mob hurled horrific insults, threw objects and assaulted them, the left would call it a ‘hate crime’ and every major outlet would be demanding condemnation,” Kirk tweeted.  Again, a double standard.

These two amazing conservative commentators will be speaking at Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Council on Friday, September 14th in St. Louis Missouri.

The First Amendment

There are five rights in the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution.

  • Freedom of Religion.
  • Freedom of Speech.
  • Freedom of the Press.
  • Freedom to Assemble Peaceably.
  • Freedom to Petition the Government for a Redress of Grievances.

Note the freedom to assemble peaceably.  We have seen unbelievable lawlessness, personal injuries and destruction time and time again and nothing is being done…no massive arrests, no fines, no prison time.

Today’s millennials have no comprehension of our God given rights.  In the following four-minute video, not one youth can name even one of the five rights stated in our First Amendment.

Portland Lawlessness

City officials in Portland, OR say they’ll be cleaning up the “disgusting” Occupy ICE camp after police cleared the area of protesters in late July 2018.

The mayor’s office said it would pick up a portion of the tab for the cleanup.  The Portland Police Bureau cordoned off the site calling it a biohazard.  It’s the taxpayers who have to pick up the tab Mayor, when it should have been the protestors who were forced to pay, but did anyone collect names…of course not.

The Occupy ICE activists set up camp near the local office of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) after an outcry over the agency’s crackdown on illegal immigrants.  A local resident who lived near the ICE office said he was, “Getting tired of waking up to the bullhorn and the sounds and the cussing.”

ICE officials told Willamette Week that staff members at the office called police on at least two occasions in June to report protesters blocking entrances and exits, only to have their 911 calls go unanswered.  ICE agents claim the Oregon mayor created a zone of terror and lawlessness with the protestors. Link

The unanswered calls came after Mayor Ted Wheeler directed Portland police not to intervene on the first day of the protests.  He has denied claims by the union representing ICE employees that city police officers would not respond to their urgent calls for service during the occupation by protesters.

Through attorney Sean Riddell, the union criticized the mayor for his laissez faire approach to the protest at the local ICE field office, which lasted five weeks. When the protest began, Wheeler announced that he would not allow Portland police officers to be “sucked into a conflict” over the protest and said federal police would be responsible for protecting their own building and property.

Riddell’s complaint was that Wheeler was “forbidding” officers from responding to ICE employees’ calls and had “created a zone of terror” for workers at the field office.

The Washington Times reported that the National ICE Council, which represents around 7,600 ICE agents and staff members, said in a letter to the city on Monday that Mayor Ted Wheeler (D) had “turned the lives of our employees over to an angry mob.”

“The mayor stated publicly that he supported the protests, which were supposed to be about protecting immigrant families. But what about the moms and dads that we had working in that building? What about their kids?” Chris Crane, the union’s president, told the Times. “These are questions that we’ll be expecting the mayor and city of Portland to be answering in the days to come.”

The situation quickly spiraled out of hand, growing from a small group of protestors into a massive “occupy” encampment that shut down ICE’s rented building from June 20 to June 28, when federal police gathered enough manpower to retake control. The encampment continued for weeks afterward.

Mayor Wheeler finally turned on the protesters and ordered them to disband.

While the protesters’ story has been well-documented, the ICE employees who were first trapped inside their building, then later were blockaded from entering it for a week, have not gotten as much attention.  Now they are beginning to talk about the harassment they faced even when outside the office.

Michelle Wolf is No Comedian

The same “comedian” hired at the White House Press Dinner, Michelle Wolf, has been slammed by former ICE Director Thomas Homan.  Wolf’s Netflix video mocked ICE as an extremist group on par with the Islamic State (ISIS), depicting ICE agents as terrorist thugs. At one point during the two-minute skit, Wolf dressed up as Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and stood in between two masked ICE agents holding two black flags.

Leftists like Democrat Michelle Wolf have no clue of what ICE does to protect the American people.  Abolishing ICE would mean open borders because it would eliminate the agency responsible for removing people who enter or remain in our country illegally, including drug dealers; gang members; and child molesters, rapists, and other sex offenders.

Former Director Homan said, “We’ve saved several thousand children from drug traffickers. We have arrested over 2,000 child predators that have trafficked children for sexual exploitation and pornography.”

ICE’s Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) arrested “more than 127,000 aliens with criminal convictions or charges.” ICE’s Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) meanwhile made 4,818 gang-related arrests in FY 2017 and seized more than 980,000 pounds of narcotics. Link


The left has spun out of control, their rage has consumed them, their logic is gone.  The likes of Maxine Waters, Sen. Liz Warren, Sen. Kirsten Gillebrand and Sen. Kamala Harris along with their Democratic brothers and sisters show the desire to destroy the representative republic. Their goal is to make us a third world country beholden to none but the enemies of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, the latter of which was originally John Locke’s “the pursuit of property.”

We are inundated with communists on the left who wish to destroy this Republic and they are moving as they’ve never moved before because they hate our outsider President who wishes to truly Make America Great Again.  Their goals and beliefs have become all too obvious to anyone in the electorate who actually pays attention.  We are in a battle for the God given rights of the people…those rights our founders understood…but the communist infiltrators wish to totally destroy.

One has to wonder if FBI Agent Peter Strzok’s “insurance policy” will work to destroy our president.  Obviously, none of these godless people have a clue of “Do unto others…”

If we lose, our descendants will pay a debilitating price for our failures.

P.S. Dear readers of NewsWithViews.com, our writers long for our long-lost American freedoms.  Our CEO escaped a communist country and he well knows the difference between freedom and chains.  This is why he fights to save the last bastion of freedom in the world, the United States of America.  Please help us to keep NewsWithViews coming into your mailbox every day.  Please support us monthly with your donations and help to save our beloved country.  Tell your friends to sign up on the website for daily emails from NWVs and remember us in your prayers.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

America’s Primaries Show The Apathy Of Our Electorate

The death of the Republic is not likely to be an assassination from ambush. It will be a slow extinction from apathy, indifference, and undernourishment. Robert M. Hutchins

By far the most dangerous foe we have to fight is apathy – indifference from whatever cause, not from a lack of knowledge, but from carelessness, from absorption in other pursuits, from a contempt bred of self- satisfaction.  —William Osler

Trump derangement syndrome has proven there are many psychotics on the left, but the very same goes for the false friends on the right who truly are more dangerous than our open enemies.  These neo-cons on the right actually work to destroy the true conservative candidates running for office. The State of Tennessee is a perfect example.

Tennessee’s primaries were held on August 2nd, 2018.  To say that I am distraught over some of the results would be an understatement.  I campaigned for one of the finest men in Knoxville to become our district’s State of Tennessee representative and I saw the lies and moral corruption.  Two of the other five candidates for district representative went door to door and told constituents that my candidate had dropped out of the race but was still on the ballot because it was too late to remove his name.  They even came to my door and said the same thing, knowing it was false.  But this is minor compared to the behind-the-scenes good-ole-boy actions of those who control this state.

Few Register to Vote

In America we have the right and freedom to vote, and when we massively vote as we did in the 2016 election, despite voter fraud and Deep State tactics, we win.  But Americans have not been educated on our Constitution and our freedoms for many decades. They don’t understand that the most important election is the primaries.

Investigative research journalist and friend Devvy Kidd has written numerous times on the failure of our electorate to vote in the most important of elections…the primaries.  Here are just a few of her many articles on same. Please take the time to read and share them.

Re-electing the Band Aid Brigade, May 18, 2010

Electing New Band Aid Pushers, May 23, 2012

Unfortunately, the Voters Didn’t Completely Drain the Swamp Nov. 8, 2016

Forget ‘we’ll remember in November’ – it’s the primaries, Jan 31 2016

Primary Voters Still Voting for Their Own Destruction, March 7, 2016

Going door to door in various neighborhoods was an enlightening experience. In middle class neighborhoods of over 150 homes, the registered Republican voters were approximately 25 to 30 homes.  In Tennessee, you can register as a Republican but still cross over and vote for Democrats and likewise, Democrats can cross over and vote for Republicans and when they do, they usually vote for the moderate or liberal to skew the results and we end up with Republicans like the McCains, Ryans, and McConnells.  This is all too common in the Bible belt State of Tennessee.

In more affluent areas, I found even fewer homes were registered to vote.  Many people would not even open their doors or they would open them and scream, “No soliciting!”

In lower economic areas, more were registered to vote, and some of them were quite nice, others non-committal.  I actually had the opportunity to educate several young people who said they weren’t interested in politics, but their parents were.  And they listened and commented!  Some really great youngsters are out there if we’ll just talk to them.

Several home owners invited me in to see their homes or to talk politics.  (I have a carry permit and was never foolish.)

The terrific candidate I was campaigning for told me that voter registration has always been low. He was our former five-term county sheriff and had campaigned throughout the entire Knox County of 500,000 people as well as surrounding counties many times.  Those with money and stature don’t feel they need to vote, they have everything they need and their apathy toward our Republic and our right to vote is indefensible.  In my neighborhood of 21 homes, only seven homes are registered to vote, and a few of those homes are Democrats.

TN GOP Governor’s Primary

Pictured are Randy Boyd, Congressman Diane Black, Bill Lee, and TN House Speaker, Beth Harwell, candidates for Tennessee GOP governor.

On Fox’s Stuart Varney Show the day after our primary, they announced the upset in our Tennessee Governor’s race.  We had four people running for Republican Governor.  Randy Boyd is an establishment insider like our present Governor Bill Haslam, whose family owns Pilot Oil and Flying J and whose money and power runs the state.  As a wealthy businessman, Boyd spent millions on this race.  He supported Jeb Bush for President in 2016. Boyd said, “Supporting Trump would be anathema to me.”  He called on Jeb for support in the TN Governor primary. Boyd  is still listed as serving on Obama’s College Promise Campaign board which is working to make state community college scholarships like Haslam’s Tennessee Promise, available to illegal immigrant students.

Neo-con Tennessee House Speaker Beth Harwell unsurprisingly came in last.

Congresswoman Diane Black, who was endorsed by VP Pence, and favored by President Trump came in third.  She is not the full-blooded conservative we wished for, but the best thing about her was the fact that she would not and has never taken orders from our billionaire Governor, Bill Haslam.

Construction executive Bill Lee spent $5 million of his own money to win the Republican primary for Tennessee Governor.  I believe he won simply because he is an outsider like President Trump, and claims to be a devout Christian.  However, Bill will have a heavy-duty learning curve, and he may be swayed by people who true conservatives distrust.

The Haslams

Governor Haslam brought United Nations Agenda 21 and smart growth into Tennessee when he was Knoxville’s mayor and then as governor.  He also crawled in bed with Education Czar Arne Duncan to literally destroy what little was left of academic education in this state. Obama praised Haslam as a “flexible leader.”

In the spring of 2013, FBI and IRS agents executed sealed search and seizure warrants at Pilot Flying J headquarters in Knoxville, TN as part of an investigation into one of the largest family-owned companies in the United States. Billionaire Jimmy Haslam, brother of our Governor, is the CEO.  Upper management was charged with fleecing small trucking companies and the Haslams were found innocent, but former Pilot Flying J vice president of sales John “Stick” Freeman said in a recording played for jurors in U.S. District Court in Chattanooga that CEO Jimmy Haslam absolutely knew exactly what they were doing.

Senate Race

Congressman Marsha Blackburn is the Republican nominee for Senate.  Former Tennessee Democrat Governor Phil Bredesen is the Democrat nominee.  The seat is being vacated by Senator Bob Corker, who only supported Trump when he thought the President could advance his ambitions.  Initially Governor Bill Haslam thought of running for the seat, but then he decided the five-year trial and guilty verdict of his family’s business, Pilot Oil Flying J may put a damper on his candidacy.

We definitely do not want Phil Bredesen in the Senate, he would take orders from Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, whereas Marsha Blackburn has been a strong Trump supporter.

Congressional Race

John (Jimmy) Duncan has been our Congressman since 1988 when he was elected to succeed his father in Congress.  Jimmy is a lawyer, former judge, and former long serving member of the Army National Guard and his district is based in Knoxville.  When he decided to retire, he endorsed businessman Jimmy Matlock over Knox County Mayor, Mayor Burchett.  Our hopes were pinned on Matlock winning because we knew after eight years of Burchett exactly what he stood for and his ties to Governor Haslam.  Burchett served as our state representative and then our state senator.

Burchett is so close with liberal democrats that Hillary Clinton mega donor liberal former Democrat Tennessee Governor Phil Bredesen who is now running for Corker’s senate seat, performed his first marriage.  Burchett is in no way like President Trump, nor did he support him.

We have heard Burchett say that he is for a Constitutional Convention.  He also allowed United Nations Agenda 21 and Smart Growth to proceed in Knoxville when he could have put a stop to it.  He is tied to the Haslam power brokers.

He worked with liberal democrats to support raising our taxes on three occasions, and  there are allegedly multiple ongoing state and federal investigations ranging from bribery, tax evasion, nepotism, backroom deals, and abuse of power against him.

Burchett gave his step son a government job over many qualified veterans who had applied. The step-son has a jaded arrest record in several counties in East TN that had been expunged in at least one county; he was not qualified for the position.  One veteran researched the facts and wrote about it.

In the state legislature, Burchett was the deciding vote for the democrats to maintain control of state senate. He opposed creating an ethics commission to oversee campaign finances and was then found guilty and fined for hiding campaign money after the commission was created.

Word is that Burchett also hid thousands of dollars in payments and investments from the state ethics commission while sponsoring legislation dealing with those companies’ markets.  Burchett increased the Knox County budget by 22% and our debt by $43 million.  He also hired a NeverTrumper as his advisor and chief of staff, pro-Palestinian Dean Rice who divorced his wife and left his twins to marry a Palestinian woman.

Yet the people of Knox County voted for him as our Republican nominee for congress for the second congressional district instead of Jimmy Matlock who would have helped President Trump.

State Representative Race

As I mentioned above, the candidate who should have won, and would have won had the power brokers not interfered, was the true conservative who knows exactly what is going on in our country.  He is pro-life, pro-second amendment, pro academic education, is against new taxes, has 33 years in law enforcement as a police officer and our County Sheriff and was President Trump’s East TN chairman.  He definitely would put our community interests above special interests.

In my district there were five people running for state representative, Stacey Campfield, Tim Hutchison, Justin Lafferty, Jesse D. Nelson, and Dr. Guy L. Smoak.  Republican votes cast in this district were 9,033.

Jesse Nelson, an attorney representing Knoxville strip club dancers who were suing the club owners for pocketing part of their lap dance pay, hardly campaigned at all, albeit his people canvased the district.  He received 1,019 votes.

Dr. Guy L. Smoak is a primary care family physician in Knoxville, and received 1,029 votes.  I saw no representation, just a few signs.  Dr. Smoak is a soft spoken and friendly man, but like Jesse Nelson, he really didn’t belong in the race.

Stacey Campfield was this district’s state representative, and then state senator.  Unfortunately statements he made during his last term in office rankled not only democrats, but many of his fellow republicans.  His infamous comments and actions gained him not only state but national notoriety with many constituents so that he came in third with 1,929 votes.  He joined with Governor Haslam to give two years of community education to college recipients who meet the requirements. Sounds good doesn’t it?  But few who have no skin in the game will really appreciate it.

The winner by 2,734 votes was novice outsider and stay at home father who has one child and she’s in school (because his wife earns more) is Justin Lafferty who told me a few years back that he planned on running for office. He won by only 412 votes over the candidate who should have taken the race. I know Justin because he’s a neighbor and I’ve seen him campaign for other neo-con republicans, ones I would never vote for.  Justin may have his heart in the right place, but he doesn’t have the knowledge of what faces American citizens today.  Several of my friends tried to talk to him, one spending two hours with him about the subjects we know are so important and unfortunately, he doesn’t get it. Like many neo-cons he has his mind made up regarding what he intends to do, not what his constituents want him to do, and not what is good for the community.  He won’t listen.

I know that my candidate, retired Sheriff Tim Hutchison has many political enemies as he wouldn’t play the games the good-ole-boys wanted him to play.  Saving dollars for the taxpayers rather than having monies go into the pockets of local insiders earned the sheriff a reputation that the players didn’t like.  When Trump came to Knoxville, Tim was in charge of local security.

Those good-ole-boys include anyone who is tied to the power brokers in this state mentioned above.  I fully believe several people were called on to run for state representative in this district just to garner votes that would have gone to the true conservative and honorable candidate.

The people love Sheriff Hutchison for many reasons, and he would have been re-elected sheriff over and over again had those with money and power not had the state pass term limits on sheriffs in order to remove him.  The 1994 referendum was financed by Big Jim Haslam and friends; it was coordinated by Haslam’s political operative Tom Ingram. Their goal: to break up the ruling team of Sheriff Tim Hutchison and his allies on Knox County Commission, many of whom had served 20-30 years.  Big Jim is the father of Governor Bill Haslam and Pilot Oil Flying J CEO Jim Haslam.


As both Devvy Kidd and I have said over and over again, not only is voter apathy a huge problem in the land of the free, but registered voters fail to research candidates before they cast their votes.  The population of District 89 is 60,915, a portion of whom are not of age to vote, but only 9,033 people voted in this republican primary, and only 2,753 votes were cast for the two democrats.

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Mueller Uses Manafort As A Tethered Goat To Ensnare The Lion

It’s not about whether you are innocent or guilty. It’s about whether or not you can prove you’re innocent. If you can’t prove you’re innocent, then you’re considered guilty. It’s been flipped: Now it’s guilty until proven innocent.  —Artist Ronald Jones

The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure, when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them. —Patrick Henry, American colonial revolutionary

*A “tethered goat” is a reference to the practice of tying a goat to a stake as bait when hunting predatory game animals. The predator comes to eat the goat and is shot by the hunter. In this case, Paul Manafort is the tethered goat and Mueller is pressuring Manafort to sing or compose to ensnare the lion…President Trump.

“In 2013, four government officials demonstrably lied under oath, and nothing has been done to them, two IRS officials, the Attorney General, and James Clapper. This caused Ed Snowden to release the fact that the U.S. is spying on its citizens and in violation of the 4th amendment. That our government is corrupt is the only conclusion. Sidney Powell’s book, Licensed to Lie helps the people understand the nature of this corruption and how it is possible for federal prosecutors to indict and convict the innocent rather than the guilty.” Victor Sperandeo

Manafort Previously Exonerated

Judge Andrew Napolitano was a guest on Fox and Friends on July 31st, to talk about the Manafort case.  What he told was explosive.  Manafort’s defense is that he was investigated by the government for all these charges eight years ago and was exonerated.  His attorneys are going to put on the witness stand the young lawyer who exonerated him, and that was Rod Rosenstein.

The prime witness against Paul Manafort is former partner Rick Gates, who has already pleaded guilty. However, federal prosecutors said today, August 1, 2018, that Rick Gates may not testify in the trial of his former business partner Paul Manafort. The prosecution has told their witnesses not to mention Trump or Russia because Judge T. S. Ellis is hearing the case and previously he came close to throwing the case out because he could see Mueller’s real intentions.

Rosenstein’s Guidelines

Too many people are finding themselves sitting down with the FBI. Robert Mueller has widened his Russia investigation beyond the 2016 presidential election.  District Court Judge T. S. Ellis III dissected Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s May 2017 appointment order to Mueller and concluded that the prosecutor is empowered to look at virtually any Russian contact no matter how “stale” it is.  Link

Judge Ellis said Rosenstein’s guidelines state that Mueller is to investigate any links between the Russian government and Trump campaign associates, which is expansive.  He said “any links” also means “indirect links” or “potential links,” giving Mueller wide latitude when deciding whether to target a Trump person.

Deputy AG Rosenstein gave Mueller the right to go further to investigate and prosecute crimes related to Manafort’s receipt of payments from the Ukrainian government related to his consulting work for former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych.

Mueller was forced to admit in court filings that his case against Paul Manafort has exactly nothing to do with his Russia mandate. The Hillary Clinton/DNC funded unverified Steele dossier accuses Manafort of directing the Trump campaign’s efforts to coordinate with the Kremlin to help Trump in the 2016 election.

The DOJ has literally turned the Russia investigation into a puzzle designed never to be solved. Link

Paul Manafort

Paul Manafort is accused of multiple financial crimes in connection with lobbying work he performed in Ukraine. The first of his two upcoming trials has begun. This is the Virginia trial and is being heard by Judge. T. S. Ellis.  The former campaign manager for Donald Trump is sitting in solitary confinement 23 hours per day after being investigated by Robert Mueller regarding the bogus 2016 Russia election collusion.

Manafort was allegedly put in solitary so that other prisoners don’t “make their bones” by killing him.  Never Trumpers seem to feel no shame about cheering on the American prison system for keeping Manafort locked in a windowless cement box all day when he has never been convicted.

Despite Manafort cooperating in every way with Mueller’s team of hit men, the Obama appointed DC judge has put him in jail until the DC trial in September.  This happened the day after the Inspector General’s report came out. They want him to flip. Manafort served as Trump’s campaign manager for 49 days. The evidence that he tried to tamper with a witness is based on a one minute, 27 second phone call. They’ve got him on ice. No bail.

Manafort had nothing to do with Russia and the Trump campaign because there wasn’t any collusion.  Yet the out-of-control former Director of the FBI and his group of “Hillary loving lawyers” are out to destroy anyone who had the temerity to offer their services to outsider candidate Donald J. Trump.  Paul Manafort was a big target.

Remember the Donald Trump Jr. meeting with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya? It was another set-up job. Loretta Lynch had Paul Manafort’s phone tapped during the meeting which he and Jared Kushner both attended.

It was Mueller’s leftist thug Andrew Weissmann who arranged for the middle of the night break in of the Manafort home by 12 FBI agents with drawn guns who stayed for hours.

Can anybody tell me what Paul Manafort did? Does anyone know why he’s in jail? Robert Mueller put him in jail, but no one can tell me specifically what he did.  What financial crimes?  The indictments against him are bank fraud, tax fraud, and money laundering. It’s all kinds of really bad stuff for which sentencing guidelines, 32 different counts in this indictment, literally mean spending the rest of his life in jail.  All of this happened ten years before Paul Manafort even went to work for Donald Trump.

He pleaded not guilty last year and has maintained his innocence.

A separate trial in Washington, D.C., is slated for September. Link  There also seems to be a problem with double-jeopardy with these two trials.  The media has apparently colluded with the FBI and grand jury secrecy may have been ignored and broken.  It was revealed that the Associated Press, the leading news wire service allowed reporters to secretly collude with the FBI to help agents to gain access to Paul Manafort’s storage locker.

It was Andrew Weissmann who allegedly improperly disclosed confidential grand jury information and potentially classified information.  And 50,000 pages of new discovery materials were handed to the defense team just 19 days before the scheduled trial for Paul Manafort. Link  Weissmann is the fellow who praised Sally Yates for instructing the Justice Department not to defend Trump’s executive order banning refugees from entry into the United States.

Robert Mueller has asked a federal court in Virginia for 100 blank subpoenas prior to the trial against Paul Manafort.

The objective here is to get these guys to flip and they’re really being pressured. Manafort is really being pressured.  Mueller is pressuring him to sing and compose against Trump.  Our president is the prize, and they want the prize destroyed.

Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch said that Mueller’s focus on Manafort (and lack of focus on President Trump) shows that inflicting damage on Trump and Republicans in general through the midterm elections is his objective.  If the Democrats regain control, impeachment is next.

Liberal Judge Amy Berman Jackson

Amy Berman Jackson is an Obama appointed United States District Judge of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. She is the one who put Manafort in prison until his trials.  Link

No individual who disagrees with Obama will receive justice in Judge Jackson’s court.  Jackson is the same judge who cleared Hillary Clinton in the Benghazi case, but is now out for blood with Manafort.

Manafort’s only crime is he worked for and supported President Trump during his campaign for the Presidency.  Judge Jackson is a real piece of work. Let’s hope and pray for the sake of the Union that at some point soon, the Mueller investigation is called out for what it is, a corrupt attempt by an elite few to overthrow the government.

Tony Podesta Offered Immunity

Fox News host Tucker Carlson reported that Tony Podesta has been offered immunity by Special Counsel Robert Mueller to testify against Paul Manafort at his upcoming trial in Washington D.C.

The identities of five witnesses special counsel Robert Mueller immunized to testify against former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort were unsealed by federal judge T.S. Ellis on 23 July 18.  Mueller’s office told a Virginia federal judge that James Brennan, Donna Duggan, Conor O’Brien, Cindy Laporta, and Dennis Raico were granted immunity after the five individuals indicated they wouldn’t testify or provide other information “on the basis of their privilege against self-incrimination.”

Judge Ellis commented, “The worry is that squeezed witnesses will not only sing but compose.”

Bill and Hillary Clinton’s good friend, democratic lobbyist Tony Podesta has been under scrutiny by federal authorities but was offered immunity by special counsel Robert Mueller to testify against Paul Manafort.

Podesta’s brother is John Podesta who was chairman of the 2016 Clinton presidential campaign.  Tony once worked with Paul Manafort to lobby on behalf of Ukrainian interests in this very country.  He apparently did not properly register under the Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA), the exact same crime that Manafort is charged with!

Tony Podesta is also accused of failing to register as a foreign agent when he represented the Russian owned company, Uranium One!  Yes, the same Uranium One deal that led Russia to gaining 20% of U.S. uranium deposits in exchange for $145 million in donations to the Clinton Foundation.

Paul Manafort, his former business partner Rick Gates and Tad Devine all worked on behalf of Viktor Yanukovych of Ukraine yet only two of them are being charged by the Special Counsel.

John Podesta

John, brother of Tony and former campaign manager for Hillary Clinton and former White House Chief of Staff for President Clinton, has a strong connection to a Kremlin backed company.  In 2011, John Podesta joined the board of a small energy company called Joule Unlimited based out of Massachusetts.  About eight months after Podesta joined Joule in 2011, an investment fund backed by the Russian government, Rusnano, announced plans to invest about $35 million in the company, while Podesta is an advisor to Hillary Clinton in the State Department. Several months later, Joule announced that Rusnano Chairman Anatoly Chubais was joining its board of directors. Rusnano has been called, “Putin’s child.” Around the same time, Podesta joined Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s Foreign Affairs Policy Board.

At the time he was running the Center for American Progress, which supported the Obama administration’s “Russian reset.” Podesta personally lauded the effort to “build a more constructive relationship” with Russia at a 2009 event hosted by his think tank.

In 2014, he wanted to go back to work as a counselor to Obama.  So, he divested his 75,000 shares in Joule and moved them to an entity called Leonidio Holdings, LLC, which had been created just weeks earlier, and shares an address with Podesta’s daughter, Megan Rouse.  Link

Wikileaks showed that perhaps he did not actually divest, because in 2015 a law firm billed him for something that sounds like the creation of Leonidio, and he was asked to approve another Russian on the board of Joule.  It would be highly unusual for a company to seek approval of a board appointment from someone who no longer has any ties to the business.  It seems to be a clever attempt to dodge government disclosure.

Tad Devine

Tad Devine, a former senior advisor to Al Gore’s 2000 presidential campaign and John Kerry’s 2004 presidential bid previously worked with Paul Manafort and Gates in Ukraine, but Mueller has already determined that Devine has done nothing wrong.

Devine is a political operative who served at the highest levels in the Bernie Sanders campaign and who will now assist in Mueller’s prosecution of Manafort.

When the Special Counsel sought assistance from us in its ongoing investigation, we readily provided it.”

Julian Mulvey, a partner at Devine’s political firm, Devine Mulvey Longabaugh has been “assured by the special counsel’s office that we have no legal exposure and did not act unlawfully.”

Great, pressure applied, acquiescence achieved.


Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself from only the scope of the 2016 campaign of alleged Russia collusion.  Sessions has exclusive authority to appoint a special counsel for non-collusion charges but has taken no such action.  Rosenstein cannot appoint Mueller to any investigation outside the scope of the 2016 campaign since Sessions did not recuse himself from anything outside the campaign.  Sessions should make that clear to Mueller and Rosenstein.

Sessions formally notifying Mueller that he does not have authority to act outside of campaign-related cases and cases related to obstruction of Mueller’s investigation would be doing what the Constitution compels: enforcing the Appointments Clause of the Constitution. Additionally, Sessions notifying Mueller that he does not have authority to act outside of campaign-related cases would be exercising Sessions’ court-recognized Constitutional obligation to “direct and supervise litigation” conducted by the Department of Justice. Link

Trump should call Sessions into the Oval office and ask him if he gave Rosenstein authority to expand Mueller’s investigation.  If Sessions says he did not, then the President needs to tell him to limit Mueller’s investigation to the Russia collusion probe.  If Sessions refuses, President Trump should tell him to immediately hand in his resignation.  He then needs to do the same thing with Rod Rosenstein.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Robert Mueller’s Modus Operandi: Intimidation And Destruction

And once the storm is over, you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about. —Haruki Murakami

The beauty of the soul shines out when a man bears with composure one heavy mischance after another, not because he does not feel them, but because he is a man of high and heroic temper. Aristotle

Congressman Louie Gohmert wrote an expose of Mueller, entitled, Robert Mueller Unmasked and he said this, “Robert Mueller has a long and sordid history of illicitly targeting innocent people. His many actions are a stain upon the legacy of American jurisprudence. He lacks the judgment and credibility to lead the prosecution of anyone.  I do not make these statements lightly. Each time I prepared to question Mueller during Congressional hearings, the more concerned I became about his ethics and behavior.”

Death by a Thousand Cuts

We’ve all heard about this form of Chinese torture which was banned in 1905.  Today this idiom refers to many small bad things happening, none of which are fatal in themselves, but which add up to a slow and painful demise.

I cannot name a single man or politician who could withstand the onslaught of hatred and vilification Trump has had to endure at the hands of these demonic and psychotic socialists. An ordinary man would have collapsed long ago under the weight of this evil. And yet we take it for granted that our President will bat a thousand for us every day and persist in being more energetic and more courageous than we could ever be in a million years. We criticize him for his imperfections and we are not grateful enough that he is fighting on our behalf.  Outwardly, Donald Trump would appear to be base metal, but he is gold. He deserves our respect. Truly the foolishness of God is wiser than men. (I Corinthians 1:25) Our President is the left’s target.

Hyenas in a pack will attack a lion in order to take him down.  One on one, they cannot do it, it takes the entire pack.  But if the male lion will attack the head of the hyenas, it throws their entire pack into disarray.

It’s time for the enemies of our duly elected President to be taken down, and Trump needs to do it.  He has been strong in telling our European allies that America will no longer carry the financial burdens of NATO.  He has also been unwavering in demanding fair trade rather than free trade where America suffers billions in deficits.

The buck stops with our President.  It is time he puts an end to the corruption and the partisan hacks in the DOJ and everywhere else in his administration.  He is in charge, he has the authority to do so.  I don’t care that his advisors are telling him not to fire anyone because it will play into his critics’ hands as obstruction of justice.  He has to act or he will end up with a pack of hyenas devouring him.

Security Clearances

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders announced at last Monday’s briefing that President Trump is “exploring” the revocation of security clearances for former high-level intelligence officials John Brennan, James Comey, James Clapper and Michael Hayden, as well as Susan Rice and Andrew McCabe.  Susan Rice, Obama’s former National Security Adviser (NSA) was allowed by Trump’s former NSA, H.R. McMaster, to keep her security clearance.  None of these people should have access to our national secrets while writing books and profiting from their irresponsible, false claims about our president.

Our much absent Attorney General Sessions has informed the public that FBI agent Peter Strzok has lost his security clearance. About time! The rest of them should too. Why haven’t you done this AG Sessions?

Mr. President, no more exploring…do it!  It is customary for previous administration members to retain their security clearances for a period of time in order to avail the new administration with information.  However, Fox’s Gregg Jarrett said that every Obama employee should have only kept their clearance for a month, and if they were needed again, they could get a temporary clearance.  I personally do not believe any of the previous Obama employees should be kept.  Not a damned one of them is trustworthy, just like 80 percent of the DOJ.

FBI Used Steele Dossier for FISA

The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant is out and what Fox hosts have previously reported has been proven factual.  The Trump campaign was spied on by Obama’s Justice Department using lies bought and paid for by the DNC and Hillary Clinton to obtain a FISA warrant against Trump campaign associate Carter Page.  All of this was done in order to rig the election for Hillary.

Bruce Ohr is a former United States associate deputy attorney general and former director of the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force. Ohr is known for his contact with Christopher Steele, who authored the Trump–Russia dossier, which was commissioned by Fusion GPS, where Ohr’s wife worked. Ohr said that Christopher Steele would do anything to keep Donald Trump from being president.

Former FBI Director James Comey, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, former Deputy Director of the FBI Andrew McCabe, and former Attorney General Sally Yates were all required to sign off on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) warrant application before it was reviewed and ultimately approved.  Rosenstein admitted under questioning by Congressman Gohmert that he doesn’t need to read the warrants.

The Clinton dirty dossier was the key piece of evidence used in four FISA applications and created by former foreign spy Christopher Steele to dig up dirt and lies on Donald Trump.  Despite the dossier being unverifiable and undocumented, it was passed to the public and FISA courts as real evidence by top DOJ/FBI officials.  All of this was done at the height of the 2016 election. It was done to turn the full force of the government against Trump and those who support him, and it was done after all of these top DOJ/FBI officials rigged everything to save Hillary Clinton from warranted indictments.

We need all 589 pages of FISA documents unredacted and exposed.  The President says he will remain uninvolved for now and won’t declassify the FISA documents the House is requesting .

Michael Cohen

On 25 August 18, Rudy Giuliani appeared on Sean Hannity’s show said, “We all know that Hillary was guilty of obstruction and violating the espionage act and the fix was in and it was rigged.  We have learned about the FISA warrants and that they were never verified or corroborated and the FBI purposely withheld information from the judges on four occasions. But now we have an assault on the attorney/client privilege by Trump’s former attorney, Michael Cohen.”  This can ricochet throughout the nation and destroy privacy between attorney and client.  What Michael Cohen is doing is tantamount to destroying decades of Constitutional protections.

Harvard Law Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz said that if President Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen leaked the tape of his private conversation with Trump when that conversation was still subject to attorney-client privilege, he could be in trouble.  And was it even legal to record their conversation without Trump’s permission?  Cohen may well be looking at eventual disbarment.

Destroying Trump’s Supporters

In order to dissuade anymore “Trumps” from running for office, those who supported him are being destroyed and vilified. The entire Deep State DOJ/FBI and Robert Mueller’s modus operandi tactics are responsible.  Financial destruction and even imprisonment without ever being convicted of a crime is how Mueller operates.

No universal definition exists for cruel and unusual punishment, but any punishment that is clearly inhumane or that violates basic human dignity may be deemed “cruel and unusual.” For example, in 1995, a federal court in Massachusetts found that inmates’ rights were violated when they were held in a 150-year-old prison that lacked toilets and was fraught with vermin and fire hazards.

The lives of General Flynn, Paul Manafort, Carter Page, George Papadopoulos, Rick Gates, Michael Caputo and many others have been disrupted or destroyed because of Robert Mueller…and his very questionable ethics and behavior.

General Michael Flynn

Both Paul Manafort, President Trump’s former campaign chairman, and General Michael T. Flynn, the president’s first national security adviser are central targets of Mueller’s investigation.  They have been financially ruined with legal costs, and Paul Manafort has been put in solitary confinement for 23 hours a day despite never being convicted of a crime.  Yet Harvey Weinstein is free on a million dollars bail for sexual assault and rape charges.

In May of 2018, the House Intelligence Committee released a new report that featured a whole bunch of redactions being viewable.  Despite the House Intelligence Committee’s legitimate oversight of the DOJ/FBI, the latter has been deliberately slow in responding to congressional requests, and when they did give up documents, they were heavily redacted.  Why?  Not because of national security issues, but to protect themselves.

Everyone who interviewed or spoke with General Flynn knew he had not lied to anyone. That includes Agents Strzok and Pientka, Comey, McCabe, Pence, Priebus, protagonist Sally Yates and others.  The redacted info finally came out and would have been beneficial to the General.  The FBI were concealing their own questionable judgments and conflicting explanations for their actions. They also used foreign-intelligence and criminal-investigative authorities to investigate Michael Flynn. Their explicitly stated belief that Flynn did not lie in the FBI interview for which Special Counsel Robert Mueller has since prosecuted him on false-statements charges, means his guilty plea should be tossed.  General Michael T. Flynn never lied to anyone, including VP Pence.

So why did the General plead guilty to lying to the FBI?  Sun Tzu said, “He who knows when he can fight and when he cannot, will be victorious.” Louie Gohmert’s expose on Mueller’s modus operandi explains why General Flynn pleaded guilty. He was set up for a process crime because of the deep animosity of the FBI and Mueller against both the President and the General.  If this were part of the basis for a collusion case arising out of Russia’s election meddling, then General Flynn would not be pleading guilty to a process crime.  He would be pleading to an espionage conspiracy.

On Feb. 15, 2017, Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Chuck Grassley, (R-IA) and ranking Democrat Dianne Feinstein, (D-CA), asked the Justice Department to turn over the transcript of fired national security adviser Michael Flynn’s infamous call with the Russian ambassador, plus other documents related to the Flynn case.

Grassley repeated his demand for the Flynn transcript, and also for the FBI’s so-called 302 report, in which the agents who interviewed Flynn made extensive notes on what was said. Grassley also asked for any other notes or documents relating to the interview. And Grassley asked that the FBI make available agent Joe Pientka, one of the two agents (along with Peter Strzok) who conducted the Flynn interview.  As far as I can tell, Grassley has never received any of these requested documents.

Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows (R-NC) recently said there is growing evidence the FBI altered their 302 summaries of witness interviews in both the Clinton investigation to exonerate her of her guilt, and early on in the Russia investigation to falsely charge General Flynn with lying.

General Michael T. Flynn was railroaded.  Everyone said the General never lied, then along came Robert Mueller and everything changed.  Michael T. Flynn should still be at the President’s side.

President Trump is responsible for the heads of the Department of Justice and FBI.  He not only has the authority but the duty to ensure that his subordinates honor lawful disclosure requests from Congress.


Former Trump Campaign Manager Paul Manafort is being destroyed and like General Flynn and others, his destruction has nothing to do with the duplicitous Russian collusion investigation of our 2016 election.

The real collusion lies with Obama, Brennan and Hillary Clinton in their efforts to not only sell our uranium to Russia, but ultimately to destroy President Donald J. Trump.

Mr. President, beware of the many Deep State hyenas.

P.S.  The maintenance of running a website the size of NewsWithViews would be daunting to most of us, but many years ago Paul Walter decided he had to do something to help save his adopted country, and NewsWithViews was born.  Several of our most wonderful journalists have passed on to glory, but new ones join us to take their places.  Monthly donations from avid fans and readers are what keeps this website alive and promoting the liberties and freedoms of this great nation. Please consider making monthly donations and ask your friends to sign up for the daily articles.  Thanks so much, donations accepted here.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

The Left’s Psychotic Helsinki Hysteria Over The Russia Summit

Our relationship has never been worse than it is now, however that changed as of about four hours ago … To refuse to engage would not accomplish anything.  President Donald J. Trump

No one should trust anyone. He (Trump) is defending US interests, I am defending interests of the Russian Federation. We have matching interests, we are looking for common points. President Vladimir Putin

Russia was our ally in WWII.  Even though we have no reason to believe Putin would welcome cooperation with us, we need to have an amicable relationship with the Russian Federation. There is some common ground and it behooves our President to strive for affable relations with President Putin.  Like it or not, it is a must for the U.S. and Russia to work things out. Regardless of their poor economy or their terrible politics, we don’t have a lot of choices remaining with our U.S.-Russia relationship.  Winston Churchill said, “There is only one thing worse than fighting with allies, and that is fighting without them.”

Summit Press Conference

President Trump said, “The (Mueller) probe is a disaster for our country. I think it has kept us apart (Russia and America).  Putin just said it’s not Russia. I do not see any reason why it should be … I have great confidence in my intelligence people but President Putin was extremely strong and confident in his denial today.”

Trump is right, the Mueller investigation is a disaster.  Strzok paramour and former FBI attorney, Lisa Page made in clear in her testimony before Congress that two days after Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein named special counsel Robert Mueller to oversee an investigation into alleged collusion between Trump and the Russia campaign, Strzok’s text to her about the investigation meant just what Strzok said, “There is no there there.”

With Putin alongside him at the press conference, Trump seemed to accept the Russian President’s denials of wrongdoing over the conclusions of U.S. intelligence officials.

“My people came to me,” Trump said, speaking of intelligence officials including his director of national intelligence, Dan Coats, and “they said they think it’s Russia. I have President Putin. He just said it’s not Russia. I will say this, I don’t see any reason why it would be.”  His first statement should stand.  You don’t offend a leader you’re trying to court as a friend.

Trump may be right.  In Louie Gohmert’s questioning of Strzok, he exposed that nearly all of Hillary Clinton’s emails on her homebrew server (that’s 30,000) went to a foreign entity that wasn’t Russia, and nothing was done about it by the intelligence community or the Inspector General. [Link]

Dan Coats, Trump’s Director of National Intelligence who recently warned that the United States “is literally under attack” by Russian cyberthreats, issued a statement standing by U.S. intelligence agencies in the face of the president’s skepticism. He said, “We have been clear in our assessments of Russian meddling in the 2016 election and their ongoing, pervasive efforts to undermine our democracy, and we will continue to provide unvarnished and objective intelligence in support of our national security.”

Well Dan, just how do you expect to stop it unless you get the leaders together to make peace?! And by the way, we’re a representative republic, not a democracy!

Mueller Indicts Russian Hackers

Mueller recently brought indictments of twelve Russian intelligence officials for DNC hacking. When Rosenstein announced same, he stated, “There’s no allegation that the conspiracy changed the vote count or affected any election result.”

Despite the President being previously informed by Rosenstein, the announcement was done at a time to blemish President Trump’s meeting with the Russian President and play into the main stream media’s Trump/Russia collusion narrative.

Russia will meddle, America has meddled, Israel has meddled, it is what is done, but Russia certainly did not decide the 2016 election, the American people did. Talk about meddling…a congressional investigation concluded that Obama’s State Department paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxpayers grants to an Israeli group that used the money to build a campaign to oust Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the last Israeli parliamentary elections.

The deranged and demented psychopaths on the left have already lost their collective minds over the fact that President Trump has invited President Putin to the White House for a second summit despite the fact that four previous presidents have met with Putin and President Reagan had fireside chats with Communist leader Mikhail Gorbachev.  One would think that socialists on the left like Chuck Schumer would be thrilled, especially since he too met with Putin in the past.

Then there’s former CIA Director John Brennan who tweeted, “Donald Trump’s press conference performance in Helsinki rises to and exceeds the threshold of ‘high crimes and misdemeanors.’ It was nothing short of treasonous.”  It is well-documented that Brennan voted for communist Gus Hall for president in 1976, and then in 1980 joined the CIA.  One would think Brennan would be thrilled to have the Soviet leader meeting with our President. [Link]

Brennan has also taken credit for launching the Trump investigation and for egging it on.  So as not to be seen interfering in U.S. politics, he told Senate minority leader Harry Reid that Russia was trying to help Mr. Trump win the election.  Reid wrote to Comey and it immediately became public.

Vladimir Putin

Many conservative Americans want to believe President Putin, despite being a former KGB (Soviet security) officer, has become a Christian and is no longer a communist.  They’ve heard the stories that he attends the church his mother had him baptized in as an infant.  The head of that church is Vladimir Mikhailovich Gundyaev, known today as Metropolitan Kirill, who was chosen to serve as the “Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia,” the highest position of authority in the Russian Orthodox Church.  Kirill is also a former KGB officer.

“Communist ideology is very much like Christianity, in fact: freedom, equality, brotherhood, justice, everything is laid out in the Holy Scripture, it’s all there,” Putin claimed in an interview for the Russian documentary Valaam, parts of which were broadcast on Kremlin-owned television station Russia 1. [Link] Putin also likened Vladimir Lenin’s mausoleum in Moscow’s Red Square to the veneration of the relics of saints. [Link]

Putin said that while serving in the KGB he liked and continues today to like communist and socialist ideas “very much.” He has recalled that unlike many others he had not publicly destroyed his Communist Party membership card, but still keeps it at home.

Swamp Vermin

Neo-con Trotskyite Speaker Paul Ryan claims that Russia is not our ally.  If this is so, then explain why both President Obama and Sec. of State Hillary Clinton approved the sale of 20 percent of US uranium supplies to Rosatom, the Russian state nuclear company.

Former FBI Director Robert Mueller was also involved with Uranium One and carried a sample to Russia for Hillary.  The sale was greased by $145 million in contributions to the Clinton Foundation from Canadian executives who benefited from the sale, along with a half million-dollar fee for a speech by former President Clinton.

U.S. Attorney Rod Rosenstein had direct control over the Russia uranium investigation in conjunction with FBI Director Mueller. They should never have been involved in any subsequent investigation that might touch on potential collusion and millions of dollars paid to the Clinton’s foundation by the very beneficiaries of the Russians’ uranium schemes. Rosenstein and Mueller’s failure to warn against or stop the sale reeks of its own form of collusion, cooperation, or capitulation in what some consider a treasonous sale.

Sewer rats Rosenstein and Mueller are now in charge of all things investigatory surrounding their own actions. In fact, Rosenstein and Mueller are now in a position to dissuade others from pursuing them for their own conduct.

Trump’s Russia Sanctions

Even though the left-wing media will never give him credit, nor will his own party, President Trump has been far tougher on Russia than his predecessor, Obama.

It was President Obama who, according to Reuters, was “caught on camera” saying to former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev that he’ll have more flexibility after the election, not President Trump.  Link

The DOJ and Inslaw/Promis

The DOJ and FBI are riddled with failures from the past and present.  A thorough housecleaning is needed from the top to the bottom.

Few people remember the government theft of Bill Hamilton’s Inslaw/Promis software in the 1980s.   Bill Hamilton and his wife Nancy started their company, Inslaw, to nurture PROMIS (Prosecutors Management Information Systems) with a grant from the DOJ.  Designed as case-management software for federal prosecutors, PROMIS had the ability to combine disparate databases, and to track people by their involvement with the legal system. Hamilton and others claimed that the DOJ had modified PROMIS to monitor intelligence operations, agents and targets, instead of legal cases.

During the twelve-year long legal proceedings brought in 1986, Inslaw accused the DOJ of conspiring to steal its software for covert intelligence operations against foreign governments.

According to Federal court documents, PROMIS was stolen from Inslaw by the DOJ directly after Rafi Eitan, chief of the Israeli defense forces anti-terrorism intelligence unit, visited.  According to sworn affidavits, PROMIS was then given or sold at a profit to Israel and as many as 80 other countries by Dr. Earl W. Brian, a man with close personal and business ties to then-President Ronald Reagan and then-Presidential counsel Edwin Meese.

One journalist, Danny Casolaro, died as he attempted to tell the story and boxes of documents relating to the case were destroyed, stolen, or conveniently “lost” by the Department of Justice.  But so far, not a single person has been held accountable.

The implications continue: that Meese profited from the sales of the stolen property and that Brian, Meese’s business associate may have been involved in the October surprise, and that some of the money from the illegal PROMIS sales furthered covert and illegal government programs in Nicaragua.

Bill Hamilton today believes the story illustrates an enduring, fundamental problem at the heart of the US justice system.  The former chief investigator of the Senate judiciary committee, Ronald LeGrand, seems to confirm that the strange PROMIS affair, which remains unresolved, is much more than just a case of chronic paranoia.

“What the Hamiltons thought happened, did happen,” LeGrand wrote, conveying information he had received from a trusted government source. “The Inslaw case is a lot dirtier for the DOJ than Watergate was, in both breadth and depth. The DOJ has been compromised in the Inslaw case at every level.”

American Traitors

Aldrich Ames was formerly a 31-year CIA counterintelligence analyst who committed espionage against the U.S. by spying for the Soviet Union and Russia.  At the time of his arrest, Ames had compromised more CIA assets than any other mole in history until Robert Hanssen‘s arrest seven years later. Ames is serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole.

Robert Hanssen is a former Federal Bureau of Investigation agent who spied for Soviet and Russian intelligence services against the United States from 1979 to 2001.  His espionage was described by the DOJ as “possibly the worst intelligence disaster in U.S. history.”

He is now serving 15 consecutive life sentences in Supermax Federal Penitentiary in Florence, CO where he spends 23 hours per day in solitary confinement.  In 22 years of espionage, Hanssen betrayed at least 50 human sources, three of which are known to have been executed by the KGB.  The full extent of the damage done by Hanssen to the United States government and its allies remains classified.

He was spying at the same time as Aldrich Ames in the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).  Both Ames and Hanssen compromised the names of KGB agents working secretly for the United States, some of whom were executed for their betrayal.

The FBI paid $7 million to a KGB agent to obtain a file on an anonymous mole, who the FBI later identified as Hanssen through fingerprint and voice analysis.


Paul Manafort sits in solitary confinement 23 hours a day and has been found guilty of nothing, yet he suffers the cruel and unusual punishment that belongs to American traitors.  There is nothing trustworthy about the U.S. Justice Department, absolutely nothing.

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

The FBI Is Ripe With Corruption, Bias, And Massive Abuse Of Power

Today the path to total dictatorship in the U.S. can be laid by strictly legal means … We have a well-organized political-action group in this country, determined to destroy our Constitution and establish a one-party state. It operates secretly, silently, continuously to transform our Government. This ruthless power-seeking elite is a disease of our century. This group is answerable neither to the President, the Congress, nor the courts. It is practically irremovable.  —Republican Senator William Jenner to Congress in 1954

Senator William Jenner was right and today we call what he described in 1954, the “Deep State.”  Since Donald J. Trump announced that he was a candidate for President of the United States, there has been a concerted effort to destroy him and all the people who surround him…that includes all of us “deplorables” who voted for him.

Congressional Examination of Agent Strzok

Why didn’t the Congressmen get together and each of them ask different questions of this agent?  Why did most of them repeat the same thing?  Why didn’t they hire an actual trial lawyer who knew how to cross examine a witness?  Why didn’t they give all their questions to Louie Gohmert who was a defense attorney in the Army and a state district judge for Texas’ 7th Judicial District for ten years?  He could have parsed them out and there would have been no repetitions.

Where were the questions about who told Agents Strzok and Pientka to go to National Security Advisor Michael Flynn’s office and interview him when General Flynn thought it was a routine meeting?  Was former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, who was fired by President Trump, the person who walked them to Flynn’s office as has been reported?  Where were the questions about the FBI’s 302s of the Flynn interview by Strzok and Pientka who then allegedly gave them to fired Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe?  (The 302s are the written reports by agents of interviews.) Where were the questions about why those 302s haven’t been given to Congress?  Where were the questions as to whether Andrew McCabe had changed the 302s of Strzok and Pientka to make it look as though General Flynn actually did lie?  And where were the questions about the September 2, 2016 Lisa Page texts to Strzok, who was investigating Clinton’s email use, about President Obama wanting to know everything the bureau was doing?

FBI Agent Strzok Testimony

Peter Strzok and Rod Rosenstein have the same smug self-righteous, indignant, sarcastic, condescending, defiant and unapologetic looks on their faces when testifying before Congress.  Both are the personification of the “Deep State.”  They’re well trained in evasion and deception and were probably coached by Director Wray.

A veteran counterintelligence agent, Peter Strzok was assigned to both the investigation into Clinton’s personal email server and the special counsel’s probe into potential collusion between Trump officials and Russia during the election.  According to the text messages, Strzok was hesitant to join Mueller’s investigation because of his “gut sense” that there was “no big there there.”

Agent Strzok has an unfaithful relationship not only with his wife, but with the truth.  His public testimony in Congress was a sham.  Congress seemed to be all bark and no bite and many asked the same questions of this biased and subversive FBI agent, never really going for the jugular.  Rep. Goodlatte caused Strzok some awkward moments when he forced Strzok to read aloud his own text messages to his paramour, FBI attorney Lisa Page.

The only Congressman who really called Strzok on the carpet was Louie Gohmert who commented about how many times Strzok lied to his wife just as he was lying to Congress.  “When a husband is cheating on his wife he’s also lying to her. Why would that same man hesitate to lie under oath?”  Democrats went berserk over Gohmert’s comments.

Congressman Gohmert went further.  Nearly all of Hillary Clinton’s emails on her homebrew server (that’s 30,000) went to a foreign entity that wasn’t Russia.  When this was discovered by the Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG), IG Chuck McCullough sent his investigator Frank Ruckner and an attorney to notify Strzok along with three other people about the “anomaly.”  They did nothing.  Even IG Horowitz was called four times about this and never responded.  Link  Strzok remembers nothing!  What foreign entity received the classified information sent by Hillary’s home server?  Obama emailed her at her home, he knew.

And why the hell hasn’t Hillary been prosecuted for failing to secure classified documents…and why the hell hasn’t she been prosecuted for “pay to play” with the Clinton Foundation?  And what about Hillary’s sale of our Uranium to Russia, and the millions of dollars given to the Clinton Foundation by Russian nuclear industry officials? Link

Peter Strzok admitted to Congressman Jim Jordan that the phony Trump/Steele dossier came from Nellie Ohr at Fusion GPS and was funneled through the FBI by her and her husband.  She is the wife of Bruce Ohr the former U.S. associate deputy attorney general and former director of the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force in the FBI.  The FISA memo released to the public on February 2, 2018 alleges that Nellie Ohr was assisting “in the cultivation of” opposition research against Trump.

Nellie Ohr worked at Fusion GPS for Glenn Simpson who co-founded the Washington-based research business Fusion GPS. Simpson paid Christopher Steele, author of the phony dossier, with money from the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee. Simpson was retained by the Washington Free Beacon to collect information on many of the Republican presidential candidates including Donald Trump and he hired Christopher Steele.  Simpson was also a reporter for Roll Call, where he broke stories on GOPAC, a political action committee headed by House Speaker Newt Gingrich 

Washington Free Beacon

Michael Goldfarb is chairman of the conservative think tank the Center for American Freedom, publishers of The Washington Free Beacon. He is a writer with the neoconservative The Weekly Standard owned by Rupert Murdoch and edited by Never Trumper and Bilderberger member, William Kristol.

Matthew Continetti, the editor of the Washington Free Beacon website, wrote in a letter that the Free Beacon hired Fusion GPS during the Republican primary to do research on Republican candidates. That research kicked off what became known as the “dossier” used to smear Donald Trump.

Continetti is the 36-year-old editor-in-chief. He started the website with Michael Goldfarb after marrying the daughter of Never-Trumper Bill Kristol. Goldfarb previously worked for Sen. John McCain (R-AZ).  And don’t forget John McCain’s involvement in trying to destroy Donald Trump with this phony Clinton created dossier which he actually walked to the FBI and gave to former Director Comey.

The Washington Free Beacon is funded by New York hedge fund manager and pro LGBTQ rights, Paul Singer, who backed pro-amnesty Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) in the Republican primary and was vigorously opposed to Donald Trump.

Perkins Coie Law Firm

Perkins Coie Law Firm served as the cutout in order to funnel payments from the Democrat National Committee and the Hillary campaign to Christopher Steele.  Since April of 2016, Obama For America (OFA) has paid over $972,000 to Perkins Coie, records filed with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) show.  Perkins Coie hired Fusion GPS to compile a dossier of unsupported allegations against President Donald Trump.  Link

Attorney Marc Elias, who represented the Clinton campaign and the DNC at Perkins Coie, hired Fusion GPS in April 2016 to dig up damaging information on Trump. And we know Fusion GPS hired former British spy Christopher Steele who then got unverified information about Trump from officials in Russia.

Lisa Page

Former FBI attorney and Strzok paramour, Lisa Page had to be hunted down three times before she could be served with a subpoena to give a deposition to the same committees.  The fact that she defied the subpoena is getting far less attention than it deserves.  She was in contempt of Congress and as such why wasn’t one of the U.S. Marshalls sent to arrest her?

Only when she was threatened with contempt proceedings did Page agree to voluntarily appear for a private interview last Friday behind closed doors. (the public never gets to see these interviews).  Congressmen Matt Gaetz and Mark Meadows found her to be more forthcoming and credible than Strzok, and without Strzok’s smug attitude.

Page may yet testify at a public hearing before Congress. But why does she or any other government witnesses get to dictate the terms and timing of their own testimony?  How many of us who are not federal employees would dare refuse a subpoena from Congress? How many of us would even get away with it?  Jason Chaffetz blames AG Jeff Sessions, who refuses to prosecute those who ignore Congressional subpoenas.  In doing so, he weakens the ability of Congress to have proper oversight.

Democrat Tennessee Congressman Cohen

This Congressman is truly an embarrassment to the folks of Tennessee.  He actually said to Strzok that he deserved a purple heart for what he went through with questioning from Republicans.  The Purple Heart is awarded in the name of the President of the United States to any member of the Armed Forces of the United States who, while serving under competent authority in any capacity with one of the U.S. Armed Services after April 5, 1917, has been wounded or killed.  The Purple Heart, established in 1782, is America’s oldest military decoration. George Washington awarded the first one.

Strzok has never been in a battle like the men and women of our military, and Congressman Cohen should apologize not only to his fellow congressional members for an improper statement, but to every branch of the United States military.

If the truth be known, it is Peter Strzok who is the enemy combatant.  The real victim is the American public, which has lost trust and confidence in the FBI, an institution that has been counted on to keep us safe.  Why is he still employed by the DOJ?  Hopefully he will be fired from the FBI in coming weeks for his disgraceful conduct at the agency.


Strzok texted that he can “smell” Trump supporters and he thinks we’re a bunch of hillbillies, but this biased leftist hasn’t looked at the people who really voted for President Trump.  Strzok’s verbal vomit and text messages are the opposite of what is true…Americans of all flavors, colors and ethnicities, those highly educated and those with high school educations voted for Trump.  Why?  Because we saw what was happening to our nation and Trump’s words echoed our own thoughts.

This agent’s testimony before Congress was a political circus.  A recent WSJ article had it right.  President Trump needs to declassify a host of documents for Americans to learn the truth about what went on in 2016.  Other than a few nibbles of truth, Congress got nothing from this pompous, arrogant, and biased FBI agent.

The President needs to order both Justice and the FBI to declassify the relevant documents.  Those documents include the FISA applications, Woods procedures documents, the 302s, and the 1023s (which are the equivalent of 302s for counterintelligence and they document FBI debriefings with informants or sources).

Trump is probably being told he shouldn’t do this because he will be setting a bad precedent and will risk accusations that he is undermining Mueller’s investigation.  But at this point the American people distrust the entire law enforcement agency’s behavior during and after the 2016 presidential campaign. [Link]

If one of us little peons out here was charged in like manner, we’d be arrested and thrown in jail, but the DOJ/FBI keeps spitting on Congress and nothing happens to them.  When will Congress get a spine with chutzpah?  I’m tired of all the excuses; the top echelon of the DOJ needs to go, and that includes Sessions, Rosenstein, Wray, Barwick and a whole list of others.  When will Mueller be shut down and stop spending our tax dollars on this frivolous garbage, and when will Manafort get out of jail?

More to come…

Folks, the writers for NewsWithViews, and the CEO of this website work day and night to bring you top notch information regarding what is happening in our country.  Please support our efforts…None of the writers for NewsWithViews are paid for what they do, we do it for love of America and our President who is trying to save this country from becoming a third world globalist nation. Tell your friends to sign up to get daily E-Mail alerts, and please help support us writers with your monthly donations so we can continue to bring you the latest news.  You can donate here.

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Rub Shoulders With MAGA Leaders At Eagle Council

Every bird of prey looks over its shoulder before it goes in for the kill, even a hawk. Even they know to watch their backs – every single one but an eagle. It’s fearless.  —Michelle Horst

But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.  —Isaiah 40:31

Phyllis Schlafly’s 47th Eagle Council is Friday, 14 September through Sunday, 16 September 2018 in St. Louis, Missouri at the Airport Marriott Hotel.  Eagle Council is the place where doers go. This pro-family, pro-America event consists of three days of exciting speakers, meals, networking opportunities, and panel discussions. The men and women of this nation who are really in the fight for liberty come for the training, discussion, and fellowship that Eagle Council provides.  Like those of the past, this is one you won’t want to miss.

President Ed Martin and his marvelous staff continue Phyllis’s vision to train men and women to uphold our Constitution and to participate in the policymaking process.  I don’t know how they manage to continually top the year before, but they do!  These yearly council meetings reinvigorate us to do our best to truly Make America Great Again (MAGA).

The list of speakers for this year is not yet complete, but here are a few of those in attendance this year, all of whom will motivate you to be at this year’s council.  Sign up for Phyllis Schlafly emails and stay current.  Reservations and tickets can be purchased here.

Lt. General Michael T. Flynn (Ret.)

The responsibility of citizens to vote is one that is taken very lightly anymore.  While canvasing a neighborhood of hundreds of homes for a local candidate, I was shocked that only about 25 homes had registered Republican voters, and few of them even vote in the most important elections…the primaries.

In General Flynn’s book, Field of Fight, he tells us how we can win the global war against radical Islam and its allies, and how urgent it is that we take every advantage to vote for those who truly love America, her culture, and her Constitution.

General Flynn spent more than thirty-three years as an intelligence officer.  Before he was terminated from government service, he served as the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and the Senior Military Intelligence Officer in the Department of Defense.

Shortly before the General was scheduled to retire, he was dismissed from his position as Director of the DIA after telling a congressional committee that the American people are in more danger now than they were several years ago.  Flynn told an uncomfortable truth, one the Obama administration didn’t want the public to hear.  The fact is that Islamic extremist groups including ISIS, Al Qaeda, Hamas, the Taliban, Boko Haram and others around the world are growing in number, power and penetration into Western targets.  His book tells how we have failed to hinder radical Islam and what we must do to stop them.

General Flynn tells us, “We must understand our enemies in order to defeat them. We don’t fully grasp the enormity of the threat they pose against us.”

You won’t want to miss hearing this great patriot.

Philip Haney

During the 2009 Christmas travel season, jihadists planned to blow up an airline.  Fortunately, the explosives in Nigerian Muslim Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab’s underwear malfunctioned.  He was restrained by passengers and arrested.  Obama blamed the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for not properly connecting the dots.

But what the American people didn’t know was that Obama’s words infuriated many of the DHS employees.  Why?  Because they knew his administration had been engaged in an effort to destroy the raw material and erase those dots—the actual intelligence DHS had collected for years. The dots constituted the intelligence needed to keep Americans safe, and the Obama administration ordered them wiped away.

As the number of successful and attempted Islamic terrorist attacks on America increased, the type of information that the Obama administration ordered removed from travel and national security databases was the kind of information that, if properly assessed, could have prevented subsequent domestic Islamist attacks like the ones committed by Faisal Shahzad (May 2010), Detroit “honor killing” perpetrator Rahim A. Alfetlawi (2011); Amine El Khalifi, who plotted to blow up the U.S. Capitol (2012); Dzhokhar or Tamerlan Tsarnaev who conducted the Boston Marathon bombing (2013); Oklahoma beheading suspect Alton Nolen (2014); or Muhammed Yusuf Abdulazeez, who opened fire on two military installations in Chattanooga, Tennessee (2015).

After 15 years at the DHS, Philip Haney could no longer be silent about the dangerous state of America’s counter-terror strategy, our leaders’ willingness to compromise the security of citizens for the ideological rigidity of political correctness and America’s vulnerability to devastating mass-casualty attacks.  The result is his amazing tell-all book, See Something, Say Nothing.

Pamela Geller

Pamela Geller is the founder, editor and publisher of The Geller Report and President of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) and Stop Islamization of America (SIOA).  Her blogging and campaigns in the United States are against what she terms “creeping Sharia” in the country.

She is the author of Fatwa: Hunted in America (foreword by Geert Wilders), The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America (foreword by Ambassador John Bolton), and Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance.  She is also a regular columnist for numerous publications.

The Geller Report is published daily with information we all need to keep abreast of the attempted invasion and takeover of our beloved America.

Don’t miss this amazing prominent activist for the counter-jihad movement in the America!

James Gagliano

James A. Gagliano is a former FBI Hostage Rescue Team counterterrorist operator.

Gagliano says, “Keeping calm is critical. As an operator, it’s about controlling your own fears. Fear is a natural emotion. And while it is to be acknowledged and respected, it must be controlled and channeled properly. Left unchecked, it has a deleterious effect on the effectiveness of a unit.

At the FBI Swat Team in New York and at the Hostage Rescue Team in Quantico, we weren’t interested in bringing in people who said they’d never been scared. Fear is a rational response to impending danger, and those who sense it are more prone to make sensible decisions to protect themselves, their teammates, and the hostages they are trying to save.”

In the immortal words of General George S. Patton, “A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week.” 

Like General Flynn, he’s one of the greats who should still be employed in the arenas they know so well.

Congressman Andy Biggs

Congressman Andy Biggs (R-AZ) was one of Arizona’s most powerful state legislators and is now a member of the House of Representatives for Arizona’s 5th congressional district. But state Senate President Andy Biggs made headlines long before he ever took office.

The longtime lawmaker won $10 million from Publisher’s Clearinghouse 24 years ago. He was even in a 1993 commercial, receiving congratulations from Dick Clark and Ed McMahon.

Biggs doesn’t publicly discuss hitting the jackpot, and his winnings haven’t seemed to impact his political career.

The Congressman is a strong Trump supporter and has called Mueller’s investigation into Russian meddling in the presidential elections a partisan “witch hunt.”  Rep. Biggs said Mueller was “incapable” of being unbiased and demanded that Mueller resign.  He joined two other House Republicans introducing a Congressional resolution calling for Mueller to resign.  (One wonders why there were only three who signed on.)

Andy Biggs tweeted, “I joined Jim Jordan and Mark Meadows in calling for the Department of Justice to hand over all requested documents within seven days of this resolution’s passage. The DOJ’s stonewalling and obstructing of Constitutional oversight has gone far enough. It’s time for answers and complete transparency.”

Rep. Biggs is a member of the House Freedom Caucus.  The Congressman will tell us the real truth about the ongoing challenges to obtain documents from the DOJ/FBI.

James O’Keefe III

Project Veritas is James O’Keefe’s organization, and what amazing undercover work this 34-year-old young man has accomplished.  He produces secretly recorded undercover audio and video encounters with figures and workers in academic, governmental and social service organizations, showing abusive or allegedly illegal behavior by employees and/or representatives of those organizations.

O’Keefe and his people have exposed ACORN, Planned Parenthood and countless others.  In January of this year, we heard James speak at the Gathering of Eagles in St. Louis and he thrilled the audience.  His latest book, American Pravda is well worth the read.

Project Veritas has released the undercover video of Bill Siegferth, Tom Schmida, and David Romick – all current or former Ohio teacher’s union presidents –admitting that they have protected and defended union members that have abused students.

James O’Keefe is a mesmerizing speaker who continually exposes what is happening in our country and has been sued numerous times for revealing the truth.

Karen Gaffney

The very talented Karen Gaffney will speak at council about the fact that she has one more chromosome than we do, and it makes her very special. We’ll hear her at the Pro-Life Luncheon on Saturday, 15 September 18.  Watch this amazing video of her speaking!

From Wikipedia…In 2001, Karen became the first person with Down syndrome to complete a relay swim of the English Channel.  Her 2007 swim across the nine-mile span of Lake Tahoe became the subject of the documentary Crossing Tahoe: A Swimmer’s Dream.  In 2009, she swam across Boston Harbor, a distance of five miles, to celebrate Down Syndrome Month in Massachusetts. She has also earned two gold medals from the Special Olympics, and completed 16 swims across San Francisco Bay, including the Escape from Alcatraz triathlon. In 2010, she received the Global Down Syndrome Quincy Jones Exceptional Advocacy Award.

You won’t want to miss hearing this wonderful woman, her accomplishments and her love for life!  God said in Deuteronomy, Choose Life!  And Karen has chosen it abundantly!


Many more wonderful guests will be at the 47th Phyllis Schlafly Eagle Council in September. Register now, sign up for email updates, and join hundreds of dedicated Christian conservative activists for a fabulous few days…days you’ll never forget.

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

The Seditious, Treasonous And Pathological Conduct Of The Left

Modern liberalism: made in much the same way as a sausage — it’s a blend of fascist, Communist, and socialist ideologies from twentieth century Europe, with a pinch of Nazism, all ground together, yet retaining the flavor of its various parts.  —Michael Savage

Congratulations to Maxine Waters, whose crazy rants have made her, together with Nancy Pelosi, the unhinged FACE of the Democrat Party. Together, they will Make America Weak Again! But have no fear, America is now stronger than ever before, and I’m not going anywhere!  —President Donald J. Trump

Justice Anthony Kennedy was nominated to the Supreme Court in 1987 by President Ronald Reagan.  On March 3, 1975, upon Reagan’s recommendation President Gerald Ford appointed Kennedy to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.  Conservatives’ views on Kennedy stem from his eventual rethinking of positions on abortion, religion, and the death penalty (which Kennedy believes should not be applied to juveniles or the mentally challenged).  Kennedy has sided with gay rights and abortion advocates on many occasions.  When Justice Kennedy announced his retirement on 27 June 2018 the left had another psychotic meltdown knowing Donald Trump would choose the replacement.

Sedition and Treason

Sedition is not a word we hear very often. So, what is it?  Sedition is legally defined as ”the criminal act of revolting against an established authority, usually in the form of treason or defamation of a government.” In other words, if you are conspiring or plotting to overthrow by violent force, harm in any way, or more specifically, kill any authority figure in government, you have committed sedition.

Sedition not only covers a person’s actions but also any words or writings in print that may incite, encourage or promote the overthrowing of a government; it’s seditious libel.

The U.S. government has attempted on several occasions to regulate speech in wartime, beginning with the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 which had four parts, three of which expired in 1801.

The Alien Enemies Act remained in effect, was revised and codified in 1918 for use in World War I. It was also used by the government to identify and imprison dangerous enemy aliens from Germany, Japan, and Italy in World War II. The Alien Enemies Act has never been repealed.

First Amendment Rights

Although sedition laws are still on the books, the Warren Court effectively neutralized them on Red Monday, 1957Yates v. United States354 U.S. 298 (1957), was a case decided by the Supreme Court of the United States that held that the First Amendment protected radical and reactionary speech, unless it posed a “clear and present danger.” Link  H/T to John and Andy Schlafly.

First amendment rights give us the ability to speak against what we disagree with regarding the government.  For this reason, sedition laws are rarely enforced. Sedition used to be viewed as treason, or even an act of domestic terrorism, but it’s now viewed by many as American’s First Amendment rights.

Of the five rights all Americans are afforded within the First Amendment, the two that protect against sedition are freedom of speech, and freedom of the press. Americans have the right to a dissenting opinion, and the right to write about it and publish it if we choose. But prior to 1964, libel by the press against a public figure could get them sued.

That all changed with the 1964 Supreme Court decision, NYTs Co. v Sullivan which was decided by the liberal Warren court in a 9-0 decision. (Chief Justice Earl Warren was appointed by Republican President Dwight Eisenhower. Another liberal followed the Warren Court, Chief Justice Warren Burger, appointed by Republican President Richard Nixon.)  This decision changed the rules involving libel that had previously been the province of state law and state courts and stated that media could lie about public figures with impunity as it was a first amendment right. A public official could recover in a libel action only if and when a court found that the libelous statement about the official was made with “actual malice”—that is, with knowledge that it was false or with reckless disregard of whether it was false or not.  This is their tortured interpretation.

The 1964 SCOTUS decision, which dealt with a civil libel action, changed the dynamics of debate in our society into the deceptive and dishonest attacks on public figures we see daily by society’s socialists.

The definition of sedition describes what has happened to Donald J. Trump since he and his wife came down that escalator to announce his candidacy for President on 16 June 15.

What we cannot do as Americans is incite violence towards the President. We cannot make threats on his life or attempt to encourage others to forcibly remove him from office; that is, in fact, illegal, yet it continues with no consequences for the perpetrators.

In Leonard Levy’s book, Legacy of Suppression, he describes how previous restraint of the press was the rule rather than the exception and that punishment was frequent and relatively sure for the orator who voiced criticism of courts or legislatures.  It is a book wholly devoted to the subject of seditious libel.  The 1964 Warren Court decision swung the pendulum too far to the left allowing media to lie through their teeth with impunity.

The Pathology of America’s Left

Twenty-five years ago, I had my van parked in the lot of an upscale grocery store on the wealthy side of town, and my vehicle had pro-life stickers on the bumper and back windows.  When I came out, the van was thoroughly keyed.  I have seen cars laden with stickers for Bernie Sanders, Hillary, including that stupid Coexist sticker and I’ve thought how I’d like to put nails in their tires.  But I can’t do that because not only is God watching me, but my guilt would be overwhelming.

We have seen examples over and over of the left’s insidious verbal and visual abuse since Trump announced his candidacy.  His election has exposed their true pathological nature for everyone to see.

The two things the left doesn’t have that the Judeo-Christian old right has is fear of God, and guilt for doing wrong.  They don’t have that…and that’s why they’re not only pathological, they’re bordering on psychopathy.  In an article on Dr. Eowyn’s website, Fellowship of the Minds, she explains it perfectly:

Psychopaths and sociopaths aren’t the same: Though both conditions are associated with a poor sense of “right and wrong” and a lack of empathy, there are a few key differences between them. According to Dr. L. Michael Tompkins, a psychologist at the Sacramento County Mental Health Treatment Center, the difference lies in having a conscience.

A psychopath simply doesn’t have one, he told WebMD. They will steal from you without feeling a twinge of guilt — though they may pretend to if they’re caught, so they aren’t “found out.” A sociopath, on the other hand, will understand that taking your money is wrong and may feel remorse, but it won’t be enough to stop their deviant behavior. That means a psychopath has even less regard for others than a sociopath. Another difference between the two lies in the psychopath’s incredible ability to blend in. They can come off as charming, intelligent, and may even mimic emotions they really don’t feel.  “They’re skilled actors whose sole mission is to manipulate people for personal gain,” Tompkins said. Sociopaths are more likely to come off as “hot-headed,” and may act more impulsively, demonstrating to others their lack of normal empathy.

So, is the left psychopathic or ungodly or both?  Here are some facts about psychopaths, and now science is actually saying liberals are psychotic.  Manners, etiquette, refinement, respect for fellow Americans, and acceptance of the electorate’s choice means nothing to these people.  They hate all of us and are calling for confrontation of not only this administration but anyone who supported and voted for Donald Trump.  What they’re saying is that they hate all Americans who are not with them.  Their “tolerance” is only for those who support their liberal views. Washington D.C. may well be the psychopath capitol of America.

Article after article has been written about the virulent and filthy leftist attacks. There are hundreds of incidents.  Sharyl Attikisson has listed the entire “Collusion Against Trump” timeline.  And here is the Breitbart list of media approved violence against Trump supporters.

  • The University of Chicago violence erupted via Soros to keep Trump away from a rally.
  • A teacher shoots a water pistol at a picture of Trump and says, “Die,” in front of her class.
  • The “pussy hat” women’s march…Madonna called for bombing of the White House; Ashley Judd gave a filthy speech on “nasty women;” Gloria Steinem professed killing her own unborn baby.
  • In early 2017, Loretta Lynch actually called for subverting President Trump with marches, blood, and death.

This is nothing compared to the depravity it has now disintegrated into…some of the most vile, visceral and vulgar attacks lacking common human decency and decorum.

Maxine Waters

Maxine Waters continues to call for mob attacks on anyone in the Trump administration.  On 23 June 2018, Waters held a rally and referred to the Red Hen Restaurant booting out White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders.

Waters said, If you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.”  This fascist is calling for mob violence. The Congresswoman even called the LA race riots a “defining moment for resistance.” This article by Dr. Eowyn clarifies that Rep. Waters (D-CA) is one of Washington’s ten most corrupt politicians.

Tom Fitton, President of Judicial Watch is calling on Congress to investigate Waters for inciting public harassment.  And a White House petition to expel Maxine Waters from Congress is making the rounds.

On 30 June 18, Bikers for Trump rode into downtown Lexington, VA, to protest The Red Hen’s shabby treatment of Sarah Sanders and her family.

The vulgarity continued with so-called comedian and host of The Daily Show Trevor Noah who stated that Sarah Huckabee should be thankful that no one “jizzed” in her food.  He’s giving emotionally unhinged liberals more ideas, like ejaculating in the plate of anyone wearing a MAGA hat, or God forbid, a family that even “looks” like they voted for Trump.  Shades of Jesse Jackson admitting to spitting in white folks food.

Peter Fonda

In a twitter rampage, Fonda suggested Melania Trump should be separated from her child Barron.  He was referring to illegal alien lawbreakers being separated from their children, but of course it didn’t bother him or his ilk that Clinton and Obama kept these children in cages.  Fonda tweeted, “We should rip Barron Trump from his mother’s arms and put him in a cage with pedophiles and see if his mother will stand up to the giant asshole she is married to.”

Fonda also called on a mob of 90 million to surround schools attended by children of ICE agents so they can scare the sh** out of them and worry the f*** out of the agents. What Fonda said about Kirstjen Nielsen and Sarah Sanders was worse than what Samantha Bee uttered about Ivanka Trump.

Twitter took no action against Fonda even though he violated several twitter policies, but justice was served, Fonda’s latest movie bombed big time.  Link

Deranged Leftists

Curtis Cook, a writer for Comedy Central believes Justice Kennedy should have been shot rather than President John Kennedy and his brother Robert.

Sam Lavigne, an adjunct instructor at New York University (NYU)’s Tisch School of the Arts, doxed hundreds of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) employees and publicized their personal information on social media.

The left has promoted violence again with their latest attack on ICE. ICE arrested 107 illegal immigrants in Philly this week during “Operation Safe City.”  There were more arrests here than in any other city during the nationwide sweep.

Then police arrest 29 far left protesters after violence erupts in front of ICE building. 

Markara Man, a California democrat was arrested for death threats against Trump’s Federal Communications Commission Chief, Ajit Pai and his family.

Senator Maggie Hassan (D-NH), defended not firing one of her interns who yelled, “F– you” at President Trump, in part because it was Mr. Trump.

Suspect Laurence Key, a devout Democrat who hates Republican war heroes allegedly threatened to kill war hero and U.S. Congressman Rep. Brian Mast (R-FL). The same suspect also threatened to kill the lawmaker’s three minor children, the oldest child is only 8-years-old.


President Trump has told these psychopaths that he will not tolerate attacks on courageous ICE agents and our border patrol.  Neither should there be confrontations or attacks on him or his administration, including Pam Bondi, Kirstjen Nielsen, Sarah Sanders, or Sen. McConnell and his wife Elaine Chao.

Facing a new wave of potentially dangerous threats, called for by Mad Maxine and others, legal and gun experts are calling on top Trump aides to get their concealed carry permits and back it up with a pistol.

“There are simply not enough police in D.C. or Virginia or Maryland to protect all Trump officials at their homes and when they go out to restaurants. Getting a concealed handgun permit would be helpful to protect themselves and their family,” said John R. Lott Jr., president of the influential Crime Prevention Research Center.

Actor James Woods warned his fellow conservatives to ‘get armed and vote’ after Rep. Waters called for Republicans to be harassed in public and at their homes.

And about those Trump bumper stickers…if you’re afraid of damage to your vehicle because of the psychopaths, then political analyst Sam Francis was right when he wrote, “What we have in America today is both anarchy (the failure of the state to enforce the laws) and, at the same time, tyranny–the enforcement of laws by the state for oppressive purposes.”

P.S.  In today’s cultural disintegration, even those of us who bring you the truth through NewsWithViews are hated and attacked by the left.  We write because we love America.  Our CEO works tirelessly to bring these articles into your mailbox every morning and he funds much of the website out of his own pocket.  Your monthly donations help NWVs to stay alive.  Please tell your friends to sign up for the newsletters.  Donations can be made here.

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

The Destructive Internet Sales Tax And Those Who Promoted It

All the world should be taxed —Caesar Augustus

The only difference between a tax man and a taxidermist is that the taxidermist leaves the skin. —Mark Twain

The power to tax is the power to destroy. —John Marshall – Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

What a pity we don’t have more justices on the Supreme Court today like we did with founding father Chief Justice Marshall.   He was the last chief justice who was born a British subject prior to the American Revolutionary War.  He was right…the power to tax is the power to destroy.  Oh, is it ever!  America’s taxes are out of control!

The recent high court decision in South Dakota v. Wayfair, Inc., which overturns an earlier Supreme Court precedent, will boost state revenues at the expense of consumers and sellers who have avoided sales taxes in the past. But the justices did not specify what types of exceptions states may impose to limit the burden on small businesses.

The Scotus Vote

Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote the 5-4 decision, discarding the court’s longstanding rule that states cannot require companies without a physical presence in their state to collect sales taxes. He was joined by Justices Clarence Thomas, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Samuel Alito and Neil Gorsuch.

Chief Justice John Roberts dissented (his dissent well worth the read), saying the decision should be left to Congress, and was joined by Justices Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan.  I agree with Justice Roberts, this is a decision which belongs to Congress as they have the final say over regulation of interstate commerce.  The Court reversed the decision of Quill Corp. v North Dakota.

University of Tennessee Law Professor Glenn Reynolds commented, “The Supreme Court allowed states to tax purchases made online from out-of-state sellers. I seem to remember something about “No taxation without representation,” but apparently the majority (weirdly, Kennedy, Thomas, Gorsuch, Alito, and…Ginsburg) forgot that. The opinion is a real piece of work, even going full ‘You didn’t build that’ at one point.  Roberts’ dissent is right on the money, pointing out that such a dramatic change to the internet economy could have far-reaching consequences, and that Congress is much better suited to address the issue.”

In this instance, stare decisis (Latin for “to stand by a decision”) was discarded and obviously not of interest to the five justices who overturned the precedent.  How I wish  they would do the same with Roe v Wade, and NYTs Corp. v Sullivan.

Reversing Precedent

No sooner does Congress do something great like passing a tax reform bill that is already paying dividends for millions than members argue and promote a way to muck it all up.  Not only is this more expensive for customers, it is a massive expansion of state taxing power and a complex and costly new mandate on businesses, and our President endorsed it. [Link] The Hill reports that more than 90 percent of every dollar spent on retail still winds up in the cash registers of brick-and-mortar stores.

The idea of internet taxes isn’t a new one. The 1992 Supreme Court decision (Quill Corp. v North Dakota) stated that a business must have a physical presence within the state in order for the state to collect sales tax when someone purchases from that business.  This was the ruling, and basically it had always been this way.  Years ago, we had catalogues that came via snail mail and if the company had no presence in the state, you did not pay taxes on your orders.  It’s been this way since I was a young bride and probably much earlier.

Legislation was introduced in 2012 to “level the playing field” via the Marketplace Fairness Act, so that local businesses didn’t have “unfair competition” because of the local taxes. Leveling the playing field was another euphemism for helping big box stores and destroying small internet businesses.  The Marketplace Fairness Act fortunately never left a Senate committee.

Former Tennessee Governor, and now Senator Lamar Alexander, tried to sneak a law passing an internet sales tax into the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) in early December, 2012. Senators Dick Durbin (D-IL), Mike Enzi (R-WY), and Lamar Alexander proposed a version of the Marketplace Fairness Act as an amendment to the NDAA.  The Senate voted to close debate on the defense bill and proceed to a vote without considering the tax.  Thank God!

Commerce Clause

The Commerce Clause (Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3 of the U.S. Constitution) was intended to facilitate free trade by giving the federal government limited power to ensure state governments did not impose taxes and regulations on out-of-state business. Contrary to modern belief, the Commerce Clause was not intended to give Congress power to regulate every sector of the economy. And the Commerce Clause was certainly not intended to allow Congress to help state governments collect taxes on purchases from out-of-state merchants.

Quill v. North Dakota represented a rare instance where the Supreme Court properly interpreted the Commerce Clause. Thanks to the Quill decision, the Internet remained a tax-free zone until now, though some states required consumers to later pay taxes on products they purchased online. This freedom has helped turn the Internet into a thriving and dynamic sector of the economy, to the benefit of entrepreneurs and consumers.

Now that status has been changed by an alliance of big business and tax-hungry state governments seeking new powers to force out-of-state business to collect state sales taxes. Far from updating the Constitution to fit the needs of the 21st century, the National Internet Tax Mandate is a throwback to 18th century mercantilism.

The National Internet Tax Mandate also flies in the face of the original purpose of the Commerce Clause and sets a dangerous precedent. Contrary to modern political thought, the Commerce Clause was not intended to grant Congress unfettered regulatory power. Instead, it was meant to enable Congress to guarantee free trade among the states by ensuring states could not impose onerous regulations or taxes on out-of-state businesses. By giving states the power to impose their sales taxes on out-of-state businesses, the National Internet Tax Mandate flips the Commerce Clause on its head.  Link

Taxation Without Representation is Tyranny.

Small Businesses Destroyed

Small business is supposed to be the engine of economic growth and the internet is now the engine of small business growth. The Scotus decision is potentially the engine of small business death. This is a job for Congress before the small businesses fail.  Federal legislation is required. Absent such a solution, the little engine that could, small online business, may immediately become the little engine that can’t.

The Supreme Court decision may be like Valentine’s Day candy for big-spending governors, but it is a chocolate-covered sucker punch for the American people. Those of us who still value low taxes and fiscal responsibility at every level of government will need to join in to save internet small businesses. The politicians who support this mandate and do nothing for the little guys will hopefully receive thorns, not roses, from the American people.  With over 10,000 city, county, and state sales taxes in America, the costs to very small internet businesses are astronomical and untenable.

Online sellers would have to keep track of each state and locality’s definition of what constitutes a taxable good. They would also have to stay up-to-date on thousands of various filing and registration procedures, threshold amounts and sales tax holidays just to remain in compliance. That suffocating deluge of red tape will close businesses, kill jobs and increase the cost of goods to customers.

The operations of small businesses are different than large retailers, and state tax actions targeting them raise additional legal questions that are not addressed by this decision. Congress needs to step in and provide clear tax rules, with a strong small business exemption, to help small businesses take advantage of the internet to grow and create local jobs.

This really is Taxation Without Representation.

Tennessee’s Governor Haslam

It was Tennessee’s neo-con Republican Governor Haslam who started the ball rolling for internet taxes when he was elected in 2010.  He got together with his good friend, Senator Lamar Alexander (R-TN).

On February 14, 2013, neo-con Trotskyite Senator Lamar Alexander (R-TN) joined fellow lawmakers in reintroducing a bill that would allow all states to require online retailers to collect sales tax just like their “Main Street” rivals, all at the behest of his friend Bill Haslam.  Governor Bill Haslam also spread his desire for internet taxes via the National Governor’s Association. New Jersey’s Governor Chris Christie was on board early in 2014, as were many other governors who wanted and needed more taxpayer dollars in their coffers. The State of Tennessee has billions in rainy-day funds, but they always want more.

Haslam’s 2010 campaign for Governor claimed he was a conservative Christian.  He is anything but.  Thrilled to be invited to the Obama White House, Haslam eagerly joined with Education Czar Arne Duncan to completely destroy Tennessee’s public education.  And Governor Haslam’s good friend, Sen. Lamar Alexander helped Obama lock in common core in America’s public schools. Link

Our Governor promoted Agenda 21 in Knoxville when he was Knoxville City Mayor and then throughout the state when he became Governor. Link

Last year the governor raised our gasoline tax by six cents a gallon for regular and 13 cents for diesel. The Haslam family owns Pilot Oil and Flying J. The gasoline tax monies collected by the stations do not have to be turned into the state for 45 days, and companies like Haslam’s make beaucoup bucks on the interest every month while holding these funds.  Another little monetary plus for his family owned business.

FBI and IRS Agents Execute Warrants at PFJ

Back in April of 2013, FBI and IRS agents executed sealed search and seizure warrants at Pilot Oil Flying J (PFJ) headquarters in Knoxville, TN as part of an investigation into one of the largest family-owned companies in the United States. Billionaire Jimmy Haslam, brother of Governor Bill Haslam, is the company CEO in addition to owning the Cleveland Browns.

The investigation revolved around the application of rebates to a small group of PFJ trucking company customers and how the small truckers were cheated.  None of the Haslams were charged.


This Scotus decision has hurt all of middle America, and regrettably it’s unlikely it will ever be overturned.

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© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Open Border Policies Are Destroying Western Civilization

Both Democrats and Republicans have done nothing to stanch the influx of illegal aliens on our southern border. Democrats are the problem. They don’t care about crime and want illegal immigrants, no matter how bad they may be, to pour into and infest our Country, like MS-13. They can’t win on their terrible policies, so they view them as potential voters!  We must always arrest people coming into our Country illegally. Of the 12,000 children, 10,000 are being sent by their parents on a very dangerous trip, and only 2000 are with their parents, many of whom have tried to enter our Country illegally on numerous occasions. —President Trump

Build the Wall” was not just another campaign slogan.  Trump meant it and we rallied to it.  He knew that sovereignty exists only when a nation has borders.  Politicians on both the left and right, as well as their comrades in media and the performing arts are unwavering in their promotion of a globalist open border society.

It was neo-con Trotskyite Paul Ryan who purposely kept monies for the wall out of the Omnibus bill. The House even kept Trump from using military funds from the Omnibus bill for the wall in the defense of our nation from the southern invasion.  Dump Ryan and Build the Wall!

Lying with Impunity

The socialist left portrays President Trump and conservatives as caring little about the illegal immigrant children, and this is another fomented lie purposely used to destroy Trump, his presidency, those in his administration and those who voted for him.

The 1964 Supreme Court decision, NYTs Co. v Sullivan was decided by the liberal Warren court with a 9-0 decision.  The court changed the rules involving libel that had previously been the province of state law and state courts and stated that media could lie about public figures with impunity as it was a first amendment right. A public official could recover in a libel action only if and when a court found that the libelous statement about the official was made with “actual malice”—that is, with knowledge that it was false or with reckless disregard of whether it was false or not.

This SCOTUS decision changed the dynamics of debate in our society into the deceptive and dishonest attacks on public figures we see daily by society’s socialists.

The Destruction of American Culture

No one is speaking about the changes in our culture as a result of the invasion of millions of illegal aliens. Since 2016, some 110,000 children have entered the U.S. illegally and been released, along with 200,000 Central American families caught sneaking across the border.  Since the dramatic surge of border crossings in 2013, the federal government has placed more than 180,000 unaccompanied minors with parents or other adult sponsors who are expected to care for the children and help them attend school while they seek legal status in immigration court.

Both the open border policy and Obama’s purposeful fomenting of racial unrest and civil strife have parallels to what has happened in South Africa. In 1994, Nelson Mandela and his Marxist African National Congress (ANC) assumed the reins of power. The international community looked away, satisfied that justice had prevailed. They continue to look away, even as South Africa has degenerated into another racist pit, best described by an Afrikaner farm owner: “It’s politically correct to kill whites these days.”  They’re killing off all the land owning white farmers who supplied their food.

I believe this is the goal of the establishment elites, a goal that will destroy America, her Constitution and the European immigrants who made this nation great.  The number of South African farm murders is staggering. Over the last decade, it is estimated that at least 3,000 Boers (white farmers) have been killed. Estimating the number of murders is necessary because the ANC has banned crime statistics from being compiled, claiming they scare off foreign investment.  Moreover, the world knows little about the savagery that accompanies those killings. Many victims, including women and infant children, are raped or tortured before they are killed. Some have boiling water poured down their throats, some are burned with hot pokers, and some are hacked to death with machetes, or disemboweled. Several others have been tied to their own cars and dragged for miles.

Civil unrest, racial strife and the influx of millions who know nothing of our culture and who come from third world countries is strongly advocated by the socialist left in both parties who have no problem disparaging anything constitutionally conservative.

Last Monday President Trump tweeted, “The people of Germany are turning against their leadership as migration is rocking the already tenuous Berlin coalition. Crime in Germany is way up. Big mistake made all over Europe in allowing millions of people in who have so strongly and violently changed their culture!”

The Law

The 2008 William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008, (TVPRA), which passed both chambers of Congress by unanimous consent and was signed into law by President George W. Bush, dictates exactly how children caught crossing the border without their parents must be treated.

For children coming from “contiguous countries” – in other words, Mexico and Canada a Border Patrol officer has the authority to determine whether the child is eligible to stay in the country. Because the child can be directly and safely handed over to officials from his or her home country, the process can move very quickly.

But for children from all other countries, any repatriation to their home country involves a plane flight and more preparation. The law dictates that after being caught, the child must be turned over within 72 hours to the Department of Health and Human Services to care for them and find them safe housing. HHS is also urged to find them legal counsel and child advocates who can explain the process of applying for asylum or identifying other ways to stay in the country.

The following pictures are of Obama’s illegal immigrant detention centers.  The policy of prosecuting immigrants for crossing the border illegally has been in place for multiple administrations. The Obama administration prosecuted half a million illegal immigrants and similarly separated families in the process. Newsweek reported that Obama held more than twice the number of children in shelters compared to the Trump White House.

So did the Bush administration.  Yet you’d never know that hearing the statements of Laura Bush saying how reprehensible Trump is for doing this.  Pompous, arrogant liars who hate President Trump.

Trump tweeted, “Did you like Angela Merkel’s open border policy and the refugee invasion? Germany has been destroyed with the flood of Islamist refugees, crime is over the top, and women are afraid to be on the streets for fear of rape.

Crime in Germany is up 10% plus (officials do not want to report these crimes) since migrants were accepted. Others countries are even worse. Be smart America!”

The Democrats and media are doing what they always do, driving emotions rather than rational thought.

DHS Head Kirstjen Nielsen

Nielsen provided an update on the illegal immigration crisis on the southern border including the effects the efforts the administration is taking to solve the crisis and to stop the flood of illegal immigrants, drugs, contraband and crime.  She said the statistics are riveting.  Listen to her ten-minute speech clarifying exactly what is going on at our southern border.  No family coming to a port of entry and seeking asylum is turned away.

Secretary Nielsen clarified that in the last 3 months they’ve seen illegal immigration on our southern border exceed 50,000 people each month, multiples over each month last year.  Since this time last year there has been a 325% increase in unaccompanied alien children and a 435% increase in family units entering the country illegally.  Over the last 10 years there has been a 1,700% increase in asylum claims resulting in an asylum backlog in our country today of 600,000 cases.

Since 2013, the United States has admitted more than half a million illegal immigrant minors and family units from Central America most of whom today are at large in the United States.  At the same time, large criminal organizations such as MS-13 have violated our borders and gained a deadly foothold within the United States.

She ends with the following, “Let’s be clear, if an American were to commit a crime anywhere in the United States, they would go to jail and be separated from their family.  This is not a controversial idea.  Children in DHS and HHS custody are being well taken care of.  The Department of Health and Human Services Office of Resettlement provides meals, medical care, and educational services to these children.  They are provided temporary shelter and HHS works hard to find a parent, relative or foster home to care for these children.”

Here is a video of the intake center in El Cajon, CA as reported by Breitbart.

Nielsen went to a DC Mexican restaurant for dinner that night and socialist protestors disrupted her evening.  This is the left folks, they are crass and rude and refinement is a thing of the past. One of those protestors was a paralegal from the Justice Dept.  She should be fired.

Illegal Parents and Children

Today, President Trump caved to the left by signing an Executive Order keeping illegal alien parents and children together, or did he? He may have pulled a fast one. Our government takes children into protective custody all the time. If you go to jail for breaking the law, Child Protective Services is there to take the children.  Those entering our country illegally have broken the law, and as such, the children should be separated from them.  Illegal aliens who break the law can keep their children with them, but Americans who break the law lose them.

Soon you will have women prisoners claiming their children should be with them as well.

White House Report

The White House reports that legal loopholes have hamstrung immigration enforcement and contributed to the crisis at our border as UAC arrivals have surged.

  • More than 110,000 Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) have been released into the interior of the United States since the beginning of FY 2016, according to the Department of Health and Human Services.
  • The number of UACs at ports of entry increased by 636 percent from April 2017 to April 2018.
  • Border Patrol apprehensions of UACs were 331 percent higher for April 2018 than April 2017.
  • Only 3.4 percent of UACs encountered at the border in FY 2014 from countries other than Mexico had been removed or returned as of FY 2017.
  • UAC cases pending in immigration courts now total 78,000, up from less than 3,500 in FY 2009.
  • Approximately 90 percent of removal orders obtained against UACs each year result from one’s failure to appear at a hearing.
  • Removal orders issued against UACs based on a failure to appear at an immigration hearing have risen over 1000 percent since FY 2009.
  • Gangs, such as MS-13, have used the influx of UACs for recruiting opportunities.

More than one-third of the 274 MS-13 members and affiliates arrested in the Federal, State, and local led “Operation Matador” entered the country as UACs.

The High Cost of Illegals

Health and Human Services paid more than $1.4 billion last year to accommodate nearly 41,000 UAC in its shelters. They stayed an average of 41 days, which means taxpayers paid about $670 a day for each child. The cost of holding someone in a federal prison, a comparison some immigration activists make to the UAC situation, is just $85 a day.  Check out the benefits these children get, with the tab picked up by American taxpayers.

Illegal immigration costs American taxpayers a mind-boggling $134.9 billion annually, according to a detailed analysis of federal, state and local programs that include education, medical, law enforcement and welfare. State and local taxpayers get stuck with an overwhelming chunk—$116 billion—of the burden.

According to Judicial Watch, 2,400 UAC in Texas and Oklahoma cost us $75,833 each, or a staggering amount of $182,129,786 for only four months.


Sixty, yes 60 million babies have been separated from their parents by abortion.  Think that isn’t a holocaust of its own?  It certainly is.

And think about this, Bill Clinton actually sent a SWAT team to capture and return one child to Communist Cuba.  Elian Gonzales survived a rickety raft trip from Cuba to Florida.  His mother did not. His mother drowned trying to save him and escape Communist Cuba and his father.

Hillary didn’t think much about the Benghazi fathers who were separated from their children, did she?  Neither did Bill, Hillary or Janet Reno worry about the children separated from their parents at Waco, or Ruby Ridge.

Americans Murdered by Illegals

No one even mentions the American children killed by illegal aliens who have broken the law to enter our country.  Over 63,000 Americans have been killed by illegal aliens since 9/11.  Nine to twelve Americans are killed per day by these invaders.

Steve Bannon said, “I don’t see the mainstream media and the liberal left embracing the Angel Moms, those people who were permanently separated from their children because of illegal aliens who came over here and committed crimes and killed people. You’re being very selective.”

The swamp’s addiction to cheap illegal labor and fraudulent votes is paid for with American blood.


Open border politicians don’t give a damn about these children.  What they care about is flooding the country with aliens who will vote for democrat and a globalist society.

Swamp snake Paul Ryan is leading the charge for open borders and amnesty.  All of the Socialist Democrats and many of the neo-con Trotskyite Republicans are with him.

Veto all amnesty bills President Trump!

I’ve had enough. Build the wall. Build it Now!

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Inspector General Says No Evidence Of Bias In DOJ And FBI

How can the Deep State investigate itself and have us believe any results will be honest? If anyone is depending on Michael Horowitz they’ll be waiting a long time. The inspector general’s office is where truth goes to die. —Tom Fitton and Chris Farrell of Judicial Watch (They were right.)

Robert Mueller’s attempts to destroy Trump went off the rails into corruption the very day he was appointed by Rosenstein.  He and the Democrat loving attorneys he chose for this spurious and totally bogus “Russian collusion” investigation need to be disbanded. Robert Mueller, and his superior, Rod Rosenstein, who fails to rein him in, should be next on the chopping block, and Trump needs to strike while the iron is hot. Trump should fire any advisers who stand in his way on this.

Rosenstein needs to be impeached, Sessions needs to be sent back to Alabama, FBI Director Wray needs to be canned, and even McCabe’s replacement David Bowdich needs to be ousted as he is another swamp creature. The DOJ/FBI is long overdue for removal of the rot and corruption.

The swamp is full of filthy fetid underground creatures willing to totally destroy the Constitutional Republic. This is why President Trump gave up his lavish lifestyle as a New York billionaire and was humiliated, ridiculed, slandered, libeled and eviscerated by the left, main stream media, and the neo-con Trotskyite right, all to save our beloved country and the American people.

FBI Directors Mueller and Comey

Robert Mueller was appointed FBI Director in 2001 by George W. Bush and he served out his 10-year term.  Congress then approved an additional two years under Barack Obama.  Obama wanted to keep him because he saw how Mueller purged and even eliminated training which would have helped identify radical Islamic killers.

In two previous articles, here and here, I condensed Rep. Louis Gohmert’s monumental tome, “The Naked Truth About Robert Mueller,” which gave us an overview of how Mueller as FBI Director for 12 years destroyed the bureau’s relationship with Congress.  Next came Comey who was mentored by Mueller.  He was in office from 2013 until his dismissal by President Trump in May of 2017.

In the 17 years of Mueller and Comey, the two of them radically changed the FBI.  Philip Haney, former charter member of the Department of Homeland Security, wrote See Something, Say Nothing regarding his eyewitness account, supported by internal memos and documents, exposing a federal government capitulating to an enemy within (Islam) and punishing those who reject its narrative.

Thomas J. Baker spent 33 years in the FBI, including several working in the Office of Congressional and Public Affairs.  In his recent WSJ column, The FBI’s Shocking Disrespect for Congress, he said the deterioration in the bureau’s relationship with Congress is shocking and a total change in the culture.  He told that former Directors William Webster (1978-1987) and Louis Freeh (1993-2001) insisted that the FBI respond promptly to any congressional request, and that back then a congressional committee didn’t need a subpoena to get information from the FBI.  Those appropriate committees are actually key to the bureau’s funding, not to mention the DOJ’s ability to even exist.  All of this changed when Mueller took office in 2001.

FBI Director Wray and Andrew Weissmann

Deep State FBI Director Christopher A. Wray was an assistant attorney general in 2004 when he heaped praise on an ambitious Mafia-tested prosecutor while promoting him to the top of the Justice Department’s high-profile Enron task force.

Wray specifically lauded Andrew Weissmann for obtaining convictions against two Enron clients: accounting giant Arthur Andersen who I once gladly worked for in Chicago, and executives at banking dynamo Merrill Lynch.

Defense attorneys say Weissmann bent or broke the rules. As proof, they point to appeals court decisions, exhibits and witness statements.

They say he intimidated witnesses by threatening indictments, created crimes that did not exist and, in one case, withheld evidence that could have aided the accused. At one hearing, an incredulous district court judge looked down at an Enron defendant and told him he was pleading guilty to a wire fraud crime that did not exist.

“Weissmann seemed more interested in obtaining convictions than in promoting justice,” said Tom Kirkendall, a Houston lawyer who represented an Enron executive.   And Weissman is the top man on Robert Mueller’s Russia collusion investigation team.  What I want to know is who in hell suggested Christopher Wray as FBI Director to President Trump…because Wray is a Deep State enemy of the Republic.

And those convictions for which Mr. Wray offered praise in 2004, well the reality is Weissmann’s cases against Andersen and Merrill Lynch lay in shambles just a few years later.

The Supreme Court, in a 9-0 vote in 2005, overturned the Andersen conviction. A year later, the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals erased all the fraud convictions against four Merrill Lynch managers. The jury had acquitted another defendant, but good companies were still destroyed.

“People went off to prison for a completely phantom of a case,” said Mr. Kirkendall, and this is Mueller’s top prosecutor!

Wray says “No Bias”

Deep State FBI Director Christopher Wray said that he accepted the findings and recommendations on the bureau’s probe into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server, but he insisted the IG report regarding the 2016 election actions by the DOJ/FBI does nothing to “impugn the integrity of our workforce as a whole.”  Wray states, “I take this report very seriously, and we accept its findings and recommendations. It’s also important, though, to note what the inspector general did not find.  This report did not find any evidence of political bias.”  What are you smoking Director Wray?

After President Trump was elected, an FBI employee texted, “All the people who were initially voting for her (Hillary) would not, and were not, swayed by any decision the FBI put out.  Trump’s supporters are all poor to middle class, uneducated, lazy POS (pieces of sh**) that think he will magically grant them jobs for nothing.  They probably didn’t watch the debates, aren’t fully educated on his policies, and are stupidly wrapped up in his unmerited enthusiasm.  No bias?

The IG stated, “There’s no evidence of bias,” but what he’s saying is that he couldn’t find a piece of paper or an email or a text from Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, etc. that said, “We are Republican haters and Democrat lovers. We want Hillary to win. We want Trump to lose.”  Horowitz said, “There is no documentary evidence,” and that is true, but for heaven’s sake, put two and two together!

Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report does expose bias at the DOJ/FBI…like that’s something we didn’t already know.  The report slammed five FBI employees who actually messaged each other and were supportive of Hillary and hostile to Trump.  Horowitz wrote, “They brought discredit to themselves, sowed doubt about the FBI’s handling of the investigation and impacted the reputation of the FBI.”

Wray says he’s making changes, including ordering training for senior executives on lessons from the report and for rank and file agents so they won’t make the same mistakes again.  The training will include the “importance of objectivity and avoiding the appearance of “conflicts of interest.”  Wait a minute…didn’t they learn this in their training to become agents?  What is really being taught…no more inter-office texting, hide your bias…pretend you’re objective?

Excuse me Director Wray, but you’re another Deep State employee who denies the fact that your agency’s reputation is inexorably damaged by their bias.  Oh yes, you and your ilk worry that the release of the DOJ’s IG report could cause more damage to the agency’s reputation when it is already under extraordinarily political pressure.  Well Wray, you should worry, because you are part of the problem.

Fired FBI Director James Comey

There are 1,386 references to Comey in the IG’s first report.  In this first installment of the report, former Director James Comey is described as out of control and hell bent on getting his own way.

The Office of Inspector General (OIG) found that Comey was insubordinate when he intentionally concealed from the DOJ his intentions regarding the July 5, 2016, announcement on Hillary’s emails and instructed his subordinates to do the same. The FBI does not condone insubordination at any level and will institute training to ensure compliance with policy and the chain of command, as appropriate.

Judicial Watch now has emails from notorious anti-Trump, pro-Hillary Clinton FBI officials who seem to confirm that James Comey and Loretta Lynch decided to let Hillary Clinton ride on her email abuses before she was even interviewed by the FBI.

Bernard Kerik, former NYPD Commission had this to say about Hillary Clinton’s email investigation:

Prosecutors are not supposed to break the law to enforce it and that’s what we have seen consistently over the last two years.  There are tens of thousands of people sitting in prison for far less than what Hillary Clinton did. I watched that 15-minute clip where Jim Comey outlines an outrageous indictment against Hillary Clinton, only to say no reasonable prosecutor would bring that case.  That’s a lie!  And I know that’s a lie because they’ve done it to me and they’ve done it to thousands of other people.

So, don’t tell me that nobody would bring that case.  Obstruction of justice, destruction of evidence…the classified material.  There are people in the military who sent one classified email or took one photo and sent it over a g-mail account and went to jail.  Do not tell me that she shouldn’t have been prosecuted and where was the impaneling of a grand jury if that was a real investigation?  Somebody threw the investigation.

FBI Agent Peter Strzok

Strzok was the Chief of the Counterespionage Section and led the FBI’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a personal email server.  Strzok was also one of two agents who blindsided former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn on January 24, 2017, with an unannounced questioning of the General. A brief phone call from the office of Andrew McCabe to a scheduler for Flynn on Jan. 24 set the interview in motion.  Congress still does not have a copy of the 302 reports by these agents of the interview.  Both interviewing agents maintained that Flynn never lied, and many surmise Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe may have changed the 302s because of his animosity towards General Flynn.  McCabe is mentioned 868 times in the IG report, most of which have to do with previously reported reasons for McCabe’s termination from the FBI.

Perhaps the most damaging new revelation in the report is a previously unreported August 2016 text message in which Peter Strzok assured FBI lawyer and paramour Lisa Page (mentioned 358 times in IG report) that “we’ll stop” Trump from making it to the White House.

“Trump’s not ever going to become president, right? Right?!” the lawyer, Lisa Page, wrote to Strzok.

“No. No he won’t. We’ll stop it,” Strzok responded.

Yet the IG finds no political bias?  Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) said he believes it’s clear what was being articulated by Strzok and Page.

“In Louisiana, we call that bias. We don’t call that objective,” said Kennedy, adding that a U.S. attorney will likely review the issues and decide whether to pursue charges. He said he and many others want to see the facts, without “spin or speculation.” [Link]

The IG report is only the first installment in revealing all that is rotten in the Justice Dept. and the FBI.  The lying and leaking Deputy FBI Director, Andrew McCabe is now begging for immunity before he will testify on capitol hill.  The question is will Sen. Grassley’s Judiciary committee protect the corrupt or serve the people.  Sen Cornyn is saying the right things for a change, but I have my doubts.  Cornyn says, “We really need to get to the bottom of what happened at the FBI during the Comey years…and apparently there was misconduct going on which I think has really impugned the reputation of the finest law enforcement agency in the world.  We need to clear the air so I think giving Mr. McCabe cover or immunity would be a mistake.”


Donald Trump Jr. says this report didn’t go nearly as far as it should have and I agree with him.  Chris Farrell of Judicial Watch weighs in and says the report is good on detailing the text messages between Strzok and Page, as well as the insubordination by Director Comey.  However, it is very weak with recommendations and is a standard coverup document by the Deep State. [Link]

Judge Jeanine Pirro says she’s dumbfounded, disheartened and disappointed with the IG report.

And her open on 16 June 18 is well worth the listen, she’s absolutely spot on. She says, “You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to understand the text message statements by FBI agents.  They not only indicate a biased hateful state of mind, they apply unequivocally a willingness to take official action to impact the election…And the IG says there’s no evidence of improper considerations impacting the investigation…”

Upcoming is an article on Rod Rosenstein, on separating children from their parents when the parents break the law and illegally enter our country, and the high cost of supporting Donald Trump for President.  Stay tuned…

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© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Paul Ryan’s Indefensible Support For The Deep State

Neoconservatives seek socialist big government and champion American meddling in the rest of the world’s affairs.  The personal histories of neoconservative leaders confirm that many are anti-Stalinist socialists who despised the brutality inflicted on mankind by Lenin and Stalin, but who nevertheless endorsed socialism, especially the brand favored by Leon Trotsky.  Their preference for having America become the policeman of the world is the stepping stone toward interdependence and eventual world government, two concepts which they enthusiastically favor.  —William F. Buckley, Pied Piper for the Establishment by John McManus

Furthermore, I am of the opinion that Carthage should be destroyed.  —Cicero for Cato the Elder

We have a president who is doing more to “Make America Great Again” than any president in my lifetime, but the neocons in his own party are working with the democrats to destroy his chances of attaining every goal he promised to the American people. These neocon Republicans are actually helping to destroy the chances of maintaining their majority in both the House and Senate, and Speaker Paul Ryan is leading the pack.

Ryan is a neocon Trotskyite globalist establishment elitist, and as such is just as dangerous as the left.  To understand today’s traitorous Republicans, I urge everyone to read, William F. Buckley, Jr.: Pied Piper for the Establishment by John McManus. I have quoted heavily from this superb publication.

Neocon Trotskyites

As far back as 60 years ago, those who identified themselves as Trotskyites began to drift away and claim the title of democratic socialists.  They gravitated to the liberal wing of the Democrat Party.  William F. Buckley, a Council on Foreign Relations member, CIA agent, and Yale Skull and Bones man had emasculated conservatism’s traditional meaning.  Buckley partnered with the “father” of neoconservatism, former Trotskyite, Irving Kristol, father of Bilderberger member and NeverTrumper Bill Kristol.

The Democratic socialists then moved into the Republican Party as “moderates” and stole the name of conservatives. This is how the theft of true old right conservatism turned Republicans into what the majority of them are today.  Despite Rush Limbaugh’s adoration of Bill Buckley as a conservative, Buckley and Kristol gave us the likes of McCain, Ryan, McConnell, Flake, and hundreds of other so-called “moderates,” including many of our past presidents.

Buckley made it clear in his 1952 Commonweal article that he recommended, “Big government…a totalitarian bureaucracy within our shores…and the attendant centralization of power in Washington.”  That is what neoconservatism is today.  Buckley even applauded the “Gingrich revolution” allegedly a return to conservatism which never happened and never was intended to happen…more warmed over neoconservatism.  The 1952 Buckley article reveals he was a totalitarian socialist.

Neoconservative Roots

The neocon roots to Leon Trotsky are obvious and cannot be ignored.  Trotsky was murdered in Mexico in 1940 by one of Stalin’s henchmen.  In 1927, he had broken with Stalin and Lenin’s head cracking and gulags favoring the imposition of Marxist socialism slowly and patiently.  He was exiled from Russia in 1928 by his once close comrades.  Trotsky and his followers wanted mankind to choose Marxist world government rather than having it forced on them.  So, they used pens and the podium rather than guns and clubs.  This is the gist of it all and what we’re looking at today in the Republican party.  Irving Kristol stated, “I regard myself as lucky to have been a young Trotskyite and I have not a single bitter memory.”

Kristol later credited neoconservatism for helping to “modernize” the Republican Party by which he meant tearing it away from its Old-Right roots.  Kristol heaped praise on both President Reagan and Newt Gingrich for paying tribute to leftist Franklin Roosevelt whose socialist mindset and administration destroyed the last remnants of the Old Republic.  Folks forget that third-waver and CFR member Gingrich backed federal aid to education, land controls, foreign aid, NAFTA, GATT, the Mexican bailout, the Export-Import Bank, and almost every conceivable assault on U.S. sovereignty, the same things Bill Buckley supported.

Exporting “democracy” and opposing “isolationism” became the major neoconservative foreign policy goals, reflected in their almost universal support for sovereignty destroying NAFTA, the WTO, and United Nations “peacekeeping” missions. (Sam Francis, Neocon InvasionBrit Hume and CFR member Vin Weber were convinced by Buckley that NAFTA was good!

Thus, the Republican Party was no longer interested in destroying the welfare state but intended rather to reconstruct it along more socialistic and interventionist lines.  And all of the folks still lauding Reagan as the greatest president have not even looked at the legislation he signed and how detrimental it was to our Republic.  I could write a book!

Sam Francis pinpointed Buckley’s critical role in the neocon theft of the conservative label when he wrote:

…the whole concept of conservatism in America is virtually devoid of meaning, in large part because conservatives made the seminal error of allowing dilettantes like Mr. Buckley to define it for them in the first place. [Link]

Francis always noted the absence of any neocon reliance on the U.S. Constitution, a deficiency also evident throughout Buckley’s long career.  In 1995 he noted:

Almost none of the neo-conservatives showed any interest in American constitutionalism or federalist and states’ rights issues, and arguments based on constitutionalism were muted in favor or the ‘empirical’ arguments drawn from disciplines like sociology and political science in which neo-conservative academics tended to concentrate. [Link]

Speaker Paul Ryan

Paul Ryan has confirmed his neoconservative globalist stance and his indefensible support of the establishment.  Lining up with the sycophantic and worthless Trey Gowdy, Ryan not only defended the FBI probe, but said that the FBI did nothing wrong in spying on the Trump campaign.

At the House Leadership briefing on 7 June 18, Ryan defended Gowdy, denied all of the evidence supporting spygate, attempted to subvert President Trump, and charted a legislative course toward disaster through amnesty for illegal aliens that could well destroy the GOP in the midterms.

The lame duck speaker chose to side with the Deep State and defy our president and the American people by pushing amnesty.  Ryan played toady to the open border globalists and signaled he will deliver for his masters on K Street, Wall Street, the business roundtable, the Koch brothers, and the Chamber of Commerce to assure open borders and amnesty for illegal aliens.  Ryan sold out a long time ago.  Breitbart published an article on Paul Ryan’s “open-borders” stance back in October 2015. It stated that Rep. Luis Gutierrez endorsed Paul Ryan for Speaker of the House and that drew new attention to Ryan’s two-decade history of pushing for open border immigration policies. A previously little noticed 2013 video of Ryan and Gutierrez stumping for Sen. Marco Rubio’s amnesty bill in which the two make a candid pitch for unlimited immigration shows just how far Ryan is willing to go to push for open border policies.

One wonders how long Republicans will put up with Paul Ryan who seems hell-bent on destroying the party’s chances in 2018.

GOP donor, Mike Fernandez is demanding DACA amnesty and threatening to withhold funding from Republicans who won’t back the DACA discharge petition.  He has even convinced a cabal of other open border mega donors to join him.

The House said NO to Ryan’s amnesty sellout this week, but he’ll try again next week.  Instead of the four deal, discharge petition which essentially surrendered control of the House to the Democrats and with it a sure approval of amnesty legislation, Ryan has now agreed to two bills.

One bill is the Goodlatte Bill that Ryan’s been breaking promises on allowing to come to the floor for a very long time and the other is one that is still being crafted, a last minute forced alternative to the amnesty only bill that blatantly defies the wishes of the people. The details will be debated in a closed-door Wednesday morning meeting.

Anti-Trump Ryan

A month before the 2016 election, Breitbart confirmed that Paul Ryan and GOP globalists leaked the braggadocio locker room audio of Billy Bush and Trump.  They didn’t care if they destroyed Trump and elected Hillary.

In the recent Omnibus bill, Speaker Ryan wouldn’t give the President a dollar to build the wall, he took money away from immigration and customs enforcement and reduced the number of border agents enforcing immigration law.  He wants to raise the retirement age to 70 and cut funding to both social security and Medicare which he calls “entitlements.”  We have paid into both all our lives and we deserve to get our money back, money that is taxed twice on social security; these are not welfare entitlements!

Ryan has made it clear who owns him throughout his speakership.  He is a servant of lobbyists, globalists and the establishment neocon Trotskyites and he has continually undercut the President.

Ryan and the DOJ

Congressman Matt Gaetz says there is no defense for Ryan siding with the DOJ and FBI against those in the Congress who are working for transparency and accountability.  For a year Devin Nunes has been asking for the documents that go to the very heart of the Russia hoax.  Gaetz said they have never seen the documents showing why this investigation even began.  Unconscionable!

The Australian diplomat, Alexander Downer lied and said the information came through the Australian ambassador to the U.S. and that’s how it got to the FBI, but it isn’t true.  One liar gave information to Peter Strzok who has already been demoted because he was the head of the NeverTrump movement at the Deep State. There is no way any criminal prosecution could ever be brought against this president based on the bias and mishandling of evidence.  Instead of Ryan standing with the conservative caucus members and putting the focus on the refusal of the FBI to turn over documents so that Congress could perform their oversight duties, Ryan instead defends the FBI and the Deep State.  So many have called for a second special counsel but the silence from the speaker is deafening.

If Speaker Ryan won’t stand with the Congress in this fight over the essentials in our Republic, not weaponizing our intelligence against a presidential campaign, then Congress definitely needs to look at other choices.  I would suggest Devin Nunes or Louis Gohmert.

Paul Ryan has never stood up and defended the President and said there is no evidence whatsoever of Russian collusion. Vice President Pence is close friends with Ryan and has been since his 12 years in Congress.  It was Pence who endorsed Ryan in 2016 before President Trump.

Rep. Devin Nunes gave Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein a 12 June 18 deadline regarding documents concerning the FBI’s alleged informant looking into any Russian ties to President Trump’s 2016 campaign.  If he did not comply with the Congressional subpoena and hand over the evidence of the Obama administration’s efforts to spy on the Trump campaign, he would be held in Contempt of Congress for obstructing the investigation. The next step would be impeachment and removal from office.

Rod Rosenstein believes he is above the law, and perhaps he is since GOP leaders are blocking Devin Nunes from making good on his contempt/impeachment threat. Paul Ryan is refusing to let Rod Rosenstein be held accountable.


Speaker Ryan is an obvious Deep State neocon Trotskyite.  We need a motion to vacate the chair of Speaker Paul Ryan.  Members of the Freedom Caucus forced Speaker John Boehner to step down in 2015, and now they need to do the same with Ryan.

The Obama appointed Inspector General’s report is out this afternoon and I suspect little will come to light regarding corruption and illegalities by the DOJ/FBI.  Rod Rosenstein and FBI Director Wray want Congress to trust them about the FBI’s actions in 2016.  That would be easier if not for daily continual proof that they are withholding documents from Congress, and even when they release them, they are heavily redacted to prevent embarrassment or exposure of potential illegal activities.

Congress created the DOJ, they have oversight of the creature they created, and they fund that same creature.  Rosenstein has allegedly threatened several of the oversight committee.

Furthermore, I am of the strong opinion that President Trump should declassify all these pertinent documents.  He should also call Sessions, Rosenstein, and Wray into his office for a long discussion regarding the status of their positions.

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

East Tennessee Hardware Posts Sign, “No Gays Allowed”

The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. —II Peter 3:9

Christians are tired of having their beliefs and faith trampled.  Bakers and florists have lost their businesses because of militant gays who wish them destroyed for refusing to make cakes or floral arrangements for same sex weddings.  It should be the business owner’s prerogative in America to refuse. Unfortunately, political correctness and liberal courts have many times overridden the rights of those whose Christian beliefs take precedence in their lives.

It’s much the same for our Jewish brethren who have survived this hatred for centuries. Today however, the hatred is more obvious, and many Christians have asked why they are targeted, when it is perfectly okay for Muslim businesses to turn away same sex couples.

Latest Supreme Court Decision

The recent Colorado court case against talented baker Jack Phillips was not about his ability to turn away same sex couples requesting a wedding cake but was a 7-2 decision regarding the Colorado Civil Rights Commission and their hostility towards Phillips’ Christian faith.  Phillips has no problem baking cakes of any kind, it is what the customer wants on the cake that deters him.  He explained on the Fox Business Stuart Varney Show that he will not bake cakes about Halloween, he will not bake cakes against America or our military, and he will not bake cakes that attack LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender).  He also believes he has the right to refuse to bake wedding cakes for same sex couples, yet many gays shop in his store and he has absolutely no problem with that.  Here is the entire Supreme Court decision.

Gays Not Allowed

In 2015 after the Supreme Court ruled on gay marriage, Jeff Amyx, who is also a Baptist minister, said he realized that LGBT people are not afraid to stand for what they believe in. He said it showed him that Christian people should be brave enough to stand for what they believe in, so he put up a “No Gays Allowed” sign in his store window.

“They gladly stand for what they believe in, why can’t I? They believe their way is right, I believe it’s wrong, but yet I’m going to take more persecution than them because I’m standing for what I believe in,” Amyx said.

Amyx actually removed the “No Gays allowed” sign and replaced it with a sign that says: “We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone who would violate our rights of freedom of speech and freedom of religion.”

Okay, I’ll go with that…however, this man is a Baptist minister.  Instead of putting up either sign, why not have one on the door that says, “Lost and Hurting?  C’mon in and let us share our faith.”  Isn’t that what a man of the cloth is supposed to do?

All Are Sinners

God tells us he wants none to perish.  Romans 3:23 says, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”  None of us are without sin, nope, not a one.

In John 8:1-11, is a story involving the scribes and Pharisees who, in their continuing efforts to trick Jesus into saying something they could hold against Him, brought to Him a woman caught in adultery. They reminded Him that the Mosaic Law demanded her to be stoned to death. “But what do you say?” they asked Him. At this point, Jesus stooped down and starting writing something in the dirt. When He straightened up, He said, “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.”  Then He stooped down and wrote again.

We do not know what Jesus wrote, but after He wrote a second time, the Jews left one by one, from the oldest to the youngest, without saying another word. Jesus then set the woman free telling her to her to sin no more.

We cannot accuse others unless we first thoroughly search our own hearts and minds to make certain that we are pure in every possible aspect (Matthew 7:3). Also, if we must admonish someone, we should do so as instructed in Scripture; we always look to God’s glory and never cause unnecessary division or harm (Matthew 18:15).


Take the story of Pastor Jack Morlan. He was radically saved out of a homosexual lifestyle by Jesus Christ. He and his wife, and their two sons boldly proclaim a Gospel of Salvation. Jack’s ministry was treated very badly during the 1990s by the Christian Right leaders, who told him frankly that they found much more enjoyment in bashing gays, and that they made much more money attacking gays in their fundraisers. They informed Jack that they didn’t want to share the Gospel with homosexuals. But pointing a finger and screaming “Sinner” wins no one to the Lord.  Quite obviously money was more important to them than saving the lost.

The word GAY is an acronym for “Good as You.” That alone speaks volumes. Some will never change, but others are desperately hurting and true Christian love could save them just as it saved Pastor Jack.

Militant gays can be dangerous and frightening, and they can destroy a business.  I’m not saying that we should discard our beliefs to protect ourselves from lawsuits and even damages to our properties, but Jack Morlen came to saving grace because a Christian loved him enough to show him the truth of God’s Word.

“But I say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.” Matthew 5:44.

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© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

The Decay In America’s Culture, Politics, Media And The Pulpits

“If there is a decay of conscience, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the public press lacks moral discernment, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the church is degenerate and worldly, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the world loses its interest in Christianity, the pulpit is responsible for it. If satan rules in our halls of legislation, the pulpit is responsible for it. If our politics become so corrupt that the very foundations of our government are ready to fall away, the pulpit is responsible for it.” —Rev. Charles Finney, 1792-1875

Evangelist Leonard Ravenhill said, “Great eagles fly alone; great lions hunt alone; great souls walk alone…alone with God. Such loneliness is hard to endure, and impossible to enjoy unless God accompanied. Prophets are lone men; they walk alone, pray alone and God makes them alone.”  Ravenhill died in 1994, yet if he were alive today, I believe he could easily attribute this quote to President Donald J. Trump.

American Politics

The rot throughout our society and the disintegration of our once respectful and courteous culture is now obvious even to the most passive.  We’ve become a crass, rude and obnoxious culture. Those in Hollywood, media, and politics show no respect or restraint and spew the most venomous filth publicly against our President.

The socialist left and the majority of the right are outraged that an outsider has disrupted their globalist agenda.  Ill-mannered and uncivilized attacks occur daily throughout America, we’ve all seen it, not just on our highways, but in everyday interactions.

The mere fact that the American people said, “Enough!” and voted for Trump has angered the establishment and the media to the point where they foam at the mouth with their hatred for our President, his family, and his administration. Fox News anchors who support him and the Americans who voted for him are also targets.

Worse yet is the fact that the majority of Republicans are in bed with the left and are doing their best to hinder President Trump from keeping his campaign promises to the American people.

When a teacher openly acts out shooting our President in her classroom and yells, “Die,” she should be arrested not only for sedition but should never be allowed in another classroom.

We’ve all seen the disgusting photo by Kathy Griffin, and we’ve heard the foul-mouthed Samantha Bee who uttered an obscene and sexist misogynistic term about Ivanka Trump on national TV.  How far we’ve come from the days of “I Love Lucy,” when they used infanticipating instead of pregnant when Lucy was expecting her first child.

President Bill Clinton convinced a nation of youngsters that fellatio is not sex.  Now we have third and fourth graders doing the same thing in school coat closets.

The vitriol expressed by the left will affect today’s children and our culture will disintegrate to even lower levels.  As goes our language and our courtesies, so goes the country.

Where are our pulpits?

The Culture of Death

Since the great cultural-social revolution of the 1960s, there has occurred what Nietzsche called the “transvaluation of all values.”  What was once morally repellent… promiscuity, homosexuality, abortion and transgenderism is now seen by media and many in our nation as natural, normal, healthy and progressive.

In early 2012, I wrote The Culture of Death and exposed what was being done to the bodies of aborted babies and how aborted fetal cells are in food, cosmetics and vaccines.  In 2015, David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt captured unbelievable videos exposing Planned Parenthood’s apparent practice of selling the body parts of aborted babies.  James O’Keefe of Project Veritas has also exposed this horror.

It was nearly a year before I could tackle the seven-part article entitled, Killing Us Softly about what American Hospice has become, and how the elderly and infirm are disposed of in a timely manner in what is described as both passive and aggressive euthanasia.

The decay and moral turpitude of our nation shows how far we’ve sunk in depravity. There is no sin anymore. The churches no longer preach sin and salvation much less Biblical truth. Not only are we murdering the innocents in the womb, but euthanasia is accepted as a kind and caring way to pass the elderly from life to death with deprivation of food and hydration. Dehydration is, in fact, a terribly painful death. This form of passive euthanasia has been practiced for many decades in America’s nursing homes and by hospice.

Sin used to slink around in the back allies of America, but now the broken sewer spews its filth down Main Street America and no one seems to notice.

Top Cop Corruption

Here’s the meat of this whole filthy deep-state spying sedition…the story is not the Trump campaign. The story is not the Russians hacked the election. The story is not the Trump campaign was working with the Russians. The story is the effort by Barack Hussein Obama — and the Democrat Party, and the New York Times, and Washington Post, and Politico, the entire leftist media — to sabotage and destroy the Trump presidency.  Why?  There are many reasons President Trump is hated, but at the top of the list is the fact that Donald J. Trump is not one of the globalist elite insiders.  He is not one of “them.”  But will we ever see the DOJ and FBI corruption exposed and brought to justice?

  • Now there are signs of cell phone spying close to the White House.
  • Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundits has exposed that after the election Trump campaign spy Stefan Halper pitched himselffor a senior Trump admin position.  While he spied on the Trump campaign, he was publicly promoting Hillary Clinton, and in 1994 Halper was actually arrested on crack cocaine charges.
  • A previously deported MS-13 gang member who entered the U.S. as an “unaccompanied minor” is accused of murder. No DACA, no amnesty!
  • Hillary Clinton still needs to be investigated for Uranium One, for the classified emails on her private server, for her “pay to play” with the Clinton Foundation, and the rest of the corruption…but by now the Statute of Limitations is running out.
  • Bernie and Jane Sanders are now under FBI investigation for bank fraud.

Where is Director Christopher Wray in cleaning up the corruption of the FBI?

Killing the Unborn

Dwight Moody said the best way to revive a church is to build a fire in the pulpit, and there’s a whole lot of pulpits who need to be set fire to!

Shirley Edwards’ recent articles on the death of Britain’s little boy, Alfie, are heartbreaking.  Italy offered to help this child, free of charge, but the British health care system would not release the child, for fear of exposing their rotten government-controlled healthcare.  Where was the outcry from the British pulpits?

My Irish Catholic ancestors are rolling over in their graves with Ireland’s annihilated future of their unborn.  A new poll by Pew Research Center indicates European Christians, once the driving force behind the faith’s expansion worldwide, no longer are Christian…at least in terms of what they believe.

They may call themselves Christian, but Pew describes them as “non-practicing” and found that they “drifted away,” “were alienated” or just “stopped believing.” They only rarely walk in the doors of a church.

referendum in 1983, the Eighth Amendment had been inserted into Ireland’s constitution to safeguard the rights of the unborn. Through it, Ireland had effectively banned abortion. The decision to remove this constitutional safeguard now opens the door to legislation which many believe will usher in one of the most permissive abortion regimes in the world. An unborn baby’s life soon could be destroyed for a mere $350 in Ireland now that the Eighth Amendment has been repealed. The powers that be use the excuse of domestic violence to thrust murdering the unborn down the throats of Ireland’s Catholics.

“Ireland will now join that sad community of nations who throw away irreplaceable human beings through abortion on demand,” Students for Life of America (SFLA) President Kristan Hawkins said in a Saturday press release. “I personally know the pain of abortion and how something sold to you as a simple solution actually becomes a life-long regret.”

“A nation that kills its own children has no future,” said Pope John Paul II.  If that be true, the Republic of Ireland signed away not only its future on this vote, but also the last vestiges of what had been the most distinctive and morally coherent culture in Europe.  Watch this video of life in the womb at nine months, and this video of conception to birth.

The BBC contrasted Pope St. John Paul II’s “triumphal” visit to Ireland, which preceded the adoption of the Eighth Amendment, with Pope Francis’ upcoming visit, during which he will “find a country undoing part of the legacy of a previous papal visit.”

Leading pro-life campaigners from around the world are dismayed at the results from Ireland, which show that the long-time pro-life nation has abandoned its legal protections for unborn children and will eventually approve legislation that will legalize abortions on babies as old as 6 months.  Many parents fight for the lives of their babies born at six months, and pray for them to survive!

The Catholic News Agency states, “The respect for the sacredness of life in the womb originates in Christianity’s Jewish roots. The ancient Jewish world was much different from the surrounding cultures of Palestine where infanticide, infant sacrifice and abortion were not uncommon, and in some cases prevalent. For the Jewish people of those times and orthodox Jews to this day, all human life has as its author in the one God whose creative power produces the child in the mother’s womb and brings it step-by-step to full life. The Old Testament revelation, which the Church inherited and accepted, gives clear evidence that life in the womb was considered as sacred.”

God alone is the Lord of life from its beginning until its end: no one can under any circumstance claim for himself the right directly to destroy an innocent human being” (“Donum vitae,” 5).

Eugenics is Alive and Well in America

Pope John Paul II was right, and it’s happening in America as well.  Our 1920 eugenics operations adopted by Hitler are still alive and well and too numerous to list here.

Father Mark Hodges tells the story of an armed father who saved his son’s life.  The doctors said the son had no hope of recovery, but his father believed differently.  Hospital staff even notified an organ donation organization that George’s organs would be imminently available.   George Sr. took a gun into Tomball Regional Medical Center, barricaded himself in with his son and began a three-hour standoff with staff and police, seeking to give his son more time on life support.

Even after he was disarmed, the father remained barricaded in, and even threatened staff and officers, to buy George time on life support.  After three hours, George Jr. surprised everybody, except his dad, by squeezing his father’s hand, on command, three times.

The son the hospital said was brain dead, the son they wanted to harvest the organs of, the son the father knew was not gone…is now alive and well, all because his father protected him at a cost of arrest and imprisonment.  Life…God said, in Deuteronomy 30:15-20, Choose Life!


The pulpits are responsible.  Methodist, Presbyterian, Episcopalian, and Baptist Pastors lead rallies for abortion…understand this, they lead rallies for killing our most innocent in their mothers’ wombs.  The culture of death has permeated the pulpits, where is our hope for Godly truth?

Older Americans remember the victories and their celebrations; they remember Norman Rockwell men standing motionless for the national anthem in baseball stadiums with fedoras held over their hearts; a government that did more than regulate or arrest you; politicians who were revered; newscasters who were trusted; and music that dripped syrup over our spirits and made them sweet and sticky. They remember when there was a right and wrong and who and what belonged with each, whether it was true or not. They remember a time when those in power lied and were actually held accountable. Times have changed.

There was a time not so long ago when the nation was united on a common faith, morality, history, heroes, holidays, holy days, language and literature. Now we fight over them all.

Donald Trump is trying to bring us back to those good times, and we must help him fight for them…or all of our once great country will truly be lost.

[Editor’s Note: You people better wake up and get involved, because if the Democrats take over you will surely lose your country]

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Communist Red China Enriches Mitch McConnell And Elaine Chao

Having cocaine on a family-owned ship certainly should be of interest because cocaine deaths in this country keep going up, and even though that ship, I think, headed to Europe, we still need to be aware that there are cocaine and other drugs moving on the high seas on commercial ships. And if nothing else, it should make us aware that we need to be careful when these commercial ships are docking, when your country needs to see what’s on them. And certainly, the family of Elaine Chao and McConnell should be no exception to that.
Don Blankenship, in an interview on Fox News, May 2, 2018

During the Korean War, the battle of the Chosin Reservoir pitted 15,000 allied ground troops against 120,000 Chinese infantrymen. The ten Chinese divisions, along with North Korean forces, were on a mission: wipe out the Marines, the Army, and all of the allies. They nearly did.

General Douglas MacArthur asked for permission to bomb communist China bases north of the Yalu and use Nationalist Chinese forces from Taiwan against the People’s Republic of China. Fearing a widening of the war and possible entry of the Soviet Union, Truman flatly refused these requests.  The situation with North Korea and China today is a direct result of President Truman’s capitulation.

Paul Ryan Treachery

Retiring House Speaker, Paul Ryan is shoving an amnesty bill through the House against the wishes of President Trump and the American people. In pushing amnesty, he is obviously working to destroy the GOP majority in both the House and Senate come fall elections.  In this article by Dick Morris, he lists the 21 GOP traitors who hope to get enough signatures to force a vote on legalizing recipients of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, and a pathway to citizenship for others, all without having to embrace Republican demands for tougher immigration laws as a tradeoff or President Trump’s wall.  These leftist Republicans don’t give a damn how much these illegals have cost taxpayers, or how many of them are criminals.

Mitch McConnell Betrayal

After attending a classified briefing with the DOJ and “The Gang of Eight” on documents related to special counsel Mueller’s Russia investigation, McConnell stated that he supports the Mueller probe.  The so-called “Gang of Eight” is a group of bipartisan leadership lawmakers on the House and Senate Intelligence committees who have access to sensitive national security matters.  Thankfully McConnell has refused a bill to protect Mueller from being fired.

It is the President’s power to fire anyone in the executive branch. On this, the Constitution imposes only one notable limitation: The chief executive is not permitted to hire top executive officers at will; they must be confirmed by the Senate. Once they are confirmed, though, he may fire them at will.  This includes Sessions, Rosenstein, Mueller and others.

Mitch McConnell is married to Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, whose family owns Foremost Maritime Corporation, a Chinese shipping company.

Communist Red China

In Brett Decker’s 2011 book, Bowing to Beijing, he details how Obama spent every day undermining the power, economy, security and prestige of America, and that goes especially for Communist Red China.  Obama sucked up to the Chinese reds, even bowing low at the waist to their President, while China’s President stood ramrod straight.  Obama repeatedly refused to meet with prominent Chinese dissidents and human rights leaders.  He ignored China’s human rights record and acquiesced to Chinese demands and even honored President Hu with a full-fledged state dinner.  Michelle Obama wore red, her husband wore a red tie, Hillary wore a red jacket, and even Sasha Obama wore red pants.  The color is symbolic of communism, and it also represents the blood of innocents murdered at Hu Jintao’s command or the tens of millions murdered by the Maoist government during their sixty plus years in power.

All this when China is “stealing technology, ripping off patents and trademarks, manipulating and even counterfeiting U.S. currency, breaking trade laws, misrepresenting military spending, selling toxic toys to American kids, dispatching armies of foreign agents to influence U.S. politicians, testing U.S. resolve on sensitive diplomatic issues, purchasing stakes in our banks and buying up our land, nurturing U.S. commercial dependency on Chinese business, building a blue-water navy, expanding its nuclear arsenal, and hacking our computer networks.” (Page 6, Bowing to Beijing)

Despite increased trade with the West, China’s government is more authoritarian than ever.  As we make China richer, and their military stronger, it is becoming correspondingly less free.

  • The reds arrest and torture any with faith that is antithetical to Marxist atheism.
  • Reporters’ freedom is nearly non-existent…there is violent fear of reprisal.
  • Freedom of speech is non-existent, those who speak out disappear.
  • Freedom of assembly is verboten. Farmers, factory workers, white-collar professionals are mowed down if they dare to join in any mass movement.  Remember Tiananmen Square.
  • No one thrives without approval and active backing of their communist overlords.
  • Life is not respected. The one-child plan has just now been removed.  The organs of executed inmates (dissidents) are harvested for transplants in the global market.  They refuse to recognize life and trample the rest of basic rights.
  • Criticism in any form is rejected and can end anyone who complains in prison.

The Penal Meat Market is very real.  A shot to the back of the head keeps organs intact.  The body parts of prisoners bring a tidy profit, and, “If you want a heart, kidneys, unlined skin, they’ll shoot a prisoner to order,” said two Chinese organ traders.

Forced labor for prisoners is a way of life, and they make products for the West.  They are padlocked in dormitories and forced to work up to 18 hours a day in subhuman environments.  Apple, IPods, Bluetooth accessories, Ikea products and Marks and Spencer clothing are just a few of the items made by slave prison labor.

In China’s officially atheist nation, being a Christian or believing in God is considered subversive.  There is and continues to be a savage campaign against Christians.  (Page 16-31, Bowing to Beijing).

Communism is not love, “Communism is a hammer which we use to crush the enemy.”  This is what America supports as most-favored-nation (MFN) trade status for China.  In 2002, President George W. Bush granted permanent trade status to Communist Red China.

Billions have been made by government insiders like Biden and Kerry.  Joe Biden’s son and Secretary of State John Kerry’s son-in-law profited immensely from secretive deals struck with companies connected to the Chinese government.  These deals occurred as Biden and Kerry were negotiating sensitive issues with the Chinese government.  Those deals by friends and confidants of Biden and Kerry ended up serving the Chinese military and strategic interests to the detriment of America.  One of those Chinese companies in which they invested was stealing U.S. nuclear secrets according to the FBI.

McConnell, Chao and China

In Peter Schweizer’s latest book, Secret Empires, he exposes how the American political class hides corruption and enriches family and friends. McConnell and Chao are no different.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and his wife, Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao are benefiting royally from close ties to the Chinese military-industrial complex.  Elaine was previously the head of the Federal Maritime Commission. Her family has reaped large profits thanks to the Chinese government and her husband, Mitch McConnell has become much less critical of Beijing as their wealth has grown.

McConnell and Chao are two of the most powerful couples in the United States.  His wife has been a member of the cabinets of two presidents.  I believe that Trump appointed Chao to Transportation Secretary believing it would buy favor from Senate Majority Leader McConnell, but it has not.

Increased Wealth

McConnell and Chao married in February 1993.  Wedding attendees besides family included the Chinese representative to the United Nations. In 2004 they had an average wealth of $3.1 million.  Ten years later they have a net worth of between $9.2 million and $36.5 million.  They received a gift from Elaine Chao’s father, James Chao, whose fortune comes from the Foremost Maritime Corporation, a shipping firm her father founded with heavy ties to the Chinese government.  James Chao is the chairman and Elaine’s two sisters are deputy chairman and general counsel.  They have served on the board of a Chinese government-owned military contractor.

While Foremost is based out of the U.S., their ships are constructed by Chinese government shipyards and some are financed by the Chinese government.

In December of 1993, McConnell found himself in Beijing for a series of meetings with the most senior officials of the Chinese government, all of them arranged by his father-in-law at the invitation of the China State Shipping Corporation (CSSC).  The CSSC came to play a central role in the family’s financial success, and this is why McConnell has increasingly avoided public criticism of China, he wouldn’t want to damage the family’s fortunes.

If he were to critique Beijing aggressively, or support policies damaging to Chinese interests, the family’s finances would immediately take a downturn.

Tiananmen Square

In June 1989, China sent thousands of troops to Tiananmen Square leading to the massacre of untold numbers of Chinese students, with an estimated 10,000 arrested.

In 1989 McConnell’s views were hardline against the massacre and he gave a speech at the University of Louisville as a member of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations.  But later that year when President George H. W. Bush sent people to meet with Chinese officials, McConnell was the only Republican in the Senate to criticize the mission.  He was only the second Republican U.S. Senator to visit China since the massacre; China publicized that visit.

When Congress required China to document annual progress on human rights in order to maintain its trade status in the aftermath of the Tiananmen Square massacre, ditching the requirement became a priority for China. In 2000, “McConnell cosponsored S.2277, which would do just that.”  It would get rid of human rights requirements, as the Chinese government had been fighting to get the requirements removed for years.

Taiwan Control by China

In 1997, Taiwan was to be turned over to China, and McConnell reassured people like Cal Thomas that China would become more free.  What a crock.  McConnell said China would become more like Hong Kong and went on talk shows to spew this lie.  He said the U.S. needed to be “ambiguous” as to whether we would come to the defense of Taiwan if attacked by China.

Jesse Helms introduced the Taiwan Security Enhancement Act as a show of support for Taiwan independence of Chinese control.  The bill had 21 cosponsors, but McConnell was adamantly against it.

Free Trade

McConnell defends his record regarding trade with China by stating he has been a consistent free trader regardless of the country.  His public record does not reflect his words.  He’s supported trade restrictions on Burma because of their human rights record.  He called for protections of certain industries in the Trans-Pacific Partnership.  There is nothing in his previous record concerning any trade deals with China.  Now he and his wife do everything to protect the communist state so their coffers keep growing.

Elaine Chao as Secretary of Labor under George W. Bush, took positions that were very beneficial to the Chinese government.  She even resisted efforts to call out the Chinese over its workers’ rights practices.  She opposed Section 301 of the U.S. Trade Act of 1974 in regards to workers’ rights.  Her department had given millions of taxpayer dollars via grants to the Chinese to provide workplace education programs.

The Chao Family

Before their marriage, the Chao family had two large cargo ships built by the Jiangman shipyards in China.  Ten years later, by 2002, their business with the Chinese government had increased and they had 10 ships, some are so huge they cannot transit the Suez Canal.  The Chaos are dependent on Beijing for their business success, and those who run their ships are Chinese.  The family, under different names are on the board of Chinese State Shipbuilding Corporation Holdings which was formed to get private capital to enter China’s defense industries.  It is subsidized by the Chinese government and does military work.

Anti-Drug Warrior McConnell

McConnell is an alleged “anti-drug warrior.” He sponsored the 1996 “Enhanced Marijuana Penalties Act,” which would increase the mandatory minimum sentencing for people caught with marijuana. He also firmly opposes any form of legalized marijuana.

Back in 2014, one of James Chao’s 16 ships, the Ping May, was detained before leaving Columbia.  Hidden in the ship’s chain locker, amidst its load of coal bound for Europe, were approximately ninety pounds of cocaine in forty neat packets.

Nothing about this was heard in Kentucky of course.  James Chao’s firm is shrouded from public view.  Its identity is concealed and its legal liability is limited through an array of tax shelters and foreign registrations. Registered through a limited liability company in the Marshall Islands, the Ping May flies the Liberian flag.

Most of Foremost’s vessels are flagged in Liberia, which ensures that crew members of Foremost’s ships work under Liberia’s maritime labor laws, which critics note allow for intimidation in the workplace and few protections for labor unions.  That Liberian flag allows ship owners to pay lower tonnage taxes than ships that fly the US flag.

In other words, McConnell’s family have been financing his Senate campaigns with their cocaine drug profits…so that McConnell can go to Washington, to wage a “war on drugs.”  Here is the full story.


Author Peter Schweizer asks, “With the Chao family so financially linked to the Chinese government, how can this not affect McConnell’s view on policy toward China?”

It pays to have friends and family in high places, both in Beijing and DC.

Brett Decker’s Bowing to Beijing and Peter Schweizer’s Secret Empires are must reads.

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Sessions, Rosenstein And Mueller: Destroying America To Bring Down Trump

Espionage, for the most part, involves finding a person who knows something or has something that you can induce them secretly to give to you. That almost always involves a betrayal of trust. —Aldrich Ames, Central Intelligence Agency officer turned KGB mole, who was convicted of espionage in 1994

Sharyl Atkinson has been at the forefront of investigative reporting.  She has a timeline of the Collusion against Trump. This timeline gives us the devious plans of the socialist left to destroy a duly elected candidate who represents and symbolizes our freedom and liberty and wants to Make America Great Again.

Planted Spies

An FBI mole was planted in the Trump campaign before our President even won the Republican nomination.  Now former Trump advisor Mike Caputo is telling us it wasn’t just one FBI mole, there were more.  Were the other Republican candidates deserving of an FBI mole in their campaigns or was Trump the only one not approved by the establishment ruling elite? It is reasonable to conclude the rest were/are owned by the globalist insiders as are all but a few in Congress and DC.  Link

Former Trump campaign advisor, Michael Caputo commented on Fox News’ Ingraham Angle, “When we finally find out the truth about this, Director Clapper, Brennan and the rest of them will be wearing some orange suits. The FBI is not the only Obama agency who came into the campaign. I’m looking for clearance from my attorney to reveal this to the public. This is just the beginning.”

Personally, I have a hard time believing the Obama sewer rats in the DC cesspool will allow any of their socialist players to end up indicted or in orange jumpsuits.  The power they wield can only be shut down by President Trump and I don’t see his advisors moving him in that direction.  Michael Caputo, like General Mike Flynn, Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, Michael Cohen and others are facing horrific legal bills, bills that are financially bankrupting them.  This is par for the course from the Obama loving partisan globalist insiders working for Robert Mueller, and it is Mueller’s typical modus operandi.  Rep. Louis Gohmert’s expose of Mueller makes it clear that he is an unscrupulous and unethical snake.  Take the time to read Gohmert’s expose, or read my condensed articles on same here and here.

Secret surveillance was conducted on no fewer than seven Trump associates: chief strategist Stephen Bannon; attorney Michael Cohen; national security adviser Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn; adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner; campaign chairman Paul Manafort; and campaign foreign policy advisers Carter Page and George Papadopoulos.  Don’t forget the ever present and insidious use of media leaks to help drive and shape the news narrative surrounding the investigation.

How can the American people ever ensure that all of the DC sewer rats will be held accountable when those who are in charge of upholding our laws are part of and involved in the corruption?  The DOJ/FBI cannot investigate itself…we need another outside investigation and we need massive firings of these Obama intel holdovers.

The Criminal Deep State

Other than his supporters, very few people thought that Donald J. Trump would win, Hillary was a shoe-in according to the democrat socialists in media, and of course had she been elected, we would know nothing of the Obama intelligence community corruption.  But now we do and entrenched Obama bureaucrats clearly tried to cover for Hillary and destabilize the new president. This is obviously just the tip of the corruption iceberg. There is no precedent for the scale of these actions.  We are entitled to know who authorized this attack on our Republic, and thank God Trump won or we would never know any of this.

The President is on the attack regarding the issue of spying on his campaign.  Trump tweets, “If the person placed early in my campaign wasn’t a spy put there by the previous administration for political purposes, how come such a seemingly massive amount of money was paid for services rendered – many times higher than normal.”  Trump was right when he tweeted, “Follow the money! The spy was there early in the campaign and yet never reported Collusion with Russia, because there was no Collusion. He was only there to spy for political reasons and to help Crooked Hillary win – just like they did to Bernie Sanders, who got duped!”

The New York Times is now saying the spy embedded in Trump’s camp wasn’t spying; he was there to protect Trump from the Russians. Unbelievable.  The Democrat-media complex is acting blasé about one of the biggest scandals in US political history in an effort to downplay the seriousness.

So why the hell hasn’t Sessions un-recused himself and jumped into the fray?  Because he’s part of the problem.  It is my belief that Sessions was an establishment shill from the very beginning and was put into the Trump campaign to help to destroy him should he win.  This Senator from Alabama has been a huge disappointment and now we know why…because he is fully part and parcel of the establishment who wants outsider Trump destroyed.

In mid-April, the Attorney General told the White House he might have to leave his job if President Donald Trump fired his deputy, Rod Rosenstein, who oversees the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Sessions made his position known in a phone call to White House counsel Donald McGahn as Trump’s fury at Rosenstein peaked after the deputy attorney general approved the FBI’s raid April 9th on the president’s personal attorney Michael Cohen.

Sessions and Rosenstein are good buddies, and we all know that Rosenstein and Mueller are very good friends. Link  Those three are the main DOJ problems, get rid of them, and you cut the head off the snake.  Then go after all the little rattlers.

Russia, Russia, Russia

The Russian Collusion investigation all began long ago by Obama’s administration.  It has always been suspicious that the anonymous current and former government officials who leak classified information to their media friends have been unable to coordinate their spin on the start of “Crossfire Hurricane,” the name the FBI eventually gave its Trump-Russia investigation.

Thankfully, Donald Trump is turning the tables on the Mueller investigation.  For a year he’s played defense while the left distracted the entire world with, “Russia, Russia, Russia.”  One year into this investigation and there is no sign of any collusion.  Instead there are signs, actually proof the other side was infiltrating and spying on Trump, and they were the ones colluding with the Russians.

The left and the media are in panic mode.  They know the tables are being turned, and they know the American people also know that we may be looking at a scandal for the ages…one far bigger than Watergate.  So now these corrupt losers are saying the President’s attacks are undermining the rule of law and integrity of the FBI.  What absolute chicken sh**!  It’s not the President doing it, it’s the corrupt cops in the FBI itself.   In America you don’t spy on any presidential campaign.  Trump is right when he tweets, “Spygate could be one of the biggest political scandals in history!” If we had real journalists instead of Soviet style media hacks, all of America would know it.

The Buck Stops with Barack Hussein

To quote James Freeman in the WSJ, he asked, “Where in the world was Barack Obama?”  What did President Obama know about the spy inside the Trump campaign, and what did then Attorney General Loretta Lynch know about it?

Are we to believe that James Comey, James Clapper, and John Brennan acted on their own and never told their political masters about it?  Really?  The bottom line here is that top officials from the Obama team spied on a presidential campaign which they feared and hated.  That kind of surveillance is unconstitutional.

The FBI says it was done for national security reasons, defending the country, in which case President Obama obviously was briefed on what was going on.  Obama needs to be asked what he knew and when he knew it, and if he was told about it, what did he do.  Did he tell them to stop the illegal spying or did he say okay?

Bush press secretary Ari Fleischer told Fox News, “I guarantee the answer is yes” to whether Obama knew Halper and others were deployed to spy on Trump campaign. Fleischer explained that no FBI director would put informants inside a presidential campaign without the president authorizing it.  Link

Obama must have thought all of this spying on Hillary’s opposition was necessary to keep his legacy intact.  After all, he used his influence and hundreds of thousands of taxpayers’ dollars to build a political campaign infrastructure that was deployed against the leader of our closest ally in the Middle East, Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu.

Stefan Halper British Spy

A Cambridge professor with deep ties to American and British intelligence has been outed as an agent who snooped on the Trump presidential campaign for the FBI.  The Brits sure seem to have their fingers in our politics, including former British intelligence officer with the Secret Intelligence Service MI6, Christopher Steele, author of the spurious Trump dossier.  Steele was the one who told Glenn Simpson, founder of the research and intel firm of Fusion GPS that the FBI had a “human source,” i.e., a spy, inside the Trump campaign as the 2016 presidential race headed into its stretch run.

Two months before the 2016 election, George Papadopoulos received a strange request for a meeting in London, one of several the young Trump adviser would be offered and he would accept during the presidential campaign. Link

The meeting request, which has not been reported until now, came from a foreign policy expert with connections to the CIA and its British counterpart, MI6.

That FBI spy was Stefan Halper who met with Carter Page, George Papadopoulos, and Sam Clovis.  It is now 100% confirmed. The Obama administration placed a spy inside the Trump campaign before their witch hunt was even officially started.

Four decades ago, Halper was responsible for a long-forgotten spying scandal involving the 1980 election, in which the Reagan campaign, using CIA officials managed by Halper, reportedly under the direction of former CIA Director and then-Vice-Presidential candidate George H. W. Bush, got caught running a spying operation from inside the Carter administration. The plot involved CIA operatives passing classified information about Carter’s foreign policy to Reagan campaign officials in order to ensure the Reagan campaign knew of any foreign policy decisions that Carter was considering.  Link

Halper has close personal and professional ties to the CIA reaching back decades. He is the son-in-law of a former deputy director of the agency, Ray S. Cline, and worked on the 1980 presidential campaign of form CIA Director George H. W. Bush. Think Brennan and Clapper weren’t involved?  Think again.  Link  Let me remind you that Brennan had voted in 1976 for the candidate of the US Communist Party, Gus Hall, and that he was then greatly relieved to find that this information didn’t cause rejection of his CIA-application.  Brennan converted to Islam years ago.  Link

Twitter troll, John Brennan lashed out at Trump after the President ordered the DOJ to investigate the FBI’s infiltration of his campaign.  Brennan also fired a warning shot to House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, claiming they will “bear the majority of the responsibility of the harm done to our democracy” if they don’t stop Trump.  Sorry Brennan, but we’re a representative Republic, not a Democracy!

Halper is not only one of Bill Clinton’s college friends but served as an advisor in the Clinton White House.  Link  The Department of Defense’s Office of Net Assessment, a shadowy think tank that reports directly to the secretary of defense, paid Halper $282,000 in 2016 and $129,000 in 2017.

Stefan Halper is all over the Washington establishment, he’s an accepted member, an elitist. He’s part of the Deep State, and he has dual citizenship. He’s taught at Cambridge and Harvard. He is from academia, which is where these spies come from. He is tight with the former director of MI6, the British version of the CIA, and he goes all the way back to David Gergen, who’s now an analyst at CNN.

During the time Ronald Reagan was president, one of Halper’s primary weekly contacts was David Gergen, a Council on Foreign Relations and Aspen Institute member. Halper and Gergen were colleagues.  Deep State all the way.


On Sunday, 21 May 18, Rod Rosenstein asked the Inspector General Horowitz to investigate whether there was “impropriety or political motivation” into the FBI’s infiltration of Trump’s campaign.  This came just hours after Trump’s tweet, “I hereby demand, and will do so officially tomorrow, that the Department of Justice look into whether or not the FBI/DOJ infiltrated or surveilled the Trump Campaign for Political Purposes – and if any such demands or requests were made by people within the Obama Administration!”

Rosenstein agreed happily…why?  Because as former US Attorney Joe diGenova said, “Here’s the problem with Mr. Horowitz.  He cannot interview any of the people who have left the DOJ or FBI.  He has no subpoena authority.  All of the people who were part of the plot and were in DOJ and FBI are gone.  He cannot talk to them.”

Chuck Grassley’s May 11th letter to Director Wray and Deputy AG Rosenstein demanded they produce the transcript of Flynn’s intercepted calls with Russian Ambassador Kislyak and the FBI’s 302’s by May 25th.  I doubt they’ll comply.

Furthermore, it is my opinion that the hostile and antagonistic FBI should be shut down by Congress who not only gave them license to exist but funds them.

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Obama’s Deep State DOJ And FBI Willfully Obstructs Congress In The Pursuit Of Justice

I have found it advisable not to give too much heed to what people say when I am trying to accomplish something of consequence. Invariably they proclaim it can’t be done. I deem that the very best time to make the effort. Calvin Coolidge   —American President born on July 04, 1872, died on January 05, 1933

The right thing to do never requires any subterfuge, it is always simple and direct. —Calvin Coolidge

Furthermore, I am of the opinion that Carthage needs to be destroyed.  —Cicero for Cato the Elder

Calvin Coolidge was our 30th U.S. president.  He led the nation through most of the Roaring Twenties, a decade of dynamic social and cultural change, materialism and excess. He took office on August 3, 1923, following the sudden death of President Warren G. Harding (1865-1923), whose administration was riddled with scandal. His quiet, steadfast and frugal nature made him one of our greatest presidents. He cleaned up the corruption of the Harding administration.  He was a pro-business conservative and favored tax cuts and limited government spending.  Now I ask you, doesn’t Coolidge sound like President Donald Trump?

Obama Regime Corruption

President Trump was mocked for claims he made that the Obama regime and their weaponized intelligence agency assets had wire-tapped his communications and Trump Tower. Evidence has since proven that his claim was, in fact, a true statement.  The slow-walking of documents and general obstruction by the agencies involved, the DOJ under AG Jeff Sessions, and the FBI under Wray, has left America largely uninformed as to the level of corruption and anti-American activities of the illegitimate Obama regime.

On Laura Ingraham’s May 15th show, former US attorney Joe diGenova stated that there was absolutely no legitimate basis for a counterintelligence investigation, let alone a criminal investigation.  He explained that John Brennan was at the head of the group of people who were going to create a counterintelligence investigation against Trump by creating false information they would feed through Carter Page and patsy George Papadopoulos so that it would be picked up, reported back to Washington and provide the basis for a fake counterintelligence investigation and it was all Brennan’s doing.

Why is it then that Robert Mueller has never requested an interview with Brennan who started the entire spying vendetta on candidate Trump in April of 2016?  Because there was no dirt on Trump to dig up!

Former Director of the CIA John Brennan and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper both committed perjury when testifying to Congress, yet neither have been charged.  And both were part of Obama’s counterintelligence investigation of Donald Trump.

FBI’s Slow and Redacted Incriminating Documents

As I mentioned in my last article, prior to the Obama administration, the DOJ and FBI have always responded promptly to any requests by Congress for documents and back then a congressional committee didn’t need a subpoena to get information from the FBI.

Now however, the entire DOJ is using every obstacle and impediment to keep Congress from learning the truth, and we know why…to cover their own backsides.  Congress has to subpoena nearly everything they want, it takes months for the FBI to release, and when they get it, the documents are heavily redacted.  They tell Congress their lack of transparency is necessary for the protection of national security, vital intelligence, and investigative operations. What absolute horse hockey and Devin Nunes and others know it because they’ve seen the unredacted forms.

Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein’s reaction to reports of possible impeachment for failing to respond to congressional subpoenas was to proclaim that, “the Department of Justice is not going to be extorted.”  What?  The DOJ/FBI is obligated to give Congress everything they request.  Who the hell allows your existence and funds you Rosenstein?  What hubris!

Rosenstein, as acting AG after Sessions’ foolish recusal, must believe he is above the law.  He has authorized unlimited investigations of the administration he supposedly serves.  Mark Penn writing for The Hill states, “The Constitution gave the elected representatives of the people the right to decide whether to impeach public officials for failure to comply with completely lawful subpoenas and appropriate oversight. They even provide Congress with immunity included in the Constitution to prevent threats from people like Rosenstein.”

There was no criminal premise to justify any investigation of any Trump campaign official, but the Obama administration used the DOJ/FBI for counterintelligence against the opposition hoping they would find something criminal, which they have not.  Link

Sessions is failing the President and American people by not telling Rosenstein and FBI Director Wray to release the requested documents immediately and dethroning and ejecting Rosenstein and Mueller.  Too many innocent lives have been financially ruined.  We want to know who the planted FBI spy was in the Trump campaign!  Get out from under that rock AG Sessions and do your job!

Persecution of Lt. Gen. Michael T Flynn

Guess who is weighing in on General Flynn!?  None other than former NYC Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik.  He believes Mueller pressed the General to take a plea deal so the Special Counsel would not be caught in their lies and corruptions.  Remember too that this is a process crime plea by Flynn made in order to stop the financial drain of legal costs and to protect his son from prosecution by Mueller and gang, a prosecution created out of thin air. Michael Flynn never lied to anyone, including VP Pence.

But now the lies of the Special Counsel are coming out into the open!  Mike Flynn was set up because of the deep animosity of the intelligence community especially Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe.  Don’t forget that former CIA Director James Woolsey also tried to undercut and destroy General Flynn.

Michael Flynn is hated because he knows all about the intelligence community and the 17-year decay that has seeped into it since Mueller became the FBI Director in 2001.

Grassley Demands all DOJ/FBI Info on Flynn

Sara Carter reports that Chuck Grassley’s May 11th letter to Director Wray and Deputy AG Rosenstein demands they produce the transcript of Flynn’s intercepted calls with Russian Ambassador Kislyak and the FBI’s 302’s by May 25th.  Why give them time, demand them now!  The 302s are the FBI agents’ reports of interviews which are written up after the fact.

Grassley, chairman of the powerful Senate Judiciary Committee is demanding that the DOJ and FBI adhere to requests made over a year ago and turn over all documentation associated with the bureau’s investigation into former National Security Advisor General Michael Flynn. Flynn pleaded guilty to one count of lying to the FBI, despite evidence and admissions from senior FBI officials that he did not lie. Moreover, the letter reveals for the first time the name of the second FBI agent who interviewed Flynn at the White House regarding his conversation with the former Russian Ambassador.

It was former acting AG Sally Yates who marched Strzok and Pientka over to Mike Flynn’s office for an “impromptu interview.” She was fired by President Trump after she refused to defend his executive order to restrict immigration and refugees from several high-risk countries in the Middle East.

Grassley requested that the second FBI Agent Joe Pientka, who was with Peter Strzok when he interviewed Mike Flynn on Jan. 24, 2017, be made available “for a transcribed interview with Committee staff no later than one week following the production of the requested documents.”  Investigative reporter Sara Carter says according to numerous law enforcement sources, neither Strzok or Pientka believed Flynn was lying during their interview with him, as reported.  Link

Those FD-302s

Agent Joe Pientka also filed an FD 302 form following the interview with General Flynn. Grassley is demanding to see both his and Strzok’s FD 302 forms from that interview.  It is well established that former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe loathed the General and was a willing participant in the FBI set-up.

The most recent text messages between FBI attorney Lisa Page and Agent Peter Strzok are telling.  There is evidence of the “widely held belief” that Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe told FBI agents Strzok and Pientka to shape their FBI reports of the interview (FD-302’s) to assist a “Flynn lied” narrative.

This is important as it will mean the FBI had to issue two 302 reports, one from each questioning agent, then compare them to filed 302s of submitted evidentiary. They might have been redrafted in which case it is criminal, or if they agree Flynn didn’t lie, it was exculpatory and not revealed, which is also criminal.

When the FBI called for a meeting in Flynn’s office, the General thought it was routine business, and he wasn’t prepared or aware of the impending interview.  It was a conspiracy to entrap the General.

Inspector General’s Report

Attorney Joe diGenova on the Deep State’s admission of spying on Trump said, “This is the most unbelievable scandal in history.  James Comey was the dirty cop in charge of a bunch of dirty cops. And what you have here is, this was a criminal plot by senior people: John Brennan, James Comey, James Clapper, senior DOJ officials to suborn the presidency of the United States through the use of false evidence. The false FISA warrants were obtained through lying to the FISA Court.”

The Inspector General’s report is coming out any day now and there is indication that it may rule that FBI and Justice Department officials broke the law in their handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation. Link  Watergate was just a break-in robbery to obtain information. What Obama and his administration did was use devious evil means involving government agencies and resources to spy on a political opponent before, during, and after the election.  Then when they lost the election, they attempted a coup to remove Trump from office by any means necessary. This is treason.

The Gordian Knot and Bold Action

Harrison Ford graduated from Maine Township High School East in Park Ridge, Illinois in 1960.  I graduated from that same school in 1964, and I knew Harry’s little brother Terry who was a year ahead of me.  So many famous names came from our high school, some good, some bad, and both Ford’s, like 1965 classmate Hillary Clinton, are leftists.  Harrison Ford’s movie, Raiders of the Lost Ark, had a scene that was not in the script, but was impromptu by Ford and left in because it was so perfect.  Indiana Jones, played by Ford, meets up with an Arab knife wielder who is out to kill him, and rather than duel to death, Indiana Jones simply pulls his firearm and shoots the guy.

End of problem.

The Gordian knot was given its name applicable to a proverbial term for a problem solvable only by bold action. In 333 BC, Alexander the Great, on his march through Anatolia, reached Gordium, the capital of Phrygia. There he was shown the chariot of the ancient founder of the city, Gordius, with its yoke lashed to the pole by means of an intricate knot with its end hidden. According to tradition, this knot was to be untied only by the future conqueror of Asia. In the popular account, Alexander sliced through the knot with his sword. The phrase “cutting the Gordian knot” has thus come to denote a bold solution to a complicated problem.

End of problem.


President Trump is responsible for his administration’s actions. The buck stops with him.  The president has the authority and the duty to ensure that his subordinates honor lawful disclosure requests from Congress. Bold action is required.

The DOJ reports to the President, and our President has the sole power to fire anyone within his administration.  He also has the power to declassify every piece of information being withheld from Congress as it relates to this scandalous counterintelligence investigation.

Furthermore, I am of the opinion that President Trump needs to fire Sessions, Rosenstein and Mueller.

End of problem.

So many folks write to me about the many articles on NewsWithViews.  All of us give our time and energy to bring you the latest information on what is going on in politics, in religion and our churches, in education, in the medical industry, and in so many other venues in our country.  NewsWithViews was created by a gentleman who escaped communist Slovenia and who loves America and is fighting to keep her the land of the free.  Websites are costly to maintain and that is why NewsWithViews counts on your donations.  Tell your friends to go to the website and sign up to receive daily emails. Monthly donations are what keeps this website alive, we count on you.  Donations can be made here. [Please use PayPal if possible]

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

The FBI Planted An Informant In The Trump Campaign

I am concerned for the security of our great Nation; not so much because of any threat from without, but because of the insidious forces working from within.  Douglas MacArthur

Furthermore, I am of the opinion that Carthage should be destroyed. Cicero for Cato the Elder

Congress created the Justice Department and Congress can eliminate it.  Chris Farrell of Judicial Watch says the corruption within the DOJ is so widespread that Congress should act.

Some Republicans are considering articles of impeachment against Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein if he doesn’t hand over documents requested by Congress.  Last January, Paul Ryan had to actually threaten the Deputy AG and Director Wray with contempt in order to get them to comply with a House subpoena for documents about the salacious and unverified Steele dossier.

FBI’s Shocking Disrespect for Congress

In my two previous articles, here and here, I condensed Rep. Louis Gohmert’s monumental tome, “The Naked Truth About Robert Mueller,” which gave us an overview of how Mueller as FBI Director for 12 years destroyed the bureau’s relationship with Congress.

Thomas J. Baker spent 33 years in the FBI, including several working in the Office of Congressional and Public Affairs.  In his recent WSJ column, he said the deterioration in the bureau’s relationship with Congress is shocking and a total change in the culture.  He said that former Directors William Webster (1978-1987) and Louis Freeh (1993-2001) insisted that the FBI respond promptly to any congressional request, and that back then a congressional committee didn’t need a subpoena to get information from the FBI.  Those appropriate committees are actually key to the bureau’s funding.

On August 27, 2017, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes asked the FBI to deliver certain documents immediately.  The bulk of the documents weren’t actually delivered until January 11, 2018.  When the FBI did deliver the documents, they were so redacted that the Committee wanted to see more.  One of the documents requested was the electronic communication believed to have initiated the counterintelligence investigation of candidate Trump in July 2016.

What did the bureau do?  On March 23rd, they essentially told the committee it wouldn’t lift the redactions.  When this has happened in the past because of sensitive information, select members of the Congress have been allowed to read them with specific restrictions.  The so-called Gang of Eight was created by statute to ensure the existence of a secure vehicle through which congressional leaders could be briefed on sensitive counterintelligence or terrorism investigations.  But former Director Comey didn’t even inform this group that the bureau had opened a counterintelligence investigation into the campaign of candidate Trump.  He testified that he kept Congress in the dark about the investigation because his assistant director of counterintelligence advised him not to due to the sensitivity of the matter.

The Gang of Eight exists for this very purpose, and not using them was inexplicable according to Thomas Baker.

Baker said this isn’t the way a law enforcement agency should behave under our system of separation of powers, something Robert Mueller and James Comey seem to disregard.  The former agent says AG Sessions must push Director Wray to get the FBI’s relationship with Congress back on track, as the American people and our Constitution demand it.

All of this has happened because of the very partisan employees placed in the bureau so as to have every advantage to make sure the Queen of Corruption, Hillary Clinton, won the election and when she didn’t, to destroy the presidency of Donald J. Trump.

Now we find out the FBI had a source inside Donald Trump’s campaign.

Obama’s FBI Placed Spy in Trump Campaign

The co-founder of Fusion GPS testified that Christopher Steele told him the FBI had a “human source,” a spy, inside the Trump campaign as the 2016 presidential race headed into its stretch run.  And now we’re learning it’s true…Barack Hussein Obama was wiretapping and listening in on all of the Trump campaign and transition team calls, and now we find he actually had a Deep State spy within the campaign.

Kim Strassel at The Wall Street Journal reported on this explosive development on May 10th:

Thanks to the Washington Post’s unnamed law-enforcement leakers, we know Mr. Nunes’s request deals with a “top secret intelligence source” of the FBI and CIA, who is a U.S. citizen and who was involved in the Russia collusion probe. When government agencies refer to sources, they mean people who appear to be average citizens but use their profession or contacts to spy for the agency. Ergo, we might take this to mean that the FBI secretly had a person on the payroll who used his or her non-FBI credentials to interact in some capacity with the Trump campaign.

This would amount to spying, and it is hugely disconcerting. It would also be a major escalation from the electronic surveillance we already knew about, which was bad enough.

First let’s ask an old question, who is paying Michael Avenatti to represent Stormy the porn queen?  Probably the same people who paid for the Fusion GPS dossier. And who funded the FBI spy who worked the Trump campaign?  Even if we find the funds were paid by tax dollars through the FBI, someone in the Obama administration authorized it, and the FBI and DOJ purposely hid this information from Congress.

Who Was the FBI Spy?

The list of suspects is short, and there are some very suspicious people connected to our intelligence community.  There were any number of people within the campaign, but they were on the payroll, not someone who would just interact with the campaign as stated by Kimberley Strassel.

When this story first hit the airwaves the first person everyone thought of was feckless Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Link The AG has done nothing to indicate any loyalty to our President or the American people.  Sessions recused himself and walked away from this investigation, one which he should have been in charge of, and he has refused to demand the FBI give up the requested documents to Congress.  The AG has also been totally unwilling to take action and fix major systemic issues at the Justice Department. Many have called for his resignation and said he is both worthless and feckless.

Larry Klayman agrees with President Trump on Sessions’ disgraceful behavior.  He says, “Sessions is circling the wagons ‘in house’ to ultimately cover-up or downplay the gross prosecutorial abuse of the agencies he leads as attorney general. This is classic and textbook Washington, D.C., swamp reptilian sleight of hand.”

Sessions is also getting backing from Grassley and Graham, who had earlier resisted the idea of confirmation hearings for a replacement, pretty much guaranteeing that he wouldn’t be fired.  But Trump could fire Sessions and replace him with a temporary AG during Congress’ summer recess, just as George Bush did with Bolton as the United Nations Ambassador.

Kellyanne Conway

What about Kellyanne Conway?  A new book blames Kellyanne Conway for the White House leaks.  The New York Post reports, “If you wonder why there are so many leaks out of the White House, one reason is Kellyanne is the number one leaker,” said Ronald Kessler, author of “The Trump White House: Changing the Rules of the Game.

While Kessler was interviewing Conway at the White House for his forthcoming book, she started “lashing into Reince Priebus,” the former White House chief of staff.

“She said the meanest, cutting and obviously untrue things about Reince and I didn’t include them in the book because they were so unfair,” he said. “She also lit into Jared and Ivanka saying that they leak against Steve Bannon. And I know that White House aides have seen texts that she has sent to other journalists dissing her colleagues, leaking material.”  Kessler’s book is viewed as a strong defense of our President.

Kellyanne and Michael Avenatti, attorney for porn queen Stormy Daniels, also had a spirited conversation at the White House Correspondents’ Association dinner a few weeks ago.  It has been rumored that Kellyanne’s mouth likes to run, and I remember quite well the fabrications and negative garbage she spewed about Donald Trump while she was working for Ted Cruz.


A Washington Post story, “Nunes Sought all Documents on Person Described as Longtime Intelligence Source,” let us know that House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes issued a subpoena to the Justice Department last week making a broad request for all documents about an individual who people close to the matter say is a sensitive, longtime intelligence source for the CIA and FBI.

Of course, the DOJ is again refusing Nunes. Intelligence officials say the material could jeopardize the source, a U.S. citizen who has aided the special counsel investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 campaign.

The source is a U.S. citizen, has been an informant for both the CIA and FBI, and has provided information that was given to Mueller. A WSJ editorial claims the Post already knows who this source is, so if they do, why can’t Nunes? Apparently Nunes learning who the informant is would somehow violate national security. The DOJ claims outing the source would damage relations with foreign countries, but why would it if the spy is an American citizen?!

So, was this person an insider who volunteered information to the DOJ, or was this person hired by the DOJ/FBI to infiltrate and spy on the Trump campaign and report back to Obama’s DOJ?  Both the WSJ and Washington Post believe the FBI had a spy in the Trump campaign.

Neither Sessions nor Conway are the spies, but the bureau is not forthcoming to Congress.  Kimberley Strassel is right when she says, “We have barely scratched the surface of the FBI’s 2016 behavior, and the country will never get the straight story unless President Trump moves to declassify everything possible.  It’s time to rip off the Band Aid.”

Furthermore, I am of the opinion that Sessions, Rosenstein and Mueller should be fired.

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Mueller’s Politically Charged Corruption And Partisan Special Counsel

When you look at the entire array of actions from the very beginning, the appointment by Rosenstein of Mueller where no crime was stated to have been committed, you begin an inexorable process of depriving the President of his ability to govern.  We are now going on 16 months of striping away from the president his presidency.  If we go back to the beginning, this started out as a brazen plot to exonerate Hillary Clinton through the Obama Justice Department and the FBI and then, if she lost, to figure out a way to frame Donald Trump and the people around him.  What is tragic is the system has allowed that to occur.  —Joe diGenova

Furthermore, I am of the opinion that Carthage should be destroyed.  —Cicero for Cato the Elder

People are beginning to understand that our intelligence community has a lot to answer for.  The intelligence community has not become involved in the Deep State; the Deep State was inside the intelligence community from the very beginning.  Link

The President is being constantly distracted from his performance of duties by this…everything Trump is working on is being disrupted for no good reason, and yet he succeeds. In my previous article, I condensed a portion of Congressman Louis Gohmert’s monumental tome on “The Naked Truth About Robert Mueller.”  The original report is a pdf file.  This article is the rest of what Gohmert exposed in condensed form.

Mueller Embraces Islamic Terrorists

Liberalism is a religion pretending to be a political philosophy.  Islam is a political philosophy pretending to be a religion. Robert Mueller has embraced liberalism and he is friends of Islamic terror.  We know the intelligence community is infiltrated with Muslim Brotherhood.  Former FBI Agent, John Guandolo has made that clear.

FBI Director Mueller repeatedly testified during questioning by various House Members about how the Muslim community was just like every other religious community in the United States. He also referenced an “Outreach Program” the FBI had with the Muslim community.

When questioned in 2011 by the House Oversight Committee, Mueller was intentionally deceptive about the fact that the FBI had apparently maintained a relationship, and even a “community partnership” instigated on his watch, with the Council on American Islamic Relationships (CAIR) as well as with groups and individuals that FBI evidence determined were co-conspirators to terrorism. That is consistent with Mueller’s misrepresentation that his FBI had outreach programs to other religious communities just like they did with the Muslim community. They did not. He was not honest about it.

In a March 2009 Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, Senator Jon Kyl (R-AZ) questioned Mueller over the FBI move to cut off contact with CAIR. The 2007 trial of the Holy Land Foundation, the largest terrorism financing trial in American history, linked CAIR to the Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas. CAIR was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the case. Because of this affiliation, the FBI issued policy and guidance to restrict its non-investigative interactions with CAIR in an effort to limit CAIR’s ability to exploit contacts with the FBI. As a result, FBI field offices were instructed to cut ties with all local branches of CAIR across the country.

Congressman Gohmert explains, “I had understood that the plan by the Bush Justice Department was that if they got convictions of the principals in the Holy Land Foundation trial, they would come right back after the co-conspirators who were named in the indictment as co-conspirators but who were not formally indicted. In late 2008, the DOJ got convictions against all those formally indicted, so DOJ could then move forward with formally indicting and convicting the rest—except that the November 2008 election meant it was now going to be the OBAMA DOJ with Eric Holder leading. The newly-named but not confirmed Attorney General apparently made clear they were not going to pursue any of the named co-conspirators. That itself was a major loss for the United States in its war against terrorism in the Obama administration.”

One of the problems with FBI Director Mueller is that he had already been cozying up to named co-conspirators with evidence in hand of their collusion with terrorists. That probably was an assurance to President Obama and AG Holder that Mueller would fit right in to the Obama administration. He did. It also helps explain why Obama and AG Holder wanted him to serve an extra two years as FBI Director despite Mueller having served the 10-year limit. Mueller was their kind of guy.

Purging FBI of Anti-Terror Information

Instead of looking for cases of radicalized Islamists, Mueller instructed his agents to look for Islamophobes, and investigate if they were guilty of a hate crime. The blinding of our FBI agents to the domestic threat of radical Islam is part of the damage Mueller did as FBI Director.  Terrorism expert Patrick Poole continually points out in his “Known Wolf” series, that the overwhelming majority of terrorist attacks on U.S. soil are committed by those the FBI has interviewed and dismissed as a threat.

Here are just three of the more high-profile cases: Omar Mateen and the Pulse Nightclub, underwear bomber on Northwest Airlines Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, and Boston Marathon bombing by Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.

Director Mueller had all of the training materials regarding radical Islam “purged” of anything that might offend radical Islamic terrorists. Oh yes, Mueller worked with radical Islamic groups!

So, in addition to using his “Five Year Up-or-Out” policy to force out so many experienced FBI agents who had been properly trained to identify radical Islamic terrorists, now Mueller was going even further. He was ensuring that new FBI agents would not know what to look for when assessing potentially radicalized individuals.

When Congress learned of the Mueller-mandated “purge” of FBI training materials, they demanded to see what was being removed. Unfortunately, Mueller was well experienced in covering his tracks, so naturally the pages of training materials that were purged were ordered to be “classified,” so most people would never get to see them.

After the FBI was forced to allow a few from Congress to see the purged materials, it became clear that some of the material really did need to be taught to our FBI agents.

Mueller’s Conflicts of Interest

Mueller is a corrupt cop.  Too many “conflicts of interest,” eliminate him from being appointed as Special Counselor.  Gregg Jarrett wrote, “The law governing the special counsel (28 CFR 600.7) specifically prohibits Mueller from serving if he has a “conflict of interest.” Even the appearance of a conflict is disallowed. The same Code of Federal Regulations defines what constitutes a conflict. That is, “a personal relationship with any person substantially involved in the conduct that is the subject of the investigation or prosecution” (28 CFR 45.2).”

  1. Mueller was a mentor to his good friend James Comey who was fired by President Trump.
  2. His involvement with Uranium One and carrying a sample to Russia for Hillary.

U.S. Attorney Rod Rosenstein had direct control over that Russia uranium investigation in conjunction with FBI Director Mueller. They should never have been involved in any subsequent investigation that might touch on potential collusion and millions of dollars paid to the Clinton’s foundation by the very beneficiaries of the Russians’ uranium schemes. Rosenstein and Mueller’s failure to warn against or stop the sale reeks of its own form of collusion, cooperation, or capitulation in what some consider a treasonous sale.

Sewer rats Rosenstein and Mueller are now in charge of all things investigatory surrounding their own actions. In fact, Rosenstein and Mueller are now in a position to dissuade others from pursuing them for their own conduct.

Mueller’s Biased Hires

Every attorney hired by Mueller is a Democrat or Clinton supporter.  Not one Republican was hired.  A majority of these appointees have donated over $50,000 to Democrats including Hillary Clinton’s and Obama’s Presidential campaigns.

Mueller also has surprisingly strong personal ties to a number of the lawyers he hired. He hired former partners with his own Boston law firm…Aaron Zebley, Jeannie Rhee, and James Quarles.  Many of his hires have potential conflicts in working for persons directly connected to the people and issues being investigated.

Peter Strzok has of course been removed after his over 10,000 anti-Trump text messages to his lover Lisa Page were found.  The worst of the lot is probably Andrew Weissman, but all of them are biased against President Trump.

Targeting General Michael Flynn

Louis Gohmert explains the calculated targeting of the General, “After a complete pounding of media-driven hysteria, in mid-February of 2017, Flynn resigned having served only 23 days as National Security Advisor. Mueller targeted Flynn using illicitly-gathered and leaked foreign intelligence and surveillance as evidence.

Nine months later after Flynn and his family were subjected to Mueller’s usual threats and intimidation, a financially exhausted Flynn entered a guilty plea on one count of lying to the FBI—the result of a Mueller-technique perjury trap as was used on Scooter Libby and Martha Stewart. What is Flynn guilty of? He apparently misremembered a conversation that took place 33 days previously. They went into a conversation with Flynn not seeking answers to questions, but to try to trip him up on exact statements made in a conversation when they were already in possession of the transcript of his recorded phone calls.”

“One could argue that Judge Rudolph Contreras, the federal judge who accepted Flynn’s guilty plea, conveniently misremembered that he also served on the FISA court as a judge and conveniently misremembered his friendship with the FBI agent, Peter Strzok, whose interview was used as evidence against Flynn. As it turns out, the FBI interview notes of that very encounter with Flynn may exonerate Michael Flynn, crushing Mueller’s case against him, not to mention the highly questionable hearing before a judge who may well have been recused much too late to save the Flynn prosecution.”

Most of us are well aware of the Obama appointed FISA court judges and their numerous questionable and controversial actions.

On Friday, 4 April 2018, the House Intelligence Committee released a new report that featured a whole bunch of redactions being viewable. There’s been a huge argument and battle between the House Intelligence Committee and the DOJ and FBI for information and data relating to all of their investigations and General Flynn.  The redactions were the FBI and the DOJ covering up what they had done to protect themselves, primarily in the pursuit of Michael Flynn! The basic premise here is that everybody that talked to Michael Flynn and everybody who wrote memos after the interview of Michael Flynn was convinced that he had not lied.

It is the opinion of this writer that General Flynn was set-up, he never lied to anyone, including VP Pence and that his case should be dismissed, the FBI should make him financially whole, and he should write a tell-all book about this grievous and hellish false persecution.  If there were truly justice, President Trump would rehire Mike as his NSA and tell the rest of the intel community to go to hell.

Mueller Ignores Provable Crimes

Strategically timed leaks of selective classified information are being used to target individuals for investigation in order to create the appearance of some sinister crime being committed.  Upon closer scrutiny, the cases fall apart.

Mr. Gohmert finishes up his phenomenal expose of Mueller, “The man put in charge of the investigation of “Russian Collusion” case, Robert Mueller, has perfected the art of abuse of the justice system for personal and political gain. He is uninterested in any criminal activity that does not further his cause of damaging this President.

Consider the criminality of the FISA court abuses by the Obama DOJ and FBI. We have all heard ad nauseam about the infamous ‘Steele Dossier,’ the opposition research document paid for by the Clinton campaign that was used to manufacture the Russia collusion narrative and spark what became the Mueller investigation of our President. On 08 June 2017, Mueller protégé and disgraced former FBI Director James Comey testified in front of the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence about the Clinton campaign-funded document, telling Congress that the document was, ‘salacious and unverified.’”


Congressman Louis Gohmert has listed 40 questions which should be asked of Special Counsel Robert Mueller.  They are posted on the Congressman’s website.  Congress should subpoena Mueller and demand he answer these legitimate questions.

As for my repetitive quote, “Furthermore, I am of the opinion that Carthage should be destroyed,” the quote is attributed to Cato the Elder.  Rome had fought Carthage twice, and Cato believed Carthage was inhabited by low born filth, incapable of rational thought.  Cato was a well-known Roman senator and allegedly finished many of his speeches with the statement about Carthage as he held great hostility for them.  The first reference of Cato’s animosity against Carthage is by Cicero, approximately a hundred years after Cato had died.  It was Cicero who stated that Cato finished many of his speeches with this statement.  Thus, the Cicero attribution.

And so again I finish, Furthermore, I am of the opinion that Mueller, Rosenstein and Sessions should be fired now.

P.S.  Time is something we cannot ever recover. Every life is given only so much time. The CEO and publisher of NewsWithViews (born in a communist country) spends much of his time and money working to save our beloved America, our freedoms and liberties. Won’t you please help us by sending monthly donations here. Every donation is greatly appreciated.

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Robert Mueller’s Sordid History Of Illicitly Targeting Innocent People

What is morally wrong can never be advantageous, even when it enables you to make some gain that you believe to be to your advantage. The mere act of believing that some wrongful course of action constitutes an advantage is pernicious. —Marcus Tullius Cicero

Furthermore, I am of the opinion that Carthage should be destroyed.  —Marcus Tullius Cicero

The majority of politicians spew lies like an unattended fire hose, but there is one who has had the courage to tell the whole sordid history of Special Counsel Robert Mueller.  Congressman Louis Gohmert (R-TX) has written the foremost tell all article on the corrupt and disreputable former FBI Director, Robert Mueller.  It is 14 pages long and over 15,000 words and as the Congressman said, he could have written even more.

Eric Lichtblau’s recent article in Time Magazine makes it clear that it’s not just FBI partisanship, there’s much more.  He writes, “Looking past the partisan haze, one sees a troubling picture: something really is wrong at the FBI.”

Mueller is a Dirty Cop

Congressman Gohmert opens his article with this statement, “Robert Mueller has a long and sordid history of illicitly targeting innocent people. His many actions are a stain upon the legacy of American jurisprudence. He lacks the judgment and credibility to lead the prosecution of anyone.”

Gohmert said that he was one of the few who were not surprised when Mueller started selecting his assistants in the Special Counsel’s office.  He knew their reputations for indicting people innocent of the charges and forcing them into bankruptcy by running up their legal fees.  He said they’ll even threaten innocent family members with prosecution so the victim will agree to plead guilty so more harm is not incurred on the family.  Sound familiar?  It is exactly what has happened to Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn.  Meanwhile Mueller and his prosecutors are spending millions of our tax dollars.

The Congressman makes it clear that anyone who states that Mueller is beyond reproach and has a stellar history is wanting Trump destroyed.  Trey Gowdy (R-SC) Chairman of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee comes to mind.

Mueller Framed Innocent Men

Along with Congressman Gohmert, Professor Alan Dershowitz reminded staunch Mueller supporters about the former FBI director’s role in protecting “notorious mass murderer” Whitey Bulger as an FBI informant.  “He’s the guy who kept four innocent people in prison for many years in order to protect the cover of Whitey Bulger as an FBI informer. Those of us in Boston don’t have such a high regard for Mueller because we remember this story. The government had to pay out $100 million dollars because Whitey Bulger, a notorious mass murderer, became a government informer against the mafia. . .”

“And that’s regarded in Boston of one of the great scandals of modern judicial history. And Mueller was right at the center of it. So, he is not without criticism by people who know him in Boston.”

Although those in prison were not upright citizens, they still had not committed the crimes they were accused of, and two of them died while incarcerated.

There is evidence of a pattern throughout Mueller’s career: the leaking of information to disparage Mueller’s targets. In the Whitey Bulger case, the leaks were to organized crime…the Mafia.  Now we see leaks daily including the latest…Mueller’s questions for our President.

Destruction of Congressman Weldon

What did Weldon do to become a target of Robert Mueller and the Democrat Party?  His investigations into Clinton-era national security scandals, including the sell-off of military technology to communist China and he asserted several times in Congress in 2005-2006 that before 9/11, the Able Danger intelligence program identified Mohamed Atta and other 9/11 hijackers as possible members in al-Qaida, and the FBI ignored it.

Weldon repeatedly alleged that there was documentary evidence to show that 9/11 could have been prevented and thousands of lives saved if the FBI had done its job. He held up documents at times while making these claims in speeches on the floor of the House of Representatives.

What did Mueller do?

Six weeks before the 2008 election, Weldon dominated his Democratic opponent in the polls. Then, out of nowhere, “anonymous law enforcement sources” leaked to the press that the FBI was conducting a federal probe into the Pennsylvania Congressman for alleged influence peddling.

Weldon had been in Congress since 1986 and was re-elected in 2004 with 59 percent of the vote. After a televised FBI raid on his daughter’s townhouse on Oct. 16, 2008 Weldon dropped like a rock in the polls.

Even Sen. Arlen Specter (R-PA) blasted Mueller and said he found the FBI behavior to be “highly prejudicial.”

Weldon’s opponent, retired Rear Adm. Joseph A. Sestak, won top drawer support from the national Democratic Party, including an endorsement and campaign appearance by Bill Clinton, with all the leftist campaign contributors.

Rep. Gohmert states, “The early morning raid by Mueller’s FBI — with all the media outside — who had obviously been alerted by the FBI, achieved its goal of abusing the U.S. Justice system to silence Curt Weldon by ending his political career. Mueller’s tactics worked. If the Clintons and Sandy Berger manipulated Weldon’s reelection to assure his defeat, they did it with the artful aid of Mueller, all while George W. Bush was President.”  Does any of this sound familiar?”  Think Manafort and Cohen.

Mueller’s Intimidation of Congress

Mueller has staged unprecedented searches of congressional offices via FBI agents which is an outrageous intrusion into the separation of powers between the executive branch and the congressional branch.

If the FBI or another law enforcement entity needed to search something on the House side of the Capitol or House office buildings, they contacted the House Counsel, whether with a warrant or request. The House Counsel with approval of the Speaker, would go through the Congress Members’ documents, computers, flash drives, or anything that might have any bearing on what was being sought as part of the investigation, and would honestly determine what was relevant and what was privileged from Executive Branch review.

Remember Rep. William Jefferson of Louisiana who hid $90,000 in the freezer of his D.C. home?  There was no need to raid his office as the FBI already had plenty of evidence to convict him.  But in doing so, Mueller threw 200 years of Constitutional restraints to the wind so he could let Congress know he was the government bully who could potentially waltz into Congressional offices whenever he wished and conduct an unsupervised search of a Congressman’s office. Apparently, the FBI knew just the right federal judge who would disregard the Constitution and allow Mueller’s minions to do their dirty work.

Former Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist and former House Speaker Dennis Hastert said they were “very concerned” about the search.  “Insofar as I am aware, since the founding of our republic 219 years ago, the Justice Department has never found it necessary to do what it did in crossing this separation of powers line in order to successfully prosecute corruption by members of Congress,” Hastert said.

Mueller has pulled this same tactic again on both Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen.

Mueller’s Resurrected “Five and Out Rule”

It’s an old FBI policy that Director Robert Mueller resurrected in 2004. It basically says that supervisors in the field can be there for five years and then are obliged to take an assignment at headquarters and keep moving through the management ranks. Former FBI Assistant Director John Miller said the policy was necessary to develop leadership in the bureau.

Critics, such as the FBI Agents Association, say the program hobbles field offices and takes relationships forged there for granted.  Former Congressman Mike Rogers (R-MI) said he saw a program that wasn’t working.  He said it didn’t make sense, wasn’t good for the morale of agents and for keeping expertise and quality of supervisors who understand the community they’ve worked in for years.  A group of FBI supervisors used age-discrimination suits against the bureau.  At least 140 valuable agents either quit or retired.

Gohmert explained that before Mueller became Director, FBI agents were trained to identify certain Muslims who had become radicalized and dangerous. Mueller purged and even eliminated training that would have helped identify radical Islamic killers. By running off the more experienced agents who had better training on radical Islam, they told the Congressman that it “blinded us of the ability to identify our enemy.” Mueller put victims in harm’s way in cities like Boston, San Diego and elsewhere.

FBI’s National Security Letters

National Security letters are FBI letters sent to people or businesses that bypass subpoenas and applications for warrants with affidavits in support, demanding that records or documents of any kind must be produced and provided to the sender.  And yes, there has been abuse here as well.   Some of Mueller’s FBI agents had just been sending out demands for records or documents without any probable cause, which the Fourth Amendment requires.

The House Judiciary Committee has oversight on the DOJ.  Congressman Gohmert is a member of this committee. The committees learned that there had been an extraordinary number of abuses.  When the Inspector General’s report revealed such absolutely outrageous conduct by FBI agents, some in Congress were absolutely livid. An NBC News report on March 9, 2007, had this headline and sub-headline: “Justice Department: FBI acted illegally on data; Audit finds agency misused Patriot Act to obtain information on citizens.”

Senator Ted Stevens

Alaska Senator Ted Stevens was the longest-serving Senate Republican in history and his reputation among those who knew him well was impeccable.  The Senator was indicted shortly before the 2008 election on false records and fueled by testimony from a richly rewarded “cooperating” witness.  It became known that the government had concealed exculpatory evidence from the defense.

An independent investigation ordered by presiding Judge Emmet G. Sullivan found that the prosecution was “permeated by the systemic concealment of significant exculpatory evidence, which would have independently corroborated Senator Steven’s defense and his testimony, and seriously damaged the testimony and credibility of the government’s key witness.”

The prosecution of Stevens was another of Mueller’s miscarriages of justice.

Dr. Steven Hatfill

Remember virologist Dr. Steven Hatfill who was falsely blamed for the anthrax attack after 9/11 that took five lives and made 17 other people sick?  It was the feckless FBI again, and Mueller and Comey were responsible.  Instead of arresting the actual perpetrator, they brought in sniff doggies to Hatfill who never handled anthrax, and when he petted them and they responded happily, the FBI knew Hatfill was their man.

The real culprit was Bruce Ivans, a microbiologist who was diagnosed as having paranoid personality disorder and had a habit of stalking and threatening people with anonymous letters – including the woman who provided the long-ignored tip to the FBI.

After six years the FBI spent destroying Hatfill’s life, they settled a $4.6 million lawsuit he filed and officially exonerated him.

Scooter Libby

In 2003, Mueller’s close friend, Deputy AG James Comey, convinced AG John Ashcroft to recuse himself from the case of who leaked CIA agent Valerie Plame’s identity.  Comey appointed his child’s Godfather, Patrick Fitzgerald as Special Counsel.

Fitzgerald, FBI Director Mueller, and Deputy AG Comey knew that the source of Plame’s identity leak came from Richard Armitage. But they didn’t’ want Armitage’s scalp. These so-called apolitical, fair-minded pursuers of their own brand of justice were after a bigger name in the Bush administration like Vice President Dick Cheney or Karl Rove. Yet they knew from the beginning that these two men were not guilty of anything.  They chose Dick Cheney’s Chief of Staff, Scooter Libby.  They told Libby they’d set him free if he would give them Cheney, but there was nothing to give.  Their modus operandi never changes.

Gohmert states, “Sound familiar?  Could it be that these same tactics have been used against an innocent Gen. Mike Flynn? Could it be that Flynn only agreed to plead guilty to prevent any family members from being unjustly prosecuted and to also prevent going completely broke from attorneys’ fees?”

President Trump recently pardoned Mr. Libby.


I’ve tried to condense this portion of Congressman Gohmert’s article, but there’s much more to come, especially Mueller’s embracing of the friends of Islamic terrorists and purging of counter-terrorism training materials.  The entire FBI needs to be cleansed and as Chris Farrell of Judicial Watch has stated, perhaps disbanded.

Furthermore, I am of the opinion that Robert Mueller, Rod Rosenstein, and AG Sessions should be fired.

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

The Southern Border Invasion Is An Unprovoked Foreign Attack

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured…but not everyone must prove they are a citizen.  Many of those who refuse or are unable to prove they are citizens will receive free insurance from those who are forced to buy insurance because they are citizens.  —Ben Stein 

Without borders, we have no sovereign nation.  Unlike Obama who allowed every third world country illegal into our nation, we now have a President who told border agents not to allow illegals to cross into our country and our border patrol stopped them…so far.  The National Guard has also been sent to the border but they have no legal authority, neither do they have weapons.

Caravan Stalled at Southern Border

The Caravan of Central American illegal aliens who have traveled the length of Mexico trying to reach the U.S. border to seek asylum is stalled.  Today about 200 Central Americans await their fate.  They arrived at the U.S. border on Sunday 29 April 18 only to find a closed door…for now.  After days of legal counseling, the migrants hope to gain entry to file asylum claims saying they’ve been forced to flea because of violence and persecution.

Immigration lawyers claim America has a legal duty to hear the asylum seekers’ claims.  Attorney Nicole Ramos told America media, “You are breaking the law and you are forcing them to break the law, that’s why we have caravans.”  What hogwash!

Our President said, “We are a nation of laws, we have to have borders…if we don’t have borders we don’t have a country.”  However, in an interview with Fox News, after touring the border, VP Pence signaled that migrants could eventually be processed.  He said that when space opens up they will process asylum seekers under the laws of this country, but that these laws have to change.

Mexico Needs to Lose NAFTA

Mexico has done nothing; these people went all through Mexico and were never stopped despite Mexico’s very strict immigration laws. Mexico usually imprisons people from El Salvador and Nicaragua, or they deport them immediately.  For decades Mexico has turned a blind eye to millions of their citizens illegally crossing our border, along with citizens from other countries.  They show no respect for our laws, sovereignty, borders or citizens.  Our President is absolutely right when he says this is an issue of national security and national sovereignty.  Mexico certainly needs to be held accountable, and NAFTA should be dissolved because of this.

These illegal aliens get to our border, climb our walls, and wave their Honduran flag, and we should really believe they need asylum?  What a joke.

Once they were in Mexico, who chose to admit them, they could have gone to the consulate and made their case. But that’s not what they wanted, they wanted only the “safe” country of America. Trying to pressure and embarrass us, Mexico created this problem. They should be made to own it.

DOJ Files Complaints

Fox News has learned the DOJ has filed complaints against eleven members of the illegal immigrant caravan for trying to enter the country illegally near San Diego.  (We’ve been told by media that all of these people were “law abiding.”)  Yeah right.  Hundreds are still trying to enter the country legally by claiming asylum.  Their advocates are complaining that the U.S. is moving too slowly to meet their demands.  Their demands?  Excuse the hell out of me, but they haven’t a right to demand anything.

And never mind the hordes of men seeking asylum, the media want you to believe our immigration laws are an assault on women and children.  Just look at the photos of these people, all of them are dressed well, and many of the women are overweight.  Who is funding their trek from Central America?  Well, we know.

The caravan, organized by US-based advocacy group Pueblos Sin Fronteras, mainly comprises migrants from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador, the Northern Triangle of Central America.  Some of them may be poor, but they have the support of major foundations, corporations and billionaire George Soros for their well-organized caravan-style invasion.  Their work is supported by the coalition CARA Family Detention Pro Bono Project, which includes the Catholic Legal Immigration Network, the American Immigration Council, the Refugee and Immigration Center for Education and Legal Services, and the American Immigration Lawyers Association.  At least three of these groups are directly funded by George Soros’ Open Society Foundation.

There is a small army of attorneys who are advising the illegal aliens, most illegals are from Honduras but others are from other Central American countries as well.  Most likely these attorneys are helping the asylum seekers simply game the system.

This is an orchestrated invasion of our country being coached by religious organizations, by Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), and by attorneys who are giving these illegals scripts for what to say in order to claim asylum.

Catch and Release

Former Pinal County Arizona Sheriff Paul Babeu is a bit premature and overly optimistic in his description of the current policy on illegal alien squatters breaking into our country. He is claiming that George W. Bush’s “catch and release” has ended. It has not.

President Trump wants to change it but is being thwarted by the open border globalists in both parties. The President has said, “And so, we see not just ICE and the Border Patrol but also the DOJ under Sessions that are all working in concert to bring the full weight of what’s currently the laws on the books to bear.”

With that qualifier of “what’s currently the laws on the books,” Trump is admitting that “catch and release” is not ended and is still being practiced due to the fact that our laws require a 20-day maximum of holding cell time for family units.

If illegals haven’t been processed and deported back home by the end of 20 days, the border crashing lawbreakers are still being shipped off across the U.S. to compete with Americans for our jobs, at a greatly reduced wage. They suck up our welfare tax dollars every day that they’re in our country in violation of our laws.  And they never show up for their appointed dates in court.

Build the Wall

The most recent estimates from the Center for Migration Studies indicate that 1.7 million aliens joined the illegal population from 2009 to 2013 and Pew Research Center estimates indicate 1.5 million — 300,000 to 400,000 a year. The Center for Immigration Studies estimates an additional 790,000 joined the illegal population since 2013 for a total of 2.5 million new illegal aliens since President Obama took office.

I’d bet these figures are far less than the number who have crossed our border illegally, especially with the amount of illegals who came in from Central America under Obama in 2014 and were transported all over our country and released.

It’s time for that huge wall to be built on our southern border.

CNBC said that Trump’s wall could cost $120 per household.  I will pay for three, just tell me where to send the check. In fact, I’ll give back the extra we received because of the tax plan if he’ll just build that wall…and make it as high and strong as the one around the Vatican.

John Torres, Former Acting Ice Director

Torres appeared on the Ingraham Angle and said that what we’re looking at is fraud that has been perpetrated for years by a number of different groups when they coach people how to pass the credible “fear test,” so they can ultimately get political asylum in America. They plead their cases to a custom official and are then processed into the U.S.  If you’re an unaccompanied minor, because of the Flores case in 1997, you are released into the country.  And if you’re a parent of a minor, you’re released into the system according to two court decisions out of, guess where…the 9th circuit.

Congress has not acted on this, and that includes both parties, but mostly democrats have done nothing to secure our borders and protect American citizens from invasion.  Republican Speaker of the House Paul Ryan is trying to enact an amnesty before he leaves Congress.  All but a few are false friends.

National Guard to the Border

President Donald Trump’s decision to militarize the southern border with Mexico was received with pleasure by the National Border Patrol Council, which called the measure the act of a leader who cares deeply for his country and its citizens.

The Nat’l Guard is headed to the border in a coordinated effort with the four governors of those border states. They’ll be in a support role, hands off – look, be seen, don’t touch…making the point that border security is homeland security, which is national security.  DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen spoke to White House reporters about the plans to position national guard troops at the southern border with Mexico.

It’s definitely better than nothing, but not the line of defense most of us envision when we hear that the military is going to the border. The details haven’t yet been worked out, but rifles are pretty useless once our adversaries discover they’re not loaded. Nielsen told Fox’s John Roberts that the situation of Operation Jumpstart where the National Guard was not permitted to lay a hand on the illegals would likely be repeated, “as of now.”

Nielsen says the troops will be engaged in aerial surveillance and “support functions” like those conducted when Bush sent the guard to the border.

We can be sure that if the conditions are that the troops are incapable of a lethal or serious response, the Democrat governors of California and New Mexico will quickly make that information available to their smuggler and human trafficker allies.  The number of troops sent are considerably lower than what Trump wanted.

AG Sessions Legal Actions

Attorney General Jeff Sessions is quickly building a legal wall to block asylum claims by illegal aliens in the caravan now sitting in Tijuana.

Donald Trump has tweeted, “Despite the Democrat inspired laws on sanctuary cities and the border being so bad and one-sided, I have instructed the Secretary of Homeland Security not to let these large caravans of people into our country.  It is a disgrace.  We are the only country in the world so naïve.  Wall!”

The DOJ is sending more prosecutors and immigration judges to the border for what could be a long legal fight, not just for these illegal aliens but for hundreds of others arriving daily at the U.S./Mexican border.  And well he should.

Daniel Greenfield stated that in 1919 the NYTimes reported there were 18,500 soldiers on our border and that twice a day every foot of the border was patrolled by cavalrymen and infantrymen.

Now of course, our President’s proposal to use the military on our southern border is controversial.

Greenfield writes, “El Salvadoran migration has inflicted 207 murderers on this country. The migrant caravan threatening to invade this country includes migrants from El Salvador. Some of them may be MS-13 members. The Pueblo Sin Fronteras caravan of 1,000 migrants is the product of an alliance between international leftists and migrant invaders. Their goal is the invasion, colonization and occupation of America.”

Our border patrol is outnumbered and the establishment elite in Congress refused to increase them.  It’s time for our armed military to again take up residence on our southern border.


Yes, we’re being invaded and it has gone on for decades.  If the invaders were armed and in military uniforms, our reaction would be defensive.  There’s no difference here as these invaders are aided and abetted by covert operatives using the “asylum” ploy.

President Trump took an oath to our Constitution, and he’s trying to keep it.

Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution, “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.”

We need our fully armed military on the border to stop their illegal entrance into this country.  “Build the Wall” wasn’t just a campaign slogan.

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© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

The False Accusations And Character Assassination Of Dr. Ronny Jackson

You do what you can for as long as you can, and when you finally can’t, you do the next best thing. You back up but you don’t give up. —Chuck Yeager

Inside many liberals is a totalitarian screaming to get out. They don’t like to have another point of view in the room that they don’t squash and the way they try to squash it is by character assassination and name calling. —David Horowitz.

The Political Demise of Adm. Jackson

Admiral Ronny Jackson was nominated by our President to head the Veterans Administration.  He has a stellar past and amazing countenance. Dr. Jackson is an American physician and a rear admiral in the United States Navy.  First appointed to the role of Physician to the President on July 25, 2013 by Barack Obama, he was retained by Donald Trump after his inauguration in 2017.

President Trump nominated Adm. Jackson to be the U.S. Secretary of Veterans Affairs and to succeed David Shulkin.  However, after a libelous and slanderous attack on the Admiral’s character by Senator Jon Tester (D-MT), Jackson withdrew his nomination on 26 April 18 amidst widely publicized anonymously-sourced, unsubstantiated allegations of misconduct and mismanagement while serving the White House.

Tester went on Trump hating TV Networks to characterize Jackson as a reckless, dishonest, mean spirited drunk.  Asked if he could corroborate these charges he said, “Well, we’re waiting for people to come forward.”  Tester should have proven or shown evidence before going public and maligning a public servant who has been praised throughout his career for treating presidents, including Obama.  The left’s Trump Derangement Syndrome shows they will stoop to anything to resist the Trump team.

The Secret Service has proven every single charge made by Tester to be false.  The Senator owes Admiral Jackson an apology and the American people an explanation.

President Trump tweeted the following:

Allegations made by Senator Jon Tester against Admiral/Doctor Ron Jackson are proving false. The Secret Service is unable to confirm (in fact they deny) any of the phony Democrat charges which have absolutely devastated the wonderful Jackson family.

The great people of Montana will not stand for this kind of slander when talking of a great human being. Admiral Jackson is the kind of man that those in Montana would most respect and admire, and now, for no reason whatsoever, his reputation has been shattered. Not fair, Tester!

And Sheriff David Clarke tweeted this:

Dr. Ronnie Jackson’s lynching had nothing to do with thorough vetting. It had everything to do with a WITCH HUNT. If DEMS can’t find any dirt, they’ll just make sh*t up.

Pence Army Physician Responsible for Attack

According to four administration officials, the main allegations were brought forth by Vice President Mike Pence’s Army physician Dr. Jennifer Pena, who is assigned to Pence by the White House Medical Unit and does not work directly for the office of the Vice President.

Those officials contend Pena has held a long-time grudge against Jackson because of his continuing promotions in the White House. She began her career at the White House during the Obama administration. According to the officials, Pena, who is still active military and assigned to the White House Military Office, did not follow proper protocol to report on the allegations. Instead, she went directly to the Senate with the support of some current and former White House medical staff who were her loyalists. None of the allegations she allegedly brought forth have been substantiated.  See Sara Carter’s article, VP Pence Physician Behind Ronny Jackson Attacks.

Virulent Attacks on Everything Trump

President Trump has repeatedly disallowed the venomous and pernicious attacks on him from the democrats and their cohorts in the media to derail him from doing his job.  And these attacks have continued unabated from the very day he announced his candidacy on 16 June 15.

Trump has tweeted about the lies of James Clapper, and John Brennan has the temerity to tweet back to the President the most disgraceful Alinsky attack on a President I’ve ever seen in public by a former CIA Director.

Mr. Trump, your hypocrisy knows no bounds.  Jim Clapper is a man of integrity, honesty, ethics and morality.  You are not.  Jim Clapper served his country for over half a century, including Viet Nam.  You did not.  By your words and behavior, you diminish the Office of the Presidency.

John Brennan is just as much a liar as Clapper because everyone now knows that buried within a newly declassified congressional report on Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. elections is a shocking revelation: former Director of National Intelligence (DNI) James Clapper not only leaked information about the infamous Steele dossier and high-level government briefings about it to CNN, he also may have lied to Congress about the matter.

As stated in my previous article, Clapper testified during a March 2013 Senate Intelligence Committee hearing that the NSA was “not wittingly” collecting “any type of data at all” on millions of Americans which turned out to be very much untrue.

Then Brennan goes on to tweet a subtle threat to the President after the House Committee states there was no colluding in the 2016 election:

A highly partisan, incomplete and deeply flawed report by the House Committee means nothing.  The Special Counsel’s work is being carried out by professional investigators, not political staffers.  Special Counsel’s findings will be comprehensive and authoritative.  Stay tuned Mr. Trump.

Trump Needs Offensive Strategy

President Trump didn’t understand this was a fight he had to win. The Trump White House has been repeatedly weakened by leaks and has lost a number of staffers. The Democrats don’t just smell blood – they are drawing blood, and it needs to stop and stop now.  Dr. Jackson will no longer even be the President’s physician!

The Trump administration did make a tepid fight of it but it certainly wasn’t strong.  President Trump also called in to “Fox & Friends” to say that Tester “has a big price to pay” in Montana.  Maybe he will, but Trump’s counterpunches were thrown from an off-balance position when the Trump administration should have been on offense.

These Democratic ploys are stall tactics to keep the President from pushing forward with the agenda that voters put him in the White House to enact.

This isn’t trivial. The Department of Veterans Affairs is in need of a hero to resurrect it from the throes of a corrupt bureaucracy. President Trump heard this firsthand when he met with the veterans organized by Wounded Warrior Project.  Link

Both Trump and Jackson were at fault for not telling Tester and the media to go to hell with their lies.  And that goes for the Republican traitors in the Senate as well, led by the biggest traitor of them all, Mitch McConnell.

Stand and Fight

Back in February of 2017, a huge lie was propagated by the Obama regime inside the DOJ/FBI.  The set-up was on General Michael T. Flynn because the intelligence community is afraid of him and Flynn knows all about their obfuscations and outright lies.  McCabe and Strzok contrived to Destroy General Flynn and they succeeded.

When the two globalist establishment shills, VP Mike Pence and former Chief of Staff Reince Priebus told the President that Flynn lied to the FBI, they probably knew it was a hatchet job on the General.  Right then our President should have said, “All of you get back to work.  I trust Mike Flynn and we’re not going to allow this to happen in my administration.”

In doing so, he would have stopped the ongoing attacks, told them their bull dung would not work, and the sharks would have circled and gone away.  That was our President’s first mistake.  He’s not perfect, but he has cost one of the finest American patriots and knowledgeable intel officers both financially and personally, and he apparently has not learned from that mistake.

Now another great patriot, Ronny Jackson, was the target of libelous and slanderous attacks on his reputation and person.  He and his family have suffered because of it, just like General Flynn.

We all suspect Schumer was responsible for Tester’s attack, just as we know McCabe and Strzok were responsible for the attack on Mike Flynn.  These two military men are returning heroes who fought valiantly for our nation.  President Trump, you need to stand and fight for them…every single time.  Never ever give up.

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Jeff Sessions’ DOJ Slow-Walking Incriminating Evidence So Statute Of Limitations Expires

The lack of trust between the federal government and the American citizens of this country is such a wide gap, we have to renew that trust for the people of this country going forward. —LTG Michael T. Flynn

Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are. —Benjamin Franklin

Furthermore, I am of the opinion that Carthage should be destroyed.  —Marcus Tullius Cicero

Justice seems to have flown out the DOJ/FBI windows, and AG Sessions doesn’t seem in a big hurry to indict anyone.  His continual answer is to wait upon the Inspector General.  The IG has begun to speak.

While we’re all waiting, those prosecutable offenses committed by Hillary, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Brennan, Clapper, Loretta Lynch, Sally Yates, etc., are being slow walked in order that the statute of limitations on their prosecutable crimes expires, and then they’re home free.  Some already have expired.

Seems there are now two systems of justice and the Rule of Law no longer exists.

Clapper, Brennan and Holder

The general federal statute of limitations (18 USC 3282) for felonies stand for the proposition that the government can no longer file criminal charges for an offense once five years has passed, and that includes lying to Congress. Too many who should have been prosecuted long ago are now escaping scot-free.

On 12 March 2018, James Clapper’s five year statute of limitations ran out.  Clapper, Director of National Intelligence from 2010 to 2017, testified during a March 2013 Senate Intelligence Committee hearing that the NSA was “not wittingly” collecting “any type of data at all” on millions of Americans which turned out to be very much untrue.

Rep. Jordan says he believes that pathological liar and former Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper was the one who orchestrated the briefing to the President about the Clinton funded Steele dossier and then immediately afterwards informed CNN that the briefing had taken place. They were then reporting on an actual meeting, the additional layer of protective cover they were looking for to run the “salacious and unverified” work of Clinton fiction via the Steele dossier.  Video link

In March of 2014, former CIA Director John Brennan also lied about spying on Senate Committee investigators regarding CIA torture when they unconstitutionally monitored the computers of committee staff members.

And in May of 2017, Brennan emphatically denied the Steele dossier factored into the intelligence community’s publicly released conclusion last year that Russia meddled in the 2016 election “to help Trump’s chances of victory.” Brennan also swore that he did not know who commissioned the anti-Trump research document (excerpt here), even though senior national security and counterintelligence officials at the DOJ and FBI knew the previous year that the dossier was funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign.  No charges have been filed against him.

How about Eric Holders’ Fast and Furious gunwalking operation on the Mexican border?  He was in contempt of Congress and used “Executive privilege.”  Never charged, statutes have run out.  Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was murdered by a cartel member in 2010 with a gun supplied by the U.S. government via the ATF.

Lois Lerner

In January 2006, Lerner was appointed Director Exempt Organizations. In that capacity, she led an organization of 900 IRS tax law enforcement officials responsible for a broad range of compliance activities, including examining the operational and financial activities of exempt organizations, and processing applications for tax exemption.

In 2013, the IRS revealed that it had selected political groups applying for tax-exempt status for intensive scrutiny based on their names or political themes. This led to wide condemnation of the agency and triggered several investigations, including an FBI criminal probe ordered by AG Holder.

In January 2014, FBI Director Comey told Fox News that its investigation had found no evidence so far warranting the filing of federal criminal charges in connection with the controversy, as it had not found any evidence of “enemy hunting” and that the investigation continued.

In May 2014, Lerner was declared in contempt of Congress in connection with her invocation of her Fifth Amendment not to testify on the matter before a congressional committee.  The contempt resolution, H.Res. 574, was introduced in the United States House of Representatives on May 7, 2014 by Representative Darrell Issa, (R-CA).

On June 13, 2014, the IRS notified Republican congressional investigators that it had lost Lerner’s emails from January 2009 to April 2011 because of a mid-2011 computer crash. The emails were under subpoena as part of the congressional investigation. On June 19, the IRS said that the damaged hard drive containing Lerner’s missing emails had been disposed of more than two years prior.  Yep, disappeared.

On May 7, 2014, the resolution passed on a 231–187 vote, with all Republicans and six Democrats voting in favor, and every other Democrat opposed. Rep. Steve Stockman introduced a measure (never taken up by the House) that, had it been adopted, would have directed Speaker John Boehner to instruct the House sergeant at arms to arrest Lerner for contempt of Congress.

On October 23, 2015, the Justice Department declared that no criminal charges would be filed. On September 8, 2017, the Trump Justice Department declined to reopen the criminal investigation into Lois Lerner, a central figure in the controversy.

Robert Mueller was the FBI Director at the time.

History of Corruption

Hillary Clinton is the big fish who needs to be indicted and charged but keeps evading any prosecution. The challenge for any investigations while she was in office is that the statute of limitations on most federal felonies is only five years, and she left office in early 2013. Time is up!

In 1979 Hillary magically turned a $1,000 “investment” in cattle futures into $100,000 in the space of only one year, and then surprisingly quit never to “invest” again. Many people considered this a one-time payoff from Tyson Foods.

Then came the Whitewater land deal scandal involving the Rose Law Firm (in which Hillary was a partner), and the criminal involvement of the Guaranty Savings and Loan Association.  Jim McDougal went to prison as did Web Hubbell who became assistant AG in the Clinton administration and was later charged with fraud.

Billing records at the law firm exposing Hillary’s involvement in fraud mysteriously disappeared when subpoenaed by the government.  They turned up later in the Clinton White House, after the statute of limitations expired.

Pay to Play

Hillary and Bill became enormously rich through “pay-to-play” speeches and “donations” to the Clinton Foundation. One need only read Peter Schweizer’s book, Clinton Cash, or Charles Ortel’s investigations. Trump has pegged her, “Crooked Hillary.”

In 2016 an FBI investigation was opened regarding the Clinton Foundation “pay to play.”  Human rights-abusing governments, including Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Oman, have donated millions to the Foundation. Saudi Arabia alone has contributed $10 million to $25 million.

Ukrainian steel magnate Victor Pinchuk also gave the foundation $10 to $25 million. He was not shy about asking for help from Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

The Obama DOJ tried to shut down the Foundation investigations. The Inspector General, Obama appointee Michael Horowitz, confirmed the four field investigations were launched when agents found “suspicious activity” between a foreign donor and Clinton Foundation activity in the Los Angeles area.  A Justice Department principal associate deputy attorney general phoned McCabe and pressed him to shut down the continuing investigation. The IG did not identify which who made the call.

Loretta Lynch was attorney general at the time of the call. She had been caught privately meeting with former President Bill Clinton in June 2016 on her government aircraft on the tarmac in Phoenix. That meeting occurred only days before Comey decided not to pursue criminal charges against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for the use of a personal email server that she used to conduct official Department of State business.

The DOJ was a mess under Loretta Lynch.  The tarmac meeting was an example of how the DOJ bent over backwards on behalf of Hillary Clinton and the Clinton regime.  Were there discussions of job offers to Lynch to keep her in control when Hillary was elected?

An October 2016 WSJ article damaged McCabe’s reputation inasmuch as it exposed the $600K given to his wife’s campaign by Clinton supporter, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe.

Rep. Bob Goodlatte, (R-VA) Chairman of House Committee on the Judiciary told Fox News that he believes the idea of shutting down the Clinton Foundation investigations goes all the way to Obama.  Comey kept silent regarding investigations and McCabe had Lisa Page leak to media in order to take the heat off himself with his wife’s campaign donations.  McCabe did shut down the investigation mid-stream after the call.  The IG report proves McCabe’s firing was justified.

In January of 2018, The Hill reported that the DOJ has launched a new inquiry into whether the Clinton Foundation engaged in any pay-to-play politics or other illegal activities while Hillary Clinton served as secretary of State.

No indictments.

Hillary’s Email Scandal

Secretary Clinton used her private server to transmit classified government documents, thus endangering the safety of this country and criminally violating the federal espionage statute.  Comey decides there is no “criminal intent” and claimed she was not aware that she was potentially breaking the law when she sent classified emails using a private server.

After months of obstruction, in August of 2015, Clinton finally produced her server and three thumb drives.  The server has been professionally wiped clean of any useable information, and the thumb drives contained only what she selectively culled. Myriad criminal offenses apply to this conduct.  Years have passed with no charges.  And what about Paul Combetta — the Platte River Networks technician who used the “BleachBit” program to destroy thousands of Hillary Clinton’s emails when they were under congressional subpoena and preservation orders? The Combetta investigation should be reopened.

There were also 13 mobile devices and 5 iPads that the FBI said that in some way were used with her private email server, and Hillary’s aides destroyed them with hammers when they were done using them.

Eric Holder, President Obama, Susan Rice, Valerie Jarrett and other high-ranking administration officials emailed Hillary on her private server about Benghazi and other top secret and classified issues, but none of their emails have been subpoenaed by the DOJ.  Then there’s Hillary’s staffer, Huma Abedin, and her ex-husband Anthony Weiner, both of whom received Hillary’s emails.  That these government docs were on Anthony Weiner’s laptop dramatically illustrates the need for the DOJ to finally do a serious investigation of Hillary Clinton’s and Huma Abedin’s obvious violations of law.  But Comey said, “No criminal intent.”

The countless false statements are crimes under 18 United States Code Section 1001—both by Clinton to Congress (“no classified information”) and in writing by Cheryl Mills to the State Department and filed with Judge Sullivan—in which she states, “On matters pertaining to the conduct of government business, it was her practice to use the officials’ government email accounts.” We already know that Hillary Clinton used her personal server exclusively, but the DOJ claims she never sent classified info intentionally.

On 26 April 18 the FBI released 281 pages of newly uncovered emails from the State Department that Clinton sent and received using her unsecured server. Despite her lies to the contrary, many of them contained classified information, some of them so much so that the entire documents were redacted.

Numerous people are convicted felons under this statute—some for offenses that would never occur to anyone even to be a crime. And these are just a few of the possible statutes that it would appear to any federal prosecutor that she and her corrupt cabal violated.


In the so-called “investigation” that followed, Hillary was not questioned under oath. There was no audio or videotaping of her testimony, and no transcript taken. A former FBI agent wrote the following: “Never, I repeat, never in my 25-year career have I, or any FBI agent known to me, investigated a criminal case without the use of a federal grand jury, federal grand jury subpoenas, search warrants, etc.”

The “fix was in” when then FBI Director Comey exonerated Hillary, even though she was, as the statute required, “grossly negligent.” He used the weak euphemism “extremely careless.”

His cop-out was that Mrs. Clinton didn’t “intend” to break the law. This law, as he well knows, does not require intent. Hillary Clinton was guilty as sin. She should have been indicted, prosecuted and sent to jail!  But the statute of limitations has run out on most of her felonies.

The reason she wasn’t was a result of a criminal conspiracy by people at the highest level of the FBI, director James Comey, deputy director Andrew McCabe, and so many others. These people must all be investigated and prosecuted, before the statute of limitations run out. Link

Sessions DOJ ignores Congress’ subpoena deadline, the coup and Clinton coverup continues.

Benghazi was in 2012, time has run out, four Americans and seven Libyans died.  Trey Gowdy got nothing.

Hillary and Uranium One

Hillary played a pivotal role in the Uranium One deal which ended up giving Russian interests control of 20 percent of our uranium supply in exchange for donations of $145 million to the Clinton Foundation. That is a federal crime. Prior to the sales approval, Bill Clinton gave a one-hour speech in Moscow, got paid half a million for it and then met with Vlad Putin in his home.

Inside this whole money laundering and bribery scheme was FBI Director Robert Mueller, who actually carried a sample of the uranium to Russia for Hillary Clinton. There was an FBI investigation dating back to 2009 that was supervised by then-U.S. Attorney Rod Rosenstein, who is now Deputy Attorney General, and then-Assistant FBI Director Andrew McCabe, recently fired by AG Sessions, and then Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller.  They are up to their eyeballs in covering up evidence of Hillary’s collusion, bordering on treason, with Vladimir Putin’s Russia.

Moscow had compromised an American uranium trucking firm with bribes and kickbacks in violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, FBI and court documents show.

Robert Mueller was head of the FBI from Sept 2001-Sept 2013 until James Comey took over as FBI Director in 2013. They were both involved in this Russian scam being that this case started in 2009 and ended in 2015. And Lois Lerner was at the IRS Charitable Division.  Link  Don’t forget Rosenstein’s wife, attorney Lisa Barsoomian represented many of these characters.

Oh yes, there’s an informant to all this, who had a GAG order on him by the DOJ.  His lawyers are Victoria Toensing and Joe diGenova.

Comey and the Clintons

In the 1990s, Comey served as deputy special counsel on the Senate Whitewater Committee, which investigated Bill and Hillary Clinton’s alleged role in a failed Arkansas real estate venture.  No charges.

Comey was the investigator in 2002 of President Bill Clinton’s pardons of two felons, Marc Rich and Pincus Green.  Rich’s wife had paid $450,000 to the Clinton Foundation in return for her husband’s clemency.  No charges.

Chris Farrell of Judicial Watch questions Comey’s Clinton Foundation probe as weak and unyielding. Farrell states that Comey incriminated himself when he testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee and admitted leaking to his friend Professor Daniel Richman in order to get classified information to the media.  Richman comes and goes in the FBI because he’s a “special employee” of same.  Comey openly stated he did it in order to have a special counsel appointed against President Trump. When he left, he should have been immediately Mirandized and arrested for leaking this information.  Instead he will teach ethical leadership at the College of William & Mary this coming fall semester, and has written a self-aggrandizing book full of trashy fabrications. His various media interviews have only served to incriminate him further.

Comey was right, a special counsel was needed, but not to investigate the salacious and phony Steele dossier paid for by Hillary Clinton and the DNC, but a special counsel to investigate the entire intelligence community and especially the Department of Justice.

The Statute of Limitations is running.


General Mike Flynn, who never lied to anyone, has had his life and finances ripped apart for over a year because he was set-up by McCabe and Strzok, while the statute of limitations runs out on the real criminals.

There are far more who have committed prosecutable crimes, and bit players like Brazile and Wasserman Schultz, so why have only eleven members of Congress signed the letter to Sessions, Wray and Huber demanding criminal referral for violation of federal statutes.  Where are the rest of them?

Furthermore, I am of the opinion that Jeff Sessions should be fired.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Double Standard In Republican Hierarchy, One For Obama, Another For Trump

What if I told you the left wing and the right wing belong to the same bird. —Anonymous

I believe in less government.  I believe in fiscal responsibility and all those things that maybe republicans used to believe in but don’t anymore.  —Clint Eastwood

Yes, the left wing and the right wing both belong to the same bird, and that bird is the destruction of the land of the free and the home of the brave.

Money can’t buy manners, morals, respect, trust, patience, class, integrity, love, character or common sense, and that is why Congress has a 9% approval rating.

Not once during the entire reign of the socialist Muslim loving, race baiting presidency of Barack Hussein Obama did the Congress balk at what Obama wanted, neither did they delay his appointments, unlike what the Republican Senate has done to their own Republican President.  Obama loved spending, and so does the Republican Congress.

Presidential Influence Over Omnibus Bills

Obama and others before him loved Omnibus Bills because they could use these monies in ways to promote their own agendas.

As previously explained an omnibus bill is a single document that is accepted in a single vote by a legislature, but it packages together several measures into one or combines diverse subjects. Because of their large size and scope, omnibus bills limit opportunities for debate and scrutiny, which we’ve just seen. This is part of the rot of an omnibus bill as compared to a budget.

An omnibus bill mixes mandatory spending and discretionary spending. So, does the President have the ability to use the funds as he chooses? Yes, to a point. President Trump was not happy with the Omnibus Spending Bill of 2018 and voiced his displeasure up until he actually signed it at the last minute.  He can’t take money from the Jordan Wall, (why the hell are we building a wall for Jordan?) for example to make his own wall, depending on where those monies are appropriated. But within the budget there are likely places where he can adjust the way the monies are spent, and that includes the military building the wall.  Link

That wall our President wants protects American citizens from criminal illegal aliens and terrorists entering our country as freely as they do now.  And it’s not 11 or 12 million illegals who have crossed our borders, it’s more like 60 million, replacing the aborted American citizen babies murdered in their mothers’ wombs.

Presidents can use their influence over any items that have been appropriated, depending on the agencies involved. Obama used his to influence spending in agencies that were advancing his agenda.  There is little information to tell us how appropriated money is actually spent, and in eight years we never found out what Obama did with the monies in his Omnibus bills, did we?!  Link

Now we have a Republican president who loves this country and wants to keep her citizens protected and safe and these leftist socialist Republican rags (neo-con Trotskyites – Trotsky was a Marxist who murdered 3 million Russian citizens) are willing to thwart what they know Trump could do with the omnibus bill.

The Impoundment Control Act

Impoundment is an act by a President of the United States of not spending money that has been appropriated by the U.S. Congress. Thomas Jefferson was the first president to exercise the power of impoundment in 1801.  The power was available to all presidents up to and including Richard Nixon, and was regarded as a power inherent to the office.

Citing government spending as a reason for surging inflation, Nixon refused to spend nearly $12 billion of congressionally appropriated funds for 1973 and 1974. He claimed that the deficit was causing high inflation and that as a result he needed to curb government spending.

Nixon did so under the executive action known as “impoundment.” Faced with Nixon’s unusually large impoundment, and with the president bogged down in Watergate, Congress rebelled, passing legislation to make impoundment illegal. Nixon vetoed the bill, Congress overrode his veto, and Nixon stood his ground. The administration challenged the new law barring impoundment, but a federal court sided with Congress, saying impoundment was unconstitutional.

The 1974 Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act modified the role of Congress in the federal budgetary process. It created standing budget committees in both the House and the Senate, established the Congressional Budget Office, and moved the beginning of the fiscal year from July 1 to October 1, once again the bureaucracy in increased…thanks to Congress.

The Impoundment Act Goals

The Act had two main goals: (1) strengthen and centralize Congress’ budget authority; (2) reduce the President’s impoundment authority. The latter was done by drafting detailed guidelines restricting how the President can impound funds already appropriated by Congress.

The Impoundment Control Act of 1974 provides that the president may propose rescission of specific funds, but that rescission must be approved by both the House and Senate within 45 days.  Congress can approve the rescissions with a simple majority vote, no clotures, no filibusters.  However, the requirement removed the Presidential impoundment power, since Congress is not required to vote on the rescission and, they have ignored the vast majority of presidential requests.

Congress doesn’t mind the practice as long as its use is fairly trivial. But if a president actually uses it in big enough chunks to make a difference, they go nuts.

Recent Usage of Impoundment

Barack Hussein Obama, aka Barry Soetoro never saw an omnibus spending bill he didn’t like.  We know that because the debt doubled.  George Bush never used impoundment, whereas Reagan used the act several times.  Nevertheless, even with over $75 billion being requested, Congress only agreed to $25 billion in cuts.  Can you see who the unconstitutional spenders are…both Republican and Democrat?

With a Republican majority in both houses of Congress, our Republican President could request that McConnell and Ryan impound all of the Democratic wish list in the 2018 Omnibus bill, but the reality is they were just as pleased with this outrageous bipartisan leftist spending as Schumer and Pelosi.

Mitch McConnell, the “leader” of the Senate has failed to support his own party’s president, and has waffled on everything the President requests, and is even allowing speculation about a bill to keep the President from firing Mueller.  Now he has even killed President Trump’s plan to cut $60 billion in spending…a pittance, and McConnell won’t even allow that.  What a traitor.

Then there’s Speaker of the House, turncoat Paul Ryan hoping to push amnesty for illegal alien law breakers through the house before he leaves in nine months, and he won’t leave now…why?  Because this moderate leftist Republican wants to do as much damage as possible before he exits to run for President.

Top it all off with Vice President Pence’s lack of personal loyalty to the President.  Pence actually hired Nikki Haley’s deputy Jon Lerner, a virulent anti-Trumper.  Lerner crafted brutal attack ads for David McIntosh’s pro-amnesty Club for Growth’s multimillion-dollar anti-Trump blitz during the Republican primaries.  Remember that Nikki Haley is another neo-con, but fortunately has done as her boss directed in her position as UN Ambassador, unlike other Trump appointees.

Chief of Staff John Kelly told colleagues that Pence’s chief of staff Nick Ayers, who orchestrated the appointment, had not “fully informed” him of Lerner’s anti-Trump history. Ayers and Lerner have worked together in the past for Haley, among other campaigns. Trump tried to put the kibosh on this appointment, but then Pence spoke with him and Trump relented.

Fortunately, Lerner has withdrawn his name for Pence’s National Security Advisor.


The swamp our President works in is filled with an over abundance of poisonous and vicious snakes.  Republicans have been just as divisive and antagonistic to our President’s campaign promises as have the Democrats.  Truly, they are false friends and how obvious does it need to be for Trump supporters to see that they’re part of the same globalist agenda as the left.

Who is advising our President to choose people for his administration from the swamp?  Why is he not seeking credentialed people from the heartland who supported and worked for him throughout his campaign?  This is what troubles so many of us.  How we wish that a few of us could get an hour of his time and send him toward valuable people who would help him gain even greater achievements.

Pray for Mr. Trump and his family and pray for his protection.  We really need to pray against the fiery darts of the evil ones because there are many, especially in the swamp.

P.S. Please consider donating to NewsWithViews.  Our CEO, Paul Walter works daily not just on this website but throughout his community to save our beloved country from communist takeover.  Why?  Because he escaped, just like President Trump’s beautiful wife Melania, from communist Slovenia years ago.  America is the last bastion of hope for freedom.  There is nowhere else to run to.  Please consider donating funds to NewsWithViews monthly.  Thank you and tell your friends to sign up for daily emails from this conservative website.

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Mueller’s Team Of Legal Terrorists Plot To Destroy Our President

Mueller and his gang have weaponized the criminalized justice system attorney. These no-knock raids that were done on his personal lawyer’s house and offices, those kinds of tactics are reserved for dope dealers and terrorists. —Attorney Victoria Toensing on Lou Dobbs, 9 April 2018

Donald J. Trump is our legally elected President, but the establishment cabal, including a majority of the Republicans, are fighting him tooth and nail at every turn. Mitch McConnell stated that Mueller “should be allowed to finish his job.” Chuck Grassley said that it would be “suicide” for Mr. Trump to fire the special counsel. Our President has always been the target. The agenda is to remove him from the White House and install another globalist who would follow orders. Establishment insider Mike Pence comes to mind.  Meanwhile, Pence is silent as a stone, just licking his chops for the top job.

Time for the Long Knives Mr. President

And if our President doesn’t get out his long knives and begin chopping, he will not last against this entirely illegal, unconstitutional, and unjustified onslaught.  Trump is in a battle for his life, he needs to fire these basturds (purposeful misspelling) no matter what the Congress and advisers say.  Who the hell are his advisers anyway? Rosenstein needs to be immediately ousted over his secret messages to Mueller who has completely undermined the legal process and has extended his probe well beyond its initial scope.

All these chummy fellows, Wray, Mueller, Rosenstein, McCabe, Strzok, Ohr, Page, the rest of Obama’s gang, and Rosenstein’s wife, Lisa Barsoomian, are as far left as they come and are working to destroy this legally elected American President.  Why?  Because he’s set fire to their plans and disrupted their goals and they hate him for it along with all of us “deplorables” who voted for him.

Rotten Rosenstein

Chris Farrell of Judicial Watch asks how Rosenstein is even allowed into the DOJ every day since he was the one who convinced Sessions to recuse himself in early March of 2017, and then he called for Trump to fire Comey and even wrote a letter stating same in May of 2017.  Rosenstein then names his close buddy, Mueller as the special counsel to investigate Trump’s firing of Comey.  Trump had every right to fire James Comey and now Comey has a new self-aggrandizing book out lauding his “accomplishments,” when he should have been prosecuted for leaking to the New York Times when he was the FBI Director.  His wife and daughters all voted for Hillary and marched in an anti-Trump parade.

How the hell did this immoral, ill mannered, boorish incompetent ever make it to the top?  His actions while Director, and his recent filth laden book of lies tells me our President should have fired Comey the very day he took office.

The old adage of cream always rising to the top doesn’t fit Comey.  My grandparents were dairy farmers and I remember the fresh milk coming into Gram’s kitchen.  She would pasteurize it and then put it in the fridge to cool.  When it was cooled, she’d take it out and skim the “scum” off the top and dump it down the drain.  Underneath the scum was cream, and below that was rich milk.  A good lesson to remember.

Because AG Sessions recused himself from the investigation, Rosenstein became acting Attorney General, with all the powers that entails for purposes of the Russia probe. As such, Rosenstein had full authority to unilaterally pass responsibility off to Mueller, who will continue the already yearlong investigation without reporting through the normal FBI and DOJ chain-of-command.

Last August Rosenstein stated that Mueller can’t expand the investigation without requesting additional authority.  Quite obviously Rosenstein has given free rein to Mueller to investigate anything outside the purview of the so-called Russia collusion.

Mueller has veered sharply off course into matters that have nothing to do with Russia’s tampering with our 2016 election. He either has to be reeled in to do the job he was hired to do, where there isn’t a shred of evidence, or be fired.

Our Lily-Livered Attorney General Jeff Sessions

The President needs to call Sessions into his office and tell him to rein in Mueller, that his only investigation is into Russian collusion.  If Sessions refuses to do that for whatever reason, then Trump needs to hand him his resignation and say, “Sign here.”  I would do this immediately, but perhaps it would work best during a Congressional recess.  That way Trump could temporarily appoint whomever he wishes, just as G. W. Bush did with John Bolton as Ambassador to the UN in order to break through the wall of opposition.

The President absolutely cannot choose from the swamp.  He has three choices and they are Rudy Giuliani, Joe diGenova, and Gregg Jarrett.  Giuliani had the fortitude and chutzpah to put five mob dons in prison while there were many death threats against him and his family. Joe diGenova has proven that the knows exactly where the corruption lies and what should be done. Gregg Jarrett has openly stated that, “The FBI has become America’s secret police and Mueller is using them as a political weapon.” Choosing any one of these three sharks would guarantee an elimination of the FBI nest of vipers.

Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!  Believe me, Trump’s base would rally around him.

Cohen Raid Treachery

On 9 April 18, federal investigators searched the office, home and Manhattan hotel room of President Donald Trump’s longtime lawyer, Michael Cohen, seizing communications between the lawyer and his clients that cover topics including payments to the former porn actress known as Stormy Daniels, according to a person familiar with the matter.  Many of Cohen’s client interviews are on tape.  Think these private conversations won’t leak to the leftist press?  Think again, the FBI has a bad history.

The searches were executed at the direction of the southern district of Manhattan U.S. attorney’s office, which has opened an investigation that is being coordinated with the office of special counsel Robert Mueller.

Stormy Daniels has nothing to do with Russian collusion, neither did the Michael Flynn set-up by McCabe and gang, neither did the raid on Manafort’s home, and neither does the 13-year-old Access Hollywood tape.

As journalist Daniel Greenfield said, “The entire basis for this witch hunt was the Steele Dossier. And that was covertly paid for by the Obama/Clinton law firm, Perkins Coie and was lied about on FEC disclosures.  If a special prosecutor had dedicated a fraction of the time investigating the Clinton world that Mueller did to nailing assorted Trump associates on process crimes, there would be an actual case. We are headed for a major showdown. And its outcome will determine who runs this country, the people or Washington D.C.”

An equally important harm is to important relationships that are protected by the law: between lawyer and client, priest and penitent, doctor and patient, husband and wife, etc.

If the ordinary citizen sees that even the president’s confidential communications with his lawyer can be seized and perused, he or she will be far less willing to engage in such communications. As a society we value such communications; that is why our laws protect them and that is why it should be extremely difficult for the government to intrude upon them, except as a last recourse in extremely important cases.

From what we know, this case does not meet those stringent standards. Much of the material sought from Cohen by the warrant could probably be obtained through other sources, such as bank, tax and other records that are subject to subpoena.

Michael Cohen’s lawyer, Stephen Ryan stated, “The decision by the U.S. Attorney’s Office in New York to conduct their investigation using search warrants is completely inappropriate and unnecessary.  It resulted in the unnecessary seizure of protected attorney client communications between a lawyer and his clients.”

Rep. Jim Jordan said, “The FBI raided Trump’s lawyer and got privileged information, yet they let Hillary Clinton destroy emails, her telephones and even her hard drives with bleach bit.”  Double standard for the rotten Obama/Clinton FBI.

Professor Alan Dershowitz

Professor Dershowitz, although a staunch Democrat, comes down on the side of the law and has stated, “This is a very dangerous day today for lawyer-client relations.”

“I tell clients on my word of honor that what you tell me is sacrosanct,” Dershowitz added later. “And now they say, just based on probable cause … they can burst into the office, grab all the computers, and then give it to another FBI agent and say, “You’re the firewall. We want you now to read all these confidential communications, tell us which ones we can get and which ones we can’t get.”

“If this were Hillary Clinton being investigated and they went into her lawyer’s office, the American Civil Liberties Union would be on every television station in America, jumping up and down,” he said.

“The unalienable Bill of Rights protects from this kind of government intrusion.”  Dershowitz writes, “The Fifth Amendment is an exclusionary rule. By its terms, it prevents material obtained in violation of the privilege of self-incrimination from being used to incriminate a defendant – that is, to convict him or her of a crime.

But the Fourth and Sixth Amendments provide far broader protections: they prohibit government officials from in any way intruding on the privacy of lawyer-client confidential rights of citizens.

If the government improperly seizes private or privileged material, the violation has already occurred, even if the government never uses the material from the person from whom it was seized.”

Well Alan, there’s a double standard, the ACLU only protects the socialist left, to hell with the unconstitutional attacks on anyone conservative.

FBI Failures and Corruption

One need only remember the FBI’s jaded past…Waco, Ruby Ridge, Elmer Geronimo Pratt who was framed for murder by the FBI in 1968 and spent 26 years in prison for a crime he never committed, the Las Vegas slaughter, Parkland, the Tsarnaev brothers, and the many scandals under FBI Director Robert Mueller.

Omar Mateen, who killed 49 people and wounded 58 others at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando in June 2016, had previously been the subject of a 10-month FBI terrorism investigation.

Esteban Santiago, who killed five people and wounded eight at the Fort Lauderdale airport in January 2017, had walked into an FBI office in Alaska with a loaded handgun magazine two months earlier and reported having “terroristic thoughts.”

Al Qaeda (AQ) hostage Matt Schrier, an American photojournalist appeared on Fox News and dropped a bold claim. The FBI allegedly betrayed him in order to track AQ while he was being held by al Nusra and tortured in Syria, and Matt said he can prove it.  Here’s the interview.

Robert Mueller took criminal investigative action against Paul Manafort a week before he had permission from Rosenstein to do so, which was outside the purview of his investigation.  The pre-dawn witch hunt FBI raid had nothing to do with Mueller’s Trump/Russia investigation.


Mueller’s job was defined as being at the start of all this, courtesy of the Legal Insurrection blog, “The Special Counsel is authorized to conduct the investigation confirmed by then-FBI Director James B. Comey in testimony before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on March 20, 2017, including: (i) any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump; and (ii) any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation; and (iii) any other matters within the scope of 28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a).”

When the book on U.S.-Russian/Soviet diplomacy is finally written, it will show collusion was basically a pillar of Democratic foreign policy from the 1970s on, from Teddy Kennedy and Jimmy Carter to Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Mueller’s investigation linking Trump with Russian collusion is going nowhere, so he has decided to broaden the investigation.  It is beyond his brief as a Special Counsel and he should be told to stick to what he’s supposed to do, but Rosenstein is silent.

Mueller’s limited investigation has now turned into a free-for-all investigation in which he is looking to find a crime, any crime, that he can even remotely attach to Donald Trump’s past activities, whether related to the Russia-collusion scandal or not. That will give the Democrats what they wanted all along: An all-purpose reason to pursue impeachment charges against Trump.

It is an attempt at a legal coup, an attempt to overturn the results of a lawful election by the American people.  In short, Mueller isn’t empowered to do this extraordinarily wide-ranging investigation into all things Trump.

Mueller has to be reeled in, better yet, he needs to be shut down and fired. [Link]

Mr. President, time to cut the Deep State down. Do it now!

P.S.  Our country needs citizens who will stand up for her and for her Constitution. This is the call of the editor of NewsWithViews.com. He has put his reputation and finances on the line for our country.  Please help him keep the truth arriving daily in your mailbox and tell your friends to sign up on the website to receive daily email alerts. And please, you can donate here, even if it’s just a small amount every month, it helps keep freedom and truth alive.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

McCabe And Strzok Contrived To Destroy Lt. General Flynn

We’re in a world war against a messianic mass movement of evil people, most of them inspired by a totalitarian ideology, Radical Islam. But we are not permitted to speak or write those two words, which is potentially fatal to our culture.  —The Field of Fight by Lt. General Michael T. Flynn

The above quote by General Flynn is one of many reasons he is a threat to the massive intel community and was targeted for removal from the Trump administration by Mueller and the traitorous partisan ilk within the FBI.

It is becoming obvious that this man who bleeds red, white and blue never lied to anyone, including VP Pence.  For over a year we have watched what has happened to this great American patriot, who served his country with dedication and honor for nearly 35 years while those who have committed multiple crimes are never prosecuted.

What has happened to Mike since he left the Trump administration is an American tragedy and his siblings have started the Mike Flynn legal defense fund.  The exorbitant cost of legal defense has financially broken this family, and they need our help.

After AG Sessions recused himself, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein appointed Mueller nearly a year ago to lead an investigation without parameters. Mueller’s job is to obscure the abuses of the US surveillance apparatus that occurred under the Obama administration.

Mueller illegally had a pre-dawn raid on Paul Manafort, and now he’s raided the home and office of Trump’s attorney Michael Cohen.  Sessions, Mueller, Wray and Rosenstein all need to be fired now. They are all traitors!

Flynn’s Legal Phone Conversations

As the new National Security Adviser (NSA), Flynn’s legal phone conversations with Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak were taped and leaked to media.  Those conversations were perfectly legal.  As the NSA, it was entirely reasonable that he discussed policy with representatives of other governments — and Flynn was getting calls from all around the world.  These calls were made one month prior to Trump’s inauguration.  The people who recorded these conversations and leaked them to the press should be up for federal charges.

While Flynn did not deny the Kislyak conversation, which was entirely legal, he denied discussing sanctions with the Russians. Mueller charged him with lying or misleading federal investigators under 18 U.S.C. 1001. He did so even though investigators working under former FBI Director James Comey reportedly had concluded that Flynn did not intend to lie and should not be charged criminally for the omission.

“It wasn’t about sanctions, it was about the 35 guys who were thrown out,” said Flynn. “So that’s what it turned out to be. It was basically, ‘Look, I know this happened. We’ll review everything.’ I never said anything such as, ‘We’re going to review sanctions,’ or anything like that.”

He said this is what he apologized to Pence for failing to make clear in his discussions with the vice president because Pence went on to explicitly state that Flynn did not talk about the diplomats with Kislyak. Accounts of Flynn’s interviews with the FBI suggest he didn’t believe his brief reference to the expelled diplomats counted as “discussing sanctions” with the Russian ambassador. That would seem to clarify the discrepancies between various leak-driven reports about whether Flynn was in serious legal jeopardy with the FBI.

And there was nothing criminal about Flynn’s request of Kislyak to delay or oppose a United Nations Security Council vote on an anti-Israel resolution that the outgoing Obama administration refused to veto, even if he were instructed to do so by higher-ups in the Trump transition team. The same is true of his discussions regarding sanctions. The president-elect is entitled to have different policies about sanctions and to have his transition team discuss them with Russian officials.

“The communication was completely correct, calm, absolutely transparent,” Kislyak said during a panel discussion on Russian television, Reuters reported.

Flynn Never Lied

In March 2017, then-FBI Director James Comey briefed a number of Capitol Hill lawmakers on the Trump-Russia investigation. One topic of intense interest was the case of Michael Flynn.  According to two sources familiar with the meetings, Comey told lawmakers that the FBI agents who interviewed Flynn did not believe that Flynn had lied to them, or that any inaccuracies in his answers were intentional. As a result, those in attendance came away with the impression that Flynn would not be charged with a crime pertaining to the Jan. 24 interview by FBI agents. Link

Investigators believe that Andrew McCabe lied, but unlike Flynn, it is highly unlikely he will ever be prosecuted. Justice Department lawyers are virtually never charged with false statements by their colleagues. There is no such reluctance in using this easily charged crime against targets outside of the department, and Flynn was a target.

Former FBI Assistant Director James Kallstrom told Fox News that “high-ranking people throughout the government… had a plot to not have Hillary Clinton indicted so that she could remain the flawed candidate that she was.”

Kallstrom said the “plot” to fix the 2016 election goes “right to the top,” meaning President Obama and former CIA director John Brennan.  “I hope Gen. Flynn sues a lot of people, because he was handled so bad… He didn’t lie to the FBI. They didn’t even interview him about a crime. He was in his legal authorized mode when all that happened,” he said. “They are the people who committed felonies, not the General. They’ve ruined Flynn and because they threatened his son, you know, they bankrupted this guy that gave his life to this country. Just the whole dealings. Look how they dealt with the IRS! There are so many things they have done badly.”

FBI Meeting with Flynn

Deep State players Andrew McCabe and Peter Strzok blindsided Flynn on January 24, 2017, with an unannounced questioning of the General. A brief phone call from the office of Andrew McCabe to a scheduler for Flynn on Jan. 24 set the interview in motion, according to people familiar with the matter. The scheduler was told the FBI wanted to speak with Flynn later that day and the meeting was placed on Flynn’s schedule. The scheduler didn’t ask the reason for the meeting, and the FBI didn’t volunteer it.

Typically, a lawyer for the National Security Council would be informed of such a meeting and be present for it. The unannounced meeting took General Flynn by surprise inasmuch as he thought it was a routine meeting since he was the NSA for the new administration.  Thus, he did not have his own lawyer present and met with the two federal agents alone.

Later that day, two FBI agents arrived at the White House to speak with Flynn.  “No one knew that any of this was happening,” said a senior White House official who was there at the time.

“Apparently it was not clear to Flynn that this was about his personal conduct,” another White House official said. “So, he didn’t think of bringing his own lawyer.”

FBI agent Peter Strzok was one of two FBI agents who interviewed Flynn.  The other FBI special agent is described as a field supervisor in the “Russian Squad, at the FBI’s Washington Field Office,” according to a former intelligence official, with knowledge of the interview. Link

Professor Says Rethink Guilty Plea

Law Professor Jonathan Turley, of George Washington University, said that prior to the firing of FBI Director James Comey, investigators concluded that Flynn did not lie to them.  “That changed when Mueller and his team came in,” he said. “They decided to frankly hammer Flynn on that and other possible charges.”

Turley cited a 1963 Supreme Court case, Brady v. Maryland, in which the court decided that exculpatory evidence – evidence that may help prove innocence – must be presented to the defendant by the prosecution.  Turley says the General should rethink his guilty plea.

“Part of the interesting contrast as well is that Michael Flynn was accused of misleading investigators about something that wasn’t illegal, not even unprecedented. The meeting with Russians didn’t violate a law,” Turley continued. “What McCabe did was a violation.” Criminal charges should be brought against him.

Mike Flynn never lied to anyone.  Once he was investigated regarding his calls to Ambassador Kislyak, which he made at the behest of Jared Kushner, and was found innocent, he thought he was out of the woods.  But, McCabe had set him up despite the FBI saying he was innocent.

At 4:34 in this 2 December 2017 video of Lou Dobbs interviewing Chris Farrell, Director of Investigations and Research for Judicial Watch, the latter states that he could put an innocent man in a room and question him for two hours and claim he lied.  This is what was done to Mike Flynn, without a lawyer, without Miranda, and it was a set up because Mike was NSA and when McCabe asked to talk to him, he thought it was natural.  It wasn’t.

What is the FD-302?

The FD-302 form is used by FBI agents to “report or summarize the interviews that they conduct” and contains information from the notes taken during the interview. How credible are the reports of interviews filed by FBI agents working a case? In fact, such reports are known to be so unreliable that in one case, a federal judge refused to be interviewed by agents unless he was allowed to review their report and make corrections.

The process is thus: two FBI agents ask questions and listen to the answers—without tape recording or obtaining a certified transcript. Instead, they return to their office and, based on their recollection and any notes they may have taken during the interview, write up a summary of what transpired. Summaries are, in most cases, written hours later, sometimes even the following day.

A former U.S. intelligence official told Sara Carter, “with the recent revelation that Strzok was removed from the Special Counsel investigation for making anti-Trump text messages it seems likely that the accuracy and veracity of the FD-302 of Flynn’s interview as a whole should be reviewed and called into question.”

The intel official added, “The most logical thing to happen would be to call the other FBI Special Agent present during Flynn’s interview before the Grand Jury to recount his version. Strzok’s allegiance to Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was unwavering and very well known.”

On 30 January 18, investigative journalist Sara Carter reported on Fox News that outgoing FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe may be in serious trouble if the information she had received from FBI sources proves to be true.  “I have been told tonight by a number of sources … that McCabe may have asked FBI agents to actually change their 302s,” Carter told host Sean Hannity.

On 18 February 18, Gateway Pundit reported that investigative journalist Mike Cernovich dropped the bombshell that McCabe altered his 302 of the Flynn interview, and deleted all history of revisions.  Cernovich claims the Inspector General knows McCabe changed Peter Strzok’s 302 notes on General Flynn.

In a letter to Rosenstein and Sessions, Graham and Grassley asked this, “Did the FBI agents document their interview with Lt. Gen. Flynn in one or more FD-302s? What were the FBI agents’ conclusions about Lt. Gen. Flynn’s truthfulness, as reflected in the FD-302s? Were the FD-302s ever edited? If so, by whom? At who’s direction? How many drafts were there? Are there material differences between the final draft and the initial draft(s) or the agent’s testimony about the interview? What information did the FBI present to the DOJ regarding this interview, or any other investigative steps involving Lt. Gen. Flynn, and when? What, if anything, did the DOJ do with this information?”

Peter Strzok

Peter Strzok, a former Army ranger, also oversaw the FBI’s interviews with former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn. Newly released text messages revealed that Strzok had a personal relationship with U.S. District Court Judge Rudolph Contreras who originally presided over Flynn’s case before being recused and replaced by Judge Emmet Sullivan who has now delayed sentencing until May 2018.

Judge Contreras was one of the Federal Investigative Surveillance Act (FISA) court judges who may have heard the DOJ/FBI Clinton dossier case for surveillance and wiretapping of General Flynn the incoming Trump administration.  Agent Strzok also had direct contact with Christopher Steele, the author of the “Russian Dossier.”

We need answers as to whether Contreras was the presiding judge who granted the FISA warrant that led to General Flynn’s plea.  Did Contreras accept the Russian dossier by Steele when he was in the employ of the Clinton campaign?  Did he think it was objective and credible evidence for justifying a FISA surveillance against Flynn and others?

If so, does this taint the evidence and the circumstances that led Flynn to accept a guilty plea while being squeezed by Special Counsel Mueller’s team?

Mueller’s Partisan Hatred

The Mueller investigation is so ripe with partisan hatred that daily we hear of new FBI failures, deceptions and evasions.  Andrew McCarthy says, Mueller’s Investigation Flouts Justice Department Standards, and he’s so right.  “Rod Rosenstein’s failure to set limits on Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation. To trigger the appointment of a special counsel, federal regulations require the Justice Department to identify the crimes that warrant investigation and prosecution — crimes that the Justice Department is too conflicted to investigate in the normal course; crimes that become the parameters of the special counsel’s jurisdiction.

Rosenstein, instead, put the cart before the horse: Mueller was invited to conduct a fishing expedition, a boundless quest to hunt for undiscovered crimes, rather than an investigation and prosecution of known crimes.”

Fox commentator and Defense Attorney, Gregg Jarrett said that Mueller, in his court filing, admits that Rosenstein’s order appointing him was intentionally vague. This violates the special counsel law that requires a specific statement of facts to be investigated and Rosenstein and Mueller colluded to break the law and should resign.

Chris Farrell of Judicial Watch says much the same thing and calls the DOJ a “star chamber.”


General Flynn was targeted by Deep State globalists Andrew McCabe and his bagman Peter Strzok.  Mike’s lawyer made a deal to plea to a lie, (a process crime) which is very minor…to get Mike and his son out from under the continual stress and financial pressure.  Mike is guilty of nothing, and he should still be in the Trump administration.  The entire case against General Michael T. Flynn should be dismissed!

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Sessions Says No Second Special Counsel

Works which endure come from the soul of the people. The mighty in their pride walk alone to destruction. The humble walk hand in hand with Providence to immortality. Their works survive.  —President Calvin Coolidge

No Second Special Counsel Warranted

Jeff Sessions, the Attorney General’s office, and the United States Justice Department are not going to appoint a special counsel to investigate anything as it relates to what went on with the Obama FBI, Hillary Clinton, the Uranium One deal, Pay to Play, missing emails, James Comey and the FBI’s leftwing partisans who set in motion the phony Trump/Russia collusion.  He sent a letter to the Chairmen of both the House and Senate Judiciary Committees.

The AG sites the regulations as it relates to special counsels.  “Pursuant to DOJ regulations, the appointment of a special counsel by design is reserved for use in only the most extraordinary circumstances.  The public interest would be served by removing a large degree of the responsibility for the matter from the DOJ. The Department has successfully investigated and prosecuted many high-profile resource intensive matters since the regulations were promulgated in 1999, but the regulations standard had been found to be satisfied on only two occasions.”

And guess what one of those two occasions was!? The appointment of the special counsel to investigate President Donald J. Trump.

Sessions Names John Huber

Sessions has had several federal prosecutors monitoring and reviewing the matters at issue here.  He has now named one of them, United States attorney John Huber of Utah an Obama apointee.  Huber was appointed by Sessions to investigate the FBI’s surveillance of Carter Page and connections between the Clinton Foundation and Uranium One, last  November 2017. The AG has said that Huber will be working with the IG who has purview to investigate both criminal wrong doing and violations of the rules by members of the DOJ and FBI.  The IG can’t prosecute anyone, and Huber will be working with him, and it’s pretty clear in Sessions’ letter that Huber cannot prosecute anyone.

Huber is going to review the matters the IG already has investigated and Sessions will receive his recommendation as to whether any matters not currently under investigation should be opened, whether any matters currently under investigation require further resources, or whether any matters merit the appointment of a special counsel. [Link]

So, Sessions has hired one of their own employees to investigate themselves…what a joke.  It’s Rod Rosenstein’s conduct that is in question, a second special counsel is needed, and it’s needed now!

Sessions Loses Credibility Again

This career US Attorney from outside of DC was selected to alleviate the appearance of being swamp connected, someone from Utah with connections to Mitch McConnell’s boy Sen Mike Lee who strongly endorsed Huber.  Lee has hated Trump from the beginning and still does but has an underserved reputation for integrity. The unknown John Huber was their choice.

Lee is no conservative, one need only check his voting record and where he stands on many issues.  He has promoted virtually unlimited Muslim immigration and lifted caps on several categories of visas.  His stances are anathema to those of President Trump.  Lee supported Ted Cruz and worked diligently to destroy candidate Trump.  He’s another establishment elitist.  His support of Huber is not surprising.

Brilliant or Slow Walking?

Sessions alleges he intends to more fully build his case first – using the Investigation of Inspector General Horowitz in tandem with that team of outside prosecutors.  Remember that Sessions fired all 46 Obama era prosecutors, and Huber was rehired and then reconfirmed under Trump.

In Breitbart’s recent article, George Washington University Law Professor John Turley called it “brilliant” to combine all the powers of the U.S. Department of Justice’s inspector general with a prosecutor who can bring charges, seek indictments, and get results for President Trump far more quickly than a second special counsel.  Really?  It’s been a year and there are no charges!

Slow walking this investigation has infuriated Trump supporters and Congressional investigators.  And if Huber remains in Utah, he has no power to bring charges or seek indictments. Judge Napolitano suggests that should Huber move to D.C., he may be fulfilling the role of a special counsel.  I’m not buying it Judge!

An Investigation to Investigate

We need a more substantive investigation of what was going on with the Obama Justice Department and FBI in terms of targeting Donald Trump.  But all the AG has agreed to do is to promise Congress he’s got these folks led by Huber who will decide whether to investigate! There is no promise of any investigation, just the promise of a review, and an investigation as to whether to investigate.

What about James Comey who just said boo and a special counsel is appointed to investigate President Trump and his people for everything and anything under the sun, and Mueller can look into anything.  We have these “in your face” violations of the law and abuses of power by the Obama Justice Department and FBI, and they’re ignored.  Andrew McCabe even lied to investigators and now he’s whining about it.  Send McCabe a box of pacifiers for his “woe is me crap.” Where is there any serious investigation into what really needs investigating?

And what about the newly uncovered text messages between FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page which suggest a possible coordination between high-ranking officials at the Obama White House, CIA, FBI, Justice Department and former Senate Democratic leadership in the early stages of the investigation into alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, according to GOP congressional investigators.  Sounds like the DOJ is sweeping this info under the rug.  Link

Sessions is relying on the Inspector General (IG) Michael Horowitz, an internal watchdog, originally appointed by Obama, and an outside prosecutor, Huber, also appointed by Obama, who is not impaneling a grand jury or doing a prosecution. The prosecutor is just looking at the record and may suggest additional resources.  And nothing is going to be done!

There is no public knowledge of any investigation going on by the Justice Department into any of the matters the public cares about.  We don’t need new prosecutors!  We need prosecutions.

Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) House Judiciary Chairman, notes that the IG cannot investigate in the same manner that Congress and a second special counsel can, and secondly urges the IG to release his report on the FBI and DOJ corruption in handling the Clinton email investigation before starting on a new project.  He adds, “In the meantime we need the documents that we’ve subpoenaed and we need them unredacted.”  Yeah, well they’re slow walking the documents at a snail’s pace.

Where is the RULE OF LAW?

There is more than enough evidence to arrest Hillary Clinton.  The evidence was gathered by the compromised and lying/leaking former FBI Director, James Comey.  There were repeated incidences of the purposeful mishandling of classified information, obstruction and countless lies.  We don’t need special prosecutors, we need someone to prosecute this very obvious case!

There needs to be a more substantive investigation of what was going on with Obama, the Justice Department and FBI in terms of targeting Donald Trump.  But all that AG Sessions has agreed to do is to promise Congress he has investigators led by the Obama appointed U.S. Utah attorney Huber who will decide whether to even investigate!

The unconscionable betrayal by Sessions of Donald Trump with his recusal has cost our President.  Not just Sessions, but Mueller, Rosenstein, Wray and all of them have each other’s backs, and care nothing about the “Rule of Law.”  The rule of law is the principle that law should govern a nation, as opposed to being governed by decisions of individual government officials such as the cronies in the FBI.

Sessions has lost all credibility with putting a Utah leftist in charge.  Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows said in a tweet: “So the Obama DOJ can open a legally questionable investigation into the Trump campaign—allegedly based on a campaign volunteer mouthing off at a London bar—but this DOJ can’t appoint a second special counsel after all the troubling documents we’ve seen? Disappointing.”

Disappointing isn’t the only word I’d use.

Goodlatte, Grassley and Gowdy

Sessions’s letter of explanation satisfied a trio of GOP leaders, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) and House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.), who had sent letters to Sessions requesting a second special counsel.

Goodlatte and Gowdy emerged from nowhere as the faces of the probe into Obama DOJ corruption. They played bad cop until Huber was appointed, now “It’s all good.” Really?

Goodlatte was not well known to many Americans as the establishment tool he has always been, so a few key MAGA-friendly statements over the course of a few months may have served to craft a public persona that fit their needs.

Rep. Trey Gowdy is already well known, though his chronic failures to produce results as in the botched Benghazi sham investigation, have caused many to see him as all bark and no bite, the personification of what President Trump complained about as the typical Republicans populating the GOP. And of course, Gowdy thinks Mueller is wonderful and has lauded his choice for special counsel over and over again.


Two Obama holdovers, Horowitz and Huber are investigating corruption within the Obama administration.  Right, and we should expect results?  Lovely isn’t it…Sessions has not taken charge of this department and he’s failing his boss big time.  Conservatives are apoplectic, believing there is more than enough evidence of wrongdoing at the FBI and widespread conflicts of interest within the DOJ to justify an outside prosecutor.

“If he’s not going to appoint a second special counsel then he should step down,” said Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), a member of the conservative House Freedom Caucus.

Sessions is not viewed as trustworthy by a large portion of the American people, particularly the informed Trump base.  From what it looks like, the AG is trying to have his cake and eat it, too. He wants to give the American people the illusion of an independent investigation without actually going all the way and appointing a special counsel. There are serious allegations hanging in the air about how the Obama DOJ handled the Trump investigation in the early stages, and the American people deserve a serious inquiry.

How I’d love to see Joe diGenova replace Sessions.  Can you hear us President Trump?

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© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

FBI Conspiracy To Destroy General Flynn And Ultimately President Trump

These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:  A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood; An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief; A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren. —Proverbs 6:16-19 KJV

Long gone is United States Justice Department integrity. The phony Mueller investigation would have never started had Sessions not recused himself.  Rep. Louis Gohmert (R-TX) says Mueller should be fired.  Chris Farrell of Judicial Watch called Mueller’s tainted efforts, “fruits of a poisonous tree.”  The DOJ knows Trump Russian Collusion is a sham.

FBI corruption has become all too obvious via Obama and Clinton allies, but worse yet, the hatred for our former National Security Advisor General Michael T. Flynn by the intelligence community and especially Andrew McCabe and his FBI cohorts is well known.  Why? Because General Flynn knows Islamic extremists are growing in number, power and penetration into Western targets, he knows the government has minimized the actions of terrorists and sought to separate them from Islam, and he knows we have failed to grasp the enormity of the threat they pose against us.  Flynn’s tremendous support of Donald J. Trump and his appointment to National Security Advisor made him the number one target.  Link

The General also supported FBI Agent Robyn Gritz in her EEOC complaint against McCabe for sexual discrimination resulting in even more hostility against General Flynn.

John Guandolo Agrees

John Guandolo, of Understanding the Threat spent 12 years as an FBI Agent.  He says the primary Islamic advisors regarding the Islamic threat who are inside the White House, State Department, CIA, FBI, DHS, national security staffs, and others are Muslim Brotherhood (MB) operatives or Muslims ideologically aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood.  They do the translating.

When valid information on Islamic terrorism is put out by anyone inside the DOJ, NSA, or DHS, it is either shredded or the person is fired.  Philip Haney’s book, See Something, Say Nothing exposed this.  The entire Muslim Brotherhood network led by the likes of The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), CAIR, Muslim American Society (MAS), and the US Council of Muslim Organizations (USCMO) are the first to complain if anyone in US intelligence should utter the truth of Islam or stealth jihad.  Link

Andrew McCabe Fired

The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) and FBI Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) reports concluded that former Deputy Director of the FBI, McCabe had made an unauthorized disclosure to the news media and lacked candor…he lied under oath and on multiple occasions.

The OPR forced AG Sessions to drop the hammer on liar and leaker McCabe and he was finally fired late on Friday, March 16th.  President Trump went scorched earth on McCabe and Comey after Sessions fired McCabe days before he was set to retire with a fat pension.  Dan Sobieski says, McCabe Should Sweat Prison, Not Pension, and he’s absolutely right. Rush Limbaugh tells us the media lied, McCabe will not lose his pension.  What he lost was the opportunity to qualify for it at age 50, which was 18 March 18. Now he’ll have to wait until he’s age 57, but he’s going to get it. He should have been marched out of the Hoover Building in handcuffs long ago.

In remarks he made after his firing, McCabe said, “I didn’t leak anything, and everything I did had the full knowledge of the director.”  The Director was Comey! And Comey, under sworn testimony before one of the many committees that he testified to in the House and Senate, was specifically asked if he had ever leaked anything or had any knowledge of leaking, and he said, “No, no, and never.” But he lied too, Comey did leak to the New York Times!  He engineered the leak of his own memo, which detailed a private conversation with Trump.

We want indictments!

McCabe and McAuliffe

The former Deputy FBI Director should be charged with far more. His involvement with Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe when his wife, Jill McCabe was running for VA state senate, and his meeting with McAuliffe when the governor was under investigation regarding gubernatorial campaign violations which are against FBI regulations. McCabe neglected to report in his required financial disclosure that his wife, received $675,000 from Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe and the DNC. He also violated the Hatch Act which prohibits FBI agents from campaigning in partisan races when he campaigned openly for his wife.

Strzok and Page

Then there are the text messages between paramours FBI agent Peter Strzok and FBI attorney Lisa Page wherein they stated that they prepared talking points for Director Comey to give to Obama who “wanted to know everything we’re doing.” McCabe was also kept in the loop on this.  According to a released Senate report, this text raised questions about Obama’s personal involvement in the Clinton email investigation.

There were also text messages between them about meeting in “Andy’s office” where contingencies were discussed to prevent or mitigate a Trump electoral victory in 2016 election. Political views of FBI agents affecting investigative decisions and policy are disqualifying.

And get this…GOP congressional investigators have alleged that more recently uncovered text messages between Strzok and Page may show a possible coordination between high-ranking officials in the Obama administration, CIA, FBI, Justice Department and former Senate Democratic leadership in the early stages of the Russia investigation.

The investigators say the information provided to Fox News “strongly” suggests coordination between former President Barack Obama’s chief of staff Denis McDonough, then-Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid and former CIA Director John Brennan which they say would “contradict” the past administration’s public stance about its hand in the process.  Link

Hey Sessions…why no second special counsel?

Hillary Investigation

McCabe, along with Comey, was in charge of the phony Hillary Clinton investigation (including her 33,000 illegally deleted emails).  The Deputy Director ultimately recused himself from the investigation, but only after guiding it for months, all the way to the conclusion that no charges were justified. He did not recuse himself until the second, lightning-round Clinton investigation, and then most likely because of a Wall Street Journal article which exposed strong connections between McCabe, his wife, Terry McAuliffe, and Clinton.

McCabe was the number two in charge of the FBI during the process when they were investigating Hillary Clinton.  Director Comey wrote the exoneration letter for Hillary several months before they’d even interviewed her regarding her scheme to hide her State Department email from public scrutiny, and her mishandling of classified material. His helper? FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok, a longtime Andrew McCabe crony.

Of 30,000 work-related emails turned over by Clinton’s lawyers to the State Department, about 110 had varying levels of classified information. Comey called it “extremely careless,” but said there was no “criminal intent” and did not recommend prosecution.  Peter Strzok watered down the language in the Comey statement from “grossly negligent”  to “extremely careless.” Grossly negligent would have held criminal implications for Clinton. McCabe and other top FBI were aware of new Clinton emails on Anthony Weiner’s laptop for over a month before informing Congress.

Former FBI Agent Robyn Gritz

Don’t forget the case of FBI Agent Robyn Gritz, who for 15 years devoted her life to tracking down global terrorists. She was detailed to the CIA and worked closely with the Defense Intelligence Agency, led by General Michael Flynn. Her reviews were always stellar, but in 2012 she was detailed to Andrew McCabe and he apparently was out to destroy her reputation.

In 2013, she filed an Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) complaint against her FBI supervisors alleging sexual discrimination and a hostile work environment, and later amended it to include defamation of character targeting by Andrew McCabe.

In 2014, General Flynn wrote a letter on Pentagon stationery stating that Gritz “was well-known, liked and respected in the military counter-terrorism community for her energy, commitment and professional capacity, and over the years worked in several interagency groups on counter-terrorism targeting initiatives. Her work consistently produced outstanding results in the most challenging environments.”

The General publicly supported Robyn in an NPR interview in 2015 wherein he questioned why she was driven out of the FBI and praised her as one of the “bright lights and shining stars” in the intelligence community.  He said, “she “just got it when it came to the kind of enemy that we are facing and the relationship that was necessary between law enforcement and the military… and I just thought she was a real pro.”

The FBI Cabal, Rosenstein, Wray,  Comey, and Mueller

The only way to get rid of an infestation is to eliminate the vermin. Playing nice does nothing but empower and enable them, playing into the hands of the enemies seeking to topple our President and our nation.

Robert Mueller Scandals

Robert Mueller certainly knows that the Russian collusion in the 2016 election was built by abuses of the foreign intelligence surveillance apparatus (FISA) and other related crimes that are punishable with jail time.  We all know Mueller’s staff of 16 attorneys are supporters of Hillary Clinton and have an axe to grind.  We also know that former FBI Director James Comey, Robert Mueller, Rod Rosenstein, and Andy McCabe are tight friends.

What isn’t commonly known are the major scandals that took place while Robert Mueller was the FBI Director for 12 years.  Jim Hoft’s Gateway Pundit posted one of the most comprehensive articles on Mueller’s scandals.

Under Mueller, scandals and crimes of the globalist establishment were swept under the rug time and again. From vanishing currency sent to the Iraq theatre, NSA warrantless surveillance, neglect at Walter Reid, Fast and Furious, Lois Lerner and IRS targeting, Clinton pay to play, and more.  And as FBI Director, Hillary Clinton had Mueller actually carry a stolen sample of our uranium to Russia.  Link

For nearly the entire duration of Mueller’s term, UK-based HSBC, an international bank with branches and depositors worldwide, was doing billions of dollars in business with drug cartels, rogue nation states, and even banks associated with terrorism, taking massive deposits made in foreign nations and funneling them into the US banking market.  A whistleblower, who collected information and recorded conversations with HSBC employees, clearly portrayed the bank as a “criminal enterprise.”

What did Mueller do to aggressively investigate and shut down this massive “foreign influence” involving our country’s drug epidemic and possibly even terrorism? Basically nothing.

And guess what?  James Comey Joined HSBC Board of Directors six weeks after the 2012 deferred prosecution agreement, HSBC appointed James Comey to its Board of Directors as head of the Financial System Vulnerabilities Committee.

Robert Mueller is the one who should be investigated for his scandals while FBI Director, along with Comey, Rosenstein, McCabe and many others.

FBI Director Wray

FBI Director Christopher Wray angered Trump because the FBI released a statement essentially calling the GOP-authored memo bogus. Wray and Rosenstein reportedly went to the White House to convince Chief of Staff John Kelly not to release the memo.  In his confirmation hearings he said he would never pledge allegiance to a president, although his predecessors all did exactly that.  This guy is straight from the swamp.

George W. Bush nominated Wray in 2003 to be the assistant attorney general in charge of the Justice Department’s criminal division. After leaving government in 2005 to work as a private lawyer, Wray represented New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie during the Bridge gate scandal.  VP Pence replaced Christie as head of the transition team when Christie’s increasing problems with Bridge gate surfaced.

The big question is…who the hell advises our President on appointees?

Rod Rosenstein and Lisa Barsoomian

The DOJ/FBI and Mueller investigation have so many ties to Hillary Clinton and the DNC that it is a bastion of corruption painting the DOJ as enemy combatants.

So, just who is Lisa Barsoomian? She’s the wife of Rod Rosenstein.  Lisa is a high-powered attorney in Washington, DC, who specializes in opposing Freedom of Information Act requests on behalf of Intelligence Communities.

Lisa Barsoomian works for R. Craig Lawrence, an attorney who has represented Robert Mueller three times, James Comey five times, Barack Obama forty-five times, Kathleen Sebelius fifty-six times, Bill Clinton forty times, and Hillary Clinton seventeen times between 1991 and 2017. Link

Barsoomian participated in some of this work personally and has herself represented the FBI at least five separate times. As Roger Stone has stated, it would be interesting to research the specifics of the cases she worked in.  Many of the documents from the Court Docket relating to these cases have been removed from the D.C. District and Appeals Court, including her representation for Clinton in 1998’s case Hamburg. V. Clinton.

The Woods Procedure and FISA Court

The FISA court process, a secret court, has an information verification procedure known as the Woods Procedure. There are strict rules requiring that each and every fact presented in an FBI request to electronically spy on a U.S. citizen be extreme-vetted for accuracy and presented to the court only if verified.  The anti-Trump “Steele Dossier” was unverified and false.  Unverified materials presented to the FISA court for a wiretap violates the procedural rules.

Yet Comey, who said the dossier was unverified and salacious, allegedly signed three of the FISA applications on behalf of the FBI.  Deputy Director Andrew McCabe reportedly signed one and former Attorney General Sally Yates, then Acting Deputy Attorney General Dana Boente, and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein each reportedly signed one or more.

Unparalleled DOJ Corruption

Charges against General Flynn need to be dismissed.  The President’s lawyer has said he needs to pardon Flynn and Manafort, but the General is guilty of nothing, no pardon is necessary…only dismissal.  Stay tuned for more.

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Joy Cometh In The Morning

And Jesus going up to Jerusalem took the twelve disciples apart in the way, and said unto them,  Behold, we go up to Jerusalem; and the Son of man shall be betrayed unto the chief priests and unto the scribes, and they shall condemn him to death, And shall deliver him to the Gentiles to mock, and to scourge, and to crucify him: and the third day he shall rise again.  —Matthew 20:17-19

The High Priest and Sacrifices

In the Torah (the first five books of the Bible), Aaron is the high priest who would go into the Holy of Holies to present the offerings.  Aaron was a Levite, a descendant of Jacob’s son Levi and of the Levitical line of priesthood within the Levites. Only Aaron and his descendants were allowed inside the tabernacle to offer sacrifices.

The high priest’s vestments featured gold, an array of precious stones, and the finest materials. When entering the Holy of Holies, however, the high priest was clad in simple, pristine white linen garments. Not a touch of opulence or grandeur.  Aaron had to first cleanse himself, and thus he first made an offering for himself and his family.  This was done once a year on the Day of Atonement.

The tabernacle was a restricted area for the Israelites because God’s presence was there. God’s presence is one of holiness. Man’s presence is one of unholiness. For man to approach God, it must take place on God’s terms. Thus, the severe restrictions for entering into the presence of God.  No one was even allowed to touch the high priest prior to entering the Holy of Holies until after the offerings were made and he returned to the people.  Leviticus 10:1-7

Chapter 16 of Leviticus focuses on the nature and condition of entering into the presence of the Holy One and establishes the pattern which would ultimately be fulfilled through the person and work of Jesus Christ.

Within the tabernacle and the Holy of Holies was the golden censer, the ark of the covenant overlaid roundabout with gold, wherein was the golden pot that had manna, and Aaron’s rod that budded, and the tables of the covenant.

Not Without Blood

Hebrews 9:7 tells us, “But into the second went the high priest alone once every year, not without blood, which he offered for himself and for the errors of the people.”

The “second” is the Holy of Holies where the blood of the sacrificed animal was taken after the animal was sacrificed on the outer altar or first tabernacle.  Only the high priest entered the Holy of Holies or second tabernacle and placed the blood on the mercy seat.

According to the Hebrew Bible, the mercy seat (Hebrew: הַכַּפֹּֽרֶת ha-kappōreṯ) was the gold lid with two cherubim beaten out of the ends of it to cover and create the space into which God would appear. This gold cover was placed on the Ark of the Covenant.

Leviticus 16:15-22 tells of the sacrifice of the bull and one of two goats.  The other goat is the scapegoat that is sent out into the wilderness to take away the impurities of the people.

Christ’s Crucifixion and Resurrection

This Holy week of both Passover and Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection blend together.  Most Christians know the story of both. It was the shed blood of the lamb which saved Israel’s firstborn from the plague (Exod. 12:12-13, 22-23), just as it is the shed blood of the Lamb of God which saves men from the judgment of God (1 Peter 1:18-19; Rev. 5:9). As there was to be no bone broken of the Passover lamb (Exod. 12:46), so no bone of our Lord was broken (John 19:32-36). Thus, the Old Testament prophet, Isaiah, could speak of Israel’s Savior as a lamb in Isaiah 53:6-7:

6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned everyone to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.

7 He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth.

For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.  II Corinthians 5:21

The Empty Tomb

Mary Magdalene went to the tomb early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark and she saw that the stone had been removed from the sepulcher.  She ran to Peter and another disciple whom Jesus loved and told them that “they have taken away the Lord out of the sepulcher, and we know not where they have laid him.”

Peter and the other disciple looked into the tomb and saw the wrappings of the body strewn about.  They departed for their homes.  Mary was left there weeping and she stooped to look into the sepulcher and saw two angels in white sitting one at the head, and the other at the feet where Jesus had lain.

The angels asked Mary why she was weeping and she answered that they had taken her Lord.  She then turned and saw Jesus standing, but didn’t recognize him and He asked her the same thing.  “Woman why weepest thou? whom seekest thou?”  At first she thought he might be the gardener and asked him where they took Jesus’ body.

Jesus then said to her, “Mary.”  She turned herself and said to him, “Rabboni,” which means Master.

Jesus said to Mary, “Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father; but go to my brethren, and say unto them, “I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God and your God.”

He told Mary he had not yet ascended to the Father (John 20:17). The blood was to be offered on the mercy seat (Hebrews 8:3-6).  He appeared to Thomas and the other disciples after this had happened which is why he said peace (Shalom) to them (John 20:19).  He had made peace by His blood (Colossians 1:19-20).

Jesus Appears to His Disciples

The Lord appeared the evening of his resurrection day to the disciples and stood in the midst of them.  “Peace be unto you.”  He showed them his hands and side, and then said to them, “Peace be unto you: as my Father hath sent me, even so send I to you.”  He then breathed on them and said, “Receive ye the Holy Ghost.”

Thomas was not with the disciples when Jesus came, and did not believe they had seen him.  He said he wouldn’t believe it unless he could see the hand print of the nails and the injury to His side.  Eight days later, Thomas was with them, and the Lord again appeared to them.  He said to Thomas, “Touch my hands and side and be not faithless but believing.”  Thomas answered, “My Lord and my God.”

Jesus said unto him, “Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen and yet have believed.”

Later Jesus appeared to them many times and even dined with them.  Matthew 27:52 states that when Christ died, graves were opened, and many bodies of the Old Testament saints which slept arose.  After Jesus’ resurrection, they went into the holy city and appeared to many.

The Final Offering

There is a rabbinic legend, the legend of Azazel, the scapegoat as mentioned above.  Based upon Isaiah 1:18, where Isaiah said, though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow, it became a custom to tie a red ribbon upon the horn of the scapegoat before it was sent out into the wilderness.  Miraculously, year after year, the red ribbon always turned white, symbolizing God had forgiven the sins of Israel for that year.

The legend of Azazel goes on to say that the red ribbon stopped turning white 40 years before the Temple was destroyed, which was the year A.D. 30.  So, as of A.D. 30, the red ribbon no longer turned white.  As of A.D. 30, God no longer forgave the sins of Israel by means of these two goats because, in that year, the Messiah died and the final atonement for all was made.

Our High Priest

Like the Levitical priests in the Aaron lineage, Jesus Christ is our high priest.  Neither the first testament was dedicated without the sacrifice of blood, and so it is for the second.  Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by His own blood, he entered in once to the Holy place having obtained eternal redemption for us.  (Hebrews 9:22)

Jesus Christ was not from the Levitical line of priests, but from the Tribe of Judah.  He is from the priestly Order of Melchizedek.

He came “To put away sin by the sacrifice of himself.” The words “put away” are from the Greek word athetesis, which means, “to cancel or annul.” It is a strong word signifying the total annulment of sin. Its consequences are absorbed by him and thereby removed from us.

“By the sacrifice of himself” – the absolute perfection of the one offering of Christ arises from the dignity and purity of his person.

May your joy come in the morning of His resurrection.

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Omnibus Bill: Trump Outsmarted The Deep State Again The Wall Is Being Built

Republicans control the government, yet Congress still follows the Democrats’ playbook. Time and again, spending skyrockets, and conservatives are expected to fall in line to praise the party for making the big-spending status quo worse. —Rand Paul

Initial Reactions

A caller into Rush Limbaugh’s show said he’d become a Never Trumper when Cruz dropped out, but a democrat neighbor, and his entire family told him Hillary was dangerous, vote for Trump.  He said he’s not devastated by what President Trump signed, and that he had a lot of room left on his rope before he’d give up on President Trump.  He said, “I was challenged, now I’m going to put that same challenge back out there to you. Stay with President Trump.”

The majority of calls to Limbaugh were full of anger, disbelief and despair. The people felt betrayed.  One caller said he was a democrat who voted for Trump. He wants Obamacare repealed, the border wall built and refugee and illegal immigration stopped.

“The only one who can separate Trump voters from Trump is Trump, and he did it today,” said another.

This budget was designed to end the Trump presidency and play right into the hands of the Deep State who hate him.  But did it?  This was a spending bill, not a budget bill.  There is a difference, and Trump knows it!

Omnibus v Budget

Before everyone jumps off the Trump train over the spending bill, there are a few things you should know.  From the beginnings of American history, lump sum appropriations have been a source of contention. Jeffersonian Republicans wanted legal restraints, while the Federalists wanted Executive discretion.

We have today a mix of both: mandatory spending and discretionary spending. So, does the President have the ability to use the funds as he chooses? Yes, to a point. President Trump was not happy with the Omnibus Spending Bill of 2018 and voiced his displeasure up until he actually signed it at the last minute.  He can’t take money from the Jordan Wall, for example to make his own wall, depending on where those monies are appropriated. But within the budget there are likely places where he can adjust the way the monies are spent, and that includes the military building the wall.  Link

Presidents can use their influence over any items that have been appropriated, depending on the agencies involved. Obama used his to influence spending in agencies that were advancing his agenda.  In short, there is little information to tell us how appropriated money is actually spent, and in eight years we never found out what Obama did with the monies in his Omnibus bills, did we?!  Link

Congressional Betrayal Again

All our President had to do to rally the American people who love and support him, was to veto the Omnibus bill and tell Congress to go back and rewrite it.  His supporters would have been energized, they would have rallied for him and he could have filled the Congress with new conservative blood in November.

But Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell stabbed Trump in the back this week, by giving Schumer and Pelosi everything they wanted.  My initial reaction was outrage…

People were asking me why the hell Trump didn’t send this pile of bull dung back to the Congress and shut down the government.  We all emailed him and called the White House and said, “Veto this filthy thing.”  Why didn’t he take this to the people?  Why didn’t he talk to us?  Why didn’t he listen to what we said?  Why did he cave to Schumer and Pelosi?  Why did he give McConnell and Ryan (neo-con Trotskyites) the satisfaction of signing this garbage?

And don’t give me that old line of crap that he was threatened or his family was threatened, he knew taking this job was a big responsibility and could be dangerous.  He could put his family in hiding, so get off that bandwagon.  Watch his speech to the American people and look at his lack of exuberance regarding the promotion of this horrid bill.  He hated it.

The President’s Words

Before you read my initial responses to this bill, watch this two minute video where Budget Director Mick Mulvaney gives us the facts.  Trump needed nine Democrats to vote for the bill in order to get what he wanted, and the result is national security and restoring the military.

Our military has been so decimated by eight years of Obama, putting us way behind both Russia and China.  Trump had to have every dime, and had he vetoed this bill, the Congress would have cut defense spending, and that money could build the wall.

The President said, “There are a lot of things that I’m unhappy about in this bill. There are a lot of things that we shouldn’t have had in this bill but we were in a sense forced if we want to build our military, we were forced to have.”

Really Mr. President, why were you forced to sign this when you know you could have shoved it back in the face of the Congress and said, “NO!”  You weren’t forced to do anything.

“There are some things that we should have in the bill. But I say to Congress, I will never sign another bill like this again. I’m not gonna do it again. Nobody read it. It’s only hours old. Some people don’t even know — $1.3 trillion. It’s the second largest ever.”

Again Mr. President, why did you sign something that is anathema to the campaign promises you made to your supporters?  And why would you sign something none of your staff has even read.  Let the government shut down before you sign a piece of legislation from the socialist democrats and the false friends on the right.

“But in this case, it became so big because we need to take care of our military. And because the Democrats, who don’t believe in that, added things that they wanted in order to get their votes. We have to get rid of the filibuster rule and go to 51 votes in the Senate if we’re going to have really sustained, continued success.”

Harry Reid got rid of the filibuster rule for the Dems, but haven’t you figured out yet that Senator McConnell isn’t there to help you even though you gave his wife, Elaine Chao the position of Transportation Secretary to butter up McConnell?  And our active military got only a 2.4% raise, biggest since 2010.  The Congress gets a 10% raise every year unless they vote against it.  Yes, we do need a strong military, and decent pay for our soldiers.

“DACA recipients have been treated extremely badly by the Democrats. We wanted to include DACA in this bill. We wanted to have ’em in this bill, 800,000 people, and actually it could even be more. The Democrats would not do it. They would not do it. To prevent the omnibus situation from ever happening again, I’m calling on Congress to give me a line-item veto for all government spending bills, and the Senate must end, they must end the filibuster rule and get down to work.”

They’ll never give you a line item veto because they hate you and everything you stand for.  And now your supporters feel abandoned and that you allowed the socialist left and the false friends on the right to dictate their demands in a budget bill that should have been loudly defeated and destroyed by you, the man we trust to Make America Great Again.

DACA?  Are you totally out of touch with the people who supported and elected you?  Where the hell are you getting the idea that we want the DACA people to be amnestied?  Do you have any idea of the cost of DACA’s to the American taxpayersWe do not want a deal on DACA, we know the criminality within this group and what it has already cost us.

I will never sign a bill like this again.

You shouldn’t have signed it to begin with Mr. President, but I understand why you had to.

Check out the bill if you have time to wade through over 2,200 pages, which obviously wasn’t done by congress or the administration.  Rand Paul voted against this monstrosity and he went through sections of it and tweeted parts of it.

Ann Coulter immediately threw Trump under the bus forgetting that this rot was the product of the schemes of Ryan, McConnell, Pelosi and Schumer, all of whom are brothers in arms against our President.

Ann may be right that Trump will never get another bill to sign because the Congress made it plain to the people that they don’t want to have a republican majority and they detest everything the President campaigned on.  We need some new blood in the 34 vacated republican seats, true conservative blood. Put aside misplaced anger and help us get true conservatives in Congress.  This is the key to getting rid of these greedy globalists who love personal enrichment more than our country.

The Budget

On Judge Jeanine’s show, Ann Coulter suggested Trump build the wall via the Seabees and take the monies from defense spending.  Instead, let’s use the funds seized from drug cartels to build a grand wall!

Rush Limbaugh stated, “This budget not only doesn’t fund his agenda, this budget makes it practically impossible for his agenda to be implemented, particularly on the primary thing that got him elected, which is dealing with the border and illegal immigration. Stop thinking of Congress as Republicans and Democrats. You’ve got to think of that as one unified group of people, establishmentarians who are working in a coordinated way to thwart and nullify the election and agenda of the Trump presidency.”  But Rush, that’s under a budget bill, not a spending bill.

Limbaugh explained some of what is in this monstrosity.  It’s well worth the read, but remember Congress wrote this filth, and it is not a budget.

Congress and Broken Promises

Planned Parenthood receives approximately $500 million in taxpayer funding every year through Medicaid and Title X grants for family planning. The Omnibus Bill continues their funding.

Sanctuary cities which are democratic strongholds will keep their funding.  The bill denies President Donald Trump explicit authority to withhold federal grants from the Democratic-dominated “sanctuary cities” which are trying to secede from the nation’s immigration laws.

Under a spending bill, Trump can slow walk these monies for things he wants in exchange.

Schumer’s Gateway Project

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer’s Gateway Project, a massive tunnel, bridge, and infrastructure expansion project linking passenger rail service between Newark, NJ, and New York City, NY over President Trump’s southern border wall is in the current omnibus spending bill.

As Paul Gosar (R-AZ) explains in this very important Breitbart article, this tunnel is an earmark. “This is an infrastructure process that should go through regular order. It shouldn’t be part of an omnibus bill. The American people spoke out loud and clear about a border wall.”  New York and New Jersey aren’t even putting up any money on this.

“National priorities such as funding for a southern border wall are being subverted by less important projects,” said Gosar. “This is nothing different than prioritizing earmarks. That’s strictly what’s going on here, is that it’s a negotiation with the Democrats.”

“It’s a crap sandwich. The American public lost, and the Republican mantra lost. Why don’t we stand up, grow a spine, and negotiate, and make sure that we get something for something because that’s what the American people put us here for.”

Again, Trump can hold this money hostage as leverage for his agenda.

Build the Wall

Like Rep. Gosar explained, border security was another campaign promise, and this bill screws us over big time.  Neither party wants the wall.  Why?  Because most of them are globalists who want borders eliminated and our sovereignty destroyed.

This budget “specifies that none of the budget and none of the construction may resemble the wall prototypes that the Border Patrol has been testing for the past few months.” The budget put together by the Republicans in the House of Representatives specifically states that whatever limited funds are used on fencing for 33 miles in Texas cannot “resemble” anything to do with “the border wall prototypes” that Trump went out and looked at the other day.


How many of you have heard that two Trump owned helicopters have crashed in the last nine months with Trump family members aboard?  The enemies of freedom really don’t want this President or his family anywhere near our White House. They’ll do anything to destroy his presidency.

The anger we all initially felt needs to be transferred to where it belongs, on our Congressional leaders, McConnell, Ryan, Schumer and Pelosi.

And yes, I was angry when Trump signed this monstrosity because of the rot within it from the Congress and how little Trump received from his republican majority, and the likes of smirking Ryan and McConnell.  I have had the weekend to think it through.  So, what do we want?  Do we want to kick Trump to the curb and go back to Obama, the Clintons, the Bushes or worse?

As upset as we are over this bill, and as much as we wanted it vetoed, there is still no one better than Donald J. Trump as our President, and he has some discretionary funding!  MAGA with Trump is our only hope.  Pick up a copy of Ed Martin’s latest book, Can’t Trump This 2017 and remind yourself of what Trump saved us from in just his first year, including no Hillary!

We have to get rid of the rot in Congress, and that means we have to fund and vote for true conservatives in our primaries. Kick the incumbents out, vote for no Democrats.

We must fight for what is right, if we don’t, then the loss of this great nation will be on our shoulders.  The same goes for NewsWithViews.  There are only a few really strong conservative websites, and NewsWithViews is one of the best. Thank you for continuing to help us stay alive and bringing the latest news and research into your mailbox every morning.  Please donate here.

PS: What you will get if Democrats take control.Democrat Candidate for Sheriff Suggests Killing People to Take Their Guns” You people better wake up.

The Dems New Strategy: Run As A Conservative

Politicians who wish to succeed must be prepared to dissemble, at times to lie.  All deceit is bad.  In politics some deceit or moral dishonesty is the oil without which the machinery would not work.  —Woodrow Wyatt, British politician

So, if we lie to the government, it’s a felony.  But if they lie to us it’s politics.  —Bill Murray

Rick Saccone competed against Conor Lamb in Pennsylvania’s 18th Congressional District and has apparently lost by a razor-thin margin to Conor Lamb.  Saccone, a current state representative with a formidable resume as a counter-intelligence officer in the United States Air Force, pledged to reel in government spending, and aligned himself closely with the president, once describing himself as “Trump before Trump was Trump.”

The two candidates were vying to fill the congressional seat vacated by Tim Murphy, the district’s longtime Republican representative. Murphy resigned in October after it was revealed that he had an extramarital affair and asked his mistress to get an abortion.  Saccone is far more conservative than was Murphy, and was one of the lawmakers who championed Pennsylvania’s “Castle Doctrine,” or “stand your ground” law, which allows “law-abiding people to protect themselves, their families and others from intruders and attackers without fear of prosecution or civil action for acting in defense of themselves and others.”

Republican Rick Saccone Campaign

Richard Saccone is serving in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, and represents the state’s 39th district.  He was his party’s nominee for the 18th congressional district special election, the vote was held on March 13, 2018. With all absentee ballots counted he trailed Democrat Conor Lamb by 579 votes, less than half a percentage point. However, Saccone has not conceded, and as of March 14 most news outlets had not declared a result, since the final vote is separated by less than one percentage point and a recount is expected.

Saccone is critical of welfare spending and is considered a budget hawk. He supports large-scale cuts to K-12 education, childhood education programs, public libraries, child welfare, and other state programs in order to pay back the federal government’s debt.  His voting record is truly conservative, and he would have made a terrific Congressman.

Unfortunately, Saccone failed to embrace Trump early on and to laud the President’s economic recovery via his tax plan which has buoyed the American economy.  As former President Clinton said so often, “It’s the economy, stupid.”  That statement was coined by James Carville and should have been used often by Saccone.  He would have secured more union votes, just as President Trump did in 2016.

Saccone’s beliefs are strongly influenced by Christian reconstructionist and author David Barton, who also introduced Saccone’s 2018 special election run.

When he announced his candidacy for the U.S. Senate last February (he later changed course and jumped into the House special election), Saccone had Christian nationalist pseudo-historian David Barton introduce him, and Sam Rohrer, a former Pennsylvania state representative who heads the American Pastors Network, lead an opening prayer.  Both Barton and Rohrer are Dominionists/Reconstructionists.  David Barton has been taken to task by Christian historians for his inaccuracies in his book, The Jefferson Lies, which Thomas Nelson Publishing withdrew from shelves, and Glenn Beck republished. Barton and Beck were both ardent Ted Cruz supporters.  Barton’s propaganda masquerades as history, and many Christians have been duped into believing his fabrications.

Just as worrisome is the fact that David Barton, in an interview with John Stewart, stated that sharia law is compatible with the U.S. Constitution.

Democrat Conor Lamb

This good looking and energetic young man campaigned not as a hardcore socialist Democrat like Pelosi and Schumer, but as a blue-dog Democrat, more conservative than most. Lamb ran a conservative campaign, appearing in ads with an AR-15 assault rifle. He knew how to grab the attention of conservative democrats, and to make Pennsylvania voters believe he was more aligned with Trump than his Republican opponent.

It Worked, The Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing Has Fooled The People Again

Lamb’s win should not be one of unequivocal blue dominance in a red district won by Trump. The 33-year-old is a Marine veteran and Catholic. He says he personally (though not politically of course) opposes abortion, has called for changes to the Affordable Care Act, (how about repealing the whole thing?) emphasized the importance of bipartisanship, (we don’t want help from the left) and said he would oppose an assault weapons ban. On economic issues, Lamb is a union supporter who backs President Trump’s tariff plan.

Lamb told the Weekly Standard he would not have voted for legislation that would have prohibited abortions after 20 weeks, adding that he doesn’t label himself as “pro-life” because it’s a “political term.”  Yeah right, as a Catholic, abortion is anathema to the doctrine of the faith, but what does that matter with Democrats?  Killing human babies is a “right of privacy,” according to fellow liberals on the Supreme Court. The babies’ hearts beat with life, but these tiny humans are put through horrible and painful deaths in their own mother’s wombs and this act is insignificant to democrats and many republicans, and even those who claim Judeo-Christian faith.  If you want to know what Conor Lamb is really promoting, read Devvy Kidd’s recent article, Worthless “Pro-Life” GOP Incumbents: Vote Them Out.

Former Vice President Joe Biden campaigned for Lamb a week ahead of the election, comparing the candidate to his late son Beau and praising him for his dedication to unions.   Remember that Joe is not only a plagiarist, but has no problem using the “F” word in public.

The question is, does Lamb really back Trump in any way, shape or form, or was this simply a new tactic to get Democrats elected?  Then, once they’re sworn in, their entire campaign credo changes back into what they really are…socialists.

Since Lamb’s tactic may have worked to elect him, the American voter needs to be wise to these new schemes.  No matter what democrat politicians may sound like and spew during their campaigns, their socialist tendencies become obvious once they’ve been seated.

Election Irregularities

The Pennsylvania GOP wants a probe of the many irregularities in this special election.  There were calls about machine errors, confusion about polling places, and a dispute over whether a Republican attorney could watch part of the elections process.

There is an issue with mis-calibrated voting machines in Allegheny County, the only county of four in the district that went for Lamb. An unnamed source said there were many reports of voters intending to vote for Saccone having their ballots cast by the machine for Lamb.

Obviously, the Democrats were aware that Allegheny County was prime for corruption and drew upon their considerable expertise in the area of voter fraud to steal another election for themselves and George Soros.

GOP attorney Joel Frank stated, “In the interest of transparency and nonpartisanship, we ask that you consider assigning this task to a Commonwealth elections’ official capable of conducting an impartial investigation in light of the positions you’ve taken on ongoing redistricting litigation,” Frank wrote.

However, Pennsylvania Governor Wolf, a Democrat said he did not have any concerns about the election, that his party won. [Link]

Non-Citizen Voters

The Washington Times reported that 100,000 non-citizens are registered to vote in Pennsylvania elections, according to testimony submitted in late February 2018 in a lawsuit demanding the state come clean about the extent of its problems.

The Public Interest Legal Foundation, (PILF) which has identified similar noncitizen voting problems in studies of Virginia and New Jersey, said Pennsylvania officials have admitted noncitizens have been registering and voting in the state “for decades.”

But state officials have stonewalled PILF requests for access to the data that could expose the problem, the group says in a lawsuit filed in federal court in Harrisburg.

“For months, Pennsylvania bureaucrats have concealed facts about noncitizens registering and voting — that ends today,” PILF President and General Counsel J. Christian Adams said.

He said Pennsylvania had already admitted to a “glitch” dating back to the 1990s that had allowed noncitizens applying to renew driver’s licenses to be offered the chance to register to vote. Mr. Adams said he now wants to find out how bad the problem is overall.


Voter fraud, illegal aliens or “non-citizens” being registered to vote, and Libertarian Drew Miller drawing off 1,379 votes in this election very well could have turned the tide against Saccone.  Trump needs strong constitutional conservatives to get his campaign mandates through the Congress.

We need to be aware of every rotten tactic the left will foist on the voters in every state.  As Rush Limbaugh has said so many times over the last few years, “Now is the time to destroy the enemy, and that enemy is the socialist left.”

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

“Lock Her Up” Wasn’t Just A Campaign Slogan

A nation can survive its fools, even the ambitious.  But it cannot survive treason from within…for the traitor appears not to be a traitor…he rots the soul of a nation…he infects the body politics so that it can longer resist.  —Marcus Tullius Cicero

Rex Tillerson Out, Pompeo In

On the 13th of March, 2018, Steve Goldstein, Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, was fired for contradicting the account of how Rex Tillerson was terminated. You lie to the media about how someone was fired in this administration and you lose your job!  That’s leadership! Chief of Staff, Gen. John Kelly notified Tillerson on Friday, March 9th of his imminent termination.

President Trump announced he was replacing Rex Tillerson with CIA Director Mike Pompeo as Secretary of State. In addition, the President revealed Deputy Secretary of the CIA Gina Haspel has been selected to replace Pompeo as Director.  It is troubling that John Brennan, former CIA Director under Obama, endorsed Haspel.  Brennan has lied, spied on Senate staffers, and has often leaked classified information to suit his own needs, not to mention the strong rumor that he converted to Islam.

Tillerson was initially chosen by those who headed up Trump’s transition team.  The task of selecting cabinet officials and key West Wing posts was in the hands of VP Mike Pence when Chris Christie was pushed aside.  Pence’s deep contacts with Republican establishment on Capitol Hill were seen as critical to navigating the transition, but many of us were not happy with the choices from the swamp.

The Secretary had supported Jeb Bush for President and donated to his campaign and super PAC. Those same establishment Republican moderates, Jeb Bush, George Bush, Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice and Robert Gates all gave glowing endorsements of Tillerson.

Tillerson and the Iran Nuclear Deal

Wall Street Journal  “Tillerson Fired Over Rogue Bid to Save Iran Nuke Deal.  Efforts by Tillerson to save the Iran nuclear deal and ignore President Trump’s demands that the agreement be fixed or scrapped were the cause of months of disagreements between the State Department and White House.

The reason Tillerson was fired is that he was discovered to have been operating a rogue operation to save the Iran nuclear deal when Trump wants it either majorly fixed or scuttled. Tillerson was working with our “European allies” to see to it that Trump’s efforts met failure.

The president had a range of fixes that would tighten the deal’s flaws, but apparently Tillerson caved to European pressure to walk back the President’s demands and appease Tehran while preserving the deal.  He was undermining President Trump with European allies, and once Trump knew this, it was over for Tillerson.  With the uproar of the citizens of Iran wanting true freedom, this was absolute anathema to our President.

Constant Disagreements

Tillerson is also a big believer in climate change and Trump is not.  He had signed climate change provisions, including a commitment to the Paris Agreement.  The former secretary was also against the U.S. embassy being moved to Jerusalem.

Worse yet, Tillerson’s State Department confirmed  that it welcomed members of the U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations (USCMO), an umbrella organization that includes organizations like the Muslim Brotherhood-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), to discuss Israel with Trump administration officials.  And there’s more.

Rex Tillerson had a number of significant policy and messaging disputes with the president, and every one of them was followed by a chorus of unnamed administration sources telling reporters that Tillerson’s ouster was imminent.

Secretary of State Tillerson betrayed our president’s trust and was terminated.  So why is Attorney General Jeff Sessions still employed?

Feckless Sessions and the Mueller Witch-hunt

As Roger Stone says, “Is it any wonder that once Jeff Sessions shamelessly recused himself from the Russia Collusion Conspiracy investigation and turned it over to his deputy Rod Rosenstein, that Rosenstein would reach out to his old mentor for help?  Rod worked directly under Mueller at the DOJ as far back as 1990.  When Comey was still working as the Deputy Chief of the Criminal Division for the U.S. Attorney’s office in New York, Mueller and Rosenstein were becoming thick as thieves.  Who is surprised when three of the top lawman fixers for the Clinton/Bush cabal desire the destruction of outsider Donald J. Trump.”

Rosenstein failed to restrict Mueller to the subject of Russian collusion, and Mueller along with his 16 Clinton-loving attorneys has delved into areas far exceeding what he was hired to investigate.  In fact, last year Rosenstein told lawmakers the special counsel handling the Russia investigation has “full independence.”  Really?  Now he’s said, “Bob Mueller is not an unguided missile.”  Like hell he isn’t!  That missile is targeting our President.

The House Intelligence Committee run by Chairman Devin Nunes and fellow Republicans, announced in a 150-page report that the committee is closing its investigation of the Trump Russia collusion story because after 73 witnesses and 300,000 hours, and pages of documentation, they haven’t a shred of evidence.  The Democrats dissented.  Why is Bob Mueller still functioning as special counsel, and why hasn’t Sessions shut him down?

Sessions’ DOJ has been so weak on real corruption that James Clapper will never be prosecuted for lying to Congress.  It’s been five years since the former spy chief lied to Congress about the NSA’s giant surveillance program, and the five-year statute of limitations for his crime has come to an end, guaranteeing him a peaceful retirement.  Clapper, director of national intelligence from 2010 to 2017, admitted giving “clearly erroneous” testimony about mass surveillance in March 2013, and offered differing explanations for why.

I’m all for Sessions going after sanctuary cities and illegal aliens, but he’s even failed there.  Oakland Mayor Libby Schaff (D) helped illegal immigrants convicted of crimes evade law enforcement, further endangering their communities, and endangering ICE agents.  Why isn’t this obstruction of justice?  And why hasn’t she been charged?  Nothing seems to happen with AG Sessions.  And think about those who have suffered at the hands of Obama’s DOJ and Mueller’s investigation because of Sessions’ spineless recusal, men like General Michael T. Flynn.

Obama and Fusion GPS

The recent Daily Caller article, “Obama [Hired] Fusion GPS to Investigate Romney.” exposes Obama’s hiring of Fusion GPS to investigate Romney during the 2012 campaign and dig up dirt on him. Obama’s campaign hid their payments to Fusion GPS through the law firm, Perkins Coie.  And this is the same way the Clinton campaign and DNC used to pay Fusion for the investigation of Trump during the 2016 campaign.

Obama, Hillary and Fusion GPS were investigating Romney, and then they created the Michael Steel Trump dossier, and Obama paid a million bucks to Perkins Coie to funnel the payment to Fusion GPS.

The Federalist discovered the Obama payments to Perkins Coie last October when the Washington Post first revealed that Hillary was paying the same law firm, to the tune of $12 million. So how come throughout the 2012 campaign nobody in the media ever thought of investigating whether Obama had used Perkins Coie the intermediary for their payments to Fusion GPS like Hillary did?

Records filed with the Federal Election Commission show that Obama’s “Obama for America,” the offshoot of Organizing for America PAC had paid nearly a million to Perkins Coie, same they paid in 2012 to destroy Romney.  [Link]

Obama/Clinton Collusion Ignored

Why are there no charges against Comey’s dereliction and leaks, Loretta Lynch, Hillary’s email scandal, Uranium One, pay to play, the Steele Dossier paid for by Clinton and the DNC via Glenn Simpson’s Fusion GPS, Andrew McCabe and Peter Strzok’s plots against Trump and General Flynn, James Baker’s leaks, Strzok’s paramour Lisa Page, Bruce Ohr, Nellie Ohr who worked for Fusion, Christopher Steele and the rest of the Obama Deep State traitors?  Why are there no indictments and prosecutions?

“Lock her up” wasn’t just a campaign slogan.  We meant it!

The Obama administration is responsible for all the spying and opposition research with Fusion GPS, and Hillary knew all about it.  And the funds all went through the Perkins Coie Law Firm, whose lawyers represented Obama and Hillary.  Therein lies the real collusion and corruption, but all is brushed aside to accommodate the targeting of our President, and the man responsible for allowing this to happen is Sessions.

Where is Trey Gowdy, Chairman of the Oversight Committee?  Gowdy is slow like a frog walkin’ regarding his investigation into the corruption in the DOJ and FBI, and it is apparent that he’s a fan of Mueller.  In a previous article I listed just a few of Gowdy’s statements lauding Mueller.

The documents requested from the DOJ and the FBI are coming in at a glacial pace.  Out of the 1.2 million documents the inspector general has, the committee has received less than 10,000 documents.

Trey Gowdy is the guy who brought us the 11-hour Hillary Clinton Benghazi saga, where she simultaneously played hero, victim and martyr, and Trey got nothing, he’s all bark and no bite.

Why No Second Special Counsel

On 6 March 2018, House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte and Gowdy sent a blistering letter to Sessions and Rosenstein demanding a second special counsel to investigate Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) abuses.  They specifically mentioned the anti-Trump dossier used in the FISA to obtain a warrant to spy on Carter Page, but it hasn’t seemed to go anywhere.

AG Sessions praised Asst AG Rosenstein the same day Rosenstein was identified in the FISA memo as one of the individuals who signed off on the slanderous FISA memo to spy on President Trump.

Gowdy and Goodlatte wrote that because the “decisions of both former and current Department of Justice and FBI officials are at issue,” they do not believe the DOJ is “capable” of investigating the “fact patterns in a fashion likely to garner public confidence.”

Rosenstein will never let this happen since his signature is on the FISA application which approved spying on Carter Page!  He doesn’t want to be investigated by a special counsel.

Republican Congressman Lee Zeldin also sent a letter to AG Sessions urging him to appoint a special counsel to investigate FISA abuses and how/why Hillary’s probe ended and Trump’s Russia probe began.

Sessions’ Weak Responses

Sessions told reporters that Inspector General Horowitz would investigate Obama’s FISA abuses!  But, IG Horowitz doesn’t have prosecutorial power and Sessions knows that.  The very day that Trump publicly and privately was raging about Sessions, the three top ranking officials in the Justice Department appeared together at dinner in a show of solidarity.

Deputy FBI Dir. Andrew McCabe was forced out because he was involved in an attempted coup against the United States and may face charges once the evidence is produced in an Inspector General report due out anytime now.

The FBI’s Office of Professional Responsibility has recommended that McCabe be fired, but there has been no decision by Sessions to terminate the dirty cop on his staff and deny him the ill-gotten benefits of a pension. Chris Farrell says, “McCabe should be indicted, held in suspended animation on administrative leave until he can be indicted. He should not collect a penny of retirement, he shouldn’t be given lunch money.”  If Sessions does nothing and allows McCabe to continue to feed off of the American people then he’s again failing the trust of our President.  McCabe should have been fired the minute he was walked out the door.


We have no Attorney General, he’s been AWOL since he was signed in.  Who will keep the “Rule of Law” in this country if Sessions has recused himself from everything that needs prosecution and the Deputy AG is a close friend of Mueller whose only target is Trump?

It’s clear AG Sessions has no interest in getting to the truth about anything, just in presenting a facade that sort of looks like he’s not part of the deep state protecting the Obama-Clinton-Soros mobsters.

For a complete and thorough overview of this mess, read Joseph E. diGenova’s article, The Politicization of the FBI.  DiGenova would make a perfect U.S. Attorney General.

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

#Metoo Community Activist Revives The 1972 Equal Rights Amendment

Since the women are the ones who bear the babies, and there’s nothing we can do about that, our laws and customs then make it the financial obligation of the husband to provide the support. It is his obligation and his sole obligation. And this is exactly and precisely what we will lose if the Equal Rights Amendment is passed. —Phyllis Schlafly

In 2014, Justice Antonin Scalia said, “I certainly would not want a Constitutional Convention. Whoa! Who knows what would come out of it?”  Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg then weighed in with the tiresome complaint of the feminists. Her first choice for a constitutional change, she said, would be the addition of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA).

Today there are five pro-abortion justices on the Supreme Court.  Several past and present justices have signaled in written opinions their willingness to use sex discrimination to strengthen abortion rights. Some of the states with Equal Rights Amendments have already used it to mandate Medicaid funding for abortions (our tax dollars at work) and overturn abortion restrictions.

Justice Anthony Kennedy will be 82 this July, and Justice Ruth Ginsberg will turn 85 on March 15, 2018.  If they were to retire and President Trump appointed two conservative justices like Scalia, originalists and textualists, we would have a much better chance of receiving constitutional interpretations and decisions from the top court.

As for this new Equal Rights Amendment, it needs to be stopped, and their first target is the State of Illinois.

The Original 1972 ERA Battle

Phyllis Schlafly was right about the proposed ERA some 46 years ago.  Everything she claimed it would do was exactly true and has now been passed in many states by the liberal courts rather than through an amendment.  The original amendment said neither the federal government nor any state could abridge or deny any right on the basis of sex, and its ratification seemed imminent. Both parties supported it, including President Nixon, and it passed the Senate in 1972 with 84 votes. [Link] By 1975, 35 of the necessary 38 states had passed it in their legislatures.

Illinois was not one of the states who passed the ERA, even though bordering states, like Indiana and Wisconsin, had done so. When it became clear that not enough states could accomplish this within the original time allotted, Congress extended the deadline to June of 1982. This deadline was debated and five states voted to recall their ratification of the ERA:  Nebraska, Tennessee, Idaho, Kentucky, and South Dakota.

In Illinois, ERA activists fought until the “bitter end.”  It died in the 1980s even with its now-declared dubious constitutional extension.  The 35 states that had enacted the proposed amendment did not concur with the extension.

I was still living in Illinois at the time, and in 1973, Phyllis Schlafly Eagles waged the battle against this vile bill in my state, and it lasted for ten years.  We had pamphlets, booklets, STOP ERA pins, and we worked through our state legislators, just as we’re doing today to stop another Constitutional Convention.

When feminists were trying to get the ERA passed in the 70s, actor Telly Savalas said, “I don’t understand these women. We give them a hundred percent of everything we have and now they’re fighting for fifty percent.”  Telly had a point, but today’s ERA is far more insidious than the first one.

Phyllis Schlafly said, “A lot of people don’t understand what feminism is. They think it is about advance and success for women, but it’s not that at all. It is about power for the female left. And they have this ridiculous idea that American women are oppressed by the patriarchy and we need laws and government to solve our problems for us.”

#MeToo Behind ERA Revival

#MeToo started in October 2017 as a hashtag used on social media to help demonstrate the widespread prevalence of sexual assault and harassment, especially in the workplace.  It followed soon after the public revelations of sexual misconduct allegations against Harvey Weinstein.  Do I believe all these women? No, I definitely do not, because this is another part of the destruction of Christianity and the American male.  Social activist and community organizer Tarana Burke created the phrase “Me Too” on social networks

Burke is also the Senior Director of the non-profit, Girls for Gender Equity.  Scroll to page nine of their 2016 990 for their government grants.

Burke is a Democrat American civil rights activist, and those who have joined her activism include #MeToo lawmakers who have slept with colleagues to get information out of them.  Democrat Assemblywoman Bell Gardens allegedly spoke graphically about her encounters, and allegedly urged fellow lawmakers to play “spin the bottle” after a political fundraiser. Link  This is the ilk promoting the poorly written new ERA.

The new ERA bill will do nothing to stop sexual harassment or assault, but what it will do is eliminate rights women have always had, harm our unborn children, and eliminate protections unique to women.

The Current ERA Agenda

Supreme court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, as an ACLU attorney wrote that the original ERA would strike down over 800 federal laws that favor one gender over the other. Link  Widows will lose Social Security benefits from their deceased husbands, age of consent and parental notification laws will be eliminated, as well as single-sex bathrooms and changing rooms.  Sound familiar?

Past Illinois lawmakers voted this down 13 times, and we need to do it again.  This new bill, like the old ERA, mentions nothing about equal pay or equal rights. It is very poorly written.

In Frontiero v Richardson, Justice Ginsburg agreed with Justice Brennan’s opinion that American men put women, “not on a pedestal, but in a cage,” and that “throughout much of the 19th century the position of women in our society was, in many respects, comparable to that of blacks under the pre-Civil War slave codes.”

Today’s ERA is even more vile than the 1972 original.  Remember, the 1973 Supreme Court decision, Roe v. Wade, legalized abortion by a 7-2 vote. Six of the seven justices in the majority were Republican appointees.

Their new agenda is to 1) codify gay rights and abortion in the constitution and 2) drastically change the military.  The left wants to make us into a unisex society.

This new ERA would expand abortion rights from conception to birth and eliminate states’ laws against Rule 766 taxpayer funding for Medicaid abortions.  The rationale used is that men have access to medical care for issues unique to them, thus women should have the same availability, including abortion on demand.  Both Connecticut and New Mexico have ruled that under the ERA, the regulation prohibiting Medicaid funding discriminates against women, and especially poor women.

Supporters Agree ERA Expands Abortion Rights

Excerpts from amicus court briefs by the National Organization of Women (NOW) and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) can be viewed here.  (Betty Friedan and Gloria Steinem were on the front lines promoting the original ERA.)  These ERA supporters and abortion advocates agree that the ERA expands abortion rights and will permit Medicaid funding for abortions.

In fact, using ERA sex discrimination logic, scholars have stated that the ERA would eliminate all abortion regulations and restrictions, including partial-birth abortions.  It would also provide a new federal constitutional basis for abortion rights. Rather than Roe v. Wade privacy rights, the ERA would insert into the U.S. Constitution a right to abortion based on sex discrimination and would provide a legal basis for overturning abortion regulations and restrictions in all 50 states.

Conscience protections would be eliminated for hospitals, physicians, and nurses who do not want to participate in abortions.  Add to that the overturning of the Hyde Amendment, (which has not become a permanent law) and the threat of losing tax exemptions for private religious schools that discourage abortion.

ERA Drastically Harms Women

In the 18 states that have passed state ERAs, there have not been any benefits for women.  In fact, women have been harmed.  In Maryland a husband could no longer be required to support his dependent wife.  In Pennsylvania, a father was exempted from support for his minor children, and a husband’s legal responsibility for his wife’s medical costs was nullified.  Again, in Pennsylvania, gender-based automobile insurance rates were disapproved by the state insurance commissioner due to a claim of sex discrimination.  Women now have to pay the same higher rates as men even though statistically they have better driving records.

There’s far more.  Forget about:

  • Special workplace accommodations for pregnant women.
  • Separate women’s correctional facilities.
  • The Women Infants and Children Program (WIC).
  • Social Security benefits for stay-at-home mothers based on their spouse’s income.
  • Exemption for women for military draft and compulsory front-line combat.
  • Laws that support women for alimony, child support, and the exemption of a wife having to pay her husband’s debts even if he deserts her with children to support.
  • Gender designations for bathrooms, locker rooms, hospital rooms.


The feminists want to get Illinois passed and they have hopes that it will move to three other states, Virginia, North Carolina, and Oregon. If they get Illinois and one other, they are going to go full force with public relations saying the ERA is “retroactively” passed.  Untrue, but they will try it and it will create unbelievable problems.

Check your state, watch for it, because this ERA is devastatingly dangerous to the welfare of America’s women and their families. The agenda is quite different from what we faced in the 1970s.

Please contact your Illinois state senator and representative and encourage them to vote against the ERA (SJRCA4). 

The information in this article is from Phyllis Schlafly Eagles, who are working to brief the administration so they’ll know the dangers in the new ERA.  See also Nancy Thorner’s excellent article in the Illinois Review, Illinois Lawmakers Beware of Deceptive Sweet Talking ERA Proponents.

Please forward this article far and wide. 

P.S. NewsWithViews writers work overtime to bring readers the real truth of what is happening in our country.  We donate our time and efforts because the truth is so very rare today, especially in main stream media.  The CEO and publisher of NWVs has put his heart, soul, and personal funds into this effort.  Won’t you please help us by sending your monthly donations here.

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

More Information

  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Me_Too_movement
  2. MeToo has revived the Equal Rights Amendment
  3. ERA strengthens abortion rights

Why The Constitutional Convention Could Destroy What’s Left Of America

Article V of the Constitution has only 22 words about a convention for proposing amendments, but the most important is the word “call.”  Since only Congress can “call” the convention, it means that states have no control over who can be a delegate, who makes the rules, who sets the agenda or who wields the gavel. —Phyllis Schlafly

I don’t see a single flaw in the constitution, all I see are failures to obey the constitution.  —Bill Whittle

Many on the left and the right are working together to rewrite our 1787 Constitution, that magnificent and precious document, the fountainhead of our unparalleled American freedom, independence, and prosperity which secured our God given unalienable rights. They believe that changing our Constitution or adding amendments will force politicians to obey it.  With that premise, since few obey the 10 Commandments, should we change them as well?

The dangers are many, and euphemistic sounding reasons for another Convention convince constitutionally uneducated citizens of the need for a Balanced Budget Amendment (BBA).  Few Americans have read the actual BBA bill, which would change our constitution and legalize the already unconstitutional spending by Congress, and when Congress couldn’t meet the budget because of their spending, they’d simply raise taxes on the American people.  The Constitution lists the enumerated powers by which Congress is limited in its spending, the BBA Amendment changes those enumerated powers.

Two Methods for Proposing Amendments

Article V of the Constitution includes two methods for proposing amendments.  The first and only method used for 27 amendments thus far empowers Congress to propose an amendment, “whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary.”

The second method for proposing amendments, which has never been used since the original 1787 Constitutional Convention (Con-Con), is through a convention called by Congress “on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states.”  Once 34 state applications are received, Congress is bound to “call a convention for proposing amendments.”

Article V tells of two modes of ratification.  The amendments proposed by Congress or at a convention, can only become part of the Constitution once they’ve been “ratified by the legislatures of three fourths (38) of the several states, or by conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress.”

Advocating Constitutional Change

Conservatives who advocate for a Con-Con fail to understand that once Congress convenes a convention, it cannot be undone, and no predetermined rules or limitations, adopted by either Congress or the states will have any bearing on what the convention delegates may choose to do or propose. Link The delegates would have free latitude to propose any changes they see fit, including the writing of an entirely new constitution, along with changes to the mode of ratification, so as to guarantee the adoption of their amendments.  It would be a runaway convention and it is not without historical precedent.

Imagine the delegates appointed by state legislatures like California, New York or Illinois.  Every God given freedom would be eliminated and every leftwing socialist program would be enforced.

Throughout American history there have been those who wish to rewrite our U.S. Constitution. Link  In 1943, it was a Chicago lawyer for Marshall Fields and Time, in the 1960s it was Senator Everett Dirksen, and we came close to a convention in the late 1980s.  Now in the 21st century we are again faced with those on the left and right advocating for another convention.

In his book, Six Amendments: How and Why We Should Change the Constitution, (2014), former Supreme Court Associate Justice John Paul Stevens, who wrote the dissenting opinion in the Supreme Court’s Citizens United case, proposes to change the Second Amendment to read:

A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms when serving in the militia shall not be infringed.

The addition of these five words essentially allows for the criminalization and disarming of homeowners and law-abiding citizens.

Stevens, appointed by Gerald Ford, would also change the First Amendment to limit political speech, change the Eighth Amendment to forbid the death penalty, and change the Tenth and Eleventh Amendments to end sovereign immunity for the states and absolute immunity to state and local elected officials when they don’t follow federal laws.

Then there’s Henry Hazlitt, American economist, and libertarian (1894-1993), who was the former economic advisor to James Dale Davidson, founder and former head of the National Taxpayer’s Union (NTU).  Davidson’s NTU was instrumental in promoting a Con-Con in the early 80s and he claimed he gave $100,000 every year to the cause. Hazlitt wrote A New Constitution Now in 1942, and republished it in 1974.  His book makes the argument for replacing America’s presidential system of government with a parliamentary one resembling Great Britain’s. I thought we fought a revolutionary war to escape that form of government!

Hazlitt states, “An amendment could be proposed that would strike out everything after We the people,” and that of course, includes the Bill of Rights.

Warnings from Statesmen

On November 2, 1788, James Madison, the Father of our Constitution, wrote a letter to G.L. Turberville when he was asked how he felt if another General Convention should be called.  Here is a portion of his letter, written only a year after the 1787 Constitution:

An election into it would be courted by the most violent partizans [sic] on both sides; it would probably consist of the most heterogeneous characters; would no doubt contain individuals of insidious views, who under the mask of seeking alterations popular in some parts but inadmissible in other parts of the Union might have a dangerous opportunity of sapping the very foundations of the fabric.

Having witnessed the difficulties and dangers experienced by the first Convention which assembled under every propitious circumstance, I should tremble for the result of a Second, meeting in the present temper of America, and under all the disadvantages I have mentioned.

In Federalist No. 49, Madison warns against a convention to correct breaches of the Constitution. He said the legislators who caused the problem would get themselves seats at the convention and would be in a position to control the outcome of a convention.

In Federalist No. 85 (last paragraph), Alexander Hamilton said he “dreads” the consequences of another convention because the enemies of the Constitution want to get rid of it.

Our first US Supreme Court Chief Justice John Jay wrote that another convention would run an “extravagant risque.” (obsolete spelling of risk)

US Supreme Court Justice Arthur Goldberg reminds us in his September 14, 1986 editorial in The Miami Herald that at the convention of 1787, the delegates ignored their instructions from the Continental Congress and instead of proposing amendments to the Articles of Confederation, wrote a new Constitution; and that “…any attempt at limiting the agenda would almost certainly be unenforceable.”

US Supreme Court Chief Justice Warren Burger said in his June 1988 letter to Phyllis Schlafly:

…there is no effective way to limit or muzzle the actions of a Constitutional Convention…After a Convention is convened, it will be too late to stop the Convention if we don’t like its agenda…A new Convention could plunge our Nation into constitutional confusion and confrontation at every turn…

US Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia said on April 17, 2014 at the 1:06 mark of this video.

I certainly would not want a constitutional convention. I mean, whoa! Who knows what would come out of that?

Convention supporters ridicule these warnings as “fear mongering.” And they quote law professor Scalia in 1979, before his decades of experience as a Supreme Court Justice, to “prove” otherwise.

Here are additional letters and articles by eminent jurists and scholars to the same effect.

Any intelligent person must seriously consider these warnings from these brilliant men. James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, Justice Jay, Justice Goldberg, Justice Burger and Justice Scalia understood the plenipotentiary powers of delegates to an Article V convention.  Link  (h/t to Joanna Martin)

The Historic and Dangerous Legal Precedent

The only historic precedent for a Constitutional Convention occurred in 1787.  The 55 attending delegates were tasked with the “sole and express purpose of revising the Articles of Confederation (AOC).”  Article XIII of the AOC stipulated that “any alterations” made to them must be unanimously “confirmed by the legislatures of every State.”

Both of these mandates were exceeded.  The delegates chose to replace the Articles with an entirely new federal Constitution.  They altered the mode of ratification from being “confirmed by the legislatures of every State,” in Article XIII of the AOC, to “the legislatures of three fourths of the several states, or by conventions in three fourths thereof,” in Article V of the new Constitution.  On September 13, 1788, with only 11 of the 13 states having ratified the new Constitution, the Continental Congress passed a resolution that it “had been ratified.”  The new Constitution replacing the AOC was adopted before being “confirmed by the legislatures of every State,” as Article XIII required.  With such precedent, who can say this will not happen again?

The 55 attending delegates to the 1787 Convention

a) ignored their pre-set limited agenda;
b) trashed the entire existing government;
c) wrote a new constitution; and most important,
d) (to assure adoption of their new constitution), they ignored existing ratification requirements, wrote new ones, and used the new rules to bypass the state legislatures.

A second Con-Con hasn’t been held in 231 years because, by virtue of the only historic precedent, nothing can stop a second convention from doing everything the first did.

Phyllis Schlafly Eagles Oppose a Con-Con

An Article V convention cannot be limited. The text of the Constitution expressly states that only Congress may “call” it, and multiple “Amendments” will be allowed – a plural “s” after “Amendment.”  Nowhere does it state that a Convention can be called, opened or convened and bypass Congress.

Big liberal states like California and New York would have 10 to 30 times more power at an Article V convention than small conservative states would, because the Supreme Court has required the “one man, one vote” rule since 1964. The House would also require voting based on population.

Supporters of the “Convention of States” falsely claim that States would not ratify bad amendments. But state legislatures did ratify the 17th Amendment, often unanimously, even though that took power away from them to elect U.S. Senators. Media pressure to ratify amendments becomes unstoppable.

The original Constitutional Convention had three essential conditions that do not exist today: (i) secrecy from the media, (ii) participants who fought in the American Revolution against tyranny, and (iii) George Washington presiding.

Authorship of the 1787 Constitution was a collaborative effort, with Gouverneur Morris deserving the most credit for the elegant style of the wording in the document.  The ideas embodied in the Constitution were from many sources.  Today we have liberals like Bernie Sanders and George Soros rewriting our Constitution, not to mention the moderate left leaning Republicans.

Tactics of the left are being used to try to pass a “Convention of States.” That project is funded by secret donors who have hidden agendas. There are wealthy globalists who do not like our Constitution for many reasons. One of the prominent directors of the Convention of States has also been a leader of the “Never Trump” movement, who has helped only Hillary Clinton.

The first thing liberals would do in an Article V convention is to attempt to repeal the Second Amendment, and also to insert a right to taxpayer-funded abortion and gay marriage into the Constitution.

If the problem is that politicians do not obey the current Constitution, then writing a new one is no solution to that problem. Politicians who ignore the current Constitution would ignore a new one, unless of course it allowed them to do as they please and then they’d follow it.

On July 12, 2016, the Republican platform committee resoundingly rejected a call for an Article V convention, for many good reasons as stated by conservative delegates during a televised session.

Progressive Education

It’s interesting to note that these folks pushing another convention often refuse to debate those who know the historic precedents and documents of our founders, but when they do, they always end up failures in the public forum.

We must realize that progressive education has destroyed academic education, and it happened long ago, other than in a few hundred private schools and among home schools, academic teaching is gone.  Eliminating the US Constitution and American history from education started in the late 1960s.

Progressive education does not believe in moral, religious or cultural absolutes, but rather only believes in questioning those absolutes and replacing them with relative truths, i.e., convenient lies. Indeed, we need to consider whether the proponents of progressive education have always been “intending to make a clean sweep of traditional values and start with a new set,” as C. S. Lewis put it in his 1943 book, “The Abolition of Man.”

America is shifting from a nation governed by a Constitution to a nation governed by an agenda. What the agenda is should matter to people who love their freedom.  It doesn’t matter whether Republicans or Democrats are in power, the agenda keeps moving forward either way, directing us all toward what is touted as a more “enlightened,” a more “socially conscious,” and a more “open and tolerant” society. Link

Unfortunately, our children are learning nothing of freedom and liberty, our heritage or Constitution, what they are learning is a socialist agenda.


The 1787 Constitution and the Bill of Rights secured our liberties and listed our basic God given human rights.  America’s founders were statesmen who stood against tyranny, taking great risks personally and financially to leave a legacy of freedom to the world.

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Alec, Global Corporations, State Legislators, And An Article V Convention

Having witnessed the difficulties and dangers experienced by the first Convention, I would tremble for the result of the second. —James Madison, Father of the Constitution and fourth President of the United States

All men having power ought to be distrusted to a certain degree. —James Madison, speech at the Constitutional Convention, July 11, 1787

The majority of Americans do not understand that our Representative Republic is under attack and has been for decades. As Ben Franklin said, “A Republic, if you can keep it.”  Basically, we lost it long ago, but we cannot afford to lose the 1787 Constitution or our liberties will be a thing of the past.

Who is the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)?  It is a think tank whose members consist of state legislators and corporations who gather together behind closed doors to write legislation for the states. Dark money funds ALEC, especially the Koch Brothers, but more on them in another article.  ALEC has long been promoting an Article V Constitutional Convention.

ALEC’s membership is 95% corporate along with 2500 of the 7500 legislators from every state. This is where state legislation originates.

ALEC Founder, Paul Weyrich

The number one mover and shaker of the rightwing Council for National Policy (CNP) was Paul Weyrich, albeit there were others with more money and power, the Coors family, and Planned Parenthood promoter, Richard Mellon Scaife, heir to the Carnegie Mellon fortune.  Scaife has allegedly funded ALEC to the tune of more than $7 million. One must remember that Scaife funded both sides of the aisle and was connected to Rockefeller (Chase Mellon Bank).

The Council for National Policy was founded in 1981by charismatic Baptist, Pat Robertson, Tim LaHaye, Nelson Bunker Hunt and twice tried for murder, Texas oilman, T. Cullen Davis

Weyrich was the Grand Poohbah of the CNP. He co-founded the Heritage Foundation, the Free Congress Foundation and the American Legislative Exchange Council and was the first president or director of all three.  He also once served as advisor to former Russian President, Boris Yeltsin of Chechnyan genocide fame. He wrote about it in an article in the Heritage affiliate, Townhall Magazine.

In 1987, Weyrich wrote an article entitled, “A Conservative’s Lament,” which showed his unabashed yearning for a Parliamentary form of government for America and his strong belief that America needed a shadow government…which is what we seem to have with the Council on Foreign Relations.

Back in 1992, when recently deceased Ross Perot came on the scene, he was gung-ho for a Con-Con.  Like Weyrich, he stated emphatically that we needed a parliamentary government and bragged that “his people” could get the remaining states needed for a Con-Con “in their sleep.”  Phyllis Schlafly Eagles and fellow patriots stopped it.

ALEC History

ALEC is a corporate bill mill. It’s not just a lobby or front group, ALEC is one of the most powerful unelected councils in the country. [Link] Note that unelected councils and task forces, and public-private partnerships, etc. are forms of government used in democratic socialist and communist countries.

ALEC first came into being in 1973 in Chicago as the “Conservative Caucus of State Legislators.” In 1975, with the support of the American Conservative Union, ALEC registered as a federal non-profit agency. Through the corporate-funded Council, global corporations and state politicians vote behind closed doors to try to rewrite state laws that govern your rights. These so-called “model bills” reach into almost every area of American life and, more often than not, directly benefit huge corporations. In ALEC’s own words, corporations have “a VOICE and a VOTE” on specific changes to the law that are then proposed in your state, and sometimes in the federal legislature.

The Madison Group, the predecessor to the State Policy Network (SPN), similar to mini Heritage Foundation’s in each state, was “launched by ALEC,” and housed in the Chicago-based Heartland Institute, so says a 1991 report by the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy (NCRP). The Heartland Institute was/is a member of ALEC.  Link  The Institute has also functioned as a publisher and promoter of ALEC’s model legislation, including a new Article V Constitutional Convention.

Heartland is funded by the Koch brothers, David and Charles, the former being a member of the globalist Aspen Institute. Remember Aspen Institute’s former Director was none other than Maurice Strong, author and promoter of UN Agenda 21. NCRP also reported that the Madison Group’s annual meeting was, at that time, “sponsored by Heritage Foundation and the Free Congress Foundation,” led by Paul Weyrich.

One has to remember that Heritage Foundation fellow and CFR member, Richard V. Allen drafted NAFTA, and Stuart M. Butler wrote the monograph for Heritage promoting the individual mandate in healthcare.

Corporations Write the Bills

Watch this six-minute video of a backroom ALEC meeting in Georgia.

Corporations hand to state legislators their “wish lists” of legislation to benefit their bottom lines. The membership of ALEC is 98% corporate and the corporate membership is the one that funds almost all of ALEC’s operations. They have bought their way into the process by which corporate lobbyists and special interest reps vote with elected officials to approve “model” bills. ALEC’s legislative leaders are responsible for getting the bills introduced and passed. They introduce and carry the bills in their statehouses as their own brilliant ideas. As an example, the immigration bill, SB1070, was written by ALEC and carried by Russell Pearce, word for word, to Arizona. Private prison corporations had a huge part in ALEC’s crafting of SB1070.

The legislators never disclose that corporations wrote and vetted these bills along with fellow politicians behind closed doors at ALEC meetings. So, everyone who is a member of ALEC is influencing not only state bills, but likely most federal bills as well, written by corporations with vested interests…along with lobbyists and state representatives.

ALEC’s Corporate Donors

ALEC has a huge list of corporate donors and corporate members, and here is a state by state partial list of politicians that are known to be involved in, or previously involved in ALEC. Not all dues-paying members of ALEC are included because ALEC does not post its full list, but the list includes politicians who have been in a leadership role in ALEC, as a member of a task force, or other publicly known role. It also includes politicians who have been featured speakers or who have accepted awards at ALEC meetings.

In the mid-1990s, the Church of Scientology became one of ALEC’s members and underwriters, for the apparent purpose of interacting with state lawmakers on mental health-care issues. Here’s an excerpt from a 1998 fundraising letter written by Bruce Wiseman, the president of the Citizens Commission on Human Rights International, (CCHR) a highly controversial anti-psychiatry front-group of the Church of Scientology. Wiseman writes,

“ALEC is a national organization made up of legislators from every state as well as some federal legislators who meet and draft model legislation for every state. The return for that has been enormous! CCHR has worked its way up the conditions at ALEC and recently got an article published by ALEC in opposition to mandated mental-health parity, which went to key state legislators who deal with health issues in their respective states. In addition, the ALEC membership has opened the door to meeting numerous legislators and other opinion leaders from around the country.”

ALEC exists to maximize the profits of their corporate kings and financiers, especially Koch Industries, Exxon Mobile, PhrMA, Altria, and Pfizer, who pay upwards of $25,000 just to become members.

ALEC and the Article V Convention

ALEC has long promoted an Article V Constitutional Convention using the excuse that we need a Balanced Budget Amendment, the same excuse used in the late 70s and defeated by Phyllis Schlafly Eagles and fellow patriots. If you’ve read Publius Huldah’s articles on same, here and here, then you understand what a terrible danger the BBA actually is to our Constitution.

ALEC even produced a “Resolution for Limitations on Authority of Delegates to a ‘Convention for Proposing Amendments’ (Article V, United States of America Constitution.”  ALEC claims this resolution will curtail and eliminate the possibility of a “runaway convention.” The resolution restricts delegates to work only on those amendments authorized in their legislative instructions and calls for the immediate recall of any delegate that works on an unauthorized amendment.” This is total balderdash! Once a Convention is opened, all is fair game!

A 43-page handbook, written by ALEC’s “constitutional scholar,” Robert G. Natelson, entitled: Proposing Constitutional Amendments by a Convention of the States,” was provided to their mostly-republican members, along with model legislation to carry back to their states. The booklet is full of spins, lies, and misdirection.  It claims the states must exercise control as given to them by the founders, that they must move quickly, that state legislatures will have complete control over the process, and will answer to the state legislatures they represent.  This is far from the truth.  There is no provision in Article V empowering state legislators to choose the delegates to a Constitutional Convention or to “limit” the scope of a Con-Con.  There are no rules, no regulations, and certainly no instructions.  Link

Historical Precedents

The 1787 Convention set historical precedents that side with a runaway convention.  A convention today could propose bad amendments or even a new constitution like the one written over a period of 10 years, at a cost of $25 million, by the Ford Foundation, which eliminates everything after “We The People,” and that includes our God given, unalienable rights.  Once a convention is opened, they could force it on the American people by way of creating and utilizing a new mode of ratification.

Wolf-Pac, and the Convention of States Project, (COS) says that can’t happen despite the fact that it did happen when the 1787 Convention met to amend the Articles of Confederation and totally threw them out and started anew.  Oh, what those wonderful freedom loving statesmen gave us then, but today, there is not a statesman alive who would be a match for even one of the men in the 1787 convention.

The very reason most often cited by scholars for their opposition to an Article V Convention is because the 1787 Convention set the precedent. There is absolutely no way that a new convention can possibly be controlled, no matter the circumstances or restrictions set down prior to the convention.  The intention from the outset of many of its proponents, chief among them James Madison and Alexander Hamilton, was to create a new government rather than fixing the existing one. This is also what exists today, and Madison called them, “violent partisans.”

Left and Right Promote Con-Con

The neo-conservative Trotskyites on the right, Sean Hannity, Michael Farris, Mike Levin, David Barton, Glenn Beck, Tom Coburn, Allen West, Sarah Palin, Jim DeMint, Mike Lee, Ted Cruz, CFR memberGrover Norquist, Charles and David Koch who heavily fund ALEC, Gov. John Kasich, former Gov. Mike Huckabee, Tennessee’s Michael Patrick Leahy, Georgetown Professor Randy Barnett, Judge Andrew Napolitano etc. etc. ad nauseam, are all fomenting change to our Constitution through an Article V convention.

George Soros and his Constitution 2020 along with his Open Society Institute and the Center for American Progress are heavily funding a new convention. Groups like the Goldwater Institute’s Nick Dranius and Compact for America, I Am American, the “Move to Amend” coalition, Turk Cenk Uyger’s Wolf Pac, Mark Meckler’s Citizens for Self-Governance, Harvard Professor Lawrence Lessig, and others are promoting a new convention. Link

William Furth of “I am American” actually physically pushed Publius Huldah off a stage several years ago in Knoxville, TN, when she tried to explain to the audience the dangers of another convention.


Countless authorities have stated that a Constitutional Convention cannot be controlled. Once a Con-Con is opened, the entire document can be taken down and changed. There are no statesmen today like our founders, and the risk of opening a convention for any reason would result in the destruction of the last threads binding us to a representative Republic.

P.S. So many fabulous researchers and journalists write for NewsWithViews.  Many of us spend hours in research to bring you information you will not find anywhere else.  Why do we write for NWVs?  Because our CEO and publisher knows our God given freedoms and liberties are in grave danger.  He knows what Communism looks like because he escaped it as a child.  This is why we support this great website.  Please remember us every month as you write your bills.  Every dollar you send helps to keep us alive, and ask your friends to sign up to receive the daily emails. You can donate here.

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Gun Free Zones Are Killing Fields

Whenever there is a shooting, the Left proposes gun control; but when someone is raped or murdered by an illegal alien, the same people never demand border control!

Gunfree school zones mean that attackers are the only ones who are armed. —Rush Limbaugh

To conquer a nation, first disarm its citizens.  —Adolph Hitler

When I was in high school in the early 1960s, we had a rifle club and students drove to school with their rifles on the backs of their trucks.  There was never a problem.  Our school was built in 1929 with an indoor rifle shooting range and swimming pool. The range is now gone, and there is a new pool in another part of the building.

In the passing of 50 some years, both our education and culture have drastically changed…and not for the better.

Judicial Watch Exposes FBI

Did the FBI drop the ball on the Parkland School tragedy?  President of Judicial Watch, Tom Fitton, took them to task in his weekly update from Judicial Watch.  He believes this shooting could have been prevented had the FBI done their job.

The FBI was notified last September by blogger Ben Bennight when a user named Nikolas Cruz commented, “I’m going to be a professional school shooter,” on one of his videos.  Bennight lives in Mississippi and says he was “immediately” contacted by the local FBI office. He met with agents the following day. “That was the last I heard from them,” he told BuzzFeed.  As Fitton says, “The FBI didn’t follow up.”

If this Parkland tragedy was the only issue with the FBI, they could possibly have a defense, but it is a fundamental issue that arises again and again and has cost countless lives.

In 2002, Judicial Watch represented an FBI agent, Robert G. Wright, who blew the whistle on the FBI’s incompetence and maleficence.

Every Government Authority Failed

Four of Sheriff Scott Israel’s Broward County deputies waited outside Marjory Stoneman Douglass School while the attack occurred, one has resigned…worthless cowards. The Sheriff’s office had received at least 23 calls related to Nikolas Cruz and his family, and in 2016, a deputy was directly told that Cruz was threatening to shoot up his school, and buying firearms to do it.  A report was never even made.

The State also failed.  Despite suicidal behavior by Cruz, and his express desire to buy firearms, the Florida Department of Children and Families decided he was not a threat to himself or others.  Had they decided otherwise, Cruz would have been involuntarily committed and barred from buying a firearm.  Link

Federal, state, and local agencies all failed.

FBI Corruption

The FBI is supposed to protect American citizens, but the corruption at the top level with the Russia collusion scandal, the illicit targeting of Donald Trump, the coverup of the Clinton email and uranium one scandals suggests protocols are not followed.

Fitton says, “The leadership of the FBI spends most of their time figuring out ways to hide documents from the American people and Congress, targeting the President of the United States, and battling any efforts at accountability. Is it any wonder then that they don’t get into the nitty-gritty of making sure appropriate steps are taken when someone in the agency is tipped off about a person who may shoot up a school?”

“There are 17 people dead because the FBI failed to do the job that Americans rightly expect from it, and if the agency doesn’t do its job, why do we have the agency?”

Warnings Missed

In the Omar Mateen terror shooting at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, 49 people were shot and killed.  Mateen had been on the radar of the FBI and they had actually interviewed him.  Judicial Watch received documents from local law enforcement who spoke to the FBI and who told them that Omar Mateen was not a terrorist.  “Not” was capitalized, and the FBI stated that Mateen was unlikely to go postal. That was just 2 ½ years before he shot up the nightclub.

How about the Boston Marathon Bombing where the FBI had information and warnings about the two terrorist Tsarnaev brothers who ended up killing four people and injuring hundreds in Boston.  And we can go all the way back to 9/11 where if the FBI had followed the leads they had been given, the 9/11 horror could have been prevented.  Judicial Watch was heavily involved in what went on there. FBI Director Mueller worked to cover up the connection between a Florida Saudi family and the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

Under Robert Mueller’s reign as FBI Director, Anwar al awlaki, whose name is used to recruit terrorists across the internet today, was an American citizen who was assassinated by drones.  He was the most important terrorist leader other than Osama bin laden.  It looked as though he was a confidential informant or asset for the FBI in the United States. It was clear he was involved in 9/11, but the FBI thought better of reining him in and he fled the country.  He was also behind the Ft. Hood shooting of unarmed soldiers and the underwear bomber.

The “gun-free zone” type policy on military bases can actually be traced back to Department of Defense (DoD) Directive 5210.56, signed into effect in February 1992 by Donald J. Atwood, deputy secretary of defense under President George H. W. Bush.  Maybe the military should reconsider their own “gun-free” zones since it cost the lives of 13 people and injured another 30.

FBI Murders and Cointelpro

Americans seem to have short memories.  Past FBI failures include the Murrah Building bombing, Ruby Ridge, the Waco siege, Cliven Bundy and the murder of LaVoy Finicum, the attempted murders of Pam Geller and Robert Spencer, and so many others.  Link

Let’s not forget Elmer “Geronimo” Pratt. He served two combat tours in Viet Nam, reaching the rank of Sergeant, was honorably discharged, earning two Bronze Stars, a Silver Star and two Purple Hearts.

The FBI targeted him in a cointelpro operation, which aimed to “neutralize Pratt as an effective Black Panther Party functionary.” Elmer was charged with a murder he didn’t commit, (he was 350 miles away at the time) the trial was a sham, marked by the prosecution’s deceitful withholding of exculpatory evidence (sound familiar?) and the presence of a government spy, still unidentified, inside the defense team. He was convicted and spent the next 27 years — eight of them in solitary confinement — in prison. During those years, there were multiple attempts to murder him.

Two lawyers, Johnny Cochran and Stuart Hanlon finally freed this innocent man and proved that the FBI and the government spy had set him up. The FBI was sued and had to pay millions to Elmer Pratt.

Jack Olsen wrote the story about this amazing man, Last Man Standing, the Tragedy and Triumph of Geronimo Pratt.

Killers Target Gun Free Zones

Would you put a “Gun-Free Zone” sign in front of your house?  I highly doubt it, so why do we put these signs on our schools, hospitals, government facilities, etc. to become mass murder targets?

Since at least 1950, all but two public mass shootings in America have taken place where general citizens are banned from carrying guns. In Europe, there have been no exceptions. Every mass public shooting, and there have been plenty of mass shootings in Europe, has occurred in a gun-free zone.

These killers might be crazy, but they aren’t stupid. Picking defenseless targets means being able to kill more people.  Many killers have explicitly stated this reasoning, including the 2015 Charleston, S.C., church shooting, the 2012 theater shooting in Aurora, Colo., and the 2015 attack in San Bernardino, Calif.

In March 2013, 86 percent of police officers surveyed by PoliceOne, the 450,000-member private organization of police, said that casualties would have been prevented if legally-armed citizens had been able to carry guns in places such as Newtown and Aurora.

John Lott is the head of the Crime Prevention Research Center, an organization dedicated to providing an objective and accurate scientific evaluation of both the costs and benefits of gun ownership.  In this article, Lott tells us the truth about mass shootings that the so-called “mainstream” media won’t report.

Government Education Propaganda

Once upon a time in America, parents could send their children to school to learn the three “R’s.” Our youngsters are now fed socialist propaganda on a daily basis. Disrespect for human life is taught in all government schools and our universities are bastions of Marxist theology.  It is why students are now demanding the destruction of our God given second amendment rights. [See the DVD “Cultural Marxism”]

Phonics went out of fashion in the 1960s and whole word language came in.  It is why so many are functionally illiterate today.  Why Johnny Can’t Read, was written in 1955 by Rudolph Flesch, and is even more valid today.  Link

Phonics logics the young mind, and the socialists do not want children taught to read and think.  Cursive writing is gone, so today’s young people cannot sign their names to a legal document.  The anti-phonics crusaders were, to put it bluntly, the globalist establishment, and now we’re into the third generation of deliberately dumbed down Americans.

It starts in kindergarten. Today’s children are brainwashed with leftist propaganda in environmentalism, social justice, and sexual perversion. Our education system has been changed from one focused on academics and individual upward mobility.  The same principles used to train dogs or circus animals are now applied to human behavior.

Learning disabilities are prevalent resulting from the destruction of education, and so what have we done?  We’ve drugged the children, causing even more horrific problems.

Drugging our Children

Ever wonder how many of these youthful shooters are on anti-depressant drugs? Just about all of them, and yes, the side effects are violence and suicide. These drugs are even more dangerous if suddenly discontinued rather than tapering off them.  Link

On February 24, 2010, the Veterans Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives, Chaired by Rep. Bob Filner (D-San Diego) held hearings entitled, “Exploring the Relationship Between Medication and Veteran Suicide.”  Chairman Filner asked Dr. Peter Breggin to lead off with testimony about “Anti-depressant-induced Suicide, Violence, and Mania: Implications for the Military.”  Perhaps this is why we have so many veteran suicides today.  And Dr. Breggin says that psychiatric drugs for children and youth are another disaster.

Black box warnings have been on all anti-depressant, and psychotropic drugs since 2004, and the majority of school shooters were either on these drugs or had stopped them cold turkey.  Link  Link  There are any number of articles acknowledging that the drugs are often the culprits causing violence, not the firearms as America’s socialists want you to believe.

Eliminate Gun-Free Zones

In Ann Coulter’s recent article, she makes the case that 46 percent of the mass shootings since 2000 were committed by first and second generation immigrants and that we’re hauling in over two million unvetted third world immigrants every year.  This has led to a slew of FBI “watch lists” with a million names apiece and ISIS investigations in all 50 states, and that’s just one terrorist organization.

She’s right when she says we need an immigration moratorium and widespread deportations to eliminate half of the shootings, but it won’t happen. The socialist politicians on both sides of the aisle do not believe in protecting American citizens or their “individual freedoms.”  They protect only themselves.

Republican Colorado State Representative Patrick Neville, who survived the Columbine gun attack in 1999, is again introducing legislation to allow teachers to carry guns in order to thwart school shootings.  He identifies “gun-free zones” as the common denominator in mass shootings, and he’s right.

God gave us the right to defend ourselves.  Gun-free zones are killing fields and need to be eliminated. Teachers with concealed carry permits should be immediately allowed to carry in schools.  Those without concealed carry should be given the opportunity for training should they also wish to be armed.

The only way to save lives is to eliminate every single “Gun-Free Zone.”

P.S. A special thanks to all the folks who read NewsWithViews every day and who support us with monthly donations.  We cannot exist without you.  Our President is bringing the country back to greatness, and in doing so, we pray every American will have more money in their pockets.  Please help NWVs to remain in the black so we can keep bringing our readers the truth of what is happening in American politics.  You can donate here, and tell your friends to visit the site and sign up for the daily emails.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

America Needs Fearless Rudy Giuliani As Our Attorney General

The Devil whispers, “You can’t withstand the storm.”  The warrior replied, “I am the storm.”

God doesn’t give the hardest battles to his toughest soldiers, he creates the toughest soldiers through life’s hardest battles.

Giuliani, One Tough Soldier

The toughest soldiers have proven their metal and Rudy Giuliani is one of them.  Remember how he reacted to 9/11 and the destruction in Manhattan?  Remember how Rudy went after the mob, despite threats to his own life, and still stood strong and took them down?

When Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal suggested that the attacks were an indication that the United States “should re-examine its policies in the Middle East and adopt a more balanced stand toward the Palestinian cause,” Giuliani asserted, “There is no moral equivalent for this terrorist act. There is no justification for it… And one of the reasons I think this happened is because people were engaged in moral equivalency in not understanding the difference between western democracies like the United States, like Israel, and terrorist states and those who condone terrorism. So, I think not only are those statements wrong, they’re part of the problem.”

Giuliani subsequently rejected the prince’s $10 million donation to disaster relief in the aftermath of the attack.

Rudy is a warrior and he always has been.  His spine is steel, his teeth are sharp and he has chutzpah.  Politically conservative actor, James Woods played Rudy in the 2003 movie, The Rudy Giuliani Story, and I know he played it true to the Mayor.

Rudy isn’t the perfect conservative candidate, and he’s getting up there in years, but he has audacity, courage and nerve.  He knows the criminal element, and he believes in justice.  Why isn’t Rudy in the Trump administration?  Why isn’t he our Attorney General?  He would have been an invincible warrior.

Rudy and the Mob

When Rudy arrived as federal prosecutor in Manhattan in 1983, the chance to take on the mob was an offer Giuliani could not refuse.  While many Italian-American public figures avoided the word “Mafia,” Giuliani used it repeatedly at news conferences. “By using the word Mafia correctly,” he insisted, “you actually help to end the unfair stereotype.”

Giuliani’s prosecutorial zeal led an attorney for Genovese boss Salerno to charge that Giuliani had “made it his personal mission to bury my client.”  Rudy uncharacteristically replied with a no comment.

Using evidence obtained by the FBI, eleven organized crime figures, including the heads of New York’s so-called “Five Families,” were indicted by Rudy under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) on charges including extortion, labor racketeering, and murder for hire. The case struck a blow against “The Commission,” a loose organization of the New York Mafia organizations that met to resolve disputes or discuss criminal activities, sometimes likened to organized crime’s board of directors.  Giuliani also made his prosecutorial bones with the “Pizza Connection” case, a mob-bankrolled plan to import $1.6 billion in heroin and cocaine through pizzerias. (Pizzas again).

According to Italian news, the Sicilian mafia wanted Rudy Giuliani to sleep with the fishes.  Crime boss Salvatore “Toto” Riina ordered the hit on Giuliani back in the 1980s when the future New York City mayor was a mob-busting federal prosecutor.  The source of that story is mafia turncoat Rosario Naimo, who spilled his secrets back then to Palermo-based prosecutors.

Naimo said Riina was alarmed that Giuliani was joining forces with Sicily-based prosecutors like the legendary Giovanni Falcone.  So, Riina dispatched Naimo to New York City and told him to get the okay from the Gambino crime family to rub out Giuliani.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions

I’ve always liked Jeff Sessions and always believed he was a devout Trump supporter.  However, unless we see some big-time indictments in the near future, I’m afraid much of America is losing faith in him.  Our President has publicly expressed displeasure that Sessions recused himself from the Trump/Russia investigation.

Personally, I’ve given Sessions extra time to “go for the throat” on this nasty mess of Obama DOJ holdovers who were out to destroy our duly elected President.  Why Obama’s FBI appointees are still employed is beyond me, justice moves way too slowly, if at all.

Jeff Sessions should have stayed in the Senate to help our President; his seat is now occupied by a Democrat who believes in abortion up to the minute of birth because Alabama failed to run a good conservative.  If Sessions is replaced as AG, he will probably never be elected to the Senate again. Folks nationwide are disgusted with his failure to take action against the Deep State.

Sessions Defends the Indefensible

Back in December of 2017, AG Sessions actually defended FBI agent Strzok and claimed that his texts may have an innocent explanation.  Uh, no, they don’t AG Sessions.

In this five-minute video, from November of 2017, Rep. Jim Jordan, member of the House Judiciary Committee, questioned the attorney general on Christopher Steele, the anti-Trump dossier and the Clinton campaign and urged an independent investigation. Jordan laid out the entire series of events and the culprits, and reminded Sessions that over three and a half months ago the counsel sent a request for a second special counsel.  Sessions cannot answer any of the questions and at the very end of Jordan’s questions, states, “There’s not enough basis for a special counsel.”  Are you kidding me?  Now, months later, there is so much more, and still Sessions has not appointed another special counsel.

The Gateway Pundit reported that Sessions balked at questions over the need for a second special counsel to investigate the Justice Department, telling reporters at a press conference that while he’s concerned about recent allegations of bias within the FBI, “sometimes things that might appear to be bad in the press have more innocent explanations, so fairness and justice should also be provided to our personnel.”  I’d like to know what it’s going to take to put these treasonous individuals in handcuffs.

Sessions Recusals

Not only did Sessions recuse himself from the Russia, Russia, Russia investigation, but he seems to have recused himself from way too many other investigations he should be handling that he believed were under the Russia umbrella.  AG Sessions told a small group of lawmakers late last September 2017, that he was recused from appointing a special counsel to look into potential corruption surrounding the Uranium One deal and Fusion GPS’s work on the Trump dossier, according to one of the lawmakers present.  What?

Oh yes, Rep. Matt Gaetz said that when he asked Sessions to appoint a special counsel to investigate the 2010 Uranium One deal and Fusion GPS, the attorney general stood up, said he could not discuss the matter because he had recused himself, and walked out of the room, leaving them with a group of Rosenstein staffers “who showed no interest.”

It was Sessions belief that his recusal from anything to do with the Russia investigation also recused him from anything even barely linked to same.  Gaetz said, “He (Sessions) said that anything that had to do with 2016 election, or Russia, or the candidates in the 2016 election, fell under the scope of his recusal, and he left the room.” Link

This leaves Rosenstein in charge and he has no desire to help with an investigation.  Rosenstein appointed Mueller, his mentor and friend, to oversee the Russian election collusion, which we know is total bull dung.

Happy with Our AG

Last September’s article by Andrew McCarthy in National Review extols the fact that our Attorney General is restoring the “rule of law” in the Dept. of Justice (DOJ).  And then there’s this article, Stop Smearing Jeff Sessions.  Progressives’ attacks on the Alabama senator are despicable. They need to stop.

Well, it’s nice that Andy McCarthy was happy with our AG, but the folks out here in the heartland of America are flummoxed as to why no charges are being brought against those responsible for selling 20% of our uranium to Russia, and Hillary getting a $145 million kickback to the Clinton Foundation for it. (I’m now hearing it’s much more that was sold to the Russians and we have been depleted.)  Russians routed big bucks to the Clinton Foundation in order to grease the skids for the uranium monopoly.  Don’t forget the speech Bill gave to the Russians for another half million.  Victoria Toensing represents the whistleblower who knows everything about Uranium One.  Link  Judge Jeanine says it’s time for the Clintons to stop getting away with everything.

And what about those emails from Hillary’s home…where Obama emailed classified info to her home computer.  Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner also had access to those emails.

Swamp Court and Sessions’ DOJ Protect Hillary

The US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia ruled last December 2017, siding with the Jeff Sessions DOJ which argued on Clinton’s behalf, against ordering the release of draft indictments prepared against her during the mid-1990s Whitewater scandal.  Why would Jeff Sessions side with the federal court to keep Hillary’s info out of the public?

In September of 2017, Sessions hired his new chief of staff, former US Attorney for the Southern District of Iowa during the George W. Bush years, Matthew Whitaker. Whitaker has stated that the Mueller investigation could be turning into a witch hunt.  It’s been that from day one, but we thought this was a positive development.  Whitaker stated that it was a violation for special counsel Mueller to investigate Trump finances. Well yeah, the same goes for Manafort and Gates!  He’s right, but where is this guy today?

Fired former FBI Director James Comey went on a speaking tour last winter talking ethics in leadership, when he was the one who leaked classified information to the New York Times. My friend Rick Wells is right when he says, “Listening to a speech from former FBI Director James Comey on ethics and integrity is as ridiculous as a lecture from OJ Simpson on the importance of safe freeway driving or Charlie Manson on family values.”

Gowdy is Not AG Material

Many Americans believe Trey Gowdy would be a great AG, but no way in hell would I want him as our Attorney General.  I’d stick with Sessions before I’d go for globalist insider Trey.  Devvy Kidd’s recent article Gowdy, Sessions, McCain – One Down, Two To Go, clearly exposes the real Trey Gowdy.  He is among the 34 republicans who are leaving Congress.  Buh-bye, don’t let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya!

Gowdy is all bark and no bite.  What did he do with the Benghazi investigation?  Did he skewer and nail Hillary to the wall?  Nope, she’s still running free. Gowdy disagrees with our President and fully supports Robert Mueller’s investigation.  Here are just a few of Gowdy’s statements.

Trey Gowdy is not someone I would want as Attorney General of this great nation.  We need someone who will not kowtow to the establishment and rub shoulders with the enemy.


Quite obviously the inmates are running the prison. And the swamp rats long ago infested the DOJ and FBI.

Sessions leads a critically important organization. He has allowed the DOJ to stonewall Congress and has looked the other way as Deep State, Trump-hating operatives within his own department have actively participated in the conspiracy to destroy President Trump.

The American people want the Obama-Clinton-Soros Mafia investigated and prosecuted. For some reason Sessions has refused to do so. Link

We need Rudy!

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Triple Evils, Obama, Perkins Coie Law Firm And Fusion GPS

I am a mortal enemy to arbitrary government and unlimited power. I am naturally very jealous for the rights and liberties of my country, and the least encroachment of those invaluable privileges is apt to make my blood boil. — Ben Franklin

It does not take a majority to prevail…but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men. Samuel Adams

Former federal prosecutor, Joe diGenova, law partner and spouse of Victoria Toensing, says the truth is starting to seep out about the Obama Administration’s “brazen plot to exonerate Hillary Clinton” and “frame an incoming president with a false Russian conspiracy that never existed.”  Victoria Toensing is the attorney for the FBI informant related to the Uranium One deal scandal.

Strzok and Page Text Messages

The loathsome FBI traitors Strzok and Page have provided some valuable evidence that Obama lied on national TV and was in fact protecting Clinton and targeting Trump.  In an April 2016 interview, then President Barack Hussein Obama told “Fox News Sunday” host Chris Wallace he could “guarantee” that he had no discussions about or influence over any FBI or Justice Department investigations, including the investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server. “Nobody gets treated differently when it comes to the Justice Department because nobody is above the law.”

Sure … that’s why Congress is looking into malfeasance and political corruption at the Obama-era Department of Justice, FBI, and intelligence agencies. The stench reaches to high heaven.

The latest release of text messages between FBI agent Peter Strzok and his lover, FBI lawyer Lisa Page have raised questions about Obama’s involvement in the Clinton email investigation, Senate investigators told Fox News.  Big questions!  The newly revealed text messages between Strzok and Page include an exchange about preparing talking points for then FBI Director Comey to give to President Obama so he would “know everything we’re doing.”

In one of the text messages released by the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, Page wrote to Strzok on Sept. 2, 2016: “POTUS wants to know everything we’re doing.” There are even more text messages between the two of them, and on November 14, 2016 Page texted, “We have our task ahead of us.”  Just what task is that and how involved was President Obama?

We’d better get the answers despite the entire disdain of Congress for “sullying” the first half white “black President,” because of his support for Hillary and the destruction of her opposition.

Obviously, President Obama was intensely involved in wanting to know everything about either the Clinton email investigation or the Russia investigation, despite what he told Chris Wallace.  Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch, has laid out some very serious and potentially damaging questions he has about Obama’s involvement in the criminality.

Robert Bauer, Obama Lawyer

Perkins Coie Law Firm is the counsel of record for the Democratic National Committee, and other political clients including nearly all Democratic members of the United States Congress, as well as several presidential campaigns, including those of John Kerry and Barack Obama.

Robert Bauer became Barack Obama‘s private attorney after Obama was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2004 in the corrupt State of Illinois.  In 2009, President Obama appointed Robert Bauer, the chair of the firm’s Political Law practice, to become his White House Counsel, and in 2011 Bauer returned to private practice with Perkins Coie.

In 2015, Hillary Clinton named Marc Elias of Perkins Coie Law Firm as general counsel to her campaign.

But back to Robert Bauer.  He worked on energy issues for the Jimmy Carter administration in the late 1970s, and has served as counsel to the Democratic Senatorial and Congressional Campaign Committees for many years. He was counsel to Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle, helping him defend President Bill Clinton against impeachment charges.  He was also counsel to John Kerry’s presidential campaign and went after RepublicanTom DeLay charging him with extortion and money laundering.

And, Perkins Coie led the class action lawsuit against Sheriff Joe Arpaio for “discriminatory policing.”  Link

The Birth Certificate

In January 2009, when Obama For America (OFA) merged with the Democratic National Committee and became known as Organizing for America, Bauer retained his position as general counsel.  Then during the 2008 presidential campaign, Obama, who had never made his original birth certificate available for public scrutiny, hired Perkins Coie to defend him in court cases challenging his status as a “natural born” U.S. citizen, so he could hold the high office.  According to Federal Election Commission records, OFA paid Perkins Coie $1,352,378.95 for its legal services in those cases.

Silencing Obama’s Past

More than interesting is the fact that while Obama was campaigning against Hillary Clinton, and then Republican opponent McCain, his lawyer quietly wrote letters to station managers and to Asst. AG, John Keeney, contending that Federal Election Commission (FEC) rules forbade the airing of any anti-Obama television ads that would make any mention of Obama’s well-documented association with former Weather Underground terrorist, Bill Ayers.

Bauer filed FEC complaints against groups that were seeking to run such ads, and he intervened on Obama’s behalf to prevent the pro-Hillary, American Leadership Project, from running TV spots exposing the strong support Obama had received from the notoriously corrupt Service Employees International Union (SEIU).

In early 2009 President Obama hired Bauer as legal counsel to represent him in a criminal probe investigating allegations that former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich may have sought, with Obama’s (or Rahm Emanuel‘s) knowledge, to sell to the highest bidder the U.S. Senate seat Obama had vacated when he assumed the presidency.  Blagojevich is the fourth Illinois governor to serve time in federal prison, after Otto Kerner Jr., Dan Walker, and George Ryan.

Bauer also worked on issues related to Obama’s ties to Tony Rezko, a corrupt, Chicago-based real-estate developer who was one of the first major financial contributors to Obama’s political campaigns in the 1990s. In 2005, Rezko was facing at least 12 lawsuits and was under federal investigation on charges that he had solicited kickbacks from companies seeking state pension business under his friend, Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich.  Link

Robert Bauer was also intimately involved in Obama’s controversial decision to break the pledge he had made to accept public funding for his presidential campaign.

Oh, what tangled webs we weave…

Anita Dunn, Obama Communications Director

Anita Dunn is the wife of Robert Bauer, and a senior partner at SKDKnickerbocker, a strategic communications firm in Washington, D.C., and a contributor for NBC News/MSNBC/CNBC.  She was Obama’s interim acting Communications Director.

In June of 2009, she delivered a speech to high-school students in Maryland, where she cited Mao Zedong as one of her “favorite political philosophers.”  Mao Zedong, founder of the People’s Republic of China, qualifies as the greatest mass murderer in world history.  Zedong murdered 45 million of his own people, and Anita Dunn lauds him.  God help us, this is the Democrat party today.

Dunn helped offer damage control advice for Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein.  Link  And Squier, Knapp, and Dunn, her PR firm, has clients including SEIU-National, SEIU-Local 1199, Ceres-Far Left environmentalists “for sustainable prosperity,” and
American Rights at Work-Big Labor outfit chaired by David Bonior.

Her firm did the ads for Rod Blagojevich in Illinois in 2002 and 2006. In other words, they outright lied to help elect the most corrupt governor in Illinois. Too many Illinois governors end up in prison.

Dunn was also one of the early point people on the destroy Sarah Palin team.

Robert Bauer and Anita Dunn are the top Democrat power player couple in DC.

Perkins Coie and Fusion GPS

Since April of 2016, former President Obama’s campaign organization paid almost a million dollars to the law firm that hired Fusion GPS to compile a dossier of unsupported allegations against President Donald Trump. The Federalist reports that OFA paid a significant sum of money to Perkins Coie, who was directed by the DNC and Hillary Clinton’s campaign to conduct opposition research on Trump.

Marc Elias, who represented the Clinton campaign and the DNC at Perkins Coie, hired Fusion GPS in April 2016 to dig up damaging information on Trump. And we know Fusion GPS hired former British spy Christopher Steele who then got unverified information about Trump from officials in Russia.

The Obama campaign started pumping money into Perkins Coie while the law firm hired Fusion GPS, so just how much did Obama and his staff know about the origins of and the information contained in the dossier?

Andrew McCarthy notes, it’s a clever arrangement. The use of the law firm adds a layer of deniability, and when controversy arises, Fusion GPS is able to appeal to attorney-client privilege to shield itself from scrutiny. David French “The Russia Dossier Story: A Perfect Storm of Clinton Deception, Media Irresponsibility, and Democratic Moral Blindness.”  Link

Fusion GPS in West Wing

At the same time that Hillary’s campaign, OFA, and the DNC were all paying Perkins Coie, Shailagh Murray, spouse of one of Fusion GPS’s key employees, was working directly for Obama in the West Wing.  She was a top communications adviser to Obama while the Obama administration was reportedly using information from the dossier to justify secret surveillance of Trump campaign staff.

Murray is married to Neil King, a former Wall Street Journal reporter who was hired by Fusion GPS in December of 2016. While at the WSJ, King worked alongside Fusion GPS’s core team, even sharing bylines with Glenn Simpson, the Fusion GPS executive who personally hired Steele to probe Trump’s alleged Russia connections.

The Campaign Legal Center, a non-partisan legal group, filed a complaint with the FEC last October 2017, claiming that the Clinton campaign and the DNC broke campaign finance laws because they did not accurately report payments they made related to the Trump dossier, payments that totaled well over $9 million between the two organizations.

FEC records show that Marc Elias, Seattle based Perkins Coie attorney, facilitated the payments to Fusion GPS on behalf of the Clinton campaign and the DNC. Elias previously served as counsel for Obama’s OFA.  While OFA paid a substantial sum of money to Perkins Coie, Clinton’s campaign and the DNC paid much more. Hillary For America paid almost $5.1 million while the DNC paid nearly $5.4 million to the firm.  The Steele dossier was commissioned during this time.

For the record, Elias worked closely with former White House Counsel Robert Bauer, who was also a partner at Perkins-Coie, known for its Democratic Party ties.


The timing and nature of the payments to Perkins Coie by Obama’s official campaign arm raise questions about whether OFA was funding Fusion GPS. Exactly how much did Obama and his team know about the contents and source of the dossier before it was made public? Did the president or his government lieutenants knowingly use a libelous partisan political document to justify official government spying via the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court approval targeting political opponents named in the dossier.  Remember that 10 of the 11 FISA court judges were appointed by Obama.

According to the Washington Post, Fusion GPS was first retained by Perkins Coie on behalf of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign in April of 2016.

It’s time to see all of these traitors in orange prison garb.

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly Of The NFL Super Bowl

As many Americans come together to watch the Super Bowl, Melania and I extend our greetings and appreciation for those who make occasions like this possible, particularly the brave men and women of our Armed Forces.

Though many of our Nation’s service members are unable to be home with family and friends to enjoy this evening’s American tradition, they are always in our thoughts and prayers. We owe these heroes the greatest respect for defending our liberty and our American way of life. Their sacrifice is stitched into each star and every stripe of our Star-Spangled Banner. We hold them in our hearts and thank them for our freedom as we proudly stand for the National Anthem.

We send our best wishes for an enjoyable Super Bowl Sunday. May God bless and protect our troops, and may He continue to bless the United States of America.  President Donald J. Trump

The reality check on all of this is that these players hate the America who chose Donald J. Trump as President, and want the liberal leftist Marxists back in power.  Fools that they are, they cannot see that freedom for people of color doesn’t come with government handouts and keeping them in the ghettos.  Chicago’s south side is a prime example.

Entertainment, Not Politics

I really don’t want to write about this again, but must because it’s a sign of the times how these leftist Marxists who hate true liberty and freedom have overtaken our once wonderful culture.  Honor and respect have been destroyed by those in society who hate the truth of God’s Word. No, my home didn’t watch the super bowl, and we never turned on one NFL game after Colin Kaepernick started his kneeling.

As NFL Raiders Super Bowl champ, Burgess Owens stated on the Stuart Varney Show, the NFL brand has been damaged by these wealthy players who refuse to stand for the flag, our anthem, and our many soldiers who have given so much for America.

Most people turn on sports for entertainment, we don’t want to hear politics, and we don’t give a rat’s behind for the entertainers’ views on politics.  Take it somewhere else!

NFL, Roger Goodell, and Social Justice

In December of 2017, Roger Goodell signed a five-year, life time health insurance for his family, $49 million per year contract to remain the NFL Commissioner despite the loss of revenue resulting from the inappropriate actions of so many very wealthy and overpaid players who chose to kneel during our National Anthem.  He should have been fired.

Instead of making amends to America’s military and our veterans, what does the NFL do?  NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell defended the league’s move to pay nearly $100 million to social justice causes supported by some players, despite critics’ claims that it was meant purely to appease activist athletes, including those who have kneeled during the national anthem this year.

What about our military men and women Roger?  What about those who gave everything Roger?  Tell me what giving to social justice causes does to Make America Great Again Roger?  Social Justice is a communist front.  Had you given $100 million to veteran’s groups, you may have gotten back those who have turned the NFL off forever.

You cannot buy your way out of protests by giving to Social Justice causes Roger.  You and the players you’ve allowed to destroy the game have insulted and affronted those in society who gave them the very right to protest, but these protests do not belong in entertainment.

We can boycott and my house along with many others will never turn the NFL on ever again.

Denying Amvets

Days before Super Bowl Sunday, a veterans group’s ad urging fans to stand during the playing of the national anthem was rejected by the NFL. The print ad called for donations to the organization American Veterans (AMVETS), which aims to “enhance the quality of life for all veterans, their families and survivors.”

It features the hashtag “#PleaseStand” prominently – and of course it was in response to the disrespect by the kneelers to our national anthem.  The Amvets had submitted the ad to be included in the Super Bowl print program, but it was rejected.

According to media, NFL spokesman Brian McCarthy said the league had asked AMVETS to consider alternative options for the message, like “Please Honor our Veterans” or “Please Stand for our Veterans.”

I’m not buying it, the hashtag “#PleaseStand” was perfect.

Media Ignores the Super Bowl Miracle

Eagles tight end Zach Ertz scored the game-winning touchdown with just 2:25 left in the Super Bowl.  Ertz is a devout Christian and he prayed that the platform of the Super Bowl would give him an opportunity to bring more people back to God.

“Our number one goal on this earth is to make disciples,” Ertz said in an interview with Sports Spectrum. “So, faith in football this Sunday is huge, it’s a platform…that we have to draw people to the Word, to Jesus, it’s something we don’t take for granted by any means. It’s obviously a responsibility, but we love it. We want to draw people to Christ.”

Ertz prayed to increase his profile at the game because he believed it would give him even greater opportunity to share his faith and create more Christian disciples.  God blessed his request.

Eagle Fans Destroy Philadelphia

Unfortunately, Philadelphia Eagle fans took to the streets to do damage to the city because their team won.  Instead of celebrating with cheer and goodwill, they became violent and destroyed personal property.  Whatever happened to our culture that this became the behavior of those who win?

Philly Eagles Invited to White House

President Donald Trump is expected to invite the Eagles to the White House after their win Sunday night, but wide receiver Torrey Smith, defensive end Chris Long, and safety Malcolm Jenkins said they will refuse Trump’s invitation, according to NJ.com.

Jenkins, a well-known ‘social justice’ activist, told CNN on February 5 that he did not “anticipate” joining the team if they visit Trump’s White House.

“My message has been clear all year,” Jenkins told the hosts of “New Day,” on Monday. “I’m about, you know, creating positive change in the communities that I come from, whether it be Philadelphia, New Jersey, Ohio, Louisiana or this entire country.”

Really Jenkins?  And what did Obama do for your communities for eight years?  Trump has brought more jobs to black Americans than anyone in many decades and that doesn’t please you?

You and your leftist buds who are making millions every year don’t deserve to be in the White House or in the Oval Office with a President who is working more for Americans of color than anyone in the last 50 years, but you can’t see it.  Why?  Because you’re filled with the propaganda of hate from the likes of Jesse Jackson, Farrakhan, Al Sharpton, and the spewing of venomous lies by the likes of socialists Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson Lee, Frederica Wilson and many others.

No, you don’t belong in the White House when you can’t understand that you are disrespecting the very people who gave you the right to kneel.  Our veterans, who stand for our flag!


The topic of discussion on a local radio station this morning was all about the NFL and what it would take for patriots to once again go back to them.  Most said anything done now to regain viewership would be false.  They know it would only be done to salvage the monetary loss, and they will never turn on another NFL game.

In my house, we stand for the flag and pledge, and we kneel to God.  It will never be any other way.  God bless our veterans and active military, and all those who gave so much, especially those who paid the ultimate sacrifice.

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Obama’s DOJ And FBI Conspired To Knife America In The Heart

“The memo isn’t treasonous. It reveals a treasonous effort by the Democrats to use our intelligence agencies to rig an election and overturn the will of the voters.” — Daniel Greenfield

They wouldn’t have received a FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court) warrant without the dossier. The dossier was presented to the FISA court as if it was true. The court was not told that the Democrats actually paid for this. — Congressman Devin Nunes

No Equal Justice

What I want to know is why Rod Rosenstein, Bruce Ohr, his wife Nellie Ohr who worked for Fusion GPS, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Zebley, Andrew McCabe, Comey, Dana Boente, Hillary, Brennan, Clapper, Yates, Loretta Lynch, et al., aren’t in handcuffs and being led away for conspiracy to commit treason. [Link]

If this was reversed and the Republicans had conspired against the Democrats to destroy a presidential candidate and then the presidency, they’d already be locked up and ready for the firing squad.  Devin Nunes and a few others are carrying the water for the entire party, while the moderates lean with the Democrats.

Comey, Yates, McCabe, Rosenstein, and Boente allegedly signed (FISA) applications that were badly tainted.  Rep. Jim Jordan noted, “FBI takes ‘salacious and unverified’ dossier to secret court to get secret warrant to spy on a fellow American, and FBI doesn’t tell the court that the DNC/Clinton campaign paid for that dossier. And they did that four times.”

And why is fired former FBI Director James Comey free when he leaked classified information to the NY Times, and get this…he is going to be teaching an ethical leadership course at the College of William and Mary next fall!

It is inconceivable that Strzok, who called Trump “an idiot,” was the lead investigator on both the Clinton and Trump cases, and we now know from Strzok’s text messages that he was instrumental in trying to destroy the Trump campaign and presidency. Strzok was the Chief of the Counterespionage Section during the FBI’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a personal email server.  Why is he still an FBI agent?

The Congressional Intelligence Committee exposed the planned coup against America’s duly elected president with a memo written by Devin Nunes, Chair of the Committee.  Everything we’ve suspected is true, and there is much more to come.  Nunes is a hero in exposing the rot in the DOJ, the FBI and the Democrat party.  This is a scandal that far surpasses the Watergate scandal which caused the resignation of President Nixon. It is as damning as President Warren Harding’s Teapot Dome scandal of the 1920s.

Let’s look back 100 years in American politics.

The Teapot Dome Scandal

The Teapot Dome Scandal of the 1920s shocked Americans by revealing an unprecedented level of greed and corruption within the federal government.  The culture was immersed in the “roaring 20s,” when people defied Prohibition, indulged in new styles of dancing and dressing, and rejected many traditional moral standards.  Nevertheless, the culture was far more conservative than it is today.

Teapot Dome was regarded as the “greatest and most sensational scandal in the history of American politics.” It damaged the public reputation of the Harding administration, which was already severely diminished by its controversial handling of the Great Railroad Strike of 1922 and the President’s veto of the Bonus Bill in 1922 to WWI veterans.

The scandal involved oil tycoons, poker-playing politicians, illegal liquor sales, a murder-suicide, a womanizing president, Harding, (sound familiar?) and a bagful of bribery cash delivered on the sly. In the end, the scandal would empower the Senate to conduct rigorous investigations into government corruption. It also marked the first time a U.S. cabinet official served jail time for a felony committed while in office.

Teapot Dome really didn’t break until after Harding’s death in 1923, but it was so like today’s corruption at the top levels of the DOJ and FBI involving Obama, Hillary and the Democrat party.  The present scandal outweighs the past inasmuch as this is political treason.

Remember General Douglas MacArthur’s famous quote, “I am concerned for the security of our great Nation; not so much because of any threat from without, but because of the insidious forces working from within.” 

Rigging the Election

Journalist Daniel Greenfield wrote, “The Clinton campaign had enlisted figures in the FBI and the DOJ to manipulate an election. The coup against America operated as a ‘state within a state’ inside the United States government.”

And just who do you think was behind protecting Hillary from prosecution?  It was Obama using a pseudonymous email account, who had repeatedly communicated with Secretary Clinton over her private, non-secure email account, and lied about it.

It is important to understand that the deep state is especially concentrated in the intelligence and security apparatus of the federal government.

Today’s scandal is all about the Obama DOJ helping the Democratic candidate for President to destroy her opposition in order to keep all of their illegal activities safe from public view. This isn’t Russia, Russia, Russia and Carter Page, this is Obama, Hillary and the Democrats trying first to rig the presidential election, and then using the Mueller investigation to destroy our duly elected president.

The political origins of the Steele dossier were known by people at the Department of Justice and the FBI, and this means Loretta Lynch, James Comey and on up to Obama.  People knew that the Steele dossier was an opposition research document from the Clinton campaign. It was not intelligence. They knew there was collusion with a foreign agent to influence the 2016 election, but did not inform the FISA court. Adding to their conspiracy, they included media reports on the dossier in the FISA court application as if the media had done investigative reporting.  In fact, it was Steele who had leaked information to the media.

Obama’s DOJ, via the FBI, used the phony dossier to spy on former Trump foreign policy advisor, Carter Page.  And Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein approved one of several applications to extend surveillance of former Trump campaign advisor Page, and he defended the Mueller investigation before Congress.

During a recent speech shortly before the release of the Nunes memo, Attorney General Jeff Sessions praised Rod Rosenstein.  The AG now seems to be coming out of his hidey hole and noticing there’s an investigation, but Devin Nunes is way ahead of him.

Illegal Surveillance and Intelligence Abuse

Carter Page was improperly surveilled partly on the basis of information provided by Christopher Steele. The Nunes memo says top law-enforcement officials knew the former British intelligence agent was being paid through intermediaries by the Democratic Party when they sought the warrant and the renewals. Steele’s information was an essential basis for the warrant, the memo says.  That is the crux of this entire fake Mueller investigation.

We know that Hillary Clinton paid for the phony dossier on Trump, it was written by Christopher Steele with the assistance of Russian agents.  Steele was ardently against Trump becoming President. Glenn R. Simpson, the co-founder of the controversial opposition research firm Fusion GPS hired Steele to do the work cited in the anti-Trump dossier.

The four-page memo, written by Nunes and his staff, alleges intelligence abuse by the DOJ and FBI during the 2016 Trump campaign, citing a high-ranking government official who says both agencies would never have sought surveillance warrants in the absence of a disputed anti-Trump dossier funded by Democrats.

Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe testified to the committee that “no surveillance warrant would have been sought” from the FISA court “without the Steele dossier information.”

DOJ and FBI Try to Stall

Remember the FBI and the DOJ refused to answer subpoenas from the House Intelligence Committee for over a year, and now they’re freaking out about what’s been released.  Democrats claimed releasing the Nunes memo was treasonous, and might be revealing sources and methods that would endanger fellow Americans in the intelligence community.  The memo isn’t treasonous. It reveals a treasonous effort by the Democrats to use our intelligence agencies to rig an election and overturn the will of the voters.

The Constitution requires the Congress to oversee the DOJ and FBI.  For a year we’ve been allowed to see the filthy lying made-up “dossier” prepared by Fusion GPS and paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic Party.  But the DOJ and FBI wanted to keep the truth of their crimes hidden from the American public.

The House made the memo public under an obscure rule that has never been previously invoked, according to the Congressional Research Service. The rule dates back to the creation of the House and Senate Intelligence Committees in the 1970s after Watergate, of a secret Vietnam War study called the Pentagon Papers. Daniel Ellsberg released them to the public and proved that President Lyndon Johnson had systematically lied to the public and Congress.

Mueller Investigating the Wrong People

We know the special counsel is investigating the wrong people! And on purpose! The special counsel needs to be investigating the Clinton campaign and its conspiring with Russia to influence the outcome of a presidential election and then question the legitimacy of that election after it had happened. The collusion, the conspiring, all of that happened with the Democrat Party, with Hillary Clinton, the DNC, Fusion GPS, and the wife of Bruce Ohr, a DOJ official whose wife worked at Fusion GPS for the express purpose of digging up dirt on Trump.  Bruce Ohr even met with author of the fake dossier, Christopher Steele and found he was politically biased against Trump.

This is entirely a Democrat-run operation! Trump was nowhere near it. The special counsel is looking for evidence of Trump conspiring with Russia; there is none. Nobody has found any. The establishment sewer has had the lid blown off of it with the Nunes memo made public.

Shut Mueller Down

The entire Mueller investigation began under false pretenses and should immediately be shut down by Sessions if he ever wakes up.  What a waste of taxpayer dollars.  FBI surveillance was obtained through false documentation to the FISA court, documentation made up by Christopher Steele and paid for by Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

Both Paul Manafort and Michael Flynn were targeted by political enemies of the Trump administration.  Manafort has a lawsuit against the Mueller team charging Rosenstein did not limit the scope of the investigation, and the charges against him should be dismissed as they do not relate to his time as Trump campaign manager.  Manafort is right!

General Mike Flynn is a brilliant intelligence operator and a patriot. The saga of the political assassination of General Flynn is full of lessons about the power of the Obama deep state (this link is important) that Flynn was a part of as Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, but of which he ultimately became a vociferous critic.

As for General Flynn, there is no reason for a pardon because Flynn is innocent of any wrongdoing.  Mike Flynn was set up by a hostile McCabe and company, remember Flynn’s support for Robyn Gritz, and McCabe’s statement, “F*** Flynn, and then F*** Trump.”

The original plea judge for Flynn was none other than Obama appointed Contreras, the FISA approval judge.  Coincidence? Doubtful.  Someone realized they were pushing the envelope and replaced him. But why was he allowed to hear the case to begin with, and we need to know who removed him.  Court spokeswoman Lisa Klem did not say why Contreras was recused, and added that the case was randomly reassigned.  Mueller has now delayed the Flynn sentencing until May.

Chris Farrell of Judicial Watch appeared on Lou Dobb’s show and stated that FBI Directors had lied on their FD-302 interrogation documents, both of which were used against Flynn and Manafort.  Now Inspector General Horowitz is saying the same thing.

The federal government should drop the Flynn case altogether.  The General may have an unprecedented lawsuit against the FBI and DOJ officials who participated in his conviction if they broke the law knowingly, which is what it looks like.

The Nunes Memo is just the tip of the iceberg, there’s much more to come.

P.S. We are already into the 2nd month of this new year, and I know that we spend the first month or two paying our Christmas bills, but please don’t forget News With Views as we exist solely because of the generosity of our readers.  We thank you for all you do to keep us up and operating and to bring investigative reporting into your mailbox each morning.  Please help us with monthly donations and tell others to subscribe to receive our daily emails. It’s on the top right side.

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

McCabe Removed, His Replacement Another Swamp Creature

I am concerned for the security of our great Nation; not so much because of any threat from without, but because of the insidious forces working from within.  General Douglas MacArthur

If ever time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.  Letter to James Warren, 24 October 1780 (The Writings of Samuel Adams, Volume 4) Samuel Adams (172-1803) American Patriot

Andrew McCabe Removed from FBI

An internal communication authored by FBI Director Christopher Wray and sent to FBI officials links Comey appointee, McCabe and his early departure to the results of an upcoming investigation by the inspector general.  News outlets, including CBS News and CNN, quoted unnamed sources to report that McCabe’s departure wasn’t quite voluntary, he was actually removed.  (Praise be to God!  One down, hundreds to go.)

On Monday the 29th of January, Fox News’ Catherine Herridge reported that on Sunday, FBI Director Wray read the FISA memo originally brought to the public’s attention by House Intel Committee co-chair Devin Nunes (R-CA). Director Wray saw McCabe’s name mentioned too many times, and Monday morning McCabe was removed.  Congress just voted to release the memo to the public. That very memo exposes government surveillance abuses, and now our President needs to release the memo to the American people.

Obviously, democrats do not want the American people to see this memo.  They know it contains their Deep State illegal and unethical plans to depose a duly elected President.  They are now all in CYA mode in one way or another and will do anything to stop the public from seeing the memo.

Rumors continue to be spread that the memo contains “extensive Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) abuse under the Obama administration.”

McCabe’s Vendettas and Ethics Violations

McCabe’s vendetta against Michael Flynn, his sexual discrimination against Robin Gritz, one of the bureau’s top intelligence analysts and terrorism experts, his ethics violations during his wife’s campaign, along with his strong ties to the Democrat party, were all well-known prior to the latest revelations in the Strzok/Page texts.

In 2014, Mike Flynn supported Robyn Gritz sex discrimination charge against McCabe and other top people at the FBI.  Surprise…two years later Flynn is the subject of a McCabe-led FBI investigation about how he supposedly colluded with the Russian ambassador.

Mere days before Gen. Michael Flynn resigned as national security advisor, FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe gathered more than a dozen of his top FBI disciples to plot how to ruin Flynn’s aspiring political career and manufacture evidence to derail President Donald Trump, according to FBI sources.

McCabe emphatically declared at the invite-only gathering with raised voice: “F*** Flynn and then we F*** Trump,” according to numerous sources. Many of his top lieutenants applauded and cheered such rhetoric.

McCabe Receives Pension

The Deputy Director will remain on the FBI payroll until his 50th birthday in March. His retirement date is March 18, but until then he will be “relieved of his duties.” Unfortunately for taxpayers, in March he will have 20 years on the job and he’ll be 50 years old which makes him eligible to retire with a pension.  Employees who have accrued leave, once they’re in range of 20 years of service and 50 years of age, can leave early, and that is what McCabe has chosen to do.  Sara Carter reported that McCabe apparently lashed out to his colleagues when he was told he would be asked to resign, according to sources.

McCabe, along with Strzok, Page, Ohr, Zebley, Rosenstein and many others should have been hauled out in handcuffs for their participation and promotion of surveillance on Trump and his administration.  They were put in place to protect Obama and Hillary, to carry out a liberal agenda, and to protect the Deep-State bureaucracy and destroy the Presidency of Donald Trump with their falsely created Russia collusion crime.

David Bowdich Replaces McCabe

Apparently, the Swamp is a bottomless pit.  The Gateway Pundit reported that David Bowdich worked under former Director Comey, and he may be a witness in the Trump-Russia investigation because Comey had a conversation with him about Trump asking the former FBI Director to supposedly “back off its probe into General Flynn.”

Documents obtained by Judicial Watch show Bowdich was also involved in conversations with Comey about the Clinton-Lynch tarmac meeting.

Bowdich was one of the senior FBI officials scrambling to find the ‘whistleblower’ who outed Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch to the local Phoenix media about their secret tarmac meeting in June of 2016.  He was also involved in conversations on the tarmac meeting with Comey as they scrambled to hide the scandalous meeting from the public. Clinton and Lynch allegedly spoke about the probe into Hillary Clinton’s personal email use which was completed with no charges filed.

Florida Representative Francis Rooney and others have called for a purge of the Deep State DOJ and FBI.  Rooney commented that they are off the rails.

According to previous reports, before his departure, McCabe told Bowdich and other senior FBI officials they may have to serve as witnesses to dirty cop Mueller’s Russian witch hunt against President Trump.

Just how deep Bowdich’s involvement is within the ‘swamp’ remains to be seen.  Our President promised to Drain the Swamp!  AG Sessions needs to remove all Clinton and Obama appointees from the DOJ, and if he doesn’t, the President needs to find someone who will.  I have some suggestions.

Today President Trump approved the release of that Memo. It should be made public soon.

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Bill Clinton And The Deadly Arkansas Tainted Blood Scandal

I actually had to sue the state agency just to get access to its files that by law are supposed to be a matter of public record. When I went to the Arkansas State Police Headquarters key documents had disappeared.  —Kelly Duda – Producer of Factor 8 documentary

This I know. Without the governor’s (Bill Clinton) support and protection, this disease-ridden system would have been shut down by 1982.  —Mike Galster, author of Blood Trail

In early 1999, a group of Canadian hemophiliacs infected with HIV and hepatitis C descended on Washington DC.  They wanted an inquiry into why the United States, particularly the Food and Drug Administration, allowed the export of tainted prison plasma from Arkansas and Louisiana to Canada in the 1980s.  At the time, Bill Clinton was governor of Arkansas, and the FDA had already ruled that prison plasma was too unsafe to be used for the manufacture of blood products inside the USA.

Clinton Scandals

The Clinton scandals are numerous, from Whitewater to Uranium One. Vince Foster’s death, Travelgate, Troopergate, Filegate, Cattle Futures, Paula Jones, Jennifer Flowers, Monika Lewinsky, Chinagate, Pardongate, Benghazi, the Clinton Foundation, Humagate, Anthony Weiner, Haiti, and Hillary’s likely treason via her private email server are just a few.

Then there’s all the strange deaths surrounding this pair that are referred to as the “Clinton body count,” but perhaps the most heinous and lethal actions were those allowed by Governor Bill Clinton in Arkansas prisons.

Arkansas Prison Plasma Program

Rarely do you hear about the horrific Arkansas prison plasma program that led from the Arkansas Governor’s mansion to the White House.  The whole story is in a fast-paced thriller written as fiction to protect the author. Michael Sullivan’s book, Blood Trail is the true story of the Arkansas prison tainted blood scandal that has infected thousands of Canadians with either hepatitis C or AIDS through blood transfusions.  Michael Galster, writing under the pen name Michael Sullivan, was a prosthetic/orthotic practitioner in Arkansas.

For more than two decades, the Arkansas prison system sold blood plasma from inmates infected with viral hepatitis and AIDS.  Blood from prisons was 69 times more contaminated than that of the general population of donors. Thousands of unwitting victims died as a result from receiving transfusions from a product called Factor 8 made from this blood. Factor 8 is a clotting protein to stop or prevent bleeding in people with hemophilia.

Governor Bill Clinton and HMA

Bill Clinton was governor of Arkansas when the Canadian blood supply was contaminated in the mid-80s.  He was familiar with the operations of the now defunct Health Management Associates (HMA).  They were the Arkansas firm that was given a contract by Clinton’s state administration to provide medical care to prisoners.

In the process, HMA was also permitted by the state to collect prisoners’ blood and sell it elsewhere.  The Governor was a friend of HMA president Leonard Dunn, a political ally, who boasted of the friendship in 1986 to Arkansas police who conducted a probe of the allegations HMA was providing poor medical care to inmates.  He was appointed by Clinton to sit on the Arkansas Industrial Development Commission and served as finance chair of Clinton’s 1990 gubernatorial campaign. Later that same year, Dunn purchased the infamous Madison Guaranty Savings and Loan from Clinton’s business partner James McDougal (Whitewater).

In the early 80s, U.S. companies that fractionate blood products (separating the various components of blood plasma) had stopped buying prison blood because it was widely known that since many prisoners practiced unsafe sex or were intravenous drug users, they posed a high risk of carrying the AIDS virus.

However, HMA found a willing buyer in Continental Pharma, a Montreal blood broker, which in turn sold the plasma to Toronto based blood fractionator Connaught Laboratories.  Connaught apparently did not realize the plasma had come from inmates.

The details of HMA’s links to Clinton were reported after copies of internal reports were obtained from the Arkansas State Police dating back to the mid-80s.

Vince Foster and HMA

According to author Michael Galster, a prosthetics specialist who worked at the Cummings Unit at the time, HMA hired Vince Foster, then with the Rose Law firm, to help squash the investigation into an incident involving a botched operation in which an HMA doctor unnecessarily amputated a prisoner’s leg at the hip.

Galster says that Foster approached him with an offer to build the prisoner an artificial leg in the hope that it would prevent the prisoner from moving forward with a legal claim against the company.

“The purpose of his being there was to convince me to take this, smooth it over and everybody would be happy,” said Galster. “I refused him. He said, ‘I understand your predicament. But this could make it difficult for you to get a future state contract.’”  Foster was right, Galster was fired.

Although Galster refused to go along, Foster seems to have accomplished his task. The state’s internal investigation of HMA cleared the company of any wrongdoing. An independent review by a California firm found that HMA’s work in the prisons was extremely deficient. The report cited more than 40 contract violations and was replete with instances of negligent care of patients and its handling of the blood center.

While working at the White House, Linda Tripp, the former assistant to both Vincent Foster and Bernard Nussbaum, said she received a phone call from someone who mentioned the “tainted blood issue.” The phone call came just after Foster’s mysterious death. The phrase meant nothing to Tripp, until she tried to find out more.  Just days before his death, Vince Foster was concerned about “tainted blood.”

Inmates Paid for Selling Their Blood

At the Cummins Unit of the Arkansas penal system during the 1980s, while President Clinton was still governor, inmates would regularly cross the prison hospital’s threshold to give blood, knowing they’d receive $7 a pint. HMA not only made money from providing medical care to prisoners, but it also started a profitable side venture: blood mining. HMA sold the blood on the international plasma market for $50 a pint, splitting 50 percent of the proceeds with the Arkansas Department of Corrections.

Since Arkansas is one of the few states that does not pay prisoners for their labor, inmates were willing and frequent donors at the so-called “blood clinic.”  Hundreds of prisoners sold as much as two pints a week to HMA. The blood was then sold to pharmaceutical companies, such as Bayer and Baxter International, blood banks such as the Red Cross, and so-called blood fractionizers, which transformed the blood into medicines for hemophiliacs.

Prisoners lined up to give their blood and administrators then sold the blood to brokers, who in turn shipped it to other states, and to Japan, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Canada and even Scotland. Despite repeated warnings from the FDA, Arkansas kept its prison plasma program running until 1994, when it became the very last state to cease selling its prisoners’ plasma.

The Prime Buyer of HMA Blood

The prime buyer of HMA’s tainted blood, largely drawn from prisoners in the Cummins Unit in Grady, Arkansas, was a notorious Canadian firm, called Continental Pharma Cryosan Ltd. who had a shady reputation in the medical industry. Cryosan had been nabbed importing blood taken from Russian cadavers and relabeling it as from Swedish volunteers. The company also marketed blood taken from Haitian slums.

Cryosan passed the tainted Arkansas prison blood on to the Canadian Red Cross and European and Asian companies. The blood was recalled in 1983 after the contamination was discovered by the FDA, but less than one-sixth of the blood was recovered. In Canada alone more than 7,000 people have died from receiving contaminated blood, many of them hemophiliacs. More than 4,000 of these died of AIDS. Another 60,000 people in Canada contracted various forms of hepatitis between 1980 and 1990.  Some of it has been traced back to the Cummins prison in Arkansas, one of the few sources of bad blood during this period.

Governor Clinton turned a blind eye.  He sat on his hands despite evidence of severe mismanagement in his prison system and its medical operations.

The Blood Scandal is Still Dripping

Several former prisoners at Cummings charged that they contracted hepatitis and AIDS from the blood program because of the failure to test for diseases such as hepatitis and syphilis, bad record-keeping, falsification of records, and drawing blood from multiple patients with the same needle.

Much of the blame for the problem was placed on another Clinton pal, Art Lockhart, who was the head of the Arkansas Department of Corrections, yet Clinton didn’t believe the allegations were serious enough to ask Lockhart to resign.  Link

Factor 8 Documentary

Kelly Duda produced the documentary film about the Arkansas Prison Blood Scandal in which Clinton cronies knowingly sold HIV and HEP-C tainted blood collected from prisoners to Canadian pharma companies including Bayer, which was ultimately culpable for lawsuits when hemophiliac children were infected and died as a direct result.  Although it was an award-winning film, Duda was sued, robbed, and intimidated.

“It may sound sensational, but I assure you it’s true. In the process of making Factor 8, I received strange phone calls, I was followed, my house was broken into, my tires slashed, and sensitive information – including my personal notes – mysteriously disappeared from my computer. I also had a gun pointed at the back of my head, there was a murder, and a key inmate informant was whisked out of state and put into isolation.” Kelly Duda, Producer of the suppressed film, Factor 8.

Families are still grieving. Victims are still dying. The documentary also revealed for the first time how senior figures in the prison system doctored prisoners’ medical records to make it look like they were not carrying the deadly diseases.

The program stayed in operation until Bill Clinton moved to Washington. It was finally shut down in 1993 by his successor, Jim “Guy” Tucker (Whitewater).

Yet while the rest of the world looks to America for answers, the story remains largely untold, and the 92-minute documentary has been totally scrubbed from the web. This is all that remains.


When Clinton left the Arkansas Governor’s mansion, the “tainted blood” records apparently went with him.  For the full timeline, see Clinton and the Killer Blood.

The Clinton blood scandal is just one of many, but one of the deadliest.  Will anyone ever be held accountable?  It’s highly doubtful.

I asked Kenny Wayne, retired Special Agent in Charge, North Texas and Oklahoma for DHS-US ICE, if we’d ever see charges brought against the Clintons, Hillary especially.  Kenny is a former ATF and US Customs Special Agent and was a Combat Consulting Investigator/Contractor for Army Special Forces in Iraq and Afghanistan from 2006-2012.

His informed opinion is based on his experience, observation and personal analysis.

I have said all along that no one will ever be charged in the HRC email/server/national Security/Russia Collusion/Domestic Electronic Surveillance crimes that have been committed…for two major reasons.

  1.  Obama’s willful participation in all of this…his obvious knowledge of HRC (he knowingly communicated classified info via HRC’s non- “State.gov” email system and then his public denial of knowledge) and DNC misdeeds, his administration’s illegal misuse of NSA and FISA authorities for political purpose.  To ever pursue objectively and genuinely these criminal cases would put Obama directly in the bullseye and would affirmatively sully the first black President. The “social engineering warriors” of the elitist permanent bureaucracy can’t abide that. Remember that the senior-most levels of all major fed agencies don’t work for the public any longer. They work for themselves and for the continuation, enrichment and power of their agencies.
  2. If a true investigation and the clearly justified prosecution of HRC were allowed to go forward, all the Beltway elites would be at risk because they know HRC has the dirt on damn near everyone. From Obama on down; career politicians, global leaders, AG’s, past Presidents, probably Trump himself, foreign govts…etc. These types all operate on a theory of “Mutually assured political/power-base destruction.”  Everyone knows that HRC is the consummate shrew and that if she were to be assertively “flushed down the drain” she and Bill would pull everyone down with them.

So, no, I’m confident nothing will ever happen. Everything is interconnected. HRC and Obama are at risk over their illegal gun-running ops in Libya (through a Brit front company) that exploded into Benghazi. The Potential revelation of which is why no military response to the Consulate attack ever came, which links to HRC’s private email server, which links to her not wanting to be on record with retained government email systems, which links to the international money laundering organization that is the Clinton Foundation, and on and on. The woven web of corruption and lies and crimes to cover other crimes blankets the Beltway Cartels.

It’s so broken and crooked in the DC Fed Govt (Bureaucracy & Congress) that I doubt it can ever be fixed.  Only a genuine political revolution would have any impact. The conspirators always cover for each other, it’s “you owe me, I owe you” etc. and on and on it goes.

The Rule of Law obviously does not affect globalist elites, not even when there are thousands of deaths of innocents.

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Rocky Mountain “High” Has Brought Devastation To Colorado

I have put thousands of Americans away for tens of thousands of years for less evidence for conspiracy with less evidence than is available against Ollie North and CIA people. I personally was involved in a deep-cover case that went to the top of the drug world in three countries. The CIA killed it. —Former DEA Agent Michael Levine, CNBC-TV, October 8, 1996. Author of Deep Cover

Former DEA Agent, Michael Levine lost his son, a police officer, and his brother to drugs.  His son was murdered, and his addicted brother committed suicide.  Levine has openly stated that none of these drugs should ever be legalized.  The DEA’s Position on Marijuana is damning and the report is alarming.  Legislators considering the legalization of marijuana should read the report before they vote as their decision may have dangerous consequences in their state.

Nineteen states and Washington, D.C. have legalized medical marijuana and two more, Washington and Colorado, have legalized it for both medical and recreational use, according to this map from Governing magazine. But marijuana is not legal under federal law.

Unconstitutional Federal Laws

Let’s clarify here.  The legalization of marijuana, just like the legalization of abortion in the entire U.S. is not an enumerated power of the federal government according to the Constitution.  Neither is the criminalization of either an enumerated power of the federal government.

Government power has grown in every direction, often ignoring the very deliberate constraints of the Constitution. But, if we are to entertain the rather unfashionable traditional view of federal power, it is quickly clear that the federal government gets only “enumerated” (or specifically spelled out) powers, and the rest belong to the States and the People mainly via the Tenth Amendment.

Libertarians have long wanted all drugs legalized.  Their mantra is “hands off, don’t tell us what to do.”  But it’s all about them, not about what happens to the rest of society because of them.  Gary Johnson, the former Governor of New Mexico, was the last libertarian to run for President.  He is pro-abortion and for the legalization of drugs.

The High Cost of the “Rocky Mountain High”

At the recent Gathering of Phyllis Schlafly Eagles (PSE) in St. Louis, MO, State Director of Eagles in Arizona, Susan Ellsworth, read a report by the Co-Directors of Colorado’s PS Eagles, James and Jayne Schindler.  It was not only startling, but frightening.

Reefer, pot, Mary Jane, weed, grass, all of these terms refer to Cannabis.  Many deceptive arguments were used to promote medical and then recreational marijuana legislation in the State of Colorado in 2012.  Since then, the use of marijuana has decimated the state in numerous ways few have considered.  Most of the following information comes from the Schindler’s own research.

  • Potent Pot – Marijuana is stronger now than it was 20 years ago, causing many of the health problems we are seeing today. The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration over 20 years found that the level of THC or tetrahydrocannabinol, marijuana’s main psychoactive ingredient in the marijuana samples they seized, rose from about 4 percent in 1995 to about 12 percent in 2014.

Essentially, the drug cartels, who have plenty of money, are breeding new marijuana hybrid plants with higher levels of THC and other toxic and addictive chemicals in it.  This is resulting in a much stronger and much more addictive marijuana plant, even though it may look, smell and taste similar to older plants.

Conversely, the level of CBD, or cannabidiol, the ingredient sometimes touted for its potential health benefits — fell from about 0.28 percent in 2001 to less than 0.15 percent in 2014.

  • Schools – Teachers unions bought into the provision that the first $40 million of taxes collected on cannabis sales would be earmarked for construction of schools. It has yet to happen after four years of collecting millions in tax revenue.
  • Pot Usage – The number one problem in Colorado schools is pot smoking by the students. The Rand Corporation poll reported that two of every five college students are regular users, causing a dramatic increase in the drop-out rate.  Regular use has proven to lower the IQ by eight points. Link

Lunch breaks at schools find kids piling into cars, rolling up the windows and smoking pot.  Re-inhaling the trapped smoke is called “stove-piping,” resulting in a quicker and more intense high.  On their return to the classrooms, they are out-of-control, causing the teachers to be both fearful and unable to teach.

  • Adolescent Usage – There is strong evidence that pot usage by teens is destructive to the adolescent brain. Research paints a grim picture for those who start smoking before age 18.  Link
  • Lawsuits – Colorado’s border states have sued for damages caused by marijuana smokers coming across the borders and depleting their law enforcement resources to focus on other crimes.
  • Crime – Legalization has not reduced crime, as was promised. Black market pot is actually cheaper than tax subsidized marijuana.  Robberies of pot shops is now a daily occurrence as they are a cash business and not allowed to have bank accounts.  The state has become the money launderer as the tax monies can be deposited into state coffers.  It is now reported that there are more pot shops than liquor stores and lower income areas are especially targeted for same.  Crime has increased as have burglaries and robberies.

Legalization has impacted the drug cartels, so they have shifted gears and are now enjoying monetary gains from the sales of opioids, now epidemic and causing even more crime.

  • Babies Addicted – It has been reported that half of all babies admitted to the Pueblo Hospital, particularly emergency room visits, are addicted to marijuana related to their addicted mothers.
  • Alcohol Poisoning – Patients suffering from cancer treatment nausea can be given marijuana to stop the vomiting reflex with chemo treatments. But the danger here is that young people who consume alcohol along with smoking pot, also have their gag reflex suppressed, and cannot expel the excess alcohol.  They are now dying from alcohol poisoning.

Yes, people do die from smoking weed.  Link

Dr. Sam Wang of Children’s Hospital said he found that the number of kids and young adults in the emergency room for marijuana-related reasons and who subsequently needed a psychiatric evaluation also increased rapidly — from 65 in 2005 to 442 in 2014.

  • Testicular Cancer – Some blunt advice for the young, male fans of marijuana: You may want to kill that joint and clutch your crotch — self-check style, that is. A small new study adds to growing concerns that recreational marijuana use may lead to testicular cancer in young men. Link
  • Mysterious Cannabis Illness – A mysterious marijuana-related illness is popping up with increasing frequency in hospital emergency rooms, particularly in states where cannabis is now legal. The illness is cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome, (CHS) which is linked to heavy, long-term use of marijuana, according to experts. The symptoms are severe abdominal pain and violent vomiting.  Hot showers or baths alleviate the symptoms for a short period of time, but the only cure is to stop smoking weed. In its most severe form, the illness can lead to kidney failure — but symptoms usually stop within days of ending marijuana use.
  • Grow Houses – High humidity is a side effect of growing pot in homes, resulting in homes being destroyed with both mold and pesticides. Not only that, but the water usage is draining Colorado’s electricity and water.  The hemp farming is about to cause a water war on the western slope where peaches, cantaloupe and corn are regularly grown.
  • Government – Legalizing pot did not reduce government overreach as promised. The time taken by local, state, and county governments to now regulate and enforce the sales and distribution of taxable marijuana has been astronomical.  They’re still trying to figure out just how much pot can be consumed before an individual is considered legally impaired and cited with a Driving While Marijuana Impaired (DWMI).

The tobacco industry actually wants to start packaging joints for over-the-counter sales.  Given the rationale that tobacco smoke is bad for your health, while marijuana smoke is apparently good for you.

  • Homeless – Colorado has had a population boom, many of whom came expressly to smoke pot, not for a home or a job. They are a tremendous drain on public resources.  And get this…the politically correct police have now redefined the homeless and transient population as “travelers.”  This has created a new class of people who, according to state government, are entitled to benefits of food, housing, clothing, etc., all of course at taxpayer expense.
  • Workforce – Just how do businesses, the military, law enforcement, etc. find people who can pass a drug test? It is suggested that marijuana is less harmful than alcohol, but that doesn’t hold up as pot consumption stays in the body for days whereas alcohol leaves within hours.  It has become difficult even to hire moderately qualified people.

Colorado has now collected in excess of a billion dollars in taxes from pot sales which indicates a large portion of the citizenry is high while trying to perform their normal daily functions.

Side Effects and Dangers

Don’t kid yourself, marijuana is not without side effects and dangers.  As much as weed users would like to think that weed is an entirely harmless drug, it really is not. Marijuana use has not only been significantly linked with a number of short-term psychosocial problems – including problems with school, work, family, friends and the law – but has also been linked with several longer-term medical and mental health risks.

  • Respiratory inflammatory symptoms. Link
  • Psychosis (such as schizophrenia) or earlier onset of psychosis. Link
  • Immunity suppression. Link
  • Nausea and vomiting. Link
  • Decreased testosterone in men – possibly leading to impotence, gynecomastia and decreased libido. Link
  • Increased prolactin levels in women – possibly leading to galactorrhea (or inappropriate milk secretion).
  • Periodontal (gum) disease. Link
  • Persistently red eyes secondary to chronic corneal vasodilation. Link
  • Continued cannabis use is associated with 7-fold greater odds for subsequent commission of violent crimes. Link

If you doubt anything in this article, please listen to this video from Colorado Christian University’s Centennial Institute on their presentation of marijuana’s true impact on Colorado.


Cannabis is still a Schedule 1 drug in the U.S., and that places significant restrictions on scientific research and investigation that can be done with the substance regarding the dangers of marijuana on the body and brain.

The medical community has sounded alarm bells over what long term usage of cannabis can do.  Physicians nationwide were shocked at the JAMA Psychiatry study wherein they were told they needed to change their mind on these issues.  Long-term smoking damages the brain’s capacity for memory and cognitive tasks, and increases the risk for the development of a number of serious health problems later in life.  Link

Please understand, I am not against the medical usage of marijuana, it really has helped many people through horrible treatments, but as Colorado residents have already realized, legalization for recreational use brings a great number of devastating problems.

If your state has a bill in their legislature to legalize this substance for recreational use, be aware that the majority of the legislators have been told it’s a safe product and should be mainstreamed.  Please clue them in to the dangers of this legalization.

P.S.  We are so thankful for so many blessings, including the fact that we have NewsWithViews who daily publishes truth from researchers who love our country and want to make her great again.  The NWVs CEO and publisher works tirelessly to bring the best articles by journalist researchers into your email daily.  We stay alive only because of donations from grateful readers.  Please consider donating to NWVs on a monthly basis to help us make America great again.

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Disrespectful Democrats Angry Over President’s Superb Health

I think it is quite interesting that he is coming out to attack this President considering he was recently defending an actual oppressive regime.  He went to Cuba a few weeks ago and served as a mouthpiece for the oppressive Cuban government.  He is not criticizing the president because he is against oppression, he is criticizing the president because he has terrible poll numbers and he is, I think, looking for some attention. —Sarah Sanders on Jeff Flake’s Senate denouncement of the President

President Trump is in Astonishingly Perfect Health

Oh yes, the bubble burst for the leftists when it was announced that our President is in astonishingly perfect mental and physical health, but they’ll cast aspersions on the physician, Rear Admiral Ronnie Jackson, who did Trump’s yearly physical.  The Obama lapdog delusionals are the only ones who believe their horse manure, but they’ll search out leftist “specialists” who will, without a personal examination, claim our president is mentally challenged with Alzheimer’s or dementia.  Total cowplop.

Yeah well commie media, you can’t get away with it.  Why?  Because Eric Trump, on a recent Fox and Friends, exposed how exhausted the media became while following his father around during the campaign. Our future President held three, and sometimes four rallies per day, and spoke to every audience for 60 to 90 minutes, then traveled to another rally.  Eric said he’d see the media slumped in their seats, exhausted, asleep, and his dad was still raring to go.

Yes, Trump is a Stable Genius

Because of all of the yammering idiocy of the Dems and their media sidekicks, the President actually requested a cognitive exam.  Dr. Jackson said he saw no indication that such a test was necessary, he stated a few guidelines were available and he agreed to administer one of the more lengthy, difficult and involved tests to President Trump which the President passed with flying colors.  Here is the video of Dr. Jackson answering questions from the media.

During the campaign, the Democrat candidate had fits of coughing, collapsed leaving the 9/11 memorial, took two weeks off before a debate with Donald Trump, and refused to campaign during the last month before the election, yet we never heard the media mention Hillary’s questionable health.

Sarah Sanders Questioned on Trump’s Health

The questions to White House Press Secretary, Sarah Sanders from the assembled media were typical.  Here’s what they asked, “Can you assess the president’s mental fitness for office?” “Did you look into what the cause of the President slurring his words during an address?” “Are you ruling out early onset Alzheimer’s and dementia like symptoms?” “Do you keep a tally of how much golf the President plays and do you consider that exercise?” “Can you tell me how a guy who eats McDonalds and fried chicken and drinks diet cokes can be in as good a shape as you say he is?”

Well media, he doesn’t drink adult beverages, he’s never smoked, and he has the energy of a twenty-year-old, and he’s married to a beautiful and brilliant woman who is 24 years his junior, and that makes you so danged angry you can’t see the forest for the trees.  The man loves his work, he has boundless energy and it drives the left absolutely nuts.

The lighting of the 2016 White House Christmas tree shows the love of this wonderful couple.

This man is so far ahead of all of the media, and that includes those on Fox News, that he’s got them tied in constant knots.  Why?  Because he’s playing chess, and these leftist dummies are playing checkers.

Dicky Durbin’s Lies

Trump is now calling Dick Durbin, Little Dicky, which I find all too humorous.  Durbin is the Senator from the 20th district of East St. Louis, Illinois and it is a slum, just like the slum Maxine Waters represents from California’s 43rd district.   Maybe we should call their districts “Sh**holes.” The fools in these districts vote this scum into office, hoping for more government giveaways to the electorate who have no desire to work or improve themselves.  Durbin lied about what the President said in their recent bi-partisan meeting.  He’s lied before, and now he’s admitting this lie.

Kirstjen Nielsen, Director of Homeland Security, testified on 16 January 18 before the Senate Judiciary Committee on immigration. She was in the meeting where Durbin claims Trump used the derogatory term to describe countries. She was great. She told Patrick Leahy that she did not hear the President use the derogatory term, “Sh**hole.”

New Jersey Democrat Senator Cory Booker attacked Nielsen as though she were a slave trader.  Booker failed to maintain any decorum and screamed at Nielsen and his diatribe did not allow Nielsen to even respond.  She served only as the punching bag for globalist Democrat rants.

Apparently, there were profanities being tossed around in that meeting from all people on all sides of the issue. But the left is morally preening as though they are the essence of virtue and that they are spotlessly clean and that qualifies them to sit up on high, morally judging everybody else.  Yet, remember when former Vice President Joe Biden used the “F” word in public, and not just once, and the media said nothing?

Trump Tells Acosta to Get Out

President Trump had had enough of the disrespectful CNN yellow dog Dem cur, Jim Acosta, and ousted him from the oval office.  He should do the same with Acosta’s pal, April Ryan, as neither of these alleged journalists should have the privilege of even asking our President a question when they use such vulgar and contemptuous statements that gain them attention with their communist media associates.

In this instance, Trump was finishing up with a meeting in the White House with the President of Kazakhstan, when he was subjected to the undisciplined attacks of the rogue fake news propagandist.  A female voice thanked everyone, which is the cue that the media should excuse themselves.  However, Acosta refused the cue and started asking offensive questions. He said, “Mr. President, did you say you want more people to come in from Norway, is that true Mr. President?”

As Acosta continued his badgering Trump replied, “I want them to come in from everywhere, everywhere. Thank you everybody.” But that wasn’t enough for the blatantly disrespectful Acosta.

Pushing the race card, Acosta asked, “Just Caucasian or white countries, sir, or do you want people to come in from other parts of the world where there are people of color?”

The President had had enough of this low life liberal’s insolence and disrespect and pointing at the direction of Acosta and the door, President Trump said, “Out.”

April Ryan Stains MLK Trump Event

People in the media like April Ryan should not be permitted to attend important and solemn events where respect and decorum is a necessity.  Like her fellow fake news counterpart, Jim Acosta, she exhibited the same type of rude behavior.  Obviously, these people cannot be trusted to behave in a professional manner.

On 12 January 18, President Trump held an event in the White House honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, and was surrounded by a group of invited and prominent black guests, one of whom was close family friend, Lynne Patton who helped to run the Eric Trump Foundation, and now works for the U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development overseeing New York and New Jersey.

As the President was concluding the event, April Ryan of CNN’s black Urban Radio Network disrupted the event with racist accusations.  Ryan shouted, “Mr. President, will you give an apology for the statement yesterday?” She was referring to his alleged use of profanity regarding “Sh**hole” nations, the leftist lie promoted by Democrats who attended the meeting.

She followed that moronic outburst by asking an insulting, “Mr. President, are you a racist?”

The President refused to dignify her loathsome outburst with a reply, but Pastor Darrell Scott, one of those in the signing ceremony, responded on the President’s behalf, shouting back at Ryan, “No, Absolutely not.” CNN hack Ryan responded to his answer, stating, “I’m talking to the President, not to you, sir.” Scott replied, “I’m talking to you.” This ill-mannered Bolshei continued with her crude and inappropriate questions.

Here is the one-minute video of that event


In the many decades that I have watched politics, I have never seen such disrespectful, abusive, ill-behaved and despicable treatment of the President of the United States. Men of lesser character and strength would have thrown in the towel long ago, but we have a President who is unlike typical globalist politicians.

Jesus said, “Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.”  Our 45th President is not only shrewd, but is far ahead of those he must deal with on a daily basis.  As I’ve said before, he plays chess, while the rest of them are playing checkers.

These crass and culturally ill-bred journalists need lessens in proper comportment, and if they can’t conduct themselves with appropriate decorum and civility, then they should be banned from the oval office.

Pray for our President, as he puts up with the rancor and venom of the socialist media, the democrats, and many in his very own party every single day.

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Pro-Amnesty Vice President Mike Pence And His Establishment Friends

Calls to ban Muslims from entering the U.S. are offensive and unconstitutional.  —Mike Pence – 8 Dec 2015 Twitter

In 1991, Coretta Scott King, wife of Martin Luther King, said, “Hold employers accountable for hiring illegal aliens.”

During Mike Pence’s six terms in Congress, he became very good friends with Jeff Flake and Paul Ryan.  But why did Pence invite “Gang of Eight” Senator Flake, who is retiring at the end of his term, and other pro-amnesty Senators to meet with President Donald Trump on 9 January 18.  Talk about inviting the fox into the hen house!  Other Gang of Eight members in attendance were Senators Lindsey Graham, Chuck Schumer, Dick Durbin, Robert Menendez, and Michael Bennett.  (In 2010, Dick Durbin advocated ending chain migration, but now he says the very term insinuates racism.)

As Senator, Flake embraced the amnesty cause and became a charter member of the disastrous 2013 “Gang of Eight” amnesty group. Led by Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer, the gang’s amnesty bill helped the Democrats lose nine seats in the 2014 midterm elections, and allowed Trump to win the 2016 primary race.

Senator Jeff Flake was/is a fierce critic of Donald Trump, but when Trump chose Flake’s good friend Pence for Vice President, Flake responded, “Best choice Donald Trump’s made so far.”  I believe VP Pence is Trump’s Trojan Horse, and his latest actions belie his Christian conservative veneer.

In the recent White House bi-partisan immigration meeting with Trump, Pence declined to support Trump’s plan to change the law so that immigration rules help Americans, and he instead touted a quick amnesty for ‘DACA’ illegals.  It’s obvious that VP Pence sides with his pro-immigration buddies Flake and Ryan rather than with his boss, President Trump.

Flake Defends Castro Regime

Flake is a longtime supporter of improving ties to Cuba’s communist dictatorship and has defended the Castro regime.  John Binder of Breitbart stated, “Flake has advocated for opening up relations with Cuba’s communist regime and was a vocal supporter of Barack Obama’s ‘Cuban thaw’ that involved the opening of diplomatic channels, the lifting of travel restrictions, increased levels of trade, and the reopening of embassies in Washington and Havana.”

Flake met with Cuban Communist leaders early this month regarding a sonic attack on the American Embassy in Cuba last August.  Flake claimed there was no evidence of Cuban attacks, but the attack triggered another diplomatic incident between both countries and led to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson withdrawing all non-emergency personnel after dozens of workers reported cases of hearing loss, headaches, concussion-like symptoms, and brain damage.

Senator Flake and Immigration

Flake’s hinting that Trump’s pro-American immigration demands are “unrealistic expectations” is straight out of Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer’s (D-NY) talking points against Trump’s agenda.

Senator Flake has made it clear in posts on Twitter and in speeches that not only is the Republican establishment negotiating against Trump’s popular immigration agenda, but they are unwilling to even fully fund the southern border wall the president promised voters.

Jeff Flake and other pro-amnesty Senators were there by invitation to urge the administration to cave to the big business lobby, which wants an expansive amnesty in which DACA illegal aliens are given work permits so that wages can be kept stagnant, rather than rising for Americans.  All these pro-immigration Senators were brought into DACA discussions with Trump by Vice President Mike Pence, an ally of the pro-mass immigration, and pro-Constitutional Convention GOP mega-donors, the Koch brothers.  More on Pence and the Kochs in another article.

Also, White House Legislative Director Marc Short has taken a prominent role in DACA discussions, and he is another ally of Pence.  Short is the former Chief of Staff for moderate Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison.

As Breitbart News reported, Short has a long history of opposing Trump’s “America First” immigration agenda, working alongside the Koch brothers and Pence before taking a job in the administration.

Pro-Amnesty Congressman Mike Pence

In 1988 and 1990, Pence ran for Congress against Democratic incumbent Phil Sharp, but lost both times.  During the second race, Pence used political donations to pay the mortgage on his house, his personal credit card bill, groceries, golf tournament fees and car payments for his wife. While the spending was not illegal at the time, it reportedly undermined his campaign, and well it should have.

Mike Pence was elected to Congress in 2000, succeeding David McIntosh’s one term from the 2nd district of Indiana.  Pence served 12 years and then ran for Governor of Indiana.  McIntosh is now the head of pro-amnesty Club for Growth, who was staunchly against Trump, and avidly worked against him in the Iowa caucus.  While in Congress, McIntosh voted “Yes” on more immigrant visas.

Pence’s record shows that he would do much more than support a mere amnesty. In 2006, Pence used a Wall Street Journal article to tout very different legislation which would allow employers to hire an unlimited number of cheap and temporary foreign workers instead of middle-class American voters.

The Congressman unveiled an immigration plan (which he described as “No Amnesty Immigration reform”) that would include increased border security, followed by strict enforcement of laws against hiring illegal aliens, and a guest worker program.

This guest worker program would have required participants to apply from their home country to government-approved job placement agencies that match workers with employers who cannot find Americans for the job. Link The plan received support from neo-cons such as pro-amnesty former Congressman and Freedom Works founder Dick Armey. Link  However, it attracted criticism from conservatives such as Phyllis Schlafly and Pat Buchanan, who viewed Pence as lending “his conservative prestige to a form of liberal amnesty.” They were right!

And Pence is still doing it by inviting his good friend Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona and other pro-amnesty Senators to President Trump’s 9 January 18 meeting.  While in Congress, Pence supported proposals to allow illegal aliens to gain legal status, even while denying that such policies amount to amnesty. During the 2007 debate on amnesty legislation, Pence originated the pointless idea of requiring illegal aliens to leave the country and then being permitted to return legally – an idea that Donald Trump flirted with during the course of his presidential campaign.

Pence also opposed efforts to strengthen cooperation between state and local law enforcement and ICE. He also supported cuts in funding for border fencing, technology, and infrastructure.

During his congressional tenure, he thankfully voted against the DREAM Act amnesty which would grant the undocumented children of illegal immigrants conditional non-immigrant status if they met certain requirements.

Pence and the 14th Amendment

In 2009, Pence partially opposed birthright citizenship (the very misguided principle set forth by the Citizenship Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution) that “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.” Rep. Pence co-sponsored a bill that would have limited citizenship to children born to at least one parent who is a citizen, immigrants living permanently in the U.S. or non-citizens performing active service in the Armed Forces.

Senator Jacob Howard who introduced the 14th Amendment’s citizenship clause, said its grant of citizenship would not include persons born in the United States who are foreigners or aliens.  So, who changed the original intent and meaning?  The anchor baby scam was invented 36 years ago by a liberal zealot, Justice William Brennan, who slipped a footnote into a 1982 Supreme Court opinion announcing that the children born to illegals on U.S. soil are citizens.

Publius Huldah clarifies anchor babies in her short article on the 14th Amendment.  The correct interpretation of the 14th Amendment is that an illegal alien mother is subject to the jurisdiction of her native country, as is her baby.

Four Pence Staffers Depart

Longtime senior Pence staffers Mark Paoletta and Daris Meeks are leaving Pence’s office. The announcement was made by chief of staff Nick Ayers in a staff meeting in early January 2018.

Paoletta and Meeks’ departures follow two other top Pence aides who have left the Office of the Vice President: chief of staff Josh Pitcock and press secretary Marc Lotter. The vice president’s staff is considerably smaller than the West Wing, making the departures a more notable shift at the beginning of the new year.

Nothing happens in Washington by accident.  Four Pence aides are fleeing Washington before things they may have been involved with concerning Pence become public and they might even get called to testify if they are still around Washington.

Mike Pence and Jack Kemp

Pence has described himself as an acolyte of neo-conservative, Jack KempHouse Speaker Paul Ryan also describes himself as a protégé of Jack Kemp, the man who was Ryan’s mentor.  Congressman Jack Kemp was also the running mate of presidential nominee, Bob Dole.  He also served as Housing Secretary in the administration of President George H. W. Bush from 1989 to 1993.

Kemp was a liberal libertarian, and as such was pro-illegal immigration.  According to a 2013 National Review article by John Fonte, Kemp rejected the argument that border security and enforcement of existing immigration laws should be toughened before a guest-worker program was established, explaining that enforcement-first policy could not be reconciled with “the need for future immigration to meet the demands of a growing economy.”


A recent caller on Rush Limbaugh’s show said, “My kids have dreams too, and we’re sick and tired of paying for the DACA kids.”  He’s right. There is little doubt that opposition to amnesty and support for meaningful immigration enforcement is heavily favored by voters who propelled Trump to the Presidency.

In exchange for a DACA amnesty — against the will of his base of supporters — Trump has said since October 2017 that any deal would have to include three pro-American immigration reforms: An end to chain migration, an end to the Diversity Visa Lottery, and funding for his proposed wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.

The majority of today’s so-called conservatives are Rockefeller Republicans.  They were typically moderate to center-right, vehemently rejected conservatives like Barry Goldwater and his policies, and were often culturally liberal.

Phyllis Schlafly warned that if immigration is not stopped, “We’re not going to be America anymore.” She was right, our entire culture is being destroyed.  Over 50 years ago, Schlafly wrote, A Choice Not an Echo, in which she coined the term “Kingmakers,” or what we call them today, the Establishment.  Kingmakers describe a select group of cosmopolitan elites who control the Republican Party and have historically determined the Party’s presidential nominee.  But this time they lost, and they lost handily because of grassroots Americans.

It is up to those of us who voted for Donald Trump to keep up the fight, to elect true conservatives, to vote in every primary and to constantly let Kingmaker Republicans know we are angry that they are negotiating against Trump’s popular immigration agenda.

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© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Listen Up Congress! No Deal On DACA

According to a May 2014 report of the Center for Immigration Studies, of the 36,000 criminal aliens who, while awaiting deportation, were set free by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, 193 had been convicted of homicide, 426 of sexual assault, 303 of kidnaping, 1,075 of aggravated assault, 1,160 for stolen vehicles, 9,187 for possession or use of dangerous drugs, and 16,070 for driving drunk or drugged. Those 36,000 criminal aliens are roughly equivalent to three-and-a-half divisions of felons and social misfits released into our midst. And this does not include the 68,000 illegal aliens against whom ICE declined to press criminal charges last year, but turned loose.  —Pat Buchanan

When you read this article, remember that our President plays chess while Congress plays checkers.

DACA illegal aliens cannot be legalized without sacrificing the “rule of law.”  No more amnesty Mr. President!  These Dreamers don’t come cheap to American taxpayers!

Notice the communist clenched fist, and they claim they’re here to stay despite the fact they are illegal aliens.

Congressman Steve King’s assertion that a DACA amnesty would lead to more illegal immigration is readily backed up by border-crossings in November 2017 and the rate of illegal aliens coming to the southern border when Obama was implementing the DACA program.  John Binder of Breitbart News says, “The spike in illegal immigration coincides with talks of DACA amnesty by the GOP establishment and DHS Secretary.

Yes, we want the southern border wall, and an end to chain migration and the Visa lottery system, but American taxpayers have shelled out enough of their hard-earned dollars for illegal aliens. The truth is, the cost of illegals is just too damned high in too many ways. Build the Wall, stop chain migrations, stop Visa lottery, stop anchor baby citizenship.

The anchor baby scam was invented 35 years ago by liberal zealot, Justice William Brennan, who slipped a footnote into a 1982 Supreme Court opinion announcing that the children born to illegals on U.S. soil are citizens.  Unconstitutional poppycock.

Dumping DACA

In a 2015 interview with NBC’s Chuck Todd, candidate Donald Trump said he would end birthright citizenship and “immediately terminate” Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) amnesty.  After his election though, he appeared to waver on the DACA position, telling ABC’s David Muir in an interview that recipients “shouldn’t be very worried.” He added: “I do have a big heart. We’re going to take care of everybody… But I will tell you, we’re looking at this, the whole immigration situation, we’re looking at it with great heart.”

Obama enacted DACA in 2012, which provided work permits to children who were brought to the U.S. illegally.  President Trump rescinded job benefits because he was convinced former President Obama had created them illegally.

During the 2017 Labor Day weekend, President Trump felt he had only two realistic options: wait for federal courts to likely end the DACA program abruptly, or phase it out gradually by executive action and give Congress six months to devise a solution for the nearly million young people, who are no longer young, affected by his decision.  Trump wanted it done within the six months; the deadline is 5 March 2018.  The President told reporters at the White House that he had “no choice” but to order an end to the program.

Those 25 and younger make up two-thirds of active DACA recipients – 29% are ages 16-20 and 37% are ages 21-25. About a quarter (24%) are ages 26-30, while one-in-ten (11%) are ages 31-36. (No DACA recipients are older than 36 because the program required applicants to have entered the U.S. before their 16th birthday and have been under the age of 31 as of June 15, 2012.) [Link]

The Dreamers

The DREAM Act (short for Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act) was a bill in Congress that would have granted legal status to certain undocumented immigrants who were brought to the United States as children and went to school here. Although several versions of the bill have been introduced in Congress since 2001, it has never passed, but is being talked about again.  It is the most expansive amnesty being considered in Congress and would give potentially 3.5 million illegal aliens who are shielded from deportation by DACA and those eligible for DACA a pathway to U.S. citizenship.

Legalizing 2 million illegal immigrant “Dreamers” would cost the government $25.9 billion over the next decade, as those now-legal people would claim more tax, education and other benefits they haven’t been able to get before, the Congressional Budget Office said Friday.  The CBO also said newly legalized Dreamers would sponsor 80,000 more immigrants to enter the country as part of “chain migration.”

Michelle Malkin, a former Trump bashing so-called-conservative wrote a fabulous article wherein she states, There is No Such Thing As a Deserving Dreamer!  She is absolutely right, they are all about “I, I, I, me, me, me, gimmie, gimmie, gimmie and deserve, deserve, deserve,” when they deserve nothing!  They are lawbreakers who are bleeding America’s taxpayers dry with their constant demands.

The Dreamers have cost American citizens billions of dollars, and we are sick and tired of paying for them.  Taxpayers have been bled dry, our debt is $21 trillion, and we hear nothing about spending cuts with the tax bill.  It’s time to get serious and protect the taxpayers because we are a dwindling breed.  Ten thousand of us retire every day, and according to the most recent tax data, 138.3 million taxpayers reported earning approximately $9.03 trillion in adjusted gross income and paying $1.23 trillion in federal income tax. There are approximately 245.3 million adults in the Unites States.  That means 107 million American adults pay no taxes.

Trump Says No DACA Without Wall

President Trump tweeted, “The Democrats have been told, and fully understand, that there can be no DACA without the desperately needed WALL at the southern border and an end to the horrible chain migration and ridiculous lottery system of immigration etc. We must protect our country at all cost!”  [Link]

What is chain migration? Essentially, it is the fastest and easiest way to gain legal entry into America, via sponsorship by a family member who’s already a legal resident or citizen of the United States. In fact, 70 percent of all immigrant arrivals in recent decades are chain migrants.

What is the Visa Lottery?  The United States issued nearly 30,000 visas to people from nations officially designated as sponsors of terrorism over the last decade through the Diversity Visa “lottery” program, the White House said last November.

According to State Department statistics, since 2007, the U.S. has admitted 20,739 individuals from Iran; 7,232 from Sudan, and 812 from Syria through the Visa Lottery program –Iran, Sudan and Syria are currently the only countries designated by the State Department as “state sponsors of terrorism.”  Recent New York City terrorist attackers were found to have been beneficiaries of either chain migration or the diversity visa lottery program.

Investigative reporting has revealed that the visa lottery and chain migration have resulted in the deaths of Americans and put millions more at risk. Open borders advocates should realize that the immigration system they seek would cause more loss of American lives.  Link

The Real Cost of DACA

Jim Hoft of the Gateway Pundit reports that a recent study of DACA Dreamers found that most of these new Democrat voters reside in Republican states.  Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and the Democrats are determined to pass amnesty for this group of illegal aliens.  They know there are enough Dreamers to swing many red states to blue ones.

The DACA Dreamers claim they haven’t received government aid, but they have, and it’s through their U.S.-born children. U.S. taxpayers have spent billions of dollars a year for K-12 education for illegal immigrants, about 690,000 of whom have qualified for DACA.  A study by the Center for Immigration Studies showed that 62 percent of households headed by an illegal immigrant received some type of welfare.  American taxpayers have spent more than $80 billion on Dreamers.

According to the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), the cost to American taxpayers to educate English Language Learners (ELL) nationwide totaled 59.8 billion in 2016.  Believe me, I am not a fan of FAIR because it is owned by white supremacist, pro-eugenics, and population reduction proponent, John Tanton, who also owns Numbers USA.  Nevertheless, these statistics and figures are true according to the CBO.

DACA Fraud

New research has shown that DACA itself is a jumbled mess of fraud and unaccountability.

“There’s a ‘huge’ rate of fraud in the DACA program,” a former insider warns, and many of the people who are in the DACA program have provided false information in order to escape deportation and remain in the U.S.

“As many as half of the approximately 800,000 people who now have work permits under DACA may have lied on their applications to get approved,” said Matt O’Brien, an attorney and until last year a manager in the investigative unit of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS).

“Based on what I had seen and what I discussed with my colleagues, the fraud rate is 40 to 50 percent. It’s possible that it was higher,” he told LifeZette this week.

So why in hell would we want to give these lawbreakers and liars free citizenship in the United States?  And why doesn’t the Trump administration know this?

DACA and Crime

DACA does not give residency status, but temporarily protects them from deportation and allows them to work legally. The protection can be revoked at any time and some of these illegals have lost their DACA protections after being arrested for vicious crimes, yet many are still not deported.

The DACA screening process is woefully inadequate. The eligibility bar was set very low, explicitly allowing people with multiple misdemeanor and certain felony convictions to be approved.  American families have lost loved ones murdered by Dreamers.

Federal immigration authorities are revealing a surge in Dreamers losing their freedom “due to criminality or gang affiliation concerns.” Officials said the number has surged 30 percent in 2017.  The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services said that 622 had their deferred action status pulled last year due to criminal activity.

The numbers on revocations and terminations:

  • 2013 — 56.
  • 2014 — 153.
  • 2015 — 460.
  • 2016 — 848.
  • 2017 — 622.
  • Total — 2,139.

DACA Benefits

DACA and every other illegal amnesty needs to be destroyed.

A Drexel University professor has openly encouraged people to destroy government property of ICE vehicles in order to stop DACA deportation.  Not only should he be charged with inciting illegal activities, but he should be fired from Drexel.  George Ciccariello-Maher teaches Global studies at Drexel University, and he made headlines last December when he tweeted out that the one thing he wanted for Christmas was “white genocide.”  This liberal ass is a white boy, so he should off himself.

Given the competitiveness of admissions, it is all the more outrageous that the University of Miami is offering Dreamers a full scholarship worth $62,000, as well as lower GPA and SAT standards. Link  The Dreamer scholarship is “renewable for up to four academic years or such time as is required to complete the baccalaureate degree.”  So, illegals who have broken the law get a free ride, while again American taxpayers take it in the arse.

To top it off, Janet Napolitano, former Sec. of Homeland Security under Obama, filed a lawsuit  protesting the phase out of DACA by the administration, declaring that it is being done by executive whim. Maybe Trump should have just had his DHS Secretary write a memo. Then they could treat it as if it were a law.

The reality is that DACA is still growing, they’re not sending their best and brightest (never have), it will cost Americans a huge amount of money, it encourages more illegal immigration, it imports crime, it helps democrats, and it is fundamentally illegitimate. [Link]

It’s up to us to stop more amnesties!

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P.S.  We must fight for what is right, if we don’t, then the loss of this great nation will be on our shoulders.  The same goes for NewsWithViews.  It is up to all of us to keep the free flow of truthful information available.  Thank you for continuing to help NWVs with your monthly donations, we appreciate every one of you.  Please donate here.

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Bannon Betrayal Latest Deep State Attack On Trump And MAGA

It’s not about who is real in your face, it’s about who stays loyal behind your back. 

I have learned to hate all traitors, and there is no disease that I spit on more than treachery. Aeschylus

Bannon’s Fall from Grace

Matt Drudge’s headlines on Wednesday morning, 3 January 18, linked to an article from The Guardian, one that was headlined, Trump Tower meeting with Russians TreasonousBannon says in explosive book.  Matt Drudge is not a hardcore Trump supporter, so I have to question his promotion of the leftwing Guardian article.

Alleged inflammatory quotes from Bannon about President Trump and his family are in Michael Wolff’s tawdry tabloid, Fire and Fury.  Who is Wolff? Well, he’s certainly no conservative. In a review of Wolff’s book Burn RateBrill’s Content criticized Wolff for “apparent factual errors” and said that 13 people, including subjects he mentioned, complained that Wolff had “invented or changed quotes.”  Check out, The truth about Burn Rate.

I didn’t believe the story about Bannon when I first read it, but I expected Steve to go on Dobbs, Carlson and Hannity’s shows last Wednesday evening and deny it.  He did not.  Now, Rebekah Mercer and her father, who funded Breitbart, have pulled their funding, and the new billionaire benefactor behind Bannon is allegedly Chinese businessman, Miles Kwok, aka Guo Wen Gui.

Leftwing website Axios claims Wolff has dozens of hours of recorded conversations with Trump officials even though many of them thought they were off the record. Perhaps that is why Bannon is not denying the words he’s been quoted as saying, even if they’ve been embellished by Wolff.  However, Sean Spicer said in an interview that Wolff claims he just took notes.

Wolff’s History of Fabrication

“A provocateur and media polemicist, Wolff has a penchant for stirring up an argument and pushing the facts as far as they’ll go, and sometimes further than they can tolerate, according to his critics,” Washington Post media reporter Paul Farhi said in one report.  “He has been accused of not just recreating scenes in his books and columns, but of creating them wholesale.”

Roger Stone has said, “Based on many years’ experience with him, anything Michael Wolff writes has to be taken with a grain of salt.”

President Trump called out Michael Wolff for the lies in his book, and well he should have.  Wolff admits not everything in his book is true and that he said whatever he had to say to get his story.  He printed and embellished “off the record” statements, and therein lies the deceit.  His claims are irresponsibly absurd.

Claiming our President is dumb, childlike, that he’s a moron, he doesn’t like to read, he’s mentally unbalanced, etc. is pure libel.  Trump did three and four rallies per day during the campaign, and has given some of the finest foreign and domestic speeches we have heard from a president in over 50 years, not to mention his first year accomplishments. Tell me how many people could accomplish in their lives what President Trump has accomplished!  Our President is brilliant and in charge, and the left hates it, and they denigrate him for it.  Obviously, publishing company Henry Holt and Co. is printing Wolff’s pile of dung because they know their leftist friends will love the lies.

Quotes attributed to longtime Trump friend Thomas Barrack Jr. and former White House adviser Katie Walsh were denied or disputed.  Tom Barrack adds, “It’s clear to anyone who knows me that those aren’t my words and are inconsistent with anything I’ve ever said.” He says Wolff never ran that quote by him to ask if it was accurate.

Wolff reported that Melania Trump cried when her husband won the election because she didn’t want him to win.  However, it’s a well-known fact that Melania actually encouraged her husband to run for President, and was thrilled when he won.

Roger Stone said that Bannon was right on one thing, that Don Jr. should have had an attorney with him when he met with the Russian woman who claimed she had info on Hillary, but there was nothing illegal or treasonous about it as Bannon was quoted as saying.

Bannon Fired for Leaks

Rush Limbaugh said that he believes Steve Bannon was responsible for the majority of the first-year leaks coming out of the Trump administration.

“Steve pretends to be at war with the media, which he calls the opposition party, yet he spent his time at the White House leaking false information to the media to make himself seem far more important than he was,” the president added.

Any attacks on our President’s children are verboten whether you like what the children do or not, and that’s where Steve Bannon’s alleged statements against Don Junior and Jared and Ivanka have created animus from Mr. Trump.  Our President trusts his family, and well he should over any outsiders.

Purposeful Distraction

The leftist nest of vipers loves this distraction because it keeps us from concentrating on the 2018 primaries, our President’s goals to build the wall, stopping the cultural changes to our country via illegal immigration and refugees, i.e, DACA, the need for revitalized infrastructure and so much more…

Primaries are the most important elections we have, and they start throughout the country in early March for the 2018 elections.  We need to support the conservative candidates in this important election.

Way too much work needs to be done to waste time with this goofy Wolff book nonsense. The Democrats lost, the people have spoken. The reason Democrats were defeated across the board in 2016 is their propensity towards lies and their lack of substance beyond anything but mindless violence, identity politics, worship of jihad, abortion on demand, and the planned decimation of U.S. sovereignty, and the Wolff book is just more of the same.

Since the 2016 election rejection, the Democrats have doubled down on each and every one of these things and blocked the will of the American people. They will continue to slap the U.S. middle class in the face and they will continue to lose. Our efforts need to be focused on rebuilding our government and helping our President pass the legislation he campaigned on.

The populist hero to conservatives has now fallen out of favor with most conservatives, and we’re all sad about it, and we don’t even know if any of this garbage is true, but Bannon needed to immediately deny Wolff’s statements and in not doing so, he is destroying his own reputation.

Steve has made inflammatory claims and the President’s lawyers have told him to cease and desist.  It is a real distraction because finally, after a long stonewall, we are going to find the truth about the infamous dossier.  Was it used as an excuse for domestic spying on the Trump campaign?  It sure looks like it.

Was it the reason the FBI began the investigation in the first place?  Looks like it.  Don’t forget that dossier was paid for by Hillary Clinton, and it contains scurrilous and fake material that the President has described as a pile of garbage. Now we’ll get the documents that will reveal how the FBI and Justice Department used that dossier.  This is political dynamite, and far more important than Bannon’s provocations.

Before the election, the Clinton team paid millions of dollars to Fusion GPS.  They were looking for dirt on Trump.  Fusion comes up with a pack of lies called the dossier and created by British spy, Christopher Steele.  They release it to the media.  And it gets worse.  The FBI got that dossier and what did they make of it…pack of lies, and did they use it to spy on the Trump campaign? Yes! Is this how Russia, Russia, Russia got started?  We’re going to find out.

This week the establishment media is all over Bannon’s comments, and it is a distraction.  The real story is about the cabal of the Obama supporters buried in the FBI and the Justice Department who interfered with a presidential election.  Hats off to the handful of Republicans who have pushed to get to the truth.  It’s not about Trump and Russia, it’s about a Deep State conspiracy.

The entire Wolff book is nothing but made up allegations to distract us from our goals and the President’s campaign promises.  Discard it and move on.

Betrayal or Fake News

We do not know whether this is a total betrayal by Bannon or whether it’s fake news…or even if it’s a combination of both.  Perhaps the President’s Fake News award should go first to Michael Wolff for this volume of fictional excrement.

Nevertheless, we need to set this aside and go for the throat on renewed efforts to root out the corrupt Clintons, the lies of the DOJ and FBI, and fight for our President to complete his promises to the American people.

Trump’s first year achievements are legendary, despite the hatred and enemies of freedom.  Donald J. Trump is the very leader we need to straighten out the mess we are left with by decades of globalist leaders.  Pray for our President and his family, and pray for our country.  Donald J. Trump is Making America Great Again and we need to support him!

P.S. Folks, the journalists at NewsWithViews spend hours in research to bring you the truth of what is going on in our beloved country.  Subscribe to NewsWithViews’ daily email alerts by sending in your email address, and you’ll receive some of the finest researched articles in your in-box every morning.  Please too, help us stay alive by supporting NWVs with your monthly donations.

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Obama Killed Probe Of Hezbollah For The Iran Deal

We are at war. Our mortal enemy doesn’t hide its goal and stated aim. Islam announces it wants to destroy Western civilization from within, sabotage its miserable house, and install a universal caliphate. Pamela Geller

The intelligence community does not have complete ‘eyes on’ the totality of the Iranian nuclear program, nor can it guarantee that we have identified all of Iran’s nuclear facilities and processes. LTG Michael T. Flynn

Obama’s Sell-Out Iran Deal

In the middle of the night, Barack Hussein Obama sent $150 billion US taxpayer dollars to Iran as sanction relief in part of its nuclear deal. There were no restrictions on how the monies could be spent.

Susan Rice, former U.S. National Security adviser, admitted the monies would likely be spent on terrorism.  We knew Obama was willing to sacrifice the safety of Israel for the deal, but he also sacrificed the safety of American citizens.

Back in 2014, cocaine was second only to Bayer’s 1898 development of heroin in American drug deaths.  The major player in the cocaine traffic into the U.S. was the Iranian-sponsored and funded terrorist group Hezbollah. For years it has been known that Hezbollah has infiltrated criminal gangs in South America and set up its own billion-dollar international criminal enterprise to finance its terror activities. None of this was a secret.

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) along with 30 other intel agencies, including the U.S. military, who was investigating links between Iran and Shiite militias, launched investigations into crime syndicates.  All of the paths led to Hezbollah.

U.S. law enforcement came up with an aggressive plan to take down the Hezbollah international network and its key individuals. But it never happened, and we now know why. It was Obama who put the kibosh on the Hezbollah investigation in order to get his Iran nuclear deal, and Politico broke the story.

Obama Crushes Hezbollah Investigation

The DEA’s project Cassandra was born to take down the Hezbollah operation by busting its innermost circle, but senior officials in the Obama administration thwarted a DEA program to uncover and prosecute Hezbollah operatives engaged in global drug trafficking to finance terrorist activities.

Obama roadblocked DEA efforts and literally ripped apart the entire effort from the top down, according to Pentagon specialist, David Asher.  The WSJ reported that Obama Treasury official, Katherine Bauer, told the House Foreign Affairs Committee that under the Obama Administration, Hezbollah related “investigations were tamped down for fear of rocking the boat with Iran and jeopardizing the nuclear deal.”

A former CIA officer stated that during the early negotiations the Iranians said they needed Obama to lay off Hezbollah, to tamp down the pressure on them, and the Obama administration acquiesced to the request.

Three major suspects involved in the weapons and drug trafficking got away, and former Obama officials stated that they had not “derailed any actions against Hezbollah or it’s Iranian allies for political reasons.”  However, many government officials know otherwise and believe a congressional investigation is warranted.  This is truly a criminal act.

Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) said he and other top politicians are looking into evidence that could implicate high-ranking former Obama staffers, including National Security Council official Ben Rhodes, who helmed much of the negotiation over the Iran deal.

Congressman Robert Pittenger expressed shock over the fact that while US soldiers were bravely fighting ISIS, with some paying the ultimate price, Obama reportedly protected Hezbollah terrorists.

Actor James Woods tweeted, “Obama targeted Christian Churches and Conservative Charities with the IRS, but ordered investigations into Hezbollah to be stopped. Let that sink in.”

Escaping the Iranian Revolution of 1979

In the middle 1970s, my son-in-law was urged by his parents to drive Americans around the oil fields of Persia in order to learn English.  He did just that, and then he immigrated to the United States prior to the fall of the Shah of Iran.

Mohammad Reza Pahlavi was the Shah of Iran from 16 September 1941 until his overthrow by the Iranian Revolution on 11 February 1979.  Joe and my daughter were married in the church, and his parents came to visit years later.  We had them to our home for dinner, and if you mentioned Khomeini, his mother would scream, “Khomeini morte.”  They hated the revolution, and wanted to remain westernized as they were under the Shah.

Joe spent a year at university learning English, then worked his way through college to a degree.  He is a Christian American citizen who is living the American dream, all because his parents urged him to immigrate to the greatest country on earth, America.

Since 1979, the Persian state has been under a theocratic dictatorship, one hellbent on worldwide Islamic jihad, but a new revolution is brewing, and our President is supporting the dissidents.  President Trump has the opportunity now to redeem the tragic mistake America made under President Obama in ignoring anti-regime protesters in Iran.

Gen. Flynn Knows the Enemy

Lieutenant General Michael T. Flynn knows that Iran is the core of terrorism training, and this is another reason that President Trump has said, “Iran’s nuclear deal is inconceivable and a disaster for Israel.”  In an article by Jim Lobe, he gives excerpts of General Flynn’s brilliant 16-page testimony on Iran.  It is well worth the time to read and explains why the Obama cabal had to stop Flynn.

U.S. government policy towards Iran has been strongly criticized by General Flynn.  He rightly claims “no past American president” has called for a regime change or supported Iranian dissidents.  Flynn has condemned the administrations of both Jimmy Carter and Barack Hussein Obama for respectively failing to support the last Shah of Iran and for negotiating a nuclear deal with Iran.

In the General’s best-selling book, The Field of Fight, he clearly delineates the Iranian culture of terror, and that Iran is the “leading supporter of jihad and one of the most repressive regimes on earth.”

Flynn explains that, “Persia should be one of the richest and most successful countries on earth because it is in a prime geopolitical location, has abundant natural resources, boasts a well-educated population, and has centuries of commercial success, yet it is in ruins.  The birth rate is low, the corruption of its ruling class is well-known, there are alarming rates of suicide, prostitution, depression, drug abuse, high unemployment, and a shortage of fresh water.”  Why?  The General tells us that the country’s wealth is being funneled into jihad and the private accounts of the nation’s rulers and elitists who continue to steal from the coffers of their people.

Most Iranians detest the regime and the rulers know it.  The Iranian leadership is vulnerable.  If they were actually popular they wouldn’t work so hard to silence their own people. Flynn explains that tyranny is the least stable system because the people can quickly turn against the tyrant.  “Khamenei knows that and lives in constant fear of a ‘velvet revolution,’ a popular uprising that will sweep him away, along with the failed Islamic system created by his predecessor.”  We’re seeing it today, and the protests are growing.

The General is right when he goes on to say that we can best attack the enemy alliance at its weakest point, the failure of the Revolution, and it should be political, not military, and our most potent weapon is what Khamenei fears most: the suffering Iranian masses.

Days of massive protests in over 31 cities, are continuing and spreading with demands for Khamenei to step down, and the protests are rapidly growing.  Protesters are screaming, “Death to the dictator.”

Iranian women are sick of the strict dress codes, are demanding proper educations and decent jobs, and even some of the mullahs and ayatollahs are in opposition to the regime.

With 33 years as an intelligence officer, Michael Flynn knows this enemy well.  He says, “Despite our perverse current refusal to criticize anything Islamic, those seeking freedom in Muslim countries invariably call out to us for support, knowing that American traditions and values and, eventually, American leadership is their chance to gain liberty.  This is why in the demonstrations of 2009, the protestors held signs reading, ‘Obama where are you?’ It is why the global Muslim Reform Movement asks for Americans to support their campaign against the imposition of head covering for Muslim women (the hijab—misnamed, as hijab refers to any and all covering of the Muslim woman’s body).”  They are throwing away their head coverings…

The General tells us that we can’t win this war by treating Radical Islamic terrorists as a handful of crazies and dealing with them as a policing issue, any more than we can win the global war solely with military forces.  The political and theological underpinnings of their immoral actions have to be demolished.

Iran Boils with Protests

Amil Imani is a fellow News with Views journalist and Persian born American citizen. He says “Another Revolution is brewing in Iran, and the Iranian people need our help.”  His emails and articles are pleading for help for his homeland and her people.

Day 6 #IranProtests…Another night of protests in different cities of #Iran. Despite the threats of Tehran Rev. Court to punish protesters with the death penalty, the brave Iranian people keep on marching on the streets!

The best match for the ruthless Mullahs and their hired Islamic Stormtroopers are the Iranian warriors themselves. The people of Iran themselves are the best solution for the present Iranian conundrum. The valiant Iranians need a bit of help from Donald J. Trump. And the last thing they need is appeasing negotiators to give the Mullahs a new lease on life, or invasion by the Marines, or a shower of bombs from the skies.

A full-fledged revolution is currently underway across Iran.  Iranians fear no more.  They refuse to be fooled and intimidated any longer.  They refuse to obey orders from the beasts of Allah currently ruling Iran.  With President Trump’s moral support, they have been transformed overnight from seemingly subdued and helpless sheep into mighty lions and lionesses.

Luke 12:48 says, “For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required.” Perhaps it is for this reason that the people of the United States of America, once again, are called upon to make huge sacrifices to defeat another tyranny. It is important that this great nation stays the course and enlists its power in support of freedom-loving Iranians to topple the ruling Islamofascists who are bent on wreaking death and destruction on the world.  Amil Imani


Reza Pahlavi is the son of the late Shah of Iran.  Amil Imani believes he has become the very asset that the opposition has needed for many years.  He has no ulterior motive other than doing what he can to help his countrymen in Iran and his willingness to become the necessary catalyst to dislodge the current brutal regime.  Pahlavi wants the Iranian people to rise up against the regime and establish a parliamentary democracy based on democratic values, freedoms, and human rights.

It is up to America and to our President to do exactly what General Michael T. Flynn has stated time and again must be done.  We must help the dissidents to overthrow this theocratic dictatorship and free the citizens of Persia.  Freedom is the call to all human beings…freedom to be what the Lord called them to be.  Pray for the citizens of Iran and for their fight for liberty.  Please call the White House and ask our President to support these freedom fighters.

Let Congress and the White House know how you feel. Do it! Please!

Representatives (202)-224-3121
White House at (202)-456-1111

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© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

President Trump’s Amazing First Year Accomplishments

Permanence, perseverance and persistence in spite of all obstacles, discouragements, and impossibilities: It is this, that in all things distinguishes the strong soul from the weak. Thomas Carlyle

I love those who can smile in trouble, who can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. ‘Tis the business of little minds to shrink, but they whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves their conduct, will pursue their principles unto death. Leonardo da Vinci

Why the Left Hates Trump

We all know our President’s major accomplishments, pulling out of the Paris Climate Accords, signing an executive order to withdraw from Obama’s 12-nation Trans Pacific Partnership, repealing Obama’s government regulation of “net neutrality,” and passing and signing one of the largest tax reduction overhauls in over 30 years.  But there is so very much more, and I do believe this man is a gift from God.

Undoing the devastating Obama legacy of destruction has made our President the target of hatred from every leftist in politics, media and Hollywood. Many of the phony neo-conservative Trotskyite right are just as hateful and vengeful; think of McCain, Flake, Collins, Murkowski, Ryan, McConnell and others in the DC swamp.  Then there’s the likes of Bilderberger Bill Kristol whose father, Irving Kristol was literally a Trotskyite.  (For the millennials, Leon Trotsky was a Marxist who murdered only 3 million Russians as compared to the 85 to 100 million murdered by Lenin and Stalin.)

Trump has taken conservatives back to a different era, before William F. Buckley drove out the Birchers and when we truly had old right conservatism.   If you want to do a purity test, Reagan and Bush would not have passed on a lot of things. Trump truly changes the world on behalf of conservatives.

As for his supporters, the deplorables are thrilled with his accomplishments, and thankful that Hillary and Bill Clinton are not leading this nation into communist destruction, hiding all their corrupt activities, and soiling our White House with their presence.

Undoing Obama’s Legacy

Our great populist President even outdid his own expectations and slashed at least 11 major legacy items of former President Barack Hussein Obama, including cracking down on the open border, slowing recognition of communist Cuba and effectively killing Obamacare by ending the mandate that everyone have health insurance or face a tax.  He also withdrew from the U.N. Global Compact on Migration; which Trump saw as a threat to borders.

Administrations typically tout their achievements broadly at the end of each year, but Trump listed jobs added, regulations killed, foreign policy victories won, and moves to help veterans and even drug addicts.

Saving Human Babies

And in a sign of support for the unborn, the White House also is highlighting achievements for the pro-life community.  Obama was probably one of the most pro-abortion Presidents to disgrace our country, even worse than Bill and Hillary Clinton.

President Trump has been the most pro-life president in modern history. Within days after his inauguration, Trump reinstated the “Mexico City Policy,” one that prohibits any non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that receive U.S. aid, from performing and promoting abortion overseas.  The Mexico City Policy blocks some $9 billion in foreign aid being used for abortions.

In enacting the policy, Trump also expanded it by directing the Secretary of State to ensure the ban on taxpayer funds for overseas abortions is in place across most U.S. global health programs that provide assistance.

Our President also worked with Congress on a bill overturning an Obama regulation that blocked states from defunding abortion providers.

Protecting America’s Citizens

Pointing to the New York terror attempt, President Trump says that he will end the visa lottery and chain migration.  He has already ended the Obama era “catch and release” of illegal immigrants, and boosted their arrests inside the U.S.  He’s also cracked down on some 300 sanctuary cities that defy ICE but still get federal dollars.  The best part is the fact that our President has added some 100 new immigration judges, and work for the southern wall still continues.  Build that wall!

The President has also nominated 73 federal judges, ordered a lobbying ban, and even called for an audit of the Pentagon.

Justice announced grants of $98 million to fund 802 new police officers, worked with Central American nations to arrest and charge 4,000 MS-13 gang members, and has rounded up 800 of them, which is an 83 percent increase in one year.  The President even signed three EOs aimed at cracking down on international criminal organizations.

Veterans and our Military

Our veterans are very important to this President, and Trump has a shining new reverence for all of them.  Like our police, he loves our military men and women.  The Veterans Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act was signed into law in order for senior officials in the VA to fire failing employees and establish safeguards to protect whistleblowers.

The President has signed $2.1 billion in additional funds for the Veterans Choice Program, he’s signed the Veterans Appeals Improvement and Modernization Act,. The Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act, the VA Choice and Quality Employment Act of 2017, created a VA hotline, had the VA launch an online “Access and Quality Tool” to provide vets with a way to access wait time and quality of care data, and has announced three initiatives to expand access to healthcare for veterans using telehealth technology.

We all know there are none in America more important than those who’ve volunteered for service.  Our veterans deserve the best, and Trump wants to see that they get the best.

Our President is rebuilding our military and working to increase defense spending, while empowering chosen military leaders to seize the initiative and win.  He’s imposed the travel bans, if the leftist judiciary would allow him to protect America’s citizens, directed the revival of the National Space Council to develop space war strategies, pushed strong action against N Korea, and has seen ISIS lose virtually all of its territory, and far more.

So Much More

Trump is boosting U.S. energy dominance, has worked to bring companies and jobs back to America, has killed job stifling regulations, created 1.7 million new jobs, cut unemployment to 4.1 percent and nearly 1.5 million fewer Americans are on food stamps.  Yet, there’s so much more!

Confidence and respect has been restored to America.  His foreign travels to the middle east and Europe have built new relationships with leaders.  His historic 12-day trip through Asia won him new cooperative deals, and he attended three regional summits to promote American interests.  He even won the release of Americans held abroad, although the actions of these ingrates prove he should have let them rot in prison, but that’s not the actions of this president.

He bows to no foreign leader, they now bow to him, knowing his strength.  Respect for America and her President has been restored.

The Crown Jewel

But the crown jewel of our wonderful President’s first year in office is that he made good on his campaign promise to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.  In doing so, he called down blessings on America and on himself and his administration.  Why do I say that?  Because Genesis 12:1-3 is part of God’s unconditional Abrahamic Covenant to Israel.  Get that, it is unconditional and still in effect.  Here is what it says:

Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee:

2- And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:

3- And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

We just celebrated the birth of Messiah Jesus, and Genesis 12:3 makes it clear that all families of the earth will be blessed by Israel, and we have been with a Savior from the Tribe of Judah.

The Lord has kept His promise throughout history.  He has blessed those who have blessed Israel, and He has cursed those who have cursed her, like for like.

And then there’s the frosting on the cake which should make every American patriot thrilled!  One hundred twenty eight (128) UN member nations voted against the Trump administration’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, nine voted with America, while 35 nations abstained from voting. After the vote, Ambassador Haley took strong action.

Twenty two percent of the funding of the United Nations, which is run by 200 tin horn third world dictator members, is funded by the United States of America.  These guys all have their anti-American votes, and then they stick us with the tab to fund them.

So, making good on Trump’s promise, Ambassador Nikki Haley has taken an axe to spending for the UN, and I say, HALLELUJAH!  In a press release, Haley’s office announced the United States was able to negotiate a $285 million cut in its contribution to the United Nations for next year.  Time to dump Rockefeller’s UN building in the Hudson River!

It really is a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  God has blessed us with a great President who wants to Make America Great Again and he is off to a very good start!  Bless him and pray for him.

P.S.  Thank you to all the folks who read NewsWithViews every day and who support us with monthly donations.  We cannot exist without you.  Our President is bringing the country back to greatness, and in doing so, we pray every American will have more money in their pockets.  Please help NWVs to remain in the black so we can keep bringing our readers the truth of what is happening in American politics.  Please donate here.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

The Christmas Thing

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16 KJV

For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.  Isaiah 9:6, KJV, Handel’s Messiah

It’s Christmas, with all the joy and frenzy and shopping, and food, and family gathering, and it’s THE CELEBRATION OF OUR SAVIOUR’S BIRTH!  Can you say Hallelujah!  I love Christmas…I simply love it!


Most of you know I own a wholesale commercial bakery and I’m very busy this time of year.  In September I start baking Christmas cookies to be shipped all over the country.  It is the part of my business that I enjoy the most.  I love creating the cookies, buying the boxes, ribbon, and ornaments for packing, and sending them to all the folks that look forward to them every year.  It’s a labor of love, and I enjoy this part of the Christmas preparations the most.  That might sound crazy to some of you, but my great-great grandfather was a restaurateur, confectioner, and amazing baker in Philadelphia, PA.  He also owned an ice cream shop along with his three restaurants.  G. Byron Morse actually developed the pinafore bread that became the Hoagie bun.  So, the baking gene runs in my blood.  This, however, is not what Christmas is all about…yet, it too is a part of the joyous celebration and the joy of giving.

Christmas Cards

Christmas cards are special for me.  Every year, the local Christian bookstore runs a 60% off sale on Christmas cards the day after Christmas.  Since I’ve lived all over the country, we send out over 100 cards every year, and we want them to express the truth of why we celebrate the birth of Messiah.  So, I’m there at 7 a.m. the morning after Christmas.

My sweet friends in Florida sent us a beautiful Christmas card this year that I want to share with you.  Like the cards I choose, this one relays the essence of Christmas…it was the Christ child, born for us, to die on a cross for our sins, so we could approach the throne of God with the blood of Jesus having washed away our sins, gone, not just covered over, but gone.  This card was so lovely in its message, I simply had to share it.  So here it is:


Just a little donkey, but on my back I bore, The one and only Savior, the world was waiting for.

Just a little donkey, but I was strong and proud–I gladly carried Mary through the chaos of the crowd.

I brought her to a stable where she made a tiny bed…A place for Baby Jesus to lay His little head.

I pray the world remembers that special Christmas night, when just a little donkey carried Heaven’s Precious Light.   Rita S. Beer

I hope the sentiment in this card touches your heart as it touched mine. It is the story of the King of Glory who humbled Himself to come to earth as a baby, to die on the Cross for all of us.  The cards are special greetings to those we know and love who are brothers and sisters in the faith, and they are a part of Christmas, but not the full essence, just a part of the whole celebration of the King’s birth.


There are not many places in America bereft of Christmas decorations, except perhaps Dearborn, Michigan. Many of the yards and windows of homes are adorned with lights and wreaths put up around Thanksgiving.  Holley Gerth wrote about the wonderful Christmas Wreath:

“The Christmas wreath is more than just a decoration…it’s a special reminder of Jesus, the reason for our celebration.  The circle of a Christmas wreath is a never-ending ring, a reminder of eternal love from our Lord and King.  The Christmas wreath is a sign of welcome, inviting all to enter in…a reminder of Christ’s invitation for all to come to Him.  The middle of a Christmas wreath is a bare and empty space, a reminder of what life would be without Christ’s love and grace.  So, each time you see a Christmas wreath hanging from a door, may your heart rejoice in the One that Christmas is truly for!”

When I was a child, my mother and I would get on the train and go into Chicago to see the decorated store windows on State Street; Marshall Fields, Wieboldts, Carson, Pirie, Scott and Company, Goldblatts, and so many more.  In the 1950s, there were amazing crèche displays in the store windows…and of course Santa and the reindeer.  The crowds were enormous.  Decorations were everywhere.

When I see all the homes alight with decorations, I think of them as candles on the Saviour’s birthday cake.  This is another part of the celebration of Messiah’s birth, and it speaks to believers and non-believers…”We have lighted up our homes to celebrate the birth of the Saviour of the World.”   


Then there’s the shopping.  Since I have owned my bakery for 23 years, my shopping has to be finished before Thanksgiving and ready to ship to out-of-town family the Monday after Thanksgiving.  I really don’t like to shop during December, especially on the weekends, and I don’t do Black Fridays…not ever.  Having said that, the joy of the celebration is in the majority of stores.  The time goes quickly for employees when it’s busy and they all seem to be smiling and happy and saying, Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas.  Of course, I prefer Merry Christmas, but Happy Holidays is from the original, Happy Holy Days. So, when I’m wished “Happy Holidays,” I always answer them with, “Merry Christmas to you and Happy Holy Days!”  This is the south and we’re in the buckle of the Bible Belt, so everyone smiles!  Shopping is the part of Christmas where we buy gifts to give to our family, friends, and those less fortunate, to share the love of the Christ child whose birth we celebrate.

One of my wonderful Christian cyber buds sent me a short email of vast import.  When you’re out doing the hectic last-minute shopping thing, remember this story,

“Who Started This Christmas Stuff?”

A woman was out Christmas shopping with her two children. After many hours of looking at row after row of toys and everything else imaginable; and after hours of hearing both her children asking for everything they saw on those many shelves, she finally made it to the elevator with her two kids.

She was feeling what so many feel during the holiday season time of the year – overwhelming pressure to go to every party, every housewarming, taste all the holiday food and treats, getting that perfect gift for every single person on our shopping list, making sure we don’t forget anyone on our card list, and the pressure of making sure we respond to everyone who sent us a card.

Finally the elevator doors opened, and there was already a crowd in the car. She pushed her way into the car and dragged her two kids in with her and all the bags of stuff. When the doors closed, she couldn’t take it anymore and she stated, “Whoever started this whole Christmas thing should be found, strung up and shot.”

From the back of the car, everyone heard a quiet, calm voice respond, “Don’t worry, we already crucified Him.”

For the rest of the trip down in the elevator, it was so quiet you could have heard a pin drop. This year, don’t forget to keep “the One who started this whole Christmas thing” in your every thought, deed and words. If we all did it, just think of how different this whole world would be.

It’s not simply the baking and cooking, it’s not the cards, or the decorations, it’s not the shopping, or the family gatherings, it’s all of these things!  It’s because this is the month of the birthday celebration of the King of Glory, the Messiah.

Ahh, yes, the “Christmas thing.”  The “Christmas thing” is Christ.  The “Christmas thing” is the Saviour of the world, the “Christmas thing” is that He came and died for all of us, the “Christmas thing” is the joy in knowing that we have everlasting life because the perfect, sinless, creator of the world shed His blood for us, the “Christmas thing” is that God loves us so much that He sent His only begotten Son to die for us.  The “Christmas thing” is that we are to celebrate His birth with joy, love, peace, kindness and gentleness.  And we’re to share our reason for that joy!

So, for the month of December…you might want to answer those who say Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas with a resounding, “Happy Birthday Jesus!”   That’s the “Christmas thing!”

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Hit By Hit, The Mueller Deep State Is Being Exposed

Corruption is worse than prostitution. The latter might endanger the morals of an individual, the former invariably endangers the morals of the entire country.   Karl Kraus

Our country is now taking so steady a course as to show by what road it will pass to destruction, to wit: by consolidation of power first, and then corruption, its necessary consequence.  Thomas Jefferson

Instead of a reported collusion between presidential candidate Donald Trump and Russia, the real collusion became obvious when Hillary’s Uranium One deal was finally exposed.  Clinton also illegally paid a foreign company (Fusion GPS) to compile opposition research and sell it as intelligence that was then dropped in the lap of former FBI Director James Comey, thanks to traitor John McCain.

Comey used the dossier to give the Obama administration cover for filing for a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant, signed off by an Obama crony judge, to conduct National Security Agency surveillance of certain American citizens like former foreign policy adviser, Carter Page and National Security Adviser, Michael FlynnLink

Fusion GPS has been an influential hidden hand in Washington, with entree into the city’s most powerful news bureaus.  Behind the scenes, the private intelligence firm run by former Wall Street Journal reporters was particularly active last year working to defeat Trump.  Fusion leader Glenn Simpson, who railed against sleazy opposition research as a reporter, harbored a strong desire to bring down the builder of hotels with his own nefarious research.

The real collusion lies with the Trump hating Mueller investigators and the FBI schemes to destroy Trump during the campaign and now during his presidency. It’s the Hillary loving leftists who meddled over and over again in the election.

So, where the hell is Jeff Sessions?  President Trump…it’s time to send your AG back to Alabama where he could have been helpful in the Senate and bring on Rudy Giuliani!  We need someone with chutzpah and teeth to go after the corruption!

Mueller’s Ultimate Goal

Robert Mueller is looking for an impeachment. Even the left has admitted this investigation is a charade.  Mueller assembled a team of rabid Trump haters, and   he is tight with Comey and Rosenstein, the latter of whom appointed him. Now Mueller is seeking revenge for his close friend, James Comey.  Here is the timeline of this attack on our President.

Hit by hit, we’re learning the truth and the entire Mueller crew is being exposed for their bias.  McCabe, Rosenstein, Comey, and Mueller are all enemy combatants against our President.

Strzok’s Anti-Trump Text Messages

Last August we learned of Peter Strzok’s removal for bias against Trump, but now we are learning more about the texts he sent to FBI attorney Lisa Page with whom he was having an adulterous affair. She also left the Mueller investigation last summer.  This is a bombshell story showing the Deep State’s attempt to derail President Trump, and support Hillary Clinton.  Strzok and Page were discussing some sort of action.

There’s a steady leak of text messages between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page.  Besides the many “f” Trump texts, and the support Hillary texts, there is one that is more than likely the encore to the phony dossier paid for by the Hillary DNC and the FBI.  Strzok texted Lisa Page the following:

I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office (Andrew McCabe the FBI Deputy Director) that there’s no way he gets elected (Trump), but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk.  It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40.

Now if that doesn’t speak of a plan to go for the filthy phony dossier, I don’t know what does.  And these two were members of the Mueller investigation which was started by this phony dossier paid for by Hillary Clinton!

I believe the action discussed in Deputy FBI Director Andy McCabe’s office led to the dossier that started this entire pile of Deep State shite. And, knowledge of the dossier project during the campaign extended into the highest levels of the Obama Justice Department.

Dobbs Interviews Jim Jordan

Lou Dobbs interviewed Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) following Rod Rosenstein’s despicable performance and continuing cover up of the overwhelming corruption at the DOJ and FBI.

Dobbs asked him what his reaction was when he heard Rosenstein dismiss everything.  Jordan told Lou that he believes Strzok is the central player in the entire scheme, and that it’s quite obvious Strzok was planning something in case Trump did get elected.  Jordan said, “He’s the guy who ran the Clinton investigation, interviewed Cheryl Mills, interviewed Secretary Clinton, he’s the guy who took the exoneration letter and changed the term ‘gross negligence, which is a crime, to ‘extreme carelessness,’ which is not a crime. He’s the guy who ran the Russia investigation, he’s the guy who interviewed General Flynn without his own lawyer, and he’s picked by Mueller to be on his team and then kicked off for these text messages.”

Jordan Points out that Strzok, “is no different from Lois Lerner who thought that she had to go after conservatives because they’re having too much influence in politics. It’s the exact same mindset. But here we have the guy who I think took the dossier, the discredited, disproven dossier, fake news garbage dossier, took that document that the Clintons paid for, took that dossier, I think he dressed it all up and presented it to the FISA court.”

Jordan says when you boil it all down it’s really about two questions. Did the FBI pay Christopher Steele and, “Did they take his work product, the dossier, and present it as real intelligence and take it to the FISA court to get warrants to spy on people associated with Trump’s campaign?”

Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley is demanding documents related to all activities of Strzok. In a letter to FBI Director and Mueller crony Christopher Wray, Grassley wrote, “The communications between members of the Clinton email investigation team raise questions about the integrity of that investigation and about the objectivity of Mr. Strzok’s work for the special counsel and in the FBI’s investigation of Flynn.”  The reality is, Strzok, and countless others belong in Leavenworth.

Rosenstein was asked about the politics of the Mueller gang, and he said, “You can have a political persuasion, which doesn’t mean you have bias.”  What a bunch of horse hockey.

Bruce Ohr

Bruce Ohr wore two hats at Justice. He led a drug enforcement task force and was associate Deputy AG. As a close aide to Rosenstein, his office was only four doors down from the Deputy AG. He has relinquished the latter role.

Deputy AG Bruce Ohr has been demoted for highly suspicious meetings with British spy, Christopher Steele, the creator of the Clinton bought and paid for fake news, Russia propaganda, anti-Trump dossier and for a meeting with Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson.  Ohr knew Steele and had repeated contacts with him when Steele was working on the dossier.

In a statement last week, Devin Nunes, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, said, “Pursuant to the House Intelligence Committee’s prior subpoenas and information requests, the Department of Justice should have provided the committee with information on contacts that DOJ official Bruce Ohr had with Fusion GPS representatives and Christopher Steele. The committee will issue a subpoena to Bruce Ohr for information on this matter.”

Why aren’t these guys being fired?!

And now we learn that Ohr’s wife, Nellie, worked at Fusion GPS last year when the firm was working for the Clinton presidential campaign compiling the anti-Trump fake Russian dossier. She was actually hired by Fusion GPS to get dirt on Donald Trump.  Nellie Ohr is listed as working for the CIA’s Open Source Works Department in a 2010 DOJ report.

With news of Ohr’s contacts with Steele and Simpson, Republicans on Capitol Hill, and perhaps some Democrats too, will wonder just how far the Obama Justice Department officials went in the effort to stop Trump.

Nellie Ohr applied for a ham radio license…why?  Because apparently the NSA doesn’t monitor short wave conversations.  Obviously, they wanted what they were discussing to be kept secret.  How many others have done the same?

And what about Aaron Zebley, Mueller’s right-hand man, who represented Information Technology (IT) staffer Justin Cooper, the man who destroyed Hillary Clinton’s blackberries for her.

Mueller’s Right-Hand Man, Aaron Zebley

PJ Media reported that Aaron Zebley served previously as Mueller’s chief of staff at the FBI and as a senior counselor in the National Security Division at the Department of Justice. He also served as an assistant U.S. attorney in the National Security and Terrorism Unit in Alexandria, Virginia.

In 2015 when he was a lawyer, he represented Justin Cooper, the IT staffer who personally set up Hillary Clinton’s unsecured server in her Chappaqua home, Fox News’ Tucker Carlson revealed.  Cooper, it so happens, is also the aide who destroyed Clinton’s old Blackberries with a hammer.

Senate investigators were incensed that Zebley stonewalled their ability to interview Cooper.  In fact, Zebley telephoned Homeland Security Committee staff to inform them that Cooper had chosen to cancel the interview.

It should be extremely disturbing that the same attorney who played a defensive role for Hillary Clinton was tapped by Mueller in June to play an offensive role against Clinton opponent Trump.

Congress Questions Wray and Rosenstein

When Senator Grassley was interviewed by Maria Bartiromo, he told her he is moving Judicial Committee focus to the widespread DOJ corruption, and well he should.  Getting answers out of anyone in the DOJ seems next to impossible.

During FBI Director Wray’s testifying on capitol hill, Rep. Jim Jordan asked him,  “Director, did Peter Strzok help produce and present the application to the FISA court to secure a warrant to spy on Americans associated with the Trump campaign?”

Wray answered, “I’m not prepared to discuss anything about a FISA process in this setting.”

FBI Director Christopher Wray walked a tightrope on the so-called “Steele dossier.”  When it comes to the dossier, Wray said, “We are dealing with very, very dicey questions of sources and method, which is the lifeblood of foreign intelligence and for our liaison relationships with foreign partners.”

Don’t forget that Wray is a crony of Mueller, Comey and Rosenstein who should never have been nominated in the first place.

Like Rosenstein, who used the Inspector General’s investigation of the counsel to avoid answering direct questions from Rep. Ron DeSantis, Wray didn’t want to go there.  And when Rep. Steve King tried to question Deputy AG Rosenstein about how many people were present when they questioned Hillary Clinton, Rosenstein again invoked the DOJ Inspector General’s report as being a possible source that would provide the information but that he personally did not know the answer to the question.

Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe is soon to testify behind closed doors of the House Intelligence Committee, and I’m afraid we’ll get the same non-answers from him.


Gregg Jarrett interviewed Chris Farrell of Judicial Watch who pointed out that there is still no underlying crime to support this whole ridiculous, anti-American charade. Jarrett observes that now that there are individuals who have been charged as a result of the process, its legitimacy can be challenged.  That means both Paul Manafort and General Michael T. Flynn.

Jarrett later confirmed that he’s read the applicable law and there is nothing that prevents AG Sessions from un-recusing himself for the express purpose of cleaning up Mueller’s mess by appointing a special counsel to investigate the special counsel. Link

Entities like Judicial Watch are uncovering documents that show the corrupt and criminal actions of these traitors. Due to diligent reporting from Dobbs, Hannity, Varney, Carlson, Gateway Pundit, Limbaugh and others, along with efforts of a few honest congressmen, the deep state is being shown for what it is.

FBI officials Peter Strzok, Bruce Ohr, Aaron Zebley (and now agents Carl Ghattas and Joshua Skule, part of the McCabe cabal) had severe biases while being involved in the Trump and Michael Flynn investigations.  Don’t forget Andrew Weissman who attended the Clinton election night party.  And then there’s the obvious politicization with Mueller team member Jeannie Rhee, who represented not only Obama liar, and serial illegal unmasker Ben Rhodes, but the Clinton Foundation and Hillary Clinton.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s anti-Trump investigation is dead, even if he does not yet realize it, and it stumbles onward with life support from the biased media. The viability of any criminal case Mueller could bring has been gutted thanks to the news reported by alternative media.

AG Sessions, shut this leftist DC dung down!  Do it now!

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© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Sessions’ Seat Goes To Democrat Doug Jones

But the framers were not visionaries. They knew that rules of government, however brilliantly calculated to cope with the imperfect nature of man, however carefully designed to avoid the pitfalls of power, would be no match for men who were determined to disregard them.  Barry M. GoldwaterConscience of a Conservative

The race between Roy Moore and Doug Jones was a close one, and Moore still has not conceded.  The current law in Alabama requires a mandatory recount when there is a half of a percent margin, but Moore remains 1.5 percent behind his opponent, Doug Jones, who was declared the winner with 99 percent in.  However, the military votes had yet to be counted. Moore is about 22,000 votes short, but it is uncertain whether the uncounted votes will tally up to that number.

The Roy Moore Loss

Drudge is reporting that Luther Strange would have won, and he’s probably right.  An establishment insider like Strange is far preferable to the globalist politicos than someone like Moore.  However, the only conservative candidate in the primary for this race for Sessions’ seat was Mo Brooks, and the electorate of Alabama made the mistake of not choosing him.

Like the presidential races of the past where Republican candidates such as Dole, McCain, and Romney are less than desirable choices, the same went for Moore.  Unfortunately, the American people as a whole may lose because of Alabama’s choice of Moore as the Republican nominee.  We needed Moore, if nothing else to vote against the baby murderers, to help our president’s agenda, and to keep the Senate at a 52 to 48 majority.

The Cost of Hubris

Moore has always been an abrasive oddball, and when the accusations of sexual misconduct with teenage girls hit the news, Moore’s hubris got the best of him.  Instead of simply stating that the accusations were false and that he’d sue, he agreed to an interview with Sean Hannity on his radio program.

Video of interview here:  https://youtu.be/XiLFiH1ARvo

When Sean asked Moore if he remembered dating young teens, Moore answered, “Not generally, no.”  Really?  What did that mean?

Moore should have had the counsel of a good attorney who told him to keep his mouth shut, to deny the allegations and to keep campaigning, but he didn’t.

As I explained in a previous article, Moore’s reputation for arrogance goes back to his law school days.   Guy Martin, Jr., a minister and former law professor who taught constitutional law to Roy Moore, had an op-ed in an Alabama newspaper speaking out against Moore’s candidacy. What he had to say about Moore was not the least bit surprising, both professors and fellow students found him illogically pigheaded and obdurate.

Establishment Republicans Crucify Moore

Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan and a host of other establishment globalist Republicans failed to support Moore and called for him to step down.  Senator Shelby (R-AL) actually told people to write in a candidate of their choice rather than voting for Moore, thus dividing the vote so Doug Jones would win.

It’s like Rush Limbaugh says all the time, the Republicans have the perfect opportunity to destroy the left, but they sit on their hands and refuse to go for the throat of the enemy and destroy them.  By now most knowledgeable Americans know why … the left and right have been in bed together with the same agenda for decades.

I’ve stated many times that Carroll Quigley’s 1966 book Tragedy and Hope, A History of the World in our Time told the globalist plans. Tragedy being that so many people have to die, and Hope being the New World Order. He was the official historian for the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and was privileged to study the elites’ plans for the world for nearly two years. Quigley taught at the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University from 1941 to 1976, and was Bill Clinton’s mentor. On page 1247 of his massive tome, he wrote this:

The chief problem of American political life for a long time has been how to make the two Congressional parties more national and international. The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can “throw the rascals out” at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy. The policies that are vital and necessary for America are no longer subjects of significant disagreement, but are disputable only in details of procedure, priority, or method…Then it should be possible to replace it, every four years if necessary, by the other party, which will be none of these things but will still pursue, with new vigor, approximately the same basic policies.


We needed Roy Moore, but he helped to destroy his own candidacy, the left bankrolled Democrat Doug Jones, and the Republicans never came to his defense until it was too late. Now the American public is stuck with a Schumer/Pelosi Democrat who believes in aborting human babies up to the very minute of their birth.

We’re now stuck with Doug Jones until 2020 when Jeff Sessions’ term is up.  One would hope that in two years, Alabama would choose conservative Mo Brooks as their candidate.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

It’s The Islamic State In Iraq And Syria (ISIS) Stupid

Al-Qaeda is simply an especially virulent outgrowth of Wahhabism. And ISIS is just an especially virulent outgrowth of al-Qaeda.  Robert Spencer, The Complete Infidel’s Guide to ISIS

Yet despite all this and more, most Americans know very little about ISIS. And that’s not just Americans who know what they know about world affairs from watching network news shows. Even the nation’s highest authorities and our intelligence apparatus have shown that they know very little about the Islamic State. Robert Spencer, The Complete Infidel’s Guide to ISIS

Despite three previous New York terrorist attacks, despite 9/11, it didn’t take long for CNN to blame this latest attack on President Trump.  They reason that because he said the capital of Israel is Jerusalem and that’s where the American embassy belongs, that this has inflamed Islamists to these reactions.  And this never would have happened if President Trump’s chain migration policy had been in place.

Bomber Immediately Identified as Terrorist

The bomber, a Bangladeshi immigrant living in Brooklyn, has been identified as 27-year-old Akayed Ullah.  He strapped a pipe bomb to himself and set it off in a New York City subway. Police are saying it was “absolutely an attempted terrorist act.”  The New York Police Department said Ullah has been living here for seven years and this was definitely a terrorist attack inspired by ISIS.

He was walking in one of the tunnels underneath New York City’s Port Authority when the bomb apparently malfunctioned and went off.  Fortunately, the explosion was small, and the bomber was injured, but police captured him alive at the scene.  He had wires attached to him and a five-inch metal pipe bomb and battery pack strapped to his midsection as he walked through the Manhattan transit hub.

Investigators briefly spoke to the alleged bomber, who told them he made the explosive device at the electrical company where he works.

Three other people were slightly injured when the bomb went off.  They were taken to local hospitals, treated, and released.  One person was seriously injured and is in Bellevue Hospital.

The morning traffic jams in one of the busiest places in our country, was unbelievable.  All MTA trains were bypassing Port Authority-42nd Street as police investigated the incident.  All New Jersey Transit buses were not stopping at Port Authority. The New York Waterway was also running extra ferries.

Of course, Google has chosen to censor that ISIS was involved in this terrorist attack.

FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force Investigates

And, the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force also is investigating the incident.

Well happy days, the FBI is in on the investigation, and we know that in February of 2012, former FBI Director Robert Mueller helped to purge hundreds of counterterrorism training documents after a months-long review found inaccuracies and other problems in their description of Muslims.

The review was triggered after a September blog in Wired magazine revealed training documents that reportedly called the Prophet Muhammad a “cult leader,” claimed “devout” Muslims have been generally violent for hundreds of years and made other controversial statements.  President Obama wouldn’t want the truth taught to FBI agents, and of course, Director Mueller followed these obscene orders.

And don’t forget what Homeland Security Officer Philip Haney told us in his book, See Something, Say Nothing.  He did all within his power to protect America from the internal and external threats from jihad.  He thoroughly documented the government’s lack of willingness to protect the nation from a deliberate, explicit and strategic attack from within our borders.  The Department of Homeland Security under President Obama required Haney to scrub records of Muslims with terrorist ties.

Muslim Brotherhood Operatives

Remember what former FBI Agent John Guandolo said!

“The primary Islamic advisors regarding the Islamic threat who are inside the White House, State Department, CIA, FBI, DHS, national security staffs, and others are Muslim Brotherhood (MB) operatives or Muslims ideologically aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood.” John clarified that the average FBI agent hasn’t any training in how to question Islamic suspects using sharia which Muslims would understand.  The hired Islamists within the DOJ are ones who do the translating, and complaining.

In 1998, Guandolo was with the FBI investigating the Nairobi bombing of the US Embassy.  He also worked 9/11 and related al Qaeda cases out of the bureau’s Washington field office.  And, after 9/11, John began an assignment to the Counterterrorism Division of the FBI’s Washington Field Office developing an expertise in the Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic Doctrine, the global Islamic Movement, and terrorist organizations including Hamas, Al Qaeda, and others.

John was designated a “Subject Matter Expert” in 2006 by FBI Headquarters and created and implemented the FBI’s first Counterterrorism Training Program focused on the Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic Doctrine, and the global Islamic Movement.  He knows the workings of the Department of Justice, especially the FBI.  His website is Understandingthethreat.com.

What About Las Vegas

Called the deadliest mass shooting committed by an individual in the United States, 58 people were murdered while attending a concert below the Mandalay Bay Hotel where the shooter, Stephen Paddock, allegedly had two rooms.  There are far too many questions related to this horrible Las Vegas attack, but one thing remains clear.

John Guandolo, clarified why the conclusion must be that the Islamic State was responsible.

  • Last spring, the Islamic State identified Las Vegas as a target by using video imagery of blood over the city.
  • Then in September, they issued another threat against Las Vegas.
  • They reaffirmed the target shortly before the attack and told Muslims to stay away from large events where there were thousands of non-Muslims.
  • On Monday after the attack, ISIS claimed responsibility.
  • Later Monday ISIS issued another statement claiming Steven Paddock was a soldier of the Caliphate and a martyr for the cause.
  • On Tuesday morning ISIS issued a third message again confirming they were responsible for the Vegas attack.
  • On Thursday, October 5th, after four major releases, including an on-line graphic only used for ISIS operations, they released a video showing a blood smear over the Mandalay Bay Hotel. They claimed Paddock had been converted six months earlier.
  • ISIS has claimed dozens and dozens of attacks and all have been true.

The Las Vegas attack has disappeared from media.  The families who lost loved ones still do not know what really happened or why.  There are way too many questions that will never be answered by FBI investigators, who said they had found “no connection with an international terrorist group.”

California Burning

All it takes is a match.  A magazine published by members of al Qaeda called for Western Muslims to wage war within the United States, urging them to engage in lone wolf attacks, including setting forest fires. According to ABC News, a May 2012 issue of Inspire magazine surfaced on jihadi forums with one article titled, “It Is of Your Freedom to Ignite a Firebomb,” which gives detailed instructions on how to build an “ember bomb” in a forest in the United States, and suggested Montana as a choice location due to the rapid population growth in forested areas.

California is dry as a desert bone right now, and forest fires are burning all over the southern part of the state.  Is ISIS involved?  Very well could be.


Do I believe the intelligence community knows what they’re doing regarding Islamist terrorism? I do not.

Do I believe our President has people knowledgeable of this threat in his administration?  I do not.

Do I believe we’re safe from future attacks?  I do not.

Do I believe Islam is a peaceful religion?  Hell no!

Do I believe the Islamic goal is Islamization of America?  I do.

Do I believe stealth jihad is the plan to overtake our country?  I do.

Do I believe there are voices of concern who are being heard?  Very few.

The one person who knew the dangers and how to solve them was destroyed by the intelligence community, and by globalist establishment insiders.  We need him back, and you all know who he is.

© 2017 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Mueller Probe, Political Bias, And Deep State Sabotage

The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.  —Albert Einstein

Only in the Deep State swamp world would you try to put war hero General Michael Flynn in jail, but let Bowe Bergdahl off completely.  —Amil Imani, author, Persian born American citizen who loves the USA

Our President is right, the FBI is in tatters. He tweeted, “ So General Flynn lies to the FBI and his life is destroyed, while Crooked Hillary Clinton, on that now famous FBI holiday ‘interrogation’ with no swearing in and no recording, lies many times … and nothing happens to her? Rigged system, or just a double standard?”

But that’s just the tip of the iceberg.  The Deep State sabotage of our President, his administration, and supporters is far worse.

Mueller is charging Manafort with something that happened years ago and which has absolutely nothing to do with this fake news Russian investigation.  No one in the DOJ is doing anything to stop this perversion of justice.

Political Bias in the Mueller Probe

Andrew Weissmann, a veteran Justice Department prosecutor who is one of Mueller’s top lieutenants in the fake Russian investigation, sent a Jan. 30th email to Obama administration holdover Acting AG Sally Yates that lauded her for standing up to Trump.  She had refused to implement Trump’s travel restrictions on seven Muslim majority countries linked to terrorism, and Weissman emailed Yates to declare he was in aweHe said, “I am so proud, and in awe.  Thank you so much.  All my deepest respects, Andrew Weissman.”  Trump fired Yates the next day.

Of the 15 attorneys currently on staff for Mueller, at least seven have donated to Democratic candidates and campaigns, including Hillary Clinton. The rest have not made political donations, according to federal records; and none of the attorneys on Mueller’s roster donated money to Trump. The entire Mueller team is a Who’s Who of liberal activism; they are the Deep State.

Peter Strzok is the Lois Lerner of the FBI, and he is the one who signed off on the fake Russian investigation.  Strzok (pronounced Struck) is the former top FBI counter intelligence official who was removed last August from the Russia investigation, but we are just now finding out he was sending anti-Trump, pro-Hillary text messages to his girlfriend, Lisa Page, with whom he was having an adulterous affair.  She worked as a top FBI lawyer under Deputy FBI Director, Andrew McCabe.

Strzok’s wife, Melissa Hman, is also a devout Hillary and Obama supporter.  Her Facebook page, which has been wiped, was filled with adoring comments on both Clinton and Obama.

The agent’s role in the Clinton email investigation is now under review by the Office of Inspector General.  Strzok is directly tied not only to the Clinton email server probe, but to the Trump Russia investigation, and he oversaw the bureau’s interviews of former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn and Hillary Clinton in both cases.  He also led the probe into classified Huma Abedin emails.

Strzok is also the one who changed the language in James Comey’s draft letter about Hillary Clinton from grossly negligent, to extreme carelessness. The shift from “grossly negligent” to “extremely careless” was key because the federal law that covers how classified material should be handled calls for criminal penalties for “gross negligence.” Judge Napolitano says there is little difference in either term, but I would have to disagree.

He even helped former FBI Director Comey draft Hillary’s exoneration statement that freed her from any investigation.  Sean Hannity has stated the obvious, “The fix was in on the Hillary Clinton investigation.”  Strzok is also the guy who was okay with the FBI not investigating the DNC’s hacked server.  He was fine with that.

In his FBI position, Strzok also enjoyed liaison with various agencies in the intelligence community, including the CIA, then led by Director John Brennan.

The guy’s a total full-fledged partisan, and Mueller had to let him go because it was discovered how partisan he was operating.  Yet, every one of Mueller’s investigators is partisan, and they’ve spent $7 million taxpayer dollars on this bogus investigation so far.

Strzok and The Clinton Created Dossier

House investigators have regarded Strzok as a key figure in the chain of events when the bureau, in 2016, received the infamous anti-Trump “dossier” and launched a counterintelligence investigation into Russian meddling in the election that ultimately came to encompass Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) surveillance of a Trump campaign associate.  The fake dossier was compiled by the opposition research firm Fusion GPS, and the firm’s bank records, obtained by House investigators, revealed that the project was funded by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee.  Why no investigation?

In early October, House Intelligence Committee Chairman, Devin Nunes personally asked Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein, who appointed Mueller and who has overseen the Trump-Russia probe since the recusal of Attorney General Jeff Sessions, to make Strzok available to the committee for questioning.  Three subpoenas were issued for various witnesses and documents, and nothing happened.  After a month went by, they formally recommended to Nunes that the DOJ and FBI be held in contempt of Congress. Nunes continued pressing the DOJ, including a conversation with Rosenstein as recently as 29 November 17.

After the latest revelations on Strzok, Nunes directed his staff to draft contempt-of-Congress citations against Rosenstein and the new FBI director, Christopher Wray.

Unless the DOJ and FBI comply with all of his outstanding requests for documents and witnesses by the close of business on Monday, Nunes said, he would seek a resolution on the contempt citations before year’s end.  Rosenstein agreed to permit House investigators to interview FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe as long as he’s not questioned about special counsel Robert Mueller’s ongoing Russia investigation.  Oh really?  We can’t ask him questions about Mueller’s investigation???

The discovery of Strzok’s texts raises important questions about his work on the Clinton email case, the Trump-Russia probe, and the infamous dossier matter.  There are two extremely compromised Clinton partisans, Peter Strzok and Deputy FBI Director, Andrew McCabe.  Mueller’s withholding Strzok’s anti-Trump texting from House Intel committee undermines the credibility of both the Trump and Clinton probes.

The DOJ contacted Paul Ryan’s office to establish a date for Strzok’s appearance before House Intelligence Committee staff, along with two other witnesses long sought by the Nunes team.

Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe

Fox News’ Catherine Herridge says FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe is the key witness, who was said to have handled Christopher Steele, the British spy who used Russian sources to compile the fake dossier for Fusion GPS.

Democrat Andrew McCabe is also facing three federal inquiries for (1) sexual discrimination by Robyn Gritz as mentioned in my last article, and subsequent retaliation against the complainant, (General Michael T. Flynn) (2) campaigning as an FBI official for his wife, which is a violation of the Hatch Act, and (3) ethics violations relating to campaign payments to his wife.

General Flynn, who led the Defense Intelligence Agency, worked closely with Gritz to find terrorists overseas. He said it’s a shame the FBI let go of someone with years of national security experience.  “She was one of the really bright lights and shining stars early on who got it when it came to the kind of enemy that we’re facing, and I just thought she was a real pro.”

The WSJ reported that the political organization of Democrat Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe gave nearly $500,000 to the election campaign for state senator of the wife of an official at the FBI who later helped oversee the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email use.  Jill McCabe ran for a Virginia State Senate seat as a Democrat in 2015, and she is the wife of Deputy FBI Director McCabe. Virginia’s Democratic party also gave over $200K to her campaign.

The Journal also stated that it was McCabe who told lower-level FBI investigators to “stand down” in their inquiry into whether illegal influence-peddling or financial crimes were being committed at the Clinton Foundation. Meanwhile, McCabe did not recuse himself from the investigation into presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s emails, despite an apparent conflict of interest involving his wife.

McCabe and Strzok Set up Flynn Interview

Strzok’s allegiance to Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was unwavering and very well known, and we know that McCabe had a personal vendetta against Flynn because he supported Robyn Gritz’ accusation of sexual discrimination against McCabe.

Sean Hannity reported that a former U.S. intelligence official, with direct knowledge of General Flynn’s 24 January 17 interview, said McCabe had contacted Flynn by phone directly at the White House. White House officials had spent the “earlier part of the week with the FBI overseeing training and security measures associated with their new roles so it was no surprise to Flynn that McCabe had called,” the source said.

McCabe told Flynn “some agents were heading over (to the White House) but Flynn thought it was part of the routine work the FBI had been doing and said they would be cleared at the gate,” the source said.

“It wasn’t until after they were already in Flynn’s office that he realized he was being formerly interviewed. He didn’t have an attorney with him,” they added.

The source also told Hannity, “With the recent revelation that Strzok was removed from the Special Counsel investigation for making anti-Trump text messages it seems likely that the accuracy and veracity of the 302 of Flynn’s interview as a whole should be reviewed and called into question.”

What is the FD-302?

The FD-302 form is used by FBI agents to “report or summarize the interviews that they conduct” and contains information from the notes taken during the interview.  How credible are the reports of interviews filed by FBI agents working a case? In fact, such reports are known to be so unreliable that in one case, a federal judge refused to be interviewed by agents unless he was allowed to review their report and make corrections.

The process is thus: two FBI agents ask questions and listen to the answers—without tape recording or obtaining a certified transcript. Instead, they return to their office and, based on their recollection and any notes they may have taken during the interview, write up a summary of what transpired. Summaries are, in most cases, written hours later, sometimes even the following day.

Knowing the FBI agents in this interview of General Flynn, I would question their notes.

“The most logical thing to happen would be to call the other FBI Special Agent present during Flynn’s interview before the Grand Jury to recount his version,” the former intelligence official added.

Professor Glenn Reynolds and the Giglio Violation

Glenn Reynolds is a law professor at the University of Tennessee.  I have spoken to him in the past.  Glenn runs the wildly popular Instapundit website at PJ Media and has a huge following.

On 5 December 17, Glenn posted a comment from a former judge and Instapundit reader on the General Michael Flynn arrest and plea deal.

Glenn believes the General Flynn investigation was flawed because Flynn was not notified that the main witness against him was removed from the investigation for bias.

If General Flynn was not aware of this it is Giglio violation.

Via Instapundit:  A reader who is a former prosecutor and judge sent in this:

Did the prosecution tell Flynn’s lawyer that their main witness against him was removed for bias? Since Strzok led the interview and his testimony would be needed to establish untruthfulness, he is a critical witness not just a prosecutor. If not disclosed, would this not be a Giglio violation? This is the kind of misconduct that can get a case dismissed and a lawyer disbarred. It is a Constitutional violation. This has bothered me since I heard about it.

The Giglio v United States case: is a United States Supreme Court case in which the Court held that the prosecution’s failure to inform the jury that a witness had been promised not to be prosecuted in exchange for his testimony was a failure to fulfill the duty to present all material evidence to the jury, and constituted a violation of due process, requiring a new trial.


Former CIA analyst, Frederick Fleitz says, “the Russia probe is an intentional Democratic trap, and President Trump should pardon everyone, and that’s what Republicans on the Hill should be calling for.”  Fleitz also stated that he believes there is a good possibility that General Flynn did not lie to the FBI, even though he admitted as much.  He says his friend Michael Ledeen posted an article on Pajama Media. Ledeen says the guilty plea is about the politicization of “justice,” and General Flynn admitted guilt in order to stop the pain for himself and his family.  He even said, “I doubt Flynn — or Mueller, for that matter — believes he misled government officials.”

Ledeen also believes that because Flynn’s conversation with Pence took place in the middle of the night, that there were bad communications, because he had no need to lie about the Kislyak conversations.  “I think Flynn copped a plea to end the torture, and to save his family from prosecution.”

The General’s plea stops years of investigations into Flynn’s business dealings, and the financial bleed of legal fees that have destroyed this family. Please donate to his legal defense fund.

Where is equal justice?  Where is the Rule of Law?  If we hear nothing from our AG after the passage of the tax relief bill, then we have to ask, “Where the hell are you, AG Sessions?

President Trump, pardon them all, number one on the list…General Michael T. Flynn.

P.S.  Please don’t forget NewsWithViews this Christmas and all through the New Year.  We are not supported by some big leftist conglomerate, we’re supported solely through donations from readers.  All of us are working together to bring you the latest unfiltered news.  You can donate here.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Patriot Michael Flynn Targeted By Deep State Globalists

What the enemy used to hurt you, God uses to prosper you. Not all angels reside in heaven.  Many walk the battlefield, both abroad and at home. Veteran Michael T. Flynn is one of them.  Don’t doubt me, Flynn is one of our toughest warriors, and he will survive.

Mueller’s Illusory Investigation

Nothing that former National Security Advisor (NSA), Michael Flynn has given Mueller is in any shape or form damaging to Trump. What he has provided occurred during the transition period when all incoming presidents contact foreign governments in anticipation of making deals with them or discussing policy. Russia was one of 13 or more nations, the leaders of which were contacted by Flynn.

In other words, this is nothing but a “vapor” play on Mueller’s part, the last vestiges of a failed investigation, and the charges against the General were the simplest ones they could get him on, and they were repetitious.

Socialist Media v. Truth

The media is all a twitter over this news, and they’re delighted to report that Michael Flynn lied to the corrupt FBI in relation to his phone calls to the Russian ambassador, but this is old news.  We knew this last February when the FBI leaked the General’s private calls with foreign officials to the leftist media.

The socialist MSM has a short memory when it comes to former President Obama.  In the fall of 2008, prior to his election, Obama was busy interfering in President Bush’s policy toward Russia. One of his foreign policy advisors, Mike McFaul, made a trip to Moscow to meet with various Russian officials and interest groups, speaking off the record and answering questions. [Link]

In a WSJ editorial entitled, The Flynn Information, it states, “He pleads guilty to a charge the FBI once said it wouldn’t prosecute.”  And yes, it is a witch hunt.  So, now that people are finally being charged for lying to the FBI, didn’t Hillary Clinton say that she never sent any classified emails from her private server?

The MSM is acting like this repeat story is new. Flynn misled others on a discussion he had with a Russian diplomat before the inauguration.  What he did was legal and there are no charges related to his discussion with the Russian diplomat.  Forgetting or not reporting on this discussion when asked by the corrupt FBI involved in the corrupt Mueller investigation is his crime.  Flynn’s resignation in February was related to the same event.  

After the General resigned in February as NSA, CNN reported that Flynn changed his story about his conversations with Kislyak, but that the FBI did not plan to pursue charges in the case.  CNN’s government sources said that it was not believed that Flynn intentionally misled the FBI.

A National Review article by David French reports on the charges against Flynn, and he writes, “If this is all there is, then Flynn is the victim of a monstrous injustice.”  Check it out, Flynn is being charged with lying to the FBI about activity that isn’t criminal.

In Andy McCarthy’s latest National Review article, he says much the same thing, “There was nothing wrong with the incoming national-security adviser’s having meetings with foreign counterparts or discussing such matters as the sanctions in those meetings. Plus, if the FBI had Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) recordings of Flynn’s conversations with Kislyak, there was no need to ask Flynn what the conversations entailed.  Earlier this year, McCarthy argued that it remains unclear why the Obama Justice Department chose to investigate Flynn.

Here is General Michael T. Flynn’s plea agreement.  Everyone knows the National Security Adviser calls heads of state for the new incoming President.  Only when the President is Trump and the adviser is Flynn is there an investigation.

NSA Responsibilities

ABC News reported that “Flynn was to testify that Trump directed him to make contact with the Russians to lay the groundwork for mutual efforts against ISIS in Syria.” That’s what an incoming national security adviser is supposed to do in a transition between administrations. The NSA does this in every administration transition, they talk to the heads of foreign governments.

If this were part of the basis for a collusion case arising out of Russia’s election meddling, then General Flynn would not be pleading guilty to a process crime.  He would be pleading to an espionage conspiracy.  In criminal procedure, process crime is an offense charged by a prosecutor alleging criminal conduct related to an investigation of a crime, but not to the crime itself.  (Examples include obstruction of justice, perjury before a grand jury and misprision of a felony.)  At the end of the day, this remains a process crime, which basically is minor.

There is no collusion with Russia, and this attack against Michael Flynn, destroying his reputation and finances is nothing more than the last refuge of a failed investigation.  The charges against Gen. Flynn are weak, and while Flynn lied, there was no crime to cover up.

Americans are outraged at the time and money spent by Mueller’s Clinton supporting attorneys to destroy this administration and those who support this President, and we know the real criminal acts have been by the FBI, Comey, and Mueller.

Flynn’s Calls to Foreign Dignitaries

A recent article in The Hill claims the White House is saying the Obama administration approved Mike Flynn’s calls with the Russian ambassador during the transition.

According to court documents, Mr. Flynn lied to investigators when he told them that he did not ask Russian Ambassador Kislyak to refrain from retaliating against U.S. sanctions imposed by the Obama administration in response to the alleged Russian meddling.

Mr. Flynn also lied when he told the FBI that he did not lobby Kislyak to oppose or delay a United Nations Security Council vote condemning Israeli settlements, a resolution strongly condemned by Trump.  He admitted that he asked Russia to delay a U.N. vote seen as damaging to Israel, but diplomats said it was not the only country he and presidential adviser Jared Kushner lobbied. [Link]  It failed, with the UN Security Council adopting a resolution demanding an end to Israeli settlement building on land Palestinians want for an independent state. The vote was 14 in favor and one abstention by the United States.

Former Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations, Dan Gillerman, told Fox News’ Eric Shawn that Michael Flynn deserves a medal, and…

American voters need to remember that Obama officials illegally leaked contents of some of these recorded conversations to the press during the transition, and the Washington Post published a story which said that the phone calls between Flynn and the Russian ambassador had been listened to and transcribed, and there was nothing illicit on them.

The Corrupt FBI

Yes, Mike Flynn lied to the FBI and yes, it was wrong.  He had two other choices, tell them the truth, or refuse to talk to them.  What most Americans don’t understand is that Flynn knows exactly what the entire DOJ, CIA, and FBI are all about.

Back in July of 2017, I wrote an article about Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe, and the fact that he is under investigation.  Robin Gritz, a decorated counterterrorism agent, had filed a sexual discrimination and retaliation lawsuit against Andrew McCabe and other top FBI officials.  Once she filed the lawsuit, McCabe began investigating Gritz personally looking for any dirt on her he could find.  In 2014, Mike Flynn backed up the sex discrimination charge brought by Gritz against McCabe and other top people at the FBI.  Surprise…two years later Flynn is the subject of a McCabe-led FBI investigation about how he supposedly colluded with the Russian ambassador.

Former FBI Agent, John Guandolo has made it clear that the entire DOJ is infiltrated with Muslim Brotherhood, and we know without a doubt that Mike Flynn is an expert on the Islamic terrorist enemy.  Read his book, The Field of Fight!

Sebastian Gorka has made it clear that senior FBI agents and Obama holdovers consider Donald Trump as the enemy, and that includes Mike Flynn.

As for Obama, he hates General Flynn, this is why Flynn was being surveilled by the Obama administration during the transition.  Flynn was the head of Obama’s Defense Intelligence Agency.  Obama parades Islam as a religion of peace, but Flynn has a much different view on militant Islamic terrorism and he was constantly lobbying for foreign policy that would deal with militant Islamic terrorism in the way he thought it presented a threat.

Robert Mueller, Guardian of the Swamp

So why is Mueller out to crucify Flynn? Obviously to get to President Trump, but there’s more.  When Flynn was head of the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency and afterwards, he blew the whistle on the U.S. and its allies willfully allowing Islamic terrorists to flourish in Syria.

That didn’t ingratiate him with the Deep State…neither did his expose’ in The Hill about Fethullah Gulen, his charter schools, and the support this Islamic mullah has received from the left, the CIA and the DOJ.

We’ve always known that Mueller is part of the Deep State.  His buddy, Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein put him in power as the Special Counsel for this bogus Russian Collusion investigation.  And what does Mueller do?  He brings in a huge team of partisan hacks, all of whom worked for or supported the corrupt Clintons and Obama administration.

Mueller, Rosenstein and former FBI Director Comey are all good friends, and Mueller should have recused himself from the Trump investigation.  Their aim is to destroy President Trump.

The entire Mueller team isn’t even based on US law, and they continue to break the law by leaking to the press about this fake investigation.  Knowing Mueller’s involvement with the Uranium One scandal alone should have resulted in immediate termination.

This whole rotten investigation should have long ago been shut down, and if the media were actually doing their jobs instead of their partisan lies, this entire Flynn story wouldn’t have even seen the light of day, and the Flynn family wouldn’t have been financially destroyed.  Remember folks, the media lies with impunity, the state libel laws were destroyed because of one of the worst rulings by the Warren Supreme Court in 1964.

And this just in…Two senior Justice Department officials have confirmed to Fox News that the department’s Office of Inspector General is reviewing the role played in the Hillary Clinton email investigation by Peter Strzok, a former deputy director for counterintelligence at the FBI who was removed from the staff of Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III earlier this year, after Mueller learned that Strzok had exchanged anti-Trump texts with a colleague.

Obama Officials Never Prosecuted

Former Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, and CIA Director John Brennan both lied to Congress.  He has since admitted he testified in the “least untruthful manner he could think of.”  But he’ll never be prosecuted, yet General Mike Flynn is indicted.

And what about Hillary, she’ll never be charged for lying to congress, even though everyone knows she did.  This entire Russian investigation is about destroying the President chosen by America’s electorate.

The timing of the charges against Michael T. Flynn are not coincidental.  It was down to the wire on our President’s tax cuts which have passed in the Senate. Mueller pulled this off on Friday, 1 Dec 17 to sweep the tax cut deal off the front pages, the democrat sexual predators out of the news, and the sanctuary-city-protected illegal alien who murdered Kate Steinle away from our thoughts.  Mueller has done this to target our President, and a great veteran who has given 33 years of service to his nation.


Michael T. Flynn is a patriot with exemplary service to this country.  He and General Stanley McChrystal were two men who actually knew exactly how to fight the Islamic enemy, and both were fired by Obama.  Like many veterans, this man needs our support, but Mike Flynn needs it now because the Deep State has targeted him like no other veteran.

Mike’s youngest brother, Joe Flynn told me, “The Flynn family is grateful for the support of Mike’s legal defense fund, but it has been a long and arduous ordeal and it will have long term effects. Mike needs your help, he has to put his family home up for sale to pay legal bills.  This has been devastating to the family of a patriotic Christian man.  Please help us support him.”

Many veterans have emailed me wanting to help.  One who served under General Flynn and General McChrystal told me that, “Mike walks on water and doesn’t even get his feet wet.”  The veterans love this man.

Won’t you please help him save his family home and pay his exorbitant legal fees by donating to his legal defense fund…Mike deserves your help especially this Christmas. He stood for freedom, stand for him!

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Trump Wins, Obama Appointee Loses

A constitution is not the act of a government, but of a people constituting a government; and government without a constitution is power without a right. All power exercised over a nation, must have some beginning. It must be either delegated, or assumed. There are no other sources. All delegated power is trust, and all assumed power is usurpation. Time does not alter the nature and quality of either. Thomas Paine

Slush Fund for Democrats

Ah yes, far leftist, Fauxcahontas Elizabeth Warren was the creator and promoter of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). It was rammed through by a Democrat-dominated Congress in 2010. Under the statute that created the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the director is appointed by the president with the advice and consent of the Senate, and the deputy is appointed by the director.  Yes, the democrats set up this unconstitutional CFPB to launder money for their liberal causes.

Warren’s CPFB is the most partisan agency in the federal government in terms of donations to candidates, according to campaign finance data.

Elizabeth Warren, who lied about her heritage to get a Harvard professorship, claimed she was part native American.  She is not. She is a hardcore leftist communist who is hellbent on funding socialist Democrats through a government agency accountable to no one.  Fauxcahontas Warren is a total fraud.

Dodd-Frank Act

Employees at the CFPB, which was created by the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, contributed nearly $50,000 during the 2016 campaign with all of that money going to aid Hillary Clinton or her rival, socialist Bernie Sanders.  Agency employees made more than 300 donations during the campaign. Not one went to a Republican candidate.

So, what is the Dodd-Frank Act?  It’s the result of the sub-prime mortgage thought up by Democrat President Jimmy Carter and implemented by Democrat President Clinton.  The federal government threatened lending institutions, banks and otherwise, to loan money to people who would never be able to pay it back so they could buy homes.

Another two democrats, Chris Dodd and Barney Frank were the authors of the act which was bludgeoned through by Obama to supposedly punish Wall Street and expand lending to average Americans. The real truth was this horrid law is actually one of the biggest expansions of the federal regulatory state. As a result of the new standards, Dodd-Frank’s regulatory structure slashed the percentage of individual Americans who could qualify for a mortgage from 52 percent before President Obama to 26 percent afterwards. Lovely, right?  Typical of the Dems to screw the middle class.

Five years after the law’s passage, the National Association of Realtors said the percentage of first time home buyers had plunged to the lowest point in three decades and was preventing a healthier housing market from reaching its full potential.  Thanks again to the socialist Democrats.

The CFPB is another coverup allegedly to protect consumers who were being victimized and set upon and ruined by these greedy, horrible lenders who wanted their loans paid.  What a house of cards, all created to cover up and again to mask the incompetence of the left, but they created it to regulate the financial industry!

President Chooses Mulvaney for CFPB

Our President decided to throw a wrench in this democrat controlled pile of dung, and he appointed Mick Mulvaney for the temporary position of Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau after current director Richard Cordray stepped down. However, Cordray said he was taping a Deputy to run the agency.  This was a move to attempt to prevent the White House from naming a successor, and to keep their dirty democrat money laundering outfit being run by their own people.

The White House saw Cordray’s CFPB step up its work in the months since Trump’s election, going farther into what Weekly Standard journalist, Shannen Coffin, calls the agency’s “regulatory overreach.”

Mulvaney is a conservative budget-cutter who once called the agency a “sick, sad” joke.  “It’s a wonderful example of how a bureaucracy will function if it has no accountability to anybody,” Mulvaney, a former South Carolina representative, said in a 2014 interview with the Credit Union Times. “It turns up being a joke, and that’s what the CFPB really has been, in a sick, sad kind of way, because you’ve got an institution that has tremendous authority over what you all do for a living.”

When asked by Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR) about the comments during one of his confirmation hearings to become Office of Management and Budget (OMB) director in January, Mulvaney stood by them.

Leandra English Claims Directorship

During Barack Hussein Obama’s reign, nary a challenge came against any of his Executive Orders (EO), his biased new programs, his appointees, his costly vacations, or his actions with our allies and foreign governments.  The Republicans were silent.

Now however, we constantly see every Trump EO challenged by the left and slowed by the right, along with every appointment and every firing, especially that of dirty cop James Comey.  This CFPB mess is a new twist that is so unconstitutional that it boggles the mind.

Leandra English was tapped as acting director by outgoing Director Cordray, and she filed a complaint in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia against Trump and Mulvaney, the nominee for CFPB’s interim leader.  She claims she is the rightful acting director of the CFPB because she was appointed by the acting director, and the court should therefore bar Mick Mulvaney from taking the job, claiming a provision in Dodd-Frank Act lays out the line of succession which supersedes the Federal Vacancies Act. All unconstitutional rubbish.

Judge Rules for Trump

U.S. district judge Timothy Kelly (a Trump appointee) ruled against English after holding an emergency hearing on the matter Monday. Mulvaney began working as acting director this week.

When Mulvaney showed up on Monday 27 November 17 at the CFPB, he brought a bag of donuts, and told everyone to ignore anything that came from Leandra English.  Watch this minute long Mulvaney speech, it’s fabulous.

Director Mulvaney explained that the CFPB will be totally different than it was under Obama, that we have a new chief, and elections have consequences.  He also explained that there will be a 30-day regulatory and hiring freeze, that everything stops until he has an opportunity to familiarize himself with the agency.  Mulvaney said he plans to protect people without trampling on capitalism.


Mick Mulvaney certainly seems to be an exceedingly wise choice by President Trump.  And with what this director knows about this agency, I would not be surprised if he didn’t recommend that the agency be totally dismantled in the future.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Illegal Alien Murderer Of Kate Steinle Found Innocent

Society is now less convinced of the absolute accuracy of the criminal justice system.  —Tom Price

I am convinced that, because the criminal justice system is run by humans, it is naturally subject to human error. There is no rational basis to believe that this same type of human error will not infect capital murder trials. —Tom Price

Illegal Alien Murderer Found Not Guilty

A beautiful young American daughter is dead because our southern borders are sieves.  An absolutely obscene and abhorrent verdict has been rendered in the case of the illegal alien who murdered this lovely young woman.  The perpetrator walks free, and a young American girl and her parents get no justice.

The San Francisco District Attorney’s Office argues that Garcia Zarate intentionally aimed a gun at Steinle and fired at her, before throwing the weapon into the bay and running away. The defense paints the shooting as a freak accident, arguing that the gun accidentally discharged and the bullet ricocheted on the concrete pier 78 feet before hitting Steinle.

The sanctuary city of San Francisco has found the illegal alien invader who murdered Kate Steinle, Jose Ines Garcia Zarate, not guilty.  The system is broken. No more proof is needed.

Jose Ines Garcia Zarate had been deported five times and was wanted for a sixth deportation when Steinle was fatally shot in the back in 2015. He was protected from another deportation by San Francisco’s sanctuary policy restricting cooperation with federal immigration authorities.

Garcia Zarate said the shooting was an accident, but he shot the firearm into multitudes of people on the San Francisco pier.  He stated that he first shot at a sea lion, and that he had stepped on the gun and it went off.  His story changed, but when he fired the gun, he claimed the bullet apparently ricocheted off cement and hit Kate in the back, killing her.  After he shot her, he kicked his firearm into the San Francisco bay.

Zarate was released from jail despite federal authorities requesting he be held for a 6th deportation.  He has seven prior felony convictions, and that information was kept from the jury in this murder trial.

Steinle’s 2015 death put San Francisco and its “sanctuary city” policy in the spotlight, as city officials got blowback for refusing to cooperate with federal deportation efforts.

The attorney for this illegal alien actually took a verbal shot at our President over this verdict.  Unbelievable.

President Trump’s Policies

Throughout the campaign Donald Trump pushed for a southern border wall to stop the influx of illegal aliens many of whom are gang members and criminals.  Why the hell hasn’t our congress helped Trump build that wall and protect Americans?

President Trump vowed to remove criminal illegal aliens from the U.S. immediately and pledged to get a law passed banning sanctuary cities.  He vowed to withhold federal funding from sanctuary cities.  Mayors of New York City, Seattle, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Chicago, and Providence spoke out in defiance of a possible nationwide, anti-sanctuary city law.  These sanctuary cities are committed to lawlessness, and they refuse to protect American citizens who live there.

Had these criminals not been in our country illegally, these crimes, the victimization of our citizens and the costs of their crimes borne by American taxpayers could have been completely avoided.

Illegal immigrants clearly commit a level of violent and drug related crimes disproportionate to their population.  In an April, 2017 Hill article it was reported that statistics show that a population of just over 3.5 percent residing in the U.S. unlawfully committed 22 percent to 37 percent of all murders in the nation. This is astounding.

In California alone, over 2,400 illegal immigrants out of a total prison population of 130,000 are imprisoned in the state’s prison system for the crime of homicide.

Federal Judges, the Courts

On 20 November 2017, the Chicago Tribune reported that a federal judge permanently blocked President Donald Trump’s executive order to cut funding from cities that limit cooperation with U.S. immigration authorities.  U.S. District Court Judge William Orrick rejected the administration’s argument that the executive order applies only to a relatively small pot of money and said Trump cannot set new conditions on spending approved by Congress.

And just how many times have liberal judges blocked our President’s travel bans of countries known for Islamic terrorism.

Attorney General Sessions

Our Attorney General made the following statement:

When jurisdictions choose to return criminal aliens to the streets rather than turning them over to federal immigration authorities, they put the public’s safety at risk. San Francisco’s decision to protect criminal aliens led to the preventable and heartbreaking death of Kate Steinle. While the State of California sought a murder charge for the man who caused Ms. Steinle’s death—a man who would not have been on the streets of San Francisco if the city simply honored an ICE detainer—the people ultimately convicted him of felon in possession of a firearm. The Department of Justice will continue to ensure that all jurisdictions place the safety and security of their communities above the convenience of criminal aliens. I urge the leaders of the nation’s communities to reflect on the outcome of this case and consider carefully the harm they are doing to their citizens by refusing to cooperate with federal law enforcement officers.


AG Sessions is right.  These jurisdictions are run by officials we’ve elected.  Research must occur on these people before we vote in the primaries, otherwise we continually end up with the likes of Michigan Democrat John Conyers who has been in office for 52 years, and Vermont Democrat Patrick Leahy who has been there for 42 years.  We were stuck with Maryland Democrat Senator Barbara Mikulski for 42 years before she retired in January of 2017.  There are many more and everyone knows them.

It’s time to retire these people who have sucked off the taxpayers for decades.  They need to go home and work for a living.  Here in Tennessee we’re thrilled to be rid of Bob Corker in 2018, but we also wish we could dump Lamar Alexander tomorrow, both have been very destructive not only to Tennessee, but to the nation at large.

The people we elect are those who appoint and confirm judges, and the courts have done considerable damage to the policies our President wishes to implement.  The judges in those very courts are responsible for impeding our President from protecting America’s citizens, which he is constitutionally commanded to do.  The Congress is responsible for not following through with the policies of the President to protect American citizens from illegal invaders.

So, what do we do?  Again, it’s up to the American citizens.  We cannot sit idly by and hope that the few who care about the citizenry will be able to fight this alone.  It is up to us, and again that means calling, writing and raising holy Hannah with the congress critters. Here are the numbers, please use them daily!

White House Email: – https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/

The White House phone number – (202) 456-1111

Capitol Switchboard for your Senators and representatives (202)-224-3121

If you don’t know your representatives, go to who is my representative.com and enter your zip code or state.

P.S. Please help us keep NewsWithViews alive and well by supporting our efforts.  The many authors who bring up-to-date news into your email every day are not paid.  They do what they do for love of country.  Paul Walter, the publisher and CEO of NWVs, escaped from communist Slovenia.  His love of this nation is why he started this great website.  Monthly donations keep NWVs alive and healthy.  Please add this website to your Christmas list.  Monthly donations keep us in the black.  Thanks so much, you can donate here.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Democrats Circle The Wagons To Protect Their Sexual Predators

America, it is said, is suffering from intolerance — it is not. It is suffering from tolerance. Tolerance of right and wrong, truth and error, virtue and evil, Christ and chaos. Our country is not nearly so overrun with the bigoted as it is overrun with the broadminded.  —Bishop Fulton J. Sheen

Happy Conservatives v. Depressed Leftists

Rush Limbaugh has said many times that the left is always unhappy, they have no joy in their lives, and I fully believe he’s right.  During the eight-year reign of the Marxist Muslim, I never became depressed or unhappy.  Of course, most of us were appalled at everything he did, but we went on with our lives.  We didn’t march, we didn’t destroy public property, we didn’t do any of the things the left is doing in “resistance” to Trump’s election.  Neither did we ever publicly promote Obama’s assassination.  The left however, is desperately unhappy…let me give you a personal example.

The day before Thanksgiving, I saw my Hillary-loving neighbor out walking and she told me that her husband’s brother had just died, and she was preparing Thanksgiving dinner because family were coming.  Later in the day, I took early Christmas gifts to her that she could use to entertain family and mentioned that losing someone at a holiday always seems more tragic and depressing.  She said, “Well, we’ve been sad and depressed for a year because of the sexual pervert in our White House.”  She knows we supported Trump, but she just can’t resist saying terrible things, and she knows I never said a negative word to her about Obama.

This gal and her husband both take anti-depressants. How sad that these Democrat socialists truly are absolutely miserable, just as Limbaugh has said so many times.  I feel sorry for them, and the MSM blinds them to the massive sexual misconduct of Democrats, and now her beloved Charlie Rose is gone as well.

Democrat Sexual Misconduct

Sexual misconduct and sexual perversions seem to be the hottest media topic of late.  Here is a list of men accused of sexual harassment or assault, but it is by far incomplete.  NFL football players alone would fill stacks of pages, not to mention Hollywood, media, businessmen, and of course, politics. All are in the forefront of the news now.  The Daily Wire lists even more, note the number of Democrats, and now several more accusations against Bill Clinton.

A friend suggested it is being done to desensitize Americans just as they have done with other societal perversions that were once considered immoral.  Already this immoral conduct has become so pervasive that we tend to ignore it.

Media portrays all Republicans as definitely guilty of the charges, but Democrats are given a pass and defended by the MSM.

Congressman James Clyburn (D-SC), commenting about Conyers and Franken, said, “You can’t jump to conclusions with these types of things.  For all I know, all of this could be made up.”  Right, but you never say that about Republican politicians, do you Congressman?!

Congressman Conyers

Congressman John Conyers (D-MI) and Senator Al Franken (D-MN) have both been accused of sexual harassment.

Conyers married his wife Monica when he was 62 and she was 25.  Monica Conyers is a former Detroit City Councilwoman who served time in a federal prison in a City Hall bribery case. [Link]

Conyers has been accused of sexual misconduct by two women, and he faces an ethics committee investigation, which basically means the good ole’ boys will cover it up. Lawyer Melanie Sloan alleges verbal abuse and excessive and rude criticism of her personal appearance by Congressman Conyers.  She told the Detroit Free Press that Conyers “constantly berated her, screaming at her and firing her and then rehiring her several times.” She maintains that none of the abuse was sexual in nature, but she claims the Congressman did attend a meeting wearing only his underwear. [Link]

Gateway Pundit is now reporting that according to affidavits, Conyers even used taxpayer money to fly women into D.C. to meet with him in hotel rooms!

Townhall is reporting that the 2006 staffers felt like ‘house servants,’ and baby sat Conyers’ kids six weeks at a time.

Democratic Senator Al Franken

Leeann Tweeden, a radio news anchor with KABC in Los Angeles, said Franken forcibly kissed and groped her when they were overseas entertaining U.S. troops, in 2006. [Link] Franken’s sexual misconduct woes became a campaign issue in the Minnesota governor’s race this week as new allegations of groping two more women surfaced and the senator himself issued a new statement where he’s calling for a Senate investigation into his own behavior, which again means it will be covered up. They won’t expose their own for fear of being exposed themselves.

Now there is a growing list of women claiming Franken harassed them. Adding to the pressure on Mr. Franken was the announcement that two Minnesota state legislators, Democratic Farmer Labor Party (DFL) state Sen. Dan Schoen and GOP state Rep. Tony Cornish, plan to resign in the aftermath of sexual harassment allegations.

How the heck can Conyers and Franken survive?  The claims against them are from liberal women.  Time to resign and go back under the rocks they came out of, and if one resigns, every congressman who has committed sexual assault (that’s what this is) should also resign.  This is the reason they are circling the wagons, because they know the democrat party would lose way too many seats.

The Clintons set this tone in the 90s, by saying what they do in their personal lives don’t matter, just carry the liberal banner, but now we see the end results.  It’s time we sweep this part of the deviant swamp into oblivion.

Congressional Protection Racket

And how do the taxpayers like it that Democratic representative John Conyers, the longest-serving member of Congress, settled a 2015 complaint from a former staffer who said she was fired after refusing his sexual advances. To make matters worse, the payout was the result of a secretive bureaucratic process Congress uses to handle harassment claims, and the money came out of Conyers’s taxpayer-funded office budget.  The New York Post reports that the federal Office of Compliance has paid more than $17.2 million for 264 settlements and awards to federal employees since 1997.

Apparently, this is just the tip of the iceberg of the total number of harassment incidents that have taken place on Capitol Hill.

This Sexual Harassment Slush Fund

Oh, don’t you just love this…special dispensations for our sexual perverts in Congress. They passed a law designed to protect themselves from such claims, and it prohibits their employees from having the same rights of redress as other federal employees and those in the private sector!

During the reign of Bill Clinton, Congress passed the Congressional Accountability Act (CAA) of 1995, and it was signed by Clinton.  Elizabeth K. Newman, an attorney with The Jeffrey Law Group, says it established “a terribly inefficient process and it takes forever,” in dealing with those allegations.  Newman’s Washington based law firm represents Congressional staffers subjected to sexual and other forms of harassment.

Newman says congressional staffers should have the same rights as other federal employees inasmuch as they should be allowed to file harassment claims with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).  Unfortunately, they do not, and what they have to go through is a nightmare from hell as the victims.

Just who decided that sexual wrongdoing by these fools is not their responsibility but instead the taxpayers?  And where the hell are the Congresswomen who should be protecting female congressional staff employees?

Judge Jeanine Sums It Up

In the Judge’s 25 November 17 show, she said these predators are, “sleazy sexual perverts who claim the moral high ground based not on truth and justice, but on rank politics.”

Judge Pirro is right in asking why the American people pay the damages when these skunks are found guilty of sexual perversion, and suggests they need to repay us. We should take it out of their pay, sue them, or take it out of their pensions.  “No hardworking American should have to pay for the sexual immorality of these deviants.”  Listen carefully to her opening statements and solutions.

She is so right…if an elected official seeks to hide a settlement for sexual harassment by putting it in his operating budget and secretly paying the victim, the reimbursement to the taxpayers should be accompanied by a criminal investigation. Covering up payment to a complainant by saying a woman is working, when she is not, is a no-show job and conspiracy and fraud charges should be forthcoming…time these elitists pay the piper.

Her third recommendation involves the elimination of the forced confidentiality that protects the perpetrators as well as reforms to the system of resolution that treat the victim as if they were the offender and forces them to remain in the workplace where the abuse occurred as the 90-day-long process grinds on.  They are forced into counseling for 30 days, and then mediation for 30 days as if the victim is at fault rather than the perpetrator!  The lawmaker of course is not required to go to anything.

The Judge believes that the practice of allowing the lawmakers to forgo any of the remedial sessions that the victims are forced to attend is insane and that lawmakers should at a minimum be held to the same standards of public disclosure as offending priests.

Her final recommendation is, “If there is a finding of guilt of sexual misconduct, the official must be forced to resign their position.”


Americans who actually pay attention realize that we only have one party in Congress, and the two sides collude together to protect each other and grow rich off the American taxpayer.  Neither one of them is truly any better than the other, and none will risk outing the perverts because then they become the enemy of the good ole’ boys network.

We’ve seen this clearly with the efforts by Republicans, who are the majority in both houses, to delay or deny the promises they made during their recent elections.  These globalist insiders of both parties not only stick together, but collude to destroy the plans of America’s President.  Trump was chosen because grassroots Americans knew he wasn’t one of them.  He talks like us, he thinks like us, and he wants to really make America great again.

So, what do we do?  We pray without ceasing, we write and phone these buzzards daily, and come election time, we better get ourselves to the primaries and vote new blood into the system every single time there’s an election.  We don’t need term limits if we the people do our jobs and research the candidates and vote for and support the good guys.

Again, it falls on us.  Don’t leave it to chance, our descendants’ lives depend on us.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Judeo-Christian Americans Thankful Despite Secular Attacks

O give thanks unto the LORD, for He is good: for His mercy endureth forever.  Psalms 107:1 

To the end that my glory may sing praise to thee, and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will give thanks unto thee forever.  Psalms 30:12

From the Mt. Vernon website comes the truth of Thanksgiving.

Americans don’t know it and children aren’t taught it, but George Washington is responsible for our Thanksgiving holiday. It was our first president, not the Pilgrims and not Abraham Lincoln, who led the charge to make this day of thanks a truly national event.

Thanksgiving Proclamation of 1789

On October 3, 1789, George Washington issued his Thanksgiving proclamation, designating for “the People of the United States a day of public thanks-giving” to be held on “Thursday the 26th day of November,” 1789, marking the first national celebration of a holiday that has become commonplace in today’s households.

It was President Franklin Roosevelt who wanted to extend Christmas shopping by another week and change Thanksgiving to the third Thursday of November, but the public outcry was massive.  So, in 1941, Congress named the fourth Thursday in November as our national day of thanks.  Norman Rockwell painted this holiday as “freedom from want.”

Sarah Huckabee Sanders

On Monday, White House Press Secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders made reporters tell what they are thankful for before asking her a question.  All but one of them actually told what they were thankful for, and she pulled it off brilliantly.

Then they turned around and tweeted their disgust with her.  Sad, but this is the state of America’s media and culture today.  We need to stand for our Christian heritage, just as Sarah did.

The Hatred of Christendom

My sweet Christian friend, Shirley Edwards, had a recent article in NewsWithViews that was heartbreaking.  Shirley lives in the UK, and writes about what is going on across the pond.  Her latest article, The Crucifixion of Truth in The United Kingdom, gave several examples of the bias against Christians and how the foundations of the British way of life have been sacrificed causing them to lose their own identity.

The case of Joshua Sutcliffe, a Christian math teacher at a school in Oxfordshire is facing discipline for calling a female student a ‘girl’ when they wanted to be called a boy.  The school has accused Joshua of ‘mis-gendering’ the pupil contravening the school’s equality policy.

Felix Ngole, expelled from his course at Sheffield University for stating his Christian views on marriage and sexual ethics on Facebook. It is thought his views could have offended someone.

Sarah Kuteh a Christian nurse fired by the National Health Service (NHS) for talking to patients about her faith while she was helping them get ready for surgery.

Richard Page, a magistrate who has been disciplined by a Cabinet minister and England’s highest judge for saying that he thought a child’s best interests lie in being raised by a mother and a father.

Barry Trayhorn, a Pentecostal minister forced to resign after a complaint was made about a bible verse he quoted at a prison chapel service.

(These cases are being defended by Christian lawyers).

Faith Destroyed by Government

Shirley goes on to say that, “public services such as local councils who once served the community have now changed into law enforcers; it may be possible that the senior leaders of those organizations have partaken in common purpose training, and disseminated that work ethos down through the organization and out into society.”

And guess what “common purpose training” (CP) is…it’s a political charity using behavioral modification.  The link exposes CP for what it is…an elitist pro-EU political organization helping to replace democracy in the UK, and worldwide, with CP chosen ‘elite’ leaders. In truth, their hidden networks and political objectives are undermining and destroying our democratic society and are threatening ‘free will’ in adults, teenagers and children. Their work is funded by public money and big business, including international banks.

We’ve all heard about “behavioral modification” for years in America.  It has been used for years in the government schools rather than academic teaching.  Any researcher regarding education knows those buzzwords well.

America’s War Against Christendom

A TIME Magazine article from June of 2016 entitled, Regular Christians Are No Longer Welcome in American Culture, exposes the same anti-God tactics as are being used in the UK. The faithful are paying the prices for their beliefs, not just with bakers who refuse to bake cakes for homosexuals, but far more insidious, as if that wasn’t bad enough.

A teacher in New Jersey was suspended for giving a student a Bible.  (If you haven’t seen, God’s Not Dead II, get it and watch because this is what is happening).

A football coach in Washington was placed on leave for saying a prayer on the field at the end of a game, but it’s just fine if the NFL kneels in disrespect to our flag, our national anthem and our veterans.

A fire chief in Atlanta was fired for self-publishing a book defending Christian moral teaching, something he did outside of his employment, but was still fired for it despite his first amendment rights.

And remember the female Marine who was court-martialed for pasting a Bible verse above her desk.

Anti-Christian activists hurl smears like “bigot” and “hater” at Americans who hold traditional beliefs about marriage and accuse anti-abortion Christians of waging a supposed “war on women.”  Meanwhile the making of money off the sales of aborted babies’ bodies goes on and only because of Trump does this practice have a chance of being stopped.

TIME tells that even Christian institutions face pressure to conform to secularist ideology—or else. Evangelical schools like Gordon College in Massachusetts and Kings College in New York have had their accreditation questioned.

The secularists and haters of Christ argue that Christian schools should not even exist and home-schooled children have been targeted because it’s a “Christian thing,” and it is child abuse!  My God that’s backward, what is going on in our government schools is the real child abuse.  Even Christian charities, adoption agenciesCatholic hospitals, and crisis pregnancy centers have become objects of attack.

The father of our country, George Washington, along with Virginian Robert E. Lee’s portraits were recently removed from Washington’s own church in Virginia.  Both of these men were of great faith, and both made huge sacrifices for freedom and liberty.


In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God, I Thessalonians 5:18.  Despite the attacks on both Jews and Christians because of faith in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and the attacks on Christendom and our Messiah, the King of Glory, Jesus Christ, we need to thank God for our many blessings.

Like Sarah Sanders, I will list the many reason that I am so grateful to the Lord.  I was raised in Chicago, and got the best of the City in the 1950s, and I had a great education.  My summers and vacations were spent on my grandparents’ dairy farm in northern Indiana.  We had wonderful family gatherings, blessing and memories I will never forget.  I am married to a wonderful well-adjusted Christian man, who loves me unconditionally and even helps me clean house!  I can see, hear, taste, smell and touch. I can still kneel to wipe up my floors, and I can walk my beloved dogs.

Our great country has problems, but we’ve been blessed to see a new President in our White House who wants to make our country great again.  We are blessed for so many things, our wonderful veterans and active military, for our friends and families, for our warm homes in the winter, and cool homes in the summer, for food on the table, for jobs that pay the bills, and for countless many other things that would take pages to mention.


I remember attending church on Thanksgiving while gram’s turkey was in the oven and all of the family gathered together in church to thank the Lord for our blessings.  Oh, for the preachers of the past who spoke the truth so willingly and lovingly.  We need to be in prayer for our country, our President, his family, and his administration, and we need desperately, more than anything else…to stand for our faith in God!

Today we start the season of Christmas.  It’s Christ’s birthday that we celebrate next. All of our blessings come from God, so praise and thank Him, and stand for His truth in American society today.  Lord bless you all!

P.S.  We are so thankful for so many blessings, including the fact that we have NewsWithViews who daily publishes truth from researchers who love our country and want to make her great again.  The NWVs CEO and publisher works tirelessly to bring the best articles by journalist researchers into your email daily.  We stay alive only because of donations from grateful readers.  Please consider donating to NWVs on a monthly basis to help us make America great again.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Judge Roy Moore, Guilt Decided By The Liberal Media And Court Of Public Opinion

When men yield up the privilege of thinking, the last shadow of liberty quits the horizon.  —Thomas Paine

Politics have no relation to morals.  —Niccolo Machiavelli

When a person is charged with a crime in a communist country, they are presumed guilty, and the burden of innocence is on the accused.  In America’s Constitutional Republic, everyone charged with a criminal offense shall be presumed innocent until proven guilty according to law. The burden of guilt is on the accusers to prove the charges.

However, today the media tries cases in the court of public opinion to influence public support for one side or the other, and we well know what side the MSM supports.  Media remains silent regarding Democrats like Bill and Hillary Clinton, the Podestas, Obama and his administration, but they shout guilt from the rooftops if the person is a constitutional conservative.

The court of public opinion is about mob justice. This court is based on reputation, revenge, public shaming, and the whims of the crowd. Facts matter, but there are no standards of accuracy. This court delivers reputational justice.  Sometimes they are right, but many times they have been wrong. Public opinion has convicted many innocents without a jury trial, the Duke LaCrosse case, Clarence Thomas’s confirmation proceedings, the Cambridge police, Ferguson, Missouri and countless others.

Roy Moore’s guilt or innocence is being decided by public opinion.  Media is the judge; no charges have been filed because the Statute of Limitations has long ago run out.

Moore To Sue Washington Post

How many times in the past have we voted for the lesser of two evils?  Too many. Sadly, the people of Alabama chose Roy Moore instead of the true conservative, Mo Brooks, and now his reputation is being destroyed.  Moore is planning on suing the Washington Post, but can he even succeed knowing the NYTs v. Sullivan supreme court ruling in 1964 gave media impunity via the first amendment.

The SCOTUS decision extended the First Amendment‘s guarantee of free speech to libel cases brought by public officials. The Supreme Court sought to encourage public debate by changing the rules involving libel that had previously been the province of state law and state courts.  Moore would have to prove “actual malice” in a libel case against WaPo.  Certainly, he knows this as a judge, especially since the case originated in Alabama in 1962.

Remember that Roy Moore was a democrat when all of this was going on.  Limbaugh says, “Interestingly, no one said a word when he was a democrat, but now that he’s a republican, it’s big news.”

Targeting Conservative Men

We all realize that conservative public figures are targets by the establishment and leftist media, and if they can’t call someone a racist and prove it, they’ll use sexual innuendos to destroy the person’s credibility.  How many times have we seen it?  Cosby, O’Reilly, Roger Ailes, Eric Boling, Charles Payne, Sean Hannity, and on and on, many charged from decades ago, and yes, some are guilty.  They even tried it with our President while he was campaigning.  Guilty or not, the goal is exposure and destruction.

Guilt today is defined with something as simple as a man telling a female co-worker that she looks nice.  C’mon people, this whole thing is so out of hand with such obvious leftist attacks that even the guilty are starting to look innocent.  Nevertheless, there are a few who definitely go over the line of decency.

Years ago, in the corporate world, men made passes at good looking women all the time, including me…yes, before age did it’s wrinkling thing, I was once young and pretty, as so many of us were.  Women knew how to shut men down and move on, but today, these feminists want to destroy the men for even speaking compliments.  It’s why men no longer even hold doors open for women, the feminists have destroyed and weakened the stronger sex. Many men are now afraid of women. We can thank the likes of socialists and pro-aborts, Margaret Sanger, Gloria Steinem and Betty Freidan.  But back to Roy Moore…

Innocent Until Proven Guilty

Let me clarify from the very get go, I don’t like Moore for many reasons and I wrote about it in my recent article, Why President Trump Endorsed Luther Strange.  If you missed it, check it out.  There were several things I mentioned, Moore’s heretical Christian beliefs, his push for a Constitutional Convention, failure to return fellow attorneys’ phone calls, and the fact that his law professor and fellow law students detested him.  One former law professor even stated that he violated years of precedent established by Jefferson.  He also is a twice removed Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court.

So, no, I don’t like him, but we all know the leftist media will lie through their teeth to destroy those who are allegedly conservative.  Even when their claims are false, they hope to cast a pall over the person’s reputation.

WaPo broke the first story with Deborah Wesson Gibson accusing Moore. She sure looks fishy to me since she works for Democrats in general, has worked for the DNC and is now working for Doug Jones, the Democrat running against Moore.  Leigh Corfman, said that Moore sexually touched her over her underwear when she was 14 years old. Moore has emphatically denied ever meeting Corfman.  Her story is rather questionable inasmuch as she’s been divorced three times, filed bankruptcy three times, and has claimed that local pastors have made sexual advances towards her, but even with all that, it doesn’t mean she’s lying.  Two other women have claimed similar stories.

Now a fifth woman has come forward with a tawdry story and she is represented by none other than liberal attorney, Gloria Allred.  During a press conference with Allred at her side, Beverly Young Nelson said Moore trapped her in his car 40 years ago, choked her, and tried to take off her clothes before she fought him off.

Nelson said Moore, 30, signed her high school yearbook: “To a sweeter more beautiful girl I could not say Merry Christmas. Christmas 1977. Love, Roy Moore, D.A. 12-22-77 Olde Hickory House.”

Bill Still and a few others, none of whom are experts in handwriting analysis have decided this is a forgery.  Maybe it is, but that would be up to experts to prove.

Everyone Knew the Rumors

The New Yorker (liberal magazine) reported that Roy Moore may have been banned from the local Gadsden, AL Mall for annoying teenage girls when he was in his thirties.

The former deputy district attorney for Etowah County in the early 80s, said she could not confirm that Moore had actually been banned, but said it was “common knowledge” that Moore dated high school girls and trolled the local mall.   Even local law enforcement said they had heard about Moore’s reputation of cruising at the mall.

The author of the article stated he had talked to two officers who had said they had heard the rumors about Moore.  One officer stated, “The general knowledge at the time when I moved here was that this guy is a lawyer cruising the mall for high-school dates. I was told by a girl who worked at the mall that he’d been run off from there, from a number of stores. Maybe not legally banned, but run off.”  He also said, “I heard from one girl who had to tell the manager of a store at the mall to get Moore to leave her alone.”

The second officer said, “A friend of mine told me he was banned from there.” He added, “I actually voted for Moore. I liked him at one time. But I’m basically disgusted now, to be honest with you. Some of the things he’s said recently, I’ve changed my tune completely about this guy. When I heard what he said on ‘Hannity’ the other night,” he said, referring to an appearance Moore made on Sean Hannity’s radio show last Friday, “I almost stood straight up. The thing about how he’s never dated anybody without their mother’s permission, that appalled me. That made me want to throw up. Why would you need someone’s permission to date somebody? I’m probably gonna write in Luther Strange.”

As for older men dating teenage girls, “It’s not so uncommon that people would necessarily look at it askance,” said Nicholas Syrett, a University of Kansas professor who recently published a book on child marriage in America. “The South has a much longer history of allowing minors to marry, and obviously there’s some courtship or dating, whatever you want to call it, leading up to that.”

Hubris Cost Moore

Moore should never have gone on Hannity’s radio show.  He should have plainly stated to media that this was a witch hunt and was being done by the vast left-wing conspiracy.  Instead he thought his words would vindicate him and they didn’t.  Here is the 15-minute radio interview with Sean Hannity where he stated that he “generally” didn’t date teens during the time of the allegations.  What does that mean?

On Hannity’s 13 November 17 show, Sean stated that if the allegations are true, it is beyond disgusting, beyond reprehensible, and Judge Moore should step aside and leave the senate race, that these are very serious allegations.

The Daily Caller reported that Media Matters used last weekend to attack Sean Hannity’s advertisers and cost Sean advertising revenue. Of course, they lied about what Sean actually said.

Republicans Attack Their Own

During AG Sessions testimony to the House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, Nov. 14th, 2017, he said about the accusations against Judge Moore, “I have no reason to doubt these young women.”  He never should have uttered those words.  Better yet, he should have said, “In America, a person is innocent until proven guilty, and thus I have no comment.”  I’m starting to believe that Sessions is such an establishment insider that we’ll never see him accomplish what our President has promised.

Of course, leftist Republicans like Mitch McConnell, Willard Mitt Romney, and John McCain have already stated Moore should step aside. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black, McCain sang a different tune during his 2008 presidential campaign when he faced his own accusations of sexual misconduct with a lobbyist 30 years his junior.

Now the RNC has pulled their funding from the Judge.  Some republicans are suggesting Luther Strange take Moore’s place, but I’d rather see Mo Brooks run against Democrat Doug Jones who believes in abortion up to the minute of birth.


Our president believes that if these allegations are true, Judge Moore will do the right thing and step aside.  Perhaps this is why Donald Trump backed Luther Strange over Moore.  I do not believe that Moore’s hubris and arrogance will allow him to step aside.

Am I skeptical of these charges?  Yes, because of those who exposed them, and because we know the left wants the Senate returned to Democrat control to stop the righteous changes President Trump has laid out for America.  However, the latest charges against Moore are now growing legs, and it looks as though, “Where there’s smoke…”

We cannot afford to lose this Senate seat.  We need Moore to step aside, a Republican Conservative Constitutionalist to replace him, and the vote to be delayed.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Establishment Insiders, Mueller And Woolsey Falsely Target LTG Michael Flynn

I am concerned for the security of our great Nation; not so much because of any threat from without, but because of the insidious forces working from within.  —General Douglas MacArthur

A body of men holding themselves accountable to nobody ought not to be trusted by anybody. —Thomas Paine

Robert Mueller and his gang of Clinton supporting attorneys should have long ago been fired.  There is a total crisis of confidence in the man because of his involvement in the Uranium One deal. Had he any integrity, he would have recused himself. Real Russian collusion rests in Hillary Clinton’s lap, but the prey isn’t Hillary, it’s our President, and that’s why Former FBI Director Mueller is targeting Trump’s friends.

Sebastian Gorka was told by a senior level FBI agent that he needed to understand that the seventh floor of the FBI, meaning the senior leadership, looks at the Trump White House as the enemy.

Former FBI agent, John Guandolo says the primary Islamic advisors who are inside the White House, State Department, CIA, FBI, DHS, national security staffs, and others are Muslim Brotherhood (MB) operatives or Muslims ideologically aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood.  Mueller even helped Obama purge Islamic documents from training manuals.

James Woolsey saw a lucrative lobbying position already under contract with Gen. Flynn’s company and tried to steal it out from under him at a price 20 times higher, telling the Turkish businessmen he could do a better job.  When he was passed over for a position in the Trump campaign, and the Turks turned him down, did he retaliate against Flynn?

The enemies of this administration are targeting those who have surrounded our President hoping they can find something to take Donald J. Trump down, and they don’t care who they destroy to get to him.

Lieutenant General Michael T. Flynn

LTG Flynn served honorably for 33 years in the U.S. Army, much of the time at the top levels of military intelligence.  The General is the victim of an elaborate “deep state” scam whose real objective is to destroy not merely Flynn but the Trump presidency, and that is why he’s in Mueller’s crosshairs.

Trump supporter and former National Security Advisor, Michael Flynn has more experience battling the Taliban, al Qaeda and other militant groups than anyone else in Trump’s inner circle.  He was the perfect choice for Chief of the National Security Agency.

Flynn takes a more aggressive approach against Islamist militants, which is probably what actually got him ousted.  Former FBI agent, John Guandolo, (Understandingthethreat.com) has exposed the infiltration by the Muslim Brotherhood of jihadist organizations in our DOJ. One need only read his book, Raising a Jihadi Generation, to understand how difficult the intelligence community would make it for Flynn.

The General rightly believes that the United States is losing a global war against Islamist extremism that may last for generations.  His book, The Field of Fight prescribes a harder political line on Iran, including information warfare to expose shortcomings in Iran’s revolution.

Like Trump, Flynn called the 2003 invasion of Iraq a strategic blunder and says that energy should have been directed instead toward political support for opponents of Iran’s theocratic rulers. Link

Flynn Resigns as National Security Advisor

The General’s tenure as National Security Adviser ended because of a conversation he had with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, but there was nothing illegal about that conversation and the tape proves it.

The more serious problem for Flynn could be his connections with the government of Turkey.  What people don’t understand is that he was trying to protect the American people and their children.

Former Press Secretary Sean Spicer stated Flynn had done nothing wrong in his lobbying work. “This is what he did for a living. He was being compensated,” Mr. Spicer said. “He was a private citizen at the time. There’s nothing nefarious about doing anything that’s legal as long as the proper paperwork is filed.”

Private U.S. citizens who lobby for a foreign government must disclose their work to the Justice Department.  Flynn had registered with the Justice Department as a foreign agent for $530,000 worth of lobbying work before Election Day.  In March 2017, after resigning as the NSA, he filed a Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) disclosing that through his firm, Flynn Intel Group, he had worked in 2016 on behalf of Inovo BV, a firm based in the Netherlands and owned by a Turkish businessman with links to the Turkish government.

Flynn’s firm was paid $530,000 by Inovo. The General’s FARA filing revealed that a September 19 meeting occurred and that Islamist Fethullah Gülen was discussed. But the filing claims that Flynn’s work was on behalf of Inovo, not the Turkish government, and that it concerned merely “the political climate in Turkey” and “doing business in Turkey,” related to the export of natural gas.

According to Flynn’s lawyer, he didn’t need to register because his client was a Turkish businessman and not a government official, but had opted to do so retroactively.

The Podesta Group did not file under FARA after years of lobbying for the European Center which supported Viktor Yanukovych, Ukraine’s pro-Russian president.  Mueller’s recent indictment of Manafort rather than Tony Podesta is telling.  He is targeting friends of Trump, hoping to take our President down.

Gülen’s Charter Schools on Air Force Bases

Recep Tayip Erdogan accused Fethullah Gülen of masterminding the failed 2016 Turkish coup d’état attempt. He is currently on Turkey’s most-wanted-terrorist list and is accused of leading what the current Turkish officials call the Gülenist Terror Organization. Turkey is demanding the extradition of Gülen from the United States.

Michael T. Flynn apparently knew about Islamist Gülen’s hundreds of charter schools in America.  All of them have an innocuous name, names that would never be connected to Islam.  Gülen’s charter schools are on several US Air Force Bases.  Why is an Islamic school, Coral Academy of Science Las Vegas, on Nellis AFB where our fighter jets, munition squadrons and bombs are housed?

U.S. State Department cables, divulged by WikiLeaks, reveal that Foggy Bottom, which has closely monitored Gülen since 2003, describes the preacher as a “radical Islamist” whose moderate message cloaks a more sinister and radical agenda.  He is a true, dyed-in-the-wool Islamist who wishes to transform the United States and Turkey into Shariah states.

In light of Gülen’s modus operandi elsewhere, the Department of Homeland Security should be asking itself why such a non-transparent, religion-based organization would seek to establish itself on our military bases, teaching the children of our service men and women. [Link]  And what about Gülen’s other 200 charter schools throughout the country?  Do the parents even know what their children are exposed to?

Illustration by Greg Groesch of Washington Times

The Gülen organization uses charter schools and affiliated businesses in the U.S. to misappropriate and launder state and federal education tax dollars, which the organization then uses for its own benefit to develop political power in this country and globally.  Gülen’s assets are between $20 and $50 billion.

Gülen, H1-B Visas and the CIA

Worse yet, beside defrauding American taxpayers, the Gülen organization is one of the country’s largest recipients of H1-B “specialty occupation” visas, even more than Google, which it uses to import Turkish teachers into its charter schools, supposedly because local U.S. talent is not available to fill math and science teaching positions in its charter schools.  The Gülen organization illegally threatens to revoke these visas unless the Turkish teachers agree to kick back part of their salary to the organization.

Gülen is wrapped up with the CIA, and two CIA handlers, Graham Fuller, George Fidas, and others gave Gülen court references for permanent Visa residence considering his so-called “extraordinary abilities.” That same CIA wanted to rid the Trump administration of General Flynn, for obvious reasons.  Here is Graham Fuller’s article extolling the virtues of the Gülen movement and stating it is not a cult.

Even WikiLeaks has exposed Gülen and his involvement in the U.S. and Turkey.

Flynn Op-ed, Turkey in Crisis

In an election day op-ed, 8 November 2016 in The Hill, General Flynn wrote that Turkey was in crisis and needed our help.  The article is a brilliant overview, and note, we see mention of the Muslim Brotherhood again.

We must begin with understanding that Turkey is vital to U.S. interests. Turkey is really our strongest ally against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), as well as a source of stability in the region. It provides badly needed cooperation with U.S. military operations.

The primary bone of contention between the U.S. and Turkey is Fethullah Gülen, a shady Islamic mullah residing in Pennsylvania whom former President Clinton once called his “friend” in a well circulated video.

Gülen portrays himself as a moderate, but he is in fact a radical Islamist. He has publicly boasted about his “soldiers” waiting for his orders to do whatever he directs them to do. If he were in reality a moderate, he would not be in exile, nor would he excite the animus of Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his government.

For those of us who have closely studied the careers of Seyed Qutb and Hasan al Bana, the founders and followers of the Muslim Brotherhood, Gülen’s words and activities are very familiar.

Former CIA Director, James Woolsey

Woolsey is a Democrat, he’s a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and was Director of the CIA under Bill Clinton for two years. Mueller’s probe of General Flynn has garnered support from James Woolsey.

Woolsey joined as a senior adviser to Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump in September 2016, but resigned in January when Trump made statements critical of the United States Intelligence Community.  He is another DC swamp snake, one who most likely detests General Flynn.  Woolsey is an establishment globalist insider, and he still wields power in DC because of his past appointments.

Former FBI agent, John Guandolo, has made it clear that the White House, State Department, CIA, FBI, DHS, national security staffs, and others are infiltrated with Muslim Brotherhood operatives or Muslims ideologically aligned with the Brotherhood.  They are the first to complain if anyone in US intelligence should utter the truth of Islam or stealth jihad.

Mike Flynn is a man with a mission and with knowledge about Islamic enemies, which certainly would make Woolsey uncomfortable.

Woolsey Claims Flynn Offered Him CIA Job

In a WSJ article, Woolsey even claimed that NSA Flynn offered him his job back as CIA Director.  [Link]

Robert Kelner, Flynn’s attorney said, “Mr. Woolsey’s claim in The Wall Street Journal that he was offered the position of the CIA director if he would agree to report only to Gen. Flynn is entirely false.  Woolsey was passed over for any position in the Trump administration and that may be coloring this and other untrue allegations he has made against Gen. Flynn.”

Mueller Interviews Woolsey and Wife

Both Woolsey and his wife have been in communication with the FBI regarding the Sept. 19, 2016 meeting Woolsey was invited to attend by one of General Flynn’s business partners. Both have been interviewed by the FBI and members of the Office of the Special Counsel. According to NBC News, the FBI communicated with Woolsey both before and after Mueller’s team took over.  The interview with Woolsey was regarding allegations that Mike Flynn discussed a possibly “illegal” removal of Fethullah Gülen from the U.S.

In March 2017, Woolsey claimed that Flynn discussed with Turkish officials the possibility of removing Gülen from the U.S. The Turkish government believes the Muslim cleric is responsible for helping spur last summer’s attempted coup to overthrow President Erdogan.  Woolsey told the WSJ he arrived at the meeting in New York on Sept. 19, in the middle of the discussion, and believed the actions being discussed were possibly illegal  He claimed the topic was Pennsylvania resident, Fethullah Gülen.

Woolsey also claimed he heard Flynn say Gülen could be removed from the country without using the U.S. extradition legal process.  This bogus story is now gaining media legs, so much so that the General’s lawyer had to issue a statement.

Flynn’s spokesman, Price Floyd, told the WSJ that “at no time did Flynn discuss any illegal actions, nonjudicial physical removal or any other such activities.”

“The claim made by Woolsey that General Flynn, or anyone else in attendance, discussed physical removal of Gülen from the United States during a meeting with Turkish officials in New York is false,” Floyd said. “No such discussion occurred. Nor did Mr. Woolsey ever inform General Flynn that he had any concerns whatsoever regarding the meeting, either before he chose to attend, or afterwards.”

Woolsey actually notified Vice President Joe Biden, through a mutual friend, of what he thought could be an illegal discussion by Flynn.

In September 2016, Flynn was a private citizen and was an adviser to the Trump campaign.

Woolsey Attempt to Undermine Flynn

Reuters recently exposed the fact that while advising Trump in 2016, Woolsey had a plan to discredit Fethullah Gülen.  Three people familiar with the proposal said he pitched a $10 million contract to two Turkish businessmen to help discredit the mullah.

Only a week after joining the Trump campaign on national security issues, and one day after Flynn’s meeting, Woolsey met with Ekim Alptekin and Sezgin Baran Korkmaz for lunch.  He and his wife proposed a lobbying and public relations campaign targeting…yes…Fethullah Gülen.

Reuters stated they saw a memo where Woolsey and his wife Nancye Miller sketched a plan to draw attention to Gülen’s role in the coup against Turkey’s Erdogan so as to encourage an official investigation.

However, Alptekin, an ally of Erdogan, and Chairman of the US-Turkey Business Council, had already agreed through one of his companies to a $600,000 contract with the consulting firm of Michael Flynn to research Gülen.

Woolsey was a member of Flynn’s firm, the Flynn Intel Group, according to a Justice Department filing by the firm and an archive of the company’s website, although a spokesman for Woolsey disputed that characterization, saying he was an unpaid adviser and his affiliation was “loosely defined.”

During the luncheon meeting Woolsey and Miller tried to convince the two Turks that they were better than Flynn for the job.  Bidding for a lobbying or consulting contract with a foreign company or government is not illegal, but the Woolseys did not win the contract.

There you have it.  Two Trump advisers were competing with each other for a business deal with Alptekin, but Woolsey was trying to undercut Flynn.

Jonathan Franks, a spokesman for Woolsey and Miller, said they had pursued with Turkish interests an “economic development proposal in the wake of the coup that centered around reassuring folks that Turkey was a safe place to do business” but that the project’s focus was not on Gülen.

But Alptekin said Woolsey and Miller pursued his business at the Sept. 20 luncheon pitching the project to target Gülen, but he preferred to stick to his contract with Flynn’s firm.

Alptekin Denies Woolsey’s Story

Flynn’s contract to help the Turkish government caused an uproar, but only because it’s Mike Flynn.  Woolsey stated in media interviews that Flynn and others had discussed the idea of covertly spiriting Gülen out of the US to Turkey.

Flynn has denied such a plan, and so has Alptekin, who said it was never discussed.  Alptekin found Woolsey’s claim astounding because Woolsey sought Alptekin’s business the very next day. Alptekin told Reuters that Woolsey’s story is fiction.

Woolsey had pitched the project to Korkmaz at a meeting in California in August of 2016.  Woolsey’s wife outlined the proposal and sent it in an email to her husband who printed it out and gave it to Korkmaz who then forwarded it to Alptekin.

Korkmaz had known Woolsey for years and invited him to the meeting.  Korkmaz actually told Woolsey he was looking for someone who could handle a lobbying and public relations project related to Gülen.

The proposal by the Woolsey’s included getting then Senator Sessions to co-author articles on the situation in Turkey and engaging other top lawmakers like Senator Bob Corker as well as putting Woolsey on Fox News and CNN.  Cost was $10 million.


Here is another DC swamp set-up, and Mueller is not only going after General Flynn, but he’s also targeting Flynn’s son, Michael, all for alleged Trump/Russian collusion that even leftist Dianne Feinstein has said lacks any proof.

This witch hunt is costing the Flynns not only a great amount of stress over the entire fallacious investigation, but also legal fees are draining their resources.  Please help this wonderful veteran clear his name by donating to his legal defense fund.  Any amount you can send will help them.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Armistice Day, Poppies, And Why The Act Of Remembrance Matters

Courage is almost a contradiction in terms.  It means a strong desire to live taking the form of readiness to die. —G.K. Chesterton

I stand ready, not for politics, or for leaders.  But for my brother next to me, my children at home, and for a country I protect. —United States Soldier

Our Country’s History

A few years ago, I was in physical therapy for rotator cuff surgery, and there was a young girl in training with my therapist. My therapists were the greatest folks you ever wanted to meet, and they both were patriotic and informed.  As I was being worked on, the young trainee was there watching, and my therapist said he’d been educating her.  I asked her a few questions about American history.  I asked her who we fought in WWI, WWII, Korean War, Viet Nam War, Desert Storm, and even the Revolutionary War and she could not answer even one.  My therapists knew the answers to all of my questions.

When I got into my car to go home, tears ran down my cheeks because I knew the government schools were not teaching our children American history and the freedoms of our country.  As a youngster, I spent summers and holidays with my grandparents on their dairy farm in northern Indiana.  I clearly remember the trips to Pine Lake Cemetery to decorate the graves for Decoration Day, which is now a three-day holiday and has been changed to Memorial Day.  The same occurrence happened on Armistice Day, which is now Veterans Day. I remember well in school being told to stand with my hand over my heart, for a minute of silence for those who lost their lives in WWI and WWII.

Most of my generation know the truth of our nation, a nation founded by statesmen who knew freedom and liberty and fought for it.  We have something no other nation on earth has ever had, blessed by God, and given by men who chose independence, sovereignty, individual self-sufficiency, and above all freedom and liberty.

I am blessed to have been born in this nation and lived through some of her greatest years.  It is why I fight for our country, why I honor her soldiers, and why I love our Constitution and our God given freedoms.

World War I

My paternal grandfather graduated from the Presidio in 1917 and went to war in France for two years with the Army Cavalry.  He had degrees in both international law and French.  His older brother was also in the war.  Grandpa remained in the Army cavalry for a good number of years, and then retired.  When WWII started, he re-upped at age 50, and was in charge of a German prisoner of war camp and then the MPs at Nuremburg.

The other side of my family were also in WWII, one of my uncles actually hitchhiked across Czechoslovakia to meet up with his cousin.  My other uncle was in Germany, and my Dad was also in the European theatre.

So, what does Armistice Day, now Veterans Day, represent to Americans today?  Do they know the sacrifices?  Do they know the cost?

We Shall Remember Them

Veterans Day is a U.S. legal holiday dedicated to American veterans of all wars. In 1918, on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, an armistice, or temporary cessation of hostilities, was declared between the Allied nations and Germany in World War I, then known as “the Great War.”

November 11th became known as Armistice Day.  It was President Woodrow Wilson who made the declaration in 1919.  The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I was more than 41 million: there were over 18 million deaths and 23 million wounded, ranking it among the deadliest conflicts in human history.

It is hard to say with exact certainty how many people were killed during World War II, but estimates vary between 50 million to over 80 million. One thing that everybody agrees with is that it has been the deadliest war ever, wiping out around 3 percent of the world population at the time.

In 1945, World War II veteran Raymond Weeks from Birmingham, Alabama, had the idea to expand Armistice Day to celebrate all veterans, not just those who died in

World War I. Weeks led a delegation to Gen. Dwight Eisenhower, who supported the idea of National Veterans Day. Weeks led the first national celebration in 1947 in Alabama and annually until his death in 1985.

President Reagan honored Weeks at the White House with the Presidential Citizenship Medal in 1982 as the driving force for the national holiday. Elizabeth Dole, who prepared the briefing for President Reagan, determined Weeks as the “Father of Veterans Day.”

Armistice Day Commemoration

Commemorated in many allied countries as Armistice Day, November 11th became a federal holiday in the United States in 1938. On May 26, 1954, President Eisenhower, in the aftermath of World War II and the Korean War, declared that Armistice Day was legally known as Veterans Day.

In the U.S., Veterans Day was moved, by a 1968 act of Congress, to the fourth Monday in October. This shift of Veterans Day, as well as similar moves for Washington’s Birthday, Memorial Day, and Columbus Day, started in 1971 and was designed to create a three-day weekend for government employees.

The Veterans Day long weekend, though, was resisted by many states, localities, and veteran’s groups.  In 1975 President Gerald Ford returned Veterans Day to November 11, due to the important historical significance of the date, and I believe that’s where it should remain.

The Story of the Poppy

My momma used to grow poppies and long ago she told me the story of Flanders Field.  Apparently, poppies only grow in the absence of other flowers and in ground that has been tilled.  Dr. John McCrae observed poppies growing between the crosses on soldiers’ graves, and it inspired him to write the poem, In Flanders Fields.  The poppy has since become known as the “The Flower of Remembrance,” and is worn in memory of our veterans.

 When you’re driving around town on Veterans Day, and the men in the middle of the roads are selling poppies, buy one, wear it in remembrance, and give the much needed funds to support our disabled and hospitalized veterans.  Celebrate the lives who fought for our nation, those who came home, and those who made the ultimate sacrifice.  God bless and keep them all!

P.S. Please don’t forget NewsWithViews during the upcoming Holiday Season.  We rely on our readers to help us stay solvent so we can continue to bring the truth to you every day.  All of us at NewsWithViews research and write articles because of our love of country and we are led by God to do so.  We count on the generosity of our readers and those of you who send monthly donations.  Here is how to donate.  Thank you and God bless.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Just Who Gets The Middle Class Tax Cuts?

The income tax created more criminals than any other single act of government. —Barry Goldwater

It was under Wilson, of course, that the first huge parts of the Marxist program, such as the progressive income tax, were incorporated into the American system. —Robert W. Welch, Jr.

Other than the corporate and small business tax cuts, Rush Limbaugh is not happy with this tax plan.  He has even gone so far as to call the whole program a suck-up to the Democrats’ class warfare.  He’s right…progressive income tax is straight out of Karl Marx’s communist manifesto.  Additionally, the stock market is not showing a big rally for Cohn’s plan. Trump has stated that he will accept no changes in the corporate and small business tax cuts, and he’s right to take a stand because that alone will spur the economy and create good jobs.

Right up front, I’m going to tell you, I’m no tax specialist, I’m just reporting on what was being said by various Republicans.  If you want total and complete knowledge on the entire rotten 1913 Income Tax and Federal Reserve legislation, read fellow journalist Devvy Kidd’s articles, and buy her books.  She truly is the scholar who has reported on and written about this so many times.  Thank God for her!  So, here we go, this is what was explained to the American Public on the 2nd and 3rd of November, 2017.

Historic Tax Cuts

Getting a major tax overhaul through Congress is difficult in any given year, the last time was 1986 under President Reagan.  If you were working in 1986 and remember what happened to taxes, you won’t want to see the same thing again.  The last time we reformed the tax code, the world (and our economy) was entirely different. It was 31 years ago when President Reagan signed the 1986 Tax Reform Act into law.

The Tax Reform Act of 1986 (TRA) (Pub.L. 99–514, 100 Stat. 2085, was enacted to simplify the income tax code, broaden the tax base and eliminate many tax shelters and deductions, just like the present one.  Referred to as the second of the two “Reagan tax cuts” (the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 being the first), the bill was also officially sponsored by Democrats, Richard Gephardt of Missouri in the House of Representatives and Bill Bradley of New Jersey in the Senate.  That should tell you all you need to know…

I remember it well.  My husband and I had been married for only two years and because of Reagan’s tax cuts, we had to sell machinery in order to pay an extra $16K in taxes because of “tax reform” that was supposed to help the middle class.  Well, we were middle class then, just as we are now, and both of us were working.  We ended up paying 32% more of my husband’s income, which left him basically with very little.  Gary Cohn’s tax plan brings back those memories, it’s that bad.

Economic Advisor, Gary Cohn

Top White House economic advisor Gary Cohn praised the tax reform bill and said President Donald Trump likely will support the measure so long as it preserves key elements.

Cohn is a former Goldman Sachs executive and is director of the National Economic Council. He said Trump can support the bill as presented, and he hopes to see something approved before the end of the year.

Cohn said, “We had to deliver a middle-income tax cut. Number two, we had to lower the business tax rate to make us competitive with the rest of the world,” he said. “The bill that the House delivered today accomplished both of those objectives.”

The bill allegedly cuts the number of tax brackets to four and lowers the corporate tax rate to 20%, small business to 25%. In addition, it raises the child tax credit and preserves retirement programs like the 401(k) and Individual Retirement Accounts.

Ivanka’s child care tax credit ideas don’t benefit America’s children, albeit the plan has fallen short of what she wanted. Link  She is encouraging mothers to put their children in day care.  It is very difficult these days for couples with children to make it on one income, but it can be done, and for the child’s welfare, moms should be home with them.  The Hill claims the family tax credit would encourage mothers to stay home, but I’m not so sure.  Senator Mike Lee is involved as is Marco Rubio and that concerns me.  Link 

Erik Paulsen on Stuart Varney

Despite all the rah-rah heard on Stuart Varney’s Nov. 2, 2017 show on Fox Business, I am still not sold on the plan.

I watched Rep. Erik Paulsen, (R-MN), who sits on the Ways and Means Committee and who was singing the praises and advantages of this tax plan. He repeatedly stated that the middle class was getting huge tax relief, but I called three conservative Tennessee congress critters and they told me a different story.  I called and asked, “What income span covers the middle class?”  Well, it’s not anyone who earns between $75 and $150K.  Middle class, according to this plan, is between $150k and $500K.  What?

Offices of Congress persons John Duncan, Chuck Fleishmann, and Diane Black all told me the same thing.  The middle class who earn between $75 and $150K receive absolutely no tax relief, in other words, their taxes remain the same.  In fact, we will probably be paying more in taxes.  Why?  Because we lose the state sales tax deduction, and we lose the medical deductions, and more.  And guess what?  This year alone it was $4000 per person in deductible before our insurance paid, and next year, with Congress refusing to repeal Obamacare, it will be even higher out-of-pocket costs, but now we cannot deduct those outrageous costs from federal income tax.

Tell me again, what kind of relief this is for middle income taxpayers!!!  I did not realize that middle income folks were in the income bracket of $150 to $500K.  Then what are we who earn less?  Chopped liver who fall between the cracks and get no relief and actually pay higher taxes?  Sounds like the lower middle class gets destroyed again.

Doubling Standard Deduction, Bye-bye Exemptions

The tax plan will allegedly have only four brackets, 12%, 25%, 35% and 39.6%.  The old highest rate is still in there.  Rush Limbaugh explained that there is a hidden 46% tax bracket for some Americans  which they are not mentioning. Link  The plan also doubles the standard deduction, and creates a new family tax credit as mentioned above.

The “doubled standard deduction” in the tax plan is rather deceptive.  If you do not itemize, you can use the standard deduction, which for married couples filing jointly was $12,600.  The Republican plan would replace previous provisions with a single deduction of $12,000 ($24,000 for married couples.) It’s rather involved, but is designed to encourage people to not itemize.  Business Insider has an overall explanation.

Taxpayers who do itemize their tax deductions for things like mortgage interest would pay tax on more of their income under the Republican plan. The proposal says “most” itemized deductions would be abolished anyway, but those for mortgage interest and charitable giving would be retained, but so much is lost.  Republicans shouldn’t say they’re doubling the standard deduction without mentioning that they’re also killing exemptions, something the Democrats have always promoted.

Few Deductions Maintained

A dear friend and great researcher said, “I have spent over five hours on it and have only covered a small portion of the bill.”  What she found is a destruction of the middle class.

Besides mortgage interest and charitable deductions, the plan maintains the property tax deduction, but only up to $10,000. Under the proposal you can only take a deduction for mortgage interest and real estate taxes for your primary residence. Think how many millions of people from northern states have second homes in southern states. They will no longer be able to deduct and may have to sell causing real estate in those states to plummet.

I was raised in a suburb of Chicago, and the taxes on homes in middle class neighborhoods are now between $10 and $25K per year. This is just middle class, not upper middle class and is a big loss for middle income earners. My sister lives in Aurora, Illinois in a very modest home and her property taxes are $14K per year.  Outrageous…yes!

Rep. Erik Paulsen said the average family of $59K is going to get about a $1200 to $1300 cut, which is about $25.00 more in the paycheck per week for $1300.  The small business tax rate will be 25%, but corporate tax rate is 20%, and is permanent unlike the Bush tax cuts that easily went bye-bye with Obama.  Small businesses, as I well know, pay way too much every year via local, state and federal fees, licenses, and taxes.

The plan does maintain the 401K as is, and no changes to the IRAs, thank God for that, and the estate tax would be repealed after six years.  About bloody danged time, wouldn’t you say!

According to Limbaugh, the plan doubles the wealth redistribution of the Earned Income Tax Credit, for citizens who pay absolutely no income taxes, (Karl Marx communist doctrine again) but eliminates the Alternative Minimum Tax.  Obamacare taxes for upper income earners are still in this tax program and that hurts big time.

It looks like health savings is out as well as deductions of medical expenses including nursing homes.  College is only for five years. No moving deductions for job relocations. No longer is there an alimony deduction, no deduction for tax preparing, the gift tax is unreadable and much more.

Paulsen says there will be broad support for this plan, but there is so much that will cost the middle class that I cannot in good conscience support it.

Leftists May Move to Red States

No longer will the democratically controlled states, like those in the northeast and west, and Midwest’s Illinois, be able to deduct their state and local income taxes from their federal income tax.  Neither will we in states without state income tax be able to deduct our yearly sales tax from our federal income tax.  Unfortunately, as we’ve seen in the past, liberal residents from Oregon and California, have moved to states like Washington, Idaho and Wyoming, and the demographics are changing from red states to blue states.  Liberals from DC and Virginia have moved to North Carolina and are creeping into South Carolina.

This tax plan may well encourage more of the same with democratically controlled high tax state residents moving to states like Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Texas, Washington, Wyoming, New Hampshire, and Tennessee who have no state income tax. The result could be turning more red states to blue.  Just what the left desires.

President Kennedy’s Tax Cuts

Back in 1963, right before his assassination, President Kennedy was pushing for massive tax cuts to bolster the economy.  After he died, President Johnson pushed it through by promising massive spending cuts.

The final legislation cut taxes for individuals by about 19%, lowering the top statutory rate from 91% to 70% over two years, and the bottom rate to 14% from 20%.  The corporate rate fell from 52% to 48%.

Current data shows that inflation adjusted Gross Domestic Product (GDP) increased 5.8% in 1964 after a 4.4% rise in 1963.  Growth improved to 6.5% in 1965 and 6.6% in 1966.  These were the three best back-to-back years for economic growth in the postwar era, and economists generally credit the Kennedy-Johnson tax cuts for much of it.

Back then we didn’t have job losses from rotten trade agreements…


President Trump’s goals are to bring relief to corporate America by lowering corporate tax rates to compete with other countries, thus greatly improving our economy and encouraging massive growth.  That’s fine, but the rest sucks big time, and does not bode well for the middle class.

Republicans have actually now tweaked the plan to reduce $81 billion more for individual tax breaks.

Trump’s tax plan numbers are far different than Kennedy’s were in the mid-1960s, but the exact same growth could occur with corporate tax cuts. I love the roll back of regulations by our President, but I also believe he has to massively cut spending.

Much of this plan hurts middle class taxpayers. Deductions that are necessary to our survival are being removed, and this is especially true for senior and elderly Americans.

Let Congress and the White House know how you feel. Do it!

Representatives (202)-224-3121

White House at (202)-456-1111

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

General John Kelly Vilified For Standing For Righteousness

White House Chief of Staff General John Kelly said he was stunned and left brokenhearted by a congresswoman’s criticism of President Trump’s call to the widow of an Army sergeant killed in Niger. General Kelly said the president had expressed his condolences in the best way that he could.

Left Constantly Smears the Honorable

Anyone who stands for freedom, honor, truth and righteousness in America today is reviled, denigrated, and denounced.  At the top of the list is our President, Donald J. Trump, and his Chief of Staff, General John Kelly.

President Trump’s empathy is well known.  Not only is he kind, but also extremely generous.  The left hates our president and those of us who voted for him.  The right hates him for many of the same reasons, but also because he’s not part of the cabal’s agenda.  Making America great again is repugnant to both Republican and Democrat New World Order goals.

As a result, the attacks on our president, and now his Chief of Staff, have become bitterly scathing. The enemies of freedom will do anything to sully the countenance and reputations of these good men, and keep them from succeeding.  But they can’t, because American patriots support them.

Laura Ingraham’s Fox News Debut

On October 30, Laura Ingraham debuted her show on Fox News.  Her first guest was General John Kelly.  She didn’t ask any hard questions, and like so many other Fox News hosts, she interrupted the guest’s answers…answers we wanted to hear.

I thought the General answered the softball questions perfectly. Ingraham asked about the pictures of George Washington and Robert E. Lee being removed from the very church Washington once attended.  The General stated that both George Washington and Robert E. Lee were honorable men, and that now we have a lack of appreciation for history and it should not be destroyed. He stated that Robert E. Lee gave up his country to fight for his state of Virginia, and back in those days it was always loyalty to state first.  He said the lack of ability to compromise led to the civil war and men and women of good faith on both sides made their stand where their conscience guided them.

Of course, the MSM refuses to give their audience any true historical documentation.  Both Washington, the Father of our Country, and Robert E. Lee were Christian men, honorable and courageous.

The NY Times attacked the General for stating American history should not be destroyed and even insinuated he was a racist, and of course the entire MSM attacked with the same inane reasoning.

Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL), called Kelly a “disgrace to the uniform” in an interview with The Washington Post, and then refused to apologize.

Ingraham also asked the General about Democrat Congresswoman, Frederica Wilson’s actions, and Kelly commented how it had affected him.

Congresswoman Attacks with Lies

Democrat Frederica Wilson has proven herself to be one of the leftist antagonists who has stooped to the lowest level in order to attack our president’s condolence call to the wife of La David Johnson.

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders called Wilson’s criticism “appalling and disgusting” and accused her of “politicizing” the issue. She said the call wasn’t recorded but other White House officials, including Chief of Staff General John Kelly, were present during the call.  (And from now on, I’d record those calls.)

American Soldiers Died in Niger

Yes, they died, and not because of our President, Donald J. Trump, they died because of Obama’s Islamic appeasement, something Frederica Wilson doesn’t want to face.  Staff Sgt. Bryan C. Black, 35, of Puyallup, Wash.; Staff Sgt. Jeremiah W. Johnson, 39, of Springboro, Ohio; Sgt. La David Johnson of Miami Gardens, Fla.; and Staff Sgt. Dustin M. Wright, 29, of Lyons, Ga. were killed in the attack by Islamists.

Congressman Frederica Wilson is calling the attack in Niger, “President Trump’s Benghazi,” but this attack again belongs strictly to the former President…Barack Hussein Obama.

President Trump did not have these soldiers in Niger without a direct combat role.  It was Obama’s idea to put American soldiers in harm’s way without going on the offensive, and he’s done the same thing in Iraq and Syria.  The soldiers were being deployed without a combat mission into war zones.

Here is the letter from the Obama White House which shows exactly what Obama had said, “The recently deployed forces have deployed with weapons for the purpose of providing their own force protection and security.”

They were supposed to be playing defense, not offense. The deaths in Niger also had deeper origins in Obama’s pro-Islamist policies and alliances.  Daniel Greenfield’s article on Niger and Obama exposes Obama’s leniency on the Islamists and his lack of care for American soldiers.

Greenfield spells it out perfectly:

If you want to look for the bullet that killed those men, look no further than Obama’s Cairo speech.

Their deaths should be a reminder that appeasing Islamists always ends in war and death. If the Democrats don’t want war and death, they should end their backing for Islamists and empower our soldiers to defend themselves.

Frederica Wilson’s Attack on Trump

Frederica Wilson was with Myeshia Johnson, one of her constituents, and the widow of Sgt. La David T. Johnson, when President Trump called Mrs. Johnson to express his condolences. Johnson was killed earlier this month during an attack in Africa.  Wilson said she heard the conversation on speakerphone.

The Congresswoman claimed that, during the call, Trump did not use the soldier’s name, and informed Johnson that her husband “knew what he signed up for … but when it happens, it hurts anyway.”  Her statement is hogwash, and Americans know it.  We have a president who is truly for the people, and one whose empathy outshines many of those who came before him.

General John Kelly clarified in his speech that calls are made to the widows to arrange convenient times for a condolence call from the President of the United States.  Few presidents choose to actually call widows, they write letters.  General Kelly told this to our president, but he chose to make personal calls.  The softness of our president’s heart to those who have experienced great loss is so evident in everything he does.

But this time, the wife called her democrat representative to be there when Trump made the condolence call, which makes me wonder, especially since Frederica Wilson has often voted against legislation that would help veterans and their families, including financial help, according to VoteSmart.org, a site that tracks voting records.

Specifically, she opposed a measure that would have given the families of four soldiers who were killed in Afghanistan in 2013 death and burial benefits.

She has also opposed measures to reform the embattled Department of Veterans Affairs.  And Wilson has voted against measures multiple times that would ensure veterans and their families would still receive benefits despite government shutdowns.

General Kelly Stunned at Wilson’s Comments

Chief of Staff John Kelly was horrified at the comments made by Congresswoman Wilson regarding the president’s condolence call to the wife of Sgt. La David Johnson of Florida.

How very sad that Mrs. Johnson felt she had to contact her liberal Democratic congresswoman to listen in on the prearranged condolence call from our president.

General Kelly was appalled at Congressman Wilson’s politicization of this tragedy and her attempt to damage our president’s reputation.  Few past presidents have taken the time to make sympathy calls to the spouses of soldiers who have given their lives, and as Kelly says, that is nothing against them, a letter is fine.

General Kelly’s Speech

Chief of Staff Kelly felt he had to respond to this attack. In his touching speech, he first explains what happens when a soldier is lost, and their final trip home.  Kelly mentions the movie, Taking Chance with Kevin Bacon, the true story of a 19-year-old soldier killed in Iraq and his final journey home.

Watch his entire amazing and heartrending speech.

When General Kelly came to work the day after the president’s condolence calls, he was stunned and heartbroken with what Congresswoman Frederica Wilson had done by listening to and then politicizing the call to Sgt. Johnson’s wife.

Kelly said he thought that at least the private phone call was sacred.  He said when he was a kid growing up, “a lot of things were sacred in our country.”

Women were sacred and looked up to with great honor, and that’s obviously not the case anymore.  Life, the dignity of life was sacred, that’s gone.  Religion, that seems to be gone as well.  Gold star families, I think that left in the convention over the summer.  But I just thought the selfless devotion that brings a man or woman to die on the battlefield, I just thought that that might be sacred.  And when I listened to this woman and what she was saying and what she was doing on TV, the only thing I could do to collect my thoughts was to go and walk among the finest men and women on this earth.  And you can always find them because they’re in Arlington National Cemetery.


The left will never concede that they lost the election, that Hillary Rodham Clinton was rejected by the American people.  Actions like those of Congresswoman Wilson are despicable, but are done to smear our president and his people.  President Trump’s choice of John Kelly as Chief of Staff is a perfect one, and we’re glad he is at our president’s side.  Ephesians 6:10-17

P.S. Folks, the real truth will never be heard from the main stream media.  NewsWithViews is where reality comes into your mailbox every morning.  The wonderful folks who write for this website do it because they love America and want her to be great again.  They do it simply for love of country without any remuneration.  To keep NWVs alive and well, we count on monthly donations.  Please help us.  You can send your donations here.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Mueller Indictment A Diversion From Clinton And DNC Corruption

All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near. — Sun TzuThe Art of War

“Never attempt to win by force what can be won by deception.”Niccolò MachiavelliThe Prince

Hatred of the Peoples’ President

Oh, what tangled webs we weave, when first we practice to deceive.  This quote so perfectly fits the establishment globalists in our federal government, (both left and right) who are so angry that their status quo was disrupted by the Constitutional election of an outsider via grassroots Americans and the electoral college.

The hatred and vitriol from the left and many of the phony Republicans against our President has reached a crescendo.  They so want our President to fail, and even more so, they want to be rid of him, and to return to their status quo globalist agenda.

The bogus and insane Russian collusion investigation has boomeranged back into the laps of the corrupt Democrats, FBI, Mueller, Rosenstein, McCabe, Comey, Obama and his DOJ, and of course, the Clintons.

Thus, America’s attention needs diverting and guess who is doing just that…former FBI Director Robert Mueller who is deeply entangled in the Clinton sale of 20% of America’s uranium to Russia.  Mueller’s indictments, probably on Paul Manafort first, are being done not only as a diversion, but also to protect Hillary and Mueller’s Democrat buddies.

FBI Director Mueller and Uranium Deal

According to Steve Byas of the New American Magazine, “In 2009, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton directed FBI Director Mueller to deliver a sample of Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU) to Russia. The uranium had reportedly been stolen. It seems particularly odd, considering that the FBI is not under the supervision of the State Department, and that the FBI director would personally make the transfer.

Assange released the controversial cable on May 17, the same day that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein tapped Mueller as an “independent” counsel to investigate any supposed Trump-Russian ties.”

What exactly was Mueller’s role in the deal between Russia and Uranium One, the company that Hillary’s husband, Bill Clinton, supported at the same time she was secretary of state? And why in hell is he in charge of an investigation into a false narrative of collusion between our President and Russia?  He should immediately be fired, along with all the Clinton and Democrat partisan attorneys he hired to take down our innocent President.

Desired Impeachment of President Trump

We all know about wealthy leftist Tom Steyer giving 10 million for national TV campaign ads toward the impeachment of our President.  Link  Many in the establishment are impatient to get the outsider out of office.

Roger Stone, four-decade friend of our President believes the establishment has a battle plan to take down the President via the 4th section of the 25th Amendment which makes presidential disability a political question.

In this nine-minute video, Stone explains what he believes the left plans for our President.

Most of us involved in watching politics understand that Vice President Mike Pence would love to be President.  Previous articles have exposed Pence as another globalist establishment player. Would he vote against Trump?  Many believe he would.

This entire scenario is technically possible, but I believe highly unlikely.  Yet an indictment of Paul Manafort could lead to impeachment.  Why?  Because the Democrat globalists promote false narratives, they outright lie, and the media advances their fabrications to protect them.

However, that section of the amendment has never been used before, and it would be tougher to remove a president that way than through an impeachment, constitutional law scholars contend.

“Fat chance,” said Hugh Spitzer, who teaches constitutional law at the University of Washington Law School. “Removal is probably not going to happen.”  Link

Do I believe this will happen?  Not at all.  I believe our President and those loyal to him know this is a false narrative.  Forewarned is forearmed, especially with so many in the Trump administration being left of center.


 What we have here is the Democrat party and their allies, Mueller et. al., bent on a false narrative of which there is no proof.  The main stream media, has been content to push the Russian collusion narrative. Even worse, we have a congress, including many Republicans, passing sanctions against the Russians to punish them for things that they can’t even prove the Russians did.

The truth of the real Democrat Russian collusion is now obvious.  We have only seen the tip of the iceberg.  The illicit and treasonous activities of the Clintons, the Democrats and their Republican cohorts should be exposed to the nation and every one of them should be indicted and tried for selling out America.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

The Rich Man, Lazarus And The NFL

It is the soldier, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the press.  It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech.  It is the soldier, not the campus organizer, who has given us the freedom to demonstrate.  It is the soldier who salutes the flag, who serves beneath the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag, who allows the protester to burn the flag.  Those who would disrespect our flag have never been handed a folded one. 

Lazarus and the Rich Man

Luke 16:19-31 contains the account of a very rich man, clothed in fine purple and linen, who lived a life of extreme luxury. He had everything, never lacking for any creature comforts.  Laying outside the gate of this rich man’s house, however, was an extremely poor man named Lazarus, full of sores, who simply hoped “to eat what fell from the rich man’s table.”  Even the dogs came and licked his sores.

The rich man was completely indifferent to the plight of Lazarus, showing him no love, sympathy, or compassion whatsoever. Eventually, they both died. Lazarus went to heaven, and the rich man went to hell.

Appealing to “Father Abraham” in heaven, the rich man requested that Lazarus be sent to cool his tongue with a drop of water to lessen his “agony in this fire.” The request was denied because there was a chasm between them which could not be crossed.  The rich man also asked Abraham to send Lazarus back to earth to warn his brothers to repent so that they would never join him in hell. Abraham told the rich man that if his brothers did not believe Moses and the prophets, neither would they believe a messenger, even if he came straight from heaven.

This Bible story echoes in my mind with the NFL kneelers who are wealthy beyond belief and who are destroying their own incomes, insulting the nation and her veterans, and slandering our law enforcement officers with their protests.  Undoubtedly if they were giving to their communities and helping youngsters understand the wonders of living in a country like America, where they could reach unbelievable goals, there would be no “taking a knee” during our anthem.  In my mind, the NFL represents the rich man. Our flag, national anthem, our police officers, and our veterans who fought for our freedoms, they are the Lazarus’s of today.

NFL Protests

Yes, I know, I’ve heard enough about the NFL kneelers too, and I’m sick of their actions being lauded as free speech.  The media will praise these protesters because leftist liberal public activism is always encouraged as a part of the media’s agenda. But act the part of a pious Christian, then you will be deemed “polarizing” and “simple,” and worse.

Ah, the media double standard. When an NFL player kneels in protest, it’s considered “unifying,” according to MSNBC. When Tim Tebow kneels in prayer, NBC calls it “polarizing.”

These NFL protesters are quick to mention why it’s their right to protest, the first amendment. They live in a free country that allows them to do this. The flag and national anthem they are disrespecting represents that freedom.  And the veterans and those who died in countless rotten wars to keep these freedoms are being disrespected by these NFL players…players who take home millions per year for running around on a field with a pigskin ball (actually it’s leather).  Our veterans deserve millions per year for their sacrifices, but they receive a pittance, and the NFL spits on them and the flag they fought for!

Recently a female police officer posted a meme on her Facebook page that called the NFL a bunch of rich, entitled, arrogant, ungrateful anti-American degenerates. You can guess what happened to her, even though her post was not done at work.  She has been forced to work for a week without pay. Link  Free speech is only for leftists who hate America, the rest of us are censored.

Hatred of Law Enforcement

Most of the NFL players cannot tell you the reasons they are kneeling in a nation which allows them to do so.  First, they claimed it was police brutality, then it was oppression of black people, even though 70% of the NFL players are black.  Now they claim they aren’t being disrespectful to the flag or anthem, that they kneel because they want to point out injustice in our country.  Huh?

Talk about injustice!  Gateway Pundit reported via The Daily Mail that Colin Kaepernick donated $25,000 to a charity that honors convicted cop killer Assata Shakur, member of the Black Liberation Army. He also wore a pair of socks to several 49ers games which pictured police officers as pigs.  Apparently, Kaepernick believes in funding a cop killer, so is this a residual holdover from Ferguson and Baltimore and these protesters are for killing law enforcement officers as was done in Dallas?

Look, I’d agree that there are a few bad apples in law enforcement, but there are bad apples in every organization and group, take a look at DC’s sewer rats.  The vast majority of officers in America would die to protect and serve all Americans, and they put their lives on the line for us every day when they don their uniforms, just as they did in Dallas.

And by the way, just how many of the NFL players have criminal records?  Could that fact fuel their protests against so-called injustice?

Arrest Records of NFL Kneelers

Failure to appear in court, driving without a license, driving with a suspended license, drunk driving, repeated DUI offenses, evading arrest and running from a scene, marijuana possession and violating probation, felony drug possession, assault and battery, and even murder, all are offenses committed by NFL players.  Link  And check this list of manslaughter, sexual assault, drug trafficking, securities fraud, counterfeiting, criminally negligent homicide, and first-degree murder.

Many of these players are the criminal dregs of society, they have had many brushes with the law, and yet they protest injustice in America. Their NFL managers have kept them out of prison in order to chase that ball and make the bucks, and we don’t hear about it, but let a man kneel to say a prayer on the field and the disparaging media commentary echoes from sea to shining sea.

Tim Tebow

Christian football players are scorned by the secular media, but loved by grassroots Americans.  Tebow is regarded by many as the greatest player in the history of college football. Tim was born in the Philippines to Baptist missionaries, and before his momma became pregnant with him, she had contracted amoebic dysentery. During her pregnancy, the medications used to treat the dysentery caused a severe placental abruption, a condition in which the placental lining separates from the uterus. The Tebows decided to carry the baby to term as abortion is against their faith.

Tim and his mother appeared in a pro-life commercial during Super Bowl XLIV (2010) which stirred national controversy.  Life is a gift from God, how sad it is that our nation has embraced killing the most innocent, our baby humans.

Tim’s Christian faith is evident in everything this young man has accomplished.  He was an airline passenger when a man suddenly had a heart attack and Tim immediately went to help.   He openly prayed for the man, comforted his wife, got her to the hospital and stayed with her, even after she was told her husband had died.  He was severely criticized for praying in public.  What has happened to our Christian culture which used to laud these Godly men who would help in times of trouble?

The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob fills the heart and guides the actions of this young man, and there is no doubt in the minds of the faithful that God is with him.  One of our favorite entertainers, Harry Connick, Jr., interviewed Tim when he told his John 3:16 story about a special day centered on that very verse.  So many people who watched the show thanked Harry for allowing Tim to tell the story on national TV.  It is God, not coincidence, just our awesome and amazing God.  Watch it, it’s only a few minutes, but you will love it!  Our Lord was saying, “Here’s one of my kids…”

Burgess Owens

Burgess Owens is a former Super Bowl champion who played 13 seasons in the National Football League for the New York Jets and Oakland Raiders.  He says the anthem protest is a result of liberal ideology that destroyed the black family. Link  He appears often on Fox News programs and this man loves God, his family and his country.

Burgess makes it absolutely clear why he will always stand for America.

  • I Stand-in gratitude to an eight-year-old boy, my great-great grandfather, who remained hopeful, tenacious and faithful as he grew to proudly serve his family, community and country.
  • I Stand– in gratitude to a grandfather who at the age of 15 years old, volunteered to serve in WWI. As a successful farmer, he raised 12 children who would all earn college degrees and taste of the mid-1900’s American dream.
  • I Stand– in gratitude to a father who succeeded in the day of institutional racism in the arenas of academia, as a researcher, an entrepreneur, a dedicated father and husband and a pillar of his community. He once recounted that his greatest life decision was volunteering and returning home as a proud WWII veteran.
  • I Stand- in gratitude for the proud, successful, entrepreneurial and segregated Tallahassee, Florida, community where I grew up. The people of that community were determined that they would never be looked down upon or pitied as a race of victims.
  • I Stand-as an example for the millions of black youth who have not been taught to love God, country, family and themselves by the liberal Leftist overseers who have controlled the urban community for the last 60 years.
  • I Stand-against the sanitizing of our history.  The Left has already done so within the black community, resulting in the lack of gratitude seen on today’s NFL sidelines.
  • I Stand– as a voice to the NFL corporation leadership…it’s time to Stand Up, Man-Up and defend our country and culture. This will only occur when patriotism is valued over popularity, profit and politics.


Lazarus and the Rich Man… that’s what I see here, and sadly the rich men of the NFL still don’t understand why grassroots Americans are turning them off.

We’ve had wonderful Christian NFL players like Tim Tebow and Burgess Owens, and yes, Tennessee’s own Peyton Manning, who actually replaced a winning Tebow with the Denver Broncos.  These are honorable men, men who count faith first.

Maybe if another league hires antagonist Kaepernick, the protests will stop for this year.  Will the fans forget about it?  Maybe not this year, but yes, eventually most will go back to watching these spoiled millionaire brats.  Football is the national pastime, and these players have destroyed the enjoyment of so many fans.

Protesting is an American right, but do it on your own time, not while you’re at work.  The NFL owners are feeling the resentment of the fans.  Personally, I’d like to see the backlash from fans take a chunk out of the players’ checks.  Only then might they consider their actions a mistake.  It’s just too bad the kneelers weren’t raised like Tim, Burgess and Peyton.

P.S.  NewsWithViews has some of the finest researchers and writers on the web, we honestly work to bring you the truth of what is happening in our beloved America.  We do it, not for gain, but to save our country.  The owner and CEO of NWVs, Paul Walter, works tirelessly to bring the truth to Americans.  None of this is cheap, it costs, in time, and money, and is a labor of love for the USA.  Please help us keep NWVs alive and well by donating each month.  Thank you for any and all donations.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Former FBI Agent John Guandolo Cuts Through Las Vegas Disinformation

In the United States, there exists a massive Jihadi support network led by the Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas [a Palestinian movement deemed by the U.S. as a terrorist group] and used by jihadis raised here in America, or those who come in from overseas. According to evidence in numerous federal terrorism trials, the largest Islamic organizations in America are fronts for jihad and controlled by the Brotherhood. —John Guandolo

Understanding The Threat

The internet is rife with inane theories regarding the Las Vegas massacre which resulted in 58 dead and over 500 wounded.  After only a few weeks, the media has all but dropped the story, and our government assures us this attack had nothing to do with Islamic terrorism.

The truth about the Mandalay massacre comes from Islamic expert, John Guandolo, President and Founder of Understanding the Threat (UTT).

Guandolo is a US Naval Academy graduate, served as an Infantry/Reconnaissance officer in the United States Marines and is a combat veteran. He was a combat diver, military free-fall parachutist, and a graduate of the U.S. Army Ranger School. Mr. Guandolo served as a Special Agent in the FBI from 1996-2008, and was recruited out of the FBI by the Department of Defense to conduct strategic analysis of the Islamic threat.  Here is his impressive and full curriculum vitae.

John is also the co-author of Shariah – The Threat to America, the first comprehensive book on the enemy threat doctrine, and the author of Raising a Jihadi Generation (September 2013) which details the Muslim Brotherhood’s jihadi support network inside the United States, a book every American needs to read.  There are few genuine experts who understand the Islamic threat; John Guandolo is one of them.

The UTT staff also includes Chris Gaubatz who infiltrated the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).  His amazing story is told in the book, Muslim Mafia.

And this month, Billy Vaughn, Gold Star father of fallen Navy SEAL Team VI Special Warfare Operations Chief Aaron Carson Vaughn joins UTT.  Billy’s book Betrayed, is the shocking true story of Extortion 17.  In this video, Billy states that UTT is the only organization in America giving law enforcement officials, leaders, and citizens tools to identify, map out, and dismantle the jihadi networks across the United States.

The Truth of the Mandalay Bay Massacre

Las Vegas law enforcement and the FBI still can’t find a motive for Steven Paddock’s slaughter.  Yet, in my short interview with John Guandolo, he clarified why the conclusion must be that the Islamic State is responsible.

  • Last spring, the Islamic State identified Las Vegas as a target by using video imagery of blood over the city.
  • Then in September, they issued another threat against Las Vegas.
  • They reaffirmed the target shortly before the attack and told Muslims to stay away from large events where there were thousands of non-Muslims.
  • On Monday after the attack, ISIS claimed responsibility.
  • Later Monday ISIS issued another statement claiming Steven Paddock was a soldier of the Caliphate and a martyr for the cause.
  • On Tuesday morning ISIS issued a third message again confirming they were responsible for the Vegas attack.
  • On Thursday, October 5th, after four major releases, including an on-line graphic only used for ISIS operations, they released a video showing a blood smear over the Mandalay Bay Hotel. They claimed Paddock had been converted six months earlier.
  • ISIS has claimed dozens and dozens of attacks and all have been true.

There is no validity or proof that there were shots fired at other casinos, this is internet fake news.

How Many Shooters

Mr. Guandolo said the authorities should be looking closely at Brian Hodge who stated he was in the room next door to Paddock.

Hodge, who is originally from Wagga Wagga, South Wales, Australia, but has lived in Los Angeles for the past eight years, described seeing the SWAT team storm the hotel. He also claimed the entire floor he was staying on was a “crime scene” with “multiple shooters” firing weapons out of the windows.

He also claimed on twitter that he was in the room “next to Paddock” in 32134 at the Mandalay Bay.  Yet, evidence reveals Paddock was firing from rooms 32135 and 32134.  Hodge also told Australian media outlets he was on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay when the attack was in progress, and then fled to bushes near the hotel where he remained for 3 1/2 hours.

The story he told the media is strange and inconsistent with the facts.  See/hear his interviews here and here.  Yet, Brian Hodge has not been interviewed by the FBI or the Las Vegas Sheriff’s Office.

Mr. Guandolo said UTT had studied the statements of Hodge, and there were too many discrepancies.  He possibly could be the other shooter, and should be looked at closely, which unfortunately, is not happening.

Paddock’s Girlfriend, Marilou Danley

Steven Paddock’s girlfriend retained a criminal defense lawyer upon her return to the United States from the Philippines.  Marilou Danley, 62, is being represented by attorney Matthew Lombard of Lombard Law.

Lombard, a criminal defense attorney for more than 12 years, operates his own firm out of Los Angeles, California. Lombard worked on the defense for Terry Nichols, an accomplice in the 1994 Oklahoma City bombing, according to his professional biography.

According to John Guandolo, both Marilou Danley and Brian Hodge should be run to ground and questioned over and over again by the FBI and local law enforcement.  Guandolo believes Marilou Danley knows more than she’s telling.

Subverting the Truth

Could the investigation into this horror become more bizarre and unprofessional?  The public suspects a coverup, and the preponderance of evidence points to ISIS.

Guandolo’s experience gives him insight into the truth.  In 1998, Guandolo was with the FBI investigating the Nairobi bombing of the US Embassy.  He also worked 9/11 and related al Qaeda cases out of the bureau’s Washington field office.  And, after 9/11, John began an assignment to the Counterterrorism Division of the FBI’s Washington Field Office developing an expertise in the Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic Doctrine, the global Islamic Movement, and terrorist organizations including Hamas, Al Qaeda, and others.

John was designated a “Subject Matter Expert” in 2006 by FBI Headquarters and created and implemented the FBI’s first Counterterrorism Training Program focused on the Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic Doctrine, and the global Islamic Movement.  He knows the workings of the Department of Justice, especially the FBI.

Quandolo stated, “The way the FBI is postured is that Las Vegas is not the Islamic State, and they’ve been wrong all the way back to Ft. Hood.”  He said the FBI always failed; they don’t understand the threat.

One of John’s colleagues asked another FBI agent just how many understand the Islamic threat.  The answer was, “Probably ten out of 14,000 agents, and half are not even in the counterterrorism unit.  There are none in leadership who understand.”

Jihadi Infiltration

The primary Islamic advisors regarding the Islamic threat who are inside the White House, State Department, CIA, FBI, DHS, national security staffs, and others are Muslim Brotherhood (MB) operatives or Muslims ideologically aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood. John clarified that the average FBI agent hasn’t any training in how to question Islamic suspects using sharia which Muslims would understand.  The hired Islamists within the DOJ are ones who do the translating.

When valid information on Islamic terrorism is put out by anyone inside the DOJ, NSA, or DHS, it is either shredded or the person is fired.  The entire Muslim Brotherhood network led by the likes of The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), CAIR, Muslim American Society (MAS), and the US Council of Muslim Organizations (USCMO) are the first to complain if anyone in US intelligence should utter the truth of Islam or stealth jihad.

See Something, Say Nothing, is the tell-all book by Philip Haney, a former Homeland Security Officer, who exposed the government’s submission to jihad, especially under President Obama. The DHS ordered Haney to scrub records of Muslims with terror ties.

Enemies Within

I asked John if there was anyone left in the Trump administration who knew the real threat of Islam, and he said, “Other than the President, no one.”  They’ve been fired or have quit.

There are three military men within the Trump administration, and unfortunately none of them really understand the Islamic threat.  Lt. Gen. McMaster of the NSA is the one most loved by the Islamists and leftist Democrats and Republicans like John McCain.

Guandolo warned us that Lt. Gen. McMaster is in the enemy camp.  McMaster had even demanded that President Trump refrain from telling the truth about Islamic terrorism.  McMaster targeted and terminated the Trump loyalists in the National Security Council (NSC) who were hired by General Flynn because they knew the Islamic enemy, and were loyal to the MAGA agenda, they included Cohen Watnik, Rich Higgins, Derek Harvey, and Victoria Coates.  The latter is still in the White House but no longer in the NSC. She is truly another superstar.

Worthy to mention is General Kelly’s statement about the budget where he told the Senate, as he defended President Trump’s new budget, that the budget cuts some anti-terror grant funding for localities.

Really?  They want to cut funds after all the attacks, including Orlando and Las Vegas???

America, the Paper Tiger

Twelve years ago, Muhammad Khalil al-Hakaymah wrote The Myth of Delusion, Exposing the American Intelligence.  It is an al-Qaeda document released on the Internet and distributed via a jihadi email list.  It is a long treatise exposing America as a paper tiger, and the CIA, FBI, DOJ as useless.  John Guandolo says they nailed us!  UTT’s website lists a number of important jihadi writings under Research and Resources.


According to Guandolo, America fails to win the war on terror because the U.S. government takes advice from the enemy:

“When we can demonstrate that one hundred percent of the advisors—Islamic advisors at the Pentagon, the White House, the FBI, the CIA—are Muslim Brothers or…part of the Muslim sisterhood, but primarily Muslim Brothers, and those are the people that we’ve relied on to advise us on how to fight the war, both overseas and domestically our counterterrorism strategy, that would explain why we’re getting thrown all over the map and why we’ve been getting…the floor mopped up with us for the last 15 years.”

It would be impossible for me to relate all the information within a 35-minute interview that is spelled out so thoroughly on Guadolo’s website, Understanding the Threat.  I would hope that my readers spend afternoons absorbing the information on this amazing site.

Guandolo’s FBI joint terrorism training in 2006 laid out what sharia and the Islamic network is about.  He now has a three-day program for law enforcement, military and intelligence professionals that is a fact-based analysis of jihadi operations, their doctrine, and the significant jihadi network that exists in the U.S. today.

Those who attend will understand the broad scope of the threat, how it directly affects them in their daily duties, and how they can combat this threat at the local level.

I would urge all my readers to contact their local county sheriffs and speak to them about John Guandolo’s presentation, and urge them to contact John for training.

There are many threats in America today, but by far Islam is at the top of the list. Infiltration has kept our government from ignoring the threat.  It is up to us, the American citizens who wish to keep our culture free of Islamic domination to fund those who are leading the charge against Islam.

Please help John by funding his efforts.  Click here and then on donate.  It takes you to Americans for America (A4A), a 501(c)3 group that partners with Guandolo.  If you donate through A4A to Understanding the Threat, it is a tax-deductible donation, and a donation that will help to save America, her culture, her Constitution, and her freedoms.  Please help!

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

President Trump Warns North Korea’s Rocket Man

A communist is like a crocodile: when it opens its mouth, you cannot tell whether it is trying to smile or preparing to eat you up.  —Winston Churchill

Flattery won’t tame a raging dragon.  —Brett Decker, author of Bowing to Beijing

Fat Little Rocket Man

Rocket Man has been a thorn in our President’s side and a worry to many nations.  Both South Korea and Japan (a change to Japan’s Constitution is required) should attain nuclear weapons in order to dissuade the fat little dictator.

One day after Tillerson stated that he was trying to open the door for talks with North Korea while on a trip to China, Trump disputed his efforts, tweeting, “I told Rex Tillerson, our wonderful Secretary of State, that he is wasting his time trying to negotiate with Little Rocket Man.”

Decades of talks got the USA and the UN nowhere with N Korea, and decades of blood curdling threats against both the South Koreans and USA by Pyongyang were dismissed and ignored by the previous administrations.  Now Kim Jong un is making these threats too difficult to ignore. North Korea should have been handled years ago by previous administrations.

President Trump inherited this disaster due to the utter spinelessness, stupidity and culpability of Democrat presidents Clinton and Obama.  It was Clinton who empowered N Korea and it was Obama who ignored N Korea while sanctioning Iran to go nuclear by helping them with the treasonous sum of $150 billion and $400 million in cash.

The little fat dictator, Kim Jong un, marches his missiles through the streets of Pyongyang, proud of his military prowess, but oblivious of his starving people.

The fear has always been communist China’s support of N Korea, just as it was in 1950.

The Korean War

The Korean War was 67 years ago.  Korea was ruled by Japan until the Soviet Union liberated the North just weeks before the end of World War II and the region was split into two.  Korea was divided, the North went to Russia, the South to America.

In 1950, Kim II sung, the leader of North Korea, sent his powerful army into South Korea and the United States had to take a stand against Communist aggression.  Truman ordered American naval and air forces to support S Korean ground troops, and asked the UN to approve the use of force to stop the North Korean invasion.

The UN responded quickly to impose military sanctions. The U.S. and 19 other nations committed troops to the area.  Despite heavy losses, the US and combined forces began to win because of MacArthur’s surprise tactics.

Joint Chiefs Chairman Omar Bradley said that “large-scale amphibious operations will never happen again,” but MacArthur organized one of the largest and most successful amphibious attacks in American military history.  He deployed a huge task force of more than 300 ships carrying nearly 70,000 men to carry out a surprise attack on the port of Inchon, far to the north of the Pusan battle zone.

MacArthur’s gambit to open up a huge new offensive hundreds of miles behind enemy lines caught the North Koreans totally by surprise. The massive invasion force quickly overwhelmed the light defenses left in place by the communists at Inchon.  MacArthur wanted to continue into N Korea and rid them of communism.

Freeing North Korea

The turning point in the Korean War was the decision made to cross the 38th Parallel (the dividing line between North and South) and pursue the retreating enemy into North Korea. At President Truman’s direction, the National Security Council (NSC) staff had studied the question and recommended against crossing the 38th because ejecting the North Koreans from South Korea was a sufficient victory. To this, the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) objected.

MacArthur, they argued, must destroy the North Korean army to prevent a renewal of the aggression. On 11 September—four days before the Inchon Landing—Truman adopted the arguments of the JCS. Truman changed the national objective from saving South Korea to unifying the peninsula. After the UN Assembly passed a resolution on 7 October 1950 calling for unification of Korea, MacArthur was free to send forces into North Korea.  The worry was that China would enter the war and help N Korea, and they did.

Truman ordered MacArthur to Yalu, which is the river running between the border of China and N Korea.  But, in November and December 1950, hundreds of thousands of Chinese troops crossed into North Korea, they had been waiting in hiding.  The field commander captured a few of them and thought there was little resistance.  However, on 27 November 1950, the Chinese 9th Army surprised the US X Corps commanded by Major General Edward Almond at the Chosin Reservoir area. A brutal 17-day battle in freezing weather soon followed.

The Chinese flung themselves against the American lines, driving the U.S. troops back into South Korea. MacArthur said the Chinese attacked and should be rebuffed, but the JCS said that would be getting us into WWIII.

Death at Chosin Reservoir

The battle of the Chosin Reservoir pitted 15,000 allied ground troops against 120,000 Chinese infantrymen. The ten Chinese divisions, along with North Korean forces, were on a mission: wipe out the Marines, the Army, and all of the allies.  They nearly did.

The weather was 48 degrees below zero, and Americans were running out of food and ammunition as well as medical supplies.

The order finally came to withdraw to the south. But, it was crucial that planes could land and take the most severely wounded out of the battle zone, and the cold was beyond bitter.

“It was looking pretty bleak, because the planes couldn’t fly and the Chinese were closing in,” offers Clyde Queen who said they could hear the screams of the wounded in the night, not knowing which side was screaming.

“One night a cloud opened up and a Marine looked up in the sky and he yelled, ‘Look, a star. A star.’ Then we knew that the planes would fly. We knew that they would be getting out of there. Some Marines think that star was placed there by God as a sign, ‘Don’t give up hope. I haven’t forsaken you.'”

More than 4,000 allied casualties were evacuated from the air strip as the C-119’s dropped rations and ammunition. But, the fight was not over. The remaining troops still had to make their way south to evacuate by ship, and many froze to death getting there.

Historians consider the battle of the Chosin Reservoir to be the single most savage battle of modern warfare. And for the chosen few who lived through it, it was an experience they will never forget.  The Arctic cold killed many of them, but they fought on.

MacArthur’s Request

MacArthur then asked for permission to bomb communist China bases north of the Yalu and use Nationalist Chinese forces from Taiwan against the People’s Republic of China. Fearing a widening of the war and possible entry of the Soviet Union, Truman flatly refused these requests.

Years after the war, we found out that Stalin wanted no involvement and said Russia was not getting into WWIII over Korea, although he provided material and medical services, as well as Soviet pilots and aircraft, most notably MiG 15 fighter jets, and required Mao Zedong to pay for them.

MacArthur was ordered to organize a phased and orderly retreat. On December 29, Truman administration officials informed MacArthur that the United States had abandoned the goal of reunifying Korea, and would seek negotiations.

The JCS limited his reinforcements to replacements, shifted the priority of military production to strengthening NATO forces, and wrote a new directive for MacArthur requiring him to defend in Korea as far to the north as possible.  He was outraged at the thought of going on the strategic defensive and fought against his new directive with all his might. Nevertheless, on 12 January 1951, the JCS sent him the final version of the directive, and the UN coalition had a new war aim designed to bring about a negotiated settlement.  Negotiations for a cease fire took two years while the war raged on until 1953.  The Chinese kept up the attacks, and the loss of American and allied lives kept rising.

Truman’s Sell Out

MacArthur was infuriated at what he considered the Truman administration’s sell-out of Korea.  He proposed his own plan for victory. He wanted a complete blockade of the Communist Chinese coastline. He wanted to bomb industrial sites and other strategic targets within China. He wanted to bring Nationalist Chinese troops from Formosa to fight in Korea. Finally, he wanted the Nationalists to invade weak positions on the Communist Chinese mainland.

Congressman Joseph W. Martin of Massachusetts had written to MacArthur asking for comment on Martin’s thesis that Nationalist Chinese forces “might be employed in a second Asiatic front to relieve the pressure on our forces in Korea.”

MacArthur replied that his own view followed “the conventional pattern of meeting force with counter-force,” that Martin’s suggestion on the use of Chiang Kai-shek’s forces was in consonance with this pattern, and that “there was no substitute for victory.”

Cong. Martin wrote back to him in full agreement.  Here is his letter.

However, Truman and the top military leaders in Washington quickly rejected MacArthur’s victory plan. MacArthur criticized the “politicians in Washington” for refusing to allow him to bomb Chinese bases north of the Yalu River. He did all this in spite of an order from his superiors in Washington not to make any public statements on foreign or military policy without first getting approval from the Department of State or Defense. MacArthur was on a collision course with his commander in chief. Truman was a Democrat and MacArthur a strong conservative Republican.  Back then, we had true constitutional conservatives.

After General MacArthur publicly disagreed with President Truman about whether or not to bomb China, he was fired. Truman believed that bombing China would have led to a much bigger war.

Today, we see countless members of Trump’s administration disagreeing publicly with his policies, yet they remain employed.


Five million soldiers and civilians lost their lives during the war. The Korean peninsula is still divided today.  We know this only too well with the likes of Kim Jong un running the communist North.

Today we are paying the price with an out-of-control dictator in N Korea and a Chinese military built by American free-trade dollars.

Democrat President Truman stopped Republican General MacArthur from ending Chinese communism and warning the Russians.

Now President Trump is left with this mess in Korea.  Had it been finished in the 1950s, we wouldn’t have a communist China with a US built military who could destroy us, neither would we have a communist N Korean dictator.

“We will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea,” Trump said. “If the righteous many don’t confront the wicked few, then evil will triumph,” he added, before repeating a nickname he gave Kim on Twitter. “Rocket Man is on a suicide mission for himself.”

However, our President will have to negotiate with China’s Xi Jinping and Rocket Man and therein lies the danger.  This time victory would not be as easy.

“Communism is not love.  Communism is a hammer which we use to crush the enemy.”  Mao Zedong

P.S.  Communism has infiltrated our country and it happened long ago.  Joe McCarthy was absolutely right, and so was Khrushchev when he told us the communists would overtake America and never fire a shot.  One needs only watch CNN and the mainstream networks to see communists at work.  CNN’s Van Jones states openly that he’s a communist, as does former University of Chicago professor and Weather Underground leader, Bill Ayers.  The CEO and publisher of NWVs escaped from communism in his youth, and this is why he works so very hard to bring the truth to Americans through his website.  We’re all fighting to save our beloved America.  Please, Please help us with monthly donations, every penny is so appreciated.  Thank you!

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Communist ANTIFA Promotes Extreme Violence

I’ve made my life’s mission to destroy the United States.  I hate this country and I hate all of the people in it.  —George Soros, Newsweek 1979

In short, the Communists everywhere support every revolutionary movement against the existing social and political order of things. They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions. —Friedrich Engels The Communist Manifesto

Who Are Antifa?

Antifa stands for Anti-Fascist.  The concept came from Communist Leon Trotsky, who used small bands of militants to intimidate opposition.  Trotsky used these people before the Bolshevik Revolution to shout down his opponents.  It has been used in Europe in the 80s and 90s as well. It is now being used in America.

They are a Soros-backedviolent domestic terrorist group who attacked peaceful protesters in Berkeley and Charlottesville.  CNN loves them.  And the Department of Homeland Security has officially called Antifa, “Domestic Terrorist Violence.”

And let me ask this one big question…if they are so bloody happy with their cause and so righteous, then why the hell are they hiding their faces?  Take those damned handkerchiefs off your faces and let’s see who the hell you really are…a bunch of loser brainwashed fools who have been propagandized by the commie left and are destroying the very freedoms that allow you to do what you’re doing.  Can you say violent idiots?

These groups are not about opposing real Nazis, their definition of fascism is basically the American free-enterprise system.  So, when they say they’re anti-Fascist, they’re really saying they are fully anti-American, anti-American nationalism, anti-free enterprise, and anti-Constitution, and this is why they’ve gone into overdrive since the election of President Trump.  Their real goal is the destruction of the America system and the destruction of all American freedoms.  They are totalitarian communists, and that’s why in certain cities they work very closely with the Democratic party.

Antifa believes that anyone who stands up against any form of Communism is fascist, and these people believe in government control of everything.  It comes originally from Stalin, Lenin, Trotsky.  Antifa are the black shirts, just as the Nazis were the brown shirts, they are the thugs that the mainstream leftwing parties don’t want to be seen doing, but fully endorse.

The Raised Fist of Antifa – Communism

Baltimore, Ferguson, Treyvon Martin and the clenched fist from teens to infamous agitators, all prominently displayed the clenched-fist salute.  Antifa, BlackLivesMatter (BLM), Hands Up, Don’t Shoot, the Black Panther Party, Black Lawyers for Justice, etc. ad nauseam, all use the clenched fist of communism.  The Communist Hammer and Sickle symbol represents them.

Black protesters with their clenched fists raised in the air were photographed and displayed on the cover of Revolution, the official newspaper of the Revolutionary Communist Party. Elaborating about the many “great things that are happening” in the Communist Party USA, party chairman John Bachtell told Gawker.com in an interview, posted on August 15, 2015, “Black Lives Matter has played an important role.”  And we’ve seen those clenched fists by NFL players as well.

At War with Freedom

Antifa is at war with our government.  They claim to fight fascism, but they are probably the most fascist organism in the United States.  They want to be in control, they want to overturn the election of our President, and they promise to do it with violence.  They believe that true conservative Constitutionalists need to be stopped by any means necessary.

Antifa members are not freedom fighters pushing for less government, they’re brainwashed communists who are trying to kill people.  Their targets include anyone who loves America, loves the Constitution, and loves President Trump.

Corporate America is hell-bent on seeing our Republic transformed into a socialist oligarchy, run by massively wealthy oligarchs like Soros.  And this is why the protesting NFL Players Association (NFLPA), the Ford Foundation, the Kellogg Foundation, the Services Employees International Union (SEIU), and various other organizations have been discovered funneling money to George Soros and other far-left fundraisers who promote these violent communist groups.

The Black Bloc

Trevor Loudon tells that Antifa is a reincarnation of the anti-Iraq war radicals of 2003, who rampaged through San Francisco’s financial district destroying property.  Then they morphed into the Occupy Wall street movement in 2011.  With every change they have become more violent and destructive.  They resurfaced as Antifa after America elected Donald J. Trump and are even more savage in assaulting all those who oppose them.

Numerous reports have surfaced that police are not intervening in incidents of violence.  The media is refusing to report what these groups are doing and condemning the destruction and barbarity.  Almost all extreme violence has occurred in cities where Democratic control has reined in police intervention.

Antifa in Europe

Yes, Antifa has been active in Europe a lot longer than in America…as mentioned, their increase in America started with the election of our President, who this radical leftist group despises.  But Europe, Germany, France, England and other nations have had radicals attacking those who espouse any conservative ideology for a long time.  They will break into homes, smash everything in sight and actually kill people or harm their children.

In America, Antifa is gearing up for insurrection, and the primary target may be America’s already beleaguered police force.  They believe police are oppressors. Link

This is no laughing matter folks, it is dangerous and their desire is to destroy any free enterprise society, and that includes our history.  They come from the anarchist movement, they are anti-authoritarian, and today they have morphed into totalitarian communists. They are so stupid and so brainwashed, and should they succeed, these fools don’t realize that their desired society would not allow them to demonstrate or march, much less even exist.

The Weather Underground

Leaders of the radical American student group the Weathermen, (left to right) Jim Mellen, Peter Clapp, John Jacobs, Bill Ayers, and Terry Robbins, march in 1969 at the van of a group of demonstrators during the ‘Days of Rage’ actions organized by the Weathermen to protest the trial of the Chicago Seven and “to bring the war home.” (David Fenton, Getty Images)

Remember them?  Maybe not, but they were the communists of the day.  The Chicago Seven were charged by the federal government with conspiracy, inciting to riot, and other charges related to anti-Vietnam War and countercultural protests that took place in Chicago, Illinois on the occasion of the 1968 Democratic National Convention.  I remember it well because I was there.

Wanted pictures of Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn and a dozen others were hung prominently in every post office in the United States.  Ayers was the leader of the domestic terrorist group in the 60s and 70s.  He said, “Kill all the rich people, bring the revolution home.  Kill your parents.”  And, he participated in the bombings of New York City Police Headquarters in 1970, the Capitol building in 1971, and the Pentagon in 1972.  Ayers told Larry Grathwold, an FBI informant in Weather Underground, that “fellow Weather Underground member and future wife Bernadine Dohrn set the bomb that killed San Francisco Park Police Sergeant Brian McDonnell in 1970.”

Communists Ayers and his wife Bernardine Dohrn were not opposed to the war, only to a U.S. victory.  Of course, Ayers never served time and ended up brainwashing young minds at the University of Chicago. Link  He now claims he’s a communist with a little “c” whatever that means.

These Soros backed communist groups, especially Antifa are now the new domestic terrorists out to destroy America and her Constitution.  The domestic terrorists of the 60s and 70s are now tied to the Democratic party in some of the highest levels, the Congress, Wall Street, universities and colleges, and their communist ideologies are funded by those with a great deal of money.

Antifa’s Goals

Like Cloward Piven, Antifa wishes to create enough chaos and bloodshed in the streets, and make people lose faith in their government, choas is the number one use of the Marxists. The media is complicit because they call conservatives Nazis, and Republicans are of course bigots and anti-Semites, white nationalists, white supremacists, with no basis in fact.  The snowflakes on college campuses can’t bear to hear something opposite of what their communist and anti-Semitic teachers and media are spoon feeding them on a daily basis.

Free speech is anathema to them.  They will shout down anyone with an opposing viewpoint, never listening, never learning, never opening their minds to truth… propaganda and brainwashing have succeeded well.

Yes, they want to kill us, they want all conservatives who voted for Trump … dead.

Antifa Infiltrated

Steven Crowder of PJ Media infiltrated Antifa, and what he found out will make your blood run cold.  The following eleven minute video shows the reality of Antifa and the crimes they wish to commit.

The investigation was launched ahead of a speaking engagement by Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief Ben Shapiro at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City.  [Link]

Crowder said his team has been “infiltrating this organization for a long time.” Jared, who infiltrated, filmed several members of Antifa and pressed them for information on what they were planning ahead of Shapiro’s speech.

They admitted that they were considering using various weapons against those who opposed them, including an “assault weapon,” a “sawed-off shotgun,” and a “regular rifle.”

That’s the moment in the video that they handed Jared an ice pick and directed him to the nearest military supply store to buy a “Ka-Bar,” which is a large combat knife.

Throughout the video, many of the group’s “tactics” are revealed.  One of the group members even boasts about the arsenal of weapons he has in his vehicle, “in case the s**t hits the fan.”

The most horrifying part of the entire video was the fact that news media would not take the footage despite police being there to corroborate the validity of the content. All-in-all, it appears Antifa is getting protection from the silence of the MSM, not to mention the endorsements.

Crowder concludes the narrated video by zeroing in on the media and their lack of response to their filmed footage. According to Crowder, not one outlet was interested in the tape, a tape that proved what Antifa was planning.


Antifa is an insurgent domestic terrorist organization working against the Constitution.  They plan violent destruction of more historic statues on Columbus Day and riot throughout the country. Link

One must remember that after the Nazis destroyed Antifa and the Communist party in the 40s, it didn’t matter to the Antifa folks. Why?  Because 55% of the former brown shirt ranks were former communists or socialists.  According to Trevor Loudon, they called them “beefsteak” Nazis, brown on the outside and red on the inside.

Many of the leftwing Antifa militants simply switched sides to the Nazis because they have the same exact plan.  The goals were the same, and if they couldn’t beat them, they joined them.

American citizens need to be vigilant, and learn the ways to defeat them.

P.S.  So much is happening in our country and the NewsWithViews journalists are doing the research to bring you the truth.  This website has a huge outreach, but it costs quite a lot to keep it going.  Please help us in any way you can.  You can donate here.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

The Amazing Empathy Of Our President Trump And First Lady

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” — Leo Buscaglia

Our President has stood with the great, and he never brags about it or counts it as glory.  He is kind and gentlemanly and open and honorable in representing our country, and foreign dignitaries and leaders appreciate and like him.

Sitting with the Broken

But when he sits with the broken, he’s the upstanding and noble President we elected, and he’s done it over and over and over and over again in just this first year of his presidency.  He doesn’t go play golf, he doesn’t give a speech, he gets on Air Force One with his wife and a few others and he goes to where the pain has occurred.  He went to Texas after Harvey, he went to Florida after Irma, he went to Puerto Rico after Maria, and he’s now gone to Las Vegas after the horrific and evil murderous actions against grassroots Americans, many of whom probably voted for him.

Texas, Florida, and Puerto Rico

In Houston, Texas, people who never thought of voting for him fell in love with the man who came to help them, to show them that he cared, and to allow them to touch him and take multiple pictures with him.

They now know what kind of man he is.  The same thing happened in Florida.  He passed out food, allowed pictures to be taken and mingled with the people as though he’d known them all his life.  The empathy of this President is something I’ve not seen for a long, long time.  And it’s real, it’s not fake glory for the cameras, it’s a heartfelt desire to make things better for people who are suffering.

Puerto Rico is terribly devastated.  It needs to be rebuilt from the ground up, electric, gas, stores, homes, water, everything was destroyed.  It takes a long time to totally rebuild an island, and the filthy leftist commie rags of the MSM are berating our President for not doing it in a New York second.  I’d like to see them down there actually helping rather than criticizing.  FEMA has partnered with private volunteers and we even have national guard there helping.  They are literally carrying 100-pound backpacks of survival gear into areas that trucks cannot reach. And yet, this filthy media who hates our President says he’s not doing enough.

Well, let me tell you, he was there in Louisiana last year when Obama kept playing golf and Hillary kept sleeping.  Think about that.

The tax dollars of Americans are going to all these areas to help them recover.  We have not had hurricanes for 12 years, and this year has been horrendous.  To hear Hollywood or the media tell it, you would think Trump actually caused these devastations.  Their inane comments have convinced Americans to never watch their movies or media garbage again.

Multi-millionaire Jennifer Lawrence suggested the devastating hurricanes in Texas and Irma in Florida were signs of “Mother Nature’s rage and wrath” at America for electing Donald Trump and not believing in man-made climate change.  Right Jennifer, why don’t you go live in Commie Cuba and see how you like it, or maybe Argentina or Venezuela would suit you better.

And only God knows how much of our President’s own funds have gone to help these people in need after this devastation.

Remember Orlando

Remember the tragedy in Orlando, Florida at the Pulse Nightclub where 50 people died because of a lone gunman, Omar Mateen, who shot and killed them at will?  This was a murderous tragedy against homosexuals by an alleged Islamist.  Our President came out and stated that the Constitution covers everyone and this was a horrible tragedy perpetrated against American citizens.  He was right, and his caring and empathy showed through even when he was campaigning.

Las Vegas, Nevada and Pain

Watch this amazing video:

As opposed to the NFL ‘tough guy’ who walked out wearing his Everybody vs. Trump shirt (before hiding behind the coaches while he sat his butt down for the anthem), this Las Vegas shooting victim showed us all what tough really looks like.

And what an amazing man, shot in the leg, and hurting, and refuses to stay prone in bed when his President enters his room.  First, he stands up to greet Melania, and she protests, “Don’t get up, don’t get up.”  So, he sits back down while waiting for President Trump to enter his room, and obviously it takes some effort.

Gunderson wrote, “I will never lie down when the President of this great country comes to shake my hand!  There may be plenty of issues in this country but I will always respect my country, my president and my flag. Shot in the leg or not, I will stand to show my President the respect he deserves!”

On Gunderson’s patient board in his hospital room, he also had the hashtag ‘#MAGA’ written under the statement: “What’s important to me.”— DailyMail

When President Trump enters his room, he’s on his feet with an outstretched hand.  Tom Gunderson was running from Mandalay Bay when a bullet tore through his leg.  The President says to him, “This looks like a tough guy to me.”

The President asks him how it’s going, and points to his leg, and Tom Gunderson says I’m okay, and stands to shake the hand of the most powerful man in the world.

God bless them, all the people who were injured, and those who lost their lives when they were just out to enjoy a country music festival.  God be with them, and with those who mourn for their great losses.  And God bless and keep our President who really loves the American people.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Big Oil, A Cop Killer, The Pentagon, And Dishonoring America

God bless America, land that I love, Stand beside her, and guide her, Through the night, with the light from above, From the mountains, to the prairies To the oceans, white with foam God bless America, my home sweet home, God bless America! My Home Sweet Home!   Irving Berlin, song writer of God Bless America

Our Beloved America

In 1940, the nation was still suffering the economic depressions of 1929 and 1931.  Things were not looking good with the impending war in Europe which we would not become involved in until December of 1941.

Kate Smith knew America was still in a terrible economic depression. Hitler was taking over Europe and Americans were afraid we’d have to go to war.  It was a time of hardship and worry for most Americans. Families sat around their radios in the evenings listening to their favorite entertainers and no entertainer of that era was bigger than Kate Smith.

Kate knew the pain the American people were in and she wanted to lift them up, so she went to her friend, song writer Irving Berlin, and asked him to write a song that would make Americans feel good again about their country. When she described what she was looking for, he said he had just the song for her. He went to his files and found a song that he had written but never published, 22 years before – in 1917.

He gave it to her and she worked on it with her studio orchestra. She and Irving Berlin were not sure how the song would be received by the public, but both agreed they would not take any profits from God Bless America.  Any profits would go to the Boy Scouts of America. Over the years, the Boy Scouts have received millions of dollars in royalties from this song.

Here is Kate Smith’s first airing of Irving Berlin’s God Bless America. See Video below.

Our President was born in the 1940s, my decade as well.  When we finally had black and white television in the 50s, the two most prominent people viewed were Kate Smith and anti-communist, Bishop Fulton Sheen.  This was the America we grew up in and loved, an America whose citizens loved their country and knew why we honored our flag and stood to sing our National Anthem, and we knew why we stood as well.  It is for those who fought for our freedom and for those who paid the highest price.

This is why we stand!

Vets and Truckers Boycott Pilot Oil Flying J

The Haslams of Knoxville, TN, own Pilot Oil Flying J.  It is one of the largest privately held companies in the country, which was founded by Jim Haslam, father of Jimmy Haslam and Bill Haslam, in the 1950s and has made the family billionaires. Bill Haslam is our Republican Governor, who campaigned in 2010 as a Christian conservative, and that’s a far cry from the truth.

Gov. Haslam supported Jeb Bush for President, was thrilled to be invited to the Obama White House, and got way too cozy with Education Czar, Arne Duncan.  On election day last November, the governor announced that he voted for neither candidate.  Gov. Haslam, like his close ally Sen. Bob Corker, has a long history of publicly criticizing President Trump.

Now he has come out in praise of his brother Jim, who owns NFL’s Cleveland Browns, and is CEO of Pilot Oil, for aggressively attacking Trump over the disrespectful anthem kneelers along with some 30 other NFL owners.  [Link]

A number of truck drivers, veterans and everyday Americans are threatening to boycott the gas station chain Pilot Flying J over the actions of Jimmy Haslam, owner of the NFL’s Cleveland Browns, as well as the actions of one store manager in Kentucky.  [Link]

Several weeks ago, according to WSAZ, a group of veterans rolled up to a Flying J in the Bluegrass State and put up flags to welcome a rolling Vietnam Memorial. The manager of that particular store then came out and told the vets they weren’t allowed to fly the flags.

Another group of patriots are calling for a boycott of all Pilot Flying J locations because of the on-field protests by Jimmy Haslam’s Brown football players.  Jimmy Haslam allowed his team to take a knee during the anthem.  No respect.

Big Oil Cheats Private Truckers and US Government

Agents of the FBI and the Internal Revenue Service raided Pilot’s corporate headquarters on Lonas Drive in Knoxville on April 15, 2013. Records seized during that raid, together with secret audio recordings by informants, tell a story of customers shortchanged on millions of dollars in rebates and discounts on diesel fuel contracts with the nation’s largest truck stop owner, while sales executives laughed at clients behind their backs.

This rebate fraud scheme was revealed to the public in April 2013, but what was not revealed is that one of Pilot Flying J’s largest customers is the U.S. government, which buys hundreds of thousands of gallons of diesel fuel periodically for use by the Postal Service, and that the U.S. government was defrauded of its rebates in the same fashion as small private trucking companies.

Eight former and current Pilot Flying J employees were indicted early in 2016 in connection with the diesel fuel rebate scheme, and they’re scheduled to go to trial in October of 2017.

Of course, the Haslams deny any knowledge of this rebate scam, but here is the full story.

As Governor, Haslam Enriched Pilot Oil

Back in July of 2012, I wrote a seven-part article about Governor Haslam, Water Rights, and Agenda 21 Corruption. Haslam was trying to give our TN water rights to the UN.  It’s bad enough that when Bill Haslam was Mayor of Knoxville, he promoted Agenda 21’s Smart Growth into Knoxville and the surrounding counties, but as governor, he tried to make deals with Norfolk Southern for intermodal rail yards. Governor Haslam’s goal in this deal was to supply diesel fuel for the trains at Norfolk Southern intermodal rail yards, and if he had made the deals he would have made another $25 million a year per intermodal for Pilot Oil, and there are now six.  Did he get it?  We don’t know.

The Governor promoted a six-cent tax increase on gasoline and a 12-cent increase on diesel.  The majority of TN Republican legislators are indebted to Haslam for helping them get elected, so they passed this atrocity on the citizens of TN.  What people don’t realize is that when an oil company collects this amount in taxes, they have 45 days to send the monies into the state.  That means that Pilot Oil Flying J can keep the funds for a month and keep the interest the funds earned.  Another plus for Pilot Oil.  The real atrocity is that this was done simply for gain, because the state has billions in their rainy day and investment funds…it was $6.7 billion in 2010.

And now, Pilot Oil Flying J has struck a deal to sell the majority of their company to Warren Buffett.

Our term limited Governor is considering a run for retiring Senator Bob Corker’s seat.  Of course, his sights are set on the White House, just like his good friend, Mike Pence.  Believe it when I tell you they both have plans, and Haslam has the money to fund a race.

Kaepernick Donates to Cop Killer

Jim Hoft’s Gateway Pundit reported Via The Daily Mail that Colin Kaepernick donated $25,000 to a charity that honors convicted cop killer Assata Shakur.

He made the donation to Chicago-based “Assata’s Daughter’s,” named after former Black Liberation Army member Assata Shakur, in April as part of a $1 million charitable pledge.  Shakur was convicted of first-degree murder in the 1973 shooting death of New Jersey state trooper Werner Foerster and sentenced to life in prison, but staged a daring jailbreak and now lives as a fugitive in Cuba.

Chesimard shot and killed New Jersey state trooper Werner Foerster execution-style during a traffic stop.  As Officer Foerster lay on the ground wounded and helpless, Shakur grabbed his gun and blasted two shots into his head.

This is what Colin Kaepernick stands for, killing America’s law enforcement officers.

The Pentagon Funds NFL Patriotism

Jon Rappoport’s recent blog post exposes how some of the pre-game and halftime “patriotism” we’ve seen at NFL games—patriotism which, presumably, the kneeling players believe is hiding dark truths about America—has been paid for by the US Department of Defense.  The Department of Defense poured millions of dollars into the NFL in exchange for displays of patriotism during games.

The United States Department of Defense paid the National Football League $5.4 million between 2011 and 2014, and the National Guard $6.7 million between 2013 and 2015 to stage on field patriotic ceremonies as part of military-recruitment budget line items.

“Until 2009, no NFL player stood for the national anthem because players actually stayed in the locker room as the anthem played,” ESPN’s Stephen A. Smith explained in 2016. “The players were moved to the field during the national anthem because it was seen as a marketing strategy to make the athletes look more patriotic.

So, does that mean that many of these NFL players have never been patriotic despite the fact that their own country has given them celebrity status and the opportunity to become multi-millionaires?

If standing for the national anthem has all along been only a marketing strategy, then perhaps we all should have turned off the NFL long ago.

Dishonoring America

Americans are actually destroying their NFL memorabilia after so many have taken a knee and refused to stand with their hands over their hearts for our National Anthem.

At least three members of the Dolphins — Kenny Stills, Michael Thomas and Julius Thomas — were seen kneeling during “The Star-Spangled Banner.” All three then stood for the British anthem, “God Save the Queen,” which was sung because the game was being played in England. So, they’ll stand for a foreign country, but not for their own nation.

Actions of the NFL

It was reported that the Raiders took the race war to their white quarterback, Derek Carr, and allegedly threw the game as a protest against him for not kneeling with them during the anthem.  Armstrong & Getty radio show pointed out that one of their fellow players said ‘If he wants to stand alone (for the National Anthem), he can stand alone on the field.”

The Dallas Cowboys actually knelt with their owner, Jerry Jones, prior to the anthem and then stood for the anthem.  Dez Bryant said they will not do that again, that it was a one-time effort against President Trump.  They will now stand with hands over hearts during the National Anthem.  Well, excuse me Dez, but you and your owner made a big mistake kneeling even once against our President. [Link]

And weren’t you the team who put the decal on your helmets honoring the Dallas officers who were murdered?  And weren’t you the team who was forced to remove it by the NFL?  Well, if the NFL doesn’t have the chutzpah to tell all of the teams that protests do not belong in the workplace, then the NFL will soon stand for No Fans Left!

They only did this because they saw the money coming to a halt.  Yes, it’s too little too late.


Anheuser-Busch is asking for specific feedback to NFL political protests. They want to know how you feel about NFL players kneeling during the National Anthem, and disrespecting the American flag. They want to know if they should stop supporting the NFL with advertisement dollars. Let them know that you think.  The automated system asks if you’re calling about the NFL. Press #1 to leave your message.  Call (800) 342-5283.

Here is the list of NFLs other advertisers, feel free to call any of them.


The fans of the National Football League are understandably angry with the decision of the players to disrespect America, her flag and her National Anthem. As a result, they are turning their business elsewhere.

The culture war has gone too far, racism and sexism are the two things used to destroy whatever the left wants annihilated.  Eight years of our first “black” President have created turmoil in America rather than bringing us together.  We are in a battle for our country in so many ways, and sadly many of our own people still don’t see it.

P.S.  Folks, if you saw Devvy Kidd’s recent missive, please help us keep NewsWithViews alive and well.  All of us who love America work very hard to research and bring you the latest political news.  Monthly donations are what keeps this website alive.  You can donate here. Or, send a check to NewsWithViews, P.O. Box 370, Merlin, OR., 97532. Thank you.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

The Fabulous 46th Phyllis Schlafly Eagle Forum Council

It is an honor for Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Forum to have someone like Ed Martin as their President.  With his hard work and devotion, he has taken Phyllis’s Eagle Forum to the very top.  I don’t know how this 46th council could be topped, but I know Ed Martin will find a way.

Bannon! Bannon! Bannon!

What a phenomenal Council meeting.  It is a testament to Ed Martin’s leadership and the staff of Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Forum, and that includes Rebekah Gantner.  Over 700 people were in attendance to hear some of the most scholarly speakers on conservative topics.

Bannon! Bannon! Bannon!  Oh yes, we got to see and hear Steve Bannon, but wait until you hear who our other speakers were!

David Horowitz

A reception with David Horowitz took place on Thursday evening and those who arrived early for the council meeting were able to chat and have their pictures taken with him.

Here is David Horowitz with President Ed Martin, and Congressman Steve King after his speech on the left’s racist war against Trump and America.  Congressman King, a strong pro-lifer, spoke on defunding Planned Parenthood and saving our babies.

In the lower right-hand corner of the photo is dear Babette Francis, the Phyllis Schlafly of Australia.

Kitty and Phyllis’s Eagle Forum

Here we are, me, Joyce, and Kitty at the reception on Thursday evening.  What fun!

But let me tell you about sweet dear lovely Kitty.  She is a great and courageous lady who has fought for the freedom of our nation by putting herself in harm’s way.  She spoke at this council meeting about her work, and you need to hear her words.  This little woman has more courage in her little finger than most politicians in Congress have in their whole bodies.  Her story is one of great courage.

Kitty was 12 years old when Hitler assumed power in Austria. He didn’t roll in with tanks and guns. Instead, the people of Austria voted him in with 98% of the vote.
Austria was in a deep depression in 1938. Unemployment had soared to more than 30 percent, inflation was at 25 percent and farmers went broke and lost their land.  “The banks were reclaiming their farms and businesses were closing up one by one,” Kitty says. “They couldn’t afford to pay interest. It was not unusual for as many as 30 people a day to knock on the door of our home asking for a bowl of soup and a slice of bread.”

Kitty says the Communist Party and Hitler’s party, the National Socialist Party, were fighting in the streets.  And they were, the danger was everywhere.

When asked why Austrians would vote for a man such as Hitler to lead their country, Kitty explains that the Austrian people had heard things were much better in Hitler’s Germany. Besides, they were just a border apart and they spoke the same language and shared the same culture. Why not?

“He didn’t talk like a monster. “We didn’t hear anything bad about him arresting people and persecuting people. We thought he was a great leader. We got a new government where no one was elected, they were all appointed. We didn’t question it.”

(Appointed leaders, or unelected leaders, rather than elected leaders are the Soviet style; the people cannot get rid of them through elections. This is what is now pervading America and is totally unconstitutional).

“We got free radios to listen to. Once we had those, Hitler nationalized the radio stations,” she said. “We were told if we listened to foreign broadcasting we were an enemy of the state. It was the death penalty. Then he nationalized the banks and our education system.”

When asked why Kitty spends her time speaking around the country, she explains that it is so important for people to understand what socialism is. Once people understand that, they begin to realize how important the freedoms we have in America are.

Kitty so appreciates that the United States military came and liberated her people. She loves to meet and thank those who have served in other conflicts as well.

The allies and Americans liberated her country, and this woman will be eternally grateful.  It is so important that our young people understand what freedom and liberty truly mean. The heroes and heroines like Kitty who are still working every day to educate America’s youth, especially because this information is no longer taught in our schools, are the true celebrities.

Make sure you order “The Ladies of Geneva” to hear an amazing story of what dear Kitty went through so many years ago to help America retain the hope of freedom for people everywhere.

Brett Decker

Brett Decker was one of my favorite speakers.  Brett is an adjunct professor at Johns Hopkins University.  He is also the co-author of Phyllis Schlafly’s and Ed Martin’s book, The Conservative Case for Trump.  He has written and provided strategic communications advice for projects in the United States, Asia, Australia, Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East.  He told me that we must get the book, Bowing to Beijing. Mr. Decker has spent hours with our President as they’ve discussed foreign policy.  He writes for the Washington Times, WSJ, and many others.  Here he is with President Ed Martin, and Steve Bannon!  Thumbs up!

Publius Huldah and Andy Schlafly

Our own Publius Huldah from NewsWithViews was at the Council Meeting again this year.  She and Andy Schlafly discussed the ongoing promotion of a Constitutional Convention and how we’ve fought to stop the state calls and won most of them.  It takes work folks, and Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Forum is at the forefront in educating legislators about how another Convention would destroy our God given rights!

Bobby Schindler

Bobby Schindler is the President of Terri Schiavo Life and Hope Network.  Terri was Bobby’s sister. He said he gets calls for help from all over the world and is fighting for the sanctity of life.

At the age of 26, Bobby’s sister, Terri, experienced a still unexplained collapse while at home alone with husband, Michael Schiavo, who subsequently became her guardian. After a short period of time, Michael lost interest in caring for his brain injured, but otherwise healthy, young wife. Terri was not dying, and did not suffer from any life-threatening disease. She was neither on machines nor was she “brain dead.”

To the contraryshe was alert and interacted with friends and family—before her husband subsequently abandoned his wedding vows, warehoused her in nursing homes, and eventually petitioned the courts for permission to deliberately starve and dehydrate her to death.  This is why Bobby fights for life, and why we should all join him.

Bobby and his family have been instrumental in providing resources and support to more than 2,500 patients and families at risk of euthanasia from physicians, hospitals, insurance companies, and others more interested in healthcare rationing than in providing basic, life-affirming care for the most vulnerable.

Please review both of my previous articles, The Culture of Death, and the seven part series, Killing Us Softly about hospice care.

Maria Espinoza

Maria is the National Director and Co-founder of The Remembrance Project.  The Remembrance Project advocates for families whose loved ones were killed by illegal aliens. Their flagship initiative is called, “The Stolen Lives Quilt” ™. She has expanded her growing organization nationally.  If you check her website, you will find several DACA people who have been perpetrators.  We need to keep alerting our president to the truth and the dangers of illegal aliens.  Maria is a voice crying in the wilderness about the deaths of American citizens by illegal aliens.

Years ago, I stumbled across an FBI website which had the stats on the deaths of American citizens by illegal aliens.  As I recall, it came close to 10K per year.  That is an insane cost to Americans.  Of course, this stat was removed.

Bill Hennessy is the Mayor of O’Fallon, MO.  He grew up in Missouri and left a theatre scholarship in 1984 to join the U.S. Navy where he spent nine years on active duty in the submarine force.  I have had friends who were in submarines and they are a totally different class of people.  It takes a special person to be a submariner.  The energy this man has is unbelievable and he was the MC for introducing us to Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft.

Bill also was the MC at the rally for conservative candidates at the end of the council meeting on Sunday afternoon.  He had us laughing when he told about talking to the handful of protestors outside and asking them questions.  So many of these people are brainwashed with propaganda, and others are just paid to be there.  None of them could answer Bill’s questions with any knowledge or logic.

Babette Francis was born and raised in India before moving to Australia with her husband.  She is one of the founding members of Endeavour Forum, Inc. a pro-life, pro-family Australian women’s organization.  She is the Phyllis Schlafly of Australia and is a prolific writer and has led numerous teams to attend UN conferences on women, population, habitat and food.  Her superb and informative speech was on Islam in Australia.  This is one great lady, a real fighter for freedom and liberty.

Burgess Owens is a man you’ll often see on Fox News.  He was just on Sean Hannity’s program on September 28th.  At the council meeting, this man spoke of his 12 years of football where there was little to no winning, and then he was traded to the Raiders…and guess what!  Burgess Owens wears a Super Bowl Ring because his 13th year in football was a winner for the Oakland Raiders and Super Bowl 15.  He is the author of Liberalism or How to Turn Good Men into Whiners, Weenies and Wimps.  What a terrific speaker, he brought us to tears, and I’m so thrilled to have had a chance to speak with him.

And…Burgess Owens makes it clear that he will always stand for the flag and our National Anthem.  Link

James Knowles III is the Mayor of Ferguson, MO.  For 20 years, crime statistics in urban neighborhoods throughout America dropped.  Why?  Because police were there watching over the citizens, and patrol cars were on their streets.  Then Ferguson and Baltimore happened, and now many officers are afraid of going into these neighborhoods because they could be destroyed like Officer Darren Wilson, who in 2014 shot Michael Brown in self-defense according to Missouri law.  We know the outcome and how devastating this was to Wilson and to the Ferguson police department.  Today crime is rising in these urban neighborhoods because law enforcement officers do not want to end up like Wilson.  Ferguson lost many of their officers, but they’re rebuilding.

The Mayor told me that our President and his support of law enforcement is turning this around.  It won’t happen overnight, but it will happen, and the Mayor of Ferguson is working hard to rebuild his police department with men and women who will be there to protect and serve.

Renate Ferrante is the Executive Director of Collier Community Abstinence Program.  Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagles are working throughout the country bringing this program to America’s schools, and they’re having great success.  Kathleen Sullivan was the first Eagle besides Phyllis to undertake educating our youth about saving themselves for marriage.  They are now making amazing inroads with this wonderful program, and it’s free to the teachers, and there has not been one complaint.

Tammy Nichols, an Eagle Forum leader from Idaho is working to expose what has happened to western ranchers and especially to Cliven Bundy and those who support him all because of the government’s out-of-control Bureau of Land Management.

Jayne Schindler, Eagle leader from Colorado, is working to make the rest of America understand the damaging effects of legalizing marijuana.  Legal weed is costing Colorado in many ways.

A 2014 report by the Colorado Department of Transportation found that 84 of 684 drivers involved in fatal crashes tested positive for marijuana, while more than a third of the 488 fatalities involved alcohol, according to the Colorado Springs Gazette.

“Worry that legalized marijuana is increasing crash rates isn’t misplaced,” says David Zuby, Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) executive vice president and chief research officer. “Highway Loss Data Institute’s (HLDI) findings on the early experience of Colorado, Oregon and Washington should give other states eyeing legalization pause.”

Five other states and the District of Columbia have legalized recreational marijuana, while 21 states allow comprehensive medical marijuana use, even though pot is still regarded by the federal government as an illegal controlled substance.

And Colorado hospitals and treatment centers say marijuana-related cases have spiked.  This is going to cost Americans across the board.  From 2001 to 2009, around 809 of each 100,000 hospitalizations recorded within Colorado involved patients who admitted to marijuana use, according to the report. For the period from 2014 to June 2015, the statistic surged to 2,413 hospitalizations per 100,000.

Phone calls made to poison control centers involving marijuana exposure increased as well, from 44 in 2006 to 227 in 2015, the report said.

With regard to treatment centers, The Denver Post noted that more than one-third of patients at Colorado facilities reported near daily use of marijuana in 2014, up from less than a quarter in 2007.

There is so much more and the dangers are much higher than what the MSM is reporting.  Stay tuned for updates on this insanity.  Looks like AG Sessions is right!

John and Andy Schlafly’s report on the Courts is one that everyone should have.  These two legal eagle brothers gave us some of the most important information and we need to use it.  Make sure you order their speech, it is an important tool.

Bannon! Bannon! Bannon!

Everyone was delighted to hear Steve Bannon speak, not once, but twice. At Sunday’s lunch Steve received the Phyllis Schlafly Eagle Award.  We all gathered round him later for personal pictures, and he was ready and willing to smile for all of us!  What an absolutely great guy, and he looks terrific.

Later, on Sunday afternoon, a huge rally took place where so many wonderful conservative candidates for office spoke to us, and the media was there in the back of the auditorium.  Outside were the nine protesters who had been questioned by Bill Hennessy.

The Thrill of the 46th PS Eagle Council Meeting

Phyllis would have been thrilled with this 46th Council and the line up of speakers was tremendous. She would have raved at the job so well done by her choice of President, Ed Martin and the entire Eagle staff.

I would have loved to put all the photos from this wonderful event into this article, but space is limited.  There were many other superb speakers, and anyone can order the entire council meeting or single speakers you might wish to hear.  Go here to order, and if you want to be there next year, join Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Forum and look forward to an absolutely wonderful three days in St. Louis starting next September 18th, 2018.

Next year will be just as amazing as this year, because our President, Ed Martin, is now bringing conservative truth even to CNN!  Wow!

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Marxist Colin Kaepernick Leads The NFL Into The Gutter

As a former NFL player, I am one American who will have nothing to do with any NFL Team that cannot find the corporate courage to stand for the millions of courageous past great Americans whose sacrifice gave meaning to our flag and national anthem and to the millions upon millions who still dream to come to its free shores. —Burgess Owens

Burgess Owens was one of the speakers at the 46th Phyllis Schlafly Eagle Forum council meeting in St. Louis, MO.  He is an amazing man, a beautiful Christian and a fine speaker.  His above quote is absolutely how so many of us in America, the greatest country on earth, feel about these ungrateful NFL players.

Colin Kaepernick’s biological mother is white, as were his adopted parents.  His biological mother disagrees with his protest.  His white adopted upper middleclass parents say they stand with him.  Kaepernick couldn’t get more over-the-top in dissing the country that has made him a wealthy and privileged man.  On Independence Day he traveled to Ghana which he claims is his ancestral home.

American soldiers have fought and shed their blood on battlefields for this spoiled American millionaire brat to spew his invective against our country because his leftist Islamist beliefs claim our law enforcement personnel are brutalizing black Americans.  Racial inequality is what Kaepernick and his adopted parents are claiming.

Sorry, but I just don’t buy this drivel.  Every opportunity is given to black Americans through affirmative action and more.  Police are being blamed for protecting themselves from thugs, and everyone knows it, but the black community is using this as a reason to be destructive.

Kaepernick and Castro

San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who last made headlines by refusing to stand during the playing of the national anthem before an NFL football game, continued to act as a lightning rod for controversy by appearing at an August 2016 press conference wearing a T-shirt emblazoned with photographs of ’60s Nation of Islam leader and black power advocate Malcolm X and Communist Cuban dictator Fidel Castro.

A slogan on the shirt read, “Like Minds Think Alike.”

The shirt depicted scenes from a 1960 meeting between Castro and Malcolm X. Kaepernick wore it to a news conference after the 49ers’ third preseason game, which was when his refusal to stand during the national anthem became a major national story.

A Miami Herald reporter from a family of Cuban exiles got into a heated argument with Kaepernick over the picture of Castro on his shirt.  The quarterback kept emphasizing the fact that Malcolm X was also on it, saying the slain civil rights activist’s willingness to meet Castro proved he was “open-minded” about aspects of the world.  The reporter again asked him about Castro, and Kaepernick said, I’m not talking about Castro and his oppression.  I’m talking about Malcolm X.

The reporter accused Kaepernick of changing the conversation because Castro was too uncomfortable to talk about, especially when he remains largely reviled by Miami’s sizeable Cuban immigrants.  So, what does Kaepernick do?  He praises the social initiatives of Castro claiming Cuba has the highest literacy rate because they spend more on education!

I guess this millionaire football player hasn’t a clue of how much America spends on education and obviously the propaganda and brainwashing of our government schools worked well on Kaepernick.  Neither does Kaepernick have a clue of what Castro and Malcolm X stood for.

Communist Fidel Castro

Kaepernick praised Castro’s social initiatives!  Obviously, he hasn’t a clue of what the people went through once they helped overthrow the Batista regime and installed the lying Communist as their dictator.

Castro failed to hold the free elections he had promised the Cuban people. He put to death hundreds of his former political enemies in hasty trials intended more as propaganda than as judicial proceedings. Then he proceeded to fill Cuba’s jails once more with political critics, including many of Castro’s former comrades, anti-communist labor leaders, and other veteran opponents of the Batista regime. The press was placed under strict censorship. Foreign-owned property was expropriated arbitrarily without fair compensation, and in many cases without any compensation at all. Only the communists emerged unscathed from Castro’s repressive and vindictive actions.

Sounds just lovely doesn’t it Kaepernick!

Malcolm Little, alias Malcolm X

Malcolm was a converted Muslim and he spent time in prison for drug dealing, gambling and prostitution rackets.  He spent much of his time in seedy nightclubs. At age 19, he was arrested for the first time for allegedly stealing and pawning his half-sister’s fur coat. A second arrest followed for allegedly mugging an acquaintance at gunpoint, and a third arrest came after he burglarized a series of Boston-area homes. Sentenced to state prison in 1946, his cellblock mates called him “satan” for his habit of pacing around and muttering curses at God and the Bible.

Following the example of his siblings, Malcolm joined the Nation of Islam and struck up a correspondence with its leader, Elijah Muhammad. Like Marcus Garvey and his Back to Africa movement, the Nation of Islam preached black self-reliance and empowerment. It also taught that whites were a race of “blue-eyed devils” created millenniums ago by an evil scientist.  Malcolm spent a decade as head of the Harlem mosque, in addition to launching a Nation of Islam newspaper, giving speeches at dozens of universities around the country, participating in debates with mainstream civil-rights leaders and occasionally meeting with foreign heads of state.

Malcolm X eventually broke with Muhammad’s Nation of Islam.  He also originally disagreed with integration, but later changed his mind on that as well.  He moved farther to the left, and he mentored and guided Louis X (later known as Louis Farrakhan), who eventually became the leader of the Nation of Islam.

Malcolm X advocated for equality as he saw it.  If it could be obtained through peaceful means then so be it.  If not…then he advocated by any means including violence.  One of Malcolm’s more famous speeches from 1964 is called The Ballot or the Bullet.  And yes, toward the end of his life Malcolm moved towards black nationalism and socialism.

The Truth of These NFL Protests

An attorney called into the Rush Limbaugh program and what he said was absolutely spot on:

I hear the so-called smart people all over the news media, our politicians are talking about that these players somehow have a right to protest. If they want to take a knee, that’s their right, their freedom of speech right.

They couldn’t be more wrong. This is Constitution 101 class stuff. The First Amendment does not apply to these players. There must be state action for the First Amendment to apply. And the NFL is not the state. They have an absolute right to fire those players because of their speech. There’s no right for them, they do not have a right to protest whatsoever.

He is spot on, we do not have a right when employed to make political statements.  We are hired to follow the direction of our employer.  And the NFL does not allow these political demonstrations.  All of these football players who take a knee should be immediately fired.

NFL’s Rule Book is Clear

Here’s what it says:

The National Anthem must be played prior to every NFL game, and all players must be on the sideline for the National Anthem.  During the National Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking.  The home team should ensure that the American flag is in good condition…it should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country.  Failure to be on the field by the start of the National Anthem may result in discipline, such as fines, suspensions, and/or the forfeiture of draft choices for violations of the above, including first offenses.

President Trump’s Criticism

Now the media is claiming that President Trump’s criticism of these spoiled fools disrespecting America is sparking even more protests.  Well, tell you what, I rarely watch football, but I will never watch the NFL again in my life.  Buh bye!

Does the NFL not see what is happening to it? Does it not see the half empty stadiums? Does it not see reduced ratings? Does it not see how divisive all of this is? It is turning football fans into something else. Donald Trump didn’t do that, but he’s being attacked for defending America!

When President Trump criticized the NFL last weekend for permitting some players to protest during the National Anthem, the President called that conduct disrespectful and called on NFL owners and leaders to stop it.

Commissioner Roger Goodell responded by attacking the President. Goodell called the President’s criticism divisive and then he arrogantly claimed the President’s words suggest what he called an “unfortunate lack of respect for the NFL, our great game and all of our players.”

Excuse me Goodell, but the divisive ones are your players, and you are going to lose more than money.  Football used to be an escape, but you’ve allowed it to be another pile of leftist B.S. by uneducated and wealthy spoiled brats.

Our President said to fire these fools, and that’s what the American people are saying as well.  And tell you what, it’s why we love him, because our President echoes what we are saying and thinking!

High School Coach Fired for Praying

Bremerton High School football coach Joe Kennedy lost his job after he refused to stop praying on the field after games. The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has refused to reinstate Kennedy.  In two opinions totaling 62 pages, the appeals judges said Kennedy could not prove he was exercising his First Amendment rights as a private citizen when he insisted, against orders by the Bremerton School District, on taking a knee at the 50-yard line after football games and praying.  Link

So, a small prayer after a game gets this coach fired, but these egocentric NFL punks can offend countless Americans with impunity.

True Heroes Take a Knee

They take a knee in honoring their fellow soldiers and friends.

They take a knee in prayer, weeping for their brothers, sons, and daughters.

On their knees, they come together to honor the heroes who led them.

And they bow a knee to pay final respects to the ones they lost.


America has granted more freedom and liberty to all her people than any other nation.  This NFL action by these millionaire sports figures is disgraceful and disrespectful to America’s citizenry and especially to her veterans.

Our beautiful National Anthem says it all.

Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: ‘In God is our trust.’
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

Our flag does not fly because the wind moves it.  It flies with the last breath of each soldier who died protecting it.

And this is why we stand with our hands over our hearts.

P.S. There are many causes that need funding, and one of them is NewsWithViews.  Please help us keep this website alive and well and coming into your mailbox every morning.  Monthly donations really do help us keep freedom and liberty alive.  Please send your donations here.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Why President Trump Endorsed Luther Strange

The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.  — Sun TzuThe Art of War

Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt. — Sun TzuThe Art of War

Our President has endorsed Luther Strange for Jeff Session’s Senate seat, and he has good reasons.  Donald J. Trump knows exactly what he’s doing.

Jeff Session’s former Alabama Senate seat should have been filled by conservative Mo Brooks, whose voting record in the House perfectly reflects our President’s policies.  However, the people of Alabama eliminated him from the running and instead chose Strange and Moore who are now in a runoff.

Luther Strange is, of course, an establishment insider, and Mitch McConnell wants him elected.  Strange is not a choice of true conservatives, thus I’ve heard countless numbers of people endorse Judge Roy Moore, and I am absolutely appalled and for good reason.

Roy Moore Wants a Constitutional Convention

Moore believes that by opening the Constitution he can get a marriage amendment.  Article V of the Constitution prescribes how an amendment can become a part of the Constitution. While there are two ways, only one has ever been used. All 27 Amendments have been ratified after two-thirds of the House and Senate approve of the proposal and send it to the states for a vote. Then, three-fourths (or 38) of the states must affirm the proposed Amendment.  Once affirmed, it becomes part of the Constitution. Judge Moore has rejected this way of adding an amendment, and wants a Constitutional Convention.

Moore has been contacted by countless authorities on the Con-Con.  He has declined to listen to anyone regarding the 1787 Convention precedents. Neither has he viewed Chief Justice Warren Burger’s letter to Phyllis Schlafly regarding the dangers of a Con-Con, Phyllis’s many writings that a Con-Con could not be controlled, the words of James Madison regarding another convention, and the writings of scholars who know the dangers of a second Convention, etc.

Fellow attorneys have contacted Moore about his desire for a Convention, and normal protocol is that he take their calls, but Moore has refused.  His attitude is smug and full of hubris.  He refuses to hear dissenting viewpoints, certainly not the norm for judges of sound and moral character.

There is nothing to prevent a convention from being expanded to issues not raised in the original petitions calling the convention. An Article V convention could lead to a constitutional crisis where everyone’s rights and liberties are on the auction block.  But Moore won’t listen or even read dissenting opinions.

Moore’s Law Professor Speaks Out

Guy Martin, Jr., a minister and former law professor who taught constitutional law to Roy Moore in law school, has an op-ed in an Alabama newspaper speaking out against Moore’s candidacy. What he has to say about Moore is not the least bit surprising.

Roy Moore did not get along with his colleagues in law school or on the Supreme Court. The arguments were not over Christianity.

In law school, the arguments arose from what Disraeli called “falling into a deep groove of illogic and being helpless to allow reason to pull you out.” If Moore’s analysis of a case was tantamount to thinking 1 + 1 = 3, and his classmates reasoned otherwise, there was no backing down by Moore. The class was willing to fight to the death against illogic that no legal mind but one in America would espouse.  Moore never won one argument, and the debates got ugly and personal.

Guy Martin, Jr. stated that Moore violated years of precedent established by Jefferson, who once wrote that he only hoped he could serve our country like Christ wanted him to. Yet, Jefferson fought to ingrain the principle of religious freedom in our Constitution, at a time of state-sponsored churches and religious persecution.  Professor Martin believes we could easily end up with the Democrat if Moore is the chosen Republican candidate for Senate.

This is a wake-up call: the instant Moore wins the runoff is the instant his tarnished reputation as a twice-removed Chief Justice will scald the airwaves of CNN and MSNBC.

The DNC will pour money into the campaign coffers of Doug Jones, smelling blood in solid Democratic support for Jones and from moderate Republicans.

In Washington, Moore would be “Senator Irrelevant,” the poster child for stubborn resistance to common sense legislation such as repeal of Obama Care and decrease in taxes, standing on some piece of sideways’ thinking nobody in or outside the Swamp would respect.

A vote for Moore will be a vote for Doug Jones and against the conservative cause.

Moore, the Ten Commandments, and Dominionism

And last, but certainly not least, orthodox Christianity has the solid teachings of God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, but there are heretical Christian doctrines, and Moore subscribes to one of them called Dominionism/Reconstructionism.

As a believer in this doctrine, Moore espouses a theocracy, which is control of government and societal spheres of influences only by those who believe as he does. (Theocracy is a system of government in which priests rule in the name of God or a god.)

Moore also believes in a theonomy which posits that Biblical Law is applicable to civil law, and theonomists propose Biblical law as the standard by which the laws of nations may be measured, and to which they ought to be conformed.  In other words, Old Testament (OT) Mosaic Law, other than a few dietary laws, rules the land.

Biblical Truth

In Matthew 5:17, Jesus fulfilled the Mosaic Law. Christ goes on in Matthew to explain the differences in the Law of Moses and the Law of Christ, the latter which we, as Christian believers, are now under.

Judge Moore used the 10 Commandments as a monument for righteousness, but those 10 commandments were part of the 613 Mosaic Laws which passed away with the death of Christ.  They no longer exist; the new law is the Law of Christ.

The Mosaic Law is a unit…Torah is singular, even though the law contains all 613 commandments.  We can’t even separate the 10 commandments from the unit.

Mosaic Law Defined Sin

Please bear with me on this short Biblical explanation…

The Mosaic law came for many reasons, one of the biggest ones was so that we’d know sin.  Remember that Moses gave the law initially, 10 were written with the finger of God, the others were written down by Moses as God gave them to him.  The second batch were given by angels, (Acts 7:53, Gal 3:19, Heb. 2:2).  The Mosaic law was given because of sin, until Christ came, but also to reveal the Holiness of God, so we’d know the standard of righteousness God demanded for a proper relationship with Him.  It was never given as a means of salvation however, faith is always what saved, even with OT saints.  Mosaic Law was given to tell our OT saints their rule of conduct for life, it was again, a knowledge of sin.

And that’s why the clear-cut teaching of the New Testament is that the Law of Moses has been rendered inoperative with the death of Christ.  The law in its totality no longer has authority over any individual.  That’s what Romans 10:4 says.  He, our Savior, is the end of the Law, and that includes all 613.  Hence it has ceased to function. The law can’t function in either justification or sanctification…it came to an end in Christ.  For the believer, it has been rendered inoperative.  It has ceased to function for all.

And Hebrews 7:18 states that the Mosaic Law was disannulled.  Now we have the new priesthood.  Most want to retain the 10 commandments from the law, but what does II Cor. 3:2-11 say… “not in stone, but hearts of flesh.”

Judge Moore’s 10 Commandments

Roy Moore gained national attention with his 10 Commandments in stone.  But the 10 Commandments passed away with Christ’s death because they are part of the Mosaic Law.  We are under the Law of Christ Nine of the laws of Christ repeated in the New Testament sound very much like the 10 Commandments, and they are similar, but not taken from Mosaic Law. If we do not kill or steal, commit adultery, take the Lord’s name in vain, bear false witness, or covet, honor our father and mother, etc., this is not because of the Law of Moses, but because of the Law of Christ.  If we break that law, we aren’t breaking the Mosaic Law, but the Law of Christ, Ephesians 2:11-16, and Ephesians 3:6.  All the Laws of Christ are encompassed in “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

Bottom line, God explains that yes, the Law is a unit comprised of 613 commandments, and all of it has been invalidated.  There is no commandment that has continued beyond the cross of Christ.  The Law is there and can be used as a teaching tool to show God’s standard of righteousness, and man’s sinfulness and need of a substitutionary atonement.  It can be used to point one to Christ (Gal 3:23-25).

However, it has completely ceased to function as an authority over individuals.  The old law has been disannulled, and we are under the new law … the Law of Christ in Galatian 6:2, and the Law of the Spirit of Life in Romans 8:2.  This is a brand-new law totally separate from the Law of Moses.  The Law of Christ contains all the commandments applicable to a New Testament believer.

There seems to be so much confusion over the relationship of the Law of Moses and the Law of Christ and it’s because many of the commandments are similar to those found in the Mosaic Law, and people conclude that certain sections of the Law have thus been retained, but that is not the case.

Judge Moore and Dominionism

Unfortunately, the Judge has promoted the 10 Commandments because he is a believer in Dominionist theology.  As I explained above, this doctrine wants to control the government and all spheres of society.  Those not believing in this doctrine are relegated to second class citizenship.

Thirdly, the hard core Dominionists still believe in stoning of sinners in the streets, including homosexuals, adulterers, disobedient children, those who take the Lord’s name in vain, etc.  This belief system discounts the saving grace of faith that many find when they come to salvation in Christ and a full knowledge of God as redeemer.  (For more information on Dominionism/Reconstructionism, go [here], [here], [here], and [here].)


Our illustrious and brilliant President has never supported a Constitutional Convention, and neither has he supported the heretical doctrine of Dominionism/Reconstructionism.  Quite obviously, this is why our President has endorsed Luther Strange rather than Moore.  The Judge is not a man who should be in our Senate because of his dangerous and erroneous beliefs.  Neither am I a fan of Luther Strange, but I believe our President has a far better chance of passing his policies with Strange rather than with Moore.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

The Antithesis Of Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Forum

Though those that are betray’d Do feel the treason sharply, yet the traitor Stands in worse case of woe.  —William Shakespeare

Life has taught me that you can’t control someone’s loyalty.  No matter how good you are to them, doesn’t mean they will treat you the same.  No matter how much they mean to you, doesn’t mean they’ll value you the same.  Sometimes the people you love the most turn out to be the people you can trust the least. —Trent Shelton

Dividing Eagle Forum

Back in early 2016, Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Forum was torn apart by Cruz supporters. After Phyllis Schlafly’s endorsement of Donald J. Trump, a rift started in her organization and family. The coup, which emerged, was over Phyllis’s endorsement of Donald Trump, and her battle against a Constitutional Convention.

Six directors of Eagle Forum (the gang of six) have a hidden agenda, and most refused to return phone calls personally made to them by Phyllis to ask what their concerns were.  Phyllis eventually asked these six to resign and they refused. They were led by her youngest child Anne Cori, and included Eunie Smith, Carolyn McLarty, Rosina Kovar, Shirley Curry, and Cathie Adams.

Anne Cori

Phyllis was always loyal, actually loyal to a fault because she forgave, a true Christian.  She didn’t know how to give up on people, and her sense of humor carried her through even in troubling times.  She believed the good in those she loved.  It wasn’t until she was walked on so many times, that she had no choice but to let go of those who burned holes in her heart, including her very own daughter.  That’s when she asked these traitorous women to resign and they refused.

The gang of six wants control, and their goals are anathema to those of Phyllis Schlafly, who championed pro-life, fought the calls for a Constitutional Convention and upheld the sovereignty of America.  They are led by Phyllis’s youngest daughter, Anne Cori.  Anne’s husband is Tom Cori, a former corporate raider and member of the Carnegie Institute for Science, founded in 1895 by Pilgrims Society member, Andrew Carnegie.

It is this latter Institute for Science which is of interest. Tom Cori, husband of Anne Cori, is a Trustee. If you scroll to page 21 in the Carnegie Institute website, you will see Tom and Anne Cori listed as individuals who have made lifetime contributions of between $100,000 and $999,999.  This Institute promotes many freedom destroying programs, including common core and climate change.

These goals are anathema to Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Forum.

Rogue Eagle Council Sponsors

A year ago, I wrote, Treachery from Inside Eagle Forum Family, describing what occurred at last year’s Eagle Forum Council meeting where the gang of six and their cohorts attended and not only went against court orders, but were at times disruptive.

This year, the Gang of Six held their own Eagle Forum council meeting in D.C. a week before the real Phyllis Schlafly Eagle Council in St. Louis.

The sponsors are telling, Heritage Foundation, Tea Party Patriots, Family Research Council, The Constitutional Coalition, and Concerned Women of America.

The Heritage Foundation

Heritage is a bastion of phony conservatism.  Heritage Fellow and CFR member, Richard Allen, wrote the job destroying NAFTA trade deal and President Ed Feulner described the passage of NAFTA as one of Heritage’s most important “scalps” or “victories.”

Assuring Affordable Health Care for All Americans was the Heritage Foundation plan, exposed in a monograph written by Stuart M. Butler. Item #2 on page six of the document states, “Mandate all households to obtain adequate insurance.”

Concerned Women of America

Beverly LaHaye is the founder and CWA is a competitor to Eagle Forum.  She is the wife of now deceased Tim LaHaye, one of the founders of the rightwing Council for National Policy.  Beverly would often feature CFR and Trilateralist members at her yearly conferences.

Tea Party Patriots

TPP has always been in bed with the likes of neo-cons McConnell and Ryan.  They are a very pro-Con-Con organization headed by anti-Trumper, Jenny Beth Martin, and co-founded by Mark Meckler, who is massively promoting a Convention of States.  Link

Family Research Council,

Tony Perkins is President of FRC.  He is another Dominionist and is actively campaigning for a Constitutional Convention.  In fact, his organization is promoting Judge Roy Moore of Alabama for AG Sessions former seat.  Moore is for a Con-Con and is a fellow Dominionist.

The Constitutional Coalition

The Executive Director is Donna Hearne.  She is also Encounter Host on Bott Radio Network St. Louis.  Hearne killed Phyllis’s national radio show and deleted all references to Phyllis and her archives from Bott Radio.

Hearne personally fixed the township election so that Phyllis would be defeated for Delegate to the Republican National Convention.  Despite Hearne’s treachery, Ed Martin saw to it that Phyllis was a delegate as planned, and she spent two weeks at the convention.

Donna Hearne has sponsored many of the Reconstructionist/Dominionist professors and pundits for years at her conferences. This likely plays into the reason she was a Cruz supporter. Cruz, his father, and many of his supporters, are Dominionists/Reconstructionists. They include David Barton, Flip Benham, Kevin Swanson, Tony Perkins, (president of the Family Research Council), would-be reality TV stars the Benham brothers, and Houston activist Dave Welch. Perkins is also a United Nations Non-Governmental Organization member.

Guest Speakers at Rogue Council

The top three guest speakers were Michele Bachmann, Mike Lee, and Ginni Thomas.

David Barton

Barton and his “Wallbuilders” are big promoters of the “Convention of States.”  They took over the first night of the rogue Eagle Council event in D.C.  The pro-Con-Con Wallbuilders led attendees through their view of history as part of a Capitol “tour.”  Phyllis’s Collegians conference had a Capitol tour last month for students, but without the Con-Con promoters.

The controversy regarding Barton’s writings is widespread and he has been taken to task by conservative history professors on his questionable Jefferson quotes.  Nelson Publishing pulled Barton’s books from the shelf, and fellow Cruz supporter, Glenn Beck, picked it up and published it, despite the falsehoods.

Back in 2011, Barton went on the John Stewart Show and actually stated that Sharia and the Constitution were compatible.  Barton is another dominionist and was a strong Ted Cruz supporter. [Link]

Michele Bachmann

Bachmann is pro-BBA and leans toward dominionism.  She was the Oral Roberts trained Word/Faith Congresswomen from Minnesota.  In 2011, she supported the Balanced Budget Amendment, which no one seems to have actually read except those who know the dangers of a Con-Con. [Link]  Both BBA bills would drastically transform our Constitution as well as raising our taxes, and would lead to an Article V convention.

Frank Gaffney

Gaffney is another Dominionist, and was also a guest speaker at the rogue council.  Both Bachmann and Gaffney supported Ted Cruz for President, and the latter was on Cruz’s advisory board. [Link]

Bachmann’s biggest contributor while in Congress was none other than pro-amnesty Club for Growth according to Open Secrets.  Club for Growth spent millions in Iowa campaigning against Donald Trump.

Michele Bachmann was interviewed by Phyllis Schlafly for the position of President of Eagle Forum, but was rejected.

Senator Mike Lee

Senator Lee now favors using Article V to amend the Constitution.  Initially he was against it, but has changed his mind after reading Mark Levin’s book and having several discussions with him.  Both these men are lawyers, and obviously neither worry one iota about the 1787 precedents and how our Constitution, once opened, will be thoroughly destroyed and replaced with the Ford and Rockefeller written New States Constitution, which first appeared in Rexford Tugwell’s book, The Emerging Constitution.

Last year, the RNC Rules Committee members from Utah were Senator Mike Lee and his wife, Sharon Lee.  Both were Cruz supporters who hoped to derail Trump.

Lee also supports legislation that will bring more Muslims into America. In January of 2015, a handful of Senators quietly introduced new legislation in Congress that would allow for virtually unlimited Muslim immigration into the United States – lifting caps entirely on several categories of visas favored by immigrants from Muslim countries. The Mark Zuckerberg-backed legislation, S.153, is called the Immigration Innovation Act (or I-Squared). Link

In August of 2015, Senators Cruz, Grassley, and Sessions were all lobbying for legislation that would enact a mandatory minimum prison sentence of five years for immigrants who try to re-enter the country illegally after being deported. This was in response to the murder of Kathryn Steinle after Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez, an immigrant from Mexico who had repeatedly re-entered the United States illegally after being deported, allegedly fired the shot that killed the 32-year-old woman on July 1, 2015.

Sen. Lee was aligned with liberal Democratic Sens. Patrick Leahy of Vermont and Dick Durbin of Illinois to ease mandatory minimums for certain crimes, and is uncomfortable with such binding punishments for immigration offenses. He even threatened to oppose sanctuary cities legislation that includes mandatory minimums.

Virginia Thomas

Ginni Thomas is the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and was also a guest speaker.


I’m surprised that she and her husband would attend without doing more investigation, but perhaps her allegiance lies with other guests and sponsors.

She is close with Family Research Council, Heritage Foundation, and Pete Sepp, Executive Vice President, National Taxpayers Union.  The latter of which was founded by James Dale Davidson, who long promoted a Constitutional Convention, and gave $100K per year towards that goal.

Davidson actually physically threatened Phyllis regarding her stance against the Con-Con.  Phyllis would have me call in to her radio program and tell people about the NTU and Davidson, and their plans for destroying our Constitution.

Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Forum Council Meeting

The real Phyllis Schlafly Eagle Council will meet this week in St. Louis at the Airport Marriott Hotel.  Special guest speakers include David Horowitz, Corey Lewandowski, Boris Epshteyn, and Congressman Steve King.  And, in a coup late in their planning, they nabbed Steve Bannon!  He will be receiving the Phyllis Schlafly Award on Sunday at lunch.

This is the place to be!  Great conservatives will be there!


Phyllis Schlafly repeatedly said that defeating the Con-Con is the number one effort we need to be involved in, anything else we’re fighting will be moot if we lose our 1787 Constitution.

Today it is even more dangerous.  A case can be made that the movement for an Article V convention would be an open door for Sharia.  Amil Imani’s latest article makes that clear, Understanding The Threat Of Sharia Law in America.

The Rogue EF group having pro-Con-Con presenters at this pivotal time in the Con-Con battle is certainly not something Phyllis would have allowed or wanted. Our real grassroots Eagles will defeat Con-Con just as Phyllis helped to defeat it in the mid-80s.

Phyllis herself anticipated that Barton and other Con-Con promoters might try to slip it into the Republican platform in Cleveland, and indeed a Con-Con lobbyist attempted that, but our side was ready and resoundingly defeated it.

While grassroots Eagles have been working hard to defeat the Convention of States, Barton brags [here] that he has been writing state legislators urging them to pass it.  Yet Barton’s organization is picked by this rogue group to present to their small number of attendees.

Phyllis’s Eagle Council in St. Louis on September 21-24 will feature presentations and attendees who oppose the Convention of States, and who helped win an 18-4 victory against it in the States this year despite the lack of help by the group Phyllis asked to resign.

It is obvious the majority of attendees at the rogue group were former Cruz supporters, many of whom are Dominionists, and many of whom are for an Article V Convention, just like Cruz.  (For information on Dominionism/Reconstructionism, go [here], [here], [here], and [here].)

Phyllis was more than right when she chose to back Donald J. Trump for President.  I thank God we have him in our White House and Hillary Rodham Clinton was relegated to the dust bin.

Next up…meeting Corey Lewandowski and Steve Bannon at the real Phyllis Schlafly Eagle Forum Council in St. Louis, MO.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Mr.President, Taxpayers Are Tired Of Funding Illegals

Do all children have some inherent right to live in America if they have done nothing wrong? If not, then why should the children of illegal immigrants have such a right? —Thomas Sowell

Fifty-seven percent of all households that are led by an immigrant (legal or illegal) are enrolled in at least one welfare program.  —Michael Snyder

Trump Supporters in Shock

Trump’s tweets about DACA have his supporters reeling.  American taxpayers have paid billions and billions supporting law breaking illegal aliens, and we’re sick and tired of it.  We voted for Trump because of his stance on illegals and our sieve southern border being closed.  Here’s what he tweeted:

They have been in our country for many years through no fault of their own – brought in by parents at young age. Plus, BIG border security.

Does anybody really want to throw out good, educated and accomplished young people who have jobs, some serving in the military? Really!

The answer to his question seems pretty clear: The people who want to throw out those described are the tens of millions of Americans who voted for the guy who said he would do just that, that’s you Mr. President!

Our President says, “We’re not looking at amnesty, we’re not looking at citizenship, we’re allowing people to stay here.  We’re working with everyone, with Republicans, with Democrats.  We’re not talking about amnesty, we’re talking about taking care of people, people who have done a good job and were not brought here by their own volition, but very importantly, we have to have a wall.”

Sorry Mr. President, but if you think you aren’t giving them amnesty and citizenship and the right to vote, Congress or your successor will.  Just take a look at what Reagan’s amnesty cost us.  And what about taking care of the American citizens whose tax dollars funded these law breakers!  Your number one allegiance belongs to us, the American citizenry, not DACAs.

Meeting with the Enemy

After Schumer and Pelosi had dinner with the President, they came out and lied to the media. There is no deal with the President on DACA and the elimination of the border wall. Toss that!  It’s garbage from the lying leftists.

However, on the heels of the evening meeting with these two socialist-loving Democratic leaders, the President’s tweets are our clearest public indication yet that he is eager to sign a law that will protect those 800,000 or so immigrants from deportation in exchange for border security measures of some kind.

Sorry Mr. President, but on this one we’re not with you no matter what you think you’ll get in return for the amnesty of these illegals, and that’s what it is whether you call it that or not.  You will get nothing from the likes of socialists Schumer and Pelosi.  They will stab you in the back because they hate you, even more than the establishment globalists in the Republican party.  They want DACA and then amnesty for all the illegals who have broken the law and entered our country illegally and cost the American working citizens billions in tax dollars. Do Not Trust Them Ever!  They will burn you every time, and the illegals vote for Democrats.

You tweet us, “Does anybody really want to throw out good, educated and accomplished young people who have jobs, some serving in the military? Really!”

Just who the hell do you think paid for the education of these illegals?  The American Taxpayer did!  And just who the hell do you think they’re taking jobs from?  The American citizens!  And just who the hell do you think paid for the welfare to these people?  The American taxpayer!  And yes, 700,000 jobs are held by these illegals who were brought in by their families who broke the law, or they were sent across the border when Obama said, “Everyone come!”  Link  Just who the hell do you think paid for the cost of resettling these children in America?  The American taxpayer!

When are you going to care about us, the American citizen taxpayer???

Do You Remember What Obama Did?

President Obama’s de facto open border policy welcomed everyone, from unaccompanied minors to cartel members to Islamic terrorists, into our country.  Whether it’s called “refugee resettlement” or “amnesty,” the program clearly was intended to keep these underage illegals in the U.S.  The open border provided an entry way for more terrifying possibilities of who was entering our country.

It really doesn’t make much sense now, does it?!  Our homeless go without eating and our elderly go without needed medications.  Our mentally ill go without treatment because Reagan turned them loose from mental healthcare facilities.  Our troops go without proper equipment and our dear veterans do without promised benefits and proper medical care. And what do the sewer rats in our Congress do?  They unconstitutionally donate billions of taxpayer dollars to other countries as well as to illegal aliens who have entered our country illegally.

I know Mr. President that you are a decent and caring man, so I ask you Mr. Trump, “Where the hell is your concern for the American citizen who has sacrificed so much and who has watched our debt rise exponentially to where every citizen in America has that rotten debt albatross around their necks?

Time to stop it, and that means deportations, and it means giving jobs back to Americans. It means caring about America’s citizens before you care about these illegal aliens who have family in foreign countries they could go back to.  Make them come in like our ancestors did through Ellis Island.  Freedom is not free, we paid big time for it, and they have not.  They cheated, and stole into this country illegally, they broke the law and then used the welfare programs of this country with no respect for her citizens.

According to Rush Limbaugh, there is no other country in the world who takes in foreign children and gives them aid and comfort.  Send these children back to their parents and families in their countries of origin.

DACA and Fraud

Who is doing the research on DACA for the feds?  I have to wonder, because just a quick scan of websites tells anyone that DACA is ripe with fraud.  As many as half of the approximately 800,000 people who now have work permits under DACA may have lied on their applications to get approved, said Matt O’Brien, an attorney and until last year a manager in the investigative unit of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS).

“Based on what I had seen and what I discussed with my colleagues, the fraud rate is 40 to 50 percent. It’s possible that it was higher,” he told LifeZette this week.  The kind of fraud that was often flagged, he noted, involved lying about age.  Link

There you have it, and we’re to allow these people to stay in our country?

DACA and Murder

What about American families who have lost loved ones because Dreamers murdered them?  Is there no sense of protection for American citizens?  Apparently not, because illegals, and I include Islamic refugees, continue to rape, murder, and destroy citizens of this country.

A man charged with multiple murders was erroneously shielded from deportation under DACA, despite gang ties.  And, sympathetic media has scrambled to trot out shiny Dreamers, but forgets all the nightmares, and the nightmare list is very long.  Link

Trump Must Keep Campaign Promises

The reality is that DACA is still growing, they’re not sending their best and brightest (never have), it will cost Americans and our government a huge amount of money, it encourages more illegal immigration, it imports crime, it helps democrats, and it is fundamentally illegitimate. Link

Representative Steve King says Trump must reverse his amnesty course to what he promised in the campaign or the GOP will be finished in 2018 and 2020.

Excuse me Rep. King, you are right, but the GOP who has the majority in both houses of Congress is doing absolutely nothing to help Americans or this President.  They have a perfect opportunity to rectify every filthy thing the Democrats have instituted over the last few decades.  Instead they are working against the President’s policies (the wall, tax reform, Obamacare repeal, infrastructure, veteran care, etc.). They are slow walking everything that should have been passed the first three months Trump was in office.  Democrats would be verboten for decades if Republicans would pass Trump’s legislation, but they are so in bed with the filthy commie left’s agenda that they will destroy any chance of our President succeeding.

Amnesty Means Loss of Support

Sean Hannity is a long-time supporter of our President, but he made it clear on his September 14th program that Trump must keep his campaign promises on amnesty or his support is over.  Link

Steve Bannon, who following his White House exit returned as the head of Breitbart News, told CBS’ “60 Minutes” last week he didn’t agree with Trump’s decision to give Congress a window to save DACA legislatively, and that “the guys in the far-right” and “on the conservative side” were “not happy” with it either.

No Amnesty is a Good Amnesty by Ann Coulter spells out the truth of why, like Reagan’s amnesty in 1986, it ends up being far more illegals allowed into our country. Of the 888,637 fraudulent DACA applications, guess how many our government approved. Answer: More than 800,000. I suggest you read this important article.

Laura Ingraham tweeted, “When does the American working class, without any real wage increase in 15 years, who send their kids to overcrowded public schools, get amnesty?”

In another tweet to her 1.71 million followers, Laura called a pledge for more border security “meaningless.”  She’s angry and so are we.  A promise is a promise President Trump, and there is no way in hell that we believe Rush Limbaugh’s statement that 67% of Trump supporters don’t care about DACA.

Just read the negative comments on articles President Trump, if your Chief of Staff Kelly will allow you to see them.

Don’t Make Promises You Can’t Keep

Both the left and right have pummeled our President with spewing fake news, resisting his policies, obstructing, and lying about him at every turn.  They want him to fail along with his policies and promises.

The President needs to stick to his agenda, reform the tax code, repeal Obamacare, repatriate corporate profits, cut government regulations, scrap trade deals like NAFTA, rebuild the military, build our border wall, give education fully back to the states and dump the NEA along with Betsy DeVos, fix the infrastructure, and above all, defeat Islamism and ISIS, and rid our nation of barbaric savages who wish to destroy our culture and overtake our nation.

People who don’t keep their promises can’t be trusted.  Remember what happened to George H.W. Bush who promised no new taxes. He gave us Bill Clinton.

It’s time to let your voice be heard!  No amnesty for DACA.

White House Email: – https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/

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© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net