About Sidney Secular

Sidney Secular graduated from the State University of New York at Stony Brook with a B.A. Degree in History in 1962. He was employed for over 35 years as a contracting officer or procurement analyst with several US Government agencies including the Department of the Army, Department of the Navy, Drug Enforcement Administration, and the Small Business Administration. He served in the military with the US Army Reserves and The National Guard. He has participated with many conservative and libertarian political and literary organizations for over 40 years including NumbersUSA and American Free Press. He contributes articles regularly to The Barnes Review historical journal. He was former managing editor of The Citizens Informer newspaper. He is founder and publisher of the Freedom Movement Action Newsletter. For a free sample copy, send an email to: success_express@yahoo.com or sidsecular1@aol.com. Please consider supporting his writing on http://www.Patreon.com

The Invisible Rainbow

Nearly constant exposure to cellphones, even if only in purses and not in pockets located on the body proper, has been linked to increases in levels of disease. Social media apps are being linked to increased levels of anxiety and depression, especially among teenagers. Now, in the last several years, the previously unknown disorder of tinnitus is being loudly trumpeted.

By |2025-02-26T18:20:15-05:00February 26th, 2025|

Yet More News You May Have Missed

Mexico doesn't just want $10 billion in damages, a sum that would bankrupt American gun companies, it is also arguing that US courts should impose new gun control measures in the US, a matter that is blatantly unconstitutional! This frivolous suit would provide cover for Mexican officials who have failed to reign in the cartels by blaming US gun companies for the carnage.

By |2025-02-24T20:42:52-05:00February 24th, 2025|

Modern Masses of Moroseness and Mediocrity

We are now arriving at a desultory state of empty desolation where the individual will be totally indifferent to the look of his surroundings and the fate of his city. In these edifices nothing is celebrated because nothing is worthy of being celebrated. That is a marker of our cultural decay and coming collapse.

By |2025-02-13T20:31:12-05:00February 13th, 2025|

More News You Missed

The how and why of it are still being determined, but unvaccinated persons can "catch" maladies from the vaccinated. This condition is called "shedding," a phenomenon that seems most common with mRNA vaccines that are actually a form of gene modifiers.

By |2025-02-10T23:16:20-05:00February 10th, 2025|

The Slow Sabotage Inures You to the Death by a Thousand Cuts

Tragedies, crime, accidents and misfortunes are the meat of the mainstream media's daily doses of deranged drivel and devilish doings to keep “We the People” glued to screens in such a way as to screen out things that really matter, including normal interactions between people. The vast majority of reported incidents – however exotic and intriguing – don't lead to economic catastrophe or such things that directly impact people’s lives.

By |2025-02-07T22:39:08-05:00February 7th, 2025|

Maga Ranks Have Been Rankled by the Work Visa (H-1B) Controversy

Still, it is also very necessary for Americans to realize that, especially with our younger citizens, productivity and excellence have been abandoned in their ongoing concern for “social justice” and especially “equity,” a concept that means not an equality of opportunity, but of result, something that seriously handicaps the more intelligent and hard working.

By |2025-02-05T22:01:55-05:00February 5th, 2025|

More News You Missed, Musings, Uncommon Commentary and More

Within the government documents that relate to these supposed enemies of the state, members of the military and the police are specifically warned not to have anything to do with the castigated groups. This listing has been making the rounds of the Internet for years now, but has not elicited the necessary outrage, resistance and rejection that should have been found amongst the citizenry.

By |2025-01-24T22:35:56-05:00January 24th, 2025|

The Loss of the Western Soul

There are three spiritual bonds that feed the soul and satisfy the spiritual needs of Western man. The more these bonds are strengthened, the more at ease people become personally and the world around them. Indeed, these provide the foundations for both happiness and success in life.

By |2024-12-17T22:58:33-05:00December 17th, 2024|

The Rise of the Cult of Individualism

By concentrating solely on satisfying personal egos to the detriment of a wholesome, well-ordered and smoothly working society, they push the belief that individualism should be held as the highest and most noble virtue, a worldview that can be detrimental to the natural human tendency to form cohesive groups.

By |2024-12-15T00:04:31-05:00December 14th, 2024|

Going Bananas

The US emerged from WWII as the top banana. Entering the war late, undamaged by the fighting and bombing domestically, except for the sacrificial lambs left to be liquidated at Pearl Harbor in the false flag firestorm meant to fire up the public for war, FDR could use the war as a means to get out out of the Great Depression by manufacturing whatever wherewithal our allies needed.

By |2024-12-06T21:44:01-05:00December 6th, 2024|

Why the “Red Wave” Never Crested in 2022

He has also toured the country holding townhall meetings to support the Dems. At these events, he was looking to recruit more influencers who are well-known personalities in the areas of beauty, fitness, lifestyle models, and even comedians to reach young people online and urge them to vote for leftists.

By |2024-11-29T12:22:41-05:00November 29th, 2024|

Be A Living Monument

Now, if others are similarly drifting through life, and similarly take up with the same newfangled foreign philosophy, that should give you the impetus to fight the newfound folly going on. These fools are fooled by the foolish notion that they are acting out their own "truths," free from the forces of history.

By |2024-11-15T20:14:11-05:00November 15th, 2024|

The Amish: North America’s Health Control Group

It's a problem for the elites if the rest of us human lab rats and sheeple can look outside our mental cages and see that another – a better – life is possible. Act now and follow the example of the Amish! Reclaim the wisdom of past generations and find that life outside the present dystopia is still possible.

By |2024-11-09T00:22:25-05:00November 9th, 2024|

Radical Return to Reason Required to Rectify Economic Situation

The above are fundamental actions I think we can agree on without the excessive arguing and debating, something frequently – and often intentionally – leads to inaction. We must conceive of practical ways to accomplish these objectives. Once we Americans get the ball rolling, things will start turning around.

By |2024-11-06T02:59:44-05:00November 6th, 2024|

Requiem Mass for the Masses

The vast majority of the masses are barely making it and our children’s standard of living – something that has always been a point of pride with Americans – is demonstrably lower than that of their parents for perhaps the first time in history. It's time for the people to get something in return for all those taxes. Consider it a "piece dividend" to get a decent piece of the pie.

By |2024-07-20T00:36:39-04:00July 20th, 2024|

TB OR NOT TB? More Than A Mere Question

Besides TB, the invaders are also bringing with them yellow fever – spread like malaria by the mosquito, a creature the US has in plenty, measles, whooping cough, diphtheria and other diseases that were on the fast road to eradication in the US a short time ago.

By |2024-07-10T00:07:55-04:00July 10th, 2024|

Fluorides: A Long Term Depopulation Program

When it comes to causing disease, fluorides break up the bonds that are found in our DNA, destabilizing the DNA, and this inhibits the effectiveness of the immune system anywhere from 30% to 70%. The amount of fluoride in drinking water is sufficient to lower thyroid activity. Fluorides cause the breakdown of collagen which results in the wrinkling of the skin and the weakening of ligaments and muscles.

By |2024-07-05T23:18:47-04:00July 5th, 2024|

A Somewhat Fictional Consummate People’s Representative is Consumed by “Special Interests”

In today's political climate of widespread ignorance, apathy, laziness and immorality, dominated by those with both perverse interests and nearly all the big bucks, it is very difficult to buck the system for very long before succumbing to its prerequisites. Honest folk’s terms in office are often terminated when the bad actors gang up on those trying to follow through on the right thing to do and following the Constitution.

By |2024-07-02T00:17:17-04:00July 2nd, 2024|

Geoengineering: A Primary Depopulation Program

As a result, our so-called scientists believe that they have all the answers and thus feel free to attempt to modify weather and climate, having confidence in the efficacy or correctness of their actions. One major element of the current geoengineering effort is the removal of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the environment, especially as it exists in earth’s atmosphere.

By |2024-06-28T00:54:20-04:00June 28th, 2024|

Titanic: Accident or Deliberate Drowning?

On board the maiden voyage of the Titanic was a cabal of very wealthy people opposed to formation of such a central bank especially as it was constructed under FED guidelines. These included Benjamin Guggenheim, Isidor Strauss, John Jacob Astor, and other financial oligarchs.

By |2024-05-21T00:09:04-04:00May 21st, 2024|

Unsatisfying Script: A Description of the Movie “Civil War”

The critics' reviews of the movie waxed critical. Easy to do since the director did not pick a side or make some left wing political statement. Even negativity can cause people to think and evaluate, but that is a challenge now as people are hourly spoon fed solutions on which they are expected to chow down – and believe.

By |2024-05-17T00:22:58-04:00May 17th, 2024|

The Gun Grabber Glossary

The misuse of “gun grabber” terms is not to be glossed over. The gun grabbers and media blabbers twist language in hopes of creating panic amongst the populace while producing rallying-cry rhetoric for gun grabbing and attitude altering emotional evocations to shape perceptions about guns themselves.

By |2024-04-13T00:18:22-04:00April 13th, 2024|

Lockdown-Leaning Lefty Loons Need to be Locked Up

As the Covidiocy conspiracy lengthened, the online vitriol expressed through the lunacy of leftist statements and positions both increased and intensified. Government directed lockdowns exacerbated the anti-social effects caused by increased isolation, and as leftists  participated the most in these lockdowns, they were the most and the worst afflicted.

By |2024-04-02T00:21:18-04:00April 2nd, 2024|

The New Intense Gambling Addiction

Studies show that 16% of gambling addicts attempt suicide, which is over 20 times the rate in the general population, and the highest of any addiction. Having the necessary apps on their phones makes it easy for those hooked on hi-tech to place bets at any time at any place.

By |2024-03-18T00:02:27-04:00March 18th, 2024|

Travail Will Tail the Chemtrail Assail

These are strange days with strange skies and this situation is leading to Florida’s losing its allure as the Sunshine State. All across that state Florida’s “winter people” are noticing that their skies have been unusually cloudy and overcast, the cloudiest in 84 years in fact. Florida is in the subtropical zone where you usually have either bright blue skies or stormy, showery weather with little or nothing in-between.

By |2024-03-02T00:08:37-05:00March 2nd, 2024|

Don’t be a Slave to Narrow Narratives on Slavery

Post Scriptum: a fairly recently published book, Dying For Freedom by Jim Downs addressed the fate of former slaves both during and after the Civil War. The book pointed to the failure of the “Union” States to care for newly freed slaves especially in an impoverished post-war South, causing more death and suffering than had happened when those same people were in fact enslaved.

By |2024-02-24T01:27:41-05:00February 24th, 2024|

Who Owns America’s Lands?

Manifest destiny was a phrase in the 19th-century United States that represented the belief that American settlers were destined to expand westward across North America, and that this belief was both obvious ("manifest") and certain ("destiny"). The belief was rooted in American exceptionalism and Romantic nationalism, implying the inevitable spread of the Republican form of governance.

By |2024-02-12T00:14:48-05:00February 12th, 2024|

Tendering Transgendering to the Tender of Age

Gender ideology is being pushed onto society by perverts and profiteers through their money and influence and with the help of the same virtue-signaling Karens and Kevins who supported the COVID lockdowns. Yet, the entire ideology contradicts all common sense, disregards all decency and all propriety and barring the victory of evil as the result of our apathy...

By |2024-02-04T00:52:28-05:00February 4th, 2024|

Arms Rights Roundup

America has lost its oldest factory -- a gun manufacturing facility. Two-hundred year old Remington Arms, one of America's major arms producers, has shuttered its doors at its iconic and venerable main manufacturing plant  in the tiny town of Ilion, New York where 230 workers were employed. As recently as 2013, about 1,400 workers were producing 4,900 guns per day at this site. Over the last 10 years, most of the  production has been farmed out to other manufacturing sites around the country.

By |2024-01-26T00:50:32-05:00January 26th, 2024|

Corralling the Callow, the Shallow and the Clods

UN Poster Child Greta "How Dare You!" Thunberg, the screechy, preachy, snotty, sneering, sanctimonious global superstar is back once again to lead a global mob of young climate zealots in a campaign to "End Fossil Fuels." The Swedish sensation is now 20 years old but remains an idol to juvenile activists the world over.

By |2024-01-06T00:08:05-05:00January 6th, 2024|

The Horrordumbor

Watching TV and absorbing endless propaganda and drug ads 24/7 drive people to hasten to their medical appointments where they are driven to shorten their lives with Big Pharma's prescriptions and pills and stop at Taco Bell or fast food dispensary on the way home so they can imbibe some comfort food to feel better.

By |2024-01-02T00:11:58-05:00January 2nd, 2024|

Another Civil War? No, Probably Just Domestic Squabbles

To have a civil war, you need warriors will to die for a cause. We are too spoiled, distracted and lethargic for that level of commitment. Most people couldn't handle losing their wireless connection for half an hour. Even the red and blue states are split between urban and rural factions.

By |2023-12-15T00:23:38-05:00December 15th, 2023|

Arms Rights Roundup

A new hornet's nest has been established in the White House that's all abuzz with a beehive of activity. It's the new so-called Office of Gun Violence Prevention, established as part of the Department of Justice in September, 2023. This particular action makes “preventing gun violence" into a "permanent national priority."

By |2023-12-08T00:12:31-05:00December 8th, 2023|

Has the American Spirit and Work Ethic Evaporated?

Today, however, in the US, everything seems broken, listless, malfunctioning and the product of decay. The entrepreneurial spirit still resides in the Asians who seem to have taken over that particular ethic. Many Americans though animated by anomie, if you will, are lazy, irrational, socially touchy, and tend to gripe about their lot in life, though sadly not without a lot of justification.

By |2023-12-06T01:05:04-05:00December 6th, 2023|

The Marshall Plan

The establishment makes The Marshall Plan appear as proof of America’s magnanimity towards prostrate allies and a defeated enemy. But, in fact, the plan was only meant as a sop to a resource-sapped and “zapped” vassal state as well as America’s much weakened allies.

By |2023-12-04T00:25:27-05:00December 4th, 2023|

Mounting Mischief From Electric Vehicles

In past newsletters we have already panned electric vehicles (“EVs”) and demonstrated that the devil is in the details of the “side effects” that are shoved aside as side issues like the side shows of old. In their utilization, as in the case of drugs, these affects keep adding up.

By |2023-12-02T01:00:58-05:00December 2nd, 2023|

Have the Entrepreneurial and Cooperative Spirits Been Spirited Away by the “Newcomers?”

The buck$ are passing to the non-white migrants and newcomers. Why? Because either we whites are passing the buck – that is, losing the initiative and letting it happen – or the powers-that-be are destroying small mostly-white businesses using faux crises such as pandemics and exaggerated claims that climate changes are about to do us in.

By |2023-11-15T00:13:21-05:00November 15th, 2023|

Proper and Justified Reparations Have Yet to be Acknowledged and/or Discussed

It is important to recognize that until the eve of the "Civil War," slaves were viewed as chattel (property) and thus legally held in the states where slavery existed including some Northern states. That being the case, the Lincoln administration recognized the federal government's constitutional and moral obligation to compensate owners for the emancipation of their slaves by that government.

By |2023-10-21T01:00:34-04:00October 21st, 2023|

Have the Entrepreneurial and Cooperative Spirits Been Spirited Away by the “Newcomers?”

The buck$ are passing to the non-white migrants and newcomers. Why? Because either we whites are passing the buck – that is, losing the initiative and letting it happen – or the powers-that-be are destroying small mostly-white businesses using faux crises such as pandemics and exaggerated claims that climate changes are about to do us in.

By |2023-10-07T01:15:28-04:00October 7th, 2023|

Refuse Accepting the Refuse

The left always acknowledges plausible grounds for asylum for anyone and everyone – as long as they’re not white European Christians. The “reason” may be presented as climate change or political persecution or economic hardship or all three. Everything is considered a qualification to open the borders and the wallets of the good ol’ USA and its people; no substantiation of causes is required.

By |2023-09-23T00:32:31-04:00September 23rd, 2023|

The Betrayal

Because of our fools and our traitors, our destruction was achieved in a single human lifespan.  Because of them, no one mourned our passing as a people, and no one was ever intended to mourn it.  We did not find the path to utopia promised by our fools and traitors,  but instead a path to what some of them intended and others did not:  the path from which no steps can be retraced, the path to our extinction.

By |2023-09-13T00:31:24-04:00September 13th, 2023|

Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Help, Hindrance or Hell?

AI applications will soon cover all aspects of our lives such as scheduling our appointments, improving our writing, remembering names for us, discovering distant relatives we didn't know we had, or rapidly sorting through records and files that it would otherwise take us a lifetime to do.

By |2023-09-05T00:42:20-04:00September 5th, 2023|

Morsels Mined From The Memory Hole

The French Government is restricting Internet access "in certain neighborhoods," – and by that, the “government” means the burgeoning areas occupied and controlled almost exclusively by these criminally inclined troglodytes. Of course, this is done so that the depraved denizens therein cannot use social media and other platforms to organize and promote their violent activities.

By |2023-08-30T15:31:35-04:00August 29th, 2023|

Affluentza: The Main Mass American Malady

If the above describes yourself and your family, without realizing it you may be suffering from an insufferable, highly contagious American malady – affluentza! This particular virus has gone viral and infected nearly the entire world or at least those who are not in the process of dying of starvation or war.

By |2023-08-25T00:37:12-04:00August 25th, 2023|

Wretched Way Out Weirdness and A Woke Color Agenda

Generally speaking, much of the unhappiness, dysfunction, retarded development and discontent is the result of forcibly mixing groups in carefully created toxic situations. There is nothing wrong with small amounts of such “mixing” when the conditions allow but what is happening here is neither benign nor accidental. It is an intentional strategy to bring about the breakdown of the social order.

By |2023-07-26T00:11:01-04:00July 26th, 2023|

There Prescient Novels Predicted Our Cowardly “Brave New World”

The technical gulag of the Brave New World will have encompassed the entire world. We have reached an era in which total tyranny is possible simply because we have created the means and technology to run it. And with the addition of AI (Artificial Intelligence) we just might have “thought” ourselves into enslavement not by men, but by man’s creations.

By |2023-07-22T00:32:14-04:00July 22nd, 2023|

Not So Strange Feeling So Estranged Over Strange Situation

The incredibly weird current political condition is most frustrating to us who have already been long flustered, but it is understandable in a wacky woke sort of way. Perplexed conservatives and actual Republicans who take delight in pointing out the many weaknesses, blunders, stumbles and mumblings of our faux President are, sadly, misreading the situation.

By |2023-06-24T00:49:42-04:00June 24th, 2023|

A Transhumanist Transformation and An Extermination

Whether the goal is extermination or enslavement – or a combination thereof – or whether we will be dealing with an AI or other man-technology merger presently being promoted or whether twisted atheist billionaires or extra-terrestrials are running the show, it really doesn't matter. This fast emerging "sin”-ario and those pushing it must be stopped now or mankind will die both individually and as a species.

By |2023-06-20T01:22:08-04:00June 20th, 2023|

The World Freedom Declaration

We, the people of the world, demand a thorough investigation of all corruption and conflicts of interest surrounding this declared pandemic and that each party found to be involved, be tried, convicted and subsequently punished for every death and/or injury – including suicides – caused by any governmental direction, mandate or. . .

By |2023-05-30T00:37:28-04:00May 30th, 2023|

Hard To “(E)Scape” Being The Scapegoat

As we scrape along in our newfound hostile environment led by jackbooted tyrannical extremists while trying to hold onto scraps of the freedoms we once enjoyed, we are forced to plan for survival both personal and of some semblance of our Western-style society. President Trump seems to have been the catalyst setting off the mass insanity that had long latently lay beneath the skulls of the psychotic, the mindless, and the brain-addled.

By |2023-05-19T02:41:20-04:00May 19th, 2023|

More News You Missed, Musings, Uncommon Commentary and More

North Korea is testing a new solid fuel ICBM that is pushing the envelope in state of the art weapons technology with assistance from China. These two terrors are not paper tigers anymore and you can't paper over it. Without going into the techy details, the new system needs testing and fine tuning to be sure, but it sure is scaring the bejeebers out of the US and its Asian allies.

By |2023-05-15T23:59:53-04:00May 15th, 2023|

Immigration: The New Warfare

Now many books have been written about the New World Order and its “makers and shakers.” That is not the purpose of this article. The purpose here is to point out that it is futile to argue this matter under the heading of “immigration” just as it would be futile to argue any invasion of a country by outsiders armed or otherwise, under that particular heading.

By |2023-05-09T00:25:26-04:00May 9th, 2023|

News You May Have Missed; Media Miscreant Machinations; Musings and Uncommon Vommentary

The fastest growing states with the best economies and lowest unemployment are the red states. Incomes, assets, and businesses need to move to friendlier locales. Some blue Yankee bummers will follow suit but those states and their citizens need to consciously be sure that they don't allow the liberal migrants to take over and start dominating the scene as is their wont.

By |2023-05-05T23:35:37-04:00May 5th, 2023|

News You Missed: Media Miscreant Machinations Musings and Uncommon Commentary

Let's pause for a moment to consider what changes in the culture have come about because of these changes in the compositions of sports teams. Before integration, athletes celebrated touchdowns, home runs, etc. by shaking hands with teammates. Now they dance, prance and thump breasts like gorillas. Now the whites mimic these animal-like theatrics to display their own lack of civilized behavior.

By |2023-04-06T00:37:04-04:00April 6th, 2023|

“UFOs” Generate “BALLOONEY” From the FEDGOV

Knowing the density of the air at 60,000 feet and the dimensions of the balloon, it should have been a simple exercise to determine the approximate weight of the electronic equipment on board. That, in itself should have been a clue as to the nature of that equipment and its mission – that is, if it wasn't really a weather balloon...

By |2023-03-27T00:39:12-04:00March 27th, 2023|

The Hate Hoax Heard Around the World

In 2021, the entire nation of Canada fell for perhaps the most ginned-up and exaggerated hoax ever perpetuated against the terminally naïve and, frankly, stupid. The constant drumbeat of the “need” for “diversity” being beaten into people's heads by the establishment, set the stage for a massively staged event.

By |2023-03-22T01:21:01-04:00March 22nd, 2023|

America: Off the Rails

A literal toxic cloud hangs over America today. Many cannot really see it, much less see through it! The fog of paralysis eliminates effective action while producing an inertia that, together with a lack of incisive analysis, will end in our nation’s death spiral. There has never been such an open show of contempt and hatred for normal Americans – a/k/a "the deplorables"...

By |2023-03-18T01:14:37-04:00March 18th, 2023|

Nikki Haley and the Hegelian Dialectic Trick

Meanwhile, American “patriotism” continues to decline among progressives where it was never a strong point to begin with while many conservatives no longer identify with this country or recognize it as part of the First World. Yet Haley seems oblivious to this, carrying on with her newfound and increasingly baseless "American Pride" program.

By |2023-02-28T00:48:56-05:00February 28th, 2023|

Brain Fog at Foggy Bottom

And so, today reason and truth are passe and, as they say, we must do it their way. But this time they run risk of waking up the goyim and the sheeple to their plight and also the identity of the purveyors of these schemes and agendas because these perps are massively "overreaching" with their actions as they hope to fulfill the agenda of the Great Reset.

By |2023-02-14T00:26:17-05:00February 14th, 2023|

Is the Die Cast for DEI? and Are We to Die Because of It?

The burgeoning Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) movement is casting a miasmic, suffocating cloud upon the body politic and all Americans are suffering from it. Academia is the breeding ground for this strain of nonsense and its tentacles lead academic effort away from true academic pursuits.

By |2023-02-01T00:18:10-05:00February 1st, 2023|

The Ukraine War Will End With a Big Bang – and Soon

The West’s drive to conquer Russia will not end until the fools of the New World Order exhaust themselves and eventually get beat down in the process. The slovenly media will increasingly slobber over the prospect of subduing the Russian bear, but will remain silent when they have been silenced by events which will have turned against them although, it is secretly believed that...

By |2023-01-30T00:49:17-05:00January 30th, 2023|

White Plight Whitewashed by GOP

The whites who recognize their plight are understandably frustrated since they have no real outlet wherein they can effect a difference, and therefore they remain gripped by their gripes. The largely dull, deceived and dumbed down general mass of whites, bereft of racial consciousness will grasp at any straw that seems to address their unease within their dismaying situation.

By |2023-01-20T00:09:06-05:00January 20th, 2023|

The Emergence of the New World Order (NWO)

Total domination of the world may sound like an impossible feat but it’s plain to see that it is well on its way to fulfillment. The bulk of all the money and property in the world is passing into the hands of a small band of super rich billionaires and trillionaires and Mega Corporations that now mastermind the fate of the people.

By |2023-01-13T00:38:31-05:00January 13th, 2023|

American Renaissance “AmRen” Conference (November 18-20, 2022)

AmRen conferences have become the most important mainstay of discussions on American white interests and survival, sometimes intentionally misinterpreted as white nationalism and/or white supremacy. Begun in 1994, and initially held biannually, they are now annual events that attract about 250 to 300 people, many of whom are repeat attendees.

By |2023-01-07T22:49:49-05:00January 7th, 2023|

The Red Wave Reduced to a Ripple

Americans no longer value freedom although they talk about it constantly. Indeed, the concept of “freedom” held by many of today’s “Americans” is the freedom everybody has to do what they want done and to believe as they do! The only people who truly appreciate what freedom actually is come from Eastern Europe!

By |2022-11-19T00:27:30-05:00November 19th, 2022|

Prepperism, Part 4. “The Alpha Strategy”

We all have to buy food for as long as we live – and lots of it. Food is an alternative store of value whose purchase in these days of supermarkets and the internet is often casually overlooked. Concern for its provision should be a mainstay in considering a rainy day.

By |2022-11-09T00:24:44-05:00November 9th, 2022|

The Sick American Soul

What's going on in this country cannot all be explained by just the demented doings of the devil-driven Demonrats, although that is the public face of the assault on the body politic dividing and separating us along a fault line that may be termed a political "continental divide." Finding fault always creates fissures that separate people into factions.

By |2022-10-25T00:07:10-04:00October 25th, 2022|

The Cult of Kalergi: The Planned Replacement of the European Peoples

The great majority of Europe's elites, both Christian and secular, are committed to Coudenhove-Kalergi's goal of replacing European man. It will be left to populists and right-wingers like Victor Orban of Hungary, Marine LePen of France and hopefully many more patriots that will arise to save White Europeans and Christians from the invasion and extermination that has been planned and enabled by the elites and is already well underway.

By |2022-09-23T00:47:10-04:00September 23rd, 2022|

A Model Case Against Multiculturalism

This sense of demographic disconnect has led to discontent and such idiotic measures as placing more paintings of minority graduates and faculty inside campus buildings. But such gestures only seem to intensify the sense of separation and antipathy from those for whom they were made.

By |2022-09-13T00:21:35-04:00September 13th, 2022|

The Specter of White Genocide: Part 2

The greatest danger of the many involved in this conspiracy is that the anti-white mindset permeating police departments, intelligence agencies and the military will result in members of these groups trained to follow orders, will train their weapons on white society!

By |2022-09-03T01:27:38-04:00September 3rd, 2022|

Lost White Migrations and Civilizations – Part 3

The pyramid-like structure was discovered 60 feet at the bottom of Rock Lake in Southern Wisconsin in 1991. Three thousand years ago, that same structure stood at the edge of the lake. Sea levels had risen since the end of the Ice Age, hiding the now submerged remnants of extinct civilizations in various locations around the globe.

By |2022-08-12T00:17:52-04:00August 12th, 2022|

Synopses, Snippets, and Short Takes of/on News You May Have Missed

The US military no longer exemplifies the peak of physical fitness and culture that once was a special attraction for joining. In addition to lowering educational requirements, the Army has boosted bonuses, offering more flexible contracts and duty stations of choice – all to no avail. It is well to remember that no nation remained free when its own troops were replaced by mercenaries.

By |2022-08-05T22:12:48-04:00August 5th, 2022|

Cash to Crash as Orwellian Future Wells Up

The other option to survive in the coming cashless society will be to create local currencies enabled by a local trading system a/k/a: LETS – as in let’s do it! This type of system was used and was very popular in Canada at one time. LETS allows members to obtain goods and services through their local currency which is accepted by local retailers who are enrolled in the system.

By |2022-08-03T01:25:09-04:00August 3rd, 2022|

The Specter of White Genocide, Part 1

We know police departments, intelligence agencies, and the military have been severely compromised with an anti-white mindset, at least at the upper levels. The process started during the Obama Administration, accelerated while Trump was in office, and is being finalized under the Biden regime.

By |2022-07-22T00:58:40-04:00July 22nd, 2022|

International Living, Part 2

If, on the other hand, Europe beckons, enjoying the warm coastal nation of Portugal should be a notion to seriously consider. It is the epitome of Old World charm. Centuries-old architecture and vineyards, cobblestone streets, omnipresent outdoor markets, and convivial cafes make your days charming and pleasing.

By |2022-07-09T00:48:12-04:00July 9th, 2022|

Producing Paltry Prospects For an Educated Populace

A report from Northwestern University in an Associated Press article indicates that local newspapers in the US are dying at the rate of two per week. The report further says that there has been new growth in digital alternatives "but not enough to compensate for what has been lost".

By |2022-07-05T01:46:51-04:00July 5th, 2022|

Synopses of Shameful, Silly and/or Spiked Media Stories

Black lives don't matter at all to those out to soak the suckers for Simoleans to supposedly help Blacks. The Black Lives Matter Global Foundation has released its IRS forms revealing that it is sitting on $43 million after raising nearly $90 million during the violent riots of summer 2020.

By |2022-06-19T01:13:46-04:00June 19th, 2022|

Student Loans Cannot Be Forgiven

The Demonrats are in a panic because they are beginning to lose the youth vote, something they (the elite) thought inconceivable if they punted the current presidential placeholder into the White House.

By |2022-06-15T01:34:31-04:00June 15th, 2022|

Dereliction of Election Duty

The most recent fraud culminated in a crescendo of every possible connivance under the sun during the run-up to the 2020 Presidential "preconceived selection" election. What was done to deny Donald Trump his second term has not been seriously called out until fairly recently.

By |2022-06-10T00:09:34-04:00June 10th, 2022|

Georgia On Our Minds: The Devil Went Down to Georgia

It's somewhat incomprehensible that Governor Kemp just won the Republican primary handily. This comes after former President Trump has continuously excoriated him over his general RINO behavior and his acquiescence in the vote fraud associated with the 2020 elections.

By |2022-05-30T23:57:45-04:00May 30th, 2022|

Developing a Data-Driven “Dysphorian” Digital Dystopia

Throughout the rapid passage through transitory states, no prospect has inspired as much mystique, critique, and wild speculation as what has now been “christened” artificial intelligence (AI). Theoretically, sensation and complex thought – the reasoning faculties that once defined the human mind – can now be enacted in silicon-based processors...

By |2022-05-25T02:10:41-04:00May 25th, 2022|

International Living, Part 1

Although some aspects of globalism are hard to escape, there are many places in the world very little affected by the trend and where the local charm and allure remain largely intact. For your reading pleasure, we will not get into the mechanics of such a transition. There are experts and resources available to facilitate that process.

By |2022-05-11T00:33:55-04:00May 11th, 2022|

To the Ends of the Earth: Lost White Migrations and Civilizations, Part 1

Ancient White influence was, however, not restricted to western China. A genetic study published in the journal, "Molecular Biology and Evolution" (Vol.17, pages 1396-1400, in the year 2000) found that in the far eastern seaboard Chinese province of Shandong, the population of former times showed greater genetic similarity to present-day Europeans than to present day Asians.

By |2022-05-06T00:04:47-04:00May 6th, 2022|

A ‘Great Reset’ Toward Reality is Arising

We can expect that once the Great Reset is in place and the New World Order is smoothly moving forward (and leaving the rest of us behind in slavery and poverty), all of these Green concerns will cease to be and the EVs and windmills abandoned because they are too costly and too stupid.

By |2022-04-30T00:36:38-04:00April 30th, 2022|

Misconceptions and Deceptions Re: the Ukrainian Conflict

Of course, higher transportation costs, especially when added to higher food production costs,must result in higher prices at the grocery store. The food costs shock arising from the Ukrainian war will be as severe as the oil costs shock of the 1970s the only difference being not everybody needs gas and oil while everybody does need food!

By |2022-04-19T00:10:05-04:00April 19th, 2022|

The Descent of Western Man

The New World "Orderlies" constantly change our perceptions to align with their ever changing deceptions. History becomes history in favor of the current political flavors with hysterics and gaslighting used to gas up the deceptions. Thus, the themes in the increasingly pertinent and popular novel "1984" by George Orwell are novel no more.

By |2022-04-05T00:46:31-04:00April 5th, 2022|

Ponder Prepperism, Part 2

There are massive amounts of free videos, blogs, and other resources on the subject of indoor gardening available to a beginner. Start by performing an internet search on "indoor gardening" before the Deep State realizes that such information is a danger to their complete control of We the People! Start your indoor gardening projects now – the subject will grow on you.

By |2022-03-30T00:28:24-04:00March 30th, 2022|

The True Tragedy of Biden’s Border Treason

The demented Biden's disastrous border treason is ballooning to the point at which it is nearly boundless. This moronic, psychopathic mental midget is completely transforming the Historic American Nation into a nation of illegal invaders, Third World troglodytes and political "sickophants."

By |2022-03-22T00:51:35-04:00March 22nd, 2022|

Arms Rights Round-Up

“Backdoor” Gun Registry: The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATF) is in the process of creating a massive database via digitization of Form 44738 people fill out when purchasing a firearm. In 2021 alone, ATF processed at least 54 million of these forms, a process that began during the Obama Reign of Error.

By |2022-03-18T09:52:12-04:00March 18th, 2022|

The Devilish Draw of Tech Devices

It's odd to think of these digital devices as robots. But these advanced phone tablets, laptops, smart watches, PCs, “health indicators” and connected home devices are, in fact, conduits for some of the most advanced forms of artificial intelligence ever created. Companies like Meta (Facebook), Alphabet (Google) and Twitter have built ultra-sophisticated machine-learning algorithms whose main purposes are to...

By |2022-03-08T00:16:09-05:00March 8th, 2022|

Is Separation Insuperable and Will it Tear us Asunder?

The claim that the "rioters" attempted to overcome the world's most militarized regime in history without weapons seems to be something only the mindless could conceive much less believe. Many claimed that these “insurrectionists” forced their way into the Capitol through its doors, but this requires far more than a mere suspension of reality!

By |2022-02-22T00:54:13-05:00February 22nd, 2022|

Vaccine Derangement Syndrome (VDS)

It is interesting to note that today in Germany, efforts are being made to nullify this code as it directly reflects the ongoing situation of those who take these “vaccines” without understanding that, like the victims of the Nazis, they, too are participating in medical experimentation!

By |2022-02-05T00:11:13-05:00February 5th, 2022|

All Human Differences Are Social Constructs Now

America seems obsessed with “equality” even when it is not possible to achieve that mythical goal. On the other hand, it is quality that has made us what we are– or were! – and therefore quality should always be our goal. When quality is neither actively sought nor actually permitted, the bogus goal of equality becomes its replacement, rearing its fictitious head as the sole means of obtaining an overriding social good.

By |2022-02-02T00:25:00-05:00February 2nd, 2022|

Communist Cancel Culture vs. The Christian Canon

The hour nears midnight when doom awaits us. We must call this attack for what it is -- a deliberate effort to destroy all that made us the most free and successful country on earth in order to make us yet another casualty of their never ending schemes and producing another bunch of field workers and mindless "pee-ons" on the coming Global Plantation.

By |2022-01-14T00:56:11-05:00January 14th, 2022|

Bellying Up to Expanding Waistlines

But it is never too late to turn things around and, to a certain extent, regain much of one’s vitality. First, watch your diet! Go back to or stick with unprocessed and even some uncooked whole foods as much as possible, and greatly increase your consumption of fruits, veggies, whole grains and nuts.

By |2022-01-01T01:02:41-05:00January 1st, 2022|

“Alone, Lonely and Abandoned”

Donald Jeffries, the author of the lead article in the October 2021 issue of the Freedom Times, entitled "The American Loneliness Phenomenon," paints a depressing portrait of life in isolated cocoons across the fruited plain. Those who are lonely are especially prone to feel a palpable pain of abandonment during the holiday season.

By |2021-12-29T00:31:07-05:00December 29th, 2021|

Jackbooted Jerk Branden Needs to be Booted Out of Office

The SEALs are just the most visible service group to have their exemption requests turned down. However, it should be noted that a significant number of the service members that are refusing the Covid jabs come from special operations forces such as the SEALs. The First Liberty Institute (www.firstliberty.org) has taken up their case.

By |2021-12-18T00:08:00-05:00December 18th, 2021|

The Latest Conception of the Inception of the Covid Calamity

Anyone who watched this film might certainly have been terrified by the possibility of this kind of a killer pathogen abroad in the land, but, of course, COVID is not the deadly pathogen presented in the film! In point of fact, many reputable medical sources have admitted that “COVID” has never been isolated! What this means medically is that COVID doesn’t exist as a pathogen and therefor no “vaccine” can be created from it.

By |2021-12-14T01:00:49-05:00December 14th, 2021|

Shadowy Super Surveillance State Will Shadow All Your Movements

A US patent was granted on August 31, 2021 for a technology that tracks your every move through your digital activities. The alleged purpose of this “knowledge” is to give you a score related to the probability of your becoming the spread vector for an ill-defined virus that, they claim, makes others ill often to the point of death!

By |2021-12-11T00:22:20-05:00December 11th, 2021|

Ponder “Prepperism”

You should move as quickly as possible from an urban area to small town or rural environment and even to a remote part of the country, if possible. It is also wise if you do move, to go to states and localities that are presently “red” in their political and cultural leanings. Whatever happens, you will be better served by the governments of those places than in blue areas.

By |2021-12-07T01:57:42-05:00December 7th, 2021|

Black Marks on the Marx Mystique

Marx hated the bourgeoisie. In fact, he hated everyone, and especially those who accomplished things in life, principally if those accomplishments meant that they had achieved and obtained things he believed due and owing to himself! Despite the money showered on him by his wealthy and indulgent father, Marx was always in debt.

By |2021-12-04T00:24:20-05:00December 4th, 2021|
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