About Sidney Secular

Sidney Secular graduated from the State University of New York at Stony Brook with a B.A. Degree in History in 1962. He was employed for over 35 years as a contracting officer or procurement analyst with several US Government agencies including the Department of the Army, Department of the Navy, Drug Enforcement Administration, and the Small Business Administration. He served in the military with the US Army Reserves and The National Guard. He has participated with many conservative and libertarian political and literary organizations for over 40 years including NumbersUSA and American Free Press. He contributes articles regularly to The Barnes Review historical journal. He was former managing editor of The Citizens Informer newspaper. He is founder and publisher of the Freedom Movement Action Newsletter. For a free sample copy, send an email to: success_express@yahoo.com or sidsecular1@aol.com. Please consider supporting his writing on http://www.Patreon.com

The Consequences of B.A.M. a/k/a the Black Adoration Movement

The rise of Soros’ and Bloomberg’s "progressive" prosecutors pose one of the greatest threats to the rule of law. These legal ideologues have seized control of district and states attorney's offices all over the country virtually putting an end to the true “rule of law.” In many major cities...

By |2021-11-16T00:29:39-05:00November 16th, 2021|

Factors and Feelings That Fed the Frenzied Riots of 2020

While all this was going on, the Cultural Marxists (i.e.communists) were taking control of the curricula in public schools and most private schools as well; indeed, they became the new Educational Establishment. Today, freedom of speech in the classroom depends entirely upon whether or not the Left agrees with what is being said while those on the Left are permitted to shout down all opposing and conservative views...

By |2021-11-03T02:49:06-04:00November 3rd, 2021|

Meeting Invitation and Special Presentation

You must be registered to attend for security reasons and because space is limited. Please RSVP at your earliest convenience and indicate how many people will be in your party. Contact information follows. The location is a quiet residential area a bit north of the Capital Beltway.

By |2021-09-22T02:25:31-04:00September 22nd, 2021|

Post-Pandemic Problems and Prognostications

The manipulators have stated openly that soon no one will own anything. Personal property and private homes, the envy of those who don't have much of them, don't deserve them, or already have too much of them for their own good, will be eliminated. They expect you will like it that way – less responsibility and more time for self-indulgence.

By |2021-09-14T01:57:17-04:00September 14th, 2021|

The Judicial System is On Trial

There must be a way to allow Americans fair access to a trial as required by the Constitution without undue harmful effects on their constitutions and pocketbooks. By frightening defendants or making it financially impossible for them to present a decent case, the system does not allow them to maintain their innocence until proven guilty.

By |2021-09-07T00:20:00-04:00September 7th, 2021|

Inflammatory Disorders, Cancer Markers on the Rise

Some have brushed off the notion that the virus could be a bioweapon because it didn’t cause sudden, mass deaths. But this is a misconception. A successful bioweapon can be something that causes long-term, progressive, chronic-type diseases, noted Dr. Richard Fleming, a physicist, nuclear cardiologist and attorney.

By |2021-09-04T01:40:40-04:00September 4th, 2021|

Texas is Taking the Bull by the Longhorns (Somewhat)

In the UK, France, and other areas of Europe, resistance to the jabs and lockdowns in the form of demonstrations is increasing and reaching significant levels. Canada is completely lost to global communism as is Australia and New Zealand and the USA is not far behind.

By |2021-08-29T02:15:30-04:00August 29th, 2021|

Politics as Religion

Despite their atheistic or pantheistic denigration of Christianity, the ideologies of the left, like Communism or wokeism recycle Christian elements or themes, which even in their denatured or mangled state are still recognizable in terms of their source. Even Christian confessionals become infused with discussions over political ideology.

By |2021-08-25T03:20:02-04:00August 25th, 2021|

Has The Great Tribulation Begun?

The voting tragedy and travesties of the 2020 elections must be completely turned around through very forceful and persistent action if we are to have any hopes of restoring the Historic American Nation as a viable entity. There are those still insulated from the nefarious things that take place around the world daily and the Pollyannas would rather not be perturbed and disturbed by being forced to have to think of or confront such things.

By |2021-08-15T01:49:11-04:00August 15th, 2021|

For White Boys Who Think of Suicide

How sad, even to have been placed in the position to need to contemplate such thoughts.  This is the corner into which our idiot leaders have now painted us, and most of us will no doubt live to see the fruits of their folly.  I am aging fast, and I may be spared such a fate; even so, I know where my ghost will abide when its time comes.

By |2021-06-23T01:43:17-04:00June 22nd, 2021|

A Noise-Some Existence

It would appear there is a conspiracy, as it were, against silence in the world--a movement to make irritating noise the norm--either for someone's entertainment, for some unnecessarily noisy and obtrusive commercial purpose, or as a way to simply be annoying or be noticed.

By |2021-06-19T00:48:58-04:00June 19th, 2021|

“Infrastructure” Spending

This was once all-purpose wasteful spending on useless public works that supposedly tied the country together via transportation, communications, and utilities-related foundational structures. Now it has been expanded astronomically to embrace anything the politicians want to spend money on, especially on pie-in-the sky utopian schemes...

By |2021-06-15T01:33:03-04:00June 15th, 2021|

Silly Sexpectations and Transgender Travesties

Jumping at the invitation, 255 biological male inmates have requested to be transferred to women's prisons. MA and CT  have similar rules and results. CA is pushing the looniness to new lows--Democrats are pushing legislation (AB 2826)  which would impose fines on department stores  which separate clothing and toys by gender.

By |2021-06-11T01:42:51-04:00June 11th, 2021|

Rallying Around Trump

What the Left is setting about doing now tells us what the Trump movement felt but perhaps didn't quite articulate: That we are being dissolved as a people and a nation through the relentless lying and propaganda, the Big Tech censorship and surveillance, and the importation of incompatibles.

By |2021-06-08T00:38:26-04:00June 8th, 2021|

Dysgenic Islamic Inbreeding

During the KV-197 band C-130 pilot transition program run by Lockheed Corp. in Saudi Arabia, American instructors found that most Saudi trainees had very limited night vision, even on the brightest of moonlit nights. Also, the trainees had very poor retention rates from their training, including the mechanics and maintenance personnel as well.

By |2021-05-04T02:07:03-04:00May 4th, 2021|

Higher Education Being Lowered From Its High Horse

The corrupted and denatured universities are losing their near universal monopoly on knowledge attainment, knowledge storage, and specialized training for high salary professions. Besides, they just cost too much, so they're on their way out, but they don't want to admit it yet.

By |2021-01-01T02:24:45-05:00January 1st, 2021|

Plutocrats Promote Perversity

Silicon Valley's elite are hosting meetings to hatch plans to escape the disasters they see coming; and when they come, they'll leave the rest of us behind. The techies naturally are relying on tech as their modus operandi. The buzzards bandy about techie buzzwords to sound smart, sort of like stock ticker symbols for potential investments...

By |2020-11-24T03:18:50-05:00November 24th, 2020|

Moorish Spain: An Islamic Or Multicultural Paradise?

Christians were usually not permitted to build new churches, and were required to obtain permission to repair existing churches. The muezzin loudly called Muslims to prayer, but churches were forbidden to ring their bells. Displays of crosses were not permitted on persons or in churches and buildings.

By |2020-06-27T02:08:05-04:00June 27th, 2020|

Fraudulent Facade For A Worldwide Filching

President Trump may be committing political suicide by employing Doctors Fauci and Birx as his spokespersons since Fauci is closely allied with the Gates Foundation and Birx has strong ties with the Obama Administration and also the Gates Foundation, and Gates is engaged in an intense behind-the-scenes struggle with Trump over who gets to dominate the virus fighting narrative.

By |2020-05-19T00:35:46-04:00May 19th, 2020|

Hip Hop Diplomacy

Multinational corporations, globalists, and the US State Department are using "hip hop" music and other Afro-American and Latino "sub-cultural" expressions to promote and incite disaffection and revolt among alienated youth, especially Muslims, in parts of Africa, Asia, the Middle East and even Europe.

By |2020-04-24T01:03:00-04:00April 24th, 2020|

Coronavirus Event: Pandemic Pandemonium

The medical-industrial complex is rife with corruption, incompetence, and a lack of morality. There are no reasons for the public to believe or trust our political leaders, so-called scientists, or mainstream journalists anymore. Sources offering unorthodox or alternative ideas and solutions should be given a fair hearing.

By |2020-03-21T01:57:58-04:00March 21st, 2020|


The fools and traitors and cowards that lead us will have merely ushered us into dark and dangerous byways, under the pretense of illuminating those places.  Instead, rather than creating light, they will simply herd us toward the terminus of the road that ends in extinction.

By |2020-03-17T01:30:30-04:00March 17th, 2020|

Cultural Apathy and Atrophy Through Conformity

The Government in our democracy can avoid the appearance of being heavy handed and dictatorial by letting the conformist, brainwashed, fear driven masses themselves enforce the latest far left "standards" of acceptable behavior upon any non-conformists, recalcitrant upstarts, or anyone thinking outside the box...

By |2020-03-10T01:23:17-04:00March 10th, 2020|

A Thumbnail Sketch of President Trump’s Performance as POTUS

It cannot be denied that President Trump has derailed or at least delayed the socialist/communist makeover/takeover of the US. He has successfully branded the corporate/mainstream media as the "fake news media" and "the enemy of the American people". He is the first leader or conservative of note with the temerity to do so.

By |2020-03-03T01:06:28-05:00March 3rd, 2020|

The Rabidly Blue Avant Garde Reds Are Taking Over

The tsunami of leftist lunacy includes new bills in the legislature that will remove citizenship requirements to obtain a drivers' license (House Bill 1211 and Senate Bill 643). All an illegal alien has to do is show up at the local vehicle registration office.

By |2020-02-28T01:37:38-05:00February 28th, 2020|

The Fear Factor

The days of hard working white men, being able to provide for their families is vanishing. Job opportunities for white men have decreased as corporations and universities plow open a large pathway for "minorities". Even many white women are sucked into the anti-male rhetoric as efforts are created to protect them from "male masculinity".

By |2020-02-15T01:58:10-05:00February 15th, 2020|

The Undeclared War

The primary function of any government is to protect and perpetuate the nation-state and culture that placed it in power.  In their failure to fulfill this fundamental and primary duty, our powers that be cannot morally dictate that specific rules of engagement be honored in this struggle.

By |2020-02-04T03:24:23-05:00February 4th, 2020|

Book Review: Edward Snowden – “Permanent Record”

In 2013, twenty-nine year old Edward Joseph Snowden shocked the world when he broke with the American intelligence establishment and revealed that the US Government was secretly pursuing the means to collect information on every single telephone call, text message and email the world's population was sending.

By |2020-02-01T01:45:12-05:00February 1st, 2020|

The Coming Collapse

Make no mistake, we are living in the midst of an epoch moment. We have to anticipate and prepare for the outcome of the collapse. This is the task of the aware and responsible individuals who can take drastic and effective action now.

By |2020-01-14T02:13:53-05:00January 14th, 2020|

National Day of Action Strategies

The possible actions that can be taken to blunt the immigration invasion are limited only by one's imagination. However, a National Day of Action with focused demonstrations in coordination with all the other possible activist  activities related to E-Verify will significantly raise the visibility of the issue and foster increased attention to other possible modalities that can be utilized for true immigration reform.

By |2019-11-09T02:45:43-05:00November 9th, 2019|

Red China Is Hell Bent On World Domination

The Communist Chinese are spying on us and conducting a plethora of other direct activities to destroy us as a prelude to world domination. These activities deserve separate and special treatment and will be explored in future articles.

By |2019-08-15T02:35:03-04:00August 15th, 2019|

“A National Day of Action”

We can and must find ways to resist the destruction of Western man, his nations and institutions, and our strategies must involve more than writing essays, manning petition tables, and lobbying unresponsive politicians.  We are no longer involved in the process of  creating the language of our side of the debate; we have spent half a century doing this and educating others, and we are now quickly running out of time in which to save ourselves.

By |2019-05-26T15:08:37-04:00May 25th, 2019|

The SS Empire Windrush: The Mayflower In Reverse?

The ship was converted to military purposes in 1939. She was one of several vessels later turned into a hospital and evacuation ship employed to help rescue many thousands of Germans trapped in Latvia, East Prussia and Danzig by the rapid westward advance of the Red Army toward the end of the war.

By |2019-05-19T00:40:41-04:00May 18th, 2019|

On the Liberal/Leftist Mantra: ”Our Common Humanity”

There is an overabundance of the use of the words “we,” “us,” and “our” in the following polemic. Whites in America have been discouraged from describing themselves with these terms in discussions about race, because we have been discouraged from having a collective identity.

By |2019-04-05T02:22:09-04:00April 5th, 2019|
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