About Cliff Kincaid

Cliff Kincaid, a veteran journalist and media critic, Cliff concentrated in journalism and communications at the University of Toledo, where he graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree. Cliff has written or co-authored nine books on media and cultural affairs and foreign policy issues. One of Cliff's books, "Global Bondage: The UN Plan to Rule the World" is still available. Cliff has appeared on Hannity & Colmes, The O’Reilly Factor, Crossfire and has been published in the Washington Post, Washington Times, Chronicles, Human Events and Insight. Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc. E-Mail: Kincaid@comcast.net

Please Slap Me in the Face

Despite disasters at home and abroad, including a foreign war, record debt levels, soaring shipping costs, rising crime, surging inflation, and an educated idiot Supreme Court nominee, at least 40 percent of the American people support Brain Dead Biden. No wonder books for dummies are so popular with Americans.

By |2022-03-29T01:30:04-04:00March 29th, 2022|

Educated Idiots All Around Us

The communists, apparently, are calling in their chips on Ukraine because they are about to capture a seat on the Supreme Court and don’t want a foreign war as a distraction. Cultural Marxism, which includes DNA denial, is now front and center.  Biden’s Supreme Court nominee, picked because she is a black woman, refused to define the word "woman" on the grounds that “I’m not a biologist.”

By |2022-03-26T00:05:23-04:00March 26th, 2022|

Biden’s Bay of Pigs

It's fitting that Putin's Russia backs Iran and makes possible its nuclear weapons program. Biden will sacrifice Ukraine on the altar of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, brokered by Russia. Russia is using the revival of the Iran Deal to evade economic sanctions for its invasion of Ukraine.

By |2022-03-22T00:23:21-04:00March 22nd, 2022|

Has Russia Won the War?

Ukraine loses more and more territory to Russia and is now engaged in “negotiations” to end the war on Russia’s terms. This means Ukraine will be neutralized and Russia will dominate Europe. Pope Francis has stepped forward, to provide religious cover for Putin’s victory. That’s what the “negotiations” are all about.

By |2022-03-18T01:35:01-04:00March 18th, 2022|

Putin Has No Soul, Biden Has No Brain

To make matters worse, Biden Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson worked on behalf of suspected al Qaeda and Taliban members imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay. Putin has no soul. It turns out that Biden has no brain and no soul. And that’s why Putin is winning.

By |2022-03-15T01:53:05-04:00March 15th, 2022|

Is America is Scared of Russia?

My column about this event at the time noted that although Putin created his own “United Russia” political party, Komov admitted that the Communist Party of Russia is still a significant force in the country and is the second most powerful political party in the Russian Duma.

By |2022-03-11T00:19:59-05:00March 11th, 2022|

Ukraine Burns But Resists

To repeat, here's how we got to this point: The Russian regime fooled the West -- making itself seem like a new and modern and democratic state -- in order to attract Western capital and underwrite subversion and aggression against the West. The Chinese communists conducted the same kind of pretense but kept the Communist Party officially in power...

By |2022-03-02T00:55:54-05:00March 2nd, 2022|

Putin’s War Machine Was Made in Washington

In effect, Putin’s Russia has been created by the same forces that explained the phenomenon of Armand Hammer and the betrayal of the West. The sad truth is that the Russians used the same trick twice. As a result, the Free World is now at the mercy of a resurgent Russia and a Red China with superpower status.

By |2022-02-25T00:58:46-05:00February 25th, 2022|

Biden is Stumbling into a World War

Biden has treated Germany as an ally, a major miscalculation which has backfired in a big way. Trump, by contrast, was always suspicious of long-time German Chancellor Angela Merkel and her commitment to NATO.

By |2022-02-21T00:05:40-05:00February 21st, 2022|

Dopers, Doping, and the Dopes in Charge of Our Lives

As American athletes compete for medals in Communist China’s Olympics, Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)  administrator Anne Milgram has confirmed what we already know – that Communist China is working with Mexican criminal organizations to flood the United States with deadly drugs, killing tens of thousands of our people.

By |2022-02-12T00:20:58-05:00February 12th, 2022|

Is Tucker Carlson More Offensive Than Joe Rogan?

Forget about the foul-mouthed Joe Rogan, the rich former host of “Fear Factor” who, desperate to save his podcast, has collapsed in fear in the face of liberal pressure over his COVID podcasts. More serious is the case of Tucker Carlson, the number one-rated Fox News host, who has been acting indifferent to the fate of 40 million people in Ukraine.

By |2022-02-09T00:10:03-05:00February 9th, 2022|

Secure Borders for Ukraine and America

If we ignore the fate of Ukraine and sacrifice this country to Russia, we will be jeopardizing the future of freedom around the world. This surrender will send a strong message to other enemies as well.

By |2022-02-01T00:54:16-05:00February 1st, 2022|

Can Ukraine Survive Putin and Biden?

Sounding tough about the Russians and the Chinese, Biden actually favors a global accommodation with both of these adversaries. That means the integration of capitalism with communism, creating a one-world socialist state. The Russians call it "convergence." Democrats call it "social democracy." This is the "Great Reset." It's happening now.

By |2022-01-26T00:18:29-05:00January 26th, 2022|

Communism for Dummies

As Nyquist notes, what makes all of this even more disturbing “is the way in which current Russian mobilizations coincide with Chinese mobilizations, and how both coincide with the ongoing pandemic.”

By |2022-01-20T00:51:12-05:00January 20th, 2022|

The Secret Life of Martin Luther King, Jr.

The Kennedy brothers, Jack and Bobby, who were both anti-communist Democrats, were alarmed by King’s communist associations and ordered J. Edgar Hoover to conduct surveillance of King. That resulted in tapes, under seal by a federal judge until 2027, that also show King participated in sick and disgusting sex orgies.

By |2022-01-17T13:43:55-05:00January 17th, 2022|

How King’s Dream Became a Red Nightmare

Honest conservatives like Biorseth have to look even deeper. Communists have targeted black Americans for exploitation almost since the time of the Russian revolution in 1917.  The article, "Black Liberation and the Communist International," describes a Soviet campaign, launched shortly after the Russian revolution, to exploit the “Negro question” in the U.S.

By |2022-01-15T01:07:17-05:00January 15th, 2022|

Biden’s Disorganized Dictatorship

At the same time, the communist paper recognizes the Supreme Court as an obstacle on the path to dictatorship, insisting there is a GOP majority on the Court standing in the way of social progress. A caption in the paper over the photos of Justices Brett Kavanaugh, Amy Coney Barrett, and Neil Gorsuch declares that “the Trump Supreme Court Appointees tip the balance...

By |2022-01-12T02:17:08-05:00January 12th, 2022|

Be Prepared for More Chaos

But the fact remains that one death was tied directly to that event, the murder of Ashli Babbitt, a U.S. military veteran. She was a Trump supporter. The Capitol Police killer was exonerated of any wrongdoing. That was a disgrace. That was a threat to our Republic. Our system of checks and balances failed.

By |2022-01-08T14:10:09-05:00January 8th, 2022|

Racing With the Devil Toward 1 Million Deaths

At this perilous time, I have reposted my 2014 interview with the late John A. Stormer, author of None Dare Call It Treason, a book that sold more than 7 million copies and sparked Ronald Reagan’s run for the presidency. Stormer talked about how a dire situation can be turned around through citizen action.

By |2021-12-26T02:29:50-05:00December 26th, 2021|

Will America Go to War?

Now, with more than 800,000 deaths in America from the China virus, China is spared any responsibility for the suffering and carnage. The reason: nobody wants to go to war. This sends a message to China about Taiwan. It already has Hong Kong. It’s pushing America around on the world stage, on the way to world domination.

By |2021-12-04T00:08:46-05:00December 4th, 2021|

How and Why Youngkin Won in Virginia

Most importantly, Youngkin said in a column, “I’ve spent my career leading teams, creating jobs and building businesses.” This was a reference to the fact that he ran the high finance firm the Carlyle Group. Youngkin understood basic economics and appealed to people by opposing Democrat tax-and-spend schemes in Virginia.

By |2021-11-05T03:10:58-04:00November 5th, 2021|

Obama’s “Permanent Revolution” in Virginia

Once you understand that America has entered the initial phase of becoming a socialist nation, you will have a desperate need to go back in history and learn what Frank Marshall Davis and his students, such as Obama, were all about. Obama’s real “family tree” leads directly back to Karl Marx.

By |2021-10-27T00:13:12-04:00October 27th, 2021|

Donald J. Trump Can Still Save America

We are still in a war with China over COVID and many other issues. Here, again, Trump has the credibility to stand tall, as he recognized the China threat early on and started the process of challenging the communist behemoth in such areas as trade and 5G communications networks.

By |2021-10-23T01:35:32-04:00October 23rd, 2021|

The China Virus and National Security

In the article, “How Conservatives Must Respond to China and the Virus,” Professor Renato Cristin argues that we must understand the Chinese origin of the virus because of its geostrategic implications.

By |2021-10-17T00:30:14-04:00October 17th, 2021|

Perverts in the NFL and the Catholic Church

Donohue acknowledges that the French report, which used information provided by the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research, found that over a 70-year period, 1950-2020, approximately 3,000 molesters allegedly abused an estimated 216,000 minors.

By |2021-10-06T00:22:06-04:00October 6th, 2021|

The American Marxist Revolution

America’s morals have fallen so fast and so quickly that a popular TV show, now in its 17th season, is called “Cheaters.” The program features ambush interviews and secret recordings of cheaters as they are caught in the act. Some then go on a subsequent show to explain why they cheated.

By |2021-10-04T22:48:51-04:00October 4th, 2021|

Are the Dems Winning the Political Vaccine Wars?

The Fox poll found that 74 percent of the people are “extremely” or “very” concerned about the pandemic. By contrast, I keep hearing from Republican voters who believe that the virus is no more deadly than the seasonal flu or the common cold.

By |2021-09-24T00:43:00-04:00September 24th, 2021|

George Washington Favored Vaccine Mandates

Conservative personalities such as Tucker Carlson are taking an anti-vaccine approach, even as their own employer requires evidence of vaccination status. His frequent guest, Alex Berenson, screams, “Folks are angry out there. Angry at the lies and the power grab.

By |2021-09-17T01:46:24-04:00September 17th, 2021|

America is a Paper Tiger

On the anniversary of 9/11, I am used to seeing the claims that Dick Cheney bombed the World Trade Center in an “inside job” designed to drag us into war. This is the Alex Jones school of thought. What’s worse is the tendency to “remember the victims” but refuse to admit that our nation has truly failed to remember them by avenging their deaths.

By |2021-09-14T00:33:19-04:00September 14th, 2021|

A 9/11 Every Two Days

But consider this message, one of many I have received, from a right-wing religious zealot and lunatic: “…either you never read any of the irrefutable facts about the Dangers and horrors of this fake bio weapon falsely called a vaccine or you've been bought off by the Demoncratic party i.e George Soros and company...

By |2021-09-11T00:34:01-04:00September 11th, 2021|

Big Labor’s Socialist Agenda

In a statement, former President Trump calls the bill the “Communist Plan to Destroy America,” adding, “It destroys our Borders and the rule of law by granting dangerous amnesty that will flood America’s beautiful cities. It will overwhelm our schools, and make our Nation less safe.

By |2021-09-08T01:14:43-04:00September 8th, 2021|

Chairman Bob and the New Socialist America

On his way out the door of the New York governor’s office, Andrew Cuomo gave clemency to a communist terrorist, David Gilbert. Then a California parole board voted to free the Palestinian Marxist killer of Robert F. Kennedy, Sirhan Sirhan.

By |2021-08-31T00:27:45-04:00August 31st, 2021|

America Has Lost its Moral Compass

The disgraced former CIA director David Petraeus, once called “America’s greatest living general,” is lecturing America that we didn’t try hard enough at building a democratic Muslim nation in Afghanistan. This retired General cheated on his wife with his biographer, as he bungled the military operation in Afghanistan and then took over Obama’s CIA.

By |2021-08-27T00:56:14-04:00August 27th, 2021|

The Anti-Vaccine “Extremists” Among Us

While some fanatics brand coronavirus vaccines as “Mark of the Beast” technology, the Afghan Taliban terrorists see vaccines as a CIA plot. There seems to be some historical evidence for the Taliban view.  Indeed, it was reported that the CIA used a fake vaccination campaign in the hunt for Osama bin Laden.

By |2021-08-24T00:39:06-04:00August 24th, 2021|

Biden Arms America’s Enemies

Why do we have a moral responsibility to the people of Afghanistan when 2,400 Americans died and 20,000 were wounded over a period of 20 years trying to help them establish a democratic form of government? This wasn’t even the original mission. We were supposed to go in and get out, after killing terrorists.

By |2021-08-20T00:21:58-04:00August 20th, 2021|

Will You Fight for Freedom?

Going through the provisions of various bills offered by Democrats in Congress, he presents the case that “A Democratic caucus of the Congress of the United States, aided and abetted by a few liberal Republicans, cast the South Vietnamese people into Communist slavery.”

By |2021-08-18T00:21:42-04:00August 18th, 2021|

Russia Stokes Anti-Vaccine Protests

RT is a Russian channel funded by the government of president Vladimir Putin, the former KGB Lieutenant Colonel. The Russians – and the Chinese – have been busy for more than a year trying to discredit President Trump’s signature achievement. They have targeted Trump supporters with a series of false claims, including that the vaccines contain “Mark of the Beast” technology.

By |2021-08-13T02:14:19-04:00August 13th, 2021|

Communists Stoke Anti-Vaccine Protests

RT is a Russian propaganda channel funded by the government of president Vladimir Putin, the former KGB Lieutenant Colonel. The Russians – and the Chinese – have been busy for more than a year trying to discredit President Trump’s signature achievement. They have targeted Trump supporters with a series of false claims, including that the vaccines contain “Mark of the Beast” technology.

By |2021-08-11T16:50:32-04:00August 10th, 2021|

Mike Lindell’s Controversial Cyber Symposium

Some conservatives such as geopolitical analyst Jeff Nyquist question whether the hard evidence will ever be forthcoming. He gave me an interview on America’s Survival TV outlining his theory that Lindell, a strong backer of former President Trump, has been set up by Deep State forces to make charges that cannot be substantiated and that the symposium could backfire.

By |2021-08-03T01:37:12-04:00August 3rd, 2021|

It’s China, Stupid

A video I recorded on the subject was censored by YouTube. If you dig too deep, you will quickly understand what you are up against. It’s not “American Marxism.” It’s the Deep State association of Washington insiders and operatives willing to sell out America to globalists and communists.

By |2021-07-30T01:10:41-04:00July 30th, 2021|

American Marxism and Fox News

Chronicles magazine is tackling the taboo topic of how the sexual revolution has infected conservatism. From my vantage point, it has scandalized Fox News since the time when a group of women exposed how Fox founder Roger Ailes sexually harassed women in his employ. His techniques eventually gave rise to the movie "Bombshell."

By |2021-07-27T02:02:34-04:00July 27th, 2021|

Vaccine Censorship and the Need for Truth

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine, has appeared on shows hosted by Brannon Howse on Mike Lindell's network, where she called the vaccines “Satan’s last hurrah.” Tenpenny’s claims have led to coverage of people sticking metal things to their skin and insisting it’s because of microchips and/or metals in the vaccine formula.

By |2021-07-20T02:38:41-04:00July 20th, 2021|

Cubans Demand Vaccines Rejected by Leery Americans

Consider that conservatives like Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham have become the faces of the anti-vaccine movement. They seem to be competing for bad news to convey to their millions of viewers. The result is that people are scared of the vaccines but not the virus, even as the virus variants infect more people and take more lives.

By |2021-07-14T02:35:44-04:00July 14th, 2021|

The Rise and Fall of Tucker Carlson

You can be sure the Democratic Party is watching all of this and taking notes, preparing to stigmatize conservatives as Neanderthals who impeded progress during the pandemic. This will be the Democrats’ winning issue in 2022 and Republicans don’t seem to know what’s coming.

By |2021-07-12T00:57:05-04:00July 12th, 2021|

How Trump Saved America from the China Virus

The road to Chinese domination is littered with corpses. Bertil Haggman, director of the Center for Research on Geopolitics in Sweden, says, “The Chinese Communist Party is probably responsible for killing between 80 and 100 million people, the highest number of political killings in modern time by one party-state perpetrator.”

By |2021-07-08T02:42:54-04:00July 8th, 2021|

Joint Chiefs Chairman Mark Milley is No George Washington

The Army envisioned by General Washington, with character, integrity and morality at the forefront, is today hanging by a thread. Consider Joint Chiefs Chairman Army Gen. Mark Milley, who defends Marxist indoctrination of our soldiers and presides over a force that includes gays and transgenders.

By |2021-07-03T03:20:00-04:00July 3rd, 2021|

Larry Klayman’s “Common Sense” Agenda

In an interview on November 11, just about a week after the election, Larry Klayman appeared on my television show to argue that Trump had a dead-end election fraud legal strategy. He didn’t have much confidence in Trump’s legal advisers.

By |2021-06-30T02:15:56-04:00June 30th, 2021|

The Fake China Defector Story

In fact, as Nyquist points out, this story is “damage control” by the Chinese. They knew the bat soup story about the origin of the virus wasn’t going to last long. Their fallback position is that it came out of the Wuhan lab by accident. That’s where the “defector” story comes in.

By |2021-06-25T02:13:04-04:00June 25th, 2021|

Putin Is Impressed by the American Gestapo

CNN reports that the Biden administration is preparing to impose additional sanctions on Russia over the poisoning of imprisoned opposition leader Alexei Navalny. Who will impose sanctions on the Biden Administration for letting the killer of Ashli Babbitt go free?

By |2021-06-21T01:58:42-04:00June 21st, 2021|

Murder Incorporated: Theirs and Ours

Responding to Biden’s charge that he is a killer, Russian President Vladimir Putin responded, in an NBC News interview, that somebody murdered Ashli Babbitt, a U.S. military veteran, who was among a few Trump supporters that went into the Capitol on January 6.

By |2021-06-16T02:54:54-04:00June 16th, 2021|

White Backlash and the New Tea Party Movement

Racism against whites has become official government policy. Not only is Joe Biden directing federal agencies to discriminate against whites, black-run cities like Baltimore (over 63 percent of Baltimore's population is black) are not protecting local businesses against violence and crime.

By |2021-06-14T00:43:25-04:00June 14th, 2021|

Pride for Thee but Not For Me

While former Rep. King is persona non grata in the GOP, the “transgender” by the name of Caitlyn Jenner is running as a Republican candidate for Governor of California and gets favorable publicity on Fox News.

By |2021-06-09T01:01:14-04:00June 9th, 2021|

Will the Deep State Remove Biden from Office?

The Deep State appears to be worried. Joe Biden is too old to be getting blood transfusions from young people, the current fad among the Silicon Valley elites, and may be on his way out. Bike rides to impress the media are not cutting it.

By |2021-06-06T02:06:18-04:00June 6th, 2021|

How the Communists Outsmarted Us

Under no circumstances are we permitted to believe the Chinese Communist Party deliberately unleashed the coronavirus weapon on the world. We are supposed to believe it was an “accident.” We are also told not to notice that Chinese, Maoist, and other Communist organizations are behind the Black Lives Matter (BLM) riots in American cities.

By |2021-06-04T00:58:04-04:00June 4th, 2021|

China’s Massacre of the Innocents

In the war on America waged by Communist China, we were betrayed by those in the federal government whose mission was to prevent our enemies from releasing biological warfare agents. Our frontline troops with superior weapons were not able to stop the onslaught and have in fact been blamed by China...

By |2021-06-01T00:57:49-04:00June 1st, 2021|

Here Comes the China Virus Whitewash

The “pro” wrestler John Cena has issued an apology to China’s communist rulers for recognizing the existence of Free China on Taiwan. “I’m really sorry. You have to understand that I love and respect China,” said Cena. The same obsequious attitude characterizes China Joe and the U.S. Intelligence Community. They are as “professional” as the wrestlers who stage fake blood and gore matches for ratings.

By |2021-05-27T01:49:06-04:00May 27th, 2021|

The Psychopaths in Beijing, Moscow, and Washington

I look forward to the Netflix documentary, “Chinese Mass Murder,” on how the Red Chinese regime released a biological weapon on the world, as part of a plan to destroy the United States and other Western nations, in order to achieve global domination.

By |2021-05-26T00:56:38-04:00May 26th, 2021|

Treason, Blackmail, and the Wars to Come

The development comes as billionaire Bill Gates, a close friend of Epstein, is divorcing his wife, with reports emerging of a more substantial Bill Gates relationship with Epstein. Gates, a big backer of the United Nations and personal friend of Barack Hussein Obama, had issued a statement trying to excuse his Epstein association.

By |2021-05-24T01:50:29-04:00May 24th, 2021|

UFOs Are the Least of Our Problems

Tucker Carlson is demanding that the Pentagon protect America from Unidentified Flying Objects, or UFOs. I think the only “aliens” we should be concerned about are the illegal kind coming across the border. We have pictures of them, and they are not little green men who say “Take me to your leader.”

By |2021-05-22T04:08:21-04:00May 22nd, 2021|

We Are in the Third World War

The West has been fooled and our survival is at stake. The “Red Jihad” in the Middle East, the worst violence in years, signals the onset of what Nyquist calls the Third World War. In order for the United states to survive, Israel must not only survive but win its war against Hamas.

By |2021-05-17T09:52:19-04:00May 17th, 2021|

Is Trump Betraying Conservatism?

Former President Trump is using his clout in the Republican Party to make it more liberal. He backed a social liberal and tool of the gay lobby, Rep. Elise Stefanik, as House GOP Conference chairman. A quickie election behind closed doors guaranteed her victory on Friday.

By |2021-05-16T02:06:08-04:00May 16th, 2021|

A Tale of Two Vaccines

The headline, “COVID-19 deaths in US fall to lowest level in 10 months,” means an average of 600 deaths per day. That’s too many, and Communist China bears responsibility for this mass murder. But thanks to former President Trump’s Operation Warp Speed vaccines, the death toll is declining and life may be returning to some sense of normalcy in many areas of the country.

By |2021-05-14T02:00:23-04:00May 14th, 2021|

The Stupid Party Gets Stupider

Just when you thought the Republicans were getting their act together, by dumping Liz Cheney, we find out they are replacing her with a tool of the gay lobby. Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council says the Cheney replacement, Rep. Elise Stefanik “has supported legislation like the Equality Act, which normalizes a radical sexual ideology at the detriment of families, children, and people of faith.”

By |2021-05-11T01:17:16-04:00May 11th, 2021|

The New Face of the GOP is Trans

Just when the Republicans are poised to dump Rep. Liz Cheney from House GOP leadership, they are embracing ex-masculine man Caitlyn Jenner as candidate for Governor of California. Caitlyn, once known as Bruce, immediately went on Sean Hannity’s Fox News show in high heels to be crowned as the new conservative white trans hope.

By |2021-05-08T00:02:21-04:00May 8th, 2021|

The Big Business Buffoons Who Run Berkshire Hathaway

An objective history of World War II exposes the failure of the West, except for Winston Churchill, to foresee the aggression of Hitler’s Third Reich. Today, some of the smartest businessmen in the world still do not understand the menace posed by Communist China, even as its China virus continues to wreak havoc on the United States and the world.

By |2021-05-05T00:41:08-04:00May 5th, 2021|

Communist Media Attack Western Vaccine Successes

With my pro-vaccine columns getting censored and dozens of people dropping off my subscriber list because of them, a friend wrote to me, saying, “I’d move on.  Biden/Harris are doing plenty of other things wrong to write about.” There are a couple things wrong with this approach.

By |2021-05-04T01:30:36-04:00May 4th, 2021|

Trump’s Miracle Vaccines Save Millions

Not only is the China virus real, but the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) confirms that “China remains a key source of supply for the precursor chemicals that Mexican cartels use to produce the large amounts of fentanyl they are smuggling into the United States.”

By |2021-04-29T01:17:47-04:00April 29th, 2021|

The GOP Divide Between the Vaxxed and the Vaxxed-Not

Based on the responses I have received to my own pro-vaccine columns, many Trump supporters fear the vaccine is either a deadly killer unleashed by Bill Gates or Anthony Fauci to depopulate the world or else that it contains a microchip on the road to the Biblical apocalypse and world government ruled by the Anti-Christ.

By |2021-04-24T00:30:06-04:00April 24th, 2021|

Obama Takes Trump’s Warp Speed Vaccine

Nobody should be forced to take the vaccine or read something that makes them uncomfortable. But this attitude spells trouble for Republicans who think they can win a national election if a major part of their base has deserted former President Trump on the signature achievement of his presidency.

By |2021-04-22T00:22:39-04:00April 22nd, 2021|

The Trumpcine Liberates the American People

In a previous statement, Trump had demanded that the bureaucracy “clean up the record” and “and get the Johnson & Johnson vaccine back online quickly.” He concluded, “The only way we defeat the China Virus is with our great vaccines!”

By |2021-04-19T00:24:22-04:00April 19th, 2021|

The China Virus Was an Inside Job

We have lost 564K people to the China virus, while Europe has lost more than 1 million. But Avril Haines, China Joe’s Director of National Intelligence, refuses to say that China is an enemy. It is a “threat,” she conceded, but U.S. intelligence agencies are on top of the problem. These are real people and real deaths. This is communism in action. And the slaughter continues.

By |2021-04-16T01:41:33-04:00April 16th, 2021|

Vaccines Are a Self-Defense Weapon Against China

Feeding the fear, which will accelerate after Biden’s suspension of the Johnson & Johnson’s one-dose vaccine, G. Edward Griffin, creator of Red Pill Expo, warns of “The Great Culling by Vaccine,” a reference to an alleged depopulation scheme.

By |2021-04-14T00:40:39-04:00April 14th, 2021|

The Unabomber and Other Transgender Pioneers

“Abortion Is Health Care” was the actual headline over an email I received from the Center for American Progress, with a message quoting a young woman as saying, “I celebrate my abortion, and no one can take that away from me.” This is today’s “progressive” point of view. The actual destruction of a human being is passed off as “heath care.”

By |2021-04-12T00:24:36-04:00April 12th, 2021|

China’s “Death to America” Plan

If anyone has pretensions of being an “anti-Christ,” it is Chinese President Xi Jinping, as America’s leaders continue to dawdle in the face of Chinese aggression, genocide against Muslims, and mass murder using the China virus against the entire population of the world.

By |2021-04-08T01:18:35-04:00April 8th, 2021|

American Corporate-Funded Chinese Communism

It seems strange to some that Major League Baseball (MLB) pulled its All-Star game out of Atlanta, to punish Georgia for its voter ID law, but signed a deal with a Chinese company for rights to broadcast MLB games. It’s an indication that MLB recognizes China is in charge internationally, and that the Republicans’ days as a national political force in the United States are numbered.

By |2021-04-06T01:37:06-04:00April 6th, 2021|

Race With The Devil

As my family was visiting Rome in February of 2020, we took a tour of the Colosseum only to discover a statue of Moloch, the pagan deity of child sacrifice, being displayed. It was truly shocking. The Colosseum is viewed by many Christians as a sacred site because early Christians were martyred there. Sacrifice and resurrection are what we celebrate on Easter.

By |2021-04-04T04:18:51-04:00April 4th, 2021|

America’s Leaders Dawdle as the China Plague Continues to Kill

One of the most popular lies among conservatives is that the coronavirus is as harmless as the common cold. President Trump, who launched Operation Warp Speed to develop anti-China virus vaccines, disagreed. We are beginning to find out, even from the “official” sources, that the virus came out of a Chinese weapons laboratory.

By |2021-04-02T02:58:04-04:00April 2nd, 2021|

How Woke Conservatives Cancel Their Own Culture

While Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a fighter for civil rights and showed unique courage in opposing racism, he had his own serious flaws, one of which was failing to understand the dangers of Marxism. That Marxist movement has hijacked the black cause and today has made it into one of reparations.

By |2021-03-30T01:30:48-04:00March 30th, 2021|

Marijuana Madness in the White House

Perhaps the stench of marijuana was getting too heavy around the Oval Office. Or perhaps there is a growing awareness at the highest levels of the government of the damage the drug is doing to people.

By |2021-03-29T01:24:20-04:00March 29th, 2021|

The China Virus Deception Campaign

But with so many conservatives questioning the life-saving vaccines, and Democratic Party “progressives” refusing to confront China over the origin of the virus, we are still at the mercy of this deadly killer. The Chinese are sitting on top of the world and laughing as they destroy us.

By |2021-03-26T02:27:28-04:00March 26th, 2021|

Trump’s Fair-Weather Friends

It’s a sad commentary that Trump’s greatest achievement is now being doubted or dismissed by people who once claimed to be his biggest supporters. They are playing into the hands of Trump’s mortal enemy – Communist China. They could lose their lives because of misguided opposition to life-saving vaccines.

By |2021-03-24T02:49:03-04:00March 24th, 2021|

Fear the Virus or the Vaccine?

Take the vaccine or not and then accept the consequences. But don’t lose sight of the fact that the fingerprints of the Communist regime are all over this virus and the corpses around the world that are piling up because of it.

By |2021-03-23T00:59:45-04:00March 23rd, 2021|

Pro-Pothead “Climate Warrior”Confirmed as Interior Secretary

In a major blow to the legendary “pale-faced” settlers who conquered America, “indigenous Congresswoman” Deb Haaland has been confirmed as Secretary of the Interior. Writers for Politico hailed her confirmation, which came with some Republican votes, as a rebuke to “white settlers” accommodated by a government that put Indians into reservations decades ago.

By |2021-03-22T03:36:50-04:00March 22nd, 2021|

Leftist Greenwald Auditions for Fox News Gig

Fox News now has an entire article devoted to Greenwald’s critique of liberal journalists on matters like the Hunter Biden affair. It’s good Greenwald parts ways with the official Democratic Party line and sees the light on these issues. But that doesn’t erase his history of service to anti-American causes. Viewers of Fox deserve the truth.

By |2021-03-20T02:36:49-04:00March 20th, 2021|

Bolshevik Bernie On the Verge of Total Power

Bolshevik Bernie Sanders, the lone Senate member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, is poised to take over the Democratic Party, after his supporters and sympathizers engineer the ouster of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and President Joe Biden. Sanders’ socialist “dream” is about to come true.

By |2021-03-15T02:16:02-04:00March 15th, 2021|

Can We Get Serious About America’s Survival?

The nation is sliding into one-party Marxist rule and all we can talk about is Meghan Markle. What’s worse, Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, and Candace Owens are on the bandwagon, examining the esoteric meaning of it all, as if Meghan Markle is of any lasting consequence in this world.

By |2021-03-12T02:15:29-05:00March 12th, 2021|

Welcome to a Communist America

The centralization of the means of communications in the hands of the state, a key plank of the Communist Manifesto, is already being implemented in the United States under the one-party state now in power. Many conservatives are being censored under this regime, but I thought you might want to know how it works in practice...

By |2021-03-11T02:47:59-05:00March 11th, 2021|

Communist Disinformation About the China Virus

One of the most successful Chinese Communist disinformation successes of the last year has been to convince many people that the China virus is either a hoax or just another flu-like illness. Actually, the Chinese have never made that claim. They know the virus is real and that it kills in new and unique ways.

By |2021-03-08T00:53:10-05:00March 8th, 2021|

The Serial Killer Known as the China Virus

Good riddance to those shallow and gutless “conservatives” who fail to grasp and describe the enormity of the threat. Shame on those who fail to hold China responsible and accountable for a virus that has become so deadly it has taken the form of being a state-sponsored serial killer of our fellow Americans.

By |2021-03-05T01:35:39-05:00March 5th, 2021|

With Republican Help, Steady Marxist “Progress” Under Biden

The Senate Republicans got a scalp. The mean Tweets of Neera Tanden got her nomination as Office of Management and Budget (OMB) director pulled by the Biden Administration. Wow. Has the GOP demonstrated it’s a serious opposition party? But some Republicans seem eager to confirm Communist Party-backed candidate Rep. Deb Haaland in a far more important position – that of Secretary of the Interior...

By |2021-03-04T01:14:23-05:00March 4th, 2021|

Why the Communists Are Winning

As I note in The Sword of Revolution and The Communist Apocalypse, the Marxists see the U.S. as a society based on slavery which has since become the leading capitalist nation and must therefore be “transformed” into socialism on the road to communism.

By |2021-03-02T00:28:47-05:00March 2nd, 2021|

We Need a Dose of McCarthyism

Rather than less McCarthyism, we need more. The Communists are taking over and most Republicans are pretending it’s not happening. Let’s hope that former President Trump, speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) this weekend, outlines how he will take back the presidency from the Deep State.

By |2021-02-26T03:44:00-05:00February 26th, 2021|

What’s Wrong with Republicans?

The truth is that a series of Republican governors put too much confidence in so-called “clean” and renewable sources such as wind turbines. They wanted to appear fashionable and trendy. Other sources of power also failed. But as energy analyst John Droz notes, even with a safety reserve of power, “…when wind goes to near zero in Texas, the Grid will have blackouts

By |2021-02-23T00:20:16-05:00February 22nd, 2021|

Trump and Limbaugh Fortunes Can Rebuild Conservatism

Donald J. Trump was evicted from the presidency by the Deep State, cancer has taken Rush Limbaugh, and now the Republicans running Texas have so mismanaged the power grid that they are asking for investigations that will inevitably lead to their ouster and a Democratic Party takeover of the state.

By |2021-02-19T01:45:09-05:00February 19th, 2021|

Glenn Beck Needs a Fact-Checker on McCarthyism

Whining about “McCarthyism,” TV Personality Glenn Beck told his followers about one of his upcoming TV programs, saying, “Our new Red Scare is here, America. Are you on the list?” This was presented in the context of introducing Donald Trump Jr....

By |2021-02-12T00:55:06-05:00February 12th, 2021|

Catholic Bureaucracy Bows to Biden

With “Catholic” Joe Biden declaring war on the unborn, heterosexuality, and traditional marriage, the Catholic Church bureaucracy in Washington, D.C. has surrendered to the forces of Cultural Marxism. Defying logic, common sense, and Catholic teachings, the Archbishop of Washington, Wilton Gregory, has decided that Biden is a Catholic in good standing and deserves Holy Communion

By |2021-02-09T03:49:06-05:00February 9th, 2021|

Rep. Greene is a Victim of Kevin “McCarthyism”

King was eventually forced out of Congress by current House Republican Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy because King was outspoken in support of saving Western civilization and opposing open borders and multiculturalism. McCarthy is now trying to accede to Democratic Party demands to censor and even expel Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, a Trump supporter.

By |2021-02-04T02:06:01-05:00February 4th, 2021|

The Republican Party at the Crossroads

In terms of the upcoming farcical impeachment trial of the former president, Republican Leader Mitch McConnell betrayed the president by echoing Democratic Party charges that he somehow incited the events of January 6 but then voted, in effect, to declare the impeachment trial unconstitutional.

By |2021-02-01T03:27:31-05:00February 1st, 2021|

Senate Republicans Endorse Biden’s Deep State Picks

In his column, "Clinton’s Brilliant Strategy," Dennis Cuddy suggests that the fate of Donald J. Trump, going out of office under questionable circumstances, is a function of Hillary and Bill Clinton’s revenge.  He writes, “Bill Clinton and the Democrats correctly believed that with Trump’s political inexperience, he could as president easily be ‘set up.’”

By |2021-01-25T02:58:53-05:00January 25th, 2021|

Trump Will Dance on the Grave of the GOP

After nominating a man who dresses like a woman for a top health post in his administration, Joseph R. Biden declared in his inauguration speech: “…we must reject a culture in which facts themselves are manipulated and even manufactured.” That he/she is Dr. "Rachel" Levine, a man who wears lipstick and a dress and has been Pennsylvania Secretary of Health.

By |2021-01-21T03:00:58-05:00January 21st, 2021|

Rest in Peace GOP

That was demonstrated in the Georgia special Senate elections. John Gizzi, a veteran political reporter now with Newsmax, cites two reasons for the GOP defeats. First, Georgia's Republican establishment, led by Gov. Brian Kemp, didn't fight for President Donald Trump in his recount efforts.

By |2021-01-19T14:03:18-05:00January 19th, 2021|

The Consolidation of the One-Party Dictatorship

But the pro-China slant is not just evident in what former CIA people say and do. Trump’s Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe has now confirmed that intelligence about China’s 2020 election interference was suppressed by current top CIA officials.

By |2021-01-18T01:17:31-05:00January 18th, 2021|

Who Knew About and Planned the “Insurrection?”

Investigative journalist John Solomon also offers evidence of a planned attack. Hence, it was not a spontaneous riot emanating from Trump's speech.Such a charge, still popular in the dishonest mainstream media,  was bogus in the first place, since Trump had called on his supporters to march to the Capitol peacefully and patriotically.

By |2021-01-15T01:54:20-05:00January 15th, 2021|

America Is No Longer the Land of the Free

Authorities had already closed down churches, in the name of virus protection, before Big Government’s Big Tech allies began a crackdown on free speech. This will only have further disastrous consequences. President Trump won’t be able to stop the unrest.

By |2021-01-14T02:06:59-05:00January 14th, 2021|

Fact Checkers Should Investigate the Murder of Ashli Babbitt

I sent these “fact checkers” my own video interview of a person who was at the rally and saw Antifa-like people with skeleton masks and smelled the dope they were smoking. Antonio Chaves told me what he saw and encountered at the rally. These people didn’t seem to be Trump supporters. He saw a member of Antifa trying to break a window and Trump supporters trying to stop him.

By |2021-01-11T02:02:58-05:00January 11th, 2021|

U.S. Capitol Police Murder Trump Supporter

Tucker Carlson asked people to consider why Ashli Babbitt went to the rally in the first place. He noted, “She bore no resemblance to the angry children we have seen wrecking our cities in recent months -- pasty, entitled nihilists dressed in black, setting fires and spray-painting slogans on statues. She looked pretty much like everyone else. So why was she there?

By |2021-01-08T02:07:34-05:00January 8th, 2021|

Defeating the New World Order

This is the danger we face today, as many American struggle to understand how the communists waged war so easily within our borders, taking over major institutions, even the churches, as Americans intelligence agencies staged a coup against Trump.

By |2021-01-03T03:02:37-05:00January 3rd, 2021|

The Death Toll from Drugs in America

Attorney General Bill Barr, who didn’t detect voting fraud during the election and suppressed news of investigations of Hunter Biden during the campaign, has failed to enforce federal marijuana laws. He was a disgrace and bears some of the blame for allowing this poison to spread across America.

By |2021-01-02T03:39:40-05:00January 2nd, 2021|

Globalists Unveil Their Latest Scheme

With their own peculiar brand of a New Year’s resolution, the globalists are out with their latest plan – a Global Alliance to Defend Democracies. The feel-good ploy has two purposes –to divert attention from our own failing “democracy,” and to assemble a group of nations supposedly to contain Red China. It could attract the support of people who think there may be something salvageable in a potential Biden presidency.

By |2021-01-01T02:54:11-05:00January 1st, 2021|

Will Trump Start a Third Party to Take Back America?

Even worse, at a conference of the American Freedom Alliance, Higgins narrated a slide show that depicted Republican Senate Leader Mitch McConnell and House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy as being “a lot more dangerous” than the Marxist left because they offer a “cheap version” of what the Democrats are offering.

By |2020-12-31T03:39:43-05:00December 30th, 2020|

A Battle Against Lies

The problem we face today is corruption in government, the media, and the church that runs so deep that it is uncomfortable for some to even talk about it publicly.

By |2020-12-25T02:33:56-05:00December 25th, 2020|

Bill Barr Still Covers for the CIA

As Bill Barr is walking out the door of the Department of Justice to open presents on Christmas day, Kimberley A. Strassel of the Wall Street Journal tells us that he is an honest and upstanding Attorney General who believes there was no CIA role in the effort to bring down President Trump.

By |2020-12-21T02:04:24-05:00December 21st, 2020|

It’s Time to Expose and Punish Traitors

The dramatic hacking of federal government and private networks demonstrates the threat. What many won’t concede is that these hackers, apparently originating in Russia and/or China, also have the demonstrated ability to hack into our electronic voting systems, and undoubtedly did so.

By |2020-12-19T01:56:13-05:00December 19th, 2020|
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