Are the Military and Trump in control?
I just got off the phone with a high up and trusted, military source I know. He comfirmed a few things for me.
I just got off the phone with a high up and trusted, military source I know. He comfirmed a few things for me.
Throughout the 2020 election cycle and every moment since, we have read literally dozens of theories about what President Trump may have planned, everything from running a “sting” with watermarked ballots to trap corrupt democrats and republicans, to “military tribunals” responsible for allegedly “hanging” Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama at Club Gitmo.
The “pro” wrestler John Cena has issued an apology to China’s communist rulers for recognizing the existence of Free China on Taiwan. “I’m really sorry. You have to understand that I love and respect China,” said Cena. The same obsequious attitude characterizes China Joe and the U.S. Intelligence Community. They are as “professional” as the wrestlers who stage fake blood and gore matches for ratings.
This week parents in Scottsdale, Arizona, held their own public meeting outside Coronado High School. They did it because that’s where their Unified School District board meeting was supposed to be held, but the board members never showed up. To avoid answering to the public, they held a “virtual meeting” online.
Today in America, we eat fast foods, junk foods, chemicalized foods, GMO foods, preserved foods, Coke, Pepsi, Mt. Dew and a host of artificially sweetened sodas along with chips, beer, hard liquor, pizza, very little fiber, TV dinners, and endless “white sugar injected” foods from ketchup to salsa to salad dressing.
Though this took place last week, I had to digest it a bit more before doing this piece on Sean Hannity sitting down to interview Bruce Jenner, who now wants you to believe that he is a woman. Sean played along with this man that wants you to believe that he is a woman.
Your lights, refrigerator, your electric stove, your television, your radio, your furnace or air conditioner, your garage door opener, or your charger that charges up your Iphone or computer would cease to operate. Tens of thousands of cell phone towers all over America that relay tens of millions of phone calls would cease to function after their back up batteries were depleted.
I look forward to the Netflix documentary, “Chinese Mass Murder,” on how the Red Chinese regime released a biological weapon on the world, as part of a plan to destroy the United States and other Western nations, in order to achieve global domination.
In addition to writing articles, I also write letters to the editors of major daily newspapers. Of course, they are almost always censored/rejected, but I thought the information contained in a few of them might be of interest to NewsWithViews readers. The first letter was sent to THE WASHINGTON POST on January 19 of this year.
Is America Worth Saving? It is not enough to pass a BILL without oversight from the people. Freedom requires work. Will you be a watchdog and look for the subliminal messaging your school?
And I'm so excited, I just want to jump up and down! It looks like my mommy will be able to have special treatment in Mexico to treat her breast cancer without chemotherapy and surgery!
My column last week, TX Gov. Abbott Doesn’t Want to Stop Chemical Castration & Mutilation of Children, covered the obscene efforts by Texas Gov. Gregg Abbott, Speaker of the House Dade Phelan and Rep. Dustin Burrows to kill bills that would protect children in our state from predators looking to make big bucks off mutilating children through surgery and hormone treatments.
The development comes as billionaire Bill Gates, a close friend of Epstein, is divorcing his wife, with reports emerging of a more substantial Bill Gates relationship with Epstein. Gates, a big backer of the United Nations and personal friend of Barack Hussein Obama, had issued a statement trying to excuse his Epstein association.
For all of 2020 and now, 2021, racial tensions flare at the slightest tribal confrontation between White police officers, government officials, academics and Black Americans. Black Lives Matter stands to burn and loot any city where it deems police as racists or murderers or biased.
The Left would have us believe that the economy is skyrocketing and everything is going gangbusters - except that the evidence says otherwise. All over the U.S. there are shortages, as well as around the world. If you need a reason, can you say Plandemic? I wrote back in October of 2020 that the purpose of COVID and all the related nonsense was and is power and control, and nothing has changed.
Everybody is talking about America needing a reset and I agree. We need to go back to what made America great not shift over to what has proven through all six thousand years of man’s history as a total failure . . . socialism/communism. All we have to do is look at Greece, Venezuela, Cuba, the old USSR to understand that that political ideology is nothing but an excuse for the self-proclaimed elite to lord it over the average person.
Several Whistle Blower and courageous Medical Doctors have come forward exposing the real danger of vaccines and the deadly agenda behind them and their release. Dr. Rima Laibow who was a long-time physician to many Royals, has uncovered a stated depopulation agenda by the U.N.
A sign that we’re still in the proverbial fog of war is that theories of all manner of plots and plans abound, giving people hope that even though things look bleak, we’re headed toward that happy ending. And much of the encouraging news online comes from the mysterious, still anonymous “Q” and his cadre of analysts who unpack his cryptic messages for the trusting Q followers.
The manner of their defeat is totally in the hands of the Cabal of Communist Super Rich dictators and their minions. These evil criminal traitors control everything and a faux government by insurrection. What this Communist Cabal of Traitors is doing to our country makes King George look like a piker and a genius by comparison.
Tucker Carlson is demanding that the Pentagon protect America from Unidentified Flying Objects, or UFOs. I think the only “aliens” we should be concerned about are the illegal kind coming across the border. We have pictures of them, and they are not little green men who say “Take me to your leader.”
In the right hand of the One who sat on the throne was a sealed scroll. This scroll was a legal document, as is made clear by the seven seals. The seven seals are from the seven witnesses as to the document.
The US has had a patent on SARS and COVID, in general, since 2003. Huh? And there hasn’t been much in animal testing. These inoculations are not normal vaccines. Vaccines contain proteins, this is mRNA, which changes a person’s genetic makeup.
This past Tuesday night, over a dozen Palestinian-Americans, driving cars around Los Angeles with large Palestinian flags, attacked patrons at restaurants as they dined on the sidewalk. They yelled, “Are you a Jew?”
I can’t make up my mind what to write about today—Andrew Cuomo getting a $5.1 million book deal, or the IRS and the Postal Service teaming up to frustrate our efforts to pay our taxes. Let’s see if I can find space for both.
Look. I am not itching for a fight, but I refuse to play along with the religious establishment as they continue to bow their cowardly knees to the idol of government. Don’t you find it ironic that brave men across the world are being chastised by their Christian brethren for pushing back against the forces of our Demonically controlled government?
Despite all the statistics coming out on the deaths of young and old people dying from these experimental vaccines, what do they do? Do they stop? No, they do not stop. They push forward while they rely on the mainstream media and the big tech companies to censor any information that is in contrast to their set narrative (John 8:44).
We conclude with a message to the current generation. As you go about your daily lives and do nothing to reverse the degradation and treasonable actions perpetrated by evil actors upon Americans, you have condemned your children and grandchildren to ever-increasing slavery until at one point they will be so controlled and regulated that they might as well be in chains ….. or behind bars.
Nostradamus was famous for predicting the future, even though he was wrong far more often than right. But we live in a period when most can’t even see the past or present, even though it’s all around them all day, every day.
Medical tyranny in America meant lockdowns, quarantines, masks, and constant temperature taking. Gone are our God given first amendment rights of free speech, free exercise of religion, right of assembly, petitioning the government; all nullified by despotic dictators. Big Pharma’s injections, and massive depopulation are the ultimate goals of the totalitarians.
This is my mommy, Tiffany and me. My mommy has stage 3 Invasive Ductal Carcinoma breast cancer. While I'm too young to understand, my dad, Sten, does know the right treatment is a matter of life and death.
I’ve lived in W. Texas since June 2006, having escaped the wasteland of my home state, California. Texas has a reputation for being tough: Don’t Mess With Texas. But, too many conservatives in this state believe just because Republicans continue to hold the majority in both chambers in Austin at the state capitol, the Democrat Communist Party USA and their sick, dangerous ideologies won’t advance.
The West has been fooled and our survival is at stake. The “Red Jihad” in the Middle East, the worst violence in years, signals the onset of what Nyquist calls the Third World War. In order for the United states to survive, Israel must not only survive but win its war against Hamas.
Last Thursday’s column, May 13, 2021, America Not Prepared for the Future, should have been the highest read column in the United States. It exposed Biden’s “U.S. Citizenship Act” that would add, at the minimum, another 37 million immigrants to the USA, the highest number of people added to our or any country in 10 years, in the history of the world.
Former President Trump is using his clout in the Republican Party to make it more liberal. He backed a social liberal and tool of the gay lobby, Rep. Elise Stefanik, as House GOP Conference chairman. A quickie election behind closed doors guaranteed her victory on Friday.
We have lost our confidence in our elected officials over the last couple of decades on both State and federal levels. They have proven corrupt beyond anything that we could imagine. Democrats attempt to shame Republicans while ignoring the blatant corruption in their own party.
Pastor Arrested for, now get this, inviting people to come to church! WHAT???? And the exact charge? "Inciting people to worship." That is what is on the books. So it is now against the law to invite someone to come to church? Even though this specific case took place in Canada, it is goose stepping its way across the border to the U.S. Indeed the U.S. authorities have been working overtime to close all churches here.
Where is the rightful outrage over the atrocities of Hamas and others committed against Israel? The above tweeted video is just more of the same, justification for Hamas and others to do as they please against Israel without consequence, while Israel is soundly condemned for defending themselves against terrorist attacks.
The Democrats have historically thrived on either creating a mess wherever they acquire any political authority or provoking others to attack Trump supporters, as did congresswoman Maxine Waters. Even worse, they convince others through indoctrination that it is better to be a foul hate filled bigot like droopy CNN big mouth Joy Reid.
The people must have free, fair, transparent, and honest election systems they can have confidence in, or everything will collapse, and street justice will reign. Evidence of election fraud must result in holding people accountable for their actions, or fraud is the new norm for as far as the eye can see.
The headline, “COVID-19 deaths in US fall to lowest level in 10 months,” means an average of 600 deaths per day. That’s too many, and Communist China bears responsibility for this mass murder. But thanks to former President Trump’s Operation Warp Speed vaccines, the death toll is declining and life may be returning to some sense of normalcy in many areas of the country.
Americans must stop drinking the Kool-Aid. Do you think that just because your governor writes an executive order, people will comply? Do you think that just because you believe in America, Family, and God, everyone else does? Do you think that just because President Reagan took down the wall, that communism would just disappear? Think again, because Communists never sleep.
Hollywood celebrities recently honored Dr. Fauci with an award for “courage” during a virtual gala for the AIDS Foundation. The glitterati heaped praises on the doctor, best summed up by actor Morgan Freeman who thanked him “for all of his efforts to keep as many of us alive as possible.”
This past weekend was our annual National Day of Prayer, kicked off, as usual, by a presidential proclamation. But the patzer currently inhabiting the White House left God out of his proclamation. True, he forgets a lot; maybe he forgot God, although he never forgets to promote abortion or transgender.
If you are worried about the future of your kids, this latest development will really cook your emotions, your sense of right and wrong, and ultimately, this 90 second video will show you the most distressing, if not incomprehensible future for our country.
Many experiments have been done with animals to determine their behavior in certain situations, or for some nefarious reasons to modify their behavior. The primates are the behavioral scientist’s or social psychologist’s favorite subjects because they more closely represent their nearest human cousins. The usual process is for the researchers to provide a stimulus to the subject animal and record the response.
This time around, it has been called an “invisible enemy,” and this invisible enemy that has been attacking Americans and their God given rights is in plain sight (Jeremiah 5:21).
So I am calling on my sheriff for simple protection from this unlawful harassment of city workers. I am asking him to make good on the following statement that we at the Institute on the Constitution will be releasing in full version very soon as a template for others to use as an appeal to their local sheriffs.
The Rockefeller Foundation helped found the German eugenics program years before Hitler and even funded the program that Josef Mengele worked in before he went to Auschwitz. Eugenics would have been so much bizarre parlor talk had it not been for extensive financing by corporate philanthropies, specifically the Carnegie Institution, the Rockefeller Foundation and the Harriman railroad fortune.
Just when you thought the Republicans were getting their act together, by dumping Liz Cheney, we find out they are replacing her with a tool of the gay lobby. Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council says the Cheney replacement, Rep. Elise Stefanik “has supported legislation like the Equality Act, which normalizes a radical sexual ideology at the detriment of families, children, and people of faith.”
Our country suffers from so many problems, it’s beyond difficult to find a path leading toward solutions. In the past three weeks, Sandi and I traveled through four states—Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona and Utah. At each tourist spot, we engaged people from all over the country. Most of them were retired “baby boomers” getting a jump on the summer crowds.
There is so much scientific information exposing those COVID shots the ‘gods of the universe’ (Google, facebook, Twitter, Instagram) are in overdrive censoring all of it in an effort to continue selling the big lies about COVID-19 and those “safe” shots being passed off as vaccines.
I was talking with a young man named "AJ" at a mailing place I go to about Part 2 of this series, and he recounted something that happened to him. He said that one day he was wondering about whether someone, Google or the government or someone else was monitoring him. So he decided to conduct an experiment.
As we all know the police officer in the George Floyd case was convicted of three counts of murder. Since Floyd took a lethal amount of drugs that day, how can it be murder? Asking for a friend. How can that be justice? He was a violent criminal, on several illegal drugs, passing a counterfeit $20 bill and resisting arrest, but the cop is at fault.
It’s often hard to know what’s true and what’s not true. Even sources we would like to think we could trust often run with stories prior to doing any sort of independent fact checking. We must all work harder than ever to get the real truth because real truth is now censored by the internet conglomerates and social media platforms.
Working as a chaplain I have spoken to many young and older people about their mothers. Some were in a violent world they had created for themselves, while some were in prison or in juvenile detention. Others were executives with families who were well respected in their communities.
If one objectively looks at the political, academic, and religious landscape throughout the United States, they are probably very concerned about the future of our nation. The United States was literally founded and built upon a collection of solid principles. If they were more closely adhered to, individuals like Nancy Pelosi,
Just when the Republicans are poised to dump Rep. Liz Cheney from House GOP leadership, they are embracing ex-masculine man Caitlyn Jenner as candidate for Governor of California. Caitlyn, once known as Bruce, immediately went on Sean Hannity’s Fox News show in high heels to be crowned as the new conservative white trans hope.
The Dem Communists are determined to make Washington, D.C. a separate state in order to add two more representatives for the House in order to swing all political actions to the left. They also intend to pull in Puerto Rico for the very same reason which would give them double advantage in making certain that only the left can make and pass laws.
This has all been a game, a game of power and control. There is no worry about your health as you don't even matter. This is all about controlling the Sheeple. Mask mandates came about, and most people were only too eager to obey. If you don't wear one, you are scum, a criminal, a Nazi. One problem, masks don't work.
Suppose the government decided you had to buy a new car every year, whether you want to or not. If you already have a car, you can keep it. You don’t have to take possession of the government car, but you’ll still have to pay for it. They suck the money out of your taxes, so you’re stuck.
I have never used my column to discuss something that another author had written but I am going to break that tradition. On my daily show we talk about all things spiritual and how the dark forces are having their way with the American church. We are warned in Scripture that “my people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge”
An objective history of World War II exposes the failure of the West, except for Winston Churchill, to foresee the aggression of Hitler’s Third Reich. Today, some of the smartest businessmen in the world still do not understand the menace posed by Communist China, even as its China virus continues to wreak havoc on the United States and the world.
Perhaps the dismal performance of American students over the last several decades explains why America is in so much trouble today and how socialist Democrats have become the party of choice of a majority of the purposely dumbed down American voter. Perhaps that is why socialist-in-chief President Biden has a 53.9% approval rating after only 100 days in office.
What we are dealing with today in America concerning the likes of the federal government, the CDC, the medical field, and corruption within these organizations is the same from yesteryears. Had Americans dealt with this corruption long ago, we would not be in the position that we are in today
Democrats and their staunch allies the media and Big Tech don't want We the People to understand, they don't want the truth to come out. Finally Joe Biden's handlers let him out of the closet they keep him locked up in.
During the KV-197 band C-130 pilot transition program run by Lockheed Corp. in Saudi Arabia, American instructors found that most Saudi trainees had very limited night vision, even on the brightest of moonlit nights. Also, the trainees had very poor retention rates from their training, including the mechanics and maintenance personnel as well.
With my pro-vaccine columns getting censored and dozens of people dropping off my subscriber list because of them, a friend wrote to me, saying, “I’d move on. Biden/Harris are doing plenty of other things wrong to write about.” There are a couple things wrong with this approach.
Pseudo-President Biden gave his first teleprompter reading to a joint session of socialists on April 28th – which drew about as much audience and support as the average Biden or Harris campaign rally last year. Nearly none…just a handful of socialists, most of whom are his handlers
I guess it’s official. I’m officially old. It’s not just the multiple mailings I get every month from AARP or the fact that the grocery store checkout clerk routinely asks me if I qualify for the “senior discount.” Lately, I’ve been thinking about the way things used to be and feeling a little like a dinosaur.
Some people have said that America is heading for a reset. In many cases, I agree that we are in desperate need of a reset when you look at what is happening in our country. Cities are burning, violence is off the charts, though all this is only happening in Democrat-controlled states, it is still happening.
The purpose of this article is to report the real feelings of The People toward the Communist rulers who usurped our Constitutional Republic and are rapidly destroying our country. The ruling class minions consist of Communist media, academia, large corporations, banks, elected officials, government bureaucrats, actors, judges, military flag officers, stock market manipulators, et a l.
In Fabian Socialist Bertrand Russell's THE IMPACT OF SCIENCE ON SOCIETY (1953), he wrote that "it is to be expected that advances in physiology and psychology will give governments much more control over individual mentality than they now have even in totalitarian countries.
The so-called Academy Awards Show tonight was the worst presentation ever shown on TV. First of it exhibited no excellence. There was no structure. It was like Amateur Night in Dixie. Indeed there was not one iota of professionalism spotlighting a skilled profession which should be trusted to be totally polished.
Every morning that by the grace of God I arise from my overnight slumber I give thanks to our Creator for another day of life. I am also thankful for being born in the United States of America. My wonderful Dad taught me at the age of eight how blessed we are to be sovereign United States citizens.
Tucker Carlson said, “Demographic change is the key to the Democratic party's political ambitions. Let's say that again for emphasis because it is the secret to the entire immigration debate. Demographic change is the key to the Democratic party's political initiative. In order to win and maintain power, Democrats plan to change the population of the country.
Fundamentally transforming America into a socialist hell-hole is a big job, even for confirmed fanatics and other bad guys. But they’re doing it as fast as they can; and here are six of the most useful tools in their kit.
Words have meaning. They are the vehicle through which every thought is communicated. For years, most Americans shared an understanding of a common language…based on common usage of words. Slowly and steadily the meanings morphed into confusion. Today, so many words no longer mean what they used to mean, and most Americans still have not bridged the language barrier.
Not only is the China virus real, but the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) confirms that “China remains a key source of supply for the precursor chemicals that Mexican cartels use to produce the large amounts of fentanyl they are smuggling into the United States.”
Every parent instinctively knows, or should know, that if a young child acts out, becomes violent, belligerent, or disrespectful, some form of discipline is in order. And the discipline has to be the kind that gets the message across. If no discipline is applied or if the discipline is not sufficient, the child will continue his or her behavior and that behavior will only get worse over time.
This is the reason for the Saul Alinsky tactic that, once again, is being played out right before your eyes: “Cause the enemy to believe that there are more of us than there really is.” It is to isolate you into believing that you are the only ones that are refusing to comply.
If you are unfamiliar with my latest columns on this nightmare, please go to my archives. This time my letter isn’t to the Health & Safety committees in our state legislature, but to my GOP governor, Greg Abbott. You need to do the same, just tailor my letter to your governor.
The autopsy that the prosecution referred to as conclusive evidence of Chauvin's guilt is anything but conclusive. The "facts" as stated by the various "experts" are far from even being in agreement as to cause of death. Dr. Andrew Baker, who is the chief medical examiner for Hennepin County gave conflicting testimony on what the cause of death was.
Jurors were terrified that BLM and Antifa Marxist mobs would come to their homes and splatter pig’s blood on their doors or burn their homes to the ground or worse. Alternate juror, Lisa Christensen admitted same to reporters when she stated she didn’t want to go through the rioting.
Is Biden purposely flooding America in order to displace us from our own country? Yesterday, my wife Sandi and I shopped at a Costco store in Denver, Colorado. It sounded and felt like shopping in different countries with so many languages being spoken and strange modes of dress.
In a previous article, I quoted from emails by Democrat strategist Bill Ivey to John Podesta and Podesta's subsequent strategy as Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign manager. The response by NewsWithViews readers was underwhelming, so I will try to explain the emails' importance.
Regular readers of my columns know I have sent several letters to the lawmakers below regarding SARS-Cov-2. This will be my last letter to those lawmakers as our legislature goes out of session in five weeks and doesn’t return until January 2023; the same as Montana, Nevada and North Dakota. Yes, they can and have in the past called a special session.
America is rapidly being forced into a completely new norm where in government institutions have adopted the role of punishing success and rewarding failure, allegedly for “the greater common good.”
If we let elected officials get by with “don’t worry about the election in 2022, we got it handled,” we need to be ready to say hello to the great re-set and we need to prepare for violence. It is extremely important to inform our elected officials of what the public knows.
The evidence is overwhelming and our courts need to hear that evidence. If you haven’t watched Mike Lindell’s Absolute Interference, take the time to do so. It should make your blood boil.
There is a massive divide in the UK between people who trust establishments and those who don’t. There are those who want to hang on to the image of ‘royalty’ and some sense of superiority, but there is a now also a population who know about elite globalists, their agenda’s, their coldness and their incessant lies.
According to CNN, the election of Joe Biden has set off a world record of mass shooting events in the USA that the world has never seen before, with “at least 147 mass shootings across the country since Joe took office – at least 45 such events in just the past 30-days.”
Based on the responses I have received to my own pro-vaccine columns, many Trump supporters fear the vaccine is either a deadly killer unleashed by Bill Gates or Anthony Fauci to depopulate the world or else that it contains a microchip on the road to the Biblical apocalypse and world government ruled by the Anti-Christ.
Let’s just say it. White people (especially conservatives and Christians) are at war with the cult of Woke. They did not start this war. Most seem unaware of it. But they’d better wake up and realize they are in a war that has already killed dozens of white men and women whose fates will not make headlines in a controlled corporate media very much on the Woke cult’s side.
The fight over whether to have an Article V convention isn't between Republicans and Democrats, or liberals or "conservatives". It is spiritual warfare between those who want to keep our Biblically based Constitution of 1787;[1] and godless revolutionaries who want to get rid of our Constitution and set up the New World Order.
First of all, thank each and every one of you who write me with your ideas on what our country faces. Most importantly more and more of you understand what “someone” is doing to our country by flooding it with endless millions of third world immigrants either legally or illegally.
Which will prove to be the worse disaster as a leader of the world—Communist China under President-for-life Xi Jin Ping, or the Vatican under Francis I, the Red Pope?
Nobody should be forced to take the vaccine or read something that makes them uncomfortable. But this attitude spells trouble for Republicans who think they can win a national election if a major part of their base has deserted former President Trump on the signature achievement of his presidency.
A couple of weeks ago, the tyrant Minnesota Governor Tim Walz was cheerleading the people to take their vaccinations so that things can go back to normal (Matthew 7:13). By the way, Tim Walz extended his unconstitutional emergency powers for the 13th time this week.
Of all the dumb tricks a society could do to itself, this one takes the cake. By their own vote, tens of millions of Americans unwittingly set a trap for them selves and then walked right into the trap they created. In a land of free elections the voters managed to elect a cadre of political idiots with malice and lies in their hearts, whose stated goals are to enslave the very people that voted them into office.
In a recent broadcast, Tucker Carlson featured a story destined to send shockwaves throughout America. In discussing Canada’s new policy of mandatory detention of people who test positive for Covid in “government facilities,” Tucker referred to these “facilities” as “internment camps.”
Despite the fact that both Obama and Oprah fawned over Nelson Mandela, he was not a savior for South African blacks. He deplored the white farmers who planted fields and raised cattle that fed all South Africans. By black hands, many white families and even their babies were macheted to death. The seeds of Mandela’s “anti-apartheid” have been planted in America and are now being thrust to fruition on our soil.
If you had told me America was going to elect an 80-year old career politician with zero accomplishments and late stage dementia as President, or a zero resume former racist prosecutor who has laughed and slept her way to power as Vice President, I would have called the medics from the Funny Farm to gather you up myself.
My friend, Canadian writer Tim Murray, watching Canada being flooded, wrote, “Once again, someone claims that any focus on immigration to the United States is a meaningless distraction. In effect, I am saying that the annual addition of more than 30 million consumers to the third most populous and industrialized nation on earth is irrelevant.
Members of Congress who belong to the Democrat/Communist Party USA are in a hurry, a bit hurry. Most of them know Cheater China Joe Biden did not win the election last November and that chapter is not closed by any means. Watching the illegitimate “Biden administration” since January 20, 2021, has been like watching Keystone Cops.
In a previous statement, Trump had demanded that the bureaucracy “clean up the record” and “and get the Johnson & Johnson vaccine back online quickly.” He concluded, “The only way we defeat the China Virus is with our great vaccines!”
The articles of impeachment were drawn up to save us from imperial presidents who manage to grab the office, not for the service of the people, but on the contrary, a determent to the people as well as society itself. Unfortunately, some political figures, including presidents, get into office to serve themselves, not the country they are supposed to represent.
Some things in this world can simply be chalked up to coincidence. Others, not so much. For those who have studied God’s Word and have eyes to see, it’s obvious that the words of prophecy in Scripture are coming to pass now, before our very eyes. Let’s look at just a few things that have been happening on Planet Earth in just the past month.
We keep hearing about how all we need to do is build more solar panels and wind farms and we can save the world. Well, when you look at the logistics of this you find that that dream of not being dependent on fossil fuels is nothing but an unobtainable pipe dream. Let’s look at some hard facts. All energies have limits to their abilities.
Before we get into the methods that have been used over many decades to lure us into the beast system, we need first to know and understand that our Creator, Redeemer and God did solemnly warn us about the dangers in putting our trust and care in men or men's governments.
Now that the putative Biden-Harris administration is going full tilt, as we catch our breath and reflect on what has transpired in our country, we would do well to consider the wider implications of the theft of this election. So let’s return to the scene of the crime—actually, to the scenes of the multiple crimes inflicted on our nation.
The Capitol Hill riot of January 6th was blamed squarely on then President Trump - still president as far as I’m concerned. At least that is the story line you will hear from the mainstream media. The question has to be asked however, who trusts what the mainstream media reports?
The reason this article is called the JAB is because it is not a vaccine. The definition of a vaccine is a molecule injected into your body to allow your system to manufacture an antibody to a disease process. What is being called a vaccine is in no way, shape or form a vaccine. It is a product designed to achieve a specific outcome.
The wealthy, self appointed rulers and their corrupt followers started the last civil war when 500,000 people died, and half of the country was destroyed. Now they are starting another civil war for the same reasons, power and money. This time the death toll will be many times higher due to starvation in the inner city plantations.
Kimberly Amadeo, President of World Money Watch defines fascism as: “a brutal economic system in which a supreme leader and their government controls the private entities that own the factors of production. The four factors are entrepreneurship, capital goods, natural resources, and labor. A central planning authority directs company leaders to work in the national interest, which actively suppresses those who oppose it”.
We have lost 564K people to the China virus, while Europe has lost more than 1 million. But Avril Haines, China Joe’s Director of National Intelligence, refuses to say that China is an enemy. It is a “threat,” she conceded, but U.S. intelligence agencies are on top of the problem. These are real people and real deaths. This is communism in action. And the slaughter continues.
There is a right or wrong way to do every single thing in life. Children are to be raised properly in the way they should go, so that they do not permanently drift off from the good moral path through life. The United States was founded upon the hallowed principles listed in the Holy Bible. She was also built upon the principles of liberty and personal responsibility.
Most white guys will not write about race because the media has successfully silenced our voices for fear of being called the R word. Well, I am not one of them. As Yogi would say, “I call them like I see them” and no amount of intolerance from the tolerance crowd is going to silence my voice.
Over the last several years, a number of really stupid people have been stopped by the police, but then, resisted arrest. The local juvenile thug in St. Louis robbed a convenience store, got stopped by a cop, and then wrestled with the cop, only to escape, then turn to charge toward the cop with an intent to do bodily harm. Michael Brown proved to be one stupid kid.
Right by Obama’s side for his entire eight years in office was VP Joe Biden, consistently endorsing, approving of and applauding his boss’s policies, including the Iran deal, which pretended to delay the world’s most malign terrorist state from acquiring nuclear weapons that the mullahs said then––and say today––are intended to eliminate the State of Israel.
The video depicts two health inspectors speaking with the restaurant's owner, Rebecca Matthews. No one inside the eatery appeared to be wearing face masks, except for the government officials.