The Cultural Marxism Myth

According to Gramsci, the seizure of political power by a violent revolution had become too risky, almost impossible, and that the solution was to first change the superstructure and, after having taken control of culture and ideology, transforming the economic base would be quite an easy task.

By |2021-12-01T01:06:55-05:00December 1st, 2021|

Trying To Drive A Wedge: Pit Us One Against Another

Americans must get this right.  We are in this together, and together we must put a stop to those who mean to pit us one against another (Psalm 33:12), and if not, we will go down in the history of the world as the greatest fools to ever live on the face of the planet.

By |2021-12-01T00:19:08-05:00December 1st, 2021|

Is The Maurice Strong Davos Secret Society Out To Destroy Donald Trump’s Administration?

Global governance is and always has been the main game of the Davos crowd and its organizing body, WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM.  Donald Trump has been perceived as doing much in his power to shut down global governance – climate control measures and all.   The Davos crowd of politicians, high financiers, “scholars” and industrialists viewed Trump with neither affection nor favor.

By |2021-11-30T01:29:35-05:00November 30th, 2021|

USA, Inc.?

One concept that I often see or hear people express is that the United States is now a private corporation. Those who make these claims often cite The District of Columbia Act of 1871 as proof. This “fact” is then used to support various positions or explain why or how certain acts of government take place. So let’s look at The District of Columbia...

By |2021-11-29T00:48:41-05:00November 29th, 2021|

Biden: Full Delusion On Display

You can’t quite wrap your arms around what’s happening in the United States today.  You can’t reasonably grasp what the president of our country stands for or what he’s saying with his vastly differing directions and words. One message one day, and a completely different action the next! Don’t feel like the Lone Ranger, Joe Biden doesn’t understand what’s going on, either.

By |2021-11-29T00:35:37-05:00November 29th, 2021|

As Predicted Oct-Dec: Second Wave COVID Injection Deaths Underway

Scientists from around the world have warned for a year now how dangerous those experimental gene editing technology COVID-19 injections are to the human body.  Yet the prostitute media and elected career political cockroaches – that would be members of Congress, your state legislature, governors, mayors, school boards and state health agencies – continue to encourage people to get injected.

By |2021-11-29T00:43:41-05:00November 29th, 2021|

School Board Tyranny, Part 3

Our constitutional Republic allows us to remove those that ignore the will of the people. There are a lot of people in D.C. that need to be replaced on both sides of the aisle and replace them we must. The future of our nation depends on it.

By |2021-11-28T01:08:44-05:00November 28th, 2021|

Get Off the Couch and Out Of the ‘Lift Chair!’

Old folks: we NEED you in this battle for the hearts and souls of our children and grandchildren.  Never give up.  Ask the Lord and He will direct your path, so that YOU can be the minister He’s calling you to be. And by the way, our school boards, city councils and county boards need you to show up and speak truth to them too.  They need you desperately.

By |2021-11-28T00:40:39-05:00November 28th, 2021|

The Origin of Covid-19—Updated, Part 9

And as I mentioned in Part 8, the Power Elite wants to move us toward a digital currency. Relevant to that, Yahoo/Finance reported that on November 18, Cornell Law School Professor Saule Omarova testified before the Senate Banking Committee as President Biden's nominee for the head job at the Office of the...

By |2021-11-27T00:12:28-05:00November 27th, 2021|

Fake, Faux, Floundering Government Shames Our Founders

National politics are influenced or dominated by Gov't "boorocrats," elected officials, the CFR, and increasingly by corporate entities. Both major parties and the powers-that-shouldn't-be are party to this national execution of the limited confederation type of gov't. created by our founders.

By |2021-11-26T01:20:37-05:00November 26th, 2021|

Commie Politicians Deny Your Right To Self-Defense

The Kenosha police were nowhere to be seen. Police maintain that they didn’t have the manpower to stop the destruction. That is a damn lie!  With proper police power, they could have stopped it quickly, but political superiors wanted the destruction for political and business objectives.

By |2021-11-26T00:12:27-05:00November 26th, 2021|

What We’re Getting for Our Money

Neatly hidden in the House Democrats’ insane spending bill, somewhere around Page 1,350, we find an exhilarating plan to entertain Americans while at the same time making our minds right.

By |2021-11-25T00:31:46-05:00November 25th, 2021|

Devil Wants To Depopulate The World By 3 Billion, Then Punish if You Dare Speak Out

When the people, on a global scale, understand that the devil is in their midst and that they have power over him because of what Christ has done for them on the cross (Luke 10:19) and decide to make a responsible decision to put an end to all of this, then they can and they will. Until the people have had enough and stop it, this will continue (Isaiah 59:4)!

By |2021-11-24T01:27:13-05:00November 24th, 2021|

Kyle Rittenhouse Acquitted. A Battle Was Won. But Not the War

What was clear from videos available back in August 2020 was that Kyle used deadly force to defend himself from violent thugs who were attacking him physically, one (Anthony Huber) having already hit him over the head with a skateboard. He had no choice. The survivor, Gaige Grosskreutz, admitted under cross that he had his own gun pointed at Kyle’s head when Kyle shot him in the arm.

By |2021-11-24T00:09:36-05:00November 24th, 2021|

Pentagon’s Threat to OK National Guard: You’ll Be Militia!

In case you are a new reader to my columns, I don’t hate our military.  My late husband was a disabled amputee retired U.S. Army Colonel who had 27 years of honorable service.  Lloyd Austin is a disgrace to the uniform and I don’t give a tinker’s damn the color of his skin.  He’s a fool and errand boy for the agenda.

By |2021-11-23T00:33:49-05:00November 23rd, 2021|

Facts to Help You Survive the Planned Economic Collapse

It is critical that you know your enemy to have a chance at survival. In a few words, the ENEMY of The People is the Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC ), ¼ of 1%, owners of stock, who control large mostly anti-American corporations, that in turn control government, media and BOTH political parties with money.

By |2021-11-23T00:22:55-05:00November 23rd, 2021|

Covid Pandemic Creating An Equally Dangerous Obesity Pandemic

Most people don’t remember when the “junk food revolution” started, but I remember those 20 cent hamburgers at McDonald’s just off my college campus back in 1965.  Who didn’t carry a buck in their pocket for so much cheap “food”?  You could buy three burgers, a packet of fries and a Coke for less than a dollar.

By |2021-11-22T01:13:11-05:00November 22nd, 2021|

Congratulations From the Volunteer State

It was with great pride and pleasure that I looked on, as my former neighbors and friends changed things for the better in the Commonwealth, and that has changed it for us all. You have altered the landscape in Richmond, and in America. You’ve shown the way. It is now up to every American to keep that ball rolling.

By |2021-11-21T01:18:56-05:00November 21st, 2021|

School Board Tyranny, Part 2

California has problems of its own. At a school board meeting in Los Alamitos Unified School District Board of Education in Orange County, the president of the school board didn’t like that parents were speaking against masks and vaccine mandates and threw the F-bomb at the parent...

By |2021-11-21T00:48:17-05:00November 21st, 2021|

Pandemic of the Unvaccinated?

If you thought you were vaccinated after receiving your first COVID19 bioweapon injection, think again. Even if you stayed the course and received a second injection and then your first booster, and another booster, you’re still not vaccinated, according to Fauci and the CDC.

By |2021-11-20T00:26:38-05:00November 20th, 2021|

General Mike Flynn Inspires the Left to Speak About God

The brother of one of our dearest friends served under General Flynn.  Our Marine friend told us what his brother said about the General, “For us, General Flynn walked on water and never even got his shoes wet.”  That’s from the men who loved their leader, and those men were of all races and religious beliefs which underscores Mike’s love of all Americans,especially his fellow soldiers.

By |2021-11-20T00:13:14-05:00November 20th, 2021|

Think “Vaccine Passports” bad? This is Already a Done Deal, Part 2

There’s a lot of garbage peddled on so-called conservative web sites and podcasts.  Those that use splashy headlines which most of the time are completely misleading are neither reporters or investigative journalists.  They’re wanna-be’s who want you to click onto their site for ad revenues or buy whatever they selling.

By |2021-11-19T00:08:17-05:00November 19th, 2021|

School Boards Gone Rogue  

Who would have ever thought a school board president—and his father, for crying out loud!—would go around stalking parents who objected to a school board policy, collecting private information on them and making it publicly accessible? What kind of personal information? Social Security numbers!

By |2021-11-18T00:07:21-05:00November 18th, 2021|

The Doctors are Killing Americans

Doctors should know better.  Big Medicine protocol is killing American citizens.  Isn’t it time we asked why?  Aren’t doctors subject to the Nuremberg Codes?  America’s Doctors are either ignorant of the facts, or ignoring the facts.  Neither excuse excuses their behavior.  Wake up America!  Our medical system is being bought and sold.

By |2021-11-18T01:03:28-05:00November 18th, 2021|

What If Biden Allows Another Two Million Illegals Into Our County In 2022?

As the U.S. Border Patrol reports in November, Joe Biden invited 2,000,000 (million) illegal border jumpers into the United States in 2021.  They walked, ran and/or swam across our southern border on an average of 200,000 monthly.  During that time, Biden has airlifted, bussed, and Uber’ed those two million people into cities and communities across America.

By |2021-11-18T01:00:48-05:00November 18th, 2021|

Is COVID-19 a Bioweapon? – New Book Could Shatter the Narrative

Dr. Fleming’s answer is an unequivocal Yes, we are looking at a dual bioweapon, because that’s where all the documentable evidence points. There is the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) which was man made; then there are the experimental mRNA injections being foisted on populations, sometimes against their will.

By |2021-11-17T01:53:30-05:00November 17th, 2021|

Public Education: Factories Producing Compliant Global Village Idiots

Little do most families know that over the past several decades this Norman Rockwell vision of the American education system has been steadily usurped and transformed by a cynical system that is designed to ignore the need to teach basic academics as it, instead, focuses on controlling and remolding the children’s minds.

By |2021-11-17T01:01:16-05:00November 17th, 2021|

If You Want To Know The Truth, Just See What The Wicked Are Afraid Of

The bottom line here is this: If an erroneous and immoral actress can take a poll from her Twitter account, which touts 3 million subscribers, and get these kinds of results, one must ask the question, what it is that the mainstream media and all of those who are unified in this plandemic not revealing (Isiah 28:18)?

By |2021-11-17T00:30:45-05:00November 17th, 2021|

The Consequences of B.A.M. a/k/a the Black Adoration Movement

The rise of Soros’ and Bloomberg’s "progressive" prosecutors pose one of the greatest threats to the rule of law. These legal ideologues have seized control of district and states attorney's offices all over the country virtually putting an end to the true “rule of law.” In many major cities...

By |2021-11-16T00:29:39-05:00November 16th, 2021|

The Origin of Covid-19—Updated, Part 8

They want a government by a handful of people because they don't believe the people themselves can run their lives....Are we going to have an elitist government that makes decisions for people's lives or are we going to believe as we have for so many decades, that the people can make these decisions for themselves?"

By |2021-12-21T13:55:57-05:00November 16th, 2021|

The Supremacy Clause & Tenth Amendment v. Mandates

The problem with the Texas executive order is not that it’s superseded by federal law, but that it violates the constitutions of both Texas and the United States. It is perfectly legal for Texas to tell Washington, D.C. that their mandate violates the agreement the states have, and therefore cannot be enforced within the state.

By |2021-11-15T01:42:47-05:00November 15th, 2021|

Only Two Things Americans MUST Do

To be certain, once these top two things are accomplished, and only then, there is a laundry list of critical things Americans will need to fix if they ever want the USA to have a chance at freedom, liberty, justice, and decency again. But before we can afford to worry about that laundry list, Americans must...

By |2021-11-15T01:08:02-05:00November 15th, 2021|

School Board Tyranny, Part 1

We are seeing something in America that we have never seen on such a scale before.  Our leftist so-called ‘educators have taken a page out of Lenin’s playbook and decided that it is only the school board that has the right to decide what children in public schools are taught and that parents have no right to any input at all.

By |2021-11-14T00:50:22-05:00November 14th, 2021|

I’m Here to Tell You the Truth

Many parents are waking up to all this and are rightfully outraged when they discover what their public schools are pushing as they brainwash their kids.  They’ve shown up to school board meetings to express their outrage — and so now parents who attend school board meetings are being targeted as “domestic terrorists”...

By |2021-11-14T00:06:54-05:00November 14th, 2021|

Ignorance of the Law is Slavery

With this in mind, can you name the five freedoms that are protected by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution?  Have you ever read the Maryland Declaration of Rights, which is the supreme law of the state?  Were you expecting these documents to enforce themselves?

By |2021-11-13T01:19:55-05:00November 13th, 2021|

Biological Warfare and the New World Order

The most lethal of the pathogens introduced by Europeans was smallpox, which sometimes incapacitated so many adults at once that deaths from hunger and starvation were as high as deaths from disease; in several cases, entire tribes became extinct.

By |2021-11-12T00:39:58-05:00November 12th, 2021|

None Dare Call It Genocide

Do we have the courage to even dare to approach the issue of genocide? It’s like trying to consider the actual existence of the Devil. Perish the thought! Paint him red, give him horns and a tail, and he’s easily made laughable. It has been said that his greatest deceit is to convince people that he does not exist.

By |2021-11-12T01:40:30-05:00November 12th, 2021|

Is It Still ‘Our’ Government?

We have to take a much closer look at the characters who are supposed to represent us, from Congress right on down to the smallest local board of education. Because I don’t think they’re representing us. Remember when elected officials of all kinds were known as “public servants”? Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum to that!

By |2021-11-11T01:06:28-05:00November 11th, 2021|

Veterans Day 2021—Will We “Keep Faith” to Veterans?

On Veterans Day 2021, may God bless all the veterans who have served in defense of our freedom in all the wars. And may the country whose freedom they preserved honor them on Veterans Day and on every day. They kept the faith with us; and, as expressed in the haunting words of “Flanders Field,” we must not “break faith” with them.

By |2021-11-11T00:31:09-05:00November 11th, 2021|

What Is The Carrying Capacity of America?

As we learned in the previous column, our president and Congress continue flooding our country with legal and illegal refugees.  An estimated 5,000,000 (million), net gain, added to our shores in 2021. If that continues for another eight years to 2030, we’ll see 40,000,000 people added to our country.

By |2021-11-11T00:09:05-05:00November 11th, 2021|

Pro Deo et Patria – For God and Country

As a people, we are out-gunned and triangulated by our enemies. Our enemies are not at the gates, they are inside the gates. Alone, divided, focused on the wrong priorities, and without God, we have no chance of survival at all. Only when we put first things first, and choose God’s side, instead of asking him to join ours, can we, will we, prevail.

By |2021-11-11T21:18:03-05:00November 10th, 2021|

Cancel Culture: Reinventing Government

You have disgraced your office, all of you. You have committed treason! You swore to protect the Constitution, then, by your silence, you helped destroy it. Many of you claim to be Christians. Those who are, need to be down on your knees praying that God will forgive you. Many Americans never will.

By |2021-11-10T01:16:12-05:00November 10th, 2021|

Accredited Media? Think Again – “We All Lie For The CIA”

One thing that we have all finally come to realize is that these that call themselves representatives of the people are not representing the people but rather they represent special interest groups in an attempt to establish a global order (Isaiah 28:18). This is a fact that no one can dispute.

By |2021-11-10T00:39:35-05:00November 10th, 2021|

What COVID Authority Does OSHA Have?

The problem is, most Americans don’t know it and most lawyers, politicians, and news media personalities, don’t want you to know it either! Most Americans just stumble their way through life without paying much attention to anything important. This is the same herd that has stumbled their way right into these lethal vaccines, without following any science at all.

By |2021-11-09T01:22:52-05:00November 9th, 2021|

The Gathering Storm and Its Historic Precedent, Part 2 – America

“My country, right or wrong” doesn’t belong to us.  There are dangers to blind obedience to government.  The American Government is not doing the best for its citizens.  Yet our people are still reclining with their beers and watching Monday night football.  What will it take to wake Americans up to the threats at our door?

By |2021-11-16T01:21:59-05:00November 9th, 2021|

Carrying Capacity: Most Important Discussion of the 2020’s

This year, Joe Biden facilitated an invasion of our country of an estimated 2,000,000 (million) illegal aliens.  Additionally, Congress invited 1,000,000 (million) more legal immigrants.  All immigrants, in turn, average 900,000 new babies inside our country annually.  Also, Biden flew 100,000 Afghan refugees illegally into our country. On top of that...

By |2021-11-08T01:12:43-05:00November 8th, 2021|

The Unmasking of Dr. Mengele S. Fauci

Speaking of the suffering inflicted by Fauci and his demonic globalist masters: Have you seen videos of erstwhile healthy young women with suddenly shaking limbs or whole-body incessant seizures as a result of being vaxxed? How do we know those videos are authentic? Simple: The fact-checkers have...

By |2021-11-08T01:13:39-05:00November 8th, 2021|

COVID Experimental Injections: Can Employers/Employees Sue OSHA?

There are so many lawsuits that have been filed over the past six months over those COVID-19 experimental injections one can hardly keep up. One court grants a stay and another simply kicks the case to the curb. Trump’s Supreme Court Denies Religious Exemptions to Mandatory COVID-19 Shots to Maine Health Care Workers, Oct. 30, 2021

By |2021-11-08T01:15:28-05:00November 8th, 2021|

Let’s Go Brandon Or Better Yet “Time To Go Brandon”

We all know that voter fraud has been around as long as voting.  This allowed parasites and secret societies to infiltrate the common-wealth looking for power and the common’s wealth. Where societies are agreements to better live our lives, the parasites create divisions, all to divert the eye to their crimes against the commons, being done in secret.

By |2021-11-07T01:54:37-04:00November 7th, 2021|

How Can Vaccine Mandates Be Legal?, Part 2

What baffles me is the medical industry today seems to ignore proven methods to fight against COVID 19. Some governors, who are not doctors, have written Executive Orders not allowing hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and ivermectin to fight COVID 19 in the early stages.

By |2021-11-07T01:20:44-04:00November 7th, 2021|

We’re In For a Very Rude Awakening

If you don’t yet see where this is all heading, hopefully you will by the time I’m done.  First, let me quote an article written by Mike Adams, titled: “Vaxssassination.”  Adams writes, “It’s all now incredibly clear. Everything we’ve been watching over the last 20 months has been a globalist-led effort to convince billions of people to exterminate themselves without them knowing it.

By |2021-11-07T00:39:14-04:00November 7th, 2021|

Should Blatant In-Your-Face Treason be Ignored?

There can absolutely be no question that TREASON as defined in our CONSTITUTION is being committed by Biden, “THE USURPER”, and by government employees who give and take orders to aid and comfort illegal invaders. But how do you prosecute the treason when all three branches of the federal government are compromised and unconstitutional?

By |2021-11-06T02:07:15-04:00November 6th, 2021|

We Are in a World War. It Is a Fifth Generation War

With draconian policies going well beyond sensible public health measures having been imposed all over the world, no thinking person can believe the responses to COVID-19 are about public health, any more than any thinking person still believes the virus came from a bat.

By |2021-11-06T01:33:41-04:00November 6th, 2021|

How and Why Youngkin Won in Virginia

Most importantly, Youngkin said in a column, “I’ve spent my career leading teams, creating jobs and building businesses.” This was a reference to the fact that he ran the high finance firm the Carlyle Group. Youngkin understood basic economics and appealed to people by opposing Democrat tax-and-spend schemes in Virginia.

By |2021-11-05T03:10:58-04:00November 5th, 2021|

Biden is Destroying all Labor Unions

The unions have been propping up the Democrat Party for decades, in return, the democrats have been propping up the unions, even while destroying all U.S. manufacturing. Today, the biggest unions in the country are government employee unions, including teachers...

By |2021-11-05T03:01:45-04:00November 5th, 2021|

On The Road to Lunacy

By the way, have you noticed that “My body, my choice!” just goes away when they’re talking about COVID-19 vaccine mandates? They’re perfectly happy to have Big Brother make that choice for them. Sure, shoot us up with experimental chemicals! But it’s “my choice” to off my unborn child.

By |2021-11-04T01:05:21-04:00November 4th, 2021|

Dereliction of Duty

It is time for Christians in America to stand up and do their duty.  We can no longer point the finger of blame at the wicked officials that we have allowed to rule over us.  All we have to do is look in the mirror and we come face to face with the culprit. We have met the enemy and it is us.

By |2021-11-04T02:20:08-04:00November 4th, 2021|

Competing Cultures Breaking Down America’s Culture

The governor’s race in Virginia this week proved that you can’t keep bashing America’s basic goodness by pushing the sheer stupidity of Critical Race Theory.  You can’t force America’s children into hating each other via the color of their skin. You can’t make...

By |2021-11-04T01:24:16-04:00November 4th, 2021|

Factors and Feelings That Fed the Frenzied Riots of 2020

While all this was going on, the Cultural Marxists (i.e.communists) were taking control of the curricula in public schools and most private schools as well; indeed, they became the new Educational Establishment. Today, freedom of speech in the classroom depends entirely upon whether or not the Left agrees with what is being said while those on the Left are permitted to shout down all opposing and conservative views...

By |2021-11-03T02:49:06-04:00November 3rd, 2021|

The “Heroes That The People Need” Capitalizing Off The American People

Why just the big talk?  It's because it is designed to appease the American people and put them to sleep (Ephesians 5:14) by what is called “controlled opposition.”  In other words, they are put there in hopes that you will let them take care of the problems that they deceive you into believing that they are bringing resolve towards.

By |2021-11-03T00:59:20-04:00November 3rd, 2021|

The Origin of Covid-19—Updated, Part 7

According to the article, "In both cases, judges ordered hospitals to give the women ivermectin as their families wanted. Both women survived their hospitalizations....Of doctors refusing to treat patients with ivermectin, Lorigo said, 'they are not gods because they wear white jackets,' he said. I take issue with their stance."

By |2021-11-03T00:01:32-04:00November 2nd, 2021|

All Who Refuse to Stand Against Tyranny

By wasting precious time and resources on utter nonsense, trying to create a false impression that you are doing something that matters, just like most politicians today, are you really making a stand for freedom, liberty, and justice?

By |2021-11-02T01:20:50-04:00November 2nd, 2021|

Qualified Tyranny

These two cases are more proof that the government in Washington, D.C. is now filled with criminals. Going to federal court for a redress of grievance today seems more like going to the Corleone house than a court of law. Your fate is no longer decided by the laws of the nation, but the the opinions of oligarchs in black robes.

By |2021-11-04T13:32:26-04:00November 1st, 2021|

Greg Gutfeld: He Is Funny, PERIOD!

In this age of political corruption, worthless Congressional Critters, our president advocating for open borders, useless wars and political pundits…humor might keep you sane.  At least, if you’re laughing, you’ve got a chance to keep your sanity. Otherwise, you’d be reduced to balling your eyes out daily.

By |2021-11-01T01:31:09-04:00November 1st, 2021|

Supply Chain Catastrophe: The Real Genesis, Part 2

Supply chain woes worsen following Biden’s intervention, October 29, 2021 – “Two weeks ago, Joe Biden announced with fanfare that he was taking steps towards having our main port facilities operate around the clock to alleviate the supply chain snags that are causing so much disruption. Since then, according to the Washington Post, the backlog of ships anchored off the coast of Southern California has increased.

By |2021-11-01T00:31:28-04:00November 1st, 2021|

How Can Vaccine Mandates Be Legal? Part 1

Follow the money.  Journalist David Daleiden obtained video evidence of Planned Parenthood selling aborted baby parts which is illegal but Kamala Harris, California’s Attorney General at the time, charged David with 9 felonies but ignored the provable illegal actions of Planned Parenthood.

By |2021-10-31T00:56:15-04:00October 31st, 2021|

Stay Away From Hospitals & Don’t Get the Jab!

Friends, DON’T take the jab — and stay out of the hospitals at all costs. Keep your immune system strong with regular supplementation of Vitamin C, Vitamin D3 with K2, Potassium Iodide, Zinc, N Acetyl Cysteine and Quercetin. You can still find these supplements available — get the best quality you can find. But don’t wait.

By |2021-10-31T01:02:17-04:00October 31st, 2021|

Are Tax-Free Foundations Parasitic Whores in Sheep’s Clothing?

Communists and the Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) are attacking us with Deceit, Deception and Destruction using the Income Tax (TAX), Private Federal Reserve Bank (FRB), and Tax-Free Foundations (TFF). Due to the failure of our Communist schools and media to teach the truth, I must put all of this into proper context...which will be a surprise to most people.

By |2021-10-30T01:29:28-04:00October 30th, 2021|

Hell Hath No Fury

As everyone now knows, there has been a massive eruption of nationwide protests as tens, no hundreds, no thousands of mostly Muslim women (and a few of their husbands) have descended on School Board meetings across the country to protest the fact that Critical Race Theory (CRT)is now being inflicted on their children, starting in kindergarten.

By |2021-10-29T03:04:18-04:00October 29th, 2021|

Fauci Isn’t the Only Sadistic Bastard

I could have added a hundred more photos that would break your heart, but I hope you will make your voice heard on this and if you’re running for city council, county commissioner, your state legislature or Congress, make a promise you will work to stop such unnecessary and horribly cruel torture on helpless creatures.

By |2021-10-29T02:08:52-04:00October 29th, 2021|

What a Wonderful, Blessed Surprise

NewsWithViews is looking for a serious buyer and what a great time to get your shopping done for that special woman in your life for Christmas or perhaps anniversary.  Or, for yourself, ladies, for making it through a tough year!

By |2021-11-04T13:32:26-04:00October 29th, 2021|

Loudon County Schools… Melting Down

The Loudon County school district, in Virginia, is where the action is these days. Or to put it more simply, it’s a mess. This week a juvenile court judge found a 14-year-old high school boy—who was wearing a skirt at the time, and claiming to be “transgender”--guilty of raping a female student in a high school rest room.

By |2021-10-28T00:55:56-04:00October 28th, 2021|

Covid Pandemic Creating An Equally Dangerous Obesity Pandemic

All those fast-food joints sell non-nutritious, unhealthy, chemicalized and over-caloried food stuffs.  Those “foods” do more damage to one’s body over the years because it’s a slow-motion process. The average American eats 140 pounds of white sugar annually. The amount of Coke, Pepsi and Mt. Dew screams off the charts.

By |2021-10-28T00:09:35-04:00October 28th, 2021|

There Are NO Blue States

Most Americans think we are headed into some form of “civil war” between BLUE and RED states, as the nation is divided, angry, and motivated to fight, more than at any point in our history. But the simple truth is, there are no BLUE states in the USA. There are only a handful of BLUE cities...

By |2021-10-27T12:16:57-04:00October 27th, 2021|

Obama’s “Permanent Revolution” in Virginia

Once you understand that America has entered the initial phase of becoming a socialist nation, you will have a desperate need to go back in history and learn what Frank Marshall Davis and his students, such as Obama, were all about. Obama’s real “family tree” leads directly back to Karl Marx.

By |2021-10-27T00:13:12-04:00October 27th, 2021|

The Truth About The Privately Owned Federal Reserve Bank

The Private Federal Bank is the root of all evil, it is unconstitutional and owned by the PSRRC. The FRBs ability to print unlimited quantities of Fiat Dollars permits all types of stock market scams, transfers the peoples wealth to the PSRRC, finances unjustified wars for profits of the PSRRC’s Military Industrial Complex, allows graft from...

By |2021-10-26T00:51:37-04:00October 26th, 2021|

2020 US Election: A Déjà Vu

The insidious similarity between the 2020 rigged US presidential election and the 2009 Islamic Republic of Iran sham election, is striking and quite mindboggling. How could America, the beacon of freedom, the leader and the envy of the free world have an election resembling the most repressive country in the world? Allow me to explain.

By |2021-10-26T00:17:46-04:00October 26th, 2021|

Permanent Apportionment Gaslighting

The Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of the land. Only laws of the United States made in pursuance of (following) the Constitution are considered supreme as well. Any act of Congress that is not pursuant to the Constitution is repugnant (contrary) to the supreme law of the land.

By |2021-11-04T13:32:26-04:00October 25th, 2021|

Supply Chain Catastrophe: The Real Genesis, Part 1

Most Americans by now are aware of the supply chain catastrophe.  As of October 22, 2021, more than 100 ships off the So Cal ports are sitting and waiting - many for weeks.  More excuses have been offered up than one can count. This is just one of the real problems...

By |2021-10-25T00:05:15-04:00October 25th, 2021|

The Systematic Extermination of Traditional American Values, the Expendables, & the Replacements

The Left is no longer interested in intellectual discussion and fair play. They are interested in total conquest. They are seeking victory by means of taking total control of every institution in America, as conservative Americans are either fired or forced to resign over conscience, eliminated, or otherwise taken out of the way.

By |2021-10-24T01:20:14-04:00October 24th, 2021|

COVID-19 Vaccine Facts Media Ignores, Part 4

With all the information that I have presented in this series, it is impossible to believe that what the government is doing is in ‘the best interest of the people’.  It is for one thing only and that is to gain as much control over the American people as they can.

By |2021-10-25T01:10:50-04:00October 24th, 2021|

“Piercing the Veils”: Revisited

These folks discover the foundations of Constitutionalism and perhaps political philosophy generally. They reach into our Western heritage and learn the significance of, e.g., the Magna Carta and the English Bill of Rights. They may read John Locke and Edmund Burke as well as Washington and Madison and Jefferson.

By |2021-10-23T02:30:33-04:00October 23rd, 2021|

Donald J. Trump Can Still Save America

We are still in a war with China over COVID and many other issues. Here, again, Trump has the credibility to stand tall, as he recognized the China threat early on and started the process of challenging the communist behemoth in such areas as trade and 5G communications networks.

By |2021-10-23T01:35:32-04:00October 23rd, 2021|

NO ONE is “Forcing” YOU to Do Anything!

How cheap will the average American sell their soul, their lives and freedom, and that of their children? Well, the average USA income today is $36,000 per year, down over 25% from 2019, due to ongoing governmental destruction of our economy. Anyone who has been “forced” (coerced) to take a fatal injection to keep their job, sold out themselves, their kids, freedom, liberty, and life itself...

By |2021-10-22T00:55:06-04:00October 22nd, 2021|

America’s Hitlerian Henchmen

Ironically, American doctors are not only prevented from using life-saving therapeutics, they can’t even talk about them without risking their licenses! So the powers-that-be have co-opted both free speech and the American medical profession in one fell swoop.

By |2021-10-22T00:11:01-04:00October 22nd, 2021|

Press Censorship, Part 3

Then at the very time Covid-19 seemed to be coming under control, the Delta variants suspiciously appeared as the product of a rare double mutation. One increasing the transmissibility of the virus, and the other "just happening" to decrease the efficacy of vaccines! After that, 50% of the vaccinated people in Israel became infected anyway.

By |2021-10-22T00:05:11-04:00October 22nd, 2021|

Our Military Goes Downright Silly

Imagine it as a scene in a movie. General George Patton is up late at night, laboring to plan the relief of Bastogne. Can he get there in time, before the Germans overrun the town? It’s the Battle of the Bulge, and the situation is critical. How about the weather? Will his combat aircraft be able to fly support missions?

By |2021-10-21T01:55:59-04:00October 21st, 2021|

Today’s American Church is Spiritually Impotent

But the American Church is the 98-pound weakling that Charles Atlas used to talk about. At some point Christians are going to have to hit the weight room and fight back against the Luciferian bullies.  Getting one’s ass kicked does not make one more Holy.  Fighting pressure does.  In fact, it is often called “resistance training.”  At the heart of resistance training is the act of pushing back.

By |2021-10-21T00:52:23-04:00October 21st, 2021|

What Will We Do When We Can’t Solve Our Problems?

This president continues to break our laws.  He ignores our Constitution. He refuses to enforce and/or secure our borders from invasion. Article IV, Section 4.  He blindly, if not stupidly, or via his dementia, ignores what’s really going on in our country. Or, is he doing it on purpose?

By |2021-10-21T02:12:23-04:00October 21st, 2021|

The Cuban Missile Crisis: the First Mega-PsyOp

On October 14th, 1962, a CIA analyst show President Kennedy photos taken by U-2 which, he claimed, proved the presence of Soviet nuclear missiles deployed on Cuban soil. Kennedy initially had trouble seeing the missiles on the photos, but he was eventually convinced of it. A few days later...

By |2021-10-20T00:31:03-04:00October 20th, 2021|

Public Private Partnerships = The Death of Free Markets

Have you wondered why so many companies were so quick to go WOKE and destroy America?  Could it be that as companies became GLOBAL, America became irrelevant?  Global Corporate CEO's and VP's took money, tax rebates, grants, subsidies etc.  from the American Taxpayer and many purchased multiple residents all over the world.

By |2021-10-19T00:56:59-04:00October 19th, 2021|

Vaccine Tyranny Ignites Brushfires of Freedom

US Treasury deputy secretary warns unvaxxed Americans that shortages will continue until everyone is jabbed.  When there aren’t enough folks left working to run the country, there will be even more shortages, but to stop the tyranny and authoritarianism, Americans must take a stand.  So stock up now!

By |2021-10-19T22:34:37-04:00October 19th, 2021|

Sheriff Chris Brown

It's time for our politicians and other public servants to stand up and remember that their first responsibility is to protect people’s rights, not to run their lives.”

By |2021-10-19T00:20:59-04:00October 19th, 2021|

Privacy vs Government Interest

Most Americans believe they have a right to privacy. Many Americans also want governments to protect them from “bad actors”. So what happens when our right to privacy collides with our desire for government to protect us? A recent Supreme Court case out of California involves the question of how far government can go to protect us.

By |2021-11-04T13:32:27-04:00October 18th, 2021|

A Stolen and Forgotten Birthright

There are countless lessons to be learned from God’s Holy Book, the authorized KJV Bible.  And it’s a sad and sorrowful fact that not many, even of those who call themselves born-again believers, learn, but very few of them in a lifetime.

By |2021-10-17T02:37:58-04:00October 17th, 2021|

COVID-19 Vaccine Facts Media Ignores, Part 3

The fourteen days to flatten the curve has turned into almost twenty months with no end in sight, lockdowns, mask mandates, vaccine mandates, and the loss of our right to work and shop unless we take what has been proven to be a very dangerous gene therapy shot not a ‘vaccine’. If we don’t stand now we won’t have that right in a very short time.

By |2021-10-17T02:13:40-04:00October 17th, 2021|

The China Virus and National Security

In the article, “How Conservatives Must Respond to China and the Virus,” Professor Renato Cristin argues that we must understand the Chinese origin of the virus because of its geostrategic implications.

By |2021-10-17T00:30:14-04:00October 17th, 2021|

Deaths From Covid Jabs Continue as Planned

In view of the horrific amount of documented evidence which grows daily, thousands of deaths in addition to millions of serious injuries are happening all over the world, it becomes crystal clear that the various “vaccines” are purposely designed to kill or seriously injure people causing a slower, yet ultimate death.

By |2021-10-16T01:24:45-04:00October 16th, 2021|

Biden is Intensely Hated and Despised

Citizens of both parties realize that Democrat and Republican elected officials are incompetent, corrupt and cowardly. BOTH parties are controlled by the PSRRC. People have heard about the old days when these criminals could expect pitchforks, tar and feathers.

By |2021-10-16T01:02:34-04:00October 16th, 2021|

Tyranny in Shelby County, Tennessee

I beg of my fellow Americans to wake up and smell the decay of our Republic...we are dying.  The only thing that will save us is if more people like the folks in this video stand up and demand the freedoms God gave us and our founders recorded in both the Declaration of Independence and our Constitution and especially our unalienable Bill of Rights.

By |2021-10-16T00:33:05-04:00October 16th, 2021|
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