Part 1: None Of What’s Going On In Washington DC Makes Any Sense
Does anyone of those 545 Congressional Critters possess an ounce of common sense? Do you think what’s going on in Washington DC resembles anything that’s reasonable?
Does anyone of those 545 Congressional Critters possess an ounce of common sense? Do you think what’s going on in Washington DC resembles anything that’s reasonable?
If you’re a Republican, Independent or Democrat—you must be scratching your head daily as to the utter folly of those 545 people that you elected to serve our nation. Why aren’t they collectively solving our nation’s problems? Why aren’t they making common sense decisions? Why don’t they do what’s right?
In the past week, the Dixie Fire in Northern California burned 432,000 acres by Sunday. By the time you read this column, another 100,000 acres. In other words, we can’t contain it or control it. Too much heat in the atmosphere and too much kindling on the ground.
We now understand by the Department of Homeland Security, that between 23 to 27 honor killings are committed annually in the USA with another 500,000 cases of female genital mutilations all committed by Muslim immigrant men as commanded by their Islamic religion. We’re talking murders and assault and battery on young girls.
One of my journalistic colleagues, Charley Reese, recently retired from the Orlando Sentinel. He’s a journalist for as long as I have been a journalist around 50 years. He’s seen what I have seen. He shares his views of America and our current quagmire as brought to you and all of us by those 545 rascals in Washington DC.
Like you, I am sick to my stomach that 13 of our finest military men died in a suicide terrorist’s blast in Kabul, Afghanistan. I’m even sicker to my stomach that Joe Biden, a draft dodger in his youth, made it happen. I am sicker still that Four Star General Milley LET it happen.
We’ve got Jen Psaki standing out in front of the cameras every day, pretending that she knows what she’s talking about, but she doesn’t have a clue as to what’s really going on. In fact, she learns more on CNN and Tucker Carlson with Lara Logan than she knows from her hideout in the White House.
On February 23, 1945, U.S. Marines planted Old Glory on Mt. Suribachi, Iwo Jima. It marked our victory over the Japanese. It’s been America’s iconic symbol of victory over tyranny since that epic moment. All Americans who visit the Washington DC Mall step up to that enormous bronze statue that dominates the area.
And to top off the Afghanistan debacle, this cognitive deficient president has opened our borders to an invasion of illegal refugee migrants, literally waltzing over borders to enjoy food, housing, and medical care paid for by us. All at the expense of our own poor, our own homeless, our veterans, and our own dispossessed.
As the 20 years of Washington DC’s stupidity plays-out in the final American defeat in Afghanistan during the next week, let us remember why G.W. Bush attacked: to kill bin Laden after 9/11. Well, our Seal Team Six accomplished that mission in 2011. Why didn’t we pull out a day after that event occurred?
In 2020, Black Lives Matter and Antifa anarchists ruled the streets of many American cities. One faction celebrated a lifelong known career federal felon. George Floyd proved himself a model for everything wrong in a human being: drug addict, woman beater, car thief, robberies, passing counterfeit money, porno star, shoplifter, federal prisoner…just an all-around nasty, contemptable human being.
In the past week, the Dixie Fire in Northern California burned 432,000 acres by Sunday. By the time you read this column, another 100,000 acres. In other words, we can’t contain it or control it. Too much heat in the atmosphere and too much kindling on the ground.
Dr. Seuss’ “Cat in the Hat” is now a racist book! That’s like saying if you drink white milk instead of chocolate, you’re a racist. If you like daytime more than nighttime, you’re a racist. That’s like saying the reason that Tom Brady won the Superbowl stems from the fact that he enjoys “White Privilege.”
Have you ever watched the TV program, “My 600 pound life”? If not, it shows obscenely obese men and women who have eaten themselves into gargantuan bodies from 600 to 800 pounds of rolls hanging all over their frames. They can barely breathe, walk or live.
Racial strife boils into violence at the drop of a hat in our big cities. African-American gangs in San Francisco, Chicago, LA and New York City openly shoplift products in bags and run from the stores. How much do they steal? According to crime reports, shoplifters steal $50 billion annually. Over 27 million Americans are regular shoplifters.
As an extensive world traveler, I’ve witnessed failed civilizations. At 1.38 billion people, India touted as the largest “democracy” in the world, must also be deemed the biggest “failed” country in the world. India defines mass poverty, human overpopulation, human misery and hopelessness in the majority of its citizens.
First of all, I am a Baby Boomer and an old man of 74 years. I watched America trudge through the Korean War, Vietnam War, Desert Storm, Afghanistan and Iraq wars. All of them fraudulent, unnecessary, costly in money and lives, and benefited no Americans other than corporate elites and bankers.
Wednesday night on national news, one of the top broadcasters noted that a United States Border Patrol official reported that 1.0 million, that’s 1,000,000 illegal migrants have passed into the United States since Biden took office. That’s ONE MILLION illegal entries.
Last week, crews removed the iconic statue of Lewis & Clark/Sacagawea in the center of Charlottesville, Virginia. They also removed General Robert E. Lee on his horse. Rioters have toppled statues of Lincoln as a racist, Columbus and even civil rights icons.
My friends and I decided to pitch our tents in a nook blooming with purple-white Columbine flowers. That night, the campfire’s smoke curled into the ink-black of space toward a starlit sky. Shooting stars punctured the stillness as if to put an exclamation point on the day.
Many people drag the past back into the present. Others make excuses for poor choices. Still others wave personal responsibility onto circumstances. Others abandon themselves in favor of the modus operandi of their “shadow” side.
When you take a walk, especially in the woods, you feel a connection to nature that transforms your energy, quiets your body and soothes your mind. Walking allows you to enhance your thoughts, feelings and ideas. Magic follows you on a walk.
I camp in the wilds. It's peaceful, aesthetic and spiritual. It is a communion with nature. Whether it's the desert or mountains, I prefer the smell of the wilds. But wilderness camping has precarious moments.
But when you overrun the age of 70, your life changes. Your perspectives change. Your understandings of the years, piled up like silage in a silo, remind you that this life is a terminal disease. You’ve used up a good bit of it. You might enjoy a year or ten years, but you’re not sure as you attend a lot of funerals.
Adventure is not always comfortable; however, it’s still adventure. It’s not always safe, either. Whatever it is, it beats a couch, remote control and the inane, indolent TV any day of the week.
Heading eastbound across southern California, the sun set low in the sky. MY cycling mate and I looked for a campsite in the rocky terrain east of Joshua Tree National Monument.
They refuse to dig into what’s really happening across America. Let’s face it, Biden’s invitation to over 600,000 illegal migrants in the past six months proves to be an “invited invasion.” Biden’s actions violate Article IV Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution.
As we stumble into 2021 with a conflicted Congress and a slothful president trying to figure out what to do next, countless Americans sit in coffee shops and/or bull sessions across America wondering why our leaders don’t ask pertinent questions about what’s happening to our country.
If you look at the 535 Congressional critters leading America toward ruin, destruction and civil strife—you must ask questions as to why they are doing it to us. Let’s ask another set of pertinent questions that need answers from your two U.S. Senators and House Member.
If you look at the 535 Congressional critters leading America toward ruin, destruction and civil strife—you must ask questions as to why they are doing it to us. Let’s ask a few pertinent questions that need answers from your two U.S. Senators and House Member.
During Memorial Day Weekend, let’s honor our fallen and those serving on active duty. It’s a rare luck of fate that each of us enjoys being an American citizen. If you have cycled or traveled across six continents and endless countries, you understand that America remains a beacon of hope and inspiration for the world.
Today in America, we eat fast foods, junk foods, chemicalized foods, GMO foods, preserved foods, Coke, Pepsi, Mt. Dew and a host of artificially sweetened sodas along with chips, beer, hard liquor, pizza, very little fiber, TV dinners, and endless “white sugar injected” foods from ketchup to salsa to salad dressing.
For all of 2020 and now, 2021, racial tensions flare at the slightest tribal confrontation between White police officers, government officials, academics and Black Americans. Black Lives Matter stands to burn and loot any city where it deems police as racists or murderers or biased.
This past Tuesday night, over a dozen Palestinian-Americans, driving cars around Los Angeles with large Palestinian flags, attacked patrons at restaurants as they dined on the sidewalk. They yelled, “Are you a Jew?”
Last Thursday’s column, May 13, 2021, America Not Prepared for the Future, should have been the highest read column in the United States. It exposed Biden’s “U.S. Citizenship Act” that would add, at the minimum, another 37 million immigrants to the USA, the highest number of people added to our or any country in 10 years, in the history of the world.
If you are worried about the future of your kids, this latest development will really cook your emotions, your sense of right and wrong, and ultimately, this 90 second video will show you the most distressing, if not incomprehensible future for our country.
Our country suffers from so many problems, it’s beyond difficult to find a path leading toward solutions. In the past three weeks, Sandi and I traveled through four states—Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona and Utah. At each tourist spot, we engaged people from all over the country. Most of them were retired “baby boomers” getting a jump on the summer crowds.
Tucker Carlson said, “Demographic change is the key to the Democratic party's political ambitions. Let's say that again for emphasis because it is the secret to the entire immigration debate. Demographic change is the key to the Democratic party's political initiative. In order to win and maintain power, Democrats plan to change the population of the country.
Is Biden purposely flooding America in order to displace us from our own country? Yesterday, my wife Sandi and I shopped at a Costco store in Denver, Colorado. It sounded and felt like shopping in different countries with so many languages being spoken and strange modes of dress.
First of all, thank each and every one of you who write me with your ideas on what our country faces. Most importantly more and more of you understand what “someone” is doing to our country by flooding it with endless millions of third world immigrants either legally or illegally.
My friend, Canadian writer Tim Murray, watching Canada being flooded, wrote, “Once again, someone claims that any focus on immigration to the United States is a meaningless distraction. In effect, I am saying that the annual addition of more than 30 million consumers to the third most populous and industrialized nation on earth is irrelevant.
Over the last several years, a number of really stupid people have been stopped by the police, but then, resisted arrest. The local juvenile thug in St. Louis robbed a convenience store, got stopped by a cop, and then wrestled with the cop, only to escape, then turn to charge toward the cop with an intent to do bodily harm. Michael Brown proved to be one stupid kid.
Did the American people vote to make this country the babysitter for the rest of the world? Did anyone vote to have $60 million allocated per month as reported by “60 Minutes”, for housing and feeding this foreign mob of people? And, their children?
During the month of March 2021, according to the United States Border Patrol, President Joe Biden, with one signature on an Executive Order, allowed 104,000 illegal aliens a free pass into the United States. Busses take them to cities with welfare offices, Section 8 Housing and all the taxpayer goodies you provide with your hard-earned money.
In Time Magazine this week, it speaks to “white privilege,” “racism,” “systemic white superiority” and a host of ills perpetuated by White America. If you’re white, you’re pretty much the blame for everything wrong with America. Time editors reported on how Black students suffered under admissions standards too high for their educational backgrounds.
After 245 years since America became a new nation, its greatest internal conflict continues as a ‘tension’ between the Negro race and the Caucasian race. And lately, the Asian race. White versus Black continues with a vengeance. No number of laws, equal rights, education or wealth seems to change the racial conflict dynamic not only in the USA, but in Canada, Europe and wherever races intermingle.
Now, Congress wants to ban guns. They fail to mention that cars kill around 40,000 Americans annually. Also, 80,000 drug overdose deaths via drugs coming over our borders! And, 114,000 total military suicide deaths from Congresses’ 20 year wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Eleven American citizens, dead! From 21 to 65, dead. A 51-year-old police officer and father of seven kids, dead. Families devastated. Lives ruined. A community sickened at the deadly rampage of a religion not able to comprehend or engage with 21st century civilized society.
Last week, Joe Biden tripped not once, not twice, but three times while ascending the staircase to Air Force One. He might have suffered from mini-strokes. It might have been from exhaustion from his harsh schedule as President of the United States. His handlers said, “It was the wind.”
In February 2020, the U.S. Border Patrol calculated 9,000 people crossed America’s southern border under the Trump administration, illegally. In February 2021, the USBP calculated 104,000 people crossed illegally. All of them echoed Joe Biden’s welcoming speech of amnesty and open borders.
Dismantling America’s culture, also known as “The American Way,” has been deliberate, steady and ongoing for the past 50 years. Certain interests started attacking our most cherished events such as Christmas, Easter and Halloween. They want them erased. Lately, Megan Markle and Oprah Winfrey have made everyone in Great Britain and America total ‘racists’.
What can you do? You might want to get on the phone and start screaming into your House member and two U.S. Senator’s ears. Not just about the drugs, but about allowing our nation to become a refugee center for the world’s poor, desperate and unending masses.
Dr. Seuss’ “Cat in the Hat” is now a racist book! That’s like saying if you drink white milk instead of chocolate, you’re a racist. If you like daytime more than nighttime, you’re a racist. That’s like saying the reason that Tom Brady won the Superbowl stems from the fact that he enjoys “White Privilege.”
For some reason, American voters continue voting Senators and House Members into office with huge paychecks term after term, but those elected officials fail to accomplish anything from year to year and in many cases, from decade to decade. I personally write my Golden City Council, governor of Colorado, state senators, two U.S. Senators and my House member…regularly.
Do you realize we suffer a lot of stupid people in Congress and in the White House that are taking our country for a ‘ride’? I mean, Joe Dementia closes down the oil pipeline only to open up our borders for the human invasion violating our laws. He celebrates BLM, but won’t honor our borders or our U.S. Constitution.
Today, biological DNA males enjoy legal competition against biological DNA females. The same goes for those DNA males walking into DNA female bathrooms. Those same DNA males can out-muscle, out run, out hit, out wrestle and outperform any and all DNA females.
The freezing event in Texas last week stands as a precursor of what’s coming to all of America. The electrical grid crashed. People died. Chaos dominated. Confusion spread. Anger multiplied. It’s confounding to this writer that few leaders address it, and the entire mainstream media avoid this issue and even suppress it at all costs.
As a former math-science teacher, it perked my ears to hear that the term “mathematics” is America’s newest ‘racist’ equation. In other words, some pretty higher-ups have equated excellence in math to racism. From Euclidian geometry to Newton’s calculus, we now find that such intellectual practices are now regarded as racist in America.
That’s truer today than in his time when we actually enjoyed Americans attempting to move our country forward. Today, we’ve got a Somalian refugee in the House of Representatives trying to dismantle our political and economic system while she supports installing Islamic Sharia Law in place of our U.S. Constitution
For the past four decades, 535 men and women elected to serve our U.S. Constitution failed to not only uphold our laws, but undermined our laws in deference to lawbreakers. Upon being elected, each one of them swore on a Bible to uphold the Constitution of the United States. Additionally, we see governors, mayors and city council members breaking our laws.
This past weekend, my wife Sandi and I watched a documentary of WWII in color. It covered Hitler’s rise, Mussolini, and the Emperor of Japan. Hirohito. It covered incredible atrocities from the Auschwitz death camps, 12 of them in Germany and Poland, that killed six million Jewish people by gas, machine gun slaughter and plowing them under.
On social media, you might have seen Captain Jean Luc Picard shaking his head in disgust while uttering, “We spent $738 billion in defense in 2020, but the Capitol Building on January 6th was taken over by the Duck Dynasty and a guy in a deer skin bikini with horns for a hat.”
As it is, I pray each day for world peace, health for everyone, tranquility for America, and I wish every human being the very best in his or her own journey. After these 74 years of world travel, I know every human being tries to live as decently as possible. For the ugly humans in the world, I wish them commensurate Karma.
Don’t you feel safer today with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in power? How about Charles Schumer leader of our U.S. Senate? What about the presidency led by Joe Biden? Have they fulfilled their oaths of office to protect all American citizens…in the last 30 to 47 years serving in Washington DC?
America’s new president vowed to open the borders, tear down the existing wall, no deportations for violating our laws, and promises to give amnesty for 25 million people who arrived illegally and without invitation. Along with their children. Without sovereign borders, America is no longer a country.
Our country stands on the edge of a cliff racially, economically, environmentally, sociologically, culturally and linguistically. We also face, along with the rest of the world, the greatest threat to our existence as to “catastrophic climate destabilization.”
Joe “Post Turtle” Biden named African-American Kristen Clarke to head the Civil Rights Division of the United States once he becomes president. She said in an interview that her job was simple: “End hate!” There’s only one problem: she’s an out and out purveyor of racism.
As a stepfather, I know and understand the trials and tribulations of stepping into an “already created” family by another man. It’s a landmine waiting to be stepped-on by unsuspecting single males.
Half the people in America scratch their heads in wonderment concerning the Biden Administration. How did Joe Biden, after 47 years of accomplishing about as much as a chicken scratching in the dirt for worms, ascend to the presidency of the United States?
As of last night’s results in Georgia, the democratic party will now be able to run roughshod over the other half of our country’s citizens. It’s a clean sweep of power, money and influence. The mainstream media made it possible along with the CIA, FBI and corruption of the Deep State that pulls all the levers of power.
We elect our presidents and Congresses to fix, repair and solve our national problems. As we enter 2021, however, we will discover that they won’t solve any of our major problems in the next 52 weeks. Why is that? Answer: they didn’t solve those problems in the past 52 weeks.
What about our political divide? How do the 74 million Americans who voted for Trump all of a sudden support Biden who has insulted half the country with his vitriolic statements? What happens when half our elected officials despise the other half—and then work against each other? They get paid enormous salaries, yet get nothing done to solve any of our problems.
At the end of 2020 and the beginning of 2021, you might consider your life on this planet as an “eternity” of 80 years, give or take. You may choose any style, any path and any attitude. You may live large, average or choose a “meek” existence. It’s up to you. It’s your choice. It’s your individual “eternity.”
Merry Christmas to you and yours during these waning days of 2020. May the birth of Jesus soothe your soul and inspire the days ahead of you. May your generous love for your family sustain them, bring joy and hope.
As a country, we faced horrific upheaval racially, sociologically and ethnically. We’ve sown the seeds of our own demise since 1965. We’ve carried on two empty and meaningless wars since 2001. Those wars cost us thousands of young men and women in combat, but we suffered an astounding 114,000 suicides of active and retired military from the Afghanistan and Iraq Wars.
Why would Mexico with all its natural resources, oil reserves and hardworking people be considered a “failed-country?” Why would it house the most violent drug cartels in the Western hemisphere? Why would 15-million of Mexico’s citizens illegally migrate into the United States? Why does Mexico’s elite do little to correct the inequitable wage norms...
If you haven’t seen the video, watch it for your children. They walk right into the crosshairs of the future of our country: This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced.
At some point when enough Americans realize that they are losing their country, we can drive this issue to the forefront of the mainstream media, or, at least create a grassroots revolution to stop all immigration into our country—that’s if we want to survive the 21st century as a viable and sustainable civilization.
Harris will promote unlimited immigration from all third world countries and all their refugees. That will flood this country with millions of people from Africa, India, China, Mexico and every failed country in the world. She will promote open borders, citizenship for 25 million illegals...
America cannot become the "charity ward" for the world's desperate people. We cannot degrade our citizens for Mexico or Central America's poor. We cannot save Africa's refugees when we suffer 13 million American children living in poverty and 1.5 million homeless. We cannot pay for immigrants' food, housing and education when we're $26 trillion in national debt.
Little known to most Americans, Bill Clinton, via “Executive Order 13166,” made it mandatory that Americans pay for all document translations for over 100 languages of immigrants in America. It costs billions of taxpayer dollars. Further it allows immigrants to maintain their own languages to the detriment of everyone’s wallet.
Joe Biden promised amnesty for 25 million illegal aliens. He promised the tear down all of the Wall separating Mexico with America. He promised amnesty for 800,000 plus DACA illegal aliens. He promised thousands more work visas into the USA, which adds endless population surges. He promises to open the borders again to immigration from Muslim countries.
With recent events across America, whether it’s a 50-50 split on the presidential election, prolific anarchy in our cities or a racial divide as wide as the Grand Canyon, we’re facing tremendous riffs from our youth, our 45 million immigrants who were not born here, and our economy.
Finally, why would Biden do that to us? Why did Obama do it? Why did they want to see America fragment into opposing groups? Some pundits say it’s “The Kalergi Plan” being thrust upon our civilization to fragment all of us into opposing tribes. Others say there are some very powerful men in high places that want to see the United States of America implode.
Yesterday, my wife Sandi and I shopped at a Costco store in Denver, Colorado. It sounded and felt like shopping in different countries with so many languages being spoken and strange modes of dress. We encountered immigrants from Pakistan, India, Mexico, China, Vietnam, Somalia, China and another half dozen countries.
Joe Biden promised amnesty for 25 million illegal aliens. He promised to tear down 400 miles of the Wall separating Mexico with America. He promised amnesty for 800,000 plus DACA illegal aliens. He promised thousands more work visas into the USA, which adds endless population surges.
Therefore, I will return next Monday with a critical analysis of what happened and what’s going to happen to our country. In the meantime, enjoy a heartwarming story of human kindness from New Zealand.
Never have we seen such anarchy in our country as we’ve seen in the past six months with Antifa and Black Lives Matter. Never have we seen such disregard for Old Glory. Never have we seen looting, burning and mayhem on the level of 2020. And, never have we seen governmental agencies breaking the law while creating bogus charges against a sitting president.
Have you noticed that Joe Biden intends to open our borders to unlimited illegal and legal immigration? Have you noticed what’s happening to our country, its quality of life, our culture, our cities and our language? Have you noticed what’s happening to our children rioting and the rule of law? Have you noticed the latest lootings and riots in Philadelphia?
Biden would give 23 to 25 million foreigners instant access to America’s welfare, food, medical, education and housing programs—instead of American citizens. He would reward lawlessness with extraordinary benefits paid for by your tax dollars.
Therefore, this column represents most people in America. It represents our highest and best as human beings. And I must share with you: we’re going to come through this tempest because we love America, even with its warts and shortfalls. It’s our only home. It’s not like we can move to Africa, India, China or Mexico for a better life. All of us of every race, color and racial group need to come together.
After 47 years of lies, corruption and malfeasance, candidate for the presidency, Joe Biden continues to make a mockery of integrity, honesty and decency. He lies so much, he can’t tell the truth from a lie, and he can’t cover them up. He sniffs little girls’ hair and fondles them.
How much damage are we doing to Nature? Today, 75 percent of all land has been severely altered by human actions along with 66 percent of the world’s marine environments. I’ve reported that we kill 100 million sharks annually and have been since 1990. Any thought about killing the whales and fish stocks via 20-mile-long drift nets behind massive trawlers?
When the Founders walked out of Constitution Hall in 1789, a reporter asked Ben Franklin, “What kind of government have you formed for the colonies?” Franklin replied, “A constitutional republic…if you can keep it.” Our form of government possesses several flaws: 1. It requires an educated citizenry with the ability to think critically. We’re losing that in the United States with over 40 million functionally illiterate Americans and growing by millions of illiterate children in our inner cities.
Never have SO many E-mails dropped into my mailbox from readers not only in the USA, but all over the world. It shows the reach of NWV around the globe. You might want to understand that the same immigration invasion dilemma occurs in Canada, Australia and Europe. It’s unending and growing.
As this series nears an ending, it portends the termination of the United States as a vibrant, viable and sustainable civilization. Think India! It too, faces unsolvable problems with irreversible consequences. Closer to home, think Mexico. Same nightmare! Exponential growth cannot be sustained; it always leads to collapse of any civilization.
After reading the first part of this two-part series on the coming break up of America, you’re probably heartsick or sick to your stomach. You can feel the invasion quickening in every corner of the country. It’s not your imagination, either. This nation-destroying nightmare is happening to you, your friends and your state.
America faces the most critical juncture in its 244-year history. This entire BLM and Antifa anarchy must be stopped, or they will continue to be emboldened while our law enforcement and elected officials enable them to continue burning, looting and killing cops. Indolent Americans sit on their Lazy Boy recliners wielding a remote while their country fractures before their eyes.
We face a drastic if not sobering choice in the coming election. If Biden succeeds to the White House, we face open borders without restraints. We face violence supported by liberal leaders in major cities such as Detroit, Minneapolis, NYC, Los Angeles, Seattle, Portland and many others. We face dismantling of law and order in our country.
If he (Biden) wins, it wouldn’t be a “Biden Administration” but it would be a “Harris Administration” because Joe Biden may not live out four more years. Most expect him to be incapacitated in office while being totally incompetent to serve as president of the United States.
“Thank you for joining me, again,” said Mr. Carlson. “We received hundreds of responses from your first visit. You’ve opened a can of worms for the American people.”
If we don’t stop all immigration, not only can we NOT save them, we won’t be able to save ourselves. We will face unsolvable problems with irreversible consequences.
The single worst bill passed by our U.S. Congress: the 1965 Immigration Reform Act. The late Senator Teddy Kennedy, the perpetrator of the bill, could be named the “Father of the Destruction of America.”
Today, China adds 27 million new cars, net gain, to their highways annually as they race, like the Kentucky Derby, to surpass the United States. In his book, Kunstler said that by 2030, China with 1.4 billion people, will be burning 98 million barrels of oil on its own, annually.
As we dive deeper into this series, do you feel a sense of alarm? How scared out of your wits are you? What about your children who will be caught in the middle of this human tidal wave or better yet, a “Human Katrina?” And like Katrina, meteorologists warned everyone to get out of New Orleans.
What makes me sick stems from the fact that some intellectual ‘giants’ send me information that the human race could be stuck in the middle of Texas with a couple acres extra for each family. They think we could add another 10-20 billion humans without any problems.
If BLM anarchists wanted to improve America, they might start by rebuilding, refurbishing and improving their citizens in Baltimore, Detroit and Chicago. Blacks dominate those towns, but thus far this year more Blacks suffer deaths from other Blacks than any police shootings X’s into the hundreds.
Can Black people be forced not to be racist against White people in our free society? Can White people be forced not to be racist toward Black people? Can racism be halted by laws? Thus far, no amount of education, laws or mandates has stopped racism in any country around the world.
But last week, my friend informed me that one of his boys continually cheats on his wife over the past five years to a point that his wife set in motion divorce proceedings. My friend felt deep embarrassment that his son betrayed the mother of his grandchildren.
First, your 80 years on this planet constitute your personal eternity. That means you choose what happens, how it happens and for how long. You choose to learn as much as you can during your schooling. You choose to care for your body-temple by your actions or inactions.
In this current, high-speed world, loaded with cell phones, glitz and glamour movie stars, along with obnoxious amounts of wealth—it’s easy to look at your own life in comparison.
Last year, a new friend asked me to go on a bicycle journey with him down the West Coast from Canada to Mexico. The journey encompassed 2,000 miles of the Pacific Ocean, mountains, beaches, seabirds, whales, seals, otters, dolphins and endless beauty.
What happens to the soil when you must feed an added 100 million more people to America? What happens to irrigation systems? What happens to ground water when you spray poisons or inject them into the fields? What happens to your health when you eat those poisoned foods from those fields? What happens when you eat genetically modified foods?
With Antifa and BLM burning and looting with no constructive plans other than anarchy---we all face cultural suicide at an accelerating speed. A Constitutional Republic must maintain a majority of morally, ethically based, and responsible citizens in order to thrive.
Finally, we need to move on these points NOW, not later, not in five years, and not sometime in the future. If you have more solutions, please write me. Do you see that I am describing a future that allows no escape if we don’t change course?
My brother Rex who lives in Europe said, “I can unequivocally say, America doesn’t stand a chance of surviving as a viable and cohesive civilization if it continues endless immigration. Every American should read Douglas Murray’s The Strange Death of Europe: Islam, Immigration, Identity. That book will rip you open to your core.”
First of all, this series will distress you. It will simply present the facts that are headed your way. You can dismiss them, or, you can take action. This series will give you action items. If you and the rest of America ignore the facts, you and your children will become victims of the facts.
If we don’t change course, I guarantee you the future for your children is screwed beyond anything you can imagine. Are you buckled up because it’s going to be a very rough ride? If you can’t see what’s coming, this series will spell it out for you.
The mayor of Portland, Oregon, Ted Wheeler, for the past 46 days, watched and supported Antifa and Black Lives Matter anarchists, burn and loot his city. In the past two days, those criminals attempted to burn and loot the county courthouse. When President Trump sent in federal agents to defend the city, Mr. Wheeler condemned the president for bringing law and order to Portland.
For some reason in the summer of 2020, every White person in America seems to be the cause of every person of color’s misfortunes. After one, single, solitary police officer kneed a convicted felon, wife abuser, drug addict, forged money launderer and local porno star George Floyd—the rest of America stands guilty of every sin since Cain murdered Abel.